Leading lady. P2 Divorce and kids. P26 The season of stars
Kristine Isnardi tapped as chair Licensed counselor’s advice on Brevard’s big
of Brevard County Commission. how to navigate holiday season. names add
shine to
Page 12
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 49 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
vows to tackle
‘I want to save my life to save the lagoon’ teacher raises
[email protected] munity support – and a few real
waves – as he battles Stage 4 Non- Tina Descovich has been
Lifelong surfer Duane E. De Hodgkin’s lymphoma. tapped to lead the School
Freese, 64, a Ph.D. marine biolo- Board of Brevard County as
gist and executive director of the De Freese had no idea how the panel welcomes two new
Indian River Lagoon Council of much his informal group of surf- members and faces another
the National Estuary Program, is round of tough negotiations
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 over teacher salaries.
Duane De Freese. Descovich was elected to the
board in 2016 and represents
PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER District 3, which includes the
beachside communities south
of Pineda Causeway as well as
a large swath of the mainland
from Eau Gallie Causeway
south to the county line.
She and other board mem-
bers have pledged to make
teacher raises a priority.
“We are in the middle of ne-
gotiations now so it is not ap-
propriate to comment about
the details,” Descovich said.
Drive to help Panhandle first responders gains speed MELBOURNE CITY MANAGER SOUGHT
[email protected] Hurricane Michael’s wrath in the Panhandle. STORY BY LISA ZAHNER COMMUNITY EDITOR Michael McNees.
[email protected]
like soldiers, leave no man be- Two weeks before losing his job as Mel-
hind, and members of the Indian bourne city manager, Michael McNees
Harbour Beach and Melbourne applied for an open position in the much
police departments have not smaller beachside town of Indian River
forgotten about their fellow first Shores just north of Vero Beach.
responders in Florida’s Panhan-
dle whose lives and homes were As part of the shakeout from the Nov. 6 elec-
upended by Hurricane Michael tion, McNees was ousted during a Nov. 27 orga-
nizational meeting of the newly seated seven-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Engaging environment
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Ocean Reef Beach Festival: Pelican
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 Beach Park event was equal parts
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-27 REAL ESTATE 33-40 sustaining and entertaining. P. 8
2 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORIES BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT unincorporated Brevard County and a Lober, in fact, nominated Isnardi to missioners are very respective of each
[email protected] swath of the City of Melbourne up to the chair. other,” Isnardi said. “Order is usually
Eau Gallie Boulevard on the barrier is- maintained.”
Palm Bay nurse-practitioner Kristine land. Lober, 34, a Rockledge attorney, was
Isnardi, who spent the last year as vice sworn in to the District 2 seat by Coun- Isnardi thanked former chairwoman
chair of the Brevard County Commis- As the new chair, Isnardi will wield ty Judge Ben Garagozlo before becom- Rita Pritchett, of Titusville, for running
sion, got a unanimous nod this time the gavel, keeping order and leading ing vice chair. Commissioner John To- such smooth meetings. She said she’d
around from her colleagues to be 2019’s her colleagues through each meeting’s bia nominated the new commissioner. look to Pritchett for assistance in the
new chair. agenda. But she won’t be able to make new year.
motions without passing the gavel to District 2, the county’s most tourist-
Isnardi, 45, was elected in 2016 to Bryan Lober, who was chosen as 2019’s oriented area, includes southern Mer- Tobia, of Grant-Valkaria, and Curt
the District 5 seat, which includes all vice chair. ritt Island. Smith, of Melbourne, spent much of
of Indialantic, plus some patches of 2018 quarreling over issues like improv-
Before his Nov. 6 election, Lober said ing the Indian River Lagoon.
one of his priorities will be to increase
the amount of money spent on aid to But Isnardi attributed that to the re-
the lagoon by looking into the Tour- cent election, in which Tobia support-
ist Development Council’s advertising ed Smith’s primary opponent, Trudie
budget. Infantini. She said she didn’t see those
disputes as a problem in the coming
After the meeting, Isnardi said she year.
has a few ideas she’d like to initiate. But
she didn’t want to state them openly to Smith, 70, won election Nov. 6 to a
avoid communicating them outside of second four-year term in the District 4
a meeting to her colleagues. seat. Circuit Judge David Dugan swore
him in.
Such an act would violate Florida’s
Government-in-the-Sunshine Law, He has called this his “second and fi-
which deems that such discussions nal term.” The Brevard County Charter
should be held only in an advertised bars commissioners from a third term
public session. unless they sit one out first.
“It’s a good thing that these com- District 4 includes the Satellite Beach
NEW SCHOOL BOARD moving and frustrating.”
The refrain is familiar. Last year, the
union and the district didn’t come to
“The entire board is committed to giv- an agreement until late January, after
ing the best raise we can to our teach- months of negotiations. Highly effec-
ers. We are continuing to look at all our tive teachers received a pay increase
options.” of $875. “This year we have agreed to
Board member Matt Susin, when take all available funds and give them
asked in an email what towards teacher and staff
his priorities were for the raises,” Susin said. “It is
next year, replied: “Raises, well deserved. The reason
Raises, Raises, Raises, Rais- it is taking time is because
es, Raises, Raises, Raises, we are literally turning
Raises.” over every stone to find
The Brevard Federation any available funds. This
of Teachers has asked for year took extra long be-
an annual raise of $3,593 cause of the turnover and
for highly effective teach- elections of the board.
ers, the top pay grade. BFT They wanted to give the
president Anthony Colucci new board members an
said that number is based opportunity to make the
on raises for Orange Coun- decisions.”
ty teachers over the past Tina Descovich. Two new members were
two years. elected to the board this
“The district has the moral and stat- year. Katye Campbell took the District 5
utory obligation to offer us raises in seat formerly held by Andy Ziegler, who
line with comparable districts,” BFT was defeated in the primary. Cheryl
president Anthony Colucci said. McDougall took the District 2 seat held
As of Saturday, the district had of- by John Craig, who was also the former
fered $575. board chair. Craig did not run for re-
Since negotiations between the election.
union and the district aren’t bind- Descovich said it’s one of her goals
ing, the School Board can in the end to offer teachers a “competitive salary.”
impose whatever salary they choose. Her other top priorities for the next
Teachers in Florida are also prohibited year are to increase employee morale,
by law from striking. expand communications between the
Colucci described the negotiations school board and public and to in-
thus far this year as “extremely slow- crease school security.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 3
and Indian Harbor Beach areas on the but rather to see Lober be sworn in. discussed in political circles as a third remaining influence. Contacted later,
barrier island. “The chair is nothing but more pa- member of a new Tobia-Isnardi-Lober Smith declined to comment directly on
majority. Some say that would wrest Ellis’ remark.
Clerk of Courts Scott Ellis, who was a perwork and headaches,” he said. leadership from the prior majority of
commissioner from 1992 to 1996, was “They tried to make me chairman (in Smith, Pritchett and former Commis- “He’s entitled to his opinion like ev-
among those in the almost packed au- 1996) but I turned them down.” sioner Jim Barfield, Lober’s predecessor. eryone else,” Smith said. “I assume all
dience. He said the people didn’t fill the five of us want to do the best for the
seats to see Isnardi become the chair, And he said Lober’s swearing-in drew “Curt Smith is dead,” Ellis said of his county.”
the crowd, not Smith’s. Lober has been
4 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Block party! Local roads featured in new Christmas Parade route OUSTED CITY MANAGER
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT Santa at last year’s parade. Christmas Eve for parents who drop CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
off gifts at the station on either Dec.
So good, you get to see it twice. The holiday-themed parade is typi- 23 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., or Dec. 24 member Melbourne City Council when
For 52 years, that was the unof- cally about 45 minutes long and has from noon to 4 p.m. Councilman Paul Alfrey asked for a dis-
ficial motto of the Melbourne Beach approximately 10 floats, represent- cussion on the city manager’s contract.
Volunteer Fire Department Children’s ing local churches, elected officials, “Seeing the magic of Christmas Alfrey said he felt McNees was less than
Christmas Parade. That’s because the businesses, organizations, marching in the kid’s eyes is amazing,” Turner truthful with him about applying for the
traditional route took the popular at- groups and a display of classic cars. said. “We live in such a community- Naples city manager job. Though the
traction from the fire house on Ocean centric town, it’s always great to see public and local business community
Avenue, up to the beach and back the The new route isn’t the only “first” everyone come out and enjoy the rallied around McNees, the council vot-
same way. of the day – after the parade, the holidays together.” ed 4-3 to part ways.
But this year, it’s changing course. MBVFD will host its first annual all-
Because the original parade route you-can-eat pancake breakfast fund- PARADE SCHEDULE Public records show McNees ap-
crosses over State Road A1A, Depart- raiser. This year all proceeds will go 8:15 a.m.: Check-In for entries in the plied for the Indian River Shores job
ment of Transportation regulations for toward helping the town purchase parade at Advent Lutheran Church on Nov. 12, saying he’s familiar with
signage indicating road closure would new playground equipment for Ryck- (1805 Oak Street). the town, having “logged many miles
cost organizers anywhere from $750 man Park. 8 :30 a.m.: All entrants that have running the Jungle Trail along State
to $1,500. In the past they were able checked in should report to the pa- Road A1A.”
to work out a less costly arrangement, The cost is $4 for kids under 12, and rade marshal for staging and further
but this year, costs were too prohibi- $8 for adults, and includes all-you- instructions. McNees rose to the top four of a
tive, and since the parade is not a prof- can-eat pancakes, sausage, coffee 9 a.m.: Parade begins in front of the field of 37 applicants for the job in re-
it-making enterprise, the decision was and juice in the fire station. Advent Lutheran Church and usually sponse to a two-month, nationwide
made to change direction and keep lasts for 45-60 minutes search by Orlando-based consultants
the parade on local roads. The parade is just one of the many 1 0 a.m.: Presentation of trophies at at the Mercer Group. Last Wednesday
This year, the parade will begin at ways the MBVFD celebrates the holi- the Community Center. the Indian River Shores Town Coun-
Advent Lutheran Church, 1805 Oak days. At 6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 13, 1 0 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: Pancake Break- cil heard a presentation from Mercer
Street in Melbourne Beach. It will go the annual Christmas tree lighting fast at the Fire Station hosted by the Senior Vice President W.D. Higginbo-
north on Oak, take a left on Ocean Av- will take place, along with Pizza in the MBVFD Inc. tham laying out the best prospects.
enue heading west, and end at Ryck- Park with Santa. And each year, the
man Park. department does its Christmas Eve Hired by the City of Melbourne in
Jim Turner, who serves as president Santa stop, offering early delivery of 2012, McNees was included in the fi-
of MBVFD Inc., the not-for-profit cor- presents at designated Santa stops on nalists not only because of his qualifi-
poration that operates as the recruit- cations and substantial knowledge of
ment, fund-raising, community ser- Florida government, but because he
vice and public relations sector of the would be easier and cheaper to inter-
fire department, hopes the new route view in person than other candidates
will encourage residents to come out from across the country. McNees
and represent their block along the could also report for work sooner, as
way. “We want to see the neighbor- he is already unemployed and lives in
hood come and cheer the parade on,” Grant and would not need to relocate.
Turner said. “Everyone should come
out and support your block.” Prior to moving to Brevard, McNees
The block with the best cheer- served as a comptroller in private in-
ing section will be recognized at the dustry, then assistant county manager
awards ceremony. But Turner said in Collier County, Sarasota city man-
they will receive something even ager, county administrator of Blaine
more valuable – bragging rights for County, Idaho, and chief operating
the year. officer and interim chief executive of
USA Track and Field at the national of-
fice in Indianapolis.
Indian River Shores is a high-end
community of about 4,200 full-time
residents and includes exclusive gat-
ed, country club and golf communi-
ties, the largest of which is John’s Is-
land Club. The town is more than 90
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
Community Editor ADVERTISING We are here to provide Brevard barrier [email protected]
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[email protected] Key Accounts Manager sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, Creative Director
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 5
percent built out, and is almost exclu- medics. The town also has a postal a range of $120,000 to $150,000 to start. a manager who will stay put and be
sively residential, with only a handful center, a cemetery and an under-con- The Shores Town Council members happy in the job long-term.
of retail shops, restaurants and profes- struction community center. last week said they wanted to make
sional offices. The largest expense in sure McNees was a hands-on man- The council voted to move forward
the town’s $6 million budget is its Pub- Up until last week, McNees man- ager, since he would be on the front with background investigations on
lic Safety Department with 22 officers aged 900 employees and a $220 mil- line every day with very few people McNees and two other hopefuls from
triple trained as law enforcement of- lion budget in exchange for a salary of to delegate work to. Mayor Tom Slater the Midwest – David Strahl of O’Fallon,
ficers, as well as firefighters and para- $192,000. The Indian River Shores job emphasized that the Shores is seeking Mo., and Brian Wilson of Belleville,
offers a salary of significantly less, with Wisc.
6 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
DUANE DE FREESE a growing number of ways, he said. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER self? That remaining private behind
“It shows how tight the beach self-limiting personal walls that
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ally, on average, this has been about don’t allow you to accept help is out
community is and how support- 80 percent good, 20 percent bad. It’s of the question for this type of fight,
ing buddies who congregate around ive this community is for people in reaffirmed the things I believed be- he said.
Long Doggers in Indialantic would need. I have people dropping food fore. I just decided instead of look-
rally to his side in tough times. off at my condo. It’s not just my surf- ing at it like a victim, (I would) look “I had to take that wall down real-
Starting after the first chemo treat- ing crew, it’s my extended family at it like an opportunity to learn ly quick. My friends weren’t letting
ment, “The Choir Boys,” as they from the National Estuary Program. about yourself,” he said. that wall stand whether I wanted it
call themselves, insisted on helping I have support from all five counties. down or not. They bulldozed that
him simplify and downsize, from a They’re rallying around me, making Still working full time, De Freese is wall down for me. I’m kissing and
two-bedroom home on a half-acre sure I’m OK,’’ he said. taking some time off while he waits hugging way more than I ever did
in Indialantic to an ocean-view for results on the effectiveness of the before. You’ve got one shot to tell
condo in Indian Harbour Beach. “People say to me it’s really a chemo with a prognosis expected in people you love that you love them,
shame, it’s really a bad thing. Actu- February after a PET scan. and it wasn’t something I did very
That’s where De Freese surfed often. I was a scientist and kept it
with some of those many old friends What has he learned about him- conservative. That wall is down.
Nov. 25, marking the end of the fifth These guys are kissing me on my
out of six rounds of chemotherapy. bald head. How lucky am I to ex-
perience that? If I didn’t have this
“Neuropathy in feet plus chemo challenge I would never know it.
dizzy does not equal good surfing This outpouring usually happens
LOL. So fun to be in water with the after you die. There’s a blessing in
boys,’’ De Freese posted on social all this even though (chemothera-
media that evening. py) is brutal,’’ he said.
“Some (of ) it is stupid defiance De Freese said he feels the dif-
and a little bit of it is denial that I’m ference at work. “As a scientist you
going to let cancer dictate and de- try to be factual, you try to be kind
fine my life. Every day I try to coun- of distant from the information,
terpunch,’’ he said. kind of like a medical doctor. It was
never a personal story. That was my
The Choir Boys never let up tran- job. That’s all shifted in the last six
sitioning De Freese out of his Indial- months. People are saying that was
antic home of about 20 years. the best speech I ever heard and I
am wondering if I am communicat-
“They stuck with me through ing differently or are they receiving
that whole sequence of getting the me differently because they know
house ready for sale, painting the I have chemo and I’ve lost my hair.
house (when) I was sick as a dog. I I’ve started to talk about this fight
gave away, sold or threw out over 90 for the lagoon and this fight for my
percent of everything I owned in Au- life as the same fight,’’ he said.
gust/September and closed the deal
on the sale in eight weeks. None of De Freese said he feels the need to
that would have happened without create his legacy now. “I want to save
those guys’ support,’’ he said. my life to save the lagoon,” he said.
The Choir Boys started with about
eight or 10 members and has now
grown exponentially to help out in
‘BLUE LINE DRIVE’ APPEAL else is cleaning up, drying-in their PHOTO COURTESY OF CITY OF MELBOURNE POLICE DEPARTMENT eryone being busy or out of town over
roofs and removing debris, that’s the Thanksgiving holiday, and we re-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 when freak accidents, support of have to shelve their own homes to ally haven’t gotten a lot donated.”
power crews, and directing traffic at make sure everyone else is safe.
in October. Melbourne and Indian intersections with no working sig- Jankowski said the warehouse the
Harbour officers put an urgent plea nals stretch personnel and resources “The hurricane damage is no lon- city set aside to collect the relief sup-
out to their communities for dona- thin. In short, first responders often ger in the news, so people have for- plies sits largely empty and he’s get-
tions of power tools, chain saws and gotten,” said Sgt. Matt Jankowski of ting concerned. “Time is running
blades, generators, lumber, nails and the Indian Harbour Beach Police De- out,” he said. The officers plan to con-
screws, building materials and gift partment. “That, combined with ev- voy up in mid-December to meet with
cards to stores like Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, their counterparts at the Bay County
Home Depot or Ace Hardware. They’re Sheriff’s Office for local distribution
calling it the “Blue Line Drive” in refer- of the supplies to people from local
ence to first responders serving as the agencies.
thin, blue line (thin, red line for fire-
fighters) between society and all the Donations can be dropped off at the
bad things that threaten public safety. Indian Harbour Beach Police Depart-
ment, 2055 South Patrick Drive on the
Donations will go to the Mexico southeast side of City Hall; or at the
Beach area hardest hit by Michael, Melbourne Police Department head-
specifically to the families of first quarters at 650 N. Apollo Blvd. from
responders – the men and women 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
called in to work for multiple shifts Friday. Jankowski said residents with
or, in the case of firefighters, even questions about the Blue Line Drive
multiple days straight when their can call him at 321-426-6136 or Chris-
area is in the path of a storm. Pub- tina Brainard at the Melbourne PD at
lic safety work remains hectic after 321-608-6336.
a storm passes, too. When everyone
‘Ocean Reef Beach Fest’:
Sustaining and entertaining
Balsa Bill, Donna McNulty and Lacey Saxon.
8 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Ocean Reef Beach Fest’: Sustaining and entertaining
James Marks with Jenny and Brian Schipper of Wicked Pineapple. New School Dropouts. Lance Albers with Reeve and Porsche.
Dave Floyd. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Brandon Ravine and Corey Huau. Noarah Chouinart and Sydney Felton. Leslie Malone and Gisele Nieman.
STORY BY KIAYNA O’NEAL CORRESPONDENT Zachary Eichholz, an Donna Lee Crawford, stewardship and other vacationers. First-time
[email protected] community coordinator for the guest Audrey Kressig-Witzel, who
interdisciplinary sciences graduate Sea Turtle Conservancy, said “it’s brought her family to the festival,
Kicking off the month of an opportunity for us to educate said she “liked that they really
December, the Surfrider Foundation student and resident director at children, their parents and families focused on conserving within the
and Anglers for Conservation about the sea turtles that nest here.” community.”
hosted the seventh annual Ocean Florida Tech, was in attendance To Crawford and her fellow staff
Reef Beach Festival last Saturday members, the large numbers of sea Amid festival fun, Satellite
at Pelican Beach Park in Satellite for the second year. “Each vendor turtle nests along the local coastline Beach’s Sustainability Board of
Beach. The event featured marine- indicate a need for events like the Environmental Programs unveiled
life educational activities, live offers something really unique, Ocean Reef Beach Fest and other its solar canopy at Pelican Park, the
entertainment, local vendors, a marine-life educational events. Pelican Array. The 16-foot-tall solar
seafood chowder cook-off and more. whether it’s food or art or some type car canopy is a part of the ‘Solar
The festival’s convenient outdoor Now’ project with Florida Power
Alec Buchess, chairman of of cause,” Eichholz said. location gave attendees the & Light. It is comprised of 90 solar
Surfrider Sebastian Inlet Chapter, opportunity to learn about their panels that generate up to 25 kW per
said the festival was “designed Some of the businesses and local environment, grab a bite to day.
originally to be an educational eat, something to drink and head to
event to give people the ability to organizations in attendance the beach. The board also had its own
share in the ocean lifestyle and educational table staffed by Satellite
the resources we have available included the Brevard Zoo, Each year, according to Bill Beach Environmental Programs
dedicated to protecting the beach, Deluccia, the event brings in a Coordinator Nicholas Sanzone. The
reef and ocean.” Florida Tech Sustainability, the larger and larger crowd. For the purpose of the event overall, Sanzone
Surfrider ‘Ocean Friendly Garden’ said, is to elicit “environmental
Hundreds of vendors lined the Marine Resources Council, A&D coordinator, it is encouraging education through activism.”
pathway for guests. Tents and “seeing more people that are actually
tables were filled with information Hives, Florida Fish and Wildlife engaged and more interested in Locals who missed this year’s
on sustainability, practices for seeing what they can do to help Ocean Reef Beach Festival will have
reducing personal impact on the Conservation Commission, Jetson protect our water resources.” a chance to join the fun in 2019 when
lagoon and beaches, local food, the annual celebration returns.
and handmade items including Surf Technology and Sea Turtle Though it is catered to locals, Education on environmental
apparel, jewelry, soap, handbags according to Buchess, the sustainability, however, does not
and artwork. Con ser v a nc y. celebration also attracts snowbirds have to wait as long.
The Sea Turtle Conservancy
partnered with the Barrier Island
Sanctuary each year since the
festival’s inception to present the
sea turtle maze: a colorful, creative
obstacle course for young children
that exhibits the threats sea turtles
face throughout their life cycle.
Melbourne Beach – where Barrier
Island Sanctuary is located – is
regarded by biologists as the second
most important nesting beach in
the world.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 9
Tina Vyas, Mike Bryan and Dana Greyson. Dina Rulli and Fernando Ontiveros.
Kara Downs and Brooke White. Julie Durham, Ashley White and Ashley Stein.
10 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Song and prayer at poignant World AIDS Day vigil
Rev. Brian Devlin. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Colleen Cunningham.
The Brevard County World AIDS Day Committee commemorated
the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day on Saturday evening with a
candlelight vigil attended by about 50 people at Eau Gallie Square in
the Eau Gallie Arts District. The intention of the day was “to expand
and strengthen the global effort to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS” as
well as remember those who have died and support those who live
with the disease. The local vigil at sunset offered song, prayer and
moving words from those touched by HIV/AIDS. According to event
organizers, approximately 1,500 Brevard County residents are af-
flicted with HIV/AIDS. To mark the 30th year of World AIDS Day, the
theme was “Know Your Status.”
Star power packs a punch
at Brevard holiday shows
12 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Star power packs a punch at Brevard holiday shows
and Corinne Marie.
Broadway has its Hugh Jackman. Hol-
lywood has its, well, Hugh Jackman. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
Brevard is no different when it comes
to Star Power attraction. Indeed, while
most area theaters rely on big casts in big
musicals to bring audiences to holiday
shows, Melbourne Civic Theatre and Ti-
tusville Playhouse’s 2nd Stage each are
relying on the popularity and appeal of
an individual to pack the house.
The idea is a good one. Already, Mel-
bourne Civic Theatre’s “MCT’s Christ-
mas Show” starring Alfie Silva and Titus-
ville Playhouse 2nd Stage’s “Santaland
Diaries” starring Patrick Ryan Sullivan
are close to selling out their entire runs.
That doesn’t surprise Joan Taddie, a
well-known area director and perform-
er. Audiences have their favorites and
these are two of them, she said.
“If Patrick is in the show, or Alfie is in
the show, then they know it’s going to be
great,” Taddie said. “They’re going to buy
that ticket right away.”
Melbourne Civic Theatre’s show puts
Brevard County’s Alfie Silva in the center with three sup-
Finest Golf porting ensemble performers – Kim
Cole, Corinne Marie and David Hill. But
Membership PackagesSTORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT the star is Silva. Corinne Marie
and Alfie Silva.
Valid at Both Courses The show is inspired by old televi-
sion variety shows and by the wealth with Dean Martin’s granddaughter,”
PLATINUM GOLF of celebrity impersonations in Silva’s he said. “She and her mother listened
MEMBERSHIP entertainment arsenal, which includes to my tracks and said Dean would be
Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Tom Jones very, very pleased.”
$7500 per person inclusive! and Dean Martin. In years past, he has
sold out MCT houses with his Christmas To get to the sweet spot in the imper-
Up to a 3yr membership! with Dino show. sonations, Silva uses an unusual tool – a
Carts or walkers, unlimited year-round golf and more! stainless-steel salad bowl. Holding it up
Membership extends from date of purchase thru December 2021 This new show, he said, is a culmina- to his head, he puts one edge of the bowl
tion of his “Impressions Unplugged” in at his ear then rather wraps the bowl
GOLD GOLF Loyalty which he comes on stage as himself and around to his mouth.
MEMBERSHIP Membership Card then transforms into various characters.
That way, he said, he can “auto tune”
$3,000 per person Good for the calendar year “This is not a legends, all-imperson- his voice. He starts with a phrase and
purchased ation show,” he said. “It’s a variety show then pinpoints a word. For example,
Unlimited year-round golf and I just happen to be the variety – the when he works on a Johnny Carson im-
through January/December $60.00 per person turkey and the stuffing.” personation, he says “That’s wild,” then
works the word “wild” until it sounds
$79.00 with Ghin Handicap Card Silva does the impersonations so well like Carson. When he works on his Don-
that he’s made a name for himself pro- ald Trump impersonation, he uses the
Call or come by for details fessionally in both Las Vegas, where he
Habitat 3591 Fairgreen St. Malabar, FL 33950 performed as Dean Martin at the Ve-
netian hotel, and Memphis, where he
Phone: 321-952-6312 worked with Elvis Enterprises.
Spessard Holland 2374 Oak St. Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 “People said that I embodied the
person and sounded eerily like these
Phone: 321-952-4529 people,” Silva said. “Especially when I
worked in Memphis with Elvis’ musi-
Sales Tax Not Included cians for ‘Elvis Week’ and did special
events with Sun Records, where Elvis
first recorded in the ’50s.”
He has performed the Christmas
with Dino show six times at MCT and
always sells out.
“I got to become pretty good friends
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 13
Corinne Marie, Alfie Silva, called Cirque Athletics in Melbourne. York and became a professional actor. Patrick Ryan Sullivan.
David Hill and Kim Cole. But he loves performing and finds the He appeared on Broadway as Gaston in
Kim Cole. “Beauty and the Beast” and also as Ju- sion,” he said. “This (character) is some-
lure continues. lian Marsh in “42nd Street.” one who is jaded. I don’t think you get
“Alfie is the cat’s meow,” said MCT di- the first look into his soul until about
He has performed in professional re- half way through.
rector Peg Girard. “Everyone loves him. gional theater including Riverside The-
He’s a remarkable entertainer.” atre in Vero Beach and taken frequent “It’s gonna be a blast. It’s gonna be
leading roles at TPI. Most recently, he cool.”
MCT’s Christmas Show runs through was in St. Petersburg, Florida, directing
Dec. 24 at Melbourne Civic Theatre, 817 the holiday show for Freefall Theatre. TPI’s 2nd Stage production of “The
E. Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne. Perfor- Santaland Diaries” runs Dec. 7 to the
mances are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, “Santaland Diaries” revolves around a 16. TPI is at 301 Julia St., Titusville. The
and 2 p.m. Sundays. There will also be a woebegone, cynical actor (Sedaris, actu- 2nd Stage venue is across the street at
special 2 p.m. performance Dec. 24. Tick- ally), down on his luck and out of money, 407 South Washington Ave., Titusville.
ets are $30. Service fees may apply. Call who finds a job as an elf in Santa’s Work- Tickets are $20. Service fees may apply.
321-723-6935 or visit MyMCT.org. shop at Macy’s in New York City. Call 321-268-1125 or visit TitusvillePlay-
TPI 2nd STAGE It details the actor’s experiences get-
ting into the spirit of a season filled more
with cheap bourbon than the milk of
human kindness.
The first time Sullivan heard the
monologue was on the car radio while
driving in New Jersey.
“I had to pull to the side of the road,”
he said. “It was one of the funniest things
I ever heard.”
But the non-PC language in the show
is a challenge, he admitted.
So, he said, he’s going for the charac-
ter’s inner truth, which he knows will
get an emotional payoff out of the funny
“I’m glad it’s a one act because this is
the type of show that if you play it right,
people would want to leave at intermis-
words “huge” and “fantastic” to get to Titusville Playhouse’s 2nd Stage
the right spot. holiday show is the decidedly unusual
one-man, one-act comedy, “Santaland
Although he’s at ease in the limelight, Diaries.” Written by David Sedaris, the
Silva was once painfully shy. In fact, it show is frequently provocative and has
was shyness that led him into the field of been known to make audiences wonder
celebrity impersonations. where the holiday spirit went.
“I grew up as a really fat, shy kid,” he So, casting Patrick Ryan Sullivan, a
said. “I was deadly socially phobic. I performer beloved to TPI audiences, was
wouldn’t even go into the grocery store a no-brainer.
with my mom. I had a horrible fear being
in public or around people. I learned do- “Audiences love Patrick,” said director
ing these impressions I could disappear Nick Stamos. “He has become a staple to
into these people. I could escape my fear. the community and someone that they
love to support.”
“When my grandfather passed away,
he was my best friend, I dove into the Sullivan is also a point of pride for TPI.
world of performing and doing Elvis. I He grew up in Titusville, played football
got notoriety and started traveling and for Titusville High, did theater at TPI. Af-
went all over the country performing El- ter graduating college, he moved to New
vis from the time I was 15. That’s how I
got started.”
While he’s made a living in his mul-
tiple one-man celebrity impersonation
shows, Silva donates his time and talent
to MCT in order to help raise funds for
the 67-year old community theater.
It’s important, he said, because the
arts, and especially theater, is what kept
him from dropping out of high school.
When Silva isn’t performing for pri-
vate parties or at clubs, or taking the
stage at MCT, he runs his own business-
es – Alfie’s Barber Shop in downtown
Melbourne and the newly opened Alfie’s
Barber and Cigar Shop in Cocoa Village.
He also has an antiques shop called Al-
fie’s Trading Company. He and his fian-
cée, Katie Skiba, own a circus arts school
14 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Multiple venues spread Christmas music cheer
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER cert has become a Brevard holiday 3 The sounds of a pipe organ
tradition for all ages, and, this year, speak of Christmas through the
the Band will perform a new ar-
1 As Auntie Mame says, “We need a rangement of music from Disney’s ages like no other instrument. This
little Christmas.” Actually … a lot immensely popular animated film,
“Frozen,” as well as their musi- Wednesday, Dec. 12, and the follow-
cal nod to Sousa – “The Stars and
of Christmas. And, happily, we have a Stripes for Christmas.” The full-of- ing Wednesday, the majestic 36-rank
Christmas-cheer program will also
wealth of opportunities to rekindle the feature a Brevard’s Brightest Stars pipe organ of Advent Lutheran Church
segment, in the person of Jádon
Christmas spirit via wonderful music. Brooks, a 17-year-old music major at in Suntree will fill the air with some
Eastern Florida State College and an
For example: this Saturday Dec. 8, the accomplished performer, who’ll de- of the most magnificent Advent and 4 Sal Valentinetti Dec. 11 at
light you with “You’re a Mean One, King Center.
100-plus voices of the Brevard Commu- Mr. Grinch,” “Christmas from the Christmas music ever composed, as
’50s” and “Candy Cane Christmas.” Voice’ Valentinetti” holiday show back
nity Chorus will present “Christmas of For this free event, in lieu of a ticket, the church continues its free, noon to the King Center this Tuesday, Dec.
you may choose to share some holi- 11. Fans of the NBC hit show “Ameri-
Light” at the King Center. Under the ba- day spirit by bringing a toy or non- “mini-concert” series. This week’s ca’s Got Talent” may remember Valen-
perishable food item for the South tinetti from Season 11 (2016), when the
ton of Dr. Robert Lamb, a music profes- Brevard Sharing Center. The Adagio mini-concert features the A.E. Schlu- then-20-year-old college boy took the
Sax Quartet will perform pre-show. show by storm with his spot-on rendi-
sor at Eastern Florida State College, this The Band invites you to “put on eter 2,196-pipe organ; a (mini) orches- tion of the classic Frank Sinatra clas-
something festive and join us.” P.S.: sic hit “My Way.” He not only scored a
excellent choral group will bring you a I’ve heard rumors that S. Claus may tra of oboe, flute, violin and piano; and rousing standing ovation, but also the
make an appearance. Time: 7:30 coveted “Golden Buzzer” from dazzled
variety of familiar holiday favorites. The p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Admis- local soprano Beth Green. Do stay after supermodel judge Heidi Klum. Val-
sion: no charge. 321-724-0555. entinetti, says the show promo, will
program will also feature the Florida the music to share “seasonal refresh- perform standards and holiday faves
“with the Rat-Pack style that has made
premiere of a new choral piece, “Lux: ments” in the narthex. Time: noon. him a hugely popular entertainer.”
Time: 8 p.m. Tickets: start at $43.75.
The Dawn From on High,” by Dan For- Admission: free, no tickets required. 321-242-2219.
rest (composer, pianist, educator and 321-426-9378.
music editor). Time: 7:30 p.m. Admis-
sion: general – $20; senior/military – $15; 4 With a larger-than-life person-
ality, and flawless vocals, it’s “a
students – $5. 321-242-2219.
don’t-miss concert event sure to make
2 Who needs snow when you’ve you swoon.” That’s how blumen-
got music? “Sleigh Ride” is the
thalarts.org rapturously describes the
Melbourne Municipal Band’s nos- fabulous pipes and “larger-than-life”
talgia-rich concert this Wednesday personality of crooner Sal Valentinetti,
and Thursday, Dec. 12-13, at the the former pizza delivery guy who’s
Melbourne Auditorium. This con- bringing his “Christmas with Sal ‘The
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16 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Richard Branson
That day in 2014 started with such for Virgin and Branson, a master of The National Transportation Safety “very cruel” treatment he received in
promise. marketing and hype who for years Board would find widespread problems the press, he said. Virgin Galactic re-
has become an evangelist for space with the program, namely that Scaled sponded by taking over construction of
The rocket engine lit, and they were exploration. Composites, the company hired by the spacecraft from Scaled Composites
off.Within seconds, the spacecraft crest- Virgin to build the spacecraft, failed to and redesigning it to make it more safe.
ed 600 mph, fast approaching the speed Since the space shuttle retired in properly train its pilots and did not im-
of sound. Then, suddenly, there was the 2011, not a single human being has plement basic safeguards to prevent the “From now on, we’ve taken every-
surreal sensation of the wings ripping launched to space from U.S. soil. If human error that caused the accident. thing in-house and anything that hap-
off as if they were made of paper. Virgin is able to make it, the company pens from today will be down to Virgin
would not just restore that capabil- But before that investigation, in Galactic,” he said in the interview.
Debris littered the desert floor. ity, but it would become the first to fly the emotional days after the crash,
And in the wreckage, first-responders people in a new space race of ventures Branson and Virgin Galactic bore the Today, Alsbury’s death is always in
found the lifeless body of the co-pi- backed by a group of billionaires – Elon brunt of the criticism. the background, a reminder of the
lot, Michael Alsbury, a father of two, Musk, Jeffrey P. Bezos and Branson. danger of the endeavor, company of-
then ages 10 and 7, still strapped into In an op-ed in Time magazine titled ficials said. Not far from Virgin’s hangar
his seat. They are vying to fly humans and ul- “Enough With Amateur-Hour Space at the Mojave Air and Space Port in the
timately open up space to the masses, Flight,” Jeffrey Kluger, an editor at desert here there is a plaque commem-
Dead for the moment, too, was the but along the way they have faced re- large, wrote that Branson was “a man orating the test pilot.
hope that Virgin Galactic, the compa- peated delays and setbacks with their driven by too much hubris, too much
ny founded by Richard Branson, was human spaceflight programs. hucksterism and too little knowledge There Alsbury is – smiling in his
on the verge of fulfilling the dream of of the head-crackingly complex busi- flight suit, the deep blue sky behind
flying tourists to space. Perhaps no venture has more en- ness of engineering.” him – with a saying etched underneath
capsulated the triumphs and agonies his photo:
But today, four years later, the of the effort to open the frontier than Given all the setbacks, many thought
company says it is once again at that Virgin Galactic, founded by Branson Branson would call it quits after Als- “Ad Astra per Aspera.”
moment. Branson, chastened by the more than a decade ago with the loft- bury’s death. “To the stars through hardships.”
crash and the ensuing federal investi- iest of ambitions. Dave Mackay, Virgin’s chief test pi-
gation, recently said that the compa- Rushing to Mojave after the crash, lot, is a calm and reassuring presence
ny is “more than tantalizingly close” Virgin has faced all sorts of prob- he wondered whether it was worth in the cockpit. Even at 61, he looks like
and that “we should be in space with- lems, especially as it tried to build a the risk, and whether he had taken on the former Royal Air Force pilot he once
in weeks, not months.” new rocket engine. But Branson has a project too dangerous and difficult, was – close-cropped hair, bright eyes,
steadfastly stood before the cameras that maybe he should just give up. But square jaw with the sunken cheeks and
Virgin Galactic’s next flight of promising the stars, a Disney ride to he was buoyed, he said, when he ar- bony build of a marathon runner. He
SpaceShipTwo, its winged and sporty the expanse only a big-thinking bil- rived and his team urged him to keep acts it, too, delivering the step-by-step
space plane, is scheduled for launch lionaire could offer. going, as did many customers. narration of going to space in a mono-
in the coming weeks and could, after tone Scottish brogue, wholly at odds
years of trying, give Branson his long That was supposed to happen in “We had the biggest hug in history,” with the supersonic thrill his passen-
elusive conquest of blasting through 2007, as Branson initially declared. But he said. “And I made it clear that we gers are supposedly experiencing.
the atmosphere. it’s been 14 hard years. Then the low would continue.” He’s sitting in Virgin Galactic’s flight
point: the horrific crash in 2014.
It would mark a historic milestone The support overrode the sometimes
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 17
simulator, where the crew of test pilots up – and ultimately decided that the astronauts and to include them on my designed to put SpaceShipTwo through
have logged hour after hour. During endeavor was too risky. list,” he said. the paces.
drills, mission control will throw all
sorts of curveballs to see how the pilots Knowing the “person whose life Virgin believes 50 miles qualifies as At first, all seemed fine. SpaceShipT-
react in emergency situations. But to- hung in the balance,” he wrote in his well. wo was released from the mother ship.
day, Mackay (pronounced Mac-Eye) is memoir, was “hard to handle.” Alsbury ignited the engine, and they
going for a mere stroll, an easy ride to “We’re going to go show that the thing were off.
space – virtually. Branson, however, showed no such we built can do what we’ve always said
fear. And his team got to work on a it could do: It can take people to space Then Siebold heard grunting noises,
“Here we go,” he says, as if off for much bigger and more complicated regularly and routinely,” Virgin’s presi- a jolt and bang and then the sound of
a Sunday drive of his native Scottish spacecraft. Allen’s SpaceShipOne was dent, Mike Moses, said in an interview. the spacecraft ripping apart, like “pa-
highlands. designed for three people, but Branson’s “For the longest time it’s always been per fluttering in the wind.”
version would be able to hold as many a year away, or a month away. Now it’s
Unlike more traditional rockets that as eight – two pilots and six passengers. back to it’s right around the corner.” He blacked out. When he came to, he
launch vertically, SpaceShipTwo is was outside the spacecraft in a free fall,
tethered to the belly of a mother ship, Dave Mackay, chief test pilot SpaceShipTwo crashed in 2014, hurtling toward the ground, uncon-
known as WhiteKnightTwo, which car- for Virgin Galactic, climbs into in Southern California’s Mojave scious. Siebold landed in a creosote
ries it to an altitude of 40,000 feet or so. a simulator for a test flight at Desert. One pilot was killed and bush, his arm broken in four places, a
Once aloft, the spaceplane is released the company’s headquarters. another seriously injured. piece of fiberglass in his left eye, but
and falls for a few seconds before the otherwise okay.
pilots light the motor. Chris Taylor, an avionics Virgin Galactic’s White
technician, at the Virgin Knight2 and Space- Alsbury was not so lucky. The cause
In the cockpit of the simulator, Mack- Galactic headquarters. ShipTwo soar above of death, according to the coroner:
ay fires the engine. the runway at the “blunt force trauma to the head, neck,
From the beginning, he vowed that New Mexico chest, abdomen, pelvic area and all ex-
“Now we’ve got the three-G accelera- the company would fly 3,000 people Spaceport. tremities and internal organs.”
tion,” he says. “So you’ve got to imagine in the first five years. No matter that
what that feels like.” The sudden sensa- the spaceship was more fantasy than Virgin Galactic Virgin’s test pilots didn’t need Als-
tion of your body weight feeling three anything else. Or that he had no expe- president, Mike Moses. bury’s death to remind them that they
times the force of gravity, pinned back rience in the rocket business. had chosen a dangerous profession.
into your seat, as the spacecraft leaps The hype worked. Customers signed
forward near the speed of sound. Branson had triumphed in all sorts up in droves – 200, then 300. Celebri- “Mike is not the first person I’ve
of endeavors, building an empire that ties, space enthusiasts, adventurers known that has lost his life in pursuit
“There’s the transonic pitch up,” he at various times has covered every- who paid $200,000 before the cost of of a goal,” said Todd Ericson, Virgin’s
says, as casually as if going over a speed thing from airlines to wine, hotels and the ticket rose to $250,000. Eventually, vice president for safety and test. “We
bump. “And now I’m pulling the aircraft casinos. Space would be the ultimate Virgin had more people on its waiting all recognize that we are taking a risk
up into the vertical. It pitches up pretty conquest, and the promotion started list than the 560 people who had ever in this business. . . . And I think all of
dramatically as you can see.” immediately. Virgin Galactic declared been to space. Today, they come from us would say that the ultimate goal of
that it would become the “world’s first 58 countries and are overwhelming- making space accessible for human-
Surrounding the cockpit simulator commercial spaceline.” ly, 84 percent, male. The youngest to kind and what that impact will have
are computer-generated images of sign up was 11 years old (but 18 is the on humanity is certainly worth some
what Virgin’s customers would be see- “One day children around the world youngest to fly). The oldest is in his 90s. personal risk and sacrifice.”
ing in real time. Suddenly, the ground will wonder why we ever thought that
isn’t where it used to be. The spacecraft space travel was a dream we read Branson kept crowing that the com- But the death had humbled them, and
is pointed up, to the stars. about in books,” Branson said. pany was close. And by late 2014, he they came back slowly, vowing to move
could barely contain his excitement, deliberately through the test program.
“We’re through Mach 2. We’re going That was in 2004. telling a British talk show that getting
through 80,000 feet, and we’re pointing Today, though, they are close. Again. to space was “right around the corner,” “The test program is all about me-
more or less straight up,” Mackay says. Initially, the company hopes to fly hopefully by Christmas. thodically and safely advancing to
“You can see straight ahead. The sky is 50 miles high or more. While that is make sure the vehicle performs as it
already dark. Going black.” short of the 100-kilometer, or 62-mile, Still, the spacecraft had to go through does,” Ericson said.
“Karman line” that is often considered a few more test flights before it was
Soon, at Mach 3, the motor shuts the edge of space, military and NASA ready. And on Halloween, Alsbury, then Three months ago, on July 26, they
off. Mackay has flipped the simulated pilots were awarded astronaut wings 39, and his co-pilot Peter Siebold, then fired the rocket engine for the third time.
spacecraft over, so it is upside down, for reaching 50 miles or higher in the 43, climbed aboard for another flight Mackay was in the cockpit with test pi-
floating up, the blackness of space X-15 rocket plane. And many, includ- lot Mike Masucci, a former Air Force
ahead, Earth below. There’s the Califor- ing Jonathan McDowell, an astrophys- lieutenant colonel. In its two previous
nia coast. The Baja peninsula. The Pa- icist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Cen- flights, SpaceShipTwo had broken the
cific. A magnificent view of a landscape ter for Astrophysics who keeps a list of sound barrier while climbing to 84,271
at once familiar and, without the formal all spaceflights, say that space begins feet and then more than 110,000 feet.
demarcation of borders, utterly foreign. at 50 miles.
“My plan is to count those people as On this day in the desert, they’d
“So, you’re in weightlessness right let the engine burn a little longer, 42
now,” Mackay says. “At this point, we seconds, pushing them higher and
would allow our customers to unstrap faster.
and float around the cabin.”
The spacecraft leaped, responding
That’s the experience Branson has like a horse to a jockey’s whip. Calm as
been selling since he bought the rights he had been in the simulator, Mackay
to the spacecraft’s technology in 2004 pulled back on the controls, pointing
from Paul Allen, the co-founder of Mi- the vehicle nearly straight up, leaving
crosoft. A space enthusiast, Allen had an L-shaped tail of dark smoke behind.
invested $20 million to build Space- This time, they hit Mach 2.47 and an
ShipTwo’s predecessor, SpaceShipOne, apogee of 170,800 feet, or more than 32
which made it to the edge of space three miles.
times that year, winning the $10 million
Ansari X Prize and becoming the first Technically not into space, or Vir-
privately funded vehicle to get to space. gin’s goal of at least 50 miles high.
But Allen, who died last month, was But close enough for the daytime
petrified by the flights – one went ini- sky to go black.
tially off course; in another, the space-
craft spun like a top almost all the way Close enough for Mackay, ever the
cool test pilot, to take a moment and
peek out the window at the expanse.
“Amazing view,” he said.
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In September 1774, is more complicated, argues Bunker, to be remembered. But when a human being writes so
who attempts to fill in the gaps. much about prudence, virtue, and sobriety, it may be
Benjamin Franklin sat because he or she would prefer to be wild, intemperate,
Bunker uses extensive original re- and rash. This seems to have been true of Franklin as a
down to write what is search from lesser-known sources young man.”
to examine Franklin’s formative
perhaps the most fa- experiences, ancestors, immediate Despite a heavy emphasis on Franklin’s family, friends
family, the patrons who helped him and acquaintances, Bunker covers all the important
mous letter of reference achieve success and the business events of his early life, including his apprenticeship
competitors he battled along the at his brother’s newspaper; authorship of the Silence
in American history. He way. Franklin had many friends Dogood letters; running away to Philadelphia: his first
trip to England and his time spent working in print
used the phrase “an in- and was a master at cultivating shops there; the founding of the Junto, a networking
mentors who could help him. But and improvement society for Philadelphia craftsmen
genious, worthy young he was not always the best judge modeled on the English clubs he had observed in
of character in his youth, which London; launching the Library Company of Philadelphia
man” to describe Thomas led to numerous personal and fi- and the American Philosophical Society; writing “Poor
nancial difficulties. Franklin was Richard’s Almanack” and taking over the Pennsylvania
Paine, an out-of-work for- brilliant, talented, complicated Gazette; the birth of his illegitimate son William; his
common-law marriage to Deborah; the birth and death
mer tax collector whom and intensely ambitious. But as of his toddler son Franky from smallpox; and the birth of
a young man, Bunker asserts, daughter Sally.
he had met in London and he was also constantly afraid of
failure. This is Bunker’s third book. “An Empire on the Edge:
who was planning to sail How Britain Came to Fight America” was a Pulitzer
The story begins with Frank- Prize finalist in 2015. In “Young Benjamin Franklin,”
for America. Paine made lin’s great-grandfather Henry, Bunker offers newly discovered information about
who was a blacksmith in Ecton Franklin’s friends and family and vivid descriptions of
good use of Franklin’s in- in the English Midlands, about 70 miles northwest of the political and cultural atmosphere Franklin knew in
London. From there Bunker moves more or less chrono- London and Philadelphia. At times the research can be
troduction. Just a year after logically through Franklin’s first 40 years, stopping right overwhelming, and Franklin’s story gets a bit lost in the
on the cusp of his scientific discoveries and his later details about what can seem like every person he knew
arriving in Philadelphia, greatness as a national figure. in his first 40 years. But these little-known people do
Franklin’s father, Josiah, was a Presbyterian Puritan offer an interesting cast of characters, and many are the
Paine wrote “Common and Whig who left England for Boston in 1683 seeking kind of eccentrics Franklin hugely enjoyed. They were
economic opportunity and freedom from religious and people like Paine, whom many found annoying or a bit
Sense,” which passionately political persecution. Described as “pious and prudent” strange but whom Franklin appreciated.
by Benjamin, Josiah was a candle- and soapmaker
argued for independence who sang psalms, played the violin and had a love of Anyone interested in Franklin and early America
books that he passed on to his youngest son. Although should find this book fascinating. It offers important
from England, and later he Benjamin was forced by his father to leave school at age insight into the internal struggles Franklin wrestled
10, he became a voracious reader and autodidact. with as a youth and the questions he strove to answer.
would become famous on Franklin’s early struggles with organized religion Ultimately, though, it is as much about the emergence of
and faith, and his flirtation with atheism, are explored, the concept of ingenuity in the pre-revolutionary age and
both sides of the Atlantic along with his not-always-successful quest to be good. among Franklin’s intellectual and scientific mentors and
We know so much about Franklin’s internal struggles friends as it is about Franklin’s own path to ingenuity.
for his writing and political because of the extensive letters and writings he left
behind, including the “Autobiography.” Even though he YOUNG BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
theories. Franklin probably didn’t guess wanted to project a positive image, his faults and mistakes
are often on display there, including his temper and THE BIRTH OF INGENUITY
when he wrote the letter that Paine would become an frequent lack of self-control. These are qualities Franklin
strove mightily to regulate later in his life. “We remember BY NICK BUNKER | 445 PP. $30
essential voice in the fight for American independence. Franklin as the apostle of hard work, temperance, and REVIEW BY LINDA KILLIAN, THE WASHINGTON POST
self-control,” Bunker writes. “This is the way he hoped
But he probably saw a bit of himself in the smart, curi-
ous, working-class striver with strong egalitarian politi-
cal views and a streak of resentment over class, privilege
and authority. Franklin also saw ingenuity. It was a qual-
ity that he possessed and that he highly prized in others.
Ingenuity is the central theme of Nick Bunker’s book
about the first half of Franklin’s life. “Ingenuity” was
Franklin’s favorite word, and in the 18th century it meant
a combination of intellect, imagination, practical skills,
wit and sociability – all traits Franklin possessed in
abundance. In “Young Benjamin Franklin: The Birth of
Ingenuity,” Bunker offers ample evidence to illustrate
how Franklin developed ingenuity and how it influenced
the rest of his life. Franklin’s origins, character and
background, Bunker writes, serve to explain the man he
would become.
It is the ambitious, flawed young printer Bunker is
describing, not the world-famous scientist, successful
businessman, prominent civic leader, diplomat, revolu-
tionary and Founding Father who has been immortal-
ized in countless other books. Most Americans are famil-
iar with the rags-to-riches life story Franklin created in
his “Autobiography,” published after his death. The truth
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20 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz looks up to the ‘Great’ Johnny Walker Blue
Hi Dog Buddies! Doesn’t bother me a
This week’s innerview was with a bit. They’re lotsa fun,
Big (125 pounds), Ferocious-Looking
pooch, Johnny Walker Blue Zoller, a ackshully. Same with
Great Dane/Pit mix. He looks like the
kinda pooch you’d see workin’ as a the birds. They know
bouncer in the Howlin’ Hound Pub. If
he hadn’t Woofmailed me a picksure I’m not gonna hurt
of himself wearing fluffy bunny ears
with pink feathers, I wudda been a ’em.
liddle appreHENsive.
“Aside from Mom-
But, as it turned out, Johnny Walker
Blue Zoller is a cool, amiable marsh- my an Daddy, my hu-
mallow, who likes Tummy Rubs.
man Bestie is Bryant.
Him an his Mom, Stephanie, greet-
ed me an my assistant, an we got all I call him my Udder
Brudder. He’s goin’ in
“You can call me Johnny,” he said.
“My Daddy’s Michael. He’s an Air the Air Force like Dad-
Force PIE-lut. He teaches ROTC, an
knows a buncha complicated space dy pretty soon. When
stuff, called air-uh-not-icks.”
he calls Mommy an
“I KNOW! He’s Way Cool Kibbles. Daddy, I get to talk to
I’m a Daddy’s Boy. He sometimes lets
me wear his dogtags! I can’t wait for him, too. We do Phone
him to get home: I grab my Best Bone
an run to the door to greet him. It’s an Barks. When he lived
Johnny has long legs, big pointy here, he was my Bed
ears, one blue an one brown eye, an
a short coat in silvery gray, but it’s Buddy.”
called blue.
“So how’d you find your Forever “So, whaddya like to
“My first Dad was a NAY-burr. Back eat?”
then, I’d hang out in the front yard an
growl at the humans walking by. Of “Pizza crust! I’m a
course, I would never DO anything, I
was just Protecting the Perimeter. But, Daddy’s Boy except
well, I know I can look kinda scary …”
“You got THAT right,” I inner-jected. when Mommy’s in the
“Anyway, when Mommy an Daddy
walked by (before they knew the Real kitchen. Then I’m a
Me), THEY were a liddle scared, too. I
always thought they looked like Very Mommy’s Boy. If she’s
Nice Humans, but I had my Growly
Job to do. A few months later, Mommy Johnny Walker Blue. not there at Supper
an Daddy were at that big celebration, PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
the Mell-burn Founders Day Festival, Time, I nudge her in,
and There I Was, onna leash, hangin’ an follow her around
out with a buncha kids, chill as any-
thing. An there was this sign: ‘Free To in case she drops any-
Good Home.’ Well, Mommy an Daddy
almost couldn’t buh-LEEVE it was thing. But my abso-
ME. What happened was, my Dad got
CAN-ser an hadda move an couldn’t lutely favrite snack is
take me. He was a good Dad an I wish
I cudda helped him somehow. hadda dis-CUSH-un, an they decided “Well, poo,” he said. “I keep forget- fat-free Fig Newtons!”
“Anyway, turns out my Forever Dad- to adopt me, Thank Lassie! I was 3-ish
dy usta have a pooch who was even then. Now I’m 10-ish.” ting. I enjoy munchin’ my toys, but “Fat-free Fig … seriously?”
huger than me (Winston, a 140-pound
Bull Mastiff), so Daddy was familiar “Woof! That was a Majorly Lucky sometimes I get carried away. What “Don’t knock ’em ’til you’ve tried
with Big Pooches. Him an Mommy Coincidence. I think it was Meant To
Be.” I REALLY love is swimmin’! Me an ’em. You might be surprised. And, for
“Me, too. Totally. I learned the Daddy play Frisbee in the pool. At an Alpo treat, I do my rooTINE.” John-
house rools pretty fast, cuz Dad knows
how to teach stuff so you Never For- the beach, I spend hours bodysurf- ny an his Mommy demonstrated. He
get. I know my Boundries and I Never
Touch Anything on the Counter. ing. (But I don’t ride in the car as of- Bowed. Sat. An SPOKE! It was like he
“Whenever I hafta go outside to Do fen anymore, cuzza Hip Issues.) Still, had back-up singers. His bark was so
My Duty, I use my special wooo-wooo
bark to alert Mommy and Daddy. After swimmin’ is Cool Kibbles! YOU’RE a impressive, I dropped my pencil.”
dark, right before bed, I Multi-Task. I
do a Perimeter Check: walk all the Spaniel. YOU know what I’m talkin’ “That’s a nice big mat you got there.
way around our backyard fence, check
every nook and cranny to secure the about!” Is that where you sleep?”
household AND, at the same time, I
potty (No. 1 only), all the way around.” “I sure do,” I agreed. “Any special “No. I have my own bed in Mommy
“That is So Smart!” I told him. “And pooch pals?” an Daddy’s room. But, full disclosure,
“Not many. I don’t get a lotta chanc- when Daddy goes to work, I creep in
“Thank you, Bonzo! I thought of it
myself.” es to make frens, cuz most pooches with Mommy.”
“What’s your day like?” are scared of me. My one pooch fren is Heading home, I was thinkin’ how
“Well, we usually go onna leash
walk, check out the neighborhood. Taco, who isn’t the slightest bit afraid. we all should remember not to judge
I usta drag Mommy around before I
learned Leash Manners. Now I walk He’s a chihuahua. My head probly anybody by how they look. And won-
politely, a liddle behind.”
I noticed he was doin’ a lotta weighs more than his entire body, but derin’ if Gramma might have a fat-
munchin’ on a soggy, stuffed animal
(species undiscernable). When he be- I don’t think he even notices. We have free Fig Newton stashed away that I
gan rippin’ its extremities, his Mom re-
moved it and admonished, “Don’t rip.” a lotta fun. He can crawl right under could try.
“My other pals are the Backyard
Squirrel Bunch. Mommy feeds ’em
-The Bonzan the Blue Jays every morning, when
I’m usually outside, an those squirrels
just run right up an jump all over me.
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 21
10 9 8 6 Q53 72
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQ86 54 J9732
K Q 10 6 82 54
Eighteenth-century sibling authors Augustus and Julius Hare wrote, “A weak mind sinks 7 QJ8542 K 10 9 6
under prosperity, as well as under adversity. A strong and deep mind has two highest tides.”
A bridge play by declarer that often results in prosperity is leading a weak suit. The AKJ4
opponents assume declarer has values there and steer clear of it. This deal occurred during A 10
the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup. Matches were played simultaneously among four AJ973
teams in three venues: Beijing, Turin and Seattle. A3
How did Lin Rongqiang of the Chinese Contract Bridge Association play in three no-trump Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
after receiving a spade lead?
The Bidding:
South’s strong-club sequence promised a balanced 22-24; he rightly upgraded for the five-
card suit and excellent controls (four aces and a king). SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West, nervous of leading a red-suit king, chose the spade 10. 1 Clubs Pass 1 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass 10 Spades
Declarer won with his jack and played two rounds of clubs. After West threw the heart six,
East won with the king and returned his second spade. South took the trick with the ace,
played a spade to the queen (East pitched a heart) and cashed the club queen. Declarer
discarded a diamond, and West shed the spade nine.
Now South threw a curve: He led a heart to his 10! West won with her queen and shifted
to the diamond king. When that held the trick, West, misled by South’s play, continued with
the diamond six. This gave declarer nine tricks via four spades, one heart, two diamonds
and two clubs. Then West discarded a diamond on the spade ace, so Lin took 10 tricks and
gained 10 international match points when South’s opening bid of one diamond was passed
out at the other table.
22 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 German songs (6) 1 Most recent (6)
4 Fed up (5) 2 Powerful ruler (7)
8 Subject (5) 3 Swap (8)
9 Precisely (7) 4 Vessel (4)
10 Taverns (anag.) (7) 5 Quotient (5)
11 Ripped (4) 6 Dehydrating (6)
12 Blue (3) 7 Warms up (5)
14 Show off (4) 13 Find (8)
15 Theory (4) 16 Went in (7)
18 Finish (3) 17 Adorned (6)
21 Classify (4) 19 Sup (5)
23 Repeats from memory (7) 20 Appearance (6)
25 Cowardly (7) 22 Racket (5)
26 Poetry (5) 24 Read superficially (4)
27 Vision (5)
The Telegraph 28 Praise (6)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 23
ACROSS 96 Groucho’s Memoirs of a 57 Initiates a fax The Washington Post
1 Mimicking bird Mangy Lover, e.g. 60 Alley pick-ups?
4 Much more than major 62 Some runners VIOLENCE ON TV By Merl Reagle
8 Where some junk 97 Party container 63 Made a solemn promise
102 Scrumptious 66 MacArthur’s last stand
accumulates 108 Out of the way 67 The H of H & R Block
15 Where in the world is 109 Brouhaha 68 Japan’s second-largest city
111 Dr. No star’s first name 70 Drudges
Carmen Sandiego? 112 Memo opening 71 Excessive
18 Second person 113 Common veggie 72 Alcohol advisory,
19 Sepia, for one 118 Rich-dessert comment
20 From cause to effect 120 “Twas ___ was born” (Shak.) party-style
21 Lady of the haus 121 Curie and Trudeau 74 CSA supporter
22 Sandwich staples 122 Topaz author 78 Grand slam?
24 Chinese veggies 123 Shade tree 79 Dr. Seuss creature
26 Deputy 124 Priest or prophet addition 80 Isl. instrument
27 Brooklyn team 125 Moderate in tempo 81 It means “wing”
29 Big-ticket item 126 Rind lining 82 Attorney-___
30 Play section 127 Kidnapped auth. 83 Dawns
31 One way to make desserts 84 Sammy Cahn specialty
34 Common veggie DOWN 87 Rhyme scheme
38 Took the bait? 1 Unexciting drink 88 Ankle bones
39 Lorry driver’s drink 2 To have, in Le Havre 89 Host of “Monsterpiece
40 Sty cry 3 Hidden hiker
41 Decorator color 4 Common Latin abbr. Theatre,” Alistair ___
43 Texas stewpot 5 Attack, puma-style 94 The other Van Gogh
45 Severe 6 National opening? 95 Hiding place, sometimes
47 Decorator color 7 Jai alai basket 96 Highwayman
51 Dine 8 English fairy queen 97 Check recipient
53 One way to buy fruit 9 Cochise was one 98 They get hands-on
55 Never Wave at a ___ 10 My Friend of film
11 The seventh sign experience
(1952 Roz Russell film) 12 Shocking shout 99 McKinley’s Ohio birthplace
56 With me 13 Minero’s find 100 Temperatvre in a Ray
57 Emphasis word after yes or 14 They follow the nu’s
15 Plasm preceder Bradbvry title
no 16 Shirt-dyeing method 101 Preminger classic
58 Having zero dinero 17 “Wake Up” girl of song 103 Frame job
59 Second-hand caveat 21 Actress Nina 104 Certain New Zealander
61 Farm animal? 23 Great Impostor Ferdinand 105 I imply, you ___
62 Food list 25 Two-bit practitioner 106 Rock ___ music
63 Occupied a swing 28 ___ 17 107 Infection culprits
64 Cry like a dog 32 German dive bomber 110 “Fooey!”
65 Source of the violence in this 33 Dressed 114 New Deal agcy.
35 Delivery circuit 115 Sloth, for one
puzzle 36 Church support 116 Letters after a proof
69 Swift’s The Tale of ___ 37 Arrow poison 117 Abbreviated abode
73 Biblical chest 41 Wipe out 119 Bull or bear ending
75 Ye ___ Pie Shoppe 42 Well-traveled Rhodes
76 It means “within” 43 U. of Maine town
77 PlayStation maker 44 Slow in tempo
78 Sky-blue 45 Go on ___
81 Trims, as pears
83 Angry dog’s greeting (run amuck)
85 Berlin’s “What’ll ___” 46 Founder of Persian Empire
86 Fixings for a dessert 47 Major blood carriers
88 Popular sandwich 48 Quid pro ___
90 Spouses, once removed 49 Your ol’ dad’s bro
91 Bartok and Fleck 50 Stock ending?
92 Author Seton 51 Times Sq. thoroughfare
93 Byrne of Bridesmaids 52 Choice in chess
94 Fictional estate 54 Pin-bashing org.
95 Actor Gulager
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
She’s having trouble overlooking her in-laws’ flaws
BY CAROLYN HAX them to change, and saying, “Hey, pay attention to other circumstances, and maybe they’re just not
Washington Post clicking with you the way you or they would like,
me!” feels … immature. How do I change my thinking and their way of keeping things friendly is to keep
Dear Carolyn: up a level of patter … about … whatever feels safe
I’m not wild about my in-laws. so I’m more on board the grandparent train? and handy, i.e., little stuff in their lives. Which
They’re not awful people, but their comes off as self-absorbed when really they’re
conversations tend to be heavy on –Bugged just trying to support their son and his marriage
themselves and light on others – I and not do anything to mess that up. Possible?
don’t feel like they have made much Bugged: What you describe here is basic human
of an effort to get to know me. I think they care, but Now think of these possibilities and ask yourself,
they don’t communicate it effectively. frailty. So your outlaws are a little self-absorbed. is any of this a violation of character or behavior
We have 5-month-old twins, our first kids. My in- serious enough to warrant the punishment of
laws have visited a couple of times since they were OK. Or, maybe they’re not really self-absorbed in losing their grandkids? And to warrant punishing
born, and I struggle watching them interact with the your kids by taking away such attentive family?
kids. They ooh and ahh and take pictures and hold the And to punish your husband by denying him
babies and do all the things adoring grandparents do the “love and adoration” moment you find so
– and it bugs me. gratifying from your parents?
I don’t want to share the kids with them. I feel like
they haven’t taken the time to get to know me, but they I do not minimize how hard it is to be in your
want to play with the babies. It’s just my in-laws, too. spot: hormonal and healing and forced to have
My parents bring us dinner every weekend, and it’s the people around who don’t feel like allies. But if
high point of my week to see my dad holding my son these grandparents are good for your babies and
or daughter. The look of love and adoration on his face husband – and not undermining your marriage
makes me so happy. – then you owe it to everyone to look for ways to
But watching my father-in-law dance with my appreciate their presence. A little relief, a few ex-
daughter while my mother-in-law took pictures – I tra helping hands, more people in the world who
kept thinking, “She’s not a show!” I don’t want my love your kid. Right? Deep breaths.
issues to get in the way of the kids’ relationship with
their grandparents, and I know my feelings about If they were writing to me, by the way, I’d advise
his parents make life hard for my husband. He them to be mindful not to treat you as just the
understands where I’m coming from. I don’t expect grandchild vessel. But they aren’t, so: Keep your
attention on your marriage. Be mindful of your
husband’s attachment to his parents. Save your
protests for actual harm.
Divorce and children:
How to navigate the holidays
26 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Divorce and children: How to navigate the holidays
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT ty speaking to each other or when they to help parents learn to Judy Schrader.
compete with each other.” communicate with each
Often a time of joy and togetherness, other and find solutions PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
the holidays can also bring unwelcome She suggests alternate schedules – without fighting.
emotions to those navigating through with a full day together – instead of cut- their life and their self-esteem.
the minefield of a divorce – especially ting the holiday in half – emphasizing She often sees that chil- • Parents face the adjustment of being
when children are involved. that it’s easier for children, especially dren feel pulled between
young children, who need more time to the two households or alone, and possibly a new home and/or
As a Licensed Mental Health Coun- adapt to each environment. caught in the middle and job. They have to grieve the loss of their
selor with over 15 years of experience, said it’s important for marriage and establish their own iden-
Judy Schrader understands that shar- As an example, her advice on parents to communicate tity without their former spouse.
ing the holidays can be tricky – and, for Thanksgiving, to have alternate years directly to each other,
some, painful. where one parent has Thursday and the and not through their • Self-care, including exercise,
other Friday, then swap the following children. healthy lifestyle choices, divorce sup-
From her Indialantic office at year. And for Christmas and Christmas port groups and asking for help when
Beachside Counseling and Wellness, Eve, parents can alternate homes each “It hurts them to have needed are strategies to aid the heal-
she specializes in relationships, mari- year, so if you get Christmas Eve and to take sides or report ing process.
tal and couples counseling, divorce morning this year, next year you will back about the other par-
coaching, the challenges of being a have Christmas day and night. ent when they get home,” Schrader earned her bachelor’s de-
single parent, and the special needs of Schrader said. “They have gree from the University of Maryland
blended families. “Don’t get stuck on a day; instead the right to love both par- and her master’s degree from Rollins
remember what is actually important, ents without guilt or fear College. She also completed the Florida
She believes the holidays must be such as being together and expressing that they are offending Supreme Court Mediation training in
celebrated differently for divorced gratitude for what you have,” Schrader one or both parents.” Family Mediation.
families, and that can mean establish- said. “Children tend to remember the
ing new traditions. feelings of the day more than the mate- In her practice, Schrad- She’s lived beachside for the last 28
rial things, so focus on fun and positive er provides alternatives years, has been married for 11 years,
“It’s important for parents to com- connections.” and different perspec- and has two grown children – a son
municate, coordinate and cooper- tives to divorced couples who is a practicing dentist and in the
ate, recognizing they both can’t have Because good communication be- who have difficulty see- Army Reserves, and a daughter who is
Thanksgiving dinner at the same time,” tween divorced parents is so impor- ing through their anger in her last year of residency to be an
Schrader said. “This can be especially tant, but often difficult to achieve, and can offer co-parenting strategies orthodontist.
challenging if the parents have difficul- Schrader recommends counseling to help the children adjust.
“I went back to school after my own
Collins & Montz “Divorce is complicated, and each difficult divorce when my children
family has their own dynamic,” Schrad- were very young. Being a therapist was
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY er said. “Counseling can help families something I had always wanted to do
Experience the fusion of traditional overcome their unique challenges.” but this was the catalyst,” Schrader
values and modern dentistry. said. “Divorce issues became my pas-
At Collins & Montz, DMD, She offers these tips for parenting sion; having gone through this myself I
through divorce: wanted to help others, especially those
we will focus on improving every aspect of your smile for optimal appearance, with children.”
function, and comfort through our general family dentistry, and restorative • Parents need to be aware of their
procedures such as dental implants. Our comprehensive range of services and words and the messages they are con- Beachside Counseling and Wellness
dedication of quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. veying, even subtle ones. LLC, the office of Judy Schrader, M.A.,
LMHC, is located at 122 Fourth Avenue,
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 • Maintain a positive attitude, and Suite 200 in Indialantic. The phone
don’t disparage the other parent or dis- number is 321-327-3793, ext. 107.
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM cuss the business end of divorce such
as child support payments.
• It’s important for parents to sup-
port the relationship their children
have with the other parent and en-
courage them to enjoy their time with
that parent.
• Children need time to decompress
when they go between homes. Allow
them time to regroup when they return
home before engaging them.
• Don’t drill them about what is hap-
pening in the other parent’s home.
Children will share when they feel
safe to open up without recrimination.
When a child expresses hurt caused by
the other parent, validate their feelings
with empathy and without blame.
Schrader also believes it’s important
for parents to take care of themselves
as well and offers these tips for them:
• Parents may have their own guilt
about the divorce or anger toward the
other parent. Speaking with a thera-
pist can help them work through
those feelings and go on to rebuild
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 27
Worried about falls? Here are ways to prevent them
STORY BY FRED CICETTI COLUMNIST shower. If you are prone to falling, use • Close cabinet doors and drawers so home has a light switch near the en-
a shower chair and a handheld shower you won’t run into them. trance.
Q. I’m worried about falling. What attachment.
should I do about this? • When it rains or snows, consider • Practice balancing. Hold onto
• Put night lights and light switches using a cane. something such as a countertop and
Well, first of all, you can’t go around close to your bed. stand on one leg at a time for a min-
worrying about falling or you won’t • Use a shoulder bag, fanny pack or ute. Gradually increase the time. Try
be relaxed; that can lead to a fall. So, • Use bright bulbs in your home. backpack to leave hands free. balancing with your eyes closed. Stand
you should concentrate on employ- • Keep your telephone near your bed. on your toes, then rock back to balance
ing techniques to avoid falls and then During the day, keep a portable phone • Check curb heights before stepping on your heels. Hold each position for a
don’t let the fear take over your mind. with you so you won’t have to walk to down. count of 10.
answer it.
But a respect for the dangers of fall- • Tack down all carpets and area rugs. • When entering rooms, look for dif- • Be especially careful around pets.
ing is justified by the statistics. ferences in floor levels.
Among older adults, falls are the • Insure that every room in your
leading cause of injury deaths and
the most common cause of nonfatal
injuries and hospital admissions for
trauma. Of all fall-related fractures,
hip breaks cause the greatest number
of deaths and lead to the most severe
health problems and reduced quality
of life.
As we age, the power of our senses,
reflexes and coordination diminishes.
Maladies and the medicines we take
for them can contribute to balance
problems. Then there’s osteoporosis
– a disease that makes bones more
likely to snap.
There are many steps you can take
to prevent a fall and the possibility of
breaking a bone. I’m dedicating the
remainder of this column to the best
tips I collected from a variety of ex-
• Get your bones tested. Your doctor
can prescribe medications that will
make your bones harder to break.
• Regular exercise makes you stron-
ger and keeps your joints, tendons and
ligaments flexible. Weight-bearing ex-
ercise such as walking may slow bone
loss from osteoporosis.
• Alcohol impacts your reflexes and
balance. Elaboration is unnecessary.
• Get up slowly from lying and sitting
to avoid feeling light-headed.
• Avoid temperature extremes in
your home; they can make you dizzy.
• Wear rubber-soled, low-heeled
• Always hold the handrails on stair-
• Don’t stand on a chair to get to
something. Buy a “reach stick,” a grab-
bing tool you can find at many hard-
ware stores.
• Clear floors where you walk.
• Never carry any package that will
obstruct your view of the next step.
• Mount grab bars near toilets, tubs
and showers.
• Place non-skid mats, strips or
carpet on all surfaces that may get
wet, especially bathtubs and shower
• Let the soap suds go down the
drain before you move around in the
28 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Tides: Still setting the standard for excellence
REVIEW BY TINA RONDEAU Columnist Roasted Beets and Bacon & Herb Crusted
[email protected] Root Vegetables. Local Pompano.
In looking back the other day over a Blue Point Oysters tain encrusted pom- PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN
decade of dining reviews, I was not sur- 2-2-2. pano was topped
prised to find that I had pretty much ex- Grilled Atlantic
hausted my supply of superlatives in de- with a corn rock Swordfish.
scribing The Tides.
shrimp relish. age you to send feedback to me at tina@
This venerable Vero restaurant has verobeach32963.com.
been a beachside dining favorite – and We concluded
arguably the island’s best restaurant – for The reviewer dines anonymously at
many years, and after a recent visit, I can the meal with restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
assure its loyal fans that The Tides is still 32963.
at the top of its game. three of The Tides’
While the dishes at The Tides are con- fabulous desserts Nightly from 4:30 p.m.
sistently wonderful, much of this restau-
rant’s success has to do with making pa- – a slice of choco- BEVERAGES
trons feel like family. Full Bar
late cake, a piece
On a lovely fall evening, our party of ADDRESS
four was warmly greeted at the door by of banana cake and a 3103 Cardinal Drive,
Valerie Martin, host at Maison Marti-
nique during its glory days when her late crème brulee (each $10). Vero Beach
husband presided over the kitchen, who PHONE
ushered us to a table in an attractively Dinner for two with a modest
decorated inside room. 772-234-3966
bottle of wine, if you have dessert,
As very personable server Rainey took
our wine order, über-host Claudia Arens, will run approximately $160 before tip.
who directs the dining room staff, bustled
over to welcome us and catch up on what had a delicious herb encrusted chicken As we departed on this evening, chef/
we’d been doing.
saltimbocca ($28). owner Leanne Kelleher emerged from
Claudia and Valery spend all evening
going from table to table, making sure all All three seafood dishes were su- the kitchen to say hello. We would tell
are well taken care of. Servers drop by ta-
bles other than their own to greet diners perb. The swordfish was a thing of you what we told her: For a combination
remembered from previous visits. Many
other restaurants would benefit from an beauty, perfectly grilled and topped of delicious food and a great total dining
evening spent at The Tides observing all
this. with a pineapple salsa. The lightly egg- experience, there is no place in Vero bet-
For appetizers on this occasion, I de- washed halibut was seared, served with ter than The Tides.
cided to simply start with the house salad
($10). My husband, though, chose the oys- tomato and broccolini. And the plan- I welcome your comments, and encour-
ters 2-2-2 ($16). One of our companions
opted for the roast carrots and beet salad
($12) and the other went for a cup of
lobster bisque ($8).
The carrot and beet salad
was as tasty as it was at-
tractive, with organic
greens, goat cheese
and roasted almonds,
all tossed in a sherry
wine vinaigrette. The
lobster bisque came
with a shot of brandy
on the side that did not
remain on the side very
As for the Blue Point oysters
2-2-2, this is one of my husband’s fa-
vorite dishes: two oysters cornmeal flash
fried, two crab encrusted, and two oysters
Rockefeller. Decadent.
For entrées, three of us went for the
evening’s seafood specials. I chose the
halibut ($38); one of our guests ordered
the swordfish ($38), and my husband
opted for the third seafood special,
pompano ($38). Our other companion
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 29
Vintage port is pricey, but here are some styles to enjoy
STORY BY DAVE MCINTYRE Late-Bottled Vintage, or LBV, is es- share” – to evaporation. Before the final makes a nice dry aperitif and is useful in
The Washington Post sentially a single-vintage ruby, meant blend is bottled (usually beginning six cocktails, such as the port tonic, a great
to offer some of the character of a vin- years after harvest), the pipes are topped summer cocktail to start an evening
“There’s a risk in a few years time tage port but at a fraction of the price. off with younger and/or older wine to right. Port of any style is an excellent
that no one will know what aged vintage They are aged longer than vintage ports balance the flavors and create a house dessert wine, or dessert by itself. Rubies
port tastes like,” Rupert Symington said, before bottling, so they are more acces- style unaffected by vintage variation. Be- and younger vintage ports are great with
shaking his head wistfully as we sipped sible and meant to be drunk right away. cause the wine is exposed to oxygen in chocolate cakes or other pastries, es-
one of his family’s newest releases, the this way, it takes on a browner “tawny” pecially if there is a fruit element to the
Graham’s 2016 vintage port. Tawny port is the opposite of the vin- color and a nutty flavor. Aged tawny, la- dessert. Older vintage ports are favored
tage and ruby styles. Aged in 600-liter beled as 10, 20, 30 or 40 years old as an by cigar hounds. Aged tawnies cry out for
Symington was promoting these vats called pipes, the wine is drawn off, approximate average age of the wine custardy finales (flan, puddings) or but-
wines, released only in June, but his or racked, into large vats once a year so in the blend, is a special treat. A special tery cookies.
mind was partly in the future, a quarter- sediment can be removed, then returned subset of port called “colheita” is a single-
century or so from now, when these new to the pipes. In the process, about 3 per- vintage tawny. In fact, a bottle of port and a platter of
wines should reach their prime. cent of the wine is lost: some in the dis- holiday cookies would be a fine ending
carded sediment, the rest – the “angels’ White port can be hard to find, but it to any feast this season.
“Being lucky enough to have tasted
a 25-, 50-, even a 75-year-old bottle of
vintage port, I know how wonderful it
can be,” Symington added. “The great-
est wines I’ve ever tasted have been old
Times are changing. British wine mer-
chants traditionally aged ports in casks
for years before bottling and selling
them, but few if any are doing that today.
Producers rarely hold back reserves of
their vintage ports, preferring to capital-
ize on instant cash flow from high rat-
ings and the fanfare of a new release.
And wine lovers rarely have the extensive
cellars to allow them to collect wines and
age them for decades. Today, most wine
is consumed within days of purchase.
“People live much more rapidly to-
day,” Symington added. “That port mo-
ment, where everyone lingers over a
bottle after dinner, still happens over
the holidays, but otherwise we rarely
take time to open and enjoy a bottle.”
Vintage port, of course, is too scarce
and pricey (usually over $100 a bottle) to
drink every day. But luckily for us, there
are other styles of port, more affordable
and easy to find, that we can enjoy any-
time. Here’s a quick primer of the various
Vintage port is aged in cask for two
years before bottling, with minimal ex-
posure to oxygen. It is meant to age for
years and even decades in the bottle (in
your cellar after you pay for it, mostly)
before it sheds its tannins and unfurls an
exotic compote of dried fruits. But with
our modern lifestyle, it’s good to know
that vintage port is wonderful at release;
just be prepared for primary, upfront
fruit flavors and lots of tannin. After
about four years from the vintage, they
tend to close down and hibernate until
they are about 10 years old.
Ruby ports are fruitier and more sup-
ple than vintage and are intended for
immediate enjoyment. They typically
are blends of wines from several years,
meant to promote a house style immune
to vintage variation. A ruby is often not
labeled as such, but it may be called “re-
serve” or have a proprietary name, such
as Graham’s Six Grapes.
30 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
FINE & CASUAL DINING Fine Dining, Elevated
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Reservations Highly Recommended Proper Attire Appreciated
Zagat Rated (772) 234-3966 tidesofvero.com Open 7 Days
2013 - 2017 3103 Cardinal Drive , Vero Beach, FL
Wine Spectator Award
2002 – 2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 31
Please send calendar information
at least two weeks prior to your
event to
[email protected]
ONGOING December 9 | Santa in the Garden at Rockledge Gardens
Satellite Beach Farmers‘ Market, 10 a.m. to December 14 | Indian Harbour Beach Christmas in the Park 8 Candlelight Shopping in Historic
5 p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park on A1A, Downtown Melbourne, 5 to 9 p.m.
(321)773-6458 Solutions from Games Pages Merchants will stay open late on Saturdays
in November 29, 2018 Edition through Christmas.
Friday Night Lights, watch tennis competition
and exhibition, 6 p.m. most Fridays at Kiwi 8 Brevard Community Chorus holiday
Tennis Club, 30 Tradewinds Dr, Indian Harbour program Christmas of Light, 7:30 p.m.
Beach. www.kiwitennisclub.com on the main stage of the King Center for the
Performing Arts at 3865 N. Wickham Road in
DECEMBER Melbourne. Tickets cost $20 for adults, $15 for
seniors and active military and $5 for children
7 Margaritas for Mangroves fundraiser for or college students. Call (321) 242-2219.
the Marine Resources Council 5:30 to
8:30 p.m. hosted by Melbourne BMW, 1432 S. 9 Indialantic Chamber Singers Sounds of
Harbor City Blvd. Tickets cost $35 and include the Season, 3:30 p.m. at Eastminster
complimentary tapas and margarita service. Presbyterian Church, 106 N. Riverside Drive,
Call Steve Sharkey at (321)978-8862 for more Indialantic.
9 Space Coast Symphony Youth Orchestra
7 Holiday Tree Lighting in the Eau Gallie Winter Magic, 4 p.m. at Highland Fellowship
Arts District, 6 p.m.with music in the Church, 1591 Highland Ave, Eau Gallie Arts
bandshell, shopping on Highland Avenue and District. Admission is free. (321)652-4913.
Santa Claus in Eau Gallie Square.
9 Santa in the Garden at Rockledge Gardens,
7 One Senior Place in Viera Holiday Toy 2153 U.S. 1 in Rockledge, noon to 3 p.m.
Gala, 6 p.m. at 8085 Spyglass Hill Road. Tell Santa what’s on your Christmas list and take
Admission is a new, unwrapped toy, gift or pictures with Kris Kringle in the gardens. Free
WalMart gift card for children or teens, to event, but registration on www.eventbrite.com.
benefit more than 3,000 Brevard families
through His Place Ministries. A Mother’s ACROSS DOWN
Touch Movers and will serve heavy hors 1 CREEK 2 CHARMER
d’oeuvres and desserts, wine and beer, with 4 HEATERS 2 ENTER
smooth jazz provided by saxophonist, Fred 8 ACT 3 KETCHUP
Cavese. Raffle tickets for prizes. To RSVP call 9 TOM 4 HUMBUG
(321) 751-6771. 10 INANE 5 ALIBI
7 Whiskey Beach Pub Holiday Potluck 12 UNICORN 7 SHEEN
and Masquerade Party, 7 p.m. at 1132 15 URGE 13 NEAR
Highway A1A, Satellite Beach. Sign up to bring 17 RECIPE 14 ORB
your favorite dish, DJ Lo 8 p.m. to midnight. 19 ARABLE 16 REDO
www.whiskeybeachpub.com 22 DARE 18 CON
7-8 Carriage rides at The Avenue at 26 VALUE 21 ELECTOR
Viera, 5 to 8 p.m. Fridays and 28 TITAN 23 ARDOUR
Saturdays through Christmas. Pick up outside 30 OAR 24 SITES
the AMC movie theater. 31 VAT 25 TONIC
Sudoku Page 2520 SudokuPPaaggee2531 CrosswordPPaage 5202 Crossword PPaaggee 2531 (BABY TALK)
Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the CERTIFIED Windows & Doors
South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic, Siding & Soffit
Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. “Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s
Contact Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
32 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
December 24 | Indian Harbour Beach Surfing Santas January 19 | Opening day of Brevard Renaissance Fair
13 Town of Melbourne Beach Christmas Simmons lookalike and many more. Raffles take all your requests. Family-friendly show, JANUARY
Tree Lighting, 6 to 8 p.m. at Melbourne and Prizes. Family-friendly event to benefit no cover.
Beach Town Hall, 507 Ocean Ave. Santa will lifetime Melbourne resident battling Stage 3 2-4 Space Coast Crew Winter Learn-to-
ride in on a firetruck and the Melbourne Beach cancer. 22 Full Moon Drum Circle and Bonfire, Row Camp for students in grades
Volunteer Fire Department will have pizza, 5:30 p.m. at Nance Park in Indialantic. 7-12 during winter school break at the SCC Oars
drinks and snacks for sale. 15 Jingle Bell 2-Miler 5:45 pm, Satellite Moon rise is around 5:45pm. Meeting place is and Paddles Park Boat House, 1329 Banana
Beach Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd. All just behind the restrooms, 201 N Miramar Ave, River Drive, Indian Harbour Beach. Cost is $90
14 Indian Harbour Beach Christmas participants receive fun shirts, Chronotrack Indialantic. Bring quarters for parking meters for three mornings of camp, 8:30 to 11 a.m. All
in the Park, 6 p.m. to close at the B-tag timing and a festive post-race party. ($1 per hour). Free parking available at Aquarian participants must complete a swim test prior to
Main Gazebo of Gleason Park. Music and Guest appearance by Zippy, the Gecko mascot, Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. camp. www.spacecoastcrew.org
Refreshments, coffee with a cop. 6:15 to 7:30 to start each of the free kids’ runs and to help
p.m. kids and family entertainment and The with the awards presentation. Our standard 22 Christmas Concert with Michael 13 Florida Magician of the Year Contest,
Learning Station presents, A Children’s Holiday overall and age group awards will be presented Anderson, 7 to 8 p.m. at Chapel by the 2 p.m. at the Cocoa Village Playouse,
Journey. 7 p.m. to close at the boardwalk, for each race along with door prizes and Sea, 8240 S. Hwy A1A, Melburne Beach. Pianist youth and adult competition. Call (321) 636-
Santa arrives with the Indian Harbour Beach giveaways. A $10,000 purse in prizes and gift and composer Michael Anderson returns for an 5050 for tickets.
Volunteer Fire Department. certificates for the top finishers of race series. evening of music at the chapel. A love offering
Online registration deadline Dec. 13 at www. will be taken. 19 Opening day of Brevard Renaissance
14-15 Eastminster Presbyterian runsignup.com. Race day registration one hour Fair, runs through Feb. 3 at Wickham
Church Live Nativity, 5 to before event. Adult registration $30-$35, child 24 Indian Harbour Beach Surfing Santas, Park in Melbourne. Education Day is Feb.
7 p.m., outside service with carols at 6 p.m. registration $15-$20. Team registration $25 per 9 a.m. to noon at Bicentennial Beach 1. Advance tickets now on sale at www.
Saturday, 106 N. Riverside Drive. person early registration only. Park. Don festive yule gear and join neighbors brevardrenaissancefair.com
for surfing fun. Non-surfers invited to dress up,
15 Standup Paddleboard Light Parade, 16 Christmas Educational Wine Tour bring a chair and cheer on the Santas. 19 8th Annual Florida Key Lime Festival
meet up on the southeast side of the 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Knights of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Brevard Veterans
Pineda Causeway at 4 p.m. to line up for the Columbus hall. 2150 Dairy Road, Melbourne. 24 Cocoa Beach Surfing Santas festival, Memorial Center, 400 Sykes Creek Parkway,
parade. Decorate your SUP or kayak and please Sample 21 imported Italian wines and finger 8 a.m. at the end of the Minutemen Merritt Island. Tickets $10 for adults, $5 for
have plenty of horns and lights as there will be foods, $18 per person. Hosted by Antonio & Causeway. No registration is required, event children. Active and retired military Free. Live
other boats in the water. Vittoria Italian Tavern and Market in Satellite is free to surfers and spectators. www. music, Key Lime pie toss, Key Lime pie eating
Beach. Get up to 30 percent off purchase of the surfingsantas.org. contest.
15 Town of Melbourne Beach 53rd wines being tasted. RSVP required (321)978-
Annual Children’s Christmas Parade, 2242. 26 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support 23-28 Space Coast Birding and
8:15 to 11:30 a.m. up and down Ocean Avenue, Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 Wildlife Festival, various
with pancake breakfast by the Melbourne 21 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League p.m. the last Wednesday of the month at the locations in Titusville. https://scbwf.org/
Beach Volunteer Fire Department to follow Food Truck Friday Family Fest, 5 to 9 Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue.
parade. p.m. in the parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Call Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for 25 Sock Hop dance with music by the
Recration Center. Food and drink, music and details. Rock and Roll Revue, 7 to 10 p.m. at
15 Shellie Debusk Chapman Benefit vendors. the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus
Concert, doors open at 3 p.m. at 27 Meet and Make 2 to 4 p.m. for ages Blvd., Dance to music of the 50s and 60s
the Sports Page bar, 220 A1A, Satellite Beach. 21 Dueling Pianos show, 8 to 11 p.m. 5 and older at Satellite Beach Public provided by an 8-piece combo with a male vo-
Live Bands until 9 p.m. Guesstar, CrowFly, at Jake’s Crab Shack, 3830 Highway Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd. An open maker calist and a Doo-Wop trio. Tickets $10 available
RYSK, Katty Shack, Jay DiBiella, Vibe, Pinch, A1A in the Publix shopping center. Veteran session featuring gadgets Makey Makey, at the door or any Swingtime or Melbourne
Jeff Bynum, Wicked Garden Gnomes, Gene piano players Randy Keith and John Vastola Ozobots, Raspberry Pi and more.
Oceanfront condo features
a compelling design
605 S Miramar Avenue in Indialantic: Exceptional 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,268-square-foot oceanfront condo
offered for $695,900 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent Sandy Kilpatrick: 321-474-4330
34 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Oceanfront condo features a compelling design
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER two-full-bathroom unit in Magnolia where the rooms meet and widened The master bedroom suite also
[email protected] Key Condo has 2,268 square feet of hallways starting with the entrance. opens onto the balcony with three
living space arranged in a compelling There is a separate room along the large glass sliding doors, which like
Open and airy with high-end architectural design featuring angles hallway for use as a formal dining all windows and doors in the unit
details throughout such as rounded wherever possible, including a small room area or home office. are made to the highest hurricane-
drywall corners and upgraded trim, triangular porch on the north side of resistant and noise-dampening
the condo at 605 S Miramar Ave. in this corner unit which would be perfect The gourmet island kitchen with standards.
Indialantic offers one of Brevard’s best for an arrangement of outdoor plants. granite countertops features an eat-
condo values, especially considering in design that provides an informal “The higher, builder-grade con-
the prime location and price. The angles work together in the gathering space with charming views struction materials and overall top-
interior, creating larger spaces of the beach in the distance. Next is of-the-line craftsmanship make the
Built in 2006, the three-bedroom, the alternative dining room area, unit so quiet you can hardly hear the
which is plenty large enough for a traffic going by on Miramar Avenue
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard full-size dining table, and finally (SR A1A),’’ said listing agent Sandy
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents the oversized living room with the Kilpatrick.
321.749.8405 classic beach lifestyle feature: a large
Over 175 Million balcony with a nearly panoramic The oversized master bathroom
view of the ocean. suite is where the condo most clearly
SOLD! shows the extra effort the builder
Hall of Fame
[email protected]
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More!
Fantastic Ocean Sands Condo - $389,000 Satellite Beach Pool Home - $349,000
Melbourne Beach Pool Home - $449,000 Beautiful NE Corner Unit - $399,000
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 35
put in to ensure high-end comfort, and a large extra walk-in closet with with two covered parking spaces Neighborhood:
with an oversized jetted tub, walk- organizers serving as a separate and air-conditioned storage lockers. Magnolia Key Condo
in shower, European bidet; double dressing room. There is a community swimming
vanity sinks with separate dressing pool, clubhouse with recreation Year Built: 2006
areas; his/hers walk-in closets This corner unit provides abundant Construction: Concrete block
views of the Atlantic Ocean and comes CONTINUED ON PAGE 39
Bedrooms: 3
Baths: 2
Home size: 2,268 square feet
Additional features: Island
kitchen with breakfast bar
and pantry; built-in vacuum,
master bathroom suite laundry;
large extra walk-in closet with
organizers; window treatments;
attached 2-car garage with
private air-conditioned storage
lockers; community swimming
pool, clubhouse with recreation
Listing agency:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty
Listing agent:
Sandy Kilpatrick,
Listing price: $695,900
36 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Nov. 23 to Nov. 29
The real estate market took a breather the week after Thanksgiving in island ZIP codes 32951,
32903 and 32937. Melbourne Beach led the way with just 4 sales, followed by Satellite Beach and
Indialantic with 3 each. No transactions were reported in Indian Harbour Beach.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront condo in Melbourne Beach. Unit 208 at 7415
Aquarina Beach Drive was placed on the market Aug. 3 for $544,000. The sale closed Nov. 28 for
The seller was represented by Tracy Warren of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The purchaser was
represented by David White and LaNeil White of the Britton Group.
TIDEWATER CONDO NO 1 7415 AQUARINA BEACH DR 208 8/3/2018 $544,000 $544,000 11/28/2018 $385,000
EGRET TRACE CONDO 262 AQUARINA BLVD 262 9/15/2018 $424,900 $399,900 11/28/2018 $375,000
SOUTH SHORES RIVERSI 5570 CORD GRASS LN 10/8/2018 $385,000 $385,000 11/27/2018 $200,000
BEACH WOODS STAGE 8 3341 SANDY REEF CT 11/8/2018 $210,000 $210,000 11/29/2018
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 137 11TH AVE 10/16/2018 $399,900 $399,900 11/27/2018 $391,000
SEA ISLE VILLAGE 1ST 2325 SUNSET AVE 7/26/2018 $324,000 $289,000 11/28/2018 $268,000
STUART TERRACE 109 E CORAL WAY B 8/20/2018 $240,000 $240,000 11/27/2018 $235,000
BCCNR BCH CLB CND P1 1125 HIGHWAY A1A 703 8/26/2018 $375,000 $365,000 11/29/2018 $354,000
VILLA SIENA OF SATEL 504 SIENA CT 4/1/2017 $315,000 $315,000 11/28/2018 $315,000
VILLA SIENA OF SATEL 526 SIENA CT 8/25/2018 $320,000 $310,000 11/27/2018 $305,000
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY he has heard of others who “invest- putting down any money. But the lays.” When buyers ask for the devel-
ed their full retirement funds” and FTC says “many consumers” bought opers to buy back their lots or they
Washington Post planned to build homes and move to lots costing $150,000 to $500,000 stop making payments, the develop-
the resort. Now “they just have noth- sight-unseen. ers refuse refunds and resell the lots
Ever fantasize about fleeing the ing left,” he says. to new buyers, the FTC alleges.
winter cold and getting in on the Balluff says he was attracted by
ground floor of a beachfront-real- Balluff and others – mainly Amer- the promoters’ innovative “no-debt” But it gets worse. To gather in-
estate deal in which you double icans nearing retirement age or al- approach; unlike most real estate formation on Sanctuary Belize, the
your money in a few years? If you’ve ready retired – bought into a slickly developers, they wouldn’t depend FTC created a sting operation that
dreamed that dream, here’s how it marketed development known vari- on lenders to finance their activities. involved a fictitious small business
could turn nightmarish. ously as Sanctuary Belize, Sanctu- Instead they would plow sales reve- whose owners fit the profile of Sanc-
ary Bay and the Reserve. The 14,000- nues back into the resort to speed its tuary’s target marketing. They posed
When Frank Balluff and his acre project is on the Caribbean completion within two to five years. as buyers and in the process docu-
wife, Rebecca, bought a lot in what coast in Belize, an English-speaking mented disturbing facts, according
seemed to be an exciting new Ca- nation bordering Mexico. High on the Balluffs’ priority list to the FTC: The person orchestrating
ribbean resort development, little was that the project be completed as the Sanctuary development, Andris
could they imagine what they were Through advertising pitches on quickly as promised, because they Pukke, is a felon who had been sued
getting into. It was what the Feder- Bloomberg News, Fox News and in- wanted to build a home and get away by the FTC for consumer fraud in
al Trade Commission now calls the fomercials, developers promised from Michigan’s harsh winter weath- connection with a debt-counseling
biggest real estate scam involving buyers a seductive list of ameni- er. When they periodically inquired scheme; Pukke ultimately agreed to
overseas property it has ever inves- ties – fine restaurants, a luxury ho- about progress at the site, they were forfeit millions of dollars in assets
tigated. Promoters allegedly fleeced tel, a world-class marina and shops, assured by officials that Sanctuary that could be used to refund money
1,000-plus lot buyers out of $100 mil- a hospital staffed by Americans, a Belize “would meet its timelines.” to victims.
lion or more. This month, the FTC championship golf course, a casino But six years have passed, and most
sought and obtained a federal court and even an airstrip, according to of what was promised hasn’t been James Kohm, director of the FTC’s
order temporarily shutting the proj- the FTC. Plus they dangled financial delivered. consumer protection enforcement
ect down and freezing promoters’ catnip: fat and fast profits if buyers division, called Pukke “a hardcore
assets. chose to sell their parcels. The pro- Hardly any homes have been recidivist scammer” who perpe-
moters pushed on-site tours to peo- built, according to the FTC, and Bal- trated the Sanctuary Belize scheme
Balluff, a business owner from ple such as the Balluffs, who flew to luff says the developers seem “to be “even while serving a prison sen-
Michigan, estimates that his person- Belize to inspect the property before doing little more than moving dirt tence for obstruction of justice.”
al losses exceed $310,000, but he says around and making excuses for de-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: South Shores Riverside, Address: 5570 Cord Grass Ln Subdivision: Egret Trace Condo, Address: 262 Aquarina Blvd
Listing Date: 10/8/2018 Listing Date: 9/15/2018
Original Price: $385,000 Original Price: $424,900
Recent Price: $385,000 Recent Price: $399,900
Sold: 11/27/2018 Sold: 11/28/2018
Selling Price: $375,000 Selling Price: $385,000
Listing Agent: Walter Tymeson Listing Agent: Clifford Howes & Paulina Hill
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Selling Agent: Aquarina Properties
Daniel Frey Clifford Howes & Paulina Hill
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Aquarina Properties
Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 137 11th Ave Subdivision: Bccnr Bch Clb Cnd P1, Address: 1125 Highway A1A 703
Listing Date: 10/16/2018 Listing Date: 8/26/2018
Original Price: $399,900 Original Price: $375,000
Recent Price: $399,900 Recent Price: $365,000
Sold: 11/27/2018 Sold: 11/29/2018
Selling Price: $391,000 Selling Price: $354,000
Listing Agent: Barbara Wall Listing Agent: Taylor Sentz
Selling Agent: BHHS Florida Realty Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite
Carolyn Smith & Bridget Sentz Donna Yocum
RE/MAX Elite Exp Realty LLC
38 Thursday, December 6, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Beach Woods Stage 8, Address: 3341 Sandy Reef Ct Subdivision: Stuart Terrace, Address: 109 E Coral Way B
Listing Date: 11/8/2018 Listing Date: 8/20/2018
Original Price: $210,000 Original Price: $240,000
Recent Price: $210,000 Recent Price: $240,000
Sold: 11/29/2018 Sold: 11/27/2018
Selling Price: $200,000 Selling Price: $235,000
Listing Agent: Kathleen O Brien Listing Agent: Kerry Klun
Selling Agent: Exp Realty LLC Selling Agent: Palm Realty Properties,LLC
Kathleen O Brien Scott Schuetz
Exp Realty LLC Hoven Real Estate
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: Sea Isle Village 1st, Address: 2325 Sunset Ave
Waterfrontbrevard.com Listing Date: 7/26/2018
Original Price: $324,000
Sold: 11/28/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $268,000
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Marc Alderette
232 TAMPA AVENUE • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903 Selling Agent: Northeast Volusia Properties
4 BEDROOM 3 BATH • 2507 SF
Subdivision: Villa Siena Of Satel, Address: 526 Siena Ct
Listing Date: 8/25/2018
David Curri Original Price: $320,000
Recent Price: $310,000
Broker/Owner Sold: 11/27/2018
Selling Price: $305,000
[email protected] Listing Agent: Chris Henderson &
Patricia Wong
321.890.9911 Selling Agent:
RE/MAX Elite
Mary Gal
Seaside Realty of Brevard
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: value.myckhome.com
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 6, 2018 39
room and the entire complex is well- shops on Fifth Avenue in Indialantic.
maintained, as evidenced by the “It’s very open and you have views
overall condition of the buildings
and mature landscape. Completing from the kitchen, dining room,
one of Brevard’s most attractive and bedroom and living room and isn’t
convenient examples of the condo that why you want to live on the
lifestyle, the unit is located just a short ocean? You want to be able to see it,’’
walk away from the restaurants and Kilpatrick said.
The condo is offered for $695,900.