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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-11-22 23:34:46

11/23/2018 ISSUE 47


November 23, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 47 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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Hospital District PSC staff puts
nominates 3 for electric sale
Cleveland board back on track

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer State-mandated manual recount proceeds smoothly in Indian River County. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]
The face of the soon-to-be- IRREGULARITIES – BUT NOT HERE The team that’s worked on the
combined Cleveland Clinic and Vero electric sale to Florida Power
Indian River Medical Center be- By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer to be another Florida election in which Palm Beach & Light for nearly a decade knows
gan to emerge last week as the [email protected] and Broward counties made national headlines better than to get too excited over
Indian River County Hospital for disputed results, botched recounts, equipment small victories, but a staff recom-
District trustees picked a slate of The supervisors of elections from each of Flor- mendation published Friday by
candidates for a seat on hospital’s ida’s 67 counties meet twice each year to discuss glitches and legal challenges – all of which pro- the Florida Public Service Com-
new board of directors. the latest technology, security threats and other vided late-night comedians with plenty mission’s top legal, financial and
issues connected to their jobs. of material. technical personnel is pretty fan-
Cleveland Clinic must now “We’ve all heard the jokes about tastic news, just the same.
decide which of the three candi- The hot topic for the 2018 mid- Florida’s elections,” Swan said, re-
dates becomes the Hospital Dis- terms? “We had cyber-security ferring to the mocking the state has After a one-day extension of
trict’s single representative on the pounded into our heads,” In- endured since the hanging chads of the Nov. 15 due date for the re-
new 17-member board. The can- dian River County Supervisor the 2000 presidential race. “But a big port, the staff reversed its previ-
didates are real estate broker and of Elections Leslie Swan said. reason we end up in the nation- ous opposition to FPL booking a
former St. Edward’s School board “It was all about intrusion-de- al spotlight is because we’re a $116.2 million acquisition adjust-
chairman Dale Sorensen; oph- tection systems and how large state and a swing state ment as part of the Vero electric
thalmologist and City Council to prevent hacking. that’s evenly divided. “We purchase.
member Val Zudans; and retired And after all that, it have very close elections.”
computer services and IT exec- turned out to be Such was the case again this Last summer, the staff object-
utive and IRMC board member something to- year, when Florida’s midterms ed to the adjustment, or overpay-
Matthew Reiser. tally different.” ment, saying that the Vero case
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 did not present “extraordinary
In a separate, nearly unan- It turned out circumstances” that would war-
imous vote, the District Board rant FPL paying more than twice
picked one of its own trustees, the book value for the utility’s as-
Karen Deigl, as well as one com-
Judge issues stern
INSIDE rebuke to deputies,
tosses drug charge
NEWS 1-7 PETS 14
DINING B12 By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
CALENDAR B20 Cocaine possession charges
REAL ESTATE 15 against a Vero Beach man have
B1 been dismissed by Judge Cynthia
ARTS Cox, who issued a stern rebuke to
three Indian River County sheriff’s
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 deputies.
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Cox said the deputies gave ques-
tionable, contradictory testimony
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. in court and failed to provide nec-


2 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY Hyper-local journalism: Getting sidewalk safety problems fixed

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Drive. He needed our help. clearly showed the vegetation blocking I did.
[email protected] He wanted us to identify the governmen- much of the sidewalk – so much so pedes- I started with a call to County Administra-
trians have worn a dirt path in the grass, and tor Jason Brown, who referred me to Public
For the past decade, week in and week tal agency responsible for maintaining that that path is frighteningly close to the edge Works Director Rich Szpyrka, who, after
out, we’ve tried to provide readers with in- property and ask why it hadn’t cleared the of the highway, where traffic often travels at checking a map, referred me to the Florida
formation they don’t get elsewhere about intrusive vegetation that, in some areas, more than 50 mph. Department of Transportation, the agency
the electric system, the hospital, the public blocked most of the heavily trafficked side- responsible for maintaining the right-of-
schools, city and county government – the walk, forcing pedestrians and bicyclists to “It is criminal that, with all of our prop- ways on state roads, including sidewalks.
big issues that impact the lives of all who live walk or ride on the grass along the edge of erty taxes, we still can’t get some basic ser- So I called Barbara Kelleher, the agency’s
here. the roadway. vices,” Sheppard wrote. “Maybe the county public information officer for the FDOT dis-
will wait until someone is hit by one of the trict that includes our county, and explained
But with another Thanksgiving upon us, “The people I speak with claim they have speeding cars on A1A before they address the situation. She said she’d check into it and
I’d like to share a story that demonstrates the reached out to the county with no response,” these concerns.” get back to me.
kind of hyper-local journalism we also do at Sheppard wrote. “I thought maybe I could Less than an hour later, Kelleher respond-
Vero News and Sebastian River News. solicit a response from our local newspaper, When I spoke with Sheppard, he reiterat- ed with an email that said she had contacted
since you have always been so deeply in- ed much of what was in his email, especial- FDOT’s maintenance contractor, DBI Ser-
What follows is not anywhere near the volved with the island and its issues.” ly the part about “lots of people” using that vices, and a work crew would remedy the
sexiest or most important story I’ve ever sidewalk and having “no doubt” in his mind problem, possibly as soon as the next day.
worked on. I have no idea how many of you He came to the right place. that “someone is going to get hurt, maybe She also thanked me for “bringing this to our
will be affected, or even care. But it made a In his email, Sheppard, who lives on killed” by a passing motor vehicle. attention.”
difference to at least a few folks – maybe a Harbor Lane, wrote that he walks this side- One of our photographers saw a crew on
big difference. For someone who has spent walk every day, along with many others “There’s a bike lane, but it’s only 4 feet the site Saturday morning.
his entire life as a newspaperman, that’s no who live in that area. He said the vegetation wide, and you always see drivers looking at When I called Sheppard and told him of
small thing. hadn’t been trimmed in years and, in recent their phones or texting, not focused on the FDOT’s prompt response, he, too, thanked
months, the problem had become a safety road,” he said. “I’ve seen cars drift onto the me – which was nice, but not necessary.
It’s why I do this job. It’s also why I’m hazard. white line.” It wasn’t just my assignment, it was my
thankful to have been given the opportunity “It has continued to deteriorate and is pleasure.
to do this job in such a special community. now presenting a very serious and danger- The more we talked, the more his frustra- It’s why I do this job, and why I’m thankful
ous condition whereby we are forced off tion became obvious. to have the opportunity to do it here, as part
Certainly, it’s why island resident Ralph the sidewalk, with our dogs and strollers, of a great team of journalists.
Sheppard sent us an email last week, shar- because the vegetation from the adjoining “It’s been bad in the past, but they nev- Happy Thanksgiving. 
ing photographs and his concerns about a lot has overtaken any possible means of er let it get this bad,” Sheppard said, finally
potentially dangerous situation on a quar- egress,” he wrote. adding, “It’s Vero Beach, the barrier island.
ter-mile stretch of sidewalk on the west side He then referred to the photos, which But we’re in the unincorporated county, so
of State Road A1A, immediately south of I guess we’re the odd man out. Maybe you
The Moorings, from Spyglass Lane to Island can find out why.”



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty,
Samantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The
Bonz, Photographer: Denise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway,
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 23, 2018 3

ELECTION IRREGULARITIES the need to upgrade her voting system and ELECTRIC SALE BACK ON TRACK its own June 5 approval of the sale and
asked them to start setting aside money the accounting treatment. The staff’s
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for the purchase. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 reversal would seem to pave the way for
a solid affirmation of the June vote, and
featured high-profile, hotly contested races She submitted her formal request in sets and 34,000 electric customers. the sale.
for a U.S. Senate seat and governor. Both re- early 2017, seeking $1.4 million to pur- That extra cash, which makes up the
quired recounts. chase new state-certified, more-secure Utilities attorney Floyd Self, who rep-
voting equipment produced by Election bulk of the $185 million sale price, will resented Indian River County before the
Unlike Indian River, where Swan said Systems & Software, and the county com- allow Vero to extricate itself from two PSC in 2016 and the Florida Supreme
the elections and state-mandated re- mission approved it. long-term wholesale power agreements Court in 2017 in the county’s effort to
counts went smoothly and produced with the Orlando Utilities Commission switch to FPL service once its 30-year
only minimal changes in vote totals, the After putting it out for bid, Swan was ($20 million) and the Florida Municipal electric franchise agreement with Vero
aforementioned South Florida counties able to buy the new system for only Power Agency ($108 million). expired, said the staff move was un-
again served up plenty of controversy, in- $944,000 last year. ES&S now provides vot- usual. “Staff rarely reverses its position
cluding Palm Beach’s overheated counting ing equipment and support to more than In June, three members of the com- but it may after an evidentiary hearing,
machines and Broward missing a recount 40 Florida counties. mission disregarded the staff’s opinion which is what happened here.”
deadline by two minutes. and voted on the side of FPL and Vero
“I was trying to be in compliance with Beach, approving the deal. Two mem- If Chairman Graham hasn’t changed
Swan said she couldn’t comment on the state law, and I knew it would take some bers, including Chairman Art Graham, his position as well, it could make an in-
Broward situation “because I really haven’t time to come up with the money, so I start- echoed the staff’s position and dissent- teresting morning for the staff, as Gra-
been paying attention to it,” but she knows ed early,” Swan said. “The county put the ed. ham has been pretty passionate about
her much-maligned Palm Beach Coun- money aside, and it’s worked out great. his views.
ty counterpart, Susan Bucher, and is very Then, the June decision was ap-
familiar with the antiquated voting equip- “Programming the old system was a pealed, necessitating a hearing on Oct. But the staff, which has been deal-
ment used there. bear,” she added. “We program our own 18 so attorney Lynne Larkin could pres- ing with Vero electric for nine full years
elections, and just to set up an election ent evidence and cross-examine wit- now, finally recognized in Friday’s doc-
That same system was used in Indian – not only recounts – was more difficult. nesses to try to bolster the objections ument that Vero’s disgruntled ratepay-
River County until 2017. This company is awesome. They even have her Civic Association of Indian River ers in the city, in unincorporated Indian
a help line we can call when there’s a prob- County has to the sale. River County and in Indian River Shores
“The biggest problem with those older lem.” are not going away.
machines is that they’re limited: You can After that hearing, the PSC staff re-
recount only one race at a time,” Swan There were no problems this year, Swan viewed everything again and came up “Based upon the totality of the unique
said. “We’ve done it before with that equip- said, with voting or the two recounts, with its now positive assessment, rec- and unusual facts ... staff recommends
ment, but only for one race. They’ve been which revealed little discrepancy with the ommending approval of the sale as ne- that the Commission should find that
dealing with four races and a lot more bal- initial results. Similarly, she knew of few gotiated between Vero and FPL. extraordinary circumstances exist,” the
lots.” complaints from voters about the process. staff concluded.
Next Tuesday morning, the PSC is
Palm Beach was required to complete One reason, she surmised, is that more scheduled to vote on whether to follow Tuesday’s special call hearing is set
a machine recount of nearly 600,000 bal- voters are opting to vote early or by mail the staff recommendation and uphold for 9:30 a.m. in Tallahassee. 
lots and, because of the aging equipment’s and fewer are casting ballots on Election
limitations, didn’t come close to beating Day. In fact, only 25,423 people voted on
the state-imposed deadline with only Election Day, while 25,699 voted by mail
eight ballot-counting machines. and 23,870 voted early.

Swan said Palm Beach is the only county The only puzzling result locally was the
in the state still using the equipment pur- large under-vote in the U.S. Senate and
chased in 2007 from Sequoia Voting Sys- Florida gubernatorial elections.
tems, a California-based company that is
no longer in business. “All in all, I’m happy with how things
went,” Swan said. “We had a great system
Bucher has repeatedly requested fund- in place, a great team at the polls, and my
ing to update the voting system in Florida’s staff did a great job.”
third-largest county, and she’s hoping to
receive more than $11 million from Palm She’s even happier she’s not the super-
Beach commissioners when they embark visor in Palm Beach or Broward counties,
on their budget- approval process in the where her peers are again the butt of Flori-
spring. da election jokes.

“You’d have to think she’ll get it now,” “I love my job, but I wouldn’t want
Swan said. theirs,” Swan said of the supervisors in
Palm Beach and Broward.
Swan had no such problem here. Three
years ago, she alerted county officials to “If I had to deal with what they’re going
through, I’d probably be in a hospital by
now.” 

4 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Water rates to go up in the county for many in new year

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer drinking water and multi-dwelling proper- to cover operations, upkeep, future expan- and the study suggests raising that per-
[email protected] ties such as trailer parks that send unusual- sions and debt service, but several changes house fee to $2,875. Both rate changes were
ly large amounts of water into the sanitary were suggested. approved by the commission.
The Indian River County Commission ap- sewer system will pay more as well.
proved new utility rates at the Nov. 13 meet- Fees to install new water and sewer lines Commissioners Peter O’Bryan and Bob
ing, although it must still pass a rate resolu- On the other side of the ledger, reuse wa- to mostly one-off single-family-home build- Solari said they wanted to charge residents
tion, probably in January, before new rates ter users will end up paying about a third of ers will increase substantially – going up who use large amounts of drinking water
take effect March 1, 2019. what they pay now. as much as 600 percent – since directional more to rein in waste and promote conser-
boring, labor and materials costs have gone vation.
This is the first rate change in 19 years. The decision to alter some utility rates up in the last 19 years.
The biggest jump in rates will be felt by came after the commission got the results of The caps in the four-tier rate structure
builders who need water and sewer lines in- a utility rate study it commissioned in 2017. The current rate is $400 for a new wa- were changed so the first 7,000 gallons per
stalled for new homes. ter line; the study suggests upping that to month will cost slightly less and user of
Some people who use large amounts of Raftelis Financial Consultants of Orlando $2,785. A new sewer line is currently $500 more than 7,000 gallons will see rates go up.
found most fees are at appropriate levels Those using over 12,000 gallons a month
will pay $9.75 per 1,000 gallons compared to
the current $7.70 charge.

Utilities Director Vincent Burke estimates
the new drinking-water rates will bring in $1
million more per year, which will be put in
the “renewal and replacement” fund to keep
older pipes and parts in good repair to pre-
vent leaks.

Solari said most of the water wasters are
out-of-town, seasonal island residents whose
sprinklers operate rain or shine on automat-
ic timers. “Their behavior won’t change until
the charge is significant,” he said.

A new fee, “inflow and infiltration sur-
charge,” will make trailer park owners, or
others with master meters covering mul-
tiple dwellings, pay double to treat more
than 12,000 gallons a month of wastewater.
The high wastewater amounts indicate the
owner has “tied their storm drains into the
county sewer system,” County Director of
Utilities Vincent Burke said, or they have a
leaky pipe.

“There is [currently] no incentive to fix it
because they are not being charged [a higher
rate based on excessive use],”Raftelis expert
Michael Rocca said.

Now the good news: The county commis-
sion adopted the study suggestion that the
county drop the price for reuse water from
67 cents per 1,000 gallons to 21 cents. Rocca
explained the county’s reuse water transmis-
sion system is not highly developed and is
not pressurized; therefore its customers are
limited to golf courses and other big users
that have holding ponds connecting to their
own pressurized system.

“It’s not developed to the point you are
selling a commodity,” Rocca said. To ex-
pand the big-user customer base, or to get
current users to buy reuse water, the county
has to be cheaper than well water or stored
pond water.

Rocca did not recommend expanding
the reuse lines or developing a pressurized
system, “because the revenue is not worth
the cost.”

However, Burke said the county wants
more reuse customers to ensure it can
dispose of its increasing volume of irriga-
tion-quality reclaimed water resulting from
a new-housing boom. The county commis-
sion approved two reuse-water studies he
suggested that will examine ways to expand
the reuse water system. 


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BLACK FRIDAY SALE POLICY; All Pick-Ups and Deliveries Must Be Completed Within 7 Days. Credit Card Minimum Purchase is $500.00, Otherwise Cash or Local Check is Acceptable. All Sales Are Final & AS IS.

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6 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

HOSPITAL DISTRICT as from his law practice, is a graduate of town, and how we as a community manage Since 2006, Deigl has been president and
Vero Beach High School and the Univer- it is one of the determinants of success for CEO of the Senior Resource Association
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sity of Notre Dame, where he majored in the community.” and also oversees the county’s Go-line bus
accounting. After a stint with Arthur An- service, with a combined $7 million bud-
munity member, attorney John Moore, to dersen in Dallas, he earned a law degree at Moore has experience with change at get. Prior, Deigl was executive director of
serve on a committee created in the hos- the University of Virginia. He moved back the hospital. Appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush the Hospital District.
pital takeover agreement, expected to be to Vero in 1993. His practice focuses on real to serve on the Hospital District Board, he
finalized in January or February. estate law and estate planning. recalls the controversy when in the early “I’m very, very honored to have been se-
2000s, the district renegotiated a lease with lected by my peers,” she said. “I don’t vote
The Commitment Integrity Commit- “My hope is that it’s an absolutely IRMH, Inc., the management company for popularity. I know how to make hard
tee, as it is called, is intended to ensure do-nothing job,” said Moore in jest: the that is about to be supplanted by Cleve- decisions. If there’s a situation that arises
Cleveland upholds its 10-year, $250 million committee’s sole focus is to resolve dis- land Clinic. “People were saying we were with this lease and Cleveland Clinic may
commitment to IRMC’s new incarnation, putes that might arise with Cleveland Clin- effectively locking us in forever,” he said. not be not compliant with one of the fun-
Cleveland Clinic Indian River – including a ic during the first 10 years. “Obviously, that wasn’t the case.” damental elements, I will certainly be one
vow to maintain several key areas of treat- who looks very closely at it and finds out
ment at the hospital. “The ideal is that this whole thing runs Like Moore, Deigl is aware that the seat why.”
smoothly,” he added. “I’m excited about on the committee is a 10-year term. “Yes,
Moore, whose local prominence stems the prospect of Cleveland Clinic coming. I have made plans to retire, but not for The Commitment Integrity Committee
as much from his philanthropic family The hospital is the largest public asset in 13-and-a-half years,” she said with a laugh. is specifically charged with determining
and ultimately resolving, by discussion or
if necessary, arbitration, any breaches on
Cleveland Clinic’s part of promises out-
lined as “fundamental commitments.”

Along with the promised $250 million,
10-year capital outlay, those commitments
include covering any IRMC entity’s default
on a debt listed in the hospital’s financial
statements. During that same 10-year pe-
riod, Cleveland Clinic is prohibited from
“permitting or causing a change of control,”
such as a sale or transfer of the hospital.

Cleveland also can’t change the stated
purpose of the hospital’s fund-raising arm,
the IRMC Foundation, which is “to gener-
ate contributions to supplement the capi-
tal requirements of the hospital.”

One critical role the Commitment Integ-
rity Committee could play would occur in
the event Cleveland Clinic uses a clause in
the agreement to drop or otherwise change
the areas of treatment it has promised to
continue for the next 10 years at IRMC.
Those service lines, as they are called, in-
clude maternity care, in-patient well-baby
and pediatric care, mental health care, and
the treatments provided by the hospital’s
cancer, heart and gastroenterology centers.

According to the agreement that out-
lines the takeover, Cleveland can eliminate
one of those service lines only “in the event
another healthcare system or hospital op-
erates a required service at a comparable
level to IRMC.” That other facility would
have to be in Indian River County or within
a 25-mile radius of the hospital, whichever
distance is greater.

The agreement states that Cleveland
Clinic would have to first notify the Hos-
pital District and give the Commitment
Integrity Committee 90 days’ notice before
shutting down any service.

The committee’s two other members,
who will join Moore and Deigl, will be cho-
sen by the current IRMC board of directors
on Dec. 12.

A decision to take an enforcement ac-
tion requires 3 of the 4 votes. If the com-
mittee votes to bring an action and pre-
vails, expenses are paid by the Cleveland
Clinic Foundation and will not go against
the $250 million capital commitment. On
the other hand, if the committee does not
prevail in its enforcement action, Cleve-
land Clinic’s expenses do go against the
capital commitment. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 23, 2018 7

JUDGE ISSUES STERN REBUKE Bresnahan was traveling eastbound when
he was pulled over at the 8800 block of U.S.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 1, in Sebastian. Ward testified during a Nov. 7
hearing before Judge Cox that after checking
essary evidence, including video and audio Bresnahan’s driver’s license, registration and
footage that mysteriously disappeared. proof of insurance, he decided to just issue a
verbal warning – which he did.
In dismissing the charges against Sean
Bresnahan, 25, on Nov. 14, Cox also scolded Deputies acknowledged the traffic stop
deputies Andrew Ward, Quang Le and Rich- and eventual arrest were recorded by po-
ard Henson for conducting an illegal search lice video cameras, but when Metcalf and
and unlawfully detaining the suspect longer Cox asked Ward where the video and audio
than necessary. evidence was, he at first told them, “I don’t
know.” When pressed, he acknowledged that
In a nutshell, the deputies, a trainer and he had turned the video over to his training
trainee, stopped Bresnahan for speeding, officer Le. During questioning Le said the
found his license and registration in order, video had “disappeared” and he had no idea
did not give him a ticket, and then stalled, what happened to it.
keeping him from leaving until a canine unit
arrived to seek drugs in his car. The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office
currently uses video cameras that are in-
Police cannot detain a citizen indefinitely, stalled in patrol vehicles, and deputies wear
or search his or her vehicle for drugs, unless microphones on their uniforms, several dep-
they have probable cause – a legitimate rea- uties explained. The video cameras turn on
son to think that drugs are present – which automatically when a patrol vehicle’s lights
the judge said was lacking. The deputies also are turned on. The audio can be manually
never read Bresnahan his Miranda rights be- turned on and off by the deputies wearing
fore questioning and arresting him. the microphones. The recorded video and
audio are transmitted to a storage device
“No evidence was presented to explain located in the patrol vehicles, deputies say.
why the audio/video recording of the traffic Deputies are then supposed to save and
stop was unavailable,” Cox stated in her writ- download the recordings into a server locat-
ten decision. “The defendant was detained ed at the sheriff’s office.
and not free to leave until a warning was
written for the traffic violation, but no effort Bresnahan, who initially pled no contest
was made during the traffic stop to prepare to the charges but later changed his plea
the written warning.” to ‘not guilty,’ said he was relieved that the
charges were dropped.
Cox also noted that the deputies’ testimo-
ny was frequently “inconsistent,” and that “I’m glad it’s over,” he said. “When it hap-
they could not provide evidence that would pened, I thought that it was strange that they
justify their actions during the incident. wanted to search me for a speeding ticket.”

“No evidence was presented of an artic- Bresnahan’s case was bolstered by the
ulable suspicion of criminal activity sup- many mistakes and inconsistencies noted
porting a continued detention to search for during the deputy’s testimony and their writ-
drugs after the defendant’s information was ten reports.
validated,” Cox said.
In his sheriff’s report, Ward wrote that he
Sheriff Deryl Loar and Public Information was present when Le asked Bresnahan for
Officer Eric Flowers did not respond to in- consent to search his vehicle, to which he
quiries seeking comment about the incident replied “no.” But during testimony Le said
or court action. he asked to search the vehicle while Ward
was in the police cruiser running a check on
Vero Beach Attorney Andrew Metcalf, who Bresnahan. Ward and Le testified that they
represented Bresnahan, said he was not sur- couldn’t recall which one of them called for
prised the case was dismissed. “As far as her canine officer Henson. Henson also couldn’t
ruling, I of course think it was spot on,” Met- recall who contacted him or why, but he said
calf said. “It was clear this officer was really the deputies were speaking with Bresnahan
only concerned with getting to search my when he arrived.
client’s car.
Under cross-examination, Henson told
“I say this because the officer clearly lost Metcalf that “I was called because [Bresnah-
all interest in whether he was speeding. It an] refused the search. I mean, that’s what I
was all about searching the car. Rarely would was told when I arrived.” Henson could not
you see someone beachside driving a luxury recall which deputy explained the reason
car detained so a canine unit can arrive. why he was called. All three deputies testified
that they spoke to each other at the scene,
“The bottom line is if you pull somebody but nobody could remember anything said
over for speeding you can only detain them during the conversations.
long enough to write out a citation,” Metcalf
said. “If you don’t write out a citation, you State Attorney Steve Wilson, citing previ-
can’t just keep detaining someone until a ca- ous federal cases as support, argued that the
nine unit arrives.” incident was a “lawful detention.”

Metcalf said it was also illegal for Henson Metcalf successfully rebutted Henson
to start questioning Bresnahan before he had and Wilson’s claims. “This is disingenuous,”
been read his Miranda Rights. Metcalf said. “You can ask questions related
to the traffic stop, but you cannot detain a
According to Indian River County Sheriff person any longer than it would take to write
Office reports, Deputy Ward, who was a dep- a citation, which is something they didn’t do
uty-in-training at the time, and Le stopped until after he was arrested and in jail. 
Bresnahan at 9:17 p.m. July 26 after their radar
detected Bresnahan’s pickup truck was travel-
ing 44 mph in a posted 35 mph speed zone.

8 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Medicare sees fit to cover ‘necessary’ eyelid surgery

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. David O’Brien.
[email protected]
People tend to think of eyelid surgery as
purely cosmetic, but it often has an import-
ant medical purpose because those drooping
eyelids can dramatically diminish a patient’s
field of vision.

The procedure physicians like New Vision
Eye Center ophthalmological surgeon Dr.
David O’Brien use to fix the problem is called
blepharoplasty – and Medicare pays for it if it’s
deemed medically necessary.

“Blepharoplasty,” says the Mayo Clinic, “is
a type of surgery that repairs droopy eyelids
and may involve removing excess skin, mus-
cle and fat. As you age, your eyelids stretch
and the muscles supporting them weaken. As
a result, excess fat may gather above and be-
low your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows,
droopy upper lids and bags under your eyes.”

“I really enjoy doing these [procedures] be-
cause they’re different from my Lasik practice.
That’s very tech-driven. This is a very different
type of procedure.”

“Lasik,” O’Brien continues, “is using the la-
ser. It’s very quick. It’s very automated.” With
blepharoplasty, “there’s much more of an art
to it.”

That artistry helps his patients see better –
and makes them look younger, too.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 23, 2018 9

“There’s always a cosmetic component [to a There will be some bruising for about a have a lot of pain. This is typically not a Dr. David O’Brien is with New Vision Eye
blepharoplasty],” says O’Brien. “Because there week after surgery and patients will need painful procedure.” Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero Beach, di-
are no patients who say, I want you to fix my to come back in 10 days to have stitches rectly across from the hospital. The phone
vision by doing eyelid surgery but I don’t want removed, but O’Brien says “patients don’t The better vision and more youthful ap- number is 772-257-8700. 
to look better.” pearance, he adds, can last up to 10 years.

“Every ophthalmic resident gets trained as
an oculoplastic surgeon,” O’Brien explains.
“We all do lid surgery in our training. Some
people choose to do a fellowship in ocu-
loplastic surgery, and in my training, I did six
months of that in addition to my corneal fel-
lowship. I always enjoyed lid surgery, so I went
and pursued that.”

“I was very blessed to have a gentleman
who’s a very well-known oculoplastic surgeon
in Baltimore, Md., who has a home here in Or-
chid – Dr. Marco Doxanas – come here and for
a year, he sat by my side and we did blepharo-
plasty cases together. So I had a kind of second
fellowship with him, which was unofficial, but
it’s the best kind of training you can have.”

It is training he uses daily to help his pa-

“My typical patient,” O’Brien says changing
gears “is not the 40-year-old who wants to try
to regain the 25-year-old look. My typical pa-
tient is an older patient.”

Of course, whatever your age, if you’re the
kind of person who feels queasy at the thought
of someone wielding a scalpel or surgical
scissors anywhere near your eyeballs – relax.
Odds are you’ll be sound asleep during a New
Vision blepharoplasty.

“I prefer to do these procedures with IV se-
dation in our operating room,” says O’Brien.
“In our surgery center, we have full control of
the patient’s level of comfort and have access
to their intravenous state if there are any prob-
lems with blood pressure or heart rate. [That’s
important] because a lot of the patients I oper-
ate on are older and they have very dramatic
drooping of their upper eyelid skin.”

If patients are of a certain age, they may be
taking medications that will have to be tem-
porarily put on hold. For folks taking a daily
aspirin, that’s likely to be 10 days prior to sur-
gery, and “for Coumadin, it’s typically three to
five days, depending on what their cardiolo-
gist says.”

Non-prescription supplements, includ-
ing flaxseed oil and fish oil, also should be
stopped before surgery.

And the cost?
“The fees that we charge for a cosmetic lid
surgery are the national average of $3,500.”
O’Brien says. “The fee that’s billed to Medicare
is roughly the same. However, there needs to
be a demonstrated amount of vision loss with
a peripheral vision test,” before Medicare will
pick up its share.

10 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

‘Cool’ path to pain relief for bone cancer patients

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer spinal surgeon at Vero Neurospine, be-
[email protected] lieves there’s often a better way – a min-
imally invasive procedure with a device
According to the American Cancer So- called the OsteoCool by Medtronics.
ciety, “you should never accept pain as a
normal part of having cancer. All pain can Metastatic bone cancer is a complex dis-
be treated and most pain can be controlled ease. To start with, it’s a kind of “second-
or relieved.” hand” cancer.

That said, people suffering from late- When cancer spreads from other parts
stage metastatic bone cancer might well of the body such as the breast, lungs, kid-
think relief from often excruciating pain neys or prostate to your bones, it is called
can only be achieved through heavy seda- “bone metastasis.”
The Mayo Clinic says “nearly all types
Dr. Michael Munz, a neurosurgeon and of cancer can spread (metastasize) to the

Dr. Michael Munz.


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 23, 2018 11

Ready for some good news? Munz says That’s not the end of the story, however.
this minimally invasive procedure is typi- As Munz points out, “typically these pa-
cally done on an outpatient basis. tients need some adjuvant therapy. Some-
times chemotherapy and typically radia-
“There are no stitches or anything,” tion therapy” afterwards, so he concludes
Munz explains enthusiastically. The inci- by saying “we work with both medical
sions, he continues, “are too small to put oncologists and radiation oncologists” to
a stitch in.” monitor all late stage metastatic bone can-
cer patients.
The OsteoCool needles, the radio fre- Originally cleared for use solely in the
quency tumor removal and the cementing spine, the FDA now permits the OsteoCool
of the bone or bones are all done through system for palliative treatment in all the
tiny ports and, according to this Mayo bony anatomy of the body.
Clinic Fellowship-trained neurosurgeon,
patients who opt for this approach typical- Dr. Michael Munz is at Vero Neurospine at
ly get “great relief of pain.” 1040 37th Place, Suite 101 in Vero Beach and is
affiliated with the Steward Medical Group. His
Interventional Oncology agrees. It says phone number is 772-205-3345. 
these outpatient procedures “have been
shown to achieve pain relief within hours
of the procedure.”

bones,” causing pain and fractured bones, “Nowadays,” Munz continues, “what
particularly in the vertebrae. we’re doing [to treat bone cancer] is what’s
called augmentative surgery.
The Neurological Institute of New York
at Columbia University Medical Center “What does that mean? It means instead
adds that “these fractures are not only of going in and removing the whole bone,
painful, but they may put harmful pres- we can go in and put some needles into the
sure on the nearby nerve roots or on the bone and burn [the tumor or tumors] and
spinal cord itself.” then after it’s burned, we put in some ce-
It’s that pressure on the nerve roots and/
or the spinal cord that can create down- Cement? Yes – the same kind used to ce-
right debilitating pain. ment a prosthesis to your bone when hip or
knee surgery is done, according to Munz.
“It may not be possible to cure bone me-
tastases,” the American Cancer Society re- In bone cancer cases, that cement fills
ports, but adds “there are still things that the void where the tumor or tumors had
can be done to help you feel as good as pos- been, which keeps the bone strong and the
sible for as long as possible.” pressure off of all those nerve roots.

12 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

ALS affects all age groups, but strikes older people more often

By Fred Cicetti | Columnist The most common form of the disease in with ALS in three to five years after diagnosis. or swallowing. After the initial symptoms, the
the United States is “sporadic” ALS. It may About 10 percent of those with ALS live more disease may progress in the following way:
Q. Is ALS an old-person’s disease, or does it affect anyone, anywhere. “Familial” ALS is than 10 years. Some survive for many years. cramping of muscles; demitted use of the
affect every age group? inherited. Only about 5 percent to 10 percent For example, the famed British physicist Ste- limbs; thick speech and difficulty projecting
of all ALS patients appear to have the inherit- phen Hawking had ALS from the 1960s until the voice; difficulty breathing.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) usual- ed form of ALS. In those families, there is a 50 his death this year. In a small number of peo-
ly strikes between the ages of 40 and 70, but percent chance each offspring will inherit the ple, ALS mysteriously stops. Doctors begin testing for ALS by checking
there have been cases of it in young adults and gene mutation and may develop the disease. muscle and nerve function. The next step is
children, as well as older people. The average The usual early symptoms of ALS are weak- usually an electromyogram (EMG). This test
age for getting ALS is 55. Respiratory problems usually kill those ness or spasms in a limb, and trouble speaking measures the signals that run between nerves
and muscles and the electrical activity inside
ALS is known as Lou Gehrig’s disease in muscles. Additional tests may include a mag-
the USA. Gehrig, who played baseball for the netic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, a spinal
New York Yankees, died of the disease in 1941. tap between two lower vertebrae, blood tests
In other countries, ALS is often called motor and muscle biopsies.
neuron disease. It is not contagious.
The drug Rilutek (riluzole) and the NeuRx
ALS destroys nerve cells – motor neurons Diaphragm Pacing System have been ap-
– that control muscle cells. In most cases, the proved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
cause is unknown. As the motor neurons are tion for treating ALS. The NeuRx Diaphragm
lost, the muscles they control weaken. Eventu- Pacing System™ is a medical device used to
ally, people with ALS are paralyzed. help ALS patients breathe.

Amyotrophic means “no muscle nourish- However, there are other treatments to
ment.” Lateral identifies the affected areas in help people with ALS. These include physical
the spinal cord. Sclerosis refers to the scarring and occupational therapy, respiratory ther-
or hardening in the region. apy and assisted ventilation, speech therapy,
nutritional and emotional support. There are
ALS doesn’t directly affect involuntary devices, too, such as special grips for writ-
muscles, so the heart, digestive tract, bladder ing implements and eating utensils, canes,
and sexual organs continue to work. Hearing, supportive braces, walkers, wheelchairs and
vision, touch and intellectual ability generally scooters. 
remain normal. Pain is not a major compo-
nent of ALS.

14 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz feels hip hangin’ with cool cats Opie and Cake

But we’ll be nice and slow an not rowdy, tend I meant to do it. SO embarrassing.

Hi Dog Buddies! cuz he’s Real Old. “Miss Kimmie taught me how to come

Remember a coupla years ago, how “I bet your days are fun,” I ventured. when she whistles. An I always do. Unless
nervous I was about innerviewing pets
of the fee-line pursuasion? Well, I’m “Totally. Me an Cake really like car rides, I’m not in the mood. I sometimes lie on
proud to say I’ve Grown as a Dog an,
several cats down the road, I ree-lize specially to Natural Pet Store, where we get Miss Kimmie’s face an help her adjust her
we’re all the same, under the fur.
make-up. Oooo, an me an Cake’s favrite
So, anyway, this week, I innerviewed
Opie Nathan an his Dad, Cake. Since treat is yoghurt, specially straw-
they’re cats, I was a liddle suh-prized
when me an my Assistant knocked Opie berry.
and heard – barking. The door opened “We also get Leash Walks. At
and there was this frenly Border Collie
waggin’ up a storm, standin’ next to a first I’d just lie down, which really
human lady. I began flippin’ through
my notebook to see if I had gotten my annoyed Cake, cuz we kept stop-
schedule mixed up.
pin,’ an he couldn’t get his Flow
The pooch trotted up for the Wag-an-
Sniff an, before I could apologize for my goin.’ But then I learned Leash
(probably obvious) confusion, she said, “I
know who you are! You’re Mr. Bonzo the Walk Etiquette, and the Cool Cat
Columnist. I’m Eva. I’m Cake’s sister an
Opie’s aunt. I can sit, an twirl an roll-over Stroll.”
an play dead. Watch!” An whoosh, at the
lady’s prompts, she launched into a very “Got any special pals?” I que-
skillful routine: sitting, twirling, rolling
over an playing dead. Then she said, “This Cake ried.
is Opie’s an my Mom, Miss Kimmie. She
drives the Fur-Ever Rescue Bus. Madeline’s itating, he approached “I did,” he said, sorta quiet-
our Sorta Sister. She’s elsewhere.” for the Sniff-an-Size Up.
(There’s not much wagging ly. “My BFF was Woody. He was a
I was getting a liddle dizzy, an more con- in the Cat World.) “I’m Cake Nathan. Miss
fused, when a meowy voice said, “No wor- Kimmie sometimes calls me King Tut cuz- Harlequin Great Dane (that means
ries, Mr. B, we’re one big, happy, blended za my pawsome posture. But you can just
famly. I’m Opie. I’ll be your Spokescat. My call me Cake. You’ve met my boy, Opie. black-an-white). He’d come over to
cat Dad Cake’s in the back. Our human Dad, Make yourself cumf-tubble.”
Mr. Tom’s at work. Cake calls him Daddy-O.” my house when his humans were
“A pleasure, Cake,” I told him. “I can’t
Opie’s fluffy coat was a coupla shades wait to hear your famly story.” away. ’Cept when he got to fly with
of gold, with white ruff an toes, an he had
gold eyes. I made more quick notes, re- Cake an Eva curled up, an Opie began. to ride around in our stroller. One time, be- ’em in a private jet. We played together an
grouped, an said, “Great to meet you all!” “I’m half Ragdoll cuzza my Dad Cake, an half
Scottish Fold cuzza my Mom, Peaches. Cake fore I knew the ROOLS, I accidently bopped snoozed together all day long. I could ack-
As we were getting situated, Cake strolled an Eva were already here when Miss Kimmie
in. He was a hansome gray an white Rag- brought me home. I’m named Opie cuz I some catnip off the shelf an accidently shully walk right under his tummy. After I
doll, looked VERY fluffy an bunny-soft. As have red hair like the liddle boy on that TV
per “Basic Cat for Dummies,” I waited for show. My human Dad’s Troy. He’s gives The rolled around in it. I was feelin’ Super Meow had the No Kittens Procedure an was feel-
him to make the first move. Without hes- Best. Tummy. Rubs. Ever. He’s on an Exciting
Adventure inna buncha eye-luns called the all afternoon. At Halloween, me and Cake ing Totally Sour Sardines, Woody stayed
Gloppa-ghost. He gets to play with big tur-
tles an eee-gwah-nuhs. He’s gonna tell us were in the big pet costume parade, just us, right beside me till I was all better. But
lotsa stories when he gets back.”
anna whole buncha pooches. (I was a sher- then he got old an went to Dog Heaven. I
“Cool Catnip,” I responded.
“Our newest famly member is Oliver. We iff and Cake was a Rasta cat with dreads.) miss him a LOT. I hope Dog Heaven an Cat
just rescued him. He’s a Yorkie. He’s 12. He’s
way liddler than us – only 8 pounds. Me an “We love to chase the laser. It’s a-MAY- Heaven are next door to each other.”
Miss Kimmie took him to get all spiffed up.
He’s somewhere restin’ now. Me an Eva are zing! It zips around all over the place, an I thanked them all for sharing their
gonna help him learn stuff around here.
we kinda go nuts. We’re fast, but we haven’t Blended-Famly Story.

ever caught it. One of these days, though Opie asked me to give you some Import-

… One time, I was starin’ intently at this ant Information from his purr-sonal expe-

gecko way up by the ceiling. I jumped on rience. One time, when he was “Makin’ Bis-

the dresser to get closer, and I was con- cuits” (you know, that funny 2-paw thing all

centratin’ so hard, I totally tumbled off. It cats seem to do), he accidently scratched

didn’t hurt or anything, but I forgot to pre- Miss Kimmie. And she got Cat Scatch Fe-

ver and hadda go to the hos-pittle. Opie

DON’T BE SHY felt AWFUL about it. He had No Idea. So he
wants cats an their humans to Be Aware. It’s

We are always looking for pets real, real rare. Most scratches don’t cause it.
with interesting stories. But it’s important information to have.

To set up an interview, email The Bonz
[email protected].

One of Indian River Club’s
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16 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

One of Indian River Club’s best homes is on the market

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Kirkpatrick, said her father, Hugh, had a
[email protected] heavy hand in the design and layout of the
house. He recently passed away, having
All of Indian River Club is beautiful, led a creative life, retiring as president of
but many of the houses on the biggest International Flavors and Fragrances and
lots with the best views are on Wood Ha- then building their home in Indian River
ven Lane. The street is the only one in the Club in 1998.
gated community that juts into the golf
course, forming a peninsula amid a sea of The house is beautifully raised and sit-
land nurtured to an ideal form. ed, with a U-shaped driveway shaded by
mature oak trees and other plantings. The
The course is not the typical forced- garage, disguised as a jutting L-wing, has
grass interrupted by sand traps. It is among a side entrance and separate drive. There
the first in the world to be designated an is plenty of parking for family visits or sea-
Audubon Signature Sanctuary golf course, sonal fêtes.
marrying nature and cultivation.
The back of the house overlooks a lake, a
An exquisite house at 985 Wood Haven palm and pine hammock and the 15th and
Lane SW is located on a choice lot on this 18th holes.
choice street, at the end of the cul de sac.
Hidden from view behind a fence and
Owner Francie Kirkpatrick is downsiz- high hedge is a large rectangular pool, the
ing, but staying in the area with plans to generous skirt made of brick-colored pav-
continue playing the course. ers. Serious swimmers can do flip turns,

The Audubon Signature Sanctuary golf

course not only preserves sandy ridge, Among my friends, many think it is the and built 32 of the nearly 245 homes in In- getting a real workout.
standing pine, marsh and oak hammock best course in all of this area. You can play dian River Club, occupying three of them The house is frame, with hardiplank sid-
habitat; it also attracts world-class golfers. it seven days a week and never get bored.” at various times with his wife Maria, an
interior designer and owner of Designs in ing, known for its superior strength, insu-
“There have been a number of events The 4-bedroom, 3-bath house was de- Cabinetry. lation value and ability to imitate classic
that have drawn professionals,” Kirkpat- signed and built by Fred DiRocco, who lap siding. The architectural style is tra-
rick said. “It definitely has a following. founded DiRocco Construction in 1974 Francie Kirkpatrick’s daughter, Laura ditional, with a deeply pitched roof, dor-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 23, 2018 17

mers, generous overhang, mullioned wid- other storage with ogee and reeded edges
ows and shutters in the front. In the back, topped with crown molding.
most of the mullions are gone to keep the
view clear through picture windows and The owner’s suite has a deep tray ceil-
French doors with full-panel sidelights ing, big walk-in closet with maple built-in
that fill the house with light. storage and a gorgeous bathroom that is
a symphony of white-on-white finishes.
Recent upgrades include new roof, The frameless-glass walk-in shower with
painting, kitchen remodel and carpeting. a white marble bench would be the ideal
setting for a Neoclassical nude.
A signature of DiRocco’s designs is vol-
ume ceilings that articulate the upper The second master suite is upstairs, the
reaches, giving a feeling of grandeur and dormers giving the bedroom and bath-
brightness to the rooms. He also uses room character and interest, as well as
three-quarter walls, in this house to bound good cross light. The large room could be
three sides of the kitchen to create a func- converted to a grandkids’ dormitory, Laura
tional work space, yet also opening it up said, the cousins forming close bonds over
like a show place. holiday visits that last a lifetime.

Traditional meets modern in the kitch- “The two guest bedrooms have a pocket
en. New granite counters are in the latest door, making it ensuite, so guests can have
“sueded” finish with a clean edge while the their privacy,” Berkshire Hathaway Home
cabinets are classic raised-panel oak with Services listing agent Beth Livers said.

crown molding, the brushed nickel pulls ing them in an intriguing balance. lot,” Francie Kirkpatrick said. “We had A big laundry room is next to the 2-car
proclaiming “transitional bridge.” The top- The gas stove and the fireplace in the Christmas parties every year for 20 years.” plus golf-cart garage, which has a terraz-
of-the line Jenn-Air appliances in brushed zo floor, tons of storage and four windows.
stainless steel are handsome modernists, family room are both powered by an un- The built-in cabinetry around the fire- The garage ramp leading up to the house
but the stove, set on a corner angle, has a derground propane tank. place as well as the office is superior. Hugh would be essential to the wheel-chair
traditional oak-clad range hood. The gran- Kirkpatrick designed his office, Laura said, bound, but able-bodied Laura said she’s
ite’s sinuous pattern with warm and cool The space was designed to flow, guests and it deviates from the traditional ma- grateful for it when rolling in her suitcases.
tones conjoins the colors and styles, hold- easily moving among the large covered hogany finish, the wood painted white to
and screened porch to the kitchen, dining, declare a warm-climate removal from the The house is immaculate and crisp. “My
family and living rooms. “I entertained a rat race. The desk and return have gran- mother is the kind of owner you want to
ite inserts, the credenza, book case and buy from,” Laura Kirkpatrick said. 

Neighborhood: Indian River Club
Year built: 1998

Lot size: .45 acres • Home size: 3,100 square feet
Construction: Wood frame with hardiplank siding

Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 3
Additional features: 2-car plus golf-cart garage, second-floor
second master suite, big pool, new kitchen with granite count-

ers, oak-paneled granite-topped breakfast bar, new Jenn-Air

appliances, gas fire place, spectacular views of lake and golf

course, plantation shutters, tray ceiling, volume ceilings, built-

ins, lots of storage

Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Beth Livers, 772-559-6958
Listing price: $825,000

18 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Last week saw moderate activity on the mainland real estate market, with 19 transactions of sin-
gle-family residences and lots.
The top sale of the week was the residence at 4866 S Harbor Drive Unit #402. First listed in June
for $940,000, this penthouse apartment sold for $860,000 on Nov. 15.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Mary Pat Slater of Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Inc. Representing the buyer was agent Roger L. Smith of Alex MacWilliam, Inc.


VERO BEACH 4866 S HARBOR DRIVE UNIT #402 6/27/2018 $940,000 11/15/2018 $458,500
VERO BEACH 5020 ST JOSEPH’S ISLAND LANE 4/27/2018 $498,000 11/14/2018 $450,000
VERO BEACH 4251 DIAMOND SQUARE 10/8/2018 $459,900 11/15/2018 $430,000
VERO BEACH 5220 HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE #102 7/26/2018 $445,000 11/15/2018 $365,000
VERO BEACH 595 ALEXANDRA AVENUE SW 6/4/2018 $389,900 11/13/2018 $357,500
VERO BEACH 1525 56TH COURT 7/24/2018 $375,000 11/15/2018 $282,000
SEBASTIAN 950 GEORGE STREET 9/12/2018 $289,900 11/16/2018 $275,000
VERO BEACH 748 46TH SQUARE 5/11/2018 $285,000 11/14/2018 $272,500
VERO BEACH 3242 SUSSEX WAY 6/12/2018 $279,990 11/15/2018 $267,000
SEBASTIAN 755 WIMBROW DRIVE 9/10/2018 $260,000 11/14/2018 $250,000
SEBASTIAN 1206 BRIARCLIFF COURT 10/5/2018 $259,900 11/13/2018 $235,000
VERO BEACH 6525 OXFORD SQUARE UNIT #101A 10/2/2018 $242,500 11/15/2018 $224,000
SEBASTIAN 781 BEARD AVENUE 9/22/2018 $224,000 11/12/2018 $221,000
VERO BEACH 9939 E VERONA 7/23/2018 $235,000 11/14/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 23, 2018 19


5020 St Joseph’s Island Lane, Vero Beach 4251 Diamond Square, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/27/2018 Listing Date: 10/8/2018
Original Price: $498,000 Original Price: $459,900
Sold: 11/14/2018 Sold: 11/15/2018
Selling Price: $458,500 Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: Stacey Clawson Listing Agent: Karl Taylor

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Redfin Corporartion

Diane De Francisci Sally Daley

Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Daley & Company Real Estate

5220 Harbor Village Drive Unit #102, Vero Beach 595 Alexandra Avenue SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 7/26/2018 Listing Date: 6/4/2018
Original Price: $445,000 Original Price: $389,900
Sold: 11/15/2018 Sold: 11/13/2018
Selling Price: $430,000 Selling Price: $365,000
Listing Agent: Diane De Francisci Listing Agent: Bill Carroll

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Classic

Lynn Arzt Peggy Hewett

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Florida


Coming Up!

GET HOT ON THE Middleton charts artistic course Adam Schnell.
‘TRAIL’ OF VERO’S through map drawing PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Plan now to soak in a day of art.
You’ll find yourself, intrigued,
absorbed, inspired. Ten dynamic
artists will open their Vero Beach
studios next Saturday, Dec. 1, for the
much-anticipated Vero Beach Art
Club Art Trail “open house” event,
which kicks off the Art Club’s sea-
son. Study works in various media,
and of various subjects as you “fol-
low the Art Trail” from studio to stu-
dio (maps are available), exploring
the exciting diversity of artists and
their works: Studio 1: Boston na-
tive and oil painter Paul Davis has
been painting marine subjects for
55 years. Studio 2: Chicago native
Shotsi Cain Lajoie works in acryl-
ic, oil and clay. She was inspired
to explore her creativity when the
VBMA opened in 1986. Studio 3:
Sara Shankland creates fine silver
jewelry, and has taught and worked
in drawing, print making, sculpture
and oil painting. Studio 4: A new res-
ident of Vero Beach, Evan Schwarze,


B2 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Middleton charts artistic course through map drawing

By Kerry Firth | Correspondent Lisa Middleton and her dog Jojo.
[email protected]
Lisa Middleton, the Main Street Vero
Beach Studios & Gallery guest artist for the
month of November, is mapping out her life
day by day – quite literally.

“I actually started drawing maps at the age
of 14 for my mother. My mother, Pat Middle-
ton, is a well-established author and publish-
er of the Discover America’s Great River Road
guides, providing highlights to the history,
wildlife and attractions along the Mississippi
River,” Middleton explains.

“She was selling and distributing books
and we introduced one of my hand-drawn
maps to illustrate the area she was chroni-
cling. We discovered people loved the historic
maps and there was a real synergy between
the written word and the visual of the map.
From there, requests came in from private
estates, resorts, lakes, public lands and attrac-
tions looking for maps with my signature vin-
tage charm and personality.”

Born in La Crosse, Wisc., Middleton grew
up on a farm in Mississippi, where she says
she and her sister played in the mud and en-
joyed the great outdoors. She also traveled
extensively with her family, including visits as
far afield as Western Europe and Nepal. She
later helped out a friend in the Peace Corps

November 23 - December 30, 2018 in St. Vincent in the up in an entrepreneurial family.”
Caribbean, spent In 2006 she founded Great River Arts/Great
Opening Reception Friday, November 30, 6-8 pm time volunteering at
an orphanage in Haiti River Maps, painting and recreating unique,
Members Free - Not-Yet Members $20 and visited Australia historic maps, which not only show the to-
several times. pography of an area but feature its character
Don’t Miss and heritage as well.
the Holiday Sale, Dec 1 & 2! Of a riverboat cruise
Free Admission, Discounts, and exclusive she and her mother “I try to latch on to idiosyncrasies of the area
Casa del Rio Collection trunk show! took down the Yangtze and include artwork unique to that territory,”
River in Asia she recalls, she explains.
A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery “the natural beauty of
that river is inspiring and “Many things can make a map interesting.
500 North Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 the people we met along Sometimes many places on the map have
772-465-0630 the way in the small villages were inviting and disappeared. Sometimes a map blends reality
unforgettable. Travel opens your mind to other with fantasy. I like to work on maps with histo-
cultures and lifestyles. I knew I had to do it for ry, maps of places and people, because people
the rest of my life. Map-making just seemed love maps that have stories.”
like a perfect fit to my wanderlust lifestyle.”
Middleton says that while she draws
Although she began drawing maps as a each and every map personally, “I rely on a
teenager, she initially pursued a very different talented team of cartographers, architects,
career choice. After graduating with a degree in colorists and professional researchers to
liberal arts from Viterbo University in Wiscon- help with the process.”
sin, she took a job as a hospital administrator
and had every intention of obtaining a mas- While researching an area, she typical-
ter’s degree in hospital administration, before ly uses historical maps that are somewhere
deciding it was not the life path she wanted. around 100 to 150 years old as a basis for her
own artistic map designs to include in-depth
“I realized that I was missing out on so much
of life, so I left the corporate job for the flexibili-
ty and satisfaction of a small cottage-industry
career,” Middleton explains.

“I also knew that I needed to start my map
business before Mom closed hers, so I could
parlay on her contacts and expertise. I found
something I loved and I’ve never looked
back. I owe so much to my parents, who
showed me how to follow my dreams just as
they had. I guess that comes from growing

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 23, 2018 B3

historical data of the area. “I’ve been coming to Florida for about 10
Middleton has a precious collection of years now and I love it. I’m even consider-
ing moving here for six months out of the
historic maps – all properly stored and year, since those cold Montana winters are
cared for. She does not actually chemically getting to be a bit much for this gal,” says
restore the original maps, but rather recre- Middleton with a laugh.
ates their beauty through her own creative
process; making them easier to read while “Florida is so much more than just beach
at the same time fashioning historically ac- towns. It’s a very ecologically diverse state,
curate works of art. rich in history and varied in culture. I can
see myself enjoying all the farmers markets
“I restore them digitally and beautify and art shows. This area in particular has
them, but never retouch or repaint the orig- such a strong and vibrant cultural art base.
inal,” she explains. “It can take me a month It feels like home.”
to make a map. I’m breaking a lot of rules. I
didn’t go to school for art, and was really sad Middleton already has a huge collection
about that, but I’ve learned how to do every- of Florida maps, including the Space Coast,
thing my own way.” Treasure Coast, Gold Coast, St. Johns River and
Florida Keys, and is in the final stages of pro-
Her process includes scanning the maps duction for a map of Hutchinson Island.
at a high resolution, enabling her to pains-
takingly make digital corrections to imper- “It’s been very exciting; there’s a very special
fections and stains. niche for maps. The maps are coming very
much back in vogue; the history maps and the
Once printed, “I then hand-paint my own regional maps. It’s very fascinating. It’s a won-
original map, enhanced with decorative bor- derful genre of art.”
ders and drawings of indigenous plants or an-
imals. It takes about three weeks to complete Her collection includes hand-painted
the layers and layers of watercolor to create the original maps, prints, posters, lithographs,
vintage look. I always add glorious color; every giclées and gift prints, as well as her newest
stroke is intentional.” collection of maps on wood, which she feels
give the maps an even more rustic, historical
Afterward, when once the paint is dry, she look. She hopes to eventually reproduce her
retouches any letters that need it. But, she maps on silk scarves.
adds, “I’m trying to celebrate the history of the
maps so I don’t correct misspellings.” Middleton’s work will be on display at the
Main Street Vero Beach Studios & Gallery
Since she travels a lot, she often works on 14th Avenue in Downtown Vero Beach
from the road and transfers files electroni- through Nov. 30.
cally to the design team at her home base
near Glacier National Park, Mont. Middle- For more information, visit mainstreetver-
ton calls Montana home but is a frequent or 
visitor to Florida.

B4 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 and acrylic work “provides a glimpse into include clay, acrylic paint and photography. Oil-on-canvas artist Ray McLendon’s father
worlds beyond the ordinary,” expressing Her work includes paintings, pool mosaics, was one of the original Florida Highway-
continues a life-long career as an artist, the duality between the seen and the un- murals, sculptures and pottery. Studio 7: men. After graduating college 18 years ago,
working in oils and watercolors, focusing seen. Studio 5: Treasure Coast resident Dawn E. Miller says her art came to her “on he returned to Florida and started painting.
on the tropical environment. Studio 4: Af- Sharon Morgan is an acrylic painter and the tides of the Severn River in Maryland Studio 8: Fine artist Keri Keene has worked
ter a 30-year a career in interior design, Lisa full-time artist who has taught art classes at in private moments of clarity and alertness in a variety of mediums, but her passion is
Rose works primarily in pastels, current- the Vero Beach Museum of Art. Studio 6: A that I had never felt before.” Miller teaches painting and drawing in pastel. She learned
ly creating representational and abstract Vero resident since 1991, Heidi Hill’s media studio classes and at the VBMA. Studio 8: fundamentals and techniques from her
pieces. Studio 5: Catherine Musham’s oil

CLOSE TO HOME Fleetwood Mac

Presenting Sponsors: Rumours

Cindy O’Dare and Note for Note Cut for Cut
Richard Boga
of Premier Estate
Properties Fleetwood Mac
All Concerts are held
at 7 pm Note for Note
Cut for Cut
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Charles Schwab Performs
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New Vision Eye Center
Ocean Grill
Springhill Suites by Marriott Note for Note Cut for Cut

Our Non-profit Partners THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Visit for more information.
City of Vero Beach Centennial YEARS AND JONATHAN AND THE UNION
Cultural Council of IRC FULL MOON FEVER
The Emerson Center & THE HEARTBREAKERS

Printing Sponsor: Performs
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Screen Sponsor:
The Majestic 11 Note for Note
Cut for Cut
Live from Vero BeachSM is a

CASH, Fleetwood Mac


Note for Note Cut for Cut

FOR MORE INFORMATION: 772-234-4412 · [email protected]

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 23, 2018 B5

artist mother, Melody May Keene. Studio 9: 1 Art Trail open house, Dec. 1, 10 a.m to 4 p.m. 3 The legendary rock ’n’ roll icon Frankie
After graduating from Pratt Institute, Bar- Valli says these four guys are the best
ry Shapiro gained success as an art restor- he’s ever worked with. He’s talking about the
er, book illustrator, and film producer. He Modern Gentlemen, all in-demand singers
paints in pastels, acrylics and oils. Studio before Valli brought them together as a quar-
10: Ginny Piech Street holds a BFA in print- tet, and they’ll be performing thisWednesday,
making, and works in clay, mixed media Nov. 28, at the King Center. For more than 10
and paper. She says, “One can’t be passive years, says the show promo, Landon Beard,
when one’s hands are deep in mud.” Time: Todd Fournier and brothers Brian and Bran-
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets: $25; $30 event day. don Brigham have thrilled audiences per-
772-231-0303. forming all of Valli’s background vocals and
choreography. So, if you’ve seen “Frankie Valli
2 Music by the sea this Saturday Nov. 24: and the Four Seasons” in concert anywhere
The “musicians” of the like-no-other in the world during that decade, you’ve seen
Sebastian Inlet State Park are typically sea- these four guys. Since then, as the Modern
birds and surf. But right now – September Gentlemen, they’ve developed their own sig-
through May – the Friends of Sebastian Inlet nature pop, rock and doo-wop style: tight,
State Park presents its Night Sounds Concert four-part harmonies in a mix of classic sound
Series each month, on the Saturday closest to and modern. With Valli, they’ve performed
the full moon. Through the series season, the on some of the world’s biggest stages, from

2 Souljam, Nov. 24 at Sebastian Inlet State Park. 3 Modern Gentlemen, Nov. 28 at King Center.

music is wonderfully varied: this Saturday it’s ter, guitar and vocals, are all about joyful Bring family, pals, fold-up chair or blanket, Royal Albert Hall with the London Sympho-
the very popular Souljam. This five-member creativity, and self-expression, and you’ll grab some foodstuffs at the nearby Surfside ny Orchestra, to Broadway, Asia, Canada,
band plays extended versions of rock ’n’ roll feel it as well. As Souljam puts it: their music Grill, then relax and enjoy music as the sun Europe, Israel, Australia and New Zealand.
jam music, covering the likes of the Grateful “hovers within parameters familiar to fans sets and the moon rises, in one of the most They’ve shared stages with the Beach Boys,
Dead, Phish and the Tedeschi Trucks band, of classic rock,” but they also want listen- unique and beautiful music venues you’ll Manhattan Transfer, Tony Bennett, Smokey
with some of their own cool stuff mixed in. ers to be “stimulated by the new and excit- come across. Concert time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Robinson; and have performed for U.S. pres-
Will Keehner, bass; Anna Keehner, vocals ing rather than hypnotized by the tried and Admission free with park entry: $8/per vehi- idents and, recently, for Prince William, Duke
and guitar; Patrick Williams, drums; Bran- true.” Night Sounds happens at the Coconut cle, multiple occupants; $4/single occupant; of Cambridge. Time: 7:30 p.m. Tickets: start at
don Putzke, percussion; and John Carpen- Point pavilions, south side of the inlet bridge. $2/pedestrians, bicyclists. 772-388-2750. $27. 321-242-2219. 


1. Past Tense BY LEE CHILD 1. Andrew Jackson & the 1. No Slam Dunk BY MIKE LUPICA
2. The Reckoning 2. The Meltdown (Diary of a
Miracle of New Orleans
BY JOHN GRISHAM Wimpy Kid #13)
3. Every Breath BY JEFF KINNEY
BY NICHOLAS SPARKS 3. Becoming BY MICHELLE OBAMA 3. Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas
4. Cook Like a Pro (Dog Man #5) BY DAV PILKEY
4. Nine Perfect Strangers
BY INA GARTEN 4. Bridge of Clay
5. Ship of Fools BY MIARKUS ZUSAK
5. Dark Sacred Night

BECOMING presents THE LOVE presents

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Wednesday, November 28th at 6pm The Autobiography of David Hobbs 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

Thursday, Nov. 29th at 4 pm

B6 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Philanthropy Day: Vero givers get their just awards

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Penny Odiorne and Mary Ellen Replogle with Barbara and Jim Mitchell. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE than $4 million to meet un-met needs at
[email protected] local nonprofits.
“The true reward is seeing first-hand, “This community would not be what it
The Vero Beach Museum of Art Holmes the life-changing therapy that we get to is if people like you had not given your all, “It’s really an award not for just a few of
Great Hall was filled to capacity last help facilitate every day,” said Ernst. and it is appreciated,” said Replogle. us. We have over 300 contributors annual-
Wednesday evening as more than 300 ly to our fund and we have over 100 volun-
guests gathered to celebrate ‘Philan- The Unsung Hero award was presented Trudie Rainone, recipient of the Out- teers who participate in our events and our
thropy Through the Decades’ at the 2018 to Mary Ellen Replogle, nominated by The standing Volunteer Fundraiser award, was philanthropy evaluations,” said Jacobs,
National Philanthropy Day Awards Cel- Arc of Indian River County, for her unwav- nominated by the Alzheimer and Parkin- board president.
ebration, presented by the Association of ering 43 years of support to special needs son Association of IRC, for her generous
Fundraising Professionals, Indian River adults in the county. leadership there as well as with numerous The Outstanding Corporate Philanthro-
Chapter. To ensure impartiality, winners other local nonprofits. pist award was presented to Alma Lee Loy
were selected by the AFP Central Florida on behalf of the Vero Beach Country Club,
Chapter. “Everyone is so important here,” said nominated by Indian River State College
Rainone, adding she wished she could cut Foundation. VBCC has donated close to
The event to honor the outstanding up the award into a million pieces to share $1.2 million to nonprofits since 2008, as
philanthropic achievements of individu- it. “We are truly blessed in Indian River well as scholarships to IRSC students.
als and businesses took guests on an evo- County to have so many wonderful, won-
lutional journey of philanthropy through derful people; we all do it together.” “The Vero Beach Country Club kind of
a historical timeline and video on the knocks themselves out to take care of ev-
founding of 33 area nonprofits. The Outstanding Group Supporting ery organization in this community that
Philanthropy award was presented to Dale they can work into their schedule; they are
Referencing the Vero Beach Centennial Jacobs on behalf of the Grand Harbor Com- so generous,” said Loy, a VBCC member
celebration, emcee John Moore launched munity Outreach Program, nominated by since 1948.
into his own humorous oral history of the Veterans Council of IRC. In 17 years, the
Vero Beach, quipping “it’s a little different all-volunteer group has contributed more Virginia ‘Ginny’ Powers was honored as
from history as you might know it.” the Outstanding Individual Philanthro-
pist, nominated by the Boys & Girls Clubs
The Outstanding Youth in Philanthro- of Indian River County. Powers has con-
py award was presented to Isabel Ernst, tributed significant financial donations
co-founder of Give Back for Special Eques- and volunteer hours since the very early
trians, which since 2013 has provided days of BGC, and founded the Society of
more than $150,000 in therapeutic equine Angels to assist children with their studies
scholarships to individuals with special and etiquette.
“I’ve enjoyed working with the Boys
& Girls Club,” said Powers, crediting its
growth to longtime board member Jay Mc-
Namara. She gave a shout out to her son
Jeff Powers who recently founded Float
Hope, which teaches children from the
three Boys & Girls Clubs and from Gifford
Youth Achievement Center how to swim.

“It’s just a roomful of love,” said
Bev Smith, event co-chair with Jessica
Schmitt, recognizing the award winners
and the people doing great work with
them, and thanking the numerous spon-
sors involved. 


Unsung Hero:
Charles Brashears, Langie Mannion, Sheila Marshall, Jim Mitchell,

Rebecca Schlitt and Andy Williams.

Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser:
Al DeRenzo, Nancy Johnson and Joan Woodhouse,

and Karla Spooner and Judy Munn.

Outstanding Group Supporting Philanthropy:
Employees of the IRC Clerk of the Circuit Court, J.M. Hopwood Charitable Trust,

Kashi Church Foundation and VNA Golf-A-Thon Volunteers.

Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist:
Agricultural Services International, Barker Air Conditioning & Heating,

Corporate Air, Eye Clinic of Vero Beach and Optical Boutique,
and Studio Gabriel Salon, Spa and Boutique.

Outstanding Individual Philanthropist:
Jim and Billie Ellis, Sandy and Randy Rolf, and Bill and Marlynn Scully.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 23, 2018 B7

Eleanor Sexton and Alma Lee Loy. Linda Kloss with Al and Carol DeRenzo. Jeff Powers and Ginny Powers.

Janet Baines and Trudie Rainone. Bill and Pat Marine with Doug Marine. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE B8
Nancy and Jeff Luther with Nancy Hopwood.

Kate Kelley, Kathy Cruice, Joan Woodhouse, Hope Woodhouse and Betsy Fox.

George and Sandy Kahle with Susan and Carter Hopkins.

B8 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE B7 Jessica Schmitt and Beverly Smith. Andy and Robin Williams.
Dr. Heather Kuhl, Charlie Ernst, Isabel Ernst and Sissy DeMaria-Koehne.

Betty and Dale Jacobs. Randy and Sandy Rolf. Sheila and George Marshall. Marlynn and Bill Scully.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 23, 2018 B9

‘Tree’ cheers for everyone’s ‘Favorite’ Riverside festival

Market vendors and the always-popular Santa in his Christmas Village, crafts,
Christmas Shoppe, relocated from its games, “ice” skating, and performanc-
usual RCT dance studio location. es throughout each day by RCT students
and various other local groups.
The highlight of the evening was an
exceptional Swingin’ Christmas Concert On Dec. 1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. RCT
on the Stark Stage featuring headliner students will head to a Santa Celebration
and composer Michael Andrew and his at Vero Beach Outlets to perform songs
Swingerhead Band. Their toe-tapping from the ‘Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christ-
performance was preceded by talented mas’ show which runs Dec. 6-8 on the
RCT Workshop students. Stark Stage at Riverside Theatre.

The festival continued Saturday and For more information, visit riversidet-
Sunday with plenty of doings for adults 
and little ones alike, including visits with


Lyn Bufford, Jean Ueltschi and Mary Rogers. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Karan and Mark Morein. Diana Stark and Bob Inhoff.

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer
[email protected]

Riverside Theatre officially kicked off Bob and Wheatie Gibb.
the holiday season last Friday night with
their 21st annual Festival of Trees Gala Inside the RCT Ann Morton Theatre
Preview Party. There was even a tiny hint and Agnes Wahlstrom Youth Playhouse,
of a wintry nip in the air – Florida style volunteer designers and local business-
– to help put everyone in the mood, and es embraced their Favorite Things, fill-
they clearly made good on a promise to ing the Festival Forest with wonderfully
elicit good cheer with this year’s ‘Favorite imaginative Christmas trees, whimsical
Things’ theme. wreaths and elaborate gingerbread hous-
es that looked good enough to eat. Guests
Twinkling lights and tasty delights enjoyed a first chance to bid on the cre-
greeted festival-goers throughout the en- ative selections and could also get in
tire Riverside Campus, which had been some early Christmas shopping at nu-
transformed into a winter wonderland merous Festival Market vendors.
that continued all weekend long. The
highly-anticipated annual event benefits The party then moved over to the Grand
Riverside Children’s Theatre program- Festival Hall (Orchid Lobby), where at-
ming and scholarships. tendees could shop at additional Festival

Outside, mesmerizing icicle lights
dripped from mossy oak trees and palm
tree trunks were spiraled with little white
lights, providing a perfect backdrop for
dining under the stars. Tables were set up
all around the Loop, where guests enjoyed
a bountiful buffet dinner while listening
to live entertainment. The movable feast
featured hors d’oeuvres by Orchid Gour-
met Catering, dinner by Elizabeth D. Ken-
nedy & Co. Catering and desserts donated
by Wild Thyme Catering.

B10 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Add beauty and Tracey and Dave Griffis.
natural light to your
EXISTING entryway Jessica Khorasani, Lyndsey Alexander
and Deirdre Daughtrey
in about an hour!

• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9
for every style Glass Doors Sharon Bastine and Harry Poole.
and budget
• Framed / Robert and Marilyn Kanner.
• Customize to Frameless
your style Shower Units

• Impact Glass • Etching
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Emtek

Exterior Doors Hardware
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps


463-6500 Allan and Amy Corkum with their daughter Aubrey and son Boden.
Regency Square Connie Foster, Gail Bonaminio, Lariza Luna, Richard Aguilar and Victoria Kerkela.

2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart

Licensed & Insured

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 23, 2018 B11

John and Carla Matthews. Alexandra Radu and Scott Nuttall. Muffy and Taylor Metcalf. Robson Diniz and Kerryanne Monahan.

Robyn Flick and Heather Sultzman. Jennifer and Ian Killen. Ted and Dawn Michael. Jim and Sandy Johnson.



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$650 Black Friday discount is in addition to any factory rebates you may qualify for. Must take vehicle delivery by 11/30/18. Only valid on new 2018 and 2019 Mitsubishi models. Not valid on any used cars or trucks of any make or model.

B12 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Kobe beef at a Japanese outpost of celebrity Chef Nobu

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Salmon and Vegetables Grilled Seabass. Pescatore.
[email protected] Tartar.
Cassis and Chocolate
On a visit to Japan, it seemed like the Porcini and Mushroom Millefeuille.
thing to do was try real Kobe beef. Soup.
Not the Australian wagyu, nor tle) that we sampled at Citrus Grillhouse a While this wasn’t inexpensive (noth-
the American wagyu mis- ginger. While Chef Nobu’s signature dish few years ago. ing in Japan is), and I suspect there are a
leadingly passed off by is black cod with a miso sauce, the fish on half-dozen chefs in Vero as talented as those
many restaurateurs as “Ko- this occasion was seabass freshly caught, In this case as at the Citrus, the beef was who actually preside over the many global
be-style” beef. The real A5 Kobe we were told, off the Japanese island of so rich and buttery you wouldn’t want an restaurants that have sprung from the en-
beef from the Tajima breed of cattle Shikoku. Perfectly seared. Angus-prime-sized portion. The largest trepreneurial inclinations of Chef Nobu, I
raised in the prefecture of Hyogo. Kobe offering on the Itoh menu was 150 now have checked genuine A5 Kobe beef off
Then came the piece de resistance – 100 grams. my bucket list of culinary experiences.
And for a two-fer, what better place to grams of Kobe beef served in a half-doz-
try it than at a Japanese outpost of celebri- en bite-sized chunks with a wasabi and Finally, we finished with a cassis and And I’ve had my Asian food fix. Next
ty Chef Nobu Matsuhisa? pepper sauce. Cooked to perfection with a chocolate millefeuille. A great end to a week: Back home in Vero.
couple of garlic chips on top, it struck me decadent meal.
To achieve this, our guide helped us as being just a tad leaner than the Kuroge
book a reservation at Itoh Dining by Nobu steak (also an A5 from Japan, but from a I welcome your comments, and encour-
– an unpretentious restaurant in a tradi- different breed of cat- age you to send feedback to me at tina@
tional Japanese townhouse in the geisha
section of Kyoto.
The reviewer dines anony-
Once we had made it down a dark alley- mously at restaurants at
way, we were ushered into a surprisingly the expense of Vero
bright, modern restaurant. To our sur- Beach 32963. 
prise, we were invited to take two of the 10
chairs at a long counter in front of the tep-
panyaki-style grills where all the action
takes place. What a treat!

Rather than ordering a la carte, we de-
cided to go with the six-course prix fixe

The first course we were served con-
sisted of autumn salmon and vegetables
tartar, with dill and botargo. The veggies
used in this dish came, we were told, from
farms near volcanic Mount Fuji. Extremely
f lavor f u l.

Next came a bowl of porcini and mush-
room soup. I love mushrooms, and this
was a wonderful mushroom soup. The
third course was pescatore – a mix of Japa-
nese noodles and seafood.

The fourth was grilled fish served with
a Yuzu miso sauce and

Kobe beef.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | WINE November 23, 2018 B13

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call 772.410.0100 for more information 

B14 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 23, 2018 B15






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B16 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

AKOHO is a take-away culinary boutique and dessert shop. We use LBJ Farm fresh
local eggs, locally bought produce and organic milk to create homemade
quiches, soups, bowls and exceptionally delicious desserts and strudels.
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FREE 12oz. Rio Coco French Pressed Co ee with any purchase.
Expires 11/29/18


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 23, 2018 B17



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 765

A novel event for mixed teams was held from October 31 to November 2, 2016. Four teams A3
played online in three venues. The Bridge Base Online (BBO) team was at the Silver Cloud
Broadway Hotel in Seattle; Lavazza competed at the company’s research center in Turin, WEST A 10 8 7 5 4 2
Italy; and the Chinese Contract Bridge Association (CCBA) and Yeh played in the Beijing J742 EAST
International Convention Center. KQ3
7642 A985
The event consisted of a round robin of 16-board matches. The final result was Lavazza K9
83.64 victory points, CCBA 65.98, Yeh 49.59 and BBO 40.79. J82

The highlight for the BBO team was the participation of Bill Gates, who partnered Sharon 10 9 8
Osberg. Their teammates were Jill Meyers-Bob Hamman and Sheri Winestock-Fred
Gitelman. Q63

This week’s deal was one that Gates played. At his table, North-South were “happy” with SOUTH
three clubs, made with an overtrick.
K Q 10 6
But in the given auction, Meyers bid a game-invitational three clubs, and Hamman went for
game in no-trump. West led the spade two: three, ace, six. East returned the spade nine: A 10 9 4
king, four, heart five. What did Hamman do next?
Declarer could have gotten lucky in clubs, but knew that that was against the odds — 16.96
percent, to be precise. Instead, Hamman played a diamond to the ace and a heart to his 10. J
With hearts 3-3, West had no defense, but she surprisingly led another spade, so Hamman
immediately claimed nine tricks: three spades, one heart, four diamonds and one club. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South

That gave BBO 10 international match points against Lavazza. The Bidding:

1 Diamonds Pass 3 Clubs Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
2 Spades

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B18 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Emit smoke (4) 1 Test (4)
4 Occident (4) 3 Water heater (6)
8 Halt (4) 4 Peevish complaint (6)
9 Denoting final attempt (4-5) 5 Power point (6)
11 Regal (6) 6 All-male do (4,5)
13 Hit hard (7) 7 Sprightly (4)
15 Design (6) 10 Frightful (7)
16 Occupant (6) 12 Whispered exclamation (4)
18 Dissertation (6) 13 Fleece (9)
20 Sprinkled (6) 14 Compendium (7)
22 Impractical (thinking) (4-3) 17 Fuss (2-2)
23 Squire (anag.) (6) 19 Arm covering (6)
25 XVII (9) 20 Beat (6)
26 Tidy (4) 21 Performer on ice (6)
27 Zone (4) 23 Stylish establishment (4)
28 Roue (4) 24 Yank (4)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Sturgis The Telegraph

Hardware Store & Lumber Yard



63 years Family Owned & Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 •

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 23, 2018 B19

ACROSS 103 Name of an actual book by 63 You can get one even if you The Washington Post
1 Sub order LEO Buscaglia fly out to center field
7 Early U.S. labor organizer STARTING LINEUP By Merl Reagle
11 Dog watchdog agcy. 110 Least 65 Eng. honor
15 Pastoral plaint 113 Comment by STU right 66 Reaction to a UFO sighting
18 Where the Slaney flows
20 The Man in the White Suit about now 67 Digestion aid
117 “You betcha!” 68 Primeval stew
star’s first name
21 Where Fats had chats 118 Not bad 69 Initials of a Patton
23 Best part of being president, 119 Nonessential amino acid contemporary
120 Dino-cloning need
according 121 Dips for duds 70 Up-to-date
to LIV 122 They give you the wrong 73 Harry Lime’s creator
25 By ___ 74 Dressing-room fixture
26 AMY’s autobiography idea
28 Hesitates 123 Reveal one’s secrets 75 Supplies the grub
31 Dash units 76 Video-game Bros.
32 ’elpful tidbit? DOWN
33 Four starters 1 Part of RSVP 77 Boone, briefly
37 Swiss canton 2 Caroline’s stepdad 79 Put away the groceries?
38 Alphabet center 3 Author Deighton 80 Smoking reminder?
40 What MAY is 4 Spring ___ 81 Booth treater
44 Item on TOM’s fridge 5 Letter opening 82 Prefix meaning 70 Down
48 Adapted, as a trad. song 6 Part of IBM 83 Beer dispenser?
49 Capybara’s cousin 7 Crockett and Jones 84 Green and Smith
50 Dyes and spies 8 Part of a general’s name 85 AAA offering
51 FLO’s favorite rule 9 Track actions 89 Niello, e.g.
56 Basset asset 10 Nova ___ 90 Ray of GoodFellas
57 4-hr. movie of ’39 11 In the Heat of the Night town 92 Squeals
59 Fatty spread 12 Atlantic, to Brits 93 ___“Inferno”
60 Rundown on a disinfectant 13 Ending passage 94 Flavor-enhancing powder
label 14 Friend indeed 95 Wyndham Lewis novel, The
61 Rock producer Brian 15 Kickstand, basically
62 Three, to Spee 16 Some math. ___ God
64 “___ be dreaming ...” 17 G.B. gulp 100 Prefix meaning “yellow” or
66 “Unhappily ...” 19 Make crazy, old-style
67 Mickey-and-Judy musical 22 Attacks “gold”
that BOB likes 24 1992 Stallone film, Stop! Or 102 Cara or Ryan
70 A step up from micro 104 Smelly
71 Recipient ___ Will Shoot 105 Part of VSOP, on cognac
72 March time 27 Howards ___ 106 Understanding words
73 Initials on some trucks 28 Lighter fuel 107 Benihana founder Rocky or
76 Old-peach fuzz? 29 Catherine’s place
77 Take a nap 30 Comme ça golfer Isao
78 Maui bird 34 “Kookie” of the TV oldie 77 108 Ill-humored one
80 Offenbach offering 109 Hawaiian city
81 Like MIA’s car Sunset Strip
84 Say it is so 35 Burning briquets 110 Director Pollack, briefly
86 A prefect conclusion 36 The job 111 Ed, Fred, Jed, Ned, and Ted,
87 Swamp land 39 Milhaud’s milieu: abbr.
88 Like NAT 40 Wall, in Gaul e.g.
91 DOM is one 41 Scott of Happy Days 112 Simile center
96 ___ Marie Presley 42 It may hold gold
97 Part of a double negative? 43 Le Guin et al. 114 Lie-telling, e.g.
98 “It’s a ___ deal” 45 Palindromic direction: abbr. 115 Big Burmese, once
99 Creature that scares Indiana 46 Salamander
Jones 47 Stalemate result 116 Get-up-and-go
100 Leachman, to friends 52 Old capital of Mozambique,
101 Parking garage features
___ Marques
53 In addition
54 Keep
55 Anthem start
57 Kin of “criminy!”
58 Conventional ___
62 Dress up

The Telegraph

B20 November 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING 5K at Riverside Park followed by sweet potato guest artists from the Orlando Ballet and 4 spe- 30 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
pancake breakfast and awards to benefit United cial needs children. $14 to $22. 772-360-8577 merce Light Up Night, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Paint- Against Poverty. various businesses in Sebastian and Roseland,
ing & Sculpture from the Permanent Collection 24 Poetry, Wine and All that Jazz, 7 p.m. with food, prizes and giveaways. 772-589-5969.
thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Contemporary 24 Holiday Open House at Vero Beach at Heritage Center, with poetry read-
Art from the Rubell Family Collection thru Jan. 6. Book Center, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with ings, live entertainment, auctions, wine and hors 30 & December 1 - Riverside Theatre
children’s activities and visits with Santa. Free. d’oeuvres to benefit Stouthouse: Where Artists Comedy Zone’s Winter Nights, 7:30
NOVEMBER 772-569-2050 Create. $125. 772.589.8826 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free
entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990
22 Thanksgiving Day Trot Against Poverty, 24 Ballet Vero Parents & Friends presents 24 Souljam at Sebastian Inlet State Park
7 a.m. children’s 1/4 race, 7:30 a.m. its 11th annual production of The Nut- Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. at DECEMBER
cracker, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Vero Beach High Coconut Point pavilions. Park entry fee. 772-388-
School PAC, featuring a cast of 83, including 2 2750 1 Vero Beach Art Club Art Trail, a ticketed open
house of ten local member studios from 10
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN a.m. to 4 p.m. $25; $30 event day. 772-231-0303
in November 16, 2018 Edition 1 OBOE 1 BENEATH
4 REDUCE 3 EWER 1 Candy Cane 3K Run presented by Run Vero,
9 LANTERN 4 RENTED 5:15 p.m. followed by Oceanside Business As-
10 STARE 5 DISORDER sociation Christmas Parade, 6 p.m. on Ocean Drive.
12 FEARLESS 7 BLOCKBUSTER 1 Christmas Banquet featuring Boston Mar-
14 BEHOLD 8 MEASUREMENT athon bombing survivor Rebekah Gregory,
15 LETTER 13 FLATTERY 5:30 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club, with dinner, live
18 SOLITUDE 16 TURBINE entertainment and auction to benefit Women’s
20 BRIM 17 ADJOIN Refuge of Vero Beach. 772-770-4424

Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (LIGHT OPERA) 1 Sebastian Christmas & Holiday Parade, 6
p.m. along Indian River Drive from Main
Street to Riverview Park for visits with Santa.


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.



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