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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-09-14 15:10:54

09/14/2017 ISSUE 37


Yacht Club membership jumps
after renovations. P7
Gruesome murder
case to be retried. P8

Sheriff’s Office ordered to
pay $292,000 in lawsuit. P10

MY VERO BY MILTON R. BENJAMIN Antilles, all eyes here were mandatory evacuation, peo- Audit panel raps
Staff Writer on the “spaghetti tracks” – ple began streaming off the school bosses on
BY RAY MCNULTY computer models that pro- island. health insurance
It was, the weather fore- jected where the killer storm
Hate putting up shutters? casters told us, the mother would go, and what it would By Friday, Ocean Drive in BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
Maybe time for impact glass of all hurricanes – first a ravage next. mid-afternoon was deserted Staff Writer
strong category four, then – nary a car in sight.
The grumbling began early a category five, and finally For an agonizing time, The Indian River County
last week, when weather fore- by midweek, with cyclonic only days but it seemed like Then the computer mod- School District Audit Com-
casters issued the first warn- winds at 185 miles per hour, weeks, it appeared that Vero els – the European, the UK- mittee had tough questions
ings that Hurricane Irma the strongest to form that far Beach might be directly in MET, even the GFS (we got to for district administrators and
might be headed our way – east in the Atlantic in record- Irma’s path. know all these names during insurance executives as it dug
adding that if it arrived on our ed history. the week) – began showing into the problems that have
shores, it could deliver a dev- Shops and businesses Irma heading farther west. plagued the district’s employ-
astating blow to Vero Beach. As Irma spun her way closed, workmen feverishly ee health insurance fund.
west, devastating one island boarded up windows, hotels By Saturday, it began to
Apparently, everyone hates after another in the Lesser and restaurants shut down, appear that while Vero faced The questioning revealed
the arduous, time-consuming and long before Saturday’s a couple of days of torrential that the district does not know
and often-aggravating chore whether its self-insurance
of putting up storm shutters CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 fund costs more or less than
as much as I do, especially getting health insurance for
after having gone through employees through a private
this drill only 11 months ago company, and that its pay-
in preparation for Hurricane ment arrangement with its
Matthew. benefits consultant rewards
inefficiency and poor results.
Most of my neighbors have
the metal, slatted, screw-in The mismanaged health
shutters that came with their insurance fund was $7 mil-
homes when they were built lion in deficit last year. It was
14 years ago. Some have up- that huge and hard-to-explain
graded to the already-in- shortfall that spurred the
stalled, easy-to-close accordi-
on-style shutters. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

A rare few have invested Charters finally get a
$3.3 million settlement
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 from the School Board

Anti-sale Council BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
faction still seeks to Staff Writer
block electric deal
A three-year legal battle
BY LISA ZAHNER came to an end last Thursday
Staff Writer when the School Board agreed
to pay nearly $3.3 million in
As a massive storm churned withheld tax revenue and pu-
toward Florida last week, and nitive interest to five public
residents started to stock up,
board up and prepare to evac- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
uate the area, another trou-
bling tempest erupted at the


September 14, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 37 Newsstand Price $1.00 Irma disrupts
British troupe’s
News 1-10 Faith 49 Pets 48 TO ADVERTISE CALL Vero visit. P12
Arts 17-20 Games 35-37 Real Estate 51-56 772-559-4187
Books 34 Health 21-24 Style 39-41
Dining 42 Insight 25-38 Wine 43 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 32 People 11-16 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 NEWS Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

My Vero world where hurricanes are an annual
threat. These storms seem to have be-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 come bigger, stronger and more fre-
in impact-resistant windows that
offer protection against hurricane- State officials made sweeping chang-
launched projectiles but allow natu- es to the Florida Building Code after
ral light to fill the home, offer security Hurricane Andrew destroyed Home-
against break-ins, reduce noise, are stead in 1992. New construction re-
more energy efficient and, equally as quirements essentially eliminated the
important, do not require shutters. building of wood-frame structures and
made concrete-block homes the norm,
Which got me thinking . . . while also mandating fortified roofs.
Why not require that all new construc-
tion, especially in the residential realm, This might be a good time to ad-
include impact-resistant windows? dress windows.
Let's face it: We live in a part of the
Fact is, for many of our older resi-
dents, putting up shutters – in hot,
humid conditions – can be dangerous.
Some seniors are physically unable to
do so and, unless they have a nearby
family member or generous neighbor
willing to help, must pay someone else
to batten down their homes.

Age, though, isn't the only obstacle:
Most younger residents are working
and have only a couple of hours in the
early evenings to tackle a task that can
take all day to complete.

Last week, for example, most of us
didn't feel compelled to put up shut-
ters until Wednesday or Thursday. Giv-
en the early projections of when we'd
begin to feel Irma's wrath, we couldn't
afford to wait until the weekend.

And with local stores running out of
bottled water and gasoline becoming
scarce, shuttering up was just some-
thing else we had to worry about.

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't need to?
"I'm actually seeing more homes
with impact windows, especially on
new construction," local insurance
agent Brennan Campeau, who wrote
my homeowners' policy, said last week.
"If it's not standard, it's usually an op-
tional upgrade. But I'm even seeing
them installed in more existing homes."
Industry reports say impact-resis-
tant windows account for about 10
percent of the national market for new
construction, knock-down rebuilds
and the replacement of windows in
existing homes – and those numbers
are expected to experience steady,
above-average growth through 2020.
Surely, the numbers are higher in
Florida, particularly in coastal areas.
Kery Jones, operations coordinator
for the Indian River County Building
Department, said he, too, has seen an
increase in impact-resistant windows
locally, especially in new-construction
developments and rebuilds.
"You have to have some form of
protection, either impact windows or
shutters," Jones said. "But even the
standard windows nowadays are more
resistant than they were 25 years ago."
So are impact-resistant windows.
Campeau, considered a local expert
on building codes, said some of the
impact-resistant windows installed in
the aftermath of hurricanes Frances

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 3


and Jeanne in 2004 were susceptible Hurricane Irma some of the hundreds who had refused up and over the dune line, once again
to water seepage. He said both the to evacuate, holding an impromptu Key eroding the recently replenished sand
products and installation have im- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 West-style hurricane party. under the Conn Beach boardwalk.
proved noticeably in the years since.
rain and tropical storm force winds, it But by Sunday, the island was totally Then on Monday, island residents
For those wondering, the Florida no longer was facing the destruction of shut down. Rain squalls and winds awoke to sunny skies. They ventured
Building Code requirements for both a direct hit by a Category 5 hurricane. gusting to hurricane strength lashed out of their homes to find Irma’s dam-
impact-resistant windows and shut- the area throughout the day and into age largely limited to palm trees and
ters are the same for our county – they Saturday afternoon, the only drink- the night. Power went out, plunging oaks, whose stripped fronds and bro-
must be able to withstand a nine- ing and dining spot still open on the is- most island homes into darkness. A ken branches littered the streets.
pound missile traveling 160 mph. land, the Riverside Cafe, was packed by heavy surf brought an angry ocean
All in all, we were very lucky. 
Several of the builders of new-home
communities under construction on
the Vero Beach area's mainland offer
buyers impact-resistant windows, at
least as an upgrade.

"They're standard in our higher-
end communities, like Lake Sapphire
and Lily's Cay, and they're optional in
others," said Bill Handler, president
of GHO Homes, which is building in
nearly a dozen local communities.

While Handler said the cost of im-
pact-resistant windows varies with
the size of the home – he said the
price usually ranges from $5,000 to
$10,000 more than standard windows
– Campeau said he has seen barrier-
island homes where owners have
spent more than $75,000 for the add-
ed protection.

"It can cost $20,000 for one of those
large, panoramic windows that give
you a view of the ocean," Campeau

"Even on the mainland, I've seen
sliders that can cost $8,000. But for
a 2,500-square-foot house on the
mainland, it'll probably cost between
$10,000 and $15,000."

I'm already considering making
such an investment in my current
house, even if it means securing a
home-improvement loan. And if I ever
decide to sell and buy a new place in
Vero Beach, it will have impact-resis-
tant windows.

All new homes should, and our
elected state officials should make sure
of it.

They drastically revised the Florida
Building Code after Hurricane An-
drew. They should seriously consider
revising it again after seeing their state
getting pummeled by Matthew and
Irma in back-to-back years.

And don't forget: It's only mid-Sep-
tember, which means there's plenty of
time left in the 2017 hurricane season
for us to get hit again.

Still, I wouldn't hold my breath. I've
spoken with builders, insurance agents
and public officials, and none of them
said they expected to see the state re-
quire impact-resistant windows in all
new residential construction.

The costs are seen as prohibitive.
Meanwhile, homeowners are left
with the choice: Invest in new, secure,
impact-resistant windows or keep
putting up with the hassle of storm
shutters when the wind threatens to
kick up and blow. 

4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Electric sale what could be seen as an effort to side- There will be a clause in the FPL people in the county,” Winger said.
track the sale by sending two matters sale agreement that says, should a full “Let them meet and verify the num-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to volunteer advisory committees – of- sale not be possible, the city could go ber, or ultimately take out the auto-
ten the Siberia of local government. forward with a partial sale of the In- matic default.”
Vero Beach City Council meeting as dian River Shores portion of the util-
members debated the sale of the elec- Winger wanted to ask the Vero’s ity for $30 million, but Winger claims “I want to vote yes [on the full sale],
tric utility. Finance and Utilities commissions the fair value of the Shores system is but you can force me to vote no if you
to analyze the partial sale of Indian $45 million. want,” Winger said.
On the Sept. 7 editorial page, Vero River Shores portion of the electric
Beach 32963 reported that stalwarts system and undertake a five-year “I have a fiduciary responsibility,” Winger, who was backed by Young,
of Vero’s anti-sale faction were regur- post-sale analysis of city revenues Winger said, saying he’s voted twice found no support from Mayor Laura
gitating old objections to the sale and and expenses. against what FPL is offering for the Moss,Vice Mayor Harry Howle or Coun-
trying to obfuscate the facts of the cur- Shores, because $45 million is the cilman Lange Sykes for tossing these is-
rent deal with Florida Power & Light “I wrote these two things before “authoritative value.” sues to the commissions.
that’s taken eight years to put in place. noon on Wednesday (the deadline to
get items on a council agenda) be- “I’m not willing to accept an auto- “You have never voted yes, never,”
Councilmen Dick Winger and Tony cause these are things the commis- matic default that I see raising taxes said Moss. “It’s a matter of public re-
Young last Tuesday night mounted sions asked to do,” Winger said. on residents and raising rates on the cord that you voted against the full sale
on Feb. 19, 2013 and then you conve-
niently claimed to support it . . . and
then it’s also a matter of public record
that you voted against it this time on
May 16, 2017.”

Moss shamed Winger for putting out
a statement saying he supported the
sale of the electric system after voting
against the sale. “This is the kind of
thing that totally ruins the faith of the
community in the people they elect,”
she said.

Moss said Winger represents special
interests and the Indian River Neigh-
borhood Association. “You vote how
you see fit, but you have never voted
for the full sale,” she told Winger.

Howle said the request for the com-
missions to rehash the partial sale was
nothing but a stall tactic.

“Commissioner Winger, if you don’t
want to vote . . . [with us], that’s fine,”
said Howle. “We really quite frankly
don’t need your vote.”

Moss then moved to block Winger’s
effort to have the volunteer commit-
tees evaluate the Shores sale, mak-
ing a motion, “That the Finance and
Utilities Commissions shall not meet
regarding the partial sale until a time
Vero and FPL are not actively pursu-
ing a full sale.”

Howle and Sykes voted with Moss
and the motion carried.

Moss said she also was opposed
to asking the volunteer committees
to perform any kind of post-sale fi-
nancial analysis. “There are mem-
bers of the commissions that do not
have their numbers straight,” Moss
said. “Apparently it’s not just you,
Mr. Winger. Members of the com-
missions do not have their numbers

That vote came down to the same
factions, with Winger and Young vot-
ing to have the volunteer Finance and
Utilities commissions try to forecast
what the sale would do to Vero’s bud-
get, while the majority of the council
voted against that action.

Sykes reminded the council that
every day the full sale to FPL is de-
layed, Vero’s 34,000 electric custom-
ers pay about $24,000 extra in rates to
Vero electric. He also brought up the
potentially enormous cost to the city

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 5


of any catastrophic damage to Vero’s ricane,” Sykes said, then asked City City of Vero Beach electric ratepayers line financially for repairing that?”
transmission, distribution and me- Manager Jim O’Connor who would would be on the hook. Sykes asked rhetorically. “The rate-
tering systems and tens of millions in be responsible for paying untold and payers of Florida Power and Light,”
valuable equipment. potentially crushing costs for repairs “But if we were Florida Power O’Connor said.
to a hurricane-damaged Vero electric & Light customers today and that
“I think that it’s ironic timing we system. O’Connor answered that the storm came and destroyed our in- “I’m sick of this, I’m sick of the po-
have this potential of this major hur- frastructure, who would be on the litical games,” Sykes said. 

6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Audit panel raps school bosses son Bob Auwaerter asked Aon Hewitt “I felt it was more transparent,” Charters get settlement
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Vice President Richard Kaufman if his Boyll said. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
company – which advises the district
School Board to reactivate the Audit on its self-insurance fund, serving as The School Department Audit Com- charter schools over the next four years.
Committee, last convened in 2012. benefits consultant – was paid a com- mittee unanimously passed a motion The charters claimed they did not
mission or a fee. to investigate whether Aon’s compen-
Audit Committee Member Glenn sation should be changed from a com- receive their fair share of a four-year,
Heran zeroed in on School District Kaufman said his company gets a mission-based to a flat-fee structure. voter-approved tax that collected 60
administrators’ failure to do basic cost commission based on a percentage of That recommendation will be consid- cents per $1,000 of property value in
analysis. the premiums paid. ered by the School Board. the county for school funding.

He asked if the district regularly com- “Correct me if I’m wrong, but this The committee also unanimously Charter school students comprise
pares the cost of being self-insured to is a perverse situation where you get passed a motion urging the district nearly 13 percent of the district’s stu-
having a private insurance company paid more if the premium is higher,” do a complete cost analysis the next dent population, but the district gave
provide health benefits. “Do you look at Auwaerter said. “Theoretically, you get time it goes out to bid for health in- them only 5 percent of the revenue
the in-house cost? The issue is the com- paid more for doing a poorer job.” surance services. from the tax from July 2013 to July 2017.
plete cost and do you know what your
alternative would be each year?” “Commission is the norm for gov- Unfortunately for taxpayers, that Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek ruled
ernmental entities that self-insure,” won’t be for five years. The district re- against the School Board in June, find-
“It’s not in the financial statement,” Kaufman said. “We’re very transpar- cently had Aon Hewitt evaluate plan ing it should have disbursed revenue
Assistant Superintendent of Finances ent,” adding the district could have administrators and pick one based on equally among all students, including
Carter Morrison admitted. hired a consultant-broker on a fee price and qualifications. charter students.
“If there is no cost analysis of in- Aon did not use a public bidding Since that decision the School Board
house costs, taxpayers lose their sense Despite Kaufman’s claim, Indian process to makes its selection. In- has considered appealing the ruling
of confidence in the district’s trans- River County, which has a self-insure stead, it asked undisclosed compa- while also negotiating settlement de-
parency,” Heran said. plan for its employees, just went out nies to respond to its proposal and tails with the charters.
to bid for a benefits consultant with then made a recommendation to the
“Maybe your time is better spent the proviso that the consultant will School Board. The charter schools initially asked
in the classroom,” Heran continued. be paid a flat fee. for the back tax revenue owed, legal
“You are not in the insurance busi- The board then approved a new fees and over 12 percent interest, citing
ness. Isn’t education what we’re here The county’s benefits consultant 5-year contract with Blue Cross a state law that allows districts to be
for? How much time and energy is has previously been paid a commis- Blue Shield to administer the dis- charged punitive interest for withhold-
spent versus stroking a check [to a pri- sion, but recently hired Human Re- trict’s self-insurance program, the ing tax funds from charter schools.
vate insurance company]?” sources Director Suzanne Boyll made same administrator used during the
it a priority to switch to a flat fee pay- time the $7-million deficit mounted In the ensuing months, the char-
Next, Audit Committee Chairper- ment structure. up.  ters and the board agreed to a 5.17

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 7


percent interest rate. The district will Membership up at Yacht Club after renovations
pay over $2.9 million in withheld tax-
es and nearly $360,000 interest to the BY RAY MCNULTY capacity all summer, and we've got sev- Work on the clubhouse, which was
charters but no legal fees. Monthly Staff Writer eral members coming back in October. built in 1964, began May 15, and was
payments will start February 2018 completed in time for a re-opening
and continue through January 2022. Three years ago, after seeing mem- "So anyone who wants to join now celebration on July 4.
bership fall to an alarmingly low level, goes on a wait list."
School Board Vice Chairperson the Vero Beach Yacht Club's leadership "Not only is the building safer, more
Shawn Frost said the school district’s took a hard look at its aging facilities, In fact, the $500,000 capital improve- energy efficient and more cost-effec-
substantial legal fees will be paid by which were in dire need of structural ments project – new furniture is ex- tive, but we've changed the look and
an insurance policy after covering upgrades and aesthetic enhancements. pected to arrive in October – was funded feel of the place," Ebstein said of the
the $25,000 deductible. by initiation fees of new members. And seven-week, $250,000 project. "The
Committees were formed, priorities the upgrades have brought in more new whole ambiance of the interior has
He said the settlement corrects “a were identified and plans were made members, most of them year-roundVero changed – there's a more club-type
great injustice. – all with the goal of making the club, residents, many in their 40s, 50s and 60s. feel – and we still haven't added the
founded in 1926, more attractive to new furniture.
“I’m glad both sides reached an new and younger members. According to Shawn Witmer, the
agreement that reflects what is best for club's general manager, 80 new mem- "The new decor will give the club-
students,” said Frost, who supported Now, the club has a refurbished Bur- bers have joined since May 1, $225,000 house a more contemporary look."
the charters’ demand for an equitable gee Room bar area, new tiki bar, rebuilt in initiation fees have been collected
share of the tax money. seawall and waterfront patio, and a since Jan. 1, and the overall member- Witmer said the club's initiation
completely renovated, fresh-feeling ship's average age has dropped from fee will remain at $2,000 per person
Laura Zorc, who was elected to the clubhouse that more welcoming, more 75 to 62 over the past two years. through Oct. 31, then will increase to
board last fall, long after the dispute energy efficient and safer. $3,000. Currently, the annual dues are
was underway, said installment pay- "The membership needed to get $1,260 plus tax.
ments are necessary because an im- It also has a membership that has younger, and a lot of our newer mem-
mediate lump sum payment would grown from 478 to 610. bers are in their 50s," said Shawn Wit- "There's no swimming pool, golf,
deplete the district’s cash on hand to mer, the club's general manager. "We tennis or fitness, but we have reciprocal
near-illegal levels. The state requires "We're at our maximum," Commo- also have about 180 singles. agreements with 10 other clubs locally,
school districts to keep a 3 percent cash dore Barbara Ebstein said. "We'll re- including golf clubs," Witmer said. "So
fund balance and school board policy evaluate it over the next six months, but "We offer great food, great enter- when you consider the dining, social of-
requires a 5 percent cash fund balance. we don't want to over-tax our staff and tainment and great camaraderie," he ferings and camaraderie here, it's really
overextend ourselves. We've been at full added. "This isn't just a yacht club. It's an incredible value.” 
“I would like to pay them off sooner, a social club with docks."
but I didn’t want to risk going below 3
percent,” Zorc said. “I think they are
owed every penny of it.” 

8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Gruesome murder case to be retried at county courthouse

BY BETH WALTON Six years after the murder, and more ways be encouraged,” the decision says. and backed out of the scheme.
Staff Writer than three years after Gibson was con- Court had been in session three The next day Gibson called and
victed and sentenced to life in prison,
It was a Wednesday morning in early a jury will revisit the violent details of days in the spring of 2014 when the ju- said, “It’s done,” before hanging up the
December when landscapers called the crime – probably early next year. dicial miscue occurred. phone, his friend told the authorities.
police to report something they had
found. The men had been hired to cut The Fourth District Court of Appeals According to search warrants filed The two didn’t speak again for several
the grass at a home in west Gifford but reversed Gibson’s April 2014 convic- months after Frasier’s death by de- weeks. Later, they saw each other on the
a foul smell kept them from their work. tion for murder in the first-degree last tectives with the Indian River County street and began talking about Fraiser.
year, finding that Judge Robert L. Pegg Sheriff’s Office, Gibson had been pub- Gibson reportedly asked his friend if he
They followed the scent, something abused his discretion in denying the licly bragging about killing his friend. had heard anything. When the other
they later told sheriff’s deputies was defendant's request to testify. man replied no, “Gibson smiled and
akin to the odor of a dead animal, to In one incident, he was observed pur- laughed and kept on walking,” docu-
a shed near a vacant lot next door. A During the trial, Gibson, who pled chasing a cigarillo at Mosley’s on 26th ments filed with the court state.
severely decomposed body lay face up not guilty, initially declined to speak Avenue chatting with another custom-
and contorted on the grass. on his own behalf, but later changed er. “I popped him and law enforcement It was on the second day of the trial
his mind. was looking for me,” he allegedly said. when Pegg asked Gibson if he would
Dressed in black, the dead man’s like to testify. The judge told him that he
upper torso pointed east. His feet The state and federal constitutions Another acquaintance came forward would have to tell the truth, but that if
looked to the west. His skull was on protect a defendant’s right to speak and said he was part of the “blue print- he opted to stay silent the jury would be
the ground next to him – two feet away on his own behalf, justices with the ing” of the murder. He told police “they instructed not to use that against him.
at waist level. There was a bullet hole Fourth District Court of Appeals wrote were going to make Frasier return the
in the back of his head. in their 2016 decision. “Great latitude,” property he stole from Gibson and then Gibson said no. The exchange is
the decision says, should be given to they were going to kill him,” warrants documented by the Fourth District
The gruesome 2011 murder of Doug- “a defendant who wavers in his deci- state. Court of Appeals.
las Frasier, Jr. grabbed headlines that sion to testify.”
year, but the story fell out of the news The men were allegedly in an argu- “And what, what is your decision,”
and little was reported about the fate While a judge’s patience may be ment over jewelry obtained during a Pegg asked Gibson after a short recess.
of Frasier’s then 22-year-old acquain- taxed, the justices note, it is best for home robbery.
tance, Edward Gibson Jr., the man the court to proceed. “In the interest “No, I ain’t going to testify,” Gibson said.
eventually convicted for his death. of finality and the justice system’s pri- Gibson, now 28, allegedly called “You’ve decided not to,” Pegg replied.
mary goal of seeking the truth, a pre- his co-conspirator one weekend and “Okay. You have every right to do so.”
That is about to change. sentation of all the evidence should al- said the plan was ready. The two met, The next morning, Gibson’s lawyer
but when Gibson asked the other told the judge his client was “having
man to drive, he had second thoughts a change of heart,” but Pegg wasn’t

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 9


having it. “We discussed it fully yes- that yesterday,” Pegg said. yer that it was to the state’s advantage the start and I’m not going to permit it.”
terday,” he told the attorney. “We had As the court proceeded with instruc- to not hear the testimony. He said that Shortly after, Gibson, was sentenced
all afternoon. We’re ready to go. Both Gibson was trying to create an envi-
sides have rested.” tions for the jury, a prosecutor spoke ronment ripe for a mistrial. to life in prison with a mandatory
up. “Judge, I’ve never done this before, minimum of 25 years behind bars. He
“So, you’re saying I can’t get on the but I understand the defendant has “It’s simply a ploy to create error and asked for an appeal just days after his
stand?” Gibson interjected. expressed a desire to testify.” he’s done it on purpose,” Pegg said. “And conviction, acting as his own co-coun-
he knew he didn’t want to testify from sel from his cell. 
“No, sir. You had a chance to do Pegg wasn’t swayed. He told the law-

10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sheriff’s Office ordered to pay $292,000 in auto lawsuit

BY BETH WALTON Olivia Brown was pregnant and sit- searching for a fugitive at a nearby resi- The mother of three had major
Staff Writer ting alone in the passenger seat of a dence when Brown and her acquain- spine surgery after the collision for a
black Nissan Altima on June 29, 2014, tance pulled up behind his vehicle. herniated disc in her lower back, said
A jury has awarded a Vero Beach when Deputy Ronald Adamson shifted her lawyer, Timothy Felice, of Felice &
woman $292,000 in damages for med- his Chevrolet Tahoe truck into reverse Both cars were legally parked along Ehrlich in Palm Beach Gardens.
ical expenses and pain and suffering and accidently smashed into the car. the side of the road. Neither party re-
she experienced after a deputy with Adamson’s vehicle was owned by the ceived a traffic citation, although an Brown, a convenience store clerk who
the Indian River County Sheriff’s Of- Indian River County Sheriff’s Office. internal review completed after the ac- is also studying business management,
fice backed into a parked car she was cident found that Adamson could have had medical bills of some $86,000.
inside. But it will be an uphill battle for The deputy told the responding offi- avoided the crash. He was sent a letter
the 29-year-old single mother to get all cer he didn’t see the Nissan when the ac- of reprimand by the Sheriff’s Office. Under Florida law, auto insurance
the money the jury said she is due. cident occurred around 8 p.m. near the only covers the first $10,000 when
4600 block of 34th Avenue. He had been Brown and her friend were in the someone is injured in a car accident.
area to attend a child’s birthday party. If someone’s medical costs soar above
that amount, suing can be their only
option, Felice said.

The bulk of the Aug. 24, 2017 award
– $236,000 – was for past and future
medical expenses. The remaining
$56,000 was compensation for Brown’s
pain and suffering.

But it is unlikely Brown will ever see
the full amount awarded, Felice said.
Florida statute prohibits someone
from claiming more than $200,000 for
injuries sustained from an interaction
with a government official.

To get a full payment, Brown and her
legal team must find a state legislator
to introduce a claim bill on her behalf
and then get the governor to sign off.

Medical experts, law-enforcement,
and Brown’s friends and family were
called to testify at the three-day trial.
The six jurors were asked to consider
causation and financial damages. In-
dian River Sheriff’s Office admitted li-
ability before the proceedings began.

The law firm Purdy, Jolly, Giuffreda
& Barranco represented Sheriff Deryl
Loar’s department in the case.

They questioned the financial mo-
tives of Brown and her doctors and
challenged her credibility as a witness.
Records show Brown is a two-time
convicted felon for crimes of fleeing or
eluding a law-enforcement officer and
possession of marijuana and cocaine.
She also lied about her identity to a
Vero Beach police officer in 2015.

Just 20 days after her back surgery,
Brown was in a second car accident.
At the time, she gave the officer her
friend’s name. Brown was driving on a
suspended license.

“We have a plaintiff who has spent
a large part of her life with apparent
disregard for the law,” wrote attorney
Adrianna Jisa in a pre-trial brief.

The Sheriff’s Office twice attempted
to have the case dismissed. But after
the jury verdict, James Harpring, un-
dersheriff and legal counsel for the In-
dian River Sheriff’s Department, said
it was unlikely his office would appeal
the decision.

“Based on the facts, we were cer-
tainly surprised by the verdict, but the
jury has spoken.” 


12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Susan Jaramillo, Charlotte Terry and Marie Stiefel.


Cambridge American Stage Tour cast and crew get ready to paddle. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Helen Vella Taylor and Dolores Carbonari. Alice Atlee and Xanthe Burdet.

Late summer tempest disrupts British troupe’s tour

BY MARY SCHENKEL foundation to a wonderful Indian gram at SRHS, Lovelace had tutored She noted that CAST members
Staff Writer River Lagoon kayaking trip led by Cambridge University Students in a have gone on to work as cast and
Ronda Cox of Tropical Kayak Tours summer program through the Flori- crew in movies and professional
Timing is everything, but unfortu- and her assistant Madelyn Russell. da Consortium of Students. theatre productions, adding, “One of
nately the timing didn’t quite work our girls just starred in the Amanda
out this year for members of the “We usually take them to the beach “This is now the 10th year that Knox movie and then we had an-
Cambridge American Stage Tour. but we couldn’t get a lifeguard and they’ve been over. First time in a other young man here a couple of
The group arrived in Vero Beach last were concerned about rough water,” hurricane though; we’ve avoided years ago who is now the star of ‘War
Monday, but Hurricane Irma threat- said Marie Stiefel, LRJF board presi- that until now,” said Lovelace rue- Horse’ on the West End in London.”
ened to turn the talented Cambridge dent. “But the lagoon is a very spe- fully. “We’re usually the first stop
University students’ presentations cial place; they’re excited about it.” on the tour and then they travel up The students are housed by local
of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer the east coast of the United States, host families such as Eileen Hanley,
Night’s Dream” into a nightmare. While the students paddled stopping at various universities and who began hosting when her daugh-
around, LRJF supporters were busy schools before flying back in the be- ters were in the SRHS IB program.
Sponsored locally by the Laura setting out a huge spread of picnic ginning of October.”
(Riding) Jackson Foundation, this fare at one of the Riverside Park pa- “We’ve done this for five years,”
was the 10th annual visit by the Brit- vilions including, by special request, After Virginia, the group was said Hanley. “It’s such a great re-
ish theater troupe founded by Dame key lime pies. headed this year to Pennsylvania, warding experience. They love com-
Judi Dench and their visits hereto- Maryland, New York, Connecticut ing here and learning about us.”
fore had gone off without a hitch. “I bet they’re having a ball,” said and, fingers crossed, to Grand Cay-
And, while the group was able to Susan Boyd. “I think this turned man before returning home. The Laura Riding Jackson Foun-
perform Wednesday at the Indian out to be better, actually, because it dation also offers nine teen writing
River Charter High School, their didn’t look like many of them had Lovelace said the group also holds workshops each year and has dou-
planned Thursday workshops and been kayaking. Plus they get to see acting workshops for local students, bled the number of adult workshops
that evening’s performance at Se- the lagoon, which is something they adding, “Those are very performa- to six. “The workshops get bigger ev-
bastian River High School had to be couldn’t get anywhere else.” tive, up-on-your-feet workshops. ery year; people seem to really like
canceled. This year they were doing it with them,” said Stiefel.
Virginia was the next stop on the charter students; there were some
On the plus side, they did thor- month-long international tour. students from St. Edward’s today Their annual Poetry & Barbecue
oughly enjoy the jam-packed, albeit and one from Lincoln Park Acad- fundraiser, Beyond Water and Walls,
shortened, time they did have. “Sooner than later. We would love emy. And then in the past we’ve had will take place April 15 at the Laura
to have them stay but they need to the workshops on Saturday and they (Riding) Jackson home on the campus
Tuesday evening the 18 cast and stay safe,” said Susan Lovelace, who have been open to students from ev- of the Environmental Learning Cen-
crew members were treated by the introduced the tour to Vero Beach. erywhere. It’s been a lot of fun.” ter. For more information, visit laura- 
Prior to retiring as director of the
International Baccalaureate Pro-

14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Helen Vella Taylor and Dolores Carbonari.

Susan Boyd and Jody Brown. Eileen Hanley and Susan Lovelace. Tropical Kayak Tours owner Ronda Cox with C.A.S.T. members.

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 15


Humane Society calmly shelters pets before the storm

Staff Writer

As residents of Indian River County Director of Operations Maria Ramirez helps prepare dog crates. Director of Animal Protective Services Ilka
anxiously tracked the approach of Daniel with Director of Operations Maria Ramirez.
Hurricane Irma last week, Humane
Society of Vero Beach and Indian River PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jennifer Phillips and Bonnie Steger help with laundry.
County staff and volunteers were ef-
ficiently preparing the shelter for ani-
mals to ride out the storm.

When hurricanes Frances and
Jeanne hit the Treasure Coast in 2004,
well over 400 animals ended up at
the shelter. That sobering outcome
highlighted the importance of imple-
menting a county-wide plan to protect
our four-legged friends during future

The uncertainty of impending
storms, coupled with concern over a
pet’s safety, increases anxiety and can
complicate rescue efforts. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, pet owners are less likely
to evacuate during a disaster if there
are no shelters for their pets, hamper-
ing rescue efforts and ultimately in-
creasing the number of fatalities.

During hurricane Katrina, one year
after our double whammy, people were
forced to leave an estimated 250,000
pets behind, resulting in the deaths of
as many as 150,000 animals. That un-
thinkable loss prompted the Pet Evac-
uation Transportation Standards Act
of 2006, which requires state and local
governments to factor pets into their
emergency evacuation plans.

“We realized we needed a pet-
friendly shelter to house those people
that truly have no other options,” re-
called Ilka Daniel, HSVBIRC director
of Protective Services. “It was a com-
bined effort between the Emergency
Operations Center, the Humane So-
ciety, [Indian River County] Animal
Control, the school board and the Red
Cross. We needed to get the message
out, ‘’No animal should be left behind!’
There are over 80,000 owned animals
in Indian River County. We don’t want
to see any animal left behind and we
certainly don’t want people to be in an
unsafe situation.”

Although the county plan has been
in place for nearly 10 years, it wasn’t
until Hurricane Matthew was headed
our way last year that the pet-friendly
shelter at Liberty Magnet School was
activated, enabling nearly 100 animals
to hunker down with their owners.
The pet-friendly shelter is a shelter of
last resort. Space is available on a first-
come, first-served basis for evacuees
who reside in a mandatory evacuation


16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonnie Steger and Jennifer Phillips.

Dennis Powers and Richard Ray.

area, flood zone or unsafe home. and healthcare professionals remain
“Separating people and their pets is focused on the situation rather than
worrying about their pets.
extremely traumatic. Especially in a
situation that is already scary. We do Once the county issues its evacua-
our best to keep people and their pets tion order, the HSVBIRC goes into 24-
together. In the event that we can’t do hour operational mode, with a core
that we certainly want to make sure team of specially trained staff to walk
that the people and their pets are safe,” and care for the animals.
explained Daniel.
“We call it Hotel Humane. We all
In addition to the 250 animals bring our pets and our gear, and we
housed at the Humane Society on any hunker down. We’re here for the du-
given day, they also provide pet hous- ration, literally, until the last animal
ing for special needs residents. leaves after the storm. Our main goal
is to keep people and their pets togeth-
“Unfortunately, there are people er and safe,” said Daniel.
that don’t have the means either fi-
nancially or physically to plan ahead, Both people and pets are often dis-
so we are trying to help them come to placed after a storm, and she stressed
the best solution to shelter with their the importance of having pets micro-
pets,” said Daniel. “At the shelter, we chipped so that they can be reunited
take in animals from people registered with their owners should they become
with the Special Needs Shelter. These separated.
are the people that are dependent on
electricity for their health or well-be- “It’s just like in Texas right now;
ing.” there are an awful lot of people that
don’t have homes to go back to,” said
Additionally, first responders work- Daniel.
ing during the storm who do not have
anyone to care for their pets can house For more information, visit
them at the Humane Society, as they or call 772-388-3331. If you discover a
recognize the importance of having stray after the storm, bring it to the HS-
firefighters, law enforcement officers VBIRC or call Indian River County Ani-
mal Control at 772-226-3485. 


18 Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Backus and forward: Museum taps Vero’s Adams as director

BY MICHELLE GENZ eration – himself, in the 8,000 square- and well-loved education director at the fell to those who had known and loved
Staff Writer foot Backus – Adams comes to Fort Vero Beach Museum of Art. him, Fredrick chief among them.
Pierce’s art museum at a time of signifi-
Marshall Adams, education di- cant growth, charged with implement- “We were really searching for some- The museum holds many of his
rector of the Vero Beach Museum of ing plans for expansion of its own edu- one who would mesh well with this works as well as top examples of those
Art, has left to head Fort Pierce’s A.E. cation programs. community. We didn’t imagine we artists he mentored. The Backus and
Backus Museum. would find somebody this close to Highwaymen paintings, while having
Fredrick did not look forward to hav- home,” a much-relieved Fredrick. She gone on to acquire national renown,
The much smaller and more fo- ing to initiate a new director in the mu- isn’t the only one relieved. The beloved remain part of the town’s cultural
cused museum in Fort Pierce had been seum’s profound ties to the community Backus, which dates to 1960 when it iconography.
searching nationwide for a new direc- of Fort Pierce. Her own background opened as a public gallery, had as its
tor after the announced retirement of could hardly be replicated, having main support a community of artists That connection is critical to the sur-
its longtime leader, Kathleen Fredrick, grown up as a “Backus brat” hanging and art lovers, led by Backus himself. vival of the museum. “We don’t have a
later this month. around the artist’s home and studio. cadre of wealthy donors like some mu-
But it was clear as she and the museum’s Trained in summer sessions at Par- seums,” says Fredrick. “We have always
For nine years, Adams was a key board reviewed applicants from around sons and influenced by the French im- been sustained by the community.”
member of the Vero museum’s manage- the country for her post, the gallery that pressionist, Backus focused his paint-
ment, responsible for public programs on her watch grew into a full-fledged ing on landscapes around Fort Pierce. On Sept. 24, a Sunday, Adams and
including an art school that last year museum should never lose sight of its He lived modestly and generously, shar- Fredrick will be hosting an ice cream
served 2300 students, multiple humani- local roots. ing tips with African-American painters social to introduce Adams to Backus
ties and art lecture series, and a noted living nearby (they became known later supporters, while bidding farewell to
docent program of 36 volunteers. It was a great relief when an appli- as the Florida Highwaymen). When Fredrick.
cation came in from just up the road: Bean Backus died 30 years later, the
Trading an 80,000-square-foot muse- Marshall Adams, the highly-regarded work of building support for the gallery “We’re trying to create this smooth
um complex for a virtual one-man op- transition,” says Adams, who has al-
ready begun putting regular hours in at

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 19


the museum, on the Fort Pierce down- keting. And the museum’s store lost was Fredrick’s choice: On the Edge of Panama, renting a house on a coffee
town waterfront. its longtime manager, Jo Anne Miller. Madness, featuring works by Salva- plantation in Boquete. Tentatively titled
dor Dali and other surrealists. “Motel Art,” her novel has a good start:
Adams will be a significant loss to the Asked for comment on Adams’ depar- she has six chapters written, but the ef-
Vero museum. Over the course of close ture, the Vero museum offered none, As for the two well-respected juried fort was interrupted by the sudden loss
to a decade there, Adams began or ex- other than to say a nationwide search art shows the museum holds, Adams of her husband four years ago. “I put it
panded a number of programs. Along for his replacement was being launched will assume their staging too. The away when he died. I just want to know
with overseeing the education wing this month. labor-intensive preparations include if I can do it.”
where a crowded schedule of classes physically taking in all submission
has nourished tens of thousands of Adams says he is particularly ex- for both the Best of the Best show and Adams is fervently hoping for a de-
adults and children, Adams selected cited to be involved with a museum for the photography show, The Eye of cent cellphone connection, and by
and trained the museum’s highly re- dedicated to an artist like Backus, the Camera. Fredrick’s estimation, he’ll need one.
garded docents, what he proudly calls considered a leading American land- “It’s a very multi-faceted job and your
“the front line to visitors.” The docents scape artist. Known for mentoring the Those exhausting efforts are being almost a staff of one,” she says. “I have
now number 36. “They were the most African-American ‘outsider’ artists who replaced by a new creative effort by a tremendous amount of institutional
professional volunteers that I’ve ever call themselves the Florida Highway- Fredrick in her retirement: She wants knowledge that I couldn’t possibly cram
worked with. They were amazing,” Ad- men, Backus painted from his home not to finish a novel. To that end, she heads into his head at once.” 
ams says. far from the downtown Fort Pierce gal- off at the end of November for a year in
lery he helped found – now the museum
Last week, those docents threw a big of his works, among others. From the
party for their departing leader. 1950s through the mid-1990s, Backus
was host to a troupe of visitors – includ-
“He is well-loved,” says Shotsi Lajoie, ing an adolescent Kathleen Fredrick,
an artist and mental health counselor among dozens of Fort Pierce teenagers.
who leads a class in art for Alzheimer
patients and their caregivers. “He was At the Backus Museum, one of Ad-
in charge of a big chunk of the muse- ams’ first initiatives will be the cre-
um’s offerings.” ation of an art curriculum for public
school students. It will be tied in to
Having grown up in Jackson, Missis- academics covered in standardized
sippi, Adams graduated in studio art testing. The curriculum, geared to
from Tulane University in New Orleans. fourth and fifth graders, will enrich
His concentration was drawing, opt- their experience at the museum when
ing to earn a B.A. degree rather than a they visit on field trips, Fredrick says,
B.F.A. because it allowed more art his- meshing, for example, art history
tory classes. with Florida history, says Fredrick.

He came to Vero Beach in 2007 from “Every museum in this country has
Jacksonville, where for five years he was to reach out to the youth or they will
director of education and exhibitions at cease to be relevant in very short or-
the Museum of Contemporary Art. Dur- der,” declares Fredrick.
ing that time, he earned a master’s de-
gree in museum education leadership “This program is consistent with
from Banks Street College in New York. Backus’s own philosophy and prac-
tice,” adds Adams. “His doors were
Adams’ departure marks the fourth always open to kids throughout the
personnel change in the Vero Beach community. He wanted to make sure
Museum of Art staff. Executive direc- creativity and learning were acces-
tor Lucinda Gedeon retired last fall; sible to everybody.”
Brady Roberts, former chief curator
at the Milwaukee Art Museum, has Another big change will be the ex-
taken her place. Curator Jay Williams pansion of art classes for “lifelong art-
retired at around the same time. His ists.” For some time, art classes have
replacement is Dr. Danielle John- fallen by the wayside at the Backus as
son, a former curatorial assistant at the focus has been on growth and fi-
MoMA in New York and a professor nancial support.
of art history at New York University.
Joe Ellis has left after 36 years at the And a more adventurous exhibi-
museum in public relations and mar- tion schedule is expected to take
shape. This year, the signature show


7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711

20 Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



BY SAMANTHA BAITA of songs that stretches from the 1950s – take the stage at Riverside Theatre’s
Staff Writer to right now. He also has a powerful set Comedy Zone in Vero this coming Fri-
off pipes. Remember, you, the audience, day and Saturday. Jones, raves Riverside,
Hopefully, you’ve made it through the get to pick much of the music. Show is “wild and totally outrageous,” with
storm in one piece. Of course, any of the times are 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. his own unique style of comedy, quick
following events could have been can- wit and a zero-to-60-in-one-second de-
celed or postponed since our deadline, Cee-Jay Jones. livery that keeps his audiences breath-
so call first. And be careful out there. less with laughter. This North Carolina
native’s gigs include appearances on
1 Armed with a pair of blazing 88s, BET’s “Comic View” and Showtime’s
two of the dueling piano world’s “At the Apollo” and, if you have cruised
with Carnival, you may well have seen
most experienced combatants, Ken him perform on the high seas. Yon is a
Florida native whom you can catch ev-
Gustafson and Orin Sands, will take the ery Sunday hosting his own show, “Vi-
ral Breakdown,” on Dish Network. Says
Waxlax stage at Riverside Theatre this Riverside’s promo, Yon’s performance is ‘Woodstock’ at the King Center.
a blend of “hilarious stand-up, musical
Friday and Saturday for another Howl impressions, and some of the most out- Live present “Woodstock” at the King
rageous dance moves you’ve ever seen.” Center in Melbourne. On the Center’s
at the Moon: Dueling Pianos night of Show times are 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., Main Stage, the troupe recreates al-
Sept. 22 and 23. bums from the soundtracks of our
unbridled musical entertainment. Riv- lives, literally note-for-note, just the
way we music lovers remember them.
erside Howl regular Gustafson moved The shows are treated like recitals
with a classic rock album being per-
from his native New Orleans to Florida formed in its entirety followed by a
‘greatest hits’ set of the featured artist
in 2005 after his home and possessions or artists, says Wikipedia. No cheesy
impersonations or lip-syncing here.
were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. The journey back to “Woodstock” be-
gins at 8 p.m. 
With three decades of entertaining un-

der his belt (two of which included duel-

ing pianos), Sands is very familiar with 3 This Saturday, the popular Classic
Albums Live concert series takes
these musical face-offs. He has shared 2 Aren’t we all more than ready for a
few hours not thinking about seri-
the stage with such diverse luminar- us back to the Age of Aquarius, ganja,

ies as James Brown, Cher, Cheap Trick ous stuff? This one should fill the bill: A tie-dye, Serious Hair, Flower Power and,

and the Goo Goo Dolls, and his arsenal pair of hot, fresh and hilarious comedic of course – love, as the talented musi-

includes lightning wit and a repertoire talents – Cee-Jay Jones and James Yon cians and vocalists of Classic Albums

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22 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Today’s primary care includes healthy dose of acronyms

Staff Writer

Primary care physicians – or PCPs Cassie Jones, DO., ARNP Tamsin Blanchard and Dr Miciara Hernandez. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
– are, simply put, the keystone that
holds the ever-widening arch of mod-
ern healthcare together.

Primary care doctors are charged
with the delivery of preventive care,
as well as lowering “rates of mortal-
ity, emergency room visits and hospi-
tal admissions,” while also reducing
overall healthcare costs, according to
Modern Healthcare’s website.

That’s a tall order for anyone, but
Dr. Cassi Jones and Dr. Miciara Her-
nandez, along with family nurse
practitioner Tamsin Blanchard, are
taking on the challenge at their prac-
tice across the street from the Sebas-
tian River Medical Center.

Today, their field is absolutely jam-
packed with acronyms most people
wouldn’t recognize if their lives de-
pended on it. And, as it happens, in
many cases their lives might well de-
pend on it.

That alphabet soup includes AWVs
(annual wellness visits); EMRs (elec-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 23


tronic medical records); ACOs (ac- drug A for one of their patients while channel blockers. thorization Act or MACRA went into
countable care organizations); SGRs another already has that same patient That also applies to any number effect just this year. It transitioned
(sustainable growth rates); FFSs (fee- taking drug B and taking both A and away from the old fee-for-service
for-service models); and, as of January B together poses a problem, these pri- of over-the-counter supplements pa- (FFS) approach with the aim of incen-
1, 2017, MACRA (the Medicare Access mary care doctors know it immediate- tients may be taking. Supplements tivizing healthcare providers to deliv-
and CHIP Reauthorization Act). ly. And so will the specialists. can often radically dilute the effects er lower-cost care.
of a prescribed medication or worse.
Regarding one of the most impor- Today, as Jones puts it, the EMRs St. John’s Wort, for instance, can have Jones, Hernandez and Blanchard
tant acronyms in the evolving medi- “will basically flash and tell you when mild-to-devastating effects when tak- collectively say they are “all in” on
cal landscape, Dr. Hernandez says, you’re prescribing a drug how many en with any one of at least a dozen dif- helping to provide better care at a low-
“For us, it’s not a huge a change. Dr. interactions there are. And you can ferent prescription drugs. er cost.
Jones and myself and Tamsin are very even click the button and it will tell
pro-preventive medicine [and] we try you the severity and exactly what the That’s why Jones, Hernandez and Dr. Miciara Hernandez, Dr. Cassi
to get our patients here every year to interaction is.” Blanchard insist on updating every Jones and nurse practitioner Tamsin
have their [Medicare-mandated] an- patient’s records on every drug or sup- Blanchard are currently accepting new
nual wellness visits, so that’s not go- Warfarin, for example, taken with plement being taken on every visit. patients. Their office is at 13840 U.S. 1
ing be a huge change for us. We have acetaminophen, can be fatal; so can in Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
been doing this since we started.” Clarithromycin taken with calcium- And the rest of that alphabet soup? 581-0334. 
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reau-
Jones concurs, explaining, “In our
training we were already seeing this
and were already focusing on Medi-
care annual wellness visits to make
sure our patients] get all their preven-
tative measures. We were trained that

Maybe no one looks forward to
the list Hernandez then rattles off,
including colonoscopies, mammo-
grams, PAP smears, rectal exams and
prostate cancer screenings included
in those AWVs, but the cold hard facts
are that those tests do save lives, as
well as billions of dollars, by finding
diseases earlier rather than later.

Jones adds, “I would say the only
thing that’s different for the patient
now is, before, you could have your
annual wellness visit kind of mixed
in with one of your regular follow-ups
on blood pressure [or other chronic
conditions], whereas now, an an-
nual wellness visit is a separate visit
where we do most of your preventa-
tive screenings and get caught up on
all your records.”

With the exception of the actual
primary care provider, those shot and
other medical “records” have become
another lynchpin in modern health-

President Barack Obama’s Afford-
able Care Act mandated the switch
from paper to electronic medical re-
cords, or EMRs. That single move has
probably saved more lives than any-
one ever imagined at the time.

You don’t have to look any further
than your own backyard to see why.

As early as 2004, Dr. Dennis Sav-
er of Primary Care of the Treasure
Coast noted that through electronic
medical records, a simple keystroke
could “show me all my patients who
have diabetes who are taking a cer-
tain medication.” Saver then added,
“That’s basically impossible with pa-
per charts.”

Today the capabilities of EMRs have
grown exponentially.

Physicians like Hernandez and
Jones can now, almost instantly, spot
potentially dangerous drug interac-
tions. When one specialists prescribes

24 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero-raised doc eagerly joins Florida Cancer Specialists

BY TOM LLOYD clinical trials constantly being con- is that is helpful for our patients is the
Staff Writer ducted, Florida Cancer Specialists – or key.”
FCS – is always looking for the cream of
Florida Cancer Specialists, which the crop when it comes to physicians, Almost as an aside, she adds, “I’m
has offices in Vero Beach, Sebastian researchers and statistical analysts. able to combine the statistical side of
and many other locations across the things and the medicine side of things.”
state, participated in 84 percent of the With the recent addition of Vero
clinical trials for new cancer drugs that Beach native Dr. Jen Byer, FCS may well That, she believes, allows her to offer
were approved by the FDA last year. have gotten all three rolled into one vi- her patients better care.
vacious and highly-qualified package.
With hundreds of new or ongoing After all, it takes more than a com-
Byer attended St. Edward’s and Vero puter and a handful of algorithms to
treat a patient. Or, as Byer puts it, “It’s
Dr. Jennifer Byer. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE all about interpretation of data,” while
simultaneously maintaining an open
Beach High School before going on to and personal relationship with her pa-
the University of Florida, where she tients.
earned a B.A. in mathematics, and the
University of South Florida, where she Still, like any medical specialist,
got her medical degree and served her Byer freely admits that just about no-
residency. Next came a three-year fel- body wakes up one morning and says
lowship in hematology and oncology at to themselves, “Hey! I need to go see a
the Moffitt Cancer Center. hematologist.”

“I grew up in Vero Beach,” Byer Most often, according to Byer, “Peo-
proudly states, “and I am very much ple may feel fatigued. They may have
looking forward to being back and giv- some bruising. They may have some GI
ing back to the community in which I bleeding.
was raised.”
“They may just feel off, and a lot of
“I plan to practice general hematol- times they’ll go to their primary care
ogy/oncology,” Byer continues, “so my doctors,” who, in turn will refer those
interests span the spectrum from be- patients to a hematologist/oncologist
nign hematology to sickle cell diseases like Byer.
and other anemias to malignant he-
matology like leukemias and lympho- Others may turn first to a hospital
mas to solid cancer types like colon emergency room.
cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer.”
“What they’ll do,” Byer says, “is
That might seem like a wide spec- they’ll feel a lymph node or something
trum for any one doctor but – frankly like that and they’ll go to the ER.” In
– Byer’s roots in cancer care run deeper that case, “the ER will do basic blood
than most physicians’ do. work and find either hemoglobin is
off or their platelet count is off or they
Her father, Dr. Stuart Byer, a radia- have some abnormal cells circulating
tion oncologist who boasts a 5-star rat- in their blood and they’ll send the pa-
ing on both WebMD and Healthgrades. tient over to us.”
com, has been practicing medicine for
over 30 years and is affiliated with Vero As the Cleveland Clinic points out,
Beach’s Indian River Medical Center. some hematological disorders are be-
nign, meaning they resolve completely
The younger Byer freely admits “I with treatment and do not affect a pa-
am so excited to work with him.” Actu- tient’s overall lifespan.
ally, she adds, “I’m beyond excited.”
Others are chronic and lifelong but,
Excitement aside, in addition to her again, do not affect longevity; others
fellowship experience at Moffitt, Byer can be downright lethal.
is also a recognized “biostatistics” ex-
pert, which gives her another advan- Those include certain leukemias
tage in caring for patients. such as acute myelogenous, chronic
myelogenous and acute lymphocytic
“One of the toughest jobs we have,” as well as Hodgkins and non-Hodg-
Byer says, “is interpreting all of the kins lymphomas.
data that we get [from all these clini-
cal trials]. Especially in oncology care. And since Byer’s new practice also
Learning how to interpret that data includes treating colon cancer, lung
and that statistical analysis in a way cancer and breast cancer, her wide-
ranging analytical skills along with
her personable and patient-friendly
manner – as well as access to the
scores of clinical trials being run
through FCS – mean her expertise will
be in high demand here on the Trea-
sure Coast.

Dr. Jennifer Byer is with Florida Can-
cer Specialists at 13060 U.S. 1 in Sebas-
tian. The phone number is 772-589-
0879. 

26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


On March 13, 1989, a surge of en- big cluster of weather balloons or car- cranes work and huge trucks and lo- ians. Pillaging accelerates. This leads
ergy from the sun, from a “coronal ried on a satellite or missile. comotives can be fueled up. Some many with needed skills to stay home
mass ejection,” had a startling impact transformers exceed 400 tons. to protect their families.
on Canada. Within 92 seconds, the re- A midrange missile tested by North
sulting geomagnetic storm took down Korea on April 29th exploded 44 miles After the surge, telecom switches Many of the rock climbers who
Quebec’s electricity grid for nine hours. up, well above the 25 miles or so a nucle- and internet routers are dead. Air- help overwhelmed fire departments
It could have been worse. ar bomb would need to generate an EMP. traffic control is down. Within a day, free tens of thousands from stalled
some shoppers in supermarkets turn elevators begin to give up on day four
On July 23, 2012, particles from a Imagine a nuclear blast occurring to looting (many, unable to use credit despite the heart-wrenching banging
much larger solar ejection blew across somewhere above eastern Nebraska. and debit cards, cannot pay even if that continues to echo through some
the orbital path of Earth, missing it by Radiating outwards, the EMP fries elec- they wanted to). After two days, mar- elevator shafts.
days. Had it hit America, the resulting tronics in southern Canada and almost ket shelves are bare.
geomagnetic storm would have de- all of the United States save Alaska and Utilities can neither treat nor pump
stroyed perhaps a quarter of high-volt- Hawaii, both safe below the horizon. It On the third day, backup die- water or sewage. Raids on homes
age transformers, according to Storm permanently damages the grid’s multi- sel generators begin to sputter out. thought to have water become fre-
Analysis Consultants in Duluth, Min- million-dollar high-voltage transform- Though fuel cannot be pumped, si- quent and often bloody. Militias
nesota. ers. Many are old (their average age is phoning from vehicles, authorized soon form to defend or seize control
about 40). Some burst into flame, fur- by martial law, keeps most prisons, of swimming pools and other water
Future geomagnetic storms are in- ther damaging substations. police stations and hospitals running sources. Streams and shoveled-out
evitable. And that is not the only threat for another week. pits provide water in some areas, but
to the grid. A transformer-wrecking America runs on roughly 2,500 large sooner or later rain sweeps in feces-
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) would be transformers, most with unique de- With many troops overseas or ridden mud. Deaths from cholera
produced by a nuclear bomb, designed signs. But only 500 or so can be built tasked with deterring land grabs from and other diseases multiply.
to maximize its yield of gamma rays, if per year around the world. It typically opportunist foreign powers, there
detonated high up, be it tethered to a takes a year or more to receive an or- is only one American “peacekeep- As relief ships arrive, food, water fil-
dered transformer, and that is when er” soldier for every 360 or so civil- ters and fuel are offloaded by hand

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 27


amid chaos, but demand cannot be met The death rate picks up. Eventually, Canadians and 7 million Americans things can get bad fast. Just three
even in port cities, much less inland. months later, about three quarters of have died. hours after Chile’s grid-collapsing
the benighted area has power for at earthquake on February 27, 2010, even
Where food can be grown without least ten hours a day. It would have A similar nightmare could happen in relatively wealthy people began looting
pumped irrigation, rural militias clus- been worse had 41 countries not dis- any rich country – grids outside Amer- stuff they did not need. With electricity
ter into “aggie alliances” not keen to mantled transformers for reassembly ica are vulnerable too. Such scenarios gone, normal rules had suddenly van-
share with the hordes streaming out of in North America. (The most gener- necessarily dip into “uncharted terri- ished and “out of control” emotions
cities. Some aggie alliances hole up in ous donors have to accept rolling tory for an industrialized society,” as took over, says Roberto Machiavello,
newly abandoned prisons, the better blackouts.) Thomas Popik, head of the Foundation then rear-admiral and top martial-law
to defend scavenged crops and farm for Resilient Societies, a think-tank in official in Chile’s Concepción area.
animals. The value of cash collapses Martial law ends six months after the New Hampshire, puts it.
along with faith in government. original energy surge. Roughly 350,000 STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
But shorter blackouts suggest that

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30 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Without soldiers at hospitals, Admi- months of blackout in America, fe- substations could bring down Amer- collapse of the grid could probably be
ral Machiavello says, doctors would cal contamination of water would kill ica’s grid for months, according to an prevented by protecting several hun-
have stayed at home. Less than a week several million. That might be opti- analysis performed in 2013 by the De- dred critical transformers for perhaps
after Hurricane Katrina struck New mistic. partment of Energy’s Federal Energy $1 million each.
Orleans in 2005, many police officers Regulatory Commission (FERC), says
opted to protect their families rather The EMP Commission, an expert its then-chairman, Jon Wellinghoff. Yet not much is being done. Barack
than work. group set up by the U.S. Congress to Obama ordered EMP protection for
study the threat, reckoned in 2008 that Others think more transformers White House systems, but FERC, the
Chris Ipsen, spokesman for the the first year of societal breakdown would need to be taken out. At any utilities regulator, has not required
Emergency Management Department could finish off two-thirds of Ameri- rate, information on which substations EMP-proofing. Nor has the Depart-
of Los Angeles, estimates that, with the cans. are critical is secret. In 2013 gunmen ment of Homeland Security (DHS)
grid down, Angelenos would be food- knocked out 17 of 21 transformers at pushed for a solution or even included
less in less than ten days. In poor areas, A country’s electricity grid can be a substation in San Jose. It was not a EMP in official planning scenarios.
he reckons, groups would quickly form knocked out in other ways. One is critical one. (The Pentagon should handle that,
and say, “Hey, let’s go over to the man- cyber-attack. Hackers cut power to DHS officials say; the Pentagon notes
sions in Bel Air.” 230,000 Ukrainians in December 2015 The sun probably poses a greater that civilian infrastructure is the DHS’s
– but only for hours. Long-term dam- risk of a sustained outage than hack- responsibility.)
In the aftermath of Haiti’s earth- age from cyber-assaults is unlikely, ers or saboteurs. That is one reason
quake in January 2010, cholera alone says Kenneth Geers, a security expert the EMP Commission reconvened in As for exactly what safeguards are or
killed at least 10,000. Jacques Boncy, who studied the attack. January 2017. Equipment that pro- are not needed, the utilities themselves
head of Haiti’s National Laboratory of tects transformers from EMP also are best equipped to decide, says Bran-
Public Health, reckons that, in three What about terrorism? Shooting saves them from geomagnetic storms, don Wales, the DHS’s head of infra-
up transformers at just nine critical though the reverse is not true. structure analysis.

OpenSoinogn We Are at the Corner of 10th Avenue George Baker, a staffer on the com- But the utilities’ industry group, the
mission and a former boss of EMP North American Electric Reliability
on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491 research at the Pentagon’s Defence Corporation (NERC), argues that, be-
Threat Reduction Agency, says that cause EMP is a matter of national se-
Assisted Living & Memory Care l critical military systems have been curity, it is the government’s job.
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960 EMP-proofed. But other agencies, he
says, have done “precious little” to NERC may anyway be in no rush. It
safeguard civilian infrastructure. The took a decade to devise a vegetation-
commission will issue an updated re- management plan after, in 2003, an
port later this month. It will be as grim Ohio power line sagged into branch-
as the assessment in 2008, he says. es and cut power to 50 million north-
easterners at a cost of roughly $6 bil-
The expense of installing surge- lion.
blockers and other EMP-proofing
equipment on America’s big trans- NERC has repeatedly and success-
formers is debated. The EMP Commis- fully lobbied Congress to prevent
sion’s report in 2008 reckoned $3.95 legislation that would require EMP-
billion or less would do it. Others ad- proofing. That is something Ameri-
vance higher figures. But a complete cas, and the world, could one day
regret. 

32 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Artificial intelligence will create new kinds of work

When the first printed books with illustrations AI will eliminate some forms of this digital labor – to answer more complex questions. Humans will still
started to appear in the 1470s in the German city software, for instance, has got better at transcribing be needed to train algorithms and handle exceptions.
of Augsburg, wood engravers rose up in protest. audio. Yet AI will also create demand for other types
Worried about their jobs, they literally stopped the of digital work. The technology may use a lot of com- Accordingly, Ms Gray and Siddharth Suri, her col-
presses. In fact, their skills turned out to be in higher puting power and fancy mathematics, but it also re- laborator at Microsoft Research, see services such
demand than before: somebody had to illustrate the lies on data distilled by humans. as UpWork and Mechanical Turk as early signs of
growing number of books. things to come.
For autonomous cars to recognize road signs and
Fears about the impact of technology on jobs have pedestrians, algorithms must be trained by feeding They expect much human labor to be split up into
resurfaced periodically ever since. The latest bout of them lots of video showing both. That footage needs distinct tasks which can be delivered online and com-
anxiety concerns the arrival of artificial intelligence (AI). to be manually “tagged,” meaning that road signs and bined with AI offerings. A travel agency, for instance,
pedestrians have to be marked as such. This labelling might use AI to deal with routine tasks (such as book-
Once again, however, technology is creating de- already keeps thousands busy. Once an algorithm is ing a flight), but direct the more complicated ones (a re-
mand for work. To take one example, more and more put to work, humans must check whether it does a quest to create a customized city tour, say) to humans.
people are supplying digital services online via what good job and give feedback to improve it.
is sometimes dubbed the “cloud.” Counter-intuitive- Michael Bernstein and Melissa Valentine of Stan-
ly, many are doing so in response to AI. A service offered by CrowdFlower, a micro-task start- ford University see things going even further. They
up, is an example of what is called “human in the loop.” anticipate the rise of temporary “firms” whose staff
According to the World Bank, more than 5 mil- Digital workers classify e-mail queries from consum- are hired online and configured with the help of AI. To
lion people already offer to work remotely on online ers, for instance, by content, sentiment and other cri- test the idea, the researchers developed a program to
marketplaces such as and UpWork. teria. These data are fed through an algorithm, which assemble such virtual companies for specific projects
Jobs range from designing websites to writing legal can handle most of the queries. But questions with no – for instance, recruiting workers and assigning them
briefs. In 2016 such firms earned about $6 billion in simple answer are again routed through humans. tasks in order to design a smartphone app to report
revenue, according to Staffing Industry Analysts, a injuries from an ambulance racing to a hospital.
market researcher. You might expect humans to be taken out of the
loop as algorithms improve. But this is unlikely to Working in such “flash organizations” could well
Those who prefer work in smaller bites can use happen soon, if ever, says Mary Gray, who works for be fun. But many fear that the cloud will create a
“micro-work” sites such as Mechanical Turk, a ser- Microsoft’s research arm. global digital proletariat. Sarah Roberts of the Uni-
vice operated by Amazon. About 500,000 “Turkers” versity of California, Los Angeles, found that content
perform tasks such as transcribing bits of audio. Algorithms may eventually become clever enough moderators often suffer from burnout after checking
to handle some tasks on their own and to learn by dodgy social-media content for extended periods.
Many big tech companies employ, mostly through themselves. But consumers and companies will also
outsourcing firms, thousands of people who police expect ever-smarter AI services: digital assistants such Mark Graham of the University of Oxford concludes
the firms’ own services and control quality. Google as Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana will have that platforms for online work do indeed offer new
is said to have an army of 10,000 “raters” who, among sources of income for many, particularly in poor coun-
other things, look at YouTube videos or test new ser- tries, but that these services also drive down wages. So
vices. Microsoft operates something called a Univer- governments need to be careful when designing big
sal Human Relevance System, which handles mil- digital-labor programs – as Kenya has done, hoping to
lions of micro-tasks each month, such as checking train more than 1 million people for online jobs.
the results of its search algorithms.
Technology is rarely an unalloyed bane or bless-
These numbers are likely to rise. One reason is in- ing. The printing press created new work for the
creasing demand for “content moderation.” A new wood engravers in Augsburg, but they quickly dis-
law in Germany will require social media to remove covered that it had become much more repetitive.
any content that is illegal in the country, such as Holo- Similar trade-offs are likely in future.
caust denial, within 24 hours or face hefty fines. Face-
book has announced that it will increase the number The column above was first published in The Econ-
of its moderators globally, from 4,500 to 7,500. omist. The views do not necessarily reflect the views of
Vero Beach 32963 

HEPATITIS, PART IV toms until complications develop, which can be sev- GET THE HEPATITIS B VACCINE TO PREVENT © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
eral years after they are infected. HEPATITIS D
Symptoms include: Since you can’t get hepatitis D unless you have hepati-
Hepatitis D can be a short-term infection that your  Dark-colored urine tis B, you can prevent getting hepatitis D by getting the
body can naturally fight off and the virus goes away,  Itching skin hepatitis B vaccine. There is no hepatitis D vaccine.
or it can be a chronic, long-lasting and serious infec-  Jaundice (yellowish tint to the white of eyes and
tion. Hepatitis D only occurs in patients who have skin) HEPATITIS E
hepatitis B.  Light-colored stool
 Loss of appetite Hepatitis E is a viral infection that causes liver inflam-
Hepatitis D is not common in the United States; it’s  Nausea/vomiting mation and damage. Acute hepatitis E is a short-term
more common in other parts of the world including:  Pain over the liver, in the upper part of the infection that usually gets better without any treat-
 Amazon River basin in South America abdomen ment after several weeks. Chronic hepatitis E is rare.
 Central Africa  Swelling of abdomen
 Eastern and Southern Europe  Swelling of ankles (edema) Like hepatitis A, hepatitis E typically spreads through
 Mediterranean region  Tiredness contact with food or water that has been contaminat-
 Middle East ed by an infected person’s stool. People also get hepa-
 Parts of Asia, including Mongolia DIAGNOSIS titis E by eating undercooked pork, deer or shellfish.

People are more likely to get hepatitis D (in addition Your doctor will take a blood test to see if you have NON-A–E HEPATITIS
to hepatitis B) if they: hepatitis D. He or she will likely want to rule out liver
 Are injection-drug users damage by ordering further blood tests and elastogra- When doctors can’t find the cause of a person’s hepatitis,
 Have lived with or had sex with someone who has phy, a special ultrasound that measures the stiffness of they may call this condition non-A–E hepatitis or hepatitis
hepatitis D your liver. A liver biopsy may be recommended as well. X. Most often acute, these viruses can become chronic.
Researchers continue working to identify these viruses.
People who have chronic hepatitis B and D are more TREATMENT
likely to develop cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer TAKE THE CDC HEPATITIS QUIZ
than people who have chronic hepatitis B alone. Currently doctors treat chronic hepatitis D with medi-
cines called interferons. Medicines for hepatitis B can Are you at risk for hepatitis A through E and beyond?
SYMPTOMS also used. If acute hepatitis D leads to liver failure, or if To find out, take the Centers for Disease Control’s
chronic hepatitis D leads to liver failure or liver cancer, 5-minute quiz at
Most people with chronic hepatitis D have few symp- a liver transplant may be needed. kassessment/index.htm. 
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].

34 Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


In “Frames of Reference,” one of the No, what he means to emphasize is quire a bit of perseverance. There are demur from this implied goal of artis-
chapters in John McPhee’s “Draft No. 4: the brief shelf life of cultural referenc- graph-like illustrations, circles, arrows, tic perfection? While McPhee proffers
On the Writing Process,” this longtime es. Prose that overindulges in the hip number lines, maps and even an irrel- tested insights into efficient reporting
staff writer for the New Yorker visits can quickly grow incomprehensible or evant excursus about an outmoded text and note-taking, on the deft use of quo-
his granddaughter’s 12th-grade Eng- dated. Today’s “woke” and Adele are editor called Kedit. The upshot of it all tations and indirect discourse, on both
lish class. He brings with him a list of yesterday’s “keen” and Dinah Shore. So is simply: Take time to plan your piece writer’s block and the pleasure of revi-
approximately 60 items mentioned in little abides and the present inexorably so that it does what you want. sion, he’s nonetheless living in a privi-
an article he has just written. “I would overwrites the past. leged world, where expenses scarcely
like to try that list on you,” McPhee tells From here McPhee proceeds to offer seem to matter and he and the New
the young people. “Raise your hand if Which is why rediscovery remains more specific advice. For example, he Yorker can expend months, even years
you recognize these names and places: an important function for critics, warns against comic lead sentences, on a single project. Yet most of us in the
Woody Allen.” scholars and serious readers. Even if such as “Insomnia is the triumph of writing trade face inexorable deadlines
you’ve never heard of Bill Bradley, you mind over mattress.” If you are serious and weekly bills. We can’t afford to car-
All 19 students are aware of Woody can pick up “A Sense of Where You Are about the subject, he explains, “you ry on like perennial graduate students,
Allen, so he starts going down his list. ” and read with pleasure this profile of might seem to be indicating at the out- endlessly researching, endlessly pol-
Only five hands go up for Norman a young basketball player. That book, set that you don’t have confidence in ishing. We simply do the best we can in
Rockwell, Truman Capote and Joan McPhee’s first, appeared in 1965 and your material so you are trying to make the time available, then move on to the
Baez. Laurence Olivier gets one. In 2014 has since been succeeded by 31 oth- up for it by waxing cute.” Successful next assignment.
none of these high school seniors can ers, the most admired being “Orang- writing, above all, starts with knowing
identify Samuel Johnson. Or Sophia es,” “The Pine Barrens,” “Coming into what to include and what to leave out. Enough of such carping. For over half
Loren. Or Bob Woodward. the Country ” – about Alaska – and the In his classes, McPhee regularly asks a century, John McPhee – now 86 – has
Pulitzer Prize-winning study of North students to trim a dozen lines from Jo- been writing profiles of scientists, ec-
McPhee doesn’t intend this to be American geology, “Annals of the For- seph Conrad or tighten up the already centrics and specialists of every stripe.
shocking. He certainly knows the vot- mer World.” Never as flashy as Hunter concise Gettysburg Address. His aim All are exceptional at what they do. So,
ing results if you were to ask other stu- Thompson or Tom Wolfe, nor as lyrical- could be summed up by the classic ton- too, is their discerning chronicler:
dents about John McPhee. ly moving as Joan Didion, McPhee has sorial mantra: Cut it but don’t change it.
always relied on prose that is fact-rich, “Creativity lies in what you choose
leisurely, requiring a certain readerly In another chapter, McPhee address- to write about, how you go about
patience with scientific and geographi- es the uneasy relationship between doing it, the arrangement through
cal description, and nearly always en- editors and writers, illustrating his which you present things, the skill
thralling. Years ago, when I taught lit- points with anecdotes from life at the and the touch with which you de-
erary journalism, I had my classes buy New Yorker. Once he asked the then- scribe people and succeed in de-
“The John McPhee Reader.” editor William Shawn how he could veloping them as characters, the
justify devoting vast amounts of time rhythms of your prose, the integrity
As it happens, McPhee himself teach- and money to making sure the maga- of the composition, the anatomy of
es creative nonfiction at Princeton, and zine’s stories were accurate. After all, the piece (does it get up and walk
two of his former students – the New besides underwriting its contributors’ around on its own?), the extent to
Yorker’s editor David Remnick and The research and travel, the New Yorker which you see and tell the story that
Post’s Joel Achenbach – warmly praise employed copy editors, fact-checkers exists in your material, and so forth.
their mentor on the jacket of “Draft No. and an in-house grammarian. Was all Creative nonfiction is not making
4.” Apparently derived from that col- this labor-intensive attention to detail something up but making the most
lege course, this insider’s guide to long- really worth it? Shawn only murmured, of what you have.” 
form journalism, though somewhat “It takes as long as it takes.”
meandering, is a book that any writer, DRAFT NO. 4
aspiring or accomplished, could profit- “As a writing teacher,” McPhee adds, On the Writing Process
ably read, study and argue with. “I have repeated that statement to two
generations of students. If they are By John McPhee
However, its opening two chapters, writers, they will never forget it.” With- Farrar Straus Giroux. 192 pp. $25
in which McPhee presents his various out disputing the importance of getting
systems for structuring articles, do re- things right, may I nonetheless gently Review by Michael Dirda
The Washington Post


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 35


Cory Doctorow, a Canadian-British blogger, journalist and science fiction author, wrote, WEST 8652 EAST
“Abnormal is so common, it’s practically normal.” A2 KQJ 83
K3 K3 A74
At the bridge table, the abnormal happens rarely, and most of the time it is missed, 10 8 7 4 2 965
especially on defense. It is hard to make a play that would normally be suicidal but is the Q J 10 6 SOUTH 97542
only winner on a given deal. J 10 9 6 5
Q J 10 9
How should West analyze this layout? South is in four spades. West leads the club A3
queen. South wins with his ace and plays a low trump. From where should West hope A8
to find four tricks?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
North’s Jacoby Forcing Raise showed four-plus trumps and at least game-forcing
values. South, with a minimum opening bid and no short suit, jumped to game. The Bidding:

Most defenders sitting West would immediately play second hand low at trick two. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
Then, though, declarer would win on the board and lead another trump. He would lose 1 Spades Pass 2 NT Pass
only one spade and two hearts. 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
Q Spades
When the dummy appears, the defenders should ask for a timeout so that they can
analyze the deal. Here, West can see two defensive tricks: his spade ace and heart
king. He should next count the high-card points. He has 10, and dummy holds 14. That
leaves 16 for the other two players. East can have just one high card. Which one would
be useful?

Only the heart ace. West must win the second trick and shift to the heart king. Here,
that works perfectly; the defenders take the spade ace, two top hearts and a heart ruff.
But if it turned out that South had the heart ace, this play would cost only an overtrick.

Keep counting those points.

36 Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



7 Overexcited (5) 1 Respect (6)
4 Hogwarts’Harry (6) 2 Radioactive element (9)
9 Squeaky creature (5) 3 Jacket; joint (6)
10 May Day baby, say? (7) 5 Sum of all works (6)
11 Brick? (4,3) 6 Lower digit (3)
12 Crest (5) 7 Marathon athlete? (6)
14 Sheep (3) 8 Actor’s fear (5,6)
15 Take a pew (3) 13 New Orleans jazz (9)
16 Chopper (3) 17 Tickled (6)
18 Grate (3) 18 Collection sold together (3,3)
21 Caribbean dance (5) 19 Parrot noise (6)
22 Post-mortem (7) 20 Underline (6)
23 Sound of boot in mud (7) 24 Vase (3)
25 Ease (5)
The Telegraph 26 Give (6)
27 Glory (5)

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The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 37


ACROSS 73 Chevalier costar, 11 Worded like a Dumpty’s luck The Washington Post
1958 telegram 79 Swab anew
1 Bonneville Salt 80 Not counting:
Flats state 74 Becomes 12 Klee Museum city
weatherworn 13 Scary 1978 abbr.
5 Burns on 82 One of Richelieu’s
M*A*S*H, e.g. 76 Cooper’s tool sequel,
77 At the ___ a hat Damien—___ titles, in French
8 Lucite layer 79 Sign on a Hertz 14 Gift for a 85 Runs
12 ___ Raton mechanic dad? 86 Hairy prefix
16 A handful, maybe truck 15 Unalaska denizen 87 Petropartnership,
17 Jerk’s work 81 Put through a 17 A slave, not a
18 A fairy-tale wave briefly
kitchen device 19 Megaflop 88 Russian city
beginning 83 “___ Buttermilk 20 Renamed oil co. 91 Loch of song
19 Cow or sow 22 Cigarette brand 92 Wrinkle
21 Gift for a dad Sky” 23 Smear on the 96 From ___ stern
84 Gift for a Crisco 98 “___ the money,
who’s a British 28 Treasure of Sierra
sports fan? bodybuilding dad? Madre author B. two ...”
24 Peaceful women, 89 Coal product ___ 99 “O woe ___!”
perhaps 90 Last syllable of a 29 That bleeping 100 Coliseums (Latin
25 1988 Olympics droid
site word 30 Big Stuf cookie plural)
26 Outback critter 93 Act introducer 31 Host who’s into 101 Feel like ___
27 Containing tin 94 Lunch time funny headlines
29 Gift for a 95 Tie or track 32 Not quite right again
firefighting dad? 97 Discotheque 33 Lanai 102 Chocoholic’s bean
34 As ___ say 38 Song syllable 104 Edged (out)
(implying) description 40 Counting 105 Dutch cheeses
35 Like many silent 99 Vacation bookings everything 106 Kid on My Three
comedies 101 Money mkt., e.g. 41 Jewish festival
36 Big movie-biz 103 Gift for an auto- 42 Enzyme ending Sons
union 44 Down, a spa; up, 107 Rowan and
37 When Aïda dies racing dad? artless
39 Retreat for dad 108 Scrolled Japanese 46 Peat and Spanish Marino
40 Make ___ (fly 47 Thinks 109 Fannie and
over) wall hanging 49 Rapturous rhyme
43 Actor Howard 110 Island neckwear 50 Perch for the Ginnie, e.g.
45 “Super” film size 111 Daytime soap undecided 114 Ironic
48 Gift for a poker- 112 O’Neill title word 51 Bear market 115 Bob or Tom?
playing dad? 113 Gift for an actor frenzy 116 Bounce
52 Tree-lined st. 54 Org. that pads its 117 Speechlessness
53 Pear variety dad? membership? 118 See 65 Down
55 Marina ___, Calif. 119 Went quickly 57 House debt
56 Warming 120 Mr. Rubik 58 “___ Rainbow” JUST A SUPER GUY By Merl Reagle
phenomenon in 121 Author Kingsley 60 Nova Scotia, once
the Pacific 122 Music Man state 61 Gift for a hotel
59 Hubbub 123 Goldilocks met clerk dad?
60 “Well, ___ the 62 Intro to bat or
lucky one!” tres of them phobia
62 Actress Valli of 124 Color man? 64 Something to waft
Third Man fame 125 “Prufrock” penner: over me
63 Case for a 65 Agent 86
lawyer? inits. 67 Popular lab
65 Mr. Peepers 126 Acme bacillus
taught 68 Surveyor’s aide
it: abbr. DOWN 69 Logic
66 Gift for an 1 Mark McGwire’s 72 Hee or vee
astronomer dad? preceder
70 These, to Yves alma mater 75 “___ Bones”
71 Maker of Chatty 2 Hard-to-climb hill 78 Like Humpty
Cathy 3 Cherbourg chum
4 Cartoon magpie
5 The Bates, e.g.
6 Loser to Dwight

7 ___ alai
8 Spotlight sharer,

in a way
9 With bread as a

10 Great one

The Telegraph

38 Vero Beach 32963 /September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Trying to process dad ditching mom after 30 years

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST control, which are mainly the obstacles you run
across – be they boredom or tragedy or anything
Dear Carolyn: My dad fell in in between – and your mate’s responses and reac-
love with someone else and left tions to these.
my mom, who thought their 30-
year marriage was great, as did So, maybe they chose wrong upfront, or your
we. They had lived apart for a dad’s effort flagged, or your mom’s did, or both,
few years due to work, and my and the few-year absence came into play, and the
father said they had grown apart new woman presented herself …
for years and he wasn’t in love.
And there you are.
Obviously leaving for another Your dad either remains in his marriage with
person was wrong, but should he his heart elsewhere; or he remains and makes an
have left my mom when he knew there was no love effort to love your mom again as he once did (or
left? He acknowledges that he should have tried in some new and improved way); or leaves the
years earlier. And he says he is deeply in love with marriage.
this woman, although none of us kids want to hear While it looks as if the two “stay” options are the
about it. better ones than leaving, I advise anyone process-
ing news like this to put themselves not in the po-
– Anonymous sition of the person who left, but of the person left
Anonymous: He says he should have left earlier, Would you want a spouse who doesn’t love you
so I’m not sure what I can add with my opinion. anymore to return to you solely out of duty?
In some circumstances, I suppose that I might,
Here’s how I suggest looking at this whole situ- but in general I think my reaction would be, “Don’t
ation: There were no good answers. do me any favors.”
It’s normal to have all these questions going
What everyone wanted, presumably, was for through your mind.
your parents to keep loving each other to the end. It’s normal to be angry at your dad, normal
That didn’t happen, and it’s not surprising be- not to want to hear of his new love – but for your
cause – all things being equal – lasting affection long-term well-being, do try on the “there were
is always a combination of effort and luck. no good answers” idea.
Even if you decide it doesn’t apply here, I think
The effort part, of course, is what you put into it’ll come in handy another time. We humans
it, including your self-knowledge throughout tend to create so many uses for it. 
your time together, the wisdom of your choice
of mate, and the energy you devote to each other
and to your shared lives.

The luck part includes the things you can’t

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 39

The new glamour: How to dress down your dressy pieces

BY KATE FINNIGAN Vaccarello arrived at Saint Laurent last GLAM CASUAL
year, his collections have boasted a me-
The Telegraph ga-wattage sex appeal not seen since the
1980s. Vaccarello has said: “I always re-
Daytime dressing has dominated late YSL to parties, to evening.” For this
this decade. Think about it. For so long autumn that means tiny curvy dresses
now the major trends have been about in shining leather or velvet and ka-pow
dialing things down. Minimalism, rhinestone knee high boots. Also bring-
normcore, not changing out of your ing sexy back are new evening brands
gym kit, not changing out of your luxu- like Galvan, Attico and Michael Halp-
ry pajamas. We’ve worn ballet slippers, ern, labels making clothes for going out.
brogues, fur-lined slippers and Dad Gucci meanwhile has gone a different
sandals. There have been trainers at route, mixing colour and luxury textures
Chanel haute couture and $1,000 track- and embroidery techniques to create an
suits at Vetements. (I didn’t say the price eccentric glamour in the style of Iris Ap-
was dialed-down). fel – to great commercial success.

In a cultural context it’s not hard to The secret of that success lies not in the
see why dressing more casually might head-to-toe, maximalist styling of the
have held some appeal. The last 10 years Gucci catwalk shows, which in real life
have seen us living and working dif- would make your children run scream-
ferently. Since the crash of 2007 we’ve ing in the opposite direction to you, but
moved through recession and redun- in the way the label now provides state-
dancies. Technology has increased re- ment separates and accessories that will
mote working. add pop and interest to a pair of jeans
or a pleated skirt. It’s glamour but tem-
With less of a frontier between work pered by all those styling lessons we’ve
and home, you can see why ath-leisure been learning since 2007. Call it Glam-
and lounge wear, comfortable jersey and Casual, a new dressing up underpinned
cosy cashmere, have been an attractive by something street-style, something
way to clothe yourself for modern life. sporty, something understated.

The lack of formality extends to lei- So for this season that may take the
sure time. We go out more but dress form of a zip-up sweater with long
up for it less. Ten years ago a body-con floaty chiffon. Or a hip-hop worthy gi-
dress and a pair of YSL Tribute platform ant duvet coat worn with a tweed skirt
court shoes was the glamour ideal. How as suggested at the Balenciaga catwalk
alien that seems now, how uncomfort- show. At Dries Van Noten, models of all
able. I’m not saying it’s disappeared, for ages demonstrated the look with bright
some women it’s an aesthetic that feels geometric printed velvet coats worn
good, but fashion designers have gen- over turned up straight-legged denim
erally been more interested in creating jeans and flat lace-up shoes. Chloe per-
an aesthetic that has been understated formed an unheard of feat, managing to
and oversized, covered up and casual. turn the shell-suit into a silky desirable
luxury item. 
In recent seasons though, glamour
has sneaked back into fashion, played
out in various guises. Since Anthony

40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

7 trends fashion editors will be embracing for the new season

BY FASHION EDITORS drestsroouvseerrs
The Telegraph maximalism

The new season is upon us, and
with it, a plethora of new trends to
embrace - and many to avoid. The
Telegraph’s fashion editors share
their AW17 favorites ...

Kate Finnigan will be channeling says Charlie Gowans-Eglinton bone, the buckles on my shoes. Try a dress over trousers, says Ol-
’70s bohemia Every season, sat among fashions Maximalism is all about the clash, ivia Buxton Smith

I’m of the opinion that once you’ve most stylish women to watch the cat- which makes it easy to cobble to- A dress over trousers might not be
found the silhouette that suits you, walk shows, I promise myself that next gether with things you already own, a novel concept, thanks to Trinny
stick to it. Mine is long and cinched season, I will look more like them. I buys from the high street, and a few and Susannah, but Tibi’s AW17 show
in at the waist. That can take me will invest in a navy cashmere coat, I designer pieces. A lemon silk dress provided me with a renewed deter-
from Katharine Hepburn style slacks think, perhaps some black trousers from Ghost plus Ganni’s polka-dot mination to incorporate it into my
and a blouse to floaty maxi dresses from Celine – I will be elegant, and silk jacket will clash beautifully, and own wardrobe.
via a cropped knit and a mid-length understated, and timeless. And then then the fun begins – crystal earrings
A-line skirt. the bass drops at Miu Miu’s hip-hop from Accessorize or Mango, a pearl- I intend on tackling this the same
soundtracked show, and I am a mag- buckled Gucci belt, and feathered way I approach layering on my
This season, thanks to Isabel Ma- pie again, lost to color, and glitter, and and jeweled satin shoes, affordable at top half: by thinking about which
rant, it’s going to be a Kate Bush/Ste- fantasy. I am a Gatsby heroine, sweep- Zara and Uterque, decadently less-so shades, textures and shapes slot to-
vie Nicks homage – a three-quarter- ing into a room in a dress shimmer- at Rochas and Roger Vivier. gether in the most effortless way.
length chiffon or silk dress with a ing with pepto-pink pailettes, crystals
wild print and a waterfall hem, a big dripping from my forehead, my collar- And as for my minimalist ambi- Tibi’s creative Director, Amy
belt and over-the-knee boots. It’s al- tions? Well, there’s always next season. Smilovic, presented a series of sleek-
ways a pleasure and a relief when you but-not-alienatingly-cool looks that
spot your signature silhouette on the
catwalk so shout out to Marant for
providing my phew-I-can-still-be-
relevant moment for autumn. And
also for making me consider over-
the-knee boots. I’ve never worn them
before and I won’t be wearing them
with skinny jeans or in the style of
Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman,” but
in Marant’s context they suddenly
seem like a practical and cosy solu-
tion. I want a wine red pair that play
Babooshka with every step.

Maximalism is all about the clash,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 41



used this technique; from the indigo son’s marabou-trimmed pajamas Warburton ference – the shape has had a bit of
velvet midi dress with an asymmet- (fancy-practical ensemble 1.0) with I look back through my wardrobe a tweak, the buttons are more inter-
ric hemline layered over satin tai- this autumn’s fuzzy, cosy, extrava- esting than the norm, and the fabrics
lored trousers in the same hue, to gantly embellished cardigans. That’s and wonder why I bought the shouty are unexpected. Take Joseph’s over-
the semi-sheer calf-length lace frock right: cardigans – the commonsen- piece from the collection … print, sized peacoat as an example (pic-
teamed with black cigarette pants. sical, granny-approved, “no need to and silhouette. While it might have tured), or Altuzarra’s trouser suit:
turn the heating up” layering piece been the must have piece at the time, classics – dare I say it – with a twist.
The tips to take? A mid-length of choice – are suddenly desirable. it sure does tire quickly. So for this The “trend” has filtered down to the
dress over straight-leg trousers is the This is a thrilling development, giv- season I’m sticking with the classics. high street too, with Massimo Dut-
chicest and most wearable combina- en that I already have a vintage black But before you switch off, the what I ti’s longline camel coat, and Marks
tion, silky and semi-sheer fabrics are cashmere cardigan with lashings of have in mind won’t be the forgetta- & Spencer’s blazer with interesting
the most flattering when layered over crystal and pearl embellishment in ble trench coat, or the boring blazer, button detail. Classics, on the high
trousers, and tonal color schemes are my wardrobe, just waiting for its mo- because that really would be dull. street; what’s not to love? 
your friend. ment. And I’m sure that next season, These are classics with a point of dif-
there will be many.
And if you’re worried that the soft
silhouette won’t be flattering, add Wear red, advises Krissy Turner
a skinny belt for definition. That’s Gucci aside – because what wom-
what I’ll be doing. an in their mid-20s doesn’t want a
cream cardigan and a pearl brooch?
Do the hard/soft clash, says Be- – Max Mara was my favorite AW17
than Holt catwalk show. The minimalist in
me was always going to love the chic
Hard/ soft is just the concept for camel looks from the collection, but
the indecisive amongst us this sea- the first four outfits in the show are
son – and it really is as easy as it the ones that really bowled me over –
sounds. Take one piece which is cosy, they were all bright red.
soft and feminine and pair it with It’s certainly a statement color, but
something tailored or severe. On also incredibly wearable, with thick
the catwalk at Victoria Beckham, di- cashmere knits, corduroy skirts and
aphanous chiffon skirts were shown luxe velvet trousers all coming in
with blazers and crisp shirts, and I’d cherry hues.
happily spend the winter months en- Red should, in theory, be a color
sconced in her Paul Nash-inspired that works with my warm skin tone,
jumper and mannish checked trou- and I’m partial to red lipstick, but
ser combination. Not only is this a until now I’d been wary of making a
no-brainer in the morning, it feels bolder statement, particularly in the
polished enough for work, too. office. While I might not dive straight
in with a full red outfit à la Gigi Hadid,
On the high street, COS is a one-stop I’ll ease in with a chunky knit paired
shop for architectural cuts and clever with denim, or a red ankle boot with
draping, but also look out for the silky black kick-flare jeans.
pieces in H&M’s ‘Trend’ offering and It will add an accent to my usual
John Lewis’s Modern Rarity. Beckham navy and camel autumn staples,
styled her hard/soft looks with slouchy and works with black or white ac-
boots or brogues, but loafers or smart cessories. As it’s an autumnal hue, I
trainers would work too. shouldn’t look out of place come Oc-
tober. But then, you don’t wear red to
Emily Cronin will be donning an blend into the background.
embellished cardigan
Update your classics, says Sophie
It takes a certain sort of fashion
genius to turn a purely practical
item into the most fanciful thing
on the runway. A genius like Miuc-
cia Prada. She followed up last sea-

42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Pomodoro Grill: Island favorite at top of its game


No aroma makes me feel as content My entrée consisted of slices of bread- $16.95 Sunset Menu (usually only avail- Penne ala Grill.
and happy as the smell of garlic. And ed eggplant layered with fresh basil, Ro- able from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.).
nothing radiates this tantalizing fra- mano and mozzarella cheese, topped Personal Brick
grance better than the garlic knots at with Pomodoro’s marinara, and baked I opted for the Oceano – little neck and Oven Pizza.
the Pomodoro Grill. in their oven with a side of rigatoni. This baby clams, jumbo shrimp and mussels
is one of the best eggplant parms to be over penne served with fra diavolo sauce Dinner for two, accompanied by a
You smell the scent of hot baking rolls found in Vero. – and my husband picked the mahi mahi modest bottle of wine, typically comes
and lots of garlic the minute you come limone. To his surprise, however, the to about $100 before taxes and tip. In
through the door of the attractively dec- My husband’s grouper was out- server told him that on this evening Po- addition to its colorful dining room,
orated Tuscan trattoria. It’s all I can do standing, a perfectly cooked piece of modoro was substituting grouper for the Pomodoro has an attractive outside
to concentrate on the menu as I wait for fish served with a great assortment of dolphin. Even better! And it was served garden that when the weather cools is
a basket of those olive oil-basted beau- grilled veggies. Our companion’s pizza in a delicious chardonnay crème sauce. perfect for dining al fresco (or enjoying
ties to come to the table. was a big winner – topped by cheese, a cappuccino after dinner).
peppers, mushrooms and bacon. It On both visits, we enjoyed too many
For more than two decades, we have had a very thin crust, neither limp nor of the garlic knots (we even used For consistently well-prepared sea-
been dining at this unpretentious res- cracker-like, but crisped to perfection. them to mop up the broth food, veal, chicken and pasta dishes
taurant tucked back in the corner of an from the mussels and (along with great brick-oven pizzas) at
office building at the southern end of On another visit on a Thursday, my the calamari) to reasonable prices, this island favorite re-
Cardinal Drive. After a couple of visits husband and I decided to take advan- even consider mains a restaurant that is hard to beat.
in recent weeks, I would have to say the tage of a Pomodoro summer special dessert.
dishes (as well as the garlic knots) have which on Wednesdays and Thursdays I welcome your comments, and en-
never been better. lets diners order from the trattoria’s courage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].
On a recent evening, our party of three
started by sharing an order of calamari The reviewer is a beachside resident
fra diavolo and the cozze fra diavolo. who dines anonymously at restaurants
at the expense of this newspaper. 
My husband’s calamari sautéed with
garlic, white wine and basil was served Pomodoro Grill
at his request in a bianco (white) sauce.
Very tender and tasty. But the Prince Ed-
ward Island mussels, also sautéed with
garlic and white wine but finished in a
spicy tomato herb broth, were to die for.

Following the appetizers, we moved
to the field greens-and-tomato salads
that are included with entrées – I had
mine with a tangy tomato basil vinai-
grette, while my husband and our com-
panion opted for the creamy Vidalia
onion dressing.

Then for entrées, I chose the eggplant
parmigiana, my husband had the eve-
ning’s seafood special, grouper pic-
cata in a lemon butter caper
chardonnay sauce, and
our companion
decided to have
a 12-inch per-

Penne Oscar. Hours:
Mon. - Sat., 5 pm - 9 pm

Closed Sunday

Beverages: Beer and wine

3055 Cardinal Drive,

Vero Beach

Phone: 772-234-1123

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 43


These wines are cheap. But are any worth drinking?

BY DAVE MCINTYRE in my column lately. So I headed to that it is only about 77 percent chardon- Chile. So here’s your cabernet takeaway:
Costco purchased as many chardonnays nay; the rest is a blend of various grapes, Look for Chilean cabs in the $10 range –
The Washington Post and cabernet sauvignons from the top including French colombard, Viognier cheap, but not bottom barrel. Two other
20 brands as I could find. I also bought and muscat. Chilean brands, Walnut Crest and Fron-
Browsing the wine aisle at a super- some other cheap brands I’ve enjoyed tera, cashed in at about $5 but did not
market or convenience store can be over the years, as well as Costco’s Kirk- Most of the other chardonnays were show well.
disorienting for someone used to shop- land. Finally, I included two sweet red pleasant enough but overtly sugary, ap-
ping at a fine wine retailer. Mass-market blends, Gallo’s Apothic and Yellow Tail’s pealing to the famous American sweet The U.S. brands were almost uni-
labels such as Barefoot, Yellow Tail and Sweet Red Roo. Apothic’s presence on tooth. Some were noticeably flawed. formly depressing. Some were pleasant
Cupcake are everywhere, rather than the top-20 list demonstrates the popu- The Cupcake smelled like a wet dog, enough, but sweet and dull. Even overtly
the smaller family-owned wineries larity of this category. All but a few of the suggesting sloppy hygiene in the wine- sweet red wines, such as Apothic, did not
more common to wine stores. wines cost less than $10 a bottle. making, and Sutter Home – the second- stand out as sweet among the treacle that
most-favorite brand in America – was is cheap Cali cab. Others tasted of cough
But what do they taste like? My recent Just for fun, I added a few more ex- simply awful. syrup, rubber, machine oil or worse.
notes on some of the nation’s best-sell- pensive wines, then put the bottles into
ing chardonnays and cabernet sauvi- bags to hide the labels, a “blind tasting” The red wines as a group disappoint- We all want to be conscious of value
gnons include a few positive words such designed to prevent any preconcep- ed. Of the 19 we tasted, we found only when shopping for wine. But with the
as peaches, blackberries and minerals, tions from influencing my perception. three to be noteworthy, and all were exception of a few pleasant surprises,
but many more terms like machine oil, I was joined for the chardonnay tasting ones I had selected, not on the best- the quality simply isn’t there under $10,
inner tubes and sewer gas. by Mike, an avid consumer who is not selling list. They were the Santa Rita 120, especially when it comes to domestic
in the wine trade, and my wife, Leah, Cousiño-Macul and Los Vascos, all from wine. 
In short, if you buy wine based solely who has a much sharper palate than I do
on price and wide availability, you might when she’s paying attention.
find a gem or perhaps something pleas-
ant, but there’s a better chance you’ll be The 10 chardonnays fared better than
wasting your money, not saving it. the 19 cabernets and blends. In fact,
you can buy delicious U.S. chardonnay
And these are the wines most Ameri- for less than $10. Just look for the name
cans drink. According to Wines & Vines Robert Mondavi on the label. When we
magazine’s annual list of the 20 top- ripped the bags off the bottles, we found
selling wine brands in U.S. retail stores, the Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi to
based on figures from market research be our favorite, with the Robert Mondavi
firm IRI, Americans spent $670 million Private Selection in second place.
last year on Barefoot wines. Sutter Home
was a distant second at $368 million. The Woodbridge – which costs just
$7.59 – was fresh, fruity and so well bal-
The list includes other familiar names anced that we all suspected it was one
such as Kendall-Jackson, Chateau Ste. of the more-expensive ringers I had put
Michelle and Beringer. Australia’s Yellow in the lineup. The Private Selection was
Tail was the only foreign brand to crack also quite nice, with more oak flavoring
the top echelon in sales, though some and richness from malolactic fermen-
American brands use imported wine. tation.
Three box wines made the list: Franzia,
Black Box Wines and Bota Box. Most sell The Woodbridge should be easy to
for the equivalent of less than $10 a bot- find: Constellation Brands made 1.1
tle. Altogether, the top 20 brands racked million cases of it in 2016. Perhaps one
up $4.14 billion in sales in 2016. reason it stood out from the crowd is

None of these names have appeared

44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 45

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46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 47

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48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Smitten Bonz says Miss Julie is a glittering ‘Jewel’

Hi Dog Buddies! were Show Dogs, so I’m a purebred, but the rug to bits. Now, I have
I’m not registered cuz I wasn’t what hu-
This week I interviewed Julie Jewel mans call Show Quality. I was what they lotsa stuffed animals. I hug
Hyer, a Standard Poodle. I knew she call A Leftover.”
was from Jersey and that she liked hu- ’em an fling ’em around an
mans a lot more than dogs. So I was pre- “Oh, for Lassie’s Sake!” I exclaimed.
pared for a pooch with some ’Tude, and “Ackshully, it worked out great: I was dance with ’em. But No
reminded myself to be Courteous and 5 months old and on sale at a bargain
Tactful No Matter What. price. My human Mom and Dad were Chewin’!
between Poodles cuz their other Poodle,
Julie’s Mom opened the door, all nice Molly, had gone to Dog Heaven. The top “Everybuddy in our Jer-
and smiley. Peeping out from behind her dogs in my litter were already sold. I was
was Julie: pretty as anything, smaller the last one. Mom and Dad just wanted sey neighborhood always
than I’d expected, short curly black hair, a family Poodle, and I didn’t wanna be a
sparkly eyes, a little dusting of white on silly ol’ show dog anyway. So I found my said how pretty I was an
her nose. Woof! Forever Family.
“My litter name was Pretty Girl, gave me lotsa pats. It was
“Um ... Yes … Err …” I mumbled. Julie which I thought sounded like a para-
stepped out from behind her Mom and keet, so I was relieved when Mom and a fun life. Then, when I
gave a soft growl. Her Mom patted her Dad named me Julie, cuz I was born in
head and told her I was OK, that I was the July, an Jewel cuz I’m a jewel to them. was 6, the doctor told my
reporter who was gonna do her story. Isn’t that so sweet?”
“It sure is.” Dad that winter wasn’t
“Oh! Well OK then! Hello, Mr. Bonzo! I “Mom and Dad brought me home two
wasn’t sure it was you. I thought you’d be days before Christmas, and they had a his friend anymore, an
more, well, more …” buncha family over. I was so shy that I’d
just curl up in my crate and shake. My we should move some-
“Coherent?” I said, feeling like Doof human sister Helen’s huzbun Mark had-
of the Year. “Sorry about that. It’s a plea- da crawl in my crate an gently drag me where warm. Dad re-
sure. It’s just that I was expecting some- out. Thank Lassie I outgrew my shyness.
one a little, um, bigger. Not so, um …” An my crate. tired from bein’ a pas-
“Pretty soon I got stuff figured out: I
She laughed. “I know. I was the runt became an old hand at ridin’ the Cape tor an a teacher, an we
of the litter. I’ve always been small for May-Lewes Ferry. I’d sit on deck an
my breed.” watch the bouncy water. I could even made a buncha car trips
zoom up an down the open ferry stairs
I had been about to say “beautiful,” so without bein’ scared one bit. (’Cept that to Florida to check stuff
I was glad she spoke up first. first time, when Dad was in back pushin’
my caboose and Mom was in front pul- out. At first, I tossed
“Let’s sit down and you can tell me lin’ the rest of me.)
what you wanna know.” And off she trot- “Akshully, NOTHING scares me ’cept my kibbles. A lot. Mom
ted on those long legs, moved like a race- Diesel Trucks. I hafta have a special
horse, the pompom on the tip of her tail leash so, if I freak out, I won’t pull Mom hadda always bring
bouncing. “Get hold of yourself, Dog!” I or Dad over. It gives me the Utter Willies
told myself sternly. just thinkin’ about Diesel Trucks. a pile of towels. So
“In my younger days, I was A Chewer.
After she’d introduced me to her One time Mom bought a new rug, then we practiced. Mom’d Julie Jewel, the Standard Poodle. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
Mom and Dad, Joann an Don, I asked, went out to do a liddle errand. When
“How did you get your forever Family, she got back, I had pretty much chewed drive me a few blocks
Miss Julie?” every day. With tow-

In between trotting over to give my els. Now I’m Fine.
Assistant frenly slurps, Miss Julie told
her story. “So we moved to Sebastian, which I only tap ’em on the arm when they’re

“I was born in 2008 in Brick Town- love! It’s nice an warm, and I have a pair sleepin’ if I hafta go Do My Doodie. I like
ship, New Jersey. My Mom and Dad
of Sunnies for outside. Our neighbors an to sit on Mom’s or Dad’s lap to snuggle,

dog-walkers in Riverview Park give me usually on Monday or when I feel Under

lotsa pats same as my Jersey frens! An me the Weather. I’ve got the best Mom an

an my neighbor Hubble have lotsa fun! Dad ever.”

He’s a Part Poo. I like tennis balls, too, Heading home I was thinkin’ about,

but not canned, only fresh, like Penn. well, pretty much about, mostly about –

Me an Dad play catch every day at 3 p.m. Miss Julie. Sigh.

“Any food favorites?”

“Oh, woof, yes! ROMAINE! Those Till next time,
crunchy end parts. An ice CREAM! Since
I’ve gotten older, I’ve broadened my cu- The Bonz

linary horizons. Now I also enjoy green Don’t Be Shy
beans, CELLry, apples an zooKEEnee.
Even when I’m nappin’ in the other We are always looking for pets
room, I can hear Mom opening the bag with interesting stories.
an I come zoomin’ into the kitchen. To set up an interview, email

Since we’re in Florida, I insist on ice

cubes in my water. [email protected].

“I know Mom an Dad’s rouTINE and I

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 49


Is anybody there? Acts of compassion offer the answer

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT verse with stars and planets and galaxies,
Columnists vegetation and living creatures, cattle
and birds and fish and people. It is about
Have you ever found yourself won- whatever is behind the nothing and has
dering, in difficult times perhaps, why dispelled the nothing, granting existence
God doesn’t intervene, why God doesn’t to all that is.
seem to show up to fix the problem, or
soothe your fears, or heal your hurt? It’s not uncommon for us human be-
God’s apparent absence may seem a ings to expect God to act in certain ways,
bit suspicious. or be visible to us in certain ways, and for
us to be disappointed when our expecta-
For age upon age, people have looked tions are not met. Perhaps, we wonder, if
into the heavens, stood in silence, and God is not exactly the being we thought
breathed the question, “Is anybody He was, or ought to be, then He doesn’t
there?” The question of God’s existence exist at all. But what if in times of doubt
has haunted humanity and led us to a or discouragement we kept foremost in
variety of conclusions. Some have an- our minds the image of the one behind
swered the question with a kind of wish- it all, who formed the far distant galax-
ful agnosticism, saying we can’t really ies but draws near enough to tenderly
prove much about the existence of God, breathe life into us?
but we can hope. Some have answered
the question with a bitter atheism, say- Is anybody there? How would we
ing there is surely no God at all. Some know? Gaze into the heavens to see the
have answered the question by suppos- handiwork of their maker. Then witness
ing that God’s power and dominion is acts of creative goodness that continue
vast, and God simply chooses to remain right here among us. In every fresh deed
remote from us. How do you answer the of compassion, every new act of mercy,
question, “Is anybody there?” every gracious offer of forgiveness, every
bold stroke for justice – there we see the
Mark Rayburn has told a story that ongoing presence of the living, caring,
may help us grapple with the question of ever-present, ever-creative God. 
God’s existence. According to Rayburn,
there was once a little boy who believed was nothing up there! Hearing the news,
that the blue sky was just a big blue tent. one of the little boy’s friends tilted his
But when he went to school, he learned head back and gazed high into the air.
that the sky was not a big blue tent. So he He looked at the beautiful blue sky that
reported to his friends that sadly, there stretched from one horizon to another,
and then he asked, “So if there is nothing
there, then what is behind the nothing?”

Existence is puzzling, isn’t it? What’s
behind it? You can’t get very far into the
Bible without realizing that others have
struggled with what is just beyond their
grasp, just out of sight, and tantalizingly
out of reach. In fact, you could argue that
the creation story in the Book of Genesis
is a gorgeous affirmation about one who
is before anything else is, the source of
being itself, the one who is before time
and space, the one who creates a uni-

50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 14, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING ment to benefit Vero Heritage Inc. $25. 772- 16 HALO Rescue’s Chase Your Tail 5K, 7:30 at Brackett hosted by New Horizons followed by
770-2263 a.m. at Sebastian Community Center a light supper. Free. 772-672-8333
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. to support the no-kill rescue. 772-589-7279
First Friday Gallery Strolls. 14-24 Vero Beach Theatre Guild 22 Weiner Dog Races, 2 p.m. at Pareidolia
presents Eleanor Dixon in 16 International Coastal Cleanup hosted Brewing Company in Sebastian to ben-
SEPTEMBER The Lady With All the Answers, about the life/ by Keep Indian River Beautiful, 9 a.m. efit HALO No-Kill Shelter, live music, food and
letters of Ann Landers. 772-562-8300 to Noon at locations throughout the county. drink specials, an All-Breed Fun Run and raffles.
14 An Evening in Paris, 5 p.m. at Heritage or 772-226-7738 Dog registration $15. 772-589-7297
Center - Parisian-themed vendors, 15 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
wine tasting and Moulin Rouge-style entertain- merce Lifestyle and Media Auction, 6 16 Treasure Coast Ride to Fight Suicide, 23 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior
p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach - live and si- kickstands up at 11 a.m. from Suncoast Fishing Tournament to benefit ORCA,
lent auctions. $10/$20. 772-589-5969 Mental Health Center in Vero, with after-ride Anglers for Conservation and CCA Florida, 7 a.m.
party at Treasure Coast Harley Davidson in Mar- lines in, 2 p.m. lines out, followed by 4 p.m. Fam-
tin County to benefit Suncoast. 772-812-8338 ily Awards Dinner at Capt. Hiram’s. $25 includes
16 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Nature
Photography Workshop, 11 a.m. at 23 National Estuaries Day Celebration,
Environmental Learning Center. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Environmental
Learning Center, with dip-netting, mangrove
16 Run Vero Twilight 2-Mile evening race, potting, canoe trips, seining, Discovery Station
6:30 p.m. (7:10 p.m. kids run) from Interactive Museum & Aquariums and family
MacWilliam Park, with post-race festivities to activities.
benefit VBHS Cross Country team. 772-569-
7364 23 Celebrate the Arts Festival hosted by
Cultural Council of IRC, 10 a.m. to 4
16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival p.m. at Riverside Park - fine art and performing
at north jetty to benefit artists, authors, musicians and nonprofits. Free.
Surfrider Foundation Sebastian Inlet Chapter. 23 Dogtoberfest at Humane Society of
Vero Beach and IRC, 12:30 to 4 p.m. -
20 National Suicide Awareness Month German food, beer, hayrides and canine activi-
Community Health Forum, 5:30 p.m. ties. 772-388-3826

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 24 IRRC Game Show Series and Jackpot
in September 7, 2017 Edition 1 SOLACE 1 SCHOOL #1 at Indian River Riding Club, 8:30
4 EAST 2 LIMIT a.m. exhibition, 10 a.m. jackpot barrels followed
9 HEM 3 COMRADE by game show.
11 OUTWARD 6 TRIBUTE 24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
12 MAULS 7 PRIDE ents An American in Paris, 3 p.m. at VBHS
13 STEEL 8 SENSE PAC, with remastered film, and music by Gershwin,
15 ACHES 14 THUNDER Gould, Ellington and Saint-Saens. 855-252-7276
22 EPICURE 17 SEAMY 30 Save the Sea: Go Plastic Free statewide
24 MEDICINES 18 FEINT campaign launch at Jaycee Park, 8 a.m.
25 AXE 19 REVEAL donation beach yoga, 9 a.m. beach cleanup and
26 RUDE 21 PACED 11 a.m. family BBQ hosted by Florida Young
27 UNREAL 23 USAGE Democrats of IR.

Sudoku Page 40 Sudoku Page 41 Crossword Page 40 Crossword Page 41 (FILM CRITICISM MADE SIMPLE)


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each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
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[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.

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