56 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Micromanaging girlfriend is (control) freaking me out!
BY CAROLYN HAX breathtaking arrogance in the self-defined micro-
Washington Post manager. The whole premise is that every little thing
must be done a certain way, which only she is com-
Dear Carolyn, petent enough to achieve.
My girlfriend and I have had And then regard the suffocating arrogance of
someone who cannot be corrected herself. If this
many happy times and are com- were about attaining a perfect outcome, then she’d
welcome your suggestions – so this is all just a need
patible in most fundamental to control.
ways. But, as the relationship has Even that might be an acceptably small price to
pay for her companionship in, say, a 98-2 solution –
gone on, her micromanaging and as in, you are 98 percent happy equals and she has
lapses into micromanagement that account for 2
second-guessing have increased. percent of your time together. Certainly we flawed
beasts can have one thing we’re fussy about without
She describes herself as a micromanager and loves becoming undatable.
correcting everyone on small things, from how to wrap But you’re not talking about a small and con-
tained percentage, but instead a large and growing
a sandwich to how to tie your shoes. The result is that one. Misery.
I can barely put a letter in an envelope without be- One point where we disagree: You can, in fact, “do
and say anything I want anytime I want,” because
ing told I should do it differently. She has the eyes of she can micromanage you only to the extent that
you allow her to.
a hawk, and if I put a shirt on the wrong chair, I will
Assuming you give this relationship another,
hear about it. time-limited chance to work before you run from it
like your hair is on fire and break up over the con-
I recently spent time with her family and saw stant corrections, I suggest that you adopt a terse,
factual phrase – “I’m XX years old,” for example – to
many of the same traits on display. Once I moved a use verbatim and in your calmest voice every time
she tries to teach you to tie your shoes.
book off the shelf and had to explain to her father
I don’t have great hopes, but some verbal clonks
why I did it. If you leave the basement door open or to the head actually do get through.
put the dish on the table in the wrong spot, the dis- Dear ‘C.’:
I’ve never liked the “Once a ___, always a ___” con-
approval will be noted, even if subtly. But it is not struct, because people change themselves all the time.
When they want to for their own reasons, and try to.
a two-way street; she doesn’t accept suggestions for Since you’ve already spelled out that you don’t
appreciate being corrected like a handsy toddler by
doing things differently. the person whose equal you expect to be – right? –
and since your girlfriend’s response was to deny any
She denies that her micromanagement extends such correcting, you can reasonably conclude that
she doesn’t want to change and doesn’t intend to try.
into our relationship (it does), and says also that I Please also take a moment to recognize the
can do and say anything I want anytime I want (I
can’t). Can this situation be broached through con-
versation, or is a micromanager always a micro-
– C.
58 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why dietary magnesium offers lower-risk rewards
BY MARIA CANFIELD In their analysis, researchers from
Correspondent two universities in China looked
at data from 40 studies covering a
A new study analyzed data from period from 1999 to 2016 to investi-
previous studies involving more gate associations between dietary
than a million people across nine magnesium and various diseases.
countries and concluded that a diet They found that people who con-
rich in magnesium may reduce the sumed high levels of dietary magne-
risk of coronary heart disease, stroke sium had a 10 percent lower risk of
and type-2 diabetes. coronary heart disease, a 12 percent
Dr. Arley Peter.
lower risk of stroke, and a 26 percent regulation. “Basically, magnesium is
lower risk of type-2 diabetes com- part of every cell function there is,”
pared to those with low consump- he says.
tion levels.
(The other five major minerals
These results don’t surprise Vero people need in large supply are cal-
Beach cardiologist Arley Peter. Mag- cium, sodium, potassium, phospho-
nesium is one of the six major miner- rous and chloride.)
als needed in large amounts by the
human body; Dr. Peter says that it is Lead study author Dr. Fudi Wang
vital for many metabolic functions, of the School of Public Health at
including muscle and nerve func- Zhejiang University said, “Low levels
tion, normal heart rhythm, blood- of magnesium in the body have been
glucose control and blood-pressure associated with a range of diseases
… [and] our meta-analysis provides
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 59
the most up-to-date evidence sup- Many cardiologists recommend the Mediterranean diet for their heart patients.
porting a link between the role of
magnesium in food and reducing American don’t get as much of this hol, caffeine and sugars can also sap serious symptoms, including numb-
the risk of disease.” particular mineral as they need. He the body of magnesium. And people ness and tingling, seizures, muscle
says “it’s a good idea to ask your doc- with any sort of malabsorption dis- contractions and cramps, and per-
The current Recommended Di- tor to include a screening for magne- order, such as Chrohn’s disease or sonality changes.
etary Allowance for magnesium in sium in your next blood test. If the pancreatitis, have to be particularly
adults over age 31 is 420 mg per day results show a deficiency, you should mindful of their magnesium levels. “Many people don’t realize how
for men and 320 mg per day for wom- think about taking a supplement, as important it is to overall health to
en. However, surveys have shown doing so carries little or no risk.” In addition to possibly putting take in an adequate amount of mag-
that the average magnesium intake people at higher risk for coronary nesium,” Dr. Peter says. “Many car-
is significantly below the RDA, by Dr. Peter says that being aware of heart disease, stroke and type-2 dia- diologists recommend the Mediter-
somewhere between 20 percent and a potential deficiency is especially betes, a magnesium deficiency can ranean diet for their heart patients,
50 percent. Put another way, ap- important if you are taking medica- lead to other health complications. which emphasizes fruits, vegetables,
proximately 75 percent of adults in tions that can deplete your body’s The early signs of magnesium defi- nuts, fish and poultry. This is also a
the United States consume less than supply of magnesium; such medica- ciency are vague, and can be attrib- good eating approach to keep mag-
the recommended amount of mag- tions include acid blockers and ant- utable to many conditions: loss of nesium levels high.”
nesium. acids, blood-pressure drugs, choles- appetite, headache, nausea, fatigue
terol agents and corticosteroids. and weakness. An ongoing magne- Dr. Peter’s office is located at 787
High levels of dietary magnesium sium deficiency can lead to more 37th Street, Suite E260. The phone
can be found in leafy green vegeta- Excessive consumption of alco- number is 772-999-3996.
bles such as spinach and okra, whole
grains, pumpkin and sunflower
seeds, black beans and soybeans,
and certain nuts – almonds, cashews
and peanuts. Meats and milk have
an intermediate content of magne-
sium, while processed foods gener-
ally have the lowest, as the “refin-
ing” process removes many of the
nutrients these foods once had.
Vero’s Dr. Peter says that while
eating foods rich in magnesium is
the best way to make sure our levels
are adequate, supplements can also
be helpful; especially since most
60 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
IRMC tips scales with new ‘team’ weight-loss program
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Gregory MacKay.
Staff Writer
“A comprehensive team ap-
proach,” says the Mayo Clinic, is
the best way to help people who’ve
been fighting – and losing – the bat-
tle of the bulge.
Starting this March that’s exactly
what the Indian River Medical Cen-
ter will be offering, with seven doc-
tors working together to treat pa-
tients who need to lose weight for
health reasons.
Dr. Gregory MacKay (pronounced
mack-key), board-certified in both
internal medicine and gastroenter-
ology, offers details:
“We here at IRMC,” says MacKay,
“are doing a comprehensive weight-
loss program. We have our medi-
cal bariatric physician, Dr. Felice
Haake, we have Dr. Theodore Perry,
who does the bariatric surgery, and
for those who don’t want to go into
a major surgery with permanent
changes to their anatomy, there’s
the balloon option: a temporary
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 61
bariatric balloon.” than just a balloon in the belly for Bariatric balloons occupy space in the stomach, tient “portal,” or secure online re-
That mirrors the Mayo Clinic ap- their seven grand. which triggers feelings of fullness. porting destination, tips for healthy
living, community forums, recipes
proach which calls for “a team of According to MacKay, “they also and exercise ideas will be augment-
medical experts, including endocri- get a Fitbit exercise tracker that re- ed by regular consultations with
nologists, gastroenterologists, sur- cords all their data on a daily basis the medical team.
geons, dietitians and psychologists so they know how they’re doing.
to help identify candidates who There’s also a place where you do That, says MacKay, is important
could most benefit from weight- a food diary, a log of what you’re since he candidly points out, that
loss surgeries or procedures.” eating, so that you can really keep for many people, “It’s not easy hav-
track of your progress. This is an ing a balloon in [their stomach],
Mackay, one of four team mem- everyday thing. Once you get into during the first week particularly.”
bers who will be doing the bariatric this program, it’s not like, ‘Here’s
balloon procedures, lets his enthu- your balloon, good luck.’ You’re go- “The first week, your body is not
siasm swell as he elaborates: “We ing to be busy. You’re going to be used to it,” MacKay explains. “Most
are setting up the program now so working at this [every day].” people have nausea, vomiting, ab-
that we’re ready to take people from dominal pain or discomfort.” But
day one, starting in March, and re- The Fitbit use and a private pa-
ally help them maximize their CONTINUED ON PAGE 62
weight loss and maximize them
getting healthy. It’s more than just
losing weight. It’s about getting
he a lt hy.”
For those deemed best suited for
the bariatric balloon procedure, a
connected pair of deflated balloons
will be inserted by endoscope down
the throat and into the stomach,
where they will be filled with a sa-
line solution that expands them to
roughly the size of tennis balls. No
incisions are made anywhere.
According to the FDA, the bal-
loons do their work by “occupying
space in the stomach,” which trig-
gers a feeling of “fullness” so the
patient doesn’t experience food
cravings and therefore eats less.
Since the balloons can only stay
safely inside the stomach for six
months, the IRMC team’s biggest
job is actually teaching and train-
ing people how to re-think their
eating and exercise habits to maxi-
mize the period of reduced appe-
And since this comprehensive
weight loss program isn’t just a
white-coated version of a TV lose-
weight-fast plan, MacKay candidly
points out that not everyone will be
a candidate for the bariatric bal-
loon procedure.
For starters, in order to qualify,
patients need to have a body-mass
index (or BMI, an estimate of body
fat based on height and weight) of
between 30 and 40, and at least one
co-morbidity or health condition
such as high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes or high cholesterol.
Moreover, Mackay says the gas-
tric balloon treatment is “not cov-
ered by Medicare and private in-
surance. Bariatric surgery is and
medical weight loss is in many cas-
es,” but not the bariatric balloon
So what is the balloon cost likely
to be? MacKay candidly says, “We
haven’t made the final determina-
tion, but it may be in the $7,000 to
$8,000 range.”
Patients do, however, get more
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 67
68 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 69
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 71
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72 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz meets a St. Bernard pup – it’s ‘Tru’!
Hi Dog Buddies! 12 weeks old when I got to fly from Missouri Truman, the St. Bernard. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
to New York to meet Mommy. I wasn’t scared
I love interviewin’ puppies. They make me at ALL. When Mommy picked me up at the up. That’s allowed.
feel young, ya know? So this week, I was to- Westchester County Airport, we were both
tally lookin’ forward to meeting Truman Mul- SO exCITed. When we drove down here a few Those squeaky toys areTOAST! Me and Mom- was Totally Cool
vey, who’s only 10 months old. I had sorta just months later, my Grandma Murphy came
glanced at the interview memo, and I was all with us. I’m her Granddog. I mostly snoozed my go to the Dog Park at 8:15 am. I’m makin’ Kibbles, an it helps Those Less Fortunate.”
ready for a little fluff ball, bouncing around on this big, nice bed in the back of Mommy’s
my feet, doin’ all that goofy puppy stuff. SUV. We did a lotta yappin’ too. friends in the Big Dog Section. I got three dog Truman yawned a Very Big Yawn. “I’m get-
WELL, I shoulda read the fine print. When “An, guess what? I have PAPERS and a fan- buddies, Tilly, Elsie and Mulligan, they’re al- ting sorta sleepy Mr. Bonzo. I hafta take my
the door opened, here was this wiggling cy name – King George. My pooch Mommy
mountain of fur. My nose only came up to his was Fools Dream and my Daddy was Rock- most big as me. They’re Burmese Mountain nap now. Thank you for writing a story about
chest. And his head alone was the size of two in’ Rosebud. But nobody ever calls us those
mini-Yorkies and a chihuahua, No Woof! And paper names, thank Lassie! I think they’re Dogs. Mommy says I Play Well With Others. me.” He went over to his bed, plopped down,
those PAWS! On their fluffiest day, all four of sorta silly. So I’m Truman George Mulvey
my paws wouldn’t make one of his pawprints. now. Mommy says Truman’s not puh-liti- When I meet little dogs, I scwunch wa-ay and just like that, he was snoozin’ away, mak-
Then I remembered the initials on my assign- cal, it’s just a nice big name for a nice big
ment memo – “SB.” Of course! St. Bernard! dog. Her an Daddy call me Tru. I Googled down to their level so they won’t be scared. ing soft little puppy sounds.
St. Bernard and found a buncha cool stuff.
He wasn’t the tiniest bit shy. “Oh, oh, oh, See, all us St. Bernards are named for After the park, I go to day care while Mommy Heading home, I was thinking about Tru-
Mr. BONzo, I’m SO exCITed to meet you! this place in the Alps (an Alp is a big tall
Here’s my MOMMY! She’s Kathy! Daddy’s at mountain with snow on it), which was goes to work. man, the 135-pound puppy, happily napping
work. He’s Steve. I got TOYS! Wanna see my named for this human called Saint Bernard.
bed? Ooooo! What’s in that big bag?” And he He was a church person and, about 6,000 dog “When Mommy’s in the shower, I lay in in the sun.
jumped onto the couch and stuck his nose years ago, he started this place where people
into my satchel to investigate. cud rest up when they were trying to make it front of the shower door, to be close to her.
across the Alps on this real dangerous road.
“You gotta lotta innersting stuff in here. Is Him and some other guys used big fluffy dogs Sometimes I doze off and then she gets Till next time,
this your notebook? Mommy said you have a – us – to help save people who got lost in all
notebook so you can write about ME!” that snow. Cool Kibbles, right?” TRAPPED. She can’t open the door cuz I’m The Bonz
too heavy. But I always move so she can go
He was joyful an friendly – an drool-y. He “Totally!” cook my chicken.
snuggled up to my Assistant and me, with “I haven’t been here all that long but I’m
slobbery puppy kisses and enthusiastic head- having so much FUN! Mommy cooks me “Oh, an guess what, Mr. Bonzo? Mommy Don’t Be Shy
bumps. Then he began nibbling the edges of chicken and I go lotsa places with her and … ” and Daddy are teaching me the importance
my notebook, but he stopped when his Mom Suddenly he jumped up and ran to the of Helping Others. This year I got to be the Of- We are always looking for pets
told him to. pool patio, nosed the screen door open and ficial Starter for the Quail Valley Charity Cup with interesting stories.
disappeared into the bushes, his Mom right Week 5K. (A buncha humans run up the street
“I’m excited to meet you, too, Truman,” behind him.
I told him. “Are you ready to tell me about A coupla minutes later, back they came. and run back.) I even wore my very own keg To set up an interview, email
yourself?” I flipped to a not-drooled-on page. Truman plopped back down. “Sorry, Mr. Bon-
This was gonna be FUN! zo. I got all innerstud in my story and then, all around my neck, just for show. Everybody [email protected].
of uh sudden, Doodie Called. I NEVER do my
“YES, Mr. Bonzo. Mommy told me to be doodie where I’m not ’spose to.” said I was adorable an took PIC-shures. It
puh-LITE and not talk too fast and try to not “That’s excellent, Tru!” I said. “So, you were
drool.” sayin’ … ”
“Oh, right, I don’t chew stuff I shouldn’t,
“Well, you’re doin’ great, kiddo,” I assured either. I have lotsa toys and I chew THEM
“OK, well, Mommy ’n Daddy hadda nother
St. Bernard before me, Humphrey, who went
to dog heaven. After a while they got me from
the same breeder, up in Missouri. I was just
78 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The dining room connects to the ances (including a Sub Zero fridge), the east and from the south, through choose simply to daydream, as you
kitchen, for convenient entertaining white countertops and black-and- the adjacent sun room. gaze across the shimmering river to
and family dining. white floor tile possess a time-de- Gem Island. This appealing room has
fying contemporary vibe. With the For the new owners, the sun room a cozy feel, yet is sufficiently spacious
Designed for maximum efficiency, home’s lavish use of windows, the will likely become a favorite place to to accommodate comfortable seating
the chef-loving kitchen’s sleek black kitchen welcomes ambient light from curl up with a book or share a quiet and a 4-top table for games or casual
lacquer cabinetry, high-end appli- conversation. Then again, you might
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 79
meals. The ceiling design repeats that doors open to the master suite, with
of the entry gallery – a trio of amber- its pale, mint green walls, and di-
hued barrel arches. vinely soft carpeting. The walk-in
closet offers lavish space for every
A study sits across the gallery, op- kind of garment. Because the home is
posite the dining room. It too of- so carefully designed, one can luxuri-
fers north/south vistas. This room ate in the Jacuzzi tub, while enjoying
is home to an audiophile’s dream: a the picture window view of elegant
full-wall built-in, with virtually lim- garden terraces and pool, gnarled
itless a/v collection storage, a large oaks and sparkling river in complete
built-in telly, wiring for all sorts of privacy.
sound equipment and display shelv-
ing above. Along the columned breezeway
on the home’s east side, are an office
From the study, frosted glass French
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80 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
and two charming guest suites, both market. That evening, they went to
with full closets, full baths and rattan check it out.
flooring. Between the kitchen and the
guest wing are a laundry room and “We looked at each other. We were
powder room. smitten with it,” Browne recalls. So
they sold their lot and bought the
The entire exterior is lighted, and, home at 630 Shores Drive, which they
with the golden glow from within, the have grown to love more with every
estate, after dark, is nothing short of passing year.
Browne is especially impressed
Health issues compel owners Dick with how contemporary it remains
and Susan Browne to leave the home “all these years later. For example,
in which they’ve lived for 16 years. look at that kitchen!” And the couple
Back then, they had planned to build loves that the home is always “flood-
on a lot they had just purchased, ed with light. Whenever we visit other
when their Realtor told them about homes, we always think how dark
a home that had just come on the they seem.” The house, Browne says,
continues to impress visitors over the land. It has its own tennis courts and
years. The comment of choice, upon is close to the beach. Residents are
first view, he says, is “Wow!” The only a 10-minute drive from Vero’s
Brownes also appreciate that, even charming beachside village, with its
with virtually all exterior walls being many shops and restaurants. Also on
glass, the estate is very private. the island is Riverside Park, home to
the nationally renowned Riverside
The Shores itself is a serene, park- Theatre and the prestigious Vero Mu-
like neighborhood, with newly brick- seum of Art, as well as year-round fes-
paved streets winding beneath some tivals and events.
of the most beautiful oaks on the is-
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82 Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Considering a condo purchase? Do your homework
BY BENNY L. KASS gives you a period of time, usually three suits involving the association, in- of each unit (which must total 100
Washington Post business days, from the day you get the surance information and an audit percent) on which voting and condo
package to cancel the contract and report from an independent CPA. You payments are based.
Interested in buying a condo? Here get your earnest-money deposit back. should carefully review the finan-
is some information you need to know. I recommend that before you sign it, cials to make sure the association is It should be noted that although a
you change this “cancellation period” financially sound and has sufficient few associations have one-unit, one-
When you sign a contract to buy an to five business days, to give you more reserves for that rainy day. vote, the majority of condominiums
existing condominium, you must be time to absorb all of the material. base voting and assessments on per-
given what is known as a “resale pack- To create a condominium, there centage interests. Each unit’s per-
age.” If you are buying from the devel- The package includes the condo- must be a law enacted by the state centage interest is shown at the end
oper, it is a public offering statement minium governing documents, the legislature or other governing body. of the declaration.
(POS). Typically, the sales contract current budget, any pending law- In general, the condominium act has
legal priority and overrides any con- The bible of a condominium is the by-
New Listing flicting legal documents. Although laws. It sets forth the way board mem-
there are some provisions in these bers are elected and what they can and
laws that are carved in stone – such cannot do. It also contains restrictions
as percentage interests cannot be on issues such as pets, parking, leasing
changed without unanimous consent and payment of condo fees. It’s impor-
from all owners – associations can tant that you read this to make sure this
amend their legal documents from is where you want to live.
time to time as needed.
You should also review the finan-
The governing condominium doc- cial status of the association. You
uments start with the declaration. don’t want to buy into a place where
This document literally “declares” there are too many delinquencies,
the complex to be a condominium. where the reserves are too low or ma-
It provides an explanation of the jor repairs are coming with no funds
three components of the condo – the available to pay for them.
“units,” “common elements” and
“limited common elements.” It also There often are rules that are ad-
spells out the ownership percentage opted by the board of directors. They
deal with a host of issues, often inter-
preting or expanding on provisions
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 9, 2017 83
contained in the bylaws. For exam- must be included in the re-
ple, if the bylaws permit dogs, the sale package. If they are not
rules may spell out that dogs must be required in your area, you
on a leash while on common grounds should ask to get a copy be-
or that owners must pick up their dog fore you decide to buy.
waste. On the other hand, if the by-
laws prohibit dogs, the board cannot I use the concept of hi-
override that by enacting a rule. erarchy – priority of legal
condominium documents.
Another document is the plat and The condominium law in
plans. This is often called the “condo your jurisdiction trumps
map.” It is an architectural drawing – everything. If state law says you need
recorded at the land records office in a super-majority vote to amend the
the jurisdiction where the condomin- bylaws, that requirement can be
ium is located – that is a floor plan of amended only by the legislative body.
each unit, showing what is a general Next in priority is the declaration.
common element, as compared with Referring again to pets, if the declara-
a limited common element. tion says no pets, that is the law. The
board cannot allow pets unless the
General common elements are for declaration is amended, and that will
everyone’s use, such as elevators or take a 66⅔ percent vote or higher of the
hallways. Limited common elements membership, depending on what the
are reserved for less than all unit own- declaration states.
ers. Limited common elements can The bylaws fall in place under the
include a balcony, deck, patio, storage declaration and then, in last place,
space and even parking spaces. but still very important, are the rules
and regulations.
In some places, the plat and plans Buying a condo unit requires lots of
reading and consulting with current
owners, management, your lawyer and
financial advisers. This may be the big-
gest investment you will ever make.
Do your homework. Make sure you
understand the condominium docu-
ments, because they will govern you
if you purchase.