November 2, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 44 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit
is seen in bizarre
BY RAY MCNULTY Many facilities at Historic Dodgertown are very much in need of repair. Vero election saga
Shouldn’t School Board From the air, it looks great – but maintenance issues abound By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
races be nonpartisan? [email protected]
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer that in the deal,” he added. “But Major League
We’re supposed to vote for [email protected] Baseball is saying the place has to be up to Major Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek could
School Board candidates based on League Baseball’s standards before they run any- have quietly retired from 31 years
their backgrounds, qualifications, Among the still-unresolved issues in the coun- thing there.” on the bench on some easy, boring,
ideas about education and visions ty’s efforts to convince Major League Baseball to low-profile case, but instead he got
for the future of our public schools take over operations at Historic Dodgertown is Apparently, that will take considerable work. Linda Hillman’s bizarre election
– not their political affiliations. how much each side will contribute to renovate, Several residents who spoke at that same challenge related to a blank page
upgrade and maintain the aging facility. meeting criticized the county’s failure to proper- missing a signature in her candi-
So now, only days before we go ly maintain the complex, where roofs need to be date qualifying packet.
to the polls, we’re presented with It needs it more than most people realize. replaced, soffits are peeling, ceilings are sagging,
a wonderful opportunity to learn “Part of any deal we have with Major League a wooden stairway is in disrepair, water fountains Hillman is asking for an emer-
something more, something that Baseball is going to include who’s paying for what,” are rusting, mold grows on the sides of buildings, gency injunction to invalidate the
should matter most, especially in County Administrator Jason Brown said during a and sections of Holman Stadium are blocked off Nov. 6 City Council election, claim-
these unsettling times. Vero City Council meeting last month, where the for safety reasons. ing that she was wrongly removed
city rejected the county’s $2.4 million offer to buy “A number of us were surprised by the com- from the ballot.
We have a chance to test the the former Dodgertown Golf Club property adja- ments made by the gentlemen who said it’s in bad
character of the candidates. cent to the sports complex. shape,” longtime Vero Beach resident and retired Rich in small-town politics, the
“I will acknowledge there are some deferred realtor Cliff Norris said at the meeting. controversy dragged longtime city
For those of you who don’t maintenance items there, and the county is go- and county officials to the stand to
know: Florida law mandates that ing to be responsible for a significant portion of CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 be sworn in and cross-examined.
School Board elections be nonpar- Palace intrigue showed up, too, in
tisan, which means candidates are Hillman’s seemingly wild specula-
prohibited from running as repre- tion about whether or not her ene-
sentatives of a political party. mies on the City Council tampered
with public records after hours.
They can’t legally campaign as
Republicans or Democrats. Their Last week’s drama dredged up
political mailings may not con-
tain any word or symbol that sug- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
gests a party affiliation. There’s no
“R” or “D” next to their names on School District once
the ballots. again has to borrow
millions to pay bills
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
INSIDE [email protected]
NEWS 1-7 PETS 14 The School District, which gets
DINING B12 nearly $280 million a year from
HEALTH 8 GAMES B17 taxpayers, has run out of money
CALENDAR B20 again, according to Superinten-
REAL ESTATE 15 dent Mark Rendell, who asked the
B1 School Board to approve a bridge
ARTS loan of $10 million last week
while insisting that the shortfall
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 is not due to his mismanagement
For circulation or where to pick up of school finances.
your issue call: 772-226-7925
Borrowing millions at the last
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. minute to make payroll for Octo-
2 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE ocrats from breaking with protocol and set- of School Board candidates. “But after what her candidacy. Rosario, meanwhile, posted
ting a disappointing precedent by introduc- happened in August, we felt a change of atti- on her Facebook page a photograph of the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ing party politics into non-partisan School tude was needed. There was a concern about committee’s advertisement endorsing her
Board races. getting our people out to vote. and Barenborg, along with Republican can-
The law, though, places no such restric- didates in other races.
tions on the political parties, which are al- First, the Democrats of Indian River open- “Also, when you look at the total impact,
lowed to publicly express their support for ly supported Mara Schiff in her School Board the School Board might be more important Similar posts could not be found on the
candidates, even those running in non-par- District 1 primary, then celebrated her Au- than the County Commission,” he added. Facebook pages of their opponents, but it
tisan races. gust triumph over Eugene Wolff. Now, the “Coming out in support of these candidates would be naïve to think Klim and Merchon
group is recommending Merchon Green and helps people understand who they’re voting are unaware of the support they’re receiving
As Indian River County Supervisor of Elec- Stacey Klim in the District 2 and 4 races. for.” from the local Democrats.
tions Leslie Swan put it: “The parties can en-
dorse whomever they want.” Likewise, the Republican Executive Com- Adriana de Kanter, vice chairman of the Besides, even when the parties didn’t
mittee is backing Jackie Rosario in District 2 Democrats of Indian River, also saw noth- endorse candidates in non-partisan races,
Until this year, however, those endorse- and Teri Barenborg in District 4. In fact, the ing wrong with supporting candidates in the some voters still wanted to know.
ments didn’t happen in School Board races. local GOP is running paid ads and social-me- nonpartisan School Board races.
dia posts and videos, urging voters to cast “We’d get calls from people asking about
Our non-partisan elections might not ballots for its School Board candidates. She said the local Democratic leaders be- the non-partisan races and wanting to know
have been free of party influence, given that lieve Klim and Merchon are strong candi- what a candidate’s political affiliation was,”
we live in a relatively small community in One such video, which can be found on dates who possess the qualifications, back- Swan said. “We still do.”
which most people running for local office Facebook, endorses Rosario and Barenborg ground and passion needed to improve our
don’t hide their political leanings, but there – as well as state Rep. Erin Grall, who is run- schools, and they share the party’s positions The reason is: Those callers don’t care
was at least the appearance of propriety. ning for re-election against Democrat Nicole on educational issues. which candidate is more qualified or has the
Haagenson – and closes with the phrase: better ideas, and there’s no reason to find
Not anymore. “Your voice of reason will stop extremism.” “These are candidates who have been ac- out. All that matters is that they vote for their
Over the past three years, politics as usual tive in the community and bring a perspec- team, even when the races are supposed to
has become politics of the unusual – and, ap- For what it’s worth, Lockwood said the tive we feel is best for the school district, and be nonpartisan. So let’s put a stop to it.
parently, our community hasn’t been spared Democrats prompted his party to act when we believe it helps to let our voters know who
the political polarization and tribalism we’re they publicly supported Schiff, who received we support,” de Kanter said. “What political Let’s rise above the polarization and trib-
seeing across America. 51 percent of the vote and rode to victory on party people belong to is no great secret, alism that divides too many of us, embrace
“I don’t know what the norm is these the largest Democratic turnout for a primary anyway.” our better angels and prove that this com-
days,” said Tom Lockwood, longtime pres- election in this county in more than 25 years. munity is as special as we believe it is.
ident of the county’s Republican Executive Neither of the School Board candidates
Committee. “It’s not politics as we knew it Lockwood cited his party’s low turnout – endorsed by the local Republicans tried hard Let’s test the character of these School
just a few years ago. Things are changing. 37.5 percent, down from 43 percent in 2016 to hide their ties to the party. Board candidates – all four of them – by de-
“There are so many different factions, – and referred to Schiff’s success as a “wake- manding that they say publicly the party en-
even within the parties,” he added. “It’s not up call” for local Republicans, who currently While there’s no mention of the Repub- dorsements they’ve received are wrong and
just Republicans and Democrats anymore.” enjoy a 46 percent to 26 percent advantage in lican Executive Committee’s support on flatly reject them.
Perhaps not, but that fracturing hasn’t registered voters in the county. Barenborg’s “Barenborg 4 Schools” Facebook
prevented the local Republicans and Dem- page, her personal Facebook page contains And if they choose to say nothing and al-
“This is the first time we’ve done this,” an ad and two videos – all posted on the so- low the parties to crash what’s supposed to
Lockwood said of his party’s endorsement cial-media site by the committee – endorsing be a nonpartisan election?
That’s up to them. Then it’s up to you.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 2, 2018 3
BIZARRE VERO ELECTION motional Materials,” indicating that she’s packet, Hillman turned all the documents signs, mailers, campaign-specific travel
still somehow campaigning despite the in back in July. It’s the city’s position that the and meals, T-shirts and buttons, luncheons
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 murky status of this election. missing signature on Hillman’s form went attended as a candidate, printing, mailing
unnoticed until Sept. 10 – after the official and postage. Legal fees spent on advice or
players from the past like former councilman Florida Statute bars candidates eliminat- qualifying period ended Sept. 7. Hillman’s representation directly related to the candi-
Randy Old, former Vero first lady Alla Kramer ed from a race from continuing to collect dacy also appear to be fair game.
and even former councilman Bill Fish, bring- campaign contributions, but Hillman as- NEWS ANALYSIS
ing them back from the annals of city history serts that she is and has always been a qual- Expenses do not need to be reported
to pack the third-floor courtroom. ified candidate. Oct. 25 treasurer’s report showed that she when incurred, but instead they show up
had collected $9,225 in donations, and so far after the candidate is billed and actually
Though Hillman claims she’s always been Herron in his complaint cites the fact that spent $4,274.51 in campaign expenses, leav- writes a check for the expense. So if she’s
a pro-electric-sale gal, the gallery was filled City Clerk Tammy Bursick accepted Hill- ing her $4,950.49 in the bank as of Oct. 19. successful in proving she was qualified,
with people who opposed the sale of Vero’s man’s treasurer reports as evidence that she Hillman might be able to ramp up fund-
electric utility to Florida Power & Light over was qualified, but the city argues that mul- The general rule of thumb, according to raising between Kanarek’s final ruling and
the past decade, all their hopes poured into tiple candidates pre-qualified in order to numerous published explanations of elec- the special election. If Hillman’s candidacy
Hillman as the underdog bucking City Hall. legally open their campaign bank accounts tion finance law, is that a candidate can is tossed out and she’s stuck with a $25,000
and begin fundraising, and that prequalify- legally expend campaign funds on costs bill for a new election, lawyers then will be
By the time this week’s issue of Vero Beach ing is different from final qualifying. they would not have incurred had they not left to argue whether or not she can fund-
32963 reaches mailboxes, Kanarek will likely been a candidate for office. These include raise to cover the bond.
have ruled on Hillman’s request for an emer- At issue is the fact that, instead of waiting
gency injunction that would block certifica- until September to file her whole qualifying
tion of the Nov. 6 Vero Beach City Council
election. But no matter what Kanarek de-
cides, the court case presents legal questions
local elections officials don’t see every day.
If Hillman wins, and gets the injunction
she seeks invalidating the Nov. 6 City Coun-
cil election in which four candidates are on
the ballot – and she and another disqualified
candidate are not – Hillman may have to put
up a hefty bond in an amount equal to the
estimated cost of putting on a special elec-
tion in January.
Kanarek brought this up, saying “it’s a
matter of law” and not within his discretion
whether or not to hold that money until the
truth can be sorted out. Kanarek asked Re-
ingold what the estimated cost would be of
putting on an election specifically for Vero
City Council and Reingold told Kanarek that
number was $25,000.
“We would pay” the bond, said Hillman’s
Tallahassee-based attorney Mark Herron,
without even glancing back at his client.
Then if, after fact finding by the court,
Hillman was shown to be a qualified candi-
date after all – if city officials were found to
be in some way responsible for the mix-up
that got her tossed off the ballot – she would
presumably get the money back, and Vero
Beach taxpayers would be on the hook for a
$25,000 special election.
But if Kanarek ultimately finds that Hill-
man alone bore the burden of making sure
her qualification packet was complete and
signed on every page that required a signa-
ture, and that the city cancelled the Nov. 6
election and held up that scheduled vote for
no reason, Hillman would have to pay, via her
bond money, for the Supervisor of Elections
and City Clerk to conduct a special election.
That’s where the sticky legal questions
come into play. If she doesn’t have $25,000
sitting around, can Hillman fund that cost via
campaign donations if her candidacy is in lim-
bo? To bolster her case that she is a bona fide
candidate, Hillman continued to accept and
report campaign contributions even after the
city took her name off the ballot. Last Thurs-
day, Hillman submitted her latest campaign
treasurer report showing a $100 check from In-
dian River Shores resident, former Vero mayor
and county commissioner Caroline Ginn.
Hillman also made an in-kind donation to
herself in the amount of $141 labeled “Pro-
4 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
SCHOOL DISTRICT MUST BORROW School Board meeting. Two years ago, when the district bor- The short-term loan will cost the School
“You’re missing the justification for it rowed $8 million for nearly a year, Au- District – and taxpayers – more than
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 waerter showed that cash-flow analysis $80,000 in interest, legal fees and consult-
from a financial perspective,” he told the actually only justified borrowing about ing and fees.
ber was the last action taken by the sitting School Board, pointing out that documen- $1 million for 30 days, which would have
School Board before three of its five mem- tation of what the money is needed for and saved the district thousands of dollars in The School District has a budget of
bers are replaced after the election. a cash-flow analysis should be provided to interest payments. The board approved nearly $280 million dollars for the current
the board and the public to show why the the borrowing anyway, based on confiden- fiscal year, but Rendell insisted the bridge
It is possible the new board, unlike the money is needed and prove the borrowed tial back-room information supposedly loan is not needed “because of bad finan-
outgoing one, will refuse to rubber-stamp amount is correct. warranting the larger loan. cial management.”
Rendell’s requests – like this one to take
out a multimillion-dollar loan – without As an elected official serving as town Rendell provided even less informa- Instead, Rendell said the School District
demanding evidence, analysis and prior councilman for Indian River Shores, Au- tion this year than he did two years ago, is short because tax revenue comes in a
notice. waerter said he would table an item pre- the agenda packet merely stating the $10 flood in November and December, leaving
sented with no transparency and account- million was needed for “operations.” The coffers dry by the following October. Last
Financial expert and recent school dis- ing to the public. “A private discussion School District will issue a Tax Anticipation year the School District had money in oth-
trict Audit Committee Chairman Bob Au- between the Superintendent and individ- Note that borrows against future tax dollars er accounts it could use temporarily to fill
waerter was given three minutes to speak ual School Board members does not cut at 2.8-percent interest through January. the gap, but not this year.
about the financial move at the Oct. 23 it.”
School Board members Laura Zorc and
Charles Searcy expressed disbelief the
School District couldn’t make it through
the next few weeks.
Searcy insisted Rendell and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Carter Morrison told him they
wouldn’t issue a Tax Anticipation Note this
year, which Rendell denied.
“We’re wasting money because we don’t
have good financial management,” Searcy
said, pointing out Morrison’s absence. “I
don’t see how the largest employer in the
county can run without a chief financial
Morrison has not been at work since
Rendell publicly accused him of transfer-
ring $2.3 million out of the general fund to
other accounts without his permission at
the July 31 budget hearing.
Zorc said she had no idea what the $10
million was needed for and “Dr. Rendell
did not offer me that information” when
Board member Tiffany Justice said she
was given the information, reading a laun-
dry list of bills that need to be paid, with
nearly $5 million in payroll by the end of
October among them.
Chairman Shawn Frost also claimed he
was given fulsome explanations, suggest-
ing that Rendell doesn’t provide equal in-
formation to all School Board members in
his back-room discussions.
The whole exchange once again re-
vealed an extraordinary lack of transpar-
ency on the part of Rendell and the School
District that has been permitted by the cur-
rent School Board. Information is relayed
verbally to a few board members, while the
public is left guessing.
Zorc and Searcy voted against the loan,
while Frost, Justice and Dale Simchick vot-
ed in favor.
Searcy said the new board “will have a
tough time of it,” with high-ranking per-
sonnel missing.
Not only has Morrison been absent
under conditions that remain unclear,
but Assistant Superintendent of Human
Resources Jayne Purcell has also been
missing, with no explanation given to the
She replaced long-time employee Bruce
Green, who resigned in July. Union nego-
tiations have been stalled since then, af-
fecting about 1,800 of the district’s 2,200
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6 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
Add beauty and HISTORIC DODGERTOWN Historic Dodgertown.
natural light to your “Why is Major League Baseball all of a
sudden interested in Vero Beach again?”
in about an hour! Among those who exposed the coun- Redmon said. “It’s not because of Dodger-
ty’s poor maintenance of Historic Dodger- town. Look at the pictures.
• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding town was Terry Borcheller, the professional
for every style Glass Doors sports-car racer and Vero Beach resident “You want to create that nostalgia? You’re
and budget who, along with Lakeland-based builder protecting it? Then why does that place look
• Framed / Mark Hulbert, wanted to buy and develop the way it does?” he continued. “You should
• Customize to Frameless the long-idle, golf-course property. be embarrassed. I’m embarrassed. I won’t
your style Shower Units take my kids there anymore.”
He said he recently drove through the
• Impact Glass • Etching complex and took photographs of condi- Vero Beach Vice Mayor Lange Sykes, who
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Emtek tions he described as “dilapidated” – so said he had seen recent photographs of
much so that he warned the county could Historic Dodgertown, called the conditions
Exterior Doors Hardware “end up in a lawsuit” if a visitor gets injured. “pretty poor,” adding “there are a lot of im-
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps provements that need to be made.”
“A coat of paint does a lot of good, but I
Doors don’t know how many more coats of paint Reached by phone last week, Brown said
they can put on over there without having the county is aware that some roofs need to
some maintenance,” Borcheller told the be replaced and other maintenance work is
council. “I’m telling you: It’s embarrassing, needed, but he disagreed with claims the fa-
what the place looks like. cility was dilapidated and deteriorating.
“That’s not the Dodgertown I had envi- He said “limited financial resources”
sioned,” he added, “and I hope the county during the recession years prevented the
takes the money it was going to spend to county from funding some repair and main-
buy this [golf-course] property and puts it tenance projects at Historic Dodgertown.
into Dodgertown, because it needs it.”
“We were having problems maintaining
He closed by saying, “People want to be other county facilities as well,” Brown said.
proud of that place, but the way it looks “I remember reading about ambulances
right now, it’s a mess.” breaking down. But now that things are im-
proving, financially, we’re playing catch-up.
Jason Redmon, vice president of the
local Cal Ripken youth baseball league, “This isn’t where we wanted to be,” he
echoed Borcheller’s remarks. He also ques- added, “but we’ll get the place back in
tioned the sincerity of Major League Base- shape.”
ball’s interest in Vero Beach and challenged
the county’s sentimental rhetoric about Also delaying some of the repairs was the
failure of the multi-sport complex to turn
any significant profit for a number of years –
money that Historic Dodgertown CEO Peter
Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
Licensed & Insured
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 2, 2018 7
O’Malley, whose five-way partnership has O’Malley, 80, began talking to Major adding “I think we can get to a place that O’Bryan said the local economy would lose
operated the place since 2011, said would League Baseball officials last year in hopes could be beneficial to both parties.” the $15 million per year in “direct spending”
be reinvested in the facility. that they would take over Historic Dodger- generated by the complex’s operations.
town’s operations and possibly make it the Brown told the City Council that if nego-
It wasn’t until 2016 that Historic Dodger- hub of the game’s inner-city youth program. tiations with Major League Baseball fail, the Brown said Major League Baseball is will-
town broke even. county could put up a “For Sale sign” on the ing to maintain Historic Dodgertown’s facil-
After Major League Baseball expressed 72-acre Historic Dodgertown property. ities “in a first-class manner,” if the county
“We had hoped for some different things,” some interest, O’Malley turned over the ne- makes the financial investment necessary
Brown said, “but it took a while for them to gotiations to the county. Brown said the two If that happens – if Historic Dodgertown to bring those facilities up to the Major
break even, and the profit they’re producing sides are “getting close” to an agreement, shuts down when O’Malley’s lease expires in League Baseball’s standards.
hasn’t been enough.” May – County Commission Chairman Peter
8 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
New dialysis center aims for more patient-centric approach
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Francisco says each year more than 650,000
[email protected] people will find themselves in the fifth and
final stage of renal disease and some 90,000
Medicine isn’t always a numbers game. Americans will die from it.
If it were we’d all probably be paying a lot
more attention to end-stage renal disease So what, exactly, is ESRD?
or ESRD. In simple terms, it is kidney failure.
Healthy kidneys filter around 120 to 150
More than 31 million Americans suffer quarts of blood each day but when the kid-
from renal (kidney) disease and, accord- neys fail, waste builds up in the blood. If
ing to the American Kidney Fund, nine out that waste is not removed it leads to coma
of 10 people who are already in stage three and death.
of this five-stage disease don’t even know Patients who have ESRD will need dial-
they have it. ysis for the rest of their lives. Or a kidney
Worse, the University of California San
Dr. Saatiah Jaffry.
Is The One-Stop Location
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 2, 2018 9
transplant. And transplants are not easy to the other hand, a concerted effort is made Sebastian Dialysis Center. compatible donor.
come by. to be sure each patient sees the same staff If that’s not enough of a challenge, kidney
members every visit. Not only does that against getting a transplant.
So, the vast majority of ESRD patients help build a rapport, it also makes it more The Kidney Foundation points out transplants are major surgeries which re-
will require multiple sessions of dialysis a likely the staff will notice any subtle or ma- quire a lifetime of pricey immunosuppres-
week to filter their blood and, in many cases, jor changes in the patients’ condition. “more than 122,000 Americans are cur- sant medications to prevent rejection of the
those treatments can often be impersonal rently on the waiting list for a lifesaving new organ. Unfortunately, those same im-
and de-humanizing, or worse. “The staff,” Jaffry states firmly, “can make kidney transplant,” but adds that “fewer munosuppressants can seriously compro-
a big difference.” than 17,000 people receive one each year.” mise a patient’s ability to fight off even the
For years two large, nationwide dialysis Worse, getting a kidney transplant takes mildest of infections.
providers – Fresenius Medical Care of North That said, the term “end stage” is every bit more than luck.
America and DaVita Kidney Care – have as gloomy as it sounds. Dialysis itself, meanwhile, is a treatment.
dominated the dialysis field here, but early A successful match – meaning both blood It is not a cure.
this year, local nephrologist Dr. Saatiah Jaf- As the Mayo Clinic puts it, “with ESRD, types and levels of antibodies in both donor
fry created an alternative at the Sebastian you need dialysis or a kidney transplant and recipient are compatible – requires ex- As the University of California puts it,
Dialysis Care Center. to stay alive,” and candidly, the odds are tensive testing. The more co-morbidities a “after one year of treatment, even those on
patient has, the more difficult it is to find a dialysis have a 20-25 percent mortality rate;
Teaming up with American Renal As- which means one in four will still die.”
sociates, Jaffry, along with clinic manag-
er and registered nurse Hayley Beidleman Jaffry knows the long-term survival rates
and a hand-picked local staff, have been for those with ESRD aren’t great. The Kid-
busily building what they feel is a more pa- ney Foundation puts the average life expec-
tient-centric approach to dialysis. tancy for dialysis patients at 5-10 years, but
Jaffry quickly adds, “we want our patients
“American Renal,” says Jaffry, “lets their to have dignity and comfort and some hap-
physicians run their clinic the way they piness in whatever life they have.”
want to so I have a lot more latitude. They
let me pick everything I wanted from the That, she concludes, “is priceless.”
machines to the staffing. I have a lot of say
over everything.” Dr. Saatiah Jaffry is board certified in ne-
phrology. She can be reached at Sebastian Dial-
That includes a say about the importance ysis Care Center at 1807 U.S. 1 where the phone
of caregiver/patient relationships. number is 772-581-1041 or at Coastal Kidney
Care and Hypertension at 7965 Bay Street where
For example, Jaffry points out that pa- the phone number is 772-918-8487.
tients at the mega-chain dialysis providers
may never know which staff members will She is affiliated with the Sebastian Riv-
be working with them from visit to visit as er Medical Center, Health First Holmes
they come in three or four times a week for Regional Medical Center and Health First
three or four hours at a time. Palm Bay Hospital.
At Sebastian Dialysis Care Center, on
10 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
Congestive heart failure is serious for seniors, but treatable
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist live longer, the condition affects more wom-
en in their 70s and 80s.
Q. What exactly is congestive heart failure?
In normal hearts, veins bring oxygen-poor
If you have congestive heart failure (CHF), blood from the body to the right side of the
your heart can’t pump enough blood. This heart. It is then pumped through the pulmo-
condition develops over time. It is the No. 1 nary artery to the lungs, where it picks up ox-
reason people over age 65 go into the hospital. ygen. From there, the blood returns to the left
side of the heart. Then it is pumped through
Heart failure is most common in older peo- a large artery called the aorta that distributes
ple, and is more common in African-Ameri- blood throughout the body.
cans. Men have a higher rate of heart failure
than women. But, because women usually Heart failure is caused by other diseases
or conditions that damage the heart muscle. a chest X-ray and a blood test for BNP, a hor-
It is often caused by coronary artery disease, mone that increases in heart failure.
including heart attacks. Diabetes and high
blood pressure also contribute to heart failure. Tests that can identify the cause of heart
failure include: an echocardiogram that uses
Coronary artery disease is the leading sound waves; a Holter monitor, which is a
cause of death in men and women. It hap- small box that is worn for 24 hours to provide a
pens when the arteries that supply blood to continuous recording of heart rhythm during
the heart become hardened and narrowed. normal activity; an exercise stress test that
People who have had a heart attack are at reads your EKG and blood pressure before,
high risk to develop heart failure. during or after exercise to see how your heart
responds, and a coronary angiography, which
There are many things that you can do to is an X-ray of the heart’s blood vessels.
reduce risk of coronary artery disease and
heart failure. For starters, you should keep the There is no cure for heart failure, but it
following levels down: body weight, cholester- can be controlled.
ol, blood pressure, sugar, alcohol and salt. Ex-
ercise regularly. And, if you smoke, quit. People with CHF are usually put on a low-
salt diet to prevent fluid build-up. Their doc-
The most common symptoms of heart tors may also tell them to lose weight, quit
failure include shortness of breath, fatigue smoking and reduce alcohol intake.
and swelling, which usually occurs in the an-
kles, feet and legs. Swelling is caused by fluid Medications that are used include: diuret-
buildup in the body and can lead to weight ics, “water pills” to reduce fluid; ACE inhibi-
gain, frequent urination and a cough. tors to lower blood pressure and reduce heart
stress; beta-blockers to slow your heart rate
Because the symptoms are common for and lower blood pressure; Digoxin to help the
other conditions, your doctor will deter- heart beat stronger; and anticoagulants (such
mine if you have heart failure by doing a as warfarin) that help prevent blood clots.
detailed medical history, an examination,
and several tests. People with severe heart failure may also
be given a mechanical heart pump. A heart
Tests that are given to determine heart transplant is an option when all other treat-
failure include an electrocardiogram (EKG), ments fail to control symptoms.
12 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Post-exercise soreness can indicate an overuse injury
By Gabriella Boston identified by a coach or trainer and not the your cardio fitness by cycling, swimming or by a tight thoracic spine (middle of the back),
The Washington Post athletes themselves,” Mullner says. using a rowing machine. and knee pain can be caused by weak glute-
us muscles or tight IT (iliotibial) bands – soft
If you’ve ever set foot in an exercise class, Another option when it comes to ambig- Even if you’re just sore or stiff, rather than tissue that runs from the hip to the knee and
you’ve surely heard the instruction to “lis- uous sports-injury symptoms is when the in pain, “the damage to the tissue has already helps stabilize the knee. The list is long.
ten to your body.” It’s usually an apt one, but injury shows up as stiffness rather than happened,” says Ben Fidler, a D.C.-based per-
sometimes exercise-related injuries speak to pain – at least initially. That’s what hap- sonal trainer. In this case, you should take So, listen to your body. If it’s speaking to
us after the fact or in a language we don’t al- pened to Michael Schaeffer, a D.C. resident steps to prevent it from progressing. you through stiffness and delayed soreness,
ways understand – stiffness and delayed sore- who did “too much, too soon” when he re- it may be time to see a specialist to avoid
ness, for example, rather than outright pain. sumed running after a long hiatus. “In the Mullner and Fidler both recommend stress injuries, tendinitis or tendinopathy.
morning, my right heel would just feel stiff. having a trainer or physical therapist look And sooner, rather than later: “Recovery time
Often we even start compensating with I moved like a tin man,” Schaeffer says. at your movement patterns to determine will depend on how long you were pulling
different movement patterns, such as altering When the stiffness turned into pain and he weaknesses and tight areas. “We look at ki- through injury,” Mullner says.
our stride to avoid soreness or favoring one consulted a doctor, he was told that Achil- netic check points,” Fidler says. “If anything
arm, which can cause even more problems. les’ tendinitis was the likely cause. moves outside the check points, there is a
higher likelihood of injury.”
What do these delayed symptoms mean? Most overuse injuries – such as stress in-
How do we treat the underlying injuries that juries in bones (weakened but not fractured), That means that, as Fidler puts a client
are causing them? Or better yet, how do we degeneration and improper healing of soft through an exercise, such as an overhead
avoid such injuries? tissue (tendinopathy), and inflammation squat, he assesses the positioning of the feet
(tendinitis) of soft tissue – don’t usually go in relation to the knees, how the torso is mov-
First, pay attention. “With overuse in- away by themselves and require some ther- ing, whether the back is arching, whether
juries, oftentimes you’ll just notice diffuse apy. Schaeffer is rehabilitating his heel and the head is jutting forward, and so on. All of
soreness and write that off as normal,” says increasing his range of motion by doing heel these movement patterns tell trainers how
Justin Mullner, a Washington, D.C.-based stretches, calf strengthening, cycling and the client should exercise. Sometimes the cli-
doctor who specializes in sports medicine. “It strength training. But he has hung up his run- ent needs more strength training, and other
doesn’t feel bad enough to stop your activity.” ning shoes for the time being. times they need to improve flexibility. But
usually they need both to prevent the stiff-
Sometimes, instead of making itself The length of recovery varies, and you ness or soreness from progressing to injuries.
known as pain, the overuse injury causes shouldn’t go back to your activity too
disruptions and changes in movement pat- soon, Mullner cautions. “If you can’t walk “Stress fractures are often linked to an-
terns. If you have Achilles’ tendinitis, for pain-free or without a limp, you probably kle immobility, and lower back pain can be
example, you might start planting your foot shouldn’t run,” Mullner says. Instead, get caused by hip immobility,” Fidler says. Rota-
differently while running. “With elite-lev- tor cuff injuries and neck pain can be caused
el athletes, these types of injuries are often
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 2, 2018 13
‘Joint Camp’ helps hip/knee patients get up – and out
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer though she admits some patients can be a tion on pain management and medications, Colleen King, manager of rehab services, and
[email protected] little “grumpy” about that – which is where a durable medical equipment such as walkers joint program coordinator Maria Puras.
sense of humor helps. and canes, occupational therapy and even sex
The amount of time patients spend in a after joint replacement surgery, along with ex- PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
hospital after a total hip or total knee-re- “We’re making sure that they’re mobile, ercise tips and advice.
placement procedure continues to plummet getting the range of motion and decreasing Since the Mayo Clinic reports that “hip
at hospitals across the country – including at the edema at the surgical site, regardless of For most patients, post-op pain manage- and knee-replacement operations are now
Indian River Medical Center. whether if it’s a hip or a knee,” King adds. ment is a main concern and the good news among the most commonly performed op-
on that front is IRMC, like many hospitals, erations in the U.S., with around 1 million
Just ask Colleen King, manager of the That said, the Joint Camp’s work begins has moved away from relying on opioids for procedures performed each year,” both Puras
IRMC rehabilitation department, and Ma- long before a patient is wheeled into or out of pain control. and King are looking forward to helping more
ria Puras, joint program coordinator. They the operating room. patients resolve their hip and knee problems
are key players in the Vero hospital’s con- As King almost explains, “we’re doing by “camping out” with them.
tinuously evolving rehabilitation program According to King, Joint Camp actually be- what’s known as the ERAS [or enhanced
known as “Joint Camp.” gins with a meeting that lasts an hour or an recovery after surgery] protocol right now.” For more information on Indian River Med-
hour and a half. That, she says, reduces narcotic intake ical Center’s Joint Camp call 772-794-2556.
Back in 1991, according to the National In- but still successfully manages patients’
stitutes of Health, patients spent an average of “We do [the meeting] once a week,” she post-operative pain.
9.1 days hospitalized after a hip replacement. explains; it includes a tour of the hospital to
By 2008 that was down to 3.7 days, and today show patients where to park the day of sur- “What we’re doing now is a ‘cocktail’ [of
“the typical hospital stay after hip replace- gery, where to check in and what to expect. drugs] where we use less narcotics,” King
ment is one night,” according to the Univer- says. “It actually improves the outcome
sity of California. “Patients and families can come as many because patients don’t have all the side-ef-
times as they want leading up to their sur- fects [of narcotics], yet their pain is very
Some knee-replacement patients spend gery,” King continues. well under control.”
less than 24 hours in the hospital.
They also “have patients come in [for the Another element of IRMC’s Joint Camp is
King and Puras employ an infectious sense class] who are not even scheduled for sur- making use of folks who have “been there
of humor and an undeniable rapport with gery, but they’ve heard about the class so they and done that.”
each other and their patients to encourage come just for future knowledge,” Puras says.
people to get up from their post-operative “I think that’s great, too.” “We have what we call Joint Camp ambas-
beds as soon as possible after surgery to start sadors who are prior patients,” King explains.
rehabilitating those hips and knees. Participants are provided a checklist for “One is a knee patient. One is a hip patient.
what to bring with them to the hospital – and Together they can give the patient perspec-
As Puras points out, “we do get them up what not to bring – along with some clear and tive on what to expect.”
out of bed within four hours [after surgery],” concise tips for making their homes safer
during their recovery. They receive informa-
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14 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz howls at pooches’ priceless Pawrade duds
Hi Dog Buddies! with a black Standard Poo. I introduced PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE a Breast Cancer Awareness vest. “I’m a
myself. rescue from the Vero Beach Humane So-
One of the most Cool Dog Biscuits events Then there was Rasta Robbie Rossie, a ciety,” she told me. “I believe in paying it
on my busy social schedule is the Dogs for “I’m Angel Showberger,” she replied. rescue Border Collie from St. Kitts, dressed back by supporting an important cause.”
Life Howl-O-Ween Pawrade. I look forward “This is my pooch pop, Roger. We’re up like Bob Marley. “Hey, Rastadog, Live
to it cuz I get to yap with a buncha you named for a coupla human TENus play- Up!” he called. I was impressed. “Woof, Babycakes,
poocheroos, and check out your pawsome ers, Anglique Kerber an Roger Federer. that is so socially aware of you!!”
costooms. Me, I always attend cleverly dis- We don’t play tennis ourselves, though. “Keepin’ that pooch culture,” I replied,
guised as a Springer Spaniel. We just chase TENus balls.” with a Paws-Up. A liddle chihuahua trotted up. “Hallo,
Mr. Bonz. I’m Oscar. Can I ask your opin-
This year, like always, you pooches “Cool Kibbles,” I replied, making a Another Yellow Lab, Good Girl, man- ion about something?”
brought your costoom A-game. Dogs for mental note to get her number. aged to look totally graceful in a white tulle
Life is inna shady, leash-free dog park with skirt. “I’m a princess,” she told me. “I hafta “Sure thing, Oscar.” I noticed Oscar
a special building where humans train res- “Guess what, Mr. Bonzo,” a teeny walk real straight an careful to keep my was dressed as an elephant. Big ears,
cue dogs for Very Important Jobs: helping Chi-weenie piped up. (That’s what a pretty skirt on.” trunk an all. It was adorable an hilarious.
humans, ’speshly sol-jures, with Serious Chihuahua-Dachshund’s called. Who
Problems, like if they can’t hear too well knew?) “I’m Isabella Chapman. I’m a “Well you look super nice!” I told her “Well, since I look like an elephant,”
or get around too well, or if they’re duh- PIErat. See? My Mom, Sunny, made our sincerely. he said seriously, “I’m afraid I might ac-
pressed or sad and need a Faithful Com- costooms. Aren’t they Crispy Dog Bis- cidently scare somebody. I don’t want
panion. Stuff like that. cuits?” Trained service pooch Fritz, a Jack Rus- anybody to think I’m gonna squash ’em
sell/Beagle combo, was also dressed like or anything.”
Anyway, there were a couple hundred “The crispiest!” I said. Isabella was a PIErat, an had one of those way cool,
humans, an 45 costoom pawrade entries. head to toe pie-rat, with red headscarf, three-corner hats. “I help my Mom, Judy, “That is very conscientious of you,
First off was a demonstration by a Sheriff’s pie-rat hat, gold hoop earring, cutlass at with lotsa stuff. I even know how to push Oscar, but, honestly, I wouldn’t wor-
K-9 team, a big, serious pooch officer an her side, a peg leg, and her “signature” sun- a Special Button to dial 911, if there’s an ry,” I assured him. “I think your friendly,
his human partner, which always impress- glasses. eeMERgency.” non-threatening doganality definite-
es the Dog Biscuits out of me. Their Very ly shines through. Just resist the urge to
Important Job is mostly to catch Bad Guys. I was happy to see several rescue pooch- Babycakes, a bulldog mix, was wearin’ trumpet and you’ll be fine.”
If you’ve ever seen ’em work, you know es an service dogs in the bunch. One of The costume that made me laugh most
what I mean when I say I’m glad I’m not a ’em, a brindle greyhound rescue named DON’T BE SHY was Woody the dashchund, dressed up like
Bad Guy. Lacy Reynolds, was all decked out in red, a Tootsie Roll. He was the perfect shape,
white an blue. Golden Retriever GeeGee We are always looking for pets an he was Totally Workin’ It, havin’ a ball,
I even had a brief yap with K-9 Officer was trained as service dog right there at with interesting stories. summoning up his Inner Tootsie Roll.
Falko, a German Shepherd/Malinois mix Paws For Life. She was wearin’ a hot dog A big Woofout goes to the humans who
an, guess what? He says we can schedule costoom, complete with bun, mustard an To set up an interview, email always make the Paw-rade fun: The Human
an INNERview. I’m stoked! relish! It ackshully made me a liddle hun- [email protected]. In Charge, Miss Shelly, inna witch costo-
gry. om, zoomed around in a liddle cart thingy,
“Yoohoo, Mr. Bonzo, check us out!” makin’ sure everything was pooch-perfect.
called a liddle Yorkie/terrier mix wearin’ Another cool kibbles Golden was JACC, Lotsa volunteers did Real Important Stuff,
a pink cowdog hat. “I’m Riley! a Cowdog! who was dressed as a lifeguard. I asked like keepin’ the water bowls filled; the
An this is Nicolas. He’s 11 in human. He’s about his inner-sting name. Sheriff’s K-9 team and Color Guard made
Rocket Raccoon, a Guardian of the Galaxy, everything extra special; Hobo Jim played
an I’m his Faithful ComPANyun. Whaddya “You say it like ‘Jack,’” he explained. “I’m music; and Troop 513 Boy Scouts helped
think?” named for a big sports center at a school in the humans park.
Indiana called No-der Dame. The center’s Heading home, I was thinkin’ about how
“Pawsome!” I said. named for a human called Mr. Joyce. One fun the Pawrade had been, an how much
Roxie Fermato, a Golden Retriever, also of the sports there is swimming.’” Dogs for Life helps pooches AN humans.
wore a cowdog costoom, an also looked An picturin’ a coupla juicy hot dogs. An
Super Adorable. “Woof, JACC, that does sound import- droolin’ on my notebook again. Rats!
A pretty, white Standard Poodle wearing ant!” Till next time,
red antlers was hanging out in the shade
The Dynamic Duo was there, also: Bat- The Bonz
man was Terry Spencer, an his faithful
sidekick Robin was service-dog-in-train-
ing Bentley, a Yellow Lab. I think I wrote
the names down right, but I accidently
drooled on my notebook while watching
GeeGee the hot dog.
Vero AutoHaus: Secure storage
using ‘tilt-wall’ method
16 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Vero AutoHaus: Secure storage using ‘tilt-wall’ method
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Jodah Bittle, Joe Schulke, used to form the molds to give the 7.5-inch-
[email protected] Bill Stoddard and Vic Lombardi. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE thick walls the desired shape and texture. A
chemical is applied to break the concrete
Owners of valuable objects – a beloved and Geoff Barkett of Schulke, Bittle & Stod- said John Zuefle, the superintendent on bond with the underlying floor slab.
Rolls Royce, a Grady-White boat, a Win- dard engineering firm, and Vic Lombardi, the project.
nebago RV, a grandfather clock or other owner of the luxury building firm Waters Engineering the molds is an exercise in
choice items – will soon be able to store Edge Estates. To be economically feasible, the project plotting positive and negative space. Win-
their treasures in an industrial-version must be at least 40,000 square feet, the size dows, doors, vents and pipe penetrations
jewelry box specially constructed in Vero The men saw a need for a high-end of AutoHaus, Schulke said. There are six must be left open. Other forms receive a
Beach via the “tilt-wall” method. web of steel-rod reinforcement. Corner
and L-brackets and steel plates require
“The walls have double the strength re- clockwork placement before concrete can
quired by the Indian River County Building be poured, enmeshing them at the exact
Code,” said engineer Bill Stoddard, one of place where bolts will conjoin concrete
the owners of Vero AutoHaus at 950 12th St. walls, floors and ceilings.
The AutoHaus project is part of a na- Final preparation includes grading and
tionwide trend, according to Bloomberg. compacting the surrounding dirt to with-
stand the weight of the crane needed to lift
In an Oct. 19 article title “The Latest Real and tilt the walls, and the wall panels them-
Estate Trend is Storing Rich People’s Cars,” selves, some weighing 43,000 pounds.
Bloomberg reported a shortage of secure
storage facilities for rare cars and other The poured concrete walls take 28 days
collectibles, noting that “entrepreneurs to fully cure, but the walls can be tilted into
and investors are seeing opportunity. Car vertical position just shy of that, Schulke
warehouses that can store a hundred or said.
more pricey vehicles are beginning to pop
up across the U.S.” “Then it goes fast,” Stoddard said, the la-
In Florida, the trend toward heavy, warehouse designed for valuables like col- buildings and 37 individual units – which bor savings that make tilt-up construction
steel-reinforced concrete storage units lectible cars, looking to the island as their have 14-foot-high garage doors and 22- economical kicking in. Several walls were
may have extra impetus in the wake of main customer base. foot ceilings to accommodate big vehicles, tilted up in a day and a half. Laying con-
Hurricane Michael. Media coverage of lifts or mezzanines. The interior roads are crete block would take much longer, and
the storm’s aftermath showed brightly AutoHaus is in mid-construction, an wide and have big turning lanes. would contain more air than the dense,
painted sports cars peeking out among exploded diagram of the tilt-wall method high-quality concrete.
the dun-colored ruins, metal storage unit in which concrete walls complete with Months were spent planning for the
walls crumpled like tissue paper. window and door openings are cast in construction of the walls. First, 2-foot- “It’s strong concrete – 5,000 pounds of
large molds onsite and then tilted up and deep footers were poured, then 5-inch pressure per square inch – about twice the
Here in Vero, the entrepreneurs who fastened together – bypassing weight, size concrete floor slabs. strength you find in residential concrete,”
sensed a pent-up demand for secure stor- and transportation problems that general- Schulke said. “It’s enormously fire resistant
age space are AutoHaus owner/developers ly limit precast concrete construction. The floor slabs are the pristine bed for and provides a better noise barrier [than
Joe Schulke, Jodah Bittle, William Stoddard the concrete molds for the walls and roof. concrete block].”
“It looks like a giant Lego Erector Set,” Wood, plastic, metal and other materials are
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 2, 2018 17
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer – according to a site plan pre-application a Brock Development principal who is place toward I-95. We’ve done the demo-
[email protected] filed with the county. managing Five Parcels-60 LLC. “Now lition phase, the cleaning up. Right now
[the real estate market] has come back. we are still exploring options ... it takes
Land has been cleared for a substan- Five Parcels-60 LLC, a subsidiary of There’s some good development taking time.”
tial retail and restaurant development at Brock Development Corp. of West Palm
the southwest corner of the intersection Beach, is the project applicant. The com- Bottom line: “We’re excited. We’re en-
of Route 60 and 82nd Avenue. pany purchased the five parcels that ergized. We look forward to the process,”
make up the site in 2008 for $3.6 million Brock concluded.
Called Vero Town Center, the project dollars, according to County records,
encompasses 12.35 acres and could in- but the project was put on hold when the The property previously was home to
clude a 45,500-square-foot grocery store, economy and real estate market tanked. a Texaco gas station and convenience
22,400 of additional retail space, and store, a popular mom-and-pop diner
two 3,500-square-foot out-parcel build- “We’re a small, family company ... called Mrs. B’s and several other build-
ings – possibly a bank and a restaurant and we are patient,” said Andrew Brock, ings.
While concrete block requires a layer of to drive their car back up north when the
stucco before painting, AutoHaus’ tilt-up season is over.”
concrete walls can be painted immediate-
ly, saving more on labor and materials. “Or they don’t want to leave their boat in
the water or their RV out in the weather,”
Braces hold the walls in position, awaiting Schulke said. “One couple is tired of evac-
the stabilizing steel-framed roof and roof uating. They said they purchased a unit so
deck. The roof will be a sandwich of rein- they can bring their boat in and weather
forced concrete, Styrofoam insulation and out storms here. A lot of people who didn’t
another layer of reinforced concrete, a con- evacuate complained they felt trapped by
tinuous pour melding the layers together. the bridges being closed and want to be on
the mainland.”
The partners bought 2.8 acres of vacant
land at the 12th Street site in the summer “There is demand for it,” car collector
of 2017, paying $480,000. They chose the and hedge-fund investor Henry Robertelli
location because of its proximity to the told Bloomberg. Robertelli “is building out
17th Street bridge, making it a quick hop a 7,000 square-foot auto garage in a subur-
for wealthy island collectors. ban Atlanta warehouse space that’s nearly
five times as large, if he wants to expand.”
Half of the 37 units are already sold,
ranging from 800 square feet to 1,320 Located close to U.S. 1, AutoHaus will
square feet, although three buyers have be among the first to get power back on,
bought double units, leaving out the cen- along with the grocery stores and pharma-
ter wall to expand the interior space. cies nearby.
“Half of the buyers want them for gen- The building should be move-in ready by
eral storage, the other half for autos, boats March, the team of owners said, becoming
and RVs,” Lombardi said. “They don’t want the only tilt-wall storage unit in the county.
VERO AUTOHAUS, 950 12TH ST. Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
Ryan Weaver Insurance, Inc. is a locally owned
Neighborhood: Near 17th Street Bridge, just beyond the train
tracks on the right-hand side on 12th Street independent agency that has been serving
Indian River County for over 12 years.
Lot size: 2.8 acres
Units: 37 units ranging in size from 800 sq. ft. to 1,320 sq. ft., al- All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
though more than one unit may be purchased to gain up to 7,000
sq. ft. by leaving out interior walls. Ceilings are 22 feet high. INSURANCE COMPANY
Construction: Poured concrete reinforced with steel, including A member of Main Street America Group
an insulated concrete and steel roof
855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building
Additional features: Each unit has two access doors and a 2nd Floor – Vero Beach
14’x14’ insulated garage door. Interiors may include a mezza-
nine floor within the 22-foot-high unit. Plumbing may include (772) 567-4930 • [email protected]
a full bath and kitchenette. All units include automatic ventila-
tion systems and floor drains required to permit the storage of
vehicles, RVs and boats. Every unit has its own electric meter Conveniently located just off of Miracle Mile,
and 150-amp panel, ready to add climate-control air condition- across from Classic Car Wash on US-1
ing. Two common bathrooms, RV dump, wash area and air-vac
will be provided onsite. The site will be fenced and gated with
video-recorded surveillance.
Ownership: Commercial condominium, pricing starting at $167
a square foot, prices ranging from $142,900 to $249,900
Owners: Vero AutoHaus, 772-696-4287
18 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
A strong week on the mainland real estate front saw 31 single-family residences and lots change
hands from Oct. 22-26 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the residence at 3240 Berkley Square Way –
first listed in September for $575,000 – sold for $555,000 on Oct. 25.
The seller in the transaction was represented by agent Geof Hoge of the GHO Homes Agency
VERO BEACH 3240 BERKLEY SQUARE WAY 9/2/2018 $575,000 10/25/2018 $485,000
VERO BEACH 7630 S VILLAGE SQUARE 8/14/2018 $539,000 10/26/2018 $450,000
VERO BEACH 4223 DIAMOND SQUARE 6/7/2018 $459,900 10/24/2018 $420,128
VERO BEACH 1778 BELMONT CIRCLE SW 10/25/2018 $420,128 10/24/2018 $370,000
VERO BEACH 1722 VICTORIA CIRCLE 7/23/2018 $379,500 10/24/2018 $370,000
SEBASTIAN 656 ROLLING HILL DRIVE 4/22/2018 $439,000 10/25/2018 $320,000
VERO BEACH 4742 ASHLEY LAKE CIRCLE 4/26/2018 $348,000 10/25/2018 $280,000
VERO BEACH 2320 WATER OAK CT SW UNIT#121 2/8/2018 $309,000 10/24/2018 $275,000
VERO BEACH 1462 LEXINGTON SQUARE SW 9/5/2018 $285,000 10/22/2018 $255,000
VERO BEACH 7598 14TH LANE 6/8/2018 $275,000 10/25/2018 $248,000
VERO BEACH 1136 27TH STREET 8/29/2018 $257,500 10/22/2018 $246,000
VERO BEACH 1655 5TH PLACE 9/19/2018 $249,900 10/24/2018 $244,000
VERO BEACH 325 10TH STREET SW 8/28/2018 $249,900 10/22/2018 $236,000
VERO BEACH 4850 65TH STREET 9/7/2018 $239,900 10/23/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 2, 2018 19
7630 S Village Square, Vero Beach 4223 Diamond Square, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 8/14/2018 Listing Date: 6/7/2018
Original Price: $539,000 Original Price: $459,900
Sold: 10/26/2018 Sold: 10/24/2018
Selling Price: $485,000 Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer Listing Agent: Amanda Brown
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty
Kelly Fischer Hope Brovont
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
1778 Belmont Circle SW, Vero Beach 1722 Victoria Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 10/25/2018 Listing Date: 7/23/2018
Original Price: $420,128 Original Price: $379,500
Sold: 10/24/2018 Sold: 10/24/2018
Selling Price: $420,128 Selling Price: $370,000
Listing Agent: NOT PROVIDED Listing Agent: Barbara Parent
Selling Agent: NOT PROVIDED Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Hollie Billero Buldo Barbara Parent
Billero & Billero Properties Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Coming Up!
‘HOLMES’ COMEDY Ballet Vero branches out with Adam Schnell.
IS WHERE THEATRE talented konverjdans trio PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 “The Game’s Afoot or Holmes
for the Holidays” is a very
funny, drawing-room mystery (the
playwright Ken Ludwig bills it as
“a comedy thriller”), and you can
(and should) catch it at the Vero
Beach Theatre Guild starting Tues-
day, Nov. 6. Ludwig, known for his
period farces, also penned “Lend
Me A Tenor” and “Moon Over Buf-
falo.” “The Game’s Afoot or Holmes
for the Holiday” action takes place
during the Christmas Season, 1936.
According to the Guild’s synop-
sis, William Gillette, a world-fa-
mous Broadway star known for his
starring role in the play “Sherlock
Holmes,” is convalescing at his
home following an attempt on his
life, and decides to cheer himself
up by inviting his fellow cast mem-
bers over for a festive holiday week-
end of good cheer and revelry as he
recovers. As it happened, according
to, Gil-
lette, with the blessing of Arthur
B2 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Ballet Vero branches out with talented konverjdans trio
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer the trio of women founders of the young
[email protected] New York company konverjdans will offer a
program of the company’s original chore-
Since its inception, Ballet Vero Beach ography in the Vero Beach Museum of Art’s
founders Adam Schnell and Camilo Rodri- Leonhardt Auditorium.
guez have relied on their friendships with
dancers to fill the stages here in Vero. So when Audiences are used to seeing different com-
New York City Ballet’s legendary ballerina panies perform in late summer at Riverside
Wendy Whelan visited here for a Ballet Vero Theatre in conjunction with the Riverside
Beach benefit last fall, it was almost a given Dance Festival, a two-week summer intensive
that the friendship that developed was bound which Schnell and Rodriguez teach alongside
to benefit audiences at some point. the guest company’s dancers. During Ballet
Vero Beach’s winter and spring performances,
That moment has come. Next Wednesday,
Amy Saunder, Jordan Miller and Tiffany
Mangulabnan, founders/directors of konverjdans.
they have imported dancers from their sister coln Center for a year and a half. She is now a
company, Ballet Nebraska, now called Ameri- freelancer dancer, having danced with such
can Midwest Ballet. company as Pennsylvania Ballet and Ballet-
Next and soon to perform with Aspen Santa
This is the first time Ballet Vero Beach has Fe Ballet. She is also a teacher of Pilates.
brought in a different company. The konver-
jdans dancers will be joined in one dance by “All of this experience, personal and pro-
Rodriguez, in a work they will choreograph fessional, is suddenly compounding into this
collaboratively over the course of their one- burst of inspiration, or motivation, to create
week visit to Vero. something out of this thing I do,” Miller writes
on the company website. Placing an empha-
Like Rodriguez, all three women have strong sis on “we,” she marvels at the possibilities of
ballet backgrounds; Rodriguez danced inter- collaboration. “We make statements, we can
nationally with Les Ballets Trocaderos de Mon- make art, we can use our medium as a voice
te Carlo, an all-male company that performs and have conversations with other artists in
en travesti – in drag. Rodriguez will dance on this space we’ve created together.”
pointe with konverjdans’ three dancers.
Saunder began dancing at a very young
Those three, who also direct and choreo- age in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital and big-
graph, are the company’s only full-time danc- gest city. She moved to the U.S. in 2001, and
ers. But since their beginnings in 2016, they was accepted into the North Carolina School
have garnered a long list of collaborators, in- of the Arts. While training during the school
cluding not only dancers – male and female year in at the highly regarded Wake Forest
– but musicians, artists and even clothing de- academy, she spent her summers at various
signers. Hence the name – converge-dance. ballet intensives including Pacific Northwest
Ballet, Chautauqua Institute and Harid Con-
Konverjdans came together through a servatory in Boca Raton. After two years as a
three-way best friendship between Amy trainee with Richmond Ballet, she became
Saunder, born in Zimbabwe and schooled at a company member at the Suzanne Farrell
the North Carolina School of the Arts; Jordan Ballet in Washington, D.C. Like Miller, Saun-
Miller, Indiana-born but a New Yorker since der also danced with BalletNext, another col-
the age of 15; and Tiffany Mangulabnan, who laborative company whose artistic director,
grew up in the Philippines. Michele Wiles, was a principal dancer with
American Ballet Theatre.
At 15, Miller began two years of training at
the School of American Ballet and was even- Mangulabnan danced for five years with
tually asked to become an apprentice with
the New York City Ballet, performing at Lin-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 2, 2018 B3
the Philippine Ballet Theatre, whose conser- erything just made sense to me. He made us
vatory she trained at as a child. In her first dance with all our souls.”
five years with the company, she went from
the corps de ballet to a soloist. In 2010, she Later, in San Francisco, she danced Labay-
became a principal dancer, starting with the en, in the contemporary dance company, Lines
dual role of Odette/Odile in “Swan Lake.” Be- Ballet. Like her fellow konverjdans founders,
yond the great story ballets, she also danced Mangulabnan too danced with BalletNext.
in contemporary works.
As for the dance being created with Ro-
She cites as her mentor a San Francis- driguez, ballet master of Ballet Vero Beach,
co-based Filipino choreographer, Enrico La- he says they have the basics of a concept,
bayen, whom she met as a teenager almost even without meeting. “We have selected
burned out on ballet. When he taught a class our music and we have an outline of how
at her studio, the spark ignited. As she told the piece is going to go. Then we’ll have five
a newsletter in the Philippines, “Boom! Ev- studio days to put it together when they ar-
B4 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 there in New York, you have a big name, just throw on a pointe shoe, but they’re really benefit for Ballet Vero Beach.
throw me an organization I should be look at doing modern dance. I’m encouraged to see Whelan predicted then it wouldn’t be hard
rive on the 30th.” that hasn’t quite exploded onto the national three artists who are exceptionally talented
“The new work is only a third of the pro- scene and could use the exposure.” and have an amazing ballet pedigree say, ‘We to attract dance talent to Vero. “Florida in the
would like to create our own dance voice in winter? They’ll be flocking here,” she said.
gram,” says Rodriguez. “They’re bringing some Whelan suggested konverjdans, and the dance world.’ In my opinion, their voice is
new work that they’ve developed recently. You Schnell checked out the company’s videos. unique. It’s important to foster that.” Konverjdans performs Wednesday, Nov.
will learn what the company’s about. That’s al- “I was intrigued when I watched what they 7, at 7 p.m. at the Leonhardt Auditorium
ways important to us.” did,” he said. Whelan, who gave her last performance in the Vero Beach Museum of Art. General
with New York City Ballet in 2014, has de- admission seats, $35, are available through
Adam Schnell has stayed in touch withWen- “A lot of people throw around the term veloped a passion for modern dance and the Ballet Vero Beach website, www.ballet-
dy Whelan since her visit. “I won’t put words in contemporary ballet, but very few people use contemporary ballet. Her documentary Subscribers to the ballet’s full
her mouth, but she thought it was great that ballet vocabulary in a truly ‘now’ sort of way. “Restless Creature” was screened as part of a season get a discounted price of $30.
we were trying to develop a dance communi- Most people say contemporary, and they’ll
ty. So I asked, would you like to help? You’re up
1. Every Breath 1. Killing the SS BY BILL O'REILLY 1. Max's Story BY W. BRUCE CAMERON
presents 2. Giraffe Problems
TheTANHmBEEaeWtrMtilceOIaRTR'sAhLCDaEtLeASEsNthiOSna:Fyped 2. Holy Ghost 2. Fear BY BOB WOODWARD
Sentinel/Penguin Random House Books BY JOHN SANDFORD 4. Cook Like a Pro 4. The Snowy Nap
Autograph Line Tickets with Book Purchase 3. Desperate Measures BY INA GARTEN BY JAN BRETT
Saturday, Nov 17st at 12 pm BY STUART WOODS 5. The Fifth Risk 5. Louisiana's Way Home
presents 5. The Clockmaker's
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Penguin/Random House Books
Tuesday, Nov. 6th at 6 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 2, 2018 B5
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 3 Juanita Lolita and Kevin Lee at Comedy Zone this weekend.
Conan Doyle, wrote the Sherlock Holmes
play in which he has starred for decades,
resulting in his amassing quite a fortune,
which he used to build an actual castle
on the Connecticut River, “complete with
secret passages, hidden rooms, and state-
of-the-art gadgets like an intercom and a
remote control.” When one of the guests
is inconveniently stabbed to death, the
frivolity turns to danger. But Gillette is up
to the task. He assumes the persona of his
beloved alter ego, Holmes, and the game’s
afoot in this “isolated house of tricks and
mirrors,” racing to track down the killer
before there’s another death. The danger
and hilarity never stop in this stylish who-
dunit. It’s an “hilarious, quirky and thrill-
ing alternative to your standard holiday
entertainment!” And couldn’t we all ben-
efit from some lighthearted laughs about
now? “The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the
Holidays” runs through Nov. 18. It’s my
guess that this one could sell quickly, so
I’d secure those tickets sooner rather than
later. Curtain: Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays, 7:30 p.m.; Satur-
days and Sundays, 2 p.m. Tickets: $15 to
$30. 772-562-8300.
2 A pair of powerful pieces: This Sun- or with student ID, free. 855-252-7276. Loop. Of course, there’s always a full out- B.Y.O. food or beverages. Comedy Zone
day, the Space Coast Symphony Wind door bar and grill, as well. There are always times: 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Live in the
Orchestra will present a dynamic, two-part 3 It’s Comedy Zone weekend at Riv- a couple hundred seats set up, but you’re Loop: 6:30 p.m. Comedy Zone tickets: $12
concert at the Vero Beach High School Per- erside Theatre, this Friday and Sat- welcome to bring your own fold-up just in to $18. Live in the Loop: free, no ticket re-
forming Arts Center. “Many Hearts, One urday, Nov. 2- 3. Burning the funny this case: this is one popular spot. Also, Don’t quired. 772-231-6990.
Pulse” is a moving work composed by Josh- weekend will be Juanita Lolita, (a very rare
ua Hobbs as a requiem for the victims of the breed – the Native Floridian); and come-
tragic Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Or- dian/magician/juggler Kevin Lee. Accord-
ing to her bio, Lolita started her comedy
2 Sunday at Vero Beach High career in 2008 when a co-worker signed
School Performing Arts Center. her up for a local comedy club’s open mic
night contest. She won, and advanced all
lando on June 12, 2016, when 49 people died the way to “Florida’s Funniest Person” fi-
and 53 were wounded. Hobbs will be guest nals where she came in fourth overall, and
conductor. He explains that the title refers she’s been performing in clubs across the
to the “huge, spontaneous upwelling of love state. You’ll find her clean comedic style
for the victims and their families.” Dallas refreshing and, with her Hispanic-hillbilly
Brass virtuoso horn player Juan Berrios joins background, you’ll also find her everyday
the orchestra for this work. The second half life comedy relatable and very funny. Lee’s
of the concert will include Dutch compos- unique performance combo will get you
er Johan de Meij’s epic 1st Symphony, “The not only laughing but also wondering how
Lord of the Rings.” (No, not the movie score.) the heck he does all that stuff. His bio says
De Meij wrote his captivating J.R.R. Tolk- he’s appeared on “Showtime at the Apol-
ien-inspired symphony way back in 1988. lo,” HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam” and Jamie
According to Wikipedia, the work made de Foxx’s “Uptown Comedy Club,” and was
Meij “world-renowned as a top composer voted “Washington’s Funniest Comedian”
for wind orchestra, a rank he retains to this by Washingtonian Magazine. But, come on
day.” The piece consists of “Gandolf,” “Loth- … juggling bowling balls, frying pans, ma-
lorien,” “Gollum,” “Journey in the Dark” and chetes? Oh, and then there’s the fire- and
“Hobbits.” Also on the program are Frank sword-swallowing. All those crazy skills
Ticheli’s “Angels in the Architecture” and have landed Lee on stage with such glitte-
Hobbs’ “Into the Blue.” Time: 3 p.m. Tickets: rati as Gladys Knight, Chris Rock, Whitney
adults $25 in advance at www.SpaceCoast- Houston, Chris Tucker and Sinbad, and or at Marine Bank beachside he’s performed for the troops in Saudi Ara-
and mainland; at the door, $30; 18 and under bia during Desert Storm and still entertains
at military bases around the world. Before
the laughs begin, and all through the eve-
ning, you can always count on Live in the
Loop, free live music under the oaks on the
outdoor stage. Friday, DooWop City will
keep the beat brisk with Oldies Rock ’n’
Roll. On Saturday, Collins and Company
will bring their classic rock stylings to the
B6 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Halloween Parade: All dressed up and somewhere to go!
Brittany Barbato and Haley Barbre. Jacob Biandis.
Kristin, Kurt and Dawson Runge with (sitting) Dylan Runge and Taylor Anderson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Daniel and Rehanna Vargas.
Creativity and cutie pies abound- Susan Cannon with Greyson and Jordon Keene.
ed at the 60th annual Halloween
Parade hosted by the City of Vero
Beach Recreation Department
and corporate sponsors Mulligan’s
Beach House and George E. War-
ren Corp. From ingeniously elabo-
rate to simple and comfortable, the
menagerie of costume-clad chil-
dren and their parents gathered
at the Vero Beach Woman’s Club
before heading over to stroll along
14th Avenue in Historic Downtown
Vero Beach. Preceded by an escort
of fire trucks the parade partici-
pants stopped frequently to pose
for photos with the folks who lined
the route, before entering the Vero
Beach Community Center, where
many also vied for top honors in
the annual costume contest.
Isabella and Cole McCabe.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 2, 2018 B7
Violet and Cassidy Prescott. Tiffany McLaughlin with children Georgia and William. Sierra Goldstein with daughter Aurora. Christopher Gray with son Sam.
Michael Schlitt with Lainey, Trace and Brittany
Schlitt, and Autumn Monroe with dog Tanner.
Annia Reyes, Geannin Ramos (standing)
and Thais Guevara.
Your Local Agency for
Gavin, Makenslee and Ryleigh Harris.
B8 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Reading words with friends at ‘Lights on Afterschool’ rally
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Verna Wright and Valerie Evans. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Isaiah Cummings.
[email protected]
The featured book, “Maybe Some-
Words f lew off the page last Thurs- thing Beautiful: How Art Transformed
day as Indian River County children a Neighborhood,” is based on the true
participated in the nationwide Jump- story of Rafael and Candice López, who
Start Read for the Record and Lights on brightened the alleyways of East Village
Afterschool Rally. The literacy celebra- in San Diego, Calif., by turning them
tions were coordinated by The Learn- into colorful canvases.
ing Alliance to promote the Moonshot
Moment Goal to have 90 percent of all
students reading on grade level by the
third grade.
At similar events around the coun-
try, millions of educators highlighted
the importance of early literacy and
language skills for all children. Local-
ly, TLA estimated that more than 4,500
students participated through pub-
lic elementary schools as well as with
Moonshot Community Action Network
partners, including the Dasie Hope
Bridgewater Center, IRC Brackett Li-
brary, Buggy Bunch, Literacy Services
of IRC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Vero
Beach Karate Association, Vero Beach
Museum of Art, Kindergarten Readi-
ness Collaborative, The Learning Alli-
ance Moonshot Academy Afterschool
Programs, Little Rising Stars Preschool
and Childcare Resources.
Devin Bryant. Keiona Matthews and Yasmine Cummings.
The story mirrors TLA efforts to It helps the kids to see people from the
brighten the lives of children by ensur- school here at Dasie Hope; to let them
ing they are equipped to be successful know we’re all working together,” said
learners. Over the years TLA has built a Verna Wright, Dasie Hope founder. “If
vast network of collaborators to address it weren’t for afterschool programs like
everything from kindergarten readi- Dasie Hope, a lot of children wouldn’t
ness to ensuring children’s social-emo- get the extra help they need in reading.
tional needs are met – indicators of suc- We reinforce what they are learning in
cessful academic careers. school. If these children didn’t come
here a lot of them wouldn’t get this kind
Valerie Evans, Liberty Magnet School of interaction.”
media specialist, was the guest reader
at Dasie Hope, sharing the story with Marie O’Brien, coordinator of the
a group of excited children enrolled in county-wide event and TLA manager of
the afterschool program. Inspired by Digital Media and Moonshot Outreach,
the book’s colorful illustrations and explained that the JumpStart Read for
beautiful prose, the children also dec- the Record read-aloud and the 19th
orated paper doves – the universal sym- annual Lights on Afterschool Rally cor-
bol for peace. respond with their efforts to create en-
riched literacy activities.
“Events like this motivate the kids to
want to read,” said Evans. “There are so “It’s exciting that our county’s stu-
many reluctant readers now, with social dents enjoyed this story during the
media and computers competing for day in our preschool and elementary
their attention. By having someone mod- schools, and then in several afterschool
el reading, it shows children how import- programs celebrating extended learn-
ant and how much fun reading can be.” ing opportunities,” said O’Brien.
“We’re a part of Moonshot and are For more information, visit thelearnin-
happy to participate in events like this. galliance. org or
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 2, 2018 B9
Valerie Evans. Janiya Hall and Omariah Foote. Harmoni Edmond and Kamara Simon.
Michael Hauser and Ja’niyah Marsh. Marie O’Brien, Kimberly Wright and Ashton Dawkins. Christopher and Alexander Diaz.
B10 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Chefs’ heated competition spices up ‘Chili Challenge’
Brenda Kasper, Elysia Kasper, Anthony Zorbaugh, Eric Smith, Nikki Cameron and Big Mike Genaldi. Erik Toomsoo, Lee Olsen, Attila Gabor, Shaun Dibble. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer River County Chili Cookoff, and prom- So the local Rotary has been around Winners
[email protected] ised the event – one of many planned to almost as long as the city, making the
mark the City of Vero Beach Centennial Centennial tie-in obvious.” People’s Choice:
As temperatures began to cool slight- – would be “hot stuff.” The Source, Classic Chili
ly last weekend, locals were “feelin’ Winds arrived in the nick of time to
chili” at the Centennial Chili Challenge “It was a natural move as we, as a blow away remnants of the red tide, Nonprofit:
at Riverside Park last Saturday, hosted Rotary club, have been a part of it and which he said could have ruined Rota- American Cancer Society,
by Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach. cooked in it for years. And won it,” not- ry’s second attempt at stirring the chili Relay for Life, Teamwork
ed Arthur Hodge, event chair. “On top pot. “Last year it rained Friday, Satur-
Sunrise Rotary picked up the wood- of that the Vero Beach Club – what we day and Sunday, so we had to cancel the Chili
en spoon from the Indian River County call the mother club – started in 1926. cook-off. This year we’re ready to go.” Brewery:
firefighters, hosts of the former Indian Sailfish Brewing Company,
Chili-heads made no beans about it Chili Beer
as they sampled their way through 22 Restaurant:
different chilies, from wild turkey and Pizzoodles, Italian Chili
venison to smoked meats, chocolate Civic Organization:
and shrimp. There was white chili and Vero Beach Lifeguard Asso-
red chili; spicy or sweet; with a mix of ciation, Red Tide Chili from
old family, award-winning and experi- Waldo’s
mental recipes. Each chef claimed spe- Independent:
cial ingredients, too – TLC, ghost chili Hodge Podge, Chili
peppers, beans, shrimp and beer.
Chefs toiled over large cauldrons, all
bubbling like a witch’s brew on the cusp
of All Hallows Eve. In a nod to Mother
Nature’s recent nasty trick, Vero Beach
Lifeguard Association served up Red
Tide Chili from Waldo’s. The Ameri-
can Cancer Society’s Teamwork Chili
was comprised of chilies made by four
different people combined into one big
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 2, 2018 B11
pot. And the team from Sailfish Richard Schlitt with Emily Wilcox and Winnie Wilcox. Shelley Adelle and Richard Giessert.
Brewing Company divulged their Brenda Hodge, Kim Orndorff and Lynn Reeves.
secret – the beer. Not only the 3 ½ Loretta Martin with Collin Brosche, Tim Martin,
gallons of beer in the chili, but the and Tamsin and Shane Brosche with son Cooper.
10 gallons the cooks consumed as
they worked.
Attendees voted on their favor-
ite concoctions as ‘heated’ debates
loomed over whether chili should
have beans, if white chili counts,
and even whether chili is a soup
or a stew. In the end all agreed the
evening was a delicious success –
especially The Source, which took
home the People’s Choice Award for
its Classic Chili.
A cadre of local media person-
alities, including yours truly, con-
sidered aroma, texture, heat, after-
taste and color while judging the
chilies, dished up in a blind tasting
within five categories: nonprofit,
brewery, restaurant, civic and in-
The Humdingers and Slip and the
Spinouts entertained the crowds as
they digested their chili and en-
joyed the camaraderie.
Proceeds benefit Sunrise Rota-
ry’s community projects and schol-
arships. Next up: the Florida Craft
Brew & Wingfest at Royal Palm
Pointe on Feb. 16. For more informa-
tion, visit sunriserotaryverobeach.
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B12 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
New England Fish Market: Clams and lobstah rolls
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist New England
[email protected] Lobster Roll.
You know those big white trucks from New England
the New England Fish Market that you Clam Chowder.
see delivering seafood to many of Vero’s
fine-dining establishments? Hours:
Well, their home port is about 40 min-
utes south of here in Jensen Beach. And 11 a.m.- 9 p.m.
there, they also operate a retail fish market Sunday: 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
and their own restaurant. Beverages: Beer & Wine
The New England Fish Market restau- Address:
rant is hardly fancy. No white table cloths 1419 NE Jensen Beach Blvd.,
or linen napkins here. This is a simple,
no-frills eatery very much like the ones Jensen Beach
you find up north – dress is casual, people Phone:
put on lobster bibs, and pig out on New
England clambakes. The service is fast 772-334-7324
and friendly.
We have had great experiences here over
the years with the fresh fish (not just from
the North Atlantic; their hog snapper from
the Keys is some of the best around). But
what drew us there a couple of weeks ago –
when we were shopping in that area – were
their New England offerings.
My Boston-born husband loves fried
whole belly clams, and rates those at the
New England Fish Market the best around.
So we stopped in for an early dinner.
For starters, my husband naturally or-
dered a cup of New England clam chowder
($5.25) and I decided to start with what
they call Gloustah Cay Chowdah (this is
the half-and-half mix of clam chowder
and spicy Bahamian conch chowder that
seems to go under a different name in ev- Fried Whole Belly as good
ery restaurant). Actually, even I am com- Clams. a lobster
pelled to agree the straight New England roll as we
chowder is better. and finally decided to simply have a New have found
England lobster roll with French fries. anywhere
Then for entrées, my husband ordered between the
the whole belly clams. I couldn’t decide The fried clams, I’m happy to report, Boston North
which of their lobster entrées to order more than lived up to my husband’s ex- Shore and Bar
– over the years, I’ve enjoyed them all – pectations, and the New England Fish Harbor.
Market’s lobster roll was an excellent
rendition of this classic dish, big chunks Depending on which
of lobster with fairly little mayonnaise – of the many options you
choose, dinner for two – with a bottle of
decent white wine – will run you anywhere
from $70 to $90 before tax and tip.
Even for those not well acquainted with
the area, the restaurant is not hard to find.
It is approximately a mile east of U.S. 1
on the street that serves the old Treasure
Coast Square Mall, where Vero residents
used to shop before our own mall opened
in the mid-1990s.
If you have a hankering for New England
seafood favorites – or for fresh fish from
southern waters – you should give this un-
pretentious restaurant a try.
I welcome your comments, and encour-
age you to send feedback to me at tina@
The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 2, 2018 B13
Fine Dining, Elevated A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
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Award Winning Wine List
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happy 1/2 off appetizers
hour $4 draft beer
$5 house wine
4 - 6 pm daily $6 house cocktails
sunday brunch
a la carte brunch menu
11:30 am - 3 pm
call 772.410.0100 for more information
B14 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Excellence Market Hours: Mon-Sat • 10am - 9pm
enu Innovative Mediterranean Cuisine & Gourmet Market
Fall Special • Offered all night
Prix Fixe $16 Entrees
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Featuring Gluten-Free Pizza, Pasta and Entrees
BBiissttrrooLLuunncchh: :MMoonn. .--FFrri.i.111am -- 22ppmm •• BBiissttrro Dinner: Monn..--SSaat.t.55ppmm--99ppmm
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Cajun Cove BISTRO
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You Get More Fantastic Food & Same Great Service
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Reservations Suggested
Open Daily 11 AM to 10 PM
Come Dine with us!
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 2, 2018 B15
Lunch & Dinner Open:
Tues.- Sat. 11:30am - Close TUES - FISH FRY
Closed Sunday and Monday for the Summer THURS - TACOS
1931 Old Dixie • 772.770.0977 SUNSET DINING 4 – 5:30PM • Like us on Facebook! BOGO HALF OFF MENU
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Full Liquor Bar AND THE PLAZA
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays CONSTRUCTION
Dine in & Take Out IS ALMOST DONE!
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Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center) 4-9
56 Royal Palm Pointe 772-567-4160 Follow us on Facebook & Instagram
B16 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Breakfast Sandwiches │ Deluxe Burgers │ Chicken Sandwhiches
Classic Reubens │ Giant BLTs │ Salads
917 Azalea Lane │ Corner of Azalea Lane and Cardinal Drive │ 772.231.4790
AKOHO is a take-away culinary boutique and dessert shop. We use LBJ Farm fresh
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 2, 2018 B17
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 8 7 5 4
Carmine Gallo, an expert in business communications and leadership skills, said, “Nothing KJ2
is more dramatic than a well-placed pause.”
That pause might also be critical in a comedy. At the bridge table, though, we might need 10 9 8 EAST
one card to be well-placed. In this deal, South was in six hearts. Which one card did he 2
hope East held? How did South play after West led the spade 10? 9653 Q764
10 7 6 4 2
South’s jump to four hearts, a superaccept, promised four-card support and a good hand 93
for hearts. I believe, though, that the hand should have had a doubleton.
Q 10 8
Declarer had 10 top tricks: two spades, six hearts and two diamonds. He could have
established a club winner and had two finesses that he might have tried. AJ85
There was a temptation to take the spade finesse at trick one, but South realized that that SOUTH
could wait. If he could just find East with the club ace, the contract was safe.
Declarer took the first trick with his spade king, drew trumps ending on the board and led
dummy’s club. East defended well by not taking the trick. However, South won with his AKQ6
king, ruffed the club three, played a trump to his hand, led the club queen and, instead of
ruffing it, discarded dummy’s low diamond. A74
East took the trick, but was endplayed. If he led a spade or diamond, it would have been KQ3
away from his queen into dummy’s tenace. So he tried the club jack, but declarer ruffed
in his hand (a seventh trump trick) and discarded the spade jack from the dummy. He Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
claimed two spades, six hearts, two diamonds, one club and the club ruff.
The Bidding:
2 NT Pass 3 Diamonds Pass
4 Hearts Pass 6 Hearts All Pass LEAD:
10 Spades
.25 Single Includes tax $ .25 Family Includes tax
1331 1757$
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Located on Hutchinson Island, 3 miles south of the Power Plant
B18 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
7 Dissertation (6) 1 Crowd supervisor (7)
8 Astride (6) 2 Deer meat (7)
10 Hummed; vibrated (7) 3 Scales sign (5)
11 Exercise (5) 4 Training school (7)
12 Castle (4) 5 Redbreast (5)
13 Fortunate; sticky? (5) 6 Religious song (5)
17 Tumbler or flute? (5) 9 Excessively (2,7)
18 Hurry; hyphen (4) 14 Frivolous (7)
22 Ring loud and deep (5) 15 Doctor’s visitor; composed (7)
23 Non-believer (7) 16 Sleep (4-3)
24 Reward on head of criminal (6) 19 Diving equipment (5)
25 Thin (6) 20 Imprecise (5)
21 Military uniform (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 2, 2018 B19
ACROSS in the woods 49 Cole or Wood The Washington Post
1 Put an end to 93 Splendor in the Grass 50 Gradual developer
7 Alley prowlers 52 Alley sessions
14 Keats and colleagues screenwriter 53 Volcano N of Catania
20 King of pop 94 “No sweat” 55 Pierces
21 Ready for action 95 Bible bk. 57 Bouncer?
22 WWII cannon 96 Part of an Irish slogan 59 Minimally
23 Concert-hall key? 97 Horns 63 Fathered
24 Indy entrant 99 Intimidating sound 64 Cinematographer Nykvist
25 She ruined the Soup Nazi 100 Menotti opera, ___ Goes to
and namesakes
on Seinfeld the Ball 67 Tarkington boy
26 One of Ransom’s ideas 102 Former name of a great 69 Apportions (out)
27 Twists 70 Specialized languages
29 Backdrop of some Chinese river 72 Dance lesson
104 And others, in Latin 74 History info
American in Paris scenes 106 Of the number 10 77 Cigarette cemeteries
31 Secret org. 107 Hot fast food 79 Royal Indian, variantly
32 Monty Python member who 108 Pressing 81 Skunk River region
109 Bruckner and others 82 Bad day on Wall Street
tried to sell a dead parrot 110 Efficiency expert’s study 83 Home of the McKenzie
34 Contented sounds 111 Analyzes,
35 Role for Clark brothers
36 Salon focus as a sentence 84 Smarts
37 British gun DOWN 85 Mason’s need
38 Hit the road 1 Cliffs 86 National song
39 Into chunks 2 Rushed 88 Points of view
41 Religion that advocates 3 Jim Palmer, once 89 Of the nostrils
4 Bricks amount? 90 Mast attachments
world unity 5 Comic relief of a sort 93 Fireplace, old-style
43 Roman landmark 6 German title 94 Stars, in Latin
44 Harris character 7 Trattoria dessert 96 Clarinet socket
47 Italian meat, to an Italian 8 Cat ___ Tin Roof 97 Study for a surgeon-to-be:
48 Author of Egg Monsters 9 Clublike weapons
10 Keys, in French abbr.
from Mars 11 NRC’s predecessor 98 Enlist again
51 Snigglers 12 Refuse reducer 101 Seven-faced doctor of film
52 City of New York 13 Pushcart purveyors
54 Ward (off) 14 Trait of summer shoes fame
56 Fighter in training 15 Clinton beat him 103 Weatherman’s org.
58 Canadian prov. 16 “___ girl watcher ...” (lyric 105 Growing field?: abbr.
60 British school from an O’Kaysions hit)
61 Tiny one 17 ___ column WORDINGTON BOULEVARD By Merl Reagle
62 Shoulder warmers 18 Throat thingy
63 Perfumes 19 Marred by wet streaks
65 Pilot’s concern: abbr. 28 Mountaineer’s tool
66 Take ___ (swim) 30 End of an ailment
68 Earthenware jar 33 Natural, in a way
69 Heart part 35 Pass a second time on the
71 French busts? track
73 Boundaries, in Spanish 36 Descendant of Noah’s
75 More macabre second son
76 Actress Berger 38 Register of the renowned
78 Less sloppy 39 Like some panels
79 Texas team 40 Really illogical
80 Spotted anew 42 Some hairdos
82 Singing voice 43 Homes with bars
83 Dins 44 “Great masterpieces do not
86 Start of a Fats Domino give us their ___ the
beginning” (Proust)
classic 45 Finds another secret spot for
87 Car colors 46 Native of Susa
91 Polished off in nothing flat 47 Roomy road
92 Stealth foilers,
The Telegraph
B20 November 2, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
ONGOING locations in Indian River County. Requested min- Churc, with sanctioned bridge, party bridge and cal charities supported by Sebastian Clambake
imum donation of $5 for bowl of soup; $15 for Mah Jongg followed by lunch to fund women’s Foundation, Fri. 2 to 9 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 9
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of hand-crafted bowls, $1 raffle tickets for hand- college scholarships. $40. 772-538-2354 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with live enter-
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- crafted soup tureens. 772-770-3039 tainment, vendors and seafood galore (food for
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- 2|3 Navy SEAL Museum Muster: Fri. 5 to 8 land-lubbers too). Free admission.
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- 1 The Life of Ruth Hallstrom, an original play p.m. Happy Hour with music, food &
tion thru Jan. 6. by Pat Kroger hosted by Indian River His- beverages; Sat. 8 a.m. Muster 5K Run/Walk Beach 3 Paddle Dash, paddle board and kayak
torical Society, 7 p.m. at The Woman’s Club. Challenge, 11 a.m. keynote speakers & tactical dem- sprint races to benefit Keep Indian River
Riverside Theatre: Smokey Joe’s Café on the os, and 1 p.m. Medal of Honor ceremony followed Beautiful Lagoon Friendly Lawns program, 8
Stark Stage thru Nov. 11. 1 Tenth annual Chimps Kitchen, 6 p.m. at Vero by music, food trucks & kids zone. 772-595-5845 a.m. from MacWilliam Park boat ramp. 772-
Beach Hotel & Spa Cobalt Restaurant to ben- 444-7871
NOVEMBER efit Save the Chimps, with signature small plates by 2|3 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone, 7:30
local chefs, themed-cocktails, live music and exten- p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop 3 Alzheimer & Parkinson Assoc. of IRC 15th
sive auctions. $100/$175 for two. 772-429-2225 free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 annual Walk to Remember, 8:30 a.m.
opening program; 9 a.m. walk at Riverside Park,
Samaritan Center Soup Bowl, 11:30 a.m. to with every dollar supporting local programs and
services for residents dealing with memory and/
1 2 2-41:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 40+ or movement disorders. 772-563-0505
Luncheon and Card Party hosted by Indian Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Festi-
River P.E.O., 9 a.m. at First Presbyterian val at Riverview Park to benefit lo- 3 Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show, 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, with 50+
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN vehicles, food trucks and informational booths.
in October 26, 2018 Edition 1 SPORTY 2 SIMPLE Free; $5 donation appreciated. 772-226-7911
9 MUNDANE 3 TEAM 3 Veteran’s Day Parade hosted by IRC Cultural
10 HENNA 5 ADHESION Council, 10 a.m. through Cultural Arts Village.
12 BOLSTERS 7 LIAISE 3 Gifford Youth Orchestra 15th Anniversary
14 HOARD 8 LEMON Concert, 2 p.m. at Gifford Youth Achieve-
15 HOTEL 13 ORNAMENT ment Center. 772-231-3007
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (WELL-ROUNDED PEOPLE) 3 US Marine Corps 243rd Birthday Ball, 5:30
p.m. at Elk’s Club, presented by the Indian
River Detachment. $40. 772-234-1512
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