January 18, 2019 | Volume 6, Issue 3 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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Coldwell Banker Search for new
Paradise merges city manager
with bigger firm just starting
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer THE CLEVELAND CLINIC TEAM. Cleveland Clinic Florida President Dr. Wael Barsoum (left), Cleveland Clinic By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
[email protected] CEO Dr. Tom Mihaljevic (center) and Cleveland Clinic Indian River President Dr. Gregory Rosencrance (right). [email protected]
Coldwell Banker Paradise, a PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN The City of Vero Beach has
family company founded as Ed one person on staff who could
Schlitt Realty in 1953 that grew to FEW IMMEDIATE CHANGES PLANNED take over after City Manager Jim
be one of the largest real estate bro- AT CLEVELAND CLINIC INDIAN RIVER O’Connor retires on March 15, but
kerages on the Treasure and Space Public Works Director Monte Falls
coasts of Florida, has merged with By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer has been in use by Cleveland’s River County by most observ- says he isn’t interested.
an even larger Coldwell Banker en- [email protected] marketing department for ers but the drama surrounding
terprise. months now, first uttered pub- the change occurred last fall in “Monte has told me that he
The unveiling of the logo of licly last March when the Flori- the run-up to the vote by the would do it in the interim, but that
In a deal that “came together Cleveland Clinic Indian River da division president and CEO hospital and hospital district being the next city manager is not
very quickly” and closed on Jan. 1, Hospital at a much-promoted Dr. Wael Barsoum revealed it boards to approve the change, what he wants to do,” O’Connor
according to Coldwell Banker Par- news conference in Port St. to leaders of what was then In- and in the days before the ac- said on Monday.
adise co-owner Steve Schlitt, the Lucie last week was a bit an- dian River Medical Center. quisition papers were signed
Vero-based firm became part of ti-climactic, even though all at the end of December. Falls served as interim manag-
the Schmidt Family of Companies, the top players were present. The Cleveland takeover is er after the previous city manag-
a real estate powerhouse that op- seen as a huge plus for Indian CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 er, Jim Gabbard, exited in 2010,
erates in Michigan, Ohio, Florida The hospital’s new name and Falls sometimes takes the city
and the U.S. Virgin Islands. manager’s seat at council meetings
when O’Connor is on vacation
Headquartered in the Lake or at a conference. Mayor Harry
Michigan resort town of Traverse Howle said he wants to commence
City, The Schmidt Family of Com- a search for O’Connor’s replace-
panies ranked 26th in the nation ment this month.
in number of transactions in 2018,
according to Real Trends, with He wants to get someone on
1,400 agents handling 15,164 deals board who, like O’Connor, will
worth nearly $3 billion. commit to staying long enough to
provide continuity and to make
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 an impact – not someone on the
verge of retirement. O’Connor, 70,
INSIDE has been in the position for near-
ly eight years. “Monte is great, he
NEWS 1-7 PETS 14 has the years of background with
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Man gets probation in hospital ruckus ONE TENNIS PRO
For circulation or where to pick up HELPS ANOTHER
your issue call: 772-226-7925 By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer LAUNCH A NEW
A handicapped Seagrove man who physically attacked
a sheriff’s deputy by grabbing his crotch during a ruckus Tom Collins, left, and Tim Brueggeman.
at Indian River Medical Center was sentenced last week to
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. 12 months’ probation in a plea deal that reduced his crime
from a felony to a misdemeanor.
Despite the reduced sentence, John Logan Gray, 48, of
1790 Coral Way South, attempted to re-litigate the case at
2 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Convicted felons in Indian River County reclaim voting rights
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Under the amendment, approved by voting rights restored,” Swan said. “Some igible to vote,” Swan said. “They can’t just
[email protected] nearly 65 percent of Florida voters during wanted to come in and do it in person, be- show up at the polls and vote. They have
November’s general election, Floridians cause it’s really a big deal for them. ... One to register first.
Six convicted felons living in Indian with felony convictions may have their gentleman wanted his picture taken.”
River County filed voter-registration ap- voting rights restored once they have “They need to fill out a voter-registra-
plications with the local Supervisor of completed the terms of their sentence, Though the applications are submit- tion application and check the box that
Elections office on Jan. 8, the first day including parole, probation and any res- ted to the local Supervisor of Elections says their rights were restored,” she add-
Florida’s Voter Restoration Amendment titution ordered by the court. Office, they are sent to the state Division ed. “As long as they’ve met all the require-
went into effect. of Elections in Tallahassee to be reviewed, ments of their sentence, there shouldn’t
The amendment does not apply to fel- similar to applications filed by any Flori- be a problem.”
By the end of the first week, that num- ons convicted of murder or sex-related da resident. The process usually takes less
ber increased to 28, with applications sub- offenses. Their rights can be restored only the 48 hours. Swan said she couldn’t predict how
mitted by mail, online and in person. through the governor’s office. many of the county’s convicted felons
My biggest concern is getting the word would apply to have their voting rights
“And we’ve got more coming in daily,” “The people who’ve come in to our of- out that, even with this amendment, these restored because she doesn’t know how
said Leslie Swan, the county’s Supervisor fice were very happy about having their convicted felons are not automatically el- many live here.
of Elections.
CLEVELAND CLINIC INDIAN RIVER I actually don’t think you’ll see a change that will always be first and foremost in write of Cleveland’s press release with a
in culture.” our minds as we look at the efficiencies merger-and-acquisition spin: “Cleveland
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that come from joining a healthcare sys- Clinic broadens footprint in Sunshine
Nor will the hospitals see a change tem,” he said. State,” noting in a subhead Cleveland’s
The sense of anti-climax last week was in staffing, at least not in the first year, combined financial commitments in the
“heightened” because few immediate Cleveland executives said. “There will clearly be opportunities two deals – $750 million.
changes are expected at the Vero hospital that will take advantage of inefficiencies,
and three former Martin Health System “Over the course of this first year, every but we will do that I think in a very open The more widely-read Becker’s Hospi-
hospitals recently acquired by Cleveland job that presently exists will remain,” said and transparent way, taking into account tal Review focused on the name changes
Clinic Florida. Barsoum. “That is something that we’ve what’s best for communities and best for – in addition to IRMC becoming Cleve-
committed to and we think it’s the right caregivers.” land Clinic Indian River, Martin Health’s
“You don’t need to turn around any of thing to do for the caregivers and for the three hospitals were rebranded too: the
these hospitals,” said Barsoum last week. communities. What will be new for patients at Indian old Martin Medical Center is now Cleve-
“You don’t need to turn around any of River as well as at Martin Health? land Clinic Martin North; the smaller Port
these cultures. Because of the alignment, He added that in addition to care of the Salerno hospital is now Cleveland Clinic
patients, Cleveland Clinic is committed to Barsoum mentioned “an ability to Martin South; and Tradition Medical Cen-
caring for caregivers. “That is something move through the process more quickly, ter in Port St. Lucie is now Cleveland Clin-
more efficiently ... when somebody has a ic Tradition.
highly complex problem, [there will be]
easier access to tertiary and quaternary The mayor of Port St. Lucie was enthu-
care.” siastic at the press conference – he read
a lengthy proclamation and declared last
Cleveland Clinic’s system-wide CEO Wednesday Cleveland Clinic Day – per-
and president, Dr. Tom Mihaljevic, added haps with good reason.
that patients at Indian River and Martin
Health would immediately have access to While Cleveland officials maintain that
the expertise of Cleveland Clinic’s care- clinical services will remain the same for
givers in Cleveland, including for second now at the various hospitals, the mere sit-
opinions. ing of the joint media event at Tradition
hints at the hospital becoming an anchor
While those journalists who had been in the Florida region.
following the Martin Health and Indi-
an River mergers over the past year may Until now, Cleveland Clinic Florida
have strained to find any news in the consisted of one hospital in Weston and
news conference, some national health- several outpatient clinics in Broward and
care press found it headline-worthy. Palm Beach counties.
Healthcare Finance News topped its re-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 18, 2019 3
HOSPITAL RUCKUS Chad Sharpeta’s crotch as he walked past Quinton Janetty, who had been called blamed deputies and hospital staff for
him. Sharpeta was on duty in the ER that to the hospital after Gray attacked Shar- mistreating him and causing the con-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 evening, providing security, according to peta, arrested Gray for battery on a law frontation. He did not explain how he
sheriff’s office reports. enforcement officer and disorderly con- was mistreated.
the last minute at his Jan. 8 hearing, ar- duct.
guing unsuccessfully that the period of Sharpeta pushed Gray off of him and Gray told Cox that law enforcement
probation he had agreed to as part of the ordered him to keep his hands to himself. He spent two days in jail before he was and hospital staff should be required to
plea bargain should be waived. He then allowed Gray to proceed and be released on a $2,500 bond. undergo training so that they learn “how
seen by the doctor. to deal with people like me.”
“Your Honor, I’ve never been in trou- Seven months later, Gray accepted the
ble,” Gray said as he tried to sway Judge Once in the back, Gray requested that deal offered by Assistant State Attorney His comments drew a quick rebuttal
Cynthia Cox. “I have a prosthetic leg. the doctor prescribe him Dilaudid, a Steven Wilson, pleading ‘no contest’ to from Wilson, who said Gray’s attack on
What happened that night is so discom- powerful synthetic narcotic classified as the reduced charge during an October the deputy was unprovoked.
bobulated. an opioid that is used to relieve moderate hearing.
to severe pain. Cox also informed Gray that law en-
“If you could only see the video of what At the time, Gray requested, and re- forcement and hospital staff do receive
happened that night at the hospital and When asked to return to the waiting ceived permission from Cox and Wilson, regular training on how to respond to a
how I was treated.” room before receiving the drug, Gray be- to delay his sentencing so that he could wide range of people and circumstances.
came impatient and began screaming. travel to New York for three months and
Cox asked Gray why, in that case, he He then left the ER, refusing further med- care for his father who was undergoing In addition to being sentenced to 12
hadn’t pleaded “not guilty.” ical attention and making his way to the chemotherapy. months’ probation, Gray is required to
parking lot. pay $895 in court fees. He must also suc-
“I didn’t want to roll the dice on a fel- During his sentencing, Gray expressed cessfully complete an anger manage-
ony,” Gray responded. “I’m in constant At that point, Sharpeta and Deputy no remorse for his behavior. Instead, he ment program.
pain since my accident. My back is held
together by 33 screws and rods.” Partial government shutdown worries Vero nonprofits
Cox quickly interrupted him. By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer having to suspend program services? director for the American Cancer Soci-
“That’s neither here nor there,” she [email protected] United Way Director of Communi- ety Cancer Action Network, says the ACS
said. “I accepted your plea in October. receives no significant federal funding
I told you then that once you accepted Indian River County nonprofits that ty Impact Nate Bruckner expects most but he is concerned about the impact on
a plea deal you can’t come back and try rely on federal dollars for part of their responses within a week, allowing Unit- federally-funded cancer research pro-
to change the terms. This is a negotiated funding are bracing for what could be a ed Way and nonprofit leaders to begin grams as the shutdown continues.
plea that you agreed to.” substantial hit as the government shut- making assessments and formulating
Gray was originally charged with down continues. strategies. Habitat for Humanity of Indian River
battery of a law enforcement officer, a County, an affiliate of Habitat for Hu-
third-degree felony, which carries a max- Last week, United Way of Indian River Economic Opportunities Council of manity International, “has not felt it yet,
imum of five years in prison. He pleaded County sent a survey to approximately Indian River County Executive Director but there could be a delayed effect,” says
no contest to the lesser charge of battery 75 local nonprofits – the 36 partner or- Angela Davis-Green is worried about President/CEO Sheryl Vittitoe, noting
and disorderly intoxication. ganizations under the United Way um- the organization’s U.S. Department of that other Habitat affiliates have already
According to the Indian River Coun- brella and other area 501(c)(3) organiza- Health and Human Services-funded felt the pain.
ty Sheriff’s arrest affidavit, Gray, who is tions – to determine the possible impact Child Care Food Program, which is due
missing his right leg, went to the Indian to each. to be renewed at the end of February. A news release put out by Habitat
River Medical Center Emergency Room (23.5 percent of Indian River County res- states “funding delays caused by the
to seek treatment on March 8, 2018. The survey questions: What impact is idents are “food insecure,” according to shutdown are impacting some of Hab-
While in the waiting room, Gray be- the federal government shutdown hav- the EOC website.) itat for Humanity’s ability to process
came belligerent, yelling profanities at ing on your organization? What impact new mortgage loans and move forward
the hospital staff within earshot of other is the shutdown having on your clients? Right now, says Davis-Green, “it’s just with existing and planned construction
patients and children, demanding to be Will your agency suspend any program a waiting game.” projects.”
seen immediately, the affidavit noted. services? If yes, when do you anticipate
After Gray was called by the emergency Ray Carson, regional media advocacy
staff to see a doctor, he grabbed Deputy
4 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
COLDWELL BANKER PARADISE Bacigalupi. “What we want to do is add value biggest change,” says Mike Schmidt, pres- sions about joining forces, the merger pro-
to companies that are already very success- ident of the Schmidt Family of Companies. cess proceeded rapidly.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ful and make them even better.” “We have a significant marketing team fo-
cused on luxury property sales.” “We put together a proposal and worked
Coldwell Banker Paradise, which sells Schmidt’s other main Florida company, out the details in just a matter of weeks,”
homes from Titusville to Stuart and did $580 acquired in 2012, is Coldwell Banker Sunstar That team includes “a videographer who says Schlitt. “The longest holdup was getting
million worth of business in 2018, brought Realty in Punta Gorda, which bills itself as previously worked for Discovery Channel,” approval from Coldwell Banker corporate.
11 offices and 280 agents to the merger. the largest realtor in Charlotte County, and says Schlitt, who believes Schmidt’s “amaz- We really pushed and managed to close the
Bacigalupi says the man who founded that ing” video capability and other digital tools deal by the end of the year so we could start
By the terms of the agreement, the local company in 1990, Don Randolph, is still part will benefit his sellers, buyers and agents. 2019 as a part of the Schmidt Family of Com-
company will continue to operate as Cold- of the leadership at the Schmidt-owned bro- panies.”
well Banker Paradise under the leadership kerage. Members of the Schlitt and Schmidt fam-
of Schlitt and his sister and co-owner Linda ilies have known each other for years. As top Coldwell Banker Paradise and the
Schlitt Gonzalez. “Linda and I will be running this compa- performers in the Coldwell Banker network Schmidt Companies have a lot in common
ny,” says Steve Schlitt. “The idea isn’t that ev- operating in non-competing markets, they – besides similar-sounding names – that
“Our goal in mergers and acquisitions erything has to fit one mold. The companies met frequently at company functions to made the merger a natural fit, leaders of
isn’t to come in and change everything and share a lot, but each market is unique.” discuss ideas and strategies, according to both companies say.
impose a new way of doing things,” said Schlitt and Bacigalupi.
Schmidt vice president of marketing Tracy “The depth of our marketing, especially Both are long-established family firms,
for the luxury market, is what will bring the When those talks advanced to discus- both joined Coldwell Banker in 1983 and
both operate mainly in resort areas. Tra-
verse City is a waterfront town the same size
as Vero Beach at the center of a lake resort
region visited by 20 million people a year,
according to Schmidt’s website for its Mich-
igan properties. Other Schmidt markets in-
clude the Lake Erie shore in Ohio, the U. S.
Virgin Islands and the west coast of Florida.
Adding a large, successful brokerage on
Florida’s east coast was a logical next step
that adds to a north/south synergy that is
part of Schmidt’s strategy, in which clients
in snowy Michigan and Ohio are natural
buyers for vacation and retirement homes
in Florida.
That synergy began to pay off for Coldwell
Banker Paradise even before the merger was
complete. “We have sold four properties in
the last four weeks to buyers referred to us
by Schmidt,” says Steve Schlitt.
“It couldn’t be a better fit,” says Bacigalu-
pi. “Our core values and company cultures
align. We have a tremendous amount of re-
spect for Steven and Linda and the Schlitt
family and the location is wonderful. Being
on the east coast of Florida will help us serve
our customers better.”
“We are getting to know the Coldwell
Banker Paradise group and could not be
happier,” says Mike Schmidt. “We are de-
lighted to be part of the community.”
Coldwell Banker Paradise was founded
by Ed and Marguerite Schlitt in Vero Beach
in 1953. The brokerage grew slowly for the
next 50 years, opening offices on Vero’s bar-
rier island in 1968, in Sebastian in 1970, and
on North Hutchinson Island in 1996, its first
outside of Indian River County.
Steve Schlitt and Linda Schlitt Gonzalez
bought the company from their parents in
1998 and ramped up expansion as the real
estate market recovered after the Great Re-
cession, purchasing Paradise Properties in
Brevard County in 2011 and Hoyt Murphy
in St. Lucie County in 2012 and adopting a
regional marketing strategy.
“People who come here from other parts
of the county want certain things – they
want warm weather, lower density and to be
by the ocean – but most of them really don’t
know Indialantic from South Hutchinson
Island until they get here,” Gonzalez said af-
ter the Hoyt Murphy acquisition. “By build-
ing up the largest brokerage on the central
coast, we can help our buyers and sellers in-
vestigate more than one market.”
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6 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY One tennis pro helps another launch a new career
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer owner of the Tom Collins Insurance Agency, launching his successful insurance agency. “Every time anyone brought up Tim’s
[email protected] where Brueggeman has worked for the past Brueggeman, on the other hand, left name, it was always in a positive way,” Col-
20 months. “I’ve been a supporter of Youth lins said.
Later this month, Tim Brueggeman, who Guidance through the King of the Hill event John’s Island in July 2013 under different cir-
spent 20 years as John’s Island’s tennis di- for many years, and I’ll be out there to sup- cumstances: He wasn’t given a choice. “Everyone considered him a quality per-
rector, will compete in Vero Beach’s wildly port Tim.” son and seemed to hold him in high regard.
popular “King of the Hill” tournament for “Sometimes, in that industry, longevity So after he left John’s Island, I had heard he
the first time in a decade. Collins, a longtime Castaway Cove resi- can work against you,” Brueggeman said. “I was looking to transition into the business
dent who moved to Vero Beach after playing had been there 20 years, we had developed world and asked him about joining our
When he does, another former John’s Is- tennis at the University of South Carolina in a team atmosphere, and I really enjoyed my agency.
land tennis director – Tom Collins, his em- the 1970s, was John’s Island’s tennis direc- job. Everything seemed to be going well.
ployer – will be in the crowd at The Moorings tor for seven years before departing in 1981 “He decided to move to Montana, but my
rooting for him. to start his own business and later, in 1989, “I thought my best year was my last year,” offer stood, and even when he was out there,
he added. “We had our first ladies profes- we had several brief-but-serious phone con-
“I’ll definitely be there,” said Collins, sional squash event. We had increased our versations and email exchanges,” he added.
tennis activity. All the metrics you’d use to
measure success were positive. That’s why I “The more I got to know him, the more I
was just floored when they told me I was out. saw that Tim had all the right qualities and
“Apparently, they wanted to go in a differ-
ent direction.” “Our business is based on relationships,
and Tim is a smart guy who is very good with
Brueggeman didn’t. people.”
He tried to stay in the tennis industry and,
having banked what he called a “nice sever- Brueggeman, now 54, knows plenty of the
ance package,” applied for full-time direc- right people, too, including many potential
tors’ jobs at several clubs. But he couldn’t get customers at John’s Island – a market Collins
past the finalists stage. He was 49 years old hopes to attract and nurture.
in a business that tends to favor the young.
“It’s not easy to get those jobs at 50,” He’s also using his tennis background to
Brueggeman said. “The industry was closed market himself at other local clubs, occa-
to me.” sionally playing in Sea Oaks’ weekly pro ex-
And not even 20 years at one of the na- hibitions, participating in The Boulevard’s
tion’s finest clubs could open it. advanced men’s nights and competing in
So Brueggeman began looking for a sec- the 50-and-over division of this year’s “King
ond career off the courts, first starting a fam- of the Hill” tournament, which starts this
ily business with his sons – they sold surface month.
coating for boats and airplanes – and then
taking a job as a salesman at Treasure Coast “It certainly helps get my name out there
Lexus in Fort Pierce. and lets people know what I’m doing now,”
In June 2015 Brueggeman and his wife, said Brueggeman, who won the tourna-
Tracy, decided to move to Montana, where ment’s Open Division championship in 2001
he had spent the previous five summers and 2002. “Besides, I enjoy playing tennis as
teaching tennis at the Iron Horse Golf Club much as I ever did, I enjoy being around the
in Whitefish and still had a seasonal job. other pros here, and I still enjoy a competi-
There, he took a job as a manager at the tive atmosphere.”
outdoor store Cabela’s and worked as a real-
tor to supplement his tennis income and en- In fact, Brueggeman said he and John’s
sure year-round paychecks. But his children Island Head Pro Joe Biedenharn continue to
and grandson were still in Vero Beach. play doubles together in United States Pro-
“It became obvious we needed to come fessional Tennis Association tournaments.
back here, and Tom had reached out to me
shortly after I left John’s Island and said, ‘If In late June, however, Brueggeman will
you ever want to try selling insurance ...” head west for his 10th summer in Montana,
Brueggeman said. where he’ll teach tennis until mid-Septem-
“So I contacted him and he offered to hire ber – and use his court connections to sell
me on a trial basis.” insurance under Collins’ banner.
Brueggeman moved back to Vero Beach
in April 2017, earned his license to sell insur- “We’re now licensed in Montana, and
ance and embarked on a new career. he’s building a book of business out there,
“Tom has been unbelievably helpful and so I have no problem with it,” Collins said.
supportive, from marketing me to providing “Eventually, we might open an office out
opportunities for me to reach into any mar- there.”
ket I can,” Brueggeman said, adding that he
has used his local contacts in the nonprofit If so, Brueggeman would be thrilled.
and country-club realms to generate com- “Tom knows I love it out there, so I
mercial business while also writing residen- couldn’t write a better script,” Brueggeman
tial policies. said. “Once you get to your 50s, finding a
When Collins first approached Bruegge- second career can be a challenge. So, for me,
man about joining his insurance team, the this has been an absolute godsend. I’ve got
two didn’t really know each other despite the best of both worlds.”
their common background at John’s Island, He paused for a moment, then added:
but Collins wanted to give him a chance. “I’ve been in the desert, though.”
For nearly four years, Brueggeman wan-
dered in search of a professional life after
John’s Island tennis, only to find his way –
in an ironic twist of fate – with the help of
someone who built a wonderful life after
John’s Island tennis.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 18, 2019 7
Planning starts in earnest on future of Vero’s riverfront
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer If a local business or a developer comes knowledgeable people – people with back- ter publication VeroNews.com was holding
[email protected] forward down the road with a viable, aesthet- grounds in real estate, architecture, urban a contest with a $1,000 prize to find a better
ically pleasing commercial project, or pub- planning, finance, hospitality and tourism name for this area that the daily persists in
People who want the City of Vero Beach’s lic-private partnership that could serve Vero – than were represented in that room last calling “three corners,” hundreds of respons-
Big Blue power plant site, and eventually the well into its next 100 years, it will be too late. week. People with business and develop- es have been emailed to contest@veronews.
sewer plant site, turned into a park – a water People will protest. A three-ring binder will ment backgrounds should have a say, even if com.
park, skate park, dog park, passive park or be trotted out and held up before the tele- the community ultimately decides that open
sailing park – have definitely gotten the jump vision cameras. It will be said that the plan green space is the best option. The naming contest remains open
on the planning process. dictates a park on that property. through Feb. 1. Everyone who takes the time
And then there is the matter of what to to send a proposed name should participate
Those 50 people who showed up for last Vero Planning and Development Director call this area at the foot of the Alma Lee Loy in the planning process for Vero’s riverfront
Jason Jeffries told the Recreation Commis- bridge. so a wide variety of possibilities can be ex-
NEWS ANALYSIS sion that his target is to get a consultant on plored.
board in February to begin a planning pro- Since Vero News announced that our sis-
Tuesday’s workshop are the same people cess that “would be heavily citizen driven” in
who will attend months of design charrettes, determining priorities.
and who will sit through analysis provided
by the city’s pricey, future consultant. Their “The result would be a conceptual plan”
input will be turned into the recommenda- for all the city’s recreation facilities and avail-
tions forwarded to the Vero Beach City Coun- able land that could be used for recreation,
cil for a vote. Jeffries said.
But if there are other people out there Recreation Director Rob Slezak said the
who want some of that land to go onto the last time any sort of a recreation master
tax rolls, or who might encourage amenities plan was compiled was in 1992, and that
other than open “green space,” now would was countywide and did not involve Ve-
be the time to get a seat at the table so that ro’s parks. According to city officials, and
a variety of opinions are be tossed into the based upon the cost of similar consulting
mix. endeavors, the planning process could cost
$100,000 or more. The whole community
The matter of the power plant, sewer plant will pay for that through property taxes and
and old postal annex properties is being ad- utility bills.
dressed as part of a Recreation Master Plan,
and thus, the Recreation Commission has Recreation Commission Chairman Rich-
taken the lead. ard Yemm’s battle cry that “we’re running out
of green space” was echoed by a couple doz-
The fact that the Vero Beach City Council en people who rose to the podium to speak.
delegated the initial discussion about the
utility properties to the Recreation Commis- Certainly, the intrinsic and economic val-
sion, and not the Utilities Commission or ue of parks and green space is great, but in
even to the Finance Commission or the Plan- a city like Vero Beach where large parcels
ning and Zoning Commission, will impact like the utility properties just don’t exist any-
how questions will be asked, and answered. more, all reasonable options should be on
the table.
In other words, the process will be skewed
toward all of that property being turned into Vero’s barrier island population holds
some kind of park. a much broader array of experienced and
VERO CITY MANAGER his successor will do is significantly dif-
ferent from what O’Connor was hired to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 manage and accomplish.
the city but he does very well in his current Vero no longer runs an electric utility
position and has been there a long time,” with a $100 million budget. During O’Con-
Howle said, adding that he would be very nor’s tenure, the number of city employees
appreciative if Falls agreed to fill in on an has been cut by roughly one fourth. And
interim basis if there’s a gap, like he’s done the headaches have likely been reduced by
previously. “But it’s appropriate that we much more than 25 percent.
search, as we have in the past, using a head
hunter.” With the complex and highly conten-
tious battle to sell the city’s electric utili-
Vero-based HR Dynamics handled the ty in the rearview mirror, managing Vero
last search in 2011, narrowing the field and Beach going forward will focus more on
then setting up Skype interviews with each the things municipal government tradi-
of the candidates so they could “meet” tionally focuses on – roads, parks, drain-
individually with council members. That age and public safety.
helped avoid the cost of flying all the
semi-finalists in for interviews. Vero could get some applicants from
not too far away, as the former city manag-
O’Connor was one of four finalists who ers of Sebastian, Palm Bay and Melbourne
was brought to Vero for interviews before are all looking for jobs.
the City Council. He was hired by a 4-1
vote with then-councilman Brian Heady At least two of those men won’t be
dissenting. O’Connor earns an annual sal- hired by the Town of Indian River Shores
ary of $150,000 plus benefits, but the job on Jan. 24, or whenever the Shores makes
a final decision about its own top manag-
er job.
8 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer als adds that 30 percent to 40 percent of
[email protected] older Americans living on their own, and
fully half of those living in nursing homes,
Vertigo is the perception of motion will experience a fall each year.
when no movement is present or the ab-
normal perception of motion in response In 2015 Medicare put the cost of those
to movement. Medical News Today calls it falls at over $31 billion annually and that
“a sense of spinning or dizziness.” number continues to increase as the se-
Kathryn Storey and Bernadette Haugh.
In and of itself vertigo is not life-threat- nior population grows.
ening, but – and this is a really big but – And then there’s the “quality of life” issue.
the dizziness of vertigo is a leading cause As Bernadette Haugh, director of reha-
of falls, and “falls are the leading cause
of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older bilitation services at Sebastian River Med-
Americans,” according to the National ical Center explains, “the biggest damage
Council on Aging. from a fall is not always something physi-
cal. When somebody falls, all of a sudden
Medical reference guide Merck Manu- their whole life changes.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH January 18, 2019 9
“Now they have a fear and … They “We physically see our patients one-on-
change everything about what they’re one,” Storey says. “That’s one of the com-
doing. They change their posture. They mitments we’ve made from our therapy
change their view of the world. That af- team to our patients – we really focus on
fects their life in so many different ways. individual treatment as opposed to group
A fall has life-altering effects, whether or dynamics. At [some other places] your
not you actually have a fracture. You don’t therapist is going to have multiple other
have to have a physical injury for the con- patients at once. You’re not going to be the
sequences to really put a fear into you and focus of their attention for an hour like
… reduce the things you’re going to do in you are here.”
“You don’t need a specialist to be able
Fortunately, according to both Haugh to get a start on what’s happening,” Haugh
and physical therapist Kathryn Storey, adds. “Anything that becomes several ep-
help is available for those suffering from isodes could be an issue. Or if those epi-
vertigo. Often that help takes as little as a sodes are increasing in frequency or in-
single session of physical of therapy, and tensity. Anything that’s having any kind of
Haugh points out that Medicare and most effect on your life is something that ought
insurance will cover that cost with a refer- to be looked at.”
ral from a primary care physician or even
an urgent care or walk-in clinic doctor. The Harvard Medical School agrees. It
says “feeling woozy, lightheaded or a little
In dealing with vertigo, it’s important to faint is a common complaint among older
know, as the University of Maryland Med- adults. Although it’s not usually caused by
ical Center explains, that vertigo is actu- anything life-threatening, it could be, so
ally more of a symptom than a condition. you need to be careful. Don’t ignore it.”
Conditions that can bring on this light- If you’re experiencing episodes of verti-
headed dizziness include respiratory, go, talk with your primary care physician.
neurological, cardiovascular and vision He or she may well recommend a quali-
problems. Changes in medications can fied physical therapist to help solve the
also trigger certain forms of vertigo, but problem.
the most common cause is an inner ear
problem called “benign paroxysmal posi- The rehabilitation services at the Sebas-
tional vertigo,” or BPPV. tian River Medical Center, a Steward Fam-
ily Hospital, are now located at 8005 Bay
“We can treat a lot of different kinds of Street, Suite II. The phone number is 772-
vertigo here,” says Storey, “and BPPV is 582-2068.
one that responds very quickly to treat-
ment. Often in one visit we can get people sensation we call vertigo.
feeling 100 percent better.” Johns Hopkins Medicine describes the
BPPV is caused by tiny crystals of cal- Epley maneuvers as a series of turns and
cium carbonate becoming lodged within twists of the head and neck that dislodge
the inner ear. Do not, however, even think those crystals from the semicircular ca-
about reaching for a Q-Tip. nals and sends them back to the utricle
where they belong.
You cannot reach the semicircular ca-
nals where these crystals collect and could Both Storey and Haugh are confident
well cause irreparable damage by trying. the Epley maneuvers can and will help
patients suffering from vertigo caused by
What you can do is learn what is known BPPV.
as “the Epley maneuvers” for BPPV.
The physical therapists at SRMC are
Those calcium carbonate crystals men- trained to assess your condition to see
tioned above are normally found in your how severe your vertigo is, prescribe ex-
inner ear’s utricle. They detect motion ercises that will reduce the severity of the
and send that information to your brain. problem – done with your physical thera-
If, however, those crystals detach from the pist or at home – and keep an eye on your
utricle and move into the semicircular ca- progress.
nals, they send incorrect signals to your
brain which, in turn, causes that spinning
10 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
Surprisingly, older people are more prone to anxiety
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist medical disorders common in older adults
can be directly responsible for the anxiety
Q. Are older people more anxious than we feel. These include heart disease, neu-
younger people? rologic illness, thyroid and other hormone
problems. In addition, anxiety can be a
Because the stresses of health problems, drug side effect. And seniors take a lot of
losses and other major life changes build medicine.
up as we get older, we tend to become anx-
ious. Some surveys suggest that one in five Until recently, anxiety disorders were
older adults suffers anxiety symptoms that believed to decline with age. There has
require treatment. been more research into depression and
Alzheimer’s than anxiety among seniors.
In addition to psychological causes, But mental health experts are altering
their views about anxiety. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety disorders in seniors have been can develop after a frightening experience.
Often, people with PTSD have repeated
underestimated for several reasons. One memories of the experience both during
of the main reasons is that older patients their waking hours and in nightmares.
are more likely to emphasize their physi- A person having a flashback may believe
cal complaints and downplay emotional that the event is real.
Victims of PTSD may have trouble sleep-
Anxiety disorders are serious medical ing, feel detached, or be easily startled.
illnesses that affect approximately 40 mil- They may have intimacy problems. They
lion American adults. They all involve ex- can become aggressive or even violent.
cessive, irrational fear. Anxiety disorders
are chronic and can worsen if untreated. Social phobia, also called social anxi-
ety disorder, involves excessive self-con-
Panic disorder brings on sudden, un- sciousness in social situations. People
predictable attacks of terror. These attacks with social phobia are afraid of being
create additional anxiety because victims judged by others and being embarrassed
worry about the next one. Older adults by their own actions.
who get panic attacks usually had them
when they were younger. A specific phobia is an exaggerated fear
of one thing. Some of the more common
The following are some symptoms: specific phobias are triggered by heights,
pounding heart, perspiration, dizziness, animals such as snakes, closed spaces and
fainting, numb hands, nausea, chest pain, flying.
feeling that you’re smothering, fear of loss
of control, a sense that you’re losing your Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
mind or about to die. means excessive worry about a variety of
things or life in general. People with GAD
If you have obsessive-compulsive dis- expect the worst and seem unable to relax.
order (OCD), you may be haunted by un- Often, they have trouble falling or staying
welcome thoughts or the need to engage in asleep. Anxiety disorders are treated with
rituals. You may be obsessed with germs medication and psychotherapy. Both ap-
or dirt, so you wash your hands repeated- proaches can be effective for most disor-
ly. You may feel the need to check things ders. Anxiety disorders are not all treated
repeatedly. the same, so it is important to determine
the specific problem first.
The disturbing thoughts are called
obsessions, and the rituals that are per- Although medications won’t cure an
formed to try to prevent or get rid of them anxiety disorder, they can keep the symp-
are called compulsions. Victims of OCD toms under control and enable people to
consume at least an hour a day with their have normal lives.
12 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Irritable bowels? There’s often a simple, inexpensive cure
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer pain, or you have bleeding, or you get wo- Dr. James Gordon. body’s on pain medications, both non-nar-
[email protected] ken up at night with the diarrhea, then you cotic and narcotic. Non-narcotics can
should see a doctor.” PHOTO BY LEIGH GREEN cause diarrhea, narcotics can cause con-
Problems with the lower gastrointestinal stipation. Some of the medications that are
tract – or lower GI tract – are not the sort of Do not, however, panic. ry care doctor first makes the most sense used for urinary tract problems, meaning
things that usually find their way into po- “In terms of treatments,” Gordon says re- because a primary care physician can having leakage or things like that, can also
lite conversation. assuringly, “I prefer to use the basic things screen them to make sure they don’t have exacerbate it. Some of the Parkinson’s med-
first, such as Metamucil and Citrucel. I pre- [what are called] structural problems,” ications can cause these problems so, yes,
That’s not surprising given that those fer to give a fiber product because it’s cheap Gordon says. Those problems can include you are absolutely correct.”
problems can include “constipation, irri- and simple and it works.” disorders such as “small intestinal bacte-
table bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, anal In fact, this particular specialist suggests rial overgrowth” in which bacteria migrate Johns Hopkins Medicine agrees. It says
fissures, perianal abscesses, anal fistulas, it’s probably better to see your primary care from the colon to the small bowel and can “medicines taken by mouth can affect the
perianal infections, diverticular diseases, physician first before seeking out a gastro- cause intermittent diarrhea, bloating and entire digestive system in a number of dif-
colitis, colon polyps and cancer.” enterologist. other problems. ferent ways. Both prescription and over-
“If somebody’s having diarrhea that they the-counter medicines, while usually safe
Add diarrhea and fecal incontinence to can’t explain, I think talking to their prima- Asked if the use of multiple prescription and effective, may create harmful effects in
that list and whatever you have, it’s prob- drugs could contribute to such lower GI is- some people,” including IBS.
ably not the ideal recipe for cocktail party sues such as IBS, Gordon responds with a
chatter. resounding, “Absolutely.” Moreover, says Hopkins, “older people are
at greater risk” for those harmful effects.
For Dr. James Gordon, a gastroenterolo- “For example,” he explains, “If some-
gist at the Scully Endoscopy Center in Vero Fortunately, according to the Nation-
Beach, however, it’s precisely his cup of tea. al Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
“I’m happy to talk about it,” says the affable, Kidney Diseases, conditions such as IBS
plain-spoken Gordon. can often be minimized by maintaining or
beginning a healthier diet.
He says irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is
the most common lower GI problem he sees Such a diet, according to Gordon, would
in his Vero Beach practice. likely begin with drastically reducing – if
not eliminating – fructose.
Sometimes called spastic colon, irritable
colon or nervous stomach, IBS is usually Fructose is a type of sugar found in many
caused when the colon muscle contracts fruits and vegetables as well as in honey.
more often than it should or as a result of in- It is frequently used to sweeten some diet
testinal inflammation. Symptoms can in- foods and Gordon minces no words about
clude abdominal pain, cramping, bloating his feelings about it: “Fructose,” he says,
and, while seemingly opposite ends of the “is a really bad player” in lower GI issues in
spectrum, both diarrhea and constipation. general and IBS in particular.
IBS is estimated to affect between 10 per- IBS is the most common gastrointestinal
cent and 15 percent of the world’s population. disorder in this country, costing an esti-
mated $1.6 billion per year in health-related
“Some people have [IBS] all their lives. spending.
Some people develop it over the course of
their lifetime,” Gordon says. “Most people According to the Mayo Clinic, if fiber and
get used to their symptoms and say ‘this is diet don’t solve the problem, there is a wide
just me,’ and then there are some people who range of medications your doctor can pre-
get very anxious about their symptoms.” scribe to deal with the underlying causes
and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
That anxiousness is understandable be-
cause, as Gordon notes, “you can be some- Dr. James Gordon is a gastroenterologist
body that has IBS diarrhea all your life and with the Indian River Medical Center and the
then someday have IBS constipation too. Scully Endoscopy Center. His office is in the
You can flip between the two and some- Health & Wellness Center at 3450 11th Court,
times you can have both. Suite 206 in Vero Beach. The phone number
is 772-299-3511.
“Basically,” Gordon continues, “if you
develop diarrhea that’s new and lasts for
more than a week or so, or lower abdominal
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14 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz meets magnificent 7, a chunky, spunky Bulldog
work on. Like where I should my own room. Plus, if I’m still
Hi Dog Buddies! an shouldn’t Do My Duty. keepin’ Momma awake, she
This week I yapped with a sturdy, An Chewin.’ That was chal- says, ‘7, you’re snoring,’ an I
stocky English Bulldog, 7 Sangbush, who
I thought looked like Winston Churchill. lenging. See, I LOVE to chew roll onto my tummy. (I only
(Have I mentioned I’m an Anglophile?)
Anyway, 7’s a rescue, 50 pounds of muscle, Leathergoods. It’s so relax- snore on my side.)”
whiffles that wiggle when he walks. A neat
and tidy poocheroo. ing an comforting. I chewed “That is Totally Crunchy
7 was outside onna leash, with his Mom, Momma’s wallet. An card- Dog Biscuits! So, do you have
when we arrived.
holder. An checkbook. An pooch pals? An what sorta
“Good afternoon, Mr. Sangbush. It’s a
pleasure.” the handle of her purse. I’ve stuff do you like to eat?”
“Likewise. You may call me 7. On behalf mostly got it conquered now, “My BFFs are Jackson, a
of myself an my Momma, Cheryl, welcome
to our home.” though. Mostly. I have this big Lab; Tweetie, a terrier; an
After the Wag-and-Sniff, 7 led the way in- ol’ rope with a knot that also Tonic, a Wy-mer-awner. We’re
side. (Since his tail was sorta like a curled-
up donut on his caboose, his wag was more helps. I don’t know if you no- Walk Pals.
like a vibration. Totally Cool Kibbles.)
ticed.” “I have a strict diet cuz us
He left briefly and returned dragging this
HUGE length of rope (like, big enough to “Um, yes, I did,” I told him. English Bulldogs have Sen-
moor a ship) with a BIG knot at one end.
He plopped it down nearby an stretched Sorta like the elephant in the suh-TI-vuddies. No grain.
out on the floor, his short back legs out be-
hind. room, I was thinkin.’ Only raw food. Momma
“I read your work, so I know you wanna He continued. “Momma’s keeps it frozen, an thaws it
hear how I met my Momma and what my
life’s like, right?” real active like me, an we have PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN 7 Sangbush just before dinnertime, cuz
the best time together. I get it hasta be served cold. I get
“Exactly. I’m ready when you are.” I lotsa walks, an we go paddle a liddle banana sometimes.
opened my notebook, thinking, “This
pooch is On the Ball.” And also, “Woof, that boarding all the time. (I have Plus, coconuts! I can totally
is one seriously large piece of rope!”
my own lifejacket.) I have Ex- shred a coconut so Mom-
“I’m ackshully my Momma’s fifth En-
glish Bulldog. When it was Time, she was cellent Balance, an I run back an forth on put up hundruds of posters with my PICK- ma can drink the milk an I get the yum-
lookin’ around an found a pickshur of me
on the Boca Bulldog Rescue website. I was that paddle board, between Momma’s legs. shur, an went online, told all her frens an my part.”
a puppy, then, with a pink collar that said
‘Real Men Wear Pink.’ I was a cute, tough I keep tryin’ to bite the waves, but they’re offered a reWARD. (That’s one of those hu- “Woof! That’s aMAZing!”
liddle muffin back then, I must say. My first
owner was a Japanese exchange student usually too quick. man things. It’s called in-SEN-tive.) Three “Baths are The Best. Momma hollers
who couldn’t keep me; her school sched-
ule took up so much time, an us bulldogs “I love the beach, too. We go there a lot, days later, a neighbor of the dognapper ‘Bathtime!’ an I jump right in the tub. I love
need Lotsa Exercise an Attention.
cuz it’s real nearby. Soon as we make that recognized my pickshur an called Momma my bath massage an getting towel-dried.
“Me an Momma hit it off right away. I
did have a few puppy Habits that we hadda right turn, I know we’re headin’ for the an she came an rescued me. Woof, was I An dog! do I smell good.”
beach an I get all excited. I run an run an happy to see her. I started followin’ her ev- “I’ve been meaning to ask, how’d you get
nip at the liddle waves, like on my paddle erywhere. I didn’t want her to ever go any- your intresting name?” I inquired.
board. One time, when I was down the where without me. I still don’t.” “Ackshully, Bonzo, I already had it when
beach chasin’ waves, I got dognapped.” “I’d feel the same way.” Momma got me. It’s a MISS-tree.”
“Wait! Wha-at?” I innerrupted. “Do- “When I was a puppy, I slept with Mom- As we were leaving, 7 was already rollin’
gnapped?” ma. But then, I started snoring. Real Loud. around on the floor with his Gigantic Rope,
“Yep. I was a puppy still, back in 2013. We were inna liddle apartment, so Mom- makin’ growly noises. That was one happy
Momma hadda work, so her fren was dog- ma hadda wear earmuffs. Now, I still snore, pooch.
sittin’ me. He musta got distracted, an I but I have my own room. I would nev- Heading home, I was pickshurin’ 7 hap-
was priddy far up the beach. Alluva sud- er snore on purpose, but it’s cool to have pily shredding the fluff out of a coconut
den, this human guy scooped me up an then delicately munching the yummy
took me home with him. His family was DON’T BE SHY part. An thinkin’ how scary it musta been
nice an all. There were two liddle humans, to get dognapped. I was eager to get home
an they bought me a new collar. But I We are always looking for pets to my Gramma an Grampa.
knew something was wrong. Where was with interesting stories. Till next time,
my Momma? I hadda collar anna chip, so I
hoped she’d find me.” To set up an interview, email The Bonz
[email protected].
“Oh, for Lassie’s Sake,” I exclaimed.
“Momma was VERY di-STRESSED! She
Cypress Lake pool home
boasts fine architectural details
5486 5th Lane in the Cypress Lake subdivision: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,814-square-foot pool home
offered for $299,499 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services agent Mark Seeberg: 772-696-0651
Paul R. Berg VMer3oA3B3I3eNa2c0hOt,hFFSLFtrI3eC2e9tE60 Louis ‘Buck’Vocelle
VOCELLEBERG.COM 772-562-8111
16 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Cypress Lake pool home boasts fine architectural details
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer lots in the development. The pie-shaped overhang. A circular window in the gable A curvy little koi pond beside the front
[email protected] lot is nearly half an acre that angles out carves another shape. The garage door is door symbolizes harmony and prosperity.
neighbors’ views and keeps their homes inset, inscribed by more shadows. Fanciful
A well-built home with lots of attractive at a distance. The back lot line stops at lunette windows create contrasting dark Inside, the varied roof line translates
architectural features located at 5486 5th the raised berm, beautifully planted with shapes that march across the top of the ga- into volume and vaulted ceilings through-
Lane in the Cypress Lake subdivision is not palms and other flora. Beyond are expan- rage door. out the house, adding a sense of spacious-
only good looking and efficiently laid out, sive fields, agricultural land no longer be- ness and aesthetic beauty to each room.
it also sits on a large lot that affords privacy. The rhythm of dark and light continues
The open floor plan conjoins the living
Cypress Lake was built in the late 1990s,
when building costs were lower, Berkshire
Hathaway Home Services listing agent Mark
Seeberg said. Houses were built with more
architectural details on bigger lots. Holiday
Homes and Ameritrade builders construct-
ed about 75 homes in the development.
The 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,840-square-
foot home on 5th Lane was built by
Ameritrade in 1999 Seeberg said. It has a
multi-peaked roof, quoins going up the
exterior corners, arched windows with key
stones, columns and other architectural
features not found in newer homes in the
same price point – just under $300,000. ing worked, filling the medium and distant to the recessed entryway, which also has a room and dining room, with the kitchen
“You would find one of these features views with green. gabled roof, held up by columns. The front partially enclosed from those more formal
door has an etched-glass oval insert, which rooms, but opening onto an informal fam-
in a home built today, but not all of them,” The two-car garage is a jutting wing, softens the angles of the pitched roof and ily room.
Seeberg said. “Ameritrade did a really good closest to the street. It has a deeply pitched rectangular sidelight. A deep transom win-
job with the roof line. A new roof was put roof with a boxed gable, creating a shaded dow above the door is a half-moon above The flooring is wood-look laminate in the
on in 2017.” a rectangle. living room, dining room and family room,
with ceramic tile in the kitchen. A large an-
The development has extensive earth gled granite breakfast bar provides a handy
shaping to drain or hold water. It is encir- spot for casual dining. The family room has
cled by a raised berm and there are interior a handsome fireplace with a slate surround
swales to drain rain water. The main layout and wooden mantle. A propane gas tank
has most of the houses circling a round- buried in the yard is hooked to the fireplace
ed-rectangle lake for more drainage, with and pool heater, but Seeberg said it could
a few off-shoot roads ending in cul de sacs. easily be hooked to the gas range as well.
Seeberg’s listing is on one of the prime The split floor plan has two guest bed-
rooms that share a bath on one side of the
Neighborhood: Cypress Lake
Year built: 1999 • Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Lot size: .43 acres • Home size: 1,814 square feet under air
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: Large lot on cul de sac, new roof, new-
ly-screened pool, new pool heater, large covered back porch,
wet bar, volume ceilings, two-car garage, gas fireplace, granite
counters, koi pond, laminate floors
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Mark Seeberg, 772-696-0651
Listing price: $299,499
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 18, 2019 17
house and the master suite on the other side. and leaping dolphins sculpture has loads
The master bedroom has a pocket slid- of personality, reminiscent of early-Hol-
lywood glamour. Frank Sinatra should be
ing glass door onto the pool area. A walk-in piped outside while Ava Gardner mixes
closet is included. The bathroom has two Mai Tais at the wet bar.
vanities, a garden tub and a walk-in shower.
The homeowners association fees are
The biggest bang is the covered porch very low, only $50 a month, and include
and newly screened pool area. The pea- maintenance of the common grounds.
nut-shaped pool with emerald green tile
Laura Petersen, CDPE Serving Indian River County and Brevard County Jan Malcolm, GRI, CRS
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WHY BUILD? Immaculate 4br, 2ba home in VACANT LAND CONCRETE BLOCK. Cute as a button
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Completely Updated Oak Harbor Villa: ALMOST NEW and absolute gorgeous. 4 Over 1 acre level lot, mostly cleared in
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18 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
A strong week on the mainland real estate front saw 28 transactions of single-family residences
and lots from Jan. 7-11 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Sebastian, where the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,205-square-foot
home at 6210 109th Street – first listed in September for $950,000 – sold for $830,000 on Jan. 11.
Representing both the seller and the buyer in the transaction was agent Janyne F. Kenworthy of
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International.
SEBASTIAN 6210 109TH STREET 9/26/2018 $950,000 1/11/2019 $750,000
VERO BEACH 1805 PASEO DEL LAGO LANE 3/12/2018 $839,000 1/7/2019 $540,000
VERO BEACH 6520 CAICOS COURT 8/23/2018 $549,000 1/7/2019 $387,500
SEBASTIAN 6031 RIVER RUN DRIVE UNIT#6031 11/21/2018 $399,000 1/11/2019 $365,000
VERO BEACH 5143 FORMOSA CIRCLE 9/28/2018 $379,000 1/11/2019 $315,000
VERO BEACH 248 11TH SQUARE SW 11/5/2018 $325,000 1/8/2019 $290,000
VERO BEACH 4740 69TH STREET 10/25/2018 $325,000 1/11/2019 $265,000
VERO BEACH 5420 2ND PLACE 11/16/2018 $265,000 1/10/2019 $259,000
VERO BEACH 5550 40TH AVENUE 12/6/2018 $259,0,00 1/8/2019 $254,500
SEBASTIAN 632 BAYFRONT TERRACE 9/4/2018 $299,000 1/9/2019 $245,000
VERO BEACH 1868 OAK GROVE COURT 4/23/2018 $249,900 1/7/2019 $203,000
VERO BEACH 995 E 13TH SQUARE 8/20/2018 $232,000 1/11/2019 $200,000
VERO BEACH 1146 19TH STREET SW 11/9/2018 $215,000 1/8/2019 $192,000
SEBASTIAN 1701 LAGOON LANE 11/4/2018 $220,000 1/10/2019 $170,000
VERO BEACH 326 16TH STREET 10/1/2018 $184,900 1/8/2019 $170,000
VERO BEACH 1458 27TH AVENUE 11/9/2018 $185,000 1/10/2019 $167,500
VERO BEACH 760 MIDDLETON DRIVE UNIT#760 8/8/2018 $175,000 1/10/2019 $149,000
VERO BEACH 114 HIGHLAND DRIVE SW 10/19/2018 $153,000 1/7/2019 $145,000
VERO BEACH 1210 16TH AVENUE SW 11/13/2018 $155,900 1/11/2019 $145,000
VERO BEACH 106 35TH AVENUE 10/12/2018 $169,500 1/11/2019 $140,000
SEBASTIAN 6175 S MIRROR LAKE DR UNIT#302 9/18/2018 $149,900 1/10/2019 $140,000
VERO BEACH 1895 17TH AVENUE SW 2/1/2017 $164,900 1/8/2019 $130,000
VERO BEACH 1815 4TH LANE 10/8/2018 $127,000 1/11/2019 $108,000
VERO BEACH 602 CENTRE COURT SW UNIT#202 11/29/2018 $110,000 1/7/2019 $108,000
VERO BEACH 36 VISTA GARDENS TRAIL UNIT#206 10/9/2018 $119,900 1/10/2019 $70,000
VERO BEACH 36 PINE ARBOR LANE UNIT#205 10/30/2018 $70,000 1/7/2019 $60,000
VERO BEACH 582 7TH PLACE UNIT#0 12/18/2018 $59,900 1/8/2019 $50,000
VERO BEACH 1555 14TH AVENUE UNIT#103 12/4/2018 $50,000 1/10/2019
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 18, 2019 19
1805 Paseo Del Lago Lane, Vero Beach 6520 Caicos Court, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/12/2018 Listing Date: 8/23/2018
Original Price: $839,000 Original Price: $549,000
Sold: 1/7/2019 Sold: 1/7/2019
Selling Price: $750,000 Selling Price: $540,000
Listing Agent: Sally Baskin Listing Agent: Ted Jackson
Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
6031 River Run Drive Unit #6031, Sebastian 5143 Formosa Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 11/21/2018 Listing Date: 9/28/2018
Original Price: $399,000 Original Price: $379,000
Sold: 1/11/2019 Sold: 1/11/2019
Selling Price: $387,500 Selling Price: $365,000
Listing Agent: Marc Gingras Listing Agent: David Riley
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Troy Westover NOT PROVIDED
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. NOT PROVIDED
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Coming Up! ‘Evita’: A riveting, rousing success
for Riverside PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 So much to choose from, so
little time: It must be The Sea-
son …
Although, says the show promo,
mental illness is by no means
“standard Broadway fare,” the
Tony- and Pulitzer-winning con-
temporary musical “Next to Nor-
mal” has received critical acclaim
and commercial success; and it
opens at Riverside Theatre this
coming Tuesday, Jan. 22. Writ-
ten by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey,
“Next to Normal,” explains River-
side’s promo, shows the emotional
toll on a family that must “come to
terms with the past and face the fu-
ture as the mother, Diana, suffers
from depression.” This powerful
musical drama got its start as Yor-
key’s and Kitt’s “10-minute class
project about electroconvulsive
therapy” at the BMI Lehman Engel
Musical Theatre Workshop. In a
D.C. Theatre Scene interview, Kitt
said, “We’ve known and loved peo-
B2 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
‘Evita’: A riveting, rousing success for Riverside
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Natalie Cortez as Eva Peron. era blend. And Riverside’s music director, Ann
[email protected] Shuttlesworth, meets every big sound with a
PHOTOS: HOLLY PORCH muscle and fury that belies the fact there are
With its triumphant production of “Evita,” but 11 pieces in the pit orchestra.
Riverside Theatre once again demonstrates
it has the capacity to go toe-to-toe with the The show’s beginning lures the audience
big boys of Broadway. to step back in time. With the audience lights
still on, a man enters, sits at the lone table and
Indeed, with Tony Award-nominee direc- turns on the radio. Dancers individually am-
tor/choreographer Marcia Milgrom Dodge ble onto stage and start stretching and warm-
at the helm, this show brims with exhilarat- ing up, as if townspeople getting ready for an
ing, inventive and downright satisfying mu- evening in a tango hall. An announcement
sical moments. comes on the radio, lights are dimmed and
the story begins.
Moreover, with her exceptional cast,
Dodge finds the sensual, provocative and so- Eva Peron has died and the townspeople
bering center to this 40-year-old musical and weep and mourn through dance. They con-
delivers something fresh: a human look at verge and then part, revealing as if by once-
the notorious Eva Peron and the oppressive upon-a-time magic Evita, in that exquisite
world she navigated. white, Christian Dior gown, revered as a god-
dess by the working class. She holds perfectly
Dodge shows how Eva, maligned by so- still, as if lying in state.
ciety, uses her only commodity to sleep her
way from the lower class to the top of power Lights shift, scenic units fly up and we go
and marriage to Argentine military strong back in time to when Eva was an impover-
man Juan Peron. Beloved by the working ished little girl. She attempts to give an im-
class, who lovingly call her “Evita,” she helps portant man a bouquet and he spurns her,
form the dictator’s base of support and his perhaps sowing the seeds of her unquench-
rise to political power. able thirst for acceptance and love. That little
girl appears a few times throughout River-
The winner of seven Tony Awards, “Evita” side’s production, reminding us of the early
is an epic story told with grand, theatrical emotional trauma.
gesture. Created by the legendary team of An-
drew LloydWebber and Tim Rice, its score and With a thorough sweep of emotion and
lyrics make for a powerful musical/rock-op-
The cast in “Santa Evita.”
Angel Lozada as Che and Natalie Cortez.
Natalie Cortez as Eva Peron.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 18, 2019 B3
Eva Duarte arrives in Buenos Aires.
impressive voice, Natalie Cortez forges a Eva Peron and Juan Peron
sensuous and commanding portrayal of Eva. (Enrique Acevedo).
She electrifies the stage – both with such
beautiful, melodic songs as the magnificent of the opening, here the public, led in song
“Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina,” which has that by Lozada’s Che, exult over what they reap by
delicious slow tango refrain; and with “A New Peron’s heedless economic policy. They leap
Argentina,” one of the bolder pieces rife with repeatedly into the air and slap the floor with
Rice’s tricky, heady lyrics and Webber’s forays their feet and rejoice with abandon.
into jarring musical passages designed to rip
through polite society’s status quo. Scenic designer Michael Schweikardt’s
beautifully crafted unit set easily becomes
Just as the show explores the jolt of social multiple locations and elegantly supports
change, so too will traditionalists notice some- the action and the ensemble. Lighting de-
thing fresh in a few directorial concepts here. signer Yael Lubetzky carves mood and time
into the scenes. Both theater artists work in
Traditionally, the role of “Che” is presented harmony to hold the audience in the overall
as that of Che Guevara, the Cuban communist visual aesthetic throughout.
fighter who befriended Juan Peron. However
here, Dodge turns Che into a youthful report- Costume designer Richard St. Clair goes the
er, always with a pencil and notebook, record- complete distance and then some in a smart,
ing the truth for “La Prensa,” a highly popular artistic and beautiful array of costumes. His
newspaper eventually seized and silenced by artistic touches are exquisite, from the earthy
the Peronistas. In the Che role, Angel Lozada colors of working-class poor to the upper
brings lyrical voice and precision through- classes’ palette evocative of cream that rises to
out, especially in “High Flying Adored” and in the top. Especially nice is Eva’s blue and white
“Another Suitcase in Another Hall,” which he dress with yellow-accented sunburst and pet-
sings with sweet-voiced Iliana Garcia. ticoat – evocative of the Argentine flag.
Another change comes in “The Art of the Another sweet touch is the addition of a
Possible,” which introduces Juan Peron. lone accordion player, Erica Mancini, who
Traditionally, this is done as a game of mu- turns up occasionally.
sical chairs. Here, though, Dodge dresses the
generals in muscle shirts and large drums, This is sensational theater. Forty years
which they roughly play. This raw, tribal con- ago, Webber and Rice crafted a wonderful,
cept rips off social niceties of the game and big show. Riverside Theatre and its theater
reveals the frightening power wielded by artists have stepped up big time, creating a
would-be dictators. visually beautiful show designed to excite
and satisfy immensely and reminding us
And as Juan Peron, Enrique Acevedo has how great “Evita” is. Simply do not miss this.
strength and delivers vocally. While we don’t
see much heat between him and Eva, we do “Evita” runs through Jan. 27 at Riverside
see how well matched they are in their quest Theatre, 3250 Riverside Drive,Vero Beach. Cur-
for power; especially in the number “I’d Be tain is 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Surprisingly Good for You.” Thursdays; 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; and
2 p.m. Wednesdays, select Thursdays, Satur-
One of the standout numbers in the show days and Sundays. Tickets begin at $35. Call
is “Peron’s Latest Flame,” in which two so- 772-231-6990 or visit RiversideTheatre.com.
cial groups – the haughty aristocracy and the
rough-hewn military – display their disdain
for Evita in a kind of pas de deux between the
classes. Here, Dodge accentuates almost every
musical nuance with sly, understated adjust-
ments of canes, umbrellas and even physical
stances. It is enticingly precise choreography
and thrilling in both its humor and threat.
Dodge, who was nominated for a Tony
Award for the Broadway revival of “Ragtime,”
squeezes out every ounce of energy from
her capable ensemble in “And the Money
Kept Rolling In.” Unlike the somber moves
B4 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Coming attraction: Filmmaker’s ‘Vero Theatre’ homage
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Dale Metz.
[email protected]
The Plaza Theatre marquis not only lights
up 14th Avenue in Historic Downtown Vero
Beach, it is also a beacon into the past. It
has been 60 years since credits rolled inside
the historic theater, once the centerpiece of
a bustling downtown. Now filmmaker Dale
Metz is bringing the iconic theater back to
life with a chronicled history.
The theater originally opened to much
fanfare on Oct. 24, 1924 with a showing of
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” which
became the impetus for the formation of an
independent Indian River County.
“In 1925 we were part of St. Lucie Coun-
ty,” explains Bob Brackett, who in 1989 pur-
chased the theater where he had ushered
as a teenager. “Somebody decided to show
movies on Sunday afternoon. The sheriff
came and padlocked the door. That caused
an outrage. It was a spark that ignited two
new counties.”
The theater, which went by various
names over the years, closed its doors in
June 1985 with a showing of “Desperately
Seeking Susan.”
“The theater is part of the history of Indian
River County. The fact that Dale has decided
to do a documentary has been nice, especial-
Furniture • Home Décor • Art • Glass • Jewelry • Gifts & MUCH MORE! ly since this next year is our centennial year After graduating from Florida State Uni-
and that’s very much a part of the history,” versity, Metz joined the fire department in
Don’t pay new prices when you can have says Brackett. “It’s important that we pre- Casselberry, a small town in Central Florida,
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 18, 2019 B5
a collaborative approach to work. I missed nected with me emotionally was just being there was nothing else to do. As my mom put Wine and Film Festival founder. “The the-
that as a photographer. Film work involves a in that empty theater. I saw some of my most it, you either went to the beach or you went ater may be closed, and here it is still making
lot of pre-production, planning, casting and favorite movies as a kid. I’ll be excited for Vero to the theater.” movie history.”
scriptwriting. So, there’s a lot of collabora- to see it. I hope that it elicits some good mem-
tion. There’s a big team effort that goes into ories,” says Metz, adding that the theater was “It’s incredible that we have a local film- She says the world premiere of “Vero
making a film.” a cornerstone of the town’s activities. maker. We have a Florida filmmaker who Theatre” will be screened free to the public
has these strong connections to Vero and is at the June 2019 festival as part of the city’s
Metz is now firmly entrenched in his sec- “When I grew up and when my parents moved to make a film about one of our icon- Centennial Celebration. At the 2018 festival,
ond career as an independent filmmaker of grew up and when their parents were in Vero, ic places,” says Jerusha Stewart, Vero Beach Metz screened “A Face in the Crowd,” which
predominately short films, and has begun to explores the heroin abuse pandemic.
garner recognition at festivals all around the
world. His film “An Orphan in Time” won first “He’s [Metz] got quite a breadth as a film-
place in the Best Film category in Tampa, maker. The film he entered in 2018 was a dra-
and another has been screened at an inter- matic work, and now he’s on the other side
national film festival in Paris. with a large documentary. We were quite
impressed with that and the number of films
Metz has shot roughly 30 films since his he’s made,” says Stewart.
first, “Shadow Speak,” in 2010.
This labor of love has taken on a life of its
“It was definitely a first effort. I like to own, but Metz says he loves the challenge.
think I’ve grown a lot since then,” says Metz.
“To grow as a filmmaker, you need to dabble “I love trying to do new things. That’s what
in different genres. You learn a little bit from I enjoyed about photography initially, the
each of those experiences.” marriage of technology and art. And film just
amplifies that,” he explains.
“Vero Theatre” is Metz’s first foray into the
documentary genre. “What has surprised me the most about
filmmaking is how hard it is to get right. Any-
“With documentaries, there’s so much body can grab a camera and shoot and call
material and so many different ways you can it a film. I always am impacted by films that
take the work that it’s hard to settle into ex- make you feel something. Obviously, the goal
actly what are going to be the heavy hitting is to entertain or convey a message. Beyond
points you need to make. You can get really all of that, if I can create a film that makes
mired down in a project.” you feel some way, then I feel like I’ve done
a good job.”
In addition to interviewing his parents,
Jack and Linda Metz, Brackett and other lo- For more information about Metz, visit
cal historians, Metz also gathered fond rec- dalemetz.com. For information about the
ollections from Alma Lee Loy, Judy and Pat Vero Beach Wine and Film Festival, visit vb-
Luther, and Jack Chestnut Jr. wff.com.
“As I was getting this footage, what con-
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B6 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 2 Arlo Guthrie at King Center Jan. 18. may submit one (and only one) piece of
their work. Expect to be impressed, and if
ple who have struggled with depression, inner globetrotter when the wonderful certo No. 1”; and get your gypsy on with a special piece speaks to you, you’ll be able
and the show is formed by many of these Brevard Symphony Orchestra kicks off Brahms’ “Hungarian Dance No. 1.” The to bring it home, because they’ll all be for
experiences.” Having seen the show, I can the Indian River Symphonic Association’s featured soloist is “international piano sale. It’s a major event in the Vero Beach
tell you it is compelling; the songs are Festival of Orchestras season this Friday, sensation Ani Gogova.” Time: 7:30 p.m. Art Club’s season, and a percentage of the
powerful, emotional and strongly reflec- Jan. 18, at the Community Church. Un- Tickets: $60. 772-778-1070. proceeds goes to support art students and
tive of the characters’ struggles, recon- der the baton of Christopher Confessore, classes in schools throughout the county.
ciliation and, ultimately, hope. “Next to you’ll waltz away with Strauss on “The 4 Another example of the area’s cul- Public exhibit and sale time: Friday, 5 p.m.
Normal” runs through Feb. 10. Curtain: Beautiful Blue Danube,” move to the ex- tural richness, “Art by the Sea,” takes to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sun-
Times vary. Tickets: $75. 772-231-6990. otic rhythms of Spain via Rimsky-Korsa- place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. day, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission: Free. 772-
kov’s “Capriccio Espagnol”; enjoy (even 18-20, at the Vero Beach Museum of Art. 231-0303.
2 Where can you get “anything you possibly play air piano in your lap) to It’s a judged show in which members of
want”? This month, chances are it’ll Tchaikovsky’s ever-popular “Piano Con- the Vero Beach Art Club and the Museum 5 Happily, it’s not a national park. It’s
be at Melbourne’s King Center this Friday, Sebastian Inlet State Park, and the
Jan. 18, when Treasure Coast treasure and Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park’s won-
Sebastian’s own folk music supernova, Arlo derful monthly Night Sounds Concert Se-
Guthrie, returns to perform his universally ries is on schedule this Saturday, Jan. 19,
loved signature song and more on his “Al- featuring the ever-entertaining music of the
ice’s Restaurant – Back by Popular Demand six-piece Ring of Fire band. With a dash of
Tour.” By design, the tour coincides with the Nashville flare, they cover Cash, Willie, Way-
golden anniversary of the 1969 film “Alice’s lon, Haggard, Hank, George Strait, Chuck
Restaurant,” starring Arlo as – Arlo. Guth- Berry, even Jimmy Buffett, with a nice blend
rie’s dad, of course, was Woody (Woodrow of country, bluegrass and “a smidgen” of
Wilson) Guthrie, a singer/songwriter who rock ’n’ roll, so there’s sure to be something
became, says Wikipedia, “one of the most that floats your boat. Night Sounds happens
significant figures in American folk music.” at the Coconut Point pavilions, south side of
Woody’s music, such as “This Land is Your the bridge. Bring fold-up chair or blanket,
Land,” “has inspired several generations grab foodstuffs at the nearby Surfside Grill,
both politically and musically.” Appearing and soak in the beauty of day fading into
with Arlo will be his son, Abe, and members night, in one of the most beautiful music
of his former band, Shenandoah. Curtain: 8 venues you’ll find. Concert time: 6 p.m. to
p.m. Tickets: start at $59. 321-242-2219. 9 p.m. Admission: free with park entry. Ad-
mission Fee: $8/per vehicle, multiple occu-
3 A whirlwind musical tour of Europe pants; $4/single. 772-388-2750.
will raise your spirits and spark your
B8 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
ELC puts its best fauna forward for fun fundraiser
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer the Jeff LaForte Jazz Trio, who played from
[email protected] the walkway.
It wasn’t mosquitoes buzzing about the The decision to host the event onsite was
Environmental Learning Center last Sat- made so that donors could get an up-close-
urday evening, but rather the guests at and-personal look at all the nonprofit has
this year’s annual fundraiser, Mangroves to offer, while experiencing nature’s heal-
and Moonlight, who were treated to an af- ing power firsthand.
ter-hours tour of the campus and its facil-
ities. “A formal party really isn’t what the ELC
is all about,” said Don Barr, ELC board
The décor included a spectacular sunset president. “We are into having fun, being
followed by one-of-a-kind flora and fauna in nature and being healthy. Having every-
illuminated by the moon and the stars, body out here, in nature, outside is just so
while crickets provided backup music for consistent with our mission.”
Janet Leger, Cindy O’Dare and Lily O’Dare. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF
As dusk settled over the 64-acre nature couple of years as we are reinventing the
center, guests meandered along the lu- campus,” said Steinwald. “Looking at the
men-lit walkways enhanced by twinkling community needs and what the ELC can
lights. Along the way they were treated to do in order to take the assets that we have
savory snacks and specialty shots – ‘Green- both programmatically and space-wise to
house Effects’ in the Shade House and ‘Tip- meet the needs of our current community,
sy Canoes’ at the Waterside Pavilion. and then what’s projected to be in the fu-
In the Wetland Room, Wild Thyme Ca-
tering provided a charcuterie spread and “We have an art museum, we have a hos-
passed hors d’oeuvres to nibble on while pital and we have a theater. This is next in
mulling over the proposed ELC master terms of a game-changer for the communi-
plan, designed to further its mission to ed- ty,” added Barr.
ucate, inspire and empower all people to
be active stewards of the environment and The ELC is working toward reinventing
their own well-being. itself as a cutting-edge nature center with
access for all, regardless of anyone’s eco-
Later, guests adjourned to a tent near the nomic or physical abilities.
pond for aperitifs, bite-sized sweets, a live
auction and Call from the Heart, and the “People aren’t actually becoming the
presentation of the Environmental Vision- stewards that people were talking about
ary Award. on Earth Day 50-ish years ago. There is
a disconnect from nature,” explained
This year, two awards were given: the Steinwald. “We have to acknowledge the
first to Disney Vero Beach for its green fact that a majority of our community is
business practices; a second was presented struggling in a lot of different ways; among
to Don and Carol Buhl for their work at the them, poverty, isolation, depression and
ELC as it is now and with the master plan. loneliness. Humans are a part of nature
and we are healthier if we are actually liv-
“They have truly seen the vision and ing in regular contact with it.”
have invested incredibly in the organiza-
tion,” said Molly Steinwald, ELC executive The ELC will host a Citizen Science Day
director, of the couple. April 13. For more information, visit discov-
“We have had an exciting ride the last
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE January 18, 2019 B9
Don Barr, Barbie Martz, Lindsay Johnson and Molly Steinwald. Samantha Hill with Bonnie and Dan Sandman.
Walter Steinwald with children Auguste and Eva Marie. Jessica Greisen and David Kratzer. Eric and Adela Jaramillo with Enrique Jaramillo.
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B10 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Every dog has a great day at ‘Bark in the Park’ event
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Sue Kelly, Wendy Trimarche and Ilka Daniel (front); Anselmo Aponte and Tim Swift (back). PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Jan. 2, but she said they had something
[email protected] similar to benefit the Lawrence Hu-
agility course. play groups, promote behavior modifi- mane Society in Kansas, where she was
Bark was the operative word last Sat- New this year, Marcel Goncalves, cations and improve dogs’ social skills previously executive director.
urday as thousands descended on Riv- as a way to increase adoptions.
erside Park to enjoy a day socializing pet behavior and enrichment manager, “It’s a similar demographic of where
their pups at the annual Bark in the demonstrated the HSVBIRC Play Dogs This was the first Bark in the Park for they’re coming from; stray intake vs.
Park, presented by the Humane Society Play program, which is meant to iden- Kate Meghji, who assumed the position owner surrender,” said Meghji. “So I’m
of Vero Beach and Indian River County. tify dog personalities and behaviors in of HSVBIRC executive director effective hopeful that we can take some of the
things that we did at my last shelter and
Tails were wagging, furry bodies implement them here. There’s all kinds
were in constant motion and noses of fun things we’re going to do here and
were on sniffer overload as four-legged I think it’s going to be really beneficial
companions, trying their very best to for the animals and the community.”
behave, dragged their humans from
one tempting activity to another. There A self-proclaimed ‘data nerd,’ Megh-
were mouthwatering treats to enjoy ji said in addition to meeting with
from the many pet-centric vendors on staff and getting a feel for general op-
hand and an abundance of humans and erations, she has been looking at such
other canines they all had to personally statistics as intake numbers, where the
greet. animals are coming from and why, and
ways to reduce intake over time and in-
Some of the braver sorts flew through crease adoptions.
the air with the greatest of ease – land-
ing with a splash into the Ultimate Air Board member Wendy Trimarche
Dog Jumping pool. Still others strained chaired the event this year, and Tim
at the leash, wanting to snatch just one Swift even returned from his home in
of those Frisbees away from the famed Colorado to help out.
Disc-Connected Canines. They sat and
looked on in awe as members of the “Wendy and the volunteers and staff
Indian River County Sheriff’s K-9s dis- and Tim have been working really hard
played their courage, and showed off a on this event,” said Meghji. “It’s really
bit themselves on the lure course and impressive how well-oiled this thing is.”
For more information visit hsvb.org.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE January 18, 2019 B11
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B12 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Ristorante di Mare: French, Italian and a side of Polish
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist
[email protected]
What do you call an elegant restaurant
that specializes in cuisine from the French
and Italian Rivieras? A Mediterranean ris-
torante, of course.
And a Mediterranean ristorante that on
some evenings also serves authentic Pol-
ish specialties? Why, you call it Ristorante
Di Mare.
For the past several years, Chef Jean Zana
has been supplementing his excellent French
and Italian creations with homemade Polish
dishes produced by his wife Edyta’s mother.
(Edyta runs the front of the house).
These are the kind of
Polish dishes that
Duck à l’Orange.
Pompano. Lamb au Porto. beurre blanc, and served with angel hair bread puddings I have had in quite some
pasta and sautéed vegetables. time, very light and tasty.
those with ancestors Perogies.
from the old country yearn for. So when By this time, we were too full for dessert, French or Italian, there are a lot of good
we visited last week, we were excited to see sliced breast of duck, topped with a Grand but decided to share an order of raspber- things going on at di Mare, which seems a bit
both homemade “pierogies” ($14) and “ma- Marnier blood orange sauce, and served on ry and blueberry bread pudding anyway. classier with each passing year. If you hav-
ma’s cabbage roll” ($13) on the evening’s list a bed of potato gratin with asparagus. We were glad we did. It was one of the best en’t been there recently, you owe it to your-
of special appetizers. self to give it a try. And if you don’t want to be
But while the French dishes got high hooked, stay away from the pierogies.
The pierogies – Polish dumplings stuffed parks, there were raves for the baked pom-
with mashed potatoes and farmer cheese – pano, which was topped with a lobster I welcome your comments, and encourage
are served here with something resembling you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
a carbonara sauce that may be even better ach32963.com.
than the traditional sour cream. Delicious.
The reviewer is a beachside resident who
And the cabbage roll, in Poland called dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
golumpki or golabki, was the real deal – pense of Vero Beach 32963.
stuffed cabbage leaves, filled with ground
pork and seasoned rice, topped with a Hours:
creamy vodka sauce. Heavenly. Open 7 Days at 5 p.m.
Beverages: Full Bar
But then we turned to the main menus,
and the dishes that Chef Jean does so well. Address:
1517 South Ocean Drive
For entrées, from the French menu I
chose the veal forestiere ($35) and my hus- Phone:
band opted for the Canard a l’orange ($37). 772-234-2809
The Italian dish our party decided to sam-
ple was one of the evening’s special entrées,
the fresh pompano ($42).
My veal was sauteed in a brandy cream
sauce with wonderful exotic mushrooms,
and was served with jasmine wild rice and a
vegetable medley. My husband enjoyed his
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | WINE January 18, 2019 B13
Here are some ways that wine will change this year
By Elin McCoy a handful of winemakers (my lips are sealed) the first to completely cater to your wine chase it, and arrange to have it delivered to
Bloomberg surreptitiously infused pot cuvées for them- passion, but other private airlines will your home, all in under a minute.
selves and their friends. surely follow.
The wine world can change faster than Self-serve booze vending machines will
you’d think. Upended by turbulent politics, With the legalization of pot in California, Sake is taking the stage surely be part of your future, especially
2018 was beset with trade wars, ongoing Brex- Canada, and elsewhere last year, wine and When the chef de cave of Dom Pérignon for wines in cans and, as at the Mama Lion
it instability, and more climate-change-driv- weed mixes are coming. Canadian invest- says his next project is making sake in Japan, supper club in Los Angeles, for 187-milliliter
en chaotic weather events. All this made ment bank Canaccord Genuity LLC suggest- you know big change is coming. splits of Champagne.
some wine regions winners, others losers, ed to Business Insider that marijuana-in- Richard Geoffroy, who spent
while investors scored big time: Fine vino fused beverages could become a $600 million 28 years as the winemaker of
outperformed stocks and bonds. market in the U.S. in the next four years. DP, retired at the end of 2018
and is working on a joint
This year promises similar contrasts, sur- Among the first is Sonoma’s Rebel Coast venture with sake brewery
prises, and the continuation of some of last Cannabis Infused Sauvignon Blanc ($60), Masuizumi that will launch
year’s trends. If you think everything pink with about 20 milligrams of THC in each bot- in September.
to drink has already happened, for example, tle. Legally you can’t mix alcohol and THC, so Sophisticated, premi-
you would be wrong. Rosé sour beer is about the alcohol has been removed. um examples of sake
to be a thing, while rosé love is even hitting are just beginning
sports figures such as basketball All-Star Climate change will push vineyards to ex- to be the darlings
guard Dwyane Wade. His wine project with treme frontiers of sommeliers
Napa winemaker Jayson Pahlmeyer released in non-Japanese
its first rosé at a very pricey $75. Cool regions aren’t necessarily cool any- restaurants, where
more. Some wineries, like that of the famous they turn up on
Expect the link between technology and Catena family in Argentina, see one solution tasting menus
wine to expand, with new fine wine trading in planting vineyards at much higher alti- and wine lists as
apps, AI, robots in vineyards, and more. Dit- tudes. Others are heading farther north to alternatives to
to more good bubbly, from just about every more marginal climes. You’ll see more wines wine. And as if to
wine region in the world. Here’s what else I from both locations in 2019. underscore the
see in my crystal glass for 2019: drink’s coming
Wines from Idaho (and even Minnesota) importance, glass-
What’s old is new are promising, and famous Rhone Valley maker Riedel intro-
The rediscovery of old, abandoned vine- winemaker Louis Barruol is creating deli- duced a new Junmai
yards and embrace of forgotten varieties cious pinot noir in New York’s Finger Lakes glass last spring, de-
will continue to feed our voracious thirst for district. One new, much buzzed-about win- signed for this cate-
tastes beyond the classics – and may reveal ery, Pinard & Filles, is hunkered in icy Que- gory of very complex
useful ways to adapt to climate change. bec, and a few of the winery’s cuvées, cham- sakes.
Chile, for example, is working to rescue an- pioned by natural wine aficionados, are now
cient vineyards planted by Spanish explorers available in the U.S. Bottle buying goes luxury,
centuries ago, as well as resurrect old wine- high-tech, instant
making techniques. Unfamiliar native and Drinking wine on airlines will reach new
hybrid grapes, such as pais, Marquette, petite heights Buying wine could involve much more
arvine, and zibibbo are in your future. than grabbing a bottle at your local shop.
You’re trapped in place for hours on end as The latest from Vivino is a way to scan a
Cannabis infusions are on their way you hurtle at 35,000 feet toward your desti- bottle you’re enjoying in a restaurant, pur-
The first time I tasted marijuana-laced nation, and really, watching movies can hold
wine was a decade ago in Mendocino, where your attention for only so long. Why not enjoy
a wine experience?
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B14 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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call 772.410.0100 for more information
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 18, 2019 B15
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B16 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES January 18, 2019 B17
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ63
Joey Adams, a comedian and columnist who died in 1999, said “A psychiatrist is a fellow 98532
who asks you a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.”
At the bridge table, it is sometimes a question of making it too expensive for an opponent K5 EAST
to win a trick — as in this deal. How can South make four spades after West leads the 872
diamond king to declarer’s ace? K Q J 10 2
A 10 7 6
South’s four-spade overcall was sensible. He needed little from partner to be making game, K J 10 9 5
he knew a slam was unlikely and he wanted to make it expensive for the opponents to bid
higher. 764
South started with nine top tricks: seven spades, one heart and one diamond. He could K983
get an extra winner if (a) he could play the trump suit without loss; or (b) the heart finesse
worked; or (c) he could gain a club trick; or (d) he could ruff a club on the board. SOUTH
However, the bidding suggested that both major-suit finesses were losing. Also, West was A Q J 10 9 8 6 3
most unlikely to have the club ace and king, because he surely would have led that ace at
trick one. 4
Then South saw the solution. He played a heart to dummy’s ace and led the club four. What A
could East have done?
If he rose with his king, declarer would have gained a club trick from the jack opposite the
queen-five. So East played low. But when West took South’s queen with his ace, he couldn’t Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
win, either. He did his best by returning a club. East won with his king and shifted to his
trump, but declarer took the trick with his ace and ruffed his last club on the board. The Bidding:
4 Spades 1 Diamonds Pass 1 Hearts
Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
K Diamonds
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B18 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Wait in line (5) 1 Like Her Majesty? (7)
4 Stiff paper (4) 2 Inns here (anag.) (8)
7 Poultry (4) 3 Avoid; slip one’s mind (5)
8 Fearless (8) 4 Caution; keeping (4)
9 Lively (9) 5 Elevate (5)
10 Wager (3) 6 Not as hard (6)
12 Young swan (6) 11 Board game (8)
14 Scam (6) 13 Bicycle for two (6)
16 Lion, e.g. (3) 15 Precious stone (7)
18 Not embarrassed (9) 17 Die down (5)
21 Type of pepper (8) 19 Small carnivore (5)
22 Male pig (4) 20 Enticement (4)
23 Amount owed (4)
24 Part of a tyre (5)
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3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES January 18, 2019 B19
ACROSS 98 Concerning 50 Manipulate cards a certain The Washington Post
1 Sound of Batman hitting 101 Slight fight way
102 “Duke” CLASSIFIED 4-F By Merl Reagle
Willy Loman’s son? 103 Latté, sometimes 51 Turn on a pivot
5 Trousers minimum 107 Emulated a famous home 52 Golfcart sound
9 Surveyor’s nail 53 Gem Stater
13 Metaphor, e.g. wrecker? 55 Handout
18 Herd escapee 109 Of certain neural tissue 56 Dandy
19 Aunt with a 110 To possess, 57 Vex
59 Pack ___
Cope Book in Provençe
20 Circle overhead? 111 Playwright-producer (go home)
21 Of the kidneys 60 Not used or eaten
22 Norse kings Schary 61 Before, once upon a time
23 They tell drivers 112 Act the nomad 65 As ___ say
113 Actress Witherspoon 68 Hoover Dam forms it
where to go 114 Paddy’s butcher 70 Old French coins
26 Had a delayed reaction 115 “Make a new 71 Michael Learned
28 Paris airport
29 “Answer yes ___” plan, ___” or Stevie Nicks
30 Orioles’ home (Paul Simon lyric) 72 Hector
31 “Babycakes” 116 Father of Nobelist Elihu Root 73 Fine wood
33 Landing site for Santa 117 In ___ 77 Cornfield cry
34 People with slurred speech? (existing, in Latin) 78 On the stinky side
36 What pheromones do 79 Missed terribly
38 Condescending one DOWN 81 Common contraction
40 “Evil Woman” band: 1 Spanish dances 82 Little goat-getter
2 4 quarts 84 Merlin’s métier
abbr. 3 Historic latitude 86 Determine the presence of
41 ___ by the rules 4 It follows Oktober 88 Consolidates
44 Krypton or xenon 5 The Great, of Russia 89 Leaf curl or ergot, e.g.
45 Peptic problem 6 Composition interpreter 91 Deem appropriate
48 Thanksgiving Day 7 Sinatra’s “___ 92 Caterer’s concern
93 Infuriate
streetwalker? To Want You” 94 “King” Brynner’s catchall
50 Nobelist Cassin 8 Finn’s floater
51 Released on bail: slang 9 English county abbr.
53 Medicine-chest tincture 10 Treasure-map measures 96 Inscribed monument
54 Heart of REO 11 Somewhere up there 98 On the other hand
56 Does a laundry job 12 Tip, as one’s derby 99 Actress Volz of Diff’rent
58 Pollute 13 Warp-knit fabrics
62 ___ the question 14 Parish leader Strokes (or actress Eve
63 Anti-drug org. 15 Simple, as a rocket standing on her head?)
64 “___ lied!” 16 One short of a bogey 100 Approach the picking point
66 Pursuing 17 Rels. of subways 104 They’re craze-y
67 “Stormy” bird 18 “What can 105 Picked hairdo
69 Bread 106 Grouch-and-a-half
74 Sung syllable I ___ you?” 107 Christmas entree
75 Hard ___ 24 Marshy homes 108 Grape, to Bacchus
25 Shackled
(tough and stringy) 27 Nail or nob preceder Sturgis
76 Great ability 32 Use a periscope Lumber
77 Ad text 35 “___ the morning!”
80 Active Mauna Loa crater 36 Lemon attachment Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
82 Smites, Stooge-style 37 Prufrock creator’s
85 Jeanne d’Arc, e.g.: abbr. 39 “Dictionary game” player
90 Charming
92 Start of a Judy Garland (or certain foreign money 63 years Family Owned & Operated
going up?) 4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 • SturgisLumber.com
musical 42 Cutter with pulleys
95 Les Etats-___ 43 The ___ March
97 Farm equipment pioneer 46 Your body’s neural network:
47 Folksy exclamation
49 Brouhaha
The Telegraph
B20 January 18, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING of Empire: An Amazonian Water Lily,’ 12 Noon Widder, founder of Ocean Research and Conser- 18 Indian River Symphonic Association
at McKee Botanical Garden. $50, includes auto- vation Assn. speaking about the effects of algae presents the Brevard Symphony Or-
Riverside Theatre - Tony-award winning musical graphed book. 772-794-0601 blooms on our health, economy and the envi- chestra with A Musical Travelogue – from the
Evita on the Stark Stage thru Jan. 27. 772-231-6990 ronment. 772-567-9000 Blue Danube to Spain, 7:30 p.m. at Community
17 Live from Vero Beach presents Early Church of VB. $60. 772-778-1070
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - Miracle on South Elton: Elton John Hits from 1970-72, 17-20 Fellsmere Frog Leg Festi-
Division Street thru Jan. 17. 772-562-8300 a tribute to Elton John, Dee Murray and Nigel val on grounds of Historic 18-20 Art by the Sea, judged
Olsson, 7 p.m. at the Emerson Center. 772-234- School Complex, Thurs. & Fri. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; show and sale of works
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson 4412 Sat. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., by members of Vero Beach Art Club and Vero
‘Celebrating the Familiar’ exhibit of 20 bronze with carnival rides, vendors, live entertain- Beach Museum of Art: Fri. 5 p.m. opening re-
figures thru April 28. 772-794-0601 17 Inaugural public meeting of the Clean ment and food, including famed frog leg and ception; Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun. to 4 p.m.
Water Coalition of Indian River County, gator tail dinners. Free admittance. Frogleg- at VBMA to support VBAC outreach programs.
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge 7 p.m. at River House, with guest speaker Edie festival.com Free. 772-231-0303
tours, 8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through
March.772-581-5557 x2 Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in January 11, 2019 Edition 1 MUST 1 MICROORGANISM
Historical Trolley Tours of Vero Beach, 9 a.m. 3 ASHY 2 SAMBA
to 12 p.m. monthly on first Saturdays thru Sept. 6 ODE 4 SOFFIT
6. 772-978-4700 9 COMBATFATIGUE 5 YETI
King of the Hill Tennis Tournaments, 6 p.m. 12 KILT 7 ELECTORALROLL
Tuesdays thru Feb. 26 at the Moorings to bene- 13 TAP 8 VAMOOSE
fit Youth Guidance. 772-979-5582 15 ROBUST 11 OAF
21 AGUE 17 TAR
26 MAR 24 SMUG
17 Book signing and luncheon featuring Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (TOP TEN GAME SHOWS ON C-SPAN)
Tatiana Holway, author of ‘The Flower
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