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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-04-26 13:55:03

04/27/2018 ISSUE 17


April 27, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 17 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit


Official: County Witnesses build drug case
has no money for against Johnny Benjamin
railroad overpasses

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer By Beth Walton | Staff Writer lawyers, as testimony was taken on
[email protected] Monday, the second day of the tri-
FORT LAUDERDALE – One by al. He wore glasses, a dark suit and
Most of the county’s popula- one, prosecutors paraded wit- tie. His mother watched from the
tion resides west of the railroad nesses into a federal courtroom pew behind him. If convicted, he
tracks, and both of its local hospi- this past week to build their case faces life in prison.
tals are located east of the tracks. against a Vero Beach spine surgeon
So if Brightline’s passenger trains accused of illegal drug distribution The case hinges on the testi-
begin hurtling through the coun- and providing the fentanyl-laced mony of Kevan Slater and Zach-
ty 32 times per day – joined by pain killer that caused a Palm ary Stewart, two DEA informants
more lengthy freights – a couple Beach woman’s 2016 overdose whom prosecutors say sold pre-
of years from now, what will am- death. scription and counterfeit pain pills
bulances do? on the street for Dr. Benjamin and
Dr. Johnny Benjamin sat calmly
Most times, they’ll be forced in court, sandwiched between his CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
to idle at the crossings, because
county administrator Jason WOMAN MAKES OFF WITH RINGS
Brown says building overpass- FROM VILLAGE SHOPS BOUTIQUE
es to allow vehicular traffic to
continue to flow over the tracks By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
would be “very expensive” and [email protected]
there’s no money budgeted for
such projects. For the past two weeks,
Indian River Shores po-
Phil Matson, staff director of lice have been trying to
the county’s Metropolitan Plan- track down a woman
ning Organization, said cost es- suspected of stealing
timates approached $30 million more than $21,000 worth
when local officials explored of jewelry from an island
building overpasses at two cross- boutique via a sleight-of-
ings in the early 1990s. hand trick during a busy
trunk show on March 27.
The blonde, sun-
er-clad woman, de-
The Blue Angels highlighted the Vero Beach Air Show. Story and photos, Page B8. scribed in a police report
as 5 feet 7 inches tall
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14 and approximately 110
DINING B10 pounds, allegedly came
HEALTH 9 GAMES B16 DESIGNER DEFENDS into the Belle Cose luxu-
CALENDAR B19 EFFECTIVENESS OF ry boutique in the Village
B1 Shores, with her dog
ARTS in tow, during a jewelry trunk
show event.
To advertise call: 772-559-4187
For circulation or where to pick up She arrived around 1:42
your issue call: 772-226-7925 p.m. and then departed, tell-

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer tended that the project is in fact a ing the store owner she had to
[email protected] “great success.” go get some earrings that she
wanted to match, but that she
The designer of the county’s The activists cite high nitrogen
Spoonbill Marsh recently defend- numbers, disappearance of salt CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
ed the county’s water purification marsh habitat taken over by man-
facility against charges by environ- groves, and flooding of property
mental activists that it is hurting – next door owned by the Indian
not helping – the lagoon, and con-

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY Boulevard Tennis Club thrives under new owners

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer It would’ve been unthinkable be- were too often unoccupied, even during furniture to encourage more outdoor din-
[email protected] cause, just two years ago, The Boulevard the previously busy evening hours. ing, Randazzo said, adding that they also
was a tennis ghost town – a wonderfully will make indoor improvements to the
This past Saturday, The Boulevard Ten- equipped but poorly managed club that, All that was missing were the tumble- restaurant area to make the dining experi-
nis Club team made its Orchid Cup debut despite its early promise, was hemorrhag- weeds. ence more appealing.
and cruised through the eight-team tour- ing members fed up with shabby treat-
nament’s men’s, women’s and mixed-dou- ment from an uncaring and unresponsive “I drove by this place for 10 years, and “We don’t look at this club as just a ten-
bles competition to take home the trophy. ownership. I knew the potential was there,” longtime nis facility, or even a tennis facility with a
Grand Harbor tennis director Christophe restaurant,” Randazzo said. “Don’t forget,
Just two years ago, such a triumph Many of the remaining members, par- Delavaut said. “It just needed the right we also offer massage therapy and a fitness
would have been unthinkable, and not ticularly more advanced players, struggled ownership, the right management.” center, and we’ve got a swimming pool,
only because The Boulevard wasn’t in- to find games. There were no club-spon- too.”
vited to participate in the annual, in- sored events or activities. The 13 courts Help arrived on Jan. 18, 2017, when a
ter-club event. local ownership group fronted by Dela- Among the other perks are the recipro-
vaut, who left Grand Harbor in April 2016, cal agreements that allow The Boulevard’s
bought the foundering club from Sue and premium members, who comprise about
Walter Rodman. 30 percent of the total membership, to
play golf, dine and drink at Pointe West
The new group, particularly Delavaut, and the Indian River Club on a year-round
hit the ground running – marketing the basis, as well as at the Vero Beach Country
club through local advertising, recruiting Club from May to November.
lost members, listening to existing mem-
bers, organizing club-run activities, even The Boulevard also has year-round re-
installing water fountains that worked – ciprocals with the Vero Beach Yacht Club
and continues to make strides. and a summer agreement with Sea Oaks,
giving members access to a beach club.
Now, 16 months later, The Boulevard is
buzzing. And, relatively speaking, the price is
right: Annual dues for single memberships
The membership has more than dou- range from $800 for “young professionals”
bled, increasing from 108 to 238. There (under age 30); $1,600 for “seniors”; and
are men’s nights, women’s nights, junior $1,750 for adults.
programs, adult clinics, beginners groups,
USTA League teams, and tournaments. “If you look at all you get, the price is
Court reservations are now necessary. a bargain,” Delavaut said, “and we didn’t
raise our dues this year.”
The club has come to life, and members
actually feel good about being there – a That could change next year, though, as
sentiment that was sorely lacking under the surge in membership – most of which
the previous ownership. plays in the late afternoon and at night –
and the increase in USTA League play has
“Over the past year or so, The Boulevard forced the owners to explore adding lights
has earned a reputation as ‘the place to to three additional courts.
play’ in the Vero Beach tennis community,
especially for advanced players,” Delavaut Currently, The Boulevard has seven lit
said. “We have an abundance of 4.0-plus courts.
players. And we have eight USTA League
teams, men’s and women’s from the 3.0 to “That’s our next big capital improve-
4.5 levels, playing this spring and summer. ment,” Delavaut said of lighting Courts 7,
8 and 9. “We got away with not having to
“We’re also going after the beginners,” do it this year, but with the membership
he continued. “We’ve started Tennis 101 growing and an increased number of USTA
clinics for beginners who pay $10 per ses- teams playing at night, there’s a lot of pres-
sion for three clinics. If you develop new sure to do it.”
players, you develop new members. That’s
happening. Asked for a timeframe, Delavaut said,
“We know it needs to be done, and it’ll
“But we want to be about more than just happen in the near future.”
tennis,” he added. “We’re also creating a
more social environment.” One problem is that, contrary to what
many members believed, those courts
The new ownership – Grand Harbor res- weren’t pre-wired for lights, which adds to
idents Tony Randazzo and Ed Friedman the cost.
are the money men backing Delavaut’s ef-
forts – want to provide an atmosphere in Delavaut estimated the price tag for
which the club becomes a gathering place lighting the three courts at $70,000.
on and off the courts.
“This is an expensive place to run,” he
They want members to hang around said. “It’s a big club that’s more than 10
to eat, drink and socialize after they play. years old, and with staff salaries and main-
They want members to stop by and hang tenance costs, there’s a lot of overhead.
out, even when they’re not playing.
“So while we’re doing well with mem-
That’s happening, too. berships, we need to not only bring in new
“Maybe you come by for lunch or dinner, members but also keep the ones we’ve
or maybe you come by just to watch your got.”
friends play and have a drink,” Delavaut
said. “Our food and beverage numbers Delavaut said about 70 percent of the
have been increasing since we brought in new members are also members at other
Counter Culture to run the restaurant.” clubs, including John’s Island, Windsor,
The owners plan to upgrade the deck Quail Valley, The Moorings, Grand Harbor
and Twin Oaks.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 27, 2018 3

About 30 percent of those new members now includes four assistant pros who give PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD up that we didn’t anticipate, and we’re
are former Boulevard members who re- lessons, run clinics, assist with the juniors planning to be here for the long term.
turned after the change in ownership. Oth- programs and run USTA team practices. I’ve got some help now.”
ers, however, are former players returning And not just on the court. “To this point, everything has been pos-
to the sport, experienced players new to So instead of working 60 to 70 hours In addition to Counter Culture running itive, and that’s the reaction we’ve gotten
town or newcomers to the game. per week, as he did when he started at The from our members.”
Boulevard, Delavaut’s now down to only the food-and-beverage service, Randaz-
“We’ve done some advertising on TV six to eight hours on the court each day – zo’s daughter, Terri, now manages the off- Delavaut has an impressive background
and in the newspaper,” Delavaut said, “but and he gets Sundays off. the-court business, which frees Delavaut as a teaching pro and tennis director, but
what we’ve found is that, in a small town to focus on the tennis operation. he’s 54 in a profession where job security
like this, you’re best advertising is word of “It was harder than I thought,” Delavaut tends to wane with age. If he wants to stay
mouth.” said. “I’d leave the house in the morning “I wouldn’t have gotten involved in in Vero Beach, which he does, he needs
when it was dark, and I’d come home at this if I weren’t a tennis player,” Randazzo this venture to succeed.
When he took over The Boulevard’s night when it was dark. And there weren’t said. “I play. My daughter plays. My family
operations, Delavaut said he would have many days off. plays. So, for me, this is more than just an “I feel so lucky to be where I am at this
been “thrilled” to grow the membership to investment. I enjoy seeing how people are point in my career,” Delavaut said. “I’m
175 in the first year. He finished 2017 with “I went through a phase where, when I enjoying the club. thrilled to be running a facility of this cal-
nearly 200 members. was on the court, I had a tough time sep- iber, especially in a town like Vero Beach,
arating giving lessons and thinking about “Obviously, looking at what’s happened where there’s such a passion for tennis.
His goal for 2018 was to added 10 mem- the business side,” he added. “Thankfully, to the membership, things are going in the I’m grateful to have two partners like Tony
bers per month. Thus far, the club has add- right direction and we’re pleased by what and Ed, who understand the business and
ed 17 in January, 13 in February and 10 in we’ve seen,” he added. “Nothing has come are willing to make the necessary invest-
March. ment.

“We’ll see what happens in April, and I “And I appreciate our members,” he
know things tend to slow down during the added. “For so long, they were doing their
summer months,” he said. “But I’d love to own thing, putting together games and
finish the year with at least 250 members.” groups, because that’s what they had to
do. We’ve had to change that mentality and
Delavaut will benefit from the 17 homes change the culture, so they’d let us take
being built by GHO Homes in adjacent care of them.”
Boulevard Village, where residents are re-
quired to have tennis memberships at the Instead of being captained by members,
club. Delavaut now oversees all of the club’s
teams – USTA, county league and, yes, Or-
“If you had asked me if we could more chid Cup, where last weekend his players’
than double the membership in our first dominance of Quail Valley, The Moorings
16 months, I’d have said, ‘No way,’ but the and other local clubs sent a message to
word has gotten out,” Delavaut said. “I’m Vero Beach’s tennis community.
not surprised that we’ve grown, but it has
come faster than I expected.” The Boulevard is back ... and better than
ever. 
So has the growth of his staff, which



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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Samantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

4 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

SPOONBILL MARSH wildlife and natural habitat and to treat waste Florida Department of Environmental Pro- it from development.
water – and there are fewer and fewer op- tection in 2008 because it promised several Despite Swindell’s rosy portrayal, Indian
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 portunities to do so in Indian River County,” benefits. First, it would treat about 2 million
Swindell said, waving a list of wildlife species gallons a day of mineral-heavy concentrate, River County residents Barry Shapiro and
River Land Trust as evidence that Spoonbill he said he has identified on the 69-acre site. the side stream from well water treated via Carter Taylor have successfully petitioned
Marsh may actually be harming the environ- “Spoonbill Marsh has been a great success.” reverse-osmosis at the county’s north treat- the Florida Department of Environmen-
ment. ment plant to make it potable. tal Protection to delay the county’s permit
Swindell said he chose the site, just north renewal application until questions about
But Chip Swindell, owner and head en- of Grand Harbor, which owns the land and Second, it would remove nutrients from high nitrogen levels and inconsistencies in
gineer of Ecotech Consultants, which was gave the county a utility easement over the the lagoon. About 4 million gallons a day of reported data can be explained.
hired by the county to design the project a acreage, in part because the land would cost lagoon water is mixed with the 2 million gal-
dozen years ago, said he has successfully de- taxpayers nothing and also because of the lons a day of concentrate. The blended 6 mil- The state permit, which is needed to op-
signed 35 facilities similar to Spoonbill that red mangroves already on the marsh. He had lion gallons a day is pumped first to settling erate the facility, ran out in September 2017.
use the natural filtration of plants and soil just completed a similar facility in Australia, ponds and then through a spaghetti-like County Utilities Director Vincent Burke said
along fresh- and salt-waterbodies to clean exploiting the aerial root system of the red network of runnels, eventually converging at the permit has been “administratively ex-
pollutants. mangroves which he said makes it an excel- two major outfalls into the lagoon. tended,” while reporting inconsistencies are
lent filter. checked out.
“I want there to be more of these multi- As a final benefit, the project preserved 69
purpose facilities – to preserve and promote Spoonbill Marsh was approved by the acres of waterside terrain for wildlife, sparing Nitrogen is the chief pollutant in the Indi-
an River Lagoon. A nutrient that enters the
lagoon via leaking septic systems and fertil-
izer-laden runoff from farms and lawns, it
feeds algae blooms that destroy plant and
animal life by using up oxygen and blocking
sunlight needed for sea grass photosynthe-
sis, the backbone of the lagoon ecosystem.

Monthly reports turned into the DEP by
the county show that lagoon water going into
the facility is loaded with nitrogen. For No-
vember 2017, the average for total nitrogen
was 2.1 milligrams per liter.

The same reports show water flowing out
of the facility with less than half that much
nitrogen, .91 milligrams per liter. The con-
trasting numbers allow the county to claim
credit for a major nitrogen reduction, some-
thing that helps meet requirements of the
state permit.

But Shapiro and Taylor question the high
input number, noting water samples taken
by St. Johns River Water Management Dis-
trict that show total nitrogen is about .57 mil-
ligrams per liter in the middle of that stretch
of the lagoon and .89 milligrams per liter
near the shore.

They want to know why lagoon water
pumped into Spoonbill is reported to have
so much nitrogen, possibly inflating the fa-
cility’s nitrogen-removal claims. At the same
time, they note, if the county’s figures are
accurate, the marsh outflow carries nearly
twice the level of nitrogen St. Johns found
in its samples, meaning the marsh could ac-
tually be polluting the ecologically sensitive

Swindell said the St. Johns sample is from
the middle of the lagoon, while Spoonbill’s
is from the shoreline, which is consistently
much higher. He also claims there is good
and bad nitrogen – just like cholesterol – and
looking at total nitrogen is insufficient for
determining benefit.

Shapiro and Taylor have also demonstrat-
ed, through aerial photography, that the salt-
water marsh intended to be the natural fil-
tration system to remove nutrients has been
largely taken over by white mangroves at the
Spoonbill site. The same displacement has
occurred on the Land Trust property to the
north, which was purchased to preserve the
rare salt marsh.

The Florida Department of Environmen-
tal Protection will give written answers to
questions submitted by the public at the
same time it issues a decision on the permit
in late May. 

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6 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Yearly report gives county clean bill of financial health

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to Smith said the county is fiscally conser- ment situation. Unemployment peaked at
[email protected] the County Commission last week. It reveals vative and limits government. Direct ser- 15.2 percent during 2010. By 2016 it was
the county had a rare, totally clean audit. vices – public safety – which includes the down to 6.7 percent and it declined further,
Indian River County’s population is the sheriff’s office, firefighters and emergency to 4.6 percent, at the end of 2017. That was
highest ever, land values are close to pre-re- The independent auditing firm, Reh- services, comprises 46 percent of expendi- about a point higher than the 3.6 statewide
cession levels, the average wage is up and mann Robson CPA, had no negative find- tures at $83.4 million, he said, while general unemployment rate and about half a point
unemployment is down. Despite fat times, ings and no comments on the county’s government is less than 14 percent, at about higher than the nationwide average. The av-
however, the county is remaining conserva- finances, which include the general and $24.7 million. erage wage in the county has increased sub-
tive in its spending and is paying down debt, special funds and the budgets for the coun- stantially even as unemployment has fallen.
according to the financial report for fiscal ty’s five elected constitutional offices: the The county spent a total of about $181.3
year ending Sept. 30, 2017. sheriff’s department, tax collector, property million last year, about $6 million more Most remarkable among Smith’s finan-
appraiser, supervisor of elections and clerk than the year before, most of the increase cial highlights was the county’s incredibly
Indian River County Clerk of the Court of the court/comptroller. going to public safety. low debt level. It was nearly $129 million in
and Comptroller Jeff Smith presented the 2008, which equated to $910 per person. By
Smith said nearly half the county’s reve- 2017, that figure had been cut by two-thirds,
nue comes from property taxes, a revenue with county debt of only $44 million and a
stream that has increased with rising prop- per capita debt of $295.
erty values. Taxable land values increased
from $14.3 billion in 2016 to $16.3 billion in County Administrator Jason Brown not-
2017, which is only $2.3 billion shy of 2008 ed the national debt per person is nearly
pre-recession values. $65,000 and state debt nearly $6,000 per
In 2008 the county collected nearly $100
million in property taxes, in 2017 it collect- “The government that governs closest
ed nearly $90.2 million, which is about $5 to the people governs best,” Brown said.
million more than last year. “We’ve borrowed a lot less on behalf of the
people than state or federal government.”
Nearly 4,000 people moved out of the
county after the recession hit, shrinking Chairperson Peter O’Bryan agreed. “Our
the population to 138,000 in 2010. Now the strong financial health is a huge selling
population is nearly 149,000, surpassing the point for the county. It tells people and busi-
pre-recession 2008 population of 141,667. nesses looking to locate here that the local
government is doing a very good job with
At the same time, there has been dramat- local dollars.” 
ic improvement in the county’s employ-

NO MONEY FOR OVERPASSES – at 41st Street and State Road 512 to allow
hospital-bound ambulances to avoid de-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lays caused by freight trains.

At that time, however, officials decided The plan was eventually abandoned
the potential benefits weren’t worth the ex- because of the costs, the intrusive impact
pense, Matson said, given how infrequently on the adjacent areas and unexpected de-
freight trains blocked emergency vehicles creases in freight traffic.
from crossing the tracks.
Talk of overpasses disappeared until
The price tag would be much higher now 2015, when the advent of All Aboard Flori-
– so high that Brown said an overpass prob- da, which gave birth to Brightline, prompt-
ably won’t be built unless Brightline builds ed the MPO to resurrect the 1990s study.
it, which isn’t likely to happen.
“When All Aboard Florida became an is-
“If Brightline wants to pay for improve- sue and we began discussing our options,
ments like that, it certainly would be both I mentioned that we had studied this be-
helpful and welcome,” Brown said. “But fore,” Matson said. “But that was almost
we’re not going to use tax dollars to do it.” three years ago, and there were too many
Cost, however, is only one obstacle.
Brown said overpasses often have ad- Now, though, Brightline is up and run-
verse impacts – economically as well as so- ning in South Florida.
cially and aesthetically – on adjacent areas,
especially when the bridges are near busy Four people already have been struck
roadways that require entrance and exits and killed by Brightline trains, just on the
ramps. route between West Palm Beach and Fort
“Living near an overpass or having a Lauderdale, but the company continues to
business there is, in many cases, not pleas- move forward with its plans to connect Mi-
ant,” Brown said. “And there are issues with ami with Orlando.
building one in an already-disadvantaged
area, which could be the case here, depend- Members of Congress recently chal-
ing on where you put it. lenged Brightline’s government subsidized
“You might be solving a problem in one financing scheme for its Phase 2 expansion,
area, but you’re making problems worse in but if the company ends up securing the
another, which you don’t want to do.” Private Activity Bond allocations it seeks,
Twenty-five years ago, county officials high-speed trains could be zipping through
studied the possibility of building overpass- Indian River County in a few years.
es over the tracks – and Old Dixie Highway
If that happens, construction of addi-
tional tracks along the Florida East Coast
Railway route is expected to bring increased
freight traffic, too. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 27, 2018 7

VILLAGE SHOPS THEFT “She then shops for several more minutes Hurricane Impact Doors
and then departs walking out toward the & Impact Glass,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 front of Bank of America. None of the friends We Have It All!
in the store witnessed the sleight of hand.”
would be back. The report states, “The
owner of the store retrieved some jewelry The vendor of the jewelry noted the items
to show some patrons that visit the store missing when an inventory was conduct-
regularly. These items were set out on ed. After a review of the video surveillance
a display case in clear view of a security tapes, the owner reported the theft to police
camera. At about 1750 hours (5:50 p.m.) on April 13.
the suspect returns without the dog. She
shows her earrings and engages in con- The items stolen were a rubelite and gold
versation. There are other patrons and ring valued at $6,100, and another rubelite
friends present.” and gold ring valued at $15,000. Rubelite is
another name for pink tourmaline, a valu-
That’s when the sleight of hand allegedly able gemstone.
The Shores Public Safety Department put
According to the police report based on an “Attempt to Locate” bulletin with a very
the security camera footage, the woman clear surveillance camera image out on so-
palmed one of the rings and put it in her cial media in hopes that someone would
pocket without anyone seeing what she did. recognize the woman.
She then continued browsing and interact-
ing with other people in the store for several Odds are, however, if the glamorous sus-
more minutes before apparently slipping pect was day tripping from outside the area,
the other ring into her pocket. or in town only for spring break or the Easter
holiday, she is now gone and the odds of lo-
cating her may not be great. 

JOHNNY BENJAMIN TRIAL Shaun Crowley said his wife hurt her back Transform Your Existing Door from
at a music concert years before and was pre- Boring to Beautiful!
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 scribed oxycodone. When the family moved
to Florida at the height of the state’s pill mill ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
assisted in a scheme to build the surgeon’s epidemic, she had trouble filling her pre- ■ Customize to your style
inventory of illegal pills as the illicit opera- scription, he said. She then started getting ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
tion spread throughout the Treasure Coast. pain pills from Slater, her coworker at an ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
Outback Steakhouse restaurant. ■ Fiberglass Doors
Three people testified Tuesday they were ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
recruited to fill prescriptions of a hundred or Slater, who called Cowley “a beautiful ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
more pain pills in exchange for the promise soul,” took a somber tone as he described ■ Etching
of pain relief, drugs, money or friendship. giving his friend the fatal dose. He said he ■ Schlage Hardware
Though their individual stories varied, each warned her in a text message the latest batch ■ Mirror Wraps
said they drove to Vero Beach for pills like of pills was dangerous, because of the fen-
oxycodone or hydrocodone. They would tanyl content. She replied that a half a pill Regency Square
wait in the ProSpine Center parking lot be- worked for her in the hours before her death.
fore being presented with a signed script 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
from Benjamin’s prescription pad. “I thought she needed them for pain re-
lief,” Slater said under oath. “I believed she 772.463.6500
The handwritten scripts, shown to the was in pain.”
jury, were then taken to area pharmacies for
fulfillment, they said. The bulk of the pills Slater testified Stewart had given him the
were later returned to Slater for sale on the illicit pills to test out a new market, research
street. Each pill was worth an estimated $20 price points and find customers.
apiece, prosecutors said.
Moments after Crowley died, Slater tex-
Though none of these accomplices ac- ted his dealer, Stewart, to say they were no
tually saw Benjamin sign the prescriptions, longer going to get paid. Though he never
two pharmacists who expressed alarm over met Benjamin, Slater testified he had heard
the excessive and unusual scripts testified about the Vero Beach physician who was the
that they recognized the doctor’s handwrit- source of his dealer’s supply.
ing. One, confused why a person from the
Miami area was in Vero Beach getting pain Defense attorney Donnie Murrell pointed
medicine, even called Benjamin to verify to inconsistencies in testimony. He said the
that the prescription was legit. facts connecting the drugs that killed Crow-
ley to his client were weak.
Benjamin told Indian River County phar-
macist Gregory Decrescenzo the woman The DEA got tunnel vision once Benja-
had driven to Vero Beach for his care. min’s name was mentioned, he said. The
doctor was railroaded by his longtime friend
The second day of the trial opened with whose mother once worked at his office.
emotional testimony surrounding the tragic “Zachary Stewart is the drug dealer,” Murrell
death of Maggie Crowley, 34. said. “Zachary Stewart is the supplier. “

Her family seated in the courtroom gal- The informants can’t be trusted, the
lery at times wiped tears from their eyes. defense attorney argued. They have both
Many stepped outside the room when pros- pleaded guilty to drug crimes. Their stories
ecutors showed photographs of her body. have changed throughout the investigation.
She had collapsed on her bedroom floor They are only here today because they want
Sept. 1, 2016. Her skin was blotchy and red to avoid prison.
from the effects of the toxic and addictive
fentanyl, with which some of Benjamin’s “Lying is what drug dealers do every day,”
pills were allegedly laced. Murrell said. “It’s a talent of the trade.”

The trial was expected to last at least
through the end of this week. 



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10 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Eye, eye! Treatment KO’s cataracts – and need for glasses

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer cataract removed, they also want to be
[email protected] “glasses-free” afterward and, he says, it’s
here that the ORA system really shines.
Medical consumers can be a downright
demanding bunch. “It’s not 100 percent [glasses-free] but well
into the mid-90s,” says a smiling Tate, while
We always want better, safer, faster fixes adding, “we’ve been very happy with it.”
for our medical problems, and according to
Dr. Stephen Tate, that’s precisely what Vero Indeed, New Vision has already treated
Beach’s New Vision Eye Center’s “ocular re- close to 500 patients using this new system
fractive analysis” (or ORA system) is deliver- in just seven months.
ing for patients with cataract, astigmatism
and other vision problems. “Dr. [Paul] Minotty and I have both been
so pleased with it, we actually got a second
According to Tate, a large number of to- system,” says Tate. “The demand for it has
day’s cataract patients not only want their been so high we have a system in each of our

Dr. Stephen Tate using
the ORA system.


operating rooms now.” The National Eye Institute at NIH reports
Of course, technology such as the ORA that “the number of people in the U.S. with
cataracts is expected to double to about 50
system doesn’t happen overnight. million” by 2050.
Cataract surgery is actually one of the old-
So just what are cataracts and astigma-
est medical procedures known. Its use has tisms?
been documented as early as the 5th century
B.C. – though if you’re squeamish, reading “Cataract,” explains Tate, “is just a
up on the details of how the procedure was clouding of the lens inside the eye; right
performed in the era of the Persian and Pelo- behind the colored part of the eye – the
ponnesian wars might not be for you. iris – there’s a lens, and that lens that you
have doesn’t ‘turn over’ throughout your
Today, “cataracts affect more than 24.4 life like, say, your skin, where old skin dies
million Americans age 40 and older, and by and new skin cells grow. The lens of the
age 75, approximately half of all Americans eye isn’t like that. The lens that you’re born
have cataracts,” according to the American
Academy of Ophthalmology. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

12 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 system boasts a seemingly mind-bog- IRMC wound healing center
gling combination of algorithms, con- takes on diabetic ulcers
with stays there. By the time that you’re 60, stantly updating data bases, microscopic
70 or 80 years old, the lens in your eye is 60, imaging, mathematical calculations and By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer guests is a large part of what vascular surgeon
70, 80 years old. graphic overlays that are displayed for [email protected] Dr. W. Clark Beckett and podiatric surgeon Dr.
Tate and Minotty while their operations Amberly Paradoa – along with nurse-manag-
“It starts to get hazy and cloudy and typi- are going on. If you have a diabetic leg or foot wound, er Debbie Dill and program director Carrie
cally will get a bit yellowish and brown over you’ve got a lot friends. Duprey – do every day at the Indian River
time. Eventually it gets cloudy enough that As Tate explains, for people who have Medical Center’s wound healing center.
it starts to affect the vision.” a large amount of astigmatism or other Unfortunately, they’re not the kind of
conditions to lead to near-sightedness or friends anyone really wants. The center uses a wide range of tech-
“Astigmatism,” Tate continues, “is also far-sightedness, the ORA system allows niques, treatments and technology to help
extremely common. Almost everybody has the new replacement lens implanted in They’re bacteria. people heal and manage persistent wounds.
some astigmatism.” cataract surgery to be oriented so that it Some 160 different types of bacterial
focuses vision clearly, doing away with the pathogens with names like “staphylococ- The American Podiatric Medical As-
The American Optometric Association need for glasses or contacts in most cases. cus aureus” and “beta-hemolytic strep- sociation estimates more than 21 million
backs up Tate’s claim, saying “most peo- tococci” live, eat and breed inside such Americans have been diagnosed with dia-
ple have some degree of astigmatism,” Asked if the ORA system is so advanced wounds, and you are their primary food betes, and the Centers for Disease Control
and puts the blame largely on “an irreg- that it actually gets to “know” the individ- source and life-support system. says upwards of 15 percent of those diabetic
ularly shaped cornea or lens that prevents ual surgeon, Tate smiles and says “that’s Working to get rid of these unwelcome
light from focusing properly on the reti- exactly right,” and promptly adds, “it also
na, the light-sensitive surface at the back summates the data from all of the users
of the eye.” throughout the world,” giving the surgeon
instant access to that data and the likely
That can lead to eye discomfort, head- results for each tiny incision or lens place-
aches and blurred vision that needs to be ment.
corrected with glasses.
Still, some limitations do remain. Not
Getting somewhat technical, Tate adds, everyone can have their cataracts removed
“we measure optics and diopters and typ- and be glasses-free afterward, so it’s im-
ically if somebody has between one-half portant to discuss your situation with your
and one diopter of astigmatism, it can eye doctor and choose the option that’s best
have a bit of an effect the vision and once for you.
it becomes more than a diopter of astig-
matism, it tends to have a quite noticeable Dr. Stephen Tate is with New Vision Eye
effect for people.” Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero Beach, di-
rectly across from the hospital. The phone
And here’s where today’s demanding number is 772-257-8700. 
medical consumers who come in asking to
be both cataract-free and glasses-free come
into the picture.

The key is the ORA technology: The

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH April 27, 2018 13

Dr. W. Clark Beckett, RNs Carrie Duprey and Debbie Dill, and Dr. Amberly Paradoa. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD foot ulcer and people who use insulin are
at higher risk, as are patients with diabe-
patients will develop ulcers or open wounds soon as possible when a wound appears. sugar (glucose) can injure nerve fibers tes-related kidney, eye and heart disease.
on one or more of their extremities. “I tell [those who think they may have throughout your body but most often dam- Being overweight and using alcohol and
ages nerves in your legs and feet,” while pe- tobacco also play a role in the develop-
Diabetic foot ulcers are considered to a diabetic wound or ulcer] to call us right ripheral artery disease is “a common circu- ment of foot ulcers.
be the most common as well as the most away,” Paradoa says, “because I’d rather latory problem in which narrowed arteries
disabling and costly complication of dia- deal with a small wound than a full-blown reduce blood flow to your limbs.” And treating those ulcers takes time.
betes. Each year those ulcers are directly wound that goes to bone.” Nurse-manager Dill points out that pa-
responsible for upwards of 80,000 ampu- Anyone who has diabetes can develop a tients need patience.
tations nationwide. Nurse-manager Dill joins the conver-
sation, adding: “If it’s a venous leg ulcer, “Patients,” Dill explains, “come here
“Wound care,” says Beckett, “is hard you wrap it. We use Grafix a lot, which is a and think it’s a regular doctor’s office
work. It’s week after week and we see pa- placenta-based skin graft.” She then lists a where they can get in and out within an
tients every week. Numbers increase, vol- handful of the hundreds of other products hour, but we do a lot of wraps; we do to-
umes increase,” and it’s definitely not for commonly used, including Apabrand, Me- tal contact casts, which take an hour and
the faint of heart. pilex, Aquacel Ag, collagen and WoundEx. a half; we do wound VACs [quite literally a
specialized vacuum device], which usual-
The soft-spoken Beckett continues, say- Why so many products? Because there ly take a half an hour to an hour.”
ing “a wound or an ulcer that first presents are a comparably large number of infec-
to us may be very shaggy and ugly with a lot tions including cellulitis, myositis, ab- Dill wants patients to know in advance
of dead tissue, so it’s anesthetized and [pa- scesses, necrotizing fasciitis, septic ar- that their first visit is usually about two
tients] get what’s called debridement, which thritis, tendinitis and osteomyelitis that hours long.
is the removal of non-vital tissue. And these need to be treated.
debridements go on sometimes week after There’s no shortage of people seeking
week, until we get to a clean base.” According to the National Library of treatment.
Medicine, “diabetic neuropathy” and “pe-
Dr. Paradoa adds venous leg ulcers, ar- ripheral arterial disease” are major con- As program director Duprey puts it, “we
terial wounds and traumatic wounds to tributors to non-healing foot or leg wounds. get referrals from all over the community
the list of conditions treated at the wound – from the emergency room to the urgent
healing center, and is quick to point out Diabetic neuropathy, says the Mayo cares, physicians’ offices [and] other pa-
the importance of seeking medical care as Clinic, “is a type of nerve damage that can tients. We get self-referrals. People here
occur if you have diabetes. High blood know that the hospital has a wound center
and they give us a call and we get them in
with a physician.”

The Indian River Medical Center’s wound
healing center is directly east of the main
hospital building at 1000 36th Street. The
phone number is 772-563-4625. 

14 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz says gentle Gabe is truly a ‘Golden’ oldie

Hi Dog Buddies! let me know right away Gabriel dockters an nurses. They sometimes
who’s Boss of Everybody. get right down on the floor with me
Most pooches, when we reach A Certain an play. It helps ’em relax an be hap-
Age, think about slowin’ down, leavin’ all Her. Learned that pretty fast. py. I have a Great Sense of Re-spon-
that goofy puppy stuff to the goofy pup- sa-BILL-uddy to My Peeples. It’s, like,
pies, maybe doing more snoozing an less My Cat Strategy is: Strategic my Purpose in Life.
fetchin,’ givin’ the squirrels a break. But not
Gabriel Anderson (who’s 87-anna-half in Retreat. An here’s a pickshur “I’m also a (fluffy) nonjudgmen-
dog, gettin’ a liddle white around the whif- tal reading coach for a buncha lid-
fles, but you’d never know it, otherwise). of me playin’ in the snow. I dle humans at the Brackett Library.
The program’s called Paws to Read.
Gabriel’s a big, good-lookin’ Golden LOVE the snow! I’m a total We get all comf-tubble on the floor,
Retriever who’s been with his Mom, Sheri an the kids practice readin’ – to me.
Searle, since he was a puppy, back when Snow Nose. An here’s me on My favorite book so far is ‘Muddy-
it was just the two of ’em. Ever since pup- paws.’”
pyhood, Gabriel’s had this Special Quality my first Halloween. Mom
that makes humans feel Much Better just “Whaddya do in your free time?”
bein’ around him. dressed me up like a Hippie, I queried.

So when his Mom opened the door, Ga- with lotsa flowers. I wasn’t “Well, I enjoy travelin’ with Mom
briel (and his distant cousin Solaris) greet- an Dad. (He’s Adam.) I’ve been to
ed us very politely with welcoming wag- thrilled, but I Went Along 15 states. An me an Mom are gettin’
an-sniffs. into dancing.’ We make up routines
cuz it made Mom happy. An for one of our classes – Canine Free
“Please come in. Is it OK if I call you Style. We have two routines, one to
Bonz? You can call me Gabe.” here’s me with my Grampa Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” an one
to “Hit the Road, Jack.” Spins are
“Of course. Gabe it is. I know you have Anderson. We’re buddies.” the most fun. I could spin all day.
a wonnerful gift for helpin’ humans, an I
wanna hear all about that, an also about “It’s so Cool Kibbles that “One time, when Mom an Dad
the rest of your life.” were Elsewhere, I passed the time
you have all these great pick- by figuring out how to unlock the doors,
“OK. I’ll yap an you can stop me if you which, in retrospect, wasn’t the best idea
have any questions. Ready? I was born in shur mem-rees.” I ever had. Now Mom an Dad always use
Colorado, an Mom was goin’ to school out the deadbolts. But probly my Most Favor-
there. I was just a liddle pupster when she “Well there’s one mem-ree ite Mem-ree, Bonz, is when I walked Mom
adopted me. I was her first pooch, so she down the aisle when she and Dad got mar-
took, like, zillions of pickshurs of me.” (He I couldda done without. See, ried, back in 2014. I even got to go onna
showed me some of ’em.) boat ride with ’em after.”
when I was a puppy, I usta “Woof, Gabe, that is Really Special.”
“See, here’s my first bath, which I didn’t Heading home, I was pickshurin’ all the
like. The fluffy towel was nice, though. First chew EVERYTHING. Well, humans Gabe helps, just by bein’ himself.
time I ever went swimmin,’ me anna cou- When he was talkin’ about his full calendar
pla pooch pals – Emma, a Border Collie, an on my first Christmas Eve, I an all his Re-sponsa-BILL-uddies, I was
Edward, a Lab – were atta lake. It was real thinkin,’ “Woof, yeah! I can TOTALLY relate
big an I was real liddle an Mom was real was chewin’ this sock, which to that! I’m a Busy Dog, too!”
nervous. I had this nice stick in my mouth Then I ree-lized, I only work one day a
an Emma an Edward were already swim- I wasn’t ’spose to, an I acci- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD week.
min’ around, so I dived in with my stick an Till next time,
swam to the middle of the lake. Mom didn’t dentally swallowed it. Totally.
know swimmin’ came natch-rull. Oh, an The Bonz
here’s me meetin’ my First Cat – Lua. She An I got a BLOCK-age. The vet

hadda do an oppa-RAY-shun, “Woof, Gabe, that’s PAWsome. I’m im-

an I hadda wear the Cone of Shame an pressed. You must be In Demand!”

have PILLS an be quiet for 6-to-8-Weeks. “I am. I’ve logged more than 200 visits to

Mom hadda get a loan.” hospiddles an other places in Vero an Se-

“Soggy Dog Biscuits! That sounds seri- bastian. I’m gonna get Hospice-qualified,

ous!” an I’ve got my own Official Card from the

“It WAS. I coulda Bought the Doghouse.” Scully-Welsh Cancer Center that has my

So, how’d you get down here?” pickshur an ‘Gabriel, Pet Therapy’ on it!”

“In 2006, we all piled into our Honda Civ- “Seriously Cool Dog Biscuits!”

ic: Mom an me an Lua an Jamie (also a cat), “My calendar’s even fuller than Mom’s.

an all our stuff. Took two days. We moved Every week, we do rounds to see who’d like

so Mom could go to school some more, a liddle visit. We gotta lotta REG-ulars. My

in Gainesville, where there’s a Big Human Peeples are patients, volunteers, chapluns,

School called a uni-VER-siddy. Mom stud-

ies BUGS. I myself hardly ever think about DON’T BE SHY
bugs, but, hey, I’m a dog, so …”

He pawsed. We are always looking for pets
“Mom makes sure I getta good ed-juh- with interesting stories.
CAY-shun, too. I’ve passed a whole bun-
cha classes an pretty soon I’m gonna get For a questionnaire, email

my AKC Therapy Dog Excellence Title and [email protected].
AKC Achiever Title.”

Remodeled condo on canal
features deep-water dockage

1845 Tarpon Lane, Unit 101 in Tarpon Island Club: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,700-square-foot renovated condo on a deep-water canal
offered for $429,900 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services agents Chip Landers, 772-473-7888, and Mark Seeberg, 772-696-0651



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16 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Remodeled condo on canal has deep-water dockage

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer The Fullers’ boat lift is special. It’s a
[email protected] wooden platform, not just metal brackets,
on a motorized pulley system. They store
Anna and Dan Fuller have one of those two kayaks and a canoe on the platform,
marriages that bring out the talents of but the space could be taken up by a larg-
each as they work on projects together. er boat. The previous owner had bad eye-
She’s big-picture creative, he’s more of a sight and wanted firmer footing during the
detail-oriented executive type – a good launch process.
combo when renovating a condo.
The platform has made it safer for their
“We move every three to five years,” grandchildren to launch the canoe. “We
Anna said. “There are so many condos that

need updating. We love doing it. It takes a The canal, one of three that run paral- Tarpon Lane’s canal runs closest to the don’t really want them on the lagoon with
little bit of vision and a whole lot of orga- lel to the lagoon, suffered no dock damage lagoon. It is lined with mangroves, with the wind,” Anna said. “They paddle up and
nization.” during the last hurricane. Nearby canals a higher berm beyond, an ecological- down this canal and the other two. They
running perpendicular to the lagoon were ly-friendly breakwater that prevents flood- have a ball.”
Both are in the commercial real estate more open to high winds and storm-surge ing. The docks are built high and are well
business, making them knowledgeable on waves, and many docks along those canals maintained by the separate dock-condo The dock is within steps of the covered
location and market value, adding depth were damaged. association that charges $435 a year. back porch, “so you don’t have to load and
to their choice of which condo to live in unload stuff. The dock fee includes a big
and renovate. dock box for storing paddles and other
equipment. You’re on the water in min-
Over the last two years they’ve renovat- utes.”
ed 1845 Tarpon Lane, unit 101, a ground-
floor unit in Tarpon Island Club, which is The condo was built in 1983, Anna said,
located on a finger canal with deep boat “and these older condos are really built.
dockage between the bridges. Solid concrete all around; you don’t hear
anything at all, even though you’re close to
“We’re the only three-bedroom, two-bath the 17th Street Bridge.”
condo on the mainland, on the water, with
a boat dock,” Anna said. “Grand Harbor is Berkshire Hathaway Home Services list-
the next place, but it’s not on the water.” ing agent Chip Landers noted “anything

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 27, 2018 17


on the water now is basically old. [But you wine. “The oven is not only convectional, rooms on one side and the master bed- Inset lighting, new window treatments,
can spend money to upgrade] and get your but also infrared, which gives a grill effect room on the other. and a score of other refinements made the
money out, because of location, location, without having a grill,” she said. home’s interior brighter, more utilitarian
location. Not only are you on the water The guest bathroom renovation includ- and streamline lovely.
and close to the beach, you’re within walk- Storage was another consideration. The ed installation of a walk-in shower with
ing distance to Miracle Mile. You can have kitchen was totally ripped out, with the stone-look tile. The counters are 42 inches The condo comes with a covered parking
dinner at Bonefish Grill.” ceiling heightened to allow higher cabi- high and granite. Two sinks speed up the space out front, making it easy to transfer
nets to be installed, with soft-close draw- morning rush and fine whisper-close cabi- groceries from the car to the kitchen. “I think
Anna said they’re also in a prime loca- ers and doors, making it impossible to netry pleases the eye and hand. another advantage to being on the first floor
tion to watch the Christmas boat parade bang them shut. – besides not having to negotiate stairs – is
and July 4th fireworks. The master bath was also totally re- you don’t feel cooped in,” Anna said, open-
Even the space between the wall and done, with two pristine white vessel sinks ing up the sliding-glass doors to the outside.
Noise on the inside of the condo was a refrigerator was maximized, a tall, nar- gleaming above marble counters. More
primary concern of Anna’s as well. She re- row pull-out closet with pan racks insert- soft-close cabinetry is beneath. The tiled The condo fee is $586 a month, which
searched the noise level the dishwasher, ed in the 10-inch space. Counters below walk-in shower and porcelain tile floors includes water, sewer, garbage, commu-
refrigerator and garbage disposal made, in- the window were installed and lovely add to the feeling this room is not just for nity pool, clubhouse and tennis courts
stalling the quietest. “My grandson thought bone-colored granite counters comple- bathing, it’s for ablutions. – recently lined to also serve as pickleball
the old garbage disposal was a lion. He’d ment the white cabinets. A light porcelain courts as well. The building got a new met-
say, ‘turn it on, let me hear it roar.’” tile on the floor further brightened the All the closets were gutted, with storage al roof a few months ago. “You just pay
kitchen. maximized. Ease of movement was en- electric and cable,” Anna said.
Most of the appliances are the LG brand, hanced by replacing solid doors with bi-
which Anna loves for its engineering and The open-floor-plan living room and fold doors. The side-by-side washer and The property is co-listed by Chip Land-
detail. The refrigerator has three doors, dining room look out onto the back yard dryer were replaced with stacked units, ers and Mark Seeberg, who have an open
one a chiller drawer she stocks with white and split the bedrooms, two guest bed- leaving room for hanging clothes, a ham- house planned for this weekend, from 1
per and folding area. p.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, April 29. 


Neighborhood: Tarpon Island Club, three-story condominiums
Year built: 1983 • Home size: 1,700 sq. ft.

Construction: Concrete block and reinforced concrete
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2

Additional features: First floor, remodeled, boat slip with
platform boat lift, wood flooring, quartz and marble counters,

quiet-close cabinets, LED lighting, new air conditioning, accor-

dion shutters, all new appliances, covered parking space

Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agents: Co-listed by Chip Landers, 772-473-7888, and

Mark Seeberg, 772-696-0651

Listing price: $429,900

18 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Home sales were in full swing on the mainland real estate market last week, with 42 transactions
reported from April 16-20 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 1605 Saint Davids Lane. First listed in No-
vember for $413,500, this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,440-square-foot house sold for the asking
price on April 17.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the residence at 620 Wimbrow Drive. First listed in January for
$385,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,018-square-foot house abode fetched $370,000 on April 17.


VERO BEACH 1605 SAINT DAVIDS LANE 11/8/2017 $413,500 4/17/2018 $405,000
VERO BEACH 5520 N HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE #301 8/2/2017 $485,000 4/20/2018 $383,000
VERO BEACH 6495 36TH LANE 2/26/2018 $389,900 4/20/2018 $370,000
SEBASTIAN 620 WIMBROW DRIVE 1/20/2018 $385,000 4/17/2018 $347,000
VERO BEACH 1140 49TH AVENUE 10/17/2017 $370,000 4/17/2018 $345,000
VERO BEACH 4420 6TH PLACE 3/12/2018 $362,000 4/16/2018 $336,000
VERO BEACH 1275 SOUTH VILLAGE SQUARE 1/4/2018 $349,900 4/18/2018 $275,000
VERO BEACH 6265 60TH COURT 03/05/18  $294,900 4/20/2018 $274,000
VERO BEACH 4916 WOOD DUCK CIRCLE 02/21/18  $293,000 4/17/2018 $265,000
SEBASTIAN 1174 FAIRFIELD LANE 3/5/2018 $279,950 4/20/2018 $264,500
SEBASTIAN 309 JOY HAVEN DRIVE 12/21/2017 $299,000 4/18/2018 $264,000
SEBASTIAN 581 MELROSE LANE 03/08/18  $267,900 4/16/2018 $253,500
VERO BEACH 125 14TH AVENUE 03/08/18  $259,000 4/18/2018 $250,000
VERO BEACH 1192 CHEVAL DRIVE 2/19/2018 $259,900 4/20/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 27, 2018 19


5520 N Harbor Village Drive Unit #301, Vero Beach 6495 36th Lane, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 8/2/2017 Listing Date: 2/26/2018
Original Price: $485,000 Original Price: $389,900
Sold: 4/20/2018 Sold: 4/20/2018
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $383,000
Listing Agent: Henriette Churney Listing Agent: Chip Landers

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Mike Boyd Kisha Moran

Coldwell Banker Paradise Keller Williams Realty

620 Wimbrow Drive, Sebastian 1140 49th Avenue, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 1/20/2018 Listing Date: 10/17/2017
Original Price: $385,000 Original Price: $370,000
Sold: 4/17/2018 Sold: 4/17/2018
Selling Price: $370,000 Selling Price: $347,000
Listing Agent: Kim Small Listing Agent: Robin Raiff

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: EXP Realty, LLC

Francine Kidder Sherrie Coleman

RE/MAX Crown Realty Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC

199$ 3DAYS


Coming Up! At Foosaner, timeless photography Adam Schnell.
with a ‘French Twist’ PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 How about a little musical
journey back to the 1960s
this Saturday evening, beneath
the moon and stars? It’s next
in the Sebastian Inlet’s Night
Sounds Concert Series, with
music courtesy of the five-piece
British pop-rock-playin’ band St.
Johns Wood, and the venue – the
beautiful Sebastian Inlet – cour-
tesy of the Florida Department
of Environmental Protection.
So bring your lawn chairs, bring
your pals, and enjoy tunes from
the Beatles, the Rolling Stones,
the Who, the Kinks, the Zombies,
the Animals, David Bowie, Eric
Clapton and others who crossed
The Pond during the British In-
vasion. The popular and unique
Night Sounds series is hosted by
the dedicated Friends of Sebas-
tian Inlet State Park and takes
place on the south side of the
Inlet, in the Coconut Point pavil-


B2 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

At Foosaner, timeless photography with a ‘French Twist’

“French Twist: Masterworks of
Photography” exhibition.


By Ellen Fischer | Columnist with the show “French Twist: Masterworks of en between his six and 16th birthdays; Hen- of Hans Arp, Giorgio de Chirico, Max Ernst,
[email protected] Photography.”The lion’s share of the 100 black- ri Cartier Bresson, the father of the “decisive Paul Klee, André Masson, Joan Miró, Pablo
and-white photographs on display were taken moment” in street photography; and Laure Picasso and Pierre Roy.
If you could time travel to an era in art his- of all things French: people, places and ideas. Albin Guillot, photographer of creative celeb-
tory and meet its principle players, which one rities such as Jean Cocteau, whose 1934 por- In the current show, stunning portraits
would it be? The Gallic stars of photography are here: trait is included in this show. of gorgeous females represent the milieu in
Eugène Atget, documenter of the medieval which May Ray moved. Here are his lovers,
From now through May 19, Florida Insti- streets and structures of a rapidly modern- For many foreigners, France means the exotically maquillaged cabaret singer Kiki
tute of Technology’s Foosaner Museum of Art izing Paris; prodigy Jacques-Henri Lartigue, “Paris.” In the early 20th century, Paris was de Montparnasse in 1923, and fellow expat
makes a good case for what it calls the golden whose photos of the wealthy at play were tak- the place to be for artists of every nation- Lee Miller with a “friend,” circa 1930. Another
age of French photography, from 1900 to 1940, ality who longed to be free of the social favorite model, Jacqueline Goddard, is shown
It’s a date. mores that fettered free expression back in a 1930 portrait with her blond hair backlit
NOopwen home. Also represented in this exhibition and streaming from her face as though elec-
Join us for a lunch that are photographers who found their voice trically charged. Also here is a famous image
AL 13068 you will remember. in Paris: Hungarians Brassaï and André from Man Ray’s “Erotique Voilée” series that
Kertész; German Ilse Bing, Austrian Lisette reveals artist Meret Oppenheim wearing little
Call with an opening on Model, Russian Dora Maar; and Americans more than printing ink smudges on her raised
your calendar. Lee Miller (who was a fashion model in palm and forearm. Photographer Dora Maar
New York before she arrived in Paris) and is the subject of a May Ray portrait created
772-562-8491 Man Ray (born Emmanuel Radnitsky in in 1936, the year before she inspired Picasso
South Philadelphia). to paint “Weeping Woman.” At the Foosaner,
Assisted Living & Memory Care Maar’s own photographic works are hung not Of the latter artist, it could be argued that far from May Ray’s.
the supremely French movements of Dada
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960 and Surrealism would not have their cachet Rounding out Man Ray’s aid to the cause
but for Man Ray’s contributions. A friend of French photography, the show displays
and collaborator of both Marcel Duchamp examples of the photogram (or as Man Ray
and Francis Picabia, Man Ray’s work was called them, rayograms) and a print from a
included in the first group exhibition of solarized negative. In the former technique,
Surrealism in Paris in 1925, along with that objects are placed on photographically sen-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 27, 2018 B3

sitized paper, exposed to light and chem- for documentary street photographers like you only so far in the appreciation of “French mas tree of garlands, of glittering stars.”
ically developed to create semi-abstract Bing (known as “Queen of the Leica”), Bras- Twist.” The aesthetic beauty of the pictures on Also on view is his 1933 nighttime “View of
compositions. In the latter, a negative is saï, and Cartier-Bresson. display and their intriguing, sometime chal- Paris” where we see the glittering city from
said to be “solarized” when the dark and lenging, subject matter is purely l’art pour l’art. the vantage of a gargoyle atop Notre Dame.
light areas of an image exposed onto film Technology did not create the idea of pho-
are partially reversed through re-exposure tography as an art form, but it did democratize The show is divided into six overlapping cat- A fine grouping by Henri Cartier-Bres-
to light during development. The effect was it, put it within reach of young artists who, in egories: “The Life of the Street”; “Diversions”; son includes a number of his most famous
rediscovered by Lee Miller, who accidental- an age of innovation, used the medium to ex- “The Lower Classes”; “Paris at Night”; “Art for images, among them a decisive moment
ly switched on a light while developing film pand the boundaries of art. Art’s Sake”; and “The Figure.” arrested in 1932. The place was the seaside
in Man Ray’s darkroom. Man Ray developed town of “Hyères,” where the arcing sweep of
the technique for use in his own work. The Another technological tie-in: The photos Brassaï’s work, for example, is seen in a stair case is echoed by a speeding bicyclist
show includes Man Ray’s solarized self-por- on display are from the extensive photo- “Diversions” with a dizzying view of per- in the street below.
trait from 1932. graphic collection of retired physicist Mi- formers resting against stage scenery at
chael Mattis, and his spouse, linguist Judith the Folies-Bergères; in “The Lower Classes” “French Twist” may be the last traveling
With its focus on early 20th century pho- “Judy” Hochberg. The couple began collect- he is represented by two scowling street exhibition of its quality that we will see at
tography, “French Twist” is made to order ing in the early 1980s, when they were Ph.D. toughs who appear to be around 15 years the Foosaner. In the wake of Florida Insti-
for Florida Institute of Technology. For one, students at Stanford University. After grad- old; “Paris at Night” comprises several of tute of Technology’s administrative decision
the pictures in the show are historical arti- uating, Mattis was the Enrico Fermi fellow Brassaï’s brothel scenes. Among them is to eventually close the museum and sell its
facts, printed by the artists themselves close at the University of Chicago; from 1989 he a circa 1932 print that shows the foyer in building, FIT President Dwayne McCay said
to the time they were taken. Technologically was the J. Robert Oppenheimer fellow at one such maison where three nudes stand that museum operations will be “econo-
speaking, these objects represent a period Los Alamos National Laboratories, where cheek to cheek before a customer. The tab- mized” until July 2021 when, unless financial
of time when tripod-mounted view cam- he did research in particle theory. Hochberg leau is familiar from comparable scenes by support is found, Melbourne’s community
eras and box cameras with limited shutters worked there also, performing research on Degas and Lautrec. museum will close forever.
speeds were supplanted by successively speech recognition and computer security.
smaller and faster hand-held cameras. The In 2000 the couple left science to pursue Other astounding Brassai prints on dis- “Over time, it’s just become an untenable
Leica 35 mm camera was developed during full-time careers as curators for their mush- play include 1932’s “Madame Bijou in the situation to continue to pour money (into the
this time, and became the camera of choice rooming collection. Bar de la Lune, Montmartre” whose sub- Foosaner) with very little outside support. We
ject, Brassaï noted, was “an ageless wom- hope that the community will step up to pre-
History and technology, however, will take an” covered in jewelry: “a veritable Christ- serve this community asset,” he said. 

B4 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

For Vero flutist, brrr-illiant opportunity in Minnesota

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer of Rutllant’s roots. Born in Chile, he and his
[email protected] mom moved to the U.S. following the death of
Emilio’s father. Emilio was 10. His mom, who
Musicians typically pack their pockets with has since remarried, says it was Emilio’s idea to
reeds, picks and rosin.When flutist Emilio Rut- move even though he, like his mother, spoke
llant moves to Minneapolis in September, he no English. “It’s the best country, the best life,”
will be packing lip balm; cracked lips are the he told her, having visited before on vacation.
last thing theVero Beach High School graduate
needs when he starts his two-year fellowship A year later, when he entered Oslo Middle
with the Minnesota Orchestra. School as a sixth-grader, Emilio was manag-
ing well enough to want to learn music. “It was
“Chapstick’s going to be in every pocket,” kind of funny. I walked into the band room and
he says. “That, and gloves. I can’t have frozen I saw the flute there and I said, ‘I’ll play that.’”
Rutllant recalled that random choice in
And he may want to keep his cellphone his fellowship interview last month, when he
handy – silenced, of course. As Rutllant adjusts was asked how he would present himself to a
to the climate, his mother back in Vero will be fourth-grade class.
aching for the warmth of her son’s voice.
By the end of that semester at Oslo, he had
“I’m excited, but I’m going to miss him a mastered the entire first-year book.
lot,” says his mom, Clara McCullough. “He is
the treasure of my life.” When he moved on to Vero Beach High
School, he followed the founder of the orches-
This Friday, April 27 at 7 p.m., the rest of Rut- tra program at Oslo, Matt Stott, who was devel-
llant’sVero fans can hear him play at First Pres- oping an orchestra program for older students.
byterian Church. He will be accompanied by Rutllant’s training was supplemented with pri-
the church’s music director Jacob Craig on pi- vate lessons fromVero flutist JaneWeise as well
ano, who is “super-stoked,” according to Rutl- as Christina Burr Apelgren, principal flutist
lant, about getting to play together again. The with both the Brevard Symphony and the At-
farewell concert will have a free will offering lantic Classical Orchestra. Rutllant quickly rose
rather than an admission price, in the hopes of to first chair in the school orchestra.
raising money for a new wood flute for Rutllant
to take to Minneapolis. He went on to become principal flutist at
Stetson University’s orchestra while earning
The fellowship was awarded in part because

his B.A. in music, and ultimately did his grad- was there that Rutllant made clear his interest
uate studies at the Frost School of Music at the in community outreach, particularly teaching
University of Miami. young people. The fellowship specifies that its
winners will not only be mentored, they will
It was there that in May Rutllant was award- mentor music students through the Minne-
ed a doctoral degree. The gathering his family sota Orchestra’s Education and Community
staged in Vero to celebrate was “incredible,” he Engagement Department.
says. “All my uncles – my late father’s brothers
– came from Chile, which was really special.” In addition to receiving expert coaching for
future auditions, Rutllant will be performing
One uncle took over the kitchen and made with the orchestra at select concerts; observ-
enough paella for 50 guests and then some. ing and participating in rehearsal; and study-
“There were enough leftovers that I’m pretty ing with orchestra musicians, not only fellow
sure everybody got to take some home too,” he flutists but players of other instruments, with
added. the intention of broadening his understanding
of the orchestral experience.
Rutllant will be leaving Miami City Ballet’s
Opus One Orchestra to begin the two-year “This is a really big way to develop my pro-
Rosemary and David Good Fellowship. Now fessional chops with a major symphony, taking
in its second year, the fellowship was designed lessons with every member of the flute sec-
to encourage diversity in orchestras by fund- tion,” he says. “I get to dip my toe in the water
ing study and performance by musicians of in terms of professional experience, but it’s at
African American, Latin American or Native the same time that I’m being nurtured.”
American descent.
He may also serve as a stand-in for any of
Rutllant, who turned 28 last month, has the orchestra’s four flutists in the event they
been auditioning steadily with orchestras since travel or fall ill.
earning his doctorate. He has moved to Boca
Raton to work on an artist’s diploma at Lynn Like the Opus One Orchestra he is leaving,
University’s Conservatory of Music, training Minnesota Orchestra has seen renewed suc-
under artist-in-residence Jeffrey Khaner, prin- cess after surviving a serious rough patch. The
cipal flutist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Miami orchestra shut down altogether in 2008
due to lack of funding, reopening two years
Rutllant was one of 48 applicants for the later thanks to a $900,000 Knight Foundation
Minnesota fellowship. Of the half-dozen final- challenge grant and the hiring of Gary Sheldon
ists who flew to Minnesota last month to au- as principal conductor.
dition, two were invited for a final interview. It

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 27, 2018 B5

The Minnesota Orchestra had its existen- CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 2 Kris Kristofferson at the King Center May 1.
tial crisis in 2012, when musicians refused to
accept pay cuts and were locked out by the ions. Admission is free with regular park tainers are Howl favorites Rob Volpe and
orchestra’s governing body, just as the city of entry fees. Concert time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ken Gustafson. Admission starts at $12;
Minneapolis was renovating its home, Or- 772-388-2750/321-984-4852. reserved seating and special occasion
chestra Hall. The entire season was canceled rates are available. Show times are 7:30
as the lock-out continued for 16 months, and 2 Hands down, one of the biggest p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
subscribers bailed at record rates – a third of of big names in the country mu-
its regular audience canceled. The respected sic pantheon is singer/songwriter Kris 4 These gals probably don’t bake 3 Riverside’s Waxlax stage
Finnish conductor Osma Vanska backed his Kristofferson, who made it huge with cookies but … one of last year’s very this weekend.
musicians, staging concerts independently to chart-topping mega-hits such as “Me and best science fiction/action blockbusters,
tide them over. Bobby McGee,” “Help Me Make It Through “Wonder Woman,” will be screened next performing selections in a number of
The Night,” “Sunday Morning Coming Friday, May 4, on the lawn at the Heri- genres from their “music making” reper-
Finally, in 2014, the two sides found a com- Down” and “For the Good Times,” which tage Center on 14th Avenue, and, with its toire over the past school year. Then, on
promise. “It may have been just the wake-up more than one generation has danced 12-and-over PG rating, it is family-friend- Thursday, May 3, it’s jazz coming your way
call the orchestra needed,” wrote John von to, cried to, dreamed to, broken-up-and- ly. Some of my favorite scenes involve the via “Swinging into Spring,” with the VBHS
Rhein, the Chicago Tribune’s longtime classi- gotten-back-together-to. And he’ll be at warrior women (aka Amazons) leaping Jazz Band closing out its season with a little
cal music critic, in a January article. “All agree the King Center in Melbourne this com- through the air while shooting arrows at contemporary, and a little traditional. Both
that a leaner, meaner Minnesota Orchestra has ing Tuesday, May 1. Kristofferson has not the bad guys. Gal Gadot as the superher- concerts take place at the VBHS Performing
risen from the ashes, a better-run institution only earned three Grammys, recorded 30 oine is gorgeous, smart, kind– and fierce. Arts Center, and both begin at 7 p.m. Tickets
whose musicians enjoy a greater say in a wide albums (including three with pals Johnny “Wonder Woman” is being presented by are $6 to $12. 772-564-5497. 
range of policy decisions, from programming Cash, Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings) Vero Beach Wine and Film Festival and
to touring to work rules.” and toured the globe doing concerts for Vero Heritage Movie Series. Show time is
30 years, he’s also appeared in an amazing 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Arrive early
Last year, for the third year in a row, the or- 70 movies, according to the show promo, for a wine tasting.
chestra balanced its budget. nabbing a Golden Globe for one – “A Star
is Born.” Don’t miss this probably once- 5 Fling or swing into spring this week
“When you see an orchestra in that mo- in-a-lifetime chance to see and hear him with the talented student vocal-
ment, it’s really scary,” says Rutllant. “But they for yourself. I’ll see you there. Show time is ists and musicians in the Vero Beach High
came back stronger than ever.” 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $43.50. 321-242- School Performing Arts Department. On
2219. May Day (Tuesday) it’ll be a Spring Fling,
Minnesota’s emphasis on inclusion extends with the Mixed, Men’s and Women’s choirs
well beyond the fellowship. In 2015, it beat out 3 Looking to let your hair down and
better-known orchestras to become the first have a little fun? Then be at River-
American orchestra to play in Cuba since rela- side Theatre this Friday or Saturday and
tions with the U.S. began to improve, von Rhe- you, too, can Howl at the Moon. If you’ve
in points out. And in August, musicians will been to one of these unique entertain-
make history when they travel to South Africa ment experiences, you already know how
for a series of concerts honoring Nelson Man- much fun it is. If not, you’re in for a treat.
dela’s centenary. They will become the first Howl at the Moon touring shows pack ’em
professional U.S. orchestra ever to play there. in at venues all over the country, with top-
notch, versatile, high-energy, musician/
While Rutllant will miss that tour by a entertainers who can play pretty much
month, he expects to be included in future anything you can come up with: There’s
touring, “in case someone gets sick,” he says. no set play list, it’s all up to the audience.
You can sing, dance – and, yes, howl – as
In the meantime, it’s his mother who may much as you like. The Howl happens on
end up doing the traveling to Minnesota to the Waxlax stage: It’s cabaret-style seat-
hear her son play with the orchestra of his ing, and there’s a dance floor. Plus, there’s
dreams. food, before or during the show, and a
couple of full bars. This weekend’s enter-
“She gets very sad every time I bring up the
subject, and I try to cheer her up,” he says.
“She’s just going to have to come up and visit
me often and she’s going to have to get used to
the snow. It was cold in Chile, but Minnesota is
its own beast.” 


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4. I've Been Thinking
5. Beneath a Scarlet Sky BY KARA THOMAS
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B6 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Ladies’ first: Lanier ‘humbled’ by Woman of Year honor

By Kerry Firth | Correspondent munity responsibility.
[email protected] The 2018 Woman of the Year Award was

Two-hundred dynamic women, and a presented to Anne Lanier, who had also
few good men, gathered at the Moorings accepted the top honor in the Volunteer
Yacht and Country Club last Wednesday to Category, for her passionate commitment
salute a group of outstanding Indian River to helping individuals overcome eating
County women at the sixth annual Wom- disorders. Having lost her beloved daugh-
an of the Year Awards Luncheon, hosted ter to an eating disorder, Lanier parlayed
by the Junior League of Indian River. her grief into a drive to assist others, creat-
ing a fund to provide financial assistance
The event recognizes local women to those unable to afford treatment. She
nominated by their peers; exceptional role also visits schools to speak with students
models who have demonstrated high eth- about eating disorders, prevention tech-
ical standards and a strong sense of com-

Woman of Year Anne Lanier. PHOTOS: KERRY FIRTH

niques and the importance of getting help Local organizations had nominated
early. candidates earlier in the year, submitting
detailed information listing their acco-
“Becky’s death inspired me to talk lades and accomplishments to the JLIR
about this disorder and funnel my energy and personal statements from the nomi-
into helping others avoid this terrible trag- nees themselves. After narrowing the field
edy,” said Lanier, choked with emotion. “I to a list of finalists, the committee asked
am humbled to be chosen from this pow- the Junior League of Greater Orlando to
erhouse group of women and grateful to select the winners.
be surrounded by such a supportive com-
munity.” “Going outside the county for judging
insured that the winners were chosen on
Theresa Tolle, owner and chief phar- their accomplishments alone and not on
macist at Bay Street Pharmacy, received who they knew or anything else,” said Av-
the Business Professional Category Award ery Twiss, event co-chair.
for her involvement with the Sebastian
Chamber of Commerce and Sebastian Luncheon proceeds support the mis-
American Cancer Society, as well as her sion of the Junior League of Indian River to
service as a Substance Abuse Free Indian promote volunteerism, develop the poten-
River County board member and Sebas- tial of women, and improve communities
tian River Medical Center trustee. through effective action and the leader-
ship of trained volunteers.
“I feel blessed to serve my community
and winning this award makes me want to “It takes a village to raise a vision,” said
do more and do better,” said Tolle. Erica Arsenault, JLIR president. “We are
all about women helping women, which
Moreen Burkart, a music therapist with can only be accomplished by lifting each
VNA of the Treasure Coast, received the other up and helping others thrive.” 
award in the Civic/Non-Profit Profes-
sional Category. The VNA Music Thera- OTHER NOMINEES:
py Program has benefited more than 700
hospice patients and their families, as well Business Professional:
as Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s Ophelia Angelone, Kim Artlip,
patients. Megan Raasveldt, Jackie Savell,

“Often the populations we serve can- Elizabeth Sorensen.
not advocate for themselves, so we need
to step up and make sure their voices are Civic/Non-Profit Professional:
heard,” said Burkart. Donna Clements, Betsy Wengler,

Sana Shareef was the shining star in the Cathy De Schouwer, Kelly Jean
Rising Star Category, reserved for young Hills, Hannah Trodglen Hite, Angel
women between the ages of 18 to 25, for
her amazing accomplishments focused Pietsch, Donna Lee Robart.
on overcoming the political and religious
polarity challenges affecting the com- Volunteer: Lindsay Bass, Cindy
munity. The St. Edward’s School student Goetz, Jodi Harvey, Kim Prado,
founded the Breaking Barriers and Social
Justice clubs and developed a youth-run Carmen Noonan.
interfaith dialogue event featuring key-
note speakers from Georgetown Universi- Rising Star: Stella Buckley,
ty and the Islamic Center at NYU. Samantha Chabot, Lillie Harris,

Jacqueline Zamora.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE April 27, 2018 B7

Betsy Wengler and Hannah Trodglen Hite. The winners: Theresa Tolle, Business Professional; Anne Lanier, Volunteer and Woman
of the Year; Sana Shareef, Rising Star; Moreen Burkart, Civic Non-Profit Professional.

Katie Toperzer and Cindi Goetz. Kim Prado and Shannon Prado. Erica Aresenault and Susan Aguirre.

B8 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Blue Angels inspire oohs
and awe at Vero air show


Expires 05-04-18 By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer than themselves. Think about excel-
Expires 05-04-18 lence and what that means, and to
Expires 05-04-18 [email protected] inspire that culture of excellence in
whatever they do,” said Scott.
All eyes were turned to the sky
last weekend as planes zoomed Other thrilling performers in-
overhead and pilots performed cluded the F16 Viper Demonstra-
death-defying maneuvers during tion Team, GEICO Skytypers, the
the Vero Beach Air Show, present- Screamin’ Sasquatch, a jet truck,
ed by Piper Aircraft to benefit the aerobatics and skydiving demon-
nonprofit Vero Beach Air Show, strations.
Inc., which supports the charitable
endeavors of three local Exchange And on the ground, there was a
Clubs and the Veterans Council of Family Fun Zone, plenty of food and
Indian River County. static displays of a variety of mili-
tary and civilian aircraft, including
The Blue Angels were right at the Tinker Belle, a 1945 C-46 Com-
home at the Vero Beach Regional mando; a United States Coast Guard
Airport, which served as a Naval Air air-sea rescue helicopter; and a Se-
Station during World War II. Their ahawk; which provides anti-surface
much-anticipated return thrilled combat warfare support.
the crowds as flight teams dis-
played their iconic diamond forma- “I think you get out of your com-
tion while reaching air speeds of up munity what you put into it,” said
to 750 mph. No matter the age, fans Robert Paugh, Vero Beach Air Show
watched the ballet in the sky with president. “There’s nothing bet-
wide-eyed wonderment. ter than watching a person walk
through the gate, unfold a chair,
“We are the smallest community grab their son or daughter by the
they play,” shared retired Col. Mar- hand, go pick up a hot dog and a bev-
tin Zickert, the local Blue Angels erage, and sit back and watch them
liaison. “We are also the communi- see this whole thing unravel. I wish
ty where their airplanes are closer I would have done this as a child. It
to the audience than any other air brings a smile to my face.”  
show they do. I’ve done this for a lot
of years, and I still get goosebumps
when they fly over.”

Blue Angels slot pilot Lt. Cmdr.
Nate Scott, a fourth-generation mil-
itary serviceman, explained that
their mission is to inspire a culture
of excellence and service to country
through flight demonstrations and
community outreach.

“We can’t take people onboard
aircraft carriers and show them
what we do on a day-to-day basis.
How we do that is through air shows
like this. Not to just inspire people to
join the military, but also to inspire
them to think about things greater

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS April 27, 2018 B9

Vero girls lacrosse team chases another state title

By Ron Holub | Correspondent and sixth-graders to seniors in high school. Kaylee Coleman and
[email protected] Think about that, you’ve watched children Gabby Sposato.
grow from adolescence, to teenagers, and
Last week the Vero Beach High girls la- now they are young women. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
crosse team captured another district cham-
pionship – something they own outright and “It’s been an honor to be a part of their Furniture • Home Décor • Art • Glass • Jewelry • Gifts & MUCH MORE!
have never surrendered even once – this time lives to this point – and to get them ready for
taking a pair of matches by a combined score the next chapter. ... It’s been fun.” We Take Consignments & Buy Estates!
of 30-5. Sebastian River High was the next Store is over 7,500 Sq. Ft. - Come See Us!
team up in the regional quarterfinals this With some decisions still pending, at
week, and Vero was not expected to encoun- least seven seniors will play lacrosse when Amazing Selections! Best Prices!
ter stiff resistance in that one. that next chapter begins. Inventory Changes Daily.

The real challenge from this point for- “(Former VBHS lacrosse player) Abby $5 OFF $50 or
ward is to end the two-year drought that Shields was a senior when I was a freshman, $10 OFF $100
followed 10 straight state championships. and she went to Furman,” Coleman said. “I
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powerful out-of-state opponents in prepa- I attended a clinic and was very happy when (772)226-5719
ration for a title run, and the time has ar- the coach wanted to recruit me. 644 Old Dixie Hwy SW
rived to see if that pays off. (Between 4th St. & Oslo)
“Furman is a great match. They have Blue Heron Plaza, Vero Beach
The 12 seniors on a roster of 22 were my major and it was academics before la- OPEN MON - SAT 10AM to 4PM
freshmen when the trophy was last present- crosse that I was really interested in. I will
ed. Experience has taught them that reputa- be studying health sciences and want to
tion means nothing. become a physician’s assistant. I want to go
into sports therapy because my therapist
“Coach calls it playoff mode,” senior de- had a big impact on me when I tore my ACL.”
fender Kaylee Coleman told us. “Practices
are more intense because we focus on spe- Sposato will combine academics with
cific defenses and specific attacks. He also athletics at Babson College, a D3 business
incorporates a lot of new drills into practic- school near Boston. After playing lacrosse
es. It’s harder on us, but we are better pre- at such a high level for so long, she says her
pared for the upper-level teams.” main focus will shift to the classroom.

When VBHS lost in the round of eight a Sposato expressed enormous apprecia-
year ago, Coleman was on the shelf with a tion for her longtime coach, telling us, “I re-
torn ACL. She rehabbed and was ready to go ally look up to him. He began coaching us at
at full strength when the season began. such a young age. We have all just grown su-
per, super close to him. We are really com-
“I see us going pretty far,” Coleman add- fortable around him, we trust him, and we
ed. “Last year the team had a disappointing can have fun with him. He knows a lot, but
loss, but we are a lot stronger now, especial- when he’s serious, he pushes us hard.” 
ly on defense. Another defender was also
injured last year and we were missing half
of our defense. So I definitely see us going
deeper this year.”

The name of the game is controlling the
ball on offense and eventually blasting it
into the net. One of the best at that is senior
Gabby Sposato. She has been scoring con-
sistently all season long and added six more
goals in the district tournament.

“We want to play every game like it’s the
state championship,” Sposato explained. “We
can hold our own and I definitely think a state
championship is realistic. We’ve grown, be-
come closer as a team, and work really well

“We like the challenge of playing against
tough teams with girls that are really good.
But we are not aggressive about it. It just
pushes us and lets us know what we really
have to do. It makes us determined to win. It
helps to be hungry.”

Whatever the outcome, vying for state titles
is not the only feature of this program. Most
of the seniors have played lacrosse together
from an early age. The coach has been a men-
tor extraordinaire for the entire time with the
club team Stickbenders and at VBHS.

“Every person on this team is a wonderful
young adult,” Dean said. “It’s been a plea-
sure for me to watch them grow from fifth-

B10 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Green Marlin Restaurant and Raw Bar: Discover it

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Mahi Island Style. topped with a sweet chili cream and green Tuna Bomb.
[email protected] onions. Delicious. And my husband’s gor-
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD geous piece of wahoo was served over gar- to $90 range before tax and tip. It’s possi-
Here’s this week’s question: When there lic spinach and grape tomatoes, topped ble to dine for even less by passing on the
is a locally owned seafood restaurant in for dipping, you will certainly want to ask with a lemon buerre blanc. A great combi- pricier appetizers and taking advantage of
Vero serving very good dishes at amazing- for more to mop up every last drop of the nation. the Green Marlin’s salad bar.
ly low prices, why would local diners be broth. Very, very tasty.
more inclined to go to a chain restaurant For dessert, we shared a slice of orange This restaurant is trying to develop a
– even one part of a good national chain? My husband started with the ahi tuna blossom cake ($7) made by Chef Lou’s year-around following by keeping prices
bomb ($8.95). This consists of a center-cut mother. Awesome. of its fresh fish entrées down, and offer-
The Vero restaurant that deserves more tuna slice, marinated in a soy sauce, then ing a Monday “Kid’s Night” special that
Vero support is the Green Marlin, a casual placed in an egg-roll wrapper smeared On another visit, I started with the bur- makes dining out with the whole family a
eatery which since last summer has been with tahini paste, and fried at a super-high rata caprese ($9) and my husband decid- bargain.
serving fresh seafood in the large U.S. 1 temperature. Seared on the outside, the ed to try the New England clam chowder
building once occupied by the Outback tuna is rare on the inside. Served with ($3). The burrata was very good, and my If you haven’t tried the Green Marlin
Steakhouse. wasabi ailoi and a seaweed salad, it was in- husband pronounced the clam chowder yet, we would strongly encourage an ear-
deed what hipsters used to call “da bomb.” “passable” – not too shabby given that he ly visit.
While the Green Marlin – a creation of is a bit of a fanatic about chowdah.
Chef Lou Kolbauer, the driving force be- Then for entrées, we chose two from I welcome your comments, and encourage
hind the popular fast-casual Chive – ap- the night’s specials. I opted for the Then at the suggestion of Chef Lou, I or- you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
pears to be doing OK, our guess is many dered the corvina ($21.95) served “in the
Vero residents don’t realize how good it is. grouper cheeks ($22.95) served “is- weeds” and my husband had (you guessed
Or how affordable. If they did, there would land style.” My husband went it) swordfish ($20.95). My entrée was one The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
be lines out to the street. for the wahoo served “in the of the nicest pieces of corvina I have ever rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 
weeds.” had, and the swordfish was grilled per-
On a visit a few weeks ago, we were My grouper cheeks – fectly, drizzled with lemon beurre blanc
quickly seated in a comfortable booth tender, small filets that and served with very tasty mashed potato.
against the far wall, and an excellent serv- are consider a del-
er, Jodie, took our order for drinks and gave icacy in much of Our total both times, including a bottle
us a rundown on the evening’s specials. the world – were of a very nice chardonnay, was in the $80
served over rice
For starters, I ordered a bowl of the and beans with
steamed clams ($13.95). The sweet young a tropical salsa,
clams were wonderful, served with a great
garlic, lemon and herb butter sauce. While

the dish comes with a couple
of slices of toast

Salad Bar.

House Oysters. Hours:
Daily, 11 am to 10 pm
Beverages: Full Bar

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 27, 2018 B11

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B12 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 27, 2018 B13


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B14 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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CLOSED Open Mother’s Day
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Closed Monday
Delivery by

56 Royal Palm Pointe  772-567-4160

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 27, 2018 B15

Eva’s Real Home CookiAnvga&ilaWbBilneeeer
for Lunch & Dinner
Polish Kitchen

Fresh & Healthy Daily specials with specialty sides

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Shop at our Deli for imported items and meals to go.
See more menu items at

Open Tues-Fri 11am-8pm, Sat 12-8pm  40 43rd Ave Vero Beach 32968

B16 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Wander (4) 1 Absurd (10)
3 Caper, trick (5) 2 Wild horse (7)
7 Portent (4) 3 Creature (6)
8 Complete mess (4,6) 4 Delicate, offer (6)
9 Jewels (4) 5 Royal dog? (5)
12 Friendship (11) 6 Steering mechanism (4)
13 Stay temporarily (5) 10 Strangely frightening (4)
15 Man-made fibre (5) 11 Drowsiness (10)
19 Seemingly contradictory (11) 14 Information, fool (4)
21 Slow (the flow) (4) 16 Flavoring of e.g. absinthe (7)
23 Remarkable thing (10) 17 Summerhouse (6)
24 Prison (4) 18 Settlement (6)
25 Black wood (5) 20 More than enough (5)
26 Confused state (4) 22 Hard wood (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:The Telegraph

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 27, 2018 B17

ACROSS investment featured in Gildersleeve” of The Washington Post
1 Pirate quaff 68 Say further Woody’s Radio radio and TV
4 It’s said on 69 The B & O et al. Days 61 Fish feature AND NOW A WORD FROM ALCATRAZ By Merl Reagle
71 Abbr. after 2 Mom’s bro 62 First words of the
Sunday 3 ’80s Attorney song “Secret Summer Membership
8 Fly catcher Lowell Weicker’s General Love”
11 Onesies and name before 4 TV oldie, The 63 Employers of Meadowood Golf and Tennis Club
he became an Law and ___ women in blue:
twosies game Independent 5 Charlie Chan abbr. Is offering Summer Memberships
16 Copenhagen 73 Film damagers, assent 64 Four-time
sometimes 6 Order: abbr. Pulitzer (April 23rd to October 31st 2018)
coin 75 Dove dwelling 7 Four Tops lead columnist
18 Butler of fiction 76 Hawaiian tree singer 66 Pat O’Brien role With Unbeatable Value
77 Sigma ___ Levi 68 Cash-withdrawal
20 Tanning salon 78 Godly belief 8 Brat or knack mach. Single $ 400 Family $600
abbr. 79 Milk, in Mexico completer 70 Tending to ooze
80 Film vehicle, in 9 Creationism lady 72 Alliance of the Cart Fees 18 holes $25.00 / 9 holes $13.00 plus tax.
21 New York town Variety 10 Dance, to Americas: abbr.
noted for its slick 83 Opposite of ext. Danielle 73 Impaling bird Full Country Club Privileges
streets? 84 Invite to the 11 TV detective 74 Halt legally (Golf – Tennis – Pool – Social)
penthouse, e.g. 12 Swear on ___ 75 Lucrezia’s Driving Range (golf balls included)
22 Cartoon flyer 85 Hit on the head of Bibles brother
25 Charley 88 Plaza Hotel girl 13 Hit it off 77 Comic strip set in Personalized Lessons
Weaver’s home and namesakes 14 Young Billy or the French
26 Sound of disgust 90 ___ long way young billy Foreign Legion Inclusive fees with Cart:
92 Anagram of MY 15 Le Carré’s 79 Lancelot du ___
27 Order to fly? CAR Leamus 81 ___ of one’s hair Single $1,000.00
28 Purchases at 93 Cardinal great 16 Barbra’s A Star Is 82 Reagan memoir, Family $1,500.00
Frederick’s 95 George Eliot was Born co-star Where’s the ___
29 Gillette’s ___ II one 17 Center funder Me? Current Rates
razor 97 Young boxer? 19 Get bored with 85 Deli sandwich
30 Enjoy, as a 99 Korean soldier 23 Lightning-bolt 86 La-la preceder $42 before 11:30 $37 after 11:30
frozen pond 100 You’ll get a big hurler 87 Childish
32 Baker of kick out of them 24 Odds, basically 89 A girl’s name or a Ask for details at the Golf Shop
Minneapolis 102 “ ... drink and 29 Early relative of wine Mike Yurigan, GM & Head Golf Professional
37 Fleeced one ___” croquet 91 School colors?
38 Price tag abbr. 105 Pool tool 31 Worked for 94 Teeth Call (772) 464-4466 or Visit our website
during a sale 106 Ilk Underwriters straighteners
40 “___ lied!” 107 Radiance Laboratories 96 Regard highly
41 B’ar killer of song 108 ___ degree 33 Named, 98 Brazil neighbor
42 Pull ___ one (somewhat) archaically 101 Letter-shaped
44 Name of the 109 Penn and Teller 34 Unrefined machine hole
1984 forte 35 D-Day “theater” 103 French version of
Olympics eagle 111 Love Song 36 UPS assignment “oh, dear!”
46 “___ of a better subject 39 Big name in wine 104 Tibetan beasts
word ...” 115 Oscar role for 42 “Amo, amas, 107 No amateur
48 Hart’s running Patty I love ___” 109 Peace Prize
mate? 116 Image center? 43 Perfect score decliner, Le Duc
49 Philippine island 117 Wax nostalgic 45 Christmas ___
50 Pot top 118 Hammy desserts 110 1860s fighter
52 Bids bon voyage dialogue? 47 Taping again, as 111 Watergate figure
to 119 Over 300 lbs. painters do Magruder
54 Harry’s VP 120 Take chances before painting 112 Consent or
55 Arm bones 121 Conductance 51 Senegal’s capital Reason, e.g.
57 Base cops units 53 Monk’s title 113 Morse T
58 Casserole 122 Little pain in the 55 Final resting 114 Goaltending site
candidate neck place,
60 Iditarod vehicle DOWN perhaps
61 Dickensian garb 1 Long Island area 56 Kennebunkport
63 Czech capital, to catch
a Czech 59 “The Great
65 The Sargasso,
for one
66 Kunta and Alex,
67 Works, as an

The Telegraph

B18 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 85

Mike Lawrence wrote many excellent books quite some time ago. He has revamped KJ7
them, and the latest is “Tips on Cardplay” (Master Point Press). In 300 pages, you get a
vast amount of sound advice about declarer-play and defense, with approximately twice QJ854
as much space on defense — which is as it ought to be because you are a defender
twice as often as you are the declarer. WEST EAST
How should West defend in this deal? Against four spades, he leads his singleton heart. 2 3
East wins with the ace and returns the heart queen, South playing the four and 10. 8532
What should West discard? 10 9 7 6 3 AQJ9763

North’s two-heart cue-bid showed spade support and at least game-invitational values. AQ96

What is going on? If East began with the heart ace-king-queen, he should have won the 2
first trick with the queen, not the ace. If East started with the heart ace-queen-jack, that
is consistent with his play, but then why did South not try to win the second trick with SOUTH
his heart king?
A Q 10 9 7 5
Declarer knows from the bidding and the heart-deuce lead that West started with a
singleton, and South does not want West on lead. K 10 4

If West trusts everyone, he should “discard” a trump at trick two(!) and shift to a 10 4
diamond. Here, that produces the first four tricks for the defense — the only way given
the heart lead. AK

Yes, South made a clever play, but East should have led the heart nine at trick two. Dealer: East; Vulnerable: North-South
Since South surely has the club ace, East could anticipate this being the only winning
defense. When you want partner to ruff, lead a loser that declarer must cover. The Bidding:

1 Hearts
1 Spades Pass 2 Hearts 4 Hearts LEAD:
4 Spades Pass Pass Pass 2 Hearts

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR April 27, 2018 B19


Riverside Theatre - Mamma Mia featuring 1 Vero Beach High School Performing Arts
the music of ABBA, on the Stark Stage thru April Department’s Spring Fling Chorus Concert,
29. 772-231-6990 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497

Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To April 28 | 38th Children’s Art Festival 3 Space Coast Symphony Tenth Anniversa-
Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru ry Season Announcement Party, 6 p.m. at
May 6, Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo- Club, Indian River Trap & Skeet followed by BBQ 28 Astronomy for Everyone; Size and Heritage Center, with wine, appetizers and live
graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955 lunch. Equipment provided. $125. Viewing and Scale of the Universe presented by entertainment to introduce plans for the up-
thru June 3 and Shadow & Light: The Etchings lunch only, $35. 772-564-0761 Kevin Manning, former NASA consultant, 6:30 coming season. Free. 855-252-7276
of Martin Lewis thru May 13. p.m. at IRC Main Library. Free. 772-226-3080
28 Pioneer Dinner honoring five genera- 3 Vero Beach High School Performing Arts
Environmental Learning Center – Lagoon tions of the DuBose Family, 6 p.m. at 28 St. John’s Wood at Sebastian Inlet State Dept. presents Swinging into Spring Jazz
Tour d’Art exhibit; award winners from Sebas- the Heritage Center to benefit Vero Heritage Inc. Park Night Sounds concert series, 7 Band Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497
tian River Art Club Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art $75. 772-770-2263 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free with park
Show, thru May 10. 772-581-8281 entry fee. 772-388-2750 4 Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival and Vero
28 All American Country BBQ & Bash at Heritage Movie Series presents the film
APRIL and to benefit St. Francis Manor, with 29 Chamber Music Concert Series pres- “Wonder Woman,” 7:30 p.m. on the lawn at Her-
music by Spayed Koolie, children’s activities ents German violinist Christoph Sey- itage Center, with wine tasting pre-screening.
26 Sunset Stretch & Save yoga event at and auction. $25; $20 children over 10. 772- bold, 4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. $10
Katwalk Boutique (2855 Ocean Dr.) 562-8575 suggested donation. 772-562-9088 4|5 Riverside Theatre presents James
courtyard, 6:45 p.m., with a visit by Katwalk and the Giant Peach performed
mascot Sky and her purebred Labrador puppies, by RCT students, 1:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., and 7
to benefit Vero Beach Dog Park. 772-217-2758 p.m., with post-show Kidspot refreshments &
activities for children 12 and under. $10. 772-
27 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown 231-6990
Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th
Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 5 March for Babies 2.5-mile walk at Riverside
Park to benefit March of Dimes fight to
27|28 Riverside Theatre pres- prevent premature births and help more babies
ents James and the Giant to be born healthy, 7:30 a.m. registration; 8:30
Peach performed by RCT students, 1:30 p.m., a.m. walk.
5:30 p.m., and 7 p.m., with post-show Kidspot
refreshments & activities for children 12 and un- Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
der. $10. 772-231-6990 in April 20, 2018 Edition 1 ROAR 2 OATS
28 38th Children’s Art Festival, 10 a.m. to 8 ITCH 4 SECRET
3 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of Art, 9 STAIRCASE 5 ISSUES
with Indian River County Juried Student Exhibi- 11 UNLESS 6 STRETCHER
tion Awards, family activities and Congressional 13 REFEREE 7 THIS
Art Competition. Free. 772-231-0707 15 CREDIT 10 ENEMIES
28 Denim & Diamonds Gala, 6 p.m. at Vero 18 SOUGHT 13 RESULTING
Beach Country Club to benefit Special 20 DESERT 14 FIGHTER
Equestrians of the Treasure Coast therapeutic rid- 22 TROUSER 17 SITE
ing program for individuals with disabilities. $125. 23 SETTEE 19 TREATY

28 Charity Shoot to benefit Education Sudoku Page B17 Sudoku Page B18 Crossword Page B17 Crossword Page B18 (MY EXPLOSIVE CAREER)
Foundation, 10 a.m. at Windsor Gun



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B20 April 27, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

5 RT Star’s Big Birthday Party, 10 a.m. to 2 May 12 | 10th Anniversary Dancing with Vero’s Stars tainment, bounce house, auction and family
p.m. free family fun day on the Riverside fun. 772-589-3535
Theatre campus, with multiple-stage enter- 10 Nantucket-style Clambake, 6 p.m. 12 10th Anniversary Dancing with Vero’s
tainment, face painting, games, activities and poolside at Costa d’Este Resort & Spa Stars, 6 p.m. at Riverside Theatre - with 16 Taste of Vero 2018, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
bounce house. Free. 72-231-6990 to benefit Special Olympics of Florida, with jazz ten local ‘stars’ paired with dance professionals along Ocean Drive from Sexton Plaza
by Tony Fernandez, great seafood and selected competing for the mirror ball and raising funds to to Humiston Park hosted by Oceanside Busi-
5 Golf tournament fundraiser hosted by Sis- cocktails. $65. 786-281-2876. benefit IRC Healthy Start Coalition. 772-563-9118 ness Association. $40. Tickets available May 2
terhood of Temple Beth Shalom of Vero through Riverside Theatre. 772-231-6990
Beach, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at Meadowood 10 Indian River Charter High School Cho- 12 Fellsmere Day to celebrate the 107th
Golf & Tennis Club. $110/$400. 772-567-8740 ral Program Spring Concert, 7 p.m. at birthday of the City of Fellsmere, with 16 Cultural Council Laurel Awards Presen-
St. John of the Cross Catholic Church. Free; do- 10:30 a.m. parade followed by festival with food tation, 6 p.m. at Riverside Theatre with
6 Inaugural Pareidolican, a 5K Watercraft Race nations accepted. 772-584-9744 and merchandise vendors open until 6 p.m. performances and program on the Stark Stage
along the Indian River Lagoon from Indian honoring award winners William & Marlynn
River Drive in Sebastian, 9 a.m. registration, 10:15 10-20 Vero Beach Theatre Guild pres- 12 Family Fun Day Seafood Festival, Scully, Bonnie Pendleton, Shanti Sanchez and
captains’ meeting, 10:30 5K race, 11:45 kids race, ents the world’s longest run- 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at and to benefit ABC Printing/Chris Beals, followed by cham-
concluding with beer/refreshments, live music, ning musical, “The Fantasticks.” 772-562-8300 Dasie Hope Center, with seafood, live enter- pagne & dessert. $25 general seating; $75 pre-
auctions/raffles, vendors and food at Pareidolia reception & VIP seating. 772-770-4857
Brewing to benefit Piper’s Angels in support of
Cystic Fibrosis. 18 Hurricane Hangar Party hosted by Amer-
ican Red Cross Florida Coast to Heartland
6 29th Annual May Pops Concert at Windsor Polo Chapter, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Airport,
Grounds featuring Brevard Symphony Orches- with exhibits, entertainment, silent auction, chil-
tra and vocalists Susan Egan and David Burnham to dren’s activities, food vendors and, weather permit-
benefit Indian River Medical Center Foundation. $225 ting, a visit from a ‘Hurricane Hunter’ aircraft. Free.
VIP tickets, include VIP parking, tented seats and 3:30
p.m. pre-concert buffet reception before 5:30 p.m. 18 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
concert; $30 Lawn tickets for picnickers. merce Concerts in the Park presents
Bobby Owen Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riverview
7 VNA Golf-A-Thon, with 12 pros from local golf Park. Free. 772-589-5969
clubs playing 135 holes of golf at Riomar Coun-
try Club to benefit VNA & Hospice Foundation. 18|19 Riverside Theatre Boots
& Brews at Comedy Zone
8 Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Dept. 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. performances, with Live
presents its 17th annual Vero Pops Orchestra on the Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m.
Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497 $12 to $18. 772-231-6990



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