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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-01-12 14:29:39



52 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Why outpatient knee surgery may be ‘the next big thing’

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Carl DiLella examines the post-surgical knee of patient Edward Franks. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE and I came to see him because he
Staff Writer did such a good job on her. I didn't
is a leading cause of disability in the “he had selective arthritis in only just come to him – I made sure he
“Outpatient” and “arthroplasty" United States,” but DiLella didn’t one of the three compartments of knew what he was doing first!”
are two terms rarely used in the see disability in Franks’ future. He the knee. There are basically three
same sentence – unless you happen saw an opportunity. compartments in the knee; the DiLella says the kneecap replace-
to be speaking with Dr. Carl DiLella kneecap joint, the medial or the in- ment surgery “involves making an
of the Orthopedic Center of Vero “In Ed's instance,” DiLella recalls, side portion of the knee, and the lat- incision on the front of the knee, not
Beach and one of DiLella’s patients eral or the outside.” unlike what a total knee [replace-
like electrical contractor Ed Franks. ment] incision would look like, but
“Looking at Ed's X-rays,” DiLella smaller, gaining access to just that
While the Johns Hopkins medi- continues, “the inside and outside kneecap joint in the front of the
cal library defines any arthroplasty compartments of his knee were re- knee. The back side of the kneecap
as “a surgical procedure to restore ally quite pristine and I think either is basically removed with a saw and
the function of a joint,” the term is just from genetics or sports or what then a new plastic back side of the
most often associated with total hip his occupation demanded of his kneecap – or button, as we call it – is
or knee replacements which usually knee, he’d worn away the cartilage placed there and cemented in posi-
require patients to spend between [only] on the back side of the knee- tion.”
two to five days in the hospital after cap.”
su rger y. A metal piece with a specially de-
When medications – including signed groove is then placed on the
Franks, however, went home the cortisone injections – and physi- thigh bone or the femur bone side
very same day DiLella performed cal therapy failed to relieve Franks’ that the kneecap button slides into.
a patellofemoral arthroplasty – or pain or increase his knee function,
kneecap replacement – on his left says DiLella, “I felt he was a good This procedure is not for every-
knee. candidate for this type of surgery one, however. If, for example, ar-
– selective patellofemoral arthro- thritis has spread throughout the
The culprit for Franks’ pre-opera- plasty.” entire knee joint, the Joint Pres-
tive knee problem was arthritis. The ervation Institute says, “it may be
American Academy of Orthopedic Patellofemoral arthritis affects a better option to consider a total
Surgeons says “arthritis of the knee the kneecap or patella bone. It knee replacement.”
causes pain in the front of the knee,
making it difficult and painful to DiLella concurs and then adds
kneel, climb stairs and do other ac- that this particular procedure “may
tivities – including, in Frank’s case, not necessarily be appropriate for
flying a small plane with foot-oper- the patient that’s had quadruple
ated controls. bypass surgery, is diabetic, or is us-
ing a list of medications a page long.
“I needed to fix this thing,” says They are certainly at a little higher
Franks. “My knee would buckle on risk for having issues with the an-
me. I couldn't kneel down without esthesia around the surgery and
helping myself up. I couldn't lift perhaps blood pressure issues and
myself up from a squat and because blood sugar issues.”
I also fly for a hobby, it was kind of
hard getting in and out of the plane For Franks, however, DiLella’s
and working the rudders and what- procedure has yielded impressive
not. The knee was just failing me.” results. Just three weeks after sur-
gery, “the knee actually feels 100
Then Franks jokingly adds, “My percent better and stronger,” says
wife came to see Dr. DiLella first this electrical contractor. “I can
even put my weight on it in the
shower and wash my other foot

Franks is not alone in being
pleased with the results. The Joint
Preservation Institute reports the
procedure has provided “very good”
results in about 90 percent of pa-
tients over the past 10 years.

DiLella puts it even more simply.
He predicts “outpatient procedures
for replacement surgeries are really
going to be the next big thing.”

Shorter – or no hospital stays at
all – will also dramatically reduce
costs to both patients and their in-

Dr. Carl DiLella is with the Ortho-
pedic Center of Vero Beach at 1285
36th Street, Suite 100. The phone
number is 772-778-2009. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 53


Fighting back: U.S. cancer death rate continues to fall

BY LAURIE MCGINLEY Cancer risks can be reduced by that success will require more clini-
The Washington Post focusing on risk factors such as cal and basic research to improve
weight, diet, physical fitness and early detection and treatment, as well
The cancer death rate in the Unit- exposure to ultraviolet radiation. as creative new strategies to increase
ed States has dropped by 25 percent healthy behaviors nationwide.”
since its 1991 peak, resulting in 2 are for cancers of the esophagus, most half of all cancer deaths.
million fewer cancer deaths than larynx and bladder; incidence and The report found that racial dis- The figures are part of the group's
if the rate had stayed the same, the death rates are four times higher in annual report on the disease's inci-
American Cancer Society said in a men, the report said. parities in cancer death rates con- dence, mortality and survival, called
new report. tinue to decrease, although the can- Cancer Statistics 2017. The latest fig-
For 2017, the report estimated, cer death rate remains 15 percent ures are from 2014.
The group attributed the decrease there will be nearly 1.7 million new higher in blacks than in whites.
largely to reductions in smoking and cancer diagnoses and more than Ernest Hawk, vice president and
improvements in the early detec- 600,000 deaths. The most common “The continuing drops in the can- head of the division of cancer preven-
tion and treatment of cancer. But causes are lung, colorectal and pros- cer death rate are a powerful sign of tion and population science at MD
a significant gender gap remains: tate malignancies in men, and lung, the potential we have to reduce can- Anderson Cancer Center, said that
The cancer death rate is 40 percent breast and colorectal cancers in cer's deadly toll,” Otis Brawley, the stepped-up prevention efforts could
higher for men than women, and women. These types account for al- cancer society's chief medical offi- deliver further gains because “we al-
the incidence of cancer is 20 percent cer, said in a statement. “Continuing ready know how to prevent the bulk
higher in men. of tobacco- and HPV-related cancers,
as well as how to reduce deaths from
That gender disparity reflects dif- other cancers … through the detec-
ferences in the kind of cancers that tion and management of pre-cancers
men and women develop. For exam- and early stage disease.”
ple, liver cancer, which is often le-
thal, is three times more common in He added that the United States
men, largely because of their higher has a “tremendous opportunity” to
rates of hepatitis C infection, smok- further reduce cancer risks by focus-
ing and excess alcohol consump- ing on risk factors such as weight,
tion. The largest gender disparities diet, physical fitness and exposure to
ultraviolet radiation. 

54 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Lighten up! Non-surgical weight-loss options available

BY TOM LLOYD at NIH reports that in this country Dr. Patrick Domkowski. PHOTO: MITCH KLOORFAIN
Staff Writer “more than two in every three adults
are considered to be overweight or
When does “getting bigger” help obese, and one-third of children
people with weight problems? between six and 19 share the same
That’s not a trick question, and
the answer, according to Dr. Patrick The Centers for Disease Control
Domkowski, is “right now,” as he and adds “weight- and obesity-related
his partner Dr. Jason Radecke ex- conditions include heart disease,
pand their weight-loss surgery cen- stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain
ter to include non-surgical options types of cancer,” which are among
for getting rid of unwanted and un- the leading causes of death nation-
healthy pounds. wide.

“We are happy to announce the And while Domkowski and his
start of our medical weight-loss pro- partner, Dr. Jason Radecke, have built
gram,” beams the affable Domkows- an impressive track record perform-
ki. “We want to be a center that isn’t ing over 1,200 minimally invasive or
exclusively surgery.” “laparoscopic” gastric bypass and
gastric sleeve procedures with what
In other words, Domkowski’s prac- Domkowski calls “excellent patient
tice is getting bigger so his patients outcomes,” they are also aware that
can get smaller. some people will do just about any-
thing to avoid any kind of surgery.
“We want to be able to offer people
other options,” says the Georgetown Just saying the word “surgery,” says
University Medical School graduate. Domkowski with a smile, “makes
Options which, frankly, are sorely them want to run to the door.”
Fortunately, there are several new
The National Institute of Diabetes non-invasive weight-loss options
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 55


available, including some relatively The Centers for Disease Control says“weight- “the cost of the drugs is between
new FDA-approved drugs. and obesity-related conditions include heart $175 and $200 a month,” and insur-
disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain ance usually picks up the tab.
“Prior to a couple of years ago,” Dom- types of cancer,”which are among the leading
kowski explains, “there hadn’t been a causes of death nationwide. To help accommodate this expan-
new FDA-approved weight-loss medi- sion of their Riverside Surgical and
cation in over a decade. Now there are Weight Loss Center in Sebastian,
several new ones. One is Osymia, an- Domkowski and Radecke are beef-
other is Belviq and a third is Contrave.” ing up their staff with new special-
ists and even considering a possible
That decade-long dearth of new expansion into the Melbourne area.
anti-obesity drugs can be blamed in
part on the infamous “Fen-Phen” or Dr. Patrick Domkowski is at River-
Fenfluramine-Phentermine weight- side Surgical & Weight Loss Center. He
loss drug. Introduced in the 1970s, it is also the surgical chief at the Sebas-
was later pulled from the market amid tian River Medical Center. His offices
much negative publicity when it was are at 14430 U.S. Hwy. 1 in Sebastian.
shown to cause serious heart-valve and The phone number is 772-581-8003. 
pulmonary hypertension problems.

This new generation of medication,
according to Domkowski, has been
proven in clinical trials to be much

“They’re actually medications that
have been used to treat migraines and
depression,” Domkowski explains,
“but when used in combination with
other agents, they have an appetite
suppressant and metabolic-enhancing
activity” which helps medically super-
vised patients safely lose weight.

Safety is the top priority, says Dom-
kowski, who also wants to be sure his
patients get the biggest possible bang
for their buck.

Marjetdata Enterprises, a research
firm specializing in consumer spend-
ing habits, says Americans shell out
more than $60 billion a year trying to
lose weight. Sadly, most of those dol-
lars are lost while – in the majority of
cases – weight is not.

There are also thousands of diets and
a whole host of TV-advertised weight-
loss plans, but as Domkowski points
out those are “purely calorie-based
food-restriction diets which, while
you’re on them, work just fine [but]
when you come off, it doesn’t work. You
don’t incorporate a lot of other changes
into your life.”

Medically supervised weight loss
seeks to change lifestyles and behavior
as well as the numbers on the bath-
room scale.

But perhaps the most appealing el-
ement of Domkowski’s weight-loss
program is what he says next: “I’m not
asking you to restrict calories. You can
eat what you want. We may ask you to
monitor your calories and your protein
intake, but we don’t put you on a re-
stricted diet. That’s the beauty of it. We
still want you to eat pretty much what
you want.”

There is one fly in the ointment
for people who enjoy alcohol: “One
martini,” says Domkowski with a
knowing smile, “is fine. Four are

While olive growers and bartend-
ers might cringe at that statement,
patients’ wallets won’t be left high
or dry. According to Domkowski,

56 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Listen up, ladies: How to make 2017 your best dressed year

BY VICTORIA MOSS turn your head. So why not wait, and
The Telegraph use this interim-season time to work
out and plan what treats will serve
First rule: Back away from the sale you best this year.
racks. Anything under $5, I guaran-
tee you don’t really need or actually If we can all agree on anything, it’s
want. There may still be a bargain that last year was less than satisfac-
or two to be had, but equally, in the tory. Which is perhaps why fashion
coming weeks the influx of the new, right now is having somewhat of a
shiny, fantastic things bearing that “Let’s bling it up while Rome burns”
elusive promise of solving all long- sort of a moment. I can’t promise 2017
held dressing dilemmas, will start to will bring anything more thrilling,
but that doesn’t mean your wardrobe

should reflect global instability. In- themes for spring style.
deed, one might think that this is the
perfect time to say, hang on, “pass the THE 10 ITEMS YOU’LL WANT TO
fluoro, hand me my crystal encrusted WEAR IN 2017
stilettos, let me find my brocade suit
of armor, and chuck on my azure- Cartland Pink
blue silk cape.” (Or, you know, you The color pink has been knocking
can stick to biscuit-y muted tones, around for a few years. It started its
and add in some stealth accessories comeback in icy, chilled hues. This
in a more restrained but no less joy- wasn’t the stuff of sugar and spice, this
ful approach to getting dressed.) was grown-up, ironic pink. Thankful-
ly, we can all stop being so pretentious.
Thankfully the days of stringent The new pinks have no sense of irony.
trend demands are long gone. They are pure, unapologetically bub-
blegum, tangy and full-fat sugar laden.
Are you minimalist or maximalist? We’re not going to read too much
What if you’re sold on navy sweaters, into the sudden proliferation of girl-
but certainly not averse to a jazzy ish frocks on the horizon, though.
hued shoe? Do it. When there are Because for us, they look best when
no rules, there is no holding back. played down a bit; so pair with chunky
Wear what you like, how you like, is a flats or boots, rather than with dainty
strong general rule of thumb. pieces. (As a rule, think, “How would
Melania Trump wear this?” and do the
However, If you are daunted by the opposite). Marks and Spencer have a
options, then make sure to always fabulously shouting dress with flared
have your checklist ready – you need elbow-length sleeves and tie-neck back
to be armed with what shapes and dropping in June, which means you
colors suit you. The best way to fig- have plenty of time to get your head
ure this out is to have a thorough and around wearing something this bright.
honest wardrobe detox.
The bottomless bag
Bring in a friend whose taste you This season even the fussiest Goldi-
admire if you need back up opinion. locks will find a handbag to suit, but
Try on everything. But pay the closest for anyone who has struggled getting
attention to the pieces you wear the their heads, or indeed worldly posses-
most often – why do you like them so sions, into the explosion of mini-bags
much? Because of the style, or because be cheered by the influx of super-sized
you look your best in them? Hopefully sacks coming your way. Matchesfash-
a combination of both. Pinpoint what has coined these Mary Pop-
works: skirts lengths, trouser widths, pins-worthy trunks bottomless bags,
style of top – this will help you find which we are very much on board
your basic silhouette combination – with. The ultimate versions are by
which ideally you should stick to at all Balenciaga, Céline and Valentino, but
points. watch out for very doable homages on
a high street near you soon.
Once you have this cracked, you’re
ready to cast your discerning eye
over the new season goodies. Here’s
a round-up of the most prevalent

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 61


Have you been drinking wines before their time?

The Washington Post

Staring at the vintage chart in the The chart also affirmed my enthu- My eyes also gravitated to one of my permission to drink these wines now,
February issue of Wine Enthusiast siasm for the 2015 vintage throughout favorite French regions, Beaujolais. even though they should improve for
magazine, my eyes began to blur. Red, Europe, consistently rated excellent or These wines, from the gamay grape, at least a few years. (We are advised to
purple, green, orange and blue squares superb, with top “classic” ratings for are fun, food-friendly and consis- “hold” most other European reds and
merged into a vinous Rorschach test Bordeaux’s Médoc region and for port. tently underrated. Georges Duboeuf, several whites.)
challenging me on which vintages to Those wines will be pricey, though. the so-called “king of Beaujolais,” told
hold, drink or pour down the drain, Bordeaux bargains will be in the less- me last spring that 2015 had been the Beaujolais cru wines, those named
with point scores showing the relative er-known “petits châteaux,” affordable best vintage for the region since the for various villages throughout the re-
merits of each. The reputations of my wines that excel in value in superb vin- 1940s. Wine Enthusiast agrees, rat- gion, are just beginning to reach the
palate and my cellar were at stake, if tages such as 2015. Look for those on ing the Beaujolais vintage at 96 points market. The few I’ve tasted have been
only in my own mind. retail shelves in the coming months. out of 100, or superb, and giving us outstanding, and I’ll be on the alert for
more throughout the year. 
Then I focused and saw advice. Vin-
tage charts represent the collective
wisdom of a magazine’s reviewers, who
taste thousands of wines each year, in-
cluding current releases and older vin-
tages. They are intended to guide col-
lectors on which wine regions to buy or
avoid in a given vintage, which to stash
away and forget, or which to dig out of
the boxes and racks in our basements,
closets and temperature-controlled
wine storage lockers.

The squares to the left of the chart,
showing the most recent vintages,
were red, purple and green, indicating
wines to cellar; to either open now or
hold for a few more years; or to pretty
much hurry up and drink. Those to the
right were mostly orange – “can drink,
may be past peak” – or blue – “in de-
cline, may be undrinkable.” Those
squares signaled lost opportunities.

Vintage charts may seem irrelevant,
since today’s consumers buy wine to
drink it, not to collect it. We don’t parse
the differences between the 2014 and
2015 Kendall Jackson Vintner’s Reserve
Chardonnay or the Barefoot Cellars
Merlot, because those wines are meant
for everyday consumption and are
produced to minimize vintage differ-
ences. They are consistent and reliable,
like a good beer.

And yet there’s much to learn from
even a casual read of a vintage chart.
I’ve been drinking German Rieslings
too soon, for example. While I enjoy the
fresh acidity of a young Riesling, Wine
Enthusiast’s chart suggests waiting
several years. The “ready, at peak ma-
turity” window for those wines begins
at 2007 and goes back to 2001. Although
younger vintages are rated “very good”
to “excellent,” the chart suggests they’ll
be even better in a few years.

Same with red and white wines
from New York’s Finger Lakes: The
chart suggests we work through the
2011 through 2008 vintages this year.
And Napa cabernets? Don’t open any-
thing younger than 2012, but 2010
back through 2005 are best, according
to Wine Enthusiast.

62 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 63

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64 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 71


the house itself shimmer in the dap- renovations that followed, Jane says,
pled sunlight. “This house has gone through so many
hurricanes, and hasn’t lost a shingle.”
From its original cottage size and
design, the home’s first major addi- John Johnson was a renovation pro-
tion was an expansive master wing fessional in the Boston area; with his
by its second owner; the rest of the expertise and her flare for design, the
extensive renovation was by its cur- Johnsons’ extensive, respectful and
rent owners, John and Jane Johnson, gentle renovations have preserved
who moved to the home on Sandfly the architectural features the origi-
Lane in 1987 with their children, Jen- nal builder designed for the Florida
nifer and Scott. climate and lifestyle, while accom-
modating the demands of an active,
A testament to the quality of the modern family.
original construction, as well as the

72 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 REAL ESTATE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

With their young children and the to the soft gold of afternoon.
home’s history and character in mind, The heart of the home is a large, central
the couple made careful plans. “I’d go
through magazines, see something I living room (15-by-25) featuring a lofty,
liked and say to John, ‘I want this,’” Jane 12-foot ceiling and sporting the original
says with a smile. plaster walls. The centerpiece here is the
home’s original fireplace, a striking white
Inside, the warm patina of the original Federal Revival-style piece, with a white
oak and heart-of-pine hardwood floors surround, and a unique “backdrop” that
has been lovingly restored, as have the extends from mantle to ceiling. With a
sturdy, unusual slider windows. With the broad bank of Plantation-shuttered win-
keen color sense of an artist, Jane Johnson dows on its north and south sides, this
has deftly offset the white ceilings and pleasantly lighted space invites relaxation
woodwork with a palette of soft, subtle and amiable conversation.
blues and delicate creams, showcasing
each room to its best advantage, while The lovely, formal dining room features
maintaining a pleasant flow throughout pale yellow walls, white woodwork, triple
the home. From dawn to dusk, the inte- crown molding, gorgeous coffered ceiling,
rior is bathed in enchanting ambient light graceful chandelier, golden hardwood floor
flowing in through the trees, transform- and a bank of windows looking south upon
ing from the clear, pale hues of morning the broad front lawn. Behind sheer lace


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74 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


panels on the east wall, French doors sink, and storage galore, plus an array
lead to the grand front porch. of appliances, including a handsome
French door fridge with freezer. A
The spacious kitchen, in the center kitchen window above the main sink
of the home, was originally no more looks out onto a long back porch.
than a galley, all it needed to be in the
mid-20th century. Back then, Jane ex- Off the kitchen, a half bath/powder
plains, virtually all the neighborhood room has a retro flair, its chair rail
residents were members of the Rio- and white bead board topped with
mar Country Club. The club served colorful vintage wallpaper. Here, too,
meals and, when its dinner bell rang, is a large laundry room, and conve-
the residents gathered there to dine nient mud/sand room in proximity to
and share their day’s activities, ren- the back entry door.
dering an elaborate home kitchen
superfluous. Now the fully equipped Adjacent to the kitchen, an area
kitchen at 961 Sandfly Lane offers that originally served as the maid’s
a granite-topped center island with quarters has been transformed into
a spacious family room and dining

area with large corner window look- a pair of guest suites and the spa-
ing onto the back yard and pool deck. cious master suite. This area, says
Jane, had been carpeted, and, when
West off the foyer is a guest suite, the Johnsons pulled back the aging
set apart from the bedroom wing covering, they were delighted to dis-
on the east side, and triple insulat- cover a beautiful heart-of-pine floor.
ed for comfort and quiet. This cozy The additional elevation of the bed-
hideaway is an ideal spot in which room wing allows a very deep “crawl
to leave the day’s stress behind and space” beneath, facilitating any
snuggle into bed with a cup of tea necessary maintenance and repair
and a good book. work. Here, too, is a drop-down to
the attic.
On the east side, up three steps
and along a hallway, are housed

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 75


A very special aspect of the back- “Now it’s time for another family
yard is the Turtle Run. Jane explains. with children, or grandchildren . . .
Over the years, turtles, injured or lost, this house was designed for family.”
have found their way into the yard.
When they are ready to venture back Old Riomar is literally only walk-
out into the turtle world, says Jane, ing distance from Vero’s beachside
they are gently placed just beyond the village, and minutes away via foot,
back fence, onto a grassy “run” which bike or car from the City Marina and
leads back to The Wild. Riverside Park, home to Riverside
Theatre (Equity), the renowned Vero
As much as the Johnsons have Museum of Art, jogging trail, boat
loved their home and cherish the launch, picnic pavilions, tennis and
memories of raising their family in racquetball courts. Numerous art
this magical neighborhood, with shows, boat shows and other outdoor
Jennifer and Scott now grown and community events take place in the
gone, the time has come to start a park year-round. There is a 5-acre off-
new chapter, Jane says. lease dog park nearby. 

The master suite boasts a 23- once occupied an accommodat-
by-15 bedroom, private porch and ing oak in the corner of the lot – and
door to the back yard, and spacious could again. The beautiful setting
walk-in/walk-through closet access- is, of course, perfect for entertaining
ing the large master bathroom. (All and, says Jane, has easily accommo-
four of the home’s full bathrooms dated close to 200 guests.
are equipped with showers only, al-
though a tub could be installed in the Here, too, moms and kids of St. Ed-
master bath, Jane notes.) ward’s Lower School would gather to
make vine baskets for school events.
One of the most desirable features St. Ed’s, very similar to the school the
of this wonderful home is the enor- Johnsons’ children attended in Mas-
mous, fenced back yard and pool sachusetts, was within easy walking
area. Here, the Johnsons’ children distance, and was one of the main
spent much of their growing-up years, reasons they decided to purchase the
playing with neighborhood pals, and home. The school has since relocated
climbing about in a tree house that south on A1A.


Neighborhood: Old Riomar • Year Built: 1950
Lot size: .84 acres • Home size: 3,284 sq. ft. under air

Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 4.5
Additional features: Moderately wooded lot; detached, 3-car garage;
fireplace; shades/blinds furnished; dry bar w/storage; 15-zone irrigation
sprinkler/irrigation well; double-hung storm shutters; dishwasher, dis-
posal, washer/dryer, microwave, fridge, electric water heater; pool; ceil-
ing fans; crown molding; 9-foot ceilings throughout; 2-zone A/C; some

furniture negotiable
Listing agency: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Listing agents: Jane Johnson/Pam Pendleton, 772-559-3520/772-217-1054

Listing price: $1,750,000

76 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Dec. 30 to Jan. 5

The week following New Year’s turned out to be the quietest of the year for barrier island real estate, with
only 3 transactions reported.

The featured sale of the week was of a home across the street from the beach in Castaway Cove. The
residence at 1033 Crescent Beach Road was placed on the market Nov. 3 with an asking price of $525,000.
The sale closed on Jan. 5 for the full asking price.

The seller in the transaction was represented Sally Woods of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The purchaser was
represented by Karen Smith of Alex MacWilliam, Inc.



$525,000 $525,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1033 CRESCENT BEACH ROAD 11/3/2016 $525,000 1/5/2017
$850,000 $760,000
INDIAN BAY 1525 CLUB DRIVE 1/26/2016 $824,999 1/3/2017


SEA COVE 1700 OCEAN DRIVE, #307 10/16/2016 $599,999 $599,999 12/30/2016 $599,999

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 77


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Sea Cove, Address: 1700 Ocean Drive Unit#307 Subdivision: Indian Bay, Address: 1525 Club Drive

Listing Date: 10/16/2016 Listing Date: 1/26/2016
Original Price: $599,999 Original Price: $850,000
Recent Price: $599,999 Recent Price: $824,999
Sold: 12/30/2016 Sold: 1/3/2017
Selling Price: $599,999 Selling Price: $760,000
Listing Agent: Al Benkert Listing Agent: Colleen Jennings

Selling Agent: Vero Beachside Sales Rentals Selling Agent: Billero & Billero

Al Benkert Stuart Tilt

Vero Beachside Sales Rentals Douglas Elliman Florida LLC

Subdivision: Park Shores, Address: 105 W Park Shores Circle, #18W Subdivision: Park Shores, Address: 109 W Park Shores Circle, #35

Listing Date: 8/17/2016 Listing Date: 9/26/2016
Original Price: $225,000 Original Price: $265,000
Recent Price: $225,000 Recent Price: $265,000
Sold: 12/21/2016 Sold: 12/20/2016
Selling Price: $198,000 Selling Price: $255,000
Listing Agent: Mary Pat Slater Listing Agent: Mary Pat Slater

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Mark R Seeberg Craig Von Kohorn

Berkshire Hathaway Florida Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

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78 Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 12, 2017 79

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