Foes still seeking to block
Vero Electric sale. P36
Grants big difference
at Wabasso School . P15
County police agencies not
pursuing illegal immigrants. P9
gap in schools
BY RAY MCNULTY Amazing! Star-studded movie is set in Vero getting worse
Local insurance agent is BY MICHELLE GENZ weekend, a star-studded mates at St. Edward’s School. BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
charged with felony fraud Staff Writer movie that’s set in Vero Beach “We rolled pretty incognito Staff Writer
opened here and across the
A local insurance agent get- The Chamber of Com- country. About the only locals in Vero,” says writer and di- The achievement gap be-
ting charged with felony fraud merce had nothing to do with who knew about “I Do…Until rector Lake Bell, reached by tween black and white stu-
after being accused of stealing it and the Cultural Council I Don’t,” were a handful of the phone in Los Angeles. The dents in the Indian River
more than $24,000 in com- didn’t have a clue when last writer/director’s former class- well-known actress who has County School District is
missions and pirating compa- getting worse, not better, ac-
ny files is, by most journalistic Barges bring parts to CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 cording to 2016-17 Florida
standards, newsworthy. power plant pier – but Standards Assessment data
not to revive Big Blue released by the district.
What makes the news of
this particular agent's arrest Meanwhile, a proposed Af-
worthy of a column, however, rican American Achievement
is the sordid tale of betrayal Plan the district has been
told by the man from whom working on to remedy the gap
the money and files allegedly – as required by a desegrega-
were stolen. tion order in effect since 1967
– remains stalled.
"I feel violated," Tom Col-
lins said last week. "I treated Dr. Jacqueline Warrior, lo-
him like a son. I paid for his cal-chapter NAACP education
insurance education. I paid chairperson, says just getting
him a salary while he was tak- the district to start on the in-
ing the course and getting his complete plan was a struggle.
license. I fed him clients, got
him started and taught him “The last two years of work
the business." on this plan have been te-
dious at best,” she said.
In fact, the longtime Cast-
away Cove resident and owner Warrior worked with Direc-
of the Tom Collins Insurance
Agency also provided private, CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
short-term financing to help
BY DEBBIE CARSON South Beach memorial for Ryan Marcil. Pg. 8. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
Staff Writer
Two barges laden with huge
hunks of high-tech steel gen-
erator parts arrived at the
power plant wharf just north
September 7, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 36 Newsstand Price $1.00 Skimboarders
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero The theft, though, didn't end there, "Maybe I was just naive, but, at first, obtained an arrest warrant charging
Collins said. I didn't want to believe it," Collins said. D'Haeseleer with one count of Orga-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "The more I looked into it, though, the nized Fraud in excess of $20,000.
Collins also accused D'Haeseleer of more I found and the angrier I got. He
his former agent, Ron D'Haeseleer, buy a downloading without authorization took advantage of a friendship." Assistant State Attorney Michelle
house near theVero Beach Country Club. "25 years of company files" contain- McCarter said she can modify the
ing 750 to 1,000 accounts and email- So, after consulting with local law charge, which is a second-degree felo-
That's why Collins was so stunned ing them to himself one week before enforcement agencies, Collins took his ny punishable by up to 15 years in pris-
last year when he uncovered evidence leaving the agency, then violating his case to the Fraud Division of the Flor- on, or add charges after she meets with
that he said proves D'Haeseleer had confidentiality agreement by using the ida Department of Financial Services, Lent and Collins to discuss the case.
been stealing from him by submit- information to contact clients at his which launched an investigation last
ting fraudulent monthly commission next job with Vero Insurance. September. In his affidavit, Lent wrote that he
statements, failing to split commis- believes the information gathered dur-
sions with the agency on life insurance Collins said D'Haeseleer also de- A year later – armed with a sworn ing his investigation establishes prob-
policies, and not deducting salary leted the hard drive on his company statement from Collins, bank records able cause that D'Haeseleer violated
draws from end-of-the-month com- computer, but a technician found the and detailed documentation pro- Florida laws pertaining to "scheme to
mission statements. files on the agency's server and recov- vided by the agency to support the defraud" and "grand theft."
ered the data. allegations – DFS Det. Jonathan Lent
Andy Metcalf, the Vero Beach attor-
ney representing D'Haeseleer, said his
client will plead "not guilty."
"Ron is well-known and well-liked
in our community, and I will aggres-
sively defend his good name," Metcalf
wrote in an email. "This is a classic ex-
ample of the criminal justice system
being used to address issues best left
to civil court."
Collins hasn't ruled out filing a civil
lawsuit after the criminal case is re-
solved. He said he wants full restitu-
tion for the money he alleges was sto-
len from him, plus enforcement of the
confidentiality agreement, which calls
for double compensation for business
lost as a result of any violation.
According to Lent's affida-
vit, D'Haeseleer "stole" a total of
$24,216.50 from Collins in 2014 and
2015 – nearly $17,000 in commis-
sions, just under $6,000 in improper
salary draws and the agency's 50 per-
cent share of $2,800-plus in life insur-
ance commissions.
Collins said he discovered 350 to
400 instances of false reporting on
D'Haeseleer's commission state-
ments during the agent's last two
years with the agency.
"There was a time I thought he
might be the heir to my agency," Col-
lins said. "And he does this?"
At the same time, Collins said he
started noticing what he called a
"sense of entitlement" in D'Haeseleer,
who worked for him from July 2011
until November 2015, after offering to
help his budding agent buy a house
in 2014.
D'Haeseleer found a home on Par
Drive but was unable to secure the
$200,000 in financing he needed from
a commercial lender. Upon hearing
of his employee's dilemma, Collins
offered to provide a private mortgage
until the agent could qualify for a
bank loan.
"I even let him pick what he thought
was a fair rate," Collins said. "He said
6 percent, and that was fine with me."
Then, Collins said, D'Haeseleer asked
him to split a $1,100 attorney's fee
connected to the loan, which Collins
thought was odd, given his generosity.
Odd, though, soon became bizarre.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 3
Collins said D'Haeseleer contacted But not for long. according to his LinkedIn page, he was complaining about the $550," Col-
the local real-estate attorney who After learning that D'Haeseleer had still working last week. lins said. "Maybe that's why I put up
handled the transaction and, remind- contacted some of his clients, Collins with the 40 percent commissions. But
ing her that he had sent business her contacted Vero Insurance, explained "I've known Ron since he was 10 then when he left, he took the deleted
way, asked her to waive her fee. And what was happening and produced years old," Collins said. "I knew his files and was calling my clients, asking
she agreed. documentation of his allegations. mom and dad; we were friends. One them to move their business.
Shortly afterward, D'Haeseleer was reason I gave Ron the opportunity was
"So Ron came to me and said that, no longer employed by Vero Insur- because his father and Don Proctor "That's betrayal," he added. "That's
since he got the attorney to waive her ance. He then took a job with Brown & sent commercial business my way and when I knew he was a bad guy."
fee, I owed him $550 – my half of the Brown Insurance in Vero Beach, where, helped me get my agency started.
$1,100 he didn't have to pay," Collins A court will decide whether he's a
said. "I told him that was ridiculous, "Maybe that's why I put up with his criminal.
and he started arguing with me.
"Finally, I told him I'd call two trust-
ed friends of mine who run businesses
and ask them," he continued. "I told
him that if either of them said I owed
him the money, I'd give him the $550
... Both said I shouldn't pay it.
"When I called him and told him
what they said, he started screaming at
me," he added. "That was the start of
the downfall, the beginning of the end."
Collins said he continued to treat
D’Haeseleer “with respect as a mem-
ber of our office," and the agent did
eventually get the financing he needed
to pay off Collins.
There was a hiccup in November
2014, when Collins discovered in an
email that D'Haeseleer had given him-
self a promotion to "Vice President,
Commercial Division" of the agency.
Collins responded with an email
that read: "Just noticed you gave your-
self a new title. What are you thinking?
Change it NOW to previous – com-
mercial associate agent."
It was in September 2015, Collins
said, that he noticed D'Haeseleer paid
himself 40 percent on renewals, not
the agreed-upon 30 percent of the 10
percent commission the agency re-
ceives from policy premiums. Only on
new policies do his agents get 40 per-
cent of the agency's commissions.
Curious, Collins said he then
checked D'Haeseleer's commission
statement from the previous month
and found more of the same, prompt-
ing him to go back to the beginning of
the year.
"I found that he paid himself 40
percent instead of 30 percent in five of
the eight months," Collins said. "That
came to about $3,000 or $4,000, so I
emailed Ron and told him there ap-
peared to be an error in his commis-
sion report. And I asked him to check
other months.
"He emailed me back and said it
was a mistake and it was only that one
month. When I asked him to check the
whole year, he knew that I had caught
him. Then, when he gave me his Octo-
ber commission statement, I looked it
over closely and saw numerous incon-
sistencies, all in his favor, worth $400
or $500.
"I sent him an email about it, and
when he brought it back to my office,
he said, 'This is my last day.' Two days
later, he was at Vero Insurance."
4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Movie set in Vero Tiffany Padgett, Angela Waldrop and Elizabeth Sorenson outside the Majestic Theater. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD Bell, whom Sorensen recalls was
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “very funny” even as a kid, left St. Ed’s
avoid stares as she slipped in and out another, but is ultimately crushed for boarding school at 14 – Westmin-
a lead role in the movie, says she has of town with her crew. when loyal, legal love wins the day. ster in Connecticut. After a year at
known and loved Vero Beach since she Skidmore College, she headed to Lon-
moved here in sixth grade. The film starts out with a cynical The exteriors shot in Vero include don for drama school: Rose Bruford
view on the institution of marriage the homes for the three couples in College of Theatre and Performance.
“I met her literally the first day she – hardly the stuff of the Chamber of the script. Make that two couples; the
came to town,” recalls Elizabeth So- Commerce – but eventually turns into third, played by Amber Heard and Wy- By her early 20s, she was landing
rensen, part of the Sorensen family of a group cheer for the status quo. An att Cenac, required more of a tropical roles in film and television, includ-
real estate brokers. obnoxious documentary filmmaker campground. In an open relationship, ing as Ashton Kutcher’s boss in “No
(Dolly Wells) picks Vero to prove her they live with their young son in a New Strings Attached” and roles on “E.R.”
It was June of last year when Bell got thesis that marriage contracts should Age commune of drum circles and and “Boston Legal.” Bell’s reputation
in touch with Sorensen for help scout- have a seven-year limit. Gleefully she free love. swelled with roles in the HBO series
ing locations in Vero where the story signs up one miserable couple after “How to Make It in America” and the
takes place. With most of the movie Heard’s character is the sister of Adult Swim series “Children’s Hos-
being shot in Long Beach, Calif., “we Bell’s character, Alice, who with her pital.” She also played a memorable
were filling in the blanks,” says Bell. husband, played by Ed Helms, are the part as Alec Baldwin’s wife in the
meekest and most straight-laced cou- movie “It’s Complicated.”
Those local shots that made it into ple. They run a weary-looking Venetian
the movie include Corey’s Pharmacy, blinds shop, a ringer for any of a dozen In 2011, she ventured into screen-
the Sebastian Inlet and, of course, the mom-and-pops in Vero’s downtown. writing and directed her first effort,
downtown shuffleboard courts. Bob- a short called “Worst Enemy.” It de-
by’s restaurant on the beach also fig- The third couple is Vero’s most fa- buted at Sundance and played at
ures into the film: it lent its menus and miliar spousal specimens, a couple of festivals in Nantucket, Dallas and As-
napkins as props. retirees played by Mary Steenburgen pen. Two years later came “In a World
and Paul Reiser, who came to Vero …” in which she played the lead: a
In an early scene, Bell “gave a shout- after the wife “read that article about voice coach and voice-over actress
out to the Sorensens.” They are also Prince Charles playing polo in Vero who finally breaks the gender wall
mentioned in the credits. Beach.” (He did.) in film trailers. That film got great
reviews, and won Sundance’s Waldo
Friday, the day “I Do … Until I Don’t” “I lived there. Obviously I treat it Salt Screenwriting Award.
opened nationwide, Bell was bursting with great affection in the movie,” says
with pride driving to an interview on Bell. “I tend to only write what I know Throughout her rise in celebrity,
Sirius-FM, part of a publicity blitz that intimately, and since I’ve spent so Bell has continued to visit Sorensen
included an August segment on “Jim- much time in Vero, it was the perfect in Vero, timing her trips to coincide
my Kimmel Live.” place to set our scene.” with Miami’s Art Basel (her husband is
also a fine artist) and visits to her two
In Vero, she somehow managed to grandmothers in West Palm Beach. Her
mother no longer lives in Vero Beach.
“What’s lovely about Vero is that I
can count on it not being dissimilar
from when I was a kid. That’s comfort-
ing,” Bell says.
Even if only a few scenes are actual-
ly Vero, watching the movie delivers a
constant jolt of geographic familiarity.
The town’s name pops up throughout,
including in the lecture Wells gives to
a crowd assembled in what looks like
the Heritage Center (it’s not). There’s
also a climactic scene in Riverside
Park, though the only aspect that’s in
Vero is the sign, “Riverside Park.”
As for Bell’s own marriage, Sorensen
is familiar first-hand: She went to the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 5
wedding. The star-studded 2013 cer- the feeling they didn’t want a lot of be the only folks in town besides the chamber officials she was coming,
emony took place in New Orleans, people to know about it,” says Jerusha Sorensen clan who knew Lake Bell Sorensen kept it quiet too.
Campbell’s home. The couple have Stewart, executive director of the Vero was in town. They found out through
two small children. Beach Wine and Film Festival, whose a board member who follows Bell on “My relationship with Lake is very
inaugural event took place less than Instagram and saw photos posted personal,” says Sorensen. “I’ve never
While celebrity doesn’t seem a prob- three weeks before the shoot last year. from the shoot. tried to promote her work, but this one
lem for Bell, she clearly preferred her being in Vero Beach ... it’s different hav-
Vero visit be kept quiet. “I kind of got The festival organizers seemed to And just as Bell didn’t alert city or ing our town be the stage.”
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Thousands of tickets fail to solve beachside parking problem
BY RUSTY CARTER ets – a total of $560 – and quite possibly Businesses failed to reap the foot traf- who supposedly lost his job after park-
Staff Writer is hogging a space today. fic they’d hoped for, so in early 2016 ing in a space reserved for his boss.
timed parking reverted to two hours.
The City of Vero Beach issued more Similarly, a local woman was issued A few doors down from The Beach
than 4,000 parking tickets over the past parking tickets 21 times – including “It wasn’t us looking to write a bunch of Shop, Leslie Mather and her daughter
year, and more than 60 percent of those one on Valentine’s Day. At some point tickets,” explained Anna Carden, Public were serving customers at the Coun-
annoying little slips of paper were given the next day, on Feb. 15, another was Information Officer forVero Beach Police. tryside Citrus store.
out on Ocean Drive and at Sexton Plaza. affixed to her windshield. “It was the business owners who lobbied
for a return to the shorter time limit.” “I can say it has hurt our business,”
But the island parking problem they Occupying a parking space for too Mather said of the congested parking
were intended to help with – a problem long is the most frequently ticketed of- It’s also become a political issue. Lo- on Ocean.
that has plagued beachside shops and fense, but Vero Beach Police Lt. Kevin cal ophthalmologist Val Zudans is run-
restaurants for years – has not improved. Martin said vehicles are also ticketed ning for a seat on the Vero Beach City A short-lived shuttle didn’t help.
for parking in handicap spaces and for Council. His election flyer lists Ocean Workers were supposed to park in
In fact it seems to be getting worse. backing into the angled spaces. Drive parking as one of the issues he Riverside Park and ride the free bus to
Some people do not pay the tickets, intends to tackle. their hotel and retail jobs, but no more
especially tourists driving rental cars, “When they pull out of the angled than a handful ever did.
and for others the fines are just part of spaces, it places that vehicle into on- Good luck. Police say few hotels on
the cost of doing business. coming traffic,” Martin explained. the beach provide on-site parking for Now the city is taking another crack
A banker who works on the island their employees and storeowners note at the problem. City Council recently
frequently pilots his SUV into one Those and other offenses can in- that up to three times a day hotel work- directed the Planning and Zoning
of the many 2-hour-limit slots along crease fines. Blocking a fire lane will ers come out en masse to move their Board to come up with recommenda-
Ocean Drive and, also frequently, cost the offender $30. Illegally parking vehicles to different parking spaces, tions on how to ease parking along the
doesn’t bother to move the vehicle be- in a handicap space will run $200. Ar- continuing to occupy spots needed by stretch of Ocean Drive most frequent-
fore 2 hours have passed. guing too much with the officer issuing customers while avoiding the $20 fine. ed by tourists and beachgoers.
As a result, he was ticketed 28 times a parking ticket could cost you $100.
between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017, “Sometimes you see the workers Paid parking may be the only thing
but it doesn’t seem to have bothered According to Martin, several years come out to move their cars,” said Me- that will really work, and city officials
him. He paid the $20 fine for all 28 tick- ago 2-hour parking spaces were the lissa Arduini as she manned a register say they are open to that idea – not
law. A movement meant to entice visi- at The Beach Shop on Ocean Drive. meters, but the kind of setup where
tors to stay longer at the beachfront She also related a tale of one worker you put money in a machine and put
led to increasing the limit to 3 hours. a paid slip on your dash.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 7
Developer seeking tenant for planned Ocean Drive restaurant
BY RAY MCNULTY though she had expressed interest in Now, Kelleher appears to have de- tenant would pay all taxes, insurance
Staff Writer moving her popular restaurant to the cided against making the move to and maintenance expenses that arise
Ocean Drive location and was still in- Ocean Drive. from the use of the property – with
Apparently, the new restaurant un- volved in discussions with the prop- rent of $12,000 per month.
der construction on Ocean Drive across erty owner, she had not yet made a Casalino said her group is seeking
from Bobby's will not be the new home decision. a tenant that would sign a five-year, "We've gotten a few inquiries," Casa-
of The Tides. triple-net lease for the restaurant – the lino said.
According to Kristin Casalino of the Paul Parent of Parent Construction,
Rita Curry Real Estate Team, which the Vero Beach contractor who broke
has the listing, property owner Sony ground on the project last month, said
Investment Real Estate Inc is actively he's building only the restaurant's
seeking a tenant for the 2,685-square- shell and, weather permitting, expects
foot, 143-seat restaurant. to be done in January.
Sony's Vero Beach attorney, Bruce He said work on the interior proba-
Barkett, identified The Tides as the bly won't begin until the Miami-based
new restaurant's tenant during a Vero property owner finds a tenant willing
Beach Planning and Zoning Commis- to commit to and pay for the Ocean
sion meeting in March. Drive location.
However, The Tides owner and chef "I have no idea who they're going to
Leanne Kelleher began backing away put in there," Parent said. "All I know
from the project this past spring, after is that it's going to be a restaurant. The
island residents and other Ocean Drive interior is a separate project, and that
business owners publicly voiced con- will be up to the tenant. We're not even
cerns about the new restaurant's impact putting down a slab inside."
on an already-difficult parking situation
in the Central Beach business district. Actually, Parent's crew didn't do much
of anything the past couple of weeks –
Kelleher said in late May that, al- because, he said, the city was "rearrang-
8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Achievement gap el, a 30 percent achievement gap that
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 expands in later school grades.
tor of Elementary Education Deb Berg The worst result was 6th-grade Eng-
and Director of Secondary Programs lish, with 14 percent more black stu-
Deborah Long on plan drafts. dents in level one than had been the
year before. In 4th-grade math, 10
Berg and Long are no longer in percent more were in level one.
those positions, but Long, as “equity
director,” is still involved with closing “The African American Achievement
the achievement gap. Plan is a working plan in progress,”
School Board Member Laura Zorc said.
Warrior is not pleased with the latest “Many factors are going to have to come
state test results. “It appears more black together because I do not see one easy
students are falling into the lower levels fix or solution to the achievement gap.
than climbing into the upper levels –
the trend we are trying to reverse.” “This is not going to happen over-
night. We didn't get here overnight,
There are five levels of achievement therefore it's unrealistic to expect a
on the Florida Standards Assessment quick fix to a decade or more of achieve-
exams, with level one the lowest. Lev- ment decline. In the long term, I don't
els three and above are considered see it working if we can't get more pa-
passing. rental involvement and participation.”
The key indicator of future academ- Superintendent Mark Rendell de-
ic success – 3rd-grade scores – showed clined to comment on black students’
a 5 percent decrease in the number worsening test scores or the status
of black students passing English in of the so-called African American
2016-17. Only 39 percent of black stu- Achievement Plan, which was sup-
dents passed English compared to 69 posed to help the district get out from
percent for white students at that lev- under a decades old federal desegre-
gation order.
200 attend South Beach
memorial for Ryan Marcil
BY RAY MCNULTY a moment of silent reflection before
family members and friends were per-
Staff Writer mitted to address the group.
Under dark, threatening skies and Among those who spoke were Mar-
with winds whipping off the ocean, cil's sister, Alexa, who read a poem
more than 200 family members and titled, "Remember Me." She was fol-
friends gathered under and around lowed by uncles, cousins, her brother's
a large tent Saturday at South Beach childhood friends and a buddy from
Park to remember Ryan Marcil, the his alma mater, Bucknell University.
2009 St. Edward's School graduate
who was killed in a mountain-climb- Marcil's paternal grandfather, Roger
ing accident Aug. 20 in Colorado. Sr., urged other grandparents in atten-
dance to spend more time with their
"Ryan wouldn't want us to be sad," grandchildren now.
Marcil's father, Roger, said during the
90-minute celebration of his son's life. "I wanted to get to know Ryan better
"He'd want us to seek our dreams and and get closer to him," the elder Mar-
live our lives to the fullest, just as he did." cil said. "I made it a top priority on my
bucket list."
Those who attended the casual-
dress, seaside event were handed or- He paused to compose himself be-
chid leis to wear and white candles fore adding: "Don't hesitate. Do it as
that were lit for the closing, circle- soon as you can. They'll respect you
of-love ceremony during which Bob for it, and you'll never regret it."
Dylan's "Make You Feel My Love" was
performed by a guitar-singer duo. For most in the crowd, the memo-
rial was the first opportunity to con-
The walkway to the beach was lined sole Roger and Karen Marcil face to
with tiki torches and enlarged photo- face since news of their son's death
graphs of Marcil, who was 26 when reached Vero Beach. Both said they
he and his girlfriend, Carly Brightwell, appreciated the support their family
fell to their deaths on Capital Peak, a has received.
14,000-foot mountain west of Aspen.
"We're still in shock, and we're in-
Brightwell's family also attended credibly sad," Marcil's father said.
the memorial, which included a brief "But I wouldn't trade having Ryan as a
biography of Marcil's life, a prayer and son for 26 years to have any other son
for 60 or 80 years."
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 9
County police agencies not pursuing illegal immigrants
BY BETH WALTON of a crime. “You don’t get anything done There were just seven people in the it is our business to detain them if they
without cooperation,” he said. “From Indian River County Jail awaiting Im- have committed an egregious crime.”
Staff Writer our end, it’s information sharing.” migration and Customs Enforcement
on a recent Thursday in August, Loar The National Public Safety Partner-
While the Trump Administration That doesn’t mean, however, that said. They came from places like Haiti, ship was established in June under
continues to seek increased coopera- law enforcement is simply casting a Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The
tion by local law enforcement agen- wide net and rounding up people who Battery and strangulation, the sale of program enhances support given to
cies with federal immigration officials, are here illegally, said Indian River heroin, money laundering, burglary state and local agencies from the DOJ
police leaders here mostly view public County Sheriff Deryl Loar. The county and the lewd molestation of a minor for the investigation, prosecution and
safety as their primary focus in deal- will hold undocumented people who were some of the alleged offenses. deterrence of violent crime, especially
ing with people living in Indian River have been arrested in connection of a as it relates to gun violence, gangs and
County illegally. crime for 48 hours to allow immigra- “It’s not our business to round up drug trafficking.
tion agents to take custody. non-U.S. citizens,” the sheriff said. “But
“If your only crime is that you are CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
here illegally, then you are not our fo-
cus,” said Fellsmere Police Chief Keith
Touchberry, whose community is
nearly 80 percent Hispanic.
An officer with U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement had just
stopped by his office to check in, and
Touchberry said working with fed-
eral agents is one tool to achieve an
overall goal of protecting everyone
from criminals – both those who have
documentation to live and work in the
United States, and those who do not.
The police chief came under some
scrutiny a couple of months ago after
five Mexican immigrants were arrested
in connection with a prostitution ring
at a local residence. Those men were in
the country illegally and they were re-
ferred to federal immigration officials.
“That was a crime problem,” Touch-
berry said. “We eliminate that crime
by removing from the area people
who are engaging in the crime.”
Fellsmere Police Department’s pri-
ority is the same as the federal govern-
ment’s, he said. “If you are here illegal-
ly and you are violating the law, then
we are going to do our part to make
sure federal immigration officials are
aware of where you are. If you come
to the U.S. to commit crimes, we don’t
want you here. We don’t want you in
our community.”
But to be tough on crime and also
have the community’s trust is a sensitive
balance, Touchberry said – especially in
overwhelmingly Hispanic Fellsmere.
The police chief often meets with
the leaders of local agriculture associ-
ations to make sure people know they
can call police and report a crime. Un-
less they are participating in illegal ac-
tivity as well, it is unlikely they will be
turned over to immigration authori-
ties, he said.
“This isn’t about immigration,”
Touchberry said, “This is about pre-
venting crime and improving the
quality of life.”
Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey,
however, takes a slightly different tack.
He said his department almost always
informs ICE of someone’s undocument-
ed status, even when if they are a victim
10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Immigration arrests Research Center. Most are in the Miami cle natural gas generating plant Flor- A dozen or so additional shipments
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 region, and that metropolitan area has ida Power & Light is building south of will be arriving in Vero over the next
the fifth-largest illegal immigrant popu- Yeehaw Junction, adjacent to the Fort month, according to city officials. Once
The Department of Justice an- lation in the United States. Drum Marsh Conservation Area. offloaded, the huge generator parts will
nounced Aug. 3 that in order to partici- be moved by special trucks and trailers,
pate in the federal government’s new Barges dock at power plant Pushed and pulled by tow boats, the traversing State Route 60 in the dead
Safety Partnership Program, local ju- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 barges, which had plowed down the of night when their size will be less of a
risdictions must show a commitment Intracoastal Waterway from Port Ca- hazard and hassle for other motorists.
to reducing crime stemming from ille- of the Alma Lee Loy Bridge last Sat- naveral, nosed into the dock at noon.
gal immigration. The announcement is urday – but the electric components A representative of transport con-
part of an ongoing push by the Trump were not bound for the no-longer-op- tractor Bigge Crane and Rigging said
administration to increase deporta- erational Vero Electric facility. there will be at least 15 late-night con-
tion of undocumented immigrants. voys rolling out of the gates of the Big
The 450,000-pound generator com- Blue grounds over the next several
Nearly half a million undocumented ponents manufactured in China are weeks, starting on a 3-to-4 hour trek
immigrants call South Florida home, actually destined for a combined-cy- to the plant site, accompanied by es-
according to a 2017 analysis by the Pew corts, utility crews and flashing lights.
The Florida Public Service Commis-
sion approved the plant in 2016 and
it’s expected to go online in mid-2019.
Once complete, the FPL
Okeechobee Clean Energy Center
will produce about 1,600 MW using
natural gas, which is enough to power
about 300,000 homes.
Ocean Drive restaurant
ing utilities over there." He was hoping
to resume construction late last week,
but the city's work was still ongoing.
"We can't do anything more until
they're finished, so we're waiting," Parent
said. "We're eager to get back to work."
Over the past few weeks, Vero Beach
32963 has left several phone messages
for Kelleher at her restaurant. She has
not responded to any of them.
If a restaurant other than The Tides
moves into the Ocean Drive location
– which now seems likely – the new
business could make parking in that
area far worse than anyone thought.
The Tides doesn't serve lunch. An-
other tenant might.
"We approved the site plan," City
Planning Director Tim McGarry said.
"The applicant met all the conditions
required by the city code. There were
no restrictions against serving lunch
or breakfast."
During their public meetings, mem-
bers of both the Planning & Zoning
Board and City Council asked about the
possibility of limiting the new restaurant
to dinner-only service – to ease the park-
ing shortage during the business day.
Barkett said Sony would not agree to
any such restriction, which would've
been unenforceable under the city
code, anyway.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Love of Paws’: Caring for pets when seniors can’t
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Ted, Cookie and Ted Pankiewicz Jr. with dog Libby. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD ters and pounds. When it comes to
feeding your kids or your pet, people
Staff Writer Volunteers help fill food bags. have to make tough decisions. By do-
ing this, we’re helping people with
For the Love of Paws Senior Pet Just last month they gave out 4,500 keeping animals out of shelters. A lot their grocery bills, so they don’t have
Sanctuary, a safe refuge for the dis- pounds of cat and dog food; roughly of these seniors that would have got- to worry about food,” added Pankie-
placed pets of senior citizens, was 10,000 meals a month. The pet food ten rid of their animals because they wicz Sr.
born out of one woman’s love of ani- is replenished through donations of couldn’t afford to take care of them
mals. It was a love the late Jessica food and money and by food drives anymore, would have sent them to Seeing an ever-growing demand,
(Jess) Pankiewicz shared with hus- held by schools, churches and local the shelter,” said Pankiewicz Jr. For the Love of Paws is now seek-
band Ted Pankiewicz Jr. and sons businesses. ing a larger facility to store the food
Hunter and Ryder. “We’re helping people make ends they need to have on hand. They
“We have a proactive impact on meet and keeping pets out of shel- have a proposal to lease property on
“It didn’t matter what it was. 510, next to Operation Hope in Fells-
Whether it was a goldfish, a horse or mere, with an eye toward purchasing
a wild deer, animals were her pas- the property. The move would more
sion,” he shared. Sadly, she passed than quadruple their space, enabling
away in January 2013 at age 32 of the a cat loft, a memorial park and future
rare auto-immune disorder, Devic’s development. It would also provide
disease. space to store a tractor-trailer worth
of dog food that a national organiza-
“When she passed away, for quite a tion has offered to provide once or
while I was in a dark place. Then my twice a year.
father came to me one day and said,
‘You’ve got the property and we’ve “That’s 45,000 pounds of food;
got the time. Let’s do something in that will be a phenomenal boon for
Jess’ name for the animals,’” Pankie- us,” shared Pankiewicz Sr. “We’ll be
wicz Jr. recalled. able to expand to all these groups
that are waiting for us to be able to
“We had a place out in western Jer- supply them. We can always use vol-
sey with ducks, cats, horses, goats unteers, food donations and foster
and pigs,” explained Pankiewicz Sr., families, but what we really need is
a retired New Jersey police officer a warehouse to store and distribute
who spent 25 of his 30 years working the food.”
with K-9s. “So the kids grew up with
animals and I was known for bring- Tearful calls for assistance are re-
ing dogs and cats home.” ceived on a daily basis. A disabled
senior relayed that her husband
In his capacity as manager of Park had died and she was having trou-
Place, a 55-plus community in Sebas- ble feeding their two cats. Another
tian, Pankiewicz Sr. became aware of woman was more concerned with
the need for a pet rescue for animals what would happen to her 8-year-old
owned by senior citizens who were dachshund than with her own hos-
heading into surgery, rehab, assisted pice care placement. One woman lost
living, nursing homes, hospice or her job right after taking in all of her
who passed away, noting, “In many father’s pets when he passed away.
cases, we found the pet is the only And another refused to be admitted
thing the seniors really have left. to the hospital until someone prom-
They’ve outlived their friends and ised to take care of her beloved pet.
their family. We give peace of mind
to the seniors because we will take “We’ve taken in animals at least
care of their pets when they can’t.” 40 times the last 14 months. And
we have six cats that are all foster
Knowing their pets are well cared failures. Nobody’s taken them, so
for, seniors can focus on healing and, they’re ours now,” says Pankiewicz
hopefully, return home to reunite Sr., adding that on average, pets re-
with their furry friends. The nonprof- main anywhere from one week to
it also began providing free pet food five months.
after volunteers from the Senior Re-
source Association learned that some And then there’s Libby, a blind
of their Meals on Wheels clients were 12-year-old dog relinquished by a
sharing their meals with their pets. senior who couldn’t take care of her
anymore, and who has since become
“The SRA asked us for pet food, their mascot. “We had all the inten-
and since partnering with Meals on tions of adopting her out, but then we
Wheels, we are now providing pet fell in love with her. Everybody loves
food to 16 food banks in the county,” her,” said Pankiewicz Sr.
said Pankiewicz Sr.
“You get attached to the animals.
Each week, volunteers at the fa- But seeing the senior citizen who’s
cility bag and distribute food to pet already gone through hell because
owners needing assistance. Oth-
ers fan out to deliver pet food to CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
food pantries and the homebound.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
they went through rehab or surviv- ing, these seniors wouldn’t be able to “I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t For the Love of Paws will host an
ing cancer being reunited with their keep their pets. We couldn’t do this have my pets.” inaugural Trap/Skeet Fun Shoot on
pet is amazing. There’s no better without our wonderful volunteers,” Nov. 19, from 9 a.m. to noon at the
high than knowing you’ve made an said Cookie, wife of Pankiewicz Sr. Retired nurse Lyn McGinnis, who Indian River County Shooting Range.
impact and changed somebody’s life previously worked for VNA & Hos- For more information on how you can
for the better,” said Pankiewicz Jr. “A lot of seniors are on a fixed in- pice, agreed, adding, “The work they help, visit or
come so they can’t afford to keep do here is fantastic. When I found out call 772-539-2417.
“If we weren’t doing what we’re do- their pets,” said volunteer Judy Udell. what they do, I had to be part of it.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 15
Grants make R.E.A.L. difference at Wabasso School
BY MARY SCHENKEL Mayra Zavaleta, Tom Adams and Lorieal Jackson bake cookies with teacher Heidi Brauer. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE over the years,” says Pierandozzi.
Staff Writer Now, thanks to a collaborative ef-
mental funding, the situation is only amount coming from the federal gov-
Housed in a historic 1925 build- fort by the Education Foundation
ing, the Wabasso School is a special likely to get worse. ernment for adults with disabilities, of Indian River County, the John’s
education center serving the unique Island Foundation and the Indian
needs of students with developmen- “There used to be a nice dollar but that’s backed off tremendously River County School District, Pieran-
tal disabilities from pre-K up to age dozzi and her compassionate, highly
22. And, while the school’s educa- trained teachers and staff have been
tional curriculum is defined by state taking these students to new levels of
standards, there is also, by necessity, self-reliance.
a focus on emotional, social and life-
skills development. Particularly im- Cynthia Falardeau, Education
portant is the need to cultivate each Foundation executive director, ex-
student’s full potential as they tran- plains that two years ago, School
sition into adulthood by providing Superintendent Mark Rendell ap-
them with the tools needed for em- proached her about finding addition-
ployment and independent living. al funding for the Wabasso School,
noting that while the school district
Wabasso Principal Kathy Pieran- had some funding to invest in tech-
dozzi explains that while parents of- nology and digital classrooms, they
ten wish to keep their special-needs did not have the resources to finish
children at home, coddling and doing the project.
everything for them, that approach
doesn’t address the long term. One “And that’s really what the Educa-
answer is group homes, such as those tion Foundation’s role is – to provide
of The Arc of Indian River County, that additional enrichment. We’re
but homes are limited and, with con- kind of like the Community Foun-
tinued drastic cutbacks in govern- dation for the Indian River County
School District,” says Falardeau, not-
ing that as a nonprofit organization,
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16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Teacher Kelley Rowe with students Joseph Quick and Luke Martin. Cynthia Falardeau, Principal Kathy Pierandozzi, Jim Smith and Jennifer Jones.
they write grants to enhance district Pierandozzi explains that the Wa- In the spring of 2016, John’s Island dents ages 18 to 22 are learning the
learning opportunities and provide basso School, which currently has 51 Foundation provided $35,700 to the skills needed for independent living
donors with oversight and reporting, students, is the most restrictive of en- Education Foundation to fund Speak and career training.
and facilitate a continuation of the vironments for learning; its students Up, a project utilizing iPads and pro-
relationship. either cannot handle or their needs gramming to give nonverbal students A once-drab classroom was gut-
exceed the general education setting. a means of communication. ted and transformed into an open,
“I think the key thing that Kathy airy living space, with low walls in
brought, not only to me but to the “That’s why I only have six children “It truly is providing them a voice, the main room sectioning off sev-
foundation, was the vision of what in a class and two or three adults,” she so that not only can they interact eral learning areas – business/office
she wanted for these children. It was says. “The students range in disabili- with their environment, it also allows workspace, bedroom, full bathroom,
really a paradigm shift from what ties, they range in functioning levels them to better engage in learning,” laundry and living room with com-
was occurring here before,” says or cognitive levels of ability, and their says Pierandozzi. “So they are able to puters and an interactive TV. Another
Falardeau. reasons for being here vary.” share feelings and emotions, needs room houses a wonderfully spacious,
and desires, and interact with their fully functioning kitchen.
teachers on the learning aspect. I had
teachers say, ‘Oh my gosh; I didn’t “So they go through their entire
know she knew this!’ This is a ver- daily living,” says Pierandozzi, point-
bal response in which they literally ing out that everyday tasks – from
answer the question that was asked. making a bed and folding towels to
The nonverbal students couldn’t do replacing a toilet paper roll – are out-
that before.” lined on large posters in each area of
the room. “It’s daily living skills; it’s
A second phase was put into play independent functioning. And then
after Falardeau again met with Ren- there are employability skills.”
dell to prioritize the district’s needs,
and he said he wanted to find a way Students have already begun to
for Wabasso students to transition to make and market items from their
independence. Wabasso Puppy Pastry business and
Phoenix Print Shop and are discover-
This time, a $56,860 grant from ing a new confidence in their abili-
the John’s Island Foundation in the ties.
spring of 2017 funded the R.E.A.L.
(Room of Engaging Ability Learning) Eventually Pierandozzi hopes all
Lab, a transition space where stu- her students will have a role in the
Puppy Pastry business. “It may be
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
with assistance, but they’re part of
the business. We’re taking every
classroom to that maximum level.”
“You’re dealing with the future
development of young people,” says
Jim Smith, JIF board member. “This
is basically transforming people’s
lives. You’re transforming from de-
pendency to being productive. I’m
sure they’ve developed positive self-
images as a result of this; they’ve
learned how to interact.”
“It’s long-term critical,” agrees
Pierandozzi, who envisions this as a
model for schools around the state.
“If they have the ability to earn an
income, that is less of society’s job to
take on. They become a positive part
of the community and are integrated
into the community, which they may
not otherwise do.”
“I challenge anybody to go there
and not come away moved. Because
these young adults are so very capa-
ble and this will help them assimi-
late into society,” said Ken Wessel,
JIF board president. “When you go
there and you see them work with
some of the things we’ve given them,
their smiles and their eyes just light
up the room. You realize that they
have so much potential and this is
an opportunity to have them reach
a greater potential. The John’s Island
Foundation is very proud to do this
and that’s why we encourage them
to come back next year. We’re very,
very proud; this school is just fabu-
Next on the agenda is finding
funding for a wheelchair-accessible
passenger van to transport students
to local businesses willing to work
with them. A van would also provide
flexibility to get students to get to
other real-world activities, such as
shopping for supplies.
“A van would extend the learning
opportunities, get them out there,”
says Pierandozzi. They currently
rely on very limited school bus avail-
ability and have scarce funding to
pay for those buses they do utilize.
“This community is unbelievable
to me,” says Pierandozzi, who previ-
ously worked in Broward County. “I
came from the sixth largest school
district in the nation and I have nev-
er experienced the gift giving and
care of this community. That to me
is phenomenal.”
“This really is a wonderful model
of the purpose and mission of an
education foundation; to be able to
increase the community’s invest-
ment in its students and teachers,”
says Falardeau, adding with a smile,
“So we have more ideas that can be
For more information, visit edfoun- or indianriverschools.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Skimboarders shore up their skills at ‘Jam’ fundraiser
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF “You’re running at a sprinting
Staff Writer pace, throwing down your board,
hitting a wave and trying to ride it
Beachgoers are often pounded by back. Sometimes that just doesn’t
the surf, but that was just part of the work out that well, and you’re gon-
challenge for the nearly 100 com- na get pounded into the sand,” ex-
petitors who skimmed their way plained Tim Capra, Vero Beach Life-
into Vero Beach last Saturday for the guard Association vice president and
10th annual Mulligan’s Skim Jam, Shore lb. art director. “Our shore-
presented by Shore lb. line is unique; it’s a shore break.
Devon Green, Monique Walker, Tesia Sotiropoulos, Tim Capra and Jamie Lynn. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners Finn, Nicki, John and Pierce Genoni. portant to me personally, because I
Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned am a retired lifeguard from the City
and operated independent agency. Located in the We don’t have much stopping open of Vero Beach.”
CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile ocean swells from breaking in ankle
and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach. deep water. It’s a great skimboard Ellison said the sport has also
wave. It’s easier for skimboarders to been a vessel to travel the world,
Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years! get out to it, turn around, come back explaining, “It has gotten me into
All lines of commercial or personal insurance available. in and ride it like a surfer.” different countries and different
beaches that I never would have ex-
Contact any one of our Billed as the world’s largest one- plored without skimboarding.”
professional agents for a quote! day skimboarding competition, the
855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building annual event raises funds to help Skimmers performed as many
the VBLA promote lifeguarding and flyaways, ollies, widdlys and wraps
2nd Floor – Vero Beach water safety and to purchase lifesav- as they could during timed heats to
(772) 567-4930 - [email protected] ing equipment and rescue supplies. earn points in categories that say
it all: I Suck, I’m Good, I’m Better, “Skim Jam is one of the highlights I’m Turning Pro Tomorrow and Pro,
of our fundraising year,” said VBLA with skimmers from groms (young
president Erik Toomsoo. “It’s a great skimboarders) to professionals
way to highlight the need for equip- competing.
ment and lifeguard training. More
and more people are coming to the Jill Samberg’s 14-year-old son Aid-
beach, so we have to be proactive. en has been skimming since he was
Get the equipment, get the tower, 4 years old, but this was his first for-
get all that stuff built and get ready ay into competitive skimboarding.
for more incidents.”
“It’s such a great lifestyle. There’s
“We think it is very important to a great bond with all of the skim-
support our lifeguards because they boarders. It’s a tight little commu-
are the ones that keep our beach- nity,” she said.
es safe,” said the event organizer,
Shore lb. founder and VBLA board Walking Tree Brewery hosted an
member Chris Ellison. “They’re the after-party and awards presenta-
ones that pull us out of the water if tion, where a mobile skate park with
we need help. The VBLA is very im- a big half pike was set up for an in-
augural Shore lb. Surf and Turf, pit-
ting Skim Jam contestants against
skateboarders to promote and sup-
port the Vero Beach Skate Park Alli-
The fun carried over into Sunday
with Waldo’s sixth annual Wildcard
Poker Stroll, another fundraiser for
the VBLA, which is paying it for-
ward. They will use proceeds from
the raffle to help fund the transpor-
tation of supplies to Hurricane Har-
vey victims in Houston.
For more information visit VBLA.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Musical ‘Dogfight’ examines regret, forgiveness
BY PAM HARBAUGH Cast of “Dogfight” at Henegar Center rehearsal Portraying Eddie Birdlace is Chris
Correspondent Fallows, who has not been on the
PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER stage for three years. When he heard
Upstairs at the Henegar expands its that the Henegar was producing the
reputation for provocative theater with show in the intimate Upstairs venue,
this weekend’s opening of “Dogfight.” he knew he wanted to audition for it.
Opening Thursday, the show runs for “Eddie is a complex character,” he
two weeks in the 85-seat venue, which said. “He embellishes his stories and
has director Amanda Cheyenne Manis puts on a tough guy persona. But
very nervous. truthfully, he is an awkward 18-year-
old who hasn’t figured out who he is.”
“The show having such a short run,
if people wait to get their tickets, they Rose reveals a “softer side” to Ed-
aren’t going to get in,” she said. die, who eventually deals with post-
traumatic stress disorder.
Indeed, that’s exactly what happened
with three Upstairs at the Henegar pro- That brings the hardest layer for Fal-
ductions – “Spring Awakening,” “Hand lows – a “plethora of emotions.”
to God” and “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar
& Grill.” “I have to laugh, cry and deal with a
deep depression I have never person-
“The show is going to sell out,” she said. ally gone through,” Fallows said. “It is
“Dogfight” is a musical re-telling of a privilege to have such a challenging
the 1991 River Phoenix film written by experience as an actor.”
the late Bob Comfort. The stage version
was written by Benj Pasek and Justin Bella Rohrer is the socially awkward
Paul, the duo who wowed Broadway Rose in “Dogfight.” Rohrer had listened
this past season with their lyrics and to the original cast recording and had a
music to another provocative show, basic understanding of the story’s theme.
“Dear Evan Hansen.”
Set in 1963 San Francisco, “Dogfight” “Rose is a kind-hearted and awk-
revolves around a group of young Ma- ward girl with such a tenacious spir-
it,” she said. “She discovers her own
power and inner beauty and forms a
special bond with Eddie.”
Like Fallows, though, she finds the
emotions the biggest challenge in her
“The show is kind of an emotional
roller coaster for Rose,” she said. “The
hardest part is definitely portraying
Amanda Cheyenne Manis directs Bella Rohrer as character
Rose Fenny and Chris Fallows as Eddie Birdlace.
rines on their last night her sadness, her anger and everything
before heading to Viet- in between.”
nam. Full of bravado, they
compete to see who can Manis said her talented cast are
find the ugliest date for such decent people and so kind to one
the night. Hence, the word another, it has been difficult for them
“dog” – a pejorative for to plumb the deeper, darker parts
a woman considered by of the characters and to realistically
some to be unattractive. portray being mean to each other on
Think a fraternity “pig party” which
has the same cynical theme; or the “My actors, who are all pretty young,
2010 Steve Carrell movie “Dinner for leave feeling stretched as people and
Schmucks.” It’s all the same concept exhausted as performers,” Manis said.
with the ironic theme that the ugliest
people are actually the exploiters. Both Fallows and Rohrer have
learned a lot about 1960s American
And, sentimentally, we want to see history by being in this show.
one of the misanthropic men discover
that reality.We want to see him touched Knowing her young cast needed to
by the heart of a young woman whom
society has used only as an object of
ridicule and discarded.
And “Dogfight” delivers that, Manis said.
In the story, character Eddie Birdlace
meets Rose, a young woman whose
loving soul captivates him.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 21
learn about the period, Manis asked coming home in the 1960s and being to a human being than appearances or “There is so much beauty in that, in
Vietnam vet Jack Maloney to speak spat on and called “baby killer.” first impressions. It’s a musical I hope the human condition. Much more than
to them. Maloney, who lives in Mel- will get the love it deserves.” you can find in any mirror.”
bourne and is active in the commu- “It was hard for (the actors) to un-
nity theater scene, was in the Marines derstand,” he said. “Considering to- For Rohrer, “Dogfight” has taught her “Dogfight” runs Sept. 7-17 in the
from 1968 to 1972. day’s attitude towards the uniform.” about the resiliency of the American spirit. Upstairs at the Henegar studio theater,
625 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne.
He spoke to the cast about Marine Fallows said the musical under- “And that men, especially Marines, Tickets are $26 general admission, $23
camaraderie and what it felt like to be scores major themes in American love to drink and swear,” she laughed. for seniors and military and $16 for
a 17-year-old Marine on liberty. As a history and society, from pre-hippie students. There is a $3 handling fee per
former clinical social worker with the America to the sexual revolution While the storyline may repulse ticket. The show is not recommended
Department of Veterans Affairs, he gentle souls, it has a redeeming reso- for young audiences. Call 321-723-
had a lot to tell them about PTSD. Ma- “I sincerely hope that people will take nance, Manis said. It looks at loss, re- 8698 or visit
loney also discussed what it was like away a respect for veterans in our Armed gret and forgiveness, “forgiving each
Forces,” he said. “I also hope people will other for poor behavior and forgiving
appreciate the theme that there’s more themselves,” as Manis put it.
Feast your eyes on Gooch artwork at Freres Patisserie
BY ELLEN FISCHER Today Gooch considers herself above
Columnist all a contemporary painter; her busy
studio and gallery is located on 7th Av-
The downtown Vero bakery Freres enue, just west of Vero’s Miracle Mile.
Patisserie has just introduced a sched-
ule of art shows there that is as tooth- For this exhibition Gooch’s paintings are
some as its pastries, says the café’s new not titled but numbered, the numbers on
co-owner, Bennet Gomez. the wall next to each artwork correspond-
ing to on-site checklist of price and size.
“I feel very comfortable giving my wall
space up to beautiful art,” says Gomez, Among the show’s abstracts are two
who in his previous life in New York City paintings in which the human figure
worked in the art shipping business. His takes center stage. One shows a runner
32-year career with Ollendorff Fine Arts balanced on the picture’s lower edge,
saw him moving paintings and sculp- foot upraised as though to step right out
tures by the blue-chip likes of Andy
Warhol and Jeff Koons, among others. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
Barry Shapiro, Deborah Gooch and Bennett Gomez
But that was then; this is now. Don’t mor that while benign still required
expect to see New York City art stars on complex surgery and radiation.
Freres Patisserie’s walls. Still, Gomez
feels “very fortunate” to be present- Back at the easel within weeks of
ing the work of Vero’s artists, many of her surgery in early April, Gooch is
whom were patrons of Patisserie Vero displaying in her paintings the dy-
Beach, the bakery’s first iteration, namic mix of realism and non-repre-
owned by two former New York actors, sentational abstraction for which she
Mark Edmonds and Christian Garcia. has long been admired.
When Edmonds died suddenly in Feb-
ruary at the age of 47, Garcia decided to Her work, says Shapiro, typifies the
sell and enlisted the help of longtime “high creative level” that art-loving
friend and Vero artist Barry Shapiro. noshers can expect of the café’s sub-
sequent offerings.
It is Shapiro who is curating the art
shows at Freres Patisserie. He says the After studying painting at Baltimore’s
series will consist of solo exhibitions, all Maryland Institute of Art, Gooch estab-
lasting two months. lished herself as a freelance illustrator
and commercial designer. She worked
On view now through September first in Maryland and then in Florida,
are nine works by Deborah Gooch, where she and her husband Jim have
a well-respected artist and educa- lived for the past 30 years.
tor who is recovering from a serious
health scare of her own: a brain tu-
22 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
of the painted boundary. Behind the Anne Whitney my house, and I ended up going 8 miles
runner, and bearing no relationship in and Kim Weissenborn. past my turn-off. I had no concept of
scale either to the figure or to each other, where I was, or what I was doing.
a disembodied goat’s head, a watermel- PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
on wedge, and a recumbent dog float in “That was pretty close to the time that
a pale miasma. Various drips, scribbles I found out I had the tumor,” she adds.
and bursts of pink and yellow pigment
add a juddering energy to the mix. Gooch saw several physicians over
the years hoping to find the cause of her
At 48 inches high and 60 inches wide, symptoms, but she did not receive a di-
the lone nonrepresentational picture on agnosis until late March of this year. The
display is also the show’s largest. In it, discovery of a brain tumor was ancillary
a freely drawn composition of colorless to her treatment for another illness.
circles and squares dance and duke it
out with a host of brushy squiggles atop “Luckily, I got pneumonia,” she says.
shifting fields of blue and yellow-gold. “My husband Jim took me to a hospital
where I got the right kind of attention.”
Shapiro’s favorite in the bunch is
Gooch’s 42-inch square canvas #5. Gooch’s surgery in Miami lasted
11 hours. When she awoke, her first
The trapezoidal shape that dominates thought was whether she would paint
the composition can be read as the again. The answer was a resounding
tipped-up plane of a floor or table- yes. In addition, Gooch was thrilled to
top. It is weighted with colorful brush find that her studio, where she regu-
marks, smaller trapezoids, and circles larly provides critique to a following of
that sometimes turn into fruits: spe- advanced painters, was still humming.
cifically, a half cantaloupe, a peach,
and a green apple. “All the people who had been coming
here kept coming here,” says Gooch.
Shapiro, sipping a latte at a table be-
neath that painting, talks about Gooch’s Tim Sanchez, a prominent abstract
health ordeal, something many in Vero’s painter in Vero and a close friend of
intimate art community already know. Gooch, made sure that her classes con-
tinued without break during her two-
“I was very excited to have Deb agree month absence.
to have the first show here, because I
didn’t know if she would have the en- “Tim wouldn’t let me pay him, and he
ergy for it,” he says. was in here every day,” Gooch marvels.
Two miles away, at work in her stu- The first painting Gooch did after her
dio, Deb Gooch laughs on hearing Sha- return is a 24–inch square canvas whose
piro’s concern. bold, black passages are counterbal-
anced by areas of cold, bright pink. A
“I think that Barry was just hoping I’d small pear penciled near the composi-
be alive long enough to get it done. Ev- tion’s center affirms Gooch’s continuing
erybody wonders what’s going on with interest in the fruit- and flower-infused
me,” she says. abstract series she was working on in
the months before her surgery.
The first symptom Gooch noticed
was double vision four years ago. Gooch noticed that as her illness pro-
gressed, her paintings became “more
“My eyesight is compromised. My delicate,” while in the first painting
depth perception is compromised, and post-surgery “uses a lot of black – which
my peripheral vision isn’t what it was,” is something I did when I was a young
she says. “And I lost a lot of my hearing college student.”
over that four years.”
“I have always used art to work my
Perhaps the scariest part of her ill- way through life,” she reflects. “When I
ness was the memory gaps. look at my paintings from any period, I
can tell you what was going on.”
“I didn’t even know when I’d had one,”
she says. “One day I was driving west Freres Patisserie is at the corner of Old
from the grocery store on 12th Street to Dixie and 9th Street in downtown Vero
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 23
Coming Up: Sunset Saturday Night means oceanside fun
BY SAMANTHA BAITA Well-known on the stand-up circuit, for a while as well, and that unusual ful Roots Reggae mixed with rock and
Staff Writer Chicago native Reeb has had a good combination of experiences left him blues) 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday you’ll
bit of TV experience, primarily with with an interesting perspective on life, hear Front Porch Blues (acoustic blues),
1 An evening by the ocean with fellow comic Rodney Dangerfield. His and a great source of fodder for his 1 pm. to 5 p.m., then Big Bad Murphy
friends, food, libation and live alter ego, Uncle Lar, is that sarcastic, routines. Show times are 7:30 p.m. and (rock ’n’ roll and blues) from 7 p.m. to
often raunchy uncle (every family has 9:30 p.m. And, P.S.: If you didn’t have 11 p.m.; Sunday afternoon, grab a brew
music is always an appealing option, one) who is compelled to interject his time to grab a bite before, you can get and enjoy Dave Goodman (acoustic
observations into everybody’s con- food and drinks at Riverside. guitarist and vocalist) from 2 p.m. to 6
and that’s just what’s on tap (no pun versations. Lauver grew up in rural p.m. If you haven’t been, the Tiki Bar
central Pennsylvania, then joined the and Grille is one of those laid back, toes-
intended) this very weekend: It’s Sunset Navy and saw (a good bit of ) the world. in-the-sand, locals-and-visitors hang-
He was a “gentlemen’s club” manager outs along the Indian River.
Saturday Night, the free monthly con-
cert hosted by the Oceanside Business 4 Here’s what cooking, musically, at
the Tiki Bar and Grille in Sebas-
Association and featuring, this month,
Jessica Spears and Plan B. This Florida tian: Friday it’ll be Minus Turmoil (soul-
gal can kick up some dust, pickin’ and
singin’ with a classic country style.
You’ll be tapping to the beat before
the night’s over, for sure. Sunset Satur-
day Nights are family-friendly events,
which feature a different music genre
each month, south on Ocean at Hum-
iston Park, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Post-
concert, you can linger and enjoy a late
supper at one of the great restaurants,
hotels or bars nearby.
2 For over a century (the last one),
Ann Landers dispensed advice to
millions of us, who turned to her news-
paper column first thing in the morn-
ing for our daily dose of insight, humor
and common-sense advice. Landers,
aka Eppie Lederer, she of the big hair
and bigger style, is remembered in
“The Lady With All the Answers,” a solo
play by David Rambo, opening at the
Vero Beach Theatre Guild this coming
Thursday. The show is a chatty tour de
force starring Guild favorite and multi
Genie Award-winning actress Eleanor
Dixon. It takes place in Landers’ Chi-
cago apartment on a night in 1995, as
the straight-talking advice columnist
faces a column she doesn’t know how
to write. Although she had fearlessly
and confidently written about every-
thing from nude housekeeping to sib-
ling rivalry to heartbreak, she was going
to write about a heartbreak of her own.
Unable to face the typewriter, she chats
with us as she rummages through col-
umns, reading from some, and sharing
her life story. “The Lady with All the
Answers” opened at New York City’s
Cherry Lane Theatre in 2009. Director
for the Guild production is Art Pingree,
and long-time local director Jon Putzke
is producer and set designer. The 10-
show run is Sept. 14-24.
3 If you’re in the mood for some
stand-up, grown-up comedy
(and can’t we all use a few laughs these
days?), head for Riverside Theatre this
Friday or Saturday because it’s Com-
edy Zone time again. You always get a
two-fer at Riverside’s “hilarious, wild,
untamed” Comedy Zone: this week-
end it’ll be Larry Reeb and Bob Lauver.
24 Vero Beach 32963 /September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz meets jumpin’ Jennifer, a water-lovin’ Lab
That’s kinda your Jennifer Groepler, a Chocolate Lab. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD through a lotta frisbees. I
Hi Dog Buddies! thing,” I blurted. save ’em, like trophies.” She
“Yeah, I’d heard pointed a paw toward the
This week I interviewed Jennifer Gro- side of the house where
epler, a chocolate Lab who loves water that rumor, but I
about as much as any pooch I’ve ever
met. She was super waggy when her hadn’t had so much 10 or 12 deceased frisbees
Mom answered the door.
as a toenail in water hung onna string, like a
“You must be Miss Jennifer,” I said.
“It’s a pleasure.” my whole life, ’cept my buncha of fish.
“I’m happy to meet you, Mr. Bonzo. water bowl. And the oc- “Do you like the ocean?”
An you can call me Jenny. This is my
Mom, Mickey. Come’on back and I’ll in- casional bath. The first I inquired.
nerduce you to my brother, Mark. He’s
my Best Friend In The World. My dad day in my new home, “Totally! I LOVE run-
Bill’s restin’ on the porch.”
Mark introduced me nin’ on our Secret Beach.
When we were all sittin’, I asked Jenny
how she found her Forever Family. to the pool. I was Very I race out and leap over
“Well, my Mom an Dad an Mark were Nervous. I didn’t get too that white foamy water,
dog shopping. They’d had a buncha
Labs before me cuz they say Labs have close in case it wanted to and SPLASH!, right into
the Best Dispositions. It’s TRUE, I’m
sure you’ve noticed.” grab me. Mark jumped in the waves! One time
I nodded. All the Labs I’ve met so far and said, ‘Come on, come when me an Mark were
are frenly an happy, with lots of energy.
on, come on, Jenny.’ But I playin’ frisbee, I no-
“Plus,” Jenny continued, “they’d had
all the other color Labs ’cept chocolate. didn’t wanna. s h e ’d ticed this liddle girl,
I was about a year an a half old, residing “Next day he tried again. paddle to the stairs, looked like 2 or 3 in People Years. Her
at that pawsome shelter in Sebastian, slosh over to Mark, drop the frisbee, and family was there, playin’ around, an
when they stopped in. I’ve never been But I still didn’t wanna. take her position by the pool again. she was just standin’ an lookin’ at the
too interested in other pooches (no of- So he picked me up (carefully) and just “How do ya know when he’s gonna water. So I trotted over politely, with
fense) but I’m a fan of humans. We all hit plopped me into the pool. WELL, for a throw it?” I asked. “Do you know how to my frisbee, an plopped it down right
it off right away, so we adopted each oth- second, I was all ‘Aagghhhhhhhhhhh!’ count?” in front of her to see if she wanted to
er. My shelter name was Maya, but Mom But then I ree-lized my legs were kickin’ Jenny laughed. “Everybody thinks I play catch. She DID! She’d throw it,
an Dad an Mark changed it to Jennifer like mad, my tail was swishin,’ my nose can. But,” she whispered, “it’s really a si- not real far, an I’d bring it back. Then
cuz that was the name of their FAV-rit was out of the water, an I was MOOVIN! lent mouth signal. We can do it without she gave me a big hug! We found out
other Lab, which was fine with me. Then I REE-lized … I can SWIM! An that sayin’ ANYthing. Watch!” later she was deaf.”
was it! Now I love it better than anything, She stood by the pool like a statue,
“Anyway, Mark’s a surfer: If he was ’cept maybe a nice bone. I’m in the pool nothing movin’ but her tail, real slow, “Awww, that’s so sweet! So, when do
a pooch, I’m pretty sure he’d be a Lab. every day! Mark says I’m half otter. I can staring at Mark. Then, her tail stopped, you just chill-lax?”
So he’s all excited to have a pal to play do a lotta cool stuff, too! Wanna see?” an Boom! The Frisbee an Jenny were in
with in the pool. But I had this one the air. Pow! She nailed it. “I have my own chaise in front of the
teeny little secret. I’d never been in ”I’d love to!” Then, with Jenny in the pool, Mark TV. We all watch together every eve-
the water. Ever. And I wasn’t interest- We went out to the pool an sat under stood at the edge with a big piece of rope. ning. I’m a lucky girl.”
ed in starting, either.” one of those big umbrellas. Mark got a She grabbed it an hung in while he did
cool lookin’ frisbee that wasn’t made a buncha Pooch-Ups. Next, he jumped Heading home, I was thinking about
“But you’re a LABrador ReTREEVer. outta plastic. It was cloth. in an said, ‘Bunny Rabbit.’ Jenny stood Jenny flyin’ through the air with her
“Watch THIS!” Jenny said. She stood up on her back legs, put her front paws frisbee. And thinking maybe I’d take a
right at the edge of the pool, didn’t move up by her chin, lifted her head way out little dip in the pool myself.
a muscle, just watched Mark real close. of the water, and hopped like a bunny. It
He counted, one, two, three, four, FIVE! was hiLARious! Then she got out of the The Bonz
and threw the frisbee. Soon as FIVE! was pool and did The Big Shake. Me an my
outta his mouth, before he even threw, assistant enjoyed a refreshing shower. Don’t Be Shy
Jenny was in the air, and grabbed that “Cool Kibbles, right? Mark says I have
frisbee before she or it hit the water! a very strong Muppy.” We are always looking for pets
“Woof!” I exclaimed. “That was PAW- “Er, Muppy?” with interesting stories.
some!” She did it a couple more times. “That’s our word for ‘mouth.’ We go
Mark counted to different numbers and To set up an interview, email
Jenny always knew when to jump. Then, [email protected].
26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sebastian River proud of ER team’s ‘door-to-doc’ time
BY TOM LLOYD that, which can be summed up with Dr. John Fernandez.
Staff Writer the common phrase: If it ain’t broke,
One thing that’s not likely to change
in the immediate aftermath of Stew- The hospital’s emergency medical
ard Health’s takeover of the Sebastian director, Dr. John Fernandez, can’t
River Medical Center is the day-to-day help but smile when he points out,
operations of the hospital’s emergen- “We have a door-to-doc time which is
cy department. the lowest in the state. It’s somewhere
between 10 and 15 minutes. On a bad
There’s to be a simple reason for day, maybe 20 minutes.”
Emergency Services
Director Jason Redding.
Very few – if any – other area hospi- very effective leader and we’re lucky
tals can come close to that. to have him. He transferred up here
from Mercy Hospital in Miami and
“We have front-end optimization has been a boon to our organization
mechanisms to get patients through since his tenure began.
triage,” the genial Fernandez explains.
Then he points out, “In fact, triage “[It seems] he gets promoted every
is something of a misnomer now be- month, so each time I see him, I’m not
cause we ‘direct-bed’ everybody. Re- sure what to call him. But that’s a good
gardless of their level of severity. We problem,” Fernandez adds with a grin.
try to find them a place immediately
where a physician or a mid-level pro- Knowing exactly what to call Red-
vider can get to them.” ding might be tricky even without all
those promotions.
The ER’s success, Fernandez claims,
is a result of a total team effort; he cites In his own words Redding says, “I
Jason Redding, the center’s youthful- originally started off as a firefighter
looking director of emergency ser- paramedic, became a police officer
vices and nursing administration, as a and worked for quite some time as a
prime example. full-time police officer. I then became
an ER nurse and traveled around the
Redding, says Fernandez, “is a country working in ERs, and then
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 27
moved into management, working Considering that the Centers for
for [healthcare conglomerate] HCA. I Disease Control and Prevention
worked for HCA in Panama City and reports that just over 135 million
Miami and then came here.” Americans – or roughly 44 percent
of the country’s total population –
While no ER anywhere can claim a will go to a hospital ER this year,
100 percent success rate, Fernandez is SRMC’s consistently low wait times
noticeably proud to say his Sebastian seem all the more remarkable.
team members “are leaders in sepsis
and stroke management as well as
heart attacks [and] time-to-cath-lab.
We lead the pack.”
About a year ago, SRMC launched
an innovative “call ahead” program
for its ER that Fernandez says “allows
people to set a time when they are ex-
pected to show up so that reduces the
queue. It reduces any kind of wait-
ing that they may have to go through,
gets us their registration info ahead of
time and problem-orients us to what
we should be looking for to try to help
At least for now that, too, will con-
Considering that the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention re-
ports that just over 135 million Ameri-
cans – or roughly 44 percent of the
country’s total population – will go to
a hospital ER this year, SRMC’s con-
sistently low wait times seem all the
more remarkable.
Will changes eventually come to
this particular ER?
Of course they will.
Still, Fernandez is clearly happy
with the Steward model. “Steward,”
he states, “is an ACO, which is an ‘ac-
countable care organization,’ but it’s a
modernized version where healthcare
quality, maintenance and utilization
reviews are all at the front of their
business model.”
“So,” he continues, “what you can
expect from a Steward Family Hospi-
tal is higher efficiency, reduced hos-
pital admissions and [vastly] reduced
When asked if there is a way to pre-
vent ER cases altogether, Fernandez’s
smile grows even wider.
“That’s a great question,” the medi-
cal director says. “I think the emer-
gency department is the final com-
mon pathway that, sooner or later,
everyone will find their way through
[thanks to] some mishap, accident or
illness no matter how well they try to
prevent it. Emergency physicians and
nurses are still vital to our communi-
ty. You can’t live without them. If you
were on a desert island, the doc you’d
want to be with is an emergency phy-
Compacting that into an even sim-
pler message, Fernandez says, “We’re
the MacGyvers of medicine. We’ll fig-
ure out anything. No matter what it is.”
The Sebastian River Medical Center is
at 13695 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone
is 772-589-3186. In case of emergency,
dial 911.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Certain diabetes medications
can help with osteoporosis
Many people – women especially – “has a level of trust in its conclusions.”
have both Type 2 diabetes and osteopo- Taking a diabetes medicine that
rosis. This isn’t surprising, as the risk of
both conditions increases with age, and helps bone health is also an important
Type 2 diabetes directly affects bone consideration for people who don’t have
strength. But, until recently, research osteoporosis, as studies show the risk
studies largely ignored this link. of fracture is increased in people with
Type 2 diabetes, especially if they have
A comprehensive review recently had the condition for a long time, if it
published in the Endocrine Society’s is poorly controlled, or if it has caused
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Me- other health complications.
tabolism changes that. The researchers,
from the National and Kapodistrian Dr. Coren has guidance for those in
University of Athens, Greece, system- the community who are over age 50:
atically reviewed the effects of medi-
cations on both Type 2 diabetes and • Include at least 1,200 (but not more
osteoporosis and determined that cer- than 1,600) milligrams of calcium in
tain diabetes medications affect bone your daily diet. Calcium supplements
metabolism. are readily available, and good food
sources include yogurt, cheese, sar-
Seth Coren, M.D., a Vero Beach or- dines, kale, broccoli and almonds.
thopedist with a sub-specialty in osteo-
porosis, says osteoporosis – commonly • Get your vitamin D levels checked.
defined simply as a condition in which We need vitamin D to absorb calcium
bones become weak and brittle – is ac- as part of the bone-building process,
tually very complex. and we don’t know if we need a supple-
ment unless we are tested.
“Osteoporosis is not just one thing,”
he says. “It is a multifactorial disease, • Engage in “resistance” exercise.
with many interrelated causes.” In ad- This is a type of exercise that causes
dition to gender and age, those causes the muscles to contract against what is
include genetic factors, inadequate con- called an “external resistance,” which
sumption of calcium, inadequate con- can be dumbbells, rubber exercise tub-
sumption of vitamin D, smoking, lack ing, bottles of water, or your own body
of exercise, and excessive consumption weight. The goal of resistance exercise
of alcohol and caffeine. is to increase strength, tone and muscle
mass and to slow down sarcopenia (the
The study concluded that there are loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of
Type 2 diabetes medications that help the aging process).
protect bone health, and are therefore
preferred for people who also have os- • Undergo a bone density evaluation.
teoporosis. Here are those medications, Women over age 50 and men over age
with their common (and tongue-twist- 70 should get a baseline evaluation, as
ing) brand names in parentheses: should people who have experienced a
“fragility” fracture, a fracture resulting
• Metformin (Glumetza, Glucophage, from a fall from a standing height or
Fortamet) lower.
• Sulfonylureas (Glibenclamide, Dr. Coren’s practice is part of Vero Or-
Glimepiride, Glipizide) thopaedics and Neurology, located at
1155 35th Lane, Suite 100 in Vero Beach
• DPP-4 inhibitors (Sitagliptin, Lina- and 801 Wellness Way, Suite 100 in Se-
gliptin) bastian. The phone number for both lo-
cations is 772-569-2330.
• GLP1 receptor agonists (Liraglutide,
The researchers also concluded that
certain Type 2 diabetes medications are
to be avoided, such as TZDs and cana-
gliflozin, because of their negative ef-
fect on bone metabolism. Insulin, the
researchers say, should be used with
caution because it can cause low blood
sugar and dizziness, which increases
the risk of falls and fractures.
Dr. Coren is familiar with the pub-
lished review. He says lead author Dr.
Stavroula A. Paschou has conducted
much research on osteoporosis and he
In just two weeks, NASA’s Cassini Right now, Cassini is 20 loops proach again from the same angle. The dives, 22 in all, offer not just
spacecraft, having used up almost into its closest ever tango with Sat- Each orbit takes less than a week a new perspective on the rings, but
all of its fuel by circling Saturn for urn, during which it slips through in Earth time, and its last skim be- also the chance to learn how they
13 years, will wave goodbye to Earth the gap between the planet and neath the rings is scheduled for were formed.
and plunge into its old companion, its rings, then dances away to ap- September 9.
melting within minutes. The key piece of information
scientists are missing here is how
This will be a particularly poignant much material is actually in the
moment for space enthusiasts like rings. If they’re larger, that means
32963 publisher Milton R. Benjamin, they’re older – possibly just as old
who 15 years ago was part of the me- as Jupiter itself. If they’re smaller,
dia at Cape Canaveral for the spec- which is currently looking more
tacular nighttime launch of the Cas- likely, it means they’re younger,
sini-Huygens spacecraft – one of the and possibly created by a comet or
largest, heaviest and most complex a moon creeping too close to Sat-
interplanetary spacecraft ever built. urn and being shredded by its mas-
sive gravity.
The huge Titan IVB/Centaur rocket
that carried the Cassini spacecraft Cassini’s last dives also are also
turned night into day as it thundered giving scientists front-row seats to
aloft from the Cape. In the decade chemical interactions happening be-
and a half that followed, Cassini be- tween the rings and the outermost
came not just the first mission to orbit layer of the planet’s atmosphere,
Saturn but one of history’s most suc- which have turned out to be much
cessful interplanetary expeditions. more complex than scientists had
expected. And the spacecraft has
The scientists who have led the already dipped cautiously into the
mission are sad to see it go, but they heavy atmosphere to gather data
always knew this was coming. “We about what it’s made of.
planned this end,” said Linda Spilk-
er, a project scientist, during a press “All of this is actually good news,”
call held by NASA last week. says Spilker. “Scientists love mys-
teries, and the grand finale is pro-
“We had the fuel last exactly the viding mysteries for everyone.” She
amount of time we needed to get to added that although the dramatic
Saturn’s summer solstice, so it’s time.” circumstances and exotic location
Even better, the bitter end will make are new, the team’s day-to-day pro-
sure that nothing contaminated by cess – gather as much data as pos-
Earth’s microbes can reach potential- sible – is basically the same as it's
ly habitable moons like Enceladus. always been.
But before Cassini meets its fate, And, of course, photographs are
it has a whole lot of science to get a huge priority for these last dives.
done. And because NASA didn’t want The team has been particularly in-
to risk the spacecraft earlier in its trigued by the increasingly close
mission, what’s left are some of the views of the rings, which are show-
coolest and most dangerous maneu- ing patches of clumpiness and
vers. Now, even if everything goes streakiness that scientists can’t yet
wrong, NASA doesn’t have much to explain.
lose, Cassini project manager Earl
Maize said, since “the spacecraft has As Cassini leaves the rings for the
been used to its fullest.”
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772.231.0900 :
luxury estates : condominiums : homesites : townhouses : cottages
It’s your lifetime. Spend it wisely.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 What Cassini’s last moments might
look like. The planned end of Cassini
will occur on September 15th.
Below: Targets of Cassini’s final images,
including (clockwise from top left) Titan,
the moon Enceladus, and Saturn’s north
pole and ring anomalies.
October 1997 - Nighttime launch of
rocket with Cassini orbiter aboard seen
from water with ship in foreground.
final time, it will swing back out into This graphic shows Cassini’s path since
space, sliding near Titan, Saturn’s April, showing its 22 ring dives in blue and
largest moon, in what project man-
ager Maize calls the “final kiss.” its final half orbit in orange.
The pull of Titan’s gravity, even from a checkup on Saturn’s tiny, wanna-be With all its knowledge safely sub- Then, with eight of its instruments
more than 74,000 miles away, will moon, nicknamed Peggy, which may mitted, the spacecraft will transform turned on, Cassini will plummet into
steal a bit of the spacecraft’s momen- be breaking free of the planet’s rings. itself from an orbiter into an atmo- Saturn’s thick atmosphere. “There is
tum – and that will mean the next time spheric probe. Late in the night, it will absolutely no coming out of it on this
it flies by Saturn, it won’t be able to es- At about 4:22 p.m. Eastern time on stop storing data, setting up a stream one,” Maize said. “We are going so
cape. September 14, the spacecraft will turn straight to Earth, with only seconds of deep into the atmosphere, the space-
toward Earth one last time, sending delay to suck as much science as pos- craft doesn’t have a chance.”
On that last ride in toward the mas- home all the images and data col- sible out of its last dozen hours.
sive planet, Cassini will snap one lected so far. As it goes, it will gather data for as
final burst of photographs on Sep-
tember 13 and 14. These last post-
cards home will include a last view
of Titan’s weather, a glimpse of the
moon Enceladus setting behind Sat-
urn, a color montage of the aurora
that circles Saturn’s north pole, and
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 35
long as it can – the sort of measure- who oversees the spacecraft’s health. Next, the small plutonium heart that Then it, too, will melt away, dissipat-
ments scientists can’t take from Earth. “We’ll melt long before we hit any sur- has helped power the spacecraft will ing into the vastness of Saturn, leaving
face of Saturn.” melt, safe inside the box designed to the questions and answers of scientists
In its last moments just before 8 isolate it in case anything went wrong here on Earth as Cassini’s only legacy.
a.m. Eastern time on September 15, The first to go will be the thin, gold- during the spacecraft’s launch 20 years
Cassini will be traveling at 76,000 miles colored thermal blankets that have ago. That box, made of sturdy iridium, This story was written by Meghan
per hour into the gas giant. “We’ll basi- kept Cassini warm on its journey, then will be the very last piece of Cassini. Bartels of the Washington Post Writer’s
cally disintegrate,” said Julie Webster, the aluminum that shields its recorders. Group.
36 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Anti-sale forces dredge up wild ideas to stop electric deal
NEWS ANALYSIS absurd.The only qualified buyer is the one that’s brought BY LISA ZAHNER / STAFF WRITER
an offer to us and it’s an incredible offer,” Sykes said.
With Vero Beach near a critical juncture where the Orlando Utilities Commission and the Florida Mu-
it must convince 19 of its fellow Florida power co- He reminded the commissions that the state, via the nicipal Power Agency to iron out the remaining wrin-
op cities to free its 34,000 electric customers from Florida Public Service Commission, also has to sign off kles in the deal and bring back a formal sale contract
the Florida Municipal Power Agency, a meeting of on the sale, insuring that the terms are fair to all parties. for the Vero City Council’s consideration next month.
the city’s two key advisory commissions last week
showed that forces dead-set opposed to Vero’s exiting Former Councilman Brian Heady alleged that the The FMPA cities will then need to unanimously ap-
the electric business are not ready to concede that deal currently on the table is “a criminal conspiracy,” prove a plan for Vero to exit the co-op, in exchange
the long struggle is over. and argued that the $185 million FPL has agreed to for roughly $108 million compensation to the other
pay is way below fair market value, leaving the city cities for assuming Vero’s part of the ownership and
Councilman Lange Sykes attempted to get the taxpayers with nothing. He contended that the city the risk of owning a portion of coal, gas and nuclear
meeting started on a positive, determined note, “I should play hardball with FPL and go for tens of mil- power generation facilities.
think for far too long there have been, unfortunately, lions more. “This is not a generous offer. This is a very
a lot of roadblocks and it’s time we get this done,” good deal for FPL,” Heady said. Utilities Commission Chairman Bob Auwaerter
Sykes said. “I can’t say enough about this offer.” did his best to respect everyone’s right to speak while
In fact, the $185 million from FPL would pay off the trying to keep the meeting from getting completely
Instead of continuing down that high road, the electric utility’s debt and pension liabilities for utility out of hand. He tried to drive home the balance of
nearly three-hour meeting descended down every employees, plus provide qualified Vero electric per- risk and reward – the reward Vero gets for selling plus
rabbit hole the vocal group of naysayers could dredge sonnel an opportunity for jobs with FPL. The offer the risk the city avoids by selling to FPL.
up – including reviving discussion of an unofficial “of- would also leave Vero with $30 million in cash, plus a
fer” by a Canadian utility company called Algonquin new state-of-the-art substation off the riverfront. “The electric utility industry is in a complete state
in 2011 to purchase Vero electric for $125 million. of flux,” Auwaerter said. He pointed out that con-
At moments, it seemed like it was 2010 all over again sumption is down due to conservation and more ef-
Though it was deemed ridiculous at the time to at- as speakers both on the dais and from the public podi- ficient appliances. The market is flooded with excess
tach credibility to an offer from a utility with no as- um rehashed the entire rationale for selling the utility, capacity and the regulatory climate is always volatile.
sets, no customers and no personnel in Florida, there something that’s been settled by two referenda over-
are those who still believe that if the city had not been whelmingly approved by Vero Beach voters. He said this is happening not just in Florida, but all
under a multi-year exclusivity agreement with Florida over the United States and throughout the developed
Power and Light, Vero could have brokered a far better So this, sadly, is what Vero’s sister cities in the FMPA world. All of that adds up to immense risk – risk that
deal with Algonquin. and their respective city councils who need to direct the taxpayers and ratepayers of Vero Beach need to
the FMPA to let Vero out of the co-op saw or will see on be free of once and for all.
Finance Commission member Peter Gorry said he video. Doubt. Bickering. Wild speculation. Rambling,
was approached by the Canadian company when he nonsensical theories. A city fearful of losing monies “We’re a small electric utility. We don’t have the size
served as chairman of the Commission six years ago. now siphoned off the utility into the general fund. and scale that Florida Power and Light does and that’s
“At the time, because of the aforementioned prohibi- what I worry about,” Auwaerter said, adding that he
tion, they wanted to make an offer and they wanted They won’t see a city united and eager to get out of thinks these major risks tend to get lost in the discussion
to inquire about data,” Gorry said. “I just want to the electric business. about rates and the specific terms of the proposed sale.
make that one point of clarification because there
was another inquiry.” This is exactly why Moss begged the advisory com- “There are some people who raise concerns about
missions to hold off on a wholesale unpacking of the the sale, and I respect their opinions, but they’re
Sykes then approached the podium a second time offer during sensitive negotiations with the Orlando looking at our business on a static basis, not at what
to try to beat down the idea that there could have Utilities Commission over a $30 million dispute over it might be at 10 or 15 years down” Auwaerter said.
been other, better offers. contract exit penalties.
After Auwaerter’s presentation, the meeting
“Year after year we continue to hear the same red Over and over again, the City of Vero Beach govern- dragged on nearly another two hours. In the end, the
herring arguments about the sale of this utility,” he mental process comes off as a circus. commission members saw the validity of his reason-
said. “And frankly I’m thankful and surprised at the ing and coalesced in support of FPL’s $185 million of-
resilience of Florida Power and Light to stick with us. City Manager Jim O’Connor told the commissions fer. Both commissions voted to recommend the Vero
that he and the city’s attorneys are in nearly constant, City Council convert the terms of the letter of intent
There are no other qualified buyers, that’s absolutely sensitive negotiations with Florida Power and Light, into a contract to sell Vero electric to FPL.
HEPATITIS, PART V Hepatitis C Are infected with HIV © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Have had more than one sex partner in the last six months
Beware, baby boomers! or have a history of sexually transmitted disease
Are a man who has or has had sex with men
If you were born between 1945 and 1965, talk to your doctor
about getting a screening blood test for hepatitis C. About 75 DIAGNOSING HEPATITIS C
percent of U.S. adults who have hepatitis C are baby boomers.
It’s believed most became infected during the 1960s, 1970s and Your doctor may order a blood test that will show whether you
1980s when transmission of the hepatitis C virus was highest. have developed antibodies to the hepatitis C virus. If your anti-
body test is positive, he or she will use a hepatitis C RNA test to
Hepatitis C is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation and detect RNA – a type of genetic material – from the hepatitis C vi-
damage. The virus can be spread person-to-person or through rus. It will show whether you still have the hepatitis C virus and
contact with an infected person’s blood. how much virus is in your blood. Your doctor can also use this
test while you are under treatment to determine if the amount
Chronic hepatitis C can result in long-term health problems, in- of virus in your blood is changing in response to treatment. An-
cluding liver failure, liver cancer, or even death. It is the leading other test, the genotype test, will tell your doctor the strain of
cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer and the most common reason hepatitis C you have.
for liver transplantation. According to the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC), an estimated 2.7 to 3.9 million people in the U.S. HEPATITIS C IS CURABLE
have chronic hepatitis C, and many don’t know it.
While we still wait for a hepatitis C vaccine to be developed, as
RISK FACTORS FOR HEPATITIS C of 2013 a new type of medication, called direct-acting antiviral
medicine, can now cure most cases of acute – and chronic –
In the U.S., injecting drugs is the most common way people get hepatitis C.
hepatitis C. You also are more likely to get hepatitis C if you:
Have hemophilia and received clotting factor before 1987 Since 2006, the number of new cases of hepatitis C infections
Had a blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992 has been rising, especially among people younger than age
Have been on kidney dialysis 30 who inject heroin or misuse prescription opioids and inject
Have been in contact with blood or infected needles at work them. But with more screening and treatment, researchers es-
Have had tattoos or body piercings timate that hepatitis C could become a rare disease in the U.S.
Have worked or lived in a prison by 2036.
Were born to a mother with hepatitis C
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
38 Vero Beach 32963 /September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In August of 1961, a 30-year-old would become the pre- the greed of their offspring. “The tortured are a class apart. You
British intelligence agent named Da- eminent spy novelist of Because George Smiley can’t be can imagine – just – where they’ve
vid Cornwell looked on with “disgust his time. been, but never what they’ve brought
and terror” as the Berlin Wall went found, one of the survivors is suing back.”
up. Cornwell, who had published Le Carré is 85 now Guillam, although he was far from
two previous, little-noticed novels, and has a new book, being the architect of Leamas’ failed The elusive Smiley, found and
felt such rage at that moment in Ber- “A Legacy of Spies,” his operation. As Guillam searches his asked what book he’s reading: “Oh
lin that he spent the next five weeks 24th novel. If “Legacy” memory, pores over old intelligence my dear boy, don’t even ask. An old
writing a novel that began and ended isn’t among Le Carré’s reports and answers the questions of spy in dotage seeks the truth of ages.”
with good people being shot dead very best, it’s entirely government lawyers, we learn much
at the infamous concrete barrier. readable and often in- more about the deceptions at the Few writers publish first-rate nov-
The book was written, as required genious, in part because heart of the 1963 novel. els for 50 years or more. Death claims
by his agency’s policy, under a pen it amounts to a sequel, some while others see their skills or
name, John le Carré. Published in more than 50 years later, “A Legacy of Spies” thus oper- their energy fade with the decades.
1963, “The Spy Who Came in from to “The Spy Who Came ates on two levels. It reconstructs In this country, Philip Roth, a con-
the Cold” became an international in from the Cold.” Leamas’ doomed operation even as temporary and admirer of le Carré,
bestseller and, as le Carré, Cornwell it shows Guillam 50 years later try- is another member of that elite. The
The earlier book fo- ing to escape punishment for actions two men’s subject matter could hard-
cused on an English hailed as heroic at the time. The ly be more different but since the
operative named Alec novel can be challenging as it often 1960s both have combined literary
Leamas who infiltrates leaps between past and present, but excellence with tireless productivity.
the East German spy le Carré’s books usually repay our Roth recently retired from writing
agency – he is accepted patience. This one does, as Guillam’s novels, and if le Carré should make
as a defector although troubles extend beyond the lawsuit “A Legacy of Spies” his last, it would
in truth he’s a double to the murder of his friends, an at- be an honorable exit.
agent – but whose de- tempt on his own life, corruption in
ception is finally found high places, a search for Smiley and A LEGACY OF SPIES
out. Several of Leamas’ an unexpected life as a fugitive. By John le Carré
colleagues, minor fig-
ures in the first book, “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” (1974), Penguin Random House. 264 pp. $28
became major figures often called le Carré’s finest work, Review by Patrick Anderson
in later ones, nota- can at times be baffling but we push The Washington Post
bly spymaster George Smiley and a on to its brilliant ending – when Smi-
young agent named Peter Guillam. ley unmasks a traitor near the top
In “A Legacy of Spies” Guillam is of British intelligence – because we
retired and living in France where he know le Carré is taking us as deep
owns a farm and has taken his young inside the murky world of espionage
housekeeper as his lover. Then he’s as we’re ever likely to venture. It’s a
abruptly summoned back to London, world where no one can be trusted,
where trouble waits. Three people little is what it seems to be and the
who died during the operation de- good often suffer while the guilty
tailed in “The Spy Who Came in from thrive. Le Carré knows the spy game
the Cold” each left a surviving child; too well to glorify it.
amazingly enough, all three, now
well into middle age, are suing Brit- Le Carré’s work is often praised for
ish intelligence, seeking damages for its authenticity but perhaps not often
their parents’ deaths. Le Carré clear- enough for his lovely writing. Here
ly views with scorn the contrast be- are samples from the new novel:
tween the courage of the parents and
“The voice is knife-thin like the
man – nasal, monotonous, and irri-
table as a spoilt child’s.”
A 1. Y Is for Yesterday 1. Make Your Bed 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
V 2. Creepy Pair of Underwear
T 2. A Gentleman in 2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE
H Moscow BY AMOR TOWLES 3. Walking to Listen 3. What Am I? Florida
BY RUTH WARE 4. Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy 4. Descendants 2: Mal's Spell
Book 2: More Wicked Magic
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EAutograph line tickets with book purchases SULFER SPRINGS
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Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 7 pm ! Thursday, Sept. 28th at 4 pm 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /September 7, 2017 39
Oscar Wilde wrote, “I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is WEST 10 9 5 2 EAST
never of any use to oneself.” 9532 KJ A8
K AQ8 764
These days, every bridge player tries to find a reason, however thin, not to pass. 10 9 8 7 4 AQ63
Occasionally, though, a pass passes on valuable information — as in this deal. How 653 SOUTH 10 9 4 2
should South play in four hearts? West leads the diamond 10. East wins the first trick Q 10 6
with his queen, cashes the diamond ace, and shifts to the club two. (What was East’s AQJ83
stronger defense?) 52
In the auction, North’s two-no-trump response was the Jacoby Forcing Raise: four-plus
trumps, at least game-forcing values and, usually, no singleton or void. (Otherwise, he Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
would have made a splinter bid.) South, with a minimum and no shortage either, jumped
to four hearts. The Bidding:
South has to play the trump suit without loss. This would normally involve taking a SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
finesse. A priori, the chance that East has the king is 50 percent and West a singleton Pass
king only about 6.25 percent. But sometimes those numbers are worthless. 1 Hearts Pass 2 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass 10 Diamonds
South would like to know who holds the spade ace. He should lead a spade, taking a
slight risk that East will get a club ruff. Here, East produces the ace. Then South should
know that West must have the heart king. If East had that card — and a total of 13 high-
card points — he would have opened the bidding. Declarer should play a heart to his
East would have done better to shift to a trump at trick three, before South could find
out who had the spade ace. Then surely declarer would have gone with the odds and
taken the finesse.
40 Vero Beach 32963 /September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Consolation (6) 1 Educate (6)
4 Orient (4) 2 Boundary (5)
9 Border (3) 3 Companion (7)
10 Butter substitute (9) 5 Scare (5)
11 Externally facing (7) 6 Accolade (7)
12 Manhandles (5) 7 Self-esteem (5)
13 Iron alloy (5) 8 Feel (5)
15 Pains (5) 14 Roar (7)
20 Fit out (5) 16 Blood-red (7)
22 Gourmet (7) 17 Sordid (5)
24 Pharmaceuticals (9) 18 Mock attack (5)
25 Chop (3) 19 Expose (6)
26 Discourteous (4) 21 Walked (5)
27 Illusory (6) 23 Custom (5)
The Telegraph
Locally Owned And How to do Sudoku:
Operated For 38 Years
Fill in the grid so the
ARE YOU READY? numbers one through
nine appear just once
and three-by-three
BE PREPARED! The Telegraph
ServiceMaster by Glenn’s
Water • Fire • Mold
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /September 7, 2017 41
ACROSS 77 Invertible 7 Launder again 71 Collar-and-tailcoat The Washington Post
palindromic cry 8 “Love ___ two- college
1 Given to giving FILM CRITICISM MADE SIMPLE By Merl Reagle
orders 78 Bk. before Job way 72 Sotheby’s signals
81 “___ ... my street” 73 Sea salt?
6 War-loving 9 Simon follower 74 Manny of baseball
goddess sentiments 10 Seasickness, to 79 “Fancy ___!”
exactly” Cousteau 80 “Java” trumpeter
10 Poet at Bill’s 85 Drift, as of events 11 Starting bet 82 Asian desert
inauguration 87 Hillbilly 12 Basic monetary 83 Bakery topper
possessive unit of China 84 1963 book by Bob
14 Tear down (its 89 Tiebreaking 13 Fruit with a pit
homophone periods: abbr. 14 Went on a tear Hope, ___ Russia
means the 90 Garbage vessel 15 “Eri tu,” for one $1,200
opposite) 92 Supercollider tidbit 16 Penultimate 86 Photog’s soak
93 Mountain lake element 88 Nap takers
18 Truly ticked off 94 Co-founder of 17 Do a dele? 91 Name that’s
19 Tableland TriStar Pictures 20 Demi-diameters almost
20 Accumulated, as 95 Small working part 23 Kitchen device for a direction
98 Shearing subject a 93 Any and all
a bill 99 “___ ... but not gambler? responsibility
21 Extra dry this one” 29 Working on 94 Munich mister
22 “___ ... my least 104 Respond “like a 30 Russian space 95 The world of
rug” station metropolises
favorite movie” 105 Hockey legend 32 Mideast grp. 96 Eightsome
24 Where to vow to 106 Parent sub for a 33 “Watch yourself 97 Phone co.
night now” 100 Scram, on the
your partner 107 “___ ... on a scale 36 Small green thing range
25 Smaller size of in your soup 101 Scent of a Woman
26 Criticize 1-to-10” 37 Whence the Magi director Martin, or
113 It’s looking at you, came a French city
mercilessly kid 38 Sgt. Snorkel’s dog 102 Journalist Salinger
27 ___ huff 114 The goldfish in 39 One-third of a war 103 Waif
28 “___ ... thud!” Pinocchio movie 107 In the cellar
31 Directed skyward 118 Broadway 40 Test 108 Come again?
34 Baked good beginning 41 Poodle’s name 109 Stash
35 Org. for moles? 119 Parrying weapons 42 First game 110 Church section
36 “___ ... and with 120 “___ ... my 43 Torn from today’s 111 Illuminating
attention” headlines subject?
good reason” 123 “Get away!” 49 Agreeable, to 112 Mild exclamation
44 Take back (your 124 Of ___ teens 115 Escape from, as
(somewhat) 51 Frolicking fish- trackers
words) 125 Spanish artist lover 116 It vies with Vogue
45 Bauxite, e.g. Joan 52 Emperor’s dog, 117 Feats of Keats
46 Stark from Randy 126 Path to “I do” perh. 121 Trouble
127 Boys or Boom 53 Type of Bags or 122 Table wood
Andy’s past 128 Addition place rags
47 Big turnoff? 129 Pre-teeners’ sch. 56 Tom’s role on
48 Mighty 130 Strike-zone Roseanne’s show
50 On the subject of boundary 57 Fertile loam
52 According to 58 Bob Randall play,
53 Tennis star DOWN 6 Rms ___ Vu
54 Promotional 1 Son of Willy 59 Twin Peaks
product Loman 61 Dogie catcher
55 “___ ... that’s what 2 Like slander, as 62 It means “bone”
66 Metric weights
the studio should opposed to libel 68 Factory
order” 3 Miss Toga? 69 Gauguin’s
60 Minderbinder of 4 Delay bedtime getaway
Catch-22 5 Desire 70 Jinx
63 Revival prefix 6 Arise (from)
64 Carriage for Boris
65 Shaggy Tibetan
67 Too
69 “___ ...sure
seemed that way,
all right”
74 Some dwellers in
75 And the like: abbr.
76 More muumuulike
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 /September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A big display isn’t the only way to say ‘I love you’
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST notions. Sure, on some level, you’re going to want me you wouldn’t want him; you’d never be sure
what you want – someone who remembers your it wasn’t an act. Real people showing real love
Dear Carolyn: I am a die-hard birthday and listens to you and doesn’t say too in their own real ways can hurt you (never mali-
romantic. I tried to fight it and many obnoxious things – and you shouldn’t want ciously), frustrate you and spill wine on your fa-
say I wasn’t, but it’s true. My anything less. vorite shoes – and surprise the hell out of you ev-
ex-boyfriend told me that what ery single day with the number of ways they show
I wanted didn’t exist, but I still But no one wants to follow a script, yours or love. That is, if you get your head out of your rose
believe that out there somewhere anyone else’s, for what romance “should” be. And petals.
are people who love somebody so even if you found someone who did, please tell
much they show it in big or car- Dear Carolyn: I have been with my fiancee 4½
ing ways. Am I holding out for years. We met our freshman year in college and got
something that doesn’t exist? I engaged five months ago. My fiancee recently ex-
have never broken up with someone because the pressed feelings of doubt because she doesn’t know
romance wasn’t there, but I am afraid I can’t be “what else is out there.” I am crushed and don’t
happy without it. know what to do. I never thought she would be the
one to go through something like this.
– Romantic at Heart
– Hurting in Ga.
Romantic at Heart: So wait. If people don’t
show their love in big or caring ways, they don’t Hurting in Ga.: Rule No. 1: Never think some-
love you “so much”? thing can’t happen. Loss is always possible. The
strongest hearts are the flexible ones.
Grab the Harlequin off your nightstand and
slap yourself with it. Rule No. 2: Never take it personally when fi-
ancees you met in freshman year say they don’t
You’re being rigid, not romantic. There are as know what else is out there.
many ways to show profound love as there are
profound loves. Instead of seeing that as proof she isn’t in love,
and therefore proof you’re a bad person, see it as
You want someone who both loves you deeply proof her synapses work. She has experienced
and loves you flashy; that’s fine, but don’t make adulthood, all 20 minutes of it, only with you.
the mistake of assuming one means the other.
If the size of the display were a true measure of If you marry now, you, too, will never have lived
depth, then “If you really loved me, you’d put me a conscious day without a certainty in your future
on the side of a bus” would be a cliche. Which – first school, then fiancee. So grieve, of course,
would actually be an improvement. So never but also let your synapses take the hint: Go find
mind. out who you are without anything else to define
The bigger mistake would be to believe the
greatest love is the one that fits your preconceived
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 43
Delvaux celebrates Belgian roots with ‘Les Miniatures’ bags
The Telegraph
From baby pandas to pint-sized su- miniature bags. country’s delicacies: from the classic come accompanied by a red fork: a
percars to petits fours, there’s always There’s the Bruxelles, adorned with sugar waffle served with traditional charm within a charm. The final spin-
something irresistible about objects café liégeois (the Liége), to the hot off, the Ostende, comes decorated with
when they’ve been scaled down. It’s the gleaming stainless-steel globes of French fries of the Namur, which can hand-painted mussels, a reminder of
by no means a modern phenomenon: the Atomium, the gigantic iron-crys- be detached from their white cone and the city’s salty seaside air.
Humans have been fascinated with tal structure originally created for the
miniature art since medieval times. 1958 Brussels World Fair – particularly
And it’s not lost on the luxury world. In fitting, as the original Brilliant hand-
recent years, previously back-busting bag was conceived by architect Paule
designer handbags have been shrink- Goethals for the same occasion.
ing rapidly, with absurdly tiny “baby”
versions clasped onto their regular- The Anvers is garnished with 77
sized originals. dots in the colors of the Belgian flag,
a tribute to the avant-garde fash-
The latest brand to employ the ion designers to hail from Antwerp’s
“honey, I shrunk the handbag” device Royal Academy of Fine Arts; while
is Delvaux. The 188-year-old leather the Gand is a Lilliputian version of
goods company has paid tribute to its Delvaux’s iconic, Magritte-inspired
Belgian homeland with seven minia- “Ceci n’est pas un Delvaux” bag, first
ture versions of its signature handbag, created in 2008. The Belgian surreal-
the Brilliant, which was originally de- ist artist is also the inspiration behind
signed in 1958. the Knokke Le Zoute, which fuses his
signature blue sky and bowler-hat in a
Measuring just 7 x 8.5 x 5 centime- scaled-down version of another Del-
ters, these limited-edition wearable vaux design from 2015.
charms are scaled-down in size but
scaled up in terms of craftsmanship, Three others pay homage to the
each one embossed, embellished or
silk-screen printed by the brand’s
team of artisans in its Brussels atelier.
While the original Brilliant is com-
prised of 64 distinct pieces of leather
the toy versions are even more com-
plex, composed of up to 185 parts, and
therefore take almost twice as long to
Described by the brand as “cheery
little ambassadors of Belgitude,” each
Box Calf leather bag pays homage to
one of seven treasures of Belgium,
with a distinctly tongue-in-cheek dose
of humor. And to celebrate these sev-
en dwarfed delights, Delvaux enlisted
Belgian filmmaker Jaco van Dormael
to create seven short films, full of sur-
realist imagery and optical illusions to
riff on the scale and proportions of the
44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
How to modernize the classic ‘jeans and and a nice top’ look
The Telegraph
Jeans and a “nice top” is a combi-
nation that’s received some bad press
over the last decade, having been
largely associated with 1090s pop
icons. But thanks to the likes of Saint
Laurent and Alexander McQueen,
the look feels ripe for a renaissanace.
Both labels presented fresh variations
on the look for Spring/Summer 2017
by way of velvet tops and boyfriend
jeans, and flower-laden denim with
floral corsets.
We can also attribute this revival, in
part, to the influx of new jeans styles
that have flooded the market. Not
least of these is the step-hem, which
burst onto the scenes as a super-luxe
$1,000 pair by label Vetements. If
you’re going to spend that kind of
cash on denim, you’re going to want
to pair them with something other
than an old T-shirt.
And given that jeans are versatile,
comfortable and–- if you’re willing to
commit to finding a pair that really
works for you – very flattering, it’s
unsurprising that we want to rework that shows minimal skin, and team
them for different scenarios. it with simple denim to avoid the risk
of crossing over into Britney Spears
“Denim adds an edge to your outfit circa 1998 territory.
without the streetwear element,’’ says
Jennifer Bishop, womenswear buyer What’s more, you’ll get extra wear
for Browns. “You can add a touch of out of the sparkly pieces you have
femininity through your choice of stowed away at the back of your ward-
top, or throw on a shirt for a more robe, and only usually retrieve for
masculine look.’’ particularly special occasions.
From a dose of sparkle, to a helping Add a shirt
of silk, here are five ways to wear jeans A good pair of jeans and a silk
and nice top in a modern way ... shirt is a timeless combination that
will provide you with the answer to
Incorporate embellishment many a sartorial dilemma. It’s a duo
Pairing a sequin top with jeans au- that can work for dinner out (just add
tomatically grants them a dressed- some XL earrings and a moody lip-
up edge. Opt for a top with sleeves
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 45
stick), for work (provided you aren’t Forget the Breton - try these stripes on for size
required to adhere to a super-corpo-
rate dress code), and for a birthday BY KATE FINNIGAN
party (particularly if you prefer to err The Telegraph
on the side of under-dressed).
2017 will be remembered as the blue
Go sleek cotton stripe summer. I mean who
A silky slip top paired with jeans and hasn’t by now bought themselves a blue
heels is a look that truly harks back to striped shirt/top/off-the-shoulder top?
decades-past. But there are ways to en- I believe it might even have been Zara
sure your outfit falls on the right side of global fashion policy that female cus-
retro. Cropped, frayed-hem jeans will tomers entering a branch of the store
automatically catapult your look into in the last 6 months were not allowed
2017, as will straight-leg styles, and to leave without purchasing at least one
even flares. Just be sure to avoid skin- blue striped garment.
ny jeans at all costs.
“Raw hems are undoubtedly one of And so it is with regret that I must
the biggest denim trends at the mo- inform you to release your hold on the
ment,’’ says Bishop. “Paired with a little blue line. This goes too for the
floaty top this is the perfect relaxed Breton, I’m afraid. An invisible bound-
look for day or night.” ary has been drawn. Like that rule of no
And if spaghetti straps just aren’t wearing white after Labor Day (whatev-
for you, opt for a silky T-shirt or er that may be), I declare that from now
blouse instead. until next Easter, the horizontal striped
mariniere must be put into hibernation
Play with proportion and not seen. Summer is over, people.
Tops with oversize tie details, vo-
luminous sleeves and cropped-but- But the good news is that stripes
capacious silhouettes are all the rage are not disappearing for autumn but
at the moment. merely expanding their repertoire.
And when paired with denim, the Your breezy, blue summer stripe has
result is a look that is both flattering been replaced by Beetlejuice stripes,
and current. city stripes, prison stripes and 70s-style
Wide-leg and boyfriend style jeans stripes. Stripes will be coming at you
lend themselves particularly well to stronger, bolder, and both darker and
this combination, and if you’re wor- brighter than ever before.
ried about keeping out the chill come
autumn, look to a denim or khaki You may feel an urge to wear a blanket
jacket for the perfect topper. striped jacket as seen at Loewe, while
the Kurt Cobain style stripey oversized
Keep it simple cardigan was the new/old thing at both
Sometimes the simplest of com- Chloe and Gucci. Dolce & Gabbana took
binations can be the most impact- a line with a brown and black striped
ful. An ivory or black top, styled with tailored suit. But you may choose to go
some clean cut denim is a pairing in another direction entirely with a di-
that has the potential to be a look agonal, make a point with a chevron or
that you resort back to again and go crazy with a zig-zag.
again, whatever the season.
Take a leaf out of French style Will you do like the catwalk design-
icon Jeanne Damas’ book and add ers suggest and wear all your stripes at
a point of interest with some quirky once? Although guaranteed to stand
footwear, or break up your ensemble out, I wouldn’t recommend. Stripes
with a jazzy belt. have power even when used sparingly.
That’s the rule.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
11 Maple Street: Clearly still one of Florida’s best
BY TINA RONDEAU and parmesan cheese ($16.95), and Wood Grilled Ahi Tuna. suggested
Columnist roasted beets atop goat cheese with wine pairings, is
arugula, dressed with a walnut vin- PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD likely to run about $150 before tip.
For three decades, 11 Maple Street, aigrette ($14.95). The plating This restaurant was described by
located in a century-old Florida cottage of these dishes was a work of Wood Grilled Emeril Lagasse last year as a “hidden
on a side street just off the main thor- art, and the tastes matched Spanish Octopus. gem.” If it was in a major city, it would
oughfare in Jensen Beach, has been re- the presentation. The el- be nationally renowned and you’d have
garded as arguably the best restaurant ements came together beurre blanc. Exquisite. to book three months in advance to get
on the Treasure Coast. f lawlessly. On previous visits, we have enjoyed in. Happily, this gem is just down the
road, and making a reservation a couple
It’s a bit of a drive for dinner from Vero For entrées, I went a variety of small plates which seem of days in advance should get you one of
– close to an hour each way either via with a large plate, to not be on the current menu – the the best meals to be had in Florida.
U.S. 1 or tracing the river down St. Lucie Provencal fish stew small-plate menu changes every cou-
County’s narrow, winding Indian River ($38). My husband, ple of weeks – as well as what seems a I welcome your comments, and en-
Drive (you don’t want to choose the lat- however, opted for permanent fixture (and the most ex- courage you to send feedback to me at
ter for your return home if you have been one of the larger pensive item) on the large-plate menu, [email protected].
savoring the wines they suggest pairing small plates, the the wood-grilled North American elk
with each of 11 Maple’s dishes). sautéed skate wing tenderloin at $50. The reviewer is a beachside resident
with Canadian bay who dines anonymously at restaurants
But this charming old home with an- scallops ($22.95), The farm-raised elk when we had at the expense of this newspaper.
tique furniture and lace curtains on the and our compan- it came medium rare, accompanied
windows is one of our favorite dinner ion chose another by roasted faro and butternut squash, Hours:
spots. Owner Mike Perrin, a self-taught small plate, the fresh with a dried porcini sauce. The oak Wednesday to Saturday,
chef, has not only developed a large, jumbo lump crab cake grill imparted a slightly smoky flavor,
loyal following for such seldom-seen- ($23.95). and the elk was surprisingly moist 5:45 pm to closing
locally dishes as spotted skate wing, and tender.
sturgeon and elk, but has regularly won Crispy Okra with Beverages: Beer and wine
high marks from Zagat, Florida Trend Black Mission Dinner for two, accompanied by the
and other guides. Fig Tapenade. Address:
3224 Northeast Maple Ave,
The first surprise awaiting a new- My fish stew was a spectacular mix
comer to this restaurant is that bread is of Pacific red rockfish, bay scallops, Jensen Beach
listed at the top of the single-page menu shrimp, little neck clams, and PEI
as an appetizer – with a price. Phone: 772-334-7714
mussels in a tasty saf-
On this visit, we ordered the house- fron, leek and toma-
baked walnut sourdough bread – a to broth. Our com-
beautiful crusty half loaf ($5.95 – full panion’s crab cake
loaf, $8.95) served with herbed goat was served atop a
cheese, salsa verde and yummy roasted fried green tomato,
garlic. We’ll cheerfully pay for bread
this good anytime. I could have made all surrounded by a de-
an entire meal out of it. licious carrot reduc-
Next on the menu are 10 small plates tion. My husband’s
– dishes ranging from crispy okra with skate wing was
black mission fig tapenade ($13.95) to topped not just
entrée-sized seafood, beef and rib spe- with bay scal-
cialties topping out at $23.95 for the lops, but to-
roasted quail. Listed beneath these are matoes, capers
five entrées.
and olives in a herb
We decided to start by sharing two
small plates: warm escarole salad
with crispy calamari, fen-
nel, white beans
Walnut Sourdough Bread.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 47
Médoc Marathon: A mecca for wine-loving runners
BY VICTORIA MOORE Joe Fattorini, presenter of ITV’s The which caused a bit of a performance all too clear when you are slogging up
The Telegraph Wine Show, took part in the 32nd Mé- when nature, or rather a couple of them.
doc Marathon a year ago. Fattorini is bottles of wine, called. And, yes, as in
Flap, flap, flap. I could hear him no running flake: he had previously the scene from Monty Python’s “Mara- And then there are the wines. I
gaining on me. The worst part of run- completed four marathons, three of thon for Incontinents,” where compet- can’t drink and run so saved my first
ning a marathon is being overtaken them in Ironman races. itors constantly peel off into the trees, taste for a glass of Château Pichon
by a giant prawn. Flap, flap, there he I did see a lot of men dashing into the Longueville Baron, just after the 11-
went again – not a crustacean, this “Unfortunately they weren’t really vineyards to relieve themselves. Yes, mile point, and stopped soon after
time, but a man wearing flippers with helpful,” Fattorini said. “They lulled expensive vineyards. No, I won’t tell (and in case you think that’s feeble,
a giant bowl over his head. I’d have me into a false sense of security. I you which ones. running on a bad leg turned out to be
minded less if this hadn’t been the thought it would be an easy jog. I suf- such a terrible mistake that I couldn’t
second time – I’d only got ahead of fered a bit.” For this year’s Médoc Marathon, so much as run across a road for a year
him because he had stopped to drink the fancy dress instruction is 33 rpm afterwards).
a glass of red wine. A bit? After crossing the finish- records. Fattorini ran his 26.2 miles
ing line, he ended up on an IV drip. dressed as Obi Wine Kenobi. “It was a This was also Fattorini’s first al-
My protocol with running is that “I thought I’d lost him,” says his pro- pretty faithful copy of Alec Guinness coholic refreshment of the course:
I don’t drink on the actual day of a ducer cheerfully. Fattorini explains, “I in ‘Star Wars’ in 1977. I was melting “I was with the ultra-runner Jamie
race (until the race is over). But when had agonizing, buckling-on-the-floor after a mile and a half. Apparently it Ramsay. He had just completed a solo,
it comes to the Médoc Marathon, this cramps. I thought I’d walk them off but weighed about 20 pounds when I took unsupported run from Vancouver to
makes me the biggest killjoy ever. after an hour I was worse. I went to the it off.” Buenos Aires.
medical tent where I had the worst 40
This unique marathon, which takes minutes of my life.” It always strikes me as odd that the “He’d done pretty much a marathon
place Saturday, is a run for athletes French, whose fashion sense we re- a day for 364 days. But he hadn’t had a
and gourmands possessed of the most It wasn’t just the wine that had done vere, should be so into fancy dress, but drink in over a year. Montrose was an-
formidable of constitutions. The route for him, but also the fact that the Mé- they take it very seriously indeed. The other highlight and Lafite-Rothschild.
– through the vineyards and around doc Marathon is traditionally run in event is a carnival with an infectiously
the châteaux of southern France – is fancy dress. The year I entered (I com- With so much stopping for a drink,
punctuated by wine pit-stops: trestle pleted only half the course) the theme For anyone who loves Bordeaux, it times for the Médoc Marathon tend
tables heaving not just with different was A Space Odyssey. There were peo- also offers incredible back-door ac- to be on the slow side, to put it mildly.
kinds of bordeaux but also oysters, ple running 26.2 miles wrapped en- cess through the grounds of châteaux Fattorini, who has run marathons in
steak, foie gras and other rich food tirely in foil. and their vineyards. You jog between 3:40, finished this one in 6:27.
that you would normally go out of your rows of vines. The well-known Médoc
way not to put in a jogging stomach. Others, dressed as aliens (complete pattern of gentle gravel rises, with the There is a reason that this race
with gigantic papier mâché heads) best properties perched at the top, is proudly calls itself “the longest mar-
were in skintight all-in-one bodysuits athon on earth”, but it might also be
the best.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 7, 2017 49
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