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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-01-26 14:47:56



56 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



7 Herb tea (6) 1 Grain tower (4)
8 Tapering vegetable (6) 2 Cause (6)
9 Price (4) 3 Decision (7)
10 Salad sauce (8) 4Pretended (5)
11 Hug (7) 5 Emergency (6)
13 Typical (5) 6 Dejected (8)
15 Group of sheep (5) 12 Hat maker (8)
17 Mass (7) 14 Division (7)
20 Clear (8) 16 Ament (6)
21 Persuade (4) 18 Airless (6)
23 Draw (6) 19 Senseless (5)
24 Remnant (6) 22 Fixative (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 57


ACROSS 92 RN concerns 16 See 12 Across stand The Washington Post
94 Noted Dwarf 21 Peek performer? 80 Fraud
1 He’s a sheep date 95 Buoy attachment? 23 Actor Holbrook 81 A la carte chart
4 Look into 96 Course average 24 One from Annam 82 Behold, to Brutus
9 Plutocrat’s 97 See 78 Down 83 Pilot’s milieu
102 Sausage coat or Assam, e.g. 85 Decisive event
pocketful 105 Places in the 26 Mug shaped like 86 The same
12 Proceeds 87 “If ___ Would
heart a fat man with a
undaunted 106 1492 ship three-cornered Leave You”
17 ___ tailspin 107 Inclined hat 89 One-time
18 The ___ of 108 See 85 Down 29 Nietzsche
110 Hot food in a husk negative Columbia
possibility 114 Vegas dealer’s aid 32 Respites with Pictures head
19 When it lays an 116 Awed reactions rates Harry
117 Give out your 34 In ___ (where 91 Babilonia of
egg, it’s a big one Ralph sometimes skating
20 In need of B12 cards? wants to put 93 Thread holders
22 See 1 Down 120 Boston airport Alice) 98 Enfeebles
25 Turn on an old 121 Broadcast 35 Kin of “wow” 99 Overfilled
36 See 33 Across 100 Straight
pilot? beginning 39 Girl in David 101 What’s a
27 Hula Hoop 123 Like this puzzle, Copperfield Russian urn?
42 Goddess of 102 Spanish-style
company I hope wake-up calls? home?
28 “Original 127 ___ the water 43 Gull’s tail? 103 Garden pest
44 Roulette couleur 104 Of little men
Broadway ___” (kaputski) 45 The V of V-8, 109 41 Across city
29 Jazz group?: abbr. 128 “Way to go!”, familiarly of Belgium
30 Van Gogh’s bro 46 Grate glower 111 Tree-ring
31 Molnar play in Oaxaca 47 See 43 Across indication
33 Being supportive 129 Sports spot 49 CIA forebear 112 Slow, in music
37 Pull-loop 130 Oxy ending 53 Cleaned, as a 113 Parking lot sign
38 Gin fruit 131 See 76 Down pipe 115 Latin abbr.
40 Gold coins of old 132 Inspectors’ marks 54 A heading that’s a 118 Unfortunately
133 Home of the beast headless queen? 119 Old stringed
Rome 55 SMU scores instrument
41 Summit outcome in TV’s Beauty 57 Popular fruit drink 122 Ox add-on
43 High finance of a and the Beast brand 123 Jersey remark?
134 OAS or OPEC 58 “I’m just trying 124 Type
sort ___ an honest 125 Dawn lawn
48 Japanese drama DOWN living” phenomenawn?
49 A woodwind 1 Love on the 59 See 56 Across 126 See 123 Across
50 Shade tree 61 Past tense verb
51 Occupy an rebound 65 Good name for a KNOWING THE ANGLES By Merl Reagle
2 Wise as ___ fisherman
ottoman 3 The speed of 67 Plains Indians
52 “___ that remark!” 69 Nixon met with
56 A little nutty sound him in 1972
60 Out-of-___ 4 Hypothesis 70 Insufficient-funds
62 Joining word 5 Upgrades, as result
63 Leone and 71 Cake with a hole
machinery in it
Mendes 6 Prop for 73 The O of GAO:
64 Type of lit. abbr.
66 A Khan Hemingway’s 74 Movie-making
67 Praising works “Old Man” cable channel
68 Drink or rink stuff 7 League of 75 Start of the Lord’s
69 Poitier cop nations, Prayer
72 PTA person perhaps 76 Smells the roses,
74 Squirting 8 Actress Samms maybe
9 Flipped out 78 Avoids taking a
“weapon” 10 Classic-film
77 ___ precaution televiser,
79 Bud’s bud familiarly
80 Vilifies 11 Directly
84 Objector’s word 12 Getups
85 Three-part 13 Theater quickie
14 Lamprey
vacuum tube 15 Struck, old-style
88 See 70 Down
90 Rich-voiced

The Telegraph

58 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hopeful hostess expects too much from houseguests

BY CAROLYN HAX what relatives are or aren’t obligated to do when ac-
Washington Post cepting your hospitality.

Dear Carolyn, Is it less than ideal for him to use your family as
home base while he extracts what he wants from
I have been married 10 years and your city? Sure. However, my concern is more that
he doesn’t communicate with you about his inten-
have two children, 7 and 9.We have tions; some hosts wish their guests would be some-
what independent, after all, meaning there’s an ele-
no family in our city, and I have ment of personal preference here, plus you mention
clearing your schedules. These suggest a simple
very few family members still alive. pre-visit email or conversation could preempt some
hard feelings.
My husband has a larger family but
“Suggest” being the operative word: That he does
they are not very close. My kids love being around ex- that same thing every visit means you’re beyond
needing an email to notify you of his plans. You have
tended family, but we do not have the money to travel all the information you need to prepare yourselves
to share only the one day with him.
and his family rarely visits.
Since you keep hoping for more anyway, and
My brother-in-law comes to visit every couple of blaming him when those hopes are dashed, that
says your outrage at this point isn’t a reaction, it’s a
years. He usually just comes for the weekend and choice.

only spends the first day with us. On the second Please make a different one, for everyone’s sake.
Choose not to see this uncle as your kids’ best hope
he goes into town to go out to lunch and shop by for family, and instead see him as the one-day visi-
tor he is. Tell your kids exactly that when they ask.
himself. “[Shrug.] It’s what he always does.” No further ex-
planation needed. Except maybe to give him credit
I find this incredibly rude. We clear our very busy for visiting, right?

schedule to spend time with him and then he goes out And, more important, see this as the push you
need to find other ways to experience family. Or,
and makes it clear he doesn’t want us to join him. “family” – since creating community sometimes
means leaving the tree. 
My husband thinks there is nothing rude or in-

considerate about this behavior. I couldn’t disagree Dear ‘Anonymous’:
You are expecting too much from a houseguest.
more. He never tells us what his plans are prior to More important, though: You’re expecting way
too much from one uncle, who by himself can’t pos-
his arrival, which maybe would make it better. My sibly satisfy your kids’ – i.e., your – entire (valid)
craving for extended family in five visits per decade,
kids don’t understand why we can’t do something not even with that second day. It’s unfair to him to
expect him to.
together, and I can’t even explain without making Your opening paragraph is telling: Not only does
it explain your obstacles to having something you
him sound bad. He is middle-aged, single with no value deeply, but it also has virtually no bearing on

children; it’s not like he’s a 20-something going out

to party!

Do you think I’m expecting too much from a house-

guest or is this totally rude??

– Anonymous

60 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New chief medical officer stresses safety, teamwork

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Katherine Grichnik.
Staff Writer
At least one glass ceiling just got
shattered right here in Vero Beach
when Dr. Katherine Grichnik took
over as the new chief medical officer
at Indian River Medical Center on the
first day of the New Year.

According to the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics, approximately 80
percent of all healthcare workers are
women but, nationwide, only a very
small percentage of those women
ever make their way to the very top
levels of hospital management.

Grichnik has.
A former vice president of quality
and safety at Mednax, the nation’s
largest provider of maternal, new-
born, pediatric and anesthesia ser-
vices, with a network of more than
3,000 physicians – or 10 times the
number of doctors she’ll be dealing
with at IRMC – Grichnik also served
two decades at Duke University both
as a physician and as director of the
school’s Center of Educational Excel-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 61


lence at its Clinical Research Center. role. And I can see the administra- have that here,” Grichnik says. geon, with the anesthesiologist, with
She earned her medical degree at tive piece because it kind of sits in- Moving on to setting, meeting and the people who come in and bring
between.” Her time at Mednax also you your supplies, with the person
Tufts, served her internship at Baylor gives her real-world administration exceeding goals, Dr. Grichnik adds, who goes and gets your blood. Every-
and followed those with a residency experience in a setting far larger than “Once we achieve one benchmark we body has to work together. It’s a very
and fellowship at Harvard. the Vero hospital. set for ourselves, we’re going to raise close and tight-knit group that is con-
that benchmark. It’s a process of con- stantly shifting and working together
In April of 2016, Becker’s Hospi- What will Grichnik’s first orders of tinual improvement. I think that’s as a team,” and that, Grichnik says,
tal Review named Grichnik “one of business be as chief medical officer? our goal. We are going to be continu- is exactly what she’s aiming to have
50 top experts in the field of patient Three good bets are an amped-up ously improving our organization.” throughout the entire hospital.
safety.” emphasis on patient safety, goal-set-
ting and team-building. Finally, she tackles teamwork, us- Oh, and as a self-professed safety
It is an impressive resume, to say ing a medical metaphor. geek, it’s probably an even better bet
the least. “My absolute passion is the cul- that Grichnik has already seen to it
ture of safety. The culture of safety “When you’re in a heart OR, you that the shards from that shattered
The Milken Institute School of programs that I was able to work are interacting in a high-risk, very glass ceiling have been swept up and
Public Health at the George Wash- on – both at Duke and at Mednax – I intense situation with your scrub disposed of. 
ington University describes a chief definitely would like to make sure we nurse, with the circulating nurse,
medical officer as “a key member of with the perfusionist, with the sur-
the senior executive team, leading
the overall clinical vision for the or-
ganization and providing clinical di-
rection, medical oversight, expertise
and leadership to ensure the delivery
of affordable, quality healthcare ser-

Despite that high-powered de-
scription, Vero area residents should
not expect sweeping changes at
IRMC in the opening days or weeks of
Grichnik’s tenure.

She says former chief medical of-
ficer and current president of Indian
River Medical Associates, Dr. Charles
Mackett, has “done a really amazing
job over the last few years.”

And Grichnik, by her own admis-
sion, is somewhat methodical in how
she approaches her new position.
“One thing you should know about
me,” she confides, “is I’m a big data

That is a good characteristic for a
chief medical officer, since “data from
health information technology holds
the promise of controlling costs and
improving quality significantly,” ac-
cording to the U.S. National Library
of Medicine.

What that will mean for IRMC won’t
be evident immediately but it’s worth
keeping an eye on as healthcare in
this country continues to change.

Whether those changes are Medi-
care-mandated, brought on by new
pharmaceutical and surgical ad-
vances, or by the pending repeal of
the Affordable Care Act, Grichnik
says, “Every institution, every place,
is a growing and learning organiza-
tion. Layer on top of that the ever-
changing rules and regulations that
we all have to live up to and the envi-
ronment of healthcare is, I would say,

Dynamic is an accurate descrip-
tion of Grichnik, too.

A mother of two grown children
whose husband is the director of the
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center, Grich-
nik says, “I bring three very differ-
ent perspectives [to IRMC]. I can
represent our private practice clini-
cians here because I’ve been in that
role. I can represent our employed
physicians because I’ve been in that

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 67

Is your vintage jewelry worth more than your house?

BY CAROLINE LEAPER hams UK and Europe. “These types of post-war period, 1950s jewelry, as well eras (like Andrew
The Telegraph instances are our key indicators of a as pieces from the 1960s and 1970s re- Grima of the 1960s, or
gain in momentum. It’s the quality of ally performing well too.” John Donald of the 1970s) will have
Dust off your old jewelry boxes and craftsmanship that is resonating with equally held their value. Next assess
open up the family vault because you buyers, the types of stones that were The thing that often prevents peo- the piece’s construction; do the stones
might just be sitting on a fortune. used back then, compared to a mod- ple from having their jewelry valued is have rough edges, are they generously
That’s the message from London auc- ern piece, are special.” the assumption that family heirlooms packed in, or was its maker trying to
tioneer Bonhams as they announced have been set aside because they won’t scrimp by using more metal, less dia-
new figures showing the soaring value Vogue’s jewelry editor Carol Woolton be worth anything. “People often look monds?
of vintage jewels. isn’t surprised by the jewelry market’s at their items without understanding
strength in the current economic cli- their importance in the context of jew- The best way to truly know what
Bonhams say the value of antique mate. “There are so few investments elry history,” says Ghika. “We recently something might be worth is, of course,
and period jewelry has increased by that are reliable right now - stocks are discovered a wonderful and rare Cha- to get it valued by a professional.
over 80 percent in the last decade – in a state of insecurity, but gold and di- nel Twist necklace, which a client had
outdoing average house prices in, amonds will never be a risky purchase brought to a valuation day, but had What you can do for yourself,
which increased by 47 percent over for a rich person trying to maintain thought it was just a piece of costume though, is take care of what you’ve got.
the same period. Estimates have been their wealth,” she says. “There are lim- jewelry. But Chanel did make real jew- “If you ever think you might sell jew-
abandoned on auction days, as items ited resources in the world, mines will elry as well as pieces in non-precious elry, then you must keep the boxes,”
have been fetching double, sometimes run out and there is a finite number of materials.” This 1950s necklace had a urges Woolton. “The boxes and the
triple, their predictions amid fierce precious stones – that’s what gives it a discreet engraving on the inside, indi- paperwork for stones will really add to
bidding wars. And it’s prompted the rarity value.” cating that it was actually designed by their value and save a lot of confusion
auctioneer to launch a campaign urg- Coco herself, and it smashed its esti- as to what something is when you sell.”
ing the public to seek valuations for Even if you haven’t got a spare Carti- mate of $7,500, fetching $84,150.
any forgotten gems they might have er brooch in the attic to auction off, it’s One thing all experts agree on how-
stashed away. worth noting that the trend described So how can you tell if something is ever, is that primarily jewelry should be
extends beyond designer names, and valuable when digging through an worn and enjoyed, with any increase
“An Art Deco Cartier emerald and applies to specific stones, metals and old stash? Start with the logos and in value seen as an added bonus. “It’s
diamond bracelet that we sold in De- eras, too. “Signed items from the Art hallmarks, noting that the big names all very well owning these wonderful
cember was estimated at $100,000 to Deco period and antiques over 100 (Cartier, Tiffany, Bulgari, and Van things,” says Woolton. “But if investors
$150,000 and it made $260,000,” says years old will always be in demand,” Cleef and Arpels) will always be win- lock them away and don’t wear them
Jean Ghika, head of jewelry at Bon- says Ghika. “But we’re now seeing ners, but that key names from modern then you have to ask; where’s the fun
in that?” 

68 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Chill & Grill: DINING REVIEW

Simply scrumptious

BBQ Salmon.


BY TINA RONDEAU Softshell Crab.

Can anything be bet-

ter than a pot of heavenly

steamed clams, and a crusty

loaf of French bread to ac-

company it?

I think not. So simple. So


Well, the best steamed

clam appetizer in this area is

found at a smallish restaurant Shrimp and Crab
in an out-of-the-way location – Cake Pasta.

Chill & Grill.

No one prepares a more sumptuous, grill full – but were soon ushered by served over spinach with bacon, onion Steamed Clams.
and crispy shallots.
addictive bowl of steamed little necks Chef Burch’s wife Csilla to a nice table. as you think back on eating those won-
On previous visits, we have en- derful steamed clams.
than Chef Scott Burch – for six years ex- For starters, I of course ordered the joyed the roasted chicken with garlic
mashed potatoes (wonderful comfort I welcome your comments, and en-
ecutive chef at Windsor. steamed clams ($13.99). My husband food); the fork-tender short ribs; and a courage you to send feedback to me at
very tasty smoked brisket served over [email protected].
Steamed in a pinot grigio, garlic and planned to have another favorite ap- mac and cheese.
The reviewer dines anonymously at
clam sauce, the broth is to die for. And petizer, the calamari fries ($9.99), but To conclude this most recent visit, we restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
shared a delicious piece of bread pud- 32963. 
the bowl is brought to the table with a switched at the last second to a wedge ding with chocolate and caramel sauce
($6.50). The house-made Key Lime pie Chill & Grill
delicious baguette (why do so many res- salad ($4.50). Our companion decided also is excellent.
Hours: Dinner from 5 to 9
taurants scrimp on the bread) for soak- to try the Sebastian Stew ($4), a deli- While it does not have cocktails, Chill pm daily except Monday
& Grill has a more than adequate selec-
ing up every last drop. cious combination of chicken, andou- tion of wines, and an interesting selec- Beverages: Beer and wine
tion of specialty craft beers on draft.
Perhaps that is part of the explana- ille, brisket and okra in a tomato broth. Address:
Dinner for two with a couple of glass- 7401 US 1, Vero Beach
tion for the success of this small place For entrées on this most recent visit, I es of beer or wine should run in the $90
area before tax and tip. Phone: 772-562-5477
– with a casual vibe and fine-dining chose the shrimp and grits ($16.99), my
Chill & Grill has developed an in-
cuisine – now completing its fourth husband went for the barbecued salm- tensely loyal cadre of customers over the
years, and has become the restaurant
year on U.S. 1 midway between Vero on ($21.99), and our companion opted where Sebastian and Vero diners meet.

and Sebastian. for the shrimp and crab pasta ($21.99). While getting there may require a bit
of a drive, the trip home passes quickly
But the steamed clams are hardly The shrimp and grits were as good

the whole story for Chill & Grill’s suc- a rendition of this Southern classic as

cess in this off-the-beaten track-loca- I have ever had in Vero. The crab cake

tion. Visit after visit, whether it’s dur- was served atop a nest of angel hair

ing season or summer, the dishes here pasta prepared with a pesto and lobster

are consistently excellent. sauce, with four beautiful shrimp ar-

Two weeks ago, we decided to go a bit rayed around the perimeter.

late on a weeknight since Chill & Grill My husband’s BBQ glazed salmon

does not take reservations. Arriving at was perfectly cooked in the Chill &

7:45 on a Thursday, we found the cozy Grill’s wood-burning oven, and was

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 69


Millennials continue to worry the U.S. wine industry

BY DAVE MCINTYRE wines of no distinction other than something simple and catchy like Sexy
their alcoholic potency. Wine Bomb, The Prisoner, Vicious Red
The Washington Post Blend, SLO Down Sexual Chocolate, or
Generic wine has “permanently lost Cupcake Red Velvet.”
The wine industry is wringing its its appeal,” McMillan says, referring
hands over millennials, wondering not just to consumers but to producers. In other words, they’ll pour any-
what they will eventually decide to Sales are increasing slightly in the un- thing into that bottle, and they don’t
drink. der-$9 segment, as better wines (with give a damn whether one bottle tastes
better marketing) become available in different from the next, because they
Baby boomers, you see, are the the bag-in-box and TetraPak formats. believe we care only about that catchy
generation that fueled the U.S. wine name on the label.
boom. But boomers are retiring, Gen X I’m going to climb onto my soapbox
will soon become the dominant wine- here and call out the wine industry for Jug wine on steroids? We’re being
buying cohort, and the millennials are its cynicism. For the past several years, played. That’s fine if you like the wine
close behind and a larger group. I’ve dismissed pitches from public and want to play along. But pay just a
relations specialists promoting “red little attention to what you’re drink-
What’s worrying the wine industry blends” as the new thing in California. ing and how it’s made, and you might
is that millennials like beer, cocktails discover something special hidden on
and other drinks. Those youngsters Yes, we’ve focused on grape varieties a California hillside or a restaurant
can’t be relied upon to drink wine. such as cabernet sauvignon and mer- wine list. 
lot. But Bordeaux is a blend. Chianti is
The generational shift will play out a blend. Many of the classic wines of
in a variety of ways, the report pre- the world are blends, so a California
dicts. Restaurant sales of wine will de- “red blend” is nothing new. And yet, we
crease, squeezed at both ends of the have this astonishing quote from this
age spectrum. year’s SVB report:

“Frugal millennial consumers don’t “While cabernet is still the king of va-
want to pay restaurant wine markups,” rietal growth in the $11 to $14.99 price
writes Rob McMillan, executive vice range, red blends come in second and
president of the Silicon Valley Bank, in are the current darling of discussion
the bank’s annual report: “State of the in the business. The reason is obvious
Wine Industry 2017.” from the large producer’s perspective.

“They know they can buy a bottle of “The category allows the large wine
wine at the store for less, so in the res- companies that dominate production
taurant they are more likely to satisfy enormous freedom in the substitution
their consumption needs by starting of varietal and place of origin, yet they
with a beer or cocktail and having a are still able to maintain overall qual-
glass of wine with dinner.” ity and margin. There may be wide
bottle-to-bottle variation, but for the
And although boomers favored Cali- price, quality is there. It’s really the jug
fornia wines, millennials are receptive wine craze of the 1960s on steroids.
to wines from around the world.
“Emerging consumers are acquiesc-
“We shouldn’t expect millennials to ing to branding from the large wine
assume the baby boomers’ preference companies because it makes their pur-
for domestics,” McMillan writes. chase easier to understand. It replaces
varietal and vintage comparisons with
He is, however, essentially writ-
ing off the “matures,” those older
than baby boomers who favor generic

78 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Dazzling, elegant estate boasts ocean-to-river living

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA Past the gate, the circular drive
Staff Writer curves around a graceful mermaid
fountain, surrounded by low foliage
The gorgeous home at 12440 A1A and flowers. Impeccably designed
is built to dazzle, and dazzle it does, landscaping showcases the home
from the moment you lay eyes on the on all sides. The 1.76-acre lot in-
low-walled, iron-gated entrance, cir- cludes the riverfront parcel, and the
cular drive and 3-story estate beyond very rare 170-foot ocean frontage
– all perfectly framed by tall, slender makes this a true treasure on the
palms and the azure sky, reflecting Treasure Coast.
the blue of the Atlantic.
Ascending to the second/main

level via the grand, double staircase, its spectacular, coffered ceiling of-
curving up and around a waterfall fers its unimpeded sea view through
fountain, a visitor steps though the three large picture windows. Floor-
two-story double door and window/ to-ceiling dark wood cabinets flank a
transom entrance into the two-sto- custom gas fireplace with white stone
ry foyer, with its stunning polished surround, imbuing the room with the
marble floor and graceful columns. warmth of welcome.
Standing here, one is treated to spec-
tacular vistas: look east to the sea or This is a house of textures, and the
west to the shimmering lagoon, with- color palate – creamy hues whispering
out taking a step. of delicate gold and cocoa, and con-
trasting touches of rich deep amber
Through a broad pillared archway, – creates a seamless flow from space
the exquisite formal living room with to space. Carefully considered place-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 79


ment of large windows ensures plen- a swaying palm and water view. En-
tiful ambient light, and a wonderful hancing this area are finely-crafted
play of light and shadow, further en- built-ins and a lighted wall niche
hancing the many hues and textures. for display of favorite objets d’art.
Especially striking is a delicate faux Between the dining room and the
gold foil technique, employed on sev- kitchen is a fabulous butler’s/caterer’s
eral ceiling and walls surfaces. pantry that offers tons storage and a
coffee/wet bar.
Adjacent to the living room is the
beautifully appointed formal dining The family gourmet(s) will abso-
room, with its custom copper-high- lutely adore the kitchen – a chef’s
lighted tray ceiling and striking, met- dream come true – which adjoins the
al chandelier. A broad, double picture butler’s pantry, perfectly positioned
window with arched transom reveals for seamless entertaining. It is, of

80 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


course, fully equipped, with walnut-toned, floor- walls and windows allows the luxury of wonderful
to-ceiling cabinetry, dark crown molding, a cabi- views to the north, south and east. These myriad
net-fronted fridge, wine cooler and granite coun- enticements will certainly make this area the fa-
tertops. The spacious island features gas cooktop, vorite indoor gathering hub for family and guests.
lunch bar, and a trio of glass-shaded lights for soft
but ample illumination, plus glass-door cabine- Guests will feel wonderfully spoiled here. The
try below to show off favorite collections. No need two spacious guest suites, one with ocean views,
for crouching to load the dishwasher, either: It’s one with river views, share a luxurious Jack-and-
thoughtfully positioned on a raised platform. Jill bathroom, which pampers with walk-in shower,
separate water closet, soaking tub and to charming
Cleverly tucked into a corner of the kitchen is a porcelain “petal” sinks. From this level, there is an
luxurious little powder room. Just off the kitchen is open balcony, with a spiral staircase leading to the
a breakfast nook and comfy seating area with built- grounds and pool area.
in telly, still more cabinet storage – and even con-
venient desk space. Here, too, the configuration of The entire third floor is occupied by the sump-
tuous owners’ suite, an elegant retreat which the


Year built: 2000
Lot size: 1.76 acres, including riverfront parcel

Home size: 5,500 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 5 • Bathrooms: 5.5
Additional features: Outdoor shower near cabana bath; marble flooring
in living areas, carpeting in bedrooms; high ceilings throughout; 3-car,
side-entry garage; private boardwalk to beach; elevator; sunrise/sunset
view; numerous fine architectural details
Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agents: Michael Thorpe/Kimberly Thorpe,

Listing price: $5,500,000

Newly Listed!

Executive living in Oak Harbor. One of
Vero Beach’s best 55+ communities.
Golf privileges available. This St. James
estate home overlooks the lake & the
9th hole. Guard gated plus medical

assistance available.
For private showing call Gene Billero.

Offered at $475,000

Gene Billero, Broker

772-532-0011 | [email protected]
Billero & Billero Properties

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 81


homeowners can access via the grand Here, too, there is a coffee/bev-
staircase or the convenient elevator. erage station, complete with sink,
The always generous use of wide pic- fridge, and granite counters with
ture windows allows one, up awaken- storage. A “port-hole” window over-
ing, to lift his/her head off the pillow looks the river. The owners’ suite also
ever so slightly and be greeted by an contains two walk-in closets, two
ocean view. Here, the floor covering is bathrooms and additional flexible
luxurious plush carpet. The spacious office/den space.
master bedroom lets into a sunny, in-
viting living area, with plenty of seat- The lady of the manor will love
ing room and another special feature spending hours relaxing in her luxu-
– a bay window containing a comfy rious personal spa. The wide vanity
window seat with, of course, an un- is flanked by ceiling-to-countertop
beatable sea view. (Think reading, shelving with cabinets below. The
snoozing, daydreaming, maybe shar- vanity is within an arched, mirrored
ing quality time with a beloved pet.) alcove, and has lighting fixtures that
are not only beautiful but also pro-

82 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


vide very soft and friendly light. (As, suite bedrooms, each with a full bath,
every woman knows, many bathroom also occupy this floor. One has French
lights do not.) A large, corner soaking doors leading directly to the pool and
tub, with graceful columns and ce- patio area and a cabana bath opening
ramic surround, overlooks the ocean directly onto the pool-patio.
and offers a built-in TV and extra sur-
face space for a favorite coffee or tea. The free-form pool with its charm-
(Or wine!) What more pleasant a way ing dolphin fountain, spa and spa-
to greet the sunrise? Or, if you don’t cious deck provides another great
have time to linger, there is a spacious entertainment space or, for quieter
walk-in shower, with rainforest show- moments, a private oasis from which
er head. to enjoy lush tropical landscaping. A
boardwalk leads across the dunes to
The lower/ground floor could be the beautiful, beach. To the west, a
considered the entertainment floor: brief stroll from your front gate takes
the highlight here is an enormous you to your private dock on the Indian
“media room,” starring a huge (6 feet- River Lagoon.
by-9 feet) movie screen, complete
with ceiling projector, built-in sound Homeowners here have access to
equipment and lots of space for luxu- the best of both worlds, oceanfront
rious seating. (A huge sectional sofa living as well as all charming ame-
will fit in with room to spare.) Just add nities famed Indian River Lagoon
popcorn. The screen retracts when has to offer.
not in use.
The unparalleled location is but a
There is a handy kitchenette, with short, pleasant drive away from the
sink, fridge, granite counters with beautiful seaside village of Vero Beach,
seating, an extra-large wine cooler, with its myriad shops and restaurants.
built-in shelves for extra wine stor- Also on the island are the renowned
age, wood cabinetry for even more Riverside Theatre (Equity) and the na-
storage; and multiple, flexible space tionally acclaimed Vero Museum of
for seating or games. Two spacious en Art, as well as Riverside Park with is va-
riety of sports opportunities, river ac-
cess and events all year round. 

84 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Jan. 13 to Jan. 19

The middle week of January was a quiet one for the barrier island real estate market, with only
five sales recorded.

The top sale of the week was of a home in Marbrisa. The residence at 111 Passage Island was
placed on the market Sept. 30 with an asking price of $645,000. The sale closed on Jan. 17 for

The seller in the transaction were represented by Gretchen Hanson of Berkshire Hathaway
Florida. The purchaser was represented by Debbie Bell, also of Berkshire Hathaway Florida.


MARBRISA 111 PASSAGE ISLAND 9/30/2016 $645,000 $645,000 1/17/2017
VEROMAR 535 DATE PALM ROAD 7/22/2016 $695,000 $695,000 1/17/2017 $211,000

CORALSTONE CONDO 1430 CORAL OAK LANE, #1201 11/20/2016 $229,229 $229,229 1/17/2017
GALLEONS CONDO 1070 REEF ROAD, #306 6/25/2015 $670,000 $625,000 1/17/2017
VISTA DEL MAR 5400 HIGHWAY A1A, #I-17 7/18/2016 $210,000 $210,000 1/13/2017

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 85


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 535 Date Palm Road Subdivision: Coralstone Condo, Address: 1430 Coral Oak Lane, #1201

Listing Date: 7/22/2016 Listing Date: 11/20/2016
Original Price: $695,000 Original Price: $229,229
Recent Price: $695,000 Recent Price: $229,229
Sold: 1/17/2017 Sold: 1/17/2017
Selling Price: $510,000 Selling Price: $211,000
Listing Agent: Kimberly Hardin Thorpe Listing Agent: Sandi Morgan

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise

Melissa Mittag Not Provided

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Not provided

Subdivision: Galleons Condo, Address: 1070 Reef Road, #306 Subdivision: Vista Del Mar, Address: 5400 Highway A1A, #I-17

Listing Date: 6/25/2015 Listing Date: 7/18/2016
Original Price: $670,000 Original Price: $210,000
Recent Price: $625,000 Recent Price: $210,000
Sold: 1/17/2017 Sold: 1/13/2017
Selling Price: $555,000 Selling Price: $180,000
Listing Agent: Judy Hargarten Listing Agent: Sue Yahraes

Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Chris Greer Steve Owen

Island Sun Real Estate Berkshire Hathaway Florida

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, Beautiful 4BR/3BA on desirable corner lot, move-in ready Southern classic 4BR/2.5BA home w/first floor master in
2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community w/fireplace, screened patio/pool, walk to beach active lifestyle golf community, courtyard pool & patio
$695,000 $325,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

86 Vero Beach 32963 / January 26, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Married late in life? How
to share household space

BY JILL CHODOROV KAMINSKY ed to be negotiated – not an easy task
Washington Post when, over time, we develop a personal
attachment to our stuff. It is no secret
The trend to get married later in life is that one person’s trash is another per-
on the rise, resulting in a growing per- son’s treasure.
centage of the population combining
households that come with decades of Fortunately, my husband agreed
furniture, dishes, decor, memorabilia, that it was time to donate the posters
old towels and hard-to-break habits. of his favorite football players hanging
in his bedroom. In exchange, I agreed
This sounds like the perfect storm that the collectible Hanna Barbera
for an unavoidable disaster. Living Limited Edition Sports Cels (cartoon
with someone at any age can be chal- characters playing sports) and figu-
lenging. Adding our perfectly aged rines could stay in the home office.
quirks to the mix can spell trouble.
He is the cook in the family, so I hap-
After living on my own for most of pily handed over the kitchen. But I did
my adult life, I recently tied the knot for manage to slip a few of his timeworn
the first time, at 50 years of age. It is my pots and pans into the trash.
husband’s first marriage as well.
One significant difference in our
Our situation is more simple than decorating styles is the size and quan-
most – neither of us has children or tity of flat-panel televisions needed
ex-spouses, and we were both living in in one home – a fundamental differ-
two-bedroom condos rather than five- ence of opinion in many homes, I have
bedroom single-family homes. learned. I believe that one 60-inch TV
is enough. My husband, however, be-
Despite our minimal belongings, lieves that a large flat-panel is neces-
there were still some items that need-



 Rare opportunity to purchase one of Vero Beach’s trophy properties!
 Two restaurants and a 7-unit apartment building, with direct beach access.

 Solid tenants with positive cash flow and great NOI.


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