August 25, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 34 Newsstand Price: $1.00
MY TAKE School Board has
no questions about
BY RAY MCNULTY $30M in spending
Schools’ record on black
teachers is embarrassing
Too often, the people running An Elite Airways jet on the tarmac at Vero Beach Regional Airport. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
the county’s schools arrive at de- [email protected]
cisions that do not make sense. Elite suspends some fall flights due to low demand
The School Board at its Aug.
Sometimes, these decisions By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer wife could fly from Vero Beach to month before their scheduled 8 meeting preapproved $30
are so wrongheaded that we’re [email protected] Newark, N.J., and then catch a departure date – an Elite repre- million in spending this next
left to wonder if the folks making cruise ship that would take them sentative called to tell the Gal- fiscal year without any detailed
them are deliberately corrupt or Four months ago, island res- on a scenic, September voyage vins their flights had been can- description of what the mon-
merely inept – because, when ident Bruce Galvin purchased a to Quebec City. celled. ey will be used for, abdicating
exposed to public scrutiny, those pair of $400 round-trip tickets oversight of purchase of goods
are the only reasonable explana- from Elite Airways, so he and his Two Sundays ago – a mere CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 and services from 34 “recurring
tions. vendors” to district staff.
This is another one of those Even though the amount is
times. nearly 11 percent of the School
District’s approximately $280
Here we are in a county where million budget, it was presented
our school officials are using our to the School Board as a rub-
tax dollars to pay big bucks to a ber-stamp agenda item, not re-
Kansas City-based law firm to quiring discussion.
wrestle with a 50-year-old, fed-
eral court’s desegregation order Last year the School Board
that, among other requirements, preapproved $37 million in re-
compels our school district to curring-vendor purchases in a
make a “significant effort” to hire similar manner.
minority teachers in proportion
to the student population. Only School Board Member
Laura Zorc commented on the
It’s embarrassing enough that multimillion-dollar item and
today, well into the 21st centu-
ry, a federal court desegregation CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Charter schools
finally to get fairer
INSIDE FPL moves massive share of tax dollars
equipment through
NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 streets in wee hours By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
DINING B6 [email protected]
HEALTH 13 GAMES B12 By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
CALENDAR B15 [email protected] The five public charter schools
REAL ESTATE 19 in the Indian River County School
B1 What may be one of the largest District will get $2.1 million more
ARTS vehicles ever seen in Vero Beach in local property taxes this year
wound its way through the city in the due to a new state law and lo-
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 wee hours of the morning last week. cal-tax referendum.
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Escorted by the Florida Highway “It will make all the difference
in the world,” said Gene Waddell,
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 chairman of the board of Indian
River Charter High School.
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE 18-year-old student during a classroom Joe Nathaniel. CTE student that passes a certification
scuffle at Sebastian River in November test.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 2015. gram was eliminated because, although it
was part of the Career and Technical Ed- So unlike the district’s other CTE pro-
order – a relic of the civil rights battles of Nathaniel, who had worked for the ucation curriculum, it did not provide an grams – among them are automotive,
the ’60s – still stains the reputation of our district for 13 years with an unblemished industry certification. culinary, digital design, nursing assistant
community. record, was suspended with pay in Jan- and welding – the criminal justice courses
uary 2016 and, armed with overwhelm- Rendell wrote in a March email to a didn’t make money.
But our school district has abjectly ing support from students, parents and parent: “This is often a technical certif-
failed to meet the targets set by the court peers, spent the next 13 months defend- icate that can enable a student to get a And, apparently, the money mattered
for recruiting and retaining high-quality ing himself against Rendell’s trumped-up job immediately after graduation in that more than the fact that students flocked to
black teachers. Year after year, the school charges. field. Unfortunately, Criminal Justice does Nathaniel’s classroom, where they learned
district doesn’t even come close. not have an industry certification compo- from a former Oklahoma police officer
Finally, this past February, a state ad- nent.” and Louisiana corrections officer who
And yet, as a new school year begins, we ministrative law judge exonerated Na- also has experience working with at-risk
have a well-respected and amply qualified thaniel of any wrongdoing and trashed Rendell added that the criminal justice juveniles as a program administrator at
black man – an experienced high school Rendell’s bogus case, writing in his col- program was the district’s only CTE course the VisionQuest facility in Pennsylvania.
teacher who has earned both a bachelor’s orful and lopsided ruling that the embat- that did not lead to industry certification.
degree and master’s degree and is only a tled, 6-foot-4, 300-pound teacher “should Not only was Nathaniel’s program pop-
dissertation away from his doctorate – not be given a pat on the back, not a pink slip.” “For that reason,” schools spokesper- ular, but he said some of his students went
being permitted to teach. son Cristen McMillan wrote to me in an on to seek careers in law enforcement and
Shortly afterward, the School Board email, “it was discontinued.” corrections, and others pursued legal
Instead, this man, who is also state-cer- voted to return Nathaniel to work, but not studies in college and beyond.
tified in Exceptional School Education in his classroom. What both Rendell and McMillan failed
and is the newly chosen vice president to mention, though, was that the district “I know of several students who went to
of the local teachers union, has been as- When Nathaniel returned to Sebastian receives $430 in state incentives for each the [police] academy in Fort Pierce,” Na-
signed to oversee in-school suspension River’s campus last spring, he spent the thaniel said. “I know of at least one who is
classes at Sebastian River High School. final weeks of the academic year watching working on a law degree.”
over in-school suspension classes. Princi-
In other words: He’s a glorified pal Todd Racine, with Rendell’s blessing, Nathaniel’s classes, through an articu-
babysitter. had phased out the criminal justice pro- lation agreement with Indian River State
gram during the teacher’s suspension. College, also offered students the oppor-
“My job is to sit there, keep the kids tunity to earn dual-enrollment credits if
quiet and make sure they do their home- And despite its enormous popularity they completed his three-year program:
work,” Joe Nathaniel said. with students, Nathaniel’s courses were Introduction to Criminal Justice (10th
not reinstated for this school year. grade), Corrections (11th grade) and
Yes, THAT Joe Nathaniel – the criminal Criminal Investigations (12th grade).
justice teacher who Schools Superinten- “It’s not just a shame,” School Board
dent Mark Rendell foolishly tried to fire Chairman Charles Searcy said of Nathan- “If they went on to attend IRSC,” said
after the former assistant football coach iel being relegated to the role of chaper- Nathaniel, who taught the course for six
physically subdued a foul-mouthed, vi- one. “It’s a terrible waste of talent.” years, “they’d have as many as nine credit
olently aggressive and out-of-control hours free.”
Schools officials said Nathaniel’s pro-
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or to obtain your patient records by calling 772-562-2400. mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 25, 2017 3
Surely, that’s worth something, at least the Husch Blackwell law firm, hired by the
to the students and their parents. And district to conduct a study of its deseg-
we’re not talking about some easy-to- regation status, the percentage of black
pass, fluff course that has no value. teachers had increased only slightly from
2006-07 (6.08 percent) to 2015-16 (6.73
So why not continue criminal justice as percent).
an elective?
While the percentage of black teach-
“I don’t know,” said Searcy, who was ers at middle schools increased from 7.32
one of Nathaniel’s staunchest supporters percent to 13.54 percent during that de-
in the aftermath of the classroom alterca- cade-long span, the percentage of black
tion. “I’ve asked the question and haven’t teachers at elementary (4.94 to 4.63) and
really gotten a good answer. high schools (7.67 to 6.63) actually de-
“Why was the program good enough
to keep for the past five or six years and Yet our schools officials, while actively
now it’s not? Nobody’s given me a logical seeking to have parts of the desegregation
answer yet.” order dismissed, won’t allow Nathaniel to
do what he was trained to do – what he
I, too, asked the question in a follow-up wants to do.
email to McMillan, but her response of-
fered nothing useful: “No further com- “I have a passion for teaching, and I’ve
ments, Ray.” definitely made a difference in the lives of
my students,” Nathaniel said.
Meanwhile, the district continues to
struggle – and expend more large legal “That’s all I want to do. [The criminal
fees – trying to get out from under the justice class is] a good program for the
federal desegregation order, including the kids and that’s what should matter most,”
requirement that 20 to 40 percent of new he added.
and replacement hires be black until the
percentage of black teachers matches the Whatever the real reason or motiva-
percentage of black students. tion behind the dim-bulb decision to re-
duce Nathaniel to a school-day babysitter,
The latest numbers available show that someone needs to consider the message
17 percent of county students are black, this sends to the district’s other black
roughly 10 percent more than the per- teachers and to the black candidates need-
centage of black teachers. ed to satisfy the desegregation order.
According to a $150,000 study done by
MASSIVE EQUIPMENT MOVED said FPL Spokesperson Sarah Gatewood.
Gatewood said that over the next cou-
ple of months, the remaining turbines and
Patrol, bucket trucks and vehicles tasked generators will be delivered by barge to the
with detecting any overhead obstacles like port in Fort Pierce and then transported
traffic lights that would need to be moved, through Vero Beach to the site.
the convoy carried the first of six loads of
huge generators and turbines headed for Components for the heat recovery steam
Florida Power & Light’s Okeechobee Clean generator, meanwhile, will be barged to
Energy Center. the old Vero Electric power plant site in
September. Barges will use the channel
Since the combined weight of the and docks behind Vero’s power plant, un-
equipment and the specialized trailer was der the Alma Lee Loy Bridge.
estimated at 700 tons, the convoy was
trailed by a team of Florida Department of “The movement of parts is expected
Transportation bridge inspectors who had to be at night to minimize traffic impacts
to ensure the safety of each bridge after the over the next several weeks,” Gatewood
transport vehicle passed over. said.
The components will become part of City Manager Jim O’Connor was aware
a combined-cycle natural gas generat- the transport crews would be heading
ing plant FPL is building south of Yeehaw through Vero, but he said he played no
Junction adjacent the Fort Drum Marsh part in relegating their travel to nighttime.
Conservation Area. The Florida Public Ser- “I do not believe we have control over state
vice Commission approved the plant in highways,” O’Connor said.
2016 and it’s expected to go online in mid-
2019. The Okeechobee Clean Energy Cen-
ter is part of FPL’s plan, along with its
“Once complete, the FPL Okeechobee two solar power facilities In the works in
Clean Energy Center will produce about western Indian River County and other
1,600 MW using natural gas, which is green energy efforts, to meet or exceed
enough to power about 300,000 homes, federal environmental goalposts laid out
for more efficient, cleaner production of
4 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
Firefighters sue over hearing loss; blame loud sirens
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer damage to their hearing. Federal Signal is not only liable, but also loss, and Federal Signal failed to use reason-
Federal Signal Corporation manufactures negligent, argues Carmen DeGisi, the lawyer able care to test and design a safe product,
Are the sirens used by local fire trucks to who drafted the complaint in the local case. it says.
clear traffic out of the way when speeding to the sirens used in fire engines in Indian His firm, Bern Cappellli, in Conshochocken,
a burning building too loud? River County and across much of the Unit- Pa., has represented firefighters in many of The Indian River County plaintiffs are ask-
ed States. The Oak Brook, Ill., company has the civil suits across the country. ing for $75,000 per individual to cover med-
Thirteen past and current employees of faced thousands of similar lawsuits spanning ical costs and other damages. They became
Indian River County Fire Rescue and Indian nearly two decades. Litigation over the years Federal Signal sold “defective” sirens that aware of their hearing loss and its underly-
River Shores Fire Department filed a lawsuit has shown no consistent winner, favoring at “emit an intense omni-directional noise at ing cause when they attended audiological
this month, alleging hearing loss. times both the company and the firefighters. a pitch and decibel level which is unreason- screenings provided for firefighters. Those
ably dangerous,” the complaint notes. There named in the suit have been told by their at-
The firefighters claim in an Aug. 7 civ- Nearly two-dozen Palm Beach County were inadequate warnings about hearing torneys not to comment.
il suit that the jarring wail of the sirens in firefighters filed a similar suit this month.
their fire engines is causing permanent Federal Signal disputes the allegations
and says it will continue to defend its sirens
in court.
“The loud audible warning that the law-
yers are attacking in these cases saves the
lives of the public who encounter emergen-
cy vehicles on the road, saves the lives and
property of people who need the fire de-
partment’s help and protects the firefighters
who are trying to quickly and safely get to
an emergency,” said David Duffy, national
counsel for Federal Signal in the hearing loss
“For three decades, Federal Signal has
informed fire departments and firefighters
that sirens produce loud sounds that have
the potential to cause hearing loss. For three
decades, the fire service has endorsed man-
datory hearing protection for any firefighter
that is exposed to any loud noise.”
Federal Signal’s sirens are in high demand
by both firefighters and fire departments, he
All of the 15 fire engines in use by Indian
River County Fire Rescue are equipped with
Federal Signal sirens, said Cory Richter, bat-
talion chief. Richter was not aware of the civ-
il suit being filed locally and said it was un-
likely to impact the department. Legal fees
are not being paid by the county.
Auditory problems are a reality for many
firefighters, said Richter, who has been with
the department for 25 years and also strug-
gles with his hearing. He is not part of the civ-
il suit. Things like hearing aids can cost up
to $5,000 per ear to purchase and maintain,
he said. They have to be replaced regularly.
“That’s a considerable amount of money.”
Firefighters working for Indian River
County start at $42,000 a year and tend to
retire in the $60,000 to $70,000 a year range,
he said. County records show one workers’
compensation claim filed by a county fire-
fighter last December projects up to $65,000
in total expenses for hearing loss sustained
over a 26-year period.
The challenge will be to prove their hear-
ing damage came directly from Federal
Signal’s siren, Richter said. Firefighters are
around loud noises all the time. It’s not just
the siren made by Federal Signal. Ambulanc-
es in Indian River County, for example, use a
different manufacturer.
“Was it the other sirens, the loud music
when I was younger, how do you prove it’s
any one thing?” he asked. “I think sirens
6 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
Add beauty and CHARTERS GET BOOST dents,” Imagine Regional Director Jennifer
natural light to your Fornes said. “We want the money. We need
in about an hour! “Last year we had to take money out of Indian River Charter High has about 640
our operating budget to pay for capital ex- students, North County Charter Elemen-
• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding penses,” Waddell said. “Hopefully this year tary about 350, Sebastian Charter Junior
for every style Glass Doors we can avoid that deficit in operations and High about 260 and St. Peter’s Academy
and budget make our mortgage and maintenance pay- about 135 students.
• Framed / ments out of capital outlay.”
• Customize to Frameless The second source of property-tax rev-
your style Shower Units “It will make a tremendous difference,” enue for charter schools comes from the
agreed Ken Miller, business and finance .50-mills assessment county voters passed
• Impact Glass • Etching director for North County Charter Elemen- in August 2016, which went into effect this
tary. “We were stuck at spending about July. The revenue is to be spent on opera-
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & $7,300 per student for a long time. Now tions and will be shared equally. The dis-
Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware we’ll have about $8,000. That’s still half trict expects to collect $8.5 million from
what the district spends, at $17,600 per the tax, making the charters’ share about
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps student.” $1 million.
The local property tax revenue will be In previous years, the charters got only 5
distributed among charter and traditional percent of a .60-mill operations tax passed
school students more evenly than in the by voters in 2012 and that expired in July.
past for two reasons. The charters took the district to court to
get a larger share proportionate to their
First, Florida House Bill 7069 – passed student population and won, Circuit Court
into law mid-June – requires all 67 school Judge Paul Kanarek ruling in their favor in
districts in the state to equally share the mid-June.
“local capital improvement” millage. In the
vast majority of school districts, the tax is Since then the two sides have tried to
$1.50 for every $1,000 assessed property work out a figure for the back payments to
value or 1.50 mills. no avail. Kanarek will hear payment argu-
ments on Aug. 30 and then give a final rul-
The school district estimates it will col- ing some time later.
lect about $25.5 million this year from the
1.50 mills. After certain allowed deduc- Based on the charters’ student popu-
tions, the five charters will share a little lation, the district owes them about $2.55
over $1.4 million or about $631 for each million in delinquent tax revenue, but if the
of the estimated 2,295 charter school stu- charters are awarded legal fees and puni-
dents, which is nearly 13 percent of the dis- tive interest, the district will be on the hook
trict’s 17,540 student total. for another $800,000 or more.
Imagine Schools at Indian River South The interest is calculated daily and the
is the largest charter in the district and the lawyers are still working, eating up taxpay-
fresh infusion of cash money will help with er-funded fees while the district tries to find
expansion. “We’re at capacity at 913 stu- a way out of the mess it has made by unfair-
ly withholding money from the charters.
463-6500 FIREFIGHTERS SUE [firefighters] and making the siren company
Regency Square responsible for the medical care.”
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4
The incidence of hearing loss among fire-
Licensed & Insured alone could potentially do it.” fighters, especially those late in their career,
Federal Signal’s siren is remarkably loud, is high, Bichler said. “It’s a real problem,” he
added. “Losing your hearing can be a pretty
but it is designed that way to alert traffic that profound experience that can really impact
the fire department is coming, Richter said. a person.”
Some of the newer cars on the road these The argument plaintiffs are making across
days are built to be sound proof, and even the country is that these sirens don’t have to
the noise of the siren is muffled, he said. Peo- be as loud as they are to serve public safety,
ple need to be aware when a fire engine is and that technology now exists to disperse
speeding down the road. the sound differently to ease the noise levels
on or near the truck.
There is no doubt these are controversial
cases, said Geoffrey Bichler, of the Florida These civil suits are another way for fire-
law firm Bichler, Oliver, Longo and Fox, a fighters to get help with medical costs and
workers’ compensation and liability attorney shift the burden away from workers’ com-
who represents firefighters in Indian River pensation claims and the taxpayer, he said.
County and across the state. “If they can look to somebody else to help
pay for some of this medical care, that should
Bichler is not part of the civil suit, but is be win-win, not just for the firefighters, but
following it closely in his work to secure for the tax payers as well.”
medical cost reimbursement for firefighters
facing occupational injuries and hazards. Municipalities should encourage partic-
ipation in the lawsuits because ultimately
Many are quick to discount the merit of any financial recovery can also benefit them,
the firefighters’ claims, making the assump- Bichler said. “Controversial or not, this is
tion that loud sirens are par for the course in what moves the law along,” he explained.
firefighting work, he said. “What I expect will happen is the employers
will jump on once the firefighters start seeing
That, however, is an oversimplification success.”
of the issue. “That’s not really what this is
about,” Bichler said “It’s about protecting
AeCLleTiLmnhADtiLiseniLnryaLseetii&tvantirengBisgsoa&n&ollokDoFceiaafnxmsoicenueisglrpy. RItPRniolooduonoosmmobsrsees,vcF,AaeuAurLrLaLnsLleiEtPBnuwaetrtedeeiorraiotnraGoecirmnlouamlusds,pieonnsg.t
8 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
ELITE AIRWAYS CUTS BACK “I know some people are upset about
it,” he said, “and I understand why.”
Vero Beach Regional Airport Direc-
They weren’t alone. tor Eric Menger was empathetic to both
Elite has cancelled all of its Sunday and sides, saying bookings were noticeably
Thursday flights scheduled to take place down for September and October, so
between Vero Beach and Newark during Elite officials made a business decision to
September and October. According to the re-deploy their crews and equipment to
airline’s website, the non-stop service is services, such as charter flights, that pro-
scheduled to resume on Nov. 2. duce a profit.
The airline continues to offer Monday
and Friday service on the route, which re- He said he also has heard from cus-
mains Elite’s most popular. tomers “who aren’t very happy” that their
Elite Vice President David Dow de- flight plans – some of them booked well
scribed the cancellations as a “seasonal in advance – were scrapped only weeks
adjustment,” citing a “reduced demand” before their scheduled departure.
for service on that route during the
off-season months. Galvin said the cancellation “jammed
“All we did was reduce our schedule us up,” because he thought all the ar-
on a seasonal basis, which is something rangements had been finalized.
we do all the time,” Dow said. “When
you’re running a business, you have to “Then we get a call at 10 o’clock on a
adapt and adjust to demand. If we didn’t, Sunday night and, just like that, we’ve got
we wouldn’t be in business long. It’s mi- to start over and we’re scrambling to find
cro-economics. another flight up there,” Galvin said. “We
“Vero is a wonderful market for us,” he managed to do it and everything is falling
added. “Vero has been very good to us, into place, but it’s going to cost me $500
and we plan to expand our service there more and it’s going to be a lot more incon-
to other destinations, possibly as soon as venient.”
the fall. But we’re still figuring out how the
seasons work there. Instead of a 9 a.m. Elite flight out of
“As our relationship with Vero goes lon- Vero Beach, the Galvins will be taking a 9
ger and longer – and we get a better un- a.m. United flight out of Orlando – after a
derstanding of that market – we’ll get this 5:30 a.m. Uber ride that will cost $350 and
stuff right.” paying another $100 to check luggage.
Dow said it’s possible, if not likely, the
Sunday and Thursday flights connecting Vero Beach City Clerk Tammy Bursick
Vero Beach and Newark won’t appear also received a cancellation call from
on the airline’s September and October Elite, but her travel schedule wasn’t near-
schedule next year. ly as rigid and she simply switched her re-
Dow also said he was unable to provide turn flight from Sunday to Monday.
the number of travelers affected by the
cancellations, adding that some were re- “It actually worked out better for me,”
booked onto Monday and/or Friday Elite Bursick said. “I’m going to a church re-
flights and others, whose travel dates treat in New Jersey and I’m now able to
weren’t flexible, were offered refunds. stay another day.”
Galvin didn’t have that luxury.
“I understand the business side and
they said I’ll get a refund, but there was
no apology, no compensation, nothing,”
he said.
“Not even a coupon for a free meal at
C.J. Cannon’s.”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 25, 2017 9
By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer He also offered a suggestion. “There’s Your Plumbing and
a wash basin sort of in the room. In the Water Heater Experts
Trustees of Indian River Medical bathroom is another wash basin.
Center got a preview last week of plans $49 INDIAN RIVER CO.
to renovate more than 200 patient rooms “I went through these rooms a couple RESIDENT SPECIAL,
at a cost of $2 million, an average of weeks ago. It looked to me that you would SERVICE VISIT!
$10,000 per room. be able to remove the wash basin in the from the owner
room and expand the shower into that SALE $30!
While the group unanimously voted to space,” Jones said. *This offer is good for any repair, Monday - Friday
approve the project, there was a palpable ($79REG)
realization that the effort was akin to put- “It would be much larger, big enough 8am-5pm excludes holidays. May not be combined
ting a shiny new coat of paint on a worn- for someone assisting a patient. You want
out car. a shower big enough for someone to help with any other offers. All Ben Franklin Club
when you’re two days out of surgery.” Members may combine their 15% discount
Chief Nursing Officer Linda Walton
pointed out that rooms on floors 2-4 of Trustee Ann McCrystal wondered if a $75 Standard Water Heater
the hospital are undersized and lack stor- few rooms could be sacrificed per floor to
age as well as some amenities. allow for larger rooms Off Must be presented at time of
service. Expires 8/30/17. Excludes
“The hospital was built close to 40 “Is our hospital always at maximum
years ago, at a time when care was deliv- capacity during season?” she asked. “If holidays. Coupons may not be
ered in a different manner than it is to- you did make the bathroom a little big- combined with any other offer.
day,” Walton told the trustees. “Delivery ger, and compromise one or two or three
manner and experience for our patients rooms on a floor or a wing, [you could fit $125 Deluxe Water Heater
has changed over time. There are a num- a shower chair into the bathroom]. It’s
ber of issues we are dealing with, and one helpful to have a chair for the patient to Off Must be presented at time of
of those issues is room size. sit. service. Expires 8/30/17. Excludes
“We are somewhat limited in that re- It turns out there’s little down time for holidays. Coupons may not be
gard,” she continued. “The existing room enlarging rooms. combined with any other offer.
size does provide a closed-in feeling, the
facility is dated, and it poses some storage “I will share with you from the data
issues for patient equipment and provid- that I’ve seen,” Walton said. “Through-
ing a conducive healing environment.” out those peak months, one unit ran at
60 percent to 80 percent. Every other unit
Walton’s plan is to reconfigure the ex- was running at 100 percent capacity.
isting space, moving a partial wall within
the room to improve visibility and ma- “Our summer months are actually
neuverability, renovating the shower and running higher than usual this year. We
toilet area, removing tile showers with would be cutting the total number of
hard-to-clean grout and installing a more beds by 30. That would be problematic.”
modern surface.
Dr. Michael Weiss chimed in, “Better
She also plans to and modify the place- to err by being over five rooms than run
ment of the cabinets and sink in each short.”
“I applaud you for doing it right,” Cun-
All told the project would refurbish 216 ningham said. “I think you have our ap-
rooms. Half of the rooms would be reno- proval.”
vated between September and December
of this year. The remainder would be re- During the business portion of the
furbished in 2018. trustees meeting, Jones noted that
through July 31, there is slightly more than
Walton also noted that little-to-no $6.6 million in the bank. That’s enough
work would take place between January to fulfill current obligations through the
and April, statistically the hospital’s bus- current fiscal year, which ends Aug. 31,
iest season. with enough left over to reach November.
That’s when new tax revenues from an in-
Trustee Allen Jones acknowledged that crease in the millage rate begins to flow
the rooms wouldn’t be larger, but noted in.
“every room is private, and that’s worth
something.” “In short,” Jones said, “the district’s fi-
nances remain in sound condition.”
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10 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer 50s,” said Shawn Witmer, the club’s general
[email protected] manager. “We also have about 180 singles.
Three years ago, after seeing member- “We offer great food, great entertain-
ship fall to an alarmingly low level, the Vero ment and great camaraderie,” he added.
Beach Yacht Club’s leadership took a hard “This isn’t just a yacht club. It’s a social club
look at its aging facilities, which were in with docks.”
dire need of structural upgrades and aes-
thetic enhancements The improvements actually began in
2014, when the bar was re-faced and re-sur-
Committees were formed, priorities faced. The area behind the bar was rede-
were identified and plans were made – all signed, with upgraded lighting. A new floor
with the goal of making the club, founded was installed and the room was repainted.
in 1926, more attractive to new and young-
er members. A year later, the tiki bar was added to the
patio, which was rebuilt in conjunction with
Now, the club has a refurbished Burgee the construction of a new seawall in 2016.
Room bar area, new tiki bar, rebuilt seawall “The membership really jumped when we
and waterfront patio, and a completely ren- opened the new patio,” Witmer said.
ovated, fresh-feeling clubhouse that more
welcoming, more energy efficient and safer. Work on the clubhouse, which was built
in 1964, began May 15 and included the in-
It also has a membership that has grown stallation of a new acoustical ceiling, spray-
from 478 to 610. foam roof insulation and electrical wiring,
as well as new heating, ventilation and
“We’re at our maximum,” Commodore air-conditioning systems.
Barbara Ebstein said. “We’ll re-evaluate it
over the next six months, but we don’t want State-of-the-art, LED lighting was in-
to over-tax our staff and overextend our- stalled, along with new carpeting, before
selves. We’ve been at full capacity all sum- the clubhouse’s re-opening celebration
mer, and we’ve got several members coming on July 4.
back in October.
“Not only is the building safer, more en-
“So anyone who wants to join now goes ergy efficient and more cost-effective, but
on a wait list.” we’ve changed the look and feel of the place,”
Ebstein said of the seven-week, $250,000
In fact, the $500,000 capital improve- project. “The whole ambiance of the interior
ments project – new furniture is expected has changed – there’s a more club-type feel –
to arrive in October – was funded by initi- and we still haven’t added the new furniture.
ation fees paid by new members. And the
upgrades have brought in more new mem- “The new decor will give the clubhouse a
bers, most of them year-round Vero Beach more contemporary look.”
residents and many of them in their 40s,
50s and 60s. Witmer said the club’s initiation fee will
remain at $2,000 per person through Oct.
According to Shawn Witmer, the club’s 31, then will increase to $3,000. Currently,
general manager, 80 new members have the annual dues are $1,260 plus tax.
joined since May 1, $225,000 in initiation
fees have been collected since Jan. 1, and “There’s no swimming pool, golf, tennis
the overall membership’s average age has or fitness, but we have reciprocal agree-
dropped from 75 to 62 over the past two ments with 10 other clubs locally, including
years. golf clubs,” Witmer said.
“The membership needed to get younger, “So when you consider the dining, social
and a lot of our newer members are in their offerings and camaraderie here, it’s really an
incredible value.”
12 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
Zorc says School Board ‘voting blind’ on the budget
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer disagreed with Zorc. “You can’t say blan- Morrison to fill in gaps and learn what went through a “zero-based-budget pro-
[email protected] ketly we are voting blindly. It’s you who she could, but that the meetings were cess,” examining each line item, Rendell
are uncomfortable.” mainly an exercise in frustration. conceded, “We can alter the process
Indian River County School Board in the future so there is more board in-
member Laura Zorc thinks the school Superintendent Mark Rendell gave “If I wanted more detail, Mr. Morrison volvement.”
district budget process should be much four workshops on the budget, but Zorc said I have to ask [school district super-
more transparent, but she did not get said they “were so rushed there was no intendent] Dr. Rendell if I can ask him Zorc also suggested the district could
much backing from her fellow members. time for suggestions.” She noted that that question. Then I would have to wait save money on legal fees.
department heads did not give reports three weeks to get the information. It’s
Zorc said, “We’re voting blind” on the on how and why money for their depart- very unproductive. School Board Attorney Suzanne
nearly $280 million budget, of which ments is to be spent. D’Agresta does a good job, she said,
$120 million is funded by local property “By the time I get it, I haven’t had but contracting private-sector legal
taxes. Zorc said she met weekly with Assis- time to look at it [before meetings where services instead of hiring an in-house
tant Superintendent of Finances Carter the budget is discussed or voted on]. It lawyer is more expensive. D’Agresta
School Board Member Dale Simchick should not be this difficult, especially if is paid a $264,000-a-year base fee and
we’re elected officials.” other school board attorneys get about
$160,000, she said.
Zorc, who previously worked in foren-
sic accounting, said she “tried to audit” Simchick and School Board Vice
particular line items, such as the cat- Chairperson Shawn Frost said other
egory “non-labor discretionary.” That school boards claim in-house attorneys
budget heading is a catch-all found in do inferior work and it was too late to
24 school and 20 department budgets look into it for this budget.
totaling $7.3 million in expenditures that
“don’t come before the board,” Zorc said. Employee travel costs are too high,
Zorc said, which got no remarks from fel-
In other words, the school district low board members.
plans to spend more than $7 million
in this one category without providing “Each thing I bring up is not going
elected officials or the public with any anywhere,” Zorc said.
details of where that money is going.
“I was elected to oversee the budget
Instead of meeting behind closed and policy. It’s not fair to the taxpay-
doors and depending on Morrison to try ers or to their kids. There is so much in
get information about how money is be- [the budget] . . . we could be putting into
ing spent, Zorc asked that department classrooms.”
heads give presentations to the board
next year, which is the way the county In the end, Zorc voted along with the
vets its budget. other board members to move the bud-
get for the 2017-2018 fiscal year forward
“I think it would be very enlighten- but said her ‘yea’ vote was provisional.
ing,” agreed School Board Chairperson She wants her suggestions for savings
Charles Searcy. discussed in detail before the final bud-
get goes to public hearing and then to
After protesting each department the board for a final vote on Sept. 7.
$30 MILLION APPROVED exceeding the board’s preapproved
spending cap of $200,000. District
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 staff never reported the over-expen-
diture to the board and there were no
then voted no. The expenditure was consequences.
approved 4-1, with all other board
members going along with the staff Later in the Aug. 8 meeting, School
request. Board Chairperson Charles Searcy in-
advertently exposed the consequenc-
“I am not comfortable giving spend- es of abdicating fiscal oversight.
ing authority over for Regions Bank
and EE&G,” Zorc said. Searcy asked staff how much the
school district paid for workman’s
Regions Bank is the vendor for the compensation and was told, “We’re
district’s $7 million credit card, which paying 60 percent more for workman’s
had a balance of $6.8 million as of compensation than we should.”
June 12, according to the School Dis-
trict’s recurring-vendor report. South Central Education Risk Man-
agement Program, which provides
Last December, Vero Beach 32963 and administers the district’s work-
reported on hotel stays purchased by man’s compensation insurance, is a
various district staff that violated the recurring vendor that received $2.4
credit card procurement code. million from the district last year, free
from board oversight.
No one was disciplined for the
breaches but they showed how a lack Searcy was unaware SCERMP was
of board oversight can lead to spend- among the vendors that will be paid
ing abuses. from the $30 million preapproved
in this year’s budget. When it was
In November, Vero Beach 32963 pointed out, he shrugged it off. “What
reported the district paid mold re- would you have us do?” he asked.
mediation company EE&G $500,000,
Study links chronic pain
to cognitive impairment P.16
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A14 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
So long, pardner: Popular Vero doctor pulling up stakes
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. William Frazier. blonde, blue eyes, tiny little person” who, dad went to Yale and my brother went to
[email protected] he proudly boasts, has just driven a six-ton Yale and my mother went to Yale,” he told
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE truck the full 10 hours from Vero to Blairs- the sellers, and within three days the deal
A pair of well broken-in cowboy boots ville on her own. was done.
might be the first visual cue that Dr. Wil- “but it was a dairy farm. But by 1970 I’d
liam (Bill) Frazier is not now – and probably bought my first horse and rode, maybe not According to Frazier, “She has been to The couple plan to garden, raise a few
never has been – your typical Vero Beach every day, but probably three or four days a over 60 countries and is million-miler [fre- head of cattle and never again worry about
physician. week and I started wearing cowboy boots. quent flyer] on two different airlines.” rising oceans. (Most of Florida, Frazier
I found them very comfortable and so I’ve points out, is a mere 8 feet above sea level;
The fact that he’s been the ‘head hon- just always worn them.” Frazier may not quite be able to match his in the Georgia mountains, an influx of Ant-
cho’ at Vero Cosmetic Surgery and MediSpa wife’s frequent flyer status but he has prac- arctic ice water won’t be a worry.)
since 1982 may say even more about him. The cowboy similarities pretty much end ticed medicine in Haiti, San Juan and Bei-
there, but Bill and Jane Frazier’s adventur- rut, Lebanon as well as New Haven and Vero That doesn’t mean they won’t miss living
Frazier and his cowboy boots actually ous spirits are still firing on all cylinders. Beach and, he adds, “I’ve lived in 32 houses here on the Treasure Coast.
started out practicing medicine at Yale Uni- so far.”
versity School of Medicine in New Haven, Frazier describes his bride as “a 5-foot-2 “Vero is an absolutely stellar community
Conn., in 1975. The 33rd is on the horizon thanks, Frazier to live in,” Frazier says fondly, “but change
feels, in no small part due to fate. is also important.”
“I was the medical director for the emer-
gency department [at Yale], ran the burn The couple had been searching online Even more important is that he clear-
unit and the trauma unit,” explains the for houses in the Blairsville area for quite a ly feels good about selling his practice
soft-spoken Frazier, “and had my own prac- while and had made in-person visits to sev- to his partner, Dr. Katya Bailor. “I really
tice in plastic surgery.” eral of them. Then his wife came across a loved having her as a partner,” says Frazier
listing showing a house they both liked that proudly. “She’s wonderful.”
He was also on the Yale medical faculty had something special. What sealed the
for seven years. deal was a photo of a maroon bedroom with So wonderful, it seems, he reaches way
a bright blue and white Yale pennant on the past 1982 for an analogy dating back to the
Now, after another 35 years of perform- wall. 1500s and the Renaissance.
ing plastic surgery procedures here in Vero
Beach, Frazier and his wife, Jane, are about They raced to Georgia where they discov- Cosmetic surgery, says Frazier, “for
to mosey on down the road – or, more cor- ered the seller’s son was a student at – you some people, it’s really just something that
rectly, mosey on up the road to launch a new guessed it – the Yale School of Medicine. they love to do.
phase of life and a new practice in Blairs-
ville, Ga., (population 562), a place where Frazier was ecstatic. “It’s like Michelangelo. Why did he take
many Vero Beach folks own property. “I went to Yale Medical School and my a piece of rock and turn it into a statue of
David? Because he loved it. That’s what he
“I grew up on a farm,” Frazier explains, was really good at.”
When It Comes To Healthcare, Bailor, says Frazier, shares that same
We Bring It Home. type of passion for her work, so he says he
has no qualms about patients of his be-
When you have healthcare needs at home, Nurse coming patients of hers.
On Call is an excellent option. Since 1989, we
offer individualized care ranging from physical and Frazier’s passion, he says, remains re-
occupational therapy to skilled nursing and more. It’s constructive surgery. “There’s a lot of can-
the care you need when you need it the most. cer surgery and melanomas,” in addition
to burns and trauma cases, where he still
finds helping patients very satisfying and
now he’s taking that passion to Georgia.
From now through September, Dr. Frazier
can be reached at Vero Cosmetic Surgery and
MediSpa at 1255 37th Street, Suite D. The
phone number is 772-562-2400.
Starting in October, Frazier will be at Sen-
tinel Plastic Surgery, doubtless still wearing
his cowboy boots, at 123 Weaver Rd., Suite B
in Blairsville, Ga. That number is 706-439-
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A16 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Study links chronic pain to cognitive impairment
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent were persistently troubled by moderate
or severe pain declined 9.2 percent faster
For the first time, researchers have in tests of memory, compared with those
made an association between chronic who did not report having such pain.
pain and memory loss in older adults, in-
dicating that such pain could somehow Vero Beach neurologist S. James Sha-
result in brain changes that affect cogni- fer is familiar with this study and agrees
tive function. there is slightly more cognitive impair-
ment in those suffering from chronic
The study was published in a June is- pain. However, he notes that there was no
sue of JAMA Internal Medicine. The team, significant increase in dementia in chron-
from UC-San Francisco, analyzed data ic pain sufferers, and that it’s important to
from 10,000 participants, all of whom distinguish the two.
were aged 60 or older. When tracked over
a course of 10 years, those who said they “Cognitive impairment is a notice-
Dr. James Shafer.
able and measurable decline in cognitive understanding the relationship between
function. Dementia is more severe and pain and cognitive decline is an import-
impacts the person’s ability to interact ant first step toward finding ways to help
with the world personally, socially, or pro- this population.”
fessionally,” Shafer says.
There are differing opinions among ex-
Elizabeth Whitlock, MD, MSc, a post- perts about exactly when pain becomes
doctoral fellow at UC-San Francisco and chronic, but it’s safe to say that pain that
lead author of the study, says the find- lasts for six months or more has crossed
ings point toward new ways of thinking over from acute (short term) to chronic.
about how to protect older people from
the cognitive insults of aging. “Elderly Chronic pain can sometimes be traced
people need to maintain their cognition to an old injury or an underlying condi-
to stay independent. Up to one in three tion such as osteoarthritis, multiple scle-
older people suffer from chronic pain, so rosis, fibromyalgia or shingles. There is
also neuropathic pain, in which the nerve
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fibers themselves may be damaged or dys- logical (but just as real) impact. Dr. Shafer and strategies, such as assistive devices, about body functions, such as heart rate.
functional. And then there are the cases says, “Chronic pain takes up a lot of the physical and occupational therapy, and This feedback helps the person make sub-
when chronic pain has no apparent cause; sufferer’s attention. It is distracting and “mindfulness” meditation techniques. tle changes in their body, such as relaxing
the medical term for this is “idiopathic.” can affect the ability to process and retain certain muscles, which helps to reduce
information.” All are geared toward increasing pain.
There are separate yet overlapping rea- “self-efficacy” (a belief in one’s ability to
sons for the association between chronic • It is known that the emotional stress accomplish a task or succeed in a specific Dr. Shafer wants the community to
pain and dementia: of being in pain activates stress-hormone situation) and curbing the emotional im- know that pain, especially in older people,
pathways in the body that have been asso- pact of chronic pain. can be a manifestation of depression, and
• Vero’s Dr. Shafer says that opioids (and ciated with cognitive decline. sufferers should talk to their doctor about
other types of pain medications) work by Dr. Shafer agrees that “alternative” pain whether depression could be a factor in
blocking pain receptors throughout the Many current pain management ther- management techniques can be effective, their chronic pain, as there are treatment
nervous system; and by doing so can block apies, in addition to being addictive, are if correctly tailored to the individual. He options for depression that could end up
receptors that are involved in cognitive not always effective, and doctors are con- says, “There are good things out there, like reducing pain.
function. tinually seeking ways to provide their pa- hypnotherapy and acupuncture. And be-
tients with relief. lieve it or not, good old-fashioned exercise Dr. Shafer sees patients and conducts re-
• The experience of chronic pain itself, can also be a big help.” search at the Vero Beach Neurology and Re-
from a biological perspective, may com- UC-San Francisco’s Whitlock says that search Institute, located at 1040 37th Place,
promise the brain’s ability to form memo- patients who are suffering with chron- Biofeedback is another technique that Suite 201, in Vero Beach. The phone number
ries and also impair other cognitive func- ic pain, and may be experiencing a more Dr. Shafer says can be helpful in the man- is 772-492-7051.
tions. rapid cognitive decline as a result, can agement of pain. The person is connected
be helped by a number of techniques to electrical sensors that provide feedback
• Chronic pain can also have a non-bio-
For exercising and socializing, gym’s a good fit for seniors
By Ben Opipari | The Washigton Post stronger evidence for the influence of the mind stronger.” we usually like to talk about things out-
social relationships on risk for mortality The researchers noted the strong sense side, like our travels.” Before one member
Until an injury temporarily sidelined rather than vice versa.” of Ginsberg’s class moved recently, the
him recently, Burt Abramowitz, 81, and of cohesion among members, “a dynam- group threw a going-away party.
his 76-year-old workout partner had a Based on their meta-analysis, re- ic process reflected by the tendency of a
standing commitment three times each searchers found that in its influence, so- group to stick together and remain united In Abramowitz’s case, the socializing
week. They’d work out at the Gold’s Gym cial isolation compares with risk factors in pursuit of its objective.” afterward was just as important as the
in Rockville, Md., then go out to eat af- such as smoking and alcohol consump- workout. “The quality time after, when
terward, usually at the Dunkin’ Donuts tion, and it might even exceed other risk Stan Ginsberg, 73, works out at a D.C. we’d go out to eat, was something we real-
or Silver Diner. Abramowitz jokes that factors such as physical inactivity and area LA Fitness and says that after his wa- ly looked forward to,” he says. “I wouldn’t
sometimes the food would negate any obesity. ter aerobics class, the group often heads have seen my friend three times a week if
benefit from the workout, but the food right to the hot tub, where it’s easy to so- it wasn’t for the gym.”
was never the point. It was the camarade- The problem is that social connec- cialize. “We talk about that day’s class, but
rie he cherished. tions, the ties that bind us to our com-
munity, slowly weaken as we age. Friends
Abramowitz’s experience mirrors that and family retire, some move away, and
of an active senior population, where the others die. A retirement community is a
gym has become a place to build not just salve for some. But for seniors who age
muscle but community. in place, this means living alone in a
changing community as familiar faces
Perhaps unsurprisingly, studies have disappear.
linked strong social relationships to a lon-
ger life span. In one British Medical Jour- That’s why many find the health club
nal study, researchers wrote that social a good place to strengthen social bonds.
activities may be as effective as fitness It’s a natural gathering spot, pulling peo-
activities in lowering the risk of death. ple together to engage in a common ac-
tivity. And working out with a partner is a
The study followed more than 2,800 commitment; you’re more likely to show
people over the age of 65 for a 13-year up if you’re meeting someone. That’s
period. The researchers concluded that what Abramowitz found so appealing.
active people were more likely to be alive “The motivation for Jay and me was the
at the end of the 13-year period. But they camaraderie,” he says. “It was the friend-
also noted that social activities “con- ship, someone to kibbitz with.”
ferred equivalent survival advantages
compared to fitness activities.” According Nick Crossley, a professor of sociology
to the researchers, this means that “activ- at the University of Manchester, has re-
ities that entail little or no physical exer- searched community-building in health
tion may also be beneficial.” clubs. He says that these places are par-
ticularly effective because they encour-
In 2010, three researchers conducted age socialization on a routine basis, often
a meta-analysis of 148 studies from 1990 with the same people, even if by chance.
to 2007 that examined the connection “People become familiar with each other
between social isolation and mortality. that way,” Crossley says.
They found that “individuals’ experienc-
es within social relationships significant- Studies have borne out the role that
ly predicted risk of mortality.” In other fitness centers play in maintaining so-
words, people with stronger social rela- cial bonds in seniors. In one study pub-
tionships were likely to live longer. lished in the journal Preventing Chronic
Disease, which conducted focus groups
Addressing the direction of the effect – of participants in a fitness program for
whether socialization has a positive effect older adults, one woman said that “be-
on health or whether people who are sick ing able to socialize with people and to
simply have fewer social relationships – laugh helps the body become better and
the authors said that the data “provides
A18 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz meets Murphy, one of Sheriff’s Finest (pooches)
Hi Dog Buddies! was lookin’ for Just The Right Dog Murphy. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER times jumps
for their bran-new Therapy Dog into their laps
I’ve said it before an I’m sayin’ it again: I’m Program. The pilot program, with where they’re stashed. That during lunch.
One Lucky Dog! Evry week I meet a new, in- a pooch named Primus Puggie, comes natch-ral, too. Sometimes I catch “They have the
neresting pooch pal and learn a buncha new was a big success, an they decid- a ride on the elevator, so I can check out Good Stuff.”
stuff. ed to adopt it permanently. The what’s good upstairs. Come’on, I’ll intro- We stopped in
new pooch would be assigned to duce you!” the lunch room,
This week, for example, I met Murphy a human SVU agent and they’d go which smelled
Young, who’s an agent with a County Sher- through a special training course We took off down the hall at a brisk trot. duh-licious. (It
iff’s Office’s Special Victims Unit. No Woof! at what they call Paws and Stripes (Well, not so brisk for me since I was carry- was hard not
We met at Murphy’s office an, while me an College. (That’s a whole ’nother ing my notebook and pencil.) Every so of- to drool, which
my assistant sat in the reception area wait- story.) ten, Murphy’d stop and roll on the carpet. would’ve been un-
ing for Murphy an his partner, I was feelin’ a We popped into one office after another, professional.) Ev-
little shaky-paws. I’d met a few other dogs in Well, Bonzo, obviously I and Murphy and Agent Cyndi introduced erybody around the
law enforcement and they were all Big, Im- couldn’t look LESS like a law en- us to their fellow agents. All of ’em except long table greeted
pressive, Super-Serious German Shepherds forcement officer but, for some Murphy was human. Murphy. I’m pret-
or Malinois or like that. reason, Thank Lassie!, I got ty sure his tail didn’t
picked!” He sure wasn’t woofin’ when he said he stop wagging the en-
Well, the Official Door opened and in trot- knew where all the treats were kept. “This is tire time.
ted this fluffy middle-sized white poocheroo, “Pawsome! So, then what hap- Megan,” Murphy said. “Watch! I’m training “What’s home life
wearin’ a green uniform vest with a gold pened?” her.” He sat smack in front of a file cabinet like?”
badge. He was very neat and had real good and bopped the pull with his paw. Megan “I mostly just relax, snooze in the sun, play
posture. Super-Serious he was NOT. He had “I was assigned to be Agent Cyndi’s part- opened the drawer, reached in and pro- with my toys, chase the occasional butterfly
a big smile and an even bigger personality, ner (I call her that a work.) We went through duced a treat. Murphy wagged a thank you (never catch ’em). And hang out with Mom
and came right up for the Wag-and-Sniff. training as a TEAM. We learned how to work and said, as he munched, “Wug woo wike an my big sister Perry, from Georgia. She’s an
together; an how we can help liddle humans wud?” English Bulldog rescue. She wasn’t thrilled
“It’s a pleasure, Agent Murphy.” and sometimes grown-up ones, too, who with me at first, but I finally won her over.”
“Likewise! It’s Bonzo, right? Please call me have had bad, scary stuff happen to ’em. “No thanks. I’m on the clock,” I said, fol- “I’m impressed, Agent Murphy.”
Murphy. An this is my partner (an my Mom), My specialty is workin’ with the liddle hu- lowing the happily munching Agent Mur- “Thanks! I love my job. But we’ll probly be
Cyndi, she’s an Agent, too. We can yap back mans. While Agent Cyndi talks to ’em, I’m phy down the hall. We met Alan an Carlos retiring in a coupla years.”
in our office.” right there bein’ frenly and snuggly, an giv- an Amy. There were Saltines from Cynthia “Well, whatever pooch they pick to replace
There were pickshurs of Murphy and ing ’em gentle little nose bumps. With older and low-fat snacks from Joan (after Murphy you will have big pawprints to fill,” I said sin-
clippings and impressive certificates on the kids or even grown-ups, I ushully sit in their guessed which hand). cerely.
walls an shelves. When we got settled, Mur- laps. Or on their feet. Pretty soon, they start Heading home, I was still thinking about
phy said, “I expect you wanna know exactly pattin’ me, an they’re more relaxed, not so At the end of the hallway, we met Wolf- Murphy and his very important job. Yep,
what I do, an how a pooch like me got a job nervous or scared. We’re right there with gang and Harry. Murphy admitted he some- those’ll hafta be Really Big Paws.
like this.” ’em from the crime scene to the courtroom! Till next time,
“Exactly!” Honestly, Bonzo,” he got real serious. “You
“First thing I really remember is, back in wouldn’t buh-LIEVE what some humans do The Bonz
2015, bein’ left at the county shelter. The to other humans.”
humans there were nice, even though they Don’t Be Shy
didn’t know anything about me. I don’t mind “Woof!” was all I could say.
admitting I was Worried. I’m real frenly by “I’ll never forget my first day at work,” We are always looking for pets
nature, but at that time, I didn’t have any Murphy continued. “It was super exciting. I with interesting stories.
friends, dog or human. Or even cat. But got my uniform, an badge, and a OFFice, an
here’s the Cool Kibbles part: Around the I met my fellow officers. Mom says I can get To set up an interview, email
same time, the Brevard Sheriff’s Office SVU along with anybody, which is why I’m good [email protected].
at my job. It just comes natch-ral. I still get
excited the minute we turn into the parking
“When I have a break, I make Daily
Rounds. Everybody has snacks, an I know
$40M hotel/restaurant/retail
development planned on Route 60
20 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Hotel headlines $40M development planned on Route 60
By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer ents, grandparents and siblings of players.
[email protected] Billy Moss, well known in local commer-
If you build it, they will come. cial real estate, thinks Dodgertown may
That strategy worked for Kevin Costner’s well be the main driver of business for the
character in “Field of Dreams,” but in the new hotel.
hotel industry it’s more complicated.
A plan to build a 3-story, 110-room hotel “With all the baseball teams coming to
on Route 60 by the Applebee’s restaurant town to play at Dodgertown, it will help to
just got an initial green light from Indian promote our economy,” Moss said.
River County’s Planning and Zoning Com-
The concept here is actually broader
than a single building on a nearly 10-acre
parcel. Besides the anchor hotel, there will
be four other structures – a tire store and
three additional buildings that will house
retail or restaurants.
What’s peculiar is the location. Near-
ly all of the area’s lodging establishments
are concentrated in three areas that are far
from this site:
Close to Interstate 95 and Vero Beach
The U.S. 1 corridor in Vero Beach.
Along the beach on the barrier island.
The proposed project is close to Indian
River’s primary retail corridor along State
Road 60 at 58th Avenue. Clustered near
that intersection are Target, Sam’s Club,
Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, several
large strip shopping centers, multiple fast-
food and family sit-down restaurants and
the Indian River Mall.
And not a hotel for miles in any direc-
tion. So what’s the developer’s logic?
“I admit, people [in the industry] are
dumbfounded,” said Keith Kite, a broker
with Coldwell Banker. He noted that it’s
typical to find lodgings clustered together.
Kite added that the nearest plausible
customer base could be Historic Dodger-
town, where youth baseball tournaments
abound in season and high school, college
and professional sports teams train year
The facility has a 1950s-era motel-like
complex to house teams, but it is not near-
ly large enough to hold all the people who
show up for some events, including par-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 25, 2017 21
“I think it will be great,” Moss added. turn lanes may have to be extended to ac- was the location of a mysterious death. neighboring Walmart smelled the decom-
He should know. He has an 11-year-old commodate more traffic, but he doesn’t In September 2016 deputies from the posing body, which was found nearby. A
son who plays on a travel baseball team. anticipate adding more traffic signals. cause of death was never determined.
Those teams compete on fields around Indian River Sheriff’s Office recovered the
the state, including Dodgertown – which The 10-acre parcel being rezoned is body of 44-year-old Tisa Lynn McCann of Clearing the site would force any re-
has great appeal to young players because known as a haven for the homeless, and Melbourne. A driver delivering stock to the maining homeless people to relocate.
of its storied past – and when the play-
ers come, their families often come with CONSUMER AGENCY THREATENS ZILLOW OVER AD PRACTICES
them, occupying hotel rooms, eating in
local restaurants and shopping in area By Kenneth R. Harney | Washington Post that the company welcomed an oppor- jointly advertising their wares and pay-
stores. tunity to discuss the allegations with the ing fair market value for the exposure.
The firm looking to develop the site, You’re probably familiar with the on- CFPB.
Konover South Corp., needed to rezone the line realty marketing giant Zillow be- In a multimillion-dollar settlement in
land before the project could go forward. cause of its voluminous home sale list- Some background: Thousands of January with national lender Prospect
A critical phase of that process took place ings and its controversial “Zestimate” agents across the country pay Zillow for Mortgage over alleged violations of the
this week when P&Z signed off on the plan. property valuation feature. advertising space, mainly because mil- anti-kickback law, the CFPB tipped its
The former zoning, Limited Commer- lions of consumers visit its sites to check hand: It cited payments made by loan
cial, satisfied all but two of the intended But you may not know this: Zillow is in out listings and information on more officers to subsidize realty agents’ ad-
uses: the tire shop because of its use of au- hot water with the federal government than 100 million homes, whether they vertising costs on an unnamed online
tomotive fluids and the potential for spills, over alleged violations of anti-kickback are for sale or not. site that was widely understood to be
and a fast-food restaurant with a drive- and deceptive practices rules. Zillow. In that case, the CFPB levied fines
thru window. On homes listed for sale, frequently against real estate brokerages as well as
To get around the problem, Konover According to Zillow, the Consum- there is also contact information for lo- the lender, opening the door to possible
had two options: seek rezoning to General er Financial Protection Bureau has cal “premier agents” who may or may legal attacks against realty agents them-
Commercial, or to Planned Development. concluded a two-year investigation not be the actual listing agent. Premier selves.
County planning staff recommended the into the company’s “co-marketing” ar- agents pay Zillow for the promotion-
latter. rangements that allow mortgage lend- al space and other benefits – typical- Marx Sterbcow, a RESPA legal expert
Konover followed the staff recommen- ers to pay for portions of realty agents’ ly hundreds of dollars per month but based in New Orleans, said that absent
dation and Planning and Zoning approved monthly advertising costs on Zillow sometimes well above $1,000 – and details from the CFPB, the anti-kick-
the plan at its most recent meeting. websites. receive leads to consumers who are ac- back case against Zillow is “confusing”
However, before the plan can proceed, tively searching for a home or plan to because individual loan officers and re-
the Board of County Commissioners must In exchange for the money, lenders do so in the future. alty agents appear to be the direct par-
approve the rezoning. The commissioners are presented in agents’ ads to site visi- ticipants in the payment arrangements.
could also place additional conditions on tors as sources of financing, which ulti- Premier agent monthly payments are However, he said, Zillow’s role in pro-
the project. mately generates leads and new mort- a crucial part of Zillow’s business model, viding “substantial assistance” to the
Augustin Amaro is director of construc- gage business. Consumers probably are amounting to nearly $190 million during arrangements could make it vulnerable
tion for Konover South. Assuming com- in the dark about the lender’s financial the second quarter of 2017. This repre- to charges by the CFPB under the decep-
missioners OK the project, he’ll oversee relationship with the realty agent unless sented more than 70 percent of Zillow’s tive practices law.
construction of the retail sites, which will they know to click on a question-mark total revenue during the quarter.
be built first. The hotel is a separate project icon after the promotional words “ask George Souto, sales manager and loan
even though it shares the parcel. these lenders about financing.” Legal experts say the CFPB’s concerns originator for McCue Mortgage in New
“It will likely be January or February probably focus on an optional feature of Britain, Conn., told me that he checked
2018 before we get the final drawings,” Although the CFPB declined to com- the premier agent program that permits out the Zillow program but “got a bad
Amaro said in a phone interview. Once ment for this column, Zillow confirmed real estate agents to have their monthly feeling very quickly.”
that’s done, infrastructure work on the site that the bureau has threatened it with advertising fees paid for in part – some-
will take another 7-8 months. legal action if it does not agree to a times almost entirely – by lenders who “Once I saw the way it really works, it
Amaro estimated that the entire devel- settlement. The CFPB has not publicly seek leads to potential borrowers. A loan became clear to me that it wasn’t a lead
opment, including the hotel, will run in detailed its specific reasons for pur- officer who is given exclusive promotion generator but a way to pay for referrals.
the neighborhood of $40 million. suing Zillow, but the company says along with a premier agent might pay I felt uncomfortable,” he said, and wor-
Ryan Sweeney, a senior planner for In- the allegations involve the Real Estate 50 percent of the agent’s monthly bill. ried about possible legal action by the
dian River County who reviewed the Kon- Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) – Three lenders who have cut individual CFPB or banking regulators.
over project, pointed out that the brand which prohibits kickbacks in exchange deals with the agent might pay a com-
that assumes the hotel will pay for and for business referrals – and a section bined total of up to 90 percent. Where’s this all headed? Only lawyers
oversee construction. of the Consumer Financial Protection at Zillow and the CFPB know whether
The project will also require some work Act that prohibits “unfair, deceptive or The sticky legal question here is the case is destined for litigation or a
on the county’s part. Sweeney said some abusive” practices. whether the lenders or loan officers are settlement. Meanwhile, now you know
paying for referrals of business – banned how agents and lenders end up on Zil-
A Zillow spokeswoman told me that by RESPA – or whether they are simply low pages: They pay. Or co-pay.
“we believe our program is lawful” and
22 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
The third week of August saw a buzz of activity on the mainland real estate market, as 35 sin-
gle-family residences and lots sold from Aug. 14-18 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 999 W Polo Grounds Drive. First listed
in October 2016 for $749,900, the 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3,481-square-foot house sold for
$650,000 on Aug. 15.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the house at 1570 Ocean Cove Street. Originally listed in June for
$325,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,800-square-foot residence sold for $332,500 on Aug. 15.
VERO BEACH 999 W POLO GROUNDS DRIVE 10/25/2016 $749,900 8/15/2017 $535,000
VERO BEACH 1133 RIVER WIND CIRCLE 2/14/2017 $575,000 8/15/2017 $365,000
VERO BEACH 4412 5TH PLACE SW 3/10/2017 $389,500 8/14/2017 $345,000
VERO BEACH 4833 S NEWPORT ISLAND DRIVE UNIT#B 4/24/2017 $349,000 8/15/2017 $335,000
VERO BEACH 6485 OAK MANOR 7/20/2017 $349,480 8/15/2017 $332,500
SEBASTIAN 1570 OCEAN COVE STREET 6/22/2017 $325,000 8/15/2017 $310,000
VERO BEACH 7355 33RD AVENUE 3/6/2017 $330,000 8/14/2017 $310,000
VERO BEACH 1046 22ND AVENUE 6/30/2017 $329,000 8/14/2017 $303,000
VERO BEACH 374 24TH AVENUE SW 5/22/2017 $325,000 8/15/2017 $279,000
VERO BEACH 5045 HARMONY CIRCLE UNIT#106 3/29/2017 $279,000 8/16/2017 $260,000
VERO BEACH 5855 40TH LANE 5/30/2017 $275,000 8/17/2017 $259,500
VERO BEACH 703 ROYAL PALM PLACE 6/14/2016 $279,900 8/14/2017 $257,000
VERO BEACH 6464 55TH SQUARE 5/4/2017 $318,900 8/15/2017 $239,900
VERO BEACH 1907 32ND AVENUE 4/4/2017 $250,000 8/18/2017
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 25, 2017 23
1133 River Wind Circle, Vero Beach 4412 5th Place SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 2/14/2017 Listing Date: 3/10/2017
Original Price: $575,000 Original Price: $389,500
Sold: 8/15/2017 Sold: 8/14/2017
Selling Price: $535,000 Selling Price: $365,000
Listing Agent: Bebe Grady Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Sally Daley Bob Douglass
Daley & Company Real Estate Atlantic Shores Realty Exec’s
4833 S Newport Island Drive Unit B, Vero Beach 6485 Oak Manor, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 4/24/2017 Listing Date: 7/20/2017
Original Price: $349,000 Original Price: $349,480
Sold: 8/15/2017 Sold: 8/15/2017
Selling Price: $345,000 Selling Price: $335,000
Listing Agent: Patty Valdes Listing Agent: Kristi White
Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Joan Chesley Shane Reynolds
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
199$ 3DAYS
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 25, 2017 B1
Throw time!
Fired-up potters meet
their 1,200 bowl goal
Coming Up! ‘British Road Trip: Britten and Cindi Qi, violin; Michael De Jesus, viola;
Vaughan Williams.’ and Paul Fleury, cello. The concert be-
gins at 7 p.m.
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer feature Britten’s String Quartet No. 2 and as soon as he returned home to England. Linda Cole.
[email protected] Williams’ String Quartet No. 2 in A mi- In his last year, he became the first com-
nor. A celebrated composer, conductor poser to be given a life peerage. Williams 2 We move from classics to jazz
1 Should you decide to do so, you can and pianist, Britten was a “central figure was a prolific English composer whose on Sunday afternoon, when the
immerse yourself in music pretty in 20th century British classical music,” body of work during more than 50 years Space Coast Symphony Jazz Orches-
much all weekend, starting now, without according to Wikipedia, and wrote nu- includes operas, ballets, chamber music, tra and vocalist Linda Cole will swing
venturing too far from home base. A pair merous operas, the best known among secular and religious vocal works and
of string quartets from across the pond by them 1954’s “The Turn of the Screw.” At orchestral compositions, including nine CONTINUED ON PAGE B5
two of Great Britain’s most revered com- the end of WWII, Britten toured Ger- symphonies. He wrote his second string
posers will be performed by musicians many with violinist Yehudi Menuhin to quartet during WWII, and also helped
from the Space Coast Symphony this perform recitals for concentration camp organize lunchtime concerts at the Na-
Friday evening at Our Savior Lutheran survivors. So moved was he by this expe- tional Gallery to support the war effort.
Church. The free concert, “British Road rience that he wrote his Second Quartet Concert musicians are: Joni Roos, violin;
Trip: Britten and Vaughan Williams,” will
B2 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Throw time! Fired-up potters meet 1,200 bowl goal
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer result: stacks and stacks of gleaming, color-
[email protected]
ful bowls to be sold at the Soup Bowl’s 40
With the retirement of a large gas-fired
kiln at the Vero Beach Museum of Art and locations around town. At $15 a bowl, the
a replacement not arriving until January,
there was concern that the 25-year tradition artists’ work should contribute $18,000 to
of local potters making bowls to sell for a
November charity event might be stymied. the $100,000 organizers hope to raise at the
But the potters for the Samaritan Cen- Nov. 2 event.
ter’s annual Soup Bowl event for the home-
less got together The museum-potter collaboration paid
with museum staff.
Their imaginations off in another way: For the first time, the
“fired” up, they came
up with a solution museum will be serving soup as part of the
to making the 1,200
bowls in time: They Soup Bowl, turning over its beautiful atri-
simply returned to
the way things were um space on the day
done in the begin-
ning, firing half the of the fundraiser. It
bowls in the muse-
um’s remaining kiln will also display the
and the rest in their
own home kilns. dozen handmade
Working over a span of 100 hours last soup tureens that are
week, dozens of volunteers set up the clay,
threw bowls and cleaned up the mess, firing raffled off as part of
some 600 bowls in the museum’s remaining
kiln. The remaining 600 were turned out at the event.
homes and studios across the county. The
“We’re bring- Sean Clinton. PHOTO BY: DENISE RITCHIE
ing the communi-
ty into the building
where for so many
years we’ve done
the bowls,” says or-
ganizer and potter
Shotsi Lajoie. The
museum will become one of more than 40
Soup Bowl locations. Last year, some 5,000
people showed up for the $5 bowls of soup,
specially made and donated by about 90
The new gas-fired kiln replacing the
Ginny is a Bailey Custom Pro 32, built with ton, the museum’s faculty manager and a
greater fuel efficiency, and more important- well-known potter. Blazing away at 2,300
ly, code-compliant. The museum has al- degrees Fahrenheit for up to 18 hours at a
ready replaced two aging electric kilns with time, the Ginny was named for the late pot-
production-grade SKUTT kilns; those were tery instructor Ginny Stocker, who taught at
pressed into use for the initial bisque firing the museum for 15 years.
of the soup bowls. An online crowd-fund-
ing page has been set up on to The Ginny kiln has been instrumental
raise the $9,600 by Oct. 15 to install the kilns in the charity event since the start, and es-
and upgrade the electrical and venting sys- pecially as the benefit grew. With more and
tems in the museum. more bowls selling each year, it made sense
for all the potters to work from the museum
The Ginny kiln, which for nearly two to maintain quality control.
decades fired the creations of the muse-
um’s ceramics students, was custom built “That way we use a certain type of clay
by Harvey Sadow, a renowned ceramicist and fire it to a certain temperature,” ex-
from Palm Beach County, and Sean Clin- plains LaJoie. “That was easier for us.”
Having the artists come together had an-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 25, 2017 B3
other benefit, one that drives a lot of people potters? The bowls are truly the symbol of Portrait of shrek after all the makeup was done. PHOTOS BY: RYAN CLAPPER
to volunteer: a sense of community inter- the homeless individual eating a humble
action. “Artists are by nature reclusive,” says meal of soup.” ‘Shrek the Musical’: Charming
Lajoie, a member of the Tiger Lily co-op production will win you ‘Ogre’
gallery as well as a licensed mental health Many of the artists have garnered an al-
counselor. “This gives them a chance to most cult-like following. “Soup Bowl collec- By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent First, he said, it’s funny. Then there is
come together, to talk to like-minded peo- tors run around from location to location to [email protected] the beautiful love story and fairy tale crea-
ple and share trade secrets. Everybody ben- find bowls by certain artists,” says Clinton. tures who impart the theme of being your-
efits from working together.” The trek to see “Shrek” is worth it, espe- self and, as the song goes, “Let your freak
Heidi Hill’s wax resist design is an exam- cially considering that the Titusville Play- flag fly.”
While the town’s potters mourn the loss ple of one of the sought-after bowls. Her house is no further from Vero Beach than
of good old Ginny, a giant of a kiln, the mu- butterflies and dragonflies are very pop- the Kravis Center in West Palm. And the “The humor in this show is exactly what
seum urged the group to use its existing ular. Glenda Taylor and Maria Sparsis are fact that the lead actor, Joe Tokarz, played you think,” said Sterling Lovett, who plays
smaller kilns. “We can fire about 125 bowls collectors’ favorites, too. “People are pick- Jean Valjean in the 25th anniversary tour Donkey in the show. “It’s a little gassy, a lit-
per load,” which is about one-third of what ing them up and looking at the bottoms to of “Les Misérables,” should have freak tle sassy, and as Shrek says, ‘sometimes not
the Ginny kiln could fire. see whose they are and then other people flags flying off the mini-vans on I-95. too classy.’ But the show is definitely full of
pick the bowls by color,” adds Lajoie. laughter, great music, and lots of fun.”
The Samaritan Center provides long- “It’s the perfect fairy tale in a twisted kind
term transitional housing and life skills de- Potter Terry Green has been working in of way,” he said. “It’s right up my alley.” CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
velopment for homeless families in Indian clay for 38 years, and she plans to throw 88
River County. bowls this year -- one for each year of her
life. “When I have to do 100, I think it’s go-
Each November, the nonprofit hosts the ing to be really hard. I’ll have to start in May
much-anticipated Soup Bowl, an event that to get them all done in time,” says the feisty
has grown over the years from soup served potter, who caught the mud bug when she
at a handful of local churches to about 40 took a class in New Haven, Conn., after all
locations. four of her children were finally in school.
The idea for the benefit came about A very select group of potters have been
when Lajoie and former Vero mayor Ken- invited to produce the tureens to be raffled
neth Macht were taking a pottery class at off. The tureens will be on display at Fla-
the museum. Both were board members metree Clay Art Gallery and Tiger Lily Art
of the Samaritan Center. Macht and La- Studios before the Samaritan Center Soup
joie along with their teacher Glenda Taylor Tureen Show opens in the museum atrium
made about 150 bowls that first year. on Oct. 26. Raffle tickets for a chance at win-
ning a soup tureen will be available for $1
“The artists are instrumental in the suc- at these locations in addition to Soup Bowl
cess of this event,” says Renee Bireley, the sites on Nov. 2.
Samaritan Center’s program administrator.
“Where would Soup Bowl be without these
B4 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 Cast rehearsing a music scene.
Sarah Biggs (Fiona) puts flowers around Fiona, Shrek and donkey silhouette
Joe Tokarz’s (Shrek) neck. looking at the moon.
Based on the 2001 animated movie role, not only for the humor, but also the
voiced by Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and show’s message.
Cameron Diaz, the stage musical debuted
on Broadway in 2008. The book and lyrics “The most fun thing about playing
are by David Lindsay-Abaire, who wrote Donkey is getting to tape into everything
the drama “Rabbit Hole.” The music is by that he is,” Lovett said. “One of my favor-
Jeanine Tesori, who also wrote the music ite songs in the show is called ‘Freak Flag,’
for the dramatic musical “Fun Home,” and the words ‘let your freak flag wave, let
which Titusville will be producing later your freak flag fly, never take it down, raise
this season.
upon order of Lord Farquaad, a hoard Sterling Lovett (Donkey).
Despite the dramatic gravitas of these of fairy tale creatures have resettled in
creators, “Shrek the Musical” delights Shrek’s swamp.
audiences with its sweetness and upbeat
humor; and witty nods to the older demo- Shrek and a reluctant sidekick, a fright-
graphic as well. ened but funny Donkey, set out to con-
vince Farquaad, a surprisingly diminu-
The story revolves around a green ogre tive overlord, to let the creatures return
named Shrek who is perfectly happy with to their home. Along the way, they meet
his swampy lifestyle. The peace is dis- Princess Fiona and Shrek falls in love.
turbed one day when he discovers that,
Within this simple storyline are a chorus
Furniture • Home Décor • Art • Glass • Jewelry & MUCH MORE! line of fairy tale characters and enough gags it way up high,’ may mean a little some-
to keep you laughing from curtain to curtain. thing different to everyone. But more than
We Take Consignments & Buy Estates! anything, it’s about loving yourself, ac-
Store is over 7,500 Sq. Ft. - Come See Us! Playing Shrek is Tokarz, an Equity ac- cepting your differences and quirks, and
tor who performs at Disney and toured knowing you will be loved in return.”
Amazing Selections! Best Prices! as Jean Valjean in “Les Miserables.” It’s his
Inventory Changes Daily. first time in the role, which was played in Sarah Biggs, who studied acting at Ma-
New York by one of Broadway’s leading ac- rymount Manhattan College, plays Fiona.
$5 OFF $50 or tors, Brian d’Arcy James. Like Lovett, she has won Titusville Play-
$10 OFF $100 house audience hearts in previous roles,
“Shrek is a wonderfully crafted character,” especially her turn as Penny, the best
1 Coupon Per Customer. Expires 09/08/17 he said. “In the hands of this amazing cast, friend in “Hairspray.”
especially our Donkey, Sterling (Lovett), I
(772)226-5719 guarantee you there will be laughs from start “(Fiona) is not your typical princess,”
644 Old Dixie Hwy SW to finish from all our patrons.” Biggs said. “She is loud and sassy, which
(Between 4th St. & Oslo) is really fun. The hardest part is absolutely
Blue Heron Plaza, Vero Beach Lovett, who is also a professional actor and the stamina. She is constantly moving.”
OPEN TUES - SAT 10AM to 5PM choreographer, won over audiences as Se-
bastian the wise crab in Titusville Playhouse’s Of course, creating all these fantasy
2015 production of “The Little Mermaid.” characters means a huge focus on cos-
tumes and makeup.
This is his first time in the role of Don-
key. It has long been a dream to do this “You’ve got to do it right if you’re going
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 25, 2017 B5
to do it,” Heron said. “People are going to which came with rental fees ranging from food, beverages and bluegrass music to
benefit Sebastian’s no-kill animal shel-
expect it to be done the way they expect $1,600 to $8,800. He spent days finding COMING UP ter, H.A.L.O. The fun starts at 6:30 p.m.
H.A.L.O. has details.
it. I want to do a family-friendly spectacle. the right puppets for the Puss in Boots bit, CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1
It’s the way we open our season, like with which, he said, “lasts a hot 10 seconds.” into action in bring you “A Tribute to
Ella Fitzgerald,” a celebration of Fitz-
‘Beauty and the Beast’ last season and Shrek wears prosthetics under his green gerald’s centennial birthday, at the
Vero Beach High School Performing
‘The Little Mermaid’ the season before makeup, requiring at least two hours to apply. Arts Center. Cole will perform beloved 4 Take a little road trip south to Stu-
songs that she’s made her own, includ- art to enjoy one of the area’s favorite
that.” Fiona has even more of a challenge, ing the fabulous “Blues in the Night”
and “They Can’t Take That Away From
We need to see the green ogre, that don- which is helped in great part by the Broad- Me,” and you can expect classic, super seven-days-a-week outdoor music venues,
hits by such greats as Billie Holiday and
key, a tiny Farquaad, a dragon, Pinocchio, way “bible” – a book which has the make- Nat King Cole (no relation). According Terra Fermata. There’s strings of lights in
to her biography, Cole has sung profes-
three little pigs and so much more. up plot for Sutton Foster, another leading sionally since she was 3 years old, an the palm trees, comfy seating, tiki huts
her family group, “The Singing Coles,”
The swamp has to be murky. The castle Broadway actor, who was Fiona in the are a part of Illinois music history, and good food and beverages, of course,
starting out with religious songs, then
at Dulac has to be grand. The money-shot Broadway show. adding pop music. With her smooth vo- but the main reason so many music lov-
cals, Cole moved into rhythm and blues
transformation has to be spectacular. SPOILER ALERT: Fiona has only 40 sec- and became part of Detroit’s MoTown ers flock there is, of course, the live music.
scene, appearing with the Spinners,
“It seems like a small, quaint show when onds to change from Fiona to an Ogress. Count Basie, and many others. Tick- Just grab a brew and let the music get you.
ets are $20. Students are admitted free.
you read it,” Heron said. “The fairy tale “She has to change costumes and put The show starts at 3 p.m. This very Thursday at 7 p.m., you’ll hear
green makeup on,” Heron 3 Or how about a bit of bluegrass? the Brown Goose, a rock group from Talla-
Pretty much every Thursday,
said. “I keep telling the cast, Marsh Landing Restaurant in Fellsmere hassee, with a melodic alt-rock sound and
is “the” place for authentic, Old Flor-
‘You guys have to make your ida, smile-making, toe-tapping blue- a high-energy live performance. Then,
grass (not to mention gator tail and frog
lines last a little longer.’” legs), and this week it’ll be extra spe- TGIF! At 7 p.m. it’s the Bryce Allyn Band.
cial. “Meows and Mutts at the Marsh”
OKAY,YOU CAN READ ON. is the clever name for an evening of Singer/songwriter Allyn gained popu-
In fact, all 32 casts mem- larity fronting for the well-known south
bers have some pretty daunt- Florida band Boxelder, and for the past
ing responsibilities. Each en- 20 years, has brought his insightful mes-
semble member plays four to sage to dedicated fans all over the state.
five characters. You should hear this band’s rendition of
“They are constantly “Midnight Rider.” Later in the evening,
changing costumes and it’s Nocturnal Resonance, with Victoria
taking makeup off and put- Leigh. Reverbnation calls Leigh “a fierce,
ting it on,” Heron said. “Ev- sassy, daredev-
eryone backstage is working il-ish, creative
out and getting cardio.” 20-year-old from
But at its heart, “Shrek” is Mesquite, Texas,
about …well … heart. who was liter-
‘Shrek’ using a skunk for deodorant. “I think it’s easy to hear ally born to en-
the title ‘Shrek the Musical’
tertain.” Leigh
and think silliness, and there began perform-
is that,” Lovett said. “But this ing as a toddler
creatures are only in three numbers. But it’s show has so much heart. and has been
full spectacle show in this small package. “There’s not only the message of truly ‘Meows & Mutts singing, dancing
at the Marsh.’ and perform-
“And you have to figure out a transfor- loving someone for who they are, flaws
mation. Oh my god. Your first read you’re and all, but also knowing it’s okay to be ing pretty much
like ‘This is going to be a breeze.’ But it yourself and everything that comes along non-stop ever since. Saturday, 7 p.m.,
takes a lot of production value and finess- with that. “ brings Crazy Fingers, a 5-guy band (Rich,
ing to make things land.” Josh, Pete, Bubba and Johnny), considered
So Heron rented costumes, which cost “Shrek the Musical” runs through Sept. by their devoted following as one of the
him $15,800. Shipping them alone one 10 at Titusville Playhouse, 301 Julia St., “premiere Grateful Dead tribute bands.”
way costs more than $1,000. Titusville. It performs 8 p.m. Fridays and Reggae Sunday starts at 6 p.m., this week
But it’s not as easy as just throwing mon- Saturdays and Sept. 7; and 2 p.m. Sundays featuring Fireside Prophets out of Boca
ey at the problem. There are too many mov- and Sept. 2. Tickets are $23 to $29. Call Raton, described by Terra Fermata as “laid
ing parts. To find the right dragon costume, 321-268-1125 or visit TitusvillePlayhouse. back, soaked in Florida sunshine and all
Heron went to eight different companies, com. twisted up in reggae-rock.” Nuff said.
A 1. The Late Show 1. Make Your Bed 1. Double Down (Diary of a
T 2. Barely Legal 2. Best. State. Ever 3. The Day the Crayons Quit
3. The Paris Spy 3. An Ice Age Mystery 4. The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to
5. We're All Wonders BY R.J. PALACIO
4. The Last Tudor 4. Killers of the Flower Moon
5. Cocoa Beach 5. The Swamp BY ERIC BOLLING
DNELSON DEMILLE WILLIAM KENT KRUEGER 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
EAutograph line tickets with book purchases SULFER SPRINGS
Sfrom the Vero Beach Book Center. Simon & Schuster Publishing
Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 7 pm ! Thursday, Sept. 28th at 4 pm
B6 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Mr. Manatee’s: Worth a visit for a casual meal
BY TINA RONDEAU Captain’s Platter. Oyster Po’ Boy
It has been just about a told the server we ter basket –
year since Patrick Tomas- served with coleslaw
si, owner of the Quilted had come for the and a choice of French fries
Giraffe restaurant, or a veggie (he chose the very tasty
bought Mr. Man- lobsters, we were broccoli and onions) – and our companion
atee’s, a long- was more than pleased with her shrimp
time Royal Palm not expecting to bowl, which consisted of fried shrimp
Pointe restau- served with black beans and rice, sautéed
rant known for hear: “Sorry, all Fi n a l l y, peppers and onions, corn, fresh pico de
its casual island we settled gallo, chopped avocado, cheddar and jack
atmosphere. gone.” Really? At on a round cheese, and crème fraiche.
of starters. I At this point, we were more than full,
A decade ago, 7:15 on “Lobster chose a shrimp and decided to forgo dessert. And after a
when Mr. Manatee’s taco ($4.99), my somewhat shaky start (I still would like to
and Jack Baker’s Lob- Night?” husband picked the try one of those lobsters), we left agreeing
ster Shanty were owned fried calamari ($9.49), and our that for a casual dinner, Mr. Manatee’s
by the same New Jersey compa- So there we were, Lobster Bisque. companion went with a house salad ($4.99). was a place we would visit again.
ny, we used to view the former as an OK Somewhat to my surprise, the taco – fried
place for lunch. My husband favored the studying the menu, shrimp in the thin flour tortilla with I welcome your comments, and en-
mahi-mahi sandwich. house-made pico de gallo, crème fraic- courage you to send feedback to me at
and trying to figure out he, cojita cheese, fresh lime and cilan- [email protected].
But for dinner, we always drove right by tro –was very tasty. My husband also
Mr. Manatee’s en route to the more-formal what else we might order for a gave high marks to the fried squid, The reviewer is a beachside resident who
Shanty – with its much larger selection of a generous portion served with dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
entrées – down at the end of the Pointe. an excellent marinara sauce. pense of this newspaper.
Then for mains, I se-
Now, with the Lobster Shanty gone, we lected the steamed Hours:
decided recently on a very casual Saturday clams ($12.99 for a Dinner: Daily, 11am to 10 pm
to give Mr. Manatee’s a go and check out its dozen), my hus-
$15.99 lobster dinner. band ordered Beverages: Full bar
the fried oys- Address:
Expectations were not all that high. But ter basket
when we were seated around 7:15, and ($9.99), and 30 Royal Palm Pointe,
our compan- Vero Beach
casual dinner. ion opted for
the Mexican Phone: (772) 569-9151
Fresh Oysters. shrimp bowl
clams were ten-
der and tasty, but
alas arrived barely
lukewarm. When I
mentioned this to the
server, she insisted (despite
my demurrers, having eaten
several) on replacing the clams,
and was back in only a couple of min-
utes with a new order of steamed clams
done perfectly.
My husband also enjoyed his fried oys-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 25, 2017 B7
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B8 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 25, 2017 B9
A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
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reservations strongly suggested
2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
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B10 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
BEST VIEW ON THE WATER! Early Bird Special Everyday $12
BAR & GRILL MARGARITA MONDAYS Includes beverage, salad, entree, & dessert.
DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS $7 $8 & $9 Monday- Sat 4-6 pm
Sunday 12-6
••••••• ••••••• •••••••
PO’BOYS • SEAFOOD Monday Medium Cheese $6
Tuesday Large Cheese $7.95
Pizzeria & Italian Cuisine. Dine In, Delivery, & Take Out.
2-6 PM
1550 Indian River Drive, Sebastian • 772.581.8329 • 935 Sebastian Blvd. Sebastian, Fl 772-589-8508
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Summer Specials: $12.95
Served 3pm-6pm Monday thru Sunday.
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All dinners are served w/a side salad, garlic breadsticks & a choice of a soft drink, ice tea or coffee.
Now Offering Gluten Free!
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Nino’s Cafe: 1006 Easter Lily Ln•Vero Beach•772.231.9311
Hours: Sun-Thurs:11am-9pm•Fri-Sat:11am-10pm
Homemade Cannoli Pepperoni
Chicken Parmigiana
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 25, 2017 B11
Casual Happy Hour
Atmosphere 4 - 6PM Daily
Serving Local & New Maine Lobster Night
England Seafood Wednesday
All You Can Eat Menu
Fish & Chips - Tuesdays • Tacos - Thursday Evening
Fishack 1931 Old Dixie Highway, Vero Beach
Lunch & Dinner Open Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - Close
772.770.0977 • • Like us on Facebook!
B12 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
7 Citrus soft drink (8) 1 Pause (8)
8 Stove (4) 2 Well-mannered (6)
9 Split (6) 3 Thin biscuit (5)
10 Pact (6) 4 Aspect (7)
11 Female horses (5) 5 Works of fiction (6)
12 Flourish (7) 6 Citrus peel (4)
15 Quill (7) 13 Style (8)
17 Strong point (5) 14 Impartial (7)
20 Agree (6) 16 Dozen plus eight (6)
22 Desk (6) 18 Partition (6)
23 Smudge (4) 19 Home (5)
24 Spectators (8) 21 Alone (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES August 25, 2017 B13
ACROSS 79 NL Western 7 Little one 68 Drink with rarebit The Washington Post
Division player 8 Island where 69 Stranger
1 “___ in ‘apple’ ” 72 Egypt’s Port ___
4 La Prensa article? 81 Most exalted, in Marcos died 76 Swan lady
7 Carry Mexico 9 Very, non? 78 Charley horse
11 Antique 10 Actresses Best 80 Italian film
16 ... a Hart to Hart 84 “Holy moly!”
86 Monterrey uncle and Purviance producer’s
star acting a little 87 French 11 Teak alternative first name
wooden? 12 Goddess of 81 Go out with
19 Delphi know-it-all possessive 82 Vehicle fleet,
21 ... a Today show 88 “___ think so” discord on the base
host 90 ... the Impaler 13 Early man? 83 In a burdensome
in a fowl mood? 14 Really cheap, manner
22 Pitching style looking 85 Earthiest,
24 Result of a sap a little battered? as a stamp as language
judgment 94 Gat 15 ... a Bloom in 87 Air lanes
25 Relation 95 Moths with wing 89 ___ l’oeil
26 Grammarian’s eyespots wet soil? 90 Volunteer org.
gripes, perhaps 96 Town near Caen, 17 A long way estab. in ’64
28 Perfect square France 18 Sidelined 91 Poet Amy or
29 Giant star 97 Satisfactory 20 Verdi opera Robert
30 Weather eye 98 Dog or scoundrel 21 She had hissy hair 92 Decant
32 Pen mom 99 Sutter’s Mill find, 23 Rescue reward 93 Its mbrs. get free
33 Valued violin to Luis 27 Alchemist’s quest maps
34 L.A. campus 100 Bumbling bunch? 30 Megadeath 94 Shade
35 Sizzling site 102 Claw-foot item 98 Like fresh celery
36 A few laughs 104 Hawn-Gibson film, madness 101 Role for Valerie
39 Actress Falana Bird on ___ 31 Taken, in a way 103 Buffalo
41 Queen Victoria’s 106 Not to 33 Name in N.Y.C. 105 Singer of sewing
granddaughter 107 Cal or Texas fame
42 Mill man follower restaurant lore 106 Pays
44 ... a Cheers star 108 Watergate judge 35 Donna of 108 Hook’s sidekick
acting like a stud? 111 “___ said before 109 Roman statesman
47 Plants used in ...” Saturday Night 110 Member of the
shampoos 112 High, shallow fly Fever and TV’s chorus
48 Smidge ball Angie 112 Movie ratings
49 Headstone 113 Help-offering 37 ... an ex-candidate 114 Take all the
inscription comment being taken for marbles
50 Surfer’s pals 115 ... an actress granite? 116 “Mighty ___ a
51 Trailer puller saying, “You like 38 Land east of the Rose”
53 “Thereby hangs me (honk!), you Urals 117 Invisible cushion?
___” really like me”? 40 Ruins through
55 Erechtheum 118 Home Journal bungling AT THE COSTUME BALL THERE WAS... By Merl Reagle
esses readership 43 Duck or color
58 Cable car’s 119 ... a baseball star 44 Roof sealant
turnaround of high caliber? 45 Poise
59 Na Na preceder 120 Painter Édouard 46 Photo originals
60 Grimm grotesque 121 Secluded corner 48 Hitchcock film
62 Tokyo sport 122 Lili St. ___ 52 Plaything place
63 By way of 123 Roguish 53 “So!”
66 ... actress Jane in 54 Mind’s I
a cheesy outfit? DOWN 56 Guy de
70 Ft. ___, N.J. 1 Consequently Maupassant
71 Staring pair 2 Magnet or rogue, Bel ___
73 Drug VIP 57 Name of two
74 Yug. neighbor pheromone baseball teams
75 Firepower? 3 Author Anya 59 Layers
77 1940 tune, “___ 4 Music notes 61 Groucho in Duck
Cannonball” 5 Bullet-train taker, Soup, ___ T.
perhaps 63 Take an oath
6 “I ___ with my 64 Mad About You
own eyes!” 65 ... a columnist
wouldn’t talk?
67 Listening device
The Telegraph
B14 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a Hungarian-American biochemist and Nobel Prize winner who shot WEST KQ EAST
himself in the arm during World War I so that he could finish his medical studies, said, A K Q 10 4 A765 73
“Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something J2 K J 10 10 9 7 6 3
different.” Q98 42
653 SOUTH 9842
In bridge, if everyone had the same thoughts, the bidding and play of a given deal would J6
always be the same. But, of course, that doesn’t happen. Also, several deals give both A854
sides, declarer and the defense, a chance to do something clever. K J 10 3
Today, we will look at the declarer-play in this deal. Tomorrow, we will turn to the
defenders. South is in five diamonds. How should he plan the play after West cashes two Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
spade tricks, then shifts to a heart?
The Bidding:
The bidding was complicated. North had to pass on the first round because he had no
five-card suit and was too short in hearts for a takeout double. North’s second-round SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
two-spade cue-bid showed a strong hand: at least a good 12 points opposite South’s 1 Spades Pass Pass
balancing double. North’s three-spade cue-bid was an unsuccessful attempt to get into Dbl. Pass 2 Spades Pass LEAD:
three no-trump. 3 Diamonds Pass 3 Spades Pass A Spades
4 Hearts Pass 5 Diamonds All Pass
To make the contract, South had to play the trump suit without loss. Who had the diamond
Declarer counted up the high-card points. He had 15, and dummy held 13. That left only
12 outstanding, but since West had opened the bidding, he had to have the diamond
South played a diamond to his king at trick four, then ran the diamond jack through West.
When that won, declarer drew the last trump and claimed.
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Assisted Living & Memory Care l
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR August 25, 2017 B15
ONGOING Surfrider Foundation Sebastian Inlet Chapter.
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: September 2 | 10th annual Mulligan’s Skim Jam. ment to benefit Vero Heritage Inc. $25. 772- 16 Run Vero Twilight 2-Mile evening race,
Contemporary Landscape Photography thru 770-2263 6:30 p.m. (7:10 p.m. kids run) from
Sept. 10. 9 Tunnel to Towers 3.43-Mile Run/1-Mile MacWilliam Park, with post-race festivities to
Walk, 7:30 a.m. at Riverside Park – honors 14-24 Vero Beach Theatre Guild benefit VBHS Cross Country team. 772-569-
Monthly First Friday Gallery Stroll, 5 to 8 p.m. the 343 first responders who perished 9/11 and presents Eleanor Dixon in 7364
at Downtown Vero Beach galleries. supports first responders/military members The Lady With All the Answers, about the life/
through Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foun- letters of Ann Landers. 772-562-8300 20 National Suicide Awareness Month
AUGUST dation. 772-569-7364 Community Health Forum, 5:30 p.m.
15 Sebastian River Area Chamber of at Brackett hosted by New Horizons followed by
26 Loves Miracle Hawk Buchmeyer Me- 9 OBA Sunset Saturday Night Concert, 6:30 Commerce Lifestyle and Media Auc- a light supper. Free. 772-672-8333
morial Run, 7:30 a.m. at Riverside to 9:30 p.m. at Humiston Park on Ocean tion, 6 p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach - live
Park to raise CDH awareness. Drive. Free. 772 532-7983 and silent auctions. $10/$20. 772-589-5969 23 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior
Fishing Tournament to benefit ORCA,
26 Golf Tournament to benefit Treasure 11 Never Forget 9/11 Tribute and Youth 16 HALO Rescue’s Chase Your Tail 5K, 7:30 Anglers for Conservation and CCA Florida, 7
Coast Rugby Foundation, 8:30 a.m. Art Exhibition & Contest, 6 p.m. at a.m. at Sebastian Community Center a.m. lines in, 2 p.m. lines out, followed by 4 p.m.
shotgun start at Sandridge Golf Club. $75/person; Cox-Gifford Seawinds Funeral Home. Free. 772- to support the no-kill rescue. 772-589-7279 Family Awards Dinner at Capt. Hiram’s. $25 in-
$240/foursome includes lunch. 772-913-4540 562-2365 cludes dinner.
16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival
27 Space Coast Symphony Jazz Orchestra 14 An Evening in Paris, 5 p.m. at Heritage at north jetty to benefit 23 Celebrate the Arts Festival hosted by
presents A Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald, Center - Parisian-themed vendors, Cultural Council of IRC, 10 a.m. to 4
with vocalist Linda Cole, 3 p.m. at VBHS PAC. wine tasting and Moulin Rouge-style entertain- p.m. at Riverside Park - fine art and performing
$20; students free. 855-252-7276 artists, authors, musicians and nonprofits. Free.
30|31 Mindful Eating for Better 23 Dogtoberfest at Humane Society of
Health interactive work- Vero Beach and IRC, 12:30 to 4 p.m.
shop for all ages/cooking skill levels, 5 p.m. - German food, beer, hayrides and canine activ-
Wed. or 11 a.m. Thurs. at Alzheimer & Parkin- ities. 772-388-3826
son Assn. of IRC office. Free but RSVP required.
772-563-0505 24 IRRC Game Show Series and Jackpot
#1 at Indian River Riding Club, 8:30
31 Wine Dinner Experience, 6 p.m. at Blue a.m. exhibition, 10 a.m. jackpot barrels fol-
Star to benefit SafeSpace’s Walk a Mile lowed by game show.
in Her Shoes fundraiser. $45. 772-223-2399
24 National Estuaries Day, 9 a.m. to 1
SEPTEMBER p.m. at Environmental Learning Cen-
ter - canoeing, music, crafts and family fun.
Standard admission. 772-589-5050
2 10th annual Mulligan’s Skim Jam, 8 a.m. Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
to 5 p.m. at Mulligan’s Beach House to in August 18, 2017 Edition 7 REMOTE 1 FELINE
benefit Vero Beach Lifeguard Association. Reg- 8 CHANGE 2 MORE
ister at 9 LIKEWISE 3 REVISE
2 End of Season Luau, 6 p.m. at Heaton’s 11 BEWARE 5 PASSWORD
Reef Bar and Grill - pig roast, hula and fire 13 SHOWER 6 IGNORE
dancers. $40. 772-469-1060 14 SPEARS 12 ACADEMIC
6|7 Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation 19 LIFE 16 SYSTEM
hosts the Cambridge American 20 STRENGTH 17 SCRAWL
Stage Tour (CAST) performing Shakespeare’s 22 MOTIVE 18 ESTATE
Midsummer Night’s Dream, 7 p.m. Wed. at Indi- 23 WEALTH 21 NEAR
an River Charter High School and 7 p.m. Thurs. at
Sebastian River High School. Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (ON THE LAMB)
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
Protect Your Rights-No Recovery No Fee
Free Consultations
Concierge Legal Services – We make house calls
Real Estate Closings-Title Insurance
Wills-Probate-Business Law
(772) 589 5500
TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.
B16 August 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 13-15 Indian River Birding Festival
presents An American in Paris, 3 p.m. and Nature Art Show hosted
at VBHS PAC, with music by Gershwin, Gould, by Pelican Island Preservation Society and Peli-
Ellington and Saint-Saens. $20; students free. can Island Audubon Society at Audubon House
855-252-7276 on Oslo Road. 772-494-6306
30 Golf Tournament to benefit Women’s October 13-15 | Indian River Birding Festival and Nature Art Show. 14 United Way Day of Caring, 8 a.m. to
Refuge of Vero Beach, 8:30 a.m. shotgun Noon - kickoff breakfast and check-in
start at Orchid Island Golf Club followed by lunch 7 Replogle Family Award Dinner Dance, 6 Sat.; 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sun. at North County at Freshman Learning Center before teaming
and prizes. $125; $475/foursome. 772-770-4424 p.m. at Grand Harbor hosted by The Arc, Aquatic Center, plus 8 p.m. Opening Ceremony up for community improvement projects. 772-
Indian River County, recognizing outstanding and Dance at Indian River Intergenerational Cen- 567-8900 ext. 117
30 Hunt for Hope Florida scavenger hunt support of special needs individuals. $125. ter.
to fund IBC research through the In- 772-584-9511 14 Pineapple Party at historic Hallstrom
flammatory Breast Cancer Network Founda- 8 American Association of University Women House, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. hosted by
tion, 1 to 6 p.m. at Sebastian Riverview Park. 7|8 Treasure Coast Pilot Club’s Au- hosts Amanda Cox’s dance theatre perfor- IRC Historical Society. 772-778-3435
772-589-1140 tumn in the Park Arts and Crafts mance Let Go, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat and to 4 p.m. Sun. at Theatre Guild. $30; students $15. 772-562-8300 14 Save the Chimps Member Day - tour
30 Jeans, Stilettos and Pearls Scholarship Riverside Park to fund scholarships and Project the 150-acre sanctuary, home to
Gala, 7 p.m. at Pointe West Country Lifesaver. Free. 13 Catch & Release, 1 to 4 p.m. at Camp roughly 250 rescued chimpanzees. 772-429-
Club to fund Lambda Beta Zeta Vero Beach Haven, with ‘Big Fish’ caught and 2225
Chapter scholarships for local students. $50. 7|8 Special Olympics State Swimming tasked with raising donations to be released.
Championships, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 772-999-3625 14 OBA Sunset Saturday Night Concert
OCTOBER hosted by 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Humis-
ton Park on Ocean Drive. Free. 772 532-7983
6-28 Oktoberfest Nights, 6 to 9:30
p.m. weekends at Riverside 14|15 Marine and Wildlife Art
Theatre - live music, German food and seasonal Festival and Craft Show,
beer. Free admission. Nautical Flea Market & Seafood Festival and
Treasure Coast Boat Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
7 Project Learning Tree environmental edu- Indian River County Fairgrounds. 954-205-7813
cation program for educators and parents
of Pre-K to 12-graders, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Peli- 21 Dan K. Richardson & William L. Ma-
can Island Audubon Society’s Audubon House. rine Golf Classic to benefit Scholarship
$25. 772-567-3520 Foundation of IRC, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at
Grand Harbor Golf Club. 772-569-9869
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FE Sedan. Excellent Family Car. Power Windows, 74,000 Miles Back Up Camera. 55,000 Miles. Full Power, Cruise, 47,655 Miles. Only 25 miles! Cargo Package.
$6,240 $6,345 $8,325 $9,200 $10,965
Keyless Entry, 44,198 Miles. One Owner. 29,126 Miles. Backup Camera. Bluetooth. 4x4 Touring Package, 12,000 Mi. 2,100 Miles.
$13,500 $12,900 $16,305 $25,435 $25,650
772. 569.12001440 U.S. 1, VERO BEACH I MON. - FRI. 8:30 A.M. - 7 P.M. SAT. 8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. I
*plus tax, tag, title, destination, and $289 Dealer fee. Price includes all factory rebates, cash back, and dealer discounts. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers Expire 8/31/17.