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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-05-25 14:08:08

05/25/2017 ISSUE 21


Rising concern. P5 Big buzz for biz. P10 A line in the ‘Sands’

Satellite Beach officials predict Made in Brevard Expo honors Hands Across the Sands energized
dire sea-level scenario. successful regional firms. against offshore drilling. PAGE 8


Valedictorian Proposed B&B
makes the grade still can’t clear
in myriad ways permit hurdles

STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Djon Pepaj is having permit trouble in his bid for a 12-room bed and breakfast on S. Atlantic Street. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
[email protected] [email protected]

Dylan O’Shea of Melbourne Djon Pepaj has an uphill
Beach just experienced having battle getting permits to con-
a Congressional Medal of Merit vert his popular Sand on the
placed around his neck and Beach restaurant complex
graduating Valedictorian of on S. Atlantic Street into a
his class at Florida Preparatory 12-room oceanfront bed and
Academy in Melbourne all in breakfast and keep his popular
one week – but these accolades restaurant and lounge.
probably won’t go to his head.
The back-and-forth discus-
The nationally recognized sions before the Melbourne
Eagle Scout already has a list of Beach Town Commission have
impressive honors a page long, been ongoing for months,
single-spaced – and that’s just with commissioners on May
from high school. 17 agreeing in principle to cer-


Two beachside schools welcome new principals Tributes planned
for surfing legend

Holy Name of Jesus Jennifer Julian takes STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
names Kathleen Falk the reins at Gemini [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] shore at his beloved Sebastian
Inlet, memories of the “God-
Holy Name of Jesus Cath- For Jennifer C. Julian, be- father of East Coast Surfing”
olic School in Indialantic coming principal of Gemini Dick Catri are sure to well up at
welcomes veteran educa- Elementary School in Mel- two events being organized to
tor Kathleen Falk to lead bourne Beach after five years honor the legendary, longtime
the school’s more than 270 as assistant principal comes Melbourne Beach resident.
students in the fall and to with the prestige of leading
continue the more than a one of the better schools in Catri, surfing pioneer and
half-century old tradition the state, but also with the board manufacturer, along
of serving the beachside challenge of maintaining with Natural Art Surfboards
founder Pete Dooley will be
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 lauded for contributions to
surfboard shaping and East
Coast surfing at the third


ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Glass’ full of drama

NEWS 1-6 GAMES 23-25 PEOPLE 7-12 Uneasy does it as ‘Menagerie’
ARTS 13-16 HEALTH 27-30 PETS 33 tackles heavy topics at the
DINING 31 Melbourne Civic Theatre. PAGE 14


2 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


HOLY NAME utation” Falk said. She further ex- Holy Name met Falk last week at a earn a master’s in educational lead-
plained that the school is well known meet and greet event while she was ership from the University of North
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for its organization, community sup- in town. “Everyone has been so nice Florida. She worked for the Archdio-
port and academic excellence. and welcoming,” Falk said. Students cese of Newark, serving as principal
community. were said to be finding excuses to go of St. Genevieve School while help-
Falk is leaving her position as the “Mrs. Irwin has done an amazing to the office last Friday to get a peek ing to care for her ailing father.
job” Falk said, adding that she has at their new principal.
assistant superintendent of schools spent most of her career rebuilding After his passing she moved back
for the Archdiocese of St. Augustine schools and mentoring other prin- “The unknown is a little scary for to Florida and held various posi-
to replace Mary Ann Irwin who is re- cipals, so it’s a refreshing change to the students,” Falk said. tions for the Archdiocese of St. Au-
tiring after five years of running the come into such an successful and gustine such as the director of re-
fully accredited Pre-K through 8th supported community. Falk said The students were glad to meet ligious education, principal at San
grade school. she’s eager to learn the culture here her. One student especially liked her Juan Del Rio Catholic School in
on the Melbourne Beachside and “spiky hair.” Jacksonville and assistant superin-
Falk’s love for the classroom put her skills and experience to good tendent of schools.
had her searching for a new posi- use. Originally from Elizabeth, New
tion elsewhere which led her to our Jersey, Falk studied Political Science Falk, 54, has been married to hus-
beachside community. The students, families and staff at at St. Francis University in Loretto, band Andrew for 23 years, and has
Pennsylvania before going on to
“Holy Name has an amazing rep-

GEMINI ELEMENTARY are still intact,” said Julian, a 44 year- VALEDICTORIAN lowed halls of the Gator Nation skills
old Sebastian resident and graduate of and wisdom gained via many years of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Florida Atlantic University. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 working toward his Eagle Scout rank
that status despite budgetary woes. Said Rothblatt, who has three chil- Yet, several nights a week he’s still
The Fort Lauderdale native was dren in the school, “Coming on as elbow-deep in dirty dishes as a bus- “What I got out of my scouting ex-
principal, one of the challenges Julian boy and dishwasher at Ocean 302 Bar perience was learning how to lead a
tapped by Brevard Public Schools to may have to confront is maintaining and Grill – just a regular 18-year-old group of people, either on your level
replace Joseph Loffek, who is retiring the schools high level of excellence looking forward to one last summer at or a bunch of small boys who need a
July 1 after 27 years. The Gemini Par- with declining funds and enrollment. the beach, plus a few more months of leader. I learned to lead and to teach,”
ent Teacher Organization supported However, I am completely confident home-cooked meals and clean laundry O’Shea said.
the appointment. “Mrs. Julian is the that she will not only stand up to any before heading to Gainesville to crack
right person for this role not only be- challenge she is faced with, but will the books as a history major at the Uni- Leadership excellence was one of the
cause of her experienced leadership, rise and surpass all expectations.” versity of Florida. criteria Congressman Bill Posey looked
but also because of her familiarity and for in identifying students for this year’s
rapport with the Melbourne Beach Julian, who earned a Master’s from O’Shea’s advice to his fellow gradu- Medal of Merit. Posey said young peo-
community,” said Taj Rothblatt, presi- Nova Southeastern University, brings ates from the Class of 2017 was deceiv- ple – especially the promising youth of
dent of the PTO. a wealth of experience in front of the ingly simple: Be yourself. his district – are what keep him looking
classroom as a fourth-grade teacher upward when he gets discouraged with
The biggest question mark is how for eight years, with stints at Port “If you waste your time walking the day-to-day grind of government
Julian will manage the school’s declin- Malabar and at Gemini. “I wanted to around in somebody else’s shoes, you’re and life in Washington, D.C.
ing enrollment, when most funding is make a greater impact for students wasting your life,” he said in his remarks
doled out on a per-student basis. and to support teachers,” Julian said to his class. “The greatest people you’ve Though he’s very low-key about all
of her switch to the administration ever met are great because they’re the honors he’s received, O’Shea said he
Gemini has 440 students for this year side. unique. The most unique thing about was humbled to have the Congressional
and in the coming year, the figure will you is what makes you who you are.” Medal of Merit placed around his neck
decline to 411 students. “A big part of Julian had good reasons for choos- on a red, white and blue ribbon before
that is the economy,” Julian said. ing education as her calling. “It’s be- That goes against the conventional Brevard County School District’s prin-
cause of the teachers in my life who adolescent tendency to do whatever cipals and top school officials. “It’s defi-
“Lots of parents lost jobs or had to impacted me,” she said, citing a Mr. it takes to be popular, as O’Shea said, nitely really special, to have received it
relocate. It’s tougher when it comes to Kiffin at Rogers Middle School in Fort “Teenagers are wired, definitely de- from an actual politician. It’s definitely
funding personnel allocations and the Lauderdale, and his mentoring and signed to fit in, but what I learned in up there,” O’Shea said.
number of people you can hire.” tutoring class in particular. high school is that instead of self-cen-
soring and trying to be like other peo- Robert and Annette O’Shea, who
“It’s my responsibility to work with “I had the opportunity to work with ple, I’m just me. I don’t try to be like any- moved their family to Melbourne Beach
community members and apply for peers and help them with school work one else.” 14 years ago from Long Island, New
grants, and work with parent teacher and life problems. It’s what I really en- York and who both work for Harris Cor-
organizations to help fund additional joyed doing as a way to make students That’s O’Shea’s recipe both for staying poration, beamed with pride as they
programs. We’ve had cutbacks every feel special,” she said.  out of trouble as a teenager in a world of watched their eldest of two sons receive
year and a declining budget but have temptations and peer pressure and for the Congressional Medal. 
not lost programs yet. Music and art staying on track. His track. Not anyone
else’s presumption of who he should be.

Does it bother him when people ask
what he’s going to do with a history de-

Nope. The young man loves history,
so that’s what he’s going to study. There
was no going back after a trip to Italy
where he was awestruck by the ruins at
Pompeii and the glory of Rome, Venice
and Florence with their abundance of
historical treasures.

He thinks analyzing the past might
also give him a good core of knowledge
to take with him to the future – which
for O’Shea means law school.

Along with an education and a
healthy dose of common sense, O’Shea
said he’ll carry with him to the hal-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 3


three sons. She describes mother- teacher. “It’s not about numbers A product of Catholic education sus is a top school for barrier island
hood as her most rewarding and im- for me. It’s about helping children herself, Falk attributes her own suc- residents.
portant accomplishment. reach their fullest potential,” she cess and her children’s success to
said, adding that she looks forward having followed that path. Parents Falk said she is grateful for the op-
While she brings an extensive re- to bringing emotional, spiritual and say faith formations and Catholic portunity to be a part of our beautiful
sume in Catholic education and academic support to the Holy Name traditions combined with academic beachside community and looks for-
school administration, Falk con- family. excellence is why Holy Name of Je- ward to meeting more of the residents,
siders herself first and foremost a and Holy Name family in the fall. 

Racine Berman
and Lael Kmezza.

Hands Across the Sands
energized against drilling

8 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



Hands Across the Sands energized against drilling

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT at Paradise Beach as a demonstration say “not here, not in my ocean.” As one of 200 members of the Se-
[email protected] in favor of clean energy and against Scott Parker brought his grand- bastian Chapter, Todd Kennedy just
offshore oil and gas drilling. might have saltwater in his veins.
As beachgoers, people often gaze daughter, Chloe Yun, 8, of West Mel-
off toward that blue-green horizon, “Right before President Barack bourne to the protest because he said “I surf a lot and I use the water ev-
imagining they see tall sailing ships Obama went out, he signed an execu- he fears for the health of future gen- ery single day,” Kennedy said, adding,
from explorers past, or whale families tive order that took the Atlantic Ocean erations. “Look at the kids out there right now.
teaching their youngest the ways of and areas of the Arctic off the table They’re playing in the water. It should
their kind. Others will train their eyes for oil exploration. About three weeks “It is nothing but pollution, pollu- be clean and it should be safe. We
to see a pod of dolphins racing, leap- ago, [President] Trump reversed that tion and more pollution!” he said. “We should help protect the environment,
ing and spinning past as their land- decision,” said Buchness, while cool- are here to protest the offshore drill- not destroy it.” 
lubber feet sink into the shoreline’s ing off under a blue canopy embla- ing. We have plenty of renewable re-
wet sand. zoned with the Surfrider logo. sources. Let’s stop the madness and
end the pollution. Save the kids and
Whatever they see, imaginary or “A lot of groups are going to sue to the grandkids!”
not, few want to set their eyes upon prevent that. The bottom line is our
massive offshore drilling platforms. local representatives need to reflect Boyd and Lisa Mark of Indialantic
So far, Floridians have been lucky, the will of the people and encourage are Surfrider members; Boyd is on the
said organizers of a local version of alternative energy sources: wind, tid- executive committee and is charged
the international day of action called al, solar.” with leading programs in schools.
Hands Across the Sands.
As days at the beach go, this one was “Once a month we have speakers
But according to Alec Buchness, the typical; blue sky for miles, children come in after school to talk to the kids.
Surfrider Foundation’s Sebastian In- splashing in the water, surfers pulling We’ve had speakers from the Brevard
let Chapter chairman, what has been acrobatic moves on two-foot swells, County Ocean Rescue, the Sea Turtle
unthinkable for the past 30 years is veteran tanners next to the soon-to- Conservancy and Keep Brevard Beau-
now a very real possibility. The chap- be-lobsters. But at 11:30 a.m., adults tiful,” he said. “The kids love it and we
ter organized the event last Saturday and children, some 85 of them, linked get lots of parental support. We want
at the Howard E. Futch Memorial Park hands and formed a human chain to to create young activists and young

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 9


Roger Thomas, Richard Anderson and Paula Thomas. Aaron Adams, Jesse Hall, Dylan Hansen and Marc Grimes.

Alec Buchness and Shannon Shneyder. Ann and Phillip Haire. Kevin Kurtis and Maryanne Shephard.

Pat and Audrey Granahan. Gabrielle Gorgone, Rebecca Malpass and Cicely Conway. Matt Fleming and Meghan O’Hara.
Scott Parker, Shane and Todd Kennedy.
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10 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Minding our businesses at Made in Brevard Expo

Trudy McCarthy and Victoria Northrup. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Chris Peterson and Adam Copenhaver.
[email protected]

As the home of the Kennedy Space Bobby Maidhof and Luis Govantes. Ryan Clack and Chelsea Clark.
Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force
Station, Brevard County wears with Fran Eskew, Kelly Guldi and Nancy Dover. bourne and Titusville.
pride its internationally known nick- The area was a logical choice for Em-
name – the Space Coast. Brevard has The emcee for the event was the for Brazil-based Embraer was Execu-
long benefited from the myriad spi- tireless Winston Scott, Navy veteran, tive Director Phil Krull, who over- braer’s first manufacturing plant out-
noff and support businesses that have former NASA astronaut, current EDC sees the jet assembly operation at side of Brazil, he said, because it puts
grown up around its significant aero- chair and SVP for External Relations Orlando Melbourne International them closer to their customers in an
space background. and Economic Development at Florida Airport. Since touching down here in area that is business friendly and rich
Institute of Technology in Melbourne. 2011, Embraer has grown from about in skilled workers.
Equally important, as a coastal coun- 40 employees to roughly 750 in Mel-
ty with abundant natural resources and Accepting the manufacturing honor “Brevard has more technical work-
72 miles of beaches, leisure activities ers and more engineers than any other
also provide an economic boost to the place in the state of Florida,” said Krull.
area. What the aerospace and recre- “Being down the road from the Space
ational interests have in common are Center helped us get started six years
the connections made across years, ago. We hired a lot of people that got
miles and industries. laid off from the Shuttle program.”

Nurturing an environment in which The other guest of honor was the
businesses flourish is the mission of young-but-going-places Novel Engi-
the Economic Development Com- neering of Satellite Beach. Founded by
mission of Florida’s Space Coast. The Christopher and Misty Marot just over
private, not-for-profit coalition of three years ago in a 400-square-foot of-
business leaders, partnered with the fice, Novel has grown to 80 employees
Brevard County Commission, under- housed in a 15,000-square-foot space.
stands that success for one means suc-
cess for many. “I am humbled to share this stage.
It’s almost surreal to follow Embraer,”
Operations unique to Brevard that Christopher Marot said to the crowd
enjoy worldwide, quality reputations of 400, before explaining how Novel
were showcased last Thursday at the is, well, novel. “We get out there and
EDC’s fourth annual Made in Brevard shake hands and meet and talk and
Expo, held at the convention center at build relationships with our customers
the Radisson Resort at the Port in Cape and with our employees.”
Canaveral. Among the 35 exhibitors
were BK Technology/Relm Wireless of His final thought for attendees
West Melbourne, Hell’s Bay Boatworks was that it’s important to remem-
of Titusville, SeaDek Marine Products ber that it is the human element that
of Rockledge and Coastal Steel of Co- drives business. 

The public was invited during the
afternoon to peruse exhibitor booths
in the convention center and later the
festivities moved to the resort’s chan-
deliered pavilion, where the EDC hon-
ored its 2017 Manufacturer of the Year
(Embraer Executive Jets) and its In-
novation Company of the Year (Novel

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 11


Elaine Larsen. Wayne Justice, Milo Zonka, Gary Neal and Matt Ashley. Kelly McCarthy and Danielle Delapascos.

Jason McKinney and Brian Helms. Julie Rosalin and Rob Salonen. Avery and Gary Gillett.

Luke and Jan Miorelli and Charles Berry. John Donovan and Gene DiStefano. Lynda Weatherman and Winston Scott.

Dan Lallement, Valia Rich, Kim Hone and Neal Johnson.


14 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Uneasy does it: ‘Glass’ full of drama, dysfunction


Tackling “The Glass Menagerie” is a PHOTOS BENJAMIN THACKER them out of their bleak existence. by famed theater critic John Lahr.
delicate process, but in the end worth Another popular actor around town, The book is “fascinating,” Girard
every moment, says Peg Girard, direc- gamut” of emotions.
tor of Melbourne Civic Theatre, where “Amanda is a woman, a mother and a Mark Blackledge, plays the role of Tom, said. It gave her insights into each of
the drama opened last Friday. the playwright’s alter ego. the four characters and into Williams’
fighter,” she said. “Very few people, es- own life, which is reflected in his plays.
Written by Tennessee Williams in pecially women, would find it hard not Admittedly not a Tennessee Wil-
1944, “The Glass Menagerie” takes a to relate to that.” liams fan, Blackledge said he fell for Amanda reflects his own mother
look at a highly dysfunctional family the symbolism in this play. One line and Laura, his own sister. Sadly, it
trying to hold together the shards of One of the actions Amanda takes to he finds especially resonating comes was Laura who was lobotomized –
their lives. Living in a St. Louis tene- help make their lives better is to get when Tom tells Amanda how much he that was explored in his 1958 play
ment, a desperate mother, Amanda, Tom to ask Jim, a “gentleman caller,” to hates his job and how he resents hav- “Suddenly Last Summer.”
looks after her grown daughter, Laura, visit Laura. Her hopes are that Jim will ing his family depend on him: “For $65
who is at best detached from reality. fall in love with Laura and help pull a month I give up all I dream of doing “His mother was not nice,” Girard
They both depend on her grown son, and being ever.” said. “She was pretty horrible … and
Tom, but he has had enough and plans his father did leave his family.”
to leave. “I use that as the cornerstone for his
character,” Blackledge said. “Tom loves There was something else Girard
While the characters are realistic and his sister and he loves his mother, but discovered – a “tremendous number of
confront each other with raw feelings, he abandons them.” variations of the script.”
the setting, as suggested by Williams,
is nearly gossamer in its impression- As any director will do, Girard leads The first script she got from Samu-
istic qualities – a fragmented floor, a her cast in the discoveries about their el French (a popular play publisher)
scrim behind which the family gathers characters. had “British-isms” throughout, so she
for dinner, and images of blue roses ap- looked for an old original script.
pear and disappear, as does the image That meant plenty of research before
of a father who abandoned his family. the first table read. Of course, with such a theatricalized
production, and one that is heavy dra-
“It opened the door to creative the- Girard turned to the 2014 Williams bi- ma as well, Girard knew she had to save
ater,” Girard said. “So it was pretty ography “Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh” this for her final show of the season.
amazing at the time.”

While many theaters disregard Wil-
liams’ scenic descriptions and go the
route of realism, Girard is embracing
them. She and scenic and lighting de-
signer Alan Selby worked to create a
“misty memory” setting.

“We wanted to portray visually
how the family is fractured,
torn apart,” Selby said. “So
we took the set and tore it
apart, separating the spaces
and showing them as just
disconnected pieces. Empty
window frames suspended
in air, just a portion of the
fire escape visible. Even
the building across the al-
ley is depicted as appearing
‘through the mists.’ Lighting
helps the separation, isolat-
ing the actors and helping us
to see just that moment, just
that fragment.”

But no matter how impres-
sionistic the set may be, the
acting must be realistic, she
said, in order to reveal true

So, she told the cast to play it straight.
“I wanted them to relate to their
characters as much as they could,” Gi-
rard said. “Delve into these people and
learn why they are the way they are.”
Kathy Minzenberger, a well-re-
spected actor in this area, takes on
the role of Amanda, one of her favor-
ites. She said the character has a “full

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 15


Coming Up: Symphony’s ‘Cosmos’
provides galactic excitement

[email protected]

1 “The Cosmos” is the final, ex-
citing installment of the Space

Coast Symphony Orchestra’s (so far)

sold-out series, “The Planets and An

Earth Odyssey,” a production five

years in the making. “The Cosmos”

will be presented this Saturday at 7

p.m. at the Scott Center for Perform-

ing Arts in Melbourne. In the series’ the King Center this Sunday. Of
Braxton, says,
PHOTOS BENJAMIN THACKER final chapter, the Orchestra’s innova- “One of the most respected and
loved sax men in Smooth Jazz,
She chooses more popular shows for tive, multi-media production will in- Tom Braxton is a treasure, an
earlier on the season bill. Those typi- incredibly talented composer,
cally sell out, making it possible to pay corporate a film of stunning images producer, and musician.” An Al-
for something that she expects will not review of Aaron’s
sell out. taken from on and above the Earth, CD “Desire” says the work “cap-
tivates the senses,” and calls the
“That is the slot I choose for plays I some from the Hubble telescope. California-based guitarist’s love
really like to do,” she said. “It’s Peg’s for the genre “apparent in every-
time slot.” During the film, the orchestra will thing he does.” Sponsored by the
Florida Smooth Jazz Foundation,
In years past, she has produced perform Antonin Dvorak’s incredible the concert starts at 7 p.m. in the
Arthur Miller’s “The Price,” William Studio Theatre.
Inge’s “Picnic,” Edward Albee’s “A Symphony No. 9, a powerful master-
Delicate Balance” and Oscar Wilde’s
“The Importance of Being Earnest.” piece commonly known as “The New
Next year, it will be Noel Coward’s
“Hay Fever.” World Symphony.” It is by far Dvorak’s

Girard says it’s important to do most popular symphony and, argu-
something with theatrical gravitas
and just as important to have variety ably, one of the most popular of all Good Luck Audrey.
in a season bill – but one that can pay
the bills. symphonies. The composer is said

“Our Playreads production of ‘Mau- to have been influenced by music of
ritius’ (by Theresa Rebeck) was the
lowest amount of money I made all the African/American South, as well to the U.S. as an adult. Her art quilts,
year,” she said. “So you’ve got to keep according to the Gallery news release,
the doors open. The rent is $5,000 a as by Old World elements. The piece “have been widely exhibited through-
month. You’ve gotta pay the rent.” out the United States as well as over-
was written while the Bohemian com- seas in England, Ireland and Australia.” 4 The Daytona Beach Bandshell
Girard is hoping that when audi- During the June 2 event, FIT’s Foosan- has a very big weekend com-
ences see “The Glass Menagerie,” they poser was living in New York City, and er Art Museum will present its popular
will appreciate the resonance of great Jazz Friday, featuring the Doug Grover
drama and to get something from the according to Wikipedia, “purportedly Quartet, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ing up. The Live Summer Concert
play, one she says is “full of personal Meanwhile, in the Eau Gallie Rotary
truths.” incorporated the composer’s reflec- Series this Friday will feature Pocket
Band Shell, it’ll be all about girl
She wants the play “to be enlighten- tions on his American setting.” It pre- power from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., when Change, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. This band
ing and rousing and most of all to a re- EGAD presents Mackenzie Carey, a
minder that life is no tragedy.” miered in Carnegie Hall in December Central Florida singer-songwriter gets down with party, funk, R&B and
with a “girl power country” style
“I want (the audience member) to be 1893. To avoid disappointment, call inspired by Miranda Lambert. soul. It’s multi-faceted bandleader
able to look inside yourself and change, According to her Facebook page,
manage your life better. It’s always up 855-252-7276 pronto. Carey has performed in numerous Eddie “The Thrill” Carmichael is an
to you, not others. That’s what happens Central Florida venues, includ-
to Tom. He finally decides to put him- ing Downtown Disney and Wet experienced guitarist, drummer,
self first. That’s why he leaves.” n’ Wild, and recently opened for
Jared Blake on NBC’s “The Voice.” stage and studio musician, and au-
“The Glass Menagerie” runs through Following Carey will be Good Luck
June 25 at Melbourne Civic Theatre, 817 Audrey, an all-female alt-rock band dio tech whose desire to get back in
Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne. It per- that won WFIT 89.5 FM’s first Ga-
forms 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, rage Band Contest this past April. front of a live audience resulted in the
and 2 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $29 and EGAD First Friday is a free month-
$31. Handling charges may apply. Call ly event during which shop and creation of Pocket Change in 1994. On
321-723-6935 or visit  galleries along Highland Avenue are
open and often feature special events. Saturday at the Bandshell, it’s the big
There are convenient public parking
lots nearby, and always food, beer and Memorial Day weekend celebration:
wine for purchase. First Fridays take
place from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. a ceremony honoring veterans will

include a fly-over salute to all who

served, are currently serving and

who gave their lives in service to their

country. The special evening will also

honor the former Daytona mayor and

Historic Bandshell advocate, the late

Bud Asher, by naming it the Bud Ash-

Mackenzie Carey. er Friends of the Bandshell Memorial

Day Celebration. The music starts at

7:15, with “Night Moves: The Ulti-

2 There’s a nice variety of art and mate Bob Seger Tribute Show.” Band-
music to be enjoyed at the June
shell event planners promise fans of

2 EGAD (Eau Gallie Art District) Main the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in-

Street First Friday. An exhibition of the ductee, whose career spanned half a

beautiful, organic fabric art of Gabri- century, will have an “authentic, old-

ele DiTota, “Fabrications,” is opening time rock and roll experience,” with

at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery. Ger- all Seger’s hits and fan favs. Topping

man-born DiTota grew up watching 3 A Smooth Jazz Summer Concert, off the rousing celebration will be the
featuring guitarist Blake Aaron
her seamstress mother, but didn’t get Bud Lite Lights Up Daytona fireworks

involved in fabric art until she moved and sax man Tom Braxton, comes to display. 

The Elbphilharmonie, a concert hall theme, there is one of the most famous
in Hamburg encased in glass and set crescendos in the history of music, a
upon a giant brick warehouse, is sur- swelling and triumphant transition
rounded on three sides by the waters of from darkness to light.
the city’s bustling harbor.
The sound in the hall was so accu-
Designed by the Swiss architecture rate that if you closed your eyes, you
firm Herzog and de Meuron, the build- could point to exactly the spot where
ing cost about $850 million, took more the timpani player was gently thump-
than a decade to design and build, and ing his drums, and as the winds joined
was for a long time cited as a joke – a the strings, each addition to the bur-
dark joke – among Germans who fret- geoning chord was like another color
ted that the project had become an al- being added to the spectrum, until the
batross: unbuildable, over budget, and light was brilliant and white.
wildly out of proportion to what the
sensible people of this mercantile city Those eight bars could stand for the
wanted or needed. astonishing shift in public perceptions
about the building, “from a scandal to a
But the building, one of several proj- world wonder,” as Lieben-Seutter puts
ects around the world that aim self- it. Two decades after a Frank Gehry-de-
consciously for “iconic” status and signed outpost of the Guggenheim Mu-
have price tags in the billion-dollar seum opened in Bilbao, Spain, the idea
range, opened to international acclaim that a building can transform a city, or
on Jan. 11. The acoustics, designed by a cultural institution, isn’t held in high
the renowned Japanese acoustician repute anymore. Debt and disillusion
Yasuhisa Toyota, are a marvel of clarity, have made the “Bilbao effect” seem a
precision and cool objectivity. hollow promise of a different age.

Visitors enjoy stunning views of the Here it is, back again, and it’s impera-
industrial grit of Hamburg, renewing tive to know why it is working. Why this
the city’s relation to the source of its building? What about its design, its lo-
wealth and its cultural window on the cation and the implicit social messag-
larger world.Tourists flock to ascend the es embedded in its architecture have
Elphie’s long escalator, rising through made it so successful?
the old warehouse in a tunnel of white
glass and plaster to visit the rooftop ter- Carsten Brosda, a senator in Ham-
race, which bustles with activity before burg’s state government and head of
and long after evening concerts. If you its cultural authority, says location is
want to attend a concert, good luck, be- a primary factor in its success. “I was
cause almost everything is sold out. never a fan of iconic buildings because
so many of them are rather generic,”
“Demand is overwhelming,” says he says. But Elbphilharmonie is ex-
Christoph Lieben-Seutter, general direc- ceptional, located in the geographi-
tor of the Elbphilharmonie. Subscrip- cal heart of the city, on a site that de-
tions for classical concerts have doubled manded some exceptional public use.
since the hall opened, tour operators “There were architects saying this is on
are pressuring the organization to make the verge of being unbuildable, but that
more tickets available, and more than is what makes it unique.”
1.5 million people have visited the pub-
lic plaza since it opened last November. The care taken with the acoustics are
The building has become a phenome- another factor. Toyota doesn’t try to rep-
non throughout the country. “Music isn’t licate the sumptuous warmth of 19th-
just the talk of the town, it is the talk of century concert halls. Rather, he aims
Germany,” Lieben-Seutter says. for a live performance sound adapted
to the digital age, which reinforces
In March, the Caracas-based Simon pleasures lost to an era of cheap head-
Bolivar Symphony Orchestra played phones and limited-range MP3 files.
all nine Beethoven symphonies at the
new hall. At the end of the third move- There is no golden aura, but there is
ment from Symphony No. 5, where the fantastic clarity and spatial presence.
first violins seem to get stuck dithering Part of that success, at the Elbphilhar-
a scattered reminiscence of the main monie, may be attributable to what
people here call the “white skin,” an in-
terior surface of 10,000 unique gypsum-
fiber panels that help diffuse sound.

Thursday, May 25, 2017 19


But it is the architecture, the way it ty lots into residential, office and com- or “vineyard” style, with the audience ar- But this was clearly a hall designed
floats like a giant ship above the old mercial space. rayed close to the stage in a set of shal- for, and intended to elevate (literally
brick factory, the drama of how one en- low, interconnecting balconies. and symbolically), the experience of
ters and moves through its spaces, and But a concert hall atop an old factory classical music. And that is remarkably
the way it situates people in relation to was counterintuitive. The constrained Often, architects and critics stress refreshing. Brosda says one reason the
each other in the soaring auditorium, and irregularly shaped floor plate of the the “democratic” or egalitarian virtues building has been so quickly embraced
that makes this building truly extraor- warehouse meant that the auditorium, of vineyard-style seating, though the despite the huge cost overruns is that it
dinary. above, would be abnormally vertical in peculiar height of the Elbphilharmonie reaffirms values essential to Germany.
its layout. And placing it so high above makes the lower seats, closest to the
The shape of the building was first the ground meant that street life, so im- orchestra, more equal than others, es- “Questions of culture become more
adumbrated by Jacques Herzog, a prin- portant to most urban developments, pecially the highest ones, which can in- and more important today,” Brosda
cipal of the firm that became world would need to be sucked up into the spire vertigo. says. “It is a statement by a free and
famous for the “Bird’s Nest” stadium sky and redistributed on the terrace open society.”
at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. some eight floors above. It’s not a democratic seating plan
with all seats being equal, but it is one It is also a magical place to hear mu-
Height sic. The ride up its 262-foot-long es-
110 m Large Concert Hall calator creates a genuine sense of ex-
2,100 seats pectation and detaches one from the
45 Luxury everyday world, mimicking the wide
Apartments Luxury staircase and symbolic ascent of tradi-
Hotel tional concert hall architecture.
Foyer During three concerts in March,
Backstage the audience was scrupulously well
Area Recital Hall behaved, attentive and enthusiastic.
Small 572 seats Even the signs marking the restrooms
– which show a male figure in a tie and
Recital Hall Main a female figure in a long, sleeveless eve-
Entrance ning gown – suggest how comfortable
Herzog supposedly scribbled a wavy Escalator the Germans are with formality and
form on top of a picture of the old, elegance, which they don’t reflexively
1960s-era Kaispeicher A warehouse, 262-ft. equate with hierarchy or privilege as we
and the idea quickly became embed- Parking do in the United States.
ded in Hamburg’s civic consciousness. Garage
And that may be the last and most
“Everybody was basically nuts about Entry to the concert spaces – which that fosters an exciting sense of com- important reason that this hall could
this,” Brosda says. The project is part of include the 2,100-seat main hall and a munity during performances, with the revive, at least once and perhaps only
a major multibillion-dollar redevelop- 572-seat recital hall – is accessed up a audience aware not just of the music, here, the “Bilbao effect,” transforming
ment of Hamburg’s harbor, converting curving flight of wooden steps. When but of its own presence in the space. a place, or an art form, or cultural atti-
19th-century brick buildings and emp- the building is open for performances, tudes through architecture.
the visitor encounters no doors; the path “This is a house for everybody,” says
up the steps leads directly into the lobby Ascan Mergenthaler, the senior partner The design of this building takes the
areas, which flow uninterrupted into the at Herzog and de Meuron in charge of idea of listening to serious music seri-
auditorium. The seating is in the round, the project. ously, it posits the experience as an
event to be relished, and it celebrates a
species of aural attention that is in dan-
ger of extinction: collective, attentive,
in communion with the musicians and
the audience alike.

This building, high above the city
and its industrial waterfront, suggests
that music can still stop time for a few
hours and extinguish the triviality of the
world, seen for a while only as a blur of
lights, twinkling in the distance and re-
flected on the turbid water far below. 

HOSPITALISTS, PART II and motivate them to stay well through screenings, early de-
tection and prevention efforts.
Hospital medicine is the fastest growing specialty in medi-
cal history with more than 33,000 physicians currently work- ADVANTAGES OF HOSPITALIST PROGRAM
ing as hospitalists. An increasing number of hospitals and – FOR PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS
medical centers across the nation use hospitalists – most of In addition to making daily hospital rounds during the
whom are board-certified internists or family practice physi- week, PCPs who still care for patients both in the office and
cians – for all their hospitalized patients. in the hospital are also responsible for providing care week-
nights and weekends, including arranging for hospital cover-
A previous column outlined some of the advantages of a age from a colleague when they are unavailable.
hospitalist program for patients, such as 24/7 accessibility, a Primary care physicians who perform inpatient procedures
familiarity with hospital systems that helps streamline care, such as central venous catheterizations, lumbar punctures and
and expertise at diagnosing and treating disease. endotracheal intubation have always had to stay current, go-
ing for extra training, etc., as new advances in technology and
Today we’ll share how a medical center’s hospitalist service equipment were introduced. However, Medicare and other
benefits primary care physicians and the patients they see at insurers are moving away from a procedure-oriented billing
their office. and revenue system to one that emphasizes coordination of
patient care.
ADVANTAGES OF HOSPITALIST PROGRAM As a result, reimbursement for PCPs to perform inpatient
– FOR DOCTORS OFFICE PATIENTS procedures is on the decline. These PCPs may decide it is more
Many medical internists and family practice physicians, efficient for them to spend their time caring for their office pa-
commonly referred to as primary care physicians (PCPs), now tients and having the hospitalist service care for their patients
limit their practice solely to outpatient care. Prior to the hospi- when they are hospitalized.
talist movement, PCPs visited their hospitalized patients once Next time, we’ll look at how hospitalist care is expanding to
or twice a day. They were often pulled away from their office include pediatricians, intensive care physicians and other sub-
patients to answer telephone calls from nurses and specialists specialists. And we’ll discuss efforts underway by the Ameri-
at the hospital, and from Emergency Room physicians if their can Board of Internal Medicine to develop a new subspecialty
patients arrived in the ER and needed to be admitted. board certification: hospital medicine. 
Now, patients whose PCP limits his or her practice to the Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
office setting will find their doctor has more time to spend ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
with them with fewer interruptions. And as America makes
the paradigm shift from treating illnesses to promoting well- © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
ness, patients will notice their PCPs focusing more on preven-
tive health services. Their doctor will work to inspire, educate

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 21


In “Paradise Lost,” the new biog- part of the conspiracy to as- Most heartbreaking in Brown’s ac- the novel was estimated to have sold
raphy of F. Scott Fitzgerald, David S. sassinate Abraham Lincoln. count is Fitzgerald’s marriage to Zelda. 25 million copies.
Brown announces that he will treat the “Fitzgerald,” Brown argues, With daughter Scottie in tow, they were
author as “a cultural historian.” After “was able to write as power- constantly on the move – from Man- Books by Fitzgerald published af-
all, Fitzgerald named the ’20s the Jazz fully as he did about historical hattan to Europe, Ashville to Holly- ter his death – “The Last Tycoon”
Age and perfectly captured the opu- change in America because he wood. They drank heavily, had affairs, (his unfinished novel), “The Crack-
lence and depravity of the decade in identified with it in such a per- fought. Brown reports that one argu- Up,” “The Short Stories of F. Scott
“The Great Gatsby.” He then addressed sonal way.” ment “literally drew blood.” Unable to Fitzgerald” – benefited from this
the despair of the Depression in works cope, Zelda suffered a series of break- newfound interest. And over the
such as “My Lost City.” But Brown ar- Born in St. Paul, Minn., downs in the 1930s and was eventually years, other books by Fitzgerald
gues that Fitzgerald was no mere com- Fitzgerald nevertheless iden- institutionalized. have continued to appear. The lat-
mentator. He became, Brown writes, “a tified with his Southern est is “I’d Die For You.” Sanctioned
national and even an international in- legacy. This “hauntedness At no point was Fitzgerald’s life more by the Fitzgerald estate and edited
terpreter in the company of such con- of home,” as Brown puts it, haunting than at the end. Living in by Anne Margaret Daniel, this col-
temporaries as Gertrude Stein, John produced a troubled life. At Hollywood and writing for the studios, lection contains character portraits,
Maynard Keynes, and Pablo Picasso.” Princeton, Fitzgerald left working on a novel he would not fin- screenplay treatments and unpub-
without a degree, but the ish, he died of a heart attack in 1940. lished short stories. Many of the sto-
Fitzgerald possessed a heritage that First World War, and his in- Brown quotes one reporter who de- ries remained unpublished because
allowed him to appreciate the nation’s duction into the Army, “gave scribed Fitzgerald’s memorial service: Fitzgerald reached a point in his
history. His father, born near Rockville, [him] an honorable out from “There lay American genius [and] not career when he refused to allow his
Md., was raised amid memories of the his scholastic dead end.” An a soul was in the room. Except for one work to be edited by the magazines
Civil War. A distant relative was Francis uninspired soldier, Fitzgerald bouquet of flowers and a few empty that might have bought them. Now,
Scott Key, author of “The Star-Spangled never made it to the war in chairs, there was nothing to keep him here they are – a welcomed addition
Banner”; another was Mary Surratt, Europe, but while stationed company except his casket.” Fitzgerald to the Fitzgerald canon.
near Montgomery, Ala., he was 44.
met 18-year-old Zelda Sayre, In “The Couple,” an estranged af-
known “as a flirt and a free In Brown’s telling, it was this life – fluent couple reconciles through
spirit.” Their stormy engage- defined by status and money but also their dealings with a trouble-causing
ment ended with a wedding at by alcoholism and madness – that husband and wife they hire to work
St. Patrick’s Cathedral once Fitzgerald made him perfect to chronicle “the for them. In “The Pearl and the Fur,”
proved he could earn a living – Zelda’s boom twenties and the bust thirties.” a young woman named Gwen be-
stipulation before marrying him – by Brown relies on archival material, and stows an act of kindness on a young
selling his first novel “This Side of Par- some chapters read more like exposi- man “out of a pity that was so deep
adise” (1920) to Scribner’s. tory essays than biography, but “Para- in her that she could never even tell
That novel was a surprise bestseller. dise Lost” does succeed in depicting [her friend] Dizzy about it – never
However, Fitzgerald’s second novel, Fitzgerald, whose life was as full of pa- told anyone at all.” And, in the title
“The Beautiful and Damned” (1922), thos as any of the sad young men about story, intrigue swirls around movie
which “finds Fitzgerald experimenting whom he wrote, as “an artist immersed people shooting a picture in North
with naturalism,” sold modestly. “The in his times.” As cultural historian, Carolina as, in true Fitzgerald fash-
Great Gatsby” (1925), described by Fitzgerald documented his America, ion, the cinematographer falls in love
Brown as a “commercial disappoint- ultimately concluding that, despite the with his star.
ment,” barely earned back its $4,000 nation’s flaws, “the best of America was
advance. “Tender Is the Night” (1934) the best of the world.” Some of these stories easily com-
appeared briefly on the bestsellers list. pliment those for which Fitzgerald is
Fitzgerald’s novels may not have been Fitzgerald never lived to see his best known, such as “Winter Dreams”
moneymakers, but he earned “a small real success. Then in 1951, two books and “Babylon Revisited.” Sadly, they
fortune” writing short stories for the – Alfred Kazin’s “F. Scott Fitzgerald: are also testimony to the tragedy of
popular magazines of the day. He pub- The Man and His Work” and Arthur Fitzgerald’s all-too-early death. 
lished regularly in the Saturday Eve- Mizener’s “The Far Side of Paradise”
ning Post, which paid him well and, be- – triggered a boom that saw books by Paradise Lost
cause it had an enormous circulation, and about Fitzgerald rack up startling A Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald
made him famous. sales. Soon, “Gatsby” – finally hailed as
the brilliant novel it is – was adopted by By David S. Brown
academia. Sales climbed until, by 2013, Belknap. 397 pp. $29.95
Review by Paul Alexander,

The Washington Post


1. The Fix BY DAVID BALDACCI 1. Portraits of Courage 1. Keep Curious and Carry a
2. Slightly South of Simple
2. Strangers Tend to Tell Me
3. A Gentleman in Moscow Things BY AMY DICKINSON BY PETER RAYMUNDO

BY AMOR TOWLES 3. Make Your Bed 3. Dragons Love Tacos 2:
5. The Woman in Cabin 10 4. The Book of Mistakes
4. Option B
5. Wandmaker BY ED MASESSA
5. An Ice Age Mystery


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22 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Does the world really need another by,” Rebecca Mead notes, with typi- gender.” Early thus has the experi- porting that “we’re all delighted that
book about the Beatles? The people cal clarity and grace, that the song, ence, unique in this book, of his love Emilia likes the Fab Four.”
behind “In Their Lives: Great Writers “which so perfectly captures the for the most popular band in history
on Great Beatles Songs” think so, and pathos of loneliness, was generated manifesting as a form of outsider- Depending on the reader, such
they’ve come up with a seemingly ir- in an atmosphere of intimacy and ness. He examines the implications passages generate either a sense of
resistible wrinkle: Ask a lineup of li- friendship … a product of the ex- of this phenomenon with measured warm, inclusive identification or
terati to choose the Beatles song that traordinarily fruitful four-way mar- gravity and concludes that he and a something rather less appealing. A
means the most to them. Since ev- riage that was the Beatles collabora- like-minded peer “were, if anything, book that strenuously celebrates the
eryone likes the Beatles, the results tive.” fighting, unknowingly, against the spectacle of middle-class white writ-
are practically guaranteed to please. racial politicization of taste.” ers and their tots bonding over the
Chuck Klosterman performs a wry Beatles may strike some readers as
Well, maybe. But the most pre- and original bit of Klostermanian Early’s contribution inverts the a bit precious. Even those who are
dictable thing about this endeavor speculation, suggesting that the “lu- book’s basic conception so radically essentially simpatico will conclude,
is how predictable it is. The Rule of rid outlier” that is “Helter Skelter” that it’s a little difficult to take the perhaps reluctantly, that most of
Themed Anthologies says that one- is both more and less than it seems. essays that come after it seriously, these essays are not terribly inter-
third of such collections will be And Pico Iyer swims against the tide especially as they begin to betray a esting or original. If you ask a bunch
thought-provoking and insightful, by admitting that “the Beatles have fatal sameness. This is less a failure of middle-age white people what
one third will be just OK, and one never been a group I’ve enjoyed,” of imagination than a function of their memories of the Beatles are, of
third will be tossed-off words from picking “Yesterday” almost at ran- demographics. Most of the essayists course you’re going to get a bunch
writers too guilty or desperate to say dom. are well-established writers of a cer- of watery pseudo-Wordsworth slop
no to the commissioning editor. “In tain age who, like their editor – in- about the plasticity of formative
Their Lives” satisfies this formula Best of all is Gerald Early’s essay deed, like this reviewer – are slightly memories; of course, half of them are
with eerie precision. on “I’m a Loser.” Early is an African too young to have experienced the going to tell you about their kids.
American and grew up with the sense Beatles contemporaneously. This re-
The only sensible approach to that the early Beatles were not “for” sults in a surfeit of fractured child- This doesn’t mean the Beatles
evaluating such a book is to enumer- him: Their music was intended for hood memories, breathlessly relayed don’t matter anymore – it just means
ate the successes, of which there are white girls, and their “appeal was for but, like most childhood memories, that you have to dig deeper than
several. Writing about “Eleanor Rig- me to the wrong color and the wrong essentially interchangeable. “The this book is able to if you want to
turntable on our Heathkit stereo penetrate the mystery. Nicholas Da-
spins,” Ben Zimmer recalls, in a rep- widoff, in one of the collection’s more
resentative passage. “I hear John’s thoughtful entries, observes that the
electric piano wobbling between two music of the Beatles makes it “pos-
notes.” sible to experience the essential pop
music self-delusion with them, that
A good percentage of the writers something so massively well-known
report on how their own offspring could still be personal to you.”
also love, hate or dance to Beatles
songs. One goes so far as to describe, The power of that “self-delusion”
with hipster-dad smugness, his son’s sold untold millions of records.
prowess at a “School of Rock” pro- “Self-delusion” is also, by definition,
gram, with its “Music of the Beatles” invisible to the self, but apparent to
show. Joseph O’Neill tells us that his the outsider observer – or reader. 
2-year-old daughter “squawks” in
annoyance at any song that is not IN THEIR LIVES
“Good Day Sunshine.” Even the reli- Great Writers on Great Beatles Songs
ably flinty Francine Prose falls prey
to the lunacy, co-authoring her en- Edited by Andrew Blauner
try with her granddaughter and re- Blue Rider. 300 pp. $23
Review by Michael Lindren,

The Washington Post

26 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


House of drama: Therapist needed to solve this family fiasco

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST got here so I could avoid the whole ordeal. Now, my daughter’s fault that she wants to spend time with
husband and I have hurt feelings, plenty of tears to her brother. Except the part that’s your daughter-
Dear Carolyn: I am at my wits’ go around and lost sleep over this. in-law’s fault for saying yes.
end with family drama. I will
spare you the very long and ugly Heartbreak seems to follow wherever my step- Maybe you won’t like it in those words, but that’s
details and start with the most daughter is concerned. I don’t want to alienate my what you’re saying – and it’s impressive that you’re
recent heartache. daughter-in-law because she will cut my grand- able to present this without attributing any drama
daughter out of my life. How can I manage to keep to the man who was “crushed” and “angry” and
My husband’s daughter from the peace and not “betray” my husband in the suffering “tears … and lost sleep” at the “ordeal” of
a previous marriage invited our process? witnessing the “cruel” and “disloyal” “nonsense”
son and his wife and 2-year-old of a child “subject[ed] to” …
to spend the weekend with them – C.
since they were going to be in [theatrical pause]
town for a wedding. His wife accepted. My hus- C.: Your argument, recapped: It’s your step- A planned visit to her aunt’s house.
band has been estranged from this daughter for After spending an entire day with you two.
over two years. She lives down the street from my Drama, thy name is Grandpa.
husband and me. I can understand your powerful incentive not to
When my son and family arrived, they went to see this; even thinking it opens you to accusations
lunch with my husband and stayed through the of betrayal from your wounded husband, no doubt.
evening with us. It was a lovely time. Our little And more tears and sleepless nights and garment-
granddaughter even went into “her room” and told rending and whatever other tactics he uses to keep
her dad she wanted to sleep in her bed. It was cruel you emotionally at his service.
to see her cry when she had to leave and go to my But the longer you remain faithful spokesbot
stepdaughter’s house. for your husband – or for Stockholm syndrome –
My husband is furious. His feelings are crushed and declare with a straight face that your son can’t
and he is angry they would subject her to such non- sleep at his sister’s house until you’re dead! (you
sense. My husband feels they have been disloyal to really said that!), the more soul-rebuilding you’ll
him by staying with his estranged daughter. need when you see the view I’ve got from here: that
I have expressed to my son how I felt about his you’ve been devoured by your husband’s narcissis-
staying with his half-sister. Not because of her so tic fantasy world.
much as how wrong it feels to me to not stay with Even if I’m way off, your family dynamic is still
us. After we are dead and gone, he will have time to way off. Please find a well-recommended fam-
stay with his half-sister. ily therapist and go. Just you. Unspool those “very
My first thought was to leave town before they long and ugly details.” 

‘Back’ to the future:
Advances made in
spinal surgery

28 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


‘Back’ to the future: Advances made in spinal surgery

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. David Vecchione. cording to the National Institutes of
[email protected] Health. It is now performed largely on
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE an outpatient basis thanks to newer,
Twenty years ago, spinal surgery less-invasive techniques, and is de-
had a reputation for often causing as Cervical spinal region. signed to treat nerve root or spinal
much – or more – pain than it helped cord compression.
to relieve.
The word “discectomy” literally
That’s not the case today, according means “cutting out the disc.”
to Dr. David Vecchione, an enthusias-
tic young orthopedic surgeon with Se- In an ACD, according to the May-
bastian River Medical Center whose field Clinic of Cincinnati, Ohio, “the
offices are in Vero Beach. surgeon reaches the damaged disc
from the front of the spine through the
Two specific procedures – the “an- throat area. By moving aside the neck
terior cervical discectomy” and the muscles, trachea and esophagus, the
“lumbar laminectomy” – are of par- disc and bony vertebrae are exposed.
ticular interest to Vecchione – al- Depending on the patient’s particu-
though this 35-year-old surgeon says lar symptoms, one disc or more discs
he actually spends a great deal of his may be removed.”
time talking some patients out of sur-
gery. After a disc is removed, a space-
holding bone graft may be inserted to
“If a patient comes in with neck fill the open space to prevent future
pain or back pain and nothing else,” nerve compression.
says Vecchione, “a lot of times they’ll
tell me, ‘You need to operate on my A “lumbar laminectomy,” mean-
back. You need to fix my back,’ but a while, is a lower back procedure which
lot of times, that really isn’t the way to enlarges the spinal canal by removing
go.” the lamina, which is the back part of
the vertebra that covers the spinal ca-
“Usually I’ll get an X-ray the first nal. Its goal is to relieve pressure on
time I see a patient just to get a base- the spinal cord or nerves.
line of how their bones move [and] if
they’re moving back and forth [and] if According to the Mayo Clinic, “That
I can find an instability in their spine,” pressure is most commonly caused by
Vecchione explains. “Then I’ll get an bony overgrowths within the spinal
MRI to check on how much compres- canal, which can occur in people who
sion is on the spinal cord and nerves have arthritis in their spines.”
coming out of the side of the cord.”
Vecchione describes the procedure
“There’s always a progression of this way: “We’ll go in, remove the bone
types of treatment,” Vecchione con- off the back of the spine and then get
tinues, adding that “usually physical access to the soft tissue that’s over-
therapy will be the first thing” he rec- growing. We’ll remove the soft tissue
ommends. and that lets you get access to the hole
where the nerve is running out on
If that doesn’t work, Vecchione both sides. Then I have small instru-
might turn to anti-inflammatory ments – little hooks and little biters –
drugs or a steroid injection. “Most of that I can slip over the nerve and cut
the time,” he says, “a steroid right at out the overgrown bone … and make
the level that’s symptomatic whether sure the nerve is now free.”
it be in the neck or the back can help.”
WebMD, however, warns the pro-
If surgery is finally determined to cedure “can also make your spine less
be the best course of treatment, Vec- stable. If that happens, you’ll probably
need a spinal fusion.”
Lumbar spinal region.
In a spinal fusion, the Mayo Clinic
chione switches into surgeon mode explains, “the surgeon places bone or
and starts educating his patients on a bonelike material within the space
their personal pathology, the specif- between two spinal vertebrae. Metal
ics of the procedure and what that pa- plates, screws and rods may be used
tient can expect both during and after to hold the vertebrae together, so they
surgery. can heal into one solid unit.”

An anterior cervical discectomy No surgery – and especially spi-
(ACD), for example, “is one of the most nal surgery – should be entered into
prevalent spine surgeries performed lightly, so it’s important to have an
to treat a variety of disorders in the in-depth discussion about what to ex-
cervical (neck area) of the spine,” ac- pect with your doctor.

Dr. David Vecchione is an orthopedic
surgeon with the Sebastian River Medi-
cal Center. His offices are at 1715 37th
Place in Vero Beach. The phone num-
ber is 772-778-0600. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 29


Women with advanced breast cancer surviving longer

STORY BY LAURIE MCGINLEY THE WASHINGTON POST treatment. increase by almost a third. control,” they said.
Patients with Stage 4 breast can- Metastatic breast cancer once was The authors, who included re-
A new study led by researchers
from The number of women living cer – the most advanced – have the considered an immediate death sen- searchers at Fred Hutchinson Can-
with advanced breast cancer is rising most intensive healthcare needs, and tence, and it’s still largely incurable, cer Research Center in Seattle and
substantially in the United States, re- advocacy groups, providers and re- the researchers said. But new thera- the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alli-
flecting improved survival among all searchers are increasingly interested pies targeting the triggers of the dis- ance, said the study was the first to
ages, according to a study published in knowing how many are affected. ease as well as improved palliative estimate how many women are living
recently. The study estimated the number care mean women “can and often do with advanced disease in the United
rose by 4 percent from 1990 to 2000 live for years with reasonable qual- States. Their findings appeared on-
The study found that between and by 17 percent from 2000 to 2010. ity of life, albeit undergoing constant line in Cancer Epidemiology, Bio-
1992 and 1994, and 2005 and 2012, From 2010 to 2020, it is projected to treatment to keep their disease under markers & Prevention. 
the five-year survival rate among
women under age 50 initially diag-
nosed with advanced disease dou-
bled from 18 percent to 36 percent.
The median survival time for that
group increased from 22.3 months
to almost 39 months. For women
ages 50 to 64, the survival time grew
from a little more than 19 months to
almost 30 months.

The lead author, Angela Mariotto
of the National Cancer Institute,
called the findings “favorable” be-
cause they were partly due to longer
survival times resulting from better
treatments. For example, the drug
Herceptin, which was approved in
the late 1990s, has been shown to
lengthen the lives of women with cer-
tain aggressive breast cancers.

The researchers calculated that
more than 154,000 women are cur-
rently living with cancer that has
spread beyond the breast, the most
serious form of the disease.

Mariotto, who is chief of the Data
Analytics Branch in the NCI’s Divi-
sion of Cancer Control and Popula-
tion Sciences, said the study didn’t
explore why younger women sur-
vived longer, but one possibility was
that they received more aggressive

30 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


There’s the rub: What you should know about sunscreen

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. James Grichnik. posed by specific sunscreen prod- or titanium dioxide.
[email protected] ucts, Dr. James M. Grichnik, one of “We’ve been putting [zinc oxide] on
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE the world’s leading melanoma ex-
Summer is almost here and the perts, says sunscreen should not be babies’ behinds for a long time and
mad dash to the store for sunscreen to vitamin A toxicity due to excessive anyone’s first line of defense against as far as we’re aware there’s really no
is about to begin. exposure. Sunscreens that contain skin cancer. major health risks to that product.
oxybenzone, a hormone disrupting Likewise, titanium dioxide is also a
Caveat emptor, folks: Not all sun- chemical, also are suspect. Grichnik, the director of Vero food whitening agent and so this is
screens are created equal. And we Beach’s Scully-Welsh cancer cen- something we’ve actually been in-
are not just talking about the sun In any case, aside from dangers ter, explains: “Let’s start with the gesting and we’re not aware of prob-
protection factor – SPF – number. data and the data is that ultraviolet lems there, either.”
light, particularly UVA or UVB, dam-
The Environmental Working ages DNA and has the capability of “I also really like the wax-based
Group, a nonprofit, nonpartisan driving mutations,” says Grichnik. sunscreens,” Grichnik continues.
research organization founded in “These mutations can then go on to “They come in these little sticks and
1992, reviewed some 2,000 sun- cause skin cancer.” they often have titanium and zinc ox-
screens from over 250 brands and ide in them. The benefit of the wax is
found that 75 percent of them “con- Perhaps surprisingly, the man you put it on your forehead, on your
tained toxic chemicals that can in- who earned his medical degree at face, around your eyes and it’s less
crease your risk of cancer and other Harvard, his Ph.D. in cellular biol- likely to get in your eyes or drip off the
health issues.” ogy at Baylor and then went on to skin.”
groundbreaking melanoma research
A study by U.S. government sci- at both the University of Miami and Grichnik also suggests people
entists suggests that retinyl palmi- Duke, actually puts sunscreen on avoid spray-on sunscreens. “With the
tate, a form of vitamin A that is an the bottom rung of his three-point sprays, there’ve been some problems
ingredient in many sunscreens, may skin cancer prevention list. with them igniting [and] there have
speed the development of skin tu- been some burns, but the real issue is
mors and lesions when applied to The Environmental Working that you can inhale them [while they
the skin in the presence of sunlight, Group’s sunscreen information and are being sprayed], so there may be
and officials in Germany and Nor- evaluation page reinforces the point, some risks with those sunscreens that
way have cautioned that retinyl pal- stating “sunscreen should be your aren’t fully appreciated. You clearly
mitate and other vitamin A ingredi- last resort.” don’t need sunscreen inside your
ents in cosmetics could contribute lungs, so I would prefer to use a prod-
“The first thing,” says Grichnik, “is uct that you’re not going to be inhal-
Experience the fusion of time of day. Basically, what I think ing.”
traditional values and people need to know is that the ul-
traviolet light during the day is a Then there’s the tangle of SPF rat-
modern dentistry. bell-shaped curve and it’s very high ings where, quite frankly, the “math”
when the sun is right above you in involved is often fuzzy. At best.
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY the sky.
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will Does a product claiming an SPF of
focus on improving every aspect of “So point one is to try to do your 90 or 100 really protect three or more
your smile for optimal appearance, outside activities at the beginning or times better than one with an SPF rat-
function, and comfort through end of the day. Try to do your indoor ing of 30?
our general family dentistry, and activities in the middle of the day.
restorative procedures such as dental That actually has a huge impact on Despite what manufactures would
implants. Our comprehensive range the amount of mutagenic rays that like you to think, the answer is no.
of services and dedication of quality hit your skin surface.”
set us apart. Call today to schedule A sunscreen with an SPF of 15, ac-
your appointment. Pausing briefly, Grichnik tackles cording to the Mayo Clinic, blocks
what might be the toughest change about 94 percent of UVB rays. One with
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 he’d like people to adopt. an SPF of 30 blocks roughly 97 percent
of those same UVB rays. So while 30 is
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM “The second thing,” he continues, twice as large a number as 15, the dif-
“is clothing. A good tight weave outfit ference in their UVB-blocking ability
is very effective at blocking ultravio- is a paltry 3 percent. And, as WebMD
let light. If you hold it up to the light bluntly says, “after that it just gets silly.”
and you can’t see light through it, it
should be an effective sunblock.” So, think long and hard before reach-
ing for that SPF 100 product.
“If you look at the beach 100 years
ago,” Grichnik points out, “people Grichnik also reminds everyone that
weren’t running around half naked. applying sunscreen is not a one-and-
But now we are.” While he knows done precaution. “Keep re-applying it,”
fashion is against him, he neverthe- he urges.
less notes people would be wise to
cover themselves up with loose-fit- Finally, Grichnik points back to the
ting clothing at the beach. Environmental Working Group calling
it “an excellent, excellent resource to
Moving on, Grichnik then broach- research sunscreens.”
es the topic of sunscreens, SPF rat-
ings and what the savvy consumer He highly recommends people go
be should looking for. to
for additional information and warn-
This particular melanoma expert ings. Click on the buttons that say
favors the “broad spectrum physical best sunscreens or worst sunscreens
blockers” of UV rays with zinc oxide to see which specific products are
panned or praised. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 31


HARU Sushi Bar & Grill makes any occasion special

[email protected]
Marking one decade of being one of
the South Beaches’ favorite Asian res-
taurants, Haru came highly recom-
mended when friends were polled for
their top bets for a special, mid-week
birthday celebration.

When we arrived at 7 p.m. last Thurs-
day, we were seated immediately with no
reservation and had our choice of tables
– either on the south side of the restau-
rant with the baby grand piano where a
saxophonist was set to entertain, or the
north side with a view of the sushi chefs.
Not knowing how loud the music would
be, we chose the quieter side.

Our server was friendly and help-
ful, guiding us around our many op-
tions and offering a few specials that
were not on the menu,
including an

Cowboy Roll.

roll – can if
lobster, he could.
avocado and
rice topped with Blue Fin Dinner. He said the
sliced filet mignon.
Still uncertain what we octopus was very Tuna Avocado
wanted as an entrée, we Appetizer.
ordered one course at a time fresh and exactly what
while we perused the extensive [email protected].
menu. I chose a glass of Riesling he hoped for. I ordered the The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
that might pair well with a variety of dines anonymously at restaurants at the
foods, and my underage companion kimchi ($4.95), a spicy pickled expense of this newspaper. 
selected a virgin strawberry daiquiri.
For those over 21, Haru offers a full cabbage side dish. gested we use as a palate cleanser, and HOURS
liquor bar, plus a good selection of wasabi, which she explained was tradi- M-F for lunch and dinner,
wines and beer. For our main course I ordered the tionally used as a safeguard when eat- Sat/Sun for dinner only starting
ing raw fish.
As our first course, we opted to try off-menu cowboy roll ($18.95) and at 5 p.m.
two varieties of miso soup, the tradi- While my companion was away from BEVERAGES
tional small bowl that’s included in the Florida roll ($9.95), and my com- the table, I mentioned to our server it
some of the entrees, and a larger bowl was his birthday and inquired about Full bar
of vegetable miso soup ($3.50), which panion selected the steak teriyaki dessert. She replied that she would have ADDRESS
was deliciously packed with perfectly a surprise for him, and we enjoyed the 1500 N. Hwy A1A,
cooked zucchini, broccoli, mush- hibachi platter ($18.95). Though he white twinkle lights and the lovely inte- Indialantic
rooms and bean sprouts in a savory rior of the restaurant as we waited a mo- PHONE
broth. wasn’t asked how he wanted the steak ment in anticipation. (321)725-6100

After the soup, the birthday boy or- cooked, it came out perfectly medi- Out from the kitchen it came in the
dered a squid salad ($9.95) and wanted form of a warm chocolate cake with
to try the octopus negiri ($5.50 for two um rare the way he likes it, in a light, strawberries and chocolate sauce,
pieces). The salad was a bed of crisp whipped cream and a lit candle. Then
greens with a mildly spicy dressing that not overpowering teriyaki sauce. The we heard “Happy Birthday to You” on
was very tasty, and a generous portion the saxophone and saw the musician
of sweet-tasting, tender, chilled squid cowboy roll, topped with the lightly heading right to our table – a memo-
and clumps of yummy roe, which my rable meal and a memorable birthday.
adventurous 10-year-old absolutely cooked filet mignon and a barbeque-
loves and would probably eat by the I welcome your comments, and en-
type sauce, was deceivingly filling, courage you to send feedback to me at

with generous pieces of lobster tail in

a delicate tempura batter, plus fresh


The Florida roll included a mild Keys

favorite, yellowtail snapper, plus tuna,

scallions, avocado and masago. Again,

everything was very fresh and the taste

and presentation was quite nice, served

with fresh ginger which our server sug-

32 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 33


Bonz is blushing after meeting pretty Miss Pink

Hi Dog Buddies! pla nose bumps, sniffed a little bit then watching. I’m very smart an well- Miss Pink. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
lay down to snooze. “That’s Luci,” said mannered. Mom sets stuff up an I
A few weeks ago I got a Woof-Mail from Pink. “She’s my big sister. She’s 14 and make MY OWN choices. When I do over to her Mom and
Miss Pink Wold, a Golden Retriever who deaf and blind. Her sniffer works extra something cool, Mom showers me sat in front of her, very straight.
works with her Mom and also competes hard, but she still bumps into stuff, so with hugs an says what a good girl I
in lots of AKC shows. She wondered if I I help her. We’re Besties! So, you wanna am. Mom gives the Best! Hugs! Ever!” “I don’t remember where I put my
would like to interview her. hear my story, right?” cell, Pink. Can you find it?” her Mom
“I thought you worked here,” I asked.
“Well, SURE!” I Woof-Mailed back. “Ready when you are.” said.
We met at her workplace, A Dog’s Life, “Five years ago, Mom’s friend’s Pink sniffed around the room ’til
which is a day care and training place. pooch, Tory, had a 4-puppy litter – my “Oh, I don’t think of it as work. I she located the phone under a chair.
Since it’s a BIZness, me an my assistant litter. Mom’s a Dog Person, so when her welcome the newbees an help ’em and brought it to her Mom. Next, her
just walked right in. An this bee-oo- friend told her there was this little boy get comf-tubble when they first ar- Mom said, “Oh, Pink, will you hand me
ti-ful pooch comes trotting up for the puppy she’d like, she decided to check rive. I explain how all us different those brochures?”
Wag-and-Sniff, shiny, light gold coat, it out. You know how breeders usually sizes and breeds still see the world
tail waving like a flag, big smile. Dog! name litters with themes, like flowers from the same perspective – about Same thing. All very soft-mouth, with
was she ready for her close-up. or colors, or somethin’. Well, MY litter 8 inches off the floor. I remind ’em no slobbers.
theme was Girl Bands. I was named af- we’re pack animals, after all, so
“Mr. BONzo, He-LOOO! I’m Pink ter “Pink.” Since I was a girl, an the runt they gotta learn pack behavior. Of Then her Mom got a buncha trash
Wold and this is my Mom, Cindy. of the litter an had light-colored fur, I course, there’s always gonna be and scattered it all over the floor. “Pink,
Come’on, we’ll sit over here by our Re- figured I probly didn’t have much of a Crabby Aunt Fifi or Weird Uncle will you recycle, please?” she said. Well,
ception Desk.” chance. But, guess WHAT?” Bowser, but, as you can see, everyone I almost woofed out loud when Pink
I cocked my ears. gets along fine. That little chihuahua went to each piece of trash and decided
I admit I was a little dazzled, and for a “Turned out, Mom LOVES runts, AN doesn’t see himself as smaller than the what was recyclable. Then she’d take it
second my paws were glued to the floor. the Pink Band, AN light gold dog coats. labrador. Me, I went right from my litter over and plop it into the recycling bin.
I think I said something clever like, So, she figured it was a SIGN! Isn’t that to here, so it just comes natural to me. She got ’em all, too!
“Umm” before my Professional Poise Totally Cool Kibbles?” It’s not Work. I come here to rest. My
kicked back in. “Absolutely!” Work’s at home.” Miss Pink’s grand finale was A-
“Soon as Mom brought me home, she Woofin’-MAZing. Her Mom asked
“Delighted to meet you. This is some started takin’ me to work, an I started “Whaddya mean?” I queried. her to sit. Then she scattered a bunch
place you’ve got.” There was a great big learnin’ stuff right away, even though “That’s where I train for my AKC com- of yummy treats around Pink. She
room with the back half separated by a I was only 8 weeks old. It’s funny, Mr. petitions. I’m on the road 2-3 weekends didn’t budge, didn’t even look down.
fence. Behind the fence a whole buncha Bonzo, I don’t remember EVER going a month, got this Cool Dog Biscuits roll- THEN, her Mom put two treats on top
pooches of all shapes and sizes were to training classes or ackhully workin’. ing doghouse when I travel. Earned my of each front paw. Miss Pink STILL
hangin’ out, playin’ around, not barkin’ I’m glad cuz, when humans hafta go to first AKC title when I was only 7 months didn’t move.
or carryin’ on. There were places to ex- work, they get Sad Faces. Us pooches old. Now I got a doghouseful of awards.
ercise and rest and hydrate, too. Dur- just spend every day playin’ and pla- Last month I qualified for the AKC Na- I mean, I was droolin, myself, and was
ing the interview, humans’d come in to yin’ an then, alluva sudden, we know tional Agility Championships at the about to run over an grab ’em. Finally,
drop off or pick up their pooches, and how to do something. It’s a MYS-tree. Georgia National Fairgrounds, a Very Miss Pink’s Mom gave the go-ahead
Miss Pink knew ’em all by name. For some reason, Mom calls it Playing Big Deal! I got some Excellents, but the and the treats disappeared – poof!
With a Porpoise.” most fun was when Mom rented a golf
The only other dog on our side of “Huh? Playing with a …” I started to cart and rode me all around. I felt like “Woof!” I exclaimed in admiration.
the fence was a little black and white ask, then I’m like, “Oh, RIGHT! I get it.” Princess Pink!” “HOW do you even DO that?”
Spaniel. She came up to us, did a cou- “Some of the stuff I picked up by “Can you show me what you’ve
learned?” She just smiled and said, “I have a
“Sure, Mr. Bonzo, watch!” She went good life.”

GOT MEDICARE? Don’t be shy! The time had disappeared as fast as
those treats had. Heading home, I was
• Turning 65? • In Open Enrollment? • About to retire? We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up picturin’ Miss Pink, talented, frenly,
• Unhappy with your current insurance? an interview, please email [email protected]. smart, all in one pretty pooch package.
Maybe I’d get up the nerve to ask her
• You NEED to understand ALL of your Medicare options! for a pikshur for my billfold. Oh, wait, I
• An Uneducated Decision Could Be Costly $$$! don’t have a billfold. Sigh.

Kim Adkinson-Cowles • Local Resident • 321.305.2554 Till next time,

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in May 18, 2017 Edition 7 TAKEPART 1 CAMOMILE

Sudoku PPagaeg4e424 Sudoku PPaaggee4525 Crossword PPagaeg4e424 CroCsrsowsoswrdorPdaPgaege2455((“GGOOINIGNGUPU!)P!”) -The Bonz

36 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


A boater’s dream residence near the Grand Canal

BY MARIA CANFIELD and being able to see houses on the is a good-sized freeform pool; nestled feel, in part because of the tile floors
Correspondent other side of the canal conveys a love- next to one of its curves is a spa; sit- that extend through all of the rooms.
ly sense of being in a true neighbor- ting there will make you feel you are The look of the living and dining
The home at 472 Cardinal Drive in hood. floating above the canal. The pool rooms has been enhanced by newer
desirable Waterway Estates was built and pool deck have been recently re- crown molding.
in 1965, and retains much of the foot- The home’s private dock is covered surfaced, and there is plenty of room
print of homes of that era – although by a tiki-style roof and has ample deck for furniture clusters. The kitchen was renovated in
renovations made in recent years seating, providing additional space 2009, and has a breakfast bar, solid
have given the floor plan a “semi- to socialize with a friend or two, or French doors lead from the pool wood cabinets, granite countertops
open” feel. simply to relax and soak up the scen- deck to the 22-foot-by-13-foot family in a nice mid-neutral tone, a double
ery. Boaters will be glad to know the room, which was once an outside la- undermount sink, and an attractive
The home’s overarching feature – dock comes with a boat lift, and is nai but has been converted to under- travertine backsplash (a post leading
and what will attract homebuyers – is only a few hundred feet from Satellite air space. It is adjacent to the other from the breakfast bar to the kitch-
its location directly on a deep-water Beach’s Grand Canal, providing quick main areas in the house: the living en’s dropped ceiling is also partially
canal. The view of the water and access to the Banana River. room, dining room, and kitchen; this encased in travertine, for a nice pol-
wind-bent palm trees is gorgeous, multi-room area has an open-flow ished look). The tray ceiling, home to
Between the house and the canal

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 37




a softly-shining silver and glass light room has been updated to meet cur- tulip shaped light fixture mounted Year Built: 1965
fixture, adds depth and visual inter- rent tastes and expectations: it has above the wall-to-wall mirror. One of (renovated in 2009)
est. tile floors, a large tiled shower, a long the home’s unique features is the pri- Construction: Concrete Block
granite-topped vanity with double vate courtyard off the master bath, a Home Size: 1,705 square feet
The master bedroom has hard- sinks, and an attractive inverted- Lot Size: .19 acres
wood floors, and the master bath- CONTINUED ON PAGE 39
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Additional Features: Swim-
ming pool, spa, private dock
with seating and boatlift,
bulkhead seawall, newer water
heater, 2-car garage, fenced
yard, ceiling fans throughout
Listing Agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing Agents:
Joe and Teresa Ferrara,
List Price: $479,500

38 Thursday, May 25, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: May 12 to May 18

The real estate market enjoyed another busy week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Melbourne
Beach led the way reporting 9 sales, followed by Satellite Beach with 7, Indian Harbour Beach with 6, and
Indialantic with 5.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in south Melbourne Beach. The residence at
6005 Highway A1A was placed on the market Feb. 8 with an asking price of $1.5 million. The price was
subsequently reduced to $1.395 million. The transaction closed May 15 for $1.2 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The purchaser
was represented by Mark Steven Fritz of Coldwell Banker Paradise.



MELBOURNE BEACH 8170 HIGHWAY A1A 1/20/2015 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 5/12/2017 $395,000
BAUJNS MELBRN RPLT B 2101 REDWOOD AVE 2/7/2017 $417,000 $417,000 5/12/2017 $240,000
MELBOURNE SHORES 2ND 130 HERON DR 4/4/2017 $259,900 $259,900 5/15/2017 $445,000
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 403 HIBISCUS TRL 5/5/2017 $445,000 $445,000 5/15/2017 $393,500
SOUTH SHORES PHASE 2 5671 SEA LAVENDER PL 4/1/2017 $370,000 $370,000 5/17/2017 $445,000
FLORIDANA BEACH 3RD 6430 FLORIDANA AVE 12/6/2016 $475,000 $450,000 5/16/2017 $580,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 383 ARROWHEAD LN 3/7/2017 $590,000 $590,000 5/17/2017 $239,900
OCEAN LANDINGS OF ME 200 3RD AVE 2 4/5/2017 $239,900 $239,900 5/17/2017
SALES FOR 32903 $450,000
INDIALANTIC SEC G 801 S PALM AVE S 2/24/2017 $479,900 $459,900 5/16/2017 $350,000
THE CLOISTERS P3D 292 FLANDERS DR 4/19/2017 $470,000 $470,000 5/12/2017 $520,000
THE BARRINGER PHASE 1845 N HIGHWAY A1A 502 3/20/2017 $550,000 $550,000 5/12/2017
STUART TERRACE 144 CORAL WAY E 3/21/2017 $365,000 $365,000 5/16/2017
INDIALANTIC HGHTS 2A 760 N SHANNON AVE 3/31/2017 $550,000 $550,000 5/18/2017


SEACOAST SHORES U4 217 TERRY ST 3/7/2017 $259,000 $249,900 5/12/2017 $245,000
GOLDEN BEACH ESTATES 150 GENOA ST 3/10/2017 $349,900 $339,900 5/12/2017 $330,000
HARBOUR VILLA SEC 1 106 KRISTI DR 3/6/2017 $159,000 $159,000 5/15/2017 $167,000
GOLDEN BEACH EST 1ST 250 E HARBOUR DR E 3/13/2017 $299,900 $288,000 5/12/2017 $285,000
INDIAN HEAD ACRES S2 531 ALHAMBRA ST 4/7/2017 $349,000 $349,000 5/18/2017 $349,000
INDIAN HRBR BCH S9 120 ANONA PL 2/24/2017 $335,000 $325,000 5/18/2017 $320,000
EAU GALLIE SHORES 545 SHERIDAN AVE 1/24/2017 $259,000 $259,000 5/12/2017 $244,000
SATELLITE BEACH 612 MAR BRISA CT 612 4/5/2017 $225,000 $225,000 5/12/2017 $215,000
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 4 260 S MARCO WAY 12/31/2016 $374,500 $365,000 5/12/2017 $355,000
JAMAICA SHORES U1 340 LYNN AVE 2/1/2017 $349,900 $339,900 5/12/2017 $325,000
THE GARDENS OF INDIA 741 PALM SPRINGS CIR 0 2/1/2017 $198,000 $198,000 5/15/2017 $200,000
SEA PARK HOMES 180 ALBATROSS DR SE 4/3/2017 $239,900 $239,900 5/16/2017 $239,900
OCEAN SPRAY ESTATES 360 OCEAN SPRAY AVE 10/31/2016 $325,000 $315,000 5/18/2017 $310,000

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, May 25, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Melbourne Beach, Address: 8170 Highway A1A Subdivision: Island Shores Of Mel, Address: 403 Hibiscus Trl

Listing Date: 1/20/2015 Listing Date: 5/5/2017
Original Price: $1,100,000 Original Price: $445,000
Recent Price: $1,100,000 Recent Price: $445,000
Sold: 5/12/2017 Sold: 5/15/2017
Selling Price: $900,000 Selling Price: $445,000
Listing Agent: Jeff Richardson Listing Agent: Sherry Dever

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Eric Van Dam Gibbs Baum

Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: The Barringer Phase, Address: 1845 N Highway A1A 502 Subdivision: Golden Beach Estates, Address: 150 Genoa St

Listing Date: 3/20/2017 Listing Date: 3/10/2017
Original Price: $550,000 Original Price: $349,900
Recent Price: $550,000 Recent Price: $339,900
Sold: 5/12/2017 Sold: 5/12/2017
Selling Price: $510,000 Selling Price: $330,000
Listing Agent: Sherra Cameruci Listing Agent: Heather Hatchett-Boesch

Selling Agent: Cameruci Realty, Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc

Alyssa Boyd Alicia Lozeau

Sand Dollar Realty of Brevard BHHS Florida Realty

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 1960s, and each is more than adequate
as places of rest for a young child (or
perfect spot for a hot tub. two), a teenager or a single adult.
The home’s second and third bed-
We’ve worked our way from back
rooms are both of a size consistent to front. The front yard is a good size,
with how rooms were built in the and there’s a patio, made semi-pri-
vate by a low open-pattern concrete
wall. Most of the exterior is painted in
a neutral shade of sand, and the area
around the floral-patterned leaded-
glass door is bricked.

The 2009 renovation also resulted
in a metal roof (known for its durabil-

ity and ability to withstand Mother seagrass beds, oyster bars, tidal flats,
Nature), new windows throughout, and spoil islands, providing habitats
and the complete modernization of for many marine species including
the second full bath. bottlenose dolphin, West Indies man-
atees and many rare wading birds. 
A word or two about the 31-mile
Banana River (actually a lagoon), as
it is a remarkable waterway. Lying
between Cape Canaveral and Mer-
ritt Island, it connects at its south end
to the Indian River. The only part of
the Indian River lagoon system not in
the Intracoastal Waterway, it houses
salt marshes, mangrove swamps,





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