MELBOURNE BEACH Three town commissioners face
young challenger. P4
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Heroes honored with bike trip. P9
Elegantly minimalist
paintings at the Foosaner. P14
From the publisher: An aerial shot of Sebastian Inlet State Park’s north jetty, which soon will be closed to fishing at night. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS New complaint
lodged against
Introducing Brevard’s Fishermen protest pending night closure of north jetty local neurologist
new island newspaper
BY LISA ZAHNER to Martin Smithson, admin- and sometimes dangerous be- BY RAY MCNULTY
Welcome to the premiere is- Staff Writer istrator of the Sebastian Inlet havior, the district had trouble Staff Writer
sue of Melbourne Beach 32951, District. finding a company to fabricate
the new community newspa- Nightly closure of the north and install a barrier. A Sebastian woman has
per serving the south Brevard Jetty in Sebastian Inlet State After voting on Aug. 31 to in- asked state medical officials to
barrier island. Park has been delayed but is stall a gate to close the popular “The company in Melbourne investigate her complaint that
still in the works, according fishing spot at night because we are working with now is the a neurologist who practices
Starting Oct. 28, this paper of increasing reports of rowdy in in Brevard and Indian River
will be mailed each week to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 counties mistakenly diagnosed
every home in zip code 32951, and treated her for multiple
the stretch of barrier island sclerosis – even though she did
that extends 17 miles from the not have the incurable disease.
Sebastian Inlet up through the
communities of Sunnyland "Hearing I had MS was
Beach, Floridana Beach, Mel- like a death sentence to me,"
bourne Shores and the town of said Hilda Rosenburg, 75, a
Melbourne Beach all the way Northrup Grumman retiree
to the edge of Indialantic. who moved to Indian River
County from New York's Long
How did we come up with Island 18 years ago. "And if
the crazy name Melbourne he's telling other people the
Beach 32951? This is the sister same thing, they need to know
paper to Vero Beach 32963, he could be wrong before they
which over the past nine years, start taking the medication.
has become the indispensable
newspaper for residents of the "I read what happened in
barrier island on the other side Colorado," she added, "and I
of the Sebastian Inlet.
During that time, we have
Melbourne Beach pier Local hospitals not impacted by woes
getting new handrails of parent Community Health Systems
BY LISA ZAHNER BY MEG LAUGHLIN created widespread specula-
Staff Writer Staff Writer tion over whether CHS will sell
any of these hospitals as part
The iconic, 127-year-old A dramatic plunge in the of a larger sell-off of the hos-
Melbourne Beach Pier is stock price of Community pitals it bought from Health
about to get new handrails Health Systems, which owns Management Associates in
made from next-genera- the Wuesthoff Medical Centers early 2014.
tion materials to hopefully in Melbourne and Rockledge
weather a few more de- as well as the Sebastian River The speculation began over
Medical Center in Sebastian, a week ago after Bloomberg re-
September 29, 2016 Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsstand Price $1.00 Sea here! Cori
shares passion for
News 1-6 Faith 29 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL protecting turtles. P8
Arts 11-16 Games 31-33 Pets 30 772-559-4187
Books 28 Health 17-20 Real Estate 41-48
Dining 38 Insight 21-34 Style 35-37 FOR CIRCULATION
CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Night closure of north jetty Attorney Howard Yelen catches up on casework while his sons fish from the north jetty of the Inlet. his friend Dennis Hamilton of Palm
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Bay and that more than 600 people
for years of conflict between boaters Wildlife rangers, who have police pow- have signed so far to show support for
fifth one we contacted,” Smithson passing through the inlet and fisher- er, have stepped up patrols. But more keeping the jetty open at night.
said. “I guess it says something good men, who feel the boats interfere with needs to be done.
about the economy that they are all so their fishing, but that the number of “If they shut the north jetty down
busy with such big order backlogs they incidents has escalated and the inci- “The district is concerned about li- they will lose a lot of income,” said Sil-
couldn’t get this project done quickly.” dents have become more serious in ability,” he said. “If we had to, we could verado, who has been hauling his im-
the past year. close it to all fishing, night and day, per- pressive fishing contraption out to the
Smithson said the gate is now be- manently, but we don’t want to do that.” jetty to night-fish for a dozen years.
ing fabricated and will be installed in Reportedly, some fishermen have “There are hardcore guys who come
about 10 days. It will be locked at night cast hooked lines onto boats while Meanwhile, some fishermen have out here – they travel all the way from
and trespassers will be cited if they others have thrown objects at boats launched a petition drive to avert the New York to fish this jetty. It’s the best
climb over or go around it. and engaged in shouting matches. closure, while others continue to enjoy fishery that you can access from shore
night fishing unaware a locked gate in the U.S.”
He said problems at the jetty are not The district posted signs detailing will soon bar them from the jetty.
surprising, considering that 900,000 peo- rules for behavior on the jetty in July This past weekend, the snook were
ple visited the park last year and there is and Smithson said Florida Fish and Tom Silverado of St. Lucie County running in the inlet and about 80 anglers
no regular security patrol at night. said the petition drive is being led by were out on the jetty, hoping for tight
lines and a good fight from a big fish.
Although the Jetty is inside Sebas-
tian Inlet State Park, the Inlet District, Howard Yelen had no idea that his
which is responsible for keeping the family’s favorite fishing spot would soon
ocean-to-lagoon boat-way open and be closed at night. An immigration at-
in good repair, owns the jetty. torney from Weston in Broward County,
Yelen said he visits the inlet at least 10
“It is strictly a navigational structure,” times a year with his two sons, ages 11
Smithson said of the jetty, which helps and 14. Sometimes they just drive up
control water flow and sand drift to keep and back, but other times, as for a birth-
the inlet navigable. “Fishing out there is day celebration this past weekend, they
a [secondary usage and revocable] priv- stay longer and get a hotel room.
ilege. When we made the agreement to
allow fishing, the chief park ranger car- “We come here because it’s some of
ried a gun and was a sworn officer. That the best fishing in Florida and there
is no longer the case.” are so many different types of fishing
and different places for the boys to
Smithson said the district hopes fish,” Yelen said.
the closure is temporary. “We have
met with Florida Fish and Wildlife, the He said he’s never witnessed a distur-
state park people and Brevard Sheriff bance or any troubling behavior out on
Department” to begin formulating a the North Jetty at night. In fact, he said
plan for nighttime security. it’s quiet enough that he cranks up his
laptop and catches up on casework from
He said there have been reports the office while his sons enjoy the length
Local hospitals says CHS leadership, is difficulty turn- cations director has been on vacation down the road. (His concerns appear
ing around the HMA hospitals that are and unavailable to answer questions. in sworn depositions in a court case.)
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 struggling financially.
But a hospital consultant, who works While Salyer’s decision to leave the
ported that CHS was exploring the sale Fortunately, however, Sebastian River closely with the Sebastian hospital, Sebastian hospital and become chief
of at least a dozen of its 61 HMA hospi- Medical Center and Wuesthoff appear called its sale “very unlikely,” explain- operating officer at the Indian River
tals – it has already sold 10 –after most to be operating solidly in the black, ing that “the profitability of SRMC and hospital turned out to be a bad move
lost money in the past two and a half making it very unlikely that these hospi- the large CHS capital investment in the that ended in a federal lawsuit that
years. A year ago CHS stock hovered at tals will go on the chopping block. hospital are both reasons why it would cost him his job, his calculation about
around $60 a share; it has now dropped not make sense to sell it.” the dim future of many HMA hospi-
to between $10 and $11 a share. Tomi Galin, spokesperson for CHS, tals purchased by CHS appears to have
did not respond to a questions about The consultant further said that the been right on the mark.
A major reason for the downturn, whether any of these local hospitals Wuesthoff Medical Centers in Mel-
are for sale, and Sebastian’s communi- bourne and Rockledge also are not In January, 2014, when CHS paid
among the hospitals that are candi- $3.9 billion for the HMA hospitals – 23
dates to be sold. of them in Florida – Wayne Smith, CEO
of Community Health Systems, said
In January, 2014, when Franklin, the purchase would further advance
Tenn.-based Community Health Sys- the commitment HMA had made “to
tems bought the 71 hospitals that pursue clinical excellence and to de-
made up the Health Management As- liver quality care for patients.”
sociates chain, Steve Salyer, the then-
CEO of the Sebastian hospital, praised While this prediction appears to have
the purchase for putting Sebastian been true for Wuesthoff and Sebastian
River Medical Center “in a stronger po- River Medical Center, which has suc-
sition to succeed in an ever-changing cessfully purchased the practices of
healthcare landscape.” a number of excellent physicians in
the area and expanded services, while
But, at the same time Salyer was continuing to turn a profit, it is not true
publicly supporting the CHS purchase for the majority of HMA hospitals pur-
as chief of Sebastian, he was secretly chased by Community Health Systems.
negotiating to work as COO of Indian
River Medical Center and privately In the past six months, CHS has
questioning whether the HMA hos- made $1.2 billion selling off hospitals,
pitals purchased by CHS would exist but its stock continues to struggle.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 3
of the jetty, scoping out the best spots venture of night fishing on the north “They will be very disappointed,” darkness adds a lot to the experience
to snag fish. “I’ve never had any prob- jetty. Reyes has been escaping city life Victor Reyes said. “Instead of closing for him.
lems out here personally, but I could see and the tourist trap of Orlando just it, why don’t they put lights up?”
where there could be,” he said. about every weekend since 1999, and “I like it that there aren’t as many
for the past three years has been pass- There are no lights on the jetty, ex- people here as during the day, so the
Victor Reyes and his family are even ing down his love of night fishing to his cept for the glow of the occasional lines won’t get all stuck together,” the
more frequent visitors to the Sebastian sons, Jason age 10 and Brian age 9. flashlight or smart phone or other 10-year-old Orlando boy said. “It’s
Inlet, drawn by the serenity and the ad- electronic device. Jason Reyes said the nice. It’s cool, and it feels fresh.”
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
3 incumbent commissioners face young challenger
BY LISA ZAHNER to serve out the year until this Novem- the taxpayer,” Hoover said. He’s been While the Town itself has not grown –
Staff Writer ber’s election, but he’s no newcomer working with a group called Walkable though it’s being redeveloped – Hoover
to Town politics, having been a former Brevard to try to identify sources of said Brevard County is expanding
Three incumbents are hoping to get mayor. If returned to the commission, money for pedestrian-friendly proj- by leaps and bounds all around Mel-
enough votes to keep their seats on Davis could serve another two full, ects and projects to make the Town bourne Beach. That increased popu-
the Melbourne Beach Town Commis- three-year terms, Peirce said. safer for people like him who want to lation puts pressure on the roads that
sion in November, but one challenger jump on a bicycle to get around town. provide ingress and egress to the south
is trying to offer a fresh perspective The two top vote-getters will win the island and to the area’s many beaches
from the generation that will be rais- three-year seats, and whoever comes Hoover and his wife Liliana, who and parks.
ing young families in the Town for de- in third will get the two years remain- have two dogs but no children at this
cades to come. ing on the seat Davis now holds, as point, settled in Melbourne Beach four “We need to insulate ourselves a lit-
commission seats are at-large and not years ago after moving from Jupiter. tle bit from that growth,” he said, add-
Wyatt Hoover, 34, said he was re- geographically assigned. The winners They say they were looking for a real ing that speeds through Town need to
cruited by Mayor Jim Simmons in will join Commissioner Steve Walters, neighborhood – a friendly, walkable stay low, and signage and walkways or
part for his youthful enthusiasm, and whose term is up in 2018, and Mayor community with bike paths where peo- bike paths are needed to keep it safe
encouraged to toss his hat into the Simmons, whose term ends in 2017. ple still wave and say hello. Hoover says for pedestrians and bikers, despite all
ring with the three incumbents – Vice he’s interested in long-range planning the through traffic.
Mayor Margot Dorfman, Commis- Simmons and Hoover met via and maintaining the Town’s amenities
sioner Gail Gowdy and Commissioner Hoover’s volunteer work as a Rotarian. and buildings to keep it picturesque. Many of the Hoovers’ friends already
Tom Davis. Simmons has endorsed He’s also active in the Melbourne-Palm have youngsters, and Hoover said he
Hoover’s candidacy. Bay Chamber of Commerce and says “The nice thing about Melbourne looks forward to someday seeing his
he can not only represent families and Beach is that it’s already really nice; own children enjoy the Town’s parks,
Melbourne Beach has three-year merchants and other small businesses, there are not a ton of things that need beaches and scenic vistas on the river-
commission terms, and Town Clerk but the Town’s many retirees as well. to be changed. I want to maintain that front. His wife is a dentist and he a ma-
Gwen Peirce said there is a limit of two small-town, pedestrian-friendly feel,” rine biologist trained at Florida Tech.
consecutive terms. “I want to look at state grants and Hoover said. “Where I do differ from the
other sources of funding so we can get incumbents is that I don’t think we can Both have graduate school degrees
Dorfman and Gowdy are running some of these infrastructure and other keep doing things the same way we’ve and are representative of the profes-
for their final terms after serving since needs met and projects done with- been doing them for 20 or 30 years.” sional class of Millennials attracted
2013. Davis was appointed mid-term out it always putting the burden on to Melbourne Beach and the South
Melbourne Beach pier takes away from the rustic appearance
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of the pier,” he said.
cades of service as a fishing spot and PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE The pier has not always been used
sightseeing destination. primarily for walking, fishing and rec-
lived in Melbourne Beach for 12 years, reation. It was once an integral part of
It’s been 31 years since the pier walk down Riverside Drive from their a working railroad line when the Town
last went through a major overhaul home to the pier almost every day to was in its infancy. According to histori-
in 1985. Since then it’s seen a lot of stretch their legs and take in the scen- cal accounts, the pier was built in the
Saturday fishing trips, family photos, ery and the wildlife. Pati said she was area’s pioneer days as a landing site for
evening strolls, Founders’ Days and unaware that the handrail project was people crossing the lagoon in boats,
Fourth of Julys. Years of the sun beat- in the Town budget, but that “It can’t coming from upstream or downstream
ing down and water damage is causing hurt, I’m all for sprucing it up.” or the mainland across the water.
some of the boards to split, warp and
splinter, creating a safety hazard for Demi’s main concern was preserv- It also served as the platform for
those who use the wooden handrails ing the historic significance of the steel railroad tracks that ferried resi-
or lean up against them. pier. “They shouldn’t do it in a way that dents and visitors from the Indian
River Lagoon eastward down what is
Among the expenditures approved now Ocean Avenue to the beach. The
by the Town Council in the $2.7 mil- line was called the Melbourne and At-
lion budget for the upcoming year is lantic Railroad and, according to the
$25,000 for new handrails for the histor- heritage marker at the base of the pier,
ic, 600-foot pier, which the town grew it “greatly improved ocean access for
up around in the days when it carried the growing number of citizens and
a tourist railroad line, ferrying Victori- visitors in Brevard County.
an-era sightseers across the island to
beaches on the Atlantic Ocean. Town The pier, which has been listed on
officials anticipate getting a matching the National Register of Historic Places
grant to help with the project. since 1984, graces the western edge of
the Town’s well-manicured Ryckman
When a resident asked at a recent bud- Park, with its lush green lawn, gazebos
get workshop if the Town might want to and historic buildings. The park also
consider a composite material that looks contains a playground, community cen-
like wood but is crafted from a blend of ter, tennis courts and basketball courts.
recycled wood fibers and recycled plastic
because it would be more durable, Town Across from the park, the historic
Manager Tim Day said that is what the town chapel, a bed and breakfast es-
Town had priced out, and what accounts tablishment and a steak and seafood
for the hefty price tag. restaurant add to the interest and at-
traction of the pier area and help make
Pati and Demi Hakimoglu, who have the spot popular with locals and out-
of-town visitors alike.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 5
Beaches for the laid-back seaside life- gesting that generational difference ture fall into disrepair. We need to U.S. President, U.S. Senator, Florida
style, excellent schools, youth sports makes him naturally interested in paint Town Hall and to repair the side- House and Senate, plus County and
programs and charming small-town long-range planning and investing in walks.” other local races. The early voting pe-
feel. maintaining the community’s assets riod is Oct. 24 through Nov. 5. The en-
– even if it means that taxes have to Oct. 11 is the last day to register to tire Town votes in Precinct 305 at the
“If I’m elected, I’m a good 20 years go up a bit. vote in the Nov. 8 General Election, Melbourne Beach Community Center
younger than the next youngest where the Town Commission race will polling place.
commissioner,” Hoover said, sug- “We can’t let the public infrastruc- be on the ballot along with choices for
6 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
From the Publisher Local neurologist said. "I wanted to know what I was up However, she wrote in her complaint
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 against, so I began doing research." that she "would like to hopefully pro-
tect other patients in his practice who
assembled the largest local news gath- just want somebody to look into what What Rosenburg learned only in- may have been wrongfully diagnosed
ering organization in Indian River he's doing here." creased her curiosity: Several credible, with this terrible disease," adding that
County – with more than twice as many online sources stated that MS symptoms medical officials here should make
full-time reporters, photographers and Earlier this month, Vero Beach 32963 usually appear in people ages 20 to 40. sure that what happened in Colorado
editors in Vero Beach as the local daily. and its sister newspapers published "will not happen to anyone else here."
a story detailing similar allegations "I was in my 60s when he diagnosed
We now plan to bring that same kind made against Dr. Gary M. Weiss, a Palm me, and I thought it was odd that I got di- In a statement sent Friday, Weiss de-
of in-depth local coverage to the Bre- Bay neurologist who faces four federal agnosed with MS so late in life," she said. nied any wrongdoing in his treatment
vard barrier island. The experienced malpractice lawsuits filed against him "But I had multiple brain scans and he of Rosenburg, saying, "Please don't as-
reporters and editors who are part of in August in Colorado, where his Vail- was the doctor, so I did what I was told." sume every complaint is accurate and
our professional team come from The based practice included eight clinics. truthful. I assure you this one isn't."
Washington Post, Miami Herald, Sun Weiss' prescribed treatment includ-
Sentinel, Tampa Bay Times, Denver In the suits, Weiss is accused of mis- ed regular injections of Interferon Beta- Brad Dalton, deputy press secretary
Post, Newsday, Boston Herald – and yes, takenly diagnosing nearly two dozen 1A, a drug commonly used to slow the for the Florida Department of Health,
Florida Today (the old Florida Today). patients with MS and treating them for disabling effects of the MS. Rosenburg said Rosenburg's complaint will be as-
years with invasive medications that said she gave herself the injections, signed to a Prosecution Services Unit
The headline news is we are in the caused severe side effects before giv- kept her scheduled appointments with investigator who will review the case
process of hiring more veteran jour- ing up his medical license in Colorado the doctor and waited for the medica- and determine if an "administrative
nalists just to cover subjects of particu- and selling his practice there. tion to reduce her symptoms. complaint" should be recommended.
lar interest to the residents of 32951.
The first of these will be on board when Rosenburg's complaint, which she Instead, she said, she saw no im- If such a recommendation is made,
Melbourne Beach 32951 starts regu- sent via certified mail to the Florida provement and, at times, felt worse as a medical board panel would exam-
lar, every-week publication Oct. 28th. Department of Health last week, of- a result of what she believes were side ine the findings and then determine
fered an almost-identical account. effects of the medication. if there's probable cause to proceed
Between now and then, spend some and, if warranted, initiate disciplinary
time with your new paper, tell us what According to her complaint – which "I had difficulty walking, dizzy spells action against the physician.
you like, what you want more of, and she also sent to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and fatigue," Rosenburg wrote in her
what you dislike. Melbourne Beach Medicare and the Agency for Health complaint. "My feet felt like they had According to the department's web-
32951 is your community newspaper. Care Administration that oversees the straps around them and felt like I was site, Weiss' medical license is listed as
We want to hear how you. state's Medicaid program – Weiss diag- walking on stones." "clear" and "active." Dalton said state
nosed her with MS in 2007 and treated law prohibits him from commenting
Please email your thoughts directly her for the disease until 2009. She said she tried to tell Weiss her on whether Weiss is the subject of any
to me at [email protected]. condition wasn't improving – and that other complaints or investigations until
"Needless to say, when he first told the side effects were getting worse – 10 days after probable cause is found.
– Milton R. Benjamin, Publisher me, I was upset and frightened," she but most of her appointments were
at his Sebastian office, where she was Weiss allowed his Colorado medical
seen by a physician's assistant. license to expire in September 2014 –
three years after a patient suffering from
Although Rosenburg said she saw MS died under his care and six months
Weiss "more often at the beginning" after the state's medical board began
of her treatment, she saw him "less as disciplinary proceedings against him.
time went on" and became frustrated
because she was worried the MS drug According to a Denver Post story pub-
was "causing problems with my body." lished last month, the Colorado board
had charged Weiss with "two counts of
In her complaint, she wrote that she unprofessional conduct, which encom-
"could not get any answers" fromWeiss, passed 23 breaches in care," including
so she decided to seek a second opin- allegations that he mis-prescribed two
ion from Vero Beach neurologist Dr. drugs and gave unqualified interpreta-
Stuart Shafer, who, after sending her for tions of MRI exams.
an MRI, told her to stop taking the MS
medication and stay off it for one year. In a previous statement, Weiss said
the Colorado lawsuits contained "many
Rosenburg went a year without the false allegations" and that he "chose
medication, then underwent another to not renew" his Colorado medical li-
brain scan, after which Shafer in- cense for health reasons – not because
formed her that she did not have MS. of the board's disciplinary action.
"My MRI was no different than any- Weiss, 62, sold his Colorado practice
one in my age group," she wrote. "My for $1.3 million three years ago and re-
symptoms started to subside, except turned full-time to the thriving Florida
for my feet, but I was feeling better." practice he has operated since 1985.
Rosenburg said she has been "on- Rosenburg said she has done
and-off sick all my life" and that she enough research to appreciate the dif-
has had three surgeries on her spine, ficulty of diagnosing MS, "but if that's
which is "fused up to my waist." She your specialty ..."
also suffers from rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, so she She said she doesn't know what the
fully expects to endure some degree of response will be to her complaint, but
pain for the rest of her life. after reading about what was happen-
ing in Colorado, she felt obligated to
But she said she might never know take action.
how much damage, if any, was done
by the MS drug. "If I hadn't seen that newspaper,
I probably wouldn't have pursued
Rosenburg, who noticed Weiss' name this," Rosenburg said. "But what I read
in a front-page headline while dining sounded too much like what I went
at a local restaurant on Sept. 9, said she through. There's something about this
was told by two attorneys that she could whole thing that doesn't seem right."
not sue him because the statute of limi-
tations for a civil claim had expired.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sea here! Cori shares passion for protecting turtles
Staff Writer
For more than half her young life, Cori McWilliams. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE “If they see that a nest is completely thing. It’s very unique and it’s also re-
12-year-old Cori McWilliams has been erupted, they wait three days, just so ally flexible,” says McWilliams. “So if
passionate about sea turtles, devot- tributed roughly 600 of them at beach any stragglers can get out,” says Mc- something came up and I had to go
ing countless girl-power hours toward cleanups and to places such as the BIC, Williams, explaining that volunteers somewhere, I can just log off for a few
protecting these magnificent creatures Environmental Learning Center and then count how many hatched and hours, do whatever I need to do, and
of the sea through her marine conser- Keep Indian River Beautiful. didn’t hatch, occasionally even discov- then I can just log back in and finish
vation efforts. In 2014, she founded the ering and releasing a live straggler. my school work for the day.”
nonprofit organization Kids for the Sea McWilliams volunteers with the BIC
in an effort to spark that same envi- Sea Turtle Academy, teaching young McWilliams has obtained an open- Her advice to other young people is
ronmental enthusiasm in other young elementary students about conserva- water scuba certification and has more to follow their passions and try new
people. tion, and helps out at the annual Tour than two dozen dives under her belt. things.
de Turtles fundraiser. Every Friday “It’s really neat to actually go in the
Her introduction to sea turtles be- from the beginning of June through the water and really experience their world “The people that you’ll meet will af-
gan at the Barrier Island Sanctuary end of July, the height of the sea turtle first-hand,” she says. fect you some way or another in ways
Management and Education Center nesting season, she scouted for guided that you never ever would have be-
(aka the Barrier Island Center, or BIC), sea turtle walks at the refuge, looking Now in seventh grade, she has en- lieved. If I hadn’t been talking to Donna
located at the Archie Carr National for loggerheads lumbering from the joyed the freedom of being enrolled Lee Crawford when I came here, who
Wildlife Refuge, north of the Sebastian sea to lay their nests by the dune line. in the online Florida Virtual School, a knows? I might have been one of those
Inlet in south Melbourne Beach. fully-accredited, tuition-free K-12 pub- kids playing video games thinking, I
Numbers have been impressive this lic school, which she started as a sixth want to do that but I can’t do that. And
“My mom [Celeste McWilliams] took year at Archie Carr, one of the most im- grader. it’s not true. You never know where life
me here and I met Donna Lee Craw- portant sea turtle nesting grounds in will take you.”
ford,” says McWilliams, referencing the world. As of the end of August there “It’s a set curriculum; unlike home
the Sea Turtle Conservancy’s commu- were 20,376 loggerhead nests, 1,295 schooling, it’s all laid out for you. You To learn more, visit Kids for the Sea
nity stewardship coordinator. green sea turtle nests, 72 leatherback don’t have to buy any books or any- on Facebook.
nests and one rare Kemp’s ridley nest.
“She is like the sea turtle guru of
this place. She taught me all about sea McWilliams says green sea turtle
turtles and I was just completely fas- nesting is cyclical, so they expected
cinated by them. They’re very unique this year to be slow, but she remembers
creatures. They’re in danger now, so 2013, the record-breaking year which
they may not be here for my children saw roughly 13,000 green sea turtle
and their children. They’ve been here nests.
so long, and I was like, ‘I should do
something to make them stay here.’ We “For every one loggerhead, we’d
don’t want the sea turtles to be like the get like 20 or 30 greens. That year was
dinosaurs; learning about them, but completely crazy. It really shows that
not having that first-hand experience.” all the conservation work that people
have done is working.”
Eschewing the notion that she was
too young to get involved, McWilliams Once hatchlings begin leaving the
started with simple tasks such as beach nests, McWilliams volunteers with
cleanups, before progressing to more Kendra Cope, Indian River County sea
advanced projects. She has since been turtle coordinator.
recognized with numerous awards for
her efforts, but that’s not what moti-
vates her.
“Ever since I came here, sea turtles
have been my passion because I love
them. If you like something, then you
should go and protect it. I find that ev-
eryone will protect what they love and
they love what they understand.”
McWilliams has tied Kids for the Sea
into the Stow It Don’t Throw It conser-
vation effort founded by Sean Russell,
in conjunction with the Mote Marine
Laboratory in Sarasota.
“I met the guy who runs the project;
he’s absolutely wonderful. It’s actu-
ally recycled tennis ball cans, and we
refurbish them so that they’re trash
holders. They can be dumped out and
reused if you wash them. They’re great
for the little micro plastics and fishing
lines you find.”
Kids for the Sea volunteers have dis-
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 9
Go, West: Veteran honors heroes with bike trip
of the Sebastian police and the Free- ent/spouse from each state on his “It’s not about some old man riding a
dom Riders provided an escort from journey. At each stop, the flag is raised bike,” said West. “It’s to honor the fall-
the county line to the Veteran’s Me- and will be ultimately presented to the en, the families of the fallen, the first
morial at Riverview Park. Despite the family along with a journal of the loca- responders. It’s up to us to make sure
threat of rain, the crowd stood unde- tions and signatures of participants in they’re not forgotten. They’ve given us
terred as the American Legion/VFW a flag-folding ceremony using the 15 the greatest gift – to breathe free, to live
Honor Guard presented the flag and state flags, folded again and again at free.”
the ceremony began. each event. West has raised these flags
at such memorable sites as Indepen- As taps sounded there was a low
West carries an American flag for dence Hall and Ground Zero. rumble of thunder, befitting the som-
the family of a fallen or disabled par- ber occasion.
Colette and Gary West. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer
A man’s golden years often involve
relaxing, hobbies or maybe a little fish-
ing. Retired Air Force fighter pilot Col.
Gary West chose travelling, deciding
on a 2,500-mile trip from Maine to Key
West via bicycle.
West, a 27-year military veteran, is
making the journey to raise funds for
Folds of Honor, a non-profit that offers
scholarships to children with a parent
who was killed or disabled while on
active duty. His goal is to raise $60,000
during the 60-day, 15-state journey
that will culminate in Key West on his
60th birthday, Oct. 1.
As West and his six-member team
arrived in Sebastian last Thursday,
they received a welcome that illustrat-
ed why, as Mayor Bob McPartland put
it, “Sebastian is one of the most patri-
otic cities in the entire country.”
Andrea Coy, a Sebastian City Coun-
cil member and retired master ser-
geant, learned of West’s journey less
than week before he was scheduled to
reach the city and, with help from the
City of Sebastian and the Sebastian
Chamber of Commerce, the whole
community was soon involved. Coy,
hoping to raise $1,000 for West, praised
the citizens of Sebastian for donating
in excess of $3,500.
As flag-waving groups lined the
route and cheered West on, members
10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bravo! Bravo! Celebrate the Arts fest delights all
2 35
1. Larry Strauss and Mark Wygonik. 2. VBHS
Sinfonia. 3. Saylor Vorkapich. 4. Tina Rahman,
Myles St. Peter, Jane Kreizman and Doris Kwek.
5. Cindy Roden, Ashley Alarcon, Margaret
Armitage. 6. Mariah and Julia Ryan with artist
Debra Terrio. 7. Ashley Holcombe and Charlotte
Taylor. 8. Jerry Weiss, principle 2nd violin of the
Atlantic Classical Orchestra. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
BY CHRISTINA TASCON offered activities in air-conditioned enthusiasts alike. who came to listen to a friend’s son
Correspondent comfort throughout the day. Tantalizing aromas from the vari- perform.
The hot sun blazed down from a Riverside Theatre gave visitors ous food offerings filled the air, and “New this year is a wonderful tent
clear blue sky last Saturday morning, backstage tours, affording a fasci- parched adults imbibed cold beers reserved for artists, authors, poets and
offering barely a breeze as performers nating peek behind the curtain on introduced by the new Walking Tree speakers, with a program scheduled
gave it their all, performing on stage at the ways its productions are profes- Brewery. Sitting in the shade to enjoy every 20 minutes for a demonstra-
the fourth annual Celebrate the Arts sionally planned and executed. Tour their repast, all eyes were on the cen- tion or talk,” said Barbara Hoffman,
Festival at Riverside Park, hosted by guides revealed sets currently being ter stage, as visitors watched music Cultural Council executive director.
the Cultural Council of Indian River developed and gave a glimpse into the and theater performances through- “This is a wonderful opportunity for
County. Cultural arts and music lov- famous Green Room, practice spaces out the day by our many talented stu- people to hear some of our locals and
ers wandered the park, stopping at a and brightly lit dressing rooms. dents and residents. see the scope of our membership.”
wide variety of booths filled with art-
ists selling their creations, authors RCT presented short stage shows “I am not really nervous but it is Highwayman Hall of Fame induct-
promoting books and a slew of non- staged by many of the young students a little scary to know you are repre- ee Willie C. Reagan spoke about the
profit organizations, civic groups and who studied and performed at ses- senting the whole and representing history of the Highwaymen, their rise
restaurants offering informational sions during the summer and fall, and yourself in an art community,” said to fame and the resurgence of art in
materials and goodies. the museum offered a free day of exhi- cellist Evan Rovinet, a member of the Indian River County.
bitions as well as a Kids Art Shop. Vero Beach High School Sinfonia in-
A soft wind by noon helped a little, strumentalists. “Celebrate the Arts “I am retired now 21 years from
as did visits to Riverside Theatre, Riv- Back in the park, the day of free gets the community out here so we the school system,” said Reagan, who
erside Children’s Theatre and the Vero family-friendly fun ranged from col- can show them what we are able to worked as an artist, teacher and car-
Beach Museum of Art, which each oring book contests for youngsters to do.” penter. “Now I look at the young peo-
antique car displays of gleaming ve- ple and want to help spur them along
hicles that delighted young and old “It’s very inspiring,” said Jo Zaza, by sharing my talents with them.”
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Vero Beach actress casts her spell on ‘Witches’ role
BY MICHELLE GENZ Faye and Neil McKenzie, who once
Staff Writer owned a theater in Orlando called
Stage 75, Beth and her parents were
As the curtain prepares to rise on a living in Stuart when she got her first
regional premiere of the musical “The paying role at age 7, as Baby June in
Witches of Eastwick,” the formerly Riverside Theatre’s “Gypsy!”
all-volunteer theater at Melbourne’s
Henegar Center has attracted anoth- She continued to perform at River-
er local talent to its growing roster of side until middle school. Then, in high
paid professional actors. Playing the school, she got a job at the Burt Reyn-
role of Alex – the role Cher played in olds Institute for Film and Theatre, now
the movie version – is Beth McKenzie- the Maltz Jupiter.
Shestak, a former South Beach model
and New York actress who grew up on A member of the Youth Actors Guild
the Treasure Coast and trained at the there, she “basically lived down there,”
Burt Reynolds Institute. she says, understudying shows, run-
ning the sound and light boards, and
Today, McKenzie-Shestak, married helping with costume changes during
with two small children and living in performances.
Vero Beach, performs in and choreo-
graphs the long-running dinner the- Through those connections, at 15 she
ater shows of Jon Putzke’s Theatre-Go- signed with a Miami modeling agency,
Round. With near-fanatical concern landing a two-day, $2,000 shoot for
for organization, she juggles not only Nivea that had her face on billboards
family but rehearsal schedules that so across Belgium. Graduating a year
far have dovetailed neatly between the early from high school, she earned an
two distant stages. associate’s degree at Indian River State
College, then headed to Philadelphia to
Then again, that kind of jiggering has finish a BFA in musical theater at the
been drilled into her since childhood. University of the Arts.
The daughter of theater veterans Then came the stint in New York. “I
was terrified,” she said of living alone in
Beth McKenzie-Shestak.
New Jersey. She worked as a bartender lo Productions; it staged shows like
two nights a week to pay the rent while “Aida” and “High School Musical” at
she auditioned. In her three years in the Lyric Theatre. Ten years ago, they
New York she won roles as Agnes in “Ag- moved to Vero, following her parents’
nes of God” at Chelsea’s Meisner The- move. She began teaching children
ater, and had the title role in the world dance at Riverside, and soon joined
premiere of “Agrippina” at Studio 54, in Putzke’s dinner theater.
its brief incarnation as a theater. Before
that, she played in “The Lion, the Witch In all of that travel, McKenzie-
and the Wardrobe” at the Prince The- Shestak had never been to a production
atre in Philadelphia. at Melbourne’s Henegar Center, a half-
hour drive away.
While in New York, she met her hus-
band Tim Shestak, then a stand-up Then, last March, she saw “Nice
comic, and now a restaurant general Work if You Can Get It,” a musical com-
manager. Together they came back to edy directed by Vero’s Ben Earman. It
Florida, settling first in Stuart, where featured Shane Frampton, a longtime
Beth became resident choreographer professional actor and close friend of
at a startup theater group called Shi- Henegar’s artistic director, Hank Rion.
Frampton began appearing in a num-
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 13
Actor Karis Assam rehearses ARTS & THEATRE
for ‘The Witches of Eastwick’
will be a number of changes made dur- Typically, you’re doing shows that have
with director Hank Rion. ing the rehearsal period, with the play been done for years. To have the oppor-
essentially still in development. tunity to be a part of something that is
brand new is really exciting.”
She’s made a point of sectioning off
her script and learning her lines as she Typically, actors in musicals learn
learns blocking and music. That way, if their parts from cast albums. But there
there are changes, she can layer them is none for “Witches,” at least not of this
onto what has already become “muscle version. Instead, McKenzie-Shestak
memory,” as she puts it. has had to record her lines and songs
on her smartphone. “A lot of the cast is
One song she sings has just been add- doing the same thing,” she says.
ed to the show – it has never been sung
before, a prospect that excites her. “There’s a small part of me that
thinks if this is recorded the next per-
“Every witch has a solo, and my song son doing research might see what I did
is brand new. I love that. There are very and try to recreate it. That’s really excit-
few times especially in live theater that ing. And it doesn’t come often.”
you really get to originate something.
Actors Shane Frampton
and Rob Landers work
with Hank Rion.
ber of Henegar shows, then got hired by involving hand puppets; it opened on
Putzke for Theatre-Go-Round. Broadway just last year. “Venus in Fur”
played in February in the Henegar’s
Rion had the lead in “Nice Work,” a upstairs theater. The year before that,
rare stage appearance that showed off Rion staged the “The Color Purple,”
his considerable talent as, among other and in 2014, “Vagina Monologues.”
things, a tapper.
“The Witches of Eastwick: The Mu-
Written by Joe DiPietro and filled sical,” like the non-musical movie, is
with Gershwin tunes, the 1920s-style based on the novel by John Updike. It’s
comedy was hardly an example of about three women friends with a pow-
the kind edginess that Henegar dis- erful and mysterious bond that allows
played with “Cry-baby the Musical” them to dispatch with the devil when
the year before. he comes to town.
That production was a U.S. premier “You root for the witches in this
for a community theater and Rion show,” says McKenzie-Shestak. “We’re
worked for more than a year to get not the toil and trouble type.”
the rights to it. The stage version of
John Waters’ 1990 movie “Cry-Baby Originally produced by Cameron
the Musical” was a huge hit for the Mackintosh in 2000 in London, the mu-
theater and another bead in a string sical didn’t premiere in the U.S. until
of flashy shows. The year before that, 2007 and ran only a few weeks in a the-
Rion served up a saucy “Spamalot.” ater in Arlington, Virginia. The Wash-
And for his very first show with Hen- ington Post review praised it as deliver-
egar in 2013, he staged “Spring Awak- ing “more of a kick than the wispy 1987
ening,” a rock musical about the sex film.” Some predicted a Broadway run
lives of 19th century school boys. Ev- but the closest it came was a northeast
ery show sold out. U.S. premier at the Ogunquit Playhouse
in Maine two years ago.
“Witches” follows September’s
“Hand of God,” a darkly sexual comedy McKenzie-Shestak predicts there
14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Harak Rubio: Minimalist art, maximum talent
Harak Rubio is an artist who thinks
big. With one eye set on art stardom,
the Puerto Rican-born Rubio, now
living in Melbourne, creates works of
a scale that is guaranteed to make a
In its final two weeks at Melbourne’s
Foosaner Art Museum, “Harak Rubio:
Symbols and Guardians,” presents the
artist’s latest series of elegantly mini-
malist paintings and sculptures. The
34 works, expertly arranged and lit by
Foosaner staff, create the effect of a
big-city gallery exhibition.
Right off, what strikes the eye are
the paintings, large tonalist mael-
stroms of freely brushed and textured
oil and metallic paint. Most of these
bear at their centers a simple device:
two fat bars of heavily stroked-on col-
or, arranged one above the other like
an insistent equal sign.
“That’s my new line of paintings,”
says Rubio.
“The equal symbol is a universal
symbol. I studied mathematics, and
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 15
there’s a lot of mathematics in that Campbell Park. pressive: He was twice a member of there, he said, it was a matter of fate.
symbol,” he says. “It’s also represen- Nature and nurture combined to a group of artist delegates who repre- One art class led to another.
tative of other stuff. That’s the beauty sented Puerto Rico in the prestigious
of abstract art. People see it and can make an artist of Rubio; his father International Biennial in Sao Paulo, “In my first semester of law school,
think whatever they want.” Pablo Rubio is a prolific sculptor and Brazil. I made more than 26 sculptures,” Ru-
painter, as well as a professor of art at bio says.
Compared to his two-dimension- the University of Puerto Rico. As a kid with a famous father, did
al works in the show, Rubio’s free- Harak ever feel intimidated by his “It’s like the blood calls you. And I
standing sculptures favor poise over “He is a big-league sculptor,” Harak dad’s success? said, what the hell am I doing here
power. Both the smaller pedestal- Rubio says. studying law?”
mounted sculptures, as well as those “I grew up in that environment,”
that rise over 9 feet from the floor, are In addition to creating monumen- Rubio responds simply. The study of art occupied him un-
composed of gently curving ribbons tal sculptures for civic buildings, til age 22, when he got a job in the art
of steel. They put this viewer in mind university campuses and city plazas Rubio grew up in a house designed department of a movie production
of the arrested traces of movement in his native Puerto Rico, the elder by his father, “a paradise,” says Rubio, studio in Puerto Rico. He worked on
that a dancer might leave on the air. Rubio has executed public sculpture with a huge studio and gallery plus a films and made-for-TV movies for
commissions in Ecuador, South Ko- guest room. Rubio remembers a com- such companies as Lifetime Televi-
Most of the sculptures are coated rea, Spain, Venezuela and the French fortable childhood with plenty of en- sion, USA Network and Universal Pic-
with a layer of textured brown-gray territory of Guadeloupe. Maestro couragement – and opportunity – to tures, eventually seeing his name roll
paint with select bits picked out in Rubio’s exhibition record is also im- express himself as an artist. by in the credits as Property Master
vivid red, blue, yellow, orange or for several films.
green pigment. Three of the larger Young Rubio created his first sculp-
sculptures make use of the steel’s ture at age 9, “because I had the tal- After moving to Melbourne, Rubio
rust-stained natural patina, against ent,” he says. continued to work in movies, but the
which the sleek slivers of painted sur- travel involved kept him away from
face pop. “My goal in life was to be a marine bi- his wife and children – three sons and
ologist. I loved Jacques Cousteau. I was a daughter.
Rubio embodies his art. Sturdily a big fan of his. I was fascinated about
built and 6-foot-2, he can’t be missed everything to do with the sea and the “It was super consuming work. It’s
in a crowd, even one as dense as that waves, the reef, the ecosystem.” not like 8 to 5. Movies are 15 hours a
at the exhibition’s opening earlier day minimum, working every day. No
this month. In conversation Rubio is “When I went to university, I didn’t holidays, no nothing.”
charming and, like the brushstrokes want to be like my dad, because art
on his canvases, nimbly animated. is a tough life. I saw my dad working During this time, Rubio was also
nights, sweating and welding. I didn’t working on his art. Then he received
Rubio was 35 when he and his fam- want to be like that.” an invitation to exhibit in an interna-
ily moved to Melbourne from Puerto tional group show.
Rico 11 years ago. He wasted no time For that reason, Rubio began his
in reestablishing his art studio in Flor- college career in the biology depart- “I said ‘OK,’ but then my art started
ida. Since 2003 he has created a dozen ment of the University of Puerto Rico. overlapping with my movies. And you
public sculptures for city, university have to make a decision,” he says.
and private collections in the United When he learned that he had to take
States and Puerto Rico as well as Ar- multiple courses in chemistry to earn His decision to become a full-time
gentina and Mexico. a degree in biology, Rubio changed artist is one that he does not regret.
his major to sociology with a minor And neither does his new hometown
Examples of Rubio’s monumental in economics. Then he went into the of Melbourne.
sculpture can be found within an university’s law department, where
hour’s drive of Vero. “Ocean’s Guard- he took an elective class in art. From “Harak Rubio: Symbols and Guard-
ian,” a 16-foot-high steel sculpture, ians” runs through Oct. 15, 2016.
stands in Palm Bay; “Vision of the
Harbor Guardian,” an aluminum
sculpture with wire-brushed and
blue-painted elements, is the cen-
terpiece of downtown Melbourne’s
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming up: Riverside play ‘Flat Stanley’ for youngsters
BY MICHELLE GENZ Coming this weekend to group, the class will take a look at exam-
Staff Writer Riverside Theatre. ples of past productions, the script, and
in this case the cultural impact of Cash
1 The phenomenally popular chil- and his music. Having watched River-
dren’s book series “Flat Stanley” side’s education director Jim VanValen
in action, on stage in the one-man show
could be a metaphor for using too much “Underneath the Lintel” a couple of
years ago, and rehearsing the Riverside
social media: A boy who suddenly be- apprentices this summer, I can tell you
his years as a college professor on top
comes two-dimensional gets stamped of his long career as an actor promise to
make his classes deserving of standing
and mailed around the world in a search room only enrollment.
to recover his well-rounded, three-di-
mensional self again.
“The Musical Adventures of Flat Stan-
ley,” which opens this weekend, is Riv-
erside’s theater for young audiences
production this year, the recent initia- 5 In Stuart, blues guitar genius John
Mayall’s concert is just two weeks
tive that was launched with last year’s
“Poodleful,” an original musical by Riv- away. He’ll be coming to the Lyric The-
erside’s musical director Ken Clifton and atre Friday, Oct. 14, for a 7 p.m. concert.
DJ Salisbury, who frequently directs.
This time, the play is targeted at a 6 A folksy roots rock group with
broad appeal is at Kilted Mermaid
slightly older audience: 5 to 13. Like last
year, the production puts the talents of Saturday night: Damion Suomi heads
Riverside’s performance apprentices on south from his home in Cocoa Beach.
display for the public. Graduates from Suomi segued from Bible College to bar
theater programs around the country, music and hasn’t looked back. A year-
the apprentices mostly show off their and-a-half-long stay in Ireland suffused
talents by staging short plays in the his songbook with Irish drinking songs
county’s schools. and he and his group the Minor Proph-
Jeff Brown’s “Flat Stanley” books were ets, since disbanded, produced an al-
adapted by Timothy Allen McDonald, bum “Go, and Sell All Your Things.”
who also turned the works of Roald Dahl
into the musicals “James and the Giant
Peach” and “Willy Wonka.”
Performances are Friday, Saturday and
Sunday this weekend and next, with
three shows daily: 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and
7:30 p.m.
As they did with “Poodleful,” the Riv-
erside apprentices will travel to Stuart
in late December to stage the play at the
Lyric Theatre.
2 Entertaining as some might find Ron White performs at
the presidential campaign, only King Center this Friday.
one candidate has made a stand-up
routine out of it: Blue Collar Comedy the hip-hop group Public Enemy and B-
Real of Cypress Hill, the L.A.-based La-
Tour comic Ron White, whose shtick tino hip-hop group. Hard to believe the
groups got their start in the early 1990s.
now includes a 2008 Vero Beach arrest Rage’s lead vocalist Zack de la Rocha is
not part of the group; he just released his
for pot, just enough for a “little skinny first solo cut in a decade this month, part
of an upcoming solo album.
twisted-up joint,” as he told a Las Vegas
reporter afterwards. Opens October 25 at Riverside Theatre.
While White did not earn a spot at Damion Suomi and the Minor Prophets perform
Saturday at the Kilted Mermaid in Vero Beach.
the podium at Monday’s debate, he
did book the stage at Melbourne’s King
Center for Friday. With the motto “Vote 4 We’re just weeks away from the
reawakening of Riverside’s Main
Smart! Because You Can’t Fix Stupid,”
White has taken to calling his gigs “cam- Stage with what will no doubt be a
paign stops.” smokin’ production of “Ring of Fire,”
the story and music of Johnny Cash. Ja-
3 Speaking of campaigns, the new son Edwards, who played in the show
super-group Prophets of Rage has
in Broadway, will direct and star in the
a different vision for our nation: Make show, which opens Oct. 25. As a warm-
America Rage Again. At least that’s what up, Riverside is offering for the first time
they’re calling their tour, headed for Per- an adult seminar on the play, the first in
fect Vodka Arena Saturday. The group the theater’s new Backstage Access se-
consists of three members of Rage ries that will precede each Main Stage
Against the Machine, plus Chuck-D of production. Part lecture, part discussion
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Knee-replacement technology can preserve ACLs
Staff Writer
over 120 NFL players had their ca- ments inside the knee. There are
There are more than 30,000 or- reers ended or put on ice due to torn four ligaments in the knee. The ACL,
thopedic surgeons in the U.S., but ACLs. PCL or posterior cruciate ligament,
Melbourne physician Ken Sands, the medial collateral ligament and
M.D., is the only one in the state of Yet, in the vast majority of total lateral collateral ligament. When
Florida trained and certified to em- knee-replacement procedures done they all work together that is what
ploy a new total knee-replacement today, one of the first things that stabilizes your knee.”
technology that preserves healthy happens is that the ACL is cut away.
anterior cruciate ligaments – or ACLs Sands continues by saying, “The
– resulting in a post-operative joint Sands, who spent more than a doz- ACL stabilizes the knee from front to
that feels and functions more like a en years as a U.S. Army orthopedic back. People who receive [tradition-
natural knee. physician and director of the Army’s al] total knee replacements often ex-
Adult Joint Reconstruction program perience something called paradox-
Sands is part of a select group of at the William Beaumont Army Med- ical motion which means that their
30 orthopedic surgeons nationwide ical Center in El Paso, Texas, thinks knee moves abnormally forward
who are using a new generation that summarily removing a healthy before it moves backwards. That’s
of prosthetic knee joint called the ACL during a knee-replacement pro- because they have had their ACL re-
“Journey II XR” from global medi- cedure can be a big mistake. moved. When we preserve the ACL,
cal device manufacturer Smith and the [replacement] knee functions as
Nephew, and their primary goal is to “The ACL,” explains Sands, “works
save healthy ACLs. in conjunction with the other liga-
ACL injuries – and the importance
of these ligaments to proper knee
function – is a common topic in
sports medicine, especially among
doctors who treat players in the Na-
tional Football League. Just last year
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry
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Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 19
“When you preserve HEALTH
the ACL,” Sands says, According to Sands, “What we use We are basically trimming away only
a lot on these implants is something the arthritic sections. When you do
“the knee is being called MRI-based patient-specific a traditional total knee replacement,
cutting blocks. The patient will un- you try and make the bones fit the
driven by the natural dergo an MRI, plus an X-ray from implant. Here, we are leaving the
their hip to their ankle. Then that natural anatomy as pristine as we
ligaments and it feels information is sent to the engineers can,” by making the implant fit the
back at Smith and Nephew. They patients’ bones.
more natural.” will come up with a cutting block
that will only fit on that particular The Melbourne-based Sands per-
a more natural knee. It allows people patient.” forms his orthopedic procedures at the
to bend their knees in a more natural Sebastian River Medical Center. He
way.” “All we really are doing,” as far plans to open an office in the Sebas-
as bone-cutting is concerned says tian-Vero area this fall. In the mean-
The U.S. National Library of Medi- Sands, “is trimming. We only trim time he can be reached at 709 S. Har-
cine at the National Institutes of about 8 millimeters of bone away bor City Blvd., Suite 100 in Melbourne.
Health backs up Sands’ contention from the thigh bone and shin bone. The phone is 321-725-2225.
by unequivocally stating that knee
replacement procedures “which re-
tain the ACL provide relatively nor-
mal knee kinematics and favorable
knee function compared with con-
ventional knee replacement surger-
ies which sacrifice the ACL.”
“When you preserve the ACL,”
Sands says, “the knee is being driven
by the natural ligaments and it feels
more natural.”
Since the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention projects that by
2020, some 3 million knee replace-
ments will be performed annually
in this country, surgeons and manu-
facturers worldwide are scrambling
to find the best possible combina-
tion of procedures and replacement
Sands is quick to point out that the
actual ACL-sparing procedure is not
new. The technique dates back to
the 1960s and ’70s but has not been
widely used.
“I believe that as many as 70 per-
cent of all my patients requiring total
knee replacements will benefit from
this exciting, new surgical treatment
that preserves as much of the natural
knee as possible,” exclaims Sands.
Sands also points to faster recov-
eries and greater stability in the new
knee as potential advantages in al-
lowing patients to move more quick-
ly on to complex activities including,
“tennis, skiing, dancing, golfing and
Moreover, substantially less of a
patient’s natural bone (from the fe-
mur and the tibia) needs to be cut
away in order to implant the Journey
II XR replacement joint.
Following recent trends, London-
based Smith and Nephew – which
was founded in 1856 – has adopted
the concept of customizing their re-
placement joints with modern imag-
ing techniques.
20 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Starting to run in your 40s and 50s? Know your limits
BY MIKE PLUNKETT ing middle age may seem like an exer- pounds and took up running. Hud- and on crutches.
Washington Post cise in futility, yet getting a late start has son discovered that he was fast and He wrote via email that “my doctor
certain advantages. Running coaches excelled at 5K and 10K races. But for
When Keith Cartwright played foot- Lisa Reichmann and Julie Sapper said longer distances, he struggled to find a told me (and I agree) that my injury
ball in high school, he never ran more running longevity relates to how old balance. “When I started, I had no idea was due to excessive running.”
than 200 yards at one time. He was a you were when you started. what I was doing, so I went out as hard
running back, so he didn’t have to do as I could. I was trying to be faster than “My muscles needed more time to
more than a sprint. “Whether you start running at age 40 the day prior,” he said. recover, and I also needed to increase
or 45, or in some cases 50, you’ve got my intake of protein. I have since
“My buddies know me as an anti- about 10 to 15 really good [running] With the help of Reichmann and been able to make adjustments to my
distance runner,” Cartwright said. years,” Sapper said. “If someone is run- Sapper, Hudson created a training plan running workouts so I run smarter.
ning their first marathon in their 40s to prepare for the 2016 Marine Corps Before, I was just running to get the
Now 52 years old, Cartwright has and 50s but have been running since Marathon. His coaches said his dedica- miles in without thinking about time
become a long-distance runner in their 20s, they’re not going to have as tion to his training is paying off. to recover.”
large part because of Meg’s Miles, a much ‘shelf life’ as compared to some-
group that came together after the one who completely started from It’s true that the aches and pains of Running success during middle age
passing of Meg Menzies. Menzies died scratch.” daily living start to catch up with peo- comes down to perspective and under-
after being hit by a car while training ple in middle age. What you ignored standing of what it takes to complete a
for the Boston Marathon. Cartwright Marathon training doesn’t get easier in your 20s cannot be ignored in your marathon. Romero finished the New
is friends with Meg’s husband, Scott, with age, and the coaches say it can be 40s, and when it comes to running, it York City Marathon in 2014, his first,
and because of her life and example, more of a challenge because it’s added means knowing your limits. and now at age 45 has already quali-
he took up running and now is train- on top of the stresses of work and fam- fied for the 2017 Boston Marathon. He
ing for the Richmond, Virginia Mara- ily. Consistency of training sessions Manny Romero, who lives in New said an advantage to running in his 40s
thon. and efficiency in each session become York City, took up running at age 42 to is a greater enjoyment of running as an
critical to success. get over a romantic breakup and deal end in and of itself.
“In the past two to three months, I’ve with the stresses of moving to the Big
been training, and I use training loose- After his mother’s passing in 2014, Apple. After quickly ramping up to five “I think if I had started running com-
ly,” Cartwright said. “I’m not a fast guy. Adam Hudson, now 42, knew it was miles a day every day, he suffered a petitively at a younger age, I would find
I’m just committed to getting it done so time to get fit. “I was going to do ev- stress fracture. Romero ran a half-mar- myself getting disappointed because
I can say I ran a full marathon.” erything I could to be around as long athon and made the fracture worse. He I would constantly be comparing my
as I could,” he said. He lost close to 100 spent eight months in a support boot results/performance to my younger
Starting long-distance running dur- days,” Romero wrote.
22 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Last fall, when he was running for Amazon had also negotiated an op- For UPS and FedEx, Union neighborhood, and it’s building
mayor of Wilmington, Ohio, John Stan- tion to buy nearly 20 percent of the com- Amazon’s been great three tree-filled biospheres in the city
forth heard a rumor. A big company pany. “We’re excited to supplement our for business. Now it’s that will allow workers to take con-
was testing an airfreight operation at existing delivery network with a great taking business away templative breaks, like so many Ralph
the local airport, Wilmington Air Park. new provider, ATSG, by adding 20 planes from them. Waldo Emersons in Jetsonian luxury.
to ensure air cargo capacity to support The company is the fifth-most valu-
Whoever it was wanted to keep the one- and two-day delivery,” Dave Clark, container ships traveling between Asia able in the world: Its market capital-
project quiet. People who frequent- Amazon’s senior vice president for world- and the U.S. and Europe. In short, Ama- ization is about $366 billion, which is
ed the airport said the company was wide operations, said in a statement at zon is becoming a kind of e-commerce roughly equal to the combined worth
wrapping its packages in black plastic the time. Amazon denies wrapping its Walmart with a FedEx attached. of Walmart, FedEx, and Boeing.
to obscure any lettering and referred boxes in black during the trial period.
to its experiment as Project Amelia. With any other company, an expan- For years, Amazon lost money as
He wasn’t sure which company it was, Two weeks after Amazon’s an- sion like this would be preposterous. Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos
though some people were whispering nouncement, I meet with Stanforth in But Amazon’s growth has been pre- ignored Wall Street’s concerns and
it was a conference room outside his office at posterous. In 2010 its annual revenue poured billions into such initiatives as
the municipal building. He’s joined by was $34 billion; last year, $107 billion. e-readers, robot-enhanced warehous-
Stanforth, 71, owns a storage busi- Marian Miller, his lively executive as- In 2010 the company employed 33,700 es, smartphones, tablets, and televi-
ness and looks a bit like the actor sistant, and Bret Dixon, Clinton Coun- workers. By this June, it had 268,900. sion shows. Yet in July, the company
Jeffrey Tambor. In November he eas- ty’s economic development director. posted its fifth straight quarterly profit.
ily won the mayoral election. But even Amazon still hasn’t said much about its To have enough office space for its Amazon Web Services, its cloud com-
then he didn’t ask too many questions plans for the air park, but Stanforth is swelling headquarters staff, Amazon puting division, alone had sales of $7.9
about what was going on at the airport. hopeful there will be some jobs soon. has swallowed Seattle’s South Lake billion last year. “We could have stuck
He didn’t want to jeopardize anything to the knitting,” Bezos wrote in Ama-
by being too nosy. “Guys, just bring me “We don’t know what it’s going to do zon’s most recent annual report. “I’m
the jobs,” he recalls thinking. yet,” Miller says, “but we’re crossing our glad we didn’t. Or did we?”
fingers. We have people that like sling-
Wilmington is about 35 miles south- ing packages.”
east of Dayton and has a population of
about 12,000. Jobs used to be plentiful. It’s hard to tell who’s more pro-Ama-
The air park was a hub for Airborne Ex- zon, Miller or Dixon. “They’re changing
press and then DHL, the German ship- the face of e-commerce,” Dixon says.
ping company, which bought Airborne
Express in 2003. Thousands of people “They are a feel-good company,”
toiled at the airport, sorting packages says Miller. “Who wouldn’t want a feel-
that arrived and loading them onto good company like Amazon? Look at
outbound planes. the way they treat their customers and
their employees!”
It wasn’t the most spiritually reward-
ing work, but it paid well, enabling Two months after the Ohio announce-
package handlers to patronize the ment, Amazon leased 20 more jets from
shops on Wilmington’s Main Street, Atlas Air, an air cargo company based
to get haircuts in the barbershop and in Purchase, N.Y. Amazon has also pur-
body illustrations at the tattoo par- chased 4,000 truck trailers. Meanwhile,
lor. Even the local bookstore did great a company subsidiary in China has ob-
business, especially when Harry Potter tained a freight-forwarding license that
novels came out. “They shut down the analysts say enables it to sell space on
main street,” Stanforth says wistfully,
about the release party the store threw
in 2007 for the seventh book in the Pot-
ter series. “There were people every-
where. Our Rotary Club made $1,000
selling shaved ice. A thousand bucks!”
In 2008, DHL shuttered its Wilming-
ton operation, and almost everybody
at the air park lost their jobs. “It was
devastating,” Stanforth says. “You can’t
lose that kind of an industry in a small
community and not be hurt.”
The following year, the city was fea-
tured on a 60 Minutes segment as a
symbol of recessionary America. “When
President Obama spoke of ‘the winter of
our hardship’ in his inaugural address,
no one in America understood that bet-
ter than the folks we met inWilmington,
Ohio,” correspondent Scott Pelley said.
Starting in September 2015, people
in the city noticed more planes flying
in and out of the airport, loading and
unloading those black-wrapped boxes.
This March, Amazon announced that
it was leasing 20 Boeing 767s from Air
Transport Services Group, a cargo com-
pany that operates out of the air park.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 23
Amazon’s ambitions depend on the INSIGHT COVER STORY
continued success of its Prime service.
For $99 a year, Amazon Prime cus- ONE OF MANY CORPORATE MAN- now get free two-hour delivery on more
tomers get two-day delivery at no ex- TRAS ON DISPLAY FOR WORKERS than 25,000 items they might otherwise
tra charge. Those who sign up tend to AT A SEATTLE PRIME NOW HUB. have bought at Walgreens or 7-Eleven.
spend almost three times as much as AMAZON UNVEILS ITS FIRST For an additional $7.99, orders arrive
their non-Prime peers. PRIME AIR BOEING 767 IN within an hour. Some company execu-
SEATTLE. tives joked that the service should be
The company zealously guards its called Amazon Magic; they went with
numbers, but Consumer Intelligence “This year Prime Now.
Research Partners estimates that Ama- we estimate
zon had 63 million Prime members as Amazon is Providing near-instant gratification
of late June –19 million more than the going to sell on Amazon’s scale isn’t cheap. Last year
year before. 7.2 billion the company spent $11.5 billion on
shipping – nearly twice what it did two
Amazon keeps subscribers in the fold items” years ago.
by lavishing them with perks such as
free access to Amazon Video, the Kin- Along with leasing jets and buying
dle Owners’ Lending Library, and trial trailers, Amazon has opened more than
subscriptions to the Washington Post, 28 sorting centers, 59 delivery stations
which Bezos, a billionaire many times that feed packages to local couriers,
over, purchased for $250 million in cash and more than 65 Prime Now hubs
three years ago. But more than anything, stocked with best-selling items that
Prime members sign up for that fast can be rushed to customers around the
shipping, which keeps getting faster. world, according to MWPVL Interna-
tional, a Montreal-based supply chain
In many large cities, subscribers can consultant.
“This year we estimate Amazon is go-
ing to sell 7.2 billion items,” says Gene
Munster, an internet industry analyst at
Piper Jaffray. “In 2020, which is only four
years away, we expect them to sell 12.6
billion items.”
In June, Deutsche Bank released a
report predicting that Amazon will
eventually have a global shipping op-
eration capable of moving goods di-
rectly from factories in China to cus-
tomers in the U.S. and Europe, using
not just 767s and container ships, but
also self-driving trucks and drones.
The report also said Amazon has a
patent for “anticipatory package ship-
ping” technology, which is just what
it sounds like: When some Prime sub-
scriber buys more deodorant, Amazon
already has the box standing by, ready
to label and ship. “It’s just one giant
math exercise,” Deutsche Bank wrote,
adding that Amazon has “hundreds
of Ph.D. mathematicians” who spend
their days optimizing logistics.
Others believe that Amazon will
make a business out of its delivery net-
work, as it did with Amazon Web Ser-
vices, thereby challenging the world’s
leading shipping companies. “I fully
expect Amazon to build out a logistics
supply chain that others can use,” says
John Rossman, a former Amazon exec-
utive who’s now a managing director at
the restructuring firm Alvarez & Mar-
sal. “Over the next five years? I doubt it.
Over 10 or 15 years? Oh yeah.”
Amazon cooperated with this article,
but barely. I had a friendly conversation
in Seattle with Clark, the guy in charge
of delivery. It lasted for 12 minutes. Am-
azon said Bezos wasn’t available.
Bezos did, however, briefly discuss
his plans for delivery in June, onstage
at Recode’s third annual Code Confer-
ence in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. He
took a seat in a red leather chair beside
Recode co-founder Walt Mossberg,
24 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
At the heart of every who would be his amiable inquisitor. AmazonFresh, a grocery delivery ser-
perfect room Bezos fielded questions about ev- vice that began in 2007. But what real-
ly pushed the company into building
is the perfect carpet. erything from Blue Origin, his space a much larger-scale delivery opera-
exploration venture, to the Washing- tion was Prime.
...and we have thousands ton Post, to Amazon’s own physical
to choose from. bookstores, which are opening in cit- Following its 2005 introduction,
ies such as Chicago, Seattle, and Port- Prime attracted around 8 million
U.S. One and 24th Street land, Ore. But before Mossberg got to members in five years, according to
Vero Beach all that, he brought up the white trucks Deutsche Bank. To fulfill the promise of
772~562~0150 with Amazon’s logo that he’d been see- free two-day delivery, Amazon had to
ing around his neighborhood. rush many of their orders using pricey
expedited services at FedEx and UPS.
“Personally, I’m utterly astonished By 2011, a former Amazon executive
sometimes that this box shows up on says, the company realized it would
Sunday, and I only bought it on Satur- soon overwhelm FedEx and UPS dur-
day at 7 o’clock,” Mossberg said. ing the holidays: “We were just going
to blow them out of the water.” So, he
Like a lot of other people, he wanted says, Amazon decided to create an al-
to know what was going on. “Are you ternative.
aiming to take over that last mile?”
Mossberg asked. The company tried the United
Kingdom first. “We’ve created our
Bezos shook his head. He said Ama- own fast, last-mile delivery network
zon was creating a delivery network in the U.K., where commercial car-
that added to – and didn’t replace – riers couldn’t support our peak vol-
those of FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Post- umes,” Bezos said in his 2013 annual
al Service. “It’s not that we are trying to letter to shareholders. “There’s more
take over,” he said. innovation to come.”
“You’re not trying to put FedEx out The timing couldn’t have been
of business?” Mossberg prodded him. worse for the Royal Mail, which had
gone public that same year. The ser-
“No,” Bezos said. vice had seen its letter volume decline,
“Or get better prices from them?” but predicted that package delivery
“No, in fact what we want …” Then would make up the difference. After
Bezos paused for a moment and Amazon started delivering many of its
smiled. “Well, we’d always like better own boxes, the Royal Mail’s package
prices,” he said. “Yeah, feel free.” The volume in the U.K. all but flatlined.
audience laughed, and Bezos complet-
ed his thought: “We will take all the ca- “That growth has now completely
pacity that the U.S. Postal Service can disappeared because of Amazon,” says
give us and that UPS can give us and David Kerstens, a European transpor-
we still need to supplement it. So we’re tation analyst at Jefferies International
not cutting back. We’re growing our in London. The Royal Mail disputes
business with UPS. We’re growing our Bezos’s contention that it couldn’t
business with the U.S. Postal Service.” handle all of Amazon’s packages. It de-
Bezos has been consumed with de- clined to comment further.
livery since he founded Amazon in
1994. After all, if he couldn’t get orders At home, Amazon cozied up to the
to people fast enough, they’d just buy U.S. Postal Service in an attempt to
stuff in stores. Rossman, the former reduce its dependence on UPS and
Amazon executive, says Bezos and FedEx. In November 2013 the Postal
his team also saw delivery as a way to Service announced it would deliver
fend off competitors who might have Amazon packages on Sunday. Amazon
wanted to get into e-commerce – in also began building a chain of sorting
particular Google, and later Facebook. centers that used machine learning to
“They’ve always thought one of their separate boxes by ZIP code and hurry
best defenses against Google and Face- them directly to the proper post offices
book was that they don’t understand for home delivery.
logistics,” Rossman says.
In 1999, Amazon invested $60 mil- None of these efforts were enough
lion in, a startup whose or- to avert the Great Failure of 2013. That
ange-suited bike messengers provided November, I happened to be at the UPS
one-hour delivery of sundries in New Global Operations Center in Louisville,
York, San Francisco, and a few other working on a piece about an executive
cities. When Kozmo imploded in 2001, named Scott Abell, who was known at
alongside many other companies from the company as Mr. Peak because he
the first dot-com boom, it was widely spent his entire year planning for the
ridiculed as one of the more misguided Christmas rush.
endeavors of the era, along with failed
online supermarket Webvan. Abell was cordial, but his mind
Amazon learned a different lesson. was clearly elsewhere as he chatted
When it entered developing countries in his division’s cubicle farm. He was
such as China and India, it used bike frustrated by what he described as a
messengers to provide Kozmo-style large customer’s decision to radically
delivery. Amazon also hired former increase the number of packages it
executives from Webvan to launch wanted UPS to process on the week-
end before Christmas.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 25
Because of this surge, Abell said, he’d communications director for Teamsters displeasure. “Amazon fulfillment cen- management at Northeastern Univer-
just spent five days coming up with a Local 89, which represents Worldport ters processed and tendered customer sity. “But the reality of the situation was
plan that called for more planes, extra workers, later told me it was Amazon. orders to delivery carriers in time for Amazon dumped significantly more
package handlers, and double shifts at holiday delivery,” an Amazon spokes- volume on UPS on Dec. 23 than they
UPS’s gargantuan Worldport sorting Even so, in December, UPS was woman said at the time. had agreed to give them. I mean, you
center in Louisville. Abell wouldn’t name swamped with Amazon packages and can’t go out and lease more planes the
the vexing customer. But Jay Dennis, struggled to meet its deadlines. So was “People blamed UPS,” says Rob-
FedEx. Amazon made no secret of its ert Lieb, a professor of supply chain CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
day before Christmas, and you can’t Prime Now in New York, with couri- accelerating river of cardboard boxes, says. But once Amazon began leasing
put additional workers on.” ers who drove cars, rode bikes, and there’s a good chance that local resis- planes, they started to worry.
took public transportation. “They tance will arise. City officials in Ham-
Amazon and UPS prefer not to dis- have people riding the subway in New burg say Amazon withdrew its plan to “Amazon’s market entry strategy has
cuss the incident, but Steve Gaut, a York with carts loaded up with Amazon put a distribution center near a senior pretty much been ‘I’m going to come
UPS spokesman, says his company boxes,” says Marc Wulfraat, founder of center and a kindergarten after resi- in and I’m going to beat you to death
worked out a system so that it has more MWPVL, the supply chain consultant. dents, politicians, and even local police with low prices,’ ” he says. “If Amazon
“visibility” into its customers’ holiday “They use students, hustlers, people objected. “Amazon didn’t feel the need follows that tactic, they would destabi-
loads. who are just trying to make a buck.” to get in touch with us, even after local lize this industry rather quickly.”
media picked up on it,” says Michael
Either way, Amazon accelerated its Amazon has since extended Prime Osterburg, a local Green Party leader. The fear has spread to Wall Street,
effort to avoid any more holiday sna- Now to more than 40 cities. The ser- where analysts say investors worry
fus. By the end of 2014, it had 23 sorting vice’s most popular items are bottled In June, Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Par- about what Amazon’s strategy means
centers in the U.S. “A blitz is the way to water and toilet paper, though the is, protested the arrival of Prime Now in for the shipping industry. “The natural
describe it,” says Ben Conwell, a former company also recently said it had de- her city, warning that it would foul the inclination among any observers of the
livered 300,000 condoms since Prime air, snarl traffic, and damage local busi- market when they see Amazon is to be
Amazon real estate executive in- Now’s debut. Try calling FedEx next nesses. “This operation may seriously scared,” says David Vernon, a Sanford
volved in the construction spree.“Those time your bedside drawer is empty. destabilize the Parisian trade balanc- C. Bernstein analyst who tracks the
buildings couldn’t open fast enough.” shipping market. “Amazon is the epito-
Last September, Amazon intro- es,” Hidalgo said. “This large American me of a zero-sum game.”
The same year, Amazon launched duced an on-demand delivery pro- company did not see fit to inform Paris
gram called Amazon Flex. With Flex, until a few days before the launch.” It’s a fine Thursday morning in Seat-
President and Publisher people with transportation and some tle. Amazon has shepherded more than
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187 time on their hands log in to an app, in- UPS and FedEx have shrugged off Am- a dozen journalists in a white bus to the
dicate their availability, and then pick azon’s threat to their business, in public private unveiling of its first Prime Air
[email protected] up and deliver Prime Now packages, anyway. On a conference call in February, plane at a Boeing hangar on the city’s
Creative Director much as Uber drivers do with people. UPS CEO David Abney was diplomatic: south side. A Boeing 767 is positioned
“Amazon’s a good customer of ours. We to show off the Prime Air logo, painted
Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700 Amazon Flex deliveries come in have a mutually beneficial relationship.” in a friendly shade of light blue on the
[email protected] handy when there’s an unexpected In an investor call the following month, white fuselage. The tail is adorned with
surge in Prime Now orders, such as be- FedEx CEO Fred Smith scoffed at the no- Amazon’s familiar swish – “the Ama-
Managing Editor fore a blizzard on the East Coast when tion that Amazon might challenge his zon smile,” as a press handler helpfully
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196 the entire island of Manhattan is stock- company, calling it “fantastical.” points out.
ing up on canned soup. In the early
[email protected] hours of July 31, it was Flex couriers Lieb, the Northeastern professor, The next day the plane, which is
who transported copies of Harry Pot- who’s been talking to CEOs in the ship- called Amazon One, will make its pub-
To learn about the cost-effective ter and the Cursed Child to Prime Now ping industry for 23 years, says they’re lic debut at the summer Seafair festi-
advertising rates being offered customers. less confident in private. “When Ama- val, flying over Seattle before a perfor-
zon was talking about same-day deliv- mance by the famous Blue Angels.
in Melbourne Beach 32951, There’s a downside to all of this, of ery, people said, ‘Who cares? We don’t
please contact the advertising course. Wherever Amazon directs its want that business anyway,’ ” Lieb Clark, Amazon’s worldwide op-
representatives listed below: erations chief, walks up to a podium
flanked by stacks of shipping boxes.
Director of Advertising With his plaid sport coat, blue shirt,
Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 boot-cut jeans, and slight paunch,
[email protected] Clark doesn’t look like an executive
Advertising Account Executives at a company that terrifies whole in-
Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 dustries. He looks more like a junior
high school band director, which he
[email protected] was before getting his MBA in supply
Kathleen MacGlennon, 772-633-0753 chain management at the University
of Tennessee at Knoxville and joining
[email protected] Amazon 17 years ago.
Hank Wolff, 772-321-5080
“It’s really kind of a surreal day,” he
[email protected] says. “I have to tell you, it’s hard to not
Lou Yacolucci, 772-323-8361 be a little bit giddy. This is the first time
I’ve actually seen the plane in person.”
[email protected]
Clark spends the next half-hour
To talk about stories, or invite us to chatting amiably to reporters about
cover social and charitable events, what he calls “the beautiful plane.”
call 772-453-1196 or email us at He’s cagey about the ocean freight-for-
[email protected]. warding license, but he confirms that
Amazon has one, and that it’s mulling
how to use it. “Our China team is a very
creative group,” he says.
What about the mayor of Paris, who
doesn’t relish Amazon’s delivery peo-
ple racing through her city’s streets
carrying toilet paper and condoms?
Clark smiles and says, “The team is
working closely there to make sure ev-
erybody is happy.”
Then Clark is done. He needs to leave
to prepare for another “surreal” day
tomorrow at Seafair. “I have two little
boys,” he says. “At least for this weekend,
I get to be a very, very cool dad.”
Perhaps you’ve had reason to visit a physician’s office, finances, privacy and communication with doctors and
walk-in clinic, emergency room, had a surgery or been a medical centers that care for you.
hospital patient within the last 12 months. Healthcare is-
sues can arise at any time, without warning, and usually do. What’s the difference between a neurologist and a neu-
rosurgeon? How do the roles, responsibilities, and philoso-
Knowing what to do, where to go and how to navigate phies of a primary care physician, internist and family prac-
today’s healthcare environment can be confusing and over- titioner differ and when might it be appropriate to seek the
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vital to making choices that impact their ability to maintain
good health. If your doctor gives you a cancer diagnosis, what ques-
tions should you ask? What constitutes a real emergency
This column prepared by Indian River Medical Center and how do you decide if you need to go to an emergency
is designed to help you better understand how healthcare room? What resources are available to help you choose an
works in today’s world. Whether you’re ready to sign up for insurance plan?
Medicare, just had a baby, or are somewhere in-between,
this column will seek to provide useful information and in- Stay tuned. In the coming weeks, this column will answer
sight looking at issues, trends and topics from both a na- these and other perplexing questions. Physicians, clinicians,
tional and local perspective. specialists, financial experts and other healthcare provid-
ers will share their expertise to keep you well informed and
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not in the profession. You’re probably familiar with CT The healthcare delivery system is a complex business.
scans, MRIs and X-rays, but do you know how DRGs, HIPAA Patients are now considered critical members of the
and EMRs are changing the way hospitals and doctors healthcare team, and their own best advocates. The more
practice medicine? we learn, the better healthcare consumers we become.
We’ll share how diagnostic related groups (DRGs), How healthcare works will help you ask the right ques-
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act tions, determine what to expect and help you find reliable
(HIPAA) and electronic medical records (EMRs) affect your resources to ultimately keep you well.
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28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Certain times seem made for certain drinking wine, about which clever but refreshingly straightforward. Maureen Dowd
people, and the now seems to belong I know something. The first But wouldn’t we rather have had them
to Maureen Dowd. With a resurgence sip is bliss; the second glass write about their sister? What’s she re- toe in the presidential pool.”
of the Clintons, upon whose deceits makes you feel so adorable ally like? What kind of child was she? To In an April column included in the
and conceits Dowd gnawed her way to you can’t imagine depriv- her credit, Dowd fails to realize that she
the 1999 Pulitzer Prize – and the add- ing anyone of your next is the interesting material here. book, she writes: “Watching him morph
ed bounty of the fathomless Donald thought; the third glass – or into a pol in real time and wriggle away
Trump – the New York Times colum- yet another impossibly cute Dowd uses an interlude to deliver from the junior-varsity GOP chuckle-
nist hasn’t had to wonder for a while: phrase – begins to wear you some quicky quotes she gathered from heads trying to tackle him is hypnotic.
Hmm, what shall I write about today? down. One begins to yearn a phone conversation and lunch with He’s like the blond alien in the 1995
for a Diet Coke or a simple Trump about a variety of personali- movie ‘Species,’ who mutates from ova
True, in “The Year of Voting Danger- declarative sentence. ties, including his former Republican to adult in months, regenerating and
ously,” Dowd’s relentless wit is every- foes, Elizabeth Warren, Bill Clinton and reconfiguring at warp speed to escape
where in evidence and undulled by Some of the interludes are political consultant Roger Stone. She the establishment, kill everyone in sight
the almost quarter-century since she more intrusive than enhanc- provides these, she explains, because and eliminate the human race.”
began skewering the Clintons to the ing. One standout exception, her 1,300-word column doesn’t offer
delight of nearly everyone. Along with however, was an email ex- enough space “to contain the Vesuvial Nor has she lost her touch with Hill-
some of her previously published col- change between Huma Abe- Donald Trump.” We’ve all heard better ary, whom Dowd covered from 1992
umns spanning the past few decades din and Hillary Clinton in and worse stuff directly from the man’s to 1995 as a news reporter before be-
and administrations, the book contains which Huma tries to help the mouth than what’s included here. coming a columnist. In a July column,
new material she labels “interludes” – then-secretary of state with We learn that Warren “caught a little Dowd wrote: “It says a lot about our
palate cleansers to break up the steady the fax machine. wave. Perhaps it’s her Indian upbring- relationship with Hillary Clinton that
stream of haute hilarity. The columns ing”; that Bill Clinton is “too thin”; and she seems well on her way to becom-
are certainly worthy of re-reading. Dowd purists of course that Stone has been saying nice things ing Madam President because she’s
want Dowd only. But she is about Trump ever since he fired him. not getting indicted. … And that’s
Yet I was reminded of how exhaust- generous in allowing others “I should have fired him sooner.” And the corkscrew way things go with the
ing Dowd’s compulsion for clever- – among them, her siblings these were just too good to leave out? Clintons, who are staying true to their
ness can be. Reading her prose is like – to occupy space in the in- reputation as the Tom and Daisy Bu-
terludes. The Washington na- For older readers, Dowd’s book will chanan of American politics. Their
tive has often said she’s the only liberal feel like a Big Chill weekend. For oth- vast carelessness drags down every-
in her conservative, Catholic family, so ers relatively recent to Dowdology, her one around them, but they persevere,
perhaps this is her way of showing that Clinton years may serve as a primer and even thrive.”
she doesn’t exist entirely in a bubble of on what the Bernie Sanders generation
like-minded folk. missed and might help younger readers THE YEAR OF VOTING DANGEROUSLY
More likely, these external observa- understand why so many Americans THE DERANGEMENT OF AMERICAN POLITICS
tions and other quirky add-ins consti- have a problem with the Clinton twofer.
tute the “freshness” required to sell a It is one thing to read about the stained BY MAUREEN DOWD
column collection. All of us public mus- dress, the snapping thong and the cigar Twelve. 432 pp. $30.
ers have heard from editors and agents that wasn’t just a cigar, especially for a Review by Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post
that column books don’t sell. Add a cou- generation that hasn’t needed a presi-
ple of extra Dowds, a Twitter feed and an dent to introduce them to the term “oral
interview or two, and voila, the book be- sex.” It was quite another 20 years ago
comes something else. Not that Dowd to absorb these details as they were re-
needed the filler. Her book is trenchant, vealed in real time and interpreted by
entertaining political history that ought Modo, as she’s nicknamed.
to be a textbook. Was there something
else it needed to be? Her frequent literary and pop-cul-
Her brother Kevin Dowd’s interlude ture references and her jazzy wordplay
offering explains why he’ll vote for the coalesced with her Catholic upbring-
Republican. And sister Peggy Dowd, ing and reporter’s eye to create the per-
who had a passing, professional ac- fect voice for the moment. And now,
quaintanceship with Trump, explains she may get Trump as no one else has.
why she could never vote for Clin- It helps to have studied him for years,
ton. Neither do harm to their sister’s as Dowd has, beginning with a trip
reputation and offer perspectives less with him on his art-filled plane in 1999,
when the showman first “dipped his
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392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 29
We all should honor one another as God’s children
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT his mama, Miss Lillian, had been a fense of all her children? She refused We dare to hope that God loves like
Columnists 70-year-old Peace Corps volunteer in to admit to any distinctions between that. We cling to the belief that there
India, one of his sisters went around her sons that would elevate one’s sig- is such an amazing grace in the great
Do you remember Billy Carter, Presi- the world as a holy-roller preacher, and nificance to her. She loved them both heart of God that it overlooks those
dent Jimmy Carter’s brother? In Jimmy his brother thought he was going to be – equally. marks of distinction the world is all too
Carter’s book, “An Hour Before Day- president of the United States. “Which quick to see.
light,” Carter says that when his cam- one of our family do you think is nor- Of course, as John Buchanan not-
paign for president began in 1976, Billy mal?” he quipped. ed, when he commented on this years Of course, if we were to love as God
seemed to enjoy entering the spotlight later, the contrast between the two loved, the world might look different
as a somewhat shocking character Of course, despite having a some- sons was very clear to everyone and to us. There would be no young or old,
whose deliberately outrageous state- what unconventional family, Jimmy made great news copy everywhere. no rich or poor, no male or female,
ments were frequently quoted as seri- Carter won the presidency in that elec- Jimmy was bright, focused, proper, an we would simply honor one another
ous comments. Once during the cam- tion cycle, and he later enjoyed shar- Annapolis graduate, nuclear subma- equally as God’s children. We would
paign when a reporter remarked that ing a story about his inauguration day. rine officer, successful farmer, gover- love indiscriminately without credit-
Billy was a little odd, he replied that It seems that as the formal inaugural nor, and now president of the United ing the external distinguishing char-
ceremony concluded and his family States. Brother Billy, on the other acteristics that currently divide us.
left the reviewing stand to walk down hand, was hard drinking, irreverent, We could be asked if we were proud of
Pennsylvania Avenue to the White seemingly unfocused, not-so-proper someone supposed to be nearest and
House, a reporter approached Miss Lil- and rather eccentric. dearest to us, and reply with perfect
lian and asked: “Miss Lillian, aren’t you sincerity, “Which one?”
proud of your son?” She tartly replied, But those sorts of distinctions,
“Which one?” which the world is quick to note, and THE BAGGOTTS
which are frequently accompanied by
Sometime later, when Billy’s new sometimes harsh judgments of worth, Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
beer business had planned its ribbon- have no meaning at all to a mother
cutting ceremony, Lillian was asked if who cares for each son equally and Minister of Community Church
she intended to attend. She quickly re- deeply, and whose hearts beats with
sponded, “I attended Jimmy’s inaugura- love for both. Her love does not take of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
tion didn’t I?” into account any of the criteria and
categories the world uses in its assess- Baggott is Executive Minister.
Isn’t there something marvelous ments of value.
about Miss Lillian’s almost fierce de- The Baggotts write a regular faith
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz has a blast with Bella & Max, a coupla cuties
Hi Dog Buddies! Max and Bella Buckley. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE “Duh!” said Bella. “EVERY-
body knows us Cotons have
Wait’ll you hear about my interview Max came up a water heritage. We’re no
this week. I had the BEST time! I got to fluff-muffin pooches. WE are
play on the BEACH! I was working, but to us Right Away. And he’s been my subject, I asked, “What are your sturdy and fearless. One story
it didn’t feel like it. Me and my assistant says our ancestors were on a
met Bella and Max Buckley at their Wonderful, Annoying Little Brother sleeping arrangements?” ship that sunk off the coast of
house and, when we got there, they al- a big island, MadaGAScar, and
ready had their leashes on. ever since. He’s 8 now. Our human “We sleep with Mom and Deeds, of they hadda swim to shore and
ended up being the Royal Dogs
They’re Coton de Tulears. Bella is sister Erin calls him Jailbreak cuz he course. I used to sleep on Deeds’ head, of MadaGAScar. So, of COURSE
dark and light gray, and Max is all we’re fabulous in the water.”
white. They were both wearing short use’ta sneak out. which I liked cuz his hair’s the same “I had no IDEA,” I said, wishing
summer haircuts on accounta their I had Googled.
hair can get down to the ground al- “When Mom owned Chelsea’s res- color as mine. I thought it was comfy, “That’s OK. Lotsa humans
most.Which isn’t all that far, but still… don’t know that, ‘specially be-
taurant, we dined on filet, poached but he kinda didn’t. Now I sleep on the cause we’re so fluffy and delicate
“Good afterNOON, Mr. Bonzo. I looking.”
am Bella, I’m the Spokespooch. My salmon, grilled chicken, ribs. It was other side by Mom and Max is down at Suddenly she took off, red leash
full name is Isabella, like the Queen. flying. She sniffed around in the
(But you don’t have to call me Your WONDERful. I guess we were a teeny the end.” sand, then started furiously dig-
Majesty.) This is my little brother, ging. I mean FURIOUSLY! Sand
Max, short for Maximilian. And our bit spoiled. But she sold it and NOW Their Mom walked them down to the was flying and pretty soon her
Mom, Scanlan, and our father, Tom, head disappeared into the hole ’til
we call him Deeds. we’re reduced to canned dogfood. But,” water. They weren’t scared at all, even you couldn’t even see it. When she
came up for air, her face was cov-
Their Mom began singing a little (she sighed) “we manage.” though the waves were taller than them. ered with sand.
song, “Who wants to go for a walk “Almost had ‘em,” she said.
with me?” and Bella and Max began I inconspicuously wiped some drool I was impressed. When they shook off Max said, “Crabs! She loves to
wiggling and jumping. hunt crabs. Usually catches ‘em,
from my mouth and tried not to think and trotted back up, I said, “Woof! You too, and flings ‘em up in the air. I
“Mom’s song always means we’re think they’ve got it figured out, cuz
going for a WALK, which we totally about poached salmon. Changing the pooches really love the water!” they dig deeper now.”
love! So we thought it’d be lovely Bella trotted back to the um-
if we conducted our interview on brella, her nose still covered with
the beach. It’s our favorite place in sand. “Humph! I’ll get ‘em later!”
the world. We have an umbrella for She turned to me. “I chase crabs, liz-
shade and chairs for Mom and your ards and bugs, like any normal dog.
Assistant. So, come ON!” But goofy Max loves to chew paper.
Deeds says Max is the only dog he
And off we went. Their Mom had knows who grabs a napkin off the
Max’s leash, but Bella ran ahead, table and leaves the steak. He’s a silly
dragging hers. Suddenly there were whippersnapper, always got his nose
a lotta barks coming from a house in something. I have to accompany
across the street. Max and Bella him to the vet and day care so he stays
barked back. “That’s our friend calm. But he’s the best little brother
Costa, she’s a Golden Retriever!” a girl could have. We play cat-and-
said Bella. mouse and sneak up on each other
and pounce, but we never fight, and
The wood boardwalk to the we always share.”
beach was shaded by the biggest Heading home, I was thinking
sea grape trees I’ve EVER seen. about what my chances were my
Really pretty. Grandma (she’s sorta a foodie) would
whip up some poached salmon for me.
After Bella and Max checked Can’t hurt to ask, right?
out the water and the teeny sand-
pipers, we settled in under the Till next time,
umbrella. They piled up heaps of
sand, sorta like beds, and plopped down. The Bonz
I did the same thing, then got ready to
write.“Can’t wait to her your story,” I said. Don’t Be Shy
“It’s kinda sad at first,” said Bella. We are always looking for pets
“Mom got me and my sister, Cleo (for with interesting stories.
Cleopatra), when we were puppies. We
were her first dogs ever. I’m 9 now. One To set up an interview, email
day Cleo escaped and ran onto the [email protected].
road and got hit by a car and went to
Dog Heaven.”
“Oh, woof!” I sympathized.
“It was awful. I wanted Mom to hold
me for days. She knew I was sad and
lonely, so she took me up to Jackson-
ville to meet some Puppy Prospects.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 31
865 A K 10 9 4 72
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist QJ32 95 874
10 9 8 AK6 Q7432
Michael Morpurgo, the author of “War Horse,” said, “Don’t worry about writing a book Q 10 9 J87 K42
or getting famous or making money. Just lead an interesting life.”
At the bridge table, one tries to find successful opening leads, but it is impossible to QJ3
do it on every deal. In this example from Steve Conrad of Manhasset, New York, West A K 10 6
found the worst possible start. True, if declarer could see all 52 cards, West did not J5
have a winning lead. But if he had selected a card from any suit but hearts, surely the A653
contract would have failed.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
How did South get home in six spades after West led the heart queen? What do you
think of the bidding? The Bidding:
In the auction, North did a double-cross, giving his partner the choice of playing in SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
three no-trump or at least five spades. North should have rebid four no-trump, which 1NT Pass 2 Hearts Pass
ought to be quantitative, not ace-asking. (To use Blackwood, North starts with a Texas 2 Spades Pass 3NT Pass LEAD:
transfer at the four-level, responding four hearts, then bids four no-trump.) Here, 4 Spades Pass 4NT Pass Queen Hearts
though, South would probably have rebid five spades. 5 Spades Pass 6 Spades All Pass
In the given auction, four no-trump was Roman Key Card Blackwood, South’s reply
indicating two aces and the spade queen.
South realized that he needed to take these 12 tricks: five spades, three hearts, two
diamonds, one club, and a diamond ruff in the short-trump hand. He won the first trick,
cashed his spade queen, played off dummy’s top diamonds, ruffed the diamond six
high in his hand, drew trumps, ran the heart nine to West’s jack, and claimed..
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
5 Student (7) 1 Brogue, for example (4)
6 Frozen water (3) 2 Shine (7)
8 Large grotto (4) 3 Wide (5)
9 Ignoble, shocking (8) 4 Resemblance (8)
10 Glass for whisky (7) 5 Height (7)
12 Logic (5) 7 A flightless bird (3)
15 Combine (5) 11 French loaf (8)
16 Type of root veg (7) 13 Axis (7)
18 Demote (8) 14 Small dish (7)
20 Edge (4) 17 Keen (5)
21 Relevant (3) 19 Age (3)
22 Incident (7) 20 Unhurried (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 33
ACROSS 76 Port-au-Prince 15 Flushing stadium Day the Earth
native 16 Cheers Stood Still (1951)
1 Site of many a 17 Tom Swiftie word 95 Essayist Susan
D.C. interview 78 Blame bearer 18 Singer-actress 98 Some Mad Libs
79 A conjunction blanks
13 Overenthuse 80 Impress sharply Kazan 99 Singer Haggard
17 He had a right to 19 Drives forward 101 Singer Wooley of
and distinctly 24 Cut “Purple People
knock your block 81 Where the Alps 29 Investigate Eater” fame
off 104 Most blood
20 ___ correct are: abbr. at random can do it
(like some dolls) 82 Big scene in 32 There 105 Start of an
21 Pacific island 34 Calyx component elimination
22 River project Carrie 35 Inspirit procedure
23 WWII allied 84 ___ record 36 Diamond facets 108 Old French coin
commander 85 Worshippers, 38 Amatory ploy 109 Part of “snafu”
25 Nobody’s opp. 40 Tootsie woes
26 Pitcher pourer in Greek art 41 Ms. Barrett The Washington Post
27 Like some skirts 88 Extremely 45 Hutches
28 Maurice Leblanc 89 1014, to Cicero 48 Soothing agent WHAT DO YOU KNOW? By Merl Reagle
detective, ___ 90 Part of the sky 49 Frequently
Lupin 50 Singer Zadora
30 Covers that’s in the news 52 See 53 Across
downtown? 94 Jasmine et al. 54 Welby and
31 Hauls, in a way 95 Fatuous
33 One of 4 with 30 96 Equip a ship all Arrowsmith: abbr.
34 Take care of 57 Harmonious
36 Possibly: abbr. over again 59 Parliament kin
37 They don’t talk to 97 Most unruffled 61 Cop’s gun
strangers 62 Remington’s
39 French magazine 99 Hood’s escort
40 Life’s work 100 Jong and others output
42 Hereditary ruler 102 Refuses to 63 Satisfy
43 Sidekicks 65 Sordid
44 Small dosage consider 66 Ayesha, to
46 Cowboy feats, 103 Play Circe
briefly 106 Old card game H. Rider Haggard
47 Farm structure 107 Epitome of 67 Make a
51 “___ price you
can afford” authenticity restaurateur
52 Mr. Rogers 110 Choice: abbr. happy
53 They’re out to 111 Specialized coll. 68 Trajectory
get me 112 Software chore 69 Hot spots?
55 Discophile’s buy 113 Addition to 70 Disgruntled
56 Assignments of a remarks
sort Sudan 71 Common funds
58 ... ___ Hyde 114 Border on 72 Ambiguous
59 The Nile has one 115 Stop! Or My 73 What a bad
60 Sycophant’s waiter gets
replay Mom Will Shoot 74 Profit, culinarily
61 Aides-de- star speaking
campus?: abbr. 76 Make whole again
64 Compass pt. DOWN 77 Phrase coiner
65 ___ transit 1 Modern composer 78 Sovereignty
gloria mundi 2 Yet again emblem
66 Beds of coal 3 Slender cigars 83 Ici
69 Nursery buy 4 Says again 84 Cobalt-nickel
71 Cheating, in a 5 Bullish fellow arsenide
way 6 Sharif and 86 Thames event
75 Vollenweider’s 87 Ballet impresario
Bradley Diaghilev
instrument 7 Like Abner 90 End of a threat
8 Invested with 91 Most of a million
92 Gypsy moth
imperial authority predator
9 Customized 93 Klaatu in The
10 St. ___
11 Appeals
12 Sentence
13 Voucher’s
14 Detroit org.
The Telegraph
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Compatibility 101: Agree to learn how to disagree
BY CAROLYN HAX the way they handle disagreements. it ruins your Saturday to help her, in those cases,
Washington Post So, if your girlfriend is puttering around in her would send a message about you that I doubt you
want to send.
Hi, Carolyn: My girlfriend and yard as a form of recreation, then there’s no harm
I have been seeing each other for in your opting out on the grounds that it’s no fun Meanwhile, anything beyond a rare need for
almost eight months, and we still for you. help would put her in an unflattering light. When
each live separately and have people get in over their heads on a house – i.e.,
our own houses. We have two If she’s laboring vs. hiring it out because she more jobs than they can do themselves or afford
different opinions on various can’t afford to do otherwise, then it gets more to hire out – it’s not right for that to become the
household and yard tasks that take more than a complicated. Liking her would presumably be problem of everyone they know within favor-
couple of hours. She is a do-it-yourselfer. She is very enough to motivate an able-bodied companion to asking distance.
handy and prefers to accomplish many tasks on help her out on the infrequent occasions when the
her own without paying for outside professional work is too big for one person. Complaining that The linchpin, as always, is transparency.
help. I, on the other hand, would much rather pay You need to be honest about your distaste for
someone to do something that would otherwise yardwork, lest you grow resentful of her SOS
take me a whole day or more to accomplish so that calls and of the time she spends mulching that
I can enjoy my time off from work. you could be spending together. She needs to be
My belief is that neither one of us is right or honest about why she takes on these projects, lest
wrong in these instances. she grow resentful that you play touch football
However, recently she is asking for my assistance and get your nails buffed while she hauls bags of
for tree removal, which I have no interest in doing mulch.
and would have paid someone to do if it were my
property. If I don’t want to do this at my own house, Any peaceful resolution will emerge from these
then why would I want to do this at hers? details, so start the conversation: “I don’t mind
How should I approach this particular situation, pitching in on rare occasions for people I care about
and others like it that would no doubt come up in [right?], but not for fun. Plus, it feels odd to do for
the future? your house what I won’t even do for my own.” If she
doesn’t know your policy of hiring to preserve your
– Yard Work Not for Me leisure, now’s the time to explain.
Yard Work Not for Me: Couples don’t have to Ask whether she feels the same way – and if not,
agree on everything, they just need to agree on why not. She brought you into this, so you have
standing to ask. It’s hard to think of a topic more
germane to a couple’s compatibility than how you
spend your money vs. how you spend your time.
NATURE Pelicans
are close at hand but wild
Brown Pelicans often rest peacefully in the same places we walk, fish, swim
and boat. But it is important to remember these magnificent birds are wild
and avoid disturbing their natural behavior. If an accident occurs and a bird
is hooked – as hundreds of pelicans get hooked daily in Florida – use a net or
walk to where you can slowly reel the bird up. NEVER CUT THE LINE. To hold
this large but light, 8 lb. bird, grasp the beak, hold it partially open for breath-
ing. (It has no nostrils from which to breathe! Outer nostrils would inhibit its
diving from 50 feet heights headfirst into the water to catch fish.) Restrain
the bird’s body by folding the wings against its body. Wrap an arm around it.
Cover the bird’s head with a towel to calm it down. You will need assistance
to hold it and remove the lure. The barb of the hooks must be cut off; then
backed out to reduce tissue injury.
Don’t feed pelicans when cleaning fish. Tossing leftover bony carcasses from
fish cutting tables can lead to a pelican’s death: 1) Sharp ribs may permanent-
ly tear the pouch so it no longer functions, or bones get caught in their throat
or stomach, 2) associating anglers with handouts, birds can inadvertently
get hooked or tangled in line when in fishing areas, either way causing slow
starvation and death. These are wild birds and feeding wild animals teaches
wrong lessons. Help our amazing Pelicans thrive!
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 35
Thanks, Mrs. Spanx! Meet billionaire underwear guru Sara Blakely
The Telegraph
It’s departure time at Hartsfield- closet and thinking, you see the panty
Jackson Atlanta International Airport, line, you see the thong, you see every-
and Sara Blakely is in the thick of her thing – there’s got to be other women
standard pre-flight panic. Pulse fran- who are feeling this way.”
tic, chest tight, tears streaming, she
presses “play” on her ritual take-off She ploughed $5,000 of savings and
track (“What It Is,” by Mark Knopfler) two years of nights and weekends into
and focuses on her breathing. And developing a prototype.
then the flight attendant flashes Sara
her bra strap. Then she pitched it – taking retail
buyers into office toilets for before-
This happens more than you might and-after fashion shows and sending
think. “I get flashed all the time. Peo- gift baskets and handwritten notes to
ple lift up their skirts or pant legs, or potential celebrity ambassadors.
open up their tops,” Sara says, smiling
and composed on a London hotel sofa. One of those baskets made it to
Oprah’s dressing room. Sara quit her
Because she isn’t just any fearful sales job right after she got the call that
flier. She’s the founder of Spanx, the the chat-show host and lifestyle guru
company synonymous with its lump- would feature Spanx on-air as her fa-
and-bump-smoothing flagship prod- vorite product of the year 2000.
ucts – elastane shapers that women
rely on when it comes to dressing for Today, those problematic white
their most important social occasions. trousers reside in a display case at
Spanx HQ in Atlanta. Every day, 189
And big meetings. And christenings, employees walk past them as they
hot nights out, red carpets and, as Sara work on products such as the Slim
discovered thanks to one conspirato- Cognito high-waisted shaper, Boost-
rial stewardess, transatlantic flights. ie-Yay! bodysuit, and the Bra-llelujah!
“My husband says it’s a perk of being back-fat-blasting bra, beloved by the
married to me, because he’s constant- company founder and flight atten-
ly flashed too.” dants alike.
At 45, Sara is America’s youngest self- “All the women we tested it on start-
made female billionaire. To women ed singing ‘Hallelujah,’” Sara sings,
who buy her products, she’s just Sara raising her hands into the universal
from Spanx, a woman with a smile as “praise be” pose, “and so it just be-
sparkling and hair as blonde as Sunny, came ‘Bra-llelujah.’” Of all the prod-
her cartoon doppelgänger from the ucts in the Spanx arsenal, Bra-llelujah
original Spanx packaging. is the one Sara says she’s most proud
of. She wears one every day.
She has an ability to connect with
her clients – fans, even – that can CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
eclipse her status as one of the world’s
most successful inventors.
She’s also evangelical about her
products. “Being in the butt business
for as long as I have, I can’t help but
notice people’s butts everywhere I go,”
she says, managing to come across as
both playful and matter-of-fact. “If I
see a woman wearing great clothing
and the undergarments are distract-
ing, that’s where I want to say some-
thing to her.”
The Spanx story is the stuff of
corporate mythology. In 1998, Sara,
then a 27-year-old door-to-door fax-
machine saleswoman, wanted to
wear white trousers to a summer
party, but couldn’t find any VPL-free
“I wanted a smooth canvas, a smooth
look,” she says, and she found it by cut-
ting the feet off a pair of control-top
tights. Sara realized that these proto-
Spanx represented an opportunity.
“All of these things that I owned, I
just kept staring at hanging up in my
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spanx are now sold in 60 countries, tion in 2006, aimed she cute,
from the UAE to Sri Lanka and Peru, at helping women with her idea,’ in a
and have become red-carpet main- through educa- way that people weren’t really taking
stays. Gwyneth Paltrow said she dou- tional scholarships seriously … to now. Results speak for
ble-Spanxed after having children. and entrepreneur- themselves,” she says. “Business is
(“It’s not necessary,” Sara says, “but ial training, and in very masculine. There’s more male
I have a lot of respect for the women 2013 she became energy, and I approach this with a
who go there.”) the first woman real feminine energy.”
to join the Giv-
Spanx are the bedrock upon which ing Pledge, Bill Gates’ and She pauses, recrosses her legs. “I can
most of the Kardashian-Jenner wom- Warren Buffett’s initiative in which tell you this: When I say things like,
en’s skin-tight looks are based. The billionaires commit to donating at ‘Well, let me think about it – I’m go-
world’s most powerful trouser-suit afi- least half their wealth to charity. ing to ask the universe for a sign,’ they
cionada is a fan. “I met Hillary Clinton don’t think I’m as crazy as they did 16
at an event, and she specifically came She also relishes spending her years ago.”
over and told me how much she loves earnings on property (including
Spanx, which was awesome,” Sara says. multimillion-dollar homes in At- Blakely takes pride in the fact that
lanta and on the Florida beachfront, most of her employees are women. She
It’s not lost on Sara that the brand’s among others), fashion and jewelry understands her symbolic importance
most vocal devotees include women (today: a white top and blazer from as a female company founder and
whose bodies seem least in need of Ann Demeulemeester, jeans, Maison talks a lot about empowering women,
Spanx-style shaping. That applies in Margiela heels and about five figures’ particularly through her Leg Up initia-
the civilian world, too – Selfridges’ worth of diamonds), and leisure (she’s tive, aimed at helping female entrepre-
bestselling size of core Spanx styles is part-owner of the Atlanta Hawks bas- neurs, and her foundation.
small. “The bar for us is: ‘does every- ketball team).
thing, but feels like nothing,’ no matter But even with a recent marketing
the size,” she says. “I’ve never subscribed to the idea pivot to emphasize comfort rather
that money’s bad or that I shouldn’t than compression, at the heart of
Creating a smooth canvas is good have a lot of it, because I think it’s Spanx remains the assumption that
business. Sara retains full ownership great. I think it’s fun to make, fun to women everywhere want to shape and
of her company, and business maga- spend and fun to give away.” smooth – correct – their bodies, rather
zine Forbes values her net worth at than accept them. Sara brushes off the
$1.07 billion. Money, to her, is a “mag- While she was working her way to idea that her wares might be problem-
nifying glass. It makes you more of who billionaire status, Sara was single and atic from a feminist perspective.
you already were,’”she says, “whether dating: money and ambition “always
that’s generous or kind or a jerk.” seemed to bubble up as an issue or a “I make Spanx for all different wom-
problem.” en,” she says. “For me, it’s about cele-
She set up the Sara Blakely Founda- brating all different shapes and sizes,
She met Jesse Itzler, entrepreneur and it has been from the start.”
and former rapper, who would be-
come her husband, at a charity poker Between her work on Spanx product
tournament in Las Vegas. Initially he development, marketing and public-
didn’t understand the extent of her facing initiatives, and her busy family
success. life, Sara calls “time alone to think”
her greatest luxury. She could have
“Watching him struggle to explain it, of course – many founders sell up,
Spanx to his friends was hilarious. At move on, retire.
parties, I’d overhear him trying to talk
through it, and then finally one day he What keeps her going? “The idea
said, ‘Guys, she’s like the Michael Jor- that there’s another thing that wom-
dan of undergarments,’ and then all en don’t know that they need, but
the men would get it.” can’t live without, that I can create for
them,” she says, eyes sparkling. “I’ve
One month before their wedding, got pages and pages of ideas. The list
Sara took Jesse out for dinner and a is really long.”
“major talk.” “I was nervous. I said,
‘I think I make more money than What’s on it? “Oh my God, crutches! I
you think I do.’ He looked at me and broke my leg last year and those things
smiled and said, ‘It couldn’t have hap- are archaic – I don’t think they’ve
pened to a nicer person.’ And then he changed apart from going from wood
started eating his spaghetti and we to metal since, like, the 1500s.” I kind
never talked about it again. It didn’t of hoped and expected that you would
change a thing, not a single dynamic say swimwear, I tell her.
in our relationship.”
“Really? Tell me what you want.
The couple have been married for What silhouette do you like? What
eight years and have four children: a complaints do you have with what’s
7-year- old son, 2-year-old twin boys, out there?” She smiles, leans in. “We
and a baby daughter. They run their put a man on the moon – certainly we
family like a relay. “We tag-team a lot. can figure this out.”
If he’s getting up in the middle of the
night with the children, then I get up
first thing in the morning.”
A few things have changed since
Sara was the sole Spanx employee,
including the reactions she perceives
from her, mostly male, negotiating
“I think it went from, ‘Aw, isn’t
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 37
J.W.Anderson’s ‘Pierce’: The new ‘It’ bag to have on your radar
BY EMILY CRONIN nysus shoulder bag. This time round, ingly-compact three pockets, that
The Telegraph it’s the turn of J.W.Anderson and his has captured the imagination, and
delectable Pierce bag. credit cards, of the street stylers.
Every fashion week season, one For every black Pierce that comes
handbag gains ‘It’ status among the Call us suckers, but we have fallen onto fashion aggregation site Lyst,
street style set. During the AW16 hard for the Pierce too – and we’re 100 people try to buy it. Traffic to
shows everyone carried Gucci’s Dio- not the only ones. It is the mid-sized J.W.Anderson’s designer page on Lyst
Pierce, with its capacious-yet-seem- has tripled in the last three months
because of fans searching for the
handbag. New York shows. The fact that influ-
encers, such as Kate Foley and Lucy
First spotted on the AW16 catwalk, Williams, have been toting their
the medium-sized shoulder bag fea- Pierce bags constantly during this
tured front-stud detailing and ruf- show season, has had a massive im-
fled straps. A sleek, plain leather ver- pact on sales.
sion of the Pierce, with its signature
gold-tone circular barbell piercing If the Pierce is not in your handbag
closure, was then put into commer- budget, or you simply can’t get hold
cial production in small, medium of the colorway you want, the trend
and large sizes, and a handful of for gold hardware on leather bags is
block colors. A small Pierce current- present on the high street too. Both
ly retails for $1,145, a medium for Mango and Zara stock bags with cir-
$1,480, and the large size for $1,825 cular gold fastenings that aren’t too
on dissimilar to the barbell detail on
the Pierce (FYI: if you think that the
The recent New York Fashion Week barbell looks a little like a septum
has bolstered the ‘It’ bag status of the piercing, you’re not alone, hence the
Pierce. Sales of the handbag on Lyst name).
are up by 45 percent this week com-
pared to last month, with the major-
ity of bags actually bought during the
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
New England Eatery: Wicked good clams, lobstah rolls
From time to time, my husband Pound and a Quarter Lobster. LLoobbsstteerrRRooll.l. Nantucket Trio.
– who was born and raised in Mas-
sachusetts – gets a craving for whole On many previous visits, we have Whole Belly I welcome your comments, and
belly fried clams. enjoyed the New England Eatery’s Clams. encourage you to send feedback to
lobster roll ($16.95). The classic lob- me at [email protected]
As a regional New England deli- stah roll, as true aficionados know, visiting this restaurant, we have never
cacy, whole belly fried clams are on consists of steamed lobster meat been disappointed. If you are crav- The reviewer dines anonymously at
a par with the classic lobstah roll. (claws and knuckles, tossed sparing- ing whole-belly clams, a lobstah roll, restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
Some Ipswich clam devotees would ly in mayonnaise with a bit of diced or a New England seafood fix – with 32963.
say they are even better. celery for a little crunch, a dash of no early prospect of making it to the
lemon, and a buttered split-top hot- Massachusetts or Maine coast – this is New England Eatery
So a week ago, we did what we often dog bun that has been toasted until a place you are likely to leave happy.
due when the craving strikes, and vis- the sides are golden brown. Hours: Sun. - Wed.,
ited the New England Eatery and Pub. 11 am to 9 pm
The last couple of times we have or-
This roadside eatery, now enter- dered it at the New England, the bun Thurs. - Sat., 11 am to 10 pm
ing its third decade, has been spiffed has been perfect and the bite-sized
up considerably over the years, but it lobster chunks sweet and savory. Adult Beverages: Full bar
can still be charitably described as Address:
extremely casual. These are only a few of the New Eng-
land seafood dishes offered on a fairly 5670 S. Highway A1A,
Arriving shortly after 7:30 on a extensive menu, and in many years of Melbourne Beach
weekday evening, we were lucky to
get a table in the close-to-full in- Phone: (321) 723-6080
side dining room– and this in off-
season, when many New England
snowbirds have yet to arrive. But
we prefer the inside room, since
smoking is allowed in the patio din-
ing area.
For starters on this evening, my hus-
band (of course) ordered the New Eng-
land clam chowder ($4.95), which he
rates second in this area only to that
at the 12A Buoy in Fort Pierce. I de-
cided to start with the mahi chow-
der ($4.95), a spicy tomato-based
soup, and our companion asked for
the two to be mixed half and half – a
combination she favors.
Then for entrées, I ordered the
broiled Nantucket trio ($21.95),
my husband (of course) chose
the whole belly clams ($21.95)
and our companion went for the
fried shrimp dinner ($15.95). All were
accompanied by a choice of sides.
The Nantucket plate consists of a
very nice flaky filet of cod, sea scal-
lops and shrimp, topped with buttery
garlic bread crumbs, and served with
a side of steamed veggies. An excel-
lent dish and, as usual here, perfectly
prepared. The lightly breaded deep
fried jumbo shrimp were also very
good, topped by three tasty fried on-
ion rings.
But the whole belly clams were
even more wonderful on this visit
than usual. And the $21.95 portion is
large enough to satisfy even the hun-
griest New Englander’s craving for
these beauties. You can get a smaller
portion for $18.95, but as my husband
says, ‘Who’d want to do that?’
We finished on this most recent oc-
casion with a nice tart piece of Key
Lime pie ($3.95). Excellent.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 39
& Casual Dining
40 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING nearby. There is always food, beer and wine Pickleball. Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:00 Learn a different dance each month. Ages 18
available for sale. Free. AM—12:00 PM. Grant Street Community Cen- and up. $10/person. For more information, call
First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District. First ter, 2547 Grant Street, Melbourne. All ages. 321-608-7400.
Friday of every month, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Table Tennis Club. Tuesdays & Thursdays, $1/person. For more information, call 321-608-
Highland Ave and Eau Gallie Boulevard. Shops 7:00 PM—8:30 PM. Grant Street Community 7460. 17 The Art of Cartooning. 6:00 PM—8:00
and galleries along historic Highland Avenue Center, 2547 Grant Street, Melbourne. All ages. PM. Wickham Park Community Center,
also have special events or exhibit openings. Free. For more information, call 321-608-7460. Toddler Open Gym. Mondays, 9:00 AM— 2815 Leisure Way, Melbourne. Learn the art of
Foosaner Art Museum is also open and also 12:00 PM. Wickham Park Community Center, cartooning and create your own character while
offers live musical entertainment at 5 pm. Re- Indoor morning walk. Monday-Friday, 8:30 2815 Leisure Way, Melbourne. Bring your tot learning techniques in sketching, inking and
strooms are available in the Eau Gallie Civic AM—10:00 AM. Grant Street Community Cen- to play with scooters, balls, balance beams & color! Each student receives all supplies needed.
Center and there are several public parking lots ter, 2547 Grant Street, Melbourne. All ages. more! Ages: Crawling – 5 years. $2/child. For Ages 7-14. $15/person. For more information,
Free. For more information, call 321-608-7460. more information, call 321-608-7490. call 321-608-7490.
After School Tutoring. Monday-Friday, 3:30 21 Halloween Family Fun Night. SPACE
PM—5:00PM. Grand View Shores Park, 1703 LIMITED. Friday, 6:30 PM—9:30 PM.
Grandview Way, Melbourne. This program is a Eau Gallie Civic Center, 1551 Highland Ave, Mel-
partnership with the local Club Esteem and is bourne. Great fun-filled family event with cos-
an opportunity for the youth to gain additional tume contests, music, and carnival style games,
educational support with qualified instructors. snacks, prizes & more. $5/person (age 2 and un-
Ages 6-12. Free. For more information, call der free with paying adult). For more informa-
(321) 608-7460. tion, call 321-608-7400.
32960 Late Night Basketball. Fridays, 8:00 PM— 22 Adult Flashlight Pumpkin/Egg Hunt.
Solutions from Games Pages 11:00 PM. Grant Street Community Center, SPACE LIMITED. Saturday, 8:00
in September 29, 2016 Edition 2547 Grant Street, Melbourne. Does your child PM—9:30 PM. Eau Gallie Civic Center, 1551
enjoy playing even late at night? Bring them Highland Ave, Melbourne. Great fun-filled
out to Grant Street’s Late Night Basketball for family event with costume contests, music,
some great fun in a safe, positive environment. and carnival style games, snacks, prizes &
Ages 8-17. $1/person. For more information, more. $5/person (age 2 and under free with
call 321-608-7460. paying adult). For more information, call 321-
4 Ballroom Dance. Tuesdays, starting
10/4/16, 7:00 PM—8:00 PM. Eau Gallie 20 Space Coast Lightfest 5K. Sunday, 6:00
Civic Center, 1551 Highland Ave, Melbourne. PM. Wickham Park. Registration starts
at 4:45 PM on the day of the race. Run into
ACROSS DOWN holiday cheer among the festive lights of Wick-
5 SCHOLAR 1 SHOE ham Park. A dinner is included in the awards
6 ICE 2 GLISTEN presentations after the race. $25/person until
8 CAVE 3 BROAD 11/10/16; $30/person 11/11/16 to race day.
9 SHAMEFUL 4 LIKENESS For more information or to register, visit https://
12 SENSE 7 EMU SpaceCoastLightfest.
21 APT 19 ERA
Sudoku Page 32 Sudoku Page 33 Crossword Page 32 Crossword Page 33 (WHAT DO YOU KNOW?) 8 Tree Lighting. Thursday, Time TBD. Mel-
bourne Beach Town Hall. 507 Ocean Ave,
Melbourne Beach. For more information, call
164 Bayshore Drive: 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 3,776-square-foot waterfront home offered for $1,225,000
by Dave Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty: 321-543-1187
42 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spacious riverfront home is a bargain by the beach
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS home at 164 Bayshore Drive adjacent direct riverfront access, just a short car garage with plenty of room to store
Staff Writer to Aquarina Beach and Country Club walk from the Atlantic Ocean, where kayaks, canoes, fishing gear, diving
offers 3,776 square feet of air-condi- it shares deeded beach access with the gear and other outdoor equipment.
Luxury coastal living is available at tioned living space in a beautiful riv- other homes on Bayshore. Fruit trees,
a bargain in Melbourne Beach, where erside setting for just $1,225,000. including two “prolific mango trees,” The house has an impressive ap-
prices are much lower than in many grace the palm-shaded grounds. proach and great curb appeal, with
other waterfront communities. For The home, listed by Dave Settgast of a circular drive and grand Porte Co-
example, the 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Internation- Designed for lots of outdoor living, chere, where guests can arrive in
al Realty, sits on a one-acre lot with the home has a spacious lanai and style and enter the home protected
beautifully tiled swimming pool that from passing tropical downpours.
overlooks a green lawn stretching down Meanwhile, the interior is spa-
to the scenic Indian River Lagoon.
cious and luxurious, featuring fine
“There is deep water off the dock,” materials and design. The double
says Settgast. “In most of Melbourne front doors, topped by a fanlight and
Beach, we have about three feet of flanked by large Palladian windows,
water, but there is nearly five feet lead into an open foyer with a formal
here, and we are only a few minutes dining room on the right and the liv-
away from the Sebastian Inlet, which ing room straight ahead.
leads to the open ocean. It is a very fa-
vorable location for a serious boater.” The back wall of the living room is
comprised of sliding glass doors, so
The lagoon is known for its fish- the moment one steps into the home,
ing and wide variety of wildlife, in- the sparkling pool and mangrove
cluding pelicans, herons, bottlenose bordered river are visible, establish-
dolphins and West Indies Manatees. ing the tropical ambiance.
Outside the inlet, the Bahamas are
just a daytrip away. Twelve-foot-high tray ceilings add
to the sense of expansive, light-filled
The house has an oversized three- space in the central public rooms.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 43
The living room flows through to
a large family room with a gas fire-
place that is open to a big, beautiful
kitchen with white cabinets and light
gray granite countertops. The family
room enjoys views of the river and ac-
cess to the pool patio.
“The house has a classic split floor
plan,” says Settgast. “The master and
an office that can be converted to
the fourth bedroom are to the left
44 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Sept. 16 - Sept. 22
15 real estate transactions were recorded last week in the South Brevard island zip codes, 32951 and 32903.
The top sale of the week in Melbourne Beach was of a riverfront property in Sunset Shores. The home at
300 Riverside Drive was placed on the market April 29 with an asking price of $1.35 million. The listing
price was subsequently lowered to $1.099 million. The sale closed on Sept. 22 for $975,017.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Carolyn Smith and Bridget Sentz of RE/MAX Elite. The
purchaser was represented by Russ Pappas of Salt Water Realty.
1,350,000 $975,017
SUNSET SHORES 300 RIVERSIDE DR 4/28/2012 599,500 1,099,000 9/21/2012 $592,000
TURTLE BAY 4875 HAWKSBILL CT 8/26/2012 547,900 599,500 9/20/2012 $400,000
RIVER WALK BY THE SEA 250 SEA CREST DR 6/8/2012 447,000 9/15/2012
SANDPINES 283 SAND DOLLAR RD 32903 $325,000 $315,000 9/19/2012 $320,000
OCEAN SANDS NORTH 2727 N HIGHWAY A1A, #105 $469,900 $469,900 9/19/2012 $460,000
SANCTUARY 701 NIGHTINGALE DR 3/2/2012 $499,000 $499,000 9/19/2012 $460,000
TERRACE SHORES 232 TERRACE SHORES DR 7/27/2012 $229,000 $229,000 9/18/2012 $217,000
RIO VILLA NORTH 488 VERACRUZ BLVD 7/10/2012 $460,000 $460,000 9/18/2012 $470,000
SANCTUARY 621 NIGHTINGALE DR 7/12/2012 $524,800 $524,800 9/18/2012 $505,000
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 45
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Turtle Bay, Address: 4875 Hawksbill Ct Subdivision: River Walk By The Sea, Address: 250 Sea Crest Dr
Listing Date: 8/27/2016 Listing Date: 6/9/2016
Original Price: 599,500 Original Price: 547,900
Recent Price: 599,500 Recent Price: 447,000
Sold: 9/21/2016 Sold: 9/16/2016
Selling Price: $592,000 Selling Price: $400,000
Listing Agent: Nancy J. Johnson Listing Agent: Beth DeStefano
Selling Agent: Adair Real Estate Services LLC Selling Agent: RE/MAX Olympic Realty
Barbara A Drake Judy Clifton Steighner
Drake Real Estate Coldwell Banker Res. R.E.
Subdivision: Sanctuary, Address: 621 Nightingale Dr Subdivision: Sanctuary, Address: 422 Peregrine Dr
Listing Date: 7/28/2016 Listing Date: 6/24/2016
Original Price: $524,800 Original Price: $615,000
Recent Price: $524,800 Recent Price: $615,000
Sold: 9/19/2016 Sold: 9/16/2016
Selling Price: $505,000 Selling Price: $615,000
Listing Agent: Bridget Sentz & Carolyn Smith Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter & Kirk W Kessel
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen R.E. Brevard
Greg A Rankin PA Anya Roberts
Dale Sorensen R.E. Brevard RE/MAX Elite
42nd 2016
1137 Old Dixie Hwy. • Vero Beach, FL 32960
772-569-0240 •
46 Melbourne Beach 32951 | September 29, 2016 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
as you enter. Two guestrooms are on The guest bedrooms share a Jack “Provides tons of storage space.” that is fastened to the house in way
the other side,” along with the family and Jill bathroom with double sinks, On the opposite side of the house, meant to withstand hurricane winds.
room, kitchen, a large laundry room tub and shower. There is a central vacuum system,
with built-in cabinets and a window the private master suite includes a central sound system with speakers
to let in natural light, and the en- In the garage, and extra-wide pull- large bedroom, sitting area and slider inside and out, and automatic elec-
trance to the three-car garage. down set of steps leads to a floored leading out to the pool area. There tric storm shutters that roll down to
attic space that, in Setttgast’s words, are his and hers walk-in closets and a enclose and protect the back lanai.
luxurious mast bath with glassed-in
shower, jetted tub, twin vanities and Because the house is set back from
separate room with commode. the river and built on an elevated lot,
flood insurance is not needed. “That
Besides good looks and flowing will save the new owners money, year
space, the home is loaded with prac- after year,” says Settgast. Because the
tical qualities and features. Settgast house is so upgraded and meets all
says it is built from concrete block with storm codes, “it gets every discount”
cement-filled chambers, making it “es- on house insurance.
sentially a poured concrete structure.”
Most homes in the area are on wells
Because the house was built in and septic systems but this house
2004, after Florida building codes is tapped into Aquarina’s water and
changed and became much more sewer system. “I would consider that
demanding, it has impact-resistant a nice upgrade,” Settgast says.
windows and doors and a tile roof
Year built: 2004
Lot size: 1 acre
Waterfront: 160 lineal feet of river frontage with
new seawall built in 2013
Views: River views
Home size: 3,776 sq. ft. under air, 4,669 sq. ft. under roof
Bedrooms: 3 plus an office that will be converted to a bedroom
Bathrooms: 3 full baths, one half-bath
Additional features: Swimming pool, private deep-water dock, cov-
ered lanai, summer kitchen, fruit trees, 3-car garage, community water
and sewer, impact glass, high ceilings, light, bright split floor plan, gas
fireplace, crown molding, tray ceilings, gourmet granite island kitchen
Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent: Dave Settgast
Listing price: $1,225,000
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