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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2019-05-16 16:58:48

05/16/2019 ISSUE 20


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 51

Met Gala 2019: the most camp look s

52 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Dior’s 2020 collection champions the art of collaboration

The Telegraph

Cultural appropriation – it used to end well. Cornrows on white women
be called reference – was the stock (there were a lot of white women in
in trade of every designer from Coco the show), Masai beading and waxed
Chanel (Harris tweed jackets and prints stirred up a surprising degree of
Breton sweaters) and Yves Saint Lau-
rent (numerous appropriations from
Russia and Africa) to Jean Paul Gault-
ier (Russia, Africa, Orthodox Jews,
nuns ...) to John Galliano (all of the
above plus Japan, Native Americans
– it’s probably quicker to list what he
didn’t reference/appropriate).

But what was once considered clever
and witty is now politically loaded. Our
sensibilities are more raw, our fuses
short, our perspective fuzzy. People get
as worked up about a designer “steal-
ing” a motif from Ecuadorian Otavalo
culture (Loewe 2017) as they do about
John Galliano making anti-Semitic
remarks – and when debate is this de-
based, the argument for the Ecuador-
ians is inevitably weakened. When
Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Pic-
cioli’s Spring/Summer 2016 homage to
Out of Africa hit the catwalk, it did not

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 53

apoplexy on social media. hired to ensure against tone-deaf- flection of the filigree balconies here, women from the 1950s and 1960s on
Then again, a lot of social media ap- ness. Wax fabrics, first developed in and three stop-the-traffic plain silk her mood-board.
1895, are the product of a complex, jersey columns – part abaya, part Chi-
oplexy is surprising and it’s difficult painstaking, globalized process (oth- uri from her Valentino days. Re-con- To intrude with a commercial ob-
to gauge how much of the outrage is er centers of wax fabric production figuring the Bar jacket and that most servation, the fact that Dior had lav-
synthetic and whipped up, especially in the past included Manchester and Dior of motifs, the full skirt, into wax ished so much organization (the se-
when you’re not the one whose cul- Holland) involving 20 separate stages. cottons, baggy, cuffed ankle trousers curity for one thing, those amazing
ture is being allegedly appropriated. The cheap, digitalized facsimiles on (less harem more combat in intention) dinners in ancient Marrakesh palac-
It seemed clear even at the time that the high street, with patterns on one and chocolate colored slub linens and es, flying in 700 guests, including cli-
Chiuri and Piccioli meant well. But as side only, are a crude stand in for the accessorizing them with flat North ents, and bagging Diana Ross to per-
a package, the proposition flouted PC real thing which has depth, richness African sandals and waxed turba- form at the after-party) and money on
rules. The mainly white casting plus and more often than not, tells coded nettes (milliner Stephen Jones joined this event is the clearest indication yet
a soundtrack borrowed from a film stories through its patterns. Guiding forces on these with Martine Henry, a that Chiuri’s version of Dior is selling
that seems uncomfortably dated in its an atelier like Dior’s through those British Ghanaian milliner) lent them by the truck load.
Colonialist take on Kenya – although 20 stages and watch them bring a Pa- a new casual attitude – still elegant
God knows, that music is still stirring) risian eye to wax and turn it into ex- – but less reverential, which was as Yet this thoughtful, elaborate net-
– were all danger triggers. quisite double-faced cashmere jackets Chiuri intended, based on those joy- work of international cooperation
and coats and chiffon dresses “re- ous snaps of fashionable Moroccan seemed to be about so much more
So maybe stay away from any- stores its prestige” argues Grosfilley. than money (although that helps get
thing remotely sensitive if you’re a Cultural appropriation? Grazia Chiuri a project off the ground) or simply
designer. Stick to your own kind, as sees it more as a cultural exchange. co-opting new PC language to cloak
Rita Moreno (a Puerto Rican playing a an old concept. That said, outside the
Puerto Rican, hats off) sang in “West The entire collection was one big magnificent remains of the fort where
Side Story.” At the same time, keep on sharing exchange. Grace Wales Bon- the show took place, the vast major-
coming with the Insta-friendly resort ner, the talented British menswear ity of women were fully covered. The
show locations. Your bosses demand designer was drafted in to bring a dif- contrast with the haute elevation on
it. And Maria Grazia Chiuri, now cre- ferent, raffia-ized take on Dior’s iconic the Dior catwalk underscored just
ative director at Dior, guided by her Bar Jacket; Mickalene Thomas, the Af- how political what we wear has be-
socially-aware, 20-something-year- rican-American artist whose collages come. There was a time – back in the
old children, does not shy from new often feature rhinestones and enamel 1960s, when creating Westernized,
challenges. Welcome to Dior’s Resort turned The Bar into a beaded work of cosmopolitan fashion was the goal
2020 show in Marrakesh. art. Numerous artisans from the Uni- of Morocco’s own fashion designers.
wax factory in the Ivory Coast recast Now they want to be outward facing
If Marrakesh seems unlikely terri- famous Dior archival prints such as but also find an authentic native voice
tory for Dior – culturally appropriated the toiles de Jouy and the Tarot cards in a country where religious dress is
if you will, from Yves Saint Laurent, in their rambunctious waxes. Mon- a potent force. Cultural exchanges?
who, born in Algeria, had a beloved sieur Pathé’o an Ivory Coast tailor liv- They’re complicated. 
home in Marrakesh – that’s because ing in France, lent his idiosyncratic
Morocco was a minor chord in the eye to Dior’s shirt-jackets, incorporat-
Dior symphony, but a sweet one. Dior ing one of his signature illustrations of
was sold in Joste, a Casablancan “cou- Nelson Mandela on the back.
ture salon” from as early as 1953 – and
not just sold but made. Joste bought This degree of openness is unusual
Dior original patterns (as upmarket to say the least. “But why not?” said
stores outside Paris often did) and le- Chiuri, in expansive mood, her white
gally produced its own Made in Africa blonde hair capped by a Dior bandan-
versions. Let’s not forget either, that na in a style appropriated from (18th
Saint Laurent headed Dior for two Century pirates). “The idea of a de-
brief glorious years and in 1960 de- signer working alone just isn’t believ-
signed a coat named Marrakesh. able. I couldn’t do any of this without
the Dior atelier so why not just be open
Chiuri was tickled by the Joste con- about it? It’s about having a conversa-
nection – and by the discovery that Af- tion. I want to see Dior through other
rican beads, made with Murano glass eyes That’s how to keep the codes of
from Italy were heavily traded in Afri- the house modern.”
ca (these turned up in this collection,
smothered across caftan style dress- It was open-hearted and the clothes
es). She also came across a book by were stunning, not least four exqui-
the anthropologist Anne Grosfilley on site white lace dresses, a sartorial re-
wax textiles – the exuberant double-
sided patterned cottons worn across
the African Continent and sometimes
appropriated by mass fashion chains
in Western Countries. The seeds of
a Marrakesh adventure were sown.
Besides which, artists and designers
have always loved the place. The light
is amazing, the locals tend to leave
you alone, “and it’s a global cross-
roads,” added Chiuri. “The bridge be-
tween Europe and Africa.”

This time Chiuri wasn’t taking any
chances with culture misfires. Gros-
filley, a white woman living in Nice
I should probably point out, before
someone else does, (but for all that
an expert on African wax fabric) was

54 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Chive: Sleek new restaurant surpasses its predecessor

BY TINA RONDEAU Maine Lobster Roll with
Broccoli Salad.
First, it was Brewgrrs. Next came the
21st Street Taphouse. Then the space
sat empty. Frankly, empty was better.

But now, this sleek casual restaurant
at the eastern end of Miracle Mile has
been given a new life as the latest home
of Chive.

This is the marriage of a cool vibe
with good food that this space has
been waiting for. And it’s perfect as the
third home of Chive.

The big difference between the new
Chive and its predecessor on Royal
Palm Pointe is you now have dining

Oh, the food was fresh and creatively
prepared at both.

But when you entered the old Chive,
instead of being seated at a table, you
were shown straight to the first position
at the counter. There, you chose what
you wanted (i.e., seared ahi tuna, flank
steak, grilled mahi-mahi) and what you
wanted it on (tacos, burrito, beans and
rice bowl, butter lettuce salad, or po boy).

Then, you moved on to the next coun-
ter position, and “personalized” your
dish by choosing from 20 signature top-
pings (i.e., salsa fresca, jalapenos, blue

Ninja Bowl. Coconut Scallops. Caribbean
cheese crumbles) and or 16 specialty you your meal. fried vegetables, sautéed shrimp, scal-
sauces and dressings (i.e., wasabi mayo, That’s exactly what we did last Fri- lions, judo chop sauce, sriracha and Hours:
avocado walnut vinaigrette, roasted red wasabi aioli and a scrambled egg. Very Daily, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
pepper sour cream). day, and it worked out perfectly! tasty. And my husband’s poke fea- (11 p.m. Friday and Saturday)
For starters, I ordered the scallop tured beautiful chunks of rare ahi tuna
You can still order that way at the new set atop a fresh salad. For dessert, we Beverages: Full Bar
Chive, and then take your freshly pre- appetizer ($11) and my husband went shared a slice of Chive’s homemade Address:
pared dish to a table or a comfy booth for the soup of the day, a cup of New bread pudding ($3).
along the wall. You also could carry it to England clam chowder ($4). The co- 390 21St Street
a table outside in the new Chive’s attrac- conut-crusted sea scallops were per- Simply put, the new Chive is the best Phone:
tive beer garden. fection, and my husband – a fanatic Chive yet. If you haven’t been there, it’s
on the subject of New England clam high time for a visit. 772-999-5452
But if, like my husband, you find chowder – gave Chive’s rendition sur-
ordering at the counter and serving prisingly high marks. I welcome your comments, and encour-
yourself a bit too frenetic – especially age you to send feedback to me at tina@
at dinnertime – you can grab a seat Then for a main course, I decided
at the new Chive’s beautiful 40-place to try the ninja bowl ($12.99) and my
bar, start with a beer, glass of wine or husband went for the ahi tuna poke The reviewer dines anonymously at
cocktail, and a server will assist you ($13.99). restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
in making a menu selection and bring 32963. 
The ninja consisted of brown rice
topped with caramelized onion, stir

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 55


The French paradox: Drinking wine and staying healthy

BY LUKE MINTZ higher wine consumption means higher wine) help our heart and immune sys- ample.
rates of cancer. tem. “It’s a bit too much”, she says of the
The Telegraph
“There’s a closet full of caveats to that, “If you look at people over a long period French president’s habits. “Maybe he
When Dr. Will Clower moved from his but what it does say is that the relation- of time, the people that have a lower risk should have a few days [each week]
native Alabama to work at the Institute ship between wine consumption and of cardiovascular disease are the people where he doesn’t drink alcohol – that’s a
of Cognitive Sciences in Lyon, France, cancer is overly simplistic and doesn’t that drink one glass of wine a day,” she recommendation from the WHO.” 
one of the first things he noticed about tell the whole picture,” he says. says. “There’s a U-shaped curve: drink-
the French was their advanced attitude ing one, maximum two glasses of red
towards wine. He says that one-off studies can only wine, three of four times a week, can be
tell us so much about the health impacts beneficial to longevity.”
Sitting with his fellow scientists in the of wine – it’s far more useful to look at in-
university’s lunchroom on his first day, dividual countries that are doing it well Before you run to your local wine mer-
he spotted a cask of red wine alongside and try to emulate them. chant to set up a daily order of pinot noir,
the juice, water, and sandwiches, from however, Shah also recommends limit-
which members could pour themselves “It’s frustrating, [a study comes out ing yourself to one glass a day, with some
endless refills. saying], ‘Drink wine because science alcohol-free days each week.
shows it’ll make you live ten years longer.’
“It struck me as odd – we [in the United And then a month later, ‘Don’t drink be- This makes Emmanuel Macron, who
States] see wine as an intoxicant, it’s the cause it’s going to kill you.’ There are cul- claims to drink a glass with lunch and
sum of its pharmacological properties, tural habits and cultural behaviors, and dinner every day, something of a bad ex-
so why on Earth would you serve it over if those behaviors lead to lower weight,
lunch? But as I watched, I never saw any- longer lives, healthier bodies, then the A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
one going back to get more. For them it’s reason why is truly academic.
considered food, so of course you’re go- A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant
ing to have it with your lunch – it’s a no- “The French live longer, they don’t
brainer.” have the cancers that [other Western The Best Food In South County!
countries] do, they don’t have the heart
For Dr. Clower, it was the perfect illus- disease we do, they don’t have the diabe- reservations strongly suggested
tration of the “French paradox” – the idea tes that we do. Whatever they’re doing,
that French people can drink as much they should keep doing it because it’s 2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Vero Beach Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
vin as they like without ever seeming to working for them, and the reasons will On the NW corner of Oslo & 27th Ave
suffer from the associated health prob- be revealed over time.” 772.794.7587
lems. A few doors east of Winn Dixie
In words that will come as even more
Is this correct? Are the health impacts of a delight to vino-lovers, he also thinks
of wine any different to those of beer, that wine can indeed be good for the
spirits, and other alcohols? heart, due to their high levels of antioxi-
Ask a British government official, and
they’ll probably tell you that there is no This is a view shared by Toral Shah, a
such thing as a ‘good’ level of any alco- nutritional scientist and chef who spe-
hol. All booze is harmful, they say, and cializes in cancer prevention after over-
that includes wine. coming the disease in her 20s. She says
there has been “really mixed research”
But Dr. Clower, who has written two into the impacts of wine on cardiovas-
books on the so-called ‘French Paradox’ cular (heart) disease, but thinks that
since moving away from Lyon, isn’t so the high levels of antioxidants and poly-
sure. If you look at it country by coun- phenols found in wine (particularly red
try, he says, the data does not show that

56 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 57

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58 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 59

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60 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz: There’s mucho to admire about amigo Toby

Hi Dog Buddies! with others here on the mainland, an liddle. “How was it at first? Was there, I getting in THAT liddle box! Nunca! So

Toby Locke is a hansome Mini Poo, they fly me to Miami.” like, a lang-gwudge barrier?” Dad hadda carry me there, too. Now
about 5 in human. He’s also a rescue
from Puerto Rico, so I brushed up on “Woof, Toby. What was that like? “No mucho. When Mom an Dad I’m Cool Dog Biscuits with it.”
my Spanish, just in case. He wanted
to meet at the Dog Park by the river in Were you scared?” see I understand Beth an my groomer “What about toys? Gotta favorite?”
Vero, cuz it’s, like, his favorite place to
play. (He’s very social.) “No mucho. Only a liddle ANK-shus. when they are speaking Espanol to “I didn’t know what a toy WAS until

Me an my assistant arrived first, Then a very kind human named Beth me, they learn some basic words, an I Beth got some for me. Now I have
so we sat in the shade an watched
the pooches playin.’ I’d told Toby from Have A Heart rescue meets me at am very quickly learning English. muchos. The best are the squeaky ones.
he’d recognize us cuz I’m a Springer
Span-yull and my assistant wears red the airport an takes good care of me.” “I did come Potty Trained, but there “I very much like Car Rides. When
sneakers. Toby was easy to spot with
his short, curly apricot coat. Soon as “How’d you find your Forever was mucho mas to learn, Bonzo. Mom Dad puts his flip-flops on, I stand up
they came through the gate, Toby’s Dad
came right over. Toby did a lap to greet Famly?” an Dad live on the beach so you on my back legs and paw so he knows
his pooch pals – very con-fuh-dent,
very much his own dog. Then he came “Mom an Dad had I must go with him. It is the
bounding up for the Wag-an-Sniff.
recently lost dos perros. So, same when Mom starts to
“Hola, Bonzo! Como estas? This is
my Dad, Walter. My Mom’s Kathleen. when they feel better, they get dressed an gets out her
She’s home.”
look for a Rescue. Well, pocketbook.
“Hola, Toby. A pleasure. Do you
come her often?” you’ll NEVER buh-leave “Also, I have a

“Si! Mucho! There are not so many this, one of their perros Responsabilidad Importante:
places for playing at our condo. An
I have many amigos here. So, ahora who went to Heaven was I am Mom’s Support Perro,
que? I speak, an you write?”
an apricot Mini Poo from a job I take Very Seriously. I
“Pretty much,” I said, opening my
notebook. Puerto Rico named Toby. know a trick, too. It is called

“Bueno! As you know, I’m a rescue “Are you woofin’ me?” I ‘Si-EN-ta-te.’ ‘Sit’ in English.
from Puerto Rico, a quite beautiful
American island. Most of my life, I asked. Mom says ‘Sit’ an I do. About
am onna chain in the backyard. I
have food an water. But they never “NO. Naturalmente, 80 percent of the time. A
play with me or pat me or brush me
or anything. I am bored, lonely, an a when Mom an Dad see my hundred percent with a treat.
dusty, matted mess. One of our human
neighbors feels sorry for me an calls pickshur an bio on line, I’m very proud of that.”
the local rescue. The rescue place asks
my owners if they will give me up. My they ree-lize it was, how do PHOTO: KAILA JONES Toby “As you should be,” I
owners say ‘Si!,’ so I am taken to the you say, Meant To Be. They agreed.
rescue place, where they got me todo call Beth an she comes to
limpiado so I’d be more uh-DOP- “Por la noche, we all
tubble. The Puerto Rico rescue works
check them out. After she snuggle together on the

is sure they’d be buenos padres an won’t would think, coming couch an watch TV. It’s

chain me in the back yard, she brings me from an island, I’d be fuh-miliar with excellente!”

up for a Meet-an-Greet, right here, in the the beach, an the water. But I never got Heading home, I was thinkin’

Dog Park. Dad gets down on the ground to go to the beach so it was, like you about all the humans, from a buncha

with me. I can see he loves perros. We say, freakin’ me out at first. Now I enjoy different countries, who work hard

hit it off immediatamente. I go back the beach. But not the waves. They to rescue Pooches Less Fortunate an

with Beth for shots an paperwork, then are sneaky. I think they are wanting find them loving forever homes. Every

she bring me back, this time to be with to grab me. I am running faster than perro deserves that.

Mom an Dad forEVER. those liddle birds. It is also mui fun

“Me an Beth are sad porque we chasing clumps of seagrass blowing The Bonz
went through a lot together. I cry for along the beach.
a couple nights. But we are mostly “I had never seen stairs or beach

happy cuz I find my Forever Famly, an, walkways. I had No Clue what to do. Don’t Be Shy
after a few days, I ree-lize ‘this is FUN, Dad carried me up an down ’em at
an I’m having it!’ Plus, we gave Beth first. Then he helped me learn one step We are always looking for pets with
an especial gift to remember me by: a at a time till finally I could do it. But I interesting stories.
Kleenex box with a beach scene an my hugged the wall por mucho tiempo. To set up an interview, email

pawprint, an ‘Mom Hearts Toby’ on it “Then there is this scary, liddle box

(cuz she was my first Mom).” called an elly-vader. Humans go in it [email protected].

“That was SO nice,” I said, sniffin’ a an disappear. At first I say ‘No WAY am

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 61


Appearances can deceive, but what’s in your heart cannot

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT wrong with looking and feeling our on the pretext of saying a final good- in heaven. She agreed that she did.
very best. None of us is immune to bye to her. When they spoke, he He then told her that he remembered
Columnists the hope that we will be well thought gently brought the conversation to at his birth something very unusual
of, even admired. Taking pride in the topic of marriage and asked her had happened. When he was born,
Keeping up appearances is defined who we are and how we look is ap- if she thought marriages were made he told her, the angels in heaven
as “making things look all right, propriate – to a point. But it becomes followed their custom of calling out
whether they are or not.” (McGraw- problematic when we confuse the who his mate would be. And they
Hill Dictionary of American Idioms.) appearance of health, or success, or also announced to him that while
We Americans invest a lot of time and beauty or significance with their re- his wife would be lovely, she would,
energy in keeping up appearances, it ality. Appearances, after all, can be alas, have a great hump on her back.
would seem. Many industries, from deceiving. And so, Mendelsohn said, he called
clothing to automobiles, rely upon back, “O Lord! A girl with this problem
our desire to own something smart, Moses Mendelsohn, a highly will become bitter and hard. Give
stylish, innovative or prestigious. respected German philosopher (who the hunchback to me and let her be
Just being linked to such items can would become the grandfather of beautifully formed.” Now the young
make us feel better about ourselves the composer Felix Mendelsohn), woman’s eyes met his for the first
and assure us of a more favorable was an unattractive man. He had a time without fear or discomfort. She
assessment from others. When we hunchback. And though he had fallen looked deeply enough to penetrate
display the trappings of success in love with a charming and beautiful the outward façade, and she saw the
or style or status in our lives, we young woman, he quickly learned that beauty within his heart and soul.
may feel we are making things look his hopes for marriage were slim. She
all right, whether they are or not. was uneasy around him and told her In the scriptures we read that the
Maybe the same phenomenon is father she even found his appearance Lord does not look at the appearance
the motivator behind the growth in frightening. And so Mendelsohn of a person, but looks instead at the
the plastic surgery industry. We are asked to speak to the young woman heart. That’s not an easy skill for us
apparently undergoing more and to emulate in a world bent on keeping
more plastic surgery, a trend that has up outward appearances. But think
been reenergized as the economy has what beauty we may miss if we fail
begun to rebound. And the weight to look deeply and perceptively into
loss and exercise industries also the heart of each person we meet! 
bear testimony to our concern for

Now, there is certainly nothing

62 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING Shots, with hors d’oeuvres and beverages. $40 Brews-themed free concert 6 to 9:30 p.m. Indian River Charter High School Jazz Quartet
and vocalist Dana Ashton, and speaker Veronica
or/$75 for two. 772-794-060 772-231-6990 Kolibab. $75. 772-696-2729

Vero Beach Theatre Guild: The Savannah 17 Hurricane Preparedness Hangar Party 18 Sebastian Inlet State Park Night Sounds 24|25 Riverside Theatre Howl at
Sipping Society thru May 19. 772-562-8300 hosted by the American Red Cross Concert Series presents Penny Creek the Moon, 7:30 p.m. & 8:30
Coast to Heartland Chapter, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Band, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment
MAY at Corporate Air Hangar, with informational with park entry. 772-388-2750 at 6 p.m. 772-231-6990
exhibitors, demonstrations, a kids zone, live
17 Croquet in the Garden, 1 p.m. to 4 entertainment, silent auction items and food 20 Jazz, Art and Fashion, 6 p.m. at Grand 26 Founders Day Festivities begin with
p.m. hourly flights at McKee Botanical trucks. Free. 772-562-2549 Harbor Club to benefit New Horizons of 1:30 p.m. Centennial Tree Dedication at
Garden to benefit the Children’s Garden, $35 the Treasure Coast, with champagne reception MacWilliam Park followed from 2 to 4 p.m. with
includes snacks and equipment, followed by 6 17|18 Riverside Theatre and hors d’oeuvres, featuring spring collections Family Day Celebration at Riverside Theatre, with
p.m. Cocktail Party and Exhibition Match/Trick of designers Mochachino NY LA, Vivre Couture, children’s activities and interfaith entertainment
Comedy Zone, 7:30 p.m. Starwear US and Annalise Bean, with music by and information.

& 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop Boots & 26 Cosmic Trilogy Concert presented by
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra in
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN partnership with Kennedy Space Center and
in May 9, 2019 Edition 1 SCORE 1 COLLABORATION NASA, 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC,
4 SAUCER 3 RAID featuring Christopher Marshall’s The Cosmos
10 SELFINDULGENT 5 ALLIANCE and selections from the Cosmic Film Trilogy.
11 EXAM 6 CREMEDEMENTHE $25; free 18 & under. 855-252-7276
14 TOWER 8 ASHEN 27 Memorial Day Ceremony hosted by
15 OCTET 9 IDEAL Veterans Council of IRC, 9 a.m. at Veterans
19 CIABATTA 13 DECANTER Memorial Island Sanctuary, with keynote speaker
20 BEER 16 SCRUFF Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen Jr. (ret.), Gold Star Grove and
22 UNINTERRUPTED 17 START CenotaphDedications. BYOchair. Inclementweather
23 FINERY 18 TRADE plan: Vero Beach High School PAC. 772-410-5820

Sudoku Page 42 Sudoku Page 43 Crossword Page 42 Crossword Page 43 (MOVIE HYPE, TRANSLATED)


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This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at
an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


1010 Easter Lily Lane, No. 110, in the Ocean Park development: 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath,
2,848-square-foot townhome offered furnished for $2,100,000 by Kimberly Thorpe, broker-owner,

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty, 772-532-5233

64 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Gorgeous Ocean Park townhome, ideally located, has it all

Staff Writer

The beach-chic, three-level town- walk away from the finest shops and mainland all are nearby. crafted crown molding, ceiling fans
home at 1010 Easter Lily Lane, No. boutiques, restaurants and pubs, But once you step through the front and comfortable furniture, the home
110, is as about close to perfection as salons and spas, galleries and resorts; invites you to rest, relax and enjoy all
an oceanfront dwelling can be, this Riomar Country Club and Quail door, you are in your own cool, dreamy the pleasures and convenience it has
side of paradise. Valley River Club, Riverside Park – retreat, away from the village hustle to offer.
home of the Vero Museum of Art and and bustle. With its luxurious marble
The new owners will need to bring Riverside Theatre – and bridges to the and hardwood floors, plantation What the current owners especially
only toothbrushes and clothing; shutters, lofty ceilings, exquisitely love about the home is that they can
everything else, down to the
charming ocean-themed dishware,
awaits you there.

This wonderful 3-bedroom, 3.5-
bath, 2,848-square-foot residence
can be accessed via Ocean Park’s
sumptuous lobby. Or you can opt
to turn off Ocean Drive and cruise
through the gated entrance to the guest
parking courtyard and your private
garage. The home’s tall, balconied front
façade, with freshly painted white trim
and sky-blue shutters provides another
point of entry.

Among the home’s most appealing
features is its truly exceptional
location. Here you have the best of
both worlds: Ocean Park is in the
heart of Vero’s island village, a short

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 65


drift off to sleep and wake up to the
soothing sounds of the sea.

The first-floor foyer features
white chair rail and wainscoting,
and the staircase to the upper
levels. Throughout the house, the
creatively chosen furnishings and
design elements exude a beach vibe
– a stylish, tasteful one, with just a
smidge of whimsy. (Check out the
rocking toucan in the dining room.)

Also on the first floor is a private guest
suite, glowing with natural light that
enters through plantation-shuttered
windows. There is a pair of roomy
closets and a full bath with white mirror
and cabinetry, marble vanity top and
wheat-hued fiber wall covering.

Walking through this lovely, seaside
home, you’ll see other examples of
fine paper and fabric wall covering,
in appealing colors and designs
that perfectly complement the

Besides the stairs that lead to
the second level, there is a private
elevator that rises from the entryway
to the second and third floors.

The second level is open, allowing
an easy flow from living room to
formal dining room to kitchen. The
cozy living room features a handsome
gas fireplace with wall-mounted TV
above the mantle, flanked by built-
in display shelving. Opposite the
fireplace is a full-wall cocktail bar
with glass-front cabinet and SubZero
wine cooler.

Double doors open to a south-
facing balcony where you can share
the beauty of sea, sky, including
sunrises and sunsets, with family and
friends. It just doesn’t get any better
than that.

66 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The kitchen is a chef’s dream, with opening onto a balcony perfect for a chaise lounge for napping,
large, granite island, a wealth of outdoor grilling. The powder room/ daydreaming, reading. There are
cabinet storage, roomy pantry and half bath and laundry room are also three large closets including a big
top-of-the-line appliances, including on this level. walk-in, and lots of windows.
a 6-burner Electrolux gas cooktop
and Thermador double oven. Off the The third floor houses the spacious The en-suite master bath beckons
kitchen is a charming sitting room, master suite, a truly private retreat with its room-for-two jetted tub, glass
with its own sitting area, including shower, separate his/hers vanities,


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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents
required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 67


VITAL STATISTICS and water closet. The exquisite
1010 EASTER LILY LANE, NO. 110 chandelier and sconces mimic
graceful sea coral.
Neighborhood: Ocean Park
Year built: 2010 The south-facing balcony of-
Construction: fers beautiful sea views, including
the best-of-the-best sunrise/sunset
Concrete block/stucco views, and it’s also high enough to es-
Builder: Bob McNally, cape the street-level heat.
Palm Coast Development Inc.
Home size: 2,848 square feet A spacious guest suite is also
found on the third level. Sporting
Bedrooms: 3 a delightful white and blue turtle
Bathrooms: 3.5 theme, it features two closets, private
Additional features: Multiple balcony and en-suite bathroom with
balconies; 2-bay garage; tile eye-catching blue and tan-striped
roof; private generator; impact wall covering.
glass/shutters; private elevator;
gourmet kitchen with gas; You must see this amazing
gas fireplace; professionally residence in person to begin to
decorated; volume ceilings; appreciate its quality and ambiance.
crown molding; intercom; If you don’t want a furnished, turnkey
sound system; well-maintained residence, the architecture and pale
landscaping; carpet/marble/ colors will easily accommodate your
wood flooring; rooftop own personal furniture and décor
community pool choices. The built-in light fixtures
Listing agency: Treasure Coast and window treatments come with
Sotheby’s International Realty either choice.
Listing agent:
Kimberly Thorpe, 772-532-5233 Listing agent Kimberly Thorpe
Listing price: points out there is an onsite
Furnished, $2,100,000; maintenance person, so, if Ocean
unfurnished, $2,000,000 Park is your second or third residence,
you can rest assured your home will
be well taken care of, no matter how
long you’re away.

Besides No. 110, Thorpe has two
other elegant Ocean Park residences
listed. Both are equally exquisite,


68 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: May 3 to May 9

The first full week of May was another active one for the barrier island real estate market, with 23
transactions recorded including five for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of a new home with spectacular water views in John’s Island. The residence
at 285 Indian Harbor Road was listed on Oct. 17, 2017 for $4.15 million. The sale closed on May 9 for the
$3.64 million.

Both the seller of the property and the purchaser were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.


$3,975,000 $1,865,000
WINDSOR 3325 FORTNUM PL 3/20/2019 $1,950,000 $3,975,000 5/3/2019 $1,585,000
ORCHID ISLAND 548 WHITE PELICAN CIR 11/2/2018 $1,685,000 $1,950,000 5/6/2019 $1,550,000
$2,295,000 $850,000
ORCHID ISLAND 550 WHITE PELICAN CIR 10/10/2018 $870,000 $1,685,000 5/7/2019 $800,000
$899,900 $700,000
RIOMAR 905 LADYBUG LN 2/16/2018 $745,000 $1,595,000 5/9/2019
SEAGROVE WEST 380 RIVERWAY CT 1/29/2019 $870,000 5/3/2019 $560,000
SEAGROVE WEST 155 RIVERWAY DR 6/6/2018 $839,000 5/9/2019

PELICAN COVE 517 E CAUSEWAY BLVD 2/15/2019 $745,000 5/3/2019


SEA OAKS 8866 N SEA OAKS WAY, #204 1/31/2019 $829,000 $829,000 5/7/2019
WEST PASSAGE 1001 BAY ROAD, #308 1/23/2019 $570,000 $570,000 5/6/2019
SEA OAKS 8880 N SEA OAKS WAY, #203 3/1/2019 $575,000 $575,000 5/6/2019

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1137 Old Dixie Hwy • Vero Beach

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Riomar, Address: 905 Ladybug Ln Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 550 White Pelican Cir

Listing Date: 2/16/2018 Listing Date: 10/10/2018
Original Price: $2,295,000 Original Price: $1,685,000
Recent Price: $1,595,000 Recent Price: $1,685,000
Sold: 5/9/2019 Sold: 5/7/2019
Selling Price: $1,550,000 Selling Price: $1,585,000
Listing Agent: Charlotte Terry & Karen Smith Listing Agent: Scott Oberlink & Heidi Levy

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty

Dan Downey & Anne Wallace Heidi Levy

Berkshire Hathaway Florida Orchid Island Realty

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 548 White Pelican Cir Subdivision: Windsor, Address: 3325 Fortnum Pl

Listing Date: 11/2/2018 Listing Date: 3/20/2019
Original Price: $1,950,000 Original Price: $3,975,000
Recent Price: $1,950,000 Recent Price: $3,975,000
Sold: 5/6/2019 Sold: 5/3/2019
Selling Price: $1,865,000 Selling Price: $3,600,000
Listing Agent: Scott Oberlink & Heidi Levy Listing Agent: Betsy Hanley &
Laurin Pohl
Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty Selling Agent:
Windsor Properties
Debbie Bell
Laurin Pohl
Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Windsor Properties

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Stunning 4BR/3BA lakefront home, plus den, recently Gorgeous 3BR/3BA courtyard pool home with guest cabana, Beautiful lakefront building lot in the picturesque gated
renovated, salt water pool & spa, whole house generator sitting room/office in master suite, impact windows/doors enclave of estate homes, over ½ acre with a fabulous view
$499,500 $310,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

70 Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Seagrove West, Address: 155 Riverway Dr Subdivision: Seagrove West, Address: 380 Riverway Ct

Listing Date: 6/6/2018 Listing Date: 1/29/2019
Original Price: $899,900 Original Price: $870,000
Recent Price: $839,000 Recent Price: $870,000
Sold: 5/9/2019 Sold: 5/3/2019
Selling Price: $800,000 Selling Price: $850,000
Listing Agent: Sam Robbins Listing Agent: Stacy Katz

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Debbie Bell Roger Thomas

Berkshire Hathaway Florida Keller Williams Rlty

Subdivision: Pelican Cove, Address: 517 E Causeway Blvd Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8866 N Sea Oaks Way, #204

Listing Date: 2/15/2019 Listing Date: 1/31/2019
Original Price: $745,000 Original Price: $829,000
Recent Price: $745,000 Recent Price: $829,000
Sold: 5/3/2019 Sold: 5/7/2019
Selling Price: $700,000 Selling Price: $740,000
Listing Agent: R J Rennick Listing Agent: Patty Valdes

Selling Agent: Rennick Real Estate Island Ofc Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Dick Davis Josh Waldrop

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 16, 2019 71


with the utmost attention to detail,YEARS and a flex room and is listed for
highest quality construction $2,595,000. The other, No. 203, is a
and top-of-the-line features and 3,600-square-foot, two-story condo
materials, but each also has its with the same high Ocean Park
own distinct character. No. 105 is quality and amenities. It features a
also a three-story townhome, with custom-designed media room and is
3,666-square-feet of living space listed at $1,950,000. 


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