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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-05-05 13:08:40



School District bids to block
new charter schools. P7
More changes in
Vero dining world. P8

Vero’s $22 million ‘price drop’
for electric customers in Shores. P10

Hospital looks to For breaking news visit
improvements at
emergency room Two homes sell,
one doesn’t, in
luxury auctions

Staff Writer Staff Writer

While wait times at the John Schumann at age 84, enjoying his retirement in McKee Garden. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE Lemon Tree owner George
Emergency Room of Indian Shinn managed to extricate
River Medical Center still are MY John Schumann 20 years after the Press Journal himself from two oceanfront
longer than both the Florida VERO homes he no longer wanted
and national averages, the hos- with comparatively modest
pital is hoping a new approach BY RAY MCNULTY daily newspaper business, he industry. Nor did he know that losses at a luxury auction last
to managing the department Staff Writer was motivated mostly by the he was selling at what proved weekend, but the owner of
will soon reduce ER delays and numbers. But not the num- to be the peak of the market. the so-called “barcode lady’s
improve performance. Twenty years ago this month, bers you might think. house” didn’t even come close
when John J. Schumann Jr. The numbers that mattered to getting the $12.9 million
Hospital president and CEO agreed to sell the Press Journal He did not foresee the com- were 65, 70 and 40. minimum she was seeking in
Jeff Susi, chief medical officer and get out of the then-healthy ing of the digitally driven de- a separate auction.
Charles Mackett and director cline of the daily newspaper “By 1996, I was approach-
of emergency services Dr. Paul The most high-profile prop-
Giasi outlined their plans for CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 erty was the lavish south island
reducing patient frustration in estate Palazzo Di Mare, com-
an interview coinciding with monly known on the island
the hospital’s assumption of as “the barcode lady’s house.”
full direct responsibility for Offered at 11 a.m. on Satur-
the staffing and management day, April 30 by Naples-based
of the ER. DeCaro Luxury Auctions, the
house reportedly attracted few
Less than two years ago, the bidders and did not sell.
physician staffing company
ApolloMD was brought in to But two homes offered by


Atlantic Classical Orchestra picks new conductor Back to the future for
Piper: Refocus on
BY MICHELLE GENZ trainers is paying off
Staff Writer

After months of reviewing 130 BY ALAN SNEL
applicants and a season of concerts Staff Writer
conducted by each of four finalists,
a new music director has finally The new ACO conductor David Amado. It’s back to the future for
been found for the Atlantic Classi- Piper Aircraft, which is re-
cal Orchestra. emphasizing its trainer air-
craft production roots to drive
Piper trainers on tarmac at Vero’s Flight Safety. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL

May 5, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 18 Newsstand Price $1.00 ‘Pops’ goes the
season: What a
News 1-12 Faith 47 Pets 48 TO ADVERTISE CALL finale. Page 14
Arts 31-36 Games 49-51 Real Estate 71-80 772-559-4187
Books 46 Health 53-57 St Ed’s 58
Dining 62 Insight 37-52 Style 59-61 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 44 People 13-30 Wine 63 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


My Vero “The stars seemed to be aligned,” said. “So we had accomplished pretty sold the last Florida daily newspaper
he added. “I thought that would be a much all we could, as far as maximiz- wholly owned by a family.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 good time to do it.” ing the market potential.”
“I thought I’d enjoy some years
ing retirement age,” Schumann said in Schumann, now 84, remembers In the weeks that followed, the doing other things,” he said. “I had
an interview. “I was almost 65, and that contacting the chains, which he said E.W. Scripps Co. wildly outbid sev- always enjoyed airplanes and cars,
year the Press Journal was 70 years old. welcomed the opportunity to acquire eral other newspaper chains. “It so I’ve been able to spend time do-
The family had owned it for 70 years. a local newspaper with what was then was significantly higher than the ing that. I learned to fly when I was
That was a nice, round figure.” a loyal and growing circulation, solid others,” he recalled. And Schumann in high school in the 1950s and still
advertising base and strong market said his father, before his death, had enjoy flying.
So was 40. penetration. told him he should consider selling
“I had been there, when I was in the newspaper when the price was “And I’ve always been interested in
high school and college, on a part- In fact, when Schumann began tak- right. “I knew he wouldn’t mind cars,” he added. “Over the years, I’ve
time basis,” Schumann said. “But it ing offers, the Press Journal was being selling,” he said of John Sr. “That accumulated a small collection of
was 40 years full-time, the family had delivered to 70 percent of the house- made it easier.” sports cars.”
owned it 70 years and, with 65 ap- holds in Indian River County.
proaching, it was time to retire. So Schumann, ready to retire and He and his wife, Kathie, also con-
“It was the highest county penetra- eager to embark on other interests, tinued their philanthropic involve-
tion of any daily in Florida,” Schumann ment in local causes, putting some
of the money they received from the
sale of the Press Journal back into the

The Press Journal continued to
do well for a time, but it was under
Schumann’s leadership that it pros-
pered most.

“I did everything at one point or
another,” he said. “My first job was
delivering newspapers to the vending
machines located around town.”

He was named editor in 1963 and
publisher in 1975, holding both titles
for more than 20 years and taking
both positions seriously.

Schumann understood what read-
ers wanted and needed from its local
daily newspaper.

“The focus was very local for us,”
he said. “We found that our readers
were more interested in what was
happening here, so we had a pretty
good-sized news staff and deployed
it all right here in the county. People
became very accustomed to getting a
lot of local news.”

Actually, they became spoiled –
something that the Scripps editors,
who tried to convince readers to buy
into their regional approach, soon
would learn.

Schumann was so committed to
providing readers with a daily diet
of can’t-miss local news that he paid
his more-experienced reporters and
editors higher wages than offered by
most newspapers of the Press Jour-
nal’s size, enabling him to maintain
a loyal and knowledgeable core of
staffers who chose to stay in Vero
Beach rather than pursue jobs at big-
ger papers.

“That was a very conscious effort –
to pay higher than would be expected
at a paper of our size,” Schumann
said. “They could do well here, and
that was important. They knew the
local scene and local players, and
they could report more intelligently
and more effectively.

“Their sources were better,” he
added, “because they knew their

They needed to – because through-
out the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, the Press
Journal had daily competition.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 3


At various times, newspaper read- tent, all of which is attractive to ad- remains optimistic that someone oughness that we need. I’d hate to think
ers in this county could subscribe vertisers. somewhere will someday find a way newspapers can’t make it, because peo-
to or buy at a newsstand the Miami for them to make enough money off ple need to know about these things.”
Herald, Florida (formerly Cocoa) To- “There’s also Vero Beach Magazine, their online content to survive.
day, Palm Beach Post and Orlando which is a thriving example of print He paused for a moment, then
Sentinel. All four papers had news journalism. So it’s pretty obvious that “I’m certainly very hopeful,” added: “Isn’t Warren Buffett invest-
bureaus here. people here like to read about what’s Schumann said. “Who else is going ing in local newspapers? I find that
going on in their community.” to cover your school board or county encouraging. . . . This is a very good
“It was a competitive market,” commission meetings? Television news newspaper market. If newspapers
Schumann said, “and it kept us on our Schumann still believes in local covers some things, but not the issue- are going away, this might be the last
toes.” newspapers, values the importance related stories and not with the thor- place to go.” 
of the watchdog role they play and
But in the late 1990s, with the rise of
the internet, things began to change. Exclusively John’s Island
The out-of-town papers pulled out of
Vero. And the Press Journal’s circula- One of the most spectacular fairway and lake views of the South Course are
tion and ad revenue began to decline. enjoyed from this exquisite 4BR/4.5BA residence. Hardwood floors, vaulted
ceilings with recessed lighting and custom millwork adorn this 5,624± SF home.
Today, the newspaper, based in Features include an upgraded, gourmet island kitchen with built-in service buffet
Stuart for the past 15 years, has half and wine refrigerator, family room with wet bar, guest cabana and poolside terrace
the circulation it had in its heyday, showcasing endless golf course vistas. 228 Island Creek Drive : $2,995,000
and operates only a small bureau in
Vero Beach. Last year, Scripps got out three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
of the business, swapping its news- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
papers for a group of TV stations.
The transaction gave ownership of 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
the Press Journal to a new company
called the Journal Media Group, al-
beit only briefly.

Last month, the Journal Media
Group – including the Press Journal
– sold itself to Gannett, which also
owns Melbourne-based Florida To-

Asked to assess the Press Journal’s
operations and quality of the prod-
uct under its three newspaper-chain
owners, Schumann, still a subscriber
and daily reader, said: “I would say
they’ve done the best they can do to
adapt to changing times.

“It’s disappointing to see the de-
cline, because I think it’s important
in the type of government we have
that people get their news from reli-
able sources and I’m not always sure
that that’s the case on the internet,”
Schumann said. “So that’s a real con-

How would Schumann have adapt-
ed to these drastic and debilitating
changes in the industry? Not being
“in the loop,” as he put it, he’s not
sure what he would’ve done.

Except for this: Continue to pub-
lish a newspaper chock full of the
local news that readers here once ex-
pected from his Press Journal.

“It would’ve been disappointing
to be in a market where there would
be challenges to circulation for the
newspaper, because we had always
been able to increase circulation year
after year,” Schumann said. “That’s
certainly a big challenge now.”

Yet Schumann insists this county,
because of its demographics, is still a
strong market for print publications
– yes, even a daily newspaper.

“We have a seven-day-a-week pa-
per here, where some larger commu-
nities don’t,” he said. “There’s Vero
Beach 32963, which is a nice-sized
weekly, printed on quality paper, and
loaded with a lot of good, local con-

4 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hospital ER reached out to its Durham, N.C., part- And how soon should patients be the progress of this new approach.
ner for guidance on restructuring the able to see an improvement at the ER? Those can be found at
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 emergency department. Additionally, “Yesterday,” Susi responded.
Susi, Mackett and Giasi looked to a new https://www.indianrivermedical-
take over from another ER contrac- hospital board member for advice. IRMC posts its most current ER met-
tor, Emergency Physicians of Central rics online so Vero residents can track plement/er-wait-times/. 
Florida, in a bid to address complaints Dr. William (Bill) Baxt, who just
about long wait times. Now, the hos- joined the board in January, is a for- Piper University of North Dakota’s John D.
pital is dumping ApolloMD and taking mer first department chair of emer- Odegard School of Aerospace Science
over direct hiring of ER physicians. gency medicine at the University of CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 this spring for 100 trainers.
Pennsylvania hospitals. Susi said Baxt
Figures just obtained for 2015 show had already spent considerable time increased sales of trainer airplanes to The 100 Pipers that will go to North
there were slight improvements in with Giasi and Mackett to help plan flight schools. Dakota are 80 single-engine Archer
average ER wait times on ApolloMD’s and implement the ER changes. models and 20 multi-engine Seminoles,
watch, but consultants recommended From Vero Beach to North Dakota. said Don Dubuque, the aerospace sci-
the hospital move to a directly em- Giasi says the Vero hospital is look- flight programs are buying more and ence school’s aircraft fleet manager.
ployed physician model to increase ing for a specific personality type to more Piper trainers to teach the next
patient satisfaction. staff its emergency department. generation of aspiring pilots, especial- He said the 100 aircraft are valued at
ly with the commercial airline indus- between $42 million and $45 million,
“When you have a company like To be an effective emergency room try needing more aviators. and will be phased in during the next
Apollo and they staff multiple emer- doctor, Giasi said, “you can't be an four to five years to replace old Cessna
gency rooms, if they're short some- introvert. You need to be good with Each year since 2011, the percentage and Piper models.
place else, it's not unusual for them people. You need that ability to interact of trainer sales out of Piper’s total air-
to pull from here to go elsewhere. with all walks of life and be able to see craft sales has increased. Five years ago, Close to home, Piper sold 20 War-
That's not something we're interested every type of patient. That's the crux trainer sales accounted for 13 percent rior trainers to FlightSafety Academy
in,” Susi said. “We're only staffing one of emergency medicine: Being able to of total sales before it increased to 16 in 2015 and another six Aero models in
emergency department. We won't pull deal with anything that comes through percent in 2012, 27 percent in 2013, 33 2016, said Jackie Carlon, Piper director
those doctors out to go elsewhere.” that door on a moment's notice.” percent in 2014 and 38 percent in 2015. of marketing and communications.

While currently between eight and After pausing briefly, Giasi added,“You That trend reflects the marketing Piper and FlightSafety have had a
10 full-time physicians are assigned to have to understand that this is the worst strategy of Piper Chief Executive Si- longstanding relationship through the
the ER, Susi said, ”Ultimately, I think day of (a patient's) life if they're coming mon Caldecott, who began as CEO in decades and the overwhelming ma-
we'll probably staff up to 16 doctors,” to the ED. That's the mentality I want. 2011 and made trainer sales a priority. jority of the trainers at Flight Safety are
though that won't happen right away. That's our job. This community deserves The company’s 1937 Cub is an iconic Piper models.
a department that will serve them in de- trainer in the aviation industry.
To further reduce wait times, Susi livering compassion and quality care.” “When the current CEO came on
said an expansion of ER capacity “Piper is one of the original names board, he instituted a strategic shift to
through the reconfiguration of exist- Mackett, meanwhile, expressed in pilot training. Their brand is and al- focus more on training. They invested
ing space is also in the works. confidence in the hospital's ability to ways has been tied heavily to training,” in a sales staff and went hard at fleet
find the doctors it wants. said Ian Twombly, editor of Pilot and contracts,” Twombly said.
“By the time we reach next season,” Flight Training, an aviation industry
Susi said, “not only will we be adding “It's clear,” Mackett says, “that tal- trade publication. “The University of North Dakota or-
staff, but we'll be adding treatment ent attracts talent. You start a heart der is a result of that sales push back
rooms so we'll be able to handle the program with a Dr. Cary Stowe and “The Piper Cub has trained thousands into training. And it shows how im-
volume (of patients) better.” you get (people) like Dr. Mark Malias, of pilots, and many people in aviation portant the training sector is to Piper,”
Dr. John Linderthal, Dr. Jay Midwall today look at it fondly as one of the great Twombly said. “They’ve had other
It is a surprisingly large volume. In and Dr. Joshua Kieval coming here to airplanes of all time,” Twombly said. wins in the past few years, including
2015 the hospital saw almost 60,000 join him. That's the same with Dr. Gi- with Flight Safety in Vero, and ATP
emergency patients – a 15,000 in- asi as the ED medical director. People In returning to its trainer roots, Piper Flight School, which is nationwide.”
crease over the number that came to who think like him and work like him cut a deal with ATP Flight School in April
the ER a decade earlier. will be attracted here and take good 2013 for 100 aircraft, while the company How much is Caldecott committed
service and make it even better.” also made a recent agreement with the to bolstering Piper’s trainer sales? He
As a Duke Health affiliate, IRMC travelled to North Dakota last week

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 5


for a parents’ weekend event and to produced results,” Twombly observed. Caldecott’s renewed emphasis on And Dubuque sees it firsthand.
award a scholarship at the North Da- “And I think the shift was smart. A trainer aircraft is tapping into an air- “In the 40 years that I have worked
kota aerospace science school. line industry trend – more commercial in aviation, I’ve never seen such a de-
healthy aviation company produces a pilots are needed, especially in the mand for pilots,” Dubuque said.
“It’s not that they’ve let other products full line of aircraft. In that way it’s no Asia-Pacific region. “There are airlines that are targeting
atrophy. They did kill the jet a few years different than a car company. Ford our students like they’re in the NHL
ago, but more than that they have in- wants college kids to buy Fiestas so “There’s a growing shortage of pi- draft.” 
vested in a sales infrastructure that has they buy F-150s later,” he said. lots,” Carlon said.


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6 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Senior living facility in Orchid saddled with many caveats

BY LISA ZAHNER 26 meeting for the Town Council to be placed on the project, which were going business, but that he’s found a
Staff Writer review, “The waivers that were dis- included lock, stock and barrel into reputable firm in Watercrest Senior
cussed included that the height be the board’s motion. Living to operate the facility for him.
When the Orchid Town Council con- no taller than 30 feet with no exposed Watercrest recently completed a simi-
siders plans for a proposed 120-unit, heating/air-conditioning units on The calendar announcement on lar project adjacent to the Lake Nona
upscale senior living and memory top; that the setback to the Northside the Town’s website for the 9 a.m. May Golf and Country Club near the Orlan-
care facility next week, it comes with be a minimum of 40 feet without a 12 meeting lists its primary purpose do International Airport.
the very conditional blessing of the walkway; that the setback along Ca- as “a Public Hearing to consider ap-
Town’s Local Planning agency, laden ribe Way from the turnaround North plications for a proposed Planned The somewhat beleaguered, yet
with nearly 50 different, and in some be a minimum of 25 feet; that setback Development, Conditional Use, Site victorious Puttick said right after the
cases expensive, stipulations. on that same side along the tennis Plan, Preliminary Plat, Variances and exhaustive question and answer ses-
courts from the turnaround South be Deviations for a proposed 120 bed sion that he was “very pleased” to have
The Orchid Local Planning Agency a minimum of 10 feet, that the gross Assisted Living Facility for the ‘510 passed the planning agency hurdle,
after a more than six-hour hearing floor area not exceed 142,000 square property.’ The Public Hearing will be and that he was looking forward to
last week voted 4-1 to recommend ap- feet; that opening hours be allowed conducted according to quasi-judicial a favorable outcome with the Town
proval of what would be the barrier to be 24/7. procedures for parties to the applica- Council. He had long hoped his Or-
island’s first assisted-living facility, lo- tions. There will be an opportunity for chid neighbors and fellow club mem-
cated on the Wabasso Causeway near “There was also a request that no public participation during the Public bers would see the possibilities of his
the county fire-rescue station, just employee parking be permitted on the Hearing.” project and allow those positives to
outside the gates of the Orchid Island Westside of the building. Finally, the outweigh the concerns, which include
Golf and Beach Club. LPA requested that the applicant draw Orchid resident and long-time Vero the proximity of the proposed facility
up a new landscaping plan with a fo- Beach businessman and auto dealer to the club’s golf course.
According to Orchid Town Clerk cus on large/mature vegetation and Ken Puttick is the very determined
Cherry Stowe, Chairman Ron Borque that the applicant work with the Town applicant on the senior living facility – Project Manager Keith Pelan of Kim-
was the lone vote against the project, planner pertaining to parking needs,” the third iteration of efforts he’s made ley-Horn came back from out of state
but even those who voted yea proceed- Stowe said. to gain the Town’s consent to build to pitch the project. To make sure he
ed to pile on dozens and dozens of con- something on his seven-acre parcel, wouldn’t be sent back to the drawing
ditions that the developer must meet. On top of all of that, the Town staff which is zoned commercial. board or to get an answer and report
report to the planning agency includ- back, delaying the planning agency’s
According to Stowe, who was pre- ed another 34 separate conditions to Puttick says he’ll retain ownership vote, Puttick brought an entourage
paring the draft minutes of the April of the property, buildings and the on-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 7


of people who have been working on School Board goes to court in bid to block two charters
every aspect of the project’s design.
Joining Pelan were more engineers, BY KATHLEEN SLOAN State School Board of Education. board members Claudia Jimenez, Dale
several land planners and a couple of Staff Writer But most of the 14,000 students Som- Simchick and Matthew McCain voted
attorneys. for the appeal. Charles Searcy and
The School Board has decided to erset serves in the 37 charter schools Shawn Frost opposed going to court.
The strategy apparently worked, as waste another $35,000 in an attempt to it operates in Florida are minorities, a
the professionals present collectively block Somerset Academy, an A-grade Somerset spokesman said. Though all board members were
were able to address all the concerns charter school organization, from asked to explain their vote, only Frost
of at least four members of the agency opening an elementary and middle “Although exact totals vary by cam- responded. He said he visited the Mi-
board. Up until last fall, the Town of school in Indian River County. pus and community, overall totals are: ami school Somerset hopes to replicate
Orchid did not have a planning and 18 percent white, 32 percent black, 48 here, and was “extremely impressed
zoning committee or a local planning Rebuffed by the Florida Board of Edu- percent Hispanic, 3 percent Asian, 3 with how much they were able to ac-
agency which included volunteer lo- cation, which unanimously approved percent other,” the spokesman added. complish with such a small footprint.
cal residents. Somerset’s application, the School Board “The overall free/reduced lunch student
voted 3-to-2 to carry its battle to keep population is estimated at 49 percent.” “They had a great community-fo-
Puttick had sued the Town of Or- Somerset out of Indian River County to cused culture and their dual language
chid because its hired consultants the Fourth District Court. No hearing As for complying with the desegrega- programs would have been a great
multiple times rejected his propos- date or judge has been assigned yet. tion order, Somerset’s attorney, Charles feeder into the International Bacca-
als, he said, without affording him Gibson, said that since the schools it laureate programs or the Indian River
the due process of a full-blown pub- Remarkably, the local School District proposes for Indian River County “aren’t County High School international
lic hearing and ability to offer testi- – one of only a handful in Florida that open yet,” it is impossible to know the programs,” he said.
mony and experts on behalf of the still remains under a half-century-old racial composition of students and staff.
project. The Town settled with Put- court desegregation order – cited deseg- Frost said he would have preferred
tick, reportedly for $35,000 to cover regation concerns in opposing Somer- One thing that it is possible to know the $35,000 being used to fight the
legal fees, and formed its Local Plan- set before the state Board of Education. is that the South Miami charter schools state’s reversal be spent “at work here
ning Agency in January. that Somerset proposes to replicate here in the classroom.”
“Somerset is completely ignorant – fostering bilingualism in technologi-
Up until its April 26 meeting, the of the federal desegregation obliga- cally advanced classrooms – have been The anti-charter faction on the school
LPA has been in organizational mode, tions in Indian River County and can- given “A” grades by the State Department board seems more focused on getting
focused on a full review of the Town not comply with these obligations,” of Education for four years running. the maximum per-student state fund-
code, procedures and the agency’s the School Board’s attorney Suzanne ing – and not sharing it with charter
own legal and other responsibilities. D’Agresta said in a brief sent to the The School Board split on the deci- schools – than on providing top-quality
Orchid Town meetings are held in the sion to carry its battle against Somerset education to public school pupils. 
Beach Club Dining Room, 1 Beach- to the courts. After a closed meeting,
side Drive. 

8 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New dining spots coming to mainland – and maybe island

BY MICHELLE GENZ Chris Russo opened Chris’ Hurricane on 16th Street. For this new venture, as “I’ve got the principals all lined up
Staff Writer Grill on Seaway Drive. yet unnamed, the couple has brought and we’re starting to play around with
in a partner, John Scharr, a 13-year stuff,” he says. That play involves add-
Michael Rechter may be at the brink Now Hurricane is about to get a employee of Riverside Café and one of ing Italian components to the sushi
of creating downtown Vero’s largest mom-and-pop neighbor: Vittorio’s Nick Novak’s best friends. and ramen menu. He cites the style of
food and beverage destination at the Pizza, which has locations in Sebas- the famed Masaharu Morimoto of TV’s
old Diesel plant. But his plaza on U.S. 1 tian and on Oslo Road in Vero. It is Nick Novak is the former general “Iron Chef,” who frequently adds Ital-
that includes K-Mart is becoming a go- relocating its third location from the manager of Mulligan’s on the beach, ian ingredients to his cooking.
to destination for fast-casual dining. Publix Plaza at 12th St. and U.S. 1. and before that managed the Black
Pearl restaurant. “I’m really excited about that,” says
Though no signage is up yet, con- In downtown Vero, a longtime former Lenzi. “A lot of Italian products work
struction is well underway on an out- nightclub space on 14th Avenue bought Angie Novak says they have com- really well with sushi, like capers and
parcel that will include Moe’s South- a few months ago by David and Sheila pletely gutted the interior, including arugula and mozzarella.”
west Grill, a Tex-Mex chain that’s been Schweitzer is on its way to becoming an removing the dropped ceiling and the
around since 2000 but is just now Irish pub. Roger Lenzi, who moved his white floor tiles. Lenzi says he has looked into the just-
making it to Vero Beach. Based in At- Italian restaurant Avanzare to the space vacated Boardwalk ice cream shop that
lanta, Moe’s has 600 locations, includ- next door, is partnering with the couple “You’re not going to know where you scooped its last cone this past Sunday,
ing Port St. Lucie and Palm Bay. to develop and manage the pub. are,” she says.“We’re still several months after seven years at Ocean Drive and
out, there’s so much construction going ConnWay. The property and the site just
“We’ve been looking around Vero “We’re trying to be more of a res- on. But I’m really excited.” And secre- west of it are owned by developer Scott
for several years,” says Billy Moss, a taurant, with typical Irish pub food tive. They still haven’t announced the Parker, who owns Three Avenues plaza.
broker who specializes in restaurants like bangers and mash and shepherd’s restaurant’s theme, though they antici-
with Lambert Commercial Real Estate. pie,” Lenzi says. The pub will seat 150. pate a mid- to late-summer opening. Lenzi says he was told only a short-
Moe’s says it looks for locations that, It’s expected to open in June or July. term lease was available on the space,
within a two miles radius, has a mini- Once Lenzi has the Irish pub up and backing up speculation that Parker
mum population of 30,000 earning on Lenzi has high hopes for the loca- running, he has a plan to head across may have plans of his own for the prime
average $50,000. tion; since moving Avanzare a few the bridge to open the island’s first location. He could not be reached for
blocks north, he has doubled his busi- sushi and ramen restaurant. He’s cur- comment by press time. 
The plaza is already home to Hurri- ness, he says. rently shopping for a location.
cane Grill and Wings, a 75-restaurant
national chain that got its start in Fort As for Avanzare’s former location, State files formal felony
Pierce in 1995, when then 22-year-old that building has been leased by Angie charges against Ken Kennedy
and Nick Novak, the owners of Filthy’s,
the popular late-night, live music bar

BY LISA ZAHNER But on April 12, the state filed a for-
mal information to follow up on that
Staff Writer warrant, charging Kennedy with three
first-degree felonies and one second-
State Attorney Phil Archer of the 18th degree felony. He faces one charge of
Circuit in Brevard County has filed four organized fraud of $50,000 or more,
serious felony charges against former one charge of grand theft of $100,000
Kennedy Groves and United Indian or more, one charge of exploitation of
River Packers owner Ken Kennedy for an elderly person and one charge of
stealing potentially more than $1 mil- money laundering.
lion that was intended for the care of
an aging relative and, ultimately after The FDLE investigation looked at
her passing, to be divided among his bank records and events over a four-year
dozen cousins. period from August 2010 through August
2014 showing how Kennedy set up a line
Kennedy, 64, was arrested on March of credit using his aunt Clyde Hamrick
14 at his home in the Vero Beach Kennedy's entrusted assets as collateral.
Country Club neighborhood on a
probable cause warrant based upon Court records say Kennedy ran up a
a Florida Department of Law Enforce- loan balance of more than $1 million
ment investigation into the depletion and used the cash to cover various
of the bank accounts of Kennedy’s routine personal expenses and over-
aunt while the funds were under Ken- head costs for Kennedy Groves and
nedy’s control, court records state. The United Indian River Packers, and then
charges say Ken Kennedy “did stand defaulted on the loan. Clyde Hamrick
in a position of trust and confidence” Kennedy died in August 2013.
with regard to his aunt’s estate, and
used that position to siphon off funds. Assistant State Attorney Laura
Moody is prosecuting the case, which
Kennedy’s defense attorney Andy Met- was reassigned to the 18th Circuit be-
calf at the time said the case was a mat- cause State Attorney Bruce Colton’s
ter for civil court, not criminal, and that office had a conflict. One of Colton’s
he was confident that prosecutors would investigators, Jeff Hamrick, is related
see that way, too. In late March, Kennedy to the deceased victim and to mem-
entered a not guilty plea to the criminal bers of the Kennedy family who were
charges and requested a jury trial. set to benefit from the estate. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 9


Atlantic Classical Orchestra nent Boston developer who now lives known in South Florida for his work als,” he says. “What happens to a piece
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in Stuart. with Florida Grand Opera. each time you play it is so extraordinary
that when you only play something
David Amado, 47, conductor of the “What an incredibly generous and vi- Robertson, a Grammy nominee who once, it’s hard. You think, if I only had
Delaware Symphony Orchestra for sionary thing to do,” said Amado. He said for two decades led the Glimmerglass one more chance. The ability to do it
more than a decade, will be commut- ACO’s commitment to new music was Orchestra, retired last April due to illness. that many times is really unparalleled.”
ing starting in July to the tri-city cham- “really compelling and really unusual.”
ber orchestra that began in Vero Beach. LaPorta said Amado, the first of four ACO executives, with the input of re-
“I have a deep allegiance to new mu- candidates to guest conduct this sea- tiring Maestro Stewart Robertson, had
Amado, married to violinist Mere- sic,” said Amado, who as a student in son, “set the bar very high” for those included in the season’s first program
dith Amado and the father of 11-year- New York started a new music group, that followed. – which ultimately turned out to be
old twins and a 7-year-old, says they Sequitur; it is still performing today, Handel’s audition – Schubert’s “Sym-
all are “over the moon” about his new though he is not involved. LaPorta was impressed not only phony No. 9.”
job. with Amado’s conducting, but with the
“It’s part of what our charge is as mu- delivery of his pre-concert lecture and “I was worried about it,” he says.
“He’s phenomenal,” said Vero’s Mi- sic directors and musicians. We need his off-stage persona with patrons. “Schubert Nine is one of my desert
chael LaPorta, part of the eight-mem- to make sure we curate these great “He could have a radio program, he’s island pieces, but it’s really long and
ber search committee and a former masterpieces from the past – no doubt that good,” says LaPorta, adding, “He’s everybody’s pretty much playing all
president of ACO. “The emails are about it. But we’re also responsible for good-enough looking for TV.” the time. But they absolutely played
pouring in from subscribers who are continuing to put new treasure in the the living daylights out of the piece for
so excited. And the orchestra players collection. Sometimes it’s hard to find “I just can’t say enough good things every performance. This is one fine or-
are just ecstatic.” those treasures; only time will tell. But about him. We’re just thrilled that we chestra.”
we do our best. It’s exciting.” were able to secure him and that he’s
Amado will continue his post with the going to build on the great legacy of Conducting at Stuart’s Lyric The-
Delaware Symphony, which performs The Juilliard-trained Amado was Andy and Stewart.” atre, there was one point in the per-
seven concerts from September to May raised in Merion, Penn., part of Phila- formance that Amado had to cave to
in Wilmington’s Grand Opera House. delphia’s Main Line. His mother, Carol Those performances and the buzz the competition, when seconds after
With next season’s schedules for both Stein Amado, had a string quartet; her surrounding the selection appear to starting a movement, a nearby train
orchestras already in place, Amado says mother, David’s grandmother, was Lil- have generated new interest for the blew its whistle.
there is only one “direct hit,” a conflict lian Fuchs, a famous violinist whose orchestra. Renewals for season tickets
that is being resolved, he says. students included Isaac Stern and Pin- are higher than usual – “phenomenal,” Amado had met his match. He sim-
chas Zukerman. according to the ACO’s top adminis- ply stopped, and started over. But even
While that orchestra’s roster in- trator Alan Hopper. that he found refreshing.
cludes more than 75 musicians, ACO Amado chose to study piano, “a safe
as a chamber orchestra has fewer place to go” with all those string play- With the addition of performances “There’s a world out there,” he said.
than half that number. For Amado, the ers in the family, as he once joked to a in Palm Beach Gardens last year, the “There’s something really wonderful
smaller size is part of what attracted journalist. musicians are squeezing more out of about that sense of life. We’re inside do-
him in the first place. the same rehearsal time. ing our thing, and there’s a world out-
In high school, he studied with side doing its thing. And that’s OK.” 
”There’s something about having the great pianist Susan Starr and at- “We get to play four concerts – that’s
fewer people that encourages an in- tended the pre-college program at amazing, with only one set of rehears-
dividual energy and buy-in. When you Juilliard. Accepted at the University
have a giant sea of strings, some peo- of Pennsylvania, he transferred to Juil-
ple can kind of check out. You won’t if liard after his freshman year. There,
you are one of only eight. he soon switched to conducting, and
also switched schools, this time to In-
“They’re in each other’s faces all the diana University for a master’s degree.
time and I love that,” he says. “Even He eventually returned to Juilliard for
with the Delaware Symphony, but es- post-graduate studies in conducting.
pecially with ACO, I tell them, look at
me if you want, but I’d rather you look After serving as staff conductor for
at your colleagues. I’d rather you play the St. Louis Orchestra, he began con-
chamber music with each other. You ducting in Wilmington in 2003.
can’t beat that.”
That same year, Atlantic Classical
Included in Amado’s first full season Orchestra began a search for a re-
will be another new commission for placement for conductor Andrew Mc-
ACO through the support of the foun- Mullan, who had led the group since
dation of Jerry Rappaport, a promi- founding ACO in 1990. That search led
to the hiring of Stewart Robertson, a
Scottish-born conductor already well-

10 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero’s $22 million ‘price drop’ for Shores electric customers

BY LISA ZAHNER “The price and a transaction struc- that are going to stay the same and to make Vero electric “whole” after its
Staff Writer tured as to keep customers whole, a cost escalators were in line with Public exit? A shocking 30 to 50 years.
dollar amount to cover the fixed costs Resources Management Group (rate
In an almost surreal display of tech- that have been borne by the city and consultants) estimates.” From the 36-page backup documents
nical jargon and numbers in five-point would have been used to serve the to Wright’s presentation, which was also
type, Vero’s team of experts attempted Shores, over a period of time,”Vero’s at- This is the same rate consultant that set to be given to the City Council this
to explain to a joint session of the city’s torney Robert Scheffel “Schef” Wright told city officials last month that they pastTuesday,“The evaluation of the‘keep
Finance Commission and Utilities said Monday, adding that the $42 mil- needed to spend more than $14 mil- whole’ cost to Vero Beach of no longer
Commission this week how the asking lion figure also includes “stranded lion over the next five years beefing up serving customers in Indian River Shores
price for 3,000 customers in the Town costs of the Florida Municipal Power the electric system to improve reliabil- includes all presently known and estimat-
of Indian River Shores dropped from Agency power entitlements.” ity and make up for postponed repairs ed costs to be paid during the estimated/
$64 million to $42 million. and maintenance. assumed remaining life of each Project,
Wright explained that Vero, as a which, based on the most current infor-
The new “price drop” is still a far cry member of the FMPA, is wedded to NEWS ANALYSIS mation available from FMPA, is assumed
from the $13 million Florida Power & all of the FMPA’s commitments for as to be through 2035 for Stanton and Stan-
Light says it’s willing to pay to pick up long as the power projects exist. Utilities Commission Vice Chair Bob ton II, and through 2046 for St. Lucie.”
some customers and unite the Shores’ Auwaerter, a Shores resident, has had a
citizens north and south of Old Winter “On the deed, FMPA is a co-owner in very tough time swallowing the concept The numbers, which are obviously
Beach Road under one electric pro- these projects, member cities are virtu- that the city would not realize some cost quite fluid, also attempt to predict
vider. But realistically, are any of these al owners . . . if something goes wrong, savings by serving 9 percent fewer cus- power costs decades from now. Fi-
numbers remotely meaningful? everybody has to pay,” Wright said. tomers. He expressed his consternation nance Commission Chair Peter Gorry
Monday during a presentation byWright. challenged the wisdom of trying to pin-
The price Vero wants in exchange for Despite these long-term commit- point commodities prices that far into
releasing the Shores customers from ments that affect wholesale power pric- “You’re not down-sizing your opera- the future. “I don’t know what the price
the city’s electric system is based upon es passed down from the FMPA to Vero, tions? If you know IR Shores is going of gas will be next week,” Gorry said.
the notion that the Shores should pro- the city’s other, non-fuel operating costs away, why aren’t you right-sizing your “Projections 30-40 years ahead, must
vide ongoing financial support to Vero would seem to be more flexible, but ap- expenses over time?” Auwaerter ques- be based upon a set of variables. It is
for decades to replace the revenue that parently they’re not. tioned the fact that not only does the city difficult when one is trying to project
Shores customers would be contribut- expect to maintain its current overhead data over this kind of a time period.”
ing to the system – even though they’re “The best information we had was expenses despite losing about 9 percent
not being served by the utility anymore. provided by the city staff that pro- of its customers if the Shores goes away, The commissions took no action
vided that information,” Wright said. but city officials also included an annual and made no recommendations on
“The bulk of the costs are fixed costs cost escalator of nearly 3 percent. the new, reduced price Vero wants for
the Shores. Utilities Chairman Laura
Wright explained that Finance Direc- Moss reminded members that there’s
tor Cindy Lawson and Electric Utilities some “new information” in play, as
Director Ted Fletcher analyzed the city’s Tuesday morning the Vero Beach City
staffing and other operational and capi- Council was set to hear a proposal
tal needs under the Shores-goes-away from County Attorney Dylan Rein-
scenario, and those are the numbers gold asking the city to participate in
they came back with. The city’s rate con- re-opened talks with the FMPA, FPL,
sultant also concurred that scaling back Orlando, the Shores and the County
operations to fit the shrunken customer about finding a path forward to sell the
base and revenue stream would not be entire Vero electric system to FPL.
feasible or recommended.
Councilman Harry Howle had spon-
So to anyone in the private sector, sored the item, and prior to Tuesday’s
that would be like plodding forth op- meeting said, “It’s a chance to get ev-
erating your business after the loss of 9 eryone in the same place and to elimi-
percent of your customers and revenue nate the hearsay back and forth, to get
without cutting any costs or personnel. real-time answers to all of the ques-
It just doesn’t seem to make sense. tions from the people in the room to
see if we can find a way to complete
How long does Vero want the Shores the sale of the whole electric utility.” 

M HASTERS OF Luxury homes auctioned buyer’s premium, according to French.
THE OUSE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Concierge’s second offering – a

772.231.4222 • 2801 Ocean Drive, Suite 302 Concierge Auctions and represented 6-bedroom, 8.5-bath, 13,522-square-
Vero Beach, FL • www.HGHowleArchitects.com772.231.4222  2801Ocean Drive, Suite 302  Vero Beach, FL 32963  ww locally by Clark French and Cindy foot home at 360 N. Blue Wave Lane in
O’Dare drew a combined 25 bidders Ocean Pearl was listed most recently
and sold for prices much closer to ask- for $6.5 million. It sold for $5,005,000,
ing than most other homes auctioned including the buyer’s premium.
in Vero in the past few years.
Both homes were owned by Shinn,
The 4-bedroom, 5-bath, 4,200- former owner of the Charlotte Hornets
square-feet home at 980 Crescent basketball team. A relative newcomer
Beach Road in Castaway Cove was to Vero, Shinn, 74, owned the homes
listed most recently for $3,795,000. for only a short period. He bought the
It sold for $3.3 million, including the Ocean Pearl house in 2014 for $5,450,000
and paid $3.5 million for the Crescent
Beach Road property in August 2015.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 11


During the same timeframe, Shinn ty and 11 for the other, which is a great
bought the Lemon Tree restaurant on count, considering our average number
Ocean Drive and tried to win the city’s of bidders per auction is eight. The seller
backing to create an antique car mu- was pleased with the outcome.”
seum to house his auto collection in the
old diesel power plant, where a brewery French said about half the bidders
and restaurant now are slated to open. were present on Friday night, while
the others were bidding by phone. The
Disenchantment with Vero after the Crescent Beach Road home, which at-
car museum plan failed may explain tracted the highest number of bidders,
why Shinn is selling the two ocean- was sold first, to a Vero buyer. A buyer
front homes at a loss of more than a from Orlando then put in the winning
half million so soon after buying them. bid for the N. Blue Wave Lane house.

Shinn, who is worth an estimated $100 French said the auctions had a sig-
million, bought the houses through a nificant secondary benefit for the real
company called Emporia LLC, so his estate market in Vero, especially for
name is not on the property records, and high-end home sellers.
French would not confirm his ownership.
“There were only two winning bids,
French did say the loss was not a so there were 22 or 23 buyers left over.
concern to the owner. Many of them are new to Vero and
are now looking at other comparable
“When affluent buyers are through properties since they missed out on
with a property, they simply want it the auctioned houses. We have had
sold. Economics can be secondary. a number of showings with some of
And, of course, there is value in liquid- these folks since the auctions.”
ity. Everyone was happy with the out-
come, the seller and the buyers. It was Meanwhile, Daniel DeCaro, owner
a good deal for everyone concerned.” of DeCaro Luxury Auctions, said in
an email he is continuing to negotiate
Laura Brady, president of Concierge with one of the bidders in the Palazzo
Auctions, was equally upbeat about Di Mare auction, trying to bring the
the auctions, which took place at the buyer and seller together on a price to
N. Blue Wave Lane at 6 p.m. on Friday achieve a sale.
night, preceded by a cocktail recep-
tion for buyers and their agents. Brady said her company is “working
towards other sales in the area, but I
“The sales were a great success,” Brady can't release details yet.” 
said. “We had 14 bidders for one proper-

New amateur tennis tourney
coming here next weekend

BY RAY MCNULTY doubles. The entry fee for high school
Staff Writer players is $10 per event. A player may
enter no more than two events.
Prompted by a recent Vero Beach
32963 story about the disappearance The entry deadline is 11:59 p.m.
of amateur adult tennis tournaments Friday (May 6), and the draw will be
in Indian River County, local realtors available May 11. There will be con-
Mike and Meg Hickey decided to take a solation brackets in each division for
shot at organizing just such an event – first-round losers.
and using it to promote their business.
“There really isn't much going on, as
So Mike Hickey pitched his plan to far as tournaments, so we're going to
The Boulevard Tennis Club's new gen- give it a try and see how it goes,” said
eral manager, Joe Snailum, who ea- Snailum, who will serve as the tour-
gerly embraced the idea, and together nament director. “It is great exposure
they began organizing the inaugural for the club, and it'll give the players
M&M Spring Classic. around town an opportunity to com-
pete against each other.
The tournament, scheduled for
May 13-15 at The Boulevard, will offer “Right now, we're going to get the
competition in men's and women's word out to the other clubs and, hope-
singles and doubles, as well as mixed- fully, they'll get on board and we'll
doubles, with draws based on United have a good turnout,” he added. “It
States Tennis Association ratings: Men's should be a lot of fun.”
and Women's singles (3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and
Open); Men's and Women's Doubles The tournament will be sponsored by
(6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Open); and Mixed- RE/MAX Associated Realty's M&M Group,
Doubles (6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Open) which was founded by the Hickeys, a
mother and son who both play tennis.
The entry fee for adults is $20 per
event for singles and $30 per team for “I came down from southern Maine,
where, in the summer, we had a terrific


12 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Tennis tourney used to be all these tournaments. ry of entries before the deadline. Still no ruling on
“That's what got me going.” “Realistically,” Mike Hickey said, Shores death in
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 Mike Hickey said he approached CVS parking lot
“May was the earliest we could do it.”
public tennis tournament schedule,” Snailum first because his mother joined Snailum said the tournament would BY LISA ZAHNER
said Mike Hickey, who moved to Vero the club in January. They agreed that Staff Writer
Beach in January 2014, roughly two sponsoring the tournament would be a be played earlier next year, and that it
years after his mother moved here. good way to make their company's name probably would be used as a fundrais- Amazingly, more than a month later,
“There were as many as eight tourna- better known in the tennis community. er for a worthy charity. the Indian River Shores Public Safety
ments, and it cost only $10 or $20 to Department has still not been afforded
enter, so a lot of people played. Snailum and Mike Hickey said the “We just didn't have enough time an autopsy report, toxicology report or
amateur tournament probably would to get all that done this year,” Snailum even an official cause of death in the
“When I moved here, I was surprised attract more players in March or April, said, adding that the club's bar and case of 48-year-old Randall Clark, who
that there weren't any tournaments, before the community's seasonal resi- kitchen would be open throughout died in his car on March 30.
except for the Charity Cup at Quail Val- dents depart for the summer, but sched- this year's tournament.
ley – and that's not really open to the uling conflicts and addressing the neces- Police reports say paramedics on
public,” he added. “Then I read that sary preparations made it impractical. As “The only negative to having the the scene – as Shores police officers
article in the paper about how there of last weekend, 20 players had entered, tournament here is that it takes a fair are triple-trained as paramedics and
but Mike Hickey said he expected a flur- share of courts away from the mem- firefighters – suspected Clark’s death
bers,” he said. “But we're hoping most might be due to heatstroke, but that
of our members will play.”  nothing, including potential foul play,
could be ruled in or out at the time
Clark was found around 6 p.m. after
leaving his parents’ home in The Estu-
ary around 10:30 a.m. “to make some
conference calls,” records say.

Shores Public Safety Chief Rich
Rosell confirmed that, without some
direction on what caused Clark’s
death, detectives have been writing
down observations from the scene,
interviewing witnesses and fam-
ily members and collecting evidence
from Clark’s white Jaguar, which was
taken to a facility for processing.

At this point, they have no idea
whether it was in fact heatstroke, or
some other natural cause, or some
other factor that led to the death of the
48-year-old California man. Even get-
ting the toxicology screen back would
at least eliminate some possibilities,
but none of that information is yet
available to law enforcement.

When found in the south side of the
CVS parking lot, Clark was given CPR
by the manager and pharmacist from
the drug store, but records indicate
signs that Clark had been dead for
some time on the warm spring day,
with temperatures topping out that
afternoon at 79 degrees.

To verify that the Shores death was
not for some reason pushed to the end
of the line by the Medical Examiner,
behind more urgent cases or cases
where criminal activity was immedi-
ately suspected, Vero Beach 32963
checked with the county’s largest law
enforcement agency, the Indian River
County Sheriff’s Office.

“That’s absolutely, 100 percent nor-
mal what they’re telling you,” said Sher-
iff’s Office spokesman Sgt. Eric Flowers.
“We usually wait about six weeks for the
toxicology report to come back, about a
month and a half.” 

14 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Pops’ goes the season – and what a finale!

Diana Stark with Al and Joan DeCrane. George and Marlen Higgs with Lyn and Barry Wiksten.


Helen Post, Liz Cundari and Les Gwyn-Williams. Tony and Sally Woodruff with Dace and King Stubbs. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

stage. Quail Valley Golf Hayes Miller and Kristina Olander stage to delight is very emotional for me. Hugh’s fa-
ther had just died, so he sang a song
BY MARY SCHENKEL Club Executive Chef the crowd with from ‘Les Mis’ in remembrance of
Staff Writer him, and a song from ‘Phantom’ ded-
Joe Faria and his excep- popular tunes from favorite Broad- icated to our son who had died. It was
In what has become almost a rite just so special. I’m so glad he’s back.”
of passage over the years, the end of tional team again outdid way productions. Joining Maestro
the Vero Beach social season was of- Richard Post was as respected by
ficially heralded at the 27th annual themselves, providing an Confessore were two returning vo- the community for his philanthropy
Season Finale May Pops at Wind- as for the ever-present twinkle in his
sor, presented by the Helen and Dick elegant VIP buffet of virtually every- calists, each dazzling the Vero audi- eye and his jaunty bow ties. In re-
Post Family to benefit the Indian membrance, many of the gentlemen
River Medical Center Foundation. thing imaginable, topped off with ence for a second time – Broadway who knew him sported their own
Roughly 1,300 ticketholders gathered bow ties, including Faria and mem-
Sunday afternoon on Windsor’s vast a sumptuous selection of desserts. stars Hugh Panaro, who charmed bers of his team.
polo fields under a bright blue sky,
with a lovely breeze helping to keep Free ice cream was again provided attendees in 2013, and Kristi Tingle, “It’s a thrill to see so many people
temperatures pleasant. Attendees re- here; I’m so grateful to all of you,”
laxed with family and friends for one for everyone – VIPs and general ad- who delighted the May Pops audi- said Indian River Medical Founda-
last hurrah before our many snow- tion Chairman Tony Woodruff, in
birds head to points north. mission ticketholders alike – compli- ence in 2004. A surprise guest con- his welcome to the crowd, thanking
the many volunteers, sponsors and
As VIPs began to arrive, they found ments of Windsor Properties. ductor, Dr. Michaela Scott, took the Windsor for its ideal venue, and par-
their places at elegant sponsor tables ticularly recognizing the Post family
sheltered from the sun in lines of ca- On the south side of a low white stage right after intermission to lead for their support over the years. 
banas gracing the lawn in front of the
picket fence, general admission con- the orchestra in a rousing rendition

cert-goers staked out their spaces of Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forev-

– spreading out on the lawn, accom- er.”

panied by picnic baskets, coolers, “Hugh Panero sang the last time

lawn chairs and high-spirited chil- Dick attended the May Pops and Dick

dren relishing the wide open space. was just enchanted,” said Helen Post,

The exceptional Brevard Sympho- remembering her much-beloved late

ny Orchestra, led by Principal Con- husband. “He thought he was the

ductor and Music Director Chris- best he’d ever heard. I’ve been wait-

topher Confessore, returned to the ing and hoping he’d be back, so this

16 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


MAY POPS PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Maya and Olivia Faria, Chef Joe Faria Chris Mortenson, Cynthia Bardes, Lew and Judy Eisenberg,
Tony Woodruff, Fred Kasten, Marlynn and Bill Scully, Dr. Wayne Hockmeyer. and Marlee Soop. Nicky and Stephanie Szapary.

Drs. Katherine and Jim Grichnik. Rosanne and Jeff Susi. Al Holifield, Ali and Ernst Furnsinn, Marilyn Murto, Muggs Holifield, Shirley Becker, Barbara Stewart,
Sandy Patterson, Eleanor Renuart and Teena Jackson; (back) Warren Schauer, Randy and Donna Becker.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 17


Virginia McCann, Jim and Denise Daly, Andrea and Frank Ziegler. Dr. Michaela Scott, Frances and Bill Hudson John and Anita Brennan with Karen
and Suzon Franzke. and Barry Bocklet.

Linda Currie, Judy Munn, Maureen Bauchman Mark Mulvoy, Ann Dillon, Marilyn and Buzz Wurzer, Ron and Connie McGlynn. Don and Carole Casey.
and Susan Bailey and Trish Mulvoy.

Christopher Confessore, Kristi Tingle, Hugh Panaro. Maryann Gray, Mary Pagonis and Leven Gray. Bill and Bobbi Walker, Sue Perreault, Don Hubbard, and Jan and John Donlan.

Dr. Hugh and Ann Marie McCrystal.
Dr. Jim and Helen Shafer.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Special lady’: Adams honored as Woman of Year

Staff Writer

Susan Adams was presented with Susan Adams upon winning Woman of the Year. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS Allison Cloughley and Missy Elward.
the 2016 Woman of the Year Award
in recognition of her numerous con- Civic/Non-Profit Professional, Susan Annabel Robertson, Katherine Kolb and Shotsi Lajoie.
tributions to the community at the Adams; Rising Star: Abigail Bailey;
fourth annual Woman of the Year and Volunteer: Sharon Wolf. community, you have to take part in are influencing others today to carry
Awards Luncheon, hosted by the Ju- it.” us through tomorrow,” said Monah-
nior League of Indian River. Adams, a former mayor of Fells- an. “They will be the women who are
mere and the owner/operator of the “Working with Susan over the last in the Women of the Year categories
Adams received the award in front Marsh Landing Restaurant, was pre- couple of years has been wonder- in the future.”
of a packed house at the Oak Harbor sented the Woman of the Year award ful; she is just fun to work with. She’s
Club last Wednesday, at an event that by event chair Allison Cloughley. Ad- sharp and she serves a community Proceeds from the luncheon, at-
honored the accomplishments of 22 ams was applauded for her involve- that so many folks may ignore out tended by roughly 250 guests, will
outstanding women nominated in ment with the Fellsmere Frog Leg in Fellsmere,” said United Way CEO assist the JLIR to continue its mission
the categories of Business Profes- Festival, which has donated $1.1 mil- Michael Kint, who nominated Adams of fulfilling the unmet needs of the
sional, Civic/Non-Profit Professional, lion over the years toward Fellsmere for the award. “She is such a special community through effective action
Volunteer and Rising Star, capped off youth programs. Among other orga- lady and I am very excited for her.” and volunteerism. The league has
by the Woman of the Year designa- nizations, Adams is involved in the instituted and spun off programs
tion. Senior Resource Association Meals Although all the awards were such as the Youth Volunteer Corps,
on Wheels program and is currently meaningful, JLIR Membership Vice Sneaker Exchange, Valued Visits and
The women had been nominated chair-elect of the United Way of Indi- President Kerryane Monahan said the Non-Profit Forum. Their current
by various community organizations an River County Board of Directors. that the Rising Star award spoke initiative, Whole Child Indian River,
and were selected by members of the to what the organization stood for is an online program, www.whole-
Junior League of the Palm Beaches “This is like nothing you ever ex- – women mentoring the next gen-, which connects fami-
based on applications listing their pect,” said Adams of the award. “It eration of girls who will become the lies with resources, assessing their
achievements as role models, organi- is just an honor to be among these community’s future leaders and vol- needs and referring them to the ap-
zational and volunteer contributions, other women who do so much in our unteers. propriate services. 
ethical standards and community in- community. It is awe inspiring.”
volvement. “These are the young women that
Adams said her parents always told
“These are community leaders and her, “If you want to be part of your
wonderful women that have given
their time to the community,” said
Nicki Maslin, committee member.
“What the Junior League does is to
say thank you to those women. Every
person nominated is a winner in our

In her welcome address, JLIR Presi-
dent Ann Bixel stressed the impact
these women have had on the local
community. Committee members
Meredith Egan, Leah Hamilton, Van-
essa Larson and Kerryane Monahan
listed the impressive accomplish-
ments of the women in each catego-
ry before announcing the winners:
Business Professional, Nellie Quiros;

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 19


Neda Heeter, Nellie Quiros and Ann Bixel. Alyssa and Penny Tranchilla with Sarah Watson.

Margaret Leeks, Debbie Barns, Chris McGuire, Kelly Legler and Lyndsay Cunningham.

John and Jan Donlan with Crystal Golightly.

Helen Post, Carol Kanarek and Kerry Bartlett.
Brittany Auld, Wendy Foor, Leah Hamilton and Haley Macon.

20 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Talent and creativity on display at kids’ art fest

Performers from the
Vero Beach Classical Ballet.

Keira and Lexi Taylor mix paint together. Annika Taylor makes chalk drawings. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

BY MARY SCHENKEL seum of Art for the 35th annual
Staff Writer Children’s Art Festival. It’s an event
meant to stimulate the next genera-
Budding artists and musicians tion and highlight their talents in
abounded Saturday as families music, dance and theatre as well as
streamed into the Vero Beach Mu- the visual arts, and for more than

Treasure Coast String students prepare to perform.

Katherine Keshtmand paints on her canvas.

We are proud to announce that Ellen Mohr, Dean Moore works on a craft project. hand in hand with museum staff
CIC, has joined our management team and at the festival, providing plenty of
will lead our Personal Insurance Division. three decades it has done just that. volunteers to help make things run
Ellen was a team leader for many years at our “Thirty-five years – who knew it smoothly. Festival co-chairs Jackie
predecessor firm, Felten & Associates, and has Ferrell and Susan Smith coordinated
over 25 years of experience in the industry, would go on this long? This is fabu- the arts and music programming.
including the Certified Insurance Counselor lous,” said Toni Hamner. A museum
designation. Ken Felten, EVP, states “Ellen docent, Hamner was involved with Student talent was everywhere you
is a perfect fit for our agency, as she brings the very first festival, which was looked, with one-day showings of
extensive technical expertise and customer held alongside a “museum in a tent” the Congressional Art Competition
service acumen delivered with a small town values approach.” exhibit as the museum had not yet and the K-5 Elementary School Art
been built. “It was really the seed displays. If you missed the festival,
Ellen Mohr can be reached at 772-469-1517 or [email protected] that helped to introduce a Center for the wonderful artwork of the Indian
the Arts [as it was known prior to its River County Juried Student Exhibi-
817 Beachland Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32963 museum accreditation] to the com- tion will remain on display until May
munity. The Alliance for the Arts [the 31. There were also performances all
(772) 231-2828 | (800) 794-0268 (toll-free) | original fundraising group] was well throughout the day by talented mu-
on its way, but people brought their sicians, choruses, dancers, theatrical
children and grandchildren out and groups and even twirlers from area
that really cemented it.” schools and organizations at various
locations, indoors and out.
The Friends of the Museum worked
Dozens of strollers were parked
outside the museum’s education
rooms, which were beehives of
hands-on activity. A host of art proj-
ects encouraged little ones to bring

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 21


out their inner artiste, creating their lates to about 3,000 more or less,” said artist who now works for Morning- “I think it’s really cool. I think it’s
own paintings, bookmarks, tote- School and Youth Programs Manager star, designed the tote-bag silkscreen good for kids to have exposure to cre-
bags, 3-D stick art and even graffiti – Shanti Sanchez, estimating the num- art that the children were busily col- ative outlets,” said Michos. “It teach-
on paper, of course. ber of attendees. Sharing how the oring. “He used to volunteer for our es the kids to think creatively, which
cycle of artists often goes full circle, summer art camp and now he’s an I think is beneficial as they become
“We usually reach an average of she said that Lyle Michos, a Sebastian actual working artist in Vero.” adults.” 
500 to 600 per hour, so that trans-

22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


He’s the tops: Pinnacle Award to VNA’s Johnson

12 4

Staff Writer
Planned Giving Council of 1. Will Schlitt, Kathryn Barton, Harry
A roomful of planned giving advi-
sors, attorneys, bankers, CPAs and Indian River to recognize Offutt and Barth Satuloff. 2. Katie
nonprofit fund development repre-
sentatives gathered at the Quail Val- excellence in charitable Kowanic, Blanche Necessary and Anita
ley River Club last Tuesday morning
to applaud Richard H. Johnson, VNA planning, honoring pro- 3 Calabro. 3. Richard Johnson, Carol
& Hospice Foundation Gift Planning fessional advisors for
Counselor, as the recipient of the 2016 Kanarek and David Osgood. 4. Anthony
Pinnacle Award. outstanding voluntary
Guettler, Mike Swan and Russ O’Brien.
The Pinnacle Award, which Johnson service to local nonprofit organiza- Vero Insurance, the sponsors who had
helped to establish nine years ago, is underwritten the cost of the ninth an- PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
presented by the Indian River Estate tions in promoting charitable giving nual Pinnacle Award Breakfast.
tunate enough to know and to serve
through estate and gift planning. VNA & Hospice Foundation board alongside of him.”
member Carol Kanarek nominated
In his opening remarks, event chair- him for the award and said that John- Congratulating Johnson, she added,
son, an attorney by training, had “You inspire each of us to a higher level
man David Osgood thanked Fidelity joined the VNA in December 2006. of excellence.”
Over the course of his careers in Flor-
Investments, Gould Cooksey Fennell, ida and Massachusetts he has helped Attorney John Moore, 2010 Pinnacle
raise more than $112 million in chari- Award recipient, said that while Rich-
P.A., Indian River Community Foun- table gifts, $74 million in the form of ard Susskind, author of “The Future
planned gifts. Johnson is a founder of of the Professions,” opines that pro-
dation, Offutt Barton Schlitt, LLC and the Leave a Legacy program and the fessions will one day be replaced by
Planned Giving Council of Indian Riv- machines, that theory overlooks the
er, and serves on that board and that necessity of a fundamentally human
of the Indian River Estate Planning interface.
“I think that we are going to be called
“But here are a few things that you to become more and more trustwor-
may not know,” said Kanarek, sharing thy,” said Moore. “Dick Johnson has
that Johnson is “a HUGE UConn fan,” already figured this out. He already
loves to sail and snow ski, and was a brings such remarkable humanity and
member of the New Hampshire-based the wonderful positive values to his
National Ski Patrol in the 1970s. He work that he’s already well ahead of
was also an original cast member of the game.”
“Up with People” in the 1960s, travel-
ing around America, Canada, Japan Offering thanks on behalf everyone,
and South Korea with a cast of 135 col- he said to Johnson, “You’re doing it
lege students from 52 countries. “And the right way. You’re inspiring us and
one of his traveling mates was the ac- showing us the right way to be the peo-
tress Glenn Close.” ple we’re called to be.

Dee Giannotti, portfolio manager at “Dick, we do appreciate all you do.
Cypress Trust Company, paid tribute We are all truly blessed as profession-
to Johnson for his encouragement of als here in Vero Beach to have you
others in the profession, saying he ap- here and to reap the benefits of your
preciates their fundraising efforts and good works,” said 2015 recipient Wil-
understands the value of other non- liam Kirk, partner at Gould Cooksey
profit organizations. Fennell, presenting the 2016 Pinnacle
Award to Johnson.
“He brings to the table his wealth
of knowledge and years of experience “I appreciate the professional com-
so that all may benefit from that. He is munity here and what we do,” said
selfless and holds nothing back,” said Johnson. “As a charitable fundraiser,
Giannotti. “He has a unique talent for I think some of us are the happiest
bringing people together to combine people in the world. I think the rea-
energies for the greater good of all. son is we get to work with a lot of very
He is an inspiration to all who are for- generous, caring people. I’ve been in
this field for 37 years as a professional
and it’s the best job in life. I’m forever
blessed beyond measure.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 23

7 10 12

8 13

5. Larry and Mona Johnson with Pamela and
Richard Johnson. 6. Rosalie Webster and Dee
Giannotti. 7. Judge Cynthia Cox, Ford Fegert
and Kathie Pierce. 8. Lee and John Moore.
9. Steve Higgins, Julia Keenan, Larry Macke
and Monique Walker. 10. Jan Donlan, Jim Davis
and Cynthia Falardeau. 11. Lois Appleby and
Jeff Pickering. 12. Kate Gill, Scott Alexander
and Patti Rooney. 13. Kerry Bartlett, Ann Marie

9 11 McCrystal, Katha Kissman and Colleen Brennan.

24 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Chris and Kristen Gurny, Joe Pappalardo, Fran and Rich Eigendorff. Fabiana Gaiza and Sunshine Tarpey Karen Fraser, Rosanne Susi and Michelle Bollinger.

Tennis pro-am, anyone? Fish event serves up fun

BY MARY SCHENKEL followers relaxed on the sidelines, en- Mardy’s mother Sally Fish also com- the pro-am, MFCF board member Joe
Staff Writer joying cocktails and hors d’oeuvres mended the hundreds of volunteers Pappalardo said, “This is so sweet.
and bidding on some must-have raffle who came out to help make it a success. They are so excited; all of us are so
With the qualifiers over, organizers items. excited. These futures tournament
of the Mardy Fish Children’s Foun- “It’s been a wild ride, a wild two star players are role models for our
dation Tennis Championships – the “This is a way to experience what it’s months,” said Sally Fish. “We’ve had kids, our future stars. We’re empow-
former $10,000 USTA Pro Circuit “Fu- like playing with somebody who hits nothing but positive comments and ering these kids with the knowledge
tures” Tournament – hosted a Kick-off tennis balls for a living,” said MFCF we’ve only had a couple of small catas- of health and fitness in their lives.”
Pro-Am and Cocktail Party last Mon- Chairman Tom Fish, Mardy’s father, trophes. The first day there were huge
day evening in advance of the main giving final instructions to the ama- swarms of bees, and then we had two He added that over the course of the
draw tournaments. teur participants. palm trees that caught on fire. The two weeks, more than 100 children
third one was when we had a huge who participate in MFCF programs
Funds from the tournament and re- Mike Rahaley, who managed the rainstorm and the two big stadium will have been part of the event.
lated events benefited the Mardy Fish tournament for 20 years before turn- courts flooded. But we’re just going
Children’s Foundation, named for ing it over to the MFCF in February, with the flow.” “This tournament is raising more
Mardy Fish, Vero native and former top beamed with delight at the festivities. awareness for us,” said Pappalardo.
10 tennis phenom. The nonprofit pro- “It takes so much work; you have to Kriegler Brink was relaxed and all “People are coming to the tourna-
vides after-school exercise, nutritional have really good people. I have three smiles as he joked with the players ment who didn’t realize that the
and enrichment programs to more ladies who have been doing it with at the pro-am, which Tom Fish also MFCF was health and fitness; they
than 2,100 children in 15 local elemen- me every single year and they can do termed a “going-away party” for the thought it was just exhibition ten-
tary schools and six middle schools. it with their eyes closed,” said Rahaley, popular pro. A former participant in nis. People always think about Vero
giving high praise to Volunteer Coor- the futures tournament, Brink recently being a sleepy little town. But this
Thirty supporters of the organiza- dinator Sue Lynch and team leaders resigned from his position as assistant town is in motion, and they’re get-
tion took to the courts to play with ten- Jacque Morton and Kim O’Connell. tennis pro at Quail Valley River Club to ting our kids in motion, which is
nis pros from around the world, getting “She never misses; she can handle any- pursue a new career in Dallas, Texas. what our foundation is all about.
in two hours of doubles tennis with a thing that comes up. When I found Sue Healthy children become healthy
rotation of pros. Many other tennis it became 100 percent easier.” Watching as youngsters got their in- adults.” 
structions as ball boys and ball girls in

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 25



12 7

1. Sue Lynch, Kim O’Connell and Jacque Morton. 2. Penny

Tranchilla, Lisa Becker, Allison Varricchio, Fenia Hiaasen and

Kelly Legler. 3. Laura Reilly, Sara Lloyd and Carly Barnes.

4. Sharon Merritt, Erin Kennedy, John Merritt and Ali Landsman.

6 5. Mauricio Echazu. 6. Tom and Sally Fish. 7. Kriegler Brink, Paul

Delaney and Jeff Wilson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

26 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Volunteers make Alzheimer/Parkinson mission possible

Lenora Ritchie, Alma Lee Loy, Trudie Rainone and Eileen O’Donnell. Janean Barrows, Theresa Baxter, Dennis Loughran, Carol Zinck and Jacob Clements PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

BY MARY SCHENKEL tion and tireless service at a Volunteer McEvoy also praised the supportive
Staff Writer Appreciation Luncheon last Thursday members of their diverse board, as well
at the Oak Harbor Club. as the M&M’s – an advisory group who
Volunteers with the Alzheimer & help spread the word about what they
Parkinson Association of Indian River “I look at you and I see an incredible do.
County were thanked for their dedica- source of power. You power our mis-
sion,” said Executive Director Peggy “Each one of you is doing something
that you can do to help your communi-
Bruce McEvoy and Chris Loftus ty. I think that it’s extremely important
that each of you know how much you
Cunningham to the invited guests. are appreciated,” said Cunningham.
Joyce (Joy) McKay Steggles un- “It makes a difference to how our orga-
nization works. It makes a difference to
derwrote the event and, in thanking the people that you’re helping.”
her, Cunningham said that she has
watched Steggles turn purposeful Special recognition was given to
thoughts into results-oriented actions. volunteers Blanca Caputo, Nancy Al-
“She is the poster child for true philan- derman and Mary Orticelli, and Cun-
thropy,” said Cunningham. ningham announced that there was a
tie this year for Volunteer of the Year.
She also thanked receptionist Carol
Smalley for her invaluable assistance, Charlie Brashears assists every day
saying of her, “She has that sixth sense with the Social Respite Group, talk-
whether to joke, to gently guide, to of- ing to participants and leading them
fer support or information. I am grate- in activities. “Charlie has become our
ful every day that we are a team.” most reliable gentleman volunteer.
Whatever the task is that needs to be
Cunningham shared that they re- done, Charlie is agreeable to give it a
cently hired Judy Lemoncelli as their go. We’ve nicknamed him Charles in
new development director, and soon Charge.”
plan to hire a program director. “We
are growing, we are stabilizing and we Theresa Baxter has been instrumen-
are going to be able to increase pro- tal in launching the Social Respite pro-
grams throughout the whole county gram, Memory Screening and Care-
for those people who need it.” giver classes in Gifford. “She gathered,
organized and motivated a cadre of
Volunteers remain the backbone of volunteers. She single-handedly found
many of their services, which include the space, gathered the program sup-
support and social groups, movement plies and did everything in her power
classes, memory screenings and re- to launch the Social Respite for her
spite care programs, the newsletter, community.”
the Virtual Dementia experience, Proj-
ect Lifesaver program, health fairs, the Board member Trudie Rainone also
Day of Hope Caregiver Conference and had high praise for Cunningham, say-
Walk to Remember fundraiser. Cun- ing, “She has really grown this orga-
ningham and Board Chairman Bruce nization. She doesn’t get enough rec-
ognition and she deserves it; she has
done so much. I’m so proud to be on
this board.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 27


Bubs Baird, Mary Lou Commerford, Barb Nolte and Dee Ross. Tiffany Tripson, Jean Ross and Donna Scott. Carol Smalley, Charles Brashears and Este Brashears.

Bill and Nancy Bryant. Peggy Cunningham and Joy Steggles.

Mary Orticelli, Donna Cousins, Bob Benac and son Bob Benac.

Ester Rymer with Byron and Deanna Himelick. Ruth and Charlie Yates.

28 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


St. Francis Manor bash a ‘home’ run for seniors

Staff Writer

Supporters of St. Francis Manor

gathered at the Vero Beach facil-

ity last Saturday evening to enjoy a

family-friendly All American Bar-

becue Bash while raising funds for

the nonprofit, which offers limited-

income seniors over age 55 much-

needed affordable housing.

The annual event was as much

about increasing public awareness

of the nonprofit organization as it

was about fundraising. The lovely

five-acre residential property is

filled with flowers and shady trees, Tem Fontaine, Linda Johnson and Anthony Dzielski with children Caroline and Charlie Fontaine. Tammy Dopps and Lynn Fiske.

with a picturesque lake boarded by one-bedroom units for couples and
future buildings will have those resi-
a strolling deck at the center of the so saddened by his passing since he face-painting and a bounce house dents in mind.

complex. was so instrumental in building this for the little ones, and a multitude of “There has always been a wait-
ing list here. We are in the process
“Frank Zorc was responsible beautiful place for seniors to live in- interesting silent auction and raffle of expanding and accommodating
more seniors to the best of our abil-
for building the deck,” said board dependently.” items in the air-conditioned club ity,” said Board President Anthony
Dzielski. “When you need a place
member Kim Gibson, referencing a Roughly 300 tickets had been is- hall. to live you need it now, not in three
months. So our goal has always been
founder of the facility who passed sued for the event, which featured “St. Francis offers a unique service to expand the manor.”

away last week. “St. Francis was grilled burgers, hot dogs and chick- to the community that nobody else They are in the quiet phase of a
capital campaign to raise enough to
his idea. He was the one that first en donated and cooked by Sunrise does,” said Rotarian Lorne Coyle. break ground for new units in early
2017, with a goal of completion by the
pounded the pavement to get the Rotarians, great entertainment and “They currently have a small foot- end of that year. The expansion ef-
fort was facilitated after Indian Riv-
seed money to start this. We are all line dancing to the Rebel Rousers, print but it is invaluable in the com- er County commissioners allowed
them to split the lease of a parcel of
munity. If it were not for this place, county-owned land with the Boys &
Girls Club of IRC. They plan to build
Hope Resale Boutique we would have elderly sleeping in two new buildings, adding 18 more
their cars. Also, the socialization rooms to their current 98 studio/ef-
they have here along with the ser- ficiency apartments.
vices provided keep them healthy.”
“That may not seem like a lot, but
“It’s really nice and economical. in the course of 50 years, we figure
that will serve approximately 900
After I retired at 55, I had a 30 percent people,” said Gibson. 

A Different Kind of Thrift Shop cut in income,” said Graham Rice, a
33-year Vero Beach lifeguard who

now makes St. Francis his home. “I

had a very active life with lifeguard

competitions, running and diving,

so now I just want to rest and this

place gives me my independence.”

Unlike many senior homes that

are run more like dormitories, resi-

dents here have their own spaces yet

are kept connected through a slew

of social activities. There are a few

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 29



23 5


1. Amy Jacobs, Louis Schacht, Alex Jacobs and Owen Jacobs. 2. Linda Colontrelle, Christina and Dennis

Aversa with Ryan Radocaj. 3. Ken Kindler, Charlie Sturgess, Linda Scott and Debbie Avery. 4. Front: Paula

and Richard Morris. Back: Lauren Fry, Kathryn Morris, Laster Morris, Connie and Bill Zorc. 5. Bob and Kim

Gibson with Lorne Coyle. 6. Left side of table: Britain Hogan with Alfie Dzielski, Linda Johnson, Mary Joe

and Larry Going. Right side: Summer, Tristan and Chip Worthington. 7. Dorothy Buckley, David Muggridge

and Laura Castle. 8. Pilar and Al Turner with Jane Coyle. 9. Randy and Shelly Yeager. 10. Graham Rice and



9 10

30 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


700 step it up at March for Babies fundraiser





1. Team Bank of America. 2. Team Sheriff. 3. Team Indian River Medical Center. 4. Team Windsor. 5. Team

Wells Fargo. 6. Team Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. 7. Team Beachland Elementary.

8. Sebastian Elementary Sea Turtle Cheerleaders. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL

Roughly 700 participants, including many of the families impacted by
March of Dimes programs and services, turned out Saturday morning to
walk in the MOD March for Babies fundraiser at Riverside Park. Organiz-
ers hoped to raise $150,000 through the event, which offered options of a
1-mile walk around Riverside Park or a 6-mile walk along A1A and across
both bridges. Funds raised go toward research and programs for the pre-
vention of and solutions for babies born prematurely or with birth defects;
education to increase mothers’ chances of having a healthy baby; and ad-
vocacy toward newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant
women and children. The award for top fundraiser was presented to Pub-
lix, which raised $50,000.

32 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ballet dancer punches his ticket to scholarship

Staff Writer

Through middle school and high Joshua Cintron. PHOTOS BY PHIL SUNKEL
school, Joshua Cintron spent most af-
ternoons hunched over a punching bag Cynthia to Indian River Charter High,
at the Miracle Boxing Academy. The right away he made a good friend: Dan-
boxing gym was his second home, and iel Ortega, two years ahead of Josh, and
it was a happy one; out of five tourna- an avid soccer player whose family is
ments he entered, he won three. Colombian.

Then last year, Josh tried ballet, sign- At Charter, Daniel had already dis-
ing up for a class at Indian River Char- covered the well-known Visual and Per-
ter High. forming Arts program. With VAPA, as it
is called, he was an enthusiastic student
This spring, as the seniors started of Hedi Khursandi’s dance program.
getting college admissions letters, Josh
found out he’d won a full, four-year Khursandi, who danced profession-
scholarship to the dance program at ally with the Vienna Festival Ballet be-
Jacksonville University. fore moving to Australia to teach with a
Royal Academy ballet school, has taught
Beside himself, Josh called his dad at ballet at Charter High since 2005. He has
work. “He was choking up as he was tell- at least a half-dozen students who have
ing me,” says Sergio Cintron, who man- gone on to dance professionally or have
ages a maintenance crew at the Isles of been accepted into top ballet schools
Vero. “It was one of the best moments in
my life.”

Josh passed the phone to his sister.
“Dad, he’s doing cartwheels around the
living room,” she told him.

Before last year, neither Sergio Cin-
tron nor his wife Normarie, both 40,
had ever seen a ballet. The only danc-
ing they did was Latin dance at parties.
Raised in Puerto Rican families and liv-
ing in the Bronx when Josh was born,
they moved to Florida when Josh was 4
to give him and his older sister Cynthia
a quieter place to grow up.

After first buying in Port St. Lucie,
they moved to Vero as Josh entered
middle school.

Soon after, Sergio and his young son
took up boxing together. “I’d never re-
ally trained before – the only boxing I
knew was street fighting,” says Sergio
Cintron. “I wanted Josh to learn how to
defend himself and how to get his self-
esteem up. Boxing builds you up men-
tally and physically.”

When Josh followed his older sister

Cintron in his ballet class at
Indian River Charter High.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 33


It was a family affair when Josh went After the six-hour audition and mas-
for his first audition ever. His parents ter class, Josh got back in the car. “I love
and sister all accompanied him to Flori- it,” he told his family breathlessly.
da Southern College in Lakeland, which
just launched a dance program in 2015. “You could just see his eyes light up.
After the audition, Josh was on the The teachers, the campus – he was
fence. But he met a girl there who told so excited, he had to tell us every little
him about a more established program thing,” recalls his dad.
at Jacksonville University.
“That was a great feeling as a parent.
So the family loaded up again and He got it: he knew what it was he want-
headed north. Arriving at the audi- ed to be.”
tion, Josh walked in to find his old
friend from Charter, Daniel Ortega, The day after he got the scholar-
who successfully auditioned for a spot ship letter, Josh brought it in to Terri
there – with a scholarship – for his ju- Strazzulla. “She was the first person he
nior and senior years. showed it to,” says his dad. “She started
crying. She told him, ‘This is why I do
what I do.’” 

Joshua with his dance instructor, Hedi Khursandi.

and summer programs. much he could do in that small space,”
When Daniel Ortega graduated, he he says with a laugh.

won a scholarship for an A.A. degree in At school, Josh practiced with Olivia
dance at the Florida School of the Arts at Schulke, one of Khursandi’s top stu-
St. John’s State College in Palatka. dents, who was just accepted at Miami
City Ballet’s highly competitive summer
That made Josh take notice. Talk of program, among others.
college admissions and scholarships is
a constant drumbeat at Charter. “Daniel “She would stand next to me at the
told me I should try it,” Josh recalls. bar and go, ‘Do this, go further, further.’
She’s been doing that since the begin-
When he told his parents last year ning,” says Josh.
that he wanted to take ballet, they were
nothing but supportive. “Our mind- Over the course of the year, Josh
set has always been, whatever our kids picked up the essential ballet terminol-
want to achieve – dancing, or being a ogy – the names of the moves are all in
mechanic, whatever their goal was – we French. Khursandi trained him to drop
would help them 100 percent. When he the defensive posture he learned in the
decided he wanted to pursue this and boxing ring, relaxing his shoulders and
get a scholarship, we were right there opening up his chest.
with him for the ride.”
Gradually, he lengthened the mus-
Within two weeks of starting in the cles knotted from hours of sparring,
beginner’s class, Khursandi bumped executing tedious pliés with his mostly
Josh up from Ballet One to Ballet Four. female classmates, or raising one slip-
“I took a big risk,” says Khursandi. “I saw pered foot to the ballet barre and low-
the potential there, something very few ering his face to his knee.
people have. I thought, if I put him in
the lower class, he will be bored.” The fast footwork he learned in box-
ing served him well in ballet. And when
But the transition wasn’t entirely Khursandi sent his students to the cen-
smooth. Khursandi found Josh was ter of the room for the port-de-bras, a
self-conscious in front of the more slow-motion test of grace and balance,
advanced students. Khursandi’s cor- Josh had already found what danc-
rections are virtually head-to-toe, and ers called their “center”: Through the
most of the students had started in constant ducking and shifting and in-
childhood. While Josh showed prom- numerable body blows of boxing, he’d
ise, the detailed stream of criticism re- learned how to stay upright.
quired to bring him up to speed made
him close off at first. As for partnering, Josh’s upper body
strength from years of weight training
“He’s the hardest student I’ve ever at the gym made lifting girls over his
taught,” Khursandi says. “Josh is shy, head almost a breeze. In February, Josh
and he didn’t want to make mistakes. danced with his buddy Olivia in a ballet
But I found out from his father that he in Charter High’s production of “Man
was going home and practicing what of La Mancha.”
we’d done in class. That’s when I knew
he really wanted to do this.” Meanwhile, Charter High adviser
Terri Strazzulla heard the buzz about
Sergio Cintron recalls that Josh Charter’s latest ballet star and took him
would retreat to his bedroom and under her wing. “She was very, very
watch YouTube videos, repeating what supportive of Josh’s goal to get a schol-
moves he could. “I don’t know how arship,” says Sergio Cintron.

34 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Accent on femininity in stunning VBMA acquisitions

BY ELLEN FISCHER Karen LaMonte, ‘Reclining Dress Absence,’ 2005. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE Recognized by art historian Melanie
Herzog as “the foremost African-Amer-
Correspondent she is retiring this fall. torically black Howard University. Her ican woman artist of her generation,”
Elizabeth Catlett, who was born in postgraduate work at the University Catlett lived, worked and taught in Mex-
In recent weeks the Vero Beach Mu- of Iowa included studies with Grant ico for the rest of her life.
seum of Art has seen its collection grow 1915 and died just four years ago, was Wood, then one of the most famous
in quality as well as quantity with the raised in Washington, D.C. Her under- artists in the country for his 1930 paint- The glowing, ghostly presence of Kar-
addition of four significant works. Two graduate years were spent at the his- en LaMonte’s “Reclining Dress Absence”
of the works are by American women, of 2005 is sure to be a crowd pleaser in
Elizabeth Catlett and Karen LaMonte. Emil Bisttram, ‘Eagle Nest Lake, New Mexico,’ 1930. Vero Beach. Its wow factor can be attrib-
uted to its medium – colorless cast glass
“We’re very interested in having the ing “American Gothic.” with a satin-textured finish – and to its
work of well-known women in the col- Catlett reminisced about Grant in an large size: 63 inches in length.
lection,” says curator Jay Williams,
speaking also for the museum’s execu- interview late in life. “He would tell his “I can’t think of anyone doing any-
tive director, Lucinda Gedeon. students, ‘Paint what you know. ” thing else quite like this,” Williams mar-
vels. “I think that she is going to be seen
They couldn’t have done better than She, for one, made the most of that as one of the most important glass art-
the current picks of Catlett’s “Triangu- advice. Through her art Catlett celebrat- ists of this era.”
lar Woman” of 1994, a tour de force in ed the lives of African-Americans with
white-veined amber onyx; and LaMon- a particular focus on black women and There is more to this artwork than
te’s “Reclining Dress Absence,” a life- children. Working in the Modernist tra- stuns the eye, however.Williams says the
size figure in luminous cast glass. Those dition of abstracted figuration, she used work has antecedents in classical sculp-
works fill the bill in more ways than one: a variety of traditional media to realize ture (think of the reclining goddess from
Not only are they outstanding examples her works: sculptures in stone, bronze, the east pediment of the Parthenon
of each artist’s signature style, they also terracotta and wood. frieze), as well as contemporary feminist
represent their creators’ distinct view- art theory and gender studies.
points on femininity. After moving to Mexico in 1946,
Catlett became a noted graphic artist Purchased with funds from four
“Triangular Woman” is not new to in the popular Mexican media of social named acquisition endowments, the
Gedeon. It was included in a 1998 ret- commentary, lithography and linoleum sculpture was bought to commemorate
rospective of Catlett’s sculpture at the block printing. the museum’s 30th anniversary.
Neuberger Museum of Art in Purchase,
New York, when Gedeon was executive Two other copies of “Reclining Dress
director there. At that time the sculpture Absence” exist in the permanent collec-
was owned by a collector in Palm Beach. tions of the Ringling Museum of Art in
Sarasota and the Chrysler Museum of
Gedeon and Williams homed in on Art in Norfolk, Va.
the Catlett at New York City’s Armory Art
Fair in February, when they were looking LaMonte remarked in an email to this
for artworks to present for the Athena writer that each museum has provided
Society selection in April. Although they a unique setting for the artwork that en-
both agreed the onyx sculpture was a riches viewers’ understanding of it.
rare target of opportunity for the Athena
Society, the dealer could not keep it out “At the Chrysler Museum the sculp-
of circulation long enough for the soci- ture is installed in front of an ancient
ety to vote on it. Etruscan sarcophagus. The similarities
of the poses and drapery together with
Luckily for the Vero museum’s col- the contrasting materials enrich the uni-
lection, longtime supporters Mr. and versal themes of both the classical and
Mrs. Whitney MacMillan came forward contemporary works,” she wrote.
with a gift of funds to purchase “Trian-
gular Woman” in honor of Gedeon’s At the Vero museum, the sculpture is
tenure. Gedeon recently announced placed on a sarcophagus-like plinth at
the front of the Stark Gallery, providing a
welcome foil to Jim Dine’s monumental
bathrobe painting, “The Red March For-
ward,” on the gallery’s back wall.

Like that painting, “Reclining Dress
Absence” appears at first blush to be an
empty dressing gown; no human anat-
omy shows beyond the garment’s neck-
line, sleeves or bottom edge. But unlike
the stiff folds of Dine’s prosaic cover-up,
LaMonte’s frock – a glamorous negligee
– is plumped out by the contours of a
distinctly female form.

The work is sensuous, but contains a
subtle commentary on feminine fash-
ion and the way dress identifies and cat-
egorizes people, notes Williams.

Or, as the artist’s website puts it,
LaMonte “probes the disparity between
our natural skin and our social skin.”

The museum started off the year

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 35


Edward Potthast, ‘Baby Carriage at the Beach,’ circa 1915-1920.

Elizabeth Catlett, ‘Triangular Woman,’ 1994. purchased two weeks ago with funds “There was a great deal of enthusi-
from the Athena Society. The annual asm for this piece,” he says. “It’s striking,
donations of the group of museum pa- handsome, clear and resonant for any-
trons have added works to the collec- one who has been struck by the magical
tion since 2003. quality of New Mexico’s light.”

Selected by ballot over paintings by The painting was executed on Bist-
Jacob Lawrence, Paul Jenkins and Louis tram’s first visit to New Mexico in the
Ritman, the Bisttram work was a “clear summer of 1930. The artist would make
winner” at the Athena Society’s annual Taos his permanent home in 1932,
dinner, says Williams. bringing an increasingly abstract vision
to his canvases. He notably promoted
Jim Carney, an Athena Society his ideas through founding his Taos
member who sits on the art museum’s School of Art and by helping to found
board of trustees and collections com- the Transcendental Painting Group. 
mittee, agrees.

with the acquisition of an impressionist
beach scene by Edward Potthast titled
“Baby Carriage at the Beach.”

Those who visited the Debra Force
Fine Art booth at the Palm Beach Jew-
elry, Art & Antique Show in February
may have seen and admired the work
there, a standout not only among that
gallery’s offerings, but at the fair as a
whole. It was purchased for the mu-
seum’s collection with funds provided
by Laura and Bill Buck.

This time, it is Williams who has pre-
vious experience with the piece. When
he was curator of Edison Community
College’s Gallery of Fine Art in Fort My-
ers, it was owned by Merrill Gross, a col-
lector of some 60 Potthast works. Dur-
ing Williams’ tenure at Edison, Gross
lent his collection for a much-cited ex-
hibition in 1990.

“Baby Carriage at the Beach,” at a
fraction larger than 12 inches tall and
16 inches wide, “reads much bigger
than it is,” Williams says. It will soon be
rehung in the Stark Gallery to take ad-
vantage of its power to draw viewers in
from a distance.

The latest addition to the collection
is an Emil Bisttram painting from 1930
titled “Eagle Nest Lake, New Mexico,”

36 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: ‘Big Fish,’
‘Heights’ and zany comedy

Staff Writer

1 With Riverside Theatre’s season fi-
nale “Sister Act” having moved on

to Philadelphia, community theaters are

filling in the gap in live performances.

Friday is opening night for “Big

Fish: The Musical” at downtown

Melbourne’s Henegar Center. Based

on the Daniel Wallace novel and the

film directed by Tim Burton, the sto-

ryline follows a yarn-spinning travel-

ing salesman named Edward Bloom

whose son finally sets about finding

the line between his father’s facts and

his fictions.

The musical is directed by Henegar’s

artistic director, Hank Rion. The Friday

performance includes a champagne re-

ception and music by Brevard Brass. It

runs through May 22.

2 A little further north, in the histor- “Big Fish: The Musical” iscoming to the
ic district of Cocoa, Lin-Manuel Henegar Centre this Friday.

Miranda’s “In the Heights” is playing at

the charming Cocoa Village Playhouse. body else’s. Also on the bill is Carmen
Vallone. Comedy Zone tickets are only
Opening on Broadway six years before $16 and there are VIP boxes available
for groups. With two shows per eve-
Miranda’s blockbuster “Hamilton,” “In ning both Friday and Saturday, the
gathering hordes waiting for doors
the Heights” won four Tony Awards in- to open can hang out on the loop
outside and hear live music until the
cluding one for Best Musical in 2008. show starts.

Set in New York’s largely Puerto Rican With the end of season clearing the
theater calendar, Comedy Zone week-
and Dominican-American neighbor- ends are back up to twice a month
again, so full-time residents can get
hood of Washington Heights, the story their senses of humors back before it
all starts again next winter.
takes place over the course of three days.

Quiara Alegria Hudes wrote the book.

Miranda wrote the hip-hop style lyr-

ics and score, finishing an early draft

in 1999 in his sophomore year at Wes-

leyan. After salsa numbers were added,

the university’s theater department

staged it and a group of students ap-

proached Miranda about developing it 4 If you watch Jimmy Fallon, you
know he’s obsessed – or pretends
into a Broadway show.

In all, the show was nominated for 14 he is – with the Styx song “Too Much

Tony Awards as well as a Pulitzer Prize. Time on My Hands.” It’s been a running

It also won a Grammy for the cast al- gag for the past few weeks and Styx is

bum. apparently just delighted – the band’s

The Cocoa Village Playhouse is stag- lead singer Tommy Shaw says he wants

ing it with a cast from the all-volunteer to go on Fallon’s show and sing it with

company of its Broadway on Brevard him.

series. “In the Heights” runs through Shaw is no doubt grateful for Fallon

May 15. expanding his brand, especially since

Fallon’s earworm is coinciding with

3 This weekend’s Comedy Zone at Styx’s tour, which includes a stop at the
Riverside Theatre is featuring a
Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce Wednes-

comedian named Kier who incorpo- day night, May 11.

rates impressions of musicians into The group formed 46 years ago in

his act. He actually started out as a Chicago, and in the ’70s and ’80s, as a

musician, and went to college on a recent reviewer wrote, they found “the

music scholarship before figuring out sweet spot between fist-pumping hard

his real talent was not in making his rock and Broadway schmaltz.”

own music but making fun of every- Right up Fallon’s alley. 

38 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The scene in the crowded press facility the cous business of international aviation. For well over shifts in global aviation: a gulf-ward lurch in
first morning of the 2013 Dubai Airshow was a year, Delta Air Lines, United, American and their la- the world economy’s center of gravity; a dra-
enough to rattle the pillars of international bor unions have waged a multimillion-dollar fight to matic loosening of trade restrictions on where,
aviation – and it had nothing to do with the get U.S. officials to block their Persian Gulf rivals from when and how the world’s airlines can fly;
desert sandstorm blowing outside. expanding in the United States. and the emergence of the “aerostate,” where
world-class aviation is a critical economic en-
A parade of Persian Gulf emirs in flowing This fight is not just about legacy companies try- gine deeply integrated with the state itself.
white-and-gold dishdashas, surrounded re- ing to hold market share against entrepreneurial
spectfully by grinning top executives from Boe- upstarts – a dynamic in aviation since the likes of That perceived threat to U.S. airlines is gath-
ing and Airbus, took turns announcing orders People Express fought to wrest a slice of transatlan- ering as depressed oil prices are driving wealthy
for new jets worth more than the gross domes- tic travel from British Airways three decades ago. gulf petro-states to diversify and exploit their
tic product of two-thirds of the world’s nations. geographic advantage to emerge as the world’s
Today’s Persian Gulf challenge is more fundamen- aerostates. They may soon be joined by Saudi
In a few hours, the gulf’s three big airlines tal, a new business model that relies on three tectonic Arabia, whose new $2 trillion post-petroleum
– Dubai-based Emirates, Etihad Airways of economic transformation plan could exploit
Abu Dhabi and Qatar Airways – had ordered these same aviation-powering shifts.
as many long-range wide-body jets as United Air- The gulf airlines are nothing like the typically under-
lines and American Airlines had in their entire fleets funded, overmatched new entrants to global aviation –
combined. who remembers Eos, Silverjet and L’Avion? – that rare-
ly survive. Buying scores of $400 million jets at a time
For the great legacy airlines of the United States and building massive, round-the-clock hubs across
and Europe that had ruled the international skies for the desert, they offer top-tier fliers a luxury travel op-
decades, the stunning display of financial firepower tion that old-line airlines cannot efficiently replicate.
and competitive ambition made the show’s slogan – While Emirates offers bottomless flutes of Dom
“The World is Coming” – seem like a threat. Pérignon, private suites and onboard showers, Eti-
had’s three-room flying “Residence” comes with your
It was the capstone of a supersonic climb-out for own “Savoy-trained” butler and personal bathroom.
the gulf airlines that has triggered a lobbying, legal and
political battle in Washington – and a parallel push in
Brussels – unmatched for its rancor, even for the rau-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 39


It’s been a stunning ascendancy. Camels still roamed tallest building in Dubai, a branch of the Louvre in It has grown Sixfold over the past decade.
Dubai’s packed-sand runway when NASA was test- Abu Dhabi or the World Cup in Qatar. The airline, started in 1993, is owned by the
ing moon rockets in the early 1960s; decades earlier, government of Qatar, which has the world’s
reaching the gulf by air meant catching Imperial Air- Turning remote pieces of desert into functional highest per-capita gross domestic product.
ways’ weekly “flying boat” stopover on its round-the- air hubs costs the kind of money only wealthy aero-
empire circuit from London. states could afford; creating favored way points for The airline carried 17 million passengers last
world travelers, “frictionless” 24-7 oases of relax- year. Launched in 2003, Abu Dhabi’s Etihad
Today the trio of large gulf airlines fly to more world ation and spending – Dubai’s vast duty-free shop- once called itself the “fastest growing airline
cities than all U.S. airlines combined. Emirates, the ping mall reportedly is the largest airport retailer on in the history of commercial aviation.”
world’s largest airline by global capacity, carries a mil- Earth – costs billions of dollars more.
lion passengers every week on average, is the world’s 1 million passengers carried every week on
largest operator of the world’s largest passenger air- Much of these airlines’ startling success is built average on this Dubai-based airline. Emir-
plane (the Airbus A380) and flies from the world’s not only on the backing of the aerostates but also ates is the largest operator of the Airbus
largest air terminal at the world’s busiest internation- on a key advantage their Western rivals could nev- A380, the world’s largest passenger airliner.
al airport. er replicate – their location at the crossroads of the
new global economy. atic. The U.S. deals with the UAE and Qatar were
Etihad, also based in the United Arab Emirates, signed in 1999 and 2001, years before the first gulf
started in late 2003 and once described itself as the Today, Persian Gulf air hubs are within nonstop flight to the United States, as part of a global effort
fastest-growing airline in history. And Qatar Airways, long-haul jet range of more than two-thirds of hu- to deregulate worldwide aviation. The United States
in the tiny nearby kingdom with the world’s highest manity – including nearly every sizable human set- has signed nearly identical -market-opening agree-
per-capita GDP, has grown sixfold in a decade. tlement on the planet. They are also optimal stop- ments with about 120 countries since 1992.
over points for saving fuel on global journeys. On the
For these former colonies long ignored at the far 7,000-mile flight path from London to Singapore’s Over two decades, open skies had become the
edge of modernity, world-class aviation speaks elo- financial center, Dubai is midway. No wonder its new lodestar of U.S. aviation policy, with the support
quently of having arrived – no less than the world’s mega-airport is named “World Central.” of travelers plus the big U.S. airlines, which saw its
power to pry open for them the world’s richest, most
European legacy carriers such as Air France protected air markets. Attacking a policy that for two
and Lufthansa were early to react to the gulf’s rise decades remained an island of bipartisan consensus
as high-revenue passengers bound for India and in a contentious sea of international trade would
Southeast Asia switched to the glitzy gulf upstarts. arouse resistance inside government.

By dint of geography, though, U.S. airlines rarely CONTINUED ON PAGE 42
competed head to head with gulf airlines; after years
of financial free fall, they were more focused on mak-
ing money at home in a rich domestic market where
foreign competitors are barred by law. That didn’t last.

What really triggered angst in U.S.
airline boardrooms was when in 2013,
Emirates launched a daily flight be-
tween New York and Milan.

Gulf airlines then flew about 120
times a week from U.S. cities but car-
ried passengers mainly headed to
Pakistan, Kenya, Bangladesh or the
Persian Gulf itself – places U.S. airlines
barely ventured. Taking New Yorkers
to Italy, though, was viewed as a raid
on the transatlantic business corridor
that the airlines and their European
Union joint-venture partners practi-
cally owned, “routes that are vital driv-
ers for U.S. carriers’ profitability,” the
airlines later complained.

By early 2015, a coalition of the three
big U.S. airlines and their unions, led
by Delta, said their state-backed rivals posed “the sin-
gle greatest threat to the U.S. aviation industry” and
pleaded for government action to “stem the tide.”
“We’re not competing against airlines,” then-
United chief executive Jeff Smisek reportedly told a
U.S. Chamber of Commerce aviation conference in
2015. “We’re competing against the treasuries of gulf
nations, and that’s an impossible task.”
Even Washington couldn’t remake global eco-
nomic geography, but the other two pillars of gulf
aviation success were more vulnerable: the liberal
air-trade agreements – known as “open skies” – that
let gulf airlines fly unrestricted to and from (though
not within) the United States, and the aerostates
themselves, whose nurturing of their airlines might
be challenged on unfair-trade grounds.
Getting federal officials to tear up or renegotiate
the gulf open-skies deals that let those carriers access
the vast U.S. market at will – and that gave U.S. carri-
ers reciprocal rights in Persian Gulf states – would be
a simple way to staunch their U.S. expansion.
But a frontal assault on open skies was problem-

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42 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Not to mention that other powerful players in U.S. Dubai’s mega-airport “World Central” the top in a two-day series of private Cabinet-level
aviation ardently support open skies. They include meetings in January 2015. They presented a confi-
large, job-generating airports; tourism-focused cit- petitive fairness worked tactically as well as politi- dential 55-page, 216-footnote white paper. Rhetoric
ies such as Orlando and Las Vegas that have spent cally. Even so, forcing U.S. action would take more aside, the core charge was that the three gulf air carri-
millions to attract, not deter, foreign airlines; and than just complaining about “unfairness” to an ev- ers had collectively over 10 years received state subsi-
Boeing, the United States’ export leader, which has er-skeptical public and government. dies and “unfair benefits” worth $42 billion.
more pending orders for wide-body planes to the
Mideast than to any other region. Justified or not, Americans simply do not love their By mid-June 2015, Emirates published its 192-
airlines. Consumers consistently rank them near the page point-by-point response, laden with its own
Even U.S. airlines are split. Domestic carriers such bottom of the annual American Customer Satisfac- appendices and 359 footnotes. Qatar Airways and
as JetBlue and Alaska Airlines not only don’t compete tion Index, barely ahead of health insurers, telephone Etihad added their own voluminous filings to the
with the gulf carriers – they co-market with them. and Internet providers, and the Postal Service. Nickel- mix. Not to be out-papered, U.S. airlines replied
FedEx, a Fortune 100 firm with 300,000 workers, 660 and-diming fees and vanishing legroom don’t help. two months later with a 491-page tome.
aircraft, a $12 million-plus annual lobbying budget
and as much political heft as all the passenger car- Government officials tend to see airlines as com- As lawyers battled in a thicket of rhetoric and ob-
riers combined, relies on expanding open skies to plaining constantly about government action or scure statistics, the gulf carriers announced plans
manage its globe-spanning express network with top inaction – they are invariably overtaxed, overregu- to dramatically expand their U.S. service, with new
efficiency, and it has a big hub in Dubai. lated, underappreciated and beset by irrational, or increased flights to Orlando, Boston, New York,
cowardly bureaucrats. Los Angeles and Seattle. Qatar announced – un-
Nobody was about to tear up open-skies agreements. usually, a year in advance – that it would start ser-
Challenging the aerostates themselves as instru- U.S. airlines needed a bill of particulars so de- vice in Atlanta, the key hub of Delta.
ments of unfair trade was more promising. The gulf tailed, lawyerly and compelling that skeptical offi-
region’s support of aviation is broad and unapologetic. cials could not fail to respond. The responsible federal agencies announced in
World-class aviation is indispensable to expanding the April they would “open a docket” – an official reposi-
region’s leading industries, such as logistics, finance The chief executives of the United States’ three tory for all the “stakeholder” rants, online petitions,
and high-end tourism. (By some counts, Dubai has largest international airlines took the fight right to statistics and opinions, paid for and unpaid for – but
more than twice as many luxury hotels as New York.) soon announced that “we do not expect to close the
Aviation will soon account for nearly a third of Dubai’s joint docket in the foreseeable future.”
GDP and 30 percent of its employment. That support
isn’t all as obvious as sprawling new airports. Harder to dismiss was the gulf carriers’ argu-
When an airline’s management, shareholders ment that when it comes to governments support-
and regulators are one and the same – the uncle of ing their national airlines, everybody does it. In
Dubai’s ruler chairs Emirates and heads the aviation the United States, a federal “essential air service”
regulator – business decisions are quicker and easier. program subsidizes flights to rural communities;
For U.S. rivals, casting the fight against the gulf states and localities give handouts and tax breaks
airlines as a trade battle for American jobs and com- to airlines; and bankruptcy laws have allowed vir-
tually all large U.S. carriers to eliminate debt and
rewrite labor contracts.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 43


Still, more than a year since the nation’s major send fleets of luxe super-jumbos to the U.S. mar- a developing aviation power, and one day maybe –
airlines urged government action, nothing of sub- ket – where the money is after all – they face other geopolitics permitting – Ethiopia or Oman or Iran
stance has happened, at least publicly, and little challenges. Some key markets, in China, India and or Saudi Arabia or Israel, which share their same
seems imminent. the Persian Gulf itself, are slowing, and currency happy mix of economic geography, state invest-
devaluations are cutting into their revenue. ment and cheaper labor.
The new aerostates, long petrostates, pose a
challenge, but the gulf trio is not about to upend They face their own competitive threats from “Aviation,” as Etihad CEO James Hogan observed,
U.S. leadership in global aviation. Even as they other potential aerostates such as Turkey, already “is a long game.” 

44 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Why Harvard ‘encourages’ students to take a gap year

Last week’s announcement that President Obama’s “Faced with the fast pace of growing up today, year can’t “compensate for deficiencies in your high
daughter Malia was going to take a ‘gap year’ after some students are clearly distressed, engaging in school record.”
high school and start college at Harvard University in binge drinking and other self-destructive behaviors.
2017 left many asking: What exactly is a gap year, and Counseling services of secondary schools and col- She also said “many students choose to spend
is this a good idea? In this column, The Washington leges have expanded in response to greatly increased their gap year in structured programs volunteering
Post’s Valerie Strauss looks at what appears to be a demand. It is common to encounter even the most abroad or in the United States. There are also many
growing trend. successful students, who have won all the “prizes,” opportunities to explore interests in the environ-
stepping back and wondering if it was all worth it. ment, arts, and other cultures. Taking courses to im-
Laura R. Hosid, an expert on gap years at the Vinik prove academic skills is another option.
Educational Placement Services in Bethesda, says a “Professionals in their thirties and forties – physi-
“gap year typically describes a year off between high cians, lawyers, academics, business people and others “Within these broad categories, there are a myr-
school and college.” They have long been popular in – sometimes give the impression that they are dazed iad of options, ranging from studying at the Inter-
Britain and other countries, she said, but have been survivors of some bewildering life-long boot-camp. national Culinary Center in New York, to performing
gaining popularity in this country, too, in recent years. Some say they ended up in their profession because musical stage performances in multiple countries
of someone else’s expectations, or that they simply while living with host families with Up With People,
They offer students with means “an opportunity drifted into it without pausing to think whether they to building trails in state parks with the Student
to travel, explore different interests, and gain experi- really loved their work. Often they say they missed Conservation Association.
ence and maturity before beginning college.” And their youth entirely, never living in the present, always
some colleges actually encourage admitted students pursuing some ill-defined future goal. “One thing to keep in mind is that gap years need
to take a gap year – including Harvard. not be expensive or involve international travel. City
“Fortunately this young fast-track generation itself Year, part of AmeriCorps, provides a stipend and schol-
There are no solid statistics on how many stu- offers ideas that can reduce stress and prevent burnout. arship for 10 months of service in inner-city schools.
dents take gap years in the United States, according In college application essays and interviews, in conver- World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms offers
to the American Gap Association, but anecdotal evi- sations and counseling sessions with current college meals and housing in exchange for farming work.
dence shows that students benefit significantly from students, and in discussions with alumni/ae, many cur-
taking time off. A study by the dean of admissions at rent students perceive the value of taking time out. A gap year also does not need to be one full-year
Middlebury College found that the average GPA for program. Students often piece together different op-
Middlebury students who had taken a gap year was “Such a ‘time out’ can take many forms. It can be tions to explore a range of interests or can work for
consistently higher than those who had not. very brief or last for a year or more. It can be structured a few months to fund a shorter opportunity. Short-
or unstructured, and directed toward career, academ- term options can range from three weeks at a wild-
In 2012, Harvard’s website noted that 50 to 70 stu- ic or purely personal pursuits. Most fundamentally, it life sanctuary in South Africa with BroadReach to a
dents take gap years before entering as freshman. is a time to step back and reflect, to gain perspective month studying French at Concordia Language Vil-
The website today says: on personal values and goals, or to gain needed life ex- lages in Minnesota.”
perience in a setting separate from and independent
“Harvard College encourages admitted students of one’s accustomed pressures and expectations.” So how do families get help planning one?
to defer enrollment for one year to travel, pursue There are several books available, including
a special project or activity, work, or spend time in Other schools encourage gap years as well. For “The Complete Guide to the Gap Year” by Kristin
another meaningful way – provided they do not en- example, Princeton University offers the Bridge Year M. White and “The Gap-Year Advantage” by Karl
roll in a degree-granting program at another college. Program, and the University of North Carolina at Haigler and Rae Nelson. Websites such as Teen Life
Deferrals for two-year obligatory military service are Chapel Hill has Global Gap Year Fellowship Program. offer listings of gap-year programs by type – many
also granted. Each year, between 80 and 110 students private high schools and colleges also have lists
defer their matriculation to the College.” Students who wish to take a gap year are sup- available online.
posed to apply to college and, once accepted, pres- In addition, USA Gap Year Fairs offer over 30 dif-
Also on the Harvard website is an article titled, ent a plan to the university for why they want to de- ferent fairs throughout the country. Finally, there are
“Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation,” fer. Many colleges will be happy to comply. a small number of educational consultants who fo-
which describes how pressured K-12 schooling has cus on gap-year advising and can help students fig-
become, noting that” training for college scholar- For those students who don’t apply to college, hop- ure out what they want to do and help identify spe-
ships – or professional contracts – begins early, even ing that activities undertaken during a gap year will cific programs that would be a good match. 
in grammar school.” It says: enhance their admissions profile, Hosid said a gap

Every year during the week that includes May 12th – Florence According to the most recent Gallup poll, nurses have been voted
the most trusted professionals in America for the 13th time in 14
Nightingale’s birthday – hospitals across the country celebrate National years. Nurses are revered for their honesty, ethical standards and
Nurses Week and National Hospital Week. professional integrity. In addition to advanced registered nurse prac-
titioners (as mentioned above), hospitals employ registered nurses
Below is a brief review of the myriad of hospital team members (RNs) and certified nurse assistants (CNAs).
who work together to provide expert, compassionate care for you While most provide direct patient care, a growing number of nurs-
and your family. es today work in administrative roles in areas such as case manage-
ment, quality review and peer and patient education.
 DOCTORS Other clinical staff members who provide patient care include respi-
Physicians undergo a rigorous credentialing process to allow ratory, radiation, physical, speech, occupational and hand therapists.
them privileges to see and treat patients in the hospital or in an af- Imaging technologists and technicians, pharmacists, laboratory staff and
filiated outpatient setting. Primary care physicians (internists, family emergency medical technicians (EMTs) work together with one common
practitioners, etc.); specialists (gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, purpose – making sure the patient receives the medical care he or she
nephrologists, pediatricians, etc.); surgeons (general, cardiac, or- needs. Recently an additional category of clinician has entered the work-
thopedic, gynecologic, etc.); hospitalists, pathologists, radiologists, force – patient care navigators. Cardiac and oncology patient care naviga-
radiation oncologists, critical care specialists, ER physicians and other tors help coordinate, facilitate and support a patient’s medical journey.
specialists comprise a hospital’s medical staff. NON-CLINICAL EXPERTS
 ADVANCED REGISTERED NURSE PRACTITIONERS (ARNPs) Addressing the business side of healthcare are experts in finance,
Nurse practitioners are nurses with advanced training that autho- accounting, human resources and marketing. And day-to-day opera-
rizes them to practice independently or with physicians and other tions run smoothly thanks to dedicated engineering, environmental
providers. They can order medical tests, document health history, services (housekeeping), food services, information technology and
perform physical exams, write prescriptions, treat illnesses and dis- other valued team members.
eases and perform procedures and tests. EVERYONE IS FOCUSED ON THE PATIENT
 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS (PAs) While each individual plays his or her role, all have one goal: To
Physician assistants are licensed to work under the supervision of make each patient’s hospital experience as positive as possible. 
a doctor. They make medical decisions as determined by the super- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
vising doctor. PAs can diagnose and treat common illnesses, perform come. Email us at [email protected].
physical examinations, assist with surgery, write prescriptions, order
and interpret tests, give medical orders, and counsel patients on pre-
ventative care.

46 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The corporate merger business is on a tear: Last AUTHOR claims? If shareholders are the owners, how can they
year, the industry reported a record $4.7 billion in ROBERT TEITELMAN ensure that managers act in their best interests? And
announced deals worldwide, breaking the previ- who gets to decide when to buy or sell?
ous mark set in 2007. in the waves of M&A activity: Marty Lipton (of law
firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen, & Katz), Joseph Flom Teitelman, a founding editor of a trade publica-
With good timing, perhaps, Robert Teitelman has (of law firm Skadden Arps), and investment bank- tion (the Daily Deal) that tracks the M&A business,
published his sobering exploration of the merg- ers such as Bruce Wasserstein and Felix Rohatyn. In discusses the ideas of several academics, Adolph
ers and acquisition business, “Bloodsport,” tracing portraying corporate raiders such as Carl Icahn and Berle, Henry Manne and Michael Jensen among
how speculators and executives get rich while oth- Ronald O. Perlman and junk-bond maven Michael them. The University of Chicago, unsurprisingly,
ers – mostly workers – face layoffs, dislocation and Milken, Teitelman clearly conveys some nostalgia put its stamp on these arguments. Scholars affili-
damaged careers. Teitelman follows several decades for those swashbuckling times. ated with the libertarian strain of thinking there
of real-world finance, from the 1960s through the argued for a more active market for corporate
famous RJR Nabisco takeover fight of the late 1980s, The book also assesses the intellectual arguments control because unfettering takeovers would help
which marked an end of sorts to the Reagan-era yup- about takeovers. Academics have been hashing out keep managers honest and make companies more
pified leveraged-buyout boom. We read about a se- basic questions for decades with little consensus. efficient and profitable. Teitelman does an excel-
ries of Wall Street upstarts who were central figures Who owns a corporation? Is it just the shareholders, lent job of skewering these academics for their hy-
or, in fact, is there a larger group of stakeholders that pocrisies and the holes in their logic: They change
includes managers, employees, customers, suppliers their minds from decade to decade, they are prone
and bondholders who have their own equally valid to following trends, and they act like cliquey high

By the late 1980s, the thinking shifted: Academ-
ics began to realize that all this merger activity did
not work as hoped, Teitelman writes. Companies
did not become more efficient through mergers,
they weren’t more innovative or profitable, and
buyers often regretted their purchases.

Remarkably, mergers and acquisitions didn’t
disappear at all. The business just rebranded itself.
Leveraged-buyout firms, realizing that “leverage”
carried unsavory connotations, became the more
genteel-sounding private-equity firms. Raiders be-
came shareholder activists.

The crazy, multi-bidder takeover battles of yore
are gone, for the most part. But companies still take
each other over all the time, with the encouragement
of their shareholders. The same complaints made in
previous decades hold true today: Shareholders only
care about the short term; mergers often don’t work;
the workers and other stakeholders suffer. 





By Robert Teitelman, PublicAffairs. 412 pp. $28.99

Review by Jesse Eisinger, The Washington Post


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 47


Let regret give way to redemption and renewal

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT Immediately, the bird awoke and renew a right spirit within me.” failed, what could we achieve? Could
Columnists and began to resist its captor. It That recreation is always available. we help others to see with our eyes,
screeched, beat its wings wildly, em- If we allow ourselves to be reshaped a better way? Imagine the possibili-
Can a mistake, deeply regretted, be ploying its claws and beak in its de- and reformed, even after we’ve ties. 
redeemed by focused effort? Accord- fense against Walter. Unprepared
ing to a story told by the well-known for the bird’s attack and a bit fright-
broadcast journalist, Paul Harvey, ened himself, Walter threw the bird
the answer to that question is “yes.” down upon the ground and stomped
on it. And then, in the deadly quiet
Harvey once wrote about a boy that followed, Walter stood and wept
named Walter Elias who lived on a with regret over the twisted wreck of
farm near Marceline, Missouri. The beautiful feathers that lay at his feet.
beauty and wonder of the outdoor He left the scene to get a shovel, and
world apparently intrigued Walter, when he returned he buried the little
because he was a frequent explorer owl, without telling anyone what had
among the willows near his home happened.
and the apple grove that lay beyond
them. There he could imagine him- Walter dreamed for months about
self a part of great adventures. that owl, and his sensitivity to its
beauty and its fragile life was prob-
One day when Walter was sev- ably a factor in Walter’s choice of
en years old, he was wondering occupation. He began drawing, and
among the trees when he spotted a eventually Walter became an artist
small feathered shape resting in the who portrayed countless animals in-
branches just ahead of him. It was an sightfully and engagingly. Cartoons
owl, and it appeared to be fast asleep. and motions pictures were filled
Walter thought that if only he could with clever depictions of the animals
catch this wild creature he could take he loved and respected. And yes, for
it home and make it his pet. He crept years and years, Walter Elias Disney
slowly toward the sleeping figure, has helped all of us to appreciate and
reached out a hand, and grabbed the love those animals, too. Walt Dis-
little owl by its legs. ney’s tragic mistake, regretted but re-
deemed, helped the world to see with
his eyes, acknowledging the mysteri-
ous wonder of the intricate web of life
around us.

Probably every one of us has some
regret to ponder. Whether the mis-
takes we can claim were innocent
blunders or more purposeful deceits
or betrayals or offences, most of us
can name a thing or two we wish we
could undo. But time doesn’t flow in
reverse to allow for such undoing.
Yet, its forward flow makes for end-
less possibilities – forgiveness, repa-
ration, renewal, redemption. Centu-
ries ago the Bible’s psalmist pleaded:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God;

48 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


A Great to-do as Bonz meets the Dane, Lulu

Hi Dog Buddies! was moving to a place that didn’t allow walk. He’s pretty short, Lulu. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS
dogs.” so he runs right under
This week I had the pleasure of yap- me, and we play.” have to sign a waiver saying they
ping with Lulu Root, a gentle, long- “Was it hard getting used to your new won’t let anyone ride us.”
leggedy, 110-pound Great Dane. Just home?” I wondered. “What kinda pooch
as I was getting my stuff out of the car, is he?” I inquired, “No, Woof?” I said.
Lulu and her Mom, Betsy, and human “Ackshully, no. My Mom and Dad thinking one of those “No Woof!”
sister, Megan, came out to greet us. Al- and Sis are So Nice! It did take a while to cute little Mop Dogs, “But my Very Favorite Things to Do
though Lulu didn’t do the Wag portion learn The Routine and The Rules. Like, probably. are: No. 1 – Leaning on People So They’ll
of the Wag-and-Sniff, she politely intro- one time, Dad brought a bag of Goldfish Pat Me, and, No. 2 – Laying Out in the
duced us all ‘round, and added, “Dad’s home from the office and it was right “Oh, he’s not a Sun to Work on My Tan (so maybe my
at work. His name’s Rick. Come’on, let’s there on the kitchen counter, at Nose pooch. He’s a cat.” gray places will turn dark again).”
go inside.” Level. So – I ate ‘um. But I left the bag I’d noticed that Lulu had been lean-
neatly on the counter. An another time, “Say, whaaat?” ing on my assistant.
As we got settled she said, “Since Dad had this basket in the garage where “Yup. I love cats! Heading home, I was thinking about
Great Danes’ tails are so strong and he puts stuff to take to work. WELL, I There’s a stray cat easy-going Lulu and how she gets along
swooshy, we can accidentally wag little didn’t KNOW that at first. I spotted a who comes to visit with everyone – pooches people, cats –
dogs right across the yard, so we sorta pile of Mini Moos – you know, those (we call her Cinna- even hedgehogs. I like to think I’m like
modify the Wag-and-Sniff.” little creamer thingys that humans put mon cuz of her color), and me and Mom that, too. And I wondered whether we
in their coffee. I mean, there they were and her relax in the back yard together.” had any Goldfish at home.
“Very thoughtful!” I told her. – A GIFT! So I verrry carefully bit a teeny “Whatever fluffs your blanket,” I
Lulu’s black, with a beautiful, aristo- hole in the top of each and every one thought to myself. I also thought – and Till next time,
cratic head (startin’ to go gray around and slurped the yummy cream out. And said,“That is SO cool.Very post-species.”
the face, which I tactfully avoided men- put all the little pots right back where “My favorite toy is my hedgehog, see?” The Bonz
tioning). She has those Really Big Great they were. So now there’s a Don’t-Put- The hedgehog was a bit battered,
Dane Paws (white, with chic black nails) Food-in-the-Basket rule.” mended with big black stitches, defi- Don’t Be Shy
and natural, unclipped, floppy ears. nitely well-loved.
“So, Miss Lulu, tell me how you and I laughed. “Whaddya do for fun “I’m on my second hedgehog,” Lulu We are always looking for pets
your Forever Family found each other,” around here? Any pooch pals?” said. “My first one lost its squeak. So, I’m with interesting stories.
I suggested. not as fast as I once was, cuz I’m getting
“About three years ago, Mom was “I get two long walks every day. a bit of arthritis in my caboose, but I do To set up an interview, email
visiting my sister at college up in South Akshully, strolls, cuz I stop and smell still enjoy a good gallop on occasion. [email protected].
Carolina, and there was this neighbor Everything. I even have a lighted collar And, I gotta admit, I’m a Mom’s Girl.
lady who had a Great Dane. Well, Mom for at night. And an overcoat for when Where she goes, I wanna go, too. I love
and Dad had had a Dalmatian, which it’s cold and a yellow slicker for rainy riding in our Subaru. I have a specially
they loved, but he’d gone to Dog Heav- days, which I don’t like cuz rain scares made platform – takes up the whole
en and they decided No More Dogs. me. Thunder, too. I bark to scare it back seat. And Mom doesn’t start the car
But Mom really, really, really liked that away, but it doesn’t work. I’m allowed to till I’m properly seated. You know that
Great Dane. And she found out that be off leash (just around here) because commercial where the dog is driving?”
even though we’re, like, BIG, we’re good everybody likes me. All our neighbors “Yep. I love that commercial!”
house and apartment dogs ‘cuz we’re stop and give me pats. They don’t even “Well, I wanna learn to drive, too. They
laid back and great at just hangin’ out. have to bend over, so it’s easy on the have a car just like ours. It doesn’t look
“Anyway, Mom went to South Florida back, Mom says. When our friends are that hard. Whaddya think?”
Great Dane Rescue and found ME. I was walking by, I look at Mom to be sure it’s “Good luck with that,” I replied.
around 5 then. I hadn’t been abused or OK, then I go out to greet them. I even “Yeah, I guess it’s a long shot,” she
anything, it’s just that my other family get invited into our neighbors’ houses admitted. “Anyway, get this, cuz we’re
sometimes. I’m VERY popular. so big, sometimes little kids try to ride
us. So, before we get a new owner, they
“My Best Pal is Dennis. He runs out
to say hi when me and Mom are on our

How Ultrasound Helps Us in Our Practice In trauma cases, we use ultrasound to pets than giving them barium. the kidneys, bladder, and urethra as well
do a scan of the abdomen which allows Barium itself is harmless but in cases as prostate in males. We’ve often found
There are many uses of ultrasound – a us to visualize internal organ trauma that stones on ultrasound that would not show
non-invasive and non-painful diagnostic we might not see on plain film x-rays or of a perforation in the GI tract, it can leak up on x-rays.
tool – and we are often amazed at the when patient’s don’t have external injuries. resulting in contamination of the abdomen
abnormalities we find on routine wellness Ruptured bladders or splenic injuries that and peritonitits. We’ve also seen bladder tumors in
screening of apparently healthy pets. result in abdominal fluid are a particularly senior pets.
frequent example. In cases of injury to eyes or glaucoma,
In a number of cases, we have found we use ultrasound to assess the retina and There are many other uses of ultra-
small manageable splenic masses in pa- For cases with foreign bodies, ultra- determine if retinal detachment is present. sound. In house ultrasound is one of
tients not showing any clinical signs, and we sound can give more detailed imaging than multiple non¬invasive advanced screening
are to remove them before they spread. plain film x-rays and make surgery safer for In pets with urinary signs like hema- technologies we are pleased to provide for
turia (blood in the urine), straining, and our patients.
accidents, ultrasound helps us assess

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 49


Q7643 J 10 9 852
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q952 A83 10 7 6 4
— 532 A 10 9 4
Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Hungarian-American physiologist who won a Nobel Prize in J 10 9 8 K752 43
1937, said, “Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see,
machines with which to measure and, fourth, money.” SOUTH
That relates to bridge, where you use your eyes and brain all the time, machines help KJ
with scoring in duplicates, and money is sometimes involved, either as an entry fee or KQJ876
because you play for small stakes. AQ6

However, the word “four” is relevant to this deal. How should South plan the play in six Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
diamonds after West leads the club jack?
The Bidding:
North’s two-no-trump response showed a balanced hand with eight points or more.
South’s four-club rebid was the ace-asking Gerber convention. He then settled into six SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
diamonds, a tad worried that in six no-trump a heart lead through his king-jack might 2 Clubs Pass 2 NT Pass
give the defenders the first two tricks. (Here, the right line in six no-trump is the same as 4 Clubs Pass 4 Hearts Pass LEAD:
in six diamonds.) 6 Diamonds Pass Pass Pass J Clubs

The only danger is a 4-0 trump split. If West has all four, the contract is unmakable. But
if East has them, he can be held to one trick with careful play. South should win the first
trick in his hand and lead a high diamond.

Suppose East wins (it does not help to duck) and shifts to a spade. South takes the
trick, plays a club to dummy’s king, and leads a diamond, capturing East’s nine with his
jack. Back to the board with a heart, declarer leads another diamond through East to
make his slam.

Always try to handle bad splits if you can.

50 Vero Beach 32963 / May 5, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

7 Blend (6) 1 Writer (6)
8 Dusk (6) 2 Potager (7.6)
9 Elegant (4) 3 Specialized skill (43)
10 Achilles heel (8) 4 Thesis (5)
11 Liberty (7) 5 Boring (13)
12 Answer (5) 6 Stoatlike animal (6)
14 Type of fruit (5) 13 In vogue (7)
16 Extend (7) 15 Seem (6)
19 Acceptance (8) 17 Voucher (6)
20 Shallow basket (4) 18 Happening (5)
21 Grotto (6)
22 Elder (6)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

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