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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-12-21 00:19:53

12/21/2017 ISSUE 51


52 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Confocal microscopy: Identifying skin-cancer without biopsy

BY TOM LLOYD “I did a specialty in this area and
Staff Writer [Scully Welsh director] Dr. Grichnik,
is also an expert reader of it, so we’re
Newly-arrived Scully Welsh Cancer both very keen on it and it’s already
Center dermatologist and surgeon Dr. available to patients here.”
Lilia Correa is excited about a “cutting
edge” tool at her disposal that does According to Correa, in its simplest
not require any actual cutting. terms, confocal microscopy is a vir-
tual biopsy.
“There is a very cool tool we have
here that’s called confocal microsco- “In other words,” she says, “it’s having
py,” Correa says. a biopsy of the skin without the pinch-
ing or the cutting or the scalpel or any-

Dr. Lilia Correa.


It’s not cosmetic because it’s essentially a
procedure that we use to cure cancer...We have

to treat the cancer. I do my best to make it as
cosmetically pleasing as possible but in its

essnce, it’s not cosmetic surgery.
– Dr. Lilia Correa

thing. It’s more or less putting a micro- struction – borrowing skin from other
scope on the skin and seeing. That’s it. sites after layers of skin have been re-
moved from a cancerous site.
“It’s a very good, for example, for
lesions on the face,” Correa explains, Mohs micrographic surgery is “the
“where we don’t want to create a scar most effective technique for treating
but we do want to make sure it’s not the two most common types of skin
skin cancer. This is where the confo- cancer: basal cell carcinomas and
cal microscopy can play a great role.” squamous cell carcinomas,” accord-
ing to the Skin Cancer Foundation.
Besides offering virtual biopsies,
Correa treats a variety of skin cancers, First developed in the 1930s by Dr.
specializing in Mohs surgery. She also Frederic Mohs, the American Academy
performs posterior complex recon- of Dermatology says this technique of-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 53


fers, “a unique benefit” in that, “during Older Americans facing ‘bone health emergency’
surgery, the surgeon can see where the
cancer stops. This isn’t possible with BY TOM LLOYD Kristy Losapio, ARNP, and
other types of treatment for skin cancer.” Staff Writer Julie Ann Klucar, PA-C.

The Mayo Clinic explains that, Sticks and stones may break your PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
“During Mohs surgery, thin layers of bones, but osteoporosis can kill you.
cancer-containing skin are progres-
sively removed and examined until Just ask certified physician assis-
only cancer-free tissue remains.” tant Julie Klucar and advanced regis-
tered nurse practitioner Kristy Losap-
Aided by her own good vision, spe- io at the Coastal Fracture Prevention
cial magnifying loops and a local an- Center in Sebastian.
esthetic, Correa is able to cut away
pretty much any cancerous layers of CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
skin ensuring that the cancer is gone
using what is generally considered to
be a painless outpatient procedure.

After removing each layer of skin,
she examines it under a microscope in
an on-site lab, repeating the procedure
until no cancer cells remain and spar-
ing as much healthy tissue as possible.

To the layman, it almost sounds like
peeling the layers of an onion and Cor-
rea agrees. “I think,” she says with a
smile, “that is a pretty good way of ex-
plaining it.”

A former Mohs and Dermatologic
Oncology Fellow at the Morristown
Medical Center in New Jersey, chief
resident at the Robert Woods Johnson
Medical School’s dermatology depart-
ment at Rutgers University and visit-
ing resident at New York’s Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cor-
rea can’t help but connect the dots
between that onion skin analogy and
Mohs surgery.

“Essentially, this is a technique that
was developed for areas of the body
where you cannot take a lot of skin,”
she explains. “For example, the face,
the hands or the feet; because if you
do, then you may run into vital struc-
tures. So, you actually want to spare
as much skin as possible.”

Add the areas around the eyes,
nose, lips, ears, scalp, fingers, toes or
even the genitals and you’ve got a de-
cent roadmap of where Mohs surgery
is most commonly done.

Tactfully, Correa manages not to
bristle at the suggestion that – at least
in some cases – Mohs surgery might
be considered cosmetic surgery.

“It’s not cosmetic because it’s es-
sentially a procedure that we use to
cure cancer,” Correa states flatly. “So,
by definition, it’s something that we
do for your health. Usually cosmetic
surgery is something that is not med-
ically necessary and is done more to
enhance patients’ appearances or
tastes but in this case it’s something
that is medically necessary. We have
to treat the cancer. I do my best to
make it as cosmetically pleasing as
possible but in its essence, it’s not
cosmetic surgery.”

Dr. Lilia Correa is with the Scully
Welsh Cancer Center. The phone num-
ber is 772-226-4800. 

54 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


...almost one quarter in their claims by the American Or- Plenty. “If you’re not demanding balance,
of seniors [men and thopedic Association which bluntly This particular duo can rattle off a you’re not going to have balance,”
women] who suffer a states that “almost one quarter of se- laundry list of things seniors can and Losapio says. “You have to make that
hip fracture will die niors [men and women] who suffer a should be doing to avoid life-chang- a part of your daily routines. Stand-
hip fracture will die within one year.” ing and potentially life-threatening ing on one leg brushing your teeth, I
within one year. broken bones. mean, little things. Standing at your
That’s a lot of seniors. Since the disease is alarmingly kitchen doing dishes. Tilting from
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 53 The National Osteoporosis Founda- under-diagnosed, having a DEXA or one leg to another. You know, little
tion says that upwards of 10.3 million bone density test would be a logical things, that you can work in.”
Right off the bat Losapio points out American adults have osteoporosis first step. Losapio happily points out if
“75 percent of hip fractures occur in and that an incredible 43.3 million your bone density is low, there are now And while they’ll never make it
women,” but then adds, “men are at a more have low bone mass that also can new medications like Tymlos which, into a Victoria’s Secret catalog, there
higher risk of death following the hip lead to broken bones. she says, “have been shown to actually are even undergarments specifically
fracture – 25 percent of men die in the Osteoporosis is a disease that build new and good quality bone.” designed to absorb the impact of a
first six months following a hip fracture.” “causes bones to become weak and The next step might be taking a fall, especially in the hip area.
brittle – so brittle that a fall or even closer look at your diet. As Klucar
Klucar and Losapio are backed up mild stresses like bending over or points out, “you can get [all your need- Although the National Library of
coughing can cause a fracture,” ac- ed] vitamins and minerals through a Medicine at NIH found only “a mar-
cording to the Mayo Clinic. healthy diet, that’s optimal. I mean, ginally significant reduction in hip
In fact, a huge percentage of the I think that everybody would agree fracture risk,” for those while wear-
broken bones osteoporosis causes with that.” ing this “impact wear” clothing, for
come from those “low trauma” events She then adds that seniors need someone with severe osteoporosis,
or when someone falls from a stand- sunlight, too. “We’re afraid of the any reduction in risk might well be
ing height while performing everyday sun now, you know, but you’ve got worth considering.
activities. to be outside for at least 15 minutes
The Surgeon General’s office a day. And no sunscreen,” because Klucar and Losapio say they are
states that by 2020, half of all Ameri- even a low SPF 15 drastically reduces eager to share their knowledge, ex-
cans over the age of 50 will be at risk the vitamin D – an essential element pertise, tips and skills in what they
for fractures from osteoporosis. for healthy bones – that your body call this “bone health emergency.”
So what are Klucar, Losapio and takes in from the sun.
the Coastal Fracture Prevention Cen- And then there’s balance. When it comes to preventing or
ter doing to help older patients in As we age and become at less active fighting back if osteoporosis does set
Indian River County avoid fractures than we used to be, we may lose our in, says Losapio, “the Coastal Fracture
and live a longer, healthier, broken natural sense of balance. Prevention Center is the solution.”
bone-free life?
The Coastal Fracture Prevention
Center is located at 13000 U.S. 1 in Se-
bastian. The phone number is 772-584-
BONE. 

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 55


Christmas story inspires us to make our life stories better

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT if she could be the reader. Jenny took us?” Then Jenny had the innkeeper re-
Columnists the scriptures in her hands and read spond: “Well, as you see, we are quite
the old, old story aloud, but with a crowded. But, there’s always room for
Author Emil Brunner tells a story new twist. When she came to the part one more. Please do come in.” Pleased
of 9-year-old Jenny, who had heard about the inn, she ad-libbed. Jenny with herself, Jenny closed the Bible,
the Christmas story many times, but had Joseph say to the innkeeper: laid it down, and confidently asked
could never get over the injustice “Good evening, sir. My wife is expect- her family, “Now, isn’t that better?”
of the expectant couple left without ing a baby any minute now and we
lodging because the inn at Bethlehem need a place to stay. Could you help It’s charming to think of a child’s
was already filled. So the next Christ-
mas Eve, when her family tradition- CONTINUED ON PAGE 56
ally read the Nativity story, she asked

56 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 55 ever we encounter them, and consider
how we might “make it better.”
revision of the old story in ways that
make it neater, kinder, fairer and, in Perhaps the Christmas story will
her view, better. There is something also inspire us to change our own life
about that impulse to change what- stories. Are there places in need of re-
ever we can for the better that Christ- vision in your life? Perhaps a relation-
mas seems to draw out of many of us, ship with a co-worker or a friend needs
isn’t there? While we cannot literally repair. Maybe an old quarrel could be
change the Christmas story, of course, mended, or an old grudge laid to rest. It
we hope its poignancy, its innocence, could be that family stresses and mis-
and its wonder may be a stimulus for understandings could be ironed out.
us all this year. Perhaps this amazing Or maybe you know of another’s need
story will help us to take note of injus- and have a way to help meet it. Some-
tice, unfairness or unkindness wher- times reviewing our own stories, with

an eye to the Christmas story, helps ed improvement. We hope you will
us to see where lives could, in fact, be thoughtfully reflect upon all this dur-
made better. ing this wondrous season which has
so much to tell us and teach us. We
After all God, the Author of all of hope you will look anew at the old,
our lives, seems to have looked at the old Nativity story, and considering
world’s story with a critical but lov- how it has impacted your own sto-
ing eye, and decided that it could it ry, say with gratitude for the Christ
improved. And sending a tiny, help- child’s birth – “Now, isn’t that bet-
less child to be born in Bethlehem ter?” 
was just the spark to begin the need-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 57

The 10 looks which have defined fashion in 2017

BY KRISSY TURNER, CAROLINE LEAPER, Some said Jackie Kennedy throw- as seen at Michael Kors, and shim-
BETHAN HOLT AND EMILY CRONIN back, others said soap-opera first mering orb drops as spotted at Top-
The Telegraph lady, or Thunderbird. Whatever shop Unique.
your view on the matter, though,
2017 has been the year of celebrity it was impossible to miss Melania You needn’t remortgage to buy a
statements, mega earrings, logo T- Trump’s Inauguration outfit in Janu- pair, either. The high street, namely
shirts, political statements and Mar- ary. Ralph Lauren made her sky blue Zara, Monki and Mango who come
kle-mania. Here we look back at 10 dress and wrap collar jacket, which top trumps, picked up on the trend
outfits which have defined the past the incoming first lady duly teamed quickly and now offer an array of
12 months ... with matching gloves and Manolo crystal and gold styles at under $30 a
Blahnik heels. It was an outfit that pop. The only snag? We’ll need lobe
1. Melania’s Inauguration look set the tone for everything else Mrs. Botox before long.
Trump wore this year – expensive,
statement-making, and fitted to 3. Rihanna in Comme des Garcons
within an inch of its life. at the Met Gala

2. Earrings on the catwalk Admit it, ahead of the 2017 Met
Gala, you wondered how Rihanna
would top her last Met Ball look.
The egg-yolk-yellow Guo Pei
extravaganza she wore to the 2015
event (she took 2016 off) was so OTT, it
was so untoppable, she might as well
wear an LBD and call it a night, right?
Nope. Rihanna won the red carpet
yet again in a Comme des Garcons
design that was more like a sculpture
than a garment. Straight off the CdG
runway, it featured padded floral
sections and clusters of petals all


We’re a happy bunch when we’re
offered an accessory that easily
brings even the most simple of looks
bang up to date. Gone are the days
when wearing a single dainty earring
was the look du jour. Instead, 2017
saw the rise of the new generation of
earrings, and they’re conversation
starters to say the least; think dangly
crystals à la Celine, giant gold hoops

58 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 57 ing her the first actress to collect that
award in Givenchy since Audrey Hep-
over the torso. Frankly we’re still burn did the same in 1954.
amazed she managed to climb the
museum stairs for the event itself. 5. The Dior T-shirt
Three cheers.

4. Emma Stone in Givenchy at the

Be the change you wish to see in
the world, the saying goes, so why not
dress like the trophy you wish to see
on your mantle? For the 2017 Academy
Awards, Emma Stone emulated Oscar
gold in a beaded Givenchy Couture by
Riccardo Tisci gown. She won Best Ac-
tress for her role in “La La Land,” mak-

Since the debut of that Dior We Harry announced their engagement
Should All Be Feminists T-shirt on in November, the actress surely
the catwalks last September, fash- knew that whatever she wore was
ion has become oversaturated with destined to go global. Line The La-
copies. At $700, said T-shirt – which bel, the under-the-radar Canadian
was designed by the label’s creative brand responsible for her white coat,
director, Maria Grazia Chiuri – was saw their website crash within min-
out of reach for many who desired to utes of her appearance in the Sunk-
make the statement. A year on and en Garden at Kensington Palace.
you can’t move for slogan T-shirts on P.A.R.O.S.H., the vintage-inspired
the high street. Where such obvious Italian makers of her green dress,
copying would irk some designers, reported swiftly selling out amidst
Grazia Chiuri is delighted if people the biggest PR boost in their com-
buy high street versions of her cult pany’s 25-year history. The ‘Meghan
tee. “It shows the message is more effect’ is officially here, and fashion
important than the label,” she told brands can only brace themselves
The Telegraph last month. for the benefits as we see a lot more
of Markle in 2018.
6. Meghan Markle’s engagement

When Meghan Markle and Prince

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 59

7. Lauren Hutton in Calvin Klein It’s fair to say that British-Ghana- Has an “It” girl’s status ever been
underwear campaign ian model Adwoa Aboah has nailed secured as quickly as Kaia Gerber’s?
2017. Not content with a long list of The daughter of Cindy Crawford and
Calvin Klein made history by accomplishments, which include Rande Gerber turned 16 on Sept. 3,
tapping Lauren Hutton to appear in gracing the cover of Edward Ennin- meaning that she was officially old
its spring 2017 underwear campaign. ful’s first issue as editor of British enough to model on the catwalk.
At 73, the actress is decades older Vogue, winning the coveted Model Five days later, she fronted the Cal-
than most lingerie models, and of the Year award at the Fashion vin Klein show at New York Fashion
appears far more relaxed and Awards, and throwing Gurls Talk, Week, leading to appearances at
comfortable in her skin. Given that the online community for young Saint Laurent, Miu Miu, Valentino
this campaign came on the heels of girls that she founded, into the spot- and more. This Chanel moment,
a Calvin Klein campaign featuring light, Aboah can add “made a sequin though, ticked the final box that
upskirt photographs and suggestive turban a desirable accessory” to her her winning debut season required,
taglines, we’d say maturity has never ever-expanding CV, because frankly, rounding her stellar run off with a
looked better. there’s nothing else we’d love to be bang.
able to wear as well as she does this
8. Adwoa Aboah in a turban at the party season. 10. Amal Clooney in designer ma-
Fashion Awards ternity at the U.N.
9. Kaia Gerber’s model debut season
One of 2017’s most vexing fashion
dilemmas – how do you reconcile al compass, but perhaps we should
your admiration for Amal Clooney just relax and take a hint from Amal
as an important, serious human herself that saving the world and
rights lawyer with really wanting to wanting to look the epitome of chic
be able to carry off acid yellow work- can go hand-in-hand. 
wear as effortlessly as she was able,
even at several months pregnant?
Yes, when Clooney went to the U.N.
in March to give a speech about the
plight of Iraq’s Yazidi people, she
wore a selection of outfits estimated
to have cost $250,000, including a
very Jackie Kennedy Bottega Vene-
ta look. We’re still struggling with
where this one registers on the mor-

60 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


First Bites: Station 49 wood fired pizza


One pizza place has taken over from The Works.
another in the remodeled gas station on
Old Dixie Highway. But unlike The Ga- Garden Pie. Cavatelli with Penne Mozzarella.
rage, which never quite made it, the new Sausage and
Station 49 wood fired pizza looks – and Italian buffalo milk cheese served with zas ranged from $12 to $15, with most in
tastes – like a winner. basil, slices of wonderful beefsteak to- Broccoli. the $13-$14 range. Dinner for two, with
mato, and drizzled with an aged bal- pizzas, salads and a beer or glass of wine
Headline news: Not only is the pizza samic vinegar glaze. margherita ($12) – and the garden pie each but no dessert, would run about
good here, but Station 49 serves a variety ($13), a pizza loaded with broccoli, spin- $60 to $70 before tip.
of dishes that are much like those found For salads, we sampled the pear salad ach, mushroom, tomato, charred red
at Citron Bistro on the island. The simi- ($11), the Popeye spinach salad ($11), onion and marinated peppers. Our vote Initial impressions: Actually, a friend
larity is not a coincidence. Both restau- and the New York Caesar ($9). The sal- was for the white pizza. summed it up best: “Kind of like Citron
rants are owned by Jay McLaughlin, and ads here are on a par with those at Cit- but with the addition of very good piz-
Station 49 chef Dino Parton – longtime ron, which is to say among the best in My husband also on one of our visits za.” That’s about right, and it’s hard to
chef at McLaughlin’s restaurant in Man- town. went for the Station burger ($14) with see how that combination can miss.
hattan – helped with the launch of Cit- truffle parmigiana French fries. The
ron a few years back. On our first visit, we tried the white burger was very good, he said. But he I welcome your comments, and en-
truffle bianchi pizza ($14) – a perfectly raved about his choice on the second courage you to send feedback to me at
Look & Feel: Located in a clever re- prepared, thin-crust Neapolitan pizza visit – the cavatelli with sausage and [email protected].
modeling of a one-time Texaco station topped with ricotta cheese, mushrooms broccoli. Tossed with garlic, white wine
(hence the name), Station 49 is a fairly and white truffle oil. On the second, we and pecorino cheese, this very simple The reviewer dines anonymously
small restaurant, but it is much brighter pasta dish was sensational. at restaurants at the expense of Vero
and more tastefully decorated than in its sampled the “classic” – not Beach 32963. 
previous pizza incarnation. With table on the menu, but Drink: Station 49 has a nice selec-
seating for a couple dozen, a few high- similar to tion of cold beers, and offers a choice of
tops and some additional spots at the the wines by the glass for $7.
counter, it can be noisy when full. There
are five tables under a canopy outside Service: Even in its opening days, ev-
that might be a quieter dining choice erything seemed to be going smoothly.
(depending on whether they are occu-
pied by families with children) on nice Our server Elizabeth was very atten-
evenings. tive.
Prices: Prices for
Food: On two visits over the last cou- 12-inch piz-
ple of weeks, my husband, a companion
and I sampled two starters, three of Sta-
tion 49’s salads, several different pizzas,
the Station burger, and a pasta entree.

For starters, we tried the blistered
shishito peppers ($7) – mild Japanese
peppers (with an occasional spicy one,
just to keep things interesting) that
blister quickly when heated in a skillet.
Served in garlic, soy and tahini, and
sprinkled with sesame seeds for
crunch, this is an addictive
Asian appetizer.

I also enjoyed the
burrata cap-
rese ($10), a

Maple Honey Glazed Salmon. Hours:
Daily, 5pm to clsoing
Beverages: Beer and Wine

1802 Old Dixie Highway,

Vero Beach


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 61

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62 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 63

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64 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 65

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66 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 67


Bonzo has ‘Inu’ buddy, Leo from Long Island

Hi Dog Buddies! FEET! Didja know that? An they can Leo, the Shiba Inu. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
hold their breath forEVER! Ever since
This week, I learned about another I saw ’em swimmin’ around in all that all happy.” He leaned
breed I’d never heard of. I like learnin’ water, I always check my water bowl just
new stuff, don’t you? Anyway, Leo in case. toward me and lowered his voice. “I “You know Mr.
Devine’s his name, an he’s a Shiba Inu
(Shee-buh Eee-new), one of those cool “Me an Papa John go fishin’ up in think she has a crush on me.” Bonzo, when Papa John an Nanny first
Japanese breeds. Sorta liddle, real good Long Island, on Montauk. It’s Way Cool
posture, short coat, nice happy face, Kibbles! Whenever Papa John catches a “Well, you are a good lookin’ brought me here, I thought to myself,
dark eyes an pointy ears that make him fish, I get So Excited! I get all Barky and
look like he’s always payin’ attention. Bouncy. The fish flops around, an I nose poocheroo. Got any fave foodstuffs? ‘I hope I’m gonna be happy in my new
Sorta remains me of a fox, ’cept foxes bop it a liddle, just playin,’ but I would
don’t have big ol’ grins like Leo does. NEVER bite it. Papa John says we Catch Special sleeping arrangements?” home.’ Well, I totally am! Papa John an
an Release, which means we throw it
He trotted right up for the Wag back in the water so it can go home. I “I get regular dog food, of course. The Nanny take good care of me. An me and
and Sniff. “Welcome, Mr. Bonzo. always bark goodbye.
I’d like to introduce my grandmom treats are pretty yummy, too. I always Papa John are Besties: I’m good for him
and granddad, Papa John an Nanny. “I also love playin’ on the beach. Up
Come’on in.” there, there’s lotsa baby lobsters runnin’ ask Nanny to get the duck. She buys an he’s good for me.”
around. They’re fun to play with, too.
“Delighted to meet you all,” I said. They’re real quick liddle guys.” LOTS. But what I really enjoy is sharin’ Heading Home, I was thinking about
We got settled. “Did you ackshully
come from Japan?” I asked Leo. “Do you swim?” Papa John’s food: like coldcuts-an- the strong bonds that can form between
“Oh, no. I came from Long Island. See, “Woof, no! I don’t like getting’ my
Papa John an Nanny’s son Anthony got paws wet! I just run around on the cheese, an French Dip and hamburger pooches an their humans. I had one like
me up there as a present for his daughter, shore. We gotta lotta friends up there.
Alexandra. Us Shiba Inus are kinda rare, Down here, too. They’re always askin’ from Bobby’s. Pawsome! I guess I’m a that with my Mom. I was also wonderin’
so we’re pretty SPEN-sive. But I was Papa John if I’m a fox! I guess I do look
the runt of my litter so I was on SPESH- like a fox kinda, but, I mean, come liddle fussy. if Grandma and Grandpa might bring
shull. I was havin’ lotsa fun but, then, ON! Foxes have that sly, sneaky look,
Alexandra GRAD-choo-ated. I had met whereas I have a big ol’ smile. PLUS, “As far as sleepin,’ I get to sleep with me some French Dip one of these
Papa John and Nanny a coupla times, so you could line up all the chickens in
I wasn’t worried when they ’dopted me.” the world right in front of me and they’d Papa John an Nanny, but NOT on evenings.
“Was it hard to get used to Florida?” I be totally okey-dokey, down to the last
wondered. feather. But a fox, not so much.” Nanny’s side. EVER. If she comes in an I
“Ackshully, it wasn’t. Papa John an “Good point!” I was glad I hadn’t
Nanny love me to pieces an I have mentioned I thought he resembled a accidently happen to be snoozin’ on her Till next time,
zillions of toys to play with. (When I was fox, too. “So what’s your day like?”
liddle, I usta hide their shoes. I never ate “I need lotsa exercise so I get leash pillow, she gives me The Look, which The Bonz
’em, but I’d just put ’em in secret places. walks, and I run on the beach. When says ‘YOU’RE on MY pillow?’ You better
Now I hide my toys instead, which is I’m pooped, I curl up on the couch and buh-lieve I’m off that bed in a Long
much better, cuz Papa John an Nanny chew on a few toys. (Nanny says I curl
don’t hafta find ’em before they go out up like a cat, which I choose to ignore.) Island Minute!” Don’t Be Shy
like they do with shoes.) If Papa John is late coming home, I howl. I laughed. “So, do you enjoy travel?”
“But toys aren’t my totally favorite Real loud. Didja know, most Japanese “I hafta say I’m not crazy about it. I We are always looking for pets
thing! Me an Papa John’s Totally Favorite dogs can only howl, not bark, but me, I with interesting stories.
Thing in The Whole World is – FISHIN’! can do BOTH. I don’t go to the dog park don’t care for ridin’ in the car. Now if I To set up an interview, email
I didn’t even know what a fish WAS ’til yet. (I’ve only been here a few months.) could DRIVE, that’d be A Different Dog
Papa John taught me. They don’t have “I have a pooch neighbor, Roxy. She’s
a mix. An Older Woman. Very sweet. Biscuit. But I do like the places an the
Whenever we see each other, she gets
people the car takes us to. Like Montauk. [email protected].

An I LOVE motels. They’re fun to explore.

68 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING Riverside Theatre - Holiday Nights, 6 to 9:30 21-23 Holidays at McKee, 6 to 8 ries, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free
p.m. weekends thru Dec. 30 w/free live music. p.m. at McKee Botanical with park entry fee. 772-388-2750
Garden – festival holiday lights & decorations,
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle after DECEMBER vintage Wurlitzer organ, model train display 31 Hippy New Year-themed New Year’s
Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. 7 and and a visit from Santa. Standard admission. Ball, 5 p.m. to midnight at north side
Masters of American Photography thru Jan. 14. 772-794-0601 of Indian River Mall, celebrating 50th anniver-
sary of ‘Summer of Love’ with local singers, trib-
2 HOMEMADE SOUPS DAILY • BREAKFAST ALL DAY 24 Run Run Santa 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. ute Beatles band, Liverpool Live, midnight ball
from Pocahontas Park - partici- drop and fireworks, with proceeds to benefit
OPEN OPEN pants ALL racing in full Santa suits (no excep- Treasure Coast Players. Free admission; food
THANKSGIVING tions; suit included in registration) to benefit and game tickets available for purchase. 520-
KOUNTRYTHANKSGIVING Healthy Start Coalition TLC Newborn program. 460-4670
6 AM TO 12 PM KITCHEN 6 AM TO 12 PM 321-412-1830
BREAKFAST BREAKFAST 31 New Year’s Eve Dance, 9:30 p.m. at
ONLY ONLY 28 To Jan. 1 - Skydive Invasion at Sky- the Heritage Center, with music by
dive Sebastian, with multiple aircraft, the Landsharks, food from 14 Bones, and Parrot
...With Love world-class diving, beach jumps and Island Par- Head costume contest. $50 & $75. 772-770-
Check Facebook for Our Daily Specials ty. 2263
Most Between $6.00 and $8.00
28-30 Nights of Lights at McKee, 6 JANUARY to 7:30 p.m. at McKee Botan-
ical Garden - celebrate incoming year in peace 1 Run Vero’s Resolution Run 5K, 10 a.m.
Over 100 Items On Our Diner Style Menu. 5 Specials Everyday. and harmony surrounded by sights and sounds New Year’s Day at Riverside Park followed
Bottomless Coffee and Homemade Pies. of nature. Standard admission. 772-794-0601 by post-race festivities to benefit Education
Foundation of IRC. 772-569-7364
We Accept Cash or Checks. ATM Inside. No Credit Cards. 29|30 Ballet Vero Beach pres-
ents world premiere of 2-21 Riverside Theatre presents
For Our Full Menu, Go To: Nutcracker on the Indian River, a new Indian Million Dollar Quartet, a Tony
Hours: Monday - Saturday 6 AM - 2 PM & Sunday 7 AM - 2:30 PM River twist on the beloved classic, 8 p.m. Fri. Award-winning musical about a jam session
and 2 p.m. Sun. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5537 with Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash
1749 Old Dixie Highway, Vero Beach, FL 32960 • (772) 567-6733 and Carl Perkins on the Stark Stage. 772-231-
30 Alize showcased at Sebastian Inlet 6990
State Park Night Sounds concert se-
6 Golf Tournament at Bent Pine Golf Club to
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN benefit Women’s Refuge, 11:30 a.m. lunch
in December 14, 2017 Edition 1 FOCUS 1 FEAST and 1 p.m. tee time, followed by awards cer-
4 DELIGHT 2 CATER emony. $125; $475/foursome. 772-770-4424
9 TURNOUT 4 DAINTY 7 Beachside Half-Marathon and 5K Walk/
10 ENDED 5 LEAVE Run, 6:45 a.m. and 7 a.m. at Riverside Park
11 CLIFFS 6 GRINDER to benefit IRC Healthy Start Coalition. 772-563-

Sudoku Page 48 Sudoku Page 49 Crossword Page 48 Crossword Page 49 (2B OR NOT 2B) 7 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
ents Best of Broadway, 3 p.m. at Emerson
Center. $20; free 18 and under. 855-252-7276


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7355 69th Street in Indian River Farms: 5-bedroom, 7-bathroom, 5,787-square-foot home on
36 acres adjacent to Quail Valley Golf Club, offered for $3,395,000 by Premier Estate Properties

broker associates Dolf Kahle and Cindy O’Dare: 772-713-5899

70 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero’s finest equestrian estate available at reduced price

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA compound is likely the most beauti-
Staff Writer ful, thoughtfully constructed equine
estate in the county.
Words struggle to describe the
beauty and appeal of the equestrian Called, simply, The Equestrian
estate at 7355 69th Street. It is most Center, the property includes a spa-
assuredly not your basic house/barn/ cious main house that is as warm as it
pasture. Utterly private and peace- is elegant; a serene, well-stocked lake;
ful on 36 verdant acres, amidst the a charming lakeside guest house; and
beautiful pine, palm and grasslands immaculate accommodations for its
west of Vero Beach, this magnificent equine residents – including large
sheltered paddocks, three large train-

ing arenas; and an absolutely excep- The mahogany entrance door
tional concrete block barn with train- features full-length sidelights, and
er’s residence. opens into the striking foyer, its
honey-toned chair rail and wainscot-
The estate sits on high ground, vir- ing paired with mossy green striped
tually hidden behind an impressive wall covering. The foyer itself and the
fence and entrance gate. Ascending long, subtly lighted hallways extend-
a broad stretch of lawn to the main ing from it easily serve as galleries for
entrance, the wide, bricked driveway an owner’s art collections, as do all
passes between double hedge-rows, the home’s hallways.
designed with the clean symmetry of
a formal French garden. A powder room off the foyer sports
amusing, stylish wallpaper which
The generous use of fine natural looks like shelves of books and is re-
woods – solid mahogany doors; cy- ferred to as The Reading Room.
press, pine and South American Iro-
ko floors, walls, ceilings and crown Wood gloriously dominates the
molding – establishes the home’s stunning great room, used in the soar-
warm, welcoming country character. ing, open-beamed ceiling; gleaming

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 71


floors; custom, built-in shelving units
and crown molding. The room’s focal
point is a floor-to-ceiling North Caro-
lina Crab Orchard stone fireplace.

Well-chosen, textured wall cover-
ings, beautiful metal chandeliers and
wide doorways further enhance the
casual elegance, while glass doors
and large windows offer breathtak-
ing, panoramic views of the white
fences, emerald paddocks and shim-
mering lake.

Three wide doorways from the great
room to the dining room, and another
three from dining room to kitchen
open up striking views of all three
rooms. The entire expanse, from fire-
place to kitchen, brings to mind the
Great Hall of a European castle.

The kitchen boasts beautiful, co-
coa-hued woodwork, including a cab-
inet-front side-by-side fridge, plen-
tiful cabinet space, and Thermador
appliances. The expansive island/
breakfast bar and countertops are
of polished gray, striated granite. A
super-sized icemaker, stacked ovens,
built-in TV, hidden vent, recessed
lighting and huge warming drawer
are additional features. Adjacent to
the kitchen is an informal dining
area/sun room with an indoor grill.

A private suite, one of the home’s
many flexible spaces, also contains a
little office, and could accommodate
a secretary, assistant or nurse. Pocket
doors here are of solid pine.

A nearby corner room could be
considered a sophisticated man cave,
with space for a pool table, should
he be so inclined. Custom built-in
storage units, dark floor-to-ceiling
plantation shutters, and a built-in
big screen TV add to the ambiance.
A floor-to-ceiling picture window af-
fords a tranquil view of the grounds.

The master suite, which also offers
dramatic views, has a huge walk-in
closet with dresser island; full his and
hers bathrooms, hers with a uniquely
designed 3-panel mirror, hinged so
the side panels close as storage area
doors or open to create a full-length
mirror, like those in dressing rooms
in clothing stores. There is a cozy sit-

72 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ting room with chair rail, soft red wall The lovely, large guest house is well- tive of Cynseo’s previous career as a mix jump arena; a 140-foot by 240-
covering and a view of the emerald appointed and very private, it’s spa- research scientist. foot dressage arena; a 5-acre grass
pastures, which could be converted cious screened porch providing end- jump arena; and a broad, 1-mile-long
into a nursery. less opportunities for reading, relaxing The well-designed Equestrian Cen- grass hacking trail along the lake.
and gazing out upon the grassy yard ter certainly has income producing
The current owner (”Just call me sloping down to the tranquil lake. potential, with eight 2-sided paddock The three washing stations have
Cynseo,” she says) loves her beautiful buildings, each in its own spacious their own water and lighting and the

home, and points out the many fea- Cynseo is, of course, a horsewom- half-acre and each with an automatic one inside the barn has hot water.
tures and rich materials she calls “to an. In addition to her own horses, she watering system and feed station. The elegant, 5,000-square-foot
die for” – among them the extra-large also boards horses that train on the
laundry room, with custom cabine- excellent facilities, all maintained One double building has a 1-acre barn is built to last, with concrete
try, ample hanging space and clever with the same fastidious care and at- paddock, and there is also a small block construction, heavy steel exte-
devices for air-drying garments tention to detail as the houses, reflec- “hospital paddock.” Training takes rior doors, brick and southern yellow
place in a 240-foot by 360-foot sand- pine floors. Each of the eight 12-foot

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 73


by 14-foot stalls has automatic water RIVER CLUB at Calrton 5/5.5 $3,470,000 CENTRAL BEACH 3/2F/2H $879,000 ISLAND CLUB Riverside 4/2F/2H $699,000
and cross ventilation as well as a ceil- Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 180847 Stacey Miller 772-538-1900 193511 Judy Freni 772-532-4892 195661
ing fan. There is a large supply room
and air-conditioned tack room. THE ESTUARY 3/2.5 $689,000 SEASONS 4/3.5 $649,900 OAK HARBOR St James Is 3/3 $625,000
Patty Valdes 772-473-8810 194974 Judy Freni 772-532-4892 197038 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 177123
The barn also houses a complete and
stylish residence for the trainer, with
tray ceiling, office and laundry. The
property also includes an equipment
garage, tool area and pump room.

Premier Estate Properties broker
associate and co-listing agent Cin-
dy O’Dare says, “There is no better
equestrian center available in Indian
River County, possibly Florida, that is
currently on the market. It has been
impeccably and lovingly maintained
by the owner.”

She adds that a recent “substantial
price reduction makes this an incred-
ible value.”

Cynseo comments that the spacious
house and prominent, well-tended
grounds would make the estate a per-
fect location for parties, special events
and picture-perfect weddings. 

7355 69TH STREET

Subdivision: Indian River Farms SEASONS 4/4.5 $599,000 CACHE CAY 3/2.5 $520,000 OLD SAVANNAH 3/2 $499,000
Construction: concrete block, Judy Freni 772-532-4892 197252 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 181108 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 177068

stucco GRAND HARBOR Victoria Is 2+Den/2 $425,000 GRAND HARBOR Wood Duck 3/2.5 $299,900 DUNMORE – Private Beach Access $275,000
Acreage: 36 acres Barbara Parent 772-633-3027 195724 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 189452 Alex MacWilliam IV 772-473-6972 193818

Bedrooms: 5 Integrity • Service • Professionalism • Results
Bathrooms: 7
Additional features: Guest 2911 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 Celebrating 68 Years as “ e Trusted Name in Real Estate”
house; modern barn with
residence; paddocks and train- 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963
ing facilities; extensive custom 772 . 2 34 . 8 500 772.231.6509
woodwork in main house;
beamed cathedral ceilings; 772 . 2 31 . 6 509
Thermador appliances in island
kitchen; window treatments
included; whole house surge
protector; built-in backup gen-
erator; stocked lake; property
fully irrigated and fenced
Listing agency:
Premier Estate Properties
Listing agents:
Cindy O’ Dare, 772-713-5899;
Dolf Kahle, 866-220-1905
Recently reduced listing price:


74 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Getting rich slowly: How to invest in rental property

BY MICHELE LERNER median price of a home in other parts distance is one of many to make if you cent in 2016 to 1.14 million, up from
Washington Post of the country,” Shapiro says. “At the want to join the world of real estate in- 1.09 million in 2015. The survey found
same time, it can be difficult to invest vestors. The first essential decision is that most individual investors bought
When Arlington, Va., resident Jesse long-distance if you don’t know enough to determine whether you want to buy property to generate income in recog-
Shapiro wanted to diversify his invest- about other real estate markets.” and flip a property or invest for long- nition of the demand for single-family
ment portfolio with real estate, he rec- term appreciation and cash flow from house rentals.
ognized quickly that he didn’t want to With the help of Roofstock, an online rents.
buy a place in the Washington area. real estate investment platform, Shap- “If you want to invest in real estate,
iro and his wife purchased a single- According to the National Associa- you need to know your strategy,” says
“Housing costs in this region are family house in a suburb of Raleigh, tion of Realtors’ 2017 Investment and Rick Sharga, chief marketing officer of
prohibitive, and I didn’t want to risk N.C., in January. Vacation Home Buyers Survey, invest- Ten-X, an online real estate market-
buying something that’s 10 times the ment home purchases rose 4.5 per- place based in Irvine, Calif., that owns
The decision to buy locally or long “Most people focus on
buying property cheaply, but if you
LUXURY HAS A NEW ADDRESS FROM THE MID $400S plan to become a landlord, then price
is less of an issue. In that case, cash
Allow yourself to be inspired by the Bermuda and West Indies architectural style of flow is most important, and you want
GHO Homes’ newest floor plans and elevations featured in Lily’s Cay. to buy something that will be ready to
rent quickly and for more than your
Located at the intersection of 41st Street and Indian River Boulevard, Lily’s Cay is just minutes costs.”
from five-star restaurants, trendy beachside boutiques, golf courses, medical care, theaters,
museums, galleries and more! There are 19 million single-family
MOVE-IN READY HOMES AVAILABLE house rentals in the United States, ac-
cording to “Landlord Land,” a white
772.342.0061 y paper produced in February by Irvine,
Calif.-based ATTOM Data Solutions
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this and Reno, Nev.-based Clear Capital.
advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be The vast majority of the rentals – 79 per-
model or other homes built of similar design. cent – are owned by small-time land-
lords with only one or two properties.

Most people are more comfort-
able investing in a local market, but
sometimes you can’t get a reasonable
return on your investment, says Greg
Rand, chief executive of OwnAmerica,
a Charlotte-based brokerage for inves-
tors of single-family rental homes.

“The yield is what matters with real
estate investing, and if the property
prices are too high or the rent isn’t high
enough, you can’t get a good return,”
Rand says. “For many people, that
means investing in a place that they
are semi-comfortable with, such as a
place where they have vacationed or
have some kind of connection.”

It’s essential to understand the char-
acteristics of any market before you in-
vest, such as the trends for job growth
and population growth, Rand says.

“Historically, 70 percent of people
buy an investment property within an
hour of their home because it’s con-
venient and they know the area,” says
Gary Beasley, chief executive of Roof-
stock in Oakland, Calif. “That’s fine if
you live in a market with good rental
demand, and there’s no danger of a
recession. But it makes more sense to
diversify with an investment in an-
other market, just in case job growth
declines and rental demand drops at
some point.”

Roofstock recently developed a
“Neighborhood Ratings” index that
compiles information on a variety of
factors such as income, crime, schools,
property values and the nature of the
housing stock to help investors com-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 75


pare neighborhoods when buying re- ysis, appraisals and home-inspection their rent payments. ing a home, including their fees. The
motely. reports,” says Shapiro, who picked his Roofstock provides investors with a chosen property manager then coordi-
investment property by looking at a va- nates directly with the investor.
“We sell single-family homes that riety of factors, such as the estimated list of two or three property managers
are tenant-occupied and provide in- value if he would need to sell within in the market where they are purchas- Although real estate investing can
vestors with 3-D tours, a home inspec- five years, the forecast for the rent and be profitable, there are four main pit-
tion and demographic projections that information on the property’s tenant. falls investors should avoid:
help break down the geographic barri-
er to investing,” Beasley says. “We have “When I reviewed the return on in- B● eing over-leveraged: If your mort-
advisers in different markets, as well as vestment I included the cost of financ- gage is too high and the rent barely
data to make it easier for investors.” ing the purchase,” says Shapiro, who covers your expenses, you could lose
made a 25 percent down payment on money if your tenant doesn’t pay one
A real estate agent can help you the approximately $100,000 property. month. Rand recommends keeping 10
evaluate the market and will also know percent of the gross annual rent in a
about whether rents are going up or Rand says investors must do a cost­ separate account for maintenance and
down, Sharga says. benefit analysis, starting with an esti- reserves. “Don’t spend your last dollar
mate of the annual rent, minus 5 per- on a real estate investment,” he says.
Beasley says investors are particu- cent for anticipated vacancies. They
larly interested in buying in less cost- should then subtract all expenses, such CONTINUED ON PAGE 79
ly markets, such as Florida, Atlanta, as taxes, insurance, homeowners as-
Texas, North Carolina and Las Vegas, sociation dues, property management
especially when they live in high-cost fees and maintenance costs, estimated
housing markets. at 10 percent of the gross rent to gener-
ate your net operating income.
“When you invest in rental property,
it’s best to start modestly with a prop- The return on your investment is
erty on the fringes of development calculated by dividing your net oper-
that’s not super-expensive but is in the ating income by your mortgage pay-
path of progress,” says Dave Hawkins, ment. For example, if you purchase a
managing broker of McEnearney As- $100,000 property and your profit is
sociates in Alexandria. Hawkins pur- $6,000, then your return on your in-
chased two townhouses as an invest- vestment is 6 percent. If your property
ment when he was in his 30s with the goes up in value, then your return on
goal of using the properties to pay for your investment is even higher.
college tuition for his children.
Your financial evaluation should
“We bought places where we could also include the property condition
drive, so I could handle the property and estimate of when you may need to
management,” Hawkins says. “It’s im- replace appliances, heating or plumb-
portant to talk to a Realtor who can ing systems or the roof.
give you advice about the neighbor-
hood and what could impact it, such as If you’re a local landlord, you can
businesses moving in or out and plans manage your property yourself if you
for public transportation.” Although have the time and the skills to main-
some investors pay cash for their prop- tain it. However, you also then need to
erty, many finance the purchase. screen your own tenants and handle

Beasley says the Federal National
Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corp. (Freddie Mac) guidelines require
a 20 percent down payment for an in-
vestment loan. Typically, the interest
rate is slightly higher on investment
loans, such as 4.5 percent when owner-
occupied loans are at 4.0 percent.

“Roofstock provided the underwrit-
ing information I needed to invest
long-distance, including market anal-

76 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Dec. 8 to Dec. 14

The barrier island real estate market had a strong week in mid-December with 11 transactions recorded,
two for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the first half of December was of a home in John’s Island on a quiet cove of John’s Island
Sound. The residence at 421 Sabal Palm Lane was placed on the market June 11 with an asking price of
$3.975 million. The sale closed on Dec. 6 for $3.75 million.

Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.


$625,000 $950,000
SEAGROVE WEST 230 RIVERWAY DRIVE 7/27/2017 $1,250,000 $625,000 12/14/2017 $600,000
RIOMAR 902 LADYBUG LANE 4/17/2017 $740,000 $1,175,000 12/14/2017 $1,150,000
$1,300,000 $695,000
RIVER OAKS ESTATES 501 HONEYSUCKLE LANE 5/12/2017 $799,000 $685,000 12/12/2017 $495,000
ORCHID ISLAND 432 INDIES DRIVE 8/10/2017 $1,300,000 12/11/2017 $375,000
OCEAN CORP 725 PIRATE COVE LANE 1/14/2017 $729,000 12/8/2017 $375,000
SEA OAKS 8910 E ORCHID ISLAND CIRCLE 8/4/2017 $495,000 12/8/2017


RACQUET CLUB OF VERO 3939 OCEAN DRIVE PH7, #407 10/27/2017 $389,000 $389,000 12/14/2017
SOUTHWINDS 2250 SOUTHWINDS BOULEVARD, #324 8/31/2017 $875,000 $875,000 12/13/2017
OCEAN TOWERS 2743 OCEAN DRIVE, #44E 9/19/2017 $385,000 $385,000 12/12/2017
CORALSTONE CONDO 1408 CORAL OAK LANE, #904 10/3/2017 $275,000 $275,000 12/8/2017

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 77


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Riomar, Address: 902 Ladybug Lane Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 432 Indies Drive

Listing Date: 4/17/2017 Listing Date: 8/10/2017
Original Price: $1,250,000 Original Price: $1,300,000
Recent Price: $1,175,000 Recent Price: $1,300,000
Sold: 12/14/2017 Sold: 12/11/2017
Selling Price: $950,000 Selling Price: $1,150,000
Listing Agent: Karen Burke Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Charlotte Terry Heidi Levy

Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Orchid Island Realty

Subdivision: Ocean Corp, Address: 725 Pirate Cove Lane Subdivision: Southwinds, Address: 2250 Southwinds Boulevard, #324

Listing Date: 1/14/2017 Listing Date: 8/31/2017
Original Price: $799,000 Original Price: $875,000
Recent Price: $729,000 Recent Price: $875,000
Sold: 12/8/2017 Sold: 12/13/2017
Selling Price: $695,000 Selling Price: $840,000
Listing Agent: Dawn Lightle Listing Agent: Judy Hargarten

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Cheryl Burge Daina Bertrand

Berkshire Hathaway Florida The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Luxurious lakefront 4BR/3.5BA courtyard pool home on Beautiful lakefront custom courtyard 3BR/3.5BA w/private Beautiful lakefront building lot in the picturesque gated
prime corner lot, beautiful water views, gated community master plus office w/built-ins, fine millwork throughout enclave of estate homes, over ½ acre with a fabulous view
Last Asking Price $549,000
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78 Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services

Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

BILL BARRY Subdivision: Seagrove West, Address: 230 Riverway Drive

SERVICES CELL: 772-473-7150 Original Price: $625,000
Recent Price: $625,000
OFFICE: 772-569-3874 Sold: 12/14/2017
OAK TREE SPECIALIST Selling Price: $600,000
TREE CARE, MOVING & CLEARING Listing Agent: Peggie Hollinger
Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC

Craig Von Kohorn

Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Subdivision: River Oaks Estates, Address: 501 Honeysuckle Lane

Listing Date: 5/12/2017
Original Price: $740,000
Recent Price: $685,000
Sold: 12/12/2017
Selling Price: $600,000
Listing Agent: Lori Davis

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Lori Davis

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 21, 2017 79


F● requent vacancies: Turnover is the C● hasing too-high returns: Rand says ity home in an area with good schools but if you don’t have too much debt,
fastest way to fail, Rand says. Land- you should expect returns in the mid- where people will stay longer.” you don’t need to worry about selling
lords need to screen their tenants to single digits. “This is a get rich slowly even if the property value declines,”
make sure they have the means to pay proposition,” he says. “If you’re trying T● hinking short-term: Beasley says says Beasley. “Keep in mind that even if
the rent and good credit. “One of the to get quicker returns, you’re likely to investors need to look at rental proper- home values drop, rents usually don’t.
biggest risks is in the length of time buy a lower priced property and have ty as a long-term investment that can This can be a good hedge in the event
your rental stays vacant,” Sharga says. more turnover. It’s better to buy a qual- build wealth over time. “You’re buying of another real estate downturn.” 
through different real estate cycles,

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