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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2019-04-26 23:29:30

04/19/2019 ISSUE 16


April 19, 2019 | Volume 6, Issue 16 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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MY TAKE Rendell’s effort to
dictate exit terms
BY RAY MCNULTY gets little support

No role for party politics IS THIS 27-POUND SNOOK CAUGHT IN THE LAGOON A WOMEN’S RECORD FOR SIX-POUND TEST LINE? STORY, PAGE 3. By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
in resolving school crisis
PUBLIC GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM IS One way or another, Mark Ren-
Anyone familiar with the chal- MOVING TO SENIOR RESOURCE ASSN. dell’s four-year run as Superin-
lenges currently confronting our tendent of Schools in Indian River
School Board, particularly the fate By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Margaret Libbey’s client, an elder- County this week appeared to be
of its embattled superintendent, [email protected] ly woman with dementia so severe drawing to an end.
knows these are difficult times that it had rendered her non-verbal.
need to be addressed by serious The memory is so vivid it brings Like many such patients, she had The major outstanding ques-
people. Morgan Libbey Smith to tears. reverted to wanting to hold soft tions as the School Board prepared
Morgan was 14 when her mother, things, her mother explained to to meet this past Tuesday were
This is not the time for ideolo- a court-appointed guardian, had Morgan. As her Teddy bears found the timing of Rendell’s departure,
gy-driven politics to infect these her gather up her childhood trove new purpose in the dingy room, how much of a buyout he would
local discussions with the toxic of stuffed animals to bring to a run- Morgan saw her mom’s work in get, and whether restrictions like a
tribalism that has poisoned our na- down nursing home in town. non-disparagement clause would
tional discourse. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 apply.
There Morgan met her mother
Just as party affiliation should Less than 24 hours after the
have no role in electing School School Board informed Rendell last
Board members, politics should week that his contract would not
play no part in determining how be renewed, the embattled super-
they resolve their issues with Su- intendent offered to resign effec-
perintendent Mark Rendell, whose tive May 24 if the district paid him
performance over the past four $62,545.60 and promised to never
years put his future with the district say anything negative about
in doubt.
He also gave the board a dead-
We don’t need to have the Vero line of this Wednesday for accept-
Beach mayor inferentially ques- ing his terms.
tioning School Board Chairman
Laura Zorc’s allegiance to the Re- The board, which previously in-
publican Party, merely because dicated it would not rush into any
her strong presentation at a recent settlement with Rendell and want-
ed a longer period to find a replace-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ment, showed little inclination to
agree to his demands.
NEWS 1-5 PETS B12 Morgan Libbey Smith. PHOTO: KAILA JONES
ARTS Defense focused on charges of racial prejudice in Henry Lee Jones retrial

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer some cringe-worthy testimony that raised
For circulation or where to pick up the eyebrows of some jurors, caused others
your issue call: 772-226-7925 In the retrial of accused murderer Hen- to shift uncomfortably in their chairs, and
ry Lee Jones, defense attorneys relentlessly at one point prompted a visibly frustrated
Henry Lee Jones during murder retrial. PHOTO: KAILA JONES hammered away at the credibility of key Chief Assistant State Attorney Thomas Bak-
prosecution witnesses, attempting to por- kendahl to clap his hand over his forehead.
tray them as racially prejudiced.
One of the most awkward moments
Their efforts in the trial – which was ex-
pected to end late this week – prompted CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE become a financial and administrative mess. Murray said Rendell finally agreed to stop Shawn Frost, a former School Board mem-
Teachers are fleeing in droves. Employ- using the health fund to pay for the physi- ber who continues to embarrass himself on
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cals, but the grievance will not be withdrawn social media with partisan nonsense.
ees continue to complain of a management until the district fully reimburses the fund
Taxpayers’ Association luncheon drew praise philosophy of bullying and intimidation. – an amount in excess of $50,000. “We still Did you see his Facebook rant, comment-
from local Democrats. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been don’t know how long this has been going on,” ing on Zudans’ post Friday about Zorc’s
wasted on legal fees and investigations. Murray said, “or how much they owe.” presentation at the Taxpayers’ Association
The Taxpayers’ Association is, after all, a luncheon? He comes across as angry and
non-partisan organization. Academic performance is down. We don’t know a lot of things about the even unhinged in his desperate attempt to
And now there’s news the district’s health district’s budgeting since Rendell ran off his support and defend Rendell, whom he de-
Besides, shouldn’t we welcome this all- insurance fund has for years been used to chief financial officer, Carter Morrison, with scribed as a “conservative superintendent.”
too-rare example of bipartisan civility? How cover the costs of state-mandated, bus driv- a bunch of bogus charges earlier this school
can anyone find anything negative in the ers’ physicals – medical exams that were, year. Frost claims in his lengthy comment that
Democrats of Indian River posting on its under the terms of the support staff’s union Zorc was elected to serve as chairman by
Facebook page a positive review of Zorc’s ap- contract, supposed to be charged to the dis- Wouldn’t you like to know how much the “Dems” and that the board is “Democrat
pearance at the event? trict. district has spent on investigations of em- controlled 3-2,” ignoring the fact that four of
According to recent emails between ployees during Rendell’s reign? Zorc would. the panel’s five members are Republicans –
“Some hard questions were raised,” the Rendell and Mike Murray, president of the probably because they’re not his kind of Re-
post stated, “but she handled them with Communication Workers of America’s Local In fact, she sent Rendell an email seeking publicans.
transparency and respect.” 3180, the superintendent refused to correct copies of “all engagement letters of employee
the mistake, even after being notified by the investigations since June of 2015,” request- He also makes silly claims that the “Dems
Anybody see anything wrong with that? union late last month. Instead, Rendell re- ing the investigators’ final invoices. That was applaud Zorc’s fiscal policies as she wastes
Mayor Val Zudans did, apparently. sponded with a March 29 email, stating he on Feb. 15. TENS of thousands in search costs,” alluding
would make the necessary corrections in the to the money the district will spend to find
Posting on his “Indian River Patriots” next budget and fully reimburse the health Rendell promptly responded, writing that a new superintendent, and mentions the
Facebook page, Zudans wrote: “The IRC fund for the erroneous charges. he would “have staff work on this starting “HEAVY legal costs” that will result from her
Dem Party Chair sat in the front row at the “As you all are aware, we have been next week.” It’s now mid-April, and Zorc is “handling of this issue.”
same table as Jackie Rosario, Mara Schiff and short-handed in the Finance Department still waiting for the information.
Stacey Klim” at that Taxpayers’ Association this year, and a there have been a lot of peo- That, in every way, is ridiculous.
meeting, adding, “Apparently, the local Dem ple handling a lot of additional duties,” Ren- Is it any wonder that Zorc and three oth- First, the cost of the district ridding itself
party is satisfied.” dell wrote, adding, “My goal is to finish out er board members have decided not to re- of Rendell is a fraction of the costs of the legal
this budget year with as few changes as pos- new Rendell’s contract beyond the 2019-20 fees, lawsuits and investigations – as well as
Was this – as some viewed it – an attempt sible.” school year? Do you really need to ask why the expense of replacing teachers and staff –
to infer that Zorc, a staunch conservative In his response, Murray wrote that he dis- Zorc wants to fire him? resulting from his wrongheaded decisions.
who actively campaigned for Ted Cruz and agreed with Rendell’s decision to not act on Second, there will be no legal costs,
remains a member of the county Republi- a “direct violation of our contract” and was Yet, Rendell’s tough-talking allies are out “HEAVY” or otherwise, as long as the board
cans’ executive committee, has gotten too left with “no other choice but to proceed with there in the community – enlisting aid and fulfills the terms of Rendell’s contract. This is
cozy with those on the other side of the po- filing a grievance,” which he did. comfort from partisan friends in the media, especially true if he resigns.
litical aisle? spewing venom and alternate facts on social Frost also rambled on about conservatives
media and trying to inject inane political getting the “wool pulled over their eyes,” his
We need to be better than that, especially rhetoric into the conversation.
when it comes to our troubled school dis-
trict, which under Rendell’s leadership has The worst among them is this gasbag

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 19, 2019 3

regrets over fundraising and “clearing the Clearly, Frost and his ilk should be ig- IS SNOOK LOCAL WOMAN CAUGHT IN LAGOON
field” for Zorc, and how Rendell “got into nored, because they have deluded them- ON SIX-POUND TEST LINE A WORLD RECORD?
studying political science after meeting selves into believing that party matters more
(Ronald) Reagan and has a “Make Education performance, that politics matter more than By Sue Cocking | Staff Writer line as she went by. I battled her for over
Great Again” hat in his office. principles. That’s too often the case in our 20 minutes before she was netted.”
nation’s capital. It should not be the case A 37-year-old local woman caught and
Then there were Frost’s posts on Twitter, here. released alive a potential world-record Gallant and Gray – brand manager for
where he engaged with what appears to be snook on April 6 in the Indian River La- the IGFA – were careful to weigh the fish
a knowledgeable district employee and re- We should want the best people for the goon near Sebastian Inlet. using a scale certified by the record-keep-
ferred to Zorc and her county commissioner jobs – teachers, principals, superintendents ing organization. The fishing line Gallant
husband, Tim, as being “on the government and board members – regardless of whether Artist and gallery owner Regina Gal- used had been pre-tested to ensure it
dole.” they’re Republicans or Democrats, conserva- lant caught the 27-pound snook on would not break at a higher strength than
tive or liberal, or even independent. six-pound test line while wading in the six-pound-test, which would invalidate
He also referred to “union thugs,” adding, shallows with boyfriend Adrian Gray. the catch. Her rod was a G Loomis E6X
“The unions (love) #LiberalLaura and her This district has serious problems. We The couple weighed, measured and and the reel was a Shimano Stella 4000.
stooge, Rosario.” don’t need political solutions.  photographed the fish, then put it back
in the water to swim away. If certified The couple has submitted photos,
RENDELL EXIT TERMS June 30, 2020. According to Rendell’s con- by the International Game Fish Associa- measurements and samples of the line
tract, the board is required to notify him by tion, the fish will beat the current wom- and leader used to catch the snook to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 July 31, 2019 if they don’t plan to renew his en’s six-pound test mark of 23 pounds the IGFA’s world records division in Da-
contract. caught in Jupiter in 1995. nia Beach. Certification can take several
“I’m pleased to see he’s willing to negoti- months.
ate his departure,” Board Chairwoman Laura Rendell responded by hiring Tallahas- Gallant said she and Gray have been
Zorc said prior to Tuesday’s meeting. “I think see-based H.B. Stivers as his attorney, who pursuing the record in local waters for Gallant said the catch took a lot of per-
the board will be willing to make a counter in an email to the board, accused them of the past two months, and on that fateful severance. “I’ve been working very hard
offer. meeting privately to discuss Rendell’s con- Saturday, spotted their target in the mid- on this. It’s been a great time,” she said.
tract, thus violating the state’s Open Meet- dle of a school where Gallant cast a live “We were catching some really big snook,
“But, at this point, what he has offered isn’t ings Act. The board vehemently denied the pilchard. and lost a bigger one. Both Adrian and I
in the best interest of the school district. It’s allegations. are very passionate about fishing.”
in the best interest of Dr. Rendell,” Zorc said. “I free-lined my pilchard into the
Rendell further raised the ire of board school and felt the solid telltale thump,” The all-tackle world record for snook
The payoff Rendell was seeking to resign members by informing them by email on Gallant said, referring to the technique of – meaning the heaviest certified fish
was the same amount he would be entitled March 25 that he was seeking employment casting the bait without any weight on the of the species ever caught on rod and
to if the School Board voted to terminate his outside the district and reminding them line. “I came tight and couldn’t believe reel – is 53 pounds, 10 ounces caught by
contract early, Zorc said. that by the terms of his contract, he is only the fish charged toward me and then pro- Gilbert Ponzi in Costa Rica’s Parismina
obligated to give them a 30-day notice of his ceeded to scream off about 200 yards of River in 1978. 
The big difference, she said, was that under departure.
Rendell’s offer, the board would be prohibit- NEWS OTHERS MISS, OR CHOOSE TO IGNORE | PUBLISHED WEEKLY
ed from ever saying anything negative about During an interview on a local radio show
him publicly, which would include attribut- in late March, Rendell said he already had MILTON R. BENJAMIN
ing any financial, legal or academic problems applied for a job he “found appealing.” If
to Rendell. “Basically, he wants to be let off Rendell did apply for a job before notifying President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
the hook for all the problems that he’s created the board, he could be in violation of his con-
during the past four years,” Zorc said. tract, and give the board grounds to fire him STEVEN M. THOMAS
without having to pay him anything.
Rendell’s tenure in the district, which he Managing Editor | [email protected] | 772.453.1196
joined in 2015, has been plagued by contro- Later during his radio interview, Ren-
versy and scandals, several of which have dell walked back his comments and said he DAN ALEXANDER
cost the district millions of dollars in legal meant to say that he had found a job that ap-
fees and fines. pealed to him. Creative Director | [email protected] | 772.539.2700

The school superintendent and some When Vero Beach 32693 sought to ask
School Board members have been locked in him about the “appealing” job during a
an increasingly bitter dispute that erupted break at the April 2 board work session, Ren-
after the board began discussing Rendell’s dell responded by shouting “No,” and angrily
upcoming job evaluation during a March 12 storming out of the board room.
work session.
The board has said it would like Rendell
At that time, several board members indi- gone by July 23, but prefer he resign willingly,
cated they might not support renewing the so that the district would not owe him any-
superintendent’s contract, which expires thing when he leaves. 

Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty,
Samantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The
Bonz, Photographer: Denise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway,
Tania Donghia-Wetmore

JUDY DAVIS Director of Advertising
[email protected] | 772.633.1115

HANK WOLFF | [email protected] | 772.321.5080
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON | [email protected] | 772.633.0753
RONDA NEVILLE | [email protected] | 954.628.2593

LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

4 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

PUBLIC GUARDIANSHIP ship lawyers in 2012, was formed to provide excited,” said Karen Deigl, Senior Resource And they deserve that.”
court-appointed guardians for free to the CEO. Smith openly wept at the podium as she
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 indigent. In the five years since Smith took
over, the agency has grown from four clients Smith’s announcement of the change at told the Hospital District board of the mul-
a new light. “All the billion phone calls that to 16. But with three times that many still in a meeting of the county’s Hospital District, tiple times she has sat at the deathbed of cli-
took her away in the middle of something, need of services, Smith decided she and the which partly funds the free guardianship ents who would otherwise have passed away
all those moments suddenly strung togeth- agency were ready to move on. program, was a moving tribute to the pro- utterly alone.
er, and I thought, this is incredible what my found emotional investment she has made.
mother’s doing for these people,” Smith says. “I told my board we’ve raised this little Smith says she hesitated before telling her
baby of a program and it’s now a teenager. Smith’s youth makes her a rarity in the story for print; professional guardianship
Ten years later, at age 24 and with a de- We’ve reached a pivotal point. We either have profession – she is now 29. With clients rang- has had its share of controversy, with news-
gree in health services administration, Smith to find a lot more money, or a bigger entity,” ing in age from their 20s to 98, she says she papers taking a hard look at cases in which
came home to Vero Beach and joined her Smith said. meets them all “where they are now,” de- court-appointed guardians drained bank
mother’s company, Treasure Coast Elder termining how to “marry all those worlds” accounts and divided families. Professional
Care. At the same time, she took the reins of After a year of discussion, the bigger entity of medical and financial needs along with guardians charge on average $65 an hour,
a fledgling non-profit, the Public Guardian- turned out to be the Senior Resource Asso- happiness, all while following the directives according to state estimates, usually paid out
ship Program of Indian River County. ciation, a nonprofit agency with a $7 million of the court and the law. “That’s emotional,” of the estate of the person deemed incapac-
budget. It will take over the Public Guard- she said. “You have to be. If you’re not, you’re itated. Those fees can accrue to a staggering
The program, founded by two guardian- ianship Program on July 1. “I am extremely not showing your human side to your clients. sum over the ward’s lifetime.

Even among indigent clients, family mem-
bers can view monthly Social Security checks
as “hot commodities,” Smith says. She once
“went bank to bank” to track down a pension
that had been usurped by a family member,
its existence preventing the ward from being
Medicaid-eligible. “She was living in a nurs-
ing home for years. Nobody came to see her,
yet somebody was taking her pension.”

“Not everyone likes the decisions we
make,” said Margaret Libbey, who has
worked as a professional guardian since 2002
and continues to take cases pro bono today.
“People who are incapacitated are owed ex-
tra protection and that’s what the courts are
there for.”

“We’re usually the most hated person in
the room because this person is in charge
of my life now,’ Smith says. “I always try to
thank my clients for letting me take care of
them and to let them know I’m grateful to be
able to help them, because they should know
those things. This is an honor for us.”

It’s estimated that between 1.5 million and
3 million Americans are under court-ordered
guardianship. Because of its huge senior
population, Florida ranks first in the number
of complaints lodged, even as its reforms are
said to serve as a model to the country.

In Indian River County, attorneys estimate
there are hundreds of individuals under
guardianship, though it’s believed only four
of the 30 guardians registered to practice
here live in the county, Smith says.

A competency hearing can be requested
by any adult on any individual, though typ-
ically the process begins with a family mem-
ber or friend. Because circumstances are
often of an emergency nature, typically the
process takes only a matter of days or weeks.

Being deemed incapacitated is such a
drastic removal of rights that it is often com-
pared to incarceration, only worse in that
prisoners typically have their rights restored
on release.

That isn’t often the case with court-ap-
pointed guardianship. Yet Smith has tried
with some success to have a ruling of incom-
petency reversed. She points to one client,
a man in his 50s with alcoholism. He was
deemed incapacitated by the court after be-
ing evicted from his apartment and was hos-
pitalized when the Public Guardian Program
took on his case.

“We stepped him down to a nursing
home,” she said. “Then we found his fami-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 19, 2019 5

ly up north and reunited them. After a year about largely to prevent months-long stays an extra $20,000 on top of its $20,000 grant. for no pay for three years, though her mother
and a half, we realized he was really with it, at Indian River Medical Center. Even though That bonus, intended to honor the pro- put her on her own for-profit guardianship
and we thought, let’s see if the courts will re- they were no longer receiving hospital-level company’s payroll
store him to capacity. And he had his rights treatment, patients deemed incapacitated gram’s merger with Senior Resource Associ-
restored.” were not able to sign their own release forms ation by helping pay for training additional “I started being paid last year,” she said. “I
or enter long-term care facilities. The mas- guardians, was announced last week at the make $12,000 a year.”
Professional guardians usually operate as sive hospital bills accrued by those patients league’s end-of-the-year luncheon.
a for-profit business, charging fees against who were indigent were being covered by While she expects to continue her profes-
the estate of the incapacitated person. The taxpayers through the Hospital District. “We’ve never done this before,” said Lou- sional guardianship career, Smith has decid-
public guardianship program is intended ie Hoblitzell, co-chair of the John’s Island ed not to accept the directorship job offered
for people with less than $30,000 in assets, The program was started with $30,000 in group’s grants committee, raising her voice her when the program moves to Senior Re-
though Smith says typically her clients have seed money from the Hospital District and over broad applause. source Association. She decided instead to
far less. the hospital itself. take a post in the advancement office at St.
“The program alleviates human suffering, Edward’s School, her alma mater.
When the program was founded in 2012, Today, the Public Guardianship Program but also reduces long hospital stays and as-
there were no public guardian programs on of Indian River County receives $36,000 sures effective use of community resources,” Deigl, a trustee of the Hospital District
the Treasure Coast. Attorneys Mike Swan and from the Department of Elder Affairs. For he told the group, which raises more than $1 board, said the Senior Resource Association
Tom Tierney, who helped found the program, 2018-19, the Hospital District upped its tax- million a year for local charities. “The waiting continues to look for an experienced direc-
handled indigent cases pro bono; both work payer-funded contribution by nearly half, to list for these services is at least three times tor for the Public Guardian Program, and will
in guardianship law with the firm Rossway $28,500. And the John’s Island Community the number of clients it currently serves.” offer training to current case management
Swan, as does Smith’s husband, Blake Smith. Service League effectively doubled its al- staff. In addition, the agency’s finance and
ready substantial contribution by donating In 2014, when the charity’s board asked administrative staff will be supporting the
In Indian River County, the program came Smith to become its first executive director, it guardian program, she said. 
was hardly a dream career move: she worked

JONES TRIAL Sanford, Florida. Bakkendahl questioned the black juror’s ries during the trial. Naumann’s challenge
Jones is accused of killing Simpson during intelligence, calling her “intellectually chal- to prevent Bakkendahl from showing jurors
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lenged,” and noting she was employed as a explicit photos of Simpson’s wounds was
a 2011 burglary at his Central Beach home. sales clerk at Wal-Mart. overruled by Circuit Court Judge Daniel
occurred when William F. Schabot testi- He was convicted of first-degree murder in Vaughn.
fied seeing a “suspicious black man riding 2014 and received a life sentence. Accord- “I think it’s inappropriate to suggest I
a bicycle” past his home on the evening of ing to testimony at his first trial, Jones shot have some evil intentions, to prevent Afri- And Assistant Public Defender Alan Hunt
Nov. 17, 2011 – around the time victim Brian Simpson after he and an associate were sur- can-Americans from serving on the jury,” attempted, but didn’t have much luck, chal-
Simpson was murdered. prised inside the home. Bakkendahl responded during a heated ex- lenging testimony on the trajectory of the
change with Naumann. After acknowledg- bullets that killed Simpson.
“Let me get this right; you see a black But Jones, now 30, was granted a second ing his words were “poorly chosen,” Bak-
man riding a bicycle and thought it was sus- trial in 2017 after the Fourth District Court kendahl agreed to add the African-American The defense also failed to put a dent in
picious?” asked Assistant Public Defender of Appeals overturned his conviction. Jus- woman to the jury. testimony given by Darius Robinson, Jones’
Brett Peters. “Would you have thought it tices decided a new trial was warranted accomplice, who was sentenced to 10 years
was suspicious if it had been a white woman because Jones’ public defender had not Bakkendahl and Assistant State Attorney, in prison after accepting a plea deal in ex-
on that bike?” been allowed to question potential jurors Stephen Gosnell, scored several key victo- change for testifying against Jones. 
about racial prejudice or bias. Jones is Afri-
“Well, yes, if I thought she was riding can-American, Simpson white.
aimlessly,” Schabot responded, after fum-
bling his words several times. “I had never This time the court allowed Jones to in-
seen anything like it. clude eight race-related questions in a
questionnaire that was mailed to potential
“It’s very rare to see a black person in that jurors in advance. Thirteen potential jurors,
area at that time. They were riding their who acknowledged bias, were immediately
bike back and forth down the street. I went dismissed during the first day of selection.
inside the house and told my son, ‘That’s a
look-out person.’” Jones’ attorneys frequently used the issue
of race both before and during the trial to
When Peters asked if Schabot was con- challenge witnesses and, at one point, even
cerned that his comments could be per- the prosecutor.
ceived as prejudiced, Schabot responded:
“No. I didn’t call police because I didn’t want Bakkendahl was accused of “blatant rac-
it to be a Trayvon Martin.” ism” during jury selection when he attempt-
ed to prevent the last African-American in
Martin was an African-American teen the jury pool from sitting on the panel.
who was followed, shot and killed by George
Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Assistant Public Defender Dorothy Nau-
mann angrily hurled the accusation after

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH April 19, 2019 7

Stowe: Dedication at heart of cardio surgery team’s success

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer many people realize.
[email protected] Stowe, who came to Vero some 13 years

Certainly, $350-million health merg- ago from Florida Adventist Hospital in
ers and acquisitions are almost never Orlando to build a top-flight heart center
launched, debated or decided upon be- here, undoubtedly caught the Cleveland
cause of one individual. Clinic’s eye.

Nonetheless, when the world-re- In 2006 that would have been even
nowned Cleveland Clinic agreed to in- easier. As Stowe explains, “for the first
vest some $250 million in Vero Beach’s 14 months, I was the only cardiac sur-
hospital and assume over $100 million geon here.”
of the hospital’s debt, Dr. Cary Stowe and
his colleagues at the Welsh Heart Center He was not, however, a complete
played a far more significant role than stranger to Vero Beach residents.


Dr. Cray Stowe.


8 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 close to over 1,000 points of data,” Stowe While Stowe may be happier talking So, I’m sure one or two or maybe three of
explains, “It’s about five or six pages long. data and bragging about his team mem- those will ultimately work out, but right
“I had taken care of a vast majority of And we have done that since day one.” bers, this particular cardiovascular sur- there it tells you, in development, there
the patients from here. They would be geon also appears to enjoy the time he are a lot of mousetraps out there and most
transferred to Orlando and I would op- The data are then analyzed and com- spends with his patients. “Dr. Malias of them, the vast majority of them, will
erate on them there. So there were hun- pared against all the other cardio pro- and I round on every patient as a team,” not pass the acid test in the long run.”
dreds of patients here in the Vero Beach grams – over 2,500 of them – in the coun- Stowe says. “I always tell the patients, I’m
area that I had operated on” by the time try, and is updated every six months. the one with hair.” Stowe also advises patience in judging
he relocated here. the impact of the Vero hospital merging
While many in this area may be an- Being data-driven does not mean into the Cleveland Clinic system.
After Stowe was in Vero for about two and ticipating big changes in the way Vero’s avoiding new procedures or approach-
a half years, Dr. Mark Malias joined him hospital operates after joining with the es. Stowe and Malias were among the Coming from a man with over 10,000
at the hospital and together they “hand- Cleveland Clinic, one thing that likely first Florida physicians to perform those heart surgeries under his belt, that’s
picked” every member of a team that now won’t change much is the way the Welsh TAVR procedures mentioned earlier. probably sound advice.
includes anesthesiologists, interventional heart team approaches each surgery in-
cardiologists, perfusionists, physician as- cluding the newest trans-aortic valve re- And Stowe sees a big future for other “The fact that Cleveland Clinic has
sistants and, of course, surgeons. placement (TAVR) procedures. trans-catheter valve surgeries. come here,” says Stowe, “is going to be
wonderful for the hospital, for the com-
“We take a special interest in each “Every morning – like this morning TAVR is for the aortic valve. That leaves munity and for the healthcare of this
member that joins the team,” Stowe when we did two TAVRs – we meet at 7 three other heart valves which can – and entire area. It’s going to be great,” but it
adds. “Their dedication to the patients a.m. with the entire team. We go through sometimes do – require replacement: the won’t happen overnight.
and dedication to our mission, which is each one of these cases. We go over the mitral, tricuspid and pulmonary valves.
basically to provide first-class cardiovas- films, we look at everything and we as- “It’s going to take a few years. I think
cular surgery,” is what has helped this sess that patient and potential complica- “I think [the trans-catheter approach] that’s the thing the public has to recog-
heart program grow. tions or problems or things we may need will be adapted to all valvular replace- nize. It will be about 18 months to three
to think about during that case from ments,” Stowe says. “They’re already years for the full integration,” and while
And grow it has. each perspective. working on the mitral valve to do that. he freely admits “all of us would like to
Going from a one-doc heart shop to a It’s going to be somewhat more com- have it happen quicker,” he is aware that
program with a fully functioning team “When we come out, we have a game plex because with the aortic valve you anything really good is worth the wait:
of multiple, interacting specialists that plan. We have looked at all the potential basically have a valve inside of a cylin- like – for example – starting to build a
is now consistently ranked by the Society pitfalls that could happen, what are we der. The mitral valve is basically located world-class heart center with just a sin-
of Thoracic Surgeons as one of the top going to do if that happens, and I just between two chambers of the heart, so gle cardiac surgeon.
cardiac surgery programs in the country think it’s a great way to practice. That the structure that will support the [new]
is no mean feat. patient is getting the best of knowledge trans-catheter valve is going to be very Dr. Cary Stowe is the Director of Med-
That STS recognition is especially im- from a group of talented people.” different.” icine at the Welsh Heart Center at the
portant in Stowe’s eyes because it is “da- Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital.
ta-driven.” That, incidentally, is about as close to And it will take time. His office is at 3450 11th Court, Suite 105
“On each patient that we operate on a mirror image of the Cleveland Clinic’s “To give you an example,” Stowe con- in Vero Beach. The phone number is 772-
for their heart, we fill out sheets that have famed “caregiver team concept” as you tinues, “I think there’s something like 68 563-4580. 
can get. prototypes for the mitral valve right now.

10 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Wife’s shortness of breath should be checked by doctor

By Fred Cicetti | Columnist changes reduce our air flow. tive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, is permanent. Pulmonary fibrosis usually
Dyspnea should happen rarely to healthy obstructive sleep apnea, pulmonary fibrosis, begins in your 40s or 50s, but can develop at
Q. My wife has complained of being short of pulmonary thromboembolism and aspira- any age. Pulmonary thromboembolism is a
breath while shopping in the mall. She says it’s people. It can be brought on by exhaustive tion. COPD involves difficulty in exhaling. life-endangering blockage of a blood vessel
just a sign of age, but I’m concerned about her. exertion, high altitude or extreme tempera- Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are by a blood clot that travels – often from the
tures. Otherwise, shortness of breath is com- COPDs. Emphysema makes the small air legs – to the lung and damages tissue. Pul-
The likelihood of suffering shortness of monly a sign of a medical problem. So your spaces in the lungs collapse. Bronchitis is monary thromboembolism is most com-
breath or “dyspnea” (disp-nee-ah) becomes wife should get this symptom checked by a inflammation of the airways. Most asthma is mon after age 65.
greater the older we get. As we age, our air doctor immediately. caused by allergies to airborne particles such
passages get smaller, chest muscles weaken, as dust and mold. The airways become in- When something from your mouth goes
and our lungs become less flexible. These Dyspnea is associated with the major flamed, which causes them to spasm. Unlike down “the wrong pipe,” you have aspira-
breathing disorders that can develop in se- COPD, asthma is reversible. tion. Aspiration is inhaling food particles,
niors. These disorders are chronic obstruc- liquids or bacteria. If the amount of aspi-
Diagnosing conditions in seniors can be rated material exceeds the ability of the
challenging, because asthma in older people immune system to handle it, you can get a
is often difficult to distinguish from emphy- serious lung infection.
sema and chronic bronchitis. In addition,
many seniors have both emphysema and Shortness of breath can be caused by a
chronic bronchitis. Obstructive sleep ap- variety of abnormalities in organs other than
nea is common in older adults. People with the lungs. When the heart fails, it loses its
sleep apnea stop breathing for as long as 30 ability pump blood. This elevates pressure
seconds at a time. These interruptions can in the blood vessels around the lung. Some-
happen hundreds of times a night. Obstruc- times fluid collects in the lungs and interferes
tive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in with breathing, causing shortness of breath,
the back of your throat relax, narrowing your especially when a person is lying down.
airway and cutting off your breathing.
The following are some symptoms that
In pulmonary fibrosis, the lung’s air sacs indicate a medical condition: shortness of
become filled with scar tissue. The damage breath at rest, with exercise, when lying down
or upon exposure to allergens. 

Updated Antilles home has
a distinctly tropical vibe

2857 St. Barts Square in the Antilles: 3-bedroom, 4-bath, 2,829-square-foot home in gated subdivision offered for $469,000
by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Becky Rossway: 772-633-4190

12 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Updated Antilles home has a distinctly tropical vibe

By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer “This is the heartbeat [of the house],” list- the community center certainly reinforc- that side of the house sit two guest suites.
[email protected] ing agent Becky Rossway said while stand- es that feeling. And the community is dog The guest rooms are appointed with walk-in
ing in the kitchen with the Feltens. The large friendly. closets and full bathrooms. One has a show-
Palm trees and hibiscus flowers entice kitchen opens to the great room and boasts er, the other has a shower/tub combo.
visitors to linger just a moment longer be- an impressive island as well as an eat-in bar Ken Felten said he has made a number
fore ringing the bell at the Felten house at – all topped with granite. Among its other of friends at the fitness center at the club- Several sets of double French doors
2857 St. Barts Square in the Antilles. Birds features, the kitchen has a walk-in pantry house. open to either the screened patio or di-
sing while nesting in the landscaping and with floor-to-ceiling shelving and could rectly into the fenced backyard. Ample
butterflies flit about, tending the vibrant keep a home well-stocked for months. “We lucked out, finding this place,” Liz sunlight streams into the house, filling it
foliage. Felten said. Her husband noted it’s “the with natural light.
best community” this side of the Indian

Ken and Liz Felten have decided it’s time The Feltens bought the house in 2016 River Lagoon. The center of the house features a formal
to say goodbye to their Antilles home and after having sold their Bent Pine home the The St. Barts Square house is one of the dining room just off the kitchen, providing
find another house on a larger piece of land second day it went on the market. for intimate dinners or lively family gather-
– property to accommodate the most recent first built in the community by Ironwood ings. The well-appointed kitchen provides
addition to their family, Tucker, a Hungarian Being friends with Rossway, the Feltens Properties. More recent homes are by DR more informal dining with its breakfast
bloodhound who turns 1 on Friday. learned of the Antilles and were intrigued. Horton. nook and easy access to the patio.

The pup is known for having a need for One step inside the home on St. Barts Stepping inside the house, visitors are Through the great room, is the master
speed – and being fenced in at the Antilles is Square, and that was that. met with the expansive sitting room – which suite, complete with his and her walk-in
cramping his ability to stretch his legs. typically only gets used during holidays closets, in-bath linen closets, and separate
“We fell in love with it,” Ken Felten said. when friends and family come to call. On
The neighborhood feels like a resort – and


“The 2019 Aspen Prize is a credit to the people of Indian River State College and
the outstanding communities we serve. From our Trustees, to our community
partners, to our employees, to our dedicated students, IRSC is enriched with
some of the most incredible people supporting our college mission, and this
distinct honor validates their commitment on a national level.”

Dr. Edwin Massey
Indian River State College President

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 19, 2019 13

vanities. A garden tub with jets sits as if a he’ll undertake a similar backyard project. Add beauty and
centerpiece in the bathroom, flanked by a “It’s very peaceful,” Liz Felten said of liv- natural light to your
glass-enclosed shower on one side and wa- EXISTING entryway
ter closet on the other. ing in the Antilles. Having impact glass win-
dows, they were able to easily ride out Hur- in about an hour!
The garage, too, is an attractive feature ricane Irma and other storms over the last
of the home, according to Ken Felten. He couple years. • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
spent a good amount of time installing stor- for every style Glass Doors
age solutions in order to clear enough space “It was amazing,” Ken Felten said of sit- and budget
to fit both their vehicles inside. ting through the storm without having to • Framed /
put up storm shutters. • Customize to Frameless
The Grand Cherokee and Mercedes Benz your style Shower Units
both fit – though it’s snug. The Antilles seems to appeal to those
who want to downsize or want “exception- • Impact Glass • Etching
“I’m determined,” Felten said. ally built, above average” homes without • Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Emtek
Felten also turned his attention to the fear of having to evacuate due to storms,
backyard, planting flowers and shrubs to according to Rossway. Situated on U.S. 1, Exterior Doors Hardware
attract butterflies. the community is a short drive away from • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
“It’s working,” he said, though they need the barrier island and equally close to shops
a bit more time to mature. He already and dining in downtown Vero Beach and Doors
knows that wherever they move to next, the Indian River Mall. 


Neighborhood: Antilles • Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 4
Year built: 2006 • Size: 2,829 sq. ft. under air

Additional features: 2-car garage, impact glass windows, 10-
foot ceilings, crown moldings, stainless-steel appliances, French
doors to large screened patio; new A/C, water heater, dishwash-
er and microwave; recently repainted interior; annually pressure

washed roof and exterior; gated community with clubhouse,
pool, fitness center, tennis courts and children’s playground

Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Becky Rossway, 772-633-4190
Listing price: $469,000

Regency Square

2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart

Licensed & Insured

14 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Another solid week in the mainland real estate market saw a total of 34 transactions of sin-
gle-family residences and lots from April 8-12 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the apartment at 1900 Tarpon Lane, Unit #302
– originally listed in November for $635,000 – sold for the asking price on April 8.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Sam Suzanne Robbins of Dale Sorensen Real
Estate Inc. Representing the buyer was agent Erika L. Ross of The Moorings Realty Sales Co.


VERO BEACH 1900 TARPON LN UNIT#302 11/24/2018 $635,000 4/8/2019 $561,450
VERO BEACH 4351 2ND SQ SW 10/19/2018 $595,000 4/9/2019 $487,500
VERO BEACH 1204 RIVER WIND CIR 11/14/2018 $525,000 4/10/2019 $365,000
VERO BEACH 4452 5TH PL 12/13/2018 $389,900 4/11/2019 $333,000
VERO BEACH 6123 GRAYSEN SQ 2/27/2019 $339,000 4/9/2019 $325,000
VERO BEACH 1665 51ST CT 12/22/2018 $345,000 4/8/2019 $312,500
VERO BEACH 5507 57TH WAY 10/26/2018 $349,000 4/9/2019 $305,000
VERO BEACH 490 S KEY LIME SQ SW 3/11/2019 $309,900 4/10/2019 $300,000
VERO BEACH 430 38TH SQ SW 7/9/2018 $359,900 4/9/2019 $295,000
VERO BEACH 420 W FOREST TRL 2/4/2019 $299,000 4/12/2019 $290,000
SEBASTIAN 671 BRUSH FOOT DR 2/7/2019 $300,000 4/12/2019 $289,000
SEBASTIAN 331 WATERCREST ST 2/26/2019 $299,500 4/10/2019 $264,000
VERO BEACH 8156 WESTFIELD CIR 1/5/2019 $269,900 4/9/2019 $263,000
VERO BEACH 4541 10TH ST 1/28/2019 $275,000 4/11/2019

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 19, 2019 15


4351 2nd Sq SW, Vero Beach 1204 River Wind Cir, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 10/19/2018 Listing Date: 11/14/2018
Original Price: $595,000 Original Price: $525,000
Sold: 4/9/2019 Sold: 4/10/2019
Selling Price: $561,450 Selling Price: $487,500
Listing Agent: Sherrie Coleman Listing Agent: Cheryl Burge

Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

NOT PROVIDED Gretchen Hanson

NOT PROVIDED Berkshire Hathaway Florida

4452 5th Pl, Vero Beach 6123 Graysen Sq, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 12/13/2018 Listing Date: 2/27/2019
Original Price: $389,900 Original Price: $339,000
Sold: 4/11/2019 Sold: 4/9/2019
Selling Price: $365,000 Selling Price: $333,000
Listing Agent: Holly Gorman Listing Agent: Lynn O’Malley

Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Lucy Hendricks David Decker

Berkshire Hathaway Florida Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

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All information (including, but not limited to prices, floor plans, site plans, features, standards and options, planned amenities) is not guaranteed and
remains subject to change. Maps are not to scale. Prices may not include lot premiums, upgrades, and options. Community Association or other fees may
be required. Images do not reflect a racial or ethnic preference. Offer void where otherwise prohibited by law. See a Taylor Morrison Community Sales
Manager for details and visit for additional disclaimers. © January 2019, Vitalia at Tradition, Inc. CBC 1254089. All rights reserved.

Adam Schnell.
Coming Up!
IT’S TIME TO GET Globe-trotting guitarist
‘LOOPY’ ON BRITISH happy he picked Vero Beach PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Riverside Theatre says you can
“hang out, rock out or chill
out.” And it’s true. You can do any
or all of those almost every weekend
at Live on the Loop, a humble drive-
way most of the week, but on Friday
and Saturday nights it transforms
into a total local hotspot – THE place
to, well, see above. You can count
on great food and bevs, always in
keeping with the month’s theme,
and great, free live music. The cur-
rent theme is “The British Invasion,”
and this coming Friday, April 26, it’s
the five-piece St. John’s Wood band
playing, what else, British Invasion
rock and pop from the stellar likes of
the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the
Who, the Kinks, the Zombies, the
Animals, David Bowie, Eric Clap-
ton. And on. And on. And on. Satur-
day, April 27, the band Back in the
Day will bring classic rock from the
Stones, Led Zeppelin, the Kinks and
the always popular “more.” Think
Brit at the grill, as well: Grab a pint


B2 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Globe-trotting guitarist happy he picked Vero Beach

By Kerry Firth | Correspondent blend of flamenco fusion and at the same
[email protected] time immersed himself into orchestrating
sound tracks and composing for television.
Greg Reiter has spent most of his life
“I learned the production end of the mu-
practicing and perfecting the lively, rhyth- sic industry which I was able to use through-
out the rest of my career,” says Reiter. “In
mic, percussive the mid-’80s I played in a rock band which
later evolved into the multi-platinum selling
sounds of the fla- ‘You locals may take it for band, Cinderella.”
menco guitar. And,
When the lure of traveling the world beck-
while his appear- granted, but Vero Beach is truly oned to him in the mid-1990s, he spent most
ance and musical of the next decade performing on cruise ships.

style is that of a paradise and there is nowhere “It was an incredible experience,” Reiter re-
true Spanish-born else I’d rather call home.’ calls. “I played to audiences of thousands ev-
tocaore, Reiter was ery night of the week and was a ship celebrity
of a sort. I actually had a hard time with that
actually born in – Greg Reiter notoriety, as I am really quite reserved and
Philadelphia. shy. I remember I would have to sit at different
guest tables in the dining room and converse
Reiter’s flamen- with the passengers. I think that was the hard-
est part of the job. I worked on many different
co-fusion style cap- cruise lines including Oceana, Regent Seven
(Seas), Silver Seas, Holland America and Prin-
tures the essence of flamenco, merging the cess. It was a wonderful part of my career, but it
was very difficult on my family life, and I ended
passion, fury and romance of the acoustic up divorcing my wife.”

guitar with the primal beats and rhythms of Once back on dry land, Reiter continued
performing, but in night clubs in Miami and
Africa, Asia and beyond. Like a gypsy explor- Fort Lauderdale. After meeting wife Veron-
ica, they visited Vero Beach to escape the
ing various cultures, he attempts through his madness of South Florida.

music to take the listener on a journey with- “We fell in love withVero’s beauty and seren-
ity and knew that we wanted to move here,”
out borders. says Reiter. “Finally, in 2016, I had the opportu-
nity to take a job as a video producer for an In-
Although strongly influenced by some of ternet TV station broadcast out of Vero Beach
and we made the move. My wife loved telling
the masters of flamenco, such as Paco de Lu- her friends that she was moving to a town that
was named after her, insisting that the Vero
cia and Vicente Amigo, he says he doesn’t not was short for Veronica. We bought some prop-
erty and we’re looking forward to building a
follow the genre in its purest state. Instead, he house and living here full time.”

infuses the classical sounds of Renaissance While his day job limits his performance
time, Reiter occasionally plays at Grind +
and Baroque music with a pop structure, cre- Grape and Vinz, as well as at weddings and
special events when he can work them into
ating his own unique style of composition. his busy schedule.

His craft has taken him all around the world “Most weekends I still have gigs down in
Fort Lauderdale, so I’ve actually had very
and has also garnered him some measure of

national acclaim. In 2009 his album “Sedona

Sun” won both the Phoenix and L.A. Music

Awards in the instrumental music category.

That same year another album, “The Gath-

ering,” a melodic collaboration with a Native

American flute player, was nominated for a

NAMMY (Native American Music Award). The

“Flamingo Fusion Guitar” album he released

in 2010 has garnered more than 300,000 plays

on YouTube alone, and his work is readily

available on Spotify and Pandora.

“I started playing the guitar when I was

about 5 years old,” says Reiter, explaining

that he took private lessons throughout most

of his childhood before attending Berklee Greg Reiter.

College of Music in Boston. PHOTOS: KAILA JONES

While there, began to create his own unique

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 19, 2019 B3

limited exposure in this area,” explained Re- Seeing ‘Red’: A backstage peek at a Henegar production
iter. “I am thrilled to be performing locally in
May at the annual (Cultural Council of IRC) By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent learn, explore and have thrilling discussions Nellie Brannan, Susan Martin
Laurel Awards.” [email protected] about art’s power and purpose. and Nancy Dillen.

Reiter says he looks forward to eventually We could not have put this show together Typically, when I direct shows in Hen- PHOTO: PAM HARBAUGH
being able to focus solely on his music and without them. egar’s black box, I like to arrange the venue
composing sound tracks for movies and in a “traverse style” which has audiences with “Venus in Fur” and “I and You.” With
television. The artists, that is, who when I signed on on two sides of the acting area. I did that “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill,” we ar-
to direct the play, happily told me that they ranged the stage to be more of a “thrust”
“That is a dream I’m working toward and I would help. And that’s truly fitting because stage with audiences along three sides of
hope to be able to do that out of my home in “Red,” which opens April 19 in the Stu- the acting area.
Vero Beach.” dio Theatre at the Henegar Center in Mel-
bourne, is about the making of art and the CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
In the meantime, Reiter says he has been passions infused in this divine discipline.
playing at a local oncology practice for pa-
tients undergoing chemotherapy. Written by John Logan, “Red” is an
award-winning play centering on artist
“There are studies that show music has Mark Rothko’s famous Seagram Murals.
healing qualities and I am humbled to be Rothko had received $35,000 for the com-
part of this pilot program in Vero Beach. It mission, a truly hefty price in 1958. When
has been my pleasure to play for 10 to 20 the 30 works he created never made it to
patients receiving chemotherapy simultane- their target – the swanky Four Season’s
ously,’ says Reiter with a broad smile. Restaurant – he gave the money back.
Eventually the paintings found homes at
“I play for three to four hours and I would the Tate Modern in London, the Kawamu-
say that at least half of the patients are en- ra Memorial DIC Museum of Art in Sakura,
gaged. Some just sit back, close their eyes and Japan, and the National Gallery of Art in
listen quietly; others tap their toes to the beat. Washington, D.C.
Many have tears in their eyes as the music
allows their mind to drift away from the task In the play, Rothko hires a young assis-
at hand. It is truly the most rewarding experi- tant, Ken. The play explores the complexities
ence I’ve had as an entertainer. I would liter- in the characters of these two artists – the
ally do it every day if I had the opportunity.” established abstract expressionist that was
Rothko and the young firebrand and lover of
He says that while his music has taken Pop Art who was Ken. The two argue, laugh,
him around the world, he is very happy to
have made Vero Beach his home.

“You locals may take it for granted, butVero
Beach is truly paradise and there is nowhere
else I’d rather call home.” 

B4 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 Zack Roundy as Ken with Steven Wolf as Rothko.

However, “Red” has a robust painting PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER
scene which could create a “splash zone”
so to speak, requiring the play to be done show’s glorious sound design.
in proscenium style, with the action at one Also joining in the fun were Joan
end of the theater. And, with the setting
being Rothko’s huge Bowery studio, we’re Crutcher, an award-winning visionary
playing with entrances and exits to make artist, and Steve Costner, who just recent-
the area feel larger. ly “stole the show” at the Strawbridge Art
League’s Vision 2019 exhibit at the Foo-
Additionally, while a high-concept pro- saner Art Museum.
duction can be done without any art on
stage, we wanted the visuals but didn’t have We started out in the Studio Theatre
the financial resources to pay royalties to where canvas was stretched and primed
replicate Rothko’s works. with red paint and, when there wasn’t
enough light, found an old par-can
So we turned to award-winning artists lighting instrument and plugged it in. It
Nancy Dillen and Nellie Brannan and asked worked! Actor Steven Wolf, who plays Rot-
them to lead a project to create art after the hko and was helping paint that first day,
style of Rothko. hung the par-can over a doorway, giving
sort of a spooky but effective light to the
Dillen, who was an art professor at what whole proceedings.
is now Eastern Florida State College and
was head of its art department for years, It was still too dark, so at the next session
took the lead. we hauled everything down to a bright and
airy rehearsal room where we could lean
“I knew the play was important and had a paintings against ballet barres and walls
strong message, especially for those who are and on tables.
artists,” Dillen said. “Anything that can be of
help to inform and educate the public about We also started our blocking there
the value of art, I’m all for it.” while the artists worked. Wolf found in-
spiration as he watched and listened to
Nellie Brannan, a beloved fixture in Bre- the artists’ serious, studied discussions
vard’s theater scene, was crucial in planning over color and application.
the project and, meeting over cups of latte,
we geeked out discussing Rothko, ideas for “I keep hearing them say to me ‘Broader
the paintings, schedules and invitations for strokes! Steven, stop with the little brush
other team members.

Clifford Bragdon, then Henegar board
president, was so excited at the idea that
he purchased a painting for $500, which
gave us the seed money to buy wood, mus-
lin and paints.

In addition to generous supporters and
stores pitching in, other local theatres
helped out as well, including Peg Girard at
Melbourne Civic Theatre, and Cocoa Village
Playhouse scenic designer Joseph Lark Riley
and techie Bean Smith.

Talents from Titusville Playhouse, which
had just weeks before entered into an alli-
ance with the Henegar, jumped on board
to help. Despite being stretched ultra-thin,
working simultaneously on mainstage
shows 40 miles apart, TPI’s associate direc-
tor Niko Stamos became our production
manager; Luke Atkison took on lighting de-
sign challenges; and Spencer Crosswell ex-
uded patience while working with me on the

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 19, 2019 B5

strokes,’” Wolf said. CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 3 Kravis Center April 24 to May 5. throughout the show: Swahili, Zulu, Xhosa,
Dillen and Crutcher also loved hearing Sotho, Tswana and Congolese. The musical
to wash down such traditional dishes as already have, according to the Kravis Cen- is based on the Disney film, and with ex-
the dialogue. fish and chips, bangers and mash, and pub ter, where this phenomenal six Tony-win- traordinary music and lyrics by none other
“I especially felt in the flow when a re- burgers. There are a couple hundred chairs ning musical opens this Wednesday, April than Sir Elton John and Tim Rice. “The Lion
set up. But, just in case, it’s a good plan to 24. It is the story of the young lion Simba King” opened on Broadway in July 1997
hearsal was going on around us while we tote in your lawn chair. Don’t, however, tote (Swahili for lion) who is supposed to suc- and is still running after more than 8,500
painted,” Crutcher said. “The words of Roth- in a tumbler (or any off-campus beverages). ceed his father, Mufasa, as king of the Pride performances, making it Broadway’s third
ko fueled my every brush stroke, putting the Or a cooler. Or a dog. So that what’s going Lands. But Mufasa’s brother Scar, Simba’s longest-running show ever and, having
heart and soul of this amazing artist in play on outside. Inside, it’s the weekend for the evil uncle, kills Mufasa and makes Simba grossed more than $2 billion (yes, billion),
on the canvas before me.” high-energy, always fun, audience partici- believe it is his fault. Simba is exiled and it is the highest-grossing production of all
pation event – Howl at the Moon – featuring grows into young adulthood in the com- time. “The Lion King” is recommended
“It haunted me,” said Dillen. dueling pianos and a drummer. You get to pany of several interesting characters, as for theatre-goers 6 and up. All the way up.
Two more wonderful award-winning request the songs (remember to keep them well as his childhood pal and a shaman. Curtain: Wednesdays, 8 p.m.; Thursdays, 8
artists, also members of The Ten, joined Brit – Elton John, Stones, Beatles, Queen, The wisdom he gains from this motley but p.m.; April 25, also 2 p.m.; Fridays, 8 p.m.;
us in the rehearsal studio – Susan Mar- Who, Led Zeppelin, U2). Many have tried to loving crew helps him mature, until he is at Saturdays, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays, 1
tin, a superb painter with a most glorious stump the pianists but few – very few – ever last able to return to the Pride Lands and p.m. and 6:30 p.m. through May 5. Tickets:
body of work, and Grace Leal, an amazing have. These musicians are good. And fun- claim his rightful place. Thus, the Circle $45 to $135. Maximum ticket limit is 9 tick-
multimedia artist whose bold work bor- ny. You’ll have a jolly evening. Times: Live of Life continues. According to the show’s ets per account. 561-832-7469. 
ders on the dramatic. on the Loop: 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Howl at the Broadway website, there are six indige-
Once Steven Wolf’s wife Jennifer came on Moon: 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Admission: nous African languages sung and spoken
board as my assistant director, we had “ta- Live on the Loop: free. Howl at the Moon:
ble reads” with Wolf and Zack Roundy, who side seats, $12; table seating, $16 to $22. You
plays “Ken” in the show. can reserve. 772-231-6990.
Table reads are crucial times for both
actors and director to discover more of the 2 Brit Sounds under the moon and stars:
play’s nuances and deeper truths. It also is Season after season, the Night Sounds
a good time to discover speech patterns, Concert Series at the Sebastian Inlet State Park
the play’s movement, its pacing and arc. brings you live bands and good music in one
Roundy, who lives in Orlando, was in a play of the most beautiful, pleasant, unique out-
at the Mad Cow Theatre at the beginning door music venues around. Enjoy the (usually)
of our rehearsal process, so we used Skype full moon experience again or for the first time
for one read-through. this Saturday, April 20. Hosted, as always, by
Once back at the black box, it was time the dedicated Friends of Sebastian Inlet State
for the actors to learn the practical aspects Park, this week’s concert brings the five-piece
of mixing paint, making stretcher frames, St. Johns Wood band back to our shores with
priming, application and stretching canvas music from the epic years (’60s) of the British
on a huge frame. Invasion, and the music that defined a gen-
Leading that project was another artist, eration. Night Sounds regulars know the drill:
Steve Costner. Regular park admission applies. The concert
“Mark Rothko comes from the era that I takes place “under the moon and stars” at the
admire the most, abstract expressionism,” pavilions on Coconut Point, 9700 South A1A,
said Costner. “This show opens later this Melbourne Beach. Bring chairs or blankets.
week, so I will get to see the results of a lot of Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Park admission: $8 per
hard work from very talented theater people vehicle, multiple occupants up to 8; $4, single
and art people.” occupant; $2, pedestrians, bicycles, extra vehi-
cle passengers. 772-388-2750 or 321-984-4852.
“Red” opens Friday and runs through April
28 in the Studio Theatre at the Henegar Cen- 3 It is my personal opinion that every-
ter, 625 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne. Tick- body should see Disney’s “The Lion
ets are $26 and $29. Performances are 8 p.m. King” live, somewhere, at least once. More
Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. than 95 million people around the world
Seating is limited. Call 321-723-8698 or visit 


Washington Bureau Chief 1. Where the Crawdads 1. Educated BY TARA WESTOVER 1. Squirm BY CARL HIAASEN
2. Code Name: Lise 2. Anatoly Anole: The Boastful
"in conversation" with Sing BY DELIA OWENS
Susan McManus, USF Professor Emerita 2. Blood Oath BY LARRY LOFTIS Brown Lizard BY ARDIE SCHNEIDER
presenting BY LINDA FAIRSTEIN 3. Madame Fourcade's 4. We are the Gardeners
4. Run Away BY HARLAN COBEN 4. Bad Blood
Autograph Line Tickets with book purchases. 5. Silent Patient 5. Big Nate: Payback Time
We kindly request that seating be reserved for autograph line BY JOHN CARREYROU
ticket holders - thank you. 5. Kushner, Inc. BY VICKY WARD

First Grade Poetry Party! Sunday, May 5th at 3 pm 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Calling all FIRST-GRADE
students - bring a poem

to read or recite!

April is National Poetry Month!

Thursday, April 25th at 5 pm

B6 April 19, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Sailors’ skills shine at record-setting ‘Martin Regatta’

Tyler D’Amato, Brooke Biby and Gia Rivers. Jeff Williams and Dida Hagan. PHOTOS: KAILA JONES

It was a perfect day for sailing as a record 62 sailboats and 83 sailors from
seven clubs competed in the Youth Sailing Foundation’s recent sixth annual
Steve Martin Memorial Regatta – the largest sailboat regatta in the city’s 100-
year history. Meets took place along both sides of the Indian River Lagoon,
with competitors cheered on by spectators along the waterfront areas and
the bridge. YSF’s Vero Beach Varsity Sailing team, manning six brand-new
420s, showed off their skills, taking 1st through 6th place out of 21 boats com-
peting. Others made the podium in the Open Bic class and Opti Silver fleet.
Afterward, members of the Kiwanis Club of Vero-Treasure Coast cooked and
served hamburgers and hot dogs to competitors and parents, followed by an
awards ceremony. For more information, visit 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 19, 2019 B7

Nino’s Cafe: A beachside favorite still going strong

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Chicken Pesto Rigatoni.
[email protected]
Not many island restaurants that were
here a quarter century ago are still in exis-
tence, let alone still packing ’em in.

But Nino’s Café, a beachside pizza joint
that also offers a variety of authentic red-
sauce Italian-American dishes, appears to
be going even stronger today than when we
first visited in the ’90s.

Just as its longtime neighbor on the south
side of Humiston Park, Corey’s Pharmacy,
seems to get better with each passing de-
cade, Nino’s recently was freshened and
now appears brighter and more inviting
than ever.

For years when heading to Nino’s, we
generally ordered pizzas, which we’ve long
considered the best thin-crust pizza on
the island. The basic Maria’s pizza – fresh
tomato, basil, spinach and garlic – was al-
ways our favorite.

But on this visit, we thought we would try
some of their other classic dishes.

To start, we ordered the fried calamari
appetizer ($10.95). While the calamari
rings could have been a bit crispier, they
were tender and tasty, and served with a
light tomato sauce.

Then instead of the house salad that
comes with entrées, we decided to share a
relatively new item on the menu, the bur-
rata salad ($12.95). The creamy burrata was
surrounded by slices of some of the best
vine-ripened tomatoes I

I welcome your comments, and
encourage you to send feedback
to me at tina@verobeach32963.

The reviewer dines anony-
mously at restaurants at the ex-
pense of Vero Beach 32963. 

Margherita Pizza.

Bruschetta Burrata. covered with a creamy bechamel parmesan pending on whether you have appetizers Hours:
sauce. and desserts. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
have had recently. Wonderful. Open to 10 p.m., Fri. and Sat.
Our server also brought us a basket of the My husband’s eggplant parm – layers But the big news here after all these
of thinly sliced eggplant and parmesan years is you are no longer in trouble at Beverages: Beer & Wine
warm, buttery garlic sticks that are included cheese, topped with a light tomato sauce Nino’s if all you have in your pocket is a
with dinner orders. The garlic sticks are to- and mozzarella – was served with a side credit card. Address:
die-for. of al dente penne. Both entrées were very 1006 Easter Lily Lane
good. After a quarter of a century of insisting on
For entrées, I chose the cannelloni payment in cash – even installing an ATM in Phone:
($16.95) and my husband ordered the egg- For dessert, we finished with a slice of ti- the front room so customers could make a 772-231-9311
plant parmigiana ($14.95). ramisu. withdrawal on the spot – Nino’s is now will-
ing, albeit a bit grudgingly, to accept credit
My cannelloni consisted of excellent Dinner for two, with a half-carafe of the cards.
homemade crepes filled with a well-sea- house wine, is likely to run $50 to $70 de-
soned mix of ground veal, sausage and For a very casual dinner on the beach, it
spinach, set atop a light tomato sauce and may be tough sometimes to get into Nino’s
– but for simple Italian fare, it’s also hard
to beat.

B8 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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call 772.410.0100 for more information 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 19, 2019 B9

Easter Special

Sunday april 21, 2019 • serving 12-8PM

Begin With Cajun Deviled Eggs, Breads and House Salads
Slowly Baked with Mouth Watering Honey Mustard then Topped with a Myer’s
Rum Raisin Sauce with a side of Cajun Mustard. Served with Hot Baked Potato;

Accompanied by Asparagus Spears
Your Choice Fried or Blackened - Comes with Cove’s Famous Red Beans & Rice
Complementary on Request; Bottle of House Wine; Fresh Hot Biegnet


89 Royal Palm Pointe l 772-617-6359

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B10 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 19, 2019 B11

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B12 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

She’s another Little Bit of sunshine in Bonzo’s life

Kazoo for All Concerned. So “They look like … sorta like … are
they …?”
Hi Dog Buddies! she found us a Pooch-Frenly
“Yep. They’re RATS, Mr. Bonzo.
Woof! Another first for me. LAST week townhouse.” My favorite toys.”
I hadda fun innerview with a white Mal-
tese named Little Bit Powers. Didja see it? “Woof, Miss Bitty. That’s “Woof,” I said. “Don’t buh-lieve
Then, THIS week, I realized my innerview I’ve ever seen toy rats. What are their
was with a black Chihuahua named – wait love all right.” names?”
for it – Little Bit Newman. I’ve innerviewed
dogs with the same names before, but nev- Miss Bitty yawned a really “I like to call them The Gray One,
er right together like that. The White One an The Brown One,”
big yawn. “I’m so sorry,” she she explained proudly. “Would you
Anyway, there were no yaps when we like a little nibble?” She brought
knocked or when the door opened, and said. “It’s not the comp-nee. The Gray One over carefully, be-
there stood Little Bit, right next to her hu- tween her teeth.
man. She was So cute, like a liddle loaf of It’s just that I spent the whole
bread, tail going at propeller speed: she “That is so sweet of you, Miss
was black ’cept for some white around her weekend at Gramma Beverly Bitty, but I’m on deadline. You sure
eyes – like a cool Zorro mask – white paws, have a Cool Kibbles life!”
round, black eyes an those sig-nuh-chure, an Grampa Mark’s with my
sticky-uppy Chihuahua ears. After the Wag- “True, true, Mr. Bonzo. Like
and-Sniff, she said, puh-lightly, “Good af- pooch pals Zoey, April, Blaze They Say: ‘Grrrls just wanna have
ternoon, Mr. Bonzo an Mr. Bonzo’s Assis- fun!’”
tant. I’m Little Bit Newman. You may call an Billy, runnin’ around an “It would seem so. Do you have any food
me Bitty. This is my Mommy, Lisa.” pref-rences?”
playin’ the en-TIRE time, an “YES! Anything that isn’t nailed down.
“It’s a great pleasure to meet you both. I I officially get boring kibbles two times
understand you’re South Florida grrrls.” I’m totally POOPED.” Little Bit a day. I also get One-an-Only-One Gree-
To illustrate, she collapsed nie a day. Unofficially, I get teeny bits of
“Indeed,” Bitty replied. “We moved up Mommy’s food if it’s Pooch Appropriate,
here a few years ago. I find it a lot more onto one of the two pooch an same with her snacks. Wa-ay more in-
ruh-laxing. It’s always been just me an nersting.
Mommy. We’re in-duh-pendent grrrls.” beds nearby. “Me an Mommy also do Very Important
Work. I’m a fully trained, registered Thera-
“So how’d you two first meet?” “That is a comfy lookin’ “We take two 25-minute walks every py Pooch. Mommy’s job is helpin’ humans
“I was ackshully a PRESENT to my she calls The Elderly People. We visit nurs-
Mommy from a fren when I was 2 months bed,” I observed. day, which is a lotta chihuahua steps, ing homes and assisted living places an
old and only 4 pounds. I was a boo-TEEK bring ’em love an cheer. I’m great at both of
puppy, not from one of those other, DOO- “I KNOW,” she replied, from a reclining buh-lieve me. We also do lotsa bike ridin.’ those. Also nuzzles, kisses, wags an snug-
bee-us Places. I have PAY-pers an every- gles. Hangin’ out with The Elderly People’s
thing. My pooch Mommy was Tinker Bell, position. “An, LOOK! It has my very own I have my own BAS-kut. Me an my pooch the Best. Feeling. Ever. knowin’ I ackshully
an my pooch popy was Pepe. Even though make ‘em Happy just by bein’ ME. PLUS,
I wasn’t a fluffball – us short-haired Chi- name with my very own apostrophe. It’s pals Lolli an Peta – chihuahuas like me – I get wunnerful tummy rubs, pats and ear
huahuas don’t DO fluffy – I was Super Cute. tickles.
Me an Mommy became BFFs right away. my first apostrophe.” have play dates, and me an Lolli have our Heading home, I was feeling inspired by
She loves me so much she actually relocat- Miss Bitty: by her Happy Attitude and Her
ed for me. See, when she first got me, she I looked. Sure enough, along the end, in birthday parties together. I also like goin’ Important Work. Seeing her in her Cup-
discovered that where she was livin’ was a cake Dress would make anybody smile.
No Pooches Allowed place, and she hadda Special Stitching, it said “Bitty,s Bed.” over to Blaze’s place cuz she has a POOL! There are some things only a dog can do.
stuff me in a big bag and sneak me out to
Do My Duty, which was a Major Pain in the “That is Cool Dog Biscuits,” I said. “But We sometimes have PJ parties at her house The Bonz

your apostrophe looks kinda like a comma, when our Mommys go to the moo-vees.

since it’s down at the bottom.” (I’m a jour- “We all like to dress up. I have a bunch

nalist, so I notice these things.) of outfits. My favorite’s my Cupcake dress.

“That’s true. That’s why it’s special. ANY- On Halloween, I’m usually a Bumble Bee.”

body can have a REG-ular apostrophe, at “I assume you have a Big Toy Basket,” I

the top.” ventured.

“Ah. Well, it’s Totally Cool Kibbles, Miss “Ackshully, I only play with three toys.

Bitty. I’ve never had my own apostrophe. I’ve had ’em for 12 years. Here, I’ll show

So whaddya ladies do for fun?” you.”

“We love ad-VEN-ture. ’Specially trav- She trotted over to her bed and

el. Flyin’ always puts me to sleep. An road pointed with her paw. Three liddle stuffed,

trips. I’ve been to Cali-FORN-yuh, Nash- well-worn somethings, neatly arranged. I

ville, Fort Myers, and tons of other places. looked closer.

My FAV-rut is the KEYS. That’s a buncha

liddle blobs of land with lotsa water all DON’T BE SHY
around. Key West is way at the end an,

DOG, do they know how to parTAY! Plus, We are always looking for pets
I met the coolest pooch down there, Pi with interesting stories.
Carpenter, a Portuguese Water Dog. In Key
Largo, me an Mommy go KI-yakkin,’ an I To set up an interview, email

play in the warm shallow water. We do that [email protected].
here, too.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 19, 2019 B13

K742 Q 10 9 AJ6
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 62 K873 QJ5
Q J 10 9 AK8652 43
Jessiqua Wittman, in her book “A Memoir of Love,” wrote: “Information can be such a J54 — 87632
double-edged sword.”
That is true at the bridge table. While you and your partner are bidding, sensible opponents 853
will be interpreting your calls. But if you are always in the correct contract, you will be A 10 9 4
impossible to beat. 7
A K Q 10 9
In today’s deal, look at the West hand. What should West lead against four hearts?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
In the bidding, North was right to respond one diamond, not one heart. With a game-going
hand, bid the longest suit first. North-South might have even belonged in seven diamonds The Bidding:
for all North knew at that point. Then, when South rebid one heart, North was worth a slam
suggestion. By far his best rebid was four clubs, a splinter (yes, even in opener’s first-bid SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
suit) showing four-card heart support, at least game-going values and a singleton (or void) in 1 Clubs Pass 1 Diamonds Pass
clubs. South, with so much wasted in clubs, signed off in four hearts. (But if South had had, 1 Hearts Pass 4 Clubs Pass LEAD:
say, five low clubs, he would have headed for six or seven hearts.) 4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass ??

What should West lead? He knows that dummy is coming down with five or more
diamonds, because with 4-4 in the reds, North would probably have responded one heart,
not one diamond. Also, leading a side suit bid by an opponent is rarely best. Since a trump
or a club rates not to be effective, West should choose the spade two, guaranteeing at least
one honor in the suit.

East should confidently put in the spade jack, cash the spade ace, lead a third spade and
wait for a heart trick to defeat the contract.

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B14 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Funeral pile (4) 1 Jerk (4)
4 Close (4) 3 Ted (6)
8 Circle (4) 4 Idea (6)
9 Blizzard (9) 5 Dawn (6)
11 Rowing (6) 6 Took legal action (9)
13 Gun store (7) 7 Keen (4)
15 Riband (6) 10 Lay poem (anag.) (7)
16 Place for keeping bees (6) 12 Bitter (4)
18 Golf club (6) 13 Weapons (9)
20 Customer (6) 14 Wealthy (7)
22 Deanery (anag.) (4-3) 17 Himalayan monster (4)
23 Soft fabric (6) 19 Hold onto (6)
25 Bold (9) 20 Nook (6)
26 Songbird (4) 21 Influx (6)
27 Deadly sin (4) 23 Valley (4)
28 Cover (4) 24 Continent (4)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 19, 2019 B15

ACROSS 86 It can precede “pede” (label dictum) The Washington Post
87 Offhand 32 Impulse carrier
1 Meas. of a hurler’s talent 89 Gave grub 33 “What’s a nice I, GLUTEUS By Merl Reagle
4 Fable followup 90 Radioactive
9 Power for Tower of Power girl ___ ...” NOW AVAILABLE - NEWLY RENOVATED!
12 Digs, dig? run-throughs 35 Reminiscent of the Kalahari
15 Stick that humans 92 Number, often 37 Not ___ (fewer) SUMMER MEMBERSHIPS - May 1st - Oct 31st
93 Wind in the Willows Mr. 38 Humorist-mom
chew on 94 “Assert yourself, ___!” 39 Wash.-Mont. separator Golf
16 Nixon crony Bebe 96 Pint-sized 41 Romantic Italia city
17 “Still living at 98 Across-the-board ruling 43 Qualifying race events Single 50$
99 Easy letters 45 Japanese aborigine Includes tax
home, ___?” 100 Role for Marlon 47 Tie up a few loose ends?
20 “Care to join us, ___? 101 Taylor of fashion 49 John Sebastian tune, “She’s Family 75$
102 “Your exploits are so Includes tax
(as if I have to ask)” ___”
22 “That’s quite a fascinating, ___” 50 Uses a sponge on
104 Undo a smidge 52 Dress flounce
dress, ___” 106 Ray of GoodFellas 53 “Trouble sleeping, ___?”
24 A devil of a name 108 Gal of song 55 Honeycomb makeup
25 Sets foot 109 “Don’t stand so close to me, 56 Excellent
27 Has ___ (is favored) 57 “Most assuredly”
28 “You seem bitter, ___” ___” 60 Cute Little Rascal
31 Cheer, to Che 112 “Have you changed your 61 Bands after bandits
32 “On the same bill ...” 62 Hawaiian porches
34 Hunk of corn sandals 63 Where to see P.O.V.
35 Class with perspective lately, ___?” 64 Dave Bowman’s computer
36 Not in contemp. usage 117 “I’ll be there in less than a 65 Hardly amicable
37 “Eat something, ___” second, ____?” 67 Spacy
39 Concerning 118 King Kong’s world 68 George or Keanu
40 Relief for Death Valley 119 Cry of disgust 71 Essayist Charles
42 Fast crowd 120 Firms: abbr. 74 Vowelless gamma-ray unit
44 Korean soldier 121 Ali feats, briefly 77 Generic dog
45 ___ in the life 122 Gawky group 79 Last words heard in a
46 Suggestions 123 Protein source
48 Huggers or killers huddle, often
49 “Remember me, ___?” DOWN 80 “Nice lava lamp, ___”
51 “How was lunch, ___?” 1 McMuffin stuffin’ 81 Arm bones
53 In the style of 2 Metal-man work 82 MERGE, for one
54 Hither’s opposite 3 “Look! This hotel has 83 Funding, often
55 Word after hall, head, 84 Nautilus builder
free breakfasts, ___!” 85 Hollywood risk taker
or high 4 Cousteau milieu 87 “I fall down, ___”
58 Have debts 5 Geisha’s wrap 88 Terse
59 Ma ___ Kettle 6 Chicken George chronicle 90 Day-care don’t
61 “Is it me or is it getting 7 Côte d’___ 91 Theol. school
8 ___ cool (get mad) 93 Tailor’s “chalk”
crowded in here, ___?” 9 Author Kingsley 94 Slight coloring
63 TV Dr. 10 Bus. degree 95 Mrs. Gorbachev
66 “How are Tom, Dick, and 11 Lulu 97 Downs or salt
12 John’s instrument 100 Salome’s septet
Harry, ___?” 13 Puberty woe 102 Less colorful
69 Things to grind 14 Intestine sections 103 Shell pusher
70 “Another cold coming on, 16 Communicating device 105 French battle town
17 Cow feature 106 Director Buñuel
___?” 18 Tibet’s capital 107 Cassette content
72 Kings, in Madrid 19 Sweet 110 Familiar relative
73 Fancy pot 21 Semisolid stuff 111 Fab Four’s fifth?
75 Knowing 23 Withered 113 Quite queer
76 Prefix meaning “self” 26 Copious amounts 114 It made Bill Gates billions
77 The Bucs stop here: abbr. 28 Civil War photographer 115 Actor Tognazzi
78 “You may find this hard to 29 Receiver of a 116 Unassertive

swallow, ___” vb.’s action
83 “How do you get 30 “___ directed”

your windows so
clean, ___?”
85 Cameraman Nykvist

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“Joe Lee”

The Telegraph

B16 April 19, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING Sebastian) with farm animals, children’s ac- 25 Kindergarten Readiness Collaborative 27 Children’s Art Festival at the Vero Beach
tivities, egg hunt for ages 1 to 10, mechanical presents Lunch & Learn with David Law- Museum of art, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. features
Riverside Theatre - Legally Blonde, The Musi- bull and family fun. $1 donation pp; additional rence, Jr., author of A Dedicated Life, 11:30 a.m. art projects, youth performances, kid friendly ex-
cal on the Stark Stage thru May 5. 772-231-6990 charge for pony rides & food. LaporteFarms. at First Presbyterian Church. $55. 772-617-4350 hibition tours and play time in the Art Zone. Free.
25 Silver Tones Spring Concert, Motown 27 Charity Gun Shoot to benefit Educa-
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson 20 Hop for Habitat 5K Run/Walk, 8 a.m. in Motion, 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian tion Foundation of Indian River Coun-
exhibit thru April 28. 772-794-0601 from South Beach Park to benefit Church hosted by Senior Resource Association. ty, 10 a.m. at Windsor Gun Club at Indian River
Habitat for Humanity. 772-567-3510 772-569-0760 Trap & Skeet, followed by lunch. $125 inclusive;
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Victorian Radi- $35 viewing and lunch only. 772-564-0034
cals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and 20 Easter Cantata, 4:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. at 25 Starlight and Sneakers Mad Hatter
Crafts Movement thru May 5. 772-231-0707 Christ by the Sea, with full mix choir, Garden Gala Tea Party, 6 p.m. at Rock 27 All American Country BBQ Bash, 5
soloists, 35-piece orchestra, liturgical dancers City Gardens to benefit the Arc of Indian River p.m. at and to benefit St. Francis
APRIL and dramatic narration. 772-231-1661 County, with catered dinner, and entertainment Manor, with BBQ dinner, silent auction, bounce
by Gypsy Lane Band. $175. 772-584-9511 house and country music by Spayed Koolie.
18 Vero Beach Easter Parade at Humiston 20 OBA Sunset Saturday Concert Series $25; $20 children 11 to 20; free 10 and under.
Park hosted by Dale Sorensen Real Es- presents David Roberts & the Sounds 25 First Look at Films: Vero Beach Wine 772-562-8575
tate to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of IRC, 4:30 of Sinatra, 5:30 p.m. on Ocean Drive at Humis- & Film Festival Sneak Peek at “The
p.m. Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, free photos ton Park. Free; BYO lawn chairs. Pistol” directed by Xaque Gruber, 7 p.m. at 27 Vero Heritage Pioneer Dinner, 6 p.m.
with Easter Bunny and other children’s activities Majestic 11 Theatre followed by wine tasting at the Heritage Center, honors the
followed with 6 p.m. Golf Cart and Bonnets and 20 Sebastian Inlet State Park Night reception. $10. Hamilton-Mathis Family, homesteaders on
Ball Caps Parade along Ocean Drive. Sounds Concert Series presents St. John’s Island in the early 20th century, with a
John’s Wood, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. 26|27 British Invasion-themed Riv- presentation based on an oral history by Lydia
19|20 Blues, Bourbon & BBQ-themed Free with park entry. 772-388-2750 erside Theatre Howl at the Hamilton Mathis. $75. 772-770-2263
Riverside Theatre Comedy Moon, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop
Zone, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop 24 Woman of the Year Luncheon, 11:30 free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 28 Fashion and Polo: Vero Beach Polo Club
free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 a.m. at Oak Harbor Club, honor- Season Finale to benefit New Horizons
ing nominees in Business/Professional, Civic/ 27 Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration, 9 of the Treasure Coast; gates open 12:30, Polo at
20 Easter at the Farm, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nonprofit Professional, Volunteer and Rising a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverview Park, Sebas- 1:30, Hat Parade at 2:30. 772-696-2729
at LaPorte Farms (off Roseland Rd, Star categories, hosted by Junior League of IR. tian, with Eco-Friendly activities for children and
$100. adults, live entertainment and vendors. Free. 28 Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation
Tennis Championships Tournament
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B14 (GRAB BAG OF GOODIES) Kickoff Party, 5:30 p.m. at the Boulevard Tennis
in April 12, 2019 Edition 1 LIT 1 LISZT Club, with music by Riptide, “shoot-out” mini
3 HUR 2 TRIVIAL tennis matches featuring world-ranked players,
5 ALLEY 3 HELM cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. $60. MardyFish-
10 TOIL 6 LOUSE 28 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
11 BLENHEIM 7 YASHMAK ents the music of John Williams, com-
13 CELTIC 12 DISTRICT poser of numerous iconic film scores, 3 p.m. at
14 REMARK 13 CODICIL Vero Beach High School PAC. 855-252-7276
19 TANG 16 PREFAB 30 My Life Flows on in Endless Song
22 CARDIFF 18 LARVA Spring Chorus Concert by members
23 CREAM 20 GAMUT of Vero Beach High School Mixed Choir, Men’s
24 LEAPT 21 ICON Choir and Women’s Choir, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC.
25 BEN $6 & $12. 772-564-5537
26 YET

Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.

$$$$ OR TRADE Certified Pedorthic Services
If you have an estate, or collection of antique or
modern guns for sale - no collection is too large or We also have a large variety
too small. Contact us and we will make an offer. of comfort footwear including:


$50.00 6PM THURSDAYS CALL AHEAD TO RSVP 953 Old Dixie Hwy,

772-581-0640 9090 N. US HWY 1 Sebastian, FL

M - F 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm • Closed Sun.

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