Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 51
ACROSS 101 Stake ___ 58 The ___ PavilionsThe Washington Post
1 Got nosy 103 South African fox (not a 59 Morse units
8 Belushi skit on SNL, 60 Actress Martha
donkey) 61 “___ his own”
“___ Delicatessen” 105 Harem room 63 Control a dog team
15 Tape measure? 107 Bird among the ’roos 66 Gen. George et al.
18 Sylvan 108 Die Fledermaus, translated? 67 Ante-
19 Der Ring des Nibelungen, 68 LARIAT minus L, rearranged
(with 114 Across) 73 Brokaw’s biz
translated? 114 See 108 Across 75 Earth tone
21 Tristan und Isolde, 115 Travel agency offerings 76 Word to a pourer, perhaps
116 Your, among Friends 79 Line of questioning
translated? 117 “Boy, that’s a new ___!” 81 Capp and Hirschfeld
24 Part of TNT 118 Pours, as port 83 Derek and Diddley
25 Sigmoid shape 84 “Your ___ like pools—
26 Oscar-worthy DOWN
27 And others, in Latin 1 Kind of lemony cesspools” (old gag)
28 Worker seeker 2 Emphatic negative 85 Occupied
30 Italian priest’s title 3 Hymn to Him, perhaps 86 The common code?
31 Make ___ 4 Less callow 87 Distribute in small amounts
5 Dries without rubbing 88 Fills with love
(object loudly) 6 Adam’s grandson 89 Déjà viewing
35 It caters to skaters 7 Dentist’s degree 90 Criminal class of India
36 “Oh, okay” 8 “Relief” has one, 91 Red in the face
37 A trace of disgrace 92 Just about
39 Bitter cold phonetically 96 Author Talese
40 French holy ones: abbr. 9 Hole punchers 97 “Why ___ blue?”
41 Der Rosenkavalier, 10 Spanish cloak or a ray of the 98 Of Uxmal’s people
100 Island S of Sicily
translated? deep 102 Testifier’s first answer
46 Dye plant 11 Red Cross Knight’s 104 Not good, as chances
105 Theater award
(or Fudd’s way home?) escort in The Faerie Queene 106 The Maid of Orleans,
47 Make a bow 12 ACLU worry: abbr.
48 Abdul and Deen 13 Map-supplying club Jeanne ___
52 Tongue-tied Thom? 14 Runs in park? 109 Simony is one
55 ___ the dotted line 15 To a certain extent 110 SSW about-face
58 Purified 16 1970 Broadway musical 111 I swelling?
60 Pest with a nest 17 Jobs for Wisk 112 Ward Cleaver, e.g.
62 The director of Autumn 18 Like, in the know, y’know? 113 Guy of a thousand faces
20 East, in German (or a
Sonata, plus its star LIGHT OPERA By Merl Reagle
64 Water buffalo Cockney emcee)
65 Parsifal, translated? 22 Dark wood
69 Shannon’s land 23 Talk and talk
70 Pierced places 29 Common Market abbr.
71 People who can’t keep 30 The D of LED
32 Release
secrets 33 Detroit org.
72 Echo and echo 34 Shoplifting
74 Absentee 37 Tandem’s accommodation
77 Mideast seaport 38 Blind as ___
78 Find 40 Latched
79 Confusion 42 Liable one, often
80 Causerie 43 Fairy tale collection
82 Die Götterdämmerung, 44 Chauvinists
45 Hot dips
angrily translated? 49 Threatened to topple
90 Aykroyd and Brown 50 Pull in the driveway
93 Valley of San Francisco 51 Old-time breath freshener
94 Fictions 52 Very attached to
95 One little piggy had it
96 Kaplan of TV or Kapler of Fisherman’s Wharf?
53 The Color of Money star
baseball 54 “___ a moment too soon”
97 Silkworm state of India 56 Biblical Brother
99 Barely get (by) 57 California beach
100 Of the cheek
The Telegraph
52 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Angst about keeping the grandparents at a distance
BY CAROLYN HAX Now, if we’re to extrapolate from “multiracial child”
Washington Post that your husband’s position is a boundary he enforc-
es against racial prejudice, then some of this makes
Hi, Carolyn: What are my obli- sense –except, if this were about race, why wouldn’t
that be in your first line?
gations to help cultivate a good re-
So here’s what I’ve got: If your husband’s anxiety
lationship between my daughter is about the place and circumstances vs. the people,
then ask him whether you and he have built the
and her paternal grandparents? My guardrails too high.
husband is not close to his parents. If his anxiety is about his parents themselves, then
your obligation is to check in occasionally – “Are we
There has been no abuse or fight handling this right?” – but otherwise be supportive of
what he needs.
over a major issue. My husband and I are just really dif-
I hope in that case, though, he made it clear to them
ferent from his parents. We live in an urban area, they the reason(s) he keeps them at bay. Assuming they
should know by now is not a substitute for specifics,
live in a rural area; we have white-collar jobs, they have and it’s torture not to know why.
blue-collar jobs; we’re liberal, they’re conservative, etc. Re: Different: There may have been issues with the
parents before the marriage. I am assuming “Different”
So far, my husband is willing to accommodate his is a different race and perhaps the parents expressed
concerns to him before the marriage. This happened
family visiting for only one weekend a year if they stay to my brother, and his wife (also a different race) never
knew. Once they married, my parents came around
in a hotel. We do not visit them. Each visit causes my and built a strong relationship with her. My brother
never forgot the initial reaction, and maybe that’s
husband a fair amount of anxiety, so I have not pushed what’s going on here as well.
for more time. His parents are unwilling to try video – Anonymous
chatting, and my daughter has no interest in talking on Anonymous: So, a “major issue” the writer isn’t
privy to – plausible explanation, thanks.
the phone.
The grandparents periodically express some frustra- and oranges. At least they used to be.
Maybe there’s more to it that you didn’t include, but
tion over not having a better relationship with her, but
if not, if it’s just city vs. country mice, then seeing that
I’m not sure what I can do. Sending her to visit on her as extra work vs. unworkable could encourage rap-
prochement. And also in that case, the strict one-vis-
own is not an option — they’re a plane ride away and it-per-year limit seems more cruel and unusual than
healthy and warranted.
their area isn’t the sort of place I would leave a multira-
And “no interest in talking on the phone” is not an
cial child without parental supervision. excuse. Please teach your child that remaining con-
nected on a grandparent’s terms is an act of love – and
– Just Really Different barely registers on the effort scale. Seriously.
Just Really Different: Maybe I’m being obtuse, but
urban/rural, white collar/blue collar, liberal/con-
servative and not being close are emotional apples
54 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero Radiology upgrades scanning capabilities – again
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Heather Nagel and the rest of the
Staff Writer staff at VRA were just wrapping up
their first month with a valuable new
Christmas came early this year to present: a brand-new Signa Architect
the folks at Vero Radiology Associates. 3.0T wide-bore magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) scanner system.
In fact, it has already come twice
for those at the facility on 11th Cir- This newest addition followed a
cle, across from Indian River Medi- kind of ‘Christmas in July’ when VRA
cal Center. added a new 384-slice, dual source,
dual energy computed tomography
While most of us were busy plan- (CT) scanner, a new positron emis-
ning our Thanksgiving get-togethers,
Dr. Heather Nagel.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 55
sion tomography (PET) scanner, HEALTH
and an upgraded 3D tomosynthesis
scanner for mammograms. – it isn’t an “open MRI.” But that’s for
a good reason. “Open magnets,” she
MRI “is a non-invasive imaging says, “reduce the image quality.”
technology that produces three-di-
mensional detailed anatomical im- All that said, caution is required
ages without the use of damaging with MRI scanners. Various medical
radiation,” according to the National implants, including pacemakers, arti-
Institutes of Health. ficial joints, artificial heart valves, co-
chlear implants or metal plates, screws
“MRIs employ powerful magnets or rods can pose a hazard. The im-
which produce a strong magnetic field plants can move or heat up in the mag-
that forces protons in the body to align netic field and cause serious problems.
with that field. When a radio-frequen-
cy current is then pulsed through the Dr. Heather Nagel is the director of
patient, the protons are stimulated the women’s imaging center at Vero Ra-
and spin out of equilibrium, strain- diology Associates at 3725 11th Circle.
ing against the pull of the magnetic The phone number is 772-562-0163.
field. When the radio-frequency field is
turned off, the MRI sensors are able to
detect the energy released as the pro-
tons realign with the magnetic field,”
producing detailed images of the body’s
organs, soft tissue, bones and its circu-
latory system.
The SignaArchitect 3.0T is a signif-
icant upgrade from the MRI device
Vero Radiology Associates had been
using for the past 12 years, giving the
Nagle and her colleagues a new abil-
ity to see how much damage a heart
attack caused to a patient’s heart.
According to Nagel, “this new Archi-
tect [system] is pretty much outfitted to
meet just about every current imaging
need that we have. It offers us addition-
al high-quality imaging for oncology
work, for breast work and for prostate.
It also allows us to do cardiac MRIs.”
The 12-year-old MRI system wasn’t
sensitive enough to do cardiac scans,
but Nagel says the new machine will
“allow us to do things like determine
tissue viability after a myocardial in-
farction or a heart attack.”
The new system will also help doc-
tors get a better idea what is going
on with other common conditions.
“Probably the most common thing
we do is orthopedic work,” Nagel says,
“looking at shoulders, hips and knees,
and spines. The second most common
thing would be neurology, including
stroke evaluations and dementia.”
Of course, that kind of flexibil-
ity and enhanced imaging capability
comes at a price.
The Signa Architect 3.0T system
carried a price tag in the $1.8 million
range, and in an impressive display
of transparency, Nagel adds that the
cost of retrofitting the VRA building
to accommodate the new scanner
wasn’t cheap, either.
An $800,000 renovation that took
several months to complete was need-
ed to accommodate the new system.
Speaking of transparency, Nagel is
quick to point out that while the new
equipment is designed with a “wide
bore” layout that’s intended to make
patients more comfortable – compared
to the narrow tunnel in older machines
56 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Is ‘weight’ over? Newer, better drugs help fight obesity
Staff Writer
Some 55 million Americans go on
a diet each year and – just in 2017 –
those dieters spent more than $3 bil-
lion on a wide range of diet plans,
pre-packaged meals, supplements,
shakes, gym memberships and
more, according to Marketdata LLC,
a 38-year old market research firm in
Rockville, Maryland.
Despite that huge expen- ‘We should not
diture, nearly four out ev- focus on short-
ery 10 U.S. adults remain
technically obese – mean- term goals when
ing they have a body mass
index (BMI) over 30 – and
one in 13 adults in the U.S.
is severely obese. That’s we’re looking at
according to a March 2018
report from the Centers for weight loss.’
Disease Control.
It seems many people are – Dr. Raman
not getting their weight-
loss money’s worth. And Ashta Dr. Raman Ashta.
that gets under the skin of
Vero Beach primary care
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 57
ta, who also is certified by the Amer- because of their side effects.” But patients that [most] cereal is not With her expanded knowledge,
ican Board of Obesity Medicine. there are newer, better drugs avail- healthy. No matter if it is high-fiber, she’s now offering comprehensive
able now that work very differently no cereal can be heart healthy if it’s evaluations and a weight-loss clinic
She firmly believes people would than their predecessors. processed grain.” for those seeking custom-designed,
be better off seeking weight-loss ad- medically supervised weight loss
vice from a licensed medical doctor. “Instead of just [trying to] sup- Whole grains, she says, are a far programs.
Not a TV commercial. press appetite, new weight-loss better option.
drugs that have come out in the past Dr. Raman Ashta is with Steward
Weight problems pose a major few years affect the neurohormonal And at day’s end, according to Ash- Healthcare’s Sebastian River Medical
health risk for many chronic diseas- centers in the brain. They’re pretty ta, a late-night TV snack of a bunch Center. Her offices are directly across
es, including sleep apnea, heart dis- sophisticated.” of grapes is a far wiser choice than a the street from the Indian River Medi-
ease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteo- bowl of potato chips. cal Center’s campus at 3745 11th Cir-
arthritis and certain kinds of cancer, Those drugs include Contrave, cle in Vero Beach. The phone number
but the problem, according to Ashta, Qsymia and Belviq, all of which re- “I learned so much more than is 772-564-2485.
isn’t just shedding pounds. It’s also quire a physician’s prescription. was ever taught in a medical school
changing lifestyles. while getting my obesity medicine
Though improved, the drugs are certification,” says Ashta.
Asked if there was such a thing as not a magic cure.
a ‘one-size-fits-all’ diet plan, Ashta
pauses briefly and says “no. I don’t “Prescription weight-loss drugs
think there is one. For weight loss, [should be] used in addition to – not
everybody has different challenges, instead of – diet and exercise,” ac-
so how can the same plan fit every- cording to the Mayo Clinic.
body? We now know there’s more to
weight gain than just eating. Ashta agrees wholeheartedly.
While just the words “exercise”
“There are genetic factors. There and “diet” make some people cringe,
are metabolic factors. We should Ashta has some tips to offer.
not focus on short-term goals when “You probably should start with
we’re looking at weight loss,” Ashta small amounts of exercise doing
continues, adding that a better move something that you enjoy, [but] your
is to concentrate “on being healthy food intake and food habits always
and eating healthy.” have to change, as well.”
And that change, says Ashta, can
Ashta says there is some good news start first thing in the morning at the
in the field of medical weight loss. breakfast table.
A big proponent of fresh fruits
She freely admits “weight-loss and whole grains, Ashta points out,
drugs have had a bad rap in the past. “I spend a lot of time educating my
A lot of them have come and gone
58 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Justice, mercy, grace: Three simple words say it all
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT may be, none of these terms gets a lot of ence to the mandate for justice among the word grace means more than avoid-
Columnists play in everyday conversation. Can you God’s people, because after all, God is ing clumsiness or panic or discourtesy.
imagine asking your neighbor, “Are you just. Justice has a fairness, a rightness, It refers to an attribute of God that de-
Theological language can be tricky. an infralapsarian?” and receiving the re- a decisiveness about it. Justice is about fies our expectations and augments our
What precisely does predestination sponse, “As a matter of fact, I subscribe getting what we deserve. conceptions of God’s justice and mercy.
mean? How about apocalypticism, mil- to an entirely different view of predesti- Grace is a manifestation of divine love
lennialism, infralapsarianism, sanc- nation and my soteriology runs in an- Mercy is another significant theo- that is unmerited, life-changing, wildly
tification, justification, soteriology or other direction”? That conversation is logical word that finds its way into our generous, and more powerful than any
teleology? We have rows of books on unlikely to occur! modern vocabulary. We may say we obstacle placed in its path. As one clear-
our shelves that explain the derivation need to throw ourselves on the mercy headed thinker put it: If justice is getting
of these words and the history of their Maybe the concepts that many theo- of the court when we’ve gone wrong what we deserve, and mercy is not get-
usage across the centuries by faithful logical words represent are just too ob- somehow but hope to be treated leni- ting what we deserve, then grace is get-
people. But time-honored though they scure to be rivetingly interesting to most ently. Appealing to someone for mercy ting what we don’t deserve. Grace is the
people. We don’t generally engage in nu- acknowledges his or her right to exact a jackpot, theologically speaking.
anced theological conversation in high- penalty for wrongdoing, but our hope
flown terms. Nevertheless, we all use that instead forgiveness will be offered. How impressive is your theologi-
theological vocabulary nearly every day. The faithful across the ages have com- cal vocabulary? Maybe we really only
There are several words of tremendous mended the mercy of God, who puts up need a few words to say it all!
religious significance spoken regularly with a lot from humanity on a regular
and by nearly everyone. We’re thinking basis. Mercy speaks of benevolence and
of words like justice, mercy and grace. pardon. Mercy is about not getting what
we deserve.
Granted, these well-worn compo-
nents of our vocabulary are a little vague. And then there is grace. The word,
We might differ in what constitutes jus- grace, finds its way into our everyday
tice, for example, under a particular set conversations in a variety of ways.We are
of circumstances. But we would all seek “grace-ful” if we do not trip our dance
it as an important legal goal. And justice partners. We show “grace under fire” if
has a distinguished history as a theo- we are calm and effective when facing
logical concept as well as a legal one. trouble. We are “gracious” if we are well-
The Bible makes reference after refer- mannered. But theologically-speaking,
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 59
Brown is the new black – and here’s how to wear it
BY BETHAN HOLT and quite weighty, ticking more au- with a chunky walnut
The Telegraph tumnal boxes) with white trainers knit) and of-the-mo-
and a camel bag and a colleague not- ment. It looks equally
Personally, I love the smug feeling ed that I’d nailed “cappuccino dress- good with other au-
when something I’ve been waxing ing,” a brilliant phrase she coined tumn staples like
lyrical about becomes an “on trend” for wearing a tonal coffee-brown navy, gray and bur-
item. There’s been many a winter look. It’s now my sartorial goal of the gundy, too.
where I’ve been after a brown knit season, and as the weather’s cooled
(not camel, mind, that’s a whole dif- down, my mocha addiction is reach- Unlike black, it
ferent ball game – I’m talking warm ing its peak. Where the lighter toffee adds a lovely warmth
cinnamon) and I’ve filtered the life and treacle options were endless in to all skin tones,
out of, from 910 random June and July, the shops are now full though I’ve found
jumpers down to just four or five de- of deeper espresso shades. Sign me that darker shades
cent chestnut ones. But, this season, up, Starbucks. like umber look
I’m in heaven, as my favorite lesser- striking against fairer
spotted color has finally made it into Alongside purple and yellow, brown skin, and that medium
the fashion spotlight. has previously divided opinion. You ei- and darker skin tones
ther loved it and subconsciously looked pop nicely against rust
At the height of summer I bought a out for it in every store you entered, or and bronze. All these
pleated chocolate maxi (sounds vile you hated it, and thought it was awk- spicy hues are the per-
but it’s divine) from H&M. I’ve never ward and wouldn’t suit you. If you’re in fect antidote to oxblood
had so many compliments on a dress the latter camp, I’d counsel you to give and navy, which are also
(also comes in black); it was the ul- it a try before you write it off. in abundance. I say stock
timate humblebrag. I paired it with up while you can.
everything from Converse, a denim Should you be willing, it’s likely
jacket and a cream crossbody for you’ll steer towards pairing it
picnics in the park, to tan slides, tor- with black, but this would be
toiseshell sun glasses and a straw tote a waste of the chic cappuc-
on vacation. cino dressing opportunities.
A tonal look is more modern
I wore it recently (it’s long-sleeved (think rust corduroy trousers
60 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why sequins are not just for strictly this season
BY LISA ARMSTRONG tomer. Now though, thanks be to Liza ingly expensive – it’s pricier to pro-
The Telegraph Minnelli (I’m not stopping), you can duce n London. But it is encouraging
snap up sequinned outfits from more to know that the workroom talent cer-
Can you talk about sequins without and more designers. tainly exists if you’re willing to put in
mentioning a paso doble, samba or the time to seek it out, as he has.
an Argentine tango? You know what, The Ashish Gupta collection features
I’m going to try. Because in spite of a pretty zippy yellow trench coat, red “I love sequins and all the colors, it
what low-grade celebrities skipping trousers and iridescent high-neck top, wasn’t necessarily the medium that got
across television studio floors might be which would be great with a chic pair of me going, it was about finding some-
wearing on a Saturday night, sequins trousers or even jeans, the key is to not thing that is so visually overwhelming
have edged back from an off-Strip Ve- overthink it. “A T-shirt should feel as and exciting to look at,” he says.
gas warm-up act, to something with glamorous as an evening gown, and an
enough cool for me to crack out these evening gown should feel as comfort- “Sequins have this beautiful escap-
dodgy metaphors for the next few hun- able as a T-shirt,” says Gupta. “Sequins ist quality, the sound, the feel, the way
dred words. OK, I’ll stop. And anyway, have a magical quality about them. a piece can look different at three differ-
it’s not entirely true. They ‘light you up’. I love how they add ent times of day in a different light,” he
the quality of light to color, how they enthuses, citing Nan Kempner, Diana
In some stylish parts sequins have hang on the body, how they move.” Ross, Tina Turner and Angelica Hous-
been racking up kudos for years. See ton as his eternal style icons. His work
Ashish Gupta, the designer who has A newer name who has also fallen process is intense, with every piece cre-
specialized in exquisitely handcrafted, for the design and technical chal- ated painstakingly by hand; he is also a
largely sequin-drenched pieces with a lenge of sequin embroidery is Mi- stickler for traditional techniques. Bust-
hefty dose of wit (he’s covered super- chael Halpern. His eponymous line ier tops are all correctly boned and can-
market-style shoppers in them, script- has been racking up the celebrity en- vas-lined, the inside of one of his pieces
ed them into logos such as “all I want dorsements from as far and wide as is as much a work of art as the exterior.
is love” and, a personal favorite, “life is Amal Clooney, Adwoa Aboah, Lupita
exhausting and people are so annoy- Nyong’o and Marion Cotillard, since Yet, he’s keenly aware that very few
ing”) for nearly two decades. its launch in 2016. can afford his prices, so he’s teamed
up with Topshop for a “one-off” fes-
The only snag was for most of that Halpern produces everything in tive collection. “I think now there is a
time they were solely for a luxury cus- small factories in London, which is way of dressing up that still feels for-
why his main line is quite eye-water- mal but can be really modern; maybe
you’re wearing some beaten-up boots,
or something else that grounds you.
I like seeing a woman with a tailored
jacket over one of my dresses.”
Ultimately this is the crux of the au
courant sequin wearer – something
needs to be a little off. Designer Racil
Chalhoub, who has turned her uptown-
cool eye on to a burgeoning line of luxe
tailoring and party clothes, offers that
“sequins have always been cool, it is
just how you wear them that make the
difference. I like contrast so I would
pair a sequin dress with biker boots, or
a bodysuit with jeans and a large car-
digan to dinner.” Although given that
she’s named one of her sparklers Judy,
clearly she’s not totally out of touch
with kitsch classics.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 61
Thankfully for the full-throttle- opportunity, means that the label Rixo London auctioned in LA (
festive-dresser, there are numerous you can get a huge amount agrees. “We don’t feel like Amusingly, Halpern dresses in
sharp glitz options out there this of wear from these pieces sequins have to be worn for
season. I love this Ganni shirt dress, than by just saving for best – making a special occasion. We feature head-to-toe (matte) black every day,
which for me is the perfect chic take that cost per wear ratio increasingly sequins on floaty romantic with the exception of a few pairs of
on the new look. palatable. In this way, simple pieces shapes with blouson sleeves, sequinned socks for special outings;
like a T-shirt are given extra punch, so rather than anything heav- his dog, Rupert, isn’t subject to the
The most useful part of this refo- you feel special but not exposed and ily structured or lined, so they same restrictions, he’s made him a
cused way to add bling to every outfit overly trussed up. can be worn with heels for an rainbow-colored ensemble.
event or dressed down with trainers
Henrietta Rix, co-founder of for a bolder daytime look.”
Of course, you’re probably either a
woman with a penchant for spangle, or
not. If you’re a true connoisseur then
bookmark Nov. 17, when some of Bob
Mackie’s most famous pieces will be
62 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In search of the perfect Peking duck in Beijing
From the time of the Ming Dynasty, Sautéed Mung Bean steam rising from dry ice. An interest- Peking Duck.
visitors to the city now called Beijing Sprouts. ing presentation, and some very juicy,
have feasted on roasted Peking duck. sweet lychees. Asparagus with Black
Fresh Lychee Nuts. Truffle Sprouts.
There is even a Chinese proverb, I am The price for this feast was quite rea-
told, that a visit to Beijing is not com- bun with garlic paste and cucumber. sonable, the duck itself running only Duck Soup.
plete until you have dined on duck and I’ve had Peking duck in New York, about half the $98 being charged at Da-
visited the Great Wall. Dong’s first venture outside China – a ing I will pass up visiting the New York
San Francisco and London – among new (and not very well received) res- outpost. I would not want it to detract
Though the Great Wall is certainly other places – and simply put, this was taurant in New York. from memories of the spectacular feast
one of the wonders of ages, the duck I the best Peking duck dinner ever. It I enjoyed in Beijing.
enjoyed recently was one of the culi- made such an impression on me that Maybe DaDong’s ducks are too lean
nary marvels of modern times. we returned to DaDong 10 days later for America, but I think for the time be- I welcome your comments, and en-
and tried the larger roast duck. If any- courage you to send feedback to me at
While there are a couple of quite fa- thing, it was even better! [email protected].
mous Beijing duck restaurants, my lo-
cal guide recommended DaDong Roast For dessert, we were presented with a The reviewer dines anonymously at
Duck, which readers of a Beijing maga- plate of fresh lychee nuts enveloped in restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
zine have voted “Best Chinese restaurant 32963.
of the year” several times since 2011.
Chef Dong Zhenxiang has emerged
over the past two decades as one of the
most influential chefs in China, and
there are now nine outposts of his res-
taurant in Beijing. We got our reserva-
tion in a large, attractively decorated
DaDong that four years after the fact
was still boasting of having hosted Mi-
chelle Obama.
(The then first lady’s “goodwill tour”
with her daughters in 2014 clearly made
a huge impression on the Chinese; Mi-
chelle-Obama-was-here signs seemed
ubiquitous in our Beijing travels.)
After we were seated in DaDong,
we were handed a book the size of
a dozen bound issues of the old Life
A work of art in itself, this turned out
to be the pictorial menu offering tempt-
ing photos of duck dishes along with a va-
riety of seafood, veggies, and soups.
From this menu, we chose a roast
suckling duck over the somewhat larger
roast duck, and opted for two vegeta-
ble dishes, the sautéed bamboo peel
and asparagus with black truffle
sprouts and the sautéed mung bean
A relatively short time later, one
of the dozen chefs on duty appeared
at our table displaying our duck. He
then proceeded to carve it with a skill
of a surgeon.
After deboning the duck, he sliced
the crispy skin and meat – crispier and
far less fatty than most ducks we’ve had
in the U.S. – extremely thin, and then
reassembled it on a serving platter be-
fore placing it on our table.
The duck was served with an array of
condiments. While the skin and meat
could be eaten the traditional way,
wrapped in very thin delicate pancakes
with plum sauce and julienned scal-
lions, DaDong also offered the option
of stuffing it into a crispy sesame puff
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 63
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Unparalleled Service
Reservations Highly Recommended Proper Attire Appreciated
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64 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 65
Vero & Casual Dining
wednesday | steak night early-bird
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selection of paella dishes three courses
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happy 1/2 off appetizers
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11:30 am - 3 pm
call 772.410.0100 for more information
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Regular Menu Available
Reservations Suggested
66 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
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Any Choice of 2 Different Items Above $18.95
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 67
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68 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz’s ‘Cavalier’ attitude: Misty is magnificent
Hi Dog Buddies! iew that was ‘Meant For Each I managed to not smile.
Other.’ Humans do that a lot, so
This week’s innerview-ee, Miss they won’t run out of letters.) Misty continued. “I always
Misty Dawn Pirone, is ALWAYS ready
for her close-up. She’s a beautiful Pretty soon, the front door wanna know what’s going on.
11-month-old Cavalier King Charles opened. It was Misty’s Mom
Spaniel, cinnamon an white, an even an another lady. Misty rushed Mommy says I’m NOSY. I call
though she’s young, she isn’t the teeni- over to greet them with joyful
est bit nervous or clumsy-puppy. wags an wiggles. “Oh, Goody! it Healthy Curiosity. I HAFF
Nana LISA! Oh, Mr. Click-
She was right there at the door with Click, THIS is Nana LISA! I to know where Mommy an
her Mom. “WELcome to our home. DO love, love, love Nana Lisa! She’s
come in,” she said, executing a perfect our NAY-burr!” Daddy are every single sec-
Wag-n-Sniff, then leading the way.
The instant Nana Lisa sat ond. When they’re out, I sit
“Thank you, Miss Misty Dawn,” I down, Misty snuggled into her
said, unobtrusively fluffing my ears. lap, an began givin’ her kisses. by the window and WATCH.
An there she remained for the
“Oh, no need for formalities,” she duration of the innerview. Even if they’re only going to
said sweetly. “You may call me Misty.
An I shall call you Mr. Click-Click.” “So, tell me about your life in Flori- the mailbox. I used to get duh-
da,” I suggested.
She apparently noticed my blank Misty Dawn PRESSED, but it’s better now
expression. An my newly fluffed ears. “It got off to a sorta bumpy start.
She laughed. “Whenever I read your Back then, bein’ a puppy an all, I loved because I have a million toys,
column, I picture you at your com- to jump on an off furniture, even if I mostly squeaky. I learned how
puter, just, you know, clicking away. So wasn’t s’pose to. Well, when I was a
…” liddle 3-month-old fluffball, I hopped to flip ’em in the air, so I do
off the recliner an pop! I broke my leg
“OH, of COURSE, Miss Mist … er, I in three places!” that a lot. Also, before Mom-
mean, Misty. That’s very clever of you.”
“Woof, Misty. That’s PAWful!” “I love all my neighbors: people an my an Daddy go out, they put a dog
“It is, isn’t it? This is my Mommy, Jan, “Indeed. But I had the most wun-
an my Daddy, Tom.” nerful sur-jun, Miss Leslie. She fixed pooches. When we’re out walking, ev- cartoon or movie on TV. I sit an watch
me all up. She put tiny liddle pins an
After we go settled, Misty’s Mom ex- screws in my leg to hold all the parts erybody calls ‘HI, MISTY DAWN!’ I get an bark. It really makes the time go by.
cused herself an went out. together. Now I’m good as new. It was
during my convalescence that I got so many pats. An Mr. Dave waves for PLUS, I can go out to the padio an play
“Mommy had other Cavaliers be- pretty much anything I wanted an,
fore me. The last one was Star Mist, natchrully, I got used to it. Now Mom- us to come get treats. All us pooches with my bubble maker. Bubbles are
but Mommy an Daddy called her Girly. my calls me (lovingly) a ‘Spoiled Rot-
She was cinnamon, white and black, ten Brat.’ I even have a collar tag that look forward to that. Sam’s My boy- kinda wet an tickly, but still fun.”
very fancy. When Girly hadda go to says, ‘Spoiled Rotten.’ See?”
Dog Heaven, Mommy an Daddy cried Yep. That’s what it said. friend, he’s a rescue. Luci’s Getting Up “Other than paper, what do you
an cried. After they moved down here, “Frankly, Mr. Click-Click,” she tilted
they ree-lized their family needed a her head. Her voice sounded like lid- There, an she usually growls, so we all eat?”
pooch to make it complete, an it need- dle bells, “I feel I am simply a girl who
ed to be a Cav. (That’s what humans knows her own mind and, of course, respectfully back off. My BFF is Lily, “Iams kibbles. An lotsa of veg-tub-
call my breed. I guess cuz it takes too deserves the best. That’s all. Surely not
long to say the whole name.) Anyway, I too much to ask, n’est-ce paw?” she’s a long-haired chihuahua. ble an froot treats. I insist on water
was born at a breeder in Cape Coral, so “Absolutamento!” I said with great
Mommy went over. Me an Mommy in- enthusiasm. “Now that your all A-OK, “I also chase Geckos. An rabbits. with crunchy ice cubes. So refreshing.
nerviewed each other and knew right what’s you day like?”
away we were MFEO.” Mommy says I must NEVER catch Mommy washes my face an brushes
(I had learned from a previous innerv- one, though. Which isn’t a problem, my teeth twice a week. I love my tooth-
because I certainly don’t want Fluff brush, cuz it makes my mouth feels all
Mouth. I’d be peetooing for weeks. minty fresh.”
“I’ve still got to work on not chewin’ Heading home, I was thinking about
stuff. I really like to eat paper. Specially Miss Misty Dawn an her silly nick-
those soft rolls hanging in the bath- name for me. Ackshully, she can call
room. I can make one looong trail all me whatever she wants. Sigh.
the way through the bedroom an din- Till next time,
ing room without breaking it one sin-
gle time! But now Mommy an Daddy The Bonz
lock the bathroom door.”
“Bummer,” I sympathized.
“I know. When I don’t come runnin Don’t Be Shy
to greet Mommy an Daddy like usual,
Mommy finds me an says, in her Seri- We are always looking for pets with
ous Voice, ‘MISTY! WHAT did you DO?’ interesting stories.
Then I’m in trouble. It’s just that I don’t To set up an interview, email
really relate to that word.”
“Which word?” [email protected].
70 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING p.m. and Sun. Noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. d’oeuvres, live music and auction to benefit on the lagoon, with post-race awards party at
772-567-5457 Boys & Girls Club of IRC and Little Birthday An- Sandbar. 772-581-6179
gels. $60. 772 538 1181
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of 16-18 Festival of Trees at Riverside 18 Six Monster Piano Concert, 3 p.m.
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- Theatre, with Festival Forest, 17 Charity Tennis Round Robin, 10 a.m. at and 7 p.m. at Christ by the Sea, with
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- Santa’s Village, Christmas Shoppe, live indoor and Indian Trails Tennis Courts to benefit pianists Caio Pagano, Kelley Coppage, Joanne
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- outdoor entertainment: Fri. 5:30 p.m. Festival Gala, American Cancer Society. 786-200-2209 Knott, Rochelle Sallee, Jacob Craig and Marcos
tion thru Jan. 6. with silent auction, movable feast, vendors and A Flores performing on six grand pianos. 772-
Swingin’ Christmas Concert with Michael Andrews 17 Centennial Beachside Bonfire Fest, 6 231-1661
Vero Beach Theatre Guild: The Game’s Afoot ($125-$175). Weekend Festival Sat. 10 a.m. to 8 to 9 p.m. with themed dinners at Wal-
or Holmes for the Holidays thru Nov. 18. p.m., including 4 to 8 p.m. Family Night, with pizza do’s, Costa d’Este, Mulligan’s and Vero Beach 22 Thanksgiving Day Trot Against Poverty,
and giveaways; Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $10; $5/child. Hotel & Spa. 7 a.m. children’s 1/4 race, 7:30 a.m.
NOVEMBER Breakfast with Santa 9 a.m. Sat. & Sun. $22; $18 5K at Riverside Park followed by sweet potato
child (includes Festival admission). 772-231-6990 17|18 Side by Side by Sondheim, pancake breakfast and awards to benefit United
presented by Music The- Against Poverty.
15|16 20th Anniversary VAPA 17 Tactical 10k and 2 mile run, 7 a.m. from atre International at Vero Beach High School
Spectacular: A Look Back South Beach Park to help fund Vero PAC, 7 p.m. Sat. and 2 p.m. Sun. at VBHS PAC. 24 Ballet Vero Parents & Friends pres-
Through History, presented by IR Charter High Beach Police Dept. safety equipment not sup- $10 & $12. 772-564-5537 ents its 11th annual production of
School Visual and Performing Arts students, 6:15 ported by budget. The Nutcracker, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Vero
p.m., with show at 7 p.m. $10 to $45. 772-567- 17|18 ArtWorks of Eau Gallie Fine Beach High School PAC, featuring a cast of 83,
6600 x 118 17 Trans-FL Central Railroad Greenway Arts Festival, 10 a.m. to 5 including 2 guest artists from the Orlando Bal-
Pedestrian Overpass Dedication Cer- p.m. along Highland Avenue in Melbourne. art- let and 4 special needs children. $14 to $22.
15-18 St. Helen’s Harvest Festi- emony, 10 a.m. at Fellsmere Trailhead Preserve 772-360-8577
val on grounds of Historic & Welcome Center, 11090 CR 512.
Dodgertown celebrates St. Helen’s and City of 18 River Challenge Triathlon, 7:30 a.m. 24 Poetry, Wine and All that Jazz, 7 p.m.
Vero Beach’s Centennial, with carnival rides, 17 Vero Vino Wine & Food Festival, 4 at Capt. Hiram’s Resort, with 1/4-mile at Heritage Center, with poetry read-
games, food, vendors and family fun, Thurs. 5 p.m. at Heritage Center hosted by swim, 12-mile bike ride and 3-mile run to raise ings, live entertainment, auctions, wine and hors
to 9:30 p.m.; Fri. 5 to 11 p.m.; Sat. Noon to 11 Unity Center of Vero Beach, with wine, hors awareness of environmental impact of plastics d’oeuvres to benefit Stouthouse: Where Artists
Create. $125. 772.589.8826
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in November 8, 2018 Edition 1 THUS 1 TAILBACK 24 Souljam at Sebastian Inlet State Park
3 HOOP 2 UNSPOILT Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m.
9 REAMS 4 OPERAS at Coconut Point pavilions. Park entry fee. 772-
12 BOOKSTALL 7 TSAR 30 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
15 COLUMN 8 ONUS merce Light Up Night, 5:30 to 8 p.m.
17 UNKNIT 13 INSISTED at various businesses in Sebastian and Roseland,
19 DECEPTION 14 STANDSIN with food, prizes and giveaways. 772-589-5969.
Sudoku Page 48 Sudoku Page 49 Crossword Page 48 Crossword Page 49 (PUZZLE OF THE DECADE) 30 & December 1 - Riverside Theatre
Comedy Zone’s Winter Nights, 7:30
p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free en-
tertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
(772) 978-9817
Open 7 Days 6750 73rd Street
Vero Beach, FL 32967
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the
only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory,
please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
4798 A1A, No. 1 in Surf Club: Newly-built 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 3,200-square-foot luxury oceanfront
townhouse offered for $2,795,000 by Cindy O’ Dare of Premier Estate Properties: 772-713-5899
72 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Final luxury townhouse at Surf Club offered for $2.795M
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA dows all enhance the feeling of light
and airy open space.
Staff Writer
A special feature of this particular
On the ocean, nestled near the residence is its location at Surf Club’s
heart of Vero’s charming seaside vil- north end, allowing natural light to
lage, the brilliantly designed town- flow in from not only the east and
home at 4798 A1A is one of only 11 west, but also the north side, further
residences in the exclusive Surf Club enhancing the natural illumination
community. Surf Club #1, the north- and the view.
ernmost residence in the develop-
ment, exudes relaxed sophistication, Each piece of furniture and decor
with clean lines and the most luxuri- throughout the home has been art-
ous of finishes. fully chosen for the space it occupies,
employing a natural palette of cream,
An attractive paver drive leads up gray, white and rich brown, and per-
from SR-A1A into Surf Club’s neatly fectly complementing the homes own
landscaped parking courtyard. A de- elegant lines. And it is all available for
tached carriage house – 2-car garage purchase with the townhouse.
and guest suite – faces the road on the
west side of each residence, providing From the foyer, the natural stone
complete privacy for the oceanfront flooring sweeps throughout the main
living quarters beyond. level. A visitor’s gaze is drawn down
a wide hallway to the great room,
The ground floors of all the resi- where windows and double French
dences are uniform white stucco; the doors reveal the covered patio and a
second levels vary within a soft pal- spectacular view of sea.
ette of sea, sky and sand hues: No.
1 4798 A1A is a sea blue-green with The great room houses a comfy liv-
deep “storm cloud” decorative shut- ing area, where family and friends
ters. Through a secure private gate, will surely want to congregate around
along a covered breezeway, past the the fireplace, sharing conversation
carriage house, is the home’s invit- and refreshment; and a dining space
ing pool courtyard, with the French featuring a lovely chandelier that
door entrance to the main house just bathes the dining table in soft light,
beyond. conducive to enjoyable dinner con-
Stepping into the foyer, you will
experience an openness not always The dining room space is open to
found in a townhome format. The 12- the chef’s kitchen, which is outfit-
foot, first-floor ceilings; impeccable ted with top-end stainless-steel ap-
white millwork and crown molding; pliances – Thermador 6-burner gas
natural stone floors; whisper-pale cooktop, oven, fridge and dishwasher
gray walls; and numerous, tall, tran- – and boasts fine custom wood cabi-
som-topped French doors and win- netry, a stylish hood, and an elegant,
linear glass tile backsplash – all white.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 73
Gorgeous swaths of white stone top
the counters and the large island,
which houses a 3-seat breakfast bar,
microwave, wine cooler and lots of
storage, and is illuminated by a pair
of shapely glass pendants.
Left from the foyer, through wide
French doors, is a large, versatile
room that opens onto the front pool
courtyard, through another set of
French doors. It is a pale sky blue and
is currently furnished as a welcoming
family room/sitting room, but could
be transformed into a den or office.
Or, with its walk-in closet and full
bath, it could easily serve as an addi-
tional bedroom.
Along the front hallway are the
elevator and a dove gray and white
powder room with designer fixtures
and vanity. From the foyer, a staircase
leads to the sumptuous master suite;
a charming loft space; laundry room
with high-efficiency, stacked washer/
dryer, and custom cabinets; and a
second en suite guest bedroom, with
Juliette balcony overlooking the pool
The spacious master suite is a luxu-
rious retreat with gorgeous hardwood
flooring; a large walk-in closet, and an
74 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
absolutely decadent master bath, with though north and east windows; and, sun rise over the Atlantic, or relax with home’s favorite gathering places, for
a fabulous glass corner shower; large, of course, that superb ocean view. a cocktail as day darkens into night. day or night entertaining, afternoon
free-standing soaking tub (think can- pool parties or formal cocktail soirees.
dles, glass of wine, mystery novel); The master bedroom features a The nicely landscaped pool court-
private water closet; two custom vani- grand vaulted ceiling and a long, cov- yard, with its summer kitchen, fire- Back across the courtyard from
ties; designer fixtures; natural light ered balcony, the perfect place to en- place and all sorts of seating opportu- the main residence is the 2-bay ga-
joy morning coffee as you watch the nities, will certainly become one of the rage with the second-floor guest suite
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 75
above. With windows on the east, Red tide fails to dampen island’s luxury home market
west and south sides, there is a
wealth of natural light in this cozy BY STEVEN M. THOMAS Gayfeather Lane, an oceanfront town- oceanfront homes and we did have sev-
enclave. The main room is a stand- home in the East End development. eral go under contract during that pe-
out with warm hardwood flooring, Staff Writer Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices riod.”
and can easily accommodate bed, agent Dan Downey brought the buyer
seating and dining areas. There is Vero Beach got hit by red tide in the in that transaction. “For my clients, there weren’t nec-
a full bath and a kitchenette with second half of October, but the fleeting essarily long-term concerns – more so
granite countertop, sink and un- infestation of toxic algae in the ocean “It was difficult to show oceanfront short-term concerns,” says Elizabeth
der-counter fridge. along our shores failed to dampen the properties and some people wore Sorensen. “I had one client postpone
island’s powerful luxury real estate masks while doing so,” says Berkshire their trip to view property, but the rest
The townhomes of Surf Club market. Hathaway Managing Broker Carol made the effort to see property even
were modeled after the award- Prezioso. “Most, however, just made when coughing and sneezing. There
winning East End Townhome Es- Seven oceanfront or ocean-adjacent a beeline from their car to the front were a number of questions about how
tates, and the residence at 4798 is homes priced at more than $1 mil- door. Our realtors did continue to show
a standout among them. lion, with a combined listing value of CONTINUED ON PAGE 79
$19,289,000, went under contract while
VITAL STATISTICS number of islanders were coughing,
4798 A1A, NO. 1 sneezing and rubbing red eyes.
Neighborhood: Surf Club Brokers and agents who continued
Year built: 2016 showing houses did a good enough job
Construction: explaining that red tide is a naturally
occurring phenomenon that is very
Concrete block/steel rare in Vero Beach – its last appearance
Architect: Gregory Anderson PA was 10 years ago – that buyers were
still willing to sign on the bottom line
Interior designer: to purchase homes up and down the
Page 2 Design island, from The Moorings to Orchid
Home size: Island.
3,200 sq. ft. under air; Premier Estate Properties Broker-
4,000 sq. ft. total Associate Cindy O’ Dare put two of her
Bedrooms: 4 listings under contract in the red tide
Bathrooms: period, between Oct. 15 when it first
arrived and Oct. 31 when beaches re-
4 full baths, 1 half-bath opened, one on Ocean Drive listed for
Flex room: Bedroom/office/den $4,695,000, and one on Seaspray Lane
in Orchid Island listed for $2,999,000.
Additional features: 2-bay
garage with impact-resistant “Everyone remarked on it,” says
O’Dare, “but when I told them it was
steel-clad door and guest natural and how long it had been since
suite above; 2 gas fireplaces; we’ve had it, that reassured them.”
private pool and spa; sum-
mer kitchen; recessed lighting Agents at Dale Sorensen Real Estate,
throughout; designer light including Sarah Tafoya, Tripp Hernan-
fixtures; Ca5 Smart Wiring; dez and Elizabeth Sorensen, put three
pet friendly; large courtyard; island homes listed at more than a mil-
central vac; granted beach ac- lion dollars each under contract while
cess; impact doors/windows; the algae was sloshing around offshore.
security system; elevator; tile
roof; stone/slate/wood floors; Judy Hargarten at The Moorings Re-
city water; municipal sewer alty Sales Co. and Kim Thorpe at Trea-
sure Coast Sotheby’s also put million-
Listing agency: plus listings under contract, Hargarten
Premier Estate Properties on Windward Way, just a few hundred
feet from the ocean, and Thorpe at 1019
Listing agent:
Cindy O’ Dare: 772-713-5899
Listing price: $2,795,000
76 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Nov. 2 to Nov. 8
The barrier island real estate market slowed a bit the first week of November, with 6 transactions reported
including two for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of a home with 125 feet of direct water frontage in John’s Island. The
residence at 461 Indian Harbor Road was placed on the market Oct. 11 for $4.25 million and went under
contract just a week later. The sale closed on Nov. 2 for $3.9 million.
Both the seller and the purchaser of the property were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.
CASTAWAY COVE 1185 ATOCHA WAY 7/10/2018 $425,000 $389,000 11/6/2018 $445,000
ORCHID ISLE ESTATES 2600 RIVERVIEW COURT 6/30/2018 $1,277,000 $1,200,000 11/6/2018
ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 1000 ISLAND CLUB PLACE 10/3/2017 $450,000 $459,900 11/5/2018
CASTAWAY COVE 1112 OLDE GALLEON LANE 8/30/2018 $599,900 $599,900 11/2/2018
SEA OAKS 1295 WINDING OAKS CIRCLE EAST, #802 3/15/2018 $250,000 $250,000 11/5/2018
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 77
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1185 Atocha Way Subdivision: Orchid Isle Estates, Address: 2600 Riverview Court
Listing Date: 7/10/2018 Listing Date: 6/30/2018
Original Price: $425,000 Original Price: $1,277,000
Recent Price: $389,000 Recent Price: $1,200,000
Sold: 11/6/2018 Sold: 11/6/2018
Selling Price: $375,000 Selling Price: $1,117,000
Listing Agent: Scott Reynolds Listing Agent: Susie Wilson
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Susie Wilson Real Estate PA
Not Provided Not Provided
Not Provided Not Provided
Subdivision: Island Club of Vero, Address: 1000 Island Club Place Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1112 Olde Galleon Lane
Listing Date: 10/3/2017 Listing Date: 8/30/2018
Original Price: $450,000 Original Price: $599,900
Recent Price: $459,900 Recent Price: $599,900
Sold: 11/5/2018 Sold: 11/2/2018
Selling Price: $445,000 Selling Price: $535,000
Listing Agent: Stacey Morabito Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Jim Haigney Becky Stirrat
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Private riverfront estate lot, tranquil & wooded setting, Meticulously maintained 5BR/3BA home on the 14th fairway, Beautiful lakefront building lot in the picturesque gated
approx 120 feet of water frontage, existing dock in place on a large almost 1 acre lot, screened pool, 3 car garage enclave of estate homes, over ½ acre with a fabulous view
$945,000 $310,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
78 Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Harbor Inn, Address: 2135 Windward Way, #309 Subdivision: Spinnaker Point Cond, Address: 1880 Bay Road, #121
Listing Date: 4/16/2018 Listing Date: 9/12/2016
Original Price: $360,000 Original Price: $575,000
Recent Price: $338,000 Recent Price: $499,000
Sold: 11/1/2018 Sold: 11/1/2018
Selling Price: $320,000 Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: Judy Hargarten Listing Agent: Terri McConnell
Selling Agent:
The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co.
Erika Ross Terri McConnell
The Moorings Realty Sales Co. The Moorings Realty Sales Co.
Subdivision: Vero Beach, Address: 435 Greytwig Road
Listing Date: 3/2/2018
Original Price: $465,000
Recent Price: $399,000
Sold: 10/29/2018
Selling Price: $395,000
Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Janyne Kenworthy
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 15, 2018 79
often we have experienced red tide.” beaches and algae blooms in the past. tels and restaurants nearly a million the Keys to the Atlantic, where the Gulf
Sorensen addressed concerns by giv- “All in all, my clients were aware and dollars, according to the Indian River Stream carried it north.
Chamber of Commerce.
ing buyers “research that our broker concerned, but it did not deter them Happily the gulfstream also eventu-
provided to all agents about red tide. I from making Vero their home!” It arrived in Vero Beach after an un- ally swept it away, returning our beach-
also had a few long-term Vero residents usual confluence of storms and cur- es to their usual beautiful condition
and clients available to speak with cus- The red tide algae, which killed tons rents combined to carry the algae and leaving the island sub-tropical air
tomers about their experience with our of fish and put a sting in the island’s around the bottom of the state, through fresh and sweet.
air for two weeks, cost beachside ho-
Sales Center Open Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm and Sunday 12 - 5 pm
Vero Beach • 4333 Baseline Drive Vero Beach • 1605 Baseline Drive
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet Vero Beach • 4335 Baseline Drive
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet
$338,000 $318,000
772.257.1100 • GHOHOMES.COM
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503,
Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.