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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-04-13 11:57:18

04/13/2017 ISSUE 15


56 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


When wife’s family drops in, hubby feels shut out

BY CAROLYN HAX to maintain typical friendships even as she told you
Washington Post herself, outright, that she preferred family to friends.
And why you expect to be included in family visits
Dear Carolyn, even as your wife “ditches” you “every time.”

I’m writing from the mud- The good news is, a marriage – a life – built around
reality is so much more satisfying than whatever we
room of my house, to give you think “should” happen, messier though it may be.
Your wife doesn’t have to have outside friendships
some perspective: for a happy marriage. You don’t have to be included
in the medical-directives conversations for a happy
My wife has always claimed marriage.

she’s much better friends with The more important thing to have is always avail-
able: awareness of what you can and can’t change.
her family – her parents and You can’t make your wife cultivate outside friend-
ships, but you can cultivate them. You can encour-
grandparents – and prefers age your wife to join you when you see these friends
and choose not to mind if she opts out.
them over friends. I thought
Likewise, you can’t change how she conducts
this was an exaggeration until family visits, but you can choose to make an effort
to join their discussions; to tell her you feel shut out
I realized she doesn’t maintain friendships at all! instead of hoping she’ll notice you’re gone; and/or
to treat her family visits as your chance to do your
Anyway, her parents came into town today, and own thing.

even though she talks to them almost daily, they’ve Couples don’t need 100 percent shared interests;
they just need love and support for whatever those
taken over the family room discussing medical direc- interests are.

tives and other extremely personal family matters Good family therapists can help with this process.
In a memorable part of “Apollo 13,” engineers
without a worry about me. I’ve been playing games in have to build a carbon-dioxide filter with only ma-
terial on hand. That applies to marriage, too: Under-
the mudroom for at least 25 minutes and they don’t stand what you need, see what you actually have,
then try to build something that works. 
even realize I’m missing! front, because people don’t do what they should –
they do what they do.
I know my wife will say it’s because she doesn’t get
It sounds as if your family didn’t serve you well in
to see her family often (true). But every time we do see this regard. Their detachment left you to figure out
on your own how families get and stay close, and
them, she ditches me to discuss family matters while when kids in your position become adults, it’s com-
mon for the outcome to look a lot like the one you’re
I fend for myself. I love her family, but I feel marriage living now: one with expectations built on an imag-
ined version of how things are supposed to be.
should be a lot more inclusive.
You didn’t do anything wrong, necessarily. You just
I grew up in a very impersonal family so maybe I’m believed in your vision over what reality tried to say.

blowing this out of proportion. That would explain why you expected your wife

– Vaping in the Boys Room

Dear ‘Vaping’,
I don’t have great news for you on the “should”

Ace of hearts
gives Welsh Center
a winning hand

58 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



BY TOM LLOYD earliest heart-lung machines, proce- mally-invasive valve surgery Dr. John (Jack) Brock.
Staff Writer dures to treat and repair torn aortas, on this coast as far as I know,”
the use of arterial grafts and dozens explains Brock, adding that, PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
The Welsh Heart Center at the In- of other innovations which, accord- “no one in Orlando is doing it
dian River Medical Center just dealt ing to his New York Times obituary, either. That’s something that I
itself another ace of hearts. “have saved millions of lives world- haven’t done and they [Stowe
wide.” In his career, DeBakey per- and Malias] are teaching me to
Cardio-thoracic surgeon Dr. John formed over 60,000 procedures. do it.”
(Jack) Brock has joined the staff,
bringing with him some highly im- At the Welsh Center, Brock joins fel- For a veteran cardio-tho-
pressive credentials. low DeBakey student and protégé Dr. racic surgeon who has per-
Cary Stowe and the equally impressive formed challenging heart and
For starters, Brock trained with Dr. Mark Malias to form the surgical lung transplants, the allure of
– and then spent a decade working core of the program. learning something new clear-
alongside – the legendary Dr. Mi- ly appeals to Brock. He quickly
chael DeBakey. Brock minces no words about his ex- adds that what Stowe and Ma-
citement in coming to Vero. lias have accomplished “is im-
While the name Michael DeBakey pressive because the outcomes
might not ring a bell with millennials, “Dr. Stowe and Dr. Malias have put are better for the patients.”
to a somewhat older generation, that together a really good team here,” he
name probably triggers a virtual caril- says, “I’ve traveled around the coun- Brock is also keen to ex-
lon of bells. try to various hospitals and operated pand his work into an even less
in several states and this is by far and common procedure. “There
Dubbed “the greatest surgeon away the better program that I’ve seen. are only a few surgeons doing
ever” by the American Medical Asso- It’s a great team. That’s why I’m here.” esophageal surgery in the state
ciation back in 2005, DeBakey passed of Florida,” says Brock, “but I
away at the age of 99 in 2008, leaving Brock, the former director of cardiac don’t see any reason why peo-
behind an almost mind-boggling list surgery at Tampa General Hospital, ple should have to leave this
of cardiovascular innovations and then starts talking about heart valve area – the Treasure Coast – to
achievements. surgery and esophageal procedures have esophageal surgery.”
as well as what he still wants to learn
DeBakey pioneered coronary by- about his specialty. As the conversation contin-
pass surgeries, treatments for ar-
teriosclerosis, development of the “There’s no one else doing mini-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 59


ues, however, Brock goes back to his is set up totally different. These folks
first topic. It’s one he clearly values. here really are better at putting forth
Teamwork. an effort – more than I’ve ever seen –
I’m not kidding you. They are seriously
“There’s a team approach” at the committed and they are actually hap-
Vero heart center, he says, “which a lot py with what they do.”
of hospitals in this area – and in this
country – do not have anymore. It’s Brock’s appreciation of his col-
just ‘hernia this morning, gall bladder leagues and thirst for knowledge
this afternoon, and, oh let’s do a heart.’ has, it seems, been with him all his
But that’s not how the Welsh Heart life. “When I was a young boy grow-
Center is put together.” ing up in Tampa,” he says, “I got a
scholarship to go to Harvard. So I
Brock first cites cardiac fellow- went up there and one of my pro-
ship-trained anesthesiologists Geoff fessors was J.D. Watson, of Watson
Wolf and John Lindenthal while also and Crick DNA,” the discoverers of
giving a nod to the entire anesthesi- chemical structure of DNA’s double
ology department. helix. Brock was fascinated.

Then he goes out of his way to also Yet even when adding that to his
mention the pre-operative and diag- time with Dr. DeBakey and subse-
nostic staffs, the cath lab, the operat- quent years of cardio-thoracic sur-
ing room staff, and the post-operative gery, Brock is still able to boil down
and rehabilitation crews. his life’s work into a few simple
words: “Our job,” he says simply, “is
He also praises the center’s physi- to make people well.”
cian assistants: “We have three great
PAs and they do a fantastic job,” says Dr. John Brock is now with the Welsh
Brock. “Again, many programs don’t Heart Center. His offices are at 3450
have any mid-levels, any PAs or nurse 11th Court, Suite 109 in Vero Beach. The
practitioners. The surgeons do it all, phone number is 772-563-4580. 
and, again, they don’t focus on what
they need to when they do that. This

Buzz building for deep brain
stimulation to treat anorexia

BY MARIA CANFIELD conditions that can cause people to
have abnormal, involuntary or slow
Correspondent movements; such conditions include
Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor
New research from Canada sug- disorder and Tourette syndrome. Dr.
gests that “deep brain stimulation” – Legler says, “More recently, there has
a relatively simple surgical technique been interest in investigating the use
– may be effective in treating anorex- of DBS for treatment of other circuit-
ia, a notion that Vero Beach clinical based disorders, including psychi-
neuropsychologist Whitney Legler atric conditions such as depression,
says carries promise. OCD, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer
Anorexia, a mental-health disorder
that makes people lose more weight The 16 women who participated
than is healthy, affects about 1 percent in the Canadian study chose to do so
of the female population, mostly those because they had tried other anorexia
between the ages of 12 and 25; it has treatments without success, and were
the highest mortality rate of any men- at risk of premature death. The young-
tal illness. est study participant was 21 and the
oldest was 57. Some of the older par-
The disease is characterized by an ticipants had struggled with anorexia
intense fear of gaining weight, an ex- for decades. The group had an average
cessive concern with body weight, and body mass index (BMI) of 13.8, making
a distorted body image: No matter how them severely underweight (a healthy
thin they get, the sufferer perceives BMI range is 18.5 to 24.9).
themselves as being overweight. The
malnutrition anorexia causes can The researchers were led by Dr. Nir
lead to serious health issues, includ- Lipsman from the Sunnybrook Health
ing a compromised immune system, Sciences Centre in Canada. He and his
weakened bones, and heart problems colleagues surgically implanted elec-
because of too-low levels of potassium trodes in a region of the brain called
in the blood. the “subcallosal cingulate.” This re-
gion is known to contain many recep-
As explained by Vero’s Dr. Legler, tors for serotonin; a serotonin deficit
deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a
neurosurgical procedure initially CONTINUED ON PAGE 60
developed for the management of

60 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Dr. Whitney Legler. in the brain is associat- When the trial was over, the re- nique also seemed to have a good ef-
ed with depression and searchers used a positron emission fect on the weight of the participants.
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE anxiety. Serotonin has tomography (PET) scan to evaluate The first signs of weight gain began to
been shown to be out of the brain activity of the 14 remaining show after three months; by the end
balance in some people participants. What they found was en- of the study, the average BMI of the
with anorexia. couraging. There were positive chang- group increased by 25 percent, with
es in the regions of the brain linked to six of the participants reaching a BMI
The electrodes were anorexia: increased activity in some in the normal range.
used to stimulate the areas, deceased activity in others.
region on a continual Additionally, mood and anxiety im- Although there are psychological,
basis for a full year. Al- proved for five of these participants, environmental and social factors that
though it sounds a bit and for 10 of them, symptoms of de- may lead to the development of an-
like what Frankenstein pression decreased. According to their orexia, its exact causes are unknown.
did to his monster, the own reporting, the participants’ qual- It sometimes runs in families; young
voltage used was low ity of life also improved. women with a parent or sibling with
and few adverse reac- an eating disorder are at higher risk of
tions were reported. The deep brain stimulation tech- developing anorexia. Sufferers tend to
be overachievers who come to believe
that their lives would be better if they
were thinner.

The standard treatment for anorexia
is cognitive behavioral therapy, which
focuses on changing thoughts and ac-
tions, minimizing negative thoughts
about the act of eating and attempt-
ing to alter the harmful behaviors
that fuel the disorder. Other forms of
therapy, including family-based coun-
seling, also are often part of the treat-
ment mix. There are no medications
that have been shown to work well in
the treatment of anorexia. However,
antidepressants and other psychiat-
ric medications are sometimes used
to treat the depression or anxiety that
can accompany anorexia.

Dr. Legler says, “Most forms of medi-
cal management only focus on medical
complications of anorexia. Treatments
remain inadequate for most patients;
only 30 percent make a complete re-
covery in their lifetime and roughly 10
percent of all patients diagnosed with
anorexia die from starvation-related
complications or suicide. This is the
highest mortality rate seen for any
mental illness.”

“Complementary” treatments –
designed to reduce anxiety and pro-
mote relaxation – may help people
with anorexia. Such treatments in-
clude acupuncture, yoga, massage
and meditation.

The study on deep brain stimulation
as a possible treatment approach for
anorexia was published in the journal
The Lancet Psychiatry. Study author
Andres Lozano, from the University
of Toronto in Canada, says, “Anorexia
remains the psychiatric disorder with
the highest mortality rate, and there
is an urgent need to develop safe, ef-
fective, evidence-driven treatments
that are informed by a growing un-
derstanding of brain circuitry.” The
researchers say, and Dr. Legler agrees,
that larger studies are now needed.

Additional information and resources
can be found at www.eatingdisorder-
Dr. Legler’s office is located at 3003 Car-
dinal Drive, Suite A on the barrier island;
the office phone is 772-231-5554. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 67


The cost of a DIY barrel of Bordeaux: $14K and up

BY DAVE MCINTYRE gist and member of the wine-blend-
The Telegraph ing team, was especially fond of the
Margaux. “I used to grow roses, and
What’s a wine lover to do when Bor- Bordeaux is like a perfume factory,”
deaux gets ridiculously expensive? If he said. “I find the finesse is amazing
he or she is not limited to the bargain and the wines floral and complex.”
bin, they can gather friends together
and go DIY. Werronen has been a Bordeaux lover
since his days in graduate school at
That’s what Hank Werronen did. Carnegie Mellon in the 1960s, when a
He recruited 14 friends, including wine club and an oenophile professor
some from Canada and the United introduced him to some of the world’s
Kingdom, to partake in a winemaking finest wines. Back then, top Bordeaux
project at Viniv, a do-it-yourself win- was considered expensive at about $10
ery in Bordeaux. a bottle.

They produced five barrels of wine “By the time I was 22, I had tasted
– each holding about 25 cases, or 300 all the great Bordeaux,” Werronen told
bottles – from the 2015 vintage. Each me. “It’s been a hardship since then, be-
barrel was modeled after a leading cause I haven’t been able to afford it.”
chateau, with Palmer, Pichon Baron,
Montrose, Figeac and Smith Haut His tongue might have been firmly
Lafitte providing inspiration. The in his cheek, but Werronen was in a
group has become Viniv’s largest sense giving a harsh condemnation
project. Werronen recruited an artist of Bordeaux’s top producers for allow-
friend to design the labels. ing their prices to skyrocket in recent
years. If affluent, longtime customers
Located in Pauillac, a famous cab- are balking at today’s prices, the upper
ernet sauvignon-centric appella- echelon of Bordeaux may be increas-
tion on Bordeaux’s Left Bank, Viniv ingly dependent on a narrow market
is owned and operated by the Cazes of the ultra-rich and vulnerable to in-
family, which owns Chateau Lynch- stability in the global economy.
Bages. The DIY aspect allows well-
heeled Bordeaux lovers to create their “The first growths are priced out of
own blends from grapes grown in orbit,” Werronen said, “and now the
vineyards throughout Bordeaux’s sto- second growths are getting too pricey.
ried appellations. The best bottle I had last year was a
Chateau Palmer, but I don’t want to
The sweat equity is done by pro- spend $300 for a bottle.”
fessional vintners and winemakers.
Viniv’s clients enjoy the more glamor- He raised his glass with a sample of
ous side of winemaking: barrel tast- his team’s wine. “This costs about $50.”
ings in the cellar, blending sessions
to find the best formula for the wine, And the travel several times to Bor-
and, of course, the experience of vis- deaux, or Rioja, to make the wine, I
iting wine country and creating their asked? He smiled again.
own wines.
“This is a great experience and a
There’s an element of star quality chance to make a quality product,”
as well: Each team works closely with Werronen said. “I’m proud of this.” 
Daniel Llose, Lynch-Bage’s chief wine-
maker, on their blends. The cost starts teams to finish their 2015s.
at about $14,000 per barrel, depending So no, winemaking isn’t always
on the vineyard sources of the grapes.
hard work. It’s now part of the new
The DIY winery concept was pio- luxury culture that emphasizes ex-
neered by Crushpad in Northern Cali- periences over material possessions.
fornia. Its attempt to expand into Bor- Only in this case, you get the satisfac-
deaux failed in 2012, but inspired Viniv. tion of having wine you helped create.

Werronen, 74, a retired healthcare At a recent tasting, Werronen invit-
executive, discovered Viniv while ed some of his team and a few guests
touring Bordeaux in 2014. He blended to taste barrel samples of their final
one barrel from the 2014 vintage be- 2015 wines, which will be bottled this
fore recruiting his team to make five summer. I was impressed with Barrel
barrels from across Bordeaux from 3, a Margaux modeled after Chateau
2015 grapes. Palmer, which showed classic Bor-
deaux character of graphite and black
The team made the initial blends currant fruit. Barrel 5, modeled after
during a week-long stay in Bordeaux Smith Haut Lafitte in Graves, was my
last May. A few members tweaked the second favorite, minty with flavors of
final blends, with help from Llose, plums and blackberries.
in February at the Hotel Marquis de
Riscal in the Spanish region of Rioja, Frank Ashburn, an ophthamolo-
where Viniv had assembled client

68 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

“The Art of
Moving Forward.”

Happy Hour &
Drink Specials

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Early Dining Menu (772) 978-9789
2023 14th Avenue
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House-Made Pasta
& Creative Nightly


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 69

Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
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Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
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713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

70 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 71

Vero & Casual Dining

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Featuring Artist- Derek Gores of Melbourne, FL

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1309 19th Place - Downtown Vero Beach, FL

See you at the bistro! Like us on Facebook!

78 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Retreat-like feel pervades suberb oceanfront home

BY STEPHANIE LABAFF 160 Seaside Trail • Indian River Shores
Staff Writer

Dr. Nicholas Perricone posits that
“stress is a highly destructive, pro-in-
flammatory and pro-aging force,” in
an article he wrote several years ago.

Perricone clearly had his healthy-
living mantra in mind when he pur-
chased the home at 692 Ocean Road
on the barrier island. The Perri-
cone estate is situated on the largest
oceanfront lot in John’s Island and
sits on a cul-de-sac in blissful isola-
tion. It’s easy to forget it’s only a short
drive to Vero Beach’s bustling seaside
village when surround by the sprawl-
ing lawns bordered by lush, native

The five-bedroom, two-story home
allows for plenty of space to decom-
press and rest. With private beach
access and a short walk to the John’s
Island Beach Club, there’s not much
else one would need.

The son of a bricklayer, Perricone
grew up in a small town near New
Haven, Conn. A bestselling author,
renowned dermatologist and suc-

Seagrove West

220 OSPREY COURT $871,235.
4 Bedroom | 5.5 Bath
Beautiful river views from every room in this impeccably cared for 4,700 SF OPEN HOUSE: Every Saturday and Sunday 1- 5 or by Appointment
riverfront property. Experience Florida living at its finest with 2-story living
room, formal dining room, first floor master, gourmet kitchen with break- ENGLISH COTTAGE
fast nook, large family room with bar, office, library, pool, hot tub, summer
kitchen, 3-car garage and dock with new lift. $1,695,000 A truly unique island property on private cul de sac in the old
oak forests of Indian Trails. Flanked on the West by the marina
Contact Meg Norris at (772) 539-1556 on the Indian River Lagoon and on the East by the beach house
or [email protected] on the Atlantic, this residence was custom built in 2007 with
elegant details. Just a toe-path through your garden to an almost
Village Shops • 6160 Hwy A1A
Vero Beach, FL 32963 Three Master Suites • Lot Area: est .43 acres • Approx. 5010 SF
under roof / 3121 SF Under Air • Flood zone “X” and Elevated
• FPL Utilities • Roof built to 160 MPH Code • 500 gallon
underground propane tank • Master Bedroom with 11’6”
Tray Ceiling • Energy-Star Appliances, Porcelain Flooring,
Granite Tops and Tile Roof... And So Much More.

CONTACT: Linda Bolton
772-234-7575 [email protected]

Brokers Welcome

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 79


cessful skincare product entrepre- The estate has a retreat-like atmo-
neur, the doctor bought the seaside sphere, creating an escape within the
home in 2007. He bought a beach confines of its walls with amenities
house in Vero, instead of elsewhere, and a layout allowing for everyone to
so his daughter Caitlin could attend leave behind the stresses of the out-
Saint Edward’s School, according to a side world.
previous interview.
The house was designed by award-
With Perricone’s daughter grown winning Jackson-Kirschner Archi-
and his business interests drawing tects and built by Island Building
his attention elsewhere, the doctor Company.
put the house on the market, and it
awaits another family to fill its halls “The owner loves the privacy and
with laughter. tranquility of the house,” shares Kris-
ten Yoshitani, John’s Island Real Es-

80 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


tate Co. sales executive. “There are cented with classic pillars, French
ocean views from nearly every room doors and Palladian window adds
in the house, and the palette is very to the sense of balance between the
tranquil with all the blue and white.” house and nature.

Pulling up the palm-lined drive A four-bay garage sits adjacent
the world slips away as the stately to the house, fronted with carriage
Georgian-style home comes into house doors. To enter the house take
view. The symmetrical design ac- the breezeway or step through the

82 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Another fine GHO HOMES Community over-sized double-doors into the foy-
er that opens into the two-story living
LUXURY HAS A NEW ADDRESS FROM THE $400S room with fireplace. The height adds
to the openness of the house and pro-
Allow yourself to be inspired by the Bermuda and West Indies architectural style of GHO Homes’ vides a prelude to the ocean vista pre-
newest floorplans and elevations featured in Lily’s Cay. sented from terraces across all east
facing rooms.
Located at the intersection of 41st Street and Indian River Boulevard, Lily’s Cay is just minutes from
five-star restaurants, trendy beachside boutiques, golf courses, medical care, theaters, museums, galleries and more! The house has five bedrooms, six
bathrooms, and two half-baths. On
NEW MODEL NOW OPEN the first floor, the split plan allows for
complete privacy with an entire wing
Contact Patti Croswell at 561.568.4848 for more information devoted to the master suite, with li-
Saltwater pool with screen enclosure and brick paver patio included! brary and bar situated nearby.

772.257.1100 y The master suite includes his-and-
her walk-in closets with built-in cabi-
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by nets, his-and-her bathrooms and a
section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design. morning bar allowing for lazy morn-
ings on the en suite terrace without


John’s Island Club

Year built: 2007

Lot size: 2.27 acres

Home size: 14,574 sq. ft.

Bedrooms: 5

6 full and 2 half-baths

Waterfront: Fronts on the
Atlantic Ocean

Additional features:
Prestigious gated and guarded
country club community, bar,
library, butler’s pantry, morn-
ing bar, spa bath, built-in cabi-
nets throughout, media room,
gas burning fireplace, heated
saltwater pool, elevator, private
dune walkway, propane tanks,
generator, security cameras,
Crestron home automation sys-
tem, four-bay garage, outdoor

speakers and lights.

Listing agency: John’s Island
Real Estate Company,

Listing price: $12,500,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 83


ever leaving the bedroom. to outdoor living. An elevator and
To the south, the kitchen is an laundry rooms on both floors add a
level of convenience.
opulent, chef’s delight with gour-
met island, industrial grade appli- The poolside terrace is perfect for
ances, custom cabinetry and a but- entertaining, with covered loggias
ler’s pantry. The room opens up to a and a summer kitchen. “The recent-
breakfast nook and the family room ly renovated dune crossover allows
making it easy for family-style en- for unobstructed views of the ocean
tertaining. For a more elegant affair, from poolside, which is a rare find,”
the formal dining room provides a says Yoshitani. It’s a few short steps to
haven for more sophisticated dinner the beach through the locked securi-
parties. ty gate, allowing for easy access with
safety in mind.
The upper level includes a second
master suite and three additional John’s Island is a private commu-
bedrooms, one of which is currently nity situated between the Atlantic
set up as a media room, complete Ocean and Indian River Lagoon.
with a telescope for star gazing from The community encompasses 3,200
the private balcony. The second- acres, including wetlands, in which
floor gallery has a full-size bar, which homes are placed with preservation
opens onto a sunset balcony for in mind. With three miles of private
nighttime entertaining. beach access and nine miles of In-
tracoastal Waterway, John’s Island is
Wainscoting, limestone flooring, a playground for every type of water
custom millwork and ceiling details sport imaginable. Amenities at the
throughout add an understated el- member-owned country club include
egance to the design while the use of dining, golf, tennis, squash, croquet,
muted blues and natural grass wall- golf and beach clubs. 
paper help to transition from indoor

84 Vero Beach 32963 / April 13, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: March 31 to April 6

The first full week of April saw the barrier island real estate market roar to life, with 20 sales recorded
including six for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Seagrove. The property at 156 Ocean Way was
placed on the market Feb. 2, 2015, with an asking price of $4.895 million. The price was subsequently
lowered to $4.395 million. The sale closed on March 31 for $4.2 million.

The seller in the transaction was represented by Cindy O’Dare and Clark French of Premier Estate
Properties. The purchaser was represented by Peter Roselle, also of Premier Estate Properties.


$2,698,000 $890,000
OCEANRIDGE 1984 OCEAN RIDGE CIRCLE 2/12/2016 $949,000 $2,698,000 4/6/2017 $1,000,000
MARINER VILLAGE 50 MARINER BEACH LANE 1/18/2017 $1,150,000 $949,000 4/4/2017 $763,000
$815,000 $445,000
ANCHOR THE MOORINGS 227 BINNACLE POINT 9/16/2016 $449,900 $1,150,000 4/4/2017 $817,500
$850,000 $400,000
OCEAN OAKS WEST 2229 OCEAN OAKS CIRCLE W 1/10/2017 $490,000 $815,000 4/3/2017
OCEAN CORP 1418 CORAL AVENUE 11/9/2016 $449,900 4/3/2017 $268,000
SEA FOREST COURT 150 S CAMELIA COURT 10/21/2016 $850,000 3/31/2017

CASTAWAY COVE 1320 POITRAS DRIVE 8/1/2016 $475,000 3/31/2017


COQUINA PLACE 800 COQUINA LANE, #205 6/13/2016 $205,000 $205,000 4/4/2017
PARK SHORES 107 W PARK SHORES CIRCLE, #24W 2/20/2017 $280,000 $280,000 4/3/2017
GABLES OF VERO BEACH 2700 OCEAN DRIVE, #305 9/1/2016 $675,000 $595,000 4/3/2017

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