April 20, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 16 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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Speeders on side streets: Gates aren’t the answer Killer of Simpson
to defend himself
MY TAKE in murder retrial
BY RAY MCNULTY By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
Look, folks, I know traffic in The man who has been serv-
ing a life sentence for the mur-
Vero Beach is getting more con- der of Brian Simpson during
the 2011 burglary of the Central
gested every year, particularly Beach resident’s home will rep-
resent himself as he prepares for
during our busy season. a new trial.
Backups at major intersections Henry Lee Jones, 29, request-
ed to be his own attorney in April
are getting longer. Navigating just weeks after Circuit Court
Judge Cynthia Cox refused to al-
overcrowded corridors to trav- low him a new public defender.
el across town has become more His decision came despite the
judge’s repeated warnings that
challenging, especially during such a move could prove dan-
gerous and disadvantageous to
peak drive times. More motorists his case.
are growing frustrated and, all too Jones, who was convicted of
first-degree murder and bur-
often, becoming less patient. glary, was granted a second trial
in 2017 after the Fourth District
So they search for shortcuts, Court of Appeals overturned his
earlier conviction.
sometimes snaking through side
streets in a mad dash to bypass the
backups. And those impromptu HARROWING FIRE
detours can wreak havoc on resi-
dential neighborhoods, so much
so that some homeowners want to A Vero Beach motorcycle police officer uses radar to catch speeders on a residential street in Central Beach. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
keep out the cut-through drivers.
Closing roads, however, isn’t the answer off residential neighborhood roads, we’re A1A and Indian River Drive.
– not the right answer, anyway – because seeing more and more of this selfish senti- We saw it on the northern tier of Jungle
all that would do is move the problem else- ment. Trail, where earlier this year homeowners
where, present new traffic challenges and We saw it on Live Oak Road, where only in that area wanted Indian River Coun-
create unintended consequences. months ago some homeowners urged the ty commissioners to close that section of
It’s the self-serving answer. Vero Beach City Council to close the street the scenic, unpaved byway to motor-vehi-
But when it comes to keeping outsiders to cut-through traffic between State Road CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
INSIDE Lifeguards: More towers needed to cope with crowded beaches
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
DINING B10 [email protected]
CALENDAR B19 Vero Beach lifeguards say they
REAL ESTATE 15 need a new observation tower
B1 and command center at Humis-
ARTS ton Park, so they’re preparing to
raise the $250,000 necessary to
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 build one.
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 “There are so many people
coming to our beaches, we’re
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Lifeguards and EMTs tend to teen injured bodyboarding last weekend at Jaycee Park. finding that people are spreading
out into unguarded areas north
and south of the city parks,” said
Erik Toomsoo, president of the
2 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE Thankfully, our local governments those Central Beach PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
were wise enough to reject each of those streets to westbound traf-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 short-sighted proposals, none of which fic from A1A would create er Jim O’Connor said. “But it’ll be a very
would have served the greater good. all kinds of problems: tough sell.”
cle traffic, essentially converting a public Even longer backups
road into a neighborhood park. “I’m against it, and planners generally on southbound A1A ap- Let’s hope it’s as much a waste of time
are opposed to road closures, because all proaching the Beachland as that petition.
We’ve even seen it in downtown Vero they do is push more traffic onto an al- Boulevard intersection.
Beach, where some local business own- ready-busy road,” said Phil Matson, staff Increased traffic on As O’Connor explained: Riverside Park,
ers want to slow traffic and make the area director of the county’s Metropolitan Indian River Drive, Live Vero Beach Dog Park, MacWilliam Park
more pedestrian-friendly by narrowing Planning Organization. Oak Road and Mocking- Boat Ramp and Vero Beach Yacht Club are
the Twin Pairs to two lanes in each direc- bird Drive, which would popular destinations, and “people have to
tion. “You move traffic two ways – with one become the only routes be able to access them.”
big road or several little ones, and sev- into and out of the neigh-
Then, earlier this month, the City Coun- eral little ones is better because it gives borhood. Truth is, this Central Beach shortcut
cil was presented with a petition to close you more connectivity and exponentially Significantly reduced problem doesn’t require any drastic mea-
the so-called “tree streets,” from Acacia more routes,” he added. “Closing roads access for emergency vehicles. sures. In fact, it’s already being addressed
Road north to Live Oak in Central Beach, simply creates more traffic problems.” Added driving for neighborhood res- as it should be – by the police, who have
to westbound access from A1A. idents who would be forced to circle stepped up enforcement of speed limits
Certainly, putting up barriers to close around on Beachland to get to A1A. and stop signs in that neighborhood.
Perhaps that’s why only 156 of the 400-
plus homeowners in that neighborhood As of Friday, police have written more
signed the petition. than 60 speeding tickets and issued sev-
eral warnings, and the traffic-calming
Surely, the consequences that would crackdown continues.
accompany closing the streets contrib-
uted mightily to the City Council’s reluc- “We’ve received nothing but positive
tance to seriously consider and vote on
the proposal, which was embraced by
only one of its five members – Central
Beach resident Val Zudans, who unsuc-
cessfully argued that putting up barri-
cades was “worth a try.”
“There’s one resident who still wants
to make a presentation to the council to
close the streets, and it’ll probably hap-
pen in a couple of weeks,” City Manag-
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 20, 2018 3
feedback, so far,” Vero Beach Police Chief residents and their invited guests. The “I get almost as many calls from people “Remember when people used to call
David Currey said. “We’re being told the neighborhood is not a gated community. there as I do from people in the Central this ‘Zero Beach’ because there was noth-
cars are slowing down.” Those streets belong to all of us. Beach, so that could be next,” O’Connor ing to do?” O’Connor said. “Now our com-
said. “I get these calls from pretty much all munity is more lively and attractive, and
In addition, city crews recently installed Same goes for Jungle Trail and the Twin over town.” more people are coming here. But there’s
electronic warning signs on Live Oak Road Pairs and all the other public roads in our more traffic.”
and Indian River Drive, the busiest of the community. This isn’t a new issue.
shortcut routes. The signs flash the speed For at least the past five years, I’ve been Vero Beach is no longer the seaside
of approaching vehicles and produce a Truth is, if our local government offi- watching drivers use these shortcuts to get secret it was 20 years ago. Like it or not,
strobe-light effect if the driver is exceed- cials start closing streets, they’ll be setting around traffic backups, especially during we’ve been discovered. This is a wonderful
ing the 25-mph speed limit by more than a troubling precedent. the busy season, particularly between place to live, and now everyone knows it.
5 mph. Live Oak and Acacia on southbound A1A,
“It’s an extension of NIMBY-ism,” Mat- where it can take multiple light changes to So more people visit us each winter.
That’s all that’s needed, but that’s not all son said, using the acronym for “Not In get through the intersection. Many of them decide to stay here, at least
that’s being done: My Backyard” to describe the growing I’ve also seen the recent effort being seasonally.
Construction of additional sidewalks number of recent requests to close local made to make sure those drivers are obey-
along Live Oak is expected to begin this roads to motor-vehicle traffic. ing the speed limits and stop signs. Almost all of them drive cars.
summer. That’s all we can do. And some of our roads – OUR roads –
City officials are working with the Flor- O’Connor said he already has heard can’t handle the volume.
ida Department of Transportation to re- from other Central Beach residents – We need them all.
duce the seasonal congestion by adjusting from the neighborhood west of A1A, on
the timing of the traffic-signal cycles at the the south side of Beachland Boulevard –
intersection of Beachland and A1A. who’ve complained about the cut-through
The city also is asking state transporta- traffic on Dahlia and Iris lanes.
tion officials for funding to extend the ex-
isting turn lanes at that same intersection. “We hear from them, too,” O’Connor
said. “Some people use Dahlia to cut
All of those improvements are welcome, through to Riverside Park. Others use Iris
though it’s unlikely we’ll see the extended to get to the (Holy Cross Catholic) church,
turn lanes anytime soon. and you know all about the parking issues
we’ve had there.
But even without them: As long as driv-
ers are obeying the neighborhood’s post- “But we can’t just close those roads.”
ed speed limit, stopping at stop signs and Or the roads in McAnsh Park.
watching for pedestrians and cyclists, Yes, O’Connor also fields complaints
there’s no good reason why they shouldn’t from residents in that mainland neigh-
be allowed to use public streets, which borhood, where many drivers use Buena
were built and are maintained with tax- Vista Boulevard as a shortcut to get from
payer dollars. State Road 60 to the Indian River County
administration complex, which includes
They’re not private roads for use by only the health department and utilities of-
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4 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
LIFEGUARDS SEEK MORE TOWERS previous monthly attendance record of grows, more and more people are outside including 195 calls for aid in February,
90,000, set in March 2015. Last month’s guarded areas, and that increases the when persistent southeast winds brought
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 attendance was the largest ever for likelihood of accidents and drownings. in Portuguese man-of-war and swim-
March, at least since the VBLA began mers were stung.
Vero Beach Lifeguard Association, which tracking those numbers in 2011. “It takes a person only 20 to 60 sec-
plans to launch a fundraiser in the com- onds to drown, so with our towers being The previous one-month record for
ing weeks. Those attendance figures, however, so far apart, the challenge for us is seeing minor-medical calls was 126 in March
do not include the growing number of someone in trouble and getting there in 2015.
“We need to get a better vantage point beachgoers more than 100 yards north time to rescue them,” he added.
so we can see farther down the beach,” he and south of the lifeguard-protected city The city currently has lifeguard tow-
added. “The city has 4 miles of beach, but parks, Toomsoo said. The VBLA estimates “The good news is, we have ATVs on ers at Jaycee, Humiston and South Beach
only 600 yards are in city parks protected that more than 1 million people visit city each beach.” parks, and Toomsoo said they’re all suffi-
by lifeguards, and most of our rescues are beaches annually. ciently manned. However, he’d like to see
done outside the parks.” Vero Beach lifeguards already have towers added at Conn Beach and Sexton
“The numbers are going up – if not made more than 20 rescues in 2018, 10 Plaza.
Thus far this year, the VBLA reported steadily, that’s the trend, like you see in of them coming last month, when strong
40,430 beachgoers in January, 97,305 in the stock market – and we can fit only rip currents formed off local beaches. “We lobbied for a tower at Sexton Pla-
February and 95,100 in March. so many people in the guarded areas,” za, and it would be nice if we could fill
Toomsoo said. “So as beach attendance The lifeguards also have provided mi- in that area at Conn Beach, but we real-
The February figure shattered the nor, first-responder medical treatment ly can’t expand the protected areas be-
to more than 200 beachgoers this year, cause, to do that, we’d need more park,”
Toomsoo said.
“And to have a park, you need to have
restrooms and parking, so there are ob-
stacles that would need to be overcome,”
he added. “Right now, we’re boxed in.”
Toomsoo cited a 2015 VBLA report
comparing Vero Beach to 12 other mu-
nicipalities from Indian River County to
Miami-Dade – a study that found to Vero
Beach ranked third in both “farthest dis-
tance between lifeguard towers” (1 mile)
and “smallest percentage of guarded
beach” (9 percent).
In comparison, 60 percent of the beach
is guarded in Boca Raton, where the aver-
age distance between lifeguard towers is
only 138 yards.
Toomsoo said Vero Beach has 19 life-
guards, including 10 that are full-time
employees, and that the city beaches ar-
en’t unusually dangerous as long as bath-
ers are within sight.
He is concerned, however, about what
might happen after the lifeguard go off
duty at 5 p.m.
“Sometimes, we cringe when we
leave,” he said, “because there are often
more than 100 people still on the beach.”
That’s why the VBLA, in addition to
pushing for additional towers at Conn
Beach and Sexton Plaza, has recommend-
ed to city officials that lifeguard-protect-
ed hours be extended to 7 p.m. from
March through September.
Next up, though, is the fundraiser for
the new lifeguard tower and command
center at Humiston Park.
“A new, improved lifeguard tower at Hu-
miston Park will enable lifeguards to see
more of the beach, especially in the hotel
district, while protecting the lifeguards
from weather and some elements of the
public who may want to do them harm,”
the VBLA wrote in its 2017 annual report.
“In an effort to be proactive, VBLA is rais-
ing money to build a lifeguard tower.”
Toomsoo said the VBLA is still organiz-
ing the fundraiser, but the group is hop-
ing “some local business or somebody on
the island” will make a sizable donation
to get the project started.
“It would nice if someone wanted to
put their name on it,” he said. “One way
or another, though, we’ll find a way to get
it done.”
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6 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
State law on beaches seen solution to problem that doesn’t exist here
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer this ever being an issue on the Indian River counties and cities had ever seen PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] County barrier island – where people have reason to pass such ordinances
always strolled and sunbathed anywhere – Indian River County and Vero partment of Environmental Protection’s
If you own a piece of oceanfront property they want along the 22.4 miles of beach Beach not being among them – beach renourishment program, which
– and have always wanted to keep the pub- stretching from the Sebastian Inlet south to and local officials generally see lit- funds up to 50 percent of projects.
lic from pitching their umbrellas or setting Round Island Park. tle need here for, and little impact
up their chairs on the upper part of your from, the new state law. The Department requires an “erosion
“private” beach – a new state law would But what this new law signed by the gov- control line” be established in front of all
make it more difficult for cities or counties ernor last month does is provide that coun- “This is a good example of the property before it gets sand under this
to prevent you from roping off some sand. ties and cities can no longer pass ordinanc- Legislature using a sledge hammer program, below which the beach is ac-
es declaring all beaches public under the when a surgical scalpel was need- knowledged to be public.
While this has been a problem in other common-law doctrine of “customary use.” ed,” Indian River County Commis-
parts of Florida, particularly with hotels sion Chairman Peter O’Bryan said. County Coastal Engineer James Gray
and beachfront restaurants, no one recalls Only three of Florida’s many coastal said that during his nearly 16-year tenure,
What the law does provide is that if a no beachfront property owner has ever
coastal county or city wants to deal with an protested the establishment of an erosion
attempt to privatize a stretch of beach in control line as part of a renourishment pro-
the future, it must do it through the courts, gram.
and prove that the customary public use
of the upper part of the beach – the “dry- About 9 miles of island beach already
sand” part above the mean-high-tide line have established erosion control lines. One
– was “ancient, reasonable, without inter- for “Sector 5,” which is 3 miles long stretch-
ruption, and free from dispute,” according ing from around Jaycee Park to the Riomar
to Attorney Diana Ferguson, a lobbyist for Country Club, is underway, Gray said.
the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation
The “wet sand” part of all Florida beach-
es has been public under the Florida Con-
stitution since 1970.
O’Bryan said another reason why the
private beach issue is unlikely to become
a problem here stems from Indian River
County’s participation in the Florida De-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 20, 2018 7
SIMPSON KILLER Convicted killer Henry Lee Jones, seen in previous court hearing, will represent himself in his murder retrial. he understood the challenge ahead. He
elected to have a standby public defender
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fenders Alan Hunt and Dorothy Naumann to the first trial were no longer relevant present in the courtroom to answer basic,
weren’t meeting his expectations. and that Jones had all of the discovery procedural questions, but said he would
Justices argued a new trial was war- and transcripts she had. remain responsible for his own defense.
ranted because Jones’ public defender “My life is in the hands of them repre-
was not allowed to question potential ju- senting me and this counsel is not repre- Time is better spent securing experts, The state is only obligated to provide
rors about racial prejudice or bias. Jones senting me,” he said. “I don’t trust them. talking to witnesses and revisiting the Jones a new public defender if he can
is black. Simpson, 41 at the time of his We have irreconcilable differences.” facts, she told the judge. “I’m definitely prove ineffective assistance of counsel –
death, was white. working on this case. There is a lot to do.” not just a difference of opinion.
Jones claimed he was given bad legal
Jones shot Simpson through a bath- advice before his first trial, and that he Cox warned Jones it would be difficult “I don’t have cause to believe they are
room door after he and an associate got wasn’t getting all the records he felt were to work as his own attorney while at the not rendering effective assistance to you,”
caught burglarizing the family’s Fiddle- necessary to follow his case, including Indian River County Jail. Unlike the pros- Cox told Jones in March. “Everything they
wood Road home, according to testimony any emails sent between the prosecutor ecutors, Jones won’t have regular access to have told me they are doing points to the
at the trial. and the defense attorneys before his con- technology making it difficult to file mo- direction they are properly preparing
viction. tions and schedule depositions, she said. your case for trial.”
Co-defendant Darius Robison testified
against Jones at the first trial in exchange Naumann downplayed Jones’ concerns Jones, who completed the 10th grade She told the defendant he could hire a
for a reduced sentence. He said the two in open court. She said issues pertaining and a G.E.D. program, told the judge private attorney or represent himself if he
were at the house when Simpson came was unhappy.
home and started fighting the intruders.
Before returning to his cell after the
Simpson, a father and husband, cor- April hearing, Jones made his first legal
nered Jones in the bathroom before he move. He requested all the files from his
was shot and killed. two previous public defenders. “I don’t
know if they are going to let you have that
Jones has a constitutional right to rep- at the jail,” Cox said.
resent himself, and the state’s case re-
mains unchanged, said Assistant State Jones then asked the judge if she had
Attorney Stephen Gosnell. legal textbooks for his review. The jail has
a small legal library.
It’s the victim’s family that is most hurt
by retrials as they once again are forced to “I can’t help you. I can’t be your attor-
revisit a tragic and traumatic time in their ney.” Cox said. “You have full responsibil-
lives, he said. ity. That’s a decision you made.”
Simpson’s widow and other family Cox told Jones to speak to his former
members sat in the courtroom gallery public defender about the lawbooks.
watching somberly as Jones struggled to Naumann, whose services were no longer
prepare his second defense. requested, was still positioned at the de-
fense table standing by her former client’s
Jones argued in March that Public De- side.
8 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
‘Holding my son, I watched the flames in disbelief’ SHORES KEEPING AN EYE
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer I had to explain to him that the fire took
it, that the smoke, water and debris ru- By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
It was just after 6 a.m. on a Sunday ined most of our things. “Not nice fire,” he [email protected]
morning when I woke to screams of said with the sort of blunt authority only a
“Help.” I roused my husband, and ran 2-year-old can muster. “Give it back.” The next hurdle to closing the Vero electric sale
downstairs to see someone banging fran- is to gain approval by the Florida Public Service
tically on our sliding glass door. Panicked, I’m not sure if my son will ever get his Commission of the financial terms of the trans-
I couldn’t get it unlocked so I ran out the favorite red T-shirt back. Our home is no action, and since the process is not moving as
front entrance and called 911. longer livable, and our insurance has be- speedily as the parties would have hoped, Indian
gun the process of sorting everything we River Shores has put its utility lawyer back on the
“Someone is screaming for help at my own into two piles: things that can be sal- payroll to keep an eye out.
back door,” I said to the dispatcher. “I vaged, and things considered a total loss.
don’t know what is going on.” On March 9, Holland and Knight’s Bruce May,
Even though the latter is the bigger pile, and Town Manager Robbie Stabe were added to
It was then I saw a plume of smoke I don’t agree with the terminology. both of the PSC cases pertaining to the Vero elec-
billowing from my neighbor’s roof. Our tric sale, as interested parties, meaning they are
homes shared a wall at the Oak Villas Con- An event like this can put things in per- now a part of the official record and would be no-
dominiums. A man, whose name I can spective in a way nothing else can. My tified electronically of any activity in the case.
never remember, was lying motionless on the grass. neighbor, the man whose name I can never remember, died
days later in the hospital. My family is alive. It’s not a total loss Florida Power and Light filed two petitions
“There’s a fire!” I told the woman on the phone. “Someone for us. or “dockets” regarding Vero electric – one for the
is badly hurt.” I gave her our address and hung up. Others were We moved to Vero Beach last July. We still know relatively PSC to sign off on the transaction as fair and eq-
already outside calling for help. I needed to make sure my fam- few people in town, yet during this crisis support has come uitable to FPL’s existing 4.9 million ratepayers,
ily was safe. from the most unexpected places. and the other, to redraw FPL’s service territory to
Volunteers with the Red Cross were at our development include the City of Vero Beach, portions of unin-
“John!” I screamed into the doorway. “Get Charlie and come within hours handing out debit cards with emergency funds. corporated Indian River County and the southern
outside. There is a fire!” One of our neighbors, a young man who had grown up here part of Indian River Shores currently served by
and had family to stay with, gave us his. Vero, pursuant to a closing.
I have never felt more relieved than seeing my husband The teachers at my husband’s school took up a collection.
come down our stairs carrying our sleepy-eyed son. They brought boxes of clothes and toys the very next day. May, who is based in Tallahassee and has
My colleagues offered places to stay, food and drinks. While represented the Shores in its efforts to exit Vero
John handed Charlie to me and went to help our neigh- my husband went to school to teach, my boss allowed me the electric, said late Monday that he “hadn’t seen
bor. The man still lay in the grass. His skin, badly burned, was freedom to work wherever and whenever I needed. There were anything to make me anything other than cau-
beginning to peel off. They pulled him farther away from the endless errands to run as we began the process of rebuilding tiously optimistic.”
flames. our life.
A woman who once showed me an apartment when I was If Vero and FPL cannot manage to close the
Another woman screamed in agony at the other side of the looking for a short-term rental for my mother spent days con- deal by early 2019, there is a stopgap plan in
parking lot. Her face – now no longer recognizable – was black- tacting everyone she knew to help our family find a place to place to sell off just the Indian River Shores por-
ened by soot. Her clothes were gone. Someone had wrapped stay. The cleaners at our hotel did our laundry for free. They tion of the system to FPL for $30 million. That
her in a blanket and given her a chair. didn’t even mention the lingering smell of smoke. backup plan was incorporated in the sale docu-
A stranger I met through Airbnb online offered her ments, but would be finalized by the Vero Beach
It took me a few minutes to realize she was someone I knew. beachside condo at well below market rate just to make sure City Council members in office after the Novem-
Just the night before, we were chatting outside as her dog did we had a good place to live while we sorted things out. ber election should the current deal stall out and
tricks for my toddler. Charlie laughed and giggled as the black “We have to start doing nice things for people,” my husband trigger Plan B.
mutt sat and spoke on command. said a few days later as we drove still stunned around town. He
was contemplating making a donation to a field trip scholar- The Vero Beach City Council was set to get an
This morning her adult daughters paced our shared lawn in ship fund at his school. “People are doing a lot of nice things update from its transactional attorney Nathaniel
shock. One had cut her foot. The only way to escape from the for us.” Dolinger of the Carlton Fields law firm, FPL and
second-floor window, she said, had been to jump. Compassion. Empathy. Connection. This is what matters in the Florida Municipal Power Agency this Tuesday
life. This is why I regret never learning my neighbor’s name. (April 17).
I stood barefoot in my pajamas, holding my 2-year-old son In times of tragedy, it is people – not things – that bring com-
tightly to my hip, watching helplessly alongside my neighbors. fort. We must take care of each other. We must learn each oth- Last month, FMPA members voted unani-
er’s names. Sometimes, our community is all we have. mously to allow Vero to exit the co-op in exchange
There was no place for us to go. The fire trucks had blocked for $108 million in cash, paving the way for the
our cars. Hardly any of us had thought to grab our keys or wal- sale of the Vero system to FPL.
I had gone to bed early Saturday night knowing it was my
turn to wake up with our son. I planned to take him to the park
and the library. Instead, I watched the flames in disbelief while
he stomped in mud puddles unaware that most of his toys and
the place we called home was now gone.
Days later he would ask for his favorite Mickey Mouse shirt.
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10 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Shock talk: Heart experts debate benefits of ‘LifeVest’
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer everyone and is also quick to point out there
[email protected] seem to be at least some flaws in the product.
The best laid plans of mice, men – and Zoll Medical Group, located in Pitts-
biotech engineering companies – some- burgh, Pa., is a subsidiary of the Asahi Kasei
times go awry. Group. Its LifeVest first garnered FDA ap-
proval in 2001 and has been continuously
Take, for example, the Zoll LifeVest, a updated since.
wearable defibrillator designed and engi-
neered to be worn by heart patients at risk for According to the Cleveland Clinic, “there
sudden cardiac arrest. are two main components to the LifeVest: a
garment and a monitor. The lightweight gar-
Dr. Daniel Wubneh, a personable and eru- ment is worn under clothing and contains
dite cardiologist with the Indian River Medi- electrodes to pick up the patient’s electrocar-
cal Center, says “I think it’s a great tool for the
right patient,” but he freely admits it’s not for CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
12 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 I think the decision on who should wear [these Engineering, stated “a phase-three trial of
vests] should be a shared patient-physician Zoll Medical’s LifeVest has missed its pri-
diogram or ECG. The monitor, about the size decision ... it needs to be on the right patient. mary endpoint.
of a paperback book, is worn around the waist – Dr. Daniel Wubneh
like a fanny pack or from a shoulder strap. “The study found that people who started
[was] a single episode [in which] she had just physicians and patients using the wearable using the wearable defibrillator the week af-
“The monitor reads the patient’s ECG passed out. But she actually had ventricular heart monitor and external defibrillator.” ter they had a heart attack were just as likely
continuously. If the patient has ventricular fibrillation arrest. Cardiac arrest. And it took to suffer sudden cardiac death in the next
tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) or ventricular about 45 seconds [for her LifeVest] to deliver The FDA said “ideally, the LifeVest moni- three months as patients who received con-
fibrillation (rapid, uncontrolled, ineffective the appropriate shocks. She was defibrillated tors the patient’s heart, delivering a treatment ventional therapy.”
heartbeat), the device sounds an alarm to twice. And she regained spontaneous circu- shock as needed to restore the patient’s heart-
verify that the patient is non-responsive. lation and became coherent and came to the beat to a normal rhythm.” However, it went While Wubneh sees the potential
If the patient is conscious, the patient has hospital and we were able to treat her and she on to say, “it is aware that in certain cases benefits of this high-tech device, he in-
time to respond to the alarms by pressing walked out of here.” the LifeVest 4000 may not be able to deliver a sists “I think the decision on who should
two buttons to stop the treatment sequence. life-saving treatment shock to a patient due to wear [these vests] should be a shared pa-
If the patient does not respond, the device That said, other news in 2018 has been less a fault that prevents the device from charging tient-physician decision,” adding “it needs
warns bystanders that a shock is about to be kind to Zoll’s LifeVest. its high-energy capacitors.” to be on the right patient.”
delivered. If the arrhythmia continues and
the patient still does not respond, a treat- In a January article, MedCityNews report- The news was worse in March. Is there an easy answer to what constitutes
ment shock is delivered through the gar- ed “a patient who died when a Zoll LifeVest An article on FierceBioTech, a website “the right patient”?
ment electrodes.” failed to work has led the manufacturer Zoll endorsed by the Massachusetts Institute
Medical and the FDA to issue a safety alert for of Technology Department of Biological No. But Wubneh contends that patients
That shock, according to Wubneh, is “be- should work with their cardiologist and
tween 150 and 200 joules.” then decide for themselves. After all, they
are the ones who have a “vested” interest in
Zoll says “the LifeVest is used for a wide the outcome.
range of patient conditions or situations, in-
cluding following a heart attack, before or af- “I will say,” Wubneh concludes, “speaking
ter bypass surgery or stent placement, as well as a physician, there are [doctors] who are on
as for those with cardiomyopathy or conges- both sides of this argument.
tive heart failure that places them at partic-
ular risk,” and Wubneh can vouch for at least “I think it seems that those who have expe-
one case in which it performed flawlessly. rienced a patient being saved by [these vests]
seem to be a little bit more in the camp of sup-
“I recently had a patient a few weeks ago,” port for it,” but ultimately, it’s the patients’ de-
Wubneh explains, “who was visiting from out cision to make.
of town. A lovely woman who was on vaca-
tion here and she had just been fitted in a vest Dr. Daniel Wubneh is with the Indian Riv-
about a month or maybe two months prior to er Medical Center. His office is at 3450 11th
her coming here. She had what she thought Court, Suite 102. The phone number is 772-
14 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonzo says ‘Ahoy there’ to Pirate in Key West
while his Dad waved To Learn, an smart. When she
gives me a Cuh-MAND, I do
Hi Dog Buddies! to the humans walkin’ it, cuz I know she Means Busi-
ness. But, when Dad gives me
Last weekend, me an my Assistant took a or drivin’ by; or ridin’ a cuh-MAND, its seems more
mini get-away, an I made a new pooch fren like a Guideline, an sometimes
– a 16-month-old Portuguese Water Dog, in one of those big red I do it, an sometimes I don’t.
full of Youthful Exuberance. He (an his Specially ‘Don’t Jump Up.’ But
Dad) have a Key Lime (pie an other stuff) trolleys. He pretended I’m tryin’ to do better.
shop in Key West, an he’s Official Greeter. I
KNOW, right? to throw the pie at ’em, “I also like to hang out with
my human pal Arthur (he’s a
We were takin’ a liddle stroll along Eliz- but it was stuck to his co-worker, too), an my pooch
abeth Street, when, in front of a bright yel- pals Charlie Brown an Shad-
low an green store on the corner, we spot- hand. The humans were ow, an swim in the ocean
ted a human holdin’ a big yummy-lookin’ with my girlfren Daisy (she’s a
green pie, wearin’ a green jacket an poofy laughin’ an wavin’ an Golden Retriever). Coconuts
green hat shaped sorta like a mushroom. are fun, also: I totally shred
Beside him, wearin’ a green halter, was a hollerin’ “Hi, Pirate!” Ev- ’em. An Dad an me play with
middle-sized pooch with curly white hair my Chuck-It: he flings a ball
an big black fluffy circles around his eyes erybody knew him. He all the way across the dog
that made him look like a pie-rat. Or Zorro. park, an I run like the wind
was FAY-muss! after it. That totally poops me out, which I
“Dawg,” I said. “Whazzup?” (Bein’ off the think is Dad’s Plan.
clock, I was in a laid-back, island state of A liddle boy, walkin’ by “By Sunset (which is a Big Deal down
mind.) here but I’m not sure why) I’m ready for
with his Mom, plopped bed. I pile up lotsa rugs in my Sleep Spots,
“Oh, goody,” he said, wiggle/waggin’ then I rotate during the night: closet, floor,
over for the Wag-an-Sniff (an a European right down on the side- then the bed with Dad.
Double Smooch). “I love meetin’ pooches “Oh, an, guess what? I’m so stoked! I’m
who come from Afar. Do YOU come from walk next to Pi, and start- gonna be on the COV-er of a CAL-endar
Afar? What’s your name? I’m Pirate Carpen- we’re doing. It’ll be pickshurs of me and my
ter. You can call me Pi.” ed patting him an talkin’ pooch pals. Isn’t that Cool Kibbles?”
“Woof! Totally!”
On the Spur-of-the-Moment, I had an to him. Pi gave him Pirate I didn’t wanna leave, but we hadda get
IDEA. “I’m Bonzo. I’m a journalist, down nuzzles an gentle nose back home.
from Vero Beach for the weekend. That’s “Oh, wait, Mr. Bonzo, I almost forgot.
sorta Afar, I think. Ackshully, I write a bumps. Here’s a bag of my special Key Lime dog
newspaper column about pooches: a story biscuits, for your trip. They’re all natural.”
an PICKshur. The minute I spotted you, I “I love my job, espe- Heading home, I was thinking about the
knew you’d be a great innerview. Whaddya exuberant, big-hearted “lap dog” who lives
think? Got some time to yap?” cially the liddle humans,” “It was scary, leavin’ my pooch Mom on an island and loves everybody. And
those Key Lime pooch treats kept me in
“Are you WOOFIN’? A COL-umn about he said. “One time, when the Disney ship an litter, an flyin’ far, far away by myself. the Island Mood all the way back to “Afar.”
ME? In the PAY-per? With a PICK-shur? Till next time,
Ab-so-woofin’-LOOT-ly!” He nudged the was in, I got to play with six liddle humans The humans were nice an stuff, an I be-
human in the green hat. “This is my Dad, The Bonz
Kermit. We’re business partners. We can all at one time. Woof! Those were the Best haved like Mom taught us to, but I was
yap soon as I finish my shift, if you don’t
mind hangin’ out for a bit.” Tummy Rubs EVER!” homesick.”
“Of course,” I said. “Us journalists are “You’ve got a Super Cool Dog Biscuits “I can imagine.”
job,” I observed. “But that’s OK, cuz soon as me an Dad
Pi sat on the corner, alert an adorable,
When Pirate finished his shift, we went saw each other, even though I was just a
back to his office. Even though he was big- liddle fluffmuffin, I ree-llized I had a For-
ger than me, he jumped smack into his ever Home.
Dad’s lap. His front legs flopped over one “I’ve been learning Basic Dog Stuff, like
side an his caboose hung over the other, an Sit, Stay, Down and Don’t Jump Up (that’s
he was happy as anything. the hardest cuz I really, really, really like to
“So, how’d you two get together?” Jump Up).”
“Dad’s fren hadda Portuguese Water A lady walked in an gave Pirate a pat on
Dog like me, only brown. They’d stop by the head.
Dad’s shop every day, an Dad ree-lized us “This is Carina,” he explained. “She’s
Porties were, like, the perfect pooch for my Official Trainer, anna co-worker. She’s
people who live on an eye-lund, ya know?” like my human Mom. She says I’m Eager
“Word!” I said.
“So Dad went On Line an found Julie’s DON’T BE SHY
Porties in Ohio, which is WAAY far up.
When he saw my pick-shur, he said, ‘This We are always looking for pets
is The Dog For ME!’ I mean, I’m adorable with interesting stories.
now, as you can see, but when I was a lid-
dle pupster I was Totally Irresistible.” To set up an interview, email
“How did you get all the way down [email protected].
Palm Island Plantation finds
a sweet spot in the market
16 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Palm Island Plantation finds sweet spot in the market
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer Steve Owen
[email protected]
The faster a neighborhood of new
homes sells, the happier the developer is
because carrying and marketing costs are
lower and profits roll in quicker. Likewise,
the broker handling the sales.
Palm Island Plantation broker Steven
Owen is happy. He says the final phase of
development in the gated ocean-to-river
community – 20 courtyard homes built
by Westmark Development and selling for
around $900,000 – will be sold out by De-
cember, less than two years after construc-
tion began on the enclave.
“We started in January 2017 and we’ve
already sold 14,” Owen says. “I’d be very
surprised if we don’t sell another three or units and $870,000 for end units.
four in the next six weeks or so before ev- “That is a good range,” Grier McFarland,
eryone goes back north, and I am certain
we will sell out by the end of the year.” an agent with Dale Sorensen Real Estate
who sells homes in the community, said at
The first seven units are complete and the time. “The price is right in there with
occupied, and roof trusses were set on a what is selling. Anything under $900,000 is
4-unit building the first week in April. At very popular. So those should do well.”
the same time, footings were being dug
for another 4-unit structure, and the final McFarland was right and prices have
5-unit building will be underway by the crept up as they typically do in a fast-sell-
ing development. The remaining six units
end of the month. are listed for $885,000 – $910,000, but that
“The market is very strong right now is still a bargain for new, luxury construc-
tion on the island.
and we decided to go ahead and build all
the remaining buildings on spec, instead “A lot of people want to stay under a mil-
of waiting till we had all the units sold. It lion,” Owen says, “and what they find under
is paying off.” a million for resale is not that appealing.
Owen says price point, an appealing Two floor plans are available in the
set of community amenities and a main- courtyard homes, both including three
tenance-free lifestyle are the top features bedrooms and three bathrooms with two-
attracting his buyers. car garages and – no surprise – spacious
private courtyards.
A year ago, the West Indies-style homes,
which have about 3,500 square feet under End units include 2,642 square feet of
roof, were offered for $840,000 for interior air-conditioned space with another 858
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 20, 2018 17
square feet under roof, for a total of 3,500 build-out,” says Palm Island Owen. “Other Palm Island Plantation property in 2000. “We only have 18 lots left and we are
square feet. A courtyard approximately 28 communities our size don’t have a beauti- Construction began in 2002, with the first building spec homes on some of those,”
feet by 31 feet that is open on one side is set ful beach club like ours. It is an exceptional sales in 2003. Activity slowed during the Owen says. “If the market stays strong, the
into the home, so that residents can access amenity for a community this size.” 2007-11 real estate downturn but has ac- entire community will be sold out in an-
it from the great room, the dining room, the celerated in the past several years. other 18 months.”
leisure room and the master bedroom. An Westmark Development acquired the
optional courtyard swimming pool can be
added for approximately $30,000 and Owen
says most buyers are including a pool.
Interior units include 2,325 square feet
of living space with 3,400 square feet un-
der roof. The interior courtyard is approx-
imately 22 feet by 47 feet. It floods the
homes with light and can accommodate a
pool and optional summer kitchen.
Both models come with a long list of
upgraded features and luxury finishes and
the entire home can be finished and dec-
orated to the buyer’s taste during the con-
struction process.
Along with some of the most ap-
pealing architecture on the island and
fine-quality craftsmanship, courtyard
home buyers get great community ame-
nities, including complete yard care and
exterior maintenance – including roofs
and pools – and membership in the Palm
Island Beach Club. There is also a marina
with docks, a fitness club and two com-
munity pools.
The 58-acre community contains a mix
of estate homes, carriage homes, townho-
mes, condominiums and courtyard homes,
ranging from 2,300 to 6,000 square feet.
“There will be only 131 units here at
18 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
A fair-to-middling week on the mainland real estate market saw 24 single-family residences and
lots change hands from April 9-13 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Sebastian, where the home at 13750 Old Dixie Highway, first put
on the market in August 2017 for $530,000, sold for $460,000 on April 9.
The best sale of the week in Vero Beach was the residence at 610 Bridgewater Lane SW. First list-
ed in December for $429,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home sold for $409,000 on April 12.
SEBASTIAN 13750 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY 8/14/2017 $530,000 4/9/2018 $409,000
VERO BEACH 610 BRIDGEWATER LANE SW 12/5/2017 $429,000 4/12/2018 $358,500
VERO BEACH 5605 CORSICA PLACE 11/25/2017 $369,900 4/11/2018 $304,400
SEBASTIAN 637 BRUSH FOOT DRIVE 11/20/2017 $335,000 4/11/2018 $275,000
VERO BEACH 105 39TH DRIVE 12/21/2017 $315,000 4/9/2018 $270,000
VERO BEACH 1295 24TH AVENUE 10/27/2017 $300,000 4/11/2018 $270,000
SEBASTIAN 591 CROSS CREEK CIRCLE 5/23/2017 $325,000 4/11/2018 $269,000
VERO BEACH 2041 DELMAR AVENUE 2/22/2018 $269,000 4/10/2018 $253,000
VERO BEACH 1875 BRIDGEPOINTE CIRCLE UNIT#29 1/18/2018 $265,000 4/13/2018 $245,000
VERO BEACH 404 21ST STREET 1/23/2018 $252,500 4/9/2018 $240,000
SEBASTIAN 583 WILLOW COURT 01/18/18 $262,000 4/12/2018 $238,250
SEBASTIAN 543 GERALD STREET 12/21/2017 $234,250 4/11/2018 $236,500
SEBASTIAN 425 SEASIDE TERRACE 03/12/18 $234,900 4/10/2018 $215,000
VERO BEACH 1124 W 13TH SQUARE 1/23/2018 $225,000 4/12/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 20, 2018 19
610 Bridgewater Lane SW, Vero Beach 5605 Corsica Place, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 12/5/2017 Listing Date: 11/25/2017
Original Price: $429,000 Original Price: $369,900
Sold: 4/12/2018 Sold: 4/11/2018
Selling Price: $409,000 Selling Price: $358,500
Listing Agent: Peggy Hewett Listing Agent: Joanne Montgomery
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: RE/MAX Associated Realty
Peggy Hewett Jane Johnson
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
637 Brush Foot Drive, Sebastian 105 39th Drive, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 11/20/2017 Listing Date: 12/21/2017
Original Price: $335,000 Original Price: $315,000
Sold: 4/11/2018 Sold: 4/9/2018
Selling Price: $304,400 Selling Price: $275,000
Listing Agent: Kim Salmon Listing Agent: Colleen Lafferty
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: The Lafferty Group RE & Cnsltg
Russell Salmon Jennifer Moscrip
RE/MAX Crown Realty Coldwell Banker Paradise
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up! ‘Mamma Mia!’: Simply song-sational
entertainment PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 An exhibit of wonderful,
lagoon-related art works is
(another) good reason to visit the
Environmental Learning Center at
its lovely home amidst the native
flora and fauna along the Indian
River Lagoon, now through May
13. The Sebastian River Art Club
and the Environmental Learning
1 ELC exhibition until Adam Schnell.
May 13.
B2 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
‘Mamma Mia!’: Simply song-sational entertainment
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent
[email protected]
Riverside Theatre throws the gauntlet at
your feet with its professional production of
“Mamma Mia!” So relent. Pick it up and have a
ball at this bouncy juke-box musical.
This “Mamma Mia!” is simply as good as it
gets. It has personality, beauty, energy, passion
and Broadway-worthy performances.
The musical’s book is by Catherine John-
son and is all about love. The compositions
and lyrics are by Benny Andersson and Björn
Ulvaeus, former members of ABBA, the ’70s
Swedish pop group responsible for some of
the best feel-good music to wake us from our
hard-rock stupor. ABBA’s best-known works
saturate this musical, including “Honey, Hon-
ey,” “Fernando,” “Dancing Queen” and “Mam-
ma Mia.” If you’re humming right now, then
this show is most definitely for you.
Johnson sets her simple but engaging sto-
ryline in Greece, where young Sophie is get-
ting ready to marry handsome Sky. Hoping
to discover the identity of her father, Sophie
sends wedding invitations to three men who,
21 years ago, caught the eye of her mother,
Donna, who owns a tavern in the town. Two
of Donna’s old girlfriends from a former sing-
ing trio also arrive.
In Riverside’s production (in association
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 20, 2018 B3
with Philadelphia’s legendary Walnut Street who walks away with your heart in her role FeCsrtaivfat l
Theatre), director/choreographer Richard of Sophie. Petite and lively Giknis evokes im-
Stafford begins the show with an ebullient ages of a young Kristen Chenoweth. And she’s An Outdoor
and story-telling dance sequence in which probably tired of hearing that by now. But like Craft Show
the chorus appears like a wave, casting beau- Chenoweth, she certainly has the meticulous
tiful, gleaming Sophie onto the shore and voice which wants to sing … all the time. And The Avenue Viera on
into the arms of Sky. she has such fun doing it. It’s as if Giknis is just Town Center Ave. in Viera, FL
waiting to explode into song at any urging.
This smart, artistic touch is only the first She’s fun and pert and excellently cast in the (north of Melbourne)
in an evening filled with fresh visuals, playful role of young Sophie.
choreography and immaculate vocals. April 21st – 22nd
You’ll also find yourself keeping an eye on Sat./Sun.
Anne Brummel, who electrified the stage as elegant Kristyn Pope, the ensemble’s dance
the title role in Riverside’s “Mystery of Edwin captain. She’s got some amazing moves. 10am – 5pm
Drood,” lets loose her powerful stage presence And Schyler Conaway as Sky, who has some
and muscular voice in the role of the mother amazing abs. ArtFestival.com
of the bride, Donna. This amazing performer
seems incapable of a misstep. She has tackled Making this all look so good are scenic de- American Craft Endeavors
the big roles for women in American musical signer Peter Barbieri and costume designer (813) 962-0388
theater, including lead roles in national tours Gail Baldoni, who employ beautiful Aegean
of “Wicked” (Elphaba), “Evita” (Eva) and “Cats” blue and sun kissed sand tones in the show’s
(Grizabella). Here, she stops the show with her visual palette. Lighting designer Jack Mehler
heart-wrenching performance of “The Winner tucks in the visuals with soft lighting evoking
Takes It All” when she agonizes over the end of the Greek Isles.
her relationship with Sam, her real lost love.
Music director Anne Shuttlesworth leads
Sam is the most seriously drawn of the trio the eight-piece pit orchestra and keeps the
of possible fathers. He is played by Eric Kun- fun, energy and music popping from begin-
ze, who has that experienced, stage ease and ning to end.
meticulous perfection which comes from a
lot of professional experience. Indeed, he has This is the show that had a rather backward
performed major roles on Broadway including journey to Broadway. First produced in Lon-
Marius in “Les Miserables” and Chris in “Miss don, it had its American opening in San Fran-
Saigon.” He and Brummel deliver a sensational cisco, then in Los Angeles, then Chicago and
“S.O.S.” when it’s clear they still love each other. finally New York City.
Jonas Cohen is wonderful and heartfelt as It’s become a musical theater phenom since
Harry Bright, a bumbling Londoner happy to then, playing worldwide to audiences that pop
take on what he thinks is his sudden father- to their feet at the curtain call to bounce and
hood. Christopher Sutton is warm and utterly sway to the feel-good show.
likable as Bill, an Aussie who is adventurous
enough to walk Sophie down the aisle. As reminded on Riverside’s opening night
by producing artistic director Allen D. Cornell
Donna’s two girlfriends are played by a in his brief curtain speech, the show opened
couple of scene-stealing, very funny and pow- on Broadway less than a month before 9/11
er-voiced women. Lyn Philistine is Tanya, the and became eagerly embraced by audiences
sexy woman who sings “Does Your Mother needing something to buoy their souls.
Know” to a flirtatious boy toy. And Charis Leos
is drop-dead perfect as mouthy Rosie, a confi- It remains such. And when the person
dent woman who has her eye on Bill and sings next to you starts humming the tunes, don’t
“Take a Chance on Me.” let it bother you. It’s gonna happen. Because
“Mamma Mia!” at Riverside is infectious.
The show does not tease for long. It’s just
midway through the first act when Rosie, Tan- “Mamma Mia!” runs through April 29 at
ya and Donna gather to reminisce about their Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Drive, Vero
good old singing days and unleash“Chiquitita” Beach. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays
and “Dancing Queen.” And yes, the audience through Thursdays, 8 p.m. Fridays and Satur-
goes wild for that scene. days, and 2 p.m. Wednesdays, select Thursdays,
Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets start at $35 and
But through all these wonderful voices and are quickly selling out.Call 772-231-6990 or vis-
powerful performances, it is Laura Giknis it Riversidetheatre.com.
B4 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Two for the show: Museum to buy Stella, Zorach paintings
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Joseph Stella’s Marguerite Zorach’s month visit to Barbados in 1938. The place
[email protected] “Joy of Living.” “The GOlden Orb.” Stella called “the magic island” inspired
him to paint the present work’s stately Bar-
The Vero Beach Museum of Art’s annual PHOTOS BYENISE RITCHIE The crowd of Athena Society members badian woman holding a pot of tropical
Athena Society Dinner on April 13 saw the that gathered before the six artworks in flowers in an expansive outdoor setting.
selection of two paintings for the museum’s The Athena Society is a membership arm Holmen Hall last Friday evening buzzed Wearing a sunny yellow dress, the woman
permanent collection (drumroll, please): Jo- of the VBMA, whose members donate $5,000 with excitement. with her colorful blooms now brightens the
seph Stella’s “Joy of Living,” a 1940 oil on can- per annum for the privilege and duty of se- permanent collection.
vas offered by Kraushaar Galleries; and Mar- lecting works for the collection at their annu- “I think that having the members assist in
guerite Zorach’s “The Golden Orb,” a 1921 oil al event. The combined proceeds of Athena the buying of works for the collection is very The phrase “happy painting” was applied
painting offered by Avery Galleries. Society dues go toward the purchase of the good,” said Athena member Bowen Smith. more than once to “Joy of Living” during
artworks the members elect, by ballot, for the evening. One admirer, Donald Tribus,
In addition to the artworks chosen for pur- purchase. There are currently 92 members For him, Romare Bearden’s “Gospel Morn- opined that the Stella and the Bearden were
chase, those in the pre-selection lineup were in the society. Their current donations, in ing” was a more than worthy choice for the the best picks for the museum. “I wouldn’t
Romare Bearden’s “Gospel Morning,” of 1987, addition to money left over from last year’s museum’s collection. choose anything I wouldn’t hang in my own
a collage depicting an African-American purchases, brought available funds for 2018’s home,” he avowed.
spiritual gathering; “Insignia with Gloves” of selection to $545,000. That sounds like a lot Bearden’s collage was made a year before
c. 1936, a still-life painting by Marsden Hart- of money for art, but it doesn’t go far in the his death, in 1987. Based on the artist’s child- While the well-regarded Bearden did not
ley; “Nocturne – Big Ben” of 1898, a rainy Lon- selection of works by artists with the renown hood memories of Mecklenburg County, make the final cut, Marguerite Zorach’s “The
don night scene by Childe Hassam; and John the museum seeks for its permanent collec- North Carolina, the narrative picture shows Golden Orb” will accompany “Joy of Living”
Marin’s “Movement: Racing Sea” of 1947, a tion. It’s not called “permanent” for nothing. the interior of a rural home where people are into the VBMA collection.
semi-abstract seascape. The VBMA sets its sights on art from the retail gathering for Christian fellowship. One of the
market, where it can be reasonably assured of visitors arrives with tambourine in hand; her You might find it difficult to believe that
Prior to the selection, Executive Director finding quality both in the sense of aesthet- hostess (whose face is an African mask) sits a cubist painting could also be a romantic
Brady Roberts rejoiced in obtaining the loan ics and authenticity, as well as sound physical at her kitchen table with guitar close at hand. picture of childhood innocence, but “The
of six artworks –any one of which would be condition. And while the idea of permanence Golden Orb” checks those boxes, and is by a
a welcome addition to the collection – from is relative, the works that enter the VBMA Mused Smith, “It does tell a story. It’s our significant woman artist to boot.
their respective retail galleries for presenta- collection are chosen with the hope that they story.”
tion to the Athena Society. will (mostly) resist the depredations of time Painted with a limited palette in a tech-
and inherent flaws in technique or construc- Standing near him, Terrell Viner ex- nique fractured enough to identify as “cub-
Roberts and VBMA curator Danielle John- tion, as well as the consequences of society’s claimed, “I adore the Stella! I love the patterns ist” (but not so splintered that it obscures the
son made two trips to New York City for the changing taste and values. in this piece, and the flowers. It’s a happy subject), the 1921 work depicts a pre-adoles-
purpose of finding art objects that would fit painting!” cent girl standing before a window. With joy-
the museum’s mission to collect, preserve fully raised arms, she celebrates the golden
and present “important American and inter- Stella’s painting, “Joy of Living,” is from a ball of moon that hangs – almost within her
national works of art.” series that was inspired by the artist’s five- reach! – outside her window.
“There was so much to select from,” said “It’s hard to collect early Cubism,” said
Roberts, who notes that this year’s quest for director Roberts, who noted that a work of
acquisition contenders was different from the same vintage by Braque or Picasso (the
2017’s search. He was brand new to the pro- joint developers of Cubism between 1907 and
gram back then. 1914) come at a prohibitive price: millions of
dollars, rather than hundreds of thousands.
Referring to Johnson, he said, “I had a cu-
rator to help me this time. I didn’t have to Taking everything into consideration, it
single-handedly look at hundreds – if not a might be best to heed the advice of Jacque-
thousand – artworks to get six to offer the line Malloy, who has been an Athena Society
Athena Society.” member since its establishment in 2003.
Roberts quickly added that the VBMA Col- “I think that people should follow their
lection Committee vetted a number of art feeling when they look at a painting,” she
objects presented to it by Johnson and him to said.
arrive at that half-dozen.
And that goes for buying one, too.
1. Before We Were Yours 1. Let Trump Be Trump 1. Dear Girl
2. Shoot First BY STUART WOODS DAVID BOSSIE 2. Wrinkle in Time
3. Save My Place
2. I've Been Thinking BY MADELEINE L'ENGLE
BY MARIA SHRIVER 3. Turtles All the Way Down
4. Beneath a Scarlet Sky
BY MATTHEW SULLIVAN 4. Lost City of the Monkey
4. Hello Universe
5. The Great Alone God BY DOUGLAS PRESTON
BY PETER SCHWEIZER 5. Dog Man and Cat Kid
DAVID BALDACCI present 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
My Story of Che Guevara, War in
THE FALLEN the Congo, and the Communist
An Amos Decker Novel Threat in Africa
Grand Central Publishing Wednesday, April 25th at 4 pm
(autograph line tickets
with book purchase)
Monday, April 23rd at 6 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County 2 VerTohNis eSuwndsa/ySateVberaosBteiaacnh HRigihvSecrhoNoel Pwersfor|mAinRg TArSts &CenTteHr.EATRE April 20, 2018 B5
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 keep her. Scott Simon of National Public Ra- Carfi and Doug Almeida, whom Riverside with a large financial planning firm, tasked
dio calls Rimsky-Korsakov’s work “a techni- describes thus: Carfi began his career doing with “taking lifeless insurance presentations
Center present “Lagoon Tour d’Art,” an ex- color tour de force.” This exciting concert in- stand-up at the Comedy Store on Sunset and transforming them into works of comic
hibition of award-winning works in many cludes another dramatic and beautiful work, Strip in West Hollywood. He’s since been art.” In his spare time, he fought as an ISKA
media from the Club’s “2nd Annual Beau- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s breathtaking “Ro- headlining at corporate events, concert Heavyweight Muay Thai kick boxer, retiring
tiful Lagoon Fine Art Show” last month. meo and Juliet” Overture, based on Shake- halls, resorts and comedy clubs all over the at 10-0 and earning the title “Always Dan-
The paintings, 3-dimensional pieces and speare’s tragic tale of star-crossed young country. Almeida was a corporate presenter gerous.” Alrighty then. Arrive an hour before
art glass all interpret, says the exhibit pro- lovers. The evening will also feature trumpet the show and you can hang out in the Live
mo, “the beauty and drama of our beloved player and University of Central Florida pro- in the Loop area, where there’ll be live music
Indian River Lagoon.” Enjoy the center fessor Dr. Luis Araya, in the world premiere (blues this week), beer, bourbon and BBQ.
and the exhibit Tuesday through Friday, of a haunting new piece, “Transcending,” for These shows can include “adult” language
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; trumpet and strings, by Christopher Mar- (so, Leave the kids. Take the cannoli). Show
and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 772-581-8281 shall. Marshall’s music has been performed times are 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Tickets
or 772-664-1186. in such venues as Carnegie Hall, the Kenne- range from $12 per person to $42 per person,
dy Center and the Barbican in London. The depending on your choice of general, premi-
2 Scheherezade.The very name conjures concert begins at 3 p.m. Tickets are $20 in ad- um, VIP balcony booth or the Celebrate With
visions of ancient myths and myster- vance, $25 at the door, and free for people 18 Us package. 772-231-6990.
ies, of Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sinbad the Sailor an under or with student ID. 855-252-7276.
and 1,001 Arabian Nights. This Sunday, Aar-
on Collins and the Space Coast Symphony 3 Wild, hilarious an untamed is how
Orchestra (not your grandfather’s symphony Riverside Theatre (aptly) describes its
orchestra) will bring those wonderful tales popular Comedy Zone, bringing a laugh-cen-
to life at the Vero Beach High School Per- tric double bill this Friday and Saturday, April
forming Arts Center, as they present Nikolai 20-21. Comedy-meisters this week are John
Rimsky-Korsakov’s exotic symphonic suite
“Scheherezade.” It’s a marvelous musical in-
terpretation of an ancient folk tale: the story
a beautiful storyteller, Scheherezade, whose
brand-new husband, the sultan, had the an-
noying habit of marrying a woman at night,
and killing her the next morning. To prevent
her imminent demise, the clever bride would
tell him an irresistibly captivating story, then
leave it hanging, night after night. After 1,001
such intriguing tales, the sultan decided to
B6 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
STEAM players: Kids have fun while learning tons
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Bob and Carmen Stork with Marilyn and Dr. Winston Scott. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE master of science degree in aeronautical
[email protected] engineering with avionics, Scott’s ap-
team members about the engineering be- Polytechnic students. preciation for the importance of STEAM
Rockets soared through the air, squids hind jet racing. For those wanting to trade their sneak- fields and how the arts can help students
were dissected, and the best angle to kick tackle design and engineering challenges
a soccer ball was calculated at the IRC In- Riverside Theatre gave two performanc- ers in for space boots, a VIP Lunch with an was evident throughout the lecture and
tergenerational Recreational Center last es and, to magnify the importance of an in- Astronaut experience allowed them to hear discussion.
Saturday as families descended upon the tegrated curriculum, local art teachers led firsthand stories of space travel from NASA
Indian River STEAM Fest hosted by Vero art-centric activities with children as they astronaut and retired U.S. Navy Capt. Win- “We’re trying to put these types of fields
Beach Academy. dissected squid and used the harvested ink ston Scott. After lunch and a brief presen- in front of children so they will consid-
to create watercolor paintings, explored tation, Scott chatted with the junior astro- er them, get excited and maybe want to
The inaugural Science Technology chromatography and learned about the nauts taking questions about what life was pursue them as adults,” said Kelly Brown,
Engineering Arts and Math (S.T.E.A.M.) science behind the art. like in space; how the astronauts got back Parents as Leaders president and event
festival was engineered so that children home and what it was like to go from zero co-chair. “I hope we’re sparking excite-
could explore the wonders of these critical The children also helped a “mad scien- gravity in space back to earth. ment within the kids about STEAM fields.”
fields. With smiles on their faces as they tist” perform experiments; learned about As they departed, boys and girls left with
took turns, the children happily moved arachnids from an entomologist; and ex- Having begun his academic career as a visions of everything from rockets flying
from one activity to the next, completely plored space farming with two Florida music major and later graduating with a through the air to bees buzzing around in
engaged without realizing that they were their heads. Most seemed ready to go full
actually learning in addition to having lots STEAM ahead with plans to become as-
of fun. tronauts, engineers and mad scientists, in
hopes of creating a better world for their
The exhibit hall housed 50 hands-on ac- families.
tivities and demonstrations that showed
how STEAM fields apply in the real world. Vero Beach Academy is a learning co-
operative that combines homeschooling
Boys and girls put out virtual fires; and formal classroom experiences. The
learned about resistance through bowling; children attend class two days a week, and
saw the effects lionfish have on seagrass the VBA provides parents with homes-
habitats; and made a magnetic fluid in ad- chool lessons two days a week along with
dition to other intriguing learning experi- enrichment opportunities.
To learn more about the Vero Beach
Outside, families launched rockets, Academy, visit verobeachacademy.com.
learned about crime-scene investigation
and talked with Florida Tech jet racing
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE April 20, 2018 B7
Robyn Hjalmeby, Mie Powell and Stephanie Watson. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE B8
Julie Jones, Kelly Brown and Stephanie Reismiller.
Busch Wildlife Sanctuary’s screech owl Cheerio. Elaine Larsen, Kat Redner and Martha Redner. Abby Keith, Tessa Leverman and Isa Flores.
B8 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Mad Science’s Nadia Smart.
Johnathan Goodhart and Jessie Smith. Chris Hollen and Connor Rohrbough.
Expires 04-27-18 Ashley Boyle and Sadie Boyle. Ainsley Brown, Jason Brown and Aidan Brown.
Expires 04-27-18
Expires 04-27-18 NOopwen It’s a date.
AL 13068 Join us for a lunch that
you will remember.
Call with an opening on
your calendar.
Assisted Living & Memory Care
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
B10 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
First Bites: Post & Vine joins 14th Avenue dining scene
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist
[email protected]
After a long wait, Post & Vine has de-
buted as the newest addition to the 14th
Avenue dining and drinking scene – and
a number of Vero residents already seem
enthusiastic about its relaxed bistro vibe.
Headline news: The food is good, but
this isn’t exactly fine dining. The casual
ambiance is as much of the attraction as
the food here. Come wearing a sports jack-
et, or come in shorts. Post & Vine offers a
variety of tempting appetizers to enjoy
with a cocktail, beer or glass of wine; sal-
ads, sandwiches or burgers if you’re in the
mood for something light; and a short list
of tasty, well-executed entrées for those
seeking a full-meal.
Look & Feel: The outdoor dining area
is what makes Post & Vine unique. While
other restaurants have most of their dining
area inside, with small courtyards or pati-
Marinated Garlic Skirt
Chicken. Steak.
os, the spacious covered deck that opens salad was particularly good with candied For dessert, we tried the Key Lime pie you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
out from the bustling bar area is where walnuts and goat cheese. on our first visit and the chocolate cake on ach32963.com.
most of Post & Vine’s dining will take place. our second (both $7). Either one makes a
There’s nothing else quite like this in Vero. For entrées, we tried four of the five se- fine way to end a meal. The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
lections currently offered on the menu. The rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963.
Food: Over the course of two meals, my first evening, I had the marinated chicken Drink: As befits its name, Post & Vine
husband and I sampled two soups, two ($16) and on our second visit I had the char- has a nice selection of moderately priced Hours:
large salads, four entrées and two desserts. grilled salmon ($19). wines, and it offers the beers and cocktails Daily, 3 pm to late
one would expect at its lengthy bar. Beverages: Full Bar
For starters, we had the tomato lentil The char-grilled chicken breast was
soup and the lobster bisque (both $7 for a topped with artichokes, sundried toma- Service: For a new restaurant, service Address:
cup, $11 for a bowl). toes, feta cheese and fresh basil in a lem- was both attentive and knowledgeable. 1919 14th Avenue,
on beurre blanc. The salmon filet was
The tomato lentil was a hearty vegeta- topped with the lemon beurre blanc and Prices: Prices for starters range from $7 Vero Beach
ble-broth soup made with tomatoes, on- capers, and was served with jasmin rice to $14, with salads, sandwiches and burg- Phone:
ion, carrot, garlic, green lentil, kale, curry, and crunchy roasted Brussels sprouts. Both ers mostly in the $8 to $12 range, and en-
cumin and thyme. But the better of the very good dishes. trées running $15 to $22. (772) 907-5159
two was the lobster bisque, a rich, creamy
soup with chunks of lobster and finished My husband on our first visit had the Pets: Post & Vine says pooches are abso-
with aged sherry. garlic skirt steak ($22) and on our return lutely welcome.
tried the grilled mushroom meatloaf ($15).
Next, we sampled the roasted beet salad The skirt steak was cooked perfectly and Initial impressions: Post & Vine is just
($9) and the Caesar salad ($8). For an up- was very tender. The meatloaf, a blend of getting started, and it’s hard to tell where
charge, these salads can be ordered with pork, beef, sautéed crimini mushrooms it’s going. But it is unique, and it’s certainly
grilled chicken, steak, shrimp or soft-shell and some carrots, was topped with a brown an interesting addition to Vero’s downtown
crab. But for dinner salads, either of these sherry mushroom gravy. Excellent. dining area. It’s very much worth a visit.
was big enough for two to share. The beet
I welcome your comments, and encourage
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 20, 2018 B11
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 20, 2018 B13
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B14 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 20, 2018 B15
Eva’s Real Home Cooking
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B16 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS www.veronews.com
Hurricane Impact Doors Rolling at 17-2, Vero High
& Impact Glass, baseball on cruise control
We Have It All!
Hunter Cooley. David Luethje.
Transform Your Existing Door from By Ron Holub | Correspondent of relief and got the ‘W’ when the Fighting
Boring to Beautiful! [email protected] Indians rallied late to pull out a 3-2 victory
over Merritt Island. Patteson then rescued
■ Glass patterns for every style & budget The Vero Beach High baseball team was Cooley from a rocky start in the FPC game.
■ Customize to your style 17-2 and riding high on a 10-game win
■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors streak after clobbering Fort Pierce Central, Run production is always spotty based on
■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors 11-2, in a district game last Friday night at the quality of the pitching coming at you.
■ Fiberglass Doors the Reservation. Rahal is keenly aware of that, as every coach
■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors should be.
■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units “It’s been a fun run so far,” head coach
■ Etching Bryan Rahal said. “We are a little bit further “We’ve done a little bit of everything,”
■ Schlage Hardware along than we expected. We knew that we Rahal told us. “Early on we played some
■ Mirror Wraps had some big arms coming back, and that small ball and tried to move guys along.
we had a lot of experience on the mound. We tried to steal and create chaos on the
Regency Square We were confident that we could remain in bases. Recently we’ve started to hit the ball
games early in the season, but we had a lot out of the park a little bit, and I say that
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured of new faces defensively and in the lineup. loosely. We’ve hit a few home runs (Lu-
ethje, Peter Holden) but that’s more than
772.463.6500 “We weren’t sure what our run produc- we are used to hitting. We’ve had a few ex-
tion would be. So far it’s been up and down, tra-base hits mixed in, and we’ve put up
but we are getting a little more production some double-digit hits.
than we were earlier in the season. We’ve
had some close games mixed in, but lately “We are 4-1 in a very tough, competitive
we have been able to put a few runs on the district. Every team has a good arm, or two,
board, which is great for our pitchers be- or three. In a district game you are going to
cause those guys have pitched with a lot of get a competitor on the mound. Every dis-
pressure the whole season.” trict game has been a grind. If you are not
prepared, if you are not executing, those
Those guys include a solid one-two punch games are tough to win. ... We don’t overem-
of seniors David Luethje and Hunter Cooley. phasize the state championship, but it is on
Through 17 games, Luethje, committed to everybody’s mind. A lot has to happen to get
the University of Florida, posted a 4-0 record there, but you can’t look too far into the fu-
with a 0.42 ERA. He fanned 64 and walked ture and lose sight of where you are at.
10 in 33 innings. His career record is 18-2.
Cooley signed with Florida Atlantic and was “This is my sixth year at VBHS and this
5-1 with a 1.50 ERA over that same period. group is just like the others. They work hard
Control is his forte with only four walks to go and take the lunchbox out to practice every
with 41 strikeouts over 38 innings. His career day. This team is well-rounded. Pitching is
mark is 23-3. definitely our strength, but we’ve also been
able to do a few things with the bats. And
They will carry the workload for VBHS we’ve found some key pieces to hold us to-
when the playoffs arrive. Luethje is a righty gether defensively.”
and Cooley tosses from the port side.
At the beginning of this week, just five
Another lefty-righty combination – games were still on tap – including one within
southpaw Hunter Patteson and righty Nick the district – before the second season com-
Celidonio (VBHS QB) – will work primarily mences. VBHS and Treasure Coast spilt a pair
out of the bullpen. Both are juniors. in the district during the regular season.
“Those guys (Patteson and Celidonio)
have experience and pitched a bunch for us
last year,” Rahal said. “They are the next two
guys in. Both have been called upon in relief,
and in the spring break tournament both of
them had big starts. Down the stretch they
will be relievers.”
That scenario played out in two wins last
week. Patteson struck out five in two innings
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 20, 2018 B17
7 8642 10 9 3
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q876543 J 10
8 AKQ4 10 9 7 5 3 2
As mentioned last week, books from Master Point Press are typically available in Q 10 5 3 9872 KJ4
standard book form or as a PDF computer file that you can open and read or print.
Strangely, given how useful it is, “Should I or Shouldn’t I?” by Marc Smith, which runs AKQJ5
to 241 pages, is in PDF format only. The well-written book, as an addendum to the title AK92
points out, covers the difficult subject of drawing trumps in suit contracts. J6
How quickly should South draw trumps in this seven-spade deal after West has led the
diamond eight? Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
North’s four-heart response was a splinter bid announcing at least game-going values in The Bidding:
spades with a singleton (or void) in hearts. Then came four control-bids before the jump
1 Spades Pass 4 Hearts Pass
Declarer normally counts losers in the long-trump hand, but when in a grand slam, he 5 Clubs Pass 5 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
cannot afford any. He should count winners. 5 Hearts Pass 6 Diamonds Pass 8 Diamonds
7 Spades Pass Pass Pass
Here, South has 12: five spades, two hearts, four diamonds and one club. So he needs
only one ruff in the dummy for his 13th winner. This means that declarer, after taking the
first trick with his diamond jack (honor from the shorter side first), can immediately draw
three rounds of trumps and claim.
If he starts with the heart ace and a heart ruff, East overruffs the dummy, gives West a
diamond ruff and receives a second ruff for down three.
Apart from Master Point Press, books may be purchased from Baron Barclay Bridge
Supplies (baronbarclay.com) and The Bridge World (bridgeworld.com).
Summer Membership
Meadowood Golf and Tennis Club
Is offering Summer Memberships
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Ask for details at the Golf Shop
Mike Yurigan, GM & Head Golf Professional
Call (772) 464-4466 or Visit our website
B18 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Bellow (4) 1 Porridge mix (4)
4 Whirl (4) 3 Poured (6)
8 Yearn (4) 4 Private (6)
9 Steps (9) 5 Editions (6)
11 Except when (6) 6 Medics’portable bed (9)
13 Arbitrator (7) 7 Not that? (4)
15 Recognition (6) 10 Opponents (7)
16 Has a hint (of) (6) 12 Sections in play (4)
18 Searched for (6) 13 Consequent (9)
20 Kalahari, e.g. (6) 14 Freight (anag.) (7)
22 Pocket (7) 17 Location (4)
23 Couch (6) 19 International agreement (6)
25 Nuclear emissions (9) 20 Tasks (6)
26 Geometrical shape (4) 21 Guard (6)
27 Observes (4) 23 Item of clothing (4)
28 Philosophy with exercises (4) 24 Yearn (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 20, 2018 B19
ACROSS 74 Ukase selling 66 Earthly goal of a The Washington Post
1 Tennessee 75 Slangy followers 9 Home of Jules Verne
77 The way, to expedition MY EXPLOSIVE CAREER By Merl Reagle
Williams’s Odysseus
Maggie Beijing 10 Unknots 68 Scented bag CRUISE THERAPY 2019
7 Slogs 78 Really smell 11 Planes for VIPs 69 That guy’s
12 Past, to Picasso 79 That Stephen 12 Full of vim and 73 People watch it 8-Night Eastern Caribbean
18 Proportionately (Fort Lauderdale Roundtrip)
19 They are driven King feeling vinegar on Fourth of July
20 California 81 59 Across 13 Catcher under a night Adventure of the Seas
institute where 76 Mollifiers April 27, 2019
Fritz Perls taught truckful grate 78 Chart anew
Gestalt 83 Singer 14 Out of danger 80 Chicago hub Motor coach transportation available from Vero Beach
21 War lover’s 15 ___ Romeo 82 1963 John (40 Passengers Required)
justification? Pendergrass 16 Knock away, Wayne film,
23 Sound of nuclear 84 Stands up to Donovan’s ___ Contact Garrett Travel for further pricing details
destruction? 87 Name for a farm as a pass 83 House cover
24 Serena Smash 17 Thunder Bay’s when painting or GARRETT TRAVEL (772) 359-3673
25 Hombre’s home: dog fumigating garretttravel.com
abbr. 89 ___-de-lance prov. 84 Gave Gerber’s
26 Nuclear 90 What XX means, 18 Acad. tests 85 Friend of
attraction? 22 Second tel. line François
28 Arms buildup? sex-wise: abbr. 27 Pound ___ 86 Scams
32 Win ___ nose 91 Overactor 88 Rodents in the
33 She who’s shorn 93 Start of a carol (do a cop’s job) family
36 Like Mitty’s “life” 29 Too soon to 90 Pay for in a big
37 Female praying title way
figure 95 Kind of make good 92 ___ in (make
39 Reagan and 99 Ear assault kindling money in a big
Sinatra 100 Gassy prefix 30 Actor way)
42 Rock producer 102 Only place where Auberjonois 94 Flight navigation
Brian 31 Actor Calhoun syst.
43 Craft crammed nuclear issues 34 Old Faithful’s 96 Knock one’s
with critters are black and state: abbr. socks off
44 Fly like an eagle white? 35 Govern ending 97 Silly as ___
46 Comics sections, 105 With 111 Across, 38 50-50 98 “___ have no
old-style the propositions bananas”
47 Roast host theme of this 40 British upper- 101 Lanchester and
50 Loopy Louis puzzle crusters Maxwell
51 Pipe down, 109 “___, then B ... ” 41 ___ public 103 Carnival city
Navy-style 110 ___ Alamos 43 Actress Beverly 104 Forsyth’s
53 Blue hue 111 See 105 Across D’___ The Dogs ___
54 ___ rat 112 Bird’s-eye view 45 Black Sea 106 Usually nicer rds.
(slangy toddler) of World War III? country 107 Glazed finish for
56 Mr. Edison: abbr. 116 Spain and 47 Old French coin, fabrics
59 Iron-rich Portugal or new European 108 Arts degs.
Minnesota range 117 Without ___ in currency 111 Woody’s
62 Decorative the world 48 Countless Husbands and
vessel 118 Needle-shaped 49 “____ just agree Wives co-star
63 Put ___ (sail) 119 Items of real to disagree” 113 Actress Sandra
65 With 70 Across, worth 52 Attended 114 Trifecta, for one
the trouble with 120 Rhyme or reason 54 He probably has 115 History chapter,
fallout? 121 Record again shingles perhaps
67 Riposte to a DOWN 55 Loan sharks
bomb advocate? 1 Lozenge 57 Hilton or
70 See 65 Across 2 Class in Sheraton
71 Cranky household skills alternative
conditions 3 Before, once 58 Part of a
72 Triennia parts: 4 Tech preceder caveman’s
abbr. 5 “___ cast away name, in the
stones” comics
(Ecclesiastes) 60 Kept afloat
6 “I can ___ hint” 61 Accustomed (to)
7 Pei or wan 63 “Hath not ___ a
preceder thorn,
8 Do better at Plantagenet?”
(Henry VI: Part I)
64 Regarded highly
Sarah Garrett, Vacation Specialist
The Telegraph
B20 April 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru May 6, Paul Environmental Learning Center – Lagoon 20 A Decade of Dancing, celebrating 10th
Outerbridge: New Color Photographs from Mexico Tour d’Art exhibit; award winners from Sebas- anniversary of Healthy Start Coalition’s
Riverside Theatre - Mamma Mia featuring the and California, 1948-1955 thru June 3 and Shadow tian River Art Club Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art Dancing with Vero’s Stars, 5:30 p.m. at IRC In-
music of ABBA, on the Stark Stage thru April 29. & Light: The Etchings of Martin Lewis thru May 13. Show, thru May 10. 772-581-8281 tergenerational Center, with silent auction, re-
772-231-6990 freshments, music and mingling with Vero’s Stars
French Film Festival at and around FIT’s Foo- APRIL alumni and current dancers. Free. 772-563-9118
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To Metal: saner Art Museum - 2 screenings/week at Foo-
saner thru April 21. 321-674-8916 20-29 Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation
Tennis Championships at Grand
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN HarborGolf&BeachClubtobenefitMardyFishChildren’s
in April 13, 2018 Edition 1 TERRY 1 TRAFFIC Foundation, which funds local after-school programs. $10
4 TORY 2 RULETHEROOST to$100;children18andunderfree.Tennisverobeach.com
9 AXMINSTER 4 TOMBOY 21 Fairy & Pirate Festival, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
10 FATE 5 RUNFORIT McKee Botanical Garden – children won-
11 TOBOGGAN 6 STAGEWHISPER derland with treasure hunts, fairy houses, crafts
12 COY 7 BRAN and games. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
14 WIGWAM 12 CRUSADER 21 Wheels & Keels at The Moorings Yacht and
16 SAT 14 WAG Country Club, featuring cars, boats and mo-
17 CROSSING 15 MESSAGE torcycles, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., concluding with a ‘Red
18 BIAS 16 SNOOTY Carpet’ award ceremony to benefit Wheels & Keels
20 INSIDEOUT 17 CHIT Foundation,supportinglocalcharities. 772-559-9758
21 PEA 19 STUB
Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16 Crossword Page B17 (WORD BUILDING)
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