MELBOURNE BEACH Fire station turns haunted
for Halloween. P10
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Sebastian jetty remains closed. P5
Melbourne Beach scene of
growing number of film shoots. P2
Big changes taking place Holy Name says
at Florida Tech – or FIT beachside fall fest
set for February
Walk around the Florida The impressive campus of Florida Institute of Technology. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY BY LISA ZAHNER
Institute of Technology’s
cozy, 130-acre campus and Spooky creatures coming to combat our skeeters Staff Writer
you can’t help but see the
transformation the Mel- BY PETE SKIBA streets in search of candy. Swooping and soaring at One major victim of Hur-
bourne-based university Correspondent Next year they will be joined speeds up to 65 miles per ricane Matthew was the Holy
has undergone over the past by the creatures that inspired hour, one of the black-winged Name of Jesus Beachside Fall
15 years. When Halloween arrives in the popular DC Comics hero creatures can devour 3,000 Festival that was scheduled
a few days, there are bound to – real bats flying overhead – insects each night, a handy to open just hours after a
There are new residence be some kids dressed as Bat- searching for a bat version of service when fears about Zika mandatory evacuation of the
halls, research facilities and man prowling the darkened a treat: mosquitoes. barrier island was clamped
educational buildings on a CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 down, but the popular carni-
campus occupied by nearly val will go on, Fr. Tony Welle
6,000 academically driven announced Monday.
undergraduate and graduate
students, who are more glob- The new dates – safely
ally diverse and have met months after hurricane sea-
higher admission standards son – will be Feb. 9-12 for the
than their predecessors. festival, which is a major an-
nual fundraiser for the Cath-
And with those improve- olic school with more than
ments, along with the pro- 270 students enrolled in pre-
fessional successes of the kindergarten through eighth
school’s 50,000 alumni, Flor- grade. Throughout the year,
ida Tech’s stature has soared, school families volunteer-
earning both national and in- ing thousands of hours in the
ternational recognition. planning, setup, operations
and breakdown of the carni-
Now, T. Dwayne McCay, val rides, midway games, tick-
et sales and food concessions.
Holy Name of Jesus has
The aftermath of a near miss more than 4,000 parishioners
from across South Brevard
PHOTO BY MITCH KLOORFAIN BY PETE SKIBA its way to Florida, Gov. Rick and 80 different ministries
Correspondent Scott said, “This storm will serving the local community,
Following Hurricane Matthew, erosion of the dunes behind Sandy Shoes Beach Resort kill you. If you are in an plus a mission in Haiti.
With winds lashing evacuation area, get out –
through the Caribbean Is- don’t take a chance.” Welle promised more de-
lands hitting 145 mph and tails to come in an email blast
killing hundreds of people Call it prayers answered to parishioners, but asked that
as Hurricane Matthew lifted or plain old good luck, Mat- everyone “save the date” for
roofs, toppled buildings and thew did not come ashore the rescheduled festival. For
unleashed deadly floods on at Melbourne Beach, but more information, contact
festival Chairperson Bob Mac-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Donald at (321)777-5769.
October 27, 2016 Volume 1, Issue 2 Newsstand Price $1.00 Masquerade,
Martinis &
News 1-6 Editorial 27 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL Masterpieces. P8
Arts 11-16 Faith 29 Pets 30 772-559-4187
Books 28 Games 31-33 Real Estate 41-48
Calendar 40 Health 17-20 Style 35-37 FOR CIRCULATION
Dining 38 Insight 21-26 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Melbourne Beach scene of growing number of film shoots
BY GEORGE WHITE Independent film maker Bob Caso at Melbourne Beach residents and of- never know. Most of the stuff is pretty
Spessard Holland North Beach Park. ficials are cooperative. “For the most easy stuff . . . A lot of it is B roll footage,
Correspondent part everybody here has been very like a documentary, but again, I want
PHOTO BY GEORGE WHITE open and great to work with. I am the city to know,’’ King said.
Rumors swirled around Mel- very fortunate that people allow me
bourne Beach recently that there ry “Far From the Tree.” to knock on the door and say ‘Your Reality show secrets aside, King
was a film shooting somewhere in A National Quaker Oats com- house has this look that we’re looking said there is now another, more lo-
town, perhaps a reality show. But, for.’ It can be a little strange.” cal source of film-related excitement,
like the snook known to be hidden mercial. led by independent film maker and
beneath the waves just a few feet off A Scottish TV show called “World Local police and fire officials are Space Coast native Bob Caso.
the nearby beaches that are so hard notified about any filming project.
to find, the exact location of the of Weird” with the ‘Prancercize’ lady. “He wants to film right here in the
film set, although known by local “You have to place Melbourne “We do it just so that they know Melbourne area and I want to make
officials, remained an intriguing because people ask questions. We it as easy for him as possible,” she
my ster y. Beach in the bigger picture of the haven’t had anything major, but you said. “He’s great. He loves the Mel-
Space Coast,” King said. “When they bourne Beach area.”
Confirming the fact of the shoot are looking for a location [along the
but honoring an oath of silence on coast here], Melbourne Beach is not Certainly Caso seems very much at
the specifics was Space Film Com- overlooked. We definitely keep them home at the pavilion at Spessard Hol-
missioner Bonnie King. The silence is in mind.” land North Beach Park.
“because if you are a follower of that
show, it might give you a heads up on King says that is, in part, because “I’m from here,” Caso said. “I went
something and they don’t want that. to Eau Gallie high and then to FSU.
That’s why they are secretive about After I graduated with a BFA, I went to
it,” she said. Los Angeles. I was an actor in LA for
25 years and I am a writer-producer
Most film crews that arrive here are now. We located here about four years
small and not noticeable, but they are ago and started an actors’ group here
coming with greater frequency and and in Orlando.
that’s a good thing, she said.
“I had started writing and it turned
In 2016, Melbourne Beach locations out I was pretty damn good at it, with-
were used for: out sounding self-centered. I thought
‘What do I write about?’ I write about
HGTV “Beachfront Bargain Hunt.” this place because I love it so much.”
HGTV “Beachfront Renovation.”
Travel Channel “Boat Buyers.” The result of Caso’s efforts was a
Discovery Channel, documenta- feature-length independent film “In
Between Days,” a light-hearted com-
Bat houses be 75-percent occupied. Each three- know how we’ll use it yet.” our county,” said Virginia Barker,
chamber house can hold 300 bats, The most likely residents for the director of Brevard County Natural
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the bigger houses hold about 600,” Resources Management, “but we
Blissett-Clark said, “They provide bat houses are Brazilian free-tailed have found no Zika yet.”
infection are at a height. nightly insect control.” bats. With a 12-inch wingspan, the
The bats will be flitting into Mel- creatures can hit interstate highway Despite plans for the furry winged
Consider that a bat less than speeds, eating insects at a height of creatures to gorge on mosquitoes,
bourne Beach thanks to the non- three-inches long, weighing less more than 600 feet if necessary, but mosquito control is not left entirely
profit organization, Bat Belfrys, than a half-ounce loves to chow they won’t swoop out of the sky to up to bats.
and the approval of town officials. down on flying insects at a rate that bite a human neck.
Taking note of the mosquito con- reaches 3,000 bugs a night. Multiply “We make a risk assessment and
trol work done by bats, Melbourne that times eight bat houses with 300 “That’s the Hollywood stuff. It is continue to spray the most environ-
Beach Town Commission in August bats each and Melbourne Beach can sensationalized for movies,” Blis- mentally safe larvacide in the high
unanimously approved installing launch an airborne armada of 2,400 sett-Clark said. “Bats don’t attack risk areas of Brevard to control mos-
eight bat houses this year. bats against its mosquitoes. people and they don’t get tangled quitoes,” Barker said.
up in your hair. They are not disease
Plans call for 24 houses to be in- The first eight bat houses in- carriers or rabid.” The use of larvacide is 100-per-
stalled over a period of three years, stalled by Blissett-Clark’s nonprofit cent effective, while the adulticide
at a cost of $2,600 a year, which sit at park locations near water Moths, flies, termites and mos- is less than 100 percent, said Chris
comes to $325 per house. The $7,800, where insects breed. Circle Park, quitoes are the only creatures that Richmond, assistant director Bre-
Town Manager Tim Day said, comes Ryckman Park and Ocean Park should be frightened by bats, Blis- vard County Natural Resources
from Melbourne Beach’s general with its two beach access points sett-Clark said. Management.
fund, part of which is usually set have new bat homes, as does the
aside for contingency expenses. Old Town Hall and History Center. According to, bats “The idea is to kill them as larva
Located atop 10- to 15-foot tall steel are not blind. And in addition to in the water before they can get a
Day added, “I’ve been told it takes poles, the specially designed houses sight, bats have ultra-sonic bio-sonar chance to fly out and bite,” Rich-
about a year for the houses to at- await their bat colonies, as a house- capabilities – called “echolocation” mond said. “The larvacide is also
tract bats to roost.” ful of bats is called. by scientists – which helps them lo- more environmentally friendly.”
cate tiny mosquitos in total darkness.
And roost they do, according to Bats enter the houses through If the larva hatch, then the bats
Merritt Island resident Shari Blis- an opening at the bottom, which The Aedes species of mosquitoes can feast on the adults.
sett-Clark, a specialist in bats with a also allows droppings or guano to that can carry Zika, a dangerous vi-
degree in biology from the Univer- fall through. “I understand it is ex- rus that can cause birth defects in Bat Belry’s Inc. will be building
sity of Southern California. cellent fertilizer,” Day said. “I don’t pregnant women’s fetuses, fly dur- bat houses at the Barrier Island
ing night and day. Sanctuary in Melbourne Beach on
“In about a year the houses should Oct. 30. Call 321-723-3556 for more
“Those mosquitoes are native to information.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 3
edy and ‘coming of age film for peo- film [shooting in Cocoa Beach] and and one is an action comedy. I definitely acters are very Old Southern Florida,
ple turning 40’ shot between Cocoa it’s built up,’’ he said. want to catch the scenery as it was when just very salty people.
Beach and Sebastian Inlet. I was a kid. I want to show people just
In the development stage is anoth- how beautiful this place is,’’ he said. “That’s what I’m going for, the
“This place is [used for] the flash- er independent film to be called “The quirkiness and offbeat. It’s that salti-
back to when we were kids and you Shelter,’’ Caso said. “The other thing I am trying to cap- ness that I’m looking for and Mel-
see the vegetation and the board- ture is that Old Florida lifestyle that bourne Beach has it. This place is ab-
walk. Then we move forward in the “Besides ‘The Shelter,’ I have plans to is kind of disappearing. All my char- solutely beautiful,’’ he said.
shoot two more here – one’s a comedy
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
My Take That’s exactly what has happened. existing programs would allow Tech cally attracts what McCay described
Over the past few years, Tech has to compete with the nation’s best as “very serious students” who were
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 annually earned recognition from schools -- a committee of deans and “somewhat apathetic” toward life
the likes of U.S. News & World Report, department heads whittled the list outside the classroom.
inaugurated as Tech’s fifth president Forbes, Barron’s and the Fiske Guide to nine.
last month, is eager to build on that to Colleges for everything from its ac- “They were here to get an educa-
momentum and make his university ademic standing to alumni earnings. McCay then took the shortened tion and to have a career,” McCay
one of the finest science, engineering This year’s incoming freshmen list to industry experts around the said, recalling the school’s initial
and aeronautics schools in America. class boasted a 3.76 grade-point av- country, told them his goal and asked mission of offering NASA engineers
erage and had an average Scholastic them to evaluate the recommended an opportunity to pursue advanced
“We’ve grown to a size that is suf- Aptitude Test score of 1180, making areas using their criteria, which in- degrees. “And they’re still pretty se-
ficient to do almost everything we it the “highest quality group that we cluded availability of jobs, the need rious. But now we have some won-
want to do,” said McCay, the former ever admitted,” McCay said. for research and their companies’ derful residence halls and a number
NASA rocket scientist and Univer- long-range plans. of athletic teams -- even football --
sity of Tennessee vice president who Even more impressive: Across the so there’s an activity level and an ex-
spent 13 years at Tech as a top-tier ad- past two decades, 82 percent of Tech’s Using the experts’ input, McCay citement level on campus that didn’t
ministrator before being taking over pre-med students have been admit- and his advisers will select three exist in 2003.”
as president and chief executive offi- ted to medical schools. to five “Pillars of Excellence,” as he
cer of the private university. called them, and that’s where the Twenty percent of Tech’s student
Currently, Tech has more than 500 university will focus its investments. body participates in varsity ath-
“Now it’s time to focus on a hand- graduates working for the Harris letics, which includes 22 athletic
ful of areas where we can be not just Corp., more than 500 working for the What are the areas? teams, 21 of which compete in the
good or even really good, but great -- Northrup Grumman Corp. and more “Only one person knows,” McCay wildly successful Sunshine State
and by great I mean as good as any- than 500 working for NASA. There are said with a grin, adding that one of Conference. The lone exception is
body in the United States.” dozens working in the Silicon Valley. the likely areas wasn’t on the origi- the football team.
Others are employed by tech giants nal list but was added when multiple
He’s not wasting any time. Microsoft and Google. leaders in research and manufactur- It was in 2010 that Tech announced
Tech’s Board of Trustees selected ing suggested it. its plans to add an NCAA Division II
McCay in June to succeed Anthony And because one-third of the “They told me this was an area we football program. Three years later,
Catanese, who served as the universi- school’s enrollment comes from out- need to invest in -- an area where we the Panthers embarked on their inau-
ty’s president for 14 years and tapped side the U.S. -- India, China, Saudi could take the lead and be on the cut- gural season, competing in the Gulf
into his expertise as an urban plan- Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ting edge,” he said. “It’s going to be South Conference.
ner to oversee a massive capital im- are among the nations that send stu- hard to not do that one.”
provement project. dents there -- it should come as little McCay plans to start building “Pil- “When we started football, I wasn’t
“We needed a builder to get the surprise to see Tech graduates occu- lars” as soon as January, when he’ll sure about it because it’s got an eco-
campus to where it is,” McCay said, pying the No. 2 position with China’s ask his on-campus team in each of nomic component that is not neces-
“and that’s what Dr. Catanese was.” version of our Federal Aviation Ad- the areas to assemble a list of resourc- sarily on the positive side,” McCay
Catanese’s campus development ministration and the top spot with es needed to move forward: faculty, said. “But it has generated an incred-
plan was funded in large part by a $50 the Bank of Dubai. technicians and other support per- ible enthusiasm in the community
million gift from the New York-based sonnel, as well as a base of operations and a great enthusiasm across the
F.W. Olin Foundation, which saw Tech Another of its graduates detoured and equipment. campus.
as a “diamond in the rough” with the from the school’s science and en- “We’ve identified a methodology
potential to become the leading tech- gineering core and now works as a for taking money from a few other “All of the other sports are won-
nology university in the Southeast. fashion editor at Vogue, prompting areas and investing it in these areas,” derful, but football is different in the
The gift, announced in 1997, pro- McCay to quip, “We’re not sure how McCay said, “so now we’re down to South,” he added. “I didn’t think I’d
vided funding for Tech’s Olin Engi- that happened.” the details.” ever see our students with their shirt
neering Complex, Olin Physical Sci- One limiting factor is the campus, off and their chests painted, but
ences Center and Olin Life Sciences Whatever the field, though, Tech which is essentially built out as the football has been a huge boon to the
Building. graduates are enjoying professional school, with 3,300 undergraduates campus.”
A decade later, Brevard County successes that have greatly enhanced on the grounds, nears its enroll-
resident and businessman Ed Scott the school’s recognition and reputa- ment capacity. Still, McCay sees this Even for the non-American stu-
-- a former U.S. Justice Department tion across America and around the new investment as the next phase in dents?
executive -- was the principal donor globe. Tech’s academic evolution and rise to
to create the internationally renown prominence. “We actually have a couple of
Scott Center for Autism Treatment, McCay, who hired 200 of the The university, which was founded camps in the spring -- we call it ‘Foot-
located on Tech’s campus. school’s 350 faculty members, is aim- in 1958 as the Brevard Engineering ball For International Students” --
Then, two summers ago, Tech wel- ing even higher. College and became the Florida In- and it’s very well attended,” McCay
comed to its campus Apollo 11 astro- stitute of Technology in 1966, histori- said. “They learn the rules, try to put
naut Buzz Aldrin, the historic mission’s After a hand-picked faculty com- on shoulder pads and helmets ... They
lunar module pilot and the second mittee identified 21 areas to be con- have a great time.”
man to walk on the moon. Now 86, he sidered for further investment -- ar-
joined the school’s faculty as research eas where additional funding for Though he had doubts early on, Mc-
professor of aeronautics at the Buzz Cay said he is now a “huge supporter”
Aldrin Space Institute, headed by his of the football program, which, along
son, Andy, and created to promote a with the Tech’s other athletic teams,
manned settlement on Mars. has enhanced campus life and helped
“We went from a small, struggling put the university on the map.
technical school with a high-quality
faculty and good students to a school Problem is, nobody knows what to
with the facilities we needed to move call it.
to the next level,” said McCay, who
was hired as Tech’s provost and chief The school’s official name is Flor-
academic officer in 2003 and became ida Institute of Technology, but it’s
its executive vice president and chief also commonly known as both FIT
operating officer in 2011. and Florida Tech. And the multitude
of monikers has hindered the school’s
marketing efforts. According to Wes
Sumner, Tech’s vice president of mar-
keting and communications, uni-
versity officials decided in the early
1990s to switch the school’s familiar
name from FIT to Florida Tech.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 5
The change, however, has met Sebastian jetty still closed east of gate
with resistance from older alumni
who prefer “FIT” -- despite some BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA ing the integrity of the jetty itself. the structure, and make sure of the
confusion with the FIT (Fashion Staff Writer Smithson says conflict has long ex- support. Then we can get a starting
Institute of Technology) in New place, see what grates have to be or-
York -- and refuse to embrace Escalating confrontations be- isted between boaters passing through dered and replaced, and which can
“Florida Tech.” tween fishermen and boaters along the inlet and fishermen on the jetty, be repaired. Hopefully it’ll be next
Sebastian Inlet State Park’s north who complain the boaters interfere week, not this week – the tide is too
“I wouldn’t have thought it was a jetty prompted the Inlet District’s de- with their fishing. Incidents between high, the ocean too rough. We’ve had
big deal, but I talked to the people cision last month to install a barrier the two factions have increased over that King Tide. Waves are literally
who did the marketing for Virginia gate and close the jetty at night. But the years, becoming more serious and breaking over the jetty. ”
Tech and they had the same prob- it took a while to get a gate custom- frequent this past year: on occasion,
lem,” McCay said, referring to the made and before District officials shouting matches have escalated, re- Inlet commissioners hope at least a
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and could limit access to the wildly popu- ports say, to jetty fishermen casting portion of the jetty can be open soon,
State University, which into the hooked lines onto passing boats and if the grates can be fixed, though it
1980s was also known as VPI.
lar fishing spot, Mother Nature did it even throwing objects at the boaters. will remain closed at night until a so-
“We’ve spent a lot of years trying for them, via Hurricane Matthew. While most of the fishermen don’t lution can be found to deal with dan-
to be Florida Tech and we’re still gerous behavior after dark.
bipolar,” he added. Depending on “We had just handed out 3,000 fly- cause trouble, the dangerous antics of
who you’re talking to, we’re known ers, and got everybody ready for the troublemakers have, for the indefinite Years back, when fishing from the
as both. So I’m not sure what we closure, which was supposed to start future, resulted in closing, from 8 p.m. jetty was first allowed, the park rang-
should do.” at sunset Oct. 7,” Sebastian Inlet Dis- to 7 a.m., what one longtime jetty fish- er in charge was a sworn officer and
trict Administrator Martin Smithson erman calls “the best fishery that you carried a firearm.
He’s absolutely sure, though, that recalled. But, on Oct. 6, mandatory can access from shore in the U.S.”
he’s taking Tech in the right direc- hurricane evacuation was announced, That is no longer the case, says Smith-
tion. and the State Park closed its gates. While the jetty is within the Sebas- son, and a security vacuum has existed.
tian Inlet State Park, it is the Inlet Dis-
“This might sound immodest, but Ironically, the newly installed gate trict that owns it and is responsible The Inlet Commission will work
I think our faculty and the univer- served a purpose, albeit not the one for keeping it in good repair, and open with the Florida Fish and Wildlife
sity as a whole are pretty excited to for which it was originally intended, to nautical ocean-to-lagoon traffic. Conservation Commission, Florida
have a rocket scientist back as the helping prevent access to one of the Park Service personnel and the Bre-
president,” McCay said, referring to most exposed and potentially dan- Smithson also points out that the vard County Sheriff’s Office (the jetty
his years as a senior engineer and gerous parts of the Park during the jetty is “strictly a navigational struc- is in Brevard County) to establish
chief of the Propulsion Division at storm, which was originally expected ture,” controlling water and sand to some sort of nighttime security be-
the NASA’s Marshall Space Flight to nail the Treasure Coast as a Cate- keep the waterway open. Fishing is fore allowing night fishing to resume.
Center in Alabama. gory 4 hurricane not its primary function, and not a
right, but a “secondary use” and a Although there are some 600 signa-
“That’s how we started, and now Although a fortuitous hiccup in privilege which, he emphasizes, can tures on a petition showing support of
we’re sort of come full circle and Matthew’s trajectory spared the bar- be revoked at any time. keeping the jetty open at night, that
we’re back to a rocket guy,” he added. rier islands here a direct hit, the hur- won’t happen until the problems cre-
ricane blew out 45 of the 254 steel And that time has come. ated by man and nature are resolved.
“That doesn’t necessarily make grates that comprised the jetty walk- In the hurricane’s wake, the In-
the best president, but it fits the im- way. Smithson explained that the let District awaits the arrival of the In fact, as of last weekend, the en-
age of the university.” grates did just what they were engi- structural engineer who designed tire park was closed at 7 p.m., a post
neered to do: considered “sacrificial the jetty, and who will inspect it and hurricane schedule that is in place
To help pay for his “Pillars” plan, structures,” they are specifically de- assess the storm damage. for an indefinite period.
McCay said he would like to ex- signed to give way under such force, “We planned to do that this year,
pand Tech’s reach into Indian River thus relieving pressure and protect- anyway” says Smithson. The engi- “Before Matthew, we were a 24-
County, which sends fewer than 200 neer “will look at the pilings, inspect hour park,” a ranger said on Sunday.
students to the school -- the nearest “But now higher up park service peo-
university to Vero Beach. ple say it is not safe after dark.”
In addition to students, there’s
something else McCay would like to
attract from Vero Beach: Money.
“One of my goals is to find out
what the passions are of those peo-
ple and establish whether our pas-
sions overlap with theirs,” he added.
“If they do, then there are possibili-
ties -- because there’s no doubt that
if they want to be part of this univer-
sity, we would welcome it.
“That hasn’t happened yet, but
we definitely have the desire and we
plan to make it happen.”
Florida Tech enjoys a longtime
relationship with Piper Aircraft
and, across the bridge, owns and
operates the Vero Beach Ma-
rine Laboratory, established in
1981 as a four-acre, satellite cam-
pus equipped with a system that
pumps seawater directly from the
ocean into aquaculture tanks for
scientific research.
“We have some ties to the Vero
Beach community,” McCay said,
“and I’d like to have more.”
6 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Near miss grim note creeping in by midweek. morning. By the time the sun came The sheer mass of the debris is
As Wednesday dawned, Melbourne up on Friday, the storm was past and daunting. Brevard County Solid Waste
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 it was clear the area had been spared Management Department Director
Beach Town Manager Tim Day was from a disaster, even though tens of Euripides Rodriguez said it could reg-
it did deliver a heavy slap to Brevard still planning to ride out the storm millions in damage had been done. ister over 300,000 cubic yards. That
County as its center passed 25 to 35 at town hall, to monitor the situation volume takes time to deal with and
miles to the east over the Atlantic, do- and be prepared for a speedy recov- The total “Estimated Financial cannot be done in one sweep.
ing more than $30 million damage. ery effort. Loss” in the county was still being
compiled at press time, as agents from The debris generated overnight by
“Frequent wind gusts between 65 But that plan changed when a man- the county, insurance companies the storm is equivalent to 3-months
and 75 mph were recorded along the datory evacuation order for the bar- and the Federal Emergency Manage- collection during normal weather.
barrier Islands of Brevard County as rier island was issued. ment Agency continued inspections,
the system made its closest approach,” but some figures were available. An Emergency Management Office
said Will Ulrich, of the National “It definitely turned an ugly corner update last week stated, “There are
Weather Service office in Melbourne. on us,” Day said on Thursday, as the “We had $25-million worth of 18 trucks collecting vegetative debris
storm was bearing down on the cen- beach erosion south of Melbourne from Hurricane Matthew operating
tral Florida coast.
“Storm surge, determined by a Na- “We were ready. We had done a lot Beach,” said Don Walker, spokes- north of Pineda Causeway and 27
tional Weather Service survey, was es- of things expecting it to be a Category man for Brevard County government. trucks south of Pineda Causeway to-
timated between 3 to 4 feet along the 2 or even a Category 3, like paying vol- “There were 13 properties with severe day, Friday, Oct. 21.”
barrier island coastline, and this com- unteer firefighters to be on hand and erosion.”
bined with high surf and wave run up staging equipment so that we could Much like the weather, notices
led to major beach erosion.” begin debris removal immediately af- “That’s not our beach,” Day point- about what is open and what is closed
ter the storm to get the roads cleared ed out. “Our town’s beach is looking because of the hurricane’s damage
Brevard County Emergency Op- as soon as possible. pretty good.” change day by day. At press time,
erations Center produced a situation many parks, piers and beach cross-
report last week outlining how the “The problem was, with them pre- Walker estimated the cost of debris overs in the county were still closed
county looked after Hurricane Mat- dicting a Category 4 storm I had to removal in the county at $7 million due to storm destruction, but Day said
thew raged at sea. tell them all to go home and take care and the problem of downed trees, all crossovers in Melbourne Beach
of their families. I had to tell them to limbs and palm fronds was plain are open. The town’s historic pier is
With Melbourne Beach about 35 get off the barrier island. They are to see on every street in Melbourne closed, however.
miles from the core of the Category predicting surge of 10 or 12 feet and Beach.
3 storm, no homes in the town were that’s something we just cannot take. “Our parks are back to normal.”
listed as destroyed or suffering major Heaping piles of vegetation took Day said. “The pier is closed until fur-
damage. “We’re working hard to get the last shape everywhere in the days after ther notice. It was submerged and de-
people out . . . it’s an extremely dan- the storm. bris in the water hit the pilings. The
But elsewhere in the unincorpo- gerous situation . . . At this point it’s damage is major.”
rated county, six buildings were de- not about protecting your property. Day got a jump on the cleanup by
stroyed and 40 more sustained major At this point let’s make sure we all spending about $6,500 to hire crews Open in Sebastian Inlet State Park
damage. Cape Canaveral listed two stay alive. At this point we just have to to clear roads of downed heavy trees. are: the campground, the McLarty
destroyed and 21 with major damage. pray for the storm to deviate even 10 Proud of his staff, the police and Treasure Museum and the Sebas-
miles east in the Atlantic.” volunteer firefighters, Day said the tian Fishing Museum, the north and
The hurricane appeared on the emergency costs of $26,000 for their south sides of the park. The North
horizon at the end of September and The storm did deviate slightly at aid above and beyond the call of duty Jetty remains closed.
gained increasing attention in Flori- the last minute, sparing Melbourne would be reimbursed by FEMA. He
da in the first few days of October. Beach the devastation that 140 mile expects most if not all cleanup and Other closings may have changed
per hour winds would have brought. repair costs to be reimbursed. by publication date.
From Monday, Oct. 3 through The peak of the wind and wave action
Thursday, Oct. 6, the mood on Mel- hit Brevard’s beaches late Thursday Day said the county estimated it Websites available to check for
bourne’s barrier island shifted with night and in the early hours of Friday would take 45 to 60 days to clean up information are: melbournebeach-
each new official report regarding all the debris, but he doubts it will;; flori-
the storm’s path and force, with a take that long.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
2 35
1. Selo Alkaranfil and Marina Arcadier. 2. Linda
Giamporcaro, Libina Bourgeois, Yessenia Morrell,
Maria Ferro and Laura Kutryb. 3. Ken and Andrea
Hall. 4. Brevard Ballet Academy: Asia Coleman,
Polly Ryals, Vivien Levine and Amanda Panik.
5. Sean and Karen Wooden with John and
Eleanor Erdogan. 6. Cheryl Mendelsohn and Carol
Losnes. 7. Joanna Godwin and Connie Maltby.
8. Fashion Designer Michael Emmanuel Couture. .
Masquerade & Masterpieces event hits right note
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Couture. Models draped in elegant munity artists and performers want- $10 and a dream. Three months later
Staff Writer creations provided a living canvas for ing to share their talents to benefit the we began a full-fledged season with
Emmanuel’s designs. orchestra.” a modest budget. It’s now $600,000 a
Masked and dressed to the nines, year and growing.”
supporters of the Space Coast Sym- AswitheverySCSOperformance,the The orchestra does not have a paid
phony Orchestra descended upon the symphony hit just the right note with staff; the logistics of the operation are The SCSO, comprised of profession-
Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place for a red its collection of activities throughout accomplished through the dedication al musicians from all around Florida,
carpet affair like no other at its inau- the evening. The silent auction offered of volunteers. This inaugural fundrais- provides mentoring and performance
gural Masquerade, Martinis & Master- artwork by Christopher Maslow, Pan- er came about because their support- venues for young musicians as well
pieces Gala. ther Brunotte and Yacu Malik along ers strongly believe everyone should as access to professional concerts at
with other unique items, and an online have access to the cultural arts, no affordable prices to help ensure the
The triple “M” effect was the perfect auction following the event. Topping matter their economics. symphonic tradition for the enjoy-
combination of elegance, fun and the off the evening, guests enjoyed a gour- ment of future generations.
arts. Entertainment provided by mem- met dinner before dancing the night “This is our eighth season. Our mon-
bers of the SCSO and the Brevard Ballet away to the sounds of Jimmy Mixx of iker is ‘A Symphony for Everyone,’” ex- The symphony is very active, with
Academy afforded guests a taste of the Unified Sound DJs. plained Conductor and Artistic Direc- an average of two concerts per month
exceptional cultural offerings avail- tor Aaron T. Collins. “Our fan base is a scheduled between now and June 2017
able in their backyard. “We were thrilled when Selo Alkaran- little different from traditional orches- in Brevard and Indian River counties;
fil and Joanna Godwin approached us tra fan bases; we not only reach high- it also performs chamber music.
More than 200 guests enjoyed a bit of about putting on a fundraising gala for income families – we also reach very
mystique as they mingled over marti- the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra,” low-income families as well.” Proceeds from Masquerade, Mar-
nis and pondered the identity of their said SCSO board member and event or- tinis & Masterpieces will support the
masked confederates. The array of ganizer Connie Maltby. “It’s not often Commenting on how he founded orchestra’s various educational pro-
feathered and jeweled masks paired people offer to do this for a nonprofit the group eight years ago with some grams.
with magnificent formals provided a group and like most groups, we’re al- friends, Collins recalled, “We did a ben-
seamless segue for a stunning runway ways looking for ways to raise money. efit concert and then someone came Summing up their mission and the
show featuring Michael Emmanuel It’s all come together with many com- up to me and said, ‘Wouldn’t it be fun evening Collins said, “We’re collab-
to start an orchestra?’ We started with orative in nature and want the best
for everyone.”
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 9
Artwork by Christopher Maslow Ray Giamporcaro, Sandra Barkalow Morian and Jim Morian.
Norm and Janise Brenneis. Alex Fink, Conductor and Artistic Director Aaron T. Collins and Jean Black. Mindy Russitano, Lourdes Alonso and Dwight Corbett.
Frank Kinney, Kitt Kane with Cathy and Pat Wood. Melanie Schrader and Donna Snowberger.
Dr. Daniel and Angela Stingl. Charles and Rafaela Kohler. Zsofia Remenyi and Hope Murphy. Brett Murphy and Angellque Dowdell.
10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Fire station turns haunted for Halloween thrills
Staff Writer
This weekend, the Melbourne Melbourne Beach volunteer firefighters dressed-up to spook guests at their 2015 haunted house.
Beach Volunteer Fire Department
will once again be magically trans- enter are invited to line up on the in careers in fire science, or who just
formed into a haunted house to de- northwest corner of the station and want to find out what firefighting is
light kids young and old. prepare to weave through haunted all about. The department also does
lanes and, with any luck, make it fire education in schools and day-
After moving fire trucks out of the out the other end minutes later, ter- care centers, and opens up for field
station, firefighters will burn the rified yet unscathed. trips and special events.
midnight oil hanging black room
dividers and creating a spooky trail Along with the Children’s Christ- Outside the station, tasty meat will
for visitors to enjoy for one evening mas Parade, Tree Lighting with be cooking on the grill, with dinners,
only, from 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. Santa in December, and Founders’ snacks and cold drinks available for
29. Then the same guys and gals Day festivities in May, the haunted sale at reasonable prices. “The fire
don their scariest, creepiest attire house has become one of the many department buys all the food, and
and hide in dark nooks and cran- hometown, annual events that help any money that’s made from the sale
nies of the station, ready to pop out make up the unique fabric of the of the dinners will go right back into
in hopes of a jump-scare or two. buying more things for the haunted
house, to make it bigger and better
Volunteers hang massive swaths next year,” Brown said.
of thick, black plastic sheeting from
the ceiling of the station to make The fire department is a nonprofit
the most of the space. “It’s like a big corporation. The Town provides the
maze that they go through,” said building at 507 Ocean Ave, a station
Gavin Brown, the department’s manager, fire vehicles, equipment,
station manager. Brown explained supplies and training materials.
that, though family members help
construct the haunted house, only Volunteers scurry from all over
the department’s volunteer fire- within minutes to respond to emer-
fighters will be in costume inside, gency calls, as they did last Friday
making the attraction a safe way for afternoon when called out to a car
families to have some Halloween versus scooter crash on A1A. The
fun. nonprofit raises money for things
the Town does not provide, such as
Last year, sixteen characters – in- all-terrain vehicles and water-safety
cluding a werewolf, a crypt keeper, equipment.
grim reaper, witch, clown and zom-
bie, plus a few famous horror mov- The department’s big fundraiser,
ie crazies – awaited guests in the its annual golf tournament is com-
haunted house, but the cast chang- ing up on November 19 at Spessard
es from year to year. Holland Golf Course.
Admission is free and kids are en- Entry fee is $50 per golfer or
couraged to wear their Halloween $200 per foursome and includes an
costumes. Those brave enough to awards luncheon.
Volunteer firefighters transform the fire station into a
haunted house in the 18 hours before the free event.
Melbourne Beach community. It’s
a place for families to gather and to
become better acquainted with the
volunteer fire department that pro-
tects the Town. According to Town
publications, the Melbourne Beach
Volunteer Fire Department was
founded in 1953 as the “first orga-
nized fire department for the south
“Members of the Fire Department
come from all walks of life and from
all age groups,” touts the Town web-
site, with a reminder that the de-
partment is always in need of more
dedicated volunteers. Firefighters
train on a weekly basis, and there’s
even a cadet program for high
school students who are interested
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Folk hero Judy Collins sings at the King
BY MICHELLE GENZ Judy Collins is playing the King has just the blend of real-world
Staff Writer Center in Melbourne sorcery to get more than the gob-
lins howling on this Halloween
1 It may seem last minute for more mainstream today – she cam- weekend.
such a huge star, but there paigns against land mines and sup-
The appropriately named Damon
were plenty of seats left at press Dennin plays the demonic Daryl
Van Horne, who arrives in a small
time for Friday night’s concert of Rhode Island town and seduces
three frustrated single women and,
1970s folk icon Judy Collins at Mel- at the same time, shows them their
magical powers. When they find
bourne’s King Center. At 77, Collins he has married their young friend,
they plot to kill her off with can-
has the stamina of a presidential cer. Not nice. When she dies, Daryl
takes off with her brother. Oh, well.
candidate, keeping up a rigorous
The play is based on the pro-fem-
concert schedule that has her mov- inist novel of John Updike.
Dennin, currently living in Cape
ing on to an eight-night booking at Canaveral, has appeared in sev-
eral Brevard productions of late,
Café Carlyle in New York in a cou- including the Henegar’s “Hand to
God” and “Big Fish.” Also starring is
ple of weeks with four concerts in Vero Beach’s Beth McKenzie in her
Henegar debut, along with Henegar
Illinois in between. veteran MC Wouters and Sarabeth
It was after another controversial
election 47 years ago that Collins
took the witness stand in support
of the Chicago 7 and burst into her
hit protest song, “Where Have All
the Flowers Gone?”
Collins supported the Marxist
ideals of the Yippie movement and
was friends with Abbie Hoffman
and Jerry Rubin, who were charged
with inciting violence at the 1968
Democratic Convention in Chicago. ports charities like UNICEF. 3 In Vero Beach, the jukebox mu-
sical “Ring of Fire,” about the
Still an activist, Collins’ causes are
2 “The Witches of Eastwick,” the life of Johnny Cash, opened this week
stage musical wrapping up its
at Riverside Theatre. Cash’s hit song
run at Melbourne’s Henegar Center, “Ring of Fire” was actually written
‘Witches of Eastwick’ now wrapping up
at the Henegar Center.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 13
Nature-themed book club ular demand they
at the McKee Botanical Gardens say, another “Nature
Connects” Lego ex-
a mate for his Upper East Side pad – hibition opens Nov.
the 12th-floor ledge of an apartment 5 with 13 of artist
building. Sean Kenney’s mas-
sive Lego sculptures
Also at the Gardens, back by pop- installed in the gar-
dens through May.
And, by the way, as
of Nov. 1, downtown
Vero’s Patisserie is
taking over the McKee café. No doubt
the excellent croissants and sand-
wiches will yield a steady supply of
crumbs for the birds.
Riverside turns up the heat with
‘Ring of Fire’ about Johnny Cash.
by June Carter about her love affair 5 It’s been a year since the great
with Cash, a relationship in which film composer James Horner
she has since been compared to the was killed in the crash of his single-
controlling influence of Yoko Ono engine plane; at age 61 he surely
over John Lennon. had much music still to write. Next
Regardless, the two were mar- weekend, Space Coast Symphony of-
ried 29 years; they died within four fers up a concert of his best scores,
months of each other in 2003. including “Titanic,” “Braveheart,” “A
Cash created 1,500 songs and this Beautiful Mind,” “Aliens” and “Apol-
show includes about 30 of them. Ac- lo 13.” Conductor Aaron Collins, who
tors play multiple roles in the musi- adores movie music, will be screen-
cal. It is directed by Jason Edwards, ing movie clips as a backdrop, which
a onetime cast member in the show makes this a great concert for kids,
on Broadway. too. (The music from “Avatar” and
“Willow” is also on the
program.) Concerts
take place Saturday,
Oct. 29, at 7 p.m. at Mel-
bourne’s Scott Center
for the Performing Arts
at Holy Trinity Church,
Oktoberfest mode at Riverside’s and Sunday, Oct. 30, at
Comedy Zone this weekend. 3 p.m. at the Vero Beach
High School Perform-
ing Arts Center.
4 Also at Riverside, it’s a Comedy 6 Vero has legions of book clubs,
Zone weekend, in full Oktober- but here’s a niche group that
fest mode outside (Bob Houston’s
Oktoberfest Band on Friday; and gets you out into nature. For the
Bobby Owen’s golden oldies on Sat- fifth year, McKee Botanical Gardens
urday), and in the black box theater, is hosting a nature-themed club
two interesting comics. Jody Kerns, starting Nov. 17 – so you have time
a mother of five who isn’t shy about to read the first selection, Marie
making their histories a part of her Winn’s “Red Tails in Love.” Written
act – and she plays guitar; and Ken eight years ago, the book’s subtitle,
Miller, who was runner-up twice in “A Wildlife Drama in Central Park,”
Orlando’s comedy competition for may jog your memory: a
top comic in Central Florida. worthy saga of a male hawk seeking
14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Sax and the city: Jazzman Warner steeped in NYC scene
BY KATE SHANAPHY MAINGOT from me and we would hang out all Greg Warner. P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE chestrations, he provides his audienc-
the time,” Warner recalls. “He took es with an extensive repertoire.
Correspondent me under his wing. I’d go see him play Sullivan, Pete Minger, Dolph Castel-
whenever, wherever. He really became lano and Lew Berryman. “The music I was exposed to in New
When Greg Warner plays the can- a surrogate father to me and I got in- York was very diverse; I watched and
dlelit Blue Star Brasserie, he can volved in some of the greatest musical For New Year’s Eve, 2000 Warner learned from and played with some
sweep his listeners back to the days situations through him: Mabel Mercer, traveled north to Melbourne, playing of the very best and from a variety of
when the saxophone’s warm sounds her incredible accompanist Jimmy his last gig of the year at Austin’s Bis- styles.”
were all the rage. Legendary players Lyon, pianist Hank Jones, and jazz sax tro on New Haven Avenue. The gig was
such as Stan Getz or Zoot Sims pro- greats Zoot Sims and Al Cohn.” good in more ways than one: Not only Warner’s eclectic repertoire in-
foundly influenced Warner, who reg- did Warner end up playing there as a cludes not only classic jazz standards
ularly performs at Blue Star on Thurs- After graduation, Warner found resident musician for the next eight but renditions of standards done with,
day nights. himself part of the active New York jazz years, he also met his future wife Julia. say, a bossa nova beat.
scene. Although his guitar technique
Warner, who lives in Melbourne, and performance was very good, he Today, Warner performs his solo sax “I try to share my love of the stan-
played with many great American felt he wasn’t “getting at the music,” with background music he himself se- dards, but also the versatility of the
jazzmen starting from a very young as he puts it. So he began teaching quenced, a skill he has perfected since different forms; to introduce stan-
age. Warner recalls as a young boy himself – on guitar – the soulful so- 2004. That accompaniment added dards that are less familiar, and play
growing up in the Bronx listening to los of sax great Lester Young. Young, polish to his performances that even- the songs people know, but maybe
guitarist Remo Palmieri play on Ar- who had played with the Count Basie tually garnered the attention of large haven’t heard them done that way.”
thur Godfrey’s TV show, and himself Orchestra, had a cool, relaxed style of organizations like Pratt Whitney, Boe- Warner is the featured performer at
beginning to learn to play guitar at 7. playing that “free-floated,” as Warner ing and NASA, for whom he frequently Cuizine in Satellite Beach on Friday
As a teen, Greg Warner resisted rock says. For him, it had a transformative plays. nights, and at Blue Star Brasserie in
music in favor of the more sophis- effect; he fell in love with the sound. Vero Beach every Thursday night.
ticated soloing and harmonies that It wasn’t long before Warner sold one Fusing the sequenced music with
came from the generation before his, of his most prized and expensive gui- artfully crafted harmonies and or-
the great standards and jazz compo- tars to purchase his first saxophone,
sitions of the 1940s and ’50s. a Selmer Mark VI, and began his pro-
fessional career as a sax player.
Pursuing his jazz interests, he was
fortunate to study with musician and In the 1980s, through his friendship
music educator Arnie Berle, who has with Ray Turner, Warner met pianist
authored more than a dozen instruc- Danny Negri in New York. Negri, who
tional guitar books. Enrolling in the had performed with famed sax play-
Manhattan School of Music, Warner ers Coleman Hawkins and Ben Web-
studied theory and harmony with ster and alternated with piano great
Daniel Ricigliano, who chaired the Art Tatum, became a regular part of
school’s theory department. Warner’s gig schedule in New York.
“I was lucky to study with great Around the same time, though, the
guitarists in New York like Chuck city’s jazz scene started to change.
Wayne, who was Tony Bennett’s mu- When Negri moved to Sarasota in
sical director, and Joe Puma, a fellow search of new opportunities in Flor-
Bronxer. They had a really hot duo in ida, Warner soon followed suit and
New York at the time and would play settled into the buzzing musical
all over.” landscape of Florida’s west coast.
When asked if he ever got to see Warner’s parents lived in Holly-
them in action, Warner shouts with a wood, where one of the city commis-
laugh, “Every night!” sioners was pianist and current Vero
Beach resident John Williams. It was
At first, his mother had to drive him a hot scene musically, with gigs run-
because he was too young. But by 17 ning until 4 a.m. thanks to a city ordi-
or 18, he would go alone to a number nance that mandated that at least two
of hotspots: The Guitar on the West musicians had to be playing if a bar or
Side; Bradlee’s in the Village; Ed- restaurant wanted to stay open late –
die Condon’s Jazz Club; or Stryker’s as late as 4 a.m.
on West 86th, where trumpeter Chet
Baker, who lived across the street, Warner went from playing in Hol-
would come in and play, says Warner. lywood occasionally to playing regu-
larly, often at several venues a night.
“The jazz scene was unbelievable “In South Florida, even if you weren’t
then and a lot of the greats were still working, there were places to sit in
playing,” he says. “I learned so much seven nights a week,” Warner recalls.
from listening to them.” “We would play a gig in Fort Lauder-
dale that would close at 2 a.m., head
His exposure to the New York City to Hollywood and play until 4 a.m.,
jazz scene in the late ’60s and ’70s af- and then finish playing in Miami at 6
forded Warner a close-up view and in the morning.”
insider take on how, when and where
to play. It also provided him lifelong His experiences led him to play
friendships with notable jazz musi- with many of South Florida’s finest
cians to whom most teenagers simply musicians, including Joe Roland, Ira
did not have access.
“Joe Puma lived right up the street
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 15
Rich treats abound in Manoogian Collection exhibit
BY ELLEN FISCHER Manoogian, who died 10 years ago the Hudson River School part of the around to protect the intrepid tourist
Staff Writer at the age of 95, made his fortune gallery and you will gasp anew at of yore.
after creating the single-handle fau- “View of Niagara Falls” by Ferdinand
A Manoogian Collection exhibition cet. The family home now houses the Richardt. The 1865 composition pres- “It was like, ‘OK buddy, don’t fall
at the Vero Beach Museum of Art is al- mayor of Detroit. ents a scene at the bottom of the falls over the falls!’” he quips.
ways a treat to see – and revisit often where sightseers posed along a rocky
during its run. The American Spirit: The Manoogians followed up their stretch in the foreground are covered Better-known names in this sec-
Selections from the Manoogian Col- first loan to the Vero museum with in a cloud of spray. tion of the exhibition include Al-
lection is the latest in a succession of four more exhibitions. Along with bert Bierstadt, Asher B. Durand and
Vero exhibitions from the nationally the current show, there was a 2004 Those figures not only give you a Thomas Moran, but don’t expect
renowned collection of Richard and exhibit of paintings from the Hudson sense of scale, says Williams. They the expected grand American vistas
Jane Manoogian, who have long had River School; selections of American also remind you that there were from them here.
a home on the ocean in John’s Island. impressionism in 2006; and a show of no safety guidelines or guardrails
14 paintings in 2011. In the mid-19th century Thomas
The current Holmes Gallery show
brings back a few favorites from the Director Lucinda Gedeon and Cu- CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
collection previously seen at the mu- rator Jay Williams chose the works for
seum, as well as a host of delights the exhibit from photo images pro-
never seen by Vero’s public. vided by the collection’s curator.
The Manoogians began collecting “They gave us everything we asked
American paintings in the 1970s; the for,” a pleased Williams remarks.
first public exhibition of their hold-
ings was displayed at the National Williams says the works on display
Gallery of Art back in 1989. will give viewers an idea of the scope
of the Manoogian Collection. Works
Vero’s current wide-ranging show fall into three groups: Hudson River
includes 19th and 20th century School, 19th century realism and
American paintings, with works from trompe l’oeil.
the Hudson River School, impres-
sionist landscapes, figure paintings, And then there are the Wyeths,
trompe l’oeil pictures and, for good hung in isolation near the entrance
measure, two watercolor paintings to the show.
“Stylistically they don’t belong to
any of the three groups, so we put
from Andrew Wyeth’s “Helga Series.” them up there on their own wall,”
The first Manoogian show at the says Williams.
Vero Beach museum dates to 1997; The exhibition’s title wall primes
Selections from American Grandeur: the visitor with the first “Oh, wow”
Masterpieces from the Masco and picture in the show, a panoramic
Manoogian Collections appeared in “Niagara Falls at Sunset” painted by
the Holmes Gallery. George Loring Brown in 1861. The
picture is a bird’s-eye view of Niag-
Richard Manoogian is chairman ara’s churning rush into the horse-
emeritus of Masco Corporation, a shoe-shaped abyss.
Detroit-based conglomerate of home
improvement and construction com- That’s not the only painting of the
panies founded by his father. Alex subject in the show. Hang a right into
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 a cluster of colorful Native Ameri- like an old-world scene. you so absorbed in reading its metic-
cans waving from their mountain- The gee-whiz aspect of the show ulous details that you might not hear
Moran’s paintings helped to famil- ous seaside perch at the distant sails the shouts of the gallery guards until
iarize the folks back east with the of an approaching ship. A snake in continues with Franz Bieberstein’s your nose is almost against the can-
majesty of the Grand Canyon, but the the tropical garden downwind of the “World’s Columbian Exposition” of vas (or hardboard, in Brega’s case).
view on display owes more to the art- group bodes ill of the encounter. 1893, a 36-by-54-inch canvas that
ist’s imagination than nature’s hand- documents the glimmering vastness For those who adore American
iwork. Likewise, the Bierstadt shows us a of Chicago’s White City. Nearby is Impressionism, there is a gleaming
scene of Nassau, where Bierstadt and Frederic Rondel’s “Statue of Liberty portrait of three little girls by Frank
Moran’s 1864 “The New World” is his wife retreated in 1876 to alleviate Celebration,” a harbor scene of the Benson; a classic Edward Potthast
“unlike any other thing I’ve seen by the symptoms of her tuberculosis, October 1886 event that saw Navy of children playing in a tidal pool;
him,” says Williams. while the Durand “Dance of the Hay- vessels, double-decker steamboats two sun-dappled Childe Hassams;
makers” of 1851 looks suspiciously and small pleasure craft jostling for a magnificent Frederick Carl Fries-
The jam-packed vision of a pre- the best view of the newly installed eke, “Two Ladies in a Boat (Grey Day
Columbian America even includes colossus. The cacophony of the scene on the River)”; and Martha Walter’s
can be imagined by the rising spurts “Nursemaid and Baby at Gloucester,
of steam from screaming whistles Massachusetts.” That last is a dar-
and smoke from booming cannon ing study in blue of an anonymous
salutes that envelope Miss Liberty in woman, her torso turned from us,
a luminous haze. with a blond baby in her lap.
If you haven’t begun oohing and It’s easy to see why Williams placed
ahhing yet, there is still hope for you Andrew Wyeth’s “Helga” watercolors
in the trompe l’oeil section at the rear at the end of the show. “In the Or-
of the gallery. It begins with three chard” and “Walking in her Cape
William Harnett gems and ends with Coat” present the Teutonic beauty in
the same number of works – only a chilly winter scene and a dark-val-
larger – by living American painter ued, almost abstract fall landscape.
David Brega.
They are a tonic to the surfeit of
“The trompe l’oeil style never creamy treats that precede them.
seems to go out of style,” says Wil- Think of them as a water biscuit to
liams. Paintings like Brega’s “The clear your palette for a second help-
Magazine Antiques” (1986) will have ing.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Melbourne gastro doc sets up shop in Sebastian
BY TOM LLOYD in the number of cases is at least a little
Staff Writer encouraging, though Fitzgerald quick-
ly adds two salient points.
For well over a decade, gastroenter- Bonnie Borland, Mariana Magana, Dr. Stephen Fitzgerald and Joan Farnum.
ologist Dr. Stephen Fitzgerald treated First, he says, “the colorectal cancer
patients throughout Brevard County, rate is declining – except in the 29-49
from Melbourne and Palm Bay to Vi- year old group – because we’re screen-
era and Indian Harbour, with Omni ing those age 50 and older but we’re not
Healthcare. Today his patients can screening those aged 29-49.”
find him a few miles to the south at
the Sebastian River Medical Center. Then he flatly states that while the
home tests are improving, “they’re not
As a gastroenterologist, Fitzgerald’s as good as colonoscopy.”
areas of expertise include the health
and treatment of diseases affecting Fitzgerald admits it’s not unheard of
the entire digestive system, includ- to have somebody say, “I don’t want a
ing the esophagus, the stomach, the colonoscopy. My sister-in-law had a
small intestine, the colon and rectum colonoscopy 15 year ago and got a per-
along with the pancreas, gallblad- forated bowel. She had a negative out-
der, bile ducts and liver, and he says come from a colonoscopy, so I’m not
there is some good news in his field of gonna have a one.”
practice, including a declining rate of
colorectal cancer and improved drugs However, says,
for treatment of Hepatitis C, ulcerative “Gastroenterologists perform higher
colitis and Crohn’s disease. quality colonoscopies and provide
more comprehensive care for gastro-
According to the American Col- intestinal conditions than any other
lege of Gastroenterology, some of the physicians. This translates to more ac-
most common problems doctors like curate detection of polyps and cancer,
Fitzgerald deal with on a daily basis fewer complications from procedures
and less time in the hospital for pa-
CM are colon polyps, cancers, hepatitis, tients treated by GI specialists.”
heartburn, peptic ulcers, gallbladder
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY D.M.D and biliary tract diseases, nutritional And real-time colonoscopies are far
problems, irritable bowel disease (in- more detailed than any mail-in home
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry cluding Crohn’s disease and ulcerative test could ever be.
restorative dentistry dental implants colitis), and pancreatitis.
Advances in gastro-related phar-
Experience the fusion of traditional In other words, it’s a job that’s prob- maceuticals are another area of good
values and modern dentistry. ably best suited to someone with an news in Fitzgerald’s view. Specifically,
eidetic or near-perfect memory along he points to treatments for Hepatitis C
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz with the ability to teach as well as to and of the irritable bowel diseases, ul-
diagnose and treat his or her patients. cerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
524 Ocean Avenue
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 That seems to describe Fitzgerald “These new biologic drugs you see
perfectly. After finishing his residency on television ads like Remicade and
(321) 725-6565 and fellowship at Wright State Univer- Humira make both of those diseases
sity, the silver-haired Fitzgerald says much more manageable,” Fitzgerald he served 10 years on the faculty of the says. “It’s been a particularly signifi-
Wake Forest Medical School. cant improvement in [the treatment]
of Crohn’s disease.”
The first topic Fitzgerald tackles is
colorectal cancer screening, and the Even more impressive is that fact
affable GI doctor starts with some that treatment for Hepatitis C, which
good news. That particular disease, used to take six months to a year, often
he claims, is actually declining in the with debilitating side effects, is much
United States – in part because of ef- improved. Today, with [new drugs]
forts to screen those 50 years of age Sovaldi and Harvoni, Fitzgerald says,
and older with colonoscopies and “Treating Hepatitis C now is no dif-
in part because of improvements in ferent than treating a blood pressure
home colon cancer tests such as Co- problem.”
While Fitzgerald describes himself as
“These newer [home] tests” ac- a “general gastroenterologist” his eyes
cording to Fitzgerald, “are incorporat- do light up when the word “dysphagia”
ing DNA. They’re not only looking at enters the conversation.
blood in the stool, they’re looking at
DNA. So, they’re combination tests.” “I really, really like the esophagus,”
says the former Wake Forest medical
Since the National Cancer Institute professor. “I think I can help people
says colorectal cancer “is the third with swallowing issues, too.”
most common type of cancer in men
and women in this country,” the drop Dr. Stephen Fitzgerald is now with
the Sebastian River Medical Center. His
office is at 7765 144th Street, Suite 6 in
Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 19
Algorithm method: ‘Calculator’ ID’s heart disease risk
BY TOM LLOYD of both high density lipoproteins CAD is the narrowing or blocking United States will have a heart attack
Staff Writer (HDLs) and low density lipoproteins of arteries leading to the heart. It is this year brought on by CAD – one
(LDLs) as well as several other fac- caused by the buildup of cholesterol every 44 seconds.
What’s the best way to avoid the tors into what is essentially a math- and fatty plaque deposits along the
massive personal and emotional ematical equation, doctors are now inner walls of those vessels. If that And while it might not seem possi-
traumas – let alone the huge finan- able to get remarkably accurate risk plaque restricts or blocks the flow of ble to put a price tag on the physical
cial costs – that come with a heart projections and recommend preven- blood to the heart, a heart attack can and emotional trauma that a heart
attack? tive treatments much earlier than occur. attack can bring – if it doesn’t kill you
was previously possible, according – plenty of people try.
Easy – don’t have one. to Rivera. The Centers for Disease Control
That, in a nutshell, is the message says more than 715,000 people in the For example, in 2010, the National
Dr. Jose Rivera, a new cardiologist at
the Sebastian River Medical Center, CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
is trying to get across.
And, while not having a myo-
cardial infarction – or heart attack
– may seem like painfully obvious
advice, Rivera says a relatively new,
“evidence-based” algorithm is now
available to help physicians spot
and treat the most common cause of
these potentially fatal cardiac events:
coronary artery disease, or CAD.
“Up to 80 percent of
cardiovascular diseases,”
and CAD in particular,
Rivera says,“can
be prevented.”
“The most preventable form of
cardiovascular disease,” Rivera
states flatly, “is coronary artery dis-
ease.” And preventing CAD helps
prevent heart attacks.
Rivera continues by saying that
both the American Heart Associa-
tion and the American College of
Cardiology enthusiastically endorse
the use of the something called the
“atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
ease risk calculator” to determine
the likelihood of anyone between
the ages of 20 and 59 experiencing
a coronary crisis over a 10-year pe-
By combining information about
a patient’s age, sex, blood pressure
(both systolic and diastolic), levels
20 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Business Group on Health estimated
the average cost – both direct and in-
direct – of a severe heart attack can
be well over $750,000. (Direct costs,
says NBGH, include hospitals, doc-
tors and prescription drugs, while
indirect costs can include lost pro-
ductivity, time away from work and
skilled post-operative nursing care.)
Meanwhile, in September of this
year, the National Bureau of Eco-
nomic Research estimated that car-
diovascular disease in general and
heart attacks in particular cost the
United States between $110 billion
and $123 billion annually.
The out-of-pocket cost to heart at-
tack patients can also vary wildly de-
pending on where that patient lives.
The insurance company AFLAC
says the average bill for treatment
for a heart attack in, say, Danville,
Ark., is about $3,334, but in Modesto,
Calif., the same procedures carry an
average price tag of $92,057.
The website FloridaHealthFind- claims the hospital cost for
a heart attack here in Florida can
range anywhere from $25,236 to
$63,900 and up.
Rivera is adamant that behav-
ioral changes and the early use of
statin drugs can keep hearts beating
“healthily” much, much longer. clinically proven to help reduce or
“Up to 80 percent of cardiovascu- even eliminate plaque within the
arteries. They are the proverbial ap-
lar diseases,” and CAD in particu- ple-a-day-that-keeps-the-cardiac-
lar, Rivera says, “can be prevented.” surgeon-away for hundreds of thou-
He cites diet, exercise, lipoprotein sands of people nationwide.
control, not smoking, maintaining
healthy glucose or blood sugar levels The ASCV risk calculator can be
along with a healthy weight as rem- viewed online at http://tools.acc.
edies that can be applied if CAD is org/ASCVD-Risk-Estimator/ but the
discovered early. medical analysis of the results, as well
as designing a program of preventive
Those things, says Rivera, can care, should be left to a board-certi-
do more to help patients avoid un- fied cardiologist such as Rivera.
planned trips to the cardiology ER
than anything else. Dr. Jose Rivera is with Sebastian Riv-
er Medical Center. His office is at 7754
“Statins,” Rivera leans forward to Bay Street, Suites 6 & 7 (next to Bay
say, “have been shown to decrease Street Pharmacy) in Sebastian. The
your cholesterol by more than 30 phone number is 772-589-3000.
percent.” Indeed, statins have been
Four years ago Mitt Romney, then Dmitry Kiselev, Putin’s propagandist- but of a chronic, debilitating weakness. overseen by his father, who was assas-
a Republican presidential candidate, in-chief – who goes on to cite Putin’s The revolution of 1991 overturned sinated, to impose an official ideology
said that Russia was America’s “num- words that “If a fight is inevitable, you of Orthodoxy, nationalism and autoc-
ber-one geopolitical foe.” have to strike first.” the Soviet Union’s political, economic racy.
and social order and put 15 countries
Barack Obama, among others, In fact, Russia is not about to go to on the map where there had previous- His portrait and his famous saying,
mocked this hilarious gaffe: “The war with America. Much of its lan- ly been only one. But like many revo- “Russia has only two allies: its army
1980s are now calling to ask for their guage is no more than bluster. But it lutions in history, it was followed by a and its navy,” greet visitors to a re-
foreign policy back, because the cold does pose a threat to stability and or- restoration. vamped museum of Russian history at
war’s been over for 20 years,” scoffed der. And the first step to answering that VDNKH, a prime example of Stalinist
the president. threat is to understand that Russian The tsar the Kremlin most admires architecture in Moscow. Stalin himself
belligerence is not a sign of resurgence, is Alexander III, who on taking office has had a makeover too. Gigantic por-
How times change. With Russia in 1881 reversed the liberalization traits of him line the roads in Crimea,
hacking the American election, presid- proclaiming: “It is our victory!”
ing over mass slaughter in Syria, annex-
ing Crimea and talking casually about The two main pillars of the Soviet
using nuclear weapons, Romney’s view state, propaganda and the threat of
has become conventional wisdom. repression, have been restored. The
KGB, which was humiliated and bro-
Every week Vladimir Putin, Russia’s ken up in the aftermath of the 1991
president, finds new ways to scare coup, has been rebuilt as the main ve-
the world. Recently he moved nucle- hicle for political and economic power.
ar-capable missiles close to Poland The secret police is once again jailing
and Lithuania. Last week, he sent an protesters and harassing civil activists.
aircraft-carrier group down the North
Sea and the English Channel. He has But Russia confronts grave prob-
threatened to shoot down any Ameri- lems in its economy.
can plane that attacks the forces of Syr-
ia’s despot, Bashar al-Assad. After nearly a decade of economic
growth spurred by the market reforms
Russia’s UN envoy has said that re- of the 1990s and by rising oil prices,
lations with America are at their tens- the Russian economy has descended
est in 40 years. Russian television news into Soviet-era stagnation. Competi-
is full of ballistic missiles and bomb tion has been stifled and the state’s
shelters. “Impudent behavior” might share in the economy has doubled. The
have “nuclear consequences,” warns military-industrial complex – the core
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 23
President Obama
increasingly says the right
things about Putinism but
Putin has learned that he
can defy America and
come out on top.
of the Soviet economy – is once again nomic crisis in 2008-09. The impact of wanted him to stay for a second term, parliamentary elections, they took to
seen as the engine of growth. that crisis exposed the limits of Putin’s but in September 2011 he announced the streets, demanding the same sort
model of governance. And although that Putin, who was then prime min- of respect from the state as citizens as
After the defeat of the 1991 coup, economic growth recovered fairly ister, would resume the presidency, they were enjoying as private custom-
Russia was widely expected to become quickly, trust in Putin’s model of gover- while Medvedev would become prime ers at home and abroad.
a Westernized, democratic, free-mar- nance declined sharply. minister.
ket country. Putin was rattled and angry, but
Those who felt that Russia needed He indicated that this job swap had having witnessed the failure of the
The collapse of the Soviet Union both economic and political modern- been planned right from the start of 1991 coup, he knew that tanks were
brought a massive change to Rus- ization pinned their hopes on Dmitry his presidency. Many people felt they not the answer. Instead he trumped
sia. The creation of private ownership Medvedev, who served as president had been duped. When three months civic nationalism with the centuries-
launched industries that did not exist from 2008 to 2012. The Russian elite later the Kremlin blatantly rigged the old idea of imperial or state national-
before, such as private banks, restau- ism, offering the idea of Russia as a be-
rants and mobile-phone networks. sieged fortress.
People were free to make money, con-
sume and travel on a scale never seen In 2014 he annexed Crimea. The
before in Russia’s history. tactic worked. The protests stopped
and Putin’s personal approval ratings
Russia has a vibrant urban middle shot up from 60% to 80%. By attack-
class which, until recently, was richer ing Ukraine after its own revolution in
than its equivalents in eastern Europe. 2014, Putin persuaded his country and
Russia’s cities, with their cafés, cycle its neighbors that any revolt against the
lanes and shopping streets, don’t look regime would be followed by blood-
very different from their European shed and chaos.
Now Putin shores up his power by
A new generation of Westernized waging foreign wars and using his
Russians born since the end of the So- propaganda tools to whip up nation-
viet Union has come of age. The chil- alism. He is wary of giving any ground
dren of the Soviet dress, eat and behave to Western ideas because Russia’s po-
differently from their parents’ genera- litical system, though adept at repres-
tion. They have a spring in their step. sion, is brittle. Institutions that would
underpin a prosperous Russia, such as
Many of these young, educated Rus- the rule of law, free media, democracy
sians owe their comfortable lives to a
decade of economic growth that be- CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
gan in 1998 and ended with the eco-
24 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
and open competition, pose an exis- Nuclear miscalculation would be
tential threat to Putin’s rotten state. the worst kind of all. Hence the talks
need to include nuclear-arms control
For much of his time in office, as well as improved military-to-mili-
Obama assumed that, because Rus- tary relations, in the hope that nuclear
sia is a declining power, he need not weapons can be kept separate from
pay it much heed. Yet a weak, insecure, other issues, as they were in Soviet
unpredictable country with nuclear times. That will be hard because, as
weapons is dangerous – more so, in Russia declines, it will see its nuclear
some ways, even than the Soviet Union arsenal as an enduring advantage.
was. Unlike Soviet leaders after Stalin,
Putin rules alone, unchecked by a Po- Another area of dispute will be Rus-
litburo or by having witnessed the sec- sia’s near abroad. Ukraine shows how
ond world war’s devastation. He could Putin seeks to destabilize countries as
remain in charge for years to come. a way to stop them drifting out of Rus-
Age is unlikely to mellow him. sia’s orbit.
President Obama increasingly says America’s next president must de-
the right things about Putinism – he clare that if Russia uses such tactics
sounded reasonably tough during against a NATO member, such as Latvia
a press conference last week – but or Estonia, the alliance will treat it as an
Putin has learned that he can defy attack on them all. Separately the West
America and come out on top. Mild needs to make it clear that, if Russia en-
Western sanctions make ordinary Rus- gages in large-scale aggression against
sians worse off, but they also give the non-NATO allies, such as Georgia and
people an enemy to unite against, and Ukraine, it reserves the right to arm
give Putin something to blame for the them.
economic damage caused by his own
policies. Above all the West needs to keep its
What should the West do? Time is on
its side. A declining power needs con- Russian interference in America’s
taining until it is eventually overrun by presidential election merits measured
its own contradictions – even as the retaliation. But the West can withstand
urge to lash out remains. such “active measures.” Russia does
not pretend to offer the world an at-
Because the danger is of miscalcula- tractive ideology or vision. Instead
tion and unchecked escalation, Amer- its propaganda aims to discredit and
ica must continue to engage in direct erode universal liberal values by nur-
talks with Putin even, as today, when turing the idea that the West is just as
the experience is dispiriting. Success corrupt as Russia, and that its political
is not measured by breakthroughs and system is just as rigged.
ceasefires – welcome as those would
be in a country as benighted as Syria – Russia wants to create a divided
but by lowering the chances of a Rus- West that has lost faith in its ability to
sian blunder. shape the world. In response, the West
must be united and firm.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 25
Pirate Party MPs Helgi Hrafn Gunnlaugsson,
Birgitta Jónsdóttir and Jón Þór Ólafsson
BY GRIFF WITTE string of electoral impossibilities that
Washington Post suddenly became reality – including
Britain voting for Brexit and Donald
The party that could be on the cusp Trump winning the Republican nomi-
of winning Iceland’s national elections nation – the world may soon add a Pi-
on Saturday didn’t exist four years ago. rate Party-led government in Europe.
Its members are a collection of an- Victory for the Pirates may not
archists, hackers, libertarians and mean much in isolation. This excep-
Web geeks. It sets policy through on- tionally scenic, lava-strewn rock just
line polls – and thinks the government beyond the Arctic Circle has a popula-
should do the same. It wants to make tion less than half that of Washington,
Iceland “a Switzerland of bits,” free of D.C., with no army and an economy
digital snooping. It has offered Edward rooted in tourism and fishing.
Snowden a new place to call home.
But a Pirate Party win would offer a
And then there’s the name: In this vivid illustration of how far Europeans
land of Vikings, the Pirate Party may are willing to go in their rejection of
soon be king. the political mainstream, adding to a
string of insurgent triumphs emanat-
The rise of the Pirates – from radical ing from both the far left and far right.
fringe to focal point of Icelandic poli-
tics – has astonished even the party’s To Jónsdóttir and other Pirate true
founder, a poet, Web programmer and believers – who define their party as
former WikiLeaks activist. neither left nor right, but a radical
movement that combines the best of
“No way,” said 49-year-old Birgitta both – the election here could also be
Jónsdóttir when asked whether she the start of the reboot that Western de-
could have envisioned her party govern- mocracy so desperately needs.
ing the country so soon after its launch.
But this, after all, is 2016. And to a
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
“People want real changes and they Pirate Party founder Birgitta Jónsdóttir. With protests building, the prime remote Icelandic countryside. “But the
understand that we have to change Below: The entrance of the Icelandic minister quit and new elections were systems that worked in, say, the 1960s
the systems, we have to modernize Pirate Party headquarters in Reykjavik. called. But the public’s cynicism about don’t necessarily work for the 2010s.”
how we make laws,” said Jónsdóttir, a political system long steered by an
whose jet-black hair and matching hangs from the wall and a skull-and- insider clique only deepened. Not everyone is so gung-ho about
nail polish cut a distinctive profile in a crossbones flag peeks out from a ce- calls for radical change.
country where politics has long been ramic vase. “The distrust that had long been
dominated by paunchy blond men. germinating has now exploded. The The latest opinion polls show the
Iceland is, in some ways, a strange Pirates are riding on that wave,” said Pirates jostling for first place with
The sticker affixed to the back of place for such a rogue movement to Ragnheithur Kristjánsdóttir, a politi- the Independence Party. The center-
her chrome-finish laptop stands out, flourish. The country is one of earth’s cal history professor at the University right party is synonymous with Ice-
too: an imitation seal of the U.S. gov- most equitable, most peaceful and of Iceland. “We’ve had new parties be- land’s political establishment, having
ernment, the familiar arrow-bearing most prosperous. Home to the world’s fore, and then they’ve faded. What’s governed the country for much of
eagle encircled by the words “National oldest parliament – it traces its origins surprising is that they’re maintaining its modern history. But it was badly
Security Agency Monitored Device.” back to a gathering of Norse settlers their momentum.” tarnished by its stewardship of the
in A.D. 930 – this remote island nation bubble economy in the lead-up to
At the Pirates’ tech-start-up-esque that can feel more like a small, genteel The Pirates, part of an international the 2008 crash.
office in an industrial area of Reyk- town is not known for political turbu- movement of the same name, are not
javik’s seafront, a Guy Fawkes mask lence. the only ones seizing on the country’s “People are still angry at us for that,”
discontented political spirit. Several acknowledged Birgir Ármannsson, an
President and Publisher But Iceland has been afflicted by new parties have surged and could Independence member of Parliament.
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187 the same anti-establishment fervor well set Iceland’s direction for the next “There’s still a lot of distrust in tradi-
that has swept the rest of the Western four years. Meanwhile, parties that tional politics and traditional politi-
[email protected] world in recent years. have traded power in Iceland for de- cians.”
Creative Director cades are bumping along in polls at
In many ways, the alienation from historic lows. That’s understandable given the
Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700 politics has been even more acute scale of Iceland’s economic melt-
[email protected] here. The 2008 global financial crisis Outsiders may regard the idea of a down, Ármannsson said. But he also
brought the once highflying economy government run by Pirates as a joke. said voters should give the current
Managing Editor to ruin, saved only by a $4.6 billion But “the voters think a joke is better government, of which Independence
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196 international bailout. Bankers went than what we have now,” said Bene- is a junior partner, credit for Iceland’s
to jail, and a street protest movement dikt Jóhannesson, leader of another economic revival. Now out of the dol-
[email protected] was born. insurgent party that is even younger drums, the country is back to low un-
than the Pirates and has also earned employment, low inflation and a bal-
To learn about the cost-effective The populist spirit was revved up substantial support. anced budget – all of which could be at
advertising rates being offered once again this past spring when the risk if the Pirates come to power.
leak of the Panama Papers revealed an Jóhannesson hastens to add that he
in Melbourne Beach 32951, offshore company owned by the prime doesn’t see the Pirates as a joke. His “You can try experiments,” said the
please contact the advertising minister’s wife had staked a claim to buttoned-down party is made up of suit-and-tie clad Ármannsson in an
representatives listed below: Iceland’s collapsed banks. The per- technocrats, academics and business interview at the country’s 19th-cen-
ceived conflict of interest brought executives, a far cry from the punk- tury stone Parliament building. “But
Director of Advertising thousands of protesters to the streets, rock, hacker spirit of the Pirates. if you want economic stability and
Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 a crowd that, as a share of the overall growth, then you have to vote for us.”
[email protected] population, was equal to as many as But the two may be in coalition talks
Advertising Account Executives 21 million people in the United States. after the election if, as expected, no Ármannsson questioned what the
Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 party comes anywhere near the ma- Pirates actually represent: “They know
jority needed to govern. He may not what they’re against. But it’s difficult to
[email protected] agree with the Pirates on many issues, find out what they’re really for.”
Kathleen MacGlennon, 772-633-0753 he said, but at least they share a belief
in the need for fundamental change. Indeed, the Pirates have spelled out
[email protected] their positions on issues from fish-
Hank Wolff, 772-321-5080 “Some of our parties have been ing quotas to online pornography to
around for 100 years,” said Jóhannes- Snowden. (Party leaders offered him
[email protected] son, fresh off a 10-hour drive back Icelandic citizenship if he can find a
Lou Yacolucci, 772-323-8361 from a campaign swing through the way to get here.) But on some of the
biggest questions facing the country,
[email protected] the official party position is to punt to
the voters.
To talk about stories, or invite us to
cover social and charitable events, Whether Iceland should join the
call 772-453-1196 or email us at European Union, for instance, is a de-
[email protected]. bate that has raged in the country for
years. But the Pirates have not taken a
stand, insisting instead that the matter
should be decided in a national refer-
Some of the party’s signature pro-
posals, meanwhile, are vaguely de-
fined. The Pirates were born in Swe-
den as a movement to counter digital
copyright laws. But the party’s pro-
posal to make Iceland “a digital safe
haven,” much like Switzerland is for
banking, is hazy on the details.
To party devotees, that’s fine. The
Pirates, they say, are less about any
specific ideology than they are about a
belief that the West’s creaking political
systems can be hacked to give citizens
a greater say in their democracy.
PRIORITY OF TREATMENT AT THE ER the most severe type of heart attack, are rushed to the Cardiac
Catheterization Lab to receive angioplasty. A catheter is inserted
Whether you arrive via ambulance or drive yourself, most through the wrist or groin into the blocked coronary artery. The
emergency rooms across the country begin the process of time it takes from arrival at the ER to inflation of a tiny balloon in
providing medical care using a standardized triage system that the blocked artery to restore blood flow is called “door-to-balloon
determines the priority of treatment based on the severity time.” Every minute reduction in door-to-balloon time lowers a
of condition. Once an assessment is performed, the order of patient’s risk of death and serious damage to the heart muscle.
emergency treatment is established.
The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart
Based on recommendations from the College of Emergency Association recommend a door-to-balloon interval of no more
Physicians and Emergency Nurses Association, most hospitals than 90 minutes. Currently, IRMC exceeds these standards and
today, including Indian River Medical Center, use a five-level is at 52 minutes.
scale of (1) “resuscitation,” (2) “emergent,” (3) “urgent,” (4)
“less urgent” and (5) “non-urgent.” Not every hospital is equipped to treat a STEMI patient. Ac-
cording to the American College of Cardiology, getting a patient
What constitutes a Level 1 acuity rating? Patients present- with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction to the appro-
ing with an immediate threat to life or limb that requires priate facility is very important because time is of the essence.
instant aggressive intervention meet the criteria for Level
1. Level 1 emergencies include shock, unconsciousness and In Indian River County, Indian River Medical Center is the
severe respiratory distress. Unstable stroke patients who ar- only hospital to offer open heart surgery. Affiliated with Duke
rive within three hours after first symptoms who meet the Medicine, IRMC’s cardiac surgery outcomes have placed
criteria to receive the clot-busting drug TPA (tissue plasmin- IRMC in the top 10 percent of hospitals in the country, ac-
ogen activator) are also categorized as Level 1. cording to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
For patients in cardiopulmonary arrest, having a heart at- By becoming knowledgeable about how and why the ER
tack, the adage “time is muscle” is true. Delays in treating a prioritizes who needs to be seen in what order, patients can
myocardial infarction (heart attack) increase the likelihood better manage their expectations. It’s reassuring to know
and amount of cardiac muscle damage, which can never be your critical needs will be met as the ER’s top priority if you
regained. Getting immediate help can be a matter of life or ever need Level 1 care.
death, especially for patients needing heart surgery.
Subsequent columns will explain how emergency depart-
The stopwatch begins the moment a person with chest ments define Levels 2-5, and how to use this information to
pain arrives in the ER. Patients whose EKG (electrocardiogram) your advantage.
shows an ‘ST segment elevation myocardial infarction’ (STEMI),
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28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
The publicity sheet for Martin Cruz that was all that remained of Il the Silbers should have been was ruined and gray and his ear was
Smith’s engaging new novel boasts Duce’s empire. safe, especially since they’d cut to a stub, but his eyes were bright
that the author “does extensive re- gone into hiding. But someone blue and the impression he gave was
search for all of his books,” including Smith conjures the time and betrayed them, Giulia alone of a noble bust that had fallen and
in this case “four trips to Italy.” Exten- place with a generous dose of has survived, and Cenzo de- been chipped but was still imposing.”
sive but not always freewheeling. At what the novelist Evan Connell cides to protect her. You won’t
the outset of his career, Smith dazzled called “luminous details.” The be surprised when the -conso- At times, though, Smith seems to
Sovietologists by parlaying his back- ubiquity of polenta, for one. To- nant-dropping fisherman and let up on the pedal when he should be
ground reading and one brief visit to day it’s become something of a the heiress with the lazy accent pressing down – Mussolini’s ignomini-
Russia into “Gorky Park” (1981), which delicacy, at least in the United fall in love along the way. ous death, for example, takes place off-
was praised for its accurate insights States, but during the war it was stage. Go ahead and manipulate me a
into the heart of the Soviet police state. an all-too-familiar Italian staple. Cenzo’s task is complicated bit more, this reader wanted to signal
We learn how fascist propagandists try by the enraging presence of his brother the author.
Smith has since written seven more to poison Italian minds against invad- Giorgio, a war hero turned movie star
novels featuring the hero of “Gorky ing soldiers: “through posters of lech- turned fascist spokesman. More to the For the most part, though, Smith
Park,” Arkady Renko, a Russian cop erous Americans with virginal Italian point, Giorgio recently made Cenzo a makes fine use of his material. “The
with a conscience. “The Girl From Ven- women.” And Smith sketches the so- cuckold, stealing Cenzo’s wife by prom- Girl From Venice” may not be the most
ice,” however, is a non-Renko tale with ciological complexity of Venice and its ising to make her a movie star – a betray- heart-pounding thriller of the year,
a Western European setting. Two as- environs: “She was from Venice and he al that led to the smitten woman’s death. but its vivid treatments of a timeless
pects of the new novel obviously drew was from Pellestrina, which was like The brothers’ rivalry forms a skillfully trade and certain little-known aspects
upon Smith’s dogged research: the life saying they were not only from oppo- interwoven subplot to the main action. of World War II make it well worth
of a fisherman in the Venetian backwa- site sides of the lagoon but from differ- your time.
ters; and conditions in Italy generally ent worlds. When she spoke she had an Some of the novel’s most piquant
during early 1945, when Benito Mus- elegantly lazy Venetian accent. When scenes center on the behavior of Mus- THE GIRL FROM VENICE
solini continued to strut and declaim he spoke, consonants disappeared.” solini and his hangers-on as their world BY MARTIN CRUZ SMITH
in the northern Italian town of Salo, “She” is Giulia Silber, a young Jewish collapses. Pretense, denial, wishful Simon & Schuster. 308 pp. $27.
headquarters of the Nazi puppet state woman whom our fisherman, Cenzo thinking – these are among the stages Review by Denis FDabelle, Washington Post
(short for Innocenzo) Vianello, pulls in the downfall of a duce. Smith tanta-
out of the water while plying his trade lizes us with brief glimpses of Mussolini
one night. At first she seems to have himself, who among other last-minute
drowned, but he soon discovers that vexations must choose what to take
she is very much alive. Her wealthy and with him in the small plane dispatched
well-connected father – “no Jews were to spirit him away from hemmed-in
more assimilated into Italian society Salo: his wife, his mistress or a stack of
than the Silbers” – had saved himself gold bars.
and his family by cooperating with the
fascists. At this point in the war, with the Smith can write evocatively, as in
Allies inexorably seizing Italian territory, this description of one of his Nazi vil-
lains: “There was no avoiding the col-
onel’s gaze. One side of the man’s face
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Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 29
Justice, mercy, grace: A few words express a lot
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT you imagine asking your neighbor, “Are date for justice among God’s people, are well-mannered. But theologically-
Columnists you an infralapsarian?” and receiv- because after all, God is just. Justice speaking, the word grace means more
ing the response, “As a matter of fact, I has a fairness, a rightness, a decisive- than avoiding clumsiness or panic or
Theological language can be tricky. subscribe to an entirely different view ness about it. Justice is about getting discourtesy. It refers to an attribute of
What precisely does predestination of predestination and my soteriology what we deserve. God that defies our expectations and
mean? How about apocalypticism, mil- runs in another direction”? That con- augments our conceptions of God’s
lennialism, infralapsarianism, sanct- versation is unlikely to occur! Mercy is another significant theo- justice and mercy. Grace is a mani-
ification, justification, soteriology or logical word that finds its way into festation of divine love that is unmer-
teleology? We have rows of books on Maybe the concepts that many our modern vocabulary. We may say ited, life-changing, wildly generous,
our shelves that explain the derivation theological words represent are just we need to throw ourselves on the and more powerful than any obstacle
of these words and the history of their too obscure to be rivetingly interest- mercy of the court when we’ve gone placed in its path. As one clear-headed
usage across the centuries by faithful ing to most people. We don’t generally wrong somehow but hope to be treat- thinker put it: If justice is getting what
people. But time-honored though they engage in nuanced theological con- ed leniently. Appealing to someone we deserve, and mercy is not getting
may be, none of these terms gets a lot versation in high-flown terms. Never- for mercy acknowledges his or her what we deserve, then grace is getting
of play in everyday conversation. Can theless, we all use theological vocabu- right to exact a penalty for wrongdo- what we don’t deserve. Grace is the
lary nearly every day. There are several ing, but our hope that instead for- jackpot, theologically speaking.
words of tremendous religious signifi- giveness will be offered. The faithful
cance spoken regularly and by nearly across the ages have commended How impressive is your theological
everyone. We’re thinking of words like the mercy of God, who puts up with vocabulary? Maybe we really only need
justice, mercy and grace. a lot from humanity on a regular ba- a few words to say it all!
sis. Mercy speaks of benevolence and
Granted, these well-worn compo- pardon. Mercy is about not getting THE BAGGOTTS
nents of our vocabulary are a little what we deserve.
vague. We might differ in what consti- Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
tutes justice, for example, under a par- And then there is grace. The word,
ticular set of circumstances. But we grace, finds its way into our everyday Minister of Community Church
would all seek it as an important legal conversations in a variety of ways.
goal. And justice has a distinguished We are “graceful” if we do not trip our of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
history as a theological concept as dance partners. We show “grace under
well as a legal one. The Bible makes fire” if we are calm and effective when Baggott is Executive Minister.
reference after reference to the man- facing trouble. We are “gracious” if we
The Baggotts write a regular faith
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz enlightened by Frank the Guide Dog
Hi Dog Buddies! sive, or a ’fraidy cat. Through the whole time at school, we walked EVERY- Frank, the Guide Dog.
program, the trainers learn our strengths where, with the other dogs and hu-
I had the most amazing interviewee and weaknesses and always look for rea- mans. We practiced commands, in Center for the
this week: a pooch who’s dedicated his sons to fail us.” the city, the country, escalators, el- Visually Impaired make it possible for a
entire life to service, in the most highly evators, stores. The trainers never qualified human to get a trained pooch
trained level of Service Dogs. Frank “Woof! That’s harsh!” I commented. called us by our names. Only our at no cost to them, believe it or not,”
Cleveland is a Standard Poodle and a “That’s the point! Sixty to 80 percent of Official Human can use that. So The-Pooch-Known-As-Frank said.
fully trained Guide Dog for the Blind. pups who start the program don’t make they’d say sternly, ‘Jennifer, sit your
He lives with his Mom and step-sister (a it. I mean, think about it. We’re protect- Poodle!’ ’Jennifer, down your Poo- “Totally PAWsome” I exclaimed.
senior-citizen Dachshund). ing the life of someone who’s blind, out dle!’ Akshully, Bonzo, Frank’s not Heading home, I felt humbled and
in the dangerous world. While we’re my real name. My real name’s a Se- honored to meet a pooch like him. I
When my Assistant knocked, there learning, we wear vests that say Guide cret between me and Mom.” think it was Rin-Tin-Tin who once said:
was lotsa barking, then Frank trotted Dog in Training. The trainers don’t let “Ask NOT what your humans can do for
out to the front porch, followed by his humans or dogs get too close. They want “Shut the Doghouse Door!” you. Ask what YOU can do for your hu-
Mom. He shushed soon as she told him us to feel safe so we’ll be able to concen- The-Pooch-Known-As-Frank mans!”
we were OK. Following the Wag-and- trate on keeping our human safe. The continued, “Then came the Big
Sniff, he said, “Please come in. This is my Rules are Very Strict. We aren’t allowed to Test. After tons of preparation, Till next time,
Mom, Jennifer, and my step-sister, Scar- play with balls or play tug-of-war or have me and Mom had to leave the
let. Let’s go sit down.” squeaky toys. Even though we’re trained School, catch a bus, go down- The Bonz
to obey our Human, we also learn some- town, buy something at CVS, get
“So happy to meet you,” I said in my thing called Intelligent Disobedience; on the bus and come back to the Don’t Be Shy
Serious Journalist Voice, because Guide like if she tells me to go somewhere and I school. Mom had to learn to trust
Dogs are All Business when they’re work- see it’s dangerous, like an obstruction on me completely. And WE DID IT! We are always looking for pets
ing. “I know you’re in an elite group. I’m the sidewalk, I stop her.” TOGETHER! We graduated and with interesting stories.
eager to learn all about it.” I was getting more impressed by the I became officially Mom’s Dog!
minute. “How’d you get your Mom?” When we flew home, I sat at Mom’s feet. To set up an interview, email
“Yes we are,” Frank said, “but it’s OK “She had to Apply. She flew to Pilot My life as a Guide Dog had begun!” [email protected].
to relax, cuz, here at home, I can be Dog. She hadda bring letters from her “What’s life like now?”
pretty much a plain ol’ dog. ’Course, I doctors, plus five recommendations, “I’m happiest when I put on my spe-
help Mom if I need to, but mostly it’s saying she was a Good Person Who De- cial harness and go to work. But some-
Out In The World where things get Se- served a $30,000 Guide Dog. During the times humans don’t understand they
rious. It’s sorta like Secret Service hu- next 28 days, they learned about Mom. can’t pat me or let their dogs too close.
mans: I’m on the lookout every single (She’s very active, teaches yoga, travels Sometimes, they’re even mean. One
second, so I’ve gotta be focused and let a lot.) Before we even met, Mom went time Mom hadda call the police cuz a
nothing distract me.” through really tough training. Not every restaurant guy didn’t believe Mom was
blind human can qualify. blind. He said, ‘She doesn’t look blind.’
“When did you decide to be a Guide “After Mom finished training, we fi- What does that even MEAN? I was mad
Dog?” I inquired. nally met. I was brought to her room, but I kept my cool.
then it was just me and Mom. We were “But we also have fun adventures,
“Akshully, Bonzo, I didn’t ‘decide.’ I nervous, but I instinctively liked her, so ’specially traveling. My favorite coun-
was bred for the program. I was born on I took a breath and came right up to her. try’s Germany. The people really respect
Christmas Day, which I personally think She gave me lots of pats, and I realized my space and my work. Prague’s great,
was A Sign of what my destiny would be.” she was the human I was gonna protect too! We visited New York City on my
for the Rest of My Life. Mom cried. It was birthday and I got to see that Really Big
“Dog!” I said. real emotional.” Tree. Good thing I’m well-trained, if you
“I KNOW! Right? My school, Pilot Dog, Talk about emotional! I wiped my eyes know what I mean.”
is in Columbus, Ohio. I went straight with my paw. Didn’t even try to hide it. I nodded.
from my breeder to my first trainer (aka Frank continued. “For the rest of our “Organizations of humans like the
Puppy Walker) when I was only 8 weeks
old.We went EVERYwhere together: I got
socialized with humans, learned obedi-
ence. She tested me to see if I was aggres-
Celebrating 65 years in dog years of course
Riverside Animal Hospital’s mission is to provide the highest standard
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Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 31
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist K85
Greg Norman said, “Setting goals for your game is an art. The trick is in setting them K94
at the right level, neither too low nor too high.”
When trying to get to game in a major after partner has raised your one-of-a-major
opening to two, you must move with a hand at the right level ... strength. You should WEST EAST
have six losers. Also, if you rebid three of a minor, you may do that with only a three- 64
card suit because it is forcing to three of your major. AJ74 5
In this week’s deal, note that South’s hand has six losers: one heart, two diamonds J 10 8 3 Q 10 9 3 2
and three clubs. When opener has a choice of suits, he should, strange as it sounds,
bid his weaker minor. Here, South should rebid three clubs. Opposite that, North has 10 8 6 3
the worst possible club holding: three low. So he signs off in three spades.
West leads the club jack. East takes three tricks in the suit, then exits safely with a
spade. How should South proceed after drawing trumps? SOUTH
Declarer can afford only one more loser. His two main chances to get home are the AKQ832
heart ace with West or the diamond queen with East. Which should he try first?
The rule is: Play initially the suit with the higher missing card; here, hearts. South
leads his heart toward dummy’s king. When West has the ace, the king sets up for a AJ7
diamond discard. But if East had the heart ace, the diamond finesse would still be on
the back burner. 954
Finally, note that if South had rebid three diamonds, North might have jumped to the Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
hopeless four-spade contract.
The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 2 Spades Pass
?? LEAD:
J Clubs
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
7 A primary colour (6) 1 Study, learn (6)
8 Questionnaire (6) 2 See 7 Across (4)
9 Fruit or a colour (4) 3 Jumper (7)
10 Amusing tale (8) 4 Lopsided (5)
11 Flier (7) 5 Incline (8)
13 Odd (5) 6 On the mend (6)
15 Break (5) 12 Loyal (8)
17 Small wheels (7) 14 Larval frog (7)
20 Bedtime tipple (8) 16 Hedging shrub (6)
21 Affection (4) 18 Assessment (6)
22 Modest (6) 19 Land areas (5)
23 Hang around (6) 21 Lifeless, limp (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 33
ACROSS 76 Al Capone’s 5 Duo connector abbr. The Washington Post
hometown? 6 Hard-to-lift chair 70 Dinosaur’s
1 High-calorie carb 7 Most doubtful SPACE EXPLORATION By Merl Reagle
6 Nation renamed in 80 Anoints, old-style 8 In the center of “name”
82 Cameo stone 9 More, to Moreno 73 Town N of San
1939 83 Half & Half half 10 Gold coin of
10 Either star of 6 84 Awful long spell Francisco, San
87 Topkick: abbr. British India ___
Weeks, 1982 88 Big fights 11 “What are you, 74 Sluggish after
15 Palais dweller 90 Ride past a overeating
18 Cologne? some kind ___?” 77 Yank hater, once
21 Pertaining to car university town? 12 Man ___ Mancha 78 Islets
93 Went and got 13 Game warden? 79 Infused (with)
parts? 96 Cable option 14 Put an ___ (halt) 81 Candy
23 Seafood vendor’s 97 Abacus result 15 Ex-leader of Iran, 82 Philharmonic:
98 Fleeing MPs abbr.
display? 99 Plumper ___ Shah Pahlevi 85 Gorki’s river
24 Fifty per cent 100 Louise of God’s 16 Rock products 86 Replacement for
17 Ain’t right? the old clunker
meditate? Little Acre 19 Of twisting 89 Lost
25 Revealer of the 102 H.M. Pulham’s 20 School org. for 90 Preservative
“man title bright kids 91 Historic German
behind the curtain” 104 Desert denizen 22 Condemns town,
26 Assail, as an 28 Health-food Bad ___
icebox had a bite? 92 Mauna ___
27 Spa feature 106 A Charmin pioneer Davis 93 State where
29 Drinker’s 31 Peel and Kane built
dedication consideration Xanadu: abbr.
30 Thing, to Bailey 107 Bounder Thompson 94 Shocking
32 Lang. course for 109 “Good old” 33 Spaces in creature
an 95 Pedantic
immigrant country manuscripts 99 Tossed about
34 Peter Marshall’s 111 Eggs 35 Type of dress 101 Part of a long
sister Joanne 112 One-time 36 Enigma in the air play
35 The other 37 KLM successor? 103 Aidan and
DiMaggio chairman 38 Decorated with Anthony
36 Konrad’s 114 Light rains 105 Verb for Darwin
conjunction 117 Discontinued pictures of fruit? 108 Fall bloomer
39 Actress Sharon? 40 Erstwhile lander 110 Marsh plant
42 You, to Yvette Pontiac 113 Earth tone
44 Japanese 119 French at JFK 114 Word in physics
statesman Eisaku 41 ___ Aviv or religion
48 No. 1 department 43 Japanese waist 115 “___ all be over
50 Pen compartment or river soon”
52 Bit of lingerie 121 Slangy dollar product 116 Persuade
54 A dream location? 125 Saphead’s 45 Producer of liner 117 Ireland’s Sinn
55 Producing an posterior? ___
effect 127 “Sweet Bard, notes? 118 U.S. war org. of
56 Target practice that wounds me 46 How Joe Friday the ’40s
result? deeply!” 120 Absolutely
59 I ___ Teenage 130 Bondage puts things positively, in
Werewolf brokers? 47 Unmatched Tijuana
60 Skillet 131 How bishops 49 Greg Maddux 122 Sally ___
61 A king of Eng. dress? (English bread)
62 Grows light in the 132 Foxy stats 123 Part of NEA
morning 133 Clean without 51 Had the 124 ___ Helens
63 Some snakes soap 126 ___ Lanka
65 Rope on the 134 George Lucas’s advantage 128 Hypo shot: abbr.
range Knights 53 Rhyme scheme 129 Mrs., to Miou-
68 Bad-mouther’s 135 Nobelist Chain of 56 Worms and Miou
motto? penicillin fame
71 Postage ___ whatnot
72 Wall Street surge? DOWN 57 Bathed in a dusky
75 Nogales huzzah 1 _History
2 Regarding glow
3 “Get going!” 58 Possess
4 Placido, for one 60 School issue
63 Blurbs
64 Sex-minded
66 Other route: abbr.
67 Number of coins
in the fountain, in
69 Piece of a word:
The Telegraph
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Financial boot camp puts a crimp on social life
BY CAROLYN HAX It’ll cut the debt-erasure time way down – and/or
Washington Post prop up your fun budget – plus it might keep you
busy during these tempting social times.
Dear Carolyn,
I’ve fallen suddenly into pretty Re: Budget: I was in the same boat recently, and you
massive debt (a whirlwind of know what? It wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it
medical problems coupled with was. I started cooking more and enjoyed it because I
sudden deaths in the family re- challenged myself to make delicious things out of the
quiring unpaid leave and expen- cheapest ingredients possible. I invited friends over
sive flights). I have to completely instead of meeting them at a bar; nowadays a good
change how I spend money be- six-pack costs almost as much as a single beer out. I
cause I want to get rid of all this debt within the next researched tons of bars with great deals that I liked
two years – I’ll need a new car by then, will likely be as much as my expensive haunts. And I rediscovered
engaged by then, etc. my city, visiting all the free museums I haven’t toured
But my financials are really intertwined with my since I was a tourist.
social identity. I really have no idea where to begin in Also, please do accept your friends’ offers to take
changing my social life from bars and lunches and you to dinner, to pick up the check at happy hour, to
vacations to … well, I’ve budgeted about $100 per not let you bring wine to their place when they invite
month for “fun money.” Which is MAYBE two dinners you over. I initially refused because of pride, but jeez
for Old Me. How do I avoid the fear of missing out that’s stupid. My friends love me and want to support
from having to scale back social outings, and how do me, and know I would have done the same for them.
I communicate this sudden change with friends? I Finally, this: I’m out of the financial hole, and
feel like I’m telling people I’m in AA and can no lon- I haven’t gone back to my old ways. I learned a lot
ger drink about how much fat there was in my budget and how
– $$ Identity relatively painless it was to trim it. A few months lat-
and no to things you can’t. It’s hard but necessary, er, and I’ve already built my savings back up to what
and you’ll be OK.
Dear '$$ Identity': it was before the crisis. It’s reality, and you will sur-
Tell your closest friends you’re on a financial star- Meanwhile, research affordable, fun things you
vation diet and you’ll be eternally grateful for help can suggest to your friends. If you’re first with the vive it, and maybe even enjoy it.
getting creative with outings instead of just going plans, then more of them will go your way.
out to dinner. After that, you don’t repeat yourself – Anonymous
every time – you just say yes to things you can afford Another idea that may be tough to process but ul-
timately worthwhile is a part-time job on weekends. Dear ‘Anonymous’:
This is just great, thank you.
Exotic birds give Vero a
tropical feel
Vero Beach sells itself as “the place where the tropics begin,” and the ubiquitous
white ibis helps validate the claim. These striking white birds with long curved
orange bills grace the town in small flocks that can be seen feeding in parks and
on neighborhood lawns early in the morning year round. They have an exotic
look that sparks excitement and makes the day seem less mundane. The large,
mostly monogamous birds, which weigh between two and three pounds and
have wing spans up to 28 inches, first breed at age two, with males and females
working together to build platform nests in mangroves and thickets. Females lay
2-5 eggs, which are pale blue-green to white with brown blotches. Both sexes
participate in incubation and feed the young after they hatch, by regurgitation.
The birds are “highly sociable at all seasons, roosting and feeding in flocks, nest-
ing in large colonies,” according to the Audubon Society. “They forage by walk-
ing slowly in shallow water, sweeping their bill from side to side and probing at
bottom. They also forage on land, especially on mud or in short grass.” Ibis typ-
ically spent 10 hours a day looking for food, three-quarters of an hour flying and
13 hours resting, roosting, and attending to their nests. Though still common in
Vero Beach the ibis population in Florida is “much lower than historical levels,
and has continued to decline in recent decades as the birds suffer from loss of
feeding and nesting habitat.”
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 35
13 freakishly fashionable Halloween costume ideas
The Telegraph
Fancy yourself as Strang-
er Things’ Eleven, Carrie
or Catwoman this Hal-
loween? Whether you
want a classic costume
or to nod to a 2016 pop-
culture hit, do horror
in style with these
click-to-buy outfit
builders that hit the
right note between
ghoulish and girly.
The Hocus Pocus witches
Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy
and Sarah Jessica Parker’s
characters are all about
sweeping velvet, lace,
embellishment and
crazy hair, nails and
make-up. A chance to
embrace your eccentric
beauty side while tap-
ping into this season’s
velvet trend.
Anna Wintour
The Vogue matriarch
is an obvious choice for
fashion devotees. A bou-
clé suit or pencil dress,
slingbacks and a razor
sharp bob are essential.
Don’t forget to employ
some interns for the
night to carry your Star-
bucks and sunglasses
Melania Trump With her smeared clown makeup,
Melania Trump will be one of Hal- ripped fishnets, hot pants and studded
loween 2016’s most popular costumes jewelry, Robbie looked like a Cirque de
with her superb take on the potential Soleil acrobat on the loose from a men-
first lady at the UNICEF Halloween tal asylum. Make sure you dress scant-
Ball. And, how easy does this costume ily and act off your proverbial rocker if
look to achieve? All you need is a white attempting.
dress, Donald Trump mask and a lot of
contouring. Hillary Clinton
She’s known for her sharply cut
Beyoncé in Lemonade trouser suits, and the fiery red Ralph
The rippling mustard Roberto Ca- Lauren pantsuit Hillary Clinton wore
valli gown that Beyoncé wears in her for the first televised presidential
political and highly personal visual debate was no exception. Make sure
album Lemonade is bound to make a your hair is perfectly quaffed, your
zesty costume contender. Find a mus- demeanor full of determination, and
tard chiffon mini with bouncing layers then find another poor soul to dress
of chiffon and sheer inserts to reveal a up as Donald Trump.
leopard print bra underneath. Oh, and
don’t forget your baseball bat. Ghostbusters
The female-led remake of Ivan Re-
Suicide Squad’s Harley Quinn itman’s 1984 fantasy-comedy “Ghost-
2016’s anti-hero blockbuster Suicide busters,” starring Leslie Jones, Me-
Squad saw Margot Robbie star as de- lissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Kate
mented super-villain Harley Quinn.
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
McKinnon will appeal to those who “Eleven” is set to be
want to travel as a pack this Hallow- the most popular
een. Try making your own proton Halloween costume
packs out of old cereal boxes for a this year, as a pink
makeshift nod to the full ghost bust- Peter Pan collar
ing look. dress by ASOS was
viewed once every 3
Stranger Things’ Eleven minutes on the site in the
run-up to the holiday. Offset your sug- the macabre. Though her deadpan
ary pink dress with tube socks, Con- wit is optional, Wednesday’s morbid
verse and a pack of waffles (if you’re schoolgirl style is easy to replicate. Pop
a Stranger Things novice, here’s why a sharp white collar on a dark long-
waffles are crucial, plus more charac- sleeved dress and keep everything else
ter costume ideas). a complete black out.
Star Wars’ Rey Ab Fab
Orphan, loner, junk scavenger, Jedi? Grab yourself a bottle of Bolly, a
Daisy Ridley’s “Star Wars” character pack of cigs, an outlandish Nineties
Rey is the first female hero in the movie outfit and voila! – you’ll not only have
franchise. Her draped and belted dusty yourself an excellent night out, you’ll
grey ensemble would be simple to rep- be instantly recognizable as one half
licate, and easily identifiable if you ex- of Ab Fab duo Edina Monsoon and
ecute the hair knots correctly. Patsy Stone.
Catwoman Daenerys Targaryen
Michelle Pfeiffer, Halle Berry and “Game of Thrones”’ Daenerys Tar-
Anne Hathaway have all moonlighted garyen might spend most of her time
as Catwoman in recent years, but it’s trekking through desert lands con-
Lee Meriwether’s Sixties siren that cap- quering kingdoms in what appears to
tured our imagination. With a shiny be a few rags, but she does know the
second-skin suit, bandit style mask and merit of a statement gown – particu-
cat ears, there’s something wonderfully larly in a shocking shade of blue. This
DIY and easy to about her feline façade. is a look that befits comfort by way of
flat shoes, and layers. Just add plenty
Wednesday Addams of cuffs and chokers to top it all off. Oh,
Pale, plaited youngster Wednesday and a convincing, white-blonde wig if
Addams is obsessed with death and you can find one.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 37
What to wear to a Halloween party if you don’t want to dress up
The Telegraph
If Halloween costumes are your
idea of sartorial hell, then take com-
fort in the knowledge that there are
ways to cheat the dress code. Your
witch friends may cackle at you for
not joining in, but you can remind
them that you can rewear your black
dress multiple times while their fake
blood-stained number has a definite
shelf life.
Herewith are four chic cheat op-
tions for women who won’t go near
fake blood this Halloween.
The novelty tee or knit
Those with a disposable Hallow-
een budget will find much to like in
Chinti and Parker’s playful cashmere
Halloween edit. Zoe Karssen’s spi-
der and bat embellished crew-necks
also hint at the gruesome dress code,
while keeping you snug on the trick
or treat trail. High street brands such
as ASOS and New Look have a hand-
ful of tongue-in-cheek T-shirts that
will raise a smirk or two, and won’t
dent your bank account.
The black dress
Halloween is a prime opportunity
to justify buying the black party dress
you have been coveting. Not only will
you be able to wear it multiple times
over the Christmas season, a classic
cut will stand the test of time. A thin
polo neck or body worn underneath
slips and slinkier designs will help
ward off the chill.
The gothic blouse
Consider a black lace blouse a
wardrobe staple this winter. Vamp
it up for Halloween with dark make-
up, employ as a day-to-night staple
under suiting at work, or wear high-
neck styles under crew-necks to bring
a dash of glamour to knitwear. It’s a
one-way ticket to a chic, and sensible,
Halloween outfit.
The frightful accessories
Those with a small amount to
spend, or women who refuse to dent
their winter coat budget with any
Halloween nonsense, can take heed
in the catalogue of freaky accessories
on offer. You can be a cat or bat for as
little as $5, and once you’re inside the
party you can remove your thrifty ac-
cessory. Job done.
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
Café Coconut Cove: Great German food at Oktoberfest time
BY TINA RONDEAU the Indian River. On an evening
Columnist when there is a breeze, the outdoor
tables provide a perfect setting for a
Having lived for some years in Mu- predinner sunset drink while waiting
nich, October to me means Oktober- for a table.
The combination of the riverside
While I was never keen on the mob setting, the old-world European
scene in the giant Hofbräu-Festzelt charm you find inside the restaurant
beer tent, I sure do miss the brat- and the good German food are hard
wursts, the leberkäse, the sauerkraut to beat.
and, of course, the German pastries.
I welcome your comments, and en-
So what better time of the year to courage you to send feedback to me at
get an authentic German food fix by [email protected].
visiting Café Coconut Cove?
The reviewer dines anonymously
While the owners of this restaurant at restaurants at the expense of Mel-
are not Bavarian, the cuisine inside bourne Beach 32951.
is prepared by a German restaurant which are included with each meal. bratwurst plate – two Café Coconut Cove
family that came here a quarter cen- It’s with the entrées that the deci- pork and beef brats,
tury ago from Aachen. And in this perfectly cooked, Hours: Tuesday through
attractive hideaway on the Indian sion-making here gets really tough. and served with Saturday, 5 pm to 9 pm
River lagoon, the menu is definitely Café Coconut Cove offers a choice sauerkraut. All
Deutsche. of a half dozen schnitzels including, of the dishes came Bar: Beer and wine
in deference to Florida, a grouper with a potato puff and Address:
Last Thursday, our party of three schnitzel; a half dozen wurst plates a vegetable, in this case
arrived at 7:40 p.m. to a full restau- including one featuring rouladen; sugar snap peas. 4210 South A1A,
rant that had just a couple of tables a half dozen grill plates; and even a Melbourne Beach, FL
available (they don’t take reserva- couple of dishes for vegetarians. For dessert on this evening, we Phone: (321) 727-3133
tions). This place seems to be gaining passed on the homemade Black For-
more fans with each passing year. On this evening, I ordered the com- est cake – a delicious confection we
bination plate ($24), my husband have enjoyed in the past – and went
For starters, we decided to forgo opted for the basic Wiener schnitzel for the homemade apple strudel
the wonderful crispy German po- ($26), and our companion chose the topped with vanilla ice cream. Fan-
tato pancakes with sour cream and bratwurst plate ($18). tastic!
an apple cranberry compote that we
have enjoyed here on previous visits, My combination plate consisted To accompany your meal, Café Co-
and this time ordered the homemade of jäger schnitzel – a lightly breaded conut Cove offers a very reasonably
liver pâté ($7.50) and the mushroom medallion of pork tenderloin – along priced wine list (including several
toast ($7.50). with a bratwurst, sauerbraten and Rieslings and one German pinot noir)
red cabbage. Memories of Bavaria as well as Warsteiner Pils, a German
The pâté, presented with crack- came flooding back as I enjoyed these premium beer.
ers and bread, was gone in a flash. classic dishes.
Delicious! And the sautéed mush- Dinner for two at Café Coconut
rooms, served with grilled bread and My husband’s lightly breaded veal Cove, together with a nice bottle of
a horseradish dill cream sauce, were cutlet was also an excellent rendition wine, comes in for well under $100
very tasty. of what might be the best known spe- including tip.
cialty of Viennese cuisine.
Then we proceeded to the small Café Coconut Cove also has a
but excellent German mixed salads But for a German food fix, there handful of outdoor tables, right on
was no topping our companion’s
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 39
& Casual Dining
40 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING 29 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park and Native Heritage Gathering, honoring the 80-plus artists working en plein air, live mu-
Night Sounds concert series features culture of Native Americans through music, sic, food vendors and simultaneous events at
Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts at FIT - Remember When, 7 p.m. at park’s Coconut arts, culture and crafts. Free. nativerhythms- Foosaner Art Museum and local galleries. Free.
Transformers: Re-contextualizing Our Material Point pavilions. Standard park entry fee. 321-
Culture exhibit thru Dec. 17. 321-674-8313 984-4852
11 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 20 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Foosaner Art Museum – Radiant Messenger: 30 Cultural Arts Showcase, Noon to 6 presents Honoring Our Heroes: A presents Ralph Vaughan Williams’
Drawings by China Marks exhibit, thru Jan. 7. p.m. at the King Center for the Per- Big Band Tribute honoring men and women of Sinfonia Antartica, 3 p.m. at Scott Center for
321-674-8916 forming Arts, presented by Brevard Symphony the Armes Forces, 7 p.m. at venue TBD. space- Performing Arts in Melbourne. spacecoast-
Orchestra in partnership with King Center to
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District celebrate Space Coast performing and cultural
on Highland Ave., 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first arts, with concerts, performances, displays 11 Melbourne Chamber Music Society 20 To Jan. 1 - Space Coast Lightfest fea-
Friday. Free. and demonstrations. Free. culturalartsshow- presents the ATOS Piano Trio, 7:30 turing 2.7 million holiday lights, 6:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Methodist Church in In- to 10 p.m. nightly at Wickham Park in Mel-
Melbourne Main Street’s Friday Fest, 6 to 10 dialantic. bourne: Nov. 20 5K Run and Grand Lighting
p.m. every second Friday. Free. 30 Central Florida Animal Reserve Fall Ceremony; weekend Carriage Rides (reserva-
Member Appreciation Day, Noon to 5 12 Inaugural Downtown Melbourne tions required, 321-917-8752); Hay Rides every
Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo and p.m., offering last chance to visit the cats at the Food & Wine Festival, 5:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday and Friday; Dec. 3 & 4 Stroll Through
Florida Institute of Technology, every second Cocoa facility. $25 membership; $50 family (up the Lights (no cars); Jan 1 - Say Good Bye to the
Wednesday thru June at Tradewinds Restau- to 5). 321-637-0110 Lights Stroll (no cars). Details/ tickets at Space-
rant at Duran Golf Club in Melbourne. Free. 12 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State NOVEMBER Park Night Sounds concert series
features Tumbleweed, 7 p.m. at park’s Coco- DECEMBER
OCTOBER 4-6 Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Festi- nut Point pavilions. Standard park entry fee.
val, Take me out to the Clambake, 321-984-4852 2 Holiday Ball Swingtime Dance with
28 Kidtoberfest, 5:30 p.m. at Wickham at Riverview Park with food and drink, enter- 18-member Melbourne Swingtime Jazz
Park hosted by Brevard County Parks tainment and vendors to benefit local nonprof- 18 Free Movie in the Park, Finding Dory, Band, 7 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium. $7 -
& Recreation, with hay rides, food trucks, cos- it organizations and public-purpose projects. 7:30 p.m. at Wickham Park hosted $10. 321-724-0555.
tume contest and the movie Hocus Pocus. Free. by Brevard County Parks and Recreation; food trucks at 5:30 p.m. 2 Space Coast Symphony and Aaron Collins
4-20 Surfside Playhouse, Cocoa lead Central Florida’s Messiah Sing Along,
28 Quartet Movement Fall Recital, 7 Beach, presents The Producers. 19 12th annual Golf Fundraiser to ben- 7 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Com-
p.m. at Eastminster Presbyterian efit the Melbourne Beach Volunteer munity in Melbourne.
Church, Indialantic, a free chamber concert. Fire Dept., 8 a.m. shotgun start at Spessard 5 Fall Back in Time at Green Gables, a Holland Golf Course followed by awards lunch.
1920’s Speakeasy with food, drinks and $50 registration. 321-288-5507
28-30 Boo at the Zoo, 5:30 p.m. music by Sybil Gage and her Catahoulas, , 4:30 2 Melbourne Chamber Music Society pres-
at Brevard Zoo, with family- to 9:30 p.m. on the grounds of Green Gables, 19 Space Coast Home Show and Active ents St. Lawrence String Quartet, 7:30 p.m.
friendly spooktacular Halloween fun, including an 1896 Queen Anne Home on the Indian River Living, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Viera Re- at St. Marks United Methodist Church in Indial-
treat stations, DJ, haunted house, games and in Melbourne, hosted by the Historical Society gional Community Center, showcasing goods antic.
costume contest. $10. to purchase and restore the property. $75. and services for home improvement, health care and active living. Free. 2-18 Henegar Center for the Arts in
29 Haunted House, 4 to 8 p.m. at Mel- Melbourne presents A Christ-
bourne Beach Volunteer Fire Depart- 5 Jazzoo, 7 to 11 p.m. at Brevard Zoo, with 19 Brevard Symphony Orchestra pres- mas Story: The Musical.
ment, with children encouraged to wear cos- live bands, unlimited food and drinks, ents Russian Masters, 8 p.m. at
tumes. Free. and a Sports Bar biergarten with cigars and King Center for the Performing Arts, show- 2-24 Melbourne Civic Theatre presents
big-screen TVs. 21 & older. $65 - $100. Bre- casing pianist Terrence Wilson performing A Tuna Christmas.
29 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2. bre-
presents Titanic: A Tribute to James 3 Ocean Reef Beach Festival, 10 a.m. to
Horner, 7 p.m. at Scott Center for Performing 10-13 Native Rhythms Festival 5 p.m. at Pelican Beach Park in Satellite
Arts in Melbourne. at Wickham Park, Mel- 19|20 ArtWorks of Eau Gal- Beach, with Chowder Cook-off, art vendors,
bourne hosted by Indian River Flute Circle lie Fine Arts Festival, 10 marine education, live music, food and bever-
a.m. to 5 p.m. around Highland Avenue, with ages, and children’s activities. Free. oceanreef-
5045 South A1A in Melbourne Beach: 5-bedroom, 6-bath, 6,819-square-foot oceanfront home on a one-acre
lot offered for $4,375,000 by Aaron James of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty: 321-693-4291
42 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Beachfront estate combines elegance with a homey vibe
BY MARIA CANFIELD yellow siding, white gabled roof, and Each of the three floors has its own 3,000-square-foot enclosed pool
Correspondent large front porch all have a warmly purpose and style, although there area with a two-lane, 25-yard heated
welcoming feel. The plentiful win- are many attractive features that are lap pool, a hot tub with a cascad-
It’s no easy feat to design and dows, some with arched trim, and constant throughout – red-oak wood ing waterfall, cut coral floors, tray
furnish such a large home – 6,819 the Carrara marble lion fountain at floors, crown molding, hurricane ceilings, a skylight, and a cabana
square feet, to be exact – so that it’s the front entrance add to the home’s windows, ample closet space, high- bath with a sauna steam shower. It’s
comfortable and homey, but that’s friendly look. end ceiling fans, arresting window evocative of what you might find in
exactly what the owners of 5045 treatments, and exceptional furnish- a mid-sized boutique hotel, but the
South Highway A1A in Melbourne You enter the foyer through a beau- ings originating from many places barbeque grill installed on a granite
Beach have done. The three-story tiful wood and glass door with match- around the globe. All of the furniture, serving station (sensibly tucked in
waterfront home, while spectacular, ing sidelights and are immediately rugs and art pieces (with the excep- one corner) tells you the space was
is clearly a place where real people captivated by the sight of an antique tion of a few paintings) are included designed with family life in mind.
live real lives. grandmother clock and a 100-year- in the sale price. Heavy-duty sliding glass doors lead
old hand-carved table; a sense of to the sweeping backyard; the beach
Pleasant emotions are set in play by anticipation arises about what other The first floor is a place for rec- is accessed by a boardwalk-type
the home’s cheerful exterior; its soft treasures you’re about to encounter. reation and exercise – there’s a
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 43
walkway and deck; a gleaming white vides muscle relaxation and wind-
gate as you near the beach adds a down time.
charming focal point.
The first floor offers so much
The first floor also houses a gym that visitors may want to take up
equipped with a treadmill, ellipti- temporary residence without hav-
cal machine, recumbent bike and ing seen the rest of the house. It’s a
weights. The floors are cork – which home within a home, with a good-
are aesthetically pleasing as well sized living area, breakfast nook and
as comfortable and durable. After breakfast bar, granite-countered
a workout, the dry-heat sauna pro-
44 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Oct. 1 to Oct. 20
Twenty-one real estate transactions were recorded during the first three weeks of October in the two South Brevard
island zip codes, 32951 and 32903.
The top sale in Melbourne Beach was of a property in Wingate Reserve. The home at 120 Seaglass Drive was placed
on the market April 19 with an asking price of $749,900. The listing price was subsequently lowered to $719,000. The
sale closed on Oct. 13 for $675,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Scott Wall and Barbara Wall of BHHS Florida Realty. The purchaser
was represented by Laura Dowling Roy of Premier Properties Real Estate.
WOODLAND ESTATES 285 WOODY CIR 6/7/2016 $419,000 $389,900 10/18/2016 $265,000
RIVER OAKS AT AQUARINA II P.U.D 400 HAMMOCK SHORE DR 7/7/2016 $219,000 $219,000 10/16/2016 $275,000
RIVERSIDE CONDOS AT 3220 RIVER VILLA WAY 152 6/12/2016 $325,000 $299,000 10/16/2016 $208,000
WILCOX MELBOURNE BEA 420 4TH AVE 7/26/2016 $315,000 $315,000 10/12/2016 $348,000
MELBOURNE SHORES 2ND 111 PELICAN DR 6/18/2016 $325,000 $299,900 10/11/2016
FLORIDANA BEACH 1ST 127 DELVALLE ST 5/4/2016 $284,000 $284,000 10/11/2016
LIGHTHOUSE COVE CN 4 170 CASSEEKEE TRAIL 6/1/2016 $229,900 $219,900 10/10/2016
THE PRESERVE AT COCO 109 SABAL RIDGE LN 7/28/2016 $475,000 $475,000 10/2/2016
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 511 BANYAN WAY 6/29/2016 $389,900 $359,900 10/2/2016
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 130 10TH AVE 9/22/2016 $300,000 $300,000 10/18/2016 $300,000
HIGHLAND GROVES 57 HIGHLAND DR 8/7/2016 $330,000 $370,795 10/18/2016 $325,000
RIO VILLA UNIT I 550 RIO CASA DR S 11/18/2015 $429,000 $429,000 10/18/2016 $352,725
SOUTH SEA VILLAGE 420 PINE TREE DR 9/1/2016 $395,000 $359,900 10/17/2016 $395,500
NONE 3649 POSEIDON WAY 8/14/2016 $445,000 $499,899 10/16/2016 $398,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 110 NINTH AVE 8/9/2016 $449,000 $334,900 10/13/2016 $432,000
6/1/2016 $389,900 10/11/2016 $340,000
8/15/2016 $235,000 10/10/2016 $235,000
8/30/2016 $499,899 10/10/2016 $485,000
6/23/2016 $419,000 10/4/2016 $399,000
7/4/2016 $334,900 10/2/2016 $320,000
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 45
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Woodland Estates, Address: 285 Woody Cir Subdivision: Wilcox Melbourne Beach, Address: 420 4th Ave
Listing Date: 6/8/2016 Listing Date: 7/27/2016
Original Price: $419,000 Original Price: $315,000
Recent Price: $389,900 Recent Price: $315,000
Sold: 10/19/2016 Sold: 10/13/2016
Selling Price: $360,000 Selling Price: $297,000
Listing Agent: Katie S Leigh & Lisa A. Goddard Listing Agent: David Settgast
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Kerry L Klun Nona Swann
Palm Realty Homes Swann & Associates R.E., Inc.
Subdivision: The Preserve at Coco, Address: 109 Sabal Ridge Ln Subdivision: Island Shores of Mel, Address: 511 Banyan Way
Listing Date: 7/29/2016 Listing Date: 6/30/2016
Original Price: $475,000 Original Price: $389,900
Recent Price: $475,000 Recent Price: $359,900
Sold: 10/3/2016 Sold: 10/3/2016
Selling Price: $462,500 Selling Price: $348,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Kevin Hill
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Re/Max Alternative Realty
Anita M Iannuzzi Pamela Ann Wise
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.
46 Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
kitchen, large bedroom, full bath, grace the wood floors, and the two- than some New York City apartments; luxury and practicality in mind.
and, in a stroke of genius, a laundry sided fireplace nicely ties together it is visually striking, with high-gloss In most houses, the additional bed-
room. There’s also a privately-situat- the spacious living and dining spac- travertine floors, accent columns, a
ed room which could easily be used es, which together are an impressive beautifully hand-etched shower door room on this floor, with its large size,
as a den or 2nd bedroom. 33 feet by 21 feet. and handsomely-framed mirrors. For two roomy mirrored closets and well-
privacy, the toilet and bidet are tucked appointed bathroom, could easily
The second floor is the heart of the The huge 27-foot by 20-foot master away behind a wide door. With gran- serve as the master suite. Bright and
house. It is magnificent yet also com- bedroom has tray ceilings, custom ite-topped dual vanities (one with a impeccably furnished in elegant dark
fortable and extremely livable. It is blackout drapes and gorgeous fur- “primping” section) and a jetted tub, wood pieces, it provides a nice private
here where much of the one-of-a-kind nishings, including a carved 4-poster the bathroom is designed with both space for those who are in permanent
furniture and decorative pieces re- bed. The en suite bathroom is bigger or temporary residence.
side, including an English sideboard
dating from the 1880s in the dining VITAL STATISTICS The large eat-in kitchen has a
room, and two hand-carved panels – 5045 SOUTH A1A curved island-style breakfast bar
taken from a torn-down Miami Beach that easily seats five, abundant
mansion – built into the living room custom cabinetry, granite counter-
walls. Hand-knotted Oriental rugs tops, a marble backsplash, a pantry
(behind an etched-glass door), and
Location: Melbourne Beach
Builder: George Morissette
Year built: 2008
Construction: CBS
Lot size: .96 acre
Waterfront: 147 lineal feet of frontage on the Atlantic Ocean
Home size: 6,819 square feet
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 5 full baths, 2 half-baths
Furniture and decorations: Included in asking price (except for a few
Additional features:, 3-car garage with hurricane-proof doors and
built-in cabinets, hurricane panel for front door, whole-house generator,
stereo system, intercom system, central vacuum system, 3 new air condi-
tioning units with 10-year warranties, water filters for 1st and 2nd floors,
durable composite “wood” on patio ceilings and deck/walkway to beach,
hand-etched glass shower doors in all the bathrooms, crystal door knobs.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent: Aaron James, 321-693-4291
List Price: $4,375,000
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | October 27, 2016 47
an in-laid mosaic picture over the and the same imported cut coral ocean, its height and the narrowness turtle-friendly lights in the back of
stove. The kitchen delights the eye, tile found in the pool area. The pa- of this part of the island also pro- the house), a remote-controlled gate,
and its design guarantees deft food tio practically shouts out its desire vides a view of the river. (For those outside shower, fenced dog run, and
preparation for everyday living and to host a party – and what a party it put off by a spiral staircase, there is a cedar pergola with benches and a
social gatherings. would be; the patio could easily hold good news – the house has an eleva- carved table. Situated mid-backyard
200 guests, all of whom who would tor, complete with a telephone.) is a large tiled patio, charmingly out-
The well-planned design and per- enjoy a breathtaking view of the At- fitted with a table and chairs for ca-
fectly executed decorating choices lantic Ocean, with its warm breezes The third floor has many potential sual dining. It will be hard to resist
make the second floor an exception- and rumbling surf. uses – family room, game room, romp- spending the occasional hour relax-
al living experience, and we haven’t ing room for young visitors – or sim- ing in the sturdy, colorful hammock
yet talked about what may be the A spiraling wood staircase takes ply a place to indulge in some private strung between two palm trees.
home’s most stunning feature – the you to the third floor, an expansive time. The bedroom and half-bath add
3,300-square-foot patio, accessible space with a mini-kitchen (refrigera- to the space’s flexibility, and the size- Offered by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
from multiple second-floor rooms, tor and microwave), a fireplace and able off-to-the-side storage room can International Realty for $4,375,000, this
which spans the length of the house. a delightful gingerbread-trimmed hold all manner of household items. unique home provides a turnkey oppor-
It’s a magical space, with a summer balcony with cedar-lined window tunity paired with luxury and exquisite
kitchen, square-paneled columns seats; while this balcony faces the Outside, there is exceptional land- detail – a rare combination indeed.
scaping, plentiful lighting (including