Manatee mania. P6 Service with smile. P29 Not Quite Right ... On!
City forced to stabilize shoreline as Dining review: At Memaw’s BBQ,
crowds gather to watch sea cows. familiarity breeds contentment.
Her improv skills are put to test. P. 12
Playground at POLICE POOCH ‘XENA’ Brevard GOP
Ryckman set for HAS NOSE FOR JOB chair wards
$100K upgrade off challenge
The playground at Ryck- The Indian Harbour Beach Police STORIES BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT
man Park in Melbourne Department now has Xena the Warrior [email protected]
Beach is about to get a Princess on staff. The drug-sniffing
$100,000 facelift which in- Golden Retriever, who is winning Rockledge Realtor Rick Lacey
cludes a brand-new, $34,000 hearts all over the city, was aptly
toddler play area. named by Mrs. Keyes’ sixth-grade class says he felt confident he’d win a
at Ocean Breeze Elementary School.
After five years of discus- second two-year term as chair-
sion and planning, the town And while the class this week cel-
of Melbourne Beach is mov- ebrates winning the name-that-dog man when his fellow members
ing forward with a complete contest with a pizza party at school,
renovation of the 16-year-old 2-year-old Xena and her handler, of the Brevard County Republi-
playground, replacing and
restoring rusted, deteriorat- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 can Executive Committee met
ing equipment with brand-
new parts – and adding a Golden Retriever becoming a drug-sniffing dynamo Wednesday.
new section with tunnels and
walkways, specifically tai- Indian Harbour Beach Police Officer Dominic Palmeri with the force’s drug-sniffing dog, Xena the Warrior Princess. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER He just didn’t think he’d win
lored for toddlers, ages 2-5.
as easily as he did, considering
The playground has long
been the go-to spot for lo- state Rep. Randy Fine (R-Mel-
cal children and parents who
want to enjoy a day of play and bourne Beach) had circulated a
fresh air. But five years ago, as
the park began to show signs last-minute letter faulting Lac-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 ey’s leadership and demanding
he step down.
“I knew this was
going to be close,”
Lacey said Thurs-
day. “I did better
than I thought I
would.” Rick Lacey.
He saidWednes-
day night’s closed meeting in
Viera gave him 95 votes to 59
for challenger Matt Nye, a Tea
nent of state Rep. Thad Altman
Nye described himself as
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Chabad of the Space and Treasure representing Fine and 12 oth-
[email protected] Coasts, 82-year-old Dr. Bernie Ep-
stein might still be alive. er county GOP leaders, who
A Nov. 2 crash that killed an el- What’s most upsetting about signed his letter. But Fine him-
derly pedestrian trying to cross the loss was that Epstein was
Highway A1A – devastating a Sat- earnestly participating in part of self, who wasn’t even seeking
ellite Beach religious community an ancient and treasured Jew-
– might have been prevented. ish religious tradition of walking the chairmanship, got 5 votes
to and from Saturday services to
If the lighting was better, or from the floor.
if there had been a sidewalk on CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
the west side of the street near Josiah Gattle, a former party
staffer, had announced his
campaign for the chairman-
The Chabad Jewish Community Center in Satellite Beach. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Applause for Claus!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 A bundle of holiday joy at
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 pair of traditional beachside
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 15-24 Christmas events. P. 8, 10
2 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
BREVARD REPUBLICANS and Paul Alfrey; West Melbourne City • Criticizing the campaign of Gov.- And the result was eight Democrats
Councilman John Dittmore; and five elect Ron DeSantis. winning election to seats in five city
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 committee members who don’t hold councils, said Stacey Patel, chairwom-
public office. Lacey defended his comments. De- an of the county Democratic Executive
ship. But he withdrew in the meeting Santis could have run a better cam- Committee.
and threw his support to Nye. Among the accusations, the letter paign, he said. “The race should not
faulted Lacey for: have been so close the Democrat al- “I appreciate the (Fine group’s) com-
“He used 10 minutes to attack me most stole the election,” he said. “Over pliments, but Rick Lacey was not the
and then he withdrew,” Lacey said. • Ignoring Republicans in northern 8 million votes and the margin of vic- one doing our hard work,” Patel said.
and southern parts of Brevard Coun- tory was only 34,000.” “I am glad they recognized the hard
Fine said the letter, which he posted ty, while focusing on the central area work we did.”
Monday on his Facebook page, was not where Lacey lives. • Botching the mailing of Republican
solely his work. He said others helped, slates, a list of every GOP candidate in While a candidate in a nonpartisan
including County Commission Chair- In his letter of rebuttal, Lacey said the county – including those running in race isn’t allowed under state law to
woman Kristine Isnardi; her husband, Fine wanted committee meetings to nonpartisan city elections. cite his or her party affiliation to get
former GOP committee Vice Chairman rotate around the county. But wherever votes, Patel said, the law doesn’t pre-
David Isnardi; county commissioners meetings are held, he said, dedicated The letter said the mailers were late, vent a party from endorsing or donat-
Bryan Lober and JohnTobia; Melbourne Republicans will attend and the less- arriving at voters’ homes after early vot- ing to the same candidate.
City Council members Tim Thomas interested may not. ing, and contained errors. The letter
said the GOP slates had to be corrected “It’s really a misnomer to call a race
and mailed again, giving the advantage ‘nonpartisan,’” Patel said.
to the Democrats, who were efficient in
sending out correct mailers on time. There may not be a directly Demo-
cratic or Republican approach to all the
Lacey said this was the first time local issues a city must face, she said.
the Republican committee mailed out But that’s not the point of her support.
slates. “If you did everything perfectly She said the Democrats seek to estab-
the first time you did it, I’d be very im- lish a “bench” of candidates experi-
pressed,” he wrote. enced in campaigning for the next time
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT Fellow passenger, 28-year-old Grant
Luker of Orlando, and the Chevy’s
A deadly crash in Melbourne Beach driver, 21-year-old Katlyn Duncan
could result in charges against one of of Tampa, were seriously injured; all
the drivers involved. were wearing seatbelts.
According to the Florida High- The victims were transferred to
way Patrol, 19-year-old Kyah Muntz Holmes Regional Medical Center.
of Melbourne Beach was traveling The crash remains under investiga-
southbound in the northbound lanes tion and charges are pending against
of State Road A1A at 2:50 a.m. on Dec. Muntz.
14 when her 2006 Volkswagen struck
the front of a 2013 Chevy Cruz for “an The accident, which occurred near
unknown reason. SR A1A and Sabal Ridge Lane, forced a
road closure for several hours, result-
Kavika Church, 23, of Orlando, a ing in school bus delays.
passenger in the Chevy, was killed.
XENA THE DRUG-SNIFFING DOG printed’ with the smell of various illegal
drugs, Xena is certified to search people,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 luggage and open areas, he said.
Officer Dominic Palmeri, are about to On top of her usefulness in sniffing
complete drug-sniffing dog training by out drugs, Xena is “about as community
the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office with friendly as you can get,” Barker said.
graduation expected this month. “This is the kind of dog our community
needs to get the most bang for our buck.
Police Chief David Butler, on hand at We don’t need the taxpayers to pay for
Christmas in the Park Dec. 14, explained all that additional training.”
that Xena is a single-purpose (drug) dog
rather than a drug/patrol dog. The cost of a dual-purpose dog ex-
cluding training is about $8,000 to
“A dual-purpose dog is bigger, like $10,000 compared to Xena, which cost
a German Shepherd or Belgian Ma- about $6,400, he said. If an incident re-
linois. This is strictly a drug dog so it quiring a dual-purpose dog comes up,
doesn’t have to be strong or quick and the IHBPD works closely with the Satel-
it takes significantly less time to train. lite Beach Police K-9 unit, Butler said.
Dual-purpose dogs can require near-
ly 600 hours of training because you Having served on patrol and as a
have to train on all different aspects of community service officer, Palmeri said
a patrol dog.” being selected as a K-9 handler rep-
resented “one of my dreams of police
Xena’s initial training is only set to work.’’
take about six weeks. Palmeri described
Xena as a big puppy that was complete- Once training is completed expected
ly green when they met just a few weeks in the next couple of weeks, the new
ago. She was not even house trained. K-9 team will be on the road on regular
shifts, Butler said.
Now trained in the basics and ‘im-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 3
a partisan race unfolds. think he was doing a good job.” beef up Young Republican Clubs. 13 top critics. “Oh sure, I can work with
And Fine had no problem with Patel In his next term, Lacey said, he plans Meanwhile, County Commissioner anyone,” she said. “But this problem
is bigger than Rick Lacey. He’s just the
working politics the way she did. to improve the way the GOP supports Kristine Isnardi, of Palm Bay, whose leader of the board.”
“No, she wasn’t cheating. It’s legal,” he candidates in nonpartisan races. But in colleagues selected her as 2019’s chair,
addition, he said, he also wants to unite will have to work with Lacey for the The committee is marked by in-fight-
said. “She should feel very proud. This the existing membership and reach out second half of her four-year term – al- ing, she said. And that limits its effec-
was proof of her skills. … But Rick Lacey to voters in the 18-25 age group and beit identifying herself as one of his tiveness.
was supposed to help us, and we don’t
4 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
honor the Sabbath. To prevent the especially at night,” Barker said. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER of deterioration, the community took
next tragedy, Epstein’s congrega- In response, the DOT official said note – and so did commissioners,
tion and city officials are asking for way for people to walk across the putting aside $50,000 of tax revenue
a streetlight at Roosevelt Avenue, the agency recently completed a re- street. There needs to be sidewalks, in 2017 and another $50,000 in 2018
plus a sidewalk expansion as part of lated project along the roadway in- there needs to be lights and there for the project.
a slate of safety improvements from cluding new pavement and striping, absolutely needs to be a (street)light
the Florida Department of Trans- median improvements and mid- at the Roosevelt junction anyway,’’ But when initial replacement costs
portation. Rabbi Zvi Konikov of the block crossings “in the general area he said. for all the current equipment came
Chabad Center expressed the need of” the Jewish community center. in at around $250,000 to $300,000,
for a sense of urgency in the matter, The next step is to install flashing “Where there is a will there is a some decisions had to be made.
especially the critical need for the beacons along the S.R. A1A corridor way. There should not be any excuse
street light. at those midblock crossings located that it takes a long time and there- Public Works Supervisor Tom Da-
at Grant Avenue and Park Avenue. fore we’re going to wait years for it to vis met with the company that sup-
Satellite Beach City Manager happen. I don’t buy into that. Where plied the original equipment and
Courtney Barker was one of many Concerning the specific need for there are many people who are killed found he could replace a lot of the
who have emailed the Florida De- the Roosevelt streetlight, DOT will in our small, tiny town it’s absolutely parts instead of totally replacing the
partment of Transportation seeking conduct a signal warrant analysis unacceptable,” Konikov said. equipment.
the safety improvements including: with the goal of having a draft docu-
installing a traffic light and cross- ment ready by year’s end or early “I have no doubt, when authori- The commission agreed to go for-
walk at the intersection of Roos- 2019, said DOT spokesman Steve ties are pressured, things happen ward with a plan that will replace
evelt Avenue and SR A1A near the Olson. much quicker. For the lives to (al- aged, rusty, cracked pieces with
Chabad Center; filling in the side- ready) have been lost, I think that’s brand new parts. The cost will be
walk gaps on the west side of SR Konikov was not willing to take enough pressure,’’ he said. around $85,000.
A1A; and reducing the speed limit the advice to be patient with DOT
on SR A1A from the current 45 mph because needed government im- Konikov added he was very en- Commissioners also decided to
to 35 mph. provements are often slow to come couraged by the response by the City add the new toddler section after
about and can take years. “We have Council when he and other brought hearing positive feedback favoring
“The Center is attended by mem- a synagogue where people walk on the concerns to a regular council it from members of the community.
bers who cannot use automobiles the Sabbath and there is no possible meeting.
on their Sabbath, which is Saturday. Parts for rebuilding the existing
As such, all of the members can be “I am sure, working with them, we playground should arrive in Decem-
observed walking in and around this will accomplish our goal,” he said. ber and include a kaleidoscope, and
area on Saturday, and even most
other days of the week. The man Rusted playground equipment at Melbourne Beach’s
who lost his life on November 2nd
was walking to his daughter’s home Ryckman Park is about to get a facelift. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK
on a Sabbath evening,’’ Barker ex-
plained to the DOT all-new swings – including a swing
that allows a parent and child to
According to the police report, the swing together.
driver was not impaired and did not
face changes in the accident. “Our hope is that this will be like a
brand-new park when we are done,”
“The city feels that it is prudent said Davis, who credited Commission-
to make the changes listed above er Steve Walters and other commis-
to make the use of SR A1A by pe- sioners for pushing the issues forward.
destrians safer in general. Without
sidewalks, people use the shoulder
of the road; without a crosswalk,
people cross unsafely; and without
a lower speed, vehicles cannot see
a pedestrian on the side of the road,
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
Community Editor ADVERTISING We are here to provide Brevard barrier [email protected]
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 island readers with the most comprehen-
[email protected] Key Accounts Manager sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, Creative Director
Tim Bird, 407-927-6451 Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
Staff Reporter [email protected] Beach, and South Merritt Island. [email protected]
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 5
Commissioner Walters, who was sue was settled and I wanted to make happy to see the project underway. pends on volunteer help. We have a
recently re-elected, said the play- sure the money was spent on what it “We’ve gotten a lot of years, and lot of residents and non-residents
ground was one of the reasons he de- was meant for.” on the South Beaches that regularly
cided to run for office again. a lot of use, out of our playground use our playground, so, there is a lot
The town plans to host several fun- equipment and I’m happy that pub- of potential. I am hoping that we see
“It was brought up that the draising events in the future to con- lic works has provided a solid plan the same level of commitment that
$100,000 we put aside for playground tinue to raise money for playground for refurbishing and upgrading it the tennis players showed when we
might be spent on something else,” improvements. including our first ever toddlers sec- refurbished the tennis courts.”
Walter said. “I had thought the is- tion,” Simmons said. “Our plan de-
Mayor Jim Simmons said he is
6 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
City stabilizes shoreline as crowds of manatee-watchers grow
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER People observe manatees in the canal near Desoto Parkway. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER been something that has
[email protected] happened, but with Face-
pleted nearby on Desoto Parkway. a matter of book and Instagram, social
Manatees have escaped the cold in The shoreline work, which added time before media has made it much
Satellite Beach canals since the city’s the first worse. It’s become a nui-
canals were dug, and they’ve always coquina rock, was made a priority cold snap would attract the sea cows sance with people park-
had an avid audience. in the overall stormwater project. It to the warm water. Work has to pause ing in yards and kids walk-
was completed by a city-imposed while the manatees are present. ing across streets without
With the advent of social media, November deadline put in place be- watching.
the number of manatee watchers has cause city officials knew it was only Manatee watching “has always
grown exponentially. It’s not uncom- Because manatees eat
mon to find more than 100 people grass, and people want to
watching the sea cows from the ca- feed them, it is certainly
nal banks. eroding the shoreline,’’ said
Satellite Beach Public Works
The situation has gotten so bad Director Allen Potter.
that city officials had to stabilize the
shoreline on a canal near Desoto Two main rules for man-
Parkway and South Patrick Drive atee-watchers in-
where watchers climb down the bank clude don’t ever
to illegally feed the gentle giants. touch one and do
not feed them let-
The canal is the border between tuce (which they
Satellite Beach and Indian Harbour like but which is
Beach. It has a sea wall on the south not as nutritious as
shore, which is owned by Indian Har- aquatic vegetation
bour Beach, but the Satellite Beach that they normally
shore is grass and therefore suscep- forage on), he said.
tible to erosion.
Manatee viewing is allowed, Potter
To counteract damage from the said, but within reason.
foot traffic, the Satellite side of the
canal has been reinforced as part of a “We don’t want this to be a (tour-
larger project to build and landscape ist) destination,’’ Potter said.
a stormwater pond recently com-
p.m. Christmas Eve. Closed Christ-
Craving a Starbucks Peppermint mas Day.
Mocha over the holiday? Well, you’re
in luck, because the coffee connois- 7-11 and Circle K stores are open
seur is open Christmas Eve from 6 regular hours Christmas Eve and
a.m. to 5 p.m. and Christmas Day Christmas Day.
from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
But many other places are closed Eastminster Preschool: Closed Dec.
or have limited hours over Christmas.
So, to help you navigate the holidays 19 at noon. School resumes Monday,
a little better, before you put out the Jan. 7
trash or go for a carton of eggs or a
last-minute gift on Christmas Day, Holy Name of Jesus School: Closed
take a look at what’s open – and what’s Dec. 21 at noon. School resumes
not – on the beachside. Monday, Jan. 7.
Walgreens: Open Christmas Eve Brevard County Public Schools:
from 7 a.m. to midnight, pharmacy Closed Dec. 24 through Jan. 9. School
closes at 5 p.m. Closed Christmas Day. resumes on Thursday, Jan. 10.
CVS: Normal hours Christmas GOVERNMENT
Eve but the pharmacy closes at 6 Melbourne Beach Town Hall:
p.m. Store is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
on Christmas Day. The pharmacy is Closed Dec. 24-25
closed. Satellite Beach Town Hall: Closed
Walmart: Store and pharmacy Dec. 25-26
open until 6 p.m. Christmas Eve. Indian Harbour Beach Town Hall:
Closed Christmas Day.
Closed Dec. 24-25
Publix: Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Indialantic Town Hall: Closed Dec.
Christmas Eve. Closed Christmas Day.
Winn Dixie: Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Christmas Eve. Closed Christmas Day. TRASH COLLECTION
There is no trash collection on
Melbourne Beach Supermarket:
Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (but may close Christmas Day. Service will resume
earlier). Closed Christmas Day. on the next regularly scheduled col-
lection day.
of joy
8 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bundles of holiday joy at ‘Christmas in the Park’
Sierra, Rosie, Betsy, Brian and Mason Markle. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Ciara, Deborah and Madison Isaacs.
Rodrigo and Lina Mesa with son Noel. Emily Nelson and Zealand Sapp with Raschelle and Charli Stone. Tom Stauffacher of the Melbourne Municipal Band.
Det. Lisa German and Chief David Butler Maddy Triolo with Kim and Ayricka Reites.
of the Indian Harbour Beach Police Department.
“And THEN they’d do something he liked least of all! Every Who down
in Who-ville, the tall and the small, would stand close together, with
Christmas bells ringing. They’d stand hand-in-hand. And the Whos
would start singing.” ~ How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss.
The Grinch would have hated last week’s Christmas festivities up
and down South Brevard’s barrier island. Indian Harbour Beach, city
residents, first responders, businesses and organizations gathered
together Friday night in Gleason Park and in the recreation center for
the much-anticipated Christmas in the Park event that locals wait all
year for. There was live music and hot chocolate, cider, cookies, lem-
onade, “coffee with a cop” and an indoor learning zone.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 9
Haley Smith, Jamaal Augustave and Aubrey Berdinski.
Patrick Reardon and Grant Elder. Indian Harbour Beach City Manager Mark Ryan with Veronica McGuire and Chief David Butler.
Fiinn and Gary Helton.
Santa and his helpers.
10 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
MelBeach Tree Lighting: Let it glow! Let it glow! Let it glow!
Dan Davis, Melissa Lopez, Dylan Pisset, Drake Davis, Davo and Klimentina Vasilev. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Laurie and Jim Simmons.
Dylan Davis and Kaylan Pisset.
Delaney Quigley and Kimberly Stark. Lorraine and Renny Bertolami. Ray Leong, Robert Marconti and Tony Gothard.
The night before the Indian Harbour Beach event, down the road
there was old-fashioned joy at the Town of Melbourne Beach’s an-
nual traditional tree lighting ceremony hosted by the Melbourne
Beach Volunteer Fire Department. Where kids young and old stood
in wonder as twinkle lights came to life. And, of course, the jolly old
elf, Santa himself, managed to hold court at both events. Busy guy!!
“The Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christ-
mas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps,
means a little bit more.”
Improv skills put to test in
Not Quite Right venture
12 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Improv skills put to test in Not Quite Right venture
As a theater artist specializing in im- PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
provisation, Jessica Taylor has learned
the power of two words “Yes, and …”
Despite worries that they might
not make a commercial go at it, she
put those magic words to the test in
September and opened her own the-
ater, the Not Quite Right Theatre. It is
the only live theater in the Eau Gallie
Arts District.
At a point where she’s just about
to break even on her investment, she
still feels like she’s dancing as fast as
she can.
“It’s, like, it never stops,” Taylor
said. “I’m still adjusting to not being
able to leave your work. I’m basically
on call at all times … It never turns
off. I live and breathe it.”
For five years, the Not Quite Right
Comedy Players had been doing
regular comedy improv shows at the
Derek Gores Gallery. Taylor added
classes and corporate outreach.
Eventually, the comedy troupe grew
into a business with good potential.
So a year ago, Taylor quit her job in
the marketing department of Florida
Tech in order to devote more time to
the NQR Comedy. Then, she found
out that Gores was moving his gallery
somewhere else.
“That was kind of the moment of
decision,” Taylor said. “We knew that
we either rent our own space or be
squatters in some coffee shop some-
place. We thought it’s now or never,
might as well take a leap.”
So she signed a lease agreement
and started collecting cocktail ta-
bles, chairs, projectors and stage
platforms. Curtains were added, a
sound system was ready, lights were
set. Within three days of Gores mov-
ing out, the empty gallery had turned
into a cabaret-style theater.
That might have been a lot of physi-
cal effort, but the first real hurdle was
about to take up most of her time –
getting permits from the City of Mel-
“The city was very helpful in work-
ing us through it, but it’s a long
process” she said. “So that’s been
my main undertaking the last few
months – working my way through
city code. We also had to hire an ar-
chitect and engineer because we’re
going to be doing renovations in the
coming year, adding two bathrooms
for the public, and (making) a back-
stage with a dressing room for us.”
That lengthy process can be mad-
dening for someone who is used to
leading a group of improvisational
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 13
artists to think on their feet and react steadily growing fan base for NQR. Brandon, who was on the Henegar be a good source of income, especial-
quickly to other characters, and then “Without him, we wouldn’t have board of directors for 23 years and ly during the summer.
to immediately adapt to surprising ran the organization for five years.
situations. any of what we have now,” Taylor said. She said the classes for children will “If she can break even, she’s in pret-
“So I owe a lot of our current success ty good shape,” Brandon said. “She’s
But she’s maintained her sense of to Derek, who has been a great sup- smart to wait until she has a base of
humor about the legal bureaucratic port and incubator for us and other income from NQR programming.”
maze: “I had the business in my name, artists. He’s a huge support in the
but then to open a building I learn community.” Nevertheless, the business side of
that it has to be under a different code. art crimps one’s creative style, Taylor
That means two meetings, and oh, by But this new thing – being a business admitted.
the way, you have to get your signage owner with a brick-and-mortar pres-
approved. And by the way you can’t ence – frequently weighs on Taylor. “It’s highly problematic,” she said.
sell beer and wine until you get all “I’m basically the accountant, the so-
these 14 million signatures on a sheet Having to pay rent, utilities, main- cial media manager, the event book-
of paper … It’s a long process.” tenance and insurance every month, er. I am all things. Those always come
plus keep tabs on taxes from sales first and by the time I get around to
Fortunately, Taylor, 41, is a highly and fees for tickets, stays on the front doing the things I actually want to do
organized woman, which she calls of her mind. There was also the cost – ideas for shows, writing sketches,
“an odd combination especially for of renovating the space and purchas- creative end of things – I’m just too
an improviser.” ing equipment for lights and sound. tired. So it kind of gets pushed back.”
Born in Sarasota, she majored in “By the time you factor in all those She hopes to eventually hire some-
journalism and minored in theater at things, we basically have to make one to help build the base of corpo-
the University of Florida, where she $4,000 a month to break even,” Taylor rate clients who reach out to NQR to
also got involved with improvisation- said. “Last month, we were only $60 host creative thinking workshops for
al theater. in the hole, which I would say is a re- their personnel.
ally good thing. Granted, I can’t pay
She wrote for magazines and con- anybody, including myself.” “This first year is our experiment,”
tinued writing freelance while teach- Taylor said. “So we still have an exit
ing yearbook and journalism at Soon, it will be the fees for the ar- plan. At the end of August 2019, we
Edgewood Jr./Sr. High for nine years chitect and engineer and, next year, can be like, ‘Well, that was fun.’ But
before joining the marketing depart- the cost of the actual construction. I don’t think any of us actually want
ment at Florida Tech. Taylor knows that renovations are to do that. So far we can pay the bills
always more expensive than you an- and that’s what we’re going to keep
In 2002, she began the NQR Come- ticipate. on doing. Things are getting better.
dy troupe at the Henegar Center. That Things are moving in an upward di-
lasted a couple years and then the “That hangs heaviest over my rection. I’m feeling more confident
players all went their separate ways. head,” she said. “That’s why I try to than I was at the beginning.”
fill the space as much as I can so it
Then, Taylor met Gores, a well- pays for itself.”
known, successful artist who helps
creative folk bring their good ideas to So she has begun an array of class-
life. He suggested to Taylor that she es for children, moms, seniors, actors
teach an improv class in his gallery. and improv artist wannabes. There’s
Eventually, that led to one of the hot- also a much busier performance
test, sold-out Saturday evening hubs schedule and a big bash planned for
in the Eau Gallie Arts District; and a New Year’s Eve.
Those are good ideas, said Wendy
14 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Eastminster’s sure Yule enjoy its ‘Festival of Carols’
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER this version, from Nebraska Theatre
Caravan, with a cast of 23, musicians
1 Nothing says traditional, old-fash- and “Broadway-style” scenery and
ioned, family Christmas more suc- costumes, “is rich with thrilling en-
semble music and alive with color and
cinctly than “yuletide carols being sung movement,” created for the enjoyment
of all ages. Interspersed throughout
by a choir” filling the holiday air. This the show are “beautiful new arrange-
ments and moving renditions” of
Sunday morning, Dec. 23, the Chancel holiday songs we all know and love,
among them “Away in a Manger,”
Choir of Eastminster Presbyterian in “Greensleeves,” “God Rest Ye Merry,
Gentlemen” (does anybody know for
Indialantic will present “A Festival of sure where that comma is supposed
to go?) and more. Time: 7 p.m. Tickets:
Carols,” interwoven with the Christmas adults, start at $28.50; children, start at
$21. 321-242-2219.
story, and supported by a 24-piece or-
chestra and soloists. The little choristers
of the Children’s Choir will also partici-
pate. Time: 10 a.m. 321-723-8371.
2 While somewhere Up North, with
three days till Christmas, they’ll be
shivering and snow shoveling, you can
spend this Saturday night, Dec. 22 (aka 5 Holiday nights at McKee Botani-
cal Garden in Vero Beach abso-
Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve) at the beach
listening to jazz under the moon and lutely deserve a spot on your Christ-
stars. It’s the Sebastian Inlet State Park’s mas to-do list: This weekend, live
popular Night Sounds Concert Series music of the season will provide a fes-
December version, this month bringing tive soundtrack for the always magi-
to the Inlet’s Coconut Point Pavilion the cal Garden, decked out in its sparkling
20th Street Jazz Band, a truly fun-loving holiday best. On Friday, Dec. 21, the
15-piece band that plays jazz, swing clear voices of the Imagine School
and dance tunes – Big Band-era faves Tangerines Music Group will float out
and newer tunes with Big Band-friendly across the Garden. Saturday brings
arrangements. You can bring folding 3 Playing at Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse Friday at 6 p.m. musical entertainment by McKee’s
4 “A Christmas Carol” Saturday at King Center.
chairs or blankets. Food is available 5 McKee Botanical Garden. (own) Melody Makers. Sunday it’ll
nearby. Enter from A1A, north side of be dynamic vocals by April French of
the Inlet. Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admis- the Lady Sings the Blues Band. Time:
sion: free concert with regular park fees. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. General admission
772-388-2750. rates apply: Adult, $12; seniors and
ages 3-12, $8; members and under 3,
3 If you haven’t watched the 1947 free. 772-794-0601.
Christmas must-see “Miracle on
34th Street” yet this year, there’s still 6 If you loved the 1954 musical
film “White Christmas,” star-
time. Head for the Historic Cocoa Vil-
lage Playhouse this Friday, Dec. 21. The ring a powerhouse foursome – Bing
theatre is appropriately rounding out Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary
its holiday season with this perennial Clooney and Vera-Ellen – the musical
Christmas classic about when a nice based on the film, in its final week-
old man who calls himself Kris Kringle end in the Walt Disney Theatre at the
fills in for a drunk Santa in the Macy’s Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando, is for
Thanksgiving Day Parade, he is such a you. “Irving Berlin’s White Christ-
hit that the store hires him for its Mid- mas, the Musical” ends its run this
town Manhattan store. When he tells Sunday, Dec. 23. It is, if you recall, the
customers and employees that he is, story of a couple of WW II soldiers,
in fact, the “real” Santa, he is institu- one a Broadway entertainer (Cros-
tionalized as insane. A young attorney by), the other an aspiring entertainer
(Jimmy Stewart) decides he’ll defend (Kaye), who perform together for the
Kris by proving he is indeed the real 151st Division. They learn that their
Santa. According to, the beloved commanding officer (Dean
film won three Academy Awards in- Jagger) is losing his command, and
cluding Edmund Gwenn for Best Actor his men give him a rousing send-off.
in a Supporting Role “for his touching After the war, the successful (now
portrayal of Santa.” Time: 6 p.m. Gen- civilian) song-and-dance duo travel
eral Admission: $8-$10. 321-636-5050. to Vermont to put on a show, hop-
ing to save the failing inn owned by
4 And what Christmas season their former commander. In the pro-
would be complete without ex-
cess they meet and fall in love with
periencing at least one version of “A a sister act (Clooney and Vera-Ellen).
Christmas Carol”? This Saturday, Dec. Times: Friday, Dec. 21, 8 p.m.; Satur-
22, at the King Center, it’s the classic day, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m.
favorite as you’ve likely never seen it and 6:30 p.m. Tickets start at $54.25.
before. According to the show promo, 844-513-2014.
16 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Hocwolalenctoibosncumraeclehginael dthoacut’ms cehnetwtuinrngeudpNsemwaYllobruk’ssincoesusretssaycsrtoemss
BY ZACHARY R. MIDER AND ZEKE FAUX | BLOOMBERG thing he predicted came true. The following Monday, stool at a Starbucks and recounting the events that
Doug logged in at the office to discover he no lon- killed the Duncans’ business. After a long day spent
Look out, the stranger on the phone warned.They’re ger had access to his bank accounts. A few days on, selling houses for another company, the name tag
coming for you. $52,886.93 disappeared from one of them. The loss pinned to his shirt had flipped upside down like a
set off a chain of events that culminated a month distress signal. “It’s cannibalized our whole life.”
The caller had Janelle Duncan’s attention. Perpet- later in financial ruin. Not long after her agency went
ually peppy at 53, with sparkly jewelry and a glittery bankrupt, Janelle collapsed and was rushed to the Confessions of judgment have been part of Eng-
manicure, Duncan was running a struggling Florida hospital, vomiting bile. lish common law since the Middle Ages, intended as
real estate agency with her husband, Doug. She be- a way to enforce debts without the fuss and expense
gan each day in prayer, a vanilla latte in her hand and As the Duncans soon learned, tens of thousands of of trial. Concerns about their potential abuse are al-
her Maltese Shih Tzu, Coco, on her lap, asking God contractors, florists, and other small-business own- most as old.
for business to pick up. She’d answered the phone ers nationwide were being chewed up by the same
that Friday morning in January hoping it would be a legal process. Behind it all was a group of financiers In Charles Dickens’s 1837 novel The Pickwick Pa-
new client looking for a home in the Tampa suburbs. who lend money at interest rates higher than those pers, a landlady who’s tricked into signing one ends
once demanded by Mafia loan sharks. up in debtors’ prison. Some U.S. states outlawed con-
The man identified himself as a debt counselor. fessions in the middle of the 20th century, and federal
He described a bizarre legal proceeding that he said Rather than breaking legs, these lenders have co- regulators banned them for consumer loans in 1985.
was targeting Duncan without her knowledge. A opted New York’s court system and turned it into a But New York still allows them for business loans.
lender called ABC had filed a court judgment against high-speed debt-collection machine. Government
her in the state of New York and was planning to seize officials enable the whole scheme. A few are even get- For David Glass, they were the solution to a prob-
her possessions. ting rich doing it. lem: People were stealing his money. Among the
hustlers and con men who work the bottom rungs of
“I’m not sure if they already froze your bank ac- The lenders’ weapon of choice is an arcane legal Wall Street, Glass is a legend. Before he was 30, he’d
counts, but they are RIGHT NOW moving to do just document called a confession of judgment. Before inspired the stock-scam movie Boiler Room. Later
that,” he’d written in an email earlier that day. He de- borrowers get a loan, they have to sign a statement busted by the FBI for insider trading, he avoided
scribed the lender as “EXTREMLY AGGRESSIVE.” Her giving up their right to defend themselves if the lend- prison by recording incriminating tapes of his old col-
only hope, the man said, was to pull all her money er takes them to court. It’s like an arbitration agree- leagues. Even his enemies say Glass, who declined to
out of the bank immediately. ment, except the borrower always loses. comment for this story, is one of the sharpest opera-
tors they’ve ever dealt with.
His story sounded fishy to the Duncans. They had Armed with a confession, a lender can, without
borrowed $36,762 from a company called ABC Mer- proof, accuse borrowers of not paying and legally In 2009, while still on probation, Glass and a friend
chant Solutions LLC, but as far as they knew they seize their assets before they know what’s happened. named Isaac Stern started a company called Yel-
were paying the money back on schedule. Doug di- Not surprisingly, some lenders have abused this pow- lowstone Capital LLC. (ABC, the firm that wiped out
aled his contact there and was assured all was well. er. In dozens of interviews and court pleadings, bor- the Duncans, is one of more than a dozen corporate
They checked with a lawyer; he was skeptical, too. rowers describe lenders who’ve forged documents, names used by Yellowstone’s sales force.) Operating
What kind of legal system would allow all that to hap- lied about how much they were owed, or fabricated out of a red-walled office above an Irish bar in New
pen 1,000 miles away without notice or a hearing? defaults out of thin air. York’s financial district, these salespeople phoned
They shrugged off the warning as a scam. bodegas and pizzerias and pitched their owners on
“Somebody just comes in and rips everything loans. The rates sometimes exceeded 400 percent a
But the caller was who he said he was, and every- out,” Doug said one evening in August, pulling up a
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 17
year, and daily payments were required, but borrow- and make a few payments as a tryout. He sent over the ment also inflated the size of the couple’s debt. But
ers were desperate. paperwork for a cash advance, not a term loan – and in- by the time Dowd found the case, it was already over.
cluded confessions for both Doug and Janelle to sign. A clerk had approved the judgment less than a day
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, banks were Without talking to a lawyer, they did. Why not? Doug after Yellowstone’s lawyer asked for it. No proof was
cutting back on lending just when small businesses thought. They intended to pay the money back on time. demanded, no judge was involved, and the Duncans
most needed cash. Companies such as Yellowstone didn’t have a chance to present their side in court.
stepped in. They got around lending regulations by The advance turned out to be for $36,762, repaid
calling what they did “merchant cash advances,” not in $800 daily debits from their bank account starting Beau Phillips, a Yellowstone spokesman, said in
loans – a distinction judges recognize though there’s the day after they got the money. This would continue an email to Bloomberg that the company was within
little practical difference. for about three months, until they’d repaid $59,960, its rights, because the Duncans had blocked one
amounting to an annualized interest rate of more payment and never made up for it. The Duncans re-
The same people who’d pushed stock swindles in than 350 percent. A small price to pay, Doug figured spond that if a block had taken place, it must have
the 1990s and subprime mortgages a decade later – soon he’d have all the money he needed in cheaper, been a computer error. Why stop paying and then re-
started talking small businesses into taking on costly longer-term debt. But when he followed up the next sume the next day?
debt. The profits were huge, and the industry grew. month to inquire about the status of the bigger loan,
Last year it extended about $15 billion in credit, ac- he got no response. The trouble started soon after. The court papers revealed the name of Yellow-
cording to an estimate by investment bank Bryant stone’s lawyer, and on a whim, Dowd searched for
Park Capital. A few hours after learning that their bank accounts her other cases and found more than 1,500 results.
had been frozen, the Duncans met with a local attor- The Duncans’ predicament was no aberration. “It
Yellowstone would hire anyone who could sell. A ney, Jeffrey Dowd, in a law office squeezed between a was like a rabbit hole,” Dowd says. He dove in, click-
nightclub bouncer sat next to ultra-Orthodox Jews nail salon and a transmission shop. Their bank, Sun- ing on case after case after case.
fresh out of religious school. The best brokers earned
tens of thousands of dollars a month, former employ- JANELLE AND Goshen, N.Y., is a bucolic stop on the harness-rac-
ees say; others slept at the office, fought, sold loose DOUG DUNCAN ing circuit, just west of the Hudson River. Not far from
cigarettes, and stole from each other. A video posted the track, in the Orange County Clerk’s office, women
on YouTube shows Glass firing an employee. “Why Trust, refused to tell them who was behind the freeze. It with ID lanyards around their necks sit behind Plexi-
are you still sitting there, fat ass?” he yells. “Get out of wasn’t clear why Yellowstone would target them. Their glas windows, processing pistol permits and record-
my company!” To keep the troops focused, manage- contact there was still pleading ignorance; the lender ing deeds. One clerk prints out proposed judgments
ment would stack a pile of cash on a table and hold a had collected its $800 payment as recently as the pre- sent electronically by cash-advance companies and
drawing for closers. vious business day. Janelle was on the verge of tears. makes them official with three rubber stamps.
Glass’s problem was that some borrowers took Yel- A broad-shouldered man with a white goatee, Dowd Orange is one of a handful of counties in upstate
lowstone’s money with no intention of paying it back. handles everything from wills to lawsuits for small- New York that together handle an outsize share of the
Lawsuits against deadbeats proved pointless, dragging business owners in the Tampa suburbs. After assuring nation’s cash-advance collections. Industry lawyers
on for months or years. Then a lawyer who worked for the Duncans he’d get to the bottom of it, he logged on pick offices known to sign judgments quickly; there’s
Yellowstone and other cash-advance outfits came up to his computer. He soon found a legal website show- no need for the borrower or lender to have a connec-
with the idea of requiring borrowers to sign confes- ing that Yellowstone had won a judgment against the tion to the area.
sions of judgment before receiving their loans. That Duncans a few hours after Janelle received the warn-
way, at the first sign of trouble, lenders could start seiz- ing phone call. The lender had gone to a court in the In even smaller Ontario County, cash-advance fil-
ing assets, catching borrowers unawares. village of Goshen, 60 miles north of New York City. ings make up about three-quarters of the civil casel-
oad. No matter how abusive the confessions might be,
In May 2012, Yellowstone became what appears to “I hereby confess judgment,” read the documents clerks have no choice but to continue processing them,
be the first company in the industry to file a confes- Doug and Janelle had signed. Attached was a state- says Kelly Eskew, a deputy clerk in Orange County.
sion in court. Others copied the trick. The innovation ment signed by the same person at Yellowstone
didn’t just make collections easier; it upended the in- who’d assured Doug everything was fine. It said the To obtain a judgment, a lawyer for a cash-advance
dustry’s economics. Duncans had stopped making payments. company must send in the confession along with a
sworn affidavit explaining the default and how much
Now, even if a borrower defaulted, a company stood That wasn’t true. The Duncans’ bank records show is still owed. The clerk accepts the statement as fact
a chance of making a full recovery. By tacking on extra that Yellowstone had continued to get its daily $800 and enters a judgment without additional review.
fees, it might even make more money, and faster, than even after going to court. The company’s sworn state-
if the borrower had never missed a payment. In some Once signed, this judgment is almost impossible to
cases, the collections process became a profit engine. overturn. Borrowers rarely try. Few lawyers will take
on a client whose money is already gone, and getting
Confessions aren’t enforceable in Florida, where the a ruling can take months – too long to save a desper-
Duncans signed theirs. But New York’s courts are es- ate business. It’s a trap with no escape.
pecially friendly to confessions and will accept them
from anywhere, so lenders require customers to sign Clicking around a database of New York state court
documents allowing them to file there. That’s turned records, Dowd did find some cases in which cash-ad-
the state into the industry’s collections department. vance borrowers had sought to overturn judgments.
They’d almost always failed. New York judges took
Cash-advance companies have secured more than the view that debtors waived their rights when they
25,000 judgments in New York since 2012, mostly in signed the papers. Dowd concluded it would proba-
the past two years, according to data on more than bly cost the Duncans $5,000 to retain a lawyer to trav-
350 lenders compiled by Bloomberg Businessweek. el to Orange County. He advised them not to bother.
Those judgments are worth an estimated $1.5 billion.
The biggest filer by far, with a quarter of the cases: Yel- It’s possible that if the Duncans had tried to over-
lowstone Capital. turn the judgment, they would have discovered that
the confessions they’d signed were later altered. The
The Duncans’ ordeal began in November 2017 signed originals contain an apparent drafting error,
with an unsolicited fax from a broker promising term failing to identify the Duncans’ company as subject to
loans of as much as $1 million at a cheap rate. The the judgment, a flaw that might have prevented Yel-
couple had owned their agency, a Re/Max franchise, lowstone from seizing their money.
for three years and now had 50 employees, but they
still weren’t turning a profit. A planned entry into the In the version filed in court, someone had replaced
mortgage business was proving more expensive than the first two pages of each confession with the mis-
expected. Doing some quick math, Doug figured he take corrected. Asked about the discrepancy, Phillips
could borrow $800,000 to fund the expansion, pay off didn’t provide an explanation.
some debt, and come out with a lower monthly pay-
ment. The spam fax felt like a gift from God. Borrowers have accused Yellowstone of forgery be-
fore. Just in the past year, a Georgia contractor present-
On the phone, the broker said that to qualify for a big ed evidence in court that a confession used against him
loan, Doug would first have to accept a smaller amount was a complete fabrication, and a Maryland trucker
772.562.7922 : 12 R7o7y2a.5l 6P2a.l7m92P2oi:n1t2e R• oVyearloPaBlmeaPcohin:tew•
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 19
complained toYellowstone that a key term in his confes- A STACK OF CASH restricted by cash-advance judgments that he’s had
sion had been changed after the fact, as had happened ABOUT TO BE RAFFLED OFF to sell furniture to buy food.
with the Duncans. The company backed off from those TO A LUCKY YELLOWSTONE EMPLOYEE.
borrowers but faced no further consequences. Phillips He’s one of many borrowers who’ve received nasty
declined to comment on the accusations. does. A few big banks refuse to comply with the orders, threats from debt collectors. A Yellowstone executive
but most just hand over their customers’ money. named Steve Davis texted one borrower: “I will watch
While Dowd didn’t challenge the ruling against you crash and burn.” Asked about the messages, Da-
the Duncans in court, he did think he could get Sun- SunTrust proved accommodating. Three days af- vis says, “People defraud us. When that happens we
Trust to help them. He told the bank that one of the ter freezing the Duncans’ accounts, it took $52,886.93 have to do what’s best for us.”
couple’s accounts held funds that didn’t belong to and mailed a check to Barbarovich, enough to satisfy
them because it was used to collect rent on behalf the judgment plus the 5 percent marshal’s fee. Almost Jerry Bush, who ran a plumbing business with his fa-
of landlords. Dowd says a banker at the local branch all of it was rent money the Duncans were holding for ther in Roanoke, Va., signed confessions for at least six
wanted to help but was overruled by higher-ups. The landlords, not their own funds. cash advances from companies including Yellowstone,
account remained frozen. A spokesman for SunTrust taking one loan after another as his payments mounted
declined to comment. Barbarovich didn’t respond to questions about the to $18,000 a day.
couple’s case but said in an email that he follows the
When Dowd finally reached Yellowstone’s lawyer, rules when issuing a demand for money. Phillips, the Bush’s contracts with Yellowstone show that the
she referred him to a marshal who she said was han- Yellowstone spokesman, said no one told the com- company advanced him a total of about $250,000 and
dling the case. Dowd was confused. Why would a U.S. pany that the money belonged to third parties until that he paid them back more than $600,000. Davis, who
marshal be involved? His clients weren’t fugitives. He seven weeks after it was seized. Even then, Yellow- parted ways with Yellowstone in August, says he didn’t
called the phone number, and somebody with a Rus- stone refused to return it. mistreat Bush or other borrowers and always followed
sian accent answered. the company’s protocols. “You know why people put
The Duncans scrambled to make up the shortfall. the blame on me is because I’m successful,” he says.
The person on the phone wasn’t a federal official. Doug got another, larger cash advance from a different “It’s just haters.”
Dowd had reached the Brooklyn office of Vadim Bar- company to keep afloat.The daily payments on that loan
barovich, who holds the title of New York City mar- were too much for them to handle, though, and they To date, no state or federal regulator has tried to po-
shal. He’d stumbled onto an arcane feature of the were soon short of cash again. Sensing trouble, em- lice the merchant-cash-advance industry. Its lawyers
city’s government that’s become another powerful ployees fled. designed it to avoid scrutiny, sidestepping usury laws
tool for cash-advance companies. and state licensing requirements by keeping the word
One evening, Janelle thought she was having a “loan” out of paperwork and describing the deals as
NewYork’s 35 marshals are government officers, ap- heart attack. Her pulse raced, her limbs went numb, cash advances against future revenue. And because
pointed by the mayor, who collect private debts. They and she grew nauseous. An ambulance rushed her to the customers are technically businesses, not indi-
evict tenants and tow cars, city badges dangling from the hospital. Her heart was fine. Her insurance claim viduals, consumer protection laws don’t apply, either.
their necks. When they recover money, they get a fee was denied.
of 5 percent. The office dates to Dutch colonial days, With regulators sidelined and lawmakers oblivious,
formed by a decree of Peter Stuyvesant’s council. Fees Unlike the Duncans, most of the dozens of borrow- Yellowstone and its peers keep growing. After Glass
for the biggest jobs were initially set at a dozen stivers, ers interviewed by Bloomberg really did fall behind on stepped back a couple of years ago from day-to-day
less than one-tenth the price of a beaver pelt. their debt payments. Their experiences were no less operations – his criminal record was making it harder
wrenching. They spoke of divorce, of lost friendships, to find investors – Wall Street investment bankers ar-
Barbarovich’s office is in the immigrant enclave of of unpaid medical bills. ranged a $120 million line of credit to finance more
Sheepshead Bay. Before he was appointed in 2013, advances.
he’d tracked inventory at a Brooklyn hospital and vol- “You can’t defend yourself,” says Richard Schilg,
unteered as a Russian translator. He’s now the go-to the owner of a human resources company in Ohio In 2016 the company moved from its grimy down-
marshal for the cash-advance business and has got- who borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars town Manhattan offices to a shiny building in Jersey
ten rich in the process. Last year, city records show, with at least six advances. “As long as you still have City, pocketing $3 million in state tax incentives. On
he cleared $1.7 million after expenses. a business, as long you have a personal checking Instagram, a top salesman shows off flights on pri-
account, they’re going to hound you. Your life is ru- vate jets, a diamond-encrusted watch, and a Lambo-
As soon as Yellowstone had obtained its judgment ined by their contract.” Schilg says he always tried to rghini. Yellowstone advanced $553 million last year,
against the Duncans, it had sent a copy to Barbarov- honor his debts. But his access to money has been so its highest total ever.
ich, who issued legal orders demanding money from
Atlanta-based SunTrust and another bank in Ala- In April, on the same day Janelle Duncan was sell-
bama where the couple kept their personal funds. ing the last of her office furniture, Yellowstone execu-
tives marked the company’s ninth anniversary with a
By law, NewYork marshals’ authority is limited to the luncheon in Jersey City. In a celebratory email mark-
city’s five boroughs, but a loophole vastly extends their ing the occasion, Stern, the co-founder, wrote, “I am
reach: They’re allowed to demand out-of-state funds as continually blown away at the success and achieve-
long as the bank has an office in the city, as SunTrust ments we continue to have.”
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20 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz adds Ralph to growing list of feline friends
Hi Dog Buddies! “Here’s a funny story,” he contin-
For my last-column-before-Christ- ued. “I love exploring.’ They don’t
mas, I innerviewed a Cool Catnip
dude of the feline persuasion: Mr. call cats curious for nothin.’ Our yard
Ralph Getson. He’s around 18 in hu-
man (like 89 in cat), an he’s got It Goin’ was fenced, but when did that ever
ON! He even has his own Instagram –
ralphpurrusual. stop a cat in Exploration Mode? I just
Mr. Ralph is a long, lanky, orange squeezed under the fence an had my-
Tabby who recently moved to Indial-
antic from Clearwater with his Mom self a liddle adventure. Well, Momma
an Dad. He loves humans, but I’d
heard he could be a liddle crotchiddy went buh-listic. She an Papa searched
with fellow pets so, when the door
opened, I wagged in place and said for HOURS, lookin’ low an high for me.
in my Pleasant Pooch voice, “Good
morning, Sir.” Finally they gave up an came home,
Mr. Ralph strolled slowly but suave- probly plannin’ to call the Marines or
ly over for the Sniff-an-Size Up. “Wel-
come, young fella. Bonzo, is it? I’m Mr. something. And there I was, lying on
Ralph. This is my Momma, Mollie. My
Papa, Mike, is at work. Come’on back.” the porch, wonderin’ where the fluff
His voice was raspy, but he wasn’t they’d been all that time.
crotchiddy at all. We sat around a
table by the pool cuz Mr. Ralph’s an “I’m not as stealthy or fleet-of-paw
outdoor kinda guy. He wore a snazzy
bowtie and totally rocked a Regal Lion as I usta be, but I still have a blast with
a crinkly paper bag. An, once I got the
“So, how does this work? You ask
questions, I answer?” harness figured out, I enjoy leash walks
“Yes sir, pretty much. Maybe start around the neighborhood. We’ve only
with how you all got together.”
been here coupla months, so it’s a nice
“Can do. About a year anna half ago
(in human) I was livin’ on the Mean way to meet the neighbors. I’m also
Streets: sleepin’ under cars, skinny, a
total fleabag, with a bad cough anna a great fan of catnip imported from
chipped tooth. A real paw-to-mouth
existence. I musta used up at least 4 of Maine. One of my Maine Coon street
my lives.”
pals from the old neighborhood turned
“Woof! That’s harsh. You look great
now.” me on to it. Nothin’ better for reclinin’
“It was a close one. Just when my on my mat, chill-laxin.’”
lives were passing before my eyes, an I
figured I’d never have a loving family, “I’ve heard that.”
my (future) Momma an Papa scooped
me up and whiskered me away. (Pa- “My besties are Momma’s Godfather
pa’s a lifelong Cat Guy, but I was
Momma’s first cat experience.) I had Bruce an his dog Addie. They’re up in
no idea what was happenin,’ but they
were talkin’ gently like they ackshully Maine. An Aunt Alyssa, who I stayed
cared about me, even though I was a
fleabitten mess. Somehow, I felt safe. with when Momma an Papa went to
“Anyway, long cat-tale short, they Ralph. The Moon after they got married. I
took me to a doctor an, after (among
other things) having ALL my hair PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER thought it’d take a lot longer than it
shaved off, I was proclaimed Flea-
Free and I recovered. I think of it as plays MEW-zick onna violin. When did. As for toys, I’m not into laser mice
my “Pavement to Plush Transition.” she’s wearin’ boots, it’s called a fiddle.
Now I have a Forever Family, my own I don’t know why. She does one song or feathers-onna-stick. My favorite’s a
saucer, a cozy bed, an a sunny porch with other humans on guh-TARS an
for daydreamin.’ I have everything I stuff called ‘The Tabby Went Down long ribbon. It’s old now, but still fun.
need. Momma even wrote me my Very to Georgia.’ I can’t even swish my tail
Own Song! If you have time after the that fast.” Now I LOVE getting’ brushed. But I.
innerview, I’ll sing it for you. Momma
“Pawsome, Mr. Ralph! What’s life Don’t. Do. Baths. Just thinkin’ about
like now that you’re in the Plush part?”
my one-an-only bath experience still
“Well, THIS was Super Cool Catnip:
when Papa proposed to Momma, I was gives me the Utter Willies. I’m pretty
a major part of the engagement.”
sure Momma feels the same way.
“No Woof!”
“It was SO ro-MAN-tick. Momma “I didn’t make it to the wedding, but “I sleep with Momma an Papa, ex-
was holdin’ ME, an Papa was holding
The Ring. Then Papa asked Momma I prepared some Words of Advice that cept when I awake at the purrfectly
The Big Question. (It’s a human thing.)
Then, instead of Momma accepting were read on my behalf.” reasonable hour of 3 a.m. and wanna
with ‘YES!’ she chose the symbolic
‘Handing Over of the Cat’: placed me “Really?” have a conversation. Then I sleep in
right in Papa’s arms. Honest, Bonzo,
if cats could cry, I woudda, I’m not “Here’s some of my favorites: ‘spend MY room, or hang out on the porch
ashamed to admit. Couldn’t stop
purring for weeks.” time together outside, under a canoe with the raccoons.”
“Humans. You gotta love ’em,” I
said. stored on the porch is an ideal spot; be Heading home, I was still hummin’
forgiving if the toilet seat gets left up: the song Ralph’s Momma wrote for
everyone makes mistakes, and it is, af- him. I know he’s gonna have a very Me-
ter all, an excellent source of drinking owy Christmas, and I wish the same
water; share your food with one-an- for all you pawsome pet pals an your
other, ’specially tuna; an, most impor- humans.
tant, always greet each other like it’s Till next time,
-The Bonzbeen forever since you were together,
cuz there’s no concept of time when
it comes to being separated from the
one you love.’”
“Woof. That’s a lotta wisdom.”
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 21
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10
Henry Cotton, who won the British Open three times, said, “Golfers have analyzed the game A K 10 4
in order to find ‘the secret.’ There is no secret.”
In contrast, bridge players rely on their analysis of a deal to give them “the secret” for the
right bid or play. At the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup, this deal featured the best bid, WEST EAST
in my analysis.
A K Q 10 9 7 5 82
Look at the North hand. In second seat, partner opens one club, and righty overcalls four
spades. What would you do? Q65 AKJ98
Once you have decided, read on. Whether you pass or make a value-showing double, Q72 J983
partner rebids five clubs. What would you do then?
— 10 6
The deal occurred in the match between Lavazza (who played in Turin, Italy) and Bridge SOUTH
Base Online (who competed in Seattle). When BBO was North-South, North doubled four
spades. Then, when South removed to five clubs, North passed. —
Sitting North-South for Lavazza were Sylvie Willard from France and Giorgio Duboin from 7432
Italy. Willard passed over four spades. But when partner rebid five clubs, Willard anticipated
South’s having a spade void and long, strong clubs. If so, they rated to have only one heart 65
loser. Backing her analysis of the deal, Willard raised to six clubs — a hole in one!
West led the spade ace. Duboin ruffed and gave up a heart. East won and shifted to
a trump, but declarer won with his seven and crossruffed hearts and clubs to take two Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Neither
diamonds, seven clubs and three heart ruffs on the board.
The Bidding:
Minus 420 and plus 920 gave Lavazza 11 international match points en route to the title.
1 Clubs 4 Spades ?? Pass
K Spades
22 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Fortress (6) 1 Cold (6)
4 Take up, obtain (6) 2 Greatest (7)
9 Urge (7) 3 Calm (4)
10 Domain (5) 5 Merry-go-round (8)
11 Ogle (4) 6 Delete (5)
12 Paper, record (8) 7 Salad fruit or berry (6)
14 Doggedness (11) 8 Build again (11)
18 Gentlemanliness (8) 13 Adventure (8)
20 Norwegian capital (4) 15 Waterfall (7)
22 Diadem (5) 16 __ broth; soup variety (6)
23 Weather conditions (7) 17 Second, flash (6)
24 Listened (6) 19 Mental representation (5)
25 Contemporary (6) 21 Rasp (4)
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 23
ACROSS mettle 38 Leonowens of Siam The Washington Post
1 Reads smoothly 94 Plane-seating section 40 Night before Christmas
6 Plane study: abbr. 95 See 86 Across 43 Monarch, to Monique SEPARATED AT BIRTH? By Merl Reagle
10 Beliefs 98 Rainy 45 Hide away
14 Frightfully big ref. books 100 Peanuts 47 Expanse of land
18 Set one’s sights on 103 Marine mollusk 48 Like a tsunami
19 “Death be not proud” poet 104 Goulash seasoning 49 French river or department
20 Sports factoid 107 Main horizontal lines, 53 Too much sun or stress, e.g.
21 Type of circus or market 54 My Fair Lady guy
22 Twin of 28 Across (both born on math graphs 55 Syrup source
108 Fossilized ___ (Jurassic 57 “___ take a hint”
July 22, 1947) 59 German novelist-Nobelist
24 Superman first name Park premise) 63 Pretty
109 Twin of 119 Across (both 65 Know-it-all
25 Rube 66 Passed easily, as an exam
26 Land of which Synge sings born Mar. 14, 1933) 67 Giant or baby item
27 Hot car? 111 Regulator of “particulate 68 Packs (down)
28 See 22 Across 69 Couch-potato-esque
31 “A clue!” matter”: abbr. 70 “That’s the truth”
33 Kurt who headed the San 113 First name in rock-guitar 71 Wake with a shake
72 What nudistes wear
Francisco Opera, 1956-81 wizardry 73 Pancreas product
35 Abilities 117 Loy-al dog? 76 ___ pro nobis
36 Blind ___ 118 Jockey’s strap 79 Membrane covering the eye
39 Cousins of colleens 119 See 109 Across 80 Mississippi port
41 A natural beginning? 122 Big name in cookies 81 Pulpit-ations?: abbr.
42 Twin of 52 Across (both born 123 Name of some cracker 83 Talk noisily and stupidly
124 College load 84 Word on Ron Howard’s
Feb. 1, 1937) 125 Speechify
44 Peron and others 126 Glutton’s mantra résumé
46 Start of a flavor 127 Author Seton 85 Home for gulls
50 Dull grayish brown 128 Colonial rights defender 87 A kid may go through one
51 Tokugawa Ieyasu’s capital 88 Industrial-strength
52 See 42 Across James
56 For Whom the Bell Tolls 129 Ms. Lauder intelligence
89 God, to Garibaldi
setting DOWN 91 Like some suckers
58 Fleeting flashbacks 1 Nod off 96 Yeses
60 Berne’s river 2 Other face of a cheat, often 97 Musical chords
3 Introduction to science 99 ___ del Fuego
61 Block ending 4 Slangy aspirer 101 Ghost that haunts Macbeth
62 Bird served au vin 5 Pigpen 102 (They leave),
6 She works for chimp
64 Stock-pages abbr. in play lingo
65 Ant / bee relative change 104 California beach or clam
7 Part of SASE 105 Hopkins or Hoskins
67 Operation reminder 8 Shaquille’s family 106 Casual Calvin
68 Twin of 72 Across (both born 9 Haggard and Oberon 109 Woman’s address
10 Man or Wight, e.g. 110 Spanish explorer of
Nov. 26, 1938) 11 Gets an initial salary of
72 See 68 Across 12 ___ ray California
74 (Auth. unknown) 13 Centered 112 Desktop devices, commonly
75 Current coursers 14 Word ___ 114 “Love comes ___ the eye”
76 French river or
(Brit’s promise) (Yeats)
department 15 Adam Bede author 115 Carry (out)
77 Hydrocarbon ending 16 Swab’s jobs 116 Agreeing words
78 Brooks with Tonys, 17 5th Ave. retailer 120 The Rainier who wed Grace
19 Mail “morgue”: abbr. 121 Midnight Cowboy character,
Grammys, Emmys, and an 23 OK for the whole family
Oscar 29 Thorny bushes ___ Buck
79 Mr. Erwin 30 Seminary VIP
80 Spitz and chow, e.g. 32 Lucre lacker
82 Watch covertly 34 Sports events needing no
86 Twin of 95 Across
(both born July 1, 1961) lights
90 Café water 36 Annexes
92 Imitate 37 Pea, for example
93 Metal describing one with
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Feel like a doormat? Here are some welcome changes
BY CAROLYN HAX Also, organize your life into two columns: things
Washington Post that restore you and things that deplete. For any-
thing on the “deplete” side, think of remedies. Like
Dear Carolyn: chores: What is a fair division of labor? Can you
I am a married woman with discuss that with your husband? Can you each take
two elementary-age sons. I’ve of- responsibility for things you’re better at, to make
ten felt I do way more to help the the load feel lighter?
three of them than they do to help
me – which is understandable with People who step in for an underinvested part-
kids, frustrating with a husband – but lately it’s gotten ner get depleted faster, so his list should include
much worse. I’ve been feeling as though my life would the chores you can afford to drop completely – if
be so much better if I wasn’t around them. he doesn’t do them, then no one does. He does
I feel horrible feeling like this – what kind of a moth- his own laundry, for example, because not having
er longs for a life without her kids? I should feel lucky; clean clothes will force his hand but not affect you.
there are so many people who dream of this life. But it
dawned on me yesterday, maybe this is just a midlife Also train your kids to pick up chores from the
crisis, which is normal and which people get through. “deplete” side. It takes more work upfront – and
Is this a normal phase or something else? How do patience – to teach the necessary skills, but kids
people get through this without leaving their family, can and should contribute proportionately to the
which I wouldn’t do? running of a household. It’s healthy for them.
– Midlife Crisis? That’s normal and fixable and best fixed soon be- Items on the “restore” side go on your calendar
fore it causes bigger problems, like wanting out in regular time slots. Treat them as sacred. Tuesday
Midlife Crisis?: Translation: “I’m tired of being of your family entirely because anger is the only evenings, you see friends. Sundays, you sleep in.
dumped on and taken for granted. What’s wrong feeling you have left and because you finally grasp Etc.
with me?” that’s not sustainable.
If you get pushback – oh, my goodness I hope
How about: Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you. So, while you still recognize yourself, figure out not – then make it clear you are in serious burn-
Your life is out of balance. That’s not about how to make that self whole. Small changes at first, out territory and addressing the problem is not
midlife or bad mothering or excessive good luck because you can make them right away and see if optional.
or whatever else you’re reaching for. It’s just about they offer relief. They’re also less disruptive; you
your life taking more out of you than it gives back. can work your way up to making bigger changes Please also find yourself a skilled therapist, if you
only after it’s clear you need to make them. have the means and access. Depression is sneaky,
and you could easily have it or be on your way there.
Regardless, solo counseling could yield ideas for
your marriage. On the “restore” side, either way.
Holy cow! Bovine patch may help
fix torn rotator cuff
26 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Holy cow! Bovine patch may help fix torn rotator cuff
STORY BY TOM LLOYD- STAFF WRITER on a smaller area, thereby increasing
Rotator cuff tears are so common, the stress.”
says the American Academy of Or-
thopaedic Surgeons, “that each year Dr. Anthony Ware demonstates graft placement Is this new approach
almost 2 million people in the Unit- using the rotation medical delivery instrument. infallible? No. It hasn’t
ed States visit their doctors” seeking
treatment for the condition. even been in use long
Dr. Anthony Ware of Coastal Or- enough to have medi-
thopedics and the Steward Medical
Group thinks he may have found a cally significant sta-
better and longer-lasting way to repair
those tears. tistics to claim that it
It’s called “biological augmenta- is. But patients who
have had this bio-
The rotator cuff quite literally keeps
your arm in your shoulder socket. The logical augmentation
cuff consists of four separate muscles
that come together as tendons to form have spent an average
a covering around the head of the
humerus bone – the long bone in the 31 fewer days needing
upper arm – between the elbow and
shoulder. When the rotator cuff is torn, to wear post-operative
you may not be able to raise or even
lower your arm. slings and were able to return to work
Even the simplest of daily tasks, some 50 days sooner than those who
such as getting dressed or combing
your hair, can become difficult and did not have this procedure.
Dr. Anthony Ware. They also required substantially
PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE fewer post-op pain relievers during re-
These collagen patches can be as
small as a postage stamp and, like
modern aortic valve replacements,
they are harvested from cattle rather
than cadavers.
“These seem to work better than
donor grafts from cadavers,” Ware ex-
plains. “We’re also able to purify these
grafts more to get all the foreign debris
and DNA out. That’s the material your
And the Mayo Clinic warns “without body can react to as foreign. So, we’re
Collins & Montz treatment, rotator cuff tears may lead able to get a somewhat more pure …
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY to permanent loss of motion or weak- collagen implant so when you do put
Experience the fusion of traditional
values and modern dentistry. ness and may result in progressive de- it in, it doesn’t have graft rejection. It’s
At Collins & Montz, DMD,
generation of the shoulder joint.” also a little bit more porous so it allows
we will focus on improving every aspect of your smile for optimal appearance,
function, and comfort through our general family dentistry, and restorative The National Institutes of Health in-growth of your native tissue into it,”
procedures such as dental implants. Our comprehensive range of services and
dedication of quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. says that while “excellent clinical re- making the patch all the stronger.
sults of arthroscopic repair of rotator That said, if you’ve never heard of
cuff tears have been reported … re- this approach, you’re not alone.
tears after those surgeries are one of As Ware freely admits, “I think it
the most common complications.” only became commercially available
It’s here that biological augmenta- earlier this year.
tion is showing its promise. It seems to “What’s really interesting about this
provide a stronger fix for torn rotator is that although we put the patch on
cuffs and may make those post-oper- the top [of the torn tendon], it is actu-
ative re-tears much less likely. ally healing tears underneath. And so
As Ware explains, Regeneten, the what they theorize is happening is that
company that packages the biologi- by reducing the strain on the rotator
cal augmentation kit he uses, “came cuff by about 40 percent, it is allowing
up with this idea of trying to use some these partial tears to actually heal.”
type of a collagen patch. Our tendons If that’s the case it truly is ground-
are made of collagen, so they decided breaking.
they would try to use this collagen and Rotator cuff tears typically don’t
lay it on [the torn tendon] like a patch. fully heal on their own but so far the
Almost like with a flat tire on your bi- results from this biological augmenta-
cycle: You take off the tube and you tion procedure are promising. Adding
put a patch on it. And this collagen will to the good news, it is all done with
incorporate into your native collagen through a minimally invasive laparo-
in about a three-month period and it scopic procedure.
actually thickens your tendon by two
to three millimeters and therefore re- Dr. Anthony Ware is with Coastal
duces the strain on the tendon.” Orthopedics and the Steward Medical
Briefly sounding more like a physics Group. His Vero Beach office is at 1715
teacher than a surgeon, Ware points 37th Pl., Suite 101. The phone number
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 out “stress is force for area,” so, as he there is 772-778-0600. In Sebastian, his
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM puts it, when the cuff is even partially office is at 13000 U.S. 1 where the phone
torn, “you’re distributing a larger force is 772-589-0331.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 27
Some facts to reduce patients’ fear of anesthesia
STORY BY FRED CICETTI COLUMNIST garding your anesthesia. The following sumption can influence the way an
have to be considered: medical prob- anesthetic works in your body during
Q. I’m a senior who’s having surgery lems you might have, medications you surgery. Knowing whether you smoke or
and the one thing that scares me more take, whether you smoke or drink al- drink alcohol allows your anesthesiolo-
than anything else is the anesthesia. Can cohol, any allergies you have, previous gist to choose anesthetics that are suited
you tell me anything to reduce my fear? negative experience with anesthesia, to you. And, some anesthetics include
and adverse reactions to anesthesia by components of certain foods, such as
There are probably several sources other family members. albumin from eggs. Discussing food and
for your fear. The first is that you’re older drug allergies beforehand helps your
and wonder if you’re at greater risk than The information collected by your anesthesiologist make important drug
someone younger. The second is that doctors guides them in their treatment. choices.
anesthesia can be dangerous to anyone. For example, smoking or alcohol con-
The third is that you’ll lose total control
when you’re under. I hope some of the
facts about anesthesia will help with all
of your fears.
Anesthesia is risky, but today it is safer
than ever for all age groups. Your age is
not as important a risk factor as your
medical condition and the type of sur-
gery you are having.
Safer drugs and major advances in the
monitoring equipment used in surgery
have reduced anesthesia complications.
In the last decade alone, deaths caused
by anesthesia have dropped 25-fold, to 1
in 250,000.
In addition, shorter-acting drugs,
more specific drugs and new intrave-
nous drugs can minimize the nausea
and vomiting that sometimes occur af-
ter anesthesia.
There are three main types of anes-
thesia: general, regional and local.
General anesthesia makes a person
unconscious so that the entire body is
pain-free. Regional anesthesia is used to
block sensation in one area of your body.
Local anesthesia numbs a small part of
your body.
General anesthesia is used for exten-
sive surgeries. The drugs used in gen-
eral anesthesia are given intravenously
or are inhaled. They act as hypnotics,
painkillers and muscle relaxants, and
they block your memory of the surgery.
Regional anesthesia is injected
around a single nerve or a network of
nerves that branches out and serves an
area. For example, spinal, epidural and
caudal types of anesthesia are injected
into or near the spinal fluid, effectively
numbing nerves that serve the lower
half of your body.
Local anesthesia may be used to
numb only a small area of nerves at the
site where the surgeon plans to operate,
such as for cataract surgery. Local anes-
thesia is also used for minor procedures
such as skin biopsies and stitching a cut.
During local and regional anesthesia,
patients often receive intravenous drugs
for sedation so that they can be comfort-
ably drowsy during surgery and remem-
ber little of their time in the operating
Before your surgery, you can also ex-
pect questions from your doctors re-
28 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Memaw’s BBQ: Familiarity breeds contentment
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER He-Man Sandwich. mode). The blueberry cobbler ($4.75)
[email protected] we ordered to share was pretty good,
PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER and a large portion. Memaw’s coffee,
Food, aromas and the memories served in heavy mismatched stone-
we’ve made at a restaurant often keep us ware mugs, is always fresh and hot and
coming back as much as the food does strong the way I like it.
– or maybe even more. Memaw’s BBQ
on Eau Gallie Boulevard is that kind of Please don’t go into Memaw’s expect-
place. It is simply part of the fabric of our ing anything fancy. It will never be that
beachside community. place and doesn’t aspire to be. Go in ex-
pecting to be greeted and served with a
Periodically I get emails asking why smile, and to be offered the best home-
the Melbourne Beachsider features so cooked sides and slow-roasted meats the
many mom-and-pop restaurants, kitchen can put out.
why we don’t focus on fancy, fine-
dining establishments. I guess I welcome your comments, and en-
it’s because when most of us courage you to send feedback to me at
dine out, the places we frequent [email protected].
are our barrier is-
land eater- The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
dines anonymously at restaurants at the
expense of this newspaper.
Feast For
ies where we get a warm welcome and years ago in his infant carrier to show pork. She likes the buns at Memaw’s, ev- Rib Plate.
a decent meal at a good value. And be- him off. That boy can now eat his body er-slightly browned in the grill. My son
cause we like to highlight small busi- weight in smoked meats and still loves enjoyed his beef sandwich and ate every RESTAURANT HOURS
nesses right in our own neighborhoods, Memaw’s. bite. The fries are just like the Ore-Ida 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
the folks who have been around 20 or crinkle-cut fries my own grandmother
30 years, who sponsor the Little League For lunch this time she ordered a fa- used to bake in the oven – you will ei- BEVERAGES
teams, and who host our civic club lun- vorite, the pulled pork sandwich with ther like these or not, but we like them. Beer & Wine
cheons. The restaurants whose tables fries ($7.50). My favorite Memaw’s meal I found a new favorite in the flounder.
become a substitute for our own when is the beef brisket, but I decided to try Two large, fresh flounder fillets hand- ADDRESS
we don’t have time to cook Sunday sup- the fried flounder lunch platter with po- breaded in a very light, crispy bread- 600 East Eau Gallie Blvd,
pers, or weeknight dinners when sched- tato salad, garlic toast and Brunswick ing and perfectly deep-fried. My entree Indian Harbour Beach
ules are packed with sports, classes, work stew as an upgraded side ($13.75). My came with two large, buttery slabs of
or meetings. son ordered the sliced pork sandwich, delicious garlic toast, one which I de- PHONE
but they were out of that so he got the voured and the other I bartered with my 321-779-9670
Memaw’s BBQ is a restaurant that is smoked beef and fries ($8.75). son for a handful of fries.
very special to my son’s paternal grand-
mother, so we took her there Saturday Grandma said the pulled pork was There’s usually one dessert choice, a
for a little pre-Christmas lunch treat to moist and sweet and flavored with just different fruit cobbler of the day, served
help with this review. It’s special to her enough sauce, but not too much to over- smothered in whipped cream (no a la
because of the hundreds (possibly thou- power the flavor of the slow-roasted
sands) of meals eaten there with her late
husband. “In all the years we’ve been
coming here, I’ve never had a bad meal,”
she said as we looked at our menus.
It’s also a special place because one
of the waitresses, Mary, has been serv-
ing her lunch and dinner at Memaw’s
for about 21 years. It’s special because
it was the very first place she took her
baby grandson out to eat nearly 12
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 29
STORY BY DAVE MCINTYRE store. Bouchard’s father was skeptical is dominated by large houses that pur- friendly, which most people don’t
The Washington Post of his son’s winemaking, which in- chase most of their grapes. realize,” says Alison Smith Marriott,
cluded low yields and minimal inter- founder of a wine education consul-
Last of a two-part series vention in the nascent movement of When we think of champagne as tancy focused on champagne. “It’s of-
Champagne is the ne plus ultra of natural wines. “Champagne is about wine first and bubbles second, we can ten treated as an aperitif or something
sparkling wine. the bubbles,” Bouchard père huffed. move beyond the celebratory toast for caviar, but its high acidity and di-
That statement, from my column and, budget allowing, put a bottle on versity of styles work with many cui-
last week, packs a lot of meaning – “No, it’s not,” Rosen recalls reply- the dinner table. A good champagne sines. I’ve paired champagne with ev-
even beyond the pretension of using a ing. “It’s about great wine, with bub- has depth and complexity to match erything from seafood to fried chicken
French expression to say champagne bles.” Rosen featured the wine, and dishes such as roast poultry and fish. – even steak,” Marriott says.
is da bomb. So let’s unwrap it. today, the younger Bouchard’s Roses As I’m fond of saying, “Bubbles go
Perhaps it is stating the obvious, but de Jeanne label is highly sought after with everything.” That’s even more “My little brother loves junk food, as
it bears repeating: Not all sparkling by fans of boutique “grower” cham- true with champagne. Champers’ well as great wine, so last time he visit-
wine is champagne. Properly used, the pagnes, wines made by the vintners fiends love it with anything salty, ed I served Pol Roger with pork rinds,”
name refers to sparkling wine from the who grew the grapes. These are still even popcorn. she added. “The pairing doesn’t have
Champagne region in northern France, rare in champagne, where the market to be precious to be exceptional.”
an hour or two’s drive from Paris. “Champagne is incredibly food-
The region smacks of history. Chalk
quarries that yielded stone for the Ro-
man Empire’s northern fortifications
are today the cellars where top cham-
pagnes are aged. France’s kings and
queens were crowned in the cathedral
at Reims. Some of the fiercest fighting
in World War I occurred here, and there
are still occasional reports of people dis-
covering wines that were hidden from
Nazi occupiers during World War II.
And did I mention that those wines
are darned good? Oh yeah, I guess I did.
From the late 19th century with
Belle Epoque, champagne producers
were so successful in marketing their
wine as the symbol of luxury and cele-
bration that even today, we equate any
bubbly vino with champagne.
CIVC, the association of champagne
producers, has been very zealous – of-
ten too much so – in protecting the im-
age and insisting that the name only
apply to the wines of the region. And
yet, we persist in equating all bubbles
with champagne. To be honest, if you
welcome me to your house with a glass
of champagne and I later see the label
and realize it’s something else, I won’t
think any less of you. I will still thank
you for your hospitality.
Yet the distinction in terms is im-
portant. By calling all sparkling wine
“champagne” we not only insult cham-
pagne but we also do a disservice to
Spanish cava, Italian prosecco and
bubblies from California and else-
where. These are wines in their own
right that should be recognized and
appreciated for what they are. They
should not be lumped together with
champagne, or held up to its standards.
Champagne is wine first, bubbles
second. This is a point many cham-
pagne producers have emphasized in
recent years, but it hasn’t always been
so. Doug Rosen, co-owner of Arrowine
& Cheese in Arlington, recalls visiting
a young champagne producer named
Cédric Bouchard in 2005 as he was
scouting new talent to feature at his
30 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
FINE & CASUAL DINING Fine Dining, Elevated
Exciting Innovative Cuisine
Award Winning Wine List
Unparalleled Service
Reservations Highly Recommended Proper Attire Appreciated
Zagat Rated (772) 234-3966 Open 7 Days
2013 - 2017 3103 Cardinal Drive , Vero Beach, FL
Wine Spectator Award
2002 – 2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 31
Please send calendar information
at least two weeks prior to your
event to
[email protected]
Space Coast Lightfest hosted by the
Central Florida Boy Scout Council, Riverside
District, 6:30 to 10 p.m. nightly through Jan.1,
including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New
Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day at Wickham
Park, Melbourne. Cost is $15 per car to
drive through, with a discount if you bring a
new, unwrapped toy. Hayrides, refreshments
and photos with Santa also available. www.
Satellite Beach Farmers‘ Market, 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park on A1A,
Friday Night Lights, watch tennis competition December 22 | Run Run Santa one-mile fun run
and exhibition, 6 p.m. most Fridays at Kiwi
Tennis Club, 30 Tradewinds Dr, Indian Harbour
DECEMBER 21-23 Jolly Days at Brevard Zoo, race, now in its third year, features a fun, festive December 21-23 | Jolly Days at Brevard Zoo
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with one-mile route. By choosing a combination Crossword Page 4293 (POLITENESS QUOTIENT)
20-29 Holiday House tours of special Christmas-themed activities. Watch the of races, runners can complete two or three
the Historic Rossetter animals unwrap Christmas gifts, do crafts, play miles. Limited to the first 1,000 Santas. www.
House Museum, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday games, visit Santa and Mrs. Claus (10 a.m. to
through Sunday at 1320 Highland Avenue in 1 p.m. only). All activities included in general
the Eau Gallie Arts District. Tours are free of admission. 22 Full Moon Drum Circle and Bonfire,
charge to enjoy the Christmas decorations and 5:30 p.m. at Nance Park in Indialantic.
complimentary cookies. (321)254-9855. 22 Run Run Santa one-mile fun run, Moon rise is around 5:45pm. Meeting place is
7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Calvary Chapel just behind the restrooms, 201 N Miramar Ave,
21 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League Viera, 2852 Fellowship Place. This Santa-only Indialantic. Bring quarters for parking meters
Food Truck Friday Family Fest, 5 to
9 p.m. in the parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
Recration Center. Food and drink, music and in December 13, 2018 Edition 1 BARBER 1 BISECT
vendors. 4 QUEUE 2 RAREBIT
21 Dueling Pianos show, 8 to 11 p.m. 9 URANIUM 4 QUAD
at Jake’s Crab Shack, 3830 Highway 10 CABINET 5 ELITE
A1A in the Publix shopping center. Veteran 11 FEET 6 ENMITY
piano players Randy Keith and John Vastola 12 EBB 7 SUITE
take all your requests. Family-friendly show, 14 STIR 13 BOASTFUL
no cover. 15 OSLO 16 LEOPARD
21|22 Carriage rides at The 21 EACH 19 KOALA
Avenue at Viera, 5 to 8 p.m. 23 ONSHORE 20 DELETE
Fridays and Saturdays through Christmas. Pick 25 ALCOHOL 22 COCOA
up outside the AMC movie theater. 26 FLAME 24 CHUM
Sudoku Page 2428 Sudoku PPaaggee 2439 CrosswordPPage 4282
Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting CERTIFIED Windows & Doors
the South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Siding & Soffit
Indialantic, Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. “Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s
Contact Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
32 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
($1 per hour). Free parking available at Aquarian
Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave.
22 Candlelight Shopping in Historic
Downtown Melbourne, 5 to 9 p.m.
Merchants will stay open late on Saturdays
through Christmas.
22 Christmas Concert with Michael
Anderson, 7 to 8 p.m. at Chapel by the
Sea, 8240 S. Hwy A1A, Melburne Beach. Pianist
and composer Michael Anderson returns for an
evening of music at the chapel. A love offering
will be taken.
23 The Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Chancel Choir will perform a Festival
of Carols at the 10 a.m. service in Indialantic,
featuring a 24-piece orchestra and soloists as
well as the singing of traditional carols and
participation by the church’s Children’s Choir
and solo performers. Words to the carols will be
on screen. Call 321-723-8371 or visit www.epcfl.
org for details.
24 Indian Harbour Beach Surfing Santas,
9 a.m. to noon at Bicentennial Beach
Park. Don festive yule gear and join neighbors
for surfing fun. Non-surfers invited to dress up,
bring a chair and cheer on the Santas.
24 Cocoa Beach Surfing Santas festival, January 3-6 | Cirque Italia Gold Unit on stage at Wickham Park
8 a.m. at the end of the Minutemen
Causeway. No registration is required, event at the King Center, Melbourne. Tickets cost at 7:30 p.m. nightly, plus 4:30 p.m. Saturday 23-28 Space Coast Birding and
is free to surfers and spectators. www. $19.50-$49.50 at and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Acrobatics, Wildlife Festival, various comedy, juggling, death-defying feats and more, locations in Titusville.
JANUARY surrounded by a ring of animated water and light
26 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support show. Tickets $10-$50 at 25 Sock Hop dance with music by
Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 2-4 Space Coast Crew Winter Learn-to- the Rock and Roll Revue, 7 to 10
p.m. the last Wednesday of the month at the Row Camp for students in grades 12 League of Women Voters of the p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E.
Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. 7-12 during winter school break at the SCC Oars Space Coast (LWVSC) Timely Hibiscus Blvd., Dance to music of the 50s
Call Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details. and Paddles Park Boat House, 1329 Banana Topics presentation on Reproductive Rights and 60s provided by an 8-piece combo with
River Drive, Indian Harbour Beach. Cost is $90 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Catherine a male vo-calist and a Doo-Wop trio. Tickets
27 Meet and Make 2 to 4 p.m. for ages for three mornings of camp, 8:30 to 11 a.m. All Schweinsberg Rood Central Library, 308 Forrest $10 available at the door or any Swingtime
5 and older at Satellite Beach Public participants must complete a swim test prior to Avenue, Cocoa, FL 32922. The event is free, or Melbourne Municipal Band event. Also at
Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd. An open maker camp. but registration is required by January 11. WMMB Radio in Melbourne, at Marion Music
session featuring gadgets Makey Makey, Light refreshments including beverages will be in Palm Bay, Brass and Reed Music Center in
Ozobots, Raspberry Pi and more. 3-6 Cirque Italia Gold Unit on stage at provided and participants are invited to bring Merritt Island, Guitar Haven in Indian Harbour
Wickham Park, Melbourne. Shows a brown bag lunch. To register, go to www.lwv- Beach, Art Gallery of Viera in Viera, Ocean
28|29 The Sleeping Beauty Ballet (events/timely topics). For more Sports World in Cocoa Beach and Genesis
by the Melbourne City information, contact Jo Shim at (321) 431-9932 Boutique in Melbourne. Call (321)339-7705 or
Ballet Theatre, 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday or [email protected] go to http://www.melbournemunicipalband.
org for details.
13 Florida Magician of the Year Contest,
2 p.m. at the Cocoa Village Playouse, 26 Eau Gallie Arts District celebrates
youth and adult competition. Call (321) 636- the anniversary of the end of
5050 for tickets. Prohibition with Whiskey In the District.
World-class whiskeys, good food, music and
19 Opening day of Brevard Renaissance other drink. Tickets cost $75 per person. www.
Fair, runs through Feb. 3 at Wickham
Park in Melbourne. Education Day is Feb.
1. Advance tickets now on sale at www. MARCH
December 28 & 29 | The Sleeping Beauty Ballet by the Melbourne City Ballet Theatre 19 8th Annual Florida Key Lime Festival Third Annual “Brevard’s Got Talent” 2019
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Brevard Veterans Competition at the Melbourne Auditorium,
Memorial Center, 400 Sykes Creek Parkway, Merritt presented by Space Coast Cultural Arts &
Island. Tickets $10 for adults, $5 for children. Active Business Organization Charities. For more
and retired military Free. Live music, Key Lime pie information, visit; call/text
toss, Key Lime pie eating contest. 321-215-1226 or 321-431-1614.
Newly-built oceanfront
home full of ‘wow’ factors
5285 S SR A1A, Melbourne Beach: Brand-new 5-bedroom, 6-bath, 4,762-square-foot contemporary oceanfront
home offered for $2,890,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent David Settgast: 321-543-1187
34 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Newly-built oceanfront home
loaded with ‘wow’ factors
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER On this property, he designed the
[email protected] home as well. He envisioned the
entire modern-angled design which
A brand new five-bedroom, six- is thoughtfully carried through to
bath contemporary home with 110 each room and hallway.
linear feet of ocean frontage with
an architectural theme based on The exceptional nature of the
65-degree angles is being offered at home goes all the way up to the
5285 S. State Road A1A. 2,200-square-foot third-floor deck,
a stunning “wow” factor that affords
Seller Joe Motro of Merritt views of both the Indian River and
Island has been a part of many the Atlantic Ocean.
high-end Melbourne Beach home
construction projects as a structural The home has an additional “wow”
engineer. factor in its fortress-like construction
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents methods: solid poured concrete and a total of 8,127 square feet under
321.749.8405 walls with impact-rated, insulated roof, the just-built house has elegant
Over 175 Million windows and doors, and special spray lines and wonderful amenities. There
foam insulation in all attic spaces for are 12-foot ceilings on the entire
SOLD! additional energy savings. bottom floor, which is reserved for
multi-purpose use with large rooms
Hall of Fame “It took a lot of concrete,” Motro overlooking a covered area designed
Producer deadpans. “I’ve had several people for a swimming pool.
tell me that if this area ever gets hit by a hurricane, this home will be the one Motro added creative designer fea-
[email protected] left standing.” tures that he himself appreciates, like
recessed lighting throughout. The
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More! But the home is much more than roof is metal with the floors a combi-
a storm bunker. With 4,762 square nation of tile and wood.
feet of air-conditioned living space
Courtyard Style in Rio Villa - $445,000 Outrigger Condo in Indialantic - $369,000
Waterfront in Melbourne Beach - $369,900 Unique property in Merritt Island - $399,000
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 35
5285 S SR A1A,
The second floor enters into a very warming oven and two dish washers. closets. There’s also a laundry room. Year Built: 2018
large open space with an island eat-in The master bedroom suite with As for the third floor, Motro Construction:
kitchen featuring granite countertops, Poured concrete, stucco
a hidden pantry and high-end access to a large porch along the entire admitted that’s where his design
appliances, including two stoves, a beach frontage features a double “evolved during the process’’ when Roof: Metal
vanity, shower and tub with walk-in Floors: Tile, wood
CONTINUED ON PAGE 39 Lot size: 0.58 acres
Home size: 4,762 square feet
under air; 8,127 square feet total
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 6
Additional features: Two-
car attached garage, circular
driveway, cathedral ceilings,
walk-in closets, elevator, walk-
in pantry, master bathroom
with double vanity sinks, walk-
in closets, laundry room, eat-in
kitchen with breakfast bar, cook
top, double ovens with warming
oven, double dish washers.
Listing agency:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty
Listing agent:
David Settgast, 321-543-1187
Listing price: $2,890,000
36 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Dec. 7 to Dec. 13
The real estate market had a solid week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Satellite Beach led
the way with 8 sales, followed by Indialantic with 5, Melbourne Beach with 4, and Indian Harbour Beach
reporting 1 transaction.
The top sale of the week was of home with panoramic water views in Indian Harbour Beach. The
residence at 515 Andros Lane was placed on the market Aug. 11 for $1.25 million. The asking price more
recently was $1.195 million. The sale closed on Dec. 7 for $1.16 million.
The seller was represented by Karin Mann and Michelle Mckinney of RE/MAX Elite. The purchaser was
represented by Scott Schuetz of Hoven Real Estate.
MELBOURNE SHORES 1ST 290 FLAMINGO DR 8/31/2018 $354,000 $335,000 12/7/2018 $315,000
SOUTH SHORES RIVERSI 5590 CORD GRASS LN 5/14/2018 $347,000 $335,000 12/7/2018 $330,000
SOUTH SHORES PHASE 2 5681 SEA LAVENDER PL 10/5/2018 $399,900 $399,900 12/10/2018 $393,000
RIVERS EDGE SUBD 303 POMPANO DR 10/22/2018 $489,000 $489,000 12/7/2018 $475,000
GREEN FIELD SUBD 156 PALMETTO AVE 183 10/28/2018 $204,000 $196,000 12/7/2018 $196,000
JADE PALM CONDO 1345 N HIGHWAY A1A 602 $650,000 12/7/2018 $585,000
RIO VILLA UNIT III 3093 RIO BAYA S 9/11/2018 $650,000 $624,900 12/7/2018 $600,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 430 7TH AVE $309,900 12/7/2018 $290,000
PARADISE BEACH VILLA 170 PARADISE BLVD 17013 8/27/2018 $624,900 $194,900 12/7/2018 $180,000
9/7/2018 $335,900
7/8/2018 $214,900
MAJESTY PALM CONDO 925 A1A 11/1/2018 $589,000 $589,000 12/7/2018 $580,000
S PATRICK SHORES 2S 185 CINNAMON DR 7/22/2018 $345,900 $249,900 12/10/2018 $300,000
MOORINGS SUBD THE 150 HERRON DR 10/24/2018 $259,900 $450,000 12/10/2018 $247,423
S PATRICK SHORES 1S 537 CARRIAGE CIR 8/16/2018 $424,900 $209,900 12/10/2018 $414,000
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 8 $369,900
400 PORT ROYAL BLVD 3/22/2018 $525,000 12/10/2018 $415,000
827 LOGGERHEAD ISLAND WAY 9/25/2018 $699,900 12/7/2018 $667,500
105 SE 3RD ST 11/1/2018 $209,900 12/11/2018 $190,000
740 S ROBIN WAY 9/24/2018 $375,000 12/13/2018 $350,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: South Shores Phase 2, Address: 5681 Sea Lavender Pl Subdivision: S Patrick Shores 2S, Address: 150 Herron Dr
Listing Date: 10/5/2018 Listing Date: 10/24/2018
Original Price: $399,900 Original Price: $259,900
Recent Price: $399,900 Recent Price: $249,900
Sold: 12/10/2018 Sold: 12/10/2018
Selling Price: $393,000 Selling Price: $247,423
Listing Agent: Lisa Goddard Listing Agent: Rick Houston
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Laura Downey The Frommann Team
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Carriage Prk Phs 2, Address: 537 Carriage Cir Subdivision: The Moorings Subdivision, Address: 400 Port Royal Blvd
Listing Date: 8/16/2018 Listing Date: 3/22/2018
Original Price: $424,900 Original Price: $525,000
Recent Price: $414,000 Recent Price: $450,000
Sold: 12/10/2018 Sold: 12/10/2018
Selling Price: $414,000 Selling Price: $415,000
Listing Agent: Annette Callahan Listing Agent: Carol & Jack Freese
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Matthew Lavoie Annette Callahan
Coldwell Banker Paradise Keller Williams Realty
38 Thursday, December 20, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Rivers Edge Subdivision, Address: 303 Pompano Dr Subdivision: Jade Palm Condo, Address: 1345 N Highway A1A 602
Listing Date: 10/22/2018 Listing Date: 9/11/2018
Original Price: $489,000 Original Price: $650,000
Recent Price: $489,000 Recent Price: $650,000
Sold: 12/7/2018 Sold: 12/7/2018
Selling Price: $475,000 Selling Price: $585,000
Listing Agent: Daniel Frey Listing Agent: Sherra Cameruci
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Selling Agent: Cameruci Realty, Inc.
Thomas Eason Lourdes Sliwa
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Curri Properties
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: Rio Villa Unit III, Address: 3093 Rio Baya S Listing Date: 8/27/2018
Original Price: $624,900
Sold: 12/7/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $600,000
WE’LL GET YOU WHERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Jonathan Krauser
131 SEVENTH AVENUE • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903 Selling Agent: J. Edwards Real Estate
$429,000 Mary Markovich
Subdivision: Majesty Palm Condo, Address: 925 A1A
Listing Date: 11/1/2018
Original Price: $589,000
Recent Price: $589,000
Sold: 12/7/2018
Selling Price: $580,000
Listing Agent: Ioanna Hawkins
Selling Agent: BHHS HomeService
Jackie Griffin
Florida Lifestyle Realty LLC
Subdivision: Tortoise Island P3U1, Address: 827 Loggerhead Island Way
PRICE REDUCED! $449,000 Listing Date: 9/25/2018
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME ON THE RIVER! Original Price: $699,900
1.39 ACRE LOT WITH 161 WATERFRONT FOOTAGE! Recent Price: $699,900
Sold: 12/7/2018
OUR CK PROMISE TO YOU... Selling Price: $667,500
Listing Agent: Holly Madden
David Curri Anne Finnegan
Broker/Owner Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.
[email protected]
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 20, 2018 39
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 REAL ESTATE what makes this home unusual,’’ he said.
Looking back at the house from the
he decided there was enough room
between angled structural trusses beach access point, Motro proudly
to provide access to a third floor. points out design details such as
He added the massive deck, along cantilevered rooms held by large
with a spiral staircase and elevator, custom-built wooden trusses with no
and finished rooms, including a full support to the ground.
The home is being offered for
“This is an area that would have just $2,890,000 by David Settgast, a top
been attic or storage but now it’s part of agent with Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.