MELBOURNE BEACH Florida Tech researchers study
‘Martian Gardens.’ P6
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Haunted House a-maze-ing. P10
AlertBrevard system
delivers emergency info. P6
Honest John’s Lagoon advocates
Fish Camp: Bit push for half-cent
of Old Florida tax to fight muck
Staff Writer Correspondent
Four generations of family Sgt. Rick Dovale and Officer Steven Kino have a friendly conversation with Long-time residents near
legacy is being carried on by the Indian River Lagoon re-
brothers Robert and Jonathan local resident Nathaneal Mohr in Ryckman Park. PHOTO BY RYAN CLAPPER call clear water, fine fishing
Arthur at Honest John’s Fish and fun times on the water.
Camp in Floridana Beach, Body cameras pay dividends for Melbourne Beach police Then the muck invaded.
one of the few remaining au-
thentic vestiges of an era now BY LISA ZAHNER likely been on camera the camera purchase in the The muck invasion, said
called Old Florida. Staff Writer past year and a half, and spring of 2015 and took ad- John Trefry, professor of
Chief Dan Duncan says the vantage of specials to get Ocean Engineering and Sci-
Located about 10 miles Drivers stopped for speed- relatively small outlay of cash eight cameras for about ence at Florida Institute of
south of Melbourne Beach ing in Melbourne Beach, or has paid big dividends in $5,000. That’s enough devic- Technology, resulted in a
and five miles north of Sebas- anyone who calls police to public safety. es to have a fresh camera for lagoon bottom with a cover
tian Inlet, Honest John’s Fish report an incident has most of black, gelatinous mate-
Camp began as a government Duncan authorized the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 rial, about 10 to 12 feet high,
homestead in 1887. It is locat- sucking in oxygen and blub-
ed on Mullet Creek adjacent bering out nitrogen and
the Indian River Lagoon. phosphorous that results in
thousands of floating, dead,
Being part of that ongo- stinking fish.
ing history is important. But
after talking to the brothers A South Melbourne Beach
for a while, what seems equal resident since the 1960s,
to them is the fact that they Doug Latford, remembers
both genuinely enjoy being when the water swam with
off the beaten trail, working
a business with its pace tied CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
to natural forces like wind
and water, where the meager Sea turtles washing up on beaches
flow of one customer an hour
is not unheard of during off BY CHRIS BONANNO The first turtles were
season or inclement weather. Staff Writer found just prior to Hurri-
cane Matthew impacting
They are helping preserve Over a thousand post- the area, according to Sea
one of Brevard County’s most hatchling sea turtles washed Turtle Preservation Society
hidden historic gems. up on Brevard County beach- spokesman Dave Cheney,
es in the month of October, who also serves on the
“We like that you have to according to the Sea Turtle board of directors. He add-
go down a dirt road and do a Preservation Society and the ed that there was a respite
little exploring to get here,’’ Brevard Zoo.
said Jonathan Arthur, 42. “I CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
ask people how you found us
because it takes an effort to be
November 3, 2016 Volume 1, Issue 3 Newsstand Price $1.00 Cultural Showcase
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2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
NEWS body. If they are trying to rent bigger
boats, I refer them out,”he said.
Honest John’s
On a busy day, there can be up to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 20 launches, especially on a holiday
weekend. Slow days after are found in
here. You usually just don’t accidently bring them here. I love to hear those Jonathan Arthur. P HOTOS BY GEORGE WHITE September and October, he said. “Our
get here. They see the sign out there, or stories,’’ he said. busiest time here are is in the Spring.
the community center sign and they Obviously the weather slows down
are exploring, looking for Old Florida. Older brother Robert Arthur said everything but we are protected from
It’s here, you just have to find it.” Honest John’s Fish Camp is specifi- the wind. That’s a very important
cally geared toward fishing on the point. They come down here to get
The turnoff off of SR A1A on Old Flor- Indian River, enabling him to refer out of the wind,” he said.
ida Trail was rerouted several years ago fisherman to other local bait shops
from its original lane so Honest Johns and marinas for different needs such Clientele at the fish camp has
Fish Camp is located behind the South as surf fishing gear. changed over the years from a gather-
Beach Community Park. ing place for local anglers fishing for
“We have our own little niche. I am food and sport. These days it’s more
“I live in the old house my great- not really in competition with any- often folks traveling from a distance
grandfather built in 1899. I don’t know for ecotourism, kayaking and nature
about it being famous but it’s histori- tours. As fisherman have become
cal. I enjoy where I am,” he said. more conservation-minded, fishing
has become more catch-and-release.
And that authenticity resonates
with visitors from all over, he said. As for the pace of the job, Robert Ar-
thur does not consider it at all lonely.
“All the time people come in here
and tell me about when they were
a kid and how their parents used to
Turtles “We’ve been bringing in since the cause of all this mass washback House, located at 111 S. Miramar Av-
last Thursday about 200 a day,” said seems to be due a northeasterly wind enue in Indialantic. The house is open
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Cheney, who added that the volume flow, sweeping the turtles in. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Satur-
of the turtles washing up on beaches day, with an after-hours drop box out-
for several days from about Oct. 21-25, was “unprecedented” in the six years According to Scott Kelly, meteorol- side, behind the turtle house. Turtles
but that more recently volunteers and he’s been serving in the role. ogist with the National Weather Ser- can also be dropped off at an STPS
beach patrons have found a stream vice in Melbourne, that pattern is set drop box on the northern portion of
of the turtles washing up on Brevard As of the evening of Oct. 29, Hill said to persist for the “foreseeable future,” Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach.
County beaches and hundreds per the zoo had received almost 1,200 which presumably could lead to even
day being brought to the Preservation Loggerhead turtles, over 50 green more turtles washing up along area Those who have no transportation
Society’s doorstep. turtles and 17 Hawksbill turtles. beaches. or simply have questions in general
about the turtles can contact the STPS
“They are cleaned up, they are giv- “The duration is unusual. To have
Mary Idea Spradlin brings in a loggerhead sea turtle she found in Melbourne Heather Pepe and Rhonda Pszonowsky search for sea turtles in
Beach during a beach cleanup. sargassum weed in Indialantic.
The hatchlings are being swept in en medication and checked out,” said just this persistent east and northeast hotline at 321-206-0646 or they can
from an area about 30-35 miles off Andrea Hill, Brevard Zoo spokesper- flow is unusual. Generally, having contact Turtle House at 321-676-1701.
the coast, Cheney said, where they son. “…If they’re lethargic and things winds from the northeast isn’t usual,”
spend their first 2-3 years in the area, like that, we use netting to keep them Kelly said. Hill added that the hope is that rep-
ripe with Sargassum seaweed that at- up and afloat. Some of them have resentatives from the zoo would co-
tracts the turtles. been able to go in and swim right Cheney offered some advice for ordinate with those from the Florida
around and there’s sort of a constant those who find turtles as the wind Fish and Wildlife Commission and
“They don’t have the strength to feeding with all of them.” pattern continues. the U.S. Coast Guard to release at
go back,” said Cheney of the turtles. least some of the turtles back into the
“If they try to go back, they’ll just Unfortunately, some of the turtles “What they should do is put it (the ocean off Ft. Pierce on Friday. A simi-
drown.” taken to the zoo don’t bounce back, turtle) in a small container bucket, lar attempt was to have been made
with over 300 loggerheads, 19 green put a little seaweed in it, no water,” the Friday prior, but that was post-
After being in STPS custody, and 6 Hawksbill turtles unable to sur- said Cheney. “We’ve even had people poned due to weather, Hill added.
Cheney said they’ve been transferred vive. bring the seaweed with a turtle on top
to the Brevard Zoo in Viera where of it on their head.” “Once those winds die down,
employees there attempt to nurse the On top of all the normal challenges they’ll get a ride back to the seaweed,”
turtles back to health. sea turtles face in their early days, The STPS says that turtles can be Cheney said.
dropped off at any time to the Turtle
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 3
Like his younger brother, he revels in it triggers something in people that ries. It sounds corny but it’s a feeling.” because we have to. We do it because
the nostalgic feelings it often evokes. grew up in a more rural setting,” he Based on his experience, it’s the we want to,’’ he said.
said. “It’s not that it’s exactly the same
“I do get a lot of people say that this but it triggers fond memories. Maybe kind of job you would recommend Honest John’s Fish Camp is open
place reminds them of a place in Con- they lived on the water or had boats as to your kids. “I would tell them to do from 6 a.m. 6 p.m. daily except Tues-
necticut, or Long Island or Miami. I a kid. I’m not saying we’re exactly like what makes you happy. This makes days. For more information, call 321-
hear that quite a bit. Obviously, there that but it triggers good, fond memo- me happy. We’re a part of tradition 727-2923 or visit the Web Site www.
are no mangroves on Long Island but but I don’t think (Jonathan) and I do it
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Police body cams with confusion and the defendant Duncan published a general or- Lagoon tax
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 himself or herself often has a foggy der informing officers, in detail how
or skewed recollection of what hap- and when to use the cameras, and
fish. “There used to be loads of good
pened. When afforded the chance to that document is available to citi- fish here. I remember commercial
fishing here,” Latford said. “There are
every officer who goes on the road, watch themselves on video, the way zens upon request as a public docu- places now where I wouldn’t eat any-
thing taken out of that river.”
plus a backup in case of malfunc- events actually unfolded becomes ment. “Our officers welcomed the
Muck must go, according to In-
tion (there have been none so far) or more clear, Duncan said. cameras with open arms,” Dovale dian River Lagoon enthusiasts, who
promise the waters can once again
in the event officers forget and leave “We had an incident on Founders’ said. “We did the training right here become clear, clean and full of fresh
fish with the passage of a half-cent on
the camera unprotected in the rain. Day in (May) 2015 that involved sev- at the station.” a dollar sales tax at the polls Tuesday.
That money is expected to push forth
They’re water resistant in a drizzle, eral people who were drunk and got Right now, Melbourne Beach is us- a Brevard County Save Our Lagoon
plan to dredge and reclaim the la-
but get fried when drenched. out of line, but we had the cameras to ing two different brands of cameras, goon’s vitality from human careless-
ness and waste.
The cameras are on Pro Vision and Taser Axon.
Chairman of the Save Our Lagoon
stand-by an officer’s entire Officer Steven Kino and The Taser cameras over- PAC, Vince Lamb, said the measure
shift, but are activated by Sgt. Rick Dovale in Ryckman Park. all, Duncan said, have per- would cost the average county resi-
dent about $26 a year. While resi-
the press of a button when- formed better and as the dents enjoy the natural attractions all
year round, visitors would also make
ever he responds to a call, units need to be replaced, a sales-tax contribution by their tour-
ist purchases.
enters a place he knows he plans to purchase new
Director of the Brevard County
or suspects to be a crime Taser cameras until the Natural Resources Department Vir-
ginia Barker said another estimate
scene or prepares to pull a whole department is us- used by her department put the av-
erage annual cost at $61 per multi-
driver over for a traffic stop. ing those. Upgrades to the ple-resident household to help clean
the lagoon.
For added safety, the video cameras allow officers to
An educational and promotional
part of the camera goes record from the vantage meeting to preach about cleaning
the lagoon brought about a hundred
back 30 seconds from when point of their sunglasses, or advocates, or choir members, on Oc-
tober 26 to the Florida Institute of
the button is pressed, while to clip them to the visor of Technology’s Gleason Performing
Arts Center.
audio recording only takes their police cruiser. Dash-
“The Save Our Lagoon Project Plan
place from activation for- board cameras have an needs $304-million over 10 years to
be carried out,” Lamb said. “It re-
ward. Duncan said that, ex- internal CD drive and get quires a public vote.”
cept for certain undercover torn up by the Florida heat. Educating the audience on muck,
an organic black sludge containing
investigative situations, As those cameras give out, rotting grass clippings, fertilizer from
storm-water runoff and septic tank
suspects are informed that Duncan said, he thinks re- waste, Robert Weaver, associate pro-
fessor of ocean engineering at FIT,
they are on camera. placing them with the body said of the plan, “It’s a science-based,
locally funded, broad ranging plan.”
“That alone changes the camera units attached to
While it is a good bet that every per-
situation,” Duncan said. visors is a better option. son at the meeting could be counted
on to vote for the referendum, one
“When you tell somebody At today’s prices, the dash message clearly focused the audi-
ence to get out the “Yes” vote among
that they are being video cams cost about $5,000 their neighbors. Passage needs a vot-
er majority.
recorded, they act differ- Sgt. Dovale reviews footage from body cam. PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER each, while body cameras
“Get involved. Join in,” Trefry said.
ently and it can prevent an cost only $1,000 each. “I don’t need to tell you this but, tell
your neighbors, your friends and col-
incident from escalating. It keeps show what happened. They ended up Melbourne Beach is the only local leagues to vote yes.”
our officers safer and it keeps the pleading guilty,” Duncan said. beachside agency known to be using Sitting in the audience, the Demo-
cratic candidate for the 8th District
public safer.” In the more than six years he’s body cameras for routine patrol op- Congressional seat covering Brevard,
Indian River and S.E. Orange coun-
Sgt. Rick Dovale processes and been police chief since retiring from erations. With no alternate routes to ties, Corry Westbrook received ap-
plause and cheers when she said she
secures all the images captured by the City of Melbourne Police Depart- the South Beaches or to Indian River supported the tax.
the cameras, checking them over, ment, Duncan said, “We haven’t had County on the barrier island and 25
putting them on the battery charger any complaints filed on our officers.” miles in-between causeways in Indi-
and getting them ready for the next Melbourne Beach Police are some- alantic to the north and Wabasso to
shift to use. In order to maintain a times accompanied by Brevard the south, the Town gets a great deal
strict chain of custody as the footage County Fire Department paramedics of pass-through traffic, exposing of-
is admissible in court as evidence, and firefighters on a serious call, and ficers not only to local residents, but
Dovale is the only person authorized the cameras have even been used to travelers and tourists from every-
to download images to the computer to clear fire department personnel where. For the Town’s unique geog-
or erase images from the cameras. from citizen complaints, when the raphy, and its small police force, the
Most of the video is simply stored camera told a different version of cameras provide virtual backup for
on a secure server, but anything that the story than an upset patient being officers on the beat.
resulted in charges like a DUI, crimi- transported. Capt. Kevin Martin of the Vero
nal mischief, resisting arrest or a do- Another area where the cameras Beach Police Department said he
mestic disturbance that resulted in are critical law enforcement tools is and Chief David Currey have consid-
assault or battery charges gets han- in the capturing of real-time crime ered adding body cameras to Vero’s
dled differently. “In addition to being scene video evidence. There’s no operations, but that so far, the money
stored on the server, the recordings delay time of taking images when has not been in the budget. As the
of those incidents get burned to a CD officers are recording live from the number of officers goes up – Vero
and sent to the State Attorney’s Of- minute they roll up on a scene. “We has more than 50 sworn officers – the
fice,” Dovale said. had an incident where our officers initial cost for the equipment grows,
The fact that there is video evi- responded to a call and it looked like plus the storage capacity and pro-
dence of the incident that would be a violent crime had occurred, it was cessing time increases, and the city’s
shown to a jury often results in a plea a real bloodbath,” Duncan said. “It current server system could not han-
deal, Dovale said. looked like someone had been blud- dle the added load. “We are still look-
Due to its beachside locale, Mel- geoned, but it turned out that he had ing at it, and there may be grants or
bourne Beach sees its share of al- fallen and split his head open. But other opportunities to help with the
cohol-related foolishness, and it’s if we do have a whodunit crime or a funding,” Martin said. “The soonest
during these incidents where the murder, with the cameras, we’ve got we might be able to do it would be
cameras can be particularly use- that video to work with to preserve next (2017-18) budget year. This bud-
ful, because the situation is fraught the evidence.” get is already closed out.”
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 5
“I love this plan,” said Westbrook, Marilynn Collins ladles out muck found at the bottom of the Indian River Lagoon at a Save Our Lagoon Septic systems send waste material
who grew up in Vero Beach before into the lagoon. Muck flux, the remov-
moving to Washington, D.C. to do en- meeting held at Florida Institute of Technology Oct. 26. PHOTO BY PETE SKIBA al of oxygen from the water, continues
vironmental work full-time. “I would attacking the lagoon. Little or no oxy-
totally vote for this type plan at the jority of which is in Brevard County, People need houses and usually gen in the water kills plants and fish.
federal level, and I would use my con- came under the muck’s onslaught plant lawns and gardens to accom- Brown-tide algae appear on the wa-
tacts to the DEP (Department of En- with the arrival of more people. pany the homes. Vegetation demands ter’s surface. The single tiny algae form
vironmental Protection) to smooth U.S. Census figures put the county fertilizer. Rains push fertilizer into massive floating colonies spreading to
things along.” population at 111,435 in 1960 and at rivulets, streams and drains that flow hide the sunlight from sea plants in the
568,088 in 2015. into the lagoon. lower depths. Without nourishment
Lamb said he expects a county- from plants, oysters, fish and other
wide ‘yes’ vote on the measure. He marine life, a lagoon dies.
added that volunteers canvassed
neighborhoods to judge how voters The tax-supported Save Our La-
felt about the measure to dredge the goon Project means to restore water
“black muck” that has accumulat- quality and clarity. The plan calls for:
ed in the lagoon over 50 years from fertilizer management, septic tank
grass clippings, fertilizer storm-water removal, septic system upgrades,
drain off and septic tanks. If piled on upgrades to wastewater treatment to
a football field the muck’s 5 million to improve the quality of reclaimed wa-
7 million cubic yards would stretch ter and storm- water treatment. Plans
up a thousand yards into the sky. call for installing 20 miles of long,
That’s 10 football fields high. narrow oyster bars in the lagoon to
increase filtration and aid in shore-
“They found about 80-pecent fa- line preservation.
vored the tax,” Lamb said. “But we
can’t be sure of anything.” The advocates say preservation
of the lagoon as a natural attraction
Plans to rescue the lagoon fol- should protect property values, allow
low similar actions taken by Tampa for fine sports fishing, recover com-
Bay’s environmental groups, said mercial fishing employment and add
Holly Greening, executive director to tourism jobs.
of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program.
It took time and perseverance, she A
said, but the programs turned out sources pamphlet lists the potential
positive results. economic growth with lagoon resto-
ration at $2 billion. That isn’t muck.
The Indian River Lagoon, the ma-
6 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Florida Tech researchers studying ‘Martian Gardens’
BY TERRY CONWAY fewer needed minerals to feed plants. in the 2030s. President Barack Obama of the biggest issues. It costs roughly
Palmer and his team of faculty and stressed a commitment for deep $10,000 a pound to send food to NA-
Correspondent students are seeking a magic formula space travel in mid-October. SA’s International Space Station (ISS),
for the type and amount of nutrients according to Howard Levine, an ISS
When humans actually set foot that will enable potential Martian “We have set a clear goal vital to project scientist. Last year ISS astro-
on Mars, one of the many incredible farmers to grow an assortment of the next chapter of America’s story in nauts enjoyed space-grown lettuce
challenges they will encounter will crops in the inhospitable regolith. space: sending humans to Mars by the for the first time. The red romaine
be how to grow food on this cold des- Another major obstacle are nasty 2030s and returning them safely to lettuce took 33 days to grow using the
ert world. chemicals called perchlorates. Earth, with the ultimate ambition to Vegetable Production System dubbed
one day remain there for an extended the “Veggie” project. NASA describes
Sending enough freeze-dried, pre- “We will need to inoculate the time,” Obama wrote for CNN in a post. it as a deployable plant growth unit
packaged food 33.9 million miles to regolith with an engineered strain capable of producing salad-type
Mars would be complicated and cost- of bacteria to eliminate the perchol- Two weeks earlier at the Inter- crops to provide the crew with a pal-
ly, so any long-term settlers will need orates making it more amenable to national Astronautical Congress in atable, nutritious, and safe source of
a hefty payload of seeds and nutrients plant growth,” Palmer noted. Mexico, SpaceX founder Elon Musk fresh food and a tool to encourage re-
to grow crops. laid out his grand plan to colonize laxation and recreation.
Sound far-fetched? Not to Andy Mars and turning humans into a
Enter the Buzz Aldrin Space In- Weir, the author of the best-selling multi-planetary species within 40 Florida Tech’s researchers also
stitute. In June, the Florida Institute sci-fi novel “The Martian.” The book to 100 years using a public/private plan to experiment with sugar peas,
of Technology facility entered into was turned into the hit movie of the partnership. “Occupy Mars” is plas- Red Robin tomatoes, sweet peppers,
a partnership with NASA’s Kennedy same name starring Matt Damon as tered on T-shirts employees wear at and sweet potatoes. All are tasty and
Space Center to develop simulated Mark Watney, an astronaut and bota- SpaceX’s vast factory near Los Ange- nutritious foods approved for astro-
Martian gardens to study the perfor- nist. Watney gets caught in a sand- les where 4,000 people work. nauts’ diets.
mance of assorted crops on the Red storm on Mars and is left for dead by
Planet’s barren landscape. his crew, who manage to evacuate the Last April, Musk announced he “Seeing the excitement generated
planet. He survived for more than a could launch an unmanned “Red in the students as they build teams to
Over a six week-long pilot study this year by planting potatoes. Dragon” capsule as soon as 2018 from solve problems, engaging students in
summer, researchers grew Outred- Cape Canaveral. His goal is to send a all different types of disciplines so we
geous lettuce (a variety of red romaine) “Watney is a colonist growing pota- crewed spacecraft to the Red Planet can get to Mars, that’s really inspir-
in three different treatments – one in toes there, so he’s truly succeeding,” within the next decade powered by ing,” said Trent Smith, Veggie Project
terrestrial potting soil (a control), one said Brooke Wheeler, an assistant pro- the largest rocket ever built. The jour- Manager at the Kennedy Space Center.
in Martian regolith simulant (soil simi- fessor at the College of Aeronautics. ney will take three to nine months, “The students are thoughtful, innova-
lar to Mars), and one in Martian rego- according to Florida Tech’s Phys- tive and come up with great ideas. “
lith simulant with nutrients added. “Someday we look forward to a ics and Space Sciences Department.
group of astronauts living there for Shorter times will be more expensive Down the road, other factors will
“The lettuce grown with a moder- an extended period of time. Sitting since more fuel is used. be introduced to the Martian gar-
ate concentration of nutrients did down and enjoying a big meal. Until den, such as the radiation exposure
well as the potting soil,” said Drew then you’re just visiting.” Musk sees colonizing Mars as “life seeds would experience as they jour-
Palmer, an assistant professor of Bio- insurance,” in case a natural event ney from Earth to the Red Planet.
logical Sciences. In the real world, a group of sci- such as an asteroid impact or some Mars has about 38 percent the grav-
entists in the Netherlands at the human action destroyed civilization ity of Earth, so there are also ques-
“There was a crunch, the lettuce Wageningen University & Research on Earth. “I’m hopeful the first people tions about plant root growth on the
tasted fine. It was grown at the lab in Centre have grown and harvested a could be taken to Mars in a decade or “gravity-lite” planet. Water is also an
Hawaiian soil which simulates Mar’s group of crops, including tomatoes, less,” Musk said. “But the thing that important consideration for where
volcanic, rocky terrain based on spec- radishes and peas in different trays matters long term is to have a self- to land and for planning the overall
tral data collected from NASA’s Mars that simulated Mars and lunar soils. sustaining city on Mars.” mission to Mars.
orbiters such as the Curiosity rover.”
NASA is developing the capabili- Growing food in space solves one
Unlike earth soil, Martian soil has ties needed to send humans to Mars
no organic matter in its content and
BY CHRIS BONANNO Brevard Emergency Management phone books by phone, per a release were well in the works before Hur-
Staff Writer Director Kim Prosser says there have from Brevard EOC, but those who ricane Matthew, Prosser noted, with
been similar systems implemented sign on to AlertBrevard can provide the system having long been in the
Residents throughout Brevard have in the past including “Code Red” and more contact information. process of being brought to the coun-
“First Call.” ty as the result of the Florida Division
more ways than ever to receive emer- It’s not an “all or nothing” thing as of Emergency Management’s “Alert-
But the AlertBrevard system, he subscribers will be able to opt out of Florida” initiative that also involved
gency alerts along with other impor- says, will allow for residents to re- whichever notifications they don’t Everbridge, a software company.
ceive alerts from the different public want to receive.
tant news. service agencies through a variety of “The more people that we can reach
means including e-mail, cell phone It will also be possible to augment and provide information, the more
They’re able to do so through the and text in addition to landline different news alerts for different quickly situations can be addressed
phones. methods of communication, mean- and the more quickly people can be
newly-announced AlertBrevard ing that, for example, a subscriber informed and information generally
“The difference is more and more could have one set of alerts on several leads to action,” Prosser added.
emergency management notifica- people are getting away from their different devices and a different set of
land line phone and going to cell alerts on just one. Those who wish to sign up for the
tion system. The Brevard County Of- phone only,” Prosser said. new service can do so online at bre-
“It can be any combination,” v a rdc ou nt y.u s/E mer genc yMa na ge -
fice of Emergency Management says Phone numbers listed in either Prosser said. “…It is a la carte.” ment/AlertSignUp.
the white or yellow pages of the tele-
the system will allow residents to Plans to implement the system
receive notifications from Brevard
County Emergency Management, the
National Weather Service, Brevard
County Sheriff’’s Office and Brevard’s
utility companies.
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Oscar Sales and Derek Gores. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Christopher Confessore and the Brevard Symphony Orchestra. Breign Finan with Simba the rabbit, and
Angelina Loa with Tumbleweed the hedgehog.
Luluk Friedland. Matt Drury, Andrew Rubio and Deanna Yates Brad Bradley, Ron Robinson and Diana Sageser. Martha Pessaro and Zeta Gibbs.
Cultural Showcase gets to the art of the matter!
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF tatives of various clubs, dance groups halls, and Native American and Indo- to reach any other way. This venue
Staff Writer and performance venues eagerly nesian dance groups took attendees is perfect for meeting people, telling
shared schedules for the upcoming on journeys to faraway places. It was a them what the Brevard Symphony Or-
The Maxwell C. King Center for the season. wonderful display of the vast array of chestra is all about and they can even
Performing Arts was bursting at the the many talented performers on the see a concert.”
seams this past Sunday as art enthu- Highlighting the afternoon was a Space Coast.
siasts converged for the fourth annual Symphonic Spooktacular Family Con- Children of all ages could get up-
Cultural Arts Showcase presented by cert on the Main Theatre Stage by the Representatives from more than 60 close and personal with a variety of
the Brevard Symphony Orchestra and Brevard Symphony Orchestra with arts groups and individuals were on instruments at the Musical Instru-
the King Center. The collaboration was Conductor Christopher Confessore. hand to provide information about ment Petting Zoo hosted by Brevard
performance art at its best, giving local Dressed as Clark Kent/Superman, local venues such as the Foosaner Art Symphony Youth Orchestra, who per-
cultural arts groups an opportunity to Confessore and his gifted costume- Museum in the Eau Gallie Arts District, formed later in the afternoon on the
introduce their talents to multiple gen- clad musicians wowed the audience as well as Riverside Theatre in Vero Main Stage. With everything from
erations. with pieces that included John Wil- Beach to the south and the Titusville bongos to trumpets, the petting zoo
liams musical scores from “Harry Pot- Playhouse to the north. with a twist hit just the right note.
All through the day there was a nev- ter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” “Jaws”
er-ending cycle of performances on the and “Star Wars,” and classics such as “When I moved here I was amazed at Just one day before Halloween made
Open Air Stage and the Studio Theatre Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Waltz, the art and variety of things to do. Bre- it the perfect time for attendees to get
as well as numerous children’s art ac- Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain vard County isn’t a big city like Miami, in some early trick-or-treating at each
tivities and a wide variety of demon- and Strauss’ Adele’s Laughing Song but you can be busy every weekend,” of the booths, and costumed attendees
strations. All forms of creative disci- from Die Fledermaus, featuring sopra- said Judy Garrett, a member of the were out in full force to compete in the
plines were represented, showcasing no Julie Kinsey. Brevard Symphony Orchestra South Main Stage costume contest and enter-
artists through music and dance as Guild. “At the event today, there is a tain the crowd as cosplay groups.
well as visual and literary arts. Artists Elsewhere, performers drew patrons good representation of what’s going on
displayed their work and were happy into their stories – as gypsies danced in Brevard County; they’ve got every The event was a day of family fun
to discuss techniques, and represen- and ballerinas plied their way through type of art imaginable. We can reach that acquainted attendees with the
the day, medieval knights patrolled the more people here than we’ve been able wealth of opportunities the cultural
arts community has to offer them.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 9
Marilyn Ballard, Linda Castelli and Johana Gant. Anthony DeRivi and Honey Smith Walls.
Manny and Aidan Rodriguez. Tristen Lockett. Taylor Kopman, Mike Williams, Erin Walters,
Andy McIlwraith and Ed Johnson
10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Volunteer firefighters’ Haunted House was a-maze-ing!
1. The entire crew of the haunted house.
2. Charlotte Irvin. 3. Austin Jackson. 4. Curt
Wilson with his kids Isaac Wilson and Lyla Wilson .
1 5. Rob Perry holds down the grill. 6. Fallon Perry.
34 2 7. Nick Gerry and Janet Gerry. 8. Kelly Rodano,
9 10 Gate Keeper of the haunted house. 9. Copeland
Watters and Brooke DeLuccia. 10. Spencer Ross.
11. Miley Brennan, Abby Latulipe and Giana
Volunteer firefighters in Mel-
bourne Beach continue to go
above and beyond every year
for their annual Haunted House
event, which has been going on
now for over 10 years.
On Friday, the volunteer fire-
fighters and crew arrived around
noon for set-up that went past
The Haunted House attracts
5 over 500 people every year.
Doors opened around 4 p.m.
The gatekeeper allowed 10 kids at
a time to come in to the dark, fog-
gy Haunted House, where mon-
sters of all kinds lurked around
every corner.
The firefighters pulled the fire
trucks out of the station to allow
for a big maze for the kids to go
The Haunted House experi-
ence lasts about 5 minutes; once
through, Fire Inspector Nick
Gerry and his wife Janet Gerry al-
8 lowed the kids to grab some can-
dy on their way out.
“The volunteer firefighters do
this every year because they love
it,” says volunteer Angela Brown.
“They have jobs and families
too, and carve out much of their
weekend to do this every year.”
All the kids had a great time.
This was a free event and all pro-
ceeds from the cooking went to
the fire station, and people could
also leave donations in the fire
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Arts aplenty, galleries galore, classic ‘Cash’
BY MICHELLE GENZ bourne-based Preston Studios. The Wednesday, then the funk of War shows concerts canceled through
Staff Writer event starts at 6 p.m. and tickets are next Friday. December.
$75. Then the stained glass exhibi- Foghat can sing “Slow Ride” for
days and I will never take it easy, as
1 It’s the first Friday of the month tion opens to the public on Wednes- the song implores. 4 If you like Johnny Cash, you
and the downtown arts districts day for the next six weeks. should make the drive south to
For some, though, that ceaseless
of both Eau Gallie and Vero Beach In Vero, you can wander northeast slide guitar on hits like “Night Shift” Vero’s Riverside Theatre for an ex-
and the legendary cover of Willie
spring to life. In Eau from the downtown Dixon’s “I Just Want to Make Love to cellent production of “Ring of Fire.”
You” is just what the doctor ordered.
Gallie, the food and gallery stroll along By now, the band has reinvented it- The jukebox musical, like all the
self innumerable times with talent
beer vendors roll in 14th Avenue to the from Molly Hatchet, Wild Cherry shows at Riverside, is staged with
and Hall & Oates.
around 5:30 and lin- Center for Spiri- professional actors. They include Ja-
The current group still features
ger until 8:30 p.m. tual Care, where Roger Earl on drums; Jeff Howell son Edwards, who performed in the
filling in on bass while longtime
At the Foosaner Art Vero artist Barry band member Craig MacGregor show on Broadway and directs the
fights stage 4 lung cancer; and Bry-
Museum, the FIT Shapiro opens his an Bassett on lead guitar – he joined Vero production.
in 1999, with Charlie Huhn coming
Jazz Syndicate gives new show. It’s the onboard a year later. The show focuses more on the mu-
a concert starting at first in a series of As for War, the cross-cultural phe- sic than on retelling Cash’s story and
nomenon that fused multiple musi-
5 p.m. in the Harris shows the center cal styles with multi-ethnic band recreating his character; the result
members, there is only one member
Community Audi- hosts each season from the 1960s still on the tour: Lon- is more like a concert-in-costume
nie Jordan.
torium next door to and the gatherings that features very fine musicians
He dates to the band’s California
the gallery spaces. are always packed days when a producer heard the and some gorgeous vocals. “Ring of
group of locals from various L.A.
And Saturday, the with a great group neighborhoods backing another Fire” runs through Nov. 13.
singer, and put them together with
museum along with of creative types. Eric Burdon, former lead singer with
the British band the Animals.
Brevard Symphony The center is at 1550 5 Also in Vero, the spotlight will
After touring the state extensively, shine brightly on the elegant Kai-
Orchestra and Flor- Gallery stroll along 24th Street. they released an album called “Eric
ida Tech are host- 14th Avenue Burdon Declares War” with the trip-
ing “Light Up the py funk single “Spill the Wine.” tlin Ruby in the title role when “Evita!”
Arts,” a fund-rais-
2 The week com- War was regarded as one of the fin- opens next week.
ing up is a great est bands of the era, great enough
for Jimi Hendrix to sit in for a half- The ambitious Andrew Lloyd Webber
hour set in London on the day before
ing reception for a new exhibition of one for last-century music legends he died. and Tim Rice musical is being staged at
stained glass lamps that celebrates at the King Center, with the Brit- the newly expanded Vero Beach The-
the 40th anniversary of the Mel- ish 1970s rock band Foghat playing atre Guild.
3 Meanwhile, Leon Russell’s On-stage president Juan Perón is
Nov. 16 concert in Melbourne played by Australian singer/song-
writer Rob Kenna. Peron’s much
appeared in doubt with a series of younger bride Eva works her popu-
list magic with the oppressed Ar-
cancellations listed last Friday af- gentine masses, stirring a national
movement to fight against poverty
ternoon. and for social justice.
Russell is still recovering from a “Evita” runs through Nov. 27.
heart attack in July; his tour website
6 At Melbourne’s Cinemaworld,
the Bolshoi Ballet re-broad-
casts a 2012 performance of “The
Bright Stream,” a story ballet by
Alexei Ratmansky to the music of
Shostakovich. Shot through with
slapstick, the ballet’s plot involves a
ballerina whose old friend comes to
visit with her husband. The friend’s
husband has been unfaithful, so to
teach him a lesson, they conspire
to switch roles including the balle-
rina’s husband.
Johnny Cash The ballet screens Sunday at 12:55
p.m. and is repeated at 7 p.m.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 13
Students’ interpretive dances inspire and inform
BY MICHELLE GENZ emotion it provoked. somberly at the end of an exercise. Vero Beach to various non-profits like
Staff Writer The Drake exhibition is one of three That night, Schnell edited the video Youth Guidance, Boys and Girls Club
and the Gifford Youth Activity Center.
There will be mostly white visitors to that Ballet Vero Beach dancers will he captured at the end of each prompt. For a main-stage performance, it can be
Vero Beach Museum of Art’s exhibit of interpret. The others, impressionis- He lay down a sound track and mulled as many as 300. “That’s the whole point
pottery and poetry by David Drake and tic landscapes by Florida artist Bruce over what to tell the professional danc- of our tag line: Dance is a universal lan-
they may marvel at the 19th century Af- Marsh and works from “The American ers who would perform on stage while guage,” says Schnell. “We try to be all-
rican-American slave from South Caro- Spirit: Selections from the Manoogian the video was screened behind them. encompassing.”
lina whose works are on display. The Collection,” have inspired, respectively,
resourcefulness it took the man known a contemporary trio choreographed by His decision: Nothing. “We’ve never The museum collaborations are of-
simply as Dave to create such beautiful Camilo Rodriguez and a classical duet done improv for an audience. I want it ten sellouts, but he’s hoping to have
pieces and to write such inspired in- by Matthew Carter. to be a total surprise to the dancers.” some seats free for the workshop.
scriptions is moving; some verses hint
at using the stars as a means to escape That left Schnell to draw the Dave Tickets are distributed free by Ballet
to freedom. show – and it proved a wild card. Dave
(Drake was the name of one of his mas- SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
Still, the emotion behind the works ters) was somehow able to learn to read COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
and the words they bear may elude and write – forbidden skills for many
those whose ancestry does not include slaves. In the clay pots he made, he often THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
slaves like Dave. Though the pots are in etched phrases or simply rhymes. Read- VERO BEACH, FL
America’s premier collecting museum, ing between those lines is Schnell’s self- 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
the Smithsonian, and fetch as much as appointed task, one for which he felt he
$40,000 at auction, historians give them sorely needed help.
value that is harder to quantify, calling
the works an early act of defiance in the “I knew that my perspective on this
civil rights movement. exhibit would mean nothing. It’s an
amazing story but it’s not going to res-
Next Wednesday, when Ballet Vero onate,” says Schnell. “I was thinking
Beach presents its latest collaboration about a group that would add some-
thing to his story and drive it home to
Back to front: Diamond Cason, Alaysia Ward, the audience.”
Rashawn Cason, Alex Cason, Destinee Cason,
and Elisha McKenzie. He called on Vero’s Youth Guidance
Program to find volunteers for his work-
PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE shop. “Just through the wonder of these
kids we realize we have a lot to learn
with the museum, the audience in the about this world.”
typically packed Leonhardt Auditorium
will view on a large screen an intimate At his prompts, inspired by music
moment captured on video one after- Schnell chose – most of it familiar to
noon last week, a moment that might them, like Beyoncé’s “Listen” – they
make Dave’s work more wondrous. moved through the studio, interpreting
various cues while following his direc-
A small group of African-American tions. Turn, speed up, slow down, in-
students, middle- and high-school teract. At one point, they stretched out
aged, participated in a movement work- on the floor and wrote down positive or
shop staged and recorded by Adam negative words on paper.
Schnell, the ballet company’s founder.
Among their prompts: They were asked “If you were David Drake the potter,
to imagine the worst thing anyone had and people were finding your artis-
ever called them, then move to the tic work 150 years later and they were
studying it, what kind of change would
you hope to inspire in the world?”
prompted Schnell. “Would you want
peace, do you want happiness, do you
want everyone to be able to afford the
next iPhone?”
A girl wrinkled her nose. Silently they
went to work and wrote. Understand-
ing. Unique. Equality. “Now write down
a word you’ve heard that you felt took
away all your power, and made you feel
small and insignificant.”
Ghetto. Crazy. Wannabe.
Then they got to their feet and held
the papers to their chests. Moving
through the room to the music, each
squared off with another participant
who read the word and reacted.
Awkward? Hardly. All the kids par-
ticipated diligently, giving Schnell
their rapt attention. “That was beau-
tiful,” remarked one 10th-grade girl
14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
For passionate rock opera, ‘Evita!’ is solid Guild
Staff Writer
While the rest of the nation counts Kaitlin Ruby and Rob Kenna illegitimate family, leaving Eva and cast in the challenging score: Jacob
down to the election, a Vero theater her siblings to live off the meager earn- Craig of First Presbyterian Church,
group is ratcheting up the fervor factor, PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE ings of her seamstress mother. and Ryan Kasten, formerly of Commu-
rehearsing rallies for a political icon in nity Church.
another era and on another continent. Rob Kenna, who plays Juan Peron, Eva left for Buenos Aires at 15 to be-
also has Riverside in his sights, though gin her radio soap opera career; by 22 Ballroom dance instructor Karren
“Evita!,” the rock opera that chroni- it looks as if it will be next season be- she was a national star. Two years later, Walter, who coaches the dancers for
cles the life of Argentina’s beloved Eva fore he has time to audition. Kenna, she became the mistress of Juan Peron Vero’s “Dancing with the Stars” char-
Perón, opens at the Vero Beach The- 54, is a singer/songwriter from Sidney, in 1944. ity knock-off, serves as choreographer.
atre Guild Nov. 10, just two days after Australia, and a former contestant on
the election. Written by Tim Rice and that country’s version of “Star Search.” A charismatic Army colonel with The sets, designed by Wygonik, in-
Andrew Lloyd Webber, the show has a soft spot for fascism, Peron was the clude crowd scenes peopled by scenic
been on the schedule for a year and a Kenna finds inspiration for his role newly named secretary of war as well artist Isabel Garrett’s neutral-hued
half – about as long as Donald Trump in Peron’s dashing 1940s wardrobe, as of labor in the year-old military portraits, applied to life-size wood cut-
has been in the race for president. which ranges from a pinstripe suit to a takeover of the Argentine government. outs. As for the actual cast, its 32 mem-
smoking jacket to a tuxedo. A widower, he was twice Eva’s age – 48. bers are wrangled by stage manager
“I didn’t really think about the tim- She quickly displaced the young mis- Jim Daly, including through multiple
ing,” says director Mark Wygonik. “It He also appears in military uniform tress he already enjoyed. set and costume changes.
really only hit me when we started re- complete with epaulets and gold braid.
hearsing the crowd scenes.” It is far more formal than the uniform In his new role, Peron was respon- With the new two-story Guild ad-
Kenna wore as a police officer in New sive to the needs of the working class, dition completed, costumes are now
Like Trump, whose brand expanded South Wales. enacting a minimum wage and health stored on premises instead of in a dis-
greatly through his role on “The Ap- benefits to the dismay of the country’s tant storage rental. And a new large re-
prentice,” Eva Peron made her first It was during that time that he suf- conservative oligarchy – some 1,800 hearsal room meant that practice for
fans on the air waves – radio, not TV. fered a fractured skull and other inju- land owners. Evita joined in his ef- “Evita” could start while the last play,
And like Trump, people talked about ries when he was attacked by a man forts, becoming president of the new- “Sylvia,” was being staged in the the-
her sex life; for years, rumors flew that with a machete. During his long reha- ly-formed actors’ union, and used her ater itself.
she was a prostitute. bilitation, he took up the guitar and clout on radio to spread her message of
began writing songs. a new tomorrow. As for Ruby as the glamorous Evita,
Evita had one thing in common the crew is building her own private
with Hillary Clinton: her enormous Kenna first came to the states in Preparing for his presidential run, dressing room in the wings. “I prob-
Eva Peron Foundation. With a budget 2001, and found Vero on a subsequent Peron married Eva, who promptly ably change 8 to 10 times during the
of $50 million and 14,000 employees, it trip in 2011. In between renovating his abandoned her film career for a new show. That’s a lot,” Ruby says.
provided everything from health clin- lakeside home for resale, he has played role as first lady. This is the moment
ics and classrooms to children’s theme regular gigs at Havana Nights and for when the swelling voices of the crowd “This is a tough, tough show, and
parks. And like Hillary, she champi- private parties. lift Evita to her pedestal: “A new Argen- if we all get it right, it’ll be worth it,”
oned women’s rights. Before Eva died tina, the voice of the people … will not says Kenna. ”Mark wants people to be
of cervical cancer at only 33, she man- Born in a small town, Eva Duarte be denied!” blown away.”
aged to win Argentine women the dreamed of becoming an actress since
right to vote. childhood. One of five children of an Director Wygonik recruited two tal- “Evita!” opens Thursday, Nov. 10,
unmarried woman, her absent father, ented choral conductors to coach the with a 7 p.m. performance. It runs
“Oh what a circus, oh what a show,” who had a family in another town, had through Nov. 27.
sings Che Guevara, a character who taken Eva’s mother as a mistress when
serves as narrator and in cameos she was only 15.
through the play; he is played by Vero’s
Derrick Paul, a professional model When Eva was 1, he abandoned his
who can rock that jaunty beret. That
“circus” he sings about refers not to a
rally, but Evita’s funeral.
Evita was not born into wealth and
celebrity. On the contrary, she grew
up extremely poor, and it’s left to the
elegant Kaitlin Ruby to portray that
dichotomy on the Guild stage. The
20-year-old Ruby was a 2014 Miss Hi-
biscus. That same year, as she was
graduating from Indian River Charter
High, she starred as Annie Sullivan in
the Guild production of “The Miracle
Worker,” followed by Daisy in “The
Great Gatsby” at Charter.
Ruby is currently working on a de-
gree in marketing for a University of
Florida online program, back in Vero
after a scholarship stint at Stetson Uni-
Last week she auditioned at River-
side Theatre in the hopes of winning a
professional role.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 15
On the money: ‘Ring of Fire’ brilliantly captures Cash
BY MICHELLE GENZ kept him going through grueling These aspects are danced around dled in an almost comical chorus
Staff Writer touring. Never mind his Dust Bowl – sometimes literally, but never line of singing inmates, hanging
childhood that had him picking cot- dwelled upon. Cash’s second-act their heads and dragging balls and
If you settle in Riverside Theatre’s ton from the age of 5. Or the adoles- cover of Kris Kristofferson’s brood- chains like something out of a Mel
“Ring of Fire” expecting a dark por- cence that began with the torment ingly beautiful hangover lament, Brooks movie.
trayal of the complex Johnny Cash: of losing his big brother in a hideous “Sunday Morning Coming Down,”
Man in Black, you’re likely to be dis- sawmill accident, that not only he drew titters from the opening night That wholesome lighthearted-
appointed. But at least it isn’t a tale but his mother presaged. audience. Even Cash’s own fascina- ness was just what the doctor or-
of red versus blue, like every other tion with prison life – never expe- dered on opening night last week
narrative these days. Forget about the woman he left rienced firsthand, though he spent in what turned out to be a brilliant
behind along with their 10,000 pag- a few one-nighters in jail – is han- concert-in-costume of country mu-
Never mind his addictions, the es of love letters and four daughters,
drinking, speed and downers that when he pursued June Carter. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Ring of Fire
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Ring of Fire player, an accordion player, a per- Right before Johnny Cash’s exterior of a log cabin, the porch of
cussionist with a range of old-timey death in 2003 (just four months which serves as bandstand for the
PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE noisemakers, and some classic after June Carter died), Cash various musicians. They include
acoustic guitarists all with country gave Bill Meade the rights to Jeff Lisenby, the music director and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 bona-fides as long as the Appala- create a show with his music. keyboardist who comes downstage
chian Trail. Meade was a classical musi- at one point to deliver a terrific ac-
sic so classic I would reclassify it as cian turned Broadway musi- cordion accompaniment; Lisenby
Americana. Blues, gospel, rock and The older of the two Betty Carters, cal coordinator who worked on was also part of “Ring of Fire” on
rockabilly all are represented, along played by Allison Briner-Dardenne, “Hello, Dolly!” and “Saturday Broadway.
with the vintage TV variety-show had more than a hint of Bonnie Raitt Night Fever.” He brought in
style that popularized him with a about her silky voice and won my Richard Maltby Jr. and, using Also on the porch is guitarist
wider audience. heart in an instant with her under- 38 Cash songs, told six sepa- Brent Moyer, who pulls out a trum-
stated delivery. This spring, Briner- rate stories involving differ- pet for some dashing mariachi-in-
The gimmickry in “I’ve Been Dardenne played in comedian Steve ent people. Staged in 2006, it spired phrases on the title song.
Everywhere” that has the entire Martin’s “Bright Star” on Broadway, flopped on Broadway. Then,
cast lined up with guitars sing- a similarly Southern-themed musi- seven years later, Maltby tried To one side is guitarist and man-
ing a handoff of faster and faster cal and a New York Times “critics’ again, streamlining the origi- dolinist Sam Sherwood, who briefly
place names may have dazzled on pick.” nal show and having musician- doubles as Johnny’s brother Jack,
the mid-century small screen. On actors telling bits and pieces slipping off to work on that fateful
the Riverside Main Stage, though, In the Vero show, guest director of Johnny Cash’s own story. day at the sawmill. On the other
it was the simpler, less-efforted Jason Edwards, who plays the se- That show, in 2013, had Jason side of the porch, Walter Hartmann
scenes that left plenty of space for nior of the Cash-ish characters (they Edwards singing for Cash. Ed- has crammed his array drums and
the straight-ahead delivery of one are not impersonators), had such a wards has gone on to direct the a few regional instruments besides.
soulful song after another: “While warm bass-baritone you could pull show numerous times in re- Hartmann, a Tennessee native,
I’ve Got it On My Mind,” “I Still Miss it around you like a heavy quilt. Ed- gional theaters. studied at Berklee College of Music
Someone,” “Tear-Stained Letter,” wards was a male lead in the origi- before moving back to Nashville. He
“All Over Again,” and another Krist- nal 2006 Broadway “Ring of Fire.” Benjamin D. Hale plays a has recorded with Dr. Hook, Brenda
offerson classic, “Why Me Lord.” younger version of Cash. His Lee, Johnny Paycheck and many
prior experience includes sing- others.
Consider the on-stage musicians, ing Cash’s role in a recording-
often doubling as cast members. studio reenactment called Fiddler Brantley Kearns, a North
There’s a fiddler, a standup bass “Million Dollar Quartet” at Carolina native who has been play-
Harrah’s in Las Vegas. Having ing violin since the age of 4, toured
backed up Kristen Chenoweth with Bobbie Gentry and Jim Staf-
at the 2012 American Country ford, and he toured and recorded
Music awards, Hale has an al- with Dwight Yoakam’s band.
bum of his own ready for re-
lease. He becomes an audience favor-
ite playing a sullen old timer who
Trenna Barnes, who sang pipes up with a great line or two out
and portrayed Carter in her of the blue. Another crowd favorite
younger years, is in her 11th is stand-up bassist John Marshall,
production of this show. A who rips out a solo that makes you
native of Tulsa now living in wonder who’s doing the sound ef-
Memphis, she spent eight years fects. (He is.)
with all-girl band called Cow-
boy Crush. She played the role Opposite that porch is a highway
in a more Broadway style than billboard topped by vintage curved
Briner-Dardenne, swishing her lamps. It serves as a screen for vari-
petticoats and tossing her curls like ous photo images evocative of the
a character out of “Oklahoma!” Her Cash era.
voice, though, was just as authentic
and powerful. At a time when media forms have
The play takes place on a single evolved far beyond billboards and
set designed by John Iavocelli: the are reminding us not of a common
past but a painfully disparate fu-
ture, “Ring of Fire” is a tonic to take
in with gratitude. Just don’t strike
up a conversation in the lobby.
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sleep disorders increase stroke risk, harm recovery
A new study concludes that certain experienced. It was found in 72 per-
types of sleep disorders increase cent of those who had an ischemic
the risk of stroke and, if untreated, stroke, which occurs when blood
can hamper stroke recovery. That flow to the brain is blocked, and in
backs up what Vero sleep special- 63 percent of those who had a hem-
ist Dr. John Suen has learned from
other studies, prompting him to put
a list together of treatment options
to get more and better sleep in the
hopes of preventing stroke.
The research team, from Uni-
versity Hospital Essen in Germany,
conducted a meta-analysis, which
means they analyzed the results of
previous studies – 29, to be precise.
These 29 studies involved over 2,300
patients who had experienced some
form of stroke. Results were pub-
lished in the journal “Neurology.”
In their analysis, the research-
ers found that a sleep disorder was
present among a significant per-
centage of stroke patients, with the
percentage varying depending on
the type of stroke the patient had
“Having a sleep disorder is a risk factor for stroke
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry for two main reasons: it decreases oxygen levels and
restorative dentistry dental implants our bodies then compensate by creating a surge in
hormones,” says Suen.“These hormones can cause
Experience the fusion of traditional
values and modern dentistry. damage to blood vessels.”
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz
524 Ocean Avenue
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951
(321) 725-6565
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 19
orrhagic stroke, which happens had a transient ischemic attack (com- The most well-known is insomnia, but few stroke patients are tested for them.
when an artery in the brain rup- monly called a mini-stroke or TIA), there are other types: Study co-author Dr. Dirk M. Hermann
tures or leaks. in which blood flow to the brain is says, “The results of our review show
blocked for less than five minutes. Hypersomnolence, in which that should change, as people with
Suen, who is medical director of While less serious than ischemic or there is prolonged nighttime sleep or sleep disorders may be more likely to
Sleep Disorders Center Florida, says hemorrhagic strokes, a TIA is a warn- excessive daytime sleepiness. have another stroke or other negative
those results are consistent with ing sign, and about a third of people outcomes than people without sleep
what past studies have shown. who have a TIA will go on to have a Circadian rhythm sleep disor- problems.”
major stroke within a year. ders, in which people are unable to go
The type of sleep disorder the re- to sleep or wake up at “normal” times. John Suen is board-certified in sleep
searchers were able to associate with There is another category of sleep medicine, pulmonary disease, internal
strokes is called “sleep-disordered disorders called sleep-wake disorders Restless leg syndrome, charac- medicine, and critical care medicine.
breathing” and are characterized that the team from Germany says may terized by unpleasant sensations in Sleep Disorders Center Florida is an ac-
by abnormal respiratory patterns, increase stroke risk and hinder recov- the legs and an uncontrollable urge to credited medical treatment center for
either in the form of apnea (the per- ery, but the evidence was weaker than move them. all sleep-related issues. It is located at
son stops breathing for 10 seconds or for sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep- 3735 11th Circle #103 in Vero Beach; the
more, waking up just enough to take wake disorders reduce sleep duration. Nightmare disorder, which is ex- phone number is 772-563-2910.
a breath) or hypopnea (the person’s actly what it sounds like.
breathing becomes shallow for 10
seconds or more). Sleep disorders are also common
after a stroke, but researchers say very
“Having a sleep disorder is a risk
factor for stroke for two main rea-
sons: it decreases oxygen levels and
our bodies then compensate by
creating a surge in hormones,” says
Suen. “These hormones can cause
damage to blood vessels.”
There is good news: while the re-
searchers found that sleep-disor-
dered breathing persisted during
stroke recovery, they also discov-
ered that the symptoms improved
with treatment. Suen says the gold
standard is the use of a continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) ma-
chine, which provides a constant
flow of air through the nasal pas-
sages during sleep.
There are other treatments avail-
able for those who can’t tolerate the
use of a CPAP machine; some are
fairly new to the market. Suen’s list
Nose plugs that utilize nasal ex-
piratory positive airway pressure
(EPAP). “There’s some resistance
when the person breathes in, which
keeps the throat open,” Dr. Suen
says. “It’s like a CPAP, without the
electricity.” It is usually used in mild
For mild to moderate cases,
there’s a custom-made dental ap-
pliance that pushes the jaw forward
and opens up space at the back of
the throat.
For moderate to severe cases,
there’s an implantable device that
sends tiny electrical signals to the
tongue; these signals stiffen the
tongue, preventing it from going
backwards in the mouth. Dr. Suen
says, “It basically works like a pace-
maker; it’s used for moderate to se-
vere cases.”
Surgery is also possible, although
it’s not a first-line treatment option.
The procedure is called an uvulo-
palatopharyngoplasty (UPPP); it re-
moves excess tissue in the throat to
make the airway wider.
Sleep-disordered breathing was
present less frequently – 38 percent
of the time – for those patients who
20 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
GERD grief: Heartburn may hide more serious woes
Staff Writer
Somewhere between 40 percent Dr. Alejandro Perez. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE improvement in a heart attack with has had reflux.”
and 50 percent of today’s seniors Maalox, so that does provide good Other warning bells that might
have one or more age-related diges- cursor to cancer,” he explains. information.”
tive problems. “The overall risk of developing trigger a visit to a primary care pro-
That risk of masked heart at- vider or a specialist such as Perez
According to the Cleveland Clin- [cancer] is much higher than in tack symptoms points up the im- can include difficulty or pain in
ic, those include constipation, ir- somebody who does not have that portance of having a good doctor- swallowing; a feeling of involuntary
ritable bowel syndrome, peptic ul- [acid reflux] condition,” says Perez, patient relationship, says Perez. regurgitation or sensing that food is
cers, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis adding that increased risk requires “When a symptom is new, it’s a little coming back up your esophagus af-
and gastroesophageal reflux dis- follow-up procedures like endos- bit more alarming than somebody ter swallowing; unexplained weight
ease (or GERD). copy. I’ve known four or five years that loss or anemia; and visible bleeding
or black stools.
GERD is among the most com- Perhaps even scarier, most peo-
mon of these and is often referred ple can’t distinguish the chest pain Meanwhile, there are warnings
to as heartburn, acid reflux or acid symptoms of acid reflux from those that chronic usage of antacids can
indigestion. of a heart attack. effect absorption of important vi-
tamins and minerals. By extension
Dr. Alex Perez, a gastroenterolo- Chest pain that often occurs that could increase the risk of prob-
gist with the Sebastian River Medi- when stomach acid sloshes up into lems like osteoporosis.
cal Group, first points to the bright the esophagus – a classic acid reflux
side of GERD treatment. “Medicines symptom – can sometimes cause And while certain seemingly unre-
nowadays, especially for things like people having a heart attack to lated medications commonly taken
gastritis or acid reflux, have really reach for their Maalox, Prilosec or by many older Americans – includ-
revolutionized how we treat those Nexium instead of calling 911. ing some blood pressure medica-
kinds of symptoms. They’re far, far tions – can contribute to heartburn,
more effective than older medica- In other words, says Perez, chest there may well be readily available
tions.” pain should never be ignored. If alternatives.
chest pains happen more frequent-
Then Perez’s tone turns more se- ly when you exert yourself or if you “Nowadays [acid reflux] medicines
rious. “If you’re on an acid medicine have high blood pressure or a his- are so effective at what they do that
and you’re not having an optimal tory of cardiac problems, do not as- if you don’t respond to them, that’s
response or you have persistence sume that pain is being caused by when we start to say, Hey, maybe we
of symptoms, that’s absolutely the acid reflux. need to do a little bit more investiga-
time to see a specialist,” he warns. tion here,” Perez says.
Seek immediate medical atten-
Acid reflux is reportedly the most tion. Dr. Alex Perez is with the Sebastian
common upper gastrointestinal River Medical Group. His Vero Beach
disorder in older adults. The Ameri- On a more optimistic note, Perez office is at 920 37th Place, Suite 105.
can College of Gastroenterology es- says if your symptoms improve with The phone number is 772-567-4825.
timates more than 60 million Amer- your usual heartburn treatment,
icans experience heartburn at least it’s less likely to be pain related to
once a month. Studies suggest more cardiac issues. “You wouldn’t have
than 15 million older Americans ex-
perience heartburn symptoms ev-
ery day.
As common as it is, it can lead
to far more serious problems, even
causing other life-threatening
symptoms to be ignored.
At the entrance to the stomach
there is a valve called the lower
esophageal sphincter. Under nor-
mal circumstances, this valve clos-
es as soon as food or liquids pass
through it into the stomach. But if
it doesn’t close, stomach acid can
then move upwards into the esoph-
According to the Mayo Clinic,
“if left untreated, that can lead to
Barrett’s esophagus,” and possibly
esophageal cancer.
Barrett’s esophagus is in essence
a pre-cancerous condition, Perez
says. “The cells in your esophagus
have changed as a way to protect
themselves from the stomach acid
and that change in cell type is a pre-
22 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
NEW YORK of the original Cannonball runs, relying Once the race begins, anything goes, tion, empty fuel tanks, pesky bathroom
on instincts and car smarts to traverse and drivers take whatever risks and stops and law enforcement patrolling
It wasn’t yet 6 a.m. on a Saturday and the country. Drivers faced a $3,000 limit precautions they see fit. Many will top the highways.
most of the country was still asleep – when shopping for cars, though most 100 mph, and they all try to avoid road
from the buildings scraping the night put hundreds more – thousands even – construction and speed traps, finding “Two paths generally lead here,”
sky in downtown Manhattan to the into repairs and improvements. unique ways to fend off sleep depriva- explains Ed Bolian, who holds the
white sands along California’s coast- record for posting the fastest cross-
line. Dmitry Cherkassky was eager to Ed Bolian in a perfect replica of the 1974 Dodge Monaco made famous in the “Blues Brothers” film. country driving time. “One is an ob-
see all of it. session with cars and road trips. The
other is an obsession with police
He slid into the driver’s seat of the countermeasures. If you like either,
1983 Mercedes 300D. Four energy this is the holy grail.”
drinks were in the center console and
three devices were mounted on the The technology has improved, but
dashboard. He plugged his destination the basics haven’t changed. The race
into the GPS. starts at the Red Ball Garage on 31st
Street in New York and ends at the Por-
“Okay, we’re going to the Portofino tofino Hotel and Marina in Los Angeles.
Inn,” the computerized female voice said. The details and date are shared only
discreetly. Speed limits are routinely ig-
His was the first car off in the C2C nored, and the event still attracts a cast
Express, a cross-country road race of characters as colorful as ever.
that’s a direct descendent of the Can-
nonball-Baker Sea-to-Shining-Sea Me- Cherkassky, 40, runs his own small
morial Trophy Dash from the 1970s, business outside Philadelphia, has a
which was made famous thanks to wife and two children. He moved to
Hollywood and the “Cannonball Run” the United States at 14 from the area
movies starring Burt Reynolds and an that’s now the Ukraine.
ensemble cast.
“They told us to hate this country,”
The race attempts to honor the spirit he said of his childhood. “They said
you should be grateful to God you were
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 23
born in USSR. But this country gave me Other teams were more comfortable body’s life in danger, including our PENNSYLVANIA
everything I have.” taking risks, but they insist every deci- own. At this level we’ve never been at
sion is a calculated one with safety in a point where you feel unsafe. You’re While the Propst brothers rocked
The race was a chance to take in mind. so focused on what you’re doing – way out, the Blues Brothers took a differ-
the entire country, to search its hills more focused than someone texting ent tack: They wouldn’t turn on the
and valleys and all the space that fills This year’s run was preceded by a and driving 60 mph.” radio once for their entire trip. They
the giant divisive gaps separating the series of calamitous events that cut couldn’t afford any distractions. De-
Donald Trump billboards in Indiana in half the number of participants: a The Propst brothers remained fo- spite their familiar costumes and eye-
and Hillary Clinton bumper stickers in co-driver no-showed, a 1956 Chevy cused on the GPS and stereo system, catching car – a perfect replica of the
California. Drivers and organizers pre- was rear-ended, two teams that flew blasting a soundtrack that would’ve 1974 Dodge Monaco made famous
fer to call it a “run,” not a race, and it’s in from New Zealand pulled out after fit in well during the original Cannon- in the “Blues Brothers” film with the
a search for country and possibility as a near-fatal accident that landed three ball runs four decades earlier. Eric, 51, words “We are on a mission from God”
much as it is a search for self. Kiwis in the hospital five days before wore a Cheech and Chong T-shirt, and stripped across the back window – the
the race. The list of injuries was a re- Kevin, 47, a Michigan ballcap. They three men were a business-like unit, a
In addition to Cherkassky, four oth- minder of the dangers posed any time playfully bickered about driving direc- dream team of sorts.
er teams would be on the road: a tac- on the road: a broken femur, pelvis, tions and Arlo Guthrie.
tical group dressed as Blues Brothers clavicle and ribs, a lacerated liver and In 2013, Bolian drove across the
driving a replica of the Bluesmobile; a ruptured intestines. Just three hours into their journey, country in 28 hours, 50 minutes, a time
veteran team in a Lincoln Continen- the Rolling Stones were blaring from many think will never be surpassed.
tal with a unique waste-disposal sys- Toman holds the record for building
tem and a secret weapon in the back Roscoe Anderson shows that, on an epic road trip, there are some things just as important as another driver. the world’s fastest hearse, which goes
seat; a long-haired Brooklyn man who 137 mph, and Forrest Sibley is a me-
would find his journey interrupted by The Propst brothers, Eric, and Kevin, begin their 2,812.6-mile journey from the Red Ball Garage in chanical engineer who’s working on a
a police K-9 unit; and a pair of broth- Manhattan to the Portofino Hotel and Marina in Redondo Beach, Calif. high-tech device that disrupts police
ers from the Midwest who had more radar detectors. A competing driver
than 20,000 songs loaded on an iPod There are 17 races recognized as the speakers when Eric said, “Uh-oh,” noted that when the Blues Brothers
and a booming sound system in their Cannonball or part of the lineage. and turned down the volume. show up, “It’s like bringing a nuclear
van that they hoped would rock them Since the first run in 1971, there has weapon to a knife fight.”
from coast to coast. been only one reported accident: a car “I [messed] up somehow,” he said,
that ran off the road in 1975 and result- studying the map on his phone. “It They’d put together a race plan
They all had to leave to the Red Ball ed in a broken arm. wanted me to get off there. I heard her months earlier, and no detail was
Garage in the same 24-hour period, get- talking. I just didn’t know what she was overlooked. The dashboard alone was
ting a time stamp they’d carry across the “I think people have this knee-jerk saying.” more elaborate than the Starship En-
country. Cherkassky and his 33-year- reaction: ‘Oh, you’re out endanger- terprise: one phone mounted left of
old Mercedes – price tag: $2,800 – were ing people’s lives,’ ” said Arne Toman, He corrected his route but had lost the steering wheel; high-powered sta-
the first in the garage on a dark Septem- who was competing in his second run. seven minutes. Through the van’s bilizing, binoculars by the passenger
ber morning, and he was eager to get “Our No. 1 rule is we don’t put any- speakers, Mick Jagger sang, “You Can’t seat with a backup pair nearby; radar
going. He was the only first-timer in the Always Get What You Want.” detectors on either side of mirror; two
field, and he had no idea how his car or toll passes; a timer; a mounted iPad
his body would respond to whatever and another mounted phone. There
the next 2,900 miles held. was a police scanner in the center con-
sole, two navigation systems running
But he was ready to find out. at all times and another device that
Cherkassky snapped a photo in front detects aircraft that might be monitor-
of the garage with his driving partner, ing speed overheard. In the trunk was
the red neon sign glowing bright in the a fuel cell, which would allow them to
background, before climbing back in carry more than 30 extra gallons.
the car.
“Okay, let’s go,” he said. “Time’s While Cherkassky left first thing in
burning.” the morning, the Blues Brothers would
leave 14 hours later, maximizing their
NEW JERSEY driving at night, which they felt could
boost their average speed by 10 mph.
Eric Propst’s van was well-stocked
and well-outfitted. He sat behind an “It’s not analogous to anything you’d
11-inch chain link steering wheel. He normally do in a car,” Bolian said. “It
had an extra gas tank and a spare tire, feels more militaristic because there’s
of course. He also had a microwave, so much effort going into preparations
mini-fridge, solar panels, a Kenwood and making sure the car is safe.”
speaker system and a couple hundred
feet of wires under the carpeted floor The few stops they make for gas
to keep everything purring nicely. are carefully coordinated and re-
He’d packed two coolers of drinks, six hearsed. They’d jump out of the car
pounds of candy, 30 packs of nuts, 54 and two men would grab gas pumps,
bags of chips, plus beef jerky, choco- one filling the car and the other tend-
lates, cookies and enough snacks to ing to the extra tank. One man liter-
feed an entire summer camp. ally sprints to the restroom, while an-
other cleans the windshield and the
Strategies and motivations varied third disposes of garbage. Then they
from team to team. The Propst broth- pull back onto the highway and the
ers wanted an adventure and a good gadgets all begin to whir – all of them
finishing time, but they also hoped to except the car’s radio.
avoid police lights. They didn’t want to
pay any fines and certainly didn’t want “It’s like a cat-and-mouse game,” To-
to lose time on the road because of a man says. “You want to go fast to make
traffic stop. good time, but not so fast where you’re
24 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
in big trouble. If you get arrested, that ond he’s received in the past decade – Roscoe Anderson’s pre-race prep Anderson had no driving responsi-
will surely screw up your time.” and lost 12 minutes while the car sat was simple. Before his team pulled out bilities, but he was still his team’s se-
idle on the side of I-76. of New York, he went to a nearby liquor cret weapon of sorts. The 1978 Lincoln
The Bluesmobile was near Philadel- store, purchased two large bottles of Continental was a classy ride, and the
phia when the roads were clear and That certainly wasn’t part of the plan. vodka and then filled up empty water three team members dressed similar
the group decided to test the car. They bottles, his personal fuel to help get to Thurston Howell III with ascots and
watched the speedometer climb to 133 WEST VIRGINIA/OHIO across the country. shades.
mph. It meant a busy, productive night
was ahead. At least they hoped. After driving all night, Eric Propst gets some sleep, but the van keeps moving with his brother at the wheel. With Anderson in the backseat,
Somewhere along I-70 in Indiana, the journey of the C2C Express continues to unfold. the Lincoln would be driven by Carl
Not long after, Bolian saw flashing “Yumi” Dietz, who once held the re-
lights behind them. The radar de- cord for driving across the country
tectors never went off. The highway solo, and John Ficarra, who was mak-
patrolman said the Bluesmobile was ing his eighth coast-to-coast run, more
going 90 in a 55 mph zone. He was than any Cannonballer ever.
unimpressed by the car or the cos-
tumes. Passing the time is key, and all three
men had collected a variety of cas-
Bolian took the ticket – only the sec- settes for the car’s eight-track player.
The Herb Albert tape broke and Aretha
President and Publisher Franklin exploded, but they had other
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187 options. There was an acoustic guitar,
harmonicas, and Anderson brought
[email protected] along his banjo.
Creative Director Anderson’s job was to keep the others
Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700 entertained, via songs, stories or jokes.
[email protected] The South Carolina native is blessed
with Southerner’s knack for storytell-
Managing Editor ing, a battle-tested liver, a mop of shag-
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196 gy dark hair and a gregarious laugh.
[email protected] “It’s like having a Muppet in the
backseat,” Ficarra said.
To learn about the cost-effective
advertising rates being offered The team had one other proprietary
novelty at its disposal. Most Cannon-
in Melbourne Beach 32951, ball teams plan on nine or so stops
please contact the advertising to address two crucial areas: empty
representatives listed below: gas tanks and full bladders. The more
competitive teams tend to be creative
Director of Advertising in these areas, though.
Judy Davis, 772-633-1115
[email protected] When Dietz bought the Lincoln three
months earlier and overhauled the
Advertising Account Executives brakes and suspension, he also drilled
Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 holes into the floorboard. All three
[email protected] team members traveled with a funnel
that was attached to a tube. The end
Kathleen MacGlennon, 772-633-0753 of the tube was fed through the floor-
[email protected] board and the nattily-attired members
Hank Wolff, 772-321-5080 of the Lincoln team were able to urinate
[email protected] into the funnel: Voila! no time lost to
Lou Yacolucci, 772-323-8361 nature’s call.
[email protected]
“It works great,” Dietz said. “I don’t
know why more people don’t do it.”
Each team had its own strategies.
The Propst brothers used gas station
restrooms. The Blues Brothers pulled
off to the side of the road to relieve
Ben Preston’s team had an extra fuel
cell in the trunk and packed several
TravelJohns, a handheld urinal of sorts
that absorbs liquid and can be dis-
posed of later.
“Goddammit,” Preston’s brother
and driving partner barked early in the
trip. “I can’t do it with you guys here.”
They’d soon learn that’d be the least
of their problems.
To talk about stories, or invite us to Driving from coast to coast poses many challenges; staying awake is just one of them. INDIANA
cover social and charitable events,
call 772-453-1196 or email us at Preston, 38, bought the 1974
[email protected]. Oldsmobile Omega off Craigslist for
$700 three years earlier, intending
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 25
to run it across the country. But in nonballers feel more comfortable chal- TEXAS Indiana. The Cannonballers zipped
his two previous runs, it just wasn’t lenging the posted speed limits. by the largest cross in the nation on
ready. He ended up buying a second The Cannonball is a tour of America, I-70 outside of Effingham, Ill – 198 feet
Omega for parts, replacing brakes, re- Every team would be driving straight but one that takes place at warp speed tall and 113 feet wide – and also the
building the suspension, overhauling through the night. The Blues Brothers where the scenery all becomes a blur of second-largest, a 19-story cross along
the steering system. Still, as he raced planned to switch drivers every 200 motion and time. Roadside America re- I-40 in Groom, Texas.
it along the highways, it handled like miles. Cherkassky had replaced his veals something about what we do and
a small airplane gliding through a car’s engine just a week earlier and what we want as we travel. It’s an as- In between it all were football fields,
storm, he said. was way too anxious to sleep. In the semblage of quirks, interests, oddities. gentlemen’s clubs, churches, schools,
van, Kevin was in the passenger seat casinos, Waffle Houses, Cracker Bar-
Preston and his brother – a federal and turned up the volume on some The world’s largest indoor minia- rels and outlet stores.
employee who shall remain name- Led Zeppelin. ture village in Pennsylvania. A Mc-
less in order to protect his security Donald’s in Oklahoma that was once As the clock ticked, it became appar-
clearance – picked up the lone New “You should get some sleep,” Eric told the world’s largest. A toy and train ent that the Cannonball was as much
Zealander who made it to the starting him. “Remember you’ll be driving in the museum in West Virginia and the Wil- a journey as it was a race. Finishing
line and their three-man team had wee hours when I need to nap a bit.” bur Wright Birthplace and Museum in first didn’t matter as much as simply
zero complications over the first 600 finishing . This mission was one of ad-
miles. Preston drove that first leg be- When Kevin stirred awake around
fore ceding the steering wheel to his dawn, the van had been on the road CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
brother. for more than 21 hours. They were just
as close to the start of the race as the
At around 9 p.m., outside of Spice- finish.
land, Ind., red and blue lights started
dancing in their rear-view mirror. The “Where are we?” Kevin asked, star-
radar detector didn’t go off, and they ing out the window at an endless
didn’t feel like the car was going much brown blanket of the Midwest.
faster than the rest of the traffic: 84 in a
70-mph zone. OKLAHOMA
The sheriff’s deputy had a bright With a vanity plate that read “EL-
flashlight and was direct: “Get your WOODS,” the Bluesmobile wasn’t ex-
hands where I can see them.” actly inconspicuous on the road. Aver-
aging more than 85 mph, it was a blur
Preston was lying down in the back- to many as it zipped by in the left lane.
seat, resting. He felt the deputy spotted While some managed to snap a quick
his long hair and became suspicious. photo, an Oklahoma officer on I-44
The deputy told the driver to step out had just enough time to note the un-
of the car and then questioned all three seemly speed.
men separately about where they were
going, where they were coming from After catching up, the officer ap-
and what they were doing on the road proached from the passenger side. The
driving so fast in such an old car. occupants were all still in costume with
their white shirts and black neckties.
It became clear quickly that the in-
terrogation wasn’t about speed. They’d “I know I wasn’t doing the speed
been stopped in an area where meth limit, so I sure know you all weren’t,”
problems are prevalent. The deputy the officer said.
called for a K-9 unit to search the car
for drugs. Meantime, the clock was Sitting in the passenger seat with all
ticking. their electronics on full-display, Bolian
piped up and said they were headed to
By the time the dog sniffed its way visit friends.
through the Omega and it was clear
the car was clean, a half-hour had “What are you doing today?” he
passed. Preston’s team was given a asked the officer.
written warning, but the damage to
their time had been done. “My job is to cruise up and down
this road,” the officer replied.
“Well, beautiful day for it,” Bolian
A red sun was setting on the hori- offered.
zon, as the van pulled off I-70 for its
third stop of the run. The Propst broth- The small talk continued, and the
ers bickered over which exit to take. Blues Brothers dodged a second ticket
but lost even more time.
“Just follow what it says,” Eric said.
While Kevin pumped gas, Eric The other teams avoided police in
bought a couple of energy drinks and Oklahoma but steered through either
then checked the oil, preparing for the fog or rain or monotony. The van was
night shift behind the wheel. in a mellow mood, and the Beatles’
After 10 minutes, the Propst broth- classic “The Long and Winding Road”
ers were back on the road at 8 p.m., played.
about the same time the Blues Broth-
ers were pulling out of the Red Ball The Propst brothers had been in
Garage, 734 miles away in New York. In Oklahoma for awhile and would be in
many ways, this marked the real start it for awhile still. The scenery didn’t
of the race. As day-trippers clear off the seem to change.
highways, the road opens up, and Can-
“You start to appreciate just how
hard it is and really how big the coun-
try is,” Eric said. “For months you look
at the map or the atlas and go, ‘All right,
we’re gonna go here, here and here.
And now it’s like, get us out of Oklaho-
ma already!’ ”
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
venture, something raw and visceral.
They sought speed and experience, a
checkmark on a bucket list and story
they could forever tell.
Texas marked the ninth state on
the trip. As a rule of thumb, Cannon-
ballers feel they can drive faster west
of the Mississippi River and gener-
ally make better time on the last half
of the run. The Propst brothers had
been averaging 68 mph for most of
their trip, much slower than the other
“Just because I’m a Cannonballer
doesn’t mean I’m a rule-breaker,” Eric
In Texas, he hit a stretch of highway
where the cows far outnumbered the
humans. The van was pointed downhill
and Propst pressed the gas pedal to the
floor. The speedometer slowly climbed:
92 . . . 96 . . . 100. Finally 104 mph, the
fastest he’d ever gone in the van.
“Okay, now I’m happy,” he said, let-
ting off the pedal and settling back
down at 85.
No Cannonball trip is without com- Cannonballers Ben Preston of Brooklyn and Mason Hart of New Zealand pose with the 1974 Oldsmobile Omega after finishing fourth in 40 hours 55 minutes.
plication. The C2C Express calls for
older, cheaper cars, which means me- Inside Ed Bolian’s record setting Mercedes: In 2013, he drove it across the country in 28 hours, 50 minutes. The map on his phone looked like
chanical mishaps are inevitable. a series of overlapping ribbons and
Advice started pouring in – some of in under 40 hours, and he’d spend the Propst took a wrong exit, just his second
Hours removed from the K-9 search- it sarcastic and designed to slow the last couple of them sweating. He en- wrong turn of the journey. At 11:10 p.m.,
ing his Omega, Preston sent a message pre-race heavy favorites. countered an accident on I-15 west of the van pulled into the Portofino, 41
to the group letting them known his Los Angeles and knew he’d be cutting hours and 18 minutes after leaving New
alternator was cooked and he needed “I recommend removing the fuel it close. He was the first to leave New York. No music was playing.
to stop at an automotive store. “Should tank and letting it cool off for 2 to 3 York and the first to arrive at the Por-
have it done faster than a drug-sniffing hours,” Ficarra told Bolian. tofino 39 hours and 58 minutes later, With the fuel cell in the trunk of the
dog stop,” he told them. two minutes under his goal. He saw Omega, Preston needed to fill up four
The Blues Brothers considered their more than 2,900 miles of America, times to cross the country, but he lost
About an hour later, Preston re- options and started estimating the stopping just twice to fuel up and nev- too much time with the K-9 stop and
ported the second alternator was also time they’d lose by towing the car and er sleeping a wink. the alternator fiasco. All things consid-
toast, and he started to worry about fixing it in Albuquerque. Sibley, the en- ered, he was pleased with his time of
ever getting out of New Mexico. Re- gineer, had another possible solution: Ninety minutes later, the Lincoln 40:55. The Bluesmobile was the last
pairs are usually done on the roadside He began hitting the fuel pump with a rolled in. They lost their AC, and the to start the race and would be the last
with whatever tools and parts each hammer. It worked. cigarette lighter in the backseat broke. to finish. Their race was always one
team has at its disposal. Leaving a trail beneath the floorboard against the clock.
“We’re back, baby,” Toman reported that stretched from one coast to the
Fortunately for Preston, he hap- to the other drivers once the Bluesmo- next, they clocked in with a time of They were pulled over twice, faced
pened to pack the original, greasy bile was again cruising west on I-40. 37:05. The crew averaged 76 mph, and a 45-minute backup because of a
1974 alternator from the Omega. He the Lincoln got 13 miles per gallon. traffic accident and then dealt with
replaced the part for a second time CALIFORNIA the fuel pump issue. Altogether, they
and his team came up with another Late at night, the Los Angeles roads sat idle for 2:16, which would doom
idea. The Kiwi he picked up, Mason Crossing into California brings each are busy but navigable. Eric Propst was most teams.
Hart, happened to be an aircraft me- team a sharp jolt of adrenaline. The driving the van as intently as ever, de-
chanic. finish line might still lie 275 miles away, termined to beat his mark from last year But around 3:15 a.m., the Blues-
but most of the country was in the rear- and hopefully break the 40-hour barrier. mobile pulled into the hotel with an
The team stopped by a tractor-sup- view mirror. elapsed time of 34:16. The crew aver-
ply store in Gallup, N.M., and picked “Dammit!” he yelled, slamming the aged 82 mph, which jumped up to 88
up some hoses. They used a McDon- Cherkassky hoped to finish the race steering wheel. mph when they weren’t sitting idle.
ald’s cup with the bottom cut out to
connect the tubing and create a make- At the end, the windshield of Propst’s
shift funneling system that would keep van was splattered with the vestiges of
the car from overheating. It seemed to a 2,900-mile road trip, a Jackson Pol-
work, and the Oldsmobile was back on lock canvas of bug remains. Having
the road and back in the race. fallen 1:18 short of his 40-hour goal
Propst already was identifying spots
The Bluesmobile also ran into prob- along the route where he lost time.
lems. About 140 miles shy of Albuquer-
que, Bolian reported to the other teams “You know what that means?” he
that they’d apparently lost their fuel said. “I’ll have to do this again next
pump on a desolate stretch. They had year.”
no backup and no simple contingency
plan in place.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 27
Paul Simon was never very happy pop stardom flamed out, Simon learned in the grimy studios and of- sudden generosity often “made it seem
about his appearance. According to decided to forgo performance fices of midcentury Manhattan would impossible for such kindness and com-
Peter Ames Carlin’s biography “Home- for a foray into the labyrinthine shape Simon’s assumptions and meth- passion to exist within the conscious-
ward Bound,” as early as 1966 the young undercurrents of the record in- ods for the duration of his career. ness of the same man,” and one comes
singer “became skilled with his comb, dustry as a songwriter and pro- to feel that this doubleness, this mixture
developing new and increasingly con- ducer. The fast-and-loose rules of ’60s pop of the ruthless and the sensitive, is the
voluted patterns to cover the pink top of also ended up kick-starting Simon and engine of his entire artistic being. His
his otherwise bushy head.” The alchemy To my mind, Carlin’s account Garfunkel’s rise into the pop strato- fractious side surfaces most regularly
of pop stardom is a curious process, and of this early, near-anonymous sphere. It’s a good story, and Carlin in his dealings with Garfunkel, who in
few stories are as unlikely and as absorb- phase of Simon’s career is both tells it well: In 1964 the duo recorded Carlin’s telling comes across as moody,
ing as that of the Jewish kid from Queens the most fascinating and the a lifeless folkie debut album called cerebral and defensive. Chronicling the
turned folk superstar. Fresh off 2012’s most telling part of the sto- “Wednesday Morning, 3 AM,” which pair’s half-century dance of partnership
“Bruce,” his take on another quintessen- ry. Working in the Brill Building, the went nowhere until Columbia Records and separation, the central dynamic in
tially American subject, Carlin provides famed laboratory of the nascent rock executive Tom Wilson decided to re- both men’s lives, is the first challenge
a brisk and engaging overview of Simon’s industry, Simon found himself along- record a bit of portentous minor-key faced by any Simon biographer.
career and protean musical output. side other architects of the new sound poetry called “The Sound of Silence”
such as Carole King, Jerry Leiber and with electric instruments and drums, The second, of course, is the fraught,
The son of a Newark bandleader and Mike Stoller, with “the pickles-and-ci- in the style of Bob Dylan and the Byrds. maddening, complex phenomenon that
a schoolteacher, the young Simon found gar aura of Tin Pan Alley turning neon When the record hit, Simon was in Eng- was 1986’s “Graceland” – “this astonish-
his way to rock-n-roll via the radio dial, with Brylcreem and Tabu, grass-kissed land, making a name for himself play- ing, troublesome record,” Carlin calls it
just as many a future star was doing in sweatshirts and hairspray.” It was an ing the ultra-earnest folk clubs of Lon- – which remains the defining achieve-
bedrooms from Liverpool to Los An- education in a cheerfully cutthroat ap- don, while Garfunkel was working on ment of Simon’s career and the apotheo-
geles. A precocious talent, he teamed proach to songmaking, full of outright his doctoral degree in mathematics at sis of both his most brilliant talents and
up with another neighborhood youth theft and bald-faced one-upmanship, Columbia University. Within a year they of his darkest, most exploitive instincts.
named Artie Garfunkel for a short-lived built on simulating and repackaging were “rock ’n’ roll’s first intellectual so- As anyone who was even marginally
stab at pop stardom, recording the mar- the heat and flash of black music for a phisticates,” the ragingly popular “elite sentient at the time will recall, Simon’s
ginal hit “Hey, Schoolgirl” as Tom and white teenage audience. Carlin doesn’t practitioners of a new pop art form. … inescapable hit album was built on
Jerry in 1957. When his fling with teen- make the point explicit, but the lessons Poets. Visionaries. Sages.” rhythms he had recorded in then-apart-
heid South Africa with a coterie of musi-
For the most part “Homeward cians skilled in indigenous genres such
Bound” is crisp and well-paced, not as mbaqanga and famo. The resulting
long on psychological depth or detailed music, as effervescent as it was, raised
analysis, but generally lucid and evoca- potent issues about cultural appropria-
tive. Carlin is especially good when writ- tion that remain as trenchant today as
ing about the music, describing Simon’s they were then.
1973 classic solo tune “Kodachrome” as
“revving the engine with a spinning riff To understand is not to condone;
… piano jangling, drums kicking, horns nonetheless, the primary insight sup-
blaring.” Not coincidentally, Simon’s plied by “Homeward Bound” is in the
work of the mid-1970s, with its sardon- context of Simon’s long history as a
musical and cultural magpie. At some
ic resignation; easy-groovin’ mélange of point, Carlin reports, “Paul stopped
folk, jazz and pop; and inward-focused worrying about how he’d be received
lyrics marks not just his best work but by musicians and singers he traveled
the period when he was most keenly in to work with. They all knew he was a
tune with the zeitgeist. big star and that he paid extremely well
for their time and help. If he wanted to
Carlin gives a moving description of project their sound and their names
the famous 1981 reunion concert with to his enormous audience, how could
Garfunkel in Central Park, when “half that be a problem?” This is intentional-
a million human beings were made to ly disingenuous, of course, and the best
feel joy on a September evening, all of it Carlin can do in the end is to provide a
so heartfelt and so exactly right that you carefully neutral account of the con-
could forget all about the heartbreaks tretemps, observing mildly that “Paul
along the way.” never cared that much about politics.”
Carlin is admirably even-handed Not surprisingly, the long anticline of
when faced with Simon’s sometimes Simon’s post-“Graceland” career is the
acrid personality; the singer’s acts of dullest part of the book. A disastrously
received foray into musical theater
aside, Simon seems to be content to
cede the stage to his younger succes-
sors, and the author follows him into a
stately late-middle-age eminence, not
without a slightly smirking description
of his looks as “somewhere between a
domesticated rock star and a stylishly
hip literature professor.” These days, it
can be hard to tell the difference.
Henry Holt. 415 pp. $32.
Review by Michael Lindgren, Washington Post
28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
John Grisham is one of this country’s state legislator in Mississippi, was a sear- Brigance was fighting not rapists but re- of a documentary as Grisham’s com-
best-selling novelists – and he is also an ing look at Southern racism, as a black spectable citizens who intend to relieve plicated crime unfolds in great detail.
important social critic. In more than 30 man went on trial for killing two men the housekeeper of the fortune. In “Gray The Native Americans, inundated with
novels, he has often used his exception- who raped his daughter. In “Sycamore Mountain” (2014), an idealistic young cash, face unforeseen dangers. The
al storytelling skills to take a hard look Row” (2013), he brought back Jake Brig- lawyer joins a legal clinic in the Appala- gangster, who has advanced from deal-
at injustice and corruption in the legal ance, the lawyer-hero of “A Time to Kill,” chian coal country and learns how cru- ing cocaine to leading a criminal em-
world and in our society as a whole. to represent a black housekeeper who elly the mining companies cheat their pire, thinks himself untouchable. The
had been willed $20 million by a white workers and despoil the land. judge glories in her ill-gotten wealth:
His first novel, “A Time to Kill” (1989), man she nursed as he lay dying; this time
written when he was a young lawyer and His new novel, “The Whistler,” is an- “She went to her vault and spent a few
other ambitious look at corruption, this moments admiring her ‘assets,’ goodies
time involving a judge. The story begins she’d been collecting for so long that she
with two investigators, Lacy Stoltz and now believed she deserved them. Cash
Hugo Hatch, who work for the Florida and diamonds in small, portable, fire-
Board on Judicial Conduct, which po- proof safes. Locked, steel cabinets filled
lices judicial misbehavior. They are with jewelry, rare coins, vintage silver
approached by a whistleblower, a dis- goblets and cups and flatware. ... All of it
barred lawyer, who asks if they want to had been acquired by casino cash, skill-
investigate “the most corrupt judge in fully laundered.”
the history of American jurisprudence.”
She’s supremely confident, sure she’s
He points them toward a Native above the law – because she is the law.
American-operated casino in the Flor-
ida Panhandle that takes in a half-bil- But inevitably the wheels of justice
lion dollars a year in cash and a ruthless begin to turn. This is, after all, a Grish-
gangster whom the Native Americans am novel, and the story winds down
fear. When some members of the tribe with the kind of legal drama readers
opposed the casino, the gangster had have come to expect from him.
them killed. Now he shares the profits
with the tribe’s leaders and they’re all In a recent interview with Enter-
protected against legal challenges by tainment Weekly, Grisham quipped
a corrupt state judge. Each month the that while he was writing this book,
gangster takes the judge a briefcase his wife had asked him to get off his
containing $250,000 in cash; this has soapbox. Readers can be grateful that
been going on for 11 years. he didn’t heed that advice. “The Whis-
tler” is a fascinating look at judicial
The FBI, busy with its pursuit of corruption – an entirely convincing
terrorists, shows no interest in the story and one of Grisham’s best.
corrupt casino. The two investigators
thus proceed on their own, know- I can’t think of another major Ameri-
ing their inquiry may be dangerous. can novelist since Sinclair Lewis who
“We’re not cops with guns,” Lacy says. has so effectively targeted social and po-
“We’re lawyers with subpoenas.” litical ills in our society. Lewis’ scathing
portraits of our Main Streets, Babbitts
Her concern is justified. One per- and Elmer Gantrys won him the Nobel
son is soon murdered, one is badly Prize for Literature in 1930. In Grisham’s
injured and another goes missing. case, it is time at least to recognize that
We meet a Native American on death at his best he is not simply the author of
row who was convicted of murder on entertaining legal thrillers but an impor-
perjured testimony. The FBI eventu- tant novelistic critic of our society.
ally enters the case, and Lacy, who’s
36, single and attractive, enjoys a cau- THE WHISTLER
tious romance with one of the agents. BY JOHN GRISHAM
Doubleday. 374 pp. $28.95.
Although “The Whistler” reads as Review by Patrick Andersen, Washington Post
first-rate fiction, it takes on the feel
presents 1. A Lowcountry Christmas 1. Killing the Rising Sun 1. Bad Kitty Scaredy-Cat
2. Seduced 2. Cooking for Jeffrey 2. Dog Man BY DAV PILKEY
YOU DIE 3. Magic Tree House Incredible
Our friends from Fact Book BY MARY POPE OSBORNE
WALKING TREE BREWERY 3. The Expatriates 3. Best. State. Ever. 4. The Littlest Bigfoot
Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 6pm
4. The Whistler 4. Guinness World Records 5. The Bear Ate Your Sandwich
5. The Magnolia Story
bestselling author BY VINCE FLYNN & KYLE MILLS
SAY NO MORE 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
A Jane Ryland Novel
Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 6pm
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 29
The cure for emotional whiplash? Focus on God
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT the treaties, and the political wranglings ties and alter every expectation. Natu- energies here and there, turning our at-
Columnists that were undertaken in hopes that Ju- rally, no one was going to receive that tention this way and that, squandering
dah would not be swallowed up. And part of the message with any enthusi- our devotion in too many places, we
Many centuries ago, there lived a re- while Judah would also have wanted asm. But there was more. Jeremiah was just might get spiritual whiplash. But
luctant prophet of God in the ancient to retain its unique identity as a people also commissioned to tell the people focusing upon the One who remains
land of Judah. It was a very troubled who worshipped one God in the temple that even if everything they hold dear unchanged and ever faithful to us can
time for this prophet we call Jeremiah, in Jerusalem, the temptation to please is overthrown, plucked up and pulled be steadying and reassuring. God’s com-
and for his people. His tiny country powerful neighbors by adopting their down, a new start is coming. They have passion is stronger than our fears and
was surrounded by large and menac- worship practices was naturally great. an ultimate security greater than they disappointments. God’s constancy is
ing empires on every side. To the north can presently imagine. They have the truer than any of our anticipated losses.
lay Assyria, to the south Egypt, and to In fact, the people of Judah concoct- love of God and will forever.
the east Babylonia. Of course Judah ed one solution after another in an at- Jeremiah never promised a perfect
wanted to retain its independence, so tempt to withstand their adversaries, Now, you may not have initially world to God’s people. Apparently we
we can imagine the diplomatic envoys, focusing their attention this way and thought we had much in common can’t expect one either. But we can
that; it must have felt like emotional with the people of Judah of the sixth expect, even count on, being carried
and spiritual whiplash. Hopes for re- century BCE. But maybe we do. Don’t through whatever lies ahead by God’s
taining autonomy and traditional pat- we regularly hear people lamenting love.
terns of life would have sprung up, only the fearsome realities of our world?
to be doused, again and again. Still, the Aren’t we surrounded on every side THE BAGGOTTS
people thought, perhaps they could by forces that threaten to topple our
figure some way out of this dilemma equilibrium, our status quo? Our Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
and still maintain the status quo. world is surely as tumultuous, as hos-
tile, as violent, and as power hungry as Minister of Community Church
That’s where Jeremiah comes in. He’s it has ever been.
given the unenviable task of telling his of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
people that resistance to forces that And so, the bold words of the reluctant
threaten them will be fruitless. Change prophet Jeremiah ring out more mean- Baggott is Executive Minister.
is coming, to sweep away old certain- ingfully than ever. If we are expending
The Baggotts write a regular faith
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz takes to Tiki Taco Tuesday, a bouncy Yorkiepoo
Hi Dog Buddies! before, but they picked me cuz I was so Tiki Taco Tuesday. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
cute and FRENly, and I only weighed 2 ½
This week I interviewed a giddy little girl pounds. Which isn’t that much. I took to “I run around here chasin’
pooch named Tiki Taco Tuesday Seba. She’s ‘em right away, and I got along real well with
a Yorkiepoo and she was SO bouncy and SO Molly pretty quick, too, soon as I learned lizards – but not catchin’ ‘em. And Mom “Mom and Dad use
happy, I was still smiling all the next day! not to jump in her face. She’s in Dog Heaven
with Bella now. She taught me a bunch of and Dad haf to watch out for Birds of Prey ta have this RULE: No Dogs In Bed. They
She Bounced when she greeted me and Important Dog Stuff. Specially potty Train-
my Assistant at the door. She Bounced right ing. Molly useta let me go outside with her so they don’t swoop down and GRAB me. NEVER EVER let their OTHER dogs sleep
up for the “Wag(Bounce)-and-Sniff.” She so I could practice Doing My Duty like the
Bounced when the rest of us were getting Big Dogs do. I still sometimes go on papers Mom sez I’m just the right size for a Hawk’s with them. But Mom says I wormed my
settled in. Well, you get the idea. The only in the shower, but I’m doing Much Better.”
time she wasn’t Bouncing was when she was Lunch. But I’d just punch that ol’ hawk way into their hearts. So they changed the
playing Fetch-the-Squeaky-Pig with my As- As Tiki told her story, she was zipping
sistant. Then she was pretty much Flying. back and forth. I felt like I was watching a right in the beak! I’d show HIM!” rule. And now I get to snuggle with ‘em.”
But she still managed to introduce us all and tennis match. I was getting a little dizzy.
to tell her story. “I have no doubt,” I said. “But it’s better Heading home I was smiling, thinking
“Bein’ around humans is The Best!” Tiki
“I’m really excited that you’re gonna continued. “My boyfriend is Greg. He’s a Hu- to be on the safe side.” about happy, bouncy little Tiki Taco Tues-
write about ME. I mean, I’m only 7 months man. He lives across the street. When I hear
old, so I’m still learnin’ stuff. This is my his voice, I Beeline right over. PLUS, his dog “True. This neighborhood is so frenly. day. And about cheese.
Mom and Dad, Pam and Stacey. I’m Tiki Jake and me are dog buddies. He’s bigger’n
Taco Tuesday Seba. You can call me Tiki. me. But that doesn’t scare me. I love Big Dogs. Mom takes me for rides around the hood in
Or Taco. Or Tuesday. Or like Mom and Dad They’re Wa-ay Cool. And they aren’t yappy.
sometimes do – Tiki Tock or Leaky Tiki (but When we go to the Dog Park, I try to jump her bike basket; I get chewy rawhide bones Till next time,
not that one so much anymore, since I do over the fence into the Big Dog Section.”
better now, cuz I’m all grown up almost). from my vet; I hang out on the lanai. I help The Bonz
“You have a lotta Spunk,” I told her. Mom ‘Garden,’ which I found out just means
“I think Tiki will work very well, young “I KNOW! When we had that Hurry-cane digging in the dirt. Sometimes Mom takes me Don’t Be Shy
lady,” I said. “So, tell me how you and your I wasn’t scared one bit. I loved splashing in to H.A.L.O. (that animal shelter in Sebastian)
Mom and Dad got together.” the Hurry-cane puddles. But guess what, when she goes there to help paint shelves.
Mr. Bonzo. I went to Obedience School
“OK. Well, Mom and Dad had a dog, Bella, at the Humane Society and there was a “Oh, and, I love cheese!! Do you love We are always looking for pets
who went to Dog Heaven, and another dog, Standard Poodle in my class named Bear. I cheese? My Dad loves cheese a LOT! When I with interesting stories.
Molly, who was blind. So, one day, they were could run under his tummy without duck- hear the cheese wrapper crinkling, I rush to
at this big building with lotsa of Stuff for Sale ing. We had fun. But, me and Bear, well, the kitchen and give dad my Big Puppy Eyes. To set up an interview, email
and lots of humans all over the place – called we’re Obedience School Drop-outs.” So, of course, he gives me a piece of cheese. [email protected].
a Flea Market. But I never saw any fleas and “Not every pooch needs a Formal Edu-
I don’t know why anybody’d want fleas any- cation,” I observed diplomatically.
how. So, there was this nice part of it where “That’s what I said, too! But sometimes I
they were selling puppies. Fresh picked, not forget The Rules. Specially Rule No. 11: Paper
flown in. A bunch of us puppies were hang- Products Are NOT Toys! But Bonzo, when
ing out. Most of ‘em were snoozing but I you find a nice big, soft roll of toilet paper,
was all excited cuz I love people and, I don’t well, do you KNOW how much FUN that is?”
know if you noticed, I LOVE Bouncing. So I I nodded.
was doin’ a lotta that!” “When I do Get Into Stuff, Totally By Ac-
cident, I try to be Cool and Not Let On. But
“As a matter of fact, I did notice,” I told Mom says she always knows cuz I have this
her, smiling behind my paw, and writing strut. She gets me every time. She’s really
really fast. smart.
“Mom and Dad never had a small dog
Celebrating 65 years in dog years of course
Dr. Rebecca Colombo is a graduate
of the University of Florida College of
Veterinary Medicine Class of 2000.
She is a Brevard County native who
currently lives in Indialantic with her
three children Vincent, Maria, Joseph
and her husband Robert.
Comprehensive Exams • House Calls • Cold Laser Therapy • Hydrosurge Animal Bathing System • Grooming Cottage
Old World Values, New World Medicine
107 South Riverside PL. • Indialantic, FL 32903 • E: [email protected] • • Tel: 321-327-8928
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 31
542 A 10 9 7 K
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J3 8764 A K 10 5 2
K98432 A5 J 10 6
John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, a Scottish novelist, historian and politician who 10 3 KQ6 J974
served as Governor General of Canada, said, “Every man at the bottom of his heart
believes that he is a born detective.” SOUTH
A bridge player needs to be a detective. There are clues littered around every deal, Q9
just waiting to be interpreted correctly. Q7
In this week’s deal, first there is a bidding question. North opens one club, East
overcalls one heart, South responds one spade, and North raises to two spades. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Both
What should South do now?
The Bidding:
Then we don our deerstalker and decide what South should do in four spades. West
leads the heart jack. East wins with his king, cashes the heart ace, and continues with SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
the heart five. When South ruffs up with the spade six, West discards a diamond. How Pass 1 Clubs 1 Hearts
should South continue? 1 Spades 2 Spades Pass LEAD:
?? J Hearts
If responder bids one of a major and is raised by opener to two of that major,
responder passes with nine losers, insists on game with seven losers, and makes a
game-try with eight losers. So, here, South, over two spades, continues with three
clubs. Then North should jump to four spades because he has good clubs, two aces
and four-card spade support.
South, who must hold his pointed-suit losers to one, would usually take the spade
finesse. However, if West had that king, surely he would have overruffed at trick
three. South should lead his spade queen, then put up dummy’s ace. Here, the king
drops, and declarer can claim. But if the king does not appear, South plays another
trump and hopes clubs are 3-3 or East can be squeezed if he has four clubs and the
diamond king.
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Yearn (4) 2 Relation by marriage (23)
4 Marker (3) 3 Occupied (7)
6 Listen to (4) 4 Pacific country (5)
8 Motto (6) 5 Benediction (7)
9 Raincloud (6) 6 Macho type (23)
10 Bad errors (3,5) 7 Droll (7)
11 Pin (4) 10 Strange (3)
12 Cranefly (544) 13 Worry (7)
17 Way out (4) 14 Flyer (7)
19 Sporty, fit (8) 15 Away from wind (7)
22 Sly person (6) 16 Thus (3)
23 Show off (6) 18 Discernment (5)
24 Exaggeration (4) 20 Brawny (5)
25 Plaything (3) 21 Secret (5)
26 Filth (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 33
ACROSS 73 1972 Derby DOWN perhaps The Washington Post
winner, 1 _In full fanfare 53 ___ Loops cereal
1 Debussy’s ___ Ridge 2 Lumberjack, e.g. 57 “Iron deficiency IF I WROTE THE DICTIONARY 2 By Merl Reagle
Afternoon 3 “Rumble in the
of ___ 74 Jazz drummer anemia” tonic
Blakey Jungle” guy 58 Mitt
6 Experiences 4 Supreme: abbr. 60 Ol’ Mr. Ford
9 The A in CAT scan 75 Cut, as locks 62 Make one’s case
14 This is your last 76 Nicaragua’s 5 TV ratings 64 Sister of Moses
6 Nessie and 66 Work unit
notice Chamorro 67 Carefree refrain
18 (adj.) having a beat him in 1990 others 68 Heist tally
77 (n.) H2O, in 7 Cinematography 70 Tech. or admin.
ringing sound Poland
20 (v.) to make soup 79 Bigot’s emotion soc. grade in the Army
22 (n.) the condition 80 Rue de la ___ 8 16th- or 72 Schoolbook
81 One way to get 75 North China
of having not information, 20th-century
enough light to before Jane province
read in smartphones 9 IRAs, e.g. 76 Decides
23 (n.) onion farming 83 Greenish-blue 10 Tic-tac-toe choice 77 1954 comedy,
24 Bardot’s bad hue 11 Death Valley’s
25 Not strict 85 Mr. Guinness county Francis Joins the
26 Chiming-in words 86 Home run gaits, 12 Kyushu volcano ___
28 Bunker and typically 13 German guns 78 Actress Powers,
Clavell 88 Type of triangle 14 Some Dodges for short
29 (adj.) pertaining 91 Like bullies 15 It’s hooked 82 “We have met the
to clean walls 93 Thes. entry 16 Agony of the feet, enemy and he
(literally, “before 94 Down Under sometimes ___” (Pogo)
the invention of denizens 17 Hardy’s “Pure 84 Picnic drink
placards”) 96 Finishes (up), as Woman” 87 Washington State
33 Noir et blanc mix gravy 19 Demo backer? airport
34 Expunge 98 Classical or 21 Lifesavers? 89 Jacob’s twin
35 Dino’s tail? classic rock 22 Mini-minx 90 Bridge bid
36 Pear type 101 Setting for a roast 27 Chartres’ river 92 National Dog Day
37 Certain enlistee, 102 (adj.) adept at 30 Comps mo.
briefly doing mazes 31 Verb ending, 95 Error
40 Fedex 105 Lies ahead literally 97 1979 NBA
42 “As ___ ...” 108 Search thoroughly 32 Mrs. Gorbachev champs, briefly
(witness words) 110 Taker of vows 33 Rough game? 99 Greek island
45 Young hog 111 Wheel of Fortune 36 Ink mishap named for a
47 Singer Redding purchase 37 (adj.) pertaining mythical son who
50 Uses curlers 112 (adj.) obsessed to doors fell into the sea
52 On ___ (switch with fixing things 38 (n.) a low-fat 100 The Promised
choices) 114 (adj.) tending candy Land
54 Bat lead-in to own only 39 They left the 101 Slew
55 Cows, old-style one piece of Winnebago and 102 Fencing needs
56 (n.) a strutting photographic settled near the 103 Brasi of The
egotist equipment at a Iowa River Godfather
59 Avis car sign time 41 1990s singer 104 Like Abner
61 News flashes: 118 (n.) a male doctor whose name is 105 Bullets
abbr. 119 (n.) the concept of one letter short of 106 It makes a tire
62 Debate side computers in the being a Napoleon bald
63 Raines of filmdom classroom fiancee 107 The King and I
64 Newspaper’s 120 Escape-route city 43 Old locomotive role
library in Casablanca follower 108 Evening, to Yves
65 Copy clumsily 121 OK Corral 44 Pianist Claudio 109 Zodiacal border
66 (n.) the art of brothers 46 ___ ten (surf) 113 George’s brother
giving campaign 122 N, E, W, and S 47 Cajun veggie 115 Crooner Cole
speeches 123 Bottled water 48 (n.) a small urn 116 Dallas player, for
69 Mr. Hyde’s brand for gratuities short
creator, briefly 49 (n.) camping 117 British record
71 Coq au vin, e.g. 51 At a motel, the label
third room on the
second floor,
The Telegraph
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Foreign’ policy: Freaking out about overseas in-laws
BY CAROLYN HAX band when your approach to real concerns is to harbor Many extended-family situations, unfortunately,
Washington Post them in silence; or that external reassurance will have survive on these fragile détentes. But marriages die
any productive effect on your “freakout tendency.” from them, if not from the fighting, then from the
Dear Carolyn, loneliness of being so guarded.
I have a tendency to freak out These three points address the three primary rela-
unnecessarily, so I need some tionships at work here – parents with husband, hus- And I can’t think of any more substantial matters
outside reassurance. I am an band with you, you with yourself. They may seem for a couple to talk about than what they hope for,
American, born and raised, who to be working OK, and in fact I suspect you all get where they hope to be and where they stand with
married an immigrant two years along, which is essential, of course. their families.
ago. We have a wonderful rela-
tionship, and he is a great guy. It just isn’t enough. When the main reason you Do you know your husband’s view on all this?
Here’s the freakout: Because his family is abroad, I’ve get along is that you studiously avoid talking about Have you ever asked, in direct response to his fam-
only been getting to know them slowly. The more we anything substantial, it follows that a mere whiff of ily’s expressed expectations?
interact, the more I realize they worship their son and substance will have the power to destabilize the re-
fully expect him to return home to lead their country lationships. How would he describe his relationship with his
to greatness. (No kidding.) parents? Have you asked whether he feels pressured
I don’t mind their country, but I have no intention and, if he does, how he intends to respond? Or how
of moving there permanently. Also, while I love their he feels even about the idea of leadership?
son, I don’t worship him blindly the way they seem
to. I feel that parental pressure could really hurt our Has he asked you where you stand on all this?
relationship in the long run. I also feel myself being What is your history together on compromise – flex-
colder to the parents out of self-defense. My husband ible and mutually accommodating, or do you both
has a very good relationship with them. What to do? tend to dig in?
– The Parent Trap
A pattern of avoiding these issues is, not coinci-
Dear 'Parent Trap': dentally, a freakout tendency explained: When your
I don’t mean to pile on, but I’m skeptical of three response to impending conflict is to do nothing
statements you make, and they happen to be three about it but wait, then that’s going to make you anx-
of the only four positive ones. ious.
I don’t think that your husband can have a “good” re-
lationship with parents who “worship” him; or that you You feel doomed and out-of-control – a self-mag-
can have a “wonderful” relationship with your hus- nifying pair.
Start talking about these things. “I’ve thought a lot
about your parents’ visit, and I fear they have their
own ideas for our future.”
It won’t change the fact of a conflict; if there is one,
it’s coming regardless. It simply allows you to act, in-
stead of divine, dread and react.
I skipped my 30s, and it was a decade well-saved
I saw one of my novels at a yard sale last week and it aboard the Pequod for the general interest. Efficiency is my fo-
appeared to have been used as a coaster. The interior was “Why not get yourself a chain to hang around your neck cus now, moving swiftly
quite pristine, but there were rings of rust on the cover through necessary tasks
where wet glasses had been set. It was on sale for 35 cents. and attach your reading glasses to?” says Madame, trying — shower, breakfast,
Had I known I was only writing a coaster, maybe I wouldn’t to be helpful. Because I am not an elderly reference librar- morning paper, and
have worked so hard on the themes and motifs, the con- ian, that’s why not. glide out the door in
notations and so forth, but that’s just the way life is. There’s one uninterrupted mo-
a lot of wastage. No way around it. Life is short enough without wasting big swatches of it tion while picking up
on self-pity and despair, and that is why I skipped my 30s billfold, cellphone, both
You take your kids to the ballpark to experience the great and tacked that decade onto my 60s when I had a better pairs of glasses, laptop
pastime, and to your dismay, they insist on ketchup rather handle on things. It was like daylight saving time except in in briefcase, car keys, and kiss Madame as I take the cup
than mustard on the bratwurst and they decline the kraut. decades. of coffee from her hand, no bumbling, no doddering. My
Ketchup on a brat is like cream cheese in your coffee, but desk is orderly, the meetings I chair are models of succinct-
they insist. And then, in the bottom of the sixth, the thrill- Back in the day, before America took up child worship ness. My prose — can you tell? — is what Strunk & White
ing double play — a sizzler to short, the underhand toss and children were cosseted and counseled and therapized had in mind. And I now have three hours of free time in the
to second, the sharp throw to first, the runner caught by and bestowed with every known comfort, it was the keen afternoon that I didn’t used to have.
half a stride — and you look over at your kids and they are desire of every young person to become older. When I was
texting. 9, I longed to be 15. At 15, I wanted to be 21. I honestly feel that Moby-Dick would be a better novel
without the whale. Old Cranky Pants with peg leg obsess-
Hey. So I skipped my 30s. I grew a beard, moved to the ing over an albino fish? Give me a break. In my version,
Hey.Wear R U? country, wore old farmer clothes, got a job in radio, took Captain Ahab is harvesting squid, which is high in ome-
Twins game. up bluegrass with its maudlin ballads about shedding ga-3 and low in saturated fats. The crew puts in at least an
OMG. Kewl. tears on the flowers of the grave of the one whom you hour of vigorous capstan-winding every day. Queequeg
K. betrayed, and adopted the identity of an elderly share- and Ishmael are gay, and nobody is perturbed by that.They
They missed the OMB play of the game. Two hours, cropper. collect their share of the squid profits and buy a house on
wasted. Nantucket and never go to sea again. It is a huge waste of
With the time I’ve wasted over the past 40 years looking Now that I truly am old, I have that decade saved up, to time to be a tragic hero on a big quest. I have avoided that
for my reading glasses, I could have written Moby-Dick spend wisely. I don’t write novels anymore — other people and you should, too.
and written it better. Not all that yik-yak about melancholy do it so much better — and I don’t play golf: Two hours of
and breakfast and the nature of evil, but cut to the chase self-loathing is not fun. I am thinking of giving up baseball. Garrison Keillor, longtime host of “A Prairie Home Com-
and harpoon the dang whale and bring a couple dames I realize it is iconic, but I’m Episcopalian, and we have all panion,” writes a column for the Washington Post.
the icons we can handle. Self-pity? Gone. Ditto, despair. I
do not stew about the fate of the country, and that saves
me about 45 minutes a day.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 35
Designers imagine dressing a woman who’s running the country
BY ROBIN GIVHAN Donna Karan’s “Commander in Chief” cut like a man’s, the face of an aging were intertwined in fashion magazines,
ad campaign from the 1990s. belle, with shrewd, deepset eyes and a with women in Washington sometimes
The Washington Post way with people.” viewed with a particularly critical eye.
finally merged. They were outliers – a separate spe-
If there was a particular moment Fashion magazines, with their elab- Congresswoman Emily Taft Doug- cies, apart from actresses, musicians,
in the recent history of fashion maga- las, an Illinois Democrat, had a socialites or even businesswomen. The
zines, a moment that signaled a shift in orate narrative advertising campaigns “pinkly scrubbed face, grave blue rules of attire were different for them.
how fashion perceived women in Wash- and fanciful editorial spreads, have a eyes, fluffy brown hair and the ap- And they remain so today.
ington and the ways in which their am- leading role in how women are per- peal of a Jenny wren.”
bitions could be both celebrated and ceived in popular culture. They define “When we’re photographing a mem-
marketed, it was in 1992, when designer the beauty standard. They expound on Early on, appearance and substance ber of Congress, many have said, ‘I
Donna Karan commissioned an adver- the feminine ideal. They illustrate how want to have fun and look amazing
tising campaign to promote a new col- power looks on a woman. and have a fashion moment, but it’s
lection of her sportswear, which hap- not going to fly in my district for me
pened to be filled with menswear-style And for years that vision was terri- to wear a $5,000 look. I want to wear
tailoring along with feminine blouses bly staid. “There’s this retro image of something a woman in my district can
and camisoles. Washington style, when you think of buy at the mall,’” says Leive, who has
the pearls and almost a Southern style helmed Glamour for 15 years.
Karan had always defined herself of dressing,” says Anne Fulenwider, ed-
as a designer who was especially em- itor in chief of Marie Claire. Women in Washington who were
pathetic to the needs of women. She seeking institutional authority and
wasn’t trying to decorate them. She Whether Vogue or Glamour, Cos- influence had to walk a fine line. And
wanted to create clothes that solved mopolitan, Elle or Marie Claire, fashion has been loath to provide them
problems – that made their lives easier glossy magazines have a long history with the aesthetic tools to make their
and, in the grand language of fashion, of publishing stories and essays that endeavor any easier.
elevated them. aim to speak directly to women and
the important issues in their person- “I graduated college in 1979,” re-
She wanted an advertising campaign al lives, their careers and the ways of calls Cynthia Weber-Cleary, a veteran
that spoke to her design philosophy Washington. fashion editor who spent more than 15
but also paid homage to her vision of years at InStyle. “Women were strug-
a “strong executive woman.” She and Tucked between the pages dedi- gling to find a uniform like the one that
her marketing team asked themselves: cated to society parties and recipes for
What was the ultimate position of pow- smoked turkey au gratin, for instance, CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
er? What was the most important ex- Vogue’s political coverage dates back
ecutive suite of them all? as far as 1900. In the 1940s, Vogue was
running stories penned by first lady
The answer, Karan said in a recent Eleanor Roosevelt and introducing its
interview, was the Oval Office. And that readers to “The 9 Congresswomen.”
year, she launched her “In Women We That latter story, written in 1945, looked
Trust” advertising campaign. It was a at the small group of women on the
series of photographs featuring model Hill: “Each one as different as the gents
Rosemary McGrotha, who was in her on the bench in the way that they vote.”
mid-30s, with thick, shoulder-length
hair, dressed for business. The story discusses the “lady”
lawmakers’ focus on issues varying
In one memorable image, McGrotha from the rights of migrant workers to
wears a double-breasted pinstriped banking regulations, and it also re-
jacket with a triple strand of gumball- flects the ways in which their appear-
size pearls. She appears to be taking ance was a matter of public interest
the oath of office, with Secret Service and conversation.
agents hovering in the background and
a first gentleman watching the pro- Mary Norton, a Democratic con-
ceedings. In another, she is stepping off gresswoman from New Jersey, who
a private jet wearing a wrap skirt that was identified as the dean of the
has slipped open to reveal her long legs, women’s contingent, was described as
discreetly sheathed in opaque tights “a knowing politician” with “grey hair
– a phalanx of uniformed men carry
her bags. She looks like a boss, and she
looks womanly. Two notions that, for
years, had been at odds.
“When that fantastic commander-
in-chief ad came out, I fell in love with
it,” recalls Cindi Leive, Glamour maga-
zine’s editor in chief. “But it was 100
percent a fantasy that a woman – forget
being president – that a woman could
look like that and dress like that and be
a public servant.
“It looks less like a fantasy today,” she
In 2016, fashion’s vision of women
in Washington and the reality have
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
men had. One that didn’t distract from “Young men, since they are teenagers they are not similarly hamstrung when
their message or seriousness.” have inspiration to be president, but models stand in for female politicians,
young girls don’t think that way. And lobbyists or others with a seat at the
But their efforts turned into a cliche. table. Fashion fantasizes about dyna-
“In 1981, my first fashion job was as they should.” mos in blouses that are cut far lower
an assistant at Vogue,” Weber-Cleary – Elie Tahari than most real women would counte-
says. “Power dressing was definitely nance, heels that would bring a woman
a ‘thing,’ with a silhouette that had social secretary Desiree Rogers, Sen. has celebrated future leaders, Leive has to tears if she had to walk on marble
defined shoulders with big shoulder Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Rep. noticed a recent shift in how the young floors in them and pencil skirts that
pads, the rich look with gold buttons. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), Attorney women dress. “They used to dress in are hobbling.
It was all about power, but power seen General Loretta E. Lynch and former a very serious style,” she says of them,
through the lens of men.” secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, some of whom have started nongov- Fashion is fashion, after all. The
among many others. The magazine ernmental organizations from their women “are always getting off a heli-
Gravitas was masculine. highlighted then-Alaska Gov. Sarah dorm rooms or worked to get legisla- copter and looking fabulous,” laughs
Stylistically, that Karan advertise- Palin (R) before she became Sen. John tion passed. “I’ve noticed this increas- Weber-Cleary, whose new website
ment signaled a shift in the way the McCain’s (R-Ariz.) vice-presidential ing aesthetic freedom year after year in Apprécier caters to the style needs of
fashion industry related to women running mate. And this year, for the the women we select.” women – regardless of age.
in Washington. Power didn’t have first time, the magazine has endorsed a
to mean a big, boxy suit. Femininity candidate for president: Hillary Clinton Younger women are not wholly up- Instead of relying on Donna Karan,
didn’t mean a frilly dress. Sex appeal – a former Vogue cover girl. ending their style sensibility to meet Clinton for instance, favors Ralph
did not involve a plunging neckline. the traditions that come from genera- Lauren.
The Karan advertisement saw a soft- The stories do not aim to be hard-hit- tions of men being in charge.
ening of power. It offered women an- ting or investigative. And in the case of Consider the latest iteration of an ad
other way of expressing confidence. In a 2011 profile of Asma al-Assad, wife of “Women supporting other women campaign that depicts a female presi-
recent years, the sheath dress became Syrian President Bashar al-Asaad, the is part of it,” suggests Weber-Cleary. dent. This one is from designer Elie
every woman’s favorite work ensemble, magazine painted a glossy portrait that “We’ve arrived at a place – not where Tahari. In his version, the commander
championed most prominently by first most considered wildly inaccurate. we need to be in terms of earning pow- in chief is played by model Shlomit
lady Michelle Obama. Now, there are er – but women have gained a lot of fe- Malka, a 20-something from Tel Aviv.
bold jackets with prominent shoulders. Women in Washington are depict- male support.” As she leans on a desk in the make-be-
There are even blouses with floppy bow ed less as dutiful public servants and lieve Oval Office, her dark, glossy hair
ties. Again. The point is that there is no more as glamorous ones. Laugh lines, Elle magazine, for instance, has is blown by some mysterious breeze.
longer a uniform. There isn’t a tem- under-eye circles, stress pimples are been honoring Washington women She wears a form-fitting red sheath
plate. Only individuals. all airbrushed away. The photos are such as Supreme Court Justice Ruth with lace insets at the shoulders. A
In the modern era, political women stylized – the women are portrayed Bader Ginsburg and journalist Dana small white, fluffy dog is stretched out
are portrayed in fashion magazines as more visually dynamic versions of Bash. The occasion is marked by a cel- on the desk.
in a warm, flattering light. Writers are themselves. They are superheroes – in ebratory dinner in the nation’s capi-
tasked with underscoring their confi- Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Ralph Lau- tal that has no greater agenda than to “It shows that a young, good-looking,
dence and tenacity, not which side of ren or Donna Karan. simply bring women together under well-dressed, fashionable girl can be
the political aisle they call home – or the magazine’s banner. During the in the White House,” Tahari says in an
the nitty-gritty of policy positions. “Our goal is not to have the maga- dinner, which is co-hosted by Hugo interview. “Young men, since they are
“Everyone wants to look powerful,” zine look like two different worlds: the Boss, each woman is introduced with teenagers have inspiration to be presi-
says Fulenwider, whose Marie Claire fashion world and the serious world,” a sleek video that puts a fashion gloss dent, but young girls don’t think that
has featured White House Social Sec- Leive says. “Ten years ago, if a woman on her Washington grit. And the wom- way. And they should.”
retary Deesha Dyer and Alyssa Mastro- is a politician or a CEO, the thinking en revel in it.
monaco, former deputy chief of staff in was, ‘Oh we’ll put her in a suit.’ But Tahari’s fashion fantasy has been
the Obama White House. “I think the that’s not how they dress, particularly Today, fashion sees power as sexy. pushed even further because the old
right clothes can project power.” younger ones.” And women in Washington have clout. one – the Karan version – now looks
Over the years, Vogue has had Wash- But while magazines are limited in a lot like real life. But there’s some-
ington correspondents who were In a Glamour contest for college stu- what they might be able to persuade a thing else here. Instead of just selling
charged with keeping an eye out for dents that dates to the late-1950s and congresswoman to wear in their pages, a brand with a hypothetical notion,
up-and-coming women who could be Tahari is also casting his vote. “I’m
readily profiled. doing this as a fashion company, but
And the magazine has turned its also for political reasons,” Tahari says.
kind gaze toward former White House “I support Hillary.”
Tahari is not arguing that a woman
could be president; he’s saying that a
woman should be.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 37
The meaning of Vogue’s first presidential endorsement
BY ROBIN GIVHAN sometimes the resulting stories are
so soft-focus that thoughtful criti-
The Washington Post cism and challenging questioning go
Vogue has endorsed Hillary Clin-
ton for president. This is a first for the But it’s better that they’re having
New York-based glossy – an extraor- an overly polite conversation than
dinary move for the so-called fashion none at all.
Newspapers have a long history
In an unsigned letter posted on the of endorsing candidates, and those
magazine’s website and published opinions often have a profound effect
in the November print edition, the on less-watched races – school board
editors explain: “We understand that elections, for example.
Clinton has not always been a perfect
candidate, yet her fierce intelligence But the impact on presidential
and considerable experience are re- elections is arguably far more diffuse.
flected in policies and positions that With information coming at voters
are clear, sound, and hopeful.” from all directions, can one newspa-
per endorsement truly tip the scale?
The endorsement is accompanied
by a 1993 Annie Leibovitz portrait of Still, there’s something very high
Clinton that, in the Vogue manner, school civics class about reading an
wraps her in a glow so golden that she endorsement in a local newspaper.
practically looks gilded.
The endorsement in Vogue, how-
And while actress Emma Stone is ever, is much more like an opinion
on the November cover – not Clinton shared at the meeting of an exclusive
– the word “vote” has been incorpo- club.
rated into a patriotic red, white and
blue version of the Vogue logo. The audience is not broad; on some
level, its readers have bought into the
For anyone who follows fashion or Vogue point of view, the Vogue life-
politics, this endorsement probably style, the Vogue message.
comes as no surprise: Anna Wintour,
the magazine’s editor in chief, has Vogue regularly highlights the sto-
been vocal in her support of Clinton, ries of female lawmakers and busi-
as well as financially generous to her ness leaders. It does not sling arrows;
campaign. it champions.
Indeed, she has co-hosted a fund- Those stories tend to be flatter-
raiser for her, alongside designer Di- ing and the accompanying portraits
ane von Furstenberg and top Clinton serve as a more glamorized version of
aide Huma Abedin. their workday selves.
But this is the first time that the But by stepping into the current
magazine, as an entity, has endorsed political brawl, Vogue is not just at-
a candidate. tempting to inform its readers, but to
mobilize them to act.
The reason for stepping into the
political fray? A spokesperson says Vogue may be able to deliver shop-
it’s because of the unique nature of pers to the Chanel makeup counter;
this campaign: It is a spectacle of his- now it is trying to deliver votes.
toric proportion. The country has the
potential to elect a woman as presi- In its endorsement, Vogue isn’t just
dent. speaking as a magazine that publish-
es features about political leaders.
In speaking to its 1.2 million sub-
scribers, Vogue may well be preach- It’s speaking as a publication that
ing to the choir, a largely affluent, does all of that alongside stories
educated and female readership. But about fashion trends, beauty news,
as all those songbirds who crack their designer profiles and fanciful pho-
hymnals at church every Sunday tography. It is, in a sense, declaring
know, a sermon is hardly pointless. that all of these subjects can coexist.
The words can be affirming and re-
assuring. Vogue lends an air of glamour and
panache to whatever appears in its
Other fashion magazines are deep- pages.
ly engaged in politics.
So perhaps it can put a bit of the
The politicians who sit down for shine back on the act of voting at a
interviews with Elle or Glamour or time when so many see their choices
Cosmopolitan know it’s an opportu- as one of two evils.
nity to reach out beyond an audience
of political junkies, to get their points Vogue does not speak for the entire
across in an environment that is non- American fashion industry, but it has
combative. outsize influence.
The downside, of course, is that Its endorsement reflects the many
ways this multibillion-dollar indus-
try has supported Clinton – whether
in fundraising, merchandise design
or social messaging.
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
Costa d’Este: The paella gets better and better
I liked the Cuban version, loved more Tropical Crabcake.
the Peruvian, and am even more
enthusiastic now about the Hon- than a little Coconut Malibu Cake PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
duran. noisy. with Mango Sorbet.
Caesar Salad.
I’m talking about the paella On another visit, we
at Costa d’Este. While execu- American Red Snapper.
tive chefs and menus have started with two appe-
changed, paella has been a courage you to send feedback to me at
staple of Gloria Estefan’s at- tizers – the fish cevice [email protected] .
tractive beachfront restau-
rant since it opened eight ($14), and the ahi tuna The reviewer dines anonymously
years ago. at restaurants at the expense of Vero
poke ($15). Beach 32963.
There are as many ver-
sions of this internationally- Costa’s chefs have al- The Wave
known rice dish as there are
cooks, and Vero diners now ways prepared interest- Hours: 5:30 pm to 10 pm,
are able to enjoy the paella of nightly
Honduran-born Armando Ga- ing cevices, and Galeas
leas, latest executive chef of The Beverages: Full bar
Wave Kitchen & Bar. is no exception. The one Address:
Galeas came to Costa d’Este ear- currently offered has 3244 Ocean Drive
lier this year after serving as chef de Vero Beach, FL
cuisine at Temple Orange, the fresh raw fish marinated
seaside restaurant at the five- Phone: (772) 410-0100
star Eau Palm Beach Resort in citrus, with aji ama-
(formerly the Ritz Carlton in
Manalapan). rillo, jalapenos, radish,
While The Wave continues red onion, cilantro and plantain chips. skirt steak, topped with chimichurri,
to also offer superb seafood and
excellent steaks, in mid-summer Ga- Very refreshing. was not only tasty but surprisingly ten-
leas introduced a revised menu that
now includes not one but two paellas: a The tasty newcomer to the menu, der. It was accompanied by great yucca
tempting-sounding mushroom and lo-
cal vegetable paella ($25 for one, $45 for however, is the ahi tuna poke – a Ha- fries, arugula and cipollini onions.
two), and a paella that is a mix of sea-
food and meat ($32 for one, $50 for two). waiian appetizer of raw tuna, cut into On both visits, the dining room was
On a recent evening, I tried the chunks, garnished with red onion quite full. Among those dining when
mixed paella, which Galeas has named
after the mountainous Calasparra re- and avocado, and served with sesame we were there last week were a couple
gion of Spain where short-grain rice
well suited to this dish is grown. soy vinaigrette and wontons. Poke of dozen participants in a beer tast-
The key to a great paella lies in the (pronounced poh-KEH), which seems ing and dinner featuring the brews of
absorptive properties of the rice, and
the rice in this paella had soaked up to be having a bit of a moment all over the Walking Tree Brewery. The dishes
the flavors of its ingredients – a won-
derful fusion of clams, mussels, scal- the country, has reached Vero. looked great, and the beer aficionados
lops, jumbo shrimp, Spanish chorizo,
chicken, peppers and peas. Absolute- Then for entrées, I decided to try appeared to be having a great evening.
ly delicious.
one of the Estefan Kitchen Favorites, The Wave also is planning wine pair-
But just as I went with one of my fa-
vorites, my husband chose to go with the Cuban style steak ($27), and my ing dinners for later in the winter.
one of his. When he learned the fresh
local catch of the day was swordfish husband went with the Wagyu skirt With fresh seafood, excellent
($29), the discussion was over. It turned
out to be a great choice – a beautiful steak and frites ($29). steaks, interesting Cuban dishes and
piece of swordfish, grilled perfectly, ac-
companied by seasonal veggies. The Cuban steak (bistec de palomil- the best paella in town, The Wave has
Our two dishes highlight what has la) was a very thin but flavorful steak become one of our favorite island res-
become a major attraction for The
Wave: The menu has something for seasoned with garlic salt, onions and taurants. Now if there was just some
just about everybody.
parsley, and served with black beans, way to slightly muffle the noise.
The only complaint we hear about
The Wave is that when it is pretty white rice and sweet plantains. The I welcome your comments, and en-
full (which it often is these days), it is
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 39
& Casual Dining
40 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING 5 Jazzoo, 7 to 11 p.m. at Brevard Zoo, with 19 Casino Royale, 6:30 p.m. at Eau Gal- 7 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Com-
live bands, unlimited food and drinks, lie Yacht Club, a Bond-themed casino munity in Melbourne.
Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts at FIT - and a Sports Bar biergarten with cigars and big- night to benefit the Brevard Heart Foundation,
Transformers: Re-contextualizing Our Material screen TVs. 21 & older. $65 - $100. Brevard- with dinner and cocktails, casino games and Tex-
Culture exhibit thru Dec. 17. 321-674-8313 as Hold ‘em. $100.
2 Melbourne Chamber Music Society pres-
Foosaner Art Museum – Radiant Messenger: 10-13 Native Rhythms Festival at 19 Brevard Symphony Orchestra presents ents St. Lawrence String Quartet, 7:30 p.m.
Drawings by China Marks exhibit, thru Jan. 7. Wickham Park, Melbourne Russian Masters, 8 p.m. at King Center at St. Marks United Methodist Church in Indial-
321-674-8916 hosted by Indian River Flute Circle and Native for the Performing Arts, showcasing pianist Ter- antic.
Heritage Gathering, honoring the culture of rence Wilson performing Rachmaninoff’s Piano
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District Native Americans through music, arts, culture Concerto No. 2. 2-18 Henegar Center for the Arts in
on Highland Ave., 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first and crafts. Free. Melbourne presents A Christ-
Friday. Free. 19|20 ArtWorks of Eau Gallie Fine mas Story: The Musical.
11 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Arts Festival, 10 a.m. to 5
Melbourne Main Street’s Friday Fest, 6 to 10 presents Honoring Our Heroes: A p.m. around Highland Avenue, with 80-plus art- 2-24 Melbourne Civic Theatre presents
p.m. every second Friday. Free. Big Band Tribute honoring men and women of ists working en plein air, live music, food vendors A Tuna Christmas.
the Armes Forces, 7 p.m. at venue TBD. space- and simultaneous events at Foosaner Art Muse-
Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo and um and local galleries. Free. 3 Ocean Reef Beach Festival, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Florida Institute of Technology, every second at Pelican Beach Park in Satellite Beach, with
Wednesday thru June at Tradewinds Restau- 11 Melbourne Chamber Music Society 20 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Chowder Cook-off, art vendors, marine education,
rant at Duran Golf Club in Melbourne. Free. presents the ATOS Piano Trio, 7:30 presents Ralph Vaughan Williams’ live music, food and beverages, and children’s ac- p.m. at St. Marks United Methodist Church in In- Sinfonia Antartica, 3 p.m. at Scott Center for tivities. Free.
dialantic. Performing Arts in Melbourne. spacecoast-
NOVEMBER 7 Melbourne Community Orchestra Holi-
12 Inaugural Downtown Melbourne day Celebration Concert, 7:30 p.m. at
4-6 Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Festi- Food & Wine Festival, 5:30 to 10 p.m. 20 To Jan. 1 - Space Coast Lightfest fea- Melbourne Auditorium. 321-285-6724.
val, Take me out to the Clambake, turing 2.7 million holiday lights, 6:30
at Riverview Park with food and drink, enter- to 10 p.m. nightly at Wickham Park in Mel- 8 Tree Lighting at Melbourne Beach Town
tainment and vendors to benefit local nonprof- 12 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park bourne: Nov. 20 5K Run and Grand Lighting Hall. Time TBD. 321-724-5860.
it organizations and public-purpose projects. Night Sounds concert series features Ceremony; weekend Carriage Rides (reserva- Tumbleweed, 7 p.m. at park’s Coconut Point pa- tions required, 321-917-8752); Hay Rides every 10 Melbourne Beach Christmas Parade
vilions. Standard park entry fee. 321-984-4852 Thursday and Friday; Dec. 3 & 4 Stroll Through presented by Melbourne Beach Fire
4-20 Surfside Playhouse, Cocoa the Lights (no cars); Jan 1 - Say Good Bye to the Department. Time TBD. 321-724-5860.
Beach, presents The Producers. 13 Protect our Waters Fundraiser, 2 to Lights Stroll (no cars). Details/ tickets at Space- 6 p.m. at Melbourne’s Front Street 14|15 Melbourne Municipal Band
Civic Center, with tropical drinks and cuisine, Winter Wonderland Concert,
5 Rocky Water Brew Fest, 1 to 5 p.m. at Eau auctions, live music and performances by Bre- DECEMBER 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium. 321-724-0555.
Gallie Square hosted by Eau Gallie Rotary vard Hawaiian Dancers to benefit Anglers for
Club, with craft beers from small Florida brew- Conservation. $50. 1 Seahawks Dancing Under the Stars, 7 13-29 Henegar Center for the Arts
eries. $30. p.m. at Satellite Beach Civic Center, with in Melbourne presents It
18 Free Movie in the Park, Finding Dory, auction, food, beverages and entertainment to Shoulda Been You.
5 Walk to End Lupus Now & Wellness Expo, 7:30 p.m. at Wickham Park hosted benefit SouthBeach Seahawks Youth Football
2 to 5 p.m. at Melbourne’s Wickham Park by Brevard County Parks and Recreation; food and Cheer Association. $15. 20 Melbourne Chamber Music Society
hosted by Lupus Foundation of America Florida trucks at 5:30 p.m. presents the Lysander Piano Trio, 7:30
Chapter. 561-279-8606 2 Margaritas for Mangroves, 6:30 p.m. at Mel- p.m. at St. Marks United Methodist Church in In-
19 12th annual Golf Fundraiser to ben- bourne BMW, with tapas and margaritas, live dialantic.
5 Fall Back in Time at Green Gables, a efit the Melbourne Beach Volunteer music, auction and keynote speaker to benefit Ma-
1920’s Speakeasy with food, drinks and Fire Dept., 8 a.m. shotgun start at Spessard rine Resources Council. $25. 321-978-8862 20 To February 26 - Melbourne Civic The-
music by Sybil Gage and her Catahoulas, , 4:30 Holland Golf Course followed by awards lunch. atre presents Calendar Girls.
to 9:30 p.m. on the grounds of Green Gables, $50 registration. 321-288-5507 2 Holiday Ball Swingtime Dance with 18-mem-
an 1896 Queen Anne Home on the Indian River ber Melbourne Swingtime Jazz Band, 7 p.m. 21 Brevard Symphony Orchestra pres-
in Melbourne, hosted by the Historical Society 19 Space Coast Home Show and Active at Melbourne Auditorium. $7 - $10. 321-724-0555. ents The French Connection, 2 p.m.
to purchase and restore the property. $75. Living, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Viera Re- and 8 p.m. at King Center for the Performing gional Community Center, showcasing goods 2 Space Coast Symphony and Aaron Collins Arts, showcasing cellist Cicely Parnas perform-
and services for home improvement, health lead Central Florida’s Messiah Sing Along, ing Saint-Saens Cello Concerto No. 1. bre-
care and active living. Free.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 3-18 Henegar Center for the Arts in
in October 27, 2016 Edition 7 YELLOW 1 REVISE Melbourne presents Lady Day at
8 SURVEY 2 BLUE Emerson’s Bar and Grill.
10 ANECDOTE 4 ASKEW 6 Eau Gallie Founders Day, celebrating the histori-
11 LEAFLET 5 GRADIENT cal roots of old Eau Gallie, starts at Noon with
13 WEIRD 6 BETTER live entertainment, family fun, Turtle Splash children’s
15 SPLIT 12 FAITHFUL area, and traditional fish fry.
20 NIGHTCAP 16 PRIVET 10 Melbourne Chamber Music Society
21 LOVE 18 REVIEW presents the Berlin Philharmonic
22 DEMURE 19 ACRES Wind Quintet, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United
23 LINGER 21 LANK Methodist Church in Indialantic. melbourne-
Sudoku Page 4328 Sudoku Page 3439 Crossword Pagee4382 Crossword Page 4393 (SPACE EXPLORATION)
5095 South A1A in Melbourne Beach: 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 2,799-square-foot home offered for
$1,275,000 by Gibbs Baum of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty: 321-432-2009
42 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Built-to-last beachfront home boasts beautiful design
What is perhaps the most distin- tures). In a clever twist on a breakfast Adjacent to the kitchen is the liv- black, sits in one corner; the space
guishing feature of the three-story nook, a section of the countertop has ing room, with its tall windows, bal- above the fireplace is a perfect place
beachfront house at 5095 South been lowered to accommodate seat- cony and a soul-soothing view of the for a mounted flat-screen TV. The ceil-
Highway A1A in Melbourne Beach is ing for four people. ocean. A fireplace, tiled in stylish ings in the living room and the formal
not immediately apparent to the ca-
sual observer: construction choices
that make it super-solid as well as ex-
tremely low maintenance.
Later, there will be more about how
the house’s construction makes it
special, but its design and aesthetics
are also remarkable. Depending on
the room, the flooring is either porce-
lain tile (both beautiful and tough) or
three-quarter-inch maple hardwood
floors; this type of wood is desired for
both its elegance and durability – in
this house it positively gleams.
The kitchen is one of the rooms
with the maple floors. Located on the
home’s second floor, it is spacious
and bright, with a large expanse of
glistening dark-granite countertops,
a breakfast bar, plentiful solid-wood
cabinets, and high-hat lighting
(along with stylish hanging light fix-
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 43
dining room are nearly 9 1/2-feet tall, REAL ESTATE
giving the rooms an open feel without
the sense of impersonal vastness that
higher ceilings can evoke. The knock-
down texture on the ceilings provides
additional visual interest.
The whole second floor has a nice
flow, and as it’s the home’s main liv-
ing space, it is very handy that the
home’s half-bath, with its classic ped-
estal sink, resides here.
The first floor could be used as an
in-law suite, a private place for visi-
tors, or as a retreat for the home’s
residents. There’s a nicely-sized liv-
ing space (partially blocked-off by a
wavy-patterned glass block wall) with
a mini-fridge, microwave and sink; a
large-windowed bedroom with walls
painted a lovely light pistachio; and
a full bath. The foyer leading to this
space is large, light and stunning;
black accent tiles add drama to the
porcelain floors.
The master bedroom is on the
home’s third floor. From here the view
of the ocean is breathtaking, to be
enjoyed through the huge windows,
or from the balcony. The bedroom’s
non-adorned tray ceiling adds depth
without the feeling of fussiness.
The ocean view can also be savored
from the master bath – a sumptuous,
44 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard Island: Oct. 21 to Oct. 27
The last full week of October saw fairly brisk real estate activity in the two South Brevard island zip codes, 32951 and
32903, with 12 transactions recorded.
The top sale in Melbourne Beach was of a lot on the Indian River Lagoon. The property at 200 Strawberri Lane was
placed on the market Oct. 11 with an asking price of $900,000. The transaction closed only 13 days later for $825,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Patricia J. Halpin of Salt Water Realty of Brevard. The purchaser was
represented by Jennifer Covell of RE/MAX The Home Center.
$425,000 $415,000
SOUTH SHORES OCEANSIDE, PH1 5635 S HIGHWAY A1A 302 9/14/2016 $135,000 $425,000 10/26/2016 $132,000
2/8/2015 $312,690 $135,000 10/26/2016 $312,690
FLORIDANA BEACH 5TH 118 CARMEN $314,900 $315,000
$199,750 $184,000
NEW MELBOURNE BEACH 5260 PALM DR 7/26/2016 $149,000 $312,690 10/25/2016 $117,500
$299,500 $282,400
FLORIDANA BEACH 5TH 106 AMIGOS RD 9/15/2016 $369,900 $314,800 10/25/2016 $329,900
$477,500 $435,000
BCH WDS STG 2 PHS 1 3226 BEACH VIEW WAY 9/25/2016 $199,750 10/25/2016
NEW MELBOURNE BEACH 5260 PALM DR 5/4/2016 $138,000 10/24/2016
SEA DUNES PARK 275 SEA DUNES DR 6/8/2016 $289,500 10/23/2016
CRYSTAL LAKES 285 ROSS AVE 5/22/2016 $339,900 10/20/2016
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 512 MAGNOLIA AVE 5/19/2016 $449,000 10/20/2016
INDIALANTIC VILLAS C 1145 N SHANNON AVE N 23 6/9/2016 $142,900 $142,900 10/23/2016 $139,500
SEA ISLE VILLAGE 3RR 2250 SHELL AVE 7/4/2016 $199,900 $199,900 10/23/2016 $215,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 116 13TH AVE 8/30/2016 $439,000 $439,000 10/23/2016 $428,000
Dwcoohnne’dntobiitenccsooumnrafeusnscteoed mies.” “To add to the problem, insur-
ance agents often don’t get it right and
BY SANDY GADOW an individual, or HO-6, policy. The “Most condominium owners have leave the owners underinsured.”
Washington Post confusion arises over what each pol- no idea what they are responsible for
icy covers and the potential for gaps in the event of calamities such as a fire, Basic association master policies
Condominium insurance is often – or a lack of coverage – for certain, flood, windstorm or other disaster that generally provide one of two types of
misunderstood, and for good reason. often costly, occurrences. causes damage to either the common coverage. One is “walls-in,” extend-
areas of the building and/or to their ing from the exterior framing inward
Typically, owners are protected un- The result can cost unsuspecting individual units,” said Jack Hungel- but not covering fixtures within the
der two insurance policies: a master owners hundreds or even thousands mann, author of “Insurance for Dum- unit. The other – “all-in” coverage –
policy for the condo association and of dollars. includes interior surfaces of the walls,
floors and ceilings but might not in-
clude improvements, such as new
countertops, bathroom and kitchen
fixtures, and upgraded flooring.
Both of those policies come with
a deductible, normally set by the as-
sociation’s board of directors. If faced
with an increase in the cost of the
master policy, board members may
opt instead to increase the size of the
deductible. Notification of the change
will be made to the owners but can
easily be overlooked if it is buried
within a lengthy year-end report.
Individual HO-6 policies cover in-
terior walls; paint; improvements
such as cabinets, flooring and fix-
tures; and personal property. They
also provide liability coverage for cer-
tain incidents. Loss assessment cov-
erage is critical: In instances where
a unit owner could be held liable for
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 45
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Crystal Lakes, Address: 285 Ross Ave Subdivision: Island Shores Of Melbourne, Address: 512 Magnolia Ave
Listing Date: 5/23/2016 Listing Date: 5/20/2016
Original Price: $369,900 Original Price: $477,500
Recent Price: $339,900 Recent Price: $449,000
Sold: 10/21/2016 Sold: 10/21/2016
Selling Price: $329,900 Selling Price: $435,000
Listing Agent: Eric S Van Dam Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander
Selling Agent: Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc Selling Agent: RE/MAX Olympic Realty
Brenda L. Teter Ronnie Lawhon
Keller Williams Realty, Brevard Coldwell Banker
Subdivision: Floridana Beach 5th, Address: 106 Amigos Rd Subdivision: South Shores Oceanside Condo, Ph1, Address: 5635 S Highway A1A 302
Listing Date: 9/16/2016 Listing Date: 9/15/2016
Original Price: $314,900 Original Price: $425,000
Recent Price: $314,800 Recent Price: $425,000
Sold: 10/26/2016 Sold: 10/27/2016
Selling Price: $315,000 Selling Price: $415,000
Listing Agent: Lynn C. Burley Listing Agent: Steven King
Selling Agent: Burley Properties Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker
Patricia High/William Oswald Carola Mayerhoeffer
Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
damage to other units or common had HO-6 insurance, but that number Yet another challenge that owners but you can expect him or her to call
areas and required to pay the asso- is now at about 50 percent,” said Clif- face is finding an agent who is knowl- the property manager and request a
ciation deductible, it can cover all or ford J. Treese, who collects and main- edgeable about condominium insur- copy of the certificate of insurance
part of any payment. tains the data for the groups. “The ance requirements and is willing to for the master policy and then make
rise was not due to state statute … but spend the time needed on a relatively a determination as to the insurance
“More and more associations are because lenders insisted on it.” low-commission HO-6 policy. “Per- coverage you should have.”
changing their rules so that the mas- sonal insurance agents may not be as
ter policy deductibles are no longer Treese points out that condo owners motivated as commercial brokers who Hungelmann suggests several steps
always assessed against all unit own- who have a government-sponsored owners can take to set up the proper
ers but rather are assessed against write more-expensive policies,” Treese HO-6 coverage:
an affected individual unit owner,” mortgage, such as from Fannie Mae said. “A master condo policy may have
Hungelmann said. “For example, or Freddie Mac, are required to pro- a premium of $40,000 and pay a com- ● Make a list of the building items
HOA master policies can have large vide proof of sufficient insurance. If mission of 15 percent, or $6,000, while not covered by the master policy:
deductibles for structural damage – the master policy is found lacking, the an individual HO-6 policy may cost the hardwood floors, tile floors, kitchen
in the range of $10,000 to $20,000 or individual must also buy an HO-6 pol- owner $700 with a 15 percent commis- cabinets, plumbing and electrical fix-
more – and if a fire in an owner’s unit icy. Owners with an existing mortgage sion of $105. You can guess which poli- tures, built-in appliances, owner im-
damages the common areas, then he may find that because of a change in cy will get the most attention.” provements, etc.
or she could be held liable for the full the lender’s insurance requirements,
deductible amount.” they will be asked to update and pro- Said Diamond, “You can’t expect ● Estimate the replacement cost
vide new proof of insurance to fulfill your personal insurance agent to read of each structural item that is the re-
In some jurisdictions, when a unit their coverage obligation. through the association documents, sponsibility of the individual owner.
owner is found to be negligent – such To be safe, add an extra 20 percent to
as when a bathtub overflows or there the total to allow for estimating errors.
is a kitchen fire, and other units or
common areas are damaged – the ● Add “special perils” coverage
owner can be held responsible for (water damage to walls and ceiling
paying the entire association de- from roof leaks), and increase cover-
ductible. To compound the confu- age for losses subject to the master
sion, condominium insurance laws policy deductible.
vary from state to state, and they can
change from one year to the next. ● Find out your association’s
master policy deductible, as well as
The Foundation for Community the maximum deductible autho-
Association Research and the Com- rized in the condo documents. If an
munity Associations Institute pub- insurance company does not offer
lish a database of state-by-state sta- an amount high enough to cover a
tistics and state summaries at www. potential master deductible assess- . “Histor- ment, consider contacting a different
ically, less than 20 percent of owners insurance agent.
● Be sure to buy adequate liability
46 Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
many-windowed room with a long The third floor is also home to two tion – is a lovely spot to watch the sun boardwalk-style walkway and stairs.
granite vanity in rich shades of tan additional bedrooms and a second rise or relax after a busy day. Wan- The construction elements that
and brown, huge tiled shower, jetted full bath. dering to the beach (which is nice
bathtub, separate toilet room and and broad on this part of the island) make this such a solid, sturdy, low-
walk-in closet. The backyard – with its paver patio, will just take a moment or two via a maintenance house are many. The
gazebo, hot tub and natural vegeta- foundation consists of heavy-duty
Year Built: 2002
Construction: Concrete block, poured concrete
Lot Size: .31 acres
Home Size: 2,799 square feet
Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 3 full, 1 half
Additional Features: 2-car garage with automatic door opener, paver
driveway, intercom system, central vacuum system, ultraviolet light wa-
ter filtration system, outdoor shower, sprinkler system
Listing Agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing Agent: Gibbs Baum, 321 432 2009
List Price: $1,275,000
Video tour:
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | November 3, 2016 47
concrete beams designed to distribute REAL ESTATE
the weight of the house. The beams are
supported by pilings that extend deep
underground; this type of construc-
tion minimizes movement, greatly
reducing the risk that the house will
“settle” over time (and avoiding the
associated structural damage).
The roof is made from non-rusting
and corrosion-resistant aluminum,
the balconies are concrete-poured,
and there are hurricane-impact win-
dows and shutters throughout. The
exterior of the house has no wood –
and therefore no wood rot.
This built-to-last, meticulously-
maintained, and wonderfully de-
signed home is offered by Treasure
Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
for $1,275,000.