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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2019-04-26 23:08:41

03/29/2019 ISSUE 13


March 29, 2019 | Volume 6, Issue 13 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit



MY TAKE Star Suites makes Riverside School boss hires
‘an even more coveted gig’ lawyer amid talk
BY RAY MCNULTY of his dismissal

Surge in auto accidents By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
tied to distracted driving
School Superintendent Mark
Two Fridays ago, I was on my By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer precedented,” said James Beaman, who plays Zol- Rendell has hired a lawyer and is
way to lunch, driving east on 12th [email protected] tan Karpthy in “My Fair Lady.” accusing School Board members
Street and approaching the busy of meeting illegally to discuss fir-
intersection with U.S. 1, where Eliza Doolittle no longer has to look for “a room “I know that, once word is out in NYC about ing him.
I came upon a conga line of six somewhere.” Now, she’s got a suite. these great new actor digs, Riverside Theatre will
northbound cars – nose to tail in be an even more coveted gig than it already is!” Rendell’s current contract ex-
the left lane – with all but the last The cast of Riverside Theatre’s current main- pires June 30, 2020 and the board
one having been rear-ended in a stage show, “My Fair Lady,” are the first to stay in The 60-suite hotel will relieve Riverside of hav- has until the end of July to decide
chain-reaction crash. Riverside’s new actors’ housing facility, the Star ing to find – and pay for – some 10,000 nights a year whether it will extend his term of
Suites, which opened this month near Historic of hotel rooms or apartments for visiting cast and employment.
All I could do was shake my Dodgertown. “Riverside Theatre has done some- crew. It also will generate a steady stream of rev-
head. Clearly, somebody wasn’t thing completely new and, as far as I know, un- Tallahassee-based attorney
paying attention. Several some- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 H.B. Stivers, who represents Ren-
bodies, actually. dell, sent a letter dated March 20
notifying the School Board that
There was the driver who he has been “retained to advise
braked suddenly to turn left into and assist Dr. Rendell concerning
the Publix shopping center. Then the terms and conditions of his
there were the five other drivers employment with the district.”
who either were following too
closely for the speeds they were “It appears that the terms and
traveling, or they weren’t focused conditions of his employment
on what was happening in front of has been a ‘hot topic’ of conversa-
them. tion by board members amongst
themselves as well as with third
Based on all the careless, aggres- parties,” Stivers wrote in the let-
sive and distracted driving I wit- ter. “During the representation of
ness each day as I cruise through our client, it will be necessary for
our community, it was probably us to be included on any and all
some combination of the two. communications, whether those
are directly to us or that we are
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 copied on, that concern or oth-
erwise relate to Dr. Rendell’s em-
NEWS 1-5 PETS 10 UNDERCUT DEFENSE Board Chairman Laura Zorc
DINING B8 denied that the board has met
HEALTH 6 GAMES B13 privately or discussed Rendell’s
CALENDAR B16 contract privately among them-
REAL ESTATE 11 selves – which could be a viola-
B1 tion of the state’s Open Meetings
ARTS Act, commonly called the Sun-
shine Law.
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
For circulation or where to pick up Zorc placed Stivers’ letter on
your issue call: 772-226-7925 the agenda for discussion during
the board’s March 26 business
Accused murderer Henry Lee Jones ap- Henry Lee Jones appears in court last week. PHOTO: KAILA JONES meeting, which was open to the
pears to have inadvertently undermined his
own defense while serving as his own lawyer CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
and preparing for a retrial of his 2014 convic-
tion for the slaying of Brian Simpson in his
Central Beach home.

In a pretrial motion filed last year – intend-


© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE to stop distracted drivers they see engaging if I’m next to them, I’ll motion to them that traffic accidents.
in that activity. Right now, drivers can be they should stop, and most times it works.” Hollingsworth said the number of mo-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cited for texting and driving only if they are
stopped for some other offense. But for how long? tor-vehicle accidents in the county are up
Whatever the cause, the scene was a snap- While some people use smart-phone noticeably from 10 years ago, but, based on
shot of the perfect storm of circumstances “Distracted driving is certainly a big apps that immediately respond to incom- statistics provided by the University of Flor-
for traffic accidents in the Vero Beach area, thing, and there are a lot of crashes where ing texts with messages saying the person is ida’s “Signal Four Analytics,” they haven’t
according to Indian River County Traffic En- we suspect texting-and-driving but can’t driving and can’t communicate at that time, risen much the past three years and actually
gineer Janie Hollingsworth. prove it,” Sheriff’s Maj. Eric Flowers said. too many others – for business or personal dropped slightly in 2018.
“Texting-and-driving is against the law, but reasons – prefer to multitask.
Not only did this particular crash occur you almost need to have somebody admit “Distracted driving isn’t only cellphones,” However, comparing the period from Jan.
in the middle of March, the month that pro- they were doing it to cite them, because it’s said Lt. Alvaro Feola, spokesman for the 21 to Feb. 21 in 2018 to the same month in
duces the highest number of motor-vehicle only a secondary offense – like not using FHP’s Fort Pierce-based Troop L, which 2019, the number of accidents increased
accidents, but it also happened during the seat belts was years ago. serves our area. “It can be drivers adjusting from 226 to 251, according to Sheriff’s Office
lunch rush, the peak time for such incidents. their music, putting on makeup, shaving, statistics.
“We can’t pull someone over, even if we eating or just daydreaming. But the cell-
And then there’s this: Rear-end crashes see them texting or reading messages on phone has become a major distraction.” Also, statistics provided by the Vero
rank No. 1 among the types of motor-vehi- their phone,” he added. “And the way the Even if the Legislature acts, both Flowers Beach Police Department – for the period
cle accidents here. law reads now, if they’re using their phones and Martin said tougher laws might not be from Jan. 1 through March 21 – revealed an
as a GPS or they’re on Facebook, it’s not tex- enough to change drivers’ behavior. They’d increase in calls for service for car crashes
That should surprise no one who spends ting-and-driving. also like to see phone manufacturers create in the city from 357 in 2018 to 388 this year.
any time on our roadways, where traffic devices that disable texting when vehicles
volume continues to increase – especially “We need the Legislature to give the law are in motion. That makes sense, given all the people
during our busy season, which brings more more teeth and allow law enforcement to However, Martin fears that won’t happen who flock to the city’s commercial areas, es-
seasonal residents and vacationers to town get more information. Until that happens, until lawsuits are filed against the phone pecially during the midday hours, particu-
– and distracted driving becomes a greater there’s not much we can do to stop it.” manufacturers, possibly by the parents of larly during our busy season.
threat to public safety. teenagers killed in car crashes caused by
Usually, drivers in Florida are cited for texting-and-driving. “That’s probably what Fact is, this community brings together
Local law-enforcement officers, in- texting-and-driving only when involved in it’s going to take,” he said. drivers who are seniors, teenagers, working
cluding this area’s Florida Highway Patrol crashes resulting in major damage, serious Certainly, newer vehicles equipped with folks, seasonal residents and out-of-town
troopers, say they see too much distract- bodily injury or death, Flowers said, adding sensors and auto-braking should help. But vacationers. They drive for different rea-
ed driving, particularly through the use of that this state, unlike some others, doesn’t something more needs to be done – and sons, and they have different driving habits.
smartphones. They say it’s a growing prob- require hands-free use of mobile phones. soon. Whether you’re driving around town
lem, one that contributes to more traffic or scanning local social-media sites, such Too often, they’re all on the road at the
accidents than anyone knows, because it’s Not that law enforcement officers can’t as Facebook’s increasingly popular “Vero same time – some of them braking sudden-
difficult to prove and rarely cited as a cause. discourage texting-and-driving when they Beach Eyes and Ears Neighborhood Cyber ly, following too closely, turning without
see it. Watch” page, you’re seeing far too many signaling, drifting into another lane, driving
They also say the matter should be ad- aggressively and speeding. Too many are
dressed by the Florida Legislature, which “If I’m driving in my car and I see some- distracted, too often by their phones.
needs to make texting-and-driving a “pri- one texting or holding their phone in front
mary offense,” which would allow officers of their face, I can’t pull them over,” Vero “Everybody needs to be aware of their
Beach Police Capt. Kevin Martin said. “But surroundings, know where they’re going
and concentrate on driving,” Martin said. 



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS March 29, 2019 3

JONES UNDERCUT OWN DEFENSE Naumann asked Circuit Court Judge Dan- tence when the Fourth District Court of Jones’ effort to serve as his own coun-
iel Vaughn during a March 20 hearing to Appeals in 2017 overturned his convic- sel did not go well, and in December 2018
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 wipe Jones’ self-incriminating statement tion. he was back in court asking for legal as-
from court records, and so keep it from sistance. At that time, Judge Cox agreed to
ed to show that the killing of Simpson being entered as evidence during trial. Justices ruled a new trial was warrant- appoint a new public defender to repre-
during a botched burglary was not pre- ed because Jones’ public defender was sent him.
meditated and thus could not be first-de- Vaughn has not yet ruled on Naumann’s not allowed to question potential jurors
gree murder – Jones stated: request, but he reminded the public de- about racial prejudice or bias. Jones is Af- Cox noted in her Dec. 20 judgment that
fender that Jones was made aware of the rican-American; Simpson was white. although it was Jones’ decision to repre-
“When the victim returned home, the possible consequences when he decided sent himself, it was clear that he didn’t
defendants attempted to retreat through to serve as his own counsel. According to testimony at his first trial, know what he was doing. She stated that
the bathroom window. The victim initiat- Jones shot Simpson through a bathroom his actions were so detrimental to his
ed an attack which prevented the defen- “Mr. Jones chose to represent himself,” door after he and an associate got caught own case that the court would be denying
dants from leaving. This led to the victim’s Vaughn said. “He could have argued dif- inside Simpson’s Fiddlewood Road house him a fair trial by allowing him to contin-
death.” ferently to have [the first-degree murder when Simpson came home unexpectedly. ue serving as his own counsel.
charge] dismissed, but didn’t.”
This misstep – which comes close to In March 2018, when Circuit Court State attorneys and Jones’ public de-
an admission of guilt – was one of several Naumann, and Assistant Public Defend- Judge Cynthia Cox turned down Jones’ re- fenders will be back in court Friday,
Jones made during an eight-month peri- er Alan Hunt, who’s also representing Jones, quest for a replacement public defender, March 29 with additional motions. 
od in 2018 when he insisted on serving as presented multiple motions on Jones’ be- he decided to represent himself.
his own legal counsel, and it could hand half at the hearing, including one allowing
state attorneys a golden opportunity to the defense to include seven questions re-
use Jones’ own words against him during lated to race on a questionnaire that will be
his upcoming April 8 retrial. sent to prospective jurors.

Assistant Public Defender Dorothy Vaughn approved that motion.
Jones, now 30, was serving a life sen-

SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT them to the board. As of March 22, only

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 one letter had been received by the

public. The issue of Rendell’s upcoming board.
evaluation and contract was broached
during a public discussion on March 12, Harvey Lee Jr., a teacher at Vero
when School Board member Jacqueline
Rosario informed other board members Beach Elementary, said in his letter to
that a decision on Rendell’s future with
the district needed to be taken by July the School Board that Rendell’s impact
31, 2019.
at the elementary school has been no-
“It was brought to my attention that
based on the second amend- ticeable.
ment to Dr. Rendell’s con-
tract . . . the board may by “The best word I could use to de-
majority vote [on or before
July 31] – decline to employee scribe Vero Beach Elementary when I
the superintendent beyond
June 2020,” Rosario said. joined the tribe just over three years ago

When other board mem- is ‘traumatized,’” Lee wrote.
bers asked Rosario if she
meant to say that the board “There were nine substitutes every
needs to decide whether to
renew or not renew Ren- day, over 1,000 discipline re-
dell’s contract beyond June
30, 2020, she repeated, “The board may ferrals, and broken relation-
by majority vote – decline to employ the
superintendent beyond June 2020.” ships between the school

Two other board members, who and our families.
asked not to be identified, said after the
meeting that they intend to vote against “Dr. Rendell refused to
renewing Rendell’s contract.
stand by to let this happen.
Rendell, whose annual salary is
$163,200, has faced mounting criticism In the middle of the school
by some board members and residents
unhappy with his management style, year, he changed the admin-
the district’s financial woes, poor stu-
dent test scores and low morale among istrative team, and the new
teachers and staff – concerns board
members repeated during the March 12 Mark principal brought me in to
meeting. Rendell. help support this transfor-
Besides hiring an attorney, Rendell
appears to be trying to rally any sup- Rendell’s tenure has been
porters he can find. According to sev-
eral teachers, Rendell has asked them plagued by numerous controversies,
to write letters of support and submit
including several audit discrepancies,

and an embarrassing investigation

by the state Department of Educa-

tion, which in January threatened to

withhold $1.8 million in transporta-

tion funds from the school district for

inflating the number of kids carried

to and from their classes each day by

school buses.

Other controversies included Ren-

dell’s disastrous attempt to fire teacher

Joe Nathaniel on charges that were re-

futed in a scathing ruling by Administra-

tive Law Judge John G. Van Laningham;

a cheating scandal at Vero Beach High

School that resulted in many students

who didn’t cheat losing valuable educa-

tional certifications; and the exodus of

teachers from troubled schools such as

Gifford Middle. 

4 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

RIVERSIDE’S STAR SUITES “skyrocketed” season after season, nearing time-consuming search for accommoda- the plan, Star Suites opened its doors to Eli-
half a million dollars a year. tions every season, McGowan observed, za Doolittle (aka Kristen Beth Williams) and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Riverside Theatre was pretty much in the the rest of the “My Fair Lady” cast and crew.
Facing those circumstances, Riverside’s hotel business anyway. The next step was Also currently in residence is the cast of the
enue for the theatre as rooms are rented to managing director and COO Jon Moses a major one – but it made sense. Producing Waxlax production, “Ghost Writer” and the
the public when not being used by actors, hatched the idea for a theatre-owned facil- Artistic Director/CEO Alan Cornell gave his cast of the next Main Stage musical, “Legally
directors and designers. ity. Moses brought his vision to McGowan blessing, the Board approved, and the proj- Blonde,” now in rehearsal.
and Heidi Waxlax, current Board of Trust- ect was a “go.”
As an Equity theater, Riverside is required ees president. CFO Patti Rooney joined the The two-story, 28,000-square-foot build-
to provide housing for its performers and brainstorming sessions, as did long-time McGowan was put in charge of fundrais- ing, which sits on a 4-acre parcel at 2550
other theater professionals, many of whom Riverside supporter and hotelier Keith Kite ing – which didn’t turn out to be too diffi- Flight Safety Drive purchased from the Los
come here from New York to entertain Vero of Kite Properties LLC, who owns and op- cult. He said donors loved the concept and Angeles Dodgers for $600,000 in 2017, was
Beach audiences. erates Springhill Suites and Hampton Inn opened their pocketbooks to prove it. While designed by hospitality industry experts
in Vero along with other successful hotels. the final cost figures have not yet been cal- LLW Architects Inc., of Memphis, and built
Ray McGowan, long-time Riverside Kite, who will manage the property, brought culated, Star Suites is already paid for. by Proctor Construction.
Board of Trustees member and the proj- invaluable knowledge regarding capital and
ect’s board liaison, said finding all those ac- operating costs. “It should come in at around $9 or $10 The design and décor are sleek and mod-
commodations had grown more and more million,” McGowan says. ern and, at the same time, welcoming. Each
burdensome for theater staff while the cost Given the frustrating, costly and of the 60 one-bedroom, 500-square-foot
A year and a half after the board approved suites faces a palm-edged courtyard where
lawn chairs are abundant, already a favorite
gathering place. The suites share a single
floor plan and interior design that includes
a blue/gray palette, gray wood-look floor-
ing, quartz countertops, dark cabinetry and
recessed lighting.

The front room accommodates a seating/
dining area with fold-out sofa bed and 43-
inch flat-screen Smart TV wall unit. The full
kitchen includes disposal, full-size fridge,
convection oven, cook top and microwave,
and comes completely outfitted, down to
the pots, pans and silverware.

Bathrooms feature large glass showers
and the bedrooms have big closets and
built-in king-size beds, individual reading
lights, and a second flat-screen TV. Each
suite has two independently controlled air
conditioning units, and its own “theme,” in
the form of large, strategically placed color
photos from Riverside’s hit shows. Eight of
the units have connecting doors for addi-
tional flexibility.

The light-filled lobby/reception area of-
fers stylish seating. Guests have access to a
washer/dryer laundry room, exercise room,
wi-fi station, swimming pool, and a spa-
cious terrace for large gatherings.

And what do the “stars” think of all this
effort on their behalf?

Williams, who is sharing her suite with
husband and co-star James Ludwig (Henry
Higgins) and their little son, says it’s won-
derful. “I have seen very few theatres take on
a project of this magnitude that is mostly for
the benefit of the actors. I applaud Riverside
for their dedication to improve the quality of
life of the artists they employ.”

“I’ve worked with regional theaters all over
the country and can honestly say that Star
Suites is the best accommodations I have
ever come across,” says Robin Abramson,
who plays Myra in “Ghost Writer.”

“The rooms are bright, clean, and quiet.
The staff is friendly and eager to help. I have
been sitting by the pool working on lines
and marveling at how lucky I am.”

Building a full-service, extended stay
hotel just a short drive from the theater,
giving each visiting artist a private effi-
ciency apartment, is the best of all possible
worlds, in Beaman’s opinion.

“This is a great business model for other
theaters to follow, and a true innovation,”
he said. 

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6 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

There’s help for cancer patients facing financial strain

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer X-ray showed a tumor and that triggered
[email protected] an instant response from Florida Cancer
Specialists oncologist Dr. Raul Storey.
Gigi Garcia of Vero Beach has been
battling colon cancer for four long years, She went through a multipart thera-
but she remembers the day she got her py that included surgery, radiation and
diagnosis like it was yesterday. chemotherapy that got rid of her tumor.

“Since my mother and my grand- “Now we’re just monitoring her,” says
mother had both died of cancer,” Gar- Storey. “We do a scan every so often
cia recounts, “I kind of felt like my day to monitor the disease to make sure it
might have come. I hate to say that, but doesn’t come back.”
it’s true. I felt like a sitting duck.
Asked what Garcia’s prognosis is now,
“I actually went to the hospital to get Storey flashes two thumbs up.
my hip X-rayed,” Garcia said, but that
But, besides the exhausting and de-

Dr. Raul Storey and Gigi Garcia.


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH March 29,2019 7

Asked if the foundation’s application
process was difficult or if she’d needed
help to complete it, Garcia smiles and
says, “No. I did it on my phone.”

Thanks to the FCS Foundation, Gar-
cia’s lights stayed on throughout her
four-year ordeal.

For more information, or to apply for
assistance, donate or find volunteer op-
portunities with the Florida Cancer Spe-
cialists Foundation, visit www.founda- or call 941-677-7181.

Dr. Raul Storey is an oncologist and
hematologist at the Vero Beach Florida
Cancer Specialists office at 3730 7th Ter-
rance, Suite 101. The phone number is
772-567-2332. 

bilitating ordeal of surgery, radiation Citing a major study by the Fred
treatments and chemo, Garcia also faced Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle,
another daunting problem – how to stay AARP says “not only are cancer patients
afloat financially while dealing with her two-and-a-half times more likely to de-
expensive and potentially deadly disease. clare bankruptcy than healthy people,
but those patients who do go bankrupt
As the Duke University Cancer Center are 80 percent more likely to die from
says, the “financial toxicity” of cancer the disease than other cancer patients.”
treatments impacts patients not only
because of the cost of their care but also Fortunately for Garcia, she picked up
because it can substantially restrict their a flyer in Storey’s office about the FCS
ability to pay for the essentials of every- Foundation.
day life, including keeping a roof over
their heads or just keeping the lights on. The Florida nonprofit foundation – an
offshoot of the statewide Florida Cancer
The National Institutes of Health Specialists oncology/hematology prac-
agrees. It says the kind of financial tice, which employs more than 230 phy-
stress that can come along with a can- sicians at nearly 100 locations – helps can-
cer diagnosis is “devastating” and can cer patients pay their non-medical bills,
lead to “clinical levels of depression and such as rent, mortgage, utility bills and
severe levels of anxiety” for patients as car payments, allowing them to focus ex-
well as their family members. clusively on their treatment and recovery.

The financial strain can be so severe Formed in 2011, according to exec-
that “nearly half of all cancer patients utive director, Lynn Rasys, the foun-
don’t adhere to their treatment regi- dation’s operating and administrative
mens because of money problems,” ac- expenses are paid by FCS physicians
cording to Forbes Magazine. and surgeons, which means the monies
raised by the foundation go directly to
AARP, the nation’s largest nonprof- help Florida cancer patients.
it organization, asks, “If you are diag-
nosed with cancer, which expert should As of this year, some $8 million has
you see first? A medical specialist or a been paid-out statewide to assist pa-
money manager?” tients with non-medical expenses
during cancer treatment.
Their answer might surprise you.
“Option two,” says the 38 million-strong In just the tri-county area of Indian Riv-
advocacy group, “might give you the best er, Brevard and St. Lucie, the FCS Foun-
hope for surviving the disease with your dation has already paid out more than
health – and your wallet – intact.” $200,000 on patients’ behalf so far in 2019.

8 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR

Painful kidney stones afflict
about 1M in U.S. each year

By Fred Cicetti | Columnist from the blood and convert it to urine. They
have other functions, too, that affect blood.
Q. I’ve heard the worst pain you can experi-
ence is from passing a kidney stone. True? The most common symptom of a kidney
stone is severe pain that usually starts in the
I had a friend who served in the Royal Air back or side just below the ribs. The pain may
Force in World War II. On a bombing run over spread to the lower abdomen, groin and gen-
Germany, his co-pilot started to pass a kid- itals if the stone moves down a ureter toward
ney stone. The pain was so bad that the poor your bladder. Other symptoms include blood
guy wanted to jump out of the plane. He had in the urine, nausea and vomiting, constant
to be knocked unconscious. need to urinate, and fever.

Kidney stones have been inflicting ex- There are various treatments for kidney
treme pain for at least 7,000 years; evidence stones. Taking a painkiller and drinking a lot
of them was found in an Egyptian mummy. of water with increased physical activity can
work. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotrip-
In the U.S., there are about 1 million cas- sy (ESWL) uses shock waves to break up the
es of kidney stones each year and the num- stone. If the stone is very large, surgery may
ber of people in the United States with kid- be needed. Medication or dietary changes
ney stones has been increasing inexplicably may be prescribed to prevent more stones.
over the last three decades. Stones occur
more frequently in men. And the frequency Medications known as alpha blockers are
increases with age. used to help you pass a kidney stone. These
drugs relax muscles in your ureter.
Kidney stones are composed of crystals of
substances in urine. Many small stones pass Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a proce-
unnoticed from the two kidneys down the dure to remove a kidney stone. The surgeon
tubes (ureters) leading to the bladder. But, if uses instruments inserted through a small
they are too large to pass, you may feel pain. incision in your back.

The crystals that make up stones are likely To remove small stones, a doctor may run a
to form when your urine contains a high level thin lighted tube with a camera through your
of certain substances. Crystals also may form urethra and bladder to get to the ureter. Then
if your urine becomes too concentrated. surgical tools are used to remove the stone.

Kidney stones can be caused by heredi- If you don’t drink enough fluids, your
ty, diet, drugs, climate, infection and other urine can become more concentrated and
conditions that create an increased con- that can lead to stone formation.
centration of calcium oxalate and uric acid
in the urine. Here are a few tips for reducing the chanc-
es of getting a stone:
There are four primary types of stones.
Calcium stones are the most common; about • Drink about six glasses of water daily.
80 percent of kidney stones are composed When it gets hot, try to drink twice as much.
of calcium. Struvite stones usually occur
in women and are almost always caused by • Cut down on meat in your diet.
urinary tract infections. Uric acid stones can • Reduce your salt intake. Remember, most
develop from a high-protein diet. Cystine of the salt you eat is in prepared foods, not the
stones are caused by a hereditary disorder. shaker on your table.
• Drink decaffeinated beverages because
Kidneys are located below the ribs toward caffeine can dehydrate you.
the middle of the back. They’re shaped like • Lemons inhibit kidney stones, so try
beans and they’re about the size of your fist. to incorporate them in your food and
The kidneys remove excess water and waste beverages. 

10 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz meets best buds (big) Bear and (bitsy) Boss

Hi Dog Buddies! PHOTO: KAILA JONES Bear & Boss “Three anna HALF,” corrected Boss
firmly. “Three anna HALF pounds!”
This week I hadda fun innerview with a we’ll just move down PERM-uh-nutly.’ mas Mom an Dad gave me the Best. Pres-
coupla “brothers,” Bear and Boss McNa- So we DID. Last October.” ent. Ever.” “Oops! Sorry!” said Bear with a grin
mee. Bear’s a 9-year-old, 80-pound Choc- anna wink, wrapping his mouth gently
olate Lab – an easygoing dude. Boss, on the Boss started bouncin’ around. “Oooo, “ME! I was Bear’s present!” said Boss, around Boss’ entire head.
other paw, is a joyful, bounce-y, leap-y Toy oooo, we’re getting’ to the part about ME. bouncing up-an-down.
Fox Terrier, weighing in at 3 pounds. An Be sure to write all this down, Mr. Bonzo! Boss kicked his legs gleefully. “Cool,
those EARS! If he didn’t have something to Okay?” “At first, though,” Bear said, “I was like huh?” he said, popping up an nibblin’
hold him down, I’m preddy sure a big gust ‘Seriously? What IS this scrawny liddle tid- Bear’s nose.
of wind would just blow him right down “Absolutely, Boss,” I assured him. “K-9’s bit?’ I didn’t know whether to play with it
the street. Honor!” or have it for lunch. So I did some Initial “Woof!” I exclaimed. Then, “So, how
Grrring. But the liddle fluffmuffin just kept do you poocheroos like it down her so
As Official Spokespooch, Bear inner- “Anyhow, Mom an Dad read up on what puppyin’ all over the place. Truth be told, far?”
duced himself an Boss an their Mom, Di- kinda liddle dog’d be best for me. An they Bonz, he was just so goofy an likeable, an I
onne an Dad, Pat. “It’s great meeting you, found out that Toy Fox Terriers are sor- had been a liddle lonely.” “We love it,” said Bear. “’Specially
Bonz. Love your work. There sure are some ta modified regular Smooth Fox Terriers, the beach. An the pool. I love swim-
innersting pooches down here. We just mixed with a liddle Chihuahua an a liddle Boss punk-chew-waited Bear’s words by ming.’ Boss, not so much.”
moved from Vur-GIN-yuh last fall, an we’ve Italian Greyhound.” bouncing right on top of him. They rolled
already made a buncha cool poocheroo around on the floor, making playful, rol- “I love baths, though,” declared
frens.” “I wanna tell this part,” innerupted Boss. lin’-around noises, Bear, amazingly, not Boss. “I get SINK baths cuz I’m Sink
“See, so, us Toy Fox Terriers usta keep rats squashing his tiny liddle brother. Size.”
“Thanks, Bear,” I replied. “You’re right outta farmers’ barns. I don’t like to talk
about that. The dogs around here are tops! about how, though. Uck! An some of us are “I’m all grown up now,” Boss said, pull- “We’ve got lotsa pooch pals,” Bear
So, how’d you an Boss an your Forever also circus dogs, cuzza bein’ so smart. But ing Bear’s ear. continued. “On Christmas I played
Mom an Dad find each other?” the main reason Mom an Dad decided on with our human brother Mike’s Cavachon,
my breed is cuzza us bein’ loyal, loving, de- “If you call 3 pounds grown up,” Bear re- Holly. Boss didn’t cuz Holly’s Very Energet-
“Well, back in Vur-GIN-yuh, Mom an voted, playful and really good lap sitters. plied, nose-bumping his liddle bro. ic. We see Costa an Oakley (they’re Yellow
Dad hadda sweet Black Lab named Glory, PLUS, we are happy in any in-VIRE-mutt. Labs), Reggie (he’s a Wheaton Terrier), and
an they decided to get her a liddle broth- DON’T BE SHY Smedley, a black puppy, on our walks. An I
er, which ended up bein’ ME. I joined the “So they found a place in North Carolina play in the back yard, but Boss doesn’t.
famly in 2010, when I was just an 8-week- with a litter coming any minute. They got We are always looking for pets “Since I’m the Handy Snack Size, I can’t
old fluffball. Right from the start, Glory to pick out their puppy from online video with interesting stories. play in the yard with Bear, cuzza Hawks,
was a great Big Sister. Taught me lotsa Ba- an they picked the smallest pooch with the Owls an Bobcats,” said Boss. “So I stay on
sic Pooch Stuff. Sorta like another Mama. biggest personality – ME – the runt of the To set up an interview, email the pool deck.”
Then, three years ago, she went to Dog litter.” [email protected]. “I guess I should admit,” admitted Bear,
Heaven. I missed her So Much. “I am a Chewer. You know, The Usual: sun-
“So,” Bear took up the tail, “last Christ- glasses, shoes, the remote. An, um, also, I
“During my Only Dog Years, me an Mom might, on occasion, nab Mom an Dad’s
an Dad did a lotta TRAVlin.’ I’ve seen the food, like, last year, I ate Dad’s birthday
Brooklyn Bridge; Chicago; Washington, cake. It was Carrot Cake. Delicious! An
D.C. (I think that stands for Dog City); healthy! (Carrots are veg-tubbles, you
Bourbon Street; an North Carolina, to visit know.) An then there was the Pork Loin Ad-
my human sister, Beth. She’s Cool Kibbles! venture.”
“Oooo, I remember that one!” Boss add-
“Then me an Mom an Dad moved to a ed helpfully.
condo. They’d been thinkin’ about getting’ I was smilin’ all the way home, think-
another pooch to help me feel bedder, but ing of those two brothers an Best Frens:
the condo had an Only One Dog rool. Since a gentle, patient, 80-pound Big Brother,
we’d spent some winters down her an liked anna bouncy, 3-(anna HALF)-pound lid-
it, Mom an Dad decided ‘What the woof, dle brother.

The Bonz

Vero Beach’s oldest house is
being saved by its new owner



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12 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Vero’s oldest house is being saved by its new owner

By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer Gifford’s wife, Sarah, a student of Italian look, and reinforcing the foundation, tying it was the project for them. “When I saw
[email protected] and Latin, gave the area its name – Vero – the house to concrete pads. the look on my daughter’s face – that was
Latin for “in truth” or “speak truth.” it,” Madi-Shalhoub said.
People driving east on 20th Street – The renovation is being done by Chris-
Route 60 – this winter likely have noticed Over the years, the building served as topher Dales, owner of Coast to Coast The family bought the property in a
work underway on a big, dilapidated the area’s first post office, established in Builders of Florida. heartbeat – and then it sat for a year while
frame house at 9th Avenue, a few blocks 1891, the first general store and as a rail- they figured out what they were going to
west of U.S. 1. road ticket office. Madi-Shalhoub tasked Dales with sal- do with it.
vaging as much as possible of the histor-


The bulky two-story building and a Current owner Hala Madi-Shalhoub ic home and using similar materials and “All I knew was, I’m going to save it,”
smaller house that sits behind it are not ar- bought the .35-acre property for $119,000 style for things that must be replaced. Madi-Shalhoub said, even after walking
chitecturally distinguished, but they have in late 2016 and is now fixing up the histor- inside to find an absolute mess. The inte-
an undeniable charm, even in disrepair, ic buildings with plans to move her fami- “This is a very personal project for me,” rior was in ruins with bathroom floors rot-
and an amazing history. ly into the main house. Longer term, she said Madi-Shalhoub, who found the house ted and eaten away by moisture.
hopes to open a bed and breakfast. when she and her daughter, Mayssa-Rae,
Known to many as the Gifford House, were scouting old homes in the area – A large bee colony discovered in the
the main residence is the oldest house in Plans call for new metal roofs on the looking for something they could renovate smaller house was relocated to Fellsmere.
Vero Beach, built by Henry Gifford on his buildings, repairing and replacing the sid- and breathe new life into. The family retrieved five gallons of honey,
160-acre homestead in 1887, more than 30 ing, and repairing the windows and doors. which has been stored in numerous ma-
years before the city was founded. Accord- Workers are also adding a porch to the When they zeroed in on the Gifford son jars. “It’s delicious!” Madi-Shalhoub
ing to County Historian Ruth Stanbridge, smaller house, in keeping with its original House, they didn’t know anything about said.
the history of the building, but they knew

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 29, 2019 13

“There’s so much charm, but so much lized by summer. The larger house isn’t in
disaster,” she said of the property. as bad a shape and could be done sooner.

Estimates to fix up the homes up com- After learning the history of the prop-
pletely were “astronomical” and beyond erty from Stanbridge, Madi-Shalhoub
the family’s means, so they’ve opted to decided she wants to pay homage to the
harden the buildings – make them air and Giffords once the houses are restored. The
water tight so they can be insured – to entryway of the main house has the feel of
start. a hotel lobby, she said, flanked with two
walls. She wants one wall to have memo-
“At least it won’t fall apart,” Madi-Shal- rabilia pertaining to the Gifford family. The
houb said. other wall would represent her family.

The main house is approximately 1,736 “This is going to be a legacy,” her son
square feet, not counting the 220-square- told her. “It’s priceless.”
foot open porch. The smaller house is
about 864 square feet. Both buildings are Stanbridge said the Gifford house once
two stories, though the main house has a stood where the 2001 building stands to-
spacious attic with enough headroom that day and was relocated less than 1,000 feet
it could be finished as a third level. within the homestead – which extended
from where the East Coast Florida Railroad
“The outside is coming along,” Ma- tracks are today to the lagoon – to make
di-Shalhoub said, noting that the exterior


is her primary focus for now. Colors and use. It is zoned Professional Office and In- The process would include public way for construction of what is now called
other details are still being determined but stitutional. Single-family dwellings are per- hearings before the Planning and De- the “Twin Pairs” of 20th Street, where
the main house will not be white as it cur- mitted but a lodging establishment is not. velopment Department as well as City Route 60 splits into separate east-bound
rently is. Council. and west-bound roadways. The house and
In an email to Vero Beach 32963, Jef- homestead pre-date the railroad.
“I have all these ideas – I don’t know fries wrote that getting the site rezoned Madi-Shalhoub said she’s not con-
[exactly what the finished design will look “would be a several-month process, re- cerned – yet – about the property’s zoning. The house survived re-location and has
like],” she said. quiring an application to the city’s plan- She said it’s possible the zoning could be weathered every tropical storm that blew
ning department. Applicant would need to changed with time and the “right crusade.” in during the past 130 years, including the
She would like to open a bed and break- submit a site plan supporting a change of hurricanes in 2004 and 2005, and now is
fast at some point, but zoning could be a use. Bed and Breakfast is categorized as a In the meantime, she’s planning on getting a new lease on life, a continuation
problem. ‘guest/transient use.’ Site plan would need moving her family to the Gifford house of its long story.
to show a parking lot and landscaping and and using the smaller house for guests
Vero Beach Planning and Development other such site improvements.” when the buildings are fully renovated. “These old houses are so tough,” Stand-
Director Jason Jeffries said the property’s She hopes the smaller house will be stabi- bridge said. 
underlying land use designation is mixed-


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14 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



A solid week of real estate activity on the mainland saw 36 transactions of single-family residenc-
es and lots reported from March 16-22 (some shown below).

The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the home at 410 Sapphire Way – first listed in
September for $665,440 – sold for $660,000 on March 16.

Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Geof Hoge of the GHO Homes Agency


VERO BEACH 410 SAPPHIRE WAY 9/2/2018 $665,440 3/16/2019 $515,000
VERO BEACH 740 SUMMERWOOD LN SW 1/8/2019 $559,000 3/20/2019 $500,000
VERO BEACH 2512 CORDOVA AVE 1/28/2019 $825,000 3/18/2019 $482,500
SEBASTIAN 783 HOLDEN AVE 1/17/2019 $487,500 3/18/2019 $427,900
SEBASTIAN 108 BLUE HERON WAY 2/16/2018 $417,000 3/22/2019 $370,000
SEBASTIAN 730 N FISCHER CIR 10/15/2018 $385,000 3/22/2019 $368,280
VERO BEACH 400 11TH SQR SW 9/23/2018 $369,115 3/21/2019 $360,000
VERO BEACH 4745 56TH PL 12/13/2018 $385,000 3/18/2019 $345,000
VERO BEACH 3011 GOLFVIEW DR 11/17/2018 $400,000 3/19/2019 $327,500
SEBASTIAN 780 GOSSAMER WING WAY 1/19/2019 $334,000 3/18/2019 $325,000
VERO BEACH 4228 ABINGTON WOODS CIR 2/6/2019 $329,900 3/18/2019 $308,000
VERO BEACH 1605 BASELINE DR 9/7/2018 $328,500 3/18/2019 $287,500
VERO BEACH 6368 LENNOX LN 12/15/2018 $298,000 3/20/2019 $285,000
SEBASTIAN 934 GREENBRIER AVE 3/4/2019 $285,000 3/21/2019

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 29, 2019 15


740 Summerwood Ln SW, Vero Beach 2512 Cordova Ave, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 1/8/2019 Listing Date: 1/28/2019
Original Price: $559,000 Original Price: $825,000
Sold: 3/20/2019 Sold: 3/18/2019
Selling Price: $515,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Peggy Hewett Listing Agent: Colleen Lafferty

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: The Lafferty Group RE

Peggy Hewett Colleen Lafferty

Berkshire Hathaway Florida The Lafferty Group RE

783 Holden Ave, Sebastian 108 Blue Heron Way, Sebastian

Listing Date: 1/17/2019 Listing Date: 2/16/2018
Original Price: $487,500 Original Price: $417,000
Sold: 3/18/2019 Sold: 3/22/2019
Selling Price: $482,500 Selling Price: $427,900
Listing Agent: David Gagnon Listing Agent: Joe Robinson

Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Laurel Agency, Inc.

NOT PROVIDED Albert Alvarez


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Coming Up!

A ‘MAESTRA’ CLASS Virtuosi reality: ‘Rising Stars’ Adam Schnell.
TO CLOSE OUT THIS shine in opera competition PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 From Buffalo with music: The
Buffalo Philharmonic Or-
chestra will conclude Indian River
Symphonic Association’s 2019 Fes-
tival of Orchestras season in great
style, an evening of pure, lush ro-
mance under the baton of a Vero
favorite, Maestra JoAnn Falletta,
next Thursday, April 4, at Commu-
nity Church of Vero Beach. Fallet-
ta is music director of the Buffalo
Philharmonic and the Virginia
Symphony Orchestra, and princi-
pal guest conductor of the Brevard
Music Center. Says her biography,
no less than the Washington Post
has lavished high praise on Fall-
etta, describing her technique as
having “Toscanini’s tight control
over ensemble, Walter’s affection-
ate balancing of inner voices, Sto-
kowski’s gutsy showmanship, and
a controlled frenzy worthy of Ber-
nstein.” Wow. You’ll hear pieces
from Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Ju-
liet,” the exotic “Overture to Prince


B2 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Virtuosi reality: ‘Rising Stars’ shine in opera competition

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer productions to its sophisticated local audi-
[email protected] ence, but also encourages promising young
talent through training opportunities, career
It was a fabulous finale to the 2019 Vero assistance and financial support.
Beach Opera season: An evening filled to
the brim with elegance, sparkle and glorious To that end, theVBO has hosted five interna-
music – featuring not one but two Metropol- tional vocal competitions: the Marcello Gior-
itan Opera divas – capped off the VBO Rising dani Foundation Competitions in 2013, 2014
Stars Vocal Competition with a concert at and 2015; and the Deborah Voigt/VBO Foun-
the Vero Beach High School Performing Arts dation Competitions in 2016 and 2018, each
Center last Friday. offering a $10,000 first prize. In large part due
to the impressive network of contacts Roman
Currently celebrating its 30th year, the in- Ortega-Cowan, VBO artistic director, has built
ternationally recognizedVero Beach Opera not over the years, the organization enjoys strong,
only brings excellent, professionally-oriented

Accompanist Jared Peroune with contestants Anush Avetisyan, Matthew White, Megan Marino and David

Pershall at the Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center. PHOTOS: KAILA JONES

FIrst place winner Ethan Simpson with Kevin Ray, Madison Marie McIntosh, Laura León, Julie Miller, Anne
Maguire, and Robyn Marie Lamp.

supportive relationships with tenor Giordani a story to tell, and a couple of the contestants
and dramatic soprano Voight, globally ac- shared a little about their musical journeys.
claimed stars who have sung leading roles in
opera houses throughout Europe and the U.S. Mezzo soprano Madison Marie McIntosh
says her childhood home in Palm Beach Coun-
Invited to compete in this year’s Rising Stars ty was perpetually filled with music, from the
Competition were finalists who did not win Beatles to classical – including opera. Even as a
the top prize in the previous five competitions. little sprout at age 6, singing and playing about
They would be judged by a truly distinguished the house, she was drawn to Pavarotti, Beverly
jury: Voigt; Eva Franchi, widow of the late Ser- Sills and Charlotte Church. So much so that if
gio Franchi, an Italian-American tenor, actor anyone attempted to change the music, she let
and founder of the Sergio Franchi Music Foun- them know she disapproved.
dation; and Ortega-Cowan. On the Wednes-
day before the competition began, the young “My enthusiasm was impressive,” she
singers were thrilled to also attend a Master laughs. McIntosh participated in children’s
Class conducted by Voigt. musical theatre, studied piano and violin,
“sang for fun,” and began voice lessons at
From a field of 14 (including a soprano age 10. She saw her very first live opera, “The
from China), eight finalists took the stage the Barber of Seville,” then as well, and thought
afternoon before the Friday evening Rising it “spectacular.” Then, at 13, “I was lucky
Stars Concert – two sopranos, two mezzo enough” to be accepted as a student of the leg-
sopranos, a baritone and a tenor. Each sang endary soprano Virginia Zeani.
a final two selections, and each had brought
his or her “A” game. Opera has been her life ever since. McIntosh
has performed numerous roles over the years
Complete silence was required of the au- and has participated in the Accademia Rossin-
dience, and the deafening silence that fol- iana in Italy. She performed the role of Delia in
lowed each applause-worthy aria felt weird the Rossini Opera Festival’s production of “Il
in the extreme, as the judges studiously, and viaggio a Reims,” and later this year she’ll per-
with little discernible expression, did their form the title role in “Carmen” with the Hud-
job. The winners would be announced at son Opera Theatre.
the evening concert.
Music has always been a part of Ethan
Each of these eight aspiring, young operatic Simpson’s life and, although no one else in his
singers had come to this time and place with family was musical, he always had their sup-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 29,2019 B3

port. The baritone and actor grew up in Kansas Deborah Voigt, Roman Ortega-Cowan and Eva Franchi. audience didn’t have to be silent.
City, Mo., where he sang in his church choir, Simpson led off with the dramatic, emo-
began playing piano at age 6 and started gui- Beach Opera, internationally acclaimed, dra-
tar lessons in fourth grade. Now a fourth-year matic soprano Susan Neves, who delighted tional “O Carlo, ascolta” from Verdi’s “Don
resident artist at the Academy of Vocal Arts in the opera-loving audience with “Mattinata” Carlo.” Leon delighted with the hilarious and
Philadelphia, Simpson has already garnered by Leoncavallo and “Io son l’Umile ancella” vocally dizzying “Glitter and Be Gay” from
numerous awards and honors. from Cilea’s “Adriana Lecouvreur.” “Candide” by Bernstein. And Miller performed
the heartbreaking “Se Romeo t’uccise ... La
Simpson’s repertoire includes such juicy The lights dimmed for the second half as tremenda ultrice spada” from Bellini’s” I Cap-
roles as Count di Luna in “Il Trovatore,” the De- the finalists took the stage for “the moment uleti e i Montecchi.”
mon in “Rigoletto” (which he calls his toughest we’ve all been waiting for.” $1,000 Encour-
role so far) and the title role in “Don Giovanni.” agement Awards went to Robyn Lamp, Anne Everyone knows that, with the excep-
A favorite role he hasn’t sung yet? “I’d love to do Maguire, Madison Marie McIntosh, Kevin Ray tion of a cappela performances, singers are
Silvio (‘Pagliacci’).” Although Simpson is pas- and Christine Suits. (way) up a creek without a first-rate accom-
sionate about opera, he feels just as strongly panist. So the audience and the performers
about acting; both passions are crystal clear in Third place and $2,000 to mezzo soprano applauded lustily when accompanist ex-
his powerful operatic performances. Julie Miller; second place and $3,000 to so- traordinaire Jared Peroune was introduced.
prano Laura Leon; and first place and $5,000 His elegant grand piano was provided by At-
McIntosh and Simpson joined the other fi- to baritone Ethan Simpson. This stellar trio lantic Music Center. Corporate Sponsor was
nalists on Friday awaiting the announcement each performed an aria, and this time the Tocqueville Asset Management LP. 
of the Rising Star winners, set to take place
right after intermission.

The first half of the concert featured four
previous Giordani or Voigt competition first-
place winners, performing a diverse combi-
nation of arias, duets and quartets by Rossini,
Thomas, Offenbach, Puccini and Mascagni
– baritone David Pershall, 2013 winner, now
at The Met; mezzo soprano Megan Marino,
2014, also at The Met; soprano Anush Aveti-
syan, 2016 award winner; and tenor Matthew
White, 2018. Giordani had been scheduled to
join the Rising Stars in concert, performing a
couple of his audience favorites. However, he
was taken ill and couldn’t attend. Graciously
stepping in for the ailing baritone was anoth-
er Metropolitan Opera diva and friend of Vero

B4 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Ballet Vero’s ‘Comedy Tonight’: Wriggles and giggles

By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Camilo Rodriguez. Vero Beach founder/artistic director Adam
[email protected] Schnell have performed with “The Trocks,”
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE as it’s known in the world of dance.
There is no need to behave too much at the
ballet next weekend. In fact, go on and roar However, a big departure with the “Com-
with laughter – even if a dancer stumbles. edy Tonight” performances is that female
dancers are used as well.
That’s what the director and choreogra-
pher want you to do at “Comedy Tonight,” For example, in “Go for Barocco,” four fe-
the final season performances of Ballet Vero male ballerinas dance behind two male “bal-
Beach on April 5 and 6. lerinas” for comic effect. The simple storyline
concerns the two dreadful ballerinas (danced
“Audiences are absolutely going to love by men) who try to outdo each other.
this,” says choreographer and ballet master
Camilo Rodriguez. “All they have to know is “You get this crazy romp of four talented
they are allowed to laugh from the beginning.” female dancers and two ‘female’ dancers in
front,” said Schnell. “Immediately, within
The program comprises three comic bal- the first 15 seconds, the ballet starts to go
lets: “Go for Barocco,” with music by Bach wrong and unravel.”
and choreographed by Peter Anastos; “Hang
On, No Need to Be Lonely,” with music by The ballet was one of Anastos’ first and
Pink Martini and choreographed by Rodri- was created to skewer the neo-classical
guez; and “La Trovatiara pas de Cinq,” again style of George Balanchine, the legendary
choreographed by Anastos and set to music co-founder of the New York City Ballet.
by Verdi.
“People found (Balanchine’s) style cool
Each dance uses men dressed as balle- and clinical,” Schnell says. “Peter wanted
rinas, performing en pointe, with maybe to poke fun at it and made it robot and ma-
even a tutu or two. Anyone familiar with chine-like. Seasoned dance lovers will see
the famed Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte that. But for novice dancer-goers, it’s this
Carlo will understand immediately. amazing little story of what happens when
one thing is not like the other.”
It’s not surprising this comic conceit is
being used – Anastos was the founding In Anastos’ second ballet, “La Trovatiara
director and choreographer of that cele- Pas de Cinq,” the storyline concerns pirates,
brated group. Both Rodriguez and Ballet danced by strong females, and the tiny boy

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 29,2019 B5

‘I always knew
that comedy
would be a part
of what we do ...’
– Adam Schnell

Adam Schnell. kept suggesting no need to be lonely; there’s preciation of what not only Ballet Vero Beach And Ashton, who was with the Royal Bal-
always a bright day, maybe tomorrow.” is doing, but what our dancers can do.” let, created “La fille mal gardée,” also known
pirates who do their bidding. And rather as “The Wayward Daughter.”
than a pas de deux, it’s a pas de cinq, or, All three dances use a bit of slapstick to He says comic ballet has a surprising ef-
danced by five. make it funny, Rodriguez says. fect on dancers: It makes them freer. Men dancing as women in the ballet is
nothing new. In the 1800s, men began dress-
The gag happens immediately, Schnell “Boys that cannot dance en pointe is fun- Funny ballets are not just the domain of ing as women when the roles were meant to
says, because you have tall, strong women ny obviously,” he says. “And a boy that can men dressing as ballerinas. Great chore- depict ugly, horrid women, like Cinderella’s
juxtaposed with short men. dance en pointe, but then the persona, the ographers, like America’s Jerome Robbins, ugly stepsisters or wicked fairies. Coming
character, (expresses himself) in a funny French-Russian choreographer Marius Pe- out of the romantic period, the ideal woman
“Peter (Anastos) has been amazing,” way. And the third simplistic formula for co- tipa and British choreographer Sir Frederick was meant to be beautiful.
Schnell says. “He has been in and out of medic ballet is a short male dancer with a Ashton, have created comic ballets.
comedy ballet his entire career. He’s an ex- tall female.” Conversely, women sometimes danced
ceptional choreographer. His actual steps in Robbins, who choreographed for the male roles when the characters were sup-
ballet are so amazing and the comedy is wo- The program is not just for deeply in- American Ballet Theatre and was made posed to be slight or boyish, like the prince
ven in so precisely, you forget you’re watch- formed lovers of dance, but also for those widely famous for his work on Broadway in Giselle. Then, the ideal man needed to be
ing something that is supposed to be funny.” who have never been to a ballet. Using com- with shows such as “West Side Story” and strong and heroic.
edy as a universal language should appeal “The King and I,” created the comic ballet
Rodriguez uses a mod aesthetic in “Hang to all, says Schnell. “The Concert.” “It’s not a new phenomenon, as people
On, No Need to Be Lonely.” The story con- tend to think it is,” says Schnell.
cerns a girl who is continually unlucky in love. “The three of us have an affinity for comedy Petipa, whose choreography still inhab-
He came up with the idea while listening to ballet,” Schnell adds. “And it’s so much easier its classic productions of “Swan Lake” and But for Ballet Vero Beach, the idea to per-
Pink Martini, which performs jaunty, swingy to engage audiences with a comedy. For me, “The Sleeping Beauty,” created the comic form “Comedy Tonight” is a way to end the
music with an early, finger-snapping ’60s vibe. the laughter is sort of a means to a deeper ap- ballet “Don Quixote.” season with a lighthearted touch and also to
show patrons that the company has a sense
“I like them so much,” he says. “The song of humor and is approachable.

The company has performed serious,
artful programs including works by George
Balanchine and Petipa. Schnell calls them

“I always knew that comedy would be
part of what we do; not only to get new au-
diences but for our patrons, who can go see
any company in the world,” he says. “Here,
they can see something different.”

Ballet Vero Beach presents “Comedy To-
night” at 8 p.m. on April 5, and at 2 p.m.
and 8 p.m. on April 6, at the Vero Beach High
School Performing Arts Center, 1707 16th St,
Vero Beach. Tickets range from $10 to $75.
Call 772-905-2651 or visit www.BalletVer- 


LINDpAreFsAeIRntSsTEIN 1. Where the Crawdads Sing 1. Educated BY TARA WESTOVER 1. You Are My Happy BY HODA KOTB
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3. The Lost Girls of Paris Secret War BY LYNNE OLSON 3. Juno Valentine and the Magical
4. The Meltdown (Diary of a Wimpy
4. Beneath a Scarlet Sky Kid #13) BY JEFF KINNEY


5. Mission Critical


392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

B6 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 3 Picture a two-day, Florida country
style music festival with live blue-
Igor” by Borodin, and “the highlight of the grass, country and classic rock from four
different bands, right in our own backyard,
evening,” Brahms’ “Piano Concerto No. so to speak. Back 40 might describe it bet-
ter because this is the first-ever Groovin’
2,” which opens with that horn call, and in the Grove, Saturday and Sunday, March
30 and 31 out at Countryside Citrus. (Yes,
which premiered to immediate success in an actual grove: 6325 81st St., just north
of the Indian River County Fairgrounds. I
1881. This performance features legendary think this can be considered Official Indi-
an River County-style Boondocks.) Bring-
Italian pianist Fabio Bidini, whose play- ing the music Saturday is Penny Creek
Bluegrass, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; then the Vince
ing, according to the concert promo, has Reed Band, with classic rock and Motown
faves, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday it’s live-on-
been described as “an ideal alloy of pow- stage country and Southern rock by “Ring
of Fire,” 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., followed by the
er, poetry and style,” “like hearing Bee- Blue Cypress Bluegrass Band from 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m. And all weekend long there’ll
thoven himself improvise!” High praise be craft beer and wine, fresh-squeezed
juice and all sorts of food and treats. Not
indeed. The Indian River Symphonic As- 1 Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra April 4 at Community Church. to mention old-fashioned, family-friend-
sociation promised us some of the most ly games including, says the promo, “corn
hole (this can be addictive), barnyard ball-
distinguished symphony orchestras from games, super-size chess, horse shoes and
the jump pillow (think huge bounce house
around the globe – China, Russia, Europe, 2 “Ghost Writer” is mysteriously and is described by as “a with no roof ) and rat rollers.” (What in the
America too! And they have delivered. imaginatively clicking along on Riv- tender treatise on unspoken affection, the name of Sam Hill are Rat Rollers?) Well,
this sounds like a ton of music and fun.
Time: 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $85.772-778-1070 erside Theatre’s Waxlax Stage, now through writing process and what we remember and Did I mention kettle corn? Time: 11 a.m. to
6 pm. both days. Tickets: adults, $12/1 day,
or April 14. Michael Hollinger’s “Ghost-Writer” what we wish were so.” Novelist FanklinWool- $20/both days; 13 and under, $7/1 day,
$10/both days. 772-581-0999 or Country-
PAID ADVERTISEMENT sey falls over dead literally in mid-sentence, 
while dictating his current work to his secre-
Live! MusicWorks, Inc. and Paris ProductionsSMC H tary Myra. But, oddly, Myra continues to “take
V EROFROBMEA Present dictation,” apparently from beyond the grave.
This is understandably met with skepticism
MAX WEINBERG’S by the press, friends and Woolsey’s grieving
and jealous widow. “Is Myra a clever forger,
trying to steal the novelist’s legacy since she

JUKEBOX can’t have his love?” the Riverside promo asks.
Or, has she somehow tapped into something
more mysterious. Fascinating, right? Curtain:

Wednesdays – 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.;Thursdays

– April 4, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., March 28 and

April 11, 7:30 p.m. Fridays – 8 p.m.; Saturdays

– 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays – 2 p.m. General

admission tickets: adults, $55; students 5-17,

$27.50. 772-231-6990.

Prepare To Party!
Wednesday, April 10, 7 PM
at The Emerson Center, 1590 27th Avenue

Vero Beach – How many times have you attended a show where you
yearned to hear your favorite performer play your favorite song? With
“Max Weinberg’s Jukebox” your dream will be realized.

A truly interactive experience, Weinberg invites the audience to
create the set list, in real time, that he and his crack four piece group
will play. Performing songs from the glory days of rock and roll, the
audience gets to choose from a video menu of over 200 songs —
everything from the Beatles to the Stones to Bruce and The E Street
Band’s biggest hits — and hear the group play ‘em the way you want
to hear them played! That’s right—the crowd gets to yell out the choices
and Max plays them! This unique approach is fun and satisfying.

Who is Max Weinberg you ask? Weinberg is a Rock And Roll Hall
Of Fame Drummer and television personality, most widely known as
the longtime drummer for Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band and as
the bandleader for Conan O’Brien on Late Night with Conan O’Brien
and The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien. You’ll know him as soon
as you hear him...”Max is a pro’s pro, and so his entire band!”

Do yourself a favor and visit!
Presenting Sponsors are

Cindy O’Dare and Richard Boga of Premiere Estate Properties

This Concert is a Partial Fundraiser for the
Vero Beach Centennial Celebration

TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Last Show of the 2019 Series! 1(800)-595-4849


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 29, 2019 B7

50,000 find Firefighters Fair Add beauty and
fine – and swine – and dandy natural light to your
EXISTING entryway

in about an hour!

Conor Greenaway Paradoa. Lindan Greenaway. • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
for every style Glass Doors
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Exterior Doors Hardware
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Jessica, Leo and Mac Karam. Anna Landers and Christian. PHOTOS: JENNIFER GREENAWAY

The 39th annual Indian River 463-6500
County Firefighters Fair delivered Regency Square
something for everyone – from
country music star Clay Walker to 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
the industrious members of the
Indian River County 4-H Clubs, Licensed & Insured
carney rides and food vendors,
to firefighter training shows, the
much-loved event presented gen-
erations of festival-goers with 10
fun-filled days of family fun. Fair
staff and volunteers, who use pro-
ceeds to assist burn victims with
their medical bills, provide schol-
arships for local students and as-
sist other charitable endeavors, are
already busy planning next year’s
event, March 13 to 22, 2020. 

Riana Fletcher with Benz. PHOTO: KAILA JONES

B8 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Citrus reopens: New dishes, new digs, new shorter name

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Scott Varricchio. ents added to an Indonesian-inspired menu.
Not only did he change the menu, he also
We’ve all heard the proverbial saying, PHOTO: KAILA JONES
“When life gives you lemons, make lemon- made some design changes in the seaside
ade.” Instead of lamenting his misfortune, eatery. As any chef worth his salt would,
Chef Scott Varricchio has done just that. Varricchio retrofitted the kitchen with more
Almost exactly a year after a middle-of-the- “firepower.” The dining room décor also has
night fire destroyed the Citrus Grillhouse, taken on more of a minimalist feel so as not
the well-known chef-owner has reopened a to compete with the cuisine. And the ceiling
new, improved Citrus. was redesigned, the flooring and ceiling tiles
have sound-dampening properties, and even
“The fire was horrible, but you’ve got to the column shapes were changed to further
take the good with the bad,” Varricchio said buffer chatter.
last Friday as he worked in the kitchen prep-
ping for a soft opening later in the day. He was Citrus is back, and Varricchio said he plans
happily interrupted as one well-wisher after to offer patrons a dining experience worthy
another stopped by to find out when they of a three-star restaurant. “It’s our goal to be
could get in for dinner as news the restaurant the best restaurant between the Palm Beach-
was reopening for dinner began to trickle out es and Savannah, Ga.,” he declared.
into the community.
For hours and reservations, call 234-
While the Citrus kitchen was closed, Var- 4114 or visit 
ricchio didn’t let any dust gather on his toque
blanche. Instead, he spent time testing and The Dining Review
perfecting recipes that he is excited for pa- Our dining columnist, Tina Rondeau,
trons to try. Curry, coconut, lime with fish and has been visiting restaurants in Latin
basmati rice along with Valrhona chocolate
and brûléed fruit are just a few of the ingredi- America. Her column will resume
next week.

Napa and Sonoma bottles top American wine lists. Again.

By Dave McIntyre Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars. house restaurants. “Wines from the U.S.
The Washington Post still hold diners in thrall, making up 38.4
Jordan Vineyard & Winery. percent of the Most Popular bottlings,”
Wine & Spirits magazine is celebrating the magazine said.
its 30th anniversary this year. Over those
three decades, the editors have asked But beneath this stability, change is ap-
restaurant wine directors to mine their parent. Sancerre, the top sauvignon blanc
sales data for the final quarter of the pre- of France’s Loire Valley, may be chal-
vious year to identify the 50 most popular lenging chardonnay for palate love from
wine brands in U.S. restaurants. white wine drinkers. The Lucien Crochet
Sancerre ranked ninth this year, its first
The survey is a barometer of our tastes in appearance in the top 10.
wine as we dine out, our willingness to spend
money, to experiment on unknown or un- And while several of the top wines
usual wines, or our hunt for value. topped three digits in price, this year’s
survey noted that diners are increasingly
Last year, the survey made news when demanding value. While some customers
an imported brand topped the list for the continue to splurge, about one-third of the
first time. It was R. Lopez de Heredia from restaurant respondents said overall sales
Spain’s Rioja region, a sommelier favorite were holding steady.
known for selling traditional Old World-
style wines with significant bottle age “We’re seeing more extremes now,” Gi-
at incredibly reasonable prices. Ideal for ancarlo Paterlini, of 1760 and Acquerello
restaurant wine lists, in other words. restaurants in San Francisco, told the maga-
zine. “We’re seeing a large number of guests
With this year’s survey, published in the who don’t drink at all; people who drink
April issue, one might say, “Order restored.” a glass or a cheap bottle; and people who
R. Lopez de Heredia slipped to third place come in and spend $500 or more. The middle
(still remarkable) and was eclipsed by two ground is gone.”
California brands known for cabernet sau-
vignon. Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars of Napa And there are sub-trends. Millennials
Valley, and Jordan Vineyard & Winery of continue to be ambivalent about wine,
Sonoma County’s Alexander Valley took the often preferring cocktails. Among wine
top two positions. drinkers, new regions continue to be pop-
ular: The survey noted upticks in populari-
California brands, including chardon- ty for wines from Ontario, Mexico, Georgia
nay specialists Kistler and Sonoma-Cu- (no, not our Georgia) and even Cru Bour-
trer, continue to dominate the top 10 geois Bordeaux, as consumers search for
spots on the list, which the editors attri- value in the classic regions. 
bute to the sustained popularity of steak-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 29,2019 B9

Fine Dining, Elevated A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients

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Award Winning Wine List

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A few doors east of Winn Dixie

wednesday | steak night early-bird
a la carte specialty steak menu
sunday - thursday
thursday | paella night 5 - 6 pm

selection of paella dishes three courses
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mojito monday

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happy 1/2 off appetizers
hour $4 draft beer
$5 house wine
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sunday brunch

a la carte brunch menu
11:30 am - 3 pm

call 772.410.0100 for more information 

B10 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING





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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 29,2019 B11









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713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

B12 March 29,2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

AKOHO is a take-away culinary boutique and dessert shop. We use farm fresh local
eggs, locally bought produce and organic milk to create homemade quiches, soups,
bowls and exceptionally delicious desserts and strudels. Menu is fresh and changes daily.

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NEW SEASON HOURS: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 9am-3pm

FREE 12oz. Rio Coco French Pressed Co ee with any purchase.
Expires 4/5/19

9090 N. US Highway 1, Sebastian (next to Rock City) • 772-571-5880

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES March 29, 2019 B13



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ5

George S. Patton said, “I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs, but how 7
high he bounces when he hits bottom.”
A bridge player’s success may be measured by how high he plays — as in this week’s deal.
South is in six spades. West leads the diamond king. How should South plan the play and 5
how can East thwart his dastardly plan? 98432 —
After North responds with four diamonds, a splinter bid showing four-plus spades, at KJ9 K J 10 7 6
least game-going values and a singleton (or void) in diamonds, South wonders whether
his partner has both black-suit kings. If he does, seven spades will be anything between a 10 8 5 4 2
favorite and laydown. Could your partnership uncover those cards? Most couldn’t.
10 5 4
South could bank all on the club finesse, but there is a better approach. He should win
the opening lead, play a trump to dummy, cash the ace of hearts (discarding a low club SOUTH
from hand) and crossruff the red suits to eliminate them. Now declarer leads a club off the
dummy. If East contributes the four or five, South covers with his eight to effect an endplay. A J 10 7 6 2
West must either lead back into declarer’s ace-queen club tenace or concede a ruff-and-
sluff. —

However, note that East can foil this plan by playing the club 10. Then, South should win A63
with his ace, cross to dummy with a trump and lead a club toward his queen. He gets
home whenever East has the king or when West has the king singleton or doubleton. Here, AQ87
though, he goes down.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
Whenever declarer has eliminated the side suits and is about to execute an endplay, second
hand must play high. The Bidding:

1 Spades Pass 4 Diamonds Pass
6 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
K Diamonds

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B14 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


5 Surroundings (11) 1 Assess (8)
7 Sporty (8) 2 Bubbly (6)
8 Dressinggown (4) 3 Nibbles (6)
9 Star system (6) 4 Dread (4)
10 Unexpected (6) 5 Wasteful (11)
12 Documents (6) 6 PingPong (5,6)
14 Floor covering (6) 11 Time span (8)
15 Bread rolls (4) 13 Seal in a ring (6)
17 Salutation (8) 14 Frauds (6)
18 Stormy (11) 16 A few (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Established 18 Years in Indian River County The Telegraph

(772) 562-2288 |
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES March 29, 2019 B15

ACROSS 106 It forms when you sit 55 Come to pass The Washington Post
107 Popular activity ctr. 60 Protein-synthesis director
1 Podium appurtenance 111 “Open sesame” utterer 62 Songwriter Silverstein THIS SIDE OF PARADISE By Merl Reagle
5 Talented 113 Tuscany city 64 Email directive
9 Irish advantage 115 1957 Literature Nobelist 65 Businessman Schindler
13 Swallow, as pills 117 Unattractive one 66 Soak (up)
17 It gets depressed a lot 118 Spear vegetable, spelled 67 Poker challenge
18 Follow 69 Cry of enlightenment
20 Russian river backwards 70 “The Swedish Nightingale”
21 Russian city 120 Off hours 72 Hindu holy man
22 Pasting 123 Greek letters 73 Anesthetized
24 Type of fortune telling 124 Leave suddenly 74 “Long time ___”
26 Boarding house?: abbr. 125 Car dealership offering 75 Eurasian mergansers
27 Fagin’s pal Bill 126 Was televised 76 Type of piece or pastry
28 Thugs 127 Give a hoot 77 Elected, to Hélène
30 Tattooed Grammy and Oscar 128 Word before 78 “___ your side”
79 Famed clown or gorilla
winner out or put 80 No sweat
31 Fairy or folk item 129 Reserved or restrained 81 Chef’s hangups?
33 Nora Charles portrayer 130 European blackbird 83 Winter downfall
34 Consider hastily 84 Dick Francis’s
35 Words in Sheep’s Clothing DOWN
1 ““Boulez’s New York Dead ___
author 88 Pizarro victim
36 Victim’s feeling Philharmonic successor 90 Give ___
38 1938 “marihuana classic” 2 Perfect
44 Restraint for Rex 3 ___ Kan (dog food) (exert to the max)
47 Be a crybaby 4 Architect’s add-ons 91 Fall (behind)
48 “___ the ramparts ...” 5 Roach-loving lizards 92 Warwick hit,
49 Biologist Metchnikoff 6 One way to sing
50 Probably won’t happen 7 Sufferer’s suffix “Walk ___”
54 Set right 8 Dull grayish brown 94 Out of line or AWOL
56 Soccer chant 9 Actress-singer Patti 99 Of insect wings
57 Govt. disability insurance 10 Prefix meaning “sky” 100 Versailles’s was famous
58 Trevanian’s The 11 Coolidge and others 101 Pantyhose woe
12 Dutch airline 102 Twain’s real first name
___ Sanction 13 “Our half-faced sun, 103 San Antonio player
59 Mr. Rubik 106 Dogie grabber
61 Congress’s TV channel striving ___” (Shak.) 108 Revolve with a whizzing
63 Dipped in inee 14 Laugh-In first name
66 Heroes, e.g. 15 The King and I co-star sound
68 Mountain-road curve 16 Ron of the TV jungle 109 Bedouin transit
69 Hint to the 12 theme words in 17 Cat call? 110 Like some beef or cheese
19 Ovum 111 “Life is ___ dream”
this puzzle 23 Troubles 112 Lab stuff
71 Signal 25 Like summer coffee 113 Pick out or recognize
72 Treasure hunter’s find 29 Steinbeck’s Lenny, e.g. 114 Majorca o Minorca
76 Resembling Bartletts 32 Part of an ultimatum 115 So long, to Sophia
81 Bamboo lover 34 Norton’s milieu 116 Stitch line
82 Oil-rich sultanate 35 Roundup buddy 118 Short time, briefly
83 Yale-race implement 37 Amazed cries 119 Not in sch.
85 Extinct bird 38 Do an autumn chore 121 Common Market: abbr.
86 Not quite right 39 A ___ of golf 122 Make bows
87 Ascension 40 “Feet, don’t fail ___”
89 Long faces 41 Sneak to a chapel
93 Van Gogh bro 42 Weaver Marner
95 Like a recruit 43 Observed
96 Spongy toy material 44 Say “thay” for “say”
97 Vex 45 Exxon, once
98 Freeway alternative 46 Others, to Octavius
102 Len Deighton novel 47 Dallas
104 MacDill AFB state 51 Common trait that’s rare?
105 Inactivity metaphor 52 Falsehood
53 Informal assent

The Telegraph

B16 March 29, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING Gospel Festival, beginning 7 p.m. Fri. with Troy 30 Vero Beach Volunteer Fire Depart- 30 Indian River County Braves the Shave,
University Gospel Singers; on Saturday, church ment’s 52nd annual Fish Fry, 10:30 Noon to 5 p.m. at Capt. Hiram’s Re-
Riverside Theatre - My Fair Lady on the Stark and community choirs invited to join gospel a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fire-Rescue Station #2, next to sort to raise funds toward childhood cancer
Stage thru March 31; Ghost Writer on the Wax- and spiritual concert with rehearsals 9 a.m., 12 Barber Bridge. Donations help provide person- research.
lax Stage thru April 14. 772-231-6990 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. with 4 p.m. concert nel for rescue calls, scholarship, aid to firefight-
in the sanctuary. Free; $10 donation appreciat- er families, firefighter education and training. 30 Martini Madness spring fundraiser,
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - A Funny Thing ed. 772-562-9088 772-480-3824 5 p.m. at and to benefit Stouthouse,
Happened on the Way to the Forum thru March featuring works by Mary Pratt, current art-
31. 772-562-8300 29|30 Rally for Rabies Tennis 30 STEAM Fest, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the ist-in-residence, with live entertainment and
Tournament at the Boule- IG Center hosted by the homeschool hors d’oeuvres. $40 & $50. 772-589-8826
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson vard Tennis Club to benefit Community Health co-op Vero Beach Academy, an innovative
exhibit thru April 28. 772-794-0601 Coalition’s Knock out Rabies campaign in Mala- K-12 exploration of science, technology, engi- 31 Two Piano Concert 3 p.m. at Christ by
wi, Africa; Fri. preliminaries and Sat. 4 to 7 p.m. neering, art and math, with 50+ experiences, the Sea, with Nazzareno Carusi and
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Victorian Radi- finals. $50/two person team; free for specta- demonstrations and activities. $6. indianriver- Marcos Flores performing Mozart and Rach-
cals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and tors. 772-778-4200 maninoff masterpieces. 772-231-1661
Crafts Movement thru May 5. 772-231-0707
29-31 New Dimensions, a juried & 30 Indian River Shores Public Safety De- 31 to April 2 - 26th annual Red, White
MARCH judged art show hosted by Vero partment Open House, 11 a.m. to 2 and Blue Concert featuring Vero
Beach Art Club, strictly featuring 3-dimensional art p.m. with children’s activities and bounce hous- Beach High School Concert, Symphonic and
28 Senior Expo presented by AAUW Vero by artists from around the country: Fri. 6 to 8 p.m. es, live SWAT demos, firetrucks and police cars, Jazz Bands in a salute to veterans, 2 p.m. Sun.;
Beach, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Intergenera- opening reception, Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at vendor booths and food to benefit HALO Adop- 7 p.m. Mon. & Tues. at VBHS PAC. $6 & $15.
tional Center, with screenings, information from Marsh Island Clubhouse. Free. 772-231-0303 tion Center. 772-564-5537
Cleveland Clinic, other providers, and senior living
and care options. Free; new/gently used pre-K Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
books appreciated for Young Readers project. in March 22, 2019 Edition 1 SCOTCHPANCAKE 2 SEVILLEORANGE
29 March into Turtle Season Kickoff Party 9 ROOST 3 CURVE
hosted by Friends of Archie Carr Refuge, 10 LEASE 4 PANTRY
6:30 p.m. at Barrier Island Center. 321-872-8856 11 RHUBARB 5 NURTURE
29 ‘Four Seasons’ Baroque Chamber 14 GEMINI 7 ESTABLISHMENT
Concert presented by Space Coast 17 RECLAIM 13 AMATEUR
Symphony Orchestra, 7 p.m. at Christ Church. 19 DEPTH 15 IMPROVE
Free; $10 donation appreciated. 855-252-7276 20 NUDGE 16 IMPALA

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presents a Community


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.

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If you have an estate, or collection of antique or
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too small. Contact us and we will make an offer.




772-581-0640 9090 N. US HWY 1 Sebastian, FL

M - F 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm • Closed Sun.

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