June 23, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 25 Newsstand Price: $1.00
MY TAKE Hospital told
time has come
BY RAY MCNULTY to find partner
School District hopes fees By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
will discourage questions [email protected]
Do you know how much our The consultants looking at
School Board pays Suzanne the finances of Indian River
D’Agresta to serve as its attorney? Medical Center didn’t make it
to the final slide in their presen-
I don’t. I hear it’s a staggering tation. The minute the collabo-
amount, but I’d like to know ex- rative committee charged with
actly how staggering. stabilizing the hospital’s finan-
cial future saw a graph that had
I’d also like to know how much IRMC’s credit rating dipping
our School Board has paid Husch into junk bond territory, they
Blackwell, a national law firm, to cut to the chase: Time to find a
represent our schools in connec- partner with deep pockets.
tion with a federal desegregation
order. Stroudwater Associates, the
Maine-based healthcare con-
I’d like to know how much the sultancy hired after the hospital
School Board wasted in legal fees announced in January it had lost
to unsuccessfully defend the dis- $4 million in the first quarter of
trict’s refusal to pay five charter its fiscal year, portrayed the sta-
schools in the county their fair tus quo as nearly hopeless.
share of local tax dollars.
Without disputing IRMC’s
I’d like to know how much has claims that the hospital is in
been paid out to lawyers in hopes sound financial shape today,
of blocking Somerset Academy
from opening an elementary CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
and middle charter school in our
county. A reminder of how
Vero got stuck with
I’d also like to know how much $50M exit penalty
the School Board paid to Vero
Beach attorney Jason Odom to By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
[email protected]
As news broke earlier this
INSIDE month that the promising deal
to sell Vero electric to Florida
NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 The five charters: North County, St. Peter’s, Imagine, Indian River Charter High and Sebastian Charter Junior High. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Power & Light has hit a multi-
DINING B6 million-dollar roadblock that
CALENDAR B15 battle with the Orlando Utilities
REAL ESTATE 19 Commission, the question peo-
B1 ple are asking is: How did we get
ARTS in this mess?
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer held tax revenue. be charged penalty “interest at CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] “The court finds that the a rate of 1 percent per month
your issue call: 772-226-7925 calculated on a daily basis on
In another rebuke to the plain language of the statue the unpaid balance,” which
School Board, which is getting supports the plaintiffs’ posi- comes to about $723,000 in
in the habit of losing its court tion,” his June 13 order states. the charters’ case. In addition,
cases, Circuit Court Judge Paul the district will have to pay the
Kanarek ruled the School Dis- The charters are due about charter schools’ lawyer, Shawn
trict owes its five public char- $2.55 million in withheld tax
ter schools millions in with- revenue, along with other mon- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
ey. State law allows districts to
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE public, records that you have a right to see, the Nathaniel matter earlier this year was lot easier by being more cooperative and
reports that we need to keep you properly wrongly cited as having contained an error. engaging with us media folks. We both have
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 informed about our School District. important work to do, and sometimes that
For the most part, the “Fact Checker,” work causes us to clash.
pursue Superintendent Mark Rendell’s So we’ll write the check. which was initiated last year by a former
wrongheaded allegations against Sebastian We’ll pay what, by all reasonable stan- public information officer, simply puts But does every interaction need to feel
River High School criminal justice teacher dards, seems to be an unnecessarily high a school district-friendly spin on stories like a root canal?
Joe Nathaniel, who won his termination price to gather and transmit information it disagrees with or didn’t want public to
case in a rout and was reinstated. that, given today’s data analysis and storage know. If there’s something happening involving
technology, should be at the superinten- the county – negative or positive, it doesn’t
And, eventually, I will – for a price. dent’s fingertips. Never mind that in many instances matter – I can call County Administrator Ja-
A hefty price. The School District might have thought where we have been critical of the district, son Brown and get him on the phone.
According to an estimate from Rendell’s a small weekly paper would back away it has in the end lost its court cases or even-
administrative assistant, Brenda Davis, it from these ridiculous fees, and just go on to tually gotten rid of the personnel we criti- The same with Vero Beach and City Man-
will cost this newspaper roughly $450 to get something else. Is the district, by charging cized, admitting by deed if not word that ager Jim O’Connor.
that information from the district. $25 or $50 per hour and providing work- our reports were correct.
As Davis explained in an email last week, hour estimates that seem excessive, trying If they’re busy, they’ll call me back and
it will take the district staff an estimated 20 to discourage our reporting by setting the It will be interesting to see if communi- talk to me. More often than not, it’s more of
hours, at $25 per hour, “to retrieve the infor- price so high? cation improves now that the district has a conversation than an interview. We’ll even
mation, copy it and break it down by case.” I mean, there’s no charge at all for the hired a new public information officer. go off-the-record when needed.
That’s right, folks. If you want to know district’s press releases, which usually con- According to her LinkedIn page, Cristin
how the School Board is spending your tax tain positive stories. McMillen has experience as a recruiter for I have similar relationships with Sher-
dollars, you have to pay to find out – even But we’ll pay because the people at this a temporary-worker agency, in sales and iff Deryl Loar and Vero Beach Police Chief
though this information is public record, newspaper believe these are important sto- human resources, and as a teacher. David Currey. Over the years, I’ve had to ask
which means it belongs to all of us. ries that need to be told – because you need them some tough questions about difficult
And get this: Sometimes, as was the to know how your School District operates, “She has a lot of the skills that we need in situations, requiring professionalism on
case when this newspaper requested a dis- and how the School Board spends your the public information arena,” Rendell told both sides. We’ve also had friendly chats.
trict report detailing the teacher-turnover money. the School Board last week.
numbers by school for the just-concluded That doesn’t mean I can’t question the In the two-plus years he has served as
academic year, the rate doubles to $50 per cost or the man-hour estimates, both of And, to be sure, she seems to have the our schools superintendent, I’ve never had
hour. which are so excessive that I can’t help but attitude Rendell and the School Board was a friendly chat with Rendell, with whom I’ve
To produce the report would take the be at least a little suspicious. seeking. spoken only a couple times, just once in a
district staff an estimated four hours, we It’s not just the money, though. face-to-face setting.
were told, so that’s another $200. I’m equally suspicious of that pathetic “I just really want to spread more posi-
For those keeping a running tally, that’s “Fact Checker” icon on the school district’s tive news about the district,” McMillen said He doesn’t respond to messages asking
$650 for information that belongs to the website, where one of my columns on after being introduced to the board. him to call. Almost all of our communica-
tions have been via email or through a third
What’s missing, though, is any expe- party, such as a public information officer
rience in journalism, public relations or or administrative assistant.
working with the news media.
I’ve had more actual conversations with
So we’ll see. the Indian River Shores town manager,
Of course, Rendell could make her job a Fellsmere city manager and our state attor-
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 23, 2017 3
ney than I’ve had with the man running our trict-sponsored charter contracts require, said. “Five charters banded together.” funds, “we have 370 students and no assis-
schools. they sought mediation. If the district had disbursed a fair share tant principal.”
That shouldn’t be, considering how im- “Mediation was a waste of time,” Miller of the 0.6 mil levy, Sebastian Charter Junior The School Board will go into closed
portant our schools are to this community said. “We told the mediator we would con- High School President and Board Chair- session at the end of the Tuesday, June
and how much of our tax money goes to the sider not charging interest [if they settled] person Amy Banov said her school prob- 27, meeting to decide whether to appeal
district. and the district came back with: ‘We’re of- ably would have had sufficient computers, Kanarek’s decision.
fering you nothing.’” which they did not have with the 5 percent
We must cover our School District, and, share. “To appeal Judge Kanarek’s decision
in a small-town community like ours, doing The charters next took their case to the would be throwing good money after bad
so shouldn’t be such a tug-o-war. Department of Administrative Hearings, The tax money also could have saved ... Let’s fund classrooms, not courtrooms,”
but the administrative judge determined the library. “We have no media specialist said Shawn Frost, the only School Board
Does it need to be such a challenge to she did not have the authority to interpret and we turned the media center into a member who responded to a request for
get records, reports and other information state law governing distribution of tax rev- classroom,” Banov said. comment on the ruling.
county residents need to stay abreast of enue to charter schools.
what’s happening with our schools? “We could have had an ESE (Excep- District administrators so far have not
The charters then filed the case in cir- tional Student Education) resource teach- revealed the cost of the litigation, despite
I’ve gotten numerous documents – far cuit court and Judge Paul Kanarek was as- er sooner,” said Miller, of North County public records requests they are required
more detailed and complicated than those signed. Charter, adding that because of a lack of by law to honor.
we’ve requested from the School District –
from the county, city and law enforcement The district was represented by Vivian
agencies. And I didn’t need to pay for any Cocotas of Garganese, Weiss & D’Agresta
of them. of Orlando, who is no longer with the firm.
She had a two-part argument.
Why is dealing with the School District so
different? The first part was contractual. She said
the charters were “put on notice” they were
CHARTERS WIN LAWSUIT only getting 5 percent of the tax revenue at
a June 28, 2012, town hall held by the Tax-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 payers Association of Indian River County.
Arnold, who said his fee was “well north of Some charter school administrators
$100,000.” attended and then-Superintendent Fran
Adams and Assistant Superintendent of
“I am not inclined to give up the inter- Finance Carter Morrison revealed charters
est,” North County Charter’s Business and would get 5 percent of the new tax pro-
Financial Director Ken Miller said. ceeds, according to Cocotas. Since char-
ter officials knowingly acquiesced to the 5
The money the district unfairly shorted percent share, they were not now entitled
the charters came from a four-year prop- to complain, she argued.
erty tax that began July 1, 2013, and ends
June 30, 2017. It is a 0.6-mil levy that takes However, during court hearings, char-
60 cents for every $1,000 assessed property ter witnesses denied they were informed
value. of the 5 percent share, insisting they were
told they would get a per-student share.
The charters claimed and judge agreed
they should have received a percentage Cocotas also argued charter schools
of the tax revenue equal to the percent- are due a per-student share of tax money
age of district students attending charter only if it’s part of the per-student funding
schools, not the flat 5 percent the district stream contributed to by the state. The
paid them. state contributes about half of that fund-
ing stream and the district is required
The charters’ student population was to contribute the other half to maintain
a little less than 12 percent of the district a statewide per-student funding lev-
total the first year of the tax, a little over 12 el. Since the 0.6 levy is not part of the
percent the second year, 12.7 percent the per-student allocation determined by the
third year and 13 percent the last year, ac- state, Cocotas said the district can with-
cording to district budget reports. hold it from charter schools “as a matter
of right.”
“It took me a year into the tax to discov-
er something wasn’t right,” Miller said. Shawn Arnold, of Arnold Law Firm in
Jacksonville, represented the charters. He
District reports didn’t reveal the to- pared down the case to a strict reading of a
tal amount collected, so Miller called the state law that lists the tax levies that must
tax collector to get those figures and then be shared equally with charters, including
calculated the per-student share for his operating levies. The district’s 0.6 levy is an
school. He told the other charters – Indian operating levy.
River Charter High School, Imagine School
at South Vero, Sebastian Charter Junior Judge Kanarek agreed with Arnold’s ar-
High School and St. Peter’s Academy – to gument because of “the plain language of
do the same. All of them came up short. the statute,” and disagreed with Cocotas’
interpretation of state law. He didn’t ad-
According to the Indian River County dress her contractual argument, since val-
Tax Collector’s Office, the district took in id contracts don’t violate the law.
$7.8 million the first year, nearly $8.2 mil-
lion the second year, nearly $8.8 million Arnold said this is the first time a Flor-
the third year and about $9.3 million this ida court has ruled on a school district’s
year. disbursement of tax money to charters,
meaning the ruling sets a precedent oth-
The charters were given $1.7 million of er charter schools can cite when seeking
the $34.1 million collected and are owed equal funding from similar property taxes.
about $2.55 million principal.
“It took a special set of circumstances.
Before going to court, charter school None of the charters individually would
leaders tried to negotiate with the School have had the money to pursue it,” Arnold
Board and district staff to get a settlement
and were stonewalled. Then, as all dis-
8 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
FORMER ISLAND RESIDENT INDICTEDBy Michelle Genz | Staff Writer HOSPITAL TOLD TO FIND PARTNER cal plant. While philanthropy has paid
[email protected] for two impressive tertiary care centers,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the medical center’s inpatient build-
IN NEW YORK ON MULTIPLE CHARGES ing is now 40 years old, and will need a
Stroudwater’s analysis showed disaster $170 million overhaul within the next
BY A STAFF WRITER more than 20 years ago – they recent- just around the corner. Even with the five years. The heavy borrowing required
ly moved from John’s Island to Riomar consultants’ $3.5 million in tweaks to to finance that project would throw the
The 31-year-old son of a prominent – and have fully embraced the philan- revenue projections, revenues are “in- hospital’s credit rating into non-invest-
barrier island couple was indicted ear- thropic spirit for which the barrier is- sufficient to address IRMC’s strategic ment grade, or junk, status said Jeff Som-
lier this month in New York on a variety land is known, generously supporting and investment needs.” mer, a Stroudwater director.
of sexual assault charges. local causes.
The junk rating would come from add- Currently hospital debt is rated BBB,
A 200-count New York State Supreme Rick McDermott was a founder of the ing a new bed tower and power plant, a the minimum acceptable rating, com-
Court indictment against Cameron Indian River Community Foundation move consultants say would mean “a sig- mittee members say. The next low-
McDermott, who graduated in 2004 in 2008 and served as its board chair- nificant increase” in the hospital’s finan- est in the investment grade category
from St. Edward’s, was announced by man until 2011. He also has served as cial risk profile. is BBB-minus, and beneath that, junk
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. board chairman of the Vero Beach Mu- grade.
Vance Jr. seum of Art, on the St. Edward’s School And no matter how much magic may
Board of Trustees, and on the Riverside be worked by IRMC’s strong fundraising “I think the biggest risk of dropping
McDermott pleaded not guilty to all Theater board. foundation, Stroudwater believes “sig- below triple-B is philanthropy,” said
charges at his arraignment in Manhat- nificant philanthropy is inadequate to Tony Woodruff, who chairs the board
tan. Justice Mark Dwyer, noting that Laura McDermott was on the found- reduce the heightened strategic, com- of IRMC’s fundraising wing, the IRMC
McDermott faces a lengthy prison ing board of Impact 100 and served as petitive and operating risks associated Foundation. “If you’re junk, nobody’s
term if convicted on the more-serious its president in 2011. She has served on with the gap between IRMC’s resources going to give you anything.”
charges, ordered McDermott to be the board of Friends of the Riverside and needs.”
held without bail. Theater, a group that raises more than Barring philanthropy, the $170 million
$500,000 annually through fundraisers. Minutes after the term “junk” was ut- project would fall on taxpayer shoulders,
Contacted via email, McDermott’s She also is active with the John’s Island tered, the committee moved to draft a committee members said.
father, Rick, said he and his wife, Laura, Community Service League. resolution to court a larger hospital sys-
were grateful for the “support, friend- tem as partner. The terms of that rela- But asking the public to get behind a
ship and prayers we have received” The McDermotts also are longtime tionship still need to be determined. municipal bond when the hospital is on
since news of his son’s arrest reached donors to the John’s Island Foundation. shaky financial ground is “not a good
Vero Beach. Because the committee decided to proposition,” said Allen Jones, the Hos-
According to his LinkedIn page, stop short of an outright sale, the public pital District board member most in-
“As you might imagine,” he wrote, Cameron McDermott is an Elon Uni- – which owns the hospital – will not be volved in finance.
“it brings with it a great deal of family versity graduate who last worked for voting on the partnership, though public
pressure as this progresses.” Misonix, a Long Island medical-device input is hoped for, committee members “Having a 40-year-old chassis is some-
maker. stressed. thing that will become a drag on the or-
The McDermotts relocated from ganization,” Sommer said. “And that’s
Greenwich, Conn., to Vero Beach Chief among the hospital’s weakness- not the only investment you face. You’re
es, Stroudwater said, is its aging physi- in a competitive environment facing
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 23, 2017 9
multi-billion dollar companies that can double Steward’s size to the largest pri- stood in silence as he watched his clients viewed by the Phase 2 consultant.
make these investments over time.” vately-held for-profit hospital chain in quickly reach accord to seek a partner. The proposals may vary widely, from
the country. Anticipated annual reve-
Adding to concerns, consultants see nues are $8 billion. Assuming the IRMC board of directors the branding affiliation and knowledge
the hospital’s current $150 million in votes to move on to a partner-seeking sharing currently offered by Duke Uni-
Medicare revenue falling $1.5 million in HCA, the parent company of Lawn- phase, Stroudwater will become one of versity to IRMC’s heart and cancer cen-
fiscal year 2017 and declining more than wood, the nearest hospital south of Vero, three consultancies in the running to ters, to full-blown investment in the Vero
$2 million the year after. takes in $41 billion a year. play matchmaker in the marriage that hospital. The process is expected to take
would keep IRMC in the Vero family. 12 to 18 months, committee members
Credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s By comparison, IRMC’s annual reve- estimated.
predicts the not-for-profit health care nue is $250 million. The committee made clear it hopes
sector has peaked after a substantial not to have to resort to a sale. It also In the hopes of hearing from the com-
boost by Obamacare enrollments, says That comparison, when Stroudwa- spelled out a desire to focus on not-for- munity, the collaborative community is
Stroudwater. ter projected it for the collaborative profit partners, though for-profit sys- holding two public forums at its offices
committee, prompted the chairman tems are not being ruled out. near the hospital. The first is Thursday, July
Facing that flatline in patient num- of IRMC’s board of directors, Wayne 6 at 6 p.m. The second is Wednesday July
bers, larger health systems have a more Hockmeyer, to say it made him feel “like The next step is to issue a request for 12 at 3 p.m. The Hospital District office is at
promising prognosis than small hospi- Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn.” proposals. Whatever offers emerge from 3730 Seventh Terrace, Suite 204 B.
tals like IRMC. interested healthcare systems will be re-
Sommer, his presentation interrupted,
Currently, Vero’s only hospital is man-
aged by a separate company, IRMH Inc.,
of which Jeff Susi is CEO. That company
leases the hospital from the Hospital Dis-
trict, which by decree of the legislature
serves as the taxpayers’ representative.
IRMH has been aggressively seeking
to improve the hospital’s finances after
the dismal first quarter. They have nego-
tiated higher reimbursement rates from
commercial insurers like Blue Cross Blue
Shield, and that is expected to bring in
an extra $11 million a year.
Stroudwater believes the hospital
could squeeze another $3 million out
of operations improvements, including
things like more efficient coding in the
billing procedures.
But that would be more than ab-
sorbed by annual pay raises alone, which
amount to $4 million or so.
Between now and 2023, IRMC needs
$15 million to improve its outdated
electronic records system, and another
$50 million for upgrades and repairs to
equipment and other strategic invest-
ments. That is on top of the usual capital
improvements paid for each year with
the money the hospital takes in from
day-to-day operations.
Even if IRMC could chug along with its
old building through 2023, and just bor-
row enough to update the basics, Stroud-
water predicts the hospital will drop into
the junk bond rating category by the end
of fiscal year 2018, and things get worse
from there – even factoring in a rosy rev-
enue increase of 238 percent.
Last fall, an optimistic IRMC an-
nounced plans to build a new inpatient
bed tower and had preliminary drawings
made by an architect. Those plans were
quietly shelved after the hospital’s dis-
mal first quarter. The hospital’s outdated
patient rooms will look doubly dreary
when Sebastian River Medical Center
completes its new three-story bed tower
next year.
That hospital, along with two more in
neighboring Brevard County, was just
bought by Steward Health Care, an inno-
vative chain owned by the private equi-
ty firm Cerberus Capital Management.
Since the Sebastian purchase, the Bos-
ton-based hospital system has moved to
acquire another healthcare chain, which
if approved would add 17 hospitals and
10 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Take advantage of these By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer “It should be noted that if a student grad-
Specials Offers [email protected] uated from Smart Horizons – they do not
count as a graduate for us. They are a grad-
Expires 6-30-17 Indian River County School District is in- uate of Smart Horizons,” Rendell said when
flating its graduation rate by offloading some asked about the program. “They are re-
poorly performing students to a private on- moved from our roster, so they do not count
line school district that has lower standards as a non-graduate, but again, they are not
for high school completion than the district. counted as a graduate for us.”
Twenty-eight Indian River County stu- Despite that assertion, it appears Smart
dents graduated this year from Smart Hori- Horizon students walked in the district grad-
zons Career Online High School, according uation ceremony this year along with other
to Smart Horizons CEO and Superintendent students, making it seem they are district
Howard Liebman. Had those students stayed graduates.
in district schools and failed to graduate, the
grad rate would have been lowered. 2015-2016 – when the grad rate appar-
ently went up 6 percent – was the first year
School District Superintendent Mark the district contracted with Smart Horizons,
Rendell did not mention that in April when paying $40,000 for 30 student slots in the on-
he told the Taxpayers’ Association of Indi- line school’s roster.
an River County that the graduation rate is
“the best measure of the District’s success,” This year, the district more than dou-
and reported an increase of 6 percent in the bled that amount, paying Smart Horizons
2015-2016 grad rate compared to the prior $81,000, according to school district budget
year, from 81 percent to 87 percent. documents.
Neither did Rendell mention that the state Smart Horizons students must first com-
has lowered the bar for what is considered plete four credits in one of its “Career Cer-
passing on key tests that help determine tificate” areas, which include Child Care,
whether students graduate from district high Homeland Security, Certified Protection
schools. Officer, General Career Preparation, Com-
mercial Driving, Retail Customer Service,
Test standards are tied to National Assess- Food & Hospitality, and Office Management.
ment of Educational Progress benchmarks. Then the student can take “core courses” to
The NAEP delineates five levels of achieve- prepare them for another shot at the Florida
ment and a student who achieves level-four Standards tests.
test results is considered “proficient” by the
national organization. Smart Horizons is accredited through Ad-
vancED, and CEO Liebman says 82 percent
But Florida, dismayed by the high failure of its graduates go on to community colleges
rate in state high schools, decided to make or other post-secondary schools. Last year 11
level three a passing mark. The state also of the 13 students from Indian River County
lowered the bar for end-of-course tests for who graduated from Smart Horizons went
algebra, biology and other subjects by allow- on to community college, Liebman said.
ing them to be graded on a curve.
But preparing students for community
In boasting about graduation rates, Ren- college is not the only focus, Liebman said.
dell made no mention that standards had “We were accredited because we do what we
been significantly lowered – or that some say we’re going to do. We prepare people for
failing students had been transferred out of entry-level jobs.”
the District.
Expires 6-30-17 LIVE OAK SIDEWALKS used for other projects.
Expires 6-30-17 “Nobody has told me the project has
been killed, so I still consider this a work
and, judging by the signs, there is a group in progress,” Gurley said. “I know we’ve got
trying to resurrect it,” O’Connor said. “But I people still working on it, and I think most
have not talked to anyone over there.” people in the neighborhood would say we
need a sidewalk.
The effort to revive the project is being
done by a petition. O’Connor said the pe- “I’ve heard people opposed to the side-
tition can be a paper document with sig- walk say, ‘Nobody has been run over yet,’”
natures, an electronic document or a series he added. “Do we really want to wait until
of individual emails indicating a yes or no that happens?”
vote for the sidewalk. This time around,
only homeowners on the affected side of Some opponents of the sidewalk said
the street will have a vote. the safety issue could be addressed
through more police enforcement of the
Unless at least 50 percent of those res- speed limit, a couple of speed bumps and
idents support the sidewalk campaign in longer green signals for southbound traf-
writing, O’Connor said that money will be fic at the intersection of A1A and Beach-
land Boulevard.
12 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
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• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding Dr Nick Coppola with Melanie, Mary Grace and Elaine Coppola. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
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463-6500 By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Riverside Park. It is a collaborative project
Regency Square with the city and the Florida Inland Naviga-
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart The fairways and greens of the Grand tion District. Construction is expected to be-
Harbor Golf Club last Saturday were awash gin in late 2017 with a projected completion
Licensed & Insured with pink- and orange-clad golfers who took date of January 2018.
to the links for the second annual Live Like
Cole Golf Tournament. More than 130 golf- Engraved planks with personalized mes-
ers chipped, putted and swung their way sages can be reserved for a $300 donation to
through 18 holes in support of the goal of the the project at LiveLikeCole.org to remember
Live Like Cole Foundation to spread
the message that kindness matters. loved ones, families, businesses and friends.
“The foundation’s goal is to give back to
After a warm morning on the course,
golfers welcomed the cold air of the the community my brother loved so much
clubhouse as they joined family and and to promote taking action and spreading
friends for a barbeque lunch after the kindness, something my brother did daily.
sold-out tournament. While waiting He lived in a way that was truly remarkable
for the awards ceremony, guests pur- and was the person who made everyone
chased 50/50 raffle tickets and bid on feel special,” shared Coppola. “I also like
more than 100 silent- and live-auction to speak about making good decisions and
items, including tempting vacation raising awareness about how one person’s
packages, an autographed Seahawks jersey bad choice affected not only herself but also
and Live Like Cole items autographed by other people in the community. As our mis-
Jake Owen. sion statement says, the Live Like Cole Foun-
dation encourages children and adults alike
The afternoon was a lively affair, paying to support others, to foster self-worth and to
homage to the verve with which Cole Cop- help out their fellow man.”
pola lived his life before it was tragically cut
short. Tournament proceeds will aid in the For more information, visit LiveLikeCole.
construction of the Cole Coppola Memorial org or stop by their table at Burgers & Brews
Fishing Pier. on July 1. Beginning July 18, every third Tues-
day, Brain Freeze Cafe will donate 15 percent
Melanie Coppola, CEO of the foundation, of sales to the foundation.
described the pier as “a safe place for chil-
dren and adults alike to go and fish, enjoy the
wildlife, or just relax and watch the sunset.
We decided this was the best way to perma-
nently commemorate my brother Cole be-
cause he loved to fish and was actually look-
ing for a fishing spot the night he was killed
by a drunk driver.”
Plans have been approved by the City of
Vero Beach, the Army Corp of Engineers and
the Division of Marine Fisheries for the pier,
which will be located on the north end of
Chemo cocktails pack a potent
cancer-killing punch
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14 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Chemo cocktails pack a potent cancer-killing punch
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer move, kill, or damage cancer cells in a Don Weiss. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE id intake isn’t great enough to keep their
[email protected] certain area, chemo works throughout kidneys working,” an already bad situa-
the whole body. This means chemo can and intestines as well as the internal or- tion can rapidly get even worse.
“A chemo cocktail” might sound like kill cancer cells that have spread (metas- gans, and it’s the damage to those healthy
something you’d find at a trendy New York tasized) to parts of the body far away from cells that causes the side effects. Age is another factor Weiss and Patel
City mixology bar. the original (primary) tumor.” must take into their calculations when
Weiss adds that he and Patel must work compounding chemo cocktails.
It’s not – there’s not a drop of liquor in But the National Cancer Institute to help patients keep up their nutritional
a chemo cocktail. But there can be some points out that while chemotherapy kills status and their exercise tolerance as well Aside from kidney function, Weiss
tough-to-swallow names like oxaliplatin, cancer cells, it also kills – or at the very as their hydration because. points to existing co-morbidities typical-
albumin-bound paclitaxel, gemcitabine least – inhibits the growth of healthy cells. ly found in older patients.
and paclitaxel involved. That includes cells that line the mouth “We have drugs that are damaging to
the kidneys so [patients] have to keep up “You’re dealing with an aging popula-
Simply put, chemo cocktails are de- their fluid intake. We have a drug that will tion,” he explains, “that may have high
signed to kill cancer cells. cause hemorrhagic cystitis so if the flu- blood pressure issues. They’re on a lot
of other medications. We have to look at
Don Weiss, oncology pharmacist at those medications and how they might be
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center, has heard affected by their chemo. That’s one of the
all the bartender jokes before but he and things that we do. Along with the nurses,
Megha Patel, the center’s soon-to-be num- we have to get a really detailed medica-
ber two pharmacist, have to be far more tion history on the patient.”
precise in building their “cocktails” than
any gin-slinger ever dreamed of being. And there’s also no such thing as an
“off-the-shelf” chemo cocktail.
“We have very strict rules that we have
to follow,” says Weiss, “and we have very “Most of the time it’s just a single drug
strict procedures that we put in place so that’s mixed into an IV fluid,” Weiss volun-
that we don’t make a mistake. We’re deal- teers, but then adds, “I have patients that
ing with very potent chemicals and we’re get five different drugs” in their infusions.
dealing with people’s lives. So, we have to
be extra careful.” Despite the fact that Weiss has been do-
ing this since 1981, he proudly confesses to
Medical News Today gets straight to what some might see as excessive caution.
the point of chemotherapy, saying “can-
cer is a killer and to attack a killer, doctors “You can’t have any ego when you’re
sometimes need to hit it with a highly tox- working with this stuff,” Weiss says blunt-
ic drug cocktail.” ly. Every single thing, every step of the
way, he insists, must be double-checked.
However you might try to garnish it,
chemotherapy is nobody’s idea of happy Most frequently he turns to Patel to
hour. “Chemo,” Weiss states emphatical- “make sure that it’s the right medicine
ly, “is rough. We tell our patients we don’t and that we’ve drawn it up in the proper
pull any punches. What they’re undergo- volume and make sure that the IV tag is
ing is tough. Our job is to try and make it the right bag and the right volume. So, if
as easy as we possibly can. The nurses and it’s something that has to go in dextrose,
I, we are always apprising the patients of it’s not a bag of saline. Then we make sure
the side effects. And while physicians do that we’ve labeled it and it’s the label that
as well, maybe we go into a little bit more matches everything else.”
detail, because we tell the patients what
they can expect.” Any country club bartender can build
you a tasty highball, but Weiss and Patel’s
What they can expect, according to the chemo cocktails might well save your life
American Cancer Society, is nausea, vom- if cancer comes your way.
iting, hair loss, anemia, constipation, loss
of appetite and fatigue. Don Weiss is an oncology pharmacist
with the Scully-Welsh Cancer Center in
That’s because, as the ACS says, while Vero Beach. The phone number is 772-
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16 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Grant ends, but heart ‘navigator’ program likely won’t miss a beat
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer helped to fund the nascent “patient naviga-
[email protected] tor program” in 2105 and 2016 is now gone.
Two years ago, the Indian River Medical Moore, Loveday and Draper all seem con-
Center was given the medical equivalent of fident that IRMC will take fill the funding
a winning lottery ticket. With a catch. gap for what so far appears to be a bona fide
cardiac care success story.
The payoff from that ticket, according to
cardiologist Dr. Richard Moore, nurse prac- In 2015, IRMC was the only hospital in
titioner Diane Loveday and registered nurse the state of Florida – and one of only 35
Pat Draper, has come in the form of lives healthcare facilities nationwide – select-
saved and more Medicare dollars staying ed to participate in the American College
with the hospital. of Cardiology’s pilot navigator program.
The program’s goal? Reduce the number
The catch? The two-year grant from the of heart failure patients who needed to be
American College of Cardiology which
Diane Loveday and Pat Draper. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
readmitted to hospitals within 30 days of missions, he does point to “the diabetes, the
their initial discharge. renal insufficiency and all the co-morbidi-
ties that come with aging” as factors that
Featuring a multi-disciplinary team ap- work against a senior population like Vero’s.
proach, the program’s aim was to better
prepare heart failure patients for discharge Moore, Loveday and Draper would clear-
and then to follow up with them on a regu- ly rather talk about lives affected than fund-
lar basis after they leave the hospital so they ing dollars, but there is some evidence that
didn’t suffer a relapse of complications that this program might just be paying for itself.
required another hospital stay.
That’s because right before the ACC
The results over the past two years have launched its navigator program, Medicare
been impressive. instituted its own “Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program” which, simply put,
At the time of the program’s inception, slaps hefty fines on healthcare facilities that
Becker’s Hospital Review reported “the 30- have what it considers inordinately large re-
day readmission rate after heart failure hos- admission rates.
pitalization nationwide is 24.8 percent.”
And while it may have seemed draconian
Today, just two years after instituting the at the time, Medicare based its fines not just
ACC program, Loveday proudly says that on cardiac readmissions but on a percentage
“from April 2015, when the navigator pro- of every Medicare patient a hospital treats.
gram really started, to December of 2016,
[IRMC’s] readmission rate for heart failure That added up to big bucks. Really big
patients is 15.2 percent.” bucks. Almost immediately.
Loveday’s enthusiasm continues as she In 2015, nearly three-quarters of U.S.
adds “there are 35 navigator hospitals that hospitals were hit – and hit hard – by those
were in the program and today their mean fines. That year Medicare withheld hospital
readmission rate is 18.1 percent, so we’re reimbursements in excess of $425 million.
even better than the mean of all the naviga-
tor hospitals.” Today the Kaiser Family Foundation re-
ports that in 2017, “total Medicare penalties
That 15.2 percentage mark is perhaps assessed on hospitals for readmissions will
even more eye-catching given Vero Beach’s increase to $528 million.”
aging demographic.
Given the sheer volume of Medicare pa-
Moore says that while age alone may not tients treated at IRMC and the fact that its
be the cause of heart failure patient read- original two-year grant from the ACC was
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 23, 2017 17
Perilous treatments for ‘chronic
Lyme disease’ are on the rise
Dr. Richard Moore. By Lena H. Sun | The Washington Post and failed to find relief after seeing conven- are broadening,”
tional medical practitioners. As a result, some Nelson said.
PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD An increasing number of Americans with turn to alternative medicine clinics or practi-
medically ambiguous symptoms are being tioners who sometimes identify themselves “Healthcare
only for $80,000, it’s not hard to imagine misdiagnosed with “chronic Lyme disease” as Lyme disease specialists, or “Lyme literate” providers are seeing the fallout,” she said.
that the navigator program now more than and prescribed dangerous and often expen- doctors, who may subject patients to a host of “These treatments are really dangerous. This
pays for itself by minimizing or possibly sive treatments that do not work, according unproven treatments, the report said. is just the tip of a very large iceberg that no
even avoiding those Medicare penalties. to a new report. one is talking about.”
Typical symptoms of true Lyme disease
If the hospital can find any addition- In some instances, patients have died after include fever, headache, fatigue and a skin One woman in her 50s with progressive
al outside dollars to help defray costs, so receiving intensive, long-term and inappro- rash that may have a characteristic bull’s eye weakness, swelling and tingling in her ex-
much the better. priate courses of intravenous antibiotics that shape. If left untreated, infection can spread tremities was eventually diagnosed with
led to septic shock. In other cases, misdiag- to joints, the heart and nervous system. The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. She
And there are plenty of other cardiac nosis caused dangerous delays in treatment recommended treatment is generally a two- sought a second evaluation and was told she
costs to help defray. of a patient’s actual underlying condition. to-four-week course of antibiotics. The CDC had chronic Lyme disease. She received sev-
estimates about 300,000 people are diag- en months of intensive antimicrobial treat-
Moore, Loveday and Draper all speak These incorrect diagnoses have existed nosed with Lyme each year, and the numbers ment – including drugs that were antifungal
passionately about the need for cardiac care for years. But public health officials and cli- have been on the rise. agents not recommended for treating Lyme
for those who don’t have Medicare. Or any nicians say they are alarmed because of the disease – but her weakness worsened. She
other insurance. increasing severity and scope of some treat- Federal health officials don’t know the developed an intractable C. difficile infection,
ments in recent years, said Christina Nelson, number of people who undergo treatments with severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea
Draper points out that far too many un- a medical epidemiologist and author of a for chronic Lyme disease or the complica- that persisted for more than two years.
insured people allow their heart disease to report released Thursday by the Centers for tions that result from such treatments. But
advance and progress untreated. Disease Control and Prevention. based on information received in the past The woman eventually died from compli-
three years from state and local health de- cations related to ALS, said Nelson, who had
“These people come in with advanced Many of the various treatments, includ- partments, and from clinicians who have spoken with the patient.
heart disease” and, she says, “it often takes ing courses of intravenous antibiotics lasting treated patients who have become very sick
somebody sitting with them, pleading, ‘Mr. months and years, have no evidence of effec- as a result of these treatments, “we really have “She ended up spending a lot of money on
Jones, you must get treatment. Don’t wor- tiveness. Studies have shown that prolonged a sense that both the treatment and scope these treatments, as well as time and effort,
ry about the fact you have no money or no courses of intravenous antibiotics can often and that took away from her other life expe-
insurance. We will take care of you, but you result in serious harm, including death. riences,” Nelson said.
have got to participate with us,’ so that is
another huge challenge for us.” Unorthodox alternative therapies include
intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide,
Medicare will release its latest readmis- electromagnetic frequency treatments, garlic
sion rates – and fines levied – this July, but in supplements, even stem cell transplants.
the meantime, Moore, Loveday and Draper
all seem confident IRMC will grade well and Chronic Lyme disease is a diagnosis that
that the navigator program will continue. some health-care providers use to describe
patients with a variety of symptoms such as
The heart failure management clinic at fatigue, generalized pain, and neurological
IRMC can be reached at 772-563-4415. No symptoms. It’s a confusing term because it’s
physician referral is required. been used to mean many different things.
Some practitioners have used the diagnosis to
describe lingering symptoms after infection
with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi that
causes Lyme disease. Others use the catch-
all term to describe patients with subjective
symptoms but no evidence of ever having
been infected with the tick-borne illness.
Many of these patients have experienced
significant debilitation from their symptoms
18 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz touched by plucky pooches’ story of survival
Hi Dog Buddies! “It was a close one, I can tell you. I made it “It’s a pleasure, Pistol,” I told him in my soft the only time he’s not timid and shy. Mosta
to a rescue shelter, an two really nice humans, voice. the time he’s a Mummy’s Boy. But he has AL-
I gotta say it again: Every time I yap with Ron an Shana Holub, found out about me an LERgees. He’s allergic to basically everything,
A Pooch Less Fortunate, it really makes me called their neighbors (my future Mummy “Umm. Hello,” he said, edging toward his mostly grass. So he gets special food and he re-
think what a lucky dog I am. An, it makes me and Daddy). They’ve fostered Troubled Dogs Mom and still shivering. Then he said, real ally likes to EAT, which is why he’s a little, you
wanna do my Doggonedest to tell their stories for years and agreed to take me in temporari- quiet, “My coat pattern, it’s called Merle. I like know, plump.”
so more and more humans will Step Up and ly. Well, Mummy did. I was sorta a surprise to my color, too. I think it’s cuz I’m part Catahou-
Help. Which is what happened when Howard Daddy. But somehow I KNEW they were OK la Hound. I heard that somewhere. Makes me “So, whaddya guys like to do? Got any spe-
and Pistol Harris were in Dire Straits. an I felt at home with ’em, which I’d NEVER feel special, ya know?” cial pooch pals?”
felt EVER before. So I snuggled into Daddy’s
Howard is a tough little chihuahua with a lap when he was watchin’ TV. It surprised me “I do! I think your coat is Super Cool Dog “I love riding in the car. Whenever the car
good-lookin’ reddish gold coat and a swoosh as much as it did him. Long story short, they Biscuits. And you are TOTALLY special. Thanks door’s open, I jump in. If I see Mummy and
of white on the chest. His Daddy calls his color adopted me. I was Officially Handed Over at for sharing, Pistol.” Daddy’s suitcases out, an I don’t get to go –
Caramel Swirl. PetSmart and my life I’m Not Happy. But then we get to hang with
“Pistol suffers from PTSD,” Howard ex- the Holubs, so it’s not so bad. Sometimes,
Howard grew up on the Mean Streets havin’ plained. “He when I’m in the yard, Ron even picks me up
to fend for himself, so he’s no Fluff Muffin. He’s and drives me for a couple laps around the
frenly and well behaved, though, and came Howard & Pistol Harris, chihuahua. PHOTO GORDON RADFORD was part neighborhood. Isn’t that Cool Kibbles? Me
right up for the Wag-and-Sniff. an Pistol roughhouse all the time. We don’t
of that big pooch dump back in 2015 down like the pool, though. Or baths, ’cept the part
“I’m glad you’re gonna do our story,” he where Mummy dries me with her hair dryer,
said. “This is my Mummy, Paula. My Dad- changed forever. Around here I’m pretty much in Martin County. He can’t even talk about it. cuz I like bein’ warm.
dy’s Jim. My brother Pistol is hiding. He’s
super shy.” The Boss. They call me King Howard, which Somebody’d dumped almost 30 little dogs, “Our Bestie is our neighbor Winston Holub.
He’s a big hairy mix. Then there’s Otto Hatch,
“Great to meet you, Howard,” I said. works for me!” mostly chihuahuas, just left ’em out in the he’s a mini Schnauzer. Oh, an, I LOVE the Dog
“From what I’ve heard, you two have some Park. I get SO excited when we’re goin’. I whine
stories to tell.” Just then, I heard the clickety click of toe- boondocks. The Humane Society rescued ’em. all the way so Mummy and Daddy will HURRY,
then I leap out and run fast as I can to the end
“You’re not woofin’,” he replied as his Mom nails and looked around. A tubby little black- Some of ’em didn’t make it. Mummy and Dad- and slip under the fence from the Little Dog
placed him on her lap. “I know I seem sorta side to the Big Dog side. Most of us pooches
growl-y. I’m pretty cool with other pooches – and-white pooch was looking up at me un- dy wanted Pistol but hadda wait two months don’t get the concept of Big and Small. That’s
an I’m not scared of any of ’em – but humans, just a human thing.”
well, took me a while. Now I have a great certainly. Resembled a loaf of bread with legs ’cuz it was a Criminal Case and the pooches
Mummy and Daddy an I’m doin’ better with I nodded in agreement
other humans, too.” I thought, probably a chihuahua mix, with were EVIdence. Heading home, I was thinking how strong
Howard an Pistol are, goin’ through so much
I got my notebook and pen ready. those big cool ears and boogly eyes. He was “Me an Pistol hit it off right away. I showed and turnin’ out so well. I really respect that.
“I don’t remember much before 2014,” he And I was thinking maybe I could get my
began. “I’m somewhere around 7 now. I’m shakin’ a little. him the ropes. An guess what? He became Grandma to blow dry me after my bath.
pretty sure I was a stray for quite a while, down
in St. Lucie County. I didn’t trust ANYbody, hu- “This is Pistol,” Howard said. my Protector, just like a big brother. That’s The Bonz
man or pooch, I do remember that. Anyway,
I got scooped up by the Dog Police and taken Don’t Be Shy
to the Humane Society. They tried real hard to
make me adoptable, but they failed. Said I had We are always looking for pets
Temperament Issues. So they put me on The with interesting stories.
List. My days were numbered.”
“Woof!” I exclaimed. We all know about The To set up an interview, email
List. “So, what happened?” [email protected].
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 23, 2017 21
double sink looking baronial and function- FEATURES FOR 1120 CAROLINA CIRCLE, SW Services, pointed out the glass-paneled
al. The double oven “I have used so much,” door allows the worker to shut out, but still
Annie said. The light-colored cabinets gave Neighborhood: Indian River Club see, the family activities. The room also has
her particular pleasure, beyond their varied Year built: 2003 a bay window, with three lunette-shaped
and generous storage space, other kitchens Lot size: .36 acres transom lights above, again emphasizing
seeming “so dark” in contrast. the advantages of high ceilings.
Home size: 3,000 sq. ft.
The adjoining family room has a gas fire- Construction: Concrete block with stucco The master suite can be shut off, heavy
place with a marble surround with built-in pocket doors blocking out the world. The
cabinetry on either side. The 12-foot ceil- Bedrooms: 3 master bedroom has a fine and elaborate
ings leave room for transom lights above Bathrooms: 3 full, 1 half-bath tray ceiling and bay window. The lady of
the cabinetry. The large sliding-glass doors Additional features: Heated pool and hot tub with two foun- the house gets a walk-in closet with built
keep the tropical garden and pool in view. tains and plantings, concrete apron with two French drains, in shelves. His has the same built-ins and
There is also a covered porch Annie calls expansive lanai, covered porch, 12-foot ceilings, tray ceilings, nearly as much space. The master bath has
“the barbeque, which is very Australian.” built-in cabinets, knee walls with columns, bay windows, gas a garden tub with two windows topped by
fireplace, granite counter tops, paver driveway, laundry room, lunettes, the open walk-in shower also prof-
The breakfast nook has a “triple seamless two-car garage with third bay for golf cart, overlooks 12th and iting from the light.
glass bay window,” Annie said, which over- 11th greens of the community golf course
looks the lounging area and pool. Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway The two-car and golf-cart garage stores a
HomeServices Florida Realty generator and two free-standing air condi-
If pleasure becomes overwhelming or Listing agent: Peggy Hewett, 772-321-4282 tioners, just in case a storm hits and there
duty calls, there is an office too substan- is a power outage. All are mobile units and
tial to be called a study. A large built-in Listing price: $755,000 convey with the house. The Geddes will
corner desk has many file drawers and a consider offers to sell the house completely
wall-mounted hutch. Peggy Hewett, the list- furnished.
ing agent, with Berkshire Hathaway Home
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22 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
A solid week on the mainland real-estate front saw 38 single-family residences and lots change
hands from June 1206 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 750 Summerwood Lane SW. First listed in
September for $669,500, the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 3,478-square-foot house sold for $620,000
on June 12.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 574 Cross Creek Circle. Originally listed in
December for $440,000, this 5-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 2,788-square-foot house fetched $405,000
on June 14.
VERO BEACH 750 SUMMERWOOD LANE SW 9/19/2016 $669,500 6/12/2017 $590,000
VERO BEACH 4870 13TH PLACE 3/14/2017 $624,900 6/14/2017 $500,000
VERO BEACH 325 SAPPHIRE WAY SW 7/1/2016 $511,385 6/15/2017 $405,000
SEBASTIAN 574 CROSS CREEK CIRCLE 12/6/2016 $440,000 6/14/2017 $393,215
VERO BEACH 1726 BELMONT CIRCLE 11/28/2016 $374,815 6/13/2017 $375,000
VERO BEACH 4821 S NEWPORT ISLAND DRIVE UNIT#9 5/19/2017 $398,000 6/15/2017 $373,500
VERO BEACH 4685 ST. JAMES AVENUE 2/17/2017 $429,000 6/12/2017 $335,000
VERO BEACH 2410 47TH TERRACE 11/29/2016 $449,900 6/15/2017 $288,000
VERO BEACH 440 28TH COURT SW 5/4/2017 $315,000 6/15/2017 $281,800
VERO BEACH 1766 BELMONT CIRCLE SW 5/30/2017 $281,800 6/12/2017 $277,000
VERO BEACH 3825 NAGS HEAD PLACE 5/6/2017 $279,900 6/16/2017 $269,000
SEBASTIAN 671 BRUSH FOOT DRIVE 3/2/2017 $285,000 6/15/2017 $262,000
VERO BEACH 1095 4TH LANE SW 2/7/2017 $284,500 6/15/2017 $235,000
SEBASTIAN 111 MIDWAY COURT 5/24/2017 $249,000 6/12/2017
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 23, 2017 23
4870 13th Place, Vero Beach 325 Sapphire Way SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/14/2017 Listing Date: 7/1/2016
Original Price: $624,900 Original Price: $511,385
Sold: 6/14/2017 Sold: 6/15/2017
Selling Price: $590,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Amanda Brown Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds
Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Not Provided Chip Landers
Not Provided Berkshire Hathaway Florida
574 Cross Creek Circle, Sebastian 1726 Belmont Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 12/6/2016 Listing Date: 11/28/2016
Original Price: $440,000 Original Price: $374,815
Sold: 6/14/2017 Sold: 6/13/2017
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $393,215
Listing Agent: Becky Boncek Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Not Provided Susan Hodges
Not Provided RE/MAX Crown Realty
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 23, 2017 B1
Profound photos
provide ‘Watershed’
moment at museum
Coming Up! ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel.’ fight for an enormous family ‘Watershed.’
fortune, played out against
CHECK OUT (AND INTO) comedy about tragedy.” The film takes the backdrop of a “suddenly 2 While at the Museum, absolutely
‘GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL’ place between the first and second and dramatically changing take advantage of the current ex-
World Wars, and centers on the adven- Continent.” In addition to Fi- hibitions, which will all be open on film
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer tures of Gustave (Ralph Fiennes), a well- ennes’ tour-de-force turn, the evenings. “Watershed: Contemporary
[email protected] known concierge at a famous European huge cast includes such no- Landscape Photography” runs through
hotel, and Zero Moustafa (Tony Revol- tables as Bill Murray, Adrien Sept. 10 in the Schumann and Titelman
1 Spend a few hours out of the sum- ori), the lobby boy who becomes his Brody, Jeff Goldblum, Willem Galleries. From Savannah’s Telfair Mu-
mer heat, enjoying an excellent most trusted friend. The plot revolves Defoe, Jude Law, F. Murray seums, this exhibition of 40 works by 26
film. Sound like a plan? Then consider around the theft and recovery of a Abraham, Tom Wilkinson and
“Reel in Summer at the Museum: The priceless Renaissance painting and the numerous others. Fox Search- CONTINUED ON PAGE B5
World of Wes Anderson.” On Tuesday, light calls the film “typically
June 27, at 5:30 p.m. the Vero Beach stylish but deceptively thoughtful,” and
Museum of Art brings you the third in notes that “Wes Anderson once again
its summer film series: a gem of a flick uses ornate visual environments to ex-
by American screenwriter and director plore deeply emotional ideas.” “The
Anderson, “The Grand Budapest Ho- Grand Budapest Hotel” was nominated
tel.” The Atlantic terms it “a thoughtful for nine Academy Awards in 2015, cap-
turing four. Admission is $6 for adults,
$5 for seniors, and free with Museum
B2 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Jack Leigh’s mist-shrouded palm tree.
Profound photos provide ‘Watershed’ moment at museum
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Photography” was organized by the Telfair Grouped under four broad themes (“Ob- of concrete and dead grass, with accents of
[email protected] Museums in Savannah, Ga., by Telfair assis- jective,” “Atmosphere,” “Exposure” and Nar- fluorescent signage, factory paint jobs and
tant curator Erin Dunn. The exhibition of 38 rative”) in the Titelman and Schumann Gal- sun-struck clapboard.
A new photo show at the Vero Beach Mu- photographs is drawn from that institution’s leries, some of the show’s most compelling
seum of Art focuses on the human-inflect- permanent collection as well as (among oth- images are of corporate wastelands, a dump, There are thee untitled photos of Cape
ed aspects of America’s landscape from the ers) the collections of Atlanta’s High Muse- and a condemned building. And that’s just Cod in the show by Meyerowitz; the images
1970s to the present; the setting of our own um of Art, the Kemper Museum of Contem- the urban views. When the vistas are rural, are of stranded dinghies on a tide-washed
times that, in its despoiled and developed porary Art in Kansas City and the Nevada they are often scenes of poverty, suburban beach. Although they are as frank and art-
state, we oftentimes choose not to see. Museum of Art in Reno. encroachment and blighted nature. less-looking as a tourist’s snap, these pic-
tures are anything but. The artist used the
“Watershed: Contemporary Landscape There are pictures of rural beauty here. most intentional of photographic means to
Jerry Siegel’s panoramic 2001 inkjet print of take them: an early 20th century view cam-
a cloud of blackbirds above a country lane era, complete with adjustable bellows and
might remind you of a sepia parlor etching. dark cloth.
Jack Leigh’s mist-shrouded palm tree is as
poetically concise as a haiku. Its long tonal Only one print was included in the show
range – courtesy of the antique carbon pro- to represent Eggleston, an untitled land-
cess used to produce it – suits the image to scape from his “Election Eve” series. The
a tee. photo was taken on a road trip Eggleston
took through the rural South just prior to the
Without a doubt, this is the kind of imag- 1976 presidential election. It shows a weedy
ery with which folks like Ansel Adams and patch of ground that abuts a rough shack at
Minor White raised photography to a high the picture’s left.
art form in the early 20th century.
It is hard to see from this lone image what
In the 1970s younger photographers all the fuss is about; the subtlety of Eggleston’s
like Joel Meyerowitz and William Eggleston vision is best appreciated by viewing a relat-
brought color photography into the realm of ed group of his images.
fine art via banal scenes of modern life. Ev-
eryday people and everyday environments Another thing: The color of the print
are their forté, delivered in the drab neutrals is off. Think of grandma’s old color snap-
shots fading away on the bureau, and
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 23, 2017 B3
you’ll get the idea. neighbor, William Christenberry’s ent viewer of his pictures is the ultimate
Although Eggleston early ad- goal of the exhibition.
Lisa Robinson. ersatz wood-frame cathedral set
opted the stable dye transfer against a choir screen of trees. In the manner of Joel Weinberg, the ti-
process for printing his images, tle of Joel Sternfeld’s color photo leaves us
this print appears to be an ex- Across the room in the “Expo- no doubt as to where we are, and when:
ample of the ephemeral chro- “McClean, Virginia, December 4, 1978.”
mogenic color printing process, sure” section of the exhibition, This image sets us at the edge of a field of
widely used back in the day for rotting pumpkins, in the midst of which a
general photo finishing. Trevor Paglen’s color photograph farm stand offers its remaining unblem-
ished stock. Studying the pile of pumpkins
Eggleston’s photo is grouped could be called “painterly” for its (with a big one tucked under his arm) is a
in the “Objective” section of the firefighter in reflective coat, hard hat and
show that, according to the ex- impressionistic melding of ceru- boots. But for the blazing house directly be-
hibition’s text panel, “features hind the stand, the scene is quietly bucolic.
works that present an indifferent lean sky, dark tree line and pink-
aesthetic, achieved by straight- The disconnect between the everyday and
forward depictions of America’s ish ground. the extraordinary in this photograph sets a
changing landscape …” mood that is not easily forgotten. After near-
The picture’s title, however, ly 40 years, McClean’s photograph still has
This description fails to the power to transport you to a moment that
address both the sheer beauty of these tells a different story. “Chemical seems almost as real as the experience of the
images and their ability to evoke feelings actual scene.
of nostalgia for the modern ruins they de- and Biological Weapons Proving
pict. “What’s going on here?” is a question that
Ground/Dugway, UT/Distance viewers may be familiar with from a photo-
For instance, in “Abandoned Grain Silos,” graphic document that has lately saturated
Jack Leigh displays the same aesthetic “indif- Approx. 42 miles/11:17 am, 2006” social media: the picture of a man mowing
ference” toward his subject that Ansel Adams his lawn while an apocalyptic funnel cloud
had for El Capitan. is a picture of a top-secret mili- touches down in the distance. The title of this
image could be “Three Hills, Alberta, Canada
Leigh’s black-and-white image, photo- tary facility taken with on June 2, 2017” because that’s when it was
graphed in large format and expertly printed taken: not by a lucky photographer in the
in gelatin silver, is not a banal document; it doomed building (it Erin Dunn, curator. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD a digital camera with a right place at the right time, but by the wife
is a tribute to every monument, natural or was later demolished) telephoto lens from a of the conscientious homeowner pictured.
manmade, that has been immortalized by with its faded Mason-
the photographer’s lens. ic symbol suggests an distance of 42 miles. Now more people than ever have the
era when there was a ready means – via some very good cellphone
Likewise Meryl Truett’s color print place and a crowd for Writer Joel Wein- cameras – to take such a picture.
“Gated” gives us a poignant look at a everyman, no matter
dilapidated little Shriner’s club. The how humble his cir- er noted in his 2012
New Yorker piece on
The blurred, dia-
mond-shaped pattern the artist, “Paglen [is]
of chain-link fencing
across the picture plane a former prison-rights
reinforces the barrier
between the viewer and activist … who regards
an irretrievable past.
each photograph he
Truett’s picture is
well matched to its takes as the record of a
political performance:
he insists on his right
to stand on public
land with a camera.”
Where each pho-
tographer in this show
places the omnipres-
B4 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
‘Superior Donuts’ cast craves performing on the Edge
By Lyn Dowling | Correspondent one Indian River Coun-
Several times a week, Allan Whitehead ty resident, “Superior
leaves his thriving law practice in Melbourne Donuts” is directed by
or his home in Eau Gallie and drives more one of Brevard Coun-
than an hour to act at a tiny but ambitious ty’s great advocates of
little playhouse in quiet Edgewood, near art and culture, former
Orlando. Nelia Lake, well-known in Brevard Florida Today journal-
County as an animal activist, leaves from her ist and longtime theater
home near Cocoa Village and Zack Roundy, director Pam Harbaugh,
who otherwise works with alligators at a well- and Thom Restivo of the
known attraction, also
near Orlando, commutes
from West Melbourne.
But Cecelia Gazzara
takes the prize. So worth-
while is Theater on the
Edge to her that she drives
from Vero Beach, where
she operates a thriving
bakery, so she can play
the role of Randy Osteen,
a charming Chicago po-
lice officer, in “Superior
Donuts,” Tracy Letts’ play
that premiered at the
Windy City’s Steppen- Allan Whitehead as Arthur.
wolf Theatre in 2008 and PHOTOS: MONICA MULDE
moved to Broadway the
following year.
In addition to those Neila Lake as Lady in ‘Superior Donuts’
three Brevardians and at Theater On The Edge.
Henegar Center for the Performing Arts in Whitehead, who is a seminal member of
Melbourne, lends technical support. its company. An actor in his high school
and college days, he returned to it after his
Theater on the Edge has drawn wide- children grew up.
spread respect in its first year, and the ac-
tors see no reason not to commute from “I took classes at Truthful Acting Studios
the coast. with Marco DiGeorge, and Marco and Robb
Maus were just phenomenal,” he said. “I
“It’s worth it because of what Theater on took the classes and did a showcase, and …
the Edge is trying to do,” said Whitehead, we talked about starting a theater.”
who plays Arthur Przbyszewski, the cen-
tral figure in “Superior Donuts,” an old pot- Lake, locally famous for her work with
head who inherited the donut store, who large and exotic animals but more recent-
has refused to take a stand for anything un- ly associated with Jack Link & Associates,
til events in the play transpire. “The type of a production company in Rockledge, has
plays it does appeal to me: smaller casts in a returned to stage after what she describes
smaller theater.” as a “20-year hiatus,” and had a role in
“Tartuffe” last year at Melbourne Civic
His association with the theater goes Theatre.
back “three or four years,” according to
CIVIC ASSOCIATION 1600 25th St., Vero Beach
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 23, 2017 B5
“I heard about Theater on the Edge and COMING UP ‘America the Beautiful.’ 5 There’s no getting
(looked into it),” she said. “It just blew me around it: “Men Are
away. They did things people don’t expect CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 4 It’s always the right time to reflect From Mars – Women Are From
in terms of technology, in terms of choices on the diverse beauty of the mag- Venus.” This weekend the Kra-
of plays, in terms of direction. The role I artists considers the dynamic between nificent country we call home and, this vis Center in West Palm pres-
have, Lady (a wise homeless woman and man and environment. Telfair calls it ents the off-Broadway comedy
customer at the donut shop, who is treat- a photographic survey, as opposed to Saturday, the Space smash “Men Are From Mars –
ed with great affection by Arthur and the the idealistic view of mid-20th century Coast Symphony Women Are From Venus,” from
shop’s regulars), is one I can play with, landscape photographers such as Ansel Orchestra Winds the New York Time best-sell-
and it can make me grow. You do not find Adams. Rather, this exhibition reveals and Chorus present er of the same name by John
roles for women of a certain age, and this “human impact on the earth,” and de- “America the Beau- Gray, hilariously reminding
is a juicy one. I love it.” picts the landscape as “an activated tiful,” an inspiring us of how totally, blindingly
space, one that is imprinted by mankind musical tribute to true that is. The one man in
The genial, outgoing Roundy, who jokes and marked by social performance.” our homeland and a this one-man show is Amadeo Fusca, an
about “being able to look down on two lit- salute to the Armed actor/comedian who combines stand-
tle dots on my hand” where he was bitten Dan Gunderson. Forces men and up, vignettes and a bit of wisdom from
by an alligator, is a theater veteran, having women who protect Gray’s book that will have audiences
starred in “Venus in Fur” and “Seminar” 3 A delightful, smile-inducing pho- it. Aaron Collins di- laughing hysterically and nodding in
at Henegar, is not at all charming in “Su- tographic exhibition is on dis- rects the wind en- agreement as they recognize them-
perior Donuts.” He is Kevin Magee, a thug play in the Museum’s Holmes Gallery semble in works selves and each other. This sexy, light-
whose boss is Irish-American thug Luther through Sept. 3 – “Dan Gunderson: A by Reed, Grainger, hearted, adults-only romp would make
Flynn (DiGeorge), his third show in a row View from Above,” 40-high def digital Williams, Green- a great choice for date night. Show times
as a young man with questionable mo- prints (that might remind you of that wood and Sousa. are Friday 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 1:30 p.m.,
tives, the previous two being Theater on magical childhood favorite, the kalei- The women of the 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday 1:30
the Edge’s “American Buffalo” and “Tape.” doscope). Said Palm Beach Illustrat- Symphony Chorus p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $55.
ed, in introducing Stetson University join the ensemble in
“I am Flynn’s little lackey and we’re on art professor Dan Gunderson’s Toys the always-stirring 6 The leg-
the hunt for Franco, the young guy who Are Us series, “positioned madala-like, “God Bless the USA” endary Di-
has gone to work for Arthur in the dough- the works employ children’s toys, ga- and “Battle Hymn of
nut shop. I’m the muscle; goonish,” said rage-sale novelties, superhero figures the Republic.” Among the many rousing ana Ross brings
Roundy, who added that he cannot say and vintage bric-a-brac.” Bearing out patriotic numbers will be a salute to the
enough good about the show or the the- architect Frank Gehry’s quip, “You can men and women of the United States her “In the
ater. look anywhere and find inspiration.” Armed Forces. “America the Beautiful”
will be presented at the Emerson Center Name of Love”
A graduate of Eastern Florida State Col- in Vero Beach at 2 p.m. Tickets to these
lege, he too is one of DiGeorge’s students free Space Coast Symphony Orchestra tour to the Kra-
(“I’ve taken all the courses”) and loved the concerts typically go fast, so call 855-
notion of Theater on the Edge from the 252-7276 or go online soon so as not to vis Center in a
start. miss out.
one-night ap-
“I’d like to think I kind of helped with
the inception of it,” he said. “To have acted pearance this
in three plays, to have been a part of this
whole first season, has been really nice. Diana Ross. Saturday at 8
… One of the things that draws me here is p.m. The pow-
that it has the ability to attract people who
don’t really go to live theater a lot, people erhouse, multi-
who perhaps don’t realize there’s a lot of
material out there that you might not or- award-winning vocalist first gained fame
dinarily see in local theaters. And it takes
place in such an intimate setting that you in the 1960s as lead singer of the Supremes,
feel like a fly on the wall, a real part of it.”
one of the most successful girl groups of
Fly on the wall indeed. Theater on the
Edge productions take place in an ex- all time. According to Wikipedia, the Su-
tremely small house, but with no lack of
professionalism, not least from Harbaugh premes garnered a dozen No. 1 hit singles
and DiGeorge, who also has taught the-
ater at the University of Central Florida. on the Billboard Hot 100, including such
memorable songs as “Where Did Our
Love Go,” “Baby Love” and “Stop! In the
Name of Love.” At 73, after five successful
decades, the Grammy Life-Time Achieve-
ment Award, and record sales topping 100
million, Diana Ross is still wowing audi-
ences with her style, glamour and incred-
ible pipes. The show will feature a special
guest – Ross’ daughter, singer/songwriter
Rhonda Ross.
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B12 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Broth (4) 2 Portent (4)
4 Deserve (4) 3 Follow (6)
8 Finished (4) 4 Sign up (6)
9 Uncaring (9) 5 Start again (6)
11 False (6) 6 Swamp (in Florida, e.g.) (9)
13 Excessive (7) 7 Cheese (4)
15 Danger (6) 10 Told tales (7)
16 Birds of prey (6) 12 Pierce (4)
18 E.g. lion (3,3) 13 Terrible (9)
20 Rarely (6) 14 Pasta dish (7)
22 Noble (7) 17 A few (4)
23 Chant (6) 19 Pact (6)
25 Listen in (9) 20 Cold symptom (6)
26 Noisy (4) 21 Chief (6)
27 Earthwork (4) 23 Lazy (4)
28 Ceremony (4) 24 Yielding (4)
Certified Collision How to do Sudoku:
Repair Center
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VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 23, 2017 B13
ACROSS 75 Chocolate robberies? 77 Swedish auto The Washington Post
1 Site or meter people 8 Dog from hell? 79 Blender setting
9 Sun. talk 81 Essay writing,
preceder 76 Noted 10 Helical blueprint
5 Smatterings of democracy 11 Beef thief e.g.
of mostly non- 12 Equal to the task 83 Played a band
smoke voters 13 Horse or
10 Joanne LaCock’s instrument
78 Open-mouthed Plymouth 85 Widening, as
stage name 80 “Mischievious” 14 My ___, Vietnam
13 The Hurricanes’ 15 Aluminum giant pupils
one 17 Soft colors 86 Scripture section
st. 82 Prudhomme, for 19 Top number? 87 Jet black
16 Corner-window 20 Slick-road hazard 89 Slinky killer
one 22 Cousin of 10 91 Subway
VIP 84 “___ all a good
17 Mortar’s mate Down ancestors
18 Wedding night” 24 Roundabout 92 United group
88 Type of energy 29 Reader’s card 94 Charity event
ceremony 90 Singer McEntire 30 “First lady of the 96 Doctor, as a
21 Prime mover on 93 Drink
95 Popular video theater” photo
the cuisine scene 31 Verne character 99 Shaft of a feather
23 ***** game 32 “___ of 100 Covered
25 Kohl’s one 96 Status auto 101 Add on
26 Bean covering? 97 A month thousands” 103 Type of reaction
27 Bennett or Curtis 98 Cafe order 33 Egg carton word 104 Part of BART
28 Slick material 100 Late purveyor of 34 Animal lovers’ 105 Delineates
29 Sporting event 108 Falstaff or Faust
32 Actress or fighter “Herb asides,” in org. 109 Actress Scala
33 Luck or Macbeth San Francisco 37 ___ out 110 Pitcher’s ERA,
34 Part of S & L: 102 Negligent
103 Air force? (canceled) e.g.
abbr. 106 Put away 38 Time for St. 112 Complain
35 Chow groceries? 113 The eighth mo.,
36 “The list goes on” 107 Crowning blow Agnes
40 In all likelihood 111 Gessler’s canton 39 The Invisible once
43 Print-job error 112 First name in 117 Androgynous
44 Late pinup perfume Man star
114 Worthless writing 41 Foundation character on
painter 115 Italian car 42 Deli sandwiches Saturday Night
in Playboy 116 Fever symptom 43 Disdains Live
48 World War II 119 Like America’s 45 Gold Coast, 118 Man of art
battle zone pronunciation 119 Skip stones
50 Some deliveries 123 A continent today across water
51 Six feet, two 124 “We ___ 46 Pub. defenders 120 Humorist Blount
inches, e.g. amused” 47 Extreme reaction Jr.
52 ___ of wills 125 “What’s ___ for 49 Dorothy’s 121 Zip
53 Heavyweight me?” 122 Former phone
sport? 126 Indy car sponsor guardian co.abbr.
55 Rare bill 127 Tending to 51 A Cape
57 “Spiffy!” shrink? 54 In Tours, yours YOU DON’T SAY! By Merl Reagle
58 “The past ___ 128 Rice field
foreign 129 Gaze longingly at truly
country ...” 56 Sneaky or sleazy
60 Believers in Hel DOWN
and Frigg 1A type
63 Periods of note 2 Something to 59 Ex of Artie and
65 Woody’s home,
for short grind Frank
66 Ford or Lincoln: 3 Dam adjunct 61 Witnessed
abbr. 4 Play section 62 Jong and Kane
69 Animal doctors 5 Old letter that w 64 Sun Devils’
72 Get warm
73 Rocket fuel, replaced school
briefly 6 “___ a fact!” 66 Place down
74 Irene Cara film 7 Diamond
67 Scoundrel
68 On the money
70 Eastern leader
71 O’clock or so
72 African language
74 Frankfurter or the
The Telegraph
B14 June 23, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
Douglas Adams, in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” wrote, “Space is big. You just 865
won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long
way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.” AK742
When you are declaring a bridge deal, you try to find the safest road to make your WEST EAST
contract. However, even if you choose the one that is mathematically best, you might end A K 10 9 8
up in a black hole, going down because you were unlucky. Still, it is amazing how in bridge 742 6532
columns, the right approach works! J 10 3
10 5 8
What should South do in four hearts after West cashes his two top spades, then shifts to
the diamond jack? KQ74
Although that South hand contains only 11 high-card points, it is well worth a one-level QJ96
opening bid, with that excellent six-card suit, two aces and no rebid problem.
South can see four losers: two spades and two diamonds. He has only nine top tricks:
six hearts, one diamond and two clubs. He must play to establish a third club winner. But, 74
because he will probably have to ruff two low clubs in his hand, he must be careful with
his dummy entries. A Q J 10 6 5
Declarer wins the third trick with his diamond ace and cashes the heart ace. But then he A92
turns his attention to the clubs. He plays a club to the king, cashes the ace, ruffs a club
high, leads a low heart to dummy’s nine, ruffs another club high, crosses to the heart 83
king (drawing West’s last trump in the process), and discards a diamond on the winning
club seven. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: None
The Bidding:
1 Hearts Pass 2 Spades Pass
2 Hearts Pass 4 Hearts All Pass LEAD:
A Spades
CURRENT RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_060917 Ask About Our
$25 $20 $15
Player Programs
Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 3 PM
(All Rates Include Cart and Tax)
1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110
From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR June 23, 2017 B15
ONGOING 1 Burgers & Brews Festival – An American ment, vendors and craft booths at Riverview 20-23 Musical Review celebrating
Heritage Celebration to benefit programs/ Park and fireworks at dusk. Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: services of United Against Poverty. 11 a.m.to 3 60th Anniversary with songs from some of
Contemporary Landscape Photography thru p.m. Best Burger Competition with top local chefs 4 City of Vero Beach annual 4th of July Cele- VBTG’s biggest hits, 7 p.m. Thurs, 8 p.m. Fri. &
Sept. 10. vying for People’s and Judge’s Choice awards bration, 4:30 to 10 p.m. at Riverside Park. Sat., 2 p.m. Sun. $12 students; $25 adults. 772-
at Heritage Center ($30 for 10 sliders plus two 562-8300
Riverside Theatre - Summer Nights Block Par- beers/beverages). 1 to 7 p.m. free Street Festival 5-14 Vero Beach International Music
ty, 6 to 9:30 p.m., with live music, refreshments in Historic Downtown Vero Beach with live musi- Festival hosted by Mick Block 22 Christmas in July, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
and games, plus wine tastings on Saturday cal entertainment and performance artists, food String Camp at First Presbyterian Church, fea- Riverview Park, Sebastian to benefit
nights thru June 24. Free admission. trucks and vendors, Celebrity Dunk Tank, Heri- turing world-class folk, bluegrass, Celtic, Ameri- Shop with a Cop, with entertainment, auctions,
tage Center Best Apple Pie Contest, games and a cana, rock and jazz musicians. Wed. 7/5 Artist/ vendors and Santa. Free. 772-978-6248
Sea Turtle Walks, 9 p.m. through July at Se- Children’s Zone with bounce houses, petting zoo Faculty Concert; Sat. 7/8 Student concert &
bastian Inlet State Park, Archie Carr NWR Bar- and other interactive activities. VIP Pavilion, 1 to 7 Barn Dance; Wed. 7/12 Artist/Faculty Concert; 23 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
rier Island Sanctuary and Windsor Beach Club. p.m. with preferred shaded seating, Bloody Mary Thurs. & Fri. 7/13 & 14 Faculty-led Advanced presents Fantasies, 3 p.m. at Commu-
$10 & $15; reservations required. fsispturtle- and Mimosa Bars; $80 includes Best Burger and Student Concert. Donations to MBSC Scholar- nity Church of Vero Beach. $20. 18 & under
walk.org and carrrefuge.org/turtle-walks. slider luncheon. 772-770-0740 ship Fund of $10 student concerts; $20 faculty free. 855-252-7276
concerts appreciated.
JUNE 1 Bubble Wrap Explosion and Patriotic Par- 28-30 Vero Beach Pirate Festival,
ty, 11 a.m. at Vero Beach Book Center, 7 Grand Opening Festivities for Riverside 2 to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to
24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra with songs, crafts, a parade and the great bub- Theatre’s new Outdoor Bar & Grill at Live 8 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside
Winds and Chorus present America ble wrap stomp. Free. 772-569-6650 in the Loop, with 6:15 p.m. ribbon cutting, 6 to Park.
the Beautiful, 2 p.m. at the Emerson Center. 7 p.m. happy hour, Live in the Loop concert by
Free. 855-252-7276 1-28 Where’s Waldo Community East Harbor, 6 to 10 p.m. Vegas Nights casino 29|30 Tour de Turtles, hosted by
Scavenger Hunt; have ‘pass- games in the lobby and 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sea Turtle Conservancy at
24 Vero Pride 2017 hosted by Amend- ports’ stamped with least 10 ‘I Found Waldo’ Howl at the Moon performances at Waxlax fea- the Barrier Island Sanctuary at Archie Carr Na-
ment One Activists IRC, 5 to 10 p.m. signatures at 25 participating businesses and turing Ken Gustafson and Neal Kern. 772-231- tional Wildlife Refuge, with at 6 p.m. Sat. Kick-
at Heritage Center to support Vero’s LGBTQ bring it to Vero Beach Book Center to be entered 6990 Off Party featuring refreshments, live music and
community through an all-inclusive event fea- in drawing for prizes. Visit verobeachbookcen- silent auction to benefit sea turtle conservation
turing food, drinks, best-dressed contest, en- ter.com for list of participants. 772-569-6650 15 Celebrate National Ice Cream Day efforts. Sunday morning 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. watch
tertainment, followed by after-party at Kilted with a cool treat, 1 to 3 p.m. at Vero release of live sea turtles to be tracked in Tour
Mermaid. $45. veropride.com 4 Freedom Run, 7 a.m. at Riverview Park, Beach Book Center. 772-569-6650 de Turtles ‘race’ to raise awareness of threats to
Sebastian to benefit the Substance marine life. Kick-off Party $20 advance; $35 at
24|25 Gota Get on the Air Field Awareness Center of IRC Lifeskills Training Pro- 15 Third annual Barefoot Beach Ball, 5 door (if available). 321-723-3556
Day hosted by Vero Beach gram taught in all IRC middle schools. $25/$30. p.m. at Waldo’s Restaurant, an ‘abnor-
Amateur Radio Club, a public demo of emer- 772-770-4811 mal formal’ with music by Dave and the Wave, AUGUST
gency communications with Ham Radio oper- refreshments, raffles and a 7:50 p.m. ‘hunk
ators on air 2 p.m. Sat. through 2 p.m. Sun. at 4 45th annual Freedom Festival, hosted by dunk’ to benefit the Vero Beach Lifeguard Asso- 3-5 Vero Beach Recreation Dept.’s 43rd
the Del Mar Condominium Clubhouse. Free. Lions Club of Sebastian and City of Sebas- ciation. Get free tickets from Waldo’s and life- annual Aerial Antics Youth Circus at
770-905-9821 tian, with 8:30 a.m. Fourth of July Parade fol- guards thanks to Peter W. Busch Family Founda- Saint Edward’s School. 772-567-2144
lowed by Freedom Festival with live entertain- tion. 772-778-2832
25 All Paws Matter Charity Golf Outing Crossword Page B13 (THIS ’N’ THAT)
to benefit Humane Society of Vero Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
Beach & Indian River County, 10 a.m. shotgun in June 16, 2017 Edition 7 EMBLEM 1 IMPACT
start at Indian Pines Golf Club, Ft. Pierce. $65. 8 ROUTES 2 FLIP
772-388-3331 9 PAMPHLET 3 AMBLE
1 To July 28 - Vegas Nights, 6 to 9:30 p.m. 15 CHUTNEY 12 COTTAGES
weekends at Riverside Theatre, with live 17 HEATH 14 RESIDES
music, full bars and food service, plus casino 20 TUBA 16 HOUNDS
games with proceeds to benefit Children’s and 21 INDUSTRY 18 TUREEN
Family programs. Free admission. 23 ADHERE 19 ADAPT
Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
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• Comfort Shoes & Sandals • Elevation
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Accredited Facility
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