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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-12-13 15:59:02

12/14/2018 ISSUE 50


December 14, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 50 Newsstand Price: $1.00

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MY TAKE Harbor Branch
trial delayed by
BY RAY MCNULTY judge’s recusal

Should Vero put a price on Beach in front of residence of Robert Jaffe, who last summer roped off an area in front of his seawall. PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
public parks and beaches?
County sues to establish public access to Summerplace beach District Court Judge Sherwood
When I want to show off Vero Bauer Jr. unexpectedly recused
Beach and impress visitors with By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer law affecting beach access took putes about public beach access. himself from a high stakes fight
the beauty and charm of my ad- [email protected] effect July 1, according to County The “dry sand” part of the between Florida Atlantic Univer-
opted hometown, I take them to Attorney Dylan Reingold. sity and the leaders of the Harbor
the picturesque places that justify Indian River County filed a beach above the “mean high wa- Branch Oceanographic Institute
calling it “our seaside slice of heav- lawsuit Nov. 30 seeking to estab- The state law took power away ter mark” is at issue. The “wet Foundation moments before
en.” lish public access to a 2,000-foot from local governments to simply part” of the beach is declared opening arguments were sched-
stretch of beach in the Summer- declare beaches public through public by the Florida Constitu- uled to begin over control of a $72
Those places include Riverside place subdivision north of Wa- the “customary use doctrine,” tion, but the “dry” part of the million endowment.
Park, the Conn Beach boardwalk basso Beach Park, the first suit of putting in place a requirement beach may be property of a pri-
and the city’s three beach parks, all its kind in the state since a new for a court rulings to settle dis- “I spent Wednesday afternoon
of which are among the most pic- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 studying the case and at about
turesque stops on any tour of our 4:37 p.m. discovered that there is
community. a strong appearance of a conflict
of interest,” Bauer explained to at-
They’re also a big part of our torneys and representatives from
small-town, coastal quality of life both sides who appeared in court
– something on which we can’t put on Thursday.
a price.
“I am good friends with one of
The Vero Beach City Council, the witnesses, (former FAU Presi-
however, wants to try. dent) Frank Brogan, who has spo-
ken at a family member’s funeral
Starting Jan. 1, the city will allow and at my daughter’s wedding,”
people to reserve and rent the cov- Bauer said. “On occasion, we
ered pavilions at Jaycee, Humiston have had dinner together.
and South Beach parks, charging
non-residents more to do so. “I want to apologize to every-
one here this morning. I feel bad.
And that’s just the beginning:
Recreation Director Rob Slezak said CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
the city likely will do the same at



NEWS 1-6 PETS 14 Harbormaster to retire as complaints about troubled marina mount

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer the Nov. 22 council meeting where
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] a long, unhappy and inconclusive
your issue call: 772-226-7925 discussion about the marina’s woes
The Vero Beach City Council took place, Grabenbauer said he
doesn’t seem able to agree on what will retire in February, when he will Vero Beach Harbormaster Tim Grabenbauer to retire in February.
course to chart to fix the troubled have logged 22 years with the city.
city marina, but one thing has be-
come clear: Longtime Harbormas- A short time later, the marina di-
ter Tim Grabenbauer soon will be rector position was posted on the
sailing off into the sunset. city’s website – “full-time, $75,000
annually.” Grabenbauer has taken
After a meeting with City Man-
ager Jim O’Connor in the wake of CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE draw his proposal to move his brewery to nities, which are used mostly by county folks to reserve and rent covered pavilions at
the park. Instead, the city continues to rent residents,” Slezak said. “For a long time, the its beach parks.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 a recently renovated Riverhouse, which was thinking was always: People coming into the
damaged by Hurricane Irma in 2017, for pri- city to use these facilities will spend money Slezak said the cost for city residents will
other parks, including Riverside and MacWil- vate functions. here and pump money back into the city. be $25 for single-wide, one-table pavilions
liam parks, especially if the reservation sys- and $50 for double-wide, two-table pavil-
tem is well-received by the community. But the facility continues to operate at a “Besides, recreation has always been a ions. The cost for non-residents of the city
loss, as do most of the Recreation Depart- quality-of-life thing,” he added. “It’s some- will be $50 for single-wide pavilions and $75
“The Recreation Department is being ment’s offerings. thing good for the city.” for double-wide pavilions.
asked to pay for itself,” Slezak said of the new
rental and higher-fee policies, which even- That’s not surprising, nor is it necessarily But not only the city. He said weekend rentals could generate
tually will extend to all – or at least most – of a bad thing, given how much parks and rec- So I asked Slezak: With so many coun- as much as $200,000 annually. That reve-
the city’s parks and recreation facilities. reational amenities enhance a community’s ty residents also enjoying the perks of Vero nue would put a serious dent in the costs of
quality of life. It’s the price of being a special Beach’s parks, shouldn’t the county contrib- maintaining and repairing the structures.
It was two years ago that a then-new City place to live. ute something to cover the city’s costs?
Council told Slezak to explore ways his de- He laughed. “We do get requests from people who
partment could generate revenues to help More than a few of my realtor friends have “Oh, it comes up, but the conversation want to use them – people willing to pay to
cover the costs of maintaining and operat- told me they often drive through Riverside never gets very far,” Slezak said. “You can reserve them for family gatherings, birthday
ing its facilities. Park, past Memorial Island, the Riverside understand why.” parties and other social functions,” Slezak
Theater and Vero Beach Museum of Art, The county has 27 of its own parks, in- said. “Now, they can reserve them in ad-
The reason? when working with prospective homebuy- cluding 10 on the island, to operate and vance, instead of having to get there at the
“Recreation was bleeding money,” May- ers, particularly those from out of town who maintain, as well as boat launches, docks, break of dawn to make sure they get one.
or Harry Howle said. “We spend more than are not familiar with Vero Beach. ball fields and the fairgrounds.
$500,000 a year just to maintain our parks Certainly, the city could use a larger share “When someone reserves a pavilion, we’ll
and recreation facilities, and we needed to They’ll also cruise along Ocean Drive, of the county’s tourist tax revenue, which give them a permit, then go out and put a
do something to offset the costs. sure to point out the easy access to our free- Councilwoman Laura Moss continues to ‘RESERVED’ sign on it, letting other people
“Rather than put that cost solely on the of-charge beach parks. push for and might someday get, possibly know it’s not available,” he added. “We’ll try
city taxpayers,” he added, “we want to see if as part of any future deal to sell the for- it and see how the community responds, but
we can generate revenue by charging for or, Fact is, Vero’s parks and other recreational mer Dodgertown Golf Club property to the I think people will like the convenience.
in some cases, raising fees to use our facil- amenities benefit the entire community, in- county.
ities.” cluding those who live outside the city – es- Until then, though . . . “This could become a thing.”
The concept of monetizing recreation pecially those who live in the unincorporat- “The Recreation Department was asked How much of a thing it becomes, how-
came to a head last summer, when the city ed parts of the county. to find ways to pay for itself,” Slezak said, ever, is more than a little uncertain – be-
considered leasing its money-losing River- “and that’s what we’re trying to do.” cause the pavilions can be used for free on
house at MacWilliam Park to Orchid Island According to Slezak, more than two- That’s why the city charges to use the a first-come, first-served basis if they’re not
Brewery owner Alden Bing. thirds of the people who visit Vero Beach’s fountain at Royal Palm Park. That’s why the reserved.
The Recreation Commission refused to parks and utilize the city’s recreational fa- city has raised rates for its summer camps. For that reason, Slezak also has ap-
recommend the plan to the City Council, cilities are not city residents. Yet, the costs of And that’s why the city will start allowing proached local philanthropists, businesses
and the controversy convinced Bing to with- operating and maintaining those parks and and community organizations that might be
facilities have been borne solely by city tax- interested in purchasing naming rights for
payers. recreational facilities, including the pavil-

“City residents are paying for these ame-



Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 14, 2018 3

ions. “There’s some interest there,” he said, agree to pay to play, if the county doesn’t
adding “we try to provide recreation for all, eventually kick in a few bucks to help, if the
and we don’t want to discourage people city must continue to pick up the tab – parks,
from using our amenities by raising fees and beaches and other recreation amenities still
charging too much. But we’ve been asked to need to remain a priority.
try some things.”
They’re a big part of our small-town, sea-
And maybe they’ll work. side quality of life, and you can’t put a price
But if they don’t – if not enough people on that. 

SUMMERPLACE BEACH has been assigned the case. If he orders
that the beach is public, then the county
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 also asks he grant “permanent injunctive
relief” to force Jaffe to remove any bar-
vate landowner. However, if it can shown riers.
that the beach has a history of unfettered
public use, then the landowner cannot Jaffe has 20 days to reply to the injunc-
block off his portion of sand. tive-relief summons, served on Dec. 3.
Jaffe did not respond to a request for com-
The suit was filed because Robert Jaffe, ment, but a visit to Summerplace on Mon-
who lives in Summerplace, attempted to day showed that a rope barrier which had
block access to the dry beach in front of his been placed on the beach in front of Jaffe’s
seawall after the law took effect, according property this summer had since been re-
to county officials. They say this is the first moved.
time in Indian River County’s known his-
tory that there has been a dispute about Before the law was passed, Indian River
public beach access. County had not declared any part of its 22
miles of beaches public. Although most
The county’s “Complaint for Declaration of the land is in front of private proper-
of Recreational Customary Use” names 22 ty, owners have willingly allowed public
properties, including Jaffe’s, and gives the access after millions of dollars have been
owners 45 days to “intervene,” Reingold expended in beach nourishment projects.
said. No other Summerplace owners are
known to oppose public access, and many The county gave “notice of intent” to file
of them have offered testimony in favor suit on Oct. 2, as required by the new law,
of keeping the beach accessible, officials by holding a public hearing after giving 30-
said. day prior notice to Summerplace proper-
ty owners. Jaffe did not attend the public
Nineteenth Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek hearing. 



increasing heat over the marina’s dilapidat- restrooms and showers could hardly have
ed condition in recent years, and the latest come at a more inconvenient time.
delays in repairing one of two restrooms
and completing other projects seem to During a conversation with a marina
have been the last straws. resident in the boaters’ TV lounge (“We put
our own TVs in,” he said), another boater,
The top floor of the marina’s main build- Kathie Grove, entered. “I can’t even get a
ing is rented as a private residence; the main drink of water. The water fountain’s still
floor houses a boaters’ laundry, lounge and broken,” she announced gloomily. Appar-
restroom facilities on the north and south ently, it hasn’t worked in months.
ends. Each end contains a men’s and a
women’s 3-stall bathroom and shower. The lounge, too, looked a little sad – and
empty. The live-aboard explained that sev-
The south restrooms are currently open, eral tables, chairs and shelves had been
although, according to a marina resident, removed, hopefully to be replaced at some
a toilet seat in the women’s side remained point. “Where’s the furniture?” he won-
broken until a private individual purchased dered, and added that one of the two pump
and installed a new one. out boats was not operating.

The north restrooms are in much worse Grabenbauer said he is preparing to re-
condition, with a “Closed for Renovations” place the out-of-service boathouse pump-
sign stuck to the door. Several of the stall out equipment, funding for which he ob-
panels remain stacked against the exterior tained, in part, through a Clean Vessel Act
wall, and, say residents, still-uninstalled grant via the FDEP.
panels are languishing inside.
As for the next couple of months, Gra-
While funds have been designated for benbauer said, “I’ll do my job to the best of
these essential repairs, the project has my ability ’til I retire.” 
moved at a glacial pace, though Graben-
bauer said on Dec. 4 that the north re-
stroom plumbing is going in and “they’re
putting in drywall right now.”

With 100 or so boats currently using the
marina dockage and facilities, and high
season approaching, the loss of half the

4 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

HARBOR BRANCH The Foundation came to be in 2007, oceanographic research institutes and at- institute had acquired costly re-
when Harbor Branch’s laboratories and re- tracting scientists from around the world. search ships and submarines and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 search realm were acquired by FAU. suffered extensive damage in the
After Johnson Sr.’s death, however, fi- 2004 and 2005 hurricanes.
I’ve wasted a lot of money and time.” John Seward Johnson Sr., the son of Rob- nances at the nonprofit began to falter. Ex-
Bauer said the two-year-old case will be ert Wood Johnson, one of the three found- penses outran income in part because the Johnson Sr.’s heirs were less
ers of the Johnson & Johnson Corporation, supportive than he had been,
turned over to Judge Lawrence Mirman, founded Harbor Beach in 1971, with the and there was no longer an
who will set a new date for opening argu- help of inventor Edwin Link. open checkbook to fund Har-
ments. bor Branch’s many research pro-
Johnson and Link envisioned an inde- grams, including extensive stud-
The trial was scheduled after both sides pendent institute which would use ocean- ies of bottlenose dolphins in the
agreed in August that they had reached an ographic research, innovative engineering Indian River Lagoon, according
impasse after eight months of negotiations and deep-sea exploration to preserve the to Michael O’Reilly, chair of the Harbor
over who should have control of the $72 environment and promote greater scientif- Branch Oceanographic Institute Board of
million endowment, which the Foundation ic understanding of the ocean. Directors.
has long used to make grants for scientific To save Harbor Branch, its board of di-
research related to the Indian River Lagoon The Fort Pierce laboratory soon became rectors agreed to let the storied institution
and the world’s oceans. a leader in its field, entering the elite com- be acquired by FAU, turning over land,
pany of Woods Hole, Scripps and other top buildings, laboratories and other assets
valued at more than $90 million to the uni-
versity, which incorporated the research in-
stitute into its academic structure.
At the same time, the old board became
the new Harbor Branch Oceanographic
Institute Foundation board and refocused
its energies on investment and grant-mak-
ing, determined to protect John Seward
Johnson Sr.’s endowment and use it for the
purpose he intended. The new foundation
board also maintained control over an an-
nual $2 million stream of revenue from the
sale of ocean-themed Florida license plates
created to support marine research.
The arrangement that divided Harbor
Branch’s assets and functions into two
parts appeared to work well for a time. FAU
acquired new prestige as a research univer-
sity and increased opportunities for its stu-
dents, and the foundation’s work thrived.
Focusing exclusively on maximizing in-
vestment returns and making impactful
scientific grants, the Foundation during
the past 10 years grew its endowment from
$40 million to $70 million and channeled
more than $28 million to marine scientists,
according to figures in an annual report re-
leased in November 2017.
But the dispute began when during bud-
get negotiations in 2017, Daniel Flynn, vice
president of Research at FAU, proposed the
Foundation merge its staff, accounting, le-
gal representation and other administra-
tive functions with the university to save a
projected $416,00 annually.
The move alarmed the Foundation’s
Board of Directors, which feared that with-
out independent oversight, funds placed in
trust by Johnson Sr. and license-plate rev-
enue could be diverted to other uses than
marine research. According to University
Press, FAU in 2012 had “requested a $50,000
donation from [the Foundation] ... to help
build its football stadium.”
The nonprofit filed a lawsuit in March
2017 to block the university’s takeover at-
tempt, which the suit called “a blatant pow-
er grab,” relying on a 2007 Memorandum
of Understanding between the two parties
that stipulated the Foundation’s distribu-
tions would be made at the “sole discre-
tion” of the board for purposes of defraying
expenses, retiring debt and benefiting the
institute. 

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Think How Great it will look under the Christmas Tree With A BIG RED BOW!

6 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Former Top-10 tennis player Pernfors takes pro position at Boulevard

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Mikael Pernfors. PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN “We are a tennis club to the core, so
[email protected] Mikael is the perfect fit for us,” he added.
I thought they would with the previous Boulevard, said he had been discussing “To have him as part of our staff and rep-
Building on the momentum generated ownership, but, as you can see from the a touring-pro position with Pernfors for resenting our club around the world is a
in the two years since buying The Boule- increase in membership and all the activi- more than two years – even before the win-win situation for all of us.”
vard Tennis Club, where the membership ty around the club, this new group has fig- purchase was completed in January 2017.
has more than doubled, the club’s owners ured it out,” he added. “The club is doing To arrange private lessons with Pern-
recently announced that former top-10 great and I’m excited to be a part of it.” “We’ve wanted him to be a part of what fors, local tennis players can either call
player and 1986 French Open finalist Mi- we’re doing from Day 1, but we were so The Boulevard at 772-778-4200 or call
kael Pernfors has agreed to become the Christophe Delavaut, the longtime busy getting organized – setting up, im- him directly at 772-584-1009. He said he
club’s touring pro. Grand Harbor pro who put together proving the club and growing the mem- charges $125 per hour, but club members
the new ownership group and is now bership – that we just finally got around get a $25 discount.
In joining The Boulevard’s teaching a co-owner and tennis director at The to finalizing things,” Delavaut said.
staff, Pernfors is available to give private In addition to reaching the 1986 French
lessons to members and non-members, Open championship match, where he
and he’ll occasionally participate in lost to Ivan Lendl – also a longtime Vero
group clinics. Beach resident – in straight sets, Pern-
fors reached the Australian Open quar-
He’ll play in club-sponsored exhibi- terfinals in 1990, and the Round of 16 at
tions and represent The Boulevard in Wimbledon (1986, ’87) and the U.S. Open
events, nationally and globally. He also (1989).
hopes to bring in tennis camps and, off
the court, be involved in the club’s social Pernfors won three ATP Tour singles
happenings. titles, taking home the trophy from the
Canadian Masters in 1993, when he was
“Ever since I moved down here in 2005, named the Tour’s Comeback Player of the
I saw myself being part of the club, and Year. He also played Davis Cup for his na-
I even bought a home there, so I’ve been tive Sweden.
a member for a long time,” said Pernfors,
55, who was a two-time national singles His Tour career included victories over
champion at the University of Georgia Hall of Famers Pete Sampras, John McEn-
before turning pro and becoming the ATP roe, Andre Agassi, Boris Becker, Mats
Tour’s Rookie of the Year in 1986. Wilander, Stefan Edberg and Michael
Stich. 
“Things never worked out quite the way

8 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Scully Endoscopy Center has powerful new diagnostic ability

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Yakov Gitin and Don Willems.
[email protected]
When the $6.1 million Scully Endosco-
py Center at Indian River Medical Center
opened its doors for the first time this past
January, the place was packed.

Today, according to gastroenterologist
Dr. Yakov Gitin, there’s something other
than a ribbon-cutting ceremony bringing
people in – some newly acquired and high-
ly-specialized diagnostic equipment.

That new equipment is used for what’s
known as manometry testing. As Gitin ex-
plains, “manometry testing is the way you
figure out why people can’t swallow.”

Or why they have chest pain. Or acid re-
flux. Or a host of other problems.

“We just got [this equipment] a couple
months ago,” Gitin continues, “and now
that it’s up and running, we’re very, very
busy. Almost every day we have patients
scheduled. We also have other gastroenter-
ologists in the area asking us to do this pro-
cedure [for their patients].”

That outside interest, Gitin continues, is
because “manometry testing is not avail-
able everywhere. There are only a few places
locally that have the ability to do this, which
is why I think we’re very lucky to have the
foundation get this for us.”

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH December 14, 2018 9

physicians to properly diagnose the specif- walks them through the procedure. He is
ic problem and then recommend the best the guy who acquires all the information for
available treatment. us to read.”

“Certain conditions are easy to treat. While simple X-rays used to be the stan-
Others not so much,” according to Gitin. dard diagnostic test for swallowing prob-
lems, Gitin points out that with manome-
Born in Uzbekistan, Gitin moved to Salt try testing, “you can have a longer look and
Lake City, Utah, where he went to medical have a much more accurate determination
school. He then went on to Harvard Med- of what’s going on with the esophagus.”
ical School’s world-class teaching hospital
Beth Israel Deaconess and Boston Univer- Specifically, says Gitin, “it allows us to
sity for his internship, residency and fel- determine which part of the esophagus is
lowship work. responsible for the problem,” so the proper
treatment can begin.
Gitin is quick to lavish praise on his col-
leagues in general, and registered nurse Dr. Yakov Gitin is with the Scully Endosco-
Don Willems in particular. py Center at the Indian River Medical Center.
His office is at 3450 11th Ct., Suite 206. The
“Don,” Gitin claims, “does 90 percent of phone number is 772-299-3511. 
the work [involved in manometry testing].
He is the guy who talks to the patients and

Manometry testing uses a specialized lion Americans suffer from a range of swal-
endoscope: a thin, flexible, pressure-sen- lowing disorders collectively called ‘dys-
sitive tube that can – in most cases – pass phagia,’ and these difficulties become more
easily down the esophagus and measure and more prevalent with age.
the rhythmic muscle contractions that
occur when patients swallow, provid- At least 1-in-5 older adults, says the Post,
ing real-time video images for doctors to and nearly 40 percent of all nursing home or
study. assisted living facility residents have some
form of dysphagia.
So how are people with problems swal-
lowing able to swallow that tube? “Oh, that’s Until quite recently, accurately diagnos-
a great question,” Gitin says. “We had some- ing – and properly treating – dysphagia was
body today that couldn’t. Most people don’t tricky, at best. Some 50 separate muscles and
have any problems, [but] there are some ex- countless nerves are involved in moving food
ceptions.” or liquids from the mouth to the stomach.

The vast majority of patients, Gitin says Head, neck or chest injuries, cancers,
reassuringly, are able to participate in the food allergies, inflammation, ulcers, and
procedure. even the side effects from certain blood
pressure, heart and antidepressant medica-
That’s a good thing, because, as the tions can all play a role in this problem.
Washington Post reports, upwards of 9 mil-
Manometry testing, Gitin claims, allows

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10 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Fish oil tales: Two major studies yield ‘complex’ results

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Jose Rivera.
[email protected]
Do omega-3 fish oil pills really help your
cardiovascular health? Happy Holidays

In the wake of two huge, in-depth stud- from everyone at
ies released just last month, the answer is
no they don’t. And, yes, they do.

It’s confusing.
About the only thing both sides of this
issue seem to agree on is that Americans
now spend upwards of $1 billion each year
on fish oil supplements.
Dr. Jose Rivera of the Steward Medical
Group and Coastal Cardiovascular Associ-
ates steps in to referee the debate.
Board-certified in cardiovascular dis-
ease, nuclear cardiology and echo-cardiol-
ogy, Rivera says the VITALS study, funded
by the National Institutes of Health, was
“really large” with some 26,000 people
participating over a 5-year period, while
the REDUCE-IT study followed some 8,000
patients – also a large number for this type
of research – for 3 ½ years, and that the
findings of the two research efforts are
In fact, the results appeared to confuse
both the New York Times and the Wash-
ington Post.
On Nov. 10, the Times led off its story

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH December 14, 2018 11

scribe it. I don’t like over-the-counter [supple-
ments] because there are not that many reg-
ulations” governing what manufacturers use
to make their pills or fill their capsules.

So, before hitting the store or the Inter-
net for fish oil, it might be wise to talk with
your primary care physician or your cardi-
ologist to ask for his or her input.

Bottom line: If you already have heart
disease, fish oil may well help. If you don’t
have heart disease, you’re probably better
advised to skip the pills and simply add
more seafood to your dinner menu.

Dr. Jose Rivera is with Coastal Cardiovas-
cular Associates. His office is at 7754 Bay
Street, Suites 6 & 7 in Sebastian. The phone
number is 772-589-3000. 

saying these studies concluded that ome- of this year, said “research indicates that irmc
ga-3 pills in healthy adults did little to pre- omega-3 supplements don’t reduce the
vent cardiovascular disease. risk of heart disease. However, people who
eat seafood one to four times a week are
That same day, the Post opened its report less likely to die of heart disease.”
by saying “two major studies released Satur-
day provide evidence that medications de- In other words, it’s eating fish, not swal-
rived from fish oil are effective in protecting lowing fish oil capsules, that can help your
people from fatal heart attacks, strokes and heart.
other forms of cardiovascular disease.”
Unless, that is, you already have heart
The devil, not surprisingly, is in the de- disease.
tails. Including the words “medications”
and “healthy adults” above. According to Rivera, the REDUCE-IT
study focused on people who already had
The Harvard Medical School says “fish heart disease. Fully 70 percent of its par-
oil supplements have been promoted as an ticipants had suffered a prior heart attack
easy way to protect the heart, ease inflam- or stroke, and for that group, he says, “high
mation and lengthen life,” but adds “if you doses of purified EPA, which is the ome-
are taking them on your own because you ga-3,” produced what Rivera calls “a huge
believe they are good for you, it’s time to improvement” in their cardiovascular
re-think that strategy.” health.

The Mayo Clinic agrees. But there’s yet another devil of a detail
It says “doctors had long believed that in that sentence.
the unsaturated fats in fish, called ome-
ga-3 fatty acids, are the nutrients that Rivera is talking about “purified” ome-
reduce the risk of dying of heart disease. ga-3, a product like the prescription-only
However, more recent research suggests Lovaza or Omtryg, not the rows of fish oil
that other nutrients in fish or a combina- pills on the shelves of your local drugstore
tion of omega-3 fatty acids and those other or the ones commonly bought online.
nutrients may actually be responsible for
the health benefits from fish.” Over-the-counter and online supple-
That stance also gets a nod from the ments are not subject to FDA rules and,
National Center for Complementary and frankly, no one really knows what’s ac-
Integrative Health at NIH which, in May tually inside those bottles, let alone how
“pure” it is. Or isn’t.

Rivera agrees. “What I do,” he says, “is I pre-

12 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Aneurysms: Scary, but diagnosis
and treatment have improved

By Fred Cicetti | Columnist aneurysm will rupture. Beta blockers and
calcium channel blockers are the medi-
Q. Aneurysms are pretty scary things. Do cines most commonly used.
they have any symptoms?
The standard treatment for aneurysm
Aneurysms are artery bulges. And, yes, once it meets the indications for surgery is
they are scary because, if they burst, they replacement of that weakened portion of
are lethal. Many victims of a ruptured an- the aorta with an artificial graft. Usually,
eurysm die before they get to a hospital. a graft made from Dacron, a material that

The type and location of the aneurysm will not wear out, is used.
will determine the symptoms. In recent years, a treatment has been

Chest aortic aneurysms, which occur developed to repair an aneurysm using
in the large blood vessel (aorta) that car- less-invasive surgery. In the procedure, a
ries blood from the heart to other parts of stent-graft made of a polyester tube inside
the body, may cause shortness of breath, a a metal cylinder is inserted into the blood-
raspy voice, backache or shoulder pain. stream at the end of a catheter. The stent-
graft is positioned to carry the blood flow
Abdominal aortic aneurysms may cause instead of the aneurysm.
pain or tenderness below your stomach,
make you less hungry, or give you an upset The following increase the risk of getting
stomach. an aneurysm: being older than 60, plaque
in the arteries (atherosclerosis), high blood
Cerebral aneurysms may produce head- pressure, smoking, injuries or infections of
aches, pain in your neck and face, or trou- the blood vessels, a congenital abnormali-
ble seeing and talking. ty, and inherited diseases.

Ventricular aneurysms in the heart’s Most aneurysms are caused by a break-
main pumping chamber (the left ventricle) down in the proteins that provide the struc-
may cause shortness of breath, chest pain tural strength to the wall of the aorta. These
or an irregular heartbeat. proteins can gradually deteriorate with age.
But inflammation that is associated with
Fortunately, aneurysms can be detect- atherosclerosis can accelerate this process.
ed by a physical examination, X-ray, ultra-
sound and modern imaging systems such There are also naturally occurring en-
as a CAT scan or an MRI. zymes that cause the breakdown of the pro-
teins. An excess of these enzymes or other
The size and location of the aneurysm conditions that activate these enzymes may
determines the treatment method. For ex- also contribute to the formation of an aneu-
ample, aneurysms in the upper chest are rysm, or its sudden growth. In rare cases an
usually operated on immediately. Aneu- aneurysm may be caused by infection.
rysms in the lower chest and the area below
your stomach are watched at first. If they The combination of early diagnosis with
grow too large or cause symptoms, surgery safer, simpler, and ever more successful
may be required. treatments can prevent needless deaths
due to ruptured aneurysms. If you think
If you have an aortic aneurysm, your you or one of your family members might
doctor may prescribe medicines before have an aortic aneurysm, see a doctor
surgery or instead of surgery. Medicines without delay. 
are used to lower blood pressure, relax
blood vessels, and lower the risk that the

14 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz says this sweet Sheltie is one pretty Penny

Pottie Time. That works “I have a special vest just for

Hi Dog Buddies! great. It also works when work. When I’m wearin’ it, I’m All

This week I met a charming liddle I just wanna go out and Business. I have a card to show I’m
poocheroo, Penny Wood, a Shetland
Sheepdog. (Think miniature Collie.) She’s chase lizards. I corner ’em certified. I go shopping with Dad.
very deli-cut an feminine, only 18 months
old, but she’s going to school for a Very Im- and we stare at each oth- I ’speshully like PetSmart an Pub-
portant Job.
er. Then they run away.” licks. (They got lotsa stuff!) At a
She trotted right up for the Wag-an-Sniff.
“Hi, Mr. Bonzo. I feel like I know you al- “Um … that’s good. rest-runt, I lie politely under the
ready cuz we always read your columns in
Vero News. I’m Penny Ann Wood the Ninth. So, tell me about going to table. At home, when somebody
My pooch Dad an Mom were Tyffani’s Lit-
tle Rascal an Akiro-n-Willow’s Zesty Zoe.” school.” knocks, or the phone rings, or the

“Shut the doghouse door,” I gasped. “Well, my Dad has tea kettle whistles, I pat Dad with
“Oh,” she laughed. “Just call me Penny.
This is my Mom an Dad, Milly an Dave.” what humans call a Ser- my paw. He says ‘Show me,’ an I
We got all comf-tubble. Penny sat on the
floor next to her Dad. “I understand you’re vice-Related Disability. do. I’m also learning Tap Signals.”
in special school,” I said.
“Yes, but when I was a liddle fluffmuffin, He can’t hear stuff too “Woof, that’s pawsome. Whad-
I was just gonna be a regular pet.”
“So, what happened?” well. He needed a special dya do when you’re off duty?”
“Well, see, Mom an Dad really like Shel-
ties. That’s what humans call us Shetland trained dog, called an Aw- “I’m ALWAYS alert to help Dad,
Sheepdogs. Also, Toy Collies. Liddle kids
call me Lassie. So when they were shop- duh-tory Dog, but I was of course. We play a lot. Dad
pin’ for their next dog, they found me at a
North Carolina kennel. I was still too liddle already a Basic (Fabulous) throws the Frisbee and I grab it
to leave my litter, so they hadda come back
later. I was worried they’d forget. Thank Pet, and we didn’t know midair and return it. When I get
Lassie, they didn’t. I loved ridin’ in the car
to my Forever Home. I had my own comfy whether I could do it. pooped, I bring it back and lie
crate an everything!
“Natchrully, Mom an Dad wanted to “So they checked with on it. Then there’s treats. My FA-
teach me the basics ASAP, ’speshly Pottie
Training. So Dad’d get up at 1 a.m., when I this Cool Kibbles dog Vrite is banana. An peanut but-
was happily snoozing in my crate, dream-
in’ about peanut budder and my squeaky school, Dogs for Life. They ter. When we go for walks, I get
hedgehog, an, basically, drag me out of it,
place me in the backyard an then stand train service dogs. An also Penny PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN to wear my red collar an practice
there lookin’ at me hopefully. But I didn’t regular ones like me. And my Perky Trot.”
HAFF to go pottie at 1 a.m.
“Well, THAT didn’t last long. Now, I have we found out that SOME- “You’re coat is so silky,” I ob-
a schedule. An if Mom an Dad forget, I bang
on the umbrella stand to remind ’em it’s times, when a regular dog served. “Who’s your groomer?”

that’s already in a regular famly has the smaller class, me an two pals, Swag, he’s “Dad an Mom! Since I’m a Service Dog

right, um, the right, oh, poo, I always for- an Australian Sheepdog; an Spencer, a Jack an all, I have to make a good impression

get the word. The right – oh, I remember Russell mix. We’re learning to be Aw-duh- by bein’ Well Groomed. At All Times. I con-

– TEMPER-mutt. So the human in charge, tory Dogs. Dad has to learn stuff, too, so sider myself an Extension of Dad. I enjoy

Miss Shelly, hadda see if I had that. I didn’t we’re like a team. We totally stick together.” my baths. An I get vacuumed so my coat

even know what it was. I was nervous. “How long do you go to school?” I in- is perfect.”

Would I make it? Could I help Dad? Woof, quired. “Seriously?”

was I relieved when she told my Mom an “It’s about a year in human. I’ve been “Yep. Dad does my nails, too. What he

Dad I DID have the right temper-mutt.” going for 6 months. We’ve just started Lev- does is, he puts a liddle peanut budder on

“That is SO Cool Kibbles!” I told her. el 3. I’ve already learned a lot. Mom an Dad the hand that holds my paw, and puts the

“What’s a temper-mutt?” are proud of me. An Miss Shelly says I’m clippers in the other one. So, while he’s gen-

“I dunno. But I have the right one. Any- doing very good. She says Shelties learn as tly trimmin’ my nails, I’m lickin’ the peanut

way, I was accepted and went to a basic well as Goldens an Labs cuz I’m a herder. budder off his hand. It works great.”

class first. I passed the Dog Park test, an So I guess I kinda herd Dad. Heading home, I was thinking how pret-

even got an aWARD. Look! It means I’m ty Penny had totally found her Purpose

polite to humans an fellow pooches an fol- DON’T BE SHY as a Dog, like my author pal Tucker said. I
low the rools.” wonder if my groomer has peanut budder.

Her Dad showed us a nice, framed We are always looking for pets Till next time,
award certificate that said “Canine Good with interesting stories.
Citizen.” The Bonz
To set up an interview, email
“Woof, Penny. That is Crispy Dog Bis- [email protected].
cuits! Good for you!”

“Thanks, Mr. Bonzo! So now I’m in a

Sleek, well-designed house with
pool will attract minimalists

4460 12th Street SW in The Grove: 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,250-square-foot renovated pool home on large lot
offered for $339,900 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888

16 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Sleek, well-designed house will attract minimalists

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer by the updated façade. into chunks with chinks of shadow be- The granite counters are a shiny amal-
[email protected] The interior and exterior palette is ton- tween, exciting the tactile sense. The dou- gam of the home’s taupe-gray palette.
ble front door is the focal point, painted The black appliances focus the attention,
Over the past two years, Delores and al, ranging from dark to light in grays and matte black with large frosted-glass panels just as the black front door ties down the
Derek Brieske have transformed the house taupes, the color scheme of the sculptor and topped with a lunette window. The façade. The pendant lights in the kitchen
at 4460 12th St. SW into a svelte beauty, not the colorist, emphasizing texture, line half-sphere metal lamp with Edison bulb and breakfast nook carry the industrial
and though reluctant to go, their jobs call and silhouette. completes the industrial-aesthetic state- theme forward beautifully, one with inter-
them to another locale, their hard work the ment. secting brass spheres.
next buyer’s gain. Strong planes and angles are part of the
minimalist look. The former mullioned The flooring through much of the house The pool, a live azure, shimmers and
The house is located in The Grove, a picture windows have been replaced with is wood-look ceramic tile in a light taupe winks into view from most of the rooms.
1990s development with large lots made “bypass windows” that operate like sliding color, laid on the diagonal. The volume It is nearly square – 20 feet by 22 feet – and
seemingly larger by the wide swales de- glass doors, undivided panes replacing the ceilings also form diagonals throughout is screened in, maximizing outdoor living.
signed to handle rainwater runoff, neigh- fussier lines of the traditional window. In- the house, adding to the sense of expan- A fire pit beyond the screened lanai is nes-
bors’ lot lines separated by 100 feet in the dustrial-silver paint on Bahama shutters sion and dynamism. tled among palm trees and plantings.
back. tilted outward at 45-degree angles make
the façade pop. The new dark dimensional The open floor plan makes anything feel Each bedroom has its own bathroom,
The gentle rise and fall of the land is shingles define the roof line, setting up a possible. The living room, dining room, one doing double service as the pool bath-
subtle and clean-lined, setting off the rhythm of triangles. breakfast nook, family room and kitchen room. All the baths have granite counters
Brieskes’ home, slightly elevated on the all run together, the kitchen’s three-sided with a nearly-square sink under-mount,
lot, with a hip-and-valley roof, similar to The portico’s strong lines are made breakfast bar set at an angle to the open reminiscent of a chemistry-lab sink, in
the swale geometry. stronger with new finishes. The bases of space, allowing the cook to be in the thick keeping with the industrial flirtation, but
two square columns and the front door of things while preparing dinner. on a higher order. The cabinets are white
The home has a minimalist theme with a surround are faced with slate, julienned
touch of industrial-modern, as announced

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 14, 2018 17

Add beauty and
natural light to your
EXISTING entryway

in about an hour!

and each has a distinctive light above the The Brieskes put in a cat and dog door • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
mirror, with frosted-white globes in organ- and a four-foot high aluminum fence that for every style Glass Doors
ic shapes and brushed-nickel mounts. looks like wrought iron, which should and budget
please animal lovers. • Framed /
In the master bath the frameless-glass • Customize to Frameless
walk-in shower, subway-tile walls and oc- The Grove location has gained virtue in your style Shower Units
tagonal mosaic floor, as well as the ship- the years since it was developed, grocery
lap wood above the floating vanity, make stores and shopping growing up nearby. • Impact Glass • Etching
up the highest expression of industri- Yet the south side of town retains its open • Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Emtek
al-modern in the house. feel and is great for walking, with long
sidewalk runs and access to grassy canal Exterior Doors Hardware
A laundry room and adjacent two-car ga- banks that go on for miles.  • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
rage supply the requisite utilitarian spaces.


Neighborhood: The Grove • Year built: 1998
Lot size: 96 feet by 185 feet, .44 acres
Home size: 2,250 square feet

Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 3

Additional features: Newly renovated, new roof, new air con-
ditioning, pool, volume ceilings, 2-car garage, screened lanai,

fire pit, granite counters, breakfast bar, island, wood-look
ceramic tile, fenced yard

Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888
Listing price: $339,900

Regency Square

2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart

Licensed & Insured

18 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



The first full week of December saw a buzz of activity on the mainland real estate market, with an
impressive 40 transactions of single-family residences and lots (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the residence at 5525 E Harbor Village Drive,
first put on the market in October for $699,000, sold for the asking price on Dec. 3.
Representing the seller in the transaction was a Lynn E. O’Malley of Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Representing the buyer was agent Lynn E. Arzt of Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.


VERO BEACH 5525 E HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE 10/9/2018 $699,000 12/3/2018 $410,000
VERO BEACH 430 34TH AVENUE 10/29/2018 $419,900 12/4/2018 $380,000
SEBASTIAN 702 S EASY STREET 9/28/2018 $395,000 12/4/2018 $360,000
VERO BEACH 3158 SUSSEX WAY 4/3/2018 $399,900 12/6/2018 $349,000
VERO BEACH 5685 CORSICA PLACE 6/30/2018 $349,900 12/4/2018 $346,000
VERO BEACH 1749 BELMONT CIRCLE SW 7/12/2018 $365,000 12/3/2018 $335,000
SEBASTIAN 711 S EASY STREET 11/5/2018 $338,000 12/6/2018 $322,500
VERO BEACH 642 HATTERAS COURT SW 9/25/2018 $339,900 12/6/2018 $320,750
VERO BEACH 3007 GOLFVIEW DRIVE 8/27/2018 $359,000 12/5/2018 $320,000
VERO BEACH 4583 ASHLEY LAKE CIRCLE 9/12/2018 $325,000 12/3/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 129 38TH COURT 11/8/2018 $284,900 12/3/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 1292 LEXINGTON MANOR 9/26/2018 $290,000 12/3/2018 $260,000
VERO BEACH 2341 VERO BEACH AVENUE 10/19/2018 $249,000 12/7/2018 $255,000
VERO BEACH 7585 15TH STREET 11/16/2018 $259,000 12/6/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 14, 2018 19


430 34th Avenue, Vero Beach 702 S Easy Street, Sebastian

Listing Date: 10/29/2018 Listing Date: 9/28/2018
Original Price: $419,900 Original Price: $395,000
Sold: 12/4/2018 Sold: 12/4/2018
Selling Price: $410,000 Selling Price: $380,000
Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds Listing Agent: Jim Belanger

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

David Riley Kevin Brady

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

3158 Sussex Way, Vero Beach 5685 Corsica Place, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/3/2018 Listing Date: 6/30/2018
Original Price: $399,900 Original Price: $349,900
Sold: 12/6/2018 Sold: 12/4/2018
Selling Price: $360,000 Selling Price: $349,000
Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer Listing Agent: David Riley

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Kelly Fischer Melissa Mittag

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.


Coming Up! Artist Barone embraces the
‘constant struggle’ of painting PAGE B2AdamSchnell.

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 A much-loved and eagerly
anticipated holiday tradition
continues this coming Thurs-
day and Friday, Dec. 20 and 21.
For almost a quarter of a century,
the Vero Beach Rec Department
has presented a marvelous per-
forming arts production, the cast
made up of a couple hundred per-
formers between 3 and 25, from
the department’s popular Leisure
Square gymnastics and perform-
ing arts programs. The show is
always unique and always com-
pletely original – a truly wonderful
show to share with family during
the Christmas season. According
to the show promo, the script it-
self, the choreography, the props,
backdrop and programs, are all
the work of the exceptionally cre-
ative and dedicated instructors.
This year’s show is “Christmas
Road Trip,” which will incorporate
dance, aerial acts, gymnastics and
acrobatics in the heartwarming


B2 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Artist Barone embraces the ‘constant struggle’ of painting

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist as a high school teacher for a short time. Rita Barone.
[email protected] Overhearing one day that a coworker was
going back to school for an MBA, Barone de- PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN
How do you start your day? With a cup of cided to get one too.
coffee, a meditation, a prayer? Rita Barone
can check all those boxes and, in addition, Her first marketing job out of school was
the one marked ‘paint a picture.’ An abstract based in Syracuse, with a manufacturer of
artist, Barone is currently showing her work explosion-proof lighting fixtures. She then
at the Center for Spiritual Care in Vero Beach worked as a product manager for Bausch &
through Dec. 28. Lomb in Rochester, N.Y., where she launched
the first tinted contact lenses.
And although she had two paintings jur-
ied into the Backus Museum’s competitive After several years of a rigorous work
exhibition in Fort Pierce earlier this year (her schedule that involved lots of travel, Barone
pastel, “Evening Watch,” was awarded a first- was ready for a change of pace. She took time
place ribbon), her display at the Center for off to plan her daughter’s wedding and, as an
Spiritual Care, titled “Between the Lines,” is adjunct teacher, taught a few college classes.
“basically the first show I’ve ever had.” Then came a change of place: the Barones
moved to Skaneateles, N.Y., a sleepy lakefront
For Barone, deciding to paint abstractly community just a half hour from Syracuse.
after a long hiatus, in which she did no art-
work, was not easy. It was there that Barone began to paint;
her subjects, rosy-cheeked children and
She describes the act of painting as “a beach scenes, were sold by a friend who
constant struggle,” resulting in pieces others owned an art gallery in the town.
might scratch their heads over.
Today Barone makes light of her initial ef-
“People will say, ‘What is it?’ They don’t forts. “Painting was a sort of therapy; I didn’t
seem to understand. And yet I joyfully get up think too much about it,” she says.
every morning to put paint onto canvas, be-
cause it has become part of me.” Skaneateles was also home to the Stella
Maris Retreat Center. Owned by the Sisters of
Born and raised in Chicago, Barone re- the Third Franciscan Order of Syracuse, Stel-
ceived a liberal arts degree from Syracuse la Maris became a spiritual home for Barone,
University. After marrying her husband, Syr- who led women’s prayer retreats there and
acuse-area native Peter Barone, she worked

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Buying vintage Rolex watches and estate jewelry

On site fine jewelry and watch repairs. worked alongside the nuns doing kitchen ter settling into her new home, Rita got a
Vero’s largest selection of estate jewelry and timepieces. chores. job at Martin Memorial Hospital in Stuart,
where she continued her medical career for
772.217.8985 One day, she says, the nuns told her, “You another 13 years.
have healing hands.”
2060 6th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960 When she decided to get back into art They fairly insisted that Barone get a again in 2011, Barone signed up for a paint-
nursing degree, and foresaw a job for her ing class at the Vero Beach Museum of Art,
at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse, which with Deborah Gooch.
was founded by their order. It all happened
as the sisters predicted, except instead of a “In her class I started to paint my little
nursing degree, Barone received a diploma girls in white dresses. On my second canvas
in respiratory therapy. She worked at St. Jo- she said, ‘You already know how to do those.
seph’s for several years until her husband Start doing some abstracts.’” Barone admits
retired from his job as a glass plant manag- to having been a little afraid of Gooch who,
er. In 1998 the couple moved to Vero, where she says, demands a lot of her students.
Peter’s parents had retired years before. Af-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 14, 2018 B3

B4 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B2 3 in love with a little section of the painting, there, I don’t know.”
that you fail to develop the whole canvas. In addition to painting in her home stu-
“My first attempts at abstract painting decides to put on canvas. It’s a process of putting in, and taking out.
were atrocious,” says Barone, who cites the In her early attempts, Barone often found Turning the canvas upside down, reposi- dio, Barone takes part in open painting ses-
difficultly of conjuring up a composition on tioning it, stepping back, and waiting to sions at Gooch’s private studio with abstract
a blank canvas. Then there is the problem that composition and color might click in see what happens.” colleagues Elise Geary, Regan Kenyon, Susan
of color; which ones to use? Unrelated to one part of a painting, while everything Bouma, Tim Sanchez and, of course, Gooch.
anything other than her interior landscape, around it was a jumble. When everything works together, “it’s like
Barone’s palette is limited only by what she pulling a rabbit out of a hat – Voila! How I got Adds Barone, “And George Pillorge. I want-
In any painting, says Barone, “you have ed to do pastels because he does pastels.”
little bits and pieces that you like. But Deb
taught me the lesson that you can’t fall so Standing in front of her most recent acryl-
ic painting in the show, Barone remarks, “It’s
a little Twombly.” As in Edwin Parker “Cy”
Twombly Jr., the late, Rome-based American
painter known for scribbling and smudging
his large canvases with calligraphic aban-
don. Twombly, along with his 20th century
American contemporary Robert Motherwell
and 19th century English landscape painters
John Constable and J.M.W. Turner are, Bar-
one says, her “icons.”

Barone’s “Inside Looking Out” is a 36-
inch square canvas in colors of khaki beige,
red and a fleshy rose – made by mixing red
oxide with varying amounts of white. In a
couple of places, strokes of black can be
seen behind filmy passages of paint.

“I start with some form of color palette,
and often put black in, but the black often
gets covered up,” she says.

There is a bit of recognizable subject
matter in the painting. On the left side of
the canvas, the rudiments of a figure, seated
with hands demurely placed in her lap, fac-
es the viewer. On the right is a tall, thin form
that might suggest to some a music stand, a
skyscraper or – “windows,” says Barone.

“I think when I was growing up I always felt
like an outsider. I was very shy, very introvert-
ed. The whole idea of this painting, I think, is
representative of things I felt when I was grow-
ing up. That’s what I like about abstract art;
you can put yourself into it, but anybody else
would see something completely different,”
she says.

Barone mentions her just-begun series of
paintings, none of which are in the current
exhibition. They are subtle works; atmospher-
ic grounds with mere traces of composition
upon them.

“To me there’s a sense of being in this noth-
ingness. So it is spiritual. It’s definitely spiritual.
I think all my works are prayers,” she says. 

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 14, 2018 B5

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 er and head up to Capt. Hiram’s on the
river in Sebastian for live weekend mu-
story of three sisters and their Christ- sic, and a toes-in-the-sand, rum-drink-
mas-magical adventures on a road trip to in-your-hand Time Out from the holiday
their grandparents’ home for the holiday. rush. This Friday, Dec. 14, at 3:30 p.m.,
“Christmas Road Trip” will take place at the Brad Brock Duo takes the stage with
the Vero Beach High School Performing a mix of Top 40 rock, country and dance
Arts Center. Time: 6 p.m. both evenings. tunes. At 5 p.m., it’ll be soft rock and soul
Tickets: adults, $8; children and seniors, from Orlando singer/songwriter Alex Ro-
$7. 772- 567-2144. driquez. Saturday brings the country, rock
and surf rock acoustic stylings of the Eric
2 Brush up your Sweet Tooth: “Willy Webb Duet at 3:30 p.m.; followed at 7:30
Wonka” is on stage at the Henegar in p.m. by Hard Drive, taking you along on a
road trip through four decades of rock ’n’
3 Kenny G at King Center Dec. 16. roll classics and sing-along anthems. Slow
down the weekday pace Monday, with Se-
2 Through Dec. 16 at Henegar. up-there life of the middle school teach- bastian’s own Kevin McCullers’ classic and
er. Oh, yes he did. On the double-bill this contemporary country rock at 6 p.m. 
Melbourne now through this Sunday, Dec. weekend are a couple of transplanted Flo-
16. Roald Dahl’s “Willy Wonka,” according ridians, Mike Rivera and Rico Sita. Rive- Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
to Wikipedia, is a musical that combines ra started performing comedy in college Ryan Weaver Insurance, Inc. is a locally owned
parts of Dahl’s 1964 book “Charlie and the and sharpened his act in San Francisco
Chocolate Factory,” with parts of the 1971 Bay comedy clubs. Then, possibly recall- independent agency that has been serving
movie “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate ing how deadly dull his own civics class- Indian River County for over 12 years.
Factory,” and adds newly created materi- es were, he decided to use his skill for the
al. “Willy Wonka” tells the sugar-shock-in- betterment of student-kind and set out All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
ducing tale of young Charlie Bucket, who on a 13-year gig as a middle school civics
visits the weird and mysterious Willy teacher. He made a major positive impact OLD DOMINION
Wonka’s weird and mysterious chocolate and now teaches in Pinellas County (by INSURANCE COMPANY
factory just as Wonka is conducting a con- day). Sita is a New York native who moved
test. Wonka tells the pack of eager young to Florida because, he says, “no one has A member of Main Street America Group
contestants that he’s hidden golden tick- ever heard of that before.” One time, at a
ets in five of his irresistible (scrumdidily- party, someone told Sita he was hilarious, 855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building
umptious) candy bars. Whoever finds the so he decided to try stand-up. Then, he 2nd Floor – Vero Beach
tickets will win a tour of the factory and says, a terrible thing happened. The au-
a lifetime supply of candy. Musical, sug- dience loved him and he was hooked. His (772) 567-4930 • [email protected]
ar-coated mayhem ensues. Times: Fridays act draws on his life: being married, being
and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m., bald, having a child, having a business,
through Dec. 16. Tickets: $19 to $29. 321- being VERY sarcastic. And, of course, his Conveniently located just off of Miracle Mile,
723-8898. fear of Florida’s State Bird – “the Palmetto across from Classic Car Wash on US-1
Bug.” Arrive early for the “pre-party” party,
3 The music of a sax is like no other: “Live on the Loop,” with foodstuffs from
beguiling, emotional, smoky, mellow. the outside bar and grill; and free live mu-
And in the hands of saxman extraordinaire sic under the fabled Riverside oaks: Friday
Kenny G, well … You’ll want to mark your it’ll be classic rock-n-roll with the Bobby
calendar for this Sunday, Dec. 16, when the Owen Band; and Saturday brings soul rock
award-winning R&B, pop and Latin-in- from Rocket City. Times: Live pre-party
fused jazz saxman will take the King Center music: 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Comedy Zone
stage to perform career hits and holiday Winter Nights: 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
songs. The show promo notes that, during Doors open: 7:15 p.m. Tickets: side seats:
his almost four-decade career, Kenny G’s $12; table seating: $16-$18. 772-231-6990.
“combination of unparalleled instrumen-
tal chops and indelible melodies” has 5 Turn back your watch to island time.
scored sales of more than 75 million-plus Better yet, just leave it on the dress-
records worldwide and more than a dozen
ascensions to the top of Billboard’s con-
temporary jazz chart. Time: 7 p.m. Tickets:
start at $48.50. 321-242-2219.

4 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone’s 5 Brad Brock Duo at Capt. Hiram’s.
Winter Nights this weekend: From
the often intimidating, you’re-all-alone-
up-there life of the stand-up comedian to
the often intimidating, you’re-all-alone-

B6 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Vero Nation! Country star puts hometown in spotlight

By Kerry Firth | Correspondent Jake Owen, Pearl Owen, Erica Hartlein. Jake Owen receives a proclamation designating
[email protected] December as Jake Owen Month.

There’s nothing like a hometown su- for $30,000 from his Ken Duke & Friends
perstar to bring out the best in Vero Pro-Am Tournament. Owen and his mil-
Beach. Jake Owen, Vero’s native-born, lion-dollar smile wooed the crowd with
platinum-certified recording artist, easy banter and shared the spotlight with
drew enthusiastic fans from around the some up-and-coming artists.
country when he visited last weekend,
bringing along a few of his country music In a touching tribute, Owen dedicated
friends to join him for three packed week- his song “Journey of Your Life” to his life-
end events. Monies raised at the event long friend and beloved Vero Beach resi-
will benefit charities funded by the Jake dent Ace Cappelen, who recently passed
Owen Foundation. away.

On Friday evening, event sponsors
were treated to a VIP reception and per-
formance at the Vero Beach Country
Club. Several hundred guests, many
with personal ties to Owen, partook of
an impressive spread of hors d’oeuvres
and free flowing drinks while mingling
with celebrities such as NASCAR driver
Kevin Harvick, pro golfers John Daly and
Ken Duke, and country music sensations
Chris Lane and Morgan Wallen. Bidding
was fast and furious at the silent-auction
tables and more than $100,000 was raised
through four live-auction items.

Owen took to the stage amid a roar of
applause and expressed his gratitude to
the community for their support. PGA
golfer Duke presented Owen with a check

Joe Diffie. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Chris Lane.

“Ace’s grandson, Ryan, and I have been Indian River County Commissioner
friends since kindergarten,” said Owen. Bob Solari and Assistant County Admin-
“I spent countless hours with Ace, who istrator Michael Zito surprised Owen with
taught me valuable life lessons along the a proclamation designating December as
way. This song is for you, Ace. We know Jake Owen Month in honor of his generos-
you are watching over us from heaven.” ity to the community.

Saturday night Owen kicked it up a “We’re putting Vero on the map to-
notch – thousands of notches – at his night!” Owen exclaimed, as the Dish
outdoor concert at the Indian River Fair- Network live-streamed the performance
grounds. Opening acts included perfor- across the nation, while fans danced and
mances by Joe Diffie, Chris Lane and sang in the aisles.
Morgan Wallen.
Singing isn’t Owen’s only talent. A gift-
ed golfer, Owen was awarded the presti-
gious “Arnie Award,” named after the cel-
ebrated Arnold Palmer, and presented to
the most charitable golfers on the course.

This weekend’s Jake Owen Celebri-
ty Pro Am Golf Tournament at the Vero
Beach Country Club showcased the tal-
ents of pro golfers Daly and Duke.

The Jake Owen Foundation was found-
ed in 2010 to provide financial support for
children with cancer and other childhood
diseases through St. Jude Children’s Re-
search Hospital, as well as youth-oriented
charities in Vero Beach. The Jake Owen
Foundation has raised more than $1.4
million to date for charitable causes and
other nonprofit organizations. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE December 14, 2018 B7

Eric and Teresa Hartlein. Leslie and Casey Steil. Laurie and Rick Wykoff.

Steve Owen Jr. with Mitzi and Steve Owen. Matilde and Dale Sorensen. Kathy and Jay Campana.


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dealer admin, fees, and destination. Prices not valid with any other promotions. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Offer expires December 31, 2018. See dealer for full details. Not responsible for typographical errors.

B8 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Italian Cousin: Family vibe adds to eatery’s appeal

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Seafood Linguini.
[email protected]
When someone says neighborhood Ital-
ian restaurant, I think of a red-sauce joint
serving reasonably priced, simple food in
an unpretentious atmosphere. And for the
past five years, nobody has been doing it
better at the northern end of our readership
area than the Italian Cousin.

The Cousin has been packed almost from
the day that Chef Gus took over the space on
U.S.1 in Sebastian from wife Michelle Hen-
nessey, a former Vero Top Chef who shut
down her own highly successful restaurant
to spend more time with her young son.

The restaurant has a warm Italian vibe,
and with Chef Gus popping in and out of
the kitchen, and Michele frequently on
hand hugging and kissing regulars, the at-
mosphere makes you feel like part of a large

When our party of three arrived there
last Friday night, we were quickly shown
to a nice table. Our attentive server, Don-
nie, brought a basket of wonderful warm,
crispy Italian bread and a dish of deli-
cious dipping sauce, and took our order
for wine.

On this visit, we decided to forgo appetiz-
ers – “we previously have enjoyed the stuffed
clams with bacon, spinach, artichokes and
cheese and the Prince Edward Island mus-
sels served in a chardonnay-lemon-basil

enjoyed the veal parmesan ($26.95), the been there just south of the Sebastian busi-
linguini in a white clam sauce ($19.95), and ness district, it’s never too late to drop in on
the chicken cacciatore ($18.95). your Italian Cousin.

The portions are large here – as you I welcome your comments, and encourage
would expect in a neighborhood Ital- you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
ian restaurant – but even so, we found
room for dessert, an excellent lemoncello
cake. We finished our meal with a perfect The reviewer dines anonymously at
espresso. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
32963. 
Prices are very reasonable, with many
Eggplant and Spinach entrées priced from $12.95 to $19.95 (in-
Parmesan. cluding soup or salad). Dinner for two
with a couple of glasses of beer or wine
should run in the $60 to $70 area before
tax and tip.

This isn’t white-table-cloth Italian din-
ing. But it is clearly the best neighborhood
Italian place in Sebastian, and if you hav-
en’t checked it out in the five years it has

broth” – and started with salads. ed pine nuts. It tasted as good Tiramisu. Hours:
Our companion and I had the Cousin sal- as it looked. My husband’s Monday through Saturday,
ziti dish consisted of very
ad tossed with gorgonzola vinaigrette, and tasty chunks of sau- 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
my husband opted for the Caesar salad with sage, grilled onions
anchovies. and peppers, all in a Beverages: Full bar
light marinara sauce.
Then for entrées, I decided to have one of Just right. And our Address:
the evening’s two specials, the ravioli with companion absolute- 480 U.S. 1, Sebastian
shrimp ($24.95). My husband chose the ly loved the spaghetti
grilled sausage ziti ($18.95), and our com- with light, moist meat- Phone:
panion ordered the spaghetti with meat- balls. 772-589-1412
balls ($14.95).
On previous visits, we have
My ravioli came in a pesto cream sauce
topped with skewered shrimp and toast-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 14, 2018 B9

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B10 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 14, 2018 B11


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B12 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING






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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES December 14, 2018 B13

KQ73 J982 A 10 5
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 6 K J 10 3 Q54
10 7 5 3 94 QJ2
The winner of the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup was Lavazza, who played in Turin, A843 KQ5 9762
Italy. The team partnerships were Emanuela Calandra-Norberto Bocchi, Bénédicte Cronier-
Agustin Madala and Sylvie Willard-Giorgio Duboin. Winning points sometimes seems SOUTH
random, but if you keep pressuring the opponents, things usually work out — as in this deal 64
played between Lavazza and the Chinese Contract Bridge Association. A9872
Madala (South) opened one heart in fourth seat with a hand that fails the Rule of 15: In J 10
fourth chair, open if your point-count plus spade length equals at least 15; otherwise, pass
out the deal. Over West’s takeout double, Cronier (North) responded two no-trump (the Dealer: West; Vulnerable: North-South
Truscott convention) to show a maximum pass with at least four-card heart support. South
took a shot at the vulnerable game. The Bidding:

West made an inadvisable lead: her trump. Now declarer drew trumps, knocked out the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
club ace and had 10 tricks: five hearts, two diamonds, two clubs and a diamond ruff in the Pass Pass Pass
dummy. 1 Hearts Dbl. 2 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass 6 Hearts
Probably, if West had led the spade king, Madala would have made the contract, playing
West for a singleton heart because of her takeout double.

At the other table, over West’s double, South bid two clubs, which he intended as the
Reverse Drury convention, showing a maximum pass with heart support — he did not see
West’s double! Over the double, two clubs was natural. South rebid two diamonds, and
North invited game with three hearts, which South, expecting at most three hearts opposite,
passed. Declarer also took 10 tricks, but Lavazza gained 10 international match points.

B14 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Coiffeur (6) 1 Divide in half (6)
4 Get in line (5) 2 Welsh snack (7)
8 Types (5) 3 Hamlet’s home (8)
9 Radioactive material (7) 4 One of four in litter (4)
10 PM’s team (7) 5 Upper crust (5)
11 Paws (4) 6 Personal hostility (6)
12 Flow out (3) 7 Set of rooms (5)
14 Agitate; prison (4) 13 Loudly conceited (8)
15 European capital (4) 16 Powerful cat (7)
18 Moose (3) 17 Fix; go (6)
21 For every one (4) 19 Australian animal (5)
23 Towards land (7) 20 Strike out (text) (6)
25 Liquor (7) 22 Chocolatey drink (5)
26 Tongue of fire (5) 24 Mate (4)
27 Kingdom (5)
The Telegraph 28 Promise (6)

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES December 14, 2018 B15

ACROSS 99 Chinese unit of weight 48 Idyllic spots The Washington Post
1 Throw or threw 100 Give the wrong final answer, 49 In ___ (late with payment)
5 Frost prefix 50 Bond foe POLITENESS QUOTIENT By Merl Reagle
10 Letters on CDs for example 51 One of five, briefly
15 Govt. org. that helps 102 Stimulate 54 Scary drug
103 It comes after aster 58 Mystery craft
entrepreneurs 104 Affliction ending 60 Beer ingredients
18 Prizm or Probe 107 Pilot’s worry: abbr. 61 Joan Baez classic,
19 Egg-shaped 109 Certain subway
111 Knife for Nanook “Diamonds ___”
(or, to applaud?) 112 Wonder words 63 Blood relative
20 Builds 113 In addition 65 “This ___ the time
22 Dance royalty 114 Min. div.
24 Meeklings? 115 Amazement or place”
26 Syrup source 118 Adjective for novels like The 66 Peter Schickele’s alter-ego
27 Expensive pot 67 Little animal
28 Golf event Three Musketeers 68 Dallas univ.
30 Aujourd’___ 121 Area well-known to 70 Seven, in Seville
72 Indubitably
(today, in Tours) students? 74 Squirrel’s find
31 United rival 125 Cheerleading groups 75 Negating word
32 Woman’s hat 126 So long 78 Part of AM/FM
34 Bluegrass genus 127 Ped ___ 80 ___ Na Na
35 Ranch paper 128 Flying course? 82 Robt. ___
36 Electrical unit 129 Gallic noggins 83 Samurai
37 18th-century essayist 130 Salon job 84 Geographical giant
40 Shipping co. 131 Sea swirl 86 Creates
41 P and Q followers 87 Pecan, pine, pistachio e.g.
43 Lovable older relatives DOWN 90 “Because, Brigitte!”
45 Eastwood film, 1 Tops for bottles or batters 92 Bug or suffix
2 Heavenly highlight 93 Marlowe and Morris
___ Billy 3 Start of a Supremes hit 94 Lacking a large body of
47 Country pleasures 4 Waits at a record store?
52 Heidi backdrop 5 “How come, Henri?” water
53 Young rapper briefly 6 Bring into balance 95 Choice: abbr.
55 Actress Joanne 7 Title character Norma 97 Piercing tool
56 Verbal nouns 8 It comes in handy if 98 Pea or potato leek
57 Here, to Hernan 101 Betsy and artist Bob
59 Everest guides you’re a lookout: abbr. 105 On ___ (secretly)
62 Attractive 9 A fabulist guy 106 Copy
63 Tobacco preparation 10 Placate 108 Up ___
64 Slain 11 Leg area
65 Charged particle 12 Medit. island (good as usual)
66 Home of Arthur the 13 “Steady ___ goes” 110 Puncture opening
14 Temper 113 River of SE France
aardvark? 15 Take to court 115 Overly scientific,
69 Incompetents 16 ___ head against
71 Theme of this puzzle as writing
73 Daisy’s bike the wall 116 Make (one’s way)
76 Dickens 17 “... ___ you can do 117 Envelope-pushing
77 Speculations 119 Hairy Hollywood heavy
79 Summer déjà vu for your country” 120 Chewed Mideast stimulant
81 ___ vin 21 Know-it-all 122 Palindromic ex-leader
82 Water pitcher 23 Status follower 123 Head of a dog?
84 British P.M., 1908-16 25 Hill and Houston 124 Mike Myers movie, So I
85 Spheres 29 Pointers on animals?
86 Typewriter rollers 32 Binary two Married an ___ Murderer
88 Money Dept. 33 Trick of the mind
89 Nat’l Poetry Month 35 Frank Herbert epic
91 ___ disadvantage 37 Alley assn.
93 Preparatory classes 38 Florida tourist mecca
96 Bayer rival 39 Teacher’s surprise
98 Blacksmith 42 Labels
44 Gergen, to Clinton
46 From Here to Eternity star

The Telegraph

B16 December 14, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING 15 Paddle Dash (postponed from earlier 15 Vero Beach Centennial Boat Parade, 6 with Santa. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
date due to red tide) to benefit Keep p.m. from Royal Palm Point.
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Paint- Indian River Beautiful Lagoon Friendly Lawn pro- 22 20th Street Jazz Band at Sebastian Inlet State
ing & Sculpture from the Permanent Collection gram, with Paddle Races and a Corporate Paddle 18 Holiday Concert presented by Sebastian Park Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. at
thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Contemporary Battle; races begin at 8 a.m. from MacWilliams River Middle School Choral Department, Coconut Point pavilions. Park entry fee. 772-388-2750
Art from the Rubell Family Collection thru Jan. 6. Boat Ramp and Park. 772-226-7738 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church. Free. 772-564-5185
23 Run Run Santa 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. from
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge tours, 15 AAUW Holiday Party, 3 p.m. at West- 20|21 Christmas Road Trip, present- Pocahontas Park, with ALL participants
8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through March. Free; minster Presbyterian Church, with en- ed by City of Vero Beach Rec- running in provided Santa suits. 321-412-1830
RSVP required. 772-581-5557 X 2 tertainment by Vero Beach High School Choral reation Department’s Aerial Antics Youth Circus,
Group and refreshments. Free with donation of with 200+ performers ages 3 to 25, 6 p.m. at Vero 27-29 Wintergreen Night Lights,
DECEMBER pre-K or early-reader book. Beach High School PAC. $7 & $8. 772-567-2144 5 to 8 p.m. at the En-
vironmental Learning Center, with live en-
13 Silver Tones Holiday Concert, Christ- 15 Christmas Cantata, 4:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. at 21-23 Holidays at McKee, 6 to 8 tertainment, crafts, holiday-inspired crafts,
mas on Broadway, 7 p.m. at First Pres- Christ by the Sea, with full mix choir, so- p.m. at McKee Botanical games and reserved seat pontoon and canoe
byterian Church hosted by Senior Resource As- loists, 35-piece orchestra, living manger, liturgical Garden, with holiday lights and decorations, vin- rides. Details/costs at
sociation. 772-569-0760 dancers and dramatic narration. 772-231-1661 tage band organ, model train display and visits green-night-lights. 772-589-5050

13 Florida Humanities Series presents Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B14 (VIOLENCE ON TV)
‘Christmas and All that Jazz’ with the in December 7, 2018 Edition 1 LIEDER 2 LATEST
Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society, 7 p.m. at Em- 4 BORED 2 EMPEROR
erson Center. Free. 772-778-5249 8 TOPIC 3 EXCHANGE
14 Women by Women Art Exhibition: A 10 SERVANT 5 RATIO
Tribute to the Power of Women open- 11 TORN 6 DRYING
ing, 6 to 9 p.m. at Raw Space Gallery, with dance 12 SAD 7 HEATS
performances and live music. 772 584 5003 14 BRAG 13 DISCOVER
14|15 Riverside Theatre Comedy 18 END 17 GRACED
Zone’s Winter Nights, 7:30 21 RANK 19 DRINK
p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free en- 23 RECITES 20 ASPECT
tertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 25 CHICKEN 22 NOISE

Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13



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Click to View FlipBook Version