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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-08-16 23:51:04

08/17/2017 ISSUE 33


All a-board! P10 Soaring sounds. P14 Fun day’s Knights

Lady surfers tame the waves Henegar Center launches its Food and fellowship in abundance
at ‘Summertime Blues’ event. ‘Jazz Legends Series.’ at annual K of C picnic. PAGE 11

THURSDAY, August 17, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 33 | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00

Fascination over Towns’ budgets
sea turtles’ odd reflect boost in
nesting behavior property values

[email protected] [email protected]
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER gram, even if sold, would have
Do sea turtles know we’re [email protected] to go for a similar purpose. “I The proposed budgets for
approaching the height of have not talked about the sale Indialantic and Melbourne
hurricane season? The county Environmental- of EEL land nor has anyone ap- Beach for the fiscal year that
ly Endangered Lands Program proached me about it. Nobody begins Oct. 1 have their ups and
Amateur paleontologists in is apparently under scrutiny has raised that issue with me, downs, but both towns are on
Colombia in 2015 found fos- for the budget ax wielded by trend with the rest of the county
sils of one ancient ancestor Dist. 3 County Commissioner CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 and benefitting from increased
of today’s sea turtles dating to John Tobia, with recent bud- assessed property values.
120 million years old, way back get discussions sparking spec- Gripping testimony as
when dinosaurs roamed the ulation about the county con- Milman slay trial opens Indialantic expects to hold
Earth. So the idea that these sidering selling off portions of the line on the tax rate, while
mysterious, awe-inspiring, pri- EEL’s Coconut Point Park in STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Melbourne Beach officials
mordial creatures have adapt- Melbourne Beach to enable [email protected] have initially voted to increase
ed their nesting behavior to future development of a ma- taxes slightly.
avoid extinction is not a huge rina project. “I’m sorry, Uncle Bobby.”
stretch of the imagination. That was the response Robert Mell testi- In Melbourne Beach, the
County Manager Frank Ab- fied he heard when he asked an assailant gross taxable value increased
When residents in the bate says he has not heard of why he shot him and Scott “Skippy” Hyatt 6.4 percent from $355.4 mil-
any such development plans lion to $378 million and the
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 and strict rules specify that en- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 preliminary maximum millage
vironmentally-sensitive lands rate was set at 4.1831, higher
Cities eye clarity on purchased under the EEL pro- than the current rate of 4.1584.
evacuation policies One millage equals one dol-
lar for every $1,000 of taxable
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER value. A house worth $100,000
[email protected]
Officials from barrier island
cities have met with their coun- Defendant Joseph Milman.
ty counterparts to clarify poli-
cies for the return of residents PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
following hurricane evacuations
after an unsuccessful curfew re-
quest by Satellite Beach officials
during the aftermath of Hurri-
cane Matthew last October.

Indian Harbour Beach host-
ed the recent informal meeting
with Brevard county Emer-
gency Management and the


ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Hippie, hippie hooray!

NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-12 Tie-dyed crowd lets their
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 22 hair down for festive Woodstock
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 17-26 Pub Crawl downtown. PAGE 8


2 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


MURDER TRIAL ping testimony sometimes seemed at he told the dispatcher he was only shot Dilaudid pills while he was taking a
odds with his frantic 911 call in the wake three times. shower. But when Hyatt ended up at
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of the shooting. A third count charges Mell’s house, the plan evolved into a
Milman with home invasion robbery. “I don’t know who shot me,” he said home invasion robbery. Garrett said just
on the afternoon of Oct. 19, 2014 in a on the call. before 2 p.m. on Oct. 19, the defendant
house at 370 East Riviera Blvd. in Bre- Judge Morgan Laur Reinman instruct- came in wearing a Halloween mask. He
vard County north of Indialantic. Mell ed jurors that the state is not seeking the In opening statements, state attorney demanded pills and money, shot Mell,
spent much of the afternoon last Fri- death penalty in this case. Milman faces Susan Garrett said testimony will show shot Hyatt and took the pills and some
day describing his encounter with a life without parole if convicted. the defendant guilty as charged. “This money and fled.
masked shooter he identified in court was not a spontaneous act,” Garrett told
as defendant Joseph Milman during Mell, walking with a tree-branch jurors. “Mell survived because the gun
the first day of testimony in a trial that cane as a result of the injuries sus- jammed,” Garrett said. “The defendant
is expected to last two more weeks. tained the day of the crime, claimed “You will hear testimony that the de- gave him a couple of pills and told him
the attacker shot him six times, three fendant went to Mell’s house to take pills not to snitch.”
The state charged Milman with first- before killing Hyatt and three after. He by force. In the process, he shot Skippy
degree murder in the shooting death of also insisted Milman fired the shots, in the back and shot Mell.” Garrett told jurors that the defendant
Hyatt and attempted first-degree mur- based on voice recognition and phy- stopped by Howard’s house, “sweating,
der in the wounding of Mell, whose grip- sique. But in the 911 call afterwards, But defense attorney Michael Pirolo excited and with blood on him. He tells
said he expects to convince jurors that Howard and Howard’s then-15-year-
his client was not present when the old girlfriend, Ashley Lawson, ‘It was
shootings occurred. messy, dog.’”

“What they won’t tell you is not one Milman told them Skippy was dead
fingerprint belonging to Mr. Milman but wasn’t sure about Mell. Howard
was found on the firearm or in the room provided a change of clothes and a
where the men were shot. Not one fiber backpack for the bloody clothes. Ashley
of DNA was found on the gun or in the dumped the backpack. Howard hid the
room where the shooting occurred. No firearm in the couch. That’s the state’s
one else’s samples ever made it to the version of the story, for which they’ll call
lab,” Pirolo said. more witnesses to corroborate.

Opening arguments followed four In his opening, defense attorney Pi-
days of jury selection to seat 14 jurors, rolo called the charges against Milman
including two alternates. The jury con- a rush to judgment based on specula-
sists of five men and nine women. tion and an incomplete investigation
by authorities. He said the figures in this
Hyatt, 51 back in October 2014, lived case hung out and did drugs together. In
in a house on Avenida De La Vista a few his statement, Pirolo said both Mell and
blocks from Mell, a house owned by El- Hyatt took Dilaudid prior to the shoot-
vira Hull, who everyone called Grand- ing incident.
ma. Milman, 25 at the time, did not
live there, but crashed on the couch “It’s almost like heroin,” Pirolo said.
in the days leading up to the shoot- “Why is that important? A lot of this
ing. Milman also hung out with then case depends on what people observed.
teenager Justin Howard, who lived Whether they are certain of what they
with his mother in the same neighbor- saw. At the close of this case keep in
hood. The state charged Howard with mind the accuracy of what you are about
the same three counts for supplying to hear, keep in mind what the evidence
the gun used in the shootings, a gun he will show.”
stole from his mother.
He described a different scenario as
In a recent plot twist, Howard, who a possibility. That Milman was all talk,
was scheduled to be tried in November, no action. That Morelli and Milman
took a plea deal on July 31, bargain- talked on a secluded bike path between
ing his charges down to second-degree Grandma’s and Mell’s. Morelli walked to-
murder, and in exchange for his testi- ward Mell’s house and 15 minutes later
mony against Milman will serve only 10 Morelli returned with the pills. Milman
years in jail and probation. went to Justin’s and said “I think Skippy
is dead and I think Bobby is dead.” Mil-
The initial plan, discussed with How-
ard and Jeremy Morelli, another resi-
dent at Grandma’s, was to grab Hyatt’s

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 3


man washed the blood off his hands and uty Jennifer Smith testified as the first He was very scared. He was scream- considered Milman a friend despite the
went back to Grandma’s house. officer on the scene, she found Mell ing to Jesus to save him. I assured him age difference. He knew of Howard and
crumpled in the driveway of the home emergency help was on the way. I asked Morelli, but was not friendly with either.
“Justin Howard told Ashley to throw of Patrick Marshall, Mell’s neighbor him who shot him. He described a tall “I didn’t care for Jeremy,” he said.
the bag away with the dirty clothes, not across the street. man with a mask and he used the name
Joseph Milman. Keep that in mind,” Pi- Joe.” He testified that Skippy stayed with
rolo said. “He said he was shot. He was upset Mell because he feared “they were going
and in pain. He thought he was dying. In his testimony, Mell confided he to jump him and beat him up.” 
Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Dep-

4 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


SEA TURTLES south of Melbourne Beach, had some “And though all sea turtles go as far COCONUT POINT PARK
perfectly good explanations. up the beach as they can to lay their
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 eggs, the green sea turtles are known CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
The turtles that mate in the spring for going up onto the dunes more than
Aquarina Beach and Country Club and enjoy their peak nesting season the loggerheads.” she said. nor have I raised it,’’ Abbate said.
area began seeing huge sea turtles earlier in the summer are logger- Tobia did not address the rumors
tearing up the dunes and uprooting heads, McWilliams said. Many of the McWilliams said there’s a nest about
the carefully planted rows of sea oats loggerhead hatchlings have already every 4 1/2 linear feet throughout the of EEL properties being sold, and
behind oceanfront homes, they won- sprung from their shells and started refuge right now. From a logistical when asked if he had knowledge of
dered what was going on. Old wives’ their own amazing journeys into the standpoint, that’s pretty crowded. The any developers hoping or planning a
tales say the turtles somehow sense sea. And though they still participate green sea turtles showing up late to the marina project in the South Beaches,
when we’re about to have a hurricane, in the land grab for a protected spot, party are not only savvy but considerate he would only say that EEL funding is
so they lay their precious eggs way up the loggerheads are not the aggres- for heading up into the dune to stake definitely something he is looking at
into the dunes to protect their prog- sive dune-wreckers we’re seeing down their claim without inadvertently dig- during current budget negotiations.
eny from being washed away. The near Aquarina. Green sea turtles are ging up a sister turtle’s nest.
truth, according to scientists, is al- the culprits. “The EEL program currently has a
most as fascinating as the lore. They are also the largest species of budget of more than $13 million, and
“Greens are in the prime of their hard-back turtles, with adults growing the county is currently in the process of
Two things we know: This bizarre nesting season right now,” McWil- to about 3-feet long and weighing up setting millage rates for Brevard Coun-
activity occurs in late July and August – liams said, adding that the Archie Carr to 350 pounds, so they come in like a ty’s tax districts, including this program.
which also happens to be when hurri- National Wildlife Refuge, which en- wrecking ball and don’t really care that I proposed a plan that would not be a tax
cane season kicks into full swing – and compasses 20.5 miles of beach from those sprigs of sea oats were placed increase, yet would still have increased
the oddity doesn’t happen every year. about Coconut Point Park in Mel- there by humans (at the taxpayers’ ex- EEL’s funding by more than $44,000. A
bourne Beach to just south of Golden pense) to help stabilize the dune. Their majority of the board, however, decided
The reason why the dune-wrecking Sands Park near Windsor in Indian eggs must survive for the next two to take steps to increase taxes on Bre-
stands out to locals this time of year is River County, has been seeing more treacherous months of hurricane sea- vard County citizens,’’ Tobia said.
because it’s different from the typical than 200 new nests laid every single son before they are ready to hatch.
mid-beach nesting we get used to see- night the past week or so. “In the sev- Tobia, a Palm Bay resident, repre-
ing in the late spring or early summer. en days prior to Thursday, August 11, So, did the green sea turtles learn by sents the barrier island from Fifth Av-
we had 1,830 nests counted in the ref- trial and error to “go deep” into the end enue (U.S. 192 Causeway) south to the
Celeste McWilliams, a certified sea uge,” McWilliams said. zone to build their nests? Anything is county line, as well as Palm Bay, Mala-
turtle educator who runs the school possible over 120 million years.  bar, Grant/Valkaria, Barefoot Bay and
programs at the Barrier Island Center find out who they are and why they are parts of Melbourne. He recently caused
there. We’re trying to protect the prop- have to get essential personnel back a stir when he proposed to reduce tax
EVACUATION erty,’’ she said. over the bridge for damage assess- rates for parks and recreation and the
ments. If there are two lanes of cars of EEL program tax rate so that the coun-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Indian Harbour Beach City Manger citizens wanting to get back home 100 ty’s overall budget would not be classi-
Mark Ryan said the meeting was held cars deep, it’s hard for city employees to fied as a tax increase.
Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, which to make the rules consistent. get over here,’’ he said.
included representatives from Cape Ca- Though the actual sale of EEL prop-
naveral, Cocoa Beach, Satellite Beach, “We just want all the communities Added Barker, who is a longtime resi- erty may be somewhat far-fetched,
Indian Harbour Beach, Indialantic and on the same page, engaging the Sher- dent of Satellite Beach: “It’s always an Abbate said, the long-term challenges
Melbourne Beach. The sheriff’s office iff’s Department and EOC so we have a issue after every hurricane. When they of EEL program funding for its educa-
is in charge of access on the causeways good, solid re-entry plan,’’ he said. (sheriff’s officials) are getting yelled at tion centers and maintenance are very
during an evacuation. by the people and the cities are saying real starting this year.
He was not surprised that the 2016 ‘don’t let them back in here. We’re not
Contacted via conference call by offi- curfew request by Satellite Beach was ready’ there’s a conflict. ... A lot of times “The EEL program has been drawing
cials hunkering down in the Emergency not put in place because the concept the SO doesn’t know who to let in and down on reserves and those reserves
Operation Center (EOC) in Rockledge, was not planned for and agreed upon in back out. There are people who try to may be depleted this year, so funds are
Satellite Beach City Manager Courtney advance. take advantage. People get mad, if they needed to maintain the current operat-
Barker unsuccessfully requested a cur- go, why can’t I go?” ing level with no impact to the services
few to a policy group of as a way to keep “It’s like building a plane while levels that are being provided,’’ he said.
the city safe from looters. you’re flying it,’’ he said. Kimberly Prosser, director of Brevard
County Emergency Management, said If funding cuts need to be made, the
“We decided that we wanted a cur- Ryan said the main conflict point a valid policy is in place to make sure education centers would be the likely
few and that was not agreed upon by comes when city staffers are allowed the areas – and the bridges – are safe target as they are listed at the very
the group. For us it’s easier, because a to return but residents are held back. before re-entry of residents.  bottom of four EEL priorities which
lot of people aren’t home yet. We’re able include the purchase of the sensitive
to stop them when we have a curfew, “Most of our employees don’t live on lands. “We haven’t said we are going to
the barrier island. Post storm event, I close anyone down we have just said


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 5


these are the priorities and one of the even with the statutory requirement come from a variety of questions about Brevard County Government Complex
areas we would look at is the education for a super majority. “The option is the EEL program that were asked at a in Viera. According to an Aug. 8 memo,
area would have its funding reduced there and I look forward to the discus- July 27 meeting of the county Citizen’s topics of discussion will include an
first if that is necessary,’’ he said. sion to see where they are going to go Budget Review Committee. Program examination of the roles and duties of
with it,’’ Abbate said. Manager Mike Knight has been asked 26 EEL employees and a cost-benefit
Abbate did say he expected the board to appear before that committee at 3 analysis – in other words, an efficiency
to ultimately approve EEL funding at Talk of an EEL land sale among p.m. Aug. 24 in the Atlantic Room at the analysis – of the program. 
its present levels in the current budget, concerned island residents may have

6 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


TOWNS’ BUDGETS Indialantic’s budget includes two in both communities, increasing from salary will rise by $13,000 as she as-
sources of income: the general fund, $1.05 million to $1.09 million in Mel- sumes the position of acting town man-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 much of which comes from property bourne Beach while in Indialantic the ager during the search for a replace-
taxes, and the enterprise fund, which budget for law enforcement will grow ment for Tim Day, who left Aug. 11.
would pay $418.31 in taxes to the town comes from parking meters, beach park- from $1.63 million to $1.73 million. The budget also includes an increase
– plus county, school board and special ing permits, and special-event revenue. of $2,400 for the town clerk. “We elimi-
taxing districts which have their own Proposed tax revenue is projected to rise Total expenses in Melbourne Beach nated the public works director, saving
tax rates. Melbourne Beach anticipates from $3 million to almost $3.2 million. expect to increase from $2.7 million $44,776, which was somewhat offset by
raising $2.3 million in total tax revenues, to $2.8 million. In Indialantic, the pro- the new position of lead maintenance
including $1.5 million in property taxes. “The current 2016-17 millage rate is posed budget comes to $5.04 million, a worker for $34,476,” Mascaro said.
6.2653 and I am proposing that council slight tick downward from the current
In the current fiscal year, the gross set the 2017-18 millage rate at the same fiscal year’s $5.05 million. Budgets will also increase in Mel-
taxable value of property in Indialantic 6.2653,” Town Manager Chris Chinault bourne Beach for finance and parks
exceeded $351.1 million. For the fiscal said. “We should receive additional ad The Melbourne Beach budget for and recreation. Code enforcement ex-
year beginning Oct. 1, the value jumps valorem tax revenue to cover some in- 2017-18 includes almost $1 million in pects to decline. Melbourne Beach is
8.5 percent to $381 million. Brevard creased costs and increased services.” salaries. Yet the figure decreased more playing catch up in repaving its streets,
County as a whole saw property values than $38,000 from the current year. so in perpetuity, the town has allocated
rise $2.5 billion, or about 7.5 percent. The law enforcement budgets will rise Finance Manager Elizabeth Mascaro’s $52,000 a year to pave one mile a year.
Another capital expense in perpetuity
is the lease of a new police vehicle each
year starting at $12,000 for 2017-18.

It doesn’t amount to much in the
scheme of things, but the lack of state
and federal elections this year will add
expenses to the proposed local bud-
gets for 2017-18 of both Melbourne
Beach and Indialantic, where munici-
pal elections will be held. “Election
expenses are significantly up,” said
Melbourne Beach Finance Manager
Elizabeth Mascaro. Election costs ex-
pect to rise from $600 to $5,000 in
Melbourne Beach and from $400 to
$5,000 in Indialantic.

Overall, Melbourne Beach May-
or Jim Simmons is pleased with the
town’s financial position.

“After years of belt tightening, this
commission committed to fully fund-
ing our town’s infrastructure mainte-
nance plan. We established a proactive
and stable funding mechanism so that
the town’s anticipated infrastructure/
capital equipment needs (police cars,
roads, parks and playgrounds, dune
crossovers, HVAC systems, roofing,
painting, etc.) can be met without sac-
rificing needed year-to-year operating
funds. All of this was achieved while
maintaining one of the lowest millage
rates in the county,” Simmons said.

The Indialantic budget includes
$50,000 toward building a $400,000
reserve in case a 1999 firetruck needs
replacement. In addition, the town
budgeted $65,200 for police personnel
to enable enhancement of community
policing, motor vehicle safety and pe-
destrian and bike safety. Maintenance
costs will rise as will uniform expense,
the latter because of bulletproof vests.
Replacement of an ATV is scheduled at
a cost of $12,378.

Said Indialantic Mayor Dave Berk-
man, “I am very happy with the pro-
posed budget. The millage rate is to
be held at the 2016-17 rate but we still
included in the budget some funding
for 5th Avenue and town beautifica-
tion, key safety equipment for police
and fire, as well as restoring the com-
munity policing officer which was de-
funded about five years ago.” 

Paula Dawson,
Shelli Keisling and
Alice Healey

Hippie, hippie hooray at
Woodstock Pub Crawl

8 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Hippie, hippie hooray at Woodstock Pub Crawl

Gary Haas and Jack Sortor. Denise Francis and Robin Carroll. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Alain and Heather Rings.

Mark Feldhusen and Dee Baginski.

Perry and Charmaine Tafoya. Sandy and Bryan Chakiris, Heather Burdick, Abby Steinmetz and John Sullivan.

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT The pub crawl is one of many themed the costume contest emceed by Iron maine Burdette of Satellite Beach came
[email protected] events thrown by Mad Hatter Promo- Oak owner Mike Fears: a cap worn by “because we are Woodstock types,”
tions, the business alter ego of Mel- her mother to the music festival. “My said Tafoya, a dead ringer for the Grate-
The extra-wide wood and glass front bourne resident Gary Haas. All in good mom went to the original Woodstock ful Dead’s Jerry Garcia. “Unfortunately,
door to Iron Oak Post swings open and fun, with some good deeds thrown in, in 1969. She rode on a motorcycle with neither one of us went to Woodstock.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young spills out the pub crawls bring together party- her brother and they spent three days I wished I would have. I didn’t know it
into the night as a tie-dyed wave enters loving people who are quite amenable in the mud,” she said before heading would be such a big deal at the time,” he
the tavern. to dressing as pirates and zombies, off to Matt’s Casbah. said with a shake of his head.
Santas and leprechauns.
This was the second stop on a pub As with nine out of 10 of his pub Revealed Burdette: “I was living in
crawl through Downtown Melbourne “I’ve been doing these randomly crawls, Haas has invited a charity to sit Florida and I actually hitchhiked to
last Saturday and a horde of hippies ar- since 2008. In the past couple of years, in with the group and earn a little mon- California because I was a hippie and
rived in their time warp to TVs tuned I’ve been doing them monthly,” said an ey while educating the public. On this I wanted to be out there with the hip-
to Orlando City Soccer Club’s losing under-the-weather Haas as he checked night, the Children’s Hunger Project is pies, but then I got pregnant!”
match with the New York Red Bulls. in on participants at Bar Refuge. the beneficiary of a 50/50 raffle.
Amburr Westfall and fiancé Blaine
Stop one was Bar Refuge at 7 p.m., “From here we go to Iron Oak Post, Director of Operations Alice Heal- Kussmaul of Melbourne were on a
where they kicked off the 48th anni- then Matt’s Casbah, then Chumley’s ey and volunteer Paula Dawson sold modified date night with a friend, their
versary celebration of Woodstock Mu- Depot, and we end up at Debauchery. tickets, handed out brochures and en- first since Westfall gave birth to their
sic and Art Fair, the mud-filled, three- All of them have their own unique lightened patrons. “We serve weekend fourth child.
day festival in Bethel, N.Y., that drew characteristics, their own charm and meals to kids that are going hungry. We
400,000 self-professed flower children, appeal and draw. They’re all fun plac- deliver around 1,600 meals a week and Said Kussmaul: “We came out with a
freaks, music lovers and experimenters es,” he said. we are in 39 Brevard County elemen- friend, just to get out. As she was say-
of all types. The smaller establishment tary schools,” Healey said. ing, we just had a kid so we haven’t had
was wall-to-wall Aquarian Agers and a Sebastian resident Heather Rings a date night in two months. It’s Wood-
lively start to a rain-soaked evening. brought an element of authenticity to Perry Tafoya of Melbourne and Char- stock and that’s our cup of tea.” 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 9


Leah Peterson. Sandy and Bryan Chakiris.

Alex and John McClellan. Jennifer and Don Poussard. Rick and Claire Sculp.

Paula Dawson and Jennifer Franesen with Troy Johnson and Victoria Crowley.

10 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Lady surfers all a-board at ‘Summertime Blues’

STORY BY LAURIE MARTINEZ CORRESPONDENT sport of surfing on the East Coast,”
[email protected] is for all ages and abilities. Sixty-five
surfers competed last weekend, in-
The largest amateur surfing asso- cluding kids from ages 11 and under
ciation in the United States saw some able to surf unassisted, to Grand Leg-
hot competition in the ladies’ divi- ends ages 65 and over.
sions Saturday during its “Summer-
time Blues” event at Paradise Beach Jessica Walhauser is a middle-
Park near Indialantic. school student at DeLaura Elementa-
ry in Satellite Beach and was compet-
The Central Florida Eastern Surfing ing in the girls U14 division. She has
Association (ESA), established in 1967 been surfing for five years and looks
“to promote, preserve and protect the

Tom Davis and Kevin Mayo. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER People reflect on the death of local Stephanie Conneen.

Bree Smith. ESA sponsors Tormentor and Ron Jon
Surf Shop. Members can also par-
forward to each competition. ESA ticipate in Surfers for Environmental
District Director Mario DeLuca stated Education (S.E.A.).
“the girls are very strong this year and
came ready to compete.” The best two waves from prelimi-
nary and final heats determine the
Bill and Nancy Fazio from Indi- placements for each surfer in their
alantic were there to watch their division. Trophies are awarded to the
daughter Amelia compete in the top four finishers in each division.
U18 category, as well as watch their According to DeLuca, judges look for
daughter’s friends. Bill Fazio was also “the most radical maneuver in the
very impressed with the girls this critical part of the wave.” With the
year, commenting, “the strong repre- waves only at 1-2 feet Saturday and
sentation by the girls is great for their very inconsistent, the athletes had to
confidence and building life-long get creative and aggressive when try-
skills that will help with their educa- ing to impress the judges.
tion and give them an even stronger
work ethic.” Points are awarded to each com-
petitor and tallied up after four dis-
Competitive memberships in the trict events in order to move on to
ESA are offered in shortboard, body- their regional and then the Easterns.
board, SUP and longboard divisions, The 2017 ESA Easterns will be held
with opportunities to compete in lo- from Sept. 17-23 in Nags Head, N.C.
cal, scholastic, regional and the East- According DeLuca, “many are plan-
ern Surfing Championships, as well ning to attend, and it is always a fun
as scholarships and discounts from event.”

Just down the beach within sight of
Saturday’s qualifying events, a group
of about 70 mourners gathered to re-
member surfer Stephanie Conneen,
38, found dead on Aug. 7 by her hus-
band Michael after a tragic ladder
accident in their home. Hundreds of
flowers scattered on the water washed
up on the waves, peppering the shore-
line with bright pink, yellow and red,
daisies and mums and roses among
the seashells. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 11


Food and fellowship make for a fun day’s Knights

Randy McClure with Father Scott Circe in World War II with the hut program “The council’s biggest fundraiser Christ” said Dietz.
and Tom Ghesquiere. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER which carried the motto, “Everybody is selling Christmas trees” said War- Long-time Knight and Council Ad-
welcome. Everything free.” After the den Jay Casey. “We also have fish fries
war, they offered education and em- during Lent in the spring,” he said. vocate George Adams shared his rea-
ployment services to returning ser- “All the money we get goes straight to sons for joining in 1969. “I remember
vicemen. the parish. We’ve been very blessed at seeing these guys setting up for the
Holy Name, we have had a long string fall festival. They would set up these
Council #5845’s 300 active members of very good priests.” sections and then it would be blown
donated $40,000 to support youth ac- down by the howling winds of hur-
tivities, vacation Bible school, schol- The local Knight Shrine is named ricane season. Three more times
arships, Haiti mission, Habitat for Hu- after Augustin Verot, first bishop of they would build it back up and I just
manity, the parish endowment fund, the Archdiocese of St. Augustine. thought to myself – I need to be part of
Pregnancy Outreach, Genesis House “The Knights of Columbus are known whatever these crazy guys are doing”
and the Daily Bread Food Bank. by the Vatican as the right arm of said Adams. 

Carmen and Richard Dietz. HOW WELL-CRAFTED
[email protected] Find what truly moves you. Experience
the latest generation of excellence and
Two-hundred people shared food take advantage of exceptional offers
and fellowship last Saturday, while on the 2017 CT6.
welcoming new pastor Father Scott
Circe to the Holy Name of Jesus Cath- TION PURCHASE WITH
olic community as the Knights of Co-
lumbus, Bishop Verot Council #5845, LESSEES
6 0R9EB/AT3E9 / 4,829$ 2
man Catholic fraternal society with PER MONTH1 QUALIF
more than 1.9 million members who MONTHS $ S
last year donated more than 75 mil- DUE AT SIGNING
lion hours of service and donated AFTER ALL OFFERS
$177.5 million. The Knights’ crusade
for compassion in times of global tur- Tax, title, and license extra. No security deposit required. Mileage charge of $.25 per mile over 32,500 miles.
moil is internationally known, but
their charity touches people as nearby Pfb1i.naaPyasamenydcmeenoedtnn.sCtnasoernaterqcfeuoaefrposiatrta2arle0i2zb1e07ad1tC7ecTCoo6sTfLt6$uo3Lxf,uu0$xr05yu04rCyf,o8oClr7leo1acl.nl2ety0icontninioowcnnl-iutGwhdMiianthngparMdonodSwMuRcnSPtRp.oSPafoy$omm5f e9$e,5n6c9tu9o,s06tf.9o3$0m94..e,3T2ra9s2k0mweaoidllnnendtlohiv$tley0qrpuyinaabyalyifmpy8p.e/Nlni3eot1dst/1aitn7ov.cat2eail.nlaM$tbi2olve3newt,s7h.i5ltOyh1p.psTtaoiooymtnmaelteoLonetpthauiessrerc$ohC1fa6ofes.s6ert7sai.fsSto$erle2eea7vds,e9eer6aye7len$.4rd19f,0fo.o0Lrre0daaenstaeils.
as the South Beaches. ©am2o0u1n7tGteonbeeradleMteortmorisn.eAdllaRtiglehatsseRseisgenrivnegd. .GCMadFiilnlaacn®cCiaTl6m®u. st approve lease. Take delivery by 5/31/17. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 32,500 miles.

Richard Dietz, one of six men who Lessee pays for maintenance, excess wear and disposition fee of $595 or less at end of lease. Not available with some other offers. 2.Monthly
in 1965 founded Council #5845, which
draws members from both Holy Name payment is $16.67 for every $1,000 financed. Example down payment is 19.1%. Some customers will not qualify. Not available with some other offers.
of Jesus and Immaculate Conception
parish in Melbourne Beach, shared © 2017 General Motors. All Rights Reserved. Cadillac® CT6®
two major historical achievements of DMCEAUALDREIRPLSLHHAIYPCCADILLACTake delivery by 5/31/17. See dealer for details.LOCATION SALES SERVICE
the Knights since its founding in 1882. 877.420.6613
“We brought the first transmission ra- 174 E. Hibiscus Blvd. 866.295.2593 Mon.-Fri. 7am-5:30pm
dio to the Vatican so that the Pope’s Sat. Closed
message of Christ could be heard Melbourne, FL Mon.-Thurs. 9am-7pm
around the world” said Dietz. “The
other big thing we did was during 32901 Fri. 9am-6pm
World War I – the Knights of Colum- ABOUT US 1L2O3CMATaIpOleNStSreaett. 9am-5pmS5A55L.E5S55.5555 Sun5.SC5E5Rl.oV55IsC5eE.5d555
bus supported the military.” Lorem ipsum dolor ludex aliquam erat consectetuer. sed veniam adipiscing. Lorem

Dietz proudly quoted Gen. John ipsum dolor ludex aliquam erat consectetuer. sed veniam adipiscing. Anytown, ABSun. Closed Mon-Fri 9am-9pm Mon-Fri 9am-9pm
Joseph Pershing, “Of all the organi- 1234567 Sat 9am-4pm Sat 9am-4pm
zations that took part in the winning
of the war, with the exception of the ©2016 Ge©n2e0r1a7lGMenoertaol Mrso.tAorlsl. ARlligRihghttss RReesesreverdv.eCadd.iCllaac®dillac®
military itself, there was none so ef-
ficiently and ably administered as the
Knights of Columbus.”

The Knights’ history of providing
for both the spiritual and material
well-being of troops and veterans be-
gan in 1916 when they established
recreation centers for enlisted men.
This successful ministry expanded


14 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Soaring sounds: Henegar launches ‘Jazz Legends Series’

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Kristen Warren and Ethan Bailey Gould.
[email protected]
The deep, smoky-voiced Sarah don asked the man his name. Dave Bru- will star the nationally-recognized jazz
The deep, sultry and melodic tones of Vaughan was best known for hits in- beck, he replied. bands from Melbourne High School,
iconic American jazz artists will come cluding “Misty,” “The Shadow of Your Satellite Beach High School and Eau
alive in the “Jazz Legends Series,” a new Smile” and “My Funny Valentine.” Of- Bragdon eventually became a city Gallie High School. Each school will
program launching Saturday at the ten called “The Divine One,” Vaughan planner, architect and engineer, and play arrangements by one of three great
Henegar Center in Melbourne. won multiple awards, including the the author of 10 books. That list of ac- band leaders – Count Basie, Duke El-
NEA’s Jazz Master Award. complishments may have been enough lington and Stan Kenton.
The downbeat begins when the so- to replace his dreams of being a jazz
called Lady Day Quintet takes the stage In addition to the Lady Day Quintet, musician, but Bragdon has always re- Bragdon wanted to kick off the series
to revisit some of the soul-stirring Billie Saturday’s concert will feature Orlando membered that moment of meeting the with the Lady Day musicians because it
Holiday music performed in the Hen- jazz artists Per and Tammy Danielsson. iconic Brubeck, a legendary jazz pianist was so well received.
egar’s production of “Lady Day at Em- A pianist, Per Danielsson is a jazz pro- and composer. It was his “up close and
erson’s Bar and Grill.” fessor at the University of Central Flor- personal” with a jazz great. “Every performance was sold out,” he
ida. His wife, Tammy, plays saxophone said. “The Henegar added another per-
Full disclosure: This writer directed and flute and won best saxophone Now he wants to do the same thing formance and that was sold out. They
the show. Bias or no, the sell-out audi- player at the Montreux Jazz Festival in for others – to bring them up close and went to Heidi’s Jazz Club to perform
ences were testament to the extraordi- Switzerland where she performed with personal with great jazz music per- and that show was sold out there. So
nary talent of the cast. the legendary Dizzy Gillespie. The two formed by terrific local jazz artists. this is really a demonstration that Billie
perform in jazz clubs around the world. Holiday is popular decades later.”
Performers include the remarkable “Jazz has been in my blood,” he said.
jazz vocalist Kristen Warren, whose Also performing Saturday will be “The idea of doing this also came from Ending the series with a big band
stunning portrayal of Holiday held au- Winston Scott, the well-known Space Brian Gatchell, who is on our board and concert is an apt bookend since it fea-
diences captive throughout the three- Shuttle astronaut who also plays jazz is also president of the Atlantic Music tures performances by young jazz mu-
week run earlier this year. She will be trumpet and flugelhorn. Center.” sicians who are picking up the histori-
joined by the gifted jazz pianist Jarred cal importance of jazz, Bragdon said.
Armstrong, who led the small combo in And this is just the opening of the This is just the first in a series of
the show and simultaneously engaged five-part series. concerts. Sept. 17, Ron Teixeira, an And that, he said, is because of the
with Holliday in character. Also on accomplished pianist, will perform; area’s high school music directors.
stage will be brothers Ashton Gould on “It’s going to be quite an evening,” he’s been a regular Heidi’s Jazz Club
percussion and Ethan Bailey Gould on said Cliff Bragdon, board president for in Cocoa Beach for 17 years. A gradu- “There are at least seven high schools
guitar. Joining them will be bass player the Henegar and the brain behind the ate of the renowned Berklee College in Brevard County with jazz bands,” he
Greg Zabel. series. of Music in Boston, Teixeira will per- said. “They each have up to 30 people
form on the Hammond B-3 organ. and they practice every day.”
“If you have an opportunity to see The retired vice president and dean He’ll also be cutting a recording from
them perform together, you need to see from Florida Tech, Bragdon was a jazz that evening’s concert. The added benefit of having a Jazz
it because they are so good,” said Leslie enthusiast since he was a kid growing Legends Series is that it creates an-
McGinty. “The show was phenomenal, up in St. Louis, Missouri. He could play Then, on Nov. 3, Chris Cortez, a vo- other facet to the Henegar Center,
the musicians and Kristen were phe- bongos and the conga drum, and had calist who also plays virtuoso guitar, Bragdon said.
nomenal. They’re crazy good.” dreams of becoming a jazz musician. will give an overview of the evolution in
He and a fellow jazz musician would American jazz guitar. A resident of Win- “I call it the ‘epicenter for the arts,’”
The earlier Henegar show “Lady sneak into inner-city clubs late at night ter Park, Cortez’s performance will take he said. “Not only theater and dance,
Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill” is not to hear greats like Count Basie and the form of a musical narrative. but also movies. And now, jazz.”
a musical; rather, it is a play with mu- Duke Ellington.
sic. Written by Lanie Robertson, it As a perfect warmup to Valentine’s The first in the Jazz Legends Series
chronicles Holiday’s rise from living One time, they headed to Chicago for Day, on Feb. 11 the series will take a begins 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Hen-
in a house of prostitution to being cel- the Playboy Jazz Festival. While stand- look at great jazz singers with vocalist egar Center, 625 E. New Haven Ave.,
ebrated the world over for her soulful, ing in line to check in at the hotel, he Lisa Addeo. She began her career at Ra- Melbourne. Tickets are $20 general and
emotional stylings of songs such as noticed a tall man striding across the dio City Music Hall in New York City. $15 students. There is also a $3 handling
“Crazy He Calls Me” and “What a Little lobby. Feeling a special presence, Brag- fee per ticket. Call 321-723-8698 or visit
Moonlight Can Do.” The musical cli- And on May 14, a Big Band concert 
max is “Strange Fruit,” one of Holiday’s
most iconic songs and one which was
inspired by photograph of a lynching in
the racist South.

In the jazz concert, the Lady Day
Quintet will also perform songs by Car-
men McRae, Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah

Influenced by Holiday, McRae sang
torch songs like “Old Devil Moon,”
“My Funny Valentine” and later “Heat
Wave” with Cal Tjader.

Ella Fitzgerald, called the “First Lady
of Song,” received 13 Grammy Awards
and a Kennedy Center for the Perform-
ing Arts Medal of Honor Award plus
many, many more. She sang with Louis
Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Holi-
day. Some of her best-known works in-
clude “A-Tisket, A-Tasket,” “Night and
Day” and “Sophisticated Lady.”

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 15


Coming Up: Modernized ‘Merry Widow’ at Scott Center

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER 3 The Brevard Zoo will focus on combatants are Miami native Ken sic, a little bit of breeze off the water,
[email protected] living things of the vegetable Gustafson, who started playing accor- your feet in the sand and, if you’re so
dion at the tender age of 5. He toured inclined, something with rum in it.
persuasion this Saturday and Europe with the renowned American The Sandbar at Capt. Hiram’s, right
Boys Choir and started tickling the on the river in Sebastian, fills the
Sunday because … it’s Bonsai ivories professionally at only 15. He’s bill. Saturday afternoon at 3:30 p.m.,
performed with such big names as Frankie Lessard entertains. With
Weekend. Dozens of amaz- Shakira, Ben E King, Sam and Dave, a keen sense of what his audience
and Connie Francis; Orlando resident wants, Lessard plays his guitar and
ing and beautiful examples of John Kenney has been making music sings, with a repertoire that includes
for two decades, 12 years as a duel- hits, from classics to current. Satur-
the leafy art of bonsai will be ing pianist. He’s traveled the country, day night’s tunes will be provided
playing in venues ranging from night by Panama, a fun-loving party band
on display both days, 10 a.m. clubs to churches, and currently plays from the middle of the state, bringing
at Walt Disney World Resort. As al- new and classic rock faves, funk, dis-
to 4 p.m., at the Zoo’s Nyami ways, there’s no set play list – you get co and, they tell us, “so much more.”
to decide. Outside, you’ll always find Yep, Capt. Hiram’s also has food.
Nyami River Lodge. So popu- it hoppin’, with food, beverages and
wall-to-wall (tree-to-tree) live mu-
lar was a temporary Bonsai So- sic: Friday night it’ll be “The Copper
Tones,” playing a variety of classic rock
1 Franz Lehar’s much beloved, ciety program at the Zoo that, in 2005, tunes; and Saturday, “Soul Jam” brings
evergreen operetta, “The Merry their jam-rock sound.
the two entities agreed that the lovely
Frankie Lessard.
Widow,” waltzes into the Scott Center works of living art should have a home

for Performing Arts, Melbourne, this at the zoo, in space on permanent loan

Saturday, updated for the 21st century, to the Society. Bonsai is a Japanese art

but still sparkling with its original, form using trees grown in containers,

delightful mix of farce, romance and a tradition that dates back over a thou-

that always popular ingredient – jeal- sand years. The purpose has been, 6 You can’t find a much more
laid-back time or place than
ousy. Presented by the Space Coast historically, for the enjoyment and

Symphony Pit Orchestra in collabora- contemplation of the viewer, as well as weekend afternoons at Waldo’s on

tion with Light Opera Orlando, today’s the pleasure the grower derives from Ocean Drive. Popular with locals

Merry Widow takes place in the Sili- her patience and effort. The Bonsai and visitors, Waldo’s old Florida am-

con Valley of 2005. Possessed of great artist grows small trees from regular biance is authen-

charm and the considerable wealth stock, employing common cultivation tic, the driftwood

inherited from her husband, Hanna techniques such pruning, root reduc- is authentic and

finds herself pursued by all sorts of in- tion, potting, defoliation and grafting the weekend mu-

teresting individuals, most with dollar to produce small trees with the shape sic is, too. Hang

signs in their eyes. Hanna, however, and style of mature, full-size trees. out at the inside or

only wants Daniel, a former suitor and Your zoo admission includes this outside bar, grab

current, firmly dedicated playboy. charming exhibit and a 1 p m. demon- a spot along the

Throughout the tale, Lehar’s unfor- stration, and you can even purchase a popular rail, or

gettable score is light and wonderful. little tree of your own, should one call poolside. The band

Curtain is at 7 p.m. General admission your name. plays on a covered

is $20; those 18 and under or with a stage by the pool,

student ID are admitted free of charge. and this Saturday,

1 p.m. to 4 p.m., the

2 Music’s always happening at Lion Heart Band
Lou’s Blues, the cool hangout
will be bringing a

with the hot tunes, right on the In- mix of pop, reggae

tracoastal in Indialantic. This Friday and rock. Sunday

night it’s the ’70s-’80s cover band Luna – same time, same

Pearl, covering pretty much every place – music will

genre as the night deepens: rock and be by The Matt and

roll, pop, punk, metal, reggae, country, Bruce Show, billed

jazz, blues. On Saturday, Katty Shack John Kenney. as a high-energy,

takes the stage: three guys and a girl 5 Virtually any Saturday night can multi-genre duo with “the sound and
be enhanced with some live mu-
playing top ’80s songs “from Journey show of a full band.” 

to Michael Jackson and everything in

between.” Bands play from 9:30 p.m. 4 It doesn’t have to be a full moon,
any phase will do, for the next
to 1:30 a.m. both nights.

music-centric Howl at the Moon op-

portunity, on its way this Friday and

Saturday at what has become a real

weekend hotspot: Riverside Theatre.

Who knew? This weekend’s River-

side’s Summer Nights schedule in-

cludes Howl at the Moon’s Dueling

Piano shows inside, on the Waxlax

stage (complete with dance floor and

cabaret style seating), at 7:30 p.m.

and 9:30 p.m.; and outside, Live in

the Loop, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., where a

popular area band and lots of really

good foodstuffs and beverages will

Bonsai Weekend - Brevard Zoo. keep you musically and gastronomi-

cally happy. This weekend’s piano

prestige vw

18 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


It was March 2019. America and But Trump was no longer willing Trump felt very strongly that he needed missile could be fired. Any subsequent
South Korea were conducting an an- to listen. Mattis was said to be on the to show his supporters at home that he tests, Kim would be told, would get the
nual large-scale military exercise, Foal brink of resignation, partly because he could still make tough decisions. same treatment. A belligerent response
Eagle, involving nearly 20,000 Ameri- did not believe that Kim was about to by Kim would be met by an attack on
can troops and about 300,000 Korean carry out an atmospheric test. McMas- To that end, he had asked his mili- his nuclear and missile facilities.
counterparts. The drill was taking ter had been fired and replaced by John tary advisers to come up with a plan
place against a backdrop of continuing Bolton, a hawkish former ambassador that would show he meant business; Trump was warned, however, that
missile tests by the North Koreans. to the U.N. Bolton had told the presi- powerful enough to make Kim think although Kim was thought to be ra-
dent that a high-altitude test was im- twice before hitting back, but not so tional, he faced political problems of
Over the previous two years, the re- minent. He had long argued for doing drastic as to trigger war. After all, Kim his own and would have to react in
gime of Kim Jong Un had successfully whatever it would take to bring about would surely realize that to do so would some way. According to the most op-
test-launched several intercontinental regime change in North Korea. risk entering a cycle of escalation that timistic scenario, Kim might feel that
ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The most re- would lead inexorably to his defeat and he could get away with a gesture, such
cent was another two-stage rocket that Trump did not necessarily want to the obliteration of his dynasty – the as firing missiles at the outer islands,
analysts reckoned could reach any city go that far. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, very thing his nuclear program had in an operation similar to the shelling
in America. It carried what appeared to had warned him that there would be been designed to prevent. of Yeonpyeong in 2010. He might also
be a credible re-entry vehicle to shield “serious consequences” if such a step conclude that he could anyway stop
its nuclear warhead as it plummeted was being considered. It was not clear The preferred option would have testing for now, as he had credibly ac-
through the Earth’s atmosphere towards whether China would step in to help been to have shot down the missile quired the means to hit the continental
its target and from which decoys could North Korea as it had in the past (the in its boost or ascent phase with in- United States.
be fired to bamboozle missile defenses. view in Washington was that it would terceptors fired from U.S. Navy de-
not). What was not in doubt was its stroyers. But new SM3-Block2A inter- The operation appeared at first to
A seventh nuclear test in January had hostility to anything that might bring ceptors, which might have been fast succeed. There was little unintended
confirmed that the warhead carried by American forces north of the 38th par- enough to do the job, were not yet damage and not much indication
the missile would in time be a thermo- allel and close to China’s border. ready for deployment. whether the missile had been armed
nuclear one with the power to destroy (nuclear weapons are designed to re-
all life within an area with a three-mile South Korea’s president, Moon Jae- The plan the Pentagon had there- sist accidental explosion – the warhead
radius. Some intelligence reports had in, had at first been strongly against fore come up with was to fire a salvo is encased in a sturdy re-entry vehicle
suggested that the next test the North any pre-emptive strike, as his country of cruise missiles from a submarine in and detonation sequences have to be
Koreans would conduct, likely to co- would bear the brunt of any subse- the Sea of Japan, destroying the missile minutely timed).
incide with the climax of Foal Eagle, quent miscalculation by either side. But on the ground. Much would depend
might include a high-altitude nuclear after bullying from Washington, he had on getting prompt intelligence from Despite the usual threats from Kim
explosion of the kind that America and reluctantly withdrawn his opposition. surveillance satellites and high-flying to “wipe America off the face of the
the Soviet Union had conducted until drones to hit the launch site before the Earth” and to turn Seoul into a “sea
1962 to test their weapons. of fire”, nothing appeared to happen.
Trump’s poll ratings spiked and he
Whereas other new nuclear states, tweeted: “Fat Kim just got what he’s
such as Pakistan and India, had been been asking for. SAD!”
content to carry out all their testing
underground, Kim had boasted since But even as Trump was bragging
the start of the year that he would about the success of the strike, Kim
soon provide final proof that would was ordering elite units from his
convince the world to respect North 180,000-strong special operations force
Korea’s nuclear capability. If the North to carry out a series of hit-and-run at-
really carried out such a test, the elec- tacks on targets in the South. Some
tromagnetic pulse it would cause could would infiltrate by using a network of
take out satellites and damage power tunnels running beneath the demili-
stations on the ground. tarized zone (DMZ); others would be
inserted from the sea by mini-subma-
For Donald Trump, that would cross a rines or flown in by ancient hedge-
red line. The moment was now or never. hopping An-2 biplanes that were hard
Responding to claims by Kim at the out- for modern radars to spot. Meanwhile,
set of what was to become his troubled North Korea’s navy had also begun lay-
presidency that North Korea was in the ing mines in both the West and East
final stages of developing an ICBM, he seas in an effort to disrupt trade. A se-
had declared on Twitter, “It won’t hap- ries of cyber-attacks on South Korea’s
pen!” In June 2017, a few days before critical infrastructure also appeared to
North Korea conducted its first ICBM be under way.
test, Trump had stated that the “era of
strategic patience” with Kim was over. North Korea’s aim was to stop short
of actions, such as releasing nerve gas
Since then, America had tightened in the outskirts of Seoul, that would
sanctions against the North Korean re- prompt an all-out response from the
gime, including taking action against Americans and their ally, but to do just
Chinese and Russian firms trading with enough to generate a sense of panic and
it and cutting off sources of finance uncertainty among South Korean civil-
generated by Kim’s criminal networks ians. Kim’s advisers had told him that
overseas. But with China only willing to their analysis, based on their contacts in
offer token help, it had proved too little the South, was that this would generate
and too late to slow the North’s rapid huge pressure on the South Korean gov-
development of nuclear missiles. ernment to veto any further escalation
that might lead to outright war.
The president had thus far heeded
the warnings of his defense secretary, That turned out to be a grave mis-
Jim Mattis, and his national security calculation. The allies could not be
adviser, H.R. McMaster. The risks of sure what Kim planned next, so they
taking military action were too great, had to prepare for the possibility that
they had argued. sabotage attacks were a prelude to a

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 19


major offensive. With that in mind, the intent and might persuade Kim not to stop there, with several thousand ci- down fighting. The artillery he had
evacuation of foreign nationals, mainly press ahead with a wider attack. vilian and military casualties already held back began its bombardment
from Seoul, had begun. These included sustained, American and South Korean of Seoul. A number of the shells and
some 150,000 American civilians, over Kim was aware that time was against commanders had to take action in case rockets had chemical warheads. Spe-
40,000 Japanese and up to 1 million him. At this stage, he too hoped to avoid this was just the prelude to an all-out cial forces already in the South were
Chinese citizens. The evacuation was an all-out war, which beneath his usual artillery barrage. ordered to release poison gas in popu-
intended to send a strong message to bombast he knew he might lose. But lated areas. Rumors rapidly spread of
the North that events were developing the build-up of forces in the South, es- Based on attempts to model the ef- the use of biological weapons.
a momentum of their own. pecially the rapidly increasing airpower fects of such an attack, they believed
that would soon allow his adversary to that in just a few hours up to 100,000 Most fatefully, Kim, realizing that his
American and South Korean com- launch a pre-emptive attack against his people would be killed in Seoul and time would soon be up, had made up
manders had recommended to their most important weapons, convinced perhaps many more if they did not act his mind to launch what remained of
governments that they should pre- him that he had to fire a powerful warn- fast. That meant putting OPLAN 5015 his nuclear arsenal. He cared little about
pare for the worst. The military exer- ing shot of his own. into action immediately and with it a the consequences either for his enemies
cises already under way were intended warning directly from Trump to Kim or his own long-suffering people.
to practice OPLAN 5015, a classified With over 14,000 artillery pieces, that, if he launched a missile believed
scheme drawn up in response to the about 1,000 of them positioned in to be carrying a nuclear warhead, he He lived just long enough to know
growing missile threat. caves and bunkers within range of could expect a swift and devastating that neither of his two ICBMs had left
Seoul, he could do a lot of damage its launch pad and three Musudan
The drill, they advised, could rapidly nuclear response that would “remove intermediate-range missiles, aimed at
be turned into reality. Whereas previ- quickly. But unleashing the kind of him and his country from the map.” Tokyo and the American base at Okina-
ous war plans had been premised on barrage that his regime had threat- wa, had been shot down by Patriot bat-
the belief that a new conflict would be ened in the past would take him rap- The ferocity of the initial assault teries in Japan before they could reach
fought along similar lines to the first idly past the point of no return. He stunned Kim. Large parts of his massive their targets. The new THAAD system
Korean war (with large units first de- also had to decide how much of his but technologically crude military in- and Patriot interceptors in South Ko-
ployed in defensive formations before long-range artillery force of 170mm frastructure started disappearing. Tank rea had taken care of several medium-
counter-attacking into the North), the guns and both 240mm and 300mm divisions he had ordered south were range Pukguksong-2 missiles. But to
new plan called for precision strikes multiple-rocket launchers he was sitting ducks in the narrow valleys they his satisfaction, two short-range mis-
and special forces acting behind en- prepared to expose at this stage to were forced to pass through. Any artil- siles, hidden like needles in haystacks
emy lines. counter-battery fire from the South. lery that had been left in the open was among multiple salvoes of convention-
He therefore opted for a limited salvo being systematically destroyed by with- ally armed rockets, had got through to
The first requirement would be to that would last under an hour before eringly accurate counter-battery fire. Seoul.
suppress North Korea’s surprisingly pulling back his artillery to positions Missile launchers supposedly hidden
lethal integrated air-defense system, where it would be less vulnerable. in caves were being pulverized by huge The initial death toll in South Ko-
which fields, along with Soviet-era bunker-busting bombs. Twice Kim had rea was put at 300,000, but the effects
surface-to-air missiles, the indige- His message to Trump was that this narrowly avoided being blown apart of radiation would mean that many
nously produced and highly capable was just a taste of what South Korea himself, when bombs had hit command more would die in the months ahead,
KN-06. With that out of the way, mis- and its allies could expect if he con- bunkers minutes after his departure. including large numbers of American
siles, smart bombs and huge “bunker tinued with his aggressive war plans. civilians and service personnel.
busters” would rain down on nuclear It failed to have the effect that Kim was Faced with the imminent destruc-
sites, missile launchers and command hoping for. Despite hints that he might tion of his regime, Kim decided to go Trump was advised that he had no
posts while South Korean special forc- option other than to retaliate with a
es carried out “decapitation” raids to nuclear strike on the North. The de-
kill North Korea’s leaders. The idea was cision was taken to use America’s lat-
that by striking pre-emptively, any war est nuclear bomb, the guided B61-12,
would be both limited and short. dropped by a B2 stealth bomber. It
was both highly accurate and could
The problem was that the command- have its explosive power dialed down
ers could only be moderately sure that to reduce civilian casualties and fall-
their plan would work. Apart from the out. At least that was the hope.
effort required to disable Kim’s air de-
fenses, an almost complete dearth of After four had been dropped, North
reliable human intelligence meant that Korea’s war was over. Kim and most of
there might be secret nuclear sites that his high command had been vaporized
were not on the target list. Add to that in their bunkers, his missile force and
North Korea’s extraordinarily moun- nearly all his artillery had disappeared.
tainous terrain and its tunneling skills, Despite the use of relatively low-yield
honed over the past 60 years, and there weapons, military casualties were in
was a good chance that some nuclear the hundreds of thousands.
facilities would remain intact. In ad-
dition, missiles on mobile launchers Over a million people were trying to
could be hidden deep in caves. leave Pyongyang, the capital, in case
of further attack. With order break-
Therefore, rather than press ahead ing down and food supplies getting
with OPLAN 5015 immediately, Amer- scarce, China found itself facing a hu-
ican commanders decided that they manitarian catastrophe on its border.
should bring at least another 500 tacti- It claimed that lethal radioactive ma-
cal aircraft into the theatre, both from terial was being blown into Chinese
carriers and from bases in America. cities by disrupted weather.
They would be needed to maintain the
sortie rate required to destroy North Nobody knew how an appalled Presi-
Korea’s air defenses and then hit all the dent Xi would respond. The shock sent
other targets, including both the ones stock markets across the world reeling,
that were already identified and also foreshadowing a global recession to
others that would emerge. Although it come. Trump, however, was undaunt-
might take a few weeks, it would signal ed. He tweeted: “Nuke attack on Seoul
to North Korea the seriousness of their by evil Kim was BAD! Had no choice
but to nuke him back. But thanks to my
actions, America is safe again!” 

IMMUNIZATIONS AND VACCINATIONS: PART I you may be able to fight off the pathogen and you may or
may not get sick.
Vaccines are powerful medicine. Unlike most medicines
which treat or cure disease, vaccines prevent them. If you do become ill, however, some of the antibodies that
were created will remain in your body after you’re no longer
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the sick. If you’re exposed to the same pathogen in the future, the
use of vaccinations to treat devastating infectious diseases antibodies will “recognize” it and fight it off.
was one of the 10 greatest achievements in the United
States in the 20th century. When you get a vaccine, the specific type of pathogen
it contains isn’t strong enough or plentiful enough to make
While state and local health departments began institut- you sick, but is enough for your immune system to gen-
ing vaccination programs in the early 1950s with the licensure erate antibodies. As a result, you gain future immunity
of diphtheria and tetanus treatments, in the 1940s and early against the disease without having gotten sick. If you are
1950s modern medicine was powerless against polio. exposed to the pathogen again, your immune system rec-
ognizes it and is able to fight it off.
Fortunately, an effective polio vaccine was developed in
1952 by Jonas Salk at the University of Pittsburgh. Soon WHAT ARE VACCINES MADE FROM?
after Salk’s vaccine was licensed in 1955, vaccination cam-
paigns for children were launched. In the U.S., a massive Vaccines are made up of small amounts of a bacteria, virus
immunization campaign promoted by the March of Dimes or other antigen. In some cases, they are made with a modi-
produced miraculous results. fied form of toxin generated by a bacteria. Tetanus, for exam-
ple, is not directly caused by the Clostridium tetani bacteria.
The annual number of polio cases fell from 35,000 in Instead, its symptoms are primarily caused by tetanospasmin,
1953 to 5,600 in 1957. By 1961 only 161 cases were re- a toxin generated by that bacterium. Some bacterial vaccines
corded in the United States. are therefore made with a weakened or inactivated version
of the toxin that actually produces symptoms of illness. This
By the beginning of the 21st century, strategic vaccina- weakened or inactivated toxin is called a toxoid. A tetanus im-
tion campaigns had virtually eliminated diphtheria, measles, munization, for example, is made with tetanospasmin toxoid.
mumps, rubella, tetanus, poliomyelitis and smallpox.
To be continued…
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
Vaccines work to prime your immune system against fu- ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
ture “attacks” by a particular disease. When a pathogen
enters your body, the immune system generates antibod- © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
ies to try to fight it off. If your immune system is strong,

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 21


In 2015, Martin Edwards brought titles in the series British Library (freely available online). Edwards in- which “signaled the end of the era”
out “The Golden Age of Murder,” a Crime Classics. All that reading stead emphasizes the genre’s artistic or, most intriguing of all, Cameron
history of Britain’s Detection Club lies behind his new work of criti- range. He draws especial attention McCabe’s “The Face on the Cutting-
that went on to sweep nearly all of cal appreciation and rediscov- to titles that “cast a light on human Room Floor,” described by Julian Sy-
crime writing’s nonfiction awards. ery, “The Story of Classic Crime behavior, and display both literary mons as “the detective story to end
Little wonder. It is an irresistible in 100 Books.” ambition and accomplishment” and detective stories.” Introducing “Fic-
book, packed with insider anecdotes those that highlight an era’s sociopo- tion From Fact,” Edwards naturally
about a secretive association boast- Note that phrase “classic litical concerns: “Even unpretentious zeroes in on the true-life Julia Wal-
ing such celebrated members as G.K. crime.” Edwards focuses on detective stories, written for un- lace case, which Raymond Chandler
Chesterton and R. Austin Freeman the first half of the 20th centu- ashamedly commercial reasons, can dubbed “the nonpareil of all mur-
(creators of Father Brown and Dr. ry, the period between Arthur give us clues to the past, and give us der mysteries.” Both Dorothy Say-
Thorndyke); the crime queens Doro- Conan Doyle’s “The Hound of insight into a long-vanished world.” ers and P.D. James were comparably
thy L. Sayers and Agatha Christie; the Baskervilles” (1902) and Ju- fascinated by this beating death in a
that master of the locked-room puz- lian Symons’ “The Thirty-First For each of his 100 titles, Edwards locked room.
zle, John Dickson Carr; and, not least, of February” (1950). While he provides a two- or three-page mini-
co-founder A.B. Cox, equally accom- does include a few Americans essay, outlining the mystery’s setup In “The Birth of the Golden Age,”
plished whether writing as the witty – Dashiell Hammett, Patricia – while carefully avoiding spoilers Edwards stresses the pivotal impor-
Anthony Berkeley (“The Poisoned Highsmith – as well as the Bel- – and closing with a brief paragraph tance of E.C. Bentley’s “Trent’s Last
Chocolates Case”) or the bone-chill- gian Georges Simenon and the about the author. Good as these ap- Case” (1913), partly for its sprightli-
ing Francis Iles ¬(“Before the Fact”). Argentine H. Bustos Domecq preciations are, they might have ness but mainly because the hero’s
(the collaborative pen name of avoided a certain stylistic sameness obviously correct solution to the
Since “The Golden Age of Murder” Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo by quoting more frequently from the murder turns out be completely
appeared, Edwards – himself a gifted Bioy Casares), the emphasis chosen books. wrong. By 1929, Anthony Berkeley’s
and prolific writer of mysteries, as well is overwhelmingly on British “The Poisoned Chocolates Case”
as a scholar of the field – has emerged writers. To ensure as wide a net Being of taxonomical turn of mind, and Dashiell Hammett’s “The Dain
as a driving force behind the republi- as possible, he generally selects just Edwards also organizes his many ti- Curse” were both able to present
cation of older detective fiction, con- one title by his chosen author, usual- tles by kind rather than chronology, multiple solutions to a single crime:
tributing introductions to many of the ly his or her first major work. Agatha usually settling on three to five works Berkeley’s dazzling novel offers six
Christie is the principal exception: to represent various categories. In different interpretations of the same
She is represented by “The Mysteri- “The Justice Game,” for instance, he murder. Fifty years later, Christianna
ous Affair at Styles” and “The Murder covers “Trial and Error,” by Anthony Brand – author of the wartime classic
at the Vicarage,” which introduce, Berkeley; “Verdict of Twelve,” by Ray- “Green for Danger” – came up with
respectively, her detectives Hercule mond Postgate; “Tragedy at Law,” a seventh solution and in 2016 Ed-
Poirot and Jane Marple. However, by Cyril Hare; and “Smallbone De- wards himself published an eighth.
Edwards can’t resist adding another ceased,” by Michael Gilbert. All these
Poirot, “The ABC Murders.” will be familiar to detective story afi- Let me end, like many good mys-
Though all three of these whodun- cionados. More often, his titles will teries, with a confession: After read-
its showcase Christie’s excellence, be recognized by only the most well- ing “The Story of Classic Crime in 100
only the last approaches the inge- read. Happily, Christopher St. John Books” I quickly bought secondhand
nuity of her supreme masterpieces, Sprigg’s tantalizing “Death of an Air- copies of Christopher Bush’s “The
“And Then There Were None,” “The man,” J. Jefferson Farjeon’s “The Z Perfect Murder Case,” George Lim-
Murder of Roger Ackroyd” and “Mur- Murders,” and Anthony Rolls’ “Fam- nelius’ “The Medbury Fort Murder”
der on the Orient Express.” This is ily Matters,” among others, are now and Gladys Mitchell’s “The Mystery
worth emphasizing because Ed- available from the aforementioned of a Butcher’s Shop.” Edwards made
wards’ history shouldn’t be viewed British Library Crime Classics. them sound so good that right now
as a list of the absolutely greatest I’d almost kill for a quiet week at the
works of mystery and detection. If To my mind, Edwards particularly beach. 
you need such a guide, you should shines in the prefatory essays to his
look for H.R.F. Keating’s “Crime and 24 categories, in which he mentions THE STORY OF CLASSIC CRIME IN 100 BOOKS
Mystery: The 100 Best Books” or the some of his own favorite books, such By Martin Edwards
unannotated “Classic Crime Fiction: as Henry Wade’s “Lonely Magda-
The Haycraft-Queen Cornerstones” len” – about the murder of a name- Poisoned Pen. 353 pp. Paperback, $15.95
less prostitute – and Robert Player’s Review by Michael Dirda
twisty “The Ingenious Mr. Stone,” The Washington Post


1. The Late Show 1. Make Your Bed 1. Worlds Collide (The Land of

2. The Secret Keepers
2. A Gentleman in Moscow 2. Best. State. Ever
3. Refugee BY ALAN GRATZ
3. House of Spies 3. An Ice Age Mystery 4. The Wearle (The Erth Dragons

5. The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek
4. Camino Island 4. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE
5. The American Spirit Library BY LINDA BAILEY
5. The Lying Game


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22 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonz gets to know Noah, who’s sleek and styled

Hi Dog Buddies! then an there, but I “By the way, Mr. B., you should

Noah Weinstein is one of those hadda be checked check out my website, just Google
poocheroos who always look like
they’re about to step into the ring at out first. So, they Suzard Gallery. See, Daddy’s a really
Westminster, know what I mean? Ev-
ery super shiny hair in place, ears in hadda wait till the Noah Weinstein good ard-ist, and he drew a buncha
Alert/Payin’ Attention mode. An that next day. Well, next of pikshurs of me in my crate, which
bouncy “Yes, it’s ME!!” strut. But he’s
real frenly, too, not like he thinks he’s morning, Mommy him an Mommy call – are you ready
All That an a Bag of Pupperoni. He’s
something I never heard of: an Italian and Daddy were for this – Noah’s Ark! Totally Cool Dog
Grey-Waa-Waa. It’s part chihuahua
and part Italian Greyhound, and he waitin’ at the door, at Biscuits! An there’s a section all about
sure got the right parts: a liddle big-
ger than a total chihuahua, long grey- 5:30 a.m. (It opened ME, with phodos of me learning Ba-
hound legs, sleek body and that long
sniffer – very arrow-di-namic. at 8.) They wanted to sic Dog Stuff. I don’t need my crate

He was right there to greet us at the Be Sure!” anymore, so now my Noah’s Ark is the
door: LOTS of barkin’, Wag-and-Sniff,
then intros. “That is so cool,” I CAR. Come look.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you in the said. “We went out to the garage and No-
fur, Mr. B. This is my Mommy, Susan,
and my Daddy, Howard. Please make “I KNOW! I was just ah’s Mom opened the back of the car.
yourselves comf-tubble. Would you
care for a snack? Some water, per- a pupster then. I’m 10 There was a very large space covered
now. Since my early with fluffy quilts, two comftubble-
He pointed toward a table with lot-
sa duh-licious lookin’ stuff. (Well, it years are a MISS-try, I looking pillows; special food and
WAS almost Snack Time.) There were
these liddle wrinkly things all in a row dunno why I was real water dishes and some toys.”
on a plate. Noah called ’em figs. I nod-
ded like I knew what a fig was, but I’ll nervous at my new home “Bow-WOW!” I exclaimed.
Google ’em later. Me an my assistant
agreed everything was doglicious. at first. Maybe cuz I Back inside, Noah continued.

“I’m eager to hear your story,” I told thought it’d all just dis- “When Daddy’s doin’ his art, I sit
him, pencil poised.
appear. But it DIDN’T. beside him an provide Inspira-
Noah curled up gracefully on his
chair. “Mommy and Daddy had a wun- Mommy an Daddy were tion. I guess I’m sorta a Daddy’s
nerful Whippet named Tara. She went
to Dog Heaven when she was 11, an so nice. And they gave me Boy. But when we’re watchin’ TV,
that very same day Mommy an Daddy
saw four rainbows, which made ’em zillions of toys. I’d never I sit partly on Mommy’s lap, and
feel not so sad, cuz they knew Tara
was all happy, an also that maybe even had ONE before, an I walkin’, like they partly on Daddy’s.
there was another pooch somewhere
who was ’pose to be their Next Dog. was so excited to find out I wanna be sure they don’t step in “I have my own bed, too. I share it

“Later, they visited the humane so- could chew ’em and throw ’em all over anything ukky.” with Mommy and Daddy. Before I go
ciety in Stuart. There were a buncha of
pups all spiffy and cute, in a row along the place, even chew the squeakers an “These are POOches?” to sleep, Daddy takes me out to Do
one hallway. In another hallway was
me, by myself, just sitting’ there in my all the fluffy stuffing totally out, till it “Ackshully, they’re Sand Hill My Doodie. Then, I zoom back, jump
crate. I’m not sure why, maybe cuz I’m
Super Barky, as you noticed. Anyway, gets all over everywhere, and nobody Cranes. They have red heads and in bed an burrow under the covers, to
Mr. B., it was One Of Those Moments,
ya know? Mommy always hoped for a even gets mad at you. My favorite’s they’re super long-leggedy. Oh, an the get the Best Spot.
liddle dog, like a chihuahua. But Dad-
dy really wanted more of a Whippet or my elephant. I’ve gone through lots of squirrels. I just bark at them. A LOT! “I’ve learned lotsa stuff, too, Mr.
Italian Greyhound. And There I Was,
a MIX of those EXACT BREEDS. Plus, elephants. Sometimes, Mommy says, They’re sorta nuts.” B. I can jump through HOOPS; an do
I look a lot like Tara. When I got let
out to say hello I jumped right up on ‘We have a new toy for you.’ Then I get “Good one!” I commented. “I Mighty Leaps to catch toys Mommy
Mommy and Daddy and started givin’
’em kisses. throws; an sit patiently an Wait-Wait-

“They wanted to take me home right Wait, till Mommy says ‘OK’ before I eat

a treat that’s right there on the floor in

front of me (which isn’t that easy); an

Grey-Waa-Waa, part chihuahua say ‘I love you’ in Human. Akshully,
and part Italian Greyhound
I’m still workin’ on that. So far it’s like,
‘Ahee-woooooov-rooooooo;’ I also

know how to meow; an …”

“Wait! What? You meow? Like a ... a

cat? No Woof?”

“No Woof, Mr. B! I think that’s im-

portant, since this IS the 21st century,

post-species era, don’t you?”


“Do you wanna hear my dogloso-

phy?” Noah asked.


“Two Things: Always Act Like You

to do a treasure hunt to find it.” noticed you’re extra neat an well- Have A Purpose; and Be A Best Friend.”

“Any special pals?” groomed. What’s your secret?” “I like that, Noah. A lot. Thanks for

“Sure. Mommy’s cousin Wendy has “Thanks, Mr. B. I guess it’s mostly sharing.”

a cat, Stormy, who’s pretty cool. Then, good DogNA. Plus, I love baths. Even “My pleasure Mr. B.”

there’s Samson and Delilah, they live though, when I’m wet, I look totally Heading home, I was thinking

nearby. They’re real nice. Kinda slow goofy. But I fluff back up real good. about Noah’s doglosophy, an prom-

Don’t be shy! ised myself to be a Better Best Friend
to My Mom. An, my Purpose could be
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up to find out what a fig is.
an interview, please email [email protected].
-The Bonz

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 23


Jean Kerr, a humorist, author and playwright, said, “I think success has no rules, but you WEST KQ43 EAST
can learn a great deal from failure.” 63 AKQ K J 10 9 5 4
J 10 9 8 5 KQJ5 A7
In bridge, there are some rules that will lead to success — or, in contrast, if they are J986 10 3
ignored, you will learn from your failure. But the game remains popular because there are A7 SOUTH 962
so many deals on which one can calculate that the usual rule does not work. AQ8
What is the key rule for South in today’s deal? He is in three no-trump, and West leads the 7542
spade six. (As a side issue, looking at all 52 cards, how must declarer play if West leads 10 8 4 3
the heart jack?)
Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
If South had bid two no-trump over his partner’s takeout double, it would have shown
some 10 or 11 points. North, playing partner for six or seven points, cue-bid three spades, The Bidding:
asking South to bid three no-trump with spades stopped.
After a spade lead, declarer sees five top tricks: two spades and three diamonds. He 2 Spades
needs to establish three tricks in clubs and one in hearts. But that means losing the lead Pass Pass Dbl. Pass OPENING
twice, presumably once to West and once to East. 3 Clubs Pass 3 Spades Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
With two stoppers in their suit and two high cards to dislodge, duck the first trick. 6 Spades

South takes the second spade and plays a club. West can win, but doesn’t have another
spade to lead. (Note that if declarer plays a heart at trick three, West should put up his
jack. Then East should take dummy’s queen with his ace and return that suit, not a spade.)

On the heart-jack lead, South must play low from the dummy to get home.

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24 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



7 Dis tant (6) 1 C atlike (6)
8 Coins (6) 2 Additional (4)
9 Similarly (8) 3 Study (6)
10 Hard work (4) 4 Entry (6)
11 Look out (6) 5 Secret phrase (8)
13 Brief downpour (6) 6 Overlook (6)
14 Javelins (6) 12 Educational (8)
17 Without warning (6) 15 Toxin (6)
19 Existence (4) 16 Process (6)
20 Power (8) 17 Scribble (6)
22 Reason (6) 18 Land and property (6)
23 Assets (6) 21 Within reach (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 25


ACROSS group? motto 1960s The Washington Post
74 Bug spray brand 3 Gabler’s creator 68 Word in bank
1 Kuwaiti kingpins 75 Sphere 4 Grave letters ON THE LAMB By Merl Reagle
6 Deep opera 76 Josh 5 Looked into names
77 Broke bread 69 SE Asian capital
voices 78 Right space? 70 Where couch
11 Puberty problem 79 Proclamation 6 Pay-per-view
15 2 on the phone 81 Most intense: potatoes are
18 Ledger entry event planted
19 Backyard soak abbr. 7 Courtyards 71 Tuck, for one
20 Bok ___ 82 A page from 8 Off. employee 72 ___ Is Born
21 His counterpart 9 With mixed 73 Spaces
22 Night reminder to antiquity? 80 Start of a Henry
86 ___-disant (so- veggies, in James title
a lamb? Chinese cuisine 82 Rind lining
25 First name in called) 10 “When Will ___ 83 “Silent as ___”
87 Lamb’s favorite Loved” (Charlotte Brontë)
interchangeable 11 Behaved 84 Grecian collectible
parts class? 12 Tweet substitute? 85 Chester White’s
26 Foot division 90 1953 fantasy, The 13 “I’m in ___ for home
27 Forgotten in the your games” 87 Tyrannosaurus
rain 5,000 Fingers of 14 Once-over Rex’s diet
28 Architect Saarinen ___ 15 Winning 88 Have a typo
29 Thomas of 91 Owner’s 16 Author Plain personality?
Wendy’s document 17 Did a sad thing 89 Little cutie
30 Slangy nose 93 Category of 19 Lofty areas: abbr. 92 Connect
32 Start of a lamb’s instrument 23 Big-time operator? 95 Chancellor’s
favorite play? 94 Simple soup 24 ___ the bottom of channel
35 Candice’s dad 95 Letters to the deck 97 Graham Greene’s
38 Voice of Daffy Manhattan? 29 Early Bond foe Travels with ___
39 Bradstreet’s 96 “Here ___!” 31 Combination 99 Periods of work
buddy 98 Contraction of the alternative 101 Nanki-Poo’s pop
40 Follow like sheep season 33 Jurassic Park star (with “the”)
43 Nicholas Gage 100 Tiny Tom 34 Unseat 102 Picture ID
book 102 What a lamb 36 Beaucoup, over 103 Temple of Amon
46 El ___ (slangy might have when here site
cigar) he 37 M.L.K. Jr., for one 104 Run off to tie the
49 End of the title at grows up? 40 Shout that’s 118 knot
32 Across 109 More well-heeled Across backwards 105 “What manner
53 Subject for 113 He’s Incredible 41 Dance, in France ___
Grisham 114 Many miles away 42 Lamb’s mom’s is this?”
54 Book about lamb- 115 Block buster? favorite expres- 106 Principal water
style 118 “Strange Magic” sion? pipes
Little League? grp. 44 Not once 107 Eightsome
57 It’s after boo or 119 A kiss between 45 “The die ___” 108 Stairway post
before boy hugs? 47 Cardin or Curie 110 German poet and
58 Berkelium or 120 Lamb in the 48 “... ___ thought” satirist, 1797-1856
californium penthouse? 50 Lamb’s favorite 111 1956 Ingrid
60 TV player 123 Convertible’s roof game show? Bergman film, ___
61 Gala get-together 124 ___ instant 51 Out line of a and Her Men
62 Cole Porter’s 125 Brosnan role heart? 112 Martin partner,
Indiana 126 Clinton colleague 52 Uncertainty once
birthplace Shalala 54 “Shucks” 116 Carpet feature
63 The Audubon, 127 Metal container? 55 Popular movie 117 127 Across ending
e.g.: abbr. 128 Sites of winding theater name 120 Tire mount
64 Joey’s “steps” rds. 56 British gun 121 “___ said before
66 Shad delicacy 129 Basket fiber 59 Sophia’s world ...”
67 Unit next to the 130 Balboa named 62 Cry-Baby co-star 122 Singing: abbr.
mgr.’s, one Hearst
perhaps 64 Roundish, as
68 Closing remark to DOWN some leaves
a lamb encounter 1 Gloria’s mom 65 Navy underwater
2 Conformist’s project of the

The Telegraph

26 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Gifts should come with ribbons, not strings, attached

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST keep it from her not-as-awful-as-she-used-to-be- ple in them, or pictures of creative output or pri-
but-still-rather-difficult daughter, because then vate spaces that are plainly a host’s prerogative
Dear Carolyn: My wife and I it’s not really a gift. Not with strings attached. to display – their home, invitations, decorations,
have an anniversary coming up. etc.
It’s the second marriage for both Maybe you’d like to treat your wife to a roman-
of us and has been a blessing. tic vacation for your anniversary? Then the laws So, a photo of bride or groom? Get his or her
I’d like to give her a nice piece of of physics are in your favor: She can’t both take OK or don’t post. A selfie with friends at the wed-
jewelry to mark the event. the trip and will it to her daughter. A woman who ding? Get their OK or don’t post.
already has a “considerable amount” of jewelry
But here’s the situation. Her might agree, too, that experiences make excel- Translation: Best practices only need apply.
daughter, as a teenager, resented lent gifts. If couples need explicit embargoes to get that
her mom’s marriage to me. For across, then it’s hard to say whether they or
several years it was brutal. We Dear Carolyn: At a recent wedding, I found out guests are the ones crossing the line. 
have managed a reconciliation of sorts, now that about a new trend: The bride asks that guests post
she is 20-something, but I’ll never be part of her none of their photos of the event online – only the
“inner circle.” I’m fine with this. It allows for an couple will choose which photos to post. Guests are
amiable family setting. instructed to send all photos to them directly for
But I have five adult children of my own and choosing.
12 grandkids. Because of these separate pasts, we
have kept our “assets” separate. I’m of two minds. I fully support a couple who
So, finally: Would it be unacceptable for me to asks that no photos be taken during the ceremony.
request that my wife agree to bequeath a fine piece However, I’ve never heard anyone say the entire
of jewelry to one of my progeny rather than to her event is off-limits to cameras. So it’s okay for me to
daughter? The daughter will already come into take photos of the reception, but not to post online?
an expensive engagement ring and a considerable It sounds a bit bridezilla to me, too controlling.
amount of less-expensive stuff. I confess that seeing
more precious jewelry go to this daughter dampens But perhaps I am missing something and this is
my ardor for honoring my wife. not only reasonable but to be encouraged?
Do I not understand the true meaning of giving?
– I’ll Just Leave My Camera at Home
– Request
I’ll Just Leave My Camera at Home: I see no
Request: Seems you understand it quite well, reason for a special rule or request pertaining to
which is why you’re looking for a loophole. wedding photos (though I’ll no doubt hear some
starting ... now). The existing boundaries of good
Alas, the answer is no, it’s not acceptable to social-media citizenship will suffice: Don’t post
hand your wife a gift on the condition that she any pictures without the permission of the peo-

3-D imaging technology
has local dentists smiling

28 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


3-D imaging technology has local dentists smiling

STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Dr. Roger Montz and Dr. Hunter Collins. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Dr. Roger Montz with patient Lauren Dunfee.
[email protected]
tistry in 1996, as did Collins. emergence of CBCT has expanded lution and high dimensional accu-
In the past, dentists relied on According to the Journal of the the field of oral and maxillofacial racy.”
two-dimensional X-rays for diagno- radiology. CBCT imaging provides
sis and repair of teeth. Such radio- American Dental Association, three-dimensional volumetric data A CBCT scanner produces a cone-
graphs were first developed in the CBCT has proven a “precise imag- construction of dental and associ- or pyramid-shaped beam of radia-
late 1800s. Specialties like endodon- ing modality and is a valuable tool ated structures with isotropic reso- tion, which makes a single full or
tics, or root canals, depended on for use in dental applications. The partial circular revolution around
these X-rays to measure the lengths
of the roots.

But in the 21st century, dentists
like Roger Montz and J. Hunter Col-
lins, who practice together in Mel-
bourne Beach, can now see three-
dimensional images thanks to a
technique known as cone-beam
computed tomography. CBCT’s vi-
sualization of the mouth helps facil-
itate not only the more complicated
molar root canals, but implants and
grafting techniques.

Complex endodontics, along with
soft- and hard-tissue grafting, has
become a growing part of the den-
tists’ practice.

“We do almost all our own end-
odontics and periodontal surgery,”
said Montz, who graduated from the
University of Florida College of Den-


At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment.



Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 29

the patient, producing a sequence YOUR HEALTH such wide variety and scope that
of images using a digital detector. makes every day interesting and fun.”
Thus, two-dimensional images are Dr. Hunter Collins works on patient Bibo Jayne while hygienist Brittney Trask assists.
reconstructed into a three-dimen- Collins, a graduate of Satellite High
sional volume that can be viewed in School, joined the practice fresh from
a variety of ways. dental school. “I began working here
when it was the practice for my fam-
“The transformation from inter- ily dentist,” Collins said. “My dentist
preting two-dimensional informa- was a great influence on me.”
tion to diagnosing from 3-D imag-
ing, which allows for visualization The office where the two practice,
of all structures in any given field, next door to Djon’s Steak and Lobster
is a quantum leap and one that has House, is more than a century old.
forever altered the way we must “The building we are located in was
practice dentistry,” writes Dr. Eu- built in 1913,” Collins said.
gene Antenucci for the website,
Dentistry IQ. J. Hunter Collins & Roger D. Montz
practice at 524 Ocean Ave., Melbourne
Cone-beam imaging does not re- Beach. To make an appointment,
place more traditional X-rays, but please call 321-725-6565. 
is an adjunct. Nor should it be used
with impunity. “Although CBCT
units produce a higher radiation
dose than a single traditional den-
tal radiograph, the radiation dose
delivered typically is less than that
produced during a similar medi-
cal multichannel computed tomo-
graphic scan,” JADA said.

Practicing dentistry at that level
requires constant learning. “We try
and focus as much as we can on con-
tinuing education so we can offer a
lot of services,” Montz said.

The practice hopes to add intra-
venous sedation in the future for
more involved dental surgical pro-

“And we’ll soon get digital imaging
for impressions for crown and bridge
work and for invisible braces,” said
Montz, who grew up in West Palm
Beach, and joined a group practice
in his home town before partnering
with Collins in Melbourne Beach
in 1999. ‘’We tried it years ago with
mixed results. We’re in the process
of comparing the new technology
before the end of the year as it has
been evolving and getting better in
both accuracy and user interface.”

Navda Rondon, writing on the
website Your Dentistry Guide, said
“digital impressions represent cut-
ting-edge technology that allows
dentists to create a virtual, comput-
er-generated replica of the hard and
soft tissues in the mouth using lasers
and other optical scanning devices.
The digital technology captures
clear and highly accurate impres-
sion data in mere minutes, without
the need for traditional impression
materials that some patients find in-
convenient and messy.”

For Montz and Collins, these
kinds of technology advances are
what drove them into dentistry in
the first place.

“Ever since having braces as a
14-year-old, I knew the dental pro-
fession was for me,” Montz said. “I
love working with my hands and
with people. General dentistry has

30 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Little Dos: Big uno in Mexican cuisine in SatBeach

REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Chimichanga. a trace of the
[email protected] street tacos
A couple months ago we sampled the of the entrees
cuisine at an Indian Harbour Beach Shrimp Fajitas. come with fluffy,
Mexican restaurant and in that review seasoned rice and
I mentioned that we had a favorite refried beans, which
neighborhood cantina just three min- are a tasty version of
utes away from home. I got a few emails what you’d expect. The
asking which Mexican joint was “our” street tacos come with
spot, so we figured we’d ramble down black beans and rice.
to Little Dos in Satellite Beach and give I wish I could tell you
a full report. what the churros taste
Sparkling Sangria. like, but we’re always
First of all, Little Dos is not the place too full and content for
you want to go to have a quiet conversa- dessert. You can make it
tion or an intimate, formal dinner date. out of Little Dos for $30 in-
It is a happening, casual restaurant and cluding tip without alcohol,
bar where locals go to blow off some or for less than $50 with
steam, gather with friends, watch the
game, enjoy a cold beer or a margarita Cheeseburger Tacos.

(or both at the same time), inhale some time) up to my thing and every- beer and margaritas if you take advan-
tasty Mexican food and maybe let the tage of their specials.
kids be kids out on the patio. chin. thing on the
We encourage you to send feedback to
It’s come-as-you-are. You’ll see ev- The staff menu, from [email protected].
erything from bathing suit cover-ups
and flip-flops to Little League uniforms. is friendly the queso dip The reviewer is a barrier island resi-
It’s slightly kitschy, festive Mexican and dent who dines anonymously at restau-
there’s probably a papier mache pinata and knowl- and the av- rants at the expense of this newspaper. 
hanging somewhere, along with leftover
beer banners from the last three cele- edgeable ocado sal- HOURS
brated holidays. It’s homey and we laid- 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily
back Satellite Beachers love it that way. about the ad, to the
If you’re stuffy or accustomed to fine- menu and chicken, Full bar
dining establishments, or you’re the
kind of person who has to check the the dizzy- beef, veg- ADDRESS
silverware for water spots, just don’t go. 1246 Hwy A1A,
You’ll ruin the super-cool vibe. ing array of gie, fish entrees Satellite Beach

Both inside and outside were full up nightly specials to the spinach PHONE
when we arrived, so we commandeered (321) 777-3093
a couple of still-warm barstools and that draw the lo- Flan with Churros. enchiladas. We’ve
waited maybe 10 minutes for a high- cals back time after been going to Little
top in the air-conditioning to escape
the 109 heat index. One of the things I time. Drink specials Dos and its previous itera-
love about Little Dos is that they have
my favorite Mexican beer, Negra Mod- and the El Cheapo menu food tion under different management
elo on draft ($2.25). I ordered one, plus
a virgin strawberry daiquiri for my un- specials. Even without the specials, for nearly seven years and have never
derage dining companion. I can’t call
him my pint-sized companion any- Little Dos is a great value and has good had a bad meal.
more, as he grew a full 3 inches over
the summer and stands (as of press kids’ selections, too, but the specials Knowing the portions are generous,

make it that place to go to and bring we skipped an appetizer and just went

the whole family or treat your staff to for entrees – steak fajitas ($10.00 on

a meal and not have a coronary when special) and an order of three street ta-

the check comes. cos ($12.95). You can get beef, chicken

The service is always great, as it was or shrimp, but Tyler said we could get

on the night we went in, on a mission one of each, so why not? Both dishes

in search of some of Little Dos’ sizzling were excellent. The meat was tender

fajitas. Tyler served us and we apolo- and well-seasoned, the grilled veggies

gized for mistaking him for his twin perfectly cooked and the raw veggies

brother Eric who worked there for sev- crisp and fresh. The pico de gallo on

eral years. No worries, he said. It hap- the street tacos was pretty amazing.

pens all the time. Some of the fajitas came home for

I would highly recommend any- lunch atop a salad the next day, but not

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 31


32 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


ONGOING 19 Let’s Rock On! Rock painting at Mimi’s 20 Fall Hunting Classic free seminars at Youth Series 1/4 and 1/2-mile race for children
Crafts, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., 214 S.R. Bass Pro Shops, Palm Bay. 11 a.m. 12 and under.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 A1A, Satellite Beach. Cost is $10 to paint five Hone the Harvest Archery fine tuning; 2 p.m.
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park rocks, all rocks and supplies provided, as well as From Field to Freezer. Free giveaway to first 25 26 Space Coast Symphony Jazz Or-
help with ideas and designs. Tickets at www.mi- customers who attend each seminar. Free ad- chestra presents at tribute to Ella
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith mission. Fitzgerald, jazz singer Linda Cole sings Ella’s
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- greats, 7 p.m. at the Scott Center at Holy
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, 19 Brevard Youth Chorus audtions for 20 Healing Depression workshop, Patti Trinity Episcopal Academy in Melbourne.
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and singers in grades 4 to 10, 9 a.m. to Akers draws on her 40 years experi- General Admission is $20, 18 and younger
other essentials. noon, Advent Lutheran Church, 7550 N. Wick- ence as a holistic consultant to address the and those with student IDs admitted free.
ham Road, Melbourne. Free. www.BrevardY- causes of depression and ways to treat it natu-
Tai Chi and QiGong, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Tues- rally with acupressure, meditation, aromathera-
days at Canova Beach Park, or 10 to 11:30 a.m. py, yoga and cognitive/behavior modification, 2 29 The 12th Annual 100% Pure Flori-
Thursdays at Gleason Park, Indian Harbour 19 India Day, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Mel- to 4 p.m. at Aquarian Dreams, 414 S. Miramar da juried exhibit opens at at Fifth
Beach, by Beachside QiGong and Tai Chi. Dona- bourne Auditorium, hosted by the In- Ave, Indialantic. Cost is $20 per person. www. Avenue Art Gallery with 57 pieces repre-
tion of $5-10. dian Association f the Space Coast. Food, music, senting 42 artists chosen from 182 entries,
folk dance, yoga, handicrafts, colorful costumes in the Eau Gallie Arts District, with cash
Running for Brews running club, meet at 7 and vendors. Free admission. 20 Melodies & Masterpieces annual mu- prizes and a reception at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 1.
p.m. Tuesdays at Beef O’Brady’s. 724 S. Patrick sic and art event featuring Brevard
Dr. in Satellite Beach for a social run and drinks 19 Hula Moon Polynesian Dinner Show by school teachers, free performances at 3 p.m.
to follow. Register and sign waiver at the Brevard Hawaiian Dancers , 5: 30 and 6 p.m., Advent Lutheran Church in Suntree, SEPTEMBER p.m. at 1900 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach.
Call (321) 241-4808 for dinner reservations. 2 ACF Therapy Family Fun Run, 7:30 a.m. at
AUGUST 23 Melbourne Regional Chamber of Com- Wickham Park, to benefit ACF Therapy As-
19 Space Coast Symphony Pit Orchestra merce Valor Awards to honor area sociates.
17|18 Cooking classes at The performs, “The Merry Widow,” Lehar’s men and women in uniform, 6 p.m. at the Mel-
Gathering Table, 318 operetta updated, in collaboration with Light bourne Rialto Hilton, $50-$62 per person. www. 2 Hands Across the Reef demonstration
E. New Haven Ave, Downtown Melbourne. Opera Orlando, 7 p.m. Scott Center for the Per- by Save the Mid-Reach and the Surfrider
Themes are Sun-ripened Sicily at 6 p.m. Aug. forming Arts at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Foundation, 10 a.m. to noon at Pelican Beach
17 and Floribbean at 6 p.m. Aug. 18. Cost is $65 General admission $20 general admission, ages 24, 31 Grand opening of Harbour Park in Satellite Beach. Social gathering at from
per person, per class. All classes are BYOB. www. 18 and younger or those with student ID admit- House Oceanfront wed- 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. with music and snacks, ted free. ding and event venue, reservation-only recep- then guest speakers and an opportunity to share
tion for the public from 5 to 8 p.m., with a gen- stories and feelings about the beach and the
18 One Senior Place presents a free dis- 19 Staged: An evening of unscripted the- eral look-and-see open house for anyone who reef. Joining of hands down the beach at 11:15
cussion, “Keep Your Motor Running! ater with the Not Quite Right Comedy wants to stop by 1901 Hwy A1A, Indian Harbour a.m.
Aging, Intimacy and Sexual Health in the 21st Improv Troupe, 8 to 10 p.m. at the Derek Gores Beach from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. RSVP for the eve-
Century,” professionals address physical and Gallery, 587 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Tickets are $15 at ning reception to (321)610-3245. www.harbour- 8 Dude Looks Like a Lady: Men Against Do-
emotional aspects of senior sexuality, 2 to 4 p.m. mestic Violence cocktail party, 6:30 p.m.
, 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera. www.OneSenior- at Radisson Resort at the Port, with Brevard’s 19-20 Bonsai Weekend at Brevard 26 Running on Island Time 5K Race/Walk, finest ‘made-over’ men raising funds to combat
Zoo. Regular zoo admission 7:30 a.m. from Divine Mercy Academy domestic violence. $75.
applies. on Merritt Island includes a Space Coast Runners

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 9 Turtle Krawl 5K Run/Walk, the largest 5K in
in August 10, 2017 Edition 7 MIRAGE 1 TIRESOME Brevard, 7:30 a.m. at Nance Park in Indial-
8 AMULET 2 BATTLE antic to benefit Sea Turtle Preservation Society.
11 FOREVER 5 PURSUE 16 Eagle Pride 5K and 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m.
12 MESSY 6 YEAR at and to benefit Ascension Catholic
15 FENCE 13 SKELETON School, Melbourne.
20 PHEASANT 16 CHATTY 16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival at
22 PREY 18 APPEAR north jetty, ‘a contest for
23 CASTLE 19 PANEL the rest of us’ to benefit Surfrider Foundation
24 REASON 21 HEAT Sebastian Inlet Chapter. Sebastianinletsurf-
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CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
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Affordable townhome available
in family-friendly community

3308 Cutty Sark Way, Indialantic: 2-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom, 1,620-square-foot home offered for
$219,200 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agent Sylvia Cooney, 321-604-6510

34 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Affordable townhome in family-friendly community

BY MARIA CANFIELD urious estate homes to townhomes er will designate as the master. Both biking distance to the beach, and
Correspondent such as the one on Cutty Sark Way (we have an en suite bathroom, and are is just minutes from many dining,
don’t know if the street got its name almost equal in square footage; one is shopping and entertainment op-
The two-story townhome located from the 19th century British clip- 18 feet by 12 feet and the other 17-by- tions. Community amenities include
at 3308 Cutty Sark Way offers an op- per ship or the whisky; either way, it’s 13. Perhaps the decision will be made a clubhouse, pool, fitness facility, and
portunity to buy an affordable home charming). based on the bathroom: one has a courts for both basketball and tennis.
in a terrific location: the gated Ocean- shower/tub combination; in the oth-
side Village subdivision in Indialan- The townhouse, with over 1,600 er, the shower and tub are separate. Indialantic is part of the Brevard
square feet of living space, is by no Public School system; the 10th largest

tic. With some cosmetic changes and means small, and has some appealing Although the upstairs consists of in Florida, with 82 schools, 20 special
a little TLC, this home will provide a design features: a true eat-in kitchen only the two bedrooms (and en suite centers, and 10 charter schools. For
very comfortable living experience as well as a breakfast bar, a half-bath baths), the high ceilings convey a nice established or aspiring educators, it’s
for a couple or small family. and laundry room on the first floor, sense of space; it feels much bigger good to know that the school system
and an open-flow living and dining than it is. is the largest employer in Brevard
Oceanside Village, situated be- room with vaulted ceilings. County, with approximately 9,000
tween the Intracoastal Waterway and A kid-friendly community, Oceans- staff members.
the Atlantic Ocean just south of Eau Up a carpeted staircase, you’ll find ide Village is within easy walking or
Gallie Boulevard, has a lovely collec- two very good-sized bedrooms; it’s
tion of properties – ranging from lux- hard to say which one the new own-

TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is
COUNTY AGENTS cohnisstacnlitelyntgsowinigthththeeeirxbtreasmt iinlete.r.e.asltwinaymsisnedr!v”ing

Todd moved here from Minnesota and has been serving the citizens of VITAL STATISTICS
Brevard County for 20 years with high energy, hard work and his unique way 3308 CUTTY SARK WAY, INDIALANTIC
with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi-
TODD OSTRANDER ties in the area, interest in real estate and willingness to go above and beyond Year Built: 2002
for his clients is a winning combination for either buyers or sellers! Construction: Combination: Frame, Wood • Home Size: 1,620 square feet
“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using
a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at- Bedrooms: 2 • Bathrooms: 2 full, 1 half
321-749-8405 tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl- Listing Agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy Listing Agent: Sylvia Cooney, 321-604-6510
[email protected] and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis.
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals List Price: $219,200
well over 125 Million Dollars of Real Estate since starting in 2007/2008. This
stature has made him one of the preferred agents in the area and landed him
in the “Top 1% of Brevard County agents!” but the most important thing is
that all his clients are happy!

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 35


When a short day (or half-day) trip And a trip of about the same length ment, and the famous 800-foot pier For those out-of-state trips, the
is desired, the Avenue Viera, an open- will get you to Cocoa Beach Pier, a stretching out over the Atlantic; for Melbourne International Airport is
air mall with restaurants, name- historic Space Coast landmark. For those who want to get sandy or wet (or only 7 miles away (about 15 minutes);
brand stores, and a 16-screen movie landlubbers, it offers restaurants, both), there is the beach, fishing and it serves Delta, American, Porter and
theater, is less than 30 minutes away. bars, gift shops, musical entertain- terrific surfing. Elite Airways. 

36 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Tips to remember when buying a home sight-unseen

BY MARSHALL PARK That’s according to a survey of recent
Washington Post home buyers and sellers around the
country commissioned by Redfin.
One in 3 people who bought a home
in the last year said that they made an As a real estate professional, this
offer without seeing it in person. number surprised me. People are
making one of the biggest financial
Millennials were even more likely purchases of their lives, and they are
to have made an offer sight-unseen, willing to make an offer sight-un-
with 41 percent saying they had done seen? Is this a positive housing trend,
so, compared with 30 percent of Gen- and what is driving it?
Xers and 12 percent of baby boomers.
To be clear, these are people who

JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! made an offer without seeing a home, long). For a buyer who thinks a home
but they didn’t necessarily buy that looks promising online, but can’t get
Building Confidence Through Relationships home. In other words, it’s not 1 in 3 out to tour it before an offer deadline,
home sales that was sight-unseen. I can understand the impulse to sub-
321.890.9911 321.729.6000 Even still, if one-third of all buyers are mit an offer sight-unseen. However, I
bidding sight-unseen, we can assume strongly discourage it. that includes more than just people
who are purchasing from out-of-state First, sellers are less likely to accept
THE HOUSING MARKET IS MOVING FAST - DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND. or overseas and have no other option. your offer if they know you’ve never
seen the home. Sellers want to know
BUYING OR SELLING Perhaps a portion of those respon- you’re all-in and serious. They would
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. dents bought a new-construction have well-founded concerns about a
home, in which case it is common to sight-unseen buyer getting cold feet.
397 SOUTHAMPTON DR. • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903 make an offer on a home before the To instill confidence to the seller,
builder breaks ground. And there are making a portion, or the entire, ear-
JUST LISTED - $769,000 situations where real estate investors nest money deposit non-refundable
are willing to make an offer sight-un- might show that you’re serious and
5 BEDROOM + OFFICE/3 BATHROOM 3,744 SF seen for a great deal. But for the vast they may be willing to accept your of-
GATED CLOISTERS • CUSTOM BUILT POOL HOME majority of buyers, bidding sight-un- fer. As crazy as this idea sounds, this
3 CAR GARAGE • CLOSE TO THE RIVER & THE BEACHES! seen is risky. Advances in technology is a common strategy in the nation’s
and the speed of the market are prob- most competitive markets.
RECENT ACTIVITY IN THE CLOISTERS ably contributing to this trend.
JUST SOLD! 350 OCEAN OAKS DR - $530,000 Also there are things you just need
UNDER CONTRACT! 1780 CANTERBURY DR - $549,000 The abundance of listing photos to experience in person that you can’t
– including interactive 3D photog- tell from looking at online pictures.
LET’S CONNECT raphy that lets people virtually walk What if the nearby landfill produced
DAVID CURRI through listings and “drive by” the a smell that you found unbearable?
C: 321.890.9911 home on Google Maps – and other What if the noise from an adjacent
E: [email protected] information made available about highway is too loud?
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: homes for sale online helps buyers
feel comfortable bidding on a home But there are some circumstanc-
they haven’t set foot in. es, when a buyer is purchasing from
overseas, for example, where there
Mix in the severe shortage of homes isn’t another option.
for sale that is failing to keep up with
strong buyer demand. In June, the If you do have to buy your next home
national supply of homes for sale fell sight-unseen, here are a few tips to
year over year for the 21st consecutive keep in mind when home-searching:
month. Today’s market is laced with
steep competition, setting a brisk  Have your agent give you a live
pace and pushing prices ever higher. video tour of the home. Pictures are a
The median sale price for a home rose great tool to see what the listing agent
in June by 7.3 percent from last year. wants you to see. Video allows you to
Serious buyers feel they must act ask questions and zoom in close to all
quickly and decisively. the details.

The typical home that sold in June  Another good idea is to send
went under contract in 36 days, the someone you trust. Ask your agent to
fastest pace since 2010. But the mar- tour a friend or family member if they
ket was even faster in some metro ar- are nearby. Someone who knows you
eas. In Denver, Seattle and Portland, well can be a great asset. If they can’t
Ore., homes were on the market for picture the layout working for your
just a week. In the Washington, D.C., family, you may not be able to picture
area, the typical home sold in June yourself there either. Video and Face-
found a buyer in 16 days. Time work great for inspections, after
you go under contract, too.
In this market, the pattern is clear.
Homes are often listed on Thursday Staying in communication is the
or Friday, an open house is Sunday, key to success in this situation.
and the home may be under contract
by Monday or Tuesday (if it lasts that Marshall Park is a real estate broker
at Redfin in Virginia who writes an
occasional column on the real estate
market. 

38 Thursday, August 17, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Aug. 4 to Aug. 10

The first full week of August saw continued strong real estate activity in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and
32937. Satellite Beach reported 12 sales, closely followed by Indialantic reporting 11, Melbourne Beach 5,
and Indian Harbour Beach 3.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 7335 S. Highway
A1A in the community of Sunnyland Beach was placed on the market March 11 for $1.15 million. The price
was subsequently upped to $1.165 million, and the transaction closed Aug. 10 for $1.005 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Clifford Howes and Paulina Hill of Aquarina Properties.
The purchaser was represented by Erika and Michael Rogers of Treasure Coast Sothebys.


HARBOR EAST SEC 2 408 S ANCHOR KEY 4/28/2017 $725,000 $695,000 8/10/2017 $500,000
RIVERS EDGE SUBD 2325 S RIVER RD 5/27/2017 $599,900 $599,900 8/9/2017
RIVER OAKS AT AQUARI 355 HAMMOCK SHORE DR 12/19/2016 $575,000 $535,000 8/7/2017 $800,000
SALES FOR 32903 $465,000

INDIALANTIC BY SEA 38 S RIVERSIDE DR S 4/3/2017 $849,000 $849,000 8/7/2017 $805,000
THE CLOISTERS P2B 350 OCEAN OAKS DR 4/15/2017 $579,000 $549,000 8/9/2017 $447,500
SILVER PALM CONDO 2805 N HIGHWAY A1A 503 4/14/2017 $475,000 $475,000 8/10/2017 $370,000


TORTOISE ISLAND P3U2 557 LANTERNBACK ISLAND DR 4/3/2017 $899,000 $849,900 8/4/2017
MONTECITO PHASE 1A 304 POINT LOBOS DR 1/16/2017 $469,900 $469,900 8/4/2017
BAY VILLAGE 508 BAY CIR 6/16/2017 $375,000 $375,000 8/4/2017

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 17, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 2, Address: 408 S Anchor Key Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 38 S Riverside Dr S

Listing Date: 4/28/2017 Listing Date: 4/3/2017
Original Price: $725,000 Original Price: $849,000
Recent Price: $695,000 Recent Price: $849,000
Sold: 8/10/2017 Sold: 8/7/2017
Selling Price: $675,000 Selling Price: $800,000
Listing Agent: Gibbs Baum Listing Agent: Cari Curri
& Gregory Zimmerman
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Susan Burke
Pamela Ann Wise
Hart To Hart Real Estate, Inc.
Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.

Subdivision: Tortoise Island P3U2, Address: 557 Lanternback Island Dr Subdivision: Rivers Edge Subd, Address: 2325 S River Rd

Listing Date: 4/3/2017 Listing Date: 5/27/2017
Original Price: $899,000 Original Price: $599,900
Recent Price: $849,900 Recent Price: $599,900
Sold: 8/4/2017 Sold: 8/9/2017
Selling Price: $805,000 Selling Price: $599,000
Listing Agent: Nick Farinella Listing Agent: Barbara Wall

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Res RE Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty

Meili Viera Lourdes Sliwa
& Roderick Warden
Waterman Real Estate, Inc.
Curri Properties

Subdivision: Indialantic Sec G, Address: 315 Twelfth Trc

Listing Date: 5/25/2017
Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $439,000
Sold: 8/7/2017
Selling Price: $439,000
Listing Agent: Mary Goodwin

Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC

Amanda Gonnella

Re/Max Alternative Realty

Subdivision: The Cloisters P2B, Address: 350 Ocean Oaks Dr

Listing Date: 4/15/2017
Original Price: $579,000
Recent Price: $549,000
Sold: 8/9/2017
Selling Price: $530,000
Listing Agent: Chris Carpenter

Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC

Kristin Fee

Premium Properties Real Estate





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