Robot-assisted surgery favored
for hernia repair. P44
Potter pursues
her passion. P26
Art and politics merge
in ‘Future is Now!’ exhibit. P27
MY VERO Eleven pages of coverage of the 2017 Vero Beach Wine + Film Festival begin on Page 11. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD New delay in
sale of INEOS
BY RAY MCNULTY Time may have come to consider paid parking ethanol plant
Andy Capak recovering BY RAY MCNULTY district's parking shortage it, and we're exploring our BY LISA ZAHNER
from Grove bar shooting Staff Writer the talk of the town. options." Staff Writer
Janet Capak said her broth- The planned construction "It's definitely brought a One of those options is paid West Palm Beach-based Al-
er’s recovery is progressing of a new, 143-seat restaurant lot more attention to the is- parking – a suggestion that liance Bio Energy is still hope-
well – which is saying plenty, along Ocean Drive has made sue," Vero Beach City Manag- has been rejected by city lead- ful that it can purchase the
considering that just 2 1/2 the Central Beach business er Jim O'Connor said. "We're ers for years but, ultimately, defunct INEOS Bio ethanol
months have passed since he certainly looking to address plant west of Vero this sum-
was shot four times outside CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 mer, but the timeline Alliance
his downtown pub. CEO Daniel de Liege had pro-
jected for opening the doors
“Physically, Andy is doing and employing local people to
fine,” Capak said last week. make ethanol is now on hold.
“He was in the hospital for
about a week, then he stayed De Liege had upped his
with my parents for three sealed offer for the plant twice
weeks before going home. in an effort to avoid an open
bidding war, but that strat-
“He’s been through a lot egy may not have achieved its
and he’s still got some work goal.
to do, but he’s getting there,”
she added. “He’s limping a Instead, ArborOne Bank,
little, but he’s up and about, which holds title to the shut-
doing stuff at the bar again. tered ethanol production
He chose not to go to physical facility, “decided to test the
therapy. He said he wanted to market and conduct a request
do it on his own. for proposals that is due by
close of business June 13th,”
“He’s actually doing it right
Capak said her brother,
a 2003 St. Edward’s School
graduate, spent last week fish-
Island seeing uptick in California Sheriff and deputy Educator who knows Gifford Middle
buyers; one wins Moorings auction are cleared in 2015 returning to the school as principal
death of a prisoner
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS others cashing out of their BY KATHLEEN SLOAN District Superintendent Dr.
Staff Writer high-priced homes in the BY RAY MCNULTY Staff Writer Mark Rendell said he “person-
Golden State. Staff Writer ally went and asked” Tosha
Island realtors say they are Gifford Middle, the troubled Jones to be the next principal of
seeing more California buy- That trend was in play on A federal judge has ruled mainland school where many Gifford Middle School because
ers nowadays, as the relatively June 3 when a California buy- there was not enough evi- island 6th-, 7th- and 8th-grade she fit his “ideal requirements.”
low cost of Vero Beach real es- er bidding by phone was the dence to support allegations children are educated, has a
tate and lack of state income winner in the auction of wa- of negligence or insufficient new leader. Teachers are the most im-
tax in Florida lure retirees and terfront condo in The Moor- portant factor in a child’s
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Indian River County School
June 15, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 24 Newsstand Price $1.00 Youth Guidance
Luau raises $50K for
News 1-10 Faith 61 Pets 60 TO ADVERTISE CALL at-risk youth. P22
Arts 25-28 Games 39-41 Real Estate 63-72 772-559-4187
Books 38 Health 43-48 St. Ed’s 59
Dining 52 Insight 29-42 Style 49-51 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 34 People 11-24 Wine 53 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero “He’s looking forward, not back- “He remembers the gun going off,” it would behoove him to work with
wards.” she said. “He said it felt like he was a trauma counselor,” Capak said. “I
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 shot with a blank, because he was still know it’s going to take time for him
Contacted via text message last standing. He thinks that’s why the guy to be able to fully confront what hap-
ing with friends in the Bahamas. weekend, Capak’s brother Andy de- shot three more times – because he pened, but I really think some coun-
As for her brother’s psyche, however, clined an interview for this column, didn’t go down after the first one.” seling would help.”
saying he was “tired of seeing articles
Capak said he’s still traumatized by the about The Grove shooting in the pa- Capak said her brother told her his That said, Capak said she’s thrilled
shooting, which occurred minutes be- pers” because it was “not good for my memory of the shooter wasn’t clear, her brother has come this far this
fore 2 a.m. March 31, when he tried to business.” “even though he was looking straight quickly. She still vividly remembers
break up a fight just outside The Grove, at the guy.” She said her brother recalls the wee-hours phone call from his fi-
the 14th Avenue bar he co-owns. In fact, Capak said her brother seeing the shooter and his compan- ancée, Tiffani Atteo, who told her he
doesn’t remember much about the in- ions in the bar. He even remembers had been shot.
“He has a long way to go in dealing cident, and she wasn’t sure how much what they ordered.
with the trauma,” she said. “Like most help he has been able to offer Vero Bad as that was, Janet Capak’s night-
men, he doesn’t want to think about it. Beach police detectives, who, as of But once he began trying to break mare was just beginning.
I took pictures of him in the hospital, Monday, still hadn’t arrested anyone up the fight, his mind became fuzzy.
but he hasn’t even looked at them. in connection with the shooting. First, she called her mother to deliver
“Going through something like that, the shocking news. Soon, she was driving
to Lawnwood Regional Medical Center’s
Trauma Unit in Fort Pierce, fearing the
worst and not knowing what to expect.
All she could do was hope the gun-
shots weren’t lethal and that doctors
would save her brother’s life. He was,
after all, only 31. And his wedding day
was just a week away.
“Did I think we could lose him?” Ca-
pak said. “Absolutely. Two of the shots
hit him in the abdomen.”
Upon arriving at the hospital, in-
formation was scarce. With police in-
forming Lawnwood officials that the
shooter was still at large, the place
went into lockdown.
So when Capak asked about her
brother and his whereabouts, hospital
officials wouldn’t tell her. She was told
the lockdown policy prevented staff
from providing information about
shooting victims, even to victims’ fam-
ilies, unless the visitors had a secret se-
curity code.
“We had to get the secret code,
which was a hellacious experience for
our family,” Capak said. “I understand
why they need to protect victims, but
it took me 2 1/2 hours of fighting with
people to get the code. Nobody would
give it to me, and I’m an attorney.
“Andy has some important friends
down there,” she added, mentioning
St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara
and Southern Eagle Distributing Pres-
ident Phil Busch. “But until I got that
code, all I could find out was that Andy
was in the building somewhere.”
Capak said her brother underwent
two major surgeries to repair dam-
age to his colon, intestines and “pelvic
area.” He was shot twice in the abdo-
men, once in the thigh and once in the
pelvic-groin area.
His spinal column escaped un-
Two of the four bullets entered and
exited his body. What happened to the
two bullets that hit his abdomen, how-
ever, remains a mystery to doctors,
Capak said.
“They couldn’t find the bullets in
his body, and they couldn’t find where
they came out,” she said. “They have
no answer. That’s something that
could come back to haunt him later.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 3
Capak said her brother lost a lot of shark bite, a dog bite and now he’s the police and they’re trying to be pen in Vero Beach,” Capak said. “Now
weight and muscle mass – especially been shot,” Capak said. “All he needs patient. They’ve been told the police they’re happening here? What the
in his abdomen – after the shooting. now is to be hit by lightning.” have a suspect but want to be sure heck is going on?”
Though he has added some weight, before making an arrest.
he’s still rebuilding his core strength. It’s easy to laugh now that Capak Her brother is recovering. He’s heal-
knows her brother has survived the See Vero Police Chief defends shoot- ing and getting stronger. Eventually,
For that reason, she said, it might be shooting and is recovering from his ing investigation. Page 10 she believes, he’ll get past the psycho-
a while before customers at The Grove injuries. But there’s still the matter of logical and emotional trauma, too.
see him working behind the bar. catching the gunman and bringing “Right after it happened, I remem-
him too justice. Capak said she and ber thinking: These things don’t hap- He survived.
“He’s not bartending yet,” Capak her family have been in contact with For now, at least, that’s all that mat-
said. “He’s gone back to work on a part- ters.
time basis, but just fixing stuff and do-
ing odd jobs. Standing for a long pe- Exclusively John’s Island
riod of time might be a problem until
he gets his core strength back. Nestled on a generous 1.49± acre homesite along a private stretch of the
Indian River, this alluring 4BR/5.5BA retreat enjoys nearly 180’ of river
“But that’s his business,” she added. frontage, colorful sunsets and breathtaking, panoramic water views. Ideal for
“He’s planning on coming all the way entertaining, the large island kitchen opens onto the vaulted ceiling family room
back, and his workers want him to re- with fireplace looking out to the lap pool. Features include 7,027± GSF, dock,
turn. Did you know his staff actually library with fireplace, spacious great room with fireplace, two wet bars, and office.
saved his tips from that night? 45 Dove Plum Road : $6,475,000
“I know my brother . . . He’s not go- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
ing to shy away from it.” health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
And for those wondering: Yes, he 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
still plans on getting married, though a
new wedding date has not yet been set.
“He wants to be fully healed,” Capak
said, adding that her brother and At-
teo might wait until 2018.
That’s understandable, given the hard-
ships the family has already endured this
year: Not only has Janet Capak dealt with
what she called “surgical issues,” but her
father, Gerald, has battled cancer.
Then her brother was critically
wounded in a shooting.
“From a health perspective,” Capak
said, “2017 has been a terrible year for
the Capak family.”
The Vero Beach community, howev-
er, has managed to turn a tragedy into
a triumph.
Only days after the shooting, upon
learning that Capak’s brother didn’t
have health insurance, one of his St. Ed-
ward’s classmates and longtime friends
started an online Go Fund Me cam-
paign that has raised nearly $80,000 to
help cover his medical expenses.
In addition, a wildly successful fun-
draiser was held at Grind & Grape on
April 8 – the day Andy Capak was sup-
posed to get married.
“We, as a family, are so overwhelmed
by the response from the community,”
Janet Capak said. “A lot of the people
who contributed didn’t even know my
brother. We have to find a way to let
everyone know how much we appre-
ciate all they’ve done.”
Her brother’s friends already know.
“They helped him get through this,”
Capak said. “And it wasn’t just his
friends from St. Edward’s and around
town. They came from California,
New Jersey, New York . . . from all over
the country.
“They were there when he needed
them,” she added, “and they really
lifted his spirits.”
Some have even joked that if one of
them had to get shot, it’s best that it
was Capak’s brother.
“They said he’s been through a
4 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sheriff and deputy cleared get into specifics because we're going to Alexander's allegation that Sharkey into the holding area only 14 seconds
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 appeal it and it's an open case." acted with "deliberate indifference" to after the sally port video froze.
a risk that Martinez would take his own
training in a wrongful death lawsuit Chief Medical Examiner Roger Mit- life, writing: "When the sally port video resumes,
filed by the ex-wife of a 37-year-old tleman conducted an autopsy on Mar- the door of the front compartment of
Vero Beach man who died in police tinez and, according to court records, "There is no evidence that Martinez the van was closed with Martinez in-
custody two years ago. determined the cause of death to be had ever threatened or attempted sui- side," Middlebrooks wrote. "The hold-
"cardiac dysrhythmia" due to an ad- cide, or had been considered a suicide ing area video shows that no person
U.S. District Court Judge Donald verse reaction to Adderall, a drug often risk. Furthermore, the undisputed evi- went into or out of the sally port via
Middlebrooks, who previously dis- prescribed for attention deficit disorder. dence show that all deputies that had the holding area, and no inmate exited
missed three of the seven counts in contact with Martinez reported that the van, during the time Deputy Shar-
the lawsuit, issued a summary judg- However, a private pathologist, hired he appeared to be 'fine.'" key left the sally port."
ment order in favor of the defen- by Martinez's mother, performed a
dants – Sheriff Deryl Loar and Deputy second autopsy and countered Mittle- Middlebrooks also dismissed Alex- The judge stated that Sharkey did
Christopher Sharkey – on the remain- man's opinion, stating that the prima- ander's claim that Loar's negligence in not restrain Martinez with a lap belt
ing counts last week. ry cause of death was a "short period of training and supervising Sharkey, who because deputies usually give inmates
blunt force trauma to the neck," con- became a transport deputy in August the option of buckling themselves in,
That means the case is closed and will sistent with contact with a strap or belt. 2010, made the sheriff "vicariously li- adding: "It is undisputed that Deputy
not go to trial, unless Middlebrooks' rul- able" for Martinez's death. Sharkey's entire interaction with Mar-
ings are successfully appealed. However, in making his rulings, tinez at the courthouse was limited to
Middlebrooks found that there was The judge cited testimony that Shar- telling him to watch his step getting
The lawsuit was brought by Jill Al- "no evidence from which a reasonable key had "consistently demonstrated into the van, Martinez stepping into
exander as representative of the estate jury could find" that Sharkey: good knowledge of policies and jail the van, Martinez sitting on the bench
of Mitchell Brad Martinez, who was Acted in "bad faith or with mali- rules, exhibited good judgment, made and Deputy Sharkey closing the door."
found unconscious and unrespon- cious purpose" or "took any actions sound decisions, and correctly per-
sive after being transported from the with evil intent toward Martinez." formed his duties," and that he was Middlebrooks described the drive
County Courthouse to the County Jail Used "physical force" against Marti- "noted to place security and safety at from the courthouse as "normal,"
in a van driven by Sharkey on May 29, nez, "attempted to injure" him through the top of his priorities." without any unusual stops or detours.
2015. He died four days later at the In- his driving, or made any stops during He wrote that Sharkey did not hear
dian River Medical Center. the eight-minute drive to the jail. There was no evidence, Middle- "kicking or banging coming from in-
Acted with "wanton and will- brooks wrote, that Loar had "any actu- side the van," nor did the deputy hear
Kevin Smith, Alexander's West Palm ful disregard for Martinez's rights or al or constructive notice of problems" inmates in the rear compartment
Beach-based attorney, said Monday he safety," or that the deputy "drove in a with Sharkey's fitness as a deputy. "make noise to get his attention."
will file an appeal with the U.S. Court manner that would put an unbuckled
of Appeals 11th Circuit in Atlanta. passenger at risk of injury," much less "The court's ruling shows what we Also, Sharkey was unable to see Mar-
that he did so intentionally. knew all along – that our deputies did tinez through the window in the front
"We feel we have sufficient facts to get nothing but try to save Mr. Martinez's compartment "because several years
to a jury," Smith said. "I'm not going to In addition, Middlebrooks rejected life when they found him unrespon- prior, for security reasons, a black plas-
sive," Loar said. "Deputy Sharkey and tic bag had been taped over the window
everyone who assisted with CPR that to prevent inmates from seeing where
day are to be commended." they were going," the judge stated.
Sharkey could not be reached for In his order, Middlebrooks noted that
comment. four of the seven inmates in the rear
compartment "heard Martinez 'cough-
Martinez, who was charged with ing and hacking' during the trip."
three counts of aggravated assault in
April 2013, was out on bail 25 months Two of them said it sounded as if Mar-
later when Circuit Judge Robert Pegg tinez was "struggling to breath," though
revoked his bond for contacting the one said it was for five minutes while the
victim in the case. other said it was for 10 to 15 seconds.Two
others said they heard him coughing and
Remanded back into the custody of making noises throughout the trip.
the Sheriff's Office, Martinez was still
in street clothes when he was hand- One of the latter two inmates said it
cuffed in front of his body and his legs sounded like Martinez was "choking
were placed in shackles. He and sev- and having a seizure."
en other inmates were loaded into a
transport van at the courthouse. Middlebrooks wrote that the three
other inmates said they did not hear
Martinez was placed in a separate any noises from the front compartment,
compartment, where neither deputies and that none of the inmates "did any-
nor the inmates would have access to thing as a result of hearing the noises"
him during the short trip to the jail. to alert Sharkey to a potential problem.
Middlebrooks' ruling describes in Upon arriving at the jail, after es-
detail the loading process and dis- corting the seven inmates out of the
putes Alexander's claim that Sharkey van, Sharkey opened the door to the
left the sally port for "several min- forward compartment and found Mar-
utes," writing in a footnote that "video tinez "halfway seated on the floor area
evidence conclusively shows" Sharkey ... with his feet facing the door and his
returned after only 55 seconds. shoulder against the lower part of the
bench, slumped over and making gur-
It also addresses the 69-second gling noises," the judge wrote.
freeze in the sally port video immedi-
ately after Sharkey opened the door to When Martinez didn't respond to
the forward compartment for Marti- Sharkey's yell, the deputy radioed for
nez – a glitch that prompted suspicion help and began CPR, continuing until
of a cover-up. medical personnel arrived.
However, Middlebrooks stated that "At that time, there were no abra-
the security camera in the hallway sions, cuts, scratches or bleeding
connecting the holding area to the on Martinez's neck," Middlebrooks
sally port shows Sharkey walking back
10 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero police chief defends Grove shooting investigation
BY LISA ZAHNER lic records showing that two different a Honda with the bumper off – a car that the scene, and that happens,” Currey
Staff Writer black men were identified by witness- actually belonged to a second suspect. said. “But if there was any confusion, it
es and 911 callers as the shooter, and did not hamper our investigation. We
Vero Beach Police Chief David Cur- that be on the lookout alerts sent out The alert was later corrected so po- continue to actively investigate this case
rey stands behind his officers’ han- to area law enforcement conflated the lice could look for the second suspect, and we’re still looking at both suspects.”
dling of The Grove Bar crime scene in two men’s descriptions. a man three inches shorter with short
the hours and weeks after gunshots cropped hair, but dispatch tapes show Currey was not on the scene of the
left 31-year-old bar owner Andy Capak Records from police on-board com- the Sheriff’s Office was told Vero police shooting, but said that Capt. Kevin
lying severely wounded in the north- puters show that officers on patrol already had the suspect in hand. Cur- Martin went to the bar after the call
bound lane of 14th Avenue. around the city and county were told to rey said he has not listened to the re- came in and took charge of the inves-
look for a man with dreadlocks, who was cordings from the incident, which oc- tigation at the scene.
“From my view, there was no confu- actually still on scene at The Grove Bar. A curred just before 2 a.m. on March 31.
sion,” Currey said in response to pub- BOLO was sent out for that man driving Currey said a dark blue Chevy Equi-
“There were conflicting reports on nox (registered to the suspect with
dreadlocks) is in custody, as well as
two cellphones, which police are wait-
ing to have processed. Currey said it
takes time to extract information from
phones, but that his agency is work-
ing with State Attorney Bruce Colton’s
Office and has obtained the required
search warrants to mine the phones
for evidence.
“To my knowledge, no one left the
scene, except the suspect who left
before we got there,” Currey said of
the late-night crime scene, which in-
cluded the bar and sidewalk area, 14th
Avenue itself and Pocahontas Park
across the street.
“There were still people out fighting
in the street when the officer pulled up.
It would have helped if someone would
have called 9-1-1 and said, ‘Hey, we’ve
got a bar fight going on here.’ [But] no
one called until after the shooting.”
When asked if everyone on the
scene was searched for weapons, Cur-
rey answered in the affirmative. In re-
sponse to a question about whether or
not people on the scene were tested for
gunshot residue to eliminate them as
suspects, Currey said, “We may have
that information.”
After two and a half months with no
arrests and little information shared
with the public about the crime, the
community has grown impatient.
Currey countered that officers
have not appealed to the public with
descriptions of suspects or vehicles
because “We’re fairly certain that we
know who they are and we don’t need
that kind of help.”
“Three or four years ago, we had
some big cases that were solved right
away, but every case is different,” Cur-
rey said. “It doesn’t matter how long it
takes us, all that matters is that in the
end we solve it.”
Currey said he’s sensitive to the fact
that the city, area businesses and civic
groups have been working to develop
Vero’s downtown into a thriving cul-
tural and entertainment hub with vi-
brant nightlife, and that bar and res-
taurant patrons need to feel safe to go
down there at night.
“Our downtown is safe,” Currey said.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Thursday Events
Take a bow, Vero! Wine + Film Fest wows ’em again
BY MARY SCHENKEL AND STEPHANIE LaBAFF Vero at the Vero Beach High School football
Visions team, recalling when he played against
Staff Writers Panel the Indians and noting, “We won.”
Year two of the Vero Beach Vero Visions panelists Roy Lewis Garton, Honorary Chair Jeff Woolnough, The Next Up! Young Filmmaker
Wine + Film Festival – and it ap- Aria Yagobi, John Stein, Vincent Obriskie and Dominic Traverzo. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Awards were presented Saturday
pears organizers have uncorked morning, with first-place winner Ca-
another winner. The chief com- “It’s pretty fantastic to be able to here, too. The team at Vero Beach has leb Wild given the honor of shadowing
plaint seems to have been that drink the wines that you are seeing in done a really fantastic job of curating Jeff Woolnough on his next produc-
there were not enough hours the movie,” said winemaker Julien Fa- the program for the festival.” tion. The young filmmakers later chat-
in the day to take it all in. To be yard, who with vintner Steve Reynolds ted with Woolnough, Lyons and actor
sure, there were several hiccups, was featured in the movie. “In my less Party guests joined festival-goers Geoff Stults, who provided a unique
but that is to be expected given than 24-hour experience, I’ve loved it,” at Cinema Uncorked, relishing wines, combination of input into the film-
that the massive undertaking is still in said Reynolds of the festival. “I think gourmet pasta, sweet treats and fire making process. The three profession-
its infancy and its organizers, assisted it’s only going to get better.” spinners under the Wow Tent before als were in agreement that the best way
by an army of volunteers, are essential- heading to Riverside Theatre to pop the for filmmakers to hone their craft is to
ly learning as they go. One day in, Karen Loeffler had al- cork with film legend Burt Reynolds just make films.
ready seen three films and, after the and view his most recent, somewhat
Vero’s premier locations played host dinner, was heading to Grind and retrospective film “Dog Years,” which The afternoon saw entertainment
to special events and screenings of Grape for a Late Show movie. Showing filmmaker Adam Rifkin said he wrote writer Xaque Gruber moderating a
more than 80 films, presented day and her husband’s “very ambitious sched- specifically for Reynolds. panel discussion at the Heritage Center
night throughout the four-day event, ule,” she added with a laugh, “I don’t with Debra Scuderi, Mickey Hofma-
and a new Wow Tent at Riverside Park think we’re going to be able to do all of “We’re having a great time at the ier and Art Ciasca of Suncoast Mental
was added to the mix. them, but we’re going to try to get to as film festival; it’s so nice to see all the Health, which provides clinical and
many as we can.” filmmakers and the winemakers com- case management services to close
On Thursday, honorary VBWFF ing here together to make this event to 1,400 children and adults with be-
Chair Jeff Woolnough mediated a panel On Friday, filmmakers and top-level successful,” said Debra Scuderi, act- havioral and/or mental health issues
discussion with Vero Vision film direc- sponsors gathered for a cocktail party ing CEO of Suncoast Mental Health, in Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin and
tors, a category requiring a tie-in to the at a Moorings home owned by Chris pleased to have had a platform to raise Okeechobee counties.
Treasure Coast. And at various times in and Kathy Condon, a 9,000-square- mental health awareness. “It’s amazing
the Wow Tent, chefs provided a new ex- foot waterfront home at the Anchor that Jerusha [Stewart, festival founder], And over at the Wow Tent, the wine
perience with Culinary Demos, such as currently on the market. Susan [Horn, festival co-founder] and was flowing freely at the Grand Tast-
one by Brazilian born Vero Beach Chef all of the volunteers have been able to ing.
Lippe, who showed how to prepare “We built this home for entertain- put on such a successful event.”
French style country pâté. Tossing the ing and what better way than to host “All the tables have individual sale
ingredients together Lippe said with a something like this?” said Kathy Con- “I don’t know about you, but I am sheets and these wines are being sold
smile, “Pâté is simple; it’s no mystery. don. “This is the first time I’ve ever having the weekend of my dreams,” ex- at well, well below retail,” said wine
Basically pâté is about having fun. If been to a film festival; that’s one of the claimed Stewart. chair Rob Wayne, owner of Varietals
you’re not having fun, don’t do it!” reasons we said yes to this. I’m excited and More. “We’ve got wineries and
about it.” “Wouldn’t it be really funny if there winemakers, and we’ve got a lot of my
With the significance of our area was an envelope mix-up?” quipped distributors helping out Vero tonight.
beaches being home to one of the And, while there was some disap- Aaron Mendelsohn, before presenting Hopefully, futuristically, if they are
world’s largest nesting population of pointment that a promised appear- the various film awards with “La La supported by the community we’ll be
sea turtles, the Barrier Island Center at ance at the party by Burt Reynolds did Land” producer Molly Smith. able to get these guys back again.”
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge not occur, guests happily mingled and
was the ideal spot for a showing of the discussed films while munching hors Reynolds, who received several “The overall quality of the wine, and
documentary “Straws,” which high- d’oeuvres catered by Blue Star and lis- standing ovations, spoke about his 40- I’ve been a wine drinker for more than
lights the mounting damage caused tening to music by pianist Ray Adams, year career with film critic Jeffrey Ly- 40 years, is incredible,” said Gary Du-
by plastic straws. Heather Stapleton, artistic director at Indian River Char- ons and was presented with this year’s lac. “Anybody that’s a wine enthusiast
Environmental Learning Center edu- ter High School. Life Worth Living Legend Award. or wants to learn about wine needs to
cational director, later took guests on a come to this event.”
full moon-lit turtle walk in the refuge. “I think that because the town of Renowned for his boyish charm and
[Read more about this in next week’s Vero is small, it’s a contained festival; quick wit, Reynolds didn’t disappoint. After a quick cleanup of the tent, Sat-
32963.] you feel like you can get everywhere,” Lyons reminded the audience that urday evening’s bash added beer to the
said producer Todd Yuhanick. “It’s a Reynolds was the first film star to earn mix with a Bubbles, Brews and BBQ
Last year’s elegant Vino Veritas Vint- beautiful setting.” $1 million per picture. bash, where attendees sampled yet
ner Dinner was so successful that a sec- more wines plus IPA beers while nib-
ond one was added this time around. Filmmaker Nick Kovacic agreed, “I’m really proud of this. Thank you bling on southern barbecue sandwich-
Executive Chef Armando Galeas cre- saying, “I had a film in the Sonoma very, very much,” said Reynolds, ac- es, baked beans and potato salad. Fully
ated a four-course epicurean experi- International Festival, which is also cepting the award from Stewart. “A life sated festival-goers were then treated
ence at Costa d’Este and Executive small. All the venues are close by and worth living. It is worth living, isn’t it? to a screening of “Unleashed.”
Chef Joe Faria presented an impressive the locals are really into it and support Considering the alternative. It’s really
gastronomic feast at the Quail Valley it. That model seems to work for So- nice to look out and see so many sweet Vero has clearly embraced this latest
River Club, each perfectly paired with noma and it feels like it’s going to work people. Let’s all go back to my room.” addition to its active social scene, with
a selection of wines from the festival’s organizers declaring that attendance
vintner partners. After dinner, guests He also gave a good-natured poke was roughly double that of last year’s
watched a screening of Nick Kovacic’s festival. Their advice? Don’t wait until
film “Decanted,” featuring some of the the last minute to purchase passes next
Napa wines enjoyed that evening. year or you’ll miss out on the fun.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Saturday Events
FESTIVAL PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Chris Condon and Patrick Condon. Scott Waldron and Maddalena Jaschek. Lauren Varsalona and Lydia Fowler.
Olga Henriquez and Alicia Maldonado.
Mary Ann Koenig and Rick Dobbis. Kristin and Jim Wagner. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
Rita Curry and Kristin Casalino. Rosalie and Jim Webster.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 21
Saturday Events
Halle Horn, Colby Blackwill and Susan Keller Horn. Harvey and Margot Kornicks, Todd Burchard and Marie Healy. Stacie Walton and Jerusha Stewart.
Sue Dinenno and Dean King
Jennifer and Javier Mayol.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
$50K for Youth Guidance provides Luau wow factor
Brenda Lloyd, Patti Rooney, Susan Clay, Karen O’Brien and Diane Hess. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Julie and Phil Cromer, Katie and Eric Smith and Marlene and John Cairns.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Golf Club to celebrate the event’s 40th
Staff Writer anniversary.
Youth Guidance continues to ‘lei’ it Guests came with delicate flow-
all on the line for at-risk youth from ers tucked behind their ears, wear-
low-income, single-parent families ing festive tropical print dresses and
through its annual Tropical Night colorful Hawaiian shirts. They were
Luau, and this year the nonprofit greeted at the door with a traditional
hosted a sold-out crowd of 220 guests Hawaiian aloha, welcomed with the
who gathered at the Grand Harbor placement of brightly colored floral
leis around their necks, which is the
Lori and Trey Higdon with Vanessa and Shawn Heins.
customary symbol of affection upon sports mentoring program they re-
arriving or leaving. cently introduced at the Indian River
County Intergenerational Recre-
The annual fundraiser is a local fa- ation Center, a program that utilizes
vorite which many supporters have sports and dance to engage children
been attending for years. Guests in group mentoring activities. The
channeled their inner Kama’aina and south county location of the facility
relaxed, dining on a tropical buffet enables Youth Guidance to work with
featuring coconut shrimp, mojo pork children from Oslo Middle School, In-
and a Caribbean salad. Generous bid- dian River Academy, and Citrus and
ding raised funds through the live and Osceola Elementary Schools.
silent auctions, before the sounds of
the band Gypsy Lane cranked things Youth Guidance has also added a
up and inhibitions were set aside for a Mentoring Academy, which provides
night of dancing. children with other opportunities for
weekly activities in a group mentor-
“The Luau is our biggest fundrais- ing atmosphere, with children par-
ing event, raising $50,000 to sup- ticipating in activities such as dance,
port our mentoring programs,” said art, photography, cooking, science,
Doug Borrie, executive director. “Our leadership skills, karate and tennis.
mission, for the past 44 years is un-
changed … to show children from sin- Longtime supporter Robin Lloyd
gle parent, low-income homes a path said he and wife Brenda come back ev-
out of poverty. We do this through ery year to support the organization,
mentoring. Our mentors are positive adding, “They provide such great pro-
adult role models who show children grams for the children. We’ve been
the opportunities that are available to working with Youth Guidance since I
them, then help them set and achieve came to Vero Beach.”
For more information or to become
It’s going to be a big year, accord- a Youth Guidance mentor, visit Youth-
ing to Borrie, especially through the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 23
Jessica Francis and Erik Poffinbarger.
Jan and Joe Binney with Sue Dempsey and Dale and Marllyn Justice.
Jim McSweeney and Doug Borrie. Kathy Fennell, Claire Connelly and Laurie Connelly.
Mary Sammartino, Elizabeth Borne and Kim McIntyre. Marilyn and Kurt Wallach.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Art and politics merge in ‘Future is Now!’ exhibit
“Art and politics have mixed for a “Any Given Sunday” by Raynelle Benjamin.
long time,” says Megan Hoots. “Art P HOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
history is political.”
ical content of the show is broad and “Literally, you have to get past it – Shot in black and white, these elegant
She should know. Hoots holds a BFA agreeable enough to be barely per-
in art history from Savannah College of ceptible, let alone controversial. because it’s a wall. It is aggressively images of energetic- and hopeful-
Art and Design, which she recently put
to use in organizing The Future is Now!, Hoots says she finds it “interesting” political,” says Hoots. looking young people comprise a pic-
a politically-minded art exhibition on that most of the artists did not use the
display at Raw Space through June. opportunity the show provided to ad- Born and raised in Panama City, ture of the future at its brightest.
dress the current state of U.S. politics.
Hoots is one of the 12 artists with Florida, the 29-year-old Hoots says Artist Barry Shapiro stuck to the
work on display in the show; she is rep- Only one of the artists dared to
resented by a freestanding wall sculp- grasp that bull by the horns – Hoots that she has always been political. show’s political theme with a series
ture. The other sculptors in the exhi- herself. Her installation, “Trump’s
bition are Jesse Elder, who constructs Wall,” is front and center in the ex- Although her parents, a law librarian of six unframed drawings on paper
mixed media pictures from found ob- hibition. The work features a section
jects; and Joseph Grow, who sculpts of vinyl privacy fence plastered with and an engineer, were not politically that he suspended from the ceiling
animals from reclaimed wood. Hoots’ very own “Misinformation
Times” – handbills that highlight active during her childhood, Hoots in one corner of the gallery. Created
The paintings on view range from some of the inflammatory headlines
pure abstraction by Barbara Krupp to splashed across the Internet of late. credits them with being well-read variously in pastel, charcoal and se-
figural allegories by Brianna Beard, These include “Pizzagate Ensnares
Raynelle Benjamin Chapman, Farrah Alt-Right,” “What About Her Emails?” and interested in discussing the top- pia-colored ink, the drawings depict
Fisher and Ashleigh Whitfield. Photog- and “Bowling Green Massacre.”
raphy in the show is by Jeffrey Berger, ics of the day with her. the tightly-spaced trunks of trees in
Heather Mitts and Tanya Sockol whose Positioned a few feet inside the en-
respective subjects are nature, por- trance to the exhibition, the artwork “My mom would quiz me at the a mature forest, as well as a couple
traits, and female fashion. Barry Shap- forces the gallery-goer to confront its
iro is showing drawings of trees. message before the rest of the show dinner table: ‘Can you name all the studies of branches.
can be viewed.
Although The Future is Now! is Supreme Court Justices?’” On the drawing at the center of the
sponsored in part by the Florida
Young Democrats of Indian River, The family also watched the news display Shapiro has hand-lettered
there are only two exhibitors in the
show – Hoots and Mitts – who are together every night; Hoots recalls bullet points with startling facts
members of the organization.
that when Peter Megan Hoots with her piece “The Wall.” about global de-
The show is not entirely composed
of young artists, either. Only five of Jennings died, “It forestation; one
the dozen exhibitors are in their 20s,
while three in the over-30 set have at was a big deal at of these is the fire
least 60 summers under their belts.
our house.” prediction that if
It can’t even be said that the exhibi-
tors are political firebrands. Most of When it came wild forests con-
the art on display speaks to global
concerns; the environment and self- time to choose tinue to be cut
determination for women are popu-
lar themes here. a college, Hoots down at the pres-
With a couple exceptions, the polit- was torn between ent rate of 32 mil-
heading south lion acres a year,
to study politi- there will be no
cal science at the rainforests left
University of Mi- before the cen-
ami, and heading tury is through.
north to Georgia’s “I’m concerned
Savannah Col- about what all
lege of Art and governments –
Design to study not only here in
art history. The decision finally came the United States – are doing about
down to where she wanted to spend deforestation,” says Shapiro.
the next four years of her life. “I hope that visitors will come away
“Politics fell by the wayside, because having learned how serious the prob-
Savannah is so enchanting. And Miami lem is,” he says, and quips, “And may-
was less enchanting,” she says. be they’ll buy one of my drawings.”
The other Young Democrat in the Raynelle Benjamin Chapman
show, Heather Mitts, has a slide show achieves a compelling social-politi-
in a room adjoining the gallery of her cal message through her graphically
digital black-and-white portraits. powerful narrative paintings.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
my back porch living my dream. COMING UP: A GAGGLE OF
I didn’t know that my life was GIGGLES AT ‘COMEDY ZONE’
going to take this direction. All
I know is that it’s what I would BY PAM HARBOUGH 3 In addition to works by its artists,
rather be doing than anything Correspondent the J.S. Stringer Gallery has two
else. Breathing and eating in-
cluded. So to be able to do this, 1 Laugh it up with Riverside Theatre exhibitions on view through the sum-
it’s a total dream come true.” at its popular “Comedy Zone” pro-
mer: “Quiet Moments: Coast to Coast,”
While Hill has been active
in Vero’s clay community for gram. This weekend, comedians Mike with paintings by Jim McVicker and
over 15 years, she just joined
Flametree Clay Art Gallery in Rivera and Bill “Bull” Ohse perform George Van Hook; and “The Infinite
February of this year. “Our pa-
trons love her lifelike sculpture stand-up 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., Friday and Effects of Light,” with works by artist
pieces, specifically her ocean-
inspired creations,” says Leah Saturday in the Waxlax Stage at River- John Phillip Osborne. McVicker comes
Cady, Flametree’s owner.
side Theatre. Rivera began stand-up from Northern California and is known
Recently the Vero Beach Mu-
seum of Art decommissioned when he was a student at San Jose State for his sensitive landscapes, still lifes
the aged Ginny Kiln and two ad-
ditional smaller electric kilns in University in California. He honed his and figurative paintings. A resident of
the Museum Art School facility
for safety reasons, according to skilled in San Francisco’s legendary Cambridge, N.Y., Van Hook vividly re-
Sophie Bentham- stand-up arena and won Showtime’s veals his inspiration by the Pennsylva-
Wood, director of
marketing and regional “Funniest Person in Ameri- nia Impressionists. Osborne studied at
tions. They are ca” award. A civics teacher by day, he the Pratt Institute in New York and re-
the very kilns
that Hill’s first was named “America’s Most Hilarious tired from teaching at the Ridgewood
forays into pot-
tery were fired in. Teacher” in 2013. Ohse tours nation- Art Institute in New Jersey. He is known
The close-knit ally with his comedy act and belongs for his natural landscapes of the Hud-
group of potters
were concerned they would to Comics Reaching Out, which helps son Valley. In the Stringer Gallery show,
no longer have a place to hone
their skills and share their those in need. Before the shows, Com- you’ll also see works inspired by recent
knowledge if the kilns weren’t
replaced. Fortunately, the mu- edy Zone patrons can also enjoy free travels to Belgium and Vero Beach. The
seum is committed to replacing
and upgrading the kilns and music by classic rock band Smoking J.S. Stringer Gallery is at 3465 Ocean
continuing with the ceram-
ics programs, says Bentham- Jackets. They can also enjoy games in Drive, Vero Beach. Hours are 11 a.m. to
“The Museum is investing the lobby. Riverside Theatre is at 3250 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and
in upgraded equipment to en-
hance our ceramic classes and Riverside Drive, Vero Beach. Get there by appointment. Call 772-231-3900 or
allow us to grow in the future,”
says Bentham-Wood. early and buy a burger and a beer if you visit, where you
To see Hill’s work online, visit Hhill- like. Tickets begin at $16. Wine tastings can find online galleries of the exhibi- or pop into the Flametree
Clay Art Gallery. on Saturday. Call 772-231-6990, or visit tions. You can also head to the Vero Beach Museum of Art to view “Water-
shed: Contemporary Landscape Pho-
2 Cool down with some quick vis- tography,” which is on view through
its to The Laughing Dog Gallery.
Sept. 10. The exhibition takes a look
You’ll find some beautiful works in a at the fragile relationship between hu-
variety of media including glass, wood, mans and the environment. It compris-
jewelry, ceramics, furniture and sculp- es about 40 works by 26 artists working
ture. The gallery represents “Sticks,” since the 1970s. It was organized by the
the phenomenal company that creates Telfair Museums in Savannah, Geor-
uplifting, whimsical items from lazy gia. The Vero Beach Museum of Art is at
Susans and clocks to furniture and 3001 Riverside Park Drive. Admission is
Heidi Hill. P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE more. The gallery has a wide assort- $6 general, $5 seniors and free for mu-
“I have the museum to thank for the ment of glass and beautiful whimsical seum members. Call 772-231-0707, or
classes. It’s where I learned and perfect-
ed my skills. It’s why I’m hanging out on wood boxes by the Blue Ridge Moun- visit
tain studio called Perry Holbrook. The
Laughing Dog Gallery is at 2910 Cardi- 4 He may have
only had a
nal Dr., Vero Beach. Hours are 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays. problematic ani-
The gallery will be closed June 20 and matronic Great
21. Call 888 986 7364 or visit TheLaugh- White shark in- stead of CGI, but
Steven Spielberg’s 1975 “Jaws” still
brought the terror to the beaches.
Now, the Henegar Center wants to re-
mind you what a stunner this movie
is when it celebrates the 42nd anni-
versary of this iconic flick 7:30 p.m.
Friday. The screening of “Jaws” will
be accompanied by film memorabil-
ia from the personal collection of the
Henegar’s artist director Hank Rion.
Tickets start at $7.50. The Henegar is
at 625 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne.
John Phillip Osborne Call 321-723-8698 or visit Henegar.
‘Fall Glory.’
30 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY DOMINIC NICHOLLS | THE ECONOMIST suit them, designers are catering to prize went to Enzo Pascual and Pierre runs Fitting Tribute Funeral Services
people who want more choice. Rivière for “Emergence,” a biodegrad- in New York, some of her clients prefer
The Crematorium Hofheide is situ- able capsule in which ashes are buried. to “surrender fully to Mother Nature,
ated in the middle of a lake in Hols- Much of this work has focused on As it dissolves, the casing enriches the rather than working against her,” and
beek, Belgium. An elongated core of death as a part of nature.When Design- soil around it, helping plants to grow. choose to be buried in coffins made of
earth-colored stone wrapped in a layer boom, a magazine, ran a competition wool, banana leaf or woven willow. The
of rusty steel, it appears to float on the called Design for Death in 2013, first According to Amy Cunningham, who latter, she says, appeal particularly to
water – although on sunny days, when women. “They say, ‘Oh my God, that’s
the sky is reflected by the surface of the me!’ as if they’re looking at a dress in
lake, it seems to float in the air. Saks on Fifth Avenue.”
In fact the structure sits on top of But while many of these products
a partly buried plinth, connecting the remain a niche concern, the design
world above with the world below. In of crematoriums is anything but. In
2016, it won the Architizer A+ award 1960 just three percent of America’s
in the Religious Buildings and Memo- dead were cremated; this year crema-
rials category. This year RCR Arqui- tion will overtake burial in the United
tectes, the Catalan trio who designed States, matching countries like Britain,
it, won the Pritzker prize for a body of Sweden and Denmark, where around
work, architecture’s most prestigious three-quarters opt for their bodies to
gong. be dispatched by fire.
The crematorium at Holsbeek is Yet the rising popularity of crema-
part of a wave of new design work tion is not matched by that of cre-
aimed at reconceiving death. As rates matoriums, where grim efficiency
of religious belief continue to decline tends to trump ceremony: character-
across the rich world, and fewer peo- less corridors, rows of uncomfortable
ple feel that the ceremonies and aes- seats and bad lighting combine with a
thetics of traditional religious funerals
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 31
32 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
shortage of space to ensure that see- The crematorium in Rennes de-
ing off loved ones is depressing rather signed by Plan 01, a French firm, is
than uplifting. constructed as a sequence of circles – a
shape which, as well as having reso-
“You feel like you’re on a conveyor nances with ancient sites like Stone-
belt,” says Louise Winter, whose com- henge, gives the interior of the build-
pany Poetic Endings provides bespoke ing a feeling of openness and air. The
funeral services in London. She is see- exterior, clad in pale wood, is soft and
ing a rise in the number of people re- tactile. Inside there are no corridors but
questing “direct cremation,” where a a series of interlocking, curved spaces
body is burnt without any ceremony with floor-to-ceiling windows.
at all, so that families can bypass what
Winter describes as “ugly places on the Both here and at the Woodland
edge of town with bad parking”. Cemetery in Stockholm, by Johan Cel-
sing, the architects have used perfo-
The move towards better cremato- rations in the walls to absorb sound
riums is particularly pronounced in and soften the acoustics. They have
Europe – one of the most secular parts paid attention, as Celsing puts it, to the
of the world. “Crematoriums tend to “clemency” of the building.
be too industrial,” says RCR’s Carme
Pigem. “But death is a part of life. Once The cremation itself is not the only
we leave the Earth we are still part of part of the process that is being reimag-
the universe, and architecture can help ined. After her husband died, Diana
connect the two.” McGlue kept his ashes on a bookshelf
at home for three years. He wasn’t reli-
At Holsbeek they created a gently gious and “faceless crematoria” held no
symbolic play of light and shadow. The appeal.
thin steel strips encasing the build-
ing hang vertically, allowing light to Then she discovered Sacred Stones,
shine onto the walls in a pattern which a British company founded by Toby
changes throughout the day and re- Angel. Last year it opened Willow Row
flects the ripples on the water outside. in Cambridgeshire, the first round bar-
row to be built in Britain for 5,500 years;
Inside the sepulchral spaces where another will open soon in Shropshire,
ceremonies take place, light pours and McGlue will keep her husband’s
through wells reaching into the center remains there.
of the room from the ceiling, creating
a sense of intimacy and privacy. The Angel did not enjoy seeing his aunt
crematorium is at the heart of a park off in a crematorium. “Nasty blue car-
with an orchard and two cemeteries pet, Luther Vandross and 20 minutes
full of wild flowers. later we were out.” He wanted to create
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 33
a space which, while open to people of wide structure, with a stone roof 16 feet $3,000. Families can gather at the barrow Places like Willow Row and the crema-
all faiths and none, has an atmosphere high, consists of an inner chamber of 59 for ceremonies lasting as long as they toriums at Holsbeek and Rennes show
of sacredness. large “family” niches which can take up want. York-stone benches lining the out- how these ideas can be updated. “Ar-
to five sets of ashes, at a cost of $8,700 er circle and inner chamber offer a place chitecture can describe the relation-
A six-foot, diamond-shaped sentinel for a 99-year lease. for contemplation and remembrance. ship between spirit, sensuality and
stone welcomes visitors; behind it is the emotion,” says Pigem. “Through that,
softly domed barrow. Sound is reduced This is surrounded by an outer circle of Prehistoric barrows harnessed the we can celebrate life.”
to a low, comforting hum. The 35-foot- 349 individual ones, available for around energy of a communal gathering.
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Movies are America’s national pas- tually, this led her to write characters. Great movies are about Amie Henderson.
time. But while moviegoing is for ev- “Talking Pictures” as a full- people.” The difference is why we care
eryone, understanding what movies fledged guide “for appre- what happens when Rick Blaine puts the movies, and some of her anec-
mean can be a much more rarefied ciating movies more fully Ilsa Lund on the plane leaving Casa- dotes can be fascinating. In one, she
endeavor. How do we know what a when they succeed, and for blanca for Lisbon. writes how director George Lucas had
movie is trying to say? How do we ac- explaining their missteps extensive conversations with sound
count for a movie’s effect on us? when they fall short.” When is an actor’s performance effects wizard Ben Burtt for “Star
credible, and how does that hap- Wars” to make sure the film sounded
Ann Hornaday, chief film critic for Hornaday has organized pen? Hornaday uses the actors who “‘used’ and worn, rather than shiny,
the Washington Post, helps us de- her book like the movie in- portrayed Boston Globe reporters in computerized, and sterile. For that
cipher the medium’s message with dustry itself – by category “Spotlight” as an example, describing reason, none of the signature sounds
“Talking Pictures,” her illuminat- of film production. Decon- how they spent months rehearsing as of ‘Star Wars’ are synthesized.”
ing new book for anyone who wants structing the essential ele- an ensemble before creating an on-
more from the movies than popcorn ments of moviemaking is an screen performance that felt “organic, Hornaday’s objective in “Talking
and thrills. excellent way to understand un-showy, and rivetingly dramatic.” Pictures” is to give moviegoers an in-
how all the pieces ultimately formed understanding that flickers
Several years ago, Hornaday began fit together. Every chapter Her chapter on “Production De- across the page with movielike ease,
exploring why movies are “good” or includes examples of movies sign” focuses on the essential ques- and she does this. But her “Epilogue”
“bad” in a series of articles designed that reflect the “best prac- tion, “Whose world are we in?” Ev- hints at another book that may be
“to help readers analyze and evaluate tices” of that category. And ery physical aspect of filmmaking in the works. She notes that movies
films in the same ways I do.” Even- she poses basic questions is included in this category, from project “what we believe, what we
along the way to help read- backdrops, locations, sets and props value as a society.” One hopes she will
ers evaluate a particular film to costumes, hair and makeup. Hor- write more about why movies matter.
category: Why was the close- naday calls production design “the In today’s fragmented world, film
up important in Hollywood’s material culture of a movie: the tac- critics have a unique opportunity to
Glamour Years? How did the tile, palpable ‘stuff’ that establishes a explain how we are all connected to
clack of typewriter keys gen- sense of place” and convinces the au- our history, and to each other.
erate the dramatic pulse of dience to invest in the reality that’s
“All the President’s Men”? At being presented. TALKING PICTURES
the end of each chapter, she also lists How to Watch Movies
a “mini-canon” of movies she feels ex- Other chapters cover “Cinema-
emplify the best in each discipline. tography,” “Editing,” “Sound and By Ann Hornaday
She begins with “The Screenplay” Music” and “Directing.” Hornaday’s Basic. 289 pp. $26
and “Acting.” Hornaday thinks the comments can be funny, as when she Review by Amy Henderson,
script is “the founding document of rips into 3-D cinematography as one The Washington Post
every film” and argues that “within of the “few things I truly despise in
the first ten minutes, a well-written life – other than bullies, white choco-
movie will teach the audience how to late, and the designated hitter rule.”
watch it.” Her opinions can be delight- Her discussions in each category are
fully personal, as when she writes, “I driven by pointed questions bound
hate plots. I love stories.” She chooses to make any reader a more conscious
“Casablanca” to exemplify a movie viewer: e.g., “Where was the camera
that creates an instant world for view- and why was it there?,” “Was I swept
ers, establishing time and place in the along, or swamped?” and did the
opening credits and quickly introduc- director weave everything into “an
ing key characters at Café Américain. emotional and aesthetic event?”
She believes that “character” matters,
but warns that “bad movies are about “Talking Pictures” reflects Horna-
day’s 20-plus years of writing about
movies. Her career has given her
great access to the people who make
1. Camino Island 1. Notes on a Banana 1. Pax BY SARA PENNYPACKER
2. A Gentleman in Moscow 2. Make Your Bed The Sequel BY ADAM RUBIN
4. The Dark Prophecy (The Trials
of Apollo #02) BY RICK RIORDAN
3. Into the Water 3. Theft by Finding 5. Third Grade Mermaid
4. Come Sundown 4. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE
5. Earnest Hemingway: A
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Penguin Random House Sunday, June 18th at 3 pm
Thursday, June 15th at 6 pm
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 39
K Q J 10 6 5
Stacy Keach said, “I can’t think of anything that requires more finesse than comedy, both J4
from a verbal and visual point of view.”
In bridge, everyone is taught how to finesse very early, and — no joke — almost everyone, J 10 9 4 EAST
especially below the expert level, loves to finesse. But do you know anyone who was 7
warned that unless the contract is on the line, not to finesse when the failure of that 9853 652
finesse would result in more tricks being lost than if the finesse had never been taken? K752
This week, South is faced with two minor-suit finesses. Which should he take, if any, in
either six no-trump or seven no-trump after West leads the spade jack to declarer’s ace? K762
North’s weak-two opening promised a good six-card suit and 6-10 high-card points. 10 8 6 4 3
South, wishing to protect his ace-queen minor-suit holdings at trick one, jumped to six
no-trump. SOUTH
South starts with 11 top tricks: three spades, six hearts, one diamond and one club. To AKQ
get a guaranteed 12th trick is easy: Cross to dummy with a heart and run the diamond
jack. Even if the finesse loses, declarer gets a second diamond trick to bring his total up to A9843
A Q 10
In seven no-trump, though, South seems to have a choice — but he doesn’t. If the club
finesse is winning, that only gets him up to 12 tricks. Declarer needs to assume that the AQ
diamond finesse is working. Then he gets three diamond tricks and 13 in all.
Dealer: North; Vulnerable: North-South
If you are thinking about contracting for a grand slam that needs a finesse to work, bid it
when the finesse is winning and do not bid it when the finesse is losing! The Bidding:
6NT Pass 2 Hearts Pass
Pass Pass LEAD:
J Spades
40 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Insignia (6) 1 Crash (6)
8 Paths (6) 2 Toss a pancake (4)
9 Flier (8) 3 Meander (5)
10 Remain (4) 4 Pig’s foot (7)
11 Broth (5) 5 Bother (8)
13 Scrap (7) 6 Keep (6)
15 Indian condiment (7) 12 Rural dwellings (8)
17 Moorland (5) 14 Dwells (7)
20 Brass instrument (4) 16 Hunting dogs (6)
21 Commerce (8) 18 Serving dish (6)
23 Stick (6) 19 Modify (5)
24 Launch (6) 22 Performance (4)
The Telegraph
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
dren and adults, it is (and does), here’s Dr. John Suen.
the light from such a formal defini-
devices that most tion from sleep. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
significantly impacts org: “Your circa-
sleep: “The light pro- dian rhythm (also
vides direct stimulation known as your
to the nerve endings in sleep/wake cycle or
the optic nerve, and body clock) is a natural,
those nerve endings internal system that’s
connect to the hy- designed to regulate
pothalamus, the feelings of sleepi-
part of the brain ness and wakeful-
which houses our ness over a 24-hour
circadian clock, period.”
throwing off
our circadian In addition
rhythm.” He to the problems
caused by the
says that the effect is more severe computer-generated light, Dr. Suen
in children under the age of two, as says device content may also have
their circadian rhythms are not yet an impact on sleep – the colors,
fully developed. the noise and the actual activities,
which are, by design, stimulating
While most everyone has a sense rather than relaxing.
of what our circadian rhythm is
Dr. Suen emphasizes is the im- Not surprisingly, the academy says
portance of “good sleep hygiene”: parents should discourage use of
no computers or handheld devices screen media other than video
in the bedroom, and no interaction chatting for children younger than
with any such devices for at least 18 months.
two hours before bedtime.
Sleep Disorders Center Florida is
While it may be a long time be- an accredited medical treatment
fore scientists fully understand how center for all sleep-related issues. It
digital technology affects children, is located at 3735 11th Circle #103
the American Academy of Pediat- in Vero Beach; the phone number is
rics recently updated its guidelines. 772-563-2910.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 47
Health officials promise drugs to curb opioid epidemic
BY LENNY BERNSTEIN suppress breathing. cines Partnership, a three-year-old
Efforts to develop a non-addictive effort to develop new treatments for
The Washington Post Alzheimer’s disease, Type 2 diabetes,
opioid have picked up speed in re- rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. NIH
Top federal health officials said last cent years as the epidemic has mush- is working with 10 drug companies
week that they will launch a joint ef- roomed, after flagging in the past two and 12 advocacy groups – including
fort with pharmaceuticals companies decades because the medical com- the drug industry’s lobbying organi-
to accelerate the development of drugs munity did not realize how addictive zation, the Pharmaceutical Research
aimed at helping to curb the U.S. opi- the drugs were or how little effect they and Manufacturers of America – on a
oid epidemic, which has struck Florida have on chronic pain, Collins said. plan to develop new treatments and
and other states hard, leading to many methods of diagnosis.
overdose deaths. The public-private model is pat-
terned after NIH’s Accelerating Medi-
Francis S. Collins, director of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH),
and Nora D. Volkow, who heads one
its components, the National Institute
on Drug Abuse, announced a public-
private partnership aimed at cutting
in half the time ordinarily needed to
develop new therapies.
The goal is to rapidly bring to mar-
ket three types of drugs: non-addictive
medications for chronic pain, better
treatments for opioid addiction and
improved methods of reversing opioid
“We are very much committed to
bringing all hands on deck to address
what is clearly a major public health
crisis in our society,” said Collins, who
added that President Donald Trump
had encouraged him to make this area
of research a high priority. There is a
“long list of scientific opportunities
that we are very committed to pursu-
ing,” Collins added.
Collins and Volkow made their an-
nouncement in an article in the New
England Journal of Medicine and in a
briefing for reporters.
The officials said there is a strong
need in the battle against opioid ad-
diction for both the kind of basic re-
search that NIH conducts and ways
to quickly convert discoveries into
drugs. Every day, they noted in the
journal article, 90 Americans die of
opioid overdoses despite the wide-
spread availability of naloxone, which
counteracts opioid’s life-threatening
Relapse is common among sub-
stance abusers despite the develop-
ment of buprenorphine and other
medications that treat the powerful
cravings of opioid addiction.
Of the three goals, development of a
non-addictive but effective analgesic
for severe and chronic pain would have
the most far-reaching effect. Volkow
said NIH can contribute by conduct-
ing research on newly understood cel-
lular pathways for pain signaling and
its relief. In the journal article, Collins
and Volkow also raised the possibil-
ity of developing a drug that binds to
opioid receptors in the brain and kills
pain but does not create euphoria or
48 Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Feds say blood tests greatly underestimate lead levels
BY LAURIE MCGINLEY Control and Prevention said the
The Washington Post tests in question were made by Ma-
gellan Diagnostics, a leading testing
Federal officials are warning that company. The warning applies only
some blood tests may have “signifi- to tests in which blood samples are
cantly” underestimated lead levels, taken from a vein, not to the much
and they are urging the retesting of more common finger- or heel-prick
some children, as well as pregnant tests.
and breast-feeding women.
“The FDA is deeply concerned by
The Food and Drug Administra- this situation and is warning labo-
tion and the Centers for Disease ratories and healthcare profession-
als that they should not use any lieve most people will not be affect-
Magellan Diagnostics’ lead tests ed by this issue,” said Shuren. He
with blood drawn from a vein,” Jef- said that since 2014 about 8 million
frey Shuren, director of the FDA’s Magellan tests were conducted but
Center for Devices and Radiologi- that the majority were the “stick”
cal Health, said in a statement. “The tests, not the venous tests.
agency is aggressively investigating
this complicated issue to determine The warning applies to all four
the cause of the inaccurate results of Magellan’s lead-testing systems
and working with the CDC and oth- – LeadCare; Lead Care II, LeadCare
er public health partners to address Plus and LeadCare Ultra.
the problem as quickly as possible.”
Tim Hill, an official with the Cen-
Shuren said Magellan got com- ters for Medicare and Medicaid Ser-
plaints about inaccurate results as vice, said that Medicaid would pay
far back as 2014 but concluded “that for the re-testing of children on the
the risks were negligible” and that program and that people covered by
it could fix the problem by delaying private insurance should ask their
blood processing by 24 hours. Offi- health plan about retesting.
cials do not know how many people
might be affected or how long the in- “While most children likely re-
accurate tests may have been used. ceived an accurate test result, it is
important to identify those whose
The government recommended exposure was missed, or underes-
that healthcare professionals retest timated, so that they can receive
children younger than 6 years old if proper care,” Patrick Breysse, di-
their Magellan tests showed a result rector of the CDC’s National Center
of less than 10 micrograms of lead for Environmental Health, said in a
per deciliter. It also recommended statement. “For this reason, because
that women who are pregnant or every child’s health is important,
nursing get retested. Other adults the CDC recommends that those at
worried about lead exposure should greatest risk be retested.”
talk to their doctors about possible
retests. The government officials noted
that lead exposure can cause dam-
The FDA said the “stick” tests by age in nearly every system in the
Magellan can still be used. “The body and produces no symptoms.
majority of Magellan lead tests use Lead poisoning is especially haz-
finger sticks or heel sticks, so we be- ardous for young children and ba-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 15, 2017 49
The man who’s taking Salvatore Ferragamo into the future
BY LISA ARMSTRONG his studies in the US. Rifling through drew has unleashed his energy on cosmonauts, the modernized version
The Telegraph them must be a giddy experience for Ferragamo’s Bow pump, a bestseller has a far lower throat line. “We’ve
any design director – part temptation, since its launch in 1979 and a style so brought back toe cleavage!” The front
“Americans really should have much part torture. “It’s true,” says Andrew. unimpeachably simple that almost is rounder and chunkier. The bow
wider feet than they do,” observes Paul “He was just so damn good.” any changes would unbalance it. is much bigger and, instead of gros-
Andrew, the new design director of grain ribbon, it’s made from a tech-
women’s footwear at Salvatore Ferraga- When Andrew took up the role at Traditionalists will still be able to nical fabric – in some cases frayed
mo, looking out of the window of his sky- the legendary Italian luxury house buy the original, but for ballet-pump or shredded and exploding with
scraper office in Manhattan. “Because last September, he had an inkling volume. “The result,” he pauses, but
I can see that everyone down there is of where he wanted to kick off: re- barely, “is a dynamic shape that feels
wearing trainers. Plus you can bet they’re examining the famous Rainbow more relevant for now.”
all obsessed with yoga – and both activi- wedge. “But once I started to peek in-
ties encourage the feet to spread.” side those pale blue shoe boxes, that There’s a refreshed “Salvatore”
seemed a little obvious.” color palette (cypress green, tomato
Apparently it is the Asians who have red, magenta and his beloved black
the broadest feet. Europeans are aver- Instead he’s reinvented Salvatore’s and gold) too, and materials the
age, although across the globe, increas- 1947 F wedge, the one with house hasn’t much used in recent
ingly genes must do battle with train- the strikingly under-slung years, such as suede. “But suede’s so
ers and the Tree pose. Andrew is not a curve that seems more impractical and it looks terrible af-
trainer fan. All that cushioning means akin to sculpture than ter two wears,” I expostulate. “We’ve
the soles of our feet no longer create a shoe. “It defies gravity. triple-dyed it so there’s this intensity
as much collagen as they used to. “Or Can you imagine anyone of color and it doesn’t get white and
that’s my theory – and there are podia- actually walking in it? Yet the fluffy the minute you wear it. It’s still
trists who agree.” a fragile material, but we’ve given it a
pair in the waterproof coat.”
Andrew, 38, born in Somerset, Eng- archives has
land, brought up in Berkshire (he been heavily So much thought into something
studied at Reading Art College), is not worn.” that seems so simple. “Luckily we’re
merely a designer who, at his own label, entering a ballet pump era again,” he
was responsible for some of the most The Flower heel (up- reflects. Or we will be if Andrew has
elegantly sane footwear of the past five side down it re- anything to do with it.
years, but an autodidact when it comes sembles a circle
t o the anatomy of feet. of petals) that
Previously at Mc-
Queen, where he 2017
dreamt F Wedge
created in 1930 has been re-imag-
1947 ined too, and he’s working much
F Wedge more closely with the ready-to-wear
team, led by Fulvio Rigoni, visiting
devilishly avant-garde shoes that Sal- Florence every month to help re-es-
vatore would have loved, he has the tablish the house as one that dresses
swankiest of CVs. He moved to New women from the feet up.
York in 1999 where he worked succes-
sively for Narciso Rodriguez, Calvin Perhaps most boldly of all, An-
Klein and Donna Karan, who collec-
tively taught him about restraint, focus,
comfort and fit.
Salvatore would have loved all
that, too. “To this day I think we’re
the only luxury fashion house
that still produces our de-
signs in multiple widths,” says
Andrew. Salvatore was so tech-
nically and aesthetically advanced,
that according to Andrew, “there
are shoes in the archives you would
swear are from the 1970s. Yet he de-
signed them in the 1920s.”
Those archives, including 15,000
pairs of shoes, are stored in a 15th-cen-
tury palazzo in Florence, where Sal-
vatore returned once he’d completed