MELBOURNE BEACH Indian Harbour Beach limits
alcohol sales. P5
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Space Coast bird fest. P8
New approach to
replacing heart valves. P16
Amid grumbling, ‘Hidden Figures’
ethics reform bid Oscar nominee
gains some ground has write stuff
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Despite being shot down Robert Cabana, director of Kennedy Space Center. PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK It’s easy to tell which Mel-
in his initial bid at ethics bourne Beach mom has a
reform earlier this month, ‘Respect’: NASA honors fallen Apollo 1 astronauts daughter who recently be-
Commissioner John Tobia came “an overnight success”
introduced an additional set BY CHRIS BONANNO years ago at Cape Canaveral. the Apollo 1 command mod- in Hollywood and is on the
of proposals Jan. 24 to re- Staff Writer Astronauts Virgil “Gus” ule on Jan. 27, 1967, accord- verge of a career breakout
form practices on the Board ing to NASA. after co-writing the screen-
of County Commissioners. Two ceremonies were held Grissom, Edward White and play for “Hidden Figures,”
on Friday to honor the memo- Roger Chaffee were killed It was a tragedy that hit the acclaimed film about
The new ordinance called ry of three American space pi- after a fire started on the the country hard and rocked three black female math-
for the prohibition of text oneers who lost their lives 50 launch pad during a preflight the space program at a criti- ematicians – called com-
and email messaging dur- test while they were inside puters – who were critical
ing commission meetings. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 to the success of early NASA
The bill also barred commis- launches.
sioners from lobbying before
the county for six years after Just look for the sign in the
leaving office. In addition, the front yard on Riverview Lane
ordinance lays out new proce-
dures to hold commissioners CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
accountable for travel to busi-
ness meetings, symposiums, Lagoon-friendly
seminars or similar functions lawns show ‘signs’
which require county funding. of cultural change
As with the prior ethics
The little fire station that could BY GEORGE WHITE
Staff Writer
BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC station, even if it doesn’t have Challenges faced by small Fire Station 65 make it “unique.” PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
Staff Writer the volume,” said veteran Lt. A lagoon-friendly lawn
Gary Windham, who spent recognition program cre-
Though it has the fewest the last seven years here. ated after the massive fish
calls of any beachside Brevard “We’re unique.” kill in March now has clus-
County fire rescue unit, Fire ters of beachside homes
Station 65 has challenges sis- The small, one-story adorned with special signs
ter stations do not have. Like building tucked away just noting changes that have
almost no fire hydrants. Like off A1A adjacent to the been made to reduce nutri-
Sebastian Inlet State Park. Aquarina development, ent pollution in the Indian
provides protection and River Lagoon.
“This is the most challenging
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Nearly 70 homeowners
have joined the program,
February 2, 2017 Volume 2, Issue 5 Newsstand Price $1.00 Eagles, hawks, owl
make for fantastic
News 1-6 Editorial 22 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL field trip. Page 9
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© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Fire station Lt. Gary Windham. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
response from the inlet to Spoonbill, for water rescues when he’s on duty. rises under their watch, crew members Like other stations, the crew works
around 5000 A1A, with only a single Bethel Wiley transferred to the sta- practice running up and down the stair- 24-hour shifts, then two days off. But
fire hydrant in Aquarina in that entire well of a building across A1A, sometimes Fire Station 65 only has three people
stretch. tion two years ago and couldn’t be with weights, Windham said. on duty at one time; the typical num-
Should a major fire erupt, the sta-
tion relies on a truck which holds 750 “I requested this station,” he said.
gallons of water with an accompany- At Fire Station 65, medical calls in-
ing tanker carrying 3,000 gallons. clude swimmers in distress and cap-
sized boats in the Indian River. When
“At 200 gallons a minute, the water a boat overturns, firefighters often
goes quickly,” Windham said. “It’s work in conjunction with the marine
hazardous with no water supply. Ar- fire boat at Barefoot Bay and Indian
tesian wells only go so far.” River County. Because the station
covers the north side of Sebastian In-
In April, the station expects to get let State Park, the rescue squad some-
a new fire truck holding 1,500 gallons times gets calls for emergencies like
of water, twice the current capacity. snake bites as well.
“There have been some bad vehicle
One of 32 stations in the county, accidents along that stretch of A1A,”
Fire Station 65 responded to approxi- Schollmeyer said.
mately 515 total calls in 2015. Of those, The station quarters are comfortable,
77 were fire/hazmat-related and in- with a bedroom, kitchen, washer and
cluded grass fires, brush fires, vehicle dryer, lounge chairs, plenty of TVs and
fires, house fires, illegal burns, smoke games, and exercise equipment to keep
investigations and trash fires. The in shape. Because there are some high-
rest of the calls were EMS, county Fire
Chief, Mark Schollmeyer said. Beach-
related incidents fall under EMS calls,
as do medical emergencies, lift assists
and vehicle accidents.
Some other stations have more
than 2,000 calls a year. With fewer
calls at station 65, firefighters might
seem underwhelmed. Not so.
“I’m never bored,” said Brett Web-
ster, who moved here from Ocean City,
N.J., 18 years ago to become part of the
fire department and often gets the call
‘Hidden Figures’ filmmaking: It is filled with ribbons, press,” but had trouble finding work screenplay to be different, to truth-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 trophies, pompoms, overflowing after that, pitching 44 projects in a fully depict the brilliant African-
book cases and memorabilia from row without success. American female characters without
put up by proud parent and former her involvement in Future Problem falling into typical stereotypes.
high school English teacher Vanessa Solvers. Then she heard about the “Hidden
Schroeder: “Allison Nominated for Figures” project, and managed to “She said ‘I want to show their
Oscar.” “She was interested in every- convince producer Donna Gigliotti dignity and moral character. I want
thing,’’ Vanessa Schroeder said, add- that she was the best person to adapt people to see them.’”
Allison Schroeder, now 38, was ing that she knew something special Margot Lee Shetterly’s book for the
drawn to the “Hidden Figures” proj- would happen with Allison when as screen, partly because of her up- Developed by Levantine Films and
ect from the moment she heard about an eighth-grader she wrote a scenar- bringing and personal ties to the U.S. Chernin Entertainment, “Hidden
it – not surprising since she grew up io for Future Problem Solvers. It took space program. Figures” is nominated for three Os-
on the Space Coast, attending Gem- number one in the world, requiring cars, including Best Picture and Best
ini Elementary School and Hoover the teenage girl to read it before a The feel-good movie, which is Adapted Screenplay.
Middle School, living through the huge crowd. also a nail-biter at times, depicts
triumphs and tragedies of the space startling discrimination toward “I haven’t been surprised [about
program with her classmates. “I thought this was the beginning women in the 1960s. It also high- the film’s success] since Dec. 25
and Hollywood was next. And by the lights the institutional segrega- when I went to see the opening with
The 1986 Challenger explosion time she was 14 or 15 she said, ‘Some- tion still very much a reality in the Allison in Los Angeles,” Vanessa
hit the family and community hard, day I’m going to go to the Academy space program at the time – includ- Schroeder said.
Vanessa Schroeder recalled. “Allison Awards.’” ing segregated bathrooms, later re-
and the little kids were all crying. To moved by NASA officials. “People erupted in applause six or
show solidarity, a lot of us went down After high school Allison went seven times and there were people
to the beach and held hands.’’ on to college at Stanford Univer- Vanessa Schroeder said one reason waiting in the lobby to meet her.
sity, studying economics, and later the movie is popular may be because I think it’s timely and it’s central
Allison, who had two grandpar- completed the graduate film pro- such lessons resonate in current-day to the way we need to examine the
ents working in the space program, gram at the University of South- struggles toward gender and racial world today. It’s both gender and
went on to intern at NASA while she ern California, hoping to become a equality. race. I think it’s a very hopeful mov-
was in high school. screenwriter. ie and that’s why they applauded so
And then, of course, there is the many times.”
Her room remains mostly un- She slogged away at writing jobs writing done by her daughter, who
touched since she left Melbourne over the years without much success. co-wrote the screenplay with direc- Schroeder hopes the film encour-
Beach to start her career, first in She was a staff writer on the short- tor Theodore Melfi. ages “both boys and girls to get into
economics and finance and later in lived reboot of “90210,” worked on STEM . . . I want both little girls and
“Mean Girls 2” and “Pineapple Ex- She said Allison told her early in the little boys to realize you can be any-
writing process that she wanted this thing you want to be in life.”
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 3
ber is five in other stations. There are bation and emergency medication, three without an Advanced Life Sup- The station also has to respond
nine people assigned across three including oxygen and drug overdose port ambulance. during natural events like hurricanes
shifts, with a lieutenant (station offi- treatment. that threaten property and life. “We
cer) and two firefighters on duty at all “We have all the drugs and moni- got lucky with Hurricane Matthew
times, one of whom is a paramedic. The training helps with calls for tors as an ambulance, but we cannot last year, but in 2002, the station was
cardiac arrest and stroke therapy. transport people,” Windham said closed for six months due to storm
Windham is one of the paramed- The truck also carries cardiac moni- damage,” Windham said.
ics at the station, trained to do intu- tors. But Fire Station 65 is one of only If an ambulance is needed, Station
64 in Melbourne Beach provides it.
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Lagoon lawns created the program. changes. Especially when you get goal, it’s going to get you there that
Jason Gardner, who lives on 3rd to the upper levels of certification, much faster,’’ she said.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 which is actually where we’ve seen
Ave. in Melbourne Beach, achieved most people certify, it’s a big cultur- “The lawn signs are not only a
which has three levels of recogni- gold-level certification with the help al change and that’s really what we reward in terms of enticement for
tion – basic, silver and gold – cor- of neighborhood friends Nicole and want – that cultural change.” them to want to join the program
responding to four core initiatives: Erik Perna. – the signs also serve as a form of
minimizing nutrient pollution, re-
ducing turf area, reducing storm- “I know me changing my yard isn’t
water runoff, and restoring ecosys- going to change the world but I’m
tem benefits with native plants. doing it because I saw my neighbors
doing it,” Gardner said. “They influ-
“These solutions start right in our enced me. And already since we’ve
back yard. This is something that is done it, we’ve talked to a half dozen
very controllable by every citizen in others who are seriously considering
Brevard County,” said Allison Artea- it. It’s positive peer pressure!”
ga, event and volunteer coordinator
for Keep Brevard Beautiful, which Flower beds were expanded and
paths created to reduce the amount
of grass in Gardner’s yard by about Homeowner Jason Gardner (left) with Nicole and Erik Perna, founders of Go Native Landscaping.
half, he said.
Developed in partnership with the peer-to-peer marketing. What you’ll
A total of 200 plants from 30 native Indian River Lagoon National Estu- see is one person get certified and
species were installed. As they get es- ary Program, the sign program also put a lawn sign up and then their
tablished, less water will be needed. includes certification and recogni- neighbors see it and they get certi-
Existing non-natives were pruned tion of Lagoon Friendly lawn-care fied. You’ll see kind of a clustering
back. The estimated cost of the proj- contractors. Six have achieved certi- effect,’’ she said. “We’ve been incred-
ect was around $5,000. fication so far, Arteaga said. ibly pleased with the reaction we’ve
had so far.”
“After the fish kill, I think there “We saw that as an opportunity for
was a build-up of feelings that people collaboration, so we brought it un- For information about lagoon-
wanted to do more,’’ Nicole Perna said. der the Lagoon Friendly Lawns ban- friendly lawns, go to: Keepbrevard-
ner. When you can get businesses
“As sad as that event was, I think onboard, working together toward a
it was a major catalyst for citizens to
get involved in lagoon efforts more
than ever before,” Arteaga said. “We
tell them when they get their signs
that we want them to become an am-
bassador for this program. For a lot of
people it’s going to be some lifestyle
Ethics reform Tobia. “You want to do everything to “It’s not that commissioners do not
not get me and Barfield re-elected.” want ethics reform. I do not think one
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 person here is dishonest. But there
Barfield said commissioners al- needs to be more checks and balanc-
reform ordinance, this effort simply ready have to file expense reports for es,” she said.
requested authorization to advertise any travel. He also had issues with the
a public hearing on the measure on six-year ban on lobbying and the def- Viera resident Pam LaSalle called
Feb. 7. And like last time, the propos- inition of a lobbyist in Tobia’s propos- the measure a “great building block
al did not pass – or even garner a vote. al. “I do not want to walk away with to start with in ethics if the goal is
But unlike the prior attempt, a ray of people thinking we have no ethics more independent oversight.”
hope emerged as the commission policy,” he said. “But a lot of this does
agreed to hold a workshop on ethics not match up. We already have to ac- Melissa Martin of Cocoa said a bill
issues on Feb. 21 following the regu- count for those travel expenditures. like this would help restore the rela-
lar commissioners meeting. As far as cell or text during meetings, tionship between government and
it does not really bother me. I use my the people.
“This would heighten public cell for research.”
awareness,” Tobia said of his latest “There are still transparency and
measure. “These are three common- Tobia countered that the lack of accountability issues. I support a call
sense proposals for transparency be- transgressions is not a reason to turn for open and serious dialogue for ro-
hind the dais.” this down. “I take ethics reform seri- bust clarification of what government
ously; I ran on this,” he said. “The fact does.”
But the idea garnered some testy that there was no ethical lapse is not
retorts from Commission Chair an excuse for not improving transpar- Isnardi said the workshop provides
Curt Smith and Commissioner Jim ency. All I am asking is for a thumbs a forum for dialogue. “I am never
Barfield. up or thumbs down on constituent afraid of conversation. I like all three
participation. Let’s see how we can items. I do not want to risk failure. I
“People think we have no ethics make this better. Give me a solution.” want this ordinance to be successful
rules in place,” Smith said. “We have and not fail.”
three ethics policies, including one on Commissioner Kristine Isnardi
travel. Are you aware of any not work- supported the idea. “But I understand Indeed, Smith conceded a work-
ing? We did not bring anything up in both sides of the argument,” she said. shop offers a good forum to “get this
our two years here because nothing is “I think we’d have a better chance of out in the open. We are not paranoid.
wrong. We did not need this.” success if we have a workshop where We want to move forward with some-
people can come and have the time to thing constructive.”
Smith acknowledged the public may discuss these issues.”
be unaware of these policies. “But the The workshop motion passed 5-0
effort here is to create more bureau- Commission Vice-Chair Rita and will be held Feb. 21 after the com-
cracy. The purpose is not transparency Pritchett seconded the call to have a mission meeting. A public hearing will
but to play the gotcha game,” he told workshop. be part of the workshop. What comes
out of the discussion will be introduced
at a commission meeting in March.
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Birders swoop in for top-flight Space Coast fest
Staff Writer
Brevard’s natural resources and Barbara Sloan holding Owliver
optimal winter weather serve as a
magnet for birdwatching enthu- Wyatt Dobson touches a bat. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK Pat Miller from Vero Beach photographs the wetlands. Heron.
siasts, and over a six-day period
spanning last weekend drew visi- Owliver. Ric Zarwell with Rockjumper Worldwide Birding. Anhinga diving bird.
tors from around the world to par-
ticipate in the 20th annual Space White Ibis. Heron Nest.
Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival,
held at the Titusville campus of their interest a little bit more, get a birding tours he offers in his coun- more,” Endrigo said. “So many birds; it
Eastern Florida State. little bit more awareness for them, t r y. is really beautiful and nice to be here.”
help increase their level of interest
Now one of the country’s top bird- in birds.” “I know this festival is considered Christina Baal came down from
ing festivals, this year’s event high- at least one of the three biggest in New York to sell her artwork, appro-
lighted the Indian River Lagoon, A boon to the local economy, the U.S. and the possible birders and priately themed for the event.
one of the most diverse estuaries in many enthusiasts and vendors were clients are here. The area around
North America. Proceeds, including visiting from afar, including exhibi- here is so beautiful. It’s something “I’ve always loved to paint and draw,
from an extensive silent auction, tor Edson Endrigo, who flew in from that I even intend to come a little especially animals,” Baal. “When I
will help fund the conservation ef- Brazil to offer information on the bit earlier so I can enjoy it a little bit discovered birding, I realized that I
forts of the Brevard Natural Alli- could be the person actually seeing
ance, the festival’s organizer. these animals in real life. There was
this whole culture surrounding birds
“Location, location, location,” and then I realized just the way they
said Barb Eager, festival execu- nest and they migrate, their aesthetic
tive director. “We have the (Merritt beauty and their behaviors are just
Island Wildlife) Refuge here, the so interesting that I wanted to try to
variety of birds that we have, the help them with art by getting people
amazing field trips leaders. I mean, more interested in birds.”
we have world-renowned field trip
leaders from all over the country
leading field trips.”
With 42 to choose from, there was
no shortage of field trips to a wide
range locales, some as far away as
Zellwood and New Smyrna Beach.
The festival also offered a variety
of workshops and classroom pre-
sentations on topics ranging from
wood-warblers and gulls to the owls
of North America and where to go
birding in Africa, as well as semi-
nars on photography and digiscop-
Keynote speakers such as con-
servationist and historian Rodney
Smith; David La Puma, an expert on
radar ornithology; Donald Kroods-
ma, who has bicycled the country
listening to birdsong; and nature
photographer John Moran also
drew large numbers of enthusiasts.
The American Birding Associa-
tion was one of 70 exhibitor booths
at the event, its replete with two
comfortable leather couches to
draw in patrons for long conversa-
“I get to leave Delaware in Janu-
ary; that’s number one. So I come
down to an area that’s usually 50 to
60 degrees warmer,” said ABA direc-
tor Bill Stewart. “But it’s the cama-
raderie; it’s the people who attend.
I particularly enjoy leading some of
the tours, especially the beginners,
because we get to, you know, spark
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 9
Eagles, hawks, owl make for fantastic field trip
Staff Writer
Sightings of bald eagles, hawks Eagle Family field trip leader Martha Possaro, an educator at Pine Island Conservation Area on Merritt Island. PHOTOS: GEORGE WHITE
and an owl made for a magical morn-
ing during an Eagle Family field trip about, I’m taking pictures. When “We started out with two field Attendance numbers, taken from
last Saturday at Sam’s House Educa- you have two adult bald eagles at the trips; one to the central part of the registrations from field trips and
tion Center on Merritt Island, one of same time it’s a rarity, and to get a state to the whooping cranes and a classes, fell from a 2012 high of 1,200
the many trips offered during the shot of the owl monitoring the nest, butterfly wildflower trip and that participants to 700 registered in
20th annual Space Coast Birding it’s definitely a good day,” he said. was it. Now we must have more than 2015, before bouncing back to 800
and Wildlife Festival. 30 field trip locations. It’s phenom- attendees last year.
Festival founder Laurilee Thomp- enal. It’s incredible, all over central
Reports of birds in the area quickly son said that the number, location Florida including areas restricted to “This year we’re already over 900
changed the schedule from an eagle- and expertise of field-trip leaders the public,” she said. and counting and people are regis-
related craft and informational pre- have all grown over the years. tering like crazy,” she said, noting
sentation to a first-hand encounter. that there is a new group of interna-
The trip was led by educator Martha tional experts, many coming for the
Possaro of the Pine Island Conserva- field trips. “We still have the local
tion Area, part of the county’s Envi- leaders that have the stories about
ronmentally Endangered Lands pro- the sites and the habitat, but when it
gram. comes to the bird, we have some of
the best birding experts in the world
After just a short walk, the group on the trips. The ratio of leaders to
of about a dozen birders saw and participants can be as low as one to
photographed two adult bald eagles four or five, but I keep an average of
in the same tree and, flying by, a one leader for six participants.”
hawk and a large great horned owl,
presumably taking over a large nest
constructed earlier by eagles.
“It’s a hard thing to talk about
a bird or animal without showing
them in the wild, but you can’t count
on an eagle being here. I’ve done a
field trip every year for 20 years and
I’ve never had a field trip like this.
This is amazing,” Possaro said.
Birder Milford Olinger of Hunts-
ville, Ala., visiting the area through
his job with the space program,
“I’ve been getting into birding over
the last couple of years. This is the
first big function I’ve been to. I’ve
done a lot of birding out at Kennedy
Space Center. I carry my camera all
the time and anytime I’m out and
1. Fatal BY JOHN LESCROART 1. Three Days in January 1. The Runaway (Valkyrie #02)
2. A Gentleman in Moscow
2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE 2. Carve the Mark
3. The Guests on South 3. Best. State. Ever.
4. Commonwealth 3. I Love You More (Flip Book)
4. The Undoing Project
5. The Wicked City 4. I'll Hug You More BY LAURA DUKSTA
5. A Life Well Played 5. If You Give a Mouse a Brownie
presents presents
Dutton Books
And Stories that
Friday, Feb. 3rd at 5 pm Illuminate Them
Thursday, Feb. 9th at 6 pm
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Mary and Chris Ryan with Shotsi Lajoie. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Linda Beardslee and Chuck Cook. Pilar Turner and Terry Byrnes.
Vero Beach Rowing crew-sing toward funding goal
BY MARY SCHENKEL lovely Moorings home to provide an “We’re trying to get the critical real goal is a community boathouse
Staff Writer update on the $2.2 million capital mass of people who are interested where we can design programs for
campaign to fund construction of a or touched by this culture; people the community.”
Members of Vero Beach Row- Community Rowing Center. who rowed in school or are parents
ing are propelling their sport for- of children who row,” said Lajoie. Ryan said rowing is the No. 1
ward with the same strong, steady Chris Ryan, a founder of the highly scholarship program for women
strokes as the crew teams they sup- successful Three Rivers Rowing As- It’s individuals such as Terry By- in the United States by a huge per-
port. Last Monday, Chris and Mary sociation in Pittsburgh, and Shotsi rnes, whose son Andrew Byrnes, centage, citing a 3 percent women’s
Ryan hosted a cocktail party at their Lajoie, a longtime force behind VBR, rowed Men’s 8 for Canada, taking lacrosse scholarship potential vs. a
are co-chairing the campaign. home gold in the 2008 Olympics in whopping 48 percent for women’s
Beijing and silver in the 2012 Lon- rowing.
don games.
“It’s far and away the biggest
“It was an amazing experience as scholarship percentage of any sport
a parent,” she said. “They work so whatsoever for girls. It makes it
hard for so many years and make much more likely to get a college
it look so easy but you know it isn’t. scholarship for minority girls,” said
I’m very proud of these kids here in Ryan. “It’s very rewarding for the or-
Vero.” ganization and the people who ben-
efit from it.”
Olympic Gold medalist Joe Am-
long, a member of the U.S. Men’s 8 Gary Marra, VBR director of row-
rowing team at the 1964 Summer ing, spoke about the remarkable
Olympics in Tokyo, is also now firm- achievements of the youth rowing
ly entrenched in the VBR mission. program, which has increased from
13 rowers in 2014 to 77 today.
“Phase one, which was creating a
visitors area and putting in docks, “We’ve had competitively a lot of
is complete,” said Ryan of their new success with the high school group,
MacWilliam Park site. “We are mov- with back-to-back scholastic state
ing boats in there. We’ve been row- championships,” said Marra.
ing out of there the last few weeks
and it’s changed our rowing pro- Additionally, their first senior girl
gram completely.” received an athletic scholarship
to FIT last year, and this year their
Boats had been stored and only senior girl has already signed
launched near the Water Treatment with Simmons College in Boston.
Plant at the western end of the Alma Recruiters are now visiting, includ-
Lee Loy Bridge, where teams were ing Princeton’s coach Bill Manning.
stymied by rough waters and windy
conditions. With the new sheltered “These coaches are coming specifi-
location, rowers can get out on the cally to see our kids, to recruit them to
water with much greater frequency. their universities. This is a huge op-
portunity,” said Marra. “The young
The new Community Rowing Cen- man who Coach Manning is coming
ter will enable them to offer a vari- to see would not generally be looking
ety of programs, including to vet- at a school like Princeton. But because
erans, the disabled, support groups of rowing, he’s finding himself in a po-
and disadvantaged youth. sition where it’s definitely within his
reach; to the point where someone’s
“This is not a program to create traveling all the way here to see him.”
elite athletes, although I am sure we
will have a few elite athletes come For more information visit vero-
out of this program,” he said. “Our
All a-chord!
Jazz pianists battle it out
at Atlantic Music Center
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
All a-chord! Jazz pianists battle it out at the AMC
By KATE SHANAPHY MAINGOT Brian Gatchell President of the
Atlantic Music Centersitting on the
Correspondent stage with the Bosendorfer Concert
Grand Piano that will be used during
In a 100-seat concert hall inside
Melbourne’s Atlantic Music Center, the concerts. PHOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER
seven young jazz pianists will com-
pete this weekend in the third an-
nual International Jazz Pianist Com-
petition. In that intimate setting, not
much bigger than a jazz club, the
pianists, winnowed from a list of 30
who submitted their music by re-
cordings, will be playing for a panel
of three judges that includes the cel-
ebrated jazz pianist Bill Mays.
As if the competitors needed the
inspiration, Mays himself will give
a concert with his own trio Friday
night at the center.
The public can watch not only
Mays’ concert, but the competition
itself. Walk-ins are welcome to the
pianists’ 15-minute solo sessions
Saturday afternoon. Then, Saturday
evening, the public is invited – at a
small admission fee – to watch the
finalists play in a jazz trio, the drum-
mer and bassist provided by the
Along with the chance at winning,
the finalists will get the thrill of play- art form of jazz to young people,”
ing on a remarkable piano: a new he says. His hope is that through
Bosendorfer Vienna concert grand, a his efforts and others, Melbourne
9-foot, 2-inch piano that was used in will come to be known as a leader in
last month’s concert by Fei Fei Dong, presenting jazz – “particularly with
the acclaimed Chinese pianist. That young performers,” he adds.
performance, also in Atlantic’s con-
cert hall, was only the second use of Gatchell’s pianos could star in
the piano in the U.S. – the first was in their own competition. Currently,
Carnegie Hall. his inventory includes the Grand
Bohemian limited edition piano
“Fei Fei Dong told me this piano considered the most opulent in the
was one of the most amazing she has world. Valued at nearly a half-mil-
ever experienced,” says Brian Gatch- lion dollars, it’s been requested for
ell, founder of the competition and a concert at Mar-a-Lago this Easter.
owner of Atlantic Music “She said it Another Bosendorfer concert grand
felt like an extension of herself. It al- was designed by Porsche. Still anoth-
lowed her to interpret and express er is programmed to reproduce the
exactly how she was feeling.” music of jazz great Oscar Peterson.
“It’s like having Oscar sitting in your
Gatchell’s thrill goes beyond hear- living room,” he says.
ing providing the treasured piano,
a rare experience for a young musi- The latest piano in his lineup,
cian. What moves him most is giv- called the Woman in Gold, has a
ing the pianists a professional boost. painstaking reproduction of a Klimt
“This competition is promoting the painting under the lid, “down to his
careers of these incredibly young, use of gold in the paint,” Gatchell
talented pianists,” he says. says.
Prizes come in the form of cash Each year, 30 or more pianists be-
and promotions from sponsors. The tween the ages of 18 and 25 submit
first- and second-place winners get their tapes and entry requests. On
guidance in setting up a follow-up Saturday, the seven finalists will
concert tour, Gatchell says. And the perform in two open-to-the-public
three remaining finalists are allowed concert sessions. Each pianist will
to continue their competition online perform in concert as a soloist in
in a concert judged by popular vote. the afternoon from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30
p.m., and this session is free to the
“I hope the community will join in public. It will be followed with a 7
our mission of helping to spread the p.m. performance by each finalist
knowledge and joy of this American
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 13
playing with a jazz trio: piano, bass Coming Up: Henegar’s Holiday revue
and drums.
BY SAMANTHA BAITA off at the King Center main stage, back in the Swing Era of the 1930s
The competition is the brainchild Staff Writer Sunday, Feb. 12, 3:30 pm., with a mu- and ’40s. A matchless string of hit re-
of Gatchell, who is himself a concert sical tribute to the 1940s, when dance cords, the constant impact of radio
pianist; he recently performed Ger- 1 Upstairs at the Henegar Center bands reigned and Swing was huge. broadcasts and the drawing power at
shwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” with the in Melbourne is the Billie Holi- The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, rec- theaters, hotels and dance pavilions,
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra. ognized as one of the best all-around built and sustained its popularity.
Other sponsors of the event include day revue “Lady Day at Emerson’s dance bands, could swing with the Experience two hours of live, non-
Yamaha Pianos, Bösendorfer Pianos best of them, and no other band stop music as these two legendary
and the Space Coast Jazz Society, Bar and Grille,” an award-winning could come close to Tommy’s when it bands duke it out with weapons of
among others. came to playing ballads. The legend- brass. The audience gets to vote for
ary Glenn Miller was one of the most their favorite Big Band, which will re-
Last year the legendary pianist successful of all dance bandleaders
Kenny Barron was the celebrity judge CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
for the competition; he too was fea-
tured in a solo concert the evening BEAUTY AND
before the finals. This year Mays has THE BEACH
accompanied such stellar singers
as Sarah Vaughan, Frank Sinatra, Al ‘Lady Day at Emerson’s
Jarreau, Barry Manilow and Anita Bar and Grille.’
O’Day, and joined forces in concerts,
compositions and recordings with musical fresh from its Broadway re- JOIN US FOR A JEWELRY SHOW
such jazz legends as Phil Woods, vival. The time: 1959. The place: a WITH SE AGL ASS ARTIST,
Woody Herman and Shelley Manne, seedy bar in Philadelphia. The au-
to name a few. Jazz great Gerry Mul- dience is unaware they are about to SONJA GRONDSTRA
ligan is said to have called Mays was witness one of last performances of
the best piano player he ever played Billie Holiday’s extraordinary life, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FE BRUARY 3 – 4
with. given four months before her tragic
death; alcoholism and heroin addic- SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
A composer of original music for tion finally silencing Lady Day. The COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
solo piano, chamber groups, as well dozen-plus musical numbers are in-
as symphonic works and film scores, terlaced with salty, often humorous,
Mays has also arranged and orches- reminiscences, painting a riveting
trated music from a wide range of portrait of the lady and her music.
sources, from Cole Porter to Sting In such show-stoppers as “God Bless
and even Claude Debussy. the Child,” “Strange Fruit” and “What
a Little Moonlight Can Do,” Lady Day
He has played on, or composed for shares her loves and losses in an inti-
films and TV shows. Mays has been mate evening that’s up close and per-
playing for the famous Sunday jazz sonal, with one of the greatest jazz/
brunch at Palm Beach’s Colony Hotel blues vocalists of all time. “Lady Day
this past month. He’ll resume again at Emerson’s Bar and Grille,” runs
in March. through Feb. 19.
Joining Mays for the Friday con- 2 Two of the world’s greatest, the THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
cert will be Danny Gottlieb on drums Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and VERO BEACH, FL
and Jamie Ousley on bass. Gottlieb 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
is best known for his work with the
Pat Metheny group and has played The Glenn Miller Orchestra, will face
with a myriad of jazz legends includ-
ing Gerry Mulligan, Herbie Hancock
and Stan Getz.
He is a professor of jazz studies
at Jacksonville’s University of North
Florida. Ousley teaches jazz bass at
Florida International University in
Miami. He too has played with many
jazz luminaries including George
Shearing, Arturo Sandoval, Suzanne
Somers and Vic Damone.
The competition weekend begins
with a jazz trio master class Friday
afternoon led by Danny and Beth
Gottlieb. It features pianist Per Dan-
ielsson, a professor of jazz piano at
the University of Central Florida, and
bassist Ousley. That class is open to
pianists of all levels and starts at 4:15
The weekend events all take place
at the Atlantic Music Center, 25 S.
Wickham Rd., Melbourne. For more
information, go to americanjazzpia- or call 321-768-
14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
COMING UP 3 Now on stage at the historic Cocoa 4 Opening this week at Vero show, which had one NPR critic de-
Village Playhouse is the classic and Beach’s Riverside Theatre, on claring he’d “never laughed so hard
beloved lighthearted musical “On The the heels of the high-octane block- at a Broadway musical,” tells the up-
turn in a new show also featuring an-
other Big Band from the 1940s. And Town.” It’s the tale of three sailors on a buster musical “Chicago, ” is the per- roarious story of Monty Navarro, a
the beat goes on.
24-hour leave from their ship docked in fect change of pace: Noel Coward’s distant heir to a family fortune. He
“On The Town.”
New York harbor. “On the Town” runs 1930 comedy of manners “Private sets out to jump the line of succes-
through next weekend. Then, on Feb. Lives,” considered one of the most sion by any means necessary. While
19, New York performer and sophisticated, witty and entertain- hatching his hilariously nefarious
Cocoa Playhouse favorite ing plays ever written. Among the plot, he’s also juggling his mistress
Margaret Cross returns for playwright’s most successful works, (she’s after more than just love), his
an afternoon of songs, sto- it remains to this day a masterpiece fiancée (she’s his cousin, but who’s
ries, dancing and comedy of high comedy. Coward gleefully keeping track?), and the constant
celebrating the music and drops his characters into the most threat of landing behind bars.
history of Ireland, and the improbable of circumstances
immigrants who shaped the armed with sass, witty repar-
American dream. tee and great clothes. Former-
ly married couple
Elyot and Amanda,
are honeymooning
with new spouses
when they discover
they are staying in
adjacent rooms at
the same hotel. In
spite of the perpetu-
ally stormy relation-
ship that caused
their split, they un-
wisely but predict-
ably relive the past.
Their passion reig-
nites and they run
‘Private Lives.’ away together, leav- SIRCY.
ing their brand-new
spouses behind and
in shock. Soon, how-
ever, the reunited pair find their pas- 6 Dress down, breathe the sea air
sion short-circuiting between love and enjoy the music of SIRSY, next
and anger. Will Elyot and Amanda up in the popular Sebastian Inlet State
remain together? Or will they return Park Night Sounds concert series on
to their new spouses? “Private Lives” Saturday, Feb. 11. SIRCY is an indie pop-
runs through Feb. 19. rock duo made up of Melanie Krahmer,
whose voice spans from a lion’s roar
“Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder.”
5 Getting away with murder can to a floaty whisper, and Rich Libutti, a
be so much fun … and there’s guitarist with some killer rock riffs. The
Boston Globe noted the little band’s
no better proof than the knock-’em- big sound is “full of soul and sincerity,
with a touch of sass.” The concerts are
dead hit show that won the 2014 held at the pavilions on Coconut Point,
located on the south side of Sebastian
Tony Award for Best Musical, “A Inlet, and they’re free with regular park
entry fees.
Gentleman’s guide to Love and Mur-
der,” coming direct from New York
to the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando
Tuesday through next weekend. The
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘TAVR’ takes heart valve replacement to new level
BY TOM LLOYD together to launch a new heart valve Dr. Mark Malias. notomy scared,” but for patients
Staff Writer replacement program, radically al- who’ve had the TAVR procedure
tering the landscape of heart care PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE fully explained, there’s far less trep-
The Welsh Heart Center at the in Vero Beach. The team includes idation.
Indian River Medical Center just cardiovascular surgeons Dr. Cary A fully collapsible tissue replace-
broke new medical ground. Stowe and Dr. Mark Malias; inter- ment valve is then delivered to the There’s also a time factor favor-
ventional radiologist Dr. Clarence site of the existing damaged or dis- ing TAVR. A sternotomy can last five
For the first time ever, Trans- Yates; interventional cardiologists eased valve or valves through the or more hours, adding to patient
catheter Aortic Valve Replacement Dr. Jay Midwall and Dr. Joshua Ki- catheter. Once in place, the new stress, but Malias says the catheter-
(TAVR) procedures are now being eval; Dr. John Lindenthal, a cardiac valve is expanded with a small bal- based procedures typically take
performed in Indian River County. anesthesiologist; and critical care loon, pushing the old valve leaflets only about 60 minutes.
specialist Dr. George Mitchell, to- out of the way and taking over the
The John Muir Health Foundation gether with members of the cath- job of regulating blood flow in and Malias talks about the TAVR team
of San Francisco reports that more eterization laboratory team and the out of the heart muscle far more ef- as a melding of skills – “the cardi-
than 5 million Americans are diag- hospital’s operating room staff. ficiently. ologist skills, surgical skills, the
nosed with heart valve disease each radiologist’s skill interpreting new,
year. Aortic stenosis is far and away Heart valve replacements used Cardiovascular surgeon Malias is high-powered CT scans, and the
the most common of these diseases. to require an open-heart surgery almost effervescent as he says “I am cardiac anesthesiologist who’s in-
called a “sternotomy” in which really excited about this. I’m excited terpreting a 3-D echo as we’re blow-
Aortic stenosis is commonly the chest is, quite literally, cut and for our patients. ing up the balloon – all these skill
caused by calcium buildup or scar- splayed open to gain access the sets are coming together to take
ring that narrows one or more of the heart. “I get very frustrated when I op- care of one patient.”
valves inside the heart. Largely a re- erate on an 85-year-old guy and do
sult of the aging process, it can and The TAVR procedure, however, a [traditional surgical] triple-valve “Before, we used to pass the pa-
does cause heart failure, cardiac ar- is minimally invasive. It is done replacement and he spends the next tient along from one doc to the oth-
rest and – yes – death. by running a catheter – usually 30 days here in the hospital after- er. Now it’s one patient and all the
through the femoral artery in the wards,” Malias says. “You start to docs are coalescing their knowl-
Eighty percent of those with aor- groin – up to and inside the heart question, was that a success or not? edge around that patient.”
tic stenosis are men, and without muscle itself. No incisions are made But with this, I would anticipate the
intervention the survival rates for in the chest at all. hospitalization being two-to-four IRMC shares Malias’ enthusiasm
this disease are low. days as opposed to 30 days.” for the new procedure and will be
adding another cardiovascular sur-
So an IRMC heart team has come Less physical trauma also means geon, Dr. John Brock, to its team
a change in post-op medication. later this month.
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY “For a surgical aortic valve re- Malias says the demand for the
placement,” Malias explains, “I procedure is already strong.
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry would put patients on Coumadin
restorative dentistry dental implants for three months, but with [the new- “We’ve already had patients come
to-Vero TAVR procedure] lots of sur- say, ‘I just want TAVR; I don’t want
Experience the fusion of traditional geons just put patients on Plavix surgical aortic valve replacement,’”
values and modern dentistry. and Aspirin. Malias says. “What we’re witness-
ing is medical consumerism.”
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz Moreover, according to Malias,
TAVR can radically reduce a pa- Still, the FDA isn’t always in sync
524 Ocean Avenue, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 tient’s fear factor. “Some folks,” he – let alone in lock-step – with medi-
explains, “come into a surgical ster- cal consumerism.
(321) 725-6565
Currently the TAVR procedure is only approved by the FDA for pa-
tients deemed at “extreme, high or
intermediate” risk of death from
the complications associated with
open-heart surgery.
So, typically a patient’s personal
cardiologist must make a referral
to Dr. Stowe and to Dr. Malias – for
a second opinion – as well as to an
interventional cardiologist to deter-
mine that patient’s eligibility for the
TAVR procedure.
However, since the American Heart
Association flatly states that “heart
valve disease seriously increases a
person’s risk for sudden death,” it is
entirely possible – and maybe even
probable – that the FDA will soon
authorize TAVR for all heart valve
patients, and now that procedure is
available right here in Vero Beach.
The Welsh Heart Center is located
inside IRMC just off 36th Street in
Vero Beach. The phone number is
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 17
Study supports ‘weekend warrior’ approach to fitness
BY AMBY BURFOOT to be a weekend warrior. However, we percent, reported no exercise, while Many midlife people with active
would prefer regular activity over the 22 percent were labeled insufficient family lives and burgeoning careers
The Washington Post week to decrease the risk of injuries.” exercisers. The weekend warriors find it difficult to make time for regu-
amounted to just 3.7 percent of the lar workouts. As a result, fitness advo-
Health and fitness experts have The JAMA article did not track total subject population, but that cates often encourage a small-steps
long described “weekend warriors” in the incidence of injury. But injuries equated to 2,341 people, thanks to approach to exercise.
a mildly negative way. They used the couldn’t have been too great of an the study’s large size. Eleven percent
term for individuals who exercised obstacle, or the weekend warriors of subjects were regular exercisers, Don’t be discouraged if you don’t
irregularly, perhaps in weekend pick- wouldn’t have been able to continue getting in three or more workouts per have the time to train for a half-mar-
up games. They warned of muscle their routine and reap the gains. week. athon, they advise. Focus on what
strains, or much worse – something you can do, not what you can’t.
akin to the heart attacks suffered by A large majority of the subjects, 63
those who occasionally shovel snow.
Weekend warrior meant, more or
less, “knucklehead.”
But no more. A large new study in
JAMA Internal Medicine has revealed
large mortality benefits for all man-
ner of weekend warriors.
Those who worked out once or
twice a week had a 30 percent lower
mortality rate (during the study peri-
od, from 1994 to 2012) than those who
didn’t exercise at all. Despite their in-
frequent workouts, these individuals
exceeded the 150 minutes a week of
moderate to vigorous exercise advo-
cated by U.S. and world health orga-
nizations. In that regard, their good
results might have been expected.
The study was based on more than
63,000 British and Scottish adults
with an average age of 58. A research
team from the United Kingdom, Aus-
tralia and Harvard University collab-
orated on the analysis.
“We were surprised to find that
cardiovascular and cancer mortal-
ity were also lower among the week-
end warriors,” says lead author Gary
O’Donovan, from Loughborough
University in England. “Interestingly,
we also found the benefits are much
the same in men and women.”
Another subgroup of the 63,000,
termed the “insufficient exercisers,”
fared just as well as the weekend war-
riors. The insufficients accumulated
only 60 minutes of exercise per week,
less than half of the recommended
amount. Yet they reaped a 31 percent
lower mortality rate vs. the non-exer-
The greatest rewards came to those
who exercised three or more times a
week. These individuals tended to go
longer and slower than less-frequent
exercisers but logged impressive
weekly totals of about 450 minutes.
They had a 35 percent lower all-cause
mortality rate.
“This study is important because it
tells us that the total amount of exer-
cise, rather than how often it is done,
is the relevant factor,” co-author and
Harvard epidemiologist I-Min Lee
says. “It gives permission, if you will,
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Palliative care emphasizes ‘whole patient’ approach
BY TOM LLOYD people. It’s called “palliative care” and Judson envisions building a multi-
Staff Writer it’s not what most people think it is. disciplinary team to coordinate care
and says some of those team members
Something new is coming to the For many, the phrase “palliative are already in place – the center’s doc-
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center and it has care” conjures images of late-stage tors, registered nurses, nurse-naviga-
nothing to do with test tubes, lasers, cancer patients being made as com- tors, dietitians, physical or occupation-
scalpels, molecular or genomic re- fortable as possible in end-of-life situ- al therapist, and pharmacists. Others
search, advanced chemotherapy tech- ations. But it turns out that image is including psychologists and chaplains
niques or multimillion-dollar scan- faulty. will likely be involved as well.
ning equipment.
According to WebMD, “palliative Faced with such a massive team-
Instead, this new arrival is all about care is actually a new medical special- building task, Judson pauses briefly
ty that has recently emerged. It’s not and then essentially doubles his own
work load.
“There’s also the Indian River Medi-
the same as hospice. It doesn’t serve cal Center,” Judson continues. “They
only the dying. Instead, it focuses more recognize there's an un-met need for
broadly on improving life and provid- palliative care there as well and we're
ing comfort to people of all ages with starting to work on that. We would
serious, chronic and life-threatening like to develop a program here for the
illnesses.” whole community.”
Dr. James Grichnik, director of the That’s a tall order.
Vero Beach cancer center, says, “The There’s a long list of difficult, non-
general idea is really taking care of the cancerous diseases whose victims
whole patient. Humans have a lot more from could benefit greatly from a
needs than just treating their cancer, fully-functioning palliative care pro-
so palliative care really is gaining a lot gram, including chronic obstructive
of traction now. How do we take care pulmonary disease or COPD, an entire
of the whole patient, the whole human panoply of kidney diseases along with
being? How do we make this tough, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS,
anxiety-driven, scary process more Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s dis-
palatable?” ease and dozens more.
And it’s not only the patients who
The vast majority of America’s medi- could benefit. Support services may
cal schools now have palliative care include educating family members in
programs teaching medical students greater detail about the patient's ill-
and residents. According to WebMD, ness, helping to arrange time off for
“that didn't occur 10 years ago. There family caregivers as well as help with
was literally no education occurring on meals and shopping.
this topic,” but today fully 80 percent of The plain fact is that financial and
U.S. hospitals with more than 300 beds legal worries, insurance questions,
have palliative care programs. employment and transportation con-
cerns don’t just put themselves on hold
Scully-Welsh will soon be joining while patients recover from diseases.
that group; to lead that effort, Grichnik Judson very briefly chokes up a bit
and Scully-Welsh have turned to Dr. before adding, “I feel strongly that be-
Patrick Judson. sides just taking care of the disease,
you have to take care of the whole per-
A graduate of Washington, D.C.’s son, which includes their family and
George Washington University’s un- their loved ones.”
dergraduate and medical schools, the He knows that all too well from per-
soft-spoken Judson has been a hema- sonal experience. He lost his mother to
tologist and oncologist since 1983 and breast cancer in 1993 and his sister-in-
is now beginning to lay the building law has recently been diagnosed with
blocks for a top-notch palliative care ALS.
program at Scully-Welsh. Judson sums up his personal ap-
proach to the task at hand in simple
“Palliative care,” explains Judson, terms. “We're all just human beings
“really just means treating people like trying to make it through this world.
they're people and trying to take care You are not a disease. You're a human
of their problems. It starts from the being.”
minute they walk into the clinic. They Judson's job is seeing to it you're
don't have to be terminal. Many people treated that way.
are not anywhere near being terminal. The Scully-Welsh Cancer Center is ad-
They're going to be cured of their can- jacent to the Indian River Medical Cen-
cer, but they've still got a lot of prob- ter. For more information, the phone
lems: depression, anxiety, they might number is 772-226-3762.
have pain or whatever. You have to help
them with all of those problems. That's
what we are going to do here from the
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 21
denly faced a new challenge. up the rulebook itself. spiral with someone as unpredictable est goods export market after Canada.
From Florida oranges to Harley Da- “The U.S. has committed itself to a set and aggressive as Trump,” Xi cannot af- Irwin says relations between the two
ford to lose face internationally ahead of countries could sour quickly, particu-
vidson motorcycles made in Wisconsin, of trade rules, and those are quite con- the country’s twice-a-decade leadership larly if Mexicans elect a more hawkish
many of the products on the EU’s hit list fining,” he says. transition event this year. president in 2018.
came from battleground states for the
following year’s presidential election. “Certainly when we in the Obama “That itself raises the risk of escala- Trump’s talk of “border adjustment
administration were looking for tools tion, either in economics or in foreign taxes” or more direct levies will raise the
Jeb Bush, George’s younger brother, to push back on action that we didn’t policy,” he warns. eyebrows of more than the WTO.
was governor of Florida at the time and like by the Chinese or others, the fact
the elder Bush reportedly confronted that we were bound by the WTO made As the banana and steel sagas show, This is exactly what happened in
Romano Prodi, then head of the Euro- things difficult. tit-for-tat measures are often very per- the Thirties in Canada, which recali-
pean Commission, over what he saw as sonal. China is no stranger to this strat- brated its trade toward the Common-
a personal attack. “If Trump decides that he is going egy, says MacFarquhar, who recalls its wealth after the United States imposed
to play chicken with the WTO and do decision to launch a trade probe into Smoot-Hawley.
“Why are you attacking my family?” what he wants to do … that’s a very European wine after the EU hit the
he asked the Brussels chief at a summit. significant change in approach, and country with levies on solar panels. “A repeat of this would adversely af-
it would be possible for Trump to es- fect the U.S.’s foreign relations, which is
Bush capitulated and order was re- sentially destroy the current global Karel de Gucht, the EU trade commis- just as significant as the economic con-
stored. trading system by doing that because sioner who hit China with the levies, was sequences,” he says.
other countries will not want to be a himself a wine producer.
While the dispute was acrimonious, part of it if that’s how the world’s larg- History also shows that just as coun-
Chad Bown, a senior research fellow at est importer is going to behave.” Tit-for-tat moves are likely to hit tries don’t stand still in trade disputes,
the Peterson Institute and former White Washington harder than Beijing. The neither do companies.
House economist, believes it showed Douglas Irwin, a professor of eco- stock of U.S. foreign direct investment
the system worked. nomics at Dartmouth College, says ig- (FDI) in China stood at $65.8 billion in Lyndon Johnson introduced a 25
noring the rules presents big risks. “The 2014, while China’s FDI in the United percent tax on foreign-made ship-
“In the 2002 case, ultimately the EU biggest lesson from history is that other States was $9.5 billion. ments of commercial trucks and vans
and other countries challenged the countries don’t stand still and just take in the Sixties in response to Germany’s
U.S. They won, and while the dispute U.S. trade policy as given. “It’s very clear that the U.S. big busi- high import fees on U.S.-produced
escalated, the tariffs were limited to ness sector is far more exposed to bad chicken.
less than two years and a small set of “They will respond and usually often behavior by the Chinese than we could
products,” he says. retaliate against what the U.S. is do- ever retaliate in the U.S. market,” says While similar tariffs on brandy and
ing.” The 1930 Smoot-Hawley tariff act, MacFarquhar, who adds that the Chi- potato starch were later withdrawn, the
Patience underpins the current sys- which was preceded by the Fordney- nese could also hit the U.S. by changing vehicle tariff remained.
tem, says Bown. McCumber tariffs, demonstrates this. the companies it buys from.
As a result, companies like Mercedes-
Even when the EU’s promise to level Returning to the policies of this era “For the U.S., they could put in large Benz send partially assembled vans from
the playing field by 2006 was broken, would be a “fiasco,” says Bown. Airbus orders at the expense of Boe- Germany to the United States, where
countries continued to use the WTO as ing, they could buy Brazilian instead they are put back together and sold in
the ultimate arbiter. “If Trump pulls the U.S. out of the of American soybeans, they could order to avoid a tax that is charged on
WTO, it would take us back to an en- cause interruption in the supply chain ready-to-drive vehicles.
“The EU followed legal process and vironment like we had in the Thirties, for the iPhone. At a stretch, they could
the dispute didn’t boil over into a trade when countries could do whatever they even pull fee-paying students out of The rise of the robot will also play a
war,” says Bown. “It didn’t escalate into wanted on trade policy and implement U.S. universities, which would have a role, even if Trump achieves his goals.
something bigger that threatened the all sorts of beggar-thy-neighbor policies, significant economic impact.”
whole system. That’s what I’m worried and that would be a fiasco. “The way things are produced in the
about today.” Tensions between the United States U.S. is very different to 20 to 30 years
“The international community built and Mexico are also rising. The coun- ago,” says Bown.
Trump has already vowed to “rene- the current system after the devasta- try’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto, can-
gotiate” America’s relationship with the tion of World War II and the Great De- celled a meeting with Trump last week “We now have a tremendous
WTO if it tries to block his protectionist pression precisely hoping that we could after the U.S. president insisted that the amount of automation and robots
policies. avoid these sorts of self-inflicted wounds country would pay for a wall on the two and the concern is that even if Trump
through our own policy choices. countries’ border. erects all of these trade barriers and
“We’re going to renegotiate or we’re gets the U.S. back into a world where it
going to pull out,” he said last year. “That’s why we designed a rules- While the United States ran a $58 produces more manufactured goods
based system.” billion trade deficit in goods with domestically, it’s not clear that would
“These trade deals are a disaster. The Mexico in 2015, its services trade sur- result in jobs.
WTO is a disaster.” MacFarquhar says Trump’s threats to- plus was $9.2 billion.
wards China are particularly dangerous. “Companies are smart and they are
Rory MacFarquhar, who served un- Mexico is also America’s second larg- looking for ways to do things more
der Barack Obama as a senior direc- While he says President Xi Jinping cheaply. After all, they want their con-
tor for global economics and finance has “no desire to get into an escalatory sumers to be able to afford them.”
in the White House, fears that Trump
will not only bend the rules, but tear
22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 28, 2015 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
THE HISTORY OF HOSPITALS IN AMERICA hospitals. Public hospitals fell out of favor as new commu-
nity hospitals were built.
According to the American Hospital Association, 87 per-
cent of the 5,686 hospitals in the United States are com- During the 1950s and ‘60s, as Americans enjoyed un-
munity hospitals. precedented prosperity and unemployment rates as low
as 2 percent, millions moved from cities to suburbs. Most
What are the differences between community and gov- employers provided health insurance for employees. With
ernment hospitals, not-for-profit and for-profit hospitals, passage of the Medicare and Medicaid Act in 1965, hospi-
religious and secular medical centers, and stand-alone hos- tals began receiving payment from the government for care
pitals and multi-hospital healthcare systems? provided to the elderly and poor.
Let’s begin with how hospitals started and have devel- Beginning in the 1980s, for-profit corporations began buy-
oped. ing hospitals and forming multi-hospital healthcare systems.
Likewise, some not-for-profit hospitals began partnering
In 1751 Ben Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond founded the na- with other healthcare organizations to form conglomerates.
tion’s first hospital – Pennsylvania Hospital. With funds raised
by Franklin, and matched by the Pennsylvania Assembly, The evolution continues. With more than 1.5 million baby
Pennsylvania Hospital was created to “care for the sick poor boomers signing up for Medicare each year, the Centers for
and insane who were wandering the streets of Philadelphia.” Medicare and Medicaid is looking for ways to lower costs.
Rooted in a tradition of charity, public hospitals were es- A program, the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
tablished by states, counties and municipalities to shelter Initiative, is being tested. This model bundles reimburse-
and care for the chronically ill, deprived and disabled. ment for hospitals, physicians, skilled nursing homes, long-
term rehabilitation centers, home health services, and oth-
At the beginning of the Civil War era, hospitals became er practitioners into one payment for an “episode of care,”
staffed by physicians and professional nurses. to be split by all entities.
Medicine made rapid strides during the 1880s with the in- It’s too early to know if this experiment will save money.
troduction of sterilization of equipment, which opened new To be successful, participating providers will need to work
horizons for surgeons. closely across all specialties and settings.
In the early 20th century and during the Great Depression Our next column will explore the differences between not-
hospitals became “safety nets” for the public. for-profit and for-profit hospitals.
After World War II, with the advent of penicillin to treat Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
infections, streptomycin as a cure for tuberculosis, health ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
services grew. Congress passed the Hill Burton Act in 1947
which funded construction and expansion of community © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 23
Don’t let the title fool you: Eliot A. Cohen concludes, the Iraq War, which has made claims that would not only In Cohen’s eyes, a third threat is
Cohen’s newest book, “The Big Stick: he once staunchly supported, was deny other countries access to the posed by the “various jihadi move-
The Limits of Soft Power and the Ne- “a mistake.” False intelligence about riches of the seabed, but would, by ments – al-Qaeda, the Islamic State,
cessity of Military Force,” isn’t a pro- weapons of mass destruction dam- constraining commerce, render them al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, and others.”
war polemic. Instead, it’s very much aged U.S. credibility, as did the abuses vassals to their giant neighbor.” More Traditional models of deterrence have
in the “older, sadder, wiser” vein: Once at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. More broadly, China refuses to “recognize little to offer when it comes to ideolog-
seen as a cheerleader for the GeorgeW. broadly, the war strained civil-military a state system based on equality and ically motivated, violent non-state ac-
Bush administration’s ambitious neo- relations, caused tensions with key sovereignty, and an economic system tors, and the United States has strug-
conservative agenda, Cohen now of- U.S. allies and left the United States built around globalized free trade sup- gled both to define and to respond to
fers a vision of American power that’s weaker rather than stronger. ported by the rule of law.” Instead, “it these nontraditional foes.
been largely stripped of illusion. The has a hierarchical conception of inter-
United States must enhance its mili- Cohen is equally critical of Ameri- national relations.” Finally, “The Big Stick” turns to
tary capabilities and remain engaged can military and political leaders. En- the challenges posed by ungoverned
in shoring up the international order, amored of Special Operations forces China, one supposes, might say the spaces and the global commons. Here,
he contends in this thoughtful and er- and drone strikes, U.S. policymakers same of the United States. Still, Co- there is often no “enemy” but rather a
udite book – but not because the Unit- have confused tactical success with hen is surely right that China’s recent compelling U.S. interest in ensuring
ed States is infallible. It’s simply that in strategic progress, and the military attempt to claim most of the South that the world’s trouble spots don’t
this messy and uncertain world, there has failed to invest in “the intellec- China Sea as part of its territorial wa- boil over. The refugee flows engen-
are currently no better alternatives. tual infrastructure” of hard power and ters runs afoul of international law dered by Syria’s civil war are desta-
failed to develop innovative new ways and greatly increases the risk of inter- bilizing Europe; internal conflicts in
Even though Cohen is passionate to bring in vital talent. national conflict. “War,” Cohen notes, Yemen, Iraq and a dozen other places
about a United States that is militarily “may come without either side willing also threaten regional stability. Simi-
powerful and internationally engaged, Why, then, should the flawed and it from the beginning”; even an “acci- larly, tensions over access to and con-
he is also a student of history, and for error-prone United States not simply dental or nearly accidental clash be- trol of the oceans, over the potentially
the most part, he owns up to recent cultivate its own garden, reserving the tween American and Chinese forces” vast resources beneath the melting
U.S. failures. In Iraq and Afghanistan, use of military force for narrow, defen- could quickly spiral into overt conflict, polar ice caps, over outer space, and
the United States was “unprepared, sive purposes? and there is no guarantee that the over cyberspace could easily escalate.
intellectually and organizationally.” It United States would emerge victori- Complex as they are, Cohen insists, “in
made “fundamental misjudgments,” Cohen has an answer, and it’s far ous. all these dimensions of ungoverned
and the military adapted only halt- from triumphalist: We live in a coun- space and the commons,” American
ingly and intermittently to the new try that has been continuously at war Washington, Cohen contends, must “military power remains the ultimate
forms of conflict it faced. Ultimately, for the past 15 years and continually at therefore “convince [this] rising, as- guarantor that the diverse great com-
war throughout its history, and we be- sertive and yet vulnerable peer” that mons of mankind remain accessible
long to a species that seems uniquely attacks on its neighbors or on the to all.”
prone to bouts of mass slaughter. As United States would “not only fail, but
Leon Trotsky is said to have remarked, endanger the regime that launched In a dangerous and uncertain
“You may not be interested in war, but them,” something that can “only be world, he concludes, the best we can
war is interested in you.” If we take accomplished by an American force do is acknowledge how very little we
that seriously, the United States needs structure, alliance system, and mobi- know and try to build a military and a
to be engaged in the ongoing project lization capacity that makes such at- society capable of rapid adaptation to
of shoring up the international order tacks self-evidently unwise.” challenges we can barely anticipate,
it helped create, and it needs to accept much less control.
that there may be times when politi- Cohen sees a second challenge to
cal leaders will conclude, “however re- U.S. interests in the behavior of pow- To those who ask, “Why the United
luctantly, that violence is the least bad erful nuclear and near-nuclear states States?” Cohen offers an implicit chal-
policy choice.” such as Russia, Iran and North Korea. lenge: Who else?
Each aims to change regional bal-
That international order (and the ances of power in ways that could trig- THE BIG STICK
American interests it protects) faces ger widespread conflict, and each, he The Limits of Soft Power and the
four main challenges. The first is Chi- argues, can be deterred only by clear
na. China’s worldview is fundamen- evidence that the United States will, if Necessity of Military Force
tally incompatible with that of the necessary, respond to aggressive or de- By Eliot A. Cohen
United States, Cohen asserts. In the stabilizing actions with decisive force.
South China Sea, for instance, “China Basic. 285 pp. $27.99
Review by Rosa Brooks,
The Washington Post
1. Fatal BY JOHN LESCROART 1. Three Days in January 1. The Runaway (Valkyrie #02)
2. A Gentleman in Moscow
2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE 2. Carve the Mark
3. The Guests on South 3. Best. State. Ever.
4. Commonwealth 3. I Love You More (Flip Book)
4. The Undoing Project
5. The Wicked City 4. I'll Hug You More BY LAURA DUKSTA
5. A Life Well Played 5. If You Give a Mouse a Brownie
presents presents
Dutton Books
And Stories that
Friday, Feb. 3rd at 5 pm Illuminate Them
Thursday, Feb. 9th at 6 pm
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Garden party (4) 1 Liquid refreshment (8)
8 Elevation (8) 2 Sahara, Gobi, etc (6)
9 Decline (6) 3 Set of cutlery (7)
10 Nonsense (6) 4 Swot (5)
11 Comrade (7) 5 Extended footstep (6)
12 Banquet (5) 6 Axelike tool (4)
15 Chock (5) 13 Summary (8)
17 Guests (7) 14 Eat (7)
20 Pancake mix (6) 16 Collect (6)
22 Drowsy (6) 18 Copiousness (6)
23 Tepid (8) 19 Fracture (5)
24 Jaunt (4) 21 Bluishgreen (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 27
ACROSS 71 Engine conduit 10 Picasso’s 77 The south of The Washington Post
72 “Where ___ sign?” daughter France
1 Sweating settings 73 Brants STAKEOUT! By Merl Reagle
5 Sitar great 75 Child, for one 11 Efferent part of a 78 Deliver, with “out”
9 Meat in Monty 76 Writer’s space- neuron 79 Playful aquatic
Python sketches saver 12 Cambridge sch. carnivore
13 Camp David 77 Tough crowd 13 Little fight 81 Egypt’s Port ___
78 Silk route traveler 14 Tying word 82 Abodes crushed
Accord figure 80 Estimator’s suffix 15 Edward
18 Landed 83 Die Fledermaus, by King Kong
19 Surrounded by Murdstone’s 84 “Get going!”
20 Airport waiter? for one stepson 85 C.W. of cereal
21 Superman 86 Sum 16 Arctic jacket
87 Vichy water 17 Iracund fame
sighting excerpt 88 Peas keeper 21 Easy ___ 90 The Cincinnati
22 WWII drama 89 “I ___ You, Babe” 23 “Get my drift?”
90 Be sullen 24 City that saw Kid’s game
based on a Robert 91 Am-scrayed Columbus off in 92 Status car
Lee Scott book 93 Tom Swift Jr. 1492 93 Draw off
25 Battleship booms 28 Some eating 94 Famous
26 Word breaks contraption regimens 95 Oil city destroyed
27 East of Eden 98 Track info 31 Number line?
brother 99 Type variable 32 Walkies in the Iran-Iraq
28 Calorie increaser 100 Meal starter? implement War
29 N.Y. subway 101 Cooking verb 33 WWII vehicle 96 Some oasis
30 Evenness symbol 102 “I Am Woman” 34 Extinct bird visitors
32 No place to be 35 What you just did 97 TV Tarzan
somebody verb 36 Home of 99 Pieces of cake,
33 Ring hit 104 Frank’s love, once Diamond Head for Houdini
34 June date 105 K2, e.g. 37 Betrayer of the 103 Swiss river
35 Meat sub? 106 “___ to you, Incas 105 Start of “The
38 “Timeless” Leroy 39 Rimsky- Battle Hymn
Anderson classic buddy” Korsakov’s first of the Republic”
42 Winfrey in 107 Bahamas capital 40 Deuce beater 106 The stuff that
withdrawal? 111 “Randy Andy” 41 Want drifts are made of
44 Grande and 43 AMPAS award 108 James Brown,
others thought she was 49 Site of George “the
45 Rough from dandy Bailey’s physical Godfather of ___”
rubbing 113 Theme of this problem in It’s A 109 Gibbons, for
46 Bard’s bother puzzle Wonderful Life example
47 “I see!” 117 Gofer’s job 50 Conrad or Cotten: 110 Meat monitor:
48 Watch word? 118 Have a small abbr. abbr.
50 Saturday Night horse 51 A very brief wait, 112 Line dancer,
Live alumnus 119 Skating feat briefly perhaps
54 Wine cask 120 Colored 52 Shrewd 113 Photographed
55 Street sounds, 121 Snatched 53 Swine line pie-plate?
perhaps 122 Treats like 56 A plane house 114 Something to
57 Antlered animal property 59 Actress Jasmine share in
58 Animal Farm 123 Like some Volvos 61 Wye follower Manhattan
leader 124 Born Free lioness 63 Leave to have a 115 Losing tic-tac-toe
60 Michael Romanov, good time line
for one DOWN 64 Larry smacker 116 Irritate
62 Car-buying 1 Goes south? 65 Antonio in Evita
alternative 2 Dropping-into- 66 A uniform coll.
63 Messy place course?
64 It’s read with dish- water sound 67 Runnerless sled
interest 3 Verdi heroine 69 Carbon 14, for
65 “Hear ye” hollerer 4 Money-losing one
67 Lofty lake 70 Uses a cleaver
68 Goes unused proposition? 72 A Dwarf
70 Murphy Brown 5 He had a pyramid 74 Period of history
character 75 Actor Gulager
6 Novelist Tan
7 Body man Tanny
8 Tying words
9 Agitate
The Telegraph
28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
His girlfriend and roomie don’t get along. Now what?
BY CAROLYN HAX – Reluctant Referee: In my big town, making de- them just deal with it – depending on your prefer-
Washington Post mands on your time for the purpose of keeping you ences, values and gut.
away from someone else isn’t “sweet”; it’s “manipu-
Dear Carolyn: My girlfriend lative,” “controlling,” “self-aggrandizing” and “ob- Just as you can choose your own friends. And
of two years and my roommate, noxious.” your friends can cuss and gamble. And she can
an old buddy from high school, deplore those friends, and also choose another
don’t get along. He probably falls But it’s your town that counts. You’re an adult, boyfriend whose taste in friends she doesn’t de-
within the fat part of the bell you can decide for yourself who’s right, and if one of plore.
curve for single-guy behavior, these people matters to you more, and whether to
which means he cusses, gambles choose one over the other, or neither, or both and let What I don’t think you can do is to equate your
and, occasionally, brings girls girlfriend’s stubbornness with your friend’s. He
back to the house. She is a sweet small-town girl insists on doing things his crude way, she insists
and doesn’t make an effort to disguise her disgust on your doing things her way. An apple and an or-
for his lifestyle; he doesn’t really tone down his ange, and the orange doesn’t smell so good.
“guy’s guy” persona when she’s around.
I keep them separated, but she isn’t satisfied, Dear Carolyn: I’ve been attracted for a long time
having repeatedly told me he is a bad person and now to a certain person, who has not been attract-
she doesn’t want me to be friends with him at all. ed to me. Lately, I’ve been changing my look – con-
But he’s an old friend and a decent guy. tacts instead of glasses, newer girlier haircut, girli-
She and I are dating seriously, so my relationship er clothes, etc. – and now this person has become
with him is pretty limited already. But now, since interested in me. Part of me is happy, but part of
I have refused to make some sort of official decla- me feels like he’s shallow. What do you think?
ration that he’s no longer my friend, she is ramp-
ing up her demands on my time, because she sees – Va.
any time away from her as potential time I could be
spending with him. – Va.: I think if you made these changes just to
I don’t know what to do. I am really troubled by attract someone’s attention, then you should be
her willingness to make demands like this in the first careful who you call shallow.
place. And I’m pretty unimpressed with my friend’s
behavior toward this woman for whom I clearly care But if you made these changes because you felt
so deeply. good making them, because you feel there is joy
in the physical, no different from finding joy in a
– Reluctant Referee sunset or painting or costume or other, more in-
tellectually correct venue, then maybe it’s time to
broaden your view of any joy this guy finds in the
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 29
Style lessons we can still learn from Jackie today
BY LISA ARMSTRONG first FL to get her own press secretary. ten years after their zenith. Instead, trench-coats, pea-coats and her Capri
Women’s Wear Daily, until that point women were scoping out her fluid calf sandals. No one, not even Kate Moss, is
The Telegraph a trade-only magazine, became a so- length Valentino dresses, her white immune to Jackie O evergreens.
ciety must-read when it transformed kick flares, oversized tortoise shell
America in the Sixties seemed the itself into What Jackie Wears Daily. sunglasses, her animal-print coats, One reason for the seemingly unas-
most glamorous, modern place in the sailable longevity of Jackie’s Camelot-
world and Jackie Kennedy epitomized The fascination never abated. era style is the charisma of the woman
its appeal. But is that why she’s such an Whether it’s Princess Diana’s whole- herself. An early template of modern
enduring figure? It’s more than half a sale lifting of a pink Jackie suit and mass media’s need to find non-Holly-
century since she vacated The White pillbox in the 1990s, the whisper-blue, wood celebrities, her allure was even
House, yet Jackie Kennedy’s style is bracelet-sleeve Jackie suit Angelina Jo- felt in Leningrad where Moody Maga-
still considered not just relevant, but lie wore to collect her damehood from zine extolled The Jackie Look.
central to our ideas of what’s elegant the Queen in 2014, the Duchess of Cam-
and tasteful, to an almost weird extent. bridge’s outfit on a Netherlands trip in What cinched her modernity were
2017 (more suiting, more icy blues), the contradictions. Patrician from her
No other figure, apart from Audrey Anna Wintour’s beloved, semi-fitted pinky finger to that odd, breathy voice,
Hepburn, who was essentially Jack- sleeveless shift dresses – a constant in American baby boomers nonetheless
ie’s celluloid doppelganger, and with the latter’s wardrobe for the past twen- identified with her as a young mother.
whom she shared the same overarch- ty years – Jackie’s legacy lives on. (She was the first FL to give birth while
ingly influential designer, Hubert de in the White House. Her son Patrick
Givenchy, has cast such a powerful or Ivanka Trump and latterly Melania died two days later, three months be-
long-lasting penumbra over the world’s Trump have also borrowed from Jack- fore his father’s assassination. That
ideas of how to dress, eat and even live. ie’s vocabulary, an irony that wouldn’t was an annus horriblis).
(She replaced the White House’s awk- be lost on her. The shift dresses may
ward rectangular dining tables with be tighter (Jackie herself hated tight So even early on, there was glam-
more convivial round ones, tossed out clothes), the low-heeled block heels our steeped in tragedy – an irresist-
its schlocky early 20th century furni- morphed into killer heeled pointy toes, ible combination (she’d previously en-
ture for elegant 18th and filled it with the healthy Hyannis Port summer tan dured a miscarriage and a stillbirth).
decent art as well as wicker baskets of upgraded for a year round one and the She defined herself in traditional
white flowers.) understated top handled black bags terms, but there was clearly a steely
traded for blingy status versions … but core beneath the soft, gauzy carapace
Sure, her contemporary impact is the basic grammar’s intact.
amplified at the moment. Mad Men, CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
with its fastidious fetishization of As for Amal Clooney – her references
American style and mores in the early are so frequent, down to the vintage
1960s filtered through an early 21st 1963 beaded Chanel dress she wore re-
century sense of irony, helped propel cently in Davos, she must have a Jackie
mid-century furniture and architec- Pinterest board.
ture to its current hallowed status.
Then there is Natalie Portman’s turn Inevitably some eras identified more
in the new film Jackie (no surname re- strongly with the Jackie Look than
quired) as the patrician first lady in her others. In the ’70s, no one youthful
darkest hour, and the Jackie-inspired or fashionable – including Jackie her-
chartreuse Prada gown she wore to the self - was dressing the way she had in
Golden Globes recently – both univer- the Camelot years, but that’s because
sally eulogized. the life cycle of obsession means fash-
ions are generally dead in the water
The film is set to dominate the red
carpets, and fashion PRs are working
overtime to spin some Jackie alchemy.
Every ladylike bag has become a Get
the Jackie Look Bag; every cropped
jacket, a Get The Jackie Look Jacket.
No need to ask whether the Jackie
Look will catch on. It never latched off.
Women were channelling her silhou-
ettes and color palette even before her
husband became president. Pillbox
hats and chin-length bouffants were
everywhere. She didn’t invent them
but became a bridgehead between the
sophisticated fashion magazine’s eye
and the public.
One reason for the seemingly unas-
sailable longevity of Jackie’s Camelot-
era style is the charisma of the woman
In the weeks up to his inauguration
in 1961, enquiries about the first lady
(no FLOTUS back then) rivaled those
concerning JFK himself. She was the
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here’s evidence the denim
jacket is making a comeback
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 shapes suited her and photographed BY ALICE NEWBOLD An embroidered denim jacket either
fabulously well. This she learned The Telegraph sings of varsity style or nods to the ar-
and she could – and did – hold her own (along with other expensive lessons tisanal, crafty trend. Use as a chance to
on the world stage. about restraint) in the couture salons As part of a seasonal denim over- show a little personality in your spring
of Givenchy and Balenciaga. Once she haul, which saw fashion sound the style.
There was her instinctive yearn- entered the White House she was pres- death knell on the skinny jean, the
ing for privacy and her understanding surized into wearing American design- denim jacket has been making waves. The ‘boyfriend’ fit
of the mutual pull of the public gaze. ers – a problem when the world, and
“More soldiers, more horses, more cry- Jackie, considered them second rate. Not the trad Nineties kind, mind Buy a size bigger for that “borrowed
ing,” she ordered, for the state funeral She neatly waltzed round it by hiring you. The new breed of denim jacket from my boyfriend look” that cocoons
of her husband. It was the same im- as her official designer Grace Kelly’s ex, comes in boxy, mod shapes, or belted the torso. A longer cut is also more flat-
pulse that prompted those intimate Oleg Cassini, a playboy whose fashion kimono styles. There are indigo and tering from behind, as it grazes the
shots of the young first family at play reputation was, until that point, some- stone washes, embroidered panels and bottom, rather than cutting the torso
– seemingly candid pictures in which what underpowered. Some claimed fraying, too. in half.
they all look immaculate. he won the gig primarily because he
wasn’t squeamish about ripping off Here’s your need to know on the new The smart, dark wash
There was cultured, educated Jackie French couturiers. One of the outfits ways to way that fashion classic.
(she translated state documents from he designed for Jackie on a state visit to Indigo washes are infinitely smarter
French to English for her husband) Paris was wincingly similar to a Cardin The wrap than faded denim. Dark washes also
and playful, athletic Jackie who could design wore by the wife of a French of- team well with black, and thus make
dance the twist and whose toned bi- ficial. Belted jackets make great transition- for a good entry point to the denim
ceps preempted Michelle’s – another al pieces, because they can be layered trend if you’re still scarred by Nineties
reason those shift dresses looked so In the intervening years, a growing over polo-neck knits while the weather acid washes.
modern. appreciation of minimalism has kept makes its mind up. Unlike short, boxy
Jackie’s wardrobe – or the spirit of it – cuts, these waist-cinchers highlight
There was the Jackie who, with her topical. While women wearing slavish the silhouette. They also allow a mod-
mother-in-law Rose Kennedy, spent copies of those Camelot clothes can ern, feminine approach to the Canadi-
$30,000 a year on French couture (this look slightly anachronistic nowadays an tuxedo (double denim), which tends
in the late 1950s), and Jackie the demo- (the daywear, not her evening dresses, to only work on long, lean frames.
crat who sympathized with America’s most of which look remarkably con-
civil rights movement. temporary and fresh), the lessons of The boxy cut
Jackie-ness are utterly on point: Dress
Jackie herself was not averse to play- for your shape, keep it (deceptively) Swap sweaters for a boxy cut that can
ing the Simple American Mother card. simple, obsess over the details, and be layered with other items. Lighter
One example is the cream cloth coat make your How to Dress math 25 per- washes will warm up the darker colors,
she wore to her husband’s Inaugu- cent fashion versus 75 percent person- and contrast well with punchy-hued
ral Swearing In, when fur might have al style. accessories.
been expected – a double entendre that
played well to democrats, and style
watchers alike.
The fact is, simple, architectural
The embroidered piece
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 31
& Casual Dining
Kilted Mermaid: Hot gastropub with cool vibe
Paper Bag Salmon.
BY TINA RONDEAU Traditional Swiss Heath Bar sin we had a few years back. This mix of
Fondue. Fondue. dark chocolate, Young’s double choco-
Columnist late stout, rum-soaked raisins, cinna-
the short rib poutine ($14), which our brown bag salmon – a beautiful salmon mon and a touch of cayenne pepper was
I was looking online recently for an server highly recommended; my hus- filet served with asparagus and red po- about as decadent as it gets.
out-of-town bistro, and out of curiosity band opted for the brown bag salmon tatoes, all cooked in parchment paper
decided to check the ratings of Vero res- ($18); and our companion went for the with Vermont creamery butter, fresh As it happened, the evening of our
taurants on cheddar fondue ($13). dill and harissa. A wonderful dish. visit, a Thursday, is the Kilted Mermaid’s
Trivia Night. Turns out there is some-
The rankings of restaurants on the My poutine was a variation on the While a hard-to-beat variety of craft thing going on (in addition to food and
world’s largest travel website have French-Canadian classic, in this case beers and ales probably remains the drink) most every night at the Kilted
sometimes been hard to figure, but consisting of red potatoes roasted in main draw at Kilted, the menu selection Mermaid. Some nights (generally week-
Trip-Advisor has been getting more re- duck fat, topped with BBQ short ribs, has expanded to include a half dozen ends) feature live music, while we are
liable of late. Its number one and num- pepper-jack cheese, sour cream and fondues, several flatbreads, a dozen told that Open Mic evenings (Wednes-
ber two restaurants for Vero are now chives. Delicious. small and medium plates, and full-sized days) also generally draw a crowd.
longtime favorites that we have been entrées like duck breast and braised
giving top marks for years. No argu- The fondue this evening – a trio of lamb shank. With food served at Kilted I don’t think I would agree that this is
ment there. Irish, Wisconsin and English aged until 11 p.m. Wednesdays and Thurs- the fourth best restaurant in Vero, but
cheddars blended with Cigar City days, and midnight Fridays and Satur- you will certainly impress visiting chil-
The current number three for Vero Madura Brown Ale and a touch of dry days, this is a place where you can get a dren or grandchildren this winter by
on TripAdvisor, however, is a beachside mustard – was good, but our compan- good dinner later than at most spots. taking them to this café with a cool vibe
restaurant that serves great breakfasts, ion said she had preferred the classic that has good food and terrific beers.
but no dinner. Hmmm. Then in the Swiss fondue which she had enjoyed at On this most recent visit, we passed
fourth spot, out of Vero’s dozens of fine Kilted a week earlier. up all of the dessert fondues, but I still I welcome your comments, and en-
restaurants, is – the Kilted Mermaid? remember the dark chocolate rum rai- courage you to send feedback to me at
The surprise of the night was the [email protected].
I still think of this funky gastropub as
not so much a restaurant as a craft beer The reviewer dines anonymously at
and wine bar which also offers some restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
light fare. But last Thursday, when we 32963.
were trying to decide where to have a
late meal, we wound up heading over to Kilted Mermaid
Old Dixie.
Hours: Tuesday-Sunday,
The café itself is a eclectic combina- 5 pm to 1 am
tion of low- and high-top tables, with
wooden mermaids hanging from the Beverages: Beer and wine
ceiling and couches in a homey back
room that are more suitable for sharing Address:
a brew and a cheese plate than eating 1937 Old Dixie Highway,
something that requires silverware.
Vero Beach
We chose a regular table toward the
rear, and a very friendly server quickly Phone: 772-569-5533
brought us a couple of glasses of bou-
tique wines.
I decided to try the evening’s special,
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
InviteS Sunday, February 5, 2017 • 6pm
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$2 Domestic Drafts
$200 CASH if you guess the final score!
Call ahead for guaranteed seating
3830 Hwy A1A - Melbourne Beach, FL 32951
In Publix Shopping Center - Ph: 321.914.0995
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 33
Bonz says Rico’s found the Keys to happiness
Hi Dog Buddies! Well, I was the only chocolate pupster in the Rico, the Labradoodle. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
litter, the others were plan ol’ black or white
Like with lots of us poocheroos, Rico Frati- (no offense). And, here, take a look.” His Dad brought out a big con- guy. Even when we don’t have a delivery, he
celli and his forever Mom and Dad found tainer of treats. I didn’t want to appear tosses me a treat. I have tons of pooch pals
each other cuz of what SEEMED like random It was his puppy picture: an adorable little rude, so I had one. Well, two. down there, an I’m startin’ to make friends
stuff happening, but akshully it was totally furball, big blue eyes lookin’ right into the here: There’s Remy an Molly, they’re Poodles;
Meant To Be. You know? camera. “Anyhoo, I’ve been with Mommy an “I noticed your pool. Do you swim?” Sam, I think he’s a mix; an I’m real excited cuz
Daddy ever since. Mommy taught me this “LOVE it! Hey, come’on! You’re a span- my human Gramma an Grampa are movin’
Rico’s a Florida Keys pooch, who just re- cool thing when I wanna go out. It’s called iel. I KNOW you like swimmin’! I brought down from Atlanta, to be with ME. ’Course
cently moved here, to the island. He’s a Lab- panna-mine. She’d say, “Wanna go OUT?” you a towel.” they’ll get to see Mommy an Daddy, too.”
radoodle: tall and rangy, real laid back, like but instead of sayin’ OUT, she’d make her It was a big, fluffy one, too, and, Dog!
you’d expect from a Lab (’specially one from mouth into an OH shape. So now when I that water was callin’ my name. One of “I gotta say, Rico, I totally dig your hairdo.
The Keys), and super friendly. And his per- wanna go out, I do the same thing! Watch!” those Infinity pools, ya know? But I was Got a real island vibe. Who’s your stylist?”
sonal style is Totally Cool Kibbles. Rico pranc- On The Job.
es to his own Silent Dog Whistle. He mooshed his mouth into a big O. “Mommy is! We have ‘spa day’ every cou-
Hilarious! Rico jumped in, and kept right on ple weeks: I get all groomed, teeth brushed,
Me and my assistant heard him woof- yappin’. shaved, the whole nine yards. She’s great,
ing, the door opened, and there he was: “So I’ve NEVER had an accident in the right?”
soft, brown color, like cocoa with lotsa milk. house. Well, ’cept this one time: Mommy “Once, down in the Keys, when I was
Between his neck and his caboose, he was usta be a flight attendant and she was al- a pupster, Daddy was on the dock, wor- “She is indeed! Woof, I can’t believe the
clipped real short. But the rest was aMAZing: ways leavin’ and not takin’ me. I didn’t like kin’ on the boat. I hadn’t been on the time. It’s been great yappin’ with you, Rico.”
On his head, it was long and stickin’ up all it one little bit, so one time, I had a puppy dock before, so I carefully waddled
over, like a lion mane, or a dandelion – kinda tantrum and peed IN THE HOUSE. Sorta out. I got so intrested, I sat down, an “Anytime, Bonz. Anytime!”
Punk, kinda Rasta, with some dreads on top. accidentally on purpose. tumbled backwards right into the wa- Heading home, I asked my assistant to roll
And his tail was real long, but not super curly down the window so my fur would be totally
like a poodle, more like a horse tail, very full “I’m a lucky pooch, Bonz, gotta great life! ter. Mommy almost hadda heart at- dry by the time I arrived. (Don’t tell, OK?)
and wavy. And it looked like it’d been high- I did get real sick about 4 years ago, nearly tack an Daddy hadda rescue me.”
lighted (like human ladies do.) All in all, one bought the kenneI. Mommy and Daddy “Do you enjoy travling?” Till next time,
good-lookin’ poocheroo. say I’m a Miracle Dog. I may be getting up “Totes! I have an orthopedic bed, takes up
there (gonna be 13 in April), my caboose the whole back of the SUV. The boat’s fun, The Bonz
After the Wag-and-Sniff, we got situated sometimes gives me trouble, but in my too. When Mommy packs the night before,
on the couch. “This is my heart, I feel like a pup. Hey, wanna chew I sleep right by her suitcase. If I can’t go, I Don’t Be Shy
on one of stay with Uncle Barry in Boca. I LOVE Uncle
Mommy, Lisa, and my Daddy, Paul. Got Barry. Me an him an his grandkids have The We are always looking for pets
your pencil ready?” my toys?” He trotted Best Time. We say, ‘What happens in Boca, with interesting stories.
off and returned with a well-munched stuffed STAYS in Boca.’”
“You betcha,” I said. something. Mighta been a bear. “Cool Kibbles! Any dog buddies?” To set up an interview, email
“First off, Mommy an Daddy never wudda “There was Cousin Casey, a Beagle. He [email protected].
found me if they hadn’t decided to go up to I shook my head. “Thanks, though. You lived around the corner from where I was
Sarasota one weekend, and if Daddy hadn’t sure have a great attitude.” born. In the Keys, there’s Dennis the UPS
bought a noospaper and happened to run
across an ad for Labradoodle puppies in Ft. “Always have. I say just go with the flow.
Myers, and if the breeder didn’t happen to be Life’s too short to get your hackles up. I bring
right on their way back home. So they thought, Daddy a toy every morning. We take a walk,
‘What theWoof,’ why not stop and take a look. I Do My Duty. Then I grab some more Zzz’s.
When Mommy gets up, we do our stretches.
Then I bring Daddy another toy an get my
mid-morning treat. Bonz, you GOTTA try
PUPcorn! It’s the BEST! Want some?”
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, 5:30 3 Politicos on Parade Luncheon and Fash- 11 Ocean Treasures & Sea Glass Symposium,
to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Melbourne Main ion show where models are newly elect- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Archie Carr National
Riverside Theatre Vero Beach – An Empty Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. every second Friday. ed Brevard County officials, 11:30 a.m. at Sun- Wildlife Refuge Barrier Island Center featuring au-
Plate in the Café du Grand Boeuf thru Feb. 5 and tree Country Club, Melbourne, presented by thors Richard LaMotte, Dawn and Blair Withering-
Private Lives thru Feb. 19. 772-231-6990 Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo and League of Women Voters of the Space Coast. ton, speakers, judged found object competition,
FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at Duran $45. 321-622-4071 artists, food trucks and raffle. 321-723-3556
Brevard Renaissance Fair at Wickham Park, Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free.
Melbourne, weekends thru Feb. 5. brevardre- 3-18 Melbourne’s Upstairs at The 11 Have a Heart Valentines Extravaganza, 7 FEBRUARY Henegar presents Lady Day at p.m. at Melbourne Hilton Rialto Place,
Emerson’s Bar and Grill, with show-stopping with dinner, auctions and dancing to benefit
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse - On the 2 Melbourne Community Orchestra pres- Billie Holiday songs. Candlelighters of Brevard, providing emotional
Town, weekends thru Feb. 12. 321-636-5050 ents Jazz for the Soul, 7:30 p.m. at Mel- and financial support to children with cancer and
bourne Auditorium joined by Swingtime Jazz 3|4 American Jazz Pianist Compe- their families. $175.
Melbourne Civic Theatre – Calendar Girls, musicians during the second half of the pro- tition benefit featuring Billy
weekends thru Feb. 26. gram. Free. 321-285-6724 Mays, 7:30 p.m. Fri., $10 & $15 and American 11 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park
Jazz Pianist Competition Sat., 2:30 to 5 p.m. Night Sounds concert series features
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN solo finals (free), and 7 p.m. trio finals,$10 & SIRSY, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Stan-
in January 26, 2017 Edition 7 TISANE 1 SILO $15, all at Atlantic Music Center Concert Hall. dard park entry fee. 321-984-4852
8 CARROT 2 FACTOR 321-725-5690
9 COST 3 VERDICT 12 Satellite Beach Lion’s Club 5th annual
10 DRESSING 4 ACTED 4|5 Gardenfest! Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Car Show, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at DRS
11 EMBRACE 5 CRISIS Sun. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside Community Center, Satellite Beach, with family
13 USUAL 6 DOWNCAST Park in Vero Beach hosted by Garden Club of fun, music and vendors to benefit local chari-
15 FLOCK 12 MILLINER IRC, with 85 vendors offering plants, furni- ties. 321-403-3971
17 DENSITY 14 SECTION ture, lighting and garden accessories, Ask the
20 DISTINCT 16 CATKIN Experts, raffles and children’s activities. Free. 12 Space Coast Jazz Society Concert with
21 URGE 18 STUFFY 772-567-4602 the Good Times Jazz Band, 2 p.m. at
23 DESIGN 19 INANE Cocoa Beach Country Club. $10 & $15; stu-
24 OFFCUT 22 GLUE 10 Brevard County Government hosts dents free. 321-960-4897
Black History Month Celebration,
Sudoku Page 526 Sudoku Page 527 Crossword Pagee5266 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Government Center 15|16 Melbourne Municipal
in Viera, with keynote speaker Dr. Desmond Band presents The Moun-
Blackburn, superintendent of Brevard Public tains Are Calling, 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Au-
Schools, cultural displays, artwork, literature ditorium, plus pre-show entertainment by the
and musical performances. Free. Mel-Bones, and a segment featuring Brevard’s
Brightest Stars. Free.
10 Melbourne Chamber Music Society
presents the Berlin Philharmonic 16 Atlantic Classical Orchestra conduct-
Wind Quintet, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United ed by David Amado presents A Night
Methodist Church in Indialantic. melbourne- at the Opera, with Palm Beach Opera young artists, 6:40 p.m. lecture; 7:30 p.m. concert at
St. Edward’s School’s Waxlax Performing Arts
Crossword Page 527 (KNOWING THE ANGLES) Center, Vero Beach. 772-460-0850
17 Mad Hatter’s Ball, 6 p.m. at Hilton
Melbourne Rialto Place to benefit
Puzzle Box Academy Scholarship Fund for chil-
dren with special aptitude and needs, with
food, drinks, music, dancing and casino games.
18 Florida Craft Brew and Wing Fest
hosted by Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach
on Royal Palm Pointe, with 150 craft beers ($35
tasting bracelet), 19 competitors vying for Best
Wings in Vero and four bands on two stages to
support Rotary projects.
Advertising Melbourne Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call.
This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers
at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory
mailed each week during season to all 8,000+ homes on
the South Brevard barrier island. If you are interested in a
listing in the Melbourne Beach 32951 Business Directory,
please contact Kristy Grimes, 321-499-7999
Kristy@[email protected] or
Will Gardner, 407-361-2150, [email protected]
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
South Melbourne Beach home is solid and spectacular
BY MARIA CANFIELD on a floor above the bedrooms. Plac- was built to exceed Miami-Dade hur- ily room with adjoining dining area
Correspondent ing those rooms on the highest floor ricane standards. “It’s like a fortress,” equipped with a wet bar, refrigera-
of this 3-story home, coupled with the Kenney says. “The windows have im- tor and microwave; this highly con-
The spacious and gracious ocean- 50-foot stretch of windows, provides pact glass and there are electric hurri- venient space gains ambiance from
front home at 7797 Highway A1A in a can’t-be-beat view of the pristine cane shutters throughout.” The house its pecky cypress ceilings, a wood
Melbourne Beach is a picture-perfect beach and glorious Atlantic Ocean. also has reinforced concrete walls, in known for beauty, durability and re-
example of “inverted living” – in which which steel and cement combine for sistance to rot and insects (as well its
the kitchen and main living areas are Designed by owner Kevin Kenney, a maximum structural strength. characteristic holes, which give it an
retired chemical engineer, the house
The home may be as strong as a for- attractive rough-hewn appearance).
tress, but has none of the starkness With its many gracefully arched,
that such a word might evoke. Even
before you enter through the double starburst-topped windows, the fam-
wood doors, you’re treated to a num- ily room has a bright and airy feel,
ber of delightful sights: a long paver- which is particularly apt due to its
driveway that widens dramatically close proximity to the wondrous out-
as it approaches the 2-car garage, door deck and patio, which boasts
the warm and inviting deep-almond a heart-shaped Jacuzzi. Having a
stucco exterior, and an entryway warm, relaxing soak would be a great
paved with travertine tile. The angles way to while away some time, and the
and bay-shaped elements give the Jacuzzi is large enough to accommo-
exterior a castle-like look, but in a date some calisthenics-type exercise.
friendly sort of way.
The deck and patio has a place for
The first floor is ideal for everyday dining under cover (outfitted with a
casual living – it has a large fam- gas grill), an open-air shower, a mag-
nificent and virtually indestructible
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 37
marble dining table (hand-built by REAL ESTATE
the owner) and a cabana-style sitting
area. We can’t go back inside without VITAL STATISTICS
mentioning the long putting green 7797 HIGHWAY A1A
that adorns a section of the backyard.
Year Built: 2005
Directly accessible from this multi- Construction: Concrete block,
function outdoor paradise, through a
door accented with stained glass, is a reinforced concrete, stucco
full bath and laundry (there’s anoth- Home size: 4,500 square feet
er washer and dryer on the second
floor). The first floor is rounded out Lot size: .37 acres
by a room that could either be an of- Bedrooms: 4
fice or a bedroom.
Bathrooms: 4 full baths,
On the second floor, accessed by 1 half-bath
a gleaming wood staircase (or the
home’s elevator), you’ll find three Furniture: Negotiable
good-sized bedrooms. While one is Additional features: Abundant
clearly the master, each of the bed- ocean views, multiple balconies,
rooms has an en suite bathroom, an deck with Jacuzzi and outdoor
attractive design feature that ensures
dining area, outdoor beach
CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 shower, putting green, home
security system, built-in stereo
speakers throughout house
and pool area, dune crossover
with 10’ X 10’ oceanfront deck,
7000-watt generator, lighted
and custom-painted ceilings,
abundant storage throughout,
ceiling fans throughout, gas
fireplace in library.
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent: Sarah Munkacsy,
List price: $1,999,999
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Jan. 20 to Jan. 26
The last full week of January saw the real estate market remain relatively quiet in the South Brevard island
ZIP codes 32951 and 32903, with 5 properties sold in Melbourne Beach and 3 in Indialantic.
The top sale of the week in 32951 was of a waterfront home in River Colony West. The residence at 302
Riverside Drive was placed on the market Oct. 19 with an asking price of $1.275 million. The transaction
closed Jan. 23 for $1.185 million
The seller in the transaction was represented by Alan King of National Realty of Brevard. The purchaser
was represented by Christopher Fadden of Christopher J. Fadden Realty.
RIVER COLONY WEST SECTION THE 302 RIVERSIDE DR 10/18/2016 $1,275,000 $1,275,000 1/22/2017 $245,500
RIVER COLONY NORTHWEST SECTION 306 S PALM AVE 9/2/2016 $399,000 $379,000 1/22/2017 $420,000
$269,000 1/22/2017 $135,000
BEACH WOODS STAGE 5 PHASE 1 3207 RIVER WINDS COURT 12/13/2016 $279,000 $279,000 1/19/2017 $317,500
INDIAN LANDING PH2 5398 SOLWAY DR 4/25/2016 $469,900 $439,900 1/19/2017
PALM COLONY CLUB CON 2700 N HIGHWAY A1A 16-104 12/8/2016 $139,900 $139,900 1/24/2017
BEACH CLUB CONDOMINI 1951 ISLAND CLUB DR 36 11/14/2016 $105,000 $105,000 1/19/2017
RIO LINDO SUBD 518 PINE TREE DR 6/26/2016 $363,900 $325,000 1/19/2017
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 ally placed under two tall plantation-
shuttered windows. The shower has
privacy and comfort for residents and a steam option, which turns the stall
guests. into a soothing haven. The toilet is sep-
arated from the rest of the bathroom,
The master bedroom has a cof- nicely situated behind a pocket door.
fered ceiling; the spaces between
the beams are painted in a subtle The beauty and practicality of
blue-and-white swirl evocative of the second floor is augmented by its
the sky; it is very pretty. This room hardwood floors and the large land-
has one of the home’s six balconies; ing that doubles as a sitting area, giv-
it wraps around two sides of the ing the whole space a lovely sense of
house for an unobstructed view of unity and “oneness.”
the ocean and the 80-foot-by-290-
foot lot that sits next door; happily, A wide spiral staircase leads to the
the lot will never be built on, as it is open-layout third floor; you immedi-
conserved land. ately find yourself in a state-of-the-
art executive style kitchen. At 21-by-
A short hallway, with closets on ei- 20, it is strikingly large, but what is
ther side, leads to the spectacular even more impressive is its plentiful
master bath; it has a long, dual-sink custom cabinetry made from red-
cherry vanity topped with eye-catch- dish-brown pecan wood, its built-in
ing dark granite, and a soaking tub ide-
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | February 2, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: River Colony Northwest, Address: 306 S Palm Ave Subdivision: Spoonbill Villas At Aquarina , Address: 127 Aquarin Blvd
Listing Date: 9/3/2016 Listing Date: 9/15/2016
Original Price: $399,000 Original Price: $289,000
Recent Price: $379,000 Recent Price: $269,000
Sold: 1/23/2017 Sold: 1/23/2017
Selling Price: $330,000 Selling Price: $245,500
Listing Agent: Laura L Dowling Roy Listing Agent: Laura L Dowling Roy
Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc
Danita Bell RWinkler & CMayerhoeffer
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Treasure Coast Sotheby's Intl
Subdivision: Beach Woods, Address: 3207 River Winds Court Subdivision: Indian Landing PH2, Address: 5398 Solway Dr
Listing Date: 12/14/2016 Listing Date: 4/26/2016
Original Price: $279,000 Original Price: $469,900
Recent Price: $279,000 Recent Price: $439,900
Sold: 1/20/2016 Sold: 1/20/2017
Selling Price: $239,000 Selling Price: $420,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Sherry Dever
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby's Intl Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby's Intl
David Settgast Jennifer E Weatherholt
Treasure Coast Sotheby's Intl Treasure Coast Sotheby's Intl
high-end appliances, and the curved,
granite-topped breakfast bar – long
enough to accommodate six or more
bar stools for informal dining, or to
function as a buffet station when en-
tertaining a large number of guests.
Adjacent to the kitchen is a 17-by-
12 tray-ceilinged dining room which
opens through majestic glass-paneled
doors to a deep balcony with one of the
third floor’s stunning ocean views; it’s
a nice option for morning coffee, and
the gas grill makes it an appealing
choice for an impromptu cookout.
The elegant living room exem-
plifies the tasteful and stylish ar-
chitectural choices that are seen
throughout the house: double crown
moldings, decorative pillars, custom
lighting, and 10-foot ceilings, which
provide height and space without
being overwhelming. The living
room is hugged by yet another wrap-
around, ocean-view balcony.
Also on the third floor is a powder
room conveniently located next to
the kitchen, and a room that could
be used as a library or entertainment
center; this space faces west and of-
fers a view of the river.
Built by Joyal Homes, a Brevard
County fixture since 1974, this home
is an arresting combination of sturdi-
ness and beauty; it is offered by Sarah
Munkacsy of Coldwell Banker Para-
dise for $1,999,999.