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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2019-04-26 23:17:06

04/12/2019 ISSUE 15


April 12, 2019 | Volume 6, Issue 15 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit


MY TAKE Irate ex-mayor
charged in gun
BY RAY MCNULTY incident at home

Teachers are bailing out
of our local schools. Why?

More than 500 teachers have left EDITORIAL By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
our local schools during the past [email protected]
four years, and 63 percent of them The winner of the naming contest is ... Centennial Place
resigned, choosing to work in an- Police say former Vero Beach
other community or another field. Three months ago, in our come up with a classy, mean- point for the city’s future. mayor Craig Fletcher crossed a line
That includes 86 who headed for New Year’s issue, we launched ingful name for the combined Our secondary objective was in his words and behavior when
the exit so far during the current the “Name That 35 acres of property at the in- he answered the front door of his
fiscal year, which runs until the end Property Contest” soliciting tersection of Indian River Bou- to head off the Press Journal’s home brandishing a loaded gun
of June. reader input on a name for the levard and 17th Street, which insistence on referring to the amid a dispute with his neighbor’s
lagoon-front property owned has the potential – once the property as “Three Corners” – landscapers, but attorney Andrew
Those are alarming numbers, by the city at the west end of the old electric plant and waste- a name that is arguably even Metcalf said the allegations paint
when you consider that the ram- Alma Lee Loy Bridge. water utility are gone – to be- more stupid than the idiotic so- a picture vastly different from the
pant and ongoing turnover of come an incredible new focal briquet “Twin Pairs.” Fletcher many long-time Vero res-
teachers disrupts the education- Our goal was to help Vero idents know.
al process – especially when they CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
leave during the academic year Fletcher, 77, a retired aerospace
– and puts students at a learning engineer and Vero native, was ar-
disadvantage. rested on March 29 by the Vero
Beach Police Department, charged
The hard truth here is that with felony aggravated assault and,
teachers who leave usually are re- as a condition of being released
placed by teachers with less class- from the Indian River County Jail
room experience, if any at all, or by on $2,500 bond on March 30, he
temporary substitutes who lack the was ordered to have no contact
necessary expertise. with the alleged victim, Soterios
Liz Cannon, head of the local
teachers union, said more than 200 “We will be entering a plea of not
of the district’s 1,100-plus teachers guilty and waiving arraignment,
are in their first year in the class- and I will be giving Mr. Fletcher
the best possible defense,” Met-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 calf said. “As a lifelong resident of
Vero Beach, I am well aware of his
these allegations are certainly not
NEWS 1-5 PETS 10 By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer in character with his life of service,
DINING B7 and that should not be forgotten.”
CALENDAR B16 How did the situation escalate,
REAL ESTATE 11 The second murder trial of Henry Lee Jones got off so that Bouchlas ended up on
B1 to a slow start this week when Chief Assistant State Fletcher’s doorstep with a gun al-
ARTS Attorney Thomas Bakkendahl and Assistant Public legedly pointed at him?
Defender Dorothy Naumann, who is representing
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Jones, spent the opening morning going over jury According to the arrest affidavit,
For circulation or where to pick up questionnaires while potential jurors waited outside two workers from the Vero-based
your issue call: 772-226-7925 the courtroom. landscaping company Bouchlas
manages, Christo’s Landscape
The questionnaires were prominent because they Defendant Henry Lee Jones, right, in court. PHOTO: KAILA JONES Solutions, were trimming trees
contained questions about racial bias – Jones is black at the house of Craig and Arlene
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. and the man he is alleged to have murdered was Fletcher’s next-door neighbor in
white – and Jones’ first conviction for murder was
overturned because the judge did not allow his law- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4


2 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE likely to continue,” Cannon said. “A lot of 18, down from 10.3 years in 2016-17 and 11.3 expected – and whether to launch a search
teachers get to a point where they decide years in 2015-16, making us rank 50th out of for a new superintendent.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 they don’t want to put up with it, anymore. Florida’s 67 counties in 2018 in average years
And with the economy doing well, they have of experience. As for the large number of faculty depar-
room. She doesn’t know how many will be options.” tures that occurred on his watch, Rendell
back for a second. By comparison, Brevard ranked 2nd best attributed the exodus to “some leadership
Apparently, there are better jobs out there in the state averaging 13.88 years and even issues in schools.”
The challenges of working in our public – jobs that offer a more pleasant and fulfill- St. Lucie ranked above us in 45th place.
schools, where teachers too often are disre- ing work environment; jobs that don’t send That’s all cause for concern, especially since In other words, he blamed the principals.
spected by students and not supported by them home feeling frustrated, intimidated the district ranked 13th in teacher pay during Rendell said he “made leadership changes
administrators, are taking a toll – so much so and insecure. the 2017-18 school year, when the average at those schools,” and the retention rates at
that, for many, the job has lost its appeal. salary here was $48,399, slightly above the those schools improved. But have they? The
According to Florida Department of Ed- state average of $48,168. numbers are still going the wrong way. 
Teachers throughout the county cite stu- ucation statistics, 523 teachers have left the
dent behavioral issues, pressure to produce Indian River County School District the past The relatively high salaries paid here RETRIAL IN MURDER CASE
better standardized-test scores and a general four school years, including 330 (63 percent) makes it harder to explain why teachers are
absence of appreciation from a school dis- that chose to resign. The others either re- leaving in droves. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
trict office that operates under a deflating, tired, were terminated or didn’t have their
you’re-lucky-to-work-here management annual contracts renewed. But in this district, the job of teaching has yer to ask potential jurors if they had racially
philosophy prevalent since Superintendent become thankless – and that’s the superin- prejudiced views.
Mark Rendell’s arrival in July 2015. Of the 330 who’ve resigned, 135 did so tendent’s fault, because he’s the CEO, he sets
during the actual school year. Teachers’ mid- the tone and it’s his job to make the county’s When 75 potential jurors were finally ad-
Longtime teachers say more than a few year resignations, in fact, jumped 15 percent schools a desirable place to work. mitted to the courtroom for selection, 38 of
of their younger, new-to-the-classroom col- from 25 in 2016-17 to 40 in 2017-18. them told Circuit Judge Dan Vaughn they
leagues have become disillusioned with their He’s failing. had biases that made them incapable of
career choice, because they find themselves “It’s really difficult to get full-time teachers And it’s no coincidence that teachers ar- rendering an impartial verdict, or else knew
spending their days dealing with discipline mid-year,” Cannon said, “so those positions en’t the only ones heading for the exits. Three a witness in the case.
problems and “teaching to the tests,” instead are often filled with long-term substitutes.” assistant superintendents (Bruce Green,
of teaching the lessons students need to suc- Amy Purcell and Carter Morrison) resigned Thirteen of those 38 were quickly dis-
ceed in school and life. Eighty-six teachers have left the district in a 5 ½-month span during the second half missed. The opposing attorneys then spent
since July 1, the beginning of the 2018-19 of last year. the afternoon continuing to question some
And if a teacher dares question school fiscal year, including 59 who resigned and 37 And School Board Chairman Laura Zorc of the remaining potential jurors.
district policy? “You can’t,” one longtime who’ve quit since classes began in August – said she has heard from other unhappy ad-
high school teacher said, speaking on the and more departures are expected between ministrators and staffers who’ve told her “We’re going to ask the 22 people that said
condition of anonymity because she feared now and June 30, the end of the fiscal year. they’re teetering, waiting to see if the super- they know people [involved in the case] to
retribution. “Most teachers are on one-year intendent keeps his job. stay for additional questioning,” Bakkend-
contracts, so next year isn’t guaranteed. They As a result of so many departures during As of Monday, Rendell’s future with the ahl said during a brief afternoon court re-
can find a way to not renew you.” All this for Rendell’s reign, we’re seeing a disturbing district remained in doubt. The board was cess. “We’ll ask Judge Vaughn to dismiss the
an average yearly salary of $48,000. trend: More of our teachers have less class- scheduled to meet Tuesday to resume its dis- other jurors for the rest of the day.”
room experience. DOE statistics show that cussions about Rendell’s fate – no vote was
“We’ve had a lot of turnover, and that’s teachers working in the county’s schools av- Jury selection in the case was scheduled
eraged only 9.9 years of experience in 2017-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 12, 2019 3

to conclude on Wednesday, but could last CENTENNIAL PLACE Well, the site is NOT known as Three al year – to preserve the best of Vero’s first
longer if attorneys need to request more po- Corners, and we are determined that it not century while striving to make Vero Beach
tential jurors, said Assistant State Attorney CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 become known as Three Corners. an even better place to live.
Stephen Gosnell. Opening arguments were
tentatively scheduled to begin on Thursday. During January and February, some 90 But we also recognize that something – The name “Centennial Place” was first
local residents responded with emails to no matter how bad – generally beats noth- submitted to our contest email box by Ann
The proceedings began in circumstanc- [email protected], suggesting several ing. So in the absence of Council action, Linn, who discovered Vero in 1972 and has
es unfavorable to Jones after Judge Vaughn hundred possible names. we are going to pick a name and begin been a fulltime resident of The Moorings
last week dismissed two motions by Jones’ referring to the location by that name as since 2009.
attorney to exclude potentially damaging Several recurring threads ran through the City Council sets about determining
evidence from the trial. the nominations we received. uses for this area that will make all of Vero “It’s a dream come true to actually live
Beach proud. here,” she said when we informed her that
Jones is accused of killing Brian Simp- One was that despite the fact that the she was the winner of our $1,000 prize.
son during a 2011 burglary at the Central state officially renamed the 17th Street Much as we like the idea of further hon-
Beach resident’s home. He was convicted of Bridge – which runs east from this site – oring Alma Lee Loy, our pick of a name for Centennial Place. Kind of has a nice ring
first-degree murder in 2014 and received a the Alma Lee Loy Bridge after Vero’s first this location is “Centennial Place.” to it. We hope the community will agree
life sentence. According to testimony at his lady, most everyone still calls it the 17th with Ann Linn and join us – and Mayor
first trial, Jones shot Simpson after he and Street Bridge. This name, in our view, speaks to the Zudans – in referring to the site by that
an associate got caught inside Simpson’s common desire – in this, Vero’s centenni- name. 
Fiddlewood Road house. The leading suggestion we received was
that Vero honor Alma Lee Loy by naming
But Jones, now 30, was granted a second this special area at the foot of the bridge
trial in 2017 after the fourth District Court of Alma Lee Loy Place.
Appeals overturned his conviction.
A second thread focused on Vero’s cen-
This time the court allowed Jones to in- tennial. A number of readers suggested
clude eight race-related questions in a ques- that this area be named Centennial Place.
tionnaire that was mailed to potential jurors
in advance. The questions are worded in a Another recurring thread focused on
way that seeks to find out if a juror might the number of manatees attracted to this
be prejudiced towards African-Americans. spot in the winter. Twelve different varia-
The initial jury pool of 75 people included tions of names including “manatee” were
only seven African-Americans, two of whom submitted, with the most frequent nomi-
asked to be dismissed because they knew nees being Manatee Station and Manatee
witnesses in the case. Square.

Jones, who served as his own attorney for So a month ago, we submitted these
most of 2018, will face a difficult challenge three names to the City Council and asked
during his new trial. In a pretrial motion filed it to make an official choice.
last year – intended to show that the killing
of Simpson was not premeditated and thus The Council, however, decided that vot-
could not be first-degree murder – Jones ing on a name was premature.
stated: “When the victim returned home, the
defendants attempted to retreat through the Mayor Val Zudans subsequently ex-
bathroom window. The victim initiated the pressed his hope that a “thorough com-
attack which prevented the defendants from munity engagement and visioning pro-
leaving. This led to the victim’s death.” cess” for the site would begin before the
snowbirds leave, and said, “I think the
This misstep – which came close to an naming contest is great and incorporating
admission of guilt – was one of several Jones it into the visioning process will make it
made during an eight-month period in 2018 even better.”
when he insisted on representing himself,
and it could provide state attorneys with a Fair enough. But the Council this past
golden opportunity to use Jones’ own words week voted down a proposal to hire a con-
against him during trial. sultant to help plot the future of the site.
With snowbirds soon heading north, it
Vaughn last week denied a request by Nau- seems increasingly likely any visioning
mann to wipe Jones’ self-incriminating state- process is going to move very, very slowly.
ment from court records and keep it from
being entered as evidence during trial.  Meanwhile, in stories again this past
week, the Press Journal proclaimed the
parcel “the site known as The Three Cor-

4 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

IRATE FORMER MAYOR a revolver. Bouchlas claims Fletcher shouted holding and pointing the revolver, but when meetings – into his home and showed Har-
expletives at him and threatened to shoot interviewed by police on the scene, both relson the handgun, a Colt Python Revolver
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 him while he pointed “a black old style cow- Craig and Arlene Fletcher denied that Craig which was loaded and in plain view on the
boy revolver with a small barrel opening” at threatened to harm Bouchlas. bed in the bedroom.
Vero’s McAnsh Park neighborhood. Accord- the victim’s chest for three seconds while he
ing to the court documents, Fletcher had was standing about 5 feet away. “Fletcher stated that he didn’t do anything Both Craig and Arlene Fletcher made
come outside and yelled at the workers, who wrong. Fletcher also stated that there is noth- statements to Harrelson explaining how the
he accused of damaging or removing vegeta- The combination of Fletcher’s words and ing wrong with having a gun in your own incident unfolded, according to a supple-
tion that was on his property. actions sent the man sprinting back down home,” the report states. “Fletcher said that mental report on file with the Vero Police
the driveway in fear for his life and police he never said he was going to kill Bouchlas, Department.
The workers called Bouchlas and his busi- were called at 12:28 p.m. or point the gun at his chest. Fletcher said
ness partner, Gregory Christo, to the job site the workers should have stayed off his prop- In that report, Harrelson wrote, “He
to handle the situation. Bouchlas apparent- According to the police report, Christos erty.” (Fletcher) was visibly shaken and was ex-
ly parked, approached the Fletcher home did not see the incident occur, but only saw tremely agitated. His skin was flushed and
wearing a shirt with the company logo, Bouchlas running back to the truck, and as Fletcher voluntarily allowed the first of- he appeared to be very angry by his tone and
opened the screen door and knocked on the Christo was backing his truck away, he saw ficer on the scene, Vero Beach Police Lieu- volume. I asked him what was going on and
front door four times. Fletcher walk out into the driveway. tenant Matt Harrelson – who Fletcher knew he began to yell towards me about people
personally from Harrelson working the secu- ‘cutting down his orchids’ and that ‘they had
Police say Fletcher came to the door with Both Craig and Arlene Fletcher acknowl- rity detail at many Vero Beach City Council no right to be on his property’ and that ‘they
edged a verbal altercation and that Craig was were not following the city ordinance that he
helped write.”

But apparently the issue over the prop-
erty line and the orchids didn’t just pop up
that day. Christo told Harrelson this was not
the first time Fletcher complained about his
workers – that the problem began in 2018
after they’d trimmed trees at the same home
next to Fletcher’s house for the parents of
their client, Ted Twitchell.

“He (Christo) explained that they had
done this once before last year and that he
learned from Ted Twitchell that the Fletcher’s
were very upset at the work they had done
because they felt like his company had in-
fringed on their property,” Harrelson wrote
in his report.

Arlene Fletcher, also described as be-
ing upset, told police, “Craig did nothing
wrong!” She told police there had been
“Mexicans in their yard and (they) had stolen
their orchids!” according to the supplemen-
tal report. She told police that she and her
husband were startled by the banging on the
door and that they could not see any vehicles
from inside the home, so they did not know
who was banging on the door.

Police asked Arlene Fletcher to show them
the orchids in question and examined the
area where the landscapers were working.
Corporal Darrell Rivers took photos of the
trees and the orchids, but the report states
there was not any clear evidence that the
orchids had been destroyed or trampled on,
as alleged by the Fletchers. Four additional
Vero Police officers showed up within min-
utes and secured the handgun as evidence.
After becoming argumentative, saying he’d
done nothing wrong, and initially refusing to
go to with police for questioning, according
to records, Craig Fletcher went with officers
voluntarily to the station.

Once he was read his Miranda rights and
knew he was under arrest around 2:23 p.m.,
Fletcher made no further comments to po-
lice, records say. He was booked into the jail
at 5:06 p.m. on felony aggravated assault
charges. When Fletcher’s daughter showed
up at his house, Harrelson reported he told
her that her father was at the police station.
“I advised her that based on what I observed,
that I was concerned with her Father’s state
of mind and why he would react to a knock
on the door with threatening a subject he
didn’t even know by pointing a firearm at
him,” the supplemental report states. 

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6 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Secret to a healthier, longer life can be in the bag

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer counter supplements you are taking.
[email protected] Most of us grew up thinking prescrip-

Looking for something quick and easy tion medications are our friends.
you can do to live longer, healthier and “They reduce aches and pains, fight
infections and help control problems
Dr. Brenda Field at Barefoot Bay Inter- such as high blood pressure or diabetes,”
nal Medicine and the Steward Medical says the U.S. National Library of Med-
Group has a suggestion: Get yourself a icine, but it then goes on to add those
clear, quart-sized plastic bag. same medications can cause problems
in the form of adverse drug reactions
What does a plastic bag have to do (or ADRs), which can be debilitating and
with living a longer, healthier life? even lethal.

It’s all about keeping track of all the Adverse reactions can be caused by
medications, vitamins and over-the-

Dr. Brenda Field.


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH April 12, 2019 7

the drug itself, the combination of one Field says she does have a few patients Age doesn’t determine how
drug or supplement with another, or the who keep relatively good lists, some ‘young’ or healthy you are
length of time a drug has been taken. providing Excel spreadsheets. But even
those higher-tech lists need to be updat- By Gabriella Boston to other people with the same number of
It’s not unusual, according to Field, for ed regularly and many patients tend to The Washington Post annual growth rings.
some patients to have been taking the put that off. “Things get crossed out or
same medications for decades without added in,” Field notes, often without in- “You look young for your age.” Aside “It’s not all that helpful to talk about
thinking much about it, but our bodies – cluding the dates, dosages or the name of from being flattering, the sentence also chronological age,” says Laurie Arch-
and how they metabolize those medica- the prescribing physician. highlights the fact that we can inhabit two bald-Pannone, a physician who specializ-
tions – do change as the years go by. ages at once: chronological age and bio- es in geriatrics at the University of Virginia
In Field’s eyes, the first thing to try logical age. Chronological age dictates the Health System. “It doesn’t tell us how resil-
“The way we handle medications to establish is what her patients have number of birthday candles we blow out ient the body is.”
changes as we get older,” Fields says. actually been taking. Not just what’s on every year, while biological age is a mea-
“The way we break them down changes. their list. sure of our physiological state compared To put it another way: Chronological age
The way we would break down and me-
tabolize medications when we’re young- Bringing in the bottles helps Field do CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
er versus older is different.” her job. And that includes those over-
the-counter products.
That’s where the clear plastic bag
comes into play. “A lot of people don’t include supple-
ments, and that’s pretty important,”
Field’s advice is to “bring all the pill Field says. “One of the biggest issues re-
bottles in” with you on your next visit to cently is cannabidiol or CBD oil [which
your doctor. “We are actually very hap- is extracted from the flowers and buds of
py when patients come in with all their marijuana or hemp plants] and is avail-
medications and supplements. That is able from your local health-food store.”
our best chance of trying to really figure
out what they’re taking. “I don’t have any particular philo-
sophic issue with people using CBD oil,”
“It just makes sense to do a regular Field explains, “but because of the way
re-analysis and see if there’s still a good it’s being promoted, people have a feel-
reason for taking everything you’re ing that it’s always OK.
“They’re kind of shocked when I tell
“Are the meds the right dose for your them, ‘No. It can actually affect the me-
situation now? tabolism of your regular drugs.’

“Are you seeing interactions that may- “If you want to try CBD oil, we can talk
be you didn’t see before?” about that. I’m not going to tell you, ‘Oh
God, no’ but I need to know if you’re us-
The contents of that Ziploc bag gives ing it because it potentially affects your
Field the information she needs to spot cholesterol medications” and other pre-
a potential dosage or adverse interaction scription drugs.
problem before it becomes something
truly serious – including a doctor’s name As the National Institutes of Health says,
and dosage instructions in the case of with more patients taking more drugs and
prescription pill bottles. more supplements, the risk of adverse drug
reactions is rapidly increasing.
A list of medications and supplements
could also be fine, this primary care phy- So, for the price of a clear plastic bag,
sician admits – and easier to carry into you can ask your primary care physician
the office – but only if it accurate and to review all the prescription drugs and
comprehensive. supplements you’re currently taking
and ask his or her advice about whether
“What makes me nervous is when I ask there’s a potential problem that might
people for a medication list and they pull stand in the way of that longer, healthier
out a piece of paper from their wallet or and happier life.
their bag that’s been folded into a square
this big,” Field says, using her hands to Dr. Brenda Field is at Barefoot Bay In-
show a 1-to-2-inch square. ternal Medicine at 8000 Ron Beatty Blvd.,
Suite A-3 in Barefoot Bay. The phone num-
Those lists, she adds, have “obviously ber is 772-664-1388. 
been in their wallet for 15 years so I do
not have a lot of confidence in that kind
of [medication] list.”

8 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Eyleen O’Rourke, a professor of biol-
ogy and cell biology at the University of
has very little to do with our actual Virginia, agrees. “Lifestyle matters a lot
physical well-being. for aging,” O’Rourke says. “DNA dam-
age caused by things like smoking and
For example, a 50-year-old metabolic syndrome accelerate what we
smoker can have the lung ca- think of as age-related illnesses,” she
pacity of an 80-year-old, says says. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster
Todd Miller, associate profes- of conditions such as high blood sugar,
sor in exercise and nutrition high blood pressure and extra body fat
sciences at George Washing- around the stomach. It is known to in-
ton University. “In other words, crease risk for conditions such as stroke,
the 50-year-old smoker has the diabetes, heart disease and cancer –
‘lung age’ of an 80-year-old,” though the mechanism is not yet under-
Miller says. stood. Although we might not know why
metabolic syndrome is associated with
But it’s not just active misuse of higher rates of cancer, “we do know that
the body – such as smoking – that ages excess fat reduces the natural rejuvena-
us beyond our chronological age. It’s also, tion of cells,” O’Rourke says.
perhaps even more commonly, inactivity,
says Miller, whose lab measures health And there is the crux. The ability of cells
and performance-related markers such as to rejuvenate, to respond to damage, is
bone density, body composition and max what keeps us “young.” Good genes help,
oxygen uptake. but good habits help more. “Your genome
isn’t determinative. It doesn’t have strong
“Many of the things that we consider predictive power by itself,” O’Rourke says.
age-related changes are more related to “Everything is context. And there is hope
activity or inactivity as opposed to age,” for everyone.”
Miller says. For example, “weight gain is
not obligatory with age.” The earlier we start the better. Bone
growth is at its prime in childhood and
If age holds only so much of our fate adolescence; and people who train and
in its grip, that gives us more reason to eat healthily throughout their lives will
incorporate healthy habits into our rou- be stronger at age 70 or 80 than those who
tines. Although age-related changes are take up the healthy habits later.
inevitable, they “can be mitigated by
sleep, exercise, nutrition and stress re- That said, it’s never too late to start,
duction,” Miller says. Miller says. “Muscle responds at any age.
You can get positive results even if you
Exactly how much can be mitigated start lifting weights at age 80.” 
body-wide, he says, is unclear. But in terms
of specific markers – such as lung capaci-
ty – our habits (healthy or not) can change
our biological age by several decades.

And just to be clear, biological age is
as much about feel and function as it is
about looks. “How we function on a daily
basis is what matters the most,” says Arch-
bald-Pannone, referring to her chronolog-
ically aging patient population.

Elizabeth Brooks, a Washington, D.C.-
based personal trainer, says her wellness
regime (good rest, nutrition, community,
fitness) makes her feel much younger than
her 51 years. Many people assume it’s in
her genes to look young and be in shape,
but Brooks was once overweight, some-
thing that runs in her family. “It’s that con-
cept of nature and nurture,” she says. “The
majority of who we are is nurture.”

10 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Adorable Miss Little Bit goes over big with Bonzo

vet before we went to the makin’-biscuits thing kittens do,

Hi Dog Buddies! Rescue place, and most an I’d nibble their tummies. They

I’ve really gotta cut down on the bread! of us, including me, were were SO soft. There’s also this
Oops, did I say that out loud? Sorry. It’s
just that I’ve been innerviewing a lotta real totally shaved. It’s amazin’ neighbor cat, Peyton. We mostly
small pooches (anna cat) recently, which
made me realize I might possibly have put she even looked twice, cuz, just say hi.”
on a liddle around the middle.
Anyway, this week’s teeny liddle inter- without my coat – which “Cool Kibbles,” I said. “So, any
viewee is Little Bit Powers, who weighs in
at a whopping 3.6 pounds. She says she had been all ukky an mat- favrite foods?”
hasta get weighed with her Mom, Tracey,
cuz when she’s on the scale by herself, it ted – I probly looked like a “I know I don’t look like it since
doesn’t even register.
Little Bit is a white Maltese, very pretty, rat. I’m so small, but I’m a Total Foodie.”
delicate and femi-nun. She approached for
the Wag-and-Sniff, and said, in a soft liddle “Anyway, Mommy’s al- “No, Woof!” I exclaimed.
voice, “It’s Super Cool Dog Biscuits seeing
you again, Mr. Bonzo.” ways helpin’ Animals Less “You’re right. I wouldn’t have
“Ummm …” I stammered, like an Utter Dork.
Little Bit gave a liddle laugh. “Oh, of Fortunate, so she agreed guessed.”
course you don’t remember me. There
were so many dogs. It was last summer at to foster me till I could “It’s kinda i-RON-ick, too, Mr.
that Surf Dogs competition at Pepper Park
Beach. Me an Mommy an some others find a Forever Home. She Bonzo. See, cuz we didn’t get any
were Waldo’s Leverette’s cheering section.”
I rallied. “OH! RIGHT! I remember now! had some other fosters, healthcare at the Puppy Mill, I
That was some excitin’ day! It’s Super Cool
Dog Biscuits seein’ you again, too, Miss Lit- too, which was nice. I didn’t hadda have all my teeth out after
tle Bit! So now I’m gonna write about YOU!”
Little Bit curled up in her comftub- know how to play (still don’t) we got rescued. But I still have
ble-lookin’ daybed and began her story.
“I like to say I found my Forever Home since I’d been inna cage my my Appa-tite. An it’s Big Dog
cuz my Mommy was a Foster Failure. It all
began up near Chicago. I was in a big bun- whole life. But I did make PHOTO: KAILA JONES Little Bit Size. I’m ALWAYS ready to eat. I
cha dogs who were rescued from a Puppy frens with Max, he was a know ZACK-ly when mealtimes
Mill. I was s’pose to have lotsa puppies but gentle Otter Hound. They’re are. 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. an 5:30
I only had one, so they were gonna throw
me away, even though I was only 3. But, rare. He sorta became my p.m. On the Kibble! If Mommy
instead, we all got rescued. We got put in
liddle cages, stacked inna big van, an taken Big Brother. We’d snuggle is late – like 8:31 a.m., for exam-
to Illinois Animal Rescue.
“As it happened, my future Mommy up together and go to sleep. Evenshully puppy an ALWAYS wants to play. I don’t ple – I rush over an do my liddle remind-
was workin’ there at the same time, Thank
Lassie! She was helpin’ unload the van an he an the others got adopted. But Mommy wanna hurt her feelings, but I’m SO liddle er Bouncy Dance. Mommy says I look like
spotted me. We had all been checked by a
decided to adopt me herself. I was SO hap- and she’s SO bouncy. one of those big white dancing horses –

py. I missed Max, but I knew he got a good “I usta hang out with Dewey an his hu- Lippy-somethings – except smaller.”

Forever Home. Now I snuggle up and go to man, Miss Lynn, she’s Mommy’s fren. But “But, isn’t it hard for your Mom to find

sleep with Mommy. Dewey went to Dog Heaven and we were yummy food you can eat with no teeth?” I

“First thing she did was give me a new Very Sad. Miss Lynn kept his comfy bed to wondered.

name. I don’t remember havin’ a Puppy remember him by an now, when I’m stayin’ “You’d think. But my Mommy is wun-

Mill name, but the Rescue humans called with her, I curl up in it. It’s comforting cuz nerful! She put me on a raw diet, grain-

me Pinky cuz my skin was all pink, before it still smells like Dewey.” and gloo-tun-free. An it’s ackshully duh-li-

my nice white coat grew back. I like Little I wiped my nose with my paw. shush. I get frozen, grass-fed, mooshed-up

Bit much better, don’t you?” “Didja ever come across a cat?” raw beef, lamm or chiggen. Sometimes

“It’s perfect for you, Miss Little Bit,” “One time,” Little Bit replied. “We fos- even surf an turf. It’s made by two hu-

I agreed. “So what’s life been like since tered four kittens from a Women’s Prison. mans: Stella an Chewy. An mooshed-up

then?” That’s where human ladies hafta go if they sweet potato or carrot or punkin seeds for

“Wonderful! Even though I still don’t do bad stuff. The ladies haff to stay, but the a snack – organic, of course.”

ackshully play, I have a coupla nice leash- kittens didn’t haff to. They’d do that rubby, “Of course,” I murmured.

walk acquaintances. ’Specially Miles, he’s a Heading home, I was thinkin’ about Miss

Bolonka. From Russia. Which is wa-ay over DON’T BE SHY Little Bit. Even though she doesn’t know
that way.” (She pointed out the window.) how to play an doesn’t have any teeth, she’s

“I’m pretty sure he wants to be my boyfren, We are always looking for pets a totally sweet, happy poocheroo. There’s a
but I guess I’m just an independent kinda with interesting stories. lesson in there somewhere.
girl, you know?”
To set up an interview, email The Bonz
I didn’t, but I nodded. [email protected].
“Then there’s Cricket, she’s like you, an

English Springer Span-yull. But she’s still a

GHO moving into final phase
at 82-unit Segovia Lake



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12 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

GHO moving into final phase at 82-unit Segovia Lake

By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer GHO Homes expects to be sold out in Two of the models GHO features in Sego- Homebuyers in Segovia Lake or any of
[email protected] Segovia Lake by 2020 with construction via are award-winners, having garnered GHO’s other communities can sit down
wrapping up by 2021. the Parade of Homes Platinum award for with GHO home designers to customize
Starting back in the early days of the their category. The Avila and the Camino just about every detail of their home.
real estate recovery, GHO Homes presi- If you buy one of the remaining lots were awarded in consecutive years.
dent Bill Handler began buying up lots next weekend, it will take about 10 The company considers special requests
in stalled subdivisions along with entire months to get your new house, accord- “They’re beautiful homes,” said Han- – such as a parrot room one homebuyer
subdivisions that were planned during ing to GHO. For those who want to move dler. “Since the opening of the community, wanted. So long as it can be permitted, it
the building boom but faltered in the re- in more quickly, there are inventory and we have won every major award in our cat- can be done.
cession, cutting his building costs by get- model homes ready to go. egory for the models in Segovia from the
ting land at bargain rates. GHO doesn’t build age-restricted com-
“All our spec homes are appointed Treasure Coast Builders Association and
GHO continues a version of that suc- with [finishes and features] chosen by the Choice Awards.” PHOTOS BY KAILA JONES
cessful strategy today, preparing to build our design studio professionals,” the
in Bella Vista, at the northwest corner of company said. Homes in Segovia Lake feature standard munities but the different types of com-
the Indian River Mall property, and at the quartz or granite countertops; standard munities – the house and lot sizes, the
long-delayed Michael Creek development GHO offers three models in Segovia spray foam insulation; and a number of price points – do attract certain types of
on the island, which has been renamed Lake – Avila, Camino and Seville – with other standard items many builders would buyers. At Segovia Lake, the homes ap-
Orchid Cove. starting prices from $277,990 to $306,990. consider optional. pear to be enticing buyers approaching
Homes range in size from 1,885 square the empty-nest stage of life – those who
At the same time, the company is mov- feet to 2,098 square feet and come with “We work to include features other build- are better served with two- or three-bed-
ing into the final phase at Segovia Lake, two or three bedrooms and two or two- ers call options, and offer options to cus- room homes.
another prominent project that has been a and-a half baths. tomize the house to make it a home with our
big success for the company. interactive floorplan options,” Handler said. “Each community is unique to its own,”
Handler said.
GHO bought the 31-acre subdivision
site near the intersection of 58th Avenue Along with Segovia, GHO is building or
and Route 60 from a bank for $3.5 million
in 2016, acquiring the existing infrastruc-
ture and 82 lots.

Construction got underway in early
2017 and sales began in January 2018. Just
a year later, the clubhouse is complete and
only 19 lots remain for sale, according to
the company’s website, along with a dozen
or so inventory and model homes.

The award-winning subdivision is lo-
cated where 16th Street dead-ends into
58th Avenue, a stone’s throw from Indi-
an River Charter High School and Indian
River State College and only a minute or
two away from the mall, close to scores
of restaurants and shops. “It’s right in the
middle of everything,” Handler said, but
still secluded within its own gated con-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 12, 2019 13

preparing to build in more than 20 other River County. We are busy making sure thing from card games to watching the
subdivisions in Indian River County, ac- that we constantly are planning ahead big game on TV. There is no additional
cording to the company’s website. Handler for new projects to fill the needs of the fee to make use of the amenities; the ba-
said GHO sold 300 homes in 2018. future buyers.” sic HOA fee covers it.

“Our goal is to build value in homes Segovia Lake boasts a brand new club- The sales center is located at 1505 Segovia
and continue to be a value to the com- house complete with covered cabanas Circle. It is open daily, Monday through Sat-
munity,” Handler said. “We plan to have and a pool, a fitness center and a social urday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday noon
a constant, consistent presence in Indian room that is well-appointed for every- to 5 p.m. 

Outgrown Your Home?

Laura Petersen, CDPE Serving Indian River County and Brevard County Jan Malcolm, GRI, CRS
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Re/Max Hall of Fame

Lush Location in Vero Beach Community; CBS home built in 2006, shows like 2019! Quartz counters, terrific New Listing
cherry wood kitchen 42” cabinets, under mount sink + stainless appliances 2018. Stone molded fireplace adds to WATCH the sunrise as you sip your morning coffee
from this fully 2/2 furnished lakefront condo in Re-
ambiance of entertaining in the evening. 10’ windows, 12’ ceilings, 4 BR, 3 Baths, over 2300 sq ft. flections. Direct lakefront with a river view. Commu-
Many flowering tree & shrubs; knowledgeable Landscape Hobbyist. Ask for brochure. $335,000 nity offers a clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis, boat

dock and more. ONLY $199,000

Coming Soon Price Reduced New to market! Affordable condo 2 BR, 2 full baths.
WOW! Cute 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in fabulous Deck view is treetops from 2nd floor. Many upgrades:
location. Newly remodeled including new roof, AC FABULOUS NEW executive home in the upscale on-demand hot water, new bath sinks, beachy decor
and more. Vaulted ceilings, split bedrooms and a 2 car community of Cross Creek Lake Estates. Over 2200 sq ft
of living, lots of upgrades including granite, double con- throughout! Vacation, year round or investment!
garage. Priced at $189,900 vention wall oven AND a 3 car garage! Backs up to berm $93,000

for privacy. Builder warranty. Reduced to $389,900

Year round vacation here in well-cared for home: almost Custom block home built in 2003; popular Burgoon Reduced
3400 sq ft! The best waterfront location on the Bay! 2 Berger plan. 2017 outside AC unit, Built in grill in LONG LAKE VIEWS from this gorgeous home.
screened lanai. Oversized garage, updated septic. Quality construction throughout. This home offers 3
kitchens, 2 levels of Master Suites, NEW roof, NEW AC bedrooms, 3 full baths PLUS an office/den. Soaring
(2), Living room (2), Dining Room (2) and inground Needs a little love - great value! • $228,000 ceilings and split bedrooms and a 3 car garage. Full of
pool! Dock needs repair; ask for estimate. $799,500
warranties. Reduced to $449,900

April always brings last-minute northerners ready to make decisions and head “back home”! If you need more space, if you need less space, we can help you! We’ll help
you sell, assist with finding the next dream! Experienced agents proud of creative negotiation, unbeatable service, attention to detail, all in a basket of serious integrity.

14 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



April opened with a wildly active week on the mainland real estate front, with 39 transactions of
single-family residences and lots reported (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Sebastian, where the custom home at 45 River Oak Drive – origi-
nally listed in March for $515,000 – sold on April 4 for the asking price.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Ryan M. Norvig of North Beach Realty, Inc.
Representing the buyer was agent Becky M. Boncek of RE/MAX Crown Realty.


SEBASTIAN 45 RIVER OAK DR 3/11/2019 $515,000 4/4/2019 $375,973
VERO BEACH 4737 FOUR LAKES CIR 10/12/2018 $394,088 4/5/2019 $365,000
VERO BEACH 4400 12TH LN 2/19/2019 $379,000 4/2/2019 $345,000
VERO BEACH 6560 36TH PL 4/12/2018 $373,000 4/1/2019 $345,000
VERO BEACH 4780 SAINT ELIZABETH TER UNIT#S 3/18/2019 $374,800 4/1/2019 $330,000
VERO BEACH 160 32ND CT SW 1/29/2019 $339,000 4/5/2019 $330,000
SEBASTIAN 784 GOSSAMER WING WAY 3/11/2019 $339,000 4/4/2019 $326,000
VERO BEACH 4397 56TH LN 2/16/2019 $350,000 4/2/2019 $304,900
VERO BEACH 2655 HERON BAY LN SW 12/19/2018 $309,900 4/4/2019 $285,000
VERO BEACH 1380 CADDY CT 12/7/2018 $320,000 4/3/2019 $285,000
VERO BEACH 4645 61ST TER 1/2/2019 $334,900 4/5/2019 $280,000
VERO BEACH 3040 10TH PKWY 2/1/2019 $275,000 4/1/2019 $280,000
VERO BEACH 1296 CLASSIC CT 3/12/2019 $289,900 4/1/2019 $260,000
SEBASTIAN 13 SUNSET DR 2/1/2019 $269,000 4/3/2019

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 12, 2019 15


4737 Four Lakes Cir, Vero Beach 4400 12th Ln, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 10/12/2018 Listing Date: 2/19/2019
Original Price: $394,088 Original Price: $379,000
Sold: 4/5/2019 Sold: 4/2/2019
Selling Price: $375,973 Selling Price: $365,000
Listing Agent: Geof Hoge Listing Agent: Jeff Luther

Selling Agent: The GHO Homes Agency LLC Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise

Kathy Walsh Elizabeth Gardiner

Keller Williams Realty Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark

6560 36th Pl, Vero Beach 4780 Saint Elizabeth Ter Unit #S, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/12/2018 Listing Date: 3/18/2019
Original Price: $373,000 Original Price: $374,800
Sold: 4/1/2019 Sold: 4/1/2019
Selling Price: $345,000 Selling Price: $345,000
Listing Agent: Bill Lynch Listing Agent: Jan Malcolm

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty

Ken Bradley Jim Knapp

Florida HomeTown Realty Inc. Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

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All information (including, but not limited to prices, floor plans, site plans, features, standards and options, planned amenities) is not guaranteed and
remains subject to change. Maps are not to scale. Prices may not include lot premiums, upgrades, and options. Community Association or other fees may
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Manager for details and visit for additional disclaimers. © January 2019, Vitalia at Tradition, Inc. CBC 1254089. All rights reserved.


Coming Up!

HAPPY, SNAPPY Minakshi De’s captivating art Adam Schnell.
‘LEGALLY BLONDE’ reflects her life’s journey PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 OMG, you guys! Broadway’s
fabulous, sassy tribute to Girl
Power – “Legally Blonde, The Mu-
sical” – opens at Riverside Theatre
this coming Tuesday, April 16. Seri-
ously. It’s based on the hit film “Le-
gally Blonde,” and, says the River-
side promo, it follows effervescent
sorority girl Elle Woods as she faces
“stereotypes, sexism, snobbery and
scandal in pursuit of her dreams,”
and proves you can be legally
blonde and … wait for it ... “still the
smartest person in the room.” Elle’s
seemingly perfect life is upset when
her (jerk) boyfriend ditches her and
leaves to attend Harvard Law. To
get him back, Elle decides she’ll go
to Harvard Law, too, which literally
everyone thinks is beyond ridicu-
lous. But, as it turns out, everyone
is ... how shall we put it … “Wrong.”
Elle, with the support of her new,
true friends and her chihuahua,
Bruiser, realizes her potential and
“sets out to make everyone a believ-


B2 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Minakshi De’s captivating art reflects her life’s journey

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist pattern. For one thing, the mask’s 3-dimen-
[email protected] sional aspect insists on throwing a real shadow
onto the painted surface below it. For another,
Minakshi De is a figurative painter who the mask’s black eyeholes have a feeling of bot-
likes to challenge her audience as well as her- tomless depth that paint alone cannot achieve.
self with her work. A resident of the world, her Seen straight on, the mask almost blends into
subjects are often women as seen through the its surroundings, but viewed from an angle
lens of De’s Hindu upbringing in Bangladesh, of 45 degrees or more, the mask, as though
as well as the part of Bengali-speaking India of stretching the rigid material of its captivity,
which Bangladesh was a part before Partition. protrudes into the viewer’s space.
The United States, where she and husband
Niladri De have made their home in South “Captive” is from De’s series of the same
Florida since 2006, has also influenced her name, which also includes paintings. The se-
world view, and thus her artwork. ries began last year after a trip to the Indian
state of Rajasthan, where she visited historic
An example of Minakshi De’s work was Jaipur. There she toured the monuments of
recently seen in the New Dimensions com- that city’s royal past, including the Hawa Ma-
petitive sculpture exhibition at the Marsh hal, an 18th century palace where royal women
Island Clubhouse, sponsored by the Vero once lived in purdah, secluded from the eyes
Beach Art Club. of common men. In those days, some Hindus
as well as Muslims observed the custom.
De’s painted relief assemblage “Captive,”
comprised a vacant-eyed mask affixed to the An architectural marvel, the palace is not-
center of a stretched canvas. Around the mask ed for a five-story-high screen of intricately
De painted an arch complete with tromp l’oeil carved stone, punctuated by small windows
shadows to imply a shallow depth between it through which the women could see the out-
and the illusory “wall” behind it. In that space, side world without being seen by the public.
De painted an intricate geometric pattern
based on the Jali work (carved latticework) of “I decided I could use the rich architec-
India. The pattern continues uninterrupted tural motifs I saw in my art, but it made me
over the curves of the mask. sad to think that women were once protect-
ed to the point of being captives in their
The effect is such that the mask is simulta- homes,” says De.
neously part of the pattern and apart from the

Minakshi De.


Because she is known primarily for paint- in the categories of fiber, wood, glass, jewelry,
ings, it was a coup for De to be included in New mixed media, pottery, stone and metal. It was a
Dimensions, a juried sculpture exhibition.This national exhibition, where members of the Art
year’s show was specific to 3-dimensional art Club, like De, showed their work alongside that

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 12, 2019 B3

of sculptors from all over the U.S. “I wanted to take my painting to a different sult, however, whether in painting or sculp- Migration, 2016.
Prior to this year, the exhibition was level,” De says. ture, is a highly finished work of specific
content and detailed form. States, everywhere, the migrant is a huge
called Art on the Island and was open ex- Transforming painted surfaces into sculp- problem. It isn’t just about my life; it is a glob-
clusively to Art Club members. Sculptural tural ones was no match for De’s talent. She Her award-winning “Migration” contains al problem, because of religion or the shap-
categories included one called “2-D with attributes her affinity for working sculptural- not only a 3-dimensional aspect, but also a ing of new countries or whatever it is. If India
Pizazz,” a nod to Art Club painters who ly to the layers of technique she employs in symbolic theme about De’s life’s journey. had not welcomed us, we would have died in
wanted to try their hands at a 3-dimen- making a painting. East Pakistan.”
sional artwork. The category allowed them The main motif is a painting on canvas of
to augment paintings with 3-dimension- “I start by priming the canvas with ges- a leafing vine that grows and spirals seem- There is also an up-side to being an ant, De
al elements that would qualify them as so. Then I apply colors randomly. There are ingly without beginning or end. Both trompe reminds us.
wall-mounted sculptures in relief. no rules or regulations for this. I put all my l’oeil painted ants and glued-on ants – the
favorite colors on the canvas. Then I start plastic party-shop kind – crawl throughout The book in “Migration” stands for knowl-
It was the possibility of entering her own drawing. The shapes that I see emerging the painted maze, and on four of the eight edge, she says. It does not necessarily stand for
painted assemblage innovation that made De from the random areas of color suggest what small canvases affixed to the sides of the book learning, but for the instinctual knowl-
give Art on the Island a try in 2016. After her the painting will be about.” large painting. On a riser below the painting, edge of the ant – to band together and make
sculpture “Migration” won first place in “2-D a hinged, book-shaped box is painted to de- do with what you have.
with Pizazz,” she was firmly committed to en- One of the striking things about De’s ar- pict ants crawling up the book’s sides onto its
tering the sculpture show every year. tistic technique is her insistence that she cover, where several of the ants have found “Unity is our goal. Like the ant, who can
begin with no pre-conceived theme. Her re- the body of a palmetto bug (aka big cock- build mansions with the help of other ants,
roach) legs up, on which they feed. people need to learn that by working together,
regardless of political party or religion, we can
“I used the same process on this work as on achieve great things.” 
my 2-dimensional ones. I randomly painted
the canvases and book and let the patterns
emerge,” De explains.

But why ants?
“I compare myself to an ant, because in
my life I have made three migrations, to three
countries. Now I am 61. I use my experiences
of the countries where I and my family have
lived, both the good and the bad, to continue
my artistic journey.”
De refers to when she was 13 and had to
flee her home in what was then East Pakistan
during the war that changed the country from
a satellite state of Pakistan (created during
India’s 1947 Partition) to the democratic re-
public of Bangladesh. When the fighting drew
near to their home, De with her father, moth-
er and three siblings made a three-month trek
on foot to safety in India. They stayed with
relatives in Kolkata (Calcutta) and returned to
Bangladesh at war’s end.
War came again in 1981 with the assassi-
nation of the country’s president during an
attempted military coup. The city of Chit-
tagong, where in 1980 she had received her
Bachelor of Fine Arts at Chittagong Universi-
ty, came under heavy bombardment. But by
then she had returned to India where she met
and married her husband.
Reflecting on her 1971 ordeal as a refu-
gee she says, “When I was escaping to India,
I thought, ‘We are like the ants – we can be
stepped on and killed, and nobody cares.’”
She continues, “In India, in the United

B4 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Concrete artist’s creativity
‘Crystal’ clear from get-go

Crystal Ploszay.


By Kerry Firth | Correspondent signed up for art classes, she was fortunate to
[email protected] have as her teacher retired Navy Capt. Vining
Sherman, a world-traveled artist who gener-
Crystal Ploszay’s path to acclaim as an ex- ously volunteered his time as a mentor.
pert in concrete artistry actually began at a
Youth Guidance summer camp she attend- Sherman took a liking to her and provid-
ed in Vero Beach at just 9 years old. Having ed her with six months of art classes, $500 in

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 12, 2019 B5

art supplies and, more importantly, a long- really make anything from anything.” ‘My clients may collaborate on the painting and final finish-
time friendship and apprenticeship. Ploszay Ploszay entered the world of concrete art- not necessarily ing touches of the massive mushrooms, pi-
says Sherman her how to view and perceive be looking for rate ship and wildlife designed by Cockram
an alternative reality; a perspective that ul- istry about a decade ago, quickly absorbing concrete, but they Scenario of Orlando, the contractor hired
timately engendered a journey as a working every bit of knowledge she could. She now just don’t know that for the project. The global firm has worked
artist with a career path that has been more works with more than 200 products and is concrete is their on theme parks around the world; locally
trial and error than lineal and clear. familiar with all of the specs on every one including Disney, Universal and Sea World.
of them. answer yet.’
“I loved every aspect of the creativity in “It’s an honor to work with such a re-
all forms of art” Ploszay explains. “I just “I consumed myself with studying work- – Crystal Ploszay nowned company,” says Ploszay. “I’m hum-
wasn’t sure how to approach it.” sheets and learning OSHA compliance guide- bled to be consulted.”
lines so whatever I installed would stand the “My job is to manipulate a feeling and
Ploszay attended Indian River Charter test of time,” says Ploszay. “Concrete can be create a vision of my client’s style. If some- At age 31, Ploszay is now a highly success-
School, obtaining a GED in 10th grade while used to make sculptures, countertops, show- one asks me to design a seascape floor, I ful entrepreneur. She is CEO and lead arti-
taking duel enrollment classes at Indian ers, waterfalls, furniture, flooring and even want to find out if they want it to feel serene san of Unmistakable Flooring and is making
River State College. trees. My clients may not necessarily be look- or bustling with life. Those are two very dif- a living with two thriving concrete compa-
ing for concrete, but they just don’t know that ferent images.” nies: Badass Floorscapes, which focuses on
“I briefly entertained the idea of study- concrete is their answer yet.” the emotional impact of a physical space,
ing nuclear science and eventually pursued That discovery process includes full consul- and Unicorn Epoxy, which puts a more tra-
an education in business, but it didn’t take She has been involved with more than tations, personal style worksheets, and even ditional spin on artistic flooring.
me long to figure out that I much preferred 400 unique installation projects and consis- asking clients for a list of adjectives to describe
making things with my hands,” she says. “So, tently creates stunning, functional works of what they hope the overall feel will be. She has been featured in publications,
I took classes at the Vero Beach Museum of art that can express an individual’s person- podcasts and radio shows around the na-
Art in welding, painting and sculpting. I can ality, passion and emotion. Although concrete can be applied over tion and is a member of various trade orga-
an existing concrete slab, tile, wood or vinyl, nizations, including the International Dec-
Ploszay says the finished product is only a orative Artisans League and the Sherwin
good as the underlying base. Williams Advisory Board.

“We grind down tile and sand wood to Ploszay says she is committed to chang-
create a flat, adhesive surface. We then work ing the paradigm of the starving artist by
in layers, starting with the concrete base, uniting her skills in the concrete industry
painting, texturing and sealing. I work very with the arts world.
quickly, sometimes with two or three paint
brushes in each hand, so most flooring “Concrete is my vehicle to a career in art.
projects can be completed in about a week’s But I am working on a project which will
time. I use polymer acrylic concrete, so it unite artists under one roof and empower
should last 20 years so with proper care and them with education, support and the busi-
indefinitely if it’s inside and protected from ness savvy to obtain sustainable, lucrative
the elements.” and fulfilling work in the arts,” says Ploszay.

Her mastery of the craft has become so “In my opinion, the key to being a pro-
proficient that her techniques are known lific artist is constantly being in a state of
worldwide and her expertise in this niche discomfort. Comfort is a cocoon where
industry is often sought out. Such is the case artists go to die. I like to do things that
with the construction of the new Children’s make me feel uncomfortable and push
Garden at McKee Botanical Garden, slated me to my limits. I scuba dive, I compete in
to open later this year. archery competitions and even model for
pin-up photos, which is as far as you can
Ploszay and her crew were brought in to get from my daily look covered in cement
and paint. I’m constantly trying to take me
out of myself because that’s when growth

Commenting that she is not at all afraid
of failure, she adds with a laugh, “I always
think outside the box and I’m a wildly adap-
tive problem-solver. I always find a way to
make it work.” 


Washington Bureau Chief 1. Where the Crawdads Sing 1. Educated BY TARA WESTOVER 1. Anatoly Anole: The Boastful
2. Bad Blood
"in conversation" with BY DELIA OWENS Brown Lizard BY ARDIE SCHNEIDER
Susan McManus, USF Professor Emerita BY JOHN CARREYROU 2. Squirm BY CARL HIAASEN
2. Blood Oath 3. Hate U Give BY ANGIE THOMAS
presenting 3. Madame Fourcade's 4. We are the Gardeners
3. Silent Patient 4. Code Name: Lise
Autograph Line Tickets with book purchases. 5. Big Nage: Payback Time
We kindly request that seating be reserved for autograph line BY ALEX MICHAELIDES BY LARRY LOFTIS
ticket holders - thank you. 4. Run Away BY HARLAN COBEN 5. Kushner, Inc. BY VICKY WARD
Sunday, May 5th at 3 pm 5. The Lost Girls of Paris


Saturday, April 13th 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
from 11 am until 1 pm

Spring Open House with


Bring your camera for a photo
op with Peter Rabbit

B6 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 1 Starting April 16 at Riverside Heat, Social D and the Mat’s and you pret- 4 Michael Carbonaro at
Theatre. ty much get McFarland.” Smokey-voiced King Center April 13.
er.” The New York Times calls it “a high-en- Florida singer/songwriter Abby Owens will
ergy … hymn to the glories of girlishness.” became a life-changing adventure. Pillorge play at the Mermaid on Sunday. Next Fri- does magic with his own appealing twist,
“Legally Blonde” is based on the novel by translated his architectural drawing abili- day, April 19, Jon Prestage brings his one- and on Saturday you’ll get to find out what
Amanda Brown and the hit film starring ties into the freer, more expressive realm of man Florida Swamp Blues show, featuring it feels like, as the King Center promo says,
Reese Witherspoon. With catchy songs fine art, and has become an award-winning, originals, Florida folk songs, ragtime finger to be on “the other side of Michael, as he
and high-energy choreography “from the sought-after artist. Gallery hours: Tuesday picking, old country and, of course, blues. works his magic to make people believe
sorority house to the halls of justice,” this through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, Some of his instruments are handmade, the unbelievable.” The 42-year-old Long
is one happy, funny, inspiring show you’ll 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 772-562-5525. and he’ll likely play several at once Times: Island, N.Y., native will bring his signature
totally enjoy. One final note: watch for the Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Sun- blend of “bizarre antics, audience interac-
Bend and Snap. “Legally Blonde” runs 3 Let’s hang out downtown a little lon- day, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. tion, hilarious video clips, and mind-blow-
through May 5. Times: Tuesdays, 8 p.m.; ger. One of the art district’s most pop- ing magic, live on stage!” These days we
Wednesdays, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Thurs- ular hangouts is the Kilted Mermaid, with 4 You might know fresh-faced, genial need all the comic relief we can get, and
days, 7:30 p.m.; Fridays, 8 p.m.; Saturdays, its warm, artsy, welcoming vibe, good food Michael Carbonaro from his TV show “Michael Carbonaro Live!” is a great place
2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sundays, 2 p.m. Tickets and bevs, and live music on Wednesdays “The Carbonaro Effect,” or maybe from his to replenish those laughs. Time: 7 p.m.
$35 to $85. 772-231-6990. and weekends. Kick Hump Day into gear hidden-camera “magic clerk” segments on Tickets: start at $44. 321-242-2219. 
with Rowan’s Irish Rebels putting a bit of the “Tonight Show,” or on Comedy Cen-
2 You’ll find yourself smiling. The en- music and blarney into Happy Hour, 6 p.m. tral. Or not. Either way, you’ll likely really
chanting, vibrant, colorful pastels of to 8 p.m. Then, this Friday, April 12, it’s Two enjoy his “Michael Carbonaro Live!” show,
Harvard grad, architect, urban planner, sail- Dad Doodad, catchy tunes with one dad on coming to the King Center in Melbourne
or, teacher and artist George Pillorge – “Fig- guitar, and one on bass. Saturday, a brand- this very Saturday, April 13. Carbonaro
ures, Flowers and Foliage” – brighten the new Indie rock band out of L.A., the McFar-
month of April at Gallery 14. In the midst land Band, brings the music. They describe
of Vero’s burgeoning arts district, along and themselves thus: “Mash Reverend Horton
around the 14th Avenue corridor, Gallery
14 is one of the several you must carve out
a leisurely few hours to visit. It exhibits the
diverse work of its eight owner/artists as
well as that of the nine artists it represents.
According to the artist’s bio, Pillorge taught,
then practiced architecture for 28 years in
Baltimore. When he retired, he and wife
Debbie literally sailed off into the sunset
on their 44-foot boat, The Puffin, exploring
the world from Maine to Venezuela, which

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 12, 2019 B7

Joey’s Seafood Shack: Destination dining on weekends

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Raw Seafood Sampler. excluding wine) is likely to run $120 to $130.
[email protected] Beyond the great food, this restaurant has
There was certainly no sign of the season the homey feel of an Italian family kitchen.
slowing down when we dined last Friday Shrimp and Scallops On weekend nights, Joey’s is a most enjoyable
night at Joey’s Seafood Shack. Arriving at Scampi. place to have a wonderful seafood dinner.
7:30, fortunately with a reservation, only
the table they were holding for us next to While there seems little chance of per-
the piano was open. suading them to expand the number of eve-
nings they serve dinner, Kimmy urged us
On Friday and Saturday nights, Joey’s does to remind readers that in addition to selling
a land-office business. The other nights, it’s fish, Joey’s also serves lunch daily.
closed. So why would a seafood restaurant
people clearly love only be open for dinner I welcome your comments, and encourage
two nights a week? you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
“It’s simple. We like to spend time with the
family,” says Kim Coveny, who together with The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
Joey Fenyak has been running Joey’s for what rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 
is now closing in on a decade.
Fried Calamari. Joey’s Seafood
As a result, Joey’s has chosen to remain Shack
first and foremost a seafood market – the
best place in Vero to buy beautiful fresh fish Hours:
and take it home for grilling. I stop in there 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.,
most every week. Fri. and Sat. only
Reservations strongly
But on those two end-of-week evenings,
Coveny dims the lights, the place takes on recommended
an entirely different vibe, and those fortu-
nate enough to nail down a dinner reserva- Beverages: Beer & Wine
tion get to enjoy the great seafood without
preparing it themselves. Address:
1800 U.S. 1, Vero Beach
On last week’s visit, we started with a bot-
tle of very nice Lucie chardonnay, and a bas- Phone:
ket of tasty bread made it to the table even 772-918-8855
before the wine.

While pondering the menu, we decided
to share an order of fried calamari ($17). The
calamari were perfectly flash-fried and ex-
tremely tender. An excellent start.

Next, I went for a bowl of the Manhattan
clam chowder ($6) – a relatively light ver-
sion of this tomato-based chowder – and my
husband went with the lobster bisque ($11),
which was very flavorful.

We probably didn’t need the soup – even
though it was very good – because we then
were served the large Greek salads that
come with all entrées. The salads included
strawberries, which go surprisingly well
with feta cheese.

For entrées, I had the seafood special ($41),
and my husband ordered the Icelandic had-
dock francaise ($37).

My husband’s haddock was a thing of
beauty, lightly battered and served in a tangy
lemon sauce with capers. The seafood spe-
cial at Joey’s is a heaping bowl of little neck
clams, mussels, shrimp and scallops, served
in either a white wine garlic butter sauce or a
very light marinara sauce over linguini. I ab-
solutely love this dish.

On previous visits, we have enjoyed the
swordfish and broiled grouper, beautiful
pieces of fish, again expertly prepared.
And have given high marks to the Scottish
salmon, which is served in a brandy cream
sauce with sundried tomatoes, mush-
rooms and artichokes.

On this most recent visit, we concluded
our evening with a delicious dark chocolate
mousse. Dinner for two before tax and tip (and

B8 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 12, 2019 B9

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B10 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING






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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 12, 2019 B11







B12 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 12, 2019 B13

10 8 4 3 2 A5 QJ97
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist — Q 10 7 6 3 K4
Q J 10 5 2 4 K9863
A.J. Liebling, a journalist who died in 1963, said, “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only Q 10 6 K8532 97
to those who own one.”
Bridge players like guaranteed lines of play or defense. On every deal, both sides are trying K6
to find one or the other. In today’s, can South guarantee his contract of six hearts after West AJ9852
leads a fourth-highest spade three? A7
When South opens one heart, North’s hand greatly increases in value. It contains four
short-suit points (one in spades and three in diamonds) and has only five losers because Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
you deduct one loser for a 10-card or better fit. South then uses his preferred form of
Blackwood before stopping in six hearts. The Bidding:

West chose to lead a spade in preference to the diamond queen because he knew about SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
dummy’s short suit. Here, West did well not to lead a club. 1 Hearts Pass 4 Diamonds Pass
4 NT Pass 5 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
Declarer has a potential loser in each rounded suit. Taking the trump suit in isolation, the 5 NT Pass 6 Diamonds Pass 3 Spades
percentage play for no losers is to cash the ace. But that is wrong with these hands. The 6 Hearts Pass Pass Pass
right line is to take both spade tricks and the diamond ace before ruffing the diamond seven
on the board. Then South should call for the heart queen (to encourage East to cover with
he king) and, assuming East plays low smoothly, to run the queen.

Here, the finesse wins and declarer is playing for an overtrick. But suppose West could
scoop up the trick with the singleton heart king. He would be endplayed, forced either to
lead into South’s club tenace or to concede a ruff-and-sluff. Whichever he chooses, declarer
will lose no club trick.

Established 18 Years in Indian River County

(772) 562-2288 |
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960

B14 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Set on fire (3) 1 Composer and pianist (5)
3 See 25 Across (3) 2 Unimportant (7)
5 Narrow lane (5) 3 Steering mechanism (4)
8 Not moving (5) 4 Outcome (6)
9 Enjoys (7) 5 Moved forward (8)
10 Hard work (4) 6 Insect (5)
11 Oxfordshire palace (8) 7 Face veil (7)
13 Scottish football team (6) 12 Region (8)
14 Comment (6) 13 Supplement to will (7)
17 Inclined to dawdle (8) 15 Learned institution (7)
19 Taste (4) 16 Ready-made building (6)
22 Welsh city (7) 18 Immature life form (5)
23 Ointment (5) 20 Complete range (5)
24 Jumped (5) 21 Image (4)
25 & 3 Across Epic film (3)
The Telegraph 26 Nevertheless (3)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Sturgis The Telegraph

Hardware Store & Lumber Yard



63 years Family Owned & Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 •

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 12, 2019 B15

ACROSS for short The Washington PostTrojan War
81 Old gold coin 51 Scottish resort town
1 Johnny Carson’s Art Fern 82 Prokofiev’s Lieutenant 52 Crop up
hosted it 83 Decorate differently 53 Punch server
84 Schusses 54 Sky blue
13 “When I was ___ ...” 85 Tarts and tortes 55 Pope John Paul II, really
17 Little drink 86 Mimes 56 Tear
20 Stating clearly 88 Some H.S. exams 57 Fountain of Youth guy
21 Give up 90 Small coins of ancient 59 Tangled
22 Sierra Madre strike 60 Letter flourish
23 TV trouble Greece 62 Range finders
24 Combines with water 91 FAO Schwarz events 63 Where Paris is?
26 Words in a biography 93 Vehicle coupler 65 Venice’s canals
97 Pipe fitting 66 Easily split minerals
title, often 98 Dill, for one 68 Not fore
27 Ben Stiller’s mom 99 Salary 69 Inventing
29 One of the original 100 Tranquillity, for one 70 Mussolini was one
101 Sky bear 71 Battle-fighting Bradley
Mouseketeers 102 Fanciful notion 72 Tampa or Tempe
30 Farm team? 74 Salad plant
32 Specialty of some “doctors” DOWN 75 TV oldie set in Africa
33 Alpine goat 1 Mai follower 76 It’s sometimes poetic
35 At any time 2 White-tailed eagle 77 Hockey pair
36 Boring job, e.g. 3 Encouraging words 78 Tom’s Eyes Wide Shut
37 Stain 4 Phone connector
38 WWII gun 5 Last two words of co-star
39 Lock of hair 81 Tony’s female name in Some
40 “Take this” Segal’s Love Story
41 Tinkerbell, for one 6 Hand warmers Like It Hot
42 Basketball’s Hakeem 7 Robt. ___ 83 Queen, e.g.
44 Hole-puncher 8 Tarnish 84 Singer Vaughan
45 Spain’s ___ del Sol 9 Part of a Cicero quotation 85 Pauline’s situation
46 Upper-torso armor 10 Winy quality 87 Island getaway
47 Part of a dance 11 Cuzco-related 89 Homey dish
50 Rich folks 12 Elbe tributary 90 Mother of Clytemnestra
51 Signs of a good upbringing 13 Essen exclamation 92 Agcy. that helps
52 Pale drinks, sometimes 14 Early capacitors
53 Fossil-rich spot 15 African antelope entrepreneurs
56 The Hanging Gardens of 16 Chan’s creator, Earl ___ 94 Science fiction author

Babylon et al. Biggers Stanislaw
57 Stand-in 17 Way off 95 First year of the 10th century
58 Southern festival flower 18 Dunne and Ryan 96 Haw starters
59 Wild-eyed declaimers 19 Puzzles
60 Sardonic acknowledgment 25 Oldsmobile model GRAB BAG OF GOODIES By Merl Reagle
61 Renaissance man Albrecht 28 Continental purchases
62 Shreds 30 Turkish bigwig NOW AVAILABLE - NEWLY RENOVATED!
63 Most nerve-wracking 31 Developed
64 Author Hubbard 32 Eyeholes, sometimes SUMMER MEMBERSHIPS - May 1st - Oct 31st
65 Venerates 34 Aquarii, e.g.
66 Cunningham of dance 37 Headquartered Golf
67 Long fish 38 Cads
68 Wing part 39 High-scoring space in Single 50$
69 The South Includes tax
70 Nickname for playwright Scrabble: abbr.
41 Small depression, to Family 75$
Simon Includes tax
73 It’s a Gift 30’s star biologists
75 Unstimulating order 43 Ship’s letters Island Dunes
76 Guitarist who died 45 Long, heavy pole thrown in a
772.229.2739Country Club
at 27 game
77 Animal sound 46 Water container 8735 S Ocean Country Club • Jensen Beach
79 Simple 48 Puts a whammy on
80 Video honors, 49 So far Located on Hutchinson Island, 3 miles south of the Power Plant
50 Her abduction started the
9 Hole Facility

Designed by
“Joe Lee”

The Telegraph

B16 April 12, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING 12 AAUW Vero Beach National Mah Jong science workshops on helping scientists collect cial Centennial recognition. Mainstreetver-
Card Fundraiser, 10:30 a.m. at Bent data for microplastic, horseshoe crab and eBird
Riverside Theatre - Ghost Writer on the Wax- Pine Golf Club. $50. 772-559-7631 projects, seining opportunities and canoe trips.
lax Stage thru April 14. 772-231-6990 Free. 772-589-5050 14 Chimpathon 16K, 7 a.m. from St. Luc-
12-14 Reader’s Theatre Productions at ie County Fairgrounds, with one lap
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson Vero Beach Theatre Guild pres- 13 Argentina Asada (BBQ over an open around beneficiary, Save the Chimps sanctuary.
exhibit thru April 28. 772-794-0601 ents Things You Shouldn’t Say Past Midnight: A com- fire) to benefit Special Equestrians
edy in three beds, by Peter Ackerman. 772-562-8300 of the Treasure Coast, 5 p.m. at Special Eques-
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Victorian Radi- trians’ 74th Ave. Barn, sponsored by Charley 14 Vero Beach Chamber Orchestra pres-
cals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and 12|13 Wheels and Keels at Replogle. $75. 772-532-3299 ents ‘An Afternoon with Great Ger-
Crafts Movement thru May 5. 772-231-0707 the Moorings Yacht and man Composers’ featuring pieces by Beetho-
Country Club. Fri. 5 p.m. cocktails in Governors 13 Inaugural Stars & Stripes Spectacular ven, Mendelssohn and Handel, 2 p.m. at Vero
APRIL Lounge followed by dinner in main dining room, Gala hosted by Veterans Council of Beach High School PAC. Free; $10 donation
$100; Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. show on the first IRC, 6 p.m. at Grand Harbor Club with dinner appreciated.
11 Miss Hibiscus Pageant, 7 p.m. at the Heritage hole and dock, concluding with 2:30 p.m. Red and dancing to benefit Veterans Helping Veter-
Center kicks off the weekend Hibiscus Festival Carpet Award Ceremony; lunch available for ans program. $150. 772-410-5820 15 Jackie Robinson Celebration Game at
and features 15- to 19-year-old competitors seeking purchase. $10 adults; $5 children. Historic Dodgertown to benefit Unit-
the title. $5 towards downtown beautification projects. 13 Spring Open House with Peter Rabbit, ed Way of IRC, featuring St. Lucie Mets vs. Fort
13 59th annual Easter Egg Hunt host- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Vero Beach Book Myers Miracle in a regular season Florida State
11 Vero Beach High School Serenades ed by City of Vero Beach Recreation Center. Free. 772-569-2050 League game; gates open at 4:42 p.m.; game at
Chamber Concert, with Symphony Dept., 10 a.m. at Mulligan’s Beach House for 6:42 p.m. $6 & $8. 772-567-8900
Band Chamber Winds, Brass Ensemble, Philhar- children up to 9 years old. Free; bring donation 13|14 Hibiscus Festival in
monic Woodwind Choir and Brass Choir, 7 p.m. of 6 empty plastic eggs. downtown Vero Beach, 16 Vero Beach High School Concert Band
at VBHS PAC. $6 & $12. 772-564-5537 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat.; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun., Masterpieces Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS
13 Citizen Science day, Noon to 4 p.m. at with musical entertainment, vendor booths, a PAC. $6 & $12. 772-564-5537
Environmental Learning Center, with fine art show, children’s activities and a spe-
16 to May 5 - Riverside Theatre presents
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN the effervescent musical Legally Blonde,
in April 5, 2019 Edition 1 EDGE 2 DISADVANTAGES The Musical on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990
9 RESPOND 4 RADISH 17 Wine & Wickets to benefit Education
10 RISHI 5 AIRCREW Foundation of IRC, 4 p.m. at John’s
11 NUDGE 6 MISCELLANEOUS Island West Course Croquet Lawn, featuring
12 SCREECH 7 FRANKFURTER croquet and other lawn games. $125. 772-
17 RATINGS 16 ASCENT 18 Vero Beach Easter Parade at Humiston
18 DINGO 18 DUVET Park hosted by Dale Sorensen Real Es-
19 EAGLE tate to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of IRC, 4:30
20 ENVIOUS p.m. Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, free photos
21 ESCORT with Easter Bunny and other children’s activities
22 TEST followed with 6 p.m. Golf Cart and Bonnets and
Ball Caps Parade along Ocean Drive.
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (PREFIX MIXUP)


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