New ‘Day’ job. P4 Concert-ed effort. P12 Dining: Suntree Cafe
Former MelBeach town manager Local music teachers’ talents
accepts same post in the Shores. showcased in ‘Masterpieces.’
An excellent breakfast option. P. 28
$24K grant will No suspense
fund town study as Indialantic
of sea level rise fills open seats
A $24,500 grant will pay Indialantic’s qualification
for a study that Indialantic
town leaders say will assess period for candidates to fill
impacts from sea level rise,
flooding and storm surge. three open spots – mayor and
The grant, awarded through two town council seats – ended
the Florida Resilient Coast-
lines Program, is funded by at noon on Aug. 24. Three peo-
the Florida Coastal Manage-
ment Program in partnership ple qualified, and three seats
with NOAA, and the Florida
Legislature. were filled.
The town council ap- Running unopposed, Mayor
proved the study, which will
be conducted by LaRue Plan- Dave Berkman and Vice Mayor
ning & Management, to help
guide future infrastructure Stuart Glass will each serve an-
improvements, including
replacing failing stormwa- other term, and
ter pipes. Many of the pipes,
made from corrugated metal newcomer Simon
and originally installed in the
1960s, are now rusted and Kemp will take
in danger of collapsing. The
study would assess the sys- Kyle Reiser helps during the installation of slip lining on Lee Avenue in Satellite Beach recently. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD the seat previous-
tem and the current plan, so ly held by Mary Jo
adjustments to it can be made ASSESSING COUNTY’S POST-IRMA EFFORTS Kilcullen. Simon Kemp.
if necessary.
“Thank you for
“The study will show what
your trust in me
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER as I will remain mayor for one
GOV HELPS [email protected] more term,” Berkman said in a
HONOR One year ago, Hurricane Irma formed and Facebook post. “I enjoy doing
quickly intensified to a Category 5 storm, this and helping our town.”
See Page 8
with Florida squarely in her sights. Irma’s He also expressed excite-
aftermath was not only a mess of debris and ment at serving two more years
structural damage, but there was also hu- with Glass, who he said has
man misery from major utility issues, plus done “a fantastic job,” and con-
nearly 20 million gallons of raw sewage dis- gratulated Kemp. “Extremely
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 WASHINGTON POST PHOTO happy to have Simon’s enthu-
Another grocery in store for Indialantic residents
parking lot, developers will tear down two
It’s been nearly 20 years since the town buildings where the Hairteck salon and
of Indialantic had its own grocery story. Sun Clean Dry Cleaners are presently lo-
Now, it may get two. cated and utilize some undeveloped prop-
erty just south of the other existing shop-
Plans are in the works to construct a
new 27,000-square-foot grocery store to CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
the south of Indialantic Shopping Center.
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Mission: Possible
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 With outreach efforts, St. John’s
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 Episcopal Church spreads ‘light’
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-27 REAL ESTATE 31-40 all the way to Uganda. PAGE 10
2 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
We’ll drink to that: Melbourne water quality up to standards
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT water customers informing them that required by the EPA,” Miller said. “This samples for the months prior to, and
monitoring requirements were not met notice is with regard to a reporting/ since, the April sample were accepted.
Don’t worry, you can drink the water. for the month of April 2018. monitoring issue resulting from a labo-
The Florida Department of Environ- ratory error, not a water quality stan- “We send water samples to a con-
mental Protection (DEP) says a notice Dee Ann Miller of the FDEP says the dard violation.” tract laboratory every month to test for
informing City of Melbourne water contract laboratory submitted its re- bromate, as well as many other com-
customers that a sample collected for port on May 10, 2018, and after review Because the report wasn’t submitted pounds,” Mall said. “These samples
bromate in April, later deemed unac- by staff, it was determined that the lab until May, a new sample could not be have consistently come back with bro-
ceptable, should not be confused with was not meeting the required Method collected for the month. mate being below maximum contami-
a water quality violation. Detection Limit (MDL). nant levels.”
Last month 57,190 notices were sent Miller says the No. 1 priority for the
to both residential and commercial “This means that the laboratory department is to make sure drinking A different quality control violation
equipment could not read as low as water systems are being properly mon- occurred in February 2017. Mall says
itored and any concerns are identified this was due to lab controls that did not
and corrected as quickly as possible. meet “drinking water” matrix standards
for the bromate analyte of 80-120%.
“The department works diligently The lab reported the samples as a “wa-
with public water systems to monitor ter” matrix which only needs to meet
drinking water and ensure drinking the standards of 70-130%. “Water” ma-
water is safe to drink,” Miller said. “DEP trix is considered non-potable waters.
does this by reviewing data supplied
to the department by drinking water Again, samples in the months preced-
systems and certified drinking water ing and after February were acceptable.
laboratories to confirm that drinking
water standards are met. In addition to The City of Melbourne – whose ser-
reviewing monitoring data, the depart- vice area includes Melbourne, Mel-
ment ensures that sampling require- bourne Beach, Indialantic, Indian
ments are being met by regulated facili- Harbour Beach, Satellite Beach, Palm
ties.” Shores, Melbourne Village and a por-
tion of Brevard County – is no longer
Cheryl Mall, public information offi- using the same lab to conduct their
cer for the City of Melbourne, says the monthly tests.
A Melbourne Water System tower in Satellite Beach. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
INDIALANTIC SEATS FILLED just outside Gainesville.
Kemp moved to Indialantic five years
ago. He is married and a proud stay-at-
siasm and new views on the council,” home dad for their two young children.
said Berkman. “I am confident he will
be a great addition to your town leader- With a B.S. in Environmental Man-
ship.” agement, Kemp’s platform includes
stewardship of the environment, the
Kemp made an unsuccessful bid for a beaches and the Indian River Lagoon.
council seat in 2017.
“I’m happy and honored to serve this
At age 37, he’s now the youngest mem- community,” Kemp said.
ber of the Indialantic Town Council, but
his interest in town politics began at just “I’m environmentally minded and I
23 years old when he was elected to the want to guide the town towards more
Micanopy Town Commission, located sustainable and environmentally
friendly practices.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 3
STUDY OF SEA LEVEL RISE Councilwoman Mary Jo Kilcullen said. dents and businesses in the conversa- our planning consultant, LaRue
Town Manager Chris Chinault says tion of resiliency and assess impacts Planning and Management, toward
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 from sea level rise, flooding and storm revising the town’s comprehensive
the study should be complete by July surge,” Chinault said. plan to meet state requirements that
potential impacts the town will need 1, 2019. address sea level rising and storm
to take into consideration to pro- “The town has been working for surge.”
tect and upgrade the infrastructure,” “The scope of the project is for the the past 18 to 24 months through
town to educate and engage its resi-
4 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
NEW GROCERY Site of new grocery south of Indialantic Shopping Center. Inset, site of Djon Pepaj’s Village Market. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK with public support, that could change.
“We are always looking for great
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 hundreds of comments, shares and likes compared to the average 60,000-square-
– but left residents guessing. foot space of a typical Winn-Dixie. store locations,” Baker said. “We are a
ping center buildings at Watson Drive neighborhood store and we want to be
and State Road A1A. Other businesses This year, smaller and more focused Facebook comments on Berkman’s in neighborhoods that want us to be
located in the shopping center will re- stores are the trend, according to the post expressed hope for certain stores there.”
main – including Beachside Produce, 2018 U.S. Grocery Tracker, noting that including ALDI, Earth Fare and numer-
which offers fresh fruits and vegetables the successful stores in 2017 were those ous calls for a Trader Joe’s. ALDI Haines City Division Vice Presi-
as well as meats, salads and other spe- focused on healthy, affordable food and dent Matt Thon was a little more vague.
cialty items. private labels. Sorry, folks. It’s not a Trader Joe’s. “At this time, we don’t have any details
But Trader Joe’s spokeswoman Erin to share regarding a possible ALDI store
Because a nondisclosure agreement The size of the new store lends itself Baker says that while there are no cur- in Indialantic, Florida,” Thon said. “We
was signed with the company, the name to a boutique-style, specialty store – as rent plans to open a location in the town, always want to be conveniently located
of the new store won’t be released until for our shoppers and Indialantic is a
after the site plan is approved, which great location for ALDI.”
may happen as early as next month.
Earth Fare Spokeswoman Beth
Local restaurateur Djon Pepaj is al- George was also noncommittal. “I don’t
ready expected to open a gourmet food have any news to share just yet,” George
market on 5th Avenue by December. said.
Pepaj is converting his former res- Mayor Berkman says he is “excited
taurant and bar, City Tropics, and four and proud” about the new project.
other buildings to the east, into a gour-
met food mecca called Village Market, “From what I have been told this store
offering a variety of specialty items, in- will have a good portion of its square
cluding seafood and cheeses, a butcher footage dedicated to prepared food, spe-
shop, bakery, imported wine and liquor, cialty items, and being designed to meet
and a rooftop bar. the needs of a beachside community,”
Berkman said. “Reaction has been about
A Facebook post by Indialantic Mayor 98 percent positive, with a few concerns
Dave Berkman, announcing the un- on the impact of this building to our traf-
identified new store, quickly gathered fic and residential streets.” Berkman says
Day job: Former MelBeach town manager lands Shores post
Tim Day is taking Indian River Shores post. STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER with the proviso that he establish a tiring Town Manager Robbie Stabe
[email protected] local primary residence within three on or about Sept. 16, unless there is a
months of starting the job. The town hurricane in the interim. Day said if
One year after resigning his post as also approved up to $10,000 in tempo- that happened he would start the day
Melbourne Beach town manager be- rary housing and moving assistance. before the storm hit and want to have
cause his family refused to move here control of town preparations and re-
from Cape Coral, Tim Day was hired In December 2015 Melbourne Beach covery from the get-go.
last Thursday by the Town of Indian hired Day to run the town for $89,000,
River Shores just 30 miles to our south and then in July 2017 Day gave the Indian River Shores is a high-end
contingent on his family relocating town two weeks’ notice, saying “it has oceanfront community of about 4,000
there this fall. become apparent that my family will residents, and includes the exclusive
not be coming to Melbourne Beach in John’s Island Club. The town supports
Day was one of five finalists for the a full-time capacity to reside with me.” its own triple-trained Public Safety
job, which will pay $125,000 per year Department in which officers are cer-
plus benefits. Three of the finalists had Day said he was honored to be se- tified firefighters, paramedics and law
pulled themselves out of the running lected to manage the Shores, and enforcement. Day’s public safety expe-
during the hiring process, as it took the promised the council he would indeed rience was one deciding factor, as well
town nearly six weeks to make a deci- relocate his family from the west coast as his service as a Cape Coral elected
sion. The Indian River Shores Town of Florida within the three-month official.
Council voted unanimously for Day, timeframe. Day will take over for re-
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Columnists Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Jan Wesner Childs, 941-725-0970 to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
Michelle Cannon Epting 407-579-4853 tive and marketing programs possible for
the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 5
he has been working with the developer to hear about the possibility of a store idea of some corporation coming in have Djon’s Village Market and a small
– Matthew Development of Viera – to similar to what he is already building. because I don’t think it’s in the best in- grocery store; it’s nice to see this growth
minimize those impacts. terest of the town.” without losing our small-town charm,”
“If it is anything like what I am open- Berkman said. “I believe these will com-
Pepaj, who owns Copperhead Tavern ing, it would be ridiculous,” Pepaj said. But Mayor Berkman believes there is plement each other and offer the beach-
in Indialantic and Sand on the Beach “I don’t have to create new concepts, plenty of room for both new businesses. side two great new businesses that are
and Djon’s Steak & Lobster House in but I live here, and I love it, and I am “Indialantic hasn’t had a grocery store long overdue.”
Melbourne Beach, was not very excited doing it for the town. I don’t like the in many years and now in 2019 we will
6 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Grove owner Okie LoPresti at Nick’s Island Tropical Fruit on Merritt Island, where three exotic orchard trees were
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT the budget process.” replacement, but unanimously Beach for at least six months immedi-
ately prior to qualifying, and 18 years of
Melbourne Beach voters will decide Davis, a retired special agent decided to hold a special elec- age. Qualifying opened at noon Mon-
who fills a vacant commission seat after day and closes at noon Friday, Aug. 31.
Tom Davis resigned his position as vice with the Florida Department of tion to fill the position held in
mayor on Aug. 16. With regard to the vice mayor spot,
Law Enforcement, previously conjunction with the general Commissioner Wyatt Hoover was cho-
Davis’ term was set to end in 2019. sen in a 4-0 vote, during a special meet-
“Tom Davis resigned because he is plan- served as Mayor of Melbourne election on Nov. 6. There will be ing on Aug. 22, to serve until an orga-
ning on applying for a position with the nizational meeting can be held upon
town as the public works supervisor,” Beach, but resigned that post in three seats open – two are for certification of the November election
said Town Manager Robert Daniels, “if results.
and when that position is approved via 2013. Tom Davis. three-year terms and the other
“I am going in another direc- for a 12-month term.
tion,” Davis said. “It was in my best in- A candidate for the Melbourne Beach
terest to resign.” Commission must be a registered voter,
The town had the option to appoint a a resident of the town of Melbourne
charges into canals leading to the lining all the sewer mains made of Indian Harbour Beach for about FILE PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK
imperiled Indian River Lagoon. clay. The cost to finish what has been $185,000 each. Once the results of
started so far: $1.9 million. smoke testing are known, repairs and place failing storm sewer water lines,
Beachside residents lived under maintenance to clean out caps and and they overwhelmingly approved
water restrictions for weeks after The county also added a storage manholes will be required as well as the request There are about 45 pipes
the storm due to inundated utilities. tank and reuse high-service pumps, the replacement of residential lateral at approximately 40 feet in length that
What has been done by local govern- and has other projects in design or service lines. need immediate attention,’’ he said.
ments since Irma to prevent more construction that will replace lift
flooding and system failures? stations and force mains that will Indian Harbour Beach, considered City of Cocoa Utilities
reduce the chances of failures in the Ground Zero for the Irma-related The Cocoa Utilities Department
The answer, whether projects future, Walker said. discharges, has spent $100,000 since only provides potable (drinking) wa-
prompted by Irma or projects the storm for canal cleaning and ter to that specific area south of Pine-
planned for years, is quite a lot, es- City of Melbourne Utilities drainage improvements in advance da to Dragon Point in Merritt Island,
pecially by Brevard County, which Melbourne Water System im- of the 2018 hurricane season, ac- and there were no water main breaks
operates the wastewater system on provements since Hurricane Irma cording to City Manager Mark Ryan. on Merritt Island south of the Pineda
the barrier island from its South Mel- are topped by a new Canova Beach Causeway.
bourne Beach treatment plant, and emergency standby generator being Satellite Beach is constructing the However, there was a 36-inch trans-
Melbourne Utilities, which provides installed now for $330,240. The city Desoto stormwater pond project and mission line located under the Indian
most of the beachside drinking water. operates the Canova Beach booster a related bioswale project at a cost of River along SR 520 that failed during
pump station to maintain flows and about $1.2 million, with the majority Irma and was repaired for $1 million.
The answer for the other utilities pressure in the beachside portion of paid by grants. The city is proposing The entire subaqueous pipe system
is different, depending on their roles the water distribution system, said hiking the stormwater fee from $104 was assessed and areas of exposed
in providing stormwater facilities Jennifer Wilster. per household per year to $200 to pay pipe were covered by concrete burlap
for Satellite Beach, Indian Harbour A new Hibiscus booster pump for other major projects planned for bags, said spokesman Don Downs.
Beach, Indialantic and Melbourne station was installed for $314,130; the next 10 years, said City Manager
beach. And finally, the section of $231,000 was spent for sewer pipe Courtney Barker. Recent Non-Storm Event
Merritt Island south of Pineda has slip lining since Irma; and $7,260 Melbourne Beach on Aug. 13 expe-
water supplied by Cocoa. saw spent for Fabri Form installation Indialantic has repaired broken rienced yet another common cause
of about 2,000 square feet for erosion stormwater sewer lines as a result of of sewage spill: contractor error
It is not sure if any measure could control, she said. the more aggressive impact on the caused a hole punched in a 6-inch
keep the system from becoming in- existing lines caused by Hurricanes force main in the Mockingbird Lane
undated and failing during back-to- South Barrier Island Cities Matthew and Irma, said Town Man- area. County officials said none of
back 10-inch rain events. However, Smoke-testing neighborhoods for ager Chris Chinault. the discharge wound up in the river,
with many of the lines and equip- wastewater system leaks has been and only a trickle amount wound up
ment aging and in need of repair, completed in Satellite Beach and “As a result of Irma, council went to in the retention pond. There was no
there is much to do, with the fate of the voters with a request to impose a cost estimate for the repairs.
the Indian River Lagoon at stake. one [millage] commitment for up to
10 years to provide $3 million to re-
Brevard County
Brevard County this year replaced
the South Patrick Drive force main
wastewater line ($2.5 million) in
Indian Harbour Beach, where one
break in 2016 caused a discharge of
1.5 million gallons. The North Riv-
erside Drive replacement (3.5 miles
from East Eau Gallie Boulevard south
to Oakland Avenue) is currently un-
der design and will cost about $10
million. Replacement of the two
lines will reduce breaks and future
discharges, according to county
spokesman Don Walker.
The county is in its fifth year of slip
Home of the brave:
Heroism honored
at Valor Awards
West Melbourne Police Chief Wiley and
Rob Medina with Congressman Bill Posey’s office.
8 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Home of the brave: Heroism honored at Valor Awards
Brevard Sherrif’s Honor Guard members Jeremy Pill, Doug McCarty, Brian Griffin, Juan Rodriguez and Judy Grant. 301st Rescue Squadron with guests.
Michelle Sayler, Shelby McGrath and Leah Blackmore. Darryl Gilbert and Michael Ayers.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT Florida Gov. Rick Scott. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Earlier in the evening, before the
[email protected] steak and fingerling potatoes, but
nicipalities – with awards for merit, suicides foiled in the nick of time, after Medina’s first foray onstage
The clink and clatter of after-din- life-saving and valor given out the children rescued from fires, Heim- to deliver the invocation, a surprise
ner chatter gradually subdued as Rob night of the banquet. lich maneuvers, defibrillation, and guest appeared out of the darkness
Medina popped up behind the podi- domestic disputes stopped in the …
um for the second time that evening. One by one, representatives from act. They were similar to stories we
the different sponsor companies read about in the news, or see on TV, Florida Gov. Rick Scott came to the
“How does it feel to be sitting in the came to the podium to call out the but the heroes in these stories were microphone to muster a few words
most secure room in the nation?!” names of the nominees in the differ- real people, sitting at the next table, on behalf of first responders around
ent categories, relaying their stories laughing with family and colleagues, the state, and was back down on the
The ballroom at the Hilton Mel- as each stood to receive his or her fortunate to have survived another floor for photo ops and handshakes
bourne Rialto Place surged with ap- certificate. day protecting the public. within five minutes.
plause and cheer, directed at the doz-
ens of men and women in uniform There were stories of attempted “Thanks everybody for just show-
being honored that evening for the ing up every day and doing your job,”
selfless and heroic acts they perform he said softly. “I’m truly honored to
day in and day out. be here.”
It was the 10th annual Valor Scott wasn’t the only elected offi-
Awards, hosted by the Melbourne cial in attendance this election year,
Regional Chamber and sponsored by but he was certainly the most high
some of the biggest names in corpo- profile.
rate Brevard. And the event was sold
out. “We wanted to do something really
special for the 10th anniversary,” said
Nearly 400 of the county’s top mov- Melbourne Regional Chamber Presi-
ers and shakers were in attendance, dent Michael Ayers. “It’s a great sur-
showing their support and thanks for prise to have the governor come out
first responders, and enjoying a night and speak.”
out for a good cause.
For information on the Valor Awards
Each year, submissions are taken and other Chamber happenings, log
for outstanding law enforcement, fire onto www.melbourneregionalcham-
rescue and military efforts through- or call 321-724-5400.
out the county and its different mu-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 9
Melbourne Council Members Paul Alfrey (left) and Tim Thomas (right) Satellite Beach City Manager Courtney Barker, Satellite Beach Deputy Fire Chief David Abernathy,
with School Board Representative Andy Ziegler. Community Paramedic Melanie Drake (honoree) and Assistant City Manager Suzanne Sherman.
Brevard Sheriff Explorers Payton Jones, Olivia Oberle and Mia Joseph. 39th Rescue Squadron with guests.
Logan Hausler with Stacy Donnovan. Florida Gov. Rick Scott with
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey.
308th Rescue Squadron.
10 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
St. John’s Episcopal spreads ‘light’ with outreach efforts
[email protected]
Nestled in the heart of Eau Gallie Vil- Rev. Eric Turner. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Charlene Turner.
lage is a house of worship where sun-
light filters through stained-glass win- connecting the scriptures to the reali- school students, a joint church min- “We will have at least three trips
dows, casting a cascade of colors on a ties we all now live in,” he adds. istry with Holy Apostles Episcopal in next year; people are willing to join.
sanctuary ready to receive the faithful Satellite Beach and St. David’s Episco- You learn to install the switch boxes,
and those seeking solace in the scrip- The two main thrusts of the church pal in Cocoa Beach. the sockets and other electronics. It
tures of an ancient faith. are Bible studies and outreach minis- sounds complicated, but it really isn’t,”
tries. Also, St. John’s partners with numer- she adds.
St. John’s Episcopal Church, located ous nonprofit organizations, including
at 610 Young Street, spreads the Gos- St. John’s offers a variety of Bible the Children’s Hunger Project, Brevard The Rev. Turner says contractors
pel of Jesus Christ to all who enter the studies at different times and places, Rescue Mission, Daily Bread, Habitat teach volunteers how to run the wires
church as well as to those beyond its including a men’s study group that for Humanity and Family Promise of and create the right connections. They
doors. meets every Friday from September to Brevard. also supervise and inspect the work
June. In addition, there is a children’s according to government policies.
The congregation, made up of about ministry and one for middle and high “We place so much emphasis on out-
80 families, or 200 people, from Mel- reach because the scriptures tell us to His wife adds that the trips can be
bourne, Viera, Palm Bay and Indian do that. We are instructed to reach out transformative, especially for Ameri-
Harbour Beach, warmly welcomes in love and service, to draw people into cans who go there.
visitors and emphasizes that faith is a faith and life with Christ,” Turner says.
lifelong journey. “It is really an exciting and humbling
That commitment to caring stretch- experience,” she says. “You really are
“Our motto is ‘an ancient faith for es across the Atlantic Ocean into the providing a service, being a servant to
modern people,’ and our mission is east African nation of Uganda. your neighbor, helping to illuminate,
to bring Christianity to people living empower and transform lives. That is
in these modern times,” says the Rev. St. John’s partners with Solar Light very powerful and impactful.”
Eric Turner, rector of the 130-year-old for Africa (SLA), a nonprofit Christian
church for nearly 13 years. organization that sponsors short-term John Baillie agrees. “What touched
youth and adult mission trips to the me on our trip was the depth of faith I
“We do that in a variety of ways, with small country in order to provide solar saw in the people we met. It was hon-
the most obvious being the preaching power systems to schools, orphanages, est, pure faith, so literal that it was
and teaching of the living Word of God, clinics, churches and hospitals. humbling,” says Baillie, a network spe-
cialist living in Melbourne.
The organization was founded in
1997 by Retired Episcopal Bishop Al- In addition to people from other con-
den Hathaway, former bishop of the gregations, Turner has taken a number
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. of people from St. John’s on the trips
over the years. “The church is very sup-
Hathaway also ordained Turner portive of our work,” Turner says.
about 30 years ago.
The Rev. Turner says parish leaders
Turner’s wife, Charlene, had the op- allow him two weeks’ of work time to
portunity to accompany Hathaway go on a trip each year. He believes that
and a group of high school students on SLA is showing people that renew-
the first mission trip to Uganda in 1999. able energy is a viable alternative fuel
She fell in love with the outreach work source.
and began leading some of the mission
trips. “We can go to Uganda and light a
school or small hospital that had no
Charlene Turner is now the execu- electricity at all. The people who go on
tive director of SLA, a position she has these trips really do catch the vision
held for nearly six years. that solar is a viable source of power
and that we don’t have to continue to
“I love leading mission trips. People burn fossil fuels to live a modern life,”
who go say that is quite obvious when he says.
they see me on the ground. The high-
light is sharing Africa with other peo- For more information on St. John’s
ple,” she says. Episcopal Church, its ministries and
outreach partnerships, log on to www.
Turner led four mission trips this or call 321-254-3365.
year, including one last April with sev-
eral members from Holy Apostles.
Music teachers’ talents
showcased in ‘Masterpieces’
12 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Music teachers’ talents showcased in ‘Masterpieces’
Conductor Ian Schwindt with
the orchestra.
STORY BY ANNETTE CLIFFORD CORRESPONDENT Betty Jo Couch. slow-building but rousing finale. lenger 7 Elementary School in Port St.
Works by American composers Ron John, sang “Thank You for the Music,”
Trumpets and trombones, oboes popular American composure Aaron with the other performers chiming in
and saxophones, violins and cellos – Copeland, a Wizard of Oz medley and a Nelson and Eric Ewazen, and more, on refrains.
Brevard music teachers playing their lively “Star-Spangled Banner.” filled up the program. Vocal soloist
instruments delivered two audience- Tee Rockwell, who teaches at Chal- “As far as the participants, they
pleasing concerts titled Melodies and Italian composer Ottoline Respighi’s range from elementary through col-
Masterpieces on Aug. 19. “The Pines of the Appian Way” was a lege experience and from first-year
teachers to 40-year teachers,” said
The event, which was free to the pub- Betty Jo Couch, series coordinator and
lic, kicks off the 6th annual Advent Lu- organist at the Suntree church.
theran Church Concert Series, with four
more performances by various musi- Conductor Ian Schwindt, music
cians scheduled through May 2019. teacher at Titusville High School, de-
scribes the Melodies and Masterpiec-
The Melodies and Masterpieces es concert as very beneficial to those
performance, in its fifth year running, playing the music, as well as the audi-
showcased 55 music teachers from ence: “It’s great for us to have a chance
private and public schools in Brevard to get together and perform, a chance
County, along with some teachers to get back to what we love. It’s also
from private studios. a showcase for our students to see
what they can achieve and what’s re-
The teachers took part in brass choir, ally possible with musical expression.”
string and woodwind ensembles, as Music teachers can be isolated at indi-
well as full-orchestra pieces, making vidual schools, Schwindt says, so the
for an entertaining concert experience. opportunity provided for fellowship at
A mix of popular and classical tunes, the yearly concert is very valuable.
pieces performed included “Down
a Country Lane” written in 1962 by The church’s majestic A.E. Schlueter
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 13
pipe organ, featured in several pieces, tagged for the May 5 “Rising Star” con- rector at Jackson Middle School in teachers to continue to have the op-
is a star in and of itself. Installed in cert to cap the series. Titusville, can’t praise the Melodies portunity to perform on their instru-
2012, the three-manual, 36-rank in- and Masterpieces experience enough, ments. I feel too many teachers, in all
strument has more than 2,100 pipes Veteran Brevard teacher Jim Mat- for both its collegiality and quality. fields, get into the classroom and lay
and can fill the Advent Lutheran sanc- thews, Brevard Public Schools in- down the craft that motivated them
tuary to the rafters or subtly accom- structional coach and former band di- He calls it “an outstanding venue for to pursue that career. Coaches who
pany an orchestra. never play ball, musicians who stop
performing in order to teach is not ac-
Subsequent concerts in the 2018- ceptable to me. The more we perform,
2019 church series also highlight the the more we challenge each other and
organ’s versatility with several re- hone our skills.”
nowned visiting organists. They in-
clude Australian resident Oliver Brett, The diverse repertoire of music
an organ scholar who received his de- presented by these local educators
gree from Kings College, Cambridge, appeals to broad audiences and all
and New Jersey resident and sacred- ages. Mark your calendars early for
music musician Mark Miller. Massa- next year’s free Melodies and Master-
chusetts native Amanda Mole, 30, is pieces show.
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14 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Groove to reggae at Friday by the Bay
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER painting, “Portrait of Carlotta.” Scot-
tie, wrestling with his own personal
1 First Friday by the Bay in Celebra- demons, becomes obsessed with the
tion Square, Palm Bay, will vibrate beautiful, mysterious Madeleine, and
the plot, in true Hitchcockian fashion,
with the sounds of the island, as the twists and turns its way to the denoue-
ment in this excellent film. Doors open:
dynamic 506 Crew brings their unique 6:30 p.m. Show time: 7 p.m. Tickets: $8
to $10. 321-636-5050.
reggae sound to the monthly family fest
Sept. 7. Led by keyboard and vocalist
Tony Blair (the one born in Jamaica),
this multi-cultural band combines con-
temporary, dance-hall and other reggae 3 On stage at the Dr. Phillips Center
Walt Disney Theatre this Friday,
styles with their own sensual, original
ballads. According to their website, 506 Aug. 31, is “My Brother, My Brother and
Crew has performed with such well- Me” starring brothers Justin, Travis
known reggae artists as Maxi Priest, and Griffin McElroy, the force behind
Yellowman, Jimmy Cliff, Third World a series of very successful podcasts, in-
and Freddie McGregor. First Friday: 5 cluding “My Brother, My Brother and
p.m. to 10 p.m.; DJ: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; 506 Me” and “The Adventure Zone.” Ac-
Crew: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Admission: free cording to Wikipedia, “My Brother, My
772-952-3443. Brother and Me” is a weekly comedy
1 506 Crew at First Friday by the Bay in Celebration Square. advice podcast hosted by the McElroy
2 Widely considered to be one of Al- brothers, which typically features the
fred Hitchcock’s best films, “Verti-
trio comedically providing answers to
go” is coming to the Cocoa Village Play- questions usually submitted by listen-
house this Saturday in celebration of the after his fear of heights during a rooftop and follows her to a florist, where she ers. According to the show promo, each
chase results in the death of a police- buys flowers, then goes to a cemetery,
movie’s 60th anniversary year. Starring man. An acquaintance asks Scottie to where she places them on the grave of receives upwards of 300,000 unique
follow his wife, Madeleine, claiming she Carlotta Valdez, who died in 1857, then
James Stewart and Kim Novak, the film is in danger. Scottie reluctantly agrees, visits a museum, and sits gazing at a downloads per episode and regularly
tells the story of San Francisco detec- charts on iTunes. Show time: 7 p.m.
tive Scottie Ferguson, who has retired Tickets: $46.75. 844-513-2014.
745 Beach St, Satellite Beach • LISTED and SOLD by Eva for $1,900,000
Eva McMillan
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text: 772-584-0412 homes in Brevard County. McMillan is sought out as one of the top-producing luxury real estate spe-
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rensen, Jr. “She works extremely hard for every single listing she has, treating all of them to her unpar-
alleled customer service. We’re very proud of Eva and I’m sure that both the buyer and the seller of this
particular property are pleased with the service provided by Eva.”
16 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE
The campaign started with the cy- trench warfare. The extremist group silience, producing, with few interrup- ducted more than 312,000 searches for
ber equivalent of a massive airstrike: finds new ways to put its messages tions, a steady barrage of propaganda information on joining or supporting
law-enforcement agencies from eight and videos on the Internet, and coun- videos and communiques, despite neo-Nazi organizations, the Ku Klux
countries, moving in unison to smash terterrorism teams try again to knock cyberattacks, territorial losses and the Klan and other far-right organizations.
two of the main propaganda organs of them down, occasionally winning bat- deaths of dozens of top officials and
the Islamic State. tles but never, it seems, the war. technicians in its media division. The decision by Europol to target
Amaq was an acknowledgment that
In the two-day operation in April, “The footprint of Amaq is definitely The Islamic State is hardly the only the Islamic State is still regarded as a
police seized computers and net- less than it was before,” said a European extremist group to make extensive use particularly dangerous presence on-
work servers across Europe and North law-enforcement official who, like oth- of the Internet to spread propaganda line – and one that often uses the West’s
America and blocked Internet por- ers, spoke on the condition of anonymity and connect with followers. A new own computer networks to reach its
tals used by the terrorist group’s radio to discuss an ongoing operation,“but the analysis of online behavior shows that followers, officials and counterterror-
broadcaster, al-Bayan, and its official golden objective – no Amaq, anywhere Americans seek out information about ism experts said.
news agency, Amaq. Yet, less than a on the Web – has not yet been reached.” neo-Nazis and other far-right organi-
week later, Amaq suddenly reappeared zations 10 times as frequently as they “They are persistent and forward-
at a different Web address, forcing the The mixed success of the Amaq search for jihadist-related content. thinking,” said Steven Stalinsky, execu-
governments to pounce again. Then it takedown effort reflects the challenges tive director of the Middle East Media
surfaced a third time. And a fourth. and frustrations faced by governments The research, conducted by Moon- Research Institute, a Washington non-
worldwide as they try to stop violent shot CVE and Gen Next Foundation, profit that tracks Islamic State pro-
Today, more than four months after extremist groups from using the Inter- identified more than 35,000 Islamist- paganda online, “more so than many
the European police agency Europol net to recruit and radicalize. related Internet searches over a three- Western agencies.”
began the initiative, the struggle to si- month period last year, with a major-
lence the Islamic State’s communica- While the Islamic State has been ity of the queries seeking information The Europol operation, which re-
tions flagships has shifted from shock- defeated militarily in Iraq and Syria, about joining the Islamic State. Dur- ceived scant attention in the United
and-awe to something resembling the group’s online empire – its “virtual ing the same period, Americans con- States, was among the most aggressive
caliphate” – has shown remarkable re- attempts in recent years to target the
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 17
Islamic State’s communication net- core supporters, Amaq postings on On those heavily policed sites, ex- breaking news – things tend to disap-
works. European officials, in interviews, Telegram are often shared hundreds tremist material is often taken down pear quickly anyway,” Gluck said. “If
said they were under no illusions about or even thousands of times, ensuring within minutes, but in some cases the the Islamic State can extend the news
what the initiative could, and couldn’t, wide circulation. links remained active for much longer, cycle to 30 hours before being shut
accomplish. Gluck said. A study released last month down, they’ve succeeded.”
European counterterrorism officials by the Counter Extremism Project, a
“The aim was to understand how say the privately owned Telegram app New York-based nonprofit, found that As the Europol’s raids confirmed,
their infrastructure works, and to gain recently improved its efforts to remove a quarter of Islamic State videos up- the “Virtual Caliphate” survives be-
more information – to see how they set extremist content, but independent cause it is highly dispersed, operating
up their services, and how we can get Europol headquarters in The Hague. from dozens of hidden platforms scat-
to them,” the European counterterror- analysts say the messaging service still Europol coordinated a campaign earlier tered across multiple continents. But
ism official said. Moreover, he said, by hosts hundreds of chat rooms used daily its decentralized nature also could
seizing actual computer servers, inves- by Islamic State members and support- this year to take down Islamic State be the key to its eventual unraveling,
tigators could also gain insight into the ers. Within weeks of the Europol opera- online propaganda outlets. counterterrorism officials and ana-
consumers of the Islamic State’s propa- tion, more Amaq videos started turning lysts say.
ganda, perhaps leading to the discov- up on Telegram, and then were repost- loaded onto YouTube remained acces-
ery of hidden cells and plots. ed on other social media platforms, in- sible for at least two hours before being In recent months, web channels used
cluding YouTube and Facebook. discovered and taken down. On other by the Islamic State have posted job
But Europol officials also intended platforms, the links remained active for openings for a variety of Internet spe-
to seriously damage the Islamic State’s days or even weeks, potentially allow- cialists and technicians, stipulating that
official propaganda organs by denying ing new videos to be downloaded and the applicants should be able to work
them safe haven anywhere on the Web, shared thousands of times. from their homes, in secret, for little or
officials said in interviews. Employing no money. One posting on Aug. 7 asked
techniques similar to those used to track “In the life cycle of news – normal, for a volunteer video editor to help pre-
child-pornography rings and other pare clips of an English-speaking Pales-
kinds of cybercrimes, Europol’s Internet tinian cleric for dissemination on Tele-
Referral Unit identified key networks gram.
used by Amaq and al-Bayan – many of
them based in Western countries – and “It is an opportunity for easy ajr [di-
then coordinated the raids to take them vine reward],” the ad read, according
down. Computer equipment and data to a transcript provided by the Middle
were seized in Belgium, France, the East Media Research Institute. “All we
Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Brit- may need to do is post around one vid-
ain, Canada and the United States. eo a day in Telegram and YouTube, so,
if anybody wants to volunteer please
By the time the raids concluded late [send a] private message.”
on April 26, Amaq and al-Bayan had
essentially vanished from the Internet. A scattered workforce of volunteers
Europol issued a statement the follow- has allowed the Islamic State’s propa-
ing day declaring that “the [Islamic ganda machine to survive the loss of
State’s] capability to broadcast and the physical caliphate, analysts say.
publicize terrorist material has been But at the same time, the group now
compromised.” clearly exercises far less control over
who speaks in its name.
Private organizations that routine-
ly monitor jihadist websites describe The lack of message discipline has
a more nuanced outcome. Days after at times exacted a heavy price on the
going dark, Amaq attempted a come- Islamic State’s reputation within the
back, publishing again under a Rus- jihadist community. During the weeks
sian-registered Web address, analysts leading up the World Cup, pro-Islamic
said. When that site was shut down, State websites posted multiple mes-
the news service switched to still an- sages – many of them accompanied by
other address, in a cat-and-mouse gory illustrations – warning of impend-
contest that lasted for weeks. ing attacks on the games, including
bombings, mass knifings and vehicular
“They were taken down every few assaults on pedestrians.
days, for a month,” said Raphael Gluck, a
web designer and co-founder of Jihado- When the tournament ended in Mos-
scope, a nonprofit that tracks Islamist cow without serious incident, some
extremists on social media. “They went counterterrorism analysts quipped that
down and went down fast. Then they the games’ biggest loser had been the
came back again and went down again.” Islamic State. In jihadist chat rooms,
supporters complained for days after-
According to Gluck and other ex- ward about the terrorist group’s empty
perts, the pressure eventually forced promises and tarnished credibility,
Islamic State officials to change tac- prompting terrorist leaders to issue a
tics, moving more of their content to statement disavowing the pre-game
Telegram, an encrypted messaging warnings and denying that they had
service popular with Islamist groups, ever intended to carry out attacks at
to post articles and videos under the the World Cup.
Amaq banner.
“On the caliphate side, there is now
Shifting from a website to an en- an insistence: ‘Only believe what you
crypted app arguably makes it harder read, officially. There are a lot of well-
for the Islamic State to connect with its meaning people and opportunists
followers, especially newcomers who who don’t speak for the caliphate,’”
might normally look for Amaq’s latest Gluck said. “Of course, if there had
offerings by visiting a website or using been an attack, I am sure they would
a search engine. But among the group’s have claimed it.”
AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT, Part I time, making it more difficult to move blood out to the brain and body. © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
When the valve doesn’t open properly, the flaps of the valve thicken, stiffen
Aortic stenosis is the most common valvular heart disease in the devel- or fuse together. As it becomes more difficult for the heart to pump blood
oped world. Today we’ll begin a two-part series to explain aortic stenosis. through the valve, the body suffers from a reduced supply of oxygen. AS is
serious; it can lead to heart failure, and death.
The heart has two systems: an electrical system and a circulatory system. AS can be caused by congenital heart defects, illnesses such as rheumatic
The role of the circulatory system is to circulate blood throughout the fever and infective endocarditis, or calcium buildup on the valve as part
body, delivering blood, oxygen and nutrients to all tissue. of aging. (These calcium deposits aren’t linked with taking calcium tablets
or drinking calcium-fortified drinks.) AS can cause chest pain, fainting,
Within the heart muscle, the blood flows through four valves in the fol- fatigue, leg swelling and shortness of breath.
lowing order:
Tricusbid valve While medications can sometimes ease symptoms, the only way to elimi-
Pulmonary valve nate aortic valve stenosis is surgery to open up the passageway.
Mitral valve
If the aortic valve is too damaged for repair, it must be replaced with a
The role of the aortic valve is to close off the lower left chamber that holds
oxygen-rich blood before it is pumped out to the body via the aorta, the main Current aortic valve replacement surgical approaches include traditional
artery in the human body. As the aortic valve opens, blood leaves the heart open heart surgery, minimal incision valve surgery (MIVS) or the newest
to the aorta, which distributes oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. option – transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR).
The aortic valve has two critical jobs: to open all the way so the right Open Heart Surgery
amount of blood can pass through, and to close tightly so no blood can Open heart surgery via sternotomy (cutting open the chest) is the
flow back into the heart chamber. When the aortic valve doesn’t open most common treatment for aortic stenosis. During surgery, the surgeon
fully (aortic stenosis), there’s a reduction in blood flow from the heart to removes the diseased aortic valve and replaces it with either a mechanical
the body. When the valve doesn’t close all the way, blood flows back into valve (made from man-made materials) or a biological valve (made from
the heart (aortic regurgitation). animal or human tissue).
AORTIC STENOSIS (AS) –To be continued–
AS is a progressive condition in which the heart hardens and narrows over Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome.
Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 19
Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge’s “12: The Inside “‘12’ is as much a story Sherman and Wedge steer
Story of Tom Brady’s Fight for Redemption” delivers about institutional power readers through it all without
what the title promises. The quarterback’s redemp- and corruption as it is about leaving anything essential
tion reaches its climax when the New England Pa- the game of football.’’ out or dumbing things down.
triots pull off a historic comeback “12” shows how Goodell and the NFL failed to They smoothly and simply
victory over the Atlanta Falcons in prove their case against the Patriots and Brady, ar- tell the backstories of Brady,
Super Bowl 51 in February 2017. guing that the investigation Goodell commissioned Kraft, the franchise and
NFL fans, die-hard and casual, will was significantly flawed. The authors contend that Goodell. As Deflategate un-
easily get swallowed up in the re- based on precedent and the NFL’s bylaws and pro- folds, Goodell’s behavior be-
telling of Brady’s stunning perfor- cedures, the punishment was out of proportion to comes increasingly unflatter-
mance. the crime. The book quotes the union’s first federal ing. “The commissioner kept
appeal of the suspension, claiming that Goodell a mental list of his enemies,”
The climax was capped by the “acted arbitrarily as an employer seeking to justify the authors write, “and was
after-game celebration and the pre- his own disciplinary decision rather than as a neu- morphing into a Nixonian
sentation of the championship tro- tral arbitrator.” Sherman and Wedge then observe: type of leader.”
phy by NFL Commissioner Roger “It was a fancy way of saying that Goodell had pre-
Goodell to Brady, team owner Robert sided over a kangaroo court in which he served as Sherman and Wedge also
Kraft and the Patriots. In the book, judge, jury, and executioner.” give us the silliest moments
Goodell emerges as nothing less than Over the years, many NFL fans have attacked that emerged during these bi-
the Patriots’ nemesis and the villain of the Patriots, Brady, Kraft and coach Bill Belichick zarre events. We’re reminded
the story. for their behavior. Few forget an earlier scandal, of the hilariously bad Brady
Spygate, a decade ago, when the Patriots violated courtroom sketch that lives
The centerpiece of the tale is the league rules on videotaping opposing coaches. Yet on in Internet memes, and of the Patriots equipment
fight between Goodell and the league, the NFL’s machinations over Deflategate defused staffer who wound up bearing the nickname the De-
and Brady and the Patriots, over “De- some of the acrimony toward the Patriots and fo- flator, and of the Patriots’ comical explanation for
flategate,’’ the scandal that resulted in cused it on Goodell and his penchant for overreach. awarding him that title.
Brady’s four-game suspension at the beginning of First-timers to the absurdity of the endlessly baf- Sherman and Wedge don’t shy from revealing the
the 2016-17 season over his role in deflating foot- fling Deflategate investigation should be able to ways Brady aggravated his own cause with his remarks
balls used in a game against the Indianapolis Colts. follow it easily. That was no small feat in real time. and decisions throughout the controversy. As they
Brady’s sentence was one of the highest-profile point out, he hurt himself at the outset by talking pub-
punishments in the history of America’s most popu- licly, against the advice of the union, and wound up
lar sport. talking himself right into a corner. When asked at the
first news conference after the infamous Colts playoff
The case consumed the NFL for 18 months; intro- game, “Is Tom Brady a cheater?,” Brady answered: “I
duced many to the intricacies of collective bargain- don’t believe so.” And later he destroyed his cellphone
ing, the federal court system and the laws of phys- rather than turn it over to NFL investigators.
ics; and was on track to go before the Supreme Court But at the core of the case, and of this book, are the
before Brady gave up on his final appeal months be- abuses of power by the NFL’s top leadership and the
fore the 2016-17 season. willingness to assert that power against the game’s
marquee superstar and its signature franchise. Though
Sherman and Wedge, Boston-based journalists Brady’s name, face and jersey number grace the book’s
who co-wrote “Boston Strong: A City’s Triumph cover, the lasting image of this tale is Goodell, the giver
Over Tragedy,” on the 2013 marathon bombing, did of trophies and the target of scorn.
their homework to illuminate the inconsistencies
in the NFL’s case against Brady and the Patriots. Be- 12
sides digging through court filings and transcripts
and media accounts (as well as social media post- THE INSIDE STORY OF TOM BRADY’S FIGHT FOR REDEMPTION
ings), they interviewed 24 people, including Brady
and Kraft. Among other crucial interview subjects BY CASEY SHERMAN AND DAVE WEDGE
were union leaders of the NFL Players Association,
who spearheaded Brady’s defense. LITTLE, BROWN. 312 PP. $27
Notably absent is Goodell, who declined to be in-
terviewed for the book.
As Sherman states in the acknowledgements:
BEATRIZ WILLIAMS presents 1. The Sunflower Girl 1. The Russian Hoax 1. The Lost Continent (Wings of
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20 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonzo enjoys company of dynamic terrier duo
Hi Dog Buddies! home. It only took him the station. Daddy hadda bail him
This week I had the BEST time yap- a week to figure out out.”
ping with a coupla terriers, Arthur
an Morrigan Lougheed. They were he could crawl under “This is the best part,” Arthur in-
from different litters, born the same
time an place. Arthur’s a white Wes- the porch. An that was terjected. “Daddy was getting the
tie and Morrigan’s a black Scottie, an,
’cept for the color, they looked just that. Now he comes bail money out, an he said, ‘At least
like each other, with short liddle legs,
mustaches, an floppy eyebrows, an home from all that Morrigan is a good girl.’ The pleece-
those stick-uppy ears. Their person-
alities, though, were TOTALLY differ- silly diggin,’ rollin’ man said, ‘Oh, the liddle black one?
and investigatin’ with She ran away before we could catch
Arthur welcomed me an my assis-
tant with enthusiastic bouncin’ an mud knee sox, burrs her.’ Morrigan thought she had Dad-
waggin.’ Everything he said seemed
like it had an exclamation mark after stickin’ his eyebrows dy fooled, cuz she snuck back home
together an sticks tan- before he knew she was gone.”
“O-boy, o-boy, o-boy! We’re so ex-
cited to get our own innerview! With gled in his mustache.” I couldn’t help myself, I laughed.
a PICK-shur! I’m Arthur, this is my
sister, Morrigan, an our Daddy an Ignoring his sister, With a twinkle in her eye, Morrigan
Mommy, David an Sheila.”
Arthur continued, “We said, “Yes, I can be pretty speedy if I
Following the Wag-an-Sniff, Mor-
rigan said, “My silly brother tends to love the dog parks an need to. Sometimes,” she lowered her
get very excited about pretty much ev-
erything. He’s right, though: We ARE the Fort Pierce leash- voice, “I give Arthur an Ears Up if I see
excited about our innerview. You’ve
no doubt noticed my lovely necklace. Arthur. free dog a door left open. He shoots through
I think it goes nicely with my luxuri- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD it, of course, an ends up on Double
ous black hair, don’t you agree?” Secret Probation. I love
She sat up very straight and cocked hearin’ about his
her head.
adventures. Me, I
“Absolutely, Miss Morrigan,” I said.
“I’m duhlighted to meet you both, an have a liddle human
eager to hear your story whenever
you’re ready.” PAT-tubble,” Morrigan ex- girl I meet every day
They sat side by side. Morrigan plained. “It wasn’t hard. Me an at the bus stop after
began. “It all started up in Cuh-
netty-cut, when Mommy an Daddy Arthur got along right away. I’m school, an I walk her
lost their third Westie. It was so uh-
MOTION-ull, Daddy said they should sophisticated. I always know home.”
take a Dog Break for a while. Then,
like, two days later, Daddy came what the Woof is. (I’m pretty “Whaddya eat?”
bounding down the stairs all excited.
He told Mommy he was just casually sure I’m descended from roy- “When we were pup-
lookin’ On Line, an found a kennel,
Fox Creek Farm in Pencil-vain-yuh, alty.) Obviously, Arthur need- pies, we had cottage
that had a lidder of Scotties (mine) an
a lidder of Westies (Arthur’s).” ed someone like me cuz he’s cheese, scrambled eggs
“So much for the Dog Break,” Ar- such a, well (an I say this and distilled water. We
thur said. “Mommy an Daddy wanted
a girl anna boy, black or white, Westie with the greatest respect an don’t like dogfood, so
or Scottie, didn’t matter.”
affection), a Knucklehead. Daddy cooks us a lovely
“If you can buhLEEVE it,” said
Morrigan, “I was the ONLY girl of For example, at the kennel, Morrigan. meat meal every night,”
both lidders. So it was gonna be ME
an one of the boys.” when Mommy came over Morrigan said. “Arthur’s
to pick us up, he bounced favorite is chiggen nuggets.
“Cuz we were all the same age, the up an down yapping, ‘Are Mine is lasagna. Believe us
kennel humans had put us together
in one big, wiggly puppy bunch right you my Mommy? Are you Mr. Bonzo, we’re SO lucky to
away,” said Arthur.
my Mommy? Are you my have such loving humans.
“The humans decided to let ME
pick the boy, cuz we hadda be com- Mommy?’ I thought he was gonna “Me an Arthur always know
wag his tail right off.” beach. I run when they need us. When
Arthur laughed. “Well, YOU sat wa- back an forth for miles, Mommy used to have a lotta
ay over in the farthest corner with wind in my ears, sand in my paws.” surgery, we’d sit with her an
your back to everybody. Then you “Yuck,” Morrigan sniffed. “I prefer gently put our head or paw over the
checked Mommy an Daddy out over to remain on my blanket by the cool- spot. We can really help Mommy an
one shoulder, and gave this Big Sigh. er, in the shade of Daddy. I choose not Daddy feel much better when they’re
You’re lucky Mommy an Daddy didn’t to exhaust myself. Arthur gets totally sad or sick.”
hand you right back. Plus, if you re- covered with sand, nose to caboose. With a liddle lump in my throat, I
call, during the ride home, I happily He looks like an Ewok.” said, “I know. I used to do that for my
explored the car. YOU threw up on “She’s had her share of adventures,” Mom, too.”
Mommy.” Arthur winked at me. “Tell Bonzo Heading home, I was thinking
“Did you have to mention that?” about that time Daddy was getting’ maybe all us pooches have that spe-
Morrigan huffed. “It was a new ex- ready to get Mommy at the airport an cial understanding, an I realized it’s
perience, an I have delicate sensi- couldn’t find me.” probly the most important gift a dog
biIities.” She turned to me. “We really Morrigan rolled her eyes. “I was can give its human.
get along just fine. He’s a Goofball. -The Bonzright there by the stairs. Arthur was
I’m the Queen.”
missing. Daddy searched the neigh-
“Tell me about your life now,” I sug- borhood, then called the pleece.
gested. Turns out they had Arthur down at
“I do occasionally get In Trouble an Don’t be shy!
get put on Probation,” Arthur admit-
ted. “I’m adventurous. It’s the Call of
the Wild. I’m an expert at diggin,’
rollin’ and investigatin.’”
Morrigan interrupted. “The last We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
time he was pure white was when an interview, please email [email protected].
Mommy an Daddy first brought us
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 21
J983 652 K 10 7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 9 7 643 82
8 K754 10 9 6 3
Laura Schlessinger claims that her radio show preaches, teaches and nags about AK54 762 Q 10 8 3
morals, values and ethics. She said, “Children are our second chance to have a great
parent-child relationship.” SOUTH
Some do not need that second chance; they had a great relationship with one or both of AKQ5
their parents. But others do want that second opportunity. AQJ2
Bridge declarers can be like that. They see two ways to get the tricks needed for their
contract — let’s call them line A and line B. Sometimes declarer must choose between Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
them; on other deals, it will be possible to succeed if either A or B works — which is
obviously preferable. The Bidding:
In this week’s deal, South is in three no-trump. West leads the club ace: two, 10, nine. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West continues with the club four (in case his partner has only queen-third of clubs). 2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
East wins with the queen, returns the club three, wins the fourth trick with his club eight 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
and shifts to a low spade. How should South try to benefit from the 4-4 club split? A Clubs
South starts with eight top tricks: one spade, three hearts and four diamonds. The
obvious chances for a ninth trick are the spade finesse working — line A, let’s say — or
the missing hearts splitting 3-3 — line B. Which would a mathematician recommend?
A finesse is theoretically a 50-50 shot, but a 3-3 break happens only approximately one
time in three. So, the finesse is the better percentage.
This means that South, after discarding the spade four at trick three, should pitch the heart
five at trick four and bank everything on the spade finesse, which, of course, works!
22 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Rapid, quick (5) 1 Choose, decide (6)
4 Supervise (7) 2 Discreet (13)
8 Near home (7) 3 Tutu netting (5)
9 Kingdom (5) 4 Chaos (6)
10 Union (13) 5 Read (7)
11 Reserve (5) 6 Sausages in batter (4-2-3-4)
13 Moorland (5) 7 Prompt (6)
17 Reassurance, cheer (13) 12 Procedure (7)
19 Garlic mayonnaise (5) 14 Renovate (6)
20 Incident (7) 15 Bread-makers (6)
21 Own (7) 16 Road (6)
22 Chirp (5) 18 Live (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 23
ACROSS 88 The beer I always ask for at 41 Architect Saarinen The Washington Post
1 With 102 Down, the opera? 42 Actress Cannon
a flag-raising site 43 Vena ___ A NUT AT THE OPERA By Merl Reagle
4 Land of Farsi speakers 92 Give one’s permission 44 Kinshasa’s river
8 ___ good example 95 Order to Rover 45 “No sweat!”
12 Overdue at Weight 96 Quill dip 46 Nereid’s haunt
97 Gulf of Aqaba port 51 Pours boiling water on
Watchers 98 Siberian river 52 Nemesis of Conan the
17 Violinist Niccolò 100 Placed inside: abbr.
19 City near Pomona 101 Vitamin bottle abbr. Barbarian, ___ Doom
21 Affected 102 Really rapid transit 55 Wok veggie
22 Ecdysiast 105 With 114 Across, 56 Blindingly bright
23 My review of the opera? 57 1973 bestseller, Fear ___
25 My advice to you about the tomorrow’s headline about 59 WWII theater
my night at the opera? 65 Gary Sinise in Forrest
opera? 114 See 105 Across
27 Catullus work 116 “I will encounter darkness Gump, Captain ___
28 Beast in The Murders in the ___” (Shak.) 66 Anti-knock ingredient
117 Hard-to-view pattern 67 Surefire
Rue Morgue 118 Two-channel sound 68 Get hitched quick
29 Actress Peeples 119 Emphasizer 69 Lotto winner’s cry
30 Wroclaw’s river 120 Editor-playing Ed 74 A son of Eve
32 Christmas wish 121 Birds of the night 75 Baseball Hall of Famer
35 ER’s orig. night 122 Round of applause
36 Holly’s role in The Piano 123 Apt word for this entry Aparicio
39 Put away DOWN 76 The grass was always
43 My opinion of opera 1 ___ facto
2 “Horsepower” coiner greener over her septic tank
plagiarists? 3 Fairy tale frightener 77 Word to the left of right
47 Thin part of milk 4 Firmly situated 83 Divine’s Polyester co-star
48 ___ time (never) 5 Attack, as an envelope 84 Scam
49 Not allowed 6 ___ for detail 85 Sine/non divider
50 Caliban’s play, with The 7 Robert De ___ 87 Famous sailor’s honey
53 The mother in The Yearling 8 Scale singing 89 Is a goldurned lie
54 Appia, e.g. 9 At any time 90 Knitter’s colorful buy
55 Glazier’s insert 10 Tahiti totem 91 Spilled the beans
57 Bone prefix 11 Pay (up) 93 More like The X-Files
58 Secretary of State under 12 Neutralized 94 Peeve
13 San Francisco 99 Quite a while
Truman or Tampa 100 Diminutive endings
60 Sis to Abigail 14 Opera’s Pinza 101 Follower of Haile Selassie I
61 Poacher’s purchases 15 Entrust to a carrier pigeon 102 See 1 Across
62 Mt. Rushmore feature 16 Move sideways 103 A son of 74 Down
63 Showroom item 18 Be bedridden 104 Duplicate
64 How I get in the mood for 19 Element named for an 106 8, for starters?
asteroid 107 Theater and movie mogul
opera? 20 Florence’s river
70 Big wine tour area 24 Does a cashier’s job Marcus
71 Hit-from-behind penalty, in 26 Spared 108 Chief Justice’s first name
31 Harper’s partner 109 Laundry
football 32 The green on old bronze 110 Sesquicentennial segs.
72 Cutlass or 88, familiarly 33 What I sing during lulls in the 111 ___-en-scène
73 Certain radios opera? 112 Anthony or Barbara
75 Il Trovatore heroine 34 Latin lover’s word 113 Lewis’s nutty professor,
78 It makes Leon Price into a 35 Least phony
36 Make ___ (get away) perhaps
soprano 37 Father to Molokai’s lepers 115 Empire that Francis II
79 Soprano Ponselle 38 Impressive peak
80 “How ___ you?” 40 Classic routine I do during abolished in 1806: abbr.
81 Spigoted server lulls in the opera?
82 Of a river mouth
84 Marcel Marceau’s
everyman character
85 You can just up
and do it
86 “___ expert, but ...”
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Doing right thing for child is parent’s top responsibility
BY CAROLYN HAX won’t be visiting anyone unaccompanied by us for partner’s reservations are reasonable enough –
Washington Post the indefinite future. The accident left a lasting that, on balance, it’s worth just putting things to
impression on [Partner] and I respect that enough rest with the truth.
Hi, Carolyn: not to force the issue.”
Three years ago, our then-2- In return for your taking advantage of this
year-old daughter was in an acci- That’s it. There’s an argument to be made for transparency, though, you need to make sure you
dent while visiting my family for not naming your partner as the one standing in brook no challenges from your mother or anyone
the first time without us, which the way, because you don’t want to make it easy else on this decision, whether they’re directed at
resulted in her losing two fingers. for people to single him out. However, you are ap- you or your partner.
Her father and I went through a VERY rough patch parently close enough to your mother – and your
as a couple, because he was against her going in There may be reasonable arguments against
the first place – but we got through it. this protective stance – maybe not while your
Fast forward to now. My mom asked if our daughter is still so young, but soon enough as she
daughter could visit, and due to a scheduling con- becomes more independent. Eventually you both
flict neither of us would be able to go with her. will have to rebuild your trust- and risk-assess-
My mom has invited our daughter to visit several ment muscles.
times since the accident, but I’ve always gently shut
her down out of respect for my partner, because he But these issues are for you and your partner
feels the same as he did three years ago. I feel ter- to discuss, period, as equals in decision-making
rible, but she hasn’t really gotten the hint that it’s a about your daughter’s needs; they are not topics
contentious issue, and she just keeps asking. for a family roundtable.
I am now reasonably comfortable with our
daughter visiting without us being there, but he This also isn’t a matter of your “pleasing” any-
is not, and it is causing conflict. What should I body. That’s not your job. Your primary job, as
do? My stress level is really high because I want to long as your child is a minor, is to be a responsi-
please both of them, but I don’t think I can. ble parent. Your secondary responsibility is to be
a respectful partner. These top your list because
– Anxious and Conflicted they’re roles you knowingly assumed, and so you
must fulfill them in as healthy a way as possible.
– Anxious and Conflicted: Stop hinting, please, Whether your choices ultimately please anyone is
oh please. simply a collateral benefit.
“Mom, I am sorry to disappoint you. [Daughter] It’s never any fun to upset people with your
choices, of course. But the sooner you internal-
ize the importance of doing the right thing vs. the
popular thing, the sooner that “really high” stress
will abate.
Sole mate:
Podiatrist can help
relieve those aching feet
26 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sole mate: Podiatrist can help relieve those aching feet
[email protected]
For millions of people, the idiom
“stand on your own two feet” some-
times is a medical impossibility.
That’s because, according to the
National Pain Report from the Ameri-
can Podiatric Medical Association,
“nearly eight in 10 Americans have
experienced foot pain” of one kind or
another, and for those with chronic
foot pain caused by bunions, ham-
mer toes, heel or ankle pain, fractures
and diabetic foot reconstruction, that
pain can be downright debilitating.
Just ask Dr. David Haile, a podiat-
ric surgery specialist with 24 years of
experience at Indian River Medical
Foot pain, says Haile, can profound-
ly impact quality of life. Fully half of all
adults say that foot pain has restrict-
ed their ability to walk, to exercise or
even just to be able to stand up when
they want.
It is something of a numbers game.
As Haile puts it, his practice treats
“the lower extremity from the knee
Collins & Montz
Experience the fusion of Bunion surgery model.
traditional values and
modern dentistry.
At Collins & Montz, DMD,
we will focus on improving every
aspect of your smile for optimal
appearance, function, and comfort
through our general family
dentistry, and restorative procedures
such as dental implants. Our
comprehensive range of services and
dedication of quality set us apart.
Call today to schedule
your appointment.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 27
That covers a surprising amount of some good news about that. the foot where the apex of that defor- new bearing put in the toe. It acts like
territory. “In the old days,” Haile explains, mity is.” a little bumper and basically just re-
places the cartilage that has all been
While there are only two bones (the “people used to shave off the bump to He points to a new and patented worn away.”
tibia and the fibula) in the human leg fix the bunion, but that’s not really the treatment called Lapiplasty and says,
below the knee, there are 27 bones in correct thing to do.” simply, “I’m a real big fan of that and Many things can go wrong with the
each foot and, simply put, more bones I am a real big fan of minimal incision feet, but new procedures along with a
mean more things that can go wrong. The “shaving” procedure is still surgery.” better medical understanding of the
done by some practitioners, but a more root causes of foot pain mean consult-
Take, for example, bunions. modern and sophisticated approach Speaking of new, Haile adds, “we ing a podiatric specialist like Haile
“Bunions,” Haile explains, “are a appeals to Haile. have another really cool new proce- might bring real relief for your aching
complex deformity that is caused by dure for people who have an arthritic feet.
rotation of the first metatarsal, the “Lately we have really appreciated big toe joint.
bone behind the big toe. People don’t better how that deformity occurs and Dr. David Haile is with the Indian
actually grow a bump on their foot. how to address it. And most of the time “We have this implant called the River Medical Center. His offices are at
The problem occurs because the the surgical correction for a bunion re- Cartiva and the literature behind how 1424 U.S. 1, suite A in Sebastian. The
metatarsal becomes misaligned and ally doesn’t even involve working on successful this is, is very, very strong. phone number is 772-589-3110.
then the toe goes in the opposite di- the area where the bump is. It’s usual- It enables people who have bad arthri-
rection of the metatarsal. The classic ly involved working further back into tis in their big toe to basically have a
bunion bump you see is actually the
normal head of the metatarsal, but in
the wrong place.”
Your feet are complex – and some-
times finicky – anatomical structures.
Mechanically speaking, they function
as all-in-one stabilizers, shock absorb-
ers and propulsion engines that play a
vital role in your overall health.
Opinions vary on the root cause of
In April the Harvard Medical School
said, “Shoes with narrow toes can
trigger a bunion, but they’re not the
underlying cause. Bunions run in
families, because foot type (shape
and structure) is hereditary and some
types are more prone to bunions than
Low arches, flat feet, and loose joints
and tendons all increase the risk. The
shape of the metatarsal head (the
top of the first metatarsal bone) also
makes a difference: If it’s too round,
the joint is less stable and more likely
to deform when squeezed into shoes
with narrow toes.
“High heels can exacerbate the prob-
lem because they tip the body’s weight
forward, forcing the toes into the front
of the shoe. This may help to explain
why bunions are 10 times more com-
mon in women than in men.”
“Bunions can also result from ar-
thritis,” according to Johns Hopkins.
“This often affects the big toe joint.”
Whatever the cause of a bunion,
surgery is not necessarily the best op-
“Before surgery is considered,”
states Johns Hopkins Medicine,
“your healthcare provider may rec-
ommend first wearing comfortable,
well-fitting footwear (particularly
shoes that conform to the shape of
the foot and do not cause pressure
areas). He or she may also suggest
using splints and orthotics (special
shoe inserts shaped to your feet) to
reposition the big toe and/or provide
padding. For bunions caused by ar-
thritis, medicines may help reduce
pain and swelling.”
Haile wholeheartedly agrees but if
surgery is required, he says there is
28 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Suntree Café: A breakfast option worth fighting for
[email protected]
In doing these reviews, we try to get
around to places we’ve only driven by Suntree Special and I suppose the food was worth fight-
hundreds of times. Suntree Café is one Chicken Salad Wrap. ing for a table. The outdoor dining is dog
of those places, and our visit starts out friendly and they love, love, love dogs,
with a funny story. as evidenced by the massive exhibition
of pooch photos. Tough to describe, you
When we arrived the place was full – a have to see it for yourself.
good sign. There were a few middle-aged
couples, two tables of uniformed mili- We encourage you to send feedback to
tary personnel and the rest of the place [email protected].
was people over 70. It reminded me of the
Lutheran church I used to attend in Mic- The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
co when I lived in Grant for a few years dines anonymously at restaurants at the
(before I became Catholic). Everybody expense of this newspaper.
was set in their ways. They had assigned
pews. I once sat in the seat of a woman The Merkel.
who had recently died and I guess it was
too soon because people got flustered. Lobster and
There was an unwritten protocol. Sun- Strawberry Salad.
tree Cafe could be the Chatterbox Cafe,
straight out of Lake Wobegon. Irish Benedict. RESTAURANT HOURS
7 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily
A waitress took down our name, so we
assumed that put us in line for a table. She 4 to 8 p.m. Fridays
suggested we have a seat outside until BEVERAGES
something opened up. We found a shady
spot on the north side of the restaurant No alcoholic beverages,
and patiently waited. Maybe 10 minutes Friday night dinner is BYOB
passed, we saw six people file out to the
parking lot and figured a table had to be ADDRESS
empty. I popped my head in, but still no 718 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach
unoccupied tables. Another five minutes
went by, four more people strolled out PHONE
past us, but still no open tables. Hmmm. 321-773-0304
Now, I am not a pushy person. I’ve
worked in restaurants and I try to be the
nicest patron my server has on his or
her shift. But as I gently asked about our
table, a two-top opened up and a pair
of golfers (who were hovering) maneu-
vered right by us and slid into the seats
– quick like musical chairs when the
tune stops. Oh. THAT’s how it’s played
around here. Game on, buster.
I looked at my son and he nodded,
he understood our mission. We scoped
out any party who looked like they were
about to cash out. We positioned our-
selves in the vicinity and commandeered
the next open table, a four top. We barely
beat an elderly couple to it – they moved
a lot quicker than we anticipated.
Feeling accomplished, with a bit of
adrenaline rushing through our sys-
tems, we ordered juice and coffee and
looked at the menu.
My breakfast was solidly good. I had
a Denver omelet with home fries and
toast ($8.49). My son ordered lunch
as it was just after 11 a.m. He enjoyed
his bowl of New England Clam Chow-
der ($5.50) and said his Key West wrap
($7.99) was just OK. His onion rings (99
cents extra) tasted like the frozen kind,
but they were served hot and were
crunchy. We skipped dessert.
Suntree Cafe is a clean, cheerful place
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 29
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2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days
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(772) 234-3966
3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL
30 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information erence desk at 321-956-5642 or CareerSource at
at least two weeks prior to your 321-504-7600 for more information.
event to 16 Fall Love, Brevard’s largest bridal
show, 1 to 5 p.m. at the Melbourne
[email protected] Auditorium on Hibiscus Ave. For info, go to
19 The Indian Harbour Beach Garden
Bingo 4 to 7 p.m. Sundays at Veterans of For- Club launches its 2018-19 season
eign Wars Post 4643, 1252 Hwy A1A, Satellite with its first meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Indian
Beach. Harbour Beach Community Center/ The topic
will be “Bringing Back the Bee”s, pre-sented
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 by Clifton Best, followed by a light luncheon.
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park Doors open at 9:30. Contact Linda Kuhl, Pub-
licity Chair (908) 892-4426 or koolkottage64@
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- September 1 | Pet CPR and First Aid course. and entertainment by the Creative Arts musicians. for further information.
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Reservations may be made by contracting Linda
Melbourne Beach. 1 Pet CPR and First Aid course, 10 a.m. to 2 Nelms at (321)757.7377. Tickets are $75 per person 19 Florida’s East Coast Sea Glass Club
p.m. at the D.R. Schechter Recreation Center. with $50 applied to Rotary Charities. Write checks meets from 1 to 3 p.m. the third
AUGUST De-signed to help pet owners provide temporary, payable to the Indialantic Rotary Foundation. Wednesday of the month at the Melbourne
emergency care until they can get their pet to a vet- Beach Public Library. The program on marine
30 Essential Oils classes, learn about erinarian. Cost is $70 per person, which includes in- 8 Turtle Krawl 5k, 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at mammal strandings on the east coast by Sea
how essential oils are tied to your struction and workbook. Please leave pets at home. Nance Park, Indialantic. World Research Institute will be followed by a
emotions and make two roller-balls to take Register online at show and tell. Open to the public.
home, 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. at Art Sci- 10 New Neighbors of South Brevard
ence Incubator, 716 S. Patrick Drive, Satellite 4 Auditions for the South Beach Players’ Beaches plays MAHJONGG at Papa- 19-20 Melbourne Municipal Band
Beach. or call original comedy, “Hurricane Helga,” 7 gallo’s in Satellite Beach each Monday at 12:15 Concert “Why So Serious?”
(321)428-4800. p.m., at the Floridana Beach Clubhouse at 6635 pm. For information on joining the club contact Free Concert by an 80 member Concert Band, 7:30
S A1A, Melbourne Beach. Casting roles for six Toni Hanussey at [email protected] p.m. (pre-show at 6:30 by the Rock and Roll Re-
30-31 WBSC Women’s Baseball women and six men. No acting experience re- vue). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. at the Mel-bourne
World Cup coming to the quired! For more detailed information, go to 12 Melbourne Beach Library is offering job Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. Tickets not re-
USSSA Space Coast Complex in Viera, Florida, seekers a “Soft Skills Training” informa- quired. Go to
this 10-day event will feature 12 countries com- or email [email protected]. tion session from 10am-12pm through Career
peting for the Women’s Baseball World Cup Source Brevard. Learn the “soft skills” employers 20 Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church pres-
Title. Re-serve tickets at 7 Julia Babbitt, Rotary District 6930 Governor, desire such as professionalism, communication, ents Christian contemporary artist Sarah
will be honored at the Rotary Club of Indialan- teamwork and critical thinking. Certificate upon Kroger in concert, 7 p.m. in the Life Center. Tickets
SEPTEMBER tic 60th An-niversary Gala at the Indian River Colony completion of free online training program and cost $15 at the door, or $10 in advance at www.
Club in Viera. Proceeds from this benefit event will assessment. Registration required. Call the Ref- A small number of $30 VIP tickets are
be used for Rotary projects and programs. In addi- being sold to guests who will enjoy a pre-concert
tion toa delicious meal, there will be a silent auction, Crossword Page 2337 (SCANDI-KNAVERY) Q&A and meet and greet with the artist.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 22 The League of Women Voters of the
in August 23, 2018 Edition 4 DELIUS 1 FLAIL Space Coast will hold a Timely Topics
5 MYTH 2 QUEEN Luncheon on the 13 proposed Florida Constitu-
7 STRIDES 3 DYNASTY tion amendments on from 11:30 to 2 p.m. at
10 JAUNT 4 DUTY the Suntree Country Club from 11:30 AM until
11 LINCTUS 6 HINDER 2:00 PM. Please attend this event to fully under-
12 STEER 8 DILATES stand the concepts covered in the amendments
14 MAJESTY 9 SCIENCE and to be able to submit an informed vote in the
15 SPRAT 10 JUSTICE November election. Event cost is $22 for League
16 PEACOCK 13 SPIRIT members and $25 for non-members. Advance
20 CRAPS 14 MAPPING ticket purchase and menu selection are required.
21 EVENTER 17 OVERT Entrée choices are London Broil, Vegetarian Lasa-
22 TANK 18 KNAVE gna, and Strawberry Salmon. RSVP by Sept. 15 at
23 CRAVEN 19 MEAN (events/timely topics).
For more infor-mation, contact Doreen Archer at
Sudoku Page 2326 Sudoku PPaaggee 2337 CrosswordPPaage 2362 321-622-4071 or [email protected].
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors The Executive Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out
Siding & Soffit Pen Company to customers for your service or small business targeting
ALUMINUM AND WINDOWS INC. Aluminum Structures the South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Handmade Fountain, .30 Caliber Bullet, only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951,
Slimline & Gatsby Pens. Multiple
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321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Ideal island retreat set amid
mature oaks and palms
126 Paradise Point Drive: 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 1,663-square-foot home on large shaded lot close to the beach and river,
offered for $499,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s agents Greg Zimmerman and Gibbs Baum: 321-432-2009
32 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ideal island retreat set amid mature oaks and palms
[email protected]
Nestled among large live oak trees
in the maritime hammock at 126
Paradise Point Drive in south Mel-
bourne Beach is a three-bedroom,
three-bathroom home that offers a
unique Florida forest lifestyle close to
the beach in a charming location just
two miles north of Sebastian Inlet, a
spot renowned for great surfing and
world-class fishing.
Seller Fred Lee and his wife Wen-
dy carefully selected the wooded
1.3-acre lot when they built their
1,663-square-foot home back in 1997.
They had a larger house in mind origi-
nally, but scaled it down to better fit in
the natural environment. The result is
an efficient, easy-to-maintain cottage
home with a spacious main living area
above an oversized 24-foot by 24-foot
two-car garage with bedroom/office
Besides the interior space, the
home has expansive balconies and
terraces that greatly increase the
indoor-outdoor living area and pro-
vide ideal opportunities to enjoy
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents
Over 150 Million
Hall of Fame
[email protected]
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More!
Canal-Front in Indian Harbour - $749,000 Melbourne Beach Pool Home - $475,000 the beautiful natural surroundings. and a handsome wooden mantle.
The design centers around a vault- The other main feature, highlight-
ed ceiling the in the living room, ed by French doors, is a 37-foot by 12-
which is well-lit with natural light foot screened porch which also can
from an array of windows and slid- be accessed from the kitchen. The
ing doors. The living room also fea- porch creates a large covered patio on
tures a gas fireplace with stone trim ground floor, complete with summer
Spectacular in Melbourne Beach - $649,000 Convenient in Lake Washington - $189,500
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 33
Year built: 1997
Concrete block, frame.
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3
Home size:
1,663 square feet under air;
2,405 square feet under roof
Lot size: 1.13 acres
Interior features: Breakfast
nook, cathedral/vaulted ceil-
ings, window treatments,
master bathroom suite with
double sinks, jetted oversized
bathtub and shower, weather-
guard casement windows, tile
floors, gas fireplace, metal roof,
screened oversized 37-by-12
porch over covered patio with
summer kitchen, outdoor
shower, detached green house,
pole barn with utilities, water
feature, extensively landscaped
with paver walkway, attached
two-car garage with space out-
side for parking RV/boats.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Co-listing agents: Gibbs Baum,
321-432-2009 and
Greg Zimmerman, 321-704-3025
Listing price: $499,000
34 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
kitchen with outdoor shower. to light blue in one bedroom to cream in the bath-
The kitchen is designed for efficient cooking with rooms. Other rooms are appealing shades of green.
a gas stove and built-in appliances. The home also The well-manicured forest hammock lot with a
comes with a gas dryer. pure artesian well has stone pathways throughout
that lead to an orchid greenhouse and a pole barn
The interior is bright and pretty with rooms me- with utilities. Near the house is a small water fea-
ticulously painted in an emotionally uplifting pal- ture with waterfall.
ette that ranges from light yellow in the living room
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 35
The metal-roof home was purposely oriented is reported to be among the highest on the South
among the mature live oaks with 26 of the dis- Beaches at 19 feet, he said.
placed 19-foot-tall cabbage palm trees successfully
relocated along the lot line. Because it is surround- “We love surfing and fishing and the outdoors
ed by the old oaks and relocated palm trees, winter and decided on Melbourne Beach. This home
winds seem to go over the top of the canopy, said would be perfect for a couple who enjoys nature
Fred Lee. Also helping is the adjoining dune, which and working around the yard,’’ Fred Lee said.
36 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Aug. 17 to Aug. 23
The real estate market had a good summer week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Indialantic
led the way with 10 transactions, followed by Satellite Beach with 8 sales, Melbourne Beach with 3, and
Indian Harbour Beach reporting 2.
The top sale of the week was of a luxurious oceanfront home in Satellite Beach. The residence at 745 Beach
Street was placed on the market Feb. 1 with an asking price of $2.1 million. The price was subsequently
reduced to $2 million. The sale closed Aug. 21 for $1.9 million.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Eva McMillan of Dale Sorensen
Real Estate.
SUNSET SHORES SUBD 703 HIBISCUS TRAIL 6/30/2018 $575,000 $524,900 8/23/2018 $469,000
CRANE PT AQUAR PH2 839 AQUARINA BLVD 6/21/2018 $475,000 $475,000 8/22/2018 $340,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 344 NIKOMAS WAY 6/10/2018 $345,000 $345,000 8/17/2018
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 1216 S RIVERSIDE DR 5/7/2018 $1,325,000 $1,325,000 8/23/2018 $1,200,000
RIVER SHORES 1ST ADD 1866 RIVER SHORE DR 5/24/2018 $1,125,000 $1,025,000 8/20/2018 $965,000
POINT THE 633 FRANKLYN AVE 6/19/2018 $699,000 $699,000 8/20/2018 $700,000
CONNERS CSTL DARE SU 401 PARK AVE 6/6/2018 $409,900 $389,900 8/17/2018 $387,000
AMHRST GRD SEC 5 U1 415 E AMHERST CIR E 5/8/2018 $389,500 $365,000 8/20/2018 $360,000
SEACOAST SHORES U2 109 TERRY ST 5/11/2018 $395,000 $369,900 8/17/2018 $357,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: River Shores 1st Add, Address: 1866 River Shore Dr Subdivision: Point The, Address: 633 Franklyn Ave
Listing Date: 5/24/2018 Listing Date: 6/19/2018
Original Price: $1,125,000 Original Price: $699,000
Recent Price: $1,025,000 Recent Price: $699,000
Sold: 8/20/2018 Sold: 8/20/2018
Selling Price: $965,000 Selling Price: $700,000
Listing Agent: Andy Mindel Listing Agent: Linda Coleman
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Alternative Realty Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Sandra Sheibani Misty Morrison
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl RE/MAX Alternative Realty
Subdivision: Westview Estates Sec, Address: 726 Brookside Dr Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 1216 S Riverside Dr
Listing Date: 7/16/2018 Listing Date: 5/7/2018
Original Price: $449,000 Original Price: $1,325,000
Recent Price: $449,000 Recent Price: $1,325,000
Sold: 8/20/2018 Sold: 8/23/2018
Selling Price: $441,000 Selling Price: $1,200,000
Listing Agent: Matthew Boucher Listing Agent: David Settgast
Selling Agent: Waterman Real Estate, Inc. Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Karah Widick David Settgast
Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
38 Thursday, August 30, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Crane Pt Aquar Ph2, Address: 839 Aquarina Blvd Subdivision: Sunset Shores Subd, Address: 703 Hibiscus Trail
Listing Date: 6/21/2018 Listing Date: 6/30/2018
Original Price: $475,000 Original Price: $575,000
Recent Price: $475,000 Recent Price: $524,900
Sold: 8/22/2018 Sold: 8/23/2018
Selling Price: $469,000 Selling Price: $510,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Thomas Eason
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Clifford Howes Thomas Eason
Aquarina Properties RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: Maggie Johnsons Plat, Address: 220 Chalet Ave Listing Date: 4/20/2018
Original Price: $234,500
Sold: 8/20/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $206,000
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Elliott Grozan & Corey Craigie
Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC
PRICE REDUCED! $639,900 • .47 ACRES
Not Provided
Not Provided
Subdivision: Oceanside Estates, Address: 3699 Poseidon Way
Listing Date: 6/16/2018
Original Price: $475,000
Recent Price: $475,000
Sold: 8/23/2018
Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: Pamela Ann Wise
Selling Agent: Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.
Susan Hepburn-Holt
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Conners Cstl Dare Su, Address: 401 Park Ave
4 BEDROOM / 3 BATHROOM 2,715 SF Listing Date: 6/6/2018
.47 ACRES GATED PROPERTY • SPARKLING POOL Original Price: $409,900
Recent Price: $389,900
Selling Price: $387,000
David Curri Listing Agent: Joel Ludlow
Broker/Owner Selling Agent: Curri Properties
[email protected] Kristy Patjens
321.890.9911 RE/MAX Solutions
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 30, 2018 39
The overall offering is unique landscaping on the large lot and the
among the homes along the South ultimate convenience of walking to
Beaches, said co-listing agent Gibbs the isolated beaches where turtles
Baum. “This property lends itself to nest every year,’’ Baum said.
someone who wants to cocoon into
the Melbourne Beach lifestyle. This The home is located in a gated com-
property allows privacy with mature munity, which so far includes just two
homes. It is offered for $499,000.