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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-08-09 15:53:05

08/10/2018 ISSUE 32


August 10, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 32 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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‘Excited’ ELC unveils Indigent care has
ambitious and pricey Hospital District
plans for expansion facing decisions

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected]
After more than a year of plan-
ning and speculation, details PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Over the past month or so, Hos-
of the Environmental Learning pital District trustees, one by one,
Center’s multimillion-dollar ex- Michelle Collins takes an order at The Lemon Tree on Ocean Drive, which is seeing an increase in customers this summer. have gotten a very different view
pansion project are finally avail- of Indian River Medical Center –
able – and impressive. VERO HAVING BUSY SUMMER TOURIST SEASON the view from dilapidated houses
half-hidden by a wild overgrowth
The agenda for an upcoming By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer in previous summer seasons,” says Amanda Au- of vegetation in a four-block pocket
Indian River County Technical coin, the Ocean Drive hotel’s director of sales of extreme poverty just across and
Review Committee meeting re- The trend toward busier summer seasons in and marketing. down the road from the hospital.
veals that the project – which the Vero Beach is continuing and even accelerating
ELC has termed “a multiphase, this year, with bustling shops and restaurants, “We’ve been full every day this summer,” says Julianne Price, head of the
multiyear growth process” – will full hotels and record beach attendance during Jeanne Radlet, general manager at The Drift- Health Department’s PACE pro-
include a 23,455-square-foot in- what used to be a sleepy part of the year. wood Resort for the past 30 years. gram for environmental health,
terpretive center; a 4,750-square- has in separate trips taken trustees
foot volunteer training and “Costa d’Este has had a great summer so far, “This has been our busiest summer yet, with Allen Jones, Ann Marie McCrystal
grounds stewardship center; a with business levels higher than we have seen and Tracey Zudans over the rutted
2,500-square-foot education/ CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 dirt roads of Gifford and West Wa-
event pavilion; a 1,350-square- basso in her minivan to show them
foot “critter corner;” and a conditions in the neighborhoods
641-square-foot lagoon terrace. where many of the hospital’s indi-
gent patients live.
The agenda for the Aug. 13
preplanning conference did not As the hospital inches forward in
include specific cost figures. the partnership process with Cleve-
land Clinic, the Hospital District
“We are extremely excited to Board – which exists to provide pub-
be completing the master plan lic funds for indigent healthcare – is
in preparation for entering our beginning to ponder its own future
new decade of life,” says Envi- mission. And as board members



NEWS 1-5 PETS 10 MY Derelict sailboat abandoned in lagoon towed off by local resident
REAL ESTATE 11 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer was set adrift and became stuck
B1 [email protected] on a sandbar, approximately 250
ARTS yards south of the Barber Bridge
Maybe you’ve noticed: The and less than 15 yards west of the
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 boat is gone. Intracoastal Waterway channel.
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Not the partially burned, most- That boat, which hadn’t moved
ly sunken and totally trashed cat- since April and was declared a
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. amaran that still can be seen in “derelict vessel” by the Flori-
the Indian River Lagoon south da Fish & Wildlife Conservation
of the 17th Street bridge, where, Commission two months ago, fi-
I’m guessing, it will remain until nally disappeared in July.
it rots away.
“We disposed of it,” Pebble Bay
The other one – the aban-
doned sailboat that somehow CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

2 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

BUSY SUMMER SEASON according to the Vero Beach Lifeguard As- ing, and it’s safe and low-key. It’s a great ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER
sociation. place to relax . . . This summer we’ve been
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sold out almost every day.” CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
“The attendance record was shattered
a lot more vacationers and more people [with 10,000 more visitors than in any pri- “Business has been outstanding,” agrees ronmental Learning Center Executive Di-
moving down here,” says Marissa Young, or month] even though there were many Vero Beach Hotel and Spa general manag- rector Molly Steinwald. She expects it will
manager of The Lemon Tree restaurant on afternoons in June when lightening and er Awet Sium. take several years to raise funds for the
Ocean Drive, across from Costa and Drift- stormy weather caused beach patrons to major, multi-building expansion, so visi-
wood. “We have more customers this year cut their beach day short.” “We’ve had a substantially better sum- tors won’t “see any major physical change
than in previous years,” with most coming mer than last summer. So far so good. Cus- to campus” this year.
from other parts of Florida. July saw a new beach attendance record tomers are coming primarily from Florida
as well, with 92,000 visitors, up from the – Sarasota, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami The Environmental Learning Center is
According to county records, summer previous July high of 84,000 in 2017. and Fort Lauderdale. We also have cus- located on a 64-acre island campus at the
tourism revenue from the bed tax has tomers from Washington, D.C., New York western base of the Wabasso Bridge on the
more than doubled during the past eight McNeal credits stronger promotion ef- and New Jersey. Summer travel with kids 510 causeway. Since its genesis in 1988, it
years. For example, a total of $273,047 in forts and an increase in summer events and families.” has become the epicenter of nature edu-
tourism revenue was collected during May, and activities as driving forces behind in- cation, exploration and hands-on experi-
June and July in 2009. That total climbed creased summer tourism. Florida’s rapidly growing population – ences for adults, families and especially
to $568,853 last summer and the trend is up more than 3 million in the past decade, school children in Indian River County.
continuing. “I spend the majority of the marketing from less than 18 million to more than 21
budget during the summer when we need million – a full schedule of training camps But, after nearly three decades, the
Bed tax revenue for May 2018 was tourism the most,” McNeal said. “We have and tournaments at Historic Dodgertown, Center’s wide range of programs and par-
$192,149, up 12.8 percent compared to focused heavily on earned media and press a successful push by island hotels to at- ticipation has far outgrown its existing fa-
$182,547 in May 2017, said Allison Mc- trips that have garnered major articles for tract weddings and family reunions and cilities.
Neal, director of tourism for Indian River the destination in the last several years. draw more locals to their bars and spas all
County Chamber of Commerce. Occupan- This year much of our advertising efforts are factors helping drive the increase in ELC leaders decided last year to under-
cy rates for hotel and other resort housing have been focused in the Orlando market.” summer business. take the expansion project to better meet
were up 9.5 percent in June. the needs of a growing, changing demo-
The targeted marketing seems to be Longtime island real estate broker graphic and work began on a masterplan.
With all those visitors, Vero’s beach- paying off. Christine McLaughlin, who lives and
es were busier than ever, pulling teens, works in Central Beach, says this summer In 2016, the ELC completed an Amer-
couples and families who also patronize Radlet said most of Driftwood’s summer has been the busiest ever. “You can’t find a ican Alliance of Museums’ Museum As-
beachside restaurants. customers are Florida residents, and Mary parking spot on Ocean or Cardinal.” sessment Program, and Steinwald says the
Jane Morton, manager of The Islander Inn new masterplan follows the external re-
“June 2018 broke the record for hav- on Ocean Drive, said many of her guests “We’re very busy in the summer from view in “a natural progression” that takes
ing the largest attendance at the beach come from Orlando and other large Flor- mid-June through August [now],” says advantage of the Museum Assessment’s
ever recorded in any month, with over ida cities such as Fort Lauderdale and Mi- Radlet. in-depth analysis of community demo-
110,000 people within and near the guard- ami. graphics and suggested best practices for
ed beaches [on Vero’s barrier island] since “The only time things slow down now- an organization like the Environmental
we started tracking attendance in 2011,” “They just want to get away from the adays is after school resumes,” Morton Learning Center. 
traffic, pollution, crime and all the crazi- adds. “By October the busy [winter] season
ness,” Morton said. “Vero Beach has clean has already started again.” 
neighborhoods, lots of convenient park-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 10, 2018 3

INDIGENT CARE of the sickest, and too often, the hardest for before setting a final tax rate, or committing able real estate value to provide healthcare
healthcare to reach. to requested increases from the agencies it for the poor.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 funds, or inaugurating new programs such as
Economically, they are as far down the the Mental Health Association’s program on “I would point out that the biggest amount
debate their dollars-and-cents commitments scale as anyone could be from the affluent school violence. of increase in this is for IRMC,” Jones told the
to various agencies that provide healthcare to residents Cleveland hopes to lure to its state- board. “They had a $1.2 million increase over
the poor, stepping out of the boardroom into of-the-art centers of excellence, but they too The issue of program expansion first arose what was budgeted a year ago. That’s a total
the worst of the county’s poverty cannot help are patients Cleveland will soon be treating – in May when the Hospital District began of $7.5 million for indigent care. If that turns
but bring a sense of urgency. if all goes well with the planned acquisition of looking at raising the income level it uses to out to be $5 million, this millage rates falls to
Indian River Medical Center. define the medically indigent from 150 per- .78, and if it turns out to be less than that,
The debate centers on this question: If cent of the federal poverty level to 200 per- then it falls even further.” While the maxi-
Cleveland Clinic takes on greater responsi- The disparate groups are physically close in cent, potentially adding 3,000 poor patients mum millage rate of .9405 can be cut before
bility for indigent care in Indian River Coun- terms of geography but from separate worlds to the 4,000 the District currently helps care the budget is finalized, the tentative increase
ty, should the Hospital District cut taxes to when it comes to health and healthcare. As for. The move would cost another $2.4 mil- has already led to grumbling.
reflect a reduced need for taxpayer funded proof: the life expectancy of the residents of lion, and that estimate is believed to be con-
care? Or should the District use the money it Gifford and Wabasso is a decade shorter than servative. “I would caution us not to be making these
has to expand care for the poor? their neighbors across the bridge on the bar- kinds of decisions hastily,” said trustee Zu-
rier island. In June, the Hospital District Board agreed dans at that May meeting. “To jump from 150
The decision is complicated by the fact to let Treasurer Allen Jones research ways to to 200 percent costs us conservatively $2.4
that Cleveland’s takeover of IRMC is not yet At its other hospitals, Cleveland Clinic better serve the Gifford community by ex- million? I mean, our taxpayers . . .”
a done deal, leaving the details of what indi- offers free emergency care to uninsured panding services at the Gifford Health Center,
gent care it will provide unclear, even as the people earning up to 250 percent of poverty questioning whether the Hospital District- “Well, you can ignore that [the need] exists
District comes up on the deadline for putting guidelines, and discounts for those earning built-and-owned center was being utilized to [even though] it’s been brought to our atten-
next year’s budget in place. up to 400 percent of guidelines, provided its full potential. tion by United Way big time and every other
patients are residents of the county where agency,” said trustee McCrystal. “You can ig-
Price has been taking board members on the hospital is located. As in Vero, patients But at the same June meeting, there were nore it and forget it . . . or you can address it,
tours to help them understand what is at at Cleveland Clinic are screened for Medic- questions about whether to fund Indian Riv- and just bite the bullet and fork it out.”
stake as they wrestle with the complicated aid eligibility. er Medical Center’s full request for indigent
budget situation. care since Cleveland Clinic could take over Trustee Zudans, who was appointed by
That is a more generous policy than the at least partial responsibility for those costs Gov. Scott to the District Board and faces a
Few outsiders ever penetrate these neigh- Hospital District’s and if Cleveland Clinic midway through the fiscal year. challenger in the November election, made
borhoods that Price is intimately familiar takes on more of the burden of caring for the clear she is not eager to put the burden of
with – certainly not most residents of the bar- indigent across the board, the Hospital Dis- At its July 25 meeting, the District ap- healthcare for the poor on taxpayers.
rier island, a bridge away, or Grand Harbor, a trict will be in a position to reduce taxes or proved a tentative budget that hikes the tax
mile away. expand programming. millage rate to a maximum of .9405, despite “Some of the programs that exist are better
an increase in property values expected to funded by philanthropy,” she said last week,
On nameless roads that don’t show up on But a definitive agreement is now past due bring in close to $1 million more than last reached on a vacation with her family. “We
county maps, the elderly live out their days from Cleveland Clinic negotiators, and the year with the current millage rate of .8894. have an amazing philanthropic community
amid addicts and prostitutes – all of them delay has frustrated Hospital District trust- The .9405 rate means property owners would and I feel they would love the opportunity to
in need of healthcare. They are some of the ees who want to see and mull over the spe- pay 94 cents for each thousand dollars of tax- be more informed about these programs and
poorest people in the county, surely some cifics of the Cleveland’s charity care policy be able to participate. 

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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

4 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE free publicity, Moylan flatly denied any His plan was to do something quietly, caused the vessel to list.
such intent. he maintains, not to draw attention to It was in late May that he approached
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 himself. But as Moylan embarked on his
“That’s NOT why I did it,” he said, in- boat-removal project, which required him city officials about his willingness to re-
resident and local attorney Kiernan Moy- sisting his motive was pure. “I did it be- to discuss the project with people at the move the sailboat from the lagoon. Shortly
lan said. cause I love our river. I own boats and I FWC, City Hall and the Vero Beach Munic- afterward, he learned from the FWC that
love to be out on the water, especially on ipal Marina, word began to spread. the boat’s owner, whom he identified as
Actually, he disposed of it – and not for our beautiful river. Daniel Dibble of Rochester, N.Y., had died.
the reason you might suspect. “Once it got out,” he said, “a lot of peo-
“I’d drive over the bridge every day and ple started asking me about it.” As Moylan tells it: Dibble was paying to
If Moylan’s name looks familiar, it could see those disabled boats, and it was upset- have the sailboat moored locally, but after
be because you’ve seen his campaign ting – because they were an ugly sight. I He had plenty to tell them. he died and the payments were no longer
signs around town. He’s a candidate for really do fear that, if you leave one derelict For weeks after the sailboat became being made, the boat mysteriously was set
county judge. And while some cynics boat out there, it gets easier to leave the lodged on the sandbar, Moylan watched adrift in the lagoon, where it ran aground
might think he saw removing the sailboat next one, then the next one, and so on. as the spring rains combined with water on the sandbar.
from our lagoon as a chance to grab some seeping through small holes in the cabin
“So, I decided to do something.” “Before a government agency can re-
move a derelict vessel, it must give legal
notice to the owner, who has 45 days to
remove it,” Moylan said. “But because the
owner had died and there was no estate,
the FWC couldn’t give notice, so no gov-
ernment agency could remove the boat.

“If I hadn’t acted, it probably would still
be there.”

Moylan said the FWC located Dibble’s
mother in Rochester, and he tried to call
her, leaving messages that weren’t re-
turned. So, he followed up with an email
and she finally responded.

“I offered to handle the whole thing,
free of charge, in exchange for a release
of liability,” Moylan said. “I told her I’d re-
move the boat from the water and dispose
of it.”

She agreed, and he followed through,
taking action earlier than he had first
planned because the boat’s condition was

On July 4, while cruising the lagoon on
one of his boats, Moylan checked on the
stranded vessel and noticed it was close to
rolling on its side.

“I knew if the boat were to roll, I defi-
nitely wouldn’t be able to remove it,” he
said. “So, if I was going to do something, I
needed to do it soon.”

Four days later, Moylan, accompanied
by local anesthesiologist Phil Nye, rode to
the grounded vessel in his 15-foot Boston
Whaler, sealed two small holes in the sail-
boat’s cabin and, using a pump borrowed
from David Vatland of Vatland Honda Ma-
rine, spent 2 ½ hours pumping out water.

Then, after waiting for high tide, Moylan
used his 34-foot boat to pull the sailboat
off the sandbar and tow it to the munic-
ipal marina, where city officials allowed
him to moor the vessel until he could ar-
range to dispose of it.

On July 24 – this time accompanied by
his 11-year-old son, Liam – Moylan towed
the sailboat to the Sebastian River Marina
& Boatyard in Micco, where the mast and
keel were removed.

The next day, after the marina crew
loaded the boat’s remains onto a trailer
borrowed from Boo MacIntyre of Vero Ma-
rine Center, Moylan hauled it to its final
resting place at the Indian River County

As for any publicity he might’ve received
for doing a good civic and ecological deed, it
wasn’t free: Removing the disabled sailboat
and disposing of it cost him about $500, not
including the time he invested. 

6 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

‘Biologics’: Bright (and pricey) future of asthma treatment

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Charles Fischman.
[email protected]
Asthma, according to Dr. Charles Fisch-
man of the Steward Medical Group in Vero Asthmatic airways.
Beach, “is one of the few disease entities
in the United States now that is on the in- It’s here where Fischman points to some
crease,” which is not good news. good news: the advent of treatment using
monoclonal antibodies or “biologics.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention says upwards of 26 million Amer- Biologics approach diseases at the cel-
icans currently have this disease, and ad- lular level. “Their proteins,” Fischman ex-
mits “we don’t know why” the number of plains, “attach to specific molecules and
cases are climbing. cells in the body. You inject them and they
attach. In addition to destroying whatev-
Fischman, who describes himself as er [harmful cells] they attach to on their
“one of a handful of living pulmonary own, you can link them to drugs and tox-
immunologists who have done both pul- ins which can help them destroy whatever
monary, and allergy and immunology fel- you’re looking to kill.”
lowships and are board-certified in both
areas,” concurs. “If you understand what a monoclonal
antibody is and you understand how they
“We think it is probably environmental,” work, you basically understand everything
Fischman says, “possibly sick buildings, that’s about to happen in the next 20 years.
possibly pollution, possibly urban sprawl This is the future of medicine.”
causing higher pollen counts, but we don’t
really know.” To bolster his claim, Fischman uses
this anecdote: “Pfizer,” he says, “which is
Pausing only briefly, he adds that “be- one of the biggest drug companies in the
tween 5 and 7 percent of all people living world, fired all 10,000 of their chemists. Do
in the United States have some form of you know why? Because they don’t want to
bronchial asthma and we expect that to make chemical drugs anymore, like Lipi-
increase by 20 to 50 percent over the next tor. What they’re looking to produce is only
20 years.” biologics.

While the National Heart, Lung and We now have biologics that treat choles-
terol, we have biologics that treat rheuma-
Blood Institute calls asthma “a chronic toid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative
lung disease that inflames and narrows colitis, bronchial asthma, there’s even now
the airways, causing recurring periods of a biologic for migraine headaches.”
wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of
breath and coughing,” Fischman is quick Fischman mentions three biologics that
to point out it’s not nearly that simple. are being used to successfully treat per-
sistent asthma: Xolair, Nucala and Fasenra.
“The important thing with bronchi-
al asthma,” explains Fischman, “is that He says the drugs are making thousands
asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the of lives significantly better, but they come
lung. It causes excessive mucus in the lung at a price. A steep price.
and then predominately reversible airway
obstruction. Asthma by definition, at least Xolair can cost as much as $20,000 a
in the early stages, is a reversible illness,” year. Even with various pharmaceutical
but as the disease progresses, its symp- company programs and insurance, the
toms, treatments and outcomes can vary out-of-pocket cost still runs somewhere
tremendously. around the $200-to-$400 per month level.

“Most lay people,” Fischman continues, Fasenra and Nucala can be even pricier
“think asthma is a spasm of an airway. You at $15,000 to $35,000 a year.
take two puffs of an asthma inhaler and it
goes away,” and for what Fischman calls As much teacher as physician, Fischman
‘intermittent asthma’ that’s largely true. uses a battery of diagrams and visual aides
to walk his patients through the cause-
But “persistent asthma” or “severe and-effect reactions these biologics will
persistent asthma” is a whole other sto- have on them and their disease.
ry. These affect less than 10 percent of all
asthmatics but require far more than an Dr. Charles Fischman is with the Stew-
inhaled corticosteroid to treat. ard Medical Group. His office is at 1600 36th
Street, Suite C in Vero Beach. The phone
In this country alone, says the profes- number is 772-569-6112. 
sorial Fischman, “persistent asthma is re-
sponsible for over 15 million out-patient
visits per year and over $10 billion of emer-
gency room costs.”

What’s more, “over 5,000 people in the
United States die every year from bron-
chial asthma and the majority of those
deaths would be preventable with ap-
propriate treatment.”

8 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

New opioid law comes with challenges for hospitals

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer be expanded to a seven-day supply. After Dr. Brian Wiley and Dr. Katherine Grichnik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
[email protected] that, patients will need to be reassessed
by a physician in order to get a refill – not (Electronic Florida Online Reporting of taken for a short duration by prescrip-
Florida has a new opioid law. a bad idea, but inconvenient for patients Controlled Substance Evaluation) search tion, opioid pain relievers are considered
It’s a law that will affect many state that need the drugs for a longer period of and found out he had just gotten three safe. But these drugs interact with the
residents and all hospitals, including In- time. scripts from three different providers nerve cells in the body and brain, pro-
dian River Medical Center. within the last week.” ducing a sense of euphoria in addition to
IRMC’s chief medical officer Dr. Kathy (There are some exemptions to the bringing pain relief, which makes them
Grichnik and emergency department di- new three-to-seven-day rule, including That is the scourge of opioid addi- inviting to take beyond the need for re-
rector Dr. Brian Wiley say they are pre- for cancer patients and those in pallia- tion. Addicts will do anything – includ- lieving pain. As the brain becomes used
pared for challenges posed by the new tive care or end-of-life care.) ing going to multiple doctors, clinics or to the dosage, it requires more of the
law. hospitals – to try to get the drugs they drug to provide pain relief and the feel-
That’s a good thing, because it’s a big What will likely go unnoticed by the crave, and frankly, emergency depart- ing of well-being. This makes it easy to
challenge. public at large, however, is what the new ments shoulder some of the blame for become addicted.”
For starters, the new law requires all law is requiring from hospitals. That in- that. According to a July 28 article in the
Florida physicians – including those in cludes mandatory opioid education for Washington Post, a study in the journal How easy? Current estimates are that
hospitals – to check a state database ev- the entire staff, which Grichnik explains, “Annals of Emergency Medicine” cov- up to 30 percent of patients who are pre-
ery time they prescribe opioid drugs. If “has to be accredited or certified educa- ering the years 2011 to 2015 found that scribed opioids for chronic pain end up
the patient’s records show a history of tion.” fully “one quarter of adults who went to misusing these drugs. In fact, opioid
multiple prescriptions for certain medi- hospital emergency departments with addiction and overdoses are now the
cations, a big red flag will be raised. Emergency department director Wiley sprained ankles were prescribed opioid leading cause of accidental death in this
What will probably grab the most jumps in to add, “I am actually in pro- painkillers.” country.
attention, however, is the law’s new cess of going through all our discharge
three-day supply limit for drugs such software and making sure we’re in full As Orlando Health points out, “When In 2016 alone, over 5,700 Floridians
as codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, compliance with all the new narcotics
Demerol and Percocet for patients with regulations. In addition, all our care pro-
acute pain due to surgery, trauma or viders are currently in the process of go-
acute illnesses. ing through their opioid education.”
If the prescribing doctor decides – and
can document – that those drugs are Wiley’s work has already paid at least
medically necessary, that prescription one dividend.

“We had somebody come into the
emergency department yesterday,” Wi-
ley recalls, “and we did an E-FORCSE

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH August 10, 2018 9

“If you add some intravenous Tylenol,” “The other program we’re starting is
Grichnik continues, “or you add a drug called Enhanced Recovery after Surgery,
called gabapentin, you can use smaller or ERAS. The goal is exactly the same.
doses of each drug and they actually work Prepare patients ahead of time. Teach
together. When they work together, you them, educate them, get them ready for
have better pain control and decreased the surgery. Have them be physically
side effects [than with opioids alone].” ready. In the OR, minimize your analge-
sics. Minimize your opioids. Use multi-
“The No. 1 side effect of opioids is go- modal analgesia and regional anesthesia,
ing to be respiratory depression. People if you can.”
die because they take too much and they
don’t breathe.” Will changes like the ones above at
hospitals across the state put an end to
Grichnik points to two new programs the opioid crisis? No. Will there be hic-
that have been launched at IRMC. cups? Will changes be needed? Yes. But if
the new law does begin to slow the rate
“We now have a new pain team for op- of opioid addiction and opioid-related
timizing pain management all the way deaths, it will be an important step in the
through the hospital: what’s best for pa- right direction. 
tients, what’s not. It’s being led by our

ER crash cart.

lost their lives to opioid drugs. Add that an even better way.
to more than 50,000 additional deaths At IRMC, she says, “there’s been a big
nationwide and it’s easy to understand
why the term “opioid crisis” has become push around the hospital, in the ED, in
a staple on the nightly news. the OR and on the floors, to use multi-
modal analgesia.”
Oddly, the word “opioid” itself is large-
ly a misnomer today. What’s multimodal analgesia?
Grichnik explains it this way: “If I
It is derived from the word opium, a choose four or five different kinds of
hypnotic drug first made from the seeds drugs, I can reduce the amount of opioid
of the poppy flower sometime around I get because I’m going to get a better effi-
3400 B.C. in lower Mesopotamia and cacy, better pain control and reduce side
Babylon. effects.
“Part of our opioid crisis in the U.S. is
Today, however, the vast majority of because we have relied on opioids as the
opioid drugs are purely synthetic. sole method of pain control when we ac-
tually know that multimodal analgesia is
Naturally, no one wants to be in pain a better.
and ‘opioids’ are quite effective at re-
lieving it, but Grichnik says that there is

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10 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz chats with lovely Laci, a sociable Sato

Hi Dog Buddies! the mainland who Laci. lowered her voice. “I like him a lot, too,
unnerstand how but don’t tell him, OK?”
Woof, is it hot! I hope all you pooch- scary an dangerous PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
es are stayin’ cool an slurpin’ lotsa water it is for us Satos, “Not a word, Miss Laci,” I promised.
during the “Dog Days of Summer.” I won- and they work with “I was a snowbird-dog ’til last October. “You’re a very social girl!”
dered why it’s called that: Google says the Sato Rescue groups That’s when we moved per-muh-nutly. I
ancient Romuns named those days cuz in Puerto Rico who have lotsa pooch pals here, now. There’s “Well, I love pooches, an humans, cats
the Dog Star, Sirius, was in the sky during scoop us up and fly Roxi, she’s a big mix; Spartacus, a black even. There’s a human in our neighbor-
the hottest part of summer. Sirius was the us to shelters over Lab; Daisy, she’s a mix (we’re sorta friene- hood who pedals around on a 3-wheeler
brightest star EVER, and it hung out with here. We got sent to mies, cuz we sometimes get on each oth- handin’ out Treats. I can spot him a mile
a star group called Canis Major, which the Sterling Animal er’s Last Nerve); my newest fren is Dixie, away. And the liddle humans around here
means “Big Dog.” Shelter in Mass- she’s a Beagle; Sam’s a boxer; an Abby’s a are great. They love me an I love them. But
uh-chooo-suts, Catahoola. An then there’s Teddy, he’s my I do eat more treats than I probly should,
So, anyway, this week I yapped with Laci an that’s where boyfriend. He’s a Cavalier King Charles. An an ‘m getting’ a liddle tubby around the
Malenfant, a sweet little Sato. I ackshully Mommy an Daddy he has a big crush on me.” she giggled and middle. So me an Mommy walk a lot.
knew what that is cuz a coupla years back found me. Daddy
I innerviewed another Sato, Nola Kratz. saw a picksure of DON’T BE SHY “Up north, when me an Daddy were
(A Sato is a stray pooch from Puerto Rico, my litter on The walkin,’ this liddle, funny-lookin’ pooch
where it’s very scary to be a stray pooch.) NET. He called We are always looking for pets came up an rubbed against Daddy’s ankle,
Mommy, an went with interesting stories. an Daddy patted its head; so I went over
Laci an her Mom and Dad were right out to see us in the for the wag-an-sniff, an it rubbed against
front, waitin’ to greet us. She was a dainty, fur. My brothers To set up an interview, email me, too, an, after that, it’d join us on our
mostly black pooch, with a frenly face an and sisters ran up [email protected]. walks. I didn’t ree-lize it was a cat ’til years
cute ears that sorta lapped over. to Daddy, bein’ later.”
all Cute Puppy. I
“Good morning. I’m Bonzo and this is was sitting, very “Didja ever do any goofy puppy stuff
my Assistant. I’m so pleased to meet you, ladylike, on my back in your youth? Like, you know, chew
Miss Laci.” blanket. Then I shoes?”
came over an gave Dad-
She looked up to her Mom an Dad for dy lots of licks to let him know I was the “Well, not shoes. But this one time,
the “OK,” then came over for the Wag-n- pooch he was looking for. He unnerstood Mommy fell asleep on the couch an, when
Sniff. “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Bonzo. This is right away. I was 12 weeks old then. Now she woke up, there was this pile of sawdust
my Mommy, Mary Jean, an my Daddy, Bill. I’m 12 years old. I was SO LUCKY! on the floor. I had accidentally chewed
If you don’t mind, I’m gonna just take a the leg of the couch almost all up. Also, I
quick roll in the grass before we go inside. I “First time I saw snow, I thought some don’t eat my kibbles at the bowl. I prefer
love grass. It’s so soft an cool, great for nap- pooch was gonna be in Big Trouble for to take a nice mouthful and go to the din-
pin’ an rollin,’ an just hangin’ out.” tearing a pillow apart. Then I ree-lized it ing room. I mean, that’s where Mommy an
was Super Cool Kibbles to play in, throw it Daddy dine, right? An, if they should hap-
After a few energetic, paws-up, rolls, around, dig in it. It was Chilly Paws, but I pen to forget my mealtime, I sit smack in
right-to-left, left-to-right, she led the way loved it.” front of ’em and give ‘em The Look.
in. I’d worried whether I shoulda Boned
Up on my Spanish, but breathed an in- “Sounds fun! But it musta been kinda “But sometimes, Mr. Bonzo, I need
conspicuous sigh of relief when she spoke weird, coming down here where it’s so hot, some Me Time. So I go out to the screen
great Dog English. “So, tell me about how and we got sand insteadda snow.” porch an just listen to the birds an think
you got here from Puerto Rico,” I suggest- about how lucky I am. It’s so Zen.”
ed, opening my notebook. “It was puzz-ling at first. I really missed
my pals, too, ’specially my boyfriend Bent- Heading home, I was thinkin’ about the
“I was a very lucky Sato, Mr. Bonzo. I ley, he’s a Burmese Mountain Dog; an Die- Dog Star, up in the sky with the other Big
don’t remember much about life in the sel, he’s a St. Bernard; Cooper’s a mix like Dog stars. I wonder if Canis Major is any-
streets or on the beach, cuz my litter got me; Marcie’s a Boston Terrier; an my BFF’s where near Dog Heaven, cuz there’s a lotta
saved when we were just tiny puppies. See, Bailey.” bright shining dog stars there, too.
there are these groups of humans here on
“When did you move down?” Till next time,

The Bonz

Carefully-crafted ‘Shangri-La’
hits the market in Vero

4335 60th Drive: 5-bedroom, 3-bath, 3024-square-foot home on 7.8-acre lot with pond and guest house
offered for $825,000 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services agent Michelle Clarke: 772-263-0386

12 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Carefully-crafted ‘Shangri-La’ hits the market in Vero

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer and other major arterial roads. “We have
[email protected] the ultimate in privacy with the ultimate
convenience,” Perhacs said.
Husband and wife Ben Stone and Dan-
ica Perhacs turned an eight-acre site at “We bought it because we knew there
4335 60th Dr. into a dream compound and could be no more neighbors,” she said.
retreat over the past 30 years. Now they’re “There are dead-end streets to the east and
ready to lighten their worldly ties so they west and the deed can’t be split.”
can travel and are letting their “Shan-
gri-La” go to pursue other adventures. The couple transformed a plain and
not very functional 1964 two-bedroom,
The next owner will appreciate the cou- one-bath, block and stucco house into
ple’s sense of craftsmanship, functionality, a five-bedroom, three-bath, two-story
beauty and love of nature. The building home that was completed in 1997. They
and land sculpting done over the years clad the block first floor and frame upper
enhanced natural habitat, creating views level in vinyl siding for the energy savings,
from every window and prospect. good looks and easy maintenance. New
two-zone air conditioning was installed
Growing children and an aging parent in 2010 and 2011. The old shingle roof was
were given room to explore and ponder in replaced with metal in 2014.
a big guest house.
They built a two-bedroom, two-bath
Perhacs’ business, Canvasworks, which guest house in 1996. The square footage
produced custom canvas work and uphol- is the maximum allowed by code at 1,200
stery for boats, was given scope in a large

studio. Stone worked alongside her, restor- square feet, with 300 square feet covered
ing antique MGs or readying for a big fish- and screened porch. It’s frame construc-
ing expedition as a boat captain. tion, vinyl siding with a metal roof.

Car collectors and hobbyists take note – A pond was dug to provide fill for the
the work building is tall and engineered to guest house site. It is fed by an artesian
handle a second floor or lifts, which would well they had drilled at the same time,
nearly double the 24-foot-by-48-foot floor greatly enlivening the wildlife population
space. and providing irrigation. “Only land zoned
agriculture may have an artesian well
The MGs, not surprisingly, are stored now,” Perhacs said. “What we’ve done here
under custom canvas covers in two double would not be possible now.”
carports, built to enclosed-garage specifi-
cations. It would be easy to add walls and The pond is the centerpiece of the prop-
convert the space to a secure garage. erty, with main house, guest house, work
studio, garages and storage sheds – all with
Over the years, as the couple worked on metal roofs – nestled among trees and
the property, the location gained value as plantings ranged around the water.
the county center shifted west and north,
making their gated retreat close to all the “Everything flows beautifully and is
stores and restaurants along 58th Avenue nicely placed,” Berkshire Hathaway Home

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 10, 2018 13

Services listing agent Michelle Clarke said. window to the dining room. A copper sink Hurricane Impact Doors
“Mature plantings, time and nature have and painted Italian tile add to the “country & Impact Glass,
created an ambiance and given character kitchen” aesthetic. Well-engineered pull- We Have It All!
to the property.” out maple drawers below and cabinets
above are handsome and functional.
Extending into the pond is a covered
dock with a large lounge area. People There are three bedrooms in addition
walking out on the dock brought watery to two master suites, one downstairs and
denizens to the surface, expecting to be one upstairs. Crown molding, marble sills,
fed. Turtle and fish swarmed and maneu- wood floors, big windows and big closets

vered for kibble, catching it mid-air or give a rich, expansive feel to the house, Transform Your Existing Door from
mid-sink, while an unconcerned gopher which can accommodate a small tribe. Boring to Beautiful!
tortoise moseyed by on land, stalwart legs
moving under a shell the size of a turkey The master baths are marked by big ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
platter. cultured-marble walk-in showers. A jetted ■ Customize to your style
tub is upstairs. ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
The gathering and feeding of humans ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
happens in the large wrap-around cov- The hardworking couple also put in a ■ Fiberglass Doors
ered porch, framed in cedar wood and large office, a built-in taking up three walls ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
screened, incorporating a hexagonal ga- providing two corner desks with filing ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
zebo dining area. An outdoor kitchen with space beneath. There are capacious wall ■ Etching
a built-in propane gas range is set off by a cabinets, as well. ■ Schlage Hardware
cobalt blue ceramic tile surround. ■ Mirror Wraps
Ceiling fans in every room and a “whole
“We open both French doors and the house fan” that sucks hot air up and out Regency Square
porch becomes a part of the house,” Per- make air conditioning unnecessary most
hacs said. “We eat 90 percent of our meals of the year. 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
out here.”
Plantation shutters, awnings on the 772.463.6500
Inside are pine wood floors through- southwest windows and plantings make
out, laid on the diagonal in the bedrooms, the house cool in the hottest months. Lo-
“which adds so much character,” Clarke quat, gumbo limbo, myrtle, royal Poinci-
said. The kitchen counters are butcher ana, gardenia and other trees provide wel-
block and granite, with a pass-through come shade while their scent and beauty
spellbinds the occupants to Shangri-La. 


Year built: 1997
Main home size: 3,024 square feet • Lot size: Nearly 8 acres
Construction: Concrete block first floor, frame second floor,

vinyl siding, metal roof
Bedrooms: 5 • Bathrooms: 3
Additional features: Main house, guest house, two double car-
ports, I-beam workshop 24’ by 48’, pond fed by artesian wells,
lift station, dock with electric, screened gazebo porch, gated
entrance, pine wood floors, cathedral ceilings, granite count-
ers, cultured marble showers, jetted tub, two master suites in
main house, newish air conditioning, 2014 metal roof, fenced
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Michelle Clarke, 772-263-0386

Listing price: $825,000

14 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



The mainland real estate market was as hot as the temperature last week in Vero Beach and Se-
bastian, where 44 single-family residences and lots changed hands.
The top sale of the week was the home at 3546 Marthas Lane in Vero Beach. First put on the
market in April for $585,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,216-square-foot residence sold for
$520,000 on Aug. 1.
The seller of the property was represented by agent Olske V. Forbes of Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Inc. The purchaser was represented by agent Matt Fahmie of Billero & Billero Properties.


VERO BEACH 3546 MARTHAS LANE 4/10/2018 $585,000 8/1/2018 $405,000
VERO BEACH 3060 PEACHTREE STREET SW 5/4/2018 $410,000 8/3/2018 $390,000
VERO BEACH 1225 SOUTH LAKES WAY SW 5/7/2018 $415,000 7/30/2018 $375,000
VERO BEACH 525 32ND COURT SW 6/23/2018 $375,000 8/2/2018 $365,000
VERO BEACH 5416 BARBADOS SQUARE 2/19/2018 $383,700 7/31/2018 $344,250
VERO BEACH 6475 MONSERRAT DRIVE 2/11/2018 $364,678 7/31/2018 $300,000
VERO BEACH 3770 6TH PLACE 2/11/2018 $368,000 7/31/2018 $295,000
VERO BEACH 3147 ASHFORD SQUARE 6/12/2018 $299,900 8/3/2018 $293,000
SEBASTIAN 623 BRUSH FOOT DRIVE 5/25/2018 $315,000 8/3/2018 $291,900
VERO BEACH 1280 SCARLET OAK CIRCLE 4/25/2018 $294,900 7/31/2018 $289,900
VERO BEACH 5125 3RD MANOR 4/30/2018 $299,900 7/31/2018 $280,000
VERO BEACH 1301 VERANDA WAY 8/1/2018 $280,000 8/1/2018 $278,000
SEBASTIAN 357 SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS BLVD 7/3/2018 $285,000 7/30/2018 $260,000
SEBASTIAN 112 KARRIGAN STREET 1/12/2018 $279,000 8/1/2018 $250,000
SEBASTIAN 117 DUBAN STREET 6/7/2018 $259,900 7/31/2018 $236,500
VERO BEACH 5915 RIDGE LAKE CIRCLE 2/28/2018 $260,000 7/31/2018 $234,500
VERO BEACH 1825 TARPON LANE UNIT#H305 5/25/2018 $234,500 7/31/2018 $225,000
VERO BEACH 1596 24TH PLACE SW 3/28/2018 $239,000 8/3/2018 $219,000
SEBASTIAN 485 BISCAYNE LANE 5/11/2018 $225,000 7/31/2018 $207,500
VERO BEACH 1086 NORMANDIE WAY 6/11/2018 $215,000 7/31/2018 $205,000
VERO BEACH 538 6TH STREET 5/26/2018 $212,000 7/31/2018 $195,000
VERO BEACH 2645 53RD AVENUE 5/27/2018 $219,900 7/31/2018 $192,000
VERO BEACH 616 20TH STREET SW 5/25/2018 $195,000 7/30/2018 $190,000
SEBASTIAN 13570 MYSTIC DRIVE UNIT#106 4/23/2018 $214,900 7/30/2018 $189,000
SEBASTIAN 950 DOLPHIN AVENUE 7/3/2018 $199,000 8/2/2018 $178,500
SEBASTIAN 521 S EASY STREET 5/11/2018 $184,900 7/31/2018 $176,500
VERO BEACH 1539 30TH AVENUE 5/18/2018 $189,900 7/31/2018 $166,000
VERO BEACH 910 28TH AVENUE 6/8/2018 $150,000 7/30/2018 $156,500
VERO BEACH 2146 34TH AVENUE 4/25/2018 $167,500 7/31/2018 $152,000
VERO BEACH 2135 87TH AVENUE 6/18/2018 $167,000 7/30/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 10, 2018 15


3060 Peachtree Street SW, Vero Beach 1225 South Lakes Way SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/4/2018 Listing Date: 5/7/2018
Original Price: $410,000 Original Price: $415,000
Sold: 8/3/2018 Sold: 7/30/2018
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $390,000
Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Not Provided Brad Shearer

Not Provided Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

525 32nd Court SW, Vero Beach 5416 Barbados Square, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 6/23/2018 Listing Date: 2/19/2018
Original Price: $375,000 Original Price: $383,700
Sold: 8/2/2018 Sold: 7/31/2018
Selling Price: $375,000 Selling Price: $365,000
Listing Agent: Steven Rennick Listing Agent: Kathleen Davila

Selling Agent: Rennick Real Estate Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty VB

Not Provided Not Provided

Not Provided Not Provided




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By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 The Space Coast Symphony Orches-
tra promises “Music of the Night” will
“make your summer sizzle,” and there’s ab-
solutely no doubt this Sunday’s concert at
Community Church in Vero Beach will do
all that and more. Ensconced firmly at the
zenith of his profession, English composer
and impresario of musical theatre Sir An-
drew Lloyd-Webber’s works include “Phan-
tom of the Opera,” “Jesus Christ Superstar,”
“Evita,” “Cats” and many other smash-hit
musicals, and his six Tonys, three Gram-
mys, an Oscar, Kennedy Center Honors, a
star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a
knighthood are but a few of his many, many
honors and accolades. Professional singers
from Orlando Light Opera and Opera del
Sol will join the symphony in this thrilling
tribute to Lloyd-Webber. Broadway veteran
Michelle Knight (“Disenchanted,” “Jersey
Boys,” “Finding Nemo”) headlines the show
with mezzo soprano Sarah Purser, tenor Kit
Cleto and baritone Michael John Foster,
along with other powerful vocalists Steph-
anie Newman, Stephanie McCranie, Brian


B2 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Artist Suzy Mellott captures ‘beauty and joy’on canvas

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer ing in Vero Beach when she was 10 Mellott initially met Palm House them and want to sit on her lap, which
years old and later she and husband Gallery & Studio owner Emily Tremml of course makes painting them slightly
[email protected] John, former publisher of the Atlanta while out walking her dog, and fate more difficult.
Journal-Constitution, continued the brought them together again at a class
Suzy Mellott doesn’t take things at tradition with their own family. They Tremml taught at Quail Valley. The gal- She admits finding landscapes more
face value, especially not when it has challenging, explaining, “I feel ex-
to do with her art. To have her artwork purchased a home in Vero 10 years lery had recently opened and Tremml tremely overwhelmed. I have a hard
tell a tale, the artist likes to get to know ago, after he retired, and began split- invited her to join the studio’s other time looking out at all that green and
her subjects before putting paint to ting their time between the two states. artists. knowing what to paint. I need an an-
canvas. The couple recently moved into a new chor, and that’s what flowers, people
home at Palm Island Plantation. Having dabbled in various mediums and animals are for me.”
“I like to know their personality, be- over the years – first watercolors and
cause I’m trying to capture it on can- then pastels – she eventually decided Several years ago Mellott was ap-
vas, whether it’s a dog or a person. I’m her strength lay in oil paints, explain- proached by and joined Painting for
trying to tell a story, but mostly I just ing, “I find it the most difficult but the Good Causes, a nationwide nonprofit
want to celebrate beauty and joy,” says most rewarding. I think I’m better at based out of Tampa. It’s member art-
Mellott, who wields her paintbrush in pastel, but I’m determined.” ists paint portraits of foster children
a flurry of color and beautiful brush seeking homes, deployed servicemen
strokes. Her favorite subjects are people and and women, and children diagnosed
animals, preferably dogs. with cancer, that are then gifted to the
“A lot of times I’ll paint something families.
that we’ve all done. That’s what’s com- “I’m freer when I do an animal. I
pelling to me. It may be a family on don’t get as uptight,” says Mellott, ad- “It’s a great organization and I want-
the beach or a girl riding a bike,” she mitting that it is sometimes difficult ed to get more portrait experience, so
says. “I want to paint portraits that are to get the animals to sit still. They all it was such a win-win,” says Mellott,
more atmospheric. I’m hoping to find seem to sense that she is nuts about who has contributed roughly 20 paint-
a niche and tell more of a story by shy- ings. The difficulty, she says, is that
ing away from the traditional posed their emotional stories sometimes
portrait and instead, painting people make it difficult to depict the children
doing what they love.” as they should be – happy and loved.

Given the dedicated fan base and Mellott says her artistic tendencies
stream of portrait commissions she has began at an early age, attributing the
underway, the approach is working. interest to her mother.

Mellott’s family began vacation- “My mom always liked art; she was
pivotal in exposing us to art. She took
us to the Toledo Museum of Art and I
took classes there.”

After two years as an art major at the
Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, she
changed her major to business, ironi-
cally because she was tired of watching
her friends have fun while she worked
on art projects – now exactly what she
most desires to do.

Although she went on to work as a
CPA in a large accounting firm, Mellott
always had some creative project un-
derway to fill the artistic void. She says
she doesn’t regret her foray into the
business world, noting, “I might not
like art as much if it had been my job. I
might have seen it as more of a chore.”

She eventually left the firm to raise
their three daughters, all of whom have
or are pursuing art-centric careers.
One daughter is an art history profes-
sor at the Savannah College of Art and
Design, another a graphic arts student
attending the same college, and the
third is an elementary school teacher.

Her advice to budding artists comes
from a book she once read that sug-
gested, “Challenge yourself to do 100
paintings from life and expect them to
be bad.”

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 10, 2018 B3

Putting it into context she adds, techniques she admires. “There are so right side, she’ll set aside the project “The magic is going to happen in
“you have to make mistakes to get bet- many things to think of: composition, and start something else. the last 10 percent,” she promises.
ter at art. It’s a requirement. I’ve real- values, color and light.”
ized there is so much to know. I used “It’s better to paint a few things at Mellott will be the featured artist in
to have the attitude that a lot of art was As with many artists, she continu- once,” says Mellott, pointing to sever- November at the Center for Spiritual
just a happy mistake. I’ve come to re- ally has to remind herself not to over- al of her current projects. Care, with an exhibit entitled “Bloom.”
alize it’s probably not.” think her work. As the name implies, the exhibit will
Included in the mix are several can- focus on flowers, to celebrate God’s
Mellott is drawn to post-impres- “You want to be loose, but you want vases which will eventually be used creativity and embrace the center’s
sionists such as Vincent van Gogh, the drawing to be accurate.” If she be- for a children’s ABC book of animals, mission of fostering spiritual and ho-
whose use of color and brush stroke gins to feel the analytical left side of and another painting that is 90 per- listic growth. 
her brain is overpowering the artistic cent done.


1. The Other Woman 1. Hillbilly Elegy 1. The Lost Continent (Wings of

2. Dog Man and Cat Kid
2. The Lost Letter 2. Assume the Worst
(Dog Man #4) BY DAV PILKEY
4. Malala's Magic Pencil
3. Pachinko BY MIN JIN LEE 3. The Things That Matter
5. The Burning Maze (The Trials
5. The Plant Paradox


NICHOLAS SPARKS with EVERY BREATH 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

Saturday, October 20th 1 pm
Tickets are now available. Please contact us at
772.569.2050 or [email protected]

B4 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Lauderdale’s acclaimed Symphony of the don’t know about you, but that peaks my cu- gust version of Riverside’s doldrums-ban-
Americas, is performed throughout Florida riosity. Maybe I’ll see you there. At 7:30 p.m., ishing Summer Nights series. And what’s the
Hayes and Andrew Lejeune. In addition to and the Americas. It includes a thoughtful Bad Mannerz takes the stage. According to theme for August, you ask? “Cheeseburgers
Lloyd-Webber’s wonderful songs will be se- diversity of works from Ginastera, Delibes, the website, these guys are seasoned musi- in Paradise.” Perfect, n’est-ce pas? Beachland
lections from Sondheim, Rodgers, Weill and Handel, Piazolla, Haydn, Wagner, Bach, cians who perform the greatest rock songs will be making the appropriately island-fla-
others. According to the show promo, “Mu- White, Saint-Saëns and Mozart, with one ever written, “and they do it to perfection, vored Live in the Loop music – classic and
sic of the Night” promises to “embody the 20-minute intermission. Time: 3 p.m. Ad- showing you exactly what old school rock is soft rock with that Key West vibe; and the
glamour, magic and mystery of both musi- mission: $35. 772-770-4857. all about.” On Saturday at 6 p.m., get ready for available, bountiful foodstuffs and drink
cal theater and opera repertory.” Delighted an earful of Jeff Marquis, billed as “an amaz- specials always jibe with the theme. It’s
to be partnering with Orlando Light Opera 3 It’s virtually always party time at Capt. ing one-man band experience.” Marquis Comedy Zone weekend as well, with Al Ro-
and Opera del Sol, SCSO Conductor and Hiram’s Sand Bar in Sebastian. One of plans to take all your favorites and “change mas and John Consoli bringing the laughs.
Artistic Director Aaron Collins says simply, the popular music (and food) hang-outs in them up with a reggae flair” in keeping with Romas began his career in comedy cutting
“Andrew Lloyd-Webber is responsible for Sebastian, complete with laid-back, toes-in- Hiram’s summer reggae theme. At 7:30 p.m. his teeth in the open-mic circuit of Virginia
some of the most exciting and expressive the-sand tropical vibe, is Capt. Hiram’s, on Saturday, Bad Mannerz returns to the stage in the mid-1980s, surviving and honing his
music ever composed for the theater.” Show the town’s most popular, pedestrian walkway, with another helping of old school rock. act in Norfolk bars and Virginia Beach clubs
time: 3 p.m. Admission: $25. At-the-door: along the storied Indian River (Lagoon). This to audiences of “rowdy college students,
$27.50. Under 18 free. 855-252-7276. Friday, on the Sand Bar stage at 3:30 p.m., it’s AT RIVERSIDE THEATRE rowdier sailor, and sunburned tourists,”
Greg and Brian, who describe their style as before moving up to paid gigs. In only a few
2 Sizzling or refreshingly cool: Clear “Elton meets Billy, joins the Beatles, and they 4 Get your parrothead groove on at Riv- years he was living in New York and working
cool water and the Oscar-winning all watch Monty Python’s Flying Circus.” I erside Theatre this weekend, with the full-time as a standup comic up and down
motion picture “The Shape of Water” are free, free, free Live in the Loop concert; plus the East Coast. Show promo credits Romas’
the inspirations behind the Symphony of food, bevs and comedy. It’s all part of the Au- “hilarious material and natural rapport with
the Americas’ 30th Anniversary Summer- his audiences” for scoring him gigs open-
fest tour – “The Shape of Music” – coming to ing for such big names as Jerry Seinfeld and
Christ by the Sea Methodist Church in Vero Dennis Miller. Consoli, according to his bio,
Beach this Sunday, Aug. 12. According to has been making people laugh pretty much
the orchestra’s website, Summerfest is “de- his whole life: “making his parents laugh
signed to link the artistic and cultural tradi- to get out of trouble, making his teachers
tions of the world with those of Florida.” It is laugh to get out of class, making kids laugh
said to be the longest music festival event to because laughter is the most beautiful
take place in the state, and is one of the top sound he’s ever heard.” He calls telling jokes
cultural projects to be funded by the State of on stage his “dream come true.” Free Live in
Florida’s Division of Cultural Affairs Interna- the Loop concert: 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Com-
tional Cultural Exchange Grant Programs. edy Zone: 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Tickets:
For one month, Summerfest, presented by $12-$36. 772-231-6990. 
the Summerfest Chamber Orchestra of Fort




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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE August 10, 2018 B5

Heightened sense of purpose at Aerial Antics circus

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer
[email protected]

Sasha Ross.

Lauren Kendrick. Taryn Sovine. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE be proud of themselves,” said Howard. “I’ve
been doing this for 21 years, and it’s amaz-
ing to see these kids come out of their shell,
their self-esteem is built up, and there’s no
pressure of competition.

This year’s finale literally rocked “the
boat,” a rolling, steel frame that had per-
formers timing their movements in a syn-
chronized, dramatic display that summed
up the inspirational message to never give

Their annual Holiday Drama, “Christmas
Road Trip,” takes place Dec. 2 at the Vero
Beach High School PAC. For more informa-
tion, visit 

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Explaining that she and her sister, Liz
[email protected] Matthews, the performing arts instruc-
tor, had themselves participated in the
Inspiration and positivity oozed from program from an early age, she added, “I
the rafters of the Saint Edward’s School don’t believe there is any other recreation
Gonzalez Activities Center gymnasium last department that offers something like this,
weekend, as nearly 250 performers wowed anywhere.”
the audience at the 44th annual Aerial An-
tics Youth Circus. The performance was As their mother, Jennie Howard, sat in
the culmination of weeks of study in the the bleachers watching her grandchildren
Vero Beach Recreation Department’s per- perform, memories of when her daughters
forming arts and gymnastics classes, and participated came tumbling back.
Aerial Antics summer camp held at Leisure
Square. “It’s still such a wonderful program,” she
said. “My girls learned how to be on stage,
Families and friends filled the house to know their presence, learn poise, confi-
during three packed performances, watch- dence and through it all they were having a
ing as performers from ages 3 to 25 execut- good time.”
ed acrobatics, gymnastics, dance routines
and daring circus aerials in a choreo- Three long-time participants, who will
graphed display of spectacular acts that head off to college this fall, spoke with
lived up to the show’s theme: “It is Time to emotion about the impact it has had on
Inspire.” their lives. All three said they aren’t ready
to hang up the towel just yet; they plan to
Every performer was given their moment return during college breaks.
in the spotlight – from the littlest tumblers
to gymnasts, dance students and aerial- “I’ve been in the program since I was
ists. Deeply rooted in the community, the 2 years old. It’s like my second family. I
program has a four-decade-long history of learned all about teamwork and friend-
providing a healthy outlet for children. ship,” said Justine Higgins.

“There’s a lot of negativity in the world, Madison Torrent, a 14-year participant,
even here locally. We wanted the kids and said it has helped her to develop self-confi-
the audience to walk away feeling posi- dence and to always “do you.”
tive and feeling good about everything,”
said Patty Howard, assistant recreation “I like the inspire theme this year,” said
director. “We wanted to send a message, 12-year participant Taryn Sovine. “The
especially for the kids. Be brave, don’t give coaches do that for us.”
up, don’t succumb to the negativity in the
world and keep your head up.” The program’s longevity is attributed to
its non-competitive, family environment.

“We don’t expect anyone to be perfect.
We just want them to learn something and

B6 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

‘Back to School’ spirit sparkles at RT Star kids party

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer
[email protected]

Star power abounded at Riverside Georgia Irish, Jon Moses and Mary Cone. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Cynthia Falardeau and Tiffany Justice.
Theatre last Saturday at the fourth an-
nual RT Star’s Back to School Party, a
partnership between Riverside Theatre
and the Education Foundation of Indian
River County.

“We both have a commitment to ed-
ucation, and the fine arts certainly are
important to education,” said Cynthia
Falardeau, Education Foundation exec-
utive director. “There is that collabora-
tive spirit of promoting education with-
in our community. In order for children
to be successful, we have to have strong
community partnerships to support our

Dr. Mark Rendell and Pamela Dampier. Front: Jayce Allamby, Ethan Allamby, Kix Hofer and Ellie Allamby. Audrey Watkins.
Back: Beth and Michael Hofer.

Families swarmed the Riverside cam- Representatives from the Tobacco Free Emcee Hamp Elliott and DJ Joe Tes- during a two-week intensive, summer
pus for a morning bursting with chil- Partnership of Indian River County’s sier oversaw spirited interactive com- dance camp. This year, Adam Schnell,
dren’s activities, including hands-on SWAT (Students Working Against Tobac- petitions for everyone to enjoy, such as Riverside’s director of dance educa-
crafts, face painting, zipping down a co) team, Vero Beach Museum of Art and building a lunch box, limbo, hula hoop tion and artistic director of Ballet Vero
slide, games, storytime, a DJ Dance Par- Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten were also and getting dressed for school contests. Beach, invited the CORE Dance Compa-
ty, plenty of live performances and forti- on-site to share programming. After stocking up on school supplies ny to work with the students.
fication from hot dogs to ice pops. donated by Publix, families watched
The School District’s Transportation School District employees play a rousing “It’s one of the best parts of my year
Parents gathered information about Department took families on mini-bus game of Name That Tune, with help from because the kids make a huge leap for-
school lunches, bus routes, transporta- rides to ease any first-day jitters before student participants. ward over two weeks,” said Schnell. “I
tion schedules and vision screenings. the Aug. 13 start of school. feel like the kids are developing their
Oscar Sales, Riverside’s marketing di- own voices as to what type of dance and
rector, said Jon Moses, managing direc- what type of art they want to make.”
tor, wanted to expand exposure to live
performing arts opportunities for fam- “When I take lessons it’s just ballet
ilies. and just jazz,” said Mia Girard, a four-
year participant who stressed that the
“Many schools have scaled back tre- camp has helped her grow as a dancer.
mendously on arts programs,” said “But when I come here, there are all dif-
Sales. “For kids who are interested in ferent styles.
the arts, we want them to know they can
come and participate through our schol- You’re exposed to different groups
arship program. Any child who wants to and choreographers every year and I get
learn, take a class or perform does not pushed out of my comfort zone.”
have to worry about financial need. If
you can’t pay for it, please come. There CORE Dance choreographers involved
are people that are happy to help.” the students in creating the dances, tak-
ing bits from each of them and weaving
The afternoon concluded with the them into a moving testimonial of how
seventh annual Riverside Dance Festi- the dancers perceive the world.
val, a performance showcasing original
numbers choreographed for students Visit for more in-
formation or to register for fall dance and
theater classes. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE August 10, 2018 B7

Mia Girard. Tony Morman.

Emma Brownstein, Anna Birnholz, Amelia Weber (behind).

B8 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Blue Star Brasserie: Culinary excellence in Old Downtown

By Tina Rondeau | Columnist Seared Hot Foie Gras. jumbo scallops served on top of a shitake,
[email protected] tomato and spinach orzo with a little bit
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD of goat cheese and a basil pesto. Accom-
For an evening of fine dining, the Blue Star panied by grilled asparagus, it was a fab-
Brasserie on 14th Avenue has become our go- Coconut Curried Grouper with P.E.I. Mussels ulous dish.
to choice on the Vero Beach mainland.
Our companion’s very thick cut of
When chef Kitty Wagner opened this swordfish was cooked perfectly, nice and
restaurant in Vero’s Old Downtown as moist, and complemented by a roasted
the Blue Star Bourbon Bar and Southern tomato, caper and olive ragout.
Kitchen in 2013, the ambiance was about
as casual and roughhewn as the name. But my husband’s lobster risotto was ab-
Five years later, it’s still casual – but each solutely amazing – the meat from a pound-
year, it also becomes more elegant. and-a-half Maine lobster, removed from
the shell, and served on top of a shitake,
And when we visited last week, the pi- leek, tarragon, parmesan, white wine risot-
ano stylings of Jim Van Voorheis provided to. Superb.
an excellent backdrop for an evening of
comfortable but gracious dining. On another recent visit, I started with a
very light and refreshing summer water-
Word of how good this restaurant has melon salad ($14), and my husband enjoyed
become is clearly getting around, be- an excellent Maine lobster bisque ($12).
cause even on a summer Vero evening, it
was fortunate that we had booked ahead. Then for entrées, I chose the pan-
seared Faroe Island salmon ($28) – always
Seated far enough from the piano for very good here, and on this visit served
easy table conversation, our very atten- atop succotash – and my husband had
tive server quickly took our wine order, one of his favorites, the sautéed calves
and returned with a basket of the Blue liver and fried onions ($28) served with
Star’s rosemary rolls. whipped potatoes.

For appetizers, I decided to have the On neither of these recent outings,
chilled cucumber and dill soup ($8), my hus- alas, did we have room for one of the Blue
band opted for the foie gras ($24), and our Star’s delicious homemade desserts.
companion ordered the escargot saute ($14).
This summer’s special deal (every
The soup, made with nonfat Greek yo- restaurant seems to have one) is a free
gurt, was light and refreshing – the perfect bottle of wine with every two entrées
starter on a hot summer night. The pan- or four appetizers. And these are pretty
seared foie gras was exquisite, served with good wines. The nights we were there, we
a blueberry and blackberry chutney and ac- opted for the Bogle chardonnay.
companied by a petite mixed green salad.
Dinner for two, if you have an appetiz-
And Kitty’s escargot sautee – not your er, entrée and dessert, can still run $90 to
classic presentation, but a deconstruct- $100 before tip – even with the wine spe-
ed dish with tender snails surrounded by cial – but it can come in considerably less
bacon, shallots, and slices of apple, and a if you dine light on the interesting selec-
square of puff pastry on the side as a gar- tion of small plates.
nish – was great, as always.
Chef Kitty has been through a number
Then for entrées, I ordered the diver of restaurant iterations – some we really
sea scallops ($36), my husband chose the liked, some less so – in her years in Vero
lobster risotto ($38), and our companion Beach. At the Blue Star Brasserie, she cur-
went for the swordfish ($34). rently is at the top of her game.

My dish consisted of four pan-seared The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
32963. 

House Made Key Lime Pie Chilled Watermelon Salad. HOURS
(from Kitty’s Key Lime Tree) Tuesday - Sunday,

5 pm till 1 am

Full Bar
1937 Old Dixie Hwy,
Vero Beach

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 10, 2018 B9

SUNSET MENU $17 A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks

Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge

Carolina BBQ Pork, Chicken, Scottish
Salmon, Steak Au Poivre, Rigatoni Bolognese

Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant
2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days The Best Food In South County!
2002 – 2017
(772) 234-3966 reservations strongly suggested

3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL 2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm Vero Beach

-French Cuisine-
Customer Appreciation Week I August 9th - August 15th

On the House Complimentary One Freebie
Pomme Dauphine Mousse Au Chocolat Rosé Spritzer
for the table (w/every à la carte appetizer order)

No Charge 1/2 Off Second Entrée
Cheese Profiteroles of equal or lesser value
for the table (excludes Prix Fixe)

Annual Vacation I August 16, 2018 - October 4, 2018

Thank you for your support!

772-770-2071 •

Follow us on Instagram  Like us on Facebook
1309 19th Place - Downtown Vero Beach, FL
Reservations Preferred • "see you at the bistro!"

sunday brunch live entertainment wednesday
steak night
a la carte brunch menu fridays | cabana bar | 5:30-8:30 pm
a la carte
11:30 am - 3 pm saturdays | the wave | 7-10 pm specialty steak menu

early-bird dinner DJ thursday
paella night
sunday - thursday saturdays | cabana bar | 1-5 pm
5 - 6 PM sundays | cabana bar | 2-5 pm variety paella dishes

three courses happy hour mojito monday
$22 per person
1/2 off appetizers $8 flavored mojitos
$4 draft beer
$5 house wine

$6 house cocktails

4 - 6 pm daily

call 772.410.0100 for more information 

B10 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING


Sundays | 2 - 5 PM

Fruit infused Grey Goose cocktails in a logo'd goblet!
*while supplies last.

Join us at Cabana Bar
for Costa d'Este's

Summer Entertainment Series,
featuring a DJ

& specialty cocktail samples.

In partnership with Bacardi.
Additional beverages & food available for purchase.
No reservations required. Call 772.410.0100 for more details. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 10, 2018 B11








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B12 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES August 10, 2018 B13



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q94

Les Dawson, an Englishman whose profession you will soon divine, said, “My mother- AJ83
in-law has come round to our house at Christmas seven years running. This year, we’re
having a change. We’re going to let her in.” K43

When you are in a trump suit, the number of rounds of that suit you play may determine WEST EAST
whether the door opens — you make the contract — or stays closed — you go down. Q J 10 4 3
2 A976
South is in four hearts. West leads the spade queen, which wins the trick, and continues K9764
with the spade 10. After declarer ruffs that, how many rounds of trumps should he 87 853
immediately draw: zero, one, two or three?
Q 10
When North rebid one no-trump, South just went with the known eight- or nine-card
heart fit. (North would not have bid no-trump with a singleton heart. With, for example, Q J 10 9
3-1-5-4 distribution, he would have rebid two clubs.) In this deal, a raise to three no-
trump would have worked fine too, but that was far from obvious with the singleton SOUTH
Declarer might concede four tricks: one spade, one diamond and two clubs. He must
eliminate a club loser. One chance is to find the suit splitting 3-3, but that happens only A K J 10 7 6
one time in three. If the clubs are 4-2, South has to ruff his last club on the board. Since
this requires only one trump, some players would think that they could afford to draw 52
two rounds of trumps — but not here. When East wins a club trick, he leads his last
trump to kill the ruff. A652

Declarer should draw one round of trumps, then play three rounds of clubs. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West

The Bidding:

1 Diamonds Pass
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass Q Spades


per month special*


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 Existing customers get one $49/month.

for signing up for online billing and maintenance portal at
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B14 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Groaned (6) 1 Disperses (7)
4 Relief for the poor (4) 2 Donations (5)
8 Favor (6) 3 Deserve (4)
9 Reply (6) 5 Pays attention (7)
10 Untrue (5) 6 Water as vapour (5)
11 Cries (7) 7 Observed (7)
13 Utilised (4) 12 Ten laps (anag.) (7)
15 Fib (3) 14 Undergarments (7)
16 Large vessel (4) 17 Ailment (7)
18 Stays (7) 19 Mistake (5)
20 Charm (5) 21 Frolics (5)
23 Pressing (6) 22 Desire (4)
24 Pictures (6)
25 Get up (4)
26 Spectres (6)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES August 10, 2018 B15

ACROSS 94 Is in store for 48 Where Ennis is The Washington Post
1 Ratings period when TV 96 Eighth Hebrew letter 50 Julie Walters’s
97 Fool time
increases its sleaze quotient 98 Desirous Oscar-nominated role
7 To a greater degree 100 Behaved toward 52 With a little crying
13 Walk out, officially 103 Electricity: slang
17 Accords, e.g. 104 Horde horseman 57 Like most Martin Scorsese
18 Halls for brawls 105 British prime minister, 1945- movies
19 Misrepresentational art?
20 Flew in 51 58 Substance used in
22 “Let’s have it!” 106 Church recess fireworks fuses
23 Boca ___, Fla. 107 “Are you seeing ___?”
24 Going on 2 a.m. 108 Visual aid props 60 Enriqué’s emphatic assent
25 Home o’ Roma? 61 Lahr and Parks
27 Decreases de creases DOWN 62 Beach bird or Irish river
28 Baseball’s Gil 1 Na Na or la-la opener 64 Sad, to de Sade
30 Japanese theater 2 Ring magazine topic 65 Montgomery Clift, Marlon
31 Certain acid salt 3 Make mad
35 Traveled across a Tesla coil 4 Like most movies on Brando, or Nick Nolte by
36 Paderewski’s first name birth
38 The Day of the Locust network TV 67 Most cacophonous
5 Does road work 68 Numbers
author 6 Compass pt. 70 Engage the enemy
39 Weather org. 7 World War I siren 71 Upright
42 Frequent Billy Wilder 8 Turgenev’s birthplace 73 Outride, as a posse
9 Cover with fresh paper, 74 Ecclesiastical assembly
co-writer, ___ Diamond 76 “Wink, wink, nudge,
43 Labor ___ delusion as shelves nudge, say no more”
44 “Aha!” 10 Name from China’s past member of Monty Python
46 Foot-stomping music 11 Casablanca or Maltese 80 Border on
49 Sans sense 84 Portland suburb, Lake ___
51 Mugger Falcon character 85 Flimflams
53 Metal of freedom? 12 Lact something? 86 Disconcert
54 Shot putter? 13 Brendan Behan play, 87 A Honeymooner
55 Goosebumps creator R.L. 88 Actor Glover
56 She once called Han Solo The ___ Fellow 90 Eighth Greek letter
14 Scriptural preposition 91 Site of Mexicali
“laserbrain” 15 Mary’s picture, 92 “___ and Away”
57 Fitted notch in a board 93 Eye part
59 The ___ High Dam for one 95 Extraordinarily long time, old
61 Paging device 16 They can be long and gross chap
63 Love god 98 “___ married woman!”
64 Japanese gateway 19 Region of NW France 99 Negating prefix
66 ___ new phase 21 Sound that makes our dogs 101 Actress Charlotte
69 Still life specialist? 102 ___ Plaines, Ill.
72 Clinkers bark
75 Be subjective when one 26 Firmness WELL-WOVEN WORDS By Merl Reagle
28 Israel’s chief port
should be objective 29 Certain exams
77 With great concentration 32 A little after 1400 hours, to a
78 Advice to a shrinking
violet 33 Bow out, in a way
79 Cleans a sheet
81 Barbarous type 34 ___ in the dark
82 Toupee 36 Made at Cuzco, for
83 Things done, in Latin
84 African antelopes example
85 Words to live by 37 Alfalfa portrayer in Our Gang
87 Goes to
89 Prompt comedies
90 The Thing did it before it 39 Western swing band of the

escaped (1951) 1970s
91 Erected 40 Rob and Laura’s neighbor
41 Resembling a phonograph

43 Dark, as streets
44 Hill dwellers near ancient

45 Turn the ___
47 Swedish actress who

married Sammy Davis Jr.

The Telegraph

B16 August 10, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING Opera del Sol, 3 p.m. at Community Church of 28 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 7|8 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone
VB. $25; free under 18. 855-252-7276 IRC Kick-Off Celebration, 6 p.m. at the Experience, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Astronomy Pho- Christ Church 9.23 Community Center to learn p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment
tographer of the Year exhibition thru Sept. 16; 17 Seller to Cellar reunion show filming, about the walk, which raises funds for breast at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990
Post-War Impressions: Printmaking in the Unit- 5:45 p.m. at Heritage Center to bene- cancer research and support. 772-562-2272
ed States after WWII thru Sept. 23; 150 Years fit Vero Heritage Inc., with live entertainment, 8 Tunnel to Towers Vero Beach 3.43-Mile
of Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent and wine pouring of 70+ wines. $50 & $75. 31 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown Run & Walk,7:30 a.m. at Riverside Park to
Collection thru Jan. 13. 772-770-2263 Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on benefit Tunnel to Towers Foundation in memo-
14th Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 ry of 9/11 first responders and to honor all first
AUGUST 17|18 Riverside Theatre Howl responders and military members.
at the Moon Experience 31 & September 1 - Riverside Theatre Howl at
10 Mango Madness-themed Grill Out – Cheeseburgers in Paradise, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 the Moon Experience – Totally Awesome 8 United Way Day of Caring, 8 a.m. Kickoff
Night, 5:30 to 8 p.m. hosted by Sebas- p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment 80’s Party, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church
tian River Area Chamber of Commerce, with at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 followed by volunteers spanning the county
Sebastian businesses offering up refreshments to work on community improvement projects.
and summer sales. 18 A Brewin’ Birthday Bask, 5 p.m. at SEPTEMBER 772-567-8900 x 117
American Icon Brewery with free
10|11 Riverside Theatre Com- children’s activities on the lawn to celebrate 2 Vero Beach Lifeguard fundraisers: 7 a.m. 11 Never Forget Tribute Program, Art
edy Zone Experience – 4th birthday of Little Birthday Angels, which Race to the Wreck, 4:30 p.m. Poker Pub Exhibition and Art Contest Award
Cheeseburgers in Paradise, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 provides birthday parties to homeless chil- Crawl to beachside bars, leaving from Waldo’s Ceremony and Reception, 6 p.m. at Cox-Gifford
p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment dren. Restaurant and returning for 6:30 p.m. zany Bare- Seawinds Chapel. 772-562-2365
at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 foot Beach Ball, with live music, food and games
24|25 Riverside Theatre Come- ending at sunset with a ‘black-tie’ conga line into 11-23 Vero Beach Theatre Guild
11 Perseid Meteor Shower & Star Par- dy Zone Experience, 7:30 the ocean. No tickets; funds raised through spon- presents Yankee Tavern, a
ty, 7:30 to 10 p.m. at Environmental p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free sorships, food and drink sales. 772-778-2832 9/11 conspiracy theory dramatic thriller direct-
Learning Center (weather permitting), with entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 ed by Jon Putzke. 772-562-8300
Space Presentation for adults and Starry Sto-
rytime & Space Craft for kids, followed at 8 Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
p.m. with star & planet viewing using night sky in August 3, 2018 Edition 1 TIMER 1 TUCKSHOP
guides and Brevard Astronomical Society tele- 5 SHEEN 2 MIAOWS
scopes. $10; $5 children ages 2 to 11. 772-589- 8 INPUT 3 RIFFRAFF
12 Summerfest Chamber Concert pre- 11 SEW 6 ELATED
sented by Symphony of the Amer- 12 STARSTUDDED 7 NEWS
icas to benefit Cultural Council of IRC, 3 p.m. 15 PROOFREADER 13 UNDERTOW
at Christ by the Sea United Methodist Church. 19 EEL 14 DULLARDS
$35. 772-770-4857 20 REGISTRAR 16 ORGANS

12 Space Coast Symphony presents Mu- Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (CHOICE WORDS)
sic of the Night, with vocalists from


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Our directory gives small business people eager to
M - F 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm • Closed Sun. provide services to the community an opportunity

to make themselves known to our readers at an
affordable cost. This is the only business directory
mailed each week during season. If you would like

your business to appear in our directory,
please call 772-633-0753.

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