October 6, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 40 Newsstand Price: $1.00
MY TAKE Man committed
for try to kidnap
BY RAY MCNULTY boy from school
6 months later, no one yet By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
arrested in Grove shooting
A stranger accused of trying
A man was shot multiple times The waterfront behind Vero power plant. After Vero Electric is sold, will this someday be part of a new park? PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD to kidnap a 14-year-old student
in front of a crowd of witnesses on from the campus of Gifford Mid-
the main drag in downtown Vero Vero to get electric sale contract next week dle School last August was re-
Beach and, six months later, no leased from jail Sept. 26 but com-
one has been arrested. By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer at their Oct. 17 meeting. Outside the meeting, Brunjes mitted to a mental health facility.
[email protected] FPL’s Regional Director of said there would be “no sur-
How can that happen? prises” in the document, that Records from the Aug. 25, 2016,
It’s bad enough that such a vi- Florida Power & Light and Ve- External Affairs Amy Brunjes it would adhere to the letter incident allege Nikromuh Koon-
olent crime would occur in so ro’s attorney plan to have a draft last week gave the Indian River of intent already vetted by the do was caught trying to snatch
public a setting in the heart of our of a formal contract for FPL to Shores Town Council an update council and the city’s Finance a young boy from the school at
small-town community. But for purchase Vero Electric at city on how the full sale of Vero Elec- and Utilities commissions, with 45th Street and 25th Court where
so much time to pass without the hall by next Wednesday for City tric’s assets and 34,000 custom- many island children attend mid-
shooter being apprehended? Council members to consider ers is progressing. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 dle school. A teacher and school
Shouldn’t someone have been resource officer managed to
locked up a long time ago? thwart the potential kidnapping.
How is it possible that with so
many eyes observing the incident, The boy and his friends told
when Andy Capak, co-owner of police they were walking toward
The Grove Bar, was gunned down the Indian River County GoLine
shortly before 2 a.m. on March 31, bus when a strange man wearing
no arrest has been made? no shoes started following them
Well, police continue to counsel and smiling in their direction. The
patience. child felt uncomfortable so he
“We believe we know who did moved to the back of the crowd to
it, and that was from Day 1 for distance himself from the strang-
the most part,” Vero Beach Police er. He told his friends to let the
Chief David Currey said last week. man pass, according to arrest af-
“We have the same person in mind fidavits filed with the court.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 “The male then begins to run
after the juvenile and grab for
INSIDE him,” writes John Clark with the
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer by when I don’t think about the island
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] and what’s happening to all those peo-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 ple,” said Perez, a Puerto Rican native
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Let there be no doubt: Vero Beach is who attended the University of Florida
Nicole Perez’s home. and, after getting married and living in
Miami, New York and suburban Kansas
But her house – the one she grew up City, moved to Vero Beach nine years
in – is in Puerto Rico, which she still ago.
affectionately refers to as “my island.”
And it breaks her heart to see so many “It hurts,” she added. “It hurts a lot to
of the people there suffering in the af- see people with no power, no gasoline,
termath of Hurricane Maria.
“We love it here, but not a day goes
2 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE tween 911 callers, the 911 operator and po- As someone who is married to an ex-pros- Asked when the victim was able to identi-
lice officers on the scene – communications ecutor and former assistant public defender, fy the shooter, the chief declined to answer.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lapses that might’ve allowed the shooter to I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard
make a clean getaway. about the unreliability of eyewitness testi- However, in an interview in June, Capak’s
now that we had six months ago.” mony. sister, Janet, said her brother didn’t remem-
“We want to solve this case, but our in- Currey, though, denied the botched com- ber much about the incident and she wasn’t
munications between the 911 operator and I can tell you, however, that these discrep- sure how much help he was able to offer po-
vestigation is driven by leads to follow up, his officers, saying, “We were on the scene ancies in the witness statements are a prob- lice.
not some arbitrary schedule,” Currey said. in seconds.” lem, especially since there’s a real chance
“I wish we had made an arrest that night, or some of those giving their versions of what “He remembers the gun going off,” she
the next day, or a month later. But you just That aside, the more troubling problem happened were (hard as it is to believe) un- told me then. “He said it felt like he was shot
can’t put a time on it. for detectives are the statements taken from der the influence of alcohol at the time. with a blank, because he was still standing.
witnesses who, apparently, offered differing He thinks that’s why the guy shot three more
“We followed up with someone on our accounts and descriptions of the shooter. “That’s why we continue to work on times – because he didn’t go down after the
checklist as recently as a week ago,” he con- things,” Currey said, adding that he’s reluc- first one.”
tinued. Those conflicting statements, as much tant to share too much information about
as anything, have prevented police from the case because police believe the suspect She said her brother’s memory of the
“As long as we’re following up, we’re not making an arrest. And for good reason: De- still resides in the area and “the bad guys shooter wasn’t clear, “even though he was
done. tectives, working closely with Assistant State could be listening, too.” looking straight at the guy.”
Attorney Bill Long, want to make sure they
“You can’t let external things drive your have a can’t-lose case before charging some- Currey did say police do not have any She said her brother recalled seeing the
case. We’ve still got a couple of things we’re one with the crime. smartphone video of the shooting – some- shooter and his companions in the bar and
working on, and we’re moving toward an thing that also would’ve been helpful. actually remembered what they ordered,
end. That makes sense – the last thing any- but once he began to try to break up the
one should want is for police to arrest the As for Capak, 31 at the time, who was shot fight, his mind became fuzzy.
“That doesn’t mean we’ll make an arrest shooter, only for some defense attorney to four times but survived, Currey said the 2003
next week,” he added, “but we think we’ve use conflicting testimony from witnesses to St. Edward’s School graduate has cooperated Capak, who refused to be interviewed in
done a thorough job.” convince a jury to bring back a not-guilty with the investigation. June, could not be reached for comment last
verdict. And, according to Currey, there are week. Currey, meanwhile, said he and his
For the record: I’m not blaming the po- some significant discrepancies. detectives will meet with Long this week to
lice, who, in large part, are merely playing assess the status of the case.
the bad hand that they were dealt. “You have to look at all your statements,”
Currey said. “We have multiple witnesses, so “I do think we’re coming close, finally, but
I have no doubt Currey and his detectives we have multiple statements. You’re hoping there are still one or two loose ends that still
want to solve this case. things match up, and when they don’t, it need to be tied up,” Currey said.
makes it difficult.”
They don’t want anyone to think it is pos- “We’re being methodical, thorough and
sible they can shoot someone in front of Apparently, witnesses provided different patient because we want to get this right.
multiple witnesses in Vero Beach and get descriptions of the shooter – which isn’t sur- That’s what everyone should expect from
away with it. They know the public is watch- prising, given the late hour and the fact that us.”
ing and that this story isn’t going away. the shooting occurred outside a bar.
That’s how something like this can hap-
True, there are some nagging questions pen – even in Vero Beach.
about confused interactions that night be-
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 6, 2017 3
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer A default judgment would give Bier- the church closed, the senior cler-
mann the legal right to collect the funds
It was November 2009, in the darkest she is due, the attorney said – if she can gyman would get paid.
days of the Great Recession, when Lori Bi- find someone to collect from.
ermann and her late husband responded “Mr. Valentino was only present Church’s 27th Avenue location. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
to their church’s call for help. The couple The judge’s order will permit her to go
loaned $40,000 to Vero Vineyard Chris- after the principals of the failed organiza- at services on occasion,” Mefford re-
tian Church to help it through a rough tion, said Villafranco. “If the church dis-
patch, accepting the treasurer’s offer of a tributed money improperly, or the person- calls in the letter. He “would come in late, comment, but Mefford notes he resigned
120-month repayment plan at 9 percent nel at the church did, then they can be held
interest. liable,” he said. “But, it’s difficult. My client and after the offering was taken up would in 2015 and the next year the board put
is going to have to spend a lot of money go-
Just one-month earlier, according to ing after her money.” leave with the money as he and his wife the church’s building on the market. The
court records, the treasurer addressed his
fellow “brothers and sisters in Christ” with In the 2009 solicitation, the then church were in possession of the church check- church believed if it could get $325,000
a letter offering them a “once in a lifetime treasurer explains funds were needed be-
chance to help support our work and re- cause a bank had called in Vero Vineyard’s book and took care of the finances.” from a sale, all of its debts, including the
ceive a very nice income in return.” loan and $136,000 was needed to avoid
foreclosure. Valentino could not be reached for CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
The idea was that loans from the Bier-
manns and other congregants who ponied “We did a significant amount of remod- Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
up would help the church bridge a cash- eling here,” David Lewis wrote. “We took an Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned
flow crisis, expand and increase its income old department store building and made it and operated independent agency. Located in the
enough to repay the money. into the beautiful facility that we have to- CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile
day. Altogether, we invested over $450,000 and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach.
It didn’t work out that way. in the sanctuary, café, offices, Kids Church,
Today Biermann, who lives in St. Lucie nursery and our music equipment and Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years!
County, finds herself nearly $30,000 in the furnishings. Unfortunately, we had only All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
hole and facing mounting legal fees as she raised around $300,000.”
sues to get her money back. The church on Contact any one of our
20th Street where she raised so many of her An information sheet attached to the professional agents for a quote!
prayers has dissolved, and Tony Valentino, letter addresses the question of whether 855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building
pastor at the time of the loan, resigned af- or not a parishioner’s loan to the church
ter “multiple moral failures” were divulged, is safe. “Church notes are not secured, and 2nd Floor – Vero Beach
according to William Mefford, the minister are only as secure as the church is,” Lewis (772) 567-4930 - [email protected]
who took Valentino’s place. writes. “But think about it. How secure is
Valentino took with him $20,000 when any investment these days? How many of rweaverinsurance.com
the church shut down – revenue from a us have put our faith in the stock market or
2016 sale of the church building – Mefford the real estate market, only to see the val-
writes in a June 19 letter to the court that ue of our investments turn into pennies on
attempted to explain the circumstances of the dollar? In the meantime, our church
the loan and disclaim responsibility for re- has had an exemplary record . . .”
But a judge Thursday said Biermann’s But Mefford says by the time he joined
case can still go forward. Granting the the congregation in 2014, the financial sit-
plaintiff’s motion to strike, Judge Paul uation was starkly different. Vero Vineyard
Kanarek said that the hand-written expla- had moved its congregation to 27th Ave-
nation filed by the former pastor was a le- nue and the church’s debt was more mas-
gally insufficient response. sive than anticipated.
Corporations can only be represented
by a lawyer, he said, giving the now defunct In his notice to the court, the minister
church 20 days to retain counsel and file a says the pastor Valentino prioritized his
response to Biermann’s suit. If it doesn’t, salary over the church’s debts. “It was our
Kanarek warned, the next step will be to intention to see [Biermann’s] note paid in
enter a default judgment on Biermann’s full,” he writes in the June letter. “Unfortu-
behalf. nately, the reputation of this church suf-
“They took advantage of these people,” fered greatly due to the mismanagement
said Biermann’s lawyer, Leonard Villafran- of the church affairs and finances by the
co outside of the courtroom. “They preyed previous staff and the multiple moral fail-
on their generosity and their love of God ures that were uncovered on behalf of the
and [Biermann and her late husband] . . . previous pastor.”
loaned them a large sum of money so that
they could build their building and im- Mefford says that as he transitioned into
prove the church and then they didn’t pay a full-time church leadership role, his pre-
them back.” decessor set up a payment scheme that
“I think it’s terrible that a church would would allow the senior pastor to retain
take advantage of parishioners, especially most or some of his $5,300 monthly salary
somebody who just lost her husband,” he during a one-year training period.
later added. “It just makes me sad.”
Mefford claims in his written statement
he did not receive any pay while becoming
a pastor at the church, but said a clause in
Valentino’s agreement stipulated even if
4 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
SCHOOL KIDNAP ATTEMPT school’s deputy then chased the suspect off fore telling deputies that “someone took known how the suspect was able to get en-
school grounds. his kid and he was trying to get his kid try to the school grounds.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 back,” according to court records.
Another deputy driving near the area When school gets out and parents arrive
Indian River County Sheriff’s Department. heard the school resource officer’s call for Officers allege he then said that Beyoncé to pick up their children, teachers work
Koondo was saying he was there to get his help over the radio. He saw a man wearing was the mother of his child and she works hard to make sure everyone gets in the
kid and pointing at the boy. But, the child no shoes near the 3000 block of 45th Street at the jail. right car, said Sgt. Ross Partee, who super-
had never seen the man before, Clark wrote and told him to stop running and get on vises Indian River County Sheriff’s Office
in a Aug. 25, 2016, affidavit. the ground. Koondo ignored the command A detective then pointed out that Koon- School Resource Officer Program. If they
and a foot chase ensued. do, thought to be 22 at the time, was unlike- see something abnormal, they can radio
“The child ran away and his friends ly to have a 14-year-old child. Koondo then the school resource officer for help.
called a teacher who told the suspect to The patrol officer was able to apprehend responded he became a father when he was
leave.” Koondo, who had no identification on him in fifth grade, court documents state. Partee was not at Gifford Middle School
and gave officers fake names. A rapid ID at the time of the alleged attempted kid-
As the children ran toward a school fingerprint test allowed them to identify The child’s mother later reviewed video napping, but heard about it from his col-
resource officer who had responded to him. of the incident and confirmed the man was leagues. This case is a prime example of
the scene, the man then fled toward 45th a stranger to the family. why it’s good to have an officer on campus
Street, the court documents note. The The man, who had been running bare- ready to react immediately, he said.
foot on hot pavement, asked for shoes be- Indian River County School District de-
clined to comment on this story. It is un- If administrators had to call 911, they
would have to wait for law enforcement to
arrive, Partee said. “A deputy is not always
going to be just around the corner. Some-
times, they could be a mile or two away.”
There are 11 school resource officers
in Indian River County, Partee said. Every
middle and high school has a regular law
enforcement presence and officers start
engaging with elementary kids in the fifth
grade for DARE, Drug Abuse Resistance
The school resource officers receive
training from the Florida Attorney Gener-
al’s Office and work in several ways to keep
schools safe, Partee said. “Our backbone is
campus security, but beyond that our goal
is mentorship – to mentor the kids, build
relationships, try to be positive role models
for them. Everybody comes from a differ-
ent background and not all the kids have
positive role models in their lives.”
School resource officers do things like
break up fights and respond when drugs
or weapons are found campus, he said. If a
student commits a misdemeanor offense,
the responding officer is encouraged to
take advantage of a circuit court civil cita-
tion program, which allows the child pro-
bation and avoids any permanent blemish
on their record.
“These kids are young and they don’t al-
ways make good decisions,” he said. “We
were all young once. We all made stupid
decisions. We don’t want to mess up the
rest of their lives.”
Indian River County Judge Cynthia Cox
found Koondo incompetent to stand tri-
al last month after he was evaluated by a
court-appointed psychologist.
Koondo refuses to speak to jail staff,
mental-health professionals or his attor-
ney, she writes in the Sept. 15 order. He
does not appear to understand the adver-
sary nature of the legal process or to be
capable of working cooperatively with his
“He exhibits strange behavior and makes
odd sounds,” she writes. “The defendant
is unlikely to manifest appropriate court-
room behavior given his current mental
state and unpredictable behavior.”
Koondo was ordered to the custody of
the Florida Department of Children and
Families. There, he will be placed in a se-
cure mental-health treatment program un-
til further review.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 6, 2017 5
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer money to fund county-wide tourism pro- for the convention center, or permanently, this,” she said.
[email protected] motion efforts, of which it shares $94,000 there was never an effect [on the number Much of the money goes to place ads in
with the Sebastian River Area Chamber. of tourists].
For at least seven years, Vero Beach offi- regional, national and international media
cials have complained about the way mon- “We need to be aware of where this “Is there anything else you can think of and to bring travel writers or travel agents
ey raised by the tourism and hotel tax – or money is going.” Moss said. “$100,000 to that you pay for that hasn’t gone up since into town on junkets.
“bed tax,” as it is commonly known – is dis- Sebastian, really?” 2001?” Olson added.
tributed by Indian River County and spent “Remember we have a parking problem.
by the Tourist Development Council. The Treasure Coast Sports Commission Moss asked for some documentation I’m not sure we need to be doing all this
receives nearly $200,000 in bed-tax mon- showing the dollars collected and expend- advertising,” Moss said, adding that the
Five former Vero mayors and vice may- ey. The Cultural Council of Indian River ed, and how much comes from – and goes major hotel properties on Ocean Drive do
ors have asked the county for a share of County receives $60,000, the Vero Heritage to – the City of Vero Beach. their own marketing independent of the
revenue raised from the 4 percent tax lev- Center gets $30,000 and the Indian Riv- Chamber.
ied on lodging, arguing that more than 60 er County Historical Society gets $20,000. Brown sent Moss the information on
percent of the nearly $900,000 taken in last One percent of the funds go to debt service Aug. 24, along with a cover letter saying, “I O’Connor said county officials have
year was collected from hotels, motels and on Historic Dodgertown, a county-owned understand your determination to ensure had very preliminary discussions about
other lodging within city limits. facility. that the City taxpayers are receiving sub- increasing the bed tax from 4 percent to
stantial benefits from the expenditure of 5 percent, but those discussions presum-
As it is, the city gets no money back from City Manager Jim O’Connor said he and these dollars. I hope we provided the infor- ably involved using the additional rev-
the county to spend on its own tourism Moss requested an executive-level meeting mation you needed to alleviate the City’s enue – $200,000 or more per year – for
priorities and, adding insult to injury, it in late August with County Administrator concerns regarding the distribution of the things on the county’s own wish list. Moss’
has only has one seat on the nine-member Jason Brown. Commission Chairman Joe Tourist Development Tax revenues. proposal that the county share the wealth
Tourism Development Commission that Flescher also attended the meeting. with Vero is new.
decides how bed tax money is spent. The data that came back only reinforced
“We just wanted to let them know that the concerns Moss had about Vero not get- The Board of County Commissioners
Now, Mayor Laura Moss has come up the city has priorities on the island and that ting its share of benefit from the bed tax. would have to approve the increase, and
with a novel approach to tapping into this they’re directly related to tourism,” O’Con- not just by a three-vote majority. By Flori-
revenue source. She has suggested that the nor said. “We’re not talking about money to “I have no beef with the Indian River da law, “The governing board of the county
tax be raised from 4 percent to 5 percent pave roads or do anything like that. There’s County Chamber of Commerce,” she said may levy, impose, and set an additional 1
with the additional money raised going to a need for a new lifeguard stand at Humis- during last week’s evening council meeting. percent of each dollar above the tax rate .
Vero. ton Park, and this year we’ll spend $150,000 . . [only] by the extraordinary vote of the
to $200,000 on emergency dune repairs “I think they do a lovely job.” But she governing board,” which means at least 4
Moss said she did not think an addition- and we spent more than that last year.” doesn’t think the City of Vero Beach should commissioners in favor, or by a referen-
al 1 percent tax on hotel bills would damp- shoulder the main burden of funding tour- dum.
en tourism. Chad Olson, General Manager of Costa ism promotion for the entire county.
d’Este resort on Ocean Drive, came from
In theory, her plan could take a load off a luxury property in San Francisco, where “I think the county should chip in for
City of Vero Beach taxpayers without carv- the tourism and hotel tax totals 15 percent.
ing funds out of the hide of the agencies
that currently benefit from bed-tax dollars. “I support it,” he said of the 1 percent
Currently, the Indian River County Cham- increase in the bed tax to fund Vero’s pri-
ber of Commerce receives more than a orities on the island. “In California, when
half-million dollars annually from bed-tax there were tax increases temporarily to pay
VERO CHURCH SUED Overflow Church. Funds are so low at the
new church that he doesn’t draw a salary
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 there either.
loan to Biermann, would be paid off and In January, he told the widow that the
there would be enough money left over to Overflow church was no longer able to
start a new church. donate money to pay off Vero Vineyard’s
debts. That church is longer in existence,
But, leadership got the math wrong, he explained in the letter.
Mefford says. More money was due than
expected. The whole situation is a mess, Mefford
said with a deep sigh. “There’s nothing that
Fearing legal action by the former pas- can be done.”
tor, the board decided to pay Valentino
first, getting him to agree to a $20,000 Later, he added, “I think this lady has
settlement. It then paid its utility bill and gone through enough.”
a security deposit and the first-month’s
rent for Mefford’s new church, Overflow According to Biermann’s June 2017 com-
Church of Vero Beach. This left just $1,000 plaint, she is still owed $29,385.99 and has
for the widow. not been paid since 2016.
“All we were required to do was liquidate She is suing the now-defunct church
the assets and give everybody what was for debts due, legal fees, fraud and puni-
left and that’s what we did,” said Mefford, tive damages. Her attorney argues that the
reached by phone. church purposely misrepresented its fi-
nancial strength for its own financial gain.
Biermann, it seems, doesn’t blame Mef-
ford for her loss. In February 2017, she re- Valentino wrote Biermann and her hus-
leased the pastor and his new church from band during the church’s 2009 solicitation.
the outstanding debt. He told the couple there was an urgent
need for funds.
Mefford was not with Vero Vineyard
at the time of the loan but many of the Vero Vineyard’s lending program is “ex-
church’s parishioners followed him to the cellent,” the pastor maintained. “It is more
generous in its interest payout than any in-
vestment I have seen.”
6 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Hurricane Impact Doors VERO ELECTRIC SALE power entitlement contracts.
& Impact Glass, So far, FMPA officials have made pre-
sentations to seven of the other 19 cities
Transform Your Existing Door from the addition of what she characterized as about the deal.
Boring to Beautiful! “about 100 pages of legal detail.”
One city council, the elected leaders
■ Glass patterns for every style & budget Of the two big hurdles that stood in the of the municipality of Starke, has already
■ Customize to your style way of a closing – a dispute over whether approved Vero’s exit and the FMPA notes
■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors Vero owed Orlando Utilities Commission in a schedule that they are just waiting on
■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors $20 million or $50 million in contract the final documents.
■ Fiberglass Doors cancellation penalties, and Vero’s suc-
■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors cessful exit from the Florida Municipal The FMPA hopes to conclude these pre-
■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units Power Agency co-op – the first apparently sentations and secure supportive votes of
■ Etching has been overcome and the campaign to all the various boards by the end of 2017
■ Schlage Hardware clear the other is very much in the works. or early 2018, putting Vero and FPL on
■ Mirror Wraps track for a closing date somewhere be-
Brunjes said FPL came in with tween October and December 2018.
Regency Square some inducements that were
attractive enough to OUC to fa- The next FMPA board meeting where
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured cilitate a deal in which OUC will the Vero sale will be discussed will be Oct.
accept the lower $20 million 19 at the co-op’s Orlando headquarters.
772.463.6500 penalty from Vero, and she said
FPL has this side agreement with Mayor Laura Moss and City Manag-
OUC in writing. er O’Connor have been attending these
meetings on behalf of Vero and both have
City Manager Jim O’Connor reported that FMPA President Jacob Wil-
confirmed that he’s operating liams and his staff have been very coop-
under that same information. erative.
“We have not received anything
other than an email saying that Williams and his cohorts have made it
OUC was very close to complet- very clear that their continued diligence
ing the agreement with FPL, so to facilitate Vero’s exit is contingent upon
we are moving forward on the their time not being consumed fighting
basis of the $20 million buyout. what the FMPA saw as regulatory assaults
I believe FPL would advise us if the past few years in Florida’s legislature,
there was a concern,” O’Con- at the Florida Public Service Commission
nor said, referring to an Aug. 30 or the Office of the Auditor General.
email from OUC Vice President
Jan Aspuru. Pro-sale activists and lobbyists hired
by Indian River County have pushed
In that email, Aspuru told mightily in the past for regulation of and
O’Connor, “I wanted to let you fiscal accountability from the FMPA and
know that OUC has now reached its leaders.
agreement with FPL on all terms
of the proposed energy sale
agreement, which must now be
submitted for approval by OUC’s
Board once the Termination and
Settlement Agreement with the
City is agreed upon.”
As for Vero disentangling itself
from its 30-plus year relationship
with the FMPA power co-op and
its long-term power supply con-
tracts requiring Vero to take electricity
from three separate power plants, FMPA
executives are in the process of taking Ve-
ro’s exit proposal on the road to the city
councils and utility authority boards of
the municipal utilities that need to ap-
prove letting Vero out of its membership.
Throughout August and September,
FMPA also called meetings with the var-
ious bond-rating agencies to ensure that
Vero’s exit and the assumption of Vero’s
share of the risk and debt – in exchange
for the consideration of $108 million paid
to FMPA – would pass muster with all the
relevant bondholders and analysts, so
the FMPA’s credit rating would not fall
due to having one less member.
When Vero joined the FMPA, the city
pledged the utility revenues from its cus-
tomers, in perpetuity, to back the bond
debt accumulated by the FMPA and its
various electric generation projects and
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 6, 2017 7
Top earners at school Law firm alleges judicial bias in tobacco suit appeal
district get raise while
teachers get nothing By Beth Walton | Staff Writer Carter told the judge he had never experi- the judge told the attorneys present. “There
enced anything like this before. are a couple of pages that, at a quick glance,
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Lawyers for the Vero Beach firm Gould appear to be case-related. I didn’t read them
[email protected] Cooksey Fennel say a senior judge’s bias In the motion for recusal, the firm writes so I have no idea what’s in there.”
and procedural missteps caused their mul- that it would been obvious to any reasonably
The highest-paid school district employ- timillion-dollar civil suit against big tobac- prudent person, including members of the The state mandates that jurors’ notes be
ees – management and upper-level staff – just co to start unraveling before a jury was even jury, that Schack held a preconceived neg- collected by a bailiff or a clerk for prompt
got a decent raise. The teachers got stiffed. seated. ative opinion of Carter and that his opinion destruction, Gould Cooksey Fennel argues.
influenced his decision-making. “Rather than allow the bailiff or clerk to de-
Staff withheld or manipulated financial In motions filed with the court in stroy the juror’s notebook as mandated by
information to get the School Board to vote mid-September, attorneys hired by the fam- Even though Schack and Carter had not the statue, the presiding judge instructed
for low or no raises for labor, and higher rais- ily of the late Demos Jones called on the worked together in the past, the judge made the bailiff to deliver the notebook to him,”
es for managers and administrators. Hon. Larry Schack to recuse and disqualify a reference to his style in the early days of the they allege.
himself from the case, while also demanding proceedings, Gould Cooksey Fennel points
Superintendent Mark Rendell said a 2 per- a new trial. out. While court was in session, Schack told The attorneys also maintain that R.J.
cent raise should be given to the 268 desig- Carter that he knew for a fact that his ques- Reynolds was allowed to argue unfairly in
nated employees, increasing their base pay Schack, who spent much of his legal ca- tioning had been an issue in previous cases. the courtroom, and that the tobacco giant
by up to $1,200, because it “is similar to the reer in Martin County, denied their request deliberately confused the jury.
salary increase awarded to all bargaining for his removal Sept. 25 saying the recusal “At least one other judge has talked to
groups in the district for fiscal year 2017-18.” motion was legally insufficient. He offered you about the time that you’ve taken in voir The 18-day-trial ended Aug. 23 after six
(Despite Rendell’s claim, neither the teachers no further comment. The case is now be- dire and the time you take in questioning,” jurors concluded Jones was not addicted
nor the CWA workers got a 2 percent raise.) ing reviewed by the Florida Fourth District he said, ignoring Carter’s request for that to the nicotine in R.J. Reynolds’ cigarettes,
Court of Appeals. judge’s name. and therefore his addiction was not the le-
Those getting the raise include “Code gal cause of his lung cancer and death. This
Compliance Inspectors, Food Services Attorneys for Gould Cooksey Fennel de- Voir dire is a legal term used to describe prevented them from even discussing the
Managers, Network Specialists, Computer clined to comment publicly, but documents the preliminary examination of a witness or requested $12.5 million in damages.
Programmers, Accountants, Administrative filed with the court allege Schack entered a juror by representatives of the court.
Assistants at Schools and District Offices, the proceedings with preconceived negative Born in 1931, Jones started smoking as a
Principals, Assistant Principals, Assistant notions about the trial attorney represent- Schack has been with the 19th Judicial teenager. By the time he was an adult, the
Superintendents, Executive Directors, Direc- ing the Jones family and unfairly targeted Circuit since 1991. He officially retired in banker turned Indian River County restau-
tors and Coordinators,” Rendell said. the lawyer. 2015, becoming a senior judge that year. rateur was smoking as much as two packs
Senior judges work for the court on an as a day, lighting a cigarette first thing every
Meanwhile, the district’s 1,100 teach- Among other grievances, the firm says needed basis. Unlike their younger peers, morning.
ers got no raise. In 2015 they negotiated a Schack questionably recorded attorney Da- they are not elected but called upon when
$900-a-year increase in pay for three years, vid Carter during juror selection without ad- resources are stretched. “I’m asking for justice, not sympathy,”
which ends this year. The increase was not a vance warning and without also recording Carter told the jurors in closing arguments.
raise, but compensation for working an hour the attorney for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Com- Through a public records request, Gould He said R.J. Reynolds intentionally con-
longer each day. Under the arrangement, pany in a similar way. Cooksey Fennel discovered that Schack cealed the health risks of smoking and tar-
teachers earned $5 an hour for their extra twice asked for a recording of Carter’s ques- geted youth in its marketing efforts.
hour of work the first year, $10 last year and Further, in one instance, the equipment tioning during jury selection. “Those emails
$15 this year. The school board did approve was not turned off at the time of recess leav- reveal the targeted nature of the use of the In recent years, thousands of similar cas-
a 31 cent-per-hour raise for the 700 workers ing a two-minute gap where confidential recording system as well as the fact that not es, often called the “Engle progeny” suits,
represented by the Communication Work- conversations between the attorneys and one, but two, copies were requested,” they have been heard in Florida courtrooms, with
ers of America – teacher assistants, cafeteria their clients could have been exposed. “In- argue in the motion. juries sometimes deciding in favor of big to-
workers, janitors and bus drivers, among formation detrimental to the Plaintiff was bacco and sometimes in favor of plaintiff’s
others – which will raise their base pay by likely recorded,” they maintain. Court rules do not require civil cases tried injured by tobacco.
$350 a year. But the board also took away by a judge to be recorded, they note. Plus, a
these workers yearly bonus averaging $800 It was during juror selection that the Florida Supreme Court Administrative Or- Ruling in 2006 on a class-action lawsuit
a year, giving them instead a one-time $200 judge decided to start taping, according to der states that copies of audio and video can known as Engle vs. the R.J. Reynolds Tobac-
bonus as compensation. the documents filed by Gould Cooksey Fen- be produced for parties in a case, but men- co Company, the Florida Supreme Court
nel. Schack had earlier told the lawyers to tions nothing about the judge. said that such lawsuits are valid, but must
Teachers’ union President Liz Cannon limit lead-in to their questions. “We’re on be heard individually instead of as a class
pointed out that, in fact, most district em- day four of jury selection, going at a pace In the motion for a new trial, Gould Cook- action. The arguments made by plaintiffs
ployees are taking home up to $1,200 a year that reminds me of The Tortoise and the sey Fennel expresses alarm that Schack open- and their attorneys are boosted by the high
less this year, even with CWA workers small Hare,” he said. ly discussed the contents of a juror’s note- court’s findings that smoking causes certain
raise, since the school board increased em- book after she was excused. Schack brought diseases and that tobacco companies hid its
ployee health insurance premiums last year. Schack told the attorneys they were be- it up in the courtroom just before lunch. It dangers.
ing recorded during a sidebar discussion. was mostly doodles and personal reminders,
“Your highest-paid workers seem to be Gould Cooksey Fennel maintains that ini-
doing better than others,” Cannon said. tially the judge said he wanted a record for NOopwen We Are at the Corner of 10th Avenue
“Please note the inequity.” the appeals court, but later offered Carter a on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491
CD of the proceedings as a “learning tool.”
Although the School Board voted unani- Shack said that when he was a trial lawyer he Assisted Living & Memory Care l renaissanceverobeach.com
mously to give the 268 workers a 2-percent would periodically listen to his work. 2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
raise, School Board member Laura Zorc
said she would have given more to the CWA When Carter realized he was being re- AL 13068
workers last month had she not been misled. corded more than the other attorneys, he
asked for an explanation. How, Carter want-
Zorc said the board was told there was ed to know, could a comparative analysis be
no more money in budget for CWA workers done if the court singled out his line of ques-
without being informed money was being tioning and not the remarks of the attorney
held in reserve for top workers. for R.J. Reynolds.
“We (the school board) should be making The light affixed to the ceiling notifying
those decisions,” Zorc said, “but we know so the courtroom that proceedings are being
little about the budget – and we can’t get the taped is a “scarlet letter that the jury could
information – we cannot make an informed see the entire time…” he said. “And then
decision.” when the defense counsel gets up, there’s no
light, there’s no chiding.”
8 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer some sort of cooperative agreement to
[email protected] share space and transmission capabilities
on the tower, as Datapath executives have
Indian River Shores residents eager- told him this is the trend.
ly awaiting better cell phone service have
cause for hope: Verizon Wireless is now The Shores Public Safety phones and
under contract to be on the town’s long- on-board computers operate off of Ver-
planned cell phone tower, and the proj- izon’s signal. Years ago, when the de-
ect is now expected to get underway this cade-long effort to get a tower approved
month. was bogged down, the town invested in
signal boosters for its public safety vehi-
“You should see construction begin cles to enable them to communicate de-
within the next two weeks,” Town Manager spite the spotty, weak cell signal through-
Robbie Stabe told the council last Thurs- out the Shores.
The 115-foot “stealth tower,” which will
Stabe said the town’s contractor, Data- be camouflaged with branches to look like
path Tower, would be working to pull per- a massive pine tree, will be built on the
mits on Friday. Adding to the optimism, Town Public Safety Complex property on
Stabe said that a lease agreement with a a concrete slab, poured atop a deep foun-
second major carrier, which he would not dation. The main pole will go up first and
name, is in the works. then the fiberglass branches will be added.
Last month, town officials voiced major Town officials have said the pole will
concerns over changing economic factors take 60 to 90 days to construct once all
making it more challenging to negotiate permits are in place. The Town Council
viable leases with cell phone carriers. With said it would be available to convene for
the smartphone market virtually saturat- any emergency approvals needed to expe-
ed, carriers big and small have engaged dite the process, but Stabe and Building
in a global price war to pilfer customers Official Jose Guanch has said ordinance
– a practice that has shriveled the dollars changes and variances previously granted
available to ink pricey long-term leases for would cover the tower without additional
space on cell towers. approvals.
Town Council members expressed their The closest cell towers to the Shores are
wish that a deal with AT&T could be nailed a flagpole stealth tower at Sea Oaks to the
down soon, as the bulk of local residents north and a tower atop the Village Spires
subscribe to either Verizon or AT&T cel- condominiums on Ocean Drive in Vero
lular service. Stabe said he would not be Beach to the south.
surprised if Verizon and AT&T worked out
State adding bike lanes on 17th Street
By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer new drainage structures, a new mast arm,
and additional asphalt and concrete.”
If you have been wondering what is going
on along 17th Street between the Alma Lee The impetus for the larger project can be
Loy Bridge and U.S. 1, where heavy concrete traced back to the county’s Metropolitan
barriers have been lined up reducing the Planning Organization.
number of traffic lanes, here is the answer:
The Florida Department of Transportation Adding bike lanes to local roads is a pri-
is widening the roadway to add bike lanes. ority for Phillip Matson, director of the Met-
ropolitan Planning Organization. He noted
The work, which will result in 7-foot-wide that as the county re-paves roads, bike lanes
bike lanes in each direction along that three- will be added wherever feasible.
quarter-of-a-mile stretch, began in mid-Au-
gust, and is expected to be completed in fall Indian River County currently offers few-
2018. The budget for the roadwork, initially er than 100 miles of bike lanes. The longest
bid at $1.6 million, has since nearly doubled single stretch is along A1A on the barrier is-
to $3.06 million land.
Kathleen Dempsey, speaking for project
engineers The Corradino Group, explained
the increase.
“Initially this was solely a milling and re-
surfacing project,” Dempsey wrote in an
email. “Then the project scope changed to
include widening to accommodate bike
lanes. The widening required installation of
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 6, 2017 9
AID TO PUERTO RICO Chamber of Commerce in West Palm Expires 10-31-17
Beach and learned there was a collec- Expires 10-31-17
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion hub at the Greenacres Communi- Expires 10-31-17
ty Center.
no way to communicate, struggling
to get food and water. They’re saying So after she packed the donated
it could take up to six months to get supplies in boxes – most of those who
electricity back, and it will take even contributed to her campaign are from
longer to rebuild. Indian River County – she had them
delivered Saturday to Greenacres with
“As a mom, seeing children’s hospi- help from Samuel Jan Homes, a custom
tals being evacuated because there’s home builder based in Vero Beach.
no fuel for the generators . . . that was
very difficult.” “They used their trailer and driver,”
Perez said.
Seeing those images was so difficult,
in fact, that Perez was moved to ac- The boxes were stacked on pallets,
tion. The day after Maria blew through which were placed in steel containers
Puerto Rico, shredding the island’s in- and loaded onto an 18 wheeler, which
frastructure, she embarked on a cam- transported the goods to the Port of
paign to collect – from local and re- Miami on Monday.
gional donors – supplies to be shipped
to the storm-ravaged island. The cargo ship carrying the supplies
was expected to arrive in San Juan by
At first, Perez contributed what she mid-week.
gathered to other local efforts to help
Puerto Ricans desperate for food and From there, Mayaguez’s mayor –
water, as well as items such as batter- “He’s good friends with my father,” Pe-
ies, flashlights, first-aid/medical sup- rez said – will make sure the supplies
plies, blankets, toilet paper, diapers, make the two-hour road trip from
baby formula, baby wipes, feminine Puerto Rico’s capital to his small city.
hygiene products, insect repellent,
toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and Perez said she didn’t know how
detergent. many people the shipment would
help, but she’s grateful that “so many
Her early collections were sent to people understand the need for this.”
San Juan, but now she has organized
an effort to get desperately needed While she has family members liv-
supplies to her native Mayaguez, lo- ing in Puerto Rico, they were able to
cated on the west end of the island. evacuate before the hurricane devas-
tated the island.
“Everything has been going into San
Juan, but there was no gas to get it to But some of her friends weren’t as
other parts of the island,” said Perez, fortunate – she said last week that
who, along with her husband, Sergio some of her friends from Puerto Rico
Zeligman, owns Panda Contractors, still hadn’t heard from their families on
a roofing and remodeling business in the island.
Vero Beach. “I grew up in Mayaguez
and we were getting so many dona- “I left when I went to college at UF,
tions, so I was adamant that we get but I still feel connected,” Perez said.
stuff to that side of the island.” “There’s something very special about
that island.
Relying on Facebook posts to adver-
tise her efforts and using her family’s “Puerto Ricans can leave Puerto
business as a drop-off site, Perez coor- Rico, but you can’t get Puerto Rico out
dinated with a friend at the Hispanic of Puerto Ricans.”
That’s why, Perez added, her efforts
will continue. “It’s has been pretty
much a full-time job,” she said, “but
it’s worth it.”
10 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Orchid Island Club hopes hurricanes spare 2018 USGA tourney
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Given the national exposure the event played in Hawaii. you can do” if a major hurricane makes a
[email protected] is expected to bring to Orchid Island’s Ar- Also in 1993, the USGA changed the direct hit, as Irma did in the Naples area.
nold Palmer-designed golf course and the
When Hurricane Irma swept through surrounding community – as well as the site of the 1994 U.S. Amateur Public Links Tench, though, already has made plans
southwest Florida last month, the storm time, effort and money the club already tournament, which was moved from Reno, to get the club cleaned up and ready for
destroyed more than a year of prepara- has invested in preparing to host the tour- Nev., to Bigfork, Mont., because of a severe play in the event a hurricane impacts the
tions for the U.S. Women’s Mid-Amateur nament – Hutton refused to be anything drought. Vero Beach area shortly before the tourna-
Championship which was set to be played but optimistic. ment.
at Quail Creek Country Club in Naples, “Natural disasters can happen in any
forcing USGA officials to move the tour- Still, he knows the threat of an early-Oc- part of the country,” Parsons said. “When The Senior Women’s Amateur is only
nament to Houston and reschedule it for tober hurricane is actually very real. we were in Portland (Oregon) for the Se- the second USGA major championship to
mid-November. nior Women’s Amateur last month, they be played on Florida’s Treasure Coast. The
“I wish I had a crystal ball, but if a hur- were dealing with fires.” 2015 U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship
Could something similar happen to ricane comes, there’s nothing you can do was played at the John’s Island Club on its
next year’s U.S. Senior Women’s Amateur about it,” Hutton said. “You can’t control Hutton headed an Orchid Island contin- mainland West Course.
Championship, scheduled for Oct. 6-11 at the weather. It’s the chance you take.” gent that attended the 2016 tournament to
the Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club? observe its operations, and he said tem- A year out, Tench and Hutton said Or-
Parsons said the USGA sees it the same peratures approached 100 degrees and a chid Island’s preparations for the Senior
Remember: Not only do those dates fall way and would not shy from awarding fu- strong smell of smoke filled the air. Women’s Amateur are on schedule. The
alarmingly close to the peak of Florida’s ture September and October major cham- club previously has hosted U.S. Open
hurricane season, but it was just last year pionship tournaments to sites in Florida “Portland dodged a bullet,” Hutton said. qualifying tournaments in 2009 and 2017.
that Matthew, a Category 3 storm, brushed or other places where hurricanes might “The day before the tournament started,
the Vero Beach coast on the night of Oct. 6. pose a threat. the wind changed, they got control of the They said Orchid Island expects to
fire and the temperatures dropped into the spend more than $200,000 to prepare and
Matthew’s arrival, however, didn’t faze Twice before, in fact, Mother Nature 70s.” run the tournament, and that 225 to 250
Ted Hutton, the Orchid Island winter res- has forced the USGA to move national volunteers will be needed – half of them
ident who is serving as the 2018 Senior championship tournaments, though Irma This year’s Women’s Mid-Am will be coming from outside the club.
Women’s Amateur’s tournament chair- marked the first time such a disruption oc- played Nov. 11-16 at the Champions Club
man. To the contrary, Hutton said he wrote curred so close to the start of competition. in Houston, which was slammed by Hur- The USGA announced in February 2015
to the USGA’s Tracy Parsons, the tourna- ricane Harvey in late August and experi- that it had awarded the 57th U.S. Senior
ment director, and “guaranteed” there In 1993, the USGA announced it was enced historic flooding. The club’s Cypress Women’s Amateur to Orchid Island. Prac-
would be no hurricane during that same switching the sites for the 1995 and 1996 Creek course, however, has returned to tice rounds are scheduled for Oct. 4-5,
week in 2018. U.S. Amateur Public Links championships normal condition. with competition to begin Oct. 6.
after Hurricane Iniki hit the Hawaiian
“I emailed Tracy when Matthew hit last Islands. The 1995 tournament, original- Orchid Island General Manager Rob The tournament is open to women am-
October,” Hutton said, “and I told her, ly scheduled for Wailua, was moved to Tench called Quail Creek’s inability to host ateurs who will reach their 50th birthday
‘This is not going to happen in two years.’” Massachusetts. The 1996 event was then the Women’s Mid-Am a “heartbreak for before the start of the event and have a
them,” adding that “there’s only so much Handicap Index not exceeding 18.4.
12 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS www.veronews.com
Captains help keep Vero cross country team on track
By Ron Holub | Correspondent by experienced teammates in the do’s and my friends,” Duncanson “I set a personal re-
don’ts of running safely and preparing for
The final practice before the Vero Beach competition is essential under any circum- said. “It’s a huge stress cord at states last year
High cross country team departed for the stances, but particularly in the daily heat
Florida Runners Invitational Meet last week- and humidity. reliever even though it and that was an awe-
end in Lakeland was conducted solely by the
captains of the boys and girls teams. When The 2017 boys captain is senior Jimmy may seem like a lot of some experience. This
you think about it, that’s a way practices and Granberg. The girls captain is senior Bren-
meets might work best. na Duncanson. They were chosen by their work. year I beat it again. I
classmates to lead as many as 40 boys and
Formal coaching should never be down- 26 girls in the VBHS cross country program “When there is not a would really like to get
played, but the veteran runners know what under head coach Kelli Stewart.
they want to accomplish and how they want coach present I will get in the top 50 at states,
to do it, while the newer participants grad- “I’ve been doing this since my freshman
ually come to realize that being schooled year and I really enjoy running with all of practice moving and maybe even in the top
make sure everybody 30. That would be a
is doing what they are big accomplishment.
supposed to. At meets I Sometimes practices
will keep track of the JV are hard, but it’s in the
team, make sure they meets where I experi-
are warmed up and get ence an incredible joy.
them to the starting line Gumpel has been
on time. The younger running cross country
ones don’t really know since seventh grade and
what is going on, so I get would like to cap off her
them all set up so they senior with a scholar-
don’t miss their race or ship. Right now the Uni-
anything like that. versity of North Florida
After the basics of her heads the list.
leadership role are satis- Jimmy Granberg. She met the coach-
fied, Duncanson gets on es there during a recent
the track herself. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD visit.
“Sometimes it’s hard Granberg also quali-
to find the motivation to come out and fied for the state tournament last year and
run, but when I get out here with all of my would like to make the trip again, this time
friends, we encourage each other. We get with some company.
to talk, have fun and I always end up enjoy- “This is a young team but we are looking
ing it. I am actually quite the talker when really good,” the boys captain told us. “The
I run. Some people like to zone out, focus season is going great and I think we are
and forget about what they are doing. For strong enough to make states as a team. If
me talking helps the time go faster.” not, hopefully a couple of individuals will
She is, of course, talking about chatting go.
up practices. Meets are quiet times for Dun- “I’ve been out here for four years and I
canson and that enabled her to do a 2017 love every minute of it. In my role as cap-
season best 22.27. Her personal record is tain I would like to think that I help my
20.55 set in 2015. teammates run faster. I try to give them as
“There are times in races when you are many tips as I can, and give them guidance
running superfast and there are hundreds whenever it’s needed. I also try to motivate
of people around you. We are all just sprint- them before races.”
ing and you get this crazy adrenaline high. Granberg set a personal record of 16.48
You can’t feel your legs anymore and are just at the Spanish River Invitational a few
moving forward. It’s really cool.” weeks ago. Absent the unforeseen, he ap-
Senior Grace Gumpel made it to the pears to be a shoo-in for states.
state tournament last year and is looking He says Kevin Henriquez, Elliot Thomas,
for a repeat. She set a new personal record Brice Roden and Dillon Helzerman have
of 19:45 in August. what it takes to join him.
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B-3’s a charm: Vitamin may prevent miscarriages
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Laurie Beebe.
In a 12-year study published in the PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
prestigious New England Journal of
Medicine, researchers from Austra- their pregnancy, a particularly import- pregnancy, a deficiency in niacin can
lia report that many miscarriages and ant time for the baby’s organ develop- cause a disease called pellagra, which
birth defects could be prevented by a ment. is characterized by inflamed skin, di-
simple substance we are all familiar arrhea, fatigue, depression and demen-
with: vitamin B-3. The latest information from the U.S. tia. In an interesting side note, Beebe
National Institutes of Health is that said that niacin deficiencies used to be
Lead researcher Sally Dunwoodie, the general population should intake common in the south, as corn – which is
from the Victor Chang Cardiac Research 14 milligrams of niacin per day. Vero’s lacking in niacin – was such a staple of
Institute in Sydney, Australia, says “the Laurie Beebe says that most research southern diets, by itself and in recipes
ramifications are likely to be huge. This suggests the average American diet such as cornbread.
has the potential to significantly reduce meets those requirements, but agrees
the number of miscarriages and birth an adequate intake of niacin should be She says the inflamed skin caused by
defects around the world, and I do not a special focus in pregnancy, as the re- the deficiency, along with the effects
use those words lightly.” quirement for pregnant women is high- of the sun, caused farmers to have red
er – 18 milligrams per day. necks, which is where the now deroga-
Laurie Beebe, a registered and li- tory term “redneck” originated.
censed dietitian living and working in In addition to possible problems in
Vero Beach, is intrigued by the study, Professor Robert Graham, executive
though she said more studies are need- director of the Victor Chang Institute,
ed to back up the findings. says “just like we now use folic acid to
prevent spina bifida, Professor Dun-
The study traced the cause of certain woodie’s research suggests that it is
types of birth defects to a deficiency in a probably best for women to start taking
molecule called nicotinamide adenine vitamin B-3 very early on, even before
dinucleotide (NAD). NAD plays a key they become pregnant. This will change
role in regulating metabolism, boosting the way pregnant women are cared for
cell survival and repairing DNA when around the world.”
At the same time, the researchers
A NAD deficiency can be caused by urge expectant mothers to consult with
genetic factors, chronic diseases, or their doctors about taking B-3 supple-
lifestyle issues, such as an unhealthy ments, as it is not clear what exact doses
diet. A key element in the production of are optimal for preventing miscarriage
NAD is niacin, more commonly called and birth defects.
vitamin B-3. It is found in foods such as
turkey, chicken breast, tuna, peanuts Laurie Beebe’s website can be found at
and mushrooms; it is also widely avail- mycoachlaurie.com; her phone number
able as a dietary supplement. is 618-616-7704.
Professor Dunwoodie and her col-
leagues suggest that a sustained intake
of a B-3 supplement can help prevent
miscarriages and birth defects such as
spina bifida and other malformations
of the vertebrae, cleft palate, and some
heart and kidney defects.
The significance of the finding is
amplified because other studies have
shown that a significant percentage of
expectant mothers have a vitamin B-3
deficiency during the first trimester of
Niacin is found in foods such as, chicken
breast, tuna, peanuts and mushrooms.
A16 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
IRMC staffers step up during Irma blood emergency
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer ter cardio-thoracic surgeon Dr. Mark
[email protected] Malias and the Indian River Medical
Center’s chief medical officer, Dr. Kathy
It won’t fit on a bumper sticker, but Grichnik, would probably snap up a
“right anterior thoracotomies” happen. bumper sticker like that and proudly
display it on their office walls.
So, too, do “peripheral cannulations
in the groin artery” and “congestive Why? It’s simple. When blood and
heart failures.” blood platelet supplies at the hospital
ran dangerously low during and im-
And sometimes all those things hap- mediately after Hurricane Irma – only
pen at the most inopportune times. two 500-milliliter bags of platelets re-
Like, for instance, just before, during mained for the 332-bed facility – it was
and immediately after a hurricane. IRMC staff members who stepped up
What will fit on a bumper sticker is “I
❤ IRMC Staffers,” and Welsh Heart Cen-
Dr. Mark Malias and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Katherine Grichnik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
and volunteered to donate blood for let transfusion is not as easy as just go-
their patients. ing and donating blood, which might
take an hour. Platelet donation might
The volunteerism was critical be- take up to four hours because they have
cause, at the time of this acute shortage, to [process the blood] in a separate way,
at least a dozen surgeries, many requir- called apheresis.”
ing supplies of blood and platelets on
hand, were scheduled at the hospital. Apheresis involves more than just
collecting blood from a donor. With an
Malias, a rapidly rising star in car- instrument that is essentially a centri-
diac surgery circles, had a patient with fuge, says CentralBloodBank.org, the
congestive heart failure who needed an components of whole blood need to
aortic valve procedure (a right anterior be separated and the platelets secured
thoracotomy with a peripheral cannu- separately.
lation in his groin artery), and that pa-
tient was already scheduled for the OR. Grichnik says IRMC’s Patric Gibson,
director of laboratory services, was the
The patient had been treated a month one who first sounded the alarm about
earlier by Welsh Heart Center’s electro- the platelet problem.
physiologist, Dr. Brett Faulknier, for
atrial fibrillation – a quivering or irreg- After hearing from Gibson, Grichnik
ular heartbeat that can lead to blood had sent out an email blast to all IRMC
clots, stroke, heart failure and other employees on Thursday, Sept. 14. The
heart-related complications – and was response caught her by surprise.
originally slated to have his heart valve
procedure on Friday, Sept. 8. “We came in the next day and Patric
said that it was like a miracle,” Grich-
But with Hurricane Irma approach- nik says. “All these people [within the
ing the Florida coast at the time, a hospital] decided to donate” and Mali-
change of plans was required. as’ patient was finally able to have his
heart valve surgery on the 15th.
As Malias recounts, “I suggested
we try Tuesday, Sept. 12, because at If it’s possible, Malias seems even
the time we didn’t know what impact more impressed by the response than
the storm would have here. Then, that either Grichnik or Gibson. “The staff at
Tuesday morning in pre-op holding, I IRMC took on this additional responsi-
was talking to him while the lights were bility,” says this talented surgeon, “and
flashing on and off and he understood they rolled up their sleeves and donated
why I’d put his procedure off. The pa- their time and blood. The staff at IRMC
tient’s heart valve surgery was post- is accustomed to putting the commu-
poned again, for another three days, nity needs above their own. They re-
but the blood and blood platelet short- sponded here and made the difference.”
age persisted.”
There is still a persistent blood and
Why are blood platelets so import- blood platelet shortage nationwide and
ant? They help initiate clotting and pre- it is especially acute here in south Flor-
vent excessive blood loss after surgery. ida, so Malias, Grichnik and Gibson all
They also take time to prepare. urge county residents to step up like the
staff at IRMC did and donate blood.
As Grichnik explains, “giving a plate-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH October 6, 2017 A17
Many old nutrition ‘facts’ no longer carry weight
By Cara Rosenbloom | The Washigton Post nut butter, you’re doing yourself a disser- member my nutrition professor saying, “It thought and should be limited. The Amer-
vice. Fat should not be feared. Certain fats, doesn’t matter if you eat 300 calories from ican Heart Association recommends no
A friend of mine is trying to lose weight especially from nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish apples or from chocolate – a calorie is a calo- more than six teaspoons of added sugar per
and wanted to check whether her strategies and avocado, are beneficial for heart health rie.” In the mid-90s, calories were all treated day for women and nine teaspoons for men.
were sound. She said she counts every calo- and weight control, and can help reduce the same, no matter the source. One 16-ounce Snapple has 10 teaspoons.
rie, avoids nuts because of the high fat con- the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. They
tent and snacks only on fat-free foods. Was should be enjoyed as part of the daily diet. That was dietetic tunnel vision. We now Calories in, calories out: Weight loss
she on track? recognize that calories from soda, candy was explained very simply in nutrition
Fructose (fruit sugar) is better for di- and other treats deliver sugar but offer no school: You’ll lose weight by cutting calories
If that conversation took place in 1993, abetics: My nutrition textbook from 1995 vitamins, minerals, fiber or protein. That’s from food and increasing calories burned
she’d get kudos for her nutrition knowledge. says that “fructose does not cause problems different than calories from vegetables, through exercise. That’s it – just eat less and
But those bits of wisdom are badly outdat- of high blood sugar for people with dia- legumes or fish, which provide nutrients move more. Obesity was blamed on laziness
ed. Nutritional science changes quickly, betes.” Fructose naturally occurs in fruit, in every bite. If you still count calories but and overconsumption.
and knowledge gleaned from a 25-year-old and is fine in small doses. But in the 1990s, don’t consider much else, consider seeing a
nutrition textbook can be downright laugh- fructose was heavily used as a sweetener dietitian to learn why nutrient-dense foods Now we know that obesity is much more
able today. for processed foods because we thought it are a better option. complex than that. It involves genetics,
was healthier than white sugar. Remember physiology, activity level, environment, diet
Here are some old and outdated nutri- Frookies, the fructose-sweetened cookies Sugar just causes cavities: My dorm and socioeconomic status. Plus, researchers
tional ideas that many people still believe for people with diabetes? Yikes. room was stocked with Snackwell’s cookies, are heavily studying how obesity relates to
in: gummy bears and Snapple – all of my fat- hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, which
It turns out that excessive consumption free (and guilt-free!) pleasures. These fat- are not even mentioned in my 1990s text-
All fat is bad: I remember the on-cam- of fructose – mostly as high-fructose corn free foods are loaded with sugar. That didn’t books. In 2017, we aim to treat obesity as a
pus breakfast I ate most often in 1994: a syrup – has been linked to insulin resis- seem to be a problem, because I was taught disease and not lay blame on the people
huge New York-style bagel with nothing on tance and Type 2 diabetes, so it’s not good that sugar causes dental cavities but is be- who have it. And we still don’t have all the
it. We all believed that “fat makes you fat,” for diabetics after all. Too much fructose is nign otherwise. I brushed twice daily, so no answers to the weight control riddle.
so butter, cream cheese and peanut butter also associated with metabolic syndrome, harm done, right?
were off-limits. Fat-free foods were deemed obesity and cardiovascular disease. Fruc- In fact, we don’t have a lot of answers
better for health, so nuts, seeds and avoca- tose from fruit is fine, but high consumption Fast-forward to 2017, and a new story about nutrition, which is a relatively new
do were frowned upon. A low-fat, high-carb of fructose in the form of sweeteners is not emerges. Recent studies link excess sugar science. The research evolves as humans
diet was the recommended approach for recommended – whether you have diabetes consumption – especially from sweetened evolve, and today’s theory may not carry
weight control and good cardiovascular or not. beverages – to an increased risk of obesity, weight tomorrow. It will be interesting to
health. Type 2 diabetes, dementia and heart dis- read this article in 25 years to see the prog-
All calories are equal: I distinctly re- ease. Sugar is not as blameless as we once ress we’ve made.
Check your menu. If you are still eating
pasta without olive oil or bread without pea-
A18 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz has a buongiorno with Peroni the Italiano
Hi Dog Buddies! the name of the kennel, and cuzza my Peroni. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Peroni bounded over to
birthday bein’ on Valentine’s Day. And his big napmat and start-
This week I interviewed another tall, leg- the Peroni is for an Italian beer hu- my baby pool and ed tossing it around and
gy poocheroo who’s still a pupster. He doesn’t mans really like.” blow bubbles. I also enjoy cha- chewing the corners. “The
LOOK like a puppy, but he ACTS like it. He’s sin’ squirrels an birds. ’Cept this Lady says this napmat has a
very slurpy an frenly, with a short wavy or- “That is Totally Cool Kibbles! You one bird. It’s real big an loud, and lifetime guarantee: it’s s’pose
ange roan coat, long orange ears, fluffy wiffles look like you have lotsa energy,” I ob- it flies real low. So I stand like a to be munch-proof but …”
and beard, an bangs that almost cover his ha- served. statute and stare right at it with He grasped the corner and
zel-colored, people-lookin’ eyes. my Serious Face, so it won’t swoop down an shook it enthusiastically. “Cor-
“Woof, yes! I get three walks every grab me. I scare it away every time. The Man ners are The Best!” he said.
His name’s Peroni, an he’s a new-to-me day, an go to the dog park. An me an an The Lady call it a Mosquito Control Plane, “’Specially when The Man an
breed – a Spuh-NO-nay Ee-tal-ee-AH-no. (Just my Bestie, Ginger, play a lot. (She’s which is a silly name for a bird, doncha think?” The Lady are away, an I’m in
between you an me, I’d heard the name before, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriev- “Woof!” was all I could manage. “Do you do the laundry room with my food
but I always thought it was ice cream. Embar- er. Don’t ask me what that means. any tricks?” an water an toys. There’s just
rassing.) Ginger doesn’t even know.) One “Not really. But I do bring The Man his pa- nothin’ like a nice, chewy corner.
time she snuck out and ran off. per every morning, that’s sorta a trick, I guess. Really makes the time go by. You
Peroni trotted right up for theWag-and Sniff. We sit together while he reads an drinks his wanna share?”
“Oh, Mr. Bonzo, I’m so glad you could come. Her Mom spent hours chasin’ her all over the coffee. Whenever he puts milk in his coffee, he “Thanks, but no,” I said. “I’d
We hadda pos-pone cuzza the hurry-cane. But place an hollerin’, but Ginger thought she was gives me some milk, too, which I Totally Love! better just keep takin’ notes.”
now I’m all spiffed up and ready. I’m Peroni playin.’ Finally her Mom got Totally Pooped I also know how to ring the special doorbell He then grabbed a big blue-
Boone an these are my humans: The LadyWho Out and was scared Ginger’d run smack into a when I hafta go out and Do My Doodie. PLUS, and-white striped canvas bag and
Feeds Me, she’s Beverly. I just call her The Lady. truck or fall in a hole or get pounced on by a I helped The Man and The Lady pile up a bun- tossed it in the air, dumping the
An The Man, he’s Dan’l.” Big Scary Monster. So I convinced The Lady to cha big palm tree thingys after the hurry-cane. contents onto the floor. “These’re
let me go get her. I found her an explained that There were, like, zillions of ’em.” my TOYS! See? An alligator, ana
“I’m pleased to meet you all,” I said, opening she could get in Big Trouble, so she followed boomerang, ana fox, ana squeaky
my notebook an making a mental note to get a me right back home. Anyway, she’s away on a seahorse, an my favorite, a nice, soft
slurp-proof cover for it. “I’m ready to hear your trip right now, which is Soggy Dog Biscuits. I towel from the breeder, which us
story.” hope she comes home soon. I think she should puppies snuggled on. It smells like all
have a special collar like mine, which has a Su- my brothers and sisters.”
“Me an my litter (I have three sisters an four per Secret AKC tracking device so our humans “Awww, that is so sweet,” I said.
brothers) were born in a kennel in Bushnell can always find us. I was smilin’ all the way home, thinkin’ of
on Valentine’s Day. The Lady an The Man had Peroni fearlessly standing up to the Mosquito
a Brittany Spaniel named Scout, who’d just “Oh, an I like goin’ out in our pontoon boat. Control plane, and fallin’ asleep snuggled up in
left for Dog Heaven, an they wanted to fill The I don’t like swimmin’, but I sometimes sit in the special towel that smells like his brothers
Void, but not with another Brittany, cuz it’d and sisters.
make ’em too sad. So they went on the Mer-
rycan Kennel Club website lookin’ for similar Till next time,
dogs an found Spuh-NO-nay Ee-tal-ee-AH-
nos. We’re whatcha call a Sporting Breed (I’m The Bonz
not zackly sure what that means), but The
Man an the Lady thought that kinda pooch’d Don’t Be Shy
be easier to train. I don’t think they’ve decided
whether that’s true, just yet, cuzza my bein’ a We are always looking for pets
puppy still.” with interesting stories.
“Since you’re from an Official Breeder, do To set up an interview, email
you have one of those long kennel names no- [email protected].
body ever uses?”
“Yes! It’s Briar’s Creek Valentine Peroni! For
Shores Council OKs luxury
subdivision called The Strand
20 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Shores Council OKs luxury subdivision called The Strand
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer Clark French and Cindy O’Dare at the development property in Indian River Shores at the time it was listed. to design a high-end island community
[email protected] called Providence that would take full ad-
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” for Patten. derway will likely sell out in the coming vantage of the gold-plated barrier-island
The Indian River Shores Town Council “It is extremely rare to find a large par- season, leaving buyers little to choose location.
last Thursday approved a conceptual plan from, so the new homes at The Strand will
for what likely will be the last large-scale cel available in a developed and high-end be well-received.” The plans were approved and buy-
residential development ever built in the area like Indian River Shores,” she wrote in ers were putting down deposits on new
well-to-do burg that occupies a six-mile an email to Vero Beach 32963. Patten’s property is the last large piece of homes, but the real estate market down-
stretch of the barrier island. development land available in The Shores. turn came before any construction began
“The recreational opportunities real- and McGough put the project on hold.
The Patten Company, a national real es- ly make this project special. There will be The tract – originally a 41.5-acre ocean-
tate development firm with offices in Na- private beach access across the street, boat to-river parcel – was assembled from The land lost value in the downturn and
ples and Boca Raton, plans 47 substantial docks on the Indian River, biking and jog- grove land in 2004 as the real estate boom Lenfest’s Beachlen Development snapped
single-family homes and 21 townhomes ging on the Jungle Trail as well as all of the was ramping up and sold to McGough, a it up in 2012 for $10.95 million, creating
on a parcel that extends from A1A to the nearby shops and restaurants that make construction and development company Charleston Estates Vero LLC as a holding
Indian River Lagoon just north of Palm Is- this area so popular.” headquartered in St. Paul, MN, for $16.5 company for the project.
land Plantation. million.
“The timing is good,” said French. “They bought it partially for land-bank-
“The community will have a coastal “Inventory of new homes on the island McGough hired Orlando planning and ing purposes and partly to explore its de-
contemporary style that should blend with is very low. Most of the projects now un- architecture powerhouse The Evans Group velopment potential,” says French.
our existing neighbors,” said Patten Vice
President of Acquisitions Katherine Dob- Lenfest’s development focus later shift-
bins, who bird-dogged the property and ed to Philadelphia where he is building
managed the purchase. two high-rise hotels and the property went
back on the market.
“We will be selling lots as well as fin-
ished homes and are actively seeking local Three years ago, in October 2014, island
builders to join our preferred builder pro- businesswoman Katherine McConvey
gram, so that we will be able to offer sever- bought the oceanfront part of the tract,
al different models to buyers. paying $7,250,000 for acreage on the east
side of A1A where she plans to build an
“We hope to break ground in early ultra-luxurious modernist condo complex
2018,” she added. with 18 homes.
Patten closed on the property June 30, That left the western portion, which has
paying $5 million for 34 acres of former 620 linear feet of river frontage along the
grove land. historic Jungle Trail that Patten has now
laid out as The Strand.
The seller was Charleston Estates Vero
LLC, an entity of Philadelphia billionaire Dobbins said pricing for the new homes
Brook Lenfest, whose company Beachlen has not been decided on, but French spec-
Development was active in Vero until re- ulated the townhomes could start in the
cently. $700,000-$800,000 range, a bargain these
days for new construction in Indian River
Clark French and Cindy O’Dare of Pre- Shores.
mier Estate Properties were the listing and
selling agents on the deal.
When they got the listing, French and
O’Dare used a database company to iden-
tify 4,000 builders and developers who had
pulled permits for residential projects in
Florida with construction cost of $1million
or more, French said.
One of those companies was Patten,
which has built more than 600 commu-
nities in 36 states and Canada, including
nearly 50 in Florida, according to Dobbins.
“Vero has always been on our radar as
a strong market in Florida,” Dobbins said.
Dobbins said the development, which
will be called The Strand, represents “a
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 6, 2017 21
Dale Sorensen Real Estate wins high honors from Chamber
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer The Dale Sorenson support team. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected]
Sr., the brokerage has achieved phenom- the Best New Multi-family development; Matilde Sorensen.
Island brokerage Dale Sorensen Real enal growth in recent years, increasing GHO Homes Summer Lake subdivision as
Estate has been named best medium-size sales by more than 500 percent since the Best New Single-family project; and
company in Indian River County by the 2009. Quail Valley’s new restaurant and lodge
Chamber of Commerce. on Royal Palm Pointe as Best New Large
In 2016, the company closed more than Commercial Building.
Chamber Economic Development Di- 1,000 transactions worth $435 million
rector Helene Caseltine said it is the first in Indian River County, including $250 The event was held at the Indian Riv-
time since the Chamber has kept records million on the barrier island, where it er State College Richardson Center with
that a real estate company garnered a achieved a 25 percent market share. Marine Bank & Trust President and CEO
best company honor. Bill Penney serving as MC.
Sorensen expanded to Brevard Coun-
“We were very excited and surprised, ty in 2014, opening an office in a cool
especially since the award hasn’t typical- mid-century modern building on 5th
ly been given to a real estate company,” Avenue in Indialantic, across the SR-194
said Managing Partner Dale Sorensen Jr. causeway from Melbourne.
Sorensen gives credit for the recogni- It has since opened additional offices
tion to his agents and employees. in Brevard, where it closed 573 transac-
tions worth $191 million in last year.
“We have well over 50 agents and staff
who have been with the firm for 5 years or Add $22 million in sales in St. Lucie
more, which is an amazing statistic. I feel County, mostly on the lower stretch of
that our company role is much larger than the barrier island, and the total comes to
just selling homes; we strive to be a true $617 million, which was good enough to
partner of the community and our entire land the company on the prestigious Real
team has a sincere desire to make the com- Trends 500 list as the 29th largest broker-
munity where we work and live a better age in Florida in terms of sales.
Nationally, it was No. 404 out of 86,000
“The firm and its employees clock hun- real estate brokerages in the country in
dreds of volunteer hours annually and 2016, a striking achievement in Vero’s tiny
donate thousands of dollars on behalf market.
of a multitude of nonprofit and chari-
table organizations in the community “We appreciate the Chamber of Com-
and around the world,” according to the merce recognizing us for our commit-
Chamber. ment and involvement in the community;
it’s an honor,” says co-founder and broker
“The staff and agents get lots of oppor- Matilde Sorensen. “It is because of our
tunities to step out and lend a helping incredible staff and hardworking team of
hand to those in need and to help build a associates, who are fully invested in our
stronger more unified community,” says culture of giving, that we have been able
Realtor Associate Tripp Hernandez, who to successfully serve Indian River County
has been with Dale Sorensen Real Estate and its residents for nearly 40 years. We
for nine years. “At first I thought we were are truly humbled by this award.”
involved in the community so we can sell
real estate; now I am of the mindset that The Chamber named Caliber Home
we sell real estate so they can help out the Loans Best Small Company, while Oak
community.” Harbor Club got the nod as Best Large
Company at the Chamber Industry Ap-
There is more to the company’s success preciation Awards Luncheon on Sept. 21.
than philanthropy and community in-
volvement, however. The Chamber also gave a number of
architectural awards, recognizing the
Mary Pat Slater had been a Realtor with Surf Club townhome project on A1A as
another company for six years when she
joined Sorensen some 10 years ago for a
very specific reason.
“I chose to join DSRE because I saw
that the firm was investing heavily in the
Internet and advertising on the Internet,”
Slater says. “I came from a technology
background . . .and I wanted to be part of
a firm that was that forward looking.
“What is unique to this company is
this – it is still a ‘family’ firm, with family
values and feel. Yet, it is cutting edge in
its marketing and technology. As agents
we are exposed to so many different tools
to assist in developing our business. [At
the same time], the focus always has and
continues to be on providing excellent
service to our customers.”
Founded in Vero in 1978 by husband
and wife team Matilde and Dale Sorensen
22 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
The month of September ended with a buzz of action on the mainland real estate market, as 42 sin-
gle-family residences and lots changed hands from Sept. 25-29 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 9 Seahorse Lane. First listed in September for
$697,000, the 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,710-square-foot house sold for $647,250 on Sept. 28.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the house at 1582 Haverford Lane. Originally on the market in
August for $559,000, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,219-square-foot residence sold for $410,000 on
Sept. 28.
VERO BEACH 9 SEAHORSE LANE 9/20/2017 $697,000 9/28/2017 $475,000
VERO BEACH 3240 16TH STREET 3/24/2017 $795,000 9/29/2017 $419,000
VERO BEACH 425 12TH PLACE SE 8/18/2017 $419,000 9/25/2017 $410,000
SEBASTIAN 1582 HAVERFORD LANE 8/26/2016 $559,900 9/28/2017 $395,000
SEBASTIAN 107 KING FISHER WAY 2/24/2017 $395,000 9/28/2017 $375,000
VERO BEACH 1005 WHITE TAIL AVENUE 8/5/2017 $378,500 9/27/2017 $370,000
VERO BEACH 4150 12TH PLACE SW 8/10/2017 $350,000 9/29/2017 $331,400
VERO BEACH 6220 COVERTY PLACE 5/19/2017 $334,900 9/25/2017 $316,000
VERO BEACH 5560 CORSICA PLACE 6/30/2017 $324,900 9/29/2017 $312,000
VERO BEACH 2315 4TH LANE SW 7/1/2017 $326,000 9/28/2017 $293,000
VERO BEACH 4634 ASHLEY LAKE CIRCLE 7/28/2017 $295,000 9/27/2017 $259,000
VERO BEACH 2265 3RD PLACE SW 6/7/2017 $289,900 9/23/2017 $247,000
VERO BEACH 550 61ST AVENUE 6/5/2017 $259,900 9/26/2017 $229,200
VERO BEACH 1570 LEXINGTON SQUARE SW 8/25/2017 $240,000 9/26/2017 $224,200
SEBASTIAN 230 DICKENS AVENUE 3/20/2017 $225,000 9/28/2017 $217,000
SEBASTIAN 106 HINCHMAN AVENUE 8/26/2017 $220,000 9/26/2017 $215,000
VERO BEACH 1825 7TH AVENUE SW 7/5/2017 $229,900 9/26/2017 $210,000
SEBASTIAN 708 BAYFRONT TERRACE 8/4/2017 $220,000 9/25/2017 $207,500
VERO BEACH 716 18TH STREET SW 6/20/2017 $220,000 9/26/2017 $205,000
SEBASTIAN 1001 BARBER STREET 5/23/2017 $229,900 9/26/2017 $200,000
VERO BEACH 2435 55TH SQUARE 4/3/2017 $244,900 9/29/2017 $199,000
VERO BEACH 4775 S HARBOR DRIVE UNIT#303 5/29/2017 $229,000 9/29/2017 $194,900
SEBASTIAN 6138 RIVER RUN DRIVE UNIT#303B 8/4/2017 $194,900 9/28/2017 $191,000
VERO BEACH 493 6TH STREET 6/26/2017 $200,000 9/28/2017 $185,000
VERO BEACH 1445 19TH STREET SW 7/13/2017 $185,000 9/25/2017 $175,000
VERO BEACH 1856 HIGHLAND DRIVE 6/27/2017 $189,900 9/26/2017 $172,000
SEBASTIAN 871 JORDAN AVENUE 6/30/2017 $189,900 9/27/2017 $166,900
SEBASTIAN 133 EASY STREET 7/17/2017 $169,126 9/27/2017 $165,000
VERO BEACH 2313 4TH AVENUE SE 7/1/2017 $178,000 9/26/2017 $157,000
VERO BEACH 1620 42ND UNIT#101 6/30/2017 $165,000 9/28/2017 $155,000
VERO BEACH 156 13TH AVENUE 8/9/2017 $155,500 9/28/2017 $155,000
SEBASTIAN 767 CARNATION DRIVE 8/9/2017 $175,000 9/28/2017 $154,500
SEBASTIAN 102 PITTS PLACE 8/10/2017 $158,000 9/27/2017 $138,000
SEBASTIAN 448 TUNISON LANE 8/9/2017 $136,900 9/27/2017 $135,000
VERO BEACH 1875 HEDDEN PLACE 8/11/2017 $125,000 9/25/2017 $130,000
VERO BEACH 357 GROVE ISLE CIRCLE UNIT#357 7/3/2017 $134,500 9/28/2017 $123,000
VERO BEACH 2504 57TH CIRCLE UNIT#2504 6/21/2017 $127,000 9/26/2017
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 6, 2017 23
3240 16th Street, Vero Beach 425 12th Place SE, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/24/2017 Listing Date: 8/18/2017
Original Price: $795,000 Original Price: $419,000
Sold: 9/29/2017 Sold: 9/25/2017
Selling Price: $475,000 Selling Price: $419,000
Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer Listing Agent: Kathleen Provancher
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Sally K Daley Ben Bryk
Daley & Company Real Estate Coldwell Banker Paradise
1582 Haverford Lane, Sebastian 107 King Fisher Way, Sebastian
Listing Date: 8/26/2016 Listing Date: 2/24/2017
Original Price: $559,900 Original Price: $395,000
Sold: 9/28/2017 Sold: 9/28/2017
Selling Price: $410,000 Selling Price: $395,000
Listing Agent: Sherri Lynn Sproch Listing Agent: Susan Bowron
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Laurel Agency, Inc.
Shane Reynolds Kelly C Spence
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Keller Williams Realty
199$ 3DAYS
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 6, 2017 B1
Coming Up! Role of a lifetime:
Thelen named
A ‘NORMA’ NIGHT Museum’s
AT THE OPERA AT film chief
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Opera lovers, wait no lon-
ger: The Live from Lincoln
Center opera season opens this
Saturday at the Majestic and
AMC theaters in Vero Beach
with Bellini’s masterpiece
“Norma,” widely regarded as a
leading example of the bel can-
to genre. Soprano Sondra Rad-
vanovsky, one of opera’s most
acclaimed Normas, received
critical accolades for her open-
ing night performance, which
Washington Post critic Anne
Midgette said “offered some
magnificent singing in a deeply
felt performance that conveyed
emotion in the best, which is
to say genuine, sense.” And
the Huffington Post declared,
“Ponselle, Milanov, Suther-
land, Callas … after last night,
Radvanovsky can add her name
to the list.” The story is set in
ancient Gaul, under Roman
B2 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 6, 2017 B3
Role of a lifetime: Thelen named Museum’s film chief
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer “I was always good on one-on-one con- “I pretty much limit my printouts to 50.” a streaming service from Turner Classic
[email protected] nections, but big parties and big audienc- Obluck also rehearsed his lectures, Movies to which the museum began sub-
es, that’s not my cup of tea.” scribing last year. She also pores through
Just as she was settling into retirement though an audience might never suspect film magazines, including Sight and
after 39 years with the same company, Di- Things were especially nerve-wrack- with his natural, off-the-cuff manner. Sound, which reviews films from around
ane Thelen found herself immersed in a ing when the low-key Obluck asked that Thelen, on the other hand, has no choice the world.
new career: film series coordinator for the his looming retirement be kept quiet but to read her lectures at the podium. “I
Vero Beach Museum of Art. for several months. That meant Thelen get too nervous,” she says. “Before this I “My film curiosity is insatiable,” she
more than doubled her research time and had never experienced public speaking. I wrote in a brief bio for the museum. “War-
Thelen replaces founder and longtime watched twice as many movies without had never held a microphone.” ren assures me that this ‘obsessiveness’ is a
director Warren Obluck, who quietly an- being able to explain her cloistered state good thing. I will have to trust him on that.”
nounced his retirement earlier this year. to her friends. What Thelen mostly dealt with, in her
four decades with a Princeton, N.J.-based Unlike picking out movies for her own
It is just the latest change at the muse- “I was under a lot of stress, and acting business consultancy, were ledgers and bud- pleasure, choosing films for the Vero mu-
um, which in the past year has installed a very peculiar,” she says with a laugh. “I gets. With a degree in English from Douglass seum’s audience has its own peculiarities.
new executive director and a new curator had nobody I could talk to, and I was a College, where she also studied French and Museum administrators set up guidelines
and is currently searching for a director of mess. I just told people I was having trou- art, Thelen was executive secretary to top when Obluck first founded the program in
education. But this time, the new face at ble finding the right films. I was begging executives in the firm before moving into 1999; the same rules still apply for Thelen,
the podium in the Leonhardt Auditorium Warren to tell people this is happening.” the finance end of the company, analyzing and they have not been updated – whether
had a preview of sorts: Thelen has been budgets and reviewing expenses. the audience has or not.
running two of the five series per season If that degree of anxiety seems inor-
over the past four years, and also led a dinate, considering watching movies is And in her spare time, she watched mov- “For every film I show, I have to toss out
summer sci-fi series in 2016 in conjunc- escapist relaxation for most, it’s because ies, a lifelong passion that began as a little 10 or more,” says Thelen. Problem areas
tion with the NASA exhibit last summer. Obluck and Thelen have managed to con- girl. When other kids were watching Mick- concern not only sex but violence, even
vince their audiences that their impres- ey Mouse, she says, she was watching Fred animal cruelty.
For Thelen, her new life feels a little like sive body of knowledge is innate. It is not. Astaire and Ginger Rogers and other stars
science fiction, unimaginably intense in Though both are lifelong film enthusiasts, of the generation before her in classic mov- While deferring to those sensibilities,
terms of preparation and involving essen- preparing for the before-and-after lec- ies that aired every afternoon on TV. Thelen resists what she calls the “ostrich
tial skills she has never tested, including tures at each screening requires hours of syndrome.”
public speaking. study. “Warren studied very, very hard. He Videocassettes were unheard of, and yet
was extremely conscientious. He would she saw the same movies so many times Last year, in a series on genocide,
“It’s not in my nature to be in front of all print out hundreds of pages of research that she could recite the lines by heart. Obluck screened some films that were
these people,” says Thelen, whose idea of fun and memorize it to be prepared,” she says. “pretty gritty,” Thelen says.
is an afternoon in the quiet of her island con- Today, with 250 movies in her Netflix
do watching movies to her heart’s content. queue, she also has access to FilmStruck, And in a series on immigration, Thel-
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B4 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
en screened a film that showed full male It was Obluck himself who first ap-
nudity. When Obluck also included a proached her about helping him out with
film with nudity, he jokingly told Thelen, the fall film series. She had signed up for
“There’s no turning back now.” every one of Obluck’s series since mov-
ing here in 2009, choosing the afternoon
Along with myriad details of cast, di- screenings because the post-film discus-
rection and historical relevance, Thelen sions tended to be longer and more engag-
also researches any important musical el- ing, sometimes continuing as the crowd
ements in a film. That sensibility too was filed out. “I’d be walking Warren out the
born of her childhood. Her father, a mete- door, still talking about the movie.”
orologist by profession, played mandolin,
and in middle age learned the cello to play In 2013, Thelen and Obluck found them-
with the Monmouth Symphony Orchestra. selves at a party chatting about a film Thel-
en had loaned him. “All of a sudden, Warren
Thelen played piano, and well into asked me, ‘Diane, I want you to take over
adulthood she and her father played du- some of my courses for me?’ I burst out
ets. “We played together all the time, even laughing. First thing I knew I was interview-
after I was married. He was a shy man, ing with Marshall (Adams, the former di-
and we communicated together through rector of education) and Cindy (Gedeon, the
our music.” retired executive director).”
Filmmakers often do the same with She is currently screening a series she
their audiences. When Thelen showed a calls All About Eve: Females Behind the
film about two Israeli girls, she translated Camera. Starting Nov. 7 is Secrets and Lies:
the “astonishing” Hebrew score for her se- Stories of Real People during Wartime.
ries audience. “One student went out and The series opens with “Suite Française,”
bought a CD of the score,” she recalls. a 2014 film based on the unfinished nov-
el of Irène Némirovsky, a popular author
While Thelen makes clear her tastes and living in France at the time of the Nazi
interests are different from Obluck’s, by the occupation. The next week, it’s “The Nazi
numbers, she is clearly gaining a following. Officer’s Wife,” a documentary about Ho-
She broke records with two of her series last locaust survivor Edith Hahn-Beer. The se-
year, with more than 350 attendees. ries also includes the 2015 Canadian film,
“Remember,” with Christopher Plummer;
Each series includes five films screened the German film “The Harmonists,” about
twice on Tuesdays, afternoons and eve- a 1930’s vocal group; and “Frantz,” a new
nings. film by the French director François Ozon.
“I’m starting to see the same people in “I have been looking forward my whole
the audience. And out in public, people life to being able to do something like
come up to me and say, ‘Aren’t you the this,” Thelen says.
film lady?’ I’ve had conversations about
movies in the TJ Maxx dressing room. I’m
pretty sure that didn’t happen to Warren.”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 6, 2017 B5
COMING UP with the artists: Judy Burgarella, por- ‘Bodyscapes’ Photography by Allan Teger
traits; Fritz Van Eeden, abstracts; and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Mary Segal, print-making. You will be
glad you did. The free reception is from
occupation. The Druid high priestess 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and the exhibition will
Norma has fallen in love with a Roman be on display through December. This
official, Pollione, with whom she has area is rich with excellent artistic talent
secretly borne two children. Norma is and these three are among the best.
also the daughter of the Druids’ leader,
Oroveso. His followers have gathered in 3 “Bodyscapes: Photography by Al-
the sacred forest to wait for Norma, who lan Teger” is the intriguing exhibit
will signal the start of a planned revolt on display at Gallery 14 in Vero Beach
during October, Breast Cancer Aware-
against the Romans. When the Druids ness Month. The show and sale will opening will take place this Friday, 5 sonal insecurities of young women today;
leave, Pollione admits to the centurion benefit Friends in Pink, to help defray p.m. to 8 p.m. A second reception, to how they try to deal with those persistent
Flavio that he’s no longer in love with the cost of breast cancer treatment for meet the artist and hold a drawing for voices in their heads that encourage self-
Norma, but has fallen in love with the those in need in Indian River County. A one of his original works, is slated for doubt; and how they seek to reach a place
young acolyte Adalgisa, one of Norma’s former psychology professor and self- later in the month. The works of other of confidence and joy as they learn to take
temple virgins. Vulture critic Justin Da- taught photographer, Teger is renowned Gallery 14 artists will also be on display. responsibility for their decisions and ac-
vidson praises mezzo-soprano Joyce Di- throughout the country for his award tions. Cox’s soundtrack includes such di-
Donato, in the role of Adalgisa, saying winning photographs, which he stages, Amanda Cox ‘Let Go.’ verse genres as techno, classical, jazz and
she “sings with exhilarating physicality, with a healthy dose of whimsy, using even pulls from the ’50s. “Let Go” is spon-
loosing vocal lines that spring into the the body as a landscape and placing 4 Choreographer Amanda Cox and sored by the Vero Beach American Asso-
air like great cats.” “Norma” provides a tiny figures and objects thereon. Teger her dance company return to Vero ciation of University Women. Cox’s troupe
breathtaking, not-to-be-missed evening always emphasizes that the photos are Beach this Sunday for two performanc- of technically sophisticated dancers will
of opera for lovers of bel canto. neither double exposures nor digital es at the Vero Beach Theater Guild. Cox present the dance theater performance
manipulations – simply nude bodies fearlessly uses the vocabulary of modern “Let Go,” at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are
2 An exhibition of works by three with small toys and miniatures set on dance to illustrate the self-doubt and per- $30 for adults, $15 for students. Meals ca-
local artists will open at the First them, shot in one exposure. You will tered by Wild Thyme will also be available
Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach gal- be surprised at how cleverly Teger has between noon and 7 p.m.
lery this Sunday. Art lovers should avail composed his works, and it might even
themselves of the opportunity to view take you a while to realize that ski slope 5 The 30th annual Autumn in the
the works, enjoy refreshments and chat is not what it seems. The Bodyscapes Park Art and Craft Show, presented
by the Treasure Coast Pilot Club, takes
places this Saturday and Sunday at Vero’s
Riverside Park, one of the most beautiful
and sought-after outdoor venues around.
It’s the perfect time of year to start getting
in the fall mood with a relaxed afternoon
stroll along winding paths, under the
park’s iconic oaks, stopping to inspect
the various wares, maybe making a holi-
day gift purchase or two. With 150 juried
artisans, you can expect to be tempted by
a very broad variety of works. Autumn in
the Park saw an estimated 10,000 visitors
last year, with plenty of parking for all. The
show is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days.
1. The Cuban Affair 1. Protecting the President 1. Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties
2. Creepy Pair of Underwear
2. Sulfur Springs 2. Killing England
3. Wonder BY R.J. PALACIO
3. A Column of Fire 3. What Happened 4. The Spooky Express Florida
4. A Legacy of Spies 4. Alone BY MICHAEL KORDA 5. The Terrible Two
5. Don't Let Go
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presents presents
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St. Martin's Press G.P. Putnam's Sons
Saturday, October 14th at 1 pm Thursday, October 26th at 6 pm
B6 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Cole Coppola fishing pier will be one of a ‘kind’
Elaine Coppola and Jackie Carlon. Bill Willis and Jason Wesley.
Pasquale and Mary Lou Ciambriello. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Site of Cole Coppola Memorial Fishing Pier. David Vatland and Tom Tierney.
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Mary Grace, Nicholas, Elaine, and Melanie Coppola. LLCF CEO, said she wanted people to know
[email protected] what a great person her brother was and
aquatic environment underneath the pier. rialize friends, family, businesses, etc. how much he loved the community. “He
Riverside Park was a sea of orange and So FIND will pay for half and we will pay for “The wording is going to be in orange, was my best friend; we were only a year
pink, from the T-shirts and sneakers worn the other half through the Live Like Cole apart. My biggest goal in life is to make him
by supporters of the Live Like Cole Foun- Foundation from proceeds from the golf which is Cole’s favorite color,” said Dr. Cop- proud and to live like him every day - which
dation, to the pool noodles carefully laid tournament, sponsorships and donations pola. “The engineers came up with that means, giving back to those in need, lend-
out in the shape of the fishing pier being that people have made to us.” themselves, which was pretty cool. Every- ing a helping hand, sticking up for every-
planned in partnership with the City of body is really into the project which makes one, and being a person any friend would
Vero Beach and the Florida Inland Nav- Pointing to the colorful noodles, Elaine it very exciting for us. It’s going to be awe- love to have.”
igational District in memory of Nicholas Coppola noted that Segal, along with Fly- some.”
“Cole” Coppola. nn Fidgeon and Ray Hengerer, had waded In between sets of toe-tapping music by
out into the lagoon to set up the outline, He said they have been working on the the Tom Jackson Band, the Coppola family
The unveiling of the Cole Coppola Me- adding, “I don’t know how they did it but it initiative since forming the foundation two recognized winners of the Most Creative,
morial Fishing Pier last Saturday was the came out really well.” years ago, but approvals took some time. Largest Group Activity and Most Thought-
culmination of a week-long Kindness Week The city will send it out to bid in October ful acts of kindness, before also distribut-
campaign, which challenged students at Adding to the fundraising efforts are with a goal of completion by early next year. ing scholarships to schools and organiza-
the schools he had attended – St. Helen’s pier treads which people can purchase for tions.
School and John Carroll High School – to naming rights to commemorate or memo- As supporters gathered under the near-
complete 22 Acts of Kindness in one week. by pavilions, Cole’s older sister Melanie, John Carroll High School was awarded
Dr. Nicholas and Elaine Coppola explained $1,500 toward scholastic scholarships and
that 22 represented their son’s football jer- $500 each to four school sporting groups;
sey number and the week commemorated St. Helen’s received $1,500 in scholarships;
Cole’s Sept. 25 birthday and his tragic Sept. the Vero Beach Karate Association and the
27, 2014 death, just two days after his 16th Indian River Soccer Association Founda-
birthday. tion each received $1,000 scholarships; and
the Gifford Youth Achievement Center was
The pier project was spearheaded by given a dozen basketballs.
the Coppola family’s close friend, attor-
ney Barry Segal, who worked with the City Additionally, in recognition of October
Council to get it approved by the Florida In- as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Victor
land Navigation District. Basile, owner of Hope Imaging Center and
a Live Like Cole board member, is donating
“The pier is going to be 100-foot long, 22 mammographies to women who do not
T-shaped for fishing or for watching have insurance.
sunsets, romantic walks, watching the
dolphins or manatees,” Dr. Coppola ex- For more information or to purchase pier
plained. “They’re also going to create an planks visit livelikecole.org.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 6, 2017 B7
Scampi Grill: Just keeps getting better and better
It’s been almost a year since the venera- Veal and Shrimp “A la Scampi.” Duck Sausage.
ble Scampi Grill moved into its new home
on 20th Street just west of U.S. 1, and while Prince Edward Island Mussels. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
at first we missed the cozy old trattoria
where we had dined for some many years, – was finished in a citrus butter sauce and Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms.
the new larger bistro has taken on a warm, served with angel hair pasta. A great com-
inviting feel of its own. bination of tastes. And that’s what makes Almond Pistachio Encrusted Yellow Tail Snapper. I welcome your comments, and encour-
Scampi Grill so great. Whether it is with Baby Artichoke Francese. age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
Diners at the new Scampi have three op- veal, seafood or some other dish, the sauc- obeach32963.com.
tions: a rear patio area that seats about 40 es here are wonderful – complementing the
which is delightful on cooler, less humid food instead of overwhelming it. The reviewer is a beachside resident who
nights; the section just inside the door that dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
is lined with booths; and an area farther in Until season starts, you have a can’t miss pense of Vero Beach 32963.
with wooden tables, now with walls covered chance to sample this marriage of flavors.
with tchotchkes reminiscent of the old trat- choice of seafood, chicken, beef or veal for Hours:
toria we used to refer to simply as Mimmo’s. If you are a wine lover, by all means try only $16.50. And Wednesday is “fresh catch Monday to Saturday
Monday’s half-price wine special. Tues- night,” offering a two-course dinner that
But this is no longer Mimmo’s Scampi day’s “night of pastabilities” gives you a includes local yellowtail snapper for $22.50. 5 pm to 9:30 pm
Grill. It now is firmly in the hands of Ales-
sandro Amelio, who took over as executive But you can’t go wrong with “dinner from Beverages: Beer and wine
chef a few years ago from his father, and the the sea” on Thursday. And the Friday couples
dishes prepared by Chef Alex – both the old night menu, $50 for two with a bottle of wine Address:
favorites and his creative new additions – included, remains a great way of enjoying 815 20th Street, Vero Beach
are better than ever. the best of the Scampi Grill at a great price.
Phone: 772-563-9766
On a recent evening, we arrived shortly As we have suggested many times, the
before 7:30 and were shown to a comfort- Scampi Grill ranks right up there at the top
able table. One of the Scampi’s many excel- of the Vero Beach food pyramid.
lent servers quickly took our wine order, and
returned with a basket of hot garlic bread.
Since it was a Thursday, two of us decid-
ed to take advantage of their 3-course sea-
food dinner special – an appetizer, soup or
salad, and entrée for $21.95.
I opted to start with the mussels, and our
companion chose the calamari fradiavolo.
My husband, however, was intrigued by
an appetizer not on the special list, and or-
dered the duck sausage with spinach.
The tender calamari were sautéed with
roasted garlic, Italian herbs and olive oil,
tossed in a mildly spicy marinara sauce. Oh
so good. The mussels were also delicious,
finished in a chardonnay butter sauce. But
my husband’s flavorful and tender home-
made duck sausage, served on a bed of
spinach, was just sensational.
We then moved on to the second course.
Our companion chose the soup of the day,
a spinach and eggdrop stracciatella, while
I had a very nice house salad, and my hus-
band – for a slight up charge – had an ex-
cellent Caesar.
Then for entrées, I selected the ultimate
vongole, and our companion went for the
shrimp and crab Imperial. My husband
had an old favorite, the veal and shrimp a
la scampi.
My sautéed Rhode Island Little Neck
clams served over linguine were very tasty,
and our companion’s pan-seared jumbo
shrimp, topped with lump crab, fresh spin-
ach and Romano cheese finished in a basil
cream sauce, was absolutely fabulous.
The veal scaloppini – with jumbo shrimp,
herbs, capers, pine nuts, roasted garlic,
Vidalia onions and roasted red bell peppers
B8 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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B10 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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B12 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Nearly (6) 1 View or outlook (6)
4 Paradise (6) 2 Country house (5)
9 Flamboyance (7) 3 Give in (7)
10 Boulders (5) 5 Pulse (5)
11 Largest Ionian Island (5) 6 Small flute (7)
12 Sceptical (7) 7 Evaluate (6)
13 Mixture (11) 8 Principal actress (7,4)
18 Petty (7) 14 Beginnings (7)
20 Sport’s instructor (5) 15 Diplomatic (7)
22 Lead or conduct (5) 16 Part of a flower (6)
23 Thaw (7) 17 Talkative (6)
24 Help (6) 19 Objects (5)
25 Drowsy (6) 21 Unaccompanied (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES October 6, 2017 B13
ACROSS 71 More macho 7 West addition? 63 Bird’s beak The Washington Post
writer? 8 Et 64 Of birds
1 Fermat’s forte, 9 With 98 Across, 66 Pale yellow, as a HELLO, I MUST BE GOING By Merl Reagle
briefly 75 Smile with pride
78 ___ instant an early orbiter complexion
5 Ground gripper for 79 Pompeii portraits 10 Malaria symptom 68 Rope, revolver, or
the 80 Cordelia’s dad 11 European-style
Gipper 81 ___ for effort candlestick
83 Line for Willard cafes 72 “Peachy keen”
10 Fiver face 12 The major feud
13 Diving bird Scott 73 Exclamation of
18 Return one’s call? 85 Panama groups? frustration
19 Marilyn of the Met 13 Mom’s mom,
20 Bathtub booze palindrome, partly 74 Microscopic
21 Violin precursors 86 Chef’s affectionately “messenger”
23 Bad-marriage 14 Funny Foxx
overreaction to a 76 Michaelmas daisy,
movie of little criticism? 15 Salon celeb José e.g.
1991? 90 On ___ 16 “We’re ready
26 Nutrition pioneer (carousing) to ___ you” (the 77 Mineral hardness
Davis 92 Garlic, to García scale
27 Departure party 94 Get bullish Ghostbusters’
28 Your favorite piece 95 Mystery-craftin’ motto) 82 Ouzo flavoring
of geometric art? Grafton 17 Filled pastries 84 Wager
30 Cartoon-page 96 Chinese 22 Rhyme or reason 85 Invasion of the
exclamation restaurant owner? 24 ___ the floor with
31 Broad cast? 98 See 9 Down 25 Photo ___ (press Body Snatchers
34 Free 99 Town Without ___ events) prop
35 Frozen wasser 100 Author Levin 29 Like Oscar and 87 Fascinated by
36 Yesterday’s 101 ___ gallop Felix 88 Snip
38 Actor from 102 Clinton pal 31 Sid’s brother? 89 Crucial
Mysore, India Panetta 32 Contribute to 90 Gets in
39 Guy who’s the life 103 Oft-numbered crime 91 Township near
of the party? work 33 Savage breast Hackensack
43 Easter, for one: 105 Tom Thumb soother 92 Reaches
abbr. attire? 36 Film, in Variety 93 Worley et al.
44 Sites for shackles 110 Couch potato’s 37 It’s from the 96 High-pitched
46 Letters before problem bottom instruments
Arizona or Pueblo 113 Very, to Brits of my hearth 97 Day break
47 Charlie and Pete 114 Savings? 38 Ray, the swimmer 99 Cleavon Little’s
48 “Ah so,” for 118 Cosine reciprocal 39 Third-year student 1970 Tony role
example? 119 Arts-funding org. 40 Get the lead out 102 Baton Rouge sch.
51 Sleight maneuver 120 Composer Berg 41 To fly, in Florence 103 Upright
52 Missile crisis 121 “What’s ___ for 42 Discrimination 104 Chest muscle,
“blinker” me?” ending at the gym
53 Orléans outburst 122 Some terriers 44 Ham container? 106 Battleship color
54 Simpson on sax 123 Soviet place name 45 Doogie portrayer 107 Old slave
55 Org. that grabbed abbr. ___ Patrick Harris 108 Decomposes
Patty 124 Sweetbread 49 Native ruler of 109 Pre-1917 power
58 Central Poland 125 Singer James Hyderabad broker
city (anagram of 110 Section of
60 Marlon fights him DOWN MAINZ) Sammy’s autobio
in On 1 World Series 50 A, B, ___ 111 Onomatopoetic:
the Waterfront (multiple choice) abbr.
62 Like numbers winners in 51 Dickens orphan 112 Mystery dog
rackets? 1969 and 1986 54 Occurrence at 115 Newspaper
65 They’re 2 Tylenol target Make-Out Point? 116 ___ along (the
conceivable 3 Foul-mouthed 55 Able to keep a whole time)
67 Coping device hockey team? straight face 117 Hoop grp.
69 Spooner was one: 4 “Stop!” around Freberg?
abbr. 5 Rub the wrong 56 Swan lady
70 Get around way 57 Mideast gulf
6 Goldbrick 58 Ms. Wertmuller
59 Evidence of decay
61 Airline to the
The Telegraph
B14 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
K Q J 10
Charles Dickens wrote, “Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s WEST Q53 EAST
no better rule.” A76532 AK6 984
10 8 7 2 J74 A
Sometimes, though, the apparent evidence suggests one approach, but later you realize 52 10 9 8 7 3
you have been misled by an opponent, by accident or intentionally. Today’s deal from a 9 SOUTH 6532
social game is an example. —
The bidding was debatable and misleading. West could have made a two-spade weak QJ4
jump overcall on the first round. North’s two-diamond rebid was fourth-suit game- A K Q 10 8
forcing. Then, he might have jumped to four hearts over three clubs to indicate a
minimum game-force with three-card heart support. Over South’s four-club control-bid, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
North’s four no-trump was Roman Key Card Blackwood. South’s reply denied the heart
queen but showed one ace and the heart king, or two aces. North then bid a slam that The Bidding:
could have been off two cashing aces.
However, the auction affected West’s lead. Believing that his partner was aceless, West 1 Hearts Pass 1 Spades Pass
did not select his singleton, which would have defeated the slam. Instead, he led his 2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
ace. 3 Clubs Pass 3 Hearts Pass A Spades
4 Clubs Pass 4 NT Pass
To make the slam, South had to avoid two trump losers. If the suit was splitting 3-2, 5 Hearts Pass 6 Hearts All Pass
there was no problem. If it was 5-0, there was no chance. But what about 4-1?
Declarer played a diamond to the king and led a low heart from the board. Here, the
ace appeared. But if declarer’s king had held, he would have returned a low heart to
dummy’s queen. He would have made the slam whenever possible.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR October 6, 2017 B15
ONGOING 11 An Evening in Paris, 5 p.m. at Heritage
Center - Parisian-themed vendors,
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. wine tasting and Moulin Rouge-style entertain-
First Friday Gallery Strolls. ment to benefit Vero Heritage Inc.[Postponed
due to storm] $25. 772-770-2263
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle af- 13 Catch & Release, 1 to 4 p.m. at Camp Hav-
ter Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. 7 and en, with ‘Big Fish’ caught and tasked with
Masters of American Photography thru Jan. 14. raising donations to be released. 772-999-3625
Riverside Children’s Theatre - Winnie the 13 Sebastian River Area Chamber of
Pooh Kids thru Oct. 8. 772-231-6990 Commerce Lifestyle and Media Auc-
tion, 6 p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach - live
OCTOBER and silent auctions. [Postponed due to storm]
$10/$20. 772-589-5969
6 Opening reception of Bodyscapes, photog- October 7 & 8 | Special Olympics State Swimming Championships 13 Beer-B-Q&Auction,6p.m.atWalkingTree
raphy by Allan Teger, 5 to 8 p.m. at Gallery Brewery to benefit Coastal Conservation
14 to benefit Friends in Pink, providing funding Assn. Treasure Coast Chapter – live music, auctions
to breast cancer patients in need. Show runs and 14 Bones BBQ. $50; $80/two. 321-271-7723
thru Oct. 27. Free. 772 562-5525
and Crafts Show, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside CURRENT RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_060917 Ask About Our
6-28 Oktoberfest Nights, 6 to 9:30 Park to fund scholarships, Project Lifesaver and Frequent
p.m. weekends at Riverside other programs. Free. $25 $20 $15
Theatre - live music, German food and seasonal Player Programs
beer. Free admission. 7|8 Special Olympics State Swimming Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 3 PM
Championships, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (All Rates Include Cart and Tax)
7 Jungle Club’s 26th annual Jungle Jog, with Sat.; 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sun. at North County
7:15 a.m. kids race and 7:30 a.m. 5K at the Aquatic Center, plus 8 p.m. Opening Ceremony 1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110
Jungle Club. 772-567-1400. and Dance at Indian River Intergenerational Cen-
ter. specialolympics.org From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank
7 Project Learning Tree environmental edu-
cation program for educators and parents 8 American Association of University Women
of Pre-K to 12-graders, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Pelican hosts Amanda Cox’s dance theatre perfor-
Island Audubon Society’s Audubon House. $25. mance Let Go, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
772-567-3520 Theatre Guild. $30; students $15. 772-562-8300
7 International Coastal Cleanup hosted by 10 Vero Beach High School Performing
Keep Indian River Beautiful, 9 a.m. to Noon Arts Dept. presents Fall Choral Classics,
at locations throughout the county. [Postponed 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497
due to storm] KIRB.org or 772-226-7738
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
7 Fire Truck Pull Competition, 2 p.m. to 10 in September 29, 2017 Edition 1 HONEST 2 HAZARD
p.m. at Walking Tree Brewery, a fire truck 4 SPEARS 2 NAMES
tug of war among competing teams to ben- 9 ZAMBEZI 3 STETSON
efit St. Baldrick’s Foundation, funding child- 10 LABEL 5 PILOT
hood cancer research. $15 per contestant. 11 RISKS 6 ALBUMEN
772-473-7741 12 ATTEMPT 7 SALUTE
7 Replogle Family Award Dinner Dance, 6 18 STAMINA 14 REALITY
p.m. at Grand Harbor hosted by The Arc, 20 SHAKE 15 RESOUND
Indian River County, recognizing outstanding 22 EDITS 16 ESTEEM
support of special needs individuals. $125. 772- 23 EDUCATE 17 SEVERE
584-9511 24 MAYHEM 19 ISSUE
7|8 Treasure Coast Pilot Club’s 30th an- Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (LET’S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE)
nual juried Autumn in the Park Arts
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.
B16 October 6, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
13-15 Indian River Birding Festival ship Foundation of IRC, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start
and juried Nature Art Show at Grand Harbor Golf Club. 772-569-9869
hosted by Pelican Island Preservation Society
and Pelican Island Audubon Society at Audubon 21 American Cancer Society Making
House on Oslo Road, with Mini-Gala 6 p.m. Fri. Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, 9
($50), continuing Sat. & Sun. with tours and lec- a.m. at Riverside Park to raise awareness and
tures. 772-494-6306 funds for breast cancer research, education,
advocacy and patient services. 772-562-2272
13|14 Trident Fitness Warrior
Grind, riding 250 miles in 21 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Myths &
36 hours from Orlando to Ft. Pierce and back, Amazing Facts about Manatees, 11 a.m.
with a night at U.S. Navy SEAL Museum, to ben- at Environmental Learning Center. discoverELC.org
efit Operation Restored Warrior and Homefront
K9. Also Sat., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bud/s and Be- 21 Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Pawrade
yond Ops Course for ages 10 to 15. 772-595- and Expo, 2 p.m. registration; 4 p.m.
5845 Pawrade at Dogs for Life. 772-567-8969
14 United Way Day of Caring, 8 a.m. to October 21 | Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Pawrade and Expo 21 IRC Veterans and Family Picnic, Noon
Noon - kickoff breakfast and check-in to 4 p.m. at Gifford Park, Vero Beach
at Freshman Learning Center before teaming up 14 OBA Sunset Saturday Night Concert 15 Book Panel, Reception and Launch hosted by Veterans Council of IRC, American
for community improvement projects. 772-567- hosted by 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Humis- of ‘I Didn’t Cause It, I Can’t Change Legion Post 181 and Vietnam Veterans of IRC,
8900 ext. 117 ton Park on Ocean Drive. Free. 772 532-7983 It: How Mothers of Adult Children with Co-Oc- with BBQ, music and children’s activities. BYO
curring Disorders Have Coped’ by Mary Ryan lawn chairs. 772-538-7347
14 Pineapple Party at historic Hallstrom 14|15 Marine and Wildlife Art Woods, 3 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club hosted by
House, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. hosted by IRC Festival and Craft Show, Mental Health Assoc. and Westbridge. Free. 21 Black & White Masquerade Ball, 6
Historical Society. 772-778-3435 Nautical Flea Market & Seafood Festival and 603-634-4446 x 161 p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club to
Treasure Coast Boat Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at benefit Exchange Club of Indian River Founda-
14 Save the Chimps Member Day - tour the Indian River County Fairgrounds. 954-205-7813 20-28 Leo, A Ghost Story at Riv- tion projects to combat child abuse - cocktails,
150-acre sanctuary, home to roughly erside Children’s Theatre. dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions. $100.
250 rescued chimpanzees. 772-429-2225 15 Indialantic Chamber Singers present 772-231-6990 Exchangeclubofindianriver.org
Heavens are Telling, 3:30 p.m. at Trin-
14 Sebastian River Art Club’s 80th Anni- ity Episcopal Church. Free; $10 donation appre- 21 Dan K. Richardson & William L. Ma- 21 Run Vero’s Frightening 4K, 6 p.m. from
versary Celebration, 4 to 6 p.m. at the ciated. 321-426-0360 rine Golf Classic to benefit Scholar- South Beach Park - Halloween-themed
SRAC Art Center, 1245 Main St. Free. 772-581- race followed by free 6:45 kids race and festivities
8281 to benefit IR Elite Youth Track Club. 772-569-7364
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