Botox wrinkle. P8 Oldies & goodies. P12 Seafood lovers, rejoice
Treatment can also spell relief Antique aficionados in their
for some migraine sufferers. element at Sidewalk Market.
In Dining: A new location, but
the same scrumptious fare. PAGE 30
Beachsiders voice outrage over lagoon sewage discharges
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER gallons in sewage released into Citizen Oversight Committee water issues and a pilot project ing no for an answer, oversight
[email protected] an Indian Harbour Beach ca- is more focused on develop- in Satellite Beach giving home- committee Vice Chairman
nals by the county during Hur- ing and improving restoration owners incentive to smoke-test John Byron pressed Assistant
Angry beachside residents – ricane Irma and a no-name plans for muck removal, the for leaks in their portion of the County Manager John Den-
some with jars of cloudy water storm Oct. 1. citizens’ voices did prompt a lines. ninghoff to call the meeting
– vented to a Brevard County call for a County Commission sooner rather than later.
oversight committee last Fri- And, while the Save Our In- workshop on beachside waste- In emphatically seeking a
day about the nearly 20 million dian River Lagoon Project Plan county workshop and not tak- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
ECO-FRIENDLIER Five council hopefuls talk
IDEAS PREFERRED issues at fast-paced forum
[email protected]
When the five candidates for
A proposal for a 300-foot
seawall and sidewalk along Indialantic’s two council seats
the parking lot at Eau Gallie
Yacht Club in Indian Har- took the stage at a forum last
bour Beach is on hold while
more eco-friendly alterna- Friday night at the Eastmin-
tives are being considered
to retain the runoff, serve ster Presbyterian Church, there
as a wildlife habitat and
help water quality. were no fights, no scurrilous ac-
Seawalls for residential cusations, and no incidents.
homes line most of the ca-
nals in the area and that, Under the direction of the
experts say, may have con-
tributed to the problem League of Women Voters of the
with muck that has hurt
Space Coast, the candidates –
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 An aerial photo of the Eau Gallie Yacht Club, where a 300-foot seawall was proposed.
including incumbents Randy
Greer and Dick Dunn – pitched
for votes in civil, 90-second
They differed in many areas,
but agreed that stormwater is-
sues are paramount.
PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER There were a few remarks
that spoke to a recent history
council members – longstand-
ing squabbles that keep crop-
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER beaches in Satellite Beach and coquina rock about 1,000 feet ping up and getting in the way
[email protected] Indian Harbour Beach is done for off the shoreline to a depth of
this year. about 15 feet to promote use by of collaborative effort on city
While the debate on the proj- juvenile green turtles and other
ect’s necessity rages on, work on Contractors started in Pelican aquatic life. business.
the installation of mitigation reef Beach Park in June, placing the
mats to clear the way for sand first of a total of 1,600 special The starter project at Pelican “I want to live in a mel- From top: Randy Greer, Simon
replenishment of Mid-reach concrete mats embedded with
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 low beach town, not a hostile Kemp, Laura Rankin, Dick
Dunn and Lawrence Maxwell.
one,” said Laura Rankin, one
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Oh, the ‘Horror’!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 11-14 Picture-perfect timing
ARTS 15-18 GAMES 25-27 PETS 24 as cult classic comes to
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 7-10 REAL ESTATE 33-40 Titusville Playhouse. PAGE 16
2 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CANDIDATES’ FORUM is one of the more pressing issues. you would pay,” he said. ments. Kemp mentioned his approach-
“I don’t think we necessarily have to Greer wants to revamp the system ability
replace the whole storm water system over the next several years. On more than one occasion Rankin
of Greer’s challengers. She also spoke with new technology on the horizon, Dunn mentioned revitalization of the pitched the need for a dog park in
about the need for diversity on town but old pipes need to be taken care town, something the current council
council. of,” said Simon Kemp, also challenging Fifth Avenue business community as a has voted down. Dunn spoke against
Greer. priority, along with fighting the state on such a park, citing the town attorney’s
Dunn talked about the pride he had maintaining home rule. concern over liability.
in his hometown. He also spoke of his Rankin said in this day and age, you
background in finances, citing his past can’t keep putting Band-Aids on every- Maxwell agreed that retaining the Candidates agreed that short-term
employment in the U.S. Treasury De- thing. “We need to address a 21st cen- downtown area ranked high on his list. rentals were not in the best interest of
partment. tury maintenance plan,” she said. “I’ve seen other places rip their down- the town. At the heart of the issue are
towns apart. I want to make sure it does state regs that prevent municipali-
Like Dunn, his opponent, architect Dunn spoke of scoping out pipes to not happen in this town. Without a ties from prohibiting them. “They are
Lawrence Maxwell, has a long history in see which were in acceptable shape. commercial center, you do not have a destructive to neighborhoods,” Greer
Indialantic. “I grew up here and wanted town,” he said. said.
my children to grow up in the same en- Maxwell proposed to create a de-
vironment,” he said. sign for a new system “that confronts Greer, a councilman for the past sev- Said Kemp, “I enjoy talking to neigh-
us in the 21st century. If not funded en years, trumpeted his rapport with bors but it’s hard when you have new
The candidates agreed that flooding properly, you can pay four times what a wide range of people and tempera-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the environmental benefits of a natu-
ral shoreline. The options that will be
water quality in the Indian River La- discussed are likely much cheaper
goon. Commercial properties are not than building a seawall,’’ said McNally,
allowed seawalls without special per- who since 2015 he has been active in
mission. Indian River Lagoon conservation ef-
forts, focusing on water quality moni-
Several residents living near the toring, muck management strategies,
yacht club voiced their opposition to fertilizer impacts, green business
the seawall, giving accounts of seeing practices, citizen engagement, and
manatees and other wildlife there. geospatial data analysis and mapping
A public hearing on the proposal The shoreline will be studied to see
before the Indian Harbour Beach City how “natural” it is. “Natural shorelines
Council was recessed and continued are important because they provide
until Nov. 14 to allow the applicant protection from erosion, stormwater
and concerned residents time to meet filtration, and habitat for critical spe-
and explore potential alternatives. cies in the Indian River Lagoon,” he
The proposal will be on that evening’s said.
agenda, unless withdrawn by the ap-
plicant, said City Manager Mark Ryan. “This project should certainly serve
as an example. Not only does it pro-
One alternative being discussed is vide protection from erosion, but it is
a swale or shallow area along the nar- one on the few remaining shorelines
row strip of land to help retain water in the area (just look at this area on
from the parking lot, he said. Google Earth); it also provides some
stormwater filtration and serves as a
“The applicant’s engineer could source of protection and food for vari-
certainly examine this idea and de- ous species,’’ he said.
termine if it will fit within the limited
space between the parking lot, the McNally pledged to “continue to re-
fence and proposed seawall,’’ Ryan search the subject and work with the
said. EGYC to come up with some solutions
that will provide the erosion benefits
Helping cause the delay by suggest- of the seawall with minimal impact
ing alternatives was Jared McNally, to the environment. This could be a
Citizen Science Coordinator for Ma- critical part of the ecosystem, since
rine Resources Council. there isn’t much living shoreline in the
“The goal is to provide resistance to
shoreline erosion without inhibiting
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 3
ones every week.” Dunn said the bathroom at Nance time a child needs to go. “It’s not un- for more civility on council, for proper
Rankin called it a safety issue. Park, a public park, is one thing. But a common for teenagers playing ball to discourse despite differing opinions.
Differences emerged over putting in public restroom in a residential park relieve themselves,” he said.
puts the safety of the area in jeopardy. “Learn how to be sensitive to each
a bathroom in Orlando Park. Greer can’t see spending money on a other, to find common ground,” Max-
“It’s a park. Kids enjoy the park. It On the flip side, Maxwell said a lack bathroom at least until the stormwater well said.
of facilities means parents have to pack system is resolved.
should have a porta-potty,” Rankin up their children and run home every Said Greer, “De-escalate by focusing
said. All the candidates spoke of the need on resolution.”
4 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORM DRAIN ‘PATROLS’ UTILITY MESS about 6.5 million gallons.
MULLED FOR MELBEACH With 10 inches of rain during Hurri-
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Simmons said the workshop will cane Irma and massive amounts during
[email protected] address storm water issues in macro. The oversight committee was formed subsequent storms, and with that rain-
“We can authorize engineers to come to monitor spending of money that will water leaking into sewage pipes, the
In a post-Irma atmosphere, the up with solutions.” be generated by a half-cent sales tax for entire system gets inundated, leaving
Melbourne Beach town commis- projects to help restore the Indian River county officials the “uncomfortable”
sion on Oct. 18 discussed a proposal The town will bring in an expert Lagoon and was not appropriate as the choice of discharging about 20 million
to create a citizens network of storm to talk cost-sharing opportunities at location for a town hall like meeting on gallons of sewage into the Indian River
drain patrols on each street to remove the Nov. 15 monthly meeting. “A $1.6 the county sewage discharge issue, he Lagoon or having it back up into the
leaves. million reserve for major hurricanes said. neighborhoods.
would only solve a third of our prob-
In theory, the removal would mini- lems,” Simmons said. When Denninghoff said he could not In the last 13 years, there have now
mize flooding during storms. make that decision immediately, Byron been a total of seven sewage discharges
“We can raise taxes but we can’t be- reacted strongly. into the Indian Harbour Beach canal,
But for Katherine Wilborn, such cause the state takes that opportunity he said.
a well-meaning effort amounted to away from us even if residents want to “That is unacceptable. This is a mat-
a Band-Aid on a gushing wound. A raise taxes.” ter of keen public interest. It needs to Satellite Beach City Manager Court-
long-time resident, Wilborn is fed up happen in a far more appropriate ven- ney Barker proposed smoke-testing
with flooded drains and the mosqui- One financing method would be to ue,’’ vice chair said. older areas with high groundwater infil-
toes they hatch. seek a bond to retrofit the aging storm tration rates to see if it is coming from
water infrastructure, if the voters au- In the end, the committee members connection pipes, which are residents’
“We’ve done everything we could. thorize it. approved a motion making the request responsibility to replace.
The drainage system does not work. for the workshop, and Byron later apol-
Common sense says it’s not leaves,” “If the commission were to propose ogized for his “Tasmanian devil” im- “If we could have reduced the
she said. a bond, it would probably go to a ref- pression. amount by 15 percent we may not have
erendum. If the residents approved it, had to discharge at all,’’ she said.
The commissioners don’t disagree. there would be an assessment specifi- “Many eyes are on this committee to-
“The problem is not that we don’t cally for that bond on their property day,’’ said Virginia Barker, director of the The public perception is that the
care,” Commissioner Steve Walters taxes. But nothing has yet been pro- county Natural Resources Management sewage discharges negate the efforts of
said. posed or decided.” Department. the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Proj-
ect, she said.
The problem is what to do about it On the larger question, Simmons In the official presentation to the
and, more important, how to pay for is correct, but the town did move for- committee, county engineer Mark Rea- “They are using this issue to attack
it. “Stormwater abatement costs are ward with the storm drain patrol idea. gan explained that beachside sewer
astronomical,” Mayor Jim Simmons Interim Town Manager, Elizabeth service is the most challenging because
said. Mascaro, will deliver a status report the system is designed for 8 million gal-
on the establishment of a network at lons a day, and on a dry day it processes
Since Melbourne Beach is built out, the Nov. 15 meeting.
there isn’t land to develop retention Virginia Barker, right, director of the county’s Natural
ponds. “You cannot put the water in “I like the idea of having more
the river,” he said. eyes,” Commissioner Sherri Quarrie Resources Management Department, was among the
Said Commissioner Tom Davis, “I officials to speak at a last Friday’s well-attended oversight
want to protect the river but I don’t Commissioner Wyatt Hoover’s first
want the flooding.” thought: someone slips and breaks a committee meeting. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER
leg in service to the storm drain.
So you look at other things outside
the box for solutions. “We have to re- “Anytime you do activity you run
pair pipes that are 60 years old,” he the risk of potential liability,” attorney
said. Cliff Repperger said.
Another annoyed resident, Gina Not to worry, Walters said. “We
Quigley, requested a town hall meet- have liability insurance.”
ing just to discuss this. The commis-
sion will use its Nov. 1 workshop for Said Simmons, “Hopefully no one
that purpose. will go out when it is dangerous.”
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
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Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 5
the plan,” she said. cesspool,’’ one resident said. Ryan, top administrator for, as he de- future. Baseline water testing is to begin
Accounts of living with the sewage Some suggested fines for homes scribed it, “ground zero” for the dis- in September, he said.
discharges were nightmarish; homes found to have leaky pipes; almost all Denninghoff assured the committee
worth millions with yards and docks called for the county to increase sewer “It’s impacting businesses and some that the county would be working “with
now unusable because of the stench of capacity. had to send employees home because great vigor” toward significant improve-
raw sewage floating by. of the smell,’’ he said, adding that the ments with the overall goal of no dis-
Also looking for answers was Indian discharges could cause fish kills in the charges at all.
“They turned our lifeblood into a Harbour Beach City Manager Mark
6 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
MID-REACH BEACHES summer and will be back early next nourishment projects and
spring, said Mike McGarry, the coun- contends that artificial reefs
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ty’s beach renourishment coordina- don’t make up for the sand
tor. damage to the reef.
Beach is one of 10 sites to compen-
sate for sand to later cover an esti- “It was always expected that work “The amount of reef ex-
mated 10 percent of nearshore reefs. would only take place during the posed is highly variable and
Of the 42.5 acres of nearshore rock summer months,’’ McGarry said. changes almost daily as sand
reef mapped in central Brevard, less migrates on and offshore. A
than 3 acres (approximately 7 per- post-hurricane survey has
cent) are expected to be impacted by not been completed, so I
sand placement, according to coun- cannot provide an absolute
ty officials. answer as to if there is more
or less rock exposed after the
Because of rough seas from Hurri- storm,’’ McGarry said.
cane Irma and other storms, includ-
ing the Oct. 1 no-name storm, only In a related move, an emer-
252 mats were placed this summer, gency dune project will be
representing approximately 13 per- executed by the county to
cent of the total work. place approximately 156,000
cubic yards of beach-quality
The contractor is obligated to fin- sand between December and
ish by the fall of 2018. Then sand April 2018 to replace most of
placement is expected to begin in the loss associated with hur-
2019, after mitigation is complete. ricanes Matthew and Irma.
Work ceased shortly before Hur- The overall plan is to truck
ricane Irma in early September. The PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER in up to 573,000 cubic yards
contractor re-mobilized to the site The new type of environmentally- of sand for 7.8 miles of shoreline
in early October, but sea conditions friendly reef design as mitigation tur- from just south of Patrick Air Force
deteriorated again preventing mats tle habitat is interesting for the Mid- Base south to Flug Avenue to widen
from being installed. reach project, but that doesn’t sway the beach by 10-20 feet. This beach
many members of the Sebastian is much less wide than other similar
A short time later, the contractor Inlet Chapter of the Surfrider Foun- projects completed earlier in the Co-
formally notified the Army Corps dation, which opposes all beach re- coa Beach area.
of Engineers that, for safety rea-
sons, they are ceasing work for the
Beach Gardeners bark about six
missing trees ... and town listens
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER “Six of those trees were damaged. The
[email protected] question was whether it was terminal
damage or injuries. They’re gone now,
Consider the Beach Gardeners of so it’s terminal,” said Mayor Jim Sim-
Melbourne Beach as the keeper of the mons, who spoke with public works
trees. The Johnny Appleseeds of Mel- about four of the trees. Two broke off at
bourne Beach, if you will, but without ground level and two others completely
the apples. tipped over.
“Our mission is the beautification of The members of the Beach Garden-
Melbourne Beach,” said President Joyce er’s Club disagreed, especially without
Barton. the club’s opinion not factored in.
“For the last three years we’ve had a At the Oct. 18 monthly commission
tree project headed by fellow Gardener meeting, the commissioners acqui-
Tammy Williamson. It’s no small feat esced to the concerns of the Gardeners.
that we put in over 45 trees in three
years. It’s really an accomplishment.” “I am in favor of replacing trees we
lost. It’s the right thing to do,” Commis-
So when they discovered six of those sioner Steve Walters said.
trees missing in action in the aftermath
of Hurricane Irma, they were angry. Added Commissioner Tom Davis, “I’d
like to get them back.”
“Six trees we spent a lot of money on
were cut off and removed,” Barton said Commissioner Wyatt Hoover added
at a special commission meeting on he, too, was pro tree.
Sept. 27.
At the meeting, the town agreed to cut
Barton and Williamson not only in- the club a check for $1,800 so the group
sisted the town replace the trees, but could purchase replacement trees.
fess up as to who gave the authorization
to do the dastardly deed. But don’t let it happen again, the Gar-
deners said.
“It’s $300 a tree,” Williamson said.
According to the town, the town man- “In the future, if there are ongoing
ager and public works concluded the community projects we’ll have a con-
trees were beyond fixing and had to tact name with a phone number,” Bar-
come out. ton said. “If there are any questions, the
person can be contacted.”
Some migraine
sufferers spell
relief B-O-T-O-X
8 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Some migraine sufferers spell relief B-O-T-O-X
[email protected]
Doctor David Packey remembers
the day a patient, recovering from Dr. Packey gives his patient Lauren DeJesus a botox injection.
head and spinal cord injuries, came
to his office about a treatment he spasticity and blepharospasm with
was given: Botox. The man was ex- Botox, but Packey, a careful man,
ultant. does not come lightly to decisions
like the use of such drugs on neu-
“You gave it to me for headaches, rology patients, nor does he see it as
but it has almost given me back the the be-all-end all in every headache
use of my right arm,” he told Pack- case.
ey, who practices at the Neurology
Clinic in Melbourne. “I can throw a There is, of course, the diagnosis
baseball with my son again.” of headache itself. Migraines affect
about 12 percent of Americans, ac-
Such are the stories doctors who cording to the Food and Drug Ad-
administer OnabotulinumtoxinA, ministration, but not every head-
still that standby for filling in wrin- ache is a migraine.
kles or plumping features, as what it
is: a neurotoxin that, when correctly “A lot of people will just equate a
measured and applied, paralyzes bad headache with a migraine, but
muscles ever so slightly to loosen there are definite descriptions of
those muscles and gain relief for migraine, although it has a fairly
sufferers. wide range of symptoms: throbbing,
pulsing nausea, vomiting and ex-
It also may treat excessive sweat- treme sensitivity to light and sound
ing and relieve bladder and bow- and other symptoms, for example …
el disorders, and it now is used But other (types of headaches) that
for blepharospasm, the winking, may not be migraines may bring
drooping eyelid that can’t be con- about migraines.”
trolled; cervical dystonia, in which
His patients’ headaches and their
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY the neck muscles tighten and cause possible causes are discussed in-
pain; and even strabismus: eye mis- depth: “Genetics, because there is a
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of alignment, or cross-eye. strong family connection with mi-
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through graines; and history, the environ-
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental And most frequently, patients like ment, foods, toxins and chemicals,
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of the baseball-throwing father come because they all can trigger head-
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. to neurologists like Packey for relief aches. Trauma can bring about post-
of headaches. traumatic migraines too.”
The first thing to determine about Only then is treatment considered
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM a such a physician is credentials, and only if appropriate may that
and Packey has them. His bachelor treatment include Botox.
of science degree is from Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, his The world’s most popular cosmet-
Ph.D. in physiology and biophysics ic drug, Botox is produced by Ire-
is from the University of Texas Med- land-based Allergan, which defines
ical Branch, and his M.D. is from the it as “a prescription medicine that
University of Miami School of Medi- is injected to prevent headaches in
cine. adults with chronic migraine who
have 15 or more days each month
He did his internship at Mercy with headache lasting four or more
Hospital, Pittsburgh, and his resi- hours each day in people 18 years or
dencies at the Yale University-New older.”
Haven Hospital and Yale University
School of Medicine, where he was
the Gil Glaser Fellow in Clinical Epi-
Certified by the American Board
of Psychiatry and Neurology, he has
practiced in Melbourne since 1994,
seeing people with disorders such as
migraines and headaches, neuropa-
thies, Alzheimer’s and dementia,
epilepsy, strokes, movement disor-
ders, cervical and lumbar spine dis-
ease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
disease, brain injuries, attention
deficit disorder and concussions.
He treats chronic migraines, cer-
vical dystonia, upper and lower limb
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 9
Derived from Clostridium botu- own practices. The same is true for to pretty much pay out of pocket,” “(Calcitonin gene-related peptide,
linum, a largely inactive, non-toxic treatment of blepharospasm, cervi- Packey said. “Now the insurance CGRP) will be going to the FDA for
organism found in the natural en- cal dystonia and the other condi- companies can’t say no to it, but your approval soon,” he said. “It’s an in-
vironment, is it described by Medi- tions treated by people in his pro- headaches have to be bad enough to travenous infusion that will require
cal News Today as “a successful and fession. qualify. You must state how frequent a three- to six-month treatment
valuable therapeutic protein.” and severe they are.” (regimen).”
Because Botox was approved by
Originally, doctors noticed that the FDA, insurers must accept it That is worth the trouble because, It all results in immense satisfac-
with cosmetic applications of Botox, as legitimate treatment, though in according to, “the tion for physicians as well as pa-
of which about 6 million take place the case of headaches, strictly for cost of a 100-unit vial of Botox is ap- tients.
every year, “the patients’ headaches chronic (as opposed to episodic) proximately $525. Note that a typi-
starting getting better,” Packey ex- migraines. Still, the physician must cal dose of Botox for migraine treat- “Seeing the benefits of this, see-
plained, and so studies took place prove that chronic migraines are ment is 155 units.” ing lots and lots of people helped
to prove that it would work on mi- the problem and therefore must get by this treatment, is so gratifying,”
graines. The studies having had prior approval for payment. It’s also not the end of research he said. “Some people tell me it’s a
good results, in 2010 the FDA ap- and development into solutions for life-changer. That’s what you want
proved its use on chronic migraines. “Before approval, patients had headaches. to hear, isn’t it?”
“Chronic migraine is one of the
most disabling forms of headache,”
Dr. Russell Katz of the FDA said at
the time. “A patient with chronic
migraine experiences a headache
more than 14 days of the month.
This condition can greatly affect
family, work and social life, so it is
important to have a variety of effec-
tive treatment options available.”
Botox for migraines also has re-
ceived glowing reports in some
quarters since that time, including
“Prospective Analysis of the Use of
OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) in the
Treatment of Chronic Migraine” by
Drs. Modar Khalil, Hassan W Za-
far, Victoria Quarshie and Fayyaz
Ahmedin, published in 2014 in
the Journal of Headache and Pain,
based in the United Kingdom.
The results, according to the re-
searchers, was, “Our prospective
analysis shows that Onabotulinum-
toxinA significantly reduced the
number of headache and migraine
days and increased the number of
headache-free days. Onabotulinum-
toxinA Botox also improved pa-
tients’ quality of life. We believe that
these results represent the largest
post-marketing cohort of patients
treated with OnabotulinumtoxinA
in the real-life clinical setting.”
Packey explained it more simply.
In neurological applications,
“probably the biggest (advantage) of
the thing is that it reaches the un-
derlying, mechanical spasm of the
arteries,” he said. “Muscle tension is
the earliest trigger, with excess fir-
ing of certain brain cells, so we take
advantage of trying to control those
Thus, he injects tiny amounts of
the substance near the head, care-
fully. Put it too close to an eye and
it may cause a droopy eyelid or de-
crease the secretion of glands. Put
it in the neck and the patient’s neck
may be a bit sore.
“I am very careful,” he said, which
also explains why neurologists, and
not any assistants in any offices,
prefer to do these things in their
10 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The many reasons you should pump iron into your diet
STORY BY CASEY SEIDENBERG selves doubting many football
The Washington Post they possessed
enough energy tackles and
Every now and then, my teenage to finish all of
boys acknowledge my nutrition edu- that evening’s not a lack of
cation, admit that I might actually studying, let alone
know something they don’t and ask hit repeat the next day. spinach.
me for advice. This week, they were
complaining of being utterly exhaust- Of course, there is no Kids and
ed, beaten up by the hours of forceful elixir that I can whip up to
football practice and the first month magically give them a second adults who
back at school. They found them- wind or make them feel as refreshed
drink caf-
feine may
as after a good night’s sleep. I be depleting their bodies
might offer my children natu-
ral remedies they often think are of iron. Caffeine inhibits iron absorp-
wacky, but I am no witch doctor.
I did suggest that they make certain tion, making it hard for the essential
they eat well during these long, tiring
days and nights. I hinted that perhaps mineral to get to our cells to work its
their choice to sleepwalk through
breakfast, talk to their friends through magic. Digestive distress can also in-
lunch and rush through dinner might
leave them without all of the nutrients, hibit the absorption of iron. Excess ex-
especially iron, that they need.
Why iron? ercise can damage red blood cells, the
Iron equals energy. Iron’s main job
is to help carry oxygen from the lungs cells that carry the oxygen through-
to every cell in the body. When you do
not get enough oxygen to your cells, out our bodies, so the body may need
you are left feeling exhausted and
weak — sound familiar, boys? Low even more iron when exercising to the
iron is the most common nutrient
deficiency in the United States. Even extreme. Boys, I am quite sure your
if my guys are not actually iron de-
ficient, giving their cells a little more twice-a-day football practices in Au-
oxygen certainly cannot hurt.
Think about it: Getting oxygen to gust and September heat qualified as
our brains, muscles and heart surely
sounds like it would help energize extreme.
each of these body parts. In fact, if
our cells do not get the oxygen they Women need more dietary iron than
require, they start dying. Makes you
want to breathe deeply, doesn’t it? men because they lose some through
Oxygen in the brain greatly affects
cognitive output; if the brain isn’t get- blood loss during menstruation. And
ting enough oxygen, it certainly isn’t
going to be as sharp as it could. In fact, anyone sticking to a vegetarian or
the brain uses 20 percent of all the ox-
ygen in the body, so iron’s delivery job vegan diet should focus on iron intake
is vital.
Athletic performance is also affect- because vegetarian sources of iron
ed when kids do not get enough iron,
as muscles, too, require boatloads of are absorbed into the body different-
oxygen. Immune function and the
ability to ward off colds are also affect- ly. Heme iron, found in animal foods
ed when a body doesn’t have enough
iron. such as meat, poultry, fish, clams and
Iron is integral to many enzyme
functions, helping us digest foods and eggs, is two to three times as usable
absorb nutrients. When we are able to
access all of the protein, fats and car- as the non-heme iron found in plant
bohydrates from our meals, we have
more energy and are healthier. Iron foods such as beans, leafy green veg-
helps balance hormone levels, essen-
tial for any teenager. Iron also helps etables and nuts. If you are a vegetar-
regulate metabolism and creates
healthy skin, nails and hair. ian, the optimal way to get your iron is
Although low iron can contribute
to bruising, I am going to stick to the to combine leafy greens, beans and a
assumption that the countless bruises
on my boys’ bodies are the result of too food with vitamin C such as tomatoes
or citrus. Vitamin C aids in all iron ab-
The recommended daily amount of
iron is:
Children ages 4-8: 10 mg. (This age
group often experiences rapid growth
and requires more iron than older
Children ages 9-13: 8 mg.
Boys ages 14-19: 11 mg.
Girls ages 14-19: 15 mg.
Women ages 19-50: 18 mg.
Men ages 19-50: 8 mg.
So, boys, if you want to jump-start
your energy, make sure a day in your
life looks something like this:
Breakfast: three scrambled eggs
with whole-grain toast and a cup of
Lunch: a bowl of meat-and-bean
chili with sliced avocado.
Dinner: chicken, rice and sauteed
Popping an iron supplement is not
ideal without a doctor’s supervision,
as too much iron can be as dangerous
as too little. So stick to the real food,
boys, and find another excuse not to
study tonight.
Oldies and goodies at
Antiques & Sidewalk Market
12 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Antiquers have good ol’ time at Sidewalk Market
[email protected]
Event manager Heather Tou.
It’s not every day that drivers
backed up along Eau Gallie Boule-
vard see a couple of guys strolling
along with an old door under their
arms. Maybe once a year such sights
may be seen, when the Vintage Re-
vival Antiques & Sidewalk Market
takes over the Eau Gallie Arts Dis-
Curated by Heather Tau and Jim
Gast, owners of Rehab Vintage Mar-
ket & Unique Home Decor, just west
of U.S. 1 in the district, last Satur-
day’s fall market brought 89 ven-
dors, food trucks and live music to
Highland Avenue. Vendors pitched
event tents and rolled out the carpet
for a walk back in time enjoyed by
an estimated 4,000 people. Booths
lining Highland Avenue offered
American antique furnishings and
knickknacks, repurposed materials,
handmade artwork, true junk shop
treasures and brand new, made-to-
look-old home furnishings.
The market, in its fourth year,
brings together a community of
merchants that Tau has come to name is Elodie,” said Jensen, who in
know over time. “A lot of them are December is moving her five-year-
friends, or people that I sell with at old business from Cocoa Village to
other shows and some are from my Downtown Melbourne.
store,” she said. “They come from
all over. From Jacksonville, Mount After a blistering summer, 80 de-
Dora, Southern Georgia, Fort Lau- grees can feel like a brisk fall day to
derdale, Stuart, Melbourne, Clare- Floridians. A day with low humidity
mont, Orlando. I want to do this for and a steady breeze could fool some
them and for exposure of our store into thinking they were window
and exposure of the downtown shopping in a New England village,
area,” said Tau, who will marry Gast if not for the shoppers’ cutoffs, flip
on Nov. 7 on Sanibel Island. flops and tan lines.
When your business is also your But a beautiful day brings out the
passion, you’re never really off the joy in many and simple expressions
job and Tau was having as much of happiness come easy for some,
fun as anyone perusing the mar- like Celeste Estrada, 12, of Mel-
ket stalls. “I really like primitives, bourne and Pembroke Pines. All she
pieces that date back to the 1800s, needs is sidewalk chalk and a side-
and I’ve seen a couple of really great walk, her creative mind and cheer-
cupboards,” she said. ful spirit. While her parents busied
themselves with Salvific, their home
Fitting into the vintage vibe like design studio, Celeste was turning a
no other is pastry chef Lilly Jensen plain stretch of cement into a mul-
of Melbourne, owner of House of ticolored sunburst. She informed
Pastel Macarons. Frequent visitors a visitor that she was inspired by
to Arts District events may be famil- Wynwood Arts District in Miami, a
iar with her baby blue microcam- Puerto Rican neighborhood known
per, but do they know it has a name? worldwide for its vibrant street art.
“She is my 1965 camper and her
“Wynwood has graffiti on the
walls but it’s allowed and it’s so
beautiful. And there are places on
the sidewalk where it will say, ‘place
to hug’ and ‘place to kiss.’ I was go-
ing to make one of those, because
why not? It’s a pretty day,” she said,
adding, “I’m going to make it say, ‘a
place to stop and be happy.’”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 13
Elizabeth Brzozowski. Kimberly Rosbrook. Sue Tyson Parker and Tim Ambrose.
Celena, Kaya and Chloe Field. Sarah Adams, Leila Brasch, Kim David and Nancy Barrett. Lisa Matsko.
Marc Doyle and Patty Kubecka. Christina Rogers and Sadie Almond. Ken and Christina Gast.
14 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Young ninja warriors prove
they’re up to the ‘Challenge’
[email protected] Assisted Living Facility License # AL11595 Dean Hernandez.
Physical excellence is the goal. Well,
Bedroom Breakfast Room racing through an obstacle course
10’x 12’ 9’10”x 11’ without landing on your face is the ac-
tual goal. But when you’re a ninja war-
INDEPENDENT LIVING DAYTONA 2405 Sq. Ft. Florida Room Variations in floor plans may apply. rior in training, bumps and bruises are Madison Toenjas.
15’8”x 10’8” 321-253-7440 • 7300 Watersong Lane, Melbourne, FL 32940 to be expected and fears are to be con-
COTTAGE FLOOR PLANS quered. Physical excellence comes later, “full of energy” for his success. Round
WEST PALM 2481 Sq. Ft. through dedication and perseverance. two saw him shave his time to 26.5 sec-
onds, but by round three the energy ap-
Discover carefree living at Brennity at Melbourne in The David R. Schechter Community peared to be waning as he came in at
our modern, maintenance-free cottages fit for your Center in Satellite Beach was the scene 50.5 seconds.
lifestyle. Schedule your tour today and don’t miss last Saturday of the Kids Ninja War-
out on this one-time special on cottages. riors Challenge, an annual competition Fair play is stressed, as physical fit-
modeled on the NBC sports entertain- ness is the object of the game and not
Come visit, you’re welcome anytime ment show “American Ninja Warrior.” crushing any budding dreams of ath-
letic superstardom.
321-253-7440 Under the guidance of Coach Reed
Tompkins, 44 children from 5 to 11 “Every time they fall off, instead of
Cottages • Independent LIvIng • assIsted LIvIng • MeMory Care years old from across Brevard County being out of the competition – we don’t
accepted the challenge. There were no want that – we just give them a penalty.
7300 Watersong Lane, Melbourne, FL 32940 tears, no refusals and, thankfully, no So if they fall off a regular object, 5 sec-
broken bones. In abundance was some- onds are added. If they don’t make it up
A SAGORA SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY AL#11595 thing of which parents may be proud, the wall, we just add 10 seconds. So you
and that was kids encouraging kids. still might win if you have an amazing
run,” explained Tompkins.
Most of the ninjas whipped through
the 22-piece obstacle course made of Times were added up and winners re-
soft, vinyl-covered blocks of various ceived two free months of ninja classes
shapes and sizes, balance beams, mini at any of Tompkins’ locations.
trampolines and a climbing rope until,
that is, they hit the wall. More specifi-
cally, the 6- to 8-foot warped wall that
had to be scaled to finish the course.
For some, it was challenging but doable.
For others, it may as well have been 20
feet high. But that is the beauty of such
competitions: With practice and con-
ditioning, the wall is only a temporary
When a child found himself or herself
dangling by the fingertips, knowing the
next move would be a slow slide back
down to the gym mat, the other chil-
dren began to shout encouragement
and clap their hands, willing those
straining arms to pull that kid up and
over the top of the wall. It didn’t work,
usually, but the camaraderie and fel-
lowship were genuine.
The competition was divided into
two age categories, with 25 5-to 8-year-
olds competing first, and the 22 9-to-11-
year-olds after them. Each age group
competed in three stages that be-
came progressively more difficult. The
younger kids scaled a 6-foot warped
wall while the older ones had 2 feet
added to theirs. The older group had to
swing by a climbing rope and land on a
block, an obstacle left out of the younger
kids’ challenge.
Satellite Beach resident John Weber,
whose son Sean Weber, 7, completed
round one in a speedy 26.9 seconds,
credits martial arts classes and being
16 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Picture-perfect timing for ‘Rocky Horror’ cult classic
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT volved with the shenanigans the char- Even though the Titusville Play- die (the biker character) this year, but
[email protected] acters go through. They’ll even stand house has the live show on its boards, funny enough, I cast Courtenay Char-
up and dance. audiences will still have the interac- bet who’s been a Rocky fan half of his
They can’t not do it. tive experience they expect at the life. So he knew everything already.”
It’s not just that audiences and ac- Don’t get confused. Most of the movie version. The theater will sell
tors clamor to do the Time Warp again. interactive experiences are via the $10 prop bags complete with red Cast members returning include:
Titusville Playhouse reaps more “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” a movie feather boa, flashlights, whistles, Ari Richardson as Dr. Frank N. Furter,
than a tenth of its $1 million operating at which a so-called “shadow cast” toilet paper and more. Those in the Shea Rafferty as the beautiful creature
budget from the production. It’s that performs the entire show in front of know use these items and generally Rocky, Alex Browne as the maniacal
popular. the projection screen. The production toss them at each other or toward the Riff Raff, Melinda Benyea as sexy maid
So get ready. Richard O’Brien’s cult at Titusville Playhouse is the live show stage. Like the characters do onstage Magenta, Marcy Szymanski as sexy
classic musical, “The Rocky Horror – “The Rocky Horror Show.” That’s during a rain storm, audience mem- Columbia, Kyle McDonald as Brad and
Show,” has invaded Brevard’s north- the stage version which had its world bers will hold a newspaper over their Kristen Sellers as Janet.
ern shores again in all its glam rock ’n’ premiere in 1973 in London and then head while cast members spray water
roll glory. opened in 1974 in Los Angeles. And Sellers, who lives in Ocoee, has
proven herself invaluable in this pro-
Riff Raff ( Alexander Browne)
toward the audience. A self-proclaimed “Rocky Hor-
Columbia (Marcy Szymanski), Brad (Kyle McDonald), Magenta (Melinda Benya) and Janet (Kristen Sellers). “The theater looks ror fanatic,” she wanted to get the
like crap at the end of perfect pink dress for her role. A
PHOTOS BY: RYAN CLAPPER couple years ago she found on-
line a home business that spe-
the show,” Heron said, cializes in “Rocky” costumes.
laughing. “We bring in “It was perfect,” she said. “And
it wasn’t as expensive.”
“It’s built up its own little follow- The story, a sexy, campy tribute a crew of four people to clean it up. It
She showed Heron the dress
ing in Titusville,” said director Ste- to B movies of the sci-fi and horror takes them five or six hours.” and suggested that Titusville
Playhouse purchase all the cos-
ven Heron. “We only do it for two genre, remains the same: An innocent That was pretty much the amount tumes so they didn’t have to rent
them every year.
weekends, but we were already 83 couple, Brad and Janet, get caught in of time it took Heron to direct this
“I said we have to use these
percent sold out before we even the rain and seek refuge at the goth- year’s production – the fourth one in guys,” she said. “They’re stuff is
great. It’s affordable and looks
opened. It’s crazy.” ic home of mad scientist Dr. Frank four years. fantastic.”
Sellers said the costumes “look
In fact, audiences all over the coun- N. Furter, who just happens to be a The cast and crew, who had done straight out of the movie” with beau-
tiful corsets and perfect space ship
try flock to the “Rocky Horror” phe- proud transvestite with killer red lips. the show before, met on Monday and outfits. Heron loves the details on the
costumes, especially the little shards
nomenon, especially around the Hal- With the help of his macabre crew, he four days later had a dress rehearsal. hanging down on Riff Raff’s tail coat.
Making them even better for re-
loween season. They dress in garb makes a creature, a beautiful young “It was old hat for everybody,” Heron peated stage use, the costumes came
double-lined on everything and with
inspired by the 1975 film and get in- man named “Rocky.” said. “Everybody knows it. We lost Ed- heavier zippers.
“The costumes are extremely im-
portant,” Sellers said. “Most people
come in with an impression of the
movie. The closer we are to that brings
back all the memories of the show.
For me, when I see a production of it,
Funk’s Antiquary Multi-Media
HIGHWAY MEN ART MOneaMrantiSnhowLuther Presents
Thomas Funk • Call us Today (321) 427-6795 Quincentennial Celebration
of Protestant Reformation • 1402 Highland Ave (in the Eau Gallie Arts District)
October 27, 2017
7:00 PM
106 N. Riverside Drive
Indialantic, FL 32903
(321) 723-8371
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 17
this is how I have it pictured in my Coming Up: Culture vultures, descend on King Center
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER “Austin and Ally,” “Teen Beach Movie,” “outer space, because this troupe of-
Apart from costumes, the big- [email protected] the 89th Annual Academy Awards, and fers acts that don’t seem humanly
gest visual element on stage is the with Jennifer Lopez. Show time is 7:30 possible, like walking up a building
lighting. Scenic design tends to fade 1 The King Center for the Perform- p.m. Tickets start at $47.50. face.” Flip FabriQue is amazing, excit-
away in order to make the experi- ing Arts looks like the place to be at ing, energetic and playful, definitely
ence more like a rock concert. a show for all ages. Show time is 7:30
some point this week, with several great p.m. Tickets start at $50.75.
To that end, Heron turned to Ti-
tusville Playhouse’s new lighting and varied entertainment choices. First 3 “Pure magic,” “astounding” and
designer, Luke Atkison, who recent- “stunning” are a few of the words
ly moved here from Kansas City, off … “The arts inspire everything!”
Missouri, where he designed lights
at Kansas City Repertory Theatre. So say the planners of Brevard’s big- that will probably spring to mind as
Atkison had only heard gossip about gest celebration of the arts, the Annual you watch Flip FabriQue, a troupe 4 “Catapult,” a fascinating dance-
how much fun Titusville Playhouse’s based show of a very different
“Rocky Horror Show” was and that Cultural Arts Showcase, presented by of young French Canadians who are
the audience loved it.
the King Center and the Brevard Sym- bringing their “stunning, gravity-de-
“I knew it had to be good,” he said.
“But then, Steven came to me and talk- phony Orchestra this Sunday, noon to 5 fying” show “Catch Me!” to the King
ed about what he envisioned, which
was raw, edgy, true rock ’n’ roll style. p.m. It’s free, and you’re encouraged to Center this coming Thursday, Nov. 2.
“It was really pulling more of my bring the fam- Flip FabriQue
background of concert rather than
theater lighting to get that edgy, in- ily and share was founded
your-face lighting design.”
an enriching by a group of
His concert style lighting employs
color, movement and “constant en- and entertain- friends, profes-
ing afternoon sional circus Catapult.
Straight plays (non-musicals) fre-
quently use softer and warmer light- of art, music artists, after sort, is coming to the Peabody Audi-
ing, he says. It’s not noticed because torium, up the road in Daytona, this
it appears as if it could come from and dance. An- graduating Saturday. The New York Daily News
an on-stage source. Lighting here is described “Catapult” as “inspiring,
more subtle and supportive rather choring the from Quebec transcendent combinations of shad-
than creating focus. ow-dance theater, incredible human
festival will be City Circus
Musicals, on the other hand, need sculpture, and imag-
more heightened energy. To achieve the BSO’s An- School. Since inative story-telling.”
that, lighting designers may have In 2013, Adam Bat-
saturated color in their lighting and nual Family then, they’ve telstein’s silhouette-
movement, like you see in a follow style dance troupe
spot. Lighting should enhance or Concert, hosted traveled the captivated audiences
boost certain musical moments. as one of the final 12
by that always world, per- contestants on NBC’s
But unlike either of those theater hit show “America’s
lighting scenarios, rock concert entertaining Got Talent.” The
lighting steps up the energy with troupe continues to
moving lights – a large number of duo Mike and Flip FabriQue. fascinate nationwide
spots that change color, have high audiences as the
color saturation and move. And a Mindy from ‘So You Think You dancers tell stories
special technique of using “blind- Can Dance.’ by contorting their
ers,” a light aimed for a few sweep- Lite Rock 99.3. bodies into shapes
ing seconds directly at the audience, that create astound-
increases action or distracts the au- The orchestra ing silhouettes pro-
dience during a special effect. jected from behind
will also be featured during the Bran- forming extensively a big screen. Show
“Those light beams and their with such stellar time is 7:30 p.m.
movement create an energy in the don Family Concert at 2 p.m. Live per- circus troupes as Tickets start at $23, plus surcharges.
audience as well,” Atkison said. Cirque du Soleil Students, $15.
formances, activities and demonstra- and Cirque Éloize.
And he uses all that for “Rocky Their show is about
Horror Show.” tions will take place across three stages their friendship and
the feelings they
“It’s the nature of the show,” Her- all afternoon, with more than 50 area have for each other,
on said. “It’s a theatrical event, but which comes across
you treat it as a rock ’n’ roll concert. musical, dance, arts, cultural and the- clearly, even when
they perform very
“Everybody’s having a good time. ater groups participating. Also part of high acrobatics and
It’s become this thing. That’s the extremely difficult
whole reason I put it in four years the musical activities will be one you routines. New York
ago. Audiences let down their hair.” times critic Laurel
probably don’t see every day: an Instru- Graeber wonders whether they are not
“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” really from Quebec, but, rather, from
runs through Oct. 29 at Titusville ment Petting Zoo. If you’ve ever wanted
Playhouse, 301 Julia St., Titusville.
Tickets are $25 and $29. Call 321-268- to scratch a clarinet behind its ears, this
1125, or visit TitusvillePlayhouse.
com. could be your chance.
2 Dance fans, this is for you. The
14-time Emmy-winning show
“So You Think You Can Dance” enjoys
a huge Monday night following, and is
currently packing houses on its new na-
tionwide tour. One of the first stops will
be this very Wednesday at the King Cen-
ter, when the Season 14 Top 10 finalists
will take the stage to wow the audience
doing what they do best. You’ll get to see
– live, in person, dancing their hearts
out and kickin’ the dust up – Robert
Green, Logan Hernandez, Lex Ishi-
moto, Koine Iwasaki, Dassy Lee, Kaylee
Millis, KiKi Nyemchek, Taylor Sieve,
Sydney Tormey and Mark Villaver. And
that’s not all: Season 14 all-stars Jas-
mine Harper and Marko Germar are on
the bill as well. Since being on the show,
Harper has performed in Beyonce’s
“Lemonade” video, at the 89th Annual
Academy Awards and with Taylor Swift,
Usher and Pit Bull; and Germar has
danced in “Grease Live!” and on “Glee,”
20 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Long before the winds of Hurricane nomic decline and potentially accel- Politicians, meanwhile, are weigh- ment could suffer a shutdown by the
Maria reached Puerto Rico, another erating a vicious cycle. ing the potentially significant elec- end of the month.
disaster had been wrenching and scat- toral consequences of a wave of mi-
tering the lives of island residents. “We are watching a real live demo- grants expected to lean Democratic Prolonged bouts of economic de-
graphic and population collapse on a – especially in Florida. The swing state cline and depopulation have afflicted
During the decade before Maria, monumental scale,” according to Ly- already boasts half a million Puerto parts of the United States before. Dur-
economic decline and depopula- man Stone, an independent migration Rican-born residents, and more are ing seven years in the 1950s, the num-
tion, a slower-moving catastrophe, researcher and economist at the Ag- expected in Maria’s aftermath. ber of people living in West Virginia
had been taking a staggering toll: The riculture Department. The hurricane dropped by 8 percent. New York lost 4
number of residents had plunged by hit “might just be the kick in the pants Indeed, at a news conference last percent of its population in the 1970s.
11 percent, the economy had shrunk Puerto Rico needs to really fall off this week, Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Ros- And during one stretch in the 1950s,
by 15 percent, and the government demographic cliff into total epochal- selló warned that without significant Arkansas shed a whopping 11 percent
had become unable to pay its bills. level demographic disaster.” help, “millions” could leave for the U.S. of its people.
It already ranked among the worst Whatever happens with Puerto But in depth, the cycle of economic
cycles of economic decline and de- Rico, moreover, will have far-reach- “You’re not going to get hundreds decline and depopulation on the is-
population in postwar American his- ing effects, because while the disaster of thousands of Puerto Ricans mov- land of 3.4 million people may prove
tory, and projections indicated that is felt most keenly on the island, the ing to the States – you’re going to get the most punishing.
the island’s slide could continue for accelerated exodus is already being millions,” Rosselló said. “You’re going
years. felt on the mainland. to get millions, creating a devastating “Even before Maria, you had what
demographic shift for us here in Puerto looked like a death spiral going on,”
Then came Maria. Cities popular with Puerto Ricans, Rico.” said Gregory Makoff, a bond research-
Now, even as officials in Washing- such as Orlando, Hartford, Conn., and er who worked on the Treasury De-
ton and Puerto Rico undertake the Springfield Mass., are bracing for more Puerto Rico Treasury Secretary Raúl partment’s Puerto Rico team and now
recovery, residents are expected to students, many of whom come from Maldonado has warned, meanwhile, is a senior fellow at the Center for In-
leave en masse, fueling more eco- families living below the poverty level. that without more aid, the govern- ternational Governance Innovation.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 21
“Now it’s no longer theoretical. In a where the economy is going to be dev- going struggles on the island, Presi- before the hurricanes ever hit. Their
week’s time, they’ve lost another huge astated for the next 10 years.’ If enough dent Trump noted this week that the electrical grid was destroyed before the
chunk of the population.” people think that way, it’s going to be a disaster in Puerto Rico in many ways hurricanes got there. It was in very bad
self-reinforcing downward spiral.” had begun years ago. shape, was not working, was in bank-
For years before the economic slide, ruptcy.”
companies such as Merck, Johnson & In addressing complaints about on- Puerto Rico “was in very poor shape
Johnson and PepsiCo had collectively Indeed, interviews with Puerto Ri-
saved $2 billion or more annually un- can businesspeople indicated that
der a key tax break that gave U.S. com- even if the obstacles left by Maria can
panies an incentive to set up opera- be overcome – most notably the wide-
tions on the island. spread lack of electricity – a return to
economic life as it was before the storm
But in 2006, the tax break was elimi- is untenable.
nated, taking away a key incentive for
companies to operate there. It was one Take Frank Joseph Sugden, 51, the
of many factors blamed for the island’s owner of an established family tux-
decline. edo and gown business in Bayamon.
His company, Top Hat, once had three
Among the others: The island’s stores but now has just one. With the
electrical power system is outdat- reductions over the years, he’s had to
ed and saddles islanders with bills lay off 10 employees.
roughly double what they are on the
mainland; an exodus of doctors has Now, after Maria, weddings and other
opened holes in the health-care sys- formal parties have been largely can-
tem; and the economy’s most criti- celed through December, so his store
cal sector, manufacturing, has been is closed. Two of his remaining eight
shrinking even more rapidly than the employees are considering leaving for
rest of the economy, affected not just good. His wife wants him to leave, too.
by the lost tax break but also by global To make up for the lost business, he’s
competition. started to do insurance work on the side.
Only about 40 percent of people in He worries whether Puerto Rico is in
Puerto Rico are employed or seeking a death spiral.
work. By contrast, the U.S. figure for
what economists call “labor force par- “I think so, yes, and I’m not too sure
ticipation” is about 63 percent. we’re going to come out of it,” Sugden
said. “We’ve just been kind of shrink-
Finally, the government’s inability to ing, shrinking, shrinking, and this is
pay off more than $70 billion in debt kind of a lethal blow.”
has provoked a congressionally man-
dated oversight board and a new fiscal Leo Aldridge, a lawyer with offices
plan that calls for efforts to raise taxes in San Juan and New York, described
and significant cuts to the govern- the post-Maria migration from the is-
ment. Even with optimistic assump- land as the “Jet Blue revolution. Peo-
tions, that plan predicted continuing ple are buying a ticket and getting the
shrinkage of the economy. hell out.”
As a result, for Washington and Puer- But the trouble began long before
to Rican officials planning a recovery, the storm. After a law class he teach-
the ongoing exodus poses a multifac- es at the University of Puerto Rico, he
eted dilemma said, his students frequently ask how
they can arrange a bar exam and job
“They’ve got to start from the on the mainland.
ground up,” Makoff said of any new
plan for the island. “All the time, kids come up to me
to say, ‘What do I have to do to get off
In the short term, at least, the island the island? What bar review do I have
is likely to see an economic boost; to take?’ ” Aldridge said. “This was all
rebuilding after a hurricane often in- before the hurricane. . . . People are
jects a jolt of spending into local econ- leaving and leaving and leaving.”
Even those who evince optimism
But according to recent research acknowledge that more difficult times
of 90 years of natural disasters in the lie ahead.
United States, published as a National
Bureau of Economic Research work- “We will move forward better than
ing paper, major natural disasters also we were before,” said Joaquín Fernán-
have unfavorable effects: They increase dez Quintero, the president of Tele-
out-migration, lower home prices and medik, a telehealth company that em-
raise poverty rates. ploys about 400 people.
Like many on the island, Sergio M. But he said that about 10 percent of
Marxuach, policy director for the Cen- the employees in his Mayaguez office
ter for a New Economy, a San Juan- will move to the States in the coming
based think tank, said a massive federal weeks, several of them “high-level” em-
investment is necessary. ployees. And he’s not sure when they
will be coming back.
“We’re going to need some signifi-
cant government intervention – essen- “People are getting frustrated and
tially a big rescue package, not only to depressed,” Fernández Quintero said.
rebuild the economy but get it grow- “A lot of small and medium compa-
ing,” he said. “People are saying, ‘I don’t nies will be closing because they can-
want my children to grow up in a place not maintain their operations. It will
be a complicated process.”
HEART ATTACK VS. CARDIAC ARREST, PART II Shortness of breath Sudden collapse
Cold sweat No pulse
Signs and Symptoms Fatigue No breathing
Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness Loss of consciousness
A heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest are two dis-
tinct cardiac conditions. SYMPTOMS OF HEART ATTACK MAY BE While sudden cardiac arrest often occurs with no
MORE SUBTLE IN WOMEN warning, sometimes there are signs and symptoms that
A heart attack is caused by “plumbing” issues, when may provide a forewarning of an impending cardiac ar-
blood flow to a portion of the heart is blocked. Sudden car- The signs of a heart attack in women can be subtle and rest. They include:
diac arrest is due to “electrical” problems, when the “wir- confusing. As with men, women’s most common heart
ing” of the heart malfunctions and the rhythm of heart- attack symptom is chest pain, sometimes described as Fatigue
beats is interrupted, and the heart suddenly stops beating. feeling “like an elephant sitting across your chest,” or dis- Fainting
comfort. Some women, however, experience a heart at- Blackouts
Risk factors for both heart attack and cardiac arrest tack without chest pressure. Women are more likely than Dizziness
include: age, tobacco use, high blood pressure, high men to demonstrate some of the other common symp- Chest pain
cholesterol/triglyercide levels, diabetes, personal his- toms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting Shortness of breath
tory, family history, sedentary lifestyle and obesity. and back or jaw pain. Some describe upper back pres- Weakness
sure that feels like squeezing or a rope being tied around Palpitations
Today we’ll review signs and symptoms for heart at- them. Dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting and extreme Vomiting
tack and cardiac arrest. fatigue are other symptoms for women to watch for.
If you think you or someone else is having a heart
HEART ATTACK SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Some heart attacks – for men and women – strike attack or cardiac arrest, call 911 immediately, and get
suddenly. But for many people, warning signs and symp- to the closest hospital.
Symptoms and the severity of symptoms of heart at- toms start hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest
tack can vary. Some people have mild pain; others have warning may be recurrent chest pain (angina) that’s trig- Be proactive: Get established with a local physician
severe pain. Some people have no symptoms; for oth- gered by exertion and relieved by rest. Angina is caused and cardiologist, and go for regular check-ups.
ers the first sign of a heart attack is when their heart by a temporary decrease in blood flow to the heart.
stops and they suffer sudden cardiac arrest. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
CARDIAC ARREST SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
Common signs and symptoms of a heart attack include:
On the other hand, sudden cardiac arrest symptoms © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or ach- are immediate and drastic:
ing sensation in the chest or arms that may spread to
the neck, jaw or back
Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 23
Jann Wenner doesn’t like the way a with former Rolling Stone would be low points, too, none worse the music and the personalities – from
new biography of him turned out. He’s editor Will Dana that Wenner, than the journalistic debacle of the singer Marianne Faithfull and pho-
called the book “deeply flawed and though torn between the vir- University of Virginia rape expose. The tographer Annie Leibovitz to Bruce
tawdry.” tues and vices of his genera- story disintegrated and three libel suits Springsteen and, of course, the Beatles
tion, is “51 percent good.” followed. The great Wenner, though, and the Stones.
Maybe that’s because that’s a pret- was clueless, both before and after pub-
ty good description of Wenner’s life, He tells, for example, of lication – he had “read the story and Along the way, Wenner’s character
which the author, Joe Hagan, explores Wenner’s journalistic leader- thought it was great,” as Hagan tells it. – ever self-interested, ever calculat-
in great (sometimes too great) detail, ship in covering that night- In fact, the way the magazine handled ing – comes under the microscope.
and with apparent honesty and alle- mare of craven stupidity and it represented an utter failure of jour- So does his personal life, as he strug-
giance to the truth. That’s quite a bit violent death that was the Al- nalistic standards and practices. And gled to hide his homosexuality for
more than Wenner’s magazine did tamont Free Concert in north- when U-Va. associate dean Nicole Era- many years, partly through a lengthy
when it committed egregious journal- ern California. mo’s suit came to trial, Wenner made marriage to a woman. His own drug
istic sins in 2014’s “A Rape on Campus,” things even worse as he addressed her use, and that of Rolling Stone’s con-
the debunked story of a gang rape at On Dec. 6, 1969 (less than directly: “I’m very, very sorry. Believe tributors, is part of the story, hardly a
the University of Virginia. four months after Woodstock’s me, I’ve suffered as much as you have.” surprise given the era.
peace, love and hallucinogens
In “Sticky Fingers,” Hagan, once a in bucolic Upstate New York), “It turned out to be a costly line,” Yet earlier this month, Hagan’s
Rolling Stone intern, portrays Wenner the Rolling Stones played a set writes Hagan. A federal jury awarded invitation to appear on stage with
– who co-founded Rolling Stone in including “Sympathy for the $3 million in damages. Wenner at a November event in Man-
1967 – as a driven visionary: wildly Devil” as a Hells Angels mem- hattan was withdrawn, and the New
ambitious, conflicted, arrogant and ber fatally stabbed a fan who The shameful chapter was espe- York Post described the mogul as
insecure. Although he is sometimes approached the stage with a cially painful because the maga- “fuming” over what he read, saying
tough on Wenner, Hagan is more than gun. (By some accounts, the zine had done so much daring and that the book dwelled too much on
fair. Ultimately, he seems to agree Stones had hired the bikers as much-imitated journalism – not only drug use and his sexuality.
security and paid them with Hunter S. Thompson’s gonzo adven-
$500 worth of beer.) It was one tures on the campaign trail but also Whatever his flaws, Wenner emerges
of four deaths that night, the Michael Hastings’ unveiling of U.S. here as major cultural influence be-
others accidental. Army General Stanley McChrystal’s cause of his brilliant creation: a pub-
demeaning comments about then- lication that changed journalism and
For Wenner, then 23, this Vice President Joe Biden, and Matt captured the zeitgeist.
was a make-or-break moment. Taibbi’s blistering takedowns of the
“If Rolling Stone was a professional banking industry after the financial “At one time,” Hagan writes, pick-
newspaper about rock and roll, the mo- meltdown a decade ago. ing up a copy of Rolling Stone was “like
ment of truth was nigh,” as Hagan tells holding a piece of hot shrapnel from the
it. Until that point, Wenner had been Just last month, Wenner, 71, said he cultural explosion of the 1960s while it
something of a dilettante publisher, would sell his controlling share of Roll- still glowed with feeling and meaning.”
and the publication he had started with ing Stone, thus ending the era that be-
music critic Ralph Gleason was mostly gan in a San Francisco loft in the fall of The Age of Aquarius has long passed,
a worshipful fanzine. He glorified the 1967 when the first issue came off the and Rolling Stone is no longer revo-
icons of rock, especially the Beatles and presses – the brainchild of this preco- lutionary – or nearly as relevant as in
the Rolling Stones, profited from exalt- cious 21-year-old Berkeley dropout its heyday. But Hagan not only helps
ing them in his pages and lived to rub with bell-bottom pants and a big idea. us understand how terribly much it
elbows with them in person. And an unparalleled sense of what the seemed to matter, once upon a time.
Wenner had no wish to cross Mick 1960s meant to a generation. He also, through his nuanced portrait
Jagger, whose reputation was at stake of Wenner, shows us how thoroughly
in the Altamont disaster. But under Hagan, now a contributing editor of the publication reflected its founder,
pressure from more journalistically New York magazine, had Wenner’s full warts and all.
minded colleagues, Wenner rose to cooperation – and had in fact been in-
the occasion. He summoned his edi- vited to take on the project. But Hagan, STICKY FINGERS
tors: “We’re gonna cover this story to his credit, approached the book not The Life and Times of Jann Wenner and
from top to bottom and we’re going to as a rose-tinted “authorized biogra-
lay the blame.” phy” but as a serious work of narrative Rolling Stone Magazine
A high point – one of many. There journalism. As such, it largely succeeds, By Joe Hagan
wending its way through the decades,
Knopf. 560 pp. $29.95
Review by Margaret Sullivan
The Washington Post
November 1st at 7pm 1. The Cuban Affair 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. Turtles All the Way Down
2. Killing England
presents 2. Blackmail BY RICK CAMPBELL 2. My Grandma Lives in Florida
3. Origin BY DAN BROWN 3. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE
ENDURANCE 4. Manhattan Beach 4. What Happened BY ED SHANKMAN
A Year in Space,
4. Creepy Pair of Underwear
Knopf Books 5. A Legacy of Spies 5. Grant BY RON CHERNOW
The Scott Kelly event is being held at Saint Ed- BY JOHN LE CARRE
ward's School Waxlax Center for the Performing 5. I Am Sacagawea BY BRAD MELTZER
Arts. Call the Book Center for ticket information.
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
24 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz digs dogs’ amazing Howl-o-ween costumes
Hi Dog Buddies! This bee-utiful curlee-haired black and I know how to herd sheep. This is poocheroos wearin’ bright ruffly red,
A few times a year, I get to cover a Standard Poodle with legs up to there my Mom and Dad, Wenda and Mike.” yellow and green clown outfits with
pooch-related special uh-VENT. One
of my favorites is the Dogs-for-Life was rockin’ a stylish red Devil Girl When I explained I was, in fact, clever- pointy hats. Pawsome. Holly and Daisy
Howl-o-ween Paw-rade, which was
this past Saturday over at the Dogs- costume. “I’m Margo Snowberger, ly disguised as a Famous Journalist, An- Doherty were hangin’ out with their
for-Life off-leash park and training
facility. Dogs-for-Life does a lotta this is my big sister Posh daleigh just laughed. I gave her my card. Mom Marianne and her friend, Sylvia
significant stuff, especially training
pooches to be Service Dogs for hu- “Do you like my witch costume? I’m a Fenn. “I’m a Maltese. I’m 8,” Holly said.
man military veterans – a Very Im-
portant Job. My pal Sunny Ferger Tibetan Spaniel. “Daisy’s my older sister, she a Cocka-
an his Mom, Shelly, are in charge.
poo. She’s 11.”
So anyway, the 16th Annual Paw-
rade was Totally Cool Dog Biscuits! When I told Rusty D’Auria,
Lotsa humans were there, most of
’em with pooches, and some just a Mini Pinscher-Rat Terrier
cuz it’s always a fun time. There
were veterans with their Service mix, that I thought his out-
Dogs, too. We all got real seri-
ous an stood still an quiet when fit was Cool Dog Biscuits, he
some veterans brought in the
American Flag and everybody thanked me an introduced
said the Pledge.
his Mom, Susan. Rusty was
There were drawings an priz-
es, an a human named Hobo dressed like a dinosaur, one of
Jim was singing and playin’
music. He did this those Stegosauruses, with two
one song called
“Why rows of sticky-uppy things down
You Love the back, an he was prancin’
Me Like My
Dog Does?” around, really workin’ it. Then
which all the
humans were he admitted, “I didn’t wanna
laughin’ at, but
I thought it was wear this goofy costume at first,
pretty good ad-
vice. but a buncha other pooches have
The Sheriff’s K-9 been tellin’ me they like it, so I’m
Unit pooches an their
human partners did feelin’ much better.”
some real impressive
demonstrations. Those Shadow Eaker is one of those
pooches are uhMAZing,
and they’re in Great Shape. Service Dogs we all admire: a
It makes me wanna go home
and work out. Almost. good-lookin’ poocheroo, big,
There were, like, at least a sturdy black lab. He was chillin’
hundred pooches wearin’ allkindsa
costumes. I saw pooches dressed up with his Dad, Mark, an his Mom,
like bees an witches an bats, skele-
tons, a race horse with a jockey, that Lindsey, and Woof! did he have a
Taco Bell Chihuahua, a shark, a Jack-
O-Lantern. One pooch, her name was nifty costume. He wasn’t wearing
Nina, I think, was dressed as a Chi-
nese acupuncturist. I KNOW! Right? Cynthia Stewart with Duce. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD extra clothes or a hat or anything.
His Mom had painted white spots
Two pretty pooch pals, Ivy, a Mini all over his shiny black coat. Easy
Goldendoodle, an Stella, an English
Cream Golden Retriever, were dressed Me an my Peasy. “I’m a reverse Dalmatian,”
like baseball umpires, with those black-
and-white stripey shirts. I myself came Mom match. See, I even have green he said. “Am I cool or what?”
dressed as a Famous Journalist.
hair an I’m keepin’ my hat on, too,” said “Totally, Dude!” I said.
Heidi Turner, all in one breath. Heidi an “Mr. Bonzo. Lookit ME. I’m a hot
her Mom Corina were both in purple. dog. See!” I looked down an there was
Very Cool Kibbles, I told her. this liddle bitty fluffy gold-colored
Chihuahua Chanel Flores was su- pooch wearin’ a hot dog costume,
per cute in her black and yellow Bat with mustard, even. “I’m Cookie
Dog costume, an she even got her Travis. I’m a Yorkie-Pom. This is my
humans Nathan Cote and Diana Mom, Wanda. Lookee, see my hair-
Flores to dress up as Batman and bows? One’s red for catchup an one’s
Bat Girl. Spiffy! green for relish!”
Elsa Cavanagh, a white English bull- Another simple but effective cos-
Toto and our dog, trotted over. She was wearin’ lav- tume was worn with the appropriate
Mom, Eileen,” ender fairy wings. “Mr. Bonzo, I love swagger by Kai Adache, a Belgian Mali-
she told me. Posh was your column!” Her liddle human sister, nois. Kai was dressed as a lion, wearing
a long-haired chihuahua wea- Teagan Cavanagh, also had lavender a big golden King-of-the-Jungle mane,
rin’ a satiny purple-with-black-lace wings an a fluffy liddle skirt. “Teagan’s which matched his golden coat. He told
ballerina dress with black dangly things. my best friend. She’s just 2 people years. me he’s a rescue, an introduced me to
“I’m a bug!” she said firmly. I think it was We share her Cheerios. This is our Mom, his forever Mom, Marcia.
a spider. Jen,” said Elsa. Heading home, I was thinking
“I’m not really into dressin’ up, an “A pleasure, Miss Elsa,” I said. “Those about the fun time I had at the Howl-
looks like you’re not either, Bonz,” said lavender wings are lovely against your O-Ween event, an wishin’ I’d had
Andaleigh Leroi Bogin, a snazzy little white coat.” time to yap with all you cool pooch-
shepherd-lookin’ pooch. “I’m an Aussie I introduced myself to a coupla liddle eroos who were there. My Official
Don’t be shy! Photografur got lotsa great picksures,
which you can check out in our Peo-
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up ple section.
an interview, please email [email protected].
-The Bonz
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 25
Doug Larson, a columnist and editor, said, “If people concentrated on the really WEST K 10 6 5 EAST
important things in life, there’d be a shortage of ...” what? A87 A 10 8 6 10 9 6 3
A9432 QJ83 QJ8
Sometimes you seem to be in a contract with a shortage of trumps. Then, after 94 Q532
assuming that partner misbid again, you must decide whether it is better to play on K64 SOUTH A 10
trumps to reduce the number of tricks the opponents can take in the suit, or to try to KQJ52
score as many ruffing tricks as you can. 7
Which approach is better for South in this two-spade contract after West leads the 9752
diamond nine?
Dealer: East; Vulnerable: East-West
Unusually, the auction looks perfect! Yes, East is stronger than he might have been, but
to double two spades would have been dangerous. Here, it would have left West the The Bidding:
unpleasant choice between minus 470 (two spades doubled and made) and minus 500
(three hearts doubled down two; surely North would have doubled). SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
South took East’s diamond queen (a silly play that did not cost) with the king and played Pass 1 Hearts Pass 2 Hearts LEAD:
his heart. West won with the ace and led his second diamond. Declarer put up dummy’s 2 Spades Pass Pass Pass 9 Diamonds
ace and played a spade to the king and ace. The defenders continued with a club to
the ace, a diamond ruff, the club king, a club ruff and a fourth diamond, which promoted
another trump trick for down two.
With winners outside spades and reasonably strong trumps, South should have played
on spades. After three rounds, he could have attacked clubs and eventually lost only
two spades, one heart and two clubs.
Larson said that there would be a shortage of fishing poles!
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26 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Contest (5) 1 Fields (7)
4 Large tent (7) 2 Subject (5)
8 Garb, clothes (7) 3 Vegetation (7)
9 Snares (5) 4 Tune (6)
10 Finally (4,3,3,3) 5 Proportion (5)
11 Method (6) 6 Oblivious (7)
13 Surrender (4,2) 7 Frame for a canvas (5)
17 Fairground ride (13) 12 Preserve (7)
20 Seaside (5) 14 Visualise (7)
21 Dried grapes (7) 15 Umbrella (7)
22 Foreword (7) 16 Collect (6)
23 Praise (5) 17 Summarise (5)
18 Additional (5)
19 Pollute (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 27
ACROSS comedy Variations 82 A Pep Boy The Washington Post
83 NYSE listings 3 Used a fuse 85 Astound
1 Beauty and the 84 American mer 4 Rawls and Reed 87 Greek letter
Beast’s 86 Victory goddess 5 Mr. Rubik 89 Taxi meter info
beauty (1991) 87 Confident solver’s 6 Do Little work 90 Peter’s A Shot in
7 Man or woman’s
6 Paris suburb tool the Dark costar
10 Afterthought No. 2 88 Social order? nickname 91 Wax, in Oaxaca
13 “Buy Me Love” 93 Order member 8 Part of CBS: abbr. 92 Broadcast again
94 Noodle warmer 9 “___ my special 98 Fiero or Fiesta
beginner 95 Oat or piece
17 A Begley or a angel ...” filler
follower 10 Glass lab-tube 101 Honked off
Chaney 96 Spanking support 11 Sub- or super-, 103 Against
18 Clinic or spread 97 Cleaning cloth 105 Made like a bird
19 Tiny tax shelter 99 Country drs., often e.g. 107 Educ. confab
20 Wahine’s ta-ta 100 “Can ___? Can I? 12 Rani wrap 109 Deceit metaphor
22 Apple-pie order? 13 Docket load 110 “___ the rear”
25 Sir, if you’re under Huh? Please?” 14 In the style of 111 Olympics
102 Bout endings, 15 Back order?
a punkah 16 Money order? preemptor of the
26 Bach’s “Little briefly 17 Slop 1940s
104 Brit. flyers 21 First fatality 112 “Just follow ___”
Fugue ___ Minor” 23 Pearl Harbor 113 George and T.S.
27 Stack film 106 Jolt with juice 114 Black-clad martial
28 Numerical order? 108 Pretoria’s land: attack artist
authorizer 115 Pseudonyms,
30 Peking addition abbr. 24 Yellowstone and briefly
31 Bean town? 109 Let the emotions Yosemite: abbr. 116 Resided
33 Free-form concert 29 Large container 118 Wage-watching
35 Q-U filling flow 32 Colorful hangings agcy.
36 Light into 110 New World 34 Skeptic’s outburst 123 Airline to Israel
38 Pecking order? 37 Sellout sign 124 Big cheese in
42 Hambletonian Order? 39 Org. or cigarette Athens
115 Pine spine brand 125 Continental
pace 117 Type of boss or 40 Loathsome ones combiner
45 Retireemobiles 41 Trudge 127 Had the answer to
46 Conformist’s bull 43 It’s long and 128 To be on the
119 Uncensored lonesome Riviera?
adverb 120 Touchstone’s play: 44 Discover’s pop 131 Short sentence
47 Long fellow of the cousin 133 Hawaiian shirt
abbr. 48 Actor-turned- accessory
sea 121 “Free will” envoy John 134 One of the
48 Euclid’s love: 49 Parasite empires: abbr.
preceder 50 Mormon letters
abbr. 122 Alphabetical 51 Edelweiss GAG ORDERS By Merl Reagle
49 True-blue environs
51 FFA interest order? 52 Short order? PREPARE, PROTECT & PREVAIL
54 Stash of cash 126 Spear kin 53 Mail order?
56 Littler guy with the 129 Ending for Car, 55 Japan’s legislature
57 Out of Africa
Force Tom, or Ober author
58 Starting stake 130 15th century date 59 Sony prods.
60 Dr. Leary’s 132 Restraining order? 63 Car or truck: abbr.
135 Shoe leather 64 Airport abbr.
prescription 136 Spoiled one’s 67 Missile type: abbr.
61 Witness-stand 71 Actor Holm
dinner 73 Embattled French
no-no 137 Charlie Brown’s river of WWI
62 Suborder? 75 Henri’s here
65 “Tipperary” tune “kite 76 Wallops
eater” 77 Wear and tear
start 138 Typo list 78 Bartlett, for one
66 Beetle and Zero: 139 Stepped 80 Farm femmes
140 The prince or the
abbr. pauper
68 Teeter-totter half 141 Egg-shaped
69 Something to pick 142 Dandelion and
70 Alien, Aliens, etc. darnel
72 Hop on Pop
penner 1 Spinning top?
74 Side order? 2 Elgar’s ___
79 Anita Hill inquisitor
81 Garr-Keaton
The Telegraph SPOOKY
Call Today About Our 0% Hurricane Deductible!
Serving all of Brevard County
28 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Involved’ in-laws should make themselves obsolete
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST That would require a level of detachment, to clamp down on what’s shared. I don’t necessarily
though, that I suspect you haven’t achieved. suspect it here but must be thorough.
Hi, Carolyn: Our son-in-law re-
cently lodged a complaint that our For one thing, you cite a financial arrangement as Please see how your opinion has jumped into their
daughter shared: that we are “far a defense for an emotional one, and it doesn’t work finances, too, and withdraw it; whether you think
too involved” in their personal that way. Ask anyone rearing aloof teenagers: They renting is “wasteful” is irrelevant. Maybe rent money
business. It makes him uncom- can depend on you utterly and break bread with you would be extremely well-spent toward their health
fortable to know his wife talks to daily and keep you thoroughly, exquisitely shut out and independence as adults, spouses and parents.
her parents about much of their of their inner emotional lives, if they so choose. Be-
lives. ing enmeshed on one front doesn’t guarantee it on And maybe charging them rent, which you then
others. save for them, would help set them free? Just one
We understand and would hap- idea toward a larger point: Hereafter, contribute only
pily step back but are not sure how Nor does being in control on the financial front toward making yourselves obsolete. It’s a parent’s
to accomplish that considering they live rent-free in entitle you to control on another. most precious gift.
a home we own – this arrangement was supposed to
last a year, but has stretched to three – and receive There is intimacy in child care, granted, especially
free child care from us two days a week. We are not since kids are so gleefully unfiltered when it comes
choosing to be so intimately involved in their daily to dishing on their parents. But you can still opt not
lives, but do not see how it’s avoidable when they are to close that circuit, easily: 1. Don’t circulate what
so reliant on us. your daughter shares with you; 2. Don’t circulate
They are not in a position to buy a home yet, and what the kids burble to you, unless it’s utterly super-
it would be wasteful for them to start renting just to ficial or utterly serious; 3. Don’t give them unsolic-
have more independence from us. No one wants to ited advice, rearrange their cupboards, correct their
end the babysitting arrangement, although this is parenting techniques. If asked for advice, answer
largely what’s leading to our son-in-law’s discom- only minimally, leaving room for follow-up ques-
fort. Also, I am not sure our daughter was supposed tions.
to share her husband’s comment. We are feeling
awkward, underappreciated and a little bit hurt. You can start applying these best practices on this
What should we do? very topic, since the oversharing issue isn’t about
– Washington, D.C. you, it’s strictly between husband and wife. Say so
when your daughter brings it up: “We’ll be mindful
Washington, D.C.: You could step back to admire not to butt in, starting now: You two need to work it
how beautifully your daughter just made his point, out on your own.”
by oversharing his concern about oversharing.
I’ll flag one thing that I hope doesn’t sabotage this
advice. Abusers often isolate partners by demanding
“privacy” – eavesdropping on calls, say, and trying
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 30
First Bites: Beachside Seafood – hitting the spot in new location
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER place was already packed. People
[email protected] were also picking up to-go orders on
their way home from work, as there’s
As an example of the wacky things a convenient takeout-only line and
register to get you in and out quickly.
you can learn on the Internet, I recent-
My son is in a growth spurt and he
ly read that the British Royal Family is was craving crab legs. Those of you
who have growing boys know that
restricted from eating shellfish while eating out can be a pricey endeavor,
but a two-cluster basket of snow crab
traveling or dining out, and that garlic served with corn on the cob, boiled
potatoes in garlic butter sauce, sau-
is banned from the royal palace and sage and garlic toast costs only $17 at
Beachside Seafood. You can add two
all royal tables. boiled eggs for $1.50, or combine your
Kind of makes the whole princess crab with shrimp and lobster.
The basket was yummy, he
thing seem a wee bit less appealing, said, and it was way too
much for him to eat in
right? one go, so Mom got some
tasty crab as an after-
For all of you beachside residents bedtime snack that
school night.
who are not Royals, we have a new gem I wanted one of
their fantastic
in our midst in Beachside Seafood. A Clams Over Linguine. crab cakes ($7)
but they’d al-
new casual eatery with a very famil- PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER ready sold out,
so I ordered
iar taste many beachside residents al- Beachside Seafood three lobster
Love for Two. tails a la carte
ready know. ($24) plus cole
If you adore slaw ($2) and garlic rice ($3) for
the table.
seafood, you’ve
The tails were tender and not over-
likely dined with cooked. The garlic rice was rich and
very filling, smothered in garlic butter
Beachside Sea- sauce and most came home and be-
came a side dish the next day. The cole
food’s cousin, the slaw is different, sweet and tangy and
not creamy. You’ll either like it or you
Melbourne Sea- won’t.
food Station, which We will definitely work Beachside
Seafood into our rotation of regular
opened unpreten- haunts for lunch or dinner.
tiously in March 2016 We encourage you to send feedback to
[email protected].
in a former downtown
The reviewer is a barrier island resident
gas station building who dines anonymously at restaurants at
the expense of this newspaper.
on the corner of Har-
bor City Boulevard (U.S.
1) and East New Haven
Avenue near the south- Beachside
eastern base of the Combo Basket.
Melbourne Causeway.
In no time, everybody
was talking about how delicious their
low-country boil style seafood baskets
and soups were. No one seemed to
mind sitting outside at picnic tables –
in fact, it added to the experience.
Well, now you can get the same
great, garlic-and-butter-laden shrimp,
crab, lobster and all the other delica-
cies without driving over the bridge.
About a month ago, Seafood Station
Beachside opened behind Pizza Hut
and Dunkin’ Donuts on A1A in Indial-
antic, and earlier this month the name
changed, simply, to Beachside Seafood.
The good news about the new loca-
tion is it’s all good news. The quality of
the food is fantastic, the portions are
generous, the prices are more than fair
for what you get, and our new island Raw Oysters.
location has a nice indoor dining area
plus outdoor seating for those
who want to preserve the Key Lime Peanut Butter HOURS
Pie. Chocolate Cheesecake. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
original station experi-
ence. And you can get Beer and wine
locally Downtown Mel- ADDRESS
1220 N. Highway A1A, Suite 101
bourne-brewed Hell’n
Blazes beer on draft to PHONE
(321) 372-7000
wash down your meal.
We wandered in on
a weeknight. It was ear-
ly, around 5:30 p.m. but the
31 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
When looking for a great place to dine check out
the Fine and Casual Dining Pages of The Melbourne Beachsider.
The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
32 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information 26-29 Dreams & Wishes, Birds event is free and is funded 100 percent through painting. Hosted by Sunshine Family Expos.
at least two weeks prior to your & Fishes, a solo exhibit by donations made to MBVFD Inc. Hamburgers and
member Renee´Decator. At Fifth Avenue Art Hotdogs available for a small donation. Kids are
event to Gallery on Highland Ave in the Eau Gallie Arts encouraged to wear their costumes. 29 Kids in the Kosher Kitchen, 2 p.m. at
District. Exhibit continues through Oct. 29. www. Jewish Brevard, 1190 Highway A1A,
[email protected] 28 A Taste of Italy, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Satellite Beach. For ages 6-13 to learn how to
hosted by Holy Name of Jesus Cath- make some great kosher dishes, Oct. 29 and
ONGOING 27 Trunk or Treat, 5 to 7 p.m. at the In- olic School, Indialantic. Adults $10.00; Chil- Nov. 5. Cost is $15 per class. Call (321)777-2770
dian Harbour Beach Recreation Cen- dren under 12 $5.00. All proceeds benefit the or email [email protected].
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 ter Gleason Park, North parking lot. Visit trunks HNJ School Hurricane Irma recovery. Antipas-
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park decorated by local businesses as well as the IHB ti, Salad, Pork Loin or Chicken, Pasta, Green 30 US-MEN Prostate Cancer Support
Police Department, Volunteer Fire Department Beans and dessert. Tickets available in the Life group meeting, 6 to 7:45 p.m., Mel-
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- and the Recreation Center staff. Hotdogs, (dona- Center Office or in the Atrium after weekend bourne Public Library, 540 Fee Avenue. Contact
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, tion). Businesses who want to set up a “trunk”, Masses. Vanita at (321)432-5573 or
Melbourne Beach. and provide at least 1000 pieces of candy, con-
tact Kristin Cusimano at the Recreation Center: 28 Movie in the Park, Casper the Friendly
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith [email protected]. Ghost, 6 p.m. in Ryckman Park, Ocean NOVEMBER
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- Avenue in Melbourne Beach, presented by the
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, 28 Ghostly Gecko 5K, 6:30 p.m. from Eau The Town of Melbourne Beach. 2 Florida Tech Homecoming 5K, 6 p.m. be-
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and Gallie Civic Center to benefit Eau Gal- ginning and ending at Meg O’Malley’s.
other essentials. lie High School Health and Wellness Academy. 28 Halloween Dance, 8 to 11 p.m. at Dancin’ Dance Studio, 876 N. Miramar
Ave., Indialantic. Win a free lesson in the Cos- 2 Bad Moms 2: A Bad Moms Christmas mov-
Beginner Yoga Stretch and Meditation Class, 28 Trunk or Treat presented by the Mel- tume Contest or Spooky Food Contest. Lots of ie premiere, 7 p.m. at Premiere Oaks 10
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at Siren Salon bourne Police Department 11 a.m. to 2 dancing, lots of food, and a creepy crawly punch. theater, 1800 Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne, hosted
and Spa Services, 3270 South Highway A1A, pm at Melbourne City Hall. Meet officers, collect Admission is $15. Call (321) 505-6981. by Dr. Anita Saluja, dermatologist. Admission in-
Suite 104 in Beachwoods Plaza. Free, all are candy, and much more. Downtown Melbourne cludes swag bag for each guest, refreshments,
welcome. Mats , water and fruit provided. will be open for business and many of the stores 29 Free Family Spooktacular Concert, 2 information about microneedling and cool
(321)614-7706. will be participating by handing out candy at to 3 p.m. at the King Center for the sculpting, and a drawing for one guest and three
their stores. Performing Arts, by the Brevard Symphony Or- friends to win an in-office complimentary treat-
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at chestra. This family concert is a 30-year tradi- ment event (valued at $2,000). RSVP by Oct.
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of 28 Grand Opening of Satellite Beach Com- tion. Music from The Incredibles, Pirates of the 30, 2017 at [email protected] or call
$5-$10. munity Garden, 12 to 3:30 near the Caribbean, Phantom of the Opera and many (321)241-1160.
DeSoto Park Racquetball Courts, hosted by the other productions. Audience members are en-
Boo at the Zoo, 5:30 to 9 p.m. Oct. 27-29 at Satellite Beach Sustainability Board. Ribbon cut- couraged to join the orchestra and wear family- 4 Fall Bazaar, Rummage, and Bake Sale be-
Brevard Zoo with more than 30 treat stations, ting, food trucks, music and more. Riding bikes friendly costumes. gins at 8 a.m. at Eastminster Presbyte-
a DJ, hall of illusions, the Boo Choo Train, pup- to the event is encouraged and prizes will be rian Church. 106 N. Riverside Drive, Indialantic.
pet show, games and costume contest. www. given out. 29 Space Coast Halloween Festival, Plants, household items, jewelry, sporting goods noon to 5 p.m. at Melbourne Au- and food. Sale proceeds will be shared between
28 Melbourne Beach Volunteer Fire De- ditorium. Free admission, trick-or-treating, mission work and church hurricane repairs.
OCTOBER partment Annual Haunted House, 5 to vendors, photo booth, costume contest,
9 p.m. at the fire station, 507 Ocean Ave. This crafts, bounce house, balloon art and face 4 Satellite Beach Founders’ Day and the
city’s 60th birthday celebration, 9 a.m. to
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 3 p.m. at at the D.R. Schechter Recreation Cen-
in October 19, 2017 Edition 1 OVERDUE 2 ORIGINS ter, hosted by City of Satellite Beach and the
5 CHEAP 2 EJECT Satellite Beach Woman’s Club.. Let’s Go To The
8 IDEAS 3 DESERVE Hop! is the theme of this year’s Founders Day
9 TORRENT 4 ENTRAP & Marketplace, featuring more than 100 craft
10 INTERNATIONAL 5 CORGI and specialty vendors, flea market and bake
11 SECRET 6 ETERNAL sale. Parade kicks off at 11 a.m. from DeLaura
13 TABLET 7 PETAL Middle School, up Jackson Avenue to the DRS
17 SELFINDULGENT 12 COLLATE parking lot. Limited vendor space remains. Call
20 GLAMOUR 14 AILMENT (321)773.6458
Sudoku Page 246 Sudoku PPaaggee2477 CrosswordPPaage 426 Crossword Page 247 (SUBLILMINAL CHESS) 5 Space Coast Classic 15K and 2-Miler, 6:45
a.m. from Gleason Park, Indian Harbour
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Clark family teams up on
Satellite Beach remodel
446 N. Neptune Dr. in Satellite Beach: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,600-square-foot newly renovated home
offered for $359,900 by Sandra Sheibani, 321-693-1919 of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
34 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Clark family teams up on Satellite Beach remodel
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER creative control of the extensive reno- veloped well over 3,800 single-family a younger market was something he
[email protected] vation project. home sites in various subdivisions in wanted his son to take a crack at.
Brevard, Seminole, Indian River and
Satellite Beach living near the Located at 446 N. Neptune Dr. in Osceola counties, as well as many In the end of Brig’s first complete
Pineda Causeway in an ingeniously Waterway Estates, the home also is other commercial properties. renovation for resale project, the
reconfigured “open plan concept” close to shopping and other com- 1,600-square-foot home bears little
home is the brainchild of local devel- munity offerings, approximately one Coy Clark said he can envision de- resemblance to the original interior,
oper and home co-owners Coy Clark mile north of Jackson Street on the veloping subdivisions and getting the which until February had been virtu-
and his son, 32-year-old Brig Clark, west side of South Patrick Drive. most out of a piece of property. De- ally unchanged after a long life with
32, who was given the green light for signing renovations specifically for the original owner, Coy Clark said.
The Coy A. Clark Company has de-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 35
Skeptical at first, the elder Clark gradually got spear-headed by the “visionary” Brig Clark include
on board with the new plans and believes the final using space from an entrance hall closet, not need-
product is something special. ed in Florida, for a kitchen pantry accessed from
the other side of the wall.
Unusual but efficient configuration changes
36 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Similarly, bedrooms, hallways and wired for a large-screen TV. to a more hidden space behind a bed- car garage and a front driveway big
closets were slightly rearranged to A subtle example of the changes room door. enough to park three cars.
create a large, dedicated wall in the
living room specifically designed and involved relocating the door to the Other interior features in the open, “It looks like a brand-new house,
air-conditioning unit from a hallway modern and contemporary renova- but it’s still cozy and inviting. He did
tion include porcelain tile on walls a great job on it,’’ said listing agent
and floors of the bathrooms, rais- Sandra Sheibani.
ing the floor and enclosing a former
screened porch, incorporating it into Coy Clark said that with the reno-
the living room area with accents of vations, the home could fit either a
exposed cypress beams. That same family or young couple looking to live
cypress was used on matching cabi- beachside near shopping in a home
nets on either side of the TV wall. with a high-end feel to it.
Outside, the landscaping is ma- “I was extremely impressed with
ture and meticulously placed around (Brig’s) creativity in coming up with
paver walkways including large, es- this open plan with the features that
tablished palm trees taken from a young people will like. And he made
development Coy Clark is currently sure it has lots of windows for natural
building on Minton Road in West light,’’ Coy Clark said.
Melbourne. It has an attached two-
The home is being listed for
Year built: 1962
Architectural style: modern and contemporary
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Square footage: 1,600 square feet
Acreage: .19
Features: Two-car attached garage, kitchen with all new cabinets, granite
countertops and stainless-steel appliances, breakfast bar and pantry.
Luxury waterproof vinyl flooring planks throughout, exposed Cypress
beams, wide crown molding, new double-pane windows. Bathrooms
have been completely remodeled with porcelain tile floors. Fresh paint
throughout the house, mature landscaping with paver walkway, patio
slab, new sod and irrigation.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty, 301 Ocean
Avenue, Melbourne Beach. 321 984-3135
Listing agent: Sandra Sheibani, 321 693-1919
Listing price: $359,900
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 37
Avoid taking shortcuts when flipping properties
STORY BY ILYCE GLINK AND SAMUEL J. TAMKIN could flip a larger property for a larger to residential properties and doing $30,000, do you know what you would
WASHINGTON POST sum of money, those properties carry a certain amount of work for those do with it? Keeping a golf course op-
a larger amount of risk. properties. You know what it takes erating will cost a boatload of money.
Q: Here’s my dilemma. I’ve been to put them into shape: the painting, If you decide not to operate the golf
buying tax foreclosed building lots You could try working your way up electrical, tile, bathroom, floor work course and convert the land to a dif-
and flipping them for over a decade. to a slightly larger property and see and exterior landscaping work that ferent use, you may find out that the
Because I get them at a steep dis- how that goes, but going from lower needs to be done to sell the homes process may take several years and
count, I also sell them at a steep dis- priced properties to foreclosed golf quickly. cost several thousands of dollars.
count. As a result, I only make a few courses could bring you a whole dif-
thousand here and there. ferent set of problems. Now, let’s consider a golf course. If Unless you have the resources to
you did purchase the golf course for carry the property and pay those ex-
The problem I have is that there are Consider this: You’re probably used penses, the golf course property may
much better properties that could be seem cheap; but in reality it may be
had and flipped for hundreds of thou- hiding hundreds of thousands of dol-
sands of dollars. As an example, a tax lars of expenses or even other liens.
foreclosed golf course recently sold While a deep-pocket developer could
for $30,000 free and clear. convert the golf course to a differ-
ent use, it will still take that devel-
I’ve turned over every stone and oper quite a while to buy, plan, obtain
cannot find anyone to help me buy variations or zoning changes, build,
and flip one or two of these gold market and sell properties on the golf
mines. Well, there is one person: a course.
friend of mine who’s 55 and a proper-
ty developer. The problem with him is There are few (if any) shortcuts in
he’s already rich. As a result, he thinks real estate investment. We know that
a quick flip is crazy. He’d rather sit on making a big kill looks attractive. If
a property for three or four years un- you’re looking for other investors, talk
til the right buyer comes along. I don’t with your accountant or tax plan-
have that kind of time! Any sugges- ner, who may have clients who might
tions on how to make this work? be interested in investing with you.
Good luck.
A: It seems to us that you should
stick what you know best. While you
38 Thursday, October 26, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Oct. 13 to Oct. 19
The real estate market took a breather last week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Indialantic
led the way with 7 sales, followed by Melbourne Beach and Satellite Beach with 5 each, and Indian
Harbour Beach reporting 2.
Our featured sale of the week was of a home in Venetian Gardens in Indian Harbour Beach. The residence
at 8 Venetian Way #B was placed on the market Aug. 1 with an asking price of $695,000. The sale closed
Oct. 18 for $665,500.
The seller in the transaction was represented by DeWayne Carpenter and Kirk Kessel of Dale Sorensen
Real Estate. The purchaser was represented by Cynthia Tripp of BHHS Florida Realty.
WEXFORD PUD S2 219 GLENGARRY AVE 3/17/2017 $555,000 $549,900 10/19/2017 $464,900
WINGATE RESERVE 201 SEAGLASS DR 6/16/2017 $489,900 $489,900 10/19/2017 $399,255
VERSAILLES SUR LA ME 3035 S HIGHWAY A1A 1B 11/30/2016 $424,999 $424,999 10/13/2017
CLOISTERS PHASE 1 T 505 NEWPORT DR 8/23/2017 $499,900 $499,900 10/13/2017 $500,000
RIVER OAKS WEST 513 N RIVER OAKS DR 8/7/2017 $450,000 $450,000 10/18/2017 $424,500
ISLAND VILLAS 345 PROVINCIAL DR 2/16/2017 $359,000 $344,900 10/19/2017 $349,900
VENETIAN GARDENS SUB 8 VENETIAN WAY B 8/1/2017 $695,000 $695,000 10/18/2017 $665,500
INDIAN HRBR BCH S4 1207 BANANA RIVER DR 6/17/2017 $400,000 $380,000 10/19/2017 $385,000
MICHIGAN BEACH 8TH A 475 SHERWOOD AVE 9/2/2017 $375,000 $375,000 10/13/2017 $368,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 26, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Versailles Sur La Me, Address: 3035 S Highway A1A 1B Subdivision: Wingate Reserve, Address: 201 Seaglass Dr
Listing Date: 11/30/2016 Listing Date: 6/16/2017
Original Price: $424,999 Original Price: $489,900
Recent Price: $424,999 Recent Price: $489,900
Sold: 10/13/2017 Sold: 10/19/2017
Selling Price: $399,255 Selling Price: $464,900
Listing Agent: Linda Landman Listing Agent: Theresa Daukshus
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Interactive Selling Agent: Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc
Mona Avellino Bridget Sentz & C. Smith
Salt Water Realty of Brevard RE/MAX Elite
Subdivision: Wexford Pud S2, Address: 219 Glengarry Ave Subdivision: Cloisters Phase 1 T, Address: 505 Newport Dr
Listing Date: 3/17/2017 Listing Date: 8/23/2017
Original Price: $555,000 Original Price: $499,900
Recent Price: $549,900 Recent Price: $499,900
Sold: 10/19/2017 Sold: 10/13/2017
Selling Price: $525,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Dawn Harper Listing Agent: Jonathan Krauser
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Selling Agent: J. Edwards Real Estate
Judy Steighner Teri Eno
Coldwell Banker Res RE Eno Realty, LLC
Subdivision: River Oaks West, Address: 513 N River Oaks Dr
Listing Date: 8/7/2017
Original Price: $450,000
Recent Price: $450,000
Sold: 10/18/2017
Selling Price: $424,500
Listing Agent: Anthony Romero
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Sarah Munkacsy
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Michigan Beach 8th A, Address: 475 Sherwood Ave
Listing Date: 9/2/2017
Original Price: $375,000
Recent Price: $375,000
Sold: 10/13/2017
Selling Price: $368,000
Listing Agent: Karen Horak
Selling Agent: Davis Realty Group LLC
Kimberly English
RE/MAX The Home Center