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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-06-28 11:28:26

06/28/2018 ISSUE 26


Rechter to buy post office
in Old Downtown. P8
Coast Guard to blame
in catamaran fire? P9

Judge Cox delays ruling on
‘Stand Your Ground’ defense. P11

For breaking news visit

MY VERO IRMC seeking to
curb abuse of ER
BY RAY MCNULTY through a co-pay

Happy 4th! Let’s ban the
use of backyard fireworks

This one’s easy for me: I love The entrance to the Emergency Room at IRMC, which many low-income patients use for primary care. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD BY MICHELLE GENZ
my dog, and my dog hates fire- Staff Writer
works. New SRMC meds-by-computer system to boost safety
Indian River Medical Cen-
Besides, while I enjoyed quite BY MICHELLE GENZ physicians will be able to order that includes physician or- ter interim CEO Karen Davis
an array of Fourth-of-July fire- Staff Writer medications by computer, a dering creates a computer- wanted one more piece of data
works spectacles at ballparks fact that should instantly raise generated layer of protection before she was slated to ap-
across America during my When Steward Health imple- the hospital’s safety scores in at that can prevent errors such pear before the Indian River
sportswriting years, I’ve never ments a new electronic records least one category. as over-prescribing opiates or Hospital District Thursday.
grasped the appeal of back- system in September at Se- overlooking drug allergies or She was about to propose a
yard boom-booms, even as a bastian River Medical Center, Having electronic medi- co-pay for medically indigent
kid. cal records software, or EMR, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 patients who are showing up
in record numbers at the hos-
So, with another Indepen- pital’s emergency department,
dence Day celebration only often without emergency inju-
days away, I’m really hoping ries or illness.
local police officers and sher-
iff’s deputies will finally crack To make her case, she cited
down on people who’d rather that day’s tally. “There were
shoot off firecrackers, bottle 86 indigent patients that had
rockets and Roman candles in more than six visits in the last
my neighborhood than cheer 14 months,” she told the Dis-
the public fireworks display at trict trustees. “That’s just where
Riverside Park. they receive their primary care,
as long as it’s easy to come in,
But that’s not going to hap- and there’s no financial com-
pen, even though Florida law ponent to their visit.”
makes it illegal – a first-degree
misdemeanor, punishable by CONTINUED ON PAGE 6


Somerset Academy finally gets green Harbor Branch launches
light for new K-8 charter school here new program focusing on
lagoon threats to health
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN exhausted at the tag end of a Harbor Branch scientists testing water in the Indian River lagoon.
Staff Writer six-hour meeting preceded by BY SUE COCKING
a five-hour workshop. Correspondent
After battling for years to
open a school in Indian River The application approved In one of his first moves as
County, Somerset Academy by the board was the third one acting executive director at
got the green light for a new submitted by Somerset over Florida Atlantic University’s
K-8 school last Tuesday when the past four years. This time Harbor Branch Oceano-
the School Board approved around the company, which
its charter without a murmur, operates 67 public charter CONTINUED ON PAGE 7


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© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Somerset Academy curing a site, Lima said, but the School build a $20 million Pointe West cam- Board of Education and won. But an
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 District’s application evaluation com- pus to house Osceola Magnet. appellate court reversed that decision
mittee stated the Pointe West subdivi- in 2017, ruling the School Board had
schools nationwide, according to its sion was the “proposed location.” The Somerset Academy’s first applica- sufficient reasons to reject the charter
website, proposed an academy with site referred to is owned by REDUS tion to open a charter school here was application.
a STEAM curriculum focused on Sci- EL, LLC, which is listed as the owner withdrawn in 2014. The second ap-
ence, Technology, Engineering, Arts of Pointe West’s East Village develop- plication was for a school that would Somerset’s third application was sub-
and Math. ment. replicate Somerset’s high-performing mitted in February, and in May a school
foreign language schools in Miami. district committee recommended ap-
Somerset plans to open the new When Pointe West, a mixed-use de- proval.
school in August 2019, with “up to 424 velopment on Route 60 west of the That bid was rejected by the school
students in grades K-6,” said Somerset Indian River Mall, was approved by board in 2016 for not actually repli- Somerset took the desegregation
spokesman Adriana Lima. In subse- the county in 1999, it included a 14- cating the language-immersion cur- order into account, promising staff
quent years, 7th and 8th grades will be acre school site at 7645 16th Manor. riculum used in Miami and for not will “reflect the student population,”
added, with 910 students served at full The site would have been given to the addressing the desegregation order and actively recruiting black teachers
capacity. school district if it had set up shop the district has been under since 1967, from Bethune-Cookman University, a
by 2014, but the economic downturn along with other problems. historically black college in Daytona
The company is still working on se- forced the district to table its plans to Beach. Brochures will help recruit
Somerset Academy appealed the black students and other students of
School Board’s rejection to the state color. “Hardship” cases will be provid-
ed transportation and if parents don’t
complete volunteer hours, their chil-
dren won’t be expelled.

Exceptional students and “English
Language Learners” are also welcome,
the application states.

The STEAM curricula will include
“Project Lead the Way as an instruc-
tional adjunct,” according to Lima.
Project Lead the Way is a nonprofit ed-
ucation company that offers hands-on
lessons. Starting from an early age, stu-
dents are given real-world problems
to solve in cooperative teams. Being
world-relevant extends to partnering
with the tech industry. The company
offers teachers and administrators
extensive professional development,
including lessons on how to cultivate
such partnerships.

Of 31 Florida schools listed on Som-
erset Academy’s website, 16 received
an “A” from the Florida Department of
Education, six got a “B,” seven a “C”
and one a “D.” 

SRMC meds-by-computer

adverse drug interactions.
When the most recent Leapfrog

safety ratings were released in April,
Sebastian River’s overall F grade in-
cluded a worst-in-the-nation ranking
on the question of whether doctors
can order medications by computer.
That grade was based on data from be-
fore Steward owned the hospital and
will change with the new software.

So will another category not in-
cluded in the Leapfrog rating, but part
of Medicare’s Hospital Compare mea-
sure: so-called “double” CT scans of the
abdomen – one without contrast and
one with contrast, done at the same
appointment. Sebastian had close to
quadruple the state and national aver-
ages of such scans from 2015 and 2016,
before Steward took over, but the new
software could help correct that prob-
lem as well.

“We have made progress on many

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 3


aspects of quality, and the implemen- rate at SRMC prior to Steward’s own- are appropriate for some parts of the correctly?” said Miami radiologist Dr.
tation of the Meditech 6.1 EMR will ership. The next scheduled update to body and for some medical condi- Daryl Eber, president of the Florida Ra-
continue to improve the quality of care the Hospital Compare data is due July tions, combination scans are not ap- diological Society, the state chapter of
we provide,” said Dr. Joseph Weinstein, 25, but that will only include a couple propriate for the chest or abdomen the American College of Radiology.
Steward’s corporate-wide chief medi- of months under Steward. for most patients,” Medicare’s web-
cal officer. site explains. “We are probably of all the specialties
CT scans reveal different aspects of the most forward-thinking on all this,”
The Meditech software is being cus- the body, with contrast and without, A doctor can still say he needs to have said Eber. “We’re very concerned about
tomized for Sebastian this summer and but most conditions can be diagnosed to look at both with and without con- radiation exposure and very concerned
is expected to be introduced in Sep- with just one or the other. trast when utilizing the new software. about costs. We are not trying to order
tember. It offers a feature that allows “The question is, is it being ordered
radiologists to check to see whether the “Although combination CT scans CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
referring physician has ordered a scan
considered unnecessary for the condi- Exclusively John’s Island
tion being checked, exposing the pa-
tient to more radiation and higher costs. Revel in the tranquility of this impressive 6-bedroom retreat poised to capture
breathtaking water views with desirable southern exposure. The remarkable
Weinstein said that feature will be infinity-edge pool with spa merges with the sparkling lake beyond, creating
put into effect “soon,” in advance of a continuous vistas. Sited on .73± acres, this 8,480± GSF home offers
Medicare mandate that was recently exceptional architectural details, hardwood floors, Mahogany French doors with
delayed until January 2020. pocket screens, gourmet island kitchen adjoining the family room, handsome
study, luxurious master suite, bonus bunk room and a detached 3BR cabana.
The healthcare field has been slow 205 Waxmyrtle Way : $5,750,000
to address the problem of excessive
scans, even though it was 15 years ago three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
that a study showed software in use health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
at Massachusetts General Hospital
helped physicians correctly order CT 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
scans and MRI’s.

By 2011, an effort was underway na-
tionally to reduce double scans by us-
ing such software. By then, CT scans
were among the fastest growing proce-
dures in healthcare, now estimated at
70 million a year, three times the rate
in the early 1990s. Today, medical im-
aging is a $100 billion a year business.

On the plus side, increased use of
scans has drastically reduced the need
for exploratory surgery. But the scans
are not harmless. In 2014, research-
ers projected – although not without
controversy – that as many as 29,000
future cases of cancer could be attrib-
uted to CT scan radiation exposure in
the U.S. in a single year.

“We are silently irradiating ourselves
to death,” cardiologist Rita Redberg
and radiologist Rebecca Smith-Bind-
man wrote in a New York Times opin-
ion piece. “A single CT scan exposes a
patient to the amount of radiation that
epidemiological evidence shows can
be cancer-causing.”

That year, 2014, Congress created
a mandate that physicians use Medi-
care-approved guidelines and check
electronically when ordering imaging
for Medicare patients. Radiologists re-
ceiving the order to do a scan have to
verify that the decision was properly
vetted; if they don’t, they will not be

The requirement was set to go into
place last year. With the delay push-
ing that up to the start of 2020, Medi-
care is urging that voluntary use of the
guidelines begin next month, in the
hopes that providers begin to famil-
iarize staff with the new procedures.
Reimbursement denials for non-com-
pliance are scheduled to be imposed
starting in January 2021.

Weinstein offered no explanation
for the high double abdominal scan

4 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


SRMC meds-by-computer ing, including MRIs of the lumbar spine My Vero Often, however, the callers don’t
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 performed appropriately, duplicate CT know exactly where the fireworks are
scans of the chest, cardiac imaging prior CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 being used, only that they’re close
a bunch of scans willy-nilly. That’s not to elective cardiac surgery, and simulta- enough to be a nuisance.
who we are. neous performance of CT scans of the a year in jail and a $1,000 fine – for
brain with CT scans of the sinuses.” private citizens to set off fireworks “That makes it tough,” Flowers
“We lobby Congress and write our that explode or fly through the air for said. “We’ll send a deputy out there,
own bills on this,” he said. “We want New Medicare data on imaging and recreational and entertainment pur- but it’s a challenge when you don’t
to get this software implemented. Lis- other quality and safety measures is poses. know where they are. And the noise
ten, it makes our lives easier, and there scheduled for release July 25, though can be coming from multiple places.”
are plenty of studies out there to show Medicare announced last week it will It’s not going to happen because,
that. It’s frustrating.” delay the planned July update to its well, it can’t. Another reason there aren’t more
star rating system for hospitals after fireworks arrests – perhaps the pri-
Weinstein pointed out that Medi- complaints about how it weights data. There are, quite simply, too many mary reason – is that our local law
care data showed Sebastian River was The system assigns hospitals an over- fireworks and not enough badges to enforcement agencies don’t want
“far superior to other Florida hospitals all rank of between one and five stars. enforce a law that, from a practical to make criminals of residents who
and the national average for hospitals In Medicare’s December ratings, Se- standpoint, is unenforceable. are engaging in a traditional activity
in many categories of diagnostic imag- bastian River scored two stars.  many people consider appropriate
In other words: The law is a joke – for the Fourth of July and New Year’s
so much so that you’re more likely to Eve.
be cited for jaywalking in downtown
Vero Beach than to get arrested for They want everyone to enjoy the
the illegal use of fireworks in South holiday, and they are willing to let
Beach, or McAnsh Park, or in some people have fun with fireworks, even
residential community in the unin- though it is against the law, as long as
corporated county, particularly on they do it safely and are respectful of
the Fourth of July or New Year’s Eve. their neighbors.

The state legislators who passed Unfortunately, not everyone in the
the silly law must have been chuck- local fireworks crowd abides by those
ling when they voted in favor of mak- rules. Too often, law enforcement’s
ing fireworks, except for sparklers, le- good-will gesture is exploited. Too
gal to purchase in Florida but illegal many of those using fireworks start
to use – with one absurd exception. shooting them off days before the
holiday, sometimes for hours each
Those wanting to buy explosive night, occasionally after 11 p.m.
and aerial fireworks may legally do so
if they sign a form promising to use Worse, some of them ignore re-
them only to scare off birds on agri- quests to stop from their neighbors,
cultural land or at fish hatcheries. who then must wrestle with the deci-
sion to call 911 and complain, which
Not that anything will happen to can escalate into bigger troubles.
them if they lie.
People can become emotional
Nobody’s keeping track. when they believe their neighbors
You go to the fireworks store. You are being inconsiderate, disturbing
sign the form and pay. And, just like and possibly even endangering their
that, you’ve added some pop to your families.
Even if law enforcement does hap- So, while the law prohibiting the
pen to catch you shooting off fire- recreational use of fireworks might
works, you’re probably not going to be among the most abused and least
get arrested. Your fireworks might enforced of Florida’s statutes, we’re
be confiscated, depending on the not talking about a victim-less crime
circumstances. Most times, though, – and I’m not referring only to the
you’ll get off with a warning. injuries, fires and property damage
In fact, neither Vero Beach Police connected to these store-bought ex-
Chief David Currey nor Indian River plosives.
County Sheriff’s Maj. Eric Flowers
could recall the last time their agen- I’m referring to the impact on
cies arrested anyone for using fire- neighbors, who’ve done nothing to
works illegally. deserve this barrage of bad manners.
One reason is that the law requires
officers or deputies to see the sus- I’m also referring to the impact on
pects lighting the fireworks before the neighbors’ pets, particularly dogs,
they can make arrests. Merely pos- who are often so frightened by these
sessing the fireworks isn’t enough. blasts that they become stressed, es-
Both Currey and Flowers said their pecially when the noise continues for
agencies respond to every fireworks hours.
complaint they receive, and they get
plenty of them in the days leading to According to Janet Winikoff, mar-
– and sometimes after – July 4. keting director for the Humane So-
Usually, the callers complain about ciety of Vero Beach and Indian Riv-
the noise, especially if the fireworks er County, more dogs and cats are
are being set off late at night. Some turned in at animal shelters or re-
callers say they and their children ported missing nationally on July 4-5
are being kept awake. Others say the than at any time during the year.
loud popping sounds are upsetting
their pets, especially dogs. The reason, she said, is fireworks.
“Dogs left outside can become agi-
tated and break loose,” Winikoff said,
urging owners to make sure their pets
have collars, ID tags and micro-chips

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 5


so they can be identified if they’re lost frightened and disoriented.” ian about homeopathic remedies or a My dog hates fireworks, and I don’t
and found. “And if they’re fenced in, She suggested creating a pet sanc- mild tranquilizer. blame her. I blame our lawmakers,
dogs that don’t normally dig will do it. who, if they possessed even a hint of
Even on walks, they can get spooked tuary in the house – a quiet, com- “The key,” Winikoff said, “is to keep wisdom and courage, could remove
and try to run off. fortable room where you can turn them calm and happy.” the bird-scaring loophole and ban
on music or a TV to distract from the the use of recreational fireworks.
“The safest place for them is at noise of the fireworks. If necessary, At my house, however, that’s prob-
home, but even there they can get she said to consult your veterinar- ably not going happen, no matter It’s that easy. 
what we do.



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6 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


IRMC seeking ER co-pay medication and monitoring for his them the initiative to go someplace trict meeting. “It’s trying to get people
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 blood pressure. Those issues are best else for primary care. I don’t want it to to the right care. Fortunately, in this
dealt with in a doctor’s office famil- be punitive. That’s not our goal. But in community we do have a continuum
“Seventy percent of those who are iar with the patient, not an ER, where our minds, it has to be equal or greater of care for them, like Treasure Coast
indigent have lower acuities,” Davis doctors are in constant rotation. than what it would be to go to primary Community Health, Whole Fam-
said, using the healthcare term for care, in order to be effective.” ily Health Center, the Health Depart-
non-emergencies. For patients who “What’s we’re looking at goes across ment. They are all our partners in this.
are not indigent, the numbers are re- the entire gamut. It’s not just in the District Trustee Michael Weiss cau- They are the places to move these pa-
versed: Only 30 percent of ER visits are medically indigent population, but tioned that even a small copay could tients. It’s all about changing habits.”
for low acuity conditions. it’s across commercial payers as well seem like punishment to the clients
that are trying to control the use of of the Hospital District, who qualify On the positive side, habits are
Other data for the period from Octo- the emergency department for non- for help with healthcare because they changing among the staff at the emer-
ber 2016 to May 2018 showed that 31 emergency issues,” she told the board. earn no more than 150 percent of fed- gency department. Davis told the
patients made a combined 900 visits “Many of the payers, Anthem being one eral poverty guidelines and do not District Board that emergency room
to the emergency room. of them, are now saying if it’s coded as qualify for Medicaid. The District lev- visits from arrival to either admission
non-emergent, they are not paying any ies taxes to pay for that care, reimburs- to a hospital bed or treatment and
“It’s making a huge impact in our vis- part of it. Others are making patients ing hospital bills for the indigent as discharge has been cut by between an
its and it makes it very difficult for those pay a great deal, increasing the co-pay- well as expenses at a half-dozen other hour and a half to two hours. She at-
who truly have emergencies because ments to as much as $400, $500, $600 community health agencies. tributes that to “just putting processes
we’re having to weed through those that for a visit to the ER. They’re saying, Get in place and making sure everyone is
are non-emergent,” Davis said. them out of the emergency room. That “You’re not trying to punish the pa- accountable for what goes on.”
is not the appropriate place for care.” tient, you’re trying to change a behav-
She cited one patient who had come ior so they get quality care,” said Trust- The Hospital District voted to con-
in 55 times in those 20 months. Another Davis suggested the District and ee Tracy Lockwood-Zudans. sider the copay and sent Davis back to
came in 36 times, 28 of those for chest hospital officials together determine come up with an amount before tak-
pain. Still another patient was a para- an amount for a copay that is a por- “That’s exactly why we started this ing up the matter for a final vote. In
plegic with chronic urinary tract issues. tion of the $105 rate negotiated with committee 23 meetings ago,” said Trust- the meantime, the board directed its
insurance companies to cover the cost ee Karen Deigl, CEO of the Senior Re- attorney, Jennifer Peshke, to review
They and other frequent visitors of the medical screening patients get source Association, who is part of a joint the legislative Special Act that created
with non-emergencies desperately to determine if their symptoms are a group looking at the hospital’s emergen- the Hospital District to see if language
need primary care, not emergency true emergency or not. cy department logjam of patients need- may limit its ability to charge any fee
care, she said. The paraplegic patient, ing primary, not emergency, care. to indigent patients.
for example, “needs to be seen on a Currently, even Medicaid patients
regular basis with routine care,” said pay a copay, she said, typically rang- Last month Deigl voiced her strong Section 19 of the Special Act states:
Davis. The man with chest pain needs ing from $3 to $15. “Our goal is to give support of the non-emergency co-pay “Each hospital and clinic established
when the issue arose in a Hospital Dis-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 7


under this act shall be for the use and initial funding for the Center for according to Dr. Duane DeFreese, stand the factors driving the myriad
benefit of the indigent sick. Such resi- Coastal and Human Health, which executive director of the Indian River algae blooms that kill marine mam-
dents shall be admitted to such hospi- will attempt to penetrate the murky Lagoon Council, a regional organiza- mals, fish and seagrass and make peo-
tal and clinic and be entitled to medi- mysteries of recurring harmful algae tion that dispenses money for lagoon ple sick.
cal care without charge, subject to the blooms that foul east-central Flori- research. “What Harbor Branch and
rules and regulations prescribed by da’s primary artery. FAU have done is make a commit- “Is it climate change? Pollutants?
said board of trustees.”  ment to the connection between Land use practices? How are these
Headed by research professor Dr. the health of our waters and human toxins getting into the food chain?
Harbor Branch Amy Wright and staffed by as many health,” he said. The central mission is to understand
as 30 faculty, graduate students and this on multiple levels. A lot of differ-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 technicians, the Center officially be- “This is a vision I’ve had ever since ent factors could be driving this,” Sul-
gan work this week, on July 1, with a I got here,” Sullivan said. “We need livan said.
graphic Institute, Dr. Jim Sullivan is primary focus on how the blooms and to do this science all the way to how
launching a research program to zero the toxins they sometimes generate af- people are affected and get that infor- The center already has some for-
in on growing threats to human health fect the region’s 1.6 million residents. mation to them. We want to protect midable tools that include the new
posed by problems in the Indian River the health and safety of the region’s SeaPRISM – a NASA water-quality
Lagoon. The scientists will conduct epide- population.” monitoring instrument that has been
miological studies on people exposed deployed in Lake Okeechobee that
Sullivan, who lives in Vero Beach, to toxic organisms and respond to Scientists at Harbor Branch have determines chlorophyll, turbidity and
has seen a steep decline in the eco- reports of blooms that pop up in the been studying the Indian River La- cyanobacteria levels in real-time.
logical health of the Lagoon since he lagoon. Just a few days ago, they took goon for decades. But with the new
joined Harbor Branch as a research water samples from an algae outbreak center, Sullivan said, the institute Dr. Edward Phlips, a professor at
scientist three years ago – to a point called in by a citizen near the Vero could take the lead in solving the estu- University of Florida’s Fisheries and
where the once clear waters are now Beach Municipal Marina. Fortunately, ary’s many problems, in collaboration Aquatic Sciences program in Gaines-
sometimes dangerous to people, it turned out to be benign. with other scientists, policymakers, ville, is eager to collaborate with Sul-
as well as to fish, birds and marine resource managers and citizens. livan.
mammals. “If there is a bloom, we’ll will be out
there that day or the day after, and “The problem is so complex that The two expect to receive a grant to
Recently named to the acting we will determine what it is,” Sulli- it requires organization and leader- monitor algae blooms between New
executive director position at the van said. “We need to be informed of ship,” he said. “This is an expansion of Smyrna Beach and St. Lucie Inlet be-
famed Fort Pierce-based facility, Sul- what’s out there. I want to know when everything we’re doing and integrat- ginning this fall.
livan has convinced Harbor Branch’s I’m at the water whether it’s safe to go ing it by bringing everyone together
Foundation to put up $650,000 in there with my kids.” to cooperate on this, leveraging all the “I’m excited about the possibilities,”
assets out there.” said DeFreese. “We have a strong part-
The Center is a “big step forward nership with Harbor Branch already
for the whole science community,” Researchers will strive to under- and look forward to strengthening
that.” 

8 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Rechter helps Vero out, steps up to buy post office in Old Downtown

BY LISA ZAHNER pany, did something much more sig- Avenue, plus the old, red-brick diesel “We don’t need to have some slum
Staff Writer nificant – he said he’d buy it himself for electric plant that he transformed into lord come down there and take that
up to $1.3 million to keep it away from the popular American Icon Brewery, piece of ground and then run the post
Most people who opposed Vero outsiders. “I’m doing this to protect convinced the City Council to sell him office off because they don’t keep it
Beach selling its historic post office the city against a bad owner,” Rechter the post office building last week. up,” O’Connor said. “We have a person
property on 13th Avenue in the Old said. “I have jumped into a property standing here who not only has post of-
Downtown business district voiced that I had no interest in.” Two other bidders, Vero Beach busi- fice experience, but who has redevelop-
their opinion by talking to a City Coun- nessman Joe Cataldo of ReDev Group, ment experience in our neighborhood.”
cil member, writing a letter or offering That show of commitment to the and New York-based Nationwide Post-
comments from the podium. city where Rechter owns a shopping al Management, were in the hunt, and “Within reason, I would like the prop-
plaza with a bowling alley, another a minor bidding war pushed the price erty to go to a local person who has a
But developer Michael Rechter, post office building, commercial prop- up from $1.2 million to $1.225 mil- stake in our community,” Mayor Harry
through his Integra Real Estate com- erty including a restaurant along 14th lion and then $1.3 million. But with Howle said. “Certainly Mr. Rechter has a
the New York buyer, there was always very good track record of being an inte-
the question of what an out-of-town gral part of our community.”
owner might do after the U.S. Postal
Service finishes out its lease. “Everything that I’ve seen Michael
Rechter do in our community fits
Cataldo during the council meeting with the culture of our community
conceded that Rechter should win the and makes our community a better
bid.“If it’s not [owned by] the city, the next place,” Councilman Val Zudans said.
best thing is Michael Rechter,” he said. “So I have confidence that if he gets in-
volved in a project like this, or if some-
“The important thing is that, this thing happens other than the post of-
postal service, I have no idea what’s fice being in there, that it’s going to be
going to happen to it in seven years of that same type of quality.”
– if they want to renew, if they want
to terminate, if they have an option Councilman Lange Sykes said he
to terminate early,” Rechter said. “If was in favor of selling. “You’re putting
they extend, I’m obviously happy. I’m the risk on private industry and not
a landlord of the postal service on U.S. the taxpayer,” he said.
1 since 2005, and I don’t want them to
go anywhere. Councilman Tony Young and Coun-
cilwoman Laura Moss ultimately
“But if and when they do decide to voted not against Rechter per se, but
vacate, that’s really the opportunity – against selling the property at all, and
that’s where this decision is going to the sale was approved 3-2.
come home to roost,” said Rechter.
Young pointed out that Rechter ad-
Rechter said he spoke to the postal vised the city not to sell the post office,
management company and the owner but said if the city sold, he wanted to be
seemed like a good guy. But, he said, part of the ballgame. “My concern has
“the difference is that I love Vero Beach always been that we have the right fit
and he has no interest in it all. He has for that property and have some con-
zero investment in Vero Beach and he sideration for the future,” Young said.
has no desire to own anything else in
Vero Beach.” The building is in the historic heart
of the city, Young said, and that’s why
Right now, the city can get a decent he feels so strongly that Vero should
price for the 1.25-acre property, be- keep it.
cause of the lucrative lease payments
of about $100,000 per year. But if the Councilwoman Laura Moss thanked
asking price were just for a 53-year-old both Rechter and Cataldo for submit-
building and a parking lot, the pro- ting proposals, but said she wanted to
ceeds might or might not reach any- wait to sell the property because she
thing close to $1.3 million. sees the price only going up.

“If we had a vacant building sitting O’Connor was authorized to work
there, we would be in a world of trou- out a contract with Rechter and come
ble,” City Manager Jim O’Connor said. back to the City Council with a final
sale document.
Rechter said he sees the value of the
property either way – with the govern- The move will bring the city a cash
ment paying to keep the 1965 post of- infusion and take a maintenance bur-
fice open, or with the parcel and its den off its plate. It will also put the
structure becoming the next blank property back on the tax rolls, provid-
slate onto which he could develop an- ing annual revenue at a time when
other gem to add to the landscape of Vero is looking at restructuring its
Vero’s downtown district. budget to make up for more than $5
million annually that has historically
O’Connor reminded the coun- been transferred to the general fund
cil that, because he is an important from the electric utility.
neighbor of the property in question,
Rechter has as much at risk as the city After the sale of the electric utility to
does, which means he’s going to keep Florida Power & Light, which is sched-
an eye on the property. uled to close in October, those millions
will no longer flow into city coffers. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 9


Is Coast Guard at fault for boat catching fire and sinking?

BY RAY MCNULTY mast to clear the bridge, so Douglas water-treatment plant and clearly vis- the decision to move the catamaran.
Staff Writer and Sweet moored the boat well to the ible from the 17th Street Bridge – last However, the officer on duty referred
south and out of the channel to wait weekend. the request to the service’s Public Af-
The caretaker of the catamaran that for low tide. fairs Office, where no one answered
caught fire in the Indian River Lagoon The FWC, which has police juris- the phone.
in Vero Beach in April blamed the “I had the boat anchored in the diction over Florida waters, stated in
mishap on a U.S. Coast Guard crew mud and it wasn’t going anywhere,” its report that the Coast Guard had As of Sunday, the Coast Guard had
he claims moved the 35-foot boat too Sweet said last week. “I went out and “boarded the vessel the night before not responded to a voice message ask-
close to the power lines immediately checked it every afternoon, including the fire” in response to a call claiming ing for a return call.
south of the 17th Street Bridge and the day before the fire. Then, for some the boat was moored in the channel of
failed to properly anchor it. reason, the Coast Guard moved it. the Intracoastal Waterway. The FWC report identified Fanta-
sy’s owner as Douglas Robert Silvera,
Doug Sweet said the boat, named “They moved it close to the power That report was confirmed by both whose listed address was a Post Office
“Fantasy,” had been safely and secure- lines and, when they set the anchor, Sweet and Capt. Ryan Helmig of Sea box in Freeport, Bahamas, where the
ly anchored near one of the spoil is- they obviously didn’t make sure it was Tow Treasure Coast, which the city boat was registered. Silvera could not
lands – about 1,000 yards south of the secure,” he added. “So, when the winds hired to move the damaged catama- be reached for comment.
bridge and 250 yards out of the chan- shifted and the current shifted, the ran away from the bridge after the fire,
nel – for more than three days and had boat must’ve come loose and swung who said they were told by multiple FWC Lt. Dustin Lightsey said the
posed no danger to nautical traffic. around, and it got pushed into the witnesses that the Coast Guard had boat has been declared a “derelict ves-
power lines.” boarded the catamaran at about 6 p.m. sel” and that the agency has presented
Sweet, a Vero Isles resident, said he April 9 and relocated it near the bridge. its report to the local State Attorney’s
was a longtime friend of the catama- According to a Florida Fish & Wild- Office, which is expected to pursue a
ran’s owner and had accompanied the life Commission report, the unmanned FWC Officer Roger DuBose wrote criminal charge against Silvera.
boat’s captain, George Douglas, on the catamaran burst into flames shortly in the agency’s incident report that he
trip from its home port in the Bahamas before 8:30 a.m. April 10, when its mast had requested the Coast Guard’s duty Under Florida law, abandoning a
to Vero Beach, where he was planning struck a power line. A county Fire Res- log for the night prior to the fire and derelict vessel in state waters is a first-
to do some maintenance and restora- cue boat extinguished the fire, but the hadn’t yet received it. He stated that degree misdemeanor, punishable by a
tion work on the vessel. vessel sustained heavy damage. he would update his report after he re- maximum of one year in jail, a $1,000
views the log. fine or both.
However, when they arrived in Vero In fact, the partially submerged boat
Beach at 7:30 p.m. April 6, the tide remained in the lagoon – just offshore Vero Beach 32963 called the Coast However, Lightsey, who oversees
was too high to allow the catamaran’s from the Fairlane Harbor neighbor- Guard station in Fort Pierce last week, FWC patrols of the waters in Indian
hood’s seawall, south of the city’s seeking more information regarding River and southern Brevard counties,


10 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coast Guard remained in one tank and pump out set with him after learning the Coast Lightsey said the abandoned cata-
“some dirty, bilgy oil and water film” Guard had moved the boat – which, maran does not pose a navigational
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 that had accumulated on the boat. apparently, was valued at $25,000 but hazard to other boats, but the FWC
wasn’t insured – and it had been badly would like to see it removed from the
said prosecutors probably would drop He said he billed the city closer to damaged in a fire. lagoon next month.
the criminal charge if Silvera removes $7,000, which he said was a discount
the boat from the lagoon within 45 price for the work done. “I guess he blames me, but I did The due process protections under
days of being notified that it has been nothing wrong,” Sweet said. “I did federal law require the owner be given
declared a derelict vessel. The count- “I gave them a very good deal,” Hel- everything by the book. I notified the 45 days to remove the boat and pay
down began last month. mig said, adding that he moved the FWC that the boat was anchored and any civil claims before the vessel can
boat the afternoon of the fire, after the where. And the boat sat there for four be seized by the state.
In addition, the owner must agree to FWC concluded its initial investiga- days. I checked on it every day; it never
pay all costs incurred by the FWC and tion. “It should’ve been over $10,000, moved. Then I get a call that the boat As for Silvera paying, though, Sweet
any other agency or entity in connec- but they’ve got a budget, so I brought was on fire, and he screws me. said: “They’ll have a hard time collect-
tion with removing the boat. the price down for them.” ing any money from him.” Especially if
“He can sue me if he wants, but I the Coast Guard was at fault.
“The statute also holds the owner But Helmig doesn’t believe the wasn’t even paid crew,” he added. “The
civilly liable for any costs associated boat’s owner, or its captain or care- captain brought the boat over and I “Nobody wants to take the blame
with the boat having been aban- taker, should be held financially liable was just along for the ride, because I for this because they’ll be liable,”
doned,” said Lt. Darrin Riley, the if the Coast Guard erred in moving the was going to do some work on it here.” Sweet said, “but I’d love to know why
FWC’s statewide derelict vessel co- catamaran and didn’t properly re-an- they moved the boat.” 
ordinator. “That includes removal of chor it.
the vessel, draining the fuel, damage WOMAN SETTLES ISLAND
to other property and even the inves- “Maybe the boat drifted a little, so TRIP-AND-FALL LAWSUIT
tigation.” they moved it in good faith,” Helmig
said. “But if the Coast Guard made the WITH THE COUNTY
Vero Beach City Manager Jim mistake – if they shouldn’t have moved
O’Connor said it cost the taxpayers it or didn’t properly anchor it – they BY BETH WALTON Johns Eastern has handled 232 lia-
“about $5,000” to move the boat after should be the one to remove the boat bility claims for the county since Oc-
the fire and remove the remaining fuel and reimburse the city.” Staff Writer tober 2015. “Those are in addition to
from the boat to prevent a leak that the complaints that can be resolved
could contaminate the lagoon. Sweet, who has photographs he Leslie McGuirk claims she was out by our staff,” Martin said.
claims verify where he and Douglas for a walk when a car came barreling
He said the city would try to recover anchored the catamaran, said he has down Seagrape Drive in Oceanaire “The good news is that we rarely go
that money from the owner. known Silvera for 35 years and done at Heights at negligent speeds. to trial for a claim,” she added.
least $20,000 worth of work for him on
Helmig said the city hired him other boats, and thought of him as a As the acclaimed children’s book Only once in nearly two decades
to relocate the boat away from the friend. author and astrologist rushed to get has there been a jury verdict against
bridge area, drain the diesel fuel that out of the way, she tripped on a crum- the county, Martin continued.
However, he said Silvera became up- bling piece of pavement and fell, ac-
cording to court documents. Trials only happen every three to
five years.
The March 2017 incident left Mc-
Guirk seriously injured and unable to Indian River County has a self-
work, her lawyers say. The driver who insurance fund which requires pay-
almost hit her was uninsured. So, she ment only when the county is found
enlisted the help of Tuttle Law and legally liable, Martin said. It also
sued the county. holds commercial insurance, but that
policy is rarely needed.
The municipality failed to main-
tain the roadway and left no warnings Sovereign immunity rules put lim-
that conditions might be dangerous its on liability payouts to $200,000 per
or hazardous, attorney Douglas Tut- person or $300,000 per occurrence.
tle wrote in the October 2017 lawsuit.
“The County thoroughly reviews
The lawyer, who filed the complaint claims for legal responsibility and
in the 19th Judicial Circuit Civil Court, analyzes all claims with an eye toward
claimed an excess of $15,000 in dam- a fiscally responsible resolution,” said
ages, but the suit against the county County Attorney Dylan Reingold. “The
was dropped this month after Mc- County does not entertain claims for
Guirk received a $5,000 settlement. which the County has no responsibil-
ity. “
McGuirk’s claim is one of hundreds
the county has had to weigh in recent McGuirk is now suing her own in-
years. Sometimes, county staff are re- surance carrier, Amica Mutual Insur-
sponding to two to three citizen com- ance, to cover her losses not covered
plaints a week, said Beth Martin, Risk by the county settlement.
Manager for Indian River County.
Court filings claim McGuirk’s pol-
The county hires Johns Eastern icy offered coverage for accidents
Company, a third-party claims ad- with uninsured motorists, though the
ministrator, for $206,000 annually to company is disputing its role.
review and adjust workers’ compen-
sation, liability and auto negligence Tuttle declined to comment on the
claims, she said. pending litigation and McGuirk did
not respond to a request for com-
ment. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 11


Cox delays ruling on ‘Stand Your Ground’ defense

BY BETH WALTON not entitled to immunity under the Eric Deffendall was hit at least once dall had been beaten bloody the night
Staff Writer statue by proving that he or she was before an 11-second pause in the gun- of his brother’s killing and says he ran
not acting out of fear for their life. The fire. Then, five more shots followed in into the house to wash off and grab a
Extensive expert testimony at a revised law also eliminates a mandate rapid cadence, at least one hitting Eric gun in self-defense.
hearing last week did not lead to a rul- to retreat before shooting. at point-blank range.
ing about whether Mark Deffendall Mark Deffendall recalled a time
can walk free in the killing of his broth- One by one, expert witnesses at- Mark pursued his brother down the from the early 1990s when his brother
er under the provisions of Florida’s re- tempted to reconstruct the evening stairway and began shooting again in hit their father. He also said his broth-
vised Stand Your Ground law. Eric Deffendall took his last breath. In- the living room, Newman said. One er had bragged to him about poking
vestigators have analyzed blood spat- bullet was a “near contact” wound to someone’s eye out.
After testimony was complete, the ter, bullet casings and impact wounds Eric Deffendall’s head.
prosecutor and defense attorney elect- to try and retell the story. Butler fiercely objected to the line of
ed to file written closing arguments, in- That shot severed the victim’s brain- questioning. It’s hearsay, the prosecu-
stead of making their final arguments Mark Deffendall shot at his brother stem and caused his body to fall for- tor said. It also happened more than a
in court, and Judge Cynthia Cox said eight times after night of heavy drink- ward, the detective surmised. “(Eric decade ago.
she will rule on the matter after receiv- ing and brawling in their father’s air- Deffendall) is, in fact, on the ground
ing the written filings. plane hangar, investigators say. He when he is shot the last time.” “Hell, let’s go back to grade school,”
only missed once. he told the judge, discounting that
The 2014 homicide was revisited af- The victim was later found by his fa- such testimony was pertinent to Mark
ter Deffendall and his attorney sought Assistant State Attorney Ryan Butler ther, face down and unresponsive, ac- Deffendall’s state of mind the night of
immunity under Florida’s ‘Stand Your played an audio recording of the barrage cording to an arrest affidavit. He was the homicide.
Ground’ statute for the second time. of gunshots in Cox’s courtroom Friday. pronounced dead at the scene.
Deffendall, 43, wore a red jail-issued
Deffendall previously was denied Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Dr. Linda O’Neil, the medical exam- jumpsuit at the morning hearing. His
the defense, but Cox granted him a Detective Rob Newman testified the iner for the 19th Judicial Circuit, said Eric handcuffs had been partially unlocked
new hearing this year after Florida first two gunshots recorded by a neigh- Deffendall was shot in jaw, neck, chest, allowing him to take notes at the de-
lawmakers reversed the burden of bor’s home security system were fired abdomen and arm. Bullets went through fense table next to his lawyer. Friends
proof in Stand Your Ground cases. from the top of the stairs. his brain, liver, stomach, kidneys and and family sat behind him in the
heart, she said. The victim had traces of courtroom gallery.
Before, defendants had to prove Mark was shooting down at his un- alcohol and cocaine in his system.
they had good reason to be in fear armed brother, Newman said. There Deffendall, who is being held at the
for their life. Now, prosecutors are re- were several other firearms stashed on Assistant Public Defender Alan Indian River County jail without bond,
quired to demonstrate a defendant is the first floor, but all remained locked Hunt questioned his client about his was charged with first-degree murder in
in their cases. brother’s violent past. Mark Deffen-

12 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Developer now plans no townhomes on Dodgertown Golf Club site

BY RAY MCNULTY Council earlier this month, Mark Hul- He met with an engineer last week of Hulbert Homes. “Actually, we prefer
Staff Writer bert said he wanted to transform the to revise his plan. He said he’d prob- to not do residential on that property,
city-owned, 35-acre parcel into a mixed- ably replace the townhomes with but we were playing it safe. You can
The Lakeland-based builder who use development that would contain more office buildings in the develop- calculate, almost to the dollar, what
wants to buy and develop the former retail stores, restaurants, hotels, office ment, which would be designed in residential construction will bring.
Dodgertown Golf Club property said buildings and plenty of green space. a pedestrian-friendly, open-air style You can’t do that with commercial, so
he expects to return to Vero Beach with trees, park-like fields and reten- we wanted the opportunity to include
next month with a site plan that, at the His conceptual layout also included tion ponds, all enclosed by fencing. that one small section of townhouses.
City Council’s urging, won’t include a small section of townhouses, but, af-
any residential construction. ter council members showed no inter- “We didn’t get a lot of support from “But that’s OK,” he added. “Our
est in residential construction on the the council for the townhouses, so we’ll desire is all commercial, anyway, be-
In his initial presentation to the City property, Hulbert took the hint. get rid of them,” said Hulbert, president cause we want to do something dif-
ferent there – something Vero doesn’t
have. What we’re proposing is some-
thing the city would like to see.”

City Manager Jim O’Connor said
the city staff, along with council mem-
bers, are intrigued by Hulbert’s con-
cept for the property, located at the
intersection of 43rd Avenue and Avia-
tion Boulevard.

“Getting rid of the residential con-
struction steps up their chances quite
a bit, but we’ll wait and see what the
site plan looks like,” O’Connor said.
“It’s something I believe is very mar-
ketable.”” 

‘Stand Your Ground’

the 2014 killing, but his case has yet to
go to trial, and if Cox rules in his favor it
is possible no trial will ever take place.

The day of his arrest, his father,
prompted by police, asked his son
what happened.

“Eric would not give it up, he wouldn’t
stop,” was Deffendall’s response, docu-
mented by Detective Chris Cassinari in
court filings.

Mark, he wrote, did not answer
when his father asked if he was the
one who shot his brother.

Attorneys for both sides promised to
issue written closing arguments to the
judge next week, and Cox promised a
ruling before docket call in August.

State appellate courts offer con-
flicting rulings as to whether the new
Stand Your Ground law can able to be
applied retroactively. Cox said she of-
fered the new hearing out of an “abun-
dance of caution.”

In her 2016 order denying Deffen-
dall’s first attempt at the defense, Cox
wrote that the defendant failed to prove
that he reasonably believed shooting
his brother was necessary to prevent
imminent death or great bodily harm.

Deffendall offers no explanation as
to why he continued to shoot at his re-
treating, unarmed brother, Cox wrote
at the time. He testified that he does
not remember what happened, but the
court is not in a position to speculate. 


14 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Guild’s Genie Awards gala sparkles with theatrical flair

Dana Rogers and Madelyn Rogers.

tress in a Cameo Role.

“The Fantasticks” earned awards

for: Alex Martinez, Male Newcom-

er and Outstanding Male Vocalist;

Kaitlin Ruby, Outstanding Female

Vocalist; and Aidan McDonnell,

Supporting Actor in a Musical and

Outstanding Juvenile.

Eleanor Dixon received the award

for Leading Actress in a Play for “The

Lady With all the Answers.” The

play “To Kill a Mockingbird” gar-

nered awards for Samuel McDuffie,

Outstanding Rookie; Tori Hallsten,

Ben Earman, Kelly Clemenzi and Sheri Brown. Marissa Hallsten, Tori Hallsten, Jennifer Hallsten and Alexandra Hallsten. Female Newcomer; Shara Kyles, Sup-

porting Actress in a Play; and Jon

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF fair catered by Wild Thyme Catering, ner of the night in the Play category: Putzke and Shawn Webber, Best Set
Staff Writer before emcee Larry Strauss took the Jason Avery, Leading Actor; Bill Lem- Design.
floor, admitting to the crowd that beck, Supporting Actor; Doy Dem- The shows would not have been

It was a night to remember for Vero serving as Genie emcee had been one sick, Character Actor; Eleanor Dixon, possible without the support of indi-

Beach Theatre Guild members, who of his bucket list items. Character Actress; Claude Cooper, viduals working behind the scenes,

all shone brightly at the 2018 Genie Despite sage advice from wife Actor in a Secondary Role; and Ten- and among the awards recogniz-

Awards dinner last Saturday evening Carole that involved “no jokes and nessee Callie, Actress in a Secondary ing support crews and volunteers

at the Elks Lodge, closing out their no singing,” the actor hammed it up Role. for their tireless work was this year’s

60th anniversary season with the cel- with a brief musical interlude and a “Little Shop of Horrors” garnered Lifetime Member Award winner, Lar-

ebration of another successful year. joke that began, “A Genie judge and a a number of awards in the Musical ry Strauss.

The Genie Awards were named in horse walk into a bar ...” category: Ben Earman, Leading Ac- The guild announced that for the

honor of Eugene Davis, one of the Claude Cooper summed up the tor; Kelly Brown Clemenzi, Leading first time in its 60-year history; the

guild’s first resident directors, and sentiments of many in the crowd as Actress; Nick Keeler, Character Actor; 2018-19 season will feature perfor-

honor excellence in theater by recog- he accepted an award for his role in Courtney Godwin, Sara Gordon and mances year round.

nizing the contributions of the cast, “Lend me a Tenor,” saying, “I am so Shannon McNair, Actress in a Sec- Visit for

crew and volunteers. thankful that we have this wonder- ondary Role; and Isabel Garrett, Ac- more information and tickets. 

Jon Putzke, VBTG president, ful creative outlet that we can go to

shared that the guild had recently ac- and dispense our art to, hopefully, a VBTG 2018-19 SEASON

quired scrapbooks belonging to Da- grateful public that will continue to

vis, which chronicled the early years support us in so many ways.” MAIN STAGE

of the community theater. He noted Commenting that every member JULY 10-22: “THE DIXIE SWIM CLUB”

that the first Genie Awards ceremony of the cast and crew is essential, for- SEPT. 11-23: “‘YANKEE TAVERN”
had lasted until 4 a.m., and had gar- mer guild president and “Little Shop NOV. 6-18: “THE GAME’S AFOOT OR HOLMES FOR THE HOLIDAYS”
nered press coverage in publications of Horrors” director Mark Wygonik
from Miami to Daytona Beach. borrowed wise words from the late JAN. 15-27: “MIRACLE ON SOUTH DIVISION STREET”
American bit actor Dabbs Greer, say- MARCH 12-24: “A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM”
“Tonight we’re going to remember ing “every actor in their own little
Eugene Davis by honoring all-star MAY 7-19: “THE SAVANNAH SIPPING SOCIETY”

casts and volunteers, around who the sphere is the lead.” APRON SERIES FOR READERS THEATRE
guild actually revolves,” said Putzke. The 2017-18 Outstanding Produc- OCT. 12: “12 ANGRY MEN”
“We may shoot for the moon and if tion Award was presented jointly to:
we fail, we’re gonna fall among the “The Lady With all the Answers,” di-

stars.” rected by Art Pingree, and “To Kill a FEB. 8: “A NIGHT AT THE THEATRE”

Under a canopy of gilded stars, Mockingbird,” directed by Jon Putzke. APRIL 12: “THINGS YOU SHOULDN’T SAY PAST MIDNIGHT”

guests dined on a scrumptious af- “Lend me a Tenor” was the big win-

16 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Jill Hargrave, Sandi Hellstrom-Leonard, Mark Wygonik, Alexander Martinez with Patty and Frank Martinez.
Milo Hassloch, Art Pingree, Sue Nalepa and Bill Lembeck. Isabel Garrett and Brian LaCerda.

Theresa and Richard Welsh with sons Myesha and Samuel McDuffie.
Joaquin and Blaze.

Amber and Kyle Riggle. Rhianna Parks and Lorina Beniamino.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 17


Sunday Funday satisfies a city bursting with ‘Pride’

Katie Gastley, Stephanie Hocke, Shelley Adelle, Ben Healy (aka Jessica Deveraux) and Mark Hamilton. Anna Birnholz, Billy Banks, Lizzy Rueff, Clara Martin and Mariah McMillan. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL

BY MARY SCHENKEL “We wanted to see how else we played volleyball and Jenga, or sat by June as LGBT Pride Month had its
could make this more inclusive, the pool to enjoy a delicious buffet start in recognition of the June 1969
Staff Writer because that’s the whole idea,” she and, of course, a few Bloody Marys. Stonewall Inn riots in New York City,
added. which ushered in the nationwide
On the heels of last week’s hugely “This is the first time they’ve ever movement for equality for LGBT
successful Party at the Pantheon the So when Heaton’s Reef offered up had a DJ on the beach and I’m sure it’s Americans. Pride Month is now
night before, Vero Pride organizers the space for a family-friendly ‘friend- the first time there have been Pride celebrated worldwide.
extended the festivities with a raiser’ beach party and poolside Flags on the beach,” said Adelle,
Sunday Funday Pridefest at Heaton’s barbecue cookout, they welcomed pointing to the colorful rainbow flags A1A organizers said they would
Reef at the Kimpton Vero Beach Hotel the opportunity. A lovely breeze off flying in the breeze. like to establish events throughout
& Spa. the ocean kept things comfortable the year and are seeking feedback
as attendees took dips in the ocean, “So it’s groundbreaking in many and ideas from the community. 
“Sunday Funday has a long ways.”
tradition in the LGBTQ community,”
explained Shelley Adelle. “Back in
the day, with so many gays working
as bartenders and waiters, everyone
would get together on Sunday and

Adelle is the co-founder, with
Stephanie Hocke and Katie Gastley,
of Amendment One Activists (A1A),
an activism-based organization
that promotes amendment rights,
equal rights, diversity and inclusion
through community outreach and
events such as these.

“We provide the volunteer and
logistical support because we believe
in it,” said Adelle. “Last year we raised
more money than we needed and we
turned that into a Pride Scholarship.”

Maya Snead, a graduate of Indian
River Charter High School, was
awarded the $1,000 scholarship for
her essay in answer to the question,
“What does diversity mean to me?”

Adelle said that there was so
much interest in last year’s Pride
Party that roughly 100 people had
to be turned away from the sold-out
event. Anticipating that they would
have the same issue this year, they
brainstormed to come up with other
ways for people to participate.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ride on! Riverside rocks to Cruise-in Car Show

Howl at the Moon performers Ken Gustafson and Rhoda Johnson with Jon Moses, Riverside Theatre managing director.

Nancy Esteves and Caryl Rosenberg. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

BY MARY SCHENKEL Even the theater’s ‘drive-in’ menu
had a retro feel, with everything from
Staff Writer ‘Grease Lightning’ burgers and ‘Route
66’ pulled pork to ‘hot diggity, dog
As the Danny & the Juniors doo- diggity’ franks and ‘garage’ fries. And
wop group accurately foretold, “Rock yummy soda fountain favorites had
’n’ roll is here to stay, it will never a grown-up twist – spiked ice cream
die.” The large crowds at this past f loats.
weekend’s Cruise-in Classic Car Show
and Doo-wop Concerts at Riverside The oldies leitmotif continued into
Theatre were a testament to the fact the Howl at the Moon shows, where
that 60 years after the song’s release, performers Ken Gustafson – who as a
rock ’n’ roll is still undeniably alive 21-year Howl at the Moon veteran is
and well. considered the ‘Yoda’ of the industry
– and Rhoda Johnson accepted
“With the night events we have requests for songs from the ’50s, ’60s
going on, we wanted to introduce and ’70s, the sort everyone could sing
fun themes,” said Garrett Schiefer, along to – and many did.
Riverside Theatre promotions
director, who coordinated the event. “We’re really trying to keep things
Coming up, Schiefer said, are Vegas interesting, fresh and fun,” said
Nights in July – where casino-game Jon Moses, Riverside’s managing
proceeds benefit the Riverside Theatre director/COO. He noted that about
for Kids Discount Tuition Program – one-third of the attendees at Howl at
and in August, a Jimmy Buffett-style the Moon and Comedy Zone nights
Cheeseburgers in Paradise. have either never been to Riverside
Theatre or have not been in the past
The Riverside campus was a hubbub five years. “So there are always fresh
of activity, with some folks wandering people coming and generating new
about the colorful collection of classic interest in the theater.”
cars, stopping periodically to chat
with owners about their histories. Howl at the Moon and Comedy
Others gathered at tables and on lawn Zone events are offered on alternate
chairs, feeling the beat and getting weekends; all begin with a free
up to dance to the music of the Beach outdoor Live in the Loop Concert.
Street Band on Friday evening and For more information, visit
Doo Wop City on Saturday. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 19


Elizabeth Milton, Sheila Milton and Roxanne Bachman. Pam McDonald and Jeanette Cancro.

John Estes and Patti Harper with Claudia and Tim Ball. Rick Silverstein and Lewis Travis. Garrett Schiefer, Riverside Theatre promotions director.

Tim Swezey and Dr. Terry Swezey. Stephanie and Bobby Palmer.

Kathi and Bob Weems with Dottie and George Childers.

20 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Pricy cars, priceless memories at Father’s Day show

Bob Kaszuba with Jack, Manda and Todd Serino. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Jim and Judy Turner with Marcia and Hans Due.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF distributed to the veterans groups,” thing for everyone. the same family since 1962.
Staff Writer explained Michael Bodnar, of Viet- Gearheads stood in clusters debat- Pointing to another, Jay Miller said,
nam Veterans of IRC. “We help home-
The Vero Beach Elks Lodge #1774 less veterans find housing, transport ing the merits of tires, the best place “I drove a car like that in 32 inches
went into overdrive last Sunday them to the VA, help them with vet- to get original parts, and the special of snow during the 1949 Thanksgiv-
as bumpers gleamed and engines erans claims and walk them through techniques they used to restore their ing snowstorm. I drove a cab for the
revved at the eighth annual Father’s the Veterans Treatment Court.” four-wheeled beauties to their former North Hills Cab Company before
Day Car Show, where more than 90 glory. Others sauntered through the moving to Vero Beach.”
classic, antique and collectible cars The car show always draws quite a lot, pointing out cars and sharing sto-
arrived to put their best wheels for- crowd and this year was no exception. ries from bygone eras about the cars After taking a turn through the
ward. Fathers and sons oohed and aahed as that got away. queue of polished beauties, auto en-
they bonded over a lineup of vehicles thusiasts purchased raffle tickets
“We sponsor this on behalf of our chronicling the ages. “I had one just like this when I first and listened to music by Lucy and
veterans committee and partner came to the United States,” said Josie Dick Kesler before heading inside to
with the Vietnam Veterans of Indian Fan favorites included a 1949 Mer- Noteman, as she lingered by a 1966 cool off and enjoy some lunch.
River County,” said organizer Craig cury, 1966 Corvette Stingray, 1930 Corvette.
Waskow, noting that event proceeds Model A Ford, 1960 Chevy Impala, “Today is about camaraderie and
support Elks Charities and veteran’s 1955 Pontiac Star Chief, 1970 Ford Gerry Weick said he bought his it’s a nice day for dads and grandpas
assistance programs. Fairlane 500, 1929 Ford Model A and 1929 Ford Model A after his wife gave to take the little ones out and spend
1970 Buick Skylark Gran Sport con- birth to their daughter 48 years ago, the day together,” said Waskow, who
“The money that’s collected here is vertible. In short, there was some- and a different gentleman was im- is already making plans for next
pressed with a car that had been in year’s Father’s Day Car Show. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 21


Bill Minogue and Wayne Cooper.

Victor Diaz and Craig Waskow.

Josie and Tom Noteman. Neil Carpenter, Michael Bodnar and Tim Nightingale.

22 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Sandy Jansen, Sue Dous and Diane Golladay. Charlie Dinatale and Reaves Tuthill.
Rhett and Leigh Anne Riddle with son Ryan.

Patti Rooney and Bob Snyder.
Monique Evers with children Ashton and Camille.

Jay Miller.

Gerry Weick. Bobby Dodds and Brad Grandage.



24 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Far out! Astrophotography show amazes at Museum

BY ELLEN FISCHER The Holmes Gallery exhibit com- from thousands of entries submitted
Columnist prises 55 photographic images of the to the 2017 Astronomy Photographer
heavens, from neighboring planets of the Year competition, conducted
Direct from England’s Royal Obser- to galaxies trillions of miles from our annually by the Royal Observatory.
vatory in Greenwich, a show that will little earth. All of the images on dis-
have you seeing stars is on view now play were snapped by amateur astro- Dr. Kevin Fewster, director of the
at the Vero Beach Museum of Art. The photographers and represent the fin- Royal Greenwich Museums (of which
exhibition continues through Sept. 16. est examples of their kind, selected the observatory is part), spoke about
the context for the competition during
his visit to the VBMA earlier this month. Dr. Kevin Fewster.

Famed as the official location of the PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
prime meridian, the Royal Observa-
tory at Greenwich ceased to exist as astronomical. It brings the best of ar-
a scientific research facility during tistic and scientific space imagery to
World War II. Before it sustained bomb the public, Fewster says.
damage during the war, England’s of-
ficial astronomical community had The competition began in 2009
already decided to move the Royal with most of the entries coming from
Observatory away from the smog and England, Australia and the U.S. The
light pollution of London, which it ul- 2018 competition attracted 4,300 en-
timately did in the 1950s. tries from photographers in 80 coun-
tries and all eight continents – in-
The Greenwich observatory be- cluding Antarctica.
came part of the Royal Greenwich
Museums in the 1960s. Despite its Fewster notes that the exhibition
new purpose as a tourist destination, was first exhibited only in England
“We are still the world’s best known at Greenwich; later traveling to a few
observatory,” Fewster says, adding other English venues as well.
that astronauts are among those who
come to pay their respects. This is the first year the show has
been taken outside Britain, to cities in
“I’ve had numerous shuttle crews Russia and Portugal, as well as to Vero
come to Greenwich. The Internation- Beach and New York City in the U.S.
al Space Station runs on Greenwich
Mean Time, as do the space shuttles. Fewster says he hopes that the
The astronauts love coming to Green- Greenwich exhibition will continue
wich, because it’s sort of home for to travel internationally in the future.
them. It’s the world’s home in space.”
“This show could be at a science
Astrophotography as a scientific center, an observatory, an art muse-
pursuit at Greenwich goes back to the um. And that’s what I like about it.”
mid-19th century when, in conjunc-
tion with astronomical telescopes, According to Fewster, what intrigued
early cameras recorded space phe- VBMA director Brady Roberts about
nomena in astounding detail.

Although the photos in the exhibit
show nothing new about the con-
tents of the universe, their ‘wow’ fac-
tor – directed to a diverse audience of
scientist and non-scientist alike – is

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 25


and about us as world citizens.” Glaciares National Park in Argentina.
The image was highly commended He wrote, “Alone in the darkness,

(aka, given an award of merit) in the I made my way over huge rocks with
competition’s “Skyscapes” category; the mountain river roaring under my
its default companion, “Wanderer feet and the glacier rumbling nearby.
in Patagonia,” won the “People and This place lives and breathes, and the
Space” category. forces that live here inspire awe.”

In the latter picture, the figure of a Now, doesn’t that picture, as well
man stands before a cave-like open- as each one of the other doubled-up
ing in a rocky landscape. Above the works, rate its very own frame?
scene, an infinity of stars glitters in
the Milky Way Fortunately for the museum, the
possibility of amending the over-
The exhibition labels contain a few sights of this year beckons on the
words by the photographers about horizon. According to Brady Roberts,
their pictures. Yuri Zvezdny wrote the 2018 Astronomy Photographer of
that his shot was taken in the vicinity the Year Exhibition will be shown at
of the Piedras Blancas glacier in Los the VBMA next summer. 

the show was the way it arrived at the Ophiuchi Clouds” by Russian Artem
museum. Mironov, this makes sense. Not all of
the 31 prize winners in the show are
And that, museum goers, is what displayed as transparencies. Some of
is really new and different about this them are not even displayed as single
show. prints in their own frames.

The pictures were sent to the VBMA Of the framed images on paper, 16
not as objects in heavy crates, but as were printed half the size of the others
electronic files via email. A commercial on display. In framing, those smaller
printing company in Miami converted prints were doubled-up, two to a frame.
the files into inkjet prints, which were The eight frames containing the two-
framed in-house at the VBMA and in- somes are scattered throughout the
stalled in the Holmes Gallery. gallery. Their presentation is confusing
at best. At worst, it devalues the impor-
In all there are 55 photos on dis- tance of the images thus displayed.
play. Of those, 37 are ink-jet prints on
opaque substrates (i.e., digital prints The prints that were doubled-up
on plastic “paper”), and 18 are printed were matched, it would seem, by like
on transparent plastic and mounted colors – and for no other purpose that
in wall-hung lightboxes. There is also can be discerned by this viewer. At
a flat-screen monitor in the gallery first glance, it is easy to mistake the
that displays brief interviews with pictures as companions in concept
some of the show’s photographers. or subject matter.

A photo of the show as installed at Take, for example, one such pair-
the Royal Observatory Greenwich – ing: a stunning image titled “Nacre-
displayed by Fewster during his open- ous Clouds” by Bartlomiej Jurecki of
ing lecture at the VBMA – revealed a Poland, which is contained within
small exhibition space, where the pic- the same frame with the equally fas-
tures – all of them mounted in light cinating “Wanderer in Patagonia” by
boxes – were hung salon style. Yuri Zvezdny of Russia.

Because the Holmes Gallery is a Fewster singled out “Nacreous
much larger exhibition room than Clouds” for special praise during his
that at the observatory, the VBMA visit here. Taken in Lofoten, Norway,
was able to print the images larger on the last day of 2016, the picture
and hang the framed pictures in a shows the gentle, hill-like curves of
single, generously spaced row. Few- polar stratospheric clouds prismati-
ster remarked on this with pleasure cally refracting sunlight.
when he visited the show here.
After marveling at the beauty of this
The decision to mount some of the rarely seen cloud formation, and lik-
photos as back-lit transparencies and ening the image’s composition to that
some as opaque prints was evidently of a fine art painting, Fewster said
made by the VBMA curatorial staff. “this shows you how this show works.
This effectively highlights some This was taken by a Polish photogra-
prints over others. In the case of the pher in Norway. This says something
competition’s 2017 overall winner, a about our development as a species
photo of deep space titled “The Rho

26 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Block’ party: Music lovers await string camp concerts

BY MICHELLE GENZ concerts speak to America’s multicul-
Staff Writer tural heritage, especially meaningful
coming as it does around the Fourth
It has become a glorious summer of July.
tradition in Vero Beach – a series of
free concerts performed by the faculty What Grammy-winning cellist Mike
of a music camp that includes world- Block has drolly dubbed the Vero Beach
class musicians in a genre spanning International Music Festival begins in
Celtic, bluegrass, folk, rock, jazz and the middle of camp week with the first
world music. of three concerts that celebrate the di-
verse roots of American music and the
The Mike Block String Camp and its global tradition of improvisation.

Ava Gunter, Mike Block and Laila Crowe from last year’s camp. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 27


The Wednesday, July 11, concert and cubator (or FBI, as Block likes to say) will sive bluegrass
another on Friday, July 13, primar- learn not only performance skills but
ily feature the camp’s faculty, with survival skills navigating the challenges album “Shady
advanced students joining in. A third of the music business.
concert on Saturday afternoon, July 14, Grove,” Craven co-
features all the students plus faculty, Fiddle music – a broad term since it
with the audience joining in for a barn includes many more instruments than wrote the title track.
dance afterwards. just the violin – is largely improvisa-
tional. It is also collaborative, and many “Everything Joe
The small-town feel of the festi- of the faculty have performed together
val and its venue – First Presbyterian before. Darol Anger, who teaches at touches turns to mu-
Church – makes the extensive travels Boston’s Berklee College of Music, has
of its performers all the more impres- perhaps the most star-studded resume. sic,” said Grisman.
sive, infusing the typically packed
hall with a global awareness. That’s Darol Anger playing on the Each year, Block makes a point
NPR show “Car Talk,” along with Earl
Block was training at Juilliard when Scruggs, David Grisman and Tony Rice. of including world music; often, the
he first played with Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road He also played on the soundtrack of
Ensemble in 2005; he went on to be- the Sim City computer games. He was nation represented is India. Violinist
come founding director of the Silk Road a founding member of the David Gris-
Global Musician Workshop. He briefly man Quartet, a 1970s era band that pre- Trina Basu was classically trained but
appeared in a stirring documentary, saged the modern bluegrass revolution,
“The Music of Strangers,” that screened and played in the Turtle Island Quartet. now includes American folk and Car-
in theaters two years ago before air- But he is best known for his own band,
ing on HBO. An album recorded and Republic of Strings, which continues to natic violin in her repertoire of choice. Other perform-
released in conjunction with the film, break ground in modernizing bluegrass. ers at this year’s fes-
“Sing Me Home,” earned the ensemble He has performed and taught with fel- Raised in Miami and a graduate of tival include Kimber Ludiker, a two-
– including Block – a Grammy. low “newgrass” luminaries Bill Frisell, time Grand National Fiddle Champion
Edgar Meyer and Bela Fleck, and the Florida State University, Basu lives in from Washington State and founder of
In January, Yo-Yo Ma, Block and great jazz violinist Stephane Grappelli. the Nashville-based soulful bluegrass
Hanneke Cassel, one of the country’s New York, where her ensemble, Kara- all-women band, Della Mae. And there
top Scottish fiddlers and a regular on Anger recently put together a band is Toronto-based cellist Eric Wright,
the Vero faculty, went to China, the for just a couple of performances that vika, just did an album release at Joe’s another Berklee graduate, who in 2017
starting point of the ancient Silk Road included Mike Block faculty alum Joe won a Juno award – Canada’s Grammy
to trade not in silk but in music. Joined Walsh, the first Berklee graduate in Pub. She has performed with Ed Sheer- equivalent – for Instrumental Album
by legendary American bassist Edgar mandolin, who also now teaches at of the Year, recorded with his band
Meyer, they taught and performed at Berklee, as does Block himself. an, Urban Bush Women and Mos Def. The Fretless.
a youth music festival in Guangzhou.
Cassel, who married Block four years Another string camp faculty regu- She also plays with another Mike Block The July 11 and July 13 concerts begin
ago, taught a reel to a group of Chinese lar, Lauren Rioux, toured Europe and at 7:30 p.m.; the July 14 concert and barn
musicians, even persuading a few to the U.K. with Anger and Block in Re- faculty member: Arun Ramamurthy, dance begin at 3 p.m. All are at First
learn the basic steps in the dance. public of Strings; she now runs a stu- Presbyterian Church. Concerts are free;
dio in Maine. whose album “Jazz Carnatica” was donations to Mike Block String Camp
Block, who plays cello standing up Scholarship Fund are appreciated. For
with his instrument slung across his Like many on the faculty, Anger’s named a Top New Release by NPR’s more information, visit verobeachinter-
body on a strap of his own invention, summers are packed with camps. This 
was the first to play stand-up cello in year, he begins with one at Berklee in New Sounds.
Carnegie Hall – a performance the late June, then Vero, then four more
New York Times called “breathless ... before winding up in Marshall, Michi- Zach Brock, another Grammy win-
half-dance, half-dare.” gan, in August for a camp focused on
the mandolin. ner on the faculty, is a rock star in the
He initially visited Vero a decade ago
at the invitation of the family of a stu- The increasingly popular fiddle eyes of the kids at camp. They are not
dent at a camp in the Midwest where camps can now claim a theme song –
he was teaching. While here, Block of- “Final Night at Camp” – the title cut on alone: Brock was named Downbeat
fered workshops in public schools and, Block’s album on his new label, Bright
in 2010, staged the first Mike Block Shiny Things. Block solo toured more magazine’s 2013 “Rising Star Violinist”
String Camp here. than a dozen cities including London
last fall and published a book of 28 non- and for years has played with bassist
Right off, the camp drew students classical cello etudes. Among the 13
from as far away as Australia and Swe- contributors are two string camp facul- legend Stanley Clarke. Brock earned a
den as well as from Vero. It also appeals ty alums: Celtic cellist Natalie Haas and
to adults, including classical musicians the mind-bending Rushad Eggleston, a Grammy last year for his fiddle playing
eager to learn fiddle techniques. cellist whose fantastical performance
dressed as an elf capped a marathon with Snarky Puppy, a Brooklyn-based
Block later added a second week for camp concert in Vero a few years back.
advanced students and curriculum for collective led by Michael League.
existing bands. The camp this year is With Eggleston absent this year (he
condensed to one week only, meaning is at a festival in Germany), the role of
concert-goers will not have to miss fa- rhythm wizard goes to Joe Craven, a
vorite faculty performers who, in prior multi-instrumentalist known for frac-
years, may have been in Vero for only turing the fiddle fans not only with
one of those weeks. various stringed instruments, but on
any available object – from a trash can
The overlay of three avenues of study to his own cheek.
means greater exposure and a wider
range of mentors for the 85 students Craven is a longtime friend of mando-
registered. More advanced students will linist David Grisman. He not only played
train by improvising alongside faculty. with Grisman and the Grateful Dead’s
The musicians in his Florida Band In- Jerry Garcia on the legendary progres-

28 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: ‘Burgers and Brews’ fest makes for Saturday to savor

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA the all-American experience first-
Staff Writer hand, turn off the TV and enjoy the
real thing in Sebastian. TIP: Arrive
1 Summertime is festival time, and as early as you can stand for speedier
in July, festivals tend toward the parking. But whenever you arrive, be
assured the Sebastian PD and a bat-
patriotic. This Saturday, in historic talion of dedicated volunteers are
terrific at handling the parking in a
downtown Vero, for example, it’s the friendly, cheerful and efficient man-
ner. Festival hours: 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
“Burgers and Brews Festival: An Ameri-

can Heritage Celebration.” Starting at 11

a.m., in the (air-conditioned) Heritage

Center, you’ll get to lunch on (and vote

on) some of the best burgers/sliders in 3 You can pretty much always
count on Riverside Theatre to
these parts, lovingly crafted by more

than 10 local restaurants, all bringing keep weekends from becoming ho-

their ‘A’ game as they vie for People’s hum snoozers, even in the summer.

Choice and Judges Choice glory. The Next Friday and Saturday, July 6-7, it’s

free street festival and live music get go- time for another let-your-hair-down

ing at 1 p.m. and feature a pair of popu- Howl at the Moon Experience with

lar groups. The versatile Ladies of Soul a Vegas Nights theme. First, get your

band features a trio of strong female feet tapping and your appetite satis-

vocalists and back-up musicians. They fied at Live in the Loop, the really

can bring Motown, disco, R&B, con- beautiful outdoor venue with excel-

temporary and jazz, or channel Whit- lent food and full bar, plus free live

ney Houston, Donna Summers or Sade. music. Classic rock-and-roll is on tap

Based in Jupiter, Tom Jackson (Tom with the Comfort Zone band Friday

Jackson Band) is a country rocker who’s and the Happy Cake Duo Saturday.

been on stage, according to his web- Then head inside to the spacious the-

site, virtually his entire life. His style is ater lobby, which will be transformed

“new, driving, aggressive country, with into a Vegas-style casino, with black-

a rock edge,” employing a vocal range 1 This Saturday in historic downtown. jack and craps tables and poker. You’ll

that other singers “would die for.” Jack- use Riverside’s “funny money” and

son’s most popular songs go from “the (hopefully) turn in your winnings

mud slingin,’ four wheelin,’ redneck this Saturday. FYI: All proceeds from for a chance at some prizes. Do you
the Best Burger Contest and Slider Lun-
anthem ‘Lovin’ the Mud’ to fan favorite cheon; VIP Pavilion; Red, White and feel lucky? Vegas Nights benefit Riv-
Brew tank top sales; and Burgers and
ballad ‘First Time Again.’” The festival Brews Festival beverage sales support erside’s Theatre for Kids classes and
United Against Poverty of Indian River
includes a comfy, air-cooled VIP pavil- County. Festival times and tickets: Her- camps scholarships. Live in the Loop,
itage Center contest/luncheon, 11 a.m.
ion with cocktails, beer, soda, and the to 3 p.m., $30; VIP Pavilion, 1 p.m. to 7 6:30 p.m. Free. Vegas Nights, 7:30 p.m.
p.m., $80; Children’s Zone, 1 p.m. to 7
Burger and Slider contest/luncheon; a p.m., free; street festival and music, 1 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets: $12 to $22. 772-
p.m. to 7 p.m., free.
Children’s Zone, with bounce houses, 231-6990.

a petting zoo and lots and lots more;

and a street-full of food trucks, vendors, 4 “Madagascar Jr.” is the first of
the Riverside Theatre Educa-
a fire truck and myriad other activities

for all ages. Did I mention the apple tion Division’s five summer shows: all

pie-eating contest and the “Best Apple terrific entertainment for the whole

Pie” contest? Can you get any more all- family to share. This Friday, June 29,

American than that? So, unless you’re 2 Red, white and blue becomes some of the area’s best young singers,
the new black in Sebastian on
a total grump, you’ll find something 2 Sebastian 4th of July Parade dancers and actors, 7 to 11 years old,
at 8:30 a.m.
fun and interesting in downtown Vero the 4th of July, as has been the tradi- will take the stage in a joyful, one-
tion for almost half a century, when
thousands gather to celebrate our hour live performance based on the
country’s Independence this year at
the 46th annual Parade and Freedom animated hit musical movie “Mada-
Fest. Probably the most popular, and
certainly the biggest, July 4 celebra- gascar.” If you have kids, you’ve likely
tion on the Treasure Coast, this free,
patriotic family event kicks off at 8:30 laughed your way through the hilari-
a.m. with a big parade, marching
south along Indian River Drive from ous film, and you can expect to be de-
Davis Street to the Freedom Festival
grounds at Riverview Park. There will lighted at this show as well. Alex the
be plenty of food, beverages, crafts
and all sorts of vendors, and live mu- lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the gi-
sic will fill the air throughout the day.
At dusk, of course, everyone gathers raffe, Gloria the Hip-Hop Hippo and
for the festival’s always spectacular
grand finale fireworks show. To get the bonkers plotting penguins take

you along on the “musical adventure

of a lifetime,” when this crack-a-lack-

in’ bunch escape from their home in

the Central Park Zoo and embark on

a wild and crazy journey to kooky

King Julien’s mad-mad-Madagascar

(Jr.). You’ll all probably still be getting

down to “Move It, Move It!” as you

head to your car. Stark Stage curtain:

2 p.m. Tickets: $10. 772-231-6990. 

30 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™




BY KEVIN SIEFF AND JOSHUA PARTLOW “The future really too. The country is the United States’
The Washington Post depends on which third-biggest trading partner in
López Obrador we get.” goods, and its cooperation is crucial
Weeks before this Sunday’s Mexi- in the fight against drug trafficking.
can presidential election, some of the ‑ John Padilla of IPD Latin America, Mexico’s next president may inherit
country’s biggest companies issued a regional energy consultancy stalled negotiations on NAFTA, which
dire written warnings to their em- the Trump administration is trying to
ployees, cautioning them not to be López Obrador, a longtime fixture But members of Mexico’s power- alter to be more favorable to Ameri-
misled by dangerous populists. of the left and former mayor of Mex- ful private sector have suggested that can workers.
ico City, holds a commanding lead in López Obrador’s most dramatic poli-
They were thinly veiled admoni- polls leading up to the July 1 vote, in cies could have devastating effects on Many Mexicans say the fear of a
tions about one candidate – the man large part because of an anti-corrup- the economy. Analysts and intellectu- López Obrador presidency is over-
who appears increasingly likely to tion platform that has resonated with als say his lack of respect for Mexican blown, and fanned by his political
become this country’s next president: many lower- and middle-class Mexi- government institutions could usher opponents. At this stage of the cam-
Andrés Manuel López Obrador. cans. “It’s an honor to be with Obra- in a period of quasi-autocracy. paign, the candidate appears to be
dor,” his supporters scream at rallies. embracing a kind of centrism, court-
His rise is seen by his opponents as The stakes are high outside Mexico, ing some of the business leaders who
the greatest threat to Mexico since it had expressed concern about his as-
embraced democracy and a free-mar- cent.
ket economy at the end of the 20th
century. One chief executive warned In recent weeks, López Obrador
of “catastrophic effects” in his letter and his advisers met with global in-
to employees. Another said that the vestment managers to offer their as-
candidate’s proposals would “turn surance that he is, at heart, an advo-
the clock back decades.” cate of free trade and a strong private

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 31


Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López
Obrador speaks during a recent campaign
rally in Chilpancingo, Mexico.

sector. Among his top advisers are ing contracts will not be dramatically Many observers of the election see be while governing Mexico City from
millionaires who have contradicted affected, for example. But López Ob- two versions of López Obrador: one 2000 to 2005; and the other an erratic
some of the candidate’s policy posi- rador has said that he won’t allow oil a pragmatist, like the popular, fis- populist, with proposals that could
tions, suggesting that private oil drill- “to return to foreign hands.” cally prudent politician he proved to

32 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 several interview requests from The “The main concern about him is “We have recently heard worrying
Washington Post. his democratic credentials. Will he proposals of nationalizing compa-
lead to economic turbulence. govern as a democrat?” said Luis de la nies, scrapping the energy and educa-
Those include sharply increasing López Obrador has run for presi- Calle, a former undersecretary in the tion reforms, among other ideas that
dent twice before, and some see ad- Economy Ministry. would turn the clock back decades
spending on social programs, impos- ditional reasons to worry in the way to an economic model that has been
ing a cap on gasoline prices and put- he handled his narrow loss in the López Obrador has already pro- more than proven not to work,” wrote
ting the brakes on a 2013 reform to 2006 election. He held weeks-long moted several institutional changes Germán Larrea, chief executive of
liberalize Mexico’s oil industry, which protests in the center of Mexico City, on the campaign trail. He will hold conglomerate Grupo México. “Ven-
had long been a state monopoly. declaring himself the country’s true a referendum on his presidency af- ezuela, Argentina, Cuba, the former
president. He announced his disdain Soviet Union, among others, are wit-
“The future really depends on for the country’s courts and electoral ter three years, ness to that.”
which López Obrador we get,” said stepping down
John Padilla of IPD Latin America, a system. if he loses, rather Most analysts and diplomats say
regional energy consul- “To hell with their institu- than fulfill the there’s little chance López Obrador
tancy. tions,” he shouted. six-year term will attempt to dramatically alter
Now, Mexicans won- Mexico’s economic model. He has
The candi- der what such com- enshrined promised “no expropriations, no
date declined ments say about López in Mexico’s nationalizations.” But some of his
Obrador’s governing constitution. constituents will certainly push for
style. Other pledges change.
have been more
theatrical: He won’t live In its “declaration of principles,”
in the presidential palace, or López Obrador’s Morena party wrote
fly on the presidential plane that the country’s “neoliberal model”
(which he says he’ll sell to has served “a true Mafioso state built
President Trump). by a minority that dominates political
Those promises don’t flout Mex- and economic power in Mexico.”
ico’s democratic values, but a leader
willing to depart from institutional The biggest cheers that López Ob-
norms could try to consolidate pow- rador receives at his massive rallies
er, some say, much as the late presi- come in response to lines about the
dent Hugo Chávez did in Venezuela. misdeeds of Mexico’s political elite.
From 1929 to 2000, Mexico was ruled But his supporters are quick to say
by a single party, the Institutional that López Obrador wouldn’t nation-
Revolutionary Party (PRI), and dur- alize companies as authorities have
ing much of that period the govern- done in Venezuela, which is suffering
ment played a major role in the econ- a severe economic crisis.
omy and repressed the opposition.
More than a leftist, some say, López “Why would he be inspired by a
Obrador could represent a return to country that’s a disaster?” said Mar-
that era. celo Ebrard, a former mayor of Mexi-
“He’s not Chávez. He’s a 1960s co City who supports López Obrador.
PRIista,” said Luis Rubio, the presi- “Give me a break.”
dent of the Center of Research for
Development think tank, referring to López Obrador has pledged to limit
members of the PRI. increases in fuel prices to the infla-
But Mexico has changed dramatically tion rate and review oil and gas con-
since that era. The North American Free tracts signed under President Enrique
Trade Agreement brought an explosion Peña Nieto for signs of corruption.
of Walmarts, automobile factories and (Peña Nieto is constitutionally barred
Burger Kings. A multiparty democracy from running for reelection.)
has emerged. In 2013, Mexico’s Con-
gress passed an energy-reform package López Obrador has a long history
that allowed foreign companies to drill of activism regarding oil: His politi-
for oil off its coast, a sharp departure in a cal career began in the 1970s in his
country where petroleum reserves were native Tabasco state, where he led
long viewed as a nationalist symbol. protests against the national oil com-
Hector Vasconcelos, a foreign poli- pany, Pemex, for not sharing more
cy adviser to López Obrador, said that of its profits locally. He has said that
unlike the historical Latin American Mexico should stop selling crude oil
left, which thinks that the United abroad, and instead develop its own
States is out to subjugate the hemi- refineries, a proposal that most ener-
sphere, “we don’t believe that.” gy experts say makes little economic
“We don’t want a confrontation sense.
with the United States,” said Vascon-
celos, rumored to be a possible foreign “When it comes to energy, there’s
minister if López Obrador is elected, rightfully concern to be had. And I
adding that the campaign wants an think the first kind of moment of truth
“alliance for economic growth.” will likely be if he attempts to fulfill
In their pre-election letters to em- his promises on fuel price caps,” said
ployees, several Mexican companies Padilla, the energy consultant. “It
criticized some of López Obrador’s would shake the overall confidence of
proposals, without naming him. investors, particularly in energy.”

Mexico is no stranger to economic
crises caused by faulty government
policies, suffering major devaluations
in 1976, 1982 and 1994. For many

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 33


Mexicans, particularly in the busi- mista in April. on Mexico’s wealthiest. His welfare “Where’s this money going to come
ness community, those memories are While López Obrador has proposed programs, he said, would be funded from? He says he’s not going to raise
guiding their fear of a López Obrador by the money he saves by cracking taxes, but where else do you get this
presidency. a range of new social programs – for down on corruption, an amount he amount of money? It’s a real question
the poor, the disabled, the elderly – estimates at $20 billion a year. mark,” said Esteban Illades, the edi-
“There are already guarantees of a he has spoken against increasing the tor of Nexos, a cultural and political
crisis with López Obrador,” ran one country’s public debt. And he has Many analysts are skeptical of that magazine. 
headline in the newspaper El Econo- promised not to increase taxes, even plan.

34 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



BY ROBERT SAMUELSON on Chinese exports to the United States Many economists are skeptical. They cost as many as 550,000 jobs, Zandi says.
(in effect, taxes on China’s U.S.-bound also doubt the trade war will plunge the There is a real dilemma: China’s mer-
The Washington Post exports). U.S. economy into recession. The di-
rect effect of the tariffs – which will raise cantilist policies are bad, but so are
The escalating trade war between the That’s where we are now. Trade ne- prices, inspire retaliation and dampen Trump’s proposed remedies.
United States and China poses crucial, gotiations between the two countries some production – is “tiny,” says Nari-
though unanswerable, questions: Is this have broken down, and Trump has an- man Behravesh, chief economist for IHS The view that the present trade war
the beginning of the end of the post- nounced 25 percent tariffs on a long list Markit, a consulting firm. won’t become more destructive as-
World War II international trading sys- of Chinese exports, including soybeans, sumes that China and the United States
tem, or will the present arrangements semiconductors and plastics. When fully Do some simple arithmetic, he says. will find a middle ground that would al-
survive, as they have for 70 years? phased in, the affected exports would A 25 percent tariff (tax) on $50 billion of low both to declare victory. But this is
total about $50 billion. The Chinese said Chinese exports totals $12.5 billion; 10 hardly guaranteed. “Even though it’s an
Almost certainly, historians will judge they would retaliate with similar tariffs percent on $200 billion of exports is $20 authoritarian country, public opinion
favorably the postwar expansion of trade on the same amount of U.S. exports. billion. Together, that’s $32.5 billion, not [in China] matters,” says economist Da-
(it has never been completely “free” but much in a $20 trillion U.S. economy. vid Dollar of the Brookings Institution.
has been liberalized substantially by Trump responded by asking the U.S. China’s leaders can’t be seen as capitu-
removing many tariffs and quotas). It trade representative to prepare a further Economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s lating to Trump. Trump probably feels
helped lift hundreds of millions of people list of $200 billion of Chinese exports to Analytics agrees but warns that impos- the same way toward China.
from abject poverty and cemented the be hit with 10 percent tariffs. If China re- ing tariffs on most Chinese exports
Cold War alliance of democratic societies taliated, Trump threatened to add an ad- (about $500 billion last year) could cause The defining characteristics of the
against communism. Now, however, two ditional $200 billion of Chinese exports. a recession. So could some of Trump’s postwar trading system have been re-
problems cloud its future. other trade proposals, which include a ductions in trade barriers and the adop-
Nothing like this has happened since 25 percent tariff on car imports and a tion of jointly agreed-upon rules, now
First, global economic growth has World War II. If this isn’t a “trade war,” repudiation of the North American Free enforced through the World Trade Orga-
slowed considerably, while inequality what is it? Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico nization (WTO), about what is fair trade
has increased. International trade and in- and Canada. The car tariffs alone could and what is not. The United States played
vestment – aka “globalization” – are now Whether it portends an end to the the leading role in this global project,
blamed (often unfairly) for these setbacks. postwar trading system is unclear. though there has long been frustration
with the rules’ complexity and their slow-
Second, China has burst onto the motion operation.
global economy, rising from a backward
country four decades ago to become the “The United States seems to be giv-
world’s second-largest economy. But its ing up on the WTO rules – which we
ascendancy, aside from challenging the helped create. Other countries may do
United States (still No. 1), has been con- the same,” says Douglas Irwin, a Dart-
troversial, because China practices mer- mouth College economist and author of
cantilism: government policies intended “Clashing Over Commerce: A History of
to give its companies an advantage in U.S. Trade Policy.” This would signal an
global markets. unraveling of the postwar trading system
and its replacement with a hodgepodge
President Trump portrays these poli- of bilateral and regional trading agree-
cies – subsidies, trade preferences and ments – many already exist – with what
the illicit acquisition of foreign tech- consequences no one knows.
nologies – as monstrously unfair to U.S.
workers and firms. Unless China over- This column was written by Robert
hauls its economy to make competition Samuelson of The Washington Post, and
more even-handed, Trump vows to do does not necessarily reflect the views of
the job himself by imposing stiff tariffs Vero Beach 32963. 

STROKE, PART I □ □damage. False 10. A new exciting surgical procedure, called
True mechanical thrombectomy, can now be used
Before we begin this series on stroke, take this for patients who present with a large blood clot
self-test to see how stroke savvy you are already. □6. The two types of strokes are (pick two):
Ischemic (from blood clots that block □ □that is blocking a large artery in the brain.
STROKE PRE-TEST arteries near or in the brain) True False
1. Stroke can happen to anyone at any time, re-
□ Hypotensive (from low blood pressure) Answers: 1. True; 2. True; 3. B and C; 4. True; 5. True; 6.
□ □gardless of race, gender or age. □ Hemorrhagic (from a blood vessel that A and C; 7. B and C; 8. False (heart doesn’t stop beating
True False with a stroke); 9. True; 10. True
bursts/leaks and causes bleeding in the
2. A stroke is a “brain attack,” a brain equivalent SOME STARTLING STATISTICS:
of a heart attack, that results when the supply of brain) • Approximately 795,000 people have a stroke
every year, with about three in four being first-
□ □blood and oxygen to the brain is blocked. 7. Two risk factors for strokes are (pick two): time strokes.
True False • Stroke is the No. 5 cause of deaths).
□ Fever • Someone has a stroke every 40 seconds.
3. The two main causes of a stroke are (pick two): □ Carotid artery disease • Every four minutes, someone dies of stroke.
□ Diabetes • Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability
□ A. Low blood pressure and the leading preventable cause of disability.
□ B. Blood clots that block arteries near 8. The first thing to do when you think someone • More women than men have strokes each year,
□ on in the brain is having a stroke is to look for and usean auto- in part because women live longer.
matic external defibrillator (AED) to start his or • Eighty-seven (87) percent of strokes are classi-
C. A blood vessel that bursts/leaks and fied as ischemic. An ischemic strok occurs when
causes bleeding in the brain □ □her heart beating again. a clot or a mass blocks a blood vessel, cutting off
True False blood flow to a part of the brain.
4. About 20 percent of all strokes are related to • African-Americans are more impacted by
9. If the patient gets to the ER in time, the clot- stroke than any other racial group within the
an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation dissolving drug tissue plasminogen activator American population.
(tPA) can be administered, but only if he or she
□ □(A-Fib). False presents with an ischemic type of stroke (related Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
True always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
□ □to a blood clot).
5. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are “mini True False © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
-strokes” that can be minor or cause irreversible

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38 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Historians have been striving to on a cosmic scale. Why does the semble “the contracting clumps of matter from which
jazz up their subject for as long as universe contain any structure the first stars formed.” The nobility of Mesopotamia
there have been historians and peo- at all and “not just a random flux pumped wealth into towns and cities “like the proton
ple ignoring them. A favorite tactic is of energy”? Why did the agrar- pumps that maintain an energy gradient across cell
the tight shot. Zoom in on a singular ian revolution erupt almost membranes.”
character or an unexpected catalyst. simultaneously in places sepa-
“Lincoln: The Early Tween Years” or rated by thousands of miles? In big history’s egalitarian worldview, humans share
“Parsley: The Garnish That Changed the same stage as amoebas. Describing how two German
the World.” The storyline occasionally scientists, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, figured out how
gets lost in a blur of eons and to draw nitrogen from the air to make artificial fertilizer,
Historian David Christian takes protons, but for the most part Christian notes that single-celled organisms called pro-
the opposite tack. He goes wide, very Christian’s hand is steady and karyotes mastered this billions of years ago, but “Haber
wide, panning from the big bang to sure, his grasp of the science and Bosch were the first multicellular organisms to suc-
last Tuesday. It is, if nothing else, an impressive. He makes it all cessfully fix atmospheric nitrogen.” Three cheers for
impressive act of authorial chutzpah. accessible, too, as when he multicellular organisms!
likens the universe to “a vast
“Origin Story,” thankfully, is more Christian pushes hard against now-ism, the notion
than moxie. It is a remarkably cogent spring that has been uncoil- that we are living in an unprecedented age of innovation.
and compelling history of everything. ing for more than thirteen We are not. The agrarian revolution was a true “mega-
Christian, a professor at Australia’s billion years” or atomic par- innovation,” he writes. It changed the way humans
Macquarie University, is a pioneer in ticles to nervous children interact and learn – even our genetic makeup, something
“big history,” a big idea that aims to con- “constantly jiggling about your smartphone hasn’t done, at least not yet.
struct a meta-narrative from disciplines with energy.”
as disparate as astrophysics and anthropology. The field Reading “Origin Story” makes you feel extremely for- For Christian, the story of the universe is the story
has attracted some influential backers, most notably Bill tunate to be here at all. Life requires “goldilocks condi- of energy and how it is produced, stored, traded,
Gates, who is helping bring big history to high schools tions.” Not too hot, not too cold. Not too little oxygen, manipulated and consumed. Life, too, is in the energy
around the world. not too much. The unstated conclusion: Life is a miracle. business. It might be the energy of sunlight that plants
Not only human life but the “thin scum of life” that, tap into via photosynthesis or the huge amount of
Origin stories are not new, of course. Nearly all cultures despite the odds, survived for nearly 4 billion years and energy gobbled up by our big primate brains.
and religions tell them. Fantastical tales of how the paved the way for our arrival. It took 3 billion years for life
cosmos emerged from chaos or amorphousness, these to evolve from single to multicellular organisms. During This systems perspective of the universe is fascinating
creation myths seek to explain where we came from and that time “so much could have gone wrong,” writes but at the same time feels oddly detached and lifeless.
why we’re here. They supply meaning in an otherwise Christian. An exploding supernova in a neighboring star Mankind’s accomplishments are explained in strictly
meaningless universe, even if they fall short on facts. system, a collision with another planet. And yet it didn’t. utilitarian terms.
And we’re here.
Christian has written an origin story in the language of A history this big is also bound to make you feel Where “Origin Story” falls short is precisely where
science. Joseph Campbell meets Carl Sagan. He begins small. Life on Earth doesn’t appear until Page 75, early more traditional creation myths excel: meaning. Chris-
in the beginning, the second before the big bang, when civilizations not until Page 210, a good two-thirds tian offers none. “The universe really is indifferent to
the entire universe was so dense it could be contained into the book. This is by design. Big history is all about our fate,” he writes in the final chapter. “It’s a vast ocean
in a dot smaller than the one at the end of this sentence. perspective. Life is a latecomer to the universe, and we of energy for which individual wavelets such as us are
From there, he moves at a brisk, at times dizzying, pace humans arrived mere seconds ago. ephemeral, passing phenomena.” Perhaps, but some of
through some 13 billion years. “Origin Story” may not be a deep dive, but it is very us wavelets are capable of great acts of courage and inge-
wide. Christian stitches his tale from strands not typi- nuity, and of love, too.
A journey this ambitious requires mile markers. Chris- cally found in the same quilt: astrobiology and archae-
tian’s answer is threshold events: spurts in complexity ology, molecular biology and behavioral economics, None of which makes it onto the pages of “Origin Sto-
that mark transitions from old orders to new. Like any among other disciplines. What’s most remarkable is ry.” 
good yarn, this one features memorable characters. how he manages to get these disparate fields to speak
Complexity is the good guy. It strives to create order out one another’s language. Densely populated villages re- ORIGIN STORY
of chaos. It is pitted against entropy, the bad guy, which
works to tear down what complexity builds. A BIG HISTORY OF EVERYTHING

“Origin Story” contains plenty of mystery, too, and BY DAVID CHRISTIAN | LITTLE, BROWN. 357 PP. $30


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 39


832 QJ7 10 9 6 4
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A9754 83 K62
63 A 10 9 8 2 K75
Marcel Marceau, a French mime expert, said, “To communicate through silence is a link Q 10 8 A54 J97
between the thoughts of man.”
That certainly applies to bridge players, who must communicate with their partners, both AK5
during the auction and on defense, without using any explanatory words. However, even Q J 10
with good communication, the information available must be processed and applied QJ4
correctly. K632

In this weeks deal, for example, South is in three no-trump. What should happen after Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
West leads his fourth-highest heart?
The Bidding:
Declarer starts with six top tricks: three spades, one diamond and two clubs. He will get
a heart trick and can gain three or four more winners from the diamond suit. But if that SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
finesse is losing, he could concede one diamond and four hearts to go down one. 1 NT Pass 3NT All Pass
East wins the first trick with the heart king, under which South drops the jack, let’s say. 5 Hearts
East returns the heart six, and declarer smoothly plays his queen. At this point, West will
be tempted to take the trick, hoping that South started with only two hearts. But if West
does win with his ace and return a heart, declarer takes the trick, runs the diamond
queen and comes home with an overtrick.

If East had started with K-10-6-2 of hearts, he would have led back the two: low from three
remaining cards. When he actually played the six (high from an extant doubleton), West
should realize that he must duck this trick to keep communication with his partner. Then,
when East gets in with the diamond king, he leads his third heart, and the contract fails.

40 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


1 Prison time (slang) (4) 2 Pastoral poem (5)
4 Bribe (3) 3 Frustrating; debonair (7)
6 Invoke (4) 4 Brazilian dance (5)
8 Alabaster (6) 5 Published without permission (7)
9 Embitter (6) 6 Nip (5)
10 Petitioner (8) 7 Permitted (7)
11 Falcon (4) 10 Mongrel (3)
12 Easily improvised (5-3-5) 13 Chorist (anag.) (7)
17 Pack (4) 14 Flying display (7)
19 Rebound (8) 15 Shackle (7)
22 Advanced technology (2,4) 16 Still (3)
23 Hairy (6) 18 Snatch (5)
24 Close (4) 20 Easy, undemanding (5)
25 Method (3) 21 Two strokes below par (5)
26 Christmas (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 41


ACROSS 77 Salve preceder 73 Flower by a The Washington Post
1 Director’s first try 79 European 7 ___ Marbles windmill
8 Watcher over WAY OUT OF AFRICA By Merl Reagle
8 Movie terrier security org. 74 Drab color?
12 Some degrees: 80 Sinuous dance Odysseus 75 Leveled
81 Florida city 9 Noted jockey’s 78 “Scram!”
abbr. 84 One for the 81 Ailment ending
16 Center of ’40s nickname 82 Ailment ender
book? 10 Actor Roth 83 Escapade
radar 85 Customers 11 Rip out ___
research 87 Actress Torres 84 “Saw,” e.g.
19 Start of an 88 Impatient remark (prepare for a 86 Mt. Rushmore’s
editorial by the sewing job) st.
African Andy to an African 89 Architect
Rooney? storyteller? 12 Long, thin loaves Christopher
22 Open-mouthed 92 “___ changed! of bread 90 Claus sounds
reaction Honest!”
23 Great novel about 93 Sportscaster 13 Italian car 91 Boy who meets
Africa? Cross 14 Tanker magnate, 33 Across
24 Punter’s 94 The ___ Stone
breakfast? 95 Up a tree to pals 96 Poe’s A. Gordon
25 Mauna ___ 97 Most rundown 15 Hearing et al. 98 Brown hue
26 Evening do 100 16 Across, e.g. 16 Tries (for) 99 Surrounded by
27 “Sometimes you 103 Star’s home? 17 Short victory
feel like ___; 104 Sam of Georgia trouble
sometimes you 105 Patisserie speech? 101 Comb defiers
don’t” purchase 18 Written words 102 Western U.S.
28 Start of a Pacino 108 Quick visit to
film title Morpheus 20 Navigation aid lake
30 Go ___ tooth and 110 Tots’ tender 21 First name in 106 Inverted-U
nail 114 Big name in
32 A Bobbsey twin Hartford westerns formation
33 Hook’s assistant 116 “As you ___” 29 Chief of police, 107 Boxer’s asset
34 Old cars 117 Infamous L.A. 109 Walks with effort
35 With it murder “initially” 111 Garde opener
38 Tweed’s gadfly case, the Black 31 Start of many 112 Japanese car
40 Encroach ___
44 Siren 120 Foster’s Prince, titles company
48 Last drop in the familiarly 33 His fire is famous 113 Harry the Heel or
glass 121 Winter bug 34 Bank recovery?
51 Misanthrope’s 122 Noted African 36 Other than that Lenny the Lip,
exclamation newscaster? 37 Nobility e.g.
52 Med. VIPs 126 Fire need 39 ___ Na Na 114 Many miles off
53 The problem with 127 African film 41 Cold and blustery 115 Director Kazan
people who sneer comedy? 42 In there 116 Go quickly
at Africa? 128 Forward, a 117 Farmer’s place?
58 ___ Mahal name; untagged 118 Holy inscription
59 Love poetry Muse backward, an 43 Some babies 119 “Even ___
60 Widespread organ 44 Hooker at the speak”
61 Yellow fever 129 Puzzling path 123 A sweetheart
mosquito 130 Painter Frans door? ___ deal
62 Debt marker 131 Day dozes 45 Brando’s 124 Pastoral cry
64 At large from DOWN 125 “I ___ only
Sarge 1 First name in birthplace kidding”
65 Can. prov. dance 46 A Gandhi
66 “¿Que ___?” 2 “Give ___, don’t 47 Kind of
68 With 71 Across, pollute” 49 Rogers’s mate
query to an ailing 3 Hawaiian isle 50 “Attention,
African? 4 Ink-saving abbr.
71 See 68 Across 5 Batista’s bears everybody!”
76 Movable frame in 6 “Second” 54 British school
a loom 55 Worry of a

56 Part of Upper
new name
57 Robin or Archie
63 Inventor of a coil
66 Inventor’s quest
67 Worshippers
69 Old spelling of
capital, ___ Bator
70 Zero
72 Facility

The Telegraph

42 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Fiance needs shot of courage in ‘open bar’ tussle

BY CAROLYN HAX “My fiance would like to avoid conflict.”
Washington Post As would every single emotionally healthy person
on Earth, hello. Who wants to take a stand knowing
Hi, Carolyn: They’re also the ones to bring their own supply, it’ll start an argument? Who wants to challenge their
My fiance and I are getting mar- so notions of setting limits on heavy drinking often parents on a pet issue, especially right before what
ried in my family’s home town, and turn out to be quaint. is meant to be a happy occasion? Who wants to find
my parents are hosting (and pay- out the people they love are more interested in their
ing for) the wedding. My family There was nothing wrong, to be fair, with their drinks than in humoring their son and his bride-to-
are minimal drinkers though not initial offer to finance an open bar. Having one isn’t be?
opposed to some drinking. My fiance’s large extended the loose thread dangling from the sweater of civil- Whose first choice is it to be on the receiving end
family is accustomed to weddings with full open bars. ity. Plus, cost is as common a reason as any for not of anyone’s disappointment, anger, frustration, sad-
My parents’ initial desire was to serve beer and wine having one, so it was worth a try. ness, contempt?
during cocktail hour and dinner, and they have in- Taking a position we know will be unpopular is
creased that to supplying beer and wine for a full re- But no meant no, and there’s a lot wrong with a hard for all of us.
ception and adding one cocktail option. family that doesn’t take no for an answer. That’s why the willingness to do uncomfortable
This compromise has not been sufficient to my fi- things, in service of higher priorities, is a minimum
ance’s parents, who have repeatedly asked to pay for Yet none of their trespassing alarms me as much requirement of maturity. Nobody wants to floss
the open bar, though we have tried to explain that isn’t as this: their teeth or get colonoscopies or pay taxes, either,
the tone of event my family is comfortable hosting. My but they’re all things that responsible adults do be-
preference is some limits on alcohol for guests and to cause they’d rather not find themselves toothless or
avoid heavy drinking at the event. metastasized or on bridges no one maintains.
My fiance would like to avoid conflict. I am inclined If your fiance doesn’t see your and your parents’
to make sure my parents are comfortable hosting, and stance as valid (and challenge it accordingly), or
I feel they have compromised significantly, though I have the wherewithal to stand up to his family (or
am not sure where the appropriate compromise is. anyone else) on this (or anything else), or grasp the
importance of having priorities beyond one’s own
– Bride comfort, then you can safely anticipate your entire
marriage will be under the influence of his family.
Bride: Your parents’ compromise was gener- Not just over alcohol, though I suspect because of it.
ous and completely appropriate. Hold to it. People So the compromise is fine, but your fiance’s abil-
pushing that hard for hard alcohol are exactly the ity to engage under pressure in general is the make-
ones to stand up to. or-break issue at hand. 


44 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Shoulder surgery may not mean joint replacement

BY TOM LLOYD surgeries performed in this country Dr. Raymond DeLorenzi.
Staff Writer is tiny compared to the number of
knee and hip procedures. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
The human shoulder is something
of a paradox. “For every 100 total knee and to-
tal hip replacements, you’re prob-
It provides a far greater range of ably only doing 10 shoulder replace-
motion than any other joint in the ments.” says Dr. Ray DeLorenzi of
body and it is in near-constant use First Choice Medical Group and
each and every day, and yet the num- Steward Health’s Sebastian River
ber of shoulder repair or replacement Medical Center, a board-certified or-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 45

thopedic surgeon with some 25 years HEALTH
of surgical experience.
3-D shoulder model. of success, according to DeLorenzi. chanics. They’re just taught to throw
Why? “If you have a reconstruction of the as hard as they can, and the harder
“It’s the mechanics of the shoul- shoulder for either a labral injury, you throw and the faster you throw,
der,” DeLorenzi explains, that make cartilage injury or a cuff injury or a the more susceptible the shoulder is
it so resilient. “Because it has so soft tissue injury, your chances are to injury,” he says.
much range of motion, it can tolerate about 75-to-80 percent that you can
a significant loss of that motion be- get back to the pre-injury level,” he With such a wide range of shoulder
fore people seek treatment. says. problems, procedures and patients,
“Number two, it’s not a weight- DeLorenzi says recovery times after
bearing joint so you’re not going to With his sports background, DeLo- shoulder surgery can vary widely.
have the forces of gravity or weight on renzi enjoys working with local high Depending on the procedure and the
the shoulder joint so that doesn’t pro- school athletes, but he has “a bone to extent of the damage, patients can
duce a significant amount of stress pick” with the coaching some young take as little as four weeks or as long
in the shoulder like it does in the hip players receive, especially baseball as six months or more to fully heal.
and knee. pitchers.
“Number three, it’s the least of the Dr. Ray DeLorenzi’s primary office is
three major joints of the extremities “The biggest problem right now we at 709 S. Harbor City Blvd., Suite 100 in
that is injured by trauma,” adds De- have in shoulders of young pitchers Melbourne. The phone number is 321-
Lorenzi, who certainly knows some- is they’re not taught [the proper] me- 725-2225. 
thing about trauma, having a previ-
ous career as a professional hockey
Drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks
of the National Hockey League, he
also played briefly for the Calgary
Cowboys and Vancouver Blazers in
the World Hockey Association before
skating full time into his orthopedic
According to the American Acad-
emy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, “the
shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint. It
is made up of three bones: the upper
arm bone or humerus, the shoulder
blade or scapula and the collarbone
or clavicle.”
The ball at the top end of the arm
bone fits into the small socket or gle-
noid of the shoulder blade to form the
shoulder joint.
While it is remarkably resilient, the
shoulder is nonetheless subject to the
effects of injury and aging.
Bursitis, tendinitis, tendon tears,
arthritis, fractures, rotator cuff tears,
infections, tumors and nerve-related
issues can all contribute to shoulder
“If you take everybody over the age
of 70 and you put them in an MRI
scan, they’re all going to have rotator
cuff problems,” says DeLorenzi. “All
of them – because of the degenerative
blood flow to the cuff as you get to be
about 60 years old. But only about 70
percent of them will actually need
Which means almost a third do
And surgery, in shoulder cases,
doesn’t necessarily mean “replace-
In fact, it rarely means replace-
“Ninety percent of the shoulder
surgeries that we do,” DeLorenzi
says, “are not shoulder replacements.
They’re rotator cuff repairs, cartilage
or labral repairs, decompressions
[and] ligament reconstructions.”
These surgeries have a good rate

46 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Eye say: Treat glaucoma early to prevent blindness

BY FRED CICETTI you are blind. are African-Americans, everyone over at various distances. A visual field
Columnist Unfortunately, there is no cure for age 60, and people with a family his- test measures peripheral vision. In a
tory of glaucoma. dilated eye exam, a special magnify-
Q. What exactly does glaucoma do to glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness ing lens is used to examine the inside
your eyes? in the United States. Glaucoma is just one reason seniors of the eye.
should make regular visits to an eye
Glaucoma is defined as a group of Any vision that glaucoma destroys doctor. Glaucoma is detected through The most common treatments for
diseases that can damage the eye’s op- cannot be restored. Early diagnosis of a comprehensive eye exam that in- glaucoma are medication and surgery.
tic nerve, which carries images from glaucoma is extremely important, be- cludes a visual acuity test, visual field Medications for glaucoma may come
the eye to the brain. Here’s how glau- cause there are treatments that may test, dilated eye exam, tonometry and in eye drops or pills. For most people
coma works: save remaining vision. pachymetry. with glaucoma, regular use of medica-
tions will control the increased fluid
A clear fluid flows through a small Almost 3 million people in the U.S. A visual acuity test measures vision pressure.
space at the front of the eye called the have glaucoma. Those at highest risk
“anterior chamber.” If you have glau- Laser surgery is another treatment
coma, the fluid drains too slowly out for glaucoma. The laser is focused on
of the eye and pressure builds up. This the part of the anterior chamber where
pressure may damage the optic nerve. the fluid leaves the eye. This makes
it easier for fluid to exit the eye. Over
However, increased eye pressure time, the effect of this surgery may
doesn’t necessarily mean you have wear off. Patients who have laser sur-
glaucoma. It means you are at risk for gery may need to keep taking glauco-
glaucoma. A person has glaucoma only ma drugs.
if the optic nerve is damaged.
Studies have shown that the early
Glaucoma can develop in one or detection and treatment of glaucoma is
both eyes. The most common type the best way to control the disease. So,
of glaucoma starts out with no symp- have your eyes examined thoroughly
toms. Without treatment, people with and regularly if you are in a high-risk
glaucoma will slowly lose their periph- category. And that includes all of us
eral vision. Eventually, the middle of geezers. 
your vision field may decrease until


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 47

How Alfred Hitchcock
made his leading ladies

into style icons

The early days While he directed Joan Fontaine a vivid zebra patterned top with se-
The Lodger (1927) featured the first in Rebecca and Suspicion, and Car- quins and an exposed midriff. “In a
of Hitchcock’s blondes, stage actress ole Lombard in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it black and white film the eye is imme-
Daisy, played by June Tripp, under wasn’t until Hitchcock’s first collabora- diately attracted to the stark contrast
threat as a serial killer who only kills tion with Edith Head on Notorious, cre- of black and white, since other colors
blonde women is on the loose in Lon- ating a glamorous wardrobe for Ingrid become various shades of grey,” said
don. June’s glamorous image is vital to Bergman, that his visual sense of cos- Head. “Visually, she became the most
the story, and was an early example of tume really came to the fore. It marked important woman in the room.”
Hitchcock’s ultra-focussed approach the beginning of a thirty-year collabo-
to the appearance of the women in his ration. One of Head’s talents was know- There were strong, dark-haired
films. Daisy’s costumes reflected the ing how to please both director and leading ladies in several films in the
flapper fashions that were very much star, and she was aware that Hitchcock 1930s and 1940s, like Margaret Lock-
in vogue in 1926. was very specific and would indicate wood in The Lady Vanishes, and Te-
clothing and color within the script. resa Wright in A Shadow of a Doubt,
JUNE TRIPP but it was in the 1950s, Hitchcock’s
Bergman was to be believable as a golden era, when elegant blondes,
secret agent, so the clothes were not to such as Grace Kelly, became the
dominate. He also specified a palette dominant heroines of his films.
of only black and white, with its con-
trasting combination used to achieve Making a star of Grace Kelly
different effects, like making her stand Hitchcock first cast Grace Kelly in
out in a scene where she stands out in

The Telegraph

In her new book “Hitchcock’s Heroines,” ingrid bergman
author Caroline Young explores the com-
plex relationship between the director and
his muses. Here she charts the vital role
which fashion played from the early days
of flapper glamour to the icy sophistica-
tion of Tippi Hedren ...

Kim Novak’s gray suit the color of San
Francisco fog in Vertigo, Grace Kelly as
the too-perfect woman in Rear Window,
and Janet Leigh’s black and white sets of
underwear to indicate both good and
evil in Psycho – these are just some of
the fashion details in Alfred Hitchcock’s
films, where the style and elegance of his
leading lady, often aloof and blonde, was
always carefully constructed.

Hitchcock was meticulous about the
visuals, and this involved finessing
hair, wardrobe, and makeup, to create
the perfect look for his leads. As his ca-
reer developed, he became ever more
specific as, like a painter, he worked to
create subliminal messages through
sartorial means.

Glasses were a common motif, signi-
fying the unmasking of a woman such
as Ingrid Bergman in Spellbound or
Joan Fontaine in Suspicion, but also in-
dicating their intelligence, while a bird
brooch on the lapel (or twin brooches in
Shadow of a Doubt) acted as a warning,
just as birds in his films commonly indi-
cated dark forces about to strike.

48 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
grace kelly


Dial M for Murder, as “she has fire and plained the grey suit was too restrictive,
ice and great passion, but she does not while the black shoes made her feel dis-
flaunt it.” Hitchcock planned a color connected and “pulled down.”
progression with a bright wardrobe at
the start, becoming more sombre as “Look, Miss Novak,” he said, “you do
the story progresses, from “brick, then your hair whatever color you like, and
to grey, then to black.” The contrast you wear whatever you like, so long as
between Margot as wife and adulterer it conforms to the story requirements.”
is made clear, with the transition from “I hated that silly suit,” Novak later
sweet pale pink cardigan and ladylike said. “But it helped me to be uncom-
skirt to the vibrant red lace dress and fortable as Madeleine.”
red lips for a fireside embrace.
For Eva Marie Saint in North by
Kelly was anxious to work with Hitch- Northwest, Hitchcock had definite
cock again in Rear Window, and by the ideas of how Eve Kendall would look
time she arrived in Los Angeles in late
November for wardrobe fittings, Hitch- eva marie
cock had already instructed Edith Head saint
on what styles and colors she would
wear to advance the story. Lisa was to be as a spy and kept woman. Hitchcock
dressed in high fashion, and Head cre- told Hedda Hopper, “I’ve extracted ev-
ated a complete 1950s wardrobe of a New ery bit of sex she has and put it on the
Look cocktail dress, a smart business screen. Also gave her beautiful clothes.
suit, and a floral day dress, chosen to suit I dislike drab females on or off screen.”
New York’s sweltering summer and re-
flect the development of the plot. Hitchcock and Saint went shopping
at luxury department store Bergdorf
“Hitch wanted her to look like a piece Goodman in New York, where they
of Dresden china, something slightly un- viewed a parade of models in various
touchable,” said Head, who used luxury suits and gowns, and Hitchcock felt
fabrics for her costumes, with shantung like a rich man overseeing her ward-
silk for the green suit, soufflé for the neg- robe, “just as Stewart did with Novak
ligee, and plenty of organdie. “There was in Vertigo.”
a reason for every color, every style, and
he was absolutely certain about every- One of Eve’s most striking costumes is
thing he settled on. For one scene he saw a black, long-sleeved cocktail dress print-
her in pale green, for another in white ed with red roses, which she wore in the
chiffon, for another in gold. He was really film’s art auction scene. Hitchcock chose
putting a dream together in the studio,”
she explained.

For her third collaboration with
Hitchcock, Kelly starred in To Catch a
Thief. Head designed “attention-getting
clothes” that epitomized elegance and
wealth – bathing suits, sunglasses, tai-
lored sundresses, and gowns with a
Delphic silhouette. Kelly was given pale
shades – azure blue, lemon yellow, pale
coral – to work with the bright, Mediter-
ranean location and progressively “warm
up” with the character, who was dressed
in a number of flowing, Grecian gowns.

“I deliberately photographed Grace
Kelly ice-cold and I kept cutting to her
profile, looking classically beautiful, and
very distant,” Hitchcock said.

After Kelly left Hollywood to marry
Prince Rainier of Monaco, Hitchcock was
never able to fully shake off her allure. He
looked to find another actress who could
fill her shoes–first Vera Miles, and Tippi

The Hitchcock blonde
Much is made of the coolness of his
blondes, and Kim Novak in Vertigo was
the most remote and ghost-like. For
the mysterious character of Madeleine,
Hitchcock was very specific that she
should wear a grey suit with black heels.
He told Head “the girl must look as if she’s
just drifted out of the San Francisco fog.”
Over lunch with Hitchcock, Novak ex-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 49

red for moments of danger, and these Hitchcock insisted Marion’s clothes a similar cut to a Chanel suit. Six cop- janet leigh
wine-red roses are a forewarning that her were store-bought, not just to save money ies were made to allow for adjustments
cover could be revealed. “He’d done his but also to adhere to the clothing budget and tears during different scenes when
homework, I’m sure, and he didn’t have of a secretary. Janet Leigh and costumer Melanie is attacked by the birds.
the models come out in anything but Rita Riggs visited Beverley Hills store Jax
what he would choose, too,” she said. and found two shirtwaist dresses, one To complete the look, Melanie was
in cream cotton and another in blue given a beige crocodile purse, which
Janet Leigh as Marion in Psycho was wool jersey, because, according to Riggs, she never seems to be without, and a
heart-renderingly likeable and appeal- “Hitchcock likes good wool jersey; it mink coat which he felt was vital to
ing, so much so that her death is devas- reads well in black and white.” the character and made her look out of
tating to the audience. Hitchcock was place on the motorboat. At the end of
fastidious in creating a sense of realism There were ongoing discussions as filming, Hitchcock gifted the mink coat
for the characters and sent a photogra- to whether Marion would wear black to Tippi, which she later sold to fund her
pher to Phoenix where they found a girl or white underwear, but it was finally wildlife sanctuary, perhaps as a state-
like Marion, visited her home, and pho- decided that she would wear both, to ment on her fraught relationship with
tographed her bureau drawers, her suit- make a character state- the director.
cases, and the contents
of her wardrobe. Hitchcock’s films continue to
hold fascination, and the look of

his heroines still resonates with
fashion designers and photog-
raphers recreating the sophis-
ticated, tailored looks of his
heroines. “Suspense is
like a woman,” Hitch-
cock once said. “The
more left to the
imagination, the
more the excite-

ment.” Of course, by then it was clear his
heroine formula was anything but mys-
terious: “the perfect ‘woman of mystery’
is one who is blonde, subtle and Nordic,”
he added. 

ment about her
good and bad sides.

tippi hedren Tippi Hedren – the ulti-
mate Hitchcockian heroine

Tippi Hedren’s experi-
ence working with Hitch-
cock is often considered the
pinnacle of his obsession with
blondes. For Hitchcock, his
ego drove his desire to create a
star and mould her into the girl
of his imagination. “I seem to
have a reputation for prefer-
ring blonde leading ladies

in my films,” Hitchcock
said, playing up to his
own press. “And now in

The Birds, I am intro-
ducing another young
lady who happens to
be blonde – Miss Tip-

pi Hedren.”
Hedren’s Mela-

nie Daniels was a
“wealthy, shallow
playgirl,” and her
wardrobe had to
convey this as well
as not detracting
from the ensuing
terror. Because of
Melanie’s cool, ele-
gant persona, Edith
Head designed a
pale green wool shift
dress and jacket with

50 Vero Beach 32963 / June 28, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Our columnist seeks Indian food fix before returning toVero


So it was Sunday night, flying home food lovers would be thrilled to have it with curry leaves and mustard seeds. 22,000 – not all that much larger than
to Vero in the morning from London’s within a 90-minute drive of Vero. These were served with a wonder- the population of Vero Beach. Sure
Gatwick Airport, a month of great Eu- would be wonderful to have an Indi-
ropean dining behind me from Lisbon We were so excited as we glanced fully fragrant, perfectly prepared pi- an restaurant as good as this in Vero
in the south to Nordcapp above the over the menu that we hardly knew lau rice. Beach. In fact, it would be wonderful
Arctic Circle, but one thing still miss- where to begin. to have a great Mexican, or a great Chi-
ing – my Indian food fix. Hard to tell which of the curries was nese, restaurant close to home in Vero.
We started by ordering two kinds of best, though the Goan prawn curry
Generally, I periodically get this in Indian bread – the garlic naan, leav- was pretty wonderful. But they all I am increasingly confident that one
London at Tamarind, which first won ened bread flavored with garlic and were pretty spicy. In fact, they were all day soon, some worthy representa-
a Michelin star in 2001. But Tamarind baked in a clay oven, and the lacha very spicy. An SOS for a side of yogurt tives of these cuisines will open near-
closed a couple of months ago to “rein- paratha, crispy and flaky flat Indian helped ameliorate the heat, but next by. But in the meantime, I’m happy to
vent” itself, and with an early morning bread. time (and there will be a next time) we share with you off-the-beaten-path
flight just ahead, I didn’t feel much like will order a slightly better balanced se- restaurants like Jai Ho that I discover
schlepping all the way into London to Then we ordered three different lection of dishes. in my travels.
try an unknown Indian restaurant for curries: the chef’s special Goan prawn
dinner. curry, consisting of king prawns pre- We also ordered a vegetarian dish, The Vero Beach 32963 food colum-
pared in Goan homemade spices; the brinjal bhaji, aubergines cooked in a nist, who has been on holiday, will re-
What to do? Well, I had heard a while chicken vindaloo, chicken and po- north Indian style, which were milder sume reviewing local restaurants this
ago that an Indian restaurant not far tatoes cooked in a spicy curry sauce; and delicious. coming week. .
from Gatwick, Jai Ho, was serving and the lamb Madras, tender lamb in
great dishes. Possible? Well, I looked a spicy coconut curry sauce tempered The population of the Town of Hor-
on the web, and while you can’t always ley, where Jai Ho is located, is about
rely on TripAdvisor, it ranked Jai Ho
the top restaurant of all kinds in the
entire area.

So, we summoned a cab, and off we
went to Jai Ho. (It turned out to be a
15-minute ride from Gatwick and cost
us 14 pounds. ‘Outrageous,’ the pro-
prietor snorted when we asked him to
summon a cab for the return. So fol-
lowing his instructions, we had a nice
stroll back to our hotel following din-
ner. It took 20 minutes and only cost us

But Jai Ho, which won the English
Curry Awards for the South East of Eng-
land two years in a row (don’t laugh;
this is a big deal in Britain), is in fact
the kind of Indian restaurant we would
all love to have in Vero. In fact, Indian

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