April 5, 2019 | Volume 6, Issue 14 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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help after 3 of its
attorneys depart By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer School Board Chair Laura Zorc and School Superintendent Mark Rendell at March 26 meeting. PHOTOS: KAILA JONES The School Board’s March 26
[email protected] meeting was contentious and per-
MY School Board should fire superintendent now! haps momentous, and there have
Over the past four months, the TAKE been hundreds of responses – on
City of Vero Beach has lost three By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer rally her troops in a transparent effort to politi- social media sites, in radio inter-
attorneys to resignation or retire- [email protected] cally intimidate the School Board members who views, and in press reports – to
ment, so it’s time to bring in re- what happened that evening as
inforcements until the open staff There’s no sense in wasting want to fire him if he refuses to resign. the board talked seriously about
slots can be filled. replacing Superintendent Mark
words on Tiffany Justice, whose unwavering loy- So I’ll address this column to Laura Zorc and Rendell.
Former city attorney Wayne
Coment announced his retire- alty to and relentless defense of Schools Super- the board’s three newest members – Teri Baren- The superintendent and some
ment last October, and assistant School Board members are locked
city attorney Stefanie Beskovoyne intendent Mark Rendell is as disturbing as it is borg, Jackie Rosario and Mara Schiff – and anyone in an increasingly bitter dispute
resigned in December to become that erupted after the board began
the City of Port St. Lucie’s deputy curious. else in the county genuinely concerned about the discussing Rendell’s upcoming job
city attorney. When Interim City evaluation during a March 12 work
Attorney Kira Honse departs on She’s determined to save his job, even though precarious and potentially perilous position in session. At that time, several board
May 17 to take a position with members indicated they might not
the City of Daytona Beach, that Rendell has said publicly he is actively pursuing which Rendell has put the school district. support renewing the superinten-
will leave only one attorney hired dent’s contract.
through a temp agency handling
the city’s legal matters. Rendell responded by having
Tallahassee-based attorney H.B.
The city’s headhunter, Colin Stivers send a letter dated March
Baenziger & Associates, is working 20, notifying the School Board that
on finding a permanent attorney he has been “retained to advise
for the top spot, but on Tuesday and assist Dr. Rendell concerning
the Vero Beach City Council was the terms and conditions of his
set to approve a bid packet aimed employment with the district.”
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Rendell further raised the ire
of board members by informing
another one, and she’s desperately scrambling to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer The local Ford dealership is now one
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] of five owned and operated in Florida
your issue call: 772-226-7925 by Mullinax Ford, the state’s largest Ford
Last week marked the end of an era retailer, which was among the pioneers
in Vero Beach, where, for the first time of the upfront, no-haggle pricing phi- Mosen Eteshami, general manager of Mullinax Ford. PHOTO: KAILA JONES
since 1976, the Ford dealership con- losophy that began in the mid-1970s
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. ducted business under a name other and has become popular throughout
than Velde. the automobile-sales industry.
The Apopka-based Mullinax Auto- “We’ve been in this industry for
motive Group finalized the purchase many years, and I know our philoso-
of Velde Ford on March 26 and imme- phy can provide the community with a
diately rebranded the dealership as
Mullinax Ford of Vero Beach. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
2 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE applying for jobs outside the district. serious financial problems and scandals that if he’s given up on this job, and is daring the
That one-two punch, particularly the jolt have beset the district. board to fire him so he can walk away with a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 big severance check.
from Rendell’s announcement that he’s look- Rendell’s current contract will expire at
Let’s start here: ing for the exit, left School Board members the end of the 2019-20 school year if it’s not We don’t know why he hired a lawyer, oth-
Give no credence to the feebly concoct- reeling and wondering what they’ll do if the extended, and the School Board has until the er than to “protect his interests,” as he told
ed campaign designed to bolster the false superintendent gets another job and quits in end of July to make a decision about his em- the board.
narrative that Rendell enjoys significant sup- the next couple of months. ployment. He needs at least three of the five
port in the community. board members to approve a contract ex- It is telling, though, that Rendell did not
Pay no attention to the solicited emails, And for good reason: There’s no one on the tension. So he and Tiffany Justice have some try to engender any good will by offering to
online petition and social-media efforts payroll ready to step in for Rendell – whose work to do. go beyond the 30 days’ notice required in his
backing the superintendent. contract requires that he give only 30 days’ contract, especially with the district facing so
Ignore the conveniently timed media notice – and get the district through the end Rendell already has lost Zorc, the School many challenges.
appearances designed to spin alternative of the school year. Board chairman, who at a recent meeting de-
facts, sway public opinion in Rendell’s favor scribed his revelation that he is seeking other Maybe he will, eventually, perhaps as a
and elicit sympathy for him. There’s no chief financial officer, since employment as an “aggressive act” and “bul- negotiating tool. But I wouldn’t bet on it.
Though Rendell is a first-time superinten- Rendell ran off Carter Morrison with a bogus lying tactic,” and responded by asking him to
dent, he’s not a rookie. He’s in his fourth year allegation that Morrison undermined him resign. If the board decides to terminate his em-
as the school district’s CEO. and the School Board while working on the ployment, Rendell would receive a severance
He has had plenty of time to fix the prob- 2019-20 budget. She also urged board members to begin package that includes pay for 20 weeks of his
lems he inherited and move our schools in the search for a new superintendent. $163,000 annual salary and for unused vaca-
the right direction. There’s no assistant superintendent for tion time.
Instead, after nearly four years of Rendell’s human resources, since Rendell eliminated It was not an overreaction.
leadership, the school district finds itself in a the position during an administrative reor- Zorc’s request has stirred controversy in Zorc estimated the total cost of this sever-
financial and administrative mess. ganization in 2017. the community and conflict among board ance package would be about $70,000.
Those circumstances, however, merely members, but she did what needed to be
serve as the backdrop for recent events, in- If Rendell bolts, there would be nobody done. Her foresight, leadership and moxie That might sound like a lot of money, but
cluding last week’s tumultuous and some- to oversee the budget process or the hiring should be applauded, not attacked. it’s only a fraction of the costs of the legal and
times hostile School Board meeting. of teachers and staff for the next school year. The board cannot allow Rendell to call the investigative fees incurred by the district as
Only days after receiving a March 20 letter shots – and, at the moment, he can. a result of Rendell’s wrongheaded decisions
informing them that Rendell – who has faced It should surprise no one, then, that We don’t know if Rendell truly wants a over the past several years. So paying him off
mounting criticism that put his job in ques- Schiff, who was clearly uncomfortable with different job, where he can start over and try and moving forward with a new superinten-
tion – retained legal counsel to advise him in the contentious tone of last week’s meeting, again, or if he simply realizes his chances of dent might be money well spent.
contract discussions, board members were said the thought of a relatively inexperienced getting a contract extension are dicey and
blindsided Monday of last week by the ad- board entering the budget season without a he’d rather not endure a year as a lame-duck If the board rejects Zorc’s recommenda-
ditional news that their superintendent was superintendent or CFO “terrifies” her. superintendent. tion that Rendell be fired if he doesn’t resign
We don’t know if Rendell really wants to by July 23, it will be more difficult to immedi-
It should. stay and he’s trying to gain leverage from the ately start an effective search for his replace-
During an interview on a local radio show threat of leaving with only 30 days’ notice at ment. That’s because most top-shelf candi-
last week, Rendell said he already had ap- the worst possible time for the district. Or dates won’t apply for a job that isn’t vacant
plied for a job he “found appealing” – more and might not be until the summer 2020.
appealing, apparently, than his current job,
which wasn’t all that secure in the face of the Zorc knows that, and she knows Rendell
knows it, too. That’s why she spoke up, de-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 5, 2019 3
spite the sometimes-fierce criticism that ac- cessful. Can that change? Is it too late? Has VERO FORD DEALERSHIP said Ralph Evans, the longtime Vero Beach
tion has provoked from the superintendent’s too much damage been done to the trust and attorney who represented Velde through-
allies. relationships between Rendell and a majori- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 out the negotiations. “There are people
ty of the board members? who worked for Velde Ford for 30 years, and
As expected, Justice has sprung to Ren- dealer experience they haven’t had before,” they were considered family.”
dell’s defense, challenging Zorc’s claims and We know where Zorc and Justice stand. said Jerry Mullinax, owner of the Mullinax
opposing any move to fire him, at one point Rosario appears to be ready to go with a new group, which has been doing business in Velde’s father-in-law, Lynn, who had co-
ridiculously suggesting that the board ex- superintendent. Florida since 1970. owned three dealerships in Illinois, moved
tend the superintendent’s contract through to Vero Beach in 1976 and bought what
the end of the 2020-21 school year “to give So Rendell’s fate here probably will be Mullinax said he has retained about 90 was then Arnold Ford, near U.S. 1 and 12th
him job security.” determined by Schiff and Barenborg, both percent of the Velde staff, most of them Street.
of whom said last week they weren’t yet pre- longtime employees.
It went nowhere, as did her over-the-top pared to render a verdict. In the late 1990s, Velde renovated the
gushing over Rendell’s job performance and Those employees made the decision to former Walmart store at the intersection
questionable claims that she had been inun- They need to make a decision soon – be- sell the dealership difficult for Patty Velde, of U.S. 1 and Indian River Boulevard and
dated with letters of support for the embat- fore Rendell makes it for them, and leaves who had served as Velde Ford’s president moved the dealership to that location, con-
tled superintendent from the community. behind a worse mess than we have now. since her husband, Jeff, died in September verting the building into an 82,000-square-
2012. foot facility that contains an acre-sized
To be sure, Rendell has enjoyed a few suc- Regardless of whether Rendell is fired or
cesses since being hired here, but there have quits with 30 days’ notice, the district and “It was an emotional decision for her,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
been too many scandals, controversies and board will have to scramble. But in one case
other problems – many of his own making, the board will be in control of events setting
some of them costly – to say he has been suc- its own agenda; in the other, the board will be
at Rendell’s mercy.
SCHOOL BOARD After the board meeting, Justice crossed
the board room to tell Vero Beach 32963
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that “I have even less respect for my fellow
board members at this point.”
them by email on March 25 that he was
seeking employment outside the district The rift between Rendell and Justice on
and reminding them that by the terms of his one side and board members who want
contract, he is only obligated to give them a to replace him on the other has spread
30-day notice of his departure. throughout the community.
At a meeting the next day, School Board Justice has appeared on a local radio talk
Chairwoman Laura Zorc called for Rendell’s show arguing in favor of retaining Rendell
resignation in light of his decision to seek and acknowledged soliciting public support
other employment. for Rendell in the form of letters and emails
She argued that it would be better to gain During the March 26 board meeting, Jus-
Rendell’s resignation or fire him and begin tice claimed that the district has been “inun-
an aggressive search for a new superinten- dated” with “hundreds” of letters of support
dent than to leave the situation up in the air, for Rendell in recent weeks.
with the possibility that Rendell might leave
abruptly at any time with 30 days’ notice. But Nancy Esplen, executive assistant to
the School Board, confirmed Friday that the
Board member Tiffany Justice, who has district had received only six letters of sup-
been Rendell’s most loyal supporter on the port for Rendell.
board, rushed to his defense.
That number did not include a letter of
She started out by blaming Vero Beach support emailed to board members by Ren-
32963’s reporting about the March 12 meet- dell’s wife, Heidi.
ing for the superintendent’s decision to hire
an attorney. Jon Teske, the district’s assistant superin-
tendent of operations and technology, and
But Rendell himself refuted Justice’s al- his wife Becky Teske, an elementary science
legation. “I contacted my attorney before I specialist in the district’s Curriculum & In-
spoke with the paper,” Rendell said. “When struction Department, posted a photo of
you see your contract repeatedly up for support for Rendell on their Facebook page
discussion – I thought it was wise to get an last week.
attorney.” Rendell did not respond to Zorc’s
call for his resignation or say much else The photo – which was posted during
during the board meeting. school work hours – features a group of 10
school employees posing with Rendell, who
Justice, who was visibly angry during is holding a “We Are Family,” sign.
the meeting, frequently lashed out at other
board members and continuously inter- The post, which features several hash
rupted them while they were speaking. tags, including #SDIRCSuperProud and
#weRfamily, urges people to treat each other
While other board members were dis- with respect, and then attacks Rendell’s crit-
cussing when to schedule a meeting to dis- ics and the media.
cuss the new superintendent search, Justice
blurted out a motion to renew and extend Rendell’s detractors are mobilizing too.
Rendell’s contract through 2021. An online petition calling for Rendell’s fir-
ing was launched March 28 and had collect-
Her motion was ignored by other board ed more than 200 signatures along with 98
members and died from lack of support. anti-Rendell comments by March 30, some
highly critical of Justice as well as the super-
Justice’s continued outbursts prompted intendent.
Chairwoman Zorc to pound her gavel at one Rendell’s tenure in the district, which he
point and call for a three-minute recess “to joined in 2015, has been plagued by contro-
give Board Member Justice an opportunity versy and scandals, several of which have
to return and behave in a professional man- cost the district millions of dollars in legal
ner when our meeting resumes.” fees and fines.
4 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
VERO FORD DEALERSHIP purchase price. He said serious negotia- company also has dealerships in Mobile, they were way below Ford’s expectations,
tions began in November. Ala., and Olympia, Wash. which are based on demographics,” said
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Eteshami, who was the sales manager at
In January, Mullinax posted a public no- “Within 150 miles, we have access to Mullinax’s West Palm Beach dealership be-
showroom, service area with 33 bays, tice of its intent to register “Mullinax Ford five dealerships,” said Mosen Eteshami, fore being promoted. “There’s a lot of room
10,000-square-foot body shop, parts de- of Vero Beach” with the Florida Division of new general manager of Mullinax Ford of for improvement.
partment and offices. Corporations and do business under that Vero Beach. “And the price you see, wheth-
name. er it’s on the windshield or online, is the “Just in the few days we’ve been here, I’ve
Velde’s father-in-law died in 2000. price you pay.” heard that a lot of customers were going to
Evans said Velde, who did not want to be Less than three months later, employees other Ford dealers in the area because they
interviewed for this story, decided in 2018 at Vero Beach’s Ford dealership were wear- Eteshami said Mullinax Ford will invest couldn’t get the price they wanted here,” he
to put the dealership on the market and ing “Mullinax” shirts. a significant amount of money in its Vero added. “We’re going to keep the business in
attracted “several suitors,” including Mulli- Beach dealership, which will undergo ren- our community.”
nax, which had initially expressed interest “It’s a good ending to the story,” Evans ovations and aesthetic improvements, and
a year earlier. said. “Mullinax brings a lot to the table for the company expects to dramatically in- CITY ATTORNEYS DEPART
Potential buyers were told, “Make us an people who like to drive Fords. It’s a plus for crease sales.
offer we can’t refuse.” Apparently, Mullinax this community to have them here.” CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
did, though Evans would not divulge the He said the Velde-owned dealership was
Mullinax Ford’s other Florida dealerships underperforming.
are located in Apopka, Kissimmee, New
Smyrna Beach and West Palm Beach. The “I’ve done some market research, and
at bringing on additional legal help on a
contract basis.
The request for proposals seeks to find a
firm or individual licensed to practice law
in Florida, with significant government
experience, a clean criminal record and a
commitment to abide by Florida’s Sunshine
laws. The bidders will propose terms and
hourly rates.
In anticipation of the big decisions
looming for the council with regard to the
riverfront utility property, the packet also
asks applicants to “specifically identify
past projects where the firm led a commu-
nity engagement process involving design
Since mid-March, the city has also been
operating without a permanent city man-
ager after the departure of Jim O’Connor’s,
who held the position from 2011 until
March of this year. Interim City Manager
Monte Falls, who is still doing double-duty
as public works director, is running the city.
Colin Baenziger & Associates is tasked
with conducting a nationwide search for a
manager to replace O’Connor.
The city manager, City Clerk Tammy Bur-
sick and the yet unnamed city attorney are
the city’s “charter officers” who form Vero’s
city election canvassing board and are the
only three people on the city payroll who
work directly for Mayor Val Zudans and the
City Council.
All the other employees work under the
supervision of department heads, and the
council members are discouraged from
going around the chain of command to get
things done.
Other recent major turnover of top city
staff has included the hiring of Planning
Director Jason Jeffries from Daytona Beach
to replace Tim McGarry who died on Oct.
28 after a long illness, and the addition of
former City of Naples Harbormaster Sean
Collins, who replaced Vero’s marina direc-
tor Tim Grabenbauer after Grabenbauer
stepped down in February.
Collins and Jeffries will play integral roles
in huge city projects this year – Collins in
working with consultants Coastal Tech on
ramped-up efforts to complete and imple-
ment the Marina Master Plan, and Jeffries
in the planning and decision-making re-
garding the city’s riverfront property with a
planning consultant and citizen efforts.
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6 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
TAVR heart procedure may not be best option for all patients
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer the chest open by means of a catheter
[email protected] threaded up through a vein or artery in the
groin to the heart.
About the same time the Welsh Heart
Center at Cleveland Clinic Indian River The procedure was first approved by the
Hospital completed its 100th trans-cath- FDA in 2012 but it was restricted to patients
eter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) pro- with severe aortic stenosis – narrowing of
cedure here, the New England Journal the heart’s aortic valve – that were con-
of Medicine and the American College sidered at “high risk” for traditional open-
of Cardiology released the results of two heart surgery, which is called a sternoto-
new clinical trials on the use of TAVR for a my.
whole new class of patients.
In 2016 the FDA expanded its approval
TAVR is a procedure that allows the re- to include patients considered at “inter-
placement of heart valves without cutting mediate risk” for a sternotomy and this
Dr. Mark Malias.
March’s clinical trial results appear to have Now, two large clinical trials show that
thrown open the doors for much younger, TAVR is just as useful in younger, health-
healthier, lower-risk patients to be eligible ier patients,” adding that “it might even
for TAVR procedures. be better, offering lower risks of disabling
strokes and death, compared to open-
On the day the trial results were re- heart surgery.”
leased, the New York Times proclaimed
“tens of thousands of heart patients may Despite that euphoria, cardiovascu-
not need open-heart surgery.” lar surgeon Dr. Mark Malias at the Welsh
Heart Center is urging at least a modicum
It went on to say “TAVR has been re- of caution.
served mostly for patients so old and sick
they might not survive open-heart surgery. “There is very little question in my mind
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH April 5, 2019 7
small enough and flexible enough to fit Wound care team tackles
into a very narrow catheter, be propelled trooper’s rare foot condition
through that catheter through the veins/
that TAVR is going to be opened to low- arteries from the groin all the way up and By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer ankle. The Cleveland Clinic calls Charcot
risk patients but just because it’s available over to the heart, inflated and then placed [email protected] foot “a rare but serious complication that can
doesn’t mean it’s the best option for those inside the damaged aortic valve. affect persons with peripheral neuropathy,
patients,” says Malias. Until July of last year, Florida state trooper especially those with diabetes.” If left un-
That’s not possible with mechanical Steven Barr spent much of his time patrolling treated it can be devastating.
“The study doesn’t say that TAVR is valves which are made with strong, dura- the Florida Turnpike. Lately, however, he’s
better [than traditional surgery],” Malias ble metals, plastics and pyrolytic carbon. had to take on even tougher duty: battling If not caught in its earliest stage, says the
explains. “The study says TAVR is better Charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy, or Cleveland Clinic, pressure sores form that
at one year. For a 50-year-old patient, one While Malias and Welsh Heart Cen- Charcot foot. “can lead to infection and even amputation.”
year’s worth of data isn’t enough for me ter medical director Dr. Cary Stowe are
to say TAVR is better than surgical aortic among the first cardiovascular surgeons Charcot foot is a condition affecting the Fortunately, Barr had backup in his battle
valve replacement.” in Florida to perform these TAVR proce- bones, joints and soft tissue of the foot and
dures, Malias clearly wants more evidence CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
“I have no problem,” he continues, “rec- on how long these tissue valves will last.
ommending TAVR over surgical aortic
valve [replacements] for people in their 80s “It’s a great technology,” Malias says,
or 90s, because we have already accumu- “however, we still have to be judicious
lated eight years of data that looks pretty on who we recommend have it and who
darn good.” would benefit and who might not benefit
from it.”
But Malias says “we are going to have to
wait before we know the durability data” It’s all about matching the right proce-
on the latest generation of biological tissue dure to the individual patient.
valves used in TAVR before he feels confi-
dent in recommending their use in young- “When I see a patient for aortic stenosis,
er, lower-risk patients. we talk about options for valve replace-
ments. We have the traditional sternoto-
Rhetorically, Malias asks, “Would I tell my where we open the breast bone in the
that 50-year-old guy that when he’s 55, he’s front and I have access to all aspects of the
going to have to have it re-done and get it heart. For some patients that’s the ideal
re-done again when he’s 60 and then at 65 treatment option.
and 70 and 75? Pretty quickly you will start
to realize that it’s not a superior therapy for “If I’m going to offer someone a mini-
that low-risk patient when I can put a me- mally invasive single valve replacement, I
chanical valve in a 50-year-old and say, ‘this will offer them a right anterior thoracoto-
valve is going to last you your lifetime.’” my where I do not divide the breast bone.
I put them on the heart/lung machine
While there are a wide variety of replace- through arteries in their leg. We can stop
ment valves available, they generally are di- their heart once we open the chest through
vided between “mechanical” and “tissue.” a little key-hole incision and replace the
valve surgically without dividing their
In trans-catheter aortic valve replace- breast bone.
ments, a replacement valve must be
“If they are high risk for an open pro-
cedure, I would recommend TAVR. Even
if they are at intermediate risk in the
right age population, I would offer them a
TAVR.” But until more data is accumulat-
ed, this particular cardiovascular surgeon
isn’t ready to recommend the procedure to
all younger, healthier patients just yet.
Dr. Mark Malias is a cardiovascular
surgeon with the Welsh Heart Center at
the Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospi-
tal. His office is at 3450 11th Court, Suite
105 in Vero Beach. The phone number is
8 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 sure-related injury to your ears, seizures and Dr. Dawn Davidson-Jockovich Barr has an altogether different point
collapsed lung; some people with severe con- and Steven Barr. of view.
with the disease. gestive heart failure have had heart function
Dr. Dawn Davidson-Jockovich, director problems after these therapies. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE “I was pretty amazed at the hyperbaric
chamber and how oxygen can heal the body,”
of the Center for Wound Care & Hyperbaric Indeed, the American Diabetes Associ- In June 2017, the Washington Post report- he says.
Medicine at Sebastian River Medical Center, ation stops short of recommending these ed, “after an ADA committee of experts in di-
along with Steward Medical Group vascular treatments. abetes care reviewed the available research When asked about the Regranex treat-
surgeon Dr. Hadi Shalhoub and the entire last year, it concluded there was ‘not enough ments, Barr pauses briefly and says, “I’d
wound care team went to work to assist this supporting data on the efficacy of this treat- heard that’s fairly new and I didn’t know too
20-year Navy veteran-turned-state trooper. ment to recommend its use,’ according to the much about it, but it really helped. It really
association’s chief medical officer.” closed up everything.”
Barr, who was diagnosed as being diabetic
in 1993, says he first noticed the problem with “We took pictures of each step,” he recalls,
his foot when there was “a fracture on the top “and you could actually see the hole going
of the foot and I was put into a boot. The boot away. Going away until it was gone.”
rubbed the skin and abraded it and there was
a hole the next morning.” In fact, the only thing keeping trooper Barr
off the turnpike at the moment is a pair of
The tools and techniques the wound cen- shoes. A very special pair of shoes.
ter brought to bear on that “hole” included a
new drug called Regranex – a human plate- “I’m getting custom shoes and orthotics,”
let-derived growth factor to help with the says a smiling Barr. He expects to be back on
wound-healing process – as well as “skin sub- duty “as soon as I get them,” which should be
stitutes” or biological skin dressings which any day now.
“encourage” the growth of cells that fill in
and close wounds. While Charcot foot is said to be a “rare”
disease, Davidson-Jockovich points out, “I
The center’s hyperbaric oxygen chambers have two other people with Charcot foot in
also were key factors, along with carefully my clinic right now,” and she reminds any-
monitored antibiotic use. one and everyone who has diabetes to be
sure to check their feet every day.
The hyperbaric treatments, according to
the wound center director, “are important for The sooner any diabetic neuropathy con-
the vascular [aspect of the disease] because dition – including Charcot foot – is diagnosed
they increase the oxygen levels and encour- and treated, the easier and more successful
age tiny new blood vessels to grow inside the treatment is likely to be.
wound,” replacing any damaged ones.
Sebastian River Medical Center’s Center for
That said, Johns Hopkins Medicine points Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine at 13695
out there are risks involved in hyperbaric U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
oxygen therapy. Those risks include pres- 581-2070.
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10 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz meets Tucker, an awfully affable Affenpinscher
an they were Snowbirds an POISON. Have you ever seen
Hi Dog Buddies! between Cuh-netti-cut an one, Mr. Bonzo? They scare the
When Tucker Powers woof-mailed me here. (Bos’n was a Snow- dog biscuits outta me.
to request an innerview, he mentioned he
was an Affenpinscher so, before I respond- birddog.) But, just before “Oh, AN, I’m takin’ a CLASS at
ed, I Googled, so I wouldn’t look like a To-
tal Doof for not knowing what an Affen- they moved here for good, Paw Prints called Beyond Puppy,
pinscher is. Did you guys already know? I
didn’t. Bos’n went to Dog Heaven, cuz all us stoo-dunts are more
Well, I found out Affenpinschers are real an, just after they moved, than 6 months. I’m learnin’ a
smart an spunky. Also, their an-cess-ters
are German, an they hunt rats, an whoever Dad went to People Heav- buncha important stuff: Sit! an
named ’em thought they looked like mon-
keys. (The name ackshully means mon- en, an Mom was All Alone. Down! an Come! (usually) an
key terrier.) Seriously? I chose to withhold
judgment on that last part and decide for She needed a Loving Pooch Stay! (meh.)”
Companion. His Mom said “Sit!” Boom!
Me an my assistant were greeted by a
nice lady an a sporty liddle, wirey-haired “She tried the Humane down went his front paws. His
pooch, all black, with beard and whiskers
and floppy eyebrows. Really good poss- Society first, but couldn’t caboose remained standing.
chure an very energetic. Very. He also had
a nifty underbite. find The Dog. So she went She said “Sit!” again. Boom!
“Guten TAG, Mr. Bonzo! It’s ME! TUCK- On Line an found My Breed- down went his caboose. For a
er BAKer!” he said, dashing right up for
the Wag (wag, wag)-an’-Sniff. “This is my er. Anna pickshur of liddle PHOTO: KAILA JONES Tucker second. His enthusiasm was
Mom, Karen. I’m one-anna-haff. I’m goin’ ME. An, guess what? I was A-Plus, for sure.
to SCHOO-ell. Let’s go sit down, OK?” The Dog! Mom flew inna
“Oh, AN, I hadda adVEN-
“Oh, to be young again,” I mused, as I
opened my notebook. “How did you an PLANE out to Montana. The chure. Wanna hear about it?”
your Mom find each other?”
moment we met, we knew we gentle “Totes!”
“I was born at an official AKC Breeder of
Merit in Billings, Montana, which is way were MFEO, an we flew back to my Forev- an frenly. We’re neighbors. An Tovee, she’s “So, when that Hurry-cane, Irma, was
up, then turn left. It’s real cold, too. I have
PAY-pers an everything. My papers name’s er Home. I wasn’t scared a bit, just excited, my size, we have lotsa play dates. Then comin,’ we hadda uh-vac-u-ate. (Which is
Crisanda’s Tucker Baker, but I can’t be in
one of those fancy shows cuz I’m 13 inches but real well-buh-haved. I had my own there’s my human sister Kim’s Labs, Molly stuffin’ a whole buncha blankets an snacks
tall. Too tall.”
comfy travel bag so I could peep out, an I an April. in your car and goin’ Someplace Else as
“Bummer,” I sympathized.
“I know, right? I coulda been a (West- was even allowed to be on the empty seat “I have two huge baskets of toys but I’d quick as possible at the same time all the
minster) contenda.”
After a small moment of silence for his next to Mom (in my bag). rather play with Mom. We have this really other humans and dogs and cars are doin’
lost show biz opportunity, Tucker contin-
ued. “Mom an Dad had a Shi’tzu named “It musta been weird moving from a real Cool Kibbles game: FIRST, I grab one of it, too.)
Bos’n for 20 whole people years, super
old in dog. They sailed all over the world, cold place to here,” I commented. her sox or sneakers. THEN, I dive under the “We hadda liddle room in a pooch-fren-
“For sure. Like, up in Montana, us pup- bed where she can’t reach me. So she hasta ly place with two other pooches an hu-
pies all had litter boxes an …” get a broom an fish her sox and sneakers mans, an we hadda wait, like, forever, an
“Wait! Wha-at? Litter boxes, like, like ...” out. It’s huh-LARRY-us!” there were no lights. But I wasn’t scared
“Yes. Like cats. Just like cats. But think “I’ll bet,” I said. cuz Mom was there. Then we all went back
about it: up there, in Winter, if we hadda go “I also enjoy the beach (’cept for all that home.”
outside to Do Our Dooty, us AN our Dooty water). I DIG! But, remember that ikky “Woof! Some adVENchure!”
would be frozen solid in 2 seconds.” stuff humans called Red Tide? It made me “Now it’s me an Mom. Every night, I
“Oh, of course. I never thought about it an Mom sneeze an cough so we had to not burrow under the covers next to her an fall
like that. It totally makes sense.” I felt sorta go for a while. I felt really bad for the fish. asleep. It’s The Best. I’m One Lucky Dog!”
embarrassed. “I like to chase lizards, but not catch Heading home, I was pickshurin’ little
“Macht nichts,” Tucker said, letting a bit ’em. An sometimes we see one of those Tucker gleefully hidin’ his Mom’s sox under
of his ancestral lang-gwudge slip out. Bufo Toads, which are big as my water dish the bed. In spite of his breed name, I didn’t
“At first, Mom crate trained me. I loved think he looked like a monkey at all. I was
my crate. Still do. It’s my Safe Place. When DON’T BE SHY also sincerely hopin’ I never came across
Mom says ‘crate,’ I go right in. When I spot one of those Bufo Toads.
her pocket book on the table, I know she’s We are always looking for pets Till next time,
going out, an in I go.” with interesting stories.
The Bonz
“So whaddya do for fun? Any pooch To set up an interview, email
pals?” [email protected].
“Oh, SURE! There’s this big ol’ Rhode-
sian Ridgeback I really like – Argos. He’s so
Charming Timber Ridge condo
is ‘lock-and-leave’ ready
742 Timber Ridge Trail SW, Unit C: Furnished 2-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,368-square-foot condo offered for $164,900
by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Peggy Hewett: 772-321-4282
12 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Charming Timber Ridge condo ‘lock-and-leave’ ready
By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer years ago, they first went to the barrier is- their families evacuated from the island to Their condo was one of the original
[email protected] land and toured The Spires, where Tom’s Timber Ridge. units within Timber Ridge, built in 1985.
brother and sister and their families lived. Developer Andrew Mustapick modified
Gentle breezes and warm sunshine fill In the end, though, Tom and Rhoda decid- “That’s the beauty of why we bought in what would have been a three-bedroom
Tom and Rhoda Fister’s Timber Ridge con- ed island life wasn’t for them. Too much here,” he said. They can enjoy the Flori- unit by taking down the wall separating
dominium. Sliding glass doors open onto upkeep due to salty air and higher insur- da “winter” and go back to Dayton, Ohio, the bedroom from the breakfast nook to
the patio from two bedrooms and the sitting ance costs were factors in the decision. whenever they want. make the social part of the home more
room, giving residents and visitors alike all spacious.
the more room to move about and mingle. “There were a lot of reasons that went “We never worried” about leaving the
place unattended, Rhoda said.
The Fisters have listed their 2-bed- into it,” Tom Fister said of looking to the The Fisters have a Humidistat in the “We like it open like this,” Fister said.
room, 2-bath, 1,368-square-foot home at mainland for a home. In their search, they unit, which keeps the humidity in check “It’s very comfortable.”
742 Timber Ridge Trail SW “for sale – not came across Timber Ridge, where com- while the condo is locked up tightly. And
forced sale,” Tom insists. The not-quite-re- munity fees cover all the exterior mainte- the quiet community is known for friendly The now-open “bedroom” became the den
tired couple plans to move to their son’s in- nance of their unit – and they survived the neighbors. and gives those sitting in the breakfast nook
vestment home elsewhere in Vero Beach, 2004 hurricanes with no damage. more room to spread out around the table.
but they’re in no hurry to do so. The property is “lock-and-leave ready,”
“It was like a little fortress here,” Tom said Berkshire Hathaway listing agent Peg- The condo is being sold fully furnished,
When looking for a Florida home 16 Fister said, explaining that his siblings and gy Hewett. which adds to the turn-key convenience
for some lucky buyer.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 5, 2019 13
Even though it is not at the beach, the emotions about their upcoming move.
home has a beach-like vibe with its neutral The Couple split their time between
tones and laid-back furniture.
Timber Ridge, located off Oslo Road in
Both bedrooms feature deep walk-in South Vero, and Ohio, where Tom con-
closets with plenty of shelving and hanging tinues to work on special projects for the
space. The guest bedroom is just a couple Dayton Montgomery County Port Author-
steps away from the hall bath, which has a ity and Citywide Development. He set up
single vanity and walk-in shower. The en an office space near the front sitting room
suite master bath has a shower-garden tub so he can telecommute while soaking up
combo and separate water closet. the Florida sun as Ohio freezes.
The Fisters replaced the whole-house The Fisters knew the moment they en-
carpeting with white ceramic tile in public tered the condo that Timber Ridge would
areas of the home and the bedrooms and be their Florida home. They got “that feel-
den have new carpet. All the rooms are ap- ing” and that was that.
pointed with ceiling fans, which add to the
breezy island feel. “It just felt right,” Rhoda said. “You
have to have that feeling.”
The galley-style kitchen has granite
countertops, and the 10-year-old stove The Timber Ridge community is adja-
and refrigerator have been meticulously cent to the Vero Beach Tennis and Fitness
maintained. Club. Membership in the club is not re-
quired, though recommended. Not only
“It’s been very tenderly cared for,” said does the club provide tennis and fitness
Peggy Hewett. activities, but also a social component
that includes the use of the clubhouse for
So much so that the Fisters, though cards and games and social events.
committed to selling, still have mixed
FEATURES FOR 742 TIMBER RIDGE TRAIL SW, UNIT C Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners
Ryan Weaver Insurance, Inc. is a locally owned
Neighborhood: Timber Ridge • Construction: Frame
Year built: 1985, recent upgrades • Size: 1,368 square feet independent agency that has been serving
Indian River County for over 12 years.
Bedrooms: 2 • Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: Lock and leave ready, 1-car garage and 1 All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
assigned parking spot, sold fully furnished, large, screened patio,
ceramic tile floors, new carpet in bedrooms, granite kitchen OLD DOMINION
countertops, updated privacy fencing, Humidistat and climate INSURANCE COMPANY
controlled, wood-burning fireplace, recently repainted interior
A member of Main Street America Group
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Peggy Hewett, 772-321-4282 855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building
Listing price: $164,900 2nd Floor – Vero Beach
(772) 567-4930 • [email protected]
Conveniently located just off of Miracle Mile,
across from Classic Car Wash on US-1
14 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
An extremely active week in the mainland real estate market saw 49 transactions of single-family
residences and lots reported (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the luxury townhome at 21-B Royal Palm
Pointe – first listed in September for $2,350,000 – sold for $2,150,000 on March 26.
Representing both the seller and the buyer in the transaction was agent Kimberly Thorpe of Trea-
sure Coast Sotheby’s International.
VERO BEACH 21-B ROYAL PALM POINTE 9/19/2018 $2,350,000 3/26/2019 $685,000
VERO BEACH 3075 PAR DR 12/15/2018 $749,000 3/29/2019 $591,000
VERO BEACH 1685 LEE AVE 12/4/2018 $629,000 3/27/2019 $579,000
VERO BEACH 1340 COVENTRY LN 1/22/2019 $589,000 3/28/2019 $532,697
VERO BEACH 1442 LILYS CAY CIR 9/23/2018 $551,072 3/29/2019 $520,000
VERO BEACH 460 WINGATE TER 1/26/2019 $535,000 3/29/2019 $497,500
VERO BEACH 1154 RIVER WIND CIR 10/27/2018 $550,000 3/27/2019 $445,000
VERO BEACH 6445 OAK MNR 2/20/2019 $459,000 3/29/2019 $410,000
VERO BEACH 475 STONEY BROOK FARM CT 2/25/2019 $419,000 3/29/2019 $380,000
VERO BEACH 6427 53RD CIR 2/19/2019 $389,900 3/29/2019 $350,000
VERO BEACH 7669 FIELDSTONE RANCH 2/18/2019 $350,000 3/25/2019 $347,000
VERO BEACH 406 34TH CT SW 2/4/2019 $389,900 3/29/2019 $345,900
SEBASTIAN 641 BRUSH FOOT DR 1/12/2019 $359,000 3/28/2019 $343,705
VERO BEACH 5520 61ST PL 9/23/2018 $349,000 3/28/2019
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 5, 2019 15
3075 Par Dr, Vero Beach 1685 Lee Ave, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 12/15/2018 Listing Date: 12/4/2018
Original Price: $749,000 Original Price: $629,000
Sold: 3/29/2019 Sold: 3/27/2019
Selling Price: $685,000 Selling Price: $591,000
Listing Agent: Chris Butler Listing Agent: Eddie Branigan
Selling Agent: Villa Realty Associates Inc Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
T.P. Kennedy Tara Ellis
Collier Crawford, LLC Robert Slack Fine Homes, LLC
1340 Coventry Ln, Vero Beach 1442 Lilys Cay Cir, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 1/22/2019 Listing Date: 9/23/2018
Original Price: $589,000 Original Price: $551,072
Sold: 3/28/2019 Sold: 3/29/2019
Selling Price: $579,000 Selling Price: $532,697
Listing Agent: David Riley Listing Agent: Geof Hoge
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: The GHO Homes Agency LLC
Diane De Francisci Amanda Brown
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Keller Williams Realty
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Coming Up! ‘Life Illustrated’ exhibit:
Gooch’s thoughts, for all to see PAGE B2AdamSchnell.
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 The mystique of the Amer-
ican cowboy is ageless, in-
fused with the romance of an age
long gone. You can experience a bit
of that timeless appeal this coming
Sunday, April 7, at the Vero Heritage
Center. It’s the Laura Riding Jack-
son Foundation’s 2019 Poetry BBQ
– “Cowboy Poetry.” As always, this
very, very popular event features
three reciters. “Master Reciter”
describes Montana native Randy
Rieman, who, says the event pro-
mo, has performed at the Western
Folklife Center National Cowboy
Poetry Gatherings since 1986. Next
up will be singer, reciter and tall-
tale teller Andy Hedges, who hails
from Lubbock, Texas. His saddle
bag is filled with “classic cowboy
poetry recitations, obscure cowboy
songs, dustbowl ballads and blues.”
From Alpine, Texas, Joel Nelson has
performed at lots of major cow-
boy poetry festivals, including the
aforementioned national gathering
B2 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
‘Life Illustrated’ exhibit: Gooch’s thoughts, for all to see
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Deborah Gooch. tate dispersal in Michigan.
[email protected] “When he would find photographs, he
“It’s my second solo show there,” says artist would send them to me. Especially the funny
Deborah Gooch, remarking on her upcoming ones,” she says.
exhibition, Life Illustrated, at the Center for
Spiritual Care in Vero Beach. Featuring recent A painting in her studio of a chap mounted
paintings, the show will open with a public re- on an ostrich is a case in point.
ception at the Center on the evening of April 5
and continues through April 26. “It’s from a vintage photo. I changed it a
little bit; I just thought it was fascinating. I
Gooch has high praise for Carol Ludwig, the forgot they used to do ostrich racing back
Center’s director, and Ludwig’s husband War- when.”
ren Obluck, who together decide the sched-
ule of exhibitions that will occupy its rooms A painting close to home is based on a
throughout the year. 1939 photo of her parents, Janet and Karl.
They are seen lying back against the cush-
“I love what they are doing for the artists’ ions of a sailboat with their arms twined
community,” she says, adding that she is frank- about their friend Andy, a hale young fellow
ly thrilled that the couple asked her for a return in a pair of belted swim trunks.
“Here’s the photo I used for that one,” says
“Carol and Warren have such a good eye for Gooch.
art. Rarely do we artists get that kind of encour-
agement,” she says. In it, her mother is sticking her tongue out
at the photographer, while Andy grins like a
As stated on its website, the Center’s pur- Cheshire cat.
pose is to help people converse with God
– not only through prayer, but also by offer- Gooch explains that Andy became a sub-
ing them opportunities to listen for the “still mariner when the U.S. entered World War II.
small voice” within. The website further de- He was killed in action.
clares that “the development and apprecia-
tion of creativity is one of the main goals of “They were young when this picture was
the Center for Spiritual Care.” It fulfills that taken,” says Gooch.
goal through its generous public offering of
creative workshops, lectures, chamber con- Thinking about how her parents safeguard-
certs and art exhibitions. ed the photo all their lives, she adds, “I also lost
a friend when I was young. I know how that
As an artist, Gooch understands the value stays with you.”
of silent contemplation. She appreciates the
prospect of sharing her art with other seekers, Her painting from the photograph (untitled
both artist and non-artist alike. at the time of this writing) shows nothing but
the joy of a long-past moment. Looking at it,
“I think I represent the average artist who you might wonder if Gooch felt any sadness in
works at her craft,” says Gooch. painting it.
“My thoughts are right on the canvas; what I “I never knew Andy. I just know my parents
feel is right there for the public to see.” cared about him,” she says.
As expressed in her imagery, Gooch’s A moment of reflection later she says, “I
thoughts are wide open to interpretation. probably haven’t done anything real seri-
You may find that her paintings contain ous. Maybe because the act of painting is so
a sense of humor that borders on classic serious, I want the result to put a smile on
clowning, and that is entirely intentional my face.”
on the artist’s part. Much of the imagery in
the show comes from her family photos; she The most dignified portraits Gooch paints
also uses photographs that her brother, artist are of animals. At least two paintings of crows
Mark Kirby, acquired when he worked in es- in the Center’s exhibition endow the birds with
a natural poise that is completely lacking in her
depictions of the human animal.
“I try to keep the people comic,” says Gooch.
A painting titled “No More Toe Dancing”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 5, 2019 B3
At first glance, it looks as though all four bored is nothing new for her.
rabbits occupy the same compositional “I find that a bad painting, or a painting that
space in the painting. But the forms of the
small bunnies neither overlap the larger, I stopped at and didn’t finish, often makes a
more naturalistically painted cottontail, wonderful base for a new painting.”
nor rest in front of it by means of any other
artistic convention. Instead, they exist on a A painting of a pugnacious rooster, titled
plane inferior to it. “Headmaster” is a case in point.
All of the works in Life Illustrated are “That was done over three previous paint-
fresh to the eyes of those who know Gooch’s ings,” she says of the ill-tempered fowl that
work, but that does not necessarily mean lords the canvas from edge to edge.
that all of the paintings are brand new.
There are many paintings here that have “Lost Ballerina” – a large, 60-inch-high by
been reworked, sometimes to a degree that 40-inch-wide abstract – contains light-as-air
totally changed the representations that scumbled passages over what appears to be a
came before. human torso.
Gooch says that painting over certain of “Actually it’s a bunch of dancers that I paint-
her paintings with which she is dissatisfied or ed over,” says Gooch.
“I like the way I could leave some of the im-
agery in, and take some out, to come up with
something very interesting.”
combines Gooch’s regard for animals with a I was a kid,” says Gooch, who recalls that a
snippet of personal history. pink pajama suit with a cotton ball tail was
pressed into service for the role.
Occupying the upper half of the compo-
sition, the hunkered profile of a large white The intriguing thing about this work is
rabbit glows against a patch of dark green that Gooch has forced two separate reali-
background. Below it are three small bun- ties, divided between the upper and lower
nies. The first of those is an anthropomor- halves of the canvas, to coexist in proximity.
phic cartoon rabbit, also white. The second The top half of the composition could be
two are images of a human child in a bunny said to represent the natural world, while
costume, compete with a helmet-like hood the bottom half comments on humanity’s
from which two extra-long ears sprout. efforts to separate itself from nature by lam-
pooning it.
“That’s my toe-dancing costume, when
B4 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
‘Ghost-Writer’: A complex drama for discerning minds
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Myra is not as womanly as she, Vivian never- Robin Abramson as will be his greatest work.
[email protected] theless is bothered by their special relation- Myra Babbage. But make no mistake, this is not Noel Cow-
ship and assumes a watchful eye.
Riverside Theatre turns down the volume PHOTOS: HOLLY PORCH ard’s “Blithe Spirit” filled with an interloping
and ratchets up the intellect in its production Hollinger immediately establishes that presence.
of “Ghost-Writer,” performing now through Woolsey dies and that Myra is speaking to an Telltale Heart.” And indeed, like that Edgar
April 14 on the Waxlax Stage. unseen fourth character, a bit evocative of “A Allan Poe classic, this is a mystery, albeit an “What is a ghost but a vivid memory ap-
austere one. pearing when we least expect it,” Myra says.
Written by Michael Hollinger, “Ghost-Writ-
er” is set in 1919 and examines a number of It unravels slowly … oh so slowly. But we do What fills this drama is the recollection of
themes, including: the exacting world of writ- come to learn that she believes the author’s the author/secretary/wife relationship and
ing, the metaphysical, the disregard of a wom- spirit dictates to her in the quest to finish what the revelation of the power of the creative
an’s own creative voice and, finally, romantic force all wrapped up in painful Edwardian
awakening in an era of restraint. restraint.
In it, handsome and famous author Frank- This deliberate, studied exploration of
lin Woolsey hires prim, bookish secretary character is common to Hollinger’s other
Myra Babbage to type what he dictates. Her plays, including “Opus,” which concerns a
hands fly like busy bees over the keys. A dis- string quartet, and “An Empty Plate in the
cussion of a semi-colon versus a full stop Café du Grand Boeuf,” which in part con-
soon ensues, and she becomes immediately cerned Ernest Hemingway and had a glo-
invaluable to the novelist. rious production at Riverside Theatre two
seasons ago.
“He would provide the words, and I would
provide the punctuation,” she says. And if you thought you had to pay atten-
tion with those two plays, and perhaps know
Their relationship richens. Myra knows in- a bit about classical music and literary al-
stinctively what he is about to say and will fin- lusions to reap the riches, you’ll have even
ish his thoughts on paper before he dictates more to do here.
them. He stops midsentence and she types
out a rhythmic sentence, bursting through his As it comes from the point of view of
sudden writer’s block. Myra, this one-act play turns into a dramat-
ic etude. The audience must stay alert, read
Not pleased with this relationship is Wool- between the lines, observe the nuances (in
sey’s wife Vivian, a woman with confidence lighting and costuming as well), and listen
and curves to spare. Although pleased that to the eloquent silences. Only then will you
500 N. INdIaN RIveR dRIve • FoRt PIeRce, FL • 34950 • 772.465.0630
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 5, 2019 B5
Brian Sutherland as Kim Cozort Kay as
Franklin Woolsey Vivian Woolsey
and Robin Abramson. and Robin Abramson.
cash in on the payoff as the play eventually the idea painstakingly Elliott’s final lighting touch will steal your
accelerates; landing you in the lap of joyful that the au- executed pro- breath away.
creation and then pulling you back again dience is examin- duction of Hollinger’s
into proper decorum. ing the relationship and “An Empty Plate.” Hollinger said in a recent interview with
the truth at its core. In his typical pristine di- Lighting designer Sarah Jean Elliott gives DC Theatre Scene that he was inspired to
As Myra, the petite Robin Abramson is rector’s style, he maintains a slow, steady pace poetry to the pacing here, establishing the write the play by his mother’s death in 2006
a powerhouse. She maintains the formal- to the production, putting at front Hollinger’s sense of a gathering storm, which is the sto- and how his father was adjusting to “the hole
ity of the period, while summoning up an carefully crafted play and Abramson’s tour de ry’s central metaphor. Clouds seem to gather that my Mom left behind.” He was further in-
abundant but restrained emotional core force performance. and part in time with Myra’s testimony, as fluenced by a story about the history of the
as well as typing wizardry. (Throughout 90 it were, threatening to open up and pour. typewriter, in which he learned about the
minutes of ultra-fast typing, she jammed Cornell did the same in his carefully drawn, claim by Henry James’ secretary, Theodora
the keys of the ancient typewriter only Bosanquet, that she had finished James’ last
once, but the actors were at the ready for book after his death.
such an occurrence.)
“Ghost-Writer” certainly stays true to
Brian Sutherland brings to the stage a what Hollinger refers to as the “presence
tender, well-rounded portrayal of Wool- of absence.” It is taut, with precise, writerly
sey, turning him into such a romantic soul, language. And, although it demands careful
yearning, perhaps finding but never acting attention from the audience, “Ghost-Writ-
on, what is in front of him; except, perhaps, er” will satisfy those who like a more exactly
in a ghostly form. wrought drama that sets the stage for exam-
ination and discussion.
Adding necessary conflict is Vivian Wool-
sey, played with understandable menace by “Ghost-Writer” runs through April 14 on
Kim Cozort Kay. Dressed in Anna Hillbery’s the Waxlax Stage at Riverside Theatre, 3250
feminine costumes, she brings a sensuous Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach. Tickets are
presence to the stage. $55. Call 772-231-6990 or visit RiversideThe-
Director/scenic designer Allen D. Cornell
sets the production in the round, amplifying
1. Mission Critical 1. Educated BY TARA WESTOVER 1. Juno Valentine and the Magical
2. Bad Blood
BY JOHN CARREYROU 2. Holding Up the Universe
2. The Paris Seamstress
5. Every Day Spirit 3. Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish
3. The Lost Girls of Paris
4. The Meltdown (Diary of a Wimpy
4. Beneath a Scarlet Sky Kid #13) BY JEFF KINNEY
BY MARK SULLIVAN 5. Anatoly Anole: The Boastful
5. Where the Crawdads Sing
CHANEL CLEETON Saturday, April 13th 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
from 11 am until 1 pm
WHEN WE LEFT CUBA Spring Open House with
Penguin Berkley Bring your camera for a photo
op with Peter Rabbit
Wednesday, April 10th at 6 pm
B6 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 2 If you are a lover of classical piano, 3 9th Annual Fairy and Pirate Festival at McKee Botanical Garden this Saturday.
take note: a pair of “dramatic piano
and the Texas Cowboy Poetry Gathering trios” comprises the next installment of
which, by the way, he co-founded. Nel- the Vero Beach Museum of Art and Atlan-
son’s a Vietnam vet, custom saddle-maker tic Classical Orchestra’s excellent Chamber
and top horse trainer. He and his wife rise Music Series this Sunday, April 7. With Alek-
cattle on their Texas ranch. So – authentic sandr Zhuk on violin, Ashley Garritson on
modern-day cowboy. Of course, you know cello and Catherine Lan at the piano, you’ll
Indian River County has its own authen- hear Bedrich Smetana’s first unquestion-
tic cowboy poet, third-generation ranch- able masterpiece, “Piano Trio in G Minor.”
er and poet laureate Sean Sexton. This This piece, according to the Museum’s pro-
unique event includes live music, seriously mo, was composed during a difficult time
awesome BBQ, wine and craft beer. Tick- in Smetana’s life and is “truly a grandiose
ets always go fast so … check the website. and tragic work that is not nationalistic,
Time: 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets: $25 laura- but profoundly personal in inspiration.”
Dmitri Shostakovich wrote his magnificent will find one of the most beautiful, mag-
“Piano Trio No. 2 in E Minor” in memory of ical places on the Treasure Coast, McKee
Ivan Ivanovich Sollertinsky, artistic director Botanical Garden, even more magical this
of the Leningrad Philharmonic, who had a coming Saturday, April 6. It is the 9th An-
heart attack and died in 1944 “as the orches- nual Fairy and Pirate Festival. There will, of
tra was in evacuation in Siberia.” Shosta- course, be all sorts of enchanting things to
kovich wrote to Sollertinsky’s widow that do for the visiting fairies and pirates. But
the 41-year-old was his closest friend and even if you left your wings at home, McKee
“I owe all my education to him.” Following is always well worth a visit. As you wander
this excellent, heavily dramatic concert, you the garden’s serpentine pathways through
can enjoy a wine and cheese reception with verdant jungle and along sparkling pools
the musicians. The Museum/Orchestra’s and streams, you’ll feel body and mind re-
highly successful partnership is in its 11th laxing. And, this Saturday, you might even
season. Time: 3 p.m. Tickets: members, $35; run across a wood sprite or two, or a small
non-members, $50. 772-231-0707. swashbuckler. Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tickets: adults, $12; seniors, $11; 3-12, $8;
3 Mother Nature’s magnificent work of members and children under 3, free. 772-
art welcomes a bit of elfin magic. You 794-0601.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE April 5, 2019 B7
Shears to you! Dozens ‘raze’ to occasion for St. Baldrick’s
Tamra Zold, Marlon Buggs and Casie Shimansky. Sorin Popa and AJ Koontz.
Kimberly Cribb has her head shaved by Grant Gibbens and his mom Jessica Gibbens. PHOTOS: KAILA JONES
Missy Elward and Frank Mannino. Dep. Teddy Floyd and Dep. Jessica Ogonoski.
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Jayme and Val Bryan with children
[email protected] Ireland, Ocean, Princeton and Sparrow.
Shavers and shavees were abuzz with Elward told the crowd that less than
excitement last Saturday afternoon at the four percent of National Cancer Institute
Capt. Hiram’s Sand Bar during the seventh funding goes toward childhood cancer
annual Indian River Braves the Shave to research, adding, “We need to find more
benefit the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. cures for childhood cancer. We only have
three drugs that were actually FDA ap-
Event organizers Missy Elward and proved in the last 22 years just for children.
Frank Mannino have held the mantra, It’s not enough.”
“Until no child has to suffer” close to their
hearts, working year after year to raise For more information, visit stbaldricks.
awareness and funds in support of child- org.
hood cancer research.
After the last of more than 100 heads was
shorn Saturday, the Indian River group
had raised more than $140,000, exceeding
this year’s goal by $40,000 and getting that
much closer to the $1 million mark.
Earlier, a piper led a parade of honored
children and their families to the center
stage, where they joined volunteer shav-
ers to kick off the afternoon’s festivities.
But before Elward decreed, “Let the shav-
ing begin,” Sir Mannino announced that
in this, the Year of the Knight, those royal
subjects who have participated for seven
years were to be “knighted” for their ded-
ication and service to the cause.
B8 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
The exotic tastes of Peru: Chef Pia León’s Kjolle
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist
[email protected]
How does one decide where to eat
when you have one day in a city
that’s the hottest spot on the Frozen
world dining scene?
Juice with
On my last visit to Lima a Flower Ice.
few years ago, I tried one of the was a perfect
one, combining
restaurants of chef Gastón Acu- Bread with Andean Beef and Corn. the classic flavors of bit-
rio, a leader in fusing the country’s Butter and Pesto. ter chocolate and Amazon hon-
ey with just a little bit of chirimoya. Wow!
Andean, Amazonian, Japanese and
While most of the dishes were comprised
Chinese food cultures into a Nuevo Pe- of simple Peruvian ingredients, they were
rich and complex in flavor, textures and vi-
ruvian cuisine. sual elements. Chef Pia’s love of her coun-
try’s flora and fauna shines through in her
But on this trip, I wanted to food. She has given birth to a restaurant that
seems likely to get increasing attention in
try Kjolle, a restaurant opened the years ahead.
last summer by Pia León, who I welcome your comments, and encourage
you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
just four months later was Vegetal ach32963.com.
named Latin America’s Best Diversity.
The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
Female Chef. rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963.
Chef Pia, who is only 32, had un-
til recently been working side-by-side Sea Bass
with her better-known husband, Chef and Clams.
Virgilio Martínez, running the kitchen of
one of the world’s top-rated eateries, Central served with pesto and creamy Andean cured duck tartar mixed with squid and on-
Restaurante. butter, the waiter brought the first course ion, which gave it a bit of crunch. We were
Kjolle now shares a modernist building – sea bass and clams, a cevice-like dish told to spoon the tartar into what looked like
with Central – which is still fully booked prepared with black mashwa, Amazonian a pita pocket made from a grain called kani-
months in advance – and Chef Pia has nuts and macre. wa, and eat it with our hands.
designed the dishes at her new restaurant Next was one of the highlights of the meal, The fifth course was called vegetable di-
to showcase Peru’s herbs, vegetables and fresh scallops with frozen pacae and a silky versity, and consisted of a combination of
tubers. cold juice of lime and ginger. The sweet fro- earthy flavors – yacon, coffee broth, chonta
To prepare our palates for a nine-course zen pacae was a perfect match for the deli- and artichoke.
tasting and wine-pairing menu, we were cate scallops. After that came two meat courses. The
served a subtle juice made from Peruvian This was followed by a colorful dish crispy pork jowl prepared with coconut, cau-
fruits chilled by a beautiful ice cube contain- formed from slices of yucca, olluco and po- liflower and kiwicha was my husband’s fa-
ing edible flowers! tato. Served with a bit of goat cheese, some of vorite course. It was followed by a beef dish
While I was still savoring a slice of the tubers had been pickled and were acid- served with burnt corn, macambo and paico.
dense, freshly baked bread (to die for) ic, while others were sweet or grilled ever so Our luncheon concluded with two des-
slightly imparting a hint of smoke. serts. The first, frozen pomerose, was less
We then moved to a than wonderful. But the final
taste of Kjolle
Cacao Tubers. Pita Pocket.
from Mil.
Cured Duck. Pork Jowl. Scallops and
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 5, 2019 B9
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B10 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 5, 2019 B11
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B12 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 5, 2019 B13
A Q 10 853 J76
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 63 AK72 54
K Q J 10 9 4 A863
Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, said, “Business is a good game — lots of competition 854 A K Q J 10 9732
and a minimum of rules. You keep score with money.”
Bridge is a great game — lots of competition and, some would argue, too many laws. K942
Sometimes you keep score with money. Q J 10 9 8
Players often quote axioms (“rules”), although most of them are wrong at least as often as 6
they are right. But a few, like the Rule of Eleven and the key play in today’s deal, are always
right if the appropriate conditions are met (the lead being fourth-highest in the case of the Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither
Rule of Eleven).
The Bidding:
What is the right play for East here? He is defending against four hearts, and West has led
1 Clubs Pass
Note North’s four-diamond jump cue-bid. It is a splinter bid showing four-card heart support, 1 Hearts 2 Diamonds 4 Diamonds Pass/Dbl. LEAD:
game-going values and a singleton or void in diamonds. South, with such a weak hand, has 4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass K Diamonds
no thought of a slam.
It should be apparent to East that his side probably has to take one diamond and three
spade tricks to defeat the contract. Also, it must be better for East to attack spades through
declarer, rather than West’s leading around to him. So, East overtakes the diamond king with
his ace. But which spade should he lead next?
The normal card from J-7-6 is the six, but when you need three tricks in the suit, the correct
card to lead is the jack. Now the contract goes down one.
Note that if East starts with the spade six, South plays low from his hand and is safe.
CARPET ONE Creative Floors & Home has more for your
CREATIVE FLOORS entire home from the floor up! With Flooring,
Tile, Cabinets and even vacuum cleaners!
1137 Old Dixie Hwy • Vero Beach
B14 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
5 Border (4) 2 Drawbacks (13)
4 Domains or kingdoms (6) 3 Wear away (5)
9 Reply (7) 4 Daikon or mooli (6)
10 Hindu sage (5) 5 Flight personnel (7)
11 Shove (5) 6 Varied (13)
12 Shriek (7) 7 Hot-dog sausage (11)
13 Banquets (6) 8 Leek and potato soup (11)
15 Inhabits (6) 14 Citrus fruit hybrid (7)
17 Classifications (7) 16 Hill (6)
18 Australian dog (5) 18 Quilt (5)
19 Bird of prey (5)
20 Covetous (7)
21 Accompany (6)
22 Try (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 5, 2019 B15
ACROSS 90 Boulle’s planet dwellers 38 Blow and Friday The Washington Post
92 Cold-snap comment 40 Extend
1 She chews up the scenery 93 Rarae ___ (oddballs) 41 Harem rooms PREFIX MIXUP By Merl Reagle
4 Make ___ for oneself 94 Must, in comics 42 Strawberry who fielded
9 Pantheon honoree 95 He/she/it loves, 43 Island inst.
12 ___ breve (2/2 time) 47 Real turn-on?
16 He was compared in Latin 48 Gary or Mary
96 Ghost’s wail 49 Tab-grabber’s words
to JFK 98 Raced 50 Dallas Cowboy helmet
17 Canada’s tallest mountain 99 The Cougars of
18 Stewart-Granger film symbol
19 Financier Andrew Provo UT 52 Spill result
21 Evidence that a UFO just 100 Our Lady of Disarmament’s 53 Multiplication lists
54 Less cordial
took off? evil twin sister? 55 Hines and Holliman
23 Results of a Japanese 104 Chord with a flatted fifth 56 Flower part
108 Large-eared prehistoric 58 Astaire-Rogers classic
fashion survey? 61 Greek flask
25 Slangy lawbreaker beast?
26 Veterinary clinic in the 109 Dishes featuring 108 Across (anagram of POLE)
62 Architect Mies van der ___
Everglades? designs? 63 Nile beast, briefly
28 Ism or tism preceder 111 Homes 64 Halter of a nuisance, in law
30 As ___ Dying 112 ___ on wheels 66 Downtown site in many cities,
31 Homelessness et al. 113 Asunder
32 A, B, C, D, E, F, or G 114 Misreport something the ___ Center
33 ___ acid 115 Without 67 Study of hammers, stirrups,
36 “You ___ both know ... ” 116 Poet’s preposition
37 Norman king 117 James and Jimmy etc.
38 Cuervo of tequila fame 118 Cowpoke nickname 70 Domestic dispute
39 Musical instrument for 73 Endorsements
DOWN 74 Infomercial mediums
synagogues that never 1 “Koi 75 Mexican resort
quite caught on? 2 Sonia the duck in Peter and 77 IRA, for one
42 Minimum teams 78 Lopsided victory
44 Bay escort the Wolf 79 Actress Lanchester
45 No. 12 of 12 3 Sport, in a way 83 Secret WWII org.
46 Ore. borderer 4 Supermodel Carol 85 Ways and means
47 Rice spirit 5 Do ___ Gently ... 86 Gamble’s partner
48 “Merry Christmas” sounds 6 Golfo de México content 87 “Thus ___ rebellion find
51 Relief nap of Mexico 7 She won six straight
53 A question like “How rebuke” (Shak.)
about getting back together Wimbledons 88 Beaujolais, e.g.
with Ike,” for example? 8 Wraps around 89 Potato bed?
57 Certs rival 9 Desert near the 90 Simple life form
59 Way or case preceder 91 Isabella, to Columbus
60 Household humorist Great Wall 92 Mouth, to Maurice
61 Abnormal aversion to 10 Personal view 95 Assn. that gives out the
SeaWorld? 11 With skill
65 Most popular way to leave 12 Some white mice Oscars
Hugh Hefner’s estate? 13 Grassy plains of South 96 City laws: abbr.
68 Footloose co-star Singer 97 ___ regular basis
69 Common people America 98 Behave bearishly
71 Humbert’s obsession 14 Find 99 Providence campus
72 A wolf in shrink’s clothing? 15 Talus site 101 Hiver opposite
76 To fly, to Italians 18 Rubescent 102 Julia’s onetime hubby Lovett
80 Overseas trade org. 19 Sorry sight 103 Architectural pier
81 Gabor and Longoria 20 Spring on the Atl. coast 105 Eschew the fat
82 VAT, for one 22 Used up 106 Memo start
83 Titusville find, 1859 24 Sushi selection 107 Manifesto man
84 Klink or Khadafy, e.g. 27 Fresno fruit 110 Trig function
85 Crow’s-nest support 29 Waiter’s reward
86 Bacteria that attacks only 33 Magicians,
ceramic workers?
standups, etc.
34 Sugar island
35 Picnic penner
36 Starter set for preschool
37 Words in Bob/Bing titles
The Telegraph
B16 April 5, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING 4 Indian River Symphonic Association houses and more. Costumes encouraged. Stan- 7 Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Vero Beach
presents the Buffalo Philharmonic with dard Admission. 772-794-0601 Museum of Art Chamber Music Series
Riverside Theatre - Ghost Writer on the Wax- Grammy-winning conductor Joann Falletta and present Two Dramatic Piano Trios, with soloists
lax Stage thru April 14. 772-231-6990 pianist Fabio Bidini, 7:30 p.m. at Community 6 Treasure Coast Jazz Society presents Jeff Aleksandr Zhuk, Ashley Garritson and Catherine
Church of VB. $85. 772-778-1070 Rupert, 2:30 p.m. at Vero Heritage Center. Lan, 3 p.m. at VBMA. 772-231-0707 x 136
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson 772-234-4600
exhibit thru April 28. 772-794-0601 5|6 Ballet Vero Beach presents Come- 7 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra hosts the
dy Tonight, with hilarious choreog- 6 Fellsmere Day, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to cele- Phoenix Jazz Orchestra in a Tribute to jazz
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Victorian Radi- raphy by Peter Anastos and Camilo Rodriguez, 8 brate Fellsmere’s 108th Birthday, with a legend Stan Kenton, 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High
cals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and p.m. Fri.; 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sat. at Vero Beach parade, food, crafts, informational booths, mu- School PAC. $30; free 18 & under. 855-252-7276
Crafts Movement thru May 5. 772-231-0707 High School PAC. $10 to $75. 772-905-2651 sic and dancers, cake walk and crowning of Little
Miss & Mister Fellsmere. cityoffellsmere.org 9 AAUW Vero Beach Red Luncheon, 11 a.m.
APRIL 6 Relay for Life of Indian River, 3 to 10 p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club, with a presen-
at Vero Beach High School, with individ- 7 Steve Martin Memorial Regatta hosted by Youth tation on the history of women’s rights, the Equal
4 Blue Ribbon Luncheon and Fashion Show, uals and teams walking to raise funds for the Sailing Foundation of IRC begins at Noon, with Rights Amendment and the inequality of women’s
11 a.m. at Oak Harbor Club, with fashions American Cancer Society. Acsevents.org 40-50 Opti and 420 class sailboats from all around Flor- pay in the workplace. $22. verobeach-fl.aauw.net
from local boutiques, gourmet luncheon and ida competing on two courses south of Alma Lee Loy
silent auction items to commemorate Child 6 Crushin’ It at the Winery, 6:30 p.m. at Sum- Bridge, followed by cookout and awards ceremony. 10 Successful Aging Luncheon featuring
Abuse Prevention Month and benefit Hibiscus mer Crush Winery to benefit Little Birthday guest speaker Rita Moreno, iconic star
Children’s Center. $150. 772-299-6011 x 313 Angels, with auctions, catered dinner and enter- 7 Cowboy Poetry highlights this year’s Po- of stage and screen, at Vero Beach Museum of
tainment by Sunrise Jazz Combo. $75. 772-925- etry and Barbeque, 3 p.m. at the Heritage Art to benefit Alzheimer & Parkinson Associa-
4 Live from Vero Beach presents Classic Al- 9352 Center, featuring nationally acclaimed poets tion of IRC. 772-563-0505
bums Life: Led Zeppelin 11, 7 p.m. at the Andy Hedges, Joel Nelson and Randy Reiman,
Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 6 Fairy and Pirate Festival, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. great BBQ, music, wine and Orchid Island Brew- 10 Live from Vero Beach presents Rock &
at McKee Botanical Garden, with treasure ery beer from to benefit the Laura Riding Jack- Roll Hall of Fame drummer Max Wein-
hunts, crafts and games, Maypole dances, fairy son Foundation. $25. 772-569-6718. berg’s JukeBox: Performing Rock & Roll Classics,
7 p.m. at the Emerson Center. 800-595-4849
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 11 Vero Beach High School Serenades
in March 29, 2019 Edition 1 ENVIRONMENT 2 EVALUATE Chamber Concert, with Symphony
7 ATHLETIC 2 FROTHY Band Chamber Winds, Brass Ensemble, Philhar-
8 ROBE 3 SNACKS monic Woodwind Choir and Brass Choir, 7 p.m.
9 GALAXY 4 FEAR at VBHS PAC. $6 & $12. 772-564-5537
12 PAPERS 6 TABLETENNIS 11 Miss Hibiscus Pageant, 7 p.m. at the
14 CARPET 11 DURATION Heritage Center kicks off the weekend
15 BAPS 13 SIGNET Hibiscus Festival and features 15- to 19-year-old
17 GREETING 14 CHEATS competitors seeking the title. $5 towards down-
18 TEMPESTUOUS 16 SOME town beautification projects.
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (THIS SIDE OF PARADISE) 12 AAUW Vero Beach National Mah Jong
Card Fundraiser, 10:30 a.m. at Bent
Pine Golf Club. $50. 772-559-7631
772•589•5500 www.lulich.com
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