Bus plan rollout. P2 Legally speaking. P6 Double
dose of
3,000 students will be eligible Deputy county attorney named ‘Gypsy’
in schools’ revamped service. as interim replacement for Knox.
Two area
Page 12
THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 9 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Sobering initial report Medical pot shops
gives failing grades to our ... approved in most
zoning categories
A view of the Indian River Lagoon shoreline in south Melbourne Beach. [email protected]
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Indian River Lagoon Report Card Feb. PHOTO: GEORGE WHITE In about a year and a half,
[email protected] 22 at Florida Tech in Melbourne. Melbourne businessman Mi-
increased community awareness, as the chael C. Patterson hopes to be
When it comes to the Indian River Like the “before” picture in a com- later success stories of lagoon restora- licensed to grow and sell medi-
Lagoon, it was for Marine Resources parison advertisement, the greatest tion can be tracked and the supporting cal marijuana in the Viera area
Council (MRC) Executive Director challenge is the first edition because data can be presented to the public. so local patients won’t have to
Leesa Souto to put a positive spin on a presumably the good news comes later, get it from other counties.
failing grade during a sneak peak of the after substantive changes in policy and The bad news is that, as the study
nears completion after review from By then, he said last week,
he expects courts to resolve a
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 handful of lawsuits against the
state Department of Health’s Of-
fice of Medical Marijuana Use.
Other would-be growers have
objected to the state’s insistence
that medical marijuana can’t be
smoked – only processed into
edible forms for swallowing or
oils for e-cigarettes.
But for now, the Brevard
County Commission gave Pat-
terson and his potential patients
a big step forward last week by
approving medical-marijuana
dispensaries in all the commer-
Melbourne Beach’s luxury home market gets four additions ORCHARD OUTRAGE
Four new luxury homes are coming to the heart of
Melbourne Beach. The single-family attached hous-
es will be built at 406 and 408 Ocean Avenue, one lot
west of A1A, within easy walking distance of the river
and ocean.
Developed and built by Commercial Building
Corporation, one of the most active and successful
builders on the barrier island, the two-story homes
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 We got the bleat!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 Sport of sheep herding
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 24 finds enthusiastic support
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 15-18 REAL ESTATE 33-40 in Brevard County. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
3,000 students eligible in schools’ revamped free busing plan
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT bridge programs, academies and career busing provides access to programs that the county from where they live.
and technology education. perhaps were unavailable to students “They will be responsible for getting to
Parents with students in certain where transportation was a barrier. Now,
school choice programs will soon get re- The service will be free. the opportunities exist for all students.” either a regional bus stop or a hub bus
lief from the daily grind of driving their Students currently have the option stop, as opposed to driving them to the
kids to school. to apply to any program in the district Opponents of school choice have said school itself,” Archer said.
regardless of where they live, but they lack of transportation can limit student
Brevard Public Schools is introducing must provide their own transportation. opportunities to take advantage of spe- Archer said details such as when and
a revamped regional busing plan for stu- “Equitable access to this program is cialty and advanced offerings at schools how parents will sign up for the service,
dents who are enrolled in one of the dis- important to the district,” Stephanie Ar- across the county. and exact routes and stops, hasn’t been
trict’s 54 Educational Program Options, cher, assistant superintendent of Equity, finalized yet. She said parents should
including choice and magnet schools, Innovation and Choice, said. “Regional Archer estimated that some 3,000 stu- expect to receive that information ei-
International Baccalaureate and Cam- dents will be eligible for the regional bus- ther via the BPS website or messaging
ing program, which will have centralized through the parent dashboard they used
drop-off and pick-up points. Parents will to register their children for choice pro-
still have to get their students to those grams.
“We will communicate with them in
Still, Archer said, that will make it eas- terms of how to register their students,
ier for parents, some of whom drive their what time their students will be picked
children to school at the opposite end of up,” Archer said. “All of that will be
the National Estuary Program, it ap- The lagoon at Scout Island. PHOTO: GEORGE WHITE
pears the majority of the 156-mile In-
dian River Lagoon that extends from be complicated, but it was way more
Ponce De Leon Inlet in the north to than we thought deciding which in-
Jupiter Inlet in the south and is home dicators to use and which not to and
to 3,500 species would be considered the method of standardizing different
flunking. types of data (for comparison purpos-
es),” Souta said.
“We could just put an F on the en-
tire lagoon or, for management pur- The two-year, $180,000 study has
poses, we need to kind of do the gra- been so far funded by local founda-
dients of F,’’ Souto said. tions, private donors and a $47,000
grant from the National Estuary Pro-
Now less of a report card by switch- gram.
ing from letter grades A through F to
numeric scores, the researchers divid- It was inspired by the Chesapeake
ed the lagoon into 10 areas and cre- Bay Foundation’s annual community
ated a standardized scoring system, report, which includes repeatable sci-
ranging from 0 to 100. The document entific methods to measure progress
in its current form shows some pain- of restoration efforts, Souto said.
ful baseline numbers – all of which
would be considered an F. “It has a lot of data and charts in
there but it’s more about stories and the
The origins of the study go back to people behind the successful projects.
the Lagoon Action Assembly in 2014, That’s what I want to get to,’’ she said.
organized by MRC, in which 100 dele-
gates from a cross section of the com-
munity interested in consensus build-
ing looked for ways to restore the IRL.
One of the assembly’s top priorities
was the process and production of an
IRL report card.
The effort to culminate this spring
with its publication required valid
comparisons of a vast amount of data
from all areas of the Lagoon, and that
data needed to go back 20 years. Be-
cause of gaps, or concentrations of
study in only specific areas, the list of
criteria was pared down to measures
of chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorus,
seagrass depth and the turbidity of the
water as an aspect of water quality.
“We had over 20 to start with and
every time we had to eliminate an
indicator, we mourned because it’s
a lot of work. I knew it was going to
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 3
shared between now and June.” Athletic Complex in Indialantic. Archer said the revamped version is The district is also offering incentives
Draft plans posted online by BPS show Stops and routes will vary between being funded in conjunction with an to attract new bus drivers for the added
overall $3.7 million plan to buy new bus- regional routes. Those incentives in-
more than two dozen proposed regional high school and middle and elementary es for the district. A new school bus costs clude free commercial driver’s license
bus stops throughout the county. Three programs, and are divided into three re- $112,000, and the total cost for a single training, which normally costs an indi-
are beachside: Cocoa Beach Junior/Se- gions – north, central and south. bus to operate per school year is about vidual $3,000 to $5,000 to obtain on their
nior High school, the Satellite Teen Cen- $52,000. own.
ter in Satellite Beach, and the Hoover A similar busing system was discon-
tinued in 2013 due to budget cuts.
4 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Grove owner Okie LoPresti at Nick’s Island Tropical Fruit on Merritt Island, where three exotic orchard trees were illegally chopped down. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD MEDICAL MARIJUANA
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER of tree that was destroyed Jan. 26 by of something and hopefully making a cial, industrial or some tourist zoning
[email protected] what appears to have been a battery- profit, ‘’ he said. districts where pharmacies are already
powered electric saw. allowed.
A $5,000 reward is being offered for LoPresti put up a relatively large
information leading to the arrest of “At 8 a.m. that morning I didn’t no- sign on South Tropical Trail about “I think it’s great,” Patterson, manager
those involved with the Jan. 26 illegal tice anything but maybe I just didn’t the $5,000 reward offered for infor- of U.S. Cannabis Pharmaceutical Re-
chopping down of three established look. I came back at 11:30, I dropped mation about the incident. search & Development LLC, said later.
exotic orchard trees grown from seed back by and I noticed foliage close to “It’s about time.”
at Nick’s Island Tropical Fruit, 60 Hill- the ground. I knew something was Brevard Council Sheriff’s Office
iard Lane, Merritt Island. not right. I immediately called the spokesman Tod Goodyear said re- Floridians in November 2016 voted
Sheriff’s Office,’’ he said. wards often are offered, but this one in a 71 percent majority, more than the
The reward is being offered by is a little larger than normal. He con- 60 percent needed, to amend the state
grove owner Okie LoPresti, born and The 10-year-old trees were worth firmed that the BCSO is investigating constitution by legalizing marijuana for
raised in Brevard County, an elec- about $1,000 per tree, and, when ripe the incident. medical purposes. Brevard County vot-
trical engineer who in 2000 started in August, each yields about $400 or ers echoed the same percent majority.
a palm tree nursery growing exotic 100 pounds of fruit, he said. “We have victims who offer re-
palms and cycads on South Merritt wards thinking that the monetary The amendment gave specialized
island. Most of the customers who fre- amount might generate interest and doctors the authority to recommend
quent the grove are Asian, Indian, usable information. Five-thousand marijuana for patients with HIV, AIDS,
He expanded his operation a cou- Hispanic or islanders, he said. (dollars) might shake that loose in terminal cancer, Crohn’s disease, Par-
ple miles north to include a you-pick this case,’’ he said. kinson’s disease, epilepsy, multiple scle-
grove for Agritourism called Nick’s “I am the only one around that has rosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or
Island Tropical Fruit in honor of his some of these. I have multiple gen- If you have any information regard- post-traumatic stress disorder
son. The grove now has areas of ful- erations of families that come here ing this incident, contact the Brevard
ly-established trees yielding mango, and bring their kids and remember- County Sheriff’s Office at 321 633-7162 The Rev. Tom Unrath, pastor of Co-
Thai guava, starfruit, wax jamboo, av- ing picking these back in India. I (press 4) and request to speak with coa’s Messiah Evangelical Lutheran
ocados, lychees and longan, the type want my son Nick to learn the whole Deputy A. Eichner #4150. Reference case Church, hailed medical marijuana as a
process, the sweat equity, taking care number: 2018-00030630. relief from his multiple sclerosis. He told
commissioners Feb. 20 of his struggles
with finding relief.
“The pain was so bad I couldn’t stand
it,” he said. “But the pharmacies could
only fill a prescription for opioids.”
The nuts and bolts of making medical
marijuana a reality here has taken lon-
ger than the concept.
Commissioners first imposed a mora-
torium in October on medical-marijua-
na dispensaries after seeing where they
could be located throughout the county.
They wanted more restrictions on loca-
But while Florida law allows cities and
counties to ban medical-marijuana dis-
pensaries, the state prevents those local
governments that allow the dispensa-
ries to regulate them more than they do
Planning and Development Director
Tad Calkins’ answer was to limit new
pharmacies along with dispensaries to
parcels on major roads and with avail-
able water and sewer service.
On Feb. 20, commissioners voted 5-0
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 5
to reject Calkins’ restrictions. Commis- And the moratorium itself, which she go wherever a CVS or a Walgreens can reading on March 6. But the commission
sion Vice Chairwoman Kristine Isnardi, opposed in October, wasn’t fair to the go,” she said. didn’t need a second reading without the
who won the motion, said she didn’t patients awaiting relief. restrictions.
think it fair to add new restrictions for The moratorium is still there, Calkins
pharmacies because of the medical- Isnardi, a registered nurse of Palm Bay, said later. But it will sunset on March 9, at The cities of Satellite Beach, Palm Bay,
marijuana facilities. The county already said she has seen victims of opioid abuse the end of this year’s session of the Flor- Palm Shores and Rockledge also passed
regulates pharmacies, she said. and knows of medical marijuana grant- ida Legislature. Calkins said his original ordinances recently for medical-mari-
ing relief. “They (dispensaries) can now proposal would have required a second juana dispensaries, Calkins added.
6 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
4 NEW LUXURY HOMES the option of a guest house above the offered for $699,000. A guest suite over the needed permits and approvals. Con-
garage,” says Winkler. “There is a pool the garage will bump the price up to struction will start as soon as one unit is
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 option as well. $751,000 and give the residences a total sold.
of 4 bedrooms and 4.5 baths.
separated by breezeways appear in a Units 1 and 4 – the end units – will Winkler and his partner Jeff Parker,
rendering supplied by the developer to be 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath homes with a Mayerhoeffer says the desirability of vice president of CBC, have built ap-
be in a tropical transitional style, with study on each floor and 2,730 square the homes is enhanced by their loca- proximately 300 homes between the Se-
nicely blended Old Florida and British feet of living space, plus the 2-car ga- tion. Besides being just two blocks from bastian Inlet and Indialantic, including
West Indies architectural elements. rages, and will be offered for $669,900. the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the some 175 in Aquarina Beach and Coun-
If the buyer opts for a guest suite above same distance from the Indian River La- try Club where the partners have two ac-
The houses will be going up on the the garage, the homes will have a total goon on the other, residents of the bou- tive subdivisions nearing sell-out.
MLS in the next week or so, with prices of 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths and cost tique development will be a short stroll
starting at $669,900, according to Car- $729,900. from two parks, the town library, the “It is noteworthy that Dan and Jeff
ola Mayerhoeffer, who is co-listing the town government center, a full-service have achieved most of their success in a
properties with fellow Treasure Coast Middle units 2 and 3 will be 3-bed- grocery store and dozens of shops and small, close-knit community,” says Mike
Sotheby’s agent Renee Winkler. room 3.5-bath homes with a study on restaurants, including both casual and Brown Jr., a banker with 26 years of ex-
each floor and 3,052 square feet of liv- fine dining. perience in development financing who
“They start at 2,730 square feet of liv- ing space, plus 2-car garage, and will be has funded a number of CBC projects.
ing area, with two-car garages, and have “It is a huge advantage to be able to
walk to all those places,” says Mayer- “With so many former customers all
hoeffer. around, you have to be outstanding to
pull that off.”
The setting is charming as well as
convenient, with a number of historical Brown, executive vice president and
homes, 4-star B&Bs, a town fishing pier, chief lending officer at Harbor Com-
and lots of towering palms and mature munity Bank in Fort Pierce – which was
shade trees. recently acquired by CenterState Banks,
Inc. – calls the developers “innovative
The seaside village is less than two and passionate,” and says they “have a
miles from the Melbourne Causeway, great partnership – Dan as the design
a quick route to Melbourne’s historic innovator and Jeff as the guy that brings
dining and shopping district and other CBC’s ideas to reality.”
mainland amenities and services.
“Lots of builders do single homes in
Commercial Building Corporation, existing subdivisions, one-offs, but Dan
better known as CBC, bought the .67- and Jeff have a stellar track record of de-
acre lot where the homes will be built for veloping fine, architecturally-themed
$700,000 in 2016, according to county communities,” says Michael Thorpe, co-
property records. CBC owner Dan Win- owner of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Inter-
kler says it took about a year to get all national Realty.
Knox deputy named interim county attorney
STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT will seek the job permanently.
[email protected] Her resume shows she joined the
Brevard County Attorney Scott county staff in 1986 after work in the
Knox, who is retiring in late March af- private sector and a law clerk post with
ter 24 years on the job, got most of his the 2nd District Court of Appeal in
wish last week when county commis- Lakeland. After joining the county, she
sioners pondered how to replace him. spent 19 years as an assistant county
In a 5-0 vote, the County attorney, advising the com-
Commission on Feb. 20 mission on land-use issues.
promoted Deputy County She was promoted to depu-
Attorney Eden Bentley to ty county attorney in 2005.
the position of interim
county attorney until com- Knox’s last day on the job
missioners can find a per- will be March 23, but the
manent replacement. retirement becomes final
on March 30 after a week of
“I was very honored,” vacation.
Bentley, 58, of Cocoa, said Eden
after the meeting. “I greatly Bentley. He recommended Bent-
appreciated their com- ley for the interim post,
ments having to do with the quality of calling her “qualified and
my work.” eminently capable.”
But commissioners disagreed with
“I’m very confident with Eden Bent- Knox’s preference that Bentley hold
ley,” said commission Chairwoman the position until two possible new
Rita Pritchett of Titusville. “I think commissioners help vote on a full-
she’ll step in flawlessly.” time successor after the November
“I am more than confident Miss Isnardi won the motion to promote
Bentley can sit as the interim attorney,” Bentley, but also to have Human Re-
Vice Chairwoman Isnardi of Palm Bay sources Director Jerry Visco start com-
said. “I welcome and encourage her to piling criteria for a new county attor-
apply for the (permanent) position.” ney in the coming weeks and advertise
the opening before the election.
Bentley, a Lakeland native, later said
she hasn’t decided yet whether she
Logan Laub with Devon
We got the bleat: Sheep
herding comes to Brevard
8 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
We got the bleat: Sheep herding comes to Brevard
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT game. At all. But they come and they dog picks the sheep up and that’s sprouted dozens of campers and
[email protected] go; he had a good run yesterday.” called the lift, he then brings the trailers as participants stayed on-
sheep back to you at the handler’s site with portable kennels for their
Devon looked at his partner, Lo- Ireland has confidence in Laub: post, that’s the fetch. As you turn working dogs, mostly border collies.
gan, and understood without words “He’s excelled incredibly. He’s ma- the corner to the panels (the sheep “Most people have come a long way
the job at hand. He raced down the tured. A year ago, he could barely get must pass between the two panels), to be here. There are about 20 states
field, 200 yards away, leaving Logan a dog around a course, and now, he’s that’s called the drive and you come represented,” Ireland said.
to stand alone. In minutes, Devon re- won several events.” across to more panels, that’s called
turned with three wide-eyed sheep the cross drive. Then you come from He has 16 sheep of his own but
who had no intention of cooperating Participants speak an arcane lan- those panels to the pen, and that’s rented 85 Katahdin, or hair sheep,
further. guage, using terminology unknown still part of the drive. Then you get to for the trials. “You’ll notice that they
to the ears of most city dwellers and the pen (the sheep must go into the don’t have wool,” he pointed out to
Devon, a 5-year-old border collie, suburbanites. Yet the sport has a pen) and then the shed (the sheep the visitor who thought the sheep
and Logan Laub, a 15-year-old hu- worldwide following with televised are driven into and must not leave a looked a little like goats.
man, are a team in the sport of sheep trials in the United Kingdom, Ire- 40-meter circumference circle out-
herding. This particular run would land, Canada, Australia, New Zea- lined with shavings).” Many herders run more than one
be chalked up as a lesson learned as land and the United States. dog at trials and this competition
they failed to coax the sheep through This trial, one of several held in was no different. That means a lot of
a course set in an eight-acre pasture “Everything you see in a trial has Central Florida each winter, attract- dogs. “There are 150 dogs here today,
dotted with pine trees. a real-life application on the farm. ed herders and their dogs from as far yet you would never know. They’re
When you drive the sheep around away as France. all very well behaved. You don’t make
Laub, of Indialantic, was one of the course, that’s a skill to show that it up to this level by being silly.”
the youngest participants in a three- your dog can work remotely and con- “There are 20 Canadians. Tracy
day gathering last weekend of inter- trol the animals,” Ireland said. Hinton of Ontario is one of the top The very Scottish Stuart Ballan-
national herders at That’ll Do Farm handlers in the nation. She won’t tell tyne, of Craigmalloch Border Col-
in Malabar. Host Dr. Mark Ireland He explained the course: “Basi- you that. We have France, Spain, Ire- lies in Grant-Valkaria, designed
is owner of the farm, a working-dog cally, you have the outrun, then your land, Scotland,” he said. the weekend trial’s course. He also
enthusiast and a longtime Satellite served as the setter, putting the
Beach family physician. Hinton, who has a farm an hour group of sheep in place at the far end
north of Toronto, took first place of the field to await the dogs. Ballan-
Though young, the Melbourne with her dog Lad. tyne ran his dog Craig, a 6-year-old
High School sophomore is familiar smooth coat male, about 3:30 p.m.
with the highs and lows of competi- “I compete all over North America “It was a solid run, not a winning
tive sheep herding. The day before, but we come here every year for a run,” he said of Craig’s performance.
Laub ran three dogs in the trials and bit of a vacation. I went to a trial in He noted that the first dog Laub had
came away with a second, a third Waycross, Georgia, there was one ever run was his dog Daisie, who was
and a sixth place. in Fellsmere and there as one just assisting this day in setting up the
around the corner here at Asher Dell sheep.
“It’s very unpredictable. You don’t Farm and this one. So it’s nice that
know what your dog’s going to do and you can put them together and enjoy The world of sheep herding in Bre-
what the sheep are going to be like,” the sun,” she said. vard County is small and competi-
Laub said after shutting the sheep in tive and nothing if not supportive.
their pen, adding, “He was not on his The east side of That’ll Do Farm
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 9
Farm owner Dr. Mark Ireland with Joanne Korn. Gordon Watt, Sharon Allswede and Kerry Watt from Wisconsin.
Announcer/participant Lucy Lilien with dog Ben. Cheryl Williams with Ruby from Pennsylvania.
Frederic Bonnet and Sabine Ehlers from France. Dee Bailes with Nite.
12 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Gypsy’: Two stagings of a one-of-a-kind musical
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH Correspondent Laura Hodos as Mama Rose.
When it comes to American musicals PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
with staying power, “Gypsy” is a force of
nature. Kyle McDonald as Herbie
and Laura Hodos.
The original 1959 production starred
Ethel Merman, one of the biggest names
in American musical theater, as Mama
Rose, and although it was passed over
for awards, it ran for nearly two years on
Broadway. This giant role has attracted
big names to star in four Broadway re-
vivals – Angela Lansbury (1974), Tyne
Daly (1989), Bernadette Peters (2003)
and Patti LuPone (2008). The much bal-
lyhooed 2015 West End production is
scheduled to transplant to Broadway
later this year. That one will star Imelda
Staunton, who was Dolores Umbridge
in the 2007 movie “Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix.”
In addition, Rosalind Russell por-
trayed her in a 1962 film and Bette
Midler took on the role for a television
adaptation in 1993.
Now, there are two productions
designed to enthrall area theater pa-
trons. One at Brevard’s north county
community theater, Titusville Play-
house, and another, 80 miles south, at
Sarah Mills as Dainty June and
Her Salute to America.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 13
ARTS & THEATRE Sarah Mills.
Women in center, from left: Danielle Irigoyen
(Louise), Laura Hodos (Rose) and Sarah Mills (June).
Riverside Theatre, Vero Beach’s pro- is TPI’s first production of “Gypsy.” and screamed at an audience member Stop taking pictures of me. You aren’t
fessional theater. “That’s kind of cool since the who was trying to take a photograph allowed.”
of her as she began her big number,
TPI’s production stars popular pro- Playhouse is originally a vaudeville “Rose’s Turn.” “She went on this tirade, worked her-
fessional Orlando actor Laura Hodos house,” he said. self into a tizzy, left the stage for five
as Mama Rose. Broadway performer He described the remarkable mo- seconds, then stormed back on and
Jacquelyn Piro Donovan will star in Riverside Theatre brought back pop- ment like this: screamed some more, two or three
the Riverside production. Interest- ular director James Brennan for its pro- times,” Heron said. “Finally, the usher
ingly, both actors portrayed Fantine duction of the musical. The scene before “Rose’s Turn” is was like ‘Patti, Patti, we’ve removed
in “Les Miserables.” when Rose and Gypsy (Laura Bena- them from the audience.’
“Our concept is based on the fact that nti) are in the dressing room. In that
Based on the memoirs of the legend- show business is at the heart of all this production, the director (Arthur Lau- “She looked at the audience and said,
ary Gypsy Rose Lee, the musical has ambition,” Brennan said. “So we are in rents) has them fighting then circling ‘I’ll continue now for all of you who re-
book by Arthur Laurents, music by the world of theatre in the 20s and so each other in silence, “… like lion- spect the art.’ The stage manager came
Jule Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sond- you will see the sets changed around esses stalking their prey,” Heron said. on and said, ‘OK, Patti, let’s start at the
heim. Subtitled “A Musical Fable,” the the actors, by the stagehands of the 20s. There was a tense silence when some- top of the number.’”
story begins at the heyday of vaudeville. Our production takes place on a vaude- one’s cell phone went off. Then three
Mama Rose, the quintessential stage ville stage, populated by vaudevillians, seconds later, it rang again. Benanti While neither Titusville Playhouse
mother, hauls her two daughters, June in an era when vaudeville was dying. broke the scene, put her hands up to nor Riverside Theatre directors ex-
and Louise, through the vaudeville This is its last hurrah. the audience and said, “What the hell” pect the same kind of excitement in
circuit. Soon, though, June runs off to and left the stage. these more genteel climes, they do
marry and with the passing of vaude- “We also find ourselves in the bur- expect some big, bold energy to come
ville, Mama Rose’s efforts become less lesque world, because the economy That moment led up to the Lu- out of “Gypsy.”
profitable. Trying to make a living, Lou- was about to crash, and people had to Pone meltdown. She was about to sing
ise turns to burlesque. survive as best they could.” “Rose’s Turn.” A curtain went up behind “This is such a quintessential stage
her, revealing the orchestra and appar- business show,” Nathan said. “The (big)
The show has big musical numbers Brennan is especially intrigued at the ently encouraging an audience mem- energy is something I’ve tried to cap-
including “Everything’s Coming Up mother’s story. Rose Hovick was mother ber to take a photo. ture in my production.”
Roses,” “Let Me Entertain You” and the not only to Gypsy Rose Lee but also to
hysterical “Ya Gotta Get a Gimmick” June Havoc, the 1940s film actress. (Yes, She halted and yelled out, “Stop it! “A theatrical saga, told in theatri-
sung by a trio of strippers. they were sisters.) cal terms, by theatrical people, about
theatrical people, welcoming you into
Steven Heron, artistic director for Ti- “The leading character is a force of their world of way-back-when,” Bren-
tusville Playhouse, chose “Gypsy” be- nature,” he said. “Rose Hovick … is a nan said. “Who could resist that?”
cause, frankly, he wanted a big hit that character that embodies all that is hu-
women especially love. man, good and bad. She is dissatisfied “Gypsy” runs through March 18 at Ti-
with her life, haunted by disappoint- tusville Playhouse, 301 Julia St., Titus-
“It’s the ultimate stage mother show,” ment, afraid of being ordinary and ville. Tickets are $23 to $29. Call 321-268-
he said. “I think every woman has to scarred by an unhappy childhood. 1125 or visit TitusvillePlayhouse.com.
step into her shoes. Laura Hodos heard
it described as the ‘King Lear for wom- “She is also ambitious, self-sufficient, “Gypsy” opens March 6 and runs
en.’ It really is.” strong in her convictions and deter- through March 25 at Riverside Theatre,
mined to get what she wants. She has 3250 Riverside Park Drive, Vero Beach.
The production’s director, Alexander a yearning for life that I envy. Her emo- Tickets start at $35. Call 772-231-6990 or
Nathan, said his concept was to capture tions run deep. And she is obnoxious. visit RiversideTheatre.com.
that time when vaudeville was giving There is at least something for everyone
over to burlesque. to identify with.”
“It’s the Depression,” he said. “This Those characters traits certainly
is not a pretty, glamorous era. It’s a were embodied by LuPone near the end
gritty era.” of her show’s run.
Heron is especially pleased that this Heron was at the performance when
LuPone famously stopped the show
14 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Tasty musical treats abound in Brevard
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER memories of mom and dad dancing
[email protected] to the radio in the living room. This
Wednesday and Thursday, the 22-piece
1 From Brahms to Broadway to Big Big Band, Swingtime, under the direc-
Band, you’ve got lots to choose tion of tenor and baritone saxophon-
ist Art Martin, will spark lots of those
from this week: On Saturday, Maestro memories, via the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s
in “Back in Time,” a free concert at the
Christopher Confessore and the Bre- Melbourne Auditorium. Martin’s bona
fides include performing with the Jim-
vard Symphony Orchestra return to my Dorsey Orchestra, Dizzy Gillespie
and the Platters, among others. Len
the King Center to perform “Schubert, Fallen, Sally Hart and the Swingtimers
Vocal Trio will be getting’ down, as well,
Barber and Dvorak.” The concert and, when the doors open at 6:30 p.m.,
the New Horizons Band will do a pre-
opens with Schubert’s Overture to “Ro- show show. Show time is 7:30 p.m. It’s
free, no tickets required. 321-724-0555.
samunde,” a tale of palace intrigue and
murder, but best known for Schubert’s
music. The concert’s featured solo-
ist will be young and gifted violinist
Paul Huang, whose multiple awards
include the highly prized Lincoln Cen-
ter Award for Emerging Artists and the
Avery Fisher Award. Huang will per-
form Pulitzer- and Grammy-winning
composer Samuel Barber’s Violin Con- 5 Another Broadway hit is on the
boards at the Henegar: Opening
certo. To round out the evening in dra- 1 Maestro Christoper Confessore and the Brevard
Symphony Orchestra at the King Center Saturday.
matic style, the orchestra will perform March 9, “Peter and the Starcatcher”
Czech composer Antonin Dvorak’s says the Henegar promo, upends the
2 “The Secret Garden” at the Cocoa Village Playhouse March 9. 5 “Peter and the Starcatcher” at the Henegar March 9.
Sixth Symphony, in which, according in a cholera epidemic. She is sent from ter for Performing Arts. According to century-old story of “how a miser-
to Wikipedia, he “manages to cap- India to Yorkshire to live with relatives Wikipedia, it took Brahms 14 years to able orphan comes to be The Boy Who
ture some of the Czech national style she has never met, her cold and distant complete his Symphony No. 1, partly Would Not Grow Up (a.k.a. you-know-
within a standard Germanic classical- uncle and his sickly son. When Mary because he was super self-critical, and who).” This delightful musical is an
romantic form.” Show times are 2 p.m. and a young gardener discover and partly because he was intimidated that unabashedly, wildly theatrical take on
and 8 p.m. Tickets are $39 to $50. 321- bring back to life a neglected “magical” people expected him to assume the Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson’s best-
242-2024. garden on the estate, lives bloom again musical mantel of the great Beethoven. selling novels, providing back stories,
as well. A Broadway revival of this tale It was an immediate success, and well if you will, for Peter Pan, Wendy, Hook
2 “There were countless moments of forgiveness and renewal is scheduled worth the wait. As an ardent romantic, and Mrs. Darling, and serving as a pre-
in ‘The Secret Garden’ I wish I for next season. The Cocoa Village pro- Schumann created works filled with quel to J.M. Barrie’s “Peter and Wendy,”
duction runs through March 25. Tickets sensitivity and color. In his Symphony explains Wikipedia. From marauding
could have captured in my mind for- are $22 and $24. 321-636-5050. No. 4, Schumann creates a musical pirates and jungle tyrants to unwilling
journey “from darkness into a blaze of comrades and unlikely heroes, Playbill.
ever,” raved the BroadwayWorld.com light,” notes Wikipedia. The music be- com says, “’Peter and the Starcatcher’
gins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25. Students playfully explores the depths of greed
critic of the multiple Tony-winning and people under 18, free. and despair… and the bonds of friend-
ship, duty and love.” Show times are
1991 musical “The Secret Garden,” 3 Ah, romance. If you seek mu- Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays,
sic which “has charms to sooth 2 p.m., through March 25. Tickets, $16
opening at the Cocoa Village Playhouse to $25. 321-723-8698.
next Friday, March 9. Adopted from the a savage breast,” this concert could
novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, this be the one: This Saturday, the Space
compelling musical is the story of a Coast Symphony Orchestra will pres- 4 There’s nothing quite like a Big
Band tune to bring on a wave of
10-year-old English girl, Mary Lennox, ent “Romantic Masterpieces, Brahms
born in the British Raj and orphaned and Schumann” at the Scott Cen- top-tapping nostalgia, maybe trigger
TrueBeam surgery still on
‘cutting edge’ as cancer-killer
16 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
TrueBeam surgery still on ‘cutting edge’ as cancer-killer
[email protected]
Newly arrived radiation oncologist
Dr. Paul Pagnini of the Scully-Welsh
cancer center is up for a knife fight.
Sort of.
That might seem wildly out of char-
acter for this personable graduate of
the Tufts University School of Medi-
cine, but there is method to Pagnini’s
Back in 2014, before the Vero
Beach cancer center’s doors had even
opened, one of the most impressive
pieces of high-tech cancer-fighting
equipment ever developed, the True-
Beam STx stereotactic radio-surgery
system, was being set up at the Indian
River Medical Center in a special room
with walls, ceilings and floors encased
in 50 tons worth of lead.
Today, that TrueBeam system, ac-
cording to the Norton Cancer Insti-
tute, remains “the latest and most
advanced technology in the world for
treating cancer.”
Like other forms of radiation thera-
py, stereotactic radio-surgery works by
damaging the DNA of the targeted tu-
Experience the fusion of
traditional values and
modern dentistry.
Collins & Montz
Dr. Paul Pagnini and radiation
therapist Allison Votzi
demonstrate the Truebeam.
At Collins & Montz, DMD, mor cells, says the Mayo Clinic, adding put the project on hold. Years later, in
we will focus on improving every that it “causes tumors to shrink and 1967, the first radiation tool for treat-
aspect of your smile for optimal blood vessels to close-off, robbing the ing brain tumors – called a “Gamma
appearance, function, and tumor of its blood supply,” effectively Knife” – was finally developed and put
comfort through our general killing the cancer. into use.
family dentistry, and restorative
procedures such as dental So what about that knife fight? Two decades after that, in the 1980s,
implants. Our comprehensive Well, the idea of treating cancers Dr. John R. Adler, a professor of neu-
range of services and dedication through radiation isn’t exactly a new one. rosurgery and radiation oncology at
of quality set us apart. Call today In the 1950s two Swedish professors Stanford University Medical Center,
to schedule your appointment. first conceived the idea of combin- developed the “CyberKnife” system,
ing radiation with stereotactic guid- which allowed radiation oncologists
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 ance or 3-D imaging to pinpoint and to treat tumors anywhere in the body.
attack tumors within the brain, but
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM the complexity and cost of the effort The TrueBeam system in use at
Scully Welsh today is even more ad-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 17
Head Radiation therapist cancer patient might be suitable for what we’re trying to do here.”
Ellen Benson assists the TrueBeam and get a cure with that, In the meantime, Dr. Abraham Wu,
Dr. Paul Pagnini. or they may have a diffuse, distant or
refractory disease that you can’t tar- director of the radiation oncology
According to the get. There’s just too much of it for the residency training program at Memo-
Norton Cancer TrueBeam.” rial Sloan Kettering, says that while
Center Institute, the there are “a lot of different machines
TrueBeam system “If we put them on Keytruda or and a lot of different marketing terms
remains “the latest OPDIVO [instead of doing radiologic thrown around,” he relies on the True-
and most advanced surgery], these immunotherapies or Beam option and that certainly ap-
technology in the targeted therapies based on their mo- pears to put Pagnini and the rapidly
world for treating lecular genetics, we might hit a home developing Scully-Welsh program into
run and cure them. some very good company.
“So what we want to focus on is hav- Dr. Paul Pagnini is now with the
ing options and a multidisciplinary Scully-Welsh cancer center at 3355 10th
approach. If a patient is a suitable can- Court in Vero Beach. His phone number
didate for a [different] technology, we is 772-226-4810.
can give that to them, too. And that’s
vanced than Dr. Adler’s system. And
According to Pagnini, with the
TrueBeam system “you can do radio-
surgery in 10 minutes. The same treat-
ment with the CyberKnife could take
up to an hour.”
Part of why Pagnini was recruited
from the University of Southern Cali-
fornia in Los Angeles was to help build
what he calls “a very strong radiation
oncology and neurosurgery team and
a great radio-surgery program” here
in Vero Beach, and helping to educate
the public about the capability of the
TrueBeam technology goes hand in
glove with that task.
One issue Pagnini faces is that both
the Gamma Knife and CyberKnife
tools are decades older than the True-
Beam and so are more familiar to
some people.
In his brief time here, Pagnini says,
he’s already heard people say, “I’m
gonna drive down to Jupiter to the
CyberKnife or to Palm beach to the
Gamma Knife, or up to Melbourne,”
even though a faster, more accurate
option is available right here in Vero
At the same time, Pagnini is quick
to note TrueBeam treatment is not the
best therapy in all cases.
“Let me tell you something,” Pag-
nini says. “Cancer is complicated and
any center that treats cancer has to
be multidisciplinary in nature. A lung
18 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Technology expands range of at-home exercise options
STORY BY STEPHANIE KANOWITZ FLY Anywhere users pay $39 per cast and for Android devices this year.) “That accountability keeps them on
The Washington Post month to stream live classes – four to six By comparison, a single Flywheel class track with what their goals are, but they
are offered five days a week – or choose at the two D.C.-area locations costs $30. don’t have to be in the gym, all made
It used to be that working out at home from a library of about 100 archived ones up, all dressed up in this quasi-meat
meant donning leg warmers and pop- through Apple TV, an iOS device or a $400 Based on high-intensity interval train- market just to get their workout done,”
ping a Jane Fonda or Richard Simmons optional built-in display on the bike, ing, the classes are available in 20-, 30- Daikeler said.
tape into the VCR. These days, though, which costs $1,699. (Flywheel Sports) and 45-minute lengths, and three for-
technology has made the at-home exer- mats: Method, an interval-heavy ride Use your weight to work out: Func-
cise options seem endless. “If you can just go to a YouTube chan- with hills and sprints; Power, which has tional training – movement your body
nel and do a 15-minute class free, that ab- longer races and steeper hills; and Beats, is designed to do using your weight – is
There are big-box gyms that bring solutely opens you up to a lot more things a rhythm-based ride. one of the easiest in-home workouts
personal trainers to you through apps. that you might be willing to try,” said because it doesn’t require much, if any,
For instance, Gold’s Gym launched Todd Miller, director of George Wash- The bike is Bluetooth-enabled so equipment, and online how-to videos
Gold’s AMP in October as a “digital ington University’s Weight Management that Flywheel could incorporate its are plentiful, said Derrick Inglut, a per-
personal trainer” that coaches users and Human Performance Laboratory. Torqboard performance-tracking sonal trainer based in Washington and
through workouts, including walking, technology into FLY Anywhere. It West Hollywood.
running, biking and rowing, for $9.99 This trend hasn’t made gyms obsolete, lets riders see how they’re doing com-
per month. though. pared with virtual classmates. Home rid- “Try to do two pushing exercises, two
ers can also use Pacer, a feature studio- pulling, two legs and two abs over the
Boutique fitness studios are also going The number of consumers in the Unit- goers don’t get, which lets them set goals week,” Inglut said. “Generally, that cov-
digital. In November, Flywheel Sports, ed States who used a health club in 2016 such as sprinting faster than they did ers all the major muscle groups.”
which has 42 indoor cycling studios na- broke records, at 66 million, according to during their last ride.
tionwide, began selling FLY Anywhere, a the International Health, Racquet and Push exercises include push-ups on
bike and streaming content platform. Sportsclub Association. FLY Anywhere will also add access to the floor or against a wall and triceps ex-
Precision Training, which includes 10-, tensions, while examples of pull moves
This year, ClassPass, which pro- The driver behind the popularity of 20- and 30-minute off-the-bike sessions include pull-ups and biceps curls.
vides access to thousands of brick- brick-and-mortar gyms? Motivation. targeting the upper and lower body, core
and-mortar gyms, will start streaming and strength. Avoid boredom by changing moves
workouts through ClassPass Live for “That’s the problem with home ex- periodically, Inglut said, but realize
$15 a month. It’s little surprise then ercise. Unless you’re intrinsically mo- App subscription: Beachbody has that building strength takes time. “If
that online streaming by health clubs tivated – that is, you’re doing it for per- long banked on people’s desire to work you’re doing the same thing over and
and fitness studios ranked high on the sonal reasons – things get in the way,” out at home, offering video workout se- over, obviously you’re more likely to
American Council of Exercise’s list of said Walt Thompson, president of the ries such as P90X, which House Speaker plateau, but you do need to repeat ex-
2018 fitness trends. American College of Sports Medicine. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) famously touted in ercises to get better at them,” he said. “I
“The gym, on the other hand, provides 2012. In March 2015, Beachbody on De- try not to repeat things more than once
“The consumer wants specialization, you the social support and the extrin- mand came online, offering unlimited a month unless it’s a standard exercise
they want community, and they want it sic motivation.” access to more than 700 exercise pro- like a push-up, a sit-up, a crunch or
whenever, wherever they can get it,” said grams, which can be streamed to a com- anything cardio.”
Sarah Robb O’Hagan, Flywheel’s chief Whatever the venue or cost, the big- puter, TV or mobile device, for $99 a year
executive officer. gest indicator that someone will stick – compared with the $60 on average that
with a workout program is enjoyment, gymgoers pay per month. Since then, it’s
Other options have no association Miller added. “The most effective exer- grown by 188 percent and gets about 5
with a physical location. These include cise is the one that you’re going to do,” million page views each month.
free YouTube or Instagram videos, he said.
and subscription services with brand “An important aspect of an in-home
names such as Beachbody, a fitness Here are three at-home options for ev- workout is you’ve got some sort of peer
and nutrition program that gets more ery budget. accountability, that you feel connected
than 5 million monthly unique visits to to some community, even if it’s vir-
its digital platforms. Bring a cycling studio to you: FLY Any- tual,” said Carl Daikeler, Beachbody’s
where users pay $39 a month to stream CEO. That’s why the program includes
A recent search for “workout videos” live classes – four to six are offered five coaches who run challenge groups
on YouTube yielded 62 million results, days a week – or choose from a library of through Google Hangouts or Zoom
including Leslie Sansone’s “1 Mile in about 100 archived ones through Apple calls, to push accountability.
Home Walk” and FitnessBlender’s “1,000 TV, an iOS device or a $400 optional built-
Calorie Workout.” in display on the $1,699 bike. (Classes will
also be available on Roku and Chrome-
Children’s deaths from flu climb sharply, CDC reports
STORY BY LENA H. SUN son may finally be starting to plateau. swine flu pandemic. The week ending hospitalizations and deaths, especial-
The Washington Post The CDC’s latest weekly report shows on Saturday, Feb. 10 was the first one in ly among children, people older than
which that indicator did not increase. 65 and those with certain chronic
Flu has killed 22 more children, the that the percentage of doctor visits for conditions.
most reported since the respiratory fever, cough and other flu symptoms The number of reported child deaths
virus began slamming the country in was the same during the week of Feb. 4 probably does not include all children
the fall, according to a government to Feb. 10 as the week before – about 1 who have died of influenza since the
report released last Friday. The total in every 13 visits. season began in October. States are
number of flu-related child deaths is not required to report adult flu deaths.
now at least 84. The figures are based on updated
data and now show the percentage of It has been a particularly harsh
But other indicators from the Cen- Americans seeking medical care for several months, because the pre-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention such symptoms to be just slightly low- dominant strain circulating is one
suggest that this vicious influenza sea- er than peak levels during the 2009-10 associated with more complications,
20 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
On any given day, a half dozen autonomous cars been reported. This mapping service is different than for people and we are working to expand the utility
could be mapping the same street corner in Silicon the high-definition maps that Waymo, another Al- to our maps to cars,” a Google spokeswoman said
Valley. These cars, each from a different company, phabet unit, is creating for its autonomous vehicles. in a statement. She declined to comment on future
are all doing the same thing: building high-definition plans.
street maps, which may eventually serve as an on- Google’s mapping project is focused on so-called
board navigation guide for driverless vehicles. driver-assistance systems that enable cars to au- At the same time, Waymo and the other giants
with sizable driverless research arms – including
Autonomous cars require powerful sensors to tomate some driving features and help them see General Motors Co., Uber Technologies Inc. and Ford
see and advanced software to think. They especially what’s ahead or around a corner. Google released Motor Co. – are all sending out their own fleets to cre-
need up-to-the-minute maps of every conceivable an early version of this in December, called Vehicle ate rich, detailed HD maps for use in driverless cars.
roadway to move. Whoever owns the most detailed Mapping Service, that incorporates sensor data from
and expansive version of these maps that vehicles cars into their maps. There are also smaller startups hawking gadgets
read will own an asset worth billions. or specialized software to build these maps for au-
For now, Google is offering it to carmakers that tomakers that find themselves farther behind. Still
Which is how you get an all-out mapping war, use Android Automotive, the company’s embedded other suppliers are working on mapping services for
with dozens of contenders entering into a dizzying operating system for cars. Google has named three conventional cars with limited robotic features, such
array of alliances and burning tens of millions of in- partners for that system to date, but other automak- as adaptive cruise control or night vision.
vestment dollars in pursuit of a massive payoff. ers are reluctant to hand their dashboards over to the
search giant. So Google is looking to expand the fea- These self-driving maps are far more demanding
Alphabet Inc.’s Google emerged years ago as the tures on the mapping service and find other ways to than older digital ones, prompting huge investments
winner in consumer digital maps, which human distribute it, these people said. across Detroit, Silicon Valley and China. “An autono-
drivers use to evade rush-hour traffic or find a res- mous vehicle wants that to be as precise, accurate
taurant. Google won by blanketing the globe with “We’ve built a comprehensive map of the world and up-to-date as possible,” said Bryan Salesky, who
its street-mapping cars and with software expertise leads Argo AI LLC, a year-old startup backed by a $1
that couldn’t be matched by navigation companies, billion investment by Ford. The “off-the-shelf solu-
automakers and even Apple Inc. Nobody wants to let tion doesn’t quite exist.”
Google win again.
Making a driverless map, like making a driverless
The companies working on maps for autonomous car, is a laborious task. Fleets of autonomous test
vehicles are taking two different approaches. One cars, loaded with expensive lidar sensors and camer-
aims to create complete high-definition maps that as, go out into the world with human backup drivers
will let the driverless cars of the future navigate all on and capture their surroundings. Plotting the results
their own; another creates maps piece-by-piece, us- helps train the next fleet, which will still have safety
ing sensors in today’s vehicles that will allow cars to drivers at the wheel – and, in some cases, scores of
gradually automate more and more parts of driving. additional humans sitting behind computer moni-
tors to catalog all the footage.
Alphabet is trying both approaches. A team inside
Google is working on a 3-D mapping project that it It’s an expensive ordeal with a payoff that’s years,
may license to automakers, according to four people if not decades, away. “Even if you could drive your
familiar with its plans, which have not previously own vehicles around and hit every road in the world,
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 21
how do you update?” asked Dan Galves, a spokes- like other companies targeting automakers, Mapbox Waymo is in this camp, too. The effort former-
man for Mobileye. “You’d have to send these vehicles is happy to play neutral and work with anyone. “We ly known as the Google self-driving car project
around again.” don’t know who is going to win,” Gundersen said. started on maps in 2009, with Waymo’s Andrew
Chatham and one other engineer doing the “super
Unlike conventional digital maps, self-driving It’s not just that no one knows who will come out tedious” work of crafting them from scratch – ship-
maps require almost-constant updates. The slightest on top. The mapping industry doesn’t even know ping cars packed with sensors to capture a city’s
variation on the road – a construction zone that pops which strategy is best. Every self-driving map looks surroundings, then coding those 3-D images into
up overnight, or a bit of debris – could stop a driver- different because each one depends on the sensor a digital landscape.
less car in its tracks. “It’s the freak thing that happens system of the vehicle that creates it. And there isn’t a
that’s going to make autonomous not work,” said standard sensor package, said Spark Capital’s Nabeel Chatham said cars may rely on perceptions sys-
Chris McNally, an analyst with Evercore ISI. Hyatt, an early investor in Cruise Automation, the tems alone to drive on the highway but would be
autonomous-driving company bought by General helpless in other traffic conditions. Imagine pull-
Mobileye argues that it’s more efficient and Motors in 2016 for $581 million. ing up to a busy, double-left-lane intersection you’ve
cost-effective to let the cars we’re driving today never seen before. Now imagine a self-driving car try-
see what’s ahead. In January, the Intel Corp. unit As a result, a slew of HD mapping companies are ing to do that.
announced a “low-bandwidth” mapping effort, taking different stabs at the problem, each gob-
with its front-facing camera and chip sensor that “That’s the advantage of having a detailed map,”
it plans to place in 2 million cars this year. The idea bling up venture capital and competing for lucra- said Chatham. “We can give the cars all the answers
is to get cars to view such things as lane markers, tive contracts. Some of them disparage Mobileye’s to the nasty questions.” He said Waymo is exploring
traffic signals and road boundaries, letting them approach, which relies on a seamless transition solutions to mapping real-time factors such as con-
automate some driving. from semi-autonomous driving (what’s called Lev- struction updates, but declined to share details.
el 2 and 3) to driving without human assistance
Mobileye says this will take less computing horse- (Level 4 or 5). Thanks to its years of effort and artificial intelli-
power than building a comprehensive HD map of gence arsenal, Waymo is considered the leader in
the roads would; Mobileye’s Galves said the compa- “It’s very hard to climb the ladder from 2 to 3 HD maps. But to date, the company has pitched its
ny will pair its sensor data with the maps from navi- and then to 4,” said Wei Luo, COO of DeepMap Inc. entire suite to prospective partners and landed few.
gational companies and, over time, create a map “There’s a very intense gap.” The best HD maps, Chatham declined to say whether Waymo is consid-
that a fully driverless car could use. Luo argues, are built with only driverless functions ering selling its map as a separate product.
in mind. The startup said it’s working with Ford,
That’s also the tactic of Google’s longtime map- Honda Motor Co. and China’s SAIC Motor Corp. Another potential force in this market is Uber. The
ping foes: HERE and TomTom NV. These two Eu- (Mobileeye is also working with SAIC, and Waymo ride-hailing giant is also working on HD maps for its
ropean companies have positioned themselves as is in talks with Honda.) driverless program, using test vehicles in a similar
the primary alternatives to Google Maps, selling the way to Waymo.
dashboard screen maps to automakers today. Yet
these “static” maps see only broad street shapes and Lisa Weitekamp, an Uber manager, said the pri-
capture snapshots in time. vate company is exploring ways to place map-gen-
erating sensors inside the millions of human-driven
Now both companies are working on replacement vehicles in its service. The maps those cars already
products: “dynamic” maps that represent lanes, use – the “static” navigation software in the app that
curbs and everything else on the road. The hope takes in popular routes and driving decisions – helps
is that car manufacturers will stick with old-guard inform Uber’s driverless maps, Weitekamp added. “It
mapmakers as vehicles move from somewhat intel- gives us a leg up,” she said.
ligent to fully automated vehicles without steering
wheels. That would make access to ride-hailing maps a
valuable asset. Currently, Uber uses a combination
HERE, owned by a consortium of German auto- of TomTom, Google and its own data for the maps its
makers, has a few examples on the road. Its mapping drivers and riders see. The contract between Uber
system enables limited hands-free driving for Audi and Google is set to expire this year, according to two
AG, one of its co-owners, and plans to support safety people familiar with the deal. Representatives from
features this year for Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, both companies declined to comment.
another co-owner. (Intel also took a 15 percent stake
in HERE last year.) Plenty of newcomers are pitching carmakers on
the need to catch up with front-runners such as
Tesla Inc. is the car company most eagerly em- Waymo and Uber. DeepMap Inc., started by veter-
bracing the incremental march toward autono- ans of Google and Apple, is banking on its intelligent
mous driving with its driver-assistance software, software to cut down the time and cost involved in
Autopilot. Tesla relies on cameras and sensors on converting the images pulled from self-driving car
its vehicles but has eschewed lidar. The company sensors into a single, high-resolution landscape. The
hasn’t disclosed what mapping service it’s using for startup said it’s working with Ford, Honda Motor Co.
Autopilot, and a company representative declined and China’s SAIC Motor Corp.
to comment. Tesla had a nasty public split with
Mobileye two years ago. Civil Maps has tech that “fingerprints” sensor
data, forming digital grids with each loop made by a
But Tesla has leaned on at least one other com- mapping vehicle around the same area. It’s a bit like
pany, Mapbox Inc., to help assemble its maps. Tesla the way the mobile app Shazam recognizes a piece of
paid $5 million to Mapbox for a two-year licensing music, said CEO Sravan Puttagunta. Ford is an inves-
deal in December 2015, according to a regulatory fil- tor and Puttagunta said his company is in the process
ing. Mapbox has mostly sold its location data to apps of raising additional money.
such as Pinterest and Snapchat. Fresh off a $164 mil-
lion financing round, the startup has started to inch For now, most car companies are testing the wa-
into automotive maps. Through its software installed ters rather than cutting massive, multimillion-dollar
on phones, Mapbox said it plots some 220 million deals for maps. A Ford spokesman described its work
miles of road data globally a day, providing an updat- with startups as “research.” Argo, the automaker’s
ed snapshot of basic features like street lanes. self-driving bet, has looked at a variety of suppliers
but is currently relying on its own internal maps. GM
“We have more sensors on the road today than the spokesman Ray Wert said the company prefers to do
entire connected car space will have by 2020,” said its own mapping.
Chief Executive Officer Eric Gundersen. Its pitch to
carmakers is to use that location data as a base lay- The new entrants know they can’t all survive. “It’s
er for future maps – pairing it with camera systems, very similar to navigational maps or even the search
such as Mobileye’s, or their own sensor data. And engine,” said DeepMap’s Luo, a former Googler. “Who-
ever has bigger scale will have the advantage.”
RISK FACTORS FOR HEART DISEASE CORONARY HEART DISEASE Preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy)
Are you at risk of a heart attack or sudden cardiac ar- SOME “MALE” STATS
rest? Heart attack and SCA both come under the umbrella
of what is called coronary heart disease or coronary 1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men in
HEART ATTACK (MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION) artery disease. Coronary heart disease is a group of the U.S – that’s one in every four male deaths.
diseases that includes: stable angina (chest pain), un-
A heart attack (myocardial infarction) is caused by stable angina, heart attack (myocardial infarction) and 2. Half of the men who die suddenly of coronary heart
“plumbing” issues, when blood flow to a portion of the sudden cardiac death. disease have no previous symptoms. Even if men have
heart is blocked, usually due to a build-up of plaque (fat, no symptoms, they may still be at risk for heart disease.
cholesterol and other substances) in the coronary arter- RISK FACTORS FOR CORONARY HEART DISEASE
ies which feed the heart. The interrupted blood flow 3. Men are two-to-three times more likely to
can damage or destroy part of the heart muscle. The For Men and Women experience cardiac arrest than females.
severity of a heart attack can vary; fortunately, not all Age (increased risk for men starting at age 45;
are fatal. women starting at age 55) 4. Between 70 and 89 percent of sudden cardiac events
Diabetes, pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome occur in men.
SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST (SCA) High cholesterol, high triglycerides or high blood
On the other hand, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is due Overweight and obesity
to “electrical” problems, when the conductive wiring Fatty diet Having a heart attack puts you at greater risk for a sub-
of the heart malfunctions and synchronized heart- Sedentary lifestyle sequent heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest (espe-
beats that keep the blood circulating are interrupted. Smoking and long-term exposure to secondhand cially within the first six months after the heart attack).
Most abnormal heartbeats are momentary and harm- smoke Additionally, having a sibling, parent or grandparent
less. But if the heart’s rhythm doesn’t rapidly return Excessive alcohol use suffer an early heart attack (by age 55 if a male; 65 if a
to normal, sudden cardiac arrest can result. When Stress female) puts you at increased risk.
sudden cardiac arrest lasts more than eight minutes, Depression
survival is rare. Autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid Talk to your doctor about creating a personalized plan
arthritis, lupus, etc. to lower your risk of heart disease.
While a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest are two Use of illegal drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines,
distinct medical conditions, in some cases a heart at- etc. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
tack can trigger an electrical disturbance within the Also for Women ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
heart that can lead to cardiac arrest. Using birth control pills
© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 23
In the mid-1990s, Rep. Christo- had four girlfriends.” immersive as Matthew Desmond’s Kelvin Cannon, who was mentored
pher Shays (R-Conn.), the chairman There were some glitches, “Evicted.” But with a journalist’s eye, there by both a legendary tumbling
of the House Government Reform and Austen explores the intersection be- coach and a gang leader; Willie J.R.
Oversight subcommittee on human by the congressman’s ac- tween discrimination and income in- Fleming, who left the comfort of the
resources and intergovernmental re- count: K-So got high, became equality through the lens of the men suburbs for the freewheeling chaos
lations, was scheduled to check into a paranoid and took the door and women experiencing some of of the projects; and Annie Ricks, a
fancy Chicago hotel the night before handle to the unit when America’s worst housing conditions. mother of 13 who moved from Ala-
holding a hearing on the federal take- he left, effectively locking Austen’s tale has several compelling bama as a little girl and anchored
over of the Chicago Housing Authority. Shays into the apartment. characters – including an upstand- herself to Cabrini-Green. One of the
But he told his staff that he didn’t feel But Shays described the ex- ing matriarch and a crafty bootlegger most satisfying aspects of this book is
right keeping the reservation given the perience as revelatory: The who turned to activism after an alter- following the unexpected paths that
hearing’s subject matter, and he opt- cation with police – but its narrative these four lives take, which can be in-
ed for a far less glamorous crash pad: lack of air circulation in the arc is anchored to the arrival and, furiating, painful and redemptive in
the infamous Cabrini-Green hous- apartment was so stifling ultimately, demolition of a physical quick succession.
ing project. His tour guide at Cabrini- that “it was like an oven,” entity: the massive cinder-block tow-
Green was Peter Keller, who went by he said, and from that mo- ers that stood just blocks from one of There is no happy ending for many
the nickname “K-So” (for “Knowledge, ment on, the congressman Chicago’s wealthiest neighborhoods. former Cabrini-Green residents, but
Strength, Opportunity”) and who talk- stopped judging mothers there is no question that they made
ed to the congressman about his time in public housing for let- These high-rises – the first of which their mark on not just the American
in and out of prison. ting their kids stay outside were dubbed the Reds, because of psyche but public policy. Shays, for
their brick color, to be followed by the example, championed rental vouch-
“It was an incredible 24 hours for late at night. He realized Whites – inspired a horror film, rap ers in the wake of his visit; there were
me,” Shays recalled in a phone inter- that they were just trying songs and multiple television shows. signs that it worked better in Con-
view. “He was a wonderful guy. I stayed to escape the excruciating They were rolled out with glossy bro- necticut towns like Stamford than in
in one of his four girlfriends’ units. He heat in the homes that the chures in the 1940s but deteriorated Chicago. Asked why, the former con-
federal government had into environments where gangs feud- gressman rattled off a few reasons:
made available to them. ed and security guards preyed on talented and honest housing officials,
young women. politicians committed to financing it
In his new book, “High- properly, and a tolerant populace will-
Risers: Cabrini-Green and A native of Chicago, Austen is un- ing to live in mixed-income buildings.
the Fate of American Public Housing,” sparing in his assessment of the
Ben Austen recounts Shays’ stay from politicians and bureaucrats – mostly “You just can’t warehouse a con-
the viewpoint of K-So, a longtime resi- Democrats but some Republicans centration of very poor people,” Shays
dent who appreciates the politician’s – who failed Cabrini-Green’s resi- said, adding that the night he slept in
interest but is skeptical of whether the dents over the course of decades. that sweltering Chicago apartment
visit will make any appreciable differ- There were corrupt and inept Chi- ranks as a critical moment in shaping
ence. And like several other episodes cago Housing Authority (CHA) of- his public policy vision.
during Cabrini-Green’s roughly 70- ficials and contractors, who allowed
year existence, it exemplifies the co- the buildings to deteriorate and on “Those are the moments. If you al-
nundrum its inhabitants faced. Their occasion took public funds for them- low yourself to experience what oth-
home drew national attention because selves. There were the politicians ers are experiencing, they are incred-
it embodied everything that was wrong who professed to care about Cabrini- ible eye-openers.”
with public housing, and sometimes Green residents but were quick to
that meant people in power tried to abandon them when it was no longer No one will be sleeping in a Cabrini-
help. But time and time again, most of expedient. Green unit anymore. But reading this
what they tried didn’t work. book, you understand why it might
Faced with the daunting task of re- have changed the way you think.
In many ways “High-Risers” is a se- constructing the rise and fall of the
quel to Alex Kotlowitz’s “There Are No towers, Austen tells the story through HIGH-RISERS
Children Here,” the 1991 bestseller four central characters: Dolores Wil- CABRINI-GREEN AND THE FATE
that chronicled two brothers’ lives son, who moved in with her family in OF AMERICAN PUBLIC HOUSING
in a different Chicago housing behe- 1956 and “felt like a billionaire” in her
moth, the Henry Horner Homes. It affordable four-bedroom apartment; By Ben Austen
is not as novelistic as that book or as Harper. 384 pp. $27.99
Review by Juliet Eilperin
The Washington Post
1. The Woman in the Window 1. Mah Jongg: The Art of the 1. How to Heal a Broken Wing
2. Red Notice
2. The Great Alone 2. Wrinkle in Time
3. Last Hope Island
3. Little Fires Everywhere 3. Ten Magic Butterflies
4. Make Your Bed
4. Before We Were Yours 4. Wonder BY R.J. PALACIO
5. 12 Rules for Life Chance BY KOBI YAMADA & MAE BESOM
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BEACH HOUSE REUNION Monday, March 12th at 6 pm
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24 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz meets his first Potcake, a cutie called Bama
Hi Dog Buddies! en now, but I have three Cool Kibbles
Woof, do I love my job; what’s bet- brothers, all rescues like me. Mom
ter than innerviewin’ fellow pooches,
makin’ new frens, and learnin’ tons of didn’t know it when she adopted me – I
innnersting stuff? This week, I innerv-
iewed a Potcake. Have you heard about like to maintain a low profile – but I AM
Potcakes? Me either.
Queen of the Cuh-RIBBEE-un.”
Bama Maxwell (as in Alabama) is a
pretty lady Potcake from the Turks and “Queen of the … that is Seriously
Caicos, which is a buncha islands in the
Cuh-RIBBEE-un. We met on a (pooch- Cool Kibbles!”
frenly) beach up in Melbourne, cuz
that’s where Bama’s most comf-tubble, “Yes, it is, isn’t it,” she agreed. “Oh,
cuz of being born onna beach an livin’
there her whole, entire puppyhood, till well, full disclosure, I’m only the Queen
she found her Forever Family back in
2010. when Mommy’s away. When she’s home,
Bama was runnin’ around in the she’s The Queen an I’m The Princess.”
liddle park by the duneline smellin’
the smells, when me an my assistant “So, is it OK to call you just Bama?
arrived, and she trotted right up for
the Wag-and-Sniff. She’s a long-leg- How’d you get that name, anyway?”
gedy, middle-size pooch, slim, with
a short honey-colored coat and long “Bama’s fine, Bonz. Daddy named
darker-colored sniffer. An black
eye-liner. Made her look real exotic. me. My full name is Alabama Tusca-
It’s called Smokey Eye. (Hey, I keep
up with the Trends.) Bama loosa Roll Tide Maxwell, but everybody
calls me Bama, thank Lassie. As you
“Delighted to make your acquain- PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD probly guessed, Daddy is a HUGE Ala-
tance, Miss Bama.” bama football fan. HUGE. He ackshully
“Likewise, Bonz. May I call you Bonz? went to the same school as the football
This is my Mommy, Maureen. My Dad-
dy’s Toby. How about we yap here in the guys. He says it’s his Almuh MUTTer.
grass, then we can go out on the beach.
So, whaddya wanna know?” I think it’s something about dogs. I’m
“Well, first off, what’s a Potcake?” a total Daddy’s Girl, Bonz, but, during
“Potcakes are homeless pooches
from the Bahamas an Turks an Caicos. The Football Season, Daddy’s always
I myself was born on the beach. It’s
fuzzy, but I kinda remember wanderin’ yellin’ ‘GO, BAMA!’ and
around, tryin’ to figure out what hap-
pened, lookin’ for my pooch family, and honestly, I don’t know
tryin’ to find food and water. Some-
times, humans give us what’s left of whether I’m comin’ or
their food, caked on the bottom of their
cooking pots. So – potcakes. goin.’ I get kinda dizzy
“After years an years, we’re thought
of as a sorta unofficial breed, mostly a an usually end up hid-
mixture of German Shepherd, Labrador
an Foxhound. We get along with every- ing under the bed.
body, humans an animals, plus we’re
real smart, loyal and loving, which we to help us Potcakes, “When I’m in the is-
hafta be or nobody’d adopt us.” so around 2004, she
“Woof! Great story! But that sounds started a pooch res- lands helpin’ Mommy
like a pretty challenging life.” cue CHAIRuddy, Pot-
“It was. Lots of us get sick or starve or cake Place, in Provi- work, I always HAFTA to
even worse. We love the beach an the denciales, Turks an
ocean, but the problem is, the humans Caicos. It’s run by be right there on the boat,
down there don’t think of us as pets; all volunteers who
we’re just Big Pains in the Kazoo. So we gather us up an find keepin’ track. I just sit an
all hope we can someday be part of a homes for as many
loving Forever Family. of us as they can. stare at her bubbles, so
“Anyway, this human lady, Jane We get all spiffed
Parker-Rauw, decided to do something up an healthy; a I know she’s okey-dokey
nice vet checks us
out Sniffer-to-Tail; down there. If I get left on
they make sure we’re social-
ized an well-mannered; an we hafta shore, I dog paddle out to
go through the No Puppies Procedure,
of course. The volunteers foster us, an the boat. I can tread water
tourists come visit us at Potcake Place,
and maybe adopt us. There’s even a forever. Hey, Bonz, I’ll race
travel ad that says, ‘Travel To Turks and
Caicos For Beaches, Snorkeling – and ya to the beach!” And away
she flew, down the board-
“Pawsome Dog Biscuits!” I exclaimed.
“I KNOW!” Bama said. “See, Potcake walk, leaping gracefully
Place is near a popular beach, so, when
humans come for a va-CA-shun, there over the railing and straight
we are. Potcake Place gives ’em a leash,
toys an a water dish so they can take one into the waves.
of us for a beach walk. By then, we’re
all ready for a new life. If a visitor wants riers to hand deliver us to “Aren’cha comin’?” she
to adopt one of us, Potcake Place helps
with the paperwork. An, get this, the our new homes.” called.
coolest part is, since you can’t just stuff
a puppy inna suitcase with your socks, “So is that what happened to you?” “Love to, but I should be getting
Potcake Place arranges for special cou-
“Sorta. See, my Mommy works down back.”
in Turks an Caicos. Spends a lotta time Heading home, I wondered what
in the ocean, with those big funny would have been the harm if I’d showed
things on her back. She’s workin’ on a up a little late – with sandy paws.
reef project. Important Stuff. Since she
flies back an forth a lot, she’s one of the
-The BonzPotcake Couriers. I’m not her first Pot-
cake, either. In 2010, she had Nigel, and
she thought he’d like a Potcake Pooch
Pal, so she picked ME. He’s in Dog Heav-
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 25
By Phillip Adler - Bridge Columnist 72
Randy K. Milholland, a web comic author, wrote, “Friendship is being there when J 10 6 5
someone’s feeling low and not being afraid to kick them.”
I hope that Milholland picks the right friend to kick; for some, that would be a bad idea.
The psychology of the individual is an interesting subject. WEST EAST
North knew not to say anything at the end of this deal. What should South have done in 10 5 —
four spades after West led the club ace? K83
AK85 J9863
North’s three-club rebid was a double negative, showing some 0-4 points. Three hearts,
a new suit, was forcing for one round. South could have passed out three spades but AQ94
could see 10 potential winners in his own hand: seven spades and three hearts.
Q 10 7 2
This deal would trip up almost everyone — and to be honest, 90.4 percent of the time
the spades will not be 4-0. SOUTH
The original declarer ruffed the club ace, cashed his spade ace, then took his two A K Q 10 8 6 5
top hearts and led another heart. However, West ruffed in and shifted to a diamond.
East won with his ace and returned a heart. West ruffed that as well, then cashed the AKQ4
diamond king for down one.
Later, North pointed out that it was right to discard a diamond at trick one. (Yes, at
double dummy, South could have survived by leading a diamond at trick three, but —
if hearts were 4-3 and West had only two diamonds, that would not have worked.)
Assuming West continues with the club king, South pitches his other diamond. Then Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
East can never get on lead for a trump promotion.
The Bidding:
2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
2 Spades Pass 3 Clubs Pass LEAD:
3 Hearts Pass 3 Spades Pass A Clubs
4 Spades Pass Pass Pass
26 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Song of praise (4) 1 Theory (10)
3 Assuage (5) 2 Retribution (7)
7 Celtic tongue (4) 3 Contributing (6)
8 Diva (5,5) 4 Extent (6)
9 Coarse file (4) 5 Long (for) (5)
12 Right now! (4,7) 6 Employs (4)
13 Subsist (5) 10 Tiny particle (4)
15 Send back; scope of 11 A Christian (10)
14 Scintilla (4)
authority (5) 16 Feeling (7)
19 Skyscrapers (5,6) 17 Lebanese capital (6)
21 Quarrel (4) 18 On (the ship) (6)
23 Solid ground (5,5) 20 Freshwater mammal (5)
24 Mature (4) 22 Agony (4)
25 Valued (5)
26 Tidy (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 27
ACROSS 80 Last letter 17 Mahler’s mate discrimination, The Washington Post
1 Early wake-up 81 Sandy getaway (who later etc.
85 Go over again married Walter 82 Leonard ___
call 86 Llama land Gropius) (Roy Rogers)
7 Frankenstein, 88 Top number? 83 Regan’s dad
89 Bit of grade-B 18 Recreation 84 Work unit
___ Modern 20 Spell 87 Stay down, as a
Prometheus entertainment for 24 Doing yo-yo
12 Rabbit run beer drinkers? 29 “What ___ 89 Murray and West
15 Onset of cold 92 Brosnan’s sleuth 90 Eye part
19 Valley girl’s 94 Jonathan Kozol without 91 ___ vu
reaction to classic, Death at the beasts?” 93 Station ending
her first beer? an ___ (Chief Seattle) 94 Fleecy one
21 Mock, in a way 95 Allen or Robbins 31 Join this 97 Grew into
22 It makes a 96 Smarter about 32 Zoic preceder 98 Peter Lorre in
freeway into a beer? 33 Closely trimmed, Casablanca
feeway 100 Subaru model as meat 99 Unexciting
23 The ___ (bending 102 Memory-testing 34 Anti-smoking org. 101 Snare hit, usually
the elbow?) game show 35 Queue after Q 103 Level
25 TV Johnny, the hosted by Bill 36 Old photo tint 104 Mrs. Charles
rebel Cullen, 1966-69 37 Pizzeria Laughton
26 “Star Wars,” 103 Last one to know appliances 105 Walk out
really: abbr. 104 Outfit 38 Fend off a fencer 106 Free, in a way
27 Global turning 108 East of Eden 39 Jog 107 News tidbit
point brother 40 Hawaii city 109 Earth goddess
28 Tyson’s home, for 109 Street-name 41 Scrape with a file 110 Opposite of “fer”
a while word 42 Susan’s Kane 111 Amtrak stop:
29 Pig Latin 112 Startling syllable 43 Desilu partner abbr.
cancellation 115 Fontanne’s guy 44 Suspicious 113 “Coffee, tea,
30 Con vote 116 One-beer bars? 47 Doctors’ org. ___?”
32 Rattles 122 Slaw, for one 49 Like some beers 114 Free, in a way
36 Lethargy 123 Pay this: abbr. 51 1906 car 116 Truck part
39 Beer-lover’s 124 Getting romantic 52 Bulletin board 117 ___ Na Na
dinner? in a bar? abbr. 118 Derek doubles
45 North by 125 Split this 53 In ___ (very 119 Mr. Wallach
Northwest star’s 126 Country contest soon) 120 Letters on a
first name 127 Indian or Korean 54 Vex video
46 Guam et al. 128 Respect 58 “The wolf ___ the 121 Scud missile, for
48 Feathered DOWN door” one: abbr.
“friend”? 1 Three after E 59 Milit. person
50 Beery attorney? 2 Angers 62 Ashes holder OKTOBERFEST By Merl Reagle
52 Swiss river 3 Invalid 63 Palindromic
55 Forty-___ 4 Ocean phenom Swedish group
56 Memo opener 5 Enzyme tail 64 Malaprop or
57 On the tip of 6 Jim of ABC Robinson
58 “___ the bag” Sports 65 ’60s Atty. General
60 See 45 Across 7 Everything: prefix 67 Impediment to
61 Start of a 8 Evidence of humility
Shakespeare dreaming 68 Calibration: abbr.
comedy 9 ___ degree 69 Saber alternative
63 What Rip Taylor 10 Slangy Nazi 70 Attractive
says even when 11 Time for quality?: abbr.
he’s on the vacances 71 TV sidekick in
wagon? 12 Must buckskin
66 With 71 Across, 13 First game 72 Reagan’s third
a beer drinker’s 14 For each Interior secretary
bio? 15 A river, or Nike’s 73 “___ a vacation!”
71 See 66 Across mother 75 Pull a boner
74 Ataturk’s first 16 Part of speech 76 Grocery section
79 Tranquillity Base 77 Let in or on
place 78 Like clay
79 Rustic parents
81 Drug abuse,
The Telegraph
28 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Mom: He’s smothering my daughter with inattention
BY CAROLYN HAX ter lives to be lived than the one she’s stuck herself
Washington Post with.
Dear Carolyn: There’s also a good chance, though, this “aha”
moment will strike her only after she’s even more
My daughter is in a relationship deeply invested than she is now – through mar-
riage, a jointly owned home, a child.
with her high school boyfriend.
So there can be a role for someone like you, who
They are now living together in has enough distance and experience to see the risk
more clearly than she does. You just need to play
a different state with no rela- this role with great care not to pin everything on
the terrible boyfriend chosen by your pristinely
tives nearby. My daughter, 25, is a blameless and wonderful child.
people person with a bubbly personality and makes To remain grounded, repeat to yourself as need-
ed: She’s half of this. She chose this. She has a need
friends easily. Her boyfriend does not. He prefers to this pairing fulfills.
stay home, work every now and then, and stay up all Then respond to any unhappiness you perceive
in her only as it relates to her. Not, “What did he do
night playing video games online with other gamers. to you” or “Why do you put up with him,” but in-
stead “You don’t seem happy about [factual state-
She is a hard worker with a very well-paying job ment].” Or, “Is something bothering you?” Or, “You
say you feel guilty – why?” And always: “I see. Any
and owns her own home. However, she comes home ideas for dealing with that?” No lectures, no advice
unless asked – except perhaps, “Don’t do anything
to this situation. that doesn’t feel right.”
In fact, when they are home together, there is no She’s your daughter and you’re used to guiding
her, but she’s an adult who clearly is equipped to
communication because he is doing his “own” thing take care of herself – even if she isn’t doing the best
job of it emotionally right now. (And who nails all
while she just sits and becomes depressed. He tells her of it, really – I sure don’t. Do you?) Accordingly, the
best way to “start the conversation” is with your
to go out with friends but she feels guilty and refuses. mouth closed and your eyes and ears open. Let her
tell you what she needs.
This is the only boy she has ever dated and he is
smothering her. I am going for a visit soon and want
to talk to her about everything. Please advise me how
to start the conversation without her thinking I want ing it alone in a chair feeling sorry for herself while
the man she incompatibly clings to plays video
to control her life. games.
– Frustrated Mom That’s a problem, certainly – it’s just a very differ-
ent one from the one you’re itching to rescue your
Um. daughter from.
Unless there’s a whole backstory here of manip-
ulation and control by the boyfriend that you’ve It’s also a rescue that only she can perform.
skipped over, no one’s suffocating anyone. There’s a good chance she’ll do that in her own
Your daughter has agency. She’s merely squander- time, when it finally occurs to her there are bet-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 29
First Bites: North by South Bistro, seafood specialists
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER said they were fresh and tasty. They Shrimp and Grits.
[email protected] were served hot, in the shell of course.
The only suggestion my pint-sized PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
With the Oceana condominiums foodie had was that they could have
selling fast and a huge luxury develop- been served in a broth or with a bit
ment set for the old Patrick Air Force more flavor, maybe some garlic. We
Base housing, northern Satellite Beach shared a bowl of lobster bisque ($8)
is poised to soon have a whole lot more which was good, and made fresh
people looking for a place to eat din- with complex flavors and tex-
ner. North by South Bistro opened on tures and a hint of sherry. My
Feb. 1 in hopes of attracting some of side house salad ($3) was ex-
that clientele with fresh seafood, right ceptional, a good-sized blend
in the neighborhood. of mixed greens, cucumbers,
tomatoes, onion and the
Headline news: Please, please don’t house vinaigrette dressing.
let the shopping plaza scare you off. I ordered the lobster scampi
Yes, there’s a strip club, a tattoo parlor ($19), which we ended up
and a sports bar, but there are also a sharing. This dish is a great
number of mom-and-pop shops that choice if you aren’t a fan of
want your business. Overlook the seafood pasta dishes that
neighbors and give North by South a are overly rich and drown-
try. ing in oil or butter. It was just
right – just enough garlic and
Look & feel: The new owners took butter, just enough lemon and
over a tired, bare-bones storefront that decent-sized chunks of sweet
used to be Q’s One-Stop at The Hangar. lobster tail. They also offer a
We dined at Q’s last fall, but did not re- good variety of sandwiches, lob-
view it because, despite the good eats, ster rolls, seafood tacos and the fish
the place was so basic (food served in and chips, which looked and smelled
Styrofoam takeout containers with really yummy passing by our table.
plastic cutlery) that we didn’t really
want to steer barrier island readers in Drink: They have soft drinks only,
the door. Coke products and tea at this time, as
the liquor license is still pending.
North by South Bistro owner-chef
Jonathan is a veteran of the restau-
rant business and, by all appearances,
Fried Oyster Po’Boy.
Fried Green Crab Cakes.
Tomato BLT.
wants to make a serious go of his new Service: Our server, Ariel, was friend- chocolate mousse. Overall very pleas- RESTAURANT HOURS
venture. He has put in a great deal of ly and attentive despite handling all the ant hospitality. Monday through Thursday
elbow grease turning the place into a tables on her own, and Chef Jonathan
more welcoming environment – still also ran hot plates out to tables and Price: Dinner for two, including 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
not fussy or formal by any means, but checked in on everyone to make sure my salad and my son’s bowl of soup Friday through Sunday
a real restaurant. He took out the pic- his guests were happy. He patiently an- came in under $60 with tip, so North
nic tables out front and crafted a cozy swered my questions about his lobster by South Bistro could be a great option 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
and charming garden seating area, bisque recipe and chatted about the for those who dine out on a budget, or BEVERAGES
added some landscaping and a mu- classic tunes playing on the speaker for mid-week dining for snowbirds or
ral and now it’s a great place to gather system, mentioning that he’d cooked families who dine out frequently. Beer & wine license pending
with friends to break bread and enjoy for Lionel Richie once while managing ADDRESS
the seabreeze. a Carabba’s restaurant in Montgomery, We encourage you to send feedback to
Ala. Jonathan also gave us dessert on [email protected]. 228 A1A, Satellite Beach
Food: My son ordered the dozen the house, a fantastic, triple-layered PHONE
steamed, middleneck clams ($12) and The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
dines anonymously at restaurants at the 321-428-5659
expense of this newspaper.
30 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
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32 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information MARCH brary property in Cocoa. Free for ages 18 and cert of brass music from the 16th through the
at least two weeks prior to your under or with a student ID. 20th Century including the world premiere of
2 Belgian Beer Fest, noon to 11:45 p.m. at “Daybreak” by composer Dan Coleman, 7:30
event to Coasters Pub & Biergarten on Eau Gallie 4 Interfaith Connections of Brevard County p.m. at St. Mark’s Church in Indialantic. Tickets
Blvd. www.coasterspub.com Through Our Stories event, 2 to 5 p.m. at Hope are $35 adults, and $10 students, and are avail-
[email protected] Episcopal Church, 190 Interlachen Rd, Suntree. All- able at 321-213-5100, online at melbourne-
woman founders will lead the storytelling, with per- chambermusicsociety.org, or at the door.
ONGOING 3 Speak Out Brevard’s A Day of Equality and sonal accounts of oppression and the buoying and
Hope, 2 to 5 p.m. in Eau Gallie Square in transformational effect of faith. Participating groups 7-8 “Back in Time,” a free concert by
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 the Eau Gallie Arts District to celebrate the social, include Hope Episcopal Church, Temple Israel and the Swingtime, a 22 piece Big Band, 7:30
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park economic, cultural and political achievements of Center for Joyful Listening. An RSVP to Interfaithcon- p.m. with Pre-Show at 6:30 by the New Horizons
women and rededicate ourselves to achieving [email protected] is requested for the event Band (Doors open at 6:30), Melbourne Audito-
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- gender equality. Guest speakers. Free and open open to all and sponsored by VITAS Healthcare. For rium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne. Admis-
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, to the public. www. Speakoutbrevard.com more information, call 321-831-2145. sion: Free. Tickets not required. (321) 724-0555
Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachrotary.org http://www.melbournemunicipalband.org
3 First Annual Charity Southern Squall con- 5 Derek Warfield and The Young Wolftones
Music & Meditation, 8:30 a.m. Sundays cert, 6 to 10 p.m. at Sebastian Inlet Surf & perform from 7 to 10 p.m. at Nolan’s Irish 9 The League of Women Voters of the Space
though March 25 at Eastminster Presbyterian Sport, sponsored by the Melbourne Beach Ro- Pub in Cocoa Beach. www.nolansirishpub.net Coast Timely Topics Luncheon, “Addressing
Church in Indialantic. The sermon-free service tary Club for the Surfrider Foundation and the the Culture of Sexual Harassment” with Guest
is designed to be a time of individual intro- Indian River Lagoon Research Institute at FIT. 6 Eau Gallie Arts District Eighth Annual April Speaker, Stephon Williams, CEO and Founder of
spection, devotion and renewing, with music Tickets $25-$30 at www.eventbrite.com. in Paris event in Eau Gallie Square. French “Having A Better Understanding” (H.A.B.U.) Lead-
provided by a different guest musician each food and café, beer, wine and champagne, mu- ership Development Training, LLC, 11:30 AM at
Sunday. 3 The Space Coast Symphony Orchestra sic, children’s activities, and more. Foosaner Art The Tides, 1001 Highway A1A, Patrick AFB. RSVP
will play two romantic symphonies in one Museum/FIT will kick off their annual French Film deadline is March 4. To register with menu se-
Fish Fry Fridays, 5:30 to 7 p.m. through memorable concert when they present Roman- Festival with the showing of “Faces, Places” about lection, go to www.lwv-spacecoast.org (Events).
March 16 hosted by the Holy Name of Jesus tic Masterpieces at 7:00 PM on Saturday, March a street artist. This street festival runs from 6-9 For more information, contact Doreen Archer at
Knights of Columbus, in the Life Center. Tickets 3 at the Scott Center for the Performing Arts at pm and the movie begins at 9 pm and is free and (321)622-4071 or [email protected].
after Masses or on weekdays at the Life Center Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy (5625 Holy Trin- open to the public. Special performances by the
office, $10 for adults or $6 for children under ity Drive in north Melbourne, 32940). Adult tick- Brevard Ballet and French themed street charac- 9-11 Under the Oaks Fine Arts & Crafts
age 12 includes baked or fried fish, cole slaw, ets cost $25 at the door $20 in advance at www. ters, fun for all ages. www.egadlife.com. Show hosted by Vero Beach Art Club,
bread, dessert and coffee or tea. Beer and wine SpaceCoastSymphony.org or at the orchestra’s a juried show featuring 220+ artists from around the
available. “River House” office, located at the east end 6 Melbourne Chamber Music Society Pres- country, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside Park. Free.
of the Catherine Schweinsberg Rood Central Li- ents the American Brass Quintet in a con-
10 Portraits for a Cause to benefit Aloha
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 6273 (SPECIAL DELIVERY) Adoptions. Professional family or pet
in February 22, 2018 Edition 1 DELIUS 2 EMOTE portrait sittings (30 minutes) at Gleason Park for
5 MYTH 3 INTEGER $50, with half the proceeds benefiting local ani-
8 JOLT 4 SUAVE mal rescue. Call (407) 494-8596 to schedule.
10 BEAGLE 6 TRELLIS 10 Annual Floridana Beach community bazaar
11 AWHILE 7 STRAIT and market on Saturday, March 10, 2018,
12 SCRUMPTIOUS 12 SPLURGE 10AM to 4PM, 6635 S A1A, Melbourne Beach (6
15 CLAMMY 13 MAYHEM miles south of the Driftwood Plaza Publix). The ba-
17 PEBBLE 14 ORBITER zaar, hosted by the Floridana Beach Civic Association,
19 FRAGMENT 16 MIGHT will feature mosaics, paintings, wind chimes, jewelry,
20 TANK 17 PITCH fused glass, seaglass, local honey, natural skin care,
21 PELT 18 LANCE succulents, gems, wood carvings, fresh produce and
22 HORNET more. For information: 321-726-0800; glovprop@
bellsouth.net. Rain date Sunday, March 11.
Sudoku Page 2626 Sudoku PPaaggee 2637 Crossword Page 6262
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors
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“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s
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Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting
the South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951,
Indialantic, Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner,
407-361-2150 [email protected].
Beautiful oceanfront
condo at reduced price
2195 Highway SR A1A, Unit 402 in Indian Harbour Beach: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,228-square-foot
oceanfront condo offered for $529,900 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s agents Greg Zimmerman and
Gibbs Baum: 321-432-2009
34 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Big, beautiful oceanfront
condo offered for reduced price
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER bedroom suite also enjoys access to formal dining room located adjacent Other attractive features include
[email protected] the balcony with its stunning views to the kitchen. The 11-foot-by-14-foot access to the clubhouse/recreation
and fresh ocean air. The master bath- space could also be converted into a room, boardwalk beach access, an
Condo living with an ocean view in the room features double vanities and a fourth bedroom if needed. in-ground pool and spa, and as-
heart of Indian Harbour Beach comes at separate tub and shower along with
a reasonable price with a newly-renovat- his-and-hers closets. Two other bed-
ed 3-bedroom, 2-bath unit in Gardenia rooms and an additional full bath-
Oceanfront Condominiums, offered by room are located toward the back or
Gibbs Baum of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s the west side of the unit.
International Realty.
There is new flooring throughout
Spacious and open with a spec- this beautiful home, including light
tacular fourth-floor view of the beach colored carpet and tile. The condo,
from nearly every room of the living built in 2001, has been the meticu-
area, this split-plan condo was re- lously maintained over the years and
cently reduced to sell at $529,900. was updated with new ceilings and
other improvements last year.
The views of the beach and horizon
on the ocean are accentuated by the The ample eat-in kitchen has new
layout of the massive 27-foot by 14- custom cabinets and a number of
foot living room which opens onto other improvements.
a breezy balcony that runs the full
length of the unit. One element often excluded from
beachside condos is provided here – a
The large 11-foot-by-22-foot master
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 35
UNIT 402
signed under building parking. well-landscaped buffer and Millen- you’ll also see younger and older cou- Community:
Gardenia condo units are in de- nium Beach Park. ples at the pool or walking the beach.” Indian Harbour Beach
Neighborhood: Gardenia
mand for a variety of types of buy- “It’s a little bit of everybody living Baum describes condo living in Oceanfront Condominiums
ers because, especially considering there and a good mix,” said Baum, Gardenia this way: You can pull
the quality and price, it has one of who is co-listing the property with into your assigned parking space in Year built: 2001
the best locations along the barrier Greg Zimmerman. the under-building garage and take Construction:
islands and is located adjacent to a the elevator up to your beautiful, concrete block, stucco
“You’ll see some kids in the pool but Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Size: 2,228 square feet
Additional features: Balcony,
formal dining room, laundry
room, master bathroom suite
with oversized tub, walk-in
shower, twin vanity sinks, twin
closets. Amenities include club-
house/recreation room, beach
access, in-ground pool and spa,
assigned under building parking.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agents: Gibbs Baum,
321-432-2009 and
Greg Zimmerman,
Listing price: $529,900
36 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
2,228-square-foot condo with its gor- or just don’t want to traipse up and owning a single-family home own like hurricane insurance and setting
geous ocean views and convenient down stairs to get from one part of beachside, Baum said. aside a little bit of money to fix the
single-story layout, which is good for their home to another. roof and gutters, it’s actually more
families with small children or older “Once you live like that, it’s hard to expensive than paying the dues,’’
folks who have mobility limitations It’s an easy comparison between live any other way. You pay a monthly Baum said.
that ease of living and the hassles of dues, but if you were paying things
Why you may want to hold off on that home-renovation project
STORY BY JUSTIN PIERCE WASHINGTON POST comfortable paying for that major construction is going up across the replaced. It was a one-day job. I did
home improvement, and, as an add- board: Labor and material costs are some research and learned that ma-
Low housing inventories and in- ed incentive, their home equity can up, and contractors are making big- terial costs were less than $2,000.
creased demand for homes does not be tapped to cover the costs. This ger margins. Two tradesmen for eight hours at $50
affect housing prices only – it also af- increases the demand for contractor an hour is $800, but their bid for the
fects construction demand and pric- services. Someone recently shared with work was $6,000.
ing more broadly. me an estimate they got from one of
Because of these trends, this may the large home-improvement stores. I told these people to cancel that
Right now home inventories are be exactly the wrong time to do They simply wanted their tub and work and call some local contractors
low, and home prices are up. Con- that renovation project. The cost of their one-piece tub wall surround directly, but it was too late. They had
tractors and developers are busy try- signed a contract, and they would
ing to accommodate the demand for have had to pay 50 percent of the val-
new homes and are having problems ue of the contract to cancel.
finding enough craftsmen to cover
all of the projects they are taking on. I recently spoke to a tile contrac-
tor who works for a different big box
Tradesmen and contractors are in home-improvement store. He tells
greater demand because they are busy me they are charging $25 per square
with new homes; at the same time foot to set floor tile; that is just labor
there is more demand for qualified costs. Around $12 per square foot was
workers to do remodeling projects. the premium price I remember even
back in the midst of the last boom. If a
When home values go up, home- tile setter can make $25 a square foot,
owners feel richer and start more
renovation projects. They feel more
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 37
then he or she can easily make more REAL ESTATE lished an article “Boom Town Falling
money than most doctors and lawyers. Down.” The article points out how the
construction and real estate boom led
Material prices are also skyrocket- to a significant increase in structural
ing. Hardwood is a prime example. deficiencies.
Last winter I bought basic solid oak
wood flooring. It was not on sale. It was The increased demand, profit mar-
the company’s basic line – it is always gins and labor rates do not go unno-
in stock, and the salespeople push it. ticed. These are the times when the
By summer of last year that same hard- less reputable or at least the less skilled
wood flooring had increased in price come into (or back into) the market.
by 30 percent – and it stayed there. This abundance of work and inflated
rates incentivize people to leave what
The skyrocketing price alone is a they are doing now and strap on a tool
bad thing for the consumer. To make belt.
things worse, work quality often goes
down when contractors get busy. Es- If you are considering a major reno-
sentially, you pay more for less. vation project, you might really con-
sider waiting. The market will turn – it
I have noticed in my projects the is just hard to say when. The down side
work is taking much longer to get com- is it could take years before it does.
pleted, and the home inspectors are Eventually, I promise you, contractors
finding a lot more serious work defi- will be grateful for work again, and the
ciencies. market will once again wield its natu-
ral selection powers to trim out some
This is not the first time I have seen of the less reputable and or less knowl-
this show. This same problem was near edgeable contractors.
epidemic in the last real estate boom.
Contractors were naming their price If you just cannot wait to renovate
and terms. Consumers were taking then please get multiple bids, many
what they could get. They did not have multiple bids. Check references, a lot
much leverage since it was much easier of them. Make sure the references are
for the contractor to find another job recent, and check their online ratings.
than it was for the client to find anoth-
er contractor. We are still feeling the Justin Pierce is a real estate inves-
effects of poor quality craftsmanship tor and real estate agent who regularly
from the previous real estate boom. writes about his experiences buying,
renovating and selling houses.
Remodeler magazine recently pub-
38 Thursday, March 1, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Feb. 16 to Feb. 22
The real estate market continued to pick up momentum last week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and
32937. Indialantic reported 8 sales, followed by Satellite Beach with 7, and Melbourne Beach and Indian
Harbour Beach with 4 each.
The top sale of the week was of a Melbourne Beach riverfront home in the gated community of Ocean
Ridge. The residence at 313 Sanibel Way was placed on the market Dec. 26 with an asking price of $1.1
million. The sale closed Feb. 16 for $950,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kristin Lindbaek of RE/MAX Beach Towne. The purchaser
was represented by Shirley Weems of Waterman Real Estate.
SUNSET BAY SUBD 512 SUNSET BLVD 11/1/2017 $449,000 $449,000 2/19/2018 $325,000
FLORIDANA BEACH 5TH 101 MARGARITA RD 11/7/2017 $365,000 $349,900 2/21/2018 $295,000
BLUE HERON AT AQUARINA 358 AQUARINA BLVD 12/7/2017 $310,000 $310,000 2/21/2018
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 136 14TH AVE 12/11/2017 $475,000 $475,000 2/16/2018 $440,000
RIO-MAR 515 RIO LN 1/4/2018 $385,000 $385,000 2/22/2018 $390,000
STUART TERRACE 240 CORAL WAY W 10/17/2017 $369,900 $360,900 2/21/2018 $355,000
SUN LAND HARBOUR 11 INWOOD WAY 9/22/2017 $585,000 $544,900 2/21/2018 $525,000
WATERWAY ESTATES REP 364 N LAKESIDE DR 11/2/2017 $519,000 $498,000 2/21/2018 $456,500
BCCNR BCH CLB CND P1 1125 HIGHWAY A1A 203 1/10/2018 $319,000 $319,000 2/22/2018 $310,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 1, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Floridana Beach 5th, Address: 101 Margarita Rd Subdivision: Blue Heron at Aquarina, Address: 358 Aquarina Blvd
Listing Date: 11/7/2017 Listing Date: 12/7/2017
Original Price: $365,000 Original Price: $310,000
Recent Price: $349,900 Recent Price: $310,000
Sold: 2/21/2018 Sold: 2/21/2018
Selling Price: $325,000 Selling Price: $295,000
Listing Agent: Michael & Erika Rogers Listing Agent: Carola Mayerhoeffer &
Renee Winkler
Selling Agent: Premium Properties Real Estate Selling Agent:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Angela & Christopher O’Brian
Janet Rochester
LaRocque & Co., Realtors
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Subdivision: Sunset Bay Subd, Address: 512 Sunset Blvd Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 136 14th Ave
Listing Date: 11/1/2017 Listing Date: 12/11/2017
Original Price: $449,000 Original Price: $475,000
Recent Price: $449,000 Recent Price: $475,000
Sold: 2/19/2018 Sold: 2/16/2018
Selling Price: $434,500 Selling Price: $440,000
Listing Agent: Edward Drass Listing Agent: Nona Swann
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Swann & Associates R.E., Inc.
Sandra Taylor Nona Swann
RE/MAX Interactive Swann & Associates R.E., Inc.
Subdivision: Sun Land Harbour, Address: 11 Inwood Way
Listing Date: 9/22/2017
Original Price: $585,000
Recent Price: $544,900
Sold: 2/21/2018
Selling Price: $525,000
Listing Agent: Joseph One
Selling Agent: One’s Real Estate
David Settgast
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Sea Park Homes 2nd A, Address: 201 Dover St
Listing Date: 1/4/2018
Original Price: $249,900
Recent Price: $249,900
Sold: 2/16/2018
Selling Price: $242,000
Listing Agent: Paul & Beth Frommann Team
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Andrea Richmond
Blue Marlin R. E. Cocoa Beach