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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-12-06 13:09:56

12/07/2018 ISSUE 49


To Advertise (772-370-7983) ST. LUCIE VOICE | ST. LUCIE WEST AND TRADITION | SPORTS December 7, 2018 19


In my humble opinion, golf is the most difficult game 2. Chipping. Essentially the same movement as put-

in the world. Therefore, the learning process can be much ting, however lean more weight to the left, place the ball

more thorough and effective if done from the simplest farther back in your stance, and create a swinging action

motions to the more complex motions. Simply stated, this that has a slight descending blow to allow the ball to get

means that golf should be learned from the KEVIN’S airborne. Again, control direction by keeping
green outward. KURES the left hand and clubface perpendicular to
the target line.
Just as we did as infants, we must learn to
sit up, crawl, stand, walk and finally run. The 3. Pitching. You now begin to transition out

parallel to golf is you should first learn how to of the putting/chipping motion into more of

how to putt, chip, pitch and then finally learn a full-swing motion. The arm swing is longer

the full swing. However, this patient and log- and you add forearm rotation and wrist cock

ical approach may not bode well in today’s as you achieve an “L” position between the

real-time, microwave and fast-moving society. shaft and lead arm. You will be making half- to

Believe me, if you master the simple to com- three-quarter-sized backswings, as the arms

plex, you will certainly compress your learning move back, around and slightly up, causing

curve. This is why we usually take the young- the chest and shoulders to turn for support.

sters and junior golfers onto the putting green The knees, hips and footwork move more ex-

immediately, and teach them how to make By Kevin Perkins pressively to support the longer movement of

1-foot putts. The following are some “Kures” the upper body. Again, swing direction and

and highlights as you move through the four main phys- clubface control, along with taking a divot in front of the

ical areas of golf: ball, are keys when learning how to pitch.

1. Putting. Learn to see a target line. Aim and swing 4. Full Swing. A longer and faster version of the pitch-

‘RYD’-ING HIGH! down the line. Learn a good holding position with both ing motion. The arms will move longer back, more around

Another week, another hole in one at PGA Golf thumbs straight down on the flat part of the grip. Hold and more up. The pace of your swing is key, so that you
Club. This time it was Patricia Bittner doing the
honors, holing an 8-iron from 103 yards on the Ry- the club slightly more in the palms of both hands. Place can support your wrists effectively with your arm swing,
der course’s par-3 12th hole. Congrats, Patricia! 
your eyes directly over the ball and place the ball just in- shoulders and lower body. The longer arm swing prompts

side your left heel. Learn to swing your arms, keeping the more turn of the feet, knees, hips, chest and shoulders.

wrists fairly fixed, and learn to control speed and direc- In conclusion, start with the more simple movements

tion through the length of your arm swing. Control the di- and build success patterns. You will then be ready to

rection of the putt by keeping the left wrist and putter face move on to more difficult and complex movements. If you

perpendicular to your target line. The swinging action is follow this formula, you will learn faster and with a lot less

fairly level and the body stays quiet. frustration. 

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