County awards $7.7 million in
beach repair contracts. P10
Jaycee Beach restoration:
Dig the new native plants. P15
Mardy Fish and friends tee up in
drive to promote kids’ fitness. P12
For breaking news visit
MY VERO FMPA meeting
seen advancing
BY RAY MCNULTY Vero electric sale
Brightline’s debut going
well – except for 3rd death
As the glitzy, new train A Brightline train in the BY LISA ZAHNER
pulled into the West Palm station at West Palm Beach. Staff Writer
Beach station Saturday after-
noon, completing my round- PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD The statewide power co-
trip ride to Fort Lauderdale on op, for five years seen as an
Brightline’s first day of public Hospital tours wrap up; time to narrow list nears immovable roadblock to the
operation, I jotted down two sale of Vero electric to Florida
final words in my notebook: BY MICHELLE GENZ partner may have thought last But it also was exhilarating Power & Light, was set to meet
Staff Writer week would be easier. for board members of IRMC’s Thursday to formally discuss
“Nobody died.” management company, as freeing Vero from its never-
That was noteworthy be- After touring four hospitals That wasn’t necessarily the well as the elected trustees of ending contracts in exchange
cause, only 23 hours earlier, in Cleveland, Ohio, and Or- case. With rush hour traffic in Indian River County’s Hospi- for a $108 million exit pay-
a woman attempting to cross lando in just two days in early Miami one day and Orlando tal District. Both groups have ment.
the tracks by foot in Boynton January, Indian River Medical the next, Round Two of the fretted over the health of the
Beach had been struck and Center officials looking for a tour of potential partners was A vote on letting Vero leave
killed by a Brightline train of- exhausting. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 the Florida Municipal Power
fering a promotional ride to Agency will not be taken until
area VIPs. at least February, but Thurs-
It was also newsworthy day’s discussion, if it goes
because the woman was the well and the concerns of all
third person killed by a Bright- member cities are addressed,
line train before the high- should help Vero’s 34,000 rate-
speed rail service boarded its payers breathe a little easier
first paying customer. about the city’s prospects of
A woman died after being closing the FPL deal by Octo-
hit in Boca Raton during a test ber as now planned.
Work underway on South County Vero High band hoping
project to curb pollution of lagoon to march in London’s
New Year’s Day parade
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN The 83-acre stormwater
Staff Writer park and nature preserve will BY RAY MCNULTY
capture nearly half the daily Staff Writer
Indian River County has be- water flow from the South Re-
gun work on an $8.4 million wa- lief Canal, putting it through Through the years, the
ter purification and recreation a series of treatment ponds, Vero Beach High School
project near South County Park marshes and a “floway,” re- Band has marched and
that will reduce the amount of moving nutrients and particu- played in great venues
harmful nitrogen and phos- lates before the water flows across America – from the
phorous flowing into the belea- back into the canal and then
guered Indian River Lagoon. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero ably for about a minute as we rolled did not include any slowdowns and at the entrance, the women at the tick-
through a section of Boynton Beach took only 37 minutes. et counter, the security guards in the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 on my return trip to downtown West passenger lounge, even the custodian
Palm Beach. Or maybe it was because Both trips, though, provided a taste – was smiling and friendly.
run in July, where authorities investi- a group of five pre-teen boys was of what we can expect when Brightline
gated the case as a suicide. Another standing alongside the tracks as the expands its service to Miami later this The same goes for the attendants on
woman was killed on the tracks in train rolled by. year and, if all goes as planned, to Or- the train, where they served beverages
Deerfield Beach during a test run in lando in two years. and snacks, similar to what you’d see
November. No explanation was given, and the on an airliner.
train soon accelerated to its normal So here’s what I can tell you . . .
According to Boynton Beach po- speed – passengers using a speed- It’s a really nice train. The leather Even on opening day, though, a day
lice, witnesses said the woman killed detecting app on their smart phones seats are comfortable. The carpeted the train company heavily promoted
shortly before 6:30 p.m. last Friday had said we averaged 75 mph and hit a aisles are wide. The amenities include and has been preparing for years, the
ducked under the gates and attempt- high of 83 mph – as we completed the free wireless internet, power outlets train was not packed. There were
ed to beat the train across the tracks. 39-minute, northbound trip without and USB ports. And – on opening day, plenty of people onboard but also
incident. at least – the service was outstanding. some empty seats.
Perhaps that’s why the train on Every Brightline employee I en-
which I was riding slowed notice- The southbound trip, by the way, countered at the station – the greeter Back inside the two-tier station,
which is bright and airy with large
windows, there’s a snack bar and gift
shop, restrooms and separate lounges
for coach and “Select” passengers.
(Since Brightline’s introductory,
one-way fares for the abbreviated ser-
vice were only $10 for coach and $15
for “Select,” I opted for the higher-
priced ticket, which put me in the pas-
senger car that offered slightly larger
seats and a free adult beverage.)
While security guards were visible
and only ticketed passengers could
access the upstairs lounge areas, there
wasn’t a security check and I was not
required to pass through a metal de-
Maybe that’s impractical for train
travel, because, during my sports-
writing days, I covered several Olym-
pics in Europe and didn’t go through
any security screenings at rail stations
there, either.
Here, at both the West Palm Beach
and Fort Lauderdale stations, I felt safe.
That goes for the ride, too.
It was so smooth, so quiet that it
didn’t feel as if we were traveling very
fast. That sensation could change
when Brightline expands its service
through the Treasure Coast and on to
Cocoa, where the tracks will veer west
to Orlando.
The longer, non-stop, often-straight
stretches will allow the trains to reach
speeds exceeding 100 mph and sup-
posedly enable them to travel between
Orlando and Miami in three hours, in-
cluding the stops in West Palm Beach
and Fort Lauderdale.
On this day, anyway, I had no com-
plaints. Nor did I hear any from my
fellow passengers on either of my two
trains, both of which departed and ar-
rived on time.
All in all, my round trip on Bright-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 3
line was, in every way, a pleasant ex- installed for Brightline’s speedsters. That’s a potential danger. and they tell me such an event would
perience that fully lived up to Bright- The change, I’m guessing, will be so So are 100-mph passenger trains be catastrophic.
line’s slogan: “The carefree, car-free darting through our community,
way to travel.” And, purely as a mode gradual that we won’t notice it – until where, at those speeds, they’ll pose None of that matters, though.
of transportation, this high-speed rail an ambulance is stuck at a crossing, an even greater threat to pedestrians The battle has been lost, regardless
service should be a terrific addition to wasting precious minutes as it waits than they do in South Florida. of what you might hear from oppo-
South Florida. for the freight trains to pass. And what if there’s a derailment? nents who refuse to surrender. Bright-
We’ve seen it happen elsewhere. line is a reality.
But I still don’t want it anywhere Remember: Most of the county’s Don’t tell me it can’t happen here. I’ve And at some point in the next several
near us. population resides west of the tracks, spoken with a few first responders, of years, we’ll see these high-speed trains
but both of the county’s hospitals are zipping through our community.
First, there are the safety concerns, located east of the tracks.
which should be obvious after three
fatalities on the West Palm Beach to
Fort Lauderdale stretch alone – and,
again, that was before Brightline be-
gan regular operation with frequent
trips each day.
Clearly, there’s a danger to allowing
trains to travel at 75 to 85 mph along-
side houses, businesses and roadways
in densely populated areas with no
safety barriers.
To allow those same trains to pass
through our community 32 times per
day at speeds in excess of 100 mph
would, it seems to me, be bordering
on reckless, especially if Brightline
refuses to erect the above-mentioned
safety barriers.
How many more people must die
before somebody with the author-
ity to regulate the rail industry does
Then there’s the noise issue.
The train’s horn blew almost con-
stantly throughout my Brightline
round-trip. That’s because the so-
called “quiet zones” – railroad cross-
ings with federally regulated safety
upgrades that enable trains to pass
through without blowing their horns
– haven’t yet been built between West
Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale.
The Palm Beach Post reported three
weeks ago that the quiet-zone up-
grades aren’t expected to be complet-
ed along the stretch from West Palm
Beach to the Broward County line for
four to six months and residents who
live near the tracks already are com-
Those same upgrades will be need-
ed in our county, which has 30 railroad
crossings, to avoid what will seem like
a relentless, daylong shriek of train
horns. Guess who’s going to pay for
them? Not Brightline.
Finally, there’s the dramatic in-
crease in freight traffic that I firmly be-
lieve will follow Brightline’s expansion
through our community.
The Panama Canal has been wid-
ened. The seaports in Miami and Fort
Lauderdale are being expanded and
the projects include new rail lines.
And, as has been proven across Amer-
ica, passenger rail service is not profit-
Hauling freight is.
So don’t be surprised to see more
slow-moving, traffic-stopping Flori-
da East Coast Railway freight trains
chugging along on the extra tracking
4 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital tours the local hospital board members’ fo- pus, spoke of the “awkward rush” of the on a carefully choreographed display
cus shifted from IRMC’s viability to its bumped-up schedule. Juniper Advi- of professionalism.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sudden and intense desirability, as the sory’s Jordan Shields, one of two IRMC
hospital’s strengths – chiefly its heart consultants who were omnipresent Florida Hospital hardly had to
taxpayer-owned hospital for years and cancer centers, as well as physi- on the partnership tours, made a rare mention of its Seventh Day Adventist
now, and last summer decided to be- cians – received commendation after comment: “We see what a giant facility affiliation. Throughout the hospitals
gin the search for a much larger sys- glowing commendation. “They really this is, and you had people here within but especially in Orlando, religious
tem to take over IRMC. want you,” observed one PR person. two seconds. It’s unbelievable.” paintings are prominently displayed,
and the day with Vero Beach repre-
That process is quickly reaching a At HCA’s 488-bed Mercy Hospital in Stevens didn’t miss a beat. “Please sentatives began with a prayer at the
climax. A vote scheduled for Jan. 30 will Coconut Grove, fresh white roses and interpret that as your importance.” system’s Ormond Beach hospital,
determine which of the four finalist snapdragons were set at every place Florida Hospital Memorial Medical
systems will go to the next stage of ne- for lunch. At HCA’s Aventura Hospital, the as- Center.
gotiations. Those finalists include the sembled group included three small-
Cleveland Clinic, whose main Cleve- At Adventist’s vast 1,300-bed Florida town mayors and a university president It was more of a surprise that at both
land campus as well as one in Akron Hospital in Orlando, a roster of doc- intent on making a lasting impression HCA hospitals, religion also played
were visited by the IRMC team Jan. 4. tors rearranged their day on a mo- on their Vero guests. They likely did – by a part, perhaps to show that the cor-
The next day, the same officials toured ment’s notice for the Vero visitors taking up a third of the hospital’s pre- poration allows communities to de-
two campuses of Orlando Health. when Florida’s Sunshine laws derailed sentation talking about a new medical termine the culture of their hospitals.
Those tours were covered in last week’s a planned two-part presentation with school at Nova Southeastern University At Aventura, there were several refer-
issue of Vero Beach 32963. a tour in between. Under Sunshine, that appeared to have little to do with ences to the community’s large Jewish
elected Hospital District trustees were Vero. population and the accommodations
After an all-too-brief weekend of rest, not allowed to end one meeting, prop- made for it.
the four District trustees and four rep- erly noticed and publicly teleconfer- In some ways, the final two suitors
resentatives of the IRMC board of di- enced in Vero, then disband for a tour, were dramatically different. While the Mayor Enid Weisman, a longtime
rectors headed south to Miami-Dade and reconvene without the required prior week’s tours of Cleveland Clinic hospital board member, noted the
County, where they visited two hospitals public notice. and Orlando Health were similar in impatience of Aventura’s affluent
owned by the for-profit HCA, the largest tone – both eager to play up their re- population, saying it could be the root
hospital management company in the Unflappable Florida Hospital ex- spective patient-first and physician- cause of low patient satisfaction rat-
nation with 166 hospitals. The next day, ecutives apologized and sent staff to first philosophies of care – these final ings. “We have a very elite community.
they toured two properties that are part scramble the speakers STAT. Minutes tours were enigmatic opposites: At They don’t wait for anything. They’ll
of the 45-hospital faith-based nonprofit late, doctors began coming through HCA’s Aventura and Mercy hospitals, hit the call button and say, ‘It took you
Adventist Health System. the doors, one still in scrubs, an hour the personality-driven courtship dis- 30 seconds to get here? Wait a minute.
ahead of schedule. play may have been aimed at human- I wanted it 30 seconds ago.’ So much is
Both groups seemed to pull out all izing the huge corporate healthcare key to that little buzzer, and we don’t
the stops for their Vero visitors. After As the meeting wrapped up, Eric system. By contrast, the nonprofit Ad- minimize it. It comes up at every sin-
months of harsh self-examination, Stevens, senior executive officer and ventist Florida Hospital concentrated gle board meeting.”
administrator for the Orlando cam-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 5
And at the Roman Catholic hospital, its covenant with HCA. That includes GYN and chairman of Mercy’s board of paid a total of $1.7 billion in fines in
Mercy in Coconut Grove, Sister Eliza- the crucifix over the door of a pediat- trustees, if the hospital offered abor- the largest case of Medicare fraud in
beth Worley, a retired chemistry teach- ric playroom where a “Finding Nemo” tion services, he said no. “And no ster- the nation.
er and member of the board of direc- mural covers the walls. ilizations, either,” he added.
tors, still wears a habit. She pointed In September 2015, Adventist
out that the presence of religious stat- When IRC Hospital District Board Not that all souls are free of taint Health paid $118.7 million to the fed-
uary in the hospital is spelled out in chair Marybeth Cunningham asked at either hospital group. It is widely eral government and four states, in-
the jovial Dr. Rolando De Leon, an OB/ known that in 2000 and 2003, HCA
6 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital tours Just north of Daytona in the afflu- a $15 million cancer center at the Or- The hospital earned four stars in
ent town of Ormond Beach, Florida mond hospital. “Center for Medicare and Medicaid
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 Hospital Memorial Medical Center Services” CMS ratings, an “A” rating
seemed just the place to show Vero The most recent additions have by the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade,
cluding Florida, to settle allegations of officials how the Adventist Health much to do with the three large and ranks in Truven Health Analytics
overcompensating physicians who re- system nurtures its community hos- housing developments slated to add Top 100 Hospitals. “You don’t apply;
ferred patients to its hospitals, as well pitals. Visible from I-95 and rising out more than 13,000 homes to the area. they look at the data and they call you
as buying up physician practices to as- of a 27,000-acre tract of pine and oak In 2016, Florida Hospital’s Ormond out. To me there’s no better recogni-
sure a patient stream. scrub, Memorial Medical’s gleaming hospital opened a Level 2 Neonatal tion,” says Noseworthy.
glass-faced tower is flanked by a five- Intensive Care Unit, or NICU. With
That followed a settlement in March story medical office building plus a 16 private rooms providing space for A half-hour’s drive southwest, Flor-
of the same year, when Adventist paid freestanding cancer center. parents to sleep over, the $14 million ida Hospital’s flagship hospital in Or-
$5.4 million over allegations that it investment was followed by $12 mil- lando sits not far off I-4, just south of
violated the federal False Claims Act The $270 million complex opened lion more in family-driven expan- Winter Park. A stunning facility, it of-
by not providing enough supervision nine years after Adventist’s Florida sion: 24 beds for OB/GYN patients, fers multiple referral specialties in-
of its radiation oncology services in Hospital group was chosen in a pro- 10 pediatric beds plus eight more in cluding transplantation and interven-
multiple Florida hospitals from 2010 cess similar to what Indian River an emergency unit. tional endoscopy.
to 2013. Medical Center officials are going
through today. Looking back, Adven- Today, the hospital’s CEO, Ed Nose- If there was a ready-made connec-
And in October 2015, both Adven- tist leaders today say that acquisi- worthy, looks out the north window tion to sell Vero hospital officials on
tist and HCA paid out millions more tion, along with the takeover of two of a 12th floor conference room, and Florida Hospital Orlando, it was the
to settle allegations involving the im- other hospitals in the area, marked a points to a white oval in the distance: list of IRMC physicians already famil-
plantation of heart defibrillators be- new era for the system, which poured the Daytona International Speedway, iar with it. Among them: Dr. Ashley
fore the Medicare-required waiting millions of dollars into not just the just five miles away. On race days, Canipe, interventional gastroenterol-
period. Adventist paid out $5.5 mil- hospitals but various health care en- Florida Hospital sponsors a health fair ogist; she did an advanced fellowship
lion to settle allegations that included tities, including rehab, urgent care – counterintuitive maybe, but the iro- with Florida Hospital. “You did good,”
Florida Hospital Orlando. HCA and 42 and physicians’ practices. ny may not be lost on visitors; the fair said District Board chair Cunningham.
affiliated hospitals, including Mercy offers among other things bike helmet “She’s awesome.”
and Aventura, paid out $15.8 million. A year after the new Memorial cam- fittings and accident prevention.
In all, 457 hospitals were involved in pus opened in 2009, Adventist added Dr. Muhammed Husan agrees. As
the settlement nationwide. “The speedway, it’s not all that head of the fellowship program at the
healthy,” laughed Noseworthy. “But Orlando campus’s Center for Interven-
In all three cases, the Justice Depart- just because of our partnership, you tional Endoscopy, he trained Canipe.
ment statements noted that settle- started to see a lot more health at the “I know all the docs over there at In-
ments did not address liability. speedway.” dian River.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 7
There was another Vero connection At the edge of Biscayne Bay, after principal thrust of HCA’s sale pitch to tion. What was it that mattered to us
in the neurosurgery center. I-95 has funneled the remains of its Vero. in the delivery of healthcare? What
traffic onto the canopied streets of made Mercy different? We were able
Dr. Ravi Gandhi is a 1998 graduate Coconut Grove, a handsome struc- Affluent Aventura, home to many to articulate all that in the document
of St. Edward’s School. Enrolling in ture topped with a simple white from Northeast cities, and Mercy, and HCA said, ‘You know what? It’s
seventh grade, he decided to become cross completes a triad of signifi- an old-world holdover in its Catho- going to cost us a little bit more, but
a neurosurgeon when his grandfather cant buildings: the historic Vizcaya lic orientation, have benefited from we agree to do it.’”
had a stroke. He didn’t dawdle – he mansion; the private Catholic girl’s similar investments on the part of
wrapped up his high school degree school LaSalle High (part-time Vero HCA. Mercy has seen $650 million of Worley spoke with pride about the
in tenth grade and headed for Johns resident Gloria Estefan is a graduate); improvements delivered by its angel, hospital’s exterior renovation, and
Hopkins University. and Mercy Hospital, the only Catho- HCA, since the healthcare giant ac- now, floor by floor, the interior space.
lic hospital in Miami and since 2011, quired the hospital six years ago. “Much has been invested back in it.
Now specializing in brain tumors owned by HCA. We could never have put back into
as well as vascular interventions for That was close to the number – the facility what has happened with
stroke and aneurisms, Gandhi spends Mercy’s 488 beds may generate a $700 million – that HCA has spent on HCA these last few years,” she said.
his days at Florida Hospital Orlando in drop in the publicly-traded HCA’s Aventura over its 25-year history. “It supports our mission. And the
a $32 million wing that opened in 2011. bucket of $41 billion in revenues. But mission needs a margin.”
He spoke to Vero visitors in a theater to its patients and staff, it remains dis- Considering that Vero officials had
setting before an operating room the tinctive, a spiritual oasis amidst HCA’s already been wowed by HCA’s mind- AHEAD:
hospital calls the Innovat-OR. half-million bed machine of health boggling numbers during a presenta-
care delivery. tion in November in Vero, the mag- The Hospital District Board has a
Behind him through a large window, nitude of those investments wasn’t meeting set for Thursday, Jan. 17, at
the operating table was dramatically Mercy claims kinship with another entirely a shock. the District office to “debrief” the trips.
lit, a Plexiglas skull perched at the end HCA hospital: Aventura Hospital and The IRMC board is expected to do the
of the table. On a small monitor above Medical Center, an earlier stop on In all, HCA spent $2.8 billion in same on Jan. 22, meeting in the hospi-
Gandhi’s head, a video ran in a loop of IRMC leaders’ tour. capital outlay last year. tal board room. Consultants from Ju-
a tumor, green with fluorescent dye, niper Advisory will be present for both
being plucked out of a brain. The hospitals, paired in such a vast As a one-time convent hospital, meetings. Then on Jan. 30, Juniper will
system, share executives, resources the Mercy leaders worked with HCA present to both boards the results and
He talked about his confidence in and expertise but retain very differ- to put together a covenant – a docu- summary of the second-round pro-
the hospital in the context of his own ent cultures. At least, that seemed the ment that went through the details of posals. Following that meeting, the
family, still living in Brevard County. the hospital’s identity as a Catholic two boards will meet separately to
“I’d want my parents to be treated in hospital, including ethics and tradi- come up with a recommendation.
the place that I work. That gives me tions.
a lot of pride and excitement every
day.” Sister Elizabeth Worley, who sits on
the Mercy board, said the covenant
relates “to who we are as an institu-
8 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero electric sale Directors and Executive Committee
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for approval in February 2018.”
A 2011 offer by FPL to purchase Ve- Williams explained that he’ll need
ro’s entire system fell flat after efforts a range of documents approved to
to extricate the city from the FMPA take care of various elements of Vero’s
ran up against one obstacle after an- involvement with FMPA projects, in-
other. Vero was told the contracts were cluding resolutions transferring Vero’s
unbreakable, and attempts at getting virtual ownership interests in FPL’s
a reasonable and definitive figure for St. Lucie Nuclear plant and Orlando’s
the cost to exit FMPA proved fruitless. Stanton 1 and Stanton 2 coal plants.
Then in late 2016, the convergence The FMPA Executive Committee of
of a dynamic new FMPA leader, CEO the All-Requirements Project will also
Jacob Williams; the credible threat need to release Vero from its member-
of regulation of the co-op by power- ship in the ARP. Vero has not purchased
ful Tallahassee legislators; and a vig- power through the ARP since January
orous pro-sale majority on the Vero 2010 when it began purchasing whole-
City Council led by then-Mayor Laura sale power from Orlando Utilities.
Moss breathed new life into what had
seemed like a dead deal. Another approval Williams needs
from the board is “the waiver and re-
After FMPA offered up the $108 mil- lease agreement, to achieve a full and to-
lion exit figure, FPL came through tal discharge of all liability between Vero
with the needed cash, plus a cure for Beach and FMPA related to Vero Beach’s
Vero’s $30 million contract dispute participation in each of the FMPA power
with Orlando Utilities, and a commit- supply projects, and Vero Beach’s mem-
ment to move all the electric equip- bership in FMPA generally.”
NEWS ANALYSIS Parallel to this effort, FPL has filed
the required petitions with the Florida
ment off the valuable riverfront parcel Public Service Commission to get reg-
where Big Blue currently sits dormant. ulators’ blessing of the transaction as
fair and equitable, and to amend FPL’s
Over the past six months, top staff- territory to encompass Vero’s custom-
ers at the FMPA have been on the road ers in the city, the unincorporated
meeting with the 20 member cities county and Indian River Shores.
that must agree to releasing Vero from
the energy co-op, and reassigning This is a historic moment for long-
Vero’s share of power entitlements to suffering Vero electric ratepayers and
the remaining cities via the FMPA’s All for utility activists who stuck with a
Requirements Project. cause that’s been a decade-long roller
coaster of steep ups and downs, of
Most of the cities’ governing boards victories stymied by defeats and stag-
have already approved the arrange- nation. Those folks who got disgusted
ment, but a few stragglers remain. As with the duplicitous politics and bad
of press time, six cities yet had to vote. news and tuned out might want to
start paying attention again
The FMPA, today – as this issue of
Vero Beach 32963 is arriving in mail- Those in the community who have
boxes up and down the barrier island very closely followed every aspect of
– is seriously mulling a vote to let Vero this issue and this transaction may feel
out, with the co-op’s leadership and the desire to cross fingers or pray or do
experts recommending approval. whatever might be done to facilitate
good fortune and a positive outcome.
City Manager Jim O’Connor has The next 30 days or so are critical.
served as Vero’s representative on
the FMPA Board since Moss backed Indian River Shores residents are
off from that role in November. He watching sale proceedings closely.
expected smooth sailing going into There’s a backup clause in the agree-
Thursday morning’s gathering at the ment between FPL and Vero that says if
co-op’s Orlando headquarters. “I do the sale of the entire system fails to hap-
not expect any issues that FPL or the pen by the end of 2018 or soon there-
City can’t address,” O’Connor said. after, Vero and FPL will move forward
with the sale of only the Shores custom-
The agenda packet for Thursday’s ers to FPL for a $30 million price.
meeting includes a three-page execu-
tive summary and a 10-page Power- Curbing lagoon pollution
point presentation outlining how Ve- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
ro’s exit will work and what needs to
happen next. into the lagoon.
Called Osprey Acres, the project will
CEO Williams wrote in his memo,
“FMPA staff and legal counsel, includ- work in conjunction with the county’s
ing bond counsel, have been engaged adjacent Osprey Marsh water clean-
in this effort extensively since February up facility, which opened in 2015.
2017. Currently, we anticipate bringing
the transaction to the FMPA Board of Osprey Marsh mixes 1.5 million
gallons a day of briny water from the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 9
South County Water Treatment Plant’s be constructed for use by visitors. Os- Vero High band Putzke on Sunday confirmed that the
reverse-osmosis process with up to 10 prey Acres should come online in July. band had received an informal invita-
million gallons a day of South Relief CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion to participate in the prestigious
Canal water. The water is put through McCully said the Florida Depart- parade through London’s West End,
an algae scrubber and “polished in ment of Environmental Protection Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in where more than 650,000 people lined
wetlands” before it re-enters the canal. has set the nutrient load allowable for New York to the Tournament of Roses the streets along the two-mile route for
the county’s reach of the lagoon, but Parade in Pasadena to the deck of the this year’s festivities and an estimated
Beginning this summer, treated Os- hasn’t divvied up how many pounds U.S.S. Missouri at Pearl Harbor. 3 million watched on television.
prey Marsh water and about 1 million of nutrients each governmental entity
more gallons of South Relief Canal wa- must remove. The divvying-up pro- Never, though, has the band per- Parade representatives – it’s pos-
ter will flow through Osprey Acres for cess was blocked by Gov. Rick Scott formed overseas. sible the great-grandson of Great Brit-
more nutrient removal. Together the shortly after he took office seven years ain’s iconic Prime Minister, Winston
two facilities will clean up nearly half of ago, McCully said, and when it will be That’s likely to change next year, Churchill, will be among them – are
the 26 million gallons of murky water decided is unknown. when as many as 200 Fighting Indi- expected to travel to Vero Beach within
that flows through the South Relief Ca- ans are scheduled to march in the the next few weeks to formally extend
nal each day, removing chemicals that “We’re just doing the best we can for 2019 London New Year’s Day Parade an invitation to the Fighting Indians.
feed ecology-killing algae blooms and each of the canals for now,” McCully in England.
helping meet Florida Department of said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Environmental Protection mandates Associate Band Director Brandon
aimed at protecting the Indian River
Lagoon, which has been designated an
Estuary of National Significance.
The county bought the property
half a mile east of the intersection of
5th Street Southwest and 20th Avenue
Southwest for $1 million in April 2016.
It had been slated to become a hous-
ing development before the economic
downturn. West Construction, located
in Lantana, was awarded the $7.4 mil-
lion park construction contract in July.
The county got three grants to help
pay for the project, $1.2 million from
the state Department of Environmen-
tal Protection, $1.2 million from St.
John’s River Water Management Dis-
trict and a $1.23 million Florida House
Appropriations Grant. The county will
fund the remaining $3.8 million from
the one-cent local option sales tax, ac-
cording to county documents.
County Public Works Stormwater
Engineer Keith McCully, P.E., who
designed the project, said, “It wasn’t
too hard to get the grants. Everybody
seemed to like the ideas.”
Only 18 of the 83 acres will be devel-
oped, the rest to be “left as a nature pre-
serve,” McCully said. What will be put
in will look natural – two deep settling
ponds, two shallow ponds planted with
floating water lettuce, the hanging roots
eating nutrients, and two “filter marsh-
es” planted with eel grass or reeds.
There will be two of everything be-
cause water will flow through side-by-
side pond/marsh systems in the park.
“The treatment ponds were designed
to be linear and parallel so we could take
any pond offline if we need to,” McCully
said. Occasionally the water lettuce and
eel grass will need to be harvested and
turned into compost and the settling
ponds dredged. Therefore the nutrients
captured from the canal will fertilize
the land “instead of buying new bags of
fertilizer,” McCully said, recycling and
reducing the local nutrient load.
A natural vegetation buffer and fence
will surround the 83 acres and internal
trails will be built for hiking, the park
to be open for educational purposes. A
10-space coquina-paved parking lot will
10 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero High band saucers and their jaws dropped to the ke said. “We’ll be reaching out to the The Fighting Indians were among
floor. They were stunned. community, which has always come 20 U.S. bands invited to march in the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 through in the past.” 2019 event. The bands were chosen
“We’ve played in some big events in based on their reputations, state rat-
Putzke said the band decided in Oc- the past,” he added, “but this is a lot Putzke said it’s too soon to know how ings, success in competitions and
tober to accept the invitation, which bigger than anything we’ve done.” many band members would make the performances at other significant
will provide the band with an oppor- trip, which is not mandatory, but he ex- events.
tunity to perform in front of its largest So is the price tag. pected between 90 and 200 to departVero
audience ever and, possibly, members Putzke said the trip will cost about Beach on Dec. 27 and return on Jan. 4. This is the first time Vero Beach has
of the British royal family. $3,200 per person and that the band been invited to perform at the London
will seek donations from local individ- “That’s doesn’t include parents and parade, Putzke said.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime experi- uals and sponsorships from local busi- chaperones,” he added.
ence for these students,” Putzke said. nesses, as well as conduct fundraisers County awards
“A lot of them have never been over- to offset expenses. In addition to air- There are currently 208 band mem- contracts for beach
seas; some have never been outside fare, accommodations and food, the bers, and at least 90 must commit to repair projects
Florida. So when we told them about group must pay to ship instruments the trip, Putzke said, adding that he
the invitation, their eyes were as big as and equipment to London. and Howell are “exploring options,”
“Our goal is to raise $500,000,” Putz- seeking a way to include any of this
year’s seniors who want to go.
Staff Writer
Indian River County has
awarded engineering and de-
sign contracts for $7.7 million in
post-Matthew beach repair proj-
ects at Wabasso Beach and Por-
poise Point.
Wabasso Beach stretches for
6.6 miles from Seaview Drive to
Sea Oaks. The Porpoise Point
beach is about two miles in
length and runs from Seagrove
to The Moorings.
Hurricane Matthew scooped
countless tons of sand from the
two beaches in October 2016,
but it took until recently for state
and federal repair funds to be
The Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency will fund 75 per-
cent of the cost, the state 12.5 per-
cent and the county 12.5 percent.
The county will use local op-
tion sales tax and tourist tax
funds for its part.
APTIM Environmental Infra-
structure of Tampa was awarded
the contract for the Wabasso
Beach repairs and Coastal Tech
of Vero Beach was chosen to en-
gineer and design the Porpoise
Point project.
County Coastal Engineer James
Gray estimates Wabasso Beach
will cost about $5.2 million and
Porpoise Point $2.5 million, but
the scope of work, including the
amount of sand needed and the
timeframe for completion, will be
more precisely defined by the en-
gineering firms.
Gray said it will take up to 18
months to complete the com-
plex design and approval pro-
cess, with state and federal agen-
cies weighing in. He expects the
actual work to begin in late 2019
or early 2020.
Todd and Lori Hopkins
12 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Fish & friends tee up in drive to promote kids’ fitness
Sam Garcia, Tom Blake, David Ross and Jarrod Owen. Bob Barrows, Duke Reeds, Tom Fish and Peter Gilson.
Rick Rhoden, Tim Wakefield, Bill Allard and Duncan Riefler. Mardy Fish, Sally Fish and Stacey Fish. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Alet Filmalter with Sheryl and Ken Dowd, and Dan Guidarelli.
Deb Murphy with Paul and Linda Delaney. Daniel Garza with Becky Rigaud and Matt Challenor. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Bill Munn, Dale Sorensen and John Spooner.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF seeded with a virtual who’s who of as part of a child’s daily routine.” ence, both lasting and meaningful, in
Staff Writer professional athletes. Among the The Mardy Fish Kids on Court Ten- our kids’ lives.”
players teeing up for the MFCF were
Despite the threat of rain on the former Los Angeles Dodger pitcher nis Program at Grand Harbor utilizes “We couldn’t do it without everyone
horizon, more than 80 golfers were Rick Rhoden, former Boston Red Sox the talents of world-class teaching here. It’s a great thing to be able to give
able to play through at the Mardy Fish pitcher Tim Wakefield, French Open professional Marco Osorio, along back where I grew up,” said Mardy Fish.
Children’s Foundation Charity Golf finalist Mikael Pernfors and former with a trainer and nutritionist, ac-
Tournament at Windsor Golf Club last professional tennis player Thomas cording to Pappalardo. He noted that while growing up in
Monday morning. Balls sailed over the Blake. Vero Beach he had played in what is
fairways to help the foundation carry “Children need less time on their now the Mardy Fish Children’s Foun-
forth its mission to provide local chil- “We’ve raised a lot of money to help screens and more time in motion. dation Tennis Championships, one of
dren with opportunities to participate a lot of kids in this community learn The key for us, as well as the entire the longest running events on the U.S.
in fitness, nutritional and enrichment about fitness and health,” shared Mar- country, lies in addressing physical Tennis Association Pro Circuit.
programs, encouraging them to live dy’s father Tom Fish, MFCF chairman. inactivity and obesity early. Studies
healthy and productive lives. “We’ve got a lot of need in this area show overweight children are five “It’s really fun to have that under
and we’re really making progress.” times more likely to become obese our wing,” he added. “That helps a
The tournament was followed by a adults,” explained Pappalardo. “Yet lot; it just helps to have people learn
luncheon and awards presentation on Joe Pappalardo, MFCF board mem- healthy lifestyle habits, including about the foundation throughout the
the clubhouse patio overlooking the ber, added, “We are identifying and physical activity and healthy eating, tournament.”
first tee. funding agencies and programs in our have been shown to reduce the risk
community that have existing pro- for obesity-related diseases. That The 2018 MFCF Tennis Champion-
In addition to former top 10 tennis grams that encourage physical activ- is where the MFCF comes in. Our 6 ships will be played April 20-29 at the
player Mardy Fish, foursomes were ity and healthy nutritional education Healthy Habits are making a differ- Grand Harbor Golf & Beach Club. For
tickets visit verobeachtennistickets.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Bill and Libby Allard with Tim Wakefield.
Samuel Anderson, Mardy Fish, Jim Sims and Peter Holmberg.
Dr. Gerald Pierone and Michael Hauser. Mike Hickey and Joe Pappalardo. Tom Blake.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 15
Jaycee Beach restoration: Dig the new native plants!
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF KIRB strives to unite the com- Missy Weiss with Kieran, Fischer, Lucas and Nikki Mosblech. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
munity through environmental re- PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF
Staff Writer sponsibility while focusing on waste
reduction, litter prevention, beau- Kitty Rossetti and Daisy Packer. Volunteers picked up trash on the beach.
At the Keep Indian River Beauti- tification, conservation and educa-
ful Jaycee Beach Dune Restoration tion. Other programs include: the
project last Saturday morning, more Cigarette Litter Prevention Program,
than 60 friends of the environment Event Recycling, International
literally dug in and planted nearly Coastal Cleanup, and Monofilament
400 native plants along the board- Recovery and Recycling Program.
walk between Conn Way and Jaycee
Beach. In April they will again host the
Great American Cleanup, which last
The goal of the project, funded by year amassed 2,500 pounds of lit-
grants from Anheuser-Busch, Inc., ter from 22 sites around the county.
Keep America Beautiful and Waste Projects also include a second Jay-
Management, is threefold, accord- cee Beach Dune Restoration and the
ing to Daisy Packer, KIRB executive Sebastian Earth Day Celebration on
director. Planting a variety of salt- April 21. On Feb. 16 KIRB will host its
resistant vegetation not only beau- Environmental Awards Luncheon,
tifies the park but also fortifies the which recognizes efforts to improve
dunes, which in turn protects the the local environment.
beaches from erosion and reduces
the impact of wind and water. KIRB opened its repurposing bou-
tique Upcycle It! several years ago
KIRB purchased the plants from and recently moved it to a storefront
Other Side Services, whose crew at the corner of 16th Street and Old
volunteered to help with what they Dixie Highway. This new space has
described as native, salt-resistant allowed them to incorporate the
and drought-resistant plants. “It’s store and offices in one location,
what would naturally be growing making it easier to drop off dona-
here,” owner Ray Hooker explained. tions. An array of hand-made items
Among the flora were inkberry Scae- and craft supplies are available for
vola, sea oats, cordgrass, spider lily, purchase.
firecracker plant, sea lavender and
Jamaican caper. For more information, visit keepin-
“So many plants disappeared
between Matthew and Irma,” said
Packer. “There isn’t enough dune or
plants to block the parking lot lights
from cascading over the dunes dur-
ing sea turtle season, which starts
March 1. We’re trying to get as much
in there as possible to help keep the
sea turtles from getting confused as
to which direction to go to get back
to the ocean.”
As IRC Turtle Team volunteer Barb
Grass lined up plants for the morn-
ing’s activities, she stressed the im-
portance of the vegetation. “The
only way you’re going to keep this
boardwalk and the sand here is to
plant; that’s what keeps it all intact.
It helps both the sea turtles and go-
pher turtles that live in here too. The
sea turtles come all the way up here
to nest. When bad storms erode the
sand and it looks like a cliff, the tur-
tles can’t nest and they turn around
and go back in the water.”
This is the second large-scale res-
toration project KIRB has taken on
since Packer joined the local non-
profit. The first entailed an entrance
renovation, planting of a native gar-
den and replacement of 40 trees at
the Captain Forester Hammock Pre-
serve on Jungle Trail.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Michael Dolan and Dawn Dolan.
Alvin Miller and Ray Hooker. Nichole Sparling.
Jennifer Gilchrist and Nancy Vandergrift. Calvin Kaminsky and Caroline Lewis.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 17
Volunteer judges rule at Indian River Science Fair!
BY MARY SCHENKEL Science Fair judges Scott Ferguson, Linda Clerch, Dr. James Schafer and Ron Chesley. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD friends to get involved as well.
Staff Writer “I think that’s how we are able to
Indian River fair presents more than $1 roughly 11,000 public, private and
Each year, eager young minds delve million in prizes, thanks in large part home-school students who competed get such good judges. Because they
into the unknown, working on projects to FIT college scholarships. in school-based fairs. have such a good time they invite their
ranging from animal and plant scienc- friends,” says Falardeau.
es to engineering and mathematics in This year 220 secondary (6th to 12th Equally impressive, about 130 peo-
hopes of being chosen to present their grade) students and 320 elementary ple volunteer each year to be science Among them is Scott Ferguson, a re-
findings at the upcoming Indian River (K to 5th grade) students will compete fair judges, many returning year af- search scientist who has volunteered
Regional Science and Engineering in the IRC fair, whittled down from ter year and often encouraging their as a judge since the fair’s inception 26
Fair, hosted by the Education Founda- years ago and who said he sees judging
tion of Indian River County in partner- as a way to pay back all the great teach-
ship with the School District. ers who inspired him over the years.
His daughters both participated and it
“We’re the only Education Founda- clearly resonated. His eldest, Carly Fer-
tion in the state of Florida that presents guson Daniels, is now a senior scientist
a regional science and engineering fair. at Pfizer Pharmaceutical.
So I tell everyone, therefore, ours is the
best,” says Executive Director Cynthia “It’s fun and it’s also reassuring
Falardeau with a chuckle. “And truly, to see the promising young minds;
we have heard from other judges and whether in chemistry, biology, math,
even other families who have moved physics, etc., there’s a lot of very bright
into the area, that our fair is unique be- young minds out there,” said Fergu-
cause we have such tremendous com- son. “We’re in good hands.”
munity involvement.”
There are four teams of judges: place
Falardeau explains that regional judges determine first-, second- and
fairs elsewhere are often undertaken third-place winners; another team
by just a few teachers and offer limited, determines which 20 projects will be
if any, cash prizes or scholarships. The sent to the State Science & Engineer-
ing Fair of Florida; and a third team
18 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
determines which project will be sent ously. They spend a lot of time review- Sciences, Biomedical & Health Sci- middle school students.
to the Intel International Science and ing the project boards and reviewing ences, Cellular/Molecular Biology & Falardeau says parents have related
Engineering Fair, the world’s largest. the abstracts,” says Falardeau. “But Biochemistry, Chemistry, Earth & En-
Additionally, colleges, universities and what really levels the playing field is vironmental Sciences, Engineering, seeing their children progress from
organizations send teams who choose the presentation, and that’s what we Environmental Engineering, Intelli- good students to great students and
recipients of their own prizes and stress. It’s not about how fancy the gent Machines, Robotics & Software adds that participation also nurtures
scholarships. board is. It’s about ‘what did the child Systems, Mathematics & Computa- career success.
learn and what can they tell you.’ And it tional Sciences, Microbiology, Physics
Students set up their projects on Fri- doesn’t mean that the experiment has & Astronomy, and Plant Sciences. “That ability to be able to present
day afternoon; giving judges a chance to work. Some of the biggest mistakes, and sell your ideas, complete a re-
to preview them sans students. On Sat- like the Post-it note, have become suc- There are still openings for judges. At search project over a long period of
urday morning, judges visit with stu- cesses.” the secondary level, they seek individ- time, complete forms and talk in front
dents individually before meeting as a uals with related experience or knowl- of people; it’s applied learning. And it
team to decide the rankings. Project categories are wide ranging: edge. Elementary judges need to be helps to make connections, especially
Animal Sciences, Behavioral & Social able to hear soft voices and understand with math. It encompasses all of the
“The judges take their jobs very seri- just a little about the scientific meth- learning disciplines: reading, writing,
od. Judges’ wheelchairs and scooters math,” she explains.
can be accommodated, but otherwise
judges are on their feet all morning and “I love this program. It truly is a labor
there is quite a lot of walking. of love for us, for our board and for our
judges. It’s the good news in education.
To maintain the element of suspense The most rewarding part is when you
and surprise, winners are never an- see where it takes them. It’s so heart-
nounced before the awards ceremony. warming and gratifying to see how the
seeds we plant through the regional
“As we announce the winner, their fair have helped them grow.”
picture is projected on the screen and
the crowd goes wild. It’s really truly The 26th annual fair takes place Sat-
exciting to see people jumping up and urday, Jan. 27, at Gifford Middle School.
down for academics,” says Falardeau. Public viewing for secondary projects
is 11 a.m. to noon in the gym; elemen-
She notes that last year 100 percent tary is 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the
of the students who went to the state cafeteria. Awards Ceremonies at Se-
competition took top awards. bastian River High School PAC are also
open to the public: elementary is 3 p.m.
Students have also advanced to the Jan. 28, and secondary is 6 p.m. Feb. 1.
Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied
Science, Technology and Engineer- For more information, visit edfoun-
ing for Rising Stars), a competition for
20 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Running into serious money for Quail Valley Charities
BY MARY SCHENKEL ever. We already have pledges and
Staff Writer commitments in excess of $400,000
and we have an additional $200,000
Runners were out bright and early from events,” said COO/GM Kevin
last Saturday morning for the Quail Given, co-founder of Quail Valley with
Valley Charities Events 5K and 1-Mile the late Steve Mulvey, who tragically
Fun Run. Formerly known as the passed away this past September.
Quail Valley Charities Cup Week, the
new name more accurately reflects “We anticipate funding 40 charities
the introduction of an ever-expand- and will make an additional dona-
ing variety of fundraising opportuni- tion to a yet-to-be-determined charity
ties since the original two-day Charity that was close to Steve’s heart. A sig-
Cup golf tournament in 2001. Monies nificant amount of donations came
raised provide grants to local non- through the Memorial Fund set up in
profit organizations and programs his name,” said Given.
that have an emphasis on children
and education. Two new events were added this
year. The Sunday before last they
“We’re expecting about 250 today hosted a sold-out Tower Shoot at the
because the weather is good. This Blackwater Creek Ranch and in No-
year is going to be our biggest year vember they introduced a hugely suc-
cessful Girls’ Night Out shopping ex-
Ivor Zimmerman, Louise Kennedy and Fiona Zimmerman. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL
O: 772.538.1111
E: [email protected]
Beth Ann Rardin
Susan Lovelace, Marie Stiefel, Susan Boyd, Charlotte Terry, Kate Weeks and John Hilton.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 21
travaganza at the River Club. A Grand Valley Charities gave out $535,000
Gala this Saturday will mark the in grants to 34 nonprofits and
conclusion of this year’s fundraising scholarships to Quail employees.
events, which also included a gourmet An expected $600,000 or more this
guest chef dinner as well as duplicate year will mean they will have given
bridge, tennis and golf tournaments. out in excess of $6 million since the
charity’s inception.
Given noted that last year Quail
Judge Janet Croom, Major Croom, Hudson Roberts, and Kevin Givin with Ruby. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL
Ryleigh Chesser, Ava, Dylan and Kenny Porazzo, Jamison and Bryson Jones.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Carol Fischman and Wanda Lincoln. Mark and Patricia Ashdown with Cynthia Falardeau and Jeri Lynn Kranze. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
Zeo Zudans, Stiles Dichter, Jack Curley and Chris Curley.
Rachel Gage and Lauren Bowen.
Kristen Redner, Martha Redner and Amy Haase Hughes.
Ethan Hunt wins Fun Run, followed
closely by Walter Lloyd.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 23
They’re off and running for Healthy Start Coalition
Marybeth and Kevin Hrim. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Jake and Jean Piper, Sharon LaPoint, Bob Clarke and Chris Hyslop.
Nearly 300 runners rose before set. Go!” was a fitting reminder that PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
the sun and pounded the pavement parenthood itself is a marathon and Chris and Elsy Bauer.
as participants in the recent ninth that all mothers need help before,
annual Beachside Half Marathon during and after pregnancy. The top
and 5K to benefit the Indian River half-marathon winner was Joseph
County Healthy Start Coalition, Amoresano with a running time of
whose programs ensure pregnant 1:17:42, and Lilia Drew bested the
women and their young children women with a time of 1:34:47. Top
receive necessary healthcare. The 5K finishers were Eddie Branigan at
runners’ cue, “On your mark. Get 20:17 and Mary Lunn at 20:49.
Terry Kreuzkamp and Tori Waggoner.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Jillian and Annika Sweetland. Kimora Williams and Darfur Martinez.
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 Katy Healy with daughter Caroline.
Lauren Coutu with son Bryson and
Katherine Pentz with daughter Layla.
Cheryl Martinez and Heather Reeb. Caryn Lubetsky with son Merritt.
Susan Hanner and Whitney Parnell. Dr. Nancy Baker and Lin Reading.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘End’ game: ‘Drood’ features audience participation
BY PAM HARBAUGH But with its interactive musical
Correspondent production of “The Mystery of Edwin
Drood” (aka “Drood!”) they’re going
Audiences at Riverside Theatre in to get more: a foray into “immersive
Vero Beach have come to expect top- theater.”
flight professional productions with
gorgeous scenery, lavish costumes The production has been mounted
and winning casts. in Riverside’s Waxlax Stage, a capa-
cious space known as a “black box”
“Drood” director DJ SaIisbury on the set at Riverside Theatre. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 27
theater where staging and seating has Music Hall Royale. The audience sits
ultimate flexibility. at cabaret tables where they can or-
der drinks during the performance. A
The story’s setting is the Victorian raised performance space sits in the
“At any moment, the actors can step
down and be among the audience
who are treated as patrons of the Mu-
sic Hall Royale, and of course, delight-
fully so,” said director DJ Salisbury.
Another music hall conceit em-
braced is using a woman to play the
role of Edwin Drood.
“In music halls, women performed
as men and they became stars,” Salis-
bury said.
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28 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The cast during rehearsals.
This concept springs right out of dicted uncle, a pair of fraternal twins
the award-winning musical, which from Ceylon, a pretty ingénue, a kind-
was written and composed by Rupert ly pastor, a drunken gravedigger, a
Holmes. ring and the ill-fated young man, Ed-
win Drood.
Commissioned by the legendary Jo-
seph Papp to write a new musical for Like his other works, “Drood” was
the New York Public Theatre, Holmes created in episodic installments for
turned to Charles Dickens’ final, un- publications.
finished novel, The Mystery of Edwin
Drood. The only problem is that Dickens
left this mortal coil before he penned
Like most of Dickens’ works, the the mystery’s reveal of “who-done-
story has a complicated cast of char- him-in.”
acters who wind their ways in and out
of each other’s lives. Here, the story While scholars point to Dickens’
includes, among others, an opium ad- own letters and notes saying it was the
uncle, no one knows for sure.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 29
Enter Holmes, who turned this frus- Kelley, a favorite actor among River- drunk. Each has their own little scene ley said. “Songs, sketches, dances and
tration into a delightful conceit – the side patrons, begins the proceedings to lead up to the reprise.” novelty acts all were part of the Eng-
audience gets to solve the mystery. talking directly to the audience, tak- lish music hall. And Rupert has totally
Add that to music and lyrics which ac- ing them from one of the story’s set- Because the cast turns to the audi- embraced that idea.”
tor Warren Kelley said will “rock your tings to another. ence for help, the fourth wall vanishes
world,” the musical won Holmes Tony completely and the audience is in on Mixing standard musical theater
awards for best book of a musical, best It is the Chairman who elicits the the story, so why not bring them in on “at its very best with an English music
music and best lyrics. audience’s choices. the production as well. hall pastiche” and adding a Dicken-
sian world results in a brilliant piece,
Of course, this inventive solution “There is a trend currently to have “Rupert is a genius,” Salisbury said. Kelley said.
seems almost de rigueur for Holmes. theater be more immediate and inti- “He’s such a witty writer, but he really
Born in England and raised in New mate,” Kelley said. “Even if it’s in a big also is an historian of the music hall “Audiences, I think, really love that
York, Holmes wrote the well-known space, there are all sorts of gradations style of theater which was very popu- they are in on it,” Salisbury said.
song “Escape,” also known as the in an attempt to make it of the people lar in late 19th century Britain.”
“Pina Colada Song.” He created the … It invites the audience to be a par- “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” runs
television show “Remember WENN” ticipant.” Kelley calls the musical a “love let- through Feb. 4 at Riverside Theatre,
and wrote a number of plays and mu- ter to the theater.” 3250 Riverside Drive, Vero Beach. Tick-
sicals, including the book and some To facilitate the audience choosing ets are $75 and are selling out fast. Call
lyrics for “Curtains.” who dunnit, Holmes had to write mul- “The English musical was a precur- 772-231-6990 or go online at www.riv-
tiple endings. And, Salisbury and his sor of the variety show, the grandfa-
When “Drood” was first produced, cast had to spend twice as long in re- ther of the ‘Carol Burnett Show,’” Kel-
it had a cast of 22. It had been an ex- hearsal going thru multiple mechan-
pensive show to produce due to the ics and what Salisbury swears is 400
Victorian costumes and multiple sets. possibilities.
About 10 years ago in New York City, “It’s unnerving for the actors,” he
Salisbury and Kelley, who plays the said, laughing. “All of the potential
Chairman in the show, participated in murderers have their own musical
a one-act workshop of the musical. confession of the murder. Each is a
unique telling of the story as to why
“Rupert Holmes came,” Salisbury and how they murdered Edwin Drood.
said. “He wanted to workshop it to dis- Even the band has to be ready.
cover a way to make it more produc-
ible with a smaller cast and shorter “Specifically the lovers duets, the
length.” song is the same but there are min-
iature scenes unique to the pairing
They worked it down to a cast of 11 -- Princess Puffer, she could be paired
people. either with the young man from Cey-
lon or the gravedigger, Durdles, the
In his character of the Chairman,
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30 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Weekend of art for art-lovers’ sake at 2 special venues
BY SAMANTHA BAITA Beach Art Club, now in its 82nd year.
Staff Writer This prestigious competition, show
and sale will be set up throughout the
A weekend filled with art awaits, as elegant Holmes Great Hall in the Vero
two of the season’s most anticipated Beach Museum of Art, with each artist
fine art shows take place in two very allowed to exhibit one piece of his or
different venues, showcasing the work her work.
of artists from near and far.
A private VIP reception and awards
“Art by the Sea” is the highlight presentation will take place from 4
of the year for members of the Vero p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, followed by a
Sunday, 6 p.m.
Official Charity
of The Taste
Friday, 8 p.m.
Children 12 & under FREE • FREE Parking VALENTINETTI
From NBC’s
Saturday, 8 p.m.
10799 SW Civic Lane
Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
JAN 26: 3-10 p.m. • JAN 27: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. • JAN 28: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 31
cocktail reception, exhibit and sale for chitect and Associates P.A.; Flowers In addition to the burgeoning lo- it does, provided the weather cooper-
the public from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. For You, Inc.; and Kmetz Nuttall El- cal art community, over the years the ates. Live music will fill the air, and
well Graham PLLC Certified Public Sebastian Fine Art and Music Festival local restaurants will be set up on
The exhibit will be open to the pub- Accountants. has become a circled date on the cal- site, offering a plethora of food op-
lic Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., endars of many out-of-state artists, tions, as well as beer, wine and soda.
and Sunday between 10 a.m. and 4 Each year, thousands throng to a who travel to Sebastian each season
p.m., allowing visitors ample oppor- far different venue, “where art and the to participate. The artists are typi- Principal sponsors include: the
tunity to stroll about the hall, enjoy- river meet,” in and around Sebastian’s cally right on site, more than happy City of Sebastian; Tiki Bar and Grill;
ing the diverse collection of work in oak-shaded Riverview Park, on the to discuss their work and answer Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Kathy Lee;
a wide range of categories, for which picturesque Indian River Lagoon, to questions, and all the art is, of course, and PakMail Beachside.
first through third place ribbons, as enjoy the Sebastian Fine Art and Mu- available for purchase.
well as merit ribbons, will have been sic Festival, now in its 17th year. As this popular event draws a
awarded: acrylic painting, film/digital The Festival committee works large crowd, it’s a good idea to arrive
photography, jewelry; mixed media/ This Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. closely with the City of Sebastian to as early as possible; midday traffic
fabric; oil painting; pastel/graphics; to 5 p.m., more than 130 juried, pro- ensure the event flows smoothly. And can be a bit of a challenge (but well
sculpture/3D; and watercolor paint- fessional artists and craftspeople worth it).
ing. Best of Show and People’s Choice display their work, in virtually every
Award recipients will also be chosen. medium imaginable, from delicate “Puff The Magic Dragon”...Alive and Well
watercolor paintings to robust wood with Peter Yarrow at
Major sponsors for this year’s Art and metal sculpture, intricate glass LIVE! From Vero Beach
by the Sea are: Riverside Theatre; art to joyful, brightly colored tropical
Treasure Coast Financial Planning; scenes, all arranged within tidy white Folksinger Peter Yarrow of Peter Paul
Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival; ABC tents, lining Indian River Drive and and Mary fame guarantees a memorable
Printing; Clemens Bruns Schaub Ar- Sebastian Boulevard. evening of music, camaraderie and
“Puff’s special magic” for everyone,
young and old alike!
YeaVrECslRoofsOFeMRtOuoBMsEiHcAoCmoenVceirstist PRESENTING SPONSOR: Cindy O’Dare
SHOW SPONSOR: Indian River Land Trust or call (800) 595-4849
32 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Swedish orchestra to grace Vero church
BY SAMANTHA BAITA turning to the Emerson Center with
Staff Writer “Puff the Magic Dragon: Alive and
Well with Peter Yarrow.” The ’60s folk
1 “From Sweden with Love! The singer, now with his own popular
Helsingborg Symphony Or- solo career, honors the legacy of the
iconic folk trio of which he was a part:
chestra Plays the Romantic Classics.” the legendary Peter, Paul and Mary.
After graduating from Cornell, Yar-
That’s the enticingly named concert row headed for hippie ground zero,
Greenwich Village, where he met Noel
coming to Community Church next 1 “From Sweden with Love!” Stookey and Mary Travers. The three
began performing in a Village cof-
Friday, Jan. 26, presented by the Indi- duringly popular works and, accord- feehouse, then went on to folk clubs
ing to Wikipedia, established his fame in Chicago, San Francisco and New
an River Symphonic Association. The as a concerto composer. Compounded York. And the rest is history. Social
by problems in his personal life, Rach- and political issues of the tumultuous
church’s excellent Surround Sound maninoff had fallen into a depression ’60s informed their music, including
that lasted for several years. His sec- mega-hits “Blowin’ in the Wind,” “If I
acoustics will do justice to the re- ond piano concerto confirmed his re- Had a Hammer” and, of course, “Puff
covery. This piece will be performed the Magic Dragon.” Added to the
nowned century-old Swedish orches- by the highly acclaimed 28-year-old LIVE! From Vero Beach concert series
Armenian pianist Nareh Arghaman- at the Emerson Center this season: a
tra, which performs some 60 concerts yan, who, says her bio, began studying 2 Puff’s BFF Peter Yarrow. uniformed officer will be on premises
piano at 5 and, at 8, entered the Tchai- before and during the concert; and,
a year throughout Europe and the kovsky Music School for Talented world’s most distinguished orchestras if you arrive early, you can purchase
Children in Yerevan. In 2004 she be- and collected sheaf of awards. The drinks and appetizers at the new Em-
U.S. We can expect to be captivated came the youngest student to be ad- concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are erson Center Café. Show time is 7 p.m.
mitted to the University for Music and $80, available at www.irsymphonic. Tickets are $35 to $95.
by an exceptional evening of power- Performing Arts Vienna. Since then, org or 772-778-1070.
she has performed with some of the
ful works from two of the greatest
composers of the Romantic Era. The
recurring main theme of Pyotr Ilyich
Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5, some-
times dubbed the “Fate theme,” has a 2 It’s heartening to know that
Puff (the Magic Dragon) is still
funereal character in the first move-
ment, but gradually transforms into a blowing smoke. And we’ll have the
triumphant march, which gloriously opportunity to see for ourselves this
dominates the final movement; Sergei coming Thursday when LIVE! From
Rachmaninoff’s magnificent Second Vero Beach presents Puff’s BFF, folk
Piano Concerto is one of his most en- singer/songwriter Peter Yarrow, re-
34 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CHONGQING, China – For 40-year- lated as “Sharp Eyes.” The intent is to on every citizen, a “Police Cloud” that recognize strangers, analyze their en-
old Mao Ya, the facial recognition cam- connect the security cameras that al- aims to scoop up such data as criminal try and exit times, see who spends the
era that allows access to her apartment ready scan roads, shopping malls and and medical records, travel bookings, night here, and how many times. We
house is simply a useful convenience. transport hubs with private cameras online purchase and even social me- can identify suspicious people from
on compounds and buildings, and in- dia comments – and link it to every- among the population.”
“If I am carrying shopping bags in tegrate them into one nationwide sur- one’s identity card and face.
both hands, I just have to look ahead and veillance and data-sharing platform. Adrian Zenz, a German academic
the door swings open,” she said. “And A goal of all of these interlocking ef- who has researched ethnic policy and
my 5-year-old daughter can just look It will use facial recognition and ar- forts: to track where people are, what the security state in China’s western
up at the camera and get in. It’s good for tificial intelligence to analyze and un- they are up to, what they believe and province of Xinjiang, said the govern-
kids because they often lose their keys.” derstand the mountain of incoming who they associate with – and ulti- ment craves omnipotence over a vast,
complex and restive population.
But for the police, the cameras that Surveillance technologies are
replaced the residents’ old entry cards giving the government a sense “Surveillance technologies are giv-
serve quite a different purpose. that it can finally achieve the ing the government a sense that it can
finally achieve the level of control over
Now they can see who’s coming and level of control over people's people’s lives that it aspires to,” he said.
going, and by combining artificial in- lives that it aspires to.
telligence with a huge national bank of In this effort, the Chinese govern-
photos, the system in this pilot project ADRIAN ZENZ, A GERMAN ACADEMIC ment is working hand-in-glove with
should enable police to identify what the country’s tech industry, from estab-
one police report, shared with The video evidence; to track suspects, spot mately even to assign them a single lished giants to plucky start-ups staffed
Washington Post, called the “bad guys” suspicious behaviors and even predict “social credit” score based on whether by graduates from top American uni-
who once might have slipped by. crime; to coordinate the work of emer- the government and their fellow citi- versities and former employees of com-
gency services; and to monitor the zens consider them trustworthy. panies like Google and Microsoft, who
Facial recognition is the new hot tech comings and goings of the country’s seem cheerfully oblivious to concerns
topic in China. Banks, airports, hotels 1.4 billion people, official documents At this housing complex in Chongq- they might be empowering a modern
and even public toilets are all trying to and security industry reports show. ing, “90 percent of the crime is caused surveillance state.
verify people’s identities by analyzing by the 10 percent of people who are not
their faces. But the police and security At the back end, these efforts merge registered residents,” the police report The name of the video project is taken
state have been the most enthusiastic with a vast database of information said. “With facial recognition we can from the Communist slogan “the mass-
about embracing this new technology. es have sharp eyes,” and is a throwback
to Mao Zedong’s attempt to get every
The pilot in Chongqing forms one citizen spying on one another. The goal,
tiny part of an ambitious plan, known according to tech industry executives
as “Xue Liang,” which can be trans-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 35
At Megvii offices in Beijing, a designer prepares marketing
material for a facial-recognition product. The company’s
marketing manager has said Megvii’s Face program has
helped police make thousands of arrests.
Crowds walk in a Beijing pedestrian underpass, near Ti-
ananmen Square, that is monitored by 3 CCTV cameras
working on the project, is to shine a light techniques for several years to predict in China will grow quickly, providing the big screens, with faces picked out from
into every dark corner of China, to elimi- where crimes are likely to occur. engine for future market growth.” crowds and matched to images of
nate the shadows where crime thrives. wanted men and women. Street cam-
Chicago police identified and a In the showrooms of three facial- eras automatically classify passersby
The Sharp Eyes project also aims to court convicted a thief using facial- recognition start-ups in Chongqing according to gender, clothes and even
mobilize the neighborhood commit- recognition technology in 2014, and and Beijing, video feeds roll past on hair length, and software allows people
tees and snoopy residents who have Britain used a Japanese program called to be tracked from one surveillance
long been key informers: now, state NeoFace Watch to spot a wanted man camera to the next, by their faces alone.
media reports, some can turn on their in a crowd in May.
televisions or mobile phones to see se- “The bigger picture is to track routine
curity camera footage, and report any The United States, with around 62 movement, and after you get this infor-
suspicious activity – a car without a li- million surveillance cameras in 2016, mation, to investigate problematic be-
cense plate, an argument turning vio- actually has higher per capita penetra- havior,” said Li Xiafeng, director of re-
lent – directly to the police. tion rate than China, with around 172 search and development at Cloudwalk,
million, according to Monica Wang, a Chongqing-based firm. “If you know
To the eyes of the masses, in other a senior analyst in video surveillance gambling takes place in a location, and
words, add the brains of the country’s and security at research consultants someone goes there frequently, they
fast-growing tech industry. IHS Markit in Shanghai. become suspicious.”
By 2020, China’s government aims to Yet it is China’s ambition that sets it Gradually, a model of people’s behav-
make the video surveillance network apart. Western law enforcement agen- ior takes shape. “Once you identify a
“omnipresent, fully networked, always cies tend to use facial recognition to criminal or a suspect, then you look at
working and fully controllable,” com- identify criminal suspects, not to track their connections with other people,” he
bining data mining with sophisticated social activists and dissidents, or to said.“If another person has multiple con-
video and image analysis, official docu- monitor entire ethnic groups. China nections, they also become suspicious.”
ments show. seeks to achieve several interlocking
goals: to dominate the global artificial- The start-ups also showcase more
China is not alone in experiment- intelligence industry, to apply big data to consumer-friendly applications of their
ing with these new technologies. The tighten its grip on every aspect of society, technology. Companies like SenseTime,
FBI’s Next Generation Identification and to maintain surveillance of its popu- Megvii and Cloudwalk provide the soft-
System uses facial recognition to com- lation more effectively than ever before. ware that powers mobile apps allowing
pare images from crime scenes with a people to alter, “beautify” or transform
national database of mug shots. Po- “Deep learning is poised to revolu- their faces for fun.
lice forces across the United States tionize the video surveillance industry,”
have been using algorithm-based Wang wrote in a recent report.“Demand STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
36 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Much of their business also comes A CCTV camera is reflected on a window at the entrance of the Megvii showroom in Beijing. and fewer constraints about mining it
from banks and financial companies from its citizens.
that are using facial recognition to check So far, the technology doesn’t quite In China, the tech companies claim
identities, at ATMs or on phones. Some match the ambition: It is not foolproof. many times greater accuracy rates than, “Now we are purely data driven,”
airports in China already employ facial for instance, the FBI, and probably jus- said Xu Li, CEO of SenseTime. “It’s eas-
recognition in security checks, and ho- “There will be false positives for the tifiably so, experts say: after all, they ier in China to collect sufficient train-
tels are doing the same at check-in; a foreseeable future,” said Jim Dempsey, have been able to draw on a huge pool ing data. If we want to do new innova-
Chinese version of Airbnb promises to executive director of UC Berkeley’s Cen- of photos from government records to tions, China will have advantages in
use it to verify guests’ identities, while ter for Law and Technology. This raises improve their algorithms, without any data collection in a legal way.”
China’s version of Uber, Didi Chuxing, is two critical questions, he said: Does a pesky concerns about privacy.
using it to verify those of its drivers. country’s due process system protect Smart technology backed by artificial
people from being falsely convicted on More than anything else, experts intelligence will be a tool to assist the
Some of the applications have a the basis of facial-recognition technol- say, deep learning technologies need police forces of the future. Chinese IT
slightly gimmicky feel. A lecturer at a ogy? And are the false positives dispro- huge amounts of data to come up with and telecoms giant Huawei says its Safe
Beijing university was said to be using portionately skewed toward certain mi- accurate algorithms. China has more Cities technology has already helped
a face scanner to check if his students nority groups, such as Chinese Muslims? data than anywhere else in the world Kenya bring down urban crime rates.
were bored; a toilet roll dispenser at a
public facility outside the Temple of But who’s a criminal? In China, doc-
Heaven in Beijing reportedly scans uments for the Police Cloud project
faces to keep people from stealing too unearthed by Human Rights Watch
much paper, while a Kentucky Fried list “petitioners” – people who com-
Chicken restaurant in Hangzhou allows plain to the government about per-
customers to simply “smile to pay.” ceived injustices – as potential targets
of surveillance, along with anyone
Other ideas are struggling to move who “undermines stability” or has
beyond the pilot stage: a plan to iden- “extreme thoughts.” Other documents
tify jaywalkers in Chongqing has al- cite members of ethnic minorities,
ready been abandoned, while residents specifically Muslim Uighurs from Xin-
have responded to facial-recognition jiang, as subjects of scrutiny.
gates on some apartment buildings in
Chongqing and Beijing by propping the Maya Wang, a researcher at Human
doors open. Rights Watch, said what sets China
apart is “a complete lack of effective
Yet facial recognition is not going privacy protections,” combined with
away, and it promises to become a a system that is explicitly designed to
potent tool for maintaining control of target individuals seen as “politically
Chinese society. threatening.”
“In other countries, we are often
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 37
concerned about the use of big data fundamental function of the system,” outside gas stations, airports, railway Xin boasts that the company’s Face++
for deepening existing policing bias – she added. and bus stations, and at residential program helped police arrest 4,000
for example, for targeting historically and university compounds and en- people since the start of 2016, including
disadvantaged groups like African In Muslim-majority Xinjiang, where trances to Muslim neighborhoods, ex- about 1,000 in Hangzhou, where a ma-
Americans in the U.S. context – but a spate of violent incidents has been perts say. DNA collection and iris scan- jor deployment of cameras in hotels,
for the Chinese systems, the target- blamed on separatists or Islamist radi- ning add extra layers of sophistication. subways and train stations preceded
ing of people of certain ethnicity is a cals, facial-recognition cameras have that year’s G-20 summit.
become ubiquitous at roadblocks, At Megvii, marketing manager Zhang
38 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
You may have noticed that some of the The U.S. Postal Service has a very customarily print on in next week’s is-
pages in this issue of Vero Beach 32963 strict weight limit for what we can mail sue of Vero Beach 32963.
are printed on thinner paper than usual. you each week, and the 32963 Dining
Guide combined with our regular paper In the meantime, enjoy the 32963
This is a one-time change we were would have exceeded that limit. Dining Guide – and keep it around all-
forced to make to enable us to deliver
along with your newspaper the 2018 We look forward to resuming full use year as a handy reference and source of
edition of the 32963 Dining Guide. of the 50-pound bright white paper we
phone numbers for your restaurant res-
Supersonic passenger jets may again be about to take off
In October 2003, the age of super- will invest $10 million in a rival super- And in spite of Aerion and Boom’s geles to Beijing in one hop. Boom, on
sonic passenger travel came to an in- sonic planemaker, Boom Technology of best efforts, there are still technical its website, makes this problem sound
auspicious end. That month British Denver, and will pre-order up to 20 jets. barriers to overcome. No engines suit- trivial: “On routes longer than 5,179
Airways withdrew from service its last able for passenger jets travelling at su- miles, the aircraft will need a simple
Concorde jet, a Franco-British aircraft Boom hopes the first ones will enter personic speeds are currently on the tech stop to refuel. The tech stop will
from the 1970s that could fly at twice service in 2023 and be able to carry 40 market. And fears about the noise cre- take less than an hour, and passengers
the speed of sound. passengers at a speed of up to 2.2 the ated by the sonic booms they create – will not need to deplane or even wake
speed of sound. Several potential cus- the result of flying faster than the speed up.”
Since the retirement of Concorde, tomers have bought options for Boom’s of sound – have led to regulations that
there have been no passenger jets that jets, including Britain’s Virgin Group. restrict supersonic flights. The United But when passengers are paying a
can fly that fast in service. States bans them over its landmass. premium to get to their destination
The promoters of both schemes say quickly, a refueling stop could defeat
But last year, the race to break the that their projects will slash the time it Boom says that it is “not banking on the purpose, if it results in a flight time
sound barrier gained new momen- takes to jet around the world. Barents any regulatory changes,” but hopes that is only slightly lower than on a
tum. In December, Aerion, an aero- claims the AS2 will shave 2.5 hours off that regulators will eventually choose conventional aircraft.
space start-up from Nevada, Lockheed the typical flight between New York to restrict noise levels rather than
Martin, a defense giant, and GE Avia- and London, and more than five hours speeds, which could allow supersonic Clearly, supersonic travel is not about
tion, an enginemaker, announced a off trips between America’s West Coast planes that make less of a racket than to take over commercial aviation. But
joint venture to develop the world’s and Singapore or Sydney. Concorde used to. New technology just as clearly, we seem to have passed a
first supersonic business jet, the AS2. also could come to the rescue. tipping point of sorts, with planemakers
But this kind of accelerated travel and top airlines buying into what they
Aerion’s executive chairman, Brian won’t be for everyone. Boom says that But if that turns out not to be feasi- see as a forthcoming trend. And engi-
Barents, has said that he hopes the jet its supersonic jets will be able to offer ble, supersonic airlines will need to rely neers increasingly see problems with en-
will be able to carry up to 12 passengers round-trip tickets for $5,000 on routes on transoceanic routes, just as they did gines and supersonic booms as fixable.
at 1.4 times the speed of sound – about which would have cost $20,000 on Con- with Concorde. A big problem is that
60 percent faster than typical aircraft corde in today’s dollars. Aerion and Boom’s aircraft will be only Flying faster than the speed of
today. “We believe the conditions are able to fly just over 5,000 miles without sound may not be cheap or affordable
ripe for a supersonic renaissance.” That could make sense for time-poor refueling. for everyone, but the good news is it
and highly-paid business executives, does seem on course for a revival.
Aerion is not the only firm with such but supersonic travel would still be out That will not get them from Los An-
hopes. Japan Airlines has announced it of reach for most leisure travelers. The Economist
DIGESTION: FOOD FOR THOUGHT Complex carbohydrates are starches and fiber found in whole- © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables and legumes.
Part I
Have you ever considered how the digestive system – the body’s sys-
tem that processes what you eat – actually works? Meat, eggs and beans consist of large molecules of protein. The
digestive system changes them into smaller molecules called
The digestive system, also called the digestive tract or the gastroin- amino acids. Amino acids help the body break down food, grow,
testinal (GI) tract, is made up of hollow and solid organs and assisted repair body tissue and more. They can also be used as a source of
by the nervous and circulatory systems. The hollow organs – mouth, energy. Once amino acids are absorbed through the small intes-
esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine (which in- tine into the blood, they are carried throughout the body via the
cludes the rectum and anus) – are a long, twisting tube. Food passes circulatory system.
through them, starting with the mouth, and what isn’t used by the
body (waste) passes through the anus. The solid organs of the diges- FATS
tive system include the liver, pancreas and gallbladder.
Fat molecules are a rich source of energy and help the body absorb
Bacteria in the GI tract, known as gut flora or microbiome, and a vitamins. Healthy fats include corn, canola, olive oil, safflower, soy-
combination of nerves, hormones and blood complete the complex bean and sunflower oils. Butter, shortening and snack foods are ex-
task of digesting the foods and liquids a person consumes. amples of less healthy fats.
BREAKING FOOD DOWN INTO NUTRIENTS During digestion, the body breaks down fat molecules into fatty acids
and glycerol. Fatty acids help store energy. If glucose (a type of sugar)
The purpose of the digestive system is to break down food into nu- isn’t available for energy, the body uses fatty acids to fuel the cells
trients that the body uses for energy, growth and cell repair. The GI instead. Glycerol also provides fuel for the body.
tract transforms food and drink into smaller molecules of nutrients
that the blood absorbs, and carries to cells throughout the body. VITAMINS
Nutrients from food and drink are broken down into carbohydrates,
protein, fats and vitamins. Every vitamin has a specific role in the body’s growth and health.
Vitamins are classified according to the type of fluid in which they
Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K, are stored in the liver
Carbohydrates, which include sugars, starches and fiber, are either and fatty tissues.
simple or complex. Water-soluble vitamins (all the B vitamins and vitamin C) are
Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally in food such flushed out in the urine if consumed in excess.
as fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products, plus sugars food
manufacturers add during food processing. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
come. Email us at [email protected].
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
There is a point, not very far into Da- Herculean schedule, as a self-described really shows his historian’s chops. David B.
vid B. Woolner’s excellent accounting of juggler who could handle domestic The trip itself was the stuff of legend, Woolner.
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s last months in pressures as well as, later, a two-front an especially dangerous ocean cross-
office, where one realizes that this his- world war that would have taxed the ing at a time when German U-boats Springs, where he would enjoy the com-
tory, intentional or not, is going to be a abilities of mere political mortals. still prowled the Atlantic. Then there pany of cousins Margaret “Daisy” Suck-
presidential death watch. “Was he too was the return trip, equally as fraught ley and Laura “Polly” Delano, as well as
ill during these last months to prop- For this, voters rewarded him with but now with growing alarm over the a visit from Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd,
erly carry the burdens of office?” the an unprecedented third term in 1940 president’s condition. To make mat- and rest up for San Francisco. Death in-
author asks in his preface. “Did Stalin as war clouds had already gathered ters worse, FDR’s personal secretary, terrupted. He was only 63.
dupe him at Yalta because FDR was too over Europe and the Pacific, and again Gen. Edwin “Pa” Watson, had taken ill
weak to resist? Should he have run for a in 1944 when victory in Europe was be- and died as the ship, the USS Quincy, This book is a valuable contribution
fourth term? Did he ever admit to him- lieved to be in sight. made its voyage back to the United to our knowledge of Roosevelt. Its focus
self how unwell he was? What role did States. on his last 100 days allows the author
the members of his family or his closest As Woolner notes, FDR kept up this to explore his presidency when he was
confidants play – if any – in his ability work ethic almost to the moment of his Roosevelt’s inner circle was getting most vulnerable, diagnosed with a fail-
to lead despite his reduced capacity for death in Warm Springs, Ga., on April 12, smaller, with deaths such as Watson’s, ing heart but still holding the fate of the
work?” 1945. What is not so clear – how could it and resignations and illnesses for oth- world in his hands. The fact he saw this
ever be? – is whether the work kept Roo- ers, yet the president soldiered on. challenge through to the end helps ex-
All valid questions that Woolner seeks sevelt going or was his undoing. plain the juggler in him, as well as the
to answer in “The Last 100 Days,” a re- “For all of these reasons,” Woolner complexity of the man.
markably well-researched book on the Certainly, there have been many crit- writes, “perhaps the most remarkable
president that Americans consistently ics who have doubted that Roosevelt odyssey the president took in the spring THE LAST 100 DAYS:
rank among the greatest. Indeed, FDR had the capacity to lead in his dimin- of 1945 was not his trip to Yalta but his FDR AT WAR AND AT PEACE
had an amazing ability to maintain a ished state. One charge that still has journey down the center aisle of the U.S.
some sticking power is that he gave House of Representatives on the morn- BY DAVID B. WOOLNER
away the ship at Yalta, subjecting East- ing of March 1, where in full view of the Basic. 349 pp. $32.
ern Europe to decades of communist packed and wildly cheering chamber,
tyranny and an ensuing Cold War. he made his way in his wheelchair.” Review by James Hill, The Washington Post
Woolner acknowledges the critics but This, according to Woolner, was FDR
offers a more nuanced view that FDR coming to grips with his disability: La-
got most of what he sought at the Big bor Secretary “Frances Perkins found
Three summit in Crimea, which pri- this ‘casual, debonair’ reference to his
marily was agreement for the establish- disability, ‘made without self-pity or
ment of the United Nations. strain,’ deeply moving. Choking up,
she, like Eleanor [Roosevelt], realized
Moreover, Woolner enlightens us that what FDR was admitting – not only
with his analysis of FDR at Egypt’s to the audience but to himself – was
Great Bitter Lake after the Yalta sum- ‘You see, I am a crippled man.’”
mit, where the president tried to bring
up the question of Jewish immigra- Disability acknowledged and his
tion to Palestine with King Ibn Saud health still deteriorating, Roosevelt was
of Saudi Arabia. Like most presidents nevertheless looking forward to ad-
who followed him, Roosevelt was re- dressing the initial conference of the
buffed, and the issue of Middle East United Nations in San Francisco and
peace remains one of the greatest mi- even hinted to associates that he and
rages of our times. Eleanor would visit England.
But it is the telling of the five-week, Neither would come to pass. After
half-a-world-away voyage by ship and first making a trip to his home in Hyde
airplane to Yalta that is the fascinating Park, N.Y., FDR ventured south to Warm
aspect of this book, and here Woolner
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 43
Point to the future by connecting the dots of your life
We’ve always been intrigued by a story co-founder of Apple Computers, was ing you? Or to put it another way, can seen God from the back. And with that
that comes to us from the Book of Exo- invited to deliver the commencement you connect the dots of your life? Can vision, and the assurance of God’s pres-
dus about Moses’ request to see God. address at Stanford University. As he you trace the path of your life through ence with you in the past, then whatev-
Actually, Moses asks to see God’s glory, spoke to the students about his life, he all the days and moments, the decisions er the future holds ought to look much
and God responds that no one who saw was looking back, as in a rearview mir- and apparent accidents, and see how all less worrisome.
that could live. But, God does offer an ror, and trying to see how it all made the points have almost resolutely lead
alternative. God will place Moses in the sense. Jobs called it “connecting the you to this place, now? Can you envi- We can all follow, dot by dot by dot
cleft of a great rock and cover Moses with dots.” He shared many details of his life, sion some sheltering, guiding, support- through life, trusting that it’s all leading
a hand. Then after God has passed by, the good and the bad, the successes and ing hand that has been at work through somewhere wonderful. Though we can-
Moses may peer out and see God’s back, failures, and claimed that every detail your life to help to bring you safely here? not see the whole path, we can remain
though God’s face may never be seen. had helped him to become the person If so, then perhaps you could say you’ve confident that it’s taking us somewhere
he ultimately became, capable of doing within the scope of God’s care.
Throughout the millennia, commenta- the things he did.
tors on biblical texts have spilled gallons
of ink explaining this encounter between Jobs said that it would have been im-
Moses and God. What does it all mean – possible to connect the dots looking for-
being granted a glimpse of the back side ward but it was very, very clear looking
of God? For us, one of the most compel- backwards years later. You cannot con-
ling arguments about its meaning comes nect the dots looking forward, he said,
from ancient authors who claimed that you can only connect them looking
we are not to understand God’s “passing backwards. You have to trust that all the
by” in this story, spatially – that is, refer- dots will somehow connect in your fu-
ring to the actual front or back surfaces ture. You have to trust in something ly-
of God. No, we are to understand God’s ing ahead. This approach, Jobs claimed,
“passing by” Moses, temporally. In other had never let him down. It made all the
words, God is telling Moses something difference in his life.
about how time reveals God’s presence.
God is telling Moses that he will not be What do you see as you look back?
able to see God coming. He will only see Are there events, circumstances, people
God clearly by looking back. You might or projects that you can recognize as
say, God can be seen best by looking in you look back, as having been determi-
the rearview mirror. native for your life – forming you, shap-
In June 2005, Steve Jobs, CEO and
44 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
St. Ed’s coach’s hubby protects and serves on sidelines
BY RON HOLUB might recognize it as the old “I” forma- Jaclyn and Scott Mohr.
Correspondent tion, and so far it has worked flawlessly.
Soccer coaches periodically reference Notably, this has nothing to do with
the efficacy of certain formations while the players on the field. The scenario
game planning for situations they may goes into effect only when there might be
encounter, and one design in particular the potential of an out-of-bounds scram-
has been adopted all season long for St. ble that poses a threat to a certain person
Ed’s varsity girls head coach Jaclyn Mohr. with temporary limited mobility.
It is purely defensive in nature and was
drawn up by her new staff assistant. You The staff assistant behind all of this is
Scott Mohr, and he just happens to be the
husband of Jaclyn. The couple decided to
create a true family atmosphere for the our little bundle of joy safe.”
soccer team this year, as all good coaches Jaclyn keeps any mild displeasure
should do. But this time it was taken to a
much higher level. mostly to herself while remaining firmly
in control of the day-to-day. She did not
“I met Scott here at St. Ed’s five years object at all to the suggestion that she is
ago and we were married in 2016,” Jaclyn still the brains of the operation.
Mohr said. “We are now expecting a little
girl at the end of February. So this has “My usual style is that I like to be in-
been a very exciting time.” volved on the field and in the middle
of everything. This year it has been ex-
Both teach in addition to coaching the tremely difficult for me to do that. We
varsity golf teams at St. Ed’s. When the have a very interesting dynamic going
girls assistant soccer coaching position with my husband out there.
opened up this year, Scott jumped on it.
He wouldn’t have it any other way. “Fortunately I get to tell him what to
do and how to do it. He has played a lit-
“I consider myself blessed to be able to tle soccer before, so he graciously does
work with my wife,” Scott Mohr told us. anything I ask. It’s really hard for me to
“Now Jaclyn and I are on a new exciting just sit and watch. It’s very nice to have
chapter in our marriage – co-coaching him out there doing some of the things
the varsity girls soccer team. Oh, and I that I can’t do.”
guess we have this other little event too
with expecting our first child.” That’s probably the best blueprint
for any smoothly functioning house-
That “other little event” is what hold or soccer team. And the soccer
prompted the development of the “I” for- team has been exactly that under Jac-
mation for practice and games. We were lyn Mohr. Her teams were 35-7-3 over
also curious about his use of the term her first three years, with a district
“co-coaching” and determined there championship in 2017.
might be some marginal validity to that.
The current squad was 5-4 overall,
“I think Jaclyn likes having me around, 4-2 in District 10-1A, after an 8-0 Senior
but I know I annoy her sometimes. I don’t Night victory over Pine School last week.
let her stand too close to the goal dur-
ing practice and I will body-shield her if “Soccer is a very big deal for our
the ball comes too close to the sideline school and it has been a pillar of my
during a game. The players laugh at me wife’s life for many years,” Scott said.
a good bit, but it is totally worth keeping “It’s nice for me to get a taste of this spe-
cial game so directly.”
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 45
I am writing this column on a transatlantic jet covering a mile approximately every six AKQJ65
seconds. It is impossible to imagine that speed at 35,000 feet, but if we were doing it
on a salt flat à la Donald Campbell, it would be a mixture of thrilling and scary. WEST A
Defense and declarer-play are like that. Sometimes speed is of the essence — you need J2
to be actively trying to win tricks or eliminate losers. At other times, you want to sit back 872 A 10 2
and wait for winners to fall into your lap — you play passively. Q J 10 6
Which is relevant in this week’s deal? Look at the West hand. What would you lead
against four hearts: the spade three or club queen? 10 9 4
North’s three-diamond rebid promised at least a decent six-card suit and seven winners. 97542
South’s three hearts was game-forcing and also indicated a six-card or longer suit.
North’s four clubs was an advance control-bid, which said that he had heart support, SOUTH
liked his hand for a slam and had the club ace, but did not have the spade ace (a suit he
skipped over). South settled into four hearts. Q65
North and South have the values for game; they even dabbled at a slam. West must be A K 10 9 6 4
active, leading the spade three. East wins with his ace and returns the spade 10, the
higher of two remaining cards. West overtakes with his jack and cashes the spade king. 3
But where is trick four?
West, seeing no minor-suit winner available, must try for a trump trick. He leads the 13th
spade and hopes partner ruffs with the heart queen, which would effect an uppercut. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Both
The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass
1 Hearts Pass 3 Diamonds Pass OPENING
3 Hearts Pass 4 Clubs Pass
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Goes down (5) 1 Soft with fat (6)
4 Forty winks (6) 2 Maze (9)
9 Traffic light color (5) 3 Amble (6)
10 Heavy knife (7) 5 Ambrosia (6)
11 Thief (7) 6 Have debt of (3)
12 Iron block (5) 7 Regularly (6)
14 Spike of corn (3) 8 Unassailable (11)
15 Social insect (3) 13 US is alive (anag.) (9)
16 Function, purpose (3) 17 Stumble (6)
18 Play on words (3) 18 Laud (6)
21 Execrate (5) 19 Rare (6)
22 Plaudits (7) 20 Makes changes to (6)
23 Unimportant (7) 24 Poorly (3)
25 Rule (5)
The Telegraph 26 Wave (6)
27 Pitchers (5)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 47
ACROSS 68 Has a taste for and turkeys 73 A wire service The Washington Post
69 Busby Berkeley’s 6 Takes off one’s 74 Of an ancient
1 Tope opener
4 Make ___ real name cloche illness
70 Raw resource 7 Japanese 75 Actor Santoni
(complain) 71 Let in or let on 76 Fierce dinosaur,
9 My gal 72 Pop watchmaker
12 Spurious name 74 Picture tube: 8 States, in comix in shorthand
17 Mo. of decision 9 Mason’s 78 Big grower in
18 Recipient abbr.
19 “___ boy!” 77 Chinese secretary Hawaii
20 WWII field 10 Order to relax 79 Resorts of sorts
appetizer 11 Eric Clapton 80 Of the ear
marshal, familiarly (grade: F) 82 Element in
21 Popular bread 81 One with a rash classic
or a yen 12 I love, in Latin photoelectric cells
spread (grade: F) 83 411 respondent: 13 Coach Holtz 86 Paler
23 Another popular abbr. 14 Doubled up, 87 Socks or Stimpy
84 Bi plus 1 88 Conductor
bread spread 85 ___ on (get perhaps
(grade: F) drunk) 15 Immediately Toscanini
25 Powder or shoe 86 Tampa Bay talk- 16 Elect. keyboard 89 Douglas and
follower radio station (or 19 ___ dei
26 “Mighty ___ a its location in the 22 Empower Reed
Rose” state) 24 Pig’s digs 90 “And ___ of
27 English 88 Cowboy 30 Do zen
hymnologist humorist’s full 32 Taboo list thousands”
John Mason ___ name, William 33 Paraphernalia 91 Funny Dennis
28 Myrmecology Penn ___ Rogers 34 Honeybunch
specimen 91 Breakfast cereal 35 Grape abuser or Larry
29 Picture taker, (grade: F) 36 With “free,” 92 Mag that
briefly 92 Betty Crocker
31 Deli purchase side dish (grade: a common “exposed” Burt
(grade: F) F) redundancy 93 Cheer, of a sort
36 Popular 96 You, politely, in 37 Anthem start 94 Neuwirth and
chocolate/nut German 38 Damage the
candies (grade: 97 Well goo patched spot Rebozo
F) 98 Insurance giant 42 Quick 95 Suspicious
39 A direction, in 99 The little guy 43 One who puts 100 Mexican dessert
Durango 101 Sky bear things away 102 Plumlike fruit
40 ___ kleine 104 Bakery items 44 Grains and 103 Rub follow-up
Nachtmusik (grade: F) karats: abbr. 105 Dove sound
41 Tristan’s love 107 Dessert (grade: 47 Flying ttoys 106 Chess pcs.
42 Collectibles F) 48 Extorted 107 Boxer’s blow
ending 109 Forget-___ 49 Gomer’s org. 108 Sugar ending
43 Type of dive or 110 QED section 50 Jo or Rose
song 111 Places follower FOOD NAMING: A REPORT CARD By Merl Reagle
45 Pretend 112 Promise to pay 51 Madonna’s ex
46 Meat entree 113 Cookies 52 Prepare to
(grade: F) 114 “Send help” feather
53 Cobb and Hardin 115 Ex-Chicago 55 Suppress anger,
54 Hospital battery mayor Jane e.g.
56 Casablanca’s 116 She’s coming out 58 Les ___
Lund 59 Undoes an edit
et al. DOWN 60 Dundee dogs
57 Teachers’ org. 1 Short distance 61 Assents
58 Polite term of 2 Area near 62 Lucknow attire
address 63 Wharf extension
59 Rose supporters TriBeCa 64 Intentions
60 Destroyer 3 Stays on the 65 Burnett vignette
detector 66 Latin phrase of
62 Meat entree range too long? position
(grade: F) 4 Cutting tool 67 Often angry
67 Indian corn 5 Ducks, geese, assemblage
71 Fuel suffix
72 Grand Canyon
The Telegraph
48 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
What are you doing with your retirement? Being honest
BY CAROLYN HAX You can be as vulnerable as you’re ready to be. If you want people to leave you alone, or if your so-
Washington Post What people “expect” you to say is not only not your cial sensors tell you someone is just asking to be polite,
then you’ve got the right idea with being quippy. Smile,
Dear Carolyn: I retired over problem – since when are we mere vehicles for saying laugh at yourself, reveal nothing.
a year ago from a fairly high- what people want to hear? It’s also, very likely, an ex-
powered job that gave me pectation that exists only in your mind. Or, perhaps Or bore them with factoids. “Volunteering, mentor-
worldwide recognition in my more accurately, in your fears. ing, consulting …”
field. The decision to retire (in
my mid-70s) was a very dif- You liked the way you defined yourself, and now that I hope, though, at least with some of the more
ficult one because I was not definition, to your mind at least, no longer fits. thoughtful, curious or compassionate people you
sure I could fill my time with know, you won’t hide yourself behind humor or yawns.
engrossing activities. I’m still trying – with a com- Since this is really about you, here’s the main
bination of volunteering, mentoring and a few con- question you need to answer before you’re ready If you want connection, ideas, support, “engrossing”
sulting gigs – but haven’t settled in comfortably, and to answer everyone else’s: What do you want from conversation, then you’ll need to share your ambiva-
I find the situation emotionally difficult. these exchanges? lence. It isn’t a sign of weakness; it takes serious guts to
Everywhere I go, whether meeting with old col- admit you don’t have it all figured out, especially hav-
leagues or strangers, I get the same question: “So ing been celebrated for your figuring-it-all-out chops.
what are you doing in your retirement?” I wish I Yours is a brave truth.
could answer honestly: “I haven’t settled in yet, and
I’m scared.” But of course I can’t say that. And, an interesting one. It’s way more interest-
The questions are all well-meaning, but I’m afraid ing than your suggested deflections or even than
the questioners expect me to say, “Oh, I’ve become leading a company, and what it elicits from others
chairman of Such-and-Such,” or, “I’m founding a might prove interesting to you as well. Maybe even
company.” After a year, the repeated questions are useful: Imagine what bright people who know you
weighing on me. Should I just answer, “Eating bon- well and (I’ll assume) share your membership in
bons and getting fat”? the achievement ranks might come up with if you
dig around in this topic together, without precon-
– Searcher ceptions or fear.
Searcher: Sure. Anyone petty enough to mock or exploit your vul-
If that’s what you want to say. Or do. nerability is not worth the time or bluster necessary to
You can also tell them, “I haven’t settled in yet, and impress them.
I’m scared.” You say you “can’t,” but of course you can.
You seem to have launched your retirement with
the vague idea of starting a Career Lite, which is fine
on its face. But it’s not working for you. That’s also
fine – as long as you respect your emotional find-
ings. Easing your resistance might be how inspira-
tion finds its way in.
50 Vero Beach 32963 / January 18, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Lessen’ plan: Reducing stress key to good mental health
BY TOM LLOYD Health Center.
Staff Writer Posey is well aware that – to most
The new administrative director of people – the Vero Behavioral Health
Vero Beach’s Behavioral Health Cen- Center is most often linked to Baker
ter has only been on the job a couple Act patients.
of months now, but Anne Posey is no
stranger to the field of mental health The University of Florida describes
– which includes issues related to the Baker Act as “a Florida law that
stress and stress reduction. enables families and loved ones [as
well as judges, law enforcement of-
“Mental health is kind of my pas- ficials, physicians and mental health
sion,” Posey says. “I actually started professionals] to provide emergency
at Lawnwood Pavilion, which was temporary detention for people who
part of Lawnwood Regional Medical are impaired because of their men-
Center. Way back in the day it was tal illness,” adding that, “people who
called Harbor Shores Hospital and I require the use of the Baker Act have
was there for about 12 years.” often lost the power of self-control
and they are likely to inflict harm to
After a five-year foray into child themselves or others.”
welfare work, Posey came back to the
mental health field as the division di- Posey echoes that description,
rector of crisis stabilization services saying, “generally people are here
for New Directions of the Treasure because they’re experiencing some
Coast from 2005 to 2015. type of mental illness that makes
them suicidal or wanting to hurt oth-
From there she went on to serve ers, or they’re at such a point where
as the regional director for southern they’re just not able to take good care
Florida at TrueCore Behavioral Solu- of themselves and provide for their
tions before relocating to Vero in No- own safety.”
vember 2017 to take over at the Indi-
an River Medical Center’s Behavioral But on this particular day, Posey’s
conversation turns to a somewhat
Anne Posey.
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