Repair work slow at Vero’s
City Marina. P9
Shores hires
Town Manager. P10
ELC told to get professional
help with plans for new campus. P8
Shores asks state For breaking news visit
to kill sidewalk,
widen bike lane Hospital future
may be clear by
late September
Staff Writer Staff Writer
The Town of Indian River A gold ring (inset) found off Vero Beach last week by a grandson of Mel Fisher diving from the salvage boat Sea Reaper. If anyone is placing bets on
Shores has no official jurisdic- whether Cleveland Clinic’s
tion over a planned 6-foot- Off our coast, the hunt for sunken treasure takeover bid for Indian River
wide sidewalk on the east Medical Center is going to be
side of A1A through the town, BY SUE COCKING 36-year-old professional trea- a relic from one of 11 gold- and approved, the Hospital Dis-
but after more than 100 con- Staff Writer sure hunter had never discov- jewel-laden Spanish galleons trict’s upcoming budget meet-
cerned citizens packed last ered gold at this particular site that broke up and sank off Flor- ings in late September may of-
week’s council meeting, the Josh Fisher-Abt crawled despite years of searching, but ida’s Treasure Coast in a devas- fer some big hints.
town will make the residents’ along the craggy ocean floor off he reminded himself that oth- tating hurricane in July 1715.
case with state officials. Vero Beach last Thursday, prob- ers had been lucky here before. The Hospital District Board
ing collapsed limestone ledges Then he got a hit from the has tentatively scheduled its fi-
When Shores officials, coun- with a metal detector. The After all, a limestone-en- metal detector. nal vote on the deal for Oct. 3. At
ty commissioners and state crusted cannon stood nearby – press time, the hospital’s Board
legislators were inundated CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 of Directors has not scheduled
with correspondence about its vote. Both boards must agree
what a terrible idea the side- for the deal to go through.
walk was following a July 10
public workshop about the But there should be some
road project, Town Manager big tells about how the Hospi-
Robbie Stabe wrote Florida tal District vote will go only a
Department of Transportation couple of days after Cleveland’s
consultant and project man- proposal is revealed Sept. 25.
ager Donovan Pessoa on Aug.
13 to see what could be done Sept. 25 is a Tuesday; the
to eliminate the sidewalk from Cleveland presentation, which
construction planned in con- starts at 1 p.m. at the Rich-
ardson Center at Indian River
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 State College’s Vero campus,
2,300 sign petition to let Farmers Market keep using Ocean Drive parking lot CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
BY RAY MCNULTY has called home for the past 10 years. Some restaurants ban
Staff Writer Six days later, nearly 2,300 people had straws from beach, but
not city government
The issue wasn’t on the agenda and signed an online petition to “Save the
no vote was taken, but near the end of Vero Beach Farmers Market Oceanside.” BY SUE COCKING
a five-hour meeting last week, the Vero Staff Writer
Beach City Council discussed banning The petition, started by
vendors at the island’s Farmers Mar- the Oceanside Business Association, Despite the best efforts of
ket from the Ocean Drive parking lot it falsely claims “a decision was made” to Mayor Harry Howle, the city
remove the popular, Saturday morning of Vero Beach has no plans
to follow the lead of Miami
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores sidewalk mean ripping up the roadway and ev- vast majority of Indian River Shores Indian River Shores that we have not
erything on the eastern right of way for residents to not build the unneeded yet reached. I believe we have reached
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 many months or as long as a year, af- sidewalk, and the insistence to im- 15 out of 30,” King said. “Getting John’s
fecting traffic and the use of bike lanes. prove the safety for cyclists by adding Island to agree that a sidewalk should
junction with scheduled road resur- the needed width to the bike lane.” not be built was very important.”
facing. Bermuda Bay resident Penny King,
who is organizing the opposition to Slater said if the design change to Then those HOAs, carrying the politi-
Pessoa acknowledged he, too, had the sidewalk, said Saturday she felt her eliminate the sidewalk and expand the cal weight of their members, will formal-
heard from a variety of people op- objections and those of her neighbors bike lane from the current 4 feet to 6 ly appeal to county and state leaders, as
posed to the project, from local resi- across the town were duly considered. or 7 feet requires a delay of a few years, well as to FDOT District Secretary Gerry
dents to state elected officials. “We could not have had a better out- “the council and residents are com- O’Reilly to show that virtually everyone
come than the council’s deciding to fortable with the timing.” who lives along the 6.74-mile affected
Then last week, dozens of speakers contact FDOT,” King said. “This was a stretch of A1A has zero interest in a side-
at the Shores podium questioned what very vital step for us.” The next step of the fight, King said, walk as part of the $7.5 million project.
would happen to lush, established revolves around rallying state Sen.
vegetation and community entrances In a letter to FDOT, Shores Mayor Debbie Mayfield and Rep. Erin Grall to “The more overwhelming the num-
integral to the Shores aesthetic along Tom Slater subsequently said: “I can- put pressure on FDOT planners. ber of emails, letters and calls that our
A1A if the sidewalk is put in place. A not state more strongly the clear de- representatives can present to FDOT,
6-foot-wide concrete sidewalk would sire of the entire Town Council and the “Our plans going forward [are to] the better our chances,” King said.
contact the rest of the HOA boards in
Farmers Market
market from the lot and that “it has been
decided that the market will be allowed
to operate in Humiston Park only.”
The Council made no such deci-
“Nobody is trying to kill the Farm-
ers Market,” Vero Beach Mayor Harry
Howle said Monday. “There was some
discussion about not letting the ven-
dors set up in the lot, keeping them
along the sidewalks and even having
some set up in the park, but that’s all.”
According to Howle, the discussion
was sparked by the ongoing parking
shortage in Central Beach, which is
made more challenging when people
pack the area to buy fresh vegetables
and fruit, prepared food, craft items
and other goods at the popular market.
“It does make sense,” Howle said of
the idea to keep the parking lot open
for cars instead of having it filled with
vendor stands. “You want to fix a park-
ing problem, and we have a park-
ing lot filled with vendors. Setting up
along the sidewalks and in the park
shouldn’t be a problem.”
Apparently, though, it would be.
City Manager Jim O’Connor said
he informed OBA President Georgia
Irish of the council’s discussion and
was told the OBA believes remov-
ing the market from the parking lot
would limit space and reduce the
number of vendors, especially during
Vero Beach’s busy season, to the point
where it couldn’t financially survive.
In fact, the OBA’s petition reads,
“the market regularly operates with 60
vendors in season, and the park can
only accommodate 36 booths along
the sidewalk.”
At the meeting, however, council
members Lange Sykes and Val Zudans
both raised the possibility of moving
the vendors out of the lot and relocat-
ing some tents to the park itself, not
just the sidewalk in front of the park.
The market does not utilize the park-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 3
ing lot during the summer months, exclusive rights to underwater discov- many as a dozen salvage boats began Meanwhile, the hunters are mak-
when business is slower and there eries from 14 shipwreck sites stretch- in May – just a smattering of coins ing the most of the time they have
are fewer vendors. O’Connor said the ing from Sebastian Inlet south for and artifacts, and a cannon brought left.
number of vendors doubles during the about 30 miles just off our barrier is- up north of Fort Pierce a couple weeks
busy season. land coast – especially compared to ago that will be conserved and later The Sea Reaper, operated by Cap-
2015 when divers recovered a $4.5 mil- displayed on the city’s waterfront. tain Dan Porter – owner of Maritime
“We need to do that all year,” Zu- lion stash of gold. Research and Recovery – spent sev-
dans said of putting the vendors along Salvage crews likely will wrap up op- eral days last week anchored about
the sidewalks. “Walking down the side- None of the sites has yielded multi- erations in September when weather 600 feet off the beach north of John’s
walk is a better experience than walk- million-dollar coin or jewelry finds and sea conditions become too rough Island Club at a site known as “Cor-
ing around in a circle in a parking lot. since this year’s hunting season for as for safe diving.
“That should be permanent,” he
added. “If they have more than they JUST COMPLETED!
can fit in that space, then we’ll have to
figure it out what to do.” He later sug- Exclusively John’s Island
gested that, if there’s not enough room
along the sidewalks, some vendors MOVE IN READY! This centrally located, newly built 3BR+Study/4.5BA
can set up in the park. retreat sits on .45± acres and overlooks breathtaking fairway views. With
no homes across the street, privacy is paramount. Designed by Brenner &
Council member Laura Moss said Assoc. and built by Michael Schlitt Construction, features include a resort-
she wants to keep the Oceanside style pool with swim up and spa, 5,246± GSF, covered loggia with built-
Farmers Market and plans to put in barbecue & fireplace, courtyard entry, hardwood floors, custom ceiling
beachside parking on the agenda for details, gourmet island kitchen, butler pantry, wet bar, office and bunk room.
Tuesday’s meeting. 361 Sea Oak Drive : $3,650,000
Irish could not be reached for com-
ment. The petition, meanwhile, con-
tinued to collect signatures.
“The OBA understands that while
a small handful of businesses have
complained about the exacerbation of
parking issues along Ocean Drive, the
parking issues go much deeper,” the
petition reads. “These issues will not
be magically resolved by minimizing
or reducing the farmer’s market’s two-
hour, weekly impact on parking.”
O’Connor dared not predict what
the council will decide to do with the
Farmers Market, but he said he would
not be surprised to see the vendors set
up in the parking lot when the busy
season begins.
“Some of the same people who
complained about the parking situa-
tion on the beach are now supporting
the Farmers Market,” O’Connor said,
“so I don’t know where it’s going to
end up.”
Treasure hunt
“I hand-fanned the area and I saw three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
a little glint of gold and gold shines health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
forever, so it had to be something spe-
cial,” Fisher-Abt said later. 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
He picked up a beautiful gold ring,
shiny as the day it was made, and
beneath that, a tarnished silver coin.
He swam them up to the deck of the
65-foot salvage boat Sea Reaper to be
catalogued and stored.
Later that day, Fisher-Abt and his
fellow divers recovered an ancient
musket ball, a fire brick, and some
large pottery shards.
“You gotta keep on telling yourself
‘today’s the day,’” Fisher-Abt said,
smiling. “You gotta be prepared.”
It’s been a slow summer for the trea-
sure hunters of 1715 Fleet-Queens
Jewels, LLC – the company that holds
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Treasure hunt ‘mailboxes’ on the stern that direct the rest of the goods are divided among “Dan and I have been working this
boat’s propeller wash downward. 1715 Fleet and its sub-contractors, site since the 1970s,” he said of Cor-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 with all distributions overseen by a rigan’s Wreck. “You never know what
“It’s kind of like using your garden federal judge. you’re going to find, or where, or when
rigan’s Wreck,” working as a sub-con- hose to spray away dirt on your drive- – even in area that’s been excavated be-
tractor for 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels. way,” Brandon explained. Three years ago, one of the 1715 fore. We visit the same sites year after
Fleet’s dive teams hit the jackpot – 350 year. The weather opens up cracks and
Corrigan’s Wreck is named for Hugh Once the bottom has been scoured gold coins valued at $4.5 million. In an crevices and changes things around.”
Corrigan, a wealthy Vero Beach land- by the mailboxes, divers wait a few eerie coincidence, the discovery was
owner who found gold coins on the minutes for the murky water to clear made 300 years to the day after the And sometimes brings a gleaming
beach in the 1950s and told treasure somewhat, then plunge down wearing Spanish fleet went down. gold ring into view that’s been lost for
hunting pioneer Mel Fisher. scuba tanks to search the exposed sea hundreds of years beneath the salt wa-
floor with metal detectors. That’s the sort of serendipity that ter and sand of the stormy Atlantic.
Fisher discovered the nearby sunk- keeps hope alive, according to Brandon.
en wreck in 1969 and began retrieving Maximum visibility is about 10 feet.
gold from it. He won salvage rights to Unless you know what to look for, it’s ACUPUNCTURIST JILL JAYNES
Corrigan’s and the other 1715 ship- easy to mistake heavily-encrusted CLOSES POPULAR CLINIC;
wrecks in the 1980s following a lengthy silver and other ancient artifacts for
court battle that went all the way to junk. Experienced treasure hunters NOW FACING FRAUD CHARGES
the U.S. Supreme Court. Fisher died can tell the difference, but they are
in 1998, and in 2010, his family sold its unanimous that there’s no mistaking BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ because her client embarrassed the
rights to 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels. gold for anything else. county by finding a since-closed loop-
Staff Writer hole in its employee insurance plan.
Fisher-Abt, who discovered this After combing the site for 15 or 20
summer’s only gold at Corrigan’s, is minutes, divers deliver their finds to For more than two decades, Jill Jaynes State investigators raided Jaynes’
Fisher’s grandson. the boat and the boat is re-positioned operated the most popular and success- clinic on Oct. 10, 2017, seizing com-
to enable exploration of adjacent bot- ful acupuncture clinic in Indian River puters, patient files, bank records and
“Mel Fisher is smiling down,” said tom. Anything recovered is photo- County. Every year hundreds of patients billing information.
1715 Fleet operations manager John graphed, tagged, measured and cata- returned time after time for treatment
Brandon. “His grandson is carrying on.” logued on a computer and in hard at her beautifully decorated, state-of- The arrest warrant alleges that she de-
copy, with a log kept for the Florida the-art facility, which employed five frauded Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield
A typical day of treasure hunting Department of State’s Division of His- acupuncturists and featured soft music, of about $1.5 million, about $1.2 million
aboard the Sea Reaper consists of ris- torical Resources. herbal tea and sterling self-help litera- of which was for county employees.
ing before daylight, studying under- ture in the waiting room.
water maps of the site on a desktop By federal court order, that agency Investigators say Jaynes enticed pa-
computer, adjusting the three, long can claim up to 20 percent of anything Now it turns out that soothing en- tients covered by the insurance compa-
sturdy anchor lines to pivot the boat of archeological significance the trea- vironment may have been funded by ny plans to use acupuncture by waiving
over the target site, and operating two sure hunters find and take it for dis- a variety of illegal activities, if fraud deductibles and coinsurance payments
large, elbow-shaped tubes nicknamed play in a museum in Tallahassee. The and racketeering charges brought last and providing free vitamins, supple-
week are proven. ments and weight-loss programs.
Jaynes, a licensed acupuncture phy- One of the charges against Jaynes
sician and owner of Absolute Integrated arose from bank records obtained via
Medicine, was arrested at her office last subpoena that show she was paying Re-
Wednesday and faces allegations that lentless Dietetics $300 for each patient
she conspired with others to defraud that they referred to Absolute Integrat-
an insurance company by submitting ed Medicine, a violation of state law.
false or incomplete information, ille-
gally waived patient copayments and According to the warrant, weight-
deductibles, and unlawfully paid others loss programs are specifically exclud-
who referred patients for treatment. ed from coverage under all Blue Cross
Blue Shield Plans. But Jaynes was able
“Inflated and exaggerated,” is what to bill these patients.
attorney Brooke Butler calls the charges
against her client. “You bet we’re going Jonathan Montgomery and Nicho-
to fight this.” Jaynes, who is out of jail on las Peterson, who are co-owners of Re-
bond, is scheduled to be arraigned Sept. lentless, admitted to investigators that
26. Butler said she plans to enter a not- they are not familiar with “any ben-
guilty plea. If convicted, she could face efits of acupuncture on weight loss,
a maximum of 135 years in prison and nor are their clients ever required to
millions in fines, officials said. receive acupuncture treatments to be
successful with their programs.”
The alleged crimes occurred be-
tween Sept. 1, 2013, and Dec. 31, 2016, But none of the claims Jaynes sub-
according to the arrest warrant, but mitted in connection with the Relent-
Butler, who appeared in court with less Dietetics program were coded as
Jaynes on Friday, Aug. 24 for a bail being treatments for “weight loss.”
hearing, vigorously denies the charges Instead, they were coded for different
against her client. types of pain.
After the hearing, at which Jaynes’ According to investigators, Jaynes,
bail was reduced by half a million dol- who taught several acupuncture bill-
lars, from $955,000 to $455,000, But- ing classes and seminars, including
ler pointedly accused the county of one titled “ethical insurance billing,”
trumping up charges against Jaynes had devised more than one way of
bilking insurance companies.
One woman had filed 259 claims
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 5
billed to insurance before she filled surance company was billed for 185 for services provided during a single visit $300,000 for the claims submitted,
out new patient paperwork, accord- claims totaling more than $22,000 to help cover the costs of “free” supple- leaving Jaynes with a profit of nearly
ing to the warrant, a violation of insur- that supposedly were incurred during ments, a spreadsheet indicated. $100,000, investigators say.
ance company terms. More than 800 a five-day period when the office was
appointments that were deleted from closed in November 2013. According to the warrant, patients A review of patient files revealed
the system were billed anyway. received more than $200,000 in herbs that fewer than half of Jaynes’ claims
In addition, Jaynes is accused of di- and supplements at no cost. Blue between 2012 and 2016 had docu-
Investigators also alleged the in- recting employees to file multiple claims Cross Blue Shield paid more than mentation.
6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Banning straws from beach said the restaurant got rid of plastic “I brought it up a year or two ago, ing had originally been scheduled for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 straws about a year ago and added but the rest of the council shot me Sept. 20.
that paper straws are distributed by down,” Howle said.
Beach and other coastal communities request only. By postponing that vote, the District
by restricting use of plastic drinking He’s awaiting the outcome of the board will be able to decide on funding
straws on the beach. But most seaside George Hart, owner of Mulligan’s upcoming municipal election to see for indigent healthcare programs after
island restaurants are acting on their Beach House, said all eight of his res- if there are any changes to the coun- having seen Cleveland Clinic’s pro-
own to help protect the ocean and its taurants now use only biodegradable cil’s makeup before raising the idea posed commitment for charity care at
inhabitants, adopting straw-less prac- paper straws and only by request. again. the hospital.
tices. And Will McKinnon, assistant gener-
al manager for food and beverages at Kendra Cope, Indian River Coun- If trustees are happy with Cleveland
Plastic straws have become the Heaton’s Reef Bar & Grill at the Vero ty’s sea turtle coordinator, says the Clinic’s offer and expect it to pass, they
villain for the environmentally-con- Beach Hotel and Spa, said the prop- coastline would benefit from regula- would logically approve a lower hos-
scious, especially in the wake of a viral erty hasn’t used plastic straws on the tions on plastic straws, plastic bags pital indigent care figure, assuming
video of a sea turtle with a straw stuck beach for years. Paper straws for fro- and party balloons, too. Cleveland would begin covering at
up its nostril. By some estimates, the zen drinks on the pool deck are given least some portion of that care when
ubiquitous items take 500 years to de- only if a customer asks. “Public beach park regulations are the deal closes.
grade. And though they make up only something to consider,” Cope said.
a small part of the world’s plastic pol- Dan Culumber, who owns the Sea- If, on the other hand, trustees are
lution, getting rid of them is viewed side Grill at Jaycee Park with wife Rose, Hospital future not happy with Cleveland’s offer and
as an easy-to-implement, feel-good said they discourage the use of plastic plan to vote “no” to the partnership
measure. straws, but haven’t banned them. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 deal, they would likely budget for the
usual amount for hospital indigent
“We don’t use them at all,” Walter “We ask people if they need straws is expected to take most of the after- care – around $7.5 million.
Ruiz, food and beverage manager or not and about half the people have noon.
at the Wave Kitchen & Bar at Costa turned them down,” Culumber said. The Hospital District levies taxes
d’Este Beach Resort and Spa, said of “I’ve tried paper straws, but they get Then, two days later, the District to treat medically indigent patients
plastic straws. too soggy.” trustees will hold a morning roundta- – those who are uninsured, not on
ble discussion on the presentation at Medicaid or Medicare and earn less
Instead, Ruiz says, servers hand He added the restaurant has post- their offices across from the hospital. than 150 percent of the federal pov-
out biodegradable straws made of ed signs announcing that it’s cutting That same afternoon at 5 p.m. in the erty level.
vegetable fiber on request. back on straws. County Commission chambers, Dis-
trict trustees will finalize their 2018- If Cleveland assumes part or all of
Ashley Reap, a longtime server If Vero Beach Mayor Howle had 2019 budget. indigent care costs, as it appears very
at Waldo’s at the Driftwood Resort, his way, the city would ban not only likely to do, then the District would
plastic straws, but plastic bags, as The Hospital District budget meet- be relieved of that burden, and taxes
well. could go down.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 7
County, Shores move to back Vero at PSC on electric sale
BY LISA ZAHNER scheduled to be heard by the PSC Oct. the rest of the parties, and would likely flying back and forth from the various
Staff Writer 8 and 9 in Tallahassee. get more time to present the plight of parties, according to the PSC docket
the Shores residents to the commis- record.
When Vero Beach and Florida Power Attorney and former Vero Council- sion, as public comment from the po-
& Light go up against those who want woman Lynne Larkin claims to rep- dium is typically limited to three min- Town Attorney Chester Clem, who
the Florida Public Service Commis- resent 900 unnamed members of the utes or less. rarely interjects on council matters ex-
sion to reverse its approval of the $185 nebulous Civic Association of Indian cept to prevent the council from run-
million Vero electric sale, Indian River River County, saying the sale process “The town needs to push back at ning afoul of Florida Statute, offered
County and Indian River Shores plan has lacked transparency and the full, some point and say our residents are a pretty forceful recommendation on
to have Vero’s back. informed consent of Vero’s residents. behind this deal,” Auwaerter said. the matter, saying having the county
there as an intervenor and not the
About 60 percent of Vero’s 34,000 Attorney Jon Moyle Jr. filed a chal- Reingold explained his action Shores would be a big mistake, calling
electric customers live in the Shores lenge on behalf of the Florida Industri- “means I can take discovery. It also the current circumstances surround-
and the unincorporated county, so at- al Power Users Group (FIPUG), which means we would be subject to discov- ing the Vero electric sale “most unusu-
torneys for both entities want a seat at he says is an interested coalition of ery, but we are already covered by the al and detrimental” to the town.
the table when the dispute is adjudi- large, commercial electric customers Sunshine laws.”
cated. of FPL. Moyle argues that his mem- So far Shores taxpayers – 20 percent
bers, also unnamed, would end up “Can we find out who the members of whom are already FPL custom-
County Attorney Dylan Reingold on funding the $116.2 million acquisition of FIPUG are?” Vice Mayor Mike Och- ers but support the community-wide
Monday filed a formal Petition to In- adjustment FPL wants to book so Vero sner asked. effort toward cheaper electric rates
tervene in the case. And last Thursday has enough money to exit its long- across the board – have spent about
the Shores Town council unanimously term power contracts, to pay off debt Reingold said a list of the members $1 million on legal and consultant fees
approved up to $10,000 for utilities and have $30 million in residual cash. of FIPUG would likely be among the for lawsuits and other efforts related to
attorney Bruce May of Holland and documents he would request as an pushing the Vero electric sale.
Knight to do the same. Councilman Dick Haverland asked intervenor. The Shores, for example,
what benefits becoming an official in- could also request the same of Larkin “I agree that we should intervene,
PSC approval of the sale has been tervenor would confer on the Shores and her Civic Association. FPL attor- if they accept us. We’ve been in this
challenged by two individuals, plus and the county. Councilman Bob Au- neys have already filed documents situation for so long that we should do
by two attorneys on behalf of organi- waerter said the town’s attorney or with the PSC questioning Larkin’s everything we can,” Mayor Tom Slater
zations or groups. Those appeals are representatives would sit up front with standing to file an objection with the said.
PSC. Interrogatories in the case are
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ELC told to get professional help with plans for campus
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA will be scheduled “in a few months to a mittal “by a professional, civil engi- Environmental Learning Center Ex-
Staff Writer year,” according to Sweeney. neering firm.” ecutive Director Molly Steinwald has
said it will likely take several years to
The leaders of the Environmental For the Planning Department to un- On the plus side, ELC officials raise funds for such a substantial un-
Learning Center have been planning derstand and give preliminary approv- have plenty of time to get their plans dertaking, and that she doesn’t ex-
a major, multimillion-dollar overall al for the project, Sweeney explained, worked out in more detail and they say pect there will be “any major physical
and expansion of their campus on Wa- “we need more specifics – dimensions, a professional document prepared by change to the campus in the next year
basso Island for more than a year, but to-scale, technical details,” and a sub- an engineer will be forthcoming. or two.”
they were not very well prepared when
they sat down to review their plan with Prior to the Aug. 20 meeting, Deputy
county officials last week. County Attorney Bill DeBraal sent a
memo to Sweeney outlining the own-
A rendering of the new campus en- ership history and allowed uses of the
visioned by ELC leaders, which they 64-acre island property, at the western
presented Aug. 20 at a required pre- base of the Wabasso Bridge on the 510
application conference with the coun- causeway.
ty planning department, was “beauti-
ful and colorful, but very conceptual The county received the land from
in nature,” according to planner Ryan the state in 1965. In 1977, the deed
Sweeney. was amended so the property could
be used for environmental education.
A picturesque, theme-park-like map A decade later, the county entered
illustrated in an appealing way design into a 99-year lease with the Pelican
elements that include Maritime Ham- Island Audubon Society to develop
mock, Lagoon Terrace, Critter Corner, the property for that purpose. In
Osprey Perch Trail, Hidden Island, 1989, Audubon assigned the lease to
Butterflies and More, FUN Zone, Live the Environmental Learning Center,
Oak Stroll and other new features. Inc., an organization that evolved out
of Audubon.
But it was not the kind of technically
specific document county planners DeBraal wrote that “the $1-per-year
had expected, and a second conference lease has no restrictions on improve-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 9
ments or buildings other than that Repair work slow at Vero City Marina
they “be used exclusively for an en-
vironmental learning center and ac- BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA this fall before the busy boating sea- and her dog into the water amidst jag-
cessory uses,” and that development Staff Writer son begins in November. ged metal and wooden debris.
should be in harmony with the envi-
ronment and create as little distur- Desperately needed, oft-delayed The north restrooms, which grew The situation was exacerbated by
bance to wetlands and uplands with renovations have, at long last, begun shabbier as time and patchworked re- wind and water damage from hurri-
native vegetation as possible. at the Vero Beach City Marina. pairs took their toll, had become the canes Matthew and Irma, in 2016 and
object of numerous complaints in re- 2017, and the fact that the marina was
When “actual site plans and design Dangerously rotted, broken docks cent years. Many residents – including staggering under the debt service on a
considerations” have been approved have been repaired and the notorious- boaters living at the marina and civic $4.7 million loan obtained in 2007 to
by the State Department of Environ- ly shabby, badly-damaged, 30-year-old boosters concerned about the impres- purchase a dry storage facility, a debt
mental Protection and the county north restrooms have been “gutted to sion created by a city marina in disre- the marina will continue to pay off for
planning and building departments, the studs” in preparation for a total re- pair – questioned why it was taking another decade.
construction can begin, according to do, after the City Council awarded the so long to accomplish the obviously
the lease. $114,600 renovation contract to Vero much-needed renovation. Funds for the restroom renovation
Beach-based Bill Bryant Construction. materials were allocated in the 2016-
“Thus,” DeBraal concluded, “after The restrooms were slated for re- 2017 FY budget but, by the time ma-
the DEP and county staff have ap- The job was supposed to be com- placement in 2007, but the project terials and fixtures were ordered and
proved the site plans, I would have pleted within an 80-day window fol- was put on hold when the national delivered, it was the midst of the busy
the Board (County Commission) for- lowing contract signing on May 31, but economy tanked, and marine tourism boating season. Not wanting to close
mally approve the plans at a regularly work was temporarily halted when far dropped. As an enterprise fund, the half the available restrooms, Graben-
scheduled meeting.” more water damage than anticipated marina is expected to operate on the bauer opted to wait till season was over.
was found inside the restroom walls income it generates, and it wasn't gen-
ELC Board member Ken LaPointe, and project plans had to be redrawn erating enough for major renovations. That pushed restroom repairs back
a long-time real estate professional, and resubmitted to the county. until this year.
commented, “It’s a very exciting plan, Even after the economy bounced
and I’m looking forward to working The county is in possession of the back, Grabenbauer spent years “playing Grabenbauer said this year’s pro-
on it.” updated plans and is expected to sign catch-up” with other necessary repairs, longed repair process should not
off on them soon, so work can resume, leaving the restrooms in a shamble. cause a problem this fall.
Enlisting an engineering firm and says Harbormaster and Marina Direc-
designing a major fundraising cam- tor Tim Grabenbauer, who optimisti- The danger inherent in the marina’s With kids back in school, the rec-
paign will certainly be next on the cally anticipates the project, even with dilapidation was highlighted two years reational boater traffic will drop even
agenda of the immensely popular the recent delay, will be completed by ago when a finger dock collapsed from further, so that the south restrooms
center, which is county’s hub of nature under a boater, flinging the woman should be sufficient until repairs are
education, exploration and hands-on complete.
experiences for school children and
people of all ages.
10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores hires former Melbourne Beach town manager
BY LISA ZAHNER will pay $125,000 per year plus ben- All the council members and staff Day said he was honored to be select-
Staff Writer efits. Three of the finalists had pulled said they were very impressed with Day. ed to manage the Shores, and promised
themselves out of the running during “He’s all the attributes that suggest he the council he would indeed relocate
One year after resigning his post as the hiring process, as it took the town would be a great candidate,”Vice Mayor his family from the west coast of Florida
Melbourne Beach town manager be- nearly six weeks to make a decision. Mike Ochsner said. within the three-month timeframe.
cause his family refused to move there
from Cape Coral, Tim Day was hired The Indian River Shores Town In December 2015, Melbourne Day will take over for retiring Town
last Thursday by Indian River Shores Council voted unanimously for Day, Beach hired Day to run the town for Manager Robbie Stabe on or about
as its new town manager contingent with the proviso that he establish a $89,000. But in July 2017, he gave the Sept. 16, unless there is a hurricane
on his family relocating here this fall. local primary residence within three town two weeks’ notice, saying, “it has in the interim. Day said if that hap-
months of starting the job. The town become apparent that my family will pened, he would start the day before
Day was one of five finalists for also approved up to $10,000 in tempo- not be coming to Melbourne Beach in the storm hit and want to have control
the Shores town manager job, which rary housing and moving assistance. a fulltime capacity to reside with me.” of town preparations and recovery
from the get-go.
Councilman Dick Haverland had
high praise for Day, saying: “He has
good common sense. He’s got his feet
on the ground.”
Day’s public safety experience was
one deciding factor, as well as his ser-
vice as a Cape Coral elected official.
He was a uniformed police officer un-
til sustaining injuries in pursuit of a
suspect, Haverland said.
Day’s experience was the best fit for
a luxury residential community with
a triple-trained public safety agency,
Mayor Tom Slater agreed.
Harbor Branch
Foundation, FAU
headed to court
Staff Writer
A high-stakes fight between
Florida Atlantic University and the
leaders of Harbor Branch Oceano-
graphic Institute Foundation over
control of a $72 million endow-
ment is lurching toward a court
battle after both sides said on Mon-
day at the St. Lucie County Court-
house they’ve reached an impasse
after eight months of negotiations.
After hearing the two parties,
19th District Court Judge Sher-
wood Bauer Jr. tentatively set a
Dec. 6 hearing for opening argu-
ments in the case.
Attorney Richard Mitchell, who
is representing FAU, urged Bauer
to begin the trial sooner, within
two months. The university’s po-
sition is that it legally has the right
to control the Institute’s opera-
tions and funding.
Foundation officials, who initi-
ated legal action against the uni-
versity, argue that a pre-existing
agreement allows them to operate
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Set in Stone: Chamber fetes new prez at special soiree
Katha Kissman, Alma Lee Loy and Cyndi Permenter. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Jaime Klekamp, Joe Chiarella and Toni Abraham.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF sition of leadership within the county.
Staff Writer The couple relocated to Vero Beach last
year after he was offered the position of
The Indian River County Chamber Bill Penney, Dori Stone and Jon Moses. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE assistant fire chief and, within the span
of Commerce rolled out the red car- Dennis Bartholomew, Maj. Eric Flowers and Joe Coakley. of a year, the former fireman and Semi-
pet last Thursday evening to intro- Marc Richard, Natalie Holtom and Ken Grudens. nole County Public Safety Director was
duce members to its new president, promoted to the position of Indian Riv-
Dori Stone, at a special Business Af- er County Fire Chief.
ter Hours event at Riverside Theatre.
The event was co-sponsored by Ma- “We both fell in love with this com-
rine Bank & Trust. munity the first time we drove through
it,” said Dori Stone. “The community
Stone stepped into her new role Aug. has been so warm and accepting. We
6 following the retirement of Penny see ourselves here through our retire-
Chandler, who served in the position ment and feel like this is a community
for 23 years. we can really re-transplant our roots
Guests began the evening by nib-
bling on hors d’oeuvres catered by Wild Giving a nod to Alma Lee Loy, the
Thyme Catering in the Orchid Lobby “first lady of Vero Beach,” she noted the
while listening to the music of the Bob- importance of the legacy to which she’s
by Owens Band and chatting with local been entrusted, saying, “I’m going to
business professionals. The monthly continue to respect the legacy of this
gathering provides an opportunity for organization and what came before
chamber members to network in a so- me. But I also recognize it’s my job to
cial setting at local businesses. look at what comes next.”
Afterward, the standing-room-only Stone said she is looking forward to
crowd moved into the Waxlax Theatre the challenge of having the chamber
to meet Stone, the eighth chamber of- stay fresh and relevant. Her plans in-
ficial to hold the position in the non- clude conducting a membership sur-
profit’s 94-year history. vey, developing a program to engage
high schoolers and get them started
“Dori Stone brings with her an un- down a community-service path, and
derstanding of the Florida economics reviewing current programming and
and business growth that we believe events.
will benefit our local businesses, eco-
nomic development and tourism,” said “We’ve got an interesting dynamic
Robert Paugh, board chairman. of multi-generations in Indian River
County. I see the job as being very much
Stone, who earned a master’s degree one of caretaker, entrepreneur and
in public administration from the Uni- innovator. I have a great staff, a great
versity of Central Florida, comes to Indi- board and a community that I believe
an River County with 32 years of public supports the chamber,” said Stone.
planning under her belt. Having lived
in Central Florida most of her life, she She added that when businesses
brings a unique perspective to her role owned by local residents and others
as chamber president following a career invested in the community are able to
peppered with experience in commu- thrive, the community as a whole will
nity redevelopment, site plan review, also do well.
long-range planning and visioning.
For more information, visit indianriv-
Husband Tad Stone also holds a po-
14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Keith Kite, Kevin Given and Kollin Kite.
Jim Stanley, Stephen Shields and Bob Morgan.
Oscar Sales, with Kim Piston and Jon Moses. Dori and Tad Stone. Stacy Cooper, Sandi Creyaufmiller and Autumn Martin.
Annaki and Keith Frederick. Caitlin Rice and Nicki Walker.
Mary Cone, Dori and Tad Stone, and Georgia Irish.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 15
Lindsey Hansen, Diane Langevin and Brittany Swartz. Jackie Savell and Janean Barrows. Anne Sheppard, Eeva Smith and Anna Valencia Tillery.
Nicole Nell, Amy Selby, Sam Lafevers and Rebecca Moon.
Donna Roberts Mitchell and Jim Mitchell. Linda Barker and Valerie Esposito.
Amy Gullikson, Dan Gaines, Crystal Tyler and Casey Steele.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Cancer survivors among ‘Friends’ at Vero Rowing
Staff Writer
A new lady has joined the fleet of Vero have volunteered to assist those new to
Beach Rowing boats skimming along the sport.
the Indian River Lagoon. ‘Friends’ was
christened last Saturday morning dur- “The kids come off the water with
ing a ceremony at the MacWilliams the biggest smiles,” he said. “They’ve
Park boat launch. learned something and they’ve helped
someone. There’s nothing more that
The effervescent bubbles that were can help out cancer research, cancer
poured over the bow of the recently funding and cancer support than peo-
purchased shell paled in comparison ple being aware of its effects.”
to the excitement of the rowers who
will be taking to the water in the beau- Linda Merk-Gould, a cancer survi-
tiful vessel, which is adorned with a vor who discovered rowing at a criti-
lavender racing stripe to advocate can-
cer awareness.
Two years ago Vero Beach Rowing
began a partnership with Friends Af-
ter Diagnosis, a group serving patients
and survivors of breast and women’s
cancers and their caregivers. The two
groups joined together to establish a
Rowing Beyond Diagnosis program.
“We love working with Friends,” said
Austin Work, VBR director of rowing.
He explained that members of their
middle and high school rowing teams
Brenda Cetrulo, Lin Reading, Claudia Owen and Messina Shields. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
cal time in her own recovery 18 years needed to have fun and be with people
ago, knew firsthand how impactful the that are going through the same things
sport could be. To help further expand they are,” said Lin Reading, Friends
the reach of Rowing Beyond Diagno- founder.
sis, Merk-Gould wrote an Impact 100
Grant request toward the purchase of a During the christening ceremony
lighter and more stable boat. Reading laid a branch of hibiscus
leaves on the stern of the boat and
When Vero Beach Rowing received poured champagne over the bow as an
an Impact 100 Merit Award grant of offering to Neptune and the gods of the
$22,400 this past April, they made up sea.
the difference in cost themselves to
enable the purchase of a 2018 Hudson Sylvia Swanson, who was among the
Super Predator 4x, which will be used first group of women to participate in
by Friends After Diagnosis as well as Rowing Beyond Diagnosis, was im-
other nonprofit groups. pressed with the assistance of the row-
ing team girls. “It was a lovely exchange
“I think one of the best things about of learning and teaching between the
Impact 100 is you find out about what’s different generations.”
going on in the community and where
the need is,” said Brenda Cetrulo, Im- She said that being out on the wa-
pact 100 grant committee chair, add- ter helped her to heal and get in touch
ing that the VBR programs can help with her emotions. “There is a feeling
transform the lives of individuals and of serenity. You’ve just had a beautiful
their families. “That’s really what Im- gift from nature and you’ve been in
pact 100 is about, that larger transfor- sync with everyone around you. That
mation.” energy exchange is very healing.”
“Our survivors wanted a chance to For more information, visit vero-
get together outside of meetings. They or friendsafterdiag-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 17
Sylvia and Curt Swanson. Lynn Ramsier and Megan Kuehm.
Carol Hancock, Yoly Snyder, Stephanie Gomez and Allison Kincaid. Austin Work, Todd Young and Heidi Sutherland. Scott and Karen Meredith with Linda Merk-Gould and Larry Macke.
Bob Snyder. Lin Reading.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Girls on the Run’: On right track to empowerment
Staff Writer
Girls on the Run of the Treasure Ann Wald, Meredith Egan and Jessica Schmitt. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jeane Bartlett and Kim Nicholas.
Coast continues to pick up their pace
as they help girls cross the finish line, through research that running could the GOTR belief that girls can do any- the only paid position in the volun-
empowered with the potential to help strengthen Scarlett’s lungs. It thing they set their minds to. teer-based group. “We teach the girls
change the world. The mantra of the worked; Scarlett no longer has asth- life skills and incorporate healthy
nonprofit – “Girls on the Run: born to ma. The two have also grown closer, “We are both eternally grateful physical activity as well, because we
run” – is a metaphor for its mission to improving their health while doing for the program and hope it touches look at the whole girl.”
create a world where every girl knows something they love. many other lives the way it did ours,”
and activates her limitless potential, says Amy Higgins. Before the girls warm up and
boldly free to pursue her dreams. “My GOTR experience was won- head out to run, coaches work with
derful,” says Scarlett, who has shaved But running is just one part of 15-member teams using a research-
Longtime board member Jessica 10 minutes off her mile. “It was a lot of the program, which last year lo- based curriculum that focuses on
Schmitt says she remembers the first fun, and it inspired me to start run- cally served 200 girls in grades three developing each girl’s inner strength
race she ever finished and she’s re- ning more. In GOTR they taught us through eight at seven elementary and confidence. Elementary- and
warded by seeing the GOTR girls re- all about girl power and how we are schools and three middle schools. middle school-aged girls meet twice
alize that same pride. stars in our own ways.” weekly as a team for 90-minute ses-
“While our name implies running, sions on topic-specific discussions
“That feeling of crossing the fin- Amy remembers Scarlett’s pride as because it’s Girls on the Run, we’re and activities aimed at helping them
ish line just gave me so much confi- she crossed the finish line; validating truly an empowerment program,”
dence, and it spilled over into my per- says council director Jeane Bartlett,
sonal and professional life,” she says.
“When I found out about Girls on the
Run and being able to give that gift
to a girl at a young age, I just thought
it would impact her entire future to
have that confidence. That’s going
to set the trajectory for her life. It’s
something that’s going to stick with
them forever.”
Scarlett Higgins joined GOTR as
a fifth-grader, choosing her mother,
Amy Higgins, as her running buddy.
Two years later, the pair has partici-
pated in 17 races and look forward
to hitting the pavement this coming
Initially hesitant to allow her
daughter to participate because
of asthma, Amy Higgins learned
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 19
reach their full potential. most anything,” she adds.
The core tenants of the program are Kim Nicholas, a middle school
confidence, character, care, connec- team coach for the past four years,
tions and competence, with a view to- says she has seen the benefits first-
ward developing self-worth, respect, hand, adding that it’s a good age to
responsibility, compassion and team- teach the girls about supporting each
work. other.
Schmitt says she was surprised by “I love what the program teaches
how much she herself learned. “When girls about themselves, about life,
I had to read through the curriculum, about caring about themselves and
it taught me a lot about communica- making decisions for their futures.
tion, the values that I have, teamwork, I’m a runner, and I know what run-
taking time for self-care, pacing your- ning does for me spiritually and emo-
self and positive self-talk.” tionally. It gives me time to think and
process and sort things out in life,
The running component helps fos- and I really want to pass that on to
ter an appreciation for health and fit- the girls,” says Nicholas.
ness, with girls setting lap goals for
themselves and designing individual The national program first sprint-
training programs that they feel com- ed into action with 13 girls 20 years
fortable with. ago in Charlotte, N.C., and this year
expects to impact the lives of more
“We really are for every girl, be- than 200,000 girls, equipping them
cause you don’t have to be an athlete,” with the skills needed to find their
says Bartlett. “We’re going to teach passion and make a difference in the
them in small increments and help world.
them grow and set a goal.”
More than 700 girls have partici-
To demonstrate their achieve- pated in the local chapter, which was
ments, the 10-week program culmi- established in 2011 to serve Indian
nates with each team completing a River, St. Lucie and Martin counties.
Community Impact project and all Girls on the Run Treasure Coast is an
girls participating in a Celebration independent council of GOTR Inter-
5K. national.
“We teach them to connect with The program is funded through
their community – find their in- registrations, 5K sponsorships, grants
ner strength, find their teamwork and fundraising activities.
strength, and then reach out to the
community and share their strength “We have never turned away a girl
with the community,” says Bartlett. because of her ability to pay. We have
a sliding scale fee to meet our families’
“The girls walk away with an ‘I financial needs. If the family is unable
didn’t know I could do that’ type to pay, we find a way,” says Bartlett.
of growth. When we say a 5K is 3.1
miles, it’s kind of daunting. The pro- The fall session online registration
gram is about setting small goals opened Aug. 27, sessions begin Sept.
and achieving them. We say forward 17 and the 5K Celebration takes place
is forward. It’s not about speed; it’s Dec. 8.
about what you accomplish. If you
can do this, then you can really do For more information, visit girlson-
20 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Project Lifesaver: Doing wonders to safeguard wanderers
BY MARY SCHENKEL Lt. Lonnie Rich, Peggy Cunningham and Ester Rymer. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE but it takes a long time for families to
Staff Writer accept that dementia is going to be
be aware of the statistics; how preva- “The eligibility is that they are a progressive.”
The clock begins ticking from the lent the wandering can be,” she adds. resident of Indian River County, they
moment an individual suffering from “One event can be the last.” are at risk of wandering and they have The launch of their Dementia
Alzheimer’s or another form of de- full-time care,” says Cunningham. Friendly Community Initiative and
mentia or brain trauma, or a child Despite those numbers, the majori- “Each month they come in, we take it the purchase of a ‘Rolling Classroom’
with autism wanders off. Individuals ty of residents seem unaware that this apart, clean it out, we put in a new bat- RV, thanks to a 2017 Impact 100 grant,
with cognitive brain disorders are not free, but ultimately priceless resource tery and we check to see if the signal is are helping to increase awareness.
only more at risk of wandering; they is available to them through a part- strong and on the correct frequency.”
often live in their own internal worlds, nership between the local Alzheimer “We feel that as people become
sometimes unaware of their immedi- & Parkinson Association, the Sheriff’s They currently have just 50 active more aware of it, we will have more
ate surroundings. Office and the Treasure Coast Pilot clients. “We know that there are hun- clients on it. It’s such a good tool for
Club. dreds out there who could use this, caregivers,” says Cunningham. “Fre-
Although our local law enforcement quently the reason a family will come
agencies have an excellent track re- to us is that there has been a wander-
cord of quickly locating people who
wander off, two recent incidents have ing event and the Sheriff’s Of-
brought the issue to the forefront. In fice has directed them
one, disaster was barely averted when here.”
a woman with Alzheimer’s was res- Individual files
cued just as she slipped beneath the with photos and
water. Sadly, in the other incident, the other pertinent
woman has still not been found. information are
compiled by Al-
In both cases, Project Lifesaver de- zheimer and
vices – watch-sized, radio-frequency Parkinson staff
transmitter bracelets – could likely and shared with
have assisted Indian River Coun- the Sheriff’s Office.
ty Sheriff’s Office deputies in their The information can
search. also be made available
elsewhere if families trav-
“Statistically there are 6,000 resi-
dents with dementia in this county el out of town.
and 60 percent of those will have a When someone goes missing, care-
wandering event,” says Peggy Cun- givers should immediately call 911
ningham, executive director of the and, if applicable, identify them as a
Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Project Lifesaver client. Handheld re-
Indian River County. ceivers are then deployed by IRCSO
to helicopters and squad cars and are
Sheriff’s Office statistics show miss- tuned into the bracelet’s radio fre-
ing person incidents appear to be on quency; each is unique.
the rise: 119 in 2016, 149 in 2017, and 96 “They have an internal speaker that
in 2018 as of August. “Families need to will alert us that we’re getting closer
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 21
to that individual or, if the signal’s Quilted Giraffe March 16. The IRC- but it’s no less tragic for the families mitters, and the $300 annual cost of
faint, that we’re moving away from SO, notified roughly one hour after when they can’t. replacement batteries and bracelet
it. And then we can communicate she was discovered missing, can- straps, comes from grants and other
that information to helicopters and vassed multiple routes from the res- “We’re pretty proficient in search- donations.
ground units to try to triangulate taurant to her home, conducted grid ing for missing people. We do it quite
where that person has gone,” says searches on foot in the Oslo River- a bit at the Sheriff’s Office,” says While clients are not charged for
Lt. Lonnie Rich, IRCSO SWAT Com- front Conservation Area, and mobi- Rich, explaining that they quickly the equipment, Cunningham ex-
mander. lized helicopters and ATVs to widen speak with friends or family mem- plains, “what we ask for is a $50 re-
the search radius. bers, reach out to Go Line and car fundable down payment, but that
“A lot of it will depend on when services, distribute a photo and can be waived. The purpose of that
we’re notified from the time that Cunningham says people with clothing description, and issue BO- is to keep the caregiver aware that
they left. A lot of families feel like dementia are often physically fit, LOs (be on the lookout) to neighbor- this equipment has to come back
they’re bothering us, thinking they “and that’s the problem. Once they ing counties and jurisdictions. at some point, when they no longer
may find their individual within walk out the door, they’re trying to need it. This is a $400 piece of equip-
five or 10 minutes and they want to get some place but they’re not quite “All that’s happening within 10 or ment and it can be reused.”
wait and look for them themselves sure where it is, so they keep going 15 minutes from the time we get the
before notifying us. Keep in mind and going. They feel like they’re information, so that we can have our To help get the word out, mem-
that it’s a lot easier to cancel us; making progress to do something; resources directed to where we think bers of the TC Pilot Club recently
that’s no problem,” he adds. to go home. They’re completely dis- they might have gone,” he explains. volunteered to distribute 2,000 pro-
oriented, but it makes sense inside gram brochures to local physicians’
He stressed that ramping up re- their world.” In addition to the Project Lifesaver offices. “We were hoping that that
sources after a delay of a couple of search and rescue bracelets, there would get the information to people
hours makes the search more diffi- The program is also an important are now Protect and Locate devices, who really need it most,” says TCPC
cult, especially if the person has ac- tool for autistic children, says Cun- which trigger an individual home member, Ester Rymer. “It saves lives.
cess to a vehicle. ningham, citing their use in some alarm (not an alarm to law enforce- We all hope that it never happens,
as young as 3 years old. “With au- ment) when someone wanders out- but if it does and this can save their
“So I would encourage anybody tistic kids, families tell us that when side an electronic perimeter. life, it’s all worth it.”
with a family member that leaves, they go, they move very fast.”
whether or not they’re a participant Project Lifesaver received its The Alzheimer & Parkinson Associa-
in this program, to call us as soon as She says one little boy initially initial funding in 2005 through a tion of IRC was founded more than 35
they realize they’re missing,” says wanted nothing to do with it until $10,000 grant from the Treasure years ago as an independent nonprofit
Rich. “That will increase the suc- his mother convinced him that the Coast Pilot’s Club, which continues and receives no funding support from
cess rate.” bracelet gave him superpowers. “By to contribute about $2,000 per year other Florida or national organiza-
any means necessary,” Cunning- through proceeds from their an- tions.
Rich was extensively involved ham says with a laugh. nual Pancake Day Breakfast (Jan. 26,
in the search for Susy Tomassi, a 2019) and Autumn in the Park Arts Their largest fundraiser is Walk to Re-
woman with dementia who remains It is rare that the Sheriff’s Office & Crafts Fair (Oct. 6-7, 2018). Addi- member, Nov. 3 at Riverside Park. For
missing after wandering from the does not locate missing persons, tional funding for devices and trans- more information, visit
24 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A view to a kiln: Potters fired up for ‘Soup Bowl’
Lisa Lugo. BY MARY SCHENKEL kilns, as the previous large kiln had al- ZoAnne Merrill.
Staff Writer ready been retired.
The brand-new Bailey Custom Pro VBMA pottery teacher and clay tech-
32 gas kiln at the Vero Beach Museum nician Peggy Thomas said they are all
of Art is having a true baptism by fire quite excited about the new kiln which
this summer. The kiln is being pressed Sean Clinton, VBMA faculty manager,
into service to fire the bulk of the just recently installed.
roughly 1,200 soup bowls crafted by
volunteer clay artists for the 26th an- “We also have another kiln so we’ll
nual Samaritan Center Soup Bowl, tak- be using that too,” said Thomas. The
ing place Thursday, Nov. 1. other one is roughly half the size of
the new kiln. Both will be put to good
Many of the artists say they became use throughout the year as the VBMA
hooked on pottery after taking lessons has increased the number of its pot-
at the Museum and enjoy the camara- tery classes.
derie of coming back to work on their
bowls en masse in the VBMA clay stu- “I’ve done Soup Bowl for over 20
dio each August and September. The years,” said Thomas. “I love the whole
potters catch up with one another as idea of Soup Bowl; I love the idea of
they hunch over throwing wheels or spending our time and our energy do-
trim and put final designs on creations ing this. That the museum is involved
started at home. Once the bowls are giv- with it is a great thing.”
en an initial bisque firing, they return to
glaze their pieces before the final firing. For consistency, potters are allotted
1.5 pounds per bowl of clay, but since
Last year, roughly half of the bowls throwing styles vary amongst the art-
were fired at artists’ home and studio ists, the sizes range from thin larger
bowls to thicker smaller bowls. Most
of the potters also enjoy incorporating
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 25
Ken Gioeli. apy,” said Sparsis, whose bowls this year forward to coming out to,” she added. Glenda Taylor.
are a two-part process – throwing the “I think what’s so great about this fun-
their own special touches. bottom half and hand-building the top draiser too is that it brings awareness
“I did dragonflies last year; this year half. “Pottery is a very social pastime to the plight of the homeless in Indian
and we don’t get together very often, River County. And this is one of the
I’m going to do what’s called sgraffito because a lot of us have home studios.” few completely affordable fundraisers
fish,” said Thomas. “I throw the whole that anyone in the community can go
bowl, then put a black slip on it and She pointed across the room to Heidi to, because it’s just a $5 donation for a
then draw the fish scales through it.” Hill, a fulltime potter who works from bowl of soup and $15 for these beauti-
home, saying “she could be doing ful, handcrafted ceramic bowls.”
Last year Linda Thiessen featured her soup bowls at home, but then she
three little sea turtles on the fronts of doesn’t get to come hang out with the
her bowls and this time was perching rest of us. She came in today so that we
one atop each rim. She is among many can all play in the mud together. You
hoping to emulate 89-year-old Terry get to play in mud with your friends; it
Green, who continues to throw her age doesn’t get much better.”
each year. “She’s amazing; she’s like
my inspiration,” said Thiessen. Additionally, she noted that since
most of the volunteers are not produc-
“When I first did the Soup Bowl, tion potters, the repetitiveness of do-
somebody else was doing her age. I got ing the same thing over and over again
very impressed with it and decided to helps them improve their skills. “A lot
do my age. Next year I have to do 90,” of people enjoy that; I know I do.”
said Green with a laugh. She claims to
have been “bitten by the clay bug” 40 The determination as to which
years ago, adding, “It’s incurable.” bowls go where is completely random,
so on the day of the event, Soup Bowl
Green got a head start on her bowls collectors often go on the hunt from lo-
at her studio on Old Dixie, where she cation to location to search out works
generally focuses on the large pieces by their favorite artists.
she displays as a resident artist at Gal-
lery 14. “On packing day, we’ve got boxes
and boxes and boxes,” said Thomas,
“I love to throw but I don’t do much explaining that each is filled by volun-
on the wheel anymore; I mostly do teers with 10 or 12 colorful bowls from
sculpture,” said Green. “So that’s why the multiple stacks lining the shelves.
I start in June, making a few each day.
I have 73 at the studio waiting to be Through donations toward a bowl
glazed. I save the last 16 to come and of soup, the sale of hand-crafted bowls
do here, because the best fun of all is and the purchase of raffle tickets to win
being together with my potter friends. ceramic soup tureens made by the some
It’s the only time I get to see them.” of the same artisans, the event raises
funds to benefit the Samaritan Center
“It’s a wonderful group of women for Homeless Families, which provides
and men and it’s always been fun to long-term transitional housing and life
participate. I collected the bowls be- skills development for homeless Indian
fore I started as a potter,” said ZoAnne River County families.
Merrill, who began taking classes with
Thomas at the VBMA four years ago. “It Renee Bireley, Samaritan Center pro-
was something I’d always wanted to do, gram administrator, stressed how ap-
so when my kids went off to school and I preciative they are of the longstanding
was an empty nester, I took up pottery.” partnership with the potters and the
VBMA, which joined as a Soup Bowl lo-
Maria Sparsis also got her start with cation last year. She said she encourages
the Soup Bowl after taking classes – hers Samaritan Center volunteers and board
with Clinton – at the VBMA roughly 10 members to view the creative process in
years ago. Since “getting hooked in a big action so they can get a true sense of the
way,” she has, rightly, achieved acclaim dedication of the clay artists.
for pieces that range from her whimsi-
cal teapots to cheekily risqué objects “About 6,000 individuals from In-
d’art, as well as for stimulating the local dian River County come out to our 43
clay artistry movement in general. different locations – places of worship
and businesses throughout the coun-
“I really enjoy doing this; it’s my ther- ty,” said Bireley. She said that last year,
95 five-gallon buckets of soup were do-
nated from about 70 restaurants, coun-
try clubs and caterers to be dished out
at places of worship, while participat-
ing businesses whip up their own deli-
cious concoctions.
“The Soup Bowl is a community wide
ritual that the whole community looks
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Wheel anticipation for Downtown ‘Bike Night’
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA the First Friday Gallery Stroll, along The Howl at the Moon part comes “all the awesome sounds, styles, and
Staff Writer 14th Avenue between 19th Street and from you. Feel free to sing along, dance way-cool dance steps from the 1980s
23rd Street, sponsored by Main Street or, hey, even howl. It’s your weekend. decade we’d love to forget.”
Vero Beach. Gallery owners and artists As always (well, almost every weekend,
1 Celebrate August’s last hurrah to will welcome you with refreshments rain or shine) starting at 6:15 p.m., you 5 And then … No Blue Monday this
the rumbling of four-stroke en- and pleasant conversation. Wander can “hang out, rock out or chill out” week. Does Capt. Hiram’s ever
through the galleries at your leisure: at the free Live on the Loop outdoor
gines and the undoubtedly rousing You’ll discover wonderful, diverse concert, where there’s also lots of food
works from many of the area’s gifted and a full bar. Bringing the Loop music
music of the All-American Space Coast artists. Be sure to include the reception Friday will be the Bobby Owen Band have a Monday for you. It’s the “Pud-
for September’s featured artist, Yoko playing classic rock; then Saturday,
Harley Davidson Band this Friday: It’s Saccenti, in the Main Street Vero Beach Doubleback takes the stage with ’80s dle of Mudd Resurrection Tour 2018”
office, where his work will be displayed pop rock. Howl time: 7:30 p.m. to 10:15
Downtown Friday “Bike Night” in Vero all month. Gallery Stroll hours: 5 p.m. p.m. o avoid disappointment, it’s wise coming Sept. 3. Formed in 1991, this
to 8 p.m. 772-643-6782. to get tickets in advance. Sellouts are
Beach. Arrive on your Harley, street common. These shows are for 18 and rather notorious American rock band,
up. Tickets: $12-$22. 772-231-6990.
bike, scooter, trike or bicycle, park says Wikipedia, has sold more than 7
along 21st Street, and join the crowd million albums. But what’s with that
along 14th Avenue in Historic Down- name, you might well ask. According
town Vero. If there was a dress code to Wes Scantlin (lead vocals/rhythm
– which there isn’t – it’d lean toward guitar; official band bad boy; and the
black leather vests and do-rags. Music only remaining original band mem-
is always the anchor here, and the burly 3 There’s going to be “A Totally ber), the name was inspired by the
Awesome ’80s Party” this Friday
biker band will most certainly keep the band practicing next to the Missouri
tunes high-energy all evening. There’ll and Saturday at Riverside Theatre. The 4 If you like your TGIF with a lot river levee, which frequently broke
of music, energy and a tropical
be plenty of food, beverages, even shop- endlessly popular Howl at the Moon and flooded the band’s practice space.
ping, and this popular monthly street Experience is an opportunity to revisit vibe, shoot up to Capt. Hiram’s Sand Show openers include Shallow Side,
party is always free and always family that unforgettable decade via the high- Bar this Friday and par-tay. The irre- Tantric, the Veer Union and Saliva.
– and pooch – friendly. Time: 6 p.m. to 9 energy Dueling Pianos Show. Amy pressible Greg and Brian will be stir- Sebastian will be rockin’ out on Mon-
p.m. 772-643-6782. Lyn Keith and Ken Gustafson face off ring up the sand starting at 3:30 p.m. day, for sure. Needless to say, it’s a “no
across the 88s with songs from the ’80s Sip a cool rum drink; relax in the kids” show, admitting only 16 and
2 In the very same location next that you get to pick. Come dressed for shade of the tiki bar; and watch the up, and anyone under 18 will need to
Friday, Sept. 7, you can spend a
the era and you could win one of the birds and boats on the lagoon. Then, be with a parent or guardian. Doors
pleasant, leisurely evening soaking “rad” prizes. You can choose tickets for at 7:30 p.m., the day cools down and open: 6 p.m. Show time rain or shine:
in the vibe and exploring the galler- either the 7:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m. seating, the music heats up as the Spazmat- 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $25 in advance, $30
ies of Vero’s vibrant arts district: It’s then just hang out as long as you want. ics take the stage with, they promise, at the door. 772-388-8588.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The campaign started with the cy- and-awe to something resembling the group’s online empire – its “virtual ity of the queries seeking information
ber equivalent of a massive airstrike: trench warfare. The extremist group caliphate” – has shown remarkable re- about joining the Islamic State. Dur-
law-enforcement agencies from eight finds new ways to put its messages silience, producing, with few interrup- ing the same period, Americans con-
countries, moving in unison to smash and videos on the Internet, and coun- tions, a steady barrage of propaganda ducted more than 312,000 searches for
two of the main propaganda organs of terterrorism teams try again to knock videos and communiques, despite information on joining or supporting
the Islamic State. them down, occasionally winning bat- cyberattacks, territorial losses and the neo-Nazi organizations, the Ku Klux
tles but never, it seems, the war. deaths of dozens of top officials and Klan and other far-right organizations.
In the two-day operation in April, technicians in its media division.
police seized computers and net- “The footprint of Amaq is definitely The decision by Europol to target
work servers across Europe and North less than it was before,” said a European The Islamic State is hardly the only Amaq was an acknowledgment that
America and blocked Internet por- law-enforcement official who, like oth- extremist group to make extensive use the Islamic State is still regarded as a
tals used by the terrorist group’s radio ers, spoke on the condition of anonymity of the Internet to spread propaganda particularly dangerous presence on-
broadcaster, al-Bayan, and its official to discuss an ongoing operation,“but the and connect with followers. A new line – and one that often uses the West’s
news agency, Amaq. Yet, less than a golden objective – no Amaq, anywhere analysis of online behavior shows that own computer networks to reach its
week later, Amaq suddenly reappeared on the Web – has not yet been reached.” Americans seek out information about followers, officials and counterterror-
at a different Web address, forcing the neo-Nazis and other far-right organi- ism experts said.
governments to pounce again. Then it The mixed success of the Amaq zations 10 times as frequently as they
surfaced a third time. And a fourth. takedown effort reflects the challenges search for jihadist-related content. “They are persistent and forward-
and frustrations faced by governments thinking,” said Steven Stalinsky, execu-
Today, more than four months after worldwide as they try to stop violent The research, conducted by Moon- tive director of the Middle East Media
the European police agency Europol extremist groups from using the Inter- shot CVE and Gen Next Foundation, Research Institute, a Washington non-
began the initiative, the struggle to si- net to recruit and radicalize. identified more than 35,000 Islamist- profit that tracks Islamic State pro-
lence the Islamic State’s communica- related Internet searches over a three- paganda online, “more so than many
tions flagships has shifted from shock- While the Islamic State has been month period last year, with a major- Western agencies.”
defeated militarily in Iraq and Syria,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 29
An Arab fighter in Raqqa, Syria, holds
a piece of Islamic State propaganda.
Europol headquarters in The Hague.
Europol coordinated a campaign earlier
this year to take down Islamic State
online propaganda outlets.
The Europol operation, which re- official propaganda organs by denying publicize terrorist material has been perts, the pressure eventually forced
ceived scant attention in the United them safe haven anywhere on the Web, compromised.” Islamic State officials to change tac-
States, was among the most aggres- officials said in interviews. Employing tics, moving more of their content to
sive attempts in recent years to target techniques similar to those used to track Private organizations that routine- Telegram, an encrypted messaging
the Islamic State’s communication child-pornography rings and other ly monitor jihadist websites describe service popular with Islamist groups,
networks. European officials, in inter- kinds of cybercrimes, Europol’s Internet a more nuanced outcome. Days after to post articles and videos under the
views, said they were under no illu- Referral Unit identified key networks going dark, Amaq attempted a come- Amaq banner.
sions about what the initiative could, used by Amaq and al-Bayan – many of back, publishing again under a Rus-
and couldn’t, accomplish. them based in Western countries – and sian-registered Web address, analysts Shifting from a website to an en-
then coordinated the raids to take them said. When that site was shut down, crypted app arguably makes it harder
“The aim was to understand how down. Computer equipment and data the news service switched to still an- for the Islamic State to connect with its
their infrastructure works, and to gain were seized in Belgium, France, the other address, in a cat-and-mouse followers, especially newcomers who
more information – to see how they set Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Brit- contest that lasted for weeks. might normally look for Amaq’s latest
up their services, and how we can get ain, Canada and the United States. offerings by visiting a website or using
to them,” the European counterterror- “They were taken down every few a search engine. But among the group’s
ism official said. Moreover, he said, by By the time the raids concluded late days, for a month,” said Raphael Gluck, a core supporters, Amaq postings on
seizing actual computer servers, inves- on April 26, Amaq and al-Bayan had web designer and co-founder of Jihado- Telegram are often shared hundreds
tigators could also gain insight into the essentially vanished from the Internet. scope, a nonprofit that tracks Islamist or even thousands of times, ensuring
consumers of the Islamic State’s propa- Europol issued a statement the follow- extremists on social media. “They went wide circulation.
ganda, perhaps leading to the discov- ing day declaring that “the [Islamic down and went down fast. Then they
ery of hidden cells and plots. State’s] capability to broadcast and came back again and went down again.” European counterterrorism officials
say the privately owned Telegram app
But Europol officials also intended According to Gluck and other ex- recently improved its efforts to remove
to seriously damage the Islamic State’s
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 across multiple continents. But its de-
centralized nature also could be the
extremist content, but independent key to its eventual unraveling, counter-
analysts say the messaging service still terrorism officials and analysts say.
hosts hundreds of chat rooms used daily
by Islamic State members and support- In recent months, web channels
ers. Within weeks of the Europol opera- used by the Islamic State have posted
tion, more Amaq videos started turning job openings for a variety of Internet
up on Telegram, and then were repost- specialists and technicians, stipulat-
ed on other social media platforms, in- ing that the applicants should be able
cluding YouTube and Facebook. to work from their homes, in secret,
for little or no money. One posting on
On those heavily policed sites, ex- Aug. 7 asked for a volunteer video edi-
tremist material is often taken down tor to help prepare clips of an English-
within minutes, but in some cases the speaking Palestinian cleric for dis-
links remained active for much longer, semination on Telegram.
Gluck said. A study released last month
by the Counter Extremism Project, a “It is an opportunity for easy ajr [di-
New York-based nonprofit, found that vine reward],” the ad read, according
a quarter of Islamic State videos up- to a transcript provided by the Middle
loaded onto YouTube remained acces- East Media Research Institute. “All we
sible for at least two hours before being may need to do is post around one vid-
discovered and taken down. On other eo a day in Telegram and YouTube, so,
platforms, the links remained active for if anybody wants to volunteer please
days or even weeks, potentially allow- [send a] private message.”
ing new videos to be downloaded and
shared thousands of times. A scattered workforce of volunteers
has allowed the Islamic State’s propa-
“In the life cycle of news – normal, ganda machine to survive the loss of
breaking news – things tend to disap- the physical caliphate, analysts say.
pear quickly anyway,” Gluck said. “If But at the same time, the group now
the Islamic State can extend the news clearly exercises far less control over
cycle to 30 hours before being shut who speaks in its name.
down, they’ve succeeded.”
The lack of message discipline has
As the Europol’s raids confirmed, the at times exacted a heavy price on the
“Virtual Caliphate” survives because Islamic State’s reputation within the
it is highly dispersed, operating from jihadist community. During the weeks
dozens of hidden platforms scattered
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 31
leading up the World Cup, pro-Islamic When the tournament ended in group’s empty promises and tarnished an insistence: ‘Only believe what you
State websites posted multiple mes- Moscow without serious incident, credibility, prompting terrorist leaders read, officially. There are a lot of well-
sages – many of them accompanied by some counterterrorism analysts to issue a statement disavowing the meaning people and opportunists
gory illustrations – warning of impend- quipped that the games’ biggest loser pre-game warnings and denying that who don’t speak for the caliphate,’”
ing attacks on the games, including had been the Islamic State. In jihadist they had ever intended to carry out at- Gluck said. “Of course, if there had
bombings, mass knifings and vehicular chat rooms, supporters complained tacks at the World Cup. been an attack, I am sure they would
assaults on pedestrians. for days afterward about the terrorist have claimed it.”
“On the caliphate side, there is now
32 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY SCOTT DUKE KOMINERS | BLOOMBERG He held an especially soft spot in his heart for New ester Psalms” or the overture to “Candide.” You
York – “a wonderful town” as he’d repeat over and might fall a little bit in love with Bernstein’s music,
Leonard Bernstein – “Lenny” to his friends – would over. Bernstein’s Judaism suffused his work, too, lead- if you haven’t already.
have been 100 last Saturday. A child of Ukrainian Jew- ing to a lifelong partnership with the Israel Philhar-
ish immigrants, Bernstein rose to become one of the monic Orchestra, as well as numerous compositions Happy belated birthday, Lenny!
world’s greatest musical icons. He brought us the Jets based on Jewish prayers and themes.
and the Sharks in “West Side Story,” as well as endur- How Healthcare Works:
ing New York serenades. On top of all this, Bernstein became a worldwide pub-
lic figure. He launched international music festivals and CLARIFICATION
Moreover, he showed us how making music “more supported social causes ranging from AIDS awareness
intensely, more beautifully, [and] more devotedly to nuclear disarmament. And he played a crucial role The Aug. 2 article that appeared on the oppo-
than ever before” could bridge cultural barriers – in working to desegregate concert-music performance. site page in our How Healthcare Works column
and free people to dream. may have left a misleading impression about
He gave classical music a public face: An inveter- optimum treatment of acute ischemic stroke.
Distinguished as a conductor, Bernstein led orches- ate educator, Bernstein invited everyone to experi-
tras from Austria to Australia, and was the first Ameri- ence and understand music through lectures and The article stated that patients who have a
can to serve as music director for the New York Phil- televised “Young People’s Concerts.” He helped pave large blood clot in a large artery of the brain who
harmonic. As a composer, Bernstein was prodigious the way for today’s musical ambassadors like Yo-Yo meet specific criteria for a mechanical throm-
and multivarious, writing everything from classical Ma, who had his television debut – at age 7 – in a bectomy should have it performed between six
symphonies to musicals and opera. performance Bernstein presented in front of then- and 24 hours after onset of symptoms. This was
President John F. Kennedy. based on a study called the DAWN trial, which
Bernstein’s music pushed boundaries – both across found that select patients treated this way saw
genres and between music and the world outside. If you grew up with classical music in the past 50 improved clinical outcomes.
Bernstein was known for a mesmerizing, all-consum- years, you at least partially have Bernstein to thank.
ing style on the conductor’s podium, engaging with But the article should emphasized the impor-
the audience and getting carried away by the music. Decorated in life – Bernstein won 16 Grammy tance of performing mechanical thrombectomy
awards, as well as numerous international prizes – as soon as possible, ideally within an hour upon
He teamed up with everyone from choreographers a centennial celebration has showcased his music arrival in the ER. The quicker the treatment is
like Jerome Robbins to jazz legends like Louis Arm- worldwide, including a concert this past Sunday eve- administered, the better the clinical outcome.
strong. And he was uncompromising: Marin Alsop, a ning at the Tanglewood Music Center in Massachu-
Bernstein protégé who now serves as music director setts, where Bernstein studied, conducted and taught Mechanical thrombectomy is now available
of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, remarked that for many years. in Indian River County at Indian River Medical
Bernstein would “reexamine every piece of music, to Center. Under X-ray guidance, an interventional
bring a fresh approach and new insights.” So tonight, find a quiet place and put on “Chich- neurologist threads a tiny wire-cage stent retriever
into a catheter through an artery in the groin to the
Bernstein’s compositions, meanwhile, were dar- blocked artery in the brain. The stent opens and
ing, even featuring a wrong note or two. Bernstein grabs the clot, the doctor removes the stent with
took on subjects normally neglected in the conser- the trapped clot inside and the artery reopens.
vatory. “West Side Story” reimagined Shakespeare’s
“Romeo and Juliet” in the context of ethnic and gang Doctors predict that tPA (tissue plasmino-
tensions in 1950s New York. In other compositions, gen activator, a clot-busting drug), followed
Bernstein mused on overbearing masculinity, sub- by mechanical thrombectomy, and in some
urban blight and race relations in the White House. cases mechanical thrombectomy alone, will
But he could be lighthearted, as well – some of his dramatically decrease morbidity and disability
characters just want to conga! for approximately 60,000 Americans who have
this type of stroke each year.
Bernstein often reminded us that America has a
place for all of us somewhere – a lesson that seems at
least as relevant today as during Bernstein’s lifetime.
ADVANCE CARE PLANNING, PART III pancreas, kidneys, corneas, liver and skin are donated. © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Regardless of age or health history, your decision has the
End-of-Life Decisions potential to benefit countless other people. Some people
include organ donation in their advance care planning docu-
Having a conversation with someone you trust about how ments. You can carry a donation card in your wallet, and in
you want to live at the end of your life, and what you value some states (such as Florida) your decision can be included
the most, is probably not on your bucket list. But by thinking on your driver’s license. At the time of death, family may be
about it and making some decisions now, you’ll be prepared asked about organ donation and if they know how you feel,
if you ever face end-of-life issues unable to speak for yourself. they will be ready to respond.
Some questions to consider are:
For an otherwise healthy person whose heart stops or goes
A “DO NOT RESUSCITATE” (DNR) ORDER? into a life-threating abnormal rhythm, there is a good chance
A DNR order tells medical staff in a hospital or nursing facil- CPR will restore his or her heartbeat to normal. But since
ity that you do not want them to try to return your heart CPR involves forceful, repeated pushing on the chest that
to a normal rhythm if it stops or is beating unevenly. Even can result in broken ribs and/or collapsed lungs, a patient
though a living will might say CPR is not wanted, it is helpful who is close to death may not want to undergo the potential
to have a DNR order as part of your medical file if you go to a trauma of CPR or electric shocks known as defibrillation.
hospital. The hospital or nursing facility may use a DNR arm- While these are difficult questions to consider, by thinking
band to avoid confusion in an emergency situation. Without about them and letting others know how you feel now, the
a DNR order, medical staff will make every effort to restore better prepared you and your loved ones will be for the fu-
the normal rhythm of your heart. A non-hospital DNR will ture. For more information, call 1.800.677.1116 or go on-
alert emergency medical personnel to your wishes regard- line to
ing CPR and other measures to restore your heartbeat if you Next time we’ll discuss other important decisions to consider
are not in the hospital. such as the use of ventilators, the role of artificial nutrition
and “comfort care.”
TO DONATE MY ORGANS AND/OR TISSUES? Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
Organ and tissue donation allows organs or body parts from welcome. Email us at [email protected].
a generally healthy person who has died to be transplanted
into people who need them. Commonly, the heart, lungs,
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge’s “12: The Inside
Story of Tom Brady’s Fight for Redemption” delivers
what the title promises. The quarterback’s redemption
reaches its climax when the New England Patriots pull
off a historic comeback victory over the Atlanta Fal-
cons in Super Bowl 51 in
February 2017. NFL fans,
die-hard and casual, will
easily get swallowed up
in the retelling of Brady’s
stunning performance.
The climax was capped
by the after-game celebra-
tion and the presentation
of the championship tro-
phy by NFL Commissioner
Roger Goodell to Brady,
team owner Robert Kraft
and the Patriots. In the
book, Goodell emerges as
nothing less than the Patri-
ots’ nemesis and the villain
of the story.
The centerpiece of the tale
is the fight between Goodell
and the league, and Brady
and the Patriots, over “De-
flategate,’’ the scandal that
resulted in Brady’s four-game
suspension at the beginning
of the 2016-17 season over his
role in deflating footballs used
in a game against the India-
napolis Colts. Brady’s sentence
was one of the highest-profile
punishments in the history of
America’s most popular sport.
The case consumed the NFL Over the
years, many NFL fans
for 18 months; introduced many to the intri- have attacked the Pa-
triots, Brady, Kraft and
cacies of collective bargaining, the federal court sys- coach Bill Belichick
for their behavior. Few
tem and the laws of physics; and was on track to go forget an earlier scan-
dal, Spygate, a decade
before the Supreme Court before Brady gave up on his ago, when the Patriots
violated league rules
final appeal months before the 2016-17 season. on videotaping oppos-
ing coaches. Yet the
Sherman and Wedge, Boston-based journalists who NFL’s machinations over Deflategate defused some
of the acrimony toward the Patriots and focused it on
co-wrote “Boston Strong: A City’s Triumph Over Trag- Goodell and his penchant for overreach.
edy,” on the 2013 marathon bombing, did their home- First-timers to the absurdity of the endlessly baf-
fling Deflategate investigation should be able to fol-
work to illuminate the inconsistencies in the NFL’s low it easily. That was no small feat in real time. Sher-
man and Wedge steer readers through it all without
case against Brady and the Patriots. Besides digging leaving anything essential out or dumbing things
down. They smoothly and simply tell the backstories
through court filings and transcripts and media ac- of Brady, Kraft, the franchise and Goodell. As Deflat-
egate unfolds, Goodell’s behavior becomes increas-
counts (as well as social media postings), they inter- ingly unflattering. “The commissioner kept a mental marks and decisions throughout the controversy.
list of his enemies,” the authors write, “and was mor- As they point out, he hurt himself at the outset by
viewed 24 people, including Brady and Kraft. Among phing into a Nixonian type of leader.” talking publicly, against the advice of the union, and
wound up talking himself right into a corner. When
other crucial interview subjects were union leaders Sherman and Wedge also give us the silliest mo- asked at the first news conference after the infamous
ments that emerged during these bizarre events. Colts playoff game, “Is Tom Brady a cheater?,” Brady
of the NFL Players Association, who spearheaded We’re reminded of the hilariously bad Brady court- answered: “I don’t believe so.” And later he destroyed
room sketch that lives on in Internet memes, and of his cellphone rather than turn it over to NFL investi-
Brady’s defense. the Patriots equipment staffer who wound up bear- gators.
ing the nickname the Deflator, and of the Patriots’
Notably absent is Goodell, who declined to be inter- comical explanation for awarding him that title. But at the core of the case, and of this book, are the
abuses of power by the NFL’s top leadership and the
viewed for the book. Sherman and Wedge don’t shy from revealing the willingness to assert that power against the game’s
ways Brady aggravated his own cause with his re- marquee superstar and its signature franchise. Though
As Sherman states in the acknowledgements: “‘12’ Brady’s name, face and jersey number grace the book’s
cover, the lasting image of this tale is Goodell, the giver
is as much a story about institutional power and cor- of trophies and the target of scorn.
ruption as it is about the game of football.’’ 12
“12” shows how Goodell and the NFL failed to prove THE INSIDE STORY OF TOM BRADY’S FIGHT FOR REDEMPTION
their case against the Patriots and Brady, arguing that
LITTLE, BROWN. 312 PP. $27
the investigation Goodell commissioned was sig- REVIEW BY DAVID STEELE, THE WASHINGTON POST
nificantly flawed. The authors contend that based on
precedent and the NFL’s bylaws and procedures, the
punishment was out of proportion to the crime. The
book quotes the union’s first federal appeal of the sus-
pension, claiming that Goodell “acted arbitrarily as an
employer seeking to justify his own disciplinary deci-
sion rather than as a neutral arbitrator.” Sherman and
Wedge then observe: “It was a fancy way of saying that
Goodell had presided over a kangaroo court in which
he served as judge, jury, and executioner.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 35
About three-fourths of the centers, past prefab renewal, although this has almost entirely failed.
way through “Boom Town,” houses and piles of Underneath it all, the longing and disruption,
his nuanced, immersive por- dirt. The landscape is
trait of Oklahoma City, Sam forsaken. “OKC was echoes the ghost of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Anderson takes a walk. It isn’t more than just a city,” Building, blown up by Timothy McVeigh on April 19,
just any sort of walk – but then, Anderson reflects, 1995. “I got to know people in Oklahoma City,” An-
Oklahoma City isn’t just any in the midst of the derson informs us, “who would tell me everything
sort of town. It’s a walk back desolation; “it was about their lives, every inch of the deep history of
and forth through the city’s his- the city, but they could not talk to me about any-
tory. Anderson has just attend- an existential cru- thing they saw on April 19.”
ed a Century Chest celebration sade, an attempt to
at the First Lutheran Church, at assert the primacy The Oklahoma City bombing was the most de-
which a time capsule, sealed 100 of consciousness, of structive terrorist attack in the United States before
years before, has been unveiled. human life, in this 9/11; 168 people died in the explosion, including 19
endless sea of noth- out of 21 children in day care. And yet, for much of
Anderson is skeptical; “Time ing. It had to keep “Boom Town” the tragedy is as absent as the nega-
capsules are notoriously disap- tive space where the Murrah building used to stand.
pointing,” he writes. “They are booming, because
supposed to be magical exis- whenever it stopped At first, it seems like an oversight, a loose end,
tential wormholes to a lost real- to rest, the prairie something tugging at us from just beyond the page.
ity, but instead they are almost rose up and tried Anderson, however, knows what he is doing, which
always empty, damaged, full of to swallow it.” This is less to create a history of Oklahoma City than to
junk – further depressing evi- is the strength, the map it out as psychic space. If no one can tell him
dence (as if we needed any) of unlikely triumph, what they experienced in the tragedy, how can he
the absolute tyranny of time.” The of “Boom Town,” tell us? The story has to exist in the interstices, to be
passage evokes its author deftly: which takes a city intuited as much as told.
the inside outsider, captivated but
unconvinced, part of the collective almost universally This is why the Thunder is important; the team’s
while also essentially apart. The same might be said overlooked and arrival (it moved to Oklahoma City from Seattle) is
of Oklahoma City, which was created in a single day, turns it into a metaphor for, well, every- not only an emblem of the city’s big-league status
April 22, 1889, when across the span of a few hours, thing. but also a sort of reclamation, a way to build upon
the Oklahoma Land Run brought 10,000 residents to Anderson is not a native; he had never been to the past. Every new player is required to visit the
a place that had been occupied, previously, by no Oklahoma City until he was sent there, in 2012, to memorial, even Oklahoma City native bench player
one. write a magazine piece about the Thunder, the city’s Daniel Orton, who “told the team that, since he had
improbable NBA team. What he finds, though, is not actually experienced the bombing in person, since
Surprisingly, however, Oklahoma City’s time cap- just a basketball story but a kind of vortex. his mom had been right down near it, since his un-
sule contains real treasures: “A wooden Choctaw “Is it possible to control an explosion?” Ander- cles were firefighters who helped at the scene, since
bow. A 1913 phone book, plus a clunky old-timey son wonders at the outset, and the question lingers he had been to the memorial a million times, he
phone to make calls with. A judge’s gavel. A glass throughout the book. In part, this is because Okla- didn’t feel he needed to take the official tour.” That
container of wheat.” Anderson is moved – or per- homa City is itself explosive, a great nothing that the team made him do it anyway may be the most
haps it’s more accurate to say he is overwhelmed. out of sheer will spun itself into something, only telling detail in the book.
He drives out to the edge of the city, “as near as I to flirt with nothingness again. In part, it has to do
could to … what the settlers of 1889 called the ‘Pott with what has happened there. BOOM TOWN
Line,’ because the territory on the other side be- Oklahoma City, after all, is home to catastrophic
longed to the Potawatomi Indians.” This is one of weather, a city where a meteorologist named Gary THE FANTASTICAL SAGA OF OKLAHOMA CITY, ITS CHAOTIC
the places the Land Run began. England has become a local hero for his tornado
forecasts. It is a city that destroys the past as much FOUNDING, ITS APOCALYPTIC WEATHER, ITS PURLOINED
For the rest of the day, he walks back into down- as it seeks to embody or honor it; downtown was
town, through empty streets and failed shopping gutted in the 1960s and 1970s in the name of urban BASKETBALL TEAM, AND THE DREAM OF BECOMING
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
It takes courage to be kind, but surely it’s worth the risk
ciation for the sort threaten our world these days, hu-
man hope has survived because of an
of mutual belong- instinct we possess. And that instinct
tells us that at the heart of reality, deep
ing and interdepen- down where we cannot see but only
sense it, kindness holds sway. Kind-
dence out of which ness, despite our recent dismissal of
its significance, is at the very heart of
kindness grows. In- things.
stead, we have come Perhaps it was, after all, an unshak-
able divine kindness that brought
to admire fierce inde- the world into being, that spread the
stars across the heavens, that formed
Be Kind pendence and self- the land and seas and creatures, and
reliance as the high- finally breathed its own breath into
est forms of personal dust from the ground and made a hu-
man being. That this beautiful world
development. We are exists is a kindness. That we are born
to live in it is a kindness. That we bear
inclined to see kind- the image of the divine likeness and
its very breath in our own being is a
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT regard for century after century, au- ness as a ploy for the manipulative or kindness.
thors Adam Phillips and Barbara Tay- a crutch for the weak. So why wouldn’t we want to assist,
Kindness seems like an old-fash- and enhance, and magnify the divine
ioned word. And it does have his- lor argue in their book, “On Kindness.” Kindness seems to have fallen out kindness that undergirds everything?
tory. It apparently derives from or is Be swift to love and make haste to be
related to words in Old English, Old Maybe kindness was admired because of favor. kind! Kindness never goes out of fash-
Saxon, Proto-German and Old Norse ion.
that mean clan, family, child,and son. it was recognized that kindness, with But what are we missing by turning
To display “kindness” in its original
sense, was to behave to others as one its requirement for sympathetic un- away from kindness as a virtue to de-
would naturally want to behave to
one’s own “kind,” that is, with courte- derstanding and openness to others’ velop and a practice to cultivate? Is a
sy, with helpful deeds, and with com-
passion. needs, demanded a lot of the person society that rebuffs the development
Kindness was a virtue held in high offering it. Clearly, it can be hazard- of kindness diminished by its lack?
ous to be open-hearted. Our caring How are we personally affected by the
and sympathy may be rejected or ex- scarcity of kindness? Isn’t a life with-
ploited. It takes courage to risk that. It out kindness a little bleaker, a little
takes courage to be kind. colder, a little harsher?
So why bother with kindness? Well, Poet John O’Donohue once claimed
some of us don’t. In recent centuries that despite all the harshness that
there has been less cultural appre- hovers round us and even seems to
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 39
J983 652 K 10 7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 9 7 643 82
8 K754 10 9 6 3
Laura Schlessinger claims that her radio show preaches, teaches and nags about AK54 762 Q 10 8 3
morals, values and ethics. She said, “Children are our second chance to have a great
parent-child relationship.” SOUTH
Some do not need that second chance; they had a great relationship with one or both of AKQ5
their parents. But others do want that second opportunity. AQJ2
Bridge declarers can be like that. They see two ways to get the tricks needed for their
contract — let’s call them line A and line B. Sometimes declarer must choose between Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
them; on other deals, it will be possible to succeed if either A or B works — which is
obviously preferable. The Bidding:
In this week’s deal, South is in three no-trump. West leads the club ace: two, 10, nine. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West continues with the club four (in case his partner has only queen-third of clubs). 2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
East wins with the queen, returns the club three, wins the fourth trick with his club eight 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
and shifts to a low spade. How should South try to benefit from the 4-4 club split? A Clubs
South starts with eight top tricks: one spade, three hearts and four diamonds. The
obvious chances for a ninth trick are the spade finesse working — line A, let’s say — or
the missing hearts splitting 3-3 — line B. Which would a mathematician recommend?
A finesse is theoretically a 50-50 shot, but a 3-3 break happens only approximately one
time in three. So, the finesse is the better percentage.
This means that South, after discarding the spade four at trick three, should pitch the heart
five at trick four and bank everything on the spade finesse, which, of course, works!
40 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Rapid, quick (5) 1 Choose, decide (6)
4 Supervise (7) 2 Discreet (13)
8 Near home (7) 3 Tutu netting (5)
9 Kingdom (5) 4 Chaos (6)
10 Union (13) 5 Read (7)
11 Reserve (5) 6 Sausages in batter (4-2-3-4)
13 Moorland (5) 7 Prompt (6)
17 Reassurance, cheer (13) 12 Procedure (7)
19 Garlic mayonnaise (5) 14 Renovate (6)
20 Incident (7) 15 Bread-makers (6)
21 Own (7) 16 Road (6)
22 Chirp (5) 18 Live (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 41
ACROSS 88 The beer I always ask for at 41 Architect Saarinen The Washington Post
1 With 102 Down, the opera? 42 Actress Cannon
a flag-raising site 43 Vena ___ A NUT AT THE OPERA By Merl Reagle
4 Land of Farsi speakers 92 Give one’s permission 44 Kinshasa’s river
8 ___ good example 95 Order to Rover 45 “No sweat!” THE Art & Science
12 Overdue at Weight 96 Quill dip 46 Nereid’s haunt
97 Gulf of Aqaba port 51 Pours boiling water on of Cosmetic Surgery
Watchers 98 Siberian river 52 Nemesis of Conan the
17 Violinist Niccolò 100 Placed inside: abbr. SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
19 City near Pomona 101 Vitamin bottle abbr. Barbarian, ___ Doom • Minimal Incision Lift for the
21 Affected 102 Really rapid transit 55 Wok veggie
22 Ecdysiast 105 With 114 Across, 56 Blindingly bright Face, Body, Neck & Brow
23 My review of the opera? 57 1973 bestseller, Fear ___ • Breast Augmentations
25 My advice to you about the tomorrow’s headline about 59 WWII theater
my night at the opera? 65 Gary Sinise in Forrest & Reductions
opera? 114 See 105 Across • Post Cancer Reconstructions
27 Catullus work 116 “I will encounter darkness Gump, Captain ___ • Chemical Peels • Botox
28 Beast in The Murders in the ___” (Shak.) 66 Anti-knock ingredient • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
117 Hard-to-view pattern 67 Surefire • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
Rue Morgue 118 Two-channel sound 68 Get hitched quick • Skin Cancer Treatments
29 Actress Peeples 119 Emphasizer 69 Lotto winner’s cry
30 Wroclaw’s river 120 Editor-playing Ed 74 A son of Eve
32 Christmas wish 121 Birds of the night 75 Baseball Hall of Famer
35 ER’s orig. night 122 Round of applause
36 Holly’s role in The Piano 123 Apt word for this entry Aparicio
39 Put away DOWN 76 The grass was always
43 My opinion of opera 1 ___ facto
2 “Horsepower” coiner greener over her septic tank
plagiarists? 3 Fairy tale frightener 77 Word to the left of right
47 Thin part of milk 4 Firmly situated 83 Divine’s Polyester co-star
48 ___ time (never) 5 Attack, as an envelope 84 Scam
49 Not allowed 6 ___ for detail 85 Sine/non divider
50 Caliban’s play, with The 7 Robert De ___ 87 Famous sailor’s honey
53 The mother in The Yearling 8 Scale singing 89 Is a goldurned lie
54 Appia, e.g. 9 At any time 90 Knitter’s colorful buy
55 Glazier’s insert 10 Tahiti totem 91 Spilled the beans
57 Bone prefix 11 Pay (up) 93 More like The X-Files
58 Secretary of State under 12 Neutralized 94 Peeve
13 San Francisco 99 Quite a while
Truman or Tampa 100 Diminutive endings
60 Sis to Abigail 14 Opera’s Pinza 101 Follower of Haile Selassie I
61 Poacher’s purchases 15 Entrust to a carrier pigeon 102 See 1 Across
62 Mt. Rushmore feature 16 Move sideways 103 A son of 74 Down
63 Showroom item 18 Be bedridden 104 Duplicate
64 How I get in the mood for 19 Element named for an 106 8, for starters?
asteroid 107 Theater and movie mogul
opera? 20 Florence’s river
70 Big wine tour area 24 Does a cashier’s job Marcus
71 Hit-from-behind penalty, in 26 Spared 108 Chief Justice’s first name
31 Harper’s partner 109 Laundry
football 32 The green on old bronze 110 Sesquicentennial segs.
72 Cutlass or 88, familiarly 33 What I sing during lulls in the 111 ___-en-scène
73 Certain radios opera? 112 Anthony or Barbara
75 Il Trovatore heroine 34 Latin lover’s word 113 Lewis’s nutty professor,
78 It makes Leon Price into a 35 Least phony
36 Make ___ (get away) perhaps
soprano 37 Father to Molokai’s lepers 115 Empire that Francis II
79 Soprano Ponselle 38 Impressive peak
80 “How ___ you?” 40 Classic routine I do during abolished in 1806: abbr.
81 Spigoted server lulls in the opera?
82 Of a river mouth
84 Marcel Marceau’s
everyman character
85 You can just up
and do it
86 “___ expert, but ...”
The Telegraph Cleveland ClinicTrained
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Doing right thing for child is parents’ top responsibility
BY CAROLYN HAX won’t be visiting anyone unaccompanied by us for partner’s reservations are reasonable enough –
Washington Post the indefinite future. The accident left a lasting that, on balance, it’s worth just putting things to
impression on [Partner] and I respect that enough rest with the truth.
Hi, Carolyn: not to force the issue.”
Three years ago, our then-2- In return for your taking advantage of this
year-old daughter was in an acci- That’s it. There’s an argument to be made for transparency, though, you need to make sure you
dent while visiting my family for not naming your partner as the one standing in brook no challenges from your mother or anyone
the first time without us, which the way, because you don’t want to make it easy else on this decision, whether they’re directed at
resulted in her losing two fingers. for people to single him out. However, you are ap- you or your partner.
Her father and I went through a VERY rough patch parently close enough to your mother – and your
as a couple, because he was against her going in There may be reasonable arguments against
the first place – but we got through it. this protective stance – maybe not while your
Fast forward to now. My mom asked if our daughter is still so young, but soon enough as she
daughter could visit, and due to a scheduling con- becomes more independent. Eventually you both
flict neither of us would be able to go with her. will have to rebuild your trust- and risk-assess-
My mom has invited our daughter to visit several ment muscles.
times since the accident, but I’ve always gently shut
her down out of respect for my partner, because he But these issues are for you and your partner
feels the same as he did three years ago. I feel ter- to discuss, period, as equals in decision-making
rible, but she hasn’t really gotten the hint that it’s a about your daughter’s needs; they are not topics
contentious issue, and she just keeps asking. for a family roundtable.
I am now reasonably comfortable with our
daughter visiting without us being there, but he This also isn’t a matter of your “pleasing” any-
is not, and it is causing conflict. What should I body. That’s not your job. Your primary job, as
do? My stress level is really high because I want to long as your child is a minor, is to be a responsi-
please both of them, but I don’t think I can. ble parent. Your secondary responsibility is to be
a respectful partner. These top your list because
– Anxious and Conflicted they’re roles you knowingly assumed, and so you
must fulfill them in as healthy a way as possible.
– Anxious and Conflicted: Stop hinting, please, Whether your choices ultimately please anyone is
oh please. simply a collateral benefit.
“Mom, I am sorry to disappoint you. [Daughter] It’s never any fun to upset people with your
choices, of course. But the sooner you internal-
ize the importance of doing the right thing vs. the
popular thing, the sooner that “really high” stress
will abate.
44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
For bariatric surgery, it’s Dr. Domkowski ‘hands’ down
BY TOM LLOYD But she did.
Staff Writer The tall, genial Dr. Patrick Dom-
kowski graduated from Washington,
When Diane Muller went looking for D.C.’s Georgetown University’s medi-
a bariatric surgeon to help her over- cal school and served his internship,
come her serious obesity problems fellowship and residency at Duke Uni-
– including a body mass index of 55, versity. He also happens to be chief of
hypothyroidism, lymphedema and surgery at the Sebastian River Medical
fatty liver disease – she probably didn’t Center – this area’s only “Bariatric Cen-
expect to find a self-described “four- ter of Excellence” as designated by the
handed surgeon.” American Society for Metabolic and
Dr. Patrick Domkowski.
Bariatric Surgery and the American ally have four hands.
College of Surgeons. What he does have is the ability to
Not impressive enough? SRMC is perform bariatric and other surgeries
also one of only three hospitals in the both laparoscopically (using a slen-
state to receive Healthgrades’ ‘Five der, flexible tool called a laparoscope
Star’ rating four years in a row for bar- equipped with a miniaturized video
iatric surgery. camera to see inside the body without
having to make major incisions) and
But awards aside, there is a spoiler robotically, using another minimally
alert here: Domkowski doesn’t actu-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 45
invasive technique – the DaVinci ro- Partners in Women’s Health adds 5-doctor Sebastian office
botic surgical system.
BY TOM LLOYD certified obstetrician and gynecolo- Those five physicians will work rotat-
“The robot,” Domkowski says with a Staff Writer gist with both Partners and Premier, ing shifts in the new Premium office
smile, “adds a lot of technical ability in says the northern office is “aimed at Monday through Friday.
terms of 3-D visualization and dexteri- Vero Beach’s Partners in Women’s opening doors for patients who are
ty. It makes me a four-handed surgeon. Health, a joint cooperative between looking for gynecological care in the Both locations are now offering
the Indian River Hospital District Sebastian area so they don’t have to comprehensive gynecologic servic-
“I put my head into the console and I and Indian River Medical Center, is travel down here to Vero.” es, including “well-woman exams,”
put my two fingers into the controllers. branching out with the opening of its contraception and menopausal care,
My feet also control several things. And Premier Women’s Health office in Se- Joining Malave-Huertas at the Se- minimally invasive surgeries and
so, I have a camera and three arms at bastian. bastian office are Dr. Felix Bigay, Dr. treatments for sexual wellness in-
my disposal. So I am transformed into Kristy Crawford, Dr. George Fyffe cluding cosmetic gynecology and
a four-handed surgeon with 3-D visu- Dr. Deni Malave-Huertas, a board- and Dr. Alfonsia Garcia-Bracero.
alization and all the points of dexterity. CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
I’m right- or left-handed. I’m totally am-
bidextrous with the robot. It makes me
a better surgeon.”
Diane Muller of Melbourne certainly
agrees. She says Domkowski performed
a bariatric sleeve procedure or sleeve
gastrectomy on her in December 2017.
As of early August, she had lost 140
pounds. “I’m off my hypertension
meds,” Muller exclaims. “I don’t have
to take them anymore. I’m also off of
insulin and diabetic meds.”
The University of Maryland Medical
Center describes the sleeve gastrectomy
procedure this way: Approximately 85
percent of the stomach is removed en-
tirely. The remaining 15 percent holds
considerably less food which radically
restricts calorie intake. The greater
impact, however, may be the effect the
surgery has on certain hormones that
regulate hunger and blood sugar con-
trol. Less food feels like more.
Asked if she has any advice for oth-
er people considering bariatric sur-
gery, Muller’s eyes light up.
“I would tell them just don’t hesitate.
Go ahead and do it. A year ago I could
not keep up walking with my husband.
We’d have to walk really slow and take
lots of breaks. Now, it’s like I can go to
Disneyland all day, walk around and
keep up and just be more active. It’s
like I’m a whole new person. So, yes, I
would say don’t hesitate. Just go for it.”
Domkowski, meanwhile, acknowl-
edges SRMC’s growing reputation for
bariatric surgeries, saying, “I think [in
terms of the number of procedures
done] we’re up about 35 percent this
year. And, I think it’s because we con-
centrate on two things. We concen-
trate on people and the relationships
we’re making with those people. And
we concentrate on their outcomes.
“We believe this is a five-star ser-
vice,” Domkowski continues. “We take
great pride in this. We are passionate
about helping people with their obesity
disease and we’re blessed to take care
of a lot of people that come from [both]
inside and outside our community.”
Dr. Patrick Domkowski is with the Riv-
erside Surgical & Weight Loss Center and
the Steward Medical Group at Sebastian
River Medical Center where he is the chief
of surgery. His offices are at 14430 U.S. 1
in Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
treatment of breast cancer and repro- Dr. Deni Malave-Huertas. outweigh those insurance “hurdles.” when the New York Times reported
ductive endocrinology problems. “We have a really good network,” the FDA had sternly warned several
PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE laser manufacturers to stop market-
“Our goal,” according to Malave- Malave-Huertas states flatly, “and if I ing their laser devices for procedures
Huertas, “is to provide the best care things and we can do that for patients cannot fix your problem, we will find also billed as “vaginal rejuvenation.”
that we can. And by opening doors, where either we fix the problem or we someone to see you and help you.
we can establish patients, we can find someone who can.” That’s what we’re trying to do – to Perhaps surprisingly, Malave-
screen, we can recommend and then prevent bigger problems.” Huertas sides firmly with the Times.
– with our network of doctors – we And then there’s the question of
can get patients where they need to money – or, more correctly, insur- Meanwhile, Malave-Huertas is and The use of lasers in vaginal rejuve-
be, I think, in an easier way.” ance. has been for more than a year, a vo- nation, he says, “has been marketed
cal advocate of a procedure known as as an end-all, cure-all, nothing-else-
“The goal is for women to have a Malave-Huertas freely admits “vaginal rejuvenation” by ThermiVa, is-needed, and that’s just not true.”
‘go-to’ doctor,” Malave-Huertas con- there are often what he calls “hur- which uses radio-frequency heat-
tinues. “We can get you to a cardi- dles” when dealing with insurance ing to change the collagen contained More to the point, according to
ologist, we can get you to a pulmo- companies. within the vaginal tissue. Malave-Huertas, ThermiVa is not a
nologist, we can get you to the other laser.
diverse services we have and you “Maybe patients will have to talk Today, he says, “I still am. I think
just have to call one doctor when you to their primary care to be referred to it’s still a great tool.” “I’ve had patients walk in and tell
have a problem.” us,” he explains, “but we will try and me, ‘I want a ThermiVa’ and if it is not
see every patient. We want to help This past July, however, “vaginal for them, I will tell them this is not
“What we try to do is, we either our communities and we try to not rejuvenation” seemed to take a big hit what’s going to help you. You need
tell you, ‘Hey, come in,’ or ‘You know let insurance get in the way.” something different.”
what, I don’t handle that, but let me
make a couple calls. Let me try and The benefits of identifying health That might mean some lost reve-
get you some care sooner rather than risks early, Malave-Huertas says, far nue, but to Malave-Huertas, as to any
later.” responsible doctor, getting his pa-
tients the right treatment at the right
The new Sebastian office, accord- time means much more than money.
ing to Malave-Huertas, may even
help cut back on emergency room Partners in Women’s Health is at
visits. “If you go to an emergency 1050 37th Place, Suites 101-103 in Vero
room, you’re seeing an emergency Beach. The phone number is 772-770-
room doctor who is very good at what 6116.
they do. They keep you alive, but then
on your way you go. The Premier Women’s Health office
is located at 801 Wellness Way, Suite
“To fix problems, you need to see 109, in Sebastian. The phone number
a doctor who specializes in certain there is 772-770-6801.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonzo enjoys company of dynamic terrier duo
Hi Dog Buddies! Westies (Arthur’s).” gatin.’”
“So much for the Dog Break,” Arthur
This week I had the BEST time yap- Morrigan
ping with a coupla terriers, Arthur an said. “Mommy an Daddy wanted a girl
Morrigan Lougheed. They were from anna boy, black or white, Westie or Scot- interrupted.
different litters, born the same time an tie, didn’t matter.”
place. Arthur’s a white Westie and Mor- “The last
rigan’s a black Scottie, an, ’cept for the “If you can buhLEEVE it,” said Mor-
color, they looked just like each other, rigan, “I was the ONLY girl of both lid- time he was
with short liddle legs, mustaches, an ders. So it was gonna be ME an one of the
floppy eyebrows, an those stick-uppy boys.” pure white was
ears. Their personalities, though, were
TOTALLY different. “Cuz we were all the same age, the when Mom-
kennel humans had put us together in
Arthur welcomed me an my assistant one big, wiggly puppy bunch right away,” my an Daddy
with enthusiastic bouncin’ an waggin.’ said Arthur.
Everything he said seemed like it had an first brought
exclamation mark after it. “The humans decided to let ME pick
the boy, cuz we hadda be com-PAT-tub- us home. It only
“O-boy, o-boy, o-boy! We’re so excited ble,” Morrigan explained. “It wasn’t hard.
to get our own innerview! With a PICK- Me an Arthur got along right away. I’m took him a week
shur! I’m Arthur, this is my sister, Mor- sophisticated. I always know what the
rigan, an our Daddy an Mommy, David Woof is. (I’m pretty sure I’m descended to figure out he
an Sheila.” from royalty.) Obviously, Arthur needed
someone like me cuz he’s such a, well (an could crawl under
Following the Wag-an-Sniff, Morrigan I say this with the greatest respect an af-
said, “My silly brother tends to get very fection), a Knucklehead. For example, at the porch. An that
excited about pretty much everything. the kennel, when Mommy came over to
He’s right, though: We ARE excited about pick us up, he bounced up an down yap- was that. Now he ArPtHOhTuOSrBY&GORMDOoNrRrADigFOaRnD .
our innerview. You’ve no doubt noticed ping, ‘Are you my Mommy? Are you my comes home from
my lovely necklace. I think it goes nicely Mommy? Are you my Mommy?’ I thought all that silly diggin,’
with my luxurious black hair, don’t you he was gonna wag his tail right off.” rollin’ and investi-
Arthur laughed. “Well, YOU sat wa- gatin’ with mud knee
She sat up very straight and cocked ay over in the farthest corner with your
her head. back to everybody. Then you checked sox, burrs stickin’ his ‘Oh, the liddle black
Mommy an Daddy out over one shoul-
“Absolutely, Miss Morrigan,” I said. der, and gave this Big Sigh. You’re lucky eyebrows together an sticks tangled in his one? She ran away before we could
“I’m duhlighted to meet you both, an Mommy an Daddy didn’t hand you right
eager to hear your story whenever you’re back. Plus, if you recall, during the ride mustache.” catch her.’ Morrigan thought she had
ready.” home, I happily explored the car. YOU
threw up on Mommy.” Ignoring his sister, Arthur continued, Daddy fooled, cuz she snuck back home
They sat side by side. Morrigan be-
gan. “It all started up in Cuh-netty-cut, “Did you have to mention that?” Mor- “We love the dog parks an the Fort Pierce before he knew she was gone.”
when Mommy an Daddy lost their third rigan huffed. “It was a new experience,
Westie. It was so uh-MOTION-ull, Daddy an I have delicate sensibiIities.” She leash-free dog beach. I run back an forth I couldn’t help myself, I laughed. With
said they should take a Dog Break for a turned to me. “We really get along just
while. Then, like, two days later, Daddy fine. He’s a Goofball. I’m the Queen.” for miles, wind in my ears, sand in my a twinkle in her eye, Morrigan said, “Yes, I
came bounding down the stairs all excit-
ed. He told Mommy he was just casually “Tell me about your life now,” I sug- paws.” can be pretty speedy if I need to.”
lookin’ On Line, an found a kennel, Fox gested.
Creek Farm in Pencil-vain-yuh, that had “Yuck,” Morrigan sniffed. “I prefer to “Me an Arthur always know when our
a lidder of Scotties (mine) an a lidder of “I do occasionally get In Trouble an get
put on Probation,” Arthur admitted. “I’m remain on my blanket by the cooler, in parents need us. When Mommy used to
adventurous. It’s the Call of the Wild. I’m
an expert at diggin,’ rollin’ and investi- the shade of Daddy. I choose not to ex- have a lotta surgery, we’d sit with her an
haust myself. Arthur gets totally covered gently put our head or paw over the spot.
with sand, nose to caboose. He looks like We can really help Mommy an Daddy
an Ewok.” feel much better when they’re sad or
“She’s had her share of adventures,” sick.”
Arthur winked at me. “Tell Bonzo about With a liddle lump in my throat, I said,
that time Daddy was getting’ ready to get “I know. I used to do that for my Mom,
Mommy at the airport an couldn’t find too.”
me.” Till next time,
The Bonz
Morrigan rolled her eyes. “I was right
there by the stairs. Arthur was missing.
Daddy searched the neighborhood, then Don’t Be Shy
called the pleece. Turns out they had Ar-
thur down at the station. Daddy hadda We are always looking for pets
bail him out.” with interesting stories.
“This is the best part,” Arthur in-
terjected. “Daddy was getting the bail To set up an interview, email
money out, an he said, ‘At least Morri- [email protected].
gan is a good girl.’ The pleeceman said,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 49
The five bag styles that will see you through the new season
The Telegraph
Clothing can be tricky at this brightly-colored You might Autumn calls for something sturdy
time of year. A new sundress may Havaianas. think a straw and altogether more chic.
not get much wear before it’s bag should be re-
stashed away until May, and we While there’s no deny- served for the three Think leather trims (they’ll ensure
don’t feel quite right buying a ing the hands-free acces- hottest months of the edges don’t fray), suede interiors and
coat or patent ankle boots just sory is useful on vacation, the year, but we a sturdy cross body strap to boot. The
yet. A new bag, however, could look into them for everyday beg to differ as the outer shape needs a bit of structure, too.
be just the update you’re look- styling: We’ll be using ours to right one can see We love Wicker Wings’ box bag which
ing for. It will freshen up all cinch in the waists of shirt dresses you straight through to would look equally good with a white
of your transitional outfits and blazers. Pick a bright color like to the new season, too. Forget sundress and gold sandals or a navy
a treat, and if you invest in a break up a dark outfit, or choose a ver- your flimsy giant straw tote, though: pant suit, gold hoops and white sneak-
style that’s big news next sea- satile hue. ers when the weather cools down.
son, there’ll be plenty of mile-
age in your new buy to see The versatile white bag
you through to spring. For a white bag to look modern, fresh
and expensive, the shape needs to be
The new season bags are far interesting. Bucket bags are going no-
from boring; in fact, there isn’t where for the new season so would be
a simple black tote on our must-have a wide investment; pick one in a smaller
list. Instead, we’re backing beading, size and it will work for evening, too.
raffia and bright white in eye-catch- Italian designer Carolina Santo Do-
ing shapes as the biggest hits. mingo focuses on clean lines and mini-
mal hardware which make for a strik-
“A well-designed bag with an inter- ing bag that will add an edge to even the
esting aesthetic is undoubtedly what simplest of outfits. Danse Lente offer
our customers have been loving these shapes that are all far from boring, and
past few seasons,” says Lisa Aiken, are minimal while still being instantly
Net-a-Porter’s retail fashion director. recognizable as the brand’s aesthetic.
“The contemporary brands are pre- This crossbody would slot into a work-
dominantly leading this trend, with wear roster rather nicely.
fresh design-led pieces for those seek-
ing newness and quality.” The drawstring pouch
By evening, there is nothing that
“We’ve bought a selection of belt oozes effortless chic like a drawstring
styles from almost every bag brand pouch bag. Less fussy than a clutch, but
we stock on the site,” says Aiken. “For cooler and more of-the-moment than a
AW18, you can also expect drawstring chain strap crossbody, the pouch takes
pouch styles and modish straw totes, centre stage next season.
and with white being the new black, Head to Attico and Hunting Season
we’ve of course bought many of these for rich velvets or glam embellishment,
styles in the hue.” and on the high street, Zara and Mango
come up trumps again. If you can spend
From sturdy straw bags, to beaded a bit more, though, Ganni and Staud
totes, here are the five It bags you need won’t let you down – both have mono-
to see you through autumn … chrome embellished versions that will
complement an evening look a treat.
The beaded tote
We can thank British brand Shrimps The (heavy-duty) straw tote
for the sudden lust for teeny beaded
totes. The brand showcased several
sweet beaded bags at its autumn/win-
ter 18 presentation back in February,
and the street style set were immedi-
ately hooked.
The ladylike shape and top han-
dle combined with fun beading and
bright colors make for an eye catching
bag, no matter which size you opt for.
The belt bag
The ’90s staple accessory has had a
chic makeover, and the new era of fan-
ny-packs (often more tastefully referred
to as belt bags) are flat, sleek and really
can make an outfit. You’ll be missing a
trick this season if you shun the fanny
pack just because the name conjures
images of selfie-taking tourists wearing
50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 30, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Melania Trump and the rise of ‘Republican chic’
The Telegraph
According to, articles gaining offi- conversation: where commentary Handmaid’s
chronicling Melania Trump’s fashion cial approv- about hem lengths and necklines Tale” mean
choices are among the biggest draws al for her was inextricable from politics and that the tenor
on conservative websites such as outfits goes, social issues. and content
the Daily Caller and Fox News. his wife paid of much fash-
Even Breitbart has its own fashion the price. In many ways, this has been to the ion coverage has become much more
critic: John Binder, who lovingly good. A confabulation of #metoo, thoughtful and less judgmental. Except,
details every last outfit. The tone #TimesUp, the women’s marches and arguably, when it comes to discussing
of Fashioni- cultural touchstones such as “The women associated with the right wing.
And why not? Uniquely, among, a hitherto light, if
statuesque, well-known, well- well-researched fashion resource, There’s also a tendency, particularly
turned-out women, Melania was instructive, and not just for the on the Internet, to assume that anyone
is arguably under-chronicled. inherent bias (that put-down about writing about Melania (or, for that mat-
Partly this is because the first her being a model “not of the high ter, Samantha Cameron, as the jour-
lady has managed to absent her- fashion variety”). It signaled the
self to a surprising degree from beginning of a new kind of fashion
the public forum. But readers
will recall that, within hours
of Donald Trump’s election 21
months ago, dazed fashion com-
mentators vowed not to cover the next
first lady’s outfits unless they in some
way constituted a national story., a popular site that
had exhaustively followed Michelle
Obama’s sartorial journey, summed up
the tone, posting a lengthy statement
the day after the election.
“If you’re a regular Fashioni-
sta reader,” it read, “you’re well
aware that we are very here for
Michelle Obama’s fashion choic-
es, and have been since the start of
President Obama’s administration in
2009. In fact, we’ve meticulously chron-
icled almost every look she’s worn to a
significant outing.”
They would not be doing the same
with Melania, adding: “Melania
Trump, a former model (though not
of the high fashion variety) whose
campaign wardrobe consisted of
high-end, largely off-the-rack pieces
by Gucci, Roksanda, Roland Mouret,
Emilia Wickstead and even Ralph
Lauren, will be thrust into the spot-
light, leaving her with some Mi-
chelle Obama-sized sarto-
rial shoes to fill. As if this
task isn’t difficult enough,
she’ll be on the arm of Pres-
ident-elect Donald Trump,
whose victory in the electoral
college stunned even the most
trusted media outlets, and sent
waves of panic throughout the
country, especially among marginal-
ized groups who fear for their safety.”
Trump’s and/or Mike Pence’s open
hostility to LGBTQ equality, same-sex
marriage, female reproductive rights,
immigration reform and internation-
al trade (just to scratch the surface)
was never going to win friends in the
fashion community, and as far as