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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-12-07 23:37:55

12/08/2017 ISSUE 49


December 8, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 49 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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MY TAKE More minorities
taking advanced
BY RAY MCNULTY classes, but how
many passing?
Wait! You need a licensed
contractor for that repair

Maybe you’re thinking about By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
slapping a new coat of paint [email protected]
on your house. Or doing a little
remodeling. Or making a few The Indian River County School
home repairs that you’ve been
putting off for months. District says it is making some

Maybe Hurricanes Matthew progress in enrolling more minori-
and Irma blew a couple of shin-
gles off your roof. ty students in upper level classes,

Or maybe, with the local re- but it has no idea how many are
al-estate market percolating
again, you want to invest in passing.
some home improvements be-
fore putting up that “For Sale” The School District recently
released a yearly, state-required
Whatever the reason, you
need to educate yourself on “equity report” that lists how many
who you can – and, more im-
portantly, cannot – hire to do minority students are signing up
the work without violating the
county building code and, in for advanced classes.
some cases, state law.
While the report shows a small
“Most people probably don’t
know,” said Dave Checchi, one increase in the number of blacks
of the county’s contractor li-
censing investigators. “They’re and a slightly higher jump in the
just looking for the best price.”
PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD number of Hispanics taking these
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 classes, it provides no information

The idea behind the report is to
keep an eye on how “equitable” mi-

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer By today’s standards, Garnett take over its sprawling campus. nority participation in advanced
[email protected] Radin’s gumption seems bound- The institution Radin started classes is compared to participa-

In 1932, a 29-year-old nurse less. But her wildest dreams with her $22,000 was appraised tion by white students as a way

from Nebraska shelled out her probably never envisaged the last year at more than $150 mil- of seeing if the School District –

own cash for a hotel gone bust enterprise that exists today, as lion. That was just the land, bricks which has labored under a federal

INSIDE and turned it into Indian River the Indian River Medical Center and mortar, not equipment, ma- desegregation order for decades –

County’s first hospital. seeks a much larger partner to CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 is helping minority students catch


NEWS 1-11 PETS 18 One of county’s larger employers sues former staff who formed rival firm

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Beth Walton | Staff Writer cating people and businesses with
For circulation or where to pick up large IRS or state tax liens and help-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Two Vero Beach debt servicing ing them settle their debts.
firms have taken their battle over pro-
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. prietary information to court. Omni The Vero Beach headquarters of Omni Financial. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Omni Financial, which is owned by
Financial, one of the larger private El Dorado Financial, filed a lawsuit
employers in Indian River County, is Nov. 17 in the 19th Judicial Circuit al-
suing a group of its former employ- leging the former employees, including
ees for allegedly stealing trade secrets Omni’s former president and CEO, took
and setting up a rival firm in violation proprietary information and clients
of non-compete and non-disclosure when they left the large firm to be part
contracts. of a startup enterprise, ACS Financial.

Both companies specialize in lo- CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

2 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer “The proposed location is just off of “The current maximum height for both airport to about 22nd Street.
[email protected] the 17th Street and Indian River Bou- stealth and non-stealth antenna-support- There’s also a large, industri-
levard on property that abuts 18th ing structures is 100 feet,” he added.
Just as site-clearing work finally began Street,” McGarry said. al-zoned area on both sides of U.S.
last week for the long-awaited cell tow- A map of the city’s zoning districts shows 1 from the Historic Downtown dis-
er in the Town of Indian River Shores, That’s east of the Rockridge where future towers might be permitted, if trict south to the city limits.
the City of Vero Beach is facing a cellular neighborhood, a large pocket of sin- necessary.
challenge of its own – the need to relocate gle-family homes and condos that The proposed code amendment
a cell tower on the Big Blue power plant are not in the city limits but in the There are pockets of Professional Office would prohibit any attempt at cam-
property that must come down as part of unincorporated county. and Industrial zoning around the city, with ouflaging the tower as a pine tree,
decommissioning. most of it centered around Route 60 in the like the one Shores’ contractor Dat-
“It will be a standalone tower,” western half of the city. apath Tower is building next to the
A little-known, 146-foot tower atop the McGarry said, meaning it will not be Town’s Public Safety Department.
power plant, that extends a total of 208 feet another tower placed atop an exist- Industrial zoning is present on and
up into the air, serves Vero Isles, the heart ing building. around the Vero Beach Regional Airport McGarry told the council that a
of the city’s commercial district and part property, in the area of the city’s power and “monopine” tower clad with arti-
of the barrier island. It’s been there since It’s not the appropriate time yet wastewater plants, east of the Indian River ficial tree limbs would not be con-
1993, but was hard to see amidst the stacks for the Clearwater-based tower con- County complex and along U.S. 1 from the sistent with the surrounding vege-
and all the other utility equipment on top tractor Crowne Castle to request approval tation and would look rather silly popping
of the power plant. of a particular site, McGarry said. “They are out of the existing tree canopy, so the new
proposing a 199-foot supporting structure tower in Vero will be an old-school mono-
The good news is that, with FPL taking [and] they can’t submit an application un- pole that looks like what it is – a tall struc-
over the substation and switching equip- til the regulations have been finalized and ture designed to support cellular phone
ment embedded in the plant while a new they hold a neighborhood meeting.” company antennas.
substation is constructed on the Old Postal Any tower built higher than 100 feet in
Annex property on the southwest corner McGarry explained the pending ad- Vero would be required to have the capac-
of 17th Street and Indian River Boulevard, justments to city code in a memo: “The ity for at least three carriers, a provision
there’s time to get a new tower planned, proposed amendment would allow non- added by the city’s Planning and Zoning
permitted and built before the old one stealth antenna-supporting structures to Board when it unanimously approved
comes down. be located in POI (Professional Office In- Crowne Castle’s request on Oct. 5 and
dustrial) zoning districts as a conditional recommended the City Council make the
The new tower is expected to be built use and allow the height of antenna-sup- changes necessary to replace the tower
west of the Citrus Bank building, accord- porting structures . . . up to 199 feet with and maintain cell service. 
ing to Vero Planning Director Tim McGarry. conditional use approval.”

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 8, 2017 3

MY TAKE pass state – and sometimes local – exam- including air-conditioning, asphalt seal- column had no idea so many of these li-
inations that test their knowledge and ing and coating, burglar and fire alarms, censes existed. That’s why I’m writing it.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 competency, but they’re also required carpentry, dredging, drywall, insulation,
to pay the necessary state and county irrigation sprinklers, masonry, paint- “We see quite a bit of it,” Checchi said,
And, all too often, they get the best licensing fees, as well as provide work- ing, paving, refrigeration, roofing, septic referring to homeowners hiring work-
price from a relative, friend or neighbor man’s compensation insurance for their tanks, solar heating insulation, swim- men for projects that require licensed
who does handyman-type work, or per- employees. ming pools, welding and well drilling. contractors. “We get a lot of calls, most
haps a retired contractor trying to pick of them anonymous, from people re-
up some extra cash doing odd jobs. The county issues nearly 100 types of Applicants for those licenses must porting work being done by unlicensed
contractor licenses. You’re probably fa- pass a three-hour exam. contractors and without a permit.”
Depending on the type of work you miliar with terms such as building con-
need done, however, going that route tractor, master electrician, journeyman There is a different type of exam – And when that happens?
could become more costly – in the form plumber and general engineering con- three hours, open book – for another “We go to the site and investigate,”
of fines ranging from $500 to $2,000, pos- tractor. Each of those state-regulated category of more than 15 specialties that Hunter said, adding that some of the
sibly even criminal charges. professions require applicants to pass a include cabinet installation, fence erec- anonymous calls come from licensed
six-hour exam. tion, flooring, garage doors, screen en- contractors who bid on the project,
According to county building officials, closures, tennis courts and waterproof- only to see the job go to an unlicensed
if you hire someone to do any substantial But the county also offers contractor ing. worker. “We ask to see their license and,
projects, such as those involving elec- licenses in 77 more-specific categories,
trical work, carpentry, remodeling and I’m guessing most folks reading this CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
even painting, you must select a licensed

On the other hand, you can do the
work yourself – as long as you live on the
property and acquire the necessary per-
mitting from the county – and it is okay
for friends, relatives or neighbors to help
you, as long as they are not paid for their

“If you’re doing the work on your own
home and they’re helping out, and you’re
not paying them? That’s OK,” Checchi
said. “But if they’re being compensated,
they need to be licensed.”

Yes, that goes for your neighborhood
handyman, too.

“There are some things a handyman
can do,” Checchi said, “but there are a lot
of limitations.”

In fact, the county has a long list of
unregulated, specialty-trade jobs that a
handyman is allowed to do. It includes
installing door knobs, door locks, toi-
lets, towel bars, mailboxes, mini-blinds,
shelving and garage organizers; replac-
ing medicine cabinets, sink fixtures, fau-
cets, cabinet hardware, and worn or bro-
ken appliance plugs.

Other jobs handymen are allowed to
do include assembling furniture, gas
grills and closet organizers; cleaning gut-
ters, cleaning and changing ceiling-fan
blades, and cleaning and lubricating
sliding-glass doors; caulking tubs and
sinks, adjusting closet doors, fixing bro-
ken drawers and sticky windows, lubri-
cating garage doors, doing paint touch-
ups, hanging pictures and changing light

But don’t ask the handyman to show
you his certification – because this coun-
ty doesn’t offer a handyman license. Nor
do Brevard or St. Lucie counties.

County building official Scott McAdam
said the county has never offered handy-
man licenses, probably because it would
be too difficult to enforce the restrictions
on what they are permitted to do.

“There’s no way to regulate them, un-
less you catch them in the act,” McAd-
am said. “You could get into a situation
where handymen are taking money out
of the pockets of the licensed contractors
who are doing it the right way.”

Not only must licensed contractors

4 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE Hunter said the county will report to signed to protect homeowners from po- try to be proactive, but we can’t be ev-
the Florida Department of Business and tential lawsuits filed by unlicensed con- erywhere,” Checchi said. “So we’re
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Professional Regulation’s law-enforce- tractors’ uninsured workers who might mostly reactionary. People call and we
ment arm anyone who gets caught con- get injured on the job, Checchi said, as check it out. The community is our eyes
if they don’t have one, we stop the job tracting without a license three times. well as to ensure projects are properly and ears.”
and issue a citation to the person doing permitted and, when completed, meet
the work.” That’s a first-degree misdemeanor state, local and industry standards. They’re not going to catch everyone,
with penalties of up to one year in jail but they’re trying. “We get calls all the
The homeowners also can be cited, and a $1,000 fine. The regulations also are designed to time,” Hunter said.
but only if they are aware that they’ve protect the licensed contractors who
hired an unlicensed contractor. The state may increase the charge to make the investment in their business, So before you pay your out-of-work
a third-degree felony, with penalties of paying to acquire the required educa- nephew to paint your bedroom or hire
“Sometimes, the homeowners don’t up to five years in prison and a $5,000 tion and certification, providing the the neighborhood handyman to remod-
know any better and were misled,” fine, if the offense occurred during a necessary insurance for workers and el your kitchen, make sure it’s worth the
Hunter said. “Sometimes, they do know state of emergency declared by execu- securing the proper permits. money you hope to save.
. . . and they learn the hard way.” tive order of the governor.
“We’re out in the field a lot, and we It could end up costing you more
In addition to imposing the fines, That law and the county code are de- than you think. 



up in terms of educational success.
But the report does not include statistics

for how well minority students are doing
in the upper-level classes they sign up for,
rendering it meaningless for measuring the
progress or success of black and Hispanic

The School District’s recently-released eq-
uity report states 25 percent of the county’s
white high school students took Advanced
Placement and International Baccalaureate
classes, while just 7 percent of black stu-
dents and 12 percent of Hispanic students
enrolled in those courses.

On its face, the report indicates a degree
of progress, showing black enrollment in up-
per level courses increased locally by 6 stu-
dents – bringing the total enrolled to 63 of
the 875 black students – and upped Hispan-
ic enrollment by 40 students, bringing the
total to 136 of the 1,128 Hispanic students.

That might not sound like a giant leap for-
ward for minority students but it was good
enough to help the local district gain recog-
nition as “one of 425 school districts on the
Honor Roll for College Board’s 6th Annual
AP Honor Districts . . . for expanding access
to AP courses, improving student perfor-
mance and supporting student success.”

By way of measuring success, state re-
cords show 50 percent of the students in
Indian River County taking Advanced Place-
ment Classes passed them, which is close to
the statewide average.

The pass rate here for the International
Baccalaureate exam was 75 percent, slightly
lower than the statewide pass rate of 82 per-
cent. But the state statistics don’t break down
the success rate by race, and the School Dis-
trict says it doesn’t know how many black or
Hispanic students passed the upper level
course either.

When Vero Beach 32963 asked School
District officials for the pass rate for white
and minority students, the district said it
does not keep track of those numbers.

If, as Superintendent Mark Rendell
claims, preparing more minority students
for college is an important goal, how can the
goal be achieved if the School District is not
keeping track of how well minority students
are doing in college prep classes? 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 8, 2017 5

St. Paul’s Church still not quite ready

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer ministrative offices and classrooms on the Club Hotel until it was torn down.
[email protected] second floor. The church then moved its services to the

The new St. Paul’s Church, currently near- St. Paul’s has “just over 100 mem- Garden Club of Indian River County, where
ing completion on Flamevine Lane, will not bers,” Robbins said, but not all are regular they are expected to remain until the new
be ready for Christmas Day services and church-goers. He said church leaders and building is completed.
probably won’t open its doors to worshipers members of the congregation are “sensitive”
until early 2018. to the concerns of their beach business dis- St. Paul’s had been seeking a permanent
trict neighbors. home for more than a year when a donor
St. Paul’s Rector Jon Robbins was planning stepped forward during the first half of 2014
to welcome congregants to the new sanctu- The St. Paul’s ministry was established and gave the church the $1 million it need-
ary on Oct. 8, but delays in the final phases five years ago with Robbins as its rector – the ed to purchase the then-vacant property at
of construction – some caused by Hurricane Anglican Church’s title for pastor – and held 969-999 Flamevine Lane. The sale was com-
Irma – forced him to push back the sched- services in a conference room at the old Surf pleted in July 2014. 
uled date of the first service to November.

But delays continue to plague the project,
located just west of Ocean Drive in the Cen-
tral Beach business district.

“We are working hard to get the church
open,” Robbins wrote in a text to Vero Beach
32963 on Sunday night. “We hope to have a
Certificate of Occupancy before Jan. 1.”

Robbins refused to comment on the latest
delay, other than to say it had nothing to do
with parking – a now-resolved issue that pre-
vented the church from acquiring the initial
permits it needed from the building division
of the county’s community development de-

“We’re complying in every way with the
parking requirements outlined in the [coun-
ty building] code,” Robbins wrote.

So what obstacle is preventing the church
from getting a final approval from the coun-

Scott McAdam, a county building official,
said he found nothing out of the ordinary in
the project’s paperwork.

“I don’t see any red flags,” McAdam said.
“I don’t see anything in our records that
shows any issues that would cause any de-
lays in getting the CO. There’s nothing here
that points to any difficulties. It looks like
things are moving along and construction is
getting close to the end.

“I’m not too familiar with the specifics of
this particular project, so maybe there are
some other issues I don’t know about,” he
added. “But based on what I’m seeing here,
it looks like they’re getting there.”

Robbins said work on the new church
came to a halt as Hurricane Irma passed
through the area in September, shutting
down construction for more than a week.

“Whenever you have a storm like that, it
puts pressure on your supply chain,” Rob-
bins said in September. “It also affect the
subcontractors, who get offers to do work
elsewhere at a higher rate. We’re having
some infrastructure issues, too.”

Robbins held a groundbreaking ceremo-
ny on the site in May 2016, after the church
finally secured a shared-parking agreement
with a neighboring business, the Amalgam-
ated Realty Corporation.

The church has room for only 20 parking
spaces on its property, but the agreement
provides enough parking to accommodate
its 150-seat sanctuary. The 6,500-square-
foot, two-story building also will include ad-

6 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

HOSPITAL SUITORS its pitch and explain its interest in owning
another hospital so close to one it already
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 owns, Lawnwood Regional Medical Center
in Fort Pierce.
chinery or furnishings. It also didn’t include
intangibles like the reputation of the hospi- Then Friday morning, Adventist Health
tal, the devotion of its wealthy donors, and System, the faith-based chain which owns
its strong position in an attractive market. Orlando’s Florida Hospital, was to make its
presentation at 11 a.m. And Saturday, also at
Those are all desirables that four leading 11 a.m., the renowned Cleveland Clinic was
healthcare companies are making a pitch for set to float its notion of including IRMC in
in person this week in the hospital’s admin- its esteemed brand. Cleveland Clinic’s only
istration wing. other hospital outside of Ohio is in Broward
County, about two hours south of Vero.
Orlando Health was first up Tuesday. That
company, a nonprofit, owns the well-re- The last presentations by consultants
spected Orlando Regional Medical Cen- which were open to the public drew a
ter. Thursday afternoon at 3:30 p.m., the packed room of interested citizens. Prior to
for-profit health care giant HCA was to make that, though, public interest in the process
had disappointed hospital officials, partic-
ularly the elected trustees of the Indian Riv-
er County Hospital District Board, who are
charged with protecting taxpayers’ financial
interest in the hospital.

That Hospital District, acting on be-
half of taxpayers, owns the land and most
of the buildings on the hospital campus.
They comprise the majority of a portfolio of
healthcare-related real estate owned by the

While Nurse Radin ran the hospital for
years even after the formation of the Hospi-
tal District in the 1950s, today the hospital is
operated by an independent nonprofit cor-
poration, IRMH Inc. Its lease with the district
goes back to May 1985, when it was agreed
that what was then called Indian River Me-
morial Hospital would take over medical
center operations.

As “rent,” the hospital management com-
pany agreed to pay the district’s existing and
future debt, including bonds. To date that
sum totals $80.8 million.

The IRMC lease runs through 2034, but
when a new partner is selected, an amended
lease will likely be negotiated; all four final-
ists, including the only for-profit chain, HCA,
are looking to lease the buildings, not buy
them outright.

All offered to spend large sums on the
property over the next five to 10 years – up to
$265 million, in the case of HCA.

Two of three non-profits would take con-
trol of the hospital in what is known as a
member substitution, assuming both hos-
pital corporation assets and debts. The third
nonprofit, Orlando Health, tentatively pro-
posed an asset purchase, but was said to be
flexible about its acquisition structure.

HCA also suggested an asset purchase. The
assets purchased would likely include hospi-
tal equipment and supplies and medical fa-
cilities not owned by the Hospital District.

As for the presentations this week, Bar-
ry Sagraves, a consultant from the Chica-
go-based Juniper Advisory, urged hospital
and district officials not to think about dol-
lars at this stage. Rather, the focus should be
what is best for future health care for mem-
bers of the community.

“Whether money goes to the district or
the hospital or a community foundation, it’s
not the time to start worrying about that. You
should be finding partners that you want to
explore a relationship with.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 8, 2017 7

OMNI FINANCIAL SUES RIVAL Mulligan and his attorney declined to returned to her original firm citing dis- Chris Marshall, the CFO and a co-owner
comment for this story. But, their legal agreements with her new supervisor. of ACS Financial, said last week he had
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 complaint describes El Dorado’s business yet to receive a summons in the case.
model as follows: She says in her sworn statement that
ACS Financial and seven former El ACS Financial has “emulated El Dorado’s The New York native who has teamed
Dorado staff members are accused of Sales representatives contact people business methods in a number of ways, up with Russell and others said he would
breach of contract, tortious interference, in need of assistance, negotiate a fee and including forms, letters and procedures.” not talk about something he hadn’t read,
civil conspiracy, breach of fiduciary duty, then help establish payment plans, pen- and that he was busy building the new
fraudulent inducement and negligent alty abatements and other tax settlement In October, El Dorado sent notice to business. He referred all comments to the
misrepresentation. opportunities. the defendants in the lawsuit reminding firm’s attorney, Louis Vocelle, Jr., with Vo-
them of their contractual obligations. It celle & Berg in Vero Beach.
El Dorado is asking the court to stop “El Dorado’s employees are not simple did not work.
ACS Financial from operating and award telemarketers or salespeople, but instead Vocelle called the charges against ACS
damages. have a deep understanding of when to Employees responded with a form let- Financial and its staff “baseless and un-
contact the right potential customers and ter asking for more information. Several founded.”
West Palm Beach attorney David what to say,” Gobeo writes. claimed they had no access to any of El
Gobeo of Ford and Harrison LLP states Dorado’s proprietary knowledge. “They look forward to the opportu-
in the complaint that the former Omni ACS Financial filed Articles of Organi- nity to present the real facts which will
employees are using their training and zation with the State of Florida in March ACS Financial and its representatives disprove these spurious allegations,” he
El Dorado’s institutional knowledge to 2017, according to El Dorado’s lawsuit. have 20 days from the service of the legal said. 
ACS’ financial advantage. ACS Financial The move coincided with a termination summons to respond to the court, but
mislead customers to get them to switch and several resignations at El Dorado
firms, and improperly solicited clients us- from April through September. Andrew
ing confidential information, according Russell, the company’s onetime president
to the suit. and CEO, was among those who jumped
El Dorado Financial invested heavily in
its human resources with one of the de- It was then that remaining executives
fendants earning more than $300,000 a at El Dorado noticed many of its former
year, Gobeo adds. “The individual defen- employees were all headed to one place –
dants did not have experience in the tax a new competitor that had set up shop on
relief industry prior to being trained by, 19th Street.
and working for, El Dorado.
A LinkedIn profile for Russell soon
“In fact, each individual defendant boasted about his top-brass position at
started at El Dorado in an entry level posi- ACS Financial, Gobeo writes in the com-
tion making approximately $10 an hour.” plaint. The lawsuit further alleges the
executive sold his shares of El Dorado’s
Matthew Mulligan started Omni Finan- holdings back to the firm in bad faith as
cial, located on 5th Ave. in Vero Beach, in he prepared to leave the company.
2002 after hiring a high-profile law firm
and filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in an “ACS Financial and Russell are wrong-
attempt to save a previous company that fully and continuously taking El Dorado
was drowning in tax debt. employees in order to learn El Dorado’s
processes because this is the only way
According to Omni Financial’s website, to obtain El Dorado’s knowledge without
the firm failed anyway, despite the high- expending the same resources,” Gobeo
priced lawyers, and Mulligan was person- argues.
ally saddled with more $250,000 in IRS tax
debt. “Defendants have taken proprietary
and confidential information and solic-
“To put it simply, I was down and out,” ited active customers from El Dorado,
he writes online. “Through my own pain- and are using this information to unfairly
ful experience, I learned more about compete.”
settling tax debts than most lawyers and
CPAs will learn in a lifetime. Therefore, Included in the complaint is an af-
slowly but surely, I built a successful tax fidavit taken from Isabella Caraballo.
representation business.” Caraballo left El Dorado to go to ACS for
a larger salary earlier this year, but then

8 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Hurricane Impact Doors Suspect in island murder
& Impact Glass, struggles as own attorney
We Have It All!
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer secretaries,” Cox said. She advised Per-
kins that he could pay for the service
Money is just one of the many prob- himself.
lems facing a former island resident ac-
cused of murdering his estranged wife The problem there is that Perkins, 59,
in 2015 because, according to him, she has no money and has been declared in-
nagged him too much and took money digent by the state.
from a joint bank account.
He was taken into custody November
Asbury Perkins II, who has chosen to 2015 after authorities found him at the
act as his own attorney and has been home of his wife, Cynthia Betts, on Sea-
found indigent by the court, struggled grape Drive near the Moorings with her
Wednesday to adequately prepare his de- dead body rolled up in a rug, according
fense for trial. to an affidavit for his arrest.

He won a victory when Judge Cynthia Someone had shot the 63-year-old
Cox granted his motion for temporary woman four times, Detective Ross Partee
leave from jail to conduct depositions in wrote in the report. There appeared to be
his case, but the permission may not do gunshot wounds in the back of her head,
him much good since he doesn’t have the in her eye, in her chest and in her back.
ability to schedule deposition appoint- The woman had been dead for at least 24
ments from his county jail cell. hours, one sergeant estimated.

Cox gave Perkins permission to ques- There was a blood trail between the
tion his former public defender, a prose- laundry room and a bedroom and a load-
cutor and the attorneys who represented ed .38 caliber revolver in a dresser draw-
him and his wife during previous dis- er. “Perkins advised that he was going to
putes, but she wouldn’t allow his inves- put Cynthia Betts’ body in the trunk of
tigative team to schedule appointments her car and then drive it into a lake, but
on his behalf, at least not on the taxpayer there were complications with his plan,”
dollar. Partee reported.

“They are investigators, they are not CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

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■ Mirror Wraps Creative Director | [email protected] | 772.539.2700

Regency Square Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
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10 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

ACTING AS OWN ATTORNEY This is not a civil court, said Taylor. A
criminal felony court is not the place to

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 adjudicate a probate dispute. The pros-

ecution also intends to use the money as

Perkins told police he shot his wife be- evidence, he added. “It will be used to

cause “she took money out of their bank- show motive.”

ing account without his knowledge and Cox again declined Perkins’ request. “I

because she continually nagged him,” have read the arrest affidavits and there

documents allege. He later pled not are allegations that money was a motiva-

guilty to first-degree murder. Court doc- tion,” she said.

uments suggest he is planning an insan- Perkins then complained that the vic-

ity defense, claiming his wife’s behavior tim’s family sold the couple’s property

drove him crazy. and he hadn’t seen any of the funds, not

The couple’s rocky marriage had vio- even $5,000 he says he is owed.

lent run-ins as far back as 2008, court re- The island home in the 2100 block of

cords show, but the two were still 50/50 Seagrape Drive was sold for $735,100 in

partners in a home-based business August 2016, some nine months after the

called Target Electronics, which market- murder. Proceeds went to a personal rep-

ed products to the military. resentative of Betts.

Allowing his state-hired private inves- Betts’ Last Will and Testament be-

tigator Pedro Fernandez-Ruiz to make queathed nearly all her worldly posses-

deposition appointments will make sions to her brother in New Jersey, or as

preparations for trial

more efficient, said Per-

kins, who has been held

at the Indian River Coun-

ty Jail without bond for

nearly two years. They

have better access to

technology like email

than he does at the jail.

Cox declined his re-

quest. The company was

approved for payment

for investigative purpos-

es only, such as locating

potential witnesses, she

said. The Justice Admin-

istration Commission

sets strict guidelines for

how vendors can be paid.

Expires 12-31-17 Perkins then inquired
Expires 12-31-17
Expires 12-31-17 how best to schedule his

depositions from jail,

even, at one point, turn-

ing to the prosecution Asbury Perkins II in court last week. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD

for help. Assistant State

Attorney Chris Taylor had previously of- a backup, to her father. Should Betts per-

fered to set up a telephone deposition for ish, the will stated, Perkins was to only

the defendant. receive $5,000, some “household goods”

“I changed my mind, judge. Let him and his wife’s Volvo station wagon.

schedule it,” said Taylor, appearing ex- Perkins spent the remainder of the

hausted by Perkins’ lengthy and unor- 1-hour hearing Wednesday asking the

ganized pretrial arguments. “And if he judge for help locating and paying for

can’t, that’s the break for representing access to public records. He said he was

yourself.” confused how to get cellphone and 911

Later, when Perkins asked for the re- call data and how to enforce earlier court

turn of $1,600 he said deputies found in orders. He said he needed a computer fo-

his home at the time of his arrest, the rensic expert.

judge joked he could use that money to “I can’t be your attorney, sir,” Cox said,

hire a clerical aide. approving an additional 75 hours of work

Prosecutors fought against the release for his investigative team. “Let them do

of the funds, arguing that there was a their job. I don’t want to delay this case

high probability the money belonged to any longer.”

the deceased. Taylor told the court the prosecution

At the time of his arrest, facing previ- had given the defendant a flash drive of

ous DUI and domestic violence charges, evidence he was entitled to as part of dis-

Perkins had already been declared too covery. He also reminded the judge that

poor to afford his own attorney. The cou- public entities have the right to charge

ple’s South Beach home had been quit- for public records. “If he doesn’t have the

claim deeded over to his wife and Perkins money, that’s his problem,” he said.

had given her Power of Attorney for per- Perkins is due in court again in Decem-

sonal and business matters. ber. A trial date has not yet been set. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 8, 2017 11


By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer not as easy as saying, ‘Here’s my experience.
[email protected] You want it or not?’” Fish said. “A lot of the
guys I thought I could help didn’t want it.”
Someday, when he’s old enough – and, he
hopes, good enough – Vero Beach’s home- He said he wouldn’t rule out coaching
grown tennis star, Mardy Fish, wants to take again, but, if he does, he would work with
a shot at playing senior golf on the popular only one player at a time.
PGA Tour Champions circuit.
As for working at ESPN, Fish said he
His more immediate plan, though, is to doesn’t believe broadcasting will become
continue making a living in tennis, working a full-time job, “because I still enjoy doing
as a commentator during ESPN’s television other things.” He plans to continue playing
coverage of the sport’s four Grand Slam in tennis exhibitions, World Team Tennis in
tournaments in 2018. the summer and on the PowerShares Series
senior tennis tour.
Fish, who played professionally for 15
years and reached a career-high No. 7 in the He said he also wants to “play as much
ATP World Tour rankings in 2011 before re- golf as I can.”
tiring in 2015, said he recently accepted ES-
PN’s offer after what amounted to an on-air Fish is one of the top players on the ce-
audition with the sports network at Wimble- lebrity golf tour. He was the runner-up at the
don and the U.S. Open last summer. wildly popular, nationally televised Ameri-
can Century Celebrity Golf Championship
He also appeared as an analyst on the at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, last summer, and he
Tennis Channel during the summer of 2015. won the 2016 Diamond Resorts Invitational
in Orlando.
“People I know seem to like what I’ve
done so far, and they’ve been pushing me He also has played in U.S. Open qualifiers
to do more of it,” Fish said from Los An- and minor-league tour events.
geles, where he lives with his wife and two
children. “And I’ve really enjoyed the TV “Golf is something I’m fairly good at,” Fish
experiences I’ve had, probably more than I said, “without a lot of practice.”
Fish will fly from Orlando to Australia for
“So when I had a chance to work with the first Grand Slam tournament on the ten-
ESPN again, especially at the four biggest nis calendar in January, after competing in
tournaments of the year, I decided to go for the Mardy Fish Children Foundation’s annu-
it,” he added. “This is a tremendous oppor- al golf fundraiser at Windsor and playing in
tunity.” this year’s Diamond Resorts event.

Fish, 35, said he expected to be used as an He said he will be as devoted to prepar-
in-studio analyst, offering opinions and ob- ing for his ESPN broadcasts as he was for his
servations based on his tennis experience, tennis matches.
vast knowledge of the game and familiarity
with today’s players. “I’m a little obsessive-compulsive in life,”
Fish said. “If I’m going to do something, I
Unlike the other former players on ESPN’s want to be good at it. I don’t want to sound
roster of tennis commentators – a list head- like an idiot. Just because you’re good at a
lined by John McEnroe, Patrick McEnroe, sport doesn’t mean you’re good at talking
Brad Gilbert and Darren Cahill – Fish has about it.
practiced with and played against many of
the players he’ll be analyzing. “I’ve already been putting in some work,
watching videos and analyzing what I’ve
“ESPN already has a solid crew,” Fish said. done before,” he added.
“I’m not looking to take anyone’s spot, just
to add to what they’re doing. I’ve played Fish, whose father, Tom, is the tennis di-
against a lot of these guys, so I can lend some rector at Windsor, was enjoying a late-career
expertise about their games. surge when he was diagnosed with cardiac
arrhythmia in 2012. He underwent a surgi-
“I’ll be there to add a little bit of wisdom cal procedure to correct the problem and
and insight from someone from the current returned to the courts later that year, only to
era of men’s tennis, which I think is import- be sidelined again by a severe anxiety disor-
ant and will help the viewer.” der caused by the heart ailment.

Fish, who will begin his ESPN work next It was the anxiety disorder that forced him
month at the Australian Open, has worked to retire in 2015 and end a career in which
with some of America’s most-promising he won 14 tour events – six in singles, eight
young pros the past two years as a part-time in doubles – reached the quarterfinals at the
United States Tennis Association coach. Australian Open,Wimbledon and U.S. Open,
and was a successful Davis Cup player.
However, he said he will not renew his
contract with the USTA for 2018, because “Tennis has pretty much been my life,”
it would be difficult to juggle his TV and Fish said. “This is a chance to stay close to
coaching obligations – and because he’s not the game. I’m excited about the possibilities
sure how much of an impact he’s having as and grateful to ESPN for the opportunity. It
a coach. should be a fun year.”

“Helping develop young American play- Besides, there’s plenty of time to work on
ers is something I’ve wanted to do, but it’s his golf game: Life on the PGA Tour Champi-
ons circuit begins at 50. 

A12 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS

Coach has grade expectations for Vero High grapplers

By Ron Holub | Correspondent

Head coach Chris Zuniga will introduce Anthony Donath wrestles in the 132-pound
more than a dozen newcomers to the rig-
ors of wrestling at Vero Beach High School weight class. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
this year, and the goal is to see how many of
them stick with a sport that is not designed made it to regionals last year. I think he will wrestlers at 126. He just missed the state
for the faint of heart. Daily practices will get over that hump and make it to states tournament last year by one match. Jacob
serve to separate the committed from the this year. Pryor at 120 is a solid rookie who has been
pretenders. Apparently, GPAs will do the wrestling with our club team for several
same. “Nathan Gagnon is one of my better years. He won’t be going to states or any-
thing like that, but we are looking to polish
“The majority of my team is freshmen him up as much as we can by the time dis-
and sophomore first-year wrestlers,” said tricts come around.”
Zuniga. “I have about 30 kids, but I also
have a few issues with grades and things “My biggest returnee is heavyweight
like that. We are now working to bring Billy Laziman. He was our only qualifier
those grades up. That’s the first priority for states last year as a sophomore. He just
and when that is resolved, they can jump got done with football, but he put in a lot of
in later. work over the summer. We are looking for
big things from him this year.
“So basically what I have is a JV group
wrestling for the varsity. That’s not neces- “Those are pretty much my main guys.
sarily a bad thing because they are going to That’s my core varsity squad. I will be
get a lot of experience and learn a lot very filling in the gaps and sorting out weight
quickly. As far as my returnees go, I do have classes with a lot of new wrestlers.”
some good ones. About five from last year
are going to be my core guys. Zuniga also listed Tanner Glass at 182 or
195 and Matthew Vann at 182 as state hope-
“Anthony Donath at 113 (pound weight fuls. Both are in very competitive weight
class) or 120 is a solid wrestler. He’s look- classes. Injuries likely kept Glass from a
ing to wrestle in college so he’s really refo- state berth last year.
cused himself this year. Eric Brown at 138
With 10 seasoned wrestlers and six of
those capable of challenging for the state Wrestling coach
tournament, Zuniga’s side task is to keep Chris Zuniga.
newcomer attrition to a minimum and see
that people are GPA eligible. In that sense in better shape and with more knowledge
this season will be a juggling act. about the sport, so you are going to lose –
and lose a lot. But you have to learn from it
“My approach with new wrestlers is and get back on that horse until you finally
to make them feel welcome,” Zuniga ex- start achieving success.
plained. “We want to get them in here
and not scare them off right away. It’s not “I guarantee you wrestlers work harder
so much a recruiting issue as it is a reten- than any other sport on campus. We condi-
tion issue. The biggest drawback is that so tion, drill and practice every day for three
many kids want instant gratification and hours. We end it with a good 30-45 min-
instant success. utes of wrestling and these kids are beat
and sweaty when it’s all over. They’ve got
“There are so many distractions and bumps and bruises, but that’s what makes
kids want to be good right away. That is them tough. They’ve got to deal with that
never going to happen with this sport. You type of thing and push through it.
have to take your lumps and learn. I tell
them there is always somebody out there “I look to the veterans to take the lead
and set the example by doing what they
have to do, not complaining, and putting
in the work. That usually rubs off. The kids
start enjoying the sport when they see the
direct correlation between putting in the
effort and reaping the rewards. The hard
part is to get them to stick around long
enough to see the results.”

The season began last Saturday with a
meet at Sebastian River High. Zuniga has
time and ample opportunities to figure
this out with 17 scheduled meets before the
districts and regionals in February. 




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A14 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

For faster healing, get ‘hip’ to minimally invasive surgery

Dr. Richard Steinfeld.


By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer feld at the Orthopaedic Center of Vero Beach. uate School of Medicine in Rochester, Minn. Hip replacements have become a very
[email protected] This particular orthopedic surgeon has a He also has some 16 years of experience big business.

Looking for some straight talk on hip re- five-star rating with WebMD. He earned his here in Vero Beach, making him uniquely Close to 3 million Americans are walk-
placements? medical degree at the New Jersey Medical qualified to educate and advise just about ing around with artificial hips and the
School and served both his internship and any of the more than 425,000 Americans National Center for Health Statistics es-
Then you might do well to spend some residency at the famed Mayo Clinic’s Grad- who will have a hip replaced this year.
time in conversation with Dr. Richard Stein- CONTINUED ON PAGE A16

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A16 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14 but the detachment of these muscles may
result in increased pain after surgery and
timates that, within a decade, as many as often prolongs the time to fully recover by
a million people a year will be having hip months or even years. Failure of these mus-
replacement surgery. cles to heal after surgery may increase the
risk of hip dislocation which is the leading
Not surprisingly, there are a number of cause of hip replacement failure.”
different surgical procedures currently be-
ing used, including “direct lateral, posteri- Steinfeld’s direct anterior hip replace-
or and direct anterior.” ment technique, meanwhile, is a minimally
invasive surgical technique which the same
But while some orthopedic centers seem Orthopedic and Sports Center says “allows
to be constantly touting “the newest” sur- the joint to be replaced by moving mus-
geries, Steinfeld takes a more measured cles aside along their natural tissue planes,
approach and points out that what’s some- without detaching any tendons. This often
times pitched as “new” has actually been results in quicker recovery, less pain and
around for quite a while. more normal function after hip replace-
ment. Because the tendons aren’t detached
Specifically, Steinfeld points to the min- from the hip during direct anterior hip re-
imally invasive “direct anterior” hip re- placement, hip precautions are typically
placement procedure. not necessary. This allows patients to return
to normal daily activities shortly after sur-
“I think [this procedure] is becoming gery with a reduced risk of dislocation.”
more popular,” Steinfeld says. “I have been
doing them for about two-and-half to three There is a caveat, however. Arthritis
years. But it’s not a new approach or concept. Health, for example, cautions that the di-
It was used many, many, many years ago, for rect anterior approach “is a technically
instance, for children that may have [had] demanding surgery. Surgeons face a steep
an infection in their hips but it wasn’t really learning curve for this procedure.”
popularized for hip replacement because the
majority of surgeons did that in a different Steinfeld is clearly over beyond that curve.
mechanism through the back side.” “I probably have done close to about 40 [di-
rect anterior hip replacements] now,” he says.
The University of Washington’s Orthope-
dic and Sports Medicine Center elaborates, Nevertheless, despite the advantages
saying “traditional hip replacement surgery of the minimally-invasive direct anterior
involves making an incision on the side of technique he likes, Steinfeld is well aware
the hip (lateral approach) or the back of the there is no “one size fits all” procedure for
hip (posterior approach). Both techniques hip replacements. For example, he mat-
involve detachment of muscles and tendons
from the hip in order to replace the joint

ter-of-factly points out, “I think [the di- How can a robot do that?”
rect anterior procedure] is harder to do on Robots aside, it’s probably a good thing
a very large person; a person with a very
large abdomen where it’s going to hang Steinfeld is a surgeon. He’d make a terri-
over where you are trying to operate.” ble salesman. He isn’t impressed by the
newest, shiniest toy on the shelf. He cares
Steinfeld also can’t resist pointing out about results.
that minimally invasive doesn’t mean ro-
botic. “I was in this hip replacement this “The issue – whether it’s a direct anterior
morning and I was thinking about this. approach or a posterior approach or anteri-
There are things that we do that are real- or lateral approach – is that the procedure
ly about judgment and how they feel. And is done correctly and that is the most im-
I was thinking, ‘How is a robot going to do portant thing.”
this?’ Basically you feel, for instance, put-
ting the hip back in place [or] the tension Dr. Richard Steinfeld is with the Ortho-
on those tissues. You have to develop over paedic Center of Vero Beach at 1285 36th
time [the ability] to feel if it’s appropriate. Street, Suite 100 and the Indian River Med-
ical Center. His office phone number is 772-
778-2009. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH December 8, 2017 A17

Shhhhweet: Sebastian hospital has a quieter MRI

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer may not be good candidates and people with erature suggests that neonates may have an Matt McGill and
[email protected] tattoos or drug patches can risk skin irrita- increased response to acoustic noise,” and Jennifer Baumgardner.
tion or even burns. The medical team at Se- continues by saying that anyone – from pedi-
Anyone who has ever had magnetic reso- bastian will assesses patient risk before any atric to geriatric patients – “may also become PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
nance imaging (an MRI) knows one thing for scan is attempted. confused due to high MRI acoustic noise.”
certain: Those oversized doughnut-shaped
devices are really, really loud. Meanwhile, Baumgardner quickly quash- That’s the last thing McGill and
es one potential misunderstanding in ad- Baumgardner want for people having an MRI
How loud? vance by saying SRMC’s quiet MRI is not a at the Sebastian River Medical Center.
Case Western Reserve University declares completely silent MRI; but she says it is a huge
the noise they make is roughly the equiv- improvement over the jackhammer models. Quieter, they believe, is clearly better.
alent to sound of a jackhammer pounding To schedule an appointment, call the Sebas-
concrete 10 or 15 feet away. “Our quiet scan,” Baumgardner explains, tian River Medical Center’s diagnostic center
Now, however, the Sebastian River Medi- “brings [the noise level] all the way down at 772-589-5000 or ask your doctor to make an
cal Center is offering an alternative: a “quiet” to 64 [decibels] where it was 90 [decibels].” appointment for you.  
MRI. That’s nearly one-third less noise, which is
MRI technologist Jennifer Baumgardner important because patients are “in there for
and Matt McGill, senior director of opera- 15, 20 or 30 minutes.”
tions for this Steward Healthcare Group fa-
cility, are eager to get that word out. The National Institutes of Health agrees:
Not familiar with MRIs? Then maybe a “Objective and subjective assessment of
little background information might be in acoustic noise levels confirm [quiet MRI
order. software] does significantly reduce sound
First of all, MRIs are not a type of X-ray. levels.”
The National Institute of Biomedical Im-
aging and Bioengineering explains: “MRIs At the heart of the Sebastian hospital’s
are a non-invasive imaging technology that MRI program is their Siemens Magnetom
produce three dimensional detailed ana- Aeta 1.5 Tesla open bore MRI platform: a
tomical images without the use of damaging large space age-looking device with a circu-
radiation. They are often used for disease de- lar hole in the middle. And while there are
tection, diagnosis and treatment monitoring. at least a half dozen manufacturers of MRIs
They are based on sophisticated technology including General Electric, Toshiba and Phil-
that excites and detects the change in the di- lips, Baumgardner says, “Siemens allowed us
rection of the rotational axis of protons found the most room to grow and expand our ser-
in the water that makes up living tissues [by] vices. It’s kind of cutting edge.”
employing powerful magnets which produce
a strong magnetic field that forces protons in McGill adds, “We like the Siemens brand.
the body to align with that field.” We’ve had it before this particular scanner
Or put a bit more simply, Ohio’s Wooster for 17 years. It’s reliable [and they offer] good
Hospital says “MRI scans use powerful service.” Siemens itself calls SRMC’s Magne-
magnetic fields and radio frequency pulses tom Aeta “the top-of-the-line 1.5T scanner.”
to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft
tissues, bone and other internal body struc- Perhaps best of all, its software is upgrad-
tures. Differences between normal and ab- able, which is precisely what allows the hos-
normal tissue is often clearer on an MRI im- pital to now offer quiet MRIs.
age than a CT scan,” without any potentially
harmful exposure to radiation. The scanner itself is two years old but the
MRIs, however, are not for everyone. The software that now allows quieter scans was
FDA warns that people who have implanted only installed a few short weeks ago and, ac-
medical devices – such as stents, knee or hip cording to Baumgardner, that update is al-
replacements, pacemakers, or drug pumps – ready paying dividends. “It helps,” she says,
“keep [patients] happier.”

That’s a big plus given the wide age range
of those who are scanned and can sometimes
become disoriented during a regular MRI.

NIH says “evidence from the scientific lit-

A18 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz says George and Trigger are happy as can be

Hi Dog Buddies! like a doof. Trigger and George. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
“When I was a young fluffball,” George
This week I got to yap with two Super when he went to Dog Heav-
Cool Kibbles Labradors, George Ludwig continued, “I went through a program
an Trigger McGarry, who had great Tails to called Puppies Behind Bars.” en, Mom an Dad introduced me an George. answer. After all, once
Tell. They’re both officially Yellow Labs, but
George is ackshully white. They’re not litter “Sounds sorta scary. Did you chew one WE met outdoors. Checked each other out. you’ve spent time in prison, you always
brothers but they act like it. (George is 9 Peo- too many shoes?”
ple Years an Trigger’s 8.) We got our food side-by-side that day, too. An wanna be FREE.”
George laughed. “No. It’s ackshully a
After the Wags-an-Sniffs, when we got all pretty Cool Kibbles program. See, Puppies stayed in our crates, with the doors open, at “Makes sense,” I commented. “So what’s
settled down, George an Trigger innerduced Behind Bars teachers human prizzners to
their Mom an Dad, Jim Ludwig an Kathy Mc- raise service pooches for wounded war first. Then, like Dad says, we started to ‘pack your dinner and bedtime routine?”
Garry. veterans or to be explosive detection ca-
nines for law enforcement. We learn im- up,’ cuz of our dog in-stinks. We’re both Al- “We have matching beds by the back
“It’s a real pleasure,” I said, opening my portant stuff, an also help the prizzners
notebook. “Let’s start with you, Trigger.” learn how to Con-TRIB-ute to suh-SIGH- phas, but I’m ackshully the leader.” door. And we eat regular ol’ kibbles plus,
ity an to have HOPE an PRIDE. I was just
“OK! I’m ready! Well, when Mom’s son Mi- 8 weeks old when I went to prison. I lived “I humor him,” said George, with a big sometimes, Overwoofs, like chicken soup
chael was 13 he got di-uh-BEE-dees, so Mom with my assigned prizzner for about 2
did a buncha research an found out Labra- years. When I came out, I was a Government Labrador grin. “So, we were livin’ in upstate an pasta and egg sanwiches,” said Trigger.
dors are good at helpin’ people with di-uh- Certified Explosive Detection Canine.”
BEE-dees, cuz they can be trained to be Di- New York with six acres to play in. It was like “Overwoofs?”
uh-BED-ic Alert Dogs. See, every human has “No Woof?”
Special Smells, an the pooches learn to use “I Woof you not. Then I got assigned to a our own park. Then, last January, Mom and “You know. Any extra food your humans
their super sniffers to tell if their human needs team that was going to Afghanistan, so I’m
medicine. So Mom went to Wild Rose Kennels getting ready to ship over there, tryin’ to get Dad decided to move down here. We didn’t didn’t eat.”
in Mississippi where they train puppies to be my affairs in order, ya know.”
Di-uh-BED-ic Alert Dogs. An she picked ME. I gulped. wanna. Dad made us harnesses so we’d be Heading home, I was thinking how excit-
I was just 8 weeks old, an me an Mom started “But, as it happened, there was this NYPD
the training with about 14 other puppies.” cop, a retired canine handler, lookin’ for a all secure in the car. We were Very Good ing George’s career as an Explosive Detec-
pooch partner cuz his other pooch partner,
“Woof! So, how’d that go?” Guinness, was Very Sick. An guess what? Travelers. Made lotsa potty stops, an gave tion Canine seemed. An how glad I was not
“Ackshully, Bonz, it kinda didn’t. I guess I It turned out to be DAD! So he got me, an I
just wasn’t up for it. I sorta flunked out. But, got a reprieve. Me an Dad were partners. We Dad Helpful Directions. It took two days. to have a job like that. An how my chances
thank Lassie, they decided to keep me any- worked in Lower Manhattan, in the finan-
way, an me an Michael got to be Best Bud- cial district, for a private security company, Now we love it here! ’Specially the beach! looked for scoring some Overwoofs at din-
dies, even though I wasn’t sniffer trained. I MSA. It was All Business, too. Dad an me an
was even gonna go to college with him but my Sniffer checked bags and trucks an stuff An the POOL! I’m not into toys, ’cept for my ner tonight.
they had some silly ol’ rools, so I stayed with for explosives. Real Important Work. Lot-
Mom an Dad.” sa stress. An we hadda get certified every 2 floaty pineapple.”
“How about you, George? What’s your sto- people years. I wasn’t considered a pet back
ry?” I inquired. then. No fluffy wuffy, slurpy stuff. But I am “I love toys! I have a buncha balls in all col- The BonzTill next time,
“I’m a New Yorker, but My pooch Mom now! Except for the laundry basket. Whenev- ors,” Trigger interjected. “An we both enjoy
and Dad were from Northern Ireland. They er I see it, I go back to my explosive detection walks. I am Very Good Off Leash. I know how
were hunt and field trained. Big deal stuff.” days an attack it. I just don’t trust that laun-
“Cool Dog Biscuits,” I commented. dry basket: Ya never know what’s lurking un- to ‘come’ an ‘heel.’ George, not so much. We Don’t Be Shy
“But let me tell you about the time I spent der all those socks an stuff.” have our names and phone number on our
in prison.” “I hear ya. So how’d you guys get together?” collars so the neighbors can call Mom an We are always looking for pets
I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there “Mom an Dad met in New York,” said Trig- Dad when George goes zooming off.” with interesting stories.
ger. “Ackshully, I met Guinness first. Then,
“Yeah, well, all the neighbors like me. An To set up an interview, email
anyway, you’re a Momma’s Boy,” George re-

torted. “I hear the Call of the Wild an I hafta [email protected].

Vero builder takes townhouse
concept to Fort Pierce Inlet



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20 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Vero builder takes townhouse concept to Fort Pierce Inlet

By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC, directed “Everything was handled through the Artist rendering
[email protected] him to the waterfront parcel on the south city, except for the marina permit, which
shore of the inlet, next door to the historic was St. John’s River Water Management, gets,” Foglia says.
Town homes have been a popular for- Coast Guard station and near the Square and we had all the building approvals in Financing was harder to come by and
mat for new housing on the island and Grouper Tiki Bar. three months, which is about as fast as it
Royal Palm Pointe since building re- the project – dubbed Inlet Palms – lan-
sumed after the real estate collapse, with “I was blown away by the location,” guished for much of 2016 until Foglia de-
at least five projects completed or near Foglia says. “The water was crystal clear cided to “pull the trigger,” and begin site
completion, most of them on the ocean that day. You could see right to the bottom
or river. and there was a manatee swimming by. I
knew there was no land like that, with wa-
With townhouses here attracting buy- ter like that, available in Vero. I did some
ers willing to spend between $1 million pretty quick due diligence and called the
and $3 million, developers are scouring owner that same day. We had a deal with-
the shoreline and even dry-lot sections in a week and closed a month later.”
to find more places to build, but parcels
suitable for multifamily projects are hard Foglia bought the parcel in June 2015
to come by on the mostly-built-out island, for $1.45 million and the permitting
so Joe Foglia has taken the concept south process for seven 3,000-square-foot,
to a picture-perfect location on the Fort three-story townhouses with deep-water
Pierce Inlet. docks proceeded quickly. Because there
was an old seawall in place, DEP approval
Foglia, owner of Foglia Custom Homes, was not required.
says William Stoddard, an engineer with

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 8, 2017 21

work on his own dime, installing a new 4,000 square feet under roof. They come All of the mechanical, lighting, security of picturesque marine vessels ranging
seawall and other infrastructure. with two-car garages and individual and audio visual systems will be centrally from charter fishing boats to scientific
deep-water docks that can accommodate controlled by a Control 4 home automa- research ships, coastal freighters and lux-
Union Savings Bank then came through boats up to 50 feet long and 17 feet wide. tion system.” ury yachts.
with a cash infusion that enabled Foglia
and his crews to move ahead with build- Each unit has its own elevator, private But the biggest amenity is the location For boaters living at Inlet Palms, the
ing two triplex concrete-block structures back yard with pool and spa, and individ- and the unobstructed views of the inlet Bahamas will be just a few hours away
with three townhouses in each building. ual access to the marina. and Atlantic Ocean. The Fort Pierce Inlet across a 120-mile stretch of blue water.
The shells are now complete and exterior is an ecological and recreational treasure
finish work is beginning with a May 2018 The homes are also energy efficient that is flooded twice daily with as much a Three units have been spoken for, with
delivery date in sight. and highly automated. According to Fog- 10 billion gallons of fresh sea water, rising buyers coming from South Florida and
lia, “ceilings are insulated with Icynene and falling 4 feet and running gin-clear at Orlando, and three remain, priced be-
The seventh home was eliminated to foam insulation and exterior walls will high tide much of the time. tween $1.7 million for center units and
open up the project, adding green space have foil core foam insulation creating $1.8 million for end units.
and more parking. an almost thermos like effect. All lighting Home to dolphin pods, sea turtles,
will feature the newest technology in LED manatees and an abundant variety of “We will hold those prices for one more
The luxury waterfront homes have light bulbs and HVAC units will be in- game fish and exotic birdlife, the deep sale and then we will have to raise the
between 3,050 and 3,250 square feet of stalled with extremely high SEER values. inlet channel also sees a steady stream prices of the last two units,” Foglia says. “It
air-conditioned space, with more than is part of our agreement with the bank.” 

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22 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



An extraordinarily busy week on the mainland real estate market saw 46 single-family residences
and lots change hands from Nov. 27-Dec. 1 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the house at 1800 Paseo Del Lago Lane. First listed in
October for $872,000, this 3-bedroom, 5-bathroom home sold for $856,000 on Nov. 29.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 498 Tulip Drive. First listed in September
for $294,900, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,957-square-foot home sold for $285,000 on Nov. 30.


VERO BEACH 1800 PASEO DEL LAGO LANE 10/16/2017 $872,000 11/29/2017 $571,950
VERO BEACH 2114 FALLS CIRCLE 5/9/2017 $571,950 11/27/2017 $560,000
VERO BEACH 5880 TURNBERRY LANE 10/21/2016 $599,000 11/29/2017 $540,000
VERO BEACH 4770 LAFAYETTE PLACE 9/22/2017 $559,000 11/29/2017 $430,000
VERO BEACH 5220 W HARBOR VILLAGE DR UNIT#204 6/2/2017 $449,000 11/27/2017 $384,400
VERO BEACH 345 32ND AVENUE 10/12/2017 $383,900 11/28/2017 $378,000
VERO BEACH 3366 58TH AVENUE 5/26/2017 $434,500 11/28/2017 $330,000
VERO BEACH 4748 SAINT ELIZABETH TER UNIT#S 2/14/2017 $380,000 11/29/2017 $325,000
VERO BEACH 5691 RIVERBOAT CIRCLE 9/29/2017 $334,900 11/29/2017 $290,250
VERO BEACH 5060 SAPPHIRE LANE 6/1/2017 $330,000 11/30/2017 $285,000
VERO BEACH 2030 46TH AVENUE 6/4/2017 $277,000 11/30/2017 $285,000
SEBASTIAN 498 TULIP DRIVE 9/18/2017 $294,900 11/30/2017 $270,000
SEBASTIAN 1526 DAMASK LANE 10/9/2017 $279,900 11/28/2017 $268,000
VERO BEACH 7653 FIELDSTONE RANCH SQUARE 9/5/2017 $269,500 11/29/2017 $267,000
VERO BEACH 2306 1ST STREET SW 10/15/2017 $269,000 11/28/2017 $265,000
VERO BEACH 2400 46TH AVENUE 8/18/2017 $269,900 11/28/2017 $265,000
SEBASTIAN 1859 BARBER STREET 3/1/2017 $279,900 11/30/2017 $264,450
SEBASTIAN 11 SUNSET DRIVE 10/13/2017 $268,900 12/1/2017 $248,522
SEBASTIAN 143 SANDCREST CIRCLE 5/24/2017 $258,522 11/28/2017 $243,000
SEBASTIAN 598 ROLLING HILL DRIVE 10/6/2017 $249,900 11/28/2017 $234,000
SEBASTIAN 417 WARREN STREET 10/27/2017 $239,000 11/28/2017 $229,000
SEBASTIAN 1157 FAIRFIELD LANE 9/29/2017 $229,900 11/28/2017 $225,000
VERO BEACH 5925 CARRIAGE LAKE COURT 8/22/2017 $239,000 11/29/2017 $220,000
VERO BEACH 2955 1ST LANE SW 10/1/2017 $275,000 11/28/2017 $219,000
VERO BEACH 464 22ND STREET 10/15/2017 $219,000 11/29/2017 $205,000
VERO BEACH 5010 HARMONY CIRCLE UNIT#102 5/26/2017 $215,000 11/28/2017 $204,900
VERO BEACH 955 33RD AVENUE SW 8/22/2017 $235,000 11/28/2017 $202,500
VERO BEACH 5530 45TH AVENUE 7/27/2017 $215,000 11/27/2017 $197,100
SEBASTIAN 1086 PHELPS STREET 10/2/2017 $197,000 11/30/2017 $194,000
VERO BEACH 1794 TAMARIND PLACE 10/9/2017 $199,000 11/28/2017 $185,000
SEBASTIAN 696 OLEANDER STREET 9/18/2017 $210,000 12/1/2017 $160,000
VERO BEACH 606 8TH PLACE 7/7/2017 $174,900 11/30/2017 $159,000
VERO BEACH 1640 42ND UNIT#104 10/24/2017 $159,000 11/30/2017 $152,500
SEBASTIAN 6165 S MIRROR LAKE DRIVE UNIT#201 10/6/2017 $160,000 11/29/2017 $150,000
VERO BEACH 5626 38TH PLACE 10/31/2017 $154,900 11/28/2017 $140,800
VERO BEACH 154 S 19TH CIRCLE SW 10/5/2017 $168,000 11/27/2017 $137,000
SEBASTIAN 437 TOLEDO STREET 10/6/2017 $139,000 12/1/2017

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 8, 2017 23


2114 Falls Circle, Vero Beach 5880 Turnberry Lane, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/9/2017 Listing Date: 10/21/2016
Original Price: $571,950 Original Price: $599,000
Sold: 11/27/2017 Sold: 11/29/2017
Selling Price: $571,950 Selling Price: $560,000
Listing Agent: Stacey Morabito Listing Agent: Sue Yahraes

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Matilde Sorensen Robyn Neudeck

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Coldwell Banker Paradise

4770 Lafayette Place, Vero Beach 5220 W Harbor Village Drive Unit #204, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 9/22/2017 Listing Date: 6/2/2017
Original Price: $559,000 Original Price: $449,000
Sold: 11/29/2017 Sold: 11/27/2017
Selling Price: $540,000 Selling Price: $430,000
Listing Agent: Steve Owen Listing Agent: Stacey Clawson

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam

Kim Gibson Stacey Clawson

RE/MAX Crown Realty Alex MacWilliam

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 8, 2017 B1


Coming Up! ‘Dream Chronicles:’
Bolton aces
HOLIDAYS WITH collage course
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 A wealth of holiday events
is in store this holiday sea-
son, so get out your calendar and
take a look.
“Christmas and All That Jazz”
is the next, holiday-specific of-
fering in the Emerson Center’s
lauded Humanities Series, when
the Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues
Society brings out the brass
Thursday, Dec. 14. Expect a fam-
ily-friendly evening of seasonal
favorites with an upbeat, jazzy,
bluesy vibe, by musicians who’ve
played in top groups all over the
globe. Make sure to wear your
toe-tappin’ shoes. If you get hun-
gry from all that toe-tappin,’ stay
for after-show holiday refresh-
ments. “Christmas and All That
Jazz” is free and begins at 7 p.m.

2 The internationally ac-
claimed sibling musi-
cians Suliman Tekalli, vi-


B2 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

My Dreams Make No Apologies. Dreaming of My Garden. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD Bad Hair Day.

Bolton aces collage course in ‘Dream Chronicles’ exhibit

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist cheek, Bolton’s works feature characters bition of paintings and works in collage and shallow birch boxes. There are also a couple
[email protected] whose moody faces – often borrowed bits 3-D assemblage can be seen this month at of free-standing assemblages; one is a floor
from ancient photos – suggest a triste longing Vero’s Center for Spiritual Care. Titled “Dream lamp born of a dressmaker’s mannequin.
To the sensitive soul, the implied backsto- for something beyond the confines of their Chronicles & Other Tales,” the show’s art-
ry of any one of the tiny characters in Bonnie shadow box prisons. works spring from Bolton’s abundant imag- Bolton purchased the mannequin from a
Bolton’s paintings and assemblages serves as ination, vivid dream life, and love of thrift Melbourne thrift shop years ago; it wasn’t un-
an irresistible magnet. “I am constantly surprised at who is at- store finds. til recently that she was inspired to use it in
tracted to my work,” says Bolton, whose exhi- an artwork. As found, the headless form had
Always whimsical, and often tongue-in- Until a couple years ago Bolton sold her been covered by another artist’s hand with a
work in prominent art fairs around Florida. collage of seed packets.
She quickly learned the temperament of her
audience when a fairgoer – an average per- “She stood around in my studio for a long
son, by casual observation – would spend a time because I didn’t know what to do with
fair amount of time in her booth, carefully ex- her,” Bolton says.
amining every detail of the artwork to which
he or she had been inexorably drawn. Such After removing the existing collage, Bolton
admirers predictably became art owners be- began to paint the slender simulacrum. En-
fore they left the booth. circling the hips of the figure she created a
blue and green landscape, complete with a
“Some people get it and have a creative collaged-on nymph; the upper torso features
bent themselves maybe,” says Bolton. “And decorative painting that suggests an Eden of
then there are those who just don’t get it stylized leaves and flowers. A vintage lamp-
at all.” shade floats above the truncated neck. Bolton
had someone else do the wiring for the lamp.
The newest works in the show are a se-
ries of mixed-media paintings on canvas. “I don’t know anything about electricity,”
The slightly older works are assemblages she says.
of found objects with collage displayed in
Bolton’s paintings also focus on the female
figure. Her trio of collage paintings titled

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 8, 2017 B3

“Pearl,” “Ruby,” and “Opal” have as their Dreaming in Blue. ward; she could be a penitent saint or a silent education.
subjects three “girls” whose faces – col- film vamp. With a rosary hung about its waist “You know, the whole Catholic school ex-
laged-on Victorian portrait photos – are as she found in a junk shop a few years ago. and carved wings sprouting from its shoul-
decidedly old-fashioned as their names. As “The hair on the doll’s head is very ders, the figure looks ecclesiastical. perience,” she says with a knowing smile.
limned by Bolton, the figures’ bodies pres- Religion is not the artist’s only inspira-
ent humorous variations on human pro- chopped up, so I knew that some little girl “That probably comes from my Catholic
portion. For instance, Ruby’s long right arm had given her a short hairdo,” Bolton notes. background,” says Bolton. tion. Of late, crime has entered the picture.
arcs over her head to terminate in a hand- “That made it all the more charming.” Although Bolton has lived in Vero Beach
bag near her left elbow. She periodically uses religious symbol-
In one of the assemblages on display at ism or artifacts in her work in recognition of for the past 20 years, she raised her children
In one of the assemblages, a neighbor- the Center for Spiritual Care, Bolton placed the beauty of Catholicism, the awe she felt Alan and Rob in West Palm Beach. Both still
hood of closely set houses take on the pro- the head atop a plinth that serves as the doll’s in church, and the memory of her religious live in that area; Alan is a computer security
portions of a family by the addition of col- body. On its “chest” is the tin-framed portrait expert with his own company, and Rob is the
laged-on portrait photos, one at the apex of of a woman whose eyes roll ecstatically up- senior fingerprint examiner at the West Palm
each roof. Beach Police Department. Familiar with his
mother’s artistic M.O., it was Rob who gave
Bolton grew up in New Jersey, one of six her some defunct fingerprint and ID card
siblings whose mother was the sole bread- files from a departmental housecleaning.
winner and head of the house. The strait-
ened circumstances in which they lived did “They are from the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s. I
not prevent her mother from playfully en- have a whole stack. Some of them have real-
couraging Bolton’s earliest art projects. ly great photos on them,” Bolton says.

“She would save birthday cards and On view is a collage that pairs up a finger-
Christmas cards. I would turn them into print set with an unrelated vintage photo of
books and draw on them. And she would a grumpy-looking man. He wears an under-
help me make doll houses out of cardboard shirt over which Bolton has pasted numbers
boxes,” Bolton says. to assign him the role of “prisoner.” Cleverly,
the artist used part of the photo to cover the
She also had paper dolls to play with. name of the person on the ID card beneath it.
“I was never satisfied with the clothes
that were on them,” says Bolton, who would “It may have been a very long time ago,
color over the togs until they met with her but I don’t want to have somebody’s relative
childish approval. calling me up one day,” Bolton says.
“The child in me is still here,” she says of
her grown-up paper doll creations. While that is not likely, the number of
As a little girl Bolton was not a fan of baby winged and winsome female figures that
dolls. Now though, as a fully-fledged artist, grace the show are sure to elicit appreciative
she is fascinated by the porcelain doll’s head comments and, the artist hopes, sales.

The Center for Spiritual Care is located at
1550 24th Street in Vero Beach. 

B4 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Sun-sational: ‘Annie’ awesome as ever at Henegar

By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Katie Hjortsberg as Annie. PHOTOS BY: DANA NIEMEIER PHOTOGRAPHY Katie Hjortsberg as Annie and Rob Kenna as Daddy Warbucks.
[email protected]
Of course, that is only one tiny moment
Once again, Melbourne’s Henegar Center in a show saturated with enough warmth
has imported some Vero talent for one of its and optimism to melt the coldest of hearts
big musicals. “Annie,” that opened last week- out there and even turn political adversaries
end at the theater, is directed by Beth Shestak, into allies.
a former instructor at Riverside Children’s
Theatre and cast member of Jon Putze’s The- And, with enduring songs like “Tomorrow,”
atre-Go-Round dinner theater troupe. “It’s the Hard Knock Life” and “Easy Street,”
it’s pretty hard to believe that this year, “An-
The show gets its musical direction from nie” turns 40.
longtime Vero Beach choral director Ryan
Kasten, who also conducts during the perfor- After having its pre-Broadway tryout in
mances. 1976 at Connecticut’s storied Goodspeed
Opera House, “Annie” the musical opened
And Vero Beach actor Rob Kenna, a native on Broadway in 1977 and garnered seven To-
of Australia who plays guitar and sings around nys, which was very remarkable at the time.
town, plays the billionaire Daddy Warbucks.

But it is a Melbourne Beach father and
daughter for whom the sun has finally come
out – in a manner of speaking, as Kenneth
Hjorstberg and his 11-year-old daughter Ka-
tie share the spotlight at the same time, After
playing in 13 shows together, the two finally
appear on stage in the same scene.

The moment comes when Annie, played
by Katie, runs away with her dog, Sandy. A
policeman, played by Kenneth, finds Annie,
confronts her and takes her back to Miss

“The best thing is that we finally do a scene
together with dialogue,” Katie said. “That has
never happened before.”

Among the awards, it won Best Musical, Best ing them in the dancing was choreographer
Book (Thomas Meehan) and Best Original Amanda Cheyenne Manis.
Score (Charles Strouse and Martin Chamin).
Interestingly, the Annie in the tryout became “The musicians are flawless,” Katie said.
the understudy for Andrea McArdle, who was “The crew is very helpful and is always there
nominated for a Tony. when you need them. The cast has been so
loving and supportive. I couldn’t be Annie
Based on Harold Gray’s comic strip “Little without them.”
Orphan Annie,” the musical is set in the era
of the Great Depression. It begins in 1933 at a Those feelings are reciprocated, said direc-
girls’ orphanage run by the brassy Miss Han- tor Shestak.
nigan, played at the Henegar by Karen Monks
of Cocoa Beach. An army of little girls help “Katie and her dad have been an absolute
Annie “escape” the orphanage so she can joy to work with,” Shestak said. “Katie has an
find her parents. She eventually falls into the unbelievable talent and it has been amazing
graces of kindly billionaire Oliver Warbucks, to see her grow as a performer and simply
played by Vero Beach’s Kenna. shine on stage. She and her dad make a great
team both on and off the stage.”
A plot twist or two later, she’s singing “To-
morrow” for Franklin D. Roosevelt, played by For sure, it has taken a lot of time, but it
Terrence Girard of Palm Bay. We won’t go fur- did not disrupt the Hjortsberg household be-
ther for fear that there must be some reader cause, as Katie said, “a performance schedule
out there has never seen the musical. is a normal schedule for us.”

Anyone? “It’s mainly late nights and sleepy morn-
Indeed, even 11-year-old Katie has seen ings,” Kenneth said.
the movie and the stage musical. Her father
has not only seen the show, but was in a pro- And being in “Annie” is worth every sleepy
duction of it about 25 years ago playing the morning for Katie.
same roles he’s playing at the Henegar.
The cast’s 20 orphans have been rehears- “I love it because it is a story of hope filled
ing since September. The same number of with real emotion,” she said. “I think peo-
adults started rehearsing mid-October. ple will like this production. Everyone has
As with any musical, the rehearsals includ- worked so hard to tell the story. Plus, every-
ed not only learning lines and blocking, but one loves a cute dog.”
also singing and dancing. Direction there
came from music director/conductor Kas- “Annie” runs through Dec. 17 at the Hen-
ten and vocal director Sarah Germain. Lead- egar Center, 625 E. New Haven Ave., Mel-
bourne. Tickets are $26 general, $23 adults
and military and $16 students. There is a $3
service fee per ticket. Call 321-723-8698 or
visit 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 8, 2017 B5

‘Santaland’: Elf-centered COMING UP p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance at www.
holiday laughs for adults, $25 at the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 door, and free for those 18 and under, or
with student ID.

Tekalli Duo. 3 A leisurely stroll in a beau-
tiful setting, booth after

booth displaying all kinds of art,

and holiday excitement in the

By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent in New York City. Raised in North Carolina, (not frosty) air. That’s what’s in
[email protected] Sedaris moved to New York in hopes of be-
store for you at the 4th Annual

Get ready. It’s Crumpet the Elf as described ing an actor. Out of work, he decided to do Winter in the Park Fine Art and

by the irascible David Sedaris in his under- something to pay the bills, hence the elf gig Quality Craft Show this Saturday

ground phenom, “The Santaland Diaries,” at Santaland. and Sunday in Vero’s oak-shaded

opening Thursday (Dec. 7) and running Sedaris eventually went on to become Riverside Park. With more than

through the weekend at the Henegar Center a celebrated humorist and popular au- 70 talented artists and craftspeo-

in the venue’s second-floor Studio Theatre. thor. His essay “Santaland Diaries” was his ple, there’s a good chance you’ll

Intended for a more sophisticated breakthrough moment on National Public come upon one or two just-right

crowd, perhaps one that enjoys a soupcon Radio’s “Morning Edition.” Broadway di- olinist, and Jamila Tekalli, pianist, Christmas gifts among the myriad paint-

of cynicism in their eggnog, “The Santa- rector Joe Mantello turned the essay into Americans of Japanese and Libyan de- ings; sculptures of metal, wood, stone;

land Diaries” is a late- a one-man show and scent, perform together as Tekalli Duo, apparel and jewelry; photography; glass

night adult treat. The BeeJay Aubertin Clinton plays opened it Off-Broadway and will bring their elegant, high-in- work; mixed media creations; and fragrant

curtain is 10 p.m. (except Crumpet the Elf. PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER in 1996 starring Timothy tensity concert of Tchaikovsky, Prokof- potions – candles, soaps, tisanes, olive oils.

for Sunday, which has an Olyphant. iev, Corigliano, Mozart and more to the Yes, there will be foodstuffs and beverages.

8 p.m. curtain). Since then, according to Treasure Coast in a single performance The Winter in the Park Fine Art and Qual-

The show stars Orlan- the Washington Post, Se- Friday, Dec. 15, at First

do actor/director BeeJay daris has taken to calling Presbyterian Church of

Aubertin Clinton (and is his stories “real-ish” after a Vero Beach. Jamila Tekalli

directed by this writer). fact-checking story ran in is an active chamber mu-

While using martinis to the New Republic. sician who has performed

tend his parched throat, Nevertheless, “Santa- internationally and holds

Crumpet the Elf goes into land Diaries” continues a doctorate in perfor-

detail about the motley to be an NPR favorite and mance from the Univer-

crew forming the cast of the play has become a fa- sity of Miami, among

elves; the awful behavior vorite of professional re- others. She has directed

shown by many adults; the army of Santas; gional and community theaters around the several masterclasses Winter in the Park.

and the ignominy of someone fabulous hav- country. and piano workshops and

ing to wear a perky green cap. “Doing this show has stretched me as an has performed as a solo-

There is language. There is snarky attitude. actor in ways I think I never expected,” Clin- ist and chamber musician at festivals ity Craft Show hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There is too much information. There is “Oh ton said. “Still, when I think about opening including Boston University’s Tangle- both days. Parking and admission are free.

no you didn’t!” You might call it a holiday pal- night, I kind of want to vomit a little but wood Institute, Bowdoin International

ate cleanser. I’m also really excited for people to see the Music Festival, Keyboard Institute at 4 A “Winter Wonderland Holiday
Mannes, and the Banff Centre. Suliman Concert” by the talented young
“I made the trip out to Melbourne to au- amount of work and heart Pam and I have

dition for the show, not really sure what to put into this little show.” Tekalli’s performing career has taken musicians of the Vero Beach High School

expect,” Clinton said. him throughout the U.S., Canada, Cen- symphonic band, jazz band, chorus and

Then he read the script. Then he got the “The Santaland Diaries” plays at 10 p.m. tral America, Europe and Asia, from the orchestra will be presented to the com-

call. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and at 8 p.m. Kennedy Center in D.C., to Seoul Arts munity this Sunday and Monday in the

Clinton describes his luck as Crumpet Sunday in the Studio Theater on the second Center in Korea. Together their recitals VBHS Performing Arts Center. Always a

himself might have. “When I received the call floor of the Henegar Center, 625 E. New Haven combine standard classical repertory wonderful way for families to share the

that I got the role, I simultaneously wanted to Ave., Melbourne. Tickets are $26 general, $23 with newer works by composers of their spirit of the holiday season, this local tra-

cheer and vomit.” for military and seniors and $16 for students, heritage, and their own transcriptions dition promises a celebration of “warmth,

The one-man show is based on a story Se- plus a $3 handling fee per ticket. The show is of classical and contemporary. The joy and festivity.” Tickets range from $6 to

daris presented as actual experience working not suitable for children. Call 321-723-8698 or concert is sponsored by the Space Coast $12. Concert times are Sunday at 2 p.m.

as an elf in Macy’s Herald Square Santaland visit  Symphony orchestra and begins at 7 and Monday at 7 p.m. 


DISCOVER SHOPPING 1. Winter Solstice 1. Leonardo da Vinci 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
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3. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 4. Here We Are: Notes for Living
Are Here... BY DAVID BALDACCI 4. Bobby Kennedy
The Cards, Wrap and on Planet Earth BY OLIVER JEFFERS
3. The Midnight Line BY CHRIS MATTHEWS 5. Wonder BY R.J. PALACIO
Ribbon are Here...
The Calendars, Puzzles and BY LEE CHILD 5. Make Your Bed
Gift Certificates are Here...
4. The Cuban Affair BY WILLIAM MCRAVEN

5. Quick & Dirty


392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

B6 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

First bites: Inti International Restaurant

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD Lomo Salteado. Coconut
[email protected] Flan.
Cazuela offered, but everything we had was very
A new restaurant named after Inti, the de Marisocs. fresh, very well cooked, and very well-sea- I welcome your comments, and encour-
ancient Incan sun god, opened in mid-No- soned. age you to send feedback to me at tina@
vember in the building just off Miracle Mile ful green pasta with pesto sauce topped by
that once housed the old Long Branch Sa- a small steak. We plan to return for a couple more of
loon. Inti couldn’t look less like the Long the Peruvian dishes – the pollo saltado The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
Branch. Totally redone inside and out, fea- Drink: With a full bar, Inti offers a variety (marinated strips of chicken with onions rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 
turing bright colors and an interior décor of cocktails, as well as a selection of wine and and tomatoes) and the jalea mixta (a fried
that might best be described as eclectic, Inti beers. mix of seafood). Hours:
has a cool vibe. Daily, 11 am to 10 pm
Service: Our server on our first visit, Zach, On one of our visits, Inti also had a DJ, Beverages: Full bar
Headline news: Our first couple of visits deserves a shout-out – extremely knowl- dancing, and was trying a karaoke night.
left us with the impression that Inti hasn’t edgeable and attentive. Like I said, Inti seems to have something for Address:
decided what it hopes to be six months everyone. This restaurant is different – for 2199 7th Avenue, Vero Beach
from now. While the name (and some Prices: Prices seem extremely reason- Vero, very different. Give it a try.
of the menu items) seem to tap into the able. Most specials and seafood run in the
popularity of Peruvian restaurants, the mid-to-high teens, with entrées topping out Give it a try.
Colombian chef says the restaurant plans at $28 for the filet mignon.
to add dishes from other Latin American
countries and the menu says “serving Initial impressions: We have sampled
global flavors.” What the restaurant is not only a tiny fraction of the many dishes
is Mexican – even though it does serve na-
chos, and is owned by the people who own
Ay Jalisco.

Look & Feel: Trying to describe Inti re-
minds me of the parable of the blind men
and the elephant. The upper half of a bright
red wall along one side of the restaurant is
decorated with a multi-color tropical mosa-
ic. Another wall provides an elegant stone
backdrop to the green booths. The wooden
tables are topped by an inlaid Spanish-lan-
guage version of a Monopoly board. And a
blue luminescence radiates from the bar,
a dimly lit island in the center of the large

Food: On two visits, we tried a variety of
the appetizers and entrées.

We loved Inti’s Peruvian-style ceviche
($13.50), beautiful chunks of raw fish mar-
inated in lime and spices served with cho-
clo and sweet potato – but were a little tak-
en back when later told that the fish they
are using is Swai, an Asian farm-raised

We also enjoyed a huge plate of “factory
nachos” ($10.50) – a Cheesecake Factory
special in which the crisp tortilla chips are
covered with melted cheese, guacamole,
sour cream, black beans, jalapenos, green
onions and salsa. On one visit, I had the
soup of the day – a homemade chicken soup
– which was the best I have had in a long

For entrées, my husband gave high
marks to the lomo salteado ($15.5), Peru-
vian marinated strips of sirloin steak with
onions and tomatoes, served with white
rice and delicious French fries. He was
less enthused about the churrasco ($18),
a flank steak served with a chimichurri
sauce that was not up to Argentine stan-

I loved the chaufa, a flavorful mix of Pe-
ruvian and Chinese fried rice with steak
and chicken ($15). I also enjoyed the tallarin
verde con bistec ($15.50), a plate of wonder-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 8, 2017 B7

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B8 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Enjoy Chef Armando’s Christmas Brunch featuring a
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 8, 2017 B9


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B10 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Our Main Entrée will Surely Delight You with a Generous Six-Ounce Beef Filet Medallion;
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Drizzled with a Light Sherry Cream Sauce. Our Entrée Sides are Grilled Asparagus and
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Reservations Suggested
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 8, 2017 B11

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B12 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Resilience (7) 1 Dust storm (7)
5 Strong point (5) 2 Warning signal (5)
8 Kingdom (5) 3 Submerge (7)
9 Accomplish (7) 4 Indifference (6)
10 Understanding (13) 5 Pallid (5)
11 Type of mollusc (6) 6 Important (7)
13 Culinary bulb (6) 7 Woodenware (5)
17 Questioning (13) 12 Delay (7)
20 Spectacles (7) 14 Leave (7)
21 Motivation, energy (5) 15 Elements (7)
22 Symbol (5) 16 Type of bodice (6)
23 This evening (7) 17 Metal block (5)
18 Elemi, for example (5)
19 Cake topping (5)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES December 8, 2017 B13

ACROSS specializing in 24 Not Neet? 90 Great pot?
1 Bad report card ensembles? 29 Dick Tracy’s wife 91 Bard baddie
5 Home of 94 Phone 31 Pressed for time 92 Monarque
attachment? 32 Tunesmith 93 Sunny saison
swallows? 97 Chorus syllable 34 Re 95 Haranguers-on
11 English horn 98 Daytime fare 36 Composer 96 Old draft status
99 Japanese VIP of 101 Breathless
cousin WWII Schifrin
15 Shoot the breeze 100 Slipping into 37 Work hard director
19 Scatter’s first something 38 Vet 102 Actress Woodard
comfortable? 39 TV Tarzan 103 Superior ability
name 104 Post-joke query 41 A day in Durango 104 Hoover and
20 Brand name for a 105 Revival prefix 42 ___ avis
106 “Pay” addition 43 A dog’s dog Tolson
versatile fashion? 107 Small amount 44 Czarina of the 108 Where Aesop
22 Flavor from the 109 Salads with salsa
114 Saluted symbol 1700s shopped
garden 117 Bill’s predecessor 45 Science show 109 Something to do
23 Being a student 122 Poker stake 46 Mix of blanc et 110 The ___ and
123 Shop frequented
of fashion? by noir Future King
25 Stick-figure organ grinders? 48 Changed, in a 111 Order to Benji
127 Ahab’s mark 112 On ___
smiles 128 Shop specializing way
26 IRS personified in parkas? 51 Enjoy a potlatch (very similar)
129 NFL team 53 Absorb 113 Play Wheel of
27 Scotch diluter 130 Isles hit by
28 Ideologue’s Georges effortlessly Fortune
131 Fleming villain 54 Shirts next to 115 Motet part
drama 132 Honda rival 116 Pass, as time
30 Egyptian 133 Plus skirts 118 New Orleans
DOWN 55 It gets owed fast
goddess 1 Fedora fabric 61 Underwear vegie
33 Singer Sumac 2 Shih Tzu invader 119 Not plastic
35 Amazonian with 3 Linen source fabrics 120 Places to play
4 Where cotton 62 Ancient
amps comes from, e.g. indoors
36 One in Father 5 Abby and Ann Sumerian city (or 121 Exxon, before
6 Bird with a house a big dent 124 Latin lover’s word
Damien’s care 7 Joplin piece in a Peugeot?) 125 Back again
40 Fitting room 8 Leftovers 63 Latin abbr. 126 A Rocky foe
9 Seuss’s Horton 65 Jack Horner’s
taboo? Hears ___ prize The Washington Post
47 Ice maneuver 10 1960s T-shirt 66 Compass pt.
48 Craze style 68 Data to be FASHION YOUR SEAT BELTS By Merl Reagle
49 The Joy Luck 11 Finder’s cry entered: abbr.
12 Rum cake 69 Safeguard Certified Collision
Club author 13 First name of against Repair Center
50 Boring event fashion overstepping, in
52 Undress? 14 Famed cow and the VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier
56 Routing word others shot-put
57 City council 15 1992 Robert 72 Run for it
Downey Jr. role 73 Curling-iron user,
enactment: abbr. 16 Munich Mr. e.g.
58 Erwin and others 17 Chevron rival 74 Fashionable and
59 Bath beverage 18 Cough syrup then some
60 No fewer than amt. 78 Conductor
64 High spars 21 Piccadilly Ozawa
67 Farewell piece vehicles 79 Boon to alfresco
70 Squealer banking,
71 Fashion-shop familiarly
80 Secular
smoking rule? 81 Suffix meaning
75 Work with “ruler”
76 Vintage cars 82 Italian wine
77 Sheet fabrics center
79 Tree-lined walk 84 Crosby film, The
83 August sign Bells ___ Mary’s
85 People pieces, 87 Jam

86 Provence

88 January

89 Trendy boutique

All Insurance

(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL

The Telegraph

B14 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

K 10 7 4
Susanne Langer, a philosopher who was well known for her theories on the influences WEST Q65 EAST
of art on the mind, said, “A signal is comprehended if it serves to make us notice the 6 932 52
object or situation it bespeaks.” A72 A85 K 10 9 8 3
8764 KQJ
At the bridge table, a good defender signals to his partner, but, obviously, a signal will 10 9 7 3 2 SOUTH QJ4
only serve him well if partner comprehends it. In today’s deal, West leads the heart ace AQJ983
against four spades. What happens after that? J4
A 10 5
North’s three-heart advance is called a “mixed raise.” It showed four-card support and K6
7-9 high-card points. It is also usually made with a nine-loser hand, so North’s call was
an overbid because he had 10 losers, given the probable uselessness of the heart Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Neither
queen after East’s opening bid. But if North had settled for two spades (or a pre-
emptive three spades, which would also have been debatable with 4-3-3-3 distribution), The Bidding:
it would have ruined a good story.
West led the heart ace, and East signaled encouragingly with the 10. If West had 1 Hearts
started with only two hearts, East wanted his partner to continue the suit. However, 1 Spades Pass 3 Hearts Pass LEAD:
West had three hearts and he knew that East’s play denied the heart jack, because East 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass A Hearts
would have signaled with the top of his touching cards. If West had led a second heart,
shortly thereafter declarer would have discarded a diamond loser on dummy’s heart
queen. Instead, West shifted to the diamond eight.

South took East’s jack with his ace, drew trumps ending in the dummy and led the heart
six, but East won with his king and cashed two diamond tricks to defeat the contract.

Make it the most wonderful time of the year Beekeeping Laborers Needed

Antwerp Diamonds • Colored Gemstones • Estate Jewelry 4 positions - Temporary/seasonal work performing manual and machine tasks as a beekeeping laborer,
645 Beachland Boulevard • Vero Beach, FL 32963 from 1/12/2018 to 11/12/2018 at Pal’s Apiaries, Inc. , Fellsmere, FL and multiple worksites within Indian
772.234.1512 • River and St. Lucie counties. This job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working
on a honeybee farm handling both manual and machine tasks associated with beekeeping. Saturday work
required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. Workers need to have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to bee
stings, pollen, honey or other products of the hive. Must be able to work in excessive humidity and heat
up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Clean driving record required in order to drive company vehicles. Employer-
paid post-hire drug testing upon suspicion of use. $11.12/hr or current applicable AEWR. Raise/bonus
at employer discretion. Workers are guaranteed 3/4 of work hours of total period. Work tools, supplies,
equipment supplied by employer without charge to worker. Housing with kitchen facilities provided at no
cost to only those workers who are not reasonably able to return same day to their place of residence at time
of recruitment. Transportation and subsistence expenses to work site will be paid to nonresident workers
not later than upon completion of 50% of the job contract. Interviews required.
Apply for this job at nearest State Workforce Agency in state in which this ad appears, or Florida
Department of Economic Opportunity, Alien Labor Certification Unit: H-2A, MSC G-300, Caldwell
Building 107 East Madison Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-4140. Provide copy of this ad. FL Job Order


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR December 8, 2017 B15

ONGOING 8|9 15|16• A Christ- 9|10 Winter in the Park Fine Art & 13 Friends of the Library Fashion Show
mas Sto- Craft Show, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at and Fundraiser, 11:30 a.m. at In-
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle Riverside Park. dian River County Main Library, showcasing
after Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. ry at Riverside Children’s Theatre, 2 p.m. 5:30 Friends Gift Shop apparel and accessories; 25
7 and Masters of American Photography thru 10 St. Lucia Swedish Christmas Celebration, percent discount and gift wrapping on items
Jan. 14. p.m. and 7 p.m. shows. $10. 772-231-6990 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at Hallstrom House purchased that day. $5 at the door. 772-226-
hosted by IRC Historical Society. 772-778-3435 3080 ext. 4550.
9 Girls on the Run 5K Run/Walk, 7:30 a.m.
at South Beach Park. 772-202-8015

McKee Botanical Garden - It’s a Jungle out 9 80+Legends Tennis Tournament (men’s 10|11 Vero Beach High School 14 Emerson Center’s Humanities Series pres-
There Exhibition thru April 29. and women’s round robin), 9 a.m. to Performing Arts Dept. ents Christmas and All That Jazz performed
Noon at Sea Oaks to benefit Mardy Fish Chil- Winter Holiday Concert, 2 p.m. Sun, 7 p.m. by Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society, 7 p.m. at Emer-
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. dren’s Foundation. Open to all 80+ players in Mon. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497 son Center. Donations appreciated. 772-778-5249
First Friday Gallery Strolls. Vero area. $50. 772 234 3664
12 An Evening with the Brasil Guitar 15 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Holiday Teddy Bear Drive, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 Christmas at the Airport, 10 Noon Duo benefit concert hosted by Vero presents Tekalli Duo in Concert, fea-
Tues. to Fri. thru Dec. 29 at the Vero Beach hosted by Vero Beach Regional Airport, Friends of Atlantic Classical Orchestra, 4:30 turing violinist Suliman Tekalli and pianist Jamila
Yacht Club; bears used to calm fears of pediatric with Santa Clause flying in at 10:30 a.m., holi- p.m. at Orchid Island Beach Club followed by Tekalli, 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. $20;
and geriatric patients at Indian River Medical day music by Oslo Middle School, and light re- cocktail reception. $150. 772-460-0850 free 18 and under. 855-252-7276
Center Emergency Department. freshments. Free.

Riverside Theatre - Holiday Nights, 6 to 9:30 9 Blessing of the Fleet, 3:30 p.m. at Vero
p.m. weekends thru Dec. 30 w/free live music. Beach Yacht Club, open to all boaters in
Indian River and surrounding counties. 772-
DECEMBER 231-2211

7 Annual Candle Light Vigil to remember 9 Deeper than the Skin, an interactive mu-
victims of homicide in IRC, 6 p.m. behind sical presentation on Race in America by
Indian River County Courthouse, hosted by IRC recording artists Reggie Harris and Greg Green-
Victims’ Rights Coalition. 772-226-3304 way, 4 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
of VB. Free; donations appreciated.

7 Indian River Medical Center Auxiliary’s 9 A Gala in Gold to benefit Hibiscus Chil- ACROSS DOWN
Florence Booms Celebration of Lights in- dren’s Center, 6:30 p.m. at the Moorings 1 CREEK 1 CHARMER
terfaith ceremony, Christmas Tree and Chanu- Yacht & Country Club – black-tie dinner dance 4 HEATERS 2 ENTER
kah Menorah lighting and refreshments, 6 p.m. with live entertainment and auctions. $250. 8 ACT 3 KETCHUP
on IRMC grounds. Memorial Light donations 772-299-6011 x 313 9 TOM 4 HUMBUG
benefit Women’s Health Care team. 772-567- 10 INANE 5 ALIBI
4311 x1133 9 An Evening with Jake VIP Reception, 11 MARCH 6 ERA
7 p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club to 12 UNICORN 7 SHEEN
7 Indian River Medical Center Auxiliary’s benefit Jake Owen Foundation, which con- 15 URGE 13 NEAR
Florence Booms Celebration of Lights in- tributes to local youth programs, and St. Jude 17 RECIPE 14 ORB
terfaith ceremony, Christmas Tree and Chanu- Children’s Research Hospital. $250. 561- 19 ARABLE 16 REDO
kah Menorah lighting and refreshments. Me- 394-9190 22 DARE 18 CON
morial Light donations benefit Women’s Health 24 SENATOR 20 REVERIE
Care team. 772-567-4311 x1133 Solutions from Games Pages 26 VALUE 21 ELECTOR
in November 30, 2017 Edition 28 TITAN 23 ARDOUR
7 Senior Resource Association Silver Tones 30 OAR 24 SITES
Holiday Concert, Christmas USA: North, 31 VAT 25 TONIC
South, East and West, 7 p.m. at First Presbyteri- 32 SIDECAR 27 LIVID
an Church. 772-569-0760 33 EIDER 29 TAD

8 Center for Spiritual Care Benefit Lun- Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (WOOFGANG)
cheon, 12 p.m. at Grand Harbor Golf Club
to help underwrite its programs and services
such as art exhibits, seminars, wellness events
and support groups. $50. 772-567-1233

8|9 Beach Town Music Festival at Indi-
an River County Fairgrounds featur-
ing Jake Owen, Clare Dunn and Edwin McCain.


Our directory gives small business people eager to
provide services to the community an opportunity

to make themselves known to our readers at an
affordable cost. This is the only business directory
mailed each week during season. If you would like

your business to appear in our directory,
please call 772-633-0753.

B16 December 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

15 Indian River County Christmas Boat Pa- December 15 | Indian River County Christmas Boat Parade 31 Hippy New Year-themed New Year’s Ball, 5
rade, 5:30 p.m. assembly; 6 p.m. start p.m. to midnight at north side of Indian Riv-
between Alma Lee Loy and Merrill Barber Bridges, 24 Run Run Santa 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. from peace and harmony surrounded by sights and er Mall, celebrating 50th anniversary of ‘Summer of
with finish at Vero Beach Marina. 772-692-7599 Pocahontas Park - participants ALL sounds of nature. Standard admission. 772- Love’ with local singers, tribute Beatles band, Liverpool
racing in full Santa suits (no exceptions; suit in- 794-0601 Live, midnight ball drop and fireworks, with proceeds
16 Jingle Bell Jog 5K, 7:30 a.m. at South cluded in registration) to benefit Healthy Start to benefit Treasure Coast Players. Free admission; food
Beach Park to benefit Christian FM. Coalition TLC Newborn program. 321-412-1830 29|30 Ballet Vero Beach presents andgameticketsavailableforpurchase. 520-460-4670
772-559-0514 world premiere of Nut-
28 To Jan. 1 - Skydive Invasion at Sky- cracker on the Indian River, a new Indian River 31 New Year’s Eve Dance, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
16 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Seagrasses dive Sebastian, with multiple aircraft, twist on the beloved classic, 8 p.m. Fri. and 2 at the Heritage Center. 772-770-2263
of the Indian River Lagoon, 11 a.m. at world-class diving, beach jumps and Island Par- p.m. Sun. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5537
Environmental Learning Center. ty. JANUARY
30 Alize showcased at Sebastian Inlet
16 Celtic Angels Christmas Concert: 28-30 Nights of Lights at McKee, State Park Night Sounds concert se- 1 Run Vero’s Resolution Run 5K, 10 a.m.
Christmas in Ireland, 7 p.m. at Vero 6 to 7:30 p.m. at McKee ries, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free New Year’s Day at Riverside Park followed
Beach High School PAC, featuring Sheeva Quin- Botanical Garden - celebrate incoming year in with park entry fee. 772-388-2750 by post-race festivities to benefit Education
tet, Celtic Knight Dancers and Trinity Band En- Foundation of IRC. 772-569-7364
semble of Dublin. $35. 772-564-5537
2-21 Riverside Theatre presents
16|17 A Citrus Christmas: All Million Dollar Quartet, a Tony
Things Florida Holiday Cele- Award-winning musical about a jam session with
bration, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside Park to ben- Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and
efit Hope for Families Center. 772-567-5537 x326 Carl Perkins on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990

16|17 Treasure Coast Chorale, com- 6 Golf Tournament at Bent Pine Golf Club
munity choirs and world-class to benefit Women’s Refuge, 11:30 a.m.
soloists unite for 48th presentation of Handel’s lunch and 1 p.m. tee time, followed by awards
Messiah, 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) at First Bap- ceremony. $125; $475/foursome. 772-770-
tist Church. Donations appreciated. 772-567-4341 4424

21-23 Holidays at McKee, 6 to 8 p.m. 7 Beachside Half-Marathon and 5K Walk/
at McKee Botanical Garden – Run, 6:45 a.m. and 7 a.m. at Riverside
festival holiday lights & decorations, vintage Wur- Park to benefit IRC Healthy Start Coalition. 772-
litzer organ, model train display and a visit from 563-9118
Santa. Standard admission. 772-794-0601




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*plus tax, tag, title, destination, and $349 Dealer fee. Price includes all factory rebates, cash back, and dealer discounts. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers Expire 12/15/17.

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