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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-08-17 00:06:23

08/18/2017 ISSUE 33


August 18, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 33 Newsstand Price: $1.00



Trial still not near Piper profits up;
for accused killer of Vero company is
nurse Diana Duve once again hiring

By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer GOOD NEWS: FPL now planning to move substation off old Vero Electric site as part of sale. PAGE 4. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]

More than three years after Two years after Piper Aircraft
Sebastian River Medical Center Inc. cut 115 employees from its
nurse and Moorings resident Di- payroll – 78 were laid off and 37
ana Duve was found dead in the opted for early retirement – the
trunk of her car, defense attorneys Vero Beach-based company’s
for accused killer Michael David workforce is now slightly larger
Jones, her former boyfriend, are than it was before the reductions.
nowhere near ready to go to trial,
and Judge Cynthia Cox is getting And Piper executives plan to
impatient. continue hiring to meet an in-
creased demand for its products.
The state has released 52 batch-
es of case evidence, thousands of “We have been hiring 10 peo-
pages of medical records and wit- ple a week since mid-June, and we
ness interviews, which all fall un- are continuing to hire through the
der the broad term of “discovery,” remainder of the year,” Jackie Car-
as is required by law so the defense lon, Piper’s senior director of mar-
has time to prepare its case for keting and communications, said
last week.
“We are actively looking for can-
Do sea turtles know something we don’t about hurricanes? didates for multiple functions, but,
most critically, aircraft workers,
Accused killer Michael David Jones. By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer Colombia in 2015 found fossils tures have adapted their nesting sheet-metal workers and welders,”
[email protected] of one ancient ancestor of to- behavior to avoid extinction is she added. “Interested individuals
day’s sea turtles dating back 120 not a huge stretch of the imagi- may apply at”
Do sea turtles know something million years to a time when di- nation.
we don’t about what may be com- nosaurs roamed the Earth. So As of Friday, Piper employed
ing in the height of the current the idea that these mysterious, When residents near Aquarina 762 people – two more than it did
hurricane season? awe-inspiring, primordial crea- Beach and Country Club, half a in July 2015, when, citing sagging

Amateur paleontologists in CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

NEWS 1-12 PETS 18

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected]
your issue call: 772-226-7925
Despite a recent report showing that virtually all former
Vero Beach High School football team uses a Tacklewheel in practice. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD NFL players studied had brain damage as a result of head
trauma, local coaches say they are not seeing any drop in
participation as Indian River County’s three high school
football teams prepare for the upcoming season, which be-
gins Aug. 25.

Coaches at St. Ed’s, Vero High and Sebastian River High


© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

FOOTBALL INJURY CONCERNS to give at least some high school players immediately reveal any changes from ly, says one long-time official.
and their parents significant pause. the baseline data, and appropriate ac- As the dangers of head trauma be-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion can be taken without delay. Motta
The study shows that repetitive, seem- explains that the reaction to the initial come better known, coaches and offi-
say they take the welfare of their young ingly non-violent blows, not necessarily blow is what can do the most damage, as cials are cracking down. Penalties for
athletes very seriously and are confident the head-jarring ones, are likely the most the whipping of the head causes the im- “targeting” (usually a helmet-to-helmet
they are providing the safest environ- common cause of CTE, which presents pact of brain against skull. hit) are heavy: For the first infraction,
ment possible for an often violent con- symptoms such as agitation, impulsive it’s a 15-yard penalty (personal foul, un-
tact sport. behavior, explosive temper, memory Because the brain stem at the base sportsmanlike conduct). On the second,
loss and suicide. Because no technolo- of the skull is vulnerable in a head im- it’s an ejection for the player and another
New protective gear, altered tackling gy exists to screen for the condition, its pact, Motta’s players do extensive neck 15-yard loss.
techniques and more careful medical presence can only be confirmed after a strengthening work, part of a year-round
oversight are all part of the effort to pro- player’s death. strength training program using state- Lenny Jankowski, who coaches the
tect students. of-the-art machines and St. Vincent Vero Beach High School Fighting Indians,
Vero Beach neurologist Dr. James Sha- Sports Performance techniques. says the newest equipment and training
The grim Boston University School of fer agrees that repetitive impact, not a techniques tend to “trickle down” from
Medicine study focusing on the brains of single hard hit, is the key to this brain Contact has been greatly reduced the NFL to college and high school levels
deceased football players aged 23 to 89 damage, resulting in irreparable loss during practice, Motta says, and a play- but adds that local high school programs
was released late last month. It shows of brain cells. This can occur in many er is rarely taken to the ground. Instead are “ahead of the curve.”
a clear cause-effect between repeated sports but, Shafer says, it is most preva- of pounding each other, players practice
strikes to the head and a devastating, lent in football and wrestling. tackling by using tackling rings – a pad- Jankowski also teaches the “Hawk”
degenerative brain disease known as ded “wheel” that allow players to work tackling technique, and his players, too,
chronic traumatic encephalopathy. The Boston study’s senior author, on their technique, wrapping their arms attack padded wheels instead of each
neurologist Dr. Ann McKee, told the New around the wheel to simulate wrapping other in practice. They also get start-of-
According to a Sports Illustrated arti- York Times, bluntly, “It is no longer de- up an opposing ball carrier, without risk- the-season brain baseline tests.
cle about the report, “high school play- batable whether or not there is a prob- ing another player’s health.
ers in the study had mild cases while col- lem in football – there is a problem.” “We practice without collision,” Jan-
lege and professionals had more severe Tackling styles are changing too, with kowski says, “but on Friday night, we
cases.” CTE was found in 177 of the 202 So what are local coaches doing to the aim of reducing concussions. don’t lack physical contact. We’re just
brains studied, including all but one of protect high school students playing a smarter and more educated. First and
the 111 NFL players in the study. sport the Journal of the American Med- “No coach teaches using the head as foremost is safety.”
ical Association identifies as one of the a battering ram anymore,” emphasizes
It is important to note, the study was leading causes of concussion among ad- Motta. Sebastian River High School Sharks
not conducted on a random set of for- olescents? Coach Chuck Kenyon says his athletes
mer NFL players. Instead, “the brains Instead, Motta now teaches a rugby are tested preseason to establish the
were donated by families of former NFL St. Edward’s Upper School football style technique called the “Hawk” that brain baseline, and he and his staff em-
players who showed signs of the dis- coach Bill Motta says that, since 2009, leads with the shoulder, not the head. ploy low-contact practice techniques, as
ease,” according to Sports Illustrated. every St. Ed’s athlete has a preseason well as the rugby tackling method. On
cognitive baseline brain test. State high school football rules have the field, he works closely with the team
Still, the evidence of football-related actually prohibited head butting for trainer, Hilary Lange, who “spends as
brain damage was overwhelming enough When a head impact incident occurs some time, but the regulations were not much time as the coaches with the kids.”
on the field, a device on the sideline can consistently enforced until more recent-

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 18, 2017 3

If a player comes out with an ly sent to the manufacturer for recondi- Vero High School football coach has been the playing football since
injury, says Kenyon, he’ll come di- tioning annually. Each is marked with Lenny Jankowski. third grade. His mother says the
rectly to Lange on the sideline, and purchase date and reconditioning date. game has taught him teamwork
she’ll make the assessment. A helmet is retired following trauma and, ilant – err on the side of caution when and leadership and made him more
after 10 years, a helmet can no longer be working with kids.” motivated and disciplined.
At that point “the coach is out of used. Period.
the loop,” Kenyon stresses, noting Lorraine Amaral, whose son Logan “Logan is very motivated and
that properly dealing with an inju- “Even if a helmet sits on the shelf and plays for the Vero Beach High Fighting goal-oriented. He trains with the
ry and deciding whether to bench is never used,” Kenyon says, it’s gone Indians, says she has seen firsthand how team and with a personal trainer.
a player should have nothing to do after 10 years. “As parents, coaches and much concern coaches show “all the He’s going for a college scholarship,
with the impact on the game, only players, we must just be diligent and vig- time” for the players’ health and safety, and works to keep his GPA up so
the player’s wellbeing. “No won- and the steps they take to prevent head he’ll be strong in football and aca-
lost record will ever be delivered at and other injuries. demics as well. He’ll be taking hon-
the expense of putting these kids in ors classes this year.”
harm’s way,” she says. Logan, who will be a junior this year,
An extra benefit: Added to ac-
This attitude is in striking con- ademic demands, practice and
trast to the attitude of many coach- game schedules leave Logan little
es in years past who pushed play- time for getting into trouble, Ama-
ers to “get back in there” and play ral says. She also notes that players
through the pain. are subject to random drug tests
throughout the year.
In the literal forefront when it
comes to protection from head With continued parent support,
trauma is the helmet, and Kenyon, local coaches agree, “football isn’t
Jankowski and Motta spare no ex- going anywhere.” But much re-
pense in providing their young ath- mains to be learned about traumat-
letes with the best gear available. ic brain injuries, including chronic
traumatic encephalopathy: Why do
St. Edward’s purchases Riddell some athletics get it while others don’t;
and Schutt helmets rated 5-star on the can it be prevented? Is there a genetic
Virginia Tech helmet rating list. During factor? Can the repetitive injuries that
practice, they also use the Guardian Cap seem to trigger it be quantified?
Impact Reduction System, a padded, Shafer concludes, “Coaches do what
soft-shell layer placed over the tradition- they can, but you can’t entirely eliminate
al hard-shell helmet to reduce impact the risk. High school football is very pop-
shock. Vero Beach also uses Riddell and ular. It’s a good team sport for kids and
Schutt, while Sebastian provides Riddell parents, but they should understand the
speed-flex helmets. risk.” 

Kenyon says helmets are automatical-

4 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Electric sale moving forward; substation to be moved

By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer Aspuru wrote to O’Connor, “OUC has seems Florida Power & Light applied a being worked-over by attorneys repre-
[email protected] reached agreement in concept with the little grease to OUC’s squeaky wheel. senting Vero and FPL. “OUC is satisfied
City of Vero Beach on the terms of a Ter- with these agreements and is optimistic
Vero Beach officials expected to have mination and Settlement Agreement for “OUC has agreed in concept on an that these agreements will be acceptable
an executed, written agreement with the the existing Power Purchase Agreement.” energy sale agreement with Florida Pow- to all parties,” he said.
Orlando Utilities Commission by last er & Light, which will partially mitigate
Friday stipulating that it would cost the Up until last week, it looked like Vero OUC’s damages from the termination of This email to O’Connor came two days
city “only” $20 million to get out of their and Orlando were headed into formal the Power Purchase Agreement with Vero after FPL Regional Director of External
wholesale power deal, but as of Monday mediation over OUC’s demand that Beach,” Aspuru said. Affairs Amy Brunjes announced to the
afternoon City Manager Jim O’Connor the city pay $50 million to exit the deal, Vero Beach City Council that a deal had
only had an agreement “in concept.” which would leave OUC stuck with the Aspuru said drafts of a “Termina- been struck with OUC to keep the parties
power Vero would have purchased. It tion and Settlement Agreement” and an out of court and pave the way to close the
On Aug. 10, OUC Vice President Jan agreement on the energy sale are now sale of the entire Vero electric utility in
the last quarter of 2018.

FPL has offered to purchase Vero’s
utility and its 34,000 customers for $185
million. After the city pays off its util-
ity-related debt and pays to exit all of
its long-term power supply and co-op
membership contracts, the taxpayers
would be left with roughly $30 million in
cash which could be used to pay down
the city’s nearly $40 million in employee
pension liabilities, used for other priori-
ties, or invested with the interest used to
offset some of the $5.6 million the city
now siphons off its electric utility cus-
tomers annually to subsidize its general

“It will relieve the city of all of its obli-
gations, its power contracts, once and for
all and forever,” Brunjes said.

Brunjes brought an FPL team with her,
including an attorney and an engineer,
to explain the latest developments in the
deal, including the fact that FPL would
build a state-of-the-art substation on
the southwest two acres of what’s known
as the old postal annex property on the
southwest corner of 17th Street and Indi-
an River Boulevard, and that the substa-
tion would be complete probably around
October 2019.

FPL officials said the new substation
would increase reliability of Vero’s power
system in the event of a storm, and that it
would employ multiple redundancies to
avoid power outages.

The substation would go on the prop-
erty tax rolls, generating annual income
for the city.

Vero and FPL had planned to keep the
substation on the northern part of the
riverfront power plant property and to
move critical switching equipment into
the substation perimeter, a project that
would have cast a shadow on whatever
the city decides to build on the power
plant property. O’Connor said the effort
to dismantle the power plant has ceased
until the switching equipment can be
moved to the new FPL substation.

The day after the city council meeting,
Brunjes spoke to a friendly crowd at the
Indian River Taxpayers Association lun-
cheon, saying, “We are very, very close to
making this sale happen. We have made
significant progress, more so than ever
before.” 

6 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

SEA TURTLES the sea. And though they still participate pounds, so they come in like a wrecking PIPER PROFITS
in the land grab for a protected spot, ball and don’t really care that those sprigs
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the loggerheads are not the aggressive of sea oats were placed there by humans CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
dune-wreckers. Instead, green sea turtles to help stabilize the dune. Their eggs
dozen miles north of the Sebastian Inlet, are the culprits. must survive for the next two treacherous worldwide sales, the company announced
began seeing huge sea turtles tearing up months of hurricane season before they plans to slash 15 percent to 20 percent of its
the dunes and uprooting carefully plant- “Greens are in the prime of their nest- are ready to hatch. workforce.
ed rows of sea oats behind oceanfront ing season right now,” McWilliams said,
homes, they wondered what was going adding that the Archie Carr National So, did the green sea turtles learn by trial Carlon said a larger workforce was need-
on. Old wives’ tales say the turtles some- Wildlife Refuge – which encompasses and error to “go deep” into the end zone to ed because the company continues to expe-
how sense when a hurricane is on the way 20.5 miles of beach from about Coconut build their nests? Anything is possible over rience an increase in the sale and delivery of
and lay their precious eggs way high up in Point Park in Melbourne Beach to just 120 million years. its new M-Class products – particularly the
the dunes to protect their progeny from south of Golden Sands Park near Windsor M500 and top-of-the-line M600 single-en-
being washed away. in Indian River County – has seen more What about the fact that it doesn’t hap- gine turboprops – as well as its trainer air-
than 200 new nests laid every single night pen every year? “We only get the green sea craft.
The truth, according to scientists, is al- the past week or so. turtles every other year, their nesting is cy-
most as fascinating as the lore. clical, so they come back in two-year cy- Piper announced last week that its sec-
“In the seven days prior to Thursday, cles,” McWilliams said. ond-quarter revenues reached $52.1 million
Two things we know: This bizarre activ- August 11, we had 1,830 nests counted in with the delivery of 32 aircraft. That’s an in-
ity occurs in late July and August – which the refuge,” McWilliams said. Even stranger than the dune-chew- crease of $10.7 million, or 26 percent, from
also happens to be when hurricane sea- ing green turtles, McWilliams said, is the last year’s second-quarter numbers.
son kicks into full swing – and the oddity “And though all sea turtles go as far up fact that a hawksbill sea turtle nested just
doesn’t happen every year. the beach as they can to lay their eggs, north of the Sebastian Inlet last Thursday. Even more impressive, Carlon said Piper’s
the green sea turtles are known for going That species is common in the Caribbe- profits through the first half of this year were
The reason the turtles’ current up onto the dunes more than the logger- an, but usually only seen as far north as up nearly 100 percent over last year’s first-
dune-wrecking stands out to locals is be- heads.” she said. Fort Lauderdale, she said. half figures, jumping from $37.8 million to
cause it’s different from the beach nesting $75.5 million.
typically seen in the late spring or early McWilliams said there’s a nest about “The rangers from the Brevard County
summer. every four and a half linear feet through- side of the Inlet saw it just before 8 a.m. “It’s an exciting time for the company,”
out the refuge right now. From a logistical and we able to get down there and take she said, adding that Piper’s strong show-
Celeste McWilliams, a certified sea standpoint, that’s pretty crowded, and the DNA samples.” ing results in large part from the increasing
turtle educator who runs the school pro- green sea turtles showing up late to the popularity of its high-end M-Class line, led
grams at the Barrier Island Center, had party are being both savvy and consider- When asked if the hawksbill turtle may- by the $2.8 million M600, a single-engine,
some perfectly good explanations. ate as they head higher up into the dunes be got confused and thought she was in six-seat business aircraft approved by FAA
where they can stake their claim without Fort Lauderdale because it’s been so hot last summer.
The turtles who mate in the spring and inadvertently digging up a sister turtle’s here, McWilliams said there’s probably
enjoy their peak nesting season earlier in nest. no connection with the record-breaking The M600, in which Piper invested
the summer are loggerheads, McWilliams weather – even though temperatures this 100,000 hours of engineering time, is pow-
said. Many of the loggerhead hatchlings The greens are the largest species of summer, starting as early as May, have ered by a Pratt & Whitney engine and comes
have already sprung from their shells and hard-back turtles, with adults growing to been hotter than recorded in more than equipped with an advanced Garmin Avion-
started their own amazing journeys into about 3-feet long and weighing up to 350 120 years. 





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8 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Add beauty and PIPER PROFITS Arrow and Seminole training aircraft: Okla-
natural light to your homa State University, Western Michigan
EXISTING entryway CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 University, Southern Illinois University, Lou-
isiana Tech, Middle Georgia State University,
in about an hour! ics electronics and guidance system. With a Vincennes University, LeTourneau Univer-
range of 1,500 nautical miles, the plane can sity, California Baptist University, Big Bend
• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding fly non-stop from Miami to New York or from Community College and Aerosim Flight
for every style Glass Doors Los Angeles to Seattle without refueling. Academy.
and budget
• Framed / “The M600 sales have a huge impact on That list doesn’t include the University of
• Customize to Frameless our bottom line, and we’re also seeing the North Dakota and Jacksonville-based ATP
your style Shower Units delivery of trainers rise considerably,” Car- Flight School, both of which already have
lon said. “The trainers give us volume, and long-term agreements with Piper.
• Impact Glass • Etching the turboprops lift revenues significantly.”
In July, ATP, America’s largest flight school,
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & More than three times as many of Pip- ordered 10 additional Archers to comple-
Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware er’s Archer training aircraft were delivered ment its trainer fleet, which eventually will
during the second quarter as compared to include 100 Archers and 100 Seminoles. ATP
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps the second quarter of 2016, marking a whop- is scheduled to take delivery of its 82nd Ar-
Doors ping, 228 percent year-over-year increase cher this month.
and creating a sales backlog that stretches
into the third quarter of 2018. Carlon said the increased sales of train-
ers has been driven by a worldwide pilot
“Our commitment to a common-sense, shortage that has left airlines “in need of en-
made-to-order approach has been a key try-level pilots” and prompted some of them
differentiator and is contributing to Piper’s to partner with flight schools.
success in this ‘new normal’ market that we
are all talking about,” Piper President and The M-Class line sales, meanwhile, has
CEO Simon Caldecott said. benefited from a strengthening economy.
Caldecott said Piper’s recent M600 “demo
He later added: “The addition of the tour” of Europe and Africa produced “better
class-leading M600 continues to drive rev- than expected” sales.
enue growth. ... Furthermore, Piper’s offer-
ing of the only complete trainer product Carlon said five M600s were sold in Eu-
line is helping further augment sales and rope and several more were pending.
long-term commitments from some of the
world’s leading flight-training programs.” “The market over there had been soft, so
the demo tour was very encouraging to us,”
Ten U.S. flight schools have recently she said. “We’ve got deals in the works that
signed contracts to purchase Piper Archer, we expect to come to fruition over the next
three to 12 months.” 

Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart MILTON R. BENJAMIN

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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 18, 2017 9

Small consulting firm leading hospital merger effort

By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer according to Burgdorfer. He added that by some 2,000 companies. Meanwhile, more sophisticated IT, new service offer-
since the early 1990s, for-profit hospitals acquisitions and/or mergers amount to ings to focus on outpatient care and pop-
The consultant hired to lead Indian Riv- have exerted no meaningful change in the about 100 transactions annually. ulation health. Those two fundamentals
er Medical Center’s efforts to partner with industry. – prices going down and costs going up
another nonprofit healthcare system fac- Asked about the state of mergers and – mean that you need to get larger to be
es a daunting task. Juniper vice president Rex Burgdorfer, acquisitions in the hospital industry, Rex successful.
Jamie Burgdorfer’s son, was recently in- Burgdorfer said that, in his opinion, “The
It’s dealing with a hospital that’s part terviewed prior to appearing on a panel economic fundamentals of the industry “The writing is on the wall that the in-
public and part private, meaning it serves at the annual Becker’s Hospital Review transcend politics. dustry needs to be more efficient,” Rex
two masters, deriving part of its funding meeting. He noted that the hospital in- Burgdorfer added. “Most people trans-
from property taxes while also courting dustry remains fragmented, with approx- “Health systems are going to be paid late that to mean combinations between
donors willing to make large gifts. imately 4,500 hospitals in the U.S. owned less for their services and are going to health systems.” 
have to bear more costs in the form of
What consulting group was judged to
be up to the task?

Apparently it’s the smallest of those who
contended for the job, Chicago-based
Juniper Advisory. The firm has just 10
employees and is currently juggling a
half-dozen or so projects.

Can it possibly work?
If you believe Jamie Burgdorfer, Juni-
per’s founder and principal, the answer is
yes. “Juniper specializes in advising non-
profit hospitals,” Burgdorfer said in an
interview. “We’ve been doing mergers and
acquisitions for 25 years, from Alaska to
The most recent of those projects was
completed just over a month ago when
University Health Care System acquired
Georgia-based Trinity Hospital of Augus-
ta. Like IRMC, Trinity sought a partner
with cash to invest in capital improve-
University Health Care provided the
capital, but it also rebranded its new ac-
quisition, dropping Trinity from the name.
Juniper’s role in the deal was to serve as
an exclusive investment banking advisor
for UHCS, which was pursuing a growth
strategy. It was Juniper’s concept to ex-
pand by acquiring a partner within the
same market.
Burgdorfer pointed out that Juniper’s
efforts for IRMC are at an early stage. He
added that the project is “moving along
fine and at a normal pace.”
Juniper will make its next trip to Indi-
an River County on Aug. 23. Burgdorfer
said at that time the firm will discuss “next
steps” in the process, along with other
As to Juniper’s meager staff, Burgdor-
fer said that’s by design. The entire firm
works on projects with what he called an
“ultra focus.”
Juniper also looks at projects in terms
of how it will benefit the firm’s expertise as
well as its bottom line. “We wouldn’t take
it on if we were not interested intellectu-
Burgdorfer said his staff’s depth of ex-
perience allows them to compete with
much larger firms. He noted that Juniper
currently has 5-10 projects “in one stage
or another,” adding that each of the proj-
ects is “labor-intensive.”
Juniper focuses on nonprofits for a sim-
ple reason: They make up the vast major-
ity of the country’s hospitals – 90 percent

10 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

ACCUSED SLAYER and exculpatory evidence, interviews and
witnesses, under Florida law.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Bakkedahl said the defense has inter-

viewed scores of people, including all of

trial. The defense has not released a single Jones’ family members, and also told Cox

document or the names of any potential that Jones’ father claimed that someone

witnesses to the state. from the public defender’s office told him

“I have nothing to give them,” Assistant not to talk to the state’s investigators. “My

Public Defender Stanley Glenn told Judge point is that they know who they’re going to

Cox at Monday morning’s hearing on the call,” Bakkedahl said.

state’s motion to compel the defense to The delay of justice in this case, Bakkedahl

Your Plumbing and hand over its discovery documents. “I can’t said, puts a continual strain on everyone
Water Heater Experts
give them what I don’t have,” Glenn said. who loved the victim, who was 26 years old

When asked for good cause, Glenn said at the time of her death.

he’d only taken over the case in February Duve’s mother and stepfather, Lena and

2016. Bill Andrews, were in the courtroom, ac-

Cox inherited the case from Judge Rob- companied by the State Attorney’s victims’

ert Pegg in December 2015 due to a routine advocate. “I’ve got a waiting family who has

reassignment of judicial areas of responsi- been sitting and toiling under the court sys-

bility. tem for about three years,” he said.

“So after a year and a half, how long is Cox instructed Glenn to pick up the pace

it going to take to discover what you need and placed the attorneys on a schedule of

to discover to get this ready to go to trial?” meeting about once per month to report on

Cox asked, adding that she needs Glenn to the status of the case. It was also agreed that

show “good cause” for any

further delay.

“You can’t just take as

long as you want,” she said.

After the defense turns over

its witness list and other ev-

idence to prosecutors, Cox

said, “We’re still looking at

about six to eight months

for the state to do their


According to court re-

cords, Glenn is the third

attorney to be listed as in

charge of Jones’ defense.

Other public defenders

have assisted as well, and Judge Cynthia Cox presides at Jones trial hearing. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD

worked with defense attor-

neys in Broward County on charges Jones Glenn would file any motions challenging

$49 INDIAN RIVER CO. faced there in September 2015 and March the state’s pursuit of the death penalty by
SERVICE VISIT! 2016. Nov. 30 to give the court a chance to rule on
from the owner
SALE $30! Jones has been in custody since he was ar- those in advance of a trial.
*This offer is good for any repair, Monday - Friday
($79REG) rested on June 26, 2014, when police found “There has to be something that you have
8am-5pm excludes holidays. May not be combined
him in a hotel room in Fort Pierce in viola- that you can discover. I need good cause,”
with any other offers. All Ben Franklin Club
Members may combine their 15% discount tion of his probation on a Broward County Cox told Glenn, giving him one month to

aggravated stalking charge. Vero Beach po- start trickling out his witness list and other

lice detectives built the murder case against documents. She told him he needs to at least

$75 Standard Water Heater Jones and he was indicted on first-degree say what types of expert witnesses he in-

Off Must be presented at time of murder on Aug. 26, 2014. tends to call and what, in general, they may
service. Expires 8/30/17. Excludes
Chief Assistant State Attorney Tom testify to. She said she doesn’t need names,
holidays. Coupons may not be
combined with any other offer. Bakkedahl argued on behalf of State Attor- but that the state must have something to go

ney Bruce Colton’s office that this situation on in case it needs to counter that testimony

is unacceptable, and puts lead prosecutor with its own expert witnesses.

Brian Workman in an untenable position. Jones had been transported to the court-

$125 Deluxe Water Heater Once the defense completes its final depo- house, but he verbally waived his right to

Off Must be presented at time of sition, the public defender could invoke appear in court on Monday because the
service. Expires 8/30/17. Excludes
speedy trial provisions and force the clock Sheriff’s Office could not accommodate his
holidays. Coupons may not be
combined with any other offer. on the state to try the case. request to change into business attire at the

“This completely defies common sense,” jail prior to being transported to the court-

Bakkedahl said, adding it is very hard for house. Glenn said his client does not wish

Expert Plumbers For All Your Plumbing Needs. him to believe “that the defense hasn’t got to appear in the orange jumpsuit because it

CALL US TODAY! (772) 226-0965 even one shred of paper.” is prejudicial every time he appears in “jail

Glenn explained that he has not yet de- garb.”

cided which experts or which witnesses he Defendants wear street clothes during a

will call, and that it could be prejudicial to trial or anytime potential jurors are present,

give the state a crack at deposing people typically getting dressed at the courthouse,

who could reveal new, unfavorable informa- but during procedural matters like Mon-

tion about his client. The state, on the other day’s motion, the jumpsuit is standard for

hand, is required to reveal both condemning security reasons. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 18, 2017 11


By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer West Indies-style townhomes that make up
[email protected] the Surf Club development.

Developers who took the lead in launch- The homes have 3,200 square feet under
ing luxury new home projects on the barri- air, 4,000 under roof, with private detached
er island in 2015 and 2016 are now reaping two-car garages, individual court yards,
rich rewards as buyers eagerly purchase pools and separate guest suites. Top-quali-
townhouses and single-family homes at five ty standard finishes include hardwood and
luxury developments between the Wabasso stone flooring, detailed millwork, superior
Causeway and The Moorings. cabinetry and fixtures and gourmet-lev-
el appliances. Amenities such as elevators
The projects encompass about 80 homes and fireplaces are available as optional up-
priced between $840,000 and $3 million, grades.
and developers can’t build them fast enough
to keep up with sales. A year and half after breaking ground, the
project is nearly complete and 9 out of 11
Sandy Lane, the southernmost project in units have been sold at prices ranging from
this group, is a prime example of the success $2.5 million to $3 million, according to Pre-
homebuilders who moved quickly in the mier Estate broker associate and co-listing
early stages of the real estate recovery are agent Kay Brown.
now enjoying.
Surf Club developers Katherine McCon-
As per normal, developer Dolf Kahle and vey, Vic Lombardi and Clark French bought
builder Vic Lombardi have tried repeatedly the 2.56-acre property in March 2015 for
to build a model home to stimulate sales $7.95 million and quickly knocked down
at their carefully crafted one-street, seaside the aging motel that occupied the site. Af-
subdivision. So far, they have not been able ter site work and permitting was complete,
to even break ground on one. “Every time we construction began in February 2016. Lom-
draw up plans and get a permit, the house bardi’s Waters Edge Estates is the builder.
sells before we start it,” says Kahle. Construction financing is being provided by
Harbor Community Bank.
One year after building began, five of nine
homes in the exclusive community have Next comes South Shore, a 30-home ad-
been sold and are either occupied or under dition to the River Club community being
construction. Just four lots remain. built by Beachland Homes Corporation, an
Arthur Rutenberg Homes franchise.
Pre-construction prices in the 5.3-acre
development started around $1.7 million, Single-family homes in this subdivision
but have crept up over the past year to the five miles north of Surf Club range from
$2.2-$2.5 million range, depending on the 2,800 to 4,000 square feet in size and are
lot and floorplan a buyer selects. priced between $1 million and $1.5 million.

There is one oceanfront house in the Even though Beachland president John
subdivision – it was the first to be sold and Genoni only broke ground on the infra-
is larger than the others – and eight other structure phase of South Shore in October
homes with approximately 3,600 square feet 2016, nine of the 30 homes have already
of air-conditioned living space and another been sold.
1,200 to 1,800 square feet under roof. The
concrete block homes have innovative floor “Progress has been great,” Genoni says.
plans and high-end finishes encased in tra- “It is better than we expected.”
ditional Anglo-Caribbean architecture.
Right next door to River Club is Palm
A couple of miles north of Sandy Lane, Island Plantation, where the community
George Heaton’s Old Oak Lane subdivision developer is selling courtyard and carriage
in Riomar is seeing similar success. The 5.5- homes at a rapid clip.
acre, 10-home subdivision is set into the
golf course at Riomar Country Club and all The 20 new courtyard homes, which in-
homes have fairway views. clude 2,325 to 2,642 square feet of air-con-
ditioned living space with approximately
Five houses ranging between 3,500 and 3,400 square feet under roof, are being of-
4,000 square feet under air have been sold, fered for $840,000 to $870,000. The project
according to Heaton’s sales director Terry broke ground late last year and nine units
Thompson. have already been sold.

The stately single-family luxury homes, Along with some of the most appealing
which sit on half-acre lots and feature 5 architecture on the island and fine-quality
bedrooms, four-car garages and attached craftsmanship, courtyard home buyers will
guesthouses, are listed for $2.5 million to get great community amenities, including
$3 million. As an added perk, buyers get a complete exterior maintenance and yard
membership in Heaton’s oceanfront Vero care and membership in the Palm Island
Beach Hotel resort, so they can go swim- Beach Club. There is also a marina with
ming if they get tired of golf. docks, a fitness club and two pools.

Even in the dog days of summer, Thomp- In-fill carriage homes priced around $1.3
son says he sees dozens of interested pros- million are also selling quickly in the com-
pects at his sales office each week. munity, according to Palm Island Broker
Steve Owen. “Our activity has been out-
Another mile or so north, spread along standing,” says Owen. 
400 feet of Atlantic oceanfront, are the 11

Opioid ‘madness,’ not legal reefer,
poses bigger threat


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A14 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Opioid ‘madness,’ not legal reefer, poses bigger threat

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr Harish Sadhwani.
[email protected]
“Reefer Madness,” “The Assassin of
Youth,” “The Devil’s Weed” and “The Ter-
rible Truth” were all faux documentary
films made from the mid-1930s through the
1950s. They were often force-fed to students
in high school classrooms across the coun-

The common thread through all of them
was that using marijuana would inevitably
lead to hard drugs, desolation, degradation
and, inevitably, death.

Today it has become clear that a phy-
sician’s prescription pad can be far more
lethal than anything those early mov-
ie-mogul-wannabes could invent about
Welcome to the opioid crisis of the
Dr. Harish Sadhwani of the Quality
Health Care & Wellness Institute in Wabas-
so puts his view bluntly. “Prescription pain-
killers,” says Sadhwani, “are far more likely
than marijuana to lead to drug abuse.”
“When they were making [those] mari-
juana madness movies,” Sadhwani contin-
ues, “they were saying marijuana will lead


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A16 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 unprecedented step of requesting drug
maker Endo Pharmaceuticals stop selling
to heroin. Well, there’s no evidence to show its Opana ER altogether after an appointed
that ever happened to anybody.” panel of independent scientists declared
“the benefits of this drug no longer out-
More to the point, according to Sadhwani, weigh its risks,” according to National Pub-
as a country “we are over-utilizing opioids.” lic Radio.
Big time. And dangerously, too.
All the above opioids, as well as hydroco-
Prescription opioids are responsible for done, codeine, morphine and fentanyl, can
what is now officially the deadliest drug lead to very real physical dependence, un-
overdose epidemic in U.S. history. controllable cravings and even the inability
to function without those drugs.
In 2002 the National Institutes of Health
estimated just under 11,000 people in this In other words, precisely the same be-
country died from opioid overdoses. haviors those “Reefer Madness” movies
of the 1930s and beyond ascribed to mar-
By 2015, according to the Washington ijuana. But because prescription opioids
Post, that figure topped the 52,000 mark: an are manufactured by a wide range of large,
all-time record. modern pharmaceutical companies, many
people assume they are harmless.
The National Center
for Health Statistics They’re not.
says that “overdose Asked if he sees signs of opioid addiction
deaths reached a in Wabasso and Sebastian, the normal-
record of 19.9 per ly calm and easy-going Sadhwani almost
100,000 population bristles. “Oh, yes. Absolutely I do. Absolute-
in the third quarter” ly, I do.” In fact, he says he’s seen too many
of 2016, as opposed cases of what’s called “Doctor Shopping”
to 16.7 per 100,000 or “Pill Prospecting” as people looking for
in 2015. prescription opioids try to convince a doc-
tor they don’t know to write them a pre-
The New York Times, however, reported scription.
just last week that, once all the statistics Perhaps paradoxically – and perhaps not
are in, overdose deaths for 2016 will exceed – Dina Fine Maron, a health and medicine
60,000. editor at Scientific America, writes, “States
with [legal] medical marijuana have fewer
“Deaths from prescription drug overdos- opioid overdose-related deaths than states
es,” says the Times, “rose sharply in the first without medical marijuana.”
nine months of 2016,” and the National Cen- So much for marijuana being “The Dev-
ter for Health Statistics says that “overdose il’s Weed.”
deaths reached a record of 19.9 per 100,000 Sadhwani, of course, is keenly aware that
population in the third quarter” of 2016, as many patients do – from time to time – need
opposed to 16.7 per 100,000 in 2015. the kind of strong, effective pain relief opi-
oids can offer. Yet he immediately points to
Most indications are that those numbers several other classes of drugs outside the
are continuing to climb. opioid category which he feels can provide
that relief with far fewer risks. He adds,
Among the most commonly-abused pre- “When someone is in genuine pain and it is
scription opioids are Oxycontin or Oxyco- prescribed, [opioids are] fine,” but he freely
done, Vicodin, Perocet and Opana ER. admits he monitors those patients’ use of
prescribed opioids very carefully.
Indeed, just this June the FDA took the Dr. Harish Sadhwani can be reached at
the Quality Health Care & Wellness Institute
and its adjacent urgent care center at 8701
U.S. Highway One in Wabasso. The phone
number is 772-228-8480. 

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH August 18, 2017 A17

New drug may revolutionize prostate cancer treatment

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Dr. Raul Storey. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD cer) by more than 50 percent.  At age 50 for men who are at average
[email protected] The risk factors for prostate cancer in- risk of prostate cancer and are expected
therapy, goes further and shuts down to live at least 10 more years.
Recent research from a United King- the production of the hormones that fuel clude age (it rarely occurs in men under
dom-funded clinical trial could change prostate cancer’s growth. 40 and about 60 percent of cases are in  At age 45 for men at high risk of de-
the standard of care for men with pros- men over age 65); race (for reasons that veloping prostate cancer. This includes
tate cancer. Zytiga, a tablet, is usually given to are not understood, it is more common African Americans and men who have a
men with prostate cancer that has me- in African American men than in men of first-degree relative (father, brother, or
Each year, more than 180,000 Amer- tastasized (spread) and has stopped re- other races); and a family history of the son) diagnosed with prostate cancer at
ican men are diagnosed with prostate sponding to standard to hormone ther- disease. an early age (younger than age 65).
cancer. Other than skin cancer, it is the apy, but the results from the STAMPEDE
most common cancer affecting men, trial indicate its benefit for men just be- Several inherited gene changes seem  At age 40 for men at even higher risk
occurring primarily in men aged 65 or ginning treatment. to raise the risk of prostate cancer, but (those with more than one first-degree
older. experts believe they account for only a relative who had prostate cancer at an
Dr. Storey notes, “Zytiga also lowered small percentage of overall cases. The early age).
Currently, the preferred initial treat- the chance of treatment failure – mea- following information is courtesy of the
ment for prostate is hormone therapy. sured by worsening symptoms or poor American Cancer Society: Testing consists of a prostate-specific
The clinical trial, called STAMPEDE, test results – by 71 percent compared antigen (PSA) blood test, and (perhaps) a
studied the results of adding a drug with standard therapy.” In addition, the  Inherited mutations of the BRCA1 or digital rectal exam.
called abiraterone (brand name Zyti- study found that the addition of Zytiga BRCA2 genes raise the risk of breast and
ga) to hormone therapy and found that, to standard hormone therapy reduced ovarian cancers in some families. Muta- In addition to hormone therapy,
by doing so, significantly increased the the incidence of severe bone complica- tions in these genes (especially in BRCA2) treatment options for men with pros-
three-year survival rate from 76 percent tions (a major problem in prostate can- may also increase prostate cancer risk in tate cancer include active surveillance
to 83 percent. some men. (“watchful waiting”), surgery, radiation
therapy, cryotherapy (the use of very cold
Professor Nicholas James, from the  Men with Lynch syndrome (also temperatures to freeze and kill prostate
University of Birmingham in the UK, known as hereditary non-polyposis col- cancer cells), chemotherapy, and vaccine
was the chief investigator of the trial. He orectal cancer, or HNPCC), a condition treatment. The chosen therapy is deter-
says, “These are the most powerful re- caused by inherited gene changes, have mined based on the man’s individual cir-
sults I’ve seen from a prostate cancer tri- an increased risk for a number of cancers, cumstances and the stage of the cancer.
al – it’s a once-in-a-career feeling. This including prostate cancer.
is one of the biggest reductions in death Dr. Storey’s private practice is part of
I’ve seen in any clinical trial for adult The American Cancer Society recom- Florida Cancer Specialists, with loca-
cancers.” mends that men in the following circum- tions at 3730 7th Terrace Suite 101 in Vero
stances have a discussion with their doc- Beach, 772-589 0879, and 13060 U.S. 1,
Dr. Raul Storey, a medical oncologist tor about screening for prostate cancer: Suite A, in Sebastian, 772-228 3381. 
affiliated with Sebastian River Medical
Center, agrees. “This is one of the most When It Comes To Healthcare,
important trials in the history of treat- We Bring It Home.
ment of prostate cancer, and will defi-
nitely change the way we treat high risk When you have healthcare needs at home, Nurse
prostate cancer,” he says. On Call is an excellent option. Since 1989, we
offer individualized care ranging from physical and
The trial involved nearly 2,000 men. occupational therapy to skilled nursing and more. It’s
The results were presented at the annu- the care you need when you need it the most.
al meeting of the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in June, and
published in the New England Journal of

Prostate cancer cells usually depend
on testosterone to grow. Standard hor-
mone therapy – also called androgen
deprivation therapy – blocks the action
of male sex hormones, halting the dis-
ease. Zytiga, another form of hormone

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A18 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz gets to know Noah, who’s sleek and styled

Hi Dog Buddies! In another hallway was me, by my- Noah, Italian Grey-Waa-Waa. “I have my own bed, too. I share
self, just sitting’ there in my crate. long-leg- it with Mommy and Daddy. Before I
Noah Weinstein is one of those I’m not sure why, maybe cuz I’m Su- gedy. Oh, an the squirrels. go to sleep, Daddy takes me out to Do
poocheroos who always look like they’re per Barky, as you noticed. Anyway, I just bark at them. A LOT! They’re sorta My Doodie. Then, I zoom back, jump
about to step into the ring at Westminster, Mr. B., it was One Of Those Mo- nuts.” in bed an burrow under the covers, to
know what I mean? Every super shiny hair in ments, ya know? Mommy always “Good one!” I commented. “I noticed get the Best Spot.
place, ears in Alert/Payin’ Attention mode. hoped for a liddle dog, like a chi- you’re extra neat an well-groomed. What’s “I’ve learned lotsa stuff, too, Mr.
An that bouncy “Yes, it’s ME!!” strut. But huahua. But Daddy really wanted your secret?” B. I can jump through HOOPS; an do
he’s real frenly, too, not like he thinks he’s more of a Whippet or Italian Grey- “Thanks, Mr. B. I guess it’s mostly good Mighty Leaps to catch toys Mommy
All That an a Bag of Pupperoni. He’s some- hound. And There I Was, a MIX DogNA. Plus, I love baths. Even though, throws; an sit patiently an Wait-Wait-
thing I never heard of: an Italian Grey-Waa- of those EXACT BREEDS. Plus, I when I’m wet, I look totally goofy. But I fluff Wait, till Mommy says ‘OK’ before I eat
Waa. It’s part chihuahua and part Italian look a lot like Tara. When I got let back up real good. a treat that’s right there on the floor in
Greyhound, and he sure got the right parts: out to say hello I jumped right “By the way, Mr. B., you should check out front of me (which isn’t that easy); an
a liddle bigger than a total chihuahua, long up on Mommy and Daddy and my website, just Google Suzard Gallery. See, say ‘I love you’ in Human. Akshully, I’m
greyhound legs, sleek body and that long started givin’ ’em kisses. Daddy’s a really good ard-ist, and he drew a still workin’ on that. So far it’s like, ‘Ahee-
sniffer – very arrow-di-namic. buncha of pikshurs of me in my crate, which woooooov-rooooooo;’ I also know how to
“They wanted to take me him an Mommy call – are you ready for this meow; an …”
He was right there to greet us at the door: home right then an there, but I hadda be – Noah’s Ark! Totally Cool Dog Biscuits! An “Wait! What? You meow? Like a ... a cat?
LOTS of barkin’, Wag-and-Sniff, then intros. checked out first. So, they hadda wait till the there’s a section all about ME, with phodos No Woof?”
next day. Well, next morning, Mommy and of me learning Basic Dog Stuff. I don’t need “No Woof, Mr. B! I think that’s important,
“It’s a pleasure to meet you in the fur, Mr. Daddy were waitin’ at the door, at 5:30 a.m. my crate anymore, so now my Noah’s Ark is since this IS the 21st century, post-species
B. This is my Mommy, Susan, and my Daddy, (It opened at 8.) They wanted to Be Sure!” the CAR. Come look.” era, don’t you?”
Howard. Please make yourselves comf-tub- “We went out to the garage and Noah’s “Absolutely!”
ble. Would you care for a snack? Some water, “That is so cool,” I said. Mom opened the back of the car. There was “Do you wanna hear my doglosophy?”
perhaps?” “I KNOW! I was just a pupster then. I’m a very large space covered with fluffy quilts, Noah asked.
10 now. Since my early years are a MISS-try, two comftubble-looking pillows; special “Absolutely.”
He pointed toward a table with lotsa I dunno why I was real nervous at my new food and water dishes and some toys.” “Two Things: Always Act Like You Have A
duh-licious lookin’ stuff. (Well, it WAS al- home at first. Maybe cuz I thought it’d all “Bow-WOW!” I exclaimed. Purpose; and Be A Best Friend.”
most Snack Time.) There were these liddle just disappear. But it DIDN’T. Mommy an Back inside, Noah continued. “When “I like that, Noah. A lot. Thanks for shar-
wrinkly things all in a row on a plate. Noah Daddy were so nice. And they gave me zil- Daddy’s doin’ his art, I sit beside him an pro- ing.”
called ’em figs. I nodded like I knew what a lions of toys. I’d never even had ONE before, vide Inspiration. I guess I’m sorta a Daddy’s “My pleasure Mr. B.”
fig was, but I’ll Google ’em later. Me an my an I was so excited to find out I could chew Boy. But when we’re watchin’ TV, I sit partly Heading home, I was thinking about No-
assistant agreed everything was doglicious. ’em and throw ’em all over the place, even on Mommy’s lap, and partly on Daddy’s. ah’s doglosophy, an promised myself to be a
chew the squeakers an all the fluffy stuffing Better Best Friend to My Mom. An, my Pur-
“I’m eager to hear your story,” I told him, totally out, till it gets all over everywhere, pose could be to find out what a fig is.
pencil poised. and nobody even gets mad at you. My favor-
ite’s my elephant. I’ve gone through lots of Till next time,
Noah curled up gracefully on his chair. elephants. Sometimes, Mommy says, ‘We
“Mommy and Daddy had a wunnerful have a new toy for you.’ Then I get to do a The Bonz
Whippet named Tara. She went to Dog treasure hunt to find it.”
Heaven when she was 11, an that very same “Any special pals?” Don’t Be Shy
day Mommy an Daddy saw four rainbows, “Sure. Mommy’s cousin Wendy has a cat,
which made ’em feel not so sad, cuz they Stormy, who’s pretty cool. Then, there’s We are always looking for pets
knew Tara was all happy, an also that maybe Samson and Delilah, they live nearby. with interesting stories.
there was another pooch somewhere who They’re real nice. Kinda slow walkin’, like
was ’pose to be their Next Dog. they wanna be sure they don’t step in any- To set up an interview, email
thing ukky.” [email protected].
“Later, they visited the humane society “These are POOches?”
in Stuart. There were a buncha of pups all “Ackshully, they’re Sand Hill Cranes.
spiffy and cute, in a row along one hallway. They have red heads and they’re super

‘Big Shots’: Vero golfers’
new home on the range



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20 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

‘Big Shots’: Vero golfers’ new home on the range

Dr. Bill Mallon and General Manager Bobby Bird. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer restaurant, lounge and walk-up ice cream A life-long golfer with a plus-five hand- “In the back of my mind,” Mallon con-
[email protected] window. The entire back of the building – icap, Mallon has eyed the site for years. tinued, lingered a Bryant Gumbel “Real
10,000 square feet of roofed-over space – is “It was a driving range until 2004, when it Sports” episode from years ago that fea-
A Big Shots Golf franchise with a 30-bay a “driving-range concourse area,” accord- closed after the hurricane. I wanted to do tured a Top Golf franchise project in Aus-
driving range is going in at 3456 U.S. 1, ing to the plans. a driving range and more. I wanted food tin. “It was a monstrosity. Too big for what
having passed muster with the City of Vero and ice cream and putt-putt golf.” Mallon I intended, but I thought it was the coolest
Beach Planning and Zoning Board, which The eight-acre site and franchise are said. “I’ve been trying to buy the land ev- thing ever.”
approved the site plan last week. owned by Dr. William Mallon, an ophthal- ery year since it closed. I finally acquired
mologist and owner of Advanced Eye Care, it last August.” Mallon learned of Big Shots Golf, a sim-
The project includes a 7,000-square- which shares a lot line with the project. ilar but smaller franchise which uses “bet-
foot, two-story building that will contain a

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 18, 2017 21

ter technology” to track golf balls. Top Golf Artist renderings. The building plans are with the county Bird said Mallon has worked out a unique
uses a radio frequency in the golf ball which building department now and Mallon will 30-bay design with Big Shots, and “anybody
Mallon said “doesn’t feel like a real golf ball are the days when a father spends the day select a builder from a short list of three in that buys this model outside the state – we
– they’re “clicky” – which makes a difference away from their kids at the golf course.” the next two weeks. get a royalty and partial franchise fee.” Mal-
for a real gamer. Big Shots uses FlightScope, lon also has exclusive rights to open Big
a launch monitor, which operates on the The restaurant will serve “the best burg- The building will take four months, Bird Shots Golf franchises in Florida.
same principle as Doppler radar. er, the best pizza in Vero,” Mallon boasted, said, and depending on county building
and other “high-quality bar food.” approvals and the building contractor’s “We plan to build three more in oth-
“Real golfers love it. You can have a real timeline, the project will be done by New er locations, but we wanted the first one
golf lesson,” Mallon said. “Lots of pros have Ground clearing has already begun Year’s Day at the earliest, but February to be in Vero,” Bird said. “It’s a $5 million
expressed interest in giving lessons. We’ll and the course will be planted within two 2018 is more likely. project.” 
have leagues, including an after-school weeks. “The course will be beautiful by Oc-
league. There’s not a lot of public golf in tober. It will be done before the building,”
the area. And there are a lot of people who Mallon said.
have private-golf memberships who want
somewhere to go to hit balls after it gets
dark. “

The covered outdoor driving range will
be climate-controlled. “We could be open
every day of the year, even if it’s raining.
We think some of our biggest days will
be Thanksgiving and Christmas,” Mallon

Bobby Bird, a long-time friend of Mal-
lon’s and well known as the owner of Golf
Roundup, the largest retail golf store on
the Treasure Coast for 22 years, will be the
general manager. Bird sold Golf Roundup
and downsized, opening Birdie’s Golf and
Lacrosse for two years, recently divesting
it, too. “He sold Birdie’s to be a part of this,”
Mallon said.

Along the highway frontage will be an
89-space parking lot. The two-story build-
ing will be about 35 feet high, with half the
driving ranges on the second floor, about
12 feet above ground.

“There will be nine artificial turf greens
that you can hit to,” Bird said. “The farther
the green, the better the score. The driving
range will be 300 yards deep and 130 yards
wide. The farthest green is at 225 yards.”

The franchise’s gaming package in-
cludes simulated golf. Each bay will have
two big-screen TVs, one displaying the
game being played and another on a
sports channel of choice.

“All the bays could be filled with com-
petitors playing the same 18-hole golf
course,” Mallon said. “And it will only take
two hours, not six, and you can have a
meal with your kids while you’re playing.
And it doesn’t matter what their skill level
is. A child can play and won’t hold up the
other golfers. Times are different. Gone

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22 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Activity on the mainland real estate market was impressive by summer standards last week, as 29
single-family residences and lots changed hands from Aug. 7-11 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 1500 51st Court. Originally listed in May
for $420,000, this 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom residence sold for $410,000 on Aug. 10.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the house at 917 Gulfstream Avenue. First listed for $285,000
in July, the 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,073-square-foot fetched the asking price on Aug. 11.


VERO BEACH 1500 51ST COURT 5/13/2017 $420,000 8/10/2017 $352,500
VERO BEACH 4150 CHARDONNAY PLACE SW 11/6/2016 $379,900 8/10/2017 $338,000
VERO BEACH 4045 CHABLIS STREET SW 3/16/2017 $375,000 8/8/2017 $320,000
VERO BEACH 1235 32ND AVENUE 5/30/2017 $320,000 8/11/2017 $300,000
VERO BEACH 3280 74TH STREET 1/14/2017 $355,000 8/11/2017 $290,000
VERO BEACH 1545 79TH AVENUE 12/9/2016 $324,900 8/8/2017 $285,000
SEBASTIAN 917 GULFSTREAM AVENUE 7/10/2017 $285,000 8/11/2017 $260,000
VERO BEACH 3822 KITTY HAWK LANE 7/21/2017 $265,000 8/7/2017 $245,000
VERO BEACH 3070 11TH PLACE 5/17/2017 $248,000 8/7/2017 $241,000
VERO BEACH 129 40TH COURT 5/3/2017 $247,700 8/10/2017 $235,000
SEBASTIAN 1379 DAMASK LANE 5/17/2017 $245,000 8/8/2017 $207,000
VERO BEACH 665 14TH AVENUE 7/17/2017 $199,000 8/10/2017 $195,000
VERO BEACH 3151 ANTHEM WAY 5/1/2017 $216,000 8/8/2017 $187,500
VERO BEACH 4046 62ND AVENUE 2/28/2017 $229,000 8/11/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 18, 2017 23


4150 Chardonnay Place SW, Vero Beach 4045 Chablis Street SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 11/6/2016 Listing Date: 3/16/2017
Original Price: $379,900 Original Price: $375,000
Sold: 8/10/2017 Sold: 8/8/2017
Selling Price: $352,500 Selling Price: $338,000
Listing Agent: Jonathan Krauser Listing Agent: Kim Small

Selling Agent: J Edwards Real Estate Selling Agent: The Small Realty Group LLC

Ken Bradley Kim Small

Florida HomeTown Realty Inc. The Small Realty Group LLC

1235 32nd Avenue, Vero Beach 3280 74th Street, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/30/2017 Listing Date: 1/14/2017
Original Price: $320,000 Original Price: $355,000
Sold: 8/11/2017 Sold: 8/11/2017
Selling Price: $320,000 Selling Price: $300,000
Listing Agent: Andrew Gonzalez Listing Agent: Sharon Winslow

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark-VB

Jonathan Sternberg Connie Cederholm

RE/MAX Associated Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 18, 2017 B1


Well ‘Met’: Vero Opera
lineup is teeming
with talent


Coming Up!


By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Franz Lehar’s much beloved, ev- Widow takes place in the Silicon Val- viduals, most with dollar signs in their and wonderful. Curtain is at 3 p.m.
ergreen operetta “The Merry Wid- ley of 2005. Possessed of great charm eyes. Hanna, however, only wants Dan- General admission is $20; those 18 and
ow” waltzes into the Vero Beach High and the considerable wealth inherited iel, a former suitor and current, firm- under or with a student ID are admitted
School Performing Arts Center this from her husband, Hanna finds herself ly dedicated playboy. Throughout the free of charge.
Sunday, updated for the 21st century, pursued by all sorts of interesting indi- tale, Lehar’s unforgettable score is light
but still sparkling with its original, de- CONTINUED ON PAGE B5
lightful mix of farce, romance and that
always popular ingredient – jealousy.
Presented by the Space Coast Sympho-
ny Pit Orchestra in collaboration with
Light Opera Orlando, today’s Merry

B2 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Well ‘Met’: Vero Opera lineup is teeming with talent

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer years after winning the $10,000 first prize
[email protected] in the Marcello Giordani Foundation vocal
competition in Vero Beach. In 2016, Per-
How much talent from the Metropolitan shall sang in two Met operas, as Lord Cecil
Opera can squeeze into a single season of in “Maria Stuarda,” and as Schaunard in
one small-town company? That riddle will “La Bohème.” He’ll sing that role again at
be a pleasure to unravel as Vero Beach Op- the Met just weeks after his Vero concert.
era reels in the Met-vetted artists for a stel-
lar 2017-18 schedule. This marks Redmon’s first performance
in Vero, confirmed only last Thursday to
Topping the list is legendary Wagnerian the glee of Vero Beach Opera’s top brass,
soprano Deborah Voigt staging a full con- Joan and Roman Ortega-Cowan. Her ap-
cert along with her second internation- pearance is certain to draw a clamor for
al vocal competition in March. Another more, especially now that she is living in
Met singer known for her stirring Verdian Miami, just a couple of hours away.
voice, Susan Neves, will perform in an
all-Verdi concert in early February. Neves Like Voigt, Susan Neves has a long re-
will share the stage with two more Met lationship with Vero Beach Opera. It
voices: the highly accomplished Robynne was at the recommendation of Voigt, her
Redmon and David Pershall, familiar to friend, that she bought a condo on North
Vero audiences for his big win at a vocal Hutchinson Island in the early 2000s.
competition here in 2013. When she sold it in 2013, it was because
with constant travel, she couldn’t come as
Redmon is a veteran of countless per- often as she liked. “The homeless diva,”
formances over 25 years including at the she dubbed herself, in a 32963 interview.
Met, Lyric Opera of Chicago, New York City
Opera and Teatra alla Scala. Four years Since then, her career as a dramatic so-
ago, she joined the University of Miami’s prano has taken her from regular Europe-
acclaimed Frost School of Music as assis- an appearances back to the Met, where in
tant professor. April 2016 she took on the role in which she
made her 1992 Met debut, as the Overseer
Pershall, who has a master’s in music and Klytemnestra’s Confidante in Strauss’
and an artist diploma from Yale School of “Elektra.” This spring she appeared as Mar-
Music, made his Met debut in 2015 as Figa- ianne in the Met’s “Der Rosenkavalier.”
ro in “The Barber of Seville.” That was two

Russell Franks

No star shines brighter in Vero than that plication fee,” says Joan Ortega-Cowan,
of Deborah Voigt, whose neighbor-over- long-time president of Vero Beach Opera.
the-back-fence approachability makes her “She also insists that we find homestays
post-concert galas seem more like home- for all of the young artists so they won’t
comings. Recently anointed artistic advi- have hotel expenses.”
sor to the local opera, Voigt has run her
charitable foundation through Vero Beach Voigt herself winnows the list of com-
Opera since it was formed. Two years ago, petitors to around 30; Giordani typically
she decided to hold a vocal competition, has 80 or more. The famed Italian tenor
smaller and shorter than Giordani’s week- has hosted three competitions in Vero, the
long contests, and with her signature last in 2015. This past April, he held the
thoughtfulness. “When we did the inaugu- competition in Charlotte, N.C.
ral competition, she was very much aware
of the expense that young artists incur in Voigt has also taken part in a grand ex-
competing, so she does not require an ap- periment to make opera accessible to the
binge-watching masses. She appeared as
the Swedish queen in composer Lisa Biel-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 18, 2017 B3

awa’s 12-episode, made-for-TV opera, “Vir- tor. Levine, who has two Grammy awards Soaring sounds: Henegar Center
eo: A Spiritual Biography of a Witch’s Ac- for Met recordings, was pianist for Vero launches ‘Jazz Legends Series’
cuser.” She is in episode 11 – for those who Beach Opera’s March concert of the Span-
want to fast forward. ish music known as Zarzuela. She graduat- By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent perform together, you need to see it because
ed from the Peabody Conservatory at Johns [email protected] they are so good,” said Leslie McGinty. “The
For worldwide fans of the Met Live in HD Hopkins University and has a master’s de- show was phenomenal, the musicians and
simulcasts, screened at Vero’s Majestic The- gree from Juilliard. The deep, sultry and melodic tones of Kristen were phenomenal. They’re crazy
atre among several in the area, Voigt’s in- iconic American jazz artists will come alive good.”
troductory interviews from the wings have Starring as Butterfly is Maria Antunez. in the “Jazz Legends Series,” a new program
become one more signature performance Martin Nusspaumer plays Pinkerton and launching Saturday at the Henegar Center in The earlier Henegar show “Lady Day at
in her repertoire. Sidney Outlaw is Sharpless, the U.S. Con- Melbourne. Emerson’s Bar and Grill” is not a musical;
sul in Saigon. Baritone Outlaw is only seven rather, it is a play with music. Written by La-
Those sublime productions, which be- years into his career and has already earned The downbeat begins when the so-called nie Robertson, it chronicles Holiday’s rise
gin Oct 7 with Bellini’s “Norma,” are a wel- a mention in the New York Times as “a terrif- Lady Day Quintet takes the stage to revisit from living in a house of prostitution to be-
come supplement to Vero Beach Opera’s ic singer” with a “rich, deep timbre.” He has some of the soul-stirring Billie Holiday mu- ing celebrated the world over for her soulful,
own stagings. Those productions take a master’s in vocal performance from Juil- sic performed in the Henegar’s production of emotional stylings of songs such as “Crazy
place in the Vero Beach High School Per- liard after graduating from UNC-Greens- “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill.” He Calls Me” and “What a Little Moonlight
forming Arts Center. This year, the home- boro. He is from Brevard, North Carolina. Can Do.” The musical climax is “Strange
town opera is producing “Madama But- Full disclosure: This writer directed the Fruit,” one of Holiday’s most iconic songs
terfly,” with a cast of international singers, Martin Nusspaumer and Maria Antunez show. Bias or no, the sell-out audiences were and one which was inspired by photograph
many of whom have approached the Vero are husband and wife, living in Miami with testament to the extraordinary talent of the of a lynching in the racist South.
opera for the chance to perform. “We’ve their young daughter. Nusspaumer, a ten- cast.
developed something of a reputation,” or, has won praise from a half-dozen south In the jazz concert, the Lady Day Quintet
says Roman Ortega-Cowan, the compa- Florida cultural arts critics. He and the Uru- Performers include the remarkable jazz will also perform songs by Carmen McRae,
ny’s artistic director. guay-born soprano Antunez performed in vocalist Kristen Warren, whose stunning Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan.
Vero in the Zarzuela concert. portrayal of Holiday held audiences captive
Vero Beach Opera’s stage director, Rus- throughout the three-week run earlier this Influenced by Holiday, McRae sang torch
sell Franks, is currently at work on the sets For more on Vero Beach Opera’s upcom- year. She will be joined by the gifted jazz pi- songs like “Old Devil Moon,” “My Funny Val-
for the show, crafting them inside a retired ing season and ticket information, go to anist Jarred Armstrong, who led the small entine” and later “Heat Wave” with Cal Tjad-
gym on the campus of Stetson University in combo in the show and simultaneously en- er.
Deland. An accomplished baritone himself, gaged with Holliday in character. Also on
Franks teaches voice and is the director of Season tickets are also available for the stage will be brothers Ashton Gould on per- Ella Fitzgerald, called the “First Lady of
Stetson’s well-regarded opera theater pro- Met Live in HD series, which are often sell- cussion and Ethan Bailey Gould on guitar. Song,” received 13 Grammy Awards and
gram. He has directed productions for Vero outs at Vero’s Majestic theater. Go to www. Joining them will be bass player Greg Zabel. a Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Beach Opera since 2011. to search
for other theaters, and to read more about “If you have an opportunity to see them CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
“Madama Butterfly” will feature an or- the coming season. 
chestra conducted by Caren Levine. She too
is on the Met roster as an assistant conduc-

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B4 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


Medal of Honor Award plus many, many Bragdon eventually became Kristen Warren and Ethan Bailey Gould.
more. She sang with Louis Armstrong, Duke
Ellington and Holiday. Some of her best- a city planner, architect and he said. “The idea of doing this also came
known works include “A-Tisket, A-Tasket,” from Brian Gatchell, who is on our board and
“Night and Day” and “Sophisticated Lady.” engineer, and the author of 10 is also president of the Atlantic Music Center.”

The deep, smoky-voiced Sarah Vaughan Kristen Warren as Lady Day. PHOTO BY PAM HARBAUGH books. That list of accomplish- This is just the first in a series of concerts.
was best known for hits including “Misty,” Sept. 17, Ron Teixeira, an accomplished pi-
“The Shadow of Your Smile” and “My Funny ments may have been enough anist, will perform; he’s been a regular Hei-
Valentine.” Often called “The Divine One,” di’s Jazz Club in Cocoa Beach for 17 years. A
Vaughan won multiple awards, including the cian would sneak into inner-city clubs late to replace his dreams of being a jazz musi- graduate of the renowned Berklee College of
NEA’s Jazz Master Award. Music in Boston, Teixeira will perform on the
at night to hear greats like Count Basie and cian, but Bragdon has always remembered Hammond B-3 organ. He’ll also be cutting a
In addition to the Lady Day Quintet, Sat- recording from that evening’s concert.
urday’s concert will feature Orlando jazz art- Duke Ellington. that moment of meeting the iconic Brubeck,
ists Per and Tammy Danielsson. A pianist, Then, on Nov. 3, Chris Cortez, a vocalist
Per Danielsson is a jazz professor at the Uni- One time, they headed to Chicago for the a legendary jazz pianist and composer. It was who also plays virtuoso guitar, will give an
versity of Central Florida. His wife, Tammy, overview of the evolution in American jazz
plays saxophone and flute and won best sax- Playboy Jazz Festival. While standing in line his “up close and personal” with a jazz great.
ophone player at the Montreux Jazz Festival
in Switzerland where she performed with the to check in at the hotel, he noticed a tall man Now he wants to do the same thing for
legendary Dizzy Gillespie. The two perform
in jazz clubs around the world. striding across the lobby. Feeling a special others – to bring them up close and person-

Also performing Saturday will be Win- presence, Bragdon asked the man his name. al with great jazz music performed by terrific
ston Scott, the well-known Space Shuttle
astronaut who also plays jazz trumpet and Dave Brubeck, he replied. local jazz artists. “Jazz has been in my blood,”
flugelhorn. And this is just the opening of the
five-part series. “It’s going to be quite an eve-
ning,” said Cliff Bragdon, board president for
the Henegar and the brain behind the series.

The retired vice president and dean from
Florida Tech, Bragdon was a jazz enthusiast
since he was a kid growing up in St. Lou-
is, Missouri. He could play bongos and the
conga drum, and had dreams of becoming
a jazz musician. He and a fellow jazz musi-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 18, 2017 B5

guitar. A resident of Winter Park, Cortez’s COMING UP been making music for two decades, 12 afternoon at 3:30 p.m., Frankie Lessard
performance will take the form of a musical years as a dueling pianist. He’s traveled entertains. With a keen sense of what
narrative. CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 the country, playing in venues rang- his audience wants, Lessard plays his
ing from night clubs to churches, and guitar and sings, with a repertoire that
As a perfect warmup to Valentine’s Day, on John Kenney. currently plays at Walt Disney World includes hits, from classics to current.
Feb. 11 the series will take a look at great jazz Resort. As always, there’s no set play Saturday night’s tunes will be provid-
singers with vocalist Lisa Addeo. She began 2 It doesn’t have to be a full moon, list – you get to decide. Outside, you’ll ed by Panama, a fun-loving party band
her career at Radio City Music Hall in New any phase will do, for the next mu- always find it hoppin’, with food, bever- from the middle of the state, bringing
York City. sic-centric Howl at the Moon opportu- ages and wall-to-wall (tree-to-tree) live new and classic rock faves, funk, disco
nity, on its way this Friday and Satur- music: Friday night it’ll be “The Copper and, they tell us, “so much more.” Yep,
And on May 14, a Big Band concert will day at what has become a real weekend Tones,” playing a variety of classic rock Capt. Hiram’s also has food.
star the nationally-recognized jazz bands hotspot: Riverside Theatre. Who knew? tunes; and Saturday, “Soul Jam” brings
from Melbourne High School, Satellite Beach This weekend’s Riverside’s Summer their jam-rock sound. 4 You can’t find a much more laid-back
High School and Eau Gallie High School. Nights schedule includes Howl at the time or place than weekend after-
Each school will play arrangements by one of Moon’s Dueling Piano shows inside, on 3 Virtu- noons at Waldo’s on Ocean Drive. Popular
three great band leaders – Count Basie, Duke the Waxlax stage (complete with dance ally any with locals and visitors, Waldo’s old Flori-
Ellington and Stan Kenton. floor and cabaret style seating), at 7:30 da ambiance is authentic, the driftwood is
p.m. and 9:30 p.m.; and outside, Live Saturday authentic and the weekend music is, too.
Bragdon wanted to kick off the series with in the Loop, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., where Hang out at the inside or outside bar, grab
the Lady Day musicians because it was so a popular area band and lots of real- night can be a spot along the popular rail, or poolside.
well received. ly good foodstuffs and beverages will The band plays on a covered stage by the
keep you musically and gastronomical- enhanced pool, and this Saturday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.,
“Every performance was sold out,” he said. ly happy. This weekend’s piano combat- the Lion Heart Band will be bringing a mix
“The Henegar added another performance ants are Miami native Ken Gustafson, with some of pop, reggae and rock. Sunday – same
and that was sold out. They went to Heidi’s who started playing accordion at the time, same place – music will be by The
Jazz Club to perform and that show was sold tender age of 5. He toured Europe with live music, Matt and Bruce Show, billed as a high-en-
out there. So this is really a demonstration the renowned American Boys Choir ergy, multi-genre duo with “the sound and
that Billie Holiday is popular decades later.” and started tickling the ivories pro- Frankie Lessard. a little bit of show of a full band.” 
fessionally at only 15. He’s performed breeze off
Ending the series with a big band concert with such big names as Shakira, Ben E
is an apt bookend since it features perfor- King, Sam and Dave, and Connie Fran- the water,
mances by young jazz musicians who are cis; Orlando resident John Kenney has
picking up the historical importance of jazz, your feet in the sand and, if you’re so
Bragdon said.
inclined, something with rum in it. The
And that, he said, is because of the area’s
high school music directors. “There are at Sandbar at Capt. Hiram’s, right on the
least seven high schools in Brevard County
with jazz bands,” he said. “They each have river in Sebastian, fills the bill. Saturday
up to 30 people and they practice every day.”
Inter-Faith CHAPEL Blessing
The added benefit of having a Jazz Leg-
ends Series is that it creates another facet to Renaissance Senior Living invites you to join us. Let us
the Henegar Center, Bragdon said. gather for an inter-faith service to ask God’s blessings…

“I call it the ‘epicenter for the arts,’” he On our Residents, our Staff, and our Building
said. “Not only theater and dance, but also which will be opening soon.
movies. And now, jazz.”
Wednesday, August 23, 2017 I 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The first in the Jazz Legends Series begins Please RSVP to: [email protected]
7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Henegar Center, 625
E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne. Tickets are 772-562-8491
$20 general and $15 students. There is also a
$3 handling fee per ticket. Call 321-723-8698 Assisted Living & Memory Care l
or visit  2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960 l 772-562-8491


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5. The Lying Game


EVERY FRIDAY MORNING STORY HOUR WITH MISS ERIN AT 10:30 AM 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

B6 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Citrus Grillhouse: A preview of coming attractions

BY TINA RONDEAU Portabella, Goat Cheese Then he put the charred onions into a grain
Columnist & Beet Vol au Vant. spinner, turned them into dust, and rubbed
the filet with the onion ash before grilling it.
In a perfect world, creative chefs would PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
love to have a dedicated test kitchen and The result: luscious beef just bursting with
plenty of time in which to experiment – flavor. “People seem to like onion on ham-
without the pressures of a working restau- burgers and steaks. This is just a different way
rant kitchen – as they prepare new dishes to bring that taste to beef,” Varricchio said.
for the coming season.
By this point, we were not able to even
But few restaurants can afford this lux- contemplate one of the Citrus Grillhouse’s
ury, and when we stopped into the Citrus wonderful desserts.
Grillhouse for dinner last Tuesday, execu-
tive chef Scott Varricchio emerged from a But forgoing sweets for one evening was a
bustling kitchen and told us that in addi- small price to pay for the opportunity to pre-
tion to everything else he was doing, he was view coming attractions with one of the ar-
“playing” with several dishes he hopes to ea’s most inventive chefs. “You know, doing
add to the menu this fall. a tasting of never-before-attempted dishes
put a bit of pressure on me,” Varricchio said
as we left. “But I kind of liked that.”

Grilled Local Organic Chicken with
Swordfish. Truffle Risotto.

“Do you want to be my guinea pigs to- with a lemon aioli. Onion Ash Our guess is you will like the final version
night, and give me some feedback?” Varric- While this swordfish is currently being Filet of Beef. of these dishes when you visit the Citrus
chio asked. Having enjoyed a number of his Grillhouse in the fall.
creative efforts in the past, how could we served nightly with a very tasty ratatouil- shaved truffles from Australia. The organic
say no? So we ordered a couple of glasses of le orzo, the proposed fall accompaniment chicken, which comes from a local ranch, I welcome your comments, and en-
wine, and waited to see what was next. was a less tasty mix of butternut squash and was chicken as chicken should taste. courage you to send feedback to me at
caramelized onions. “To be honest, I’m not [email protected].
The first dish to be brought to the table very satisfied with that one yet,” Varricchio But the fifth course was the highlight of
was a “warm Caesar salad,” a very different told us. “It still needs something.” the evening – sweet-onion ash dusted filet The reviewer is a beachside resident who
take on the traditional Caesar. No anchovies of beef, accompanied by garlic mashed po- dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
here. This one consisted of Brussels sprouts, The fourth course was another entrée, tato, fried potato dice and fried shallots. pense of this newspaper. 
kale, a bit of spinach, and radicchio, lightly slices of roasted organic local chicken breast
sauteed in olive oil, then finished with the with a truffle-soy emulsion risotto and fresh “This is the first time I have ever served Hours:
Citrus’ version of Caesar dressing. this,” Varricchio said. He explained that he Lunch: Mon. - Sat.
had taken some sweet onions, sliced them 11:30am - 2 pm
We marveled at how it did not taste of its really thin, and turned them into charcoal. Dinner: Daily from 5 pm
individual components, but seemed like a Beverages: Full bar
real Caesar salad.
Next out of the kitchen was a shareable 1050 Easter Lily Lane,
appetizer, roasted portabella and goat
cheese vol au vent. The vol au vent, a shaped Vero Beach
pastry, had been stuffed with roasted mush- Phone: (772) 234-4114
rooms marinated with garlic and thyme ol-
ive oil. The stuffed pastry was then baked
again, topped with herbed goat cheese, and
surrounded by a very assertive red wine and
beet vinaigrette.

For me, the mixture of tastes worked per-
fectly, though some might find the vinegary
taste a bit on the strong side.

Then we got to the first of three entrées
- beautiful pieces of swordfish, cut from
the center of the fish, grilled and topped

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 18, 2017 B7

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B8 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 18, 2017 B9

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reservations strongly suggested

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B10 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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BBiissttrrooLLuunncchh: :MMoonn. .--FFrri.i.111am -- 22ppmm •• BBiissttrro Dinner: Monn..--SSaat.t.55ppmm--99ppmm

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Mardi Gras Kick Off Celebration 3 PM - 7 PM. Fish Bowl Games! Lasagna • Chicken Parmigiana • Eggplant Parmigiana • Shrimp Parmigiana • Fish Parmigiana
$5 Specials: Cajun Cove Famous Jambalaya Stuffed Tomatoes, Our Famous
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 18, 2017 B11

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6:30 AM - 2 PM
$15.99 FRIED OR COCONUT SHRIMP Serving Breakfast
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B12 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Dis tant (6) 1 C atlike (6)
8 Coins (6) 2 Additional (4)
9 Similarly (8) 3 Study (6)
10 Hard work (4) 4 Entry (6)
11 Look out (6) 5 Secret phrase (8)
13 Brief downpour (6) 6 Overlook (6)
14 Javelins (6) 12 Educational (8)
17 Without warning (6) 15 Toxin (6)
19 Existence (4) 16 Process (6)
20 Power (8) 17 Scribble (6)
22 Reason (6) 18 Land and property (6)
23 Assets (6) 21 Within reach (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Certified Collision
Repair Center

VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier All Insurance The Telegraph

(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES August 18, 2017 B13

ACROSS group? motto 1960s The Washington Post
74 Bug spray brand 3 Gabler’s creator 68 Word in bank
1 Kuwaiti kingpins 75 Sphere 4 Grave letters ON THE LAMB By Merl Reagle
6 Deep opera 76 Josh 5 Looked into names
77 Broke bread 69 SE Asian capital
voices 78 Right space? 70 Where couch
11 Puberty problem 79 Proclamation 6 Pay-per-view
15 2 on the phone 81 Most intense: potatoes are
18 Ledger entry event planted
19 Backyard soak abbr. 7 Courtyards 71 Tuck, for one
20 Bok ___ 82 A page from 8 Off. employee 72 ___ Is Born
21 His counterpart 9 With mixed 73 Spaces
22 Night reminder to antiquity? 80 Start of a Henry
86 ___-disant (so- veggies, in James title
a lamb? Chinese cuisine 82 Rind lining
25 First name in called) 10 “When Will ___ 83 “Silent as ___”
87 Lamb’s favorite Loved” (Charlotte Brontë)
interchangeable 11 Behaved 84 Grecian collectible
parts class? 12 Tweet substitute? 85 Chester White’s
26 Foot division 90 1953 fantasy, The 13 “I’m in ___ for home
27 Forgotten in the your games” 87 Tyrannosaurus
rain 5,000 Fingers of 14 Once-over Rex’s diet
28 Architect Saarinen ___ 15 Winning 88 Have a typo
29 Thomas of 91 Owner’s 16 Author Plain personality?
Wendy’s document 17 Did a sad thing 89 Little cutie
30 Slangy nose 93 Category of 19 Lofty areas: abbr. 92 Connect
32 Start of a lamb’s instrument 23 Big-time operator? 95 Chancellor’s
favorite play? 94 Simple soup 24 ___ the bottom of channel
35 Candice’s dad 95 Letters to the deck 97 Graham Greene’s
38 Voice of Daffy Manhattan? 29 Early Bond foe Travels with ___
39 Bradstreet’s 96 “Here ___!” 31 Combination 99 Periods of work
buddy 98 Contraction of the alternative 101 Nanki-Poo’s pop
40 Follow like sheep season 33 Jurassic Park star (with “the”)
43 Nicholas Gage 100 Tiny Tom 34 Unseat 102 Picture ID
book 102 What a lamb 36 Beaucoup, over 103 Temple of Amon
46 El ___ (slangy might have when here site
cigar) he 37 M.L.K. Jr., for one 104 Run off to tie the
49 End of the title at grows up? 40 Shout that’s 118 knot
32 Across 109 More well-heeled Across backwards 105 “What manner
53 Subject for 113 He’s Incredible 41 Dance, in France ___
Grisham 114 Many miles away 42 Lamb’s mom’s is this?”
54 Book about lamb- 115 Block buster? favorite expres- 106 Principal water
style 118 “Strange Magic” sion? pipes
Little League? grp. 44 Not once 107 Eightsome
57 It’s after boo or 119 A kiss between 45 “The die ___” 108 Stairway post
before boy hugs? 47 Cardin or Curie 110 German poet and
58 Berkelium or 120 Lamb in the 48 “... ___ thought” satirist, 1797-1856
californium penthouse? 50 Lamb’s favorite 111 1956 Ingrid
60 TV player 123 Convertible’s roof game show? Bergman film, ___
61 Gala get-together 124 ___ instant 51 Out line of a and Her Men
62 Cole Porter’s 125 Brosnan role heart? 112 Martin partner,
Indiana 126 Clinton colleague 52 Uncertainty once
birthplace Shalala 54 “Shucks” 116 Carpet feature
63 The Audubon, 127 Metal container? 55 Popular movie 117 127 Across ending
e.g.: abbr. 128 Sites of winding theater name 120 Tire mount
64 Joey’s “steps” rds. 56 British gun 121 “___ said before
66 Shad delicacy 129 Basket fiber 59 Sophia’s world ...”
67 Unit next to the 130 Balboa named 62 Cry-Baby co-star 122 Singing: abbr.
mgr.’s, one Hearst
perhaps 64 Roundish, as
68 Closing remark to DOWN some leaves
a lamb encounter 1 Gloria’s mom 65 Navy underwater
2 Conformist’s project of the

The Telegraph

B14 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

Jean Kerr, a humorist, author and playwright, said, “I think success has no rules, but you WEST KQ43 EAST
can learn a great deal from failure.” 63 AKQ K J 10 9 5 4
J 10 9 8 5 KQJ5 A7
In bridge, there are some rules that will lead to success — or, in contrast, if they are J986 10 3
ignored, you will learn from your failure. But the game remains popular because there are A7 SOUTH 962
so many deals on which one can calculate that the usual rule does not work. AQ8
What is the key rule for South in today’s deal? He is in three no-trump, and West leads the 7542
spade six. (As a side issue, looking at all 52 cards, how must declarer play if West leads 10 8 4 3
the heart jack?)
Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
If South had bid two no-trump over his partner’s takeout double, it would have shown
some 10 or 11 points. North, playing partner for six or seven points, cue-bid three spades, The Bidding:
asking South to bid three no-trump with spades stopped.
After a spade lead, declarer sees five top tricks: two spades and three diamonds. He 2 Spades
needs to establish three tricks in clubs and one in hearts. But that means losing the lead Pass Pass Dbl. Pass OPENING
twice, presumably once to West and once to East. 3 Clubs Pass 3 Spades Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
With two stoppers in their suit and two high cards to dislodge, duck the first trick. 6 Spades

South takes the second spade and plays a club. West can win, but doesn’t have another
spade to lead. (Note that if declarer plays a heart at trick three, West should put up his
jack. Then East should take dummy’s queen with his ace and return that suit, not a spade.)

On the heart-jack lead, South must play low from the dummy to get home.

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1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110

From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR August 18, 2017 B15

ONGOING through Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foun-
dation. 772-569-7364

Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: August 19 & 20 | Special Olympics Area 10 Swim Meet 9 Sunset Saturday Night Free Concert host-
Contemporary Landscape Photography thru ed by Oceanside Business Association,
Sept. 10. 26 Golf Tournament to benefit Treasure 2 End of Season Luau, 6 p.m. at Heaton’s 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Humiston Park on Ocean
Coast Rugby Foundation to develop and Reef Bar and Grill, with pig roast and en- Drive. Free. 772 532-7983
Free Healing Path Workshop series, 3 p.m. foster youth rugby, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at San- tertainment featuring hula and fire dancers.
Wednesdays through Aug. 23 at IRSC Richard- dridge Golf Club. $75/person; $240/foursome in- $40. 772-469-1060 11 Never Forget Tribute and Youth Art Ex-
son Center hosted by Cox-Gifford Seawinds cludes breakfast, lunch and prizes. 772-913-4540 hibition & Contest, 6 p.m. at Cox-Gif-
Community Outreach. 772-562-2365. 6|7 Laura (Riding) Jackson Founda- ford Seawinds Funeral Home, remembering
27 Space Coast Symphony Jazz Orchestra tion hosts the Cambridge Amer- victims and heroes of 9/11. Free. 772-562-2365
Monthly First Friday Gallery Stroll, 5 to 8 p.m. presents A Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald, ican Stage Tour (CAST) student theater troupe
at Downtown Vero Beach galleries. featuring vocalist Linda Cole, 3 p.m. at Vero founded by Dame Judi Dench, performing 14 An Evening in Paris, 5 to 9 p.m. at
Beach High School Performing Arts Center. $20; Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, 7 Heritage Center with Parisian-themed
AUGUST students free. 855-252-7276 p.m. Wed. at Indian River Charter High School vendors, Moulin Rouge-style entertainment,
and 7 p.m. Thurs. at Sebastian River High French wine tasting and pastries to benefit Vero
17 Silver Tones Concert, 10:30 a.m. at SEPTEMBER School. Heritage Inc. $20; $25 at door 772-770-2263
The Brennity, 7955 16th Manor, with
donations accepted for Senior Resource Associ- 2 10th annual Mulligan’s Skim Jam, 8 a.m. 9 Tunnel to Towers 3.43-Mile Run and 14-24 Vero Beach Theatre Guild
ation. 772-299-7900 to 5 p.m. at Mulligan’s Beach House to 1-Mile Walk, 7:30 a.m. at Riverside Park, presents Eleanor Dixon in
benefit Vero Beach Lifeguard Association host- to honor the lives of 343 first responders who The Lady With All The Answers, drawn from the
19|20 Special Olympics Area 10 ed by shore lb. Register at lost their lives on 9/11 and support current life and letters of Ann Landers. 772-562-8300
Swim Meet, 8 a.m. to 2 first responders and members of the military
p.m. at North County Aquatic Center. 772-581- 15 Sebastian River Area Chamber of
7665 Commerce Lifestyle and Media Auc-
tion, 6 p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach, with
20 Jazz and Champagne Brunch featur- live and silent auctions featuring something for
ing the Lee Burlingame Quartet, 11 everyone. $10 & $20. 772-589-5969
a.m. at Irish American Club to benefit the no-
kill shelter, Cat’s Meow Rescue and Adoptions. 16 HALO Rescue’s Chase Your Tail 5K,
$15. 772-562-2287 7:30 a.m. at Sebastian Community
Center to support the no-kill rescue organiza-
20 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra tion. $25/$30. 772-589-7279
and Light Opera Orlando present The
Merry Widow, 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High School 16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival at
PAC. $20. 18 & under free. 855-252-7276 north jetty, ‘a contest for
the rest of us’ to benefit Surfrider Foundation
23 Riverside Racquet Complex US Open Sebastian Inlet Chapter. Sebastianinletsurfshop.
kickoff, 5:30 to 8 p.m. with Round com
Robin Tennis and Drills for all levels with Ten-
nis Pro MacDougall, refreshments and prizes. Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
Limited spaces; pre-registration required. $11 in August 11, 2017 Edition 7 MIRAGE 1 TIRESOME
& $14. 772- 231-4787 8 AMULET 2 BATTLE
24 Meows & Mutts at the Marsh, 6:30 10 TREASURE 4 TALES
p.m. at Marsh Landing Restaurant, 11 FOREVER 5 PURSUE
Fellsmere with live bluegrass to benefit HALO. 12 MESSY 6 YEAR
25 Space Coast Symphony presents Brit- 17 CARAMEL 14 LANTERN
ish Road Trip: String Quartets by Brit- 20 PHEASANT 16 CHATTY
ten and Vaughn Williams, 7 p.m. at Our Savior 22 PREY 18 APPEAR
Lutheran Church. Free. 855-252-7276 23 CASTLE 19 PANEL

26 Loves Miracle Hawk Buchmeyer Me- Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (WORDCURRENTS)
morial Run, 7:30 a.m. at Riverside
Park to raise CDH awareness.


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.

B16 August 18, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

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