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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-11-22 23:31:22

11/16/2018 ISSUE 46


November 16, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 46 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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OLD COUNCIL MAY TV 10 owner Jose Guerra Sebastian River
SEE COMPLETION clearing out the clutter after hospital gets an
OF ELECTRIC SALE selling the low-power station improved grade
to Azteca America.
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected] PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN [email protected]

No matter the outcome of the Vero’s TV 10 sold to Spanish-language network If hospitals are to heal patients,
Linda Hillman election chal- they must first heal themselves.
lenge case set to go to trial be- By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer on the orders of the new owner: generic message informs Comcast That appears to be just what Se-
fore Judge Paul Kanarek on Dec. [email protected] Spanish-language network Azteca subscribers that former program- bastian River Medical Center is
17, the presently seated Vero America. ming is unavailable. doing after turning an F safety
Beach City Council could, theo- After more than two decades on grade received last spring – one of
retically, still get the sale of Vero the air, WWCI-CD, better known as The half million-dollar deal To its small-town cadre of fans, only two in the state – to a more
electric over the finish line be- Vero’s TV 10, has gone dark. closed in August. But Guerra, 80, TV 10 was anything but generic, respectable C.
fore an election is certified. kept the signal up, managing to its on-air “personalities” earning
Owner Jose Guerra was clear- fill the station’s final weeks with cult status: Josefina, the 71-year- The two-letter grade improve-
Hillman sued saying she was ing out the last of the equipment re-runs of past shows and the oc- old body-builder, Bob and Bob, the ment came in the twice-yearly
unfairly disqualified as a candi- and paperwork last week after casional short newscast. Today, a Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade,
date and removed from the Nov. finally agreeing to pull the plug CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 issued to 2,600 hospitals and pub-
6 ballot after a blank signature licly posted online.
page in her qualifying paper-
work was discovered. The fall grades were announced
last Thursday, though they had
She and her Tallahas- been known to hospital execu-
see-based attorney Mark Herron tives for three weeks prior. That
are asking for last week’s elec- would explain the confidence of
tion – in which nearly 5,000 Vero Steward’s newly installed CEO,
residents voted – to be tossed Kyle Sanders, and COO, Ralph
out and for a new election to be Taylor, who also serves as chief
held, with a brand-new quali- nursing officer, earlier this month
fying period that would allow when they gave a tour of a $60
Hillman, disqualified candidate million renovation at the facility.
Brian Heady and others to jump
into the race for three seats. Along with transforming the
rear façade of the U.S. 1 campus
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 into its main entrance, the proj-
ect is expected to improve safety
INSIDE scores even further, executives
NEWS 1-7 PETS 14
DINING B8 “This addition is the first step
HEALTH 8 GAMES B13 UPGRADES AHEAD FOR of modernizing the campus,” said
CALENDAR B16 HISTORIC JONES PIER Jeff Nicholas, vice president of
REAL ESTATE 15 Steward Health Care real estate.
B1 By Sue Cocking | Staff Writer “And even beyond the project,
ARTS we’re doing improvements gener-
Construction is set to begin in spring 2019 on ally.”
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 two long-awaited projects designed to improve
For circulation or where to pick up recreational access to scenic and historic pre- The renovation will add 90,000
your issue call: 772-226-7925 serves on the barrier island’s lagoon shoreline. square feet, with seven operating
rooms, two endoscopy rooms, a
The Indian River County Commission last bronchoscopy suite and 48 pri-
week executed a cost-sharing agreement vate rooms on the top two of three
floors. The wing is expected to
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

SEBASTIAN RIVER HOSPITAL Leapfrog uses data from its own volun- industry,” the company maintains. clude reducing excessive medication that
tary survey, as well as the Center for Medi- The difference between an A hospital can make patients drowsy, using bed and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 care and Medicaid Services or CMS; the chair alarms to alert staff when a patient
Centers for Disease Control and Preven- and an F hospital sometimes is a matter stands up, and making sure bed rails are
open in late 2019 or early 2020. tion or CDC; the Agency for Healthcare of life and death. Leapfrog hired a patient raised.
The addition and improvements, ex- Research and Quality; and the annual sur- safety and quality team at Johns Hopkins
vey of the American Hospital Association. to analyze preventable deaths. It found the Weinstein said half the score is related
ecutives say, will have the latest hospital If hospitals opt not to complete a survey, chances of dying at a D or F hospital are 50 to quality measures, and the other half has
safety features, from handrails to infection Leapfrog gives the hospital a grade any- percent greater than at an A hospital. to do with process – whether management
control, throughout the new construction. way, basing it on other data sources. provides adequate staffing, or how well
By then, an even more important improve- Florida’s hospitals overall ranked 19th in nurses communicate with patients, for ex-
ment, the August installation of Meditech Leapfrog says its goal is to reduce the the nation, up from 23rd in spring. A third ample.
6.1 electronic health records software, will 440,000 deaths each year from hospital er- of the state’s hospitals got As.
be increasingly reflected in safety scores. rors and injuries by “publicly recognizing He said two areas of concern in the safe-
safety and exposing harm,” according to Last week’s C grade from Leapfrog was ty grade just released have already been
Sebastian River’s data and surveys for its website. a relief to Steward Health though officials addressed. The rate of urinary tract infec-
the C grade it just received had to be sub- are determined to bring it up even further. tion involving catheters was high; Wein-
mitted by July, before the new software was “Many hospitals have safety records “We think it’s an incredible improvement, stein said the hospital is now removing
installed. that would not be tolerated in any other but we’re not satisfied with a C,” said Dr. catheters “as soon as they are not needed.”
Joseph Weinstein, systemwide chief med- As for surgical site infections following
The F grade from last spring relied al- ical officer for Steward Health. colon surgery, another red-zone rate, pro-
most entirely on data that pre-dated Stew- phylactic antibiotics are being given by IV
ard Health’s acquisition of the hospital in Last spring’s F was one of only two in the an hour prior to surgery.
May 2017, occurring under the watch of state. It factored in a worst-in-nation score
Community Health Systems, which bought in falls and a near worst-in-nation fre- One major change at Sebastian River
the hospital from Health Management As- quency of dangerous objects left in body only took effect in August, after the Leap-
sociates in 2014. While there are still num- after surgery. The rate of bedsores deemed frog surveys for 2018 were already submit-
bers from as long ago as 2015 reflected in “dangerous” was three times the national ted. That was the implementation of new
this fall’s grade, in many categories, mea- average. Steward stressed nearly all the electronic medical records software, Medi-
sures reflect six months to a year of Steward data was from the Community Health Sys- tech 6.1, which included an upgrade of the
management. tems tenure. hospital’s computerized physician order
entry, or CPOE.
The Leapfrog Group, which conducts This time, the rate of bed sores was
the largest hospital safety survey in the lower than the national average and there The new software adds a powerful safe-
nation, analyzes data from thousands of were no objects left in patients after sur- guard against errors in prescribing medi-
acute-care hospitals nationwide. The letter gery. Patient falls were still higher than cine and other physician orders, blocking
grades, issued on a curve with surrounding the average, but the number was a third of any order that conflicts with a patient’s
hospitals, are drawn from 28 measures of what it was last spring. medical history or current treatment – an
medical errors, accidents, infections and allergy to a certain drug, for example. “If
injuries. “We’re always working to eliminate you were allergic to penicillin and I order
falls,” said Weinstein. He said measures in- ampicillin, the computer would not let
me. If the physician wasn’t using that plat-
form, there’s no safety mechanism to catch
that other than the pharmacist.”

“The CPOE score will continue to im-
prove and evolve,” said Weinstein. He
compared CPOE to anti-lock brakes: you
don’t see them when you buy a car, but
you want them there. “We installed Medi-
tech on Aug. 1, 2018. The data had already
been submitted. It’s going to make a huge
difference. We had CPOE in 2017, but it
was not nearly what we have now. This
is something people can’t see when they
come in, but it’s absolutely essential to pa-
tient care.”

Prior to last spring’s F grade, Sebastian
has had Ds and Cs since 2016.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 16, 2018 3

Sebastian River Medical Center wasn’t VERO ELECTION SAGA glects to fill out their paperwork proper- PSC’s 3-2 vote on June 5 to approve the
the only local hospital to jump two letter ly, then by our rules they aren’t qualified sale terms of FPL’s acquisition of Vero
grades. Lawnwood Regional Medical Cen- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to be a candidate. electric was due by this Thursday.
ter in Fort Pierce, an HCA-owned trauma
center that takes many pediatric cases Kanarek ordered the City of Vero Beach “If we are going to modify the rules for After getting the staff recommenda-
from Vero, earned an A grade in the latest Canvassing Board not to certify last Tues- a specific individual and set a legal prec- tion, the PSC is scheduled to either af-
Leapfrog report card. That was up from its day night’s results, which would have edent for the entire state, I’d prefer it be firm the June vote or reverse it on Nov. 27.
fifth C in a row. returned Councilman Tony Young and a judge who does that rather than a can- Then a written ruling will be published,
Councilwoman Laura Moss to office, and vassing board or a City Council.” starting the clock on yet another 21-day
Lawnwood is building a freestanding ushered Robbie Brackett into the third appeals period before the ruling is final.
emergency room on U.S. 1 in south Indian seat, which is being vacated by Vice May- Whether it means sticking it out an- The only place to appeal the PSC’s agen-
River County. or Lange Sykes, who did not seek re-elec- other six weeks or another three months, cy action is the Florida Supreme Court.
tion. Instead, the matter will be decided Sykes said he’ll keep working on the city’s
Another HCA hospital, St. Lucie Medical in court the week before Christmas. complex problems until his last day in So if there’s no appeal, and the Nov.
Center in Port St Lucie, also earned an A. office. 6 election stands, it’s possible – not
If the trial concludes in one or two probable, but a slim chance if the stars
Indian River Medical Center raised its days, and Kanarek rules on the spot that Sykes, who was elected in 2016 after align perfectly – that the Vero Beach City
C grade to a B, its final grade before be- the Nov. 6 election will stand and Hillman an unsuccessful Republican primary bid Council, legal staff and FPL officials,
coming a part of Cleveland Clinic Florida. was rightfully disqualified, the city would for the Florida House seat now held by while working through the holidays in
Hospital spokeswoman Angela Dickens need to schedule and publish notice of Erin Grall, did not seek re-election to the late December, could deliver a long-an-
said the higher grade could be attributed an organizational meeting of the Can- council because he promised businesses ticipated Christmas surprise to electric
to a new communication board in patient vassing Board, made up of City Manager partners he’d back away from politics to ratepayers.
rooms; a “multidisciplinary approach to Jim O’Connor, City Clerk Tammy Bursick focus on his new venture, Riomar Shoes.
rounding” that has given caregivers more and City Attorney Wayne Coment, to cer- Those who have followed Vero Beach
interaction with patients; and “proactive” tify the election. “I will continue to pursue solutions to politics and the electric sale for any
discharge planning involving local health alleviate our beachside parking issues as length of time, however, would not be
care organizations to get patients good That would be likely to happen the well as advocate for our Lagoon Legacy likely to bet on a flawless outcome to this
care once they are home. week after Christmas or even in early program which aims to complete local decade-long saga.
January. projects focused on the health and future
Ironically, Cleveland Clinic’s Weston of our Indian River Lagoon,” Sykes said Nevertheless, Howle is one who would
hospital dropped from a B to a C, the only If Kanarek rules that the city needs to Sunday, “I’m proud to continue to serve venture to bet on Vero succeeding, de-
hospital in the Cleveland Clinic system to scrap the Nov. 6 results and hold a special on the Vero Beach City Council and look spite the odds.
rate below a B. election, Vero won’t get a new City Coun- forward to helping complete the sale of
cil until February or March. the city electric utility to Florida Power & “I’m optimistic that we have a great
Among Weston’s problem areas – in- Light.” chance for a positive outcome at the
fections. All five categories of infection, As a first step, the City Council would PSC,” Howle said.
including MRSA and C. Difficile, were presumably need to codify the court de- And where does that sale stand?
worse than the national average. Under cision in a special council meeting. Then Well, the Florida Public Service Com- “I believe the PSC cares about Vero
“problems with surgery,” Leapfrog ranked a week-long candidate qualifying period mission’s staff recommendation on customers, knows that this is a fair sale
Weston worse than average in surgical would be opened up and closed, with Lynne Larkin and the Civic Association for all parties, and will give Vero residents
wounds splitting open and collapsed names the drawn for ballot order and re- of Indian River County’s challenge to the the relief we’ve been pursuing for a de-
lungs. Patient falls were almost twice the ported to Indian River County Supervisor cade now,” he said. 
national average. of Elections Leslie Swan so ballots can be
printed. That would likely be either the
And several categories showed that week after Christmas or the first week in
Cleveland Clinic Weston “declined to re- January.
port” statistics.
Since Swan has said she needs at least
“We take care of the most critically ill 60 days’ notice to schedule and prepare
patients with very complex surgical and for a special election, that means the ear-
medical needs and are laser focused on liest the election could be held would be
continued improvement in safety and re- mid-to-late February, or even the first
ducing infection rates,” said Cleveland Tuesday after the first Monday in March –
Clinic marketing director Evelyn Arias. which ironically used to be local Election
“We currently do not participate in the Day.
entire Leapfrog survey. It is but one rating
system with their own methodology.” Mayor Harry Howle said: “I’m glad a
judge is going to sort out our election
Another soon-to-be member of the situation. There is a qualifying process in
Cleveland Clinic Florida division, Martin place for a reason, and if a candidate ne-
Health, earned a B and two Cs at its three
hospitals. 

4 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

VERO’S TV 10 It took more than rats to scare off Guerra, fall as telecom companies like AT&T, Ver- – OK, I’m going to have lunch. Then keep
who says over the years people threatened izon, Sprint and T-mobile bought up sta- waiting, waiting at the computer online,”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 him to try and force him to sell them the tions. “There are fears that the goal won’t says Guerra, who despite being in the U.S.
station. In the end, Guerra got $530,000 for match the outcome,” wrote Don Reisinger for six decades has not lost his thick Cuban
wine guys, and Marcia Littlejohn, the popu- his mid-1990s investment of $5,000, which in Fortune, a few months before the auction accent.
lar talk show host. covered the station’s license and construc- launched.
tion permit. Some station owners were lucky, and bids
WWCI-CD, the longtime local “must-car- That turned out to be an understatement. did come in – to the tune of $19.8 billion,
ry” station, aired on Comcast’s channel 11. Not a bad return. But it was a far cry from At each stage of the multi-stage auction, according to the FCC website, $10 billion of
But it also broadcast the old-fashioned way the $27 million he was hoping for in May with cellphone companies bidding only which was divided among 175 winning sta-
– from a TV tower behind its original home 2016, when the FCC placed that value, im- a fraction of the $60 billion broadcasters tions. Another $7 billion was collected for
on 12th Street, with a transmitter situated probable as it may seem, as the starting bid had expected, TV stations started dropping government coffers.
south of that at the county dump station off in a national “reverse” auction of low-power out. Guerra doesn’t remember how long he
Old Dixie Highway. Though he wasn’t sure TV stations designed to free-up underuti- stayed in. He does remember that he and But for Guerra, the FCC’s auction turned
why, Guerra said his engineers preferred to lized bandwidth for video and cellphone his assistant, Alex Zulueta, were glued to the out to be a crushing disappointment. As he
do their work there after dark. “You should use. confidential FCC website, waiting to see if a understands it, by the time the auction final-
have seen the rats,” he said. “They had to bid came in. ly wrapped up, none of the communication
take a gun.” The term “reverse” referred to the auc- giants had bid for WWCI.
tion starting high, with prices expected to “It was waiting, waiting, waiting, then
“They destroyed many people,” Guer-
ra says, hunched over his knees in an of-
fice chair amidst piles of debris ready to be
moved out of the station’s modest studio,
a tiny pink house with green shutters in an
Old Dixie warehouse district.

“Nobody knew what to do in this business
of small TV stations. Do you keep your peo-
ple selling advertising, or do you stop? Do
you keep buying equipment? Say Comcast
offered $28 million; you immediately had to
go off the air. It created a false world for the
small owners because they expected some-
thing, plus it cost you all the paper work and
legal expenses.”

Instead, Guerra’s V-One Broadcasting sold
WWCI-CD this past summer on the open
market, without a broker, to HC2 Station
Group, which last year had acquired Azteca

HC2 is owned by hedge fund billionaire
Philip Falcone, the founder of Harbinger
Capital who in 2013 reached a $18 million
settlement with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. He was banned from the secu-
rities industry for five years and had to ad-
mit wrongdoing in a case involving, among
other things, the use of $113 million in fund
assets to pay his personal taxes.

Currently Azteca America’s programming
airs on WWHB-48 in Stuart. Both Vero and
Stuart are part of the West Palm television
market. According to the online investment
newsletter Seeking Alpha, HC2 has spent
close to $100 million on 164 operational sta-
tions and 400 so-called silent licenses and
construction permits, enough to reach 60
percent of the U.S. population.

While the sudden entry of a national
player in Vero’s airwaves broadcasting Span-
ish-language programming may be intrigu-
ing to some, the local TV 10 personalities are
doubtless closer to the hearts of many long-
time residents.

Handpicked by Guerra, they included
Littlejohn, whose guaranteed positive spin
on every imaginable Vero institution made
for fearless guests and zero dish. There was
a show called “Seller to Cellar” with oeno-
philes Bob Roth and Bob Stanley, by trade
an interior designer and Ocean Grill waiter,
respectively, whose taste tests on the deck
of Stanley’s home included hurling the loser
wines – bottle and all – into the bushes.

And there was fitness guru Josefina Mon-
asterio, a Venezuelan-born high school sci-


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BLACK FRIDAY SALE POLICY; All Pick-Ups and Deliveries Must Be Completed Within 7 Days. Credit Card Minimum Purchase is $500.00, Otherwise Cash or Local Check is Acceptable. All Sales Are Final & AS IS.

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6 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

VERO’S TV 10 fire to mailboxes on the street, was arrested MERCHON GREEN, DEFEATED FOR
with more than a thousand other resisters SCHOOL BOARD, PICKED TO CHAIR
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 and held for two months in a concentra-
tion camp. When he was released, he took a RACIAL EQUITY COMMITTEE
ence teacher turned bodybuilder in late commercial flight to Miami.
middle age. Today, at 72, she still walks the By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer in which black students are disciplined
barrier island bridges with maximum mus- “My idea was to go to a training camp and [email protected] nearly three times more than white
culature and minimum workout wear. Pass- return to Cuba to fight,” he says. Instead, students.
ers-by get a wave worthy of royalty. he went to Colombia, recruited by a friend Merchon Green was obviously dis-
working for the CIA. Guerra’s job was to pose appointed when she lost her election She was a member of the school dis-
It was Guerra who by his own admission as a student to see whether Castro had infil- bid to become an Indian River County trict’s student code of conduct com-
“micro-managed everything.” Unlike his trated universities. School Board member, but the defeat mittee that met a dozen times over
stars, he could venture out without being left her free to accept the chairman- eight months for many hours in an
The rest of his career was more tradition- ship of the Equity Committee, a poten- effort to make the school climate less
recognized. But he kept out of the limelight, al; he worked in TV pro- tially important oversight position. punitive and punishments less subjec-
spending evenings at home with his beloved duction and advertising. In tive. She was also a member of the Afri-
wife, Maria. his 50s, he decided to buy The Equity Committee was created can-American Academic Achievement
a TV station. After looking by a September court order to oversee Plan Committee, which was dissolved
Born in Camaguey, Cuba, Guerra was at one option in Naples, he the school district’s compliance with a by the court order, its responsibilities
studying engineering when the CIA-backed heard about a real estate desegregation order that has been in transferred to the Equity Committee.
invasion at the Bay of Pigs failed spectacu- developer in Port St. Lucie effect for 51 years. The panel has two
larly. Guerra, whose participation in a stu- who owned the license for members chosen by the School Board In addition to monitoring the aca-
dent protest groups amounted to setting Vero’s TV 10 but had never and two by the NAACP, which rep- demic achievement gap and shortage of
built a station. “I bought the resents black students and parents. black teachers, the Equity Committee
license for $5000,” he says. will also make recommendations to the
Now, Guerra is left to Green was chosen as committee School Board on how to comply with
reimagine his life. At the chair on Thursday, Nov. 8, by the four and therefore finally be released from
end of a hallway of framed members that had already been ap- court oversight, which the agreement
pointed to the Equity Committee. estimates will take another three years.
PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN photographs of various TV-
10 guests in the station’s last home, Guerra In running for the School Board, Green was chosen to chair the Equi-
plucked listlessly at pieces of equipment Green’s campaign planks had includ- ty Committee over two other leading
and mementos. He says his wife Maria ex- ed addressing the 31-percent achieve- candidates based on 10 qualities. She
pects to him stay home and rest. But he just ment gap between black and white scored highest in seven. 
can’t imagine that happening. students, as well as the school climate,

“I have worked since I was 16,” he says.
“I may have to find a job – or create one for
me.” 

Plans for Publix in Orchid seem on track despite foes

By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer cil have received scores of complaints urged the council to move forward with curity issues have all been dealt with by
[email protected] about Publix’s plans, mostly from people completely open minds and no pre-con- Publix in other areas, he said.
who live in Old Orchid and The Seasons, ceived positions.
Plans for a new Publix at the east end subdivisions outside the town of Orchid Meanwhile, a council training work-
of the Wabasso Causeway in Orchid ap- that are near the project site. Those res- Gibbons suggested one source of ex- shop is set for Dec. 11, so members can
pear to continue to be on track, despite idents are worried about visuals, noise, pertise the council could tap while con- get up to speed on the intricacies of the
opposition from potential neighbors lights, traffic, security and quality of life. sidering the project: Orchid resident Joe town’s building code and all the regula-
who live just outside the town. They’re also upset that they won’t get a Harding, a developer who has extensive tions and requirements that must be ad-
vote in the final decision. experience with similar supermarket hered to.
Only moments after being sworn projects.
in last Friday, the Orchid Town Coun- If approved, the project would be built The workshop will be open to the pub-
cil heard an update from Town Man- on a 7.21-acre parcel on the north side of Harding has spoken with Publix about lic, but will not include public comment.
ager Noah Powers on plans submitted 510, across from the county fire rescue the Orchid project on several occasions.
last month by Publix for a scaled-down station. He says the company has dealt with the The public will have opportunities to
31,000-square-foot Publix and five other same concerns in other well-to-do areas, comment on the plans at quasi-judicial
retail shops on Route 510 immediately Publix holds a contract to purchase pointing to a stylish market the company public hearings, which are required by
west of Jungle Trail. the property from Vero developer Ken built in an up-scale Richmond, Virginia law ahead of a Town Council vote.
Puttick. location.
New to the council are Simms Brown- The first hearing, which is expected to
ing and Patti Oertie-Phaneuf. Returning Council members said repeatedly they “It appears [Publix] ... has been and take place before the end of March, will
incumbents include Paul Knapp, Har- are determined to obtain as much hard will continue to be responsive to resi- be conducted by the Orchid Planning
old Ofstie and Robert Gibbons. Ofstie data and specific information as possible dents’ concerns” and find ways to solve Agency, which will then send a recom-
and Gibbons will continue as mayor and on how Publix plans to address the pub- the problems, according to Harding. The mendation to the Town Council, prior
vice-mayor, respectively. lic’s concerns. concerns voiced by Orchid’s neighbors to its own quasi-judicial public hearing.
about added traffic, lights, noise and se- Only after that second public hearing
Powers and members of the coun- Town Attorney Warren Dill strongly will the council take the final vote. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 16, 2018 7

County likely making last stand against All Aboard Florida

By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer Brown said that if the lawsuit fails, Indian tation to submit a proposal for where a new The rail company has prevailed in eight
River too will have few options left. station could be constructed in the county. other lawsuits filed by Treasure Coast com-
Indian River County officials will return to munities since 2014, when the company an-
federal court on Nov. 27 to make what will He has not yet given up the fight, howev- Commissioners decided not to submit nounced its expansion plans.
likely be their final legal stand in the effort to er, and said the county has declined offers a proposal, voting instead to allocate an-
derail All Aboard Florida’s plans to run high- by Brightline to negotiate the issue. other $92,500 to continue fighting Bright- Brightline officials said last week the
speed passenger trains through Vero Beach. line through the end of the year, including company is confident it will prevail in court
“This issue remains in litigation,” Brown $15,000 for the Nov. 27 hearing, according to this time, too, and looks forward to working
That’s when Indian River and Martin said during a recent phone interview. county records. with the various municipalities, including
County officials, who are also part of a law- “We’re not involved in any negotiations; it’s Vero Beach.
suit filed in February, will make their case in litigation.” Other communities, including Stuart and
that the U.S. Department of Transporta- Fort Pierce, have signaled they are ready to Local objections to the train service have
tion and the Federal Railroad Adminis- Brown and the Indian River County Com- work with Brightline by submitting station been based mainly on safety and quali-
tration improperly subsidized All Aboard mission went into closed session during an proposals to the company. ty-of-life concerns. 
Florida’s Brightline trains with tax exempt Oct. 20 meeting to discuss Brightline’s invi-
bonds, while violating the National Envi-
ronmental Policy Act.

The two counties have already spent more
than $7 million on the lawsuits and Martin
County officials recently publicly stated they
cannot afford to keep fighting.

Indian River County Administrator Jason

JONES PIER Your Local Agency for


with the Florida Inland Navigation District
(FIND) to fund $260,000 worth of improve-
ments to the historic Jones Pier Conserva-
tion Area on Jungle Trail adjacent to Indian
River Shores, plus another $281,700 to open
the Oyster Bar Marsh Conservation Area –
located a short distance north of Round Is-
land Park – to the public.

Both projects are expected to be com-
pleted in 2020, according to Beth Powell, the
county’s conservation lands manager.

Anglers currently fish from the renovat-
ed Jones Pier docks, which were first con-
structed by the pioneer Seaborn Jones fam-
ily in 1907 to facilitate shipping their farm
produce by water. Now the historic family
homestead and fruit stand are slated for res-
toration and, after that, expected to display
museum exhibits, according to Powell.

Other improvements to the 16.5-acre
Jones Pier site will include construction of a
five-acre saltwater wetland designed to draw
water from the lagoon and filter out nitrogen
and phosphorus before sending the treated
water back to the estuary. A one-mile path
will run around the perimeter, with board-
walks extending into the marsh.

“We want to go beyond public access,”
Powell said. “We want to tell the Jones story.
People are going to be captivated by the site.
To have them immersed in these issues, it’s
very exciting.”

As for Oyster Bar Marsh – a 96-acre mos-
quito impoundment and upland hammock
run jointly by the county and the Indian
River Land Trust – the county will oversee
construction of a 1.3-mile hiking/biking trail
leading to the lagoon from a new parking
area and entrance road along SR A1A.

The Land Trust will be in charge of land-
scaping – getting rid of exotic vegetation and
planting native species. 

8 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Vero Radiology upgrades scanning capabilities – again

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer nance imaging (MRI) scanner system.
[email protected] This newest addition followed a kind of

Christmas came early this year to the ‘Christmas in July’ when VRA added a new
folks at Vero Radiology Associates. 384-slice, dual source, dual energy comput-
ed tomography (CT) scanner, a new posi-
In fact, it has already come twice for tron emission tomography (PET) scanner,
those at the facility on 11th Circle, across and an upgraded 3D tomosynthesis scan-
from Indian River Medical Center. ner for mammograms.

While most of us were busy planning our MRI “is a non-invasive imaging technol-
Thanksgiving get-togethers, Dr. Heather ogy that produces three-dimensional de-
Nagel and the rest of the staff at VRA were tailed anatomical images without the use
just wrapping up their first month with a of damaging radiation,” according to the
valuable new present: a brand-new Signa National Institutes of Health.
Architect 3.0T wide-bore magnetic reso-

Dr. Heather Nagel


“MRIs employ powerful magnets which detailed images of the body’s organs, soft
produce a strong magnetic field that forc- tissue, bones and its circulatory system.
es protons in the body to align with that
field. When a radio-frequency current is The SignaArchitect 3.0T is a significant
then pulsed through the patient, the pro- upgrade from the MRI device Vero Radiolo-
tons are stimulated and spin out of equi- gy Associates had been using for the past 12
librium, straining against the pull of the years, giving the Nagle and her colleagues
magnetic field. When the radio-frequency a new ability to see how much damage a
field is turned off, the MRI sensors are able heart attack caused to a patient’s heart.
to detect the energy released as the protons
realign with the magnetic field,” producing According to Nagel, “this new Architect
[system] is pretty much outfitted to meet just
about every current imaging need that we

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 16, 2018 9

have. It offers us additional high-quality imag- a myocardial infarction or a heart attack.” mon thing would be neurology, including gel adds that the cost of retrofitting the VRA
ing for oncology work, for breast work and for The new system will also help doctors stroke evaluations and dementia.” building to accommodate the new scanner
prostate. It also allows us to do cardiac MRIs.” wasn’t cheap, either.
get a better idea what is going on with oth- Of course, that kind of flexibility and en-
The 12-year-old MRI system wasn’t sen- er common conditions. “Probably the most hanced imaging capability comes at a price. An $800,000 renovation that took several
sitive enough to do cardiac scans, but Nagel common thing we do is orthopedic work,” months to complete was needed to accom-
says the new machine will “allow us to do Nagel says, “looking at shoulders, hips and The Signa Architect 3.0T system carried modate the new system.
things like determine tissue viability after knees, and spines. The second most com- a price tag in the $1.8 million range, and in
an impressive display of transparency, Na- Speaking of transparency, Nagel is quick
to point out that while the new equipment
is designed with a “wide bore” layout that’s
intended to make patients more comfort-
able – compared to the narrow tunnel in
older machines – it isn’t an “open MRI.” But
that’s for a good reason. “Open magnets,”
she says, “reduce the image quality.”

All that said, caution is required with MRI
scanners. Various medical implants, includ-
ing pacemakers, artificial joints, artificial
heart valves, cochlear implants or metal
plates, screws or rods can pose a hazard.
The implants can move or heat up in the
magnetic field and cause serious problems.

The 3.0T machine generates the highest
field magnetic strength of any device on the
market so Nagel urges patients to be sure to
let their physician know about any medical
implants they may have. If there’s any ques-
tion about whether it is safe to be scanned
with a pacemaker, Nagel suggests “you go to
the pacemaker’s website and they will let you
know all of the pacemakers [that are] com-
patible with MRIs.”

Dr. Heather Nagel is the director of the
women’s imaging center at Vero Radiology
Associates at 3725 11th Circle. The phone
number is 772-562-0163. 

10 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Is ‘weight’ over? Newer, better drugs help fight obesity

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer mass index (BMI) over 30 – and one in 13
[email protected] adults in the U.S. is severely obese. That’s
according to a March 2018 report from the
Some 55 million Americans go on a diet Centers for Disease Control. It seems many
each year and – just in 2017 – those dieters people are not getting their weight-loss
spent more than $3 billion on a wide range money’s worth. And that gets under the
of diet plans, pre-packaged meals, sup- skin of Vero Beach primary care physician
plements, shakes, gym memberships and Dr. Raman Ashta, who also is certified by
more, according to Marketdata LLC, a 38- the American Board of Obesity Medicine.
year old market research firm in Rockville,
Maryland. She firmly believes people would be better
off seeking weight-loss advice from a licensed
Despite that huge expenditure, nearly medical doctor. Not a TV commercial.
four out every 10 U.S. adults remain tech-
nically obese – meaning they have a body CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

Dr. Raman Ashta.


12 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 and Belviq, all of which require a physi- And that change, says Ashta, can start first taught in a medical school while getting my
cian’s prescription. Though improved, the thing in the morning at the breakfast table. obesity medicine certification,” says Ashta.
Weight problems pose a major health drugs are not a magic cure.
risk for many chronic diseases, including A big proponent of fresh fruits and whole With her expanded knowledge, she’s now
sleep apnea, heart disease, stroke, type 2 “Prescription weight-loss drugs [should grains, Ashta points out, “I spend a lot of offering comprehensive evaluations and
diabetes, osteoarthritis and certain kinds be] used in addition to – not instead of – diet time educating my patients that [most] ce- a weight-loss clinic for those seeking cus-
of cancer, but the problem, according to and exercise,” according to the Mayo Clinic. real is not healthy. No matter if it is high-fi- tom-designed, medically supervised weight
Ashta, isn’t just shedding pounds. It’s also ber, no cereal can be heart healthy if it’s loss programs.
changing lifestyles. Ashta agrees wholeheartedly. processed grain.” Whole grains, she says, are
While just the words “exercise” and “diet” a far better option. Dr. Raman Ashta is with Steward Health-
Asked if there was such a thing as a ‘one- make some people cringe, Ashta has some care’s Sebastian River Medical Center. Her of-
size-fits-all’ diet plan, Ashta pauses briefly tips to offer. “You probably should start with And at day’s end, according to Ashta, a fices are directly across the street from the In-
and says “no. I don’t think there is one. For small amounts of exercise doing something late-night TV snack of a bunch of grapes is a dian River Medical Center’s campus at 3745
weight loss, everybody has different chal- that you enjoy, [but] your food intake and far wiser choice than a bowl of potato chips. 11th Circle in Vero Beach. The phone number
lenges, so how can the same plan fit every- food habits always have to change, as well.” is 772-564-2485. 
body? We now know there’s more to weight “I learned so much more than was ever
gain than just eating.

“There are genetic factors. There are
metabolic factors. We should not focus
on short-term goals when we’re looking at
weight loss,” Ashta continues, adding that
a better move is to concentrate “on being
healthy and eating healthy.”

Ashta says there is some good news in
the field of medical weight loss.

She freely admits “weight-loss drugs
have had a bad rap in the past. A lot of
them have come and gone because of their
side effects.” But there are newer, better
drugs available now that work very differ-
ently than their predecessors.

“Instead of just [trying to] suppress ap-
petite, new weight-loss drugs that have
come out in the past few years affect the
neurohormonal centers in the brain.
They’re pretty sophisticated.”

Those drugs include Contrave, Qsymia

14 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz’s ‘Cavalier’ attitude: Misty is magnificent

Pretty soon, the front “I know. When I don’t
door opened. It was
Hi Dog Buddies! Misty’s Mom an another come runnin to greet Mom-
lady. Misty rushed over
This week’s innerview-ee, Miss Misty to greet them with joy- my an Daddy like usu-
Dawn Pirone, is ALWAYS ready for her ful wags an wiggles. “Oh,
close-up. She’s a beautiful 11-month-old Goody! Nana LISA! Oh, Mr. al, Mommy finds me an
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, cinnamon Click-Click, THIS is Nana
an white, an even though she’s young, LISA! I love, love, love Nana says, in her Serious Voice,
she isn’t the teeniest bit nervous or clum- Lisa! She’s our NAY-burr!”
sy-puppy. ‘MISTY! WHAT did you
The instant Nana Lisa
She was right there at the door with her sat down, Misty snuggled DO?’ Then I’m in trouble.
Mom. “WELcome to our home. DO come into her lap, an began givin’
in,” she said, executing a perfect Wag-n- her kisses. An there she re- It’s just that I don’t really
Sniff, then leading the way. mained for the duration of
the innerview. relate to that word.”
“Thank you, Miss Misty Dawn,” I said,
unobtrusively fluffing my ears. “So, tell me about your “Which word?”
life in Florida,” I suggested.
“Oh, no need for formalities,” she said “‘No.’”
sweetly. “You may call me Misty. An I shall “It got off to a sorta
call you Mr. Click-Click.” bumpy start. Back then, I managed to not smile.
bein’ a puppy an all, I loved to jump on an
She apparently noticed my blank ex- off furniture, even if I wasn’t s’pose to. Well, Misty continued. “I al-
pression. An my newly fluffed ears. She when I was a liddle 3-month-old fluffball, I
laughed. “Whenever I read your column, hopped off the recliner an pop! I broke my ways wanna know what’s
I picture you at your computer, just, you leg in three places!”
know, clicking away. So … ” going on. Mommy says
“Woof, Misty. That’s PAWful!”
“OH, of COURSE, Miss Mist … er, I “Indeed. But I had the most wunnerful Misty Dawn I’m NOSY. I call it Healthy
mean, Misty. That’s very clever of you.” sur-jun, Miss Leslie. She fixed me all up. Curiosity. I HAFF to know
She put tiny liddle pins an screws in my where Mommy an Daddy
“It is, isn’t it? This is my Mommy, Jan, an leg to hold all the parts together. Now I’m
my Daddy, Tom.” good as new. It was during my convales- are every single second.
cence that I got pretty much anything I
After we go settled, Misty’s Mom ex- wanted an, natchrully, I got used to it. Now many pats. An When they’re out, I sit by the
cused herself an went out. Mommy calls me (lovingly) a ‘Spoiled Rot-
ten Brat.’ I even have a collar tag that says, Mr. Dave waves for us to come get treats. window and WATCH. Even if they’re only
“Mommy had other Cavaliers before me. ‘Spoiled Rotten.’ See?”
The last one was Star Mist, but Mommy an Yep. That’s what it said. All us pooches look forward to that. Sam’s going to the mailbox. I used to get duh-
Daddy called her Girly. She was cinnamon, “Frankly, Mr. Click-Click,” she tilted her
white and black, very fancy. When Girly head. Her voice sounded like liddle bells, “I My boyfriend, he’s a rescue. Luci’s Getting PRESSED, but it’s better now because
hadda go to Dog Heaven, Mommy an Dad- feel I am simply a girl who knows her own
dy cried an cried. After they moved down mind and, of course, deserves the best. Up There, an she usually growls, so we all I have a million toys, mostly squeaky. I
here, they ree-lized their family needed a That’s all. Surely not too much to ask, n’est-
pooch to make it complete, an it needed ce paw?” respectfully back off. My BFF is Lily, she’s a learned how to flip ’em in the air, so I do
to be a Cav. (That’s what humans call my “Absolutamento!” I said with great en-
breed. I guess cuz it takes too long to say thusiasm. “Now that your all A-OK, what’s long-haired chihuahua. that a lot. Also, before Mommy an Daddy
the whole name.) Anyway, I was born at a you day like?”
breeder in Cape Coral, so Mommy went “I love all my neighbors: people an “I also chase Geckos. An rabbits. Mom- go out, they put a dog cartoon or mov-
over. Me an Mommy innerviewed each pooches. When we’re out walking, ev-
other and knew right away we were MFEO.” erybody calls ‘HI, MISTY DAWN!’ I get so my says I must NEVER catch one, though. ie on TV. I sit an watch an bark. It really

(I had learned from a previous innerview Which isn’t a problem, because I certainly makes the time go by. PLUS, I can go out
that was ‘Meant For Each Other.’ Humans do
that a lot, so they won’t run out of letters.) don’t want Fluff Mouth. I’d be peetooing to the padio an play with my bubble mak-

for weeks. er. Bubbles are kinda wet an tickly, but

“I’ve still got to work on not chewin’ still fun.”

stuff. I really like to eat paper. Specially “Other than paper, what do you eat?”

those soft rolls hanging in the bathroom. “Iams kibbles. An lotsa of veg-tubble an

I can make one looong trail all the way froot treats. I insist on water with crunchy

through the bedroom an dining room ice cubes. So refreshing. Mommy washes

without breaking it one single time! But my face an brushes my teeth twice a week.

now Mommy an Daddy lock the bathroom I love my toothbrush, cuz it makes my

door.” mouth feels all minty fresh.”

“Bummer,” I sympathized. Heading home, I was thinking about

Miss Misty Dawn an her silly nickname for

DON’T BE SHY me. Ackshully, she can call me whatever
she wants. Sigh.

We are always looking for pets Till next time,
with interesting stories.
The Bonz
To set up an interview, email
[email protected].

Super design, river views
distinguish Sebastian home

6210 109th Street in Sebastian: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,500-squre-foot riverfront home with pool
offered for $899,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent Janyne Kenworthy: 772-696-5110

16 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Superb design, river views distinguish Sebastian home

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer the breakfast bar, guests often perching
[email protected] there to watch him cook, said J.P., a restau-
rateur and residential-home developer
Those more at home on a deck than dry who also knows good architecture.
land may be drawn to the house at 6210
109th St., which is as attuned to the river as The flooring in other parts of the house
a ship, as are its grounds and out-structures. is hand-scraped bamboo in a blond finish,
adding to the island-feel. The solid wood
Transitioning from this striking river- doors and carved trim are reminiscent of
front house to water can be done in mo- Polynesian architecture.
ments; a small boat-launch deck and a
long dock with two boat lifts are within The living room ceiling is wood, a com-
feet of the home’s wraparound deck that is bination of tongue and groove planks
a manmade littoral shore. painted white and major beams painted
brown that follow the octagonal sections,
William Abel Miller, an architect from recalling a ship’s ribs.
West Palm Beach, built the octagonal
house for himself in 1987. Located about Donna and J.P. added a second master
three miles north of the Wabasso Cause- suite in 2012, the exterior in hardiplank
way, the house comes into view at the end siding. The large bedroom has a shed
of a winding road on a secluded cul de sac. ceiling that nicely elides with the original
octagon. Included in the suite is a kitch-
The geometric shape is not only Pacif- enette, the lovely blond-wood cabinetry
ic-island imaginative, it’s pragmatic. Miller housing a refrigerator. The granite counter
put in 34 concrete piers before pouring the

concrete slab, latching the house securely niscent of a crow’s nest, although it’s not and a pontoon boat, Donna said they love top includes a small sink. The bathroom,
to the shore. The metal multi-hipped roof a cramped space. The river is wide here, to go exploring. “We were living on a canal, which also serves as a pool bath, has a
deflects hurricane winds without a flap. with three spoil islands in the near dis- but we wanted to be right on the river.” walk-in shower and tile covers walls, floor
Heavy corners are gone, and windows and tance. Pelican Island is mid-distance, the and ceiling.
sliding glass doors on eight sides double first national wildlife refuge in the country. “We love coming here and always hate
the viewing potential. In the far distance, to the north, is the Se- to leave,” she said, but grandchildren are The Ecks added the pool at the same
bastian Inlet. tugging at their heartstrings, carrying time as the addition, the skirt done in
The wraparound wooden deck has a them north, leaving the treasured house pavers that run to middle-earth tones. An
prow-like point off the living room, project- “In December the white pelicans come too unused. aluminum screened cage over the pool is
ing out into the yard, the land curving down and there are so many it looks as if Pelican not only practical, allowing doors and win-
to the shore, the house cresting the land Island has a wide white beach,” said Don- “A house like this deserves to be lived dows that access the pool area to remain
wave, the view putting you amidst the river. na Eck, who owns the home along with in,” J.P. said. “We’ll stay in the area, but we open, maximizing outside living, but also
her husband, J.P. Eck. “They leave around want a place we can lock and leave.” makes a geometric statement comple-
A wooden spiral staircase takes you to February.”
the second-floor viewing room, which The house has a history of owners who
repeats the octagon shape and is remi- Pointing to two kayaks, a small sail boat

know good architecture. It was renovated mentary to the octagonal house.
“from top to bottom” about 10 years ago, “It’s a sports pool,” Donna said, good for
J.P. said, by prior owner Tom Mitchell, a
builder and set designer. doing laps. Both the new master suite and
the owner’s suite have views of and access
The kitchen floor is slate tile, the count- to the pool.
ers are granite and the raised-panel cab-
inets are maple with a pecan finish. The The owner’s suite has a bathroom tiled
smooth-top range with a stainless steel in travertine, including the walk-in show-
hood above signals that a serious cook er. A large jetted tub has a bamboo front,
specified the galley. Four can be seated at giving continuity with other finishes
throughout the house. A walk-in closet

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 16, 2018 17

is big enough to satisfy the clothes-horse exchanger that works off the well water,
landlubber. which is a cool 55 degrees all year, mak-
ing the air conditioning, heating and wa-
There is a guest bedroom with a bath, ter-heating systems energy- and cost-effi-
as well as a fourth bedroom the Ecks have cient. At the same time they replaced the
converted into an exercise room. septic system.

Several skylights throughout the house The landscaping was also redone, grass,
give it a buoyant feel, one in the master hedges and other plantings added to the
bathroom, two in the kitchen and two in existing oak, pine and palm trees.
the living room. Light from the viewing
room also streams down into the common The house is closer to the river than
rooms, the silver metal roof adding to the northern neighbor; to the south is and un-
bouncing light. developed area Donna calls “the jungle,”
making the home exclusive and private.
The Ecks drilled a second well a few “Sometimes I feel I could be in Tahiti,”
years ago, the first well now used for the Donna said. 
sprinkler system. They put in a new air

FEATURES FOR 6210 109TH ST. Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
Ryan Weaver Insurance, Inc. is a locally owned
Neighborhood: Sebastian
Year built: 1987 independent agency that has been serving
Indian River County for over 12 years.
Lot size: 140 feet by 232 feet, .64 acres
Home size: 2,500 sq. ft. All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.

Construction: Wood frame, cedar and hardiplank siding, metal roof OLD DOMINION
Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 3 INSURANCE COMPANY

Additional features: Two master suites, oversize two-car garage, A member of Main Street America Group
dock with two boat lifts, small-boat deck launch, screened pool,
hot tub, wraparound deck, two wells, new septic system, hurri- 855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building
2nd Floor – Vero Beach
cane shutters, viewing room, spectacular river views
Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty (772) 567-4930 • [email protected]
Listing agent: Janyne Kenworthy, 772-696-5110
Listing price: $899,000 Conveniently located just off of Miracle Mile,
across from Classic Car Wash on US-1

18 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Election week saw a total of 22 transactions of single-family residences and lots on the mainland
(some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the residence at 5440 E Harbor Village Drive –
first put on the market in March for $1,275,000 – sold for $905,000 on Nov. 6.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Stacey H. Clawson of Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Representing the buyer was agent Diane Marie De Francisci of Alex MacWilliam, Inc.


VERO BEACH 5440 E HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE 3/1/2018 $1,275,000 11/6/2018 $365,000
VERO BEACH 560 ALEXANDRA AVENUE 4/18/2018 $389,000 11/9/2018 $335,000
VERO BEACH 5187 FORMOSA CIRCLE 9/19/2018 $348,000 11/5/2018 $310,000
VERO BEACH 4787 ASHLEY LAKE CIRCLE 8/27/2018 $330,000 11/8/2018 $299,000
VERO BEACH 2510 55TH SQUARE 10/1/2018 $299,000 11/6/2018 $269,900
VERO BEACH 536 CALAMONDIN WAY SW 8/21/2018 $269,900 11/9/2018 $248,000
VERO BEACH 1055 8TH PLACE 7/14/2018 $274,500 11/6/2018 $243,000
VERO BEACH 4570 21ST PLACE 7/27/2018 $265,000 11/5/2018 $240,000
VERO BEACH 4585 61ST TERRACE 9/25/2018 $259,000 11/5/2018 $220,000
VERO BEACH 6660 LIBERTY PLACE 9/10/2018 $225,000 11/9/2018 $215,000
SEBASTIAN 257 PERIWINKLE DRIVE 10/3/2018 $209,000 11/7/2018 $204,000
SEBASTIAN 480 FLEMING STREET 8/24/2018 $215,000 11/6/2018 $200,000
VERO BEACH 2035 53RD AVENUE 10/2/2018 $195,000 11/5/2018 $189,900
VERO BEACH 2646 51ST AVENUE 10/3/2018 $189,900 11/9/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 16, 2018 19


560 Alexandra Avenue, Vero Beach 5187 Formosa Circle, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/18/2018 Listing Date: 9/19/2018
Original Price: $389,000 Original Price: $348,000
Sold: 11/9/2018 Sold: 11/5/2018
Selling Price: $365,000 Selling Price: $335,000
Listing Agent: Sherrie Coleman Listing Agent: Uvanne Rose

Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Ubar Realty Inc

Kitty Rossetti Linda Riley

RE/MAX Associated Realty Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

4787 Ashley Lake Circle, Vero Beach 2510 55th Square, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 8/27/2018 Listing Date: 10/1/2018
Original Price: $330,000 Original Price: $299,000
Sold: 11/8/2018 Sold: 11/6/2018
Selling Price: $310,000 Selling Price: $299,000
Listing Agent: Jane Pires Listing Agent: Melanie Snowberger

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Independence Realty of America

Denise Panny Steven Rennick

Keller Williams Realty Rennick Real Estate


Coming Up!

GET ALL ‘FIRED’ UP Monster Piano Concert: Adam Schnell.
FOR PEGGY THOMAS’ Big and bold at Christ by Sea PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 The works of a Florida potter
inspired by nature, whimsy
and imagination are in exhibition
all this month at Flametree Clay
Art Gallery in Vero. “Out of the
Fire” showcases earthy, beautiful
pieces by well-known local clay
artist, clay art teacher and story-
teller Peggy Thomas. Her pottery,
sculpture and other ceramic art
are typically fired using the Raku
style, and charm with deep col-
or palettes and earthy textures.
No surprise when you’ve seen her
appealing pieces, Thomas is “pas-
sionate” about nature (and is an
avid kayaker and yoga instructor).
She loves “everything about clay –
choosing it, shaping it, glazing and
firing it.” And she wears a tee that
proclaims “licensed to kiln.” Open:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Fridays, 11 a.m. to
6 p.m.; Saturdays, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.


B2 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Monster Piano Concert: Big and bold at Christ by Sea

By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent São Paulo. He never practiced law, but says Next, Flores had to find the pianos, get Marcos Daniel Flores.
[email protected] he studied it to please his family. them moved to the church and hire a tuner,
who is tasked with identically tuning the six PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN
Christ by the Sea will kick off its 13th an- “It was Dad who said, ‘If you break a finger, pianos before each concert.
nual Concert Series this Sunday, with some- there goes your career. So have something “The piano tuner (Stoney Copelin) will be
thing special – a Monster Piano Concert that else under your arm to protect you,’” Paga- the one working hardest,” Flores says with a
will feature a sextet of pianists performing on no recalls. “As a student of law, I was already laugh. “We’re going to give him a massage
six grand pianos. playing all over Europe and at the same time after.”
reading my (law) books.”
World-renowned pianist Caio Pagano
will lead five well-known local pianists, to- He adds that when he graduated in 1965,
gether performing music you’ve likely nev- “I started getting some sleep.”
er heard before. The concert is expected to
be so popular that organizer Marcos Daniel And while studying law didn’t inform his
Flores, the church’s director of worship arts, musicianship, it did make him more inter-
has scheduled two performances, at 3 p.m. ested in source material, especially the his-
and 7 p.m. torical context in which composers worked.

“This is very, very rare,” Pagano says. “And He arranged the “Hexameron” for Sun-
the effort to put it together, thanks to Marcos, day’s concert so that the players will perform
is enormous. It’s very big work to get the pi- in concert, rather than sitting at their pianos
anos, the pianists, the scores and rehearsing with nothing to do while others played.
on Friday and Saturday.”
The five professional pianists joining Pa-
The hallmark work to be performed is a gano on the six grand pianos are: Kelley Cop-
piece called the “Hexaméron” – the title re- page, Joanne Niott, Rochelle Sallee, Jacob
fers to the Bible’s six days of creation. Franz Craig and Flores, who studied piano with
Liszt created the piece in 1837 for an Italian Pagano at Arizona State University.
princess who wanted to give a benefit con-
cert in her Paris salon for the needy. The “None of the pianists were familiar with
famed composer and pianist turned to five this work,” says Flores. “That’s the beauty of
other well-known composers to add vari- this. We have the amazing blessing that the
ations to the theme: Frédéric Chopin, Carl Maestro (Pagano) took on the arranging of
Czerny, Henri Herz, Johann Peter Pixis and this. Sixty fingers in total synchronization.
Sigismond Thalberg. Think of six pianos having a state-of-the-art
surround sound audio system.”
Pagano currently serves as Regents profes-
sor of piano at the Arizona State University Of course, just arranging for the concert
Herberger Institute School of Music. Assisted to take place also meant a lot of behind-the-
by of one of his ASU students, he has spent a scenes organization on Flores’ part.
year arranging the work to be performed si-
multaneously rather than individually. He had to first consider the demanding
schedules of Pagano and the five other mu-
“I had to look for the music,” he explains. sicians and form a complete program that
“The Hexaméron is nothing you can get in would complement each of them.
your grocery store. I had to get the librarian to
order it. It took months. And I looked at it and “Pianists are very busy and it’s difficult to
said, ‘I need to arrange it.’ You have to print it, get everyone together,” Flores says. “Then
bind it, listen to the music recorded, to make to get the music … the ‘Hexamaron’ will be
sure no note is missing. It’s very complicated.” the main piece, classical. But then our theme
piece for the Monster Piano is the ‘Sabre
But Pagano is used to detailed work and Dance’ by Khachaturian because the sound
pursuing problems to a satisfying conclusion. is monster, massive.”

He not only has a doctorate in music from Among other works to be played are: “Cla-
the Catholic University of America, but also a vierübung” by Kupkovic; “Le Bal,” from “Jeux
master’s degree in law from the University of d’enfants” by Bizet; and Rondo Brillante by
Weber. Pagano will perform at least one
piece solo.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 16, 2018 B3

To make sure the delicate piano moving ‘Sixty fingers in total
process was done correctly, Flores turned to synchronization.
the highly respected Brian Gatchell, owner Think of six pianos
of the Atlantic Music Center in Melbourne.
Gatchell has a deep collection of top-of- having a state of the
the-line and rare pianos, and both Flores art surround sound
and Pagano have performed in the Atlantic
Music Center’s concert series. audio system.’

While Flores frequently uses pianos from – Marcos
Gatchell’s collection, this time he turned to Daniel Flores
the pianists themselves, who are loaning their
personal instruments to the concert. The in- series at my church.”
struments include Steinway, Bösendorfer, “I need a page turner, but they must be
Schimmel and Wilh. Steinberg pianos.
small and skinny,” Pagano says with a laugh.
The pianists have been rehearsing pieces “I asked Marcos if there was room and he said,
on their own, and then will meet to play to- ‘We have room for that, don’t you worry.’”
gether during two rehearsals.
The Monster Piano Concert takes place
“The piano instrument is one of the most Sunday, Nov. 18 at Christ by the Sea Meth-
unforgiving,” Flores explains. “The attack of odist Church, with performances at 3 p.m.
the piano is percussive so it’s not an easy in and 7 p.m. The address is 3755 Highway A1A,
and easy out sound. Then when you have six Vero Beach, FL. Tickets are $25 general and
pianists far from each other, it’s very hard to $10 students. The concerts are expected to sell
put 60 fingers in total synchronization.” out, so get tickets ahead of time. Call 772-231-
1661 or visit 
The group will become like an ensemble,
he says, knowing each other’s minds. Making
it ever-so-slightly easier, the five local pia-
nists have played together before.

“Our guest of honor is Caio Pagano,” says
Flores. “He has the most experience. We’re
going to feel right at home with him. He
was my doctoral degree piano teacher and
mentor. How many times does a student
get to launch into the professional world
and still play with their teacher? Then, in
my humble case, invite him to my concert

B4 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


2 A couple of shows by our astoundingly
talented high school performing and
visual arts students: I never, never cease to
be amazed (sometimes to the point of tears,
I freely admit) at the talent these savvy, gift-
ed kids possess. This Thursday and Friday,
Nov. 15-16, it’s the Indian River Charter High
School’s “20th Anniversary VAPA (visual and
performing arts) Spectacular: A Look Back
Through History,” featuring current VAPA
students and VAPA alum. Visual Arts displays
open, 6:15 p.m.; show, 7 p.m. Tickets: $10 to
$45. 772-567-6600 ext. 118.

3 Then, this Saturday and Sunday, Nov.
17-18, at the VBHS Performing Arts
Center, it’s one of the most popular musi-
cal revues ever, featuring the songs of icon-
ic Broadway and film composer Stephen
Sondheim. “Side by Side by Sondheim” is
presented by the students of the Vero Beach
High School performing arts department, via
Music Theatre International. Time: Saturday,
7 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Tickets, $10 and $12.

4 Live. On Stage. One night only. It’s the 2 Nov. 15-16 at 7pm. Davis, taken from an 18th-century German setting.” In addition to being a holiday tradi-
34th anniversary of the Mannheim musical technique – Mannheim roller – mean- tion for many families, the Mannheim Steam-
Steamroller Christmas Tour, coming to the … Wah-La, in addition to a Grammy Award, ing crescendo. King promo says the show will roller Christmas Tour has become a holiday
King Center in Melbourne this Monday, Nov. he’s “largely credited with establishing the feature Mannheim Steamroller classics, plus tradition for many families. Time: 7:30 p.m.
19. Founded by record producer and com- New Age music category.” So, what’s up with “dazzling multimedia effects in an intimate Tickets: start at $45.50. 321-242-2219. 
poser Chip Davis, this neo-classical new-age that name? The group’s website explains that
group, according to Wikipedia, is known for Mannheim Steamroller began as an alias for
its “Fresh Aire” album series, blending classi-
cal music with elements of new age and rock,
and its modern Christmas music recordings.
From way, way out in Nebraska, former teach-
er and jingle writer Davis creates innovative
music inspired by the sounds of another
age. Undaunted when industry executives
told him his 18th-century instrumental rock
sound would never sell, Davis founded the
music industry’s largest independent record-
ing label, American Gramaphone, in 1974 and


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 16, 2018 B5

Gold Star Grove dedication highlights Veterans Day event

Retired Lt. Col. Carroll Oates, Alma Lee Loy City Councilwoman Laura Moss pays her respects.
and retired Col. Darryle ‘Sam’ Kouns.

Robert Timmons.
The sounds of for the dedication of a Gold Star
bagpipes and Grove, a startling reminder that
bugles filled our service men and women of-
the air as the community gath- ten make the ultimate sacrifice for
ered on Veterans Memorial Island this great nation. Keynote speaker
Sanctuary on the eve of the 100th Lt. Gen. Eric B. Schoomaker, U.S.
anniversary of Armistice Day, Army Ret., reflected that the con-
commemorated by Veterans Day nection of veterans remains strong
to honor military veterans with a because of their common mission.
moving tribute that included all “We swear allegiance to the consti-
the pomp and circumstances due tution and the ideas of that consti-
their valiant service. The children tution. We work for something that
of fallen soldiers were on hand is far bigger than we are.” 

Staff Sgt. Eldon Peterson lays the memorial wreath.

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B6 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Add beauty and Joy story at Grand Harbor’s
natural light to your wonderful Evening of Giving
EXISTING entryway
By Kerry Firth | Correspondent
in about an hour! [email protected]

• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding Christmas came a little early at the Liz Melnick, Chef Tim Blouin and Bonnie Veron.
for every style Glass Doors Grand Harbor Golf Club, as 300 resident
and budget revelers gathered last Thursday for a festive of the donations could benefit the selected
• Framed / Evening of Giving to kick off the spirit of the charities.
• Customize to Frameless holiday season.
your style Shower Units “Some members who don’t normal-
Guests selected stars and angels from ly come out, come for the free food and
• Impact Glass • Etching one of the festively decorated Christmas drink,” chuckled Dale Jacobs, president of
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Emtek trees, each designating a charity they Grand Harbor Community Outreach. “But
wanted to support, and later presented most come for the satisfaction that they are
Exterior Doors Hardware them with donation checks to one of the making a difference in people’s lives. Our
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps many volunteer elves. selection this year spans an interesting
group with a wide range of ages, health and
Doors “We have 14 charities that have been housing needs.”
vetted and approved by the Philanthro-
py Committee,” explained Catherine Re- This year’s agencies are: The Source,
ichert, event co-chair with Tina Wilcox. Camp Haven, Education Foundation of
“Clients of these charities are typically IRC, Senior Resource Association, Chil-
seniors, veterans and children who would dren’s Home Society, CHS Transitional
most likely have a bleak holiday season. We Home, St. Frances Manor, Guardian Ad Li-
have already identified what each agency tem, R.C.M.A. (Redlands Christian Migrant
needs, whether it be bicycles for kids, pic- Assn.), Veterans Council of IRC, Indian
nic tables for seniors, or gift cards for fam- River Golf Foundation pre-school S.N.A.G.
ilies. We collect all the donations and then (starting new at golf) program, Solaris Se-
buy what they requested.” nior Living, Hope for Families Center and
Bike Walk Indian River County. 
The joyous task of presenting the gifts to
the agencies is handled by elves designated
to liaise between the agency organization
and Grand Harbor.

“While we all come to the Evening of Giv-
ing to enjoy the wonderful food and com-
pany of our neighbors, the real joy comes in
knowing we have helped someone and to
know how appreciated the gifts are,” said
Wilcox. “Last year we received a thank-you
note from a woman who received one of
our holiday gifts. She said it was her only
gift and that she really thought she was
totally forgotten and invisible. She was not
forgotten as a result of this event and that
moment of joy was priceless.”

Grand Harbor generously sponsored the
entire event, providing all the sumptuous
food, drinks, entertainment and staff, and
corporate sponsors covered all the other
administrative costs, so that 100 percent

Regency Square

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 16, 2018 B7

Liz Barnett, Linda Kouns and Ann Passen. Roger and Pat Andrus with Joan and Gerald Wilgus. Wig Sherman, Jay Hoder and Raynor Reavis.

Catherine Reichert and Tina Wilcox Ed and Joyce Churney with Jan and Bob Garrison and Dale Jacobs. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Betty Jacobs and Bill LaViolette.


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B8 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

In search of the perfect Peking duck in Beijing

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Sauteed Mung Bean tion, and some very juicy, sweet lychees. Peking Duck.
[email protected] Sprouts The price for this feast was quite rea-
Asparagus with Black
From the time of the Ming Dynasty, Fresh Lychee Nuts. sonable, the duck itself running only Truffle Sprouts.
visitors to the city now called Beijing have about half the $98 being charged at
feasted on roasted Peking duck. Francisco and London – among other DaDong’s first venture outside China – a Duck Soup
places – and simply put, this was the best new (and not very well received) restau-
There is even a Chinese proverb, I am Peking duck dinner ever. rant in New York. post. I would not want it to detract from
told, that a visit to Beijing is not complete memories of the spectacular feast I en-
until you have dined on duck and visited It made such an impression on me that Maybe DaDong’s ducks are too lean for joyed in Beijing.
the Great Wall. we returned to DaDong 10 days later and America, but I think for the time being
tried the larger roast duck. If anything, it I will pass up visiting the New York out- I welcome your comments, and encour-
Though the Great Wall is certainly one was even better! age you to send feedback to me at tina@
of the wonders of ages, the duck I enjoyed
recently was one of the culinary marvels of For dessert, we were presented with a
modern times. plate of fresh lychee nuts enveloped in steam The reviewer dines anonymously at
rising from dry ice. An interesting presenta- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
While there are a couple of quite famous 32963. 
Beijing duck restaurants, my local guide
recommended DaDong Roast Duck, which
readers of a Beijing magazine have voted
“Best Chinese restaurant of the year” sev-
eral times since 2011.

Chef Dong Zhenxiang has emerged over
the past two decades as one of the most in-
fluential chefs in China, and there are now
nine outposts of his restaurant in Beijing.
We got our reservation in a large, attrac-
tively decorated DaDong that four years
after the fact was still boasting of having
hosted Michelle Obama.

(The then first lady’s “goodwill tour”
with her daughters in 2014 clearly made a
huge impression on the Chinese; Michelle-
Obama-was-here signs seemed ubiquitous
in our Beijing travels.)

After we were seated in DaDong,
we were handed a book the size of a
dozen bound issues of the old Life

A work of art in itself, this
turned out to be the pictorial
menu offering tempting photos
of duck dishes along with a variety
of seafood, veggies, and soups.

From this menu, we chose a roast
suckling duck over the somewhat larger
roast duck, and opted for two vegetable
dishes, the sautéed bamboo peal and as-
paragus with black truffle sprouts and
the sautéed mung bean sprouts.

A relatively short time later, one
of the dozen chefs on duty ap-
peared at our table displaying
our duck. He then proceeded to
carve it with a skill of a surgeon.

After deboning the duck, he
sliced the crispy skin and meat
– crispier and far less fatty than
most ducks we’ve had in the U.S. – ex-
tremely thin, and then reassembled
it on a serving platter before placing it
on our table.

The duck was served with an ar-
ray of condiments. While the skin and
meat could be eaten the traditional way,
wrapped in very thin delicate pancakes
with plum sauce and julienned scallions,
DaDong also offered the option of stuffing
it into a crispy sesame puff bun with garlic
paste and cucumber.

I’ve had Peking duck in New York, San

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | WINE November 16, 2018 B9

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B10 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 16, 2018 B11

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B12 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 16, 2018 B13

10 9 7 4 K85 2
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AKJ83 964 10 7 5 2
AQ J 10 7 2 98653
Robert Orben, a comedy writer, penned: “Every speaker has a mouth; / An arrangement 92 AKQ 643
rather neat. / Sometimes it’s filled with wisdom. / Sometimes it’s filled with feet.”
There are times at the bridge table when you feel as though you must get out from under AQJ63
your own feet. In this deal, for example, South is in four spades. West leads the heart ace Q
and continues with the heart king. Everything looks so easy, but what must declarer do? K4
J 10 8 7 5
North made a support double over West’s two-heart intervention, which showed exactly
three-card spade support, but did not define his point-count. South, with an opening bid Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Both
of his own, jumped to game, trusting that North would bid more in the unlikely event that he
had extra values, and West had made a very weak vulnerable overcall. The Bidding:

The contract looked easy, with South apparently having 10 winners via five spades and SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
five clubs. But after ruffing the heart king, cashing his spade ace and playing a spade to 1 Diamonds Pass
dummy’s king, East’s diamond discard was a blow. 1 Spades 2 Hearts Dbl. Pass LEAD:
4 Spades Pass Pass Pass A Hearts
South paused, then saw the solution. He cashed two top clubs, then finished removing
West’s trumps, and declarer, on the fourth round of spades, ditched dummy’s last club.
South took three more tricks with his remaining high clubs to make his contract.

Finally, note that if East had bravely raised hearts, despite zero points and being vulnerable,
West might have taken the push to five hearts, knowing that East was very short in spades.
Five hearts doubled goes down two, or perhaps only one if North does not lead a trump very
early in the defense to cut down those spade ruffs.

B14 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Woodwind instrument (4) 1 Under (7)
4 Lessen (6) 3 Large water jug (4)
9 Type of lamp (7) 4 Leased (6)
10 Gaze (5) 5 Chaos (8)
11 Material for pottery (4) 6 Fad (5)
12 Brave (8) 7 Successful film (11)
14 Observe (6) 8 Dimension (11)
15 Written note (6) 13 Praise (8)
18 Isolation (8) 16 Rotary engine (7)
20 Edge of a hat (4) 17 Interconnect (6)
22 Shun (5) 19 Pack animal (5)
23 Point of view (7) 21 Young goats (4)
24 Ravine (6)
25 Part of a plant (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 16, 2018 B15

ACROSS 101 Stake ___ 58 The ___ PavilionsThe Washington Post
1 Got nosy 103 South African fox (not a 59 Morse units
8 Belushi skit on SNL, 60 Actress Martha
donkey) 61 “___ his own”
“___ Delicatessen” 105 Harem room 63 Control a dog team
15 Tape measure? 107 Bird among the ’roos 66 Gen. George et al.
18 Sylvan 108 Die Fledermaus, translated? 67 Ante-
19 Der Ring des Nibelungen, 68 LARIAT minus L, rearranged
(with 114 Across) 73 Brokaw’s biz
translated? 114 See 108 Across 75 Earth tone
21 Tristan und Isolde, 115 Travel agency offerings 76 Word to a pourer, perhaps
116 Your, among Friends 79 Line of questioning
translated? 117 “Boy, that’s a new ___!” 81 Capp and Hirschfeld
24 Part of TNT 118 Pours, as port 83 Derek and Diddley
25 Sigmoid shape 84 “Your ___ like pools—
26 Oscar-worthy DOWN
27 And others, in Latin 1 Kind of lemony cesspools” (old gag)
28 Worker seeker 2 Emphatic negative 85 Occupied
30 Italian priest’s title 3 Hymn to Him, perhaps 86 The common code?
31 Make ___ 4 Less callow 87 Distribute in small amounts
5 Dries without rubbing 88 Fills with love
(object loudly) 6 Adam’s grandson 89 Déjà viewing
35 It caters to skaters 7 Dentist’s degree 90 Criminal class of India
36 “Oh, okay” 8 “Relief” has one, 91 Red in the face
37 A trace of disgrace 92 Just about
39 Bitter cold phonetically 96 Author Talese
40 French holy ones: abbr. 9 Hole punchers 97 “Why ___ blue?”
41 Der Rosenkavalier, 10 Spanish cloak or a ray of the 98 Of Uxmal’s people
100 Island S of Sicily
translated? deep 102 Testifier’s first answer
46 Dye plant 11 Red Cross Knight’s 104 Not good, as chances
105 Theater award
(or Fudd’s way home?) escort in The Faerie Queene 106 The Maid of Orleans,
47 Make a bow 12 ACLU worry: abbr.
48 Abdul and Deen 13 Map-supplying club Jeanne ___
52 Tongue-tied Thom? 14 Runs in park? 109 Simony is one
55 ___ the dotted line 15 To a certain extent 110 SSW about-face
58 Purified 16 1970 Broadway musical 111 I swelling?
60 Pest with a nest 17 Jobs for Wisk 112 Ward Cleaver, e.g.
62 The director of Autumn 18 Like, in the know, y’know? 113 Guy of a thousand faces
20 East, in German (or a
Sonata, plus its star LIGHT OPERA By Merl Reagle
64 Water buffalo Cockney emcee)
65 Parsifal, translated? 22 Dark wood
69 Shannon’s land 23 Talk and talk
70 Pierced places 29 Common Market abbr.
71 People who can’t keep 30 The D of LED
32 Release
secrets 33 Detroit org.
72 Echo and echo 34 Shoplifting
74 Absentee 37 Tandem’s accommodation
77 Mideast seaport 38 Blind as ___
78 Find 40 Latched
79 Confusion 42 Liable one, often
80 Causerie 43 Fairy tale collection
82 Die Götterdämmerung, 44 Chauvinists
45 Hot dips
angrily translated? 49 Threatened to topple
90 Aykroyd and Brown 50 Pull in the driveway
93 Valley of San Francisco 51 Old-time breath freshener
94 Fictions 52 Very attached to
95 One little piggy had it
96 Kaplan of TV or Kapler of Fisherman’s Wharf?
53 The Color of Money star
baseball 54 “___ a moment too soon”
97 Silkworm state of India 56 Biblical Brother
99 Barely get (by) 57 California beach
100 Of the cheek

The Telegraph

B16 November 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING est, Santa’s Village, Christmas Shoppe, live in- Vero Beach Police Dept. safety equipment not 17 Charity Tennis Round Robin, 10 a.m.
door and outdoor entertainment: Fri. 5:30 p.m. supported by budget. at Indian Trails Tennis Courts to bene-
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Paint- Festival Gala, with silent auction, movable feast, fit American Cancer Society. 786-200-2209
ing & Sculpture from the Permanent Collection vendors and A Swingin’ Christmas Concert with 17 Trans-FL Central Railroad Greenway
thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Contemporary Michael Andrews ($125-$175). Weekend Festi- Pedestrian Overpass Dedication Cere- 17 Centennial Beachside Bonfire Fest, 6 to 9
Art from the Rubell Family Collection thru Jan. 6. val Sat. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., including 4 to 8 p.m. mony, 10 a.m. at Fellsmere Trailhead Preserve p.m. with themed dinners at Waldo’s, Cos-
Family Night, with pizza and giveaways; Sun. 10 & Welcome Center, 11090 CR 512. ta d’Este, Mulligan’s and Vero Beach Hotel & Spa.
Vero Beach Theatre Guild: The Game’s Afoot a.m. to 4 p.m. $10; $5/child. Breakfast with
or Holmes for the Holidays thru Nov. 18. Santa 9 a.m. Sat. & Sun. $22; $18 child (includes 17 Vero Vino Wine & Food Festival, 4 p.m. 17|18 Side by Side by Sondheim,
Festival admission). 772-231-6990 at Heritage Center hosted by Unity Cen- presented by Music The-
NOVEMBER ter of Vero Beach, with wine, hors d’oeuvres, live atre International at Vero Beach High School
17 Tactical 10k and 2 mile run, 7 a.m. music and auction to benefit Boys & Girls Club of PAC, 7 p.m. Sat. and 2 p.m. Sun. at VBHS PAC.
from South Beach Park to help fund IRC and Little Birthday Angels. $60. 772 538 1181 $10 & $12. 772-564-5537

15|16 20th Anniversary VAPA Spec- Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
tacular: A Look Back Through in November 9, 2018 Edition 1 THUS 1 TAILBACK
History, presented by IR Charter High School Visu- 3 HOOP 2 UNSPOILT
al and Performing Arts students, 6:15 p.m., with 9 REAMS 4 OPERAS
show at 7 p.m. $10 to $45. 772-567-6600 x 118 10 INSINCERE 5 PREPLAN
15-18 St. Helen’s Harvest Festival on 12 BOOKSTALL 7 TSAR
grounds of Historic Dodger- 15 COLUMN 8 ONUS
town celebrates St. Helen’s and City of Vero Beach’s 17 UNKNIT 13 INSISTED
Centennial, with carnival rides, games, food, ven- 19 DECEPTION 14 STANDSIN
dors and family fun, Thurs. 5 to 9:30 p.m.; Fri. 5 to 21 TORSO 16 MADONNA
11 p.m.; Sat. Noon to 11 p.m. and Sun. Noon to 6 23 NOMINATES 18 ACUMEN
p.m. Free admission. 772-567-5457 24 LEARN 20 PINK

16-18 Festival of Trees at Riverside Sudoku Page B17 Sudoku Page B18 Crossword Page B17 Crossword Page B18 (PUZZLE OF THE DECADE)
Theatre, with Festival For-


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