June 1, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 22 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit VeroNews.com
take stock of cuts
BY RAY MCNULTY in state funding
How frequent are delays By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
on Elite Airways flights? [email protected]
Elite Airways flights from Vero By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer complex analysis that will keep Commission on June 5 approve The drumbeat of news alerts
to the northeast – New Jersey, New [email protected] supporters of the sale of the city’s the sale and amend FPL’s service about possible arts funding cuts
York and now Maine – have been a electric utility to Florida Power territory to include Vero’s 34,000 began just as Vero’s cultural season
big hit with island snowbirds and A long-awaited Florida Public & Light on tenterhooks until the customers in and outside the was reaching its peak, staffers so
an even bigger hit with real estate Service Commission staff rec- PSC meets next week. city. swamped with shows and concerts
brokers who say convenient access ommendation was released late they hardly had time to inhale.
provided by the flights has opened last week with some good news The good news was the PSC This positive sign should not
the Vero market to new buyers. for Vero Beach, but with some staff recommendation that the They managed a collective gasp,
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 though, when they learned in
But over the past few months, March that state matching grants
I’ve heard from readers complain- many rely on had been slashed by
ing that they had experienced a staggering 90 percent.
lengthy delays and flight cancella-
tions while traveling – or attempt- Today, as their audiences head
ing to travel – on Elite, particularly north or settle in for the lassitude
on its wildly popular, non-stop ser- of summer, Vero’s signature cultur-
vice between Vero Beach and New- al institutions are taking stock of
ark, N.J. the blow dealt them by a governor
and state legislature who consider
So I made a few calls, curious the arts non-essential.
to find out if there’s a problem our
local officials might need to know The cuts in the state’s Division
about. of Cultural Affairs recommended
matching grants will cost Riverside
Here’s what I’ve learned: There’s Theatre and the Vero Beach Muse-
no way to verify whether these um of Art $140,000 each. McKee Bo-
complaints have merit because tanical Garden will lose $100,000.
nobody keeps track of Elite’s on- Smaller but still important Vero
time performance or its reasons for arts groups, including the Theatre
flight delays and cancellations. Guild, Ballet Vero Beach and Vero
Beach Opera, will get next to noth-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ing under the new protocols.
INSIDE New development keeps GHO Florida’s spending on arts and
on vanguard of building boom culture (a term loose enough to in-
NEWS 1-4 PETS 10 clude zoos and race car museums)
DINING B7 now amounts to .00028 percent of
HEALTH 5 GAMES B13 an $88 billion budget. As a result,
CALENDAR B16 Florida’s national ranking on arts
REAL ESTATE 11 spending slipped from 10th in the
B1 country to 48th.
The downward trend began after
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer a banner year for funding in 2014-
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] 15, when Riverside and the Muse-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 um of Art both won their full pro-
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. The mainland building boom, GHO’s homebuilding gram grant requests of $150,000.
dominance in Indian River County, and the county’s care- On top of that, for the first time, the
ful oversight of development continue with approval of
the Arabella Reserve Subdivision at the corner of 58th Av- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
enue and 49th Street.
The preliminary plat for the single-family home com-
munity got a unanimous thumbs-up at the most recent
County Planning & Zoning meeting.
2 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE do not meet the revenue threshold for re- and his grandchildren in the Vero Beach Re- with Elite, and we have a right to know if the
porting,” Dave Smallen, the bureau’s direc- gional Airport lobby, he spoke with several airline is operating as promised.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tor of public affairs, wrote in an emailed re- others who complained about delays of up
sponse to my questions. to five hours and canceled flights. “It’s not that we couldn’t do it,” Vero Beach
Not the Federal Aviation Administration, Airport Director Eric Menger said of moni-
which, I was surprised to discover, doesn’t Indeed, Smallen said below-the-threshold “l was not the only one talking about it,” toring Elite’s performance. “And if it’s neces-
monitor such things. airlines, such as Elite, are not even required Coviello said. “I spoke with a few John’s Is- sary to help our customer base, we’ll certain-
to keep internal records of their on-time per- land people who were waiting for the plane ly look at it.
Not the U.S. Department of Transpor- formance. Which prompted me to ask: Does to take off, and they weren’t happy.
tation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics Elite keep those records? “But it’s nothing we’re required to do, and
(BTS), which does keep such records but “I’m sure some of the delays were weath- I don’t know that there’s a reason to,” he add-
receives mandatory reports only from larger John Pearsall, Elite’s president, said he er related, especially during the winter,” he ed. “Our general feeling is that, 90 percent of
carriers. could provide “no numbers” pertaining to added. “But the delays I’m aware of, and the the time, we’re fine.”
his airline’s on-time performance on flights ones I was told about, were almost exclusive-
Not even those travel websites, which, as arriving in and departing from Vero Beach ly related to mechanical problems. Menger said his “main concern” is making
a customer service, rank many of the world’s because it’s such a “small market.” sure the airport meets the Transportation Se-
airlines, from global titans to U.S.-based re- “If this keeps up, I’m worried that Elite is curity Administration’s requirements, espe-
gional carriers, according to their records for As for recent complaints about delays and going to develop a poor reputation for reli- cially as Elite adds flights and destinations.
on-time departures and arrivals. cancellations, Pearsall blamed the weather ability.”
in the Northeast, which did endure a rough However, Menger said he knows Elite has
The reason? Elite’s operation is so small winter and snowstorms into March. Why worry? experienced some lengthy delays, because
that it isn’t worth monitoring. Coviello said if residents reach a point of both bad weather and mechanical issues.
“We’ve had a small number of delays, just where they no longer trust that Elite can And he admitted that he does occasional-
According to the BTS, only airlines that like many other airlines, but nothing extraor- get them to their destination on schedule – ly hear griping from frustrated passengers
generate at least one-half of one percent of dinary,” Pearsall said. “Mostly, it was because some use the airline for business purposes, waiting for the flights to depart.
the total, scheduled-service, domestic pas- of weather issues. There were a lot of severe especially in the New York area – they might
senger revenues are required – under federal storms in the Northeast and we had to adjust. opt to fly another airline out of Melbourne, Often, he said, the complaints are relayed
law – to report their on-time performance We have no control over air traffic control. Orlando or West Palm Beach instead. to him by airport personnel.
and provide the reasons for flight delays. “If something happens [to delay your
“It’s not a systems or operational issue at flight],” he said, “you have options at the “I’ll get them indirectly from members of
Elite doesn’t produce enough annual reve- all,” he added. “If it were, I’d have an expla- other airports.” And if bookings decline here, the staff, who’ll tell me, ‘We had a couple of
nue to meet that threshold. nation and the way we’re going to correct it.” Elite might decide to discontinue its service unhappy people today,’” Menger said. “But
to and from Vero Beach. most people understand that airlines can’t
In 2018, in fact, there are only 18 carri- Some delays, however, were caused by That’s one good reason the city should be fly unless it’s safe. ...
ers reporting these numbers, which cover mechanical issues, or at least that’s what proactive and do what the feds won’t – keep
non-stop, scheduled-service flights between some travelers here were told. track of Elite’s on-time performance and “The bottom line is: It’s more important
points within the U.S. and its territories. maintain a record of the reasons cited for de- to have a safe flight than it is to be on time.
Among them are the three major airlines – Orchid resident Phil Coviello said his lays and cancellations. Usually, we get both.”
American, Delta and United – as well as Jet- daughter was delayed twice on Elite flights Another is this: Our community has en-
Blue, Southwest, Spirit, Allegiant and Fron- at Easter time – for five hours in Newark on tered into what amounts to a partnership Maybe we do.
tier. Elite is not on the BTS radar. Good Friday and three hours in Vero Beach – But until somebody starts keeping track of
because of mechanical problems. Elite’s on-time performance and reasons for
“There is no requirement on airlines that flight delays, we won’t know.
He said that while he was waiting with her And we should.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 1, 2018 3
ARTS FUNDING CUT Robyn Orzel, director of development at original ballet with its large cast, extrava- arose that moved lawmakers as well as their
the Vero Beach Museum of Art, said she and gant sets and hand-made costumes requires constituents. There were expenses after
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 other staff along with members of the board on-going staging expenses, including stage Hurricane Irma in the fall. Then came the
wrote letters to legislators telling them that set-up, dancers’ pay and special effects. school shooting in Parkland that ultimately
museum was awarded a matching endow- “this really hurts,” and asked donors to do prompted $400 million in spending that in-
ment grant of $240,000. the same. “Given the economic impact of Last year, the state came through with cluded money for school fortification and
cultural organizations across the state, one $25,000. armed police at every school. At the same
The decline was precipitous thereafter. of the biggest things that’s hard to get your time, funding was granted to arts organiza-
By the next fiscal year, program grants to the arms around is that the state is not willing “What threw us off is that the general pro- tions that skipped over the rigorous review
museum and Riverside were cut by more to support that. That’s what’s unfortunate,” gram support fluctuates from year to year, processes of the Division of Cultural Affairs
than half, to $62,000 and $68,000 respective- Orzel said. but they never touched the project grants,” and entered their request directly into the
ly. The Theatre Guild got $16,689, down from said Schnell. “We assumed that it was still budget proposal. In all, more than $2 million
the $35,000 recommended. She said the museum will try not to cut safe, [even] when the news came out that was doled out to those unvetted causes, al-
programming “if we can help it.” they were cutting. Then they kept cutting most the same that went to the Cultural Af-
In a bright note, Fellsmere got a state and they kept cutting, further than they ever fairs recommended recipients.
windfall in 2015-16 – a $500,000 grant to Orzel a 67 percent of the museum’s bud- had before, and suddenly, the bulletin came
build a public activity space around the his- get comes from donations. When combined out that they gutted the project grants. “That’s what is frustrating for a lot of peo-
toric Fellsmere school, but the overall down- with membership fees and earned revenue ple,” said Schnell.
ward trend continued. in the form of tuition for art school, income “It was shocking,” he said.
from individuals jumps to 95 percent of the Schnell understands that other issues
Last year, total state funding for nonprof- budget.
it cultural organizations dropped from $25
million to $2.6 million. By contrast, the leg- The museum’s grant, as well as Riverside’s
islature this year voted to give the for-profit and McKee’s, typically comes from what the
tourism industry subsidies of $77 million. Cultural Affairs division calls general pro-
gram support. Other grant categories include
Indian River’s total state support for the money for buildings and specific projects.
arts for next year is a paltry $29,932. That
breaks down to $9,800 for Riverside and the It was those categories that took the hard-
Museum of Art, though both were approved est hit in the state’s 2018-19 budget. They,
for $150,000 by the Division of Cultural Af- along with endowment grants, were effec-
fairs. McKee will get $7,012, though it was tively zeroed out.
approved to receive $115,000. The Theatre
Guild, which was approved for $50,000, will Adam Schnell, founder and artistic direc-
get $3,200. tor of Ballet Vero Beach, thought he had used
a prescient strategy last year when he ap-
Vero Beach Opera got the OK from the plied for money not through program sup-
Division of Cultural Affairs for the $25,000 it port but for projects – namely, his new ballet,
applied for, but when Tallahassee came back “Nutcracker by the Indian River.”
with only $1,000, the group decided it wasn’t
worth filling out the paperwork. Debuted last season and intended to be
performed each year around Christmas, the
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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4 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
BUILDING BOOM acres with access off busy 58th Avenue, but enue and 49th Street intersection, as required project-approval process. Joe Schulke said
County Planner Ryan Sweeney said GHO under its developer’s agreement with the the land was once “an agricultural site, so it’s
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Homes bought 10 more acres to connect to county. GHO Homes’ smaller contribution already been flattened and cleared.”
49th Street at the county’s suggestion, making will be hammered out in its pending develop-
GHO Homes bought the 28-acre site from for a safer entrance. er’s agreement. Although GHO Homes’ corporate office is
three separate owners last fall, according to in Port St. Lucie, most of the company’s em-
county records, paying a total of $915,000. Sweeney also commended GHO Homes GHO will be required to plant a 25-foot- ployees live in Indian River County, where the
for ceding a 67-foot-wide strip of land to the deep and 6-foot-high buffer to shield homes builder is most active, Schulke said.
The company will develop the land and county to widen 58th Avenue, which is on the from 49th Street and 58th Avenue traffic. Ex-
build 71 homes that will be laid out in two county’s docket for late 2019. It will be wid- terior sidewalks on 58th Avenue have been VERO ELECTRIC SALE
concentric squares around a large central ened from 49th Street to 57th Street, Swee- deferred because of the road widening, with
pond, with five smaller storm water reten- ney said. GHO also enlarged its storm water GHO paying the county to do the work when CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
tion ponds tucked in corners. When ground is ponds to handle runoff from the road widen- the time comes. The county will not require
broken, Arabella will be the 16th subdivision ing, saving the county the trouble. exterior sidewalks along 49th Street because a be overlooked, said utility activist and CPA
in Indian River County in which GHO Homes deep canal runs parallel. Glenn Heran. “Don’t forget that those first
has an active hand. Waterway Village across the street, a Di- two recommendations in the report are sig-
Vosta Home Builders’ development, will pay Schulke, Bittle and Stoddard is GHO’s en- nificant victories.”
Originally the development was to be 17 for most of the improvements to the 58th Av- gineer and representative in the Arabella
But in a 23-page document loaded with
detailed financial and legal analysis, the
PSC staff indicated it doesn’t think acquir-
ing Vero’s 34,000 customers warranted FPL’s
$185-million-plus purchase offer.
What this will mean to the sale remains
to be seen. The PSC staff did not in its report
posit its own view of a fair purchase price, but
the possibility of the full commission insisting
that the gap between $185 million and some
lesser value be bridged by FPL – either out of
shareholder funds or by imposing a tempo-
rary “surcharge” on the utility bills of the ac-
quired Vero customers – cannot be excluded.
The lion’s share of the $185 million FPL
agreed to pay is going to buy Vero out of its
entanglements with the Florida Municipal
Power Agency (a $108 million exit fee) and
its wholesale power purchase contract with
Orlando Utilities (another $20 million).
FPL officials have long maintained that
the Vero electric acquisition has been care-
fully crafted in such a way that its existing 4.9
million customers would not be adversely
impacted – a key issue for the PSC – and for-
mer Shores Mayor Brian Barefoot expressed
confidence FPL and the PSC would negotiate
a solution.
FPL can continue to negotiate with the
PSC staff, and with aides to the commission-
ers, but parties to a potential agency action
cannot petition the five PSC members di-
rectly, and aides are not allowed to funnel
information back to commissioners from
FPL. So it’s a somewhat complex dance for
FPL’s legal and financial team. FPL declined
to address the possibility of a “surcharge” on
newly acquired Vero electric customers.
Spokesperson Sarah Gatewood said “we
are reviewing the staff’s recommendation
and look forward to discussing our petition
further with the Commission on June 5.”
Vero City Manager Jim O’Connor and May-
or Harry Howle said they were awaiting a full
briefing from FPL on what the PSC report
means and what options might be available.
“It is still under review by FPL to deter-
mine what is being said,” O’Connor said.
Vero rates are currently 27 percent high-
er than FPL’s rates for the same amount of
power consumed. Should Vero ratepayers
be subjected to a “surcharge,” it could mean
paying the current Vero rates a while longer.
Or FPL could convince the PSC that it can
absorb the full $185 million without impact-
ing its customer base.
Doc: Spine surgery much
improved in recent years P. 8
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6 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
SRMC’s ‘JointCoach’ is winning surgery patients over
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer operation that involves sawing off bones schedule and rehab routine and schedule.
[email protected] and installing large mechanical parts in They also can view and review interactive
the body. videos and other instructional and educa-
Hospitals and outside surgery centers tional materials any time they want, man-
nationwide have been scrambling recent- Despite the new outpatient classifica- age and track their rehab progress, and use
ly to get joint replacement patients out the tion, Sebastian River Medical Center Di- the site’s extensive library to help answer
door as fast as possible to cut costs and rector of Orthopedics Lisa Cox seems in- additional questions.
conform to new Medicare guidelines. tent on taking a somewhat more cautious
approach. “We want to reduce the length of They can even manage their medica-
But how fast is too fast? stay,” Cox says firmly, “but we’re certainly tions online.
In January of this year Medicare began not going to reduce the length of stay at the
allowing total knee replacements as an cost of quality or patient care.” The hospital, in return, can also learn
“outpatient procedure,” with some pa- valuable information that will help the pa-
tients spending as little as eight hours un- To help enhance patient care, Cox and tient prepare for both surgery and rehab.
der medical care for what is still a major her orthopedic team just launched a new
“We can find out about their home situ-
Lisa Cox. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE ation,” Cox says. “How many stairs do they
have in their home? Do they have a walker?
online program for joint replacement pa- Do they need one? Those are some of the
tients called JointCoach. things we need to know so that we can take
better care of them.”
As anyone who’s ever undergone any
major surgery already knows, it’s often Of course, since many of today’s seniors
what the patient doesn’t know, or didn’t didn’t grow up in “the information age”
plan for, that can make recovery much and sometimes find computers and cell-
harder than it needs to be. phones a tad daunting, it’s only fair to ask
how easy this online service is to use. Cox
SRMC’s new online tool offers patients has a ready answer.
the opportunity to communicate with the
orthopedic staff before surgery, during re- “I can tell you,” she says with a hint of
covery and for up to a year afterward. pride, “out of the 40 people I signed up
during the last week, not one of them has
“Basically,” Cox explains, “a lot of the in- had any difficulty. It’s very user-friendly.”
formation and education the patient was
either receiving on a piece of paper, or in And before someone brings up Cam-
our big guide book or verbally, they now bridge Analytics and Facebook, thanks to
can have delivered right to their computer, the Health Insurance Portability and Ac-
iPad or phone, whichever is their choice.” countability Act or HIPAA, patients don’t
need to worry about their personal infor-
Perhaps more importantly, JointCoach is mation being sold, transferred or otherwise
a two-way street. marketed to outside groups. Strict federal
laws are already in place to prevent that.
Patients can ask their surgical team
questions before and after surgery, and Currently, on average, knee replacement
arrange for family members or caregivers patients spend between one and three
to receive copies of their appointments days in the hospital. Patients who have hip
replacements, which are not covered by
Medicare’s new outpatient rule, can often
go home after only one day.
Regardless of the length of the hospital
stay, Cox is confident JointCoach can and
will make the post-operative phase of joint
replacement easier. And safer.
Lisa Cox is the director of orthopedics at
the Sebastian River Medical Center. The
phone number is 772-581-7905.
8 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Doc: Spine surgery much improved in recent years
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Jacob Januszewski.
[email protected]
While most people think neurosurgeons
like Dr. Jacob Januszewski mainly, or even
exclusively, operate on patients’ brains, it
turns out these highly specialized doctors
actually spend much more time treating
back pain related to the spine and nervous
Januszewski estimates the ratio in most
neurosurgery practices as “about 80 percent
spine and 20 percent brain,” and says that
80 percent includes treating a wide range
of spine-related problems, including adult
scoliosis correction, spinal deformities and
malformations, laminectomies, cervical
lumbar diseconomies and spinal fusions.
The ratio is not surprising in one sense,
since the National Institutes of Health have
found up to 70 percent of U.S. seniors suffer
from back pain, and that spine-related prob-
lems “occur at much higher rates than brain
Many of us will, especially as we age, may
need the help of a neurosurgeon like Ja-
That is the bad news.
The good news is these surgeons have ex-
tensive training, and spine surgery today is
much improved compared to just a decade
“Anyone who had spinal surgery before successful than in the past.
2010, probably had it done wrong and [they] And, in more good news, Januszewski
are now coming back with problems,” says
Januszewski, whose credentials include a says, “there are other ways of treating pain
medical degree from Michigan State, a sev- than surgery. Usually where I start is pallia-
en-year residency at Hofstra followed by tive medicine, changes in lifestyle, physical
a multi-year minimally invasive complex therapy and pain management – though not
spine deformity fellowship here in Florida, with narcotics.”
a stint as an attending neurosurgeon in Or-
lando, and a practice with the First Choice Brain diseases, meanwhile, remain diffi-
Medical Group, the B.A.C.K. Center and the cult to treat, though some progress is being
Steward Healthcare Network. made.
Fortunately, a better understanding of While not nearly as common as back
how the spine and its attendant nerves func- problems, brain diseases afflict many peo-
tion, along with improved minimally inva- ple.
sive surgical techniques, have combined to
make modern spine surgeries much more The Dana Farber Cancer Center reports
“nearly 80,000 new cases of primary brain
tumors are expected to be diagnosed this
year,” and the National Brain Tumor Society
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 1, 2018 9
estimates some 700,000 Americans are al-
ready living with a primary brain tumor.
Happily, the most common type of brain
cancer, meningioma, is often benign and
may not even require surgery, according to
Johns Hopkins Medicine.
And then there’s glioblastoma.
Glioblastoma tumors are highly malig-
nant, growing with terrifying speed. The late
Sen. Ted Kennedy died from glioblastoma,
‘Anyone who had spinal
surgery before 2010,
probably had it done
wrong and [they] are
now coming back with
- Dr. Jacob Januszewski.
and former GOP presidential candidate in our galaxy; these neurons are surrounded,
John McCain is now battling the disease. sustained and supported by at least as many
and possibly many more – trillions – of glial
“We have no idea how [those glioblasto- cells.
ma cells] are mutating and what’s causing
it,” Januszewski says. “Perceived as command central for the
body, the brain controls virtually every-
When asked about advancements in thing we do from voluntary activities such
treating Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, as playing sports to involuntary ones such
Januszewski says for Parkinson’s, “we do as breathing and regulating body tempera-
deep brain simulation right now and I think ture. We depend utterly and completely on
we are improving technology in targeting our brain.”
the areas we want,” while “developing easier,
faster techniques.” Learning how to surgically repair the
brain when it breaks down is going to take
For Alzheimer’s, “neurologists are devel- time. And highly skilled physicians.
oping new markers to mark out early-onset
Alzheimer’s, using MRI technology so that Dr. Jacob Januszewski has offices at 8005
we can at least detect it earlier, but there are Bay Street, Suite 5 in Sebastian and can be
no neurosurgical options as of yet to treat it.” reached at 321-723-7716.
In fairness, we probably shouldn’t be ex-
pecting quick or easy fixes for brain-related
After all, as Johns Hopkins points out, the
human brain contains 100 billion neurons –
roughly the same number as there are stars
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10 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz bonds with Baxter, a good ol’ ‘Bad Boy’
Hi Dog Buddies! PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Baxter REEnull failure. I don’t know what that
means, but I was Fading Fast. I hadda stay
I recently got a Woofmail from Baxter an Dad liked ’em, but he didn’t picksure managed to get myself thrown out of the in the hos-pittle, an get a Second Opinion
Rocco, a rescue West Highland Terrier. His himself with a little fluffy white, froo-froo- Liddle Dog Section for pickin’ fights. I nev- an have IVs an other stuff I don’t under-
human sister, Maya, who’s his same age, lookin’ pooch (like me). He was thinkin’ er thought of myself as a liddle dog. So I’d stand.
13, was in our paper cuz she’s an AR-dist, more along the lines of a big, macho, fluff- slip into the Big Dog Section an pick fights
so he thought he could be in the paper, too. free dog. Anyway, my famly didn’t like me with German Shepherds or retrievers. One “When Dad an Momma brought me
He sounded cool. any more than I liked them, so they put a day, they all got Fed Up and Cleaned My home, I was Skin-an-Bones. Even with
Puppy-For-Sale ad in the PA-per. My Forev- Clock. So now I’m more humble. At the lotsa medicine, there still wasn’t Much
Baxter lives smack on the water across er Dad saw it an he bought me, fleas an all.” Dog Park. Hope. I was getting’ ready to Buy the
from a nature preserve. My assistant rang Doghouse. Dad was des-prutt, cuz we’d
the bell an there was a buncha barkin.’ The “Cool Kibbles.” “When I first met Kira, I was awful to been together so long. He didn’t even
door opened, Baxter trotted out, tilted his “Well, yeah, but, see, cuzza my early ex- her. I’d knock her down an she’d go tum- care that I was a Big Pain in the Kazoo.
head, an stood there, sizin’ me up. He had periences with humans, I wasn’t a cuddly, blin’ across the floor. I’d steal other pooch- He did a buncha research an found a
great posture an silky white hair that stuck wuddly pooch. I didn’t know what a frenly es’ toys, too. Dad says I was a Punk. But, human called a Holl-is-tick Nutrition-
out in Every Direction. It was Pawsome! pat or tummy rub was. I had an Attitude, after my Terrible Twos, I was gettin’ bet- ist (don’t even ask) who had success
an no manners WHATSOEVER!” ter. Things were goin’ good. I loved my helping pooches with Failing REEnulls.
“Good morning,” I said in my Serious, “An, er, how did that, um, manifest it- new life. Then, this February, right when So Momma an Dad decided, ‘What the
Professional Voice. “I’m Bonzo an this is self?” I inquired. we were all excited, movin’ into our new
my assistant. Great place you’ve got here.” “Well, it wasn’t that I didn’t love Momma house, I started feeling sick. I was havin’ Woof. Let’s give it a try.’ I got hot packs
an Dad, it was super fun hangin’ out with Little Accidents, an I kept Losing my Dog an cold packs (which felt wunnerful) an
Apparently, I Passed Mustard, cuz Baxter Dad, goin’ surfin’ an swimming.’ But I was, Biscuits, which made me real weak. Dad special food, like watermelon and coconut
approached for the Wag-an-Sniff. “Thanks, let’s face it, a Bad Dog. Like, I chewed up an Momma rushed me to the doctor. It was water which Momma hadda squirt in my
Bonz. Let’s go sit.” everything, so I got nicknamed The Shred- an e-MER-gency. I was in what they called mouth cuzza me bein’ so weak. Momma
der. Once I ate the whole couch. I also ate an Dad were with me every single second.
He led us into the living room an hopped Dad’s wallet and credit cards. An Momma’s DON’T BE SHY After 48 hours, I was what Dad called Out
onto the back of a couch, lookin’ out at the sunglasses. An shoes. But only the good, of the Woods. I don’t remember bein’ in
water. “Make yourself comf-tubble. This leather ones. We are always looking for pets the woods, but I WAS feelin’ better. When
is my Dad, Nick, an my Momma, Teri. I “So they started callin’ me Big Bad Bax- with interesting stories. I went back to my regular doctor for a
have a human brother, Marley, he’s 15, an ter. See this collar? I’ve had it since I was a checkup, my tests were normal. Now I’m
my sister, Maya, of course. My little pooch pup. Check out the tag.” To set up an interview, email on a duh-licious diet: dehydrated beef, raw
sis Kira’s in back somewhere. She’s a West- I looked. Sure ’nuff: “Big Bad Baxter.” [email protected]. veg-tubbles, punkin seeds an other stuff.
ie, too. So, what do I do? Just start yappin’ “Even at the Dog Park, which I love, I And liddle carrots for treats.
about my life?” “I’ve also learned to ‘SIT’ on request. If
I’m in the mood. I woof-talk a lot, which
“Pretty much.” I opened my notebook. makes Momma an Dad happy. An now I
“Start with how you met your Forever Fam- love snuggles an tummy rubs, an I’m much
ily.” more mellow an thoughtful. As long as ev-
erything’s about me, me, me.”
“Got it. Well, my puppyhood was Dismal Heading home I was thinking about Bad
Dog Biscuits, in Tampa, back in oh-four. I Boy Baxter, who doesn’t mind admitting he
was inna family with liddle humans who loves tummy rubs. An thinking perhaps I
were really mean to me. They shoulda should eat more veg-tubbles. Some nice
NEVER had a dog EVER. They chased me broccoli, or maybe a lovely green bean.
with sticks. I was skinny, dirty an scraggly Tomorrow.
an had, like, zillions of fleas. So I devel- Till next time,
oped a Really Bad Attitude About Humans.
I thought they were all like that.” The Bonz
“That’s awful,” I sympathized.
“No Woof. But, Thank Lassie, my Forever
Dad had been lookin’ for a dog. His Mom
(she’s my Nanny Chris now) had Westies
Spacious Copeland’s Landing
home has river access
3285 74th Street at Copeland’s Landing: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,200-square-foot pool home and a third-of-an-acre lot
offered for $499,900 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888
12 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Spacious Copeland’s Landing home has river access
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer aside for homeowners’ boat and RV storage, loop trail, the other end leading to Hobart ceilings, crown molding, wainscoting, tray
[email protected] keeping driveways clear and neighborhood Landing. Fishermen will delight in the ceilings, arched doorways, ceiling medal-
aesthetics high. The Wabasso boat launch L-shaped lake, connected to the lagoon lions, arched transom windows and other
A home in River Lake Estates at Cope- is “five minutes away,” said Landers, which through big pipes, keeping the water fresh fine features attest to the quality of design
land’s Landing offers the wonders of a lit- will further appeal to boaters. and moving. and construction.
toral shore, sure to appeal to homebuyers
who love the water. The homeowners’ association fee is “Bugs don’t grow because there’s good The home’s swimming pool is larger
$685 a year for communal upkeep, with flow,” Landers said, “and the same fish in than most – 15 feet wide and 31 feet long
Going north, take a right off U.S. 1 at
74th Street to get to this gated communi- homeowners responsible for their lawns. the lagoon are in the lake – snook, redfish, – and its “cool deck” surround is enclosed
ty, which was started in the early 1990s. Its Dog walkers and joggers will love the trout and even tarpon.” in a screened lanai that overlooks the lake.
age makes it an increasingly rare commu- In winter, the deck will get as much use.
nity – one surrounded by environmental- winding trails through the mangroves, The house for sale at 3285 74th St. is on a A wall enclosing one side of the lanai has
ly-protected mangroves and conservation the day dock holding down one end of the wedge-shaped, one-third-acre corner lot, windows to let in light, an electric fireplace
land. which gives it an impressive setting. An and a television, perfect for relaxing while
emerald greensward of grass in the front overseeing the barbeque.
“A lot of the land around Copeland’s serves double duty as a swale, keeping wa-
Landing won’t ever be developed, [be- ter away from the house. “The pool faces the south, so it gets lots
cause] you can’t dredge and fill as you of sun and southern breezes,” Landers said.
could in the past,” said Berkshire Hatha- “The development is in a flood zone,”
way Home Services listing agent Chip said Landers, “which is why the houses are Built in 2003, after the building code
Landers. built so high. This house is well protected.” changed to make homes more hurricane
proof, the three-car garage has hurri-
“You would never know [the neighbor- Situated on the toe of the boot-shaped cane-rated doors and space where storm
hood] is back here,” Landers said. “Houses lake, the house is tucked behind a series of shutters for the rest of the house are stored.
rarely come on the market. There are only berms and mangroves. The windows and sliding doors are treated
about 60 homes here.” with sun-blocking film, making the home
The home shares a 400-foot deep “flow more energy efficient. Many windows
The community’s common property in- well” with its neighbors for lawn irrigation. have plantation shutters.
cludes a day dock in the lagoon that is cur- “Unlike shallow wells, there’s no iron that
rently being rebuilt. There is a section set makes concrete look rusty,” Landers said, The owners recently updated the
“and that’s a great volume of water.” four-bedroom, three-bath home, installing
a security system. Outside a paver drive-
The updated Spanish-style stucco-block way and walk were put in, complementing
house was built by local custom-home the concrete sidewalks and crisp edging
builder Andre Dorawa, of Ando Building
Corporation. The golden tile roof, 10-foot
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 1, 2018 13
around the house. There is new carpeting The bath off the pool also serves one of Hurricane Impact Doors
in the bedrooms, with tile throughout the the guest bedrooms, ensuring no chlorine & Impact Glass,
rest of the house. water is trekked into the house or on carpets. We Have It All!
The woodwork and cabinetry in the The master bedroom “has a slider onto the
kitchen are original and could not be im- pool,” Landers said, as well as a tray ceiling that
proved upon. A four-bay bank of solid distinguishes it from the guest bedrooms.
wood cabinetry with crown molding is a
standout. The Granite Island, breakfast bar The bath has a big garden tub, above
and counters with an ogee edge carry the which is a window topped by an arched tran-
classic theme introduced by the cabinets. som. The walk-in shower, double sinks, bev-
The stainless steel appliances contrast eled-glass mirror, tumbled marble trim and
nicely with the traditional details. cultured marble counters repeat the classi-
cal details found throughout the house.
FEATURES FOR 3285 74TH STREET IN VERO BEACH Transform Your Existing Door from
Boring to Beautiful!
Neighborhood: River Lake Estates at Copeland’s Landing
Year built: 2003 ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
■ Customize to your style
Home size: 2,200 square feet ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
Lot size: .33 acres ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
■ Fiberglass Doors
Construction: Concrete block and stucco ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
Bedrooms: 4 ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
Bathrooms: 3 ■ Etching
■ Schlage Hardware
Additional features: Attached three-car garage, security sys- ■ Mirror Wraps
tem, 15’ x 31’ pool, screened lanai, flow well for irrigation, day
dock, boat and RV storage, brick-paver driveway and walkway, Regency Square
county water and sewer, FPL electric, granite kitchen counters
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
with island, stainless appliances
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 772.463.6500
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888
Listing price: $499,900
14 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Mainland real estate sales cooled just a tad last week, but a still-impressive 30 single-family resi-
dences and lots changed hands from May 21-25 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the house at 590 11th Avenue. First listed in June
2017 for $525,000, this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3,240-square-foot home sold for $460,000 on
May 22.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 659 Gossamer Wing Way. First listed in April
for $299,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 1,890-square-foot home sold for $285,000 on May 22.
VERO BEACH 590 11TH AVENUE 6/19/2017 $525,000 5/22/2018 $445,000
VERO BEACH 886 44TH COURT 3/19/2018 $449,000 5/21/2018 $398,000
VERO BEACH 5181 FORMOSA CIRCLE 2/15/2018 $424,800 5/25/2018 $360,000
VERO BEACH 460 40TH COURT SW 4/10/2018 $375,000 5/22/2018 $349,000
VERO BEACH 4095 12TH STREET SW 3/28/2018 $349,000 5/22/2018 $324,120
VERO BEACH 1537 SEGOVIA CIRCLE 3/7/2018 $323,620 5/24/2018 $299,990
VERO BEACH 404 11TH SQUARE SW 1/2/2018 $310,835 5/24/2018 $285,000
SEBASTIAN 659 GOSSAMER WING WAY 4/11/2018 $299,000 5/22/2018 $278,000
VERO BEACH 7375 33RD AVENUE 10/23/2017 $299,500 5/22/2018 $265,000
VERO BEACH 4175 16TH SQUARE E 9/27/2017 $299,000 5/25/2018 $262,000
VERO BEACH 5310 VALENCIA LANE 2/14/2018 $269,000 5/21/2018 $260,000
VERO BEACH 4575 BRIDGEPOINTE WAY UNIT#158 3/5/2018 $275,000 5/24/2018 $257,800
VERO BEACH 5006 CORSICA SQUARE 1/19/2018 $265,000 5/25/2018 $249,000
SEBASTIAN 164 DEL MONTE ROAD 4/20/2018 $249,800 5/23/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 1, 2018 15
886 44th Court, Vero Beach 5181 Formosa Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/19/2018 Listing Date: 2/15/2018
Original Price: $449,000 Original Price: $424,800
Sold: 5/21/2018 Sold: 5/25/2018
Selling Price: $445,000 Selling Price: $398,000
Listing Agent: Ashleigh Lovell Listing Agent: Cheryl Goff
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: BEX Realty, LLC
Not Provided Ken Bradley
Not Provided Florida HomeTown Realty Inc.
460 40th Court SW, Vero Beach 4095 12th Street SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 4/10/2018 Listing Date: 3/28/2018
Original Price: $375,000 Original Price: $349,000
Sold: 5/22/2018 Sold: 5/22/2018
Selling Price: $360,000 Selling Price: $349,000
Listing Agent: Mike Boyd Listing Agent: Amanda Mosel
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Billero & Billero
Mike Boyd Brad Shearer
Coldwell Banker Paradise Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up! Adam Schnell.
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Unless you’ve got Serious
Commitments You Can’t
Wiggle Out Of, clear your calen-
dar June 7-10 and plan on a fab-
ulous, festive and fun weekend,
grown-up style: It’s the third
annual Vero Beach Wine and
Film Festival. Based on atten-
dance the past two years, some
2,000 are expected to attend, and
you’ll want to be one of them. It is
a celebration of fine wine and re-
markable films (some 75 of them)
from around the world, and,
says event planners, this year’s
theme, “A Life Worth Living,” is
“inspired by event beneficiary,
Suncoast Mental Health Center.”
All this fabulousness is happen-
ing in various venues around
the city – on the island and the
mainland – among them Riv-
erside Theatre, the Vero Beach
Museum of Art, the Vero Beach
Theatre Guild, Costa D’Este,
American Icon Brewery, and the
Heritage Center. Plus, all week
10 a.m. to 7 p.m., you can sample
and savor more than 100 won-
derful wines at WOW! (World of
1 June 7-10 at venues all Skyland’s the limit:
throughout Vero. His musical journey endures PAGE B2
B2 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Skyland’s the limit: His musical journey endures
By Kerry Firth | Correspondent Paul Skyland. “I’m a sucker for a song that tells a sto- what I believe in. I want the listener to see
[email protected] ry,” he explains. and feel me. I love to incorporate some of
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD my original songs into my performances.
In a day when contemporary music is “Lyrics were such an intricate part of Some of them actually made it to record
often filled with profanity and social com- vorite singers like Dan Fogelberg and James the music of the ’60s and ’70s and some- labels and got air play.”
mentary, it’s refreshing to listen to ballads Taylor. Of course, I tailor my music selec- thing that is missing in today’s heavy met-
and love songs that actually touch the tions to the audience. I’ll play more Jimmy al, pop genre. If my music doesn’t do any- Skyland says his first recording was
heart. Paul Skyland is a frequent perform- Buffett at a casual, seaside venue and more thing else, I hope it conveys who I am and made in 1974 in an 8-track format, adding
er at local restaurants. Andy Williams at a fine-dining venue.”
“I was born in Maryland but spent all of Skyland’s sensitive expression has earned
my formative years in Colorado,” says Sky- him recognition as a songwriter as well.
land. “John Denver was a huge influence in
my life and is one of the reasons I pursued
music as a career. I never really wanted to
do anything else. As a teenager I picked up
the guitar, taught myself to play and start-
ed a high school band.”
Skyland says he considered pursuing
a career in philosophy, psychology or the
social services field, but after a year in col-
lege could not ignore his creative calling.
He decided to drop out of school and be-
gan playing professionally in coffee hous-
es and small venues in Colorado, before
moving east to follow the mainstream col-
lege market.
“I spent years and years playing on col-
lege campuses, festivals and performing
arts theatres. I’d go wherever people would
listen,” says Skyland.
And listen they did. Replete with clear,
impassioned vocals and an intimate style,
his appeal was infectious; transforming
the stage into a personal experience that
touched his audiences. Forty-five years
later, he’s still captivating audiences with a
golden voice and melodic acoustical guitar.
Skyland’s repertoire of more than 400
songs, drawn primarily from easy listen-
ing, adult contemporary, country and
light-rock genres, spans a broad spectrum
of ages and musical preferences.
“As we get older, we start thinking about
our life and identifying those things that
really matter,” Skyland reflects. “Our pref-
erences change with our thinking. I now
appreciate the music of my parent’s genera-
tion; singers like Perry Como and Andy Wil-
liams are classic and timeless. I incorporate
them into my show right along with my fa-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 1, 2018 B3
with a laugh, “for those old enough to re- For artist Woodall, Homer’s where the heart is
member 8-tracks.”
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer Roy Woodall. stunning seascapes for which he is widely
His next, a 45-record entitled “Give me [email protected] known. Homer died in 1910 at his studio
your Love,” received a lot of air play and PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD in Prouts Neck, Maine; it was purchased
some regional recognition after its release A fascinating collection of antique prints and restored by the Portland Museum of
in 1978 with Venture Records. from the work of Boston native Winslow Ho- fered. And he hasn’t stopped creating.
mer (1836-1910), considered by many to be Woodall was naturally drawn to the work CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
“Strangely enough, that song was re-re- the greatest American painter of the 19th
leased just last year by the Numero Group century, is currently on display at the North of Winslow Homer, who, following a career
record label as part of a compilation of County Library in Sebastian. The prints are as an illustrator, began working in water-
previously recorded soft rock songs. Imag- on loan from Roseland artist Roy Woodall, a color in 1873, painting landscapes and the
ine my surprise when they contacted me,” well-known expert on Homer. They are just
says Skyland. He adds with a smile, “It only part of a significant collection Woodall has
took 40 years to get my first signing bonus been accumulating for almost four decades.
with a record label.”
Woodall himself is a painter, private art
He credits his children as the impetus teacher and wood carver with a home and stu-
for relocating to Vero Beach with wife Car- dio tucked away amid scrub pine and palmet-
ole. His oldest son, Dr. Jason Radecke, is a to in the small community of Roseland, along
bariatric surgeon at Sebastian River Med- the winding, picturesque St. Sebastian River.
ical Center.
Like many Florida residents, Woodall is
“Yes, my given name is Radecke, but not “from here”; he grew up in Chesapeake
my chosen stage name is Skyland,” he ex- City, Maryland, a tiny village at the head
plains. of Chesapeake Bay. Early on he developed
a fascination with the rugged coast, the
Their daughter, Jessica Rojas, is em- equally rugged fishermen and the vessels
ployed as a prevention specialist and in which they plied their often hazardous
program specialist with the Indian River trade, and the hardy fish and fowl that
County School District and, while young- called the 200-mile long bay home. Wood-
est son, Joshua Radecke, remains in all loved “all things saltwater.” Still does.
Charleston, S. C., they visit often.
It was little surprise then that after mak-
“My beautiful wife Carole, to whom ing the decision to leave the chilly upper east
I’ve been married for 42 wonderful years, coast, Woodall and wife Donna chose Rose-
was ready to retire from nursing and I was land, which has retained its small community
looking for an easier life where I wouldn’t character. It is home to a vibrant artist commu-
have to tour as much,” says Skyland. nity and sits by an estuary – the Indian River
Lagoon – just as did their home on the Ches-
“Since our family is everything to us, we apeake Bay, the largest estuary in the country.
moved right along with them. We are very
proud of the professional accomplishments Woodall had the heart and the sensibilities
our children have achieved. But we are most of an artist long before recognizing himself as
proud of the sensitive, compassionate, caring such. As a builder and an auto mechanic at a
individuals they are, while trying to make the Texaco service station, he would sell the occa-
world a better place. There is absolutely noth- sional carving or painting; the subjects typical-
ing more important to me than my family. I ly birds or fish. He would paint backgrounds
feel very blessed I was able to support their on wood from old oak whiskey barrels, then
dreams and ambitions by perusing my own carve birds or fish and attach them with short
dream of artistic expression. I am very grateful dowels for a unique, 3-dimensional effect.
for all life has given me. Honestly, I just want
to be remembered as a good husband, father, When his daughter – now a graphic and
grandfather and also a child of song. fine artist – enrolled in an art class, he asked
if he could sit in – his first official art train-
Skyland is a frequent performer at Squid ing. As soon as he retired, he immediately
Lips in Sebastian, The Thirsty Turtle in Port took every art class the local city college of-
St. Lucie, and On the Edge in Ft. Pierce. He
welcomes the opportunity to get involved
with local charity events and fundraisers
as a way to give back to the community
that has embraced him.
Benefiting the A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery
B4 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 full net ahead of the storm. “Breezing Up,” CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 dive bars for years.” If you get there ear-
“Snap the Whip” and “Boy in a Pasture” are ly, you’ll get to enjoy the free outdoor Live
Art and is now open to the public. Woodall other appealing works. Wine) Tasting Lounge at Riverside Park. on the Loop local band jam concert and
has, of course, visited the studio, during his You can meet film directors and partake grab a drink and some food. Always a nice
own travels in search of Homer prints. There are even two metal trays, imprint- in all sorts of special events. For a listing way to shift from work to weekend mode.
ed with Homer’s works and once used as of the exciting and diverse films, which Shows are 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., Loop
Woodall is especially attuned, vis-à-vis advertising promos: “Breezing Up” by Sun- include some premiers, and the glittery entertainment and games start at 6:30
his own work, to Homer’s watercolor art- shine Biscuit, and “The Blue Boat,” by We- events from which you can choose, check p.m. Comedy Zone admission, $12 to $18.
istry, calling it “the easiest, most-forgiv- No-Nah Canoe Co. out the festival website: vbwff.com. The 772-231-6990.
ing medium” (although other watercolor promo urges you to “drink it all in,” an I
artists might beg to differ). His collection, “Homer never copyrighted anything,” can’t think of a better way to put it. 4 If you prefer your rock country style
however, also contains oil on canvas prints. Woodall says. or with a bit of Southern comfort,
2 You’re absolutely going to love this you’ll know a lot of the songs at this show:
Woodall calls Homer “the father of Pointing out barely discernible pencil concert. “Have Pianos, Will Duel” Taking the stage this Friday at the King
American watercolor painting,” explain- lines in one piece, he explains that a water- (possibly a little hat-tip to Riverside The- Center in Melbourne, in a double bill, it’s
ing that before watercolor was considered color painting begins with a pencil sketch; atre’s popular Dueling Pianos shows) takes Atlanta Rhythm Section and Pure Prairie
a serious medium, artists would create artists erase them as best they can, but place at the Unity Center, 950 43rd Ave- League. The former, says Wikipedia, is a
small watercolor throwaways of a planned sometimes one peeks through. nue in Vero, this Saturday with some of Southern rock band formed in 1971 that
work, tossing them out when the full-size the coolest, most talented (and fun) mu- got its start as the house band at the new-
oil painting was finished. After someone The display includes a number of books sicians around: Dr. Ray Adams and Jacob ly opened Studio One, recording studio
asked him for one and offered to pay for it, about Homer and his work; some placed Craig. Together these two have clocked outside Atlanta. Atlanta Rhythm Section’s
Homer stopped throwing them away. on a long well-worn plank of wood that untold keyboard miles: Adams is artis- string of 15 hit albums and several single
Woodall says is from an old stable, com- tic director of visual and performing arts hits includes “So In To You,” “Imaginary
Today Homer’s original works, now plete with bite marks left by previous oc- at Indian River Charter High School, and Lover,” “I’m Not Going to Let It Bother
worth millions, can be seen in New York’s cupants of the equine persuasion. Craig is director of music and arts at First Me Tonight” and “Spooky.” Fun Atlanta
Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Portland Presbyterian Church. Joining them will be Rhythm Section factoid: In 1978 President
Museum of Art and the Brandywine River On a wall is another long, odd piece of several talented student musicians from Jimmy Carter invited them to the White
Museum in Chadds Ford, Pa. wood with the roughly hand-painted words local high schools. Admission is free; you House to perform for his son Chip’s 28th
“Snakes! Snakes! Mice!” Woodall explains can choose to donate a little something (a birthday party. The county rock band Pure
Among the prints in the library display are that it is a copy he made of a similar board ten-spot is suggested). Wine and refresh- Prairie League, says the show promo, has
four of similar size, which Woodall discov- that Homer hung outside his Prouts Neck ments will be available at the concert, been a country rocks “pioneering force”
ered lying in the dirt at an outdoor action in studio when he was painting, to discourage which is presented by Vero Vino Wine and for four-plus decades, logging numerous
Maryland; their frames broken and dirty. Ti- “tourists and snoopers.” Food Festival (not to be confused with the hit albums and singles along the way, in-
tled “Fishin Boat,” “Sloop,” “Shore and Surf” Vero Beach Wine and Film Festival). Doors cluding “Aimee,” “Two Lane Highway,” “Let
and “Nassau,” they date to the late 1800s. The North County Library is located at open at 5:15 p.m. With limited seating, you Me Love You Tonight,” “Falling In and Out
The oldest one, Woodall believes, dated to 1001 Sebastian Boulevard (CR 512). Library know the drill. The music starts at 6 p.m. of Love” and “Early Morning Riser.” De-
1886 is “The Herring Net,” depicting a dark, hours are Monday to Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 772-538-1181. scribed as “crisp and clean as spring water
angry sea and sky, a small boat and a pair of 8 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 and comfortable as a well-worn cowboy
intrepid fishermen determined to pull in a p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 772- 3 It’s coming around again, just as shirt,” they’ll be bringing back the memo-
589-1355. wild, untamed and hilarious as ever. ries this Friday. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tick-
Yes, it’s Riverside Theatre’s Comedy Zone ets start at $59. 321-242-2219.
Experience, this Friday and Saturday.
Bringing this weekend’s laughs will be Da- 1 King Center this Friday with
vid “Mr. Showtime” Scott and Steve Miller. Pure Prairie League.
Scott’s promo promises standup plus: a
straitjacket; the “world’s most dangerous
bit in comedy”; a little mind reading; and
“an incredibly funny journey through four
decades of music.” Miller describes him-
self as “tempered in fudge and fueled by
Pabst Blue Ribbon,” and admits he’s used
his sense of humor to “get free drinks in
1. The Fallen BY DAVID BALDACCI 1. Three Days in Moscow 1. Sometimes You Fly
2. Beneath a Scarlet Sky
2. Hobbo: Motor Racer, 2. Marc's Mission (Way of the
3. The Woman in the Window Motor Mouth BY DAVID HOBBS Warrior Kid #2) BY JOCKO WILLINK
BY A.J. FINN 3. Assume the Worst 3. Dog Man and Cat Kid
BY JENNY MILCHMAN 4. Make Your Bed 4. I've Loved You Since Forever
BY MARIE BENEDICT 5. Love and Death in the 5. The Fates Divide
Sunshine State
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
presents presents
Tales from my Momma's Table A Jack Ryan Jr. Novel
Alfred A. Knopf Books G.P. Putnam's Sons
Tuesday, June 19th at 6 pm Wednesday, June 20th at 6 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE June 1, 2018 B5
A big Crush of excitement at Hurricane Impact Doors
‘Birthday Angels’ wing-ding & Impact Glass,
We Have It All!
Rachel and Jurgen Schwanitz with Angel Pietsch. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Lori and Tony Donadio. Families Center, the Samaritan Center Transform Your Existing Door from
and SafeSpace. Boring to Beautiful!
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer
[email protected] “Some of these children have never ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
had a birthday party,” shared Angel Pi- ■ Customize to your style
Guests lifted their glasses last Satur- etsch. Once a month, volunteers deco- ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
day evening at the Summer Crush Vine- rate a room at the shelters and provide ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
yard & Winery during Crushin’ It at the games, cupcakes, goody bags and birth- ■ Fiberglass Doors
Winery, a fundraiser in support of the day presents for a group celebration. ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
nonprofit Little Birthday Angels. Pro- ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
ceeds from the evening will help enable “All of the children get a lap desk, toi- ■ Etching
the organization to meet its mission of letries, practical items and something ■ Schlage Hardware
providing a birthday celebration for ev- the child put on their wish list,” adds Pi- ■ Mirror Wraps
ery homeless child living on the Trea- etsch.
sure Coast. Regency Square
Pietsch said that many people are un-
The Pietsch family initially began aware that more than 3,000 homeless 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
hosting birthday bashes for homeless children currently live on the Treasure
children in August 2014 and has since Coast – Martin, St. Lucie and Indian Riv- 772.463.6500
brightened children’s lives by celebrat- er counties. More than 400 of those chil-
ing 475 birthdays. Little Birthday Angels dren reside in Indian River County.
is currently serving 200 children resid-
ing at transitional housing facilities. In addition to shelters, the nonprof-
it has recently begun delivering gifts to
It was while dropping off a used game homeless children at Oslo Middle School
to the Hibiscus Children’s Village that and Gifford Middle School in Indian
Angel Pietsch and her sons, Hunter and River County and to the Weatherbee El-
Seth, first discovered that because of ementary School in Fort Pierce. Home-
their circumstances, most of the chil- less advocates at the schools provide
dren living there either no longer, or the Birthday Angels with information so
had never, celebrated their birthdays. that the nonprofit can purchase age-ap-
The family took it upon themselves to propriate gifts for those homeless chil-
throw birthday parties for the children dren not residing in one of the shelters
at Hibiscus and later added the Hope for they serve.
Saturday’s continuing rain may have
dampened the grass but certainly not the
spirits of the guests, who enjoyed dinner,
sipping on a selection of the winery’s Flori-
da wines, listening to the music of the Sun-
rise Jazz Combo, having sessions in a photo
booth and bidding on enticing silent-auc-
tion and live-auction items. Instead of
crushin’ grapes at the winery, guests had a
stompin’ good time dancing under the pa-
vilion to the sounds of raindrops falling on
the tropical-themed garden.
For more information, including wish list
items and details on how you can join the
party, visit littlebirthdayangels.org.
B6 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Coldwell ‘Poker Run’ looks
to come up aces for lagoon
Expires 06-8-18 By Nick Samuel | Staff Writer Coldwell Banker Paradise co-owners
Expires 06-8-18 [email protected] Linda Schlitt Gonzales and Steve Schlitt.
Expires 06-8-18
Blending smart business with civ- of the event. Schlitt’s sister, Linda Schlitt
ic-mindedness, Coldwell Banker Paradise is Gonzalez, president of the real estate com-
sponsoring a Poker Run Open House from 1 pany, said they hope to have 100 homes
p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 3 that com- available in the four counties.
bines a wide range of open houses with a
poker tournament and fundraiser designed There is no cost to participate. Partici-
to benefit the Indian River Lagoon Council. pants can visit as many homes as they want,
but they can only get one card from each
The real estate firm hopes to raise at least home. Coldwell real estate agents will give
$5,000 to fund educational programs fo- house tours and distribute the cards.
cused on improving the health of the Indi-
an River Lagoon, said the company’s chief The event is not restricted to homebuy-
financial officer, Steve Schlitt. ers; participants can visit the homes simply
to pick up cards and play the game, if they
“It’s a great time to work together as a want, Schlitt said.
community and raise awareness about the
importance of saving our Indian River La- He added that they are following the
goon,” said Schlitt. “We know the heaviest footsteps of their parents, Ed and Margue-
damage to our lagoon happens during our rite Schlitt, who started a tradition of sup-
wet season.” porting good causes when they founded the
company in 1953.
Their Poker Run Open House will span
four counties, allowing residents an oppor- The Indian River Lagoon is a national-
tunity to tour a wide variety of homes on ly recognized shallow-water estuary that
the market, while gathering a playing card stretches along 40 percent of Florida’s east
at each home. The more houses a “player” coast. The waterway has suffered multiple
visits, the more cards he or she will accumu- health issues such as contaminant loading,
late. Participants can turn in their best five- degradation of water quality, loss of sea-
card poker hand at the last open house for a grasses and mangroves, and emerging dis-
chance to win prizes, including three $1,000 eases in marine mammals.
grand prizes in Brevard, Indian River, and
St. Lucie/Martin counties, Schlitt said. For details on the open house locations
and how to enter, go to www.openhousepok-
The event is hosted by agents from Cold- errunfl.com.
well Banker Paradise, which describes itself
as the area’s oldest and largest full-service
real estate company. The prize money and
the charitable donation will be raised by
real estate agents, homeowners and com-
munity sponsors, Coldwell Banker Para-
dise Communications Director Lisa Djahed
said. “To us, being part of the community
and giving back has always been import-
ant,” Schlitt said. “The idea is to create ener-
gy, excitement and to raise money for a good
Residents can view a map of the open
houses at the Coldwell Banker Paradise
website; a final list will be available the day
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS June 1, 2018 B7
Wonderful seafood in a no-longer small town in Portugal
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist in market. Tuesday was obviously a great
[email protected] morning, and the seafood and broth could
not have been more flavorful.
Many years ago, on a visit to Lisbon, we
made a side trip an hour up the coast to the The second night, we dined at Marisca-
sleepy Portuguese fishing village of Cas- ria, a restaurant just up from the harbor
cais. from the Cascais seafood market.
There, we lunched on some of the For starters on this evening, we
most amaz- began what
ing fish and
Seaweed with
Seared Scallop.
Steamed Clams.
nos – grilled turned into a My husband then concluded our Portu- Dourado.
fresh from the sea – nightly ritual – sharing a bowl of about three guese dining experience with an excellent
that I’ve ever seen or tasted. dozen tiny steamed local clams (regular swordfish steak, and I had a beautiful and one night in Cascais, we’d probably
readers may recall I love steamed clams). perfectly cooked seafood paella. suggest Maria Pia. But were you to visit
Last week, we returned to Cascais Cascais and dine at any one of these restau-
– now a cosmopolitan seaside resort – to Then for entrées, I ordered the dourada – At this final restaurant, which was the rants, you would not be disappointed.
recover from jet lag before embarking on a a very common fish in Portugal and Spain priciest of those we visited, the swordfish
European cruise. – which was grilled and served whole with was about $20 U.S. and the paella $35. En- I welcome your comments, and encourage
lemon and just a touch of olive oil. Delicious. trées at the other restaurants were in the you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
Our challenge during our all-too-brief But my husband’s choice was the hit of the $17 to $24 range. We also enjoyed excellent ach32963.com.
stay: finding which of the 50 or 60 restau- evening – an enormous grilled octopus. wines for $16 to $30 a bottle.
rants now devoted to seafood (this guessti- Hard to believe those meaty arms could be The reviewer dines anonymously at
mate may be on the low side!!) are serving so tender and succulent. Notwithstanding the U.S. dollar’s restaurants at the expense
the best fresh fish and crustaceans. weakness against the Euro, Portu- of Vero Beach 32963.
On the third night, we went to the guese dining is a tremendous
The four that we wound up trying – based restaurant next door to Mariscaria, Beira bargain. Octopus.
on a variety of recommendations – were Mar. Once again, we started with steamed
Maria Pia overlooking the Cascais harbor; clams. Then for an entrée, I tried what I was So the verdict? If
Mariscaria and Beira Mar, both across the told was the restaurant’s signature dish – you just had
street from the Cascais seafood market; and hake lightly battered and fried. A nice fish,
Furnas do Guincho, set on a rocky stretch of but not my favorite preparation.
Atlantic coast on the northside of Cascais.
My husband, however, went for Bei-
The first one we visited was Maria Pia, ra Mar’s rendition of bacalao – the classic
where through the windows, we could see Portuguese dried and salted cod – and pro-
fishing boats bobbing at anchor down below. nounced it excellent.
For starters, the proprietor suggested The final evening, we ventured just out-
that I try the seaweed Brás – a uniquely side town to a gorgeous restaurant, Furnas
Portuguese dish made with potato and egg do Guincho. There, we feasted on what I
– topped with a seared scallop. The scallop thought were the tastiest clams of our visit,
was heavenly. My husband, meanwhile, had prepared with lots of garlic and spices.
a half-dozen oysters so fresh you could al-
most taste the sea.
We then enjoyed a caldeirada – fish stew
based on what’s available each morning
B8 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 1, 2018 B9
Market Hours: Mon-Sat • 10am - 9pm
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772.234.4181 • 1409 S. A1A, Vero Beach • www.johnnydsvero.com 713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
B10 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 1, 2018 B11
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B12 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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www.HenHouseEaterySebastian.com 11632 U.S. HWY 1, Sebastian, FL
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 1, 2018 B13
6 A Q 10 7 4 KJ953
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQ84 J 10 9 6 5 3 2
J 10 7 5 4 3 A98 Q
The Bridge World magazine is edited and published monthly by Jeff Rubens. (I am the 62 A 10 9 8 4
associate editor.) It aims at duplicate players, with lengthy tournament reports, declarer-
play and defense problems, hands that you and your partner can bid and tough bidding SOUTH
decisions with expert analysis. 82
There is also some material for those who are trying to reach this level. This week’s K62
deal is one example. How should South play in six clubs after a trump lead with East KQJ753
following suit?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
If North had rebid two hearts, it would have been forcing for one round, so the jump to
three hearts was a splinter bid: good club support, the values for at least game and a The Bidding:
singleton (or void) in hearts. South used Roman Key Card Blackwood, learning that his
partner had three aces and no kings. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Clubs Pass 1 Spades Pass
The secret of success is the strength of the spade spots at South’s command. He 2 Clubs Pass 3 Hearts Pass LEAD:
draws the last trump and plays the spade two to dummy’s ace. Assuming no honor 4 NT Pass 5 Diamonds Pass 2 Clubs
appears, South returns to his hand with a heart to the ace and leads his spade eight, 5 NT Pass 6 Clubs All Pass
planning to cover West’s card as cheaply as possible. Here, though, when West
discards, declarer runs the eight to East’s nine.
Suppose East shifts to his diamond queen. South wins on the board, leads the spade
queen and ruffs East’s king, trumps the heart seven, plays the spade 10 and ruffs East’s
jack, crosses to dummy with a trump and discards his diamond loser on the now-high
spade seven.
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B14 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Actor’s part (4) 2 People from the
3 Public houses (4)
9 Tints of colour (5) largest country (8)
10 The longest month? (9) 2 Make-up (8)
11 Musical set in Argentina (5) 4 More honourable (6)
12 Meddle (9) 5 Roads (7)
15 Honey ingredient (6) 6 Opposed to (4)
17 Casual top (1-5) 7 The largest continent (4)
19 In an unspecified place (9) 8 Rip (4)
21 Threaded bolt (5) 13 Person’s duration (8)
23 Subjecting to inspection (9) 14 Power (8)
24 Manufacturer (5) 16 Solutions (7)
25 Location (4) 18 Collision (6)
26 Netting (4) 20 Cat-o’-nine-tails? (4)
21 Calculations (4)
22 Garden tool (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 1, 2018 B15
ACROSS the Line” generation 60 RCA output, The Washington Post
1 Grosbeak’s beak 67 Puppy’s bark debunker once
4 New Mexico 68 Superstitions, Francesco FEEL BETTER NOW? By Merl Reagle
126 Airline to Den. 61 Congestion-free
Indian home cures, etc. competitions?
8 Actress Allgood 69 Soothing former DOWN
12 Hard-to-lift 1 Rejector of 62 Rock song that
game-show leaves you clear-
instruments host? everything headed?
17 Soothing TV 71 Part of SHAZAM 2 Day times
72 Start of a verse? 3 Composer Alban 64 Hanoi holiday
game show? 73 Eniwetok event 4 Tourist attraction, 65 “Sweet as apple
20 Don’t forget (to) 74 99’s pal
21 No-pain novelist? 75 Abuse often cider” girl
22 Gift-giver’s 76 “Let’s shake on 5 Headache-free 66 Tea and
urging 78 Ill-comforted one societies Sympathy stars
23 Door doohickey 79 Jazz style 6 Low points 68 French pronoun
24 Climber’s spike (original name) 7 “Peace ___ 69 Had a club at the
25 Instrument heard 81 Roscoe of
Cimarron hand” club?
at 82 Soothing advice 8 Hardly any 70 Cluster of flowers
the start of J. to a 9 Bowed segment 71 Villa ally, once
Arthur Rank films victim of red 10 Light again 73 Ionescoesque
27 TV journalist tape? 11 Au’s is 79 75 “___ that
Curry 86 Surveillance 12 Assist, in
28 Jenny in Love planes happen?”
Story 89 Star of “The Alabama 77 Atmosphere
29 Neet rival Flight that 13 Voyaging
31 Doberman hue Failed”? 14 Indian feeling no prefix
33 San Francisco, 91 Shuffle method 78 Central Israel
e.g. 92 Give-___ pain?
35 Surface for 94 Tax I.D. no. 15 Laid-back hero of seaport
Kerrigan 95 R-O-L-A-I-D-S? 80 Commonplace
37 Checkers 97 Fiery liquid the comics? 83 William Tell’s
double-decker 99 Writer Seton 16 Encyclopedias
39 Cartoonist who 100 G.I. busters canton
invented the 101 Half of MIV en masse 84 Idea for Richard
Republican 102 “Toe” preceder 18 Memorable
elephant 104 Leg part or Simmons
41 Small horse- animal Broadway Lola 85 Singer Shannon
drawn 106 Shot from guns 19 Sinaloan 87 Aussie capital
carriage 107 Electrician’s 88 Azures
43 Unfamiliar chant? singleton 89 Doctrine
44 Newsman 109 Last letters 20 Rick Blaine 90 Grabs
Charles 111 Zombie island 92 ___ oneself
and family 114 Victor Hugo’s portrayer
46 Crude stone tool daughter 21 Military cap with (took advantage)
49 First name of 96 116 Tsongas beat 93 Reduces, as pain
Down him a plume 96 First U.N. chief
51 Pre-1917 rulers 118 Soothing opera 26 Meet the Press 98 On duty
52 The remainder of piece? 103 Anarchy
the remedies? 121 Keyboard works network 105 Saudi king
54 Exisle? 122 Q: “Are these the 30 “___ it goes”
55 Pope in 1050 pills you want, 32 Burning crowned in 1982
57 A movie was all Fonzie?” 34 “... sow, so 108 Form
about her A: “___” 110 Hotheaded
58 “___ about it!” 123 Beer-tasting shall ___”
61 Chord with a nuance 36 She may feel Sicilian?
flatted third and 124 Overwhelms 112 Kmart chopper?
fifth: abbr. 125 Spontaneous- shear terror 113 Actor Novello
63 Caterpillar hairs 38 Slap-shot 115 Solves
65 First words of 116 Mr. Bumble?
Cash’s “I Walk stopper 117 Plop preceder
40 ___ Aviv 119 Denmark city
42 Sounds of 120 Le dernier __
45 N Utah city
47 City on the
48 Plateaus
50 Bank CD abbr.
52 Skating feats
53 Number of days
in avril
56 Archipelago units
59 Certain engrs.
The Telegraph
B16 June 1, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING p.m. final check-in at Capt. Hiram’s. 772-783-5822 from Indian River County High Schools, doors 3 Treasure Coast Chorale presents ‘On
open at 5:15 p.m. before 6 p.m. concert at Uni- the Road Again’, 7 p.m. at First Baptist
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Paul Outerbridge: 2 Have Pianos, Will Duel, featuring Dr. Ray ty Spiritual Care. $10 suggested donation. 772- Church. Suggested $10 donation. 772-231-
New Color Photographs from Mexico and Califor- Adams and Jacob Craig joined by students 538-1181 3498
nia, 1948-1955 thru June 3; Insight Astronomy
Photographer of the Year exhibition thru Sept. 16. Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in May 24, 2018 Edition 1 DEVISE 1 DAPPER
1|2 Riverside Theatre Summer Fun Com- 10 CABIN 5 ACCLAIM
edy Zone, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with 11 EXIST 6 LIBRA
Live on the Loop free entertainment and games at 12 TEACAKE 7 SUNSET
6:30 p.m. $12 to $18. 772-231-6990 13 CONSIGNMENT 8 GETTOGETHER
2 25th annual Blue Water Open Charity Fish-
ing Tournament presented by Sebastian Ex-
change Club to benefit local child abuse preven- Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16 Crossword Page B17 (TRAIT NAMES)
tion charities and scholarships, lines in 6 a.m., 5
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