County gets good financial news
in two reports. P11, P12
Pollution a concern
at Blue Cypress Lake. P9
Might traffic increase from
a Publix impact Jungle Trail? P8
County landfill hits For breaking news visit
height limit, so new
section to be opened UF psychiatry
clinic gets funds
to remain open
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Mount Dump, the high- It seemed a sad way to spend
est elevation in Indian River
County, is finally topping out a 10th birthday.
at 180 feet.
The Vero Beach-based Uni-
The 25-acre mound of gar-
bage has reached the height versity of Florida Center for
limit imposed by the state –
you can see the dirt covered Psychiatry and Addiction Med-
hill from I-95 – and a new sec-
tion of the Indian River Coun- icine, which over the course of
ty Landfill needs to be opened.
a decade has become a critical
Engineering and construc-
tion costs to close and cap the element in Indian River Coun-
old section, or cell, will be ap-
proximately $10 million, and ty’s mental health services,
it will cost another $8 million
to put in the infrastructure for learned that UF’s College of
the new 11-acre section. The
work will take about a year Medicine planned to close the
and a half to complete.
satellite clinic if faced with an-
The county commission
last month approved a con- other $300,000 shortfall for the
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 upcoming academic year.
St. Ed’s sues family Vero Beach looking for firm to take over city marina Providing both adult and
for breach of contract child psychiatric services with
three psychiatrists and an ad-
BY BETH WALTON dictionologist, the center also
Staff Writer
BY LISA ZAHNER opinion, farming out the man- with major capital improve- trains University of Florida
Vero Beach’s private island Staff Writer agement of the marina would ments. A lease, he said could medical students and fellows,
school filed a lawsuit against
the mother of a fifth-grader in only add an extra layer of costs be a better option. bringing fresh young doctors
circuit court last month alleg-
ing a breach in the student’s The City of Vero Beach is for few benefits, and that the He found six firms, some of into the Vero Beach – and with
enrollment contract.
fishing for competitive propos- city would likely still get stuck CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
The courtroom maneu-
ver, intended to recoup some als to take over the city marina.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 Two months ago, City Man-
ager Jim O’Connor reached out
Mardy Fish tennis tourney hopes to take big step upto a national marina manage-
ment firm to get some input BY RAY MCNULTY
about the strengths and weak- Staff Writer
nesses of the city’s current ma-
rina operations. The good news Professional tennis is chang-
is that the marina is well-liked ing its tournament structure
and well-used. The bad news is next year, eliminating the
that the city has dragged its feet entry-level circuit that in-
on needed maintenance and cludes a popular, long-run-
repairs, partially out of budget ning Vero Beach event.
constraints and partially out But organizers of the lo-
of indecision among council cal event – the Mardy Fish
members. More higher-ranked players like Denis Shapavalov may play here. PHOTO BY JOHN PEARSE CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
O’Connor said that in his
May 10, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 19 Newsstand Price $1.00 Thunderous skies –
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
UF psychiatry clinic would be kept open another year, ac- That exposure could eventually in- had over the past nine years. Creelman
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cording to Dr. Wayne Creelman, the spire freshly minted psychiatrists to also said the clinic was among the top
center’s director since its inception. permanently relocate to this area, a vi- performing centers in the department.
luck, some of them stay when their He said plans are being developed to tal infusion given that nearly half of all
studies are over. secure the clinic’s future for the next local psychiatrists are 65 or over. Rather, UF’s dean of the College of
five years. Medicine lay the blame on shamefully
Fortunately, the next crop of interns, Should they not be able to raise the low insurance reimbursement rates –
residents and fellows can continue Creelman had enough on his hands funding, UF officials in Gainesville 32 cents on the dollar, Creelman said
making plans to spend the year in Vero managing a clinic that since Novem- had given notice they would close the Friday as he headed to New York for
starting next month. The financial cri- ber 2008 has cared for 7,500 people in clinic, Creelman told Hospital District a medical conference. Breaking even
sis appears to have been averted – at more than 88,000 visits. trustees. was never going to happen, he said
least for the moment. with resignation.
In addition, he has overseen the The fault was not the clinic’s, ac-
Bridge funding by the Indian River training of dozens of medical students, cording to Creelman’s presentation to Of the $300,000 needed for the next
Hospital District and last week, anoth- residents, fellows and post-docs at the the trustees. Nor was it the fault of UF; academic year, Creelman was asking
er round of meetings with the United Vero clinic, one of several community- it was only thanks to the university’s the Hospital District for $125,000, confi-
Way, all but assured the clinic doors based satellites of the UF College of sound financial management that dent he could raise the balance through
Medicine. donor dollars had gone as far as they other organizations plus donations.
The District voted to oblige him.
“I’ve made two presentations so far
to United Way, and I think they are go-
ing to come through with $45,000,”
Creelman said.
He is now working on a longer-term
survival plan that would target UF’s
“Gator Nation” – University of Florida
alumni donors.
What is clear is that the culprit in
the budget crunch was not a short-
age of patients. In a decade, the clinic
has been visited 88,000 times, serving
more than 7,500 people with mental
health needs in Vero and surrounding
All too aware of the dire need of psy-
chiatric services in the area, the clinic
opened in late 2008 with an endow-
ment of $2 million from the foundation
of island residents Bob and Ellie Mc-
Cabe, and another sizeable boost com-
ing from a core group of their friends.
Then, three years after the clinic was
up and running, it found itself shorted
by the state of Florida when suddenly
in 2011 the Legislature froze a match-
ing gift program that would have safe-
guarded the center’s future.
That program is now the subject of
a lawsuit filed in 2017 by UF graduates
and Florida State University donors.
The class action suit contends the Leg-
islature should free up $600 million in
matching grants that were suspended
in July 2011, at the height of the reces-
sion. Gifts of $2 million or more – like
that of the McCabe Foundation – were
to be matched dollar-for-dollar in the
law that dates back to 1985, intended
to encourage people to donate to edu-
A motion to dismiss the suit was
filed on behalf of the Legislature last
year, claiming that due to separation
of powers, a judge could not order the
legislature to free up the funds. But in
January, a Leon County judge refused
to dismiss the lawsuit. That decision
allows the suit to go forward.
“Good news!” texted Creelman from
his conference. He was well aware of
the frozen grants, but not of the suit or
its progress.
The other key component in the
UF center’s financial struggle is one
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 3
shared by mental health practitioners an umbrella agency which worked to in part through the McCabe Foun- Along with the UF clinic and the
across the nation: an ongoing ineq- bring the UF clinic to Vero. “Mental dation, the collaborative is aimed Mental Health Association, the third
uity in insurance reimbursement as health professionals are expensive, at identifying gaps in mental health critical component to the region’s
compared to primary care and other and they’re sought after. Yet state, fed- care throughout the county, including mental health care is the in-patient
health services. eral and private insurance has not kept when the Mental Health Association mental health facility affiliated with
up with the cost of providing services.” underwent a management and prac- Indian River Medical Center, the Be-
Another legislative action – this titioner crisis in 2012 that threatened havioral Health Center. Operated by
time at the federal level – should have As for UF’s clinic here, “they are a to shutter those services; it has since the Hospital District and under the
provided some relief to the clinic. significant provider,” Hall said. recovered, apparently thriving under IRMC lease, the 46-bed mental health
The same year the psychiatric center Dr. Bob Brugnoli’s leadership.
opened in Vero, Congress passed the Founded in 2004 under the auspices CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Mental Health Parity Act, an effort to of the United Way, and now funded
address the disparity in insurance re-
imbursement rates for mental health Exclusively John’s Island
practitioners, among other things.
Nestled along the Intracoastal Waterway, this desirable 4BR/5.5BA
That law apparently lacked teeth. waterfront property enjoys breathtaking, panoramic views and 180± feet
Today, in most states, psychiatrists of direct river frontage. Sited on 1.49± acres, this 7,027± GSF home is
and other mental health providers are adorned with natural stone finishes, architectural detailing and voluminous
reimbursed at rates ranging from 30 living spaces. Offering the ultimate in privacy, additional features include a
percent to 70 percent of what doctors handsome library with fireplace, luxurious master suite, bonus office, 2-car
outside of mental health receive.That’s garage, lush landscaping, lap pool and a new boat dock with lift and ramp.
even when non-mental health doctors 45 Dove Plum Road : $6,900,000
treat patients for mental health issues:
a family physician prescribing anti- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
depressants, for example. health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
The law was also aimed at bringing 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
more practitioners into insurance net-
works, thereby lowering patient costs
significantly. That hasn’t happened ei-
ther. An assessment of the law’s effec-
tiveness released last fall by Milliman,
a worldwide actuarial and consulting
firm, looked at insurance claims data
of 42 million Americans over a three-
year span.
It showed, among other issues, that
people needing outpatient psychiat-
ric services were 5.8 times more likely
to go out of network, increasing their
out-of-pocket costs by 40 percent to
100 percent.
In Florida, the figures were far above
the national average. In 2015, out-of-
network inpatient mental health stays
were 1,000 times more frequent than
out-of-network medical stays.
“The analysis paints a stark picture
of restricted access to affordable and
much-needed addiction and men-
tal health care in an era of escalat-
ing suicide rates and opioid overdose
deaths,” according to a 2017 news
release by the American Psychiatric
Association regarding the Milliman
“Further, these disparities point
to potential violations of federal and
state parity laws, which require insur-
ance companies to treat diseases of
the brain, such as clinical depression
and opioid addiction, the same way
they treat illnesses of the body, such
as cancer and heart disease.”
In addition to those increased out-
of-network costs, the Milliman study
showed primary care providers re-
ceived 22 percent more in reimburse-
ment for office visits than mental
health providers.
“It’s very difficult to make money in
outpatient psychiatry and therapy to
begin with,” said Brett Hall, director
of the Mental Health Collaborative,
4 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
UF psychiatry clinic At this point, Creelman is hoping be sewn together to line the new site. tennis version of Triple-A baseball,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 that the die-hard Gator fans think “The proper installation of these lin- just one level below the major-league
beyond football goal posts and throw ers is critical to the long-term integrity World Tour.
center is part of negotiations currently their support to the UF College of of our landfill and the protection of
underway with Cleveland Clinic. The Medicine’s outpost in Vero Beach. the underlying groundwater system,” With prize money ranging from
District administrator, Ann Marie Su- Burke said. $50,000 to $150,000 at nearly 100 sites
riano, says the center is expected to be “I feel confident we can count on around the world, Challenger events at-
a part of the new partnership when a the Gator Nation,” said Creelman. “We Fill to stabilize the foundation of tract higher-ranked players – most are
definitive agreement is reached. need to raise $1.5 million to give us the new cell and to cap and grade the ranked among the top 200 in the world
five years of bridge funds to cover the sides of the old cell will cost about $5 – with more-recognizable names, large
According to Creelman, the cen- loss every year of $300,000.” million, which is included in Thalle’s crowds and strong corporate sponsors.
ter typically employs around seven construction cost. The dirt that will
doctoral-level practitioners. IRMC’s Mount Dump be used has to meet state standards, That’s a big jump from the soon-to-
Behavioral Health Center has a staff Burke said. cease United States Tennis Associa-
of seven doctors. The Mental Health CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion Pro Circuit, where “Futures” tour-
Association has two psychiatrists split The leachate collection system and naments are the professional game’s
among the three counties. An estimat- tract for both phases of construction storm water management system at bottom rung, a proving ground for
ed half-dozen other independent psy- with low-bidder Thalle Construction the site will be expanded, including top juniors, college players and up-
chiatrists practice in Vero or Sebastian. Company of Hillsborough, N.C., for a the construction of a new lift station start pros.
little over $16 million. Engineering and and water main extension. New inte-
In Indian River County, Hall says, design work, awarded to CDM Smith rior roads will also need to be built. The prize money at this year’s Vero
the wait to get an appointment with a of Vero Beach in July 2017, will total a Beach tournament, which was played
psychiatrist is 30 to 60 days. Hall said little over $2 million by project end. The landfill gas system, which col- two weeks ago at Grand Harbor, was
that wait is not remarkable as com- lects methane gas produced by de- only $15,000 and attracted players
pared to medical specialties. He adds The county has money for the clo- composing garbage, will be expanded. ranked from No. 1,219 to No. 402.
“it would be very bad” without the UF sure on hand in a DEP-mandated es- Forty new gas wells, with new head
center easing the provider shortage. crow account, but only has about $2.2 piping and pumps, will be added. So when Fish first learned of the re-
million available to build the new sec- structuring, he admitted, “It’s pretty
The McCabe Foundation is no lon- tion, leaving it $5.8 million short. INEOS, a biofuel company that went scary.”
ger in UF’s future; it was disbanded by out of business in 2016, purchased
its namesake, Ellie McCabe a year ago, Utilities Director Vincent Burke told about $25,000 a year in gas when it was His fears, though, have been calmed.
but not without providing seed money county commissioners the shortfall operating. Now the gas is being burned The new International Tennis Fed-
for a new initiative under the Indian will be a key item in the Solid Waste off, or “flared,” since there is no buyer, eration format replaces the USTA’s
River Community Foundation, called Disposal District’s upcoming budget said Solid Waste Disposal District Man- “Futures” events with a “Transition
The Fund for Better Mental Health in presentation for fiscal 2018-19. aging Director Himanshu Mehta. Tour,” designed to more effectively
Indian River County. link the ITF’s Juniors circuit to the
Polyethylene geomembranes will “After we get the cap on [the closed men’s and women’s world tours.
cell], the decomposition will increase,” Transition Tour events will have
Mehta said. “Then we’ll know better 32-player singles draws and offer
what volume we have to sell.” prize money of $15,000 or $25,000.
The $25,000 tournaments will contin-
County Administrator Jason Brown ue to award professional tennis rank-
said natural gas prices have gone ings points, but only to finalists and
down, diminishing demand for meth- semifinalists – and only for 2019.
ane gas and reducing the county’s In 2020, pro rankings points will
ability to offset landfill operations cost be awarded only at Challenger-level
with gas sales. tournament and above.
According to Randy Walker, a for-
My Vero mer USTA press officer and part-time
Moorings resident who serves as the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 local tournament’s co-director, Vero
Beach already has been offered a date
Children’s Foundation Tennis Cham- on the Transition Tour’s 2019 schedule.
pionships – say the tournament’s fu- “They’ve invited us to be a $25,000
ture is not in jeopardy. tournament the week of April 29th,
and they’ve offered to subsidize a por-
To the contrary, the tournament’s tion of the increase in prize money,”
co-directors see the International Ten- Walker said. “They know the history
nis Federation’s collaboration with the and reputation of the tournament
men’s ATP World Tour and women’s here – it’s the longest-running $15,000
WTA World Tour to revamp the profes- event on the circuit – and they wanted
sional game as an opportunity to raise to give us the first option.”
the stature of the event here. USTA officials say the tournament,
which has been played in Vero Beach
“We’d love to move up to the Chal- since 1995, had become one of the cir-
lenger level, if not next year, then even- cuit’s most successful stops – one that
tually,” said Tom Fish, who is Windsor’s has been wildly popular with players,
tennis director as well as chairman who praise the community’s strong
of the Vero Beach-based foundation support for the event.
started by his son, Mardy, a retired top- “The players love coming here,”
10 player. Walker said.
The game’s governing bodies, how-
“For that to be financially doable, ever, have decided there are too many
though, we’d really have to sell it to the players playing professional tennis.
community and get sponsors to con- A recent ITF study found: Of the
tribute more,” Fish added. “We’d need 14,000-plus players who compete an-
the corporate community to step up nually in pro tournaments, fewer than
even more than it’s doing now.”
It’s an ambitious goal: The Chal-
lenger Tour is a big step up, the men’s
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 5
350 men and just over 250 women fi- ber of ranked pros from 3,000 to 1,500 Both Fish and Walker said they be- Adding Vero Beach to the Challeng-
nancially break even, and more than – 750 men and 750 women. lieve Vero Beach, with an increased sub- er Tour, though, would need the ap-
half earn no prize money. sidy from the USTA for at least the first proval of the ITF and ATP World Tour
“Our plan now is to have a $25,000 few years, could support a Challenger, before a date could be assigned on
The new tournament structure, de- Transition Tour event next year and which would require putting up $75,000 the schedule.
signed to ensure that prize money at then go for a Challenger,” Walker said. in prize money or $50,000 in prize mon-
pro tournaments allows more players “We’re already lobbying for a Chal- ey plus hotel rooms for the players. Challengers already are played in
to make a living, will reduce the num- lenger in 2020, probably in mid-May.”
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero a great reputation on the Pro Circuit, rina so they know what we have and of revenue to meet commitments
and they want to keep it going here. the conditions that we’re looking at,” such as the growing cost of healthcare
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 We have a lot of ideas, and we have O’Connor said. for city employees. Divesting the city
some time to look at things.” of its enterprise funds, the marina
April and May in Sarasota, Tallahas- “It could turn out that nobody has among them, Young said, is not the
see and Savannah, Ga. Walker believes Ultimately, though, money will be any interest and that’s the end of that,” way to accomplish this.
a mid-May tournament in Vero Beach the deciding factor. said City Council member Val Zudans,
would be a good fit, geographically adding that the entire process needs The Indian River Neighborhood
and on the calendar. Vero Beach has proven itself to be a to be transparent so the public can see Association rallied residents to speak
tennis town, and there’s no doubt there all proposals that come in. from the podium against the idea of
“To do a Challenger, we’d need the are plenty of folks who will enthusiasti- Vero getting rid of its enterprise funds,
hotels and probably need to take over cally come out to support a Challenger O’Connor said there are different but Zudans said that the majority of
more of the club at Grand Harbor, and tournament with higher-ranked play- types of leases and that the city could Vero residents think the city may not
that’s easier to do in May,” Walker said. ers and more familiar names. tailor an agreement to meet its needs. be the most efficient operator of vari-
“Also, having a Challenger in mid-May “We could almost be as creative as we ous services, including the marina.
helps from the standpoint of getting But is the local business community want to be in the way we want to go,”
players. ready, willing and able to step up? he said. Zudans wants Vero to take a hard
look at outsourcing its water-sewer
“They can come to Vero Beach to We’ll see. The marina is an enterprise fund, utility and trash services as well.
play on the clay here, then go to Orlan- “People here need to know that, no meaning that it’s operated on user
do, get on a plane to Paris and play the matter which way we go, they’re going fees and it’s not supposed to be a That approach has drawn fire from
French Open qualifying,” also on clay. to see amazing tennis,” Walker said. drain on taxpayers. Some years it does people like former councilman Brian
“It’s going to be the same quality of break even, but frequently the city Heady and others who cry foul, saying
Fish said the Futures tournament tennis you’re seeing now or better.” has to kick in money from the general the actions Zudans advocates are akin
brought about $500,000 annually Maybe a lot better. fund to cover some marina expenses. to dismantling or liquidating city as-
into the local economy. He projected In turn, the marina fund transfers sets or even the city itself.
a Challenger would generate three Vero Beach City Marina $102,000 per year back to the general
times that amount. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fund to offset administrative expenses “I take offense at the idea that I’m
provided by the city such as manage- trying to disincorporate the city,” Zu-
In addition, Walker said all Chal- them out of state, that could lease and ment and legal staff, human resources dans said. He said he’s only trying to
lengers are televised online, which operate the marina. The next step is and purchasing. do what he sees as his job as a coun-
would provide increased exposure for to go to those firms and ask for them cil member– to bring quality services
Vero Beach, the Fish foundation and for a letter of interest. “I would like In a letter read in his absence, Coun- to the residents at the lowest possible
the tournament’s sponsors. them to come down and visit the ma- cilman Tony Young said he advocates cost, and to look at all the options for
the city preserving revenue sources doing so.
“A Challenger here certainly is pos- and looking at obtaining other forms
sible,” Fish said. “This tournament has Council member Laura Moss said
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 7
one of the reasons why the city is as are frustrating to me,” Sykes said. “As The most recent suit filed by St. Ed’s become immediately due and payable
beautiful as it is, is because the city a city, let’s put together a plan to figure alleges a Port St. Lucie mother made a . . . there is no right to cancel.”
maintains control over things like its out the most fiscally responsible way $2,099 deposit for her son’s enrollment
marina. that we can operate the best marina in March of 2017 but paid nothing af- The child’s mother, who listed a
that we can.” ter. Her son was set to enroll in the University of Miami e-mail address
“We need to give it more of a shot 2017-2018 school year, which began with the school’s Smart Tuition bill-
before we turn it over to somebody St. Ed’s that August. A billing statement at- ing program, signed the contract Feb.
else,” said Debra Daige, claiming that tached to the school’s legal complaint 21, court documents show. She made
the marina and its staff have been CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 says the boy withdrew. no payments after the March deposit.
slighted in recent budget. The statement, which indicates the
$19,000 in lost tuition, legal damages Tuition for the lower school, grades child was withdrawn from Saint Ed-
“If you go to an outsider, remember and fees, is a familiar financial strat- one through five, is $21,720 a year. ward’s School, doesn’t say when.
the economics,” said former council egy for Saint Edward’s School, which Fees jump to $25,500 for middle
member Dick Winger. He pointed out has filed at least eight similar lawsuits school students and $28,000 for high The mother did not respond to a
that the marina is bogged down in in the last decade. school students. request for comment. The school also
debt from land purchases and build- refused to supply additional informa-
ing construction, plus the ongoing A 2012 New York Times article de- Saint Edward’s 2017-2018 re-enroll- tion, citing privacy concerns.
costs of repairs. “If you rent the thing, tailed the emerging trend of private ment contract states parents must pay
some way or another you’ve got to schools suing for past due tuition. Par- a nonrefundable deposit equal to 10 “Because this situation involves a
cover the $320,000 payment on the ents face large bills even when their percent of tuition. Students are then minor student, we are going to de-
loan . . . if you go to an outsider you’ve children never attended classes, it says. enrolled for the full academic school cline to comment,” said Saint Edward’s
got to consider all those sums.” Contracts are written with very specific year regardless whether they with- spokeswoman Monica Jennings in
deadlines which parents are held to re- draw from classes or leave the area. a statement e-mailed to Vero Beach
Winger said the city also needs to gardless of personal circumstance. 32963. “We are looking forward to a
take a comprehensive look at the ma- Cancellations and refunds are only swift resolution as we stay focused on
rina’s rates, and to make sure that it Schools, like Saint Edward’s, claim provided if notification is made in our mission and finish the school year.”
doesn’t fall even deeper into disrepair. such actions help cover unplanned tu- writing by May 31, 2017, the contract
ition losses, but parents have argued states. It’s not clear if the other Saint Ed-
Vice Mayor Lange Sykes said he’s their child’s spot could easily be filled. ward’s School students named in court
frustrated by the lack of progress on Court decisions have been mixed, some If the child is withdrawn, absent or documents were enrolled at the time of
repairs and capital improvements at favoring schools and some favoring separated from the school after that the legal action against their parents.
the marina, despite the money being parents, and many cases settle out of date for any reason, including change Lawsuit amounts ranged from one fam-
committed for these projects. court with nondisclosure agreements. of residence, health, withdrawal or ily’s past due bill of $2,800 to another
expulsion, there will be no refund or with multiple children enrolled alleg-
He gave an example of a wall that reduction in fees, it says. “Any unpaid edly owing more than $57,500 in fees.
sits there half painted for several balance may, at the School’s election,
weeks. “It’s little things like that that CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
8 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
St. Ed’s with the departure of some children at Saint Edward’s on scholarship, but tablish a payment plan, she said. Her
. . . It is impossible for the school to when those funds were reduced they husband eventually paid the debt to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 determine at the time of parent’s exe- reluctantly switched to public school. the court.
cution of this enrollment contract the
Some parents were making pay- damage and loss to the school that Scholarship funds suddenly were The school filed the lawsuit after
ments on what they owed when they would occur due to the later cancel- only available to her eldest child who the eldest child decided to play foot-
were sued. Others, like the mother in lation/withdrawal.” played football, the mother said. The ball somewhere else, said the mother.
the most recent filing, paid a deposit family didn’t want to separate the “They run it like a business,” she said.
and nothing else. Only one of the parents accused of brothers and the athlete chose to leave
nonpayment responded to a request St. Edward’s along with his brother. The It was hard on the parents, but worse
Mitchell Dinkin, a Wellington-based for comment. The Vero Beach resi- parents were separating at the time on the kids, she added. The classroom
attorney who has filed all of the con- dent, whose ex-husband was sued and the family’s finances were shaky. experience at St. Ed’s can do wonders
tractual complaints on behalf of Saint by Saint Edward’s School for $2,832 for your children, but when there is
Edward’s School, declined an interview. in July 2014, asked the family’s name There was a bill for around $6,000 an overdue balance on an account,
not be used. in past due in tuition, the mother said. students are locked out of the school’s
The school’s contract notes that its The boy’s father was in communica- grading system and can’t see their
overhead expenses “do not diminish She said her two boys were enrolled tion with administrators trying to es- progress.
Residents fear Publix would increase traffic on Jungle Trail
BY RAY MCNULTY County planners downplayed their mile on an unpaved roadway when "Certainly, any future commission
Staff Writer concerns. they could take 510 to A1A, which is could look at it, if the traffic condi-
a smoother and faster route," Boling tions change. But I don't think this
Residents living near, but not in, Both Stan Boling, the county's said. "There would be no direct ac- Publix proposal is going to change
the Town of Orchid who are opposed community development director, cess to Jungle Trail from the super- it."
to the proposal to build a Publix on and Phil Matson, staff director of the market site – you'd have to go out to
County Road 510 say the supermarket county's Metropolitan Planning Or- 510, anyway – and there's really not Orchid Town Manager Noah Pow-
would increase traffic on Jungle Trail, ganization, said it was unlikely a sig- that much congestion at the 510-A1A ers said Publix would be required to
contending that shoppers would use nificant number of shoppers would intersection. conduct a traffic study if the com-
the historic road as a cut-through to opt for an unpaved road with a 30- pany decides to move forward with
Windsor and other communities on mph speed limit as a shortcut to and "People are free to speculate," he its plans to build a downsized super-
the northern tier of the barrier island. from the store. added, "but I'd be shocked if we saw market on a seven-acre parcel on the
any real increase in traffic on Jungle north side of 510, immediately west
"I don't think they would drive a Trail because of this." of Jungle Trail.
Matson agreed, questioning the Powers said last week he didn't
need for such a shortcut, even if the know when or if Publix would submit
Publix is built. the necessary application for devel-
oping the property, which it has con-
"As you get further north on A1A, tracted to purchase from Vero Beach
there's less and less congestion," he developer Ken Puttick.
said, "so there's less incentive to look
for a cut-through." If Publix submits an application
this summer, Orchid officials aren't
Neither Matson nor Boling, how- expected to take any formal action
ever, said he would be surprised if until the fall, Powers said, adding
the group that unsuccessfully sought that both the Local Planning Agency
to close that section of Jungle Trail to and Town Council would be required
motor-vehicle traffic last year uses to conduct quasi-judicial public
the Publix proposal to resurrect its ef- hearings before voting on the pro-
forts. posal.
Last spring, Old Orchid resident Already, though, several of Lecho-
Matt Lechowicz approached indi- wicz's Old Orchid neighbors have
vidual county commissioners with expressed concerns that their com-
a 155-signature petition asking that munity, much of which runs along
bollards be installed to deny access the east side of Jungle Trail, adjacent
to motor vehicles on the three-mile- to the proposed supermarket site,
plus stretch of Jungle Trail north of will be negatively impacted by the
510. opening of a Publix-anchored strip
Lechowicz's group cited safety con-
cerns, especially for bicyclists and pe- They cited increased traffic on 510,
destrians, but county historian Ruth noise emanating from the shopping
Stanbridge opposed the move, argu- area, security issues, stormwater
ing that closing the northern part of management, aesthetics, the intru-
Jungle Trail could harm the county's sive aura of parking-lot lighting as
ability to get state and federal grants well as overuse and potential dam-
to preserve the roadway, which was age to Jungle Trail done by shoppers
placed on the National Register of seeking a shortcut.
Historic Places in 2003.
"You'll see a lot more traffic on
Commissioners sided with Stan- Jungle Trail, especially during the
bridge, and the trail remains open. season," Old Orchid resident David
Fischer said. "How can more traffic
"The commissioners have juris- on Jungle Trail not be a negative?"
diction over Jungle Trail, and they've
made their decision," Boling said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 9
Signs of increased pollution at Blue Cypress Lake reported
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN 300 breeding pairs returning year after per St. Johns River watershed – which islature outlawed the practice in the
Staff Writer year to huge nests built in the lake’s includes parts of Indian River, Brevard Lake Okeechobee, Kissimmee River wa-
namesake cypress trees. and Osceola counties – has been taken tersheds about five years ago because of
County Commissioner Bob Solari up by St. Johns Riverkeeper, a private- nutrient pollution, Rinaman said.
raised the alarm last week about de- The lake, which forms the headwa- ly-funded watchdog organization.
teriorating conditions at Blue Cypress ters of the St. Johns River, has stayed “Did the DEP think the results would
Lake, where increasing phosphorous mostly pristine up until now because Rinaman studied Florida Depart- be any different for this watershed?”
levels have raised the specter of algae the shoreline is undeveloped, except ment of Environmental Protection Rinaman said.
blooms that could kill off plant and for Middleton’s fish camp, a small resi- permits for sludge applications, dis-
animal life and be dangerous to boat- dential enclave where there is a gen- covering that “73 percent of the sludge Utility companies have to dispose of
ers and fishermen. eral store and boat ramp. goes to these three counties.” the sludge and pay farmers to take it off
their hands. According to the St. Johns
St. Johns Riverkeeper Lisa Rinaman Now, though, a St. Johns River Man- Sludge is the byproduct of sewage study, about 30 percent of a sewer
attributes the surge in phosphorus to agement District study has shown ris- treatment plants and contains the nu- treatment facility’s cost goes to sludge
human sewage sludge being used as fer- ing levels of chlorophyll in the lake, an trients phosphorus and nitrogen, Rina- disposal.
tilizer by farms in the watershed. More indication the ecology is changing due man said, which both fuel algae blooms.
than 16 million pounds of the phospho- to an increase in phosphorous, a nu- Only phosphorus is spiking in the lake, H & H Liquid Sludge Disposal of Bran-
rous- and nitrogen-laden waste ma- trient that can feed toxic algae blooms. “because the land doesn’t need it so the ford, Fla., is the primary sludge purvey-
terial was imported into Indian River run-off is greater,” she said. or in the St. Johns River watershed. “The
County and spread on fields near the Algae blooms, which have increas- owner said he thought he was doing the
lake in 2016, according to the Florida ingly plagued Florida lakes and coastal Indian River County treats and dis- right thing because he’s following DEP
Department Environmental Protection. areas in recent years, are dreaded be- poses its sludge at its landfill. “They do requirements,” Rinaman said.
cause they can quickly tip a healthy the responsible thing,” Rinaman said,
With a surface area of nearly 11 ecosystem into deadly decline. They “and now they’re suffering from sludge Rinaman said she has asked the
square miles, Blue Cypress is the larg- deplete oxygen, block sunlight, and being imported into their county.” Florida Department of Environmen-
est lake along the Treasure Coast, a produce toxins that kill off subaque- tal Protection what they were doing
relatively unspoiled ecosystem that ous plants and animals. Some forms The amount of sludge coming into the about the problem.
produces abundant fish life and is one of algae are dangerous to humans and county has been increasing as the muck
of the two most prolific osprey breed- domestic animals. has been banned in other watersheds. “They said they would look at their
ing sites in the world, according to the nutrient management plan. ‘Not good
American Ornithological Society, with The problem of increased nutri- The Florida Department of Environ- enough,’ I told them,” Rinaman said.
ent loading at Blue Cypress Lake, as mental Protection has greatly increased “I asked they come up with an im-
well as other water bodies in the up- the number of sludge land-application mediate stop-gap measure. They have
permits in this watershed since the leg-
10 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Blue Cypress Lake David Gunter, superintendent of the before it rains to ensure the nutrients staff be directed to study the Blue Cy-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Indian River Farms Water Control Dis- don’t run off, but go into the soil, press Lake phosphorus problem but
trict, said he did not agree with Rina- Gunter said. the Commission decided a full report
not responded. There has been a lot of man’s conclusion that the phosphorus should wait until July, after a June 8
silence.” spike in Blue Cypress Lake is due to To determine the source of phos- “Regional Biosolids Symposium” that
sludge application. phorus, a year’s worth of data needs to will consider sludge disposal along
Rinaman points out the state “spent be amassed, with samples taken at the with other matters.
hundreds of millions of dollars to im- The DEP requires sludge applica- same time and place, noting rain and
prove the St. Johns headwaters” over tions be about half a mile from a wa- storm events, which track the water The symposium is sponsored by
the last 10 years or so, “and now they’re ter body, he said, which offers a buf- basin tributaries, Gunter said. the Indian River Lagoon Council and
undoing it, wasting those tax dollars.” fer. The farmers break up the sludge, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning
turn it under and then roll the land At a recent County Commission Council.
meeting, Solari asked that county
John’s Island building apartment complex for seasonal staff
BY RAY MCNULTY sonal workers from out of town. during our busy season, but there will cult to find reasonably-priced rental
Staff Writer John’s Island, which has about 275 be some people who will use them on housing for all of its seasonal staff.
a year-round basis. This will enhance
After more than 20 years of housing year-round employees, typically hires our ability to hire the people we want The club's board of directors ap-
seasonal workers in leased apartments an additional 250 employees in the busy to work at John's Island." proved the recommendation last year
in the Vero Beach area, John's Island's winter season to bulk up its restaurant, and John’s Island purchased the land
Club is building its own mainland golf course, and housekeeping staffs. The club currently houses its sea- from the Senior Resource Association
apartment complex at the intersection sonal employees at Walker Woods – an for $1.1 million in October, according
of Sixth Avenue and 15th Place. Club General Manager Brian Kroh apartment complex on 26th Street, just to county records.
said the project – county records list east of 74th Avenue – and pays part of
The 4.2-acre parcel was recently it as the John's Island Club Workforce the rent to make it more affordable. "We've been leasing apartments for
cleared, and the club has hired Proc- Apartments – is expected to be com- The club also provides shuttle buses to our staff for 20 years, but it's getting
tor Construction to build three two- pleted by October 2019. transport the staffers to and from work. harder to do on a seasonal basis," Kroh
story buildings that will provide 12 said. "We hire quite a few people now,
two-bedroom and 24 three-bedroom "We're not getting into the apart- Kroh said John's Island manage- and the costs keep going up.
apartments to be leased exclusively ment-rental business," Kroh said. ment recommended building the
by the club's employees, mainly sea- "This is just for the John's Island staff. apartment complex because the club "Now, we'll own the complex," he
We understand that these apartments has grown to a point where it is diffi- added, "which lets us control our des-
will probably have limited use, mostly tiny.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 11
Island burglaries may be work of gang active in 3 counties
BY LISA ZAHNER home on April 16 around 1 p.m., in tral Beach, on Silver Shores Road in benefit of any vehicle descriptions
Staff Writer middle of the day. The footage shows the City of Vero Beach, within a half- from the burglary scenes.
three black males who appear to be in hour of the April 16 Shores burglary,
Indian River Shores Public Safety their 20s in the living room of a home and another in Ambersand Beach in Benham has traveled around the
officers are working with multiple law on Indian Lane in the Shores where the Sheriff’s Office territory on the un- county locating suspect vehicles
enforcement agencies on the Space valuables were taken. incorporated barrier island north of picked up by the cameras. The chal-
and Treasure Coasts, pooling infor- Windsor. lenge is, he said, “they usually don’t
mation on home burglaries in hopes Though he couldn’t reveal the details drive their own vehicles. They’ll have
they can take down a stolen property or specific methods involved in the on- “We believe that we’re looking at a somebody else rent a car, or they’ll
ring that has hit several barrier island going, regional investigation, Benham group of the same people,” Benham borrow a car.” This makes it tougher
homes over the past month. said the burglars are grabbing small said. to cross-reference vehicle registration
items – mostly cash, jewelry, firearms data with the drivers or passengers
Det. Kip Benham said two homes and phones – and systematically off- Lt. John Pedersen of the Vero Beach who may be suspect for some reason.
have been burglarized in the Shores, loading them for quick cash. Police Department provided the inci-
plus one attempted burglary since dent report on the Silver Shores bur- Related crimes could reach north
March 26. Suspects were caught on Police believe two other island bur- glary and said it could be related to the into the City of Melbourne, and south
video surveillance inside one victim’s glaries could be related to the Shores Island Lane burglary, but declined to into St. Lucie County.
break-ins, one that happened in Cen- give any other details.
By pooling the information, physi-
YEARLY FINANCIAL “We do not have any other informa- cal descriptions, video footage and
REPORT SHOWS COUNTY tion to release at this time as this inci- crime scene evidence all the agencies
IS LEAN AND GROWING dent is an on-going criminal investiga- have collected on the suspects and the
tion. If information becomes available stolen merchandise, Benham said de-
that we can share, we will contact the tectives hope to have a better shot at
media,” he told Vero Beach 32963. solving these cases than they would
working solely on their own.
Over the past three weeks, Benham
said officers have pored over tag reg- So far, it appears the burglars have
istration data from the Shores’ license been wearing gloves and not leaving
plate reader cameras, looking for sus- fingerprints.
picious vehicles among the hundreds
of cars and trucks that entered and Anyone with information on these
exited the town that day, without the crimes can call the Shores Public Safe-
ty Department at 772-231-2451.
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN $181.3 million last year, about $6 mil-
lion more than the year before with
Staff Writer most of the increase going to public
Indian River County’s population
is the highest ever, land values are Smith said nearly half the county’s
close to pre-recession levels, the aver- revenue comes from property taxes,
age wage is up and unemployment is a revenue stream that has increased
down. Despite fat times, however, the with rising property values. Taxable
county is remaining conservative in its land values increased from $14.3 bil-
spending and is paying down debt, ac- lion in 2016 to $16.3 billion in 2017,
cording to the financial report for fis- which is only $2.3 billion shy of 2008
cal year ending Sept. 30, 2017. pre-recession values.
Indian River County Clerk of the In 2008 the county collected nearly
Court and Comptroller Jeff Smith $100 million in property taxes, in 2017
presented the Comprehensive An- it collected nearly $90.2 million, which
nual Financial Report to the County is about $5 million more than the pre-
Commission last month. It reveals the vious year.
county had a rare, totally clean audit.
Nearly 4,000 people moved out of
The independent auditing firm, the county after the recession hit,
Rehmann Robson CPA, had no nega- shrinking the population to 138,000
tive findings and no comments on in 2010. Now the population is nearly
the county’s finances, which include 149,000, surpassing the pre-recession
the general and special funds and the 2008 population of 141,667.
budgets for the county’s five elected
constitutional offices: the sheriff’s de- At the same time, there has been
partment, tax collector, property ap- dramatic improvement in the county’s
praiser, supervisor of elections and employment situation. Unemploy-
clerk of the court/comptroller. ment peaked at 15.2 percent dur-
ing 2010. By 2016 it was down to 6.7
Smith said the county is fiscally percent and it declined further, to
conservative and limits government. 4.6 percent, at the end of 2017. That
Direct services – public safety – which was about a point higher than the 3.6
includes the sheriff’s office, firefight- statewide unemployment rate and
ers and emergency services, compris- about half a point higher than the na-
es 46 percent of expenditures at $83.4 tionwide average. The average wage in
million, he said, while general govern- the county has increased substantially
ment is less than 14 percent, at about even as unemployment has fallen.
$24.7 million.
Most remarkable among Smith’s fi-
The county spent a total of about
12 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Generally good job, unemployment news for county
BY RAY MCNULTY market to the state's other metropolitan salons, funeral homes, pet care and re- is based in Port St. Lucie and gets its
Staff Writer areas from March 2017 to March 2018, ligious organizations. statistics from the Florida Department
the local economy posted the fastest of Economic Opportunity, also report-
Local employment in the financial annual job-growth rate – 8 percent – in Local employment in the manufac- ed job losses in trade, transportation
activities, leisure and hospitality, and the financial activities industry. turing industry jumped 5.3 percent. and utilities, as well as in education
manufacturing industries grew faster and health services.
than the statewide rate over the past It also racked up the second-fastest On the flip side, however, the em-
year, adding nearly 1,000 jobs to the annual job-growth rate (6.9 percent) ployment rate in the Sebastian-Vero The county's unemployment rate
county's work force. in the leisure and hospitality indus- Beach metro area barely moved – up was at 4.3 percent.
try, and the third-fastest annual job- 1 percent for a net increase of 500 jobs
According to a CareerSource Re- growth rate (3.7 percent) in "other – because of losses in other industries, "Three percent is considered full
search Coast report comparing em- services," a catch-all category that particularly professional and business employment, and we're not far from
ployment in the Sebastian-Vero Beach includes auto repair, car washes, hair services, which had 300 fewer workers. that," said Helene Caseltine, eco-
nomic development director for the
CareerSource Research Coast, which county's Chamber of Commerce and
a member of the CareerSource board.
"We had double-digit unemploy-
ment during the recession, so we've
come a long way."
CareerSource reported that the
Sebastian-Vero Beach market added
600 jobs in the leisure and hospitality
industry, which has been booming as
more seasonal residents and visitors
flock to the county each year.
The area also added 200 jobs in the
financial activities field and another
100-plus in manufacturing, where
much of the increase can be attrib-
uted to Vero Beach-based Piper Air-
craft, which has been expanding its
workforce to meet a growing, post-
recession demand for small training,
personal and business airplanes.
“For the past year or so, Piper has
been hiring, which certainly helps,”
Caseltine said.
"You're also seeing a lot of home
building again. There's new construc-
tion throughout the county, and that
helps the trades.”
County financial report
nancial highlights was the county’s
incredibly low debt level. It was nearly
$129 million in 2008, which equated
to $910 per person. By 2017, that fig-
ure had been cut by two-thirds, with
county debt of only $44 million repre-
senting a per capita debt of $295.
County Administrator Jason Brown
noted the national debt per person is
nearly $65,000 and state debt nearly
$6,000 per person.
“The government that governs clos-
est to the people governs best,” Brown
said. “We’ve borrowed a lot less on be-
half of the people than state or federal
Chairperson Peter O’Bryan agreed.
“Our strong financial health is a huge
selling point for the county. It tells peo-
ple and businesses looking to locate
here that the local government is doing
a very good job with local dollars.”
Adam and Dr. Kristy Crawford.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Celebrating students’ talents at RT Star’s b-day bash
Staff Writer
Youthful exuberance and a mul- Apprentices showcase the Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
titude of talent was on display last
Saturday morning at RT Star’s Big camps from this event and then Council’s Celebrate the Arts event. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Birthday Party at Riverside Theatre, they see how cool we are. The camp “Whenever we have something
a free family day to familiarize chil- is like a buffet to sample from; they perform a celebration of dance May
dren and families with the many get to see what our offerings are for children, it’s always full-cam- 17-18. “Madagascar Jr.” will be pre-
innovative programs offered by Riv- and then can come back and get in- pus,” said Moses. He says that way, sented June 15-16 and June 29-30,
erside Theatre and its educational volved with what they really want to children are introduced to the main “Madagascar.” July 13, Rascals Revue
wing, Riverside Theatre for Kids, do.” stages while parents are becoming opens up with iRascals Pop, and July
which has been introducing the per- aware of all that is offered in the ed- 28 with iRascals Broadway. Perfor-
forming arts to local children since Riverside Managing Director Jon ucation wing, including Riverside’s mances move to the Stark Stage July
1980. Moses said there are now four free adult programming. 20-21 for a performance of “Once on
family events: RT Star’s Big Birthday This Island Jr.,” and on Aug. 3-4 for
RT Star, Riverside’s mega-watt Party, RT Star’s Back to School Party “It’s bringing the two worlds to- the Riverside Dance Festival. Also
yellow education mascot, shared (Aug. 4), the Festival of Trees Fam- gether, that in many ways had pre- Aug. 4, RT Star, in partnership with
the spotlight to showcase the tal- ily Festival Night in November and viously been operating in their own the Education Foundation, wel-
ents of students and apprentices a new RT Star Celebrates the Arts little world.” comes families back with RT Star’s
with performances outdoors on the Party, which will be held in January Back to School Party.
Live in the Loop stage and indoors in conjunction with the Cultural Next up at the Anne Morton The-
on the Waxlax Stage and in the Anne atre, students of the Dance Con- For a full schedule, visit Riverside-
Morton Theatre. The Riverside cam- servatory of Riverside Theatre will
pus was also replete with interactive
activities, creative face painters, a
DJ Dance Party, and even free snow
cones and hot dogs for the little
With summer fast approaching,
RCT staff has been busy fine-tuning
their camps, which include RCT Kids
Beginning Stages, Second Stage Jr.,
iRascals Kids, RCT Kids, iRascals Jr.,
Summer Intensive Riverside Teen
and the Riverside Dance Festival.
“I just enjoy that we have these
events to promote our programs,”
said Adam Schnell, dance program
director. “Most of the time, we get
our kids for both dance and theater
16 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Marlee Els gets a ride on the slide with Skyy Fritz. Anapei Rahilly gets a shaved ice treat from Ray Brown.
Alaysha Clark with Leilah and Riley Williams and Tiffany Williams (behind).
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10 2018 17
Carter Erickson.
Joe and Summer Barbre with children Jaxson and Haley. Giannah and Brayden Sanseverino. Dr. Felice Haake with daughter Ryan.
Kyla Kurusis with her mom Ashley and baby sister, Kora.
Kyra Powell.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Women make Habitat homes – and dreams – come true
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Bell works three jobs to make her
Staff Writer dream of owning a home a real-
ity. When she first applied to Habi-
More than 100 women ham- Eve Kyomya, Rene Donars and Connie Poppell. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD tat, her job as a dietary aid wasn’t
mered home the mission of Indian enough for her to qualify, but she’s
River Habitat for Humanity to bring framers. “We as women build a lot willing to do whatever it takes to
people together to build homes, of things. And today we thank you give her children a place to call
communities and hope during the for your time to assist and to con- home.
11th annual National Women Build tribute to building lives; changing
Week last Saturday morning at not only individuals’ lives but also “At Habitat for Humanity, as cer-
Habitat’s Waterside Community in changing generations of families tain walls go up, other ones come
South Vero Beach. and their lives.” down,” noted Eve Kyomya, Habitat
director of community develop-
“We build homes and help dreams ment. “As you’re working together,
come true,” said Connie Poppell, you meet people that you may never
IRHH board president. have come across during your ev-
eryday life. But then you come to-
With Mother’s Day just around gether to volunteer to build a Habi-
the corner, the women created a tat house and you begin to build
cacophony of support as they mea- community.”
sured, sawed, drilled and ham-
mered all morning long to assist Volunteers ranged from first-tim-
three single mothers who are work- ers to veteran builders, local busi-
ing to create a better life for their
“It’s not a women’s build; it is
women build. That is an emphatic
statement,” said newly appointed
Habitat president/CEO Sheryl Vitti-
toe, addressing the crowd of female
TofhCe Aosrmte&ticSScuierngecrey
SPECIALTIES INCLUDE: IRHH CEO Sheryl Vittitoe addresses Women Build volunteers.
• Minimal Incision Lift for the
Face, Body, Neck & Brow Habitat for Humanity is based ness notables and government of-
• Breast Augmentations & Reductions on the premise of ‘a hand up not a ficials.
• Post Cancer Reconstructions handout,’ so several future home-
• Chemical Peels • Botox owners were on site to pitch in. “I love doing this kind of work,”
• Obagi Medical Products • Laser Surgery said Karen Mersky, a first-time
• Liposculpture • Tummy Tucks Ja’Licia Gachelin said she is look- Habitat builder but no newcomer
• Skin Cancer Treatments ing forward to moving into her new to volunteerism. “It’s exciting that
home with her son in December. As a group of women can give back as
Celebrating Over 25 she looked across the street at the a collective group and do it for the
Years in Vero Beach sea of women working on what will community.”
be her home she said, “It’s been an
3790 7th Terrace unbelievable experience; meeting “It’s very rewarding for me to see
Suite 101 so many people helping to build the the family in a safe home,” added
future for me and my son.” team leader Leslie Balcerak, who
Vero Beach, Florida has been volunteering with Habitat
“When you come from nothing for 10 years. “It makes me feel good
772.562.5859 you are either gonna have nothing, knowing that I’ve probably changed
or you’re gonna gain something,” a life and empowered women to added future homeowner Lakeydra give back.”
Bell. “I wanted my kids to see me do
Ralph M. Rosato better.” For more information, visit irch-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10 2018 19
IRHH CEO Sheryl Vittitoe, Rep.Erin Grall, Habitat home buyer Lakeydra Bell. Kelly Madden and Ja’Licia Gachelin.
and IRC Commissioner Susan Adams.
Brenda and Amie Ritchie.
Rayma Whitney, Robin Willoughby, and Brandi Harper.
Paul Huskey and Richard Notargiacomo.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Healthy helping of enthusiasm at ‘March for Babies’
BY MARY SCHENKEL do,” said Michelle Cambron, adding
Staff Writer that she was grateful for the support
of the March of Dimes during that
Individuals and teams of partici- Melanie Johnson, Maurissa Russell, Chelsea and Joe Platas. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE challenging time. “He’s 4 years old
pants laced up their tennies to sup- now and he’s doing great; he’s in-
port the teeniest among us last Sat- Many of those who walked Sat- telligent, smart, caring, sweet – you
urday at the March of Dimes’ annual urday had first-hand knowledge of would never know he was born at 24
Indian River County March for Ba- prematurity through their own per- weeks.”
bies at Riverside Park. sonal experiences or those of friends
and family members. All have em- “As many of you have noticed, we
“We are working to help every braced the mission to support moth- have a continued theme of telling
mom and every family experience ers and babies from preconception stories through three words: hope,
the joy of a healthy baby, and we’re to post delivery in an effort to spare remember and celebrate,” said Mi-
also helping those who face ob- chelle Cambron’s sister, Brooke
stacles along the way,” said event Flood, a MOD volunteer spokesper-
chair Todd Racine, Sebastian River son. During an emotional Lei Cer-
High School principal. “This year emony, purple leis – symbolizing
we hope to raise $130,000 in Indian strength and support – were pre-
River County to fund this incredible sented to NICU parents and chil-
work.” dren, and white leis were presented
After achieving advances in the
prevention and treatment of polio,
the March of Dimes, founded by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
1938, turned its focus to the preven-
tion of birth defects, infant mortal-
ity and premature birth, currently
the No. 1 killer of babies in the Unit-
ed States.
Cole Armstrong, Crystal Hart, and Andress Carter with Marsha and Braylon Keller.
other families the difficulties asso- in remembrance to families who
ciated with prematurity or, worse, were not as fortunate.
the devastating loss of a child.
“As you look across our beautiful
Carie Robbins, whose son Dru was community today, we hope these leis
born at 25 weeks, and Kari Palmer, will bring to light the magnitude of
whose twins Collin and Connor were the mission of March of Dimes,” said
born at 30 weeks, were walking with Flood. “Our moms and dads here
supporters of their Warrior Dream today have been on a journey that
Team. they never imagined. All of us walk
today to help families in Indian Riv-
“We march for families that have er County, across the country and
to walk the halls of the NICU,” said around the world.”
Robbins, referencing the acronym
for the neonatal intensive care unit. Flood also noted that this year’s
Memory Garden was dedicated to
“We both have been NICU moms the late Pamela Crowley, former dis-
and it strengthened our bonds,” add- trict director of the Treasure Coast
ed Palmer. Chapter, who served the organiza-
tion for 23 years.
Michelle and Dean Cambron and
son Carter were this year’s ambassa- Youngsters in purple capes started
dor family. things off with a Super Hero Sprint
sponsored by Publix, before teams
“Carter was born at 24 weeks, four and individual walkers began their
days, 1 pound, 9 ounces. We spent laps around Riverside Park.
five months and one week in the
NICU at Winnie Palmer in Orlan-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10 2018 21
Blake Goodwyn and Alva Espinoza with Carter.
Members of the Warrior Dream Team with children Dru Robbins Shannon and Kinsley Brown with Candace Girton.
and twins Collin and Connor Palmer.
Dean and Michelle Cambron with son Carter. Golden retriever Sadie with Emaleigh Shaller and Bronson Lachle.
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22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Funds batted in at ‘Sawbones vs. Jawbones’ benefit game
Stormy forecasts and threatening Jessika Fabiano with Taylor, Kiley, Brandon and Samantha. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
skies couldn’t dampen the competi-
tive spirits of the doctors and law- that potential. In the past two years Attorney Joe Graves thanked the field so soccer and lacrosse can take
yers who gathered at Historic Dodg- the foundation has given $50,000 in doctors and lawyers for designat- place as well.”
ertown’s Holman Stadium for the scholarships to local kids, schools ing the Jimmy Graves Foundation
sixth annual Doctors vs. Lawyers, and sports teams. We’ve given as the second beneficiary this year. As for the competition, Larsen
aka Sawbones vs. Jawbones, Softball $100,000 to local charities and we’ve claims “Jawbones won by at least
Game and Spring Picnic. built a new fishing pier in Riverside “My 15-year-old son was killed 10 runs,” adding with a laugh that
Park.” in a boating accident in Decem- the exact score isn’t known as “the
Fortunately, the sun shone bright- ber 2016,” said Graves. “Shortly af- scoreboard keeper appeared to be
ly on the baseball diamond as the He noted that they are now work- ter we established the foundation, asleep on the job.”
teams took to the field for some ing on three new projects: a bike the county decided to sell 11 acres
friendly competition, playing for share program to hopefully ease the across from the high school. We But the score really didn’t matter.
charities honoring two young men beachside parking problem; making bought the property with the prom- The day was more about two brave
taken too soon. repairs to hurricane-damaged docks ise to turn it into a community asset fathers turning grief into good and
at Royal Palm Pointe; and working to that would benefit our youth. Our two teams of dedicated doctors and
“While this competition has been raise $60,000 to send the Vero Beach vision is to build a track that can be lawyers – all playing ball together
going on for years, this is the sixth High School band to London for the used by the high school and com- for the betterment of youth in our
year we’ve played the game for New Year’s Day parade. munity track teams with a turf in- community – showing the true
charity,” said attorney Jesse Larsen, heart and soul of Vero Beach.
stepping off the plate after batting
practice. “This year we are support-
ing the Live Like Cole and Jimmy
Graves Foundations. In the past
we’ve raised between $4,000 and
$5,000, and the proceeds will be
split equally between the two foun-
“We are honored to be beneficia-
ries of this event,” said Dr. Nicholas
Coppola of the Live Like Cole Foun-
dation, founded in memory of his
son Nicholas “Cole” Coppola.
“After we lost my 16-year-old son
to a drunk driver 3 ½ years ago, I
came to the conclusion that every
time the world loses a child it los-
es great potential. We at Live Like
Cole try to give back a portion of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10 2018 23
Sarah and Adam Wolf. Ainsley Skinner. Dr. Santos Ruiz-Cordero and Dr. Don Konovsky.
Nicole Menz and Dan Poydenis. Andy Metcalf and Dax White. Dr. Kristy Crawford with Ali and Ella.
Chris Sexton and Carole Jean Jordan with grandson William. Dr. Nicholas, Elaine, Melanie and Mary Grace Coppola. Patti Battista and Sonal Battista.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Watercraft racers paddle to win cystic fibrosis battle
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 26 Piper’s Angels founder Travis Suit to ings were that while CF causes thick
Staff Writer help others battling CF. Six years ago, mucus to clog the lungs, leading to
Piper Suit, Anderson Gribbon and Travis Suit (back). when Suit’s daughter, Piper, was diag- chronic infections and damage, the
Water enthusiasts dipped their oars nosed with CF at age 4, Suit adhered saltwater appears to help to thin the
into the Indian River Lagoon and cystic fibrosis, according to event or- to the belief that “no matter what ob- mucus.
paddled their hearts out at an inau- ganizer Jason Malick. stacles we face in life, we can always
gural Pareidolican Watercraft 5K last use the gift of choice to persevere.” “When you’re in the hospital for
Sunday morning to benefit the Piper’s “I was attracted to this cause be- three weeks you need to rebuild your
Angels Foundation, whose mission is cause my wife has bronchiectasis, Rather than focusing on drug re- strength,” said Suit, noting that once
to support and improve the lives of which is like a mild form of cystic fi- search, as has been traditional in the out, watersports are a good way to
families in the cystic fibrosis commu- brosis,” explained Malick. He said he CF community, Piper’s Angels sup- build up strength while getting ex-
nity through awareness, education, was moved by the determination of ports families and individuals with posure to salt water. In their case,
life-expanding activities and urgent the disease. he would take his daughter out on a
financial support. paddleboard, seeing dolphins and
“There’s been a void in the focus on manatees along the way.
Paddlers departed the beach near quality of life,” said Suit. “That fac-
the Sebastian Yacht Club in every- tor is pretty important because when “Today, she’s paddling in her first
thing from kayaks and outriggers to you spend a lot of time in the hospital race,” said Suit.
standup paddleboards and surf skis, battling this disease, the good days
and afterward cooled off at Pareidolia are the good days and you’ve got to Pareidolia Brewing Co. owner Peter
Brewing Co. with a free beer, music by cherish them. Our motto is: Inspire Anderson had welcomed Malick with
Unit 5, raffles and awards for top fin- every breath and be bold in the face open arms, sponsoring the event and
ishers in each class. of fear.” opening the brewery for the after-
Inspired by Crossing for a Cure – a After surfers with CF in Australia
75-mile endurance charity paddle noticed a marked improvement in “Pretty much every event we do we
across the Gulf Stream from Bimini airway clearance from saltwater ex- tie to a charity,” said Anderson. “We
in the Bahamas to West Palm Beach – posure, the observation led to a study try to raise as much money as we can
the Pareidolican was a means to raise funded by the Cystic Fibrosis Foun- for charities.”
money for individuals suffering from dation and reported in the New Eng-
land Journal of Medicine. Their find- For more information about Piper’s
Angels or the June 16 Crossing for a
Cure, visit
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26 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 Jamie Twigg. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE SUP rider Reid Hyle gets ready for the start.
Becky Dobbins, Penny Phillips, Mike Brown,
Peter Anderson and Lee Spitzkopf.
Farrah Lemanski with Katie Lemanski. Melissa and Burt Smith with Brian Houston.
Captains meeting before the Pareidolican 5K.
Ian Landis, Alison Mendoza, Maya Lindseth, Susie Marikle, Kim Sanchez and Dharmaki Wiser.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10 2018 27
Thunderous applause – and skies – for May Pops Concert
BY MARY SCHENKEL Earlier, intermittent showers sprin- Theresa Ingram and Hal Oberkotter. Judy and Bill Munn. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer kled down as VIP supporters of the Georgia Wells, Dr. Gerald Pierone and Dr. Nancy Cho.
foundation arrived to enjoy a pre- PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
While it’s true that into every life a concert buffet, sitting at festive tables Maria Murray and Dr. Michaela Scott.
little rain must fall, the severe thun- set under five rows of cabanas that
derstorms last Sunday afternoon al- provided some shelter from the rain
most curtailed the 29th annual May – augmented by ponchos and colorful
Pops Concert at Windsor to ben- umbrellas.
efit the Indian River Medical Center
Foundation. But Vero residents – and Joe Faria, Executive Chef of Quail
the amazing Brevard Symphony Or- Valley Club, and his efficient associ-
chestra – are made of sturdier stuff ates provided yet another sumptuous
than that. buffet, and free ice cream was offered
to everyone, VIP and general admis-
Helen Post and The Plansoen Foun- sion ticket-holders alike, compliments
dation were again presenting spon- of Windsor Properties.
sors for the event, which marked the
unofficial end to Vero’s busy social To the south, which is traditionally
season with a thunderous bang. awash in families and friends toting
their own often elaborate pre-concert
Everyone stayed as the deluge picnics, were only a scattering of folks
poured down around them and in attend this year, but even some of that
true show-must-go-on fashion the group stayed and weathered the storm.
orchestra, led by principal conductor
and music director Maestro Chris- “Even today’s showers couldn’t
topher Confessore and joined by dampen this celebration,” said Liz
Broadway stars Susan Egan and David Bruner, who experienced a bit of a
Burnham, played without intermis- ‘trial by water’ as the new president
sion; finishing every last song – even of the Indian River Medical Founda-
an encore. tion. “We look forward to our 30th
year in 2019.”
28 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Al and Joan DeCrane with Tony and Sally Woodruff. Vickie and Dan Lautenbach.
Sue Scully and Wayne Hockmeyer with Marlynn and Bill Scully.
Katie Torperzer, Chef Joe Faria and Meghan Faria. Carol and Nick Rossi. Maestro Chris Confessore with
vocalists Susan Egan and David Burnham.
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(772) 567-2005
30 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Class act: Raw Space hosts Charter High art show
BY MICHELLE GENZ Charter High School end-of-the- displayed a figurative painting and
year art show at Raw Space. study in perspective showing a pen-
Staff Writer sive young woman in jeans, reclining
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD with her sneakers in the foreground.
The annual Indian River Charter And Samantha Stalvey showed her
High School end-of-the-year art show still life with the focus on a coral-col-
has typically been a jam-packed event. ored Kewpie doll.
Friends, parents and kids crowd into
the school’s hallways for a head-spin- The downtown gallery, owned by
ning celebration of the students’ ef- Neli Santamarina, is considered the
forts of that academic year. arts district’s most innovative. While it
typically features works by well-known
This year, for what may be the first Caribbean and Latin American art-
time, the paintings, drawings, pho- ists, many of them circulating through
tographs, sculpture, collage and ce- Miami, where Santamarina is based,
ramics from more than 100 students it was opened several years ago with
are getting the dignity they deserve: a an eye toward encouraging emerging
formal Juried Student Contest and Ex- artists. In that regard, Charter High
hibition at the real-world gallery, Raw School has proven a hotbed of talent,
Space. The opening last Friday night, much of it on display during evenings
star-studded if the measure was the of conceptual and performance art in
talent expressed, was further amped the adjacent Project Space 1785.
up with hors d’oeuvres, live music and
prizes donated by a craft store. The school’s Visual and Performing
Arts Program, better known as VAPA,
“Wonderful people have offered us offered for the first time this year,
this opportunity to have an authentic what may be the nation’s most chal-
opening experience instead of in the lenging secondary school arts cur-
hallway outside the classroom,” says riculum: AP Studio Art, a part of the
Lucie Burke, head of Charter’s art de- College Board’s Advanced Placement
partment, who earlier in the week, after program better known for neuron-
a long day of teaching, pulled
up to the Old Dixie gallery popping courses like physics,
in a mini-van loaded with chemistry, calculus and his-
boxes of student art.
tory. Like those traditional
Against the rugged, in- subject courses, getting
dustrial-look gallery space, College Board credit for
many of the works were AP Studio Art means
work on Internet dating – a collage low senior, contributed an abstract
Among them: “Ev- of computer keyboard keys as- still life, “Bottles and Fruit,” in vivid
erybody,” a charcoal sembled to form a fin- pastels.
drawing by 12th-grader ger pointing at a heart.
Ksi Grey that features Madison Torrent, a fel- A freshman Burke described as
a throng of people at a “incredibly talented,” Molly Phillips,
banquet and a robotic
creature looming over
them. Elizabeth Hollers, who
aspires to go to Savan-
nah College of Art
and Design next
year, entered her
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 31
passing a rigorous exam at the end of IRCHS art teachers Liming Tang, Jon Pine, Lucie Burke and Ramayana Baba. The Charter High School end-of-the-
the year. A midpoint or higher grade year art show remains at Raw Space
is the only way students can obtain through May 14. The gallery is at 1795
college credit for the course, includ- Old Dixie Highway, in the same plaza as
ing at art and design schools. Wild Thyme catering.
Last year, Charter students Tasha are faced with every working day. LOVE YOU, MOM!
Reiner and Sheila Nguyen were admit- “A college student from Charter
ted to Ringling College of Art and De- Give her original handcrafted ART,
sign. Both won scholarships from the came back from SCAD and I asked and she’ll know your thoughtfulness
Vero Beach Art Club to defray costs at her what I could have done better to
the Sarasota school, ranked as one of prepare kids for the rigors of college. comes from the heart!
the most expensive colleges in the na- She said to have shorter deadlines,
tion. Though Charter did not offer the because that’s the way it is in college,”
AP Studio Art course during their time says Burke.
there, both were part of the school’s
most advance art class, Portfolio. As the school year was drawing to a
close, it was not only the end-of-the-
Jurors for the show, recruited by year art show but another juried show
Santamarina, included Silvia Me- at the Vero Beach Museum of Art that
dina, who co-owned the beachside put the heat on the students. Right on
gallery Intrepid and now represents the heels of the shows was the dead-
artists through her company, Art line for the AP Studio Art projects
Concept Alternative. that would be graded by the College
Board as the course’s final exam, us-
Two of those artists served as fel- ing the same notoriously tough stan-
low judges, Carlos Perez Vidal, a dard used in the academic fields.
Cuban-born mixed-media artist and
graduate of Cuba’s National School Burke pulls out a striking portrait of
of the Arts and the Art Institute of a man in a fuchsia derby, done by one
Havana; and Niurka Barroso, also of her top students, Tessa Jannetty and
Cuban-born and now based in To- says, “She was frantically finishing it
ronto. A former photojournalist with up right when I was ready to leave.”
Agence France-Presse, Barroso holds
a degree in classical languages from Burke comments that the multiple
Havana University and was part of deadlines are helping to prepare her
a three-woman show at Intrepid in students for things to come.
“I’ve been telling my students
The judges gladly set aside their for the past couple of weeks, when
own prestige and portfolios to consid- they’ve been all like, Eeeee!, that if
er the talents of the next generation. you choose this as a career, this will
be what it’s like. They know. And it’s
The demands of the AP course have really good for them.”
significantly accelerated the produc-
tion rate of Charter’s top art students, First-place awards: SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
according to Burke. While the allotted • Ceramic Sculpture: Adele COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
time for Charter art classes is around Begazo, grade 12
50 minutes, the class requires eight • Utilitarian Ceramics: Shane THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
full hours of work a week, she says, Smith, grade 12 VERO BEACH, FL
meaning much of it must be done af- • Figurative Painting: Samantha 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
ter school hours. Stalvey, grade 11
• Still Life Painting: Alyssa
The College Board requires stu- Ruby, grade 11
dents to generate one artwork per • Figurative Drawing: Rory
week, a pace that flies in the face of Perry, grade 9
aimless young artists waiting for the • Still Life Drawing: Madison
muse to strike. Torrent, grade 12
While creating is still the opera-
tive verb, cranking out may be the
more realistic term for what the stu-
dents, just like professional artists,
32 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Exhibition ‘season’ at three Vero galleries
BY SAMANTHA BAITA of two cultures in his photographs of ther. Peggy Thomas has been an artist
Staff Writer Mexico and California during the ’40s all her life, and clay has always been
and ’50s. They’re together for the first her passion. Her artwork is almost al-
1 As the crazy-busy Season, with its time in this exhibition. 772-231-0707. ways a celebration of nature. Rae Marie
plethora of cultural activities, be- Crisel’s functional pottery collections
reflect both her plains heritage and
gins winding down, consider spending 2 Across the river, in Vero’s His- the ocean environment. Vero Beach
toric Downtown Arts District, native Karen “Keko” Ekonomou is an
a few pleasant, leisurely hours enjoying accomplished acrylic painter whose
most recent adventure has taken her
the newest exhibits at a few of our local the very community-engaged Flame- back to her true love – working in mud
and clay. And Heidi Hill, who focuses
art galleries. Here is a trio of sugges- tree Clay Art Gallery is dedicated to primarily on ceramics and painting,
and donates her signature wax resist
tions, among many possibilities. providing a “home” for local artists bowls to the annual Samaritan Cen-
ter Soup Bowl fundraiser. “Diversity in
At the Vero Beach Museum of Art: this to show their work, and, on occasion, Clay” continues May 28. Gallery hours:
Tuesday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 6
weekend is your final opportunity to a gathering place for poetry reading, p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7
p.m. 772-202-2810.
take in “Shadow & Light: The Etchings which has proved a rich and stimulat- 3
of Martin Lewis,” which runs through ing combination. Flametree’s current 2 Heidi Hill featured at Flametree’s
“Diversity in Clay.”
this Sunday, May 13, in the Titelman exhibit, “Diversity in Clay,” showcases
Edgardo Abello, Lila Blakeslee, Bar-
Gallery. Lewis is widely considered the works of seven of the gallery’s resi- bara du Pont, Beth-Anne Fairchild,
Mary Ann Hall, Barbara Landry, Deb-
the “most important print maker of dent artists: Coco Martins, after three orah Morrell Polackwich and Dorothy
Napp Schindel; and the nine artists
the first half of the 20th century.” This decades as a Vero Beach Realtor, her they represent. If you’ve visited be-
fore, you’ll spot some “old favorites,”
celebration of his work includes more work is inspired by island life and its and get a look at some new work as
well. The exhibition will run through
than 50 intaglios and lithographs of ru- many nuances. Porcelain’s her “go to” May 25. 772-562-5525.
ral and urban American life. “Paul Out- clay. Kim Mayo fell in love with Native
erbridge: New Color Photographs from American pottery, and discovered raku 3 Another of the galleries in Vero’s
Historic Downtown Arts District,
Mexico and California, 1948-1955” in classes at the Vero Museum of Art.
continues in the Schumann Gallery Maria Sparsis was born on the island Gallery 14 opened its “POTPOURRI”
through June 3. According to the Mu- of Cyprus. As a marine biologist, much exhibit on May Day. “POTPOURRI” is
seum website, Outerbridge was a pio- of her work is inspired by her love of a retrospective by Gallery 14 artists,
neering master of color photography nature and a fondness for the absurd, featuring work in a variety of media,
who explored the quirky intersection which she has inherited from her fa- by the gallery’s eight artist/owners:
Michael Enns
Stephanie Jaffe
Skip Hartzell Alison LaMons
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
What do we owe God? Perhaps our time and our best efforts
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT generous God. But how much should feel we’ve discharged our obligations precious and long-awaited son. So
Columnists we give for those purposes? What do when we settle on a reasonable per- Abraham’s willingness to consent to
we owe God? centage of our income or our assets God’s demand that he take Isaac out
What do we owe God? It’s a tough and give that much away. Nothing one morning and offer him as a burnt
question, isn’t it? The question of what We’ve heard arguments made that really sacrificial is required. Problem sacrifice to God is astonishing. What
we owe becomes pressing now and while we may owe everything in solved. Conscience cleared. in the world was he thinking? Could
then when we are asked to support theory, practically speaking we can God really expect such a sacrifice?
our faith communities or encouraged But sometimes we find ourselves Apparently not, because as Abraham
to give to some worthy causes that wondering about whether we’ve been prepares for the sacrifice of his son, an
help others in need. Such acts of char- a bit too easy on ourselves with our angel appears to stop Abraham from
itable giving are interpreted as con- simple, safe calculations of what we harming Isaac and to provide a ram as
tributing to God’s work in the world; may owe to God and God’s work. Cer- an alternative sacrifice.
acknowledging our dependence upon tainly ancient people struggled more
God’s many gifts to us; and expressing than we seem to with this question. Scholars tell us that this story was
our faith, gratitude, and loyalty to a Perhaps the best known example of written to show that God doesn’t
willingness to offer an extraordinary sanction anything so grave as hu-
gift in tribute to God comes to us in man sacrifice, which was prevalent
the biblical story of Abraham and in the ancient world. The story dem-
Isaac. onstrates that a willingness on Abra-
ham’s part to trust and obey God was
Abraham and his wife, Sarah, had sufficient, though the fulfillment of
waited for many long years before the sacrificial act was never really
their beloved son, Isaac, was born. intended by God. But Rabbi Harold
His birth was a fulfillment to them of Kushner tells us that a crucial detail
God’s promise for offspring. No doubt of the story reveals that it may mean
the old couple’s hearts were laced with something more.
hope, and pride, and love for their
You see, typically the burnt offering to
God would have been a lamb, a young
animal. But the animal the angel of God
provided to Abraham, in order to spare
his son, was not a lamb. It was a ram,
an adult. The detail may be suggesting
that God does not desire our childish,
simplistic or unthinking obedience.
Instead, the sacrificial ram may signify
that God urges our mature, reasoned
and thoughtful offerings.
If we applied our most seasoned
thinking to the question of what we
owe to God, what might we come up
with? Maybe we’re capable of giving
more than safe and simplistic gifts.
Maybe a sacrifice of our time, of our
best and most thoughtful efforts, of our
hard-earned wisdom and experience,
as well as our assets, would emerge as
the fitting sacrifice we have to bring to
God. What do you owe? What have you
got to give?
The Palace of Westminster, with its cinematic Big metaphor: They describe Westminster as a living en- Westminster is a dusty jewel, a stage set. But a keen
Ben clock, set beside the River Thames, is a survivor tity, which has reached a ripe old age and desperately eye can spot the symptoms of decrepitude.
– of epic fire, German bombs, sulfuric smog and bad needs a lifesaving operation.
plumbing. The roofs leak, badly – sometimes there are buck-
Or else. ets to catch the weepy drip in the Lords chamber.
An eccentric masterwork of Victorian genius, its The Washington Post wrangled an invitation to Moths are nibbling at Augustus Pugin’s wallpaper,
dual chambers for lords and commoners are the tour the guts of Westminster – guided by Tom Healey, mice scurrying across the encaustic tiles, and bad
living, breathing heart of constitutional monarchy, director of the restoration and renewal program, and humors rising from the bowels below, where an
the home of Parliament, and one of the most photo- Robert Stewart, lead engineer for the same. 1880s sewage ejector plays the role of Sisyphus,
graphed buildings in the world. Our journey began when we stepped into an ag- condemned to spend its eternity trying to keep up
ing retrofitted elevator the size of an upright coffin with the flushing loos above.
But Westminster is a wreck, its caretakers say. to descend to the Dickensian depths.
The palace is not falling down. Not at all. Its bones, “Watch your heads!” Healey called upon entering Which are failing, by the way, occasionally cata-
the superstructure, are solid enough, and carrying the dank catacombs. Here, even a short man walks strophically.
on, in British fashion, even if its dermis of Yorkshire the claustrophobic corridors bent over.
limestone is spotty. “Best not to touch that,” Stewart advised as we One of the classic complaints came from Ben
Rather, Westminster is rotting from the inside, its reached toward a dodgy coil of cable, as thick as a Bradshaw, a member of Parliament for the Labour
water and waste pipes sclerotic, its ventilation shafts gorilla’s arm. Maintenance workers carrying bags of Party, who tweeted, “Urine seems to be pouring
congested, its neural networks – the communication, tools and balancing cups of tea passed by, muttering, through the ceiling into my Commons office for the
electric, fire systems – nearly shot. “pardon, pardon.” second day running!”
And so earlier this year, after a decade of delay, Floors above our heads, in the spectacular legisla-
study and debate, British lawmakers approved one of tive halls, central lobby, gardens and grand rooms, The original medieval palace mostly burned down
the most ambitious restoration projects of the mod- in 1834, a conflagration set by two workers ordered to
ern age, a $5 billion scheme that would see the entire burn tally sticks – short wooden pegs used to account
Parliament – the lawmakers, clerks, staff, guards, jour- for taxes owed and paid. Awestruck mobs gathered in
nalists, bartenders, everybody – decamp to nearby the streets and hired river boats on the Thames to la-
buildings for six years while a massive refurbishment ment – and to cheer on – the great fire.
is undertaken.
It’s like redoing your kitchen – times a million. The competition to create a purpose-built home
Or imagine the U.S. Congress emptying out of the for Parliament was awarded to the architect Charles
Capitol to reconvene at . . . the Smithsonian National Barry, with construction contracted to steam-pow-
Air and Space Museum? ered railroad builders, who began in 1840, finished
The work is scheduled to begin in 2025, with the in 1870 – only 26 years overdue with a tripling of the
hope that, sometime in the early 2030s, Parliament budget.
will return to its home. Exact dates are fuzzy, because
the restorers say they won’t really know what they’re The Westminster complex covers eight acres, 17
dealing with until they start ripping things apart. football fields, and has more than 125 staircases
Those who love the building all reach for the same and 1,100 rooms, probably more, and almost three
miles of passageways.
The palace sees thousands of staff and lawmak-
ers a day pass through and a million visitors a year.
38 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The kitchens serve up to 3,000 meals said Stewart, pointing at a mass of wa- the mudbanks and flood tides of the worked, freezing everyone in winter,
a day in the old-school dining rooms, ter, electric, Internet and phone lines. Thames. stifling them in summer.
another 2,500 in the modern cafeteria,
and untold cups of tea. “But a phone line to where?” He “So we are underwater,” Stewart said. “All the building’s systems – all the
arched an eyebrow. But the complex was built for a dif- pipes and wires, the power, the ven-
There are eight bars. ferent era – with 600 coal fireplaces, tilation, the air-conditioning, water
The palace is alive. Say what you will, the original engi- now all replaced by steam heating. drainage, fire systems, data, security
“Westminster does feel like a living neers did many things right. Today’s The Westminster of the mid-1800s systems – all of those systems which
presence, an organic machine for mak- Westminster still rests upon its 1840s was a marvel of its day, employing were retrofitted into Victorian ventila-
ing legislation,” said Caroline Shenton, massive raft of hand-mixed concrete cutting-edge technology – such as tion points are now really beyond the
the former director of the Parliamen- 13 feet deep. When you are in the air-conditioning, which never quite end of their usable life,” Healey said.
tary Archives and author of “Mr. Barry’s basements, just a few feet away are
War,” the story of rebuilding of the pal- He mentioned the palace was also
ace after the 1834 fire. an asbestos pit.
“This is a body that does stuff,” she said.
But its current state, she told The And a disaster for people with dis-
Post, is “a legacy of generations of ne- abilities, Stewart added.
glect,” by all previous governments and
departments. “Instead of ever remov- Healey said Westminster was the
ing the obsolete, they just added to it,” “best example of Victorian Gothic ar-
Shenton said. chitecture in the world,” which now
It’s in the basements where the truth has the highest energy bills in England.
We saw a bewildering maze of cus- “We have thousands and thousands
tom-bent pipe and postwar landlines of bronze windows, none of which clos-
that dated to Winston Churchill’s time. es. It’s a terrible waste of heat,” he said.
Someone had covered junction boxes
with plastic bags. There were odors. Repairs have been delayed for years
Moist things. Miles of confused wire. – because the Parliament did not want
The engineers confessed that there to pay for them, and also because of
had been so many ad hoc repairs and the potential disruption.
workarounds over the past half-cen-
tury that no one was sure what went “You can’t do anything that’s too
where. noisy when Parliament is sitting, so
“We can have an educated guess,” there is always an imperative to do ev-
erything in short time frames.You need
a new bit of plumbing? Somebody has
to come down here and fit it in over the
weekend. You need to replace a boiler?
It has to be done over summer recess,”
Healey said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 39
Studies and committee reports Today, fire crews wander the prem- Conservative Party lawmaker, said it phone lines above more modern In-
over the past decade warned that ma- ises 24 hours a day, seven days a week. would be an exaggeration to describe ternet cables.
jor renovations are at least 40 years There were a half-dozen minor but Westminster as a “death trap” but not
overdue. worrying blazes last year, and hun- “a wild exaggeration.” “We can’t fix it as fast as it falls apart,”
dreds of toilet failures, and a crack in Healey said. “The Palace of Westmin-
The inquiries revealed dozens of a main sewage pipe. The engineers point out postwar ster is 150 years old, and every building
incidents that could have led to ca- sewage and water pipes running has a kind of life cycle.”
tastrophe. A few years back, Damian Green, a above 1960s electric lines above 1970s
“It’s time,” he said.
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
To anyone who hasn’t followed the There was also talk that he’d let slip the On the contrary, what should be expect- thusiastic readers. Some rich national
sexual harassment and assault scandal names of some Nobel Prize winners ed from such a group is the particular literatures – including the Russian and
involving French photographer Jean- ahead of time. Frostenson has always re- mixture of backbiting and mutual pro- Chinese ones – are cursed by underrep-
Claude Arnault, the cancellation of the jected the allegations and defended him. tection that characterizes small, closed resentation and strange picks.
2018 Nobel Prize for literature in the bodies with money and recognition to
wake of that scandal could seem like To some members of the Academy, give away at their sole discretion. Watching the scandal now, who could
the mother of non sequiturs. that was enough of a reason to put say it’s a complete surprise?
her expulsion to the vote as the latest It’s also natural for such a group to
But it isn’t: It’s just a stage in the self- scandal developed. The majority, how- start falling apart after its internal con- The Nobel Foundation, which pro-
destruction of an institution that had ever, opposed it, arguing Frostenson tradictions are aired in public: Individual vides the money for the prizes, has
the power to confer greatness on a liv- shouldn’t be victimized for anything reputations become more important pointed out that “the crisis at the Swed-
ing writer but was also a group of fallible her husband may have done (he denies than the group’s collective one. To be fair ish Academy has adversely affected the
people blessed with oversized powers. any and all illegal behavior; an investi- to them, the Academy members do have Nobel Prize” and called on Academy
gation continues). stellar, well-deserved reputations in their members to create a new organization-
The Nobel laureates in literature are fields. Frostenson’s poetry is known for al structure “characterized by greater
selected by the Swedish Academy, an Those who felt the poet should be deft wordplay and probably loses much openness towards the outside world.”
18-member body of humanities lumi- held responsible for defending her in translation, but even small samples
naries established by King Gustaf III in husband announced they’d stop tak- display a formidable talent; whatever If that’s what the Foundation really
1786. When a member dies, his or her ing part in the Academy’s activities (it’s her husband may have done, she has a wants, why leave the literary prize with
successor is elected by the remaining impossible to resign an Academy chair; certain right to judge others’ work. the Academy at all? After all, the Nobel
17. Apart from the Nobel Prize, this ex- the current Swedish king, Karl XVI Prize brand is a global one, and Alfred
clusive club distributes some $3 million Gustaf, has promised to work with the But the individual members’ back- Nobel, though born in Sweden, spoke
a year in grants and stipends. members to reform the 232-year-old ground and literary taste matter little five languages and also lived in France,
statute to create that opportunity). in the grand scheme of things. A closed Russia and Italy without holding per-
Katarina Frostenson, recognized as club with a lifetime membership has manent residence anywhere after the
one of the leading Swedish poets, has Soon, the number of effectively strik- been shaping the world’s literary pan- age of nine.
occupied Chair 18 since 1992. Arnault is ing members swelled to six; Frostenson theon since 1901. No wonder the deci-
her husband. Since the late 1980s, they was one of them, feeling her presence sions have been idiosyncratic. The idea of having permanent institu-
owned a cultural club in Stockholm, was damaging to the academy. Though tions in Scandinavia award prizes works
called Forum, which Arnault ran. Being technically the 12 remaining members The choices have oscillated between to some extent in the sciences, where real
invited to perform a reading or a con- constitute a quorum and a Nobel prize the obscure and the hyper-provocative. achievement is more difficult to discard.
cert there has long meant that, in Swe- winner could be chosen, they decided The last 10 years’ winners have includ-
den’s intellectual circles, you’ve arrived. to put that off until next year, when ed Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer, In an area like literature, where the rec-
two prizes will be distributed. The idea whose little-known work probably ognition of greatness lies ultimately with
The Academy subsidized Forum, un- is, in the meantime, to “recover public won’t rock your world even if you track a wide, multilingual body of discerning
til the daily Dagens Nyheter broke the confidence” in the Academy. it down, and Bob Dylan, whose songs readers, it might be a better idea to set up
story last year of 18 women’s accusa- have shaped many people but who temporary juries capable of representing
tions against Arnault. Some of the wom- We’ll leave it to social justice war- himself wondered if they were “litera- that body, the way, say, the directors of
en, who were part of the Swedish cultur- riors to debate whether Frostenson was ture” even in his Nobel lecture. the Cannes Film Festival do every year.
al scene, said he promised to advance guilty of anything or whether the Acad-
their careers or threatened to hinder emy made a mistake in funding Forum, The list of great writers who have There would still be some surprising
them. Then, in a stunner for the Swed- which also received public funds from been passed over is long; the list of re- decisions, but at least this solution would
ish public, reports followed that Arnault other sources. cipients whom most readers would rec- remove the question of why 18 Swedes
groped Swedish Crown Princess Victo- ognize as worthy – the likes of Gabriel who have known each other and worked
ria at an Academy event in 2006. It’s impossible to expect sinlessness Garcia Marquez or Ernest Hemingway together for decades should be the ulti-
or even sound judgment from a small – is much shorter than the list of names mate arbiters of global literature.
Accusations against Arnault have sur- group of people accountable to no one that would elicit a shrug from many en-
faced, in a quieter way, since the 1990s. but themselves – not even to the king. These views of Bloomberg columnist
Leonid Bershidsky do not necessarily re-
flect the views of Vero Beach 32963.
The purpose of treatment is to induce remission, control Location Inflammation can appear anywhere in the digestive Affects the inner lining of the colon (the
and prevent flare-ups and help patients regulate their im- tract, from the mouth to the anus; generally affects large intestine) only.
mune system better. all the layers of the bowel walls, not just the inner lining. Affected area is continuous, uninterrupted.
Treatment options include: Superficial inflammation, limited to the colon.
Medication Where inflammation is Often have healthy areas in between Rectal bleeding, or blood in the stool, is much.
– Aminosalicylates decrease inflammation patches of inflamed spots. more common.
– Corticosteroids suppress the immune system Only infections and narrowing
– Immunomodulators suppress the immune system Type of inflammation Full thickness inflammation of anywhere in the Less common
response so it can’t cause ongoing inflammation digestive tract. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (severe inflam-
– Biologics (live antibodies) bind and interfere with mation and scarring that develops in the bile
the inflammatory process of the disease Rectal bleeding/ ducts) more common.
– Antibiotics are given when infections (abscesses) occur blood in stool
Surgical procedures to repair or remove affected por- No
tions of the GI tract Mouth sores, anal tears Yes
Although surgery for ulcerative colitis is rare, in severe
cases a total abdominal colectomy (removal of the (fissures), ulcers, infections
large intestine from the lowest part of the small intes- or narrowing
tine [ileum] to the rectum) is a curative solution. After
it is removed, the end of the small intestine is sewn to Complications Can cause fistulas and abscesses
the rectum.
Surveillance Extraintestinal Erythema nodosum (an inflammatory condition © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Since ulcerative colitis has a much higher incidence of manifestations characterized by inflammation of the fat cells under
colon cancer, patients need to be surveyed with colo- the skin, resulting in tender red nodules or lumps
noscopy much more often than average risk patients usually seen on both shins); iritis (inflammation that
to prevent cancer or detect it early. affects the colored ring around the eye’s pupil [the iris]);
Left untreated, ulcerative colitis may lead to: veitis (inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of
Holes in the colon the eye between the retina and the sclera [white of
Colon cancer the eye], and can lead to vision loss if left untreated);
Liver disease arthritis (joint pain or joint disease); apthous ulcers
Osteoporosis (small, shallow sores inside the mouth or at the base
Blood clots of the gums).
Granulomas (a mass of gran- Yes
ulation tissue, typically pro-
duced in response to infection,
inflammation or the presence
of a foreign substance)
IS IT CROHN’S DISEASE OR ULCERATIVE COLITIS? With proper treatment many patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can reduce symptoms, experience long-term remis-
While Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis share some sion and live full lives. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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44 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Claude Gassian’s cover pho- told him that “music us into the shadows, he reveals nothing unexpected
tograph of Paul Simon does was something to or particularly dark. Not much drug use, though be-
more than identify the sub- be treated with re- ginning in 1994 he started using ayahuasca, a South
ject of Robert Hilburn’s new spect.” American hallucinogenic. He views his time with
biography. It suggests how we Garfunkel as “merely the first stage of his career,”
should read it. By photograph- As a teenager yet it’s a stage he habitually repeats. Readers are apt
ing Simon full-faced but shad- navigating New to wonder why.
owed, serious and pulsing with York’s dicey music
importance, Gassian rejects the business, Simon Simon’s comments about his own lyrics, many of
rougher, often louche images made friends with which are printed in full throughout the book, are
he’s created of other rock icons. Carole King, an- informative, but explaining the intricacies of poetic
Instead, the photograph of Si- other teen song- creation seems to elude him. Perhaps, “Four in the
mon reminds us of the portraits writer, was paid morning/ crapped out/ yawning” is explanation
by John Singer Sargent, who enough. It’s a great line.
painted the societal titans of the to sing on demo
late 19th century society. records and was Simon does discuss his exploration of cultural
savvy enough to rhythms from Africa and South America and how
Hilburn could hardly discour- ensure that he re- these new sounds made him rethink his songwrit-
age such a comparison, given tained total pub- ing. He was vilified for not crediting other mu-
that his thorough, balanced and lishing rights to sicians, and in 1985 he refused to honor a U.N.
insistently chronological biog- his own songs. In boycott against performing in South Africa while
raphy, “Paul Simon: The Life,” the early 1960s, working on his album “Graceland.” He believes that
reminds us how titanic this musi- while in college, no one should tell an artist what he can or cannot
cian is. do, or whom he can work with.
Simon played
Simon didn’t start out a titan. folk music in History has been on Simon’s side, and today his
He began his career singing in a Greenwich Vil- contribution to modern culture is indisputable. The
duo named for two cartoon char- lage clubs, but London Times has called Simon “the godfather of
acters, Tom & Jerry. Art Garfunkel, he was more world music.” Those who disagree can take plea-
who Simon befriended in sixth grade, was Tom. By comfortable, and successful, sing- sure knowing that Simon’s 1998 Broadway musical,
1964, they had renamed themselves Simon and Gar- ing in England, where he was received as a talented “The Capeman,” shut down after 68 performances,
funkel, and within a few years they had become a newcomer. and only lasted that long because Simon insisted.
musical sensation, selling millions of records and The he said/he said history of Simon and Garfun- Despite that fiasco, the musical, albeit much edited,
touring widely. They went on to win multiple Gram- kel’s half-century collaboration is well known, and was reprised in 2010, at the Delacorte Theater in
mys over their long but fragmented career. As a Hilburn supplies enough examples of their kvetch- Central Park.
solo performer, Simon’s awards are even more eye- ing to wear down any reader. It’s the songs that mat-
popping: more Grammys, the Johnny Mercer Award ter, beginning with their megahit, “The Sound of Whether we prefer Simon full-faced or shadowed,
from the Songwriters Hall of Fame, a Kennedy Cen- Silence.” First recorded in 1964, by the beginning of he certainly can write great songs. We’ll have to wait
ter Honor and the first Gershwin Prize for Popular 1966 it was No. 1 in America. By his mid-20s, Simon and see if he ever writes another now that he’s an-
Song. Simon has also lectured at colleges and be- was a millionaire with many productive years ahead nounced his Farewell Tour. But titans seldom stop,
friended famous intellectuals and artists, includ- of him. so why would Simon? Silence does not become him.
ing philosopher Peter Singer, painter Chuck Close, Hilburn is not an exciting writer, though Simon He’s always liked the sound of his own voice, as do
Nobelist Derek Walcott and Pulitzer Prize winner chose him as his biographer. Instead of feeling sus- millions of others.
Thomas Friedman. penseful, this version of Simon’s life story seems
inevitable, and reading the long history of his ca- PAUL SIMON
These awards and associations substantiate Si- reer never quite zings as it should, despite his many
mon’s most visible personality traits: ego and the accomplishments. Simon is widely quoted in the The Life
propulsive pursuit of his art. He learned early from book. He hates being short, sometimes gets de-
his competitive father, a successful bandleader, who pressed and loves his family, but when he does take BY ROBERT HILBURN | 439 PP. $30
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In this deal, how should South plan the play in three no-trump after West leads his
fourth-highest spade, and declarer takes East’s jack with his king? Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Neither
West has a textbook pre-emptive opening bid (although he would prefer a singleton The Bidding:
somewhere). South, assuming his partner has 6 or 7 points, gambles on three no-trump.
Of course, if you or I had been sitting West, we would have led the diamond 10 and 3 NT 3 Spades Pass Pass
defeated the contract by four tricks. Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
7 Spades
South starts with eight top tricks: one spade (the first trick), two hearts and five clubs.
He does not have time to play a diamond, because the defenders will take that trick
and run the spades. (There is no reason to assume that West has an eight-card suit.)
Instead, declarer must take three heart tricks, which involves finding the queen.
It is not guaranteed, but South should use the “empty spaces” principle. West has
seven spades and two clubs, so only four spaces for the heart queen. In contrast, East
has only two spades and two clubs; therefore, he has nine spaces for the heart queen. It
is more than 2-to-1 in favor of finessing through East.
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Software item (3) 2 Zodiac sign (8)
3 Lift (5) 2 Heroic knights (8)
6 Very important (3) 3 Quota (6)
8 Not yet burning (5) 4 Without success (2,4)
9 Win (7) 5 Surpass (6)
10 Listings magazine (5,5) 6 Have information (4)
12 Canine (3) 7 Toy (2-2)
15 Forearm bone (4) 11 Scatter (3)
17 Cautious (4) 13 Fuel (8)
18 Mineral spring (3) 14 TV detective (8)
22 Canoeing manoeuvre (6,4) 16 Large primate (3)
25 Dishevelled (7) 19 Sci-fi author (6)
26 Pickpocket (5) 20 Resentful (6)
27 Be in debt (3) 21 Elbow, push (6)
28 Enthusiasm (5) 23 Greek liqueur (4)
29 Female sheep (3) 24 Scottish island (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 47
ACROSS eyes on 5 Early computer 72 University of The Washington Post
1 Give it a chance? 73 Keeps on keepin’ 6 Skewered, as in Maine city
6 Will Rogers prop
11 Sporty autos on a skit 73 Tortilla dough?
15 Garbage barge 74 The ___ Were 7 Holy vessels 77 Poet Doolittle
19 Diner actress 75 Bit of pier gear 8 Reggae relative 78 Separate, as
21 Ill-tempered sort 76 Big event on 9 Have orchestra
22 Sighing remark onion layers
23 Greatest campus seats, e.g. 79 Russian ballet
78 Director Sydney 10 Available, as
American Hero 80 Free, in a way company
star 82 Kid’s car game beer 81 Tenuous
24 Puccini piece 83 Thrill 11 Actress in The 84 When the credits
25 Greek house 87 Indian metropolis
26 Field covers 88 Undiluted, as Group rolled,
27 One type of 12 Taj Mahal site in old movie
knowledge liquor 13 Interrogate theaters
29 Moves a little 89 Loamy deposit 14 Home of the 85 Popular dog food
30 Southern st. 91 Away from the 86 Golf gadget
33 Bird word Calypso 90 River to the
34 Austrian wind 15 What No. 1 Moselle
mountains, to an 92 Actor Werner 94 Org. that looks
Austrian 93 Prized flower indicates, pencil- for
35 Goofballs 95 Mud-bath center wise undocumented
37 Gore’s guy- 96 Species of wheat 16 The Dead Zone folks
turned-gal 98 Brain, in Spain star 97 Ishi was the last
39 “Untrue!” 99 Horne and Olin 17 One of Dwight’s of his
41 AAA offering 101 “___ live, not general 100 Crude abode
43 Gregory colleagues 102 Electrical genius
McDonald’s vice versa” (diet 18 Sprays Nikola
freewheeling motto) 20 Word after land 104 Iditarod vehicles
reporter 103 Ancient art? or robber 106 Competed
46 Heston epic 105 A real keno state: 28 Dream 107 Singer Fitzgerald
48 TV T-man abbr. phenomena 109 Second opinion?
49 Like Hunan food 106 Ricochets 29 The sun, to some 110 ___ time (never)
51 London dining 108 One listening 30 Closing words 111 Grass, to
district 110 Make ___ (get 31 The Carol Giuseppe
52 Jacket popular in rich) Burnett Show’s 113 Mr. Masterson
the 1960s 112 “Nasty” of tennis Mr. Handsome 115 Name from
53 Type in 113 Underwrite 32 Pulitzer poet who Cambodia’s past
55 Cockney 114 Quiller wrote 116 Attained
greeting Memorandum Conquistador 117 Ethyl or methyl
56 Demitasse of actress 34 Secy. to the secy. ending
discord 119 Klensch of 36 “The Very 118 Like some
57 Eddied fashion Thought ___” pencils
59 When Aïda dies 120 Throb 38 FedEx charge
62 Abbr. in 121 Dapper crooner 40 Binary 2 A DOG’S LIFE By Merl Reagle
Murphy-Nolte of 42 Steals
movies Saturday Night 44 Director-star of BRADLEY H. REINER, DMD
63 Have ___ Live fame (and silent comedies
(enjoy oneself) commercials, 45 ___-totsy HAGEN V. HASTINGS, DMD
64 Snubbed too) 47 Most boring
67 “Can ___ on 122 Willy Wonka’s 50 Dirt ball Family, Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry
you?” creator 54 Doctorow book Caring Dentistry for the Entire Family
(secret-teller’s 123 Ring wins, briefly 58 Chicago trains
query) 124 Apportion 60 Greek letters
69 Boarding areas 125 Full up 61 Romance hero of
70 More succulent DOWN Orlando Furioso
71 Finnish lake 1 Sermon seat 64 Kirghiz
72 Feasts one’s 2 Actor Wallach grasslands
3 Completely 65 One of President
4 Early ax or early Reagan’s press
European secretaries
66 “Just what ___
68 Sans sunshine
71 ___ Jima
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48 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Divorced dad struggles to make play dates for daughter
BY CAROLYN HAX play-date difficulties will become available to you.
Washington Post You can talk to your ex about why setting up play
Dear Carolyn: dates is awkward, for one thing, and learn which
I’m a divorced dad and have moms are easiest to deal with, who might feel un-
my daughter, 9, every other week. comfortable with just a dad home and why, etc.
I try to schedule play dates for
her and am met with hesitation. Plus, open civility between you would give the
It seems like her mom can easily people on her “side” the go-ahead to be nicer to
schedule them. you.
I usually have to talk to the moms to schedule
things. Is there anything I can do to show I am a If you’re part of the reason there’s no sitting to-
well-intentioned dad? Maybe the hesitation is that gether and small talk, then decide now to let it go.
their daughters would be with me and no mother Stop holding out for whatever you’re holding out
figure, or it’s weird for the moms to talk to someone for, forgive what you’ve refused to forgive, accept
who isn’t the mom, or maybe I’m the weird one? what your anger or pride hasn’t let you accept.
My ex and I do not get along. If we are in the
school together, we will not sit together or even ex- If she’s the one making civility impossible, then
change small talk. Does this put other moms off as all you can do is be friendly and approachable and
well? keep doing what’s best for your daughter. Time
Any insight would be great. I want my daughter and kindness are powerful in combination.
to be able to spend time with friends.
And even if they fail you, time alone will do its
A 9-year-old is not far from becoming the quar-
terback of her own social life; eventually she’ll age
out of this problem herself.
– Single Dad good friends with your ex and they have a view of Re: Play dates: Worrying about play dates while
the divorce, and of you, that is quite negative – and you and your child’s mother are so uncivil to each
That’s because the hesitation you’re reading on that negativity could be entirely fair, entirely un- other that you won’t even acknowledge each other
these moms could be anything from unfair and fair or a mix of both. at school events is rearranging deck chairs on the
outrageous bias against a single dad to a reason- Titanic. It’s tragic for a 9-year-old to be in the mid-
able discomfort with something you did or said. If you want a master key to all of it, then that lies dle of that. Pour your energy into fixing that prob-
It could even be that these moms are happy to ar- in your relationship with your ex. If you and she lem.
range play dates, but you’re so uncomfortable that can find a way to get along, then a lot of problems
the conversations get awkward. Or they could be for your daughter go away – axiomatic when par- – Anonymous
ents divorce – and specifically the “why” of your
50 Vero Beach 32963 / May 10, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ear, nose and throat doc hails new ETD procedure
BY TOM LLOYD days, months or even years.
Staff Writer Vero Beach Otolaryngologist Dr.
Eustachian tube dysfunction, or Jeffrey Livingston says victims of
ETD, is a common and annoying con- the condition commonly experi-
dition that some people may have had ence “fullness or congestion or pop-
for years without even knowing it. ping in their ears, or have something
called baro-challenge, which is dif-
The Eustachian tubes are small ficulty clearing their ears in certain
channels that run between the middle situations like on an airplane flight or
ear and the upper throat. Their job is when scuba diving.
to equalize ear pressure and drain flu-
id from the middle ear. When they’re “There’s a large number of people,”
not functioning properly, they can Livingston continues, “who may have
cause dulled hearing and a feeling of had it their entire life … [and until re-
pressure or fullness that can last for cently] we didn’t have a good solution
for that problem.”
It’s great to have something that’s
minimally invasive and low-risk
that can actually solve a problem.
It’s a home run in my book.
-Dr. Jeffrey Livingston
Dr. Jeffrey Livingston.