56 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
So many issues in the inbox with this workplace tryst
BY CAROLYN HAX him? I do believe the amount of time she spends
Washington Post
with him will diminish as our relationship pro-
gresses. What do I do in the meantime
Dear Carolyn: – Emotional Swimmer
I have been having an af-
fair with my older, married Dear ‘Emotional Swimmer’: Keep swimming. It
is a vale of tears and all.
boss for six months (he’s 44
I hope it will make you feel better to know that
and I’m 28). We are in love. you’re normal, because that’s all I’ve got. Facts
are facts: At the moment, he is closer to your girl-
We obviously haven’t told friend than you are – and may stay that way. Your
jealousy makes perfect sense.
anyone in the office, but he
Acting on it, in any way whatsoever, doesn’t.
says he thinks people are It’s not appropriate to demand she sever the rela-
tionship entirely; it’s not appropriate to demand
catching on to us and that she limit her time with him; it’s not appropriate
to demand she stop chain-smoking, gambling
we shouldn’t be so chatty her car payment and wearing a clown suit to
church, if that’s how she chooses to live. It’s her
together at work anymore. That’s fine, except now life to run – deftly, badly, nobly, amorally, kindly,
cruelly – and that includes whom she sees. What
I have the opportunity to pursue a promotion you get to choose is your response, whether it
be to break up, stay put, express how you feel or
within the company. He has also asked me NOT adjust your perspective on clown suits. So far,
you’ve chosen trust and optimism and not acting
to apply for the position because it would involve on your ultimatumish impulses. Nicely done. Now
take that maturity one better and include her in
our working at the same level and our relationship the next choice you make: Admit you’re finding it
hard to see her with her ex, admit you’re at a loss,
would look even more suspicious to the rest of the acknowledge it’s her choice to make and then ask
what she’d do in your place. Become closer to her,
office. I am qualified for this promotion and really in your way, and allow her also to know you.
want the recognition.
– Help
Dear ‘Help’: Don’t you just hate it when your im- woman who has a serious ex-boyfriend as a best
morality gets in the way of your career? friend (they dated for two years and lived together
for a year).While I do believe the romance is over be-
End the affair regardless; be horrified at his re- tween them, I cannot help being jealous when they
quest; apply for the promotion; be realistic and dust go out together. Especially when she gets to experi-
off your résumé; and look at thyself in the mirror. ence new things with him. My head is swimming
You have more than one opportunity here to rise. in emotions, and I am having difficulty discerning
what emotions and behaviors are appropriate. Am I
Dear Carolyn: wrong to demand she sever the relationship entire-
I have recently started seeing a wonderful young ly? Am I wrong to demand she limit her time with
Fracture fallout:
Medications need
to be reviewed
58 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Fracture fallout: Medications need to be reviewed
BY MARIA CANFIELD tween certain prescription medicines Dr. Seth Coren. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Correspondent and the risk of re-injury during the
healing process.
Fractured bones due to falls and
other incidents are common in the Drugs considered to be psychotro-
older population: About a third of pic – affecting a person’s mental state
people over the age of 50 will suffer – are known to increase the risk of a
a fracture at some future point, and fall, basically because they can make
gerontologists, writing in the medical you lose your balance or become diz-
journal JAMA Internal Medicine, have zy. Psychotropic drugs include sleep
sounded an alarm about the link be- aids, sedatives and antidepressants. It
seems intuitive that physicians would
PRACTICE consider discontinuing those medi- ation should be fully evaluated, and
cations (or at least reducing the dose) they should be encouraged to join
A NEW STRATEGY TO SAVE YOUR LIFE . . . after a fracture has been suffered. Un- a balance program.” Dr. Coren says
AND HEART AND REVERSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. fortunately, research has shown that is such a program teaches techniques
not the case. that can prevent falls and the associ-
MICHAEL MATTICE, M.D. ated risk of fracture.
Seth Coren, M.D., is a Vero Beach
now offers you a unique comprehensive and science-based orthopedist with a sub-specialty in The gerontologists who conducted
approach to detecting, preventing and treating Cardio Vascular osteoporosis. He agrees that review- the study are from Beth Israel Dea-
Disease* that has been shown in two peer-reviewed studies to ing a person’s medications after a fall coness Medical Center and Hebrew
halt or reverse the disease and prevent heart attacks and strokes. is important, but ideally steps should Senior Life Institute for Aging Re-
Dr. Mattice is on the Speakers Bureau for the Cleveland Heart be taken to prevent a fall in the first search. In their commentary, they cit-
Lab from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and for the Bale Doneen place. He says, “If a person is at risk ed a previous study involving Medi-
Method. The Bale Doneen Method has been successfully of falling due to the medications they care beneficiaries who had broken a
watching people’s arteries get younger for 16 years. are taking, or due to osteoporosis or hip, forearm or wrist; that study found
another medical condition, their situ- that, within the four-month period
Written Guarantee using our protocol will rid the inflammation in your arteries
and will not have another heart attack, stroke or develop Type 2 Diabetes.
3725 10th Court (Next to Perkins - 37th St)
Vero Beach, Florida 32960
Office: 772-213-3621 • Fax: 772-213-3631
* treatment shrank the size of plaque in the neck arteries by
52.7% over a two-year period.The study included 324 HASPC
patients, whose response to treatment was analyzed by
scientists from Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for Prevention
of Heart Disease — Dr. Bale
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 59
after their injury, 85 percent were tak- medication review for patients follow-
ing one or more of the drugs known ing a fracture but, because of multiple
to increase fracture risk. Co-authors care teams working across various
Sarah Berry and Douglas Kiel write, medical settings, it’s often unclear
“Given the robust evidence linking who should conduct such a review.
psychotropic medications with falls Primary care physicians have the
and fractures, the lack of decline in long-term relationship necessary to
the use of these medications after a help their patients make risk/benefit
fracture is alarming.” decisions about the use of psychotro-
pic medication, but are generally not
Additionally, the National Osteo- involved in the care of fractures.
porosis Foundation recommends os-
teoporosis medication for all adults “The findings suggest that far too
over 50 who have fractured a hip, as often clinicians fail to perform a
it known to reduce the risk of another thoughtful medication review for pa-
fracture. Yet the research cited by Ber- tients with a fracture,” wrote Dr. Berry.
ry and Kiel found that less than a quar- “It’s imperative that researchers and
ter of patients received such medica- clinicians work together to narrow
tion. This is significant, as more than this treatment gap and reduce sec-
20 percent of older people who break a ondary fractures and their devastat-
hip die within a year, a death rate ap- ing consequences.”
proximately three times higher than
for uninjured people of the same age The researchers would be pleased
and gender. to learn that Dr. Coren practices what
they preach; in what he calls a “frac-
In keeping with the study findings, ture liaison service,” patients who
Vero’s Dr. Coren believes that many have sustained fractures are referred
primary care physicians do not pre- to him for evaluation and appropriate
scribe osteoporosis medication ac- treatment. The evaluation includes a
cording to the National Osteoporosis bone density study and testing of the
Foundation guidelines. He says, “Doc- patient’s vitamin D levels, as low levels
tors are often not aggressive enough are associated with hip fractures. Dr.
in their treatment. Another problem is Coren says that after a fracture, it’s im-
that patients may be prescribed osteo- portant that the patient is seen by an
porosis medication but stop taking it osteoporosis specialist, someone who
after a period of time, without consult- will be their champion in the fight
ing their doctor.” This non-adherence against future fractures.
can cause osteoporosis to worsen, in-
creasing the risk of fracture –especial- Dr. Coren’s practice is part of Vero
ly of the hip and spine, but also of the Orthopaedics and Neurology, located
wrists and shoulders. at 1155 35th Lane, Suite 100 in Vero
Beach. The phone number is 772-569-
Berry and Kiel say that most clini- 7039.
cians don’t dispute the importance of
Behind-the-scenes doctors
essential to hospital operation
BY TOM LLOYD thology,” and it says “they form the
Staff Writer basis of every physician’s thinking
about the patient.”
Dr. Kali (pronounced Kay-lee) Free-
man, hematopathologist and medical Freeman puts it even more simply:
director at the Indian River Medi- “We’re the doctors that patients don’t
cal Center’s pathology department, see. We don’t go for the glamor. We
doesn’t have the most glamorous job like to stay in the back.”
in medicine.
“The lab,” Freeman continues, “is
But without Freeman and her staff behind the scenes in the hospital. But
of about 50, much of what the hospital without the lab, the hospital would be
does for its patients would come to a unable to function. Every time you
screeching halt. get your blood drawn, a CBC, chem-
istry, or they check your white cells or
So, what exactly are hematopathol- your red cells, that’s all done here in
ogists and what makes them so es- the lab.”
Pausing only briefly, the diminutive
The American Association of Medi- Freeman adds, “Any time you have a
cal Colleges calls hematopathologists biopsy or a surgery and something is
like Freeman “truly the doctor’s doc- removed, it comes to us and we’re the
tor, because they are board-certified ones to come together with the clini-
in both clinical and anatomical pa-
60 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
cian and make the diagnosis that helps was always in the back of my mind.” Dr. Kali Freeman. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE tal slides. [We] could call a patholo-
you to get the right treatment.” “And then, throughout medical gist who’s on vacation in the Bahamas
That, however, is not all that feeds or Hawaii or wherever, and ask them,
It takes a special kind of treatment- school, I enjoyed every rotation, actu- Freeman’s drive. The recent addition ‘Hey, can you look at this?’’
finder to spend the bulk of her day ally. I enjoyed surgery, OB-GYN, pedi- of a “slide scanner” may not sound
examining blood, urine, sputum or atrics, everything. But when I did my like something to get all that excited It’s something, Freeman says, that’s
phlegm, spinal fluids, pleural fluids pathology rotation I was just ... I loved about, but when Freeman says “this is already being done in Europe and
from the lungs, belly fluids, joint fluids, it! And at the end of the rotation I said, something that’s kind of cool,” a fur- Canada.
bone marrow and – yes – even feces. ‘Oh, I want to keep doing that. I want ther explanation seems in order.
to do more of that.’” So while patients at IRMC may nev-
On top of all that, various tissues, “In the same way that radiology used er see Freeman during their hospital
organs and tumors also fall into Free- Freeman’s enthusiasm becomes al- to actually be on film and now every- stay, she almost certainly will see at
man’s domain. most incandescent when asked about thing is digitized,” Freeman explains, least some part of them while helping
the opportunity to work with Dr. Su- “we’re slowly moving that way in pa- the attending physician diagnose and
All of which, according to the Johns zanne Kirby, the newly arrived medi- thology. Right now everything is still treat their problems.
Hopkins Medical Library, requires “ad- cal hematologist and oncologist at on [glass] slides. But we have a slide
vanced skills in clinical chemistry, bi- the Scully-Welsh Cancer Center next scanner, so we can digitize all of these Dr. Kali Freeman is a practicing he-
ology, toxicology, hematology, immu- door. images. We’re exploring the ability to matopathologist and the medical di-
nology, serology and microbiology.” do consultations and second-opinion rector of the Indian River Medical Cen-
“She’s wonderful,” beams Free- consultations and even the possibility ter’s pathology department.
UCLA Health goes even further, man. “I’m really excited. That’s one of making primary diagnoses on digi-
saying those skills are “a vital part of of the things we really want to do is
the study and treatment of disease,” grow the hematology program with
and states they are “closely affiliated leukemia and lymphoma. That’s my
with all the surgical specialties, inter- specialty and it’s her specialty. We’ll
nal medicine, dermatology, neurol- make a great team.”
ogy, radiology, radiation therapy and
medical oncology.” “She’ll perform a bone marrow bi-
opsy,” Freeman says, “[and then] I’ll
In Freeman’s case, that’s a lot of evaluate it and perform all the mo-
medical sub-specialties all rolled into lecular markers, the cytogenetics,
one petite and highly enthusiastic and we can do next-generation se-
package. quencing, flow cytometry, all of these
things to evaluate the cells in the mi-
She comes by it naturally. “My in- lieu of the bone marrow to let her give
terest [in pathology] initially began the best possible treatment to the pa-
because my mom had worked in the tient. We can really serve the people
lab in a small community hospital in the community.”
where I grew up in Minnesota,” ex-
plains Freeman. “Being a pathologist
OVER 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE Will phosphate additives be
the next taboo ingredient?
Vero’s MOST
Trusted BY CHRISTY BRISSETTE that the producers had never heard
Washington Post of before: phosphate additives. And
Hearing Center they’re in so much more than fast
Since 1996 Fast-food chains are in the hot food chicken.
seat yet again for using questionable
•••• ingredients in their products. This Mark my words, phosphate addi-
•We carry the world’s BEST hearing aids time, it’s something most people tives will be the trans-fats of the fu-
•Connect wirelessly to your Iphone and TV would consider to be healthy: grilled ture – once prevalent throughout our
Greg Haines & Lori Noland chicken breasts. food supply, trans-fats eventually
were banned due to overwhelming
Advanced Hearing Aid Center, Inc. I’m one of the instigators. I was evidence of their negative impact on
contacted by the producers of “CBC human health.
772.567.2811 522 21st Street • Miracle Mile Marketplace,” an investigative con-
Next to Fresh Market sumer TV program, to examine the Phosphorus is a mineral that’s nat-
nutrition and ingredients in fast-food urally found in milk products, nuts,
chicken breasts. eggs and poultry. We need phospho-
rus in our diets for bone health and
Along with sodium, that common other key functions, such as making
nutrition and health scapegoat, there protein and helping our body store
was a group of ingredients I flagged energy.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 67
Reckon you don’t like Australian Riesling? Think again
Clare Valley
BY VICTORIA MOORE the region known as the Barossa, a They tend to be as dry as sand, and clude: Jeffrey Grosset, Mount Horrocks
The Telegraph word that in wine terms is heavily as- as they age their petrolly scent makes (whose Riesling has real flow and deli-
sociated with the huge, thick shiraz me think of a puttering open-topped cate finesse), Petaluma, Jim Barry, Tim
I want to talk about the two classic made in the Barossa Valley. The Eden motor car. There are five subregions Adams and Clos Clare.
regions for Australian Riesling: It al- Valley is higher up among the Barossa in the Clare Valley, each producing a
ways seems odd that a place we asso- Ranges, at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 slightly different style. Look for: Polish It’s also possible to find pretty good
ciate with sun and heat can make such feet above sea level. Hill River, Auburn, Watervale, Sevenhill examples in supermarkets and dis-
refreshing white wine. But it does. and Clare. Producers to pounce on in- count stores. Aldi’s Exquisite Clare Val-
Some of the world’s oldest plantings ley Riesling is excellent.
Eden Valley and Clare Valley, both of Syrah and Riesling can be found
in South Australia, produce Riesling here. Riesling from Eden is often less
that is incisive and dry; as keen as a overtly fierce than that from Clare. It
freshly sharpened blade, and with seems spun on a finer gauge; still aus-
a bracing blast of citrus. The wines tere but with a scent of white blossom
move like arrows: direct, narrow and and a taste of lemon sherbet as well as
piercing. lime sorbet.
I pour them for friends who used to Clare Valley is further north, and can
want sauvignon blanc (but complain trace its winemaking history back more
it’s too fruity) and now think they want than 160 years – the first winery was
picpoul blanc, one of the lesser-known established in 1851. Many of its towns
Rhône varietals, but then get half- were originally built for workers in the
hearted about it once it’s open. Burra copper mines; now some 50 win-
eries provide employment amid the
I find gin and tonic aficionados are gently bucolic landscape.
particularly keen imbibers of Clare
and Eden Valley Riesling – and hardly Some Clare Riesling can seem so
any of them have it in their own wine boldly in your face as to be almost ag-
cooler. gressive, but that’s part of the plea-
sure. I think it’s known as “being in-
Bone-dry Riesling from both the vigorating.”
Eden and Clare Valleys has a brain-rins-
ing vigor that makes it a brilliant aperi- To generalize, the wines here often
tif, especially if it’s drunk very cold, but have a lilac scent and a more vitupera-
there is a discernible difference be- tive lime character – a slap of freshly
tween wines from the two places. squeezed lime juice, dried lime and
lime rind.
The Eden Valley is actually part of
68 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 69
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 71
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72 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz says Bailey is one fun-lovin’ poocheroo
Hi Dog Buddies! “Anyway, it turned out pawsome for Leap, and I ran smack
me. I have The Best Family Ever! See,
This week’s yap was with Bailey Wil- my human sister, Brookey, was friends into that stupid sand
liammee, who’s a peppy poocheroo with my first family an, when she met
mix. When me an my assistant drove me, she thought I’d be perfect for my pile. Got a snootful!
up, he was in the yard with his Mom, (new) Mom and Dad, so we leash-
doing a little jumpin’ and barkin’, and walked over to visit ’em. Last time Dad Dog, was I embar-
he trotted over politely for the Wag- had a dog was when he was a puppy
and-Sniff. himself. I liked ’em right away, so I did rassed!”
my best to be charming. Ackshully, I
“Hello, Mr. Bonzo,” he said. “I usu- was already Fully Trained and very I tried not to laugh.
ally check out visitors to be sure they’re well behaved. So, when me an Brookey
OK, but I recognized you right away left, Dad said to Mom, ‘We should get “I guess I do kin-
from the picture in your column. Wel- that dog!’ So my first owners brought
come to our house! I’m excited you’re me back for a meet-an-greet, and it all da bark a lot,” Bai-
gonna interview me. This is my Mom, worked out.”
Susan. My Dad’s David. Wudja like a ley continued. “I’m
water or something? We can go inside “Cool Kibbles!” I exclaimed.
and sit, OK?” “Only thing was, Mom and Dad had not spose to bark
two cats, Galadriel and Sparrow (he’s
“It’s a pleasure, Bailey,” I said. “Lead named for that pirate), so there was a at ’stuff, but some-
the way. I understand you’re a mix. You little learning curve. Now me an the
look sorta Beagle-y. What else ya got cats peacefully (mostly) Coexist. We times I just can’t
goin’ on?” even nap together sometimes. Truth
is, I’m pretty much an Only Dog, don’t HELP it. It’s the
“Well, I got Beagle an Jack Russell care much for having a buncha pooch
an Basset. You mighta noticed, my legs buddies. Jack Russell in me.
are super short. That’s the Basset. Plus, “I hear ya.”
I have this turn-out. Hadda have SUR- “I tell ya, Bonzo, I’m havin’ so much But I only bark to
gery. When I’m walkin’, my pawprints fun. Where we usta live, right on the
are sorta like 1, 2, 3 – swoosh!” canal, we’d go out in the boat, and I got say hello to the
to meet a buncha manatees (THOSE
I had noticed his left front paw was guys are super fren-ly). I LOVE the wa- boaters. An the
aimed to the side. I thought it looked ter. Then we moved. I didn’t wanna go
kinda rakish. at first, but THIS is even BETTER. Now paddleboarders.
we’re on the river, and there’s a lotta
“So, Bailey, how’d you find your For- islands, and a lotta boats. I love be- An the kayakers.
ever Family?” ing on the beach or out on the river or
the ocean, with the wind blowing my An the pelicans.
“I’m about 7 now. When I was ears. It’s an adVENture! An swimmin’!
around 2, what I thought was my For- I LOVE swimmin’! I swim kinda side- An manatees.
ever Family decided to sail around the ways cuz of my foot, so I’m not all that
whole, entire world – without ME. So graceful, but I’m good at it. An dolphins. An
they put out an ad that said: ‘Free to a “I like to jump! I can jump to catch
good home.’ treats, but, cuzza my short legs, I can’t when Dad comes
go as high as I wish I could. One time
“Woof! Bummer!” I commented. I was tryin’ to jump on top of a big home. (HE barks Bailey. PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
“Yeah. I guess some countries aren;t sand pile, so I took a Mighty Leap. But back!) Oh, and,
all that pooch-frenly. PLUS, I heard it turned out to be just a Semi-Mighty
that SOME countries ACKshully have guess what!”
pooches for LUNCH.”
“You mean …” “What?” FAN club! It’s Mom’s tennis team, the
“Woof!” “There’s this little tour boat that Net Chicks! I go watch ’em and cheer
goes by my house every day – it’s ’em on.”
called Indian River Wildlife Tours – an As usual, the time had gone by really
I’M a highlight of the tour (I’m pretty fast. Heading home, I was thinking of
sure), even though I’m not wildlife. I adventurous Bailey – a big dog in a little
watch for ’em, an then I run out just dog body – having fun livin’ his life on
at the right time and bark ‘Hello,’ and the water, and bark, bark, barkin’ – but
they all wave an sometimes take my always politely.
pic-sure. Isn’t that Super Cool Dog
Biscuits?” Till next time,
“Totes!” The Bonz
“When Brookey comes home from
college, she likes to dress me up, like
for Christmas an St. Patrick’s Day an Don’t Be Shy
stuff. To tell you the truth, I don’t re-
ally love it, I mean, do I LOOK like a We are always looking for pets
poodle? But I do it (just long enough with interesting stories.
for her to get a picture) cuz it makes
her happy. I do kinda like that Semi- To set up an interview, email
nole jersey, though, cuz that’s from [email protected].
her school. An, didja know, I have a
78 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Windsor estate offers elegance, incomparable views
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA tropical landscaping and the lush entrance door is in striking contrast ings, trim and millwork enhance the
Staff Writer dune vegetation enclose the 1.25- to the building’s pale yellow walls clean, elegant architecture.
acre lot and provide a sense of pri- and the white trim of the French win-
The magnificent, 2-story, ocean- vacy that belies the proximity of the dows and shutters. Above the ground At the top of the stairs is another
front estate at 10570 Eton Way in the home’s seaside neighbors. floor entrance, five French windows breathtaking space: the huge (24’-x-
prestigious enclave that is Windsor 39’) great room accommodates spa-
Vero Beach offers elegance, seclu- A pair of private driveways lead
sion and a glorious abundance of to twin 2-bay garages, fronting long
space, ocean breezes and incompa- wings on the north and south sides,
rable views. A seagrape hedge, hibis- which extend out from the home’s
cus, bougainvillea, orchids and other central section and main entrance.
The elegant dark wood of the double
160 Seaside Trail • Indian River Shores
$871,235. at the second level and three dormer cious living and dining areas, it’s
windows on the sloping roof add bal- white vaulted ceiling soaring past
OPEN HOUSE: Every Saturday and Sunday 1- 5 or by Appointment ance and drama to the front facade. 20 feet, sunlight pouring in through
five sets of double French doors and
ENGLISH COTTAGE From the drive, a guest steps past the three dormer windows, along the
A truly unique island property on private cul de sac in the bougainvillea-draped wall into east wall. The sweeping view of dune,
the old oak forests of Indian Trails. Flanked on the West the formally landscaped courtyard beach, ocean and sky is exceptional,
by the marina on the Indian River Lagoon and on the (imagine a secret garden with a whis- and with doors flung open, the song
East by the beach house on the Atlantic, this residence per of Versailles). A broad, Royal Palm- of the surf rivals any sound system.
was custom built in 2007 with elegant details. Just a lined walkway leads from the main The pale, soft peach of the walls adds
toe-path through your garden to an almost Olympic entrance, curving around an octago- warmth in the ambient light of day, or
size pool and fitness center. nal stone fountain to the double-stair- under the recessed interior lighting
way porch of a lovely guest cottage. after sunset. The warm, multi-tonal
Three Master Suites • Lot Area: est .43 acres • Approx. This first impression is quite breath- wood flooring is laid in a handsome,
5010 SF under roof / 3121 SF Under Air • Flood zone taking, and a promise of the beauty intricate zigzag pattern that is re-
“X” and Elevated • FPL Utilities • Roof built to 160 waiting within the main residence. peated along the foyer gallery.
MPH Code • 500 gallon underground propane tank
• Master Bedroom with 11’6” Tray Ceiling • Energy- Entering the stone foyer/gallery, the The dining space on the room’s
Star Appliances, Porcelain Flooring, Granite Tops eye is immediately drawn to the grand north side can easily accommodate
and Tile Roof... And So Much More. double staircase, its stone stairs and a table for 10, and is illuminated by
open iron and brass railings curving a gorgeous chandelier. Both the liv-
CONTACT: Linda Bolton gracefully to the second-level, main ing and dining spaces are defined by
772-234-7575 [email protected] floor. Throughout the home, the pale natural fiber mats, and impressive
hues of the walls and the white ceil-
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moldings, sprawling pool & patio area, master
up and down. Grab this last great deal.
Offered at $1,250,000
Gene Billero, Broker
772-532-0011 | [email protected]
Billero & Billero Properties
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 79
stone fireplaces anchor the north The north wing also contains a sec-
and south walls. Off the living area ond stairway and, through a small an-
is a spacious, well-appointed wet teroom with a custom painted, domed
bar and, to the east, a broad covered ceiling, is a surprise: a 19’-x-17’ theater
porch extends the length of the room. room, complete with lavish 2-level
theater seating, four big, comfy, chairs
The kitchen/family room likewise on the top level, three on the lower, (all
boasts a high, vaulted ceiling. White with cup holders), and a large screen.
cabinetry, black countertops and Behind the screen is the A/V control
stainless steel appliances give the room. Get the popcorn.
kitchen a sleek vibe. The two-level
island has double sink, storage and The family room with wet bar to
snack bar. The butler’s pantry, which the east and the media room to the
can be separated from the kitchen by west open onto their own, private
a pocket door, houses sink, fridge and covered porches, and the great room
microwave, and leads into the laun- balcony can also be accessed from
dry room. the family room.
80 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
10570 ETON WAY
The second level south wing houses with Jacuzzi tub, large glass shower On the ground floor, two arched Neighborhood: Windsor
the master bedroom, a big, beautiful with built-in seat, and two long sink doorways lead behind the grand Year built: 2003
space with its own private balcony, counters with large, no-frills mirrors, staircase into the billiards/game Construction:
a beguiling spot from which to ease and female-friendly lighting. The wa- room which features a gas fireplace
into the day with a mug of coffee, ter closet also has a bidet. and wet bar. Adjoining the game concrete block/stucco
watching the sun rise over the ocean. room is a bunk room, which can ac- Lot size: 1.25 acres
Down the hall, another dome-ceil- commodate three bunk beds, each Home size:
A unique feature of this light-filled inged anteroom leads into a large study with its own wall shelving and built- 9,272 sq. ft. under air
room is its absolutely lovely wall- with warm, wood floor, and handsome in storage cabinet with bedding stash Guest cottage size:
paper, a gentle sky blue with white cherry-tone desk and cabinetry, which space on top. Both rooms open onto 823 sq. ft. under air
cockatoos amid tropical flowers. The also frames the two windows. The the loggia, beautiful pool and spa Bedrooms: 7
pattern is repeated in the sweeping study has a small room for electronics, with easy access to the wide grassy
custom drapes. Here, too, are two and its own covered porch, which over- space along the hedged dune line. Bathrooms: 6 full baths,
walk-in closets and a master bath looks the beautiful front garden. 3 half-baths
Waterfront: 130 linear feet of
ocean frontage with sweeping
Additional features: 10 ceiling
fans; central vac system; guest
house; storm shutters; security
system; gate staffed; irrigation
system; outdoor shower; private
boardwalk to beach; heated
pool; elevator
Listing agency:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Listing agent:
Matilde Sorensen, 772-532-0010
Listing price: $8,900,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 81
A private, wooden walkway leads ing room, full bath and kitchenette.
over the dunes to the beach and Established in 1989, the magnifi-
sports a double seat-storage unit and
a rack for boogie boards. cent, 416-acre community of Windsor
is a village unto itself. A private tunnel
The lower north wing contains for pedestrians and golf carts connects
a 2-bay garage, laundry room, and the property on both sides of A1A. The
bedroom with loggia access, full Windsor Village Centre includes a post
bath, and walk-in closet. The lower office, village store, amphitheater for
south wing houses a second 2-bay special events, and seven guest suites.
garage, and two bedrooms with full There is tennis, golf, the Windsor
baths. The east bedroom opens onto Equestrian Centre, a beach club, gun
the loggia. Exterior stairs connect the club and fitness center.
first and second level porches on the
north and south sides. Listing agent/broker Matilde So-
rensen says, “Considering this is the
The charming cabana cottage wel- only oceanfront on the market in
comes guests with double French this elegant community, it is a rare
doors, cozy bedroom, living room/din- opportunity.”
82 Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Multiple commercial properties in play on Beachland
Staff Writer
Need some nails, lightbulbs, a hose
or a hammer? After April, islanders will
have to cross the bridge to the main-
land to make those purchases. Orchid
Island Hardware – the only hardware
story anywhere along the 27-mile
length of the barrier island and one of
only a handful of independent hard-
Another fine GHO HOMES Community
LUXURY HAS A NEW ADDRESS FROM THE $400S Bonnie Bennet shops at Orchid Island Hardware.
Allow yourself to be inspired by the Bermuda and West Indies architectural style of GHO Homes’ ware stores in Indian River County – is
newest floorplans and elevations featured in Lily’s Cay. closing after six years in business.
Located at the intersection of 41st Street and Indian River Boulevard, Lily’s Cay is just minutes from The landlord, Hale Beachland LLC,
five-star restaurants, trendy beachside boutiques, golf courses, medical care, theaters, museums, galleries and more! put the building where the business is
located on the market last year and ex-
NEW MODEL NOW OPEN tended the lease until September 2017,
but store owner Christian Talmadge
Contact Patti Croswell at 561.568.4848 for more information plans close her doors on April 30.
Saltwater pool with screen enclosure and brick paver patio included!
“We just wanted to get through an-
772.257.1100 y ghohomes.com other season,” said Talmadge, who
will move her inventory and consoli-
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by date operations at her other store,
section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design. Vero Beach Hardware, on Oslo Road
Talmadge considered purchasing
the property in order to stay – but
the numbers didn’t work. The ask-
ing price is $2.5 million, which would
have meant a $30,000 monthly mort-
gage payment.
Instead of buying, she decided to
shut down the business.
“It’s not a decision we made lightly,”
she said, adding that, if an opportuni-
ty presents itself, she would consider
reopening elsewhere on the island
– but it would have to be the right
amount of space at the right price.
“Rents over there [on the island] are
outrageous,” she said.
Orchid Island Hardware had to
jump through some city zoning
hoops and deal with public opposi-
tion when it opened in 2011. Before it
was approved, city rules did not allow
hardware stores on the island.
Talmadge’s husband, John, works
in real estate and went to bat for the
store, convincing city leaders to per-
mit it.
Talmadge said she’ll miss the cus-
tomers and the relationships forged
at the store. She says her staff know
customers by name and know their
shopping preferences and needs.
SLC Commercial broker Terry Tor-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 6, 2017 83
res, who is handling the sale of the James Financial at 570 Beachland.
property, said he’s not sure what type It’s a unique property in that there
of business will move into the loca-
tion – but he knows that there has not is access from both Beachland and
been any interest from other hard- Azalea Lane and it’s narrower along
ware stores. the Beachland side and wider on the
Azalea frontage.
“We’ve got a lot of interest in the
property,” Torres said, adding that It is listed at $1.99 million. Zoned
those who have inquired are keeping for office space, it was a doctor’s of-
their proverbial cards close to the vest. fice in the 1980s, Downey said.
So what could move in? The zoning He suspects the building will even-
allows for a hotel, a bank or other fi- tually be sold and used for financial
nancial institution, even a restaurant. or legal services. Or it might become a
restaurant. “That idea has been float-
“Everyone wants to be on Ocean ed in the past,” Downey said.
Drive due to the foot traffic,” Torres
said. “This [location] isn’t too far out As for the Orchid Island Hardware
of the way.”
The 4,479-square-foot building at
615 Beachland Blvd., at the northeast “There’s just not a great demand,”
corner of Beachland and Flamingo Moss speculated, noting that retail
Drive, has both west- and eastbound business on the island is very sea-
vehicle access and more parking than sonal.
typical properties on the street, mak-
ing it conducive to a restaurant, ac- New home construction is boom-
cording to Torres. ing on the beach but contractors are
not likely to go to a small hardware
The hardware store is just one of store for their purchases.
three properties in the two-block
stretch between Mockingbird Drive Derek Arden, of Avison Young, is
and A1A on the market – a fourth, the the listed agent for another build-
former PNC Bank building recently ing across from the hardware store,
sold for more than $10 million. The formerly the office of Premier Estate
buyer’s identity in that deal is being Properties, which is on the market for
held in confidence for now, accord- $1.595 million. The two-story build-
ing to broker Carol Bush, also of SLC ing at 622 Beachland is owned by
Commercial. The two-story building Ralph Glaser Jr. and has 2,000 square
was built in 1985. PNC relocated in feet of office space on the ground
October 2016 floor and a second floor that could be
Commercial real estate broker Billy
Moss said having three properties up Arden said he’s seen “decent” activ-
for sale on that stretch of Beachland ity at the site but no buyers yet.
is merely coincidence. Two have been
on the market for quite a long time. Arden said Beachland has histori-
cally been known as the financial
“The beach is experiencing the or legal district of the island, but it’s
same wave of positive redevelop- changing.
ment” as U.S. 1, said Moss, adding
that the Beachland properties have “I don’t necessarily see it that way,”
great visibility, access and high traf- he said, explaining that the west end
fic counts. of Beachland close to Ocean Dr. is
more geared toward retail than any-
Moss said he’ll miss the hardware thing else because of the visibility, sig-
store, as he enjoyed stopping in to nage opportunities and traffic counts.
pick up a few things without having
to drive to the west end of Vero Beach Dan Downey, of Berkshire Ha-
to the big box stores. thaway Florida, represents the third
building on Beachland for sale – a
narrow yellow structure tucked be-
tween Wells Fargo and Raymond
825 Reef Road
Enjoy ocean views & breezes-just across from deeded beach access/neighborhood park.
Over 5,000 sf under air with elevator to all levels including incredible 3rd-floor oceanview
and sunset view office. Six en suite bedrooms. Four garages. Two Laundry Rooms. Large
pool. Very close to St. Ed’s School & The Moorings Club.
Eugene Kane • 772.539.2685 6160 North A1A • Vero Beach, FL 32963