Harbor Branch launches first
citizen-science study. P8
Shores approves
Surfsedge zoning. P10
Atlantic Classical Orchestra
moves to Community Church. P9
Ocean Drive condo For breaking news visit
fined for violating
sea turtle light law Vero beachside
having a busy
summer season
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Vero Beach police code en- Proposed new sidewalk but narrow bike lane along A1A stir controversy. Bike lane story, P7. Sidewalk Op-Ed, P 30. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD The trend toward busier
forcement officers have issued summer seasons inVero Beach
citations to a central beach Hospital District grapples with indigent care is continuing and even accel-
condominium complex and erating this year, with bustling
the owners of an oceanfront BY MICHELLE GENZ from dilapidated houses half- program for environmental shops and restaurants, full ho-
home for violating the city’s Staff Writer hidden by a wild overgrowth health, has in separate trips tels and record beach atten-
“dark beach” ordinance after of vegetation in a four-block taken trustees Allen Jones, dance during what used to be
scores of newly-hatched sea Over the past month or so, pocket of extreme poverty just Ann Marie McCrystal and a sleepy part of the year.
turtles crawled toward busy Hospital District trustees, one across and down the road from Tracey Zudans over the rut-
Ocean Drive instead of toward by one, have gotten a very dif- the hospital. ted dirt roads of Gifford and “Costa d’Este has had a great
the ocean itself, and at least ferent view of Indian River West Wabasso in her minivan summer so far, with business
four were killed by cars. Medical Center – the view Julianne Price, head of the levels higher than we have
Health Department’s PACE CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 seen in previous summer sea-
Vero Beach’s turtle light- sons,” says Amanda Aucoin,
ing ordinance, first adopted the Ocean Drive hotel’s direc-
in 1990 and amended several tor of sales and marketing.
times, bans lights from shin-
ing onto the beach during “We’ve been full every day
nesting season which runs this summer,” says Jeanne Ra-
from March 1 through Oct. 31. dlet, general manager at The
The law is aimed at prevent- Driftwood Resort for the past
ing hatchlings from crawling 30 years.
toward man-made light in-
stead of being guided back to “This has been our busiest
the ocean by moon and star- summer yet, with a lot more
vacationers and more people
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 moving down here,” says Ma-
Environmental Learning CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
Center unveils ambitious
masterplan for expansion MY Derelict sailboat abandoned in lagoon
towed off by local resident, taken to landfill
Staff Writer Staff Writer River Lagoon south of the
17th Street bridge, where,
After more than a year of Maybe you’ve noticed: The I’m guessing, it will remain
planning and speculation, boat is gone. until it rots away.
details of the Environmental
Learning Center’s multimil- Not the partially burned, The other one – the aban-
lion-dollar expansion project mostly sunken and totally doned sailboat that some-
trashed catamaran that still
August 9, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 32 Newsstand Price $1.00 ‘Back to School’
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Environmental center a 641-square-foot lagoon terrace. at the western base of the Wabasso In 2016, the ELC completed an
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The agenda for the Aug. 13 preplan- Bridge on the 510 causeway. Since American Alliance of Museums’ Mu-
its genesis in 1988, it has become the seum Assessment Program, and Stein-
are finally available – and impressive. ning conference did not include spe- epicenter of nature education, explo- wald says the new masterplan follows
The agenda for an upcoming Indian cific cost figures. ration and hands-on experiences for the external review in “a natural pro-
adults, families and especially school gression” that takes advantage of the
River County Technical Review Com- “We are extremely excited to be children in Indian River County. Museum Assessment’s in-depth anal-
mittee meeting reveals that the project completing the master plan in prepa- ysis of community demographics and
– which the ELC has termed “a multi- ration for entering our new decade But, after nearly three decades, the suggested best practices for an organi-
phase, multiyear growth process” of life,” says Environmental Learn- Center’s wide range of programs and zation like the Environmental Learn-
– will include a 23,455-square-foot ing Center Executive Director Molly participation has far outgrown its ex- ing Center.
interpretive center; a 4,750-square- Steinwald. She expects it will take sev- isting facilities.
foot volunteer training and grounds eral years to raise funds for the major, “No one else can say that they are
stewardship center; a 2,500-square- multi-building expansion, so visitors ELC leaders decided last year to a nature center in the middle of the
foot education/event pavilion; a won’t “see any major physical change undertake the expansion project to Indian River Lagoon,” Steinwald says
1,350-square-foot “critter corner;” and to campus” this year. better meet the needs of a growing, happily, pointing to the ELC’s 64 acres
changing demographic and work be- of land and mid-lagoon location as
The Environmental Learning Center gan on a masterplan. among the organization’s greatest as-
is located on a 64-acre island campus sets, creating not only an opportunity
but also “a responsibility to use all its
resources to focus on carrying out
our mission: ‘to educate, inspire, and
empower all people to be active stew-
ards of the environment and their own
ELC board member Cindy O’Dare
shares Steinwald’s excitement. “It’ll be
a feather in ELC’s cap, and put us on
the map in a big way,” she says of the
expansion. “We can become an eco-
tourism destination.”
A not-for-profit 501(c)3, the ELC is
open Tuesday through Sunday, with
a staff of 14 and more than 260 volun-
teers, including a 15-member board of
directors and a 15-member founda-
tion board.
My Vero
how was set adrift and became stuck
on a sandbar, approximately 250 yards
south of the Barber Bridge and less
than 15 yards west of the Intracoastal
Waterway channel.
That boat, which hadn’t moved
since April and was declared a “der-
elict vessel” by the Florida Fish &
Wildlife Conservation Commission
two months ago, finally disappeared
in July.
“We disposed of it,” Pebble Bay
resident and local attorney Kiernan
Moylan said.
Actually, he disposed of it – and not
for the reason you might suspect.
If Moylan’s name looks familiar, it
could be because you’ve seen his cam-
paign signs around town. He’s a can-
didate for county judge. And while
some cynics might think he saw re-
moving the sailboat from our lagoon
as a chance to grab some free publicity,
Moylan flatly denied any such intent.
“That’s NOT why I did it,” he said,
insisting his motive was pure. “I did
it because I love our river. I own boats
and I love to be out on the water, espe-
cially on our beautiful river.
“I’d drive over the bridge every day
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 3
and see those disabled boats, and it his 15-foot Boston Whaler, sealed two vessel until he could arrange to dis- er borrowed from Boo MacIntyre of
was upsetting – because they were an small holes in the sailboat’s cabin and, pose of it. Vero Marine Center, Moylan hauled it
ugly sight. I really do fear that, if you using a pump borrowed from David to its final resting place at the Indian
leave one derelict boat out there, it Vatland of Vatland Honda Marine, On July 24 – this time accompanied River County landfill.
gets easier to leave the next one, then spent 2 ½ hours pumping out water. by his 11-year-old son, Liam – Moylan
the next one, and so on. towed the sailboat to the Sebastian As for any publicity he might’ve re-
Then, after waiting for high tide, River Marina & Boatyard in Micco, ceived for doing a good civic and eco-
“So, I decided to do something.” Moylan used his 34-foot boat to pull where the mast and keel were re- logical deed, it wasn’t free: Removing
His plan was to do something quiet- the sailboat off the sandbar and tow moved. the disabled sailboat and disposing of
ly, he maintains, not to draw attention it to the municipal marina, where it cost him about $500, not including
to himself. But as Moylan embarked city officials allowed him to moor the The next day, after the marina crew the time he invested.
on his boat-removal project, which re- loaded the boat’s remains onto a trail-
quired him to discuss the project with
people at the FWC, City Hall and the COMPLETED! NEW CONSTRUCTION
Vero Beach Municipal Marina, word
began to spread. Exclusively John’s Island
“Once it got out,” he said, “a lot of
people started asking me about it.” READY TO MOVE IN! Refined elegance prevails in this exceptional,
He had plenty to tell them. newly built 4BR+Office retreat nestled on a private cul-de-sac. Designed
For weeks after the sailboat be- by Moor, Baker & Associates Architects, this 7,138± GSF home enjoys
came lodged on the sandbar, Moylan ultimate privacy with desirable SE exposure and long, captivating
watched as the spring rains combined pool and lake views. A charming courtyard entry, distinct architecture,
with water seeping through small holes expansive living spaces, custom finishes, gourmet island kitchen,
in the cabin caused the vessel to list. beverage center, and luxurious master suite complete the picture.
It was in late May that he ap- 791 Shady Lake Lane : $4,350,000
proached city officials about his will-
ingness to remove the sailboat from three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
the lagoon. Shortly afterward, he health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
learned from the FWC that the boat’s
owner, whom he identified as Daniel 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL : JohnsIslandRealEstate.com
Dibble of Rochester, N.Y., had died.
As Moylan tells it: Dibble was pay-
ing to have the sailboat moored lo-
cally, but after he died and the pay-
ments were no longer being made, the
boat mysteriously was set adrift in the
lagoon, where it ran aground on the
“Before a government agency can
remove a derelict vessel, it must give
legal notice to the owner, who has 45
days to remove it,” Moylan said. “But
because the owner had died and there
was no estate, the FWC couldn’t give
notice, so no government agency
could remove the boat.
“If I hadn’t acted, it probably would
still be there.”
Moylan said the FWC located Dibble’s
mother in Rochester, and he tried to
call her, leaving messages that weren’t
returned. So, he followed up with an
email and she finally responded.
“I offered to handle the whole thing,
free of charge, in exchange for a re-
lease of liability,” Moylan said. “I told
her I’d remove the boat from the water
and dispose of it.”
She agreed, and he followed
through, taking action earlier than he
had first planned because the boat’s
condition was deteriorating.
On July 4, while cruising the lagoon
on one of his boats, Moylan checked
on the stranded vessel and noticed it
was close to rolling on its side.
“I knew if the boat were to roll, I def-
initely wouldn’t be able to remove it,”
he said. “So, if I was going to do some-
thing, I needed to do it soon.”
Four days later, Moylan, accom-
panied by local anesthesiologist Phil
Nye, rode to the grounded vessel in
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Indigent care out their days amid addicts and pros- to requested increases from the agen- million for indigent care. If that turns
titutes – all of them in need of health- cies it funds, or inaugurating new pro- out to be $5 million, this millage rates
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 care. They are some of the poorest grams such as the Mental Health Asso- falls to .78, and if it turns out to be less
people in the county, surely some of ciation’s program on school violence. than that, then it falls even further.”
to show them conditions in the neigh- the sickest, and too often, the hardest
borhoods where many of the hospi- for healthcare to reach. The issue of program expansion While the maximum millage rate of
tal’s indigent patients live. first arose in May when the Hospital .9405 can be cut before the budget is
Economically, they are as far down District began looking at raising the finalized, the tentative increase has al-
As the hospital inches forward in the the scale as anyone could be from the income level it uses to define the med- ready led to grumbling.
partnership process with Cleveland affluent residents Cleveland hopes to ically indigent from 150 percent of the
Clinic, the Hospital District Board – lure to its state-of-the-art centers of federal poverty level to 200 percent, “I would caution us not to be mak-
which exists to provide public funds excellence, but they too are patients potentially adding 3,000 poor patients ing these kinds of decisions hastily,”
for indigent healthcare – is beginning Cleveland will soon be treating – if all to the 4,000 the District currently helps said trustee Zudans at that May meet-
to ponder its own future mission. goes well with the planned acquisition care for. The move would cost another ing. “To jump from 150 to 200 percent
of Indian River Medical Center. $2.4 million, and that estimate is be- costs us conservatively $2.4 million? I
And as board members debate their lieved to be conservative. mean, our taxpayers . . .”
dollars-and-cents commitments to The disparate groups are physi-
various agencies that provide health- cally close in terms of geography but In June, the Hospital District Board “Well, you can ignore that [the need]
care to the poor, stepping out of the from separate worlds when it comes agreed to let Treasurer Allen Jones re- exists [even though] it’s been brought
boardroom into the worst of the coun- to health and healthcare. As proof: the search ways to better serve the Gifford to our attention by United Way big
ty’s poverty cannot help but bring a life expectancy of the residents of Gif- community by expanding services at time and every other agency,” said
sense of urgency. ford and Wabasso is a decade shorter the Gifford Health Center, questioning trustee McCrystal. “You can ignore it
than their neighbors across the bridge whether the Hospital District-built- and forget it . . . or you can address it,
The debate centers on this question: on the barrier island. and-owned center was being utilized and just bite the bullet and fork it out.
If Cleveland Clinic takes on greater re- to its full potential. It exists out there, and you know the
sponsibility for indigent care in Indian At its other hospitals, Cleveland people that are affected.”
River County, should the Hospital Dis- Clinic offers free emergency care to But at the same June meeting, there
trict cut taxes to reflect a reduced need uninsured people earning up to 250 were questions about whether to fund Trustee Zudans, who was appointed
for taxpayer funded care? Or should percent of poverty guidelines, and dis- Indian River Medical Center’s full re- by Gov. Scott to the District Board and
the District use the money it has to ex- counts for those earning up to 400 per- quest for indigent care since Cleveland faces a challenger in the November
pand care for the poor? cent of guidelines, provided patients Clinic could take over at least partial election, made clear she is not eager
are residents of the county where the responsibility for those costs midway to put the burden of healthcare for the
The decision is complicated by hospital is located. As in Vero, patients through the fiscal year. poor on taxpayers.
the fact that Cleveland’s takeover of at Cleveland Clinic are screened for
IRMC is not yet a done deal, leaving Medicaid eligibility. At its July 25 meeting, the District “Some of the programs that exist are
the details of what indigent care it will approved a tentative budget that hikes better funded by philanthropy,” she
provide unclear, even as the District That is a more generous policy than the tax millage rate to a maximum of said last week, reached on a vacation
comes up on the deadline for putting the Hospital District’s and if Cleveland .9405, despite an increase in property with her family. “We have an amazing
next year’s budget in place. Clinic takes on more of the burden values expected to bring in close to $1 philanthropic community and I feel
of caring for the indigent across the million more than last year with the they would love the opportunity to be
Price has been taking board mem- board, the Hospital District will be in current millage rate of .8894. The .9405 more informed about these programs
bers on tours to help them understand a position to reduce taxes or expand rate means property owners would and be able to participate.
what is at stake as they wrestle with programming. pay 94 cents for each thousand dollars
the complicated budget situation. of taxable real estate value to provide “I am concerned about the talk of
But a definitive agreement is now healthcare for the poor. expansion of programs when they’re
Few outsiders ever penetrate these past due from Cleveland Clinic nego- going through this great transition, this
neighborhoods that Price is intimately tiators, and the delay has frustrated “I would point out that the biggest huge transaction, until it’s complete
familiar with – certainly not most resi- Hospital District trustees who want to amount of increase in this is for IRMC,” and we’ve ironed out all the wrinkles,”
dents of the barrier island, a bridge see and mull over the specifics of the Jones told the board. “They had a $1.2 Zudans went on. “I think programming
away, or Grand Harbor, a mile away. Cleveland’s charity care policy before million increase over what was bud- [changes] should be based on what the
setting a final tax rate, or committing geted a year ago. That’s a total of $7.5 Hospital District will become after the
On nameless roads that don’t show transaction.”
up on county maps, the elderly live
ServiceMaster By Glenn’s
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 5
Busy summer more customers this year than in pre- total of $273,047 in tourism revenue to $182,547 in May 2017, said Allison
vious years,” with most coming from was collected during May, June and McNeal, director of tourism for In-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 other parts of Florida. July in 2009. That total climbed to dian River County Chamber of Com-
$568,853 last summer and the trend merce. Occupancy rates for hotel and
rissa Young, manager of The Lemon According to county records, sum- is continuing. other resort housing were up 9.5 per-
Tree restaurant on Ocean Drive, across mer tourism revenue from the bed cent in June.
from Costa and Driftwood. “We have tax has more than doubled during Bed tax revenue for May 2018 was
the past eight years. For example, a $192,149, up 12.8 percent compared CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Busy summer “I spend the majority of the market- good. Customers are coming primar- Sea turtle law violations
ing budget during the summer when ily from Florida – Sarasota, Tampa, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 we need tourism the most,” McNeal Jacksonville, Miami and Fort Lauder-
said. “We have focused heavily on dale. We also have customers from light. Penalties can range up to a $500
With all those visitors, Vero’s beach- earned media and press trips that Washington, D.C., New York and New fine and 60 days in jail.
es were busier than ever, pulling teens, have garnered major articles for the Jersey. Summer travel with kids and
couples and families who also patron- destination in the last several years. families.” The Village Spires Condominium at
ize beachside restaurants. This year much of our advertising ef- 3554 Ocean Drive and the rental home
forts have been focused in the Orlan- Florida’s rapidly growing popula- owned by a Miami couple right at the
“June 2018 broke the record for do market.” tion – up more than 3 million in the south end of the Conn Beach board-
having the largest attendance at the past decade, from less than 18 mil- walk received citations and fines last
beach ever recorded in any month, The targeted marketing seems to be lion to more than 21 million – a full month for violating the ordinance by
with over 110,000 people within and paying off. schedule of training camps and tour- displaying lights that draw turtles in-
near the guarded beaches [on Vero’s naments at Historic Dodgertown, a land, according to Lt. Dan Cook, head
barrier island] since we started track- Radlet said most of Driftwood’s successful push by island hotels to of the police department’s code en-
ing attendance in 2011,” according summer customers are Florida resi- attract weddings and family reunions forcement division.
to the Vero Beach Lifeguard Associa- dents, and Mary Jane Morton, manag- and draw more locals to their bars and
tion. er of The Islander Inn on Ocean Drive, spas all are factors helping drive the Cook said the Village Spires has a
said many of her guests come from increase in summer business. hearing scheduled before the Code En-
“The attendance record was shat- Orlando and other large Florida cities forcement Board this week for failing to
tered [with 10,000 more visitors than such as Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Longtime island real estate bro- correct the problem. Police also issued
in any prior month] even though there ker Christine McLaughlin, who lives a warning to the Racquet Club Condo-
were many afternoons in June when “They just want to get away from and works in Central Beach, says this minium Association, and had the Pub-
lightening and stormy weather caused the traffic, pollution, crime and all the summer has been the busiest ever. lic Works Department turn off a street
beach patrons to cut their beach day craziness,” Morton said. “Vero Beach “You can’t find a parking spot on light adjacent to the Racquet Club
short.” has clean neighborhoods, lots of con- Ocean or Cardinal.” across the street from Conn Beach.
venient parking, and it’s safe and low-
July saw a new beach attendance key. It’s a great place to relax . . . This “We’re very busy in the summer Last month’s misguided turtle mi-
record as well, with 92,000 visitors, up summer we’ve been sold out almost from mid-June through August [now],” gration came to light after Kelly and
from the previous July high of 84,000 every day.” says Radlet. Tim Ward of Vero Beach and several
in 2017. others encountered newly-hatched
“Business has been outstanding,” “The only time things slow down loggerhead sea turtles scurrying to-
McNeal credits stronger promotion agrees Vero Beach Hotel and Spa gen- nowadays is after school resumes,” ward Ocean Drive near the southern
efforts and an increase in summer eral manager Awet Sium. Morton adds. “By October the busy end of the boardwalk.
events and activities as driving forces [winter] season has already started
behind increased summer tourism. “We’ve had a substantially better again.”
summer than last summer. So far so
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 7
Kelly Ward said they scooped up The county’s sea turtle coordinator Kelly Walsh of Schlitt Property the Racquet Club after learning of the
the tiny animals in one of the rescu- Kendra Cope and her staff notified Lt. Management, which took over man- nearby turtle stranding.
ers’ skirts and released them into the Cook about the incident. agement of the Village Spires from AR
ocean, just as members of Indian Riv- Choice Aug. 1, said she just received He said the light will stay off un-
er County’s sea turtle team arrived on “The primary goal of code enforce- a copy of the code enforcement sum- til the department obtains a shield
the scene. ment is to educate,” Cook said.“We don’t mons last Friday. Walsh said over- or a turtle light that shines straight
want to fine anybody unless they are not head lights in the pool area and lights down.
Altogether, about 50 baby turtles doing the right thing. We want to make around the clubhouse have been
were returned to the ocean, but at sure everyone comes into compliance. turned off while “we’re trying to de- Fletcher said he knows of no other
least four were killed by passing cars. We want to make sure the turtles make it termine what amber lighting would problems with city street lights at-
Many more never were found. to the ocean. We’re doing everything we be acceptable to the city.” Amber tracting turtles.”We haven’t had any
can to make that happen . . . [and] we’re lights do not attract turtles landward. issues with that. This is the first time
Ward said rescuing the turtles was going to get aggressive with it.” we’ve had a call in 15-16 years.”
rewarding. “I’m sad they went in the Vero Beach Utilities Director Ted
wrong direction and glad there were Cook said his officers issue an aver- Fletcher said he directed his crews A representative of the Racquet
people there to get them back to age of a dozen “dark beach” citations to disconnect the street light next to Club’s management company said
where they should be.” each season. she had not yet received a copy of the
code enforcement warning.
Enthusiasts seek wider bike lane when A1A is resurfaced next year
BY RAY MCNULTY scheduled to begin next summer at ing or buffering of the existing 4-foot- from 35 mph to 50 mph. A buffered
Staff Writer Tides Road (north of Jaycee Park) and wide bike lane – an omission members bike lane is a conventional bike lane
conclude a year later at Coco Plum of the Vero Cycling Club and Bike- paired with a designated buffer space
Local bicycle enthusiasts have Lane (near Wabasso Beach), includes Walk Indian River County say violates separating the bike lane from the adja-
launched a letter-writing campaign stoplight and drainage improvements, FDOT’s “preferred standards” on the cent motor-vehicle travel lane.
urging the Florida Department of new signage and pavement markings, local roadway most used by cyclists.
Transportation to amend its plan and and the addition of a 6-foot-wide side- Hugh Aaron, an avid cyclist and
install a wider and buffered bike lane walk along the east side of A1A. (The The cycling groups want FDOT to president of the Bike-Walk group,
when it resurfaces a 6.74-mile stretch of sidewalk also is the subject of contro- install a 7-foot-wide, buffered bike said FDOT is missing an opportunity
State Road A1A, north of Central Beach. versy. See Op-Ed column, Page 30.) lane they say is needed to enable cy- to make an “already unsafe” bike lane
clists to safely ride along a two-lane significantly safer.
The $7.5 million project, which is The plans do not include any widen- highway with a speed limit that varies
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bike lane road, we can make the road wide isn’t at least widened to accommodate gin for error for the motor vehicle op-
enough to install the highest-standard cyclists of different skill levels riding at erator to correct or the bicycle rider to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 bike lane,” Pessoa said. “That’s not the widely varying speeds. take evasive action.”
case here. This isn’t a road-widening
“They don’t resurface roadways very project. It’s a resurfacing project on an He wrote that the existing 4-foot- Pessoa said FDOT administrators
often, so this is the worst possible sce- existing roadway, so we have to work wide bike lane isn’t wide enough to al- have received nearly 80 emails from
nario,” Aaron said, “because if they get with what’s already there. low faster riders to pass slower riders, local residents, most of them cyclists.
away with this, there won’t be a safe bike forcing faster riders to leave the bike One of the letters came from State Rep.
lane up there for a long, long time.” “If you go beyond that, it’s a completely lane and enter the travel lane to pass, Erin Grall (R-Vero Beach), who in an
different project,” he continued. “It be- thus increasing the potential for crashes Aug. 2 email expressed her opposition
However, FDOT Project Manager comes a road-widening project, and that involving motor vehicles and bicycles. to the project as proposed – mostly,
Donovan Pessoa said the approved re- would require a whole new authoriza- though, because of her objection to
surfacing, restoration and rehabilita- tion. It also would cost a lot more money.” Bicyclists passing each other also can the planned installation of an east-
tion project does not include any wid- force drivers to cross the center line into side sidewalk she claimed is unwanted
ening of the roadway – something that Aaron, who started the electronic oncoming traffic to maintain the legally and unnecessary. (There already is a
would be necessary to install a wider letter-writing campaign with a July 25 required 3-foot separation between sidewalk on the west side of the road.)
and buffered bike lane. email to FDOT’s district administra- motor vehicles and bicycles, he wrote.
tors, warned of “impending disaster” However, she also wrote: “Due to
“Ideally, when we’re building a new on that stretch of road if the bike lane “All of these vehicles operating in the beauty of this area and the prox-
such tight spaces with such little mar- imity to multiple public beach areas,
gin for error is a recipe for disaster,” this route is extremely popular with
Aaron warned in his email. cyclists. We should take this opportu-
nity to enhance safety and explore the
“If a motor vehicle driver becomes possibility of a wider bike lane.”
momentarily distracted and drifts into
the bike lane, there is virtually no mar-
BY SUE COCKING nology identifies fish swimming through
Staff Writer the lagoon without having to take them
out of the water. Environmental DNA –
Scientists from Florida Atlantic from fish feces, scales or other tiny cells
University's Harbor Branch Oceano- fish leave behind in the water – is ex-
graphic Institute launched the storied tracted and analyzed for unique genetic
research institute’s first-ever citizen- 'barcodes' similar to tags on groceries
science program last month – enlist- that tell what species are present.
ing 60 volunteers as marine research-
ers at Vero Beach's Round Island Park. Researchers compare that informa-
tion with the citizen-scientists' fish
Participants set out in boats and observations to study species’ com-
walked on shore, catching and observ- position and diversity, and establish
ing fish and collecting water samples baselines of what is living in the la-
to help Harbor Branch researchers get goon – an important tool for resource
a better handle on what species live in managers, according to Dr. Gabrielle
the Indian River Lagoon. Barbarite, who runs Harbor Branch's
outreach programs.
The turnout exceeded expectations
and the citizen-scientists did not have "People haven't really categorized
to get wet or handle fish in order to what's out there, so studies like this
gather data. are important for building a data-
base," Barbarite said. "It helps us un-
That's because the new DNAngler derstand what's out there and how it
program's cutting edge molecular tech-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 9
might change over time. The results Dr. Nick Dickens, associate research "It was a very useful thing to do, and tion packets at the Harbor Branch
have really good tie-ins to the health professor at Harbor Branch, is analyzing the more we can involve the commu- visitor center and local bait and
of the lagoon." those samples and expects to have some nity, the better," Dickens said. tackle shops with the aim of enlist-
results in about five to six weeks. The ing a permanent corps of locals who
Barbarite said the inaugural one-day data will be posted on the new DNAn- Dickens and Barbarite want to will collect samples, record fish data
program was a "big hit,” with 35 water gler website (http://www.fau.edu/hboi/ keep the program going and are and keep an eye on conditions in the
samples collected and numerous fish community/dnanglerproject.php). seeking grant money to hold more lagoon.
species observed and recorded. events and distribute water collec-
Atlantic Classical Orchestra moves to Community Church
BY MICHELLE GENZ hood. Even more frustrating for those pricey acoustical redo when its mas- 2016; he is also music director of the
whose idea of an after-party is a pil- sive Lively-Fulcher pipe organ was Delaware Symphony.
Staff Writer low and blanket, the St. Ed’s parking installed in 2013.
lot had only one way out onto A1A, Roden and Amado praised the man-
When Atlantic Classical Orchestra’s and the back-up to exit could last a It’s not impossible that the organ may agement of the Waxlax for accommo-
David Amado decided to perform half-hour or more. one day be featured in an ACO concert, dating them during their tenure.
Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” last year, the Roden said. Collaborations with other
grand music posed a logistical prob- By contrast, Community Church arts organizations are also anticipated. “We are honored that Community
lem: even with the smaller size of has multiple ways out. “You can leave Church’s established and respected
the chamber orchestra, its 45 musi- that church three different ways,” said Roden hopes to fill Community role in cultural leadership now in-
cians plus various community choirs Roden with a laugh. “It’s so easy. It’s Church’s large sanctuary next year for cludes ACO,” Amado added.
couldn’t fit on the stage at St. Ed- beautiful. It’s perfect for us.” the orchestra’s 30th anniversary, so
ward’s School. that founder and conductor Andrew The four concerts at Community
While most of the orchestra’s sea- McMullan, a longtime Vero resident, Church comprise the Masterworks
Instead, the orchestra’s manage- son subscribers live on the island, the can see his orchestra perform in a ven- program. The group’s chamber music
ment decided to use Vero’s Commu- move to the mainland may attract a ue similar to where he first conducted series will continue to be held at the
nity Church, a few blocks north of the new and possibly younger audience, it – at nearby First Baptist Church. Vero Beach Museum of Art’s Leonhardt
mainland downtown. Roden said. Auditorium. Those Sunday afternoon
McMullan retired in 2004 when concerts are almost always sold out.
The concert was a sell-out, and the That sector has been growing in Stewart Robertson took over as music
sound was spectacular. As a result, Stuart, where ACO performs a Friday director. Robertson retired for health In addition to Stuart, ACO also per-
for only the third time in the group’s night concert at 8 p.m., along with a reasons in 2015; Roden said he is do- forms in Palm Beach Gardens at the
29-year history, ACO has decided to typically sold out 4 p.m. concert Friday ing well. Amado became conductor in Eissey Campus Theatre at Palm Beach
move to a new location, leaving St. afternoon. Those concerts are held in State College.
Ed’s Waxlax Theater, its home of more the historic Lyric Theatre, which, like
than a decade, and relocating to Community Church, is near dozens of
Community Church for all four con- bars and restaurants.
certs in its 2019 season.
So far, the commitment at Commu-
For concertgoers, the move solves nity doesn’t extend beyond this year,
two longstanding issues: acoustics though Conductor Amado called the
and parking. And for those with a church “our new home” in an ACO
packed social calendar, a change statement, and said he hoped to have
from Thursday to Tuesday evenings “many wonderful seasons” there.
could mean fewer conflicts, though
the concert in March remains on a Amado called the new space
Thursday evening. “acoustically gratifying.” That was
not always the case with the St. Ed’s
“With all those restaurants down- stage, where the sound, said to be
town, ACO should make a great date more accommodating to voices than
night,” said Cindy Roden, ACO’s di- to instruments, was thin at times
rector of marketing. and seemed to skip over whole sec-
tions of seats. Community Church’s
There are no restaurants in St. sanctuary, by contrast, underwent a
Ed’s south barrier island neighbor-
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10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores approves zoning for Surfsedge development
BY LISA ZAHNER A detailed site plan and other con- the year, but we should have enough The 12 single- family homes will be
Staff Writer struction documents still must go permitting complete to start market- split, six on each side of a short central
through the Shores’ permitting process ing the homes with Dale Sorensen street running east-west from the con-
The 24-home Surfsedge community before construction can begin on the Real Estate – Megan Raasveldt is the dominium to A1A.
– slated to be built on a 5.2-acre oceans- project’s three-story, 12-unit condo- contact person – late this year.”
ide parcel sold at auction in 2017 by the minium and 12 single-family homes, Town ordinance 540, introduced in
Town of Indian River Shores – is one but the proper zoning is now in place. “The condominium is a three-story June, and finalized on July 26, officially
step closer to becoming a reality after building – two living levels of 6 homes rezoned the parcel from multifam-
the Town Council unanimously ap- “We are super excited to move into each over parking with a roof top ame- ily residential to a Planned Residential
proved two ordinances needed for the the permitting stage for Surfsedge,” nity space – and it is on the eastern Development. The town had split the
Naples-based Lutgert Companies’ de- said Lutgert Project Manager Mike edge of our property overlooking the property into three smaller lots for auc-
velopment plan to move forward. Hoyt. “We foresee the entire permit- county property and the Atlantic,” tion, with the idea that the sale might
ting process taking us into the first of Hoyt said. attract buyers wishing to purchase large
estate homesites, but the whole parcel
was also on offer and the land ended up
selling to the Naples’ developer.
The parcel had been zoned for up
to 30 units, optimal zoning to fetch a
higher price for the land, according
to appraisals which predicted up to
$7.7 million would be gleaned from
the sale. The town actually received
$4.48 million from Lutgert via the May
6, 2017 auction conducted by former
county commissioner Wesley Davis.
For neighbors in adjacent Pebble
Beach Villas and Pebble Bay across
A1A, the auction was somewhat con-
troversial. At first residents didn’t un-
derstand why the town was declaring
the property surplus, and wanted it
preserved as a park for public use.
When that proposal failed to gain
traction, neighbors dug in to preserve
their long-standing, customary beach
access across the property.
Developer Ed Schlitt, who owned
the property while building the Pebble
Bay community and neighboring Peb-
ble Beach Villas, sold the property to
Indian River County in the 1980s with
the understanding that beach access
would be preserved.
But the public access provision
agreed to by the county did not pass
with the deed when the Shores ac-
quired the parcel in a 1993 land swap,
even though the Town – which fenced
the property – continued to allow ca-
sual beach access. There was a well-
worn path where residents who live
west of A1A traipsed to the ocean
through an open gate.
Town officials, concerned about the
liability of people jaywalking across
A1A and traversing an undeveloped,
unpatrolled parcel of land, considered
closing off that access when the land
was sold, but ultimately decided to al-
low a permanent 5-foot pathway on
the south end of the parcel abutting
Pebble Beach Villas.
“The five-foot pathway to the beach
that benefits the residents along the
west side of A1A was shown in the
drawings,” Town Clerk Laura Aldrich
noted in a news bulletin emailed to
residents about the council action.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Heightened sense of purpose at Aerial Antics circus
Staff Writer
Inspiration and positivity oozed Aerial Antics Youth Circus. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE & STEPHANIE LABAFF friendship,” said Justine Higgins.
from the rafters of the Saint Edward’s Madison Torrent, a 14-year
School Gonzalez Activities Center four-decade-long history of providing don’t succumb to the negativity in the
gymnasium last weekend, as nearly a healthy outlet for children. world and keep your head up.” participant, said it has helped her to
250 performers wowed the audience develop self-confidence and to always
at the 44th annual Aerial Antics Youth “There’s a lot of negativity in the Explaining that she and her sister, “do you.”
Circus. The performance was the world, even here locally. We wanted Liz Matthews, the performing arts
culmination of weeks of study in the the kids and the audience to walk instructor, had themselves participated “I like the inspire theme this year,”
Vero Beach Recreation Department’s away feeling positive and feeling good in the program from an early age, she said 12-year participant Taryn Sovine.
performing arts and gymnastics about everything,” said Patty Howard, added, “I don’t believe there is any “The coaches do that for us.”
classes, and Aerial Antics summer assistant recreation director. “We other recreation department that
camp held at Leisure Square. wanted to send a message, especially offers something like this, anywhere.” The program’s longevity is attributed
for the kids. Be brave, don’t give up, to its non-competitive, family
Families and friends filled the house As their mother, Jennie Howard, environment.
during three packed performances, sat in the bleachers watching her
watching as performers from ages 3 to grandchildren perform, memories of “We don’t expect anyone to
25 executed acrobatics, gymnastics, when her daughters participated came be perfect. We just want them to
dance routines and daring circus tumbling back. learn something and be proud of
aerials in a choreographed display of themselves,” said Howard. “I’ve been
spectacular acts that lived up to the “It’s still such a wonderful program,” doing this for 21 years, and it’s amazing
show’s theme: “It is Time to Inspire.” she said. “My girls learned how to be to see these kids come out of their shell,
on stage, to know their presence, learn their self-esteem is built up, and there’s
Every performer was given their poise, confidence and through it all no pressure of competition.
moment in the spotlight – from the they were having a good time.”
littlest tumblers to gymnasts, dance This year’s finale literally rocked “the
students and aerialists. Deeply rooted Three long-time participants, who boat,” a rolling, steel frame that had
in the community, the program has a will head off to college this fall, spoke performers timing their movements in
with emotion about the impact it has a synchronized, dramatic display that
had on their lives. All three said they summed up the inspirational message
aren’t ready to hang up the towel just to never give up.
yet; they plan to return during college
breaks. Their annual Holiday Drama,
“Christmas Road Trip,” takes place Dec.
“I’ve been in the program since I was 2 at the Vero Beach High School PAC. For
2 years old. It’s like my second family. more information, visit covb.org.
I learned all about teamwork and
14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sasha Ross.
Taryn Sovine.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 15
‘Back to School’ spirit sparkles at RT Star kids party
Staff Writer
Star power abounded at Riverside Georgia Irish, Jon Moses and Mary Cone. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Theatre last Saturday at the fourth
annual RT Star’s Back to School through our scholarship program. artistic director of Ballet Vero Cynthia Falardeau and Tiffany Justice.
Party, a partnership between Any child who wants to learn, take Beach, invited the CORE Dance
Riverside Theatre and the Education a class or perform does not have to Company to work with the students. as a dancer. “But when I come here,
Foundation of Indian River County. worry about financial need. If you there are all different styles.
can’t pay for it, please come. There “It’s one of the best parts of my
“We both have a commitment to are people that are happy to help.” year because the kids make a huge You’re exposed to different groups
education, and the fine arts certainly leap forward over two weeks,” said and choreographers every year and I
are important to education,” said The afternoon concluded with Schnell. “I feel like the kids are get pushed out of my comfort zone.”
Cynthia Falardeau, Education the seventh annual Riverside Dance developing their own voices as to
Foundation executive director. Festival, a performance showcasing what type of dance and what type of CORE Dance choreographers
“There is that collaborative spirit original numbers choreographed art they want to make.” involved the students in creating
of promoting education within our for students during a two-week the dances, taking bits from each
community. In order for children intensive, summer dance camp. “When I take lessons it’s just ballet of them and weaving them into
to be successful, we have to have This year, Adam Schnell, Riverside’s and just jazz,” said Mia Girard, a a moving testimonial of how the
strong community partnerships to director of dance education and four-year participant who stressed dancers perceive the world.
support our children.” that the camp has helped her grow
Visit riversidetheatre.com for more
Families swarmed the Riverside Veranda information or to register for fall
campus for a morning bursting dance and theater classes.
with children’s activities, including
hands-on crafts, face painting,
zipping down a slide, games,
storytime, a DJ Dance Party,
plenty of live performances and
fortification from hot dogs to ice
Parents gathered information
about school lunches, bus routes,
transportation schedules and vi-
sion screenings. Representatives
from the Tobacco Free Partnership
of Indian River County’s SWAT (Stu-
dents Working Against Tobacco)
team, Vero Beach Museum of Art
and Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten
were also on-site to share program-
The School District’s Transporta-
tion Department took families on
mini-bus rides to ease any first-day
jitters before the Aug. 13 start of
Emcee Hamp Elliott and DJ Joe
Tessier oversaw spirited interactive
competitions for everyone to enjoy,
such as building a lunch box, limbo,
hula hoop and getting dressed for
school contests. After stocking up
on school supplies donated by Pub-
lix, families watched School Dis-
trict employees play a rousing game
of Name That Tune, with help from
student participants.
Oscar Sales, Riverside’s market-
ing director, said Jon Moses, man-
aging director, wanted to expand
exposure to live performing arts
opportunities for families.
“Many schools have scaled back
tremendously on arts programs,”
said Sales. “For kids who are inter-
ested in the arts, we want them to
know they can come and participate
16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Front: Jayce Allamby, Ethan Allamby, Kix Hofer and Ellie Allamby. Audrey Watkins.
Dr. Mark Rendell and Pamela Dampier. Back: Beth and Michael Hofer.
Emma Cahill and Marley Butler. Rebecca Ansell and Valerie Milwood.
Bella Radish. Kate and Lauren Eggett.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 17
Mia Girard. Tony Morman.
Emma Brownstein, Anna Birnholz, Amelia Weber (behind).
Page Franzel
Our new address is:
1201 19th Place, Ste. B-401
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 492-9220
18 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Pooches lap up the attention at ‘Dog Days’ pool party
Staff Writer
Under the bright morning sun, Kathi Schumann (back row, center) with the staff and volunteers of Dogs for Life. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Josephine.
there was no spotting Sirius – the
‘dog star’ nose of Canis Major from to be a foster home for the dogs Mrs. will eventually find a forever home with issues such as mobility, hearing
Greek mythology – but there were Schumann is purchasing for us.” with a veteran. “The lady who raises or PTSD not to wait.
certainly plenty of wet noses and these dogs is a veteran in a wheelchair
wagging tails at the Dog Days of They currently support 40 dogs, and has been doing this for a long “It’s only going to get worse. It’s
Summer Pool Party at Dogs for Life administering the required yearly time,” said Schumann. “These are a lot easier to start working and
last Saturday. certification or retraining, if needed, seventh- and eighth-generation training with your dog now, instead
for the life of the dog. There are service dogs.” of waiting until you’re unable to do
Tongues lolled from ‘smiling’ also 20 dogs in training, a process the training when you really need
snouts as well-behaved pooches that takes between six months and Foster families, with guidance it,” said Higginbotham.
relished small pools, slip and slides, a year; 17 of those pooches are for from Ferger and DFL trainers, begin
lots of great toys and, of course, veterans. teaching puppies the basics before It’s not just veterans who are
affectionate pats from one and they’re given to a veteran at about a helped by DFL programs. Barbara
all. For humans there was cake, “We have hundreds of veterans year old. Gormas said her golden doodle Lola
to celebrate the birthday of board here in Indian River County that is being trained to assist her with
president Kathi Schumann, a have applied,” said Ferger, adding “I started training with Tucker in mobility issues after foot and back
staunch supporter since joining the that they average 25 applications June of last year,” said Marine Corps surgery. “She helps me with balance
nonprofit organization five years on pending status at any time. “We veteran Tracey Higginbotham of and to pick things up for me.”
ago. haven’t had to turn anyone away his 18-month-old yellow lab, who
that met all the criteria and had a is trained to assist with various Training has always been provid-
Founded in 2001 by Shelly Ferger, dog that qualified.” mobility issues. A member of the ed free of charge thanks to generous
DFL operates an off-leash dog park Veterans Training Veterans program, individual donations, sponsorships
and, more importantly, a Training Schumann said DFL will soon Higginbotham advises other veterans and grants. For more information,
Center offering specialized dog receive two golden retrievers that visit dogsforlifevb.org.
training. Instruction includes
everything from Canine Good
Citizen classes to assistance dog
and service dog training. Their
focus lately has been to train dogs to
assist veterans returning home with
physical and psychological injuries.
“The Veterans Training Veterans
program is what now has been so
successful” said Ferger. “I think
we have about 30 in the program
that are coming in; learning how to
train dogs, learning how to teach an
obedience class and learning how
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 19
Houston enjoys the dog slide. Lilly and Sofie Taksa with their puppy Josephine. Shelly Ferger with Hap and Kathy Allston and their dogs Sadie and Lucy.
Bravo. Lola.
Ashley, Valerie, Tracey, Kyndell and Kynlee Higginbotham. Kimberly Mehl and Mary Kemper with Pixy. Kai, a Malinois, and Yogi, a Shiloh Shepherd
20 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz chats with lovely Laci, a sociable Sato
Hi Dog Buddies! saved when we were them. But I do eat more treats than I pro-
bly should, an ‘m getting’ a liddle tubby
Woof, is it hot! I hope all you pooches just tiny puppies. See, around the middle. So me an Mommy
are stayin’ cool an slurpin’ lotsa water walk a lot.
during the “Dog Days of Summer.” I there are these groups
wondered why it’s called that: Google “Up north, when me an Daddy were
says the ancient Romuns named those of humans here on walkin,’ this liddle, funny-lookin’ pooch
days cuz the Dog Star, Sirius, was in the came up an rubbed against Daddy’s
sky during the hottest part of summer. the mainland who ankle, an Daddy patted its head; so I
Sirius was the brightest star EVER, and it went over for the wag-an-sniff, an it
hung out with a star group called Canis unnerstand how scary rubbed against me, too, an, after that,
Major, which means “Big Dog.” it’d join us on our walks. I didn’t ree-lize
an dangerous it is for it was a cat ’til years later.”
So, anyway, this week I yapped with
Laci Malenfant, a sweet little Sato. I us Satos, and they “Didja ever do any goofy puppy stuff
ackshully knew what that is cuz a coupla back in your youth? Like, you know,
years back I innerviewed another Sato, work with Sato Rescue chew shoes?”
Nola Kratz. (A Sato is a stray pooch from
Puerto Rico, where it’s very scary to be a groups in Puerto Rico “Well, not shoes. But this one time,
stray pooch.) Mommy fell asleep on the couch an,
who scoop us up and when she woke up, there was this pile
Laci an her Mom and Dad were right of sawdust on the floor. I had accidently
out front, waitin’ to greet us. She was a fly us to shelters over chewed the leg of the couch almost all
dainty, mostly black pooch, with a frenly up. Also, I don’t eat my kibbles at the
face an cute ears that sorta lapped over. here. We got sent to bowl. I prefer to take a nice mouthful
and go to the dining room. I mean, that’s
“Good morning. I’m Bonzo and this the Sterling Animal where Mommy an Daddy dine, right?
is my Assistant. I’m so pleased to meet An, if they should happen to forget my
you, Miss Laci.” Shelter in Mass-uh- mealtime, I sit smack in front of ’em and
give ‘em The Look.
She looked up to her Mom an Dad for chooo-suts, an that’s
the “OK,” then came over for the Wag- “But sometimes, Mr. Bonzo, I need
n-Sniff. “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Bonzo. where Mommy some Me Time. So I go out to the screen
This is my Mommy, Mary Jean, an my porch an just listen to the birds an think
Daddy, Bill. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna an Daddy found about how lucky I am. It’s so Zen.”
just take a quick roll in the grass before
we go inside. I love grass. It’s so soft an me. Daddy saw a Heading home, I was thinkin’ about
cool, great for nappin’ an rollin,’ an just the Dog Star, up in the sky with the other
hangin’ out.” picksure of my litter Big Dog stars. I wonder if Canis Major is
anywhere near Dog Heaven, cuz there’s
After a few energetic, paws-up, rolls, on The NET. He a lotta bright shining dog stars there, too.
right-to-left, left-to-right, she led the
way in. I’d worried whether I shoulda called Mommy, an Laci.PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD Till next time,
Boned Up on my Spanish, but breathed
an inconspicuous sigh of relief when went to see us in “I was a The Bonz
she spoke great Dog English. “So, snowbird-dog ’til last October. That’s
tell me about how you got here from the fur. My brothers when we moved per-muh-nutly. I have Don’t Be Shy
Puerto Rico,” I suggested, opening my lotsa pooch pals here, now. There’s
notebook. and sisters ran up Roxi, she’s a big mix; Spartacus, a black We are always looking for pets
Lab; Daisy, she’s a mix (we’re sorta with interesting stories.
“I was a very lucky Sato, Mr. Bonzo. I to Daddy, bein’ all Cute Puppy. I was frienemies, cuz we sometimes get on
don’t remember much about life in the each other’s Last Nerve); my newest To set up an interview, email
streets or on the beach, cuz my litter got sitting, very ladylike, on my blanket. fren is Dixie, she’s a Beagle; Sam’s a [email protected].
boxer; an Abby’s a Catahoola. An then
Then I came over an gave Daddy lots of there’s Teddy, he’s my boyfriend. He’s a
Cavalier King Charles. An he has a big
licks to let him know I was the pooch he crush on me.” she giggled and lowered
her voice. “I like him a lot, too, but don’t
was looking for. He unnerstood right tell him, OK?”
away. I was 12 weeks old then. Now I’m “Not a word, Miss Laci,” I promised.
“You’re a very social girl!”
12 years old. I was SO LUCKY!
“Well, I love pooches, an humans, cats
“First time I saw snow, I thought some even. There’s a human in our neighbor-
hood who pedals around on a 3-wheeler
pooch was gonna be in Big Trouble for handin’ out Treats. I can spot him a mile
away. And the liddle humans around
tearing a pillow apart. Then I ree-lized it here are great. They love me an I love
was Super Cool Kibbles to play in, throw
it around, dig in it. It was Chilly Paws,
but I loved it.”
“Sounds fun! But it musta been kinda
weird, coming down here where it’s so
hot, and we got sand insteadda snow.”
“It was puzz-ling at first. I really missed
my pals, too, ’specially my boyfriend
Bentley, he’s a Burmese Mountain Dog;
an Diesel, he’s a St. Bernard; Cooper’s a
mix like me; Marcie’s a Boston Terrier;
an my BFF’s Bailey.”
“When did you move down?”
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF | STAFF WRITER be a family on the beach or a girl
riding a bike,” she says. “I want to
Suzy Mellott doesn’t take things paint portraits that are more atmo-
at face value, especially not when it spheric. I’m hoping to find a niche
has to do with her art. To have her and tell more of a story by shying
artwork tell a tale, the artist likes away from the traditional posed
to get to know her subjects before portrait and instead, painting peo-
putting paint to canvas. ple doing what they love.”
“I like to know their personal- Given the dedicated fan base
ity, because I’m trying to capture and stream of portrait commis-
it on canvas, whether it’s a dog or sions she has underway, the ap-
a person. I’m trying to tell a story, proach is working.
but mostly I just want to celebrate
beauty and joy,” says Mellott, who Mellott’s family began vacation-
wields her paintbrush in a flurry of ing in Vero Beach when she was 10
color and beautiful brush strokes. years old and later she and husband
John, former publisher of the Atlan-
“A lot of times I’ll paint some- ta Journal-Constitution, continued
thing that we’ve all done. That’s the tradition with their own family.
what’s compelling to me. It may They purchased a home in Vero 10
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 23
years ago, after he retired, and began seeking homes, deployed servicemen just a happy mistake. I’ve come to real- “It’s better to paint a few things at
splitting their time between the two and women, and children diagnosed ize it’s probably not.” once,” says Mellott, pointing to sev-
states. The couple recently moved into with cancer, that are then gifted to eral of her current projects. Included
a new home at Palm Island Plantation. the families. Mellott is drawn to post-impres- in the mix are several canvases which
sionists such as Vincent van Gogh, will eventually be used for a children’s
Mellott initially met Palm House Gal- “It’s a great organization and I want- whose use of color and brush stroke ABC book of animals, and another
lery & Studio owner Emily Tremml while ed to get more portrait experience, so techniques she admires. “There are painting that is 90 percent done.
out walking her dog, and fate brought it was such a win-win,” says Mellott, so many things to think of: composi-
them together again at a class Tremml who has contributed roughly 20 paint- tion, values, color and light.” “The magic is going to happen in
taught at Quail Valley. The gallery had ings. The difficulty, she says, is that their the last 10 percent,” she promises.
recently opened and Tremml invited emotional stories sometimes make it As with many artists, she continually
her to join the studio’s other artists. difficult to depict the children as they has to remind herself not to overthink Mellott will be the featured artist in
should be – happy and loved. her work. November at the Center for Spiritual
Having dabbled in various medi- Care, with an exhibit entitled “Bloom.”
ums over the years – first watercol- Mellott says her artistic tendencies “You want to be loose, but you want As the name implies, the exhibit will
ors and then pastels – she eventually began at an early age, attributing the the drawing to be accurate.” If she be- focus on flowers, to celebrate God’s
decided her strength lay in oil paints, interest to her mother. gins to feel the analytical left side of creativity and embrace the center’s
explaining, “I find it the most difficult her brain is overpowering the artistic mission of fostering spiritual and ho-
but the most rewarding. I think I’m “My mom always liked art; she was right side, she’ll set aside the project listic growth.
better at pastel, but I’m determined.” pivotal in exposing us to art. She took and start something else.
us to the Toledo Museum of Art and I
Her favorite subjects are people and took classes there.” HOT GLASS
animals, preferably dogs.
After two years as an art major at the The Treasure Coast’s largest collection of
“I’m freer when I do an animal. I Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, she contemporary glass and one of America’s
don’t get as uptight,” says Mellott, ad- changed her major to business, ironi- Coolest Stores, right here in Vero Beach.
mitting that it is sometimes difficult cally because she was tired of watch-
to get the animals to sit still. They all ing her friends have fun while she
seem to sense that she is nuts about worked on art projects – now exactly
them and want to sit on her lap, which what she most desires to do.
of course makes painting them slight-
ly more difficult.
Although she went on to work as a SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
lott always had some creative project
She admits finding landscapes more underway to fill the artistic void. She THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
challenging, explaining, “I feel extreme- says she doesn’t regret her foray into VERO BEACH, FL
ly overwhelmed. I have a hard time the business world, noting, “I might 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
looking out at all that green and know- not like art as much if it had been my
ing what to paint. I need an anchor, and job. I might have seen it as more of a
that’s what flowers, people and animals chore.”
are for me.”
She eventually left the firm to raise
Several years ago Mellott was ap- their three daughters, all of whom have
proached by and joined Painting for or are pursuing art-centric careers.
Good Causes, a nationwide nonprofit One daughter is an art history professor
based out of Tampa. It’s member art- at the Savannah College of Art and De-
ists paint portraits of foster children sign, another a graphic arts student at-
tending the same college, and the third
is an elementary school teacher.
Her advice to budding artists comes
from a book she once read that sug-
gested, “Challenge yourself to do 100
paintings from life and expect them to
be bad.”
Putting it into context she adds,
“you have to make mistakes to get bet-
ter at art. It’s a requirement. I’ve real-
ized there is so much to know. I used
to have the attitude that a lot of art was
24 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Symphony’s summer heats up with ‘Music of the Night’
BY SAM ROHLFING BAITA tone Michael John Foster, along with by the Sea Methodist Church in Vero complete with laid-back, toes-in-the-
Staff Writer other powerful vocalists Stephanie Beach this Sunday, Aug. 12. Accord- sand tropical vibe, is Capt. Hiram’s,
Newman, Stephanie McCranie, Brian ing to the orchestra’s website, Sum- on the town’s most popular, pedes-
1 The Space Coast Symphony Or- Hayes and Andrew Lejeune. In ad- merfest is “designed to link the ar- trian walkway, along the storied In-
chestra promises “Music of the dition to Lloyd-Webber’s wonderful tistic and cultural traditions of the dian River (Lagoon). This Friday, on
songs will be selections from Sond- world with those of Florida.” It is the Sand Bar stage at 3:30 p.m., it’s
Night” will “make your summer siz- heim, Rodgers, Weill and others. Ac- said to be the longest music festival Greg and Brian, who describe their
cording to the show promo, “Music of event to take place in the state, and is style as “Elton meets Billy, joins the
zle,” and there’s absolutely no doubt the Night” promises to “embody the one of the top cultural projects to be Beatles, and they all watch Monty
glamour, magic and mystery of both funded by the State of Florida’s Divi- Python’s Flying Circus.” I don’t know
this Sunday’s concert at Community musical theater and opera repertory.” sion of Cultural Affairs International about you, but that peaks my curios-
Delighted to be partnering with Or- Cultural Exchange Grant Programs. ity. Maybe I’ll see you there. At 7:30
Church in Vero Beach will do all that lando Light Opera and Opera del Sol, For one month, Summerfest, pre- p.m., Bad Mannerz takes the stage.
SCSO Conductor and Artistic Director sented by the Summerfest Chamber According to the website, these guys
and more. Ensconced firmly at the Aaron Collins says simply, “Andrew Orchestra of Fort Lauderdale’s ac- are seasoned musicians who per-
Lloyd-Webber is responsible for some claimed Symphony of the Americas, form the greatest rock songs ever
zenith of his profession, English com- of the most exciting and expressive is performed throughout Florida and written, “and they do it to perfec-
music ever composed for the theater.” the Americas. It includes a thought- tion, showing you exactly what old
poser and impresario of musical the- Show time: 3 p.m. Admission: $25. At- ful diversity of works from Ginastera, school rock is all about.” On Satur-
the-door: $27.50. Under 18 free. 855- Delibes, Handel, Piazolla, Haydn, day at 6 p.m., get ready for an earful
atre Sir Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s works 252-7276. Wagner, Bach, White, Saint-Saëns of Jeff Marquis, billed as “an amazing
and Mozart, with one 20-minute in- one-man band experience.” Marquis
include “Phantom of the Opera,” “Je- termission. Time: 3 p.m. Admission: plans to take all your favorites and
$35. 772-770-4857. “change them up with a reggae flair”
sus Christ Superstar,” “Evita,” “Cats” in keeping with Hiram’s summer
reggae theme. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday,
and many other smash-hit musicals, Bad Mannerz returns to the stage
with another helping of old school
and his six Tonys, three Grammys, an rock.
Oscar, Kennedy Center Honors, a star
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a
knighthood are but a few of his many,
many honors and accolades. Profes-
sional singers from Orlando Light
Opera and Opera del Sol will join the 2 Sizzling or refreshingly cool:
Clear cool water and the Oscar-
symphony in this thrilling tribute
to Lloyd-Webber. Broadway veteran winning motion picture “The Shape
Michelle Knight (“Disenchanted,” of Water” are the inspirations behind 3 It’s virtually always party time
at Capt. Hiram’s Sand Bar in Se-
“Jersey Boys,” “Finding Nemo”) head- the Symphony of the Americas’ 30th
lines the show with mezzo soprano Anniversary Summerfest tour – “The bastian. One of the popular music
Sarah Purser, tenor Kit Cleto and bari- Shape of Music” – coming to Christ (and food) hang-outs in Sebastian,
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
When Barack and Michelle Obama a few carefully curated public appear- circle of close friends, they fly pretty citizens and continue to be part of
announced they were staying in Wash- ances – they are rarely spotted around much under the radar. this community,” said Stephanie Cut-
ington after eight years in the White town. They still love going to restau- ter, who served as a senior aide in the
House, there was a palpable buzz. rants and attending the occasional ex- “I think that the Obamas probably Obama White House.
hibition or play. But outside a rarefied appreciate that folks in D.C. are let-
The conventional move for a post- ting them just live their lives as private In the nation’s capital, the Obamas
presidency life is back home: a return have created a protective bubble that
to roots, a presidential library and dis- THE OBAMAS allows them maximum flexibility and
tinguished service. No modern presi- HOSTED AN OBAMA minimum public exposure. That bub-
dent has remained in the nation’s capi- ble is literal: The street in front of their
tal after leaving office; the last was the FOUNDATION home is blocked by a police car, with
ailing Woodrow Wilson in 1921. SUMMIT IN officers on duty 24-7, a standard secu-
CHICAGO rity detail for any former president.
So the idea of the Obamas – two of LAST YEAR
the most famous people in the world Visitors to the block must check in
– living in Washington was a very big with the officers before proceeding
deal. Expectations were high. to any of the homes. Not that anyone
would run into the Obamas: They rare-
Longtime Washingtonians hoped ly walk their dogs and typically come
they would become unofficial ambas- and go from a secured side entrance of
sadors for the nation’s capital, embrac- their home.
ing their adopted city. Instead, they’ve
embraced their new lives as private But that bubble is also figurative:
citizens, emphasis on “private.” Residents nearby wouldn’t talk about
their illustrious neighbors. The Obam-
In the past 18 months – aside from
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 27
as, they say, are quiet, unobtrusive and THE $8.1 MILLION FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT Washington hoping for the Obama
entitled to their privacy. KALORAMA HOME BARACK OBAMA WITH touch have been treated to a few:
THE OBAMAS The couple dropped by the National
The Obamas have always been care- PURCHASED FORMER ITALIAN PREMIER Gallery of Art for the Theaster Gates
ful about controlling their message, IN 2017 AND NEWLY RE-ELECTED show and the Kennedy Center for a
and the code of silence extends to al- DEMOCRATIC PARTY (PD) performance of “The Humans,” and
most every aspect of their social lives: FORMER U.S. FIRST Michelle attended “The Wiz” at Ford’s
Speak without authorization and you LADY MICHELLE LEADER MATTEO RENZI (L) Theatre as well as concerts by Erykah
could be exiled from Obamaland. OBAMA LEAVES A Badu, Ledisi and Bruno Mars.
Through their spokeswoman, the CALCARI, MALLORCA GALLERY’S OFFICIAL The biggest public splash was the
Obamas declined to comment for this PORTRAITS OF THE unveiling at the National Portrait Gal-
story. And no one in their inner circle OBAMA KITE SURFING FORMER PRESIDENT lery in February of the Obamas’ of-
would discuss their post-presidency IN THE CARIBBEAN AND FIRST LADY ficial portraits, which have attracted
life in Washington. Their Instagram WITH BILLIONAIRE record crowds.
and Twitter feeds are strictly on brand: RICHARD BRANSON
Favorite causes, public appearances, And restaurants, of course. The
romantic birthday wishes, envy-wor- Obamas eschewed the Washington
thy vacation shots. social scene in favor of more intimate
date nights during their White House
There’s a shot of their two dogs walk- years, and that hasn’t changed.
ing down the sidewalk that Michelle
posted in March 2017, and a tweet In the past year they’ve eaten at Dab-
from Barack when D.C.’s hockey team ney, Rasika, Del Mar, Maydan, and Fi-
won the Stanley Cup last month: “Con- ola Mare, to name a few – often tucked
gratulations to the @Capitals! This @ away in private rooms. Their VIP status
NHLBlackhawks fan knows what it’s scored them a table at A Rake’s Prog-
like to lift that cup – and I’m happy for ress before it had its official opening
all the Caps fans who cheer so hard for for a celebration of Michelle’s birthday.
their team . . . .”
There’s a fine line between respecting
Get over it, Washington. The Obam- privacy and bragging when the Obamas
as may own a home in the nation’s cap- make an appearance. Restaurants typi-
ital, but they’ll never really be Wash- cally skirt the issue when customers or
ingtonians. employees share a sighting: One tweet-
ed a photo of the couple at Tail Up Goat;
Most people assumed that the another excited patron videotaped the
Obamas would move back to Chicago, former president at Nobu.
where they still own their Hyde Park
home. But eight months before leaving In March, Hank’s Oyster Bar owner
office, the president said they would Jamie Leeds tweeted her own encoun-
stay in town until younger daughter ter, admitting that she was “star struck.”
Sasha graduates from Sidwell Friends
in June 2019. The Obamas can’t just slip into a res-
taurant. Their security team went to
After renting the home of former the Hank’s location at the Wharf two
Clinton administration press secre- days prior and checked perimeters
tary Joe Lockhart in Kalorama, they on the day of their reservation. The
purchased the eight-bedroom manse Obamas, Valerie Jarrett and friends sat
for $8.1 million last spring, giving the at a corner table overlooking the water;
first indication that Washington might their detail sat at the next table. Cus-
be their home base even after Sasha tomers took pictures from afar but did
leaves for college. not approach; one party sent a round
of shots. Guests clapped as they shook
Earlier this year, Michelle told Ellen a few hands on the way out.
DeGeneres that the family has settled
into their new home. Barack, she ex- “You could feel the energy in the
plained, has the smallest room for his room,” said Sabrina Zahid, the restau-
home office, Sasha a two-room suite rant’s marketing director. “You could
because she’s the only child living at tell it was a special night.”
home, and Malia – who started at Har-
vard last fall after taking a gap year – Despite all this, why does it feel as if
has “a room in the attic somewhere.” they're not really in Washington?
The former president has an office From a political standpoint, keeping
in Washington’s West End, where he’s a low profile follows a long tradition:
working on his memoirs and receiving It’s considered poor form for a presi-
visitors. And he’s golfing a lot. Obama dent to outshine or criticize his succes-
joined Columbia Country Club and sor, something more likely to happen
Robert Trent Jones Golf Club but plays when they live in the same city.
on courses all over town.
But also because they travel a lot to
Michelle is a regular at Solidcore, promote their pet platforms: youth
a fact touted on the exercise studio’s leadership, health care, women’s rights
website, which also states that the and wellness. Last month, Barack was
owner “doesn’t talk about her fitness in South Africa for a Nelson Mandela
clients.” birthday tribute; Michelle took in Be-
yoncé and Jay-Z’s show in Paris.
There are public photo-ops: The
Obamas visit schools, Boys & Girls Several of those trips include paid
Clubs and other educational pro- speeches, the modern golden goose for
grams. Museums and theaters in every former president and first lady.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Individual speaking fees are not dis- luxury getaway to Tuscany, and a vaca- ment. Jarrett, one of their most trusted There’s one other factor, a more
closed, but according to multiple me- tion last year in French Polynesia on confidants, declined to answer ques- subtle and complicated aspect of
dia reports, the Obamas get top dollar: David Geffen’s $590 million yacht with tions about their post-White House life. their lives here: Most of their closest
He receives an average of $400,000 per Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks and Bruce friends are African American. They
speech, and she gets about $200,000. Springsteen. As one does. Given the close ties between Winfrey move in an elite, exclusive circle
His spokesman explained last year that and the Obamas, it seemed probable that entertains privately and does
the speeches allow the couple to do- “What happens on the boat stays on that they would go to her “Watching not tweet, Instagram or share details
nate to their favorite social programs. the boat,” Winfrey told reporters. Oprah” exhibit at the National Museum about their own lives, much less the
of African American History and Cul- Obamas.
There are also exotic trips for living Details are even harder to come by. ture. They weren’t at the opening party
their best life: kite surfing in the Carib- Former attorney general Eric H. Holder for 700 people. Maybe they had a pri- “Black Washington is not observed
bean with billionaire Richard Branson Jr., who persuaded Obama to attend vate tour or attended a VIP event with by white Washington,” says a friend
(they returned the favor by having him a private fundraiser for the National Winfrey? A museum spokesman never who is not authorized to speak about
over for a drink at their D.C. home), a Democratic Redistricting Committee, responded to questions. the Obamas but socializes with them.
did not respond to requests for com-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 29
“They’re still the first couple of the out their phones and tweet about it.” $65 million deal with Penguin Random Chicago’s South Side, both a presiden-
world. But the notion that they’re not We'll all see a lot more of the Obamas House, one of the largest advances in his- tial library and a community center.
here is something black people laugh at.” tory. Expect a very public book tour, be- The Obama Foundation, a key focus
soon, at least on television. cause they need to sell a record number of his post-presidency and developer
They are around – just protected, “Becoming,” the autobiography by Mi- of books to justify that amount. of the presidential center, is also based
he explains. “The Washington they in Chicago and held its first summit
travel in is appropriate to their ages. chelle Obama, will come out in Novem- A year ago, they announced plans last October.
People in their 50s and 60s don’t whip ber; her husband’s new book is scheduled for the Obama Presidential Center on
for next spring. Both are part of a reported
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY PENNY KING The proposed six-foot sidewalk, plus FDOT for a permit to allow the com- can cut down on the time and money
the grass berm needed to separate the munity to replace what the community spent on this project.
Next summer, the Florida Depart- sidewalk from the road, will take sub- was forced to tear up, again at the com-
ment of Transportation plans to embark stantial frontage from all Indian River munity’s cost. This project doesn’t even come
on a $7.5 million project to resurface Shore communities, and even more close to warranting the millions of dol-
a 6.74-mile portion of A1A that runs land will be required where turn lanes The extended construction period lars needed to build it. Why spend that
through Indian River Shores. exist to enter communities. Many of will cause major traffic congestion, es- kind of money to build something no
the communities will lose landscaping, pecially when seasonal residents are one wants or needs? Why not spend
The yearlong project includes a sev- and some will lose oak tress. here. A1A already carries a high volume the scarce dollars where they will serve
eral-million-dollar component to con- of traffic during peak drive times in “the a useful purpose?
struct a new, six-foot wide sidewalk with Before construction begins, each season.” The planned construction will
grass berm that will be created along community along the route of the pro- exacerbate the problem immensely. It appears that most Indian River
the east side of A1A. posed sidewalk will be required to re- Shores homeowners have not heard
move, at the community’s expense, ev- The yearlong timeline for this proj- about this project (or at best just learned
This new eastern sidewalk will be in erything in the way of the sidewalk. Talk ect is mainly due to the construction about it a few weeks ago). The FDOT’s
addition to the five-foot wide sidewalk about adding insult to injury. Then, of the sidewalk, according to Dono- Pessoa held a meeting with a number
that already runs along the west side upon completion of the sidewalk, each van Pessoa, FDOT Project Manager. of Indian River Shores residents on the
of A1A through the Shores. community will be required to petition By eliminating the sidewalk, the State 10th of July. Most expressed opposition
to the sidewalk.
Unlike the sidewalk on the west
side, which extends unbroken from Pessoa said the only way we could
Ft. Pierce to the Sebastian Inlet, the stop this construction is to appeal to
proposed sidewalk will be a 6.74-mile our State Representatives. He said we
orphan. had a few weeks to make our objec-
tions heard.
It will stand alone, with miles sepa-
rating it from any other sidewalk. It The late notice and short response
will not connect with any other side- time for a project of this size and scope
walk on the east side of A1A, either is unfair and problematic. Everyone
north or south of its route. would benefit by slowing it down a bit
and by allowing those adversely affect-
The sidewalk on the west side of ed to gather information and to have
A1A is more than adequate for our time to work with the State to change
needs. The proposed eastern side- the project for the better.
walk will do much to damage the look
and character of our town with no The Moorings had the same problem
discernable benefit and at great and approximately 10 years ago with a side-
unnecessary expense. walk that was going to be built on the
east side of A1A in front of their prop-
FDOT’s mission statement says, in erty. The State reconsidered and deter-
part, that FDOT’s purpose is to “pre- mined the sidewalk was not necessary.
serve the quality of our environment
and communities.” Indian River Shores Hopefully history can repeat itself.
is a quiet, residential community. The
proposed eastern sidewalk will not Penny King is the president of the
“preserve the quality of our environ- Home Owners Association of Bermuda
ment and community.” Instead, it will Bay in Indian River Shores.
do just the opposite.
Our principal concerns include:
STROKE, PART VII TREATMENT FOR STROKE (CONTINUED) If the bleeding is due to a ruptured brain aneurysm, surgery
to repair the aneurysm may be done. In some cases, medi-
Today we conclude our series on stroke with a discussion an artery in the brain bursts, flooding the surrounding tis- cines may be given to control blood pressure, brain swelling,
about treatment for hemorrhagic strokes. sue with blood blood sugar levels, fever and seizures.
If a large amount of bleeding has occurred and symptoms
TREATMENT FOR HEMORRHAGIC STROKE SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGES, bleeding in the area are quickly getting worse, you may need surgery to remove
Although hemorrhagic strokes account for only 13 percent between the brain and the thin tissues that cover it blood that has built up inside the brain and to lower pres-
of strokes, they are fatal within the first month about 40 Treatment includes efforts to control bleeding, reduce pres- sure inside the head.
percent of the time. Hemorrhagic strokes occur when an ar- sure in the brain, and stabilize vital signs, especially blood PREVENTING ANOTHER STROKE
tery in the brain leaks blood or ruptures (breaks open). The pressure. Since one in four stroke survivors has another stroke within
leaked blood puts too much pressure on brain cells, which You will be closely monitored for signs of increased pressure five years, it’s important to follow your physician’s recom-
damages them. High blood pressure and aneurysms (bal- on the brain, such as restlessness, confusion, trouble follow- mendations regarding medications, diet, exercise and oth-
loon-like bulges in an artery that can stretch and burst) are ing commands and headache. Other measures will be taken er healthy lifestyle habits.
examples of conditions that can cause a hemorrhagic stroke. to keep you from straining from excessive coughing, vomit- REHABILITATION
The two types of hemorrhagic strokes are: ing or lifting, etc. Rehabilitation can include working with speech therapists,
INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGES, which occur when physical therapists and/or occupational therapists.
STROKE POST-TEST A. using tPA for mild strokes as well as severe strokes
1. An ischemic stroke B. transient ischemic attack (TIA)
2. A hemorrhagic stroke C. mechanical thrombectomy as treatment for a specific kind of stroke
3. About 20 percent of strokes are related to D. high blood pressure (hypertension)
4. More than half of all strokes are caused by E. occurs when a blood vessel bursts/leaks tissue
5. The drug used to dissolve clots is F. tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
6. “Mini-stroke” is sometimes referred to as G. is caused by a blood clot or blood clots
7. New stroke guidelines recommend H. atrial fibrillation (A-Fib)
8. New stroke guidelines recommend Answers: 1. G; 2. E; 3. H; 4. D; 5. F; 6. B; 7. A or C; 8. A or C
Give yourself extra credit if you have downloaded the app “Spot a Stroke FAST.”
For more information about stroke, visit the American Stroke Association website at www.strokeassociation.org.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Defining moments make us stronger, more faithful
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT of Hurricane Katrina, or the great tsu- it. It takes time to accept that life has Let us suggest three possibilities
Columnists nami of 2004, or California wildfires. forever been divided into before and for a response to tragedy that passes
after. us by: First, never overlook the op-
An insightful author once noted Of course, when such a cataclysmic portunity that this new day brings to
that “a person reaches maturity when event occurs in a life, it takes some Has there been such a decisive and us. Today is a fresh start. Appreciate
he or she finally accepts the event that time to make a sober assessment of life-dividing event that has impacted it and make it count. Second, we hu-
forever divided life into before and af- the damage and come to grips with your life? Some of us have experienced mans learn best how to love when we
ter.” such events. are a bit broken and our myths of self-
sufficiency are shattered. We prob-
History recounts so many momen- But far more often than not, tragedy ably know a little about the broken-
tous events that must have been “be- passes us by, and leaves us wondering. ness that comes with the hardships of
fore and after” turning points for those Why does tragedy strike one place and life. Let that awareness lead us to be
who lived through them. Imagine liv- not another? more giving, more caring and more
ing through the Black Plague, or the loving to those now in need. Third,
French Revolution, or the Civil War! Actually, when you come to think of learn to hold on gently to things of
While these are long past, there are it, we could ask that question of our- worldly-worth that can all too easily
many alive today that experienced the selves and of God every day of our lives. be swept away. Learn to hold tightly
world-altering, life-changing events Why was I passed over by cancer today? only to things most sacred to you –
Why was my family passed over by a your family and friends, and the hope
car wreck? Why didn’t I succumb to a of your faith.
heart attack today? Why isn’t my town
experiencing a plague or a famine? Why We may never find a satisfying an-
has catastrophe passed us by? And even swer to why tragedy strikes some and
more importantly, as faithful people, by-passes others. But we may, never-
what is our responsibility in light of theless, find great satisfaction in re-
our good fortune? What should our at- sponding as faithfully and effectively
titudes, dispositions and spiritual con- as we can to any tragedy that has di-
victions be, in light of some tragedy that vided the lives of others into “before
has struck not us this time, but the peo- and after.”
ple of some neighboring state or some
distant country?
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 35
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q94
Les Dawson, an Englishman whose profession you will soon divine, said, “My mother- AJ83
in-law has come round to our house at Christmas seven years running. This year, we’re
having a change. We’re going to let her in.” K43
When you are in a trump suit, the number of rounds of that suit you play may determine WEST EAST
whether the door opens — you make the contract — or stays closed — you go down. Q J 10 4 3
2 A976
South is in four hearts. West leads the spade queen, which wins the trick, and continues K9764
with the spade 10. After declarer ruffs that, how many rounds of trumps should he 87 853
immediately draw: zero, one, two or three?
Q 10
When North rebid one no-trump, South just went with the known eight- or nine-card
heart fit. (North would not have bid no-trump with a singleton heart. With, for example, Q J 10 9
3-1-5-4 distribution, he would have rebid two clubs.) In this deal, a raise to three no-
trump would have worked fine too, but that was far from obvious with the singleton SOUTH
Declarer might concede four tricks: one spade, one diamond and two clubs. He must
eliminate a club loser. One chance is to find the suit splitting 3-3, but that happens only A K J 10 7 6
one time in three. If the clubs are 4-2, South has to ruff his last club on the board. Since
this requires only one trump, some players would think that they could afford to draw 52
two rounds of trumps — but not here. When East wins a club trick, he leads his last
trump to kill the ruff. A652
Declarer should draw one round of trumps, then play three rounds of clubs. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West
The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass Q Spades
36 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Groaned (6) 1 Disperses (7)
4 Relief for the poor (4) 2 Donations (5)
8 Favor (6) 3 Deserve (4)
9 Reply (6) 5 Pays attention (7)
10 Untrue (5) 6 Water as vapour (5)
11 Cries (7) 7 Observed (7)
13 Utilised (4) 12 Ten laps (anag.) (7)
15 Fib (3) 14 Undergarments (7)
16 Large vessel (4) 17 Ailment (7)
18 Stays (7) 19 Mistake (5)
20 Charm (5) 21 Frolics (5)
23 Pressing (6) 22 Desire (4)
24 Pictures (6)
25 Get up (4)
26 Spectres (6)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 37
ACROSS 94 Is in store for 48 Where Ennis is The Washington Post
1 Ratings period when TV 96 Eighth Hebrew letter 50 Julie Walters’s
97 Fool time
increases its sleaze quotient 98 Desirous Oscar-nominated role
7 To a greater degree 100 Behaved toward 52 With a little crying
13 Walk out, officially 103 Electricity: slang
17 Accords, e.g. 104 Horde horseman 57 Like most Martin Scorsese
18 Halls for brawls 105 British prime minister, 1945- movies
19 Misrepresentational art?
20 Flew in 51 58 Substance used in
22 “Let’s have it!” 106 Church recess fireworks fuses
23 Boca ___, Fla. 107 “Are you seeing ___?”
24 Going on 2 a.m. 108 Visual aid props 60 Enriqué’s emphatic assent
25 Home o’ Roma? 61 Lahr and Parks
27 Decreases de creases DOWN 62 Beach bird or Irish river
28 Baseball’s Gil 1 Na Na or la-la opener 64 Sad, to de Sade
30 Japanese theater 2 Ring magazine topic 65 Montgomery Clift, Marlon
31 Certain acid salt 3 Make mad
35 Traveled across a Tesla coil 4 Like most movies on Brando, or Nick Nolte by
36 Paderewski’s first name birth
38 The Day of the Locust network TV 67 Most cacophonous
5 Does road work 68 Numbers
author 6 Compass pt. 70 Engage the enemy
39 Weather org. 7 World War I siren 71 Upright
42 Frequent Billy Wilder 8 Turgenev’s birthplace 73 Outride, as a posse
9 Cover with fresh paper, 74 Ecclesiastical assembly
co-writer, ___ Diamond 76 “Wink, wink, nudge,
43 Labor ___ delusion as shelves nudge, say no more”
44 “Aha!” 10 Name from China’s past member of Monty Python
46 Foot-stomping music 11 Casablanca or Maltese 80 Border on
49 Sans sense 84 Portland suburb, Lake ___
51 Mugger Falcon character 85 Flimflams
53 Metal of freedom? 12 Lact something? 86 Disconcert
54 Shot putter? 13 Brendan Behan play, 87 A Honeymooner
55 Goosebumps creator R.L. 88 Actor Glover
56 She once called Han Solo The ___ Fellow 90 Eighth Greek letter
14 Scriptural preposition 91 Site of Mexicali
“laserbrain” 15 Mary’s picture, 92 “___ and Away”
57 Fitted notch in a board 93 Eye part
59 The ___ High Dam for one 95 Extraordinarily long time, old
61 Paging device 16 They can be long and gross chap
63 Love god 98 “___ married woman!”
64 Japanese gateway 19 Region of NW France 99 Negating prefix
66 ___ new phase 21 Sound that makes our dogs 101 Actress Charlotte
69 Still life specialist? 102 ___ Plaines, Ill.
72 Clinkers bark
75 Be subjective when one 26 Firmness WELL-WOVEN WORDS By Merl Reagle
28 Israel’s chief port
should be objective 29 Certain exams
77 With great concentration 32 A little after 1400 hours, to a
78 Advice to a shrinking
violet 33 Bow out, in a way
79 Cleans a sheet
81 Barbarous type 34 ___ in the dark
82 Toupee 36 Made at Cuzco, for
83 Things done, in Latin
84 African antelopes example
85 Words to live by 37 Alfalfa portrayer in Our Gang
87 Goes to
89 Prompt comedies
90 The Thing did it before it 39 Western swing band of the
escaped (1951) 1970s
91 Erected 40 Rob and Laura’s neighbor
41 Resembling a phonograph
43 Dark, as streets
44 Hill dwellers near ancient
45 Turn the ___
47 Swedish actress who
married Sammy Davis Jr.
The Telegraph
38 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My sister fights the world, and I’m waving the white flag
BY CAROLYN HAX sorry for her? And is there anything I could do to obligation or repaying a debt. Unless, that is, you
Washington Post support her better? She is married with grown see kindness to the afflicted as a cosmic debt we
children, but that is another story I can’t fix. all would do well to pay – there I’d agree, within
Dear Carolyn: I don’t know limits.
how to help my troubled sister. – Broken Sister’s Little Sister
She has been fighting the world But even if that’s the source of your guilt,
since she was a little girl. Broken Sister’s Little Sister: Standing by her is a please know you can be kind and boundaried
thoughtful gift you’re giving your sister. both. They’re not contradictory. In fact, listening
She is so unhappy and stops without limit isn’t support – it’s enabling.
speaking to friends and family Note: Gift. You are not making good on an Unloading on you satisfies any need she has to
members, including me, on a rotating basis because talk, thereby rewarding her choice to reject the
we have disappointed her or stood up to her. much harder work of therapy.
It is always someone else’s fault and she doesn’t
see herself as the common denominator. I have That your sister has been “fighting the world
learned I can’t fix this for her, and any advice I since she was a little girl” does aptly convey your
provide puts me in the hot seat for an hour or so of sense of futility, but it also suggests you’re in over
verbal beating. I love her because she is my sister, your head in trying to help.
and I won’t abandon her as several of her close
friends and family have. I know it is hard to be her, To support her at this point, consider a session
and I am sad this is her life. or three of professional help for yourself. It’s
I think the only thing I can offer is to listen to her unrealistic to expect families to both diagnose
problems, which are many and daily. I would tell and respond helpfully as laypeople to someone’s
her to go see a therapist, as this isn’t what I want mental and emotional challenges. So while you
to do anymore, but she has chased them or bullied can certainly tweak your current approach –
them all away. consult your conscience and patience, make a
I have set boundaries and don’t always answer sparser call schedule, set shorter time limits,
the phone but feel occasionally I should reach out follow meticulously – there’s no substitute for an
and call – but then it is another hour of saying “uh- informed understanding of what you and she are
huh” as she tells me her current troubles. When I up against.
cut her off and say I have to go, I feel guilty, even
though I am so often on the receiving end of her A call to the National Alliance on Mental Illness
venom. help line (800-950-6264 or NAMI.org) is free and
I guess my question is, how do I stop feeling so might be all you need. Your guilt feelings, though,
hint at deeper entanglement, in which case your
family doctor can likely start you off with some
therapists’ names.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New opioid law comes with challenges for hospitals
BY TOM LLOYD department director Dr. Brian Wiley
Staff Writer say they are prepared for challenges
posed by the new law.
Florida has a new opioid law.
It’s a law that will affect many That’s a good thing, because it’s a
state residents and all hospitals, big challenge.
including Indian River Medical
Center. For starters, the new law requires
IRMC’s chief medical officer Dr. all Florida physicians – including
Kathy Grichnik and emergency those in hospitals – to check a
state database every time they
prescribe opioid drugs. If the
Dr. Brian Wiley and Dr. Katherine Grichnik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
ER crash cart. If the prescribing doctor decides
– and can document – that those
patient’s records show a history of drugs are medically necessary, that
multiple prescriptions for certain prescription be expanded to a sev-
medications, a big red flag will be en-day supply.
After that, patients will need to
What will probably grab the most be reassessed by a physician in or-
attention, however, is the law’s new der to get a refill – not a bad idea,
three-day supply limit for drugs but inconvenient for patients that
such as codeine, oxycodone, hydro- need the drugs for a longer period
codone, Demerol and Percocet for of time.
patients with acute pain due to sur-
gery, trauma or acute illnesses. (There are some exemptions to
the new three-to-seven-day rule,
including for cancer patients and
those in palliative care or end-of-
life care.)
What will likely go unnoticed
by the public at large, however, is
what the new law is requiring from
hospitals. That includes mandatory
opioid education for the entire staff,
which Grichnik explains, “has to be
accredited or certified education.”
Emergency department director
Wiley jumps in to add, “I am actually
in process of going through all our
discharge software and making
sure we’re in full compliance with
all the new narcotics regulations.
In addition, all our care providers
are currently in the process of going
through their opioid education.”
Wiley’s work has already paid at
least one dividend.
“We had somebody come into the
emergency department yesterday,”
Wiley recalls, “and we did an
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 41
E-FORCSE (Electronic Florida a better efficacy, better pain control “The No. 1 side effect of opioids is of time. Teach them, educate them,
Online Reporting of Controlled and reduce side effects. going to be respiratory depression. get them ready for the surgery. Have
Substance Evaluation) search People die because they take too them be physically ready. In the OR,
and found out he had just gotten “Part of our opioid crisis in the much and they don’t breathe.” minimize your analgesics. Mini-
three scripts from three different U.S. is because we have relied on mize your opioids. Use multimodal
providers within the last week.” opioids as the sole method of pain Grichnik points to two new analgesia and regional anesthesia,
control when we actually know that programs that have been launched if you can.”
That is the scourge of opioid multimodal analgesia is a better. at IRMC.
addition. Addicts will do anything Will changes like the ones above
– including going to multiple “If you add some intravenous “We now have a new pain team at hospitals across the state put an
doctors, clinics or hospitals – to Tylenol,” Grichnik continues, “or for optimizing pain management end to the opioid crisis? No. Will
try to get the drugs they crave, and you add a drug called gabapentin, all the way through the hospital: there be hiccups? Will changes
frankly, emergency departments you can use smaller doses of what’s best for patients, what’s not. be needed? Yes. But if the new
shoulder some of the blame for each drug and they actually work It’s being led by our pharmacists. law does begin to slow the rate of
that. According to a July 28 article together. When they work together, opioid addiction and opioid-related
in the Washington Post, a study in you have better pain control and “The other program we’re starting deaths, it will be an important step
the journal “Annals of Emergency decreased side effects [than with is called Enhanced Recovery after in the right direction.
Medicine” covering the years 2011 opioids alone].” Surgery, or ERAS. The goal is exact-
to 2015 found that fully “one quarter ly the same. Prepare patients ahead
of adults who went to hospital
emergency departments with
sprained ankles were prescribed
opioid painkillers.”
As Orlando Health points out,
“When taken for a short duration by
prescription, opioid pain relievers
are considered safe. But these drugs
interact with the nerve cells in the
body and brain, producing a sense
of euphoria in addition to bringing
pain relief, which makes them
inviting to take beyond the need for
relieving pain. As the brain becomes
used to the dosage, it requires more
of the drug to provide pain relief
and the feeling of well-being. This
makes it easy to become addicted.”
How easy? Current estimates are
that up to 30 percent of patients
who are prescribed opioids for
chronic pain end up misusing these
drugs. In fact, opioid addiction and
overdoses are now the leading cause
of accidental death in this country.
In 2016 alone, over 5,700
Floridians lost their lives to opioid
drugs. Add that to more than 50,000
additional deaths nationwide and
it’s easy to understand why the term
“opioid crisis” has become a staple
on the nightly news.
Oddly, the word “opioid” itself is
largely a misnomer today.
It is derived from the word
opium, a hypnotic drug first made
from the seeds of the poppy flower
sometime around 3400 B.C. in lower
Mesopotamia and Babylon.
Today, however, the vast majority
of opioid drugs are purely synthetic.
Naturally, no one wants to be in
pain and ‘opioids’ are quite effective
at relieving it, but Grichnik says
there’s an even better way.
At IRMC, she says, “there’s been a
big push around the hospital, in the
ED, in the OR and on the floors, to
use multimodal analgesia.”
What’s multimodal analgesia?
Grichnik explains it this way: “If
I choose four or five different kinds
of drugs, I can reduce the amount of
opioid I get because I’m going to get
42 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Diet, exercise can sharply reduce type 2 diabetes risk
BY FRED CICETTI energy. If your body does not make A small percentage of diabetics have Type 2 diabetes can be prevented
Columnist enough insulin or the insulin doesn’t type 1 diabetes, which usually occurs in people who are at an increased risk
work the way it should, glucose can’t in people under age 30. Diabetics or have pre-diabetes, a condition in
Q. I’ve been very hungry recently. get into your cells and remains in your with this form of the disease cannot which glucose levels are higher than
Someone told me that this is a symptom blood. produce insulin. normal but not yet high enough for
for diabetes. Is that true? a diagnosis of diabetes. People with
High levels of glucose in the blood About 90 percent of Americans with pre-diabetes are more likely to develop
An intense hunger is one diabetes damage nerves and blood vessels. diabetes have type 2 diabetes. It is most diabetes within 10 years and are also
symptom. Here are others: frequent This can lead to complications such as common in adults over age 40, and the more likely to have a heart attack or
urination, strong thirst, fatigue, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, risk of getting it increases with age. With stroke.
unintended weight loss, slow-healing blindness, and lower-limb amputation. this form of diabetes, the body does
sores, dry and itchy skin, numbness not always produce enough insulin or A recent study showed that people
or tingling in your feet, and blurred More than 18 million Americans does not use insulin efficiently. Being with pre-diabetes can sharply lower
vision. However, some people with have diabetes. About 11 million people overweight and inactive increases the their chances of developing the disease
diabetes do not have symptoms. 65 years or older suffer from the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. through modest weight loss with diet
disease. and exercise.
Diabetes mellitus is a group of
diseases characterized by high levels That same study showed that
of blood sugar. Diabetes can create changes in diet and exercise were
serious health problems, but diabetics especially effective in curbing the
can control the disease. development of diabetes in older
people. In fact, the development of
If you have diabetes, your body can’t diabetes dropped by 71 percent in
produce insulin or use it properly. adults 60 and older who were enrolled
Insulin is a hormone that helps control in the study.
the sugar in your blood. Insulin is
made by the pancreas, a large organ Because type 2 diabetes is more
behind the stomach. common in older people, especially
in people who are overweight, doctors
Your body converts most of the food recommend that anyone 45 years of
you eat into a form of sugar called age or older be tested for diabetes.
glucose, which is our main source of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 45
Need summer dressing inspiration? Try these 6 new looks
BY KRISSY TURNER, EMILY CRONIN, CHARLIE old thing?” nonsense. Where the rest of matched earrings make it a chic sum- cron is amongst a sea of world leaders
GOWANS-EGLINTON, BETHAN HOLT us pack linen sundresses and cotton- mer-ready ensemble. wives all dressed in politely feminine
AND OLIVIA BUXTON SMITH voile cover-ups, her holiday looks in- lace frocks. And then she’s rocked up
The Telegraph volve strategy, styling and a major dose Sharp tailoring keeps your sum- looking like she’s all prepped for a
of confidence. I wish I could get away mer look formal Helmut Newton shoot. J’adore! Take
The heat still here and looks set with posing on my balcony in head-to- note by choosing tailoring over pretti-
to continue over the next couple of toe zebra-print Dolce & Gabbana ... If This outfit is all about context. Zoom ness for your next summer party.
months. It’s time we slightly reinvent you’re honest, don’t you? out, and you’d note that Madam Ma-
all of the summer looks we’ve been
wearing non-stop. Try a colorful pastel look
Dominican model Lineisy Montero
Fear not, as a host of stylish celeb- wearing uber-cool New York label Seis
rities have been out and about pro- Marjan to this year’s CFDA Awards
viding a welcome and timely dose of in June is the first look that sprung to
summer inspiration. mind when I was asked to choose my
favorite of the summer.
From embracing prints and wel- Dutch designer Sander Lak, who
coming pops of color, to summer tai- made his New York Fashion Week de-
loring and going minimal, here are but in February 2016, is at the helm
the best summer dressing tips we’ve of the relatively new brand, and has
picked up from them ... rapidly created a name for himself
through his experimental approach to
Not keen on dresses? Try a jumpsuit color and shape. And this dress from
A boiler suit wouldn’t normally get his autumn/winter ’18 collection is in-
my heart racing, but Doutzen’s is the dicative of why.
exception. So effortless, so lightweight, A layer of peach chiffon gives an im-
so elegant – who knew boiler suits could maculately cut powder blue shift dress
be elegant? I’ll look for one in slightly- an other-worldy feel, while Lineisy’s
more-practical khaki or denim. bold red lip and blush accessories are
the icing on top of a sweet-but-not-sac-
Timeless staples are a no-brainer cahrine cake.
Well, I never thought I’d say it, but
I want to look like Katie Holmes. I’m Brighten up your workwear with
a sucker for simplicity, but as anyone colorful accents
who’s ever tried to do pared-back will
know, it takes some nailing. Here, The biggest dressing dilemma of
Holmes has found a T-shirt is not too the year is always what to wear for the
tight and not too loose and a lovely in- sweaty commute and an air-condi-
digo denim skirt which hits at a below- tioned office that is work-appropriate.
the-knee point I’d consider close to Look to the fabulous Tracee Ellis Ross
perfect. Elsewhere, this look has been who has provided me with enviable
compared to something Jackie O might summer inspiration all season.
have worn. I’m inclined to agree – it will
look as good in 10 years as it does now. Note that her printed blouse and
wide-leg trouser combination is a typi-
Don’t dismiss head-to-toe print cal look in our workwear roster, but
Not for Beyonce any of that “Oh, this that her bright lip, fun shoes and mis-
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Madonna at 60: How the Queen of pop changed fashion
BY LAURA CRAIK When the first slow song of the night
The Telegraph comes on, boys make a beeline for her.
The other girls watch in agony as she
For more than four decades, Ma- shuffles cheek to cheek with Campbell.
donna has continually reinvented her ‘I’m crazy for you/Touch me once and
music – and her style. As she turns 60 you know it’s true,’ sings our queen, our
(yes, really!) this month, we salute the ruler, our Madonna.
Material Girl who changed the world.
She was our Madonna and she
Sometime in the mid-1980s, and a was everyone’s Madonna, an all-
bunch of schoolgirls are congregating things-to-all-people pop star who
in the common room, any innate sense preferred to be called a performance
of style they might latently possess bur- artist, for reasons we were too young
ied deep under their uniforms. They are to decode. She was the best pop star
discussing the end-of-year school dis- ever, an opinion I still hold decades
co, and what to wear. Denise wants to later, even if Prince and Beyoncé sail
wear lace gloves. Hannah also wants to close. How is it that she can be turning
wear lace gloves. Denise bought them 60? How can that even be?
first. Harsh words are exchanged. It’s a
relief when the bell goes. Is it because, in defying so many
other conventions, I expected her to
Fast-forward to the disco, and half defy the ageing process as well? It’s not
the room is wearing lace gloves, includ- that ageing isn’t a privilege. It’s just that
ing one of the teachers. Crucifixes, kohl- some people seem forever destined to
rimmed eyes, fluorescent vest tops, be preserved in aspic wearing fishnets
studded belts, cropped tops, footless and a leotard.
tights, shrunken denim jackets and tu-
tus abound. Denise has given herself a As someone who has owned it for
fake beauty spot. Sylvia has tied her hair more than three decades (let’s use a
in rags. Monica has borrowed a bustier modern colloquialism of which Ma-
– an actual bustier! – from her big sister. donna would approve, obsessed as
she is with modernity), it’s only fit-
ting that on the occasion of center of the universe, yet all
her 60th, we appreciate her the while appearing to be her
style legacy. Of the myriad own current.
reinventions she has had Whether you were a fledgling design-
since bursting on to the er or a well-established one, Madonna’s
scene in 1983, it’s her “Like a Virgin” pe- patronage was guaranteed to catapult
riod that remains seared most deeply you to the next level. It was in 1982 that
in my memory, as it probably does for Jean Paul Gaultier first showed a coni-
most children of the 1980s. cal bra on his catwalk, but it took Ma-
donna wearing one in 1990 to make the
It’s hard to convey the impact of that design iconic. Inspired by 1950s bullet
1984 video of Madonna dancing on a bras and referencing her own 1980s
gondola in Venice, all black vest, ro- penchant for underwear-as-outerwear,
saries and sass. “Like a Virgin” was a the pale-pink satin conical corset that
brilliant pop song, but it was the video Gaultier designed for her Blond Ambi-
that elevated it into a moment of pro- tion tour is arguably Madonna’s most
found cultural significance. Here was seminal look.
a young woman who looked not only Brazen and unapologetic, it paved
sexy but strong. the way for a host of female perform-
ers to take to the stage wearing lib-
That Madonna backed up this cellu- erating, provocative costumes that
loid breakthrough with equally arrest- defined their sexuality on their own
ing live performances only increased terms. In challenging social norms
fans’ adulation. When she performed and igniting conversations around
the same song on Top of the Pops in sex, politics and religion, she laid the
a leather biker jacket adorned with groundwork for female artists such
graphics by Keith Haring, rare was the as Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley
viewer who had even heard of Keith Cyrus and Beyoncé – all of whom have
Haring – but you can bet they wanted to acknowledged their debt.
know who he was. More than anyone, Madonna knows
Pre-Internet, before information was
a quick Google away, Madonna was a
rare and precious conduit, a woman
who seemed plugged into the white-hot
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 47
paint all sex as risky, at ability to continue my career for 34 doesn’t matter. Even if she spends
least Madonna tried to years in the face of blatant misog- her remaining years in a Vetements
open people’s minds – not yny, sexism, constant bullying and tracksuit (please Madonna, don’t), she
least to the LGBTQ commu- relentless abuse,” she said. “Do not has contributed more to the cultural
nity, and in particular the age. Because to age is a sin. You will conversation than any female per-
gay community, to which be criticized. You will be vilified. And former in history. A powerful feminist
both her music and her style you will definitely not be played on and a fashion chameleon, she is the
owes such a debt. the radio.” antithesis of the manufactured pop
If Madonna’s most iconic looks – star. Madonna was only ever created
“She was always sex- the corsetry, the Marilyn Monroe, by Madonna.
positive, a personal, one- the androgyny, the bondage gear, the “I am my own experiment. I am
woman affront to repression,” says cowgirl phase – are now behind her, it my own work of art,” she once said.
Paul Flynn, author of bestselling book Whether 16 or 60, would that any of
“Good As You: From Prejudice to Pride us had the nerve to dress as freely as
– 30 Years of Gay Britain.” “In this re- she. What a queen.
spect, she’s at least as important as Liz
that sex sells. From Taylor or Princess Diana to the global
her early performance gay community. Right from the begin-
at the first-ever Video ning, when she appeared on The Tube,
Music Awards in 1984, filmed at the Hacienda, singing Holi-
writhing on the floor day, she was dancing in the footsteps of
in a wedding dress while a gay man; her brother and choreogra-
she sang “Like a Virgin,” she knew that pher Christopher stood beside her.
shock was the surest route to super- “It set a template that she has stayed
stardom. Her stylist at the time, the faithful to for her whole career, and the
much-overlooked Maripol (Madonna gay audience has returned her faith in
is better known for working with the them with ferocious loyalty. But her
stylist Arianne Phillips), was one of the gay peak is Blond Ambition. Robbing
few people close enough to witness the the stadium show from earnest rocker
backlash she received, recalling how boys like U2 and handing it over to the
“they [MTV] tried to destroy her that glitterball theatre of girls and gays was
day … they went under her skirt with genuinely revolutionary.”
the camera, trying to intimidate her.” Equally revolutionary, of course,
If this early example of upskirting was is Madonna’s refusal to “put it away.”
intended to break Madonna, it actually Feminism may have come a long way,
did the opposite. It made her. but the vitriol aimed at Madonna’s sex-
She continued to shock with her uality as she ages is a stark reminder
1992 book “Sex,” a lavish coffee-table that when it comes to equality, we still
tome shot by Steven Meisel that, while have a long way to go. Slammed by
it divided opinion, had honorable in- some commentators at the 2016 Met
tentions. “I think the problem is that Ball for wearing a gown that showed
everybody’s so uptight about it [sex] her (very pert) breasts and butt, it’s little
that they make it into something bad wonder that she used her speech at the
when it isn’t, and if people could talk 2016 Billboard Women In Music Awards
about it freely, we would have people to highlight age discrimination.
practising more safe sex,” Madonna “Thank you for acknowledging my
told Vanity Fair at the time.
“We wouldn’t have people sexu-
ally abusing each other, because
they wouldn’t be so uptight to say
what they really want, what they re-
ally feel.” Simplistic, perhaps, but at a
time when mainstream media liked to
48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Blue Star Brasserie: Culinary excellence in Old Downtown
BY TINA RONDEAU Seared Hot Foie Gras. seared jumbo scallops served on top and moist, and complemented by a
of a shitake, tomato and spinach orzo roasted tomato, caper and olive ra-
Columnist PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD with a little bit of goat cheese and a gout.
basil pesto. Accompanied by grilled
For an evening of fine dining, the Coconut Curried Grouper with P.E.I. Mussels asparagus, it was a fabulous dish. But my husband’s lobster risotto was
Blue Star Brasserie on 14th Avenue absolutely amazing – the meat from a
has become our go-to choice on the pastry on the side as a garnish – was Our companion’s very thick cut of pound-and-a-half Maine lobster, re-
Vero Beach mainland. great, as always. swordfish was cooked perfectly, nice moved from the shell, and served on
top of a shitake, leek, tarragon, parme-
When chef Kitty Wagner opened Then for entrées, I ordered the diver san, white wine risotto. Superb.
this restaurant in Vero’s Old Down- sea scallops ($36), my husband chose
town as the Blue Star Bourbon Bar the lobster risotto ($38), and our com- On another recent visit, I started
and Southern Kitchen in 2013, the panion went for the swordfish ($34). with a very light and refreshing sum-
ambiance was about as casual and mer watermelon salad ($14), and my
roughhewn as the name. Five years My dish consisted of four pan- husband enjoyed an excellent Maine
later, it’s still casual – but each year, it lobster bisque ($12).
also becomes more elegant.
Then for entrées, I chose the pan-
And when we visited last week, the seared Faroe Island salmon ($28) –
piano stylings of Jim Van Voorheis always very good here, and on this
provided an excellent backdrop for visit served atop succotash – and my
an evening of comfortable but gra- husband had one of his favorites, the
cious dining. sautéed calves liver and fried onions
($28) served with whipped potatoes.
Word of how good this restaurant
has become is clearly getting around, On neither of these recent outings,
because even on a summer Vero eve- alas, did we have room for one of the
ning, it was fortunate that we had Blue Star’s delicious homemade des-
booked ahead. serts.
Seated far enough from the piano This summer’s special deal (ev-
for easy table conversation, our very ery restaurant seems to have one) is
attentive server quickly took our wine a free bottle of wine with every two
order, and returned with a basket of entrées or four appetizers. And these
the Blue Star’s rosemary rolls. are pretty good wines. The nights we
were there, we opted for the Bogle
For appetizers, I decided to have chardonnay.
the chilled cucumber and dill soup
($8), my husband opted for the foie Dinner for two, if you have an appe-
gras ($24), and our companion or- tizer, entrée and dessert, can still run
dered the escargot saute ($14). $90 to $100 before tip – even with the
wine special – but it can come in con-
The soup, made with nonfat Greek siderably less if you dine light on the
yogurt, was light and refreshing – interesting selection of small plates.
the perfect starter on a hot summer
night. The pan-seared foie gras was Chef Kitty has been through a num-
exquisite, served with a blueberry ber of restaurant iterations – some we
and blackberry chutney and accom- really liked, some less so – in her years
panied by a petite mixed green salad. in Vero Beach. At the Blue Star Bras-
serie, she currently is at the top of her
And Kitty’s escargot sautee – not game.
your classic presentation, but a de-
constructed dish with tender snails The reviewer dines anonymously
surrounded by bacon, shallots and at restaurants at the expense of Vero
slices of apple, and a square of puff Beach 32963.
House Made Key Lime Pie Chilled Watermelon Salad. HOURS
(from Kitty’s Key Lime Tree) Tuesday - Saturday,
From 5 pm
Full Bar
2227 14th Ave.,
Vero Beach
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 49
SUNSET MENU $17 A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks
Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge
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Salmon, Steak Au Poivre, Rigatoni Bolognese
Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant
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Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days The Best Food In South County!
2002 – 2017
(772) 234-3966 reservations strongly suggested
3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL 2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
tidesofvero.com Vero Beach
sunday brunch live entertainment wednesday
steak night
a la carte brunch menu fridays | cabana bar | 5:30-8:30 pm
a la carte
11:30 am - 3 pm saturdays | the wave | 7-10 pm specialty steak menu
early-bird dinner DJ thursday
paella night
sunday - thursday saturdays | cabana bar | 1-5 pm
5 - 6 PM sundays | cabana bar | 2-5 pm variety paella dishes
three courses happy hour mojito monday
$22 per person
1/2 off appetizers $8 flavored mojitos
$4 draft beer
$5 house wine
$6 house cocktails
4 - 6 pm daily
call 772.410.0100 for more information
50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 9, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
-French Cuisine-
Customer Appreciation Week I August 9th - August 15th
On the House Complimentary One Freebie
Pomme Dauphine Mousse Au Chocolat Rosé Spritzer
for the table (w/every à la carte appetizer order)
No Charge 1/2 Off Second Entrée
Cheese Profiteroles of equal or lesser value
for the table (excludes Prix Fixe)
Annual Vacation I August 16, 2018 - October 4, 2018
Thank you for your support!
772-770-2071 • www.BistroFourchette.com
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1309 19th Place - Downtown Vero Beach, FL
Reservations Preferred • "see you at the bistro!"