Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 51
room. “My first reaction was fear, fear OR DUEL?
for my children” who were sleeping, broadcasting internationally, has specu- NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu. depicting it as a place that has lost its
she says. She grabbed them from their lated that America was behind the Ebola “Propaganda and disinformation can moral moorings. The goal, says Stefan
beds and took shelter in the bathroom. virus epidemic. Sputnik, a news agency be part of a bigger project with politi- Meister, a Russia-watcher at the Ger-
with ties to the Kremlin, made no secret cal and military goals. If you poison the man Council on Foreign Relations in
Now Roman is trying to fix the gap- of its editorial support for Britain’s with- well with half-truths and fabrications Berlin, is “to undermine the West as the
ing hole in the kitchen wall so that global values center.”
they can move back in. “I don’t know Two anchors prepare for a
whether it is safe, but it’s our home,” broadcast on Current Time, German Chancellor Angela Merkel
says Olga. a global Russian-language has worried publicly about Russian in-
TV network funded by the terference in Germany’s elections next
Though loyalties are divided between U.S. government aimed at September through cyberattack “bots.”
the Ukrainian government and Russian- providing an alternative to Votes in Dutch parliamentary elections
backed rebels in Avdiivka, Roman says, Kremlin-controlled media. in March will be counted by hand amid
everyone shares a sense of desperation fears the electronic system could be
as the war drags on, claiming more civil- drawal from the EU. A fake news website ... you make it harder for people to hacked. “No shadow of doubt can be
ian victims. “If you ask someone ‘Who in Russian-controlled eastern Ukraine make informed decisions.” permitted,” said Interior Minister Ron-
are you for?,’ the only answer you will spread a false story about NATO prepa- ald Plasterk.
get is, ‘We are for peace,’ ” he says. rations for war with Russia that ended “The overriding objective is to show
up in a mainstream Swedish newspaper, that the West is in chaos and decline,” Europe is fighting back. The EU has
Russia, though, is readying itself for among other places. adds Paul Stronski, a Russia expert at the set up a “mythbuster” task force that
more such conflicts. It is spending $300 Carnegie Endowment in Washington. debunks fake news, putting out a week-
billion to replace 70 percent of its mili- “The aim of this sort of outlet seems ly compilation on its website in both
tary hardware by 2020, developing a not to be to convince Western au- So Russian news outlets harp on English and Russian. NATO recently
professional army to replace the tradi- diences but to confuse them,” says Europe’s problems, its migrant crisis, created a “Setting the Record Straight”
tional mass conscript force, and build- terrorist attacks, and social problems, website to counter Russian propaganda
ing up rapid deployment forces capable about its actions and intentions. Face-
of intervening in neighboring states. book, Google, and the French newspa-
per Le Monde are teaming up in a proj-
Moscow has boosted troop numbers ect called Crosscheck, designed to filter
and military hardware along Russia’s out fake news. The Czech government
western border and in Kaliningrad, its set up a special unit in January to moni-
Baltic enclave. NATO has responded by tor security threats, including disinfor-
planning to deploy rotating troop units mation campaigns.
in Poland and Baltic member states
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Some analysts suggest that Mos-
cow’s use of information to boost West-
Moscow has also launched more ern populist parties sympathetic to the
peaceful initiatives to consolidate its
influence in countries that were once CONTINUED ON PAGE 52
part of the Soviet Union, but without
much success. The Moscow-led Collec-
tive Security Treaty Organization, a six-
member post-Soviet military alliance,
has been plagued by a lack of cohesion,
and the Eurasian Economic Union, a
new free trade bloc of five former Soviet
republics, has not yet brought prosper-
ity to any of them.
In Western Europe, Putin seems to
be applying principles he’s learned as
a black belt judoka to geopolitics, us-
ing his opponents’ strengths to his ad-
Here, say political leaders and intel-
ligence agencies, Russia is using Eu-
rope’s culture of free speech to spread
fake news, rumors, biased reports, and
hacked secrets. The idea is to destabi-
lize the European Union and promote
far-right, anti-EU populist parties in
the run-up to elections in Germany,
France, and the Netherlands this year.
In echoes of the leak of Democratic
National Committee emails that em-
barrassed Hillary Clinton, which was
blamed by US security agencies on the
Russian government, WikiLeaks found-
er Julian Assange has told a Russian
newspaper he has “interesting” emails
concerning French center-left presi-
dential candidate Emmanuel Macron.
Macron is a leading contender for
a place in the presidential runoff next
May against National Front candidate
Marine Le Pen.
RT, the official Russian TV station
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 61
ACROSS 77 Secondary on the Prairie 63 Bar or tope The Washington Post
spelling: abbr. 6 Wartime prez preceder
1 Reservoir former 7 Tuft of hairs on a PRESIDENTIAL PIZZA PARTY By Merl Reagle
4 Word of woe 78 Giant or Noble 66 Commemorating
8 KGB predecessor tree spider’s foot oeuvre Everyone has a Reason
12 Replace at the (such a useful to Buy Insurance.
79 Plane door sign word) 67 Gabor and others What’s Yours?
plate 80 Animal on 8 In a strange way 68 Bit of macho
18 When this bird 9 Carnival
Boynton greeting performer posturing,
takes off, it’s only cards 10 Make very dry perhaps
running 81 South American 11 Having a 5 69 ... ___ the oven
19 Easy ___ (no river? o’clock shadow on his thumb ...
sweat) 82 A Musketeer 12 “Big” singer of 71 Bar under the car
20 A Giant star 84 “Well, ___ “Chantilly Lace” 72 Pen points
21 Pitcher Jim jiggered!” fame 73 Hot duo, to Liz
Palmer 85 “Yankee Doodle 13 War god Smith
was one Dandy” start 14 Andalusian auntie 74 Literary Leon
22 First, ___ all the 86 Caplet alternative 15 ... ___ his drink 75 Edged with gold
ingredients ... 87 Sevillian address? over ... 76 Place for an ace?
25 Daily neckwear for 88 ... ___ but cleans 16 Stan’s pal 78 Steadfast
Mrs. Cleaver it up later ... 17 Plant new grass 83 Academic
26 Reaches 91 The piper’s son? in 84 Helen Reddy hit
27 ... then ___ the 93 More optimistic 19 Churubusco 85 Symbol: 77
pepperoni ... 94 Audition, in a way chums Across
29 God, to Gomez 96 Hems and ___ 23 Meyer of the 86 The De Niro
30 Pulling even 98 Memorable Lola underworld Godfather
31 Deep red stone 100 Ir. apostle 24 Scott’s ___ Roy 88 Elaborate lie
32 Fit as a fiddle 104 Kankakee’s st. 28 Plaza sounds 89 “Wherever toys
33 TV listings, e.g. 105 ... ___ it into ten 31 Streamers ___”
34 Rousseau’s The perfect pieces ... playwright 90 ___ south (a
___ Contract 107 Overstuff (oneself) 33 Sensitive direction)
37 Elvis’s dad 109 Abstraction made 35 George who 92 Yen for tea?
39 ... ___ the plates concrete played Mr. 94 Crown’s cousin
... 111 ... and everyone Thatcher in 95 North Pole crew
46 Came up runs to the ___ Citizen Kane 97 Plumber’s aid
49 Make ___ for a Bromo 36 “She is fair ... as 98 Don Novello’s
(purchase) 113 Charts anew a comic persona,
50 Take, as the stairs 114 Feel like ___ fair day ___” Father ___
51 Neptune’s again (Shak.) Sarducci
neighborhood 115 “Be-in” bigwig of 38 Not, to Snuffy 99 Dumbbells: abbr.
52 Ruins 1966 Smith 101 Word with hose
53 Throng 116 Smoke solids 39 Door sidepost or waist
54 Actor Gulager 117 Help 40 Hassan of The 102 Mr. T oldie, with
55 Globes 118 Notorious sub Arabian Nights The
56 Your, among builder 41 Pride arrivals 103 Aquarium fish
Friends 119 Desert fruit 42 Thieves’ take 105 Nods off
57 Monetary unit of 120 Stage name of 43 The heights 106 Certain chord,
Laos Amy phobia in mus.
58 ... then (with Camus 44 Bird beaks 107 Sing like Ella
70 Across) the 45 Redeem, as a 108 Swiss river
usual horseplay DOWN bond 110 Asian exercise,
happens ... 1 Render less 47 Speed-read ___-ch’i
63 1967 Petula Clark 48 Catch sight of 112 Teachers’ org.
hit, caloric 52 Resuming words
“This ___ Song” 2 The town in Jaws 54 M divided by 4
64 Female grad 3 It means “many” 56 Show music?
65 Opening remarks, 4 New dad’s 59 Horse course
casually 60 Spanish queen
67 Restless announcement 61 In a wise way
70 See 58 Across 5 Swedish 62 Great Lakes prov.
on Little House
Insurance Group
On the beach since 1973!
3599 Indian River Drive East 772.231.1313
62 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Counseling could help address uneasy family dynamic
BY CAROLYN HAX resource you’ve used to help you understand what
Washington Post to expect, then do pass that along as non-judgmen-
tally as you can (how he takes it is the part of the
Dear Carolyn: equation you can’t control). Also take care to note,
encourage and articulate each of your children’s
I’m a mom of teens and young particular strengths.
adults. My husband doesn’t get Sometimes the best messenger, though, is one
who is objective; thus the therapy suggestion. A good
along very well with the kids, therapist can offer practical ideas for preempting and
de-escalating conflict, and also have the perspective
and it is becoming increasingly to say, hey, this is normal and nothing to get worked
up about – since just knowing it’s OK not to get upset
painful for all of us. I feel like I can be the magic serum for family peace.
have an imperfect but close rela- Another thing that can help is to pay close atten-
tion to where your husband struggles in dealing
tionship with the kids. with the kids, and get at that counterintuitively – not
by jumping to correct him, but instead by validating
I don’t know what to do to help. I can’t really talk to what he’s seeing and what he’s trying to do about it.
“I know you want X and Y, understandably.” If you
my husband about the way he acts with the kids be- can put yourself in that spot, even better. “I’ve strug-
gled with that, too.” Then you are in a better posi-
cause we have a stable but uneasy relationship as well. tion to add that “I think you’ll have better luck if you
try Z” or that “I had some luck with Z.”
When they bring issues up to me, I encourage them
Obviously working on your own “stable but un-
to speak their mind with him but be respectful. This easy” relationship is a priority, even if I’m mention-
ing it last. In my experience, uneasy + home = insta-
phase of life feels hard, but I sense that it needs time bility. As in, families who don’t get along well.
and flexibility and a lot of mutual grace and respect. If your marital difficulties mean he’ll refuse any
sort of intervention, professional or otherwise, then
I’m not sure what my question is. How do you raise please make an appointment just for you to discuss
any possible next steps – to include, I hope, also
parents of kids who are mostly raised already? bringing the kids.
– Parent
Dear Parent: mind and their kids choose otherwise, or because
Would your husband be receptive to family coun- they (the parents) don’t have an accurate idea of
seling? Sounds like the “time and flexibility and a lot what to expect from any given age.
of mutual grace and respect” are things you know
you need and can personally choose to provide, but If you’re able to convey what to expect generally
hoping for it from others without any sort of guid- from teenagers and young adults, or if you have a
ance might be wishful thinking.
Parents who are at odds with their kids often get
that way because their expectations don’t match re-
ality, be it because they have specific outcomes in
Look into
new, advanced
glaucoma and
64 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Look into new, advanced glaucoma/cataract procedures
BY TOM LLOYD of a limb, the onset of Alzheimer’s- Dr. Stephen Tate prepares a patient eye – the iris – there’s
Staff Writer like dementia, cancer, heart problems for eye surgery. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE a lens and that lens
and even the ability to speak or hear doesn’t turn over
Most Americans regard the loss of as the most catastrophic thing survey world’s smallest medical implant de- throughout your
their eyesight as the worst medical participants could imagine. vice” – the iSight stent, used in treat- life like, say, your
calamity they could experience, ac- ing glaucoma. skin, where old skin
cording to a survey released in last Maybe that’s why Dr. Stephen Tate dies and new skin
month from researchers at the Wilm- at New Visions Eye Center here in Both cataract and glaucoma are cells grow. The lens
er Eye Institute of the Johns Hopkins Vero Beach is so enthusiastic about leading causes of blindness world- of the eye isn’t like
University School of Medicine. two of the newest developments in wide. that. The lens that
eye care: The “drop-less” cataract you’re born with
Going blind easily topped the loss procedure and what’s billed as “the Glaucoma, says Tate, “is incredibly stays there. By the
common. Particularly here in Vero time that you’re 60,
THE HEART ATTACK AND Beach [because of the older popula- 70 or 80 years old,
STROKE PREVENTION CENTER tion]. The number of people that have the lens in your eye
glaucoma or are at risk for glaucoma is 60, 70, 80 years
OF VERO BEACH is incredible.” old. It just starts to
get hazy and cloudy
PRACTICE Then Tate adds, “In my practice I and typically will
see … [many] people who have both get a bit yellow-
A NEW STRATEGY TO SAVE YOUR LIFE . . . conditions. I would say anywhere ish and brown over
AND HEART AND REVERSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. from 20 to 30 percent of people have time. Eventually it
both cataract and glaucoma.” gets cloudy enough
MICHAEL MATTICE, M.D. that it starts to af-
“The thing about cataract,” Tate fect the vision.”
now offers you a unique comprehensive and science-based says, “is that virtually 100 percent of
approach to detecting, preventing and treating Cardio Vascular people will develop cataracts. Cata- During a cataract
Disease* that has been shown in two peer-reviewed studies to ract itself is ubiquitous once people surgery, that cloudy,
halt or reverse the disease and prevent heart attacks and strokes. get into their 60s and 70s.” hazy natural lens is
Dr. Mattice is on the Speakers Bureau for the Cleveland Heart replaced with a new,
Lab from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and for the Bale Doneen The National Institutes of Health clear artificial one
Method. The Bale Doneen Method has been successfully agrees, saying “more than 22 million known as an intra-
watching people’s arteries get younger for 16 years. Americans already have cataracts … ocular lens.
the leading cause of blindness in the
Written Guarantee using our protocol will rid the inflammation in your arteries world. By age 80, more than half of The basic proce-
and will not have another heart attack, stroke or develop Type 2 Diabetes. all people in the United States either dure was FDA approved in the early
will have cataract or will have had 1980s and has evolved considerably
THE HEART AND STROKE PREVENTION CENTER cataract surgery,” and glaucoma isn’t since then. Today, most such lenses
OF VERO BEACH, INC. far behind. are made of synthetic materials such
as hydrophobic acrylics, hydrophilic
3725 10th Court (Next to Perkins - 37th St) “Cataracts,” explains Tate, “is just acrylics or hydrophobic silicone.
Vero Beach, Florida 32960 a clouding of the lens inside the eye;
right behind the colored part of the The newest advance in cataract
Office: 772-213-3621 • Fax: 772-213-3631 surgery – first performed in Los An-
geles in 2015 – and now available in
* treatment shrank the size of plaque in the neck arteries by Vero, does away with the need for
post-operative eyedrops. (More on
52.7% over a two-year period.The study included 324 HASPC this below.)
patients, whose response to treatment was analyzed by Glaucoma, meanwhile, is trickier.
According to NIH, “glaucoma damag-
scientists from Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for Prevention es the eye’s optic nerve and is another
leading cause of blindness.”
of Heart Disease — Dr. Bale
But, according to Tate, “the [big-
gest] problem with glaucoma is that
there are no symptoms, typically,
until it’s very, very, very late in the
game. Once someone starts to notice
that their vision is changing – that
they’re having problems – they’re re-
ally in trouble. The most important
thing with glaucoma is to treat it
very, very early and try to prevent it
from progressing.”
In many cases, one of the biggest
obstacles to halting that progression
is “compliance with therapy,” and
according to Tate that often means
patients being unable or unwilling
to use their prescribed eyedrops as
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 73
Fashion’s not-so-convincing Making Woman Look Strong mantra
BY LISA ARMSTRONG Perish the notion. No one remembered from a major fashion gaffe – witness when your ad campaigns feature an
The Telegraph to send the memo to poor Minaj. So all the thigh flashing and cleavage at emaciated model leaning over a stool
there she was, squished between Caro- the Oscars. As for those dunderheads – her bottom provocatively thrust up-
It’s been a busy time for women this line de Maigret and Lou Doillon – more in charge of office dress codes? Haven’t wards, her feet encased in fetish stilet-
past fashion month. We’ve had to pon- chic, more French and more buttoned they heard of Raf Simons and the flat tos attached to roller blades.
der not just whether its OK for Emma up than whom it is simply not possible shoe revolution?
Watson to be a feminist and kind-of- to be. She couldn’t have looked more Or what about the alleged treatment
but-not-really bare her breasts in Van- provincial if she’d worn C&A. Perhaps Minaj, who appears to be a of women by two well-known cast-
ity Fair, but whither the future of hu- textbook example of raging exhibition- ing agents last week in Paris, where
manity after Nicki Minaj turned up to This is the problem with fashion – ist, can’t be saved. For the rest of us, it models were kept waiting for hours in
the Haider Ackermann show in Paris its subtle semaphoring doesn’t always might be help if fashion practiced what a darkened stairwell at Balenciaga? Or
with a fully bare one breast and kind- reach the public, or even the celebrity it preaches. The Making Women Look the decision by Mary-Kate and Ashley
of-but-not-really bare nipple. sector in time for them to be saved Strong mantra looks less convincing Olsen, founders of the phenomenal-
ly expensive The Row, to hand over
The consensus seems to be that $140,000 to 185 interns who brought up
Watson’s gesture just about slips un- a class action against them after work-
der the wire, on the grounds that the ing 50-hour weeks unpaid?
not-quite-all baring cape was by Mai-
son Valentino and accessorized with The defense tends to be that fashion
a little ruff (far more daring than the is creative and by definition, button
actual nudity issue), but that Minja’s is pushing – which generally turns out
an epic fail because boobs are just so to be a license for any old second rate
two years ago. operator to bully women into comply-
ing with things their instincts tell them
That’s right. Fashion has been cover- are a bad idea. But there’s also the
ing up faster than a shoreline at high Nine Test (as just invented by me). This
tide. Polo necks, shin sweeping skirts, is when you ask the averagely well-
tights, boots, capes, opera gloves – it’s adjusted 9-year-old what they think
all going on. The bosom wasn’t com- of said rules/billboards/job condi-
pletely banished – see Stella McCart- tions. I think the answers will be fairly
ney’s conical tailoring. But bare skin? straightforward.
74 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
First Bites: Sean Ryan Pub in Vero’s auld downtown
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, the
long-awaited Sean Ryan Pub finally
opened its doors last week on 14th Av-
enue in Vero’s old downtown.
Unlike other local Irish pubs, Sean
Ryan’s occupies a large, bright airy
space – the better to host the scores of
daughters and sons of Erin who are ex-
pected to pack it this Friday to hoist a
Guinness (or two) to dreams of a visit
to the auld sod.
The latest creation of Roger Lenzi,
who owns next-door Avanzare, the
pub is owned by Dave and Sheila Sch-
weitzer, who are making their first
venture into the restaurant and bar
business. It is staffed by a number of
familiar faces from other Vero dining
Headline news: In addition to be-
ing 14th Avenue’s new “go to” place
to drink, Sean Ryan’s offers a menu of
Crabby Baked
Corned Beef Reuben
and Cabbage Fritters
Irish-influenced appetizers and en- bangers & mash), it also offers a vari- appetizers all got high marks. that Sean Ryan Pub is going to prove
trées that goes beyond pub food, and ety of Lenzi creations that seem likely Drink: Sean Ryan claims to offer a strong and welcome addition to the
makes this a fine (and very reasonably to make the pub a spot people come to Vero dining scene.
priced) choice for evening dining. for dinner as well as to drink. the largest selection of Irish beers and
whiskey in Vero Beach. It also features Just don’t go expecting fine dining.
While the table cloths in the dining On a visit last week, our party of four some Irish cocktails, and a made-in- I welcome your comments, and en-
section are dark gray, the dinners be- sampled four appetizers and four en- America drink you’re not likely to find courage you to send feedback to me at
ing served are the match of what you trees. in Dublin insensitively called Irish [email protected].
would expect to find in a white-table- car bomb (half pint of Guinness, and The reviewer is a beachside resident
cloth restaurant. The appetizers we tried were the a shot glass half filled with Irish whis- who dines anonymously at restaurants
crabby baked oysters ($14), beauti- key and half with Irish Cream liqueur. at the expense of this newspaper..
Look & Feel: Walking into Sean Ryan’s ful oysters topped by fresh Carolina Drop the shot into the Guinness, and it
from 14th Avenue, your eye is immedi- blue crab and a dill hollandaise sauce; bubbles up like an explosion). Hours:
ately drawn to the huge, well-spaced is- sausage rolls ($9), bacon and cheddar Tues-Sun, 4 pm to 11 pm
land bar in the center with a half-dozen Irish bangers wrapped in puff pastry Service: For a restaurant that had
large, flatscreen TVs overhead. Down with honey and whole grain mustard only been open a couple of days and Beverages: Full bar
both sides of the bar are booths for those sauce for dipping; reuben fritters ($12), was two-thirds full, service was amaz-
wanting to drink or dine in a casual set- corned beef and cabbage & swiss frit- ingly smooth, and our server was ex- Address:
ting. Then at the rear, there are tables for ters with a thousand island dipping tremely knowledgeable about the 2019 14th Avenue,
those seeking a bit more formal dining. sauce; and potato leek soup ($6), a very menu items.
thick soup topped with cheddar. Vero Beach, FL
Even with music playing and a bar Prices: Entrée prices run from the
that was mostly full, the noise level For main courses, I had the stuffed low to high teens, with the highest Phone: (772) 217-2183
in Sean Ryan’s was surprisingly much cabbage ($10.90), my husband had the priced item on the menu Sean Ryan’s
lower than that of most Vero restau- pan seared salmon ($20), one of our steak for $22. How much you spend
rants – a boon for table conversation. companions had the corned beef and will depend on how much you drink.
cabbage dinner ($12.90), and our other
Food: While Sean Ryan offers all of dining partner had the mac and cheese Initial impressions: As the first
the standard fare you would expect with short ribs ($16). The entrées and Irish pub in Vero featuring a full din-
to find in an Irish pub (fish & chips, ner menu, we would venture to predict
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 75
Italian wines from Campania, the Tuscany of the south
BY DAVE MCINTYRE left in 2011 to create his own website, With more than 500 grape varieties, winery and winemaker of the year. Italy offers a lifetime of wine adventure Cernilli may have written the “ulti-
The Washington Post and exploration. Cernilli’s book guides
When a winery representative of- us, region by region, through the top mate” guide to Italian wine, but it isn’t
Searching for value, variety and ex- fered a taste of a Chianti Classico dur- producers as rated by him and his con- an exhaustive one. The book includes
citement in wine? Look to Italy – or so ing the event, saying, “It got tre bicchi- tributors. Wineries are evaluated from nearly 1,000 wineries and about 2,500
says Daniele Cernilli. eri,” Cernilli waved it off and pointed 0 to 3 stars, with their top wines scored wines.
to another wine. on a 100-point scale.
Cernilli is the author of “The Ulti- Some wineries familiar to U.S. wine
mate Guide to Italian Wine 2017,” and a “I created tre bicchieri,” he said. “I Wines that score 95 or higher receive lovers are conspicuous by their ab-
longtime champion of the wines of his know what it has become. It’s all poli- an additional stamp of approval: Cer- sence, such as Alois Lageder in Alto
native country. The Roman was one of tics. nilli’s visage, dubbed a “DoctorWine Adige, the cult winery Radikon in Friuli
the founding editors of Gambero Ros- Face” – his personal guarantee of the and Tenuta delle Terre Nere on Sicily’s
so, the leading Italian food and wine “I am too romantic to be in Gambero wine’s quality. Inexpensive wines that Mount Etna.
magazine. Wine lovers around the Rosso today,” he continued. “It is more show extraordinary value are denoted
world know Gambero Rosso’s “tre bic- modern and commercial. They gave by a thumbs-up symbol, the universal “The Ultimate Guide to Italian Wine
chieri,” or three glasses, as the highest 450 tre bicchieri last year. That’s too social media positive review. Cernilli 2017” is a valuable reference, engag-
rating a wine can receive in Italy. many high awards. and his team also named their best red ingly written in an Italian accent. Let
and white wines of the year, as well as Italy’s foremost wine critic introduce
“Italian wines are the new wave for “I want to be a publisher, not a pro- you to the exciting variety Italy has to
high-quality wines for Americans,” be- moter,” he said. offer.
cause there are many with high quality
for the price, Cernilli told me during a So in addition to his website, Cernilli
recent industry and consumer tasting has self-published his third annual
sponsored by the Wine Scholars Guild. guide in Italian (and second translated
The tasting included about 50 wines in English) as a counterpart to Gam-
that were top scorers in his new guide. bero Rosso’s annual Guide to Italian
Wines, which he edited for more than
“Quality is higher than Spain, but in two decades. In that respect, he is not
price we are lower than France,” Cer- unlike other prominent writers, such
nilli said, explaining Italy’s appeal to as Wine Spectator’s James Suckling or
value-conscious consumers. Wine Advocate’s Antonio Galloni, who
have tried to leverage their own repu-
Those consumers should look for tations independent of the publica-
wines from Campania, he said. “The tions that made them famous.
wines there are improving in a tre-
mendous way. It’s the Tuscany of the This might be a good time for this
south.” He praised Campania for its book. Americans are buying more Ital-
local grape varieties such as fiano and ian wine than ever, according to the
greco di tufo, as well as wines made business news website Il Sole 24 Ore.
with international varieties. Italian wine exports to the U.S. mar-
ket last year topped 1.8 billion euros
At 62, Cernilli looks every bit the (about $1.9 billion), up 6 percent over
rumpled oenophile, with a wine- 2015. That was a volume increase of 4
softened smile lifting his double chin, percent.
and a paunch coaxing out his shirt-
tail. (Believe me, I know the look.) Prosecco, the inexpensive and
He is congenial, but he bristles at the charming – if rarely compelling –
mention of Gambero Rosso, which he sparkling wine, led the charge, with
2016 sales up 28.5 percent over 2015.
76 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 77
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713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
Phone:770-0835|Fax:770-0831 | 772.410.0100 In partnership with local wine shop, Varietals, The Wave Kitchen and
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Grilled Cobia
Florida Citrus & Apple Crab Salad | Pop Quinoa | Preserved Lemon Aioli
Calazul Albarino, Rias Baixas, 2014
Her Roasted Lamb Loin
Ratatouille Tart | Olive Gremolata | Lamb Jus
Eguren Ugarte Reserva, Tampranillo, Rioja, 2010
Braised Short Beef Rib
Smoked Mushroom Ragout | Polenta Cake | Red Wine Reduction
Roureda Llicorella Gran Seleccio, Blend, Priorato, 2011
Manchego Cheese-cake | Raspberry Puree
Vinedos Alonso del Yerro, Tampranillo, Ribera Del Duero, 2011
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 85
at 313 Lady Palm Terrace at the end and hallway add warmth to the clas- hallway of arches delineates the mas- To the east of the foyer, the gour-
of a quiet cul-de-sac – the attention sic lines of the design. Entertaining ter wing from the informal living area met kitchen boasts an abundance of
to detail and high level of craftsman- in the dining room will be an elegant and guest wing. space with a double island that hous-
ship is apparent with custom mill- affair with coffered ceilings and pick- es extra storage with rollouts. There’s
work and finishes throughout. led, oak wood flooring. French doors open onto the loggia also an 8-foot by 8-foot hidden, walk-
with the tongue and groove cypress in pantry. The décor is embellished
Wainscoting and two-piece crown A striking colonnade creates an exterior ceilings, paddle fans and with porcelain flooring and Carrara
molding in the foyer, dining room aesthetic boundary in the home. The pool deck with a kidney-shaped pool.
86 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Neighborhood: Palm Island Plantation • Year built: 2017
Lot size: 106’ x 131’ • Home size: 4,881 sq. ft.
Construction: Concrete Block • Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 3.5
Additional features: Guard-gated community, tennis and beach clubs,
boat slips, impact glass, gas cooking and fireplace, pool, surround sound,
library, spacious laundry room, walk-in pantry, wet bar, wine cooler, oak
and porcelain flooring throughout.
Listing agency: Advantage Real Estate
Listing agent: Steve Owen, Vice President and Broker, 772-234-6500
Listing price: $1,398,000
marble countertops.
The double convection ovens, gas
cooktop, Dacor microwave drawer,
KitchenAid double wide refrigerator
and Bosch dishwasher will please the
most discerning chef.
The wet bar with a wine cooler is
centrally located between the for-
mal and casual living areas, so guests
don’t get underfoot in the kitchen. A
subway-tile backsplash adds contrast
to the elegant marble countertop.
The open floor plan allows a smooth
transition between the breakfast
area and family room, where an in-
verted hip ceiling with wood splines
adds style and opens up the space.
The gas-burning fireplace is inviting
while watching television or enjoying
a glass of wine and listening to sur-
round sound music when winding
down at the end of the day.
Double, pocket sliding doors open
to the pool, offering a seamless flow
between indoor and outdoor living.
A summer kitchen can be added for
those summertime barbecues just a
few steps from the pool.
The guest wing sits off the kitchen
with two bedrooms with en suite
baths. On the opposite side of the
kitchen, a powder room, laundry
room, storage space and access to the
two-car garage finish off the eastern
aspect of the house.
Down the arched hallway, the li-
brary beckons. With a coffered ceil-
ing, wood flooring and pocket, French
glass doors, it’s a tossup whether to
curl up with a book or enjoy the beau-
tiful view of the pool and wooded
area beyond.
Double doors lead into the luxu-
rious master suite, a sanctuary for
the homeowners. The spa-like bath-
room with his and her water closets,
split vanities, a deep tub and walk-in
shower with rain showerhead make
it hard to leave the relaxing luxury of
this private space.
An inverted hip ceiling with wood
splines give the master bedroom a bright
and airy feel, and his and her walk-in
closets provide the master and mistress
of the house with their own space.
88 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The amenities at Palm Island Plan- work out and then take a swim in a the sunset over the Indian River La- around the corner, and it’s a short
tation include something for every- second community pool, relax in the goon. drive to shopping and dining in Vero
one. At the Beach Club, you can take steam rooms or swing a racquet on Beach. Enjoy cultural events at Riv-
a dip in the heated pool or spa, enjoy the Har-Tru tennis court. The River Palm Island Plantation lies in the erside Theatre or the Vero Beach Mu-
the private cabanas or have a drink at Cabana offers 12 boat slips, deep-wa- sleepy town of Indian River Shores. seum of Art, both located among the
the bar. At the fitness center, you can ter docking and a river deck to watch The historic Jungle Trail and Envi- oaks of Riverside Park.
ronmental Learning Center are just
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 89
30-year mortgage rate reaches new high for the year
BY KATHY ORTON A decline in the MCAI indicates that offered affordable low down pay-
lending standards are tightening, ment mortgages and streamlined
Washington Post while an increase signals they are documentation loans guaranteed by
loosening. the Federal Housing Administration
Mortgage rates spiked last week in and the Veterans Administration.
anticipation of an interest rate hike “Credit availability loosened However, the impact of that increase
by the Federal Reserve. slightly in February, due to the net on the overall index was partially
result of two countervailing move- offset by the first downturn in the
Financial markets are reacting to ments,” Lynn Fisher, MBA’s vice availability of jumbo credit in a year
signals from Fed officials that they president of research and econom- due to the consolidation of some
will raise the benchmark rate at their ics, said in a statement. “The supply jumbo programs.”
meeting this week. The yield on the of credit increased as more investors
10-year U.S. Treasury has risen 10 ba-
sis points – a basis point is 0.01 per- in a statement. “The strength of [last
centage point – since the start of the Friday’s] employment report and the
month. outcome of next week’s FOMC meet-
ing are likely to set the direction of
Although home loan rates were next week’s survey rate.”
obstinately charting their own path
for a while, they have started to fall, which puts out a
more in line with long-term bonds. weekly mortgage rate trend index,
Mortgage rates typically follow the found that 90 percent of the experts
movement of the yield on the 10-year it surveyed believe rates will move
Treasury. higher in the coming week.
Home loan rates are not tied to “Mortgage rates continue to move
the federal funds rate but they often higher on positive economic news,”
move higher immediately after a rate said Elizabeth Rose, branch manager
hike because investors view the rate Movement Mortgage. “The upcoming
hike as a signal of a strong economy. jobs report later this week could cre-
ate more pressure on mortgage bonds
According to the latest data re- and push rates higher.”
leased by Freddie Mac, the 30-year
fixed-rate average jumped to its Meanwhile, mortgage applications
highest level of the year, 4.21 percent increased last week, according to the
with an average 0.5 point. (Points latest data from the Mortgage Bank-
are fees paid to a lender equal to 1 ers Association. The market compos-
percent of the loan amount.) It was ite index – a measure of total loan ap-
4.1 percent a week ago and 3.68 per- plication volume – rose 3.3 percent.
cent a year ago. The refinance index grew 5 percent
to its highest level since December,
The 15-year fixed-rate average while the purchase index moved 2
climbed to 3.42 percent with an av- percent higher.
erage 0.5 point. It was 3.32 percent a
week ago and 2.96 percent a year ago. The refinance share of mortgage
The five-year adjustable-rate average activity accounted for 45.4 percent of
rose to 3.23 percent with an average all applications.
0.4 point. It was 3.14 percent a week
ago and 2.92 percent a year ago. The MBA also released its mortgage
credit availability index (MCAI) this
“For the first time in weeks, the week that showed credit availabil-
30-year mortgage rate moved with ity increased in February. The MCAI
treasury yields and jumped 11 basis rose 0.4 percent to 177.8 last month.
points to 4.21 percent,” Sean Becketti,
Freddie Mac chief economist, said
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90 Vero Beach 32963 / March 16, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Non-bank lenders now dominate mortgage market
BY MICHELE LERNER by big banks to a market where more more loan products,” says Paul Nor- nami for everyone in the mortgage
Washington Post loans are made by non-banks – fi- ing, a managing director of the finan- business, and we’re still seeing the
nancial institutions that only make cial-risk-management practice of fallout. Lenders were not prepared to
Most borrowers, whether they are loans and do not offer deposit ac- Navigant Consulting in Washington. deal with it and didn’t do a great job,
purchasing property or refinancing counts such as a savings account or “The impact is bigger on the housing plus new rules were coming out that
their home, focus on their mortgage checking account. market overall, because without the they needed to follow.”
rate and loan terms rather than the non-banks we would be even further
type of lender they choose. “For consumers, it doesn’t really behind where we should be in terms The withdrawal of banks from
matter whether you get your loan of the number of transactions.” the mortgage business is the result
Yet the landscape of the lending through a bank or a non-bank, al- of the fundamental shift in regula-
market has shifted dramatically over though in some ways non-banks are In 2011, 50 percent of all new mort- tions that took place in response to
the past few years from domination a little more nimble and can offer gage money was loaned by the three the housing crisis, says Meg Burns,
biggest banks in the United States: managing director of the Colling-
JUST LISTED JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America wood Group, an adviser for financial
and Wells Fargo. But by September services companies in Washington.
2016, the share of loans by these
three big banks dropped to 21 per- “The regulatory atmosphere
cent. changed from a risk-management
regime to a zero-tolerance and
At the same time, six of the top 100-percent-compliance regime,”
10 largest lenders by volume were Burns says. “Not only were new reg-
non-banks, such as Quicken Loans, ulations implemented, but new reg-
loanDepot and PHH Mortgage, com- ulators like the Consumer Financial
pared with just two of the top 10 in Protection Bureau were created. At
2011. the same time, the CFPB and other
agencies became more assertive in
Before the financial crisis, mort- their enforcement practices.”
gages were the last thing a consumer
would default on, Noring says. Burns says that stepped-up regula-
tions from the CFPB include prescrip-
“That flipped in 2009, when people tive rules that pinpoint exactly how
started defaulting on their mortgag- lenders are to make loan decisions.
es first,” he says. “That was a tsu-
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