June 29, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 26 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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MY TAKE IRMC seeks to curb abuse of ER through co-pay
BY RAY MCNULTY By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Happy 4th! Let’s ban the
use of backyard fireworks
This one’s easy for me: I love my The entrance to the Emergency Room at IRMC, which many low-income patients use for primary care. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Indian River Medical Center
dog, and my dog hates fireworks. interim CEO Karen Davis want-
New SRMC meds-by-computer system to boost safety ed one more piece of data before
Besides, while I enjoyed quite an she was slated to appear before
array of Fourth-of-July fireworks By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer safety scores in at least one category. the Indian River Hospital District
spectacles at ballparks across [email protected] Having electronic medical records software, Thursday. She was about to pro-
America during my sportswriting pose a co-pay for medically in-
years, I’ve never grasped the ap- When Steward Health implements a new or EMR, that includes physician ordering cre- digent patients who are showing
peal of backyard boom-booms, electronic records system in September at Se- ates a computer-generated layer of protection up in record numbers at the hos-
even as a kid. bastian River Medical Center, physicians will that can prevent errors such as over-prescrib- pital’s emergency department,
be able to order medications by computer, a ing opiates or overlooking drug allergies or ad- often without emergency injuries
So, with another Independence fact that should instantly raise the hospital’s or illness.
Day celebration only days away, CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
I’m really hoping local police offi- To make her case, she cited that
cers and sheriff’s deputies will fi- day’s tally. “There were 86 indigent
nally crack down on people who’d patients that had more than six vis-
rather shoot off firecrackers, bottle its in the last 14 months,” she told
rockets and Roman candles in my the District trustees. “That’s just
neighborhood than cheer the pub- where they receive their primary
lic fireworks display at Riverside care, as long as it’s easy to come
Park. in, and there’s no financial compo-
nent to their visit.”
But that’s not going to happen,
even though Florida law makes it “Seventy percent of those who
illegal – a first-degree misdemean- are indigent have lower acuities,”
or, punishable by a year in jail and Davis said, using the healthcare
a $1,000 fine – for private citizens term for non-emergencies. For
to set off fireworks that explode or patients who are not indigent, the
fly through the air for recreational
and entertainment purposes. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
INSIDE Harbor Branch launches program focusing on lagoon threats to health
1-5 10
HEALTH 6 GAMES B16 By Sue Cocking | Correspondent research scientist three years ago –
CALENDAR to a point where the once clear wa-
REAL ESTATE 11 In one of his first moves as ters are now sometimes dangerous
B1 acting executive director at Flor- to people, as well as to fish, birds
ARTS ida Atlantic University’s Harbor and marine mammals.
Branch Oceanographic Institute,
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Dr. Jim Sullivan is launching a re- Recently named to the acting
For circulation or where to pick up search program to zero in on grow- executive director position at the
your issue call: 772-226-7925 ing threats to human health posed famed Fort Pierce-based facili-
by problems in the Indian River ty, Sullivan has convinced Har-
Harbor Branch scientists testing water in the Indian River lagoon. Lagoon. bor Branch’s Foundation to put
up $650,000 in initial funding for
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Sullivan, who lives in Vero the Center for Coastal and Hu-
Beach, has seen a steep decline in man Health, which will attempt to
the ecological health of the Lagoon
since he joined Harbor Branch as a CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
2 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE on the circumstances. Most times, though, many people consider appropriate for the become stressed, especially when the noise
you’ll get off with a warning. Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve. continues for hours.
In fact, neither Vero Beach Police Chief They want everyone to enjoy the holiday, According to Janet Winikoff, marketing
It’s not going to happen because, well, it David Currey nor Indian River County Sher- and they are willing to let people have fun director for the Humane Society of Vero
can’t. There are, quite simply, too many fire- iff’s Maj. Eric Flowers could recall the last with fireworks, even though it is against the Beach and Indian River County, more dogs
works and not enough badges to enforce a time their agencies arrested anyone for us- law, as long as they do it safely and are re- and cats are turned in at animal shelters or
law that, from a practical standpoint, is un- ing fireworks illegally. spectful of their neighbors. reported missing nationally on July 4-5 than
enforceable. at any time during the year.
One reason is that the law requires of- Unfortunately, not everyone in the local
In other words: The law is a joke – so ficers or deputies to see the suspects light- fireworks crowd abides by those rules. Too The reason, she said, is fireworks.
much so that you’re more likely to be cited ing the fireworks before they can make ar- often, law enforcement’s good-will gesture “Dogs left outside can become agitated
for jaywalking in downtown Vero Beach than rests. Merely possessing the fireworks isn’t is exploited. Too many of those using fire- and break loose,” Winikoff said, urging own-
to get arrested for the illegal use of fireworks enough. works start shooting them off days before ers to make sure their pets have collars, ID
in South Beach, or McAnsh Park, or in some the holiday, sometimes for hours each night, tags and micro-chips so they can be identi-
residential community in the unincorporat- Both Currey and Flowers said their agen- occasionally after 11 p.m. fied if they’re lost and found. “And if they’re
ed county, particularly on the Fourth of July cies respond to every fireworks complaint fenced in, dogs that don’t normally dig will
or New Year’s Eve. they receive, and they get plenty of them in Worse, some of them ignore requests to do it. Even on walks, they can get spooked
the days leading to – and sometimes after – stop from their neighbors, who then must and try to run off.
The state legislators who passed the silly July 4. wrestle with the decision to call 911 and “The safest place for them is at home, but
law must have been chuckling when they complain, which can escalate into bigger even there they can get frightened and dis-
voted in favor of making fireworks, except Usually, the callers complain about the troubles. oriented.”
for sparklers, legal to purchase in Florida but noise, especially if the fireworks are being set She suggested creating a pet sanctuary
illegal to use – with one absurd exception. off late at night. Some callers say they and People can become emotional when they in the house – a quiet, comfortable room
their children are being kept awake. Others believe their neighbors are being inconsid- where you can turn on music or a TV to dis-
Those wanting to buy explosive and aeri- say the loud popping sounds are upsetting erate, disturbing and possibly even endan- tract from the noise of the fireworks. If nec-
al fireworks may legally do so if they sign a their pets, especially dogs. gering their families. essary, she said to consult your veterinarian
form promising to use them only to scare off about homeopathic remedies or a mild tran-
birds on agricultural land or at fish hatcher- Often, however, the callers don’t know So, while the law prohibiting the recre- quilizer. “The key,” Winikoff said, “is to keep
ies. exactly where the fireworks are being used, ational use of fireworks might be among the them calm and happy.”
only that they’re close enough to be a nui- most abused and least enforced of Florida’s At my house, however, that’s probably not
Not that anything will happen to them if sance. “That makes it tough,” Flowers said. statutes, we’re not talking about a victim-less going happen, no matter what we do.
they lie. Nobody’s keeping track. “We’ll send a deputy out there, but it’s a chal- crime – and I’m not referring only to the in- My dog hates fireworks, and I don’t blame
lenge when you don’t know where they are. juries, fires and property damage connected her. I blame our lawmakers, who, if they pos-
You go to the fireworks store. You sign the And the noise can be coming from multiple to these store-bought explosives. sessed even a hint of wisdom and courage,
form and pay. And, just like that, you’ve add- places.” could remove the bird-scaring loophole and
ed some pop to your holiday. I’m referring to the impact on neighbors, ban the use of recreational fireworks.
Another reason there aren’t more fire- who’ve done nothing to deserve this barrage It’s that easy.
Even if law enforcement does happen works arrests – perhaps the primary reason of bad manners.
to catch you shooting off fireworks, you’re – is that our local law enforcement agencies
probably not going to get arrested. Your don’t want to make criminals of residents I’m also referring to the impact on the
fireworks might be confiscated, depending who are engaging in a traditional activity neighbors’ pets, particularly dogs, who are
often so frightened by these blasts that they
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 29, 2018 3
HARBOR BRANCH waters and human health,” he said. IRMC SEEKING ER CO-PAY ment for non-emergency issues,” she told
“This is a vision I’ve had ever since I got the board. “Many of the payers, Anthem be-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ing one of them, are now saying if it’s coded
here,” Sullivan said. “We need to do this sci- as non-emergent, they are not paying any
penetrate the murky mysteries of recurring ence all the way to how people are affected numbers are reversed: Only 30 percent of part of it. Others are making patients pay
harmful algae blooms that foul east-central and get that information to them. We want ER visits are for low acuity conditions. a great deal, increasing the co-payments
Florida’s primary artery. to protect the health and safety of the re- to as much as $400, $500, $600 for a visit to
gion’s population.” Other data for the period from October the ER. They’re saying, Get them out of the
Headed by research professor Dr. Amy 2016 to May 2018 showed that 31 patients emergency room. That is not the appropri-
Wright and staffed by as many as 30 faculty, Scientists at Harbor Branch have been made a combined 900 visits to the emer- ate place for care.”
graduate students and technicians, the Cen- studying the Indian River Lagoon for de- gency room.
ter officially began work this week, on July 1, cades. But with the new center, Sullivan said, Davis suggested the District and hospi-
with a primary focus on how the blooms and the institute could take the lead in solving “It’s making a huge impact in our visits tal officials together determine an amount
the toxins they sometimes generate affect the estuary’s many problems, in collabora- and it makes it very difficult for those who for a copay that is a portion of the $105 rate
the region’s 1.6 million residents. tion with other scientists, policymakers, re- truly have emergencies because we’re having negotiated with insurance companies to
source managers and citizens. to weed through those that are non-emer- cover the cost of the medical screening pa-
The scientists will conduct epidemiolog- gent,” Davis said. tients get to determine if their symptoms
ical studies on people exposed to toxic or- “The problem is so complex that it re- are a true emergency or not.
ganisms and respond to reports of blooms quires organization and leadership,” he said. She cited one patient who had come in 55
that pop up in the lagoon. Just a few days “This is an expansion of everything we’re do- times in those 20 months. Another came in Currently, even Medicaid patients pay a
ago, they took water samples from an algae ing and integrating it by bringing everyone 36 times, 28 of those for chest pain. Still an- copay, she said, typically ranging from $3
outbreak called in by a citizen near the Vero together to cooperate on this, leveraging all other patient was a paraplegic with chronic to $15. “Our goal is to give them the initia-
Beach Municipal Marina. Fortunately, it the assets out there.” Researchers will strive urinary tract issues. tive to go someplace else for primary care.
turned out to be benign. to understand the factors driving the myriad I don’t want it to be punitive. That’s not our
algae blooms that kill marine mammals, fish They and other frequent visitors with goal. But in our minds, it has to be equal or
“If there is a bloom, we’ll will be out there and seagrass and make people sick. non-emergencies desperately need prima- greater than what it would be to go to pri-
that day or the day after, and we will deter- ry care, not emergency care, she said. The mary care, in order to be effective.”
mine what it is,” Sullivan said. “We need to The center already has some formidable paraplegic patient, for example, “needs
be informed of what’s out there. I want to tools that include the new SeaPRISM – a to be seen on a regular basis with routine District Trustee Michael Weiss cautioned
know when I’m at the water whether it’s safe NASA water-quality monitoring instrument care,” said Davis. The man with chest pain that even a small copay could seem like
to go there with my kids.” that has been deployed in Lake Okeechobee needs medication and monitoring for his punishment to the clients of the Hospital
that determines chlorophyll, turbidity and blood pressure. Those issues are best dealt District, who qualify for help with health-
The Center is a “big step forward for the cyanobacteria levels in real-time. with in a doctor’s office familiar with the care because they earn no more than 150
whole science community,” according to patient, not an ER, where doctors are in percent of federal poverty guidelines and
Dr. Duane DeFreese, executive director of Dr. Edward Phlips, a professor at Uni- constant rotation. do not qualify for Medicaid. The District
the Indian River Lagoon Council, a region- versity of Florida’s Fisheries and Aquatic levies taxes to pay for that care, reimburs-
al organization that dispenses money for Sciences program in Gainesville, is eager to “What’s we’re looking at goes across the ing hospital bills for the indigent as well as
lagoon research. “What Harbor Branch and collaborate with Sullivan. entire gamut. It’s not just in the medically expenses at a half-dozen other commu-
FAU have done is make a commitment to indigent population, but it’s across com-
the connection between the health of our The two expect to receive a grant to moni- mercial payers as well that are trying to CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
tor algae blooms between New Smyrna Beach control the use of the emergency depart-
and St. Lucie Inlet beginning this fall.
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty,
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4 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
SRMC MEDS-BY-COMPUTER So will another category not included improve the quality of care we provide,” care mandate that was recently delayed
in the Leapfrog rating, but part of Medi- said Dr. Joseph Weinstein, Steward’s cor- until January 2020.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 care’s Hospital Compare measure: so- porate-wide chief medical officer.
called “double” CT scans of the abdomen The healthcare field has been slow to
verse drug interactions. – one without contrast and one with con- The Meditech software is being cus- address the problem of excessive scans,
When the most recent Leapfrog safety trast, done at the same appointment. Se- tomized for Sebastian this summer and even though it was 15 years ago that a
bastian had close to quadruple the state is expected to be introduced in Septem- study showed software in use at Massa-
ratings were released in April, Sebastian and national averages of such scans from ber. It offers a feature that allows radiolo- chusetts General Hospital helped physi-
River’s overall F grade included a worst- 2015 and 2016, before Steward took over, gists to check to see whether the referring cians correctly order CT scans and MRI’s.
in-the-nation ranking on the question of but the new software could help correct physician has ordered a scan considered
whether doctors can order medications that problem as well. unnecessary for the condition being By 2011, an effort was underway na-
by computer. That grade was based on checked, exposing the patient to more tionally to reduce double scans by using
data from before Steward owned the hos- “We have made progress on many as- radiation and higher costs. such software. By then, CT scans were
pital and will change with the new soft- pects of quality, and the implementation among the fastest growing procedures in
ware. of the Meditech 6.1 EMR will continue to Weinstein said that feature will be put healthcare, now estimated at 70 million
into effect “soon,” in advance of a Medi- a year, three times the rate in the early
1990s. Today, medical imaging is a $100
billion a year business.
On the plus side, increased use of scans
has drastically reduced the need for ex-
ploratory surgery. But the scans are not
harmless. In 2014, researchers projected
– although not without controversy – that
as many as 29,000 future cases of cancer
could be attributed to CT scan radiation
exposure in the U.S. in a single year.
“We are silently irradiating ourselves
to death,” cardiologist Rita Redberg and
radiologist Rebecca Smith-Bindman
wrote in a New York Times opinion piece.
“A single CT scan exposes a patient to the
amount of radiation that epidemiological
evidence shows can be cancer-causing.”
That year, 2014, Congress created
a mandate that physicians use Medi-
care-approved guidelines and check
electronically when ordering imaging for
Medicare patients. Radiologists receiving
the order to do a scan have to verify that
the decision was properly vetted; if they
don’t, they will not be reimbursed.
The requirement was set to go into
place last year. With the delay pushing
that up to the start of 2020, Medicare is
urging that voluntary use of the guide-
lines begin next month, in the hopes that
providers begin to familiarize staff with
the new procedures. Reimbursement de-
nials for non-compliance are scheduled
to be imposed starting in January 2021.
Weinstein offered no explanation for
the high double abdominal scan rate at
SRMC prior to Steward’s ownership. The
next scheduled update to the Hospital
Compare data is due July 25, but that will
only include a couple of months under
CT scans reveal different aspects of
the body, with contrast and without, but
most conditions can be diagnosed with
just one or the other.
“Although combination CT scans are
appropriate for some parts of the body
and for some medical conditions, com-
bination scans are not appropriate for
the chest or abdomen for most patients,”
Medicare’s website explains.
A doctor can still say he needs to have
to look at both with and without contrast
when utilizing the new software. “The
question is, is it being ordered correctly?”
said Miami radiologist Dr. Daryl Eber,
president of the Florida Radiological So-
ciety, the state chapter of the American
College of Radiology.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 29, 2018 5
Somerset Academy finally gets OK for new K-8 charter school here
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer plans to build a $20 million Pointe West The STEAM curricula will include company offers teachers and administra-
[email protected] campus to house Osceola Magnet. “Project Lead the Way as an instructional tors extensive professional development,
adjunct,” according to Lima. Project Lead including lessons on how to cultivate
After battling for years to open a school Somerset Academy’s first application the Way is a nonprofit education compa- such partnerships.
in Indian River County, Somerset Acade- to open a charter school here was with- ny that offers hands-on lessons. Starting
my got the green light for a new K-8 school drawn in 2014. The second application from an early age, students are given re- Of 31 Florida schools listed on Somer-
last Tuesday when the School Board ap- was for a school that would replicate al-world problems to solve in coopera- set Academy’s website, 16 received an “A”
proved its charter without a murmur, ex- Somerset’s high-performing foreign lan- tive teams. Being world-relevant extends from the Florida Department of Educa-
hausted at the tag end of a six-hour meet- guage schools in Miami. to partnering with the tech industry. The tion, six got a “B,” seven a “C” and one a
ing preceded by a five-hour workshop. “D.”
That bid was rejected by the school
The application approved by the board board in 2016 for not actually replicat-
was the third one submitted by Somerset ing the language-immersion curriculum
over the past four years. This time around used in Miami and for not addressing the
the company, which operates 67 public desegregation order the district has been
charter schools nationwide, according to under since 1967, along with other prob-
its website, proposed an academy with a lems.
STEAM curriculum focused on Science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Somerset Academy appealed the
School Board’s rejection to the state Board
Somerset plans to open the new school of Education and won. But an appellate
in August 2019, with “up to 424 students court reversed that decision in 2017, rul-
in grades K-6,” said Somerset spokesman ing the School Board had sufficient rea-
Adriana Lima. In subsequent years, 7th sons to reject the charter application.
and 8th grades will be added, with 910
students served at full capacity. Somerset’s third application was sub-
mitted in February, and in May a school
The company is still working on secur- district committee recommended ap-
ing a site, Lima said, but the School Dis- proval.
trict’s application evaluation committee
stated the Pointe West subdivision was Somerset took the desegregation or-
the “proposed location.” The site referred der into account, promising staff will
to is owned by REDUS EL, LLC, which is “reflect the student population,” and
listed as the owner of Pointe West’s East actively recruiting black teachers from
Village development. Bethune-Cookman University, a histor-
ically black college in Daytona Beach.
When Pointe West, a mixed-use devel- Brochures will help recruit black students
opment on Route 60 west of the Indian and other students of color. “Hardship”
River Mall, was approved by the county cases will be provided transportation and
in 1999, it included a 14-acre school site if parents don’t complete volunteer hours,
at 7645 16th Manor. The site would have their children won’t be expelled.
been given to the school district if it had
set up shop by 2014, but the economic Exceptional students and “English Lan-
downturn forced the district to table its guage Learners” are also welcome, the
application states.
IRMC SEEKING ER CO-PAY ing among the staff at the emergency de-
partment. Davis told the District Board
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 that emergency room visits from arrival
to either admission to a hospital bed or
nity health agencies. “You’re not trying to treatment and discharge has been cut by
punish the patient, you’re trying to change between an hour and a half to two hours.
a behavior so they get quality care,” said She attributes that to “just putting pro-
Trustee Tracy Lockwood-Zudans. cesses in place and making sure everyone
is accountable for what goes on.”
“That’s exactly why we started this com-
mittee 23 meetings ago,” said Trustee Kar- The Hospital District voted to consider
en Deigl, CEO of the Senior Resource Asso- the copay and sent Davis back to come
ciation, who is part of a joint group looking up with an amount before taking up the
at the hospital’s emergency department matter for a final vote. In the meantime,
logjam of patients needing primary, not the board directed its attorney, Jennifer
emergency, care. Peshke, to review the legislative Special Act
that created the Hospital District to see if
Last month Deigl voiced her strong sup- language may limit its ability to charge any
port of the non-emergency co-pay when fee to indigent patients.
the issue arose in a Hospital District meet-
ing. “It’s trying to get people to the right Section 19 of the Special Act states:
care. Fortunately, in this community we “Each hospital and clinic established
do have a continuum of care for them, like under this act shall be for the use and
Treasure Coast Community Health, Whole benefit of the indigent sick. Such resi-
Family Health Center, the Health Depart- dents shall be admitted to such hospital
ment. They are all our partners in this. and clinic and be entitled to medical care
They are the places to move these patients. without charge, subject to the rules and
It’s all about changing habits.” regulations prescribed by said board of
On the positive side, habits are chang-
6 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Shoulder surgery may not mean joint replacement
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer shoulder replacements.” says Dr. Ray De- Dr. Raymond DeLorenzi.
[email protected] Lorenzi of First Choice Medical Group and
Steward Health’s Sebastian River Medical PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
The human shoulder is something of a Center, a board-certified orthopedic sur-
paradox. geon with some 25 years of surgical expe-
It provides a far greater range of motion
than any other joint in the body and it is Why?
in near-constant use each and every day, “It’s the mechanics of the shoulder,” De-
and yet the number of shoulder repair or Lorenzi explains, that make it so resilient.
replacement surgeries performed in this “Because it has so much range of motion,
country is tiny compared to the number of it can tolerate a significant loss of that mo-
knee and hip procedures. tion before people seek treatment.
“Number two, it’s not a weight-bearing
“For every 100 total knee and total hip re-
placements, you’re probably only doing 10
Premier Women's Health is now open in Sebastian! joint so you’re not going to have the forces surgery.” Which means almost a third do
of gravity or weight on the shoulder joint so not. And surgery, in shoulder cases, doesn’t
At Premier Women’s Health, every patient is treated as an individual and receives that doesn’t produce a significant amount necessarily mean “replacement.”
personalized, one-on-one attention. Several physicians and sta members are of stress in the shoulder like it does in the
Spanish speaking to help ensure that all your questions and concerns are addressed. hip and knee. In fact, it rarely means replacement.
Explore your options for vaginal rejuvenation, gynecologic surgery or annual wellness “Ninety percent of the shoulder surger-
“Number three, it’s the least of the three ies that we do,” DeLorenzi says, “are not
visits with one of our experienced physicians. major joints of the extremities that is in- shoulder replacements. They’re rotator
jured by trauma,” adds DeLorenzi, who cuff repairs, cartilage or labral repairs, de-
Call (772) 770-6801 to schedule an appointment. certainly knows something about trauma, compressions [and] ligament reconstruc-
having a previous career as a professional tions.”
801 Wellness Way • Suite 109 • Sebastian, FL 32958 hockey play. These surgeries have a good rate of suc-
cess, according to DeLorenzi. “If you have
FELIX BIGAY, KRISTY CRAWFORD, DENI MALAVEHUERTAS, GEORGE FYFFE, Drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks a reconstruction of the shoulder for either
MD, FACOG DO, FACOOG MD, FACOG MD, FACOOG of the National Hockey League, he also a labral injury, cartilage injury or a cuff
played briefly for the Calgary Cowboys and injury or a soft tissue injury, your chances
The right women’s care. Right here. Vancouver Blazers in the World Hockey As- are about 75-to-80 percent that you can get
sociation before skating full time into his back to the pre-injury level,” he says.
orthopedic career. With his sports background, DeLorenzi
enjoys working with local high school ath-
According to the American Academy of letes, but he has “a bone to pick” with the
Orthopaedic Surgeons, “the shoulder is a coaching some young players receive, es-
ball-and-socket joint. It is made up of three pecially baseball pitchers.
bones: the upper arm bone or humerus, the “The biggest problem right now we have
shoulder blade or scapula and the collar- in shoulders of young pitchers is they’re not
bone or clavicle.” taught [the proper] mechanics. They’re just
taught to throw as hard as they can, and
The ball at the top end of the arm bone the harder you throw and the faster you
fits into the small socket or glenoid of the throw, the more susceptible the shoulder is
shoulder blade to form the shoulder joint. to injury,” he says.
With such a wide range of shoulder prob-
While it is remarkably resilient, the lems, procedures and patients, DeLorenzi
shoulder is nonetheless subject to the ef- says recovery times after shoulder surgery
fects of injury and aging. can vary widely. Depending on the proce-
dure and the extent of the damage, patients
Bursitis, tendinitis, tendon tears, arthri- can take as little as four weeks or as long as
tis, fractures, rotator cuff tears, infections, six months or more to fully heal.
tumors and nerve-related issues can all Dr. Ray DeLorenzi’s primary office is
contribute to shoulder problems. at 709 S. Harbor City Blvd., Suite 100 in
Melbourne. The phone number is 321-725-
“If you take everybody over the age of 70 2225.
and you put them in an MRI scan, they’re
all going to have rotator cuff problems,”
says DeLorenzi. “All of them – because of
the degenerative blood flow to the cuff as
you get to be about 60 years old. But only
about 70 percent of them will actually need
8 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Root-ing interest: Beet pigment may slow Alzheimer’s
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Health Care & Wellness Institute in Wabas- Dr. Deepti Sadhwani.
so, says that earlier studies have shown bet-
Researchers from the University of South anin to be an effective antioxidant. Oxida- PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Florida in Tampa say changes in the brain tion is a normal function that occurs as our
that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s dis- bodies metabolize oxygen we breathe. But betanin was shown to neutralize the free
ease may be slowed down by betanin, an oxidation can result in the production of radicals that cause oxidative damage.”
anti-oxidant substance found in a common an excess of unstable molecules called free
root vegetable. radicals that contribute to inflammation. The results of the team’s research were
“Antioxidants such as betanin have proper- presented at the 255th National Meeting &
First, some background. ties that can help prevent oxidative stress,” Exposition of the American Chemical Soci-
Our brains produce protein fragments Dr. Sadhwani says. ety, held in New Orleans in March.
called beta-amyloid, which, when things
are working as they should, are broken From previous research, the Tampa team Li-June Ming and his team did not claim
down and rendered harmless. But in Alz- knew that the formation of beta-amyloid that betanin can prevent Alzheimer’s en-
heimer’s, these protein fragments cluster clusters is often dependent on how they tirely, but they do say it may provide the
together, disrupting the normal signaling bind to zinc and copper molecules in the key to tackling the disease’s physiological
between neurons. The clusters also trig- brain. The team decided to see whether roots. Darrell Cole Cerrato, a graduate stu-
ger the nervous system’s inflammatory adding betanin into the mix could disrupt dent working with Li-June, says “we can say
response, something that anti-oxidants that formation. that it reduces oxidation, perhaps even to
combat. the point where it slows the aggregation of
The team from Tampa was intrigued by Using sophisticated machinery and a beta-amyloid peptides, which is believed to
a study, published in 2017, that showed compound called DTBC, the team con- be the ultimate cause of Alzheimer’s.”
drinking beetroot juice before aerobic ex- ducted a series of laboratory experiments
ercise made the aging brain look younger in which they observed the level of oxida- Ming says “this is just a first step, but we
by increasing blood flow and regulating the tive damage when beta-amyloid bound to hope that our findings will encourage other
circulation of oxygen. Team leader Li-June copper molecules. The researchers then scientists to look for structures similar to
Ming, a chemistry professor, and his col- added beet-derived betanin to the mix, and
leagues set out to determine whether bet- saw that the amount of oxidation was re-
anin, the pigment found in beets that gives duced by up to 90 percent.
the vegetable its dark red color, could be
used to prevent beta-amyloid from forming This discovery led the team to speculate
into harmful clusters. that betanin could contribute to develop-
Dr. Deepti Sadhwani, of the Quality ment of better drugs to treat Alzheimer’s.
Says Wabasso’s Dr. Sadhwani: “In this study,
betanin that could be used to synthesize
drugs that could help those who suffer from
this disease.”
Dr. Sadhwani says the “similar to bet-
anin” part of Ming’s statement is signifi-
cant. She says “betanin is likely not unique,
and other antioxidants could produce sim-
ilar results. This is good news, as it opens
the door to broader research about the role
of antioxidants in the treatment of Alzhei-
Dr. Sadhwani is board-certified in inter-
nal and bariatric medicine and specializ-
es in disease prevention and reversal. The
Quality Health Care & Wellness Institute is
located at 8701 U.S. 1. Their phone num-
ber is 772-228-8480; their website is https://
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 29, 2018 9
Eye say: Treat glaucoma early to prevent blindness
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist ma is extremely important, because there of your cornea, the transparent part of the leaves the eye. This makes it easier for fluid
are treatments that may save remaining front of the eye. to exit the eye. Over time, the effect of this
Q. What exactly does glaucoma do to your vision. surgery may wear off. Patients who have
eyes? The most common treatments for glau- laser surgery may need to keep taking glau-
Almost 3 million people in the U.S. have coma are medication and surgery. Medica- coma drugs.
Glaucoma is defined as a group of dis- glaucoma. Those at highest risk are Afri- tions for glaucoma may come in eye drops
eases that can damage the eye’s optic can-Americans, everyone over age 60, and or pills. For most people with glaucoma, Studies have shown that the early detec-
nerve, which carries images from the eye people with a family history of glaucoma. regular use of medications will control the tion and treatment of glaucoma is the best
to the brain. Here’s how glaucoma works: increased fluid pressure. way to control the disease. So, have your
Glaucoma is just one reason seniors eyes examined thoroughly and regularly
A clear fluid flows through a small space should make regular visits to an eye doc- Laser surgery is another treatment for if you are in a high-risk category. And that
at the front of the eye called the “anterior tor. Glaucoma is detected through a com- glaucoma. The laser is focused on the part includes all of us geezers.
chamber.” If you have glaucoma, the fluid prehensive eye exam that includes a visu- of the anterior chamber where the fluid
drains too slowly out of the eye and pres- al acuity test, visual field test, dilated eye
sure builds up. This pressure may damage exam, tonometry and pachymetry. Is The One-Stop Location
the optic nerve. for All of Your Medical Services
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ma starts out with no symptoms. With-
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10 July 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
CowaBonzo! Hittin’ the beach for Dog Surf Classic
Hi Dog Buddies! “Dog, Waldo, that took PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD enced and some gremmies – Rip-
a lotta thought!” tide Leach, a Golden Retriever;
I am MEGA-STOKED! This week I had a the board, nose up or tucked, paws for- Utah Broadbent; Minx Calhoun,
Total Blast, an added to my Bucket List. “You bet your biscuits! ward or back, straight or crouching, what- a Lab; first-timer Bella Kepfer,
I’m in Pro Solo an I’m see- ever it took to ride in, looking good, avoid- a small but fearless Yorkie; an
Remember that laid-back surfer pooch in’ serious hot-paws com- ing leaping or falling (soggy-dogging) into Bodhi Geer, a brown-an-white
Waldo Leverette, a Tibetan Terrier I innerv- petition out there, so I’m the drink before reaching shore. mix. Earlier Minx had told me she
iewed a few years back? He’s Way Cool Kib- gonna go grab some prac- an her Dad Bob had organized
bles: rocks dark sunnies, a flower lei an a tice. Later, dude!” Waldo’s Solo Pro field was larger and the whole event, and that most
neon green ball cap with custom ear holes. more intense cuz, once their human of the competitors were ‘Second
Gotta doghouse fulla trophies. An off he went. Woof, partners got the surfers positioned, the Family’ or rescue pooches, which
did I ever wanna get Out poocheroos were on their own. And these I thought was Majorly Awesome
I didn’t get to see him ackshully surf There, but, alas, I was On dogs were bringin’ their ‘A’ game.
back then, but he said he’d woof-mail me The Clock. So I opened my Dog Biscuits, don’t you?
when there was a com-puh-TISH-en near- notebook and innerduced With Waldo’s champion reputation, ev- I wish you pooches cudda
by. Well, he finally did! So, last week, me myself around, tryin’ to erybody was lookin’ to beat him. His stiff-
an my assistant went down to Pepper Park look as cool as possible. est competition, it looked like from where been there. The Solo was So
Beach at, like, 8 a.m. (for Lassie’s Sake), to The surfer pooches all had I sat, was Lily Voight, who had nailed first Exciting! The beach was full of
see the East Coast Dog Surfing Associa- their posses helpin’ em get in the Tandem, and Bonnie, second in Tan- humans an pooches cheerin’
tion’s first-ever St. Lucie Dog Surf Classic: ready. There were a lotta dem. Both ladies were lookin’ strong in for their favs. The waves were
“Surf Paws: Hang 20.” It was a fundraiser non-surfer pooches too, their solo practice runs. Waldo had better crankin’ near shore so most everyone got
for the St. Lucie County Humane Society. hangin’ out on beach towels just watchin.’ watch his caboose, I was thinkin.’ some good rides. The judges, all surfers
Missy Plummer was one of the latter, a themselves, called the com-puh-TISH-en,
When we got there, there was already pretty Lab mix. “We’re Waldo’s cheerleaders,” said Little makin’ it even more excitin’!
a line of pooches signin’ in, and a bunch Bit, a perky Maltese. “We try to get to all his “She’s up! She’s down! She’s all right!
more on the beach practicing.’ “I like coming to the beach, getting a competitions.” There’s a Clean-up set coming to shore!
liddle sand on my paws. All this is so-o ex- A big set comin’ in! It’s neck-an-neck for
“Yo, Doood!” citing. Getting wet, not so much. It makes The rest of the Solo field – some experi- some of these bad boys! They’re givin’ it
It was Waldo! Lookin’ Majorly Surf Dog me feel all yukky.” She lowered her voice. their all! Whoa! It’s the wave of the day!
in those sunnies, flower lei, ballcap an “Some of us have a liddle pool going. Wan- DON’T BE SHY THIS IS IT!!”
matching life-vest. Cool as a bowl of water na get in? It’s only two Small Dog Milk In the end, girls ruled. Lily Voight took
with extra ice cubes. Bones.” We are always looking for pets her second First Place trophy, and Waldo
“Good to see ya, Dawg!” I said. with interesting stories. settled for second.
“Back atcha, Bonzerooni! Great you “Tempting, but I’m on the job, so-o …” “I’ve been surfing for 2 anna half years,”
could make it!” He squinted at the glassy Cooper Monuszko, a frenly brindle Ca- To set up an interview, email Lily said, executing a graceful nose-to-tail
water. “It’s a liddle flat out there, but it tahoula mix, was amazed the surf pooches [email protected]. shakeout. “That Waldo really keeps me on
should pick up. I’m totally stoked about could stay standing on their boards. “How my toes, fer sure. I totally love the com-
this big turn-out! Didja know me an my do they DO that? Do they have, like, Velcro puh-TISH-en! Can’t wait for the next one.”
Dad Mike wrote the com-puh-TISH-en on their paws?” Waldo was drooped out, but philosoph-
rules?” Cooper’s a very happy rescue. He told ical. “A little Humble never hurt. Can’t be
“No Woof!” me he’d been homeless, then lived at Big too cocky. Anyway,” he grinned, “next time
“There’s a bunch. We call the Judging Dog Ranch, before finding his Forever that trophy is MINE.”
Guidelines PAWS. Clever, right? P stands Home with his Dad Jim. Heading home, I was adding to my
for Poise (or Attitude), like, is the surfdog The Tandem Paddle Board competitors Bucket List. “Ride a wave, standing up, one
happy? A is for Awareness, is the surfdog and their human partners were on the wa- time.” I wonder if doing it in our swim-
facing forward? Does he/she know where ter practicing: Big Wave Bonnie Gelman, ming pool would count. COWABUNGA!
he’s/she’s going? W’s for Wave. Is the surf- a Catahoula Dalmatian mix; Rikon Wil-
er in control all the way in? And S is for loughby, a Shepherd mix; Lilly Anderson, The Bonz
Sports(dog)manship. This applies to both a little terrier; newbee Cole Watkins, a
dog an human.” spunky black dashchund mix rescue; Lily
Voigt, a pretty yellow Lab; an another Lab
Mix, Samuel.
They all had their own style of sticking
Fine-featured home overlooks
golf course at Indian River Club
898 Carolina Circle SW in Indian River Club: Spacious 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,000-square-foot golf course home with swimming pool
offered for $628,000 by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices listing agent Peggy Hewett: 772-321-4282
12 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Fine-featured home overlooks course at Indian River Club
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer and oak hammock habitat, and attracts
[email protected] world-class golfers. “We watched profes-
sionals teeing off there who were qualify-
Kathleen and Louis Cozens found each ing for the U.S. Open,” Kathleen said.
other later in life, their courtship includ-
ed building a house in Indian River Club The couple also enjoys views of the 17th
and taking up golf together. After 15 years and 10th greens.
of enjoying their 3,000-square-foot in-
land home, perfect for entertaining fami- The house has a deeply pitched roof
ly and friends, they’re moving oceanside, to accommodate 12-to-14-foot ceilings
which promises new experiences. Friends inside. The façade is welcoming. It has a
needn’t fret. They’re not moving far, and central gable and wide front porch. Gen-
they’re keeping their golf membership at tle arches connect square pillars, a recur-
Indian River Club. ring motif inside. The overhang shades
big mullioned windows graced with leaf-
The custom-built home at 898 Carolina green shutters. The wide brick stoop and
Circle SW was built by Maria and Fred Di- double cut-glass front door say “look in
Rocco, another close couple who became on us neighbor,” pineapple-themed light
their friends; both passed away recently in fixtures underlining the home’s hospitality.
quick succession.
Visitors’ cars were considered in the lay-
Fred DiRocco founded DiRocco Con- out. The attached garage is oversize, wide
struction in 1974 and built 32 of the near- enough for two cars and a golf-cart and the
ly 245 homes in Indian River Club. Maria generous driveway and parking area will
owned Designs in Cabinetry and was an accommodate guests’ cars.
interior designer. They lived in a series of
homes they designed in Indian River Club. Inside, the soaring ceilings give play to
attractive architectural elements. Arched
It’s evident the couples collaborated doorways, 10-foot French doors, heavy
well as they co-designed and built the wooden multi-paneled doors, partial
home on Carolina Circle, combining vi- walls, transom windows, vaulted ceilings,
sions to bridge traditional and transitional a tray ceiling, pocket doors, niches, wain-
styles. It’s also clear functionality was con- scoting and built-in cabinetry would be
sidered as much as beauty. overwhelming in a lower space, but are
beautifully proportioned here.
To begin with, fill was brought in to im-
prove the view of the tee box at the 11th Maria DiRocco’s built-in cabinetry is the
hole on the community’s Audubon Sig- star of the house and is found in nearly
nature Sanctuary golf course, which pre- every room. The dining room cabinet has
serves sandy ridge, standing pine, marsh a white antique finish with gold trim and
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 29, 2018 13
pilaster stiles. The upper part of the hutch About 14 feet of built-in desk, hutch and Hurricane Impact Doors
has 10 glass-door sections that perfectly filing space keeps high finance organized. & Impact Glass,
display the Cozens’ wedding china. The We Have It All!
lower drawers hold Easter and Thanksgiv- The two guest bedrooms and master
ing china and platters, making it a hard- bedroom exhibit Pythagorean propor-
working beauty. tions. Wainscoting, trim, color schemes
and window treatments form pleasing
Most of the cabinets in the kitchen have golden rectangles impossible to achieve
a cherry finish, the refrigerator also given a without the high ceilings.
cabinet front. The bank of cabinets is housed
in a shallow space with an arched overhang, The master bath is among the most
a rarely seen architectural feature. A partial beautiful rooms in the house, Maria Di-
wall holds other cabinets, leaving the kitch- Rocco’s cabinetry displayed best in the
en open and accessible to the surrounding intimate space. His-and-her break-front
open-floor-plan common rooms. vanities have rich granite counters. Pecan
wood hutches with elaborate arched caps
The island and breakfast bar revert to are supported by raised-panel side cabi-
the white antique finish. Granite count- nets that frame large mirrors with torch-
ers pick up colors in the warm and pale iere sconces.
woods. The back splash and other count-
The walk-in shower has his-and-her ar-
ers are in tumbled marble, the contrast of eas, each with four shower heads, one of Transform Your Existing Door from
rough and smooth textures bringing out them detachable. There is also a big tub Boring to Beautiful!
the beauty in each. with a generous surround to hold stacks of
towels, candles and unguents. ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
The family room has a handsome fire- ■ Customize to your style
place with a tumbled marble surround Every closet, including the two his-and- ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
and French doors that lead to a summer her walk-in closets, has built-in storage. ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
kitchen. The covered porch has a bead- Other hidden practicalities include solar ■ Fiberglass Doors
board ceiling with arched openings onto panels that heat the home water supply ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
the pool area and chunky brick pavers re- and the pool. ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
calling the tumbled marble. The pool was ■ Etching
designed for lap swimming, the spa for “We’ve had a houseful of guests and ■ Schlage Hardware
loafing, side-by-side work and play anoth- we’ve never run out of water,” Kathleen ■ Mirror Wraps
er theme of the house. said. “The solar heating is amazing.”
Regency Square
The office has French doors, “so I can see A security system, new air conditioning
what’s going on while I work,” Louis said. and big laundry room with lots of storage will 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
add to the next owners’ ease and comfort.
Neighborhood: Indian River Club • Year built: 2003
Home size: 3,000 square feet
Lot size: 71 feet by 134 feet, .22 acres
Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 3
Additional features: Attached two-car and golf-cart garage, se-
curity system, expansive screened lanai, large swimming pool,
brick-paver deck, covered porch, summer kitchen, granite and
tumbled marble counters, island in kitchen, tile floors, crown
molding, built-in cabinetry, solar hearing for water and pool,
golf course views, new AC
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Peggy Hewett, 772-321-4282
Listing price: $628,000
14 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Summer’s now officially here, and the heat has been turned up on the mainland real estate market, with
41 single-family residences and lots selling from June 18-22 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 260 Sea Gull Avenue. First listed last July for
$799,000, the 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 2,989-square-foot abode sold for $615,000 on June 18.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 220 Midvale Terrace. Originally listed in April for
$299,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,992-square-foot home fetched $280,000 on June 19.
VERO BEACH 260 SEA GULL AVENUE 7/18/2017 $799,000 6/18/2018 $455,000
VERO BEACH 5600 62ND PLACE 3/23/2018 $469,900 6/20/2018 $410,000
VERO BEACH 6960 41ST STREET 3/1/2018 $429,900 6/21/2018 $375,000
VERO BEACH 900 SAINT JAMES LANE 5/11/2017 $429,900 6/18/2018 $355,000
VERO BEACH 5464 BARBADOS SQUARE 2/19/2018 $363,000 6/18/2018 $328,800
VERO BEACH 3343 BURLINGTON PLACE SW 6/11/2018 $348,800 6/22/2018 $300,000
VERO BEACH 6251 COVERTY COURT 8/29/2017 $350,000 6/18/2018 $291,400
VERO BEACH 1706 1ST PLACE 3/20/2018 $299,900 6/20/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 615 10TH STREET 4/27/2018 $309,000 6/22/2018 $287,000
VERO BEACH 3256 59TH AVENUE 4/18/2018 $300,000 6/22/2018 $280,000
SEBASTIAN 220 MIDVALE TERRACE 4/16/2018 $299,000 6/19/2018 $279,000
VERO BEACH 733 FORTUNELLA CIRCLE SW 3/15/2018 $289,990 6/19/2018 $272,000
SEBASTIAN 207 BARBOSSA DRIVE 3/30/2018 $275,000 6/19/2018 $265,000
VERO BEACH 370 53RD CIRCLE 5/9/2018 $259,000 6/19/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 29, 2018 15
5600 62nd Place, Vero Beach 6960 41st Street, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/23/2018 Listing Date: 3/1/2018
Original Price: $469,900 Original Price: $429,900
Sold: 6/20/2018 Sold: 6/21/2018
Selling Price: $455,000 Selling Price: $410,000
Listing Agent: Roberta Richichi Listing Agent: Sharon L Davis
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty of VB Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty of VB
Nancy L Bastian Not Provided
Atlantic Shores Realty Exec’s Not Provided
900 Saint James Lane, Vero Beach 5464 Barbados Square, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 5/11/2017 Listing Date: 2/19/2018
Original Price: $429,900 Original Price: $363,000
Sold: 6/18/2018 Sold: 6/18/2018
Selling Price: $375,000 Selling Price: $355,000
Listing Agent: Stacey Lynn Morabito Listing Agent: Sam Suzanne Robbins
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Sally Weld Lurie Deborah Lyon
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Coldwell Banker Paradise
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Coming Up! Adam Schnell.
SATURDAY TO SAVOR ‘Block’ party: Music lovers
await string camp concerts PAGE B2
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Summertime is festival time, and in
July, festivals tend toward the patri-
otic. This Saturday, in historic downtown
Vero, for example, it’s the “Burgers and
Brews Festival: An American Heritage Cele-
bration.” Starting at 11 a.m., in the (air-con-
ditioned) Heritage Center, you’ll get to lunch
on (and vote on) some of the best burgers/
sliders in these parts, lovingly crafted by
more than 10 local restaurants, all bringing
their ‘A’ game as they vie for People’s Choice
and Judges Choice glory. The free street fes-
tival and live music get going at 1 p.m. and
feature a pair of popular groups. The ver-
satile Ladies of Soul band features a trio of
strong female vocalists and back-up musi-
cians. They can bring Motown, disco, R&B,
contemporary and jazz, or channel Whitney
Houston, Donna Summers or Sade. Based
in Jupiter, Tom Jackson (Tom Jackson Band)
is a country rocker who’s been on stage, ac-
cording to his website, virtually his entire
life. His style is “new, driving, aggressive
country, with a rock edge,” employing a vo-
cal range that other singers “would die for.”
Jackson’s most popular songs go from “the
mud slingin,’ four wheelin,’ redneck anthem
‘Lovin’ the Mud’ to fan favorite ballad ‘First
Time Again.’” The festival includes a comfy,
1 Saturday in historic downtown. air-cooled VIP pavilion with cocktails, beer, in downtown Vero this Saturday. FYI: All 2 Red, white and blue becomes the new
soda, and the Burger and Slider contest/ proceeds from the Best Burger Contest and black in Sebastian on the 4th of July, as
luncheon; a Children’s Zone, with bounce Slider Luncheon; VIP Pavilion; Red, White has been the tradition for almost half a cen-
houses, a petting zoo and lots and lots and Brew tank top sales; and Burgers and tury, when thousands gather to celebrate our
more; and a street-full of food trucks, ven- Brews Festival beverage sales support Unit- country’s Independence this year at the 46th
dors, a fire truck and myriad other activities ed Against Poverty of Indian River County. annual Parade and Freedom Fest. Probably
for all ages. Did I mention the apple pie-eat- Festival times and tickets: Heritage Center the most popular, and certainly the biggest,
ing contest and the “Best Apple Pie” con- contest/luncheon, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., $30; VIP July 4 celebration on the Treasure Coast, this
test? Can you get any more all-American Pavilion, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., $80; Children’s free, patriotic family event kicks off at 8:30
than that? So, unless you’re a total grump, Zone, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., free; street festival a.m. with a big parade, marching south along
you’ll find something fun and interesting and music, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., free.
B2 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
‘Block’ party: Music lovers await string camp concerts
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Performance at last year’s camp.
[email protected]
It has become a glorious summer tradi-
tion in Vero Beach – a series of free concerts
performed by the faculty of a music camp
that includes world-class musicians in a
genre spanning Celtic, bluegrass, folk, rock,
jazz and world music.
The Mike Block String Camp and its con-
certs speak to America’s multicultural her-
itage, especially meaningful coming as it
does around the Fourth of July.
What Grammy-winning cellist Mike Block
has drolly dubbed the Vero Beach Interna-
tional Music Festival begins in the middle of
camp week with the first of three concerts that
celebrate the diverse roots of American music
and the global tradition of improvisation.
The Wednesday, July 11, concert and an-
other on Friday, July 13, primarily feature
the camp’s faculty, with advanced students
joining in. A third concert on Saturday after-
noon, July 14, features all the students plus
faculty, with the audience joining in for a
barn dance afterwards.
The small-town feel of the festival and its
venue – First Presbyterian Church – makes
the extensive travels of its performers all
the more impressive, infusing the typically
packed hall with a global awareness.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 29, 2018 B3
Mike Block. public schools and, in 2010, staged the first are packed with athon camp
Mike Block String Camp here. camps. This year, concert in Vero
Block was training at Juilliard when he he begins with a few years back.
first played with Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road En- Right off, the camp drew students from as one at Berklee in late June, then Vero, then
semble in 2005; he went on to become far away as Australia and Sweden as well as four more before winding up in Marshall, With Eggleston absent
founding director of the Silk Road Global from Vero. It also appeals to adults, includ- Michigan, in August for a camp focused on this year (he is at a festival in Germany), the
Musician Workshop. He briefly appeared ing classical musicians eager to learn fiddle the mandolin. role of rhythm wizard goes to Joe Craven,
in a stirring documentary, “The Music of techniques. a multi-instrumentalist known for fractur-
Strangers,” that screened in theaters two The increasingly popular fiddle camps can ing the fiddle fans not only with various
years ago before airing on HBO. An album Block later added a second week for ad- nowclaimathemesong–“FinalNightatCamp” stringed instruments, but on any available
recorded and released in conjunction with vanced students and curriculum for exist- – the title cut on Block’s album on his new la-
the film, “Sing Me Home,” earned the en- ing bands. The camp this year is condensed bel, Bright Shiny Things. Block solo toured CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
semble – including Block – a Grammy. to one week only, meaning concert-goers more than a dozen cities including London
will not have to miss favorite faculty per- last fall and published a book of 28 non-clas-
In January, Yo-Yo Ma, Block and Hanneke formers who, in prior years, may have been sical cello etudes. Among the 13 contributors
Cassel, one of the country’s top Scottish fid- in Vero for only one of those weeks. are two string camp faculty alums: Celtic
dlers and a regular on the Vero faculty, went cellist Natalie Haas and the mind-bending
to China, the starting point of the ancient Silk The overlay of three avenues of study Rushad Eggleston, a cellist whose fantastical
Road to trade not in silk but in music. Joined means greater exposure and a wider range of performance dressed as an elf capped a mar-
by legendary American bassist Edgar Meyer, mentors for the 85 students registered. More
they taught and performed at a youth music advanced students will train by improvising
festival in Guangzhou. Cassel, who married alongside faculty. The musicians in his Flor-
Block four years ago, taught a reel to a group ida Band Incubator (or FBI, as Block likes to
of Chinese musicians, even persuading a few say) will learn not only performance skills
to learn the basic steps in the dance. but survival skills navigating the challenges
of the music business.
Block, who plays cello standing up with
his instrument slung across his body on Fiddle music – a broad term since it in-
a strap of his own invention, was the first cludes many more instruments than just the
to play stand-up cello in Carnegie Hall – a violin – is largely improvisational. It is also
performance the New York Times called collaborative, and many of the faculty have
“breathless ... half-dance, half-dare.” performed together before. Darol Anger, who
teaches at Boston’s Berklee College of Music,
He initially visited Vero a decade ago at has perhaps the most star-studded resume.
the invitation of the family of a student at
a camp in the Midwest where he was teach- That’s Darol Anger playing on the NPR
ing. While here, Block offered workshops in show “Car Talk,” along with Earl Scruggs, Da-
vid Grisman and Tony Rice. He also played
on the soundtrack of the Sim City computer
games. He was a founding member of the Da-
vid Grisman Quartet, a 1970s era band that
presaged the modern bluegrass revolution,
and played in the Turtle Island Quartet. But
he is best known for his own band, Republic
of Strings, which continues to break ground
in modernizing bluegrass. He has performed
and taught with fellow “newgrass” luminaries
Bill Frisell, Edgar Meyer and Bela Fleck, and
the great jazz violinist Stephane Grappelli.
Anger recently put together a band for
just a couple of performances that included
Mike Block faculty alum Joe Walsh, the first
Berklee graduate in mandolin, who also now
teaches at Berklee, as does Block himself.
Another string camp faculty regular, Lau-
ren Rioux, toured Europe and the U.K. with
Anger and Block in Republic of Strings; she
now runs a studio in Maine.
Like many on the faculty, Anger’s summers
B4 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 2 Sebastian 4th of July Parade at 8:30 a.m.
object – from a trash can to his own cheek. CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 6-7, it’s time for another let-your-hair-down sion’s five summer shows: all terrific en-
Craven is a longtime friend of mandolin- Howl at the Moon Experience with a Vegas tertainment for the whole family to share.
3 Indian River Drive from Davis Street to Nights theme. First, get your feet tapping and This Friday, June 29, some of the area’s best
ist David Grisman. He not only played with the Freedom Festival grounds at River- your appetite satisfied at Live in the Loop, the young singers, dancers and actors, 7 to 11
Grisman and the Grateful Dead’s Jerry Garcia view Park. There will be plenty of food, bever- really beautiful outdoor venue with excellent years old, will take the stage in a joyful,
on the legendary progressive bluegrass album ages, crafts and all sorts of vendors, and live food and full bar, plus free live music. Clas- one-hour live performance based on the
“Shady Grove,” Craven co-wrote the title track. music will fill the air throughout the day. At sic rock-and-roll is on tap with the Comfort animated hit musical movie “Madagascar.”
dusk, of course, everyone gathers for the festi- Zone band Friday and the Happy Cake Duo If you have kids, you’ve likely laughed your
“Everything Joe touches turns to music,” val’s always spectacular grand finale fireworks Saturday. Then head inside to the spacious way through the hilarious film, and you can
said Grisman. show. To get the all-American experience theater lobby, which will be transformed into expect to be delighted at this show as well.
first-hand, turn off the TV and enjoy the real a Vegas-style casino, with blackjack and craps Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the
Each year, Block makes a point of in- thing in Sebastian. TIP: Arrive as early as you tables and poker. You’ll use Riverside’s “funny giraffe, Gloria the Hip-Hop Hippo and the
cluding world music; often, the nation can stand for speedier parking. But whenever money” and (hopefully) turn in your win- bonkers plotting penguins take you along
represented is India. Violinist Trina Basu you arrive, be assured the Sebastian PD and nings for a chance at some prizes. Do you feel on the “musical adventure of a lifetime,”
was classically trained but now includes a battalion of dedicated volunteers are terrific lucky? Vegas Nights benefit Riverside’s The- when this crack-a-lackin’ bunch escape
American folk and Carnatic violin in her at handling the parking in a friendly, cheerful atre for Kids classes and camps scholarships. from their home in the Central Park Zoo
repertoire of choice. Raised in Miami and and efficient manner. Festival hours: 8:30 a.m. Live in the Loop, 6:30 p.m. Free. Vegas Nights, and embark on a wild and crazy journey to
a graduate of Florida State University, Basu to 9 p.m. 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Tickets: $12 to $22. kooky King Julien’s mad-mad-Madagascar
lives in New York, where her ensemble, Kar- 772-231-6990. (Jr.). You’ll all probably still be getting down
avika, just did an album release at Joe’s Pub. 4 You can pretty much always count on to “Move It, Move It!” as you head to your
She has performed with Ed Sheeran, Urban Riverside Theatre to keep weekends 5 “Madagascar Jr.” is the first of the car. Stark Stage curtain: 2 p.m. Tickets: $10.
Bush Women and Mos Def. She also plays from becoming ho-hum snoozers, even in Riverside Theatre Education Divi- 772-231-6990.
with another Mike Block faculty member: the summer. Next Friday and Saturday, July
Arun Ramamurthy, whose album “Jazz Car-
natica” was named a Top New Release by
NPR’s New Sounds.
Zach Brock, another Grammy winner on
the faculty, is a rock star in the eyes of the
kids at camp. They are not alone: Brock was
named Downbeat magazine’s 2013 “Rising
Star Violinist” and for years has played with
bassist legend Stanley Clarke. Brock earned
a Grammy last year for his fiddle playing
with Snarky Puppy, a Brooklyn-based col-
lective led by Michael League.
Other performers at this year’s festival
include Kimber Ludiker, a two-time Grand
National Fiddle Champion from Washing-
ton State and founder of the Nashville-based
soulful bluegrass all-women band, Della
Mae. And there is Toronto-based cellist Eric
Wright, another Berklee graduate, who in
2017 won a Juno award – Canada’s Grammy
equivalent – for Instrumental Album of the
Year, recorded with his band The Fretless.
The July 11 and July 13 concerts begin at
7:30 p.m.; the July 14 concert and barn dance
begin at 3 p.m. All are at First Presbyterian
Church. Concerts are free; donations to Mike
Block String Camp Scholarship Fund are
appreciated. For more information, visit ver-
at 11am 1. Before We Were Yours 1. The Best Cook in the 1. Restart BY GORDON KORMAN
The Annual BY LISA WINGATE World BY RICK BRAGG 3. Everything, Everything
Bubble Wrap 2. Three Days in Moscow
2. Tm Clancy's Line of Sight BY NICOLA YOON
And BY MIKE MADEN 4. Third Grade Mermaid & the
Patriotic Party 3. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 4. Assume the Worst
5. The Fates Divide
Celebrate Independence Day Children’s Store “Style”. BY MATTHEW SULLIVAN BY CARL HIAASEN
There will be a fun patriotic craft, and to top off all the BY VERONICA ROTH
fun, we will simulate fireworks by jumping on bubble 4. The Death of 5. Killers of the Flower Moon
Mrs. Westaway BY RUTE WARE
wrap! Have a blast at this family friendly event! BY DAVID GRANN
5. The High Tide Club
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE June 29, 2018 B5
Guild’s Genie Awards gala sparkles with theatrical flair
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer and Outstanding Male Vocalist; Kaitlin The shows would not have been pos-
[email protected] Ruby, Outstanding Female Vocalist; and sible without the support of individuals
Aidan McDonnell, Supporting Actor in a working behind the scenes, and among
It was a night to remember for Vero Musical and Outstanding Juvenile. the awards recognizing support crews
Beach Theatre Guild members, who all and volunteers for their tireless work
shone brightly at the 2018 Genie Awards Eleanor Dixon received the award was this year’s Lifetime Member Award
dinner last Saturday evening at the Elks for Leading Actress in a Play for “The winner, Larry Strauss.
Lodge, closing out their 60th anniversa- Lady With all the Answers.” The play
ry season with the celebration of anoth- “To Kill a Mockingbird” garnered The guild announced that for the first
er successful year. awards for Samuel McDuffie, Out- time in its 60-year history; the 2018-19
standing Rookie; Tori Hallsten, Female season will feature performances year
The Genie Awards were named in Newcomer; Shara Kyles, Supporting round.
honor of Eugene Davis, one of the guild’s Actress in a Play; and Jon Putzke and
first resident directors, and honor ex- Shawn Webber, Best Set Design. Visit verobeachtheatreguild.com for
cellence in theater by recognizing the more information and tickets.
contributions of the cast, crew and vol-
Jon Putzke, VBTG president, shared Eleanor and Dan Dixon.
that the guild had recently acquired
scrapbooks belonging to Davis, which Commenting that every member of
chronicled the early years of the com- the cast and crew is essential, former
munity theater. He noted that the first guild president and “Little Shop of Hor-
Genie Awards ceremony had lasted until rors” director Mark Wygonik borrowed
4 a.m., and had garnered press coverage wise words from the late American bit
in publications from Miami to Daytona actor Dabbs Greer, saying “every actor in
Beach. their own little sphere is the lead.”
“Tonight we’re going to remember The 2017-18 Outstanding Production
Eugene Davis by honoring all-star casts Award was presented jointly to: “The
and volunteers, around who the guild Lady With all the Answers,” directed by
actually revolves,” said Putzke. “We may Art Pingree, and “To Kill a Mockingbird,”
shoot for the moon and if we fail, we’re directed by Jon Putzke.
gonna fall among the stars.”
“Lend me a Tenor” was the big winner
Under a canopy of gilded stars, guests of the night in the Play category: Jason
dined on a scrumptious affair catered Avery, Leading Actor; Bill Lembeck, Sup-
by Wild Thyme Catering, before emcee porting Actor; Doy Demsick, Character
Larry Strauss took the floor, admitting Actor; Eleanor Dixon, Character Actress;
to the crowd that serving as Genie em- Claude Cooper, Actor in a Secondary
cee had been one of his bucket list items. Role; and Tennessee Callie, Actress in a
Secondary Role.
Despite sage advice from wife Carole
that involved “no jokes and no singing,” “Little Shop of Horrors” garnered a
the actor hammed it up with a brief mu- number of awards in the Musical cate-
sical interlude and a joke that began, “A gory: Ben Earman, Leading Actor; Kelly
Genie judge and a horse walk into a bar Brown Clemenzi, Leading Actress; Nick
...” Keeler, Character Actor; Courtney God-
win, Sara Gordon and Shannon McNair,
Claude Cooper summed up the sen- Actress in a Secondary Role; and Isabel
timents of many in the crowd as he ac- Garrett, Actress in a Cameo Role.
cepted an award for his role in “Lend me
a Tenor,” saying, “I am so thankful that “The Fantasticks” earned awards
we have this wonderful creative outlet for: Alex Martinez, Male Newcomer
that we can go to and dispense our art
to, hopefully, a grateful public that will
continue to support us in so many ways.”
B6 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE B5 Sandra Black, Sue and Landis Stanfield and Pam Prange. Dana Rogers and Madelyn Rogers.
Jill Hargrave, Sandi Hellstrom-Leonard, Mark Wygonik,
Isabel Garrett and Brian LaCerda. VBTG 2018-19 SEASON
Ben Earman, Kelly Clemenzi and Sheri Brown. MAIN STAGE
OCT. 12: “12 ANGRY MEN”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 29, 2018 B7
Our columnist seeks Indian food fix before returning to Vero
By Tina Rondeau | Columnist We were so excited as we glanced over the These were served with a wonderfully all that much larger than the population
[email protected] menu that we hardly knew where to begin. fragrant, perfectly prepared pilau rice. of Vero Beach. Sure would be wonderful to
have an Indian restaurant as good as this in
So it was Sunday night, flying home to We started by ordering two kinds of Indi- Hard to tell which of the curries was Vero Beach. In fact, it would be wonderful
Vero in the morning from London’s Gatwick an bread – the garlic naan, leavened bread best, though the Goan prawn curry was to have a great Mexican, or a great Chinese,
Airport, a month of great European dining flavored with garlic and baked in a clay pretty wonderful. But they all were pretty restaurant close to home in Vero.
behind me from Lisbon in the south to Nor- oven, and the lacha paratha, crispy and spicy. In fact, they were all very spicy. An
dcapp above the Arctic Circle, but one thing flaky flat Indian bread. SOS for a side of yogurt helped ameliorate I am increasingly confident that one
still missing – my Indian food fix. the heat, but next time (and there will be day soon, some worthy representatives
Then we ordered three different curries: a next time) we will order a slightly better of these cuisines will open in Vero. But
Generally, I periodically get this in Lon- the chef’s special Goan prawn curry, con- balanced selection of dishes. in the meantime, I’m happy to share with
don at Tamarind, which first won a Miche- sisting of king prawns prepared in Goan you off-the-beaten-path restaurants like
lin star in 2001. But Tamarind closed a cou- homemade spices; the chicken vindaloo, We also ordered a vegetarian dish, brin- Jai Ho that I discover in my travels.
ple of months ago to “reinvent” itself, and chicken and potatoes cooked in a spicy cur- jal bhaji, aubergines cooked in a north Indi-
with an early-morning flight just ahead, ry sauce; and the lamb Madras, tender lamb an style, which were milder and delicious. The Vero Beach 32963 food columnist,
I didn’t feel much like schlepping all the in a spicy coconut curry sauce tempered who has been on holiday, will resume review-
way into London to try an unknown Indian with curry leaves and mustard seeds. The population of the Town of Horley, ing local restaurants this coming week.
restaurant for dinner. where Jai Ho is located, is about 22,000 – not
What to do? Well, I had heard a while
ago that an Indian restaurant not far from
Gatwick, Jai Ho, was serving great dishes.
Possible? Well, I looked on the web, and
while you can’t always rely on TripAdvisor,
it ranked Jai Ho the top restaurant of all
kinds in the entire area.
So, we summoned a cab, and off we went
to Jai Ho. (It turned out to be a 15-minute
ride from Gatwick and cost us 14 pounds.
‘Outrageous,’ the proprietor snorted when
we asked him to summon a cab for the re-
turn. So following his instructions, we had a
nice stroll back to our hotel following dinner.
It took 20 minutes and only cost us calories.)
But Jai Ho, which won the English Cur-
ry Awards for the South East of England
two years in a row (don’t laugh; this is a big
deal in Britain), is in fact the kind of Indian
restaurant we would all love to have in Vero.
In fact, Indian food lovers would be thrilled
to have it within a 90-minute drive of Vero.
B8 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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B10 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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B12 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 29, 2018 B13
832 QJ7 10 9 6 4
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A9754 83 K62
63 A 10 9 8 2 K75
Marcel Marceau, a French mime expert, said, “To communicate through silence is a link Q 10 8 A54 J97
between the thoughts of man.”
That certainly applies to bridge players, who must communicate with their partners, both AK5
during the auction and on defense, without using any explanatory words. However, even Q J 10
with good communication, the information available must be processed and applied QJ4
correctly. K632
In this weeks deal, for example, South is in three no-trump. What should happen after Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
West leads his fourth-highest heart?
The Bidding:
Declarer starts with six top tricks: three spades, one diamond and two clubs. He will get
a heart trick and can gain three or four more winners from the diamond suit. But if that SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
finesse is losing, he could concede one diamond and four hearts to go down one. 1 NT Pass 3NT All Pass
East wins the first trick with the heart king, under which South drops the jack, let’s say. 5 Hearts
East returns the heart six, and declarer smoothly plays his queen. At this point, West will
be tempted to take the trick, hoping that South started with only two hearts. But if West
does win with his ace and return a heart, declarer takes the trick, runs the diamond
queen and comes home with an overtrick.
If East had started with K-10-6-2 of hearts, he would have led back the two: low from three
remaining cards. When he actually played the six (high from an extant doubleton), West
should realize that he must duck this trick to keep communication with his partner. Then,
when East gets in with the diamond king, he leads his third heart, and the contract fails.
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B14 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Prison time (slang) (4) 2 Pastoral poem (5)
4 Bribe (3) 3 Frustrating; debonair (7)
6 Invoke (4) 4 Brazilian dance (5)
8 Alabaster (6) 5 Published without permission (7)
9 Embitter (6) 6 Nip (5)
10 Petitioner (8) 7 Permitted (7)
11 Falcon (4) 10 Mongrel (3)
12 Easily improvised (5-3-5) 13 Chorist (anag.) (7)
17 Pack (4) 14 Flying display (7)
19 Rebound (8) 15 Shackle (7)
22 Advanced technology (2,4) 16 Still (3)
23 Hairy (6) 18 Snatch (5)
24 Close (4) 20 Easy, undemanding (5)
25 Method (3) 21 Two strokes below par (5)
26 Christmas (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 29, 2018 B15
ACROSS 77 Salve preceder 73 Flower by a The Washington Post
1 Director’s first try 79 European 7 ___ Marbles windmill
8 Watcher over WAY OUT OF AFRICA By Merl Reagle
8 Movie terrier security org. 74 Drab color?
12 Some degrees: 80 Sinuous dance Odysseus 75 Leveled
81 Florida city 9 Noted jockey’s 78 “Scram!”
abbr. 84 One for the 81 Ailment ending
16 Center of ’40s nickname 82 Ailment ender
book? 10 Actor Roth 83 Escapade
radar 85 Customers 11 Rip out ___
research 87 Actress Torres 84 “Saw,” e.g.
19 Start of an 88 Impatient remark (prepare for a 86 Mt. Rushmore’s
editorial by the sewing job) st.
African Andy to an African 89 Architect
Rooney? storyteller? 12 Long, thin loaves Christopher
22 Open-mouthed 92 “___ changed! of bread 90 Claus sounds
reaction Honest!”
23 Great novel about 93 Sportscaster 13 Italian car 91 Boy who meets
Africa? Cross 14 Tanker magnate, 33 Across
24 Punter’s 94 The ___ Stone
breakfast? 95 Up a tree to pals 96 Poe’s A. Gordon
25 Mauna ___ 97 Most rundown 15 Hearing et al. 98 Brown hue
26 Evening do 100 16 Across, e.g. 16 Tries (for) 99 Surrounded by
27 “Sometimes you 103 Star’s home? 17 Short victory
feel like ___; 104 Sam of Georgia trouble
sometimes you 105 Patisserie speech? 101 Comb defiers
don’t” purchase 18 Written words 102 Western U.S.
28 Start of a Pacino 108 Quick visit to
film title Morpheus 20 Navigation aid lake
30 Go ___ tooth and 110 Tots’ tender 21 First name in 106 Inverted-U
nail 114 Big name in
32 A Bobbsey twin Hartford westerns formation
33 Hook’s assistant 116 “As you ___” 29 Chief of police, 107 Boxer’s asset
34 Old cars 117 Infamous L.A. 109 Walks with effort
35 With it murder “initially” 111 Garde opener
38 Tweed’s gadfly case, the Black 31 Start of many 112 Japanese car
40 Encroach ___
44 Siren 120 Foster’s Prince, titles company
48 Last drop in the familiarly 33 His fire is famous 113 Harry the Heel or
glass 121 Winter bug 34 Bank recovery?
51 Misanthrope’s 122 Noted African 36 Other than that Lenny the Lip,
exclamation newscaster? 37 Nobility e.g.
52 Med. VIPs 126 Fire need 39 ___ Na Na 114 Many miles off
53 The problem with 127 African film 41 Cold and blustery 115 Director Kazan
people who sneer comedy? 42 In there 116 Go quickly
at Africa? 128 Forward, a 117 Farmer’s place?
58 ___ Mahal name; untagged 118 Holy inscription
59 Love poetry Muse backward, an 43 Some babies 119 “Even ___
60 Widespread organ 44 Hooker at the speak”
61 Yellow fever 129 Puzzling path 123 A sweetheart
mosquito 130 Painter Frans door? ___ deal
62 Debt marker 131 Day dozes 45 Brando’s 124 Pastoral cry
64 At large from DOWN 125 “I ___ only
Sarge 1 First name in birthplace kidding”
65 Can. prov. dance 46 A Gandhi
66 “¿Que ___?” 2 “Give ___, don’t 47 Kind of
68 With 71 Across, pollute” 49 Rogers’s mate
query to an ailing 3 Hawaiian isle 50 “Attention,
African? 4 Ink-saving abbr.
71 See 68 Across 5 Batista’s bears everybody!”
76 Movable frame in 6 “Second” 54 British school
a loom 55 Worry of a
56 Part of Upper
new name
57 Robin or Archie
63 Inventor of a coil
66 Inventor’s quest
67 Worshippers
69 Old spelling of
capital, ___ Bator
70 Zero
72 Facility
The Telegraph
B16 June 29, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING 29|30 29|30Madagascar, Jr. presented Riverside Theatre Summer 30 Bubble Wrap Explosion and Patriotic
by Riverside Theatre Edu- Comedy Zone, 7:30 p.m. & Party, 11 a.m. to Noon at Vero Beach
Book Center, with children’s activities and sto-
cation, Fri. 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.; Sat. 2 p.m. & 5:30 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertain- ries. Free. 772-569-2050
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Insight Astronomy p.m. on the Stark Stage. 772231-6990 ment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 Crossword Page B15 (KING KONG SCHOOL)
Photographer of the Year exhibition thru Sept. 16; Post-
War Impressions: Printmaking in the United States Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
after WWII thru Sept. 23; 150 Years of Painting & Sculp- in June 22, 2018 Edition 1 PECAN 1 PITCHER
ture from the Permanent Collection thru Jan. 13. 4 COMMAND 2 CARAMEL
28 Children’s Mental Health Forum hosted 11 RELISH 6 ALIBI
by Gifford Youth Achievement Center, 6 13 ASSESS 7 DUNES
p.m. at GYAC with speakers: Jeffrey Shearer, Tykes
and Teens; Maj. Eric Flowers Sheriff’s Dept.; Carrie
Williams, mental health counselor and others TBA, Sudoku Page B14 Sudoku Page B15 Crossword Page B14
followed by refreshments. Free. 772-794-1005
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