Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 51
lously fair results in an absorbing portrayal.
Despite the book’s many fine qualities, however,
there remains a nagging sense that “Being John Len-
non,” at bottom, does not really enhance our under-
standing of its subject in any profound way. Connol-
ly’s account of Lennon, whom he calls “a labyrinth of
contradictions,” emphasizes his sardonic, rebellious,
self-inventing qualities, but these traits were self-ev-
ident and perfectly on display in virtually everything
the man ever sang, said or did.
“A biography is considered complete,” Virginia
Woolf once wrote, “if it merely accounts
for six or seven selves,
whereas a person may well
have as many thousand.”
Connolly’s conception
of Lennon as a multiva-
lent personality – “the
truculent, rock-mad art
student, who would be-
come the clowning, most
sharp-witted Beatle, was
unrecognizable when he
metamorphosed into the
late Sixties psychedelic
guru” – strikes the read-
er as both accurate and
somehow inadequate.
The miracle of talent
is fundamentally un-
Why another biography of John Lennon? Surely, al- of homesick GIs. Connolly de- knowable. How a pro-
most 40 years after his death, there can be nothing left
to say about this endlessly famous man? Veteran Brit- scribes their punishing perfor- vincial young English
ish music journalist Ray Connolly thinks there is, and
so it is that “Being John Lennon: A Restless Life” takes mance schedule as “rock and kid growing up in the
its place on an already very crowded shelf. After read-
ing this likable and workmanlike but hardly revelatory roll on an industrial timetable” depressing gray of a
book, whether he is right remains an open question.
and provides vivid descriptions decaying port city, in
The bare bones of Lennon’s story are certainly well
known: the Liverpool boyhood, absent a father; the of the “drunks, sailors, prosti- love with music from a
accidental friendship with Paul McCartney; the for-
mation of the Beatles and the sudden efflorescence tutes and gangsters who came to country he had never
of an entirely new kind of pop music; the conquest of
America and the ascent into a new dimension of su- hear the Beatles play.” seen, could summon
perstardom. The breakup of the band in 1970 and its
long aftermath are hardly less well-documented. So Aside from the occasional such brio and inven-
what does Connolly have to add?
gaffe, such as crediting lugubri- tiveness, such a bonanza of
Connolly is able occasionally to relay personal con-
versations that prove legitimately new and interesting ous rockers Procol Harum with “reigniting baroque melodies and instantly memorable phrases,
and that elevate “Being John Lennon” into something
more than a glorified clip job. He recalls, for example, interest in Bach” (!), he is mostly a canny guide to the is a forever mystery. What was the source of so crys-
Lennon saying that his youthful ambition was “to
write ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and be Elvis Presley” – as music. He is correct, I think, both in identifying “Rub- talline and joyous a sound? Whence comes “She Loves
succinct and prophetic a description of the Beatles’
career as one could imagine. ber Soul,” from 1965, as the band’s creative zenith and You” or “Help” or “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away”?
Aside from the primary material, Connolly’s in stating that whether the ballyhooed “Sgt. Pepper’s The alchemy of great music is particularly resistant to
strengths as a biographer are numerous. He writes
crisply and well, albeit very much in the British ver- Lonely Hearts Club Band” truly “deserves the praise it analysis. In the end, Connolly, like the rest of us, can
nacular, and he traverses the contours of his subject’s
short but momentous life with authority. The chapters has harvested is debatable,” noting that “other Beatles only stand back and marvel.
are short, the pacing is quick, and the author is able to
mold Lennon’s often diffuse interests and experiences albums had a better collection of songs.”
into a satisfying narrative – not always such an easy
task for a biographer. Connolly brings gravitas and nuance to his analy- BEING JOHN LENNON
Like Lennon, the Beatles were shapeshifters of as- sis of Lennon’s relationship with the much-reviled A RESTLESS LIFE
tonishing velocity, and everyone has their own favor-
ite version of the band. Connolly, as it happens, gives Yoko Ono, still a polarizing figure at the age of 85. BY RAY CONNOLLY | PEGASUS. 448 PP. $29.95
a lively account of my favorite period: the pre-fame REVIEW BY MICHAEL LINDGREN, THE WASHINGTON POST
Beatles of the Hamburg days, four skinny English kids Connolly’s judicious reading of Ono’s career stands
in black leather and boots, hopped up on amphet-
amines, playing speedy, bone-hard versions of Ameri- as a welcome corrective to the often sexist and racist
can rockabilly songs for a tough waterfront audience
obloquy she received
for years as the woman
who putatively “broke
up the Beatles.” (There
is a small but erudite
coterie of artists and
critics, meanwhile,
who feel that Ono’s ge-
nius was destroyed by
her association with
Lennon, not the other
way around.) Although
Connolly lacks a degree
of critical perspective –
one gets the feeling that
he secretly thinks Ono’s
conceptual art is some
kind of grand put-on –
his effort to be scrupu-
52 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Steer clear of fear as you navigate troubled waters
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT back, “Cannot give way.” yacht – trying to forge ahead brashly titude to take in addressing any problem.
Columnists The captain was stunned by the ef- without altering course, and maybe even If the first step we take in any crisis
blaming others for the problems.
This story may be closer to legend frontery of this message. He angrily is to adopt an attitude of calm compo-
than fact, but when we heard it gave us flashed a reply, “You are addressing the But as our little fable shows, such a re- sure and confidence, we are less likely to
pause. captain of the Queen’s yacht. I have been sponse to threatening circumstances is compound difficulties by unfairly blam-
the master of this ship for 36 years, and I neither sensible effective, nor wise. ing others.
Here’s the story: It seems that one eve- am ordering you to move out of the way!”
ning, the royal yacht of the queen of Eng- What is a better response? We are also more likely, when calm
land set sail with the queen and many There was a long pause. Then the mes- It’s been said that the most frequently and unafraid, to accurately assess our
of her guests aboard. The ship was the sage came back, “This is bosun’s mate given command in the scriptures is “Fear circumstances and steer around danger-
pride of the fleet, and its captain was a Jones here, and I have been the keeper of not!” Perhaps that describes the best at- ous obstacles in our paths.
highly capable and experienced man. In this lighthouse for two years …”
fact, the captain of the queen’s yacht had
held his position proudly and without Well, true or not, it’s an amusing story
incident for 36 years. about mistaken signs and inappropriate
responses. And it may offer us some in-
But on this night, something highly sight into our own circumstances.
unusual happened. Suddenly, the cap-
tain saw lights approaching, dead ahead. In this period of uncertainty, haven’t
some of us felt a little like the captain
He tried raising the approaching ves- of the Queen’s yacht? We may feel we’ve
sel by radio. But there was no answer. successfully steered our ships through
So he went to his signal light and began many waters in the past and had antici-
flashing in Morse code saying, “This is pated smooth sailing from here on out.
Her Majesty’s royal yacht. Give way im-
mediately.” A message quickly flashed But now, we find ourselves surprised
by looming and unexpected obstacles. It
appears, in fact, that real danger may lie
dead ahead.
What do you do when confronted by
unanticipated difficulty, or hardship or
Some of us have the tendency to re-
spond like the captain of the Queen’s
Ethel Kennedy
Ethel Kennedy, of Vero Beach FL, died peacefully
BaEinntohdrhenelhriengrhra1old9omu2ye9aat,lestducoarnrEforitnouhmeneldcReoMd.maabpnryyadmnfJiaooomhunnn,iltyMR, C.cisaKotreleelrenggniDveeeodrigysn,.,
for any last minute visitors.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 53
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ63
Joey Adams, a comedian and columnist who died in 1999, said “A psychiatrist is a fellow 98532
who asks you a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.”
At the bridge table, it is sometimes a question of making it too expensive for an opponent K5 EAST
to win a trick — as in this deal. How can South make four spades after West leads the 872
diamond king to declarer’s ace? K Q J 10 2
A 10 7 6
South’s four-spade overcall was sensible. He needed little from partner to be making game, K J 10 9 5
he knew a slam was unlikely and he wanted to make it expensive for the opponents to bid
higher. 764
South started with nine top tricks: seven spades, one heart and one diamond. He could K983
get an extra winner if (a) he could play the trump suit without loss; or (b) the heart finesse
worked; or (c) he could gain a club trick; or (d) he could ruff a club on the board. SOUTH
However, the bidding suggested that both major-suit finesses were losing. Also, West was A Q J 10 9 8 6 3
most unlikely to have the club ace and king, because he surely would have led that ace at
trick one. 4
Then South saw the solution. He played a heart to dummy’s ace and led the club four. What A
could East have done?
Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
The Bidding:
If he rose with his king, declarer would have gained a club trick from the jack opposite the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
queen-five. So East played low. But when West took South’s queen with his ace, he couldn’t 4 Spades 1 Diamonds Pass 1 Hearts
win, either. He did his best by returning a club. East won with his king and shifted to his Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
trump, but declarer took the trick with his ace and ruffed his last club on the board. K Diamonds
54 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Wait in line (5) 1 Like Her Majesty? (7)
4 Stiff paper (4) 2 Inns here (anag.) (8)
7 Poultry (4) 3 Avoid; slip one’s mind (5)
8 Fearless (8) 4 Caution; keeping (4)
9 Lively (9) 5 Elevate (5)
10 Wager (3) 6 Not as hard (6)
12 Young swan (6) 11 Board game (8)
14 Scam (6) 13 Bicycle for two (6)
16 Lion, e.g. (3) 15 Precious stone (7)
18 Not embarrassed (9) 17 Die down (5)
21 Type of pepper (8) 19 Small carnivore (5)
22 Male pig (4) 20 Enticement (4)
23 Amount owed (4)
24 Part of a tyre (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
CELL: 772-473-7150
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 55
ACROSS 98 Concerning 50 Manipulate cards a certain The Washington Post
1 Sound of Batman hitting 101 Slight fight way
102 “Duke” CLASSIFIED 4-F By Merl Reagle
Willy Loman’s son? 103 Latté, sometimes 51 Turn on a pivot
5 Trousers minimum 107 Emulated a famous home 52 Golfcart sound
9 Surveyor’s nail 53 Gem Stater
13 Metaphor, e.g. wrecker? 55 Handout
18 Herd escapee 109 Of certain neural tissue 56 Dandy
19 Aunt with a 110 To possess, 57 Vex
59 Pack ___
Cope Book in Provençe
20 Circle overhead? 111 Playwright-producer (go home)
21 Of the kidneys 60 Not used or eaten
22 Norse kings Schary 61 Before, once upon a time
23 They tell drivers 112 Act the nomad 65 As ___ say
113 Actress Witherspoon 68 Hoover Dam forms it
where to go 114 Paddy’s butcher 70 Old French coins
26 Had a delayed reaction 115 “Make a new 71 Michael Learned
28 Paris airport
29 “Answer yes ___” plan, ___” or Stevie Nicks
30 Orioles’ home (Paul Simon lyric) 72 Hector
31 “Babycakes” 116 Father of Nobelist Elihu Root 73 Fine wood
33 Landing site for Santa 117 In ___ 77 Cornfield cry
34 People with slurred speech? (existing, in Latin) 78 On the stinky side
36 What pheromones do DOWN 79 Missed terribly
38 Condescending one 1 Spanish dances 81 Common contraction
40 “Evil Woman” band: 2 4 quarts 82 Little goat-getter
3 Historic latitude 84 Merlin’s métier
abbr. 4 It follows Oktober 86 Determine the presence of
41 ___ by the rules 5 The Great, of Russia 88 Consolidates
44 Krypton or xenon 6 Composition interpreter 89 Leaf curl or ergot, e.g.
45 Peptic problem 7 Sinatra’s “___ 91 Deem appropriate
48 Thanksgiving Day To Want You” 92 Caterer’s concern
8 Finn’s floater 93 Infuriate
streetwalker? 9 English county 94 “King” Brynner’s catchall
50 Nobelist Cassin 10 Treasure-map measures
51 Released on bail: slang 11 Somewhere up there abbr.
53 Medicine-chest tincture 12 Tip, as one’s derby 96 Inscribed monument
54 Heart of REO 13 Warp-knit fabrics 98 On the other hand
56 Does a laundry job 14 Parish leader 99 Actress Volz of Diff’rent
58 Pollute 15 Simple, as a rocket
62 ___ the question 16 One short of a bogey Strokes (or actress Eve
63 Anti-drug org. 17 Rels. of subways standing on her head?)
64 “___ lied!” 18 “What can 100 Approach the picking point
66 Pursuing I ___ you?” 104 They’re craze-y
67 “Stormy” bird 24 Marshy homes 105 Picked hairdo
69 Bread 25 Shackled 106 Grouch-and-a-half
74 Sung syllable 27 Nail or nob preceder 107 Christmas entree
75 Hard ___ 32 Use a periscope 108 Grape, to Bacchus
35 “___ the morning!”
(tough and stringy) 36 Lemon attachment
76 Great ability 37 Prufrock creator’s
77 Ad text monogram
80 Active Mauna Loa crater 39 “Dictionary game” player
82 Smites, Stooge-style 41 Seed coat
83 Champion in Arabic (or certain foreign money
84 Lucky rolls going up?)
85 Jeanne d’Arc, e.g.: abbr. 42 Cutter with pulleys
87 Plop kin 43 The ___ March
90 Charming 46 Your body’s neural network:
92 Start of a Judy Garland abbr.
47 Folksy exclamation
musical 49 Brouhaha
95 Les Etats-___
97 Farm equipment pioneer
The Telegraph
56 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The horrid in-laws make nice after grandkids are born
BY CAROLYN HAX circle your kids. It’s the bottled fury of civilians in oc-
Washington Post cupied territory.
Dear Carolyn: And the way to get over any kind of anger is to iden-
tify its origins with unflinching honesty and address
My in-laws, sister-in-law includ- them vs. trying to smile it away.
ed, made it crystal clear that they If I thought your husband were even close to ready
for this, I’d urge you to urge him to have that overdue
only invited me to things because blunt conversation, updated to reflect current reali-
ties: He tells the offending family members privately
they “had to” – their words – once that he struggles with their doting on his kids amid
fresh memories of the abuse they heaped on you.
my husband and I were married. I
And he explains their accepting responsibility for
was even told point-blank that I ruined Christmas by this is the only way forward. Should they refuse, he
then calmly declines their visits.
being present.
But their past hostility was such that he would
Well, now everyone wants to be around all the time, have drawn these lines already if he were emotionally
equipped to.
to see our kids. If we were still childless, I know I would
Assuming he’s not capable of standing up to them,
still be unwelcome, but they now realize they need to then I’d venture you’re carrying two layers of anger,
one at your in-laws and a deeper one at your husband
have some sort of relationship with me. for aiding and abetting this doting-grandparents
What can I do to get over the anger I feel every time
That makes a good family therapist your best op-
they come to see my family, when they so clearly didn’t tion, one who can help unknot his family’s anger and
yours, string by string by string.
want to see me before?
And/or: Just stand up for yourself. Warn your hus-
–Grandchild Vessel band beforehand as a courtesy, then be kind, calm,
civil to them. “I’ve tried getting past it, but I am not
Grandchild Vessel: Why were they ever in your lives Especially when followed up with the setting of comfortable with everyone here as if your shunning
again after saying such things to you? calm and clear terms. “I love her, she’s my family now, me all those years never happened.” Status quo worse
I expect civility toward her at a minimum, and appre- than the fallout? That’s when to rise up.
That’s not just on your in-laws; that’s on you and ciate efforts at warmth. I’d do the same for you.”
your husband, too. They gave him ample opportu-
nity, it seems, through their ongoing wretchedness, to And you had ample opportunity to stand up for
stand up for you. And to stand up for himself, since yourself by shoving these “had to” invitations – pro-
these were his decisions they were denigrating – to verbially, at least – where they belonged. I’m sorrier
date you, marry you and have children with you. than they are that you ever showed up for that bygone
ruined Christmas, because it gave them an unearned
For example: “Treat my girlfriend/wife like that and chance to think it was worth it to you to be there.
you will never see me again.”
So of course you’re angry now, as these helicopters
Naked threats have their place.
58 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Spin’ class: Physical therapy can quickly cure vertigo
Kathryn Storey and Bernadette Haugh.
BY TOM LLOYD threatening, but – and this is a really ‘We physically see our patients
Staff Writer big but – the dizziness of vertigo is a one-on-one. That’s one of the
leading cause of falls, and “falls are
Vertigo is the perception of motion the leading cause of fatal and non- commitments we’ve made
when no movement is present or the fatal injuries for older Americans,” from our therapy team to our
abnormal perception of motion in re- according to the National Council
sponse to movement. Medical News on Aging. patients ...’
Today calls it “a sense of spinning or
dizziness.” Medical reference guide Merck – Kathryn Storey
Manuals adds that 30 percent to 40
In and of itself vertigo is not life- percent of older Americans living on
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Over 30 Years their own, and fully half of those liv- life” issue.
of Experience ing in nursing homes, will experience As Bernadette Haugh, director of
a fall each year.
772-567-0111 rehabilitation services at Sebastian
In 2015 Medicare put the cost of River Medical Center explains, “the
DUAL BOARD CERTIFIED MEDICAL those falls at over $31 billion annu- biggest damage from a fall is not al-
& SURGICAL FOOT SPECIALIST ally and that number continues to ways something physical. When
VERO BEACH PODIATRIST increase as the senior population somebody falls, all of a sudden their
1285 36TH ST grows. whole life changes.
And then there’s the “quality of “Now they have a fear and …
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 59
They change everything about what dent the Epley maneuvers can and will [some other places] your therapist is a little faint is a common complaint
they’re doing. They change their help patients suffering from vertigo going to have multiple other patients among older adults. Although it’s not
posture. They change their view of caused by BPPV. at once. You’re not going to be the fo- usually caused by anything life-threat-
the world. That affects their life in so cus of their attention for an hour like ening, it could be, so you need to be
many different ways. A fall has life- The physical therapists at SRMC are you are here.” careful. Don’t ignore it.”
altering effects, whether or not you trained to assess your condition to see
actually have a fracture. You don’t how severe your vertigo is, prescribe “You don’t need a specialist to be If you’re experiencing episodes of
have to have a physical injury for the exercises that will reduce the severity able to get a start on what’s happen- vertigo, talk with your primary care
consequences to really put a fear into of the problem – done with your physi- ing,” Haugh adds. “Anything that physician. He or she may well recom-
you and … reduce the things you’re cal therapist or at home – and keep an becomes several episodes could be mend a qualified physical therapist to
going to do in life.” eye on your progress. an issue. Or if those episodes are in- help solve the problem.
creasing in frequency or intensity.
Fortunately, according to both “We physically see our patients Anything that’s having any kind of The rehabilitation services at the Se-
Haugh and physical therapist Kath- one-on-one,” Storey says. “That’s one effect on your life is something that bastian River Medical Center, a Stew-
ryn Storey, help is available for those of the commitments we’ve made from ought to be looked at.” ard Family Hospital, are now located
suffering from vertigo. Often that our therapy team to our patients – we at 8005 Bay Street, Suite II. The phone
help takes as little as a single session really focus on individual treatment The Harvard Medical School agrees. number is 772-582-2068.
of physical of therapy, and Haugh as opposed to group dynamics. At It says “feeling woozy, lightheaded or
points out that Medicare and most
insurance will cover that cost with a
referral from a primary care physi-
cian or even an urgent care or walk-in
clinic doctor.
In dealing with vertigo, it’s important
to know, as the University of Maryland
Medical Center explains, that vertigo
is actually more of a symptom than a
Conditions that can bring on this
lightheaded dizziness include respi-
ratory, neurological, cardiovascu-
lar and vision problems. Changes in
medications can also trigger certain
forms of vertigo, but the most com-
mon cause is an inner ear problem
called “benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo,” or BPPV.
“We can treat a lot of different
kinds of vertigo here,” says Storey,
“and BPPV is one that responds very
quickly to treatment. Often in one
visit we can get people feeling 100
percent better.”
BPPV is caused by tiny crystals of
calcium carbonate becoming lodged
within the inner ear. Do not, how-
ever, even think about reaching for
a Q-Tip.
You cannot reach the semicircular
canals where these crystals collect and
could well cause irreparable damage
by trying.
What you can do is learn what is
known as “the Epley maneuvers” for
Those calcium carbonate crystals
mentioned above are normally found
in your inner ear’s utricle. They detect
motion and send that information to
your brain. If, however, those crys-
tals detach from the utricle and move
into the semicircular canals, they
send incorrect signals to your brain
which, in turn, causes that spinning
sensation we call vertigo.
Johns Hopkins Medicine de-
scribes the Epley maneuvers as a se-
ries of turns and twists of the head
and neck that dislodge those crys-
tals from the semicircular canals
and sends them back to the utricle
where they belong.
Both Storey and Haugh are confi-
60 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Irritable bowels? There’s often a simple, inexpensive cure
BY TOM LLOYD abscesses, anal fistulas, perianal in-
Staff Writer fections, diverticular diseases, colitis,
colon polyps and cancer.”
Problems with the lower gastrointes-
tinal tract – or lower GI tract – are not Add diarrhea and fecal incontinence
the sort of things that usually find their to that list and whatever you have, it’s
way into polite conversation. probably not the ideal recipe for cock-
tail party chatter.
That’s not surprising given that
those problems can include “con- For Dr. James Gordon, a gastroenter-
stipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ologist at the Scully Endoscopy Center
hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal in Vero Beach, however, it’s precisely his
cup of tea. “I’m happy to talk about it,”
Dr. James Gordon.
says the affable, plain-spoken Gordon. That anxiousness is understand-
He says irritable bowel syndrome able because, as Gordon notes, “you
can be somebody that has IBS diar-
(IBS) is the most common lower GI rhea all your life and then someday
problem he sees in his Vero Beach have IBS constipation too. You can flip
practice. between the two and sometimes you
can have both.
Sometimes called spastic colon, irri-
table colon or nervous stomach, IBS is “Basically,” Gordon continues, “if you
usually caused when the colon muscle develop diarrhea that’s new and lasts
contracts more often than it should or for more than a week or so, or lower ab-
as a result of intestinal inflammation. dominal pain, or you have bleeding, or
Symptoms can include abdominal you get woken up at night with the diar-
pain, cramping, bloating and, while rhea, then you should see a doctor.”
seemingly opposite ends of the spec-
trum, both diarrhea and constipation. Do not, however, panic.
“In terms of treatments,” Gordon
IBS is estimated to affect between 10 says reassuringly, “I prefer to use the
percent and 15 percent of the world’s basic things first, such as Metamu-
population. cil and Citrucel. I prefer to give a fiber
product because it’s cheap and simple
“Some people have [IBS] all their and it works.”
lives. Some people develop it over the In fact, this particular specialist sug-
course of their lifetime,” Gordon says. gests it’s probably better to see your pri-
“Most people get used to their symp- mary care physician first before seeking
toms and say ‘this is just me,’ and then out a gastroenterologist.
there are some people who get very
anxious about their symptoms.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 61
“If somebody’s having diarrhea that Surprisingly, older people are more prone to anxiety
they can’t explain, I think talking to
their primary care doctor first makes BY FRED CICETTI Victims of OCD consume at least an common specific phobias are trig-
the most sense because a primary care hour a day with their compulsions. gered by heights, animals such as
physician can screen them to make Columnist snakes, closed spaces and flying.
sure they don’t have [what are called] Post-traumatic stress disorder
structural problems,” Gordon says. Q. Are older people more anxious (PTSD) can develop after a frighten- Generalized anxiety disorder
Those problems can include disor- than younger people? ing experience. Often, people with (GAD) means excessive worry about
ders such as “small intestinal bacterial PTSD have repeated memories of the a variety of things or life in general.
overgrowth” in which bacteria migrate Because the stresses of health experience both during their waking People with GAD expect the worst
from the colon to the small bowel and problems, losses and other major life hours and in nightmares. A person and seem unable to relax. Often, they
can cause intermittent diarrhea, bloat- changes build up as we get older, we having a flashback may believe that have trouble falling or staying asleep.
ing and other problems. tend to become anxious. Some sur- the event is real.
veys suggest that one in five older Anxiety disorders are treated with
Asked if the use of multiple prescrip- adults suffers anxiety symptoms that Victims of PTSD may have trouble medication and psychotherapy.
tion drugs could contribute to such require treatment. sleeping, feel detached, or be eas- Both approaches can be effective for
lower GI issues such as IBS, Gordon re- ily startled. They may have intimacy most disorders. Anxiety disorders
sponds with a resounding, “Absolutely.” In addition to psychological problems. They can become aggres- are not all treated the same, so it is
causes, medical disorders com- sive or even violent. important to determine the specific
“For example,” he explains, “If some- mon in older adults can be directly problem first.
body’s on pain medications, both non- responsible for the anxiety we feel. Social phobia, also called social
narcotic and narcotic. Non-narcotics These include heart disease, neuro- anxiety disorder, involves excessive Although medications won’t cure
can cause diarrhea, narcotics can cause logic illness, thyroid and other hor- self-consciousness in social situations. an anxiety disorder, they can keep
constipation. Some of the medications mone problems. In addition, anxiety People with social phobia are afraid of the symptoms under control and en-
that are used for urinary tract prob- can be a drug side effect. And seniors being judged by others and being em- able people to have normal lives.
lems, meaning having leakage or things take a lot of medicine. barrassed by their own actions.
like that, can also exacerbate it. Some of
the Parkinson’s medications can cause Until recently, anxiety disorders Social phobics can be afraid of one
these problems so, yes, you are abso- were believed to decline with age. type of situation or they may experi-
lutely correct.” There has been more research into ence symptoms almost anytime they
depression and Alzheimer’s than are around other people. Symptoms
Johns Hopkins Medicine agrees. It anxiety among seniors. But men- include blushing, sweating, trem-
says “medicines taken by mouth can tal health experts are altering their bling, nausea and difficulty talking.
affect the entire digestive system in a views about anxiety.
number of different ways. Both pre- A specific phobia is an exaggerated
scription and over-the-counter medi- Anxiety disorders in seniors have fear of one thing. Some of the more
cines, while usually safe and effective, been underestimated for several rea-
may create harmful effects in some sons. One of the main reasons is that
people,” including IBS. older patients are more likely to em-
phasize their physical complaints
Moreover, says Hopkins, “older peo- and downplay emotional problems.
ple are at greater risk” for those harm-
ful effects. Anxiety disorders are serious
medical illnesses that affect approxi-
Fortunately, according to the Na- mately 40 million American adults.
tional Institute of Diabetes and Di- They all involve excessive, irrational
gestive and Kidney Diseases, con- fear. Anxiety disorders are chronic
ditions such as IBS can often be and can worsen if untreated.
minimized by maintaining or begin-
ning a healthier diet. Panic disorder brings on sudden,
unpredictable attacks of terror. These
Such a diet, according to Gordon, attacks create additional anxiety be-
would likely begin with drastically re- cause victims worry about the next
ducing – if not eliminating – fructose. one. Older adults who get panic at-
tacks usually had them when they
Fructose is a type of sugar found in were younger.
many fruits and vegetables as well as in
honey. It is frequently used to sweeten The following are some symptoms:
some diet foods and Gordon minces pounding heart, perspiration, dizzi-
no words about his feelings about it: ness, fainting, numb hands, nausea,
“Fructose,” he says, “is a really bad chest pain, feeling that you’re smoth-
player” in lower GI issues in general ering, fear of loss of control, a sense
and IBS in particular. that you’re losing your mind or about
to die.
IBS is the most common gastroin-
testinal disorder in this country, cost- If you have obsessive-compulsive
ing an estimated $1.6 billion per year in disorder (OCD), you may be haunted
health-related spending. by unwelcome thoughts or the need
to engage in rituals. You may be ob-
According to the Mayo Clinic, if fiber sessed with germs or dirt, so you
and diet don’t solve the problem, there wash your hands repeatedly. You
is a wide range of medications your may feel the need to check things re-
doctor can prescribe to deal with the peatedly.
underlying causes and symptoms of ir-
ritable bowel syndrome. The disturbing thoughts are called
obsessions, and the rituals that are
Dr. James Gordon is a gastroenterolo- performed to try to prevent or get
gist with the Indian River Medical Center rid of them are called compulsions.
and the Scully Endoscopy Center. His of-
fice is in the Health & Wellness Center at
3450 11th Court, Suite 206 in Vero Beach.
The phone number is 772-299-3511.
62 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New trends? Why not go into 2019 just the way you are
BY VICTORIA MOSS reasoned to myself, it’s a Good Thing to least expect it. I thought of this as I
The Telegraph actually try and look like a fashion edi- caught my reflection the other day on
tor is supposed to. Ergo: fashionable. My a trip to my local low-cost supermar-
In an extraordinary turn of events, husband smiled at me in that way that I ket. In the window, staring pale-faced
my husband and I went out for dinner know I’ll need to wait for the punchline at me, was my messy hair pulled-up on
on New Year’s Eve (we have a 19-month- before he can let it go. top of my head, swaddling puffer coat,
old daughter, which generally excuses black leggings off-set by chunky sneak-
us from having to be sociable). I wore a Anyhoo, having spent the Christ- ers. In more trendier areas, I could try
favorite top by Isa Arfen: bright blue, off mas period in what I like to think of and pass this off as the height of fash-
the shoulder, crinkled taffeta in a sort as lounge casuals, I decided to spruce ion (should my leggings be new season
of layered smock shape. Sometimes, I up a bit. The thing is, though, often an
outfit can backfire on you when you
Chanel, my puffer Moncler and my I’ve long harbored a dream that one
sneakers Balenciaga). But in this gray day, I shall step foot onto the Smoky
concrete retail park, any style-irony Mountains and enter what for me may
was lost. Here, I was just a tired woman just be the true promised land: Dolly-
schlepping a couple of super-sized bags wood. You may not feel strongly about
of diapers home, squinting through the the singer, and that’s fine, but this year
window of TJ Maxx to see if there were she will be ever present. Beyond a ru-
any good shoes in (there were, Gucci! mored sequel to her 1980 movie “9 to 5”
But in a size 5, which I am not). (average film, excellent song) she cel-
ebrates her 50th year in the Grand Ole
At this time of year, these pages tend Opry – the standard for country music.
to be full of predictions and ideas which In October there will be a week-long
you might like to implement to try and tribute. Before that, there will be Build
make yourself into a better person. Giv- Up. If I have another, newer, life dream,
en the annual drubbing that is the “New it is to own this Gucci tracksuit honoring
Year, New You” movement, I’m perhaps her likeness.
not the only one that has noted that none
of these positive affirmations of fitness, Peak Instagram
health and veganism seemed to have Last year the app reached a billion
stuck past any other January ... There is users, yet perhaps you have still man-
a growing attitude, to quote the words of aged in your wisdom to avoid it. Smart,
fictional rom-com cutie Mark Darcy, to I have latterly installed a function on my
accept oneself “just as you are.” phone which only allows me 1 hour on
social media a day. Sad, I know. But like
Which admittedly doesn’t leave a all popular movements – culottes, tama-
fashion writer with much in the way of gotchis and Paris Hilton – once interest
new trends to talk about, but it is perhaps has peaked, it often starts to wane. The
a decent underlying base with which to app itself is unlikely to go anywhere just
take flighty new ideas into account. Will yet (can Kim Kardashian’s 124 million
any of the below assist you to stay just as followers all be wrong?), but attitudes
you are? The things is, as with my leg- towards it are changing.
gings, sometimes a change of location is The grubby business of “influencer”
as good as a change of outfit. whereby popular folk position them-
selves as a sort of human billboard, sali-
Dolly Parton vating over whichever handbag, tooth-
paste or chip brand has paid them to, is
moving into tricky territory. Users have
stopped buying into their cheesy cap-
tions and brands are questioning how
many real followers these people ac-
tually have (fake news permeates all).
The murky world of declaring whether
something is an #Ad or not is becoming
no less opaque. There is one fashion edi-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 63
tor who is said to be coining in $15,000 a Coral or black?
post without framing them as sponsored My grandmother (96 years young)
projections. But alongside this, there is a is always very keen to know what
feeling that the “instagrammability” of a color is “in” this year. But like most
place or thing is becoming in that most things, it’s often subjective. The
damning of modern parlance, basic. To Pantone institute is pushing for the
pose in front of a jaunty brand-made rather specific “Living Coral” to se-
backdrop, to share an image of your duce us. See Jennifer Lopez here in a
breakfast, to offer nothing more than slightly sudden head-to-toe embodi-
your own narcissistic self is swiftly be- ment and decide if you’re convinced.
coming passé. While fashion watchers, including my
friend Lucie Greene, who heads up
JWT future division (a sort of trend Tie-dye
soothsayer, if you will), is backing I think that tie-dye has come back
black. There was much more evi- around now so many times that we
dence of this on the spring summer mustn’t cloud it in dodgy Seventies
catwalks than coral and I’ve noted a references or poor humor. I like it,
shift among women of my acquain- you may shudder at the thought, but
tance reaching for it more and more. it falls into the “authentic” movement,
I suppose it lands at how you see the whereby people are looking for home-
world. Does uncertainty call for the spun, original, one-of-a-kind designs.
somber or the sunny? That most of these T-shirts will inevi-
tably be mass-produced by the high
The kitsch cover-up street “interpreting” designer versions
Forgive me if I’ve confused you with is an irony that may get lost along the
this image, no, it’s not a back catalogue way. Still, great for those who spill.
look from Laura Ashley, but a fervently
It girl appreciated label du jour called
Batsheva. The designs are indeed in-
spired by Mrs. Ashley in her heyday, a
look that took off last summer and is
set to continue this year. The demure
dress, high of neck, low of calf, worn
with a wink is thriving.
64 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why pistachio is the color of the season
The Telegraph
It’s likely a forest green or khaki knit
is something you’ve reached for time
and time again this season, and while
they’re both undeniably chic shades,
their lesser-spotted paler cousin, pista-
chio, is much more au courant.
Fashion search engine Lyst has seen
a 22 percent rise in searches for specific
pale green shades including pistachio
and sage since October, proving it’s the
current hue of choice for stylish women
in the know.
A pastel? In winter? I understand your
concern, but pistachio offers a refresh-
ing update to your burgundy, navy and
gray palette, works with everything you
already own and will see you through to
spring and beyond. If you’re not keen on
bright shades, it also offers a welcome
addition to your subtle sartorial reper-
toire, too.
Here are the style tips to note if you’re
planning to tick the pistachio trend box
this season ...
Try it if you’re keen on khaki
reSort WeAr
Thursday, Friday & Saturday ONLY
Some Exclusions Apply.
818 Beachland Blvd
772-231-3733 • Mon - Sat 10 to 5
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 65
Khaki slots into our winter wardrobes boots in the winter.
rather seamlessly, and if you’re already If you’re not keen on investing in the
an avid-wearer and a fan of the utility
and military trends, note that pistachio trend but want to dip a toe, then a bag or
can be worn in exactly the same way. a piece of jewelry with pale green gem-
Lily Stewart’s khaki-lite jumpsuit looks stones (I like these by Carousel Jewels)
great with a simple white trainer and may be the way to go.
black coat, as it would in a darker hue.
Pair with white for a modern look
The organized smart shoppers among The divisive white footwear trend
us will plump for a pistachio option is still going strong this season, but if
over its bolder cousin as it’s much more you’re in the camp that believes it’s a
spring/summer appropriate. The un- fashion no-no, you’ll be pleased to note
derstated hue works equally well with that a bright white tote is currently the
warm-weather staples like a straw tote, bag du jour.
tan sandals and gold jewelry. White, particularly in winter, gives
any ensemble a lift, but looks particu-
Go tonal larly chic against sage. As well as acces-
Tonal dressing is always a good idea sories, white clothing offers a fresh pop:
when you need to look stylish and think ivory jeans with a chunky mint
pulled together but with minimal ef- green knit, or a white shirt with pale
fort. Pistachio, sage, mint, olive and all khaki chinos. Wear with other neutrals,
other iterations of the pale green hue like Celine Aagaard has, for a look that’s
look great together, but if the thought at once simple and eye-catching.
of a full outfit in one shade is too state-
ment for you, tone one pistachio piece tons of wear out of it then, it shouldn’t Accessories are an ideal
down with darker colors like gray be written off for winter wear. year-round option
marl, navy and chocolate which com-
plement it well. If you’ve invested in a silky skirt in Thanks to its pale hue, a
the shade for summer, rest safe in the pistachio bag looks equally as
Don’t be afraid to toughen it up knowledge that it will also look great good with a striped shirt dress
It’s technically a pastel, so you’d be now with a chunky hiking boot, gray and tan slides in the summer months
forgiven for thinking pistachio is best knit and a patent black crossbody bag. as it does a navy chunky knit and patent
worn in linen form and saved for the
summer months; but while you’ll get
66 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ristorante di Mare: French, Italian and a side of Polish
What do you call an elegant res-
taurant that specializes in cuisine
from the French and Italian Rivi-
eras? A Mediterranean ristorante, of
And a Mediterranean ristorante that
on some evenings also serves authentic
Polish specialties? Why, you call it Ris-
torante Di Mare.
For the past several years, Chef Jean
Zana has been supplementing his ex-
cellent French
Duck à l’Orange.
and Italian cre- Lamb au Porto. Pierogies. Hours:
ations with homemade Polish dishes Open 7 Days at 5 p.m.
produced by his wife Edyta’s mother. l’orange ($37). The Italian dish our sert, but decided to share an order of Beverages: Full Bar
(Edyta runs the front of the house). party decided to sample was one of raspberry and blueberry bread pud-
the evening’s special entrées, the fresh ding anyway. We were glad we did. It Address:
These are the kind of Polish dishes pompano ($42). was one of the best bread puddings I 1517 South Ocean Drive
that those with ancestors from the old have had in quite some time, very light
country yearn for. So when we visited My veal was sauteed in a brandy and tasty. Phone:
last week, we were excited to see both cream sauce with wonderful exotic 772-234-2809
homemade “pierogies” ($14) and “ma- mushrooms, and was served with jas- French or Italian, there are a lot of
ma’s cabbage roll” ($13) on the eve- mine wild rice and a vegetable med- good things going on at di Mare, which
ning’s list of special appetizers. ley. My husband enjoyed his sliced seems a bit classier with each passing
breast of duck, topped with a Grand year. If you haven’t been there recent-
The pierogies – Polish dumplings Marnier blood orange sauce, and ly, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.
stuffed with mashed potatoes and farmer served on a bed of potato gratin with And if you don’t want to be hooked,
cheese – are served here with something asparagus. stay away from the pierogies.
resembling a carbonara sauce that may
be even better than the traditional sour But while the French dishes got I welcome your comments, and encour-
cream. Delicious. high parks, there were raves for the age you to send feedback to me at tina@
baked pompano, which was topped
And the cabbage roll, in Poland with a lobster beurre blanc, and
called golumpki or golabki, was the served with angel hair pasta and sau- This reviewer dines anonymously at
real deal – stuffed cabbage leaves, téed vegetables. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
filled with ground pork and seasoned 32963.
rice, topped with a creamy vodka By this time, we were too full for des-
sauce. Heavenly.
But then we turned to the main menus,
and the dishes that Chef Jean does so well.
For entrées, from the French menu
I chose the veal forestiere ($35) and
my husband opted for the Canard a
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 67
Here are a half dozen ways wine will change this year
BY ELIN MMCOY laced wine was a decade ago in Men- one solution in planting vineyards When the chef de cave of Dom Péri-
Bloomberg docino, where a handful of winemak- at much higher altitudes. Others are gnon says his next project is making
ers (my lips are sealed) surreptitiously heading farther north to more mar- sake in Japan, you know big change is
The wine world can change faster infused pot cuvées for themselves and ginal climes. You’ll see more wines coming. Richard Geoffroy, who spent
than you’d think. Upended by turbu- their friends. from both locations in 2019. 28 years as the winemaker of DP, re-
lent politics, 2018 was beset with trade tired at the end of 2018 and is working
wars, ongoing Brexit instability, and With the legalization of pot in Wines from Idaho (and even Min- on a joint venture with sake brewery
more climate-change-driven chaotic California, Canada, and elsewhere nesota) are promising, and famous Masuizumi that will launch in Sep-
weather events. All this made some last year, wine and weed mixes are Rhone Valley winemaker Louis Bar- tember.
wine regions winners, others losers, coming. Canadian investment bank ruol is creating delicious pinot noir in
while investors scored big time: Fine Canaccord Genuity LLC suggested to New York’s Finger Lakes district. One Sophisticated, premium examples
vino outperformed stocks and bonds. Business Insider that marijuana-in- new, much buzzed-about winery, Pi- of sake are just beginning to be the
fused beverages could become a $600 nard & Filles, is hunkered in icy Que- darlings of sommeliers in non-Japa-
This year promises similar con- million market in the U.S. in the next bec, and a few of the winery’s cuvées, nese restaurants, where they turn up
trasts, surprises, and the continua- four years. championed by natural wine aficiona- on tasting menus and wine lists as al-
tion of some of last year’s trends. If dos, are now available in the U.S. ternatives to wine. And as if to under-
you think everything pink to drink Among the first is Sonoma’s Rebel score the drink’s coming importance,
has already happened, for example, Coast Cannabis Infused Sauvignon Drinking wine on airlines will glassmaker Riedel introduced a new
you would be wrong. Rosé sour beer is Blanc ($60), with about 20 milligrams reach new heights Junmai glass last spring, designed for
about to be a thing, while rosé love is of THC in each bottle. Legally you this category of very complex sakes.
even hitting sports figures such as bas- can’t mix alcohol and THC, so the al- You’re trapped in place for hours on
ketball All-Star guard Dwyane Wade. cohol has been removed. As a result, a end as you hurtle at 35,000 feet toward Bottle buying goes luxury, high-
His wine project with Napa winemak- glass of this wine has only 35 calories tech, instant
er Jayson Pahlmeyer released its first (not 150 as with regular wine) and is your destination, and really, watch-
rosé at a very pricey $75. sold only through licensed California ing movies can hold your attention for Buying wine could involve much
THC dispensaries. only so long. Why not enjoy a wine ex-
Expect the link between technol- perience? more than grabbing a bottle at your lo-
ogy and wine to expand, with new fine Climate change will push vineyards cal shop.
wine trading apps, AI, robots in vine- to extreme frontiers Global private jet company VistaJet
yards, and more. Ditto more good bub- is the first to completely cater to your The latest from Vivino is a way to
bly, from just about every wine region Cool regions aren’t necessarily cool wine passion, but other private air- scan a bottle you’re enjoying in a res-
in the world. Here’s what else I see in anymore. lines will surely follow. taurant, purchase it, and arrange to
my crystal glass for 2019: have it delivered to your home, all in
Some wineries, like that of the fa- Sake is taking the stage under a minute.
What’s old is new mous Catena family in Argentina, see
The rediscovery of old, abandoned Richard Self-serve booze vending machines
Geoffroy. will surely be part of your future, es-
vineyards and embrace of forgotten pecially for wines in cans and, as at the
varieties will continue to feed our vo- Mama Lion supper club in Los Angeles,
racious thirst for tastes beyond the for 187-milliliter splits of Champagne.
classics – and may reveal useful ways
to adapt to climate change. And beyond ...
Naturally, I still have plenty of ques-
Chile, for example, is working to tions: Will synthetic wines – chemi-
rescue ancient vineyards planted cally identical versions of great names
by Spanish explorers centuries ago, – really catch on? Will gimmicks such
as well as resurrect old winemaking as the new wine condoms that slip
techniques. Unfamiliar native and hy- over the neck of opened bottles really
brid grapes, such as pais, Marquette, “protect your pinot” as the product
petite arvine, and zibibbo are in your promises?
future. I’ll be reporting on these stories and
many more in 2019.
Cannabis infusions are on their
The first time I tasted marijuana-
68 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 69
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 71
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72 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz meets magnificent 7, a chunky, spunky Bulldog
Hi Dog Buddies! “Me an Momma hit it off “My BFFs are Jackson, a Lab;
This week I yapped with a sturdy, right away. I did have a few Tweetie, a terrier; an Tonic, a Wy-
stocky English Bulldog, 7 Sangbush,
who I thought looked like Winston puppy Habits that we hadda mer-awner. We’re Walk Pals.
Churchill. (Have I mentioned I’m an
Anglophile?) Anyway, 7’s a rescue, 50 work on. Like where I should “I have a strict diet cuz us
pounds of muscle, whiffles that wiggle
when he walks. A neat and tidy pooch- an shouldn’t Do My Duty. English Bulldogs have Sen-suh-
An Chewin.’ That was chal- TI-vuddies. No grain. Only raw
7 was outside onna leash, with his
Mom, when we arrived. lenging. See, I LOVE to chew food. Momma keeps it frozen, an
“Good afternoon, Mr. Sangbush. It’s a Leathergoods. It’s so relaxing thaws it just before dinnertime,
an comforting. I chewed Mom- cuz it hasta be served cold. I get
“Likewise. You may call me 7. On be-
half of myself an my Momma, Cheryl, ma’s wallet. An cardholder. An a liddle banana sometimes. Plus,
welcome to our home.”
checkbook. An the handle of coconuts! I can totally shred a
After the Wag-and-Sniff, 7 led the
way inside. (Since his tail was sorta like her purse. I’ve mostly got it coconut so Momma can drink
a curled-up donut on his caboose, his
wag was more like a vibration. Totally conquered now, though. Most- the milk an I get the yummy
Cool Kibbles.)
ly. I have this big ol’ rope with part.”
He left briefly and returned drag-
ging this HUGE length of rope (like, big a knot that also helps. I don’t “Woof! That’s aMAZing!”
enough to moor a ship) with a BIG knot
at one end. He plopped it down nearby know if you noticed.” PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN 7 Sangbush “Baths are The Best. Momma
an stretched out on the floor, his short “Um, yes, I did,” I told him. hollers ‘Bathtime!’ an I jump
back legs out behind. right in the tub. I love my bath
Sorta like the elephant in the
“I read your work, so I know you
wanna hear how I met my Momma and room, I was thinkin.’ massage an getting towel-dried.
what my life’s like, right?”
He continued. “Momma’s lar anna chip, so I hoped she’d find An dog! do I smell good.”
“Exactly. I’m ready when you are.” I
opened my notebook, thinking, “This real active like me, an we have the best me.” “I’ve been meaning to ask, how’d you
pooch is On the Ball.” And also, “Woof,
that is one seriously large piece of rope!” time together. I get lotsa walks, an we “Oh, for Lassie’s Sake,” I exclaimed. get your intresting name?” I inquired.
“I’m ackshully my Momma’s fifth go paddle boarding all the time. (I have “Momma was VERY di-STRESSED! “Ackshully, Bonzo, I already had it
English Bulldog. When it was Time, she
was lookin’ around an found a pickshur my own lifejacket.) I have Excellent She put up hundruds of posters with when Momma got me. It’s a MISS-tree.”
of me on the Boca Bulldog Rescue web-
site. I was a puppy, then, with a pink col- Balance, an I run back an forth on that my PICKshur, an went online, told all As we were leaving, 7 was already rol-
lar that said ‘Real Men Wear Pink.’ I was
a cute, tough liddle muffin back then, I paddle board, between Momma’s legs. I her frens an offered a reWARD. (That’s lin’ around on the floor with his Gigan-
must say. My first owner was a Japanese
exchange student who couldn’t keep keep tryin’ to bite the waves, but they’re one of those human things. It’s called tic Rope, makin’ growly noises. That was
me; her school schedule took up so
much time, an us bulldogs need Lotsa usually too quick. in-SEN-tive.) Three days later, a neigh- one happy pooch.
Exercise an Attention.
“I love the beach, too. We go there a bor of the dognapper recognized my Heading home, I was pickshurin’ 7
lot, cuz it’s real nearby. Soon as we make pickshur an called Momma an she happily shredding the fluff out of a co-
that right turn, I know we’re headin’ for came an rescued me. Woof, was I happy conut then delicately munching the
the beach an I get all excited. I run an to see her. I started followin’ her every- yummy part. An thinkin’ how scary it
run an nip at the liddle waves, like on where. I didn’t want her to ever go any- musta been to get dognapped. I was
my paddle board. One time, when I was where without me. I still don’t.” eager to get home to my Gramma an
down the beach chasin’ waves, I got do- “I’d feel the same way.” Grampa.
gnapped.” “When I was a puppy, I slept with Till next time,
“Wait! Wha-at?” I innerrupted. “Dog- Momma. But then, I started snoring.
napped?” Real Loud. We were inna liddle apart- The Bonz
“Yep. I was a puppy still, back in 2013. ment, so Momma hadda wear earmuffs.
Momma hadda work, so her fren was Now, I still snore, but I have my own
dogsittin’ me. He musta got distracted, room. I would never snore on purpose, Don’t Be Shy
an I was priddy far up the beach. Alluva but it’s cool to have my own room. Plus,
sudden, this human guy scooped me up if I’m still keepin’ Momma awake, she We are always looking for pets with
an took me home with him. His family says, ‘7, you’re snoring,’ an I roll onto interesting stories.
was nice an all. There were two liddle my tummy. (I only snore on my side.)” To set up an interview, email
humans, an they bought me a new col- “That is Totally Crunchy Dog Biscuits!
lar. But I knew something was wrong. So, do you have pooch pals? An what [email protected].
Where was my Momma? I hadda col- sorta stuff do you like to eat?”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 73
St. Ed’s soccer flying high with new pilot at controls
BY RON HOLUB Coach Pape Seye. P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE Will Sternerg heads the ball in front of Ollie Duncan. As Seye was basking in the warmth
St. Edward’s Lorenz Schaefer takes a shot on goal. of the Florida sunshine, he saw what
Correspondent ing era, and it should remain that way he had inherited on the soccer team
with only three seniors (Sternberg, and decided to play it cool. He de-
St. Ed’s varsity boys soccer team Reisman and Chris Fashek) on the scribed the program as a “well-oiled
opened the New Year with a 1-1 tie current roster. Seye is the third head machine” hardly in need of any ma-
against Boca Raton Christian a day coach in the past three seasons, and jor overhaul. Instead, his knowledge
before celebrating Senior Night last at age 35 says he would like to stick of geography might come in handy
Friday. The record at that point was around a while. as he tinkers with field formations to
8-1-2 with a scoring differential of control tempo and time of possession
55-5 in favor of the Pirates. “I grew up in New York City and – the name of the game.
played soccer my whole life through
Three of those opposition goals, high school and college,” Seye told “The boys have shown that they can
plus the defeat and the other tie, us. “I went to Cornell University for play against anybody,” he said. “They
came in a pair of earlier matches with my undergraduate degree and played also have shown that they have heart.
perennial district nemesis Holy Trin- soccer there for four years. Then I The ceiling is absolutely high. Most
ity Episcopal. The boys and girls from wound up getting a master’s degree of all I want them to stay healthy, but
those two schools have been engaged from Columbia University. I also want them to realize that they
in a highly competitive rivalry for the can rise to any challenge. They know
past decade. “After that I was a teacher and that and they believe that.
coached soccer at a boarding school
First-year head coach Pape Seye ar- in Connecticut. I was also living in “These are teenagers and you al-
rived at St. Ed’s only to discover more the dorms at the time and got to play ways have to remind them to just be
of the same. He was well prepared for soccer with the students all the time, in the present. The boys are hoping to
this gig by playing and/or coaching seven days a week. see Holy Trinity again (in the district
the game for most of his life. He was playoffs), but it’s never about another
pleased to have layers of talent at his “When the opportunity presented school.
disposal the first day of practice. itself here at St. Edward’s, I ran with
it. It’s great because you cannot just “But I do know one thing: It makes
“I must say this is a wonderful, won- wear one hat. I’m also dean of stu- everything sweeter when you play
derful group,” Seye said. “I will start dents and director of activities for the well against a team that is as good as
with the coaching staff we have. (Ath- Upper School, and I teach a geogra- they are.”
letic Director) Jeff Lamscha is amaz- phy class. I get to see the students in
ing. He has vast coaching experience many different environments.
(over 300 wins with St. Ed’s varsity
girls) and a thorough knowledge of the “I am enjoying Vero Beach and lov-
game. He is the guy who keeps us all ing the weather. This is my first year
in check. We also have Adam Tambu- away from the northeast. The thing
rello, a young guy and former college that struck me the most here is the
soccer player who is very motivated. friendliness of the people. I didn’t have
Nothing could have happened here any issues when I first arrived because
without those two coaches. of the efforts to bring me into the com-
munity. And that is a blessing.”
“Then we trickle down to the team
captains, Britt Reisman and Will
Sternberg. They are absolutely fan-
tastic players. I call Britt ‘Captain
Zero’ (jersey number) because he is
the goalie. Will is ‘Captain One’ be-
cause he is a striker. The two of them
basically have the whole field cov-
ered. They have been amazing cap-
tains – and I’m not just talking about
on the field. They make sure every-
thing runs smoothly. We are lucky to
have that type of leadership.”
Twelve different players participat-
ed in the goal-scoring blitz through 11
matches. Sternberg had 14 to go with
nine assists. Junior Lorenz Schaefer
contributed 13 and six, while sopho-
more Will Franco chipped in with
eight and three. Reisman had 34 saves
at an 88 percent clip, and freshman
Marshall Heim was a perfect three for
three in a brief back-up role.
This will be the Pirates’ fourth
straight season with double-digits
wins, highlighted by a district cham-
pionship in the 2016-17 campaign.
The program is obviously on sound
footing dating back to the Bill Keat-
74 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING tours, 8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through 17 Book signing and luncheon featuring Widder, founder of Ocean Research and Conser-
March.772-581-5557 x2 Tatiana Holway, author of ‘The Flower vation Assn. speaking about the effects of algae
Riverside Theatre - Tony-award winning musical of Empire: An Amazonian Water Lily,’ 12 Noon blooms on our health, economy and the environ-
Evita on the Stark Stage thru Jan. 27. 772-231-6990 Historical Trolley Tours of Vero Beach, 9 a.m. at McKee Botanical Garden. $50, includes auto- ment. 772-567-9000
to 12 p.m. monthly on first Saturdays thru Sept. graphed book. 772-794-0601
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - Miracle on South 6. 772-978-4700 17-20 Fellsmere Frog Leg Festi-
Division Street thru Jan. 17. 772-562-8300 17 Live from Vero Beach presents Early val on grounds of Historic
King of the Hill Tennis Tournaments, 6 p.m. Elton: Elton John Hits from 1970-72, a School Complex, Thurs. & Fri. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.;
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson Tuesdays thru Feb. 26 at the Moorings to benefit tribute to Elton John, Dee Murray and Nigel Ols- Sat. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
‘Celebrating the Familiar’ exhibit of 20 bronze Youth Guidance. 772-979-5582 son, 7 p.m. at the Emerson Center. 772-234-4412 with carnival rides, vendors, live entertainment
figures thru April 28. 772-794-0601 and food, including famed frog leg and gator tail
JANUARY 17 Inaugural public meeting of the Clean dinners. Free admittance.
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge Water Coalition of Indian River County,
7 p.m. at River House, with guest speaker Edie 18 Indian River Symphonic Association
presents the Brevard Symphony Or-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN chestra with A Musical Travelogue – from the
in January 10, 2019 Edition 1 MUST 1 MICROORGANISM Blue Danube to Spain, 7:30 p.m. at Community
3 ASHY 2 SAMBA Church of VB. $60. 772-778-1070
9 COMBATFATIGUE 5 YETI 18-20 Art by the Sea, judged show
10 ORATORIO 6 ONGOING and sale of works by mem-
12 KILT 7 ELECTORALROLL bers of Vero Beach Art Club and Vero Beach Mu-
13 TAP 8 VAMOOSE seum of Art: Fri. 5 p.m. opening reception; Sat. 10
15 ROBUST 11 OAF a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun. to 4 p.m. at VBMA to support
18 FINGER 14 PILGRIM VBAC outreach programs. Free. 772-231-0303
21 AGUE 17 TAR 19 Inaugural Rail Trail 5K Run/Walk, 8
22 RINGPULL 20 RITUAL a.m. from North County Regional Park
25 INCOMMUNICADO 23 USAGE and over new I-95 pedestrian overpass to ben-
26 MAR 24 SMUG efit Executive Roundtable of IRC.
Sudoku Page 48 Sudoku Page 49 Crossword Page 48 Crossword Page 49 (TOP TEN GAME SHOWS ON C-SPAN)
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This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at
an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
976 Riomar Drive in Old Riomar: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 3,375-square-foot home offered for
$2,750,000 by Matilde Sorensen, Broker-Owner, Dale Sorensen Real Estate: 772-532-0010
76 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Recently built home blends beautifully into historic Old Riomar
Staff Writer
The recently built home at 976 Rio- The solidly built home was con- that meets his clients’ expectations. he didn’t want to remove any of the
mar Drive gives a comfortable nod structed by Michael Geoghegan of The home’s design was carefully trees on the property and engaged
to the architectural style of bygone the Geoghegan Company. By build- the aid of landscape architect August
days. Nestled among the mature oaks ing only one home at a time and fitted into the natural setting to pre- Schwartz to blend the new home with
Old Riomar is known for, the two-sto- personally overseeing the project, serve the sheltering oak trees the the existing natural environment.
ry design emits the charm and gran- Geoghegan has been successful in historic neighborhood is famous for.
deur of the historic properties around producing a high-quality product Mindful of maintaining the continu- “A large tree was moved from the
it and sits naturally among them. ity of the community, the owner says back of the property, and the loggia
When the owners got a hankering
for a Florida residence, they were
drawn to the barrier island with its
promise of daily walks on the beach
and the quaint “neighborhood” feel
of Old Riomar. Close to the ocean
and only a few blocks away from
Vero’s delightful beachside shop-
ping and dining district, the loca-
tion boasted everything the couple
wanted and more.
By purchasing a lot only one house
away from the beach and building
a new house, the owners had the
best of both worlds: the charm of
Old Florida in an established neigh-
borhood coupled with state-of-the-
art building technology, including
a built-in generator, impact glass,
shutters, automatic lights, Lennox
temperature control, HVAC with
different zones, and Control4 audio
and visual network.
The owner credits architect Scott
Layne of Moulton Layne Architects
with making the decision to build up,
allowing the home to fit perfectly on
the nearly half-acre lot without sacri-
ficing interior space needed for house
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 77
was built to tuck under another of the
majestic oaks – almost as if the trees
grew up around the house,” explains
the owner.
The home is one room deep
throughout, allowing for natural
cross ventilation, and an abundance
of light radiates through countless
Wide baseboards, rich hardwood
flooring, basket-weave tile and quartz
countertops all contribute to a feeling
of sophisticated elegance.
“From the impeccable design to the
fabulous furnishings – it’s hard not to
fall in love the moment you enter this
home,” notes Dale Sorensen Real Es-
tate Broker-Owner Matilde Sorensen.
The western wing is sited toward
the rear of the property and the mas-
ter bedroom is on the main level,
with a powder room and two guest
rooms upstairs, accessed by a cen-
tral stairway.
The master suite features a private
bath, his and her walk-in closets, dual
sinks and a water closet. In the bed-
room, a bay window offers a cozy spot
for relaxing. The two guest bedrooms
on the second level both have full
baths with an added level of privacy
for guests staying in the rear bed-
The kitchen on the eastern end of
the house opens to the dining area
and living room. An island anchors
one end of the communal spaces
while on the western wall a gas fire-
place holds the promise of cozy eve-
nings curled up in front of the televi-
Spacious interiors and high ceil-
78 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ings create a wonderful great room Whether you’re lying by the heated
that opens to the kitchen, so the fam- saltwater swimming pool or enjoy-
ily chef can visit and work at the same ing a glass of wine by the fire pit, the
time. The kitchen is equipped with house creates a protective cocoon
Wolfe appliances, a gas stove top and with the lanai and cabana on one side
two Bosch dishwashers. and the master wing on the other,
providing privacy and shelter from
A service wing leads off the kitchen, the wind.
with a butler’s pantry, laundry room,
built-in desk and access to the two- The cabana, currently used as an
car, air-conditioned garage. office by the owner, offers a private
space for guests or a studio. An out-
Deep windows and screened slid- side entrance to the cabana bath-
ers link the interiors to the outside. room lets it serve as the pool bath, and
The kitchen was designed to flow to an outdoor shower with hot and cold
the covered, open-air lanai, an out- running water allows for the clean-up
door living and dining area that pro- of sandy feet before jumping into the
vides extra space for entertaining.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 79
pool or calling it a day and heading golf course and canopy of live oak
inside. trees.
Old Riomar is located “between the It’s just a short walk, bike or golf cart
bridges” with easy access to beach- ride to Quail Valley River Club, Riomar
side and mainland locations. One of Country Club, Riomar Beach access,
the first areas settled on Vero’s barri- the City Marina, Riverside Park, Riv-
er island, the seaside neighborhood is erside Theatre, Vero Beach Museum
rich in history, architecture and am- of Art, Vero Beach Dog Park, and shop-
biance, known for its country club, ping and dining on Ocean Drive.
Neighborhood: Old Riomar
Year Built: 2017
Lot size: 100 feet by 175 feet
Home size: 3,375 square feet
Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4 full baths, 1 half-bath
Additional features: Oak-canopied lot, 2-car air-conditioned garage,
chef’s kitchen, butler’s pantry, wine cooler, gas fireplace, cabana, linear
air conditioning, generator, propane tank, impact windows and doors,
shutters, concrete roof, outdoor shower, lanai and saltwater pool
Listing agency: Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Broker-Owner: Matilde Sorensen, 772-532-0010
Listing price: $2,750,000
80 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Big dip: Mortgage rates continue their six-week decline
BY KATHY ORTON to 1 percent of the loan amount.) It was was 3.98 percent two weeks ago and three days. Rising 10-year Treasury
The Washington Post 4.51 percent two weeks ago and 3.99 3.46 percent a year ago. yields and stock-market favoring com-
percent a year ago. The 30-year fixed ments from Fed officials have been the
Mortgage rates have been in a pro- rate dropped below 4.5 percent for the Fears about a slowdown in global main contributor. Both these factors
longed swoon, but it may be coming to first time since April. growth, stock market volatility and the may extend into the next week. There
an end. government shutdown had stoked eco- is also [talk] of positive momentum in
The 15-year fixed-rate average fell to nomic uncertainty, sending mortgage the U.S.-China trade talks, which is an-
According to the latest data released 3.89 percent with an average 0.4 point. rates into a free fall. But recent strong other negative for the mortgage rates.
last Thursday by Freddie Mac, the 30- It was 3.99 percent two weeks ago and employment numbers eased some of Expect the mortgage rates to inch
year fixed-rate average tumbled to 3.44 percent a year ago. The five-year those concerns. higher in the short term.”
4.45 percent with an average 0.5 point. adjustable rate average sank to 3.83
(Points are fees paid to a lender equal percent with an average 0.3 point. It Investors began pulling out of bonds, Meanwhile, mortgage applica-
causing yields to rise. Since sinking to tions roared back after the holidays,
an 11-month low last week, the yield on
the 10-year Treasury has risen 18 basis according to the latest data from the
points to 2.74 percent. (A basis point is Mortgage Bankers Association. The
0.01 percentage point.) market composite index – a measure
of total loan application volume –
Because mortgage rates tend to fol- increased 23.5 percent from a week
low the same path as long-term bonds, earlier. The refinance index jumped
home loan rates are also expected to 35 percent from the previous week,
move higher.
“Friday’s blockbuster jobs report
eased fears, at least for the moment,
of an impending economic slowdown,
but comments from Fed officials and
the minutes from December’s Federal
Reserve meeting revealed that some
monetary policymakers are concerned
about slowing global growth — senti-
ment that could imply a slower pace of
interest rate hikes over the next year,”
said Aaron Terrazas, senior economist
at Zillow. “Key economic data releases
are on hold while the federal govern-
ment remains shut down, clouding
markets’ read on the state of the econ-
omy at a critical moment when there is
growing uncertainty about underlying
economic fundamentals.”, which puts out a
weekly mortgage rate trend index,
found that nearly half of the experts it
surveyed say rates will rise in the com-
ing week. Shashank Shekhar, CEO of
Arcus Lending, is one who predicts
rates are headed higher.
“It’s been a very volatile start to the
year for mortgage rates,” Shekhar said.
“After dipping to about a nine-month
low, the rates have gone up in the last
772 231 6509 Visit Our Properties ANYTIME at
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Kit Fields 770-312-5165 207654
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Patty Valdes 772-473-8810 210461
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Roger Smith 772-473-0086 213224
82 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
while the purchase index climbed 17 percent. and CEO. “The slow retreat in borrowing costs in re-
The refinance share of mortgage activity was at its cent weeks is welcome news for prospective home
buyers, especially given last month’s stock market
highest level in nearly a year, accounting for 45.8 per- volatility and the ongoing government shutdown.
cent of all applications. Amidst this uncertainty, purchase mortgage applica-
tions were up 17 percent last week and 4 percent from
“The first week of 2019 saw falling mortgage rates a year ago.”
and a subsequent increase in refinance and purchase
applications,” said Bob Broeksmit, MBA president
Gated, natural gas community with parks and lush landscaping
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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a
developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 83
Partial government shutdown hurts some borrowers
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY surrounding virtually all major cit- ing Administration (FHA) or VA loan, have been no unusual holdups. FHA
ies. Many of them are in the process the odds are you’ve had no major loan applications have seen delays
Washington Post of financing homes with mortgages problems so far. The Department of because of limited staff and backlogs
backed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has kept its home- of cases, according to lenders, but the
When the government shuts its Agriculture (USDA), which offers ex- loan program functioning during impact has not been significant.
doors because of a funding brouha- ceptionally attractive terms – zero- the shutdown. Lenders say a small
ha that pits the White House against down payments and favorable inter- percentage of VA applicants who’ve One source of problems that bor-
Capitol Hill, who gets hit hardest est rates. But for these borrowers, the needed to obtain replacement dis- rowers might not have anticipated
among people needing a home mort- shutdown has been a nightmare. The charge documentation required for a during the shutdown: Some self-em-
gage? The latest version of federal USDA loan program, which has pro- VA certificate of eligibility have expe- ployed home buyers or others who
breakdown made one fact painfully vided well over 100,000 home mort- rienced delays, but otherwise there are seeking a “jumbo”-size mortgage
clear: It all depends on the type of gages per year recently, has been
loan you seek and where you’re lo- in total lockdown. Scheduled loan CONTINUED ON PAGE 87
cated. closings have been put on hold, and
no new applications are being pro-
Worst hit, of course, have been cessed.
the thousands of federal employees
who’ve been furloughed, gone un- “It breaks my heart” to see what
paid and had no assurances about this has been doing to small-town
when the financial uncertainty buyers, says one lender who special-
might end. izes in USDA loans. Not only have
closings been postponed indefi-
But what about others? Here’s a nitely, but some buyers are facing
quick overview: potentially deal-killing deadlines
in their purchase contracts, said
If you’d been hoping to buy or refi- Helga James, president and owner of
nance a house during the past couple Barr Group Mortgage, based in Gulf
of weeks with a conventional loan – Shores, Alabama.
a mortgage eligible for purchase by
dominant investors Fannie Mae and “I’m afraid that the sellers will not
Freddie Mac – your application or extend contracts, and buyers could
closing probably sailed through with be out money [they’ve spent] on in-
few if any hitches, said Pete Mills, a spections and appraisals and have to
senior vice president for the Mort- start the whole process over again,”
gage Bankers Association. James told me.
Although Fannie and Freddie op- Matt Leyrer, a senior loan officer
erate under federal government con- with Northern Mortgage Services –
servatorship and use federal guar- which operates in multiple states in
antees, they are not government the Midwest as well as Florida, Con-
agencies, and they’ve conducted necticut, Massachusetts and Califor-
business as usual. To the extent that nia – says some USDA borrowers po-
they’ve been touched by the shut- tentially could be left homeless from
down – such as through the non- the shutdown. If their purchase con-
availability of tax return transcripts tract contingency deadlines aren’t
the Internal Revenue Service rou- met, and they’ve already canceled
tinely provides lenders to verify ap- their rental lease, they could forfeit
plicants’ incomes – both companies their good-faith deposit and end up
have adopted workarounds to keep with no home at all. “They could lose
the loans flowing. everything,” he told me.
The situation has been starkly dif- If you applied for a Federal Hous-
ferent for prospective buyers who
live in the small towns and exurbs
84 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Jan. 4 to Jan. 10
The barrier island real estate market had a relatively quiet week, but of the seven sales recorded, four were
for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of a new oceanfront home in the estate section. The residence at 1840 South
Highway A1A was listed Nov. 9 for $7.9 million. The sale closed on Jan. 10 for $7.4 million.
The seller of the property was represented by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The
purchaser was represented by Susan Rane of Keller Williams Realty.
$499,000 $4,500,000
CACHE CAY 60 CACHE CAY DRIVE 9/14/2018 $499,000 1/10/2019
VEROMAR 3620 OCEAN DRIVE 2/3/2017 $6,495,000 $5,495,000 1/4/2019 $625,000
SEAQUAY CONDO 4800 HIGHWAY A1A, #410 10/5/2018 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 1/9/2019
JOHN’S ISLAND 4101 OCEAN DRIVE, #PHD 10/3/2018 $675,000 $649,500 1/4/2019
450 BEACH ROAD, #321A 10/26/2018 $1,125,000 $1,125,000
2111 VIA FUENTES, #2111 10/1/2018 $389,000 $384,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 85
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Cache Cay, Address: 60 Cache Cay Drive Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 3620 Ocean Drive
Listing Date: 9/14/2018 Listing Date: 2/3/2017
Original Price: $499,000 Original Price: $6,495,000
Recent Price: $499,000 Recent Price: $5,495,000
Sold: 1/10/2019 Sold: 1/4/2019
Selling Price: $467,000 Selling Price: $4,500,000
Listing Agent: Debbie Bell Listing Agent: Kimberly & Mike Thorpe
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Debbie Bell Rory O’Dare
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Seaquay Condo, Address: 4800 Highway A1A, #410 Subdivision: Ocean Shores Condo, Address: 4101 Ocean Drive, #PHD
Listing Date: 10/5/2018 Listing Date: 10/3/2018
Original Price: $1,200,000 Original Price: $675,000
Recent Price: $1,200,000 Recent Price: $649,500
Sold: 1/9/2019 Sold: 1/8/2019
Selling Price: $1,125,000 Selling Price: $625,000
Listing Agent: Tripp Hernandez Listing Agent: Cathy Curley
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Beth Ann Rardin Lorry Gartner
Rardin Real Estate LLC Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark-VB
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, Custom 3BR/3.5BA courtyard home, separate guest cabana, Meticulously maintained 5BR/3BA home on the 14th fairway,
2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community covered loggia w/fireplace, pool, minutes to the beach on a large almost 1 acre lot, screened pool, 3 car garage
$672,000 $525,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
86 Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 450 Beach Road, #321A Subdivision: River Mews Condo, Address: 2111 Via Fuentes, #2111
Listing Date: 10/26/2018 Listing Date: 10/1/2018
Original Price: $1,125,000 Original Price: $389,000
Recent Price: $1,125,000 Recent Price: $384,000
Sold: 1/4/2019 Sold: 1/4/2019
Selling Price: $1,100,000 Selling Price: $355,000
Listing Agent: Cliff Norris Jr. Listing Agent: Diane Volkart
Selling Agent: Cliff Norris Real Estate Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Residential RE
Not Provided Becky Stirrat
Not Provided Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Park Shores, Address: 131 E Park Shores Circle, #10E Subdivision: Vista Del Mar, Address: 5400 Highway A1A, #C6
Listing Date: 10/16/2018 Listing Date: 8/15/2018
Original Price: $289,500 Original Price: $200,000
Recent Price: $289,500 Recent Price: $185,000
Sold: 12/31/2018 Sold: 12/28/2018
Selling Price: $279,500 Selling Price: $178,000
Listing Agent: Cliff Glansen Listing Agent: Sam Robbins
Selling Agent: Inc Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Cheryl Gerstner Christine Hughes
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / January 17, 2019 87
that can’t be sold to Fannie, Freddie vestors who normally fund jumbo workarounds to problems like these. ing risks during a federal shutdown,
or FHA have found themselves sub- loans have balked at loan applica- “It can be a hassle” for borrowers Skeens says.
ject to hyper-conservative under- tions that are not pristine, such as
writing standards. those lacking standard IRS Form with out-of-the ordinary income pro- Bottom line: Shutdowns have mortgage
4506-T tax transcripts or verifica- files or any sort of special situations victims – some people simply get inconve-
Paul Skeens, president of Colonial tions of employment. This is despite or quirks in their applications when nienced, others face personal disasters.
Mortgage Group based in Waldorf, Fannie and Freddie adopting easy major sources of funding decide to
Md., says some big banks and in- avoid taking on extra underwrit- The longer the shutdown, the more
widespread the likely pain.